ECLIPSE Magazine July 2015

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July 2015





Introducing the grid’s most exciting, most i

It’s co


innovative and newest shopping experience.



58. Indie Teepee


Mix & Match


The Erotic Art of...


Ways to Wear


Voices From the Grid

Explore the annual festival that celebrates music and the arts, it is open from July 10 to July 24, 2015.


Masoma County With the increased popularity of family roleplay, Masoma County is highlighted as one of the premiere communities. Through our interview with owner Dr. Alexis May, we are introduced to everything Masoma has to offer it’s residents.

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This issue we challenged the ECIPSE trend squad to create contemporary stylings that combine different patterns and fabrics for a truly unique look.

Continuing to explore aspects of this virtual world that most mainstream avatars only do on their alts, ECLIPSE sheds insight while addressing misconceptions of the Erotic Art of Pornography.

No two people are alike; thus, no two models will ever style exactly the same. The most talented models on the grid highlight exactly how differently the same outfit can be styled.

Residents speak their mind, and tell us what they wish they knew when they first logged in.

Often times in the fashion industry, it is easy to become short-sighted and forget that fashion is not limited to that small community. Fashion is the art of expression, which is an integral part of our shared virtual world and the Second Life community as an aggregate; thus, our goal at ECLIPSE Magazine is to not only offer an aesthetically pleasing publication with a heavy fashion influence and rich in content but be accessible to all of SL.. because EVERYONE wants to look good.


Cover Story Neva Crystall Cover Photographer Neva Crystall Article Photographer: Neva Crystall Writer: Cajsa Lilliehook



Wicca’s Wardrobe Shining the spotlight on Avi Choice Award winner 2014 Residents Choice of Favorite New Designer!

Miss AZUL Showcasing the most recently selected finalists wearing their runway look for the live audition.

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Letter From the Publisher I have recently decided that I really do not like writing Publisher’s notes. Invariably, it will be written less than an hour before I publish the issue. There is such great difficulty for me to find exactly what I want to verbalize, or even more what I should. Do I write a nice summation of what can be found in the issue? Do I write about what is going on in the world? Do I use this as my cute little soap box turned pedastal to say what I need to say that my lack of courage prevents me from doing so otherwise? Perhaps, this issue I will simply type what ever happens to formulate in my mind. There is a level of vulnerability, at least for me, each time I write. It’s as though I have perused every single word in the English language, chosen my few and put them all together with crazy glue in the hopes that it will even convey a small fraction of what I am really trying to say.

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I try to stay away from cliches because how can phrases uttered by millions truly mean anything? Or maybe it’s that I cling to the snowflake belief. Each person is so special that their feelings are uniquely their own. I’m not certain; however, I do know I want to dedicate this issue. My girlfriend’s dog recently passed away, and I have never met a truer gentlemen. Pooka in a way embodied many characteristics that I appreciate in people. His sweet disposition. His steadfast love and loyalty. His unfailing devotion. Mostly, I love him because I know how instrumental he was in Zzoie’s life and how much she truly loved him. Thus, this issue is dedicated to Pooka and to Zzoie. And to anyone else who has loved so much and lost so much.

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Now Hiring

ECLIPSE Magazine is looking to expand their team. We are seeking self-motivated, dedicated and outgoing individuals who want to work with a team that values integrity, honesty and handwork. We are hiring: Marketing Directors Writers We ask that interested individuals send their resume to Trouble Dethly in-world.

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Taylor Wassep Creative Director

Cajsa Lilliehook Copy Editor

Zzoie Zee Creative Director

Fashion Editor: Miele Tarantal Models: Writers: Casja Lilliehook Landa Crystal Lexie Jansma Taylor Wassep Zzoie Zee

BlackLiquid Tokyoska Caesar Langer Kayra Vemo Leezah Kaddour Precise Frimon Silly Avro Spirit Llewellyn Steele Sirnah Sylphia Constantine Wicca Merlin

Photographers: Anderian Sugarplum Grace Winnfield Natzuka Miliandrovic Sylphia Constantine Taylor Wassep Tempest Rosca TessaGrace51 Zzoie Zee

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Designer Showcase Page 22 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by Sylphia Constantine

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Silly Avro Wicca’s Wardrobe - Summer Breeze Dress Wicca’s Wardrobe - Tea Time Hat Wicca’s Wardrobe - Manon Heels Page 24 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Silly Avro Wicca’s Wardrobe - Amelie Dress Wicca’s Wardrobe - Romance Head Piece Page 26 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Silly Avro Wicca’s Wardrobe - JayJay Gown (Miss SL Poland) Wicca’s Wardrobe - Floral Hat Wicca’s Wardrobe - Kara Heels Page 28 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Silly Avro Wicca’s Wardrobe - Visenya Wicca’s Wardrobe - Alysanne Booties Wicca’s Wardrobe - Dragon Queen Head Piece Wicca’s Wardrobe - Dragon Earrings Page 30 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Caesar Langer Wicca’s Wardrobe - Andreas Page 32 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Caesar Langer Wicca’s Wardrobe - Arlen Top Wicca’s Wardrobe - Darell Pants ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 35

Caesar Langer Wicca’s Wardrobe - Corvus Suit Page 36 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Caesar Langer Wicca’s Wardrobe - Sweeney Outfit Wicca’s Wardrobe - Dewey Boots Page 38 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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How Neva Sees It Page 44 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Written by Cajsa Lilliehook

Photography by Neva Crystall


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Neva Crystall is a woman of few words. Her answers to interview questions are short and precise. This does not mean she has little to say. This means she has chosen to express herself in other ways. She expresses herself visually, through interior design, landscaping, sim design and most powerfully, photography. Page 46 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Her blog is called How Neva See she does see differently than the

Look at this headshot, eyes ope avatar expression that some hav So why is this not an ordinary pi powerful? What alchemy is at w

es It, the perfect title, because e rest of us.

en, mouth closed, the standard ve named “resting bitch face.” icture? Why is it so emotionally work?

Crystall insists her only alchemy is practice. As she explains, “I always tell people who are looking for advice that practice goes a long way, my images have not been always like they are now. Inspiration, emotions and most of all fun are two primary factors, learning by doing is another.” She adores all sorts of images, but she has a special love for nature and “anything that portrays simple goodness.” ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 47

Her photos have an old-world feeling. There is something painterly about the color, the whites aged a little by the years and layers of resin. They would be at home with Constable, Waterhouse, Delacroix, Rembrandt and the romantic paintings of the pre-Raphaelites. This is a classical world view. Eschewing impressionism, surrealism, modernism, Crystall is bold enough and confident enough to favor the old, to love nature without irony. In our post-modern world, there is something subversive in reaching so far back with authenticity. Neva Crystall is unquestionably one of the most respected and successful Second Life® photographers. Of course, her pictures are well-composed with meticulous attention to detail and composition, but that is not what sets her apart. There are many people who take pretty pictures. Crystall’s great success is that her photos ask us to do more than look at them and say “Pretty.” Crystall’s pictures capture a moment rich in context, inviting us to engage our imagination and invest our emotions to turn that moment into a story. When we look at one of her pictures, we can see a lived-in life and fill out the background and complete the story.

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“How can he be gone?” she wonders. “So much of him remains. His typewriter, his cello, his books. Why are they still here when he is gone?” She leans heavily against the desk they shared for so many years, her shoulders curved beneath the weight of mourning. In this moment she feels broken, lost, alone. She closes her eyes and loses herself in memories. Her hands stroke his letters, tracing the words that promised a different future. ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 49

Crystall joined SL® in 2011 and in her four short years on the grid, she has accomplished a lot, quickly developing a solid reputation as a photographer and an admiring following of her inimitable eye for interior design. She excels at creating rooms that look lived-in. In fact, that became her tag line. Neva Crystall — Lived In Contemporary. It is that lived-in quality that provides to context that makes her photos worth so much more than one

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thousand words. Her early days in SL were focused on learning the basics, getting around, navigating and learning the interface. However, she had a lot of fun exploring the “almost endless options of adjusting, rearranging and personal customization of avatars and your environment.” Perhaps it was the challenge of those endless options that developed her eye for detail.

Crystall does not have any particular favorite photo — or perhaps she does and it is too revealing. After all, even her simplest photos are saturated with emotion. What she will say is that she loves “images that express the beauty of nature and people who love each other.” You can see that in this photo of Crystall and her partner Bootney Blessed, or “Boo”. It is titled “Our Secrets” and shows a couple who

are relaxed with each other. They lean into each other naturally. They are confident in their love, showing none of the public displays of affection that betray uncertain affection and emotional insecurity. Theirs is a mature passion, not an infatuation that needs to display itself, to shout “We are in love.” They don’t need to shout. In 2011, Crystall opened Neva River, her

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personal sim, for a few weeks, allowing bloggers and photographers to visit her home, shoot photographs and enjoy the beautiful and relaxed environment she had created. When she met her partner, he suggested she share the wealth, so to speak, and create homes people could rent that had that lived-in, organic sensibility that is so much a part of her world. Since then Neva River Estates has expanded to three sims and there is often a waiting list for new parcel openings. There is a FlickrŽ group for Neva River Estates with nearly 3,000 photos. A visitor to Neva River Estates will be overwhelmed by the generous open public areas that create the feeling of a village, not a suburb. She has created a community, not a housing tract. In her designs and landscaping, Crystall reveals a strong preference for old things that have been handed down through generations, possessions that are grounded in family, heritage and tradition. You can see look at the old galvanized laundry tub and remember being told that your great-grandmother did her laundry in that tub, heating it on a wood stove. Your grandmother was bathed in it. It is not some garage sale find, but a piece with a history. As a garden bed for gypsophila, it has a contemporary purpose, but it has been lived in for generation. Lived-in Contemporary — The Way Neva Sees It. Shabby Chic has been around for as long as there have been home decorating shows. Crystall did not create the trend, but in Second Life she has influenced it with her interior designs, her photos and most importantly, the Shiny Shabby event she co-founded with Anaïs Terpellie. She and Terpellie were able, with Shiny Shabby, to enter a saturated market and break through the noise quickly, establishing their event among the top tier immediately. This is in large part to the aesthetic reputation Crystall has established though her photography and her interior and landscaping design. People trust her taste. Page 52 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Of course, Second Life is about more than the artistic and commercial avenues people explore. Second Life is always primarily about people and this is true for Crystall as well. She defines it as a “place to communicate via the use of digital avatars.” Not a game, not a business, a place to communicate. Through SL, she has found many friends as well as her partner. As she explains, “Second Life can Page 54 | ECLIPSE July 2015

be as real as you want, it’s a personal choice There is a how far one will go.” Second L just do w Here you can see Crystall with her friends into it.” It Annan Adored and Lara Ubert seems a that has perfect illustration for “How Neva Sees It” to find in as the three of them all shot the photo and that at the same time. They all see the same Second L thing, but they all see it differently. That is place. the magic of humanity.

a simplicity in how she sees her Life. “There is no real secret to it, what you enjoy and put your heart t is a good philosophy and one served her well. She will continue nspiration in the people she loves t inspiration will continue to make Life a more beautiful and happier

Blog: How Neva Sees It Neva River Estates Flickr group Neva Crystall’s Photostream Cari Chami (alt) Photostream ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 55

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Indie Teepee Page 58 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Written by Cajsa Lilliehook

Photography by Zzoie Zee


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For two weeks in July, a unique gathering of people with varied interests from around the world will be coming together under one big tent - metaphorically speaking. Indie Teepee is the only music, art, literature, fashion, film and sports festival to hit the grid and it is hoped that its success this year will lead to even bigger and more exciting gatherings in the future. Indie Teepee began simply enough. Scarlet Schadenfreude [EvelynScarlet] wanted to throw a party with her friends and did not really have enough room for it. Note the preposition; it is with, not for. With meant something more than putting out a dance ball and some scripted food and drink givers. With meant involving many people in bringing together their several interests and creating an experience. When she started planning it out, she realized that she was planning a festival, not a party and her 25-person capacity sim was not Max Yasgur’s

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farm. Drawing on her expertise from her career as an art director, she began with the same level or research, planning and professionalism as any first life event. She created mood boards and compiled her ideas, references and her mission into a proposal and began presenting it to people who responded with typical Second Life® enthusiasm. As Schadenfreude described it, “I started talking to people and realised how quickly and readily people were willing to share ideas and offer help. That became my impetus...the event started growing organically and evolved. Like a chicken in a nuclear reactor.” So what is Indie Teepee? As envisioned by Schadenfreude, Indie Teepee will be an annual music and arts festival that draws people together for the experience. Indie Teepee is no single-

interest event celebrating fashion or music or machinima or sports or the arts. Indie Teepee celebrates all of it. The sponsors, Apple Fall, Kalopsia, Junk, Tarte,, O.M.E.N, Half-Deer, Aphorism and Milk Motion, are creating nine different “scenes” — what could be described as experience destinations. O.M.E.N., for example is building an ice cream bar and Fri. day is building a music cafe. Schadenfreude, describing the event, enthused, “It’s not just a shopping or art or music event. I’d like to think Indie Teepee is bite-size of all the hip things you can experience in Second Life!” Festival goers will start at a landing point where there are free gifts for everyone and a teleport HUD with a map of the festival, allowing people to teleport directly to the different scenes, or festival activities. The event will also be filmed and broadcast live on to allow people to enjoy the

event even if when they cannot be there in the moment. The Indie Teepee web site is full of information and content, including selections from the exhibits, playlists and podcasts leading up to the event. Folks who want an early preview can join the Indie Teepee Special Pass group for 800L. The sim opens to the Special Pass group on the 9th, a day early, while there will be no performances, many of the experiences will be available. Group members will also receive exclusive gifts! All the Hip Things Literature: Upstairs Book Club will be discussing Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer and Lyrical Cafe will present a poetry reading with poets who are writing poems exclusively for Indie Teepee. Sports: In addition to several roller derby ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 63

practice sessions, there will be open skating with skates and huds provided. There will also be a skate park for skateboarding and liveaction wrestling from Virtual Wrestling Entertainment. Music: There will be three music stages focusing mainly on alternative, indie, hip hop and dance music. There will also be a few live singers such as Phemie Alcott. Art: There will be galleries featuring four shows by respected SL artists including a few interactive exhibits and an art and original score collaboration. There will also be installations from Bryn Oh, Eupalinos Ugajin and M4SK22 - all well-known, award-winning artists. Machinima: There will be a drive-in theater where people can relax in trucks or at picnic tables while watching machinima by Bryn Oh, Eupalinos Uganjin, Iono Allen, Tutsy, Erythro, Vilvi, Ole Etzel and others. Design: With a dozen event sponsors and two dozen more stores, there will be a lot of shopping opportunities to enjoy the creativity and imagination by stores creating items inspired by three little words: summer, music, and festival. Page 64 | ECLIPSE July 2015

The Festival Outside the Festival They have a collaborative playlist on Spotify with hundreds of music selections by their team and some of the participating DJs and singers. This is so that everyone can enjoy a slice of Indie Teepee off the grid. playlist/20aNVWnxYtxYqxBJWcS2m8 The Indie Teepee Podcast Series, where they interview designers, poet, club owners, DJs and live singers. They really go indepth with the interviews - discussing design methodologies, softwares, render weights and of course music. The podcasts even have a poetry reading and games!

Indie Teepee podcast which has already broadcast several episodes leading up to the event. Isabeau Baragula from Kalopsia designed the merchandise, helped build the sim and build all the teepees. Anderian Sugarplum is managing outreach to bloggers to get the word out. Schadenfreude explains that in addition to the main team, she received a lot of help from her peers. “Blair from Remarkable Oblivion has lent a helping hand right from the start, giving valuable advice and encouragement. The stages are custom designed by Bauwerk and Reverie - two extremely talented designers, so they are going to look incredible. I’ve seen the work-in-progress and I’m so impressed and excited, I can’t wait to reveal their work.” There is also a trailer with a sneak peek of the machinima at!machinima/c14wi and samples from the galleries and installations on the Indie Teepee Website. Many Hands Make Light(er) Work Although Schadenfreude is the person who conceived Indie Teepee, several others helped give birth to the event. Describing her team, she said, “These are people I have gotten to know and trust. They are all creative individuals who have a positive energy about them.” Molly Doodah is the performer’s liaison and allround assistant. Chris [nathanaelwest] plays the host for the

What about cultural appropriation? Schadenfreude is aware of and sensitive to the possibility the quirky word play of the name Indie Teepee could be perceived as cultural appropriation and lead to controversy. They have taken precautions to make sure they are not culturally insensitive. As she explains, “The designers were given a design brief and told to be ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 65

mindful when using sacred patterns and objects, and textures that are explicitly from Native American culture. Although we have teepees, which we think is already ubiquitous in the real world, we were mindful not to include obscene animations into the build.” She continued, “That said, we believe that culture is like an ever-evolving form of identity that deserves to be celebrated. With Second Life being populated by people from all over

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the globe, we think it’s - in its unique way - the perfect place to discover more about the world. We should all venture out and learn of each other and in the process, learn to love other cultures too.” There are reasons why teepees are a good match for the event, reasons that have nothing to do with word play. They are homes for nomadic people all around the world. There are variations in construction details

and materials and they are dozens of names for them, from the goahti and lavvu used in Scandinavia to chums in Mongolia and from yarangas in Russia to the mongulus of Cameroon to name only a few. Yet they all have a similar form and purpose, providing a home and shelter for short intervals before getting packed up and put away while the people move on. Indie Teepee will last just two short weeks before moving on until, it is hoped, it returns next year. During that time, it

will shelter and provide a home for the most ambitious single sim cultural event in Second Life. Art & Commerce In both our first and Second lives, the arts struggle for support. There are a seemingly infinite number of shopping events, but cultural events are usually smaller in number and in scale. Many people think nothing of spending a few thousand lindens on a shopping excursion, but balk at being asked to support installations, music clubs and art galleries. Schadenfreude has a cogent and thoughtful explanation for that paradox. She notes that SL has the same “inherent attribute of materialism” are in our non-digital lives where it is hard to deny self-gratification. “Art, including music and dance, is not a commodity. The experience stays but the actual product itself disappears...In terms of monetary support, a product benefits from the economies of scale whereas art is more of a service, if you will, thus is singular and intangible.” She also thinks many artists are reluctant to engage in the kind of self-promotion necessary to commercial success. “Product designers benefit from bloggers being interested in incorporating the product into their body of work, specifically photography. Whereas there is little incentive for bloggers to blog on an experience or service.” She continues, “Art is also a form of selfexpression. Whilst being unique to the artist, it might be hard for others to relate to – other than in a superficial way. In those cases, the gratification, sometimes in the form of catharsis, is experienced by the artist and not the audience.” However, she also thinks it is not quite fair to those who produce for the SL retail market to not recognize their artistry. “Every single thing ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 67

you find in Second Life is the result of somebody’s What Is Success creation and to deny them the ‘title’ of artist might be unfair.” Schadenfreude hopes that Indie Teepee will be a fun, positive experience for everyone Schadenfreude wisely coupled shopping with who attends, a place where people engage in the arts, recruiting sponsors to defray costs, conversations sparked by shared experience but also hopes the community will show of the arts. “I hope it becomes an event that their support with donations. “Of course, any people look forward to annually from here on. donations are welcome. We hope next summer, Success would be having people show up and Indie Teepee will be bigger and better for all do more than just shop. It’ll also be great to parties involved. We have a 2016 Indie Teepee see participating clubs support one another by piggy bank to fill. Please donate generously!” attending each other’s gigs.”

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The way Indie Teepee has developed from the original wish to throw a party with friends and to figure out a way to fit them all on one sim is giving Schadenfreude ideas. “I’m toying with the idea of having designers, musicians and machinima makers join forces to create something completely original. If this event proves to be the springboard for that to happen, then it would truly be a success.” Considering what grew out of simple party plan, who knows what Schadenfreude can accomplish when she starts out with a big inspiration.

LINKS FOR ARTICLE: Web Site: Facebook: Indie-Teepee/1597490063868347?fref=ts for live broadcast of the event ( SLURL: secondlife/0%200%20Adore/168/84/2

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In our May issue of ECLIPSE Magazine we presented the first group of finalists in contention for the prestigious title of Miss AZUL 2015. This issue we feature the remaining finalists in a pictorial spread highlighting their Mix & Match outfits styled for their live runway auditions.

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Photography by Tempest Rosca

a ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 73

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Brianna B


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et28 Twine

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Issy Fl


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Jamee San


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Leezah K


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Maile Mi


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d Rubble

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Shannon Br


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Taylor W


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Masoma County Page 94 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Written by Zzoie Zee

Photography by Zzoie Zee

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We have explored various types of roleplay in some of our previous issues of ECLIPSE. This month, ECLIPSE is taking a closer look at “family roleplay.” Just as in other roleplay communities, the level of involvement is entirely dictated by the individual. Being part of a virtual family can be as emotionally fulfilling as a real life family. For some, maybe more so. While real life families are typically united by blood, the success of a virtual family is dependent on trust, love, and faith. There has been an increasing number of sims becoming family friendly to meet the heightened demand and popularity of virtual families on Second Life®. Schools, sporting arena’s, dance venues, even restaurants are easy to find for family activities. Many multi-sim land companies are now also devoted to family roleplay. One of the most well known being Masoma County Estates. This month we had the unique opportunity to sit down with Masoma’s current owner, Dr. Alexis May (misfit.lalonde) so she could share with our readers the in’s and out’s of family roleplay on Second Life® and why Masoma County is one of the most sought out communities to ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 99

live in. For those of our readers that are not yet familiar with Masoma County, Dr. Alexis extends an open invitation to come take a look around the sims and explore all that they have to offer. Please also check out Masoma’s website, where you can find a calendar of events, available Page 100 | ECLIPSE July 2015

properties, a list of approved homes, along with answers to any other questions you might have. There is also a team of dedicated staff available 24-7 to help out in any way. Masoma County consists of eighteen sims in total, twelve being sailable. They offer boat dock rentals for all those water lovers! For people who prefer to travel by land, you

can bike, horseback ride, or drive the vehicle of your choice throughout the community. Just be sure you know how to drive, because Masoma has a fully functional Department of Motor Vehicles, and law enforcement officers ensuring residents have a driver’s licence. Each sim was thoughtfully created to have its own unique theme and landscape. From log

cabins in the mountains, beachfront living on the water, to single family brownstones right downtown (for those city folk) Whatever type of landscape you are looking for, Masoma has it available. What sets Masoma apart from the other land rental companies is the amazing sense of community that it offers each resident, ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 101

a true sense of being a member of the neighborhood. All the residents are eager to meet you as well as welcome you to the community. When asked about why residents are drawn to Masoma, Dr. Alexis tells us, “We have the sense of community and neighbors. I try to get to meet the residents, to show a presence so it’s not like I am here just to take your money... I do not make a profit, all the money Masoma makes goes right back into Masoma... I do it as a hobby, a sense of community feel.” There is never a dull moment in Masoma as there is always something going on, be it residents housewarmings or the staff putting together parties for its residents. The parties can range from cycling to horseback riding or even a regular get together where you can enjoy music with the whole family as well as meet new people. One of the major draws to living in this community is the available roleplay opportunities for both the individual and the family. They have a fully functional fire department, medical facilities and police department that contributes to the heightened sense of roleplay. Additionally, what makes the roleplay that much more enjoyable is all the small details the staff puts in, from having a group dedicated to strictly “in character” roleplay to providing a limo and taxi services to that will chauffeur you and the family around town! Two hot spots to hang out at Masoma are May’s Cafe and May’s Manor. May’s Cafe is perfect to drop in anytime by yourself, to meet some neighbors, or to bring the whole family on an outing. The casual atmosphere and tasty treats always draw a big crowd! Page 102 | ECLIPSE July 2015

So if you are in the mood to relax and enjoy some pleasant company, May’s Cafe is the perfect spot. May’s manor host many Masoma events. Residents are currently making reservations at the manor so they can enjoy a prefix dinner before a live performance by the Scottish Band, The Red Hot Silly Peppers. Patrons beware! Diner reservations often book up quick! May’s Manor is also available for private parties, baby showers, weddings, and more! Should you decide to host an event and not know where to start? No worries! There is staff to help with all your party planning needs as well! Should you decide to make Masoma your home, you can also look forward to the many new features Dr. Alexis has in store for it’s residents. Dr. Alexis realizes the importance of community events as an essential way to make connections within the community. In fact, she is renovating an entire sim into a summer park so there is additional space for social gatherings. Dr. Alexis also shared with us, “I am working on a centralized job posting area, at the new rental office in cherry falls, that will allow for any business owner and/or civic services to post for job openings and any person wishing to RP there can go there and grab an application.” While already offering so much, with even more on the horizon- it is no wonder why Masoma County Estates is considered one of the most active and popular family roleplay communities on the grid. Remember, a resident does not have to have a family to move into the neighborhood, just a simple desire to be a part of this very friendly community. SLurl to Rental Office: Cherry%20Falls/97/203/29 ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 103

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Photography by Anderian Sugarplum

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BlackLiquid Tokyoska TOPAZIA - Cassia Dress Panda DIRAM - Stella Shoulder Coat LEGGINGS - Maitreya Couture Leggings Black HAIR - Tableau Vivant~ Eastern promises HAIR BASE - booN center part A hairbase ash mesh RING - AKINI SpinaRing white gem BRACELET & NECKLACE - FINESMITH WAVE ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 109

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BlackLiquid Tokyoska DRESS - MIRUS SIN dress & gloves COAT - Rowne Von Jarrar Coat - Onyx SHOES - MODA SELENA LEATHER & BAMBOO HEEL HAIR - Action Darmody Veganic HAIR tinted EARRINGS - FINESMITH WAVE earrings ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 111

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Kayra Vemo Vero Modero boots - Fall Vogue Skirt - Shayna Vero Modero Top - Syl Vero Modero Collar - Mist Aisling Bracelet - Elyan LC Veil - Carrie Loop ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 113

Kayra Vemo Vogue Top - Shayna Vero Modero Skirt - Syl Diram Jacket - Tempest Azoury necklace - Freesia Azoury Shoe - Ida Page 114 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Silly Avro hair: Lelutka - Decent fascinator: *LODE* - Elix coat: DIRAM - Shoulder Coat top: Nylon Outfitters - Metallic Gold Lace Crop Top skirt: Pixicat - Pleated Skirt pants: LX Essentials - Skinnies heels: JUMO - Persepolis Sandals makeup: Deesses - Naked Glamour Lips

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Silly Avro hair: Lelutka - Decent glasses: .SHI - Melt Shades poncho: Meli Imako - Poncho dress: Lybra - Peggy leggings: Quirks - Tie Dye shoes: .random.Matter. - Saoirse Platforms makeup: Deesses - Naked Glamour Lips Page 118 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Spirit Llewellyn Top: Shi -Tie T Bottom: Elegance Boutique- Spring Black Hair: DURA- Boy 22 Shoes: Azoury- Alma Wedge Sandals (Slink High) Jewelry: Mandala - White Metal, Leather Feather Makeup: Madrid Solo- Ensemble Lash and Liner only Keka-Inspiration Lashes upper only ZOZ Nails Elegant Black for Slink ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 121

Spirit Llewellyn TOP: Ison- leather Asymmetrical Jacket BOTTOM: Blokc-Asymmetric Skirt Ison- Tova Leather Leggings SHOES: [HA] Wellington boots HAIR: Lelutka-Tokyo JEWELRY: FZaPP Earrings ACCESSORIES: MAIEL-Maki Scarf ZED- Mesh Sunglasses B&W reflection Ghee Nails Black Magic (slink applier) Page 122 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Steele Sirnah Lelutka Jada Hair ROle Optic Glasses Escuda .shi Kilberry Meggings Chop Zuey Bombastic Blazer and shirt DUH Combat Boots Page 124 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Steele Sirnah Mina Hair Milou .Shi Tribe Shirt Corvus Boots Fearless Pure Poison Pia Pants - Doodle Tattoo: .Reckless. - Wix Fresh Page 126 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Wicca Merlin Pants: GizzA - “Josie Pants [Tartan]” Top: Maitreya - “Cul-de-Sac” Vest: LeeZu - “Victoria Blouse” Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe - “Lipstick Heels [Black/Red 1]” Hair: Truth - “Hairbase Fire” Necklace: P.C - “Garnet Nest Necklace - Red” Nail Polish: Nailed It - “Diva Set” Hat: LODE - “OVERCAST” Mask: Madrid Solo - “Vagary-Silver Bullet” Makeup: [sYs] SKIN - “Smokey eyes” & “Kohl Eyes” Lipstick: L.Fauna - “Lipstick [Red 2]” ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 129

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Wicca Merlin Top: GizzA - “Alice Corset” Pants: LeeZu - “Madison Pants” Vest: Wicca’s Wardrobe - “Zoomy Vest [Pink Tartan]” Leggins: LeeZu - “Cat Tights /darkpink” Shoes: GizzA - “Pop Boots [Dolly]” Hair: Analog Dog - “Pipe Dream - splash” Jewelry: Ticky Tacky - “Bring Me My Cabana Boy” Necklace: MANDALA - “AMIDA” Nail Polish: Nailed It - “The Runway Perfect Set” Makeup: Nuuna - “Zion 2” Lipstick: blackLiquid MAKEUP - “BERRY SUCK” ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 131

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The Erotic Art of Pornography Page 136 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Written by Lexie Jansma Photography by Taylor Wassep

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The Oxford English Dictionary defines pornography as the production of printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. This could not be further from the truth. Pornography can be both erotic and aesthetically pleasing. Second Life® erotic artists are using the vehicle of porn to stimulate erotic and aesthetic or emotional feelings. Porn can inspire all manners of emotions from sweet love stories to romance and passion. The adult industry in SL is large and ranges from clothing, to clubs, and of course adult entertainment. Many of these hard working individuals are brilliant artists who apply the same principles of composition that more traditional fine artists work with — line, color, and rhythm. It is not surprising then that their work often blurs the line between erotic and obscene. There is something

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inherently pleasing to the human eye about the body. Why not show it off in all of its various incarnations from the mundane to the more sexually stimulating? There is, however, more than meets the eye when it comes to the porn industry. According to Rachel Swallows, a very wellknown erotic model, photographer, and owner of Busted Magazine, and who has been in the industry for over four years, the adult erotic industry works collaboratively, supporting and helping each other to achieve common goals. “One person will build a set, another will make the poses, someone else will take the photos or record the movies, and another will design the clothing. We tend to help each other out a great deal, knowing each individual’s strengths and using them.” These collaborative efforts are becoming even more mainstream as gallery shows featuring the erotic artists of the adult industry are being presented across the grid.

The modern day porn star is very different than one might think. The industry is dominated by women. The number of female models to male is five to one. Photographers, videographers, magazine publishers are all predominately women. Serenity Kristan-Faulds began her career as an erotic dancer and club owner. Eventually she was contacted by Emmanuelle Jameson, creator of The Sexiest Pornstars Group. Jameson had seen a video that Serenity had created for the club she owned. In time, Serenity would come to take over the group and the blog and become its owner. For her, collaboration is one of the best parts of the industry. “The amount of collaboration between members is huge, meaning a community has really been forged. The social scene and parties also mean nobody stays feeling a newcomer for long. It’s a special group and scene.” The community comes together quite often

whether it be in large groups for parties, initiatives to help new models establish themselves, or for fundraising for charity. The motto, “Work hard; play harder,” never applied so much as it does to the models, photographers, and videographers of the erotic industry. There are many blogs out there that cover the industry. One of the largest is The Sexiest Pornstars Blog whose owners, Serenity’s team, hosts weekly parties around the grid to allow people from the industry to get together and relax while mixing and mingling with new talent who are trying to gain a footing. Their efforts do not stop there, though. Serenity, who is also the owner of The Sexiest Awards, an annual industry event where industry leaders and breakout stars receive awards from their peers. has donated proceeds towards many charities such as cancer research, and the victims of the Boston Marathon bombers. “We have also had huge fund raisers for Red Cross relief for the ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 141

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Japan Disaster Relief Fund. Various members’ club venues and sims raised hundreds of thousands of lindens™.” Busted Magazine has also supported breast cancer research and is behind an awareness campaign that gears up in October for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Second Life and the erotic industry have allowed many everyday people to open up and express a side of themselves that they could not otherwise. They can be a normal business people during the day or regular homemakers and by night a glamorous porn star who is able to freely express erotic passions and sexuality. When Serenity began her career, she was rather shy; hiding behind a stage persona as a dancer. Eventually as she progressed in the industry she gained more confidence and presence. Rachel found a medium that enabled her to blossom. As she explained, “I was able to express my sexual side in a different way, with my photography coupled with erotic storytelling, which is an exciting and fulfilling medium.” It may surprise many how little actual sex is involved and how much hard work and time is put in creating erotic art and porn. When on a set, it is not quite the wild bacchanalia that some might imagine. It can be time consuming to get the perfect shot as poses are selected, repositioned, angled, and lighting is adjusted. Most often the time on the set is spent joking around and chatting about mundane things like food, according to Rachel. This does not even take into consideration the amount of post-production processing some photographers put into their work in editing. The erotic industry is not without its issues and problems. Both women speak of a bias against the industry as some consider what they do as wrong or dirty and not worthy of being called art. As much pressure as there is from outside of the industry, there is also struggle within. Serenity cited two types of Page 144 | ECLIPSE July 2015

people who come into the industry, those that are confident and those who are seeking something to make themselves feel better about who they are. “Egos can be very fragile either way, and can come out as jealousy, rivalry, and drama.� There is also a subset of elitists that hold themselves above others who can make it difficult for newcomers. Fortunately this is a small portion of the industry and for most it is a fun experience. There happen to be many inspiring artists in the adult industry who fluidly express themselves with every photo or video they make. These creative individuals spend countless hours conceptualizing, creating sets, designing wardrobes, editing images all to entertain the connoisseurs of fine erotic art and porn. As they create more interesting and fascinating pieces, the line between art and pornography begins to blur and become one and the same. It may be only a matter of time before what was once considered subversive and dirty is given its due as a viable form of art and expression.

Rachel Swallow Links: Serenity Kristan-Faulds Links: http://jennnnnajameson.blogspot.

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Ways to Wear Page 146 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by Sylphia Constantine Photography by TessaGrace51

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Leezah Kaddour q p Sylphia Constantine

Dress: OAKEN - Liberty Dress Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * IMANI * Shoes: [LaVian&C0] Violet Heels Bag: [LaVian&C0] Ticket To Ride Jewelry: [MANDALA] SENJYU Eearrings - AFRICA [MANDALA] [MANDALA]Anuttra Ring Orange/White [MANDALA] Chunkeey 24kGold Bracelet Makeup: October’s 4Seasons - Gloss Lips Tattoo October’s 4Seasons - Soulful Eyeshadows Midnight Haze

Photography by

y TessaGrace51

Dress by Oaken - Liberty/ Orange Jewelry by Modern Couture - Antissa Shoes by PurePoison - Anika Bracelet by Champagne! - Celtic Ison Dress ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 149

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Leezah Kaddour q p Sylphia Constantine

Dress: ISON - wrap side dress Hair: .b -driven - dark browns Shoes: GizzA - Wedge Sandals Bag: The sea Hole - Kokeshi bloom clutch Purse Jewelry: (Kunglers Extra) Akha - golden necklace [MANDALA] Omochi Bracelet /SAHARA Brown Makeup: .:Glamorize:. Jaded Black - White October’s 4Seasons - Gloss Lips Tattoo

Photography by

y TessaGrace51

Dress by Ison - Wrap Side Jewelry by Modern Couture - Tara Glass by PurePoison - Opulence Clutch by DeadDollz - True Colors Sandals by PurePoison - Goddess ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 151

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Leezah Kaddour q p Sylphia Constantine

Dress: SYSY’s Summertime - pink Hair: booN - HYA209 hair black Shoes: Bens Boutique - Pure Flat Rose-Gold Clutch: LaVian&C0] Adeola Studded Clutch Glasses: Le Primitif - Half Frame Round Glasses - Pink Jewelry: {Zaara} - Sarayi wood hoops *gold* [ glow ] studio Dindi Collar Maxi Gossamer - Boho Bangles - Laquered Gold and Diamonds Makeup: October’s 4Seasons - Gloss Lips Tattoo

Photography by

y TessaGrace51

Dress by Sysy’s - Summertime Headpiece by Miamai - Titania Jewelry by Lazuri - Lasya ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 153

Precise Frimon q p Wicca Merlin

Skirt: KITJA- Clea Leather blck Skirt Shirt: KITJA- Clea Denim Shirt Blue Shoes: Chez GiGi- Lady Boots Hair: TRUTH- Lunara Jewels: Hermony- Wristband Bracelet Makeup: Beautiful Freak Cosmetics-Banded Metal Lipstick Blue Page 154 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by

y TessaGrace51

Skirt: KITJA - “Clea Leather Skirt Black” Top: KITJA - “Clea Denim Shirt Blue” Vest: United Colors - “fringe_ornamental_black_women_vest” Shoes: [Do] - “The cowboy 2.0” Hair: [monso] My Hair - “Daisy/ Regular Pack 2” Earings: Pure Poison - “Onyx Dream Earrings” Hat: LODE - “SMOOTH” Bag: NYU - “Suede Leather Bag” Nail Polish: Nailed It - “Feria de Abril Set” Makeup: L.Fauna - “Smokey Cat-Shadow [Blue/Black]” Lipstick: blackLiqud MAKEUP - “lip line” ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 155

Precise Frimon q p Wicca Merlin

Dress: Coquet Ladies Mesh Clothing- Ruby Shoes: Lavarock Creations- Shackle High Hair: LaNoir Soleil Designs- Karina Jewels: Lazuri- Lasya Bracelet Lazuri- La vie En Rose Valentine Necklace and Earrings Makeup: Izzie’s - Glossy Lip Highlights Page 156 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by

y TessaGrace51

Outfit: Coquet. - “Ruby - Knockout” Jacket: [SG*] - “4Minute - Jacket” Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe - “Inara Boots” Hair: booN - SMK876 Earrings - [MANDALA] - “SHIPPOAH” Bracelet/Hand: FORMANAILS - “NIKOLAJ2” Glasses: SIX BOIS - “#02 TRIN GLASSES v3” Hand Bag: 22769 - “Veronica Handbag” Nail Polish: Nailed It - “Modern Pastels Set” ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 157

Precise Frimon q p Wicca Merlin

Pants: Miss Chelsea- Harem Pants Grey Top: Miss Chelsea -Handkerchief Top Patterned Spice Shoes: Chez GiGi- Ibiza Wedge Hair: Emotions- Penny II Jewels: RealEvil Industries- Re Nox Dulce Makeup: Modish- Mei Lips Nudes12 Pekka- Metalic under eyeliner Page 158 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by

y TessaGrace51

Pants: .miss chelsea. - “Cropped Harem Pants Grey” Top: .miss chelsea. - “Handkerchief Top Plain Spice” Vest: [R3] - “Steampunk Armour (Female) [V2]” Shoes: [Gos] - “Triumph Boots V2 - Fem” Hair: (Posh) - “Beat ; Blonde” Glasses: [URIZASK] - “Glasses “Vintage”Silver_Bike_Black” Necklace: MANDALA - “LEGENDARY” Nail Polish: Nailed It - “Ombre Set” Lipstick: Madrid Solo- “Vendetta Lips 5” Tattoo: Letis Tattoo - “Rigel Princess B&N” ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 159

Caesar Langer q p Steele Sirnah

Jacket: ISON MAN - Bomber Sweater Pants: DOZZE - Casual Chinos Hat: *LODE* - VIVID Bag: Izzie’s - Satchel Bag Left Ring: MANDALA - Ring only from Milky Nails / GAGA Necklace: POMPOSITY - Rolled Link Necklace SHORT Shoes: ..::ILLI::.. Slink Dahriel Sandals no studs Hairbase: VCD - Express Yourself, Elegance Homme, Pas de raie Page 160 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by Sy

ylphia Constantine

Ison - Bomber Sweater palm Kastle rock couture jeans Corvun Fearless boots Mandala Kagetora necklace Mina Hair - Jacky ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 161

Caesar Langer q p Steele Sirnah

Shirt: [ 2byte ] - double shirt Pants: [M.o.w.] - Action Capris Hair: *ARGRACE* - ARATA Right ring: [CC] - Mesh Ring Male Left ring: [ kunst ] - Wire ring Bracelets: .:E.A.Studio:. - Bracelet Hard Iron MOD A (L) and MOD B (R) Piercings: .HoD. - Cosmis Facial (edited) Shoes: C L AVv. - Wrapped Sandals Tatto: .Inhale. - Mehndi Fresh Beard: _AerosAvatar Miles_Beard_Sanchez Page 162 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by Sy

2byte double shirts Mina Hair aranka Slink hands Maitreya Alexa Wedges A:S:S Favorite Jeans Gizza Odyssey watch and bracelet A:S:S pieces from Bound Pants B@R kanji headband

ylphia Constantine

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Caesar Langer q p Steele Sirnah

Shirt: Apple May - Turned Down shirt Briefs: Apple May - Turned Down Boxer Briefs Bracelet: MANDALA - Yuzu Sinra bracelet/men/ Samurai (A type/L) Sunglasses: AZOURY - Perception Hand Jewelry: FORMANAILS - UNISEX Relax LH Flowers Orbits: Zibska - Chest, Orbit 1,2,3,4 attachments from Xia Deux Outfit (edited) Tattoos: Letis - Tempo MM927 Leg harness: .Shi - Leg Harness (LEATHER HOMME) Shoes: B&W - Summer is Cool Sandals for SLink Piercing: .:E.A.Studio:. - Bare Code Necklace: .:E.A.Studio:. - Vinil MK-600 Man Hair: Exile - High and Dry Page 164 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photography by Sy

ylphia Constantine

Truth Betsy hair Turned Down shirt Black Turn Down Boxer Briefs White Slink hands and feet cucumber eyes - hand made ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 165

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Voices From the Grid is a monthly survey of opinions and ideas of Second Life速 residents on the salient issues of the day. You learn something everyday. That is as true in Second Life速 and in our first lives. There is an enormous wealth of knowledge that can make our SL experience better, easier and more rewarding, if we only knew. We asked several residents to share something they wished they had learned much earlier in their Second Life.

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Written by Cajsa Lilliehook

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Alicia Chenaux is a self-described Plurk® addict, Second Life addict and blogging addict. She has a lovely family in SL and specializes in slice of life photos infused with humor and charm.

what he was talking about. So h and his friend gave me a hair (fu came a hair base that would take

What no one told me, and what On my very first day in Second Life back in 2006, a guy told me, while the hair base might take a “You can be my girlfriend but we have to get you a better skin also change my eyebrows. A cou and hair.” I agreed because one, I thought having a boyfriend a new hair, put on a new hair bas might have been the point of the “game,” and two, I had no idea extremely surprised! I couldn’t fi Page 172 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photograph by

he bought me a skin (ripped) ull perm) and along with that e away my system hair.

skin had corrupted and bought a new one. Thankfully, a friend told me that I could mod my hair base and taught me how to fix my brows.

I wish I had known then, is that away my system hair, it would uple of months later, I bought se, and suddenly looked figure out why! I thought my

So if you’re walking along in SL and you see someone new who looks completely surprised or has eyebrows pointier than Khal Drogo’s, do them a favor and ask if they know about their hair base. Chances are, you’ll be teaching them an important lesson.

Alicia Chenaux

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Allegory Malaprop is the whimsical and creative designer behind the Schadenfreude brand. Long live the elephant! Page 174 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Photograph by

My favorite new (to me!) tip is the Favorites Bar. You can drop LMs at the top of your screen, under the menu, and they lock into the Favorites Bar there, so you have a list a useful LMs you don’t have to hunt for.

y Taylor Wassep

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Dearra Silbersztein is a self-proclaimed “goofy so-called fantasy blogger who sometimes falls from her fantasy realm’s cloud and get hit by Second life real fashion reality so she pretends she knows how to style.” Usually you can find her chasing the stardust, riding her unicorn, collecting rainbows and being AFK trying to earn money for the new pack of blue hair dye. :)

SL is one giant adventure for me. Since the beginning - and wearing huge wings whole day, to the present day - when I still wear weird things like horns and wings and stuff and pretend to be a blogger, I have learned so much. Well, except not to wear wings in little house, haha. But one of the gigantic Second Life changing moments for me was when I discovered on my new freshly installed, shinny and clean, Firestorm - Phototools option. Before that everything was such a drag - from trying to get depth of field working right, to the banging my head against wall trying to figure out how people make glow on images, to the point I really wanted to make those shadows work (before I could easily say that I was scared of my own shadows because they were so bad, even turned into the wolf once, haha). So, Phototool gods, I bow to you :D

Photograph by Dearra Silbersztein ECLIPSE

July 2015 | Page 177

Deoridhe Quandry: A Second Life Faerie, Deoridhe blogs at, spends hours exploring art and beautiful sims, and roleplays at Skyrah. The most helpful advice I can give to new players is to not get so caught up in hunts, events, and shopping that you stop focusing on what you really enjoy and end up just accumulating inventory. There are at least fifteen hunts and ten events a month and tons of stores have freebies through lucky chairs, Page 178 | ECLIPSE July 2015

midnight manias, or gifts. It’s easy to get so caught up in trying to do things before they end that you forget to spend time on what you really enjoy. Second Life is not only ever-changing, but also events and activities tend to be very

Photograph by

brief - a day, a week, at most a month or two. It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure to see everything before it vanishes and stop thoughtfully choosing what you are doing. I was an inveterate hunter for freebies in my first few years, and I still have piles of prizes from hunts ad lucky boards that I’ve never even looked at! I also recommend you start using folders to organize early, and spend some time figuring

y Taylor Wassep

out what you collect and how you look for things so that your folders make sense. I’m a color-conscious fashionista, so my clothing folder is piled ten sub-folders deep separating everything out by color. You can also sort clothing by style, by store, or by genre. Objects and avatar characteristics can similarly be organized - but remember to focus on what you really enjoy and act accordingly. Pleasure can be like a lodestone in Second Life, drawing us to what serves us best. ECLIPSE July 2015 | Page 179

Isley Oodles is an Estate Manager at Woodland Park in Second Life and a store manager for RePose. She is a co-owner of the Lazy Sunday event and is a brand new blogger. Her blog is called Rambling Yam.

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I wish I had known about highlig transparency (control+alt+t on W with alpha channels -- So things l prim/mesh light effects are show designed to become invisible wh

ght transparency! Highlight Windows) shows textured items like grass and some trees and wn, along with things that are hen sat on, like poseballs.

I wish I’d known about this beforehand because I was forever losing poseballs or trying and failing to select grass when landscaping...sometimes it’s even been useful to find things I’ve accidentally made invisible! :D Photograph by Isley Oodles

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Lanjran Choche is the co-founder of MetaLES ..O.., an arts and music collective with a sim renowned for its art installations and exhibits. In addition to curating exhibits for MetaLES, she is an artist in her own right. I’ve been in SL for 8 years and there’s always something you don’t know how to create and would like to learn. At first, I used SL to digitally build my RL projects. I’m an Architect, so all my time was focused on personal projects. Back in those days, we were studying how to import 3D models created with software like Blender or 3DMax directly in SL, but it didn’t work out because of the prim count limits. That’s why it wasn’t an option. After several interesting projects at LEA (one I really enjoyed was based on Italo Calvino’s book “Invisible Cities”), I left building and construction and along with some lady friends we created an artistic sim called “MetaLes...O..”, in which all space is given for a month to a reputedly artist, for an exclusive creation. This sim currently operates and I want to invite everyone to visit. While I began photographing MetaLes creations, I discovered the possibilities of artistic photography and a bit later I ended up exploring Fashion Photography. My obsession now is investigating light, color and all that has to do with inworld snapshots. I barely retouch my work for small color and light corrections. I’m self taught and love to learn from scratch, therefore my life in SL is a continuous “I wish I had known this or that” until I force myself to discover it. That is key in my SL time because I’m not a very social person here.

Photograph by Lanjran Choche Page 182 | ECLIPSE July 2015

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Photograph by Wolfy Breno Page 184 | ECLIPSE July 2015

Wolfy Breno creates all sort of miscellany for his store BRENO. His work is known for its whimsy and variety and love of humor.

For the longest time I used to resize objects without selecting the “Stretch Both Sides” option even though it had been staring at my face every time I opened the ‘Building Tools’ window. I have unnecessarily spent more time than needed resizing each side and moving the mesh because I didn’t put in the time to learn the toolbox properly. Selecting that one option preserves the center of the mesh and I don’t have to do many adjustments when I resize parts of a linked set of meshes to align it properly to the remaining parts.

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