ECLIPSE Magazine October 2020

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a n d r a u s

O c t o b e r

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s h o c k i n g

Contents 106.


Wicca Merlin introduces us to world of Kpop in Second




Featuring five amazing places to explore with your friends.

PROUST SPOTLIGHT With the talented Ana Kiyori.



With the talented live sin Ve J


THROUGH THE LENS Featuring their KPop inspired stylings.

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THE KITCHEN CORNER Mac Massimo chefs it up with “Hiker’s Beef Stew.”


Asked the same question, what residents have to



Andraus & Shocking





Cajsa Lilliehook

Join the Wayfarer as he explores Paris for Ara.

o the Life.





nger, Joyy.

Featuring roleplay community, Arcadia.



, see o say.

Featuring the work of Judilynn and Masako.

ECLIPSE Magazine is dedicated to not only offering an aesthetically pleasing publication, but to also be considered a platform that offers rich and relevant content. Each month, we showcase residents and groups that have taken the concept of “your world, your imagination” to such great heights that they have impacted the culture and lifestyle of the Second Life community. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 11

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executive team

Trouble dethly Publisher

minnie fae dethly

cajsa lilliehook

june fallon


Assistant Editor

Creative Director

Copy Editor

Content Manager

the c



Cajsa Lilliehook Gidge Uriza Minnie Fae Dethly Taylor Wassep Wicca Merlin

Cassie Middles Geena Carminucci Gidge Uriza Hayden Dethly Mac Massimo Minnie Fae Dethly Taylor Wassep Wicca Merlin

stylists Cassie Middles Hayden Dethly Minnie Fae Dethly Taylor Wassep Wicca Merlin

interested in advertising with eclipse? have an idea for a great story? looking to start a new career in second life? email


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Welcome to the October issue of ECLIPSE Magazine! For the past few weeks I have been considering whether or not I should move this magazine from a monthly publication to bimonthly. While I do enjoy ECLIPSE, it has been stressful. Right after I publish an issue (and often times during the layout process), I have already begun planning the next. There is no down time. I did ask my friends for their input, and Ara also helped me decide what is best for me. She is always supportive of me and everything I do, and she has seen first hand how stressed I am with every issue. It was a difficult decision because I have been doing this for close to six years now; however, I did ultimately decide to publish every other month. The magazine will release on February, April, June, August, October and December. I actually had planned to publish on the first of October; however, there was a bit of an issue with a contributor. Thankfully, Taylor was able to step in and help me get the content needed for this issue. As they do every month, the entire team did fantastic, and I am grateful to work with such talented and hard working people. Moving forward, I do hope to publish on the first. For this issue, there are a couple Kpop inspired pieces. My friend June and I did have a Kpop event last month, plus Blackpink did drop their album on October 2nd, so it seemed appropriate. For places to go, we focused on Halloween activities. Incidentally, I am doing an interactive Trick or Treat neighborhood with my friends again this year. I am happy to showcase Andraus Thor and Shocking Wonder on the cover and to share their story. They are an incredible and talented couple, who have always been so supportive of everything I have done. It truly is an honor to feature them, and I love the cover piece Cajsa wrote. We have eleven pieces this month, and I do hope you enjoy this issue. Happy Readings!

letter from the PUBLI


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places to go

“Places to Go” is a monthly feature showcasing some of the best sims to visit for activities in Second Life®. Gather your group of friends as ECLIPSE Magazine presents it’s TOP 5 picks for the best Halloween experiences on the grid. Hover over each photo to get your landmark. Still want more places to go? Be sure to check out the SL Destination Guide, as they have a full category dedicated to the grid’s most haunted places.

All Ha

The sim aesthetic is a fantastic combination of autu undercurrent. There is a “Theatre on the Hill� where film. They have also created a dedicated parcel th occasional selection of horror stories. Be sure to Page 34 | ECLIPSE October 2020


umn coziness mingled with the haunting Halloween e each week they will play a different classic horror hat streams old time radio tales mixed in with the o explore the sim to discover the hidden details. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 35


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This is one of the most highly detailed and fun Halloween Trick or Treating, the pumpkin patch, pet & ride at the st Nana’s Table at the Motel and everything in between. Wh around the sim that you click and discover, 60 haunted m with gifts‌ the generous and talented people be

wurst Way

n themed places on the grid. There is so much to do from tables, SAUSAGE picking ripe from the vine to dining at ho doesn’t love gifts? There are Free to Find items hidden murder bags that randomly appear throughout the sim ehind -RC- Cluster truly have outdone themselves.

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Whymsee Ha

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Take a tour of the bayou with the automated numerous haunted houses that line the water an specially made Haunted Ride. If that is not enoug that first requires you to get your witch on and b nine Wims, a glorious priz

aunted Bayou

tour boat, each one sits four people. Visit the nd be sure to check out their gaming area with a gh to get you to visit, there is an interactive hunt brew a potion to begin the hunt. If you collect all ze awaits you in the end!

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MadPea’s Ha

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After a night spent trick or treating, you (the p mansion‌ and thus, it begins. The hunt does co quality of the 20+ designer prizes and the interact MadPea team, they have created a one of a kind H to equally thr

alls of Horror

protagonist) find yourself before a mysterious ost 300L$ but it is a small price tag to pay for the tive experience. Brought to you by the innovative Halloween hunt and market adventure that is sure rill and terrify.

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Merge Hallo

Returning for the sixth time with their live charact at Merge presents Carnival Graveyard. Gather you this one of a kind immersive experience. This yea years previous, it will certainly be Page 42 | ECLIPSE October 2020

oween Haunt

ter interactive halloween haunt, the fantastic team ur group of friends and head on over to the sim for ar they take you to an abandoned fun fair and like e a terrifying and haunting time. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 43

Hayden dethly Page 44 | ECLIPSE October 2020

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Second Life in Techni photography by shocking wonder, cassie middles & GEENA CARMINUCCI. writt

icolor en by cajsa lilliehook.

There is a metaphor in Andraus Thor’s introduction to Second Life. When he joined back in early 2008, his computer was not up to the requirements for a good experience and he saw everything in shades of gray. Surprisingly enough, he still enjoyed chatting with people for six months before he got a new computer and saw SL as it is full of color and beauty. It makes me think of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that opens in sepia-toned Kansas until Dorothy walks out her front door into technicolor Oz. Second Life is Oz and really, it can be as fantastical and magical as that famed fantasyland. As Andraus describes it, “from that moment a new vision opened up for me on a totally new world; an astounding scenario, all to be explored with an infinite range of chances at all levels. Since that day everything has become colorful and beautiful. I remember the first thing I went to visit, it was my RL city rebuilt here on SL.” His second day, he met two people who are still his friends, “my digital ‘brothers in arms’ (but also RL): Elwe and Marcel (I love you!), brilliant human beings, with whom I still get lost for hours chatting, talking about collaborations, points of view, RL and everything that can be a real relationship.” He added, “I also want to mention Mark, a fantastic person who was really very important to me; sadly he left both lives.” This seems such a common theme in Second Life friendships, that the most enduring happen right at the beginning. Are we more open and accepting of new friends when we first arrive? Why do so many of our first few friends remain our best friends? Do our readers know the answer? For Shocking Wonder, his partner in his first and Second Life, it seems that her SL began for her when she met Andraus. It had to be early in their Second Life for both of them because they met at a freebie store. Andraus described Page 50 | ECLIPSE October 2020

meeting her as though a light was turned on, kind of like Dorothy leaving her house and arriving in Oz. Andraus and Shocking have built a life together in both lives. He is a creator, the creative force behind his eponymous store Thor. Shocking has a blog named Shocking Wonder’s Virtual World Lifestyle, one with a strong focus on decor and frequently featuring her partner’s creations. Full disclosure, I featured Shocking Wonder in my column at New World Notes recently. It was purely coincidental. They support each other’s efforts. Shocking blogs about Andraus’ creations. Andraus’ has taught Shocking photoshop skills to enhance her blog. There is synergy in their relationship, a truth about all good relationships. The whole is greater than the individual parts. Together they are more than they are alone. They live in technicolor. Andraus was hooked on creating from the beginning though he did not go where he first intended to go. His initial plan was to amplify his real-life avocation — music. He imagined he and his band giving concerts and live performances in our virtual world, something that has become quotidian, but then was much more innovative. But other things distracted him and he set that dream aside to pursue his skills in graphic arts. His first life work was and continues to be in graphic design. This led him to creating a series of textures for various applications. It was a short step from there to creating objects. With advice and mentorship from various friends, he began building. “The ‘beauty’ of the shapes filled my eyes, even if it was still time for ‘prims & sculpts.’” Even then he admired the fantastical creations of this world and imagined distant worlds that people created despite the limitations of prims and sculpts.

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Shocking separates her early SL experience from her “real” Second Life — “the one I recognize myself in, began later when I moved to the city where Andraus lived and I freed myself from the mental constraints that my situation caused me.” She became interested in blogs and photographs, following others, and learning from them. She had always been interested in fashion and furniture. “As a child, I always said I wanted to be a fashion designer or window dresser for shops.” She started experimenting with styling looks and getting to know the fashion scene, familiarizing herself with the shops and designers. She wanted to create a “style” that she felt was uniquely hers. Once she felt confident in her own style, she started a blog. “I had no notion of photography or editing software, so at first I created the look and looked for the right backdrop, especially by shooting for sims or sometimes trying to build sets myself, then I took the picture and Andraus helped me with the editing in photoshop.” Andraus joined Second Life in a transitional period. Mesh was still in the future and voice was new. When mesh arrived, though, it was another shift for him, like Dorothy walking out that door. He wanted to understand how things were made and learning a bit here and there from in-world creators, he decided to take his 2-D graphic skills to the Third Dimension. “So I started with a mix: building prims inworld, meshing everything via script (there was no way at that time to export prims outworld yet), then transposing it outside of Second Life for texturing, and then reimporting everything.” At that time, it was just a mental exercise, making little things that were useful to him and his circle of friends, adding details that could not be achieved with prims for shapen and land impact. While he was learning, he met and became close friends with Ichtyo Broome, a scripter

and a lover of culture, beauty, and the “less is more” aesthetic. He persuaded Andraus to open a shop to market the objects he had built. Andraus deprecates that work as “immature creations if you look with today’s eyes, but with their own sense.” From then on, he kept working, learning, and creating. He learned new software applications to better translate his visions into reality. He spent many hours working through tutorials. He is an autodidact and a strong believer in learning by doing, by making mistakes, and trying again. “As in all natural life slowly discover that if you really want, there are no limits to the possibilities, but we are our only limited by our imagination. From then until today, today where everything is constantly evolving: new software, new things to learn every day from anyone who has something to say, We can all be teachers and students at the same time, always with due humility.” He named his brand Thor, using his last name. This worked well as it fit the steel and wood aesthetic of his work. He had an older logo that was a bit more sci-fi, but changed it about a year ago to give people an idea of what to expect from his store in terms of style and materials. He kept working, making things conceived by his imagination and guided by Ichtyo Broome, particularly aesthetically. Andraus and Ichtyo still have a continuous conversation about their views, suggestions, comparisons, and even differences of opinion, but always in a positive, purposeful way. Ichtyo creates bespoke scripts for Andraus’ work, so this exchange of ideas bears fruit in their virtual creations. Shocking was also working on her skills, learning to pose and situate the avatar, set the scene, and do the editing well. She documented her steps and her work as well as studying fashion photographs and blogs ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 53

from both first and Second Life. This actually ignited an unexpected passion for decorating. “Decorating is one of the things I love the most. I can feel ‘myself’, without limits. What makes me happy is to create a scene, thinking about a situation, starting from a detail, a building or a piece of furniture and creating, in my head, a story that can work ... seeing that what I had in mind takes shape, it looks “alive” ... it’s exciting.”

For Andraus, his work was constantly growing and his skills improving. He threw himself into what he described as “maniacal research into exquisite patterns, rich and precious materials, the color blends, the texture’s reflections melange, the harmony of lines, all this led me to approach vintage style, and now, everything in my head is a passion for the vintage; I think vintage style, if done with the proper details, always has the power to charm.”

It does not always fall into place for her. Sometimes she doesn’t like something and starts again from scratch. Sometimes it takes days for her to get a scene that works for her. ”I’d like to have more time, indeed I would not have time limits (obviously due to RL work and all the things to do in daily life).”

His main source of inspiration has been his RL country house he and his children are the third and fourth generations to call home. “My roots: a forge of ideas and old things with a taste of tradition, things that have a soul and that they have something to tell for those who can “see” beyond the object itself ... all I do are things that I have in

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my RL in that house or in his cellar, or things that I would like in my RL or that I would buy if I saw them inworld.” Shocking has the most fun during the creative process of finding inspiration, “which can come from a photograph I find on the web, from a furniture magazine, from a music video or from places visited in RL.” She loves paying attention to the details so the environment looks as though someone really lives there. She also enjoys the post-processing. For her, the editing is what makes the pictures, even more, part of her. She likes adding the light, the sun’s reflection, and other realistic details. She wants her settings and pictures to tell a story that reaches the viewer. “I always hope that people feel what I want to tell and

can recognize themselves or a part of their story.” Story is a big part of Andraus’ work process. He often begins by writing down a story, perhaps a fragment that illustrates a slice of life. From there, he begins his research either through his memory or old images or objects. He also collects ideas and patterns online, historical studies of the materials and objects that existed contemporaneously. Sometimes a movie sparks an idea. “I usually start from a first skimming made of images and ideas written and drawn (my second but oldest passion) together with Shocking, who is my inspirational muse and the one who now always has the idea of h ​​ ow things should be together and why.” ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 55

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From there, he moves on to 3D modeling with the primary textures. Andraus usually uses Cinema 4D, with some ‘deviations’ on 3dstudioMax, Substance Painter and Photoshop. He occasionally uses Adobe Illustrator to trace some vectors which will then be extruded. Focusing on the materials and using the right materials for the time. Then he moves on to refining what he has put together, tossing what does not work. Then he moves to the final texturing which is what sets the work apart. “In all these passages there is always the elegant touch, but above all the brain of Shocking, who is always very inspired, being she is a great decorator (one of the best around in my opinion in the whole metaverse) and totally smart.” Recently more and more of the texturing process has moved to Shocking’s hands. Working side by side in real life, they find a common purpose. Her contribution has had a strong impact on the business, allowing greater productivity in the same amount of time. “I don’t like to do “too much quantity at the expense of quality, I always prefer to give my best at the cost of doing something less.” Sharing the work has made increased productivity possible with no loss of quality. Shocking began helping out of a desire to contribute to the family business, THOR. She describes the same evolution in skills, from initially contributing to designing the set, trying to define a theme or common thread that ensured the different pieces harmonized. She loves clutter and has definitely pushed more clutter into the decor sets. She may have had an ulterior motive, wanting clutter for her blogging sets. For the past few months, she has done almost all the textures. She has also watched many YouTube tutorials and followed official software support columns. She is now starting to learn mesh using Substance Painter. “I hope to acquire more knowledge and to be able to make an even more decisive contribution to the shop, which is now “a family thing”. “ Andraus continues to have a primary career outside of SL while continuing to build the store “with a number of hours that I can no longer even count but the satisfaction and improvement in my work, the happiness of my faithful customers — all this totally pays back the effort, and I must say that SL is currently for me and my family a good financial aid for everyday life.” Andraus and Shocking are one of the many successful and thriving first life marriages that began as a Second Life romance. They met in a freebie store of all places. Andraus saw someone giving directions in his native language. He profiled perved and saw she was just a few months into SL. Impressed that she was so advanced despite her recent rez date, he was intrigued. They began chatting and discovered many commonalities, such as a love for Nineties grunge and a distaste for conformity. So yes, one of the most important developments in their lives began in a freebie store. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 57

They wrote about what they mean to each other with such vulnerability and love that it would feel indecent to snip, edit, or otherwise dress it up. Let’s just let them speak for themselves. According to Andraus: From there began immediately a great friendship and a strong bond, which became stronger every day, having met a person who, mentally, met so much my tastes and points of view across the board, a sweet but decisive person , strong but with its fragility at the same time ... we found each other by chance and from that moment on, we never left each other for a minute alone, always side by side in everything and for everything as we still do. From one thing, something arises, and after having known each other better, and having also met in RL despite the great distance that separated us, the decision to stay together and live our emotions was unanimous and without uncertainty (also thanks to Mark, who is was the one who gave the “blessing” to the thing, advising us for the best: thanks again and forever!) .... today she is my partner, the light of my eyes, the mother of my daughter (RL) and the companion that every man would like at his side, a person so exceptional that it is difficult to find the right words if not falling into obviousness ... I could summarize it more simply with the word “everything”, without fear of exaggerating. My partner, my love, my life .... “partner in crime” for anything. A great person in all. According to Shocking: I know that when we first met in RL (it wasn’t easy at all) I felt “at home” for the first time, like if everything that had been there before that had made me suffer no longer mattered. I believe I was not really myself until I met him, I think I hid myself, forcing myself to be what others wanted, making bad and hasty decisions at the expense of my happiness and well-being. Andraus is an honest, transparent person, without ulterior motives and malice; for him simple things are important, family and respect for people, he does not brood or fear the judgment of others, this means that he is “the certainty” for me, because unlike him, I am always in conflict with myself , never confident in my abilities and mulling over a lot. He also has a great sense of humor, which I discovered I have too, over the years and that often makes us laugh, especially at night (I don’t know why) up to stomach ache. For me the future is only with him, I can’t imagine anything different, I like to think that in ten years we will still be here talking about mesh, photography, music and laughing again (at night lol). Page 58 | ECLIPSE October 2020

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In his free time, Andraus delights in reading, staying informed on the web, and listening to music. He still loves to go into SL, to explore new sims and appreciate the talent and imagination of our world’s many creators. He continues to love how SL brings together so many different people from all around the world into a creative community. In his early days, he loved to go to clubs, but now he rarely goes clubbing. “In the meantime I have met many people, and with some of them I still have strong deep intimate bounds, (even meeting in RL and spending holidays together, strong bounds that still remain strong year after year.” Shocking’s free time is divided between photography and 3d texturing. She also likes to listen to rock/grunge/metal music and watch TV. She likes to read biographies and books about the grunge music scene. “Let’s say that when you play Second Life, there is little time left to do anything else, photography and the shop take a lot of time, considering that most of the day is dedicated to rl work (which I don’t like at all so I don’t talk about it lol.)” Shocking works congruently in her first and Second lives by following a simple and universal rule, treat others as you wish to be treated. That “Golden Rule” has been expressed in countless cultures and faiths. She added, “I don’t like bullying attitudes and nonsense chatter, plus I think there’s always room for kindness, because sometimes, a kind word can change the day. Like everyone, I don’t like being treated badly or with disdain, so I try never to do it with others.” Bahai: “Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.” Buddhism: “Do not offend others as you would not want to be offended.” Christianity: “In everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you. For this sums up the law and the prophets.” Confucianism: “Is there one word which can serve as the guiding principle for conduct throughout life?” Confucius said, “It is the word altruism (shu). Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.” Hinduism: “This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.” Islam: “None of you are true believers until you love for your brother what you love for yourself.” Jainism: “One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated.” Judaism: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary.” Sikhism: “I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all.” Taoism: “Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.” Zoroastrianism: “Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself.” ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 61

Andraus notes the changes in Second Life since he rezzed. He mentions that he gets messages from people who are nostalgic from the older SL, the simpler SL of prims and flexis. For him, though, it’s a matter of adapting ourselves. “Everything changes, and if you know how to read the change, you can reap the full benefit possible from this.” He adds that we must be like chameleons constantly adapting to the waves of change. He wisely noted the world would change whether we adapt or not. It does not wait for us, “but it is we who must know how to adapt, keeping the best of the past, but exploiting the best of what will be, keeping us informed and trying to understand, and not just to be understood. Being understood is not something to be taken for granted if you are not ready to understand everything that surrounds us, it is a give and take, as with everything.” He will not spend his time regretting what is past and will not return. Shocking notes how Second Life has changed her life, after all without SL, she would never have met Andraus. “Sometimes I can’t believe it’s been eleven years…” She notes the many people who have “broadened my horizons and led me to understand that I can choose to do something I really love, that life is not just duties.” She adds that SL can be a great way to understand what you really like to do. “It’s not a video game, it’s a parallel world of endless and mind-blowing possibilities. Probably without SL, besides not meeting the love of my life, I would never have learned to use a software to edit photos or I never thought of using a 3d program. What I discovered, the love for photography, the blog, the fact of sharing the shop with my partner and all the challenges that this entails, changed me as a person.” She adds that over the years she has met people from different cultures and nationalities. She has come to admire and respect many bloggers, photographers, and creators who have inspired her and given her the impetus to start her own blog. A particularly close friend is Aida Ewing of Glam Affair with whom she shares daily conversations. “We exchange opinions, we talk about our feelings, we make serious speeches but also funny jokes. She is one of the people who can understand if I am sad or angry with a simple ‘hello’.” She also taught Shocking Page 62 | ECLIPSE October 2020

a lot about PhotoShop, sometimes for hou recent years I have also met a group of blogg photographers, what I call my “BBS”: Hara, Ex Justine, Lara, Vega, Callie: they are all incredi photographers and bloggers, all different an who have helped to enrich my Second Life, b person and as a photographer, for me it is on bonds that exist regardless, even if you don’t other very much but you know that there are

For Shocking, one of the most profound ch her SL experience is that what was once a a found recreational activity has become an part of her life. Many of the recent changes mesh and bento advancements and the sp viewers for photos and machinima have in her passions. “The biggest challenge was to courage within me to start doing something really liked, believing it. I believe that SL can b means, for the open-mindedness that gives y you can test yourself and improve even in RL

When Andraus thinks of Second Life, is tha who check out this particular part of the m should stick it out without giving up at the difficulty. He agrees that at first sight, Seco seems difficult. It’s rewards and pleasures a immediate and there is a lot to learn. He ag interface is not friendly, but he adds, “unlik set game, we are the ones who write the plot tomorrow will be SL .. a bit like being the l of our own world. We decide how our tomorr be on this platform, with our actions and our doing.”

He adds that getting to know people is eas SL, though some friendships will not be as and lasting as in first life. However, he think bonds can be solid if you make the effort. H it as reflecting who we are in our first life, a extension of our real lives. “We must know h listen before being great speakers, because it made up of many people, all different, and co from different places with different experienc and different customs and social behaviors. I flexibility, but once you get into the right pers it’s easy to be able to fully enjoy all that our w give us.”

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LINKS Shocking Wonder In-World Profile Shocking Wonder Flickr Shocking Wonder Blog Andraus Thor In-World Profile Thor In-World Store Thor Marketplace Thor Flickr Thor Facebok Page

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through the lens


Each issue, ECLIPSE Magazine invites the many talented photographers from Second Life to collaborate. With this piece, they style, create and share a glimpse through their lens. For this addition, Hayden Dethly and Taylor Wassep have been playing Blackpink’s newest album release on repeat and show us their best KPop inspired work.

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Photographer: Hayden Dethly

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Photographer: Taylor Wassep

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Photographer: Taylor Wassep

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the proust spotli

photography by a

The Proust Spotlight is our monthly feature where we highlight one of the many creative residents of Second Life®. Utilizing the Proust Questionnaire, whose namesake comes from the late 19th century French writer, we will offer a glimpse into what makes them tick. The blogger we feature this month is the talented Ana Kiyori. She shares, “I have started Second Life with my RL sister 12 years ago because we had read in a magazine that it’s like Sims but online. We figured out pretty quickly that was not true but we somehow still kept playing it. I was even underage back then, but always loved the freedom of choices you could have on your avatar and that everyone can look unique! Photography, blogging & my friends are what kept me still logging to this day.”


ana kiyori.

What is your ideal of perfect happiness? Having around me people that I can trust and who love me the way I am! Also having a lot of pets,mostly dogs but any pet really.. Dogs give you unconditional love that sometimes not even people do! What do you consider your greatest achievement? Having my own shopping event and being a blogger for some of my most favorite brands & events in SL. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? As Lana Del Rey, of course,that’d be my wish! Otherwise I see myself being a lazy,clumsy dog,100%! What do you most value in your friends? Honesty, loyalty & devotion. I never hold a grudge to people I really care about and love but if they can’t be honest with me or loyal as I am to them,or if they just suddenly don’t care about me I would eventually cut ties with them. How would you like to die? I would prefer to die of old age,happy about the life I have had & without regrets. What is your most marked characteristic? That would be my pointy chin,no matter the head or skin,I always make my chin stand out,or so they tell me lol. Connect with Ana on her Flickr.

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The Kitchen corn photography by ma

If there is one thing that brings people together, it is food. The Second Life culture is as rich as its residents, and “The Kitchen Corner” celebrates and showcases the talents of content creators that will appeal to all “foodies.” Collaborating with Mac Massimo of “The SL Spoon,” ECLIPSE Magazine presents an innovative approach on all things food related with fantastic imagery and an equally tried and true accompanying recipe. Breathe in deeply after a long hike, as the delicious aromatics of freshly cooked Hiker’s Beef Stew wafts from Mac Massimo’s outdoor fire to your virtual plate.

ner c massimo.

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Hiker’s Beef Stew 1.5 lbs of beef cubed to one inch 5 tbsp all-purpose flour .25 tsp freshly ground pepper 6 tbsp vegetable oil 1.5 cups red wine 4 cups water 2 cubes beef bouillon 2 bay leaves 1 large onion chopped 4 cloves garlic chopped 4 carrots cut to 3/4 inch cubes 3 large potatoes cut to 3/4 inch cubes 2 tsps salt Instructions 1. Toss the cubed beef in the flour and ground pepper. Add 4 tbsp of oil into pot and brown the beef. 2. Remove the beef from the pot and add the remaining oil plus onion and 1 tsp salt. After four minutes add garlic and wine. Cook wine until reduced to half. 3. Add the beef, water, beef bouillon and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then decrease heat with lid on. 4. Continue to cook for about 1.5 hours or until beef is tender, then add carrots and onions. Cook until vegetables are tender. Season to taste then serve!

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across the grid

photography by wicca merlin. written by wic

Second Life is vast, where in every part of the grid pieces and themes of fiction can be found. Wicca Merlin curates “Across the Grid� introducing ECLIPSE Magazine readers to fashion and places less known. For this piece, Wicca delves into the world of KPop with fashion and inspiring places to visit.

ca merlin.

K-pop or Korean pop, is a genre of popular music originating in South Korea. It is a mixture of styles and genres from all over, such as experimental, rock, jazz, gospel, hip hop, R&B, reggae, electronic dance, folk, country, and classical on top of its traditional Korean music roots. It’s no secret that Korean singers are admired for their singing and dancing skills, but many people also look up to them to gain insight into the next top trend to follow. Most of the outfits worn by boy and girl groups may be too fashion forward to wear in real life and are intended to be worn on stage, but the key is in moderation — just pick out some trends to incorporate in your daily wear, and don’t try them all at the same time. From music videos, airport looks, live performances, and daily casual wear, K-pop idols always bring their A-game. While minimalist and daily uniform styles make everyday dressing easier, adding some color can update and make your look brighter. Speaking of color, pink in K-pop never seems to die down, whether it’s in men’s or women’s style. Who can blame them? It’s fun, flirty, and easy on the eyes. If colors, loud prints, and shiny stuff aren’t exactly your thing, go the opposite route and wear all-black outfits. You probably have a few staple denim pieces in your closet?, bring them all out and wear the denim-on-denim look, pull out your Supremes, Yeezys, and all other hip brand items to get that ultra-cool swag style that K-pop stars love. K-Pop music is usually a treat for both the eyes and ears with the upbeat rhythms, the fashionable clothing, and not to mention the visual effects. With a combination of both retro and futuristic with plenty of street influences, K-Pop fashion is by far one of my favorite styles. I love K-Pop music video fashion so much that it even got me into exploring different genres within K-Pop and watching Korean TV shows or K-Drama. As I mentioned above, K-Pop began ages ago but modern K-Pop, the one that we obsess over today, only came around in the 90s. Influences from western cultures and musicians like Bob Dylan, Marilyn, and the Beatles were a major part of both K-Pop fashion and music. Even movements in America like the hippie culture, played an important role in shaping K-Pop. However, as time went by, K-Pop began to form its own trademark style of music and K-Pop fashion. Today, K-Pop is so huge that they’re topping American and European music charts as well. And because of that, their K-Pop fashion, too, now has a huge fan following worldwide. Page 108 | ECLIPSE October 2020

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Visit The Zone - F Page 112 | ECLIPSE October 2020

Forever Bulletproof. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 113

Visit Hello Page 114 | ECLIPSE October 2020

o Korea! ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 115

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Kiyori. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 117

artist highlight


Artistry and creativity are at the foundation of everything we see and do in Second Life. The same is true for all we hear in Second Life. In showcasing residents and groups who embody the concept of “your world, your imagination,” Eclipse Magazine is honored to showcase Second Life’s amazing musical talent. In this month’s “Artist Highlight,” we shine the spotlight on the incredibly talented live singer, Ve Joyy.

or wassep.

Let’s get right into it, I am pleased to introduce to you all; Ve Joyy, an incredible talented singer here in Second Life™. Ve seemed to always have had a knack for singing ever since she was a young child. She found her voice around the age of four and had been loving this form of expression ever since. Growing up, Ve would watch her mother and father sing songs together. Herfather sounded more like Kenny Rogers and her mother sounded like Debbie Gibson. These two wonderfully supportive parents were so excited for little Ve, always cheering her on and doing what they could to help her along the way. When Ve would practice, her parents would help her hone her talent. They would encourage her to sound similar to Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey. If you have heard either of those legends, you can get a pretty decent idea how Ve Joyy sounds if you haven’t gotten a chance to enjoy one of her sets. During her academic years, Ve would take every opportunity she could to showcase her talent whether participating in school programs and other contests, she tried anything that allowed her to do what she loves. She just wanted to be on that stage and performing for as many people as she could. Around the age of nineteen, she began performing professionally. This soon brought her to Second Life where she met an amazing friend, Parker Static who helped her learn the ropes. For a time, she was represented by Laurie Alexis of the Keys Management Group. Now under Wolfie Starfire of Shooting Stars, Ve has embraced all that the Second Life music scene can offer. Ve absolutely loves performing in Second Life, her favorite thing about it is that she can sing anything she wants. She gets to wear whatever she wants and have an avatar that represents her to the tee. Page 122 | ECLIPSE October 2020

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“It’s like having a job and playing with a Barbie doll at the same time” – Ve Joyy And of course, being able to meet and entertain for as many people as virtually possible is a bonus. She enjoys sharing more of what she loves with the whole grid. That is also why Ve so thoroughly loves working online — the sheer number of ways of expressing oneself is incredible. I asked her what was one of the most meaningful songs she’s performed. Rather than name a song, she said she doesn’t perform to just stun people with her voice. She isn’t actively performing for just a superficial aspect. It’s something much deeper to her. For Ve, music is to express, not to just impress. Whenever she performs, from when she started to sing as a child to today as a young adult, she always tries and find the right emotion for each of her performances. One song does stick with her a little longer, “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. It teaches her that it isn’t about how fast she gets to her dreams. The most important aspect is how you get there, the steps, “‘cause every step leads to the future”. From being able to visit beautiful places created by the residents themselves, to being able to take stellar photos in different locations. Second Life can really entertain you or help you advance your career in a number of ways. Why would anyone want to give up on such a creatively expression place like Second Life? Now, if you would like to schedule Ve for any occasion, please get in contact with her Talent Manager, Wolfie Starfire or please go visit the Shooting Star Office. Add Ve on Facebook and follow her page. Listen to Ve on SoundCloud. Check out Ve’s Calendar.

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Voices from the g

Voices From the Grid is a monthly survey of opinions and ideas of Second Life® residents on the salient issues of the day. For this issue, ECLIPSE Magazine we asked residents to share “How has Second Life helped you to cope with the pandemic? Or if it hasn’t, why do you think it has not?”


Photograph provided by Hillany Scofield. Page 130 | ECLIPSE October 2020

hillany scofield


ills [Hillany Scofield] joined Second Life in 2007 and began creating very early after exploring the possibilities of the powerful SL tools for building and photography which since has been the heart of her creative SLife. As an artist she has had numerous exhibitions at art galleries and owns her own project gallery where she has hosted artists like William Weaver and Joslyn Benson. Hills´ work centers around the nature of human relationships. Her photography has been described as highly erotic and sensual and her aim is to make human emotions visible. At present Hills is working as a blogger. She is also a photographer for Ferosh Magazine and brand manager for Lunar. Not an easy question to answer! Corona has confronted us with a number of difficult situations like for instance: staying at home while the people we want to be with live a twenty minute drive away. We all deal with difficult situations differently of course. You can even say that what one person considers to be a difficult situation is a “piece of cake” to another person. Most things are a matter of perspective. And in the context of the pandemic one thing is certainly true: I think it is easier to stay at home and accept restrictions due to the pandemic when you have somewhere to go, That may sound like a contradiction in itself to most people but I’m pretty sure everybody who plays SL knows this is far from being a contradiction! We as humans need the company of others, also communication and the feeling that we belong. If you can sit down in front of your PC at home and have SL to go to, a pandemic can become a “piece of cake”. The solution is but a login away;) I can only speak for myself of course and I am in the lucky position that the people I know and care for are all healthy and not heavily affected by the pandemic. But I know of others who have lost relatives to covid-19. This is a tragedy. I don’t dare decide for someone who has to answer this question out of such a terrible perspective. I only hope this will remain the minority of people around the world and I hope the situation will soon improve. Everybody stay safe! Check out her Flickr, Blog and Marketplace.

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Photograph provided by Caly Applewhyte.

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caly applewhyte


aly Applewhyte [calypso.applewhyte] is a French woman who joined SL in February 2020. After a few months without any specific goal, she began exploring and decided to share her favorite places by photographing and sharing them. Her leitmotif was “All is not necessarily beautiful in SL, and what is deserves to be shown whenever possible”. She is passionate about the avatar as a means of expression. Self-taught on Photoshop, and passionate about avant-garde and dystopian fashion, she stages her own character in minimalist settings to keep only the essential… the emotion. Today she is happy to share her photographic work on Flickr or in in-world exhibitions, but also her land where everyone can visit and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. You can enjoy upcoming exhibitions at Itakos Gallery in October 2020 and Dixmix Gallery in December 2020. So I rephrase the question: how would I have lived through the Covid pandemic and the several months of confinement if I had not had SL? Well I have to admit that I could hardly imagine living this period without SecondLife. I am used to being connected almost every day. Always with a photo project in mind. That’s a fact, Covid or not Covid. But I am also a quarter sim tenant. I had been thinking about redesigning it for a few months, but without any precise idea or motivation. After almost two months of confinement, the weight of the confinement started to be felt. Naturally, I turned around on this piece of land and I said to myself that this was a good way to escape... I took everything off and rebuilt everything with only one guideline: “get a change of air”! That’s what SL offers so extraordinary. Allowing everyone to create their own world, to escape according to their own desires. I wanted a wild landscape, to hear the clacking of the waves, the cry of the seagulls or the braying of the sheep... SL allowed me to escape from this confinement. I have never enjoyed settling down on this land as much as I do today. Check out her Flickr, Blog and in-world.

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Photograph provided by Cenedra. Page 134 | ECLIPSE October 2020



enedra [Cenedra Ashbourne] joined Second Life over twelve years ago in 2008. While she spent her time at first mostly hanging out with friends in clubs and dancing, she soon got interested in photography in Second Life. Ever since, she has been taking lots of pictures, first mostly for fun but then she got curious about blogging. You can see her pictures on her Flickr and even more on her blog. She has been blogging for several years now and loves it. Aside from it she loves exploring sims and spends time chatting with friends or at live concerts. Lately she started creating shapes which can be found at Butterfly Shapes, her little in-world store and gallery,. I would say Second Life has helped me to cope with the pandemic. A lot actually since everything here in RL got on some kind of hold when we had the lockdown and you couldn‘t leave the house unless for necessary things. Meeting with friends in RL got hard to impossible too due the big unknown of what Covid was and still is. As being one of the high risk groups with having asthma and other things I had to be extra careful since the virus is attacking the lungs. So SL was a good way to get distracted. Unlike in RL it was easy to “meet“ my SL friends by simply logging in and talking to them. My friends know that I might not be the most sociable kind of person but even I need from time to time to connect with others. So while I was able to talk to RL friends via phone and co, it felt different than meeting them. While in Second Life I could „meet“ with my friends even when it was “just“ their avatars. And other things that weren‘t and still aren‘t possible in RL were possible in SL. Like going to concerts. And I had lots of time to simply work. On shapes or blog posts while work in RL was not really possible since our firm got closed during the lockdown too. I was more than usually in SL since I didn‘t want to spend my days with binge watching things on Netflix and co. So I had a lot of more free time to fill and stayed calm and relaxed through the lockdown :) Check out her Flickr, Blog and Gallery.

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Photograph provided by Vally Lavender.

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vally lavender

ally Lavender [Valium Lavender] originally joined Second Life in August of 2006 (Vally is her second avatar,) after being referred by Harvard University of all places! She was interested in taking one of Harvard’s online post-grad classes and noticed one of interest that met in a virtual reality called Second Life. She had no idea what a virtual reality was all about, so she visited first. Needless to say, she never took that online class at Harvard and she doesn’t regret it one bit. Vally set out straight away to operate her own sims. Her first sims, 2006, were the Surf Island regions (since sold) and she has not stopped owning and reselling regions. Her most recent being Cloudbreak (2018), Valium (2018), Valium Sea (2019) and now BOULDER (2020). She enjoys nature in and out of SL and is a staunch supporter of many reallife organizations such as The Nature Conservancy and SANCCOB where she has adopted two African Penguins, Molly and Dandy to assist with their rehabilitation. She is an avid blogger on her blog Vally Style and posts her work on Flickr as well. You might also find her moving furniture or rocks around at her Boulder sim. Well of course Second Life has helped me get through being locked down inside my home. It gave me more time to do some of the things I have been putting off, such as learning more about Black Dragon and trying new things to improve my photographs. I reformatted my blog and somewhat organized my inventory. I’ve been to lots of parties and had time to work with Terry Fotherington in development of my new sim Boulder. I would never have had the time before COVID, to do all of that in less than 4 months. I still haven’t had time to organize my inventory completely, but I am not too worried about that right now. My main goal is to relax more in the real world now that my sim is open and operating smoothly. I have lots of projects going on at home, like cleaning out my closets and labeling/cleaning my extensive vintage jewelry collection :p. Second Life overall has been very helpful to me personally, given the fact I deal with liver disease which is not getting better as years pass. Every year it gets a bit worse depleting my energy levels. Presently over ¼ of my liver does not function at all as it is dead. I’m on liver cancer ‘watch’ and monitored closely by my doctors. Keeping all of that in mind, I am homebound pretty much, so Second Life has helped me cope with both the pandemic and my other health issues. I am a very happy and content person, which most might not be in my circumstances. I owe a lot of that to Second Life I think. It gives me the creative outlet I love and the social aspects are good for me. If I get too stressed in the SL world I just take a break for a week or two and spend more time with my family. I come back refreshed and recharged! In conclusion, I would attribute my coping well to my Second Life friends, music, and photography, and of course my real world loving family. Check out her Flickr, Blog and BOULDER in-world.

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Photograph provided by Annah DeCuir.

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annah decuir


nnah DeCuir joined SL on 4/02/2007 . Her RL photography mentor mentioned that she should look into SL for exhibiting her images. As soon as she entered this world, she was mesmerized by the creativity and an almost unlimited possibility for creating. It became an obsession and another outlet for creativity that she felt help make her RL work even stronger . She ended up exhibiting her RL work as well as SL work in-world for a couple of years and enjoyed meeting artists from all over the world. Annah enjoys making art, exploring the many sims created by talented designers, discovering DJ’s and new music, meeting new people and last, but not least, getting into mischief with her two friends of twelve ears As the pandemic started, I gravitated to SL to be near the people I care about here. To comfort them. We became a support group for one another. My one best girl friend created an office for the three of us who were working from home. We would work, chat about work and even take lunch breaks together. It really helped in my opinion to not feel so isolated in such a frightening time. My partner and I would discuss it, comfort each other and explore just to give our minds a rest from it all. A virtual hug could melt a lot of worry away. It was also nice to get the feeling of getting dressed up and going out to clubs when everything in RL was shut down. Listening to music, dancing and just letting crazy fun ensue., being able to just let go and be free of those worries for a few hours. helped make being shut down tolerable. I was also grateful for being in SL because it enabled me to talk to people all over the world, who could share their countries experience with the virus and how it was being handled . Each and everyone was encouraging one another with exchange of ideas and kind words. Check out her Flickr and Gallery.

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Photograph provided by Rudh.

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udh [Rudhmellowen Laguna] has been in SL for over fourteen years now, and likes to think she’s tried her hand at almost everything. Nowadays, she’s a blogger that loves nothing better than taking pictures as a form of therapy for herself. You can see her therapeutic randomness – not all of it PG - on her Flickr page. She describes herself as being a lover of the dark and macabre, whilst having a thing for rainbows and sparkles. When not blogging, Rudh is the secretary for a long running SL Motorcycle Club called the Gators MC — and store manager for the vehicle store Hogs and Cart Wheels, and although these two things keep her very busy, Rudh has a passion for shopping, exploring and meeting new people.


For me personally, Second Life has played a massive role as a coping mechanism whilst facing down the pandemic. I’ve been in Second Life many years, but I can honestly say I’ve never relied on it so much as I have in the past nine months, and although there have been moments when I wanted to scream and tear my hair out, most of the feelings I have towards Second Life are good right now! Second Life originally seemed like an escape from the mundanities of real life as a place where you could do or be anything that you wanted. Little did I realize that fourteen years after I’d started, I’d be using it as a means to have contact with the world outside my home. Being on lock down felt almost like a holiday at first, but as the weeks went by it became more and more like a torture for me. I missed seeing the outside world although I knew that the lockdown was for our own good. So the “escape” that Second Life once was, is a feeling that reignited and I felt the smallest hint of a sense of freedom being able to run around and explore the creative places built by Second Life’s residents. Thanks to Second Life I was able to communicate on a daily basis with friends, so that everyone’s spirits were kept up. If I needed someone to complain to, or share fears with, they were right there in-world with me, and if I needed someone to cheer me up, I could always find someone willing to do just that. I will admit that I had a very hard time with missing my real life family during the pandemic, I’d met my real life husband in Second Life about eleven years ago and have been living with him in another country since, but the pandemic meant trips to see each other had been cancelled. Luckily, I had the next best thing to a Real Life mum hug, because in Second Life I was able to get the hugs I needed from my Second Life mum and the butt-kicking I often needed from my Second Life dad too! Second Life became an even greater means of distraction with tasks I set myself to do… Blogging, running the MC, plotting and planning for the Gators MC 8th Annual Halloween Maze — I love Halloween, it’s the best time of year! — and causing chaos by decorating and then redecorating my house. So for sure, I really think that Second Life has helped me through the Covidpandemic. It really has been social distancing at its best — I’ve been social yet distant, and still been able to feel like I’m a part of the outside world. Check out her Blog and Flickr. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 141

Photograph provided by Elizabeth Jewell.

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elizabeth jewell


lizabeth Jewell [elizabethnantesjewell] began her journey in Second Life in 2008. She has always enjoyed SL as a creative venue through virtual photography and art, but it wasn’t until she returned from a long break in 2015 that she was able to try her hand at sim building. She now has five builds under her belt. She currently owns Fleur de Sel region, a scenic visitor-friendly sim that is open to the public and is also home to three small private rentals, and Fusion City (located 1500 meters above the sim). In Fusion City you can find her Gallery, Nantes Gallery, and her pose store, Gravity Poses. When I first started thinking about how I would approach the question, it seemed pretty simple. Being locked down and unable to enjoy most of the real life social interactions we are all used to, I was still able to enjoy the friendships and activities I have in Second Life, uninterrupted by social distancing. Taking those thoughts a bit deeper, however, I know it has been much more than that. Just as everyone else has experienced in this time, everything around me changed. My job as a chef has been placed on hold, my kids are learning remotely, I haven’t been able to visit my parents... things taken for granted suddenly became uncertain. I live in New York City and we were hit especially hard in the spring. Ambulance sirens were almost constant for several weeks, everyone was afraid to leave the house let alone do anything that involved being around other people, and there was a constant stream of bad news from the media. I went from being on my feet for ten intense hours a day, to navigating the new world of online schooling and trying to keep my mind from constant worry about my friends and family, especially my parents. This made it difficult for me to focus on much of anything for very long. Being in Second Life gave me a creative outlet I could put my focus on while still dealing with these new experiences. My partner, Tyler, lives in a different time zone, so we have been able to spend more time together which has also made all of this so much less traumatic. It has not only given us time, but also the opportunity to compare how our countries handled the pandemic and how this has affected us differently. We talk about how the media portrays it so differently and about what we actually see happening. We are able to connect with people from all over the world in Second Life, and in a time such as we are in now, it’s been eye opening to talk with people who are experiencing a global event in so many different ways, and hopefully it helps all of us feel less isolated. In the end, it’s the same things that I always enjoyed about Second Life that have helped me cope with how the pandemic has changed daily life. I have positive creativity, a wonderful diversity of connections and friends, and the ability to escape while always keeping a foot solidly on the ground in my first life. Check out her Flickr, Fleur de Sel and Fusion City. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 143

Photograph provided by Tralala Loordes. Page 144 | ECLIPSE October 2020

tralala loordes


ralala Loordes is a game girl...carries on with her post-apocalyptic dream sim despite nearly EVERYONE thinking it was built by some guy. She just goes with it now...even referring to him as “that genius builder guy”. The crazy thing also took up Flickr blogging for some SL creators. She thinks this is challenging. The Blue Orange (in Inaka) sometimes lets her go wild and build a one night only themed event with music, (Tribal, Post-Apoc, Bladerunner, Viking, Posh, Clockwork Orange). The loon is never happier than when she has some SL project. It’s totally the truth I loves me a project. Making Flickr pix for SL creators mesh works is especially immersive. I try to make every pix a little different...although as you can tell from my feed I rubberband back to the flower headpieces quite a bit. I think I might have once lived in the Renaissance or something because fifteen or twenty pink peonies on my head makes me happy. My oft-misunderstood sense of humor is expressed in my Flickr pix of Tralala’s “Jobs”. A series of completely dead-end slacker jobs in the cyber future at Pine Lake Sewers & Drains. The beauty of SL is you can actually be faux-schizophrenic and manifest dozens of personalities and still be popular. People like me...I am sure they do. Don’t they? Maybe not. *plops a peony crown down on her head and wanders off... Part of my RL job is to read all the world news. Of course, lately, you can only do that if you have a psychiatrist with a prescription pad at the ready on speed dial. One hour of CNN’s coverage of the epidemic and I think I will run out into the street and erect a barricade, swaddle myself in the flag and holler rousing political stuff from Les Miserables. Instead, I log into SL. I can disappear into exploring other sims or blithering to people from across the globe. I sort of semi-almost believe in that theory human minds can’t hold two separate thoughts at once. So while I am poking at a million gacha items or making googly eyes at some rough lad across the dance floor I am not thinking about COVID. Changing clothes and all that entails in SL diverts my anger at my country’s COVID response fail...the red mist dissipates. Nothing in SL can hurt’s ok to enjoy the day. Check out her Flickr, JOBS at Sewers & Drains and Tralalas Diner.

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Photograph provided by A. Frith. Page 146 | ECLIPSE October 2020


a. frith

Frith (Adi) [Adiuvo Resident] joined SL in 2011 and found a world packed with creativity that she could immerse herself in. Adi was pretty late getting bitten by the photography bug, but with this, she truly found her place in the alternative virtual world. She also dabbled in blogging and became a Blogger/Brand Manager for a short time. Adi now can be found hidden away at her home enjoying music, taking pictures, digging in her inventory or just loving quiet time with her other half. I am very much a home bird savouring the comforts of being at home. Nothing like the relaxing days where I am sitting tapping at my laptop looking out my window as the rain pours down (often taking or editing a picture in SL). I have always found myself comfortable in my own company, but recently that has taken on a whole new meaning with the pandemic that has engulfed the whole world. As we all locked ourselves down at home, I like many people have found myself doing a lot of self-reflection, soul searching and introspection. As the lockdown progressed I realised I missed the simplicity of a hug, a warm smile or just the comfort and reassurance of another’s presence. This led me to realise that being alone is very different from being lonely. Loneliness crept its way into my world and it was a weird feeling for a person who likes being alone... This is where I found Second Life in a renewed and rejuvenated light. It perhaps has grown a little tired for me over the years or maybe I had just fallen out of love with it in recent times. Suddenly logging had taken on a whole new meaning I was actually appreciating all the little things. I almost felt like I could freely breathe the virtual air. Sharing time and moments with others became so very important.. priceless even. Thanks, Second Life for providing me with my continued solitude, whilst reminding me to appreciate the care and kindness we can give and receive from others. Check out her Flickr.

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Photograph provided by Cayenne.

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ayenne [bebop xue[ was born in 2008. She immediately liked creating, in all its forms, even in writing. She has done a lot of role-playing, punctuated by building, photography over the years, and, of course, exploring her desires. She enjoys learning from others just as she loves to teach and help. Art has always been part of her life. She describes it as “a universal thing that allows endless sharing, in all its forms. It is necessary to know how to enrich our differences, it is more important than anything.” She has been active in Second Life’s art world. She was encouraged by her sister Puce Hax to join Flickr and by her blogger friend, Hina Murrey to put her photos in Flickr groups where they are doing a fantastic job. Currently, she is also the manager of Offreus Fouquet, a songwriter and a fantastic guitarist. Art is her daily life in all its forms. She lives in Azile, a place dedicated to art, to photography with superb exhibitions where she will soon be exhibiting. The global character of Second Life is a truly fantastic thing. It allowed me to hear the whole world and it is precisely this world character that I found fantastic. There was a deep unity in the different places of Second Life because we all shared the same concern and all faced a certain loneliness, far from our loved ones... The Second Life in the face of the COVID pandemic was precious because of the contact with my friends, it made it possible to stay in touch and share many positive things together... Mainly artistic, live music, creation, DJ, exhibition, role play... But also to discuss the anguish of this terrible global disease, in short, Second Life was an escape and also a form of therapy. Check out her Flickr, Azile Expo Cayenne and Offerus.

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Photograph provided by Skie Summers.

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skie summers


kie Summers joined Second Life in 2015. She is passionate about fashion and is a certified model by the Reignn Agency of Modeling and is currently Miss Virtual World Portugal 2021. Skie Summers has a blog where she shares all her looks and she is a woman of causes. She hates injustices and humiliations.

For me, Second Life has helped me to face the pandemic because I am a nurse in real life and daily I face stress. Since I have a risky profession I am isolated so there is no risk of contaminating those I love. Second Life ends up being a way to relax after a long day at work and above all to socialize because it helps me to forget social withdrawal and this whole pandemic situation. If the Second Life is lived with truth, honesty and integrity turns out to be an incredible experience and brings people together from all parts of the world. Check out her Flickr and Facebook.

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Photograph provided by Sepu Oller.

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sepu oller


epu Oller is an Italian photographer who entered the world of Second Life in 2009. His passion for photography has turned into a real-life profession in his real life. He loves nature and everything around it. He is very creative and sociable and loves to travel.

What has happened, I think, has definitely changed the thinking and the way of life of people all over the world... But I am also happy about how we reacted in the face of this huge catastrophe...we must all fight together to be able to deliver a better world to the next generations! My life has changed a lot, but thanks to SL I had the opportunity to make my photograph known. I have met new friends from all over the world in my endless free time! In light of the social distancing, the Linden Lab company took advantage of the lockdown to relaunch this virtual platform and I was able to work remotely and carry on my projects! So welcome SL! Check out his Flickr and Gallery.

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Photograph provided by Maria.

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aria [Maryaxang Bluebird] has been a resident of Second Life since 2009 after she heard about the game in the RL series ‘Ghost Whisperer.’ Prior to discovering Second Life, she enjoyed playing The Sims. She has been making friends since then and wandering from sim to sim to check the different things the residents offer. It was in 2016 when she found a passion for photography and Flickr. She enjoys taking photos of landscapes and portraits and she’s a fan of photos that ignite her emotions through a single frame. You can find her work on Flickr under the name Maria Secondlife. She is an admirer of the creators in the game and the game itself, of how they manage to make something intangible that has an impact, and she loves the diversity of the places she visits, the people she meets, and the experiences she gets from the game. She believes that it isn’t just Linden Lab that makes this whole experience for someone so real, but the people from all walks of life that one meets that complete these experiences.


It was in February this year when the pandemic became serious in my country. We had been on lockdown since March this year when there was an increasing number of cases, and since I come from a third world country, my government opted to do the necessary measures in order to prevent a more possible increase of virus transmission. This pandemic brought me anxiety, the thought of uncertainty which most of us probably felt or are still feeling right now that the pandemic is still on-going. Before the lockdown, I was quite busy working in real life that when their government implemented the lockdown it was a big adjustment for me, and felt like the world stopped. Second Life helped me greatly to manage my anxieties and forget about the real-life situation while I’m in-world. I got to bond again with the friends I had not seen in-world for years (as most of the countries implemented a lockdown), with my Second Life family, with and the others I know from my community, and take a lot of photos in-world that really makes me happy. Seeing the landscapes again, and enjoying the designers’ sims relaxes me while the ambiance keeps me calm. What I can’t do in real life, for the time being, I manage to do in Second Life. Decorating my land and dressing up for photos also helps me and keeps myself occupied and keeps me from overthinking real life, not that I’m neglecting the pandemic but I’m trying to manage and adjust in this new normal. Talking to friends is one of my greatest consolations and knowing that it’s not just me who experiences these things, but many of the residents and my friends as well. I have always been grateful for Second Life as I met these wonderful people I can count on to and call friends even in real life, if it’s not for this game, I wouldn’t meet these people and I couldn’t think of anything else that will take my mind off and calm me during the whole duration of our lockdown. I’m looking forward to better days ahead and hoping that one day, like everything else, this pandemic will end. And even so, this pandemic may end, but not the friendship I share with these special people in my life whom I met on this game called Second Life. Check out her Flickr. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 155

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THE wayfarer...


“The Wayfarer” is a monthly feature showcasing some of the most aesthetic places in Second Life®. “Each footstep tread softly upon its cobblestone streets, echoes in my thoughts of you. There is such beauty and depth found in the richness of its history and culture. It’s withstood so much yet it endures, still breathtaking and strong. You remind me of Paris.” As the Wayfarer landed upon a well-tread path, he instantaneously remembered. There is not a single part of this place that was not inspired by her. Whether it is her favorite song posters adorning the walls of the music store, the outdoor gallery of some his favorite images by her, to the cheese and flower shop and everything in between, the sim is and will always be his love letter to her.


Immerse yourself in Paris for Ara.

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Ve Joyy


Wolfie Starfire

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the world of rol



lor wassep.

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For decades now, roleplaying and fantasy has felt like it needed to hide or be treated as something else. Since many people couldn’t understand the true nature of roleplaying. To explain and experience a new perceptive other than oneself. To be someone else for a little bit, and place yourself into an entirely new space. This ideal bled into gaming, with the popular RPG gaming systems that many enjoy to this day. Even through popular culture, with the prevalence of Dungeons and Dragons in society, showcasing the immense amount of work and enjoyment a bunch of friends can have fighting monsters on a quest with your friends. Roleplaying and fantasy have gone hand-inhand for awhile now, creating whole genres of entertainment for the masses and for the individual. Second Life™ clearly was not going to miss an opportunity to create vast arrays of roleplaying communities that gave as realistic as possible scenes for people to role-play in. This brings us to a brand new roleplaying community found in Second Life, Arcadia. It ishe brain child of the collective of Raziel, Alanah Pearce, Aiyana Anahme Nemli, Malphas Vok’narok, Maezriel Wer’Todithar and Evening Vok’Narok. The latter three were able to sit down with me and talk about what Arcadia is, who it’s for, and why they wanted to create such a community. We will start with the basics. According to Evening Vok’narok. Arcadia is a modern fantasy sim set in New Orleans. So think, The Garden District, Warehouse District, swamps and Bourbon Street/Jackson Square. Set in the year 2020, sans pandemic, the world that Arcadia brings to life wants to tell a story of change and how a “normal” society acts and reacts to being shown the true world around them. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 183

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“In reality, if these things that could squash us like bugs surfaced, how would the populace at large react, let alone those behind the scenes?” – Malphas Vok’narok He went on to elaborate that Arcadia could be seen as a mix-n-match, slot the puzzle pieces kind of outlook. All races and creeds brought together, interwoven into the fabric of a modern city with several sources fueling the fire of what could and couldn’t go bump in the night. Arcadia’s unique approach allows people to choose what form of character they roleplay without setting limits on the character form. This idea is something unique to the Arcadia team since when it’s paired with their character creations format. Yes, the idea of human interaction with the supernatural world isn’t new; however, this idea when given free range can help create some extremely passionate outcomes. I say “free range” because one aspect that Arcadia wants to ensure is freedom of expression.

“[Arcadia wants to] provide a place where people felt safe to a story that they love. Most, if not all of us, have been jaded in past RP experiences and we wanted to create that haven where they felt welcome and wanted.” – Maezriel Wer’Todithar ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 185

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Those who roleplay in Second Life or anywhere in their real lives may be familiar with an application process where you need to divulge as much information as you can about your character only to be told, NO. They firmly believe that in order for a community like Arcadia to thrive, to have the story as the main drive, everyone has to be able to have their full hearts and minds into their characters. They are not condemned to play as the second choice because the quota for a certain race or certain ability has already been filled. Their application system is quite simple it seems, all the player would need to fill out is a name, the race of your character, any abilities they may or may not have, and age of their character. Nothing more and nothing less. With that information given, the players are free to enjoy their time in Arcadia. Players who character they picked because they got to enjoy the character they created. Maezriel Wer’Todithar touched on the importance that those who want to apply for Arcadia shouldn’t feel stifled to create characters that will fit a preset mold. Having a constricting form of application can become quite tedious over time if your community increases over time. It puts more strain on the administration overlooking the applications. They would much rather have their staff enjoy their time roleplaying rather than spending their time denying players and showing them what is still available.

“Arcadia is a safe haven for role-players who feel as though they have been missing out on a place to play where they are heard and cherished, and where story is the main focus.” – Evening Vok’Narok ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 187

Arcadia’s aim is to provide a place where people can feel safe to create stories they love. They will not have the pit in their stomach when this character they spent hours creating is denied because of this or that reason. Arcadia is a place to just let go, be creative, and be whomever you want to be in a world where a reprieve is so desperately needed. Along with being a safe haven and place to let your character juices run, Arcadia’s creators found that some kind of system was needed to create an interesting outcome when conflicts appear. A simple dice system, similar to that of D&D, will give players random outcomes chosen by fate. Using two simple dice, a d20 and d100; simplicity is the key factor with Arcadia.

the conflict will be determined b for both offensive and defensive

Players would still role-play wha outcome of rolls. So for example as you roll a 78. If you were attac since you rolled higher than you their time to take a turn, they ro your roll was again higher, you c

This scenario would play out un surrender or end the scene for w encounters like this keeps the st that, there are no other requirem A d20 is rolled to determine the initiative order. For those your hunger topped off or havin unfamiliar with this term, it just means the one whose roll is that, according to Evening, is su higher goes first, and then in descending order after that. Then creating the story going and giv Page 188 | ECLIPSE October 2020

by a roll of a d100. This applies e maneuvers.

time roleplaying.

Beyond combat and the like, players can rent apartments, at is happening based on the houses, or businesses. Though they are limited to one per e, your opponent rolls 27 where player regardless of alts/accounts/characters. different housing cking, your attack would hit will be available for different races as well. Though there are ur opponent. Now, when it’s loci of race-based housing, segregation is not mandatory and oll a 2 and you roll a 65. Since you can rent elsewhere if you choose. Rentals appear to be all could block their attack. over, in the city, in a trailer park and even in the Bayout.

ntil you or your opponent whatever reason. Simple tory moving forward. Beyond ments like having to keep ng to exercise to keep fit. All of uperfluous to their purpose of ving more time to enjoy your

And that my friends is a taste of what Arcadia can give you. have already done a soft opening, but their website should go up soon so you can apply to join this amazing community. If you have any further questions, you can catch them roleplaying in Arcadia. Visit Arcadia in-world. ECLIPSE October 2020 | Page 189

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the art perspect

PHOTOGRAPHY BY gidge uriza. written by gi

Each piece, ECLIPSE Magazine discovers, reviews and highlights the work of some of the most creative and talented artists on the grid, offering a fresh perspective in the vibrant and vast world of the arts. For this month’s feature, Gidge Uriza introduces the work of Judilynn and Masako.


idge uriza.

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My method of selecting galleries is varied. Sometimes I go where I’m recommended to go. On occasion I simply type in a keyword in SEARCH and off I go. I hop from inappropriateness to ineptness until I finally land in a place that meets the following criteria: 1. It actually has art of some sort and 2. I am compelled to walk through it.

located in XX that is unassuming from the outside. You might fly right over it or not give it a second glance from the outside. However, it’s what is inside that is the treasure and I have to say, this one was a fun stop for me. I like modern art with an impressionist leaning, and this place did not disappoint.

The artist in residence is Judilynn India who Compelling me is no easy feat. I’m an oldie, is reproducing her real life works for us here the type that’s unwilling to slog through lag at on the grid. She creates artwork that is loud events or sales. I’m not easily impressed and and cannot be ignored, and I was enamored so much of what is peddled on the grid can be the moment I walked in. If you stand and derivative. When I stumble into a gallery my just let your eyes rest, you can see monsters, questions aren’t just whether I like what I’ve seas, and rolling waves in some of her work. found, I pause to consider —would anyone The textures presented could be anything like it? — or nothing. The colors dance and twirl, combining in their assigned spots of the This is part of what excites me when I find a color wheel in anything but a pedantic new place to share. Art is one of the many arrangement. ways we share meaning with one another, and much like sharing a song — sharing art with While her work could be called a more people tells you something about the person controlled Pollack, I liken it more to the great who shared it. Finding new art and sharing it impressionists who restrained themselves to with the community is one way I get to bring create images only truly discernible from afar. beauty to you and possibly to your digital life. Up close, they chose similar plays of light and color which only from a distance would give The Center Ground Gallery is a modest spot up their true form.

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I lingered there for longer than I intended, seeking any intentional - or unintentional subjects in her work. Are those mountains in the distance? Is that a buddha in a cloud of green? Some of her work takes on the guise of stained glass with it’s light refracting and geometric precision, yet still somehow retains the ability to change and morph when you move from far to close. The effect is unmistakable and it makes me wish i could view them in real life to see if the impact is as intense. The overall impact of her work is one of clean, intentional use of color. The style is decidedly modern, but I feel the pull of past masters guiding her style and talent. Modern art fans should truly enjoy this small gallery. The land description says that they often will feature other artists but there were none in residence today when I visited. I will have to make it a point to stop back by in the future. My second stop after several, let us say, less than savory finds, was the HORUS ART GALLERY which features many different artists and I have to admit, it was a treat. I was most enamored of the artist Masako who

creates works of nature on rice paper, using traditional methods. The austere beauty of her works were immediately captivating to me. As an artist who has studied in Japan, the Philippines and Bangkok she brings an eye for traditional style to her work, with subtle nods to her own unique style. Her notecard states that she intends to capture the spirit of nature rather than to exactly reproduce what can be seen with the eye. The motion of birds, the fluidity of the winds they fly on is evident through the economy of what she chooses to share in her work. Her artwork has a pastoral, calm feel that makes me appreciate the effort she put into creating something that seems to be represented with ease. There are a host of other works at the gallery that were fun to view and I recommend you check out, but I wanted to make a point to share the beauty of Masako with you today. That’s what you learned about me today. I hope you know me a little better now. Visit the Central Ground Gallery. Visit the Horus Art Gallery.

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