ECLIPSE Magazine June 2017

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Contents 20.

Through the Lens


The Artist Highlight


Trending Now


The Proust Spotlight


The World of Roleplay


The Art Perspective

Talented blogger, photographer, and top model, Taylor Wassep, takes us behind his lens while he styles his spin on “Summer Days.”

Teaming up with the Blogger & Vlogger Network, we shine the spotlight on group member Johanna NirevilFrost, a very talented blogger.

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From the Whispering Sands Live Promotions management company, we feature their artist Ororo Carnivale.

For this monthly installment, Ahn Avion goes in depth and explores, “Cocoa Bay,” a family friendly roleplaying community.

Celebrate the month of June with ECLIPSE stylists, as they showcase some of the best wedding fashions available on the grid!

Oema investigates the world of art, this time reviewing and shedding insight on the geometric abstraction of Solkide Auer.


ECLIPSE Magazine is dedicated to not only offering an aesthetically pleasing publication, but to also be considered a platform that offers rich and relevant content. Each month, we showcase residents and groups that have taken the concept of “your world, your imagination� to such great heights that they have impacted the culture and lifestyle of the Second Life community.


Cover Story Summerfest Cover Photographer Lessthen Zero


Ask Noey


Voices from the Grid


The Adventures of...

Writer: Cajsa Lilliehook

Noey Ivy London Flower joins us as our newest contributor with her advice column!


Each month ECLIPSE asks residents a question, see what they have to say.

Miele Tarantal takes us on a photographic journey, exploring The Last Forever. ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 5

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We are publishing a bit late this month; however, I anticipate we will be publishing next month far closer to our regular publishing date. Our contributors have actually been working hard the past couple of weeks on our July edition. Enough of the future talk though! This issue, I am happy to welcome Noey Ivy London Flower to the ECLIPSE team with our new feature “Ask: Noey”. Feel free to send her your questions anonymously with this form. I also welcome Shazzy Valentine as a Marketing Executive. Feel free to message her in-world about advertising opportunies or check out this form that details what we offer. Another change is that we have teamed up with the Blogger & Vlogger Network to highlight a member of their group in our Proust Spotlight, for the June issue we have Johanna Nirevil-Frost. When this magazine was first envisioned, the truth is I really did not know what we were doing. All I knew was that I wanted a nice looking publication with rich content and a side of fashion. Over the past two and a half years, I have seen it grow with a slow evolution that is truly reflective of how vast and immersive Second Life can be. Each month we have our regular monthly features that cater to various aspects of our virtual world. Whether it’s a roleplay community, live musicians, art exhibits, beautiful sims to explore, fashion & shopping, groups or residents that have truly impacted the grid, I am thrilled each month to share with our readers something new and different or something that truly deserves to be under the spotlight. I am infinitely grateful for all my contributors. Month in and month out, with some easy deadlines or some far too tight, they work diligently to turn this publication into a reality. Without their support and hard work, suffice to say, this magazine would be nowhere without them. With that, I do hope you enjoy this issue, and I thank you, our readers, for joining us each month and continued support. Happy Readings!

letter from the publi


executive team


trouble dethly Publisher

Taylor Wassep

cajsa lilliehook

carley benazzi

Shazzy valentine

Creative Director

Lead Stylist

Copy Editor

Marketing Executive

the c



Ahn Avion Cajsa Lilliehook Gabriella King Miele Tarantal Isadora Fiddlesticks oey Ivy London Flower Oema

Anderian Sugarplum Daffodil Crimson Kess Crystal Kiana Jarman Lessthen Zero Miele Tarantal Sungyoung Jang Taylor Wassep Tempest Rosca Wicca Merlin Xandrah Sciavo

guest stylist & photographer

models Carley Benazzi Cubito Smit Eros Foehammer IndiaAmari Ivyana Szondi Jaime Poutine Leezah Kaddour Linda Reddevil Noey Ivy London Flower Ombrebleue Winsmore Scarl19 Taylor Wassep Wicca Merlin Xandrah Sciavo

Taylor Wassep

interested in advertising with eclipse? have an idea for a great story? looking to start a new career in second life? email


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Through the lens

taylor wassep show us “summer days.” Photography by tayl


lor wassep.

Hair: No Truth by no match Sunglasses: High on Love Sunnies by Foxy Swimsuit: Tova Set by Pixicat Surfboard: Surfboards by Kraft Page 22 | ECLIPSE June 2017

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Hair: Azalea by Entwined Bikini: Peachkini by Blueberry InnerTube: Air Swim Floatie by Blueberry

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Taylor Wassep Hair: Jihyo by monso Bikini Top: Tampa Bikini top by MC Shorts: Ripped Shorts by Pumpkin Trouble Dethly Outfit: ReignXFlite - Rompim Shoes: Gizza - Flat Sandal Hair: Stealthic - Haunting Accessories: Mandala - Taper Pierce Noedition - Zodiac Dog Tag Nikotin - Joint_Weed ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 27

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Hair: Asleep by Lamb Swimsuit: Swimsuit Mat by BUENO Backpack: Traveller’s Backpack by ionic Skateboard: Sail Longboard by Bad Unicorn Clothing ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 29

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Hair: Miranda by Tableau Vivant Necklace: Simone Necklace by LaGyo Dress: Sahara Wrap Dress by ISON Heels: Leighton Pumps by 1992

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beach parade

written by cajsa lilliehook. photography by lessthen zero & tayl

lor wassep.

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Ask someone what summer means to them and some might mention the State Fair, deepfried ice cream and pickles, Fourth of July fireworks, and mosquitoes. Others might mention Shakespeare in the Park or summer camp. Nearly everyone will mention going to the beach. Whether that beach is a local lake or the ocean, summer without a trip or two, or twenty to the beach is just warmer winter. Publishers don’t call their frothy bestsellers of the season summer reading, they say them beach reading. Even if you read it on the subway, it’s beach-reading.


That’s because the beach is more than sun, sand, and frolics in the water. It’s a state of mind of relaxed casual comfort – life in the sands sans souci. Summerfest is a home and garden event that tries to capture that carefree beach aesthetic celebrating the beachy summers of our lives.

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Summerfest began when Darling Monday had the idea of creating an event organized around the idea of visiting the beach in the summer. “I did that every year growing up in RL and I thought it would be fun. I knew I couldn’t handle it on my own so I approached Tegan (floorplan.) about it and luckily for me she jumped on board! We asked Kaz (PILOT) to join us as we loved his style and we were all set.”


When asked what music they would choose to represent Summerfest, everyone revealed a retro

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inspiration. For Monday, it was intricate pop harmonies and “Good Vibrations� of The Beach Boys. Serin and Nayar both think of Beach Parade by Armando Trovajoli that begins with a happy, bouncy organ, soft jazz percussion and moves to romantic strings, a song with tremendous earworm capacity. No one chose the modern beach music of white parties and spring break, the electronic dance music of the crowds dancing and drinking to oblivion, but the music of small groups and family excursions. When you go to Summerfest, you will discover the creations offered evoke the past, the beaches of friends and family, not of mass market bacchanals.

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Summerfest is on point and on message. It’s no accident that all three responded to the simple question “What is Summerfest?” with the identical answer. “Summerfest is an annual event celebrating summer at the beach with a collection of amazing stores bringing brand new summer content to Second Life.” That makes it harder to write a story, but it does create a more cohesive and organized event with everyone on the same page. Luckily for folks who attend the event, the organizers prioritized a well-planned event over making life easy for this writer. All three organizers also identified similar words to describe Summerfest. All three described it as nostalgic. Nostalgia is an emotion. It’s more than a reproduction of the artifacts of memory, it’s about reviving more than the memories, but eliciting the emotions that are bound to those memories. It’s about more than remembering the sun-baked heat of the sand on your feet, but also the laughter and love that were part of that experience.

Kitschy Page 44 | ECLIPSE June 2017

Summerfest is not trying to recreate itself every year. The venue this year will be very much like the year before and the year before... just like your favorite spot on the beach. As Serin explained, “It will look mostly the same as previous years, with a few upgrades here and there! We use the same terrain file each year because we want it to always feel the same when you come by, like visiting a place you haven’t been to in years- nostalgia!” Monday echoed that sentiment, “We don’t change the look very much except for layout and a few new additions but the sim terrain etc remains the same. We want people to remember this event and feel like they’re coming back to a favorite vacation spot each summer.”

Memorable When asked what they will be releasing for Summerfest, all three were extremely coy. Monday said, “I can safely say it will be something that fits with summer.” Serin answered, “It will be summerappropriate!” Nayar was slightly more expansive, “Something that you rez. Something you could find on a beach. That’s all I can give you.” So, there you have it. They are making summer-themed things for a summer-themed event called Summerfest. That’s what is called an insider scoop.

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Darling Monday, who originally conceived of this beachy bash usually focuses on the invitations to participate and works with Serin and Nayar on creator setup issues and blogger invites. She explains, “It can be a lot of work and I’m very lucky that Tegan and Kaz are part of this. Tegan especially takes on a lot of responsibility and Summerfest wouldn’t exist without her efforts.” Monday joined Second Life after hearing about it from a friend. It’s been about eight years and she opened her store in August 2009. While her store began with a broader variety of products, hair, clothing and accessories as well as decor for home, she has specialized in shoes over the past several years, producing high quality classic shoes for all occasions. Her aesthetic is notable for its casual classics with timeless style. Her designs for home would fit seamlessly into a New England home or any home where much loved possessions are passed on from generation to generation along with the memories and stories they evoke. Second Life has been transformative for her, “I’m lucky enough to have SL be my main source of income so its effect on my life is major!”

Summerfest is an annual event celebrating summer at the beach with a collection of amazing stores bringing brand new summer content to Second Life.

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Tegan Serin joined Second Life seven years ago, after the famous episode featuring SL on The Office. “My original avatar’s rez date is the night that episode aired! I even got to meet the Dwight avatar – he gave me beets!” Her store floorplan opened in June 2012 and is known for creating the things you did not know you needed until she made them, whimsical decor items like cork boards and water bottles, bikes, camping trailers, and teepees for camping. She also produces classic pieces of furniture and items made of dreams and whimsy. Her aesthetic is ideal for country homes and beach cabins, homes that prioritize comfort, heart, and family.Her role in Summerfest is to assist with invitations to creators, sim rental and helping ensure setup runs smoothly. Serin is also a full-timers in Second Life, “SL is my RL job and source of income, so it affects my life astronomically.” She’s not sure what kind of book Summerfest would be, if someone were to make it into a book, but she wants to warn everyone, “Well, we do have a lot of JIAN’s sharks in the water… And we are on an island…”

Familiar Kaz Nayar joined SL in 2008, though for him it feels longer. “It’s been so long, it just feels like I’ve always been here.” He describes his role in Summerfest with self-deprecating charm, “I do whatever the ladies need me to do. Mostly voting. We do a whole lot of voting.” He opened PILOT, his decor and furnishing store a little over five years ago. PILOT is known for eclectic, often irreverent items with sophisticated, minimalist design. There’s a slightly urban edge to many of his designs, perfect for lofts and warehouse living as well as sophisticate homes everywhere. Second Life has been a transformative experience for him as well, “SL gives me a lot of freedom, temporal and financial. I would say that affects just about every aspect of my first life.” ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 49

After all these years, this trio will produce Summerfest without a hitch, even though when it began it was daunting. Serin remembers her nerves, saying, “I was nervous at first as starting an event from scratch is a huge feat, but every year I look forward to it, and at the end of every Summerfest I already miss it!” Nayar is proud that they make it happen every year and credits Serin’s enthusiasm for bringing joy to their work, “It’s something we look forward to doing every year but

Tegan’s enthusiasm definitely makes things more exciting.” Monday, too, is proud that her brainchild is growing up and maturing. It began with a simple concept captured in this description from Monday, “Summerfest brings you back to the beach to celebrate freedom from daily responsibilities and find amazing creations to dress up and add fun to your summer days!” It has grown over time by focusing on that core idea, improving without fundamentally altering its direction,

Follow the Summe Teleport to the mainstores: F Follow Floorplan, fri.d Page 50 | ECLIPSE June 2017

think of who else right now but that’s a start. The title would be “Our Last Summer” and it would definitely be a People’s When asked to reimagine Summerfest Choice situation all the way.” So, if you as a movie, Monday decided it must be want to be in a People’s Choice event a romcom or a comedy. “I’m reminded celebrating the summer, Summerfest is of movies like The Great Outdoors. The one place you simply must go. There’s no mother and daughter go shopping and get guarantees you will meet John Goodman into various tangles while the rest of the or Emma Stone, but you will certainly family has their own beachy adventures. find your own beachy adventure. It would be cheesy but fun! It would star John Goodman and Emma Stone, I can’t becoming one of the most anticipated, annual summer events in SL.

erfest flickr group. Floorplan, & PILOT. day and PILOT on flickr. ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 51

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the proust spotli

photography by johanna nire

The Proust Spotlight is our monthly feature where we highlight one of the many creative residents of Second LifeÂŽ. Utilizing the Proust Questionnaire, whose namesake comes from the late 19th century French writer, we will offer a glimpse into what makes them tick. ECLIPSE Magazine has teamed up with the Blogger & Vlogger Network, so each month the blogger we showcase on the Proust Spotlight is a group member. The group member we feature this month is Johanna Nirevil-Frost (JohannaFrost). Johanna is the talented blogger behind Drunk Panda and has been blogging for two years. She also co-owns with her husband the Drunk Panda Store and the Facebook Group WANT. Furthermore, she is the store and blogger manager for O.M.E.N.



What is your ideal of perfect happiness? My perfect happiness is, when i`m surrounded by people i love and who love me. If we can have fun together, be creative together, but of course talking about serious things/ Themes too. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “No one is you and that is your power!” Thats really important! Be yourself! There will be always people who don´t like you or your style or what you do, but its your life and not theirs! What is your greatest regret? I think i don´t have one. I would exactly live the same way, like i did. With all my faults, but ofc with all my love and happiness too. When i think on some people, i wished i never met them, but then i wouldn´t have my son or my daughter in my life and i never wanna miss them. How would you like to die? I hope i fall slowly asleep in the arms of my love Michael with no pain and a smile on my face. What is your most marked characteristic? I always try to help anyone, if they have problems. I love to work and don´t give up so fast, if there is a problem, there is always a choice. I love to decorate and creating stories with my blogposts and i think i`m not that bad *laughs* What is your motto? I drink wine and know things *Laughs* I think my motto is like my most words, be yourself, love yourself and don´t let someone change you! For more information on Johanna and samples of her work, check out her Blog, Store, Facebook and Flickr.

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artist highlight

photography by wic

ca merlin.

Ororo Carnivale is one of the many talented live artists with Whispering Sands Live Promotions, recently joining them a couple months ago. When asked how she became involved in the Second Life live music scene, she shares, “My husband, T’Challa, kept pushing me to give it a try. I thought he was just being nice. However, after talking to my friend and fellow SL musician, Melenda Mikael, I decided to work towards becoming an SL musician. Right now, my career is a fun work in progress. I am enjoying the process of growing into the SL musician I want to be and I enjoy taking my time to get there.” These are her top five favorite songs to sing: “Can’t Feel My Face” by The Weekend “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel “Buy You A Drank” by T-Pain “Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse “No Fun Alone” by Mali Music Shedding insight into who she is beyond her musical career, she tells us, “I am lover of sci-fi and comic superheros. In fact, my name, Ororo, is the real name of Storm for the X-Men comics. I have such love and adoration for her strength, wisdom and leadership.” Listen to her music. Follow her on Facebook.

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the world of role

this month we feature “cocoa bay.” written by ahn avion. photography by temp


pest rosca.

“It’s easy to slap in sims and put them together with a CasperVend pay box, and call it a community. Feeling wanted in a place and valued is the difference. A community is only as good as who is in there.” ~ Leo Knight When I first started Second Life over 11 years ago, the thought of having a house or skybox was incomprehensible. There are so many activities at your disposal, why would anyone want to be at home? When would you ever have the time! Then I learned about shopping. With shopping comes the need to unpack, and it is absolutely amazing how many sims do not allow for that. So I found a cheap skybox that I could have up to 25 prims. That was enough to put down a basic bed and still have prims left over for unpacking purposes. As time went by, I came to understand that there is a difference between a house and a home, and that the reasons for creating a place to call home vary as much as the Second Life residents themselves. This is where Cocoa Bay comes in.

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Cocoa Bay is not one but thirteen sims imagined and created by Leo Knight (leo1978x) and Devin Knight Drakon(devindevin1111). While roleplay is welcome, it is not required. Cocoa Bay tries to offer as many roleplay opportunities as possible. There are applications for drivers’ licenses and license plates, a mail system, a currency system, school registration and much more. Everything is free of charge for residents as a thank you to the community. Devin is the main builder for everything, while co-owner Leo is more the designer. Leo maps out the sims in his head, then tells Devin how he’d like things and Devin moves them. After everything is set up, Leo does all of the landscaping. It takes only one to three days for them to complete a sim. “We prepare on the ideas and it just flows. What we like to do is carry the theme from the connecting sim for full realism,” Leo explained. “We are a non-profit community and stride to offer the best customer support, pricing, and offer a ton of different activities. We have a list of activities on the website, but there are so many more that are not on there. One of our recent additions to Cocoa Bay is that we have added a homestead separate from the community as a camp ground. Though, it hasn’t been finished yet, the docks in Mystic will have boats with a teleport board to teleport there as a sort of “getaway camp vacation” for anyone to go there and enjoy,” Devin pointed out. A note to all future campers — full weather is used. Pack accordingly.

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The sims are based on various suburbs of New York. Leo explained that he chose New York for a number of reasons including its iconic and historic nature. There is also a strong sense of community that attracted Leo to the idea of having various locations of The Empire State as the choice for honorary replication. The ability to create a realistic feel of going from a true city feel to rural areas spoke to the designer in him as a challenge worthy of his art, especially since he was watching one of his favorite shows, “Law and Order: SVU”, at the time he and Devin began brainstorming their future creations. The sims encompass the area from north of New York City down to Long Island. The sims Bratsville, Davan, Lost Starts, and Mystic Fantasies represent Rockland County which is known as a historical area north of the real life Tappan Zee Bridge. Oyster Bay, Terra Lascivus, and Aloha Village represent an area just beyond Queens in Long Island. The website hosts a community map which is based off a NYC/ Rockland/Long Island map. Though the community map shows only ten sims, there are actually thirteen. “We recently added a homestead to the left of Liberty Harbor, Page 88 | ECLIPSE June 2017

called Buffo and a full sim to the right of Trenches called Shimokawa and also have the separate homestead that we’ve had about a week called Sky City for the camp ground,” Devin clarified. The first of thirteen sims, Lost Stars, came to life on April 19, 2016. Devin said, “Originally it was supposed to be a private sim, but we decided to rent some extra prims to a friend. From there, more friends wanted to move in so we added Davan. Then, our family wanted to move in which was then Bratsville (Our SL father calls us brats, therefore explains the name of that sim). From there, things sort of grew on their own. I never expected to build a community, nor such a large community, but am very grateful for such.” All of the sims have home rentals with strategically placed shops and points of areas based on the theme of each area and what the area would realistically have. Being based on New York, there are areas designed for a more woodsy area, the city area, which is based on Queens, New York with areas of urban decay and poverty, and an area for upscale homes based on Long Island.

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The main landing point located on Davan, hosts a welcome center that offers an events calendar, information on available rentals, a suggestion box, and, if you pet the sleeping cat on the desk, a folder of useful information about the management team and the sims. Outside the welcome center flies the familiar LGBT flag. Devin explained, “The target audience is for anyone. We add the flag to show that we are LGBT friendly. We don’t discriminate against anyone and want everyone to feel they are at home. We are a gay-owned sim as well and we will also have a vendor spot in the Pride event this year.” Not only are the sims kid friendly, but they also welcome furries. The only thing they ask is that, in respect to roleplay jobs, a furry character that wishes to engage in roleplay be considered as a human in costume for a sense of realism to the roleplay community. Devin added, “We are very flexible. As long as things are done in roleplay form and not in a griefing manner nearly any roleplay is welcome. We also have gun licenses that you can apply for as an added realism.” For you gun enthusiasts out there, there is no three day waiting period. The brothers Knight do their best to create community based roleplay. Leo tries to keep Page 90 | ECLIPSE June 2017

the RP chat active by posting possible RP scenarios that can be branched out or he’ll drop some mail in mailboxes. On a more creative side, he’s used the radio station trucks to give out prizes. If the truck pulls into your driveway, you win. Devin revealed, “One thing we have here that many do not know about is St. Leo’s Birthing Center. It accommodates to women who would like to RP giving birth. For more details on that, Tanger Brock (tanger. teardrop) would be the person to see. NextGen has a side adoption agency here that anyone can use to try to find a parent or a child. It’s awesome for people in the community to be able to find a match together here. We’re very kid friendly and I love seeing kids just coming here and causing chaos!” If you’re of the thinking that cleaning up after kids is easier in SL than in the real world, think again. Devon’s son has posters up looking to find someone to clean his room. Few have offered, but all have been refused. Poor kid has to clean his room all by himself. Mean daddy. Also, beware of the raccoon infestation due to kids feeding them. Remember to keep your windows closed or you might find muddy tracks complete with filthy raccoons coming for a visit. Sounds like a Farmer’s Insurance commercial come true. ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 91

Even with thirteen sims under their belts, there are still plans to be fulfilled both with the community as far as events and activities, as well as building and growth. Leo said they constantly change or improve things for residents to enjoy themselves. Regarding sim growth, they have some really cool things coming this year like a full service carwash. Perfect for summer. On a personal note, I found the arcade to be more addictive than anticipated. All of the games are playable (and free). For any of you Wreck-It Ralph fans, make sure to line up your imaginary quarters to play Fix It Felix Jr. Yep, you read that right. The line forms to the left. Though they have more than surpassed the goals they had set, there are a few that have been added on. Devin feels as though his goals are completed, Leo would like complete a bridge next to Mystic Fantasies, their fourth sim, to expand a few more sims in that direction, also with the New York vibe. It was noted before, but should be reiterated that roleplay is not required. Use of all of the interactive amenities is available to residents and non residents alike. Anyone can live there and not roleplay at all. “It’s been hard work, but with the great people it’s a wonderful journey to be part of,” Leo added. Looking around the various sims, I would say he and Devin have much to be proud of for a very long time. Now if you’ll excuse me, there is Shell gas for $2.10 a gallon down the street from the welcome center. I’ve been told the price is going up soon so ya’ll better come get yours quick! Click here to teleport to Cocoa Baby.

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Trending now

the talented eclipse models show us their take on wedding fashion. photography by kia

ana jarman.

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Ivyana Szondi Headdress: Lode - Blossoms Hair: Rama - Adriana Eyeshadow: Zibska - Efina Lips: Pink Fuel - Top Gloss Nails: Kokolores - Light Nude Face Piercing: Yummy - Flower Necklace: Avaway - Cherry Ring: Moondance - Elizabeth Bouquet: NSP Florals - Dutch Rose Gown: Dead Dollz - Arcadia Gloves: CerberusXing - Iron Maiden Taylor Wassep Hair: DOUX - Uncombed Suit: Gabriel - Black Three Pieces Flowers: LODE - Southern Magnolia

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Scarl19 Darkmatter Hair: Dura - Boys&Girls 55 Jacket: Deadwool - The Dandy formal jacket Pants: Deadwool -The Dandy trouser Footwear: Deadwool - Formal shoes Boutonniere: Celestinas Designs - Boutonniere Diamond Roses Taylor Wassep Hair: Doux - Roger Suit: Deadwool - Peak Suit Flower: Celestinas Wedding - Boutonniere Diamond Roses ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 105

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Linda Reddevil Hair: NO MATCH - NO CALL Top: COCO - Sleeveless Sheer Top Pants: Elegance Boutique - Pina Drape: COCO - Maxi Vest Shoes: Hilly Haalan - Niki Bracelet: Mandala - Polly Crown: katat0nik - Gilded Rose Tiara Bouquet: Illusions - Long Stem Roses Rings: Absolut Vendetta - Juno Leezah Kaddour Skirt: ryvolter - Emmeline Maxi w/ Belt Top: FemmeFatale - Soraya Shirt Couture Shoes: Garbaggio - Wicked Platforms Choker: Zibska - Seraphine Hair: ILLMATIC - Frenchie

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Carley Benazzi Top: Rowne - Rikja Strapless Crop Bottom: Rowne - Emm Cigarette Pant Footwear: Phedora - Kylie Heels Hair: Monso My Hair - Jisu Accessory : Ersch - Harmony Headdress Accessory: Foxcity - Flowers 1 Accessory: DeadDollz - Mischeif Gloves Accessory: Lowen - Diamond Choker Trouble Dethly Outfit: Gabriel - Feather Tie Suit Hair: Dura - Dura Boy 70 ECLIPSE June 2017 | Page 109

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“Destination Wedding” Cubito Smit TOP: Deadwool - Peak suit Jacket & Tux Add On PANTS: Deadwool - Bounty Shorts & Belt HAIR: Tableau Vivant - Oliver Ombrebleue Winsmore Hair: Vanity Hair - I Do, Do I? Dress: PurpleMoon - Delilah Footwear: Glam Affair - Sally Sandals Bride Necklace: Mandala - Pearl-Rain-Season3 Earings: Yummy - Satin Bow & Pearls Set Flowers: Lode - Hand accessory - Southern Magnolia Tattoo: White Widow - Free Love Ring : Chop Zuey - Esme Plt Engagement Ring

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Wicca Merlin Gown: Azul - Sofia Gloves: Sweet Tea - Formal Gloves Essentials Hair: Exile - The Evening Lights Headpiece: Lode - Peony Double Facedeco: Codex - Shalyn Veil Jewelry: Avaway - Emmanuelle Ring: Kibitz - Karina Makeup: Zibska - Lennie IndiaAmari Dress: Tiptoes - Subtle Princess Dress Cream Hair: Analog Dog - Evolve Headband: LODE Head Accessory - Peony Double mix Shoes: Clair de Fleur - Spring Shoes Cream Socks: Tiptoes - Vintage Socks - Cream Glasses: Random.Matter - Yoongi Glasses Rose Bracelet: Cae - Engraved Bracelet Daughter Flower Basket: Dress shop - Rose Basket White

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Eros Foehammer Outfit: Meshmerized - Tuxedo Hair: Dura - Dura Boy 56 Trouble Dethly Outfit: Deadwool - Peak Suit Shoes: Deadwool - Monk Shoes Hair: Stealthic - Haunting Earring: Mandala - Taper Pierce Boutonniere: L&B - Pure Rose Page 114 | ECLIPSE June 2017

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Xandrah Sciavo - “Runway Bride” Gown: Bridal Lace Dress - Dead Dollz Headpiece: Paper Couture - Oversized Flower Headband Veil (modified) Veil: Viettel - Wedding Veil Tinna Hair: booN - Lab 007 Earrings: Paper Couture - South Sea Pearls and Diamonds Bracelet: Luxury Bracelet - Swallow Ring: Avaway - Lilian Ring

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the art perspective oema sheds insight on The geometric abstraction of Solkide Auer. written by

oema. photography by miele tarantal.

Abstract art is the most complex to review, understand and appreciate. It’s easy to figure out why: a realistic picture depicting maternity, for example, elicits empathy and emotions of tenderness, compassion, and love. The reason is the framework, as a whole, is more easily understood and, creates an immediate, direct emotional transition. This “emotional transition” is missing in the case of abstract art. In fact, abstract art has a niche with “fans” who can see perfection in the appearance of confusion. The realistic style tries to reproduce the surrounding reality: a flower, landscape, the face of a woman. Realism chases fidelity to detail, to be as real as possible, as if to chase the “perfection of photography.”

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This aspect of realism came into question after the invention of photography. Art began competing with photography, losing its original nature of “interpretation� of the surrounding reality. How can realism in art justify itself when photography can more easily, more quickly, and more accurately achieve the same, or better, result? Abstract art is a reaction to realism and its displacement by photography. Abstract art is the negation of reality and celebration of the (emotional) viewpoint of the artist. In abstract art shapes and colors dominate the scene, representing a stylistic and geometric perfection. The beauty of the succession of shapes and colors, visible even in fractal art, is an essential part of abstraction.

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In this issue, we look at the abstract artists Solkide Auer, whose geometric art installation, “AnotherWorld,” is featured at LEA26. The geometric abstraction is a particular type of abstract art which proposes geometric shapes combined with different colors. In abstract art, forms are confusing, the contours are deliberately not defined because the artist wants to “go beyond” reality to represent her (personal) idea of perfection. In geometric abstract art, forms are geometric shapescombined with different colors to create a unique and surreal setting.

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The beauty of Second Lif customization tools of g for example, scripts. In fa Solkide Auer adds move colors.

Geometric shapes and co the artist wants to represe to share with the audienc perfection.

Speaking of perfection, o keep in mind that everyo subjective idea of what i

fe® is that it offers great interest, such as, act, through them, ement to the shapes and

When visiting an abstract art installation, you have to think that you’re going to see perfection according to the artist’s perspective. In this case, to the perfection of Solkide Auer point of view.

olors are the reality that ent in a creative effort ce his (personal) idea of

The aspect that I find fascinating, in the geometric vision of this artist, is the introspective effort.

of course, you must one has his own it is.

He, through the shapes, colors, movement, and music, wants to take the viewer to a “plane of existence” that encourages contact with himself, in harmony with Life.

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The purpose of the artistic installation by Solkide Auer seems to be to put the viewer in harmony with himself or herself through shapes and colors that would serve as a repair function, as a “soul healer.” The installation consists of seven levels each with geometric shapes, colors, and movement buttons. Visitors access levels through two possible ways: using the guided tour, or by accessing each of them through ports which perform the function of teleport. Talking to Solkide, I learned he was born in SL® in 2007. He was immediately fascinated by the communicative possibilities of this virtual world and decided to learn the art of building. In 2007, mesh did not exist, so he learned to build with the traditional method, “brick by brick.” With the advent of mesh, Solkide also learned to use programs like Blender, Cinema 4D, and ZBrush, but traditional construction seems to be his favorite method. Auer is fascinated by sharing within the social aspects of SL®. The virtual platform reproduces the reality, the artist gives the maximum expressive possibilities and creates the space for sharing with great immediacy. Conveniently, from our home, we can visit an exhibition by an artist who lives on the other side of the planet! The temporal and spatial barriers are torn down, allowing the “residents” to live up to the social aspect. I invite you to visit the art installation by Solkide Auer which will run until June 25.

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ask noey: the advice guru

send your questions to noey here, and it might be in our next issue. written by noey ivy london fl

lower. photography by taylor wassep.

Dear Noey, I used to have a big group of friends, but everyone left SL for real life. Now, I just sit on my platform alone and change my clothes. What advice do you have for getting out there and meeting new people? Signed, Lonely Loretta Dear Loretta, The best way, and something I would do myself, would be to find a list of places that have events a few times a week and just join open conversations at local events! Be friendly. Don’t be afraid to “IM” a total stranger and compliment them. Be open to the fact that you may come across some total jerks, but I think you will find that most of the time people will be pretty gracious. You will have to put in some work when trying to make new friends. Just like “RL”, you have to just put yourself out there and be social. You have to go to the people, they won’t come to you. I think it’s also important to keep in contact with the friends who are busy with their real lives. True friendships have no borders. Friendships shouldn’t be limited and separated to each world. Get out, have fun and most importantly be yourself. Good Luck!!

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Dear Noey,

Dear Romantic Randy,

I have been friends with this woman for two years. Lately, we’ve been getting a lot closer, and I have developed feelings for her. I would like to see if she’s interested, but I’m afraid if she’s not, I’m going to lose our friendship. What should I do?

Honesty is truly the best policy. tells you on how to handle th go for it, then ask her if you g where you can talk to her. Liste side that doubts yourself. Be you have been feeling. You ne feeling the same way this who

Signed, Romantic Randy

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. Go with what your gut feeling he situation. IF it tells you to guys can set aside some time en to the positive side, not the confident. Let her know how ever know, she may have been ole time too. Don’t be pushy.

Respect that she may be apprehensive at first. A lot of times women like to play hard to get. They love a chase. You just have to do it tastefully and in a respectable manner. But, I highly suggest you tell her how you feel initially and then feel it out after. Let her know that you would never want to jeopardize your friendship. That even if she decides it’s not something she wants to venture into, that it won’t damper what you two already have. Be prepared that if she says No, it WILL sting. Remember...nothing in life that is worth it will be easy. Go for it! Life is short!

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Dear Noey, I was really good friends with this one girl and then she decided to spread secrets and lies about me. To add insult to injury, she broke the girl code and is currently dating my ex-boyfriend. The worst part is she appears sweet and innocent to many of our mutual friends, so they don’t see the devious side to her. Because I am now uncomfortable around her, I feel like I’m losing my friends. Is there anything I can do? Signed, Jilted Juliet Dear Jilted Juliet, Sadly SecondLife seems to be filled with people who think it’s highly acceptable to do things that they probably won’t consider doing in the real world. Confronting her and letting her know that spreading rumors about you is not something you signed up for in a friendship. Friends don’t spread rumors about friends. If she can’t own up to the responsibility of what she did, then she does not deserve to be in that friendship with you. Two faced people always get found out. It may not be immediate, but it always comes full circle. Dating your ex....that is something that should have been talked about. She should have come to you letting you know her feelings and intentions, and if you are not OK with that, then she needs to understand that there are repercussions. If she doesn’t come to you, and it’s still eating you up, then you need to let her know that you are not OK with how she decided to handle things. It doesn’t sound like she was a true friend to begin with anyways. If lies and back stabbing are her morals, then be glad that the relationship ended. There is enough toxicity in SL, that you don’t need to have it in your immediate circle. Either way you will have to try to learn to let it go so that you can enjoy your SL. There’s always great new friends to be found out there! Second Life is full of amazing possibilities! Good Luck and stay true to who you are and never let anyone make you a doormat!

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Voices from the g

Voices From the Grid is a monthly survey of opinions and ideas of Second Life® residents on the salient issues of the day. For this month, we asked various people in Second Life, “What is the best part about you?” This is what they had to say.


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Static Ghost An on again off again blogger, Static Ghost has been trying his hand at new things for the better part of a decade now in Second Life. With a new found dedication and interest he is changing his outlook and becoming much more active with his blog. Whether burying himself in his inventory or engrossing himself in multiple types of roleplay, he is constantly keeping busy. Most days you can find him, if he is ever off of his homeland, in clubs such as Woods and Energy listening to the hottest house music. I will do my best to dial back my self-worship with this question, just kidding. If I had to choose one quality about myself that I appreciate most when I am in Second Life it is that I stay true to what I like and don’t allow myself to be too influenced by others. I am far from flawless and am in no way saying that I think that my tastes are the best but over the years I have seen so many people change who they were just to please others. Never have I, nor never will I allow myself to change just so I can fit in or be accepted by others. This belief carries over into my work. I will always do what I enjoy, and I will not show something that I would not personally want to promote. I think that in life, and especially Second Life, it is important to always stay true to ourselves and to respect who we are and what makes us individuals. I don’t try to stand out by shining the brightest, I simply try to be myself and that way when I know I am accepted by others, I know it is for the right reasons. In closure, I’m pretty awesome all around so narrowing this down to one thing was a bit difficult. Did I mention I’m quite sarcastic? The first sentence of this paragraph was pure satire. Loosen up, kick back, enjoy every day. Check out his Blog. Check out his Flickr. Photograph by Static Ghost.

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Anita Anita (Mvtive Resident) is a Mood/emotion, blogger/ photographer here in Second Life. She has been doing photography for about threeyears now. She is takes pride in her photography, though she thinks there are many others who outshine her skills. Anita uses photography as a form of self-expression if sad, she would do moody images; shadowy, dull, and gloomy, but if she is happy then she opts for bright fun colors! Filters galore is her nickname, she claims with a laugh. The best thing about me? hmm, I would particularly say my ambition, I am motivated when it comes to pushing photography limits here in Second Life. I love the sense of fashion and self-expression. Colors are a big thing for me. Art to me on Second Life is makeor-break because it can either be just enough or too much. My ambition helps me push past a lot of barriers that I wouldn’t normally do. I am a pretty shy person here on Second Life, but I think art changes that. It’s like giving me another voice outside of the one I have inside of my head if you get what I mean. When I think of the best thing of me. I am proud because it gives me my name here on Second Life. My inworld name is Mvtive Resident because the motivation was one of the things I struggled with for a while and also because, well, motive wasn’t available lol. But being motivated to finish things after I start them and to keep going with them was something I struggled with for a while. I usually get bored with things pretty fast but photography is always that one thing that I have always seemed to come back to and never get tired of. every photographer surely takes breaks when they have a burnout” period but it’s always up to you personally to find the motivation to keep going! Check out her Flickr. Check out her Blog. Photograph by Anita.

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Thea TheaDee found the world of Second Life in February, 2011 thanks to a musician friend. She can frequently be seen at live music performances, art openings, and exploring the grid when not building, rebuilding or decorating places at Eyefliez and the neighboring Chiaroscuro Isle where she is an estate manager. She is an avid Second Life photographer with work at her two gallery locations and a director and performer for Guerilla Burlesque. See Thea’s art at Wawata Gallery at The Village at Eyefliez and Nova Albion. Explore Eyefliez and Chiaroscuro Isle. Follow Thea on Flickr and Facebook. The short-ish answer is: I am good at building relationships and taking part in building communities and networks. The longer version: Throughout my life, I have always loved getting to know new people and learning what they like, what they do, and who they are. I like to listen to people tell their stories and enjoy learning about the world in which I live. I seek out information about available resources and file them away, literally and figuratively, for future reference so when someone says “I wish I knew more about <a thing>,” or “I wonder where I can get <a thing>,” I can try to help them with the information they need to move forward. I enjoy introducing people who are like-minded in hoped that they will

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connect and form friendships or pr both.

I was happy to discover that these s to Second Life! When I got here, I lo could share experiences and comm and vibrant communities full of rea part of their very real lives in the vir wonderful stories and some difficu willing to share their lives with me.

I have had the good fortune of gett group of people in the live music, d communities. I have offered my kn these communities in the best way on in the Idle Rogue community an and director in the Guerilla Burlesq there. They were the first people to experiences I had prior to joining S Who knew that I would find a way t and theatre stage management ski environment?

Once I realized that, it became a go


roductive working relationships, or

same things could be applied ooked for people with whom I mon interests and found diverse al people who have chosen to live rtual world. I have heard many ult ones and am grateful people are .

ting to know a wonderful dance, art, and content creation nowledge and abilities to enhance ys I know how. I landed very early nd now enjoy being a performer que dance troupe that performs o help me realize that skills and Second Life could be useful here. to use those event planning ill sets to help others in a virtual

oal of mine to find ways to use

those abilities to foster a sense of community and creativity for others. I feel that the best example of this is the growth of Ground Zero Music and Art, a live music and visual art space that I opened with GMetal Svartur in October, 2011. Now it is an ever-evolving community of musicians and artists that we call The Village at Eyefliez. Because of a friendship that developed with GMetal when we met at other live music venues, and our combined resources, we now are able to offer art gallery and performance spaces to others and help them realize their visions and goals. I have been told by others that they see me as a resource person and they come to me because I know where to find things or who they can go to if they want to get things done. This is one of the best compliments I can receive. I love it when the opportunity presents itself to introduce someone to a community that is a great fit or when I can introduce two people who become friends. I feel that facilitating these connections and helping others realize their goals and dreams is the best thing about me and it is something I am proud to be able to do. Networking and community are powerful things and more than words on a page. They are the things that keep me engaged in Second Life. If you are interested in this too, feel free to look me up. Photograph by TheaDee.

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Jayde Gypsy-Eden Jayde Gypsy-Eden (user Jayde Askari) started Second Life in September 2010. She is an amateur photographer, blogger, and dancer. She recently opened her own pose and shape store called Pink Kitten. Jayde is the executive officer, a host and a burlesque dancer at Creamy’s Spot, and a dancer with The Night Theatre. Her guilty pleasures are helping other residents, dancing, shopping, and as her friends will confirm, anything pink and cat related. This is a tough question to answer! I spoke to a few close friends, trying to find my way around the answer, as I believed my heart was the best thing about me. I did not want to come across as narcissistic, but some friends and acquaintances validated my thoughts. I really enjoy helping people, be it with new projects, running a sim, or just helping to pick an outfit. Possibly my favourite thing is helping new residents with their look and guiding them around the grid. I love being with my friends...making them happy and seeing their joy, but just as importantly, being there for them when they are not feeling so optimistic. They say treat people as you wish to be treated. Someone close to me described me as follows: “The things that add up to be you are all on display, and when you get close (to people) you don’t seem to hold back parts of yourself. You are very open. Sadly, it means you can be easily hurt sometimes...but, somehow, it doesn’t stop you from bouncing back to be the same you all over again. I guess it’s resilience.” It’s true, I am easily hurt, but I don’t allow myself to hide in a bubble forever. I don’t judge people. I admire them for their choices, often brave ones. Ones I am not sure I could ever put myself in. The world would be an incredibly boring place if we were all the same. I’m loyal and won’t abandon ship at the first sign of trouble. I may get defensive, but I won’t leave those I care about. I will stand proudly by their sides. Second Life has taught me a lot about myself. I’d like to thank Eclipse Magazine for the invitation to participate, which has offered me an opportunity to reflect on how I see myself in this world...and how others see me as well. Check out her Blog, Flickr, Facebook, Marketplace and in-world Store. Photograph by Jayde Gypsy-Eden.

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Abi Latzo In Abi Latzo’s first years in Second Life she had a supportive partner who helped her start a clothing business, which is marketplace based, using full perm builder packs. Abi returned to Second Life in May 2015, after quite a serious illness, needing to recuperate. She found her concentration levels were pretty much nonexistent, so through a friend she found Flickr, and fell in love with photography! As her Flickr stream grew along with her confidence she started a blog and with that she was lucky to start to get sponsors. She’s still learning and very critical of her own work, but she keeps going! Wow OK, not an easy question for me to answer but I will give it my best shot! What is the best thing about you? Well if I have to choose only one thing, I think it’s been my ability to adapt, in both Second Life and in my real life. I came back to Second Life in 2015 after I had been diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, I was seriously ill for some months and at death’s door when I was finally admitted to hospital in April 2015, after the doctors found out what was wrong with me, and slowly the medication started to work for me, I was released and told to recuperate, not realizing this would actually take me nearly a year to do so. At this moment in time my Crohn’s is active again and I am currently waiting for funding for a new ‘super drug’ to help keep me away from the surgeons knife! I really wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my loving and supportive family, my mum, daughter and son. In Second Life, I am growing as an artist, although my tools are limited to Second Life windlight, and PicMonkey, I have never been able to master Photoshop I just can’t ‘click’ with that program for some reason, so I use those other tools, along with projectors in Second Life, as I do personally prefer the more natural snapshot look, although I do edit and make what I call ‘arty’ pics at times. Adapting to blogging, that has taken me a while, I still don’t understand a bit about it, but I’m learning, self taught in most things I do. Maybe the biggest adaption I am making is the fact that I am being noticed more in Flickr and my blogs, being asked to be part of such amazing magazines such as this, and one other which is in the pipeline but I can’t comment more on that, even though I am super super excited about it! Check out her Blog, Flickr and Marketplace. Photograph by Wicca Merlin.

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Moodylin Moodylin [Moodylin Resident] started playing Second Life a little over a year ago. She started out her adventure wanting to own a club. She kept things up and running for a little over 10 months but still felt empty and wanted more. Then blogging came around. It happen by accident, a friend sent her a link to an application and jokingly she applied. Later that night she was contacted and accepted her first sponsor. Two months later she has now 8 sponsors. She is creative and loves photography, shopping, blogging, dancing, meeting new people and exploring life. She loves learning new things and collecting experiences. While she is ingame and not blogging you can usually find her dancing around, taking photos, hanging with her sisters, or at the newest events shopping like a wild woman. A few of her favorite stores are Blueberry, Addams, Apple May, Truth, Reign, Dela, Lamb, Asteria, TETRA, and many more this is just to name a few. The best thing about me is my heart. I believe in the good, in forgiveness, in generosity, and in rule #32 - enjoy the little things. I see people as blessings and this life as a beautiful gift. I know the world is flawed, I have had my fair share of pain and disappointment, but I still chose to love and be loved. I love so deeply, and I continue, even after tears and brokenness. If you knock me down I will get back up. I have no problem reaching out to others, offering to help, or be there for my friends and loved ones when needed. I will smile and wave to random strangers. I will give you the shirt off my back, I see people as opportunities—opportunities for love, for connection, for relationships, for growth, for happiness. No matter how many times I have had my heartbroken I refuse to let it discourage me, I learn from my mistakes and keep moving forward. My heart is golden I do not keep it locked up hidden from the world. I wear it on my sleeve. I believe if you share the love then love is what you will receive. All it takes is a simple smile to change someone’s day. Check out her Facebook. Check out her Flickr. Check out her Blog. Photograph by Moodylin.

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THE adventures o

written by miele tarantal. photography by miele

“The Adventures of...” is a monthly feature by Miele Tarantal showcasing some of the most aesthetic places in Second Life®. Those desert towns... the ones you pass by on your way to somewhere else... someone lives there. Road runners kick up dust into hot dry sage scented air... tumbleweeds scamper down melting streets that disappear like black rainbows into mirages of rising gas. The sound of steel guitar and the smell of leather. Next time we won’t miss the offramp; we’ll stop, toss back a few shots and spend the night sleeping under the ghostly songs of coyotes.


e tarantal.

Visit The Last Forever in-world.

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