ECLIPSE Magazine May 2015

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May 2015










Ways to Wear


Fashion Fray


Miss SL Pageant

Fluid Dynamics Devin Vaughn, Draconia Timeless, Ren Matsura and Vaki Zenovka weigh in and shed insight on what exactly is Androgyny.

Shiny Shabby Introducing one of Second Life’s newest and premiere monthly shopping events.

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No two people are alike; thus, no two models will ever style exactly the same. The most talented models on the grid highlight exactly how differently the same outfit can be styled.

Showcasing the styling creativity of some of the best model’s on the grid, the question is who wore it best?

An introduction to the Misses, who have each been posed the same question...

Often times in the fashion industry, it is easy to become short-sighted and forget that fashion is not limited to that small community. Fashion is the art of expression, which is an integral part of our shared virtual world and the Second Life community as an aggregate; thus, our goal at ECLIPSE Magazine is to not only offer an aesthetically pleasing publication with a heavy fashion influence and rich in content but be accessible to all of SL.. because EVERYONE wants to look good.


Cover Story Skippy Beresford Cover Photographer Skippy Beresford Writer: Trouble Dethly



Zanze Men A sneak peak on what to expect for the newest Zanze Men fashion line.

Miss AZUL Presented in two languages for the Trans-Pacific Japanese Fashion House, plus the first six finalists for the Miss Azul Pageant. ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 7

Letter From the Publisher I have found that the one question I have posed multiple times throughout this issue is, what does a person find beautiful about Second Life? Perhaps, it is the unique opportunity it affords an individual to be whomever and whatever they want. Or, maybe, it is the ability to create whatever can be imagined. Or, it could be, the connections forged that distance would have otherwise made impossible.

and Miss SL. On a fashion perspective with our Fashion Fray and Ways to Wear spreads, we showcase how style is unique to the individual. We divided our modeling team into different groups, giving each person in a group the same outfits with the only instruction as, “Style it the best you can.” The gentlemen rarely have enough spotlight, so we teamed up with Zanze Men and did a pictorial spread to feature their newest line.

For me? It is the the ability to experience hundreds of worlds. It is the sea crashing against sharp rocks that press against a dark grey sky and a cold chill. It is the sun shining through forests. It is the cities full of art and music. It is the cobblestone streets and people in love and crying. It is the darkness and lightness, and everything in between. That is the beauty here for me.

The greatest difficulty I have discovered of this issue, just like the first and second, is who to feature on the cover. Who would best embody the spirit of ECLIPSE? This issue we chose Skippy Beresford, simply because his unfailing optimism and selfless desire to shine his light, is one of the biggest breaths of fresh air I have taken in a very long time. Every interaction I have had with Skippy has left me with a smile on my face, and it is my sincerest wish that to those who are just being introduced to him or are already familiar with him will walk away with the same experience.

Our steadfast goal at ECLIPSE remains to offer a rich in content publication that all members of our shared virtual world will find relatable. This issue we explore androgyny, not as a fashion trend, but rather as the truest expression of self. From there, we learn about one of the newest and very successful monthly event, Shiny Shabby. We highlight the participants of two pageants, Miss Azul

Thank you for taking the time to read this Publisher’s Note, and I do hope you enjoy this issue!

Now Hiring

ECLIPSE Magazine is looking to expand their team. We are seeking self-motivated, dedicated and outgoing individuals who want to work with a team that values integrity, honesty and handwork. We are hiring: Marketing Directors Photographers Writers We ask that interested individuals send their resume to Trouble Dethly in-world.

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Taylor Wassep Creative Director

Landa Crystal Writer

Zzoie Zee Creative Director

Photographers: Grace Winnfield Magissa Denver Natzuka Miliandrovic Sylphia Constantine Taylor Wassep Tempest Rosca Models:

Miele Tarantal Fashion Editor

Adonis Hansome AnnaG Pfeffer Caesar Langer DiamondGem Destiny Euridice Qork Leezah Kaddour Locuala Madruga Lua Vendetta Mermaid Rubble Miele Tarantal Spirit Llewellyn Tadeu Gartner Tiviyah Wicca Merlin

Cajsa Lilliehook Copy Editor

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Photography by Sylphia Constantine Page 20 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Adonis Hansome Zanze Men: Troubled Suit ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 23

Adonis Hansome Zanze Men: Tang Top Zanze Men: Ryan Brown Leather Jeans Tadeu Gartner Zanze Men: Troubled Suit Page 24 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Tadeu Gartner Zanze Men: Yung-Ji Zanze Men: Ji-Geong Jeans Adonis Hansome Zanze Men: Yung-Ji Zanze Men: Ji-Geong Jeans ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 27

Adonis Hansome Zanze Men: Kim Chi Blazer Zanze Men: Jihoo Capris Tadeu Gartner Zanze Men: Rahpture Coat Zanze Men: Neese Shorts Page 28 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Tadeu Gartner Zanze Men: Tang Top Zanze Men: Ji-Geong Jeans ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 31

Adonis Hansome Zanze Men: Kim Chi Blazer Zanze Men: Woojin Shorts Page 32 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Tadeu Gartner Zanze Men: Jihoo Capris Page 34 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Skippy Beresford: The

All photography provided by the talented Skippy Beresford.

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e Lighthouse Keeper

“I dream of a world that is kind and compassionate, a world where everyone is good to one another. I guess for me something I learned over time in this universe is not to take myself too seriously, to have fun, and to be devoted and loyal to those you love.� ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 39

Often times, there is such a huge significance placed on the final outcome, that the seemingly smaller and daily interactions are considered insignificant. In reality, it is the moments that converge that ultimately paint the bigger picture. Each of Skippy’s photographs captures one of these smaller interactions and highlights how special each of these moments truly are. If there is one message Skippy could convey to everyone, it Page 40 | ECLIPSE May 2015

is, “Be Kind.” One of the most beautiful things about this virtual world is that it affords everyone the opportunity to be whoever and whatever they wish to be; thus, there is a great diversity found within the communities of Second Life®. Skippy Beresford, who is a seven year old boy with both an open mind and heart, has one simple desire: to shine his light, so the people

around him smile and know they are cared for. He is also a talented photographer with the uncanny ability to truly convey thousands of words with a single picture. When asked to define himself, Skippy explains that he spends the majority of his time on Second Life creating images. In any world, he finds himself passionate about reading, writing and creating through any medium,

whether through painting, photography, or music. In fact, it is the unique opportunity to create, which he learned through an arts magazine whose focus piece was on conceptual art being done in-world, that initially drew him to Second Life. Tapping his chin and wondering, he further defines himself as a helper, but also as a part of his family, “My family keeps me grounded. ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 41

I mention them because I think what My Neva calls me is relevant for this question. She calls me her little man. To me, while I love it most of all as a term of endearment and connection, I like the symbol there. I think in SL, I have the heart and imagination of the little boy but also the ability to express that through the words of the man.” Skippy began his journey in 2007 and has always chosen to be a child. “I had this idealized image of this new world as some sort of utopia, that people would enter this world, SL, wanting to make a different and better world.” To compound this viewpoint, he decided that through the eyes of a boy, he would view this world with openness, optimism and no preconceived notions. From this perspective, he was able to learn and discover things about himself, while continuing to adapt and change to be the best person he can be. Although Skippy feels that navigating this universe as a child has been both challenging and rewarding, he does acknowledge that at times he will encounter people who take certain issue with who he is. Despite this, he is quick to point out that, “I think if you take the time to talk to anyone

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“I say to blaze trails. Do what you love to do in this universe, and have fun. Know that you’re going to make mistakes, and others too, and try to be forgiving, especially of yourself. When I wake up in the lighthouse, and toss off the covers, I try to stand up and smile at the world. Adventure awaits!” ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 43

really, you see that we’re not all that different from one another.” As a child, there is a certain level of vulnerability. Combined with Skippy’s steadfast conviction to try to be understanding and compassionate to all he meets, he sometimes finds himself in situations where he could potentially be hurt. Revealing a certain level of depth, he

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expresses that, “Sometimes I’ve found that I’ve met people who are suffering so much inside that they try to hurt those around them. So, figuring out how to negotiate that and my own feelings and reactions to being hurt has been a challenge I’ve tried to take on and learn from.” Ultimately, he has learned that not everyone will like him, and it is okay to walk away from people who harm you; however, he still feels that all people are still connected.

His distinct ability and desire to connect to community, no matter how ever-changing they may be, has been a constant throughout his journey. Similarly, the joy he finds in meeting people and learning from them is another one. Perhaps this is why he has always looked for family, and home. The best things in life are stumbled upon, and as a boy born into this world alone, he found his family a year ago.

Skippy lives in a lighthouse in his homelands on Neva River, which is the community where he and his family lives. Since he has found his family, he has had more time to “really focus on sharing my light.” The platform he uses is Flickr®, and perusing his photostream is a special experience, because for each photograph there is a positive message that is relatable, regardless of a person’s walk in life.

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When asked what the process is behind each post, Skippy happily shares that each one starts with the image. Much of his time spent in-world is devoted to brainstorming images or working on them. For him, the message for the photograph that impacts so many comes after the image is made. He shares, “The images themselves often come from feelings and ideas and always come from Skippy’s heart. So, I never create the images with the words already written. I guess I kind of live the image, and then, when I sit down, take some time to process and dig deep into the image.” The one recurring theme is his goal is to shine a light and bring a sense of connection. Because of this, his words accompanying his images will often reflect this concept and highlight how everyone is “in this together.” Another thing noticeable throughout his Flickr is that Skippy always seems to know what are the latest and greatest things happening in-world. He attributes this to his strong sense of community. While he does try to have fun and be open to meeting others, he is also unfailingly direct and honest, but still quick to express gratitude for the goodness surrounding him. Firmly believing in shining your light and pursuing Page 46 | ECLIPSE May 2015

your dreams, he asserts, “I think like minded people tend to gravitate towards one another. So, being interested in art and design and sharing ideas and concepts, I tend to meet people interested in these things just through my interactions. I also have met people through my own work creating images and stories.” Consequently, a testament to this idea is the community, Neva River Estates, that Skippy lives in. It is also home to a big and rather aesthetically pleasing event called Shiny Shabby. With so much beauty and optimism Skippy sees in the world, we wondered what he found most beautiful. For him, everything is beautiful, “From single objects to sim design, from the way people represent themselves here, with their avatars, their words, their interactions, their lives, there is beauty in everything. I always find something that amazes me and inspires me.” Through the images on his Flickr, he hopes that people can see that too. He feels that if one can imagine it, one can create it in SL. There is no wonder as to why the extraordinary seven year old boy named Skippy has made such a positive impact on the grid. When asked if there was anything he would like to share with our ECLIPSE readers, he ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 47

simply says, “I just want to say thank you for breathing life into me when you connect to my work. Thank you for letting little Skippy into your imagination. Together we can do so much.�

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Skippy’s Flickr:

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Photography by

y Tempest Rosca

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Euridice Qork Top: U.F.O. Pretty in Punk Top Pants: U.F.O. Pretty in Punk pants Boots: Fri. Juliette.Boots Jewelry: LaGyio Charlotte Earring face: (Yummy) Safte Pins - Eyebrow Leezah Kaddour Top: U.F.O. Pretty in Punk Top Pants: U.F.O. Pretty in Punk pants Hair: [LeLutka]-SALOME hair Bag: [LivGlam] Thea Tote Bag Boots: [LivGlam] Crista Boots Gold Nails: Nailed It - Neon Set Jewelry: ::je suis::douce::soft::earrings Jewelry Maxi Gossamer - Boho Bangles ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 55

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Euridice Qork Rebel Hope: Summer Vacation Mesh Dress Stripe Black Hat: Lelutka GoGo hair and hat Shoes: Emporium Joplin Flats Bag: =Zenith= Rattan Beach Bag Jewerly: [MANDALA] Luck Neclace and bracelets Leezah Kaddour Rebel Hope: Summer Vacation Mesh Dress Stripe Black Hair & Hat: [LeLutka]-GOGO-hair - Burnt Bag: [Amarelo Manga] Max Bag Glasses: Izzie’s - Oversized Sunglasses Shoes: [LivGlam] Allison High Heels Nails: Nailed It - Slink - The Style Icon Set HUD Jewelry: [Amarelo Manga] - Brazil Natural Collection Jewelry: .:: ANGELDUST ::. African Style Bangles ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 57

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Euridice Qork Dress: Zanze Blakely (Lace) Nude Shoes: Sim-i-Lar Torino shoes Earings: AlaFolie La Topessiene Vintage Ring and hair brooch: P.C. Golden Wings Ring Clutch: Baiastice Yara clutch Leezah Kaddour Dress: Zanze Blakely (Lace) Nude Hair: (Paper Couture) Small Back Bun Clutch: (O&N) Studs Purse CC Shoes: :::Le Primitif::: Pigalle High Pumps Nails: Hello Dave: Slink Avatar Enhancement Jewelry: Zuri Rayna~ Metal Moon Elite Ring 2 Jewelry: Zuri Rayna~Norena Earrings Elite

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Locuala Madruga Dress: Zenith - Bustier Skirt Bag: Zenith - Leather Bow Clutch Flowers Head: Lagyo - Bizarre Flower and Pompom flower Hair: little bones. - Psycho Ring: MG - Mermaid’s Stinger Ring Ring: MG - Khaleesi’s Ring Of Power Shoes: [Co57] - Valentina Cuban Linx Lua Vendetta Dress: Zenith - Bustier Skirt Shoes: SHEY Leocadia Stilettos Hair: TRUTH HAIR Blythe Jewels: GizzA - Boho Bracelet & Necklace Breeze Nails: .::LUNA::. Body Art - Polka Dots Nails Page 60 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Locuala Madruga Top: .tsg. Bustier - Blue Floral Pants: .tsg. Fancy Shorts - Classic Denim Body Mesh: Maitreya - Lara Mesh Body V 3.0 Hair: Tableau Vivant - Pretty reckless II Ring: Zenith - Hibiscus Flower Ring Necklace: Zenith - High Elf Princess Necklace Corolla Flower Head: Zenith- Tulips bloom Corolla Shoes: Pure Poison - Rosalie Flat Sandals Lua Vendetta Top: .tsg. Bustier - Blue Floral Pants: .tsg. Fancy Shorts - Classic Denim Shoes: Eudora 3D Kaede Wedges BBG Hair: (r)M Hair No.25’14 Jewelry: EarthStones Butterfly Necklace Jewelry: [MANDALA]KYARA_Bangle set_Marrakesh Nails: .::LUNA::. Body Art - Elegant Bow Nails ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 63

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Mermaid Rubble Dress: Pixicat - Wonderland Dress No. 2 Shoes: Just Design - Angel White Hair Accessory: LaGyo - Bizarre flower headpiece Autumn Jewels: [MANDALA] - MILKY WAY /POLLY WHITE Hairs: *booN* - AAN330 hair chocolate Nails: {MUA} - Slink Nails HUD - Winter Tiviyah Dress: Pixicat - Wonderland Dress No. 2 Heels: PurpleMoon - Aretha Heels Hair: Spellbound - Sweetsleep Nailcolor: Nailed It - Monochromatic Set Earrings&Choker: Mandala - Pear Rain Season 3 Hand Rings: Formanails - Accessories Rings

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Mermaid Rubble Dress: Rebel Hope - Summer Vacation Shoes: Eudora - 3D Reverie Wedges Jewels: [MANDALA] - Pearl-Rain-Season3 White Hairs: TRUTH HAIR - Dariela - browns Nails: {MUA} - Slink Nails HUD - Glitter Art Tiviyah Dress: Rebel Hope - Summer Vacation Heels: PurpleMoon - Aretha Heels Hair: Truth Hair - Willa Nailcolor: Nailed It - Pastel Set Lipstick: Pink Fuel - Essential Lipstick Jewelry: Mandala - Prophecy Jewelry Set

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Mermaid Rubble Dress: Atomic - Pretty In Punk Shoes: REIGN.- SLAYER WEDGES Bracelets: Maxi Gossamer - Monaco Nights Headphones: [MANDALA] - Unisex EARGASM Headphones* Hairs: *~*Damselfly*~* - Jhane Tattoos: Letis Tattoo - :: Amare :: MM929 :: Eyeliner: no. 7 @ The Instruments - Cat Walk Makeup Nails: {MUA} - Slink Nails HUD - Marble Tiviyah Dress: Atomic - Pretty In Punk Boots: Dirty Princes - Gladiator Couture Princess Mesh Boots Hair: Tableau Vivant - Mokuzai Nailcolor: Nailed It - Dark Set Tattoo: .Things. - Imperial Tattoo Necklace: Keystone - Double Chain Collar Ring: Maxi Gossamer - Royal Khadijah Estate Page 68 | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Photography by Natzuka Miliandrovic

Fluid Dynamics Page 72 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Written by Cajsa Lilliehook

“Androgyny is not trying to manage the relationship between the opposites; it is simply flowing between them.� June Singer

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“...standing in a crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs and wondering why no one turned around to acknowledge my presence.� - Draconias Timeless

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Science and society are finally catching up to nature, recognizing at last that gender is a fluid, not a solid. A new taxonomy of gender has been created to capture the many mooring places along the gender stream, but one of those terms, androgynous, is an ancient one. Harkening back to Ancient Greece and Plato’s Symposiums, androgynous combines the Greek words for male and female into one word - just as the androgyne encompasses the male and female in one person. For many people, androgyny is merely a fashion trend, but for others it is the truest expression of self. For this article, ECLIPSE interviewed four Second Life® residents whose Second Life identity is moored in the androgynous zone. Ren Matsura and Devin Vaughn are fashion bloggers, Vaki Zenovka is an esoteric blogger who blogs about fashion and law pertinent to Second Life using her expertise as a lawyer in her

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first life. Draconias Timeless is the founder of The Androgyne Initiative, an in-world group and website that offers information, support and connections for residents who are androgynous in SL®. Timeless also has a small shop called ~*Souzou Eien*~ that sells what he self-deprecatingly calls “random role-playing nonsense.” Asked how they would explain androgyny to others, their answers varied widely. Vaughn used the metaphor of a school cafeteria where one is “accepted at both the ‘boys only table’ and the ‘girls only table’.” For Matsura, the idea of fluidity dominates, “Adapting your body between the sexes and [flowing] between them.” Zenovka avoids explanations as it is not her job to explain androgyny to someone who does not know who it is. She just sticks to the expression that fits her and admits “I know that it might challenge other people’s preconceptions...and I’m totally okay with that. They’ll catch up.”

Timeless was more lyrical, “Androgyny is the freedom of dressing for a fancy party and no longer finding yourself limited to a tuxedo. Androgyny is the feeling of a skirt wafting about your ankles, the joy of makeup and beauty. Androgyny is the ability to ignore that pink is for girls and blue is for boys, that lavender is too feminine and black too masculine. Androgyny like an exquisite blending of the genders to create something wondrous and capable of so many things.” People who are androgynous in Second Life are not necessarily the same in their first lives. For Vaughn, SL is “a paradise that gives a taste of what true freedom really is... Reality on the other hand, has little room for experimentation. You must survive and that means navigating your life carefully, and picking your battles wisely.” Timeless’ only discussed Sl where he says his experience has been “like standing in a crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs and

wondering why no one turned around to acknowledge my presence. Only recently have they begun to turn around and notice not only me but others like myself.” Matsura, explores androgyny only in SL, not in his first life, and focuses heavily on fashion and gender fluidity. On the other hand, Zenovka’s first and second life are equally androgynous and each offer specific challenges. For Zenovka, first life offers “blissful tailoring.” She can have menswear altered to her shape in her first life, while the mesh revolution has ended the one size fits all ease of system wear. However, real life has its challenges, too, as her shape is curvaceous with a small waist and large breasts and hips. “I look more like Joan, but want to dress like Don [two characters in Mad Men, the AMC television series],” loving the facts than in SL she can “crank those puppies down.” ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 77

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“I like to combine masculine and feminine and make an Originality between both.� - Ren Matsura

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Finding appropriate clothing is significant challenge for SL’s androgynous residents. The change to mesh has reduced size offerings to five male shapes and five female shapes and zero gender ambiguous shapes. This was one of the primary reasons that Timeless founded The Androgyne Initiative to promote creators that serve the other-gendered and androgynous community. He wishes that SL content creators would become more aware and open to serving the androgyne market. With the advent of mesh, fitting has become a problem and often forces residents who are androgynous to “live in the past” as Timeless refers to it, wearing system clothing that conforms to any shape. He believes there is a strong market for gender ambiguous clothing and shapes. “Not every dress requires breasts to be built into it, and not every pair of trousers needs a bulge the size of a football...We’re not asking every content creator out there to only make stuff for us, but we ARE asking for the occasional item that we can actually use.” This is the most common thread among all those interviewed. Not all people who are androgynous manifest their androgyneity in the same way. There are many berths at the androgynous mooring. For Vaughn, androgyny combines personality traits, point of view and interests that work together to everything from fashion to career to body language. Explaining that he has personality traits that are stereotyped as masculine and feminine, he thinks those classifications ridiculous. Zenovka seconds that viewpoint. For her androgyny is a matter of identity, but she never wants people to think certain traits are masculine or feminine. “I’m strong, aggressive, and stubborn, but those traits aren’t necessarily masculine: women are those things too, even girly-girls. I am Page 80 | ECLIPSE May 2015

concerned, focused, and an activist, but those traits aren’t necessarily feminine. How I choose to express myself, both in my mode of dress, personal grooming, and in many of my habits, is very androgynous; so is my personality, but only to the extent that everyone’s personality is a blend of traits.” Matsura also sees androgyny as identity, “One part is that you want to represent your identity, and part of it is also fashion. Because I like to combine masculine and feminine and make an Originality between both.” For Timeless, identity is developed and expressed through fashion, “it’s rare that even some of my harsher outfits aren’t balanced with something soft, even in minor ways...I use the tools at my disposal to create not only a look, but an identity for myself that I’ve maintained for a number of years.” Androgyny, when it is not just about fashion, is about gender identity - not orientation, so some people who identify as androgynous may be attracted to the same, opposite or both biological sexes. As was very succinctly explained in the recent ABC Bruce Jenner interview, “Sexuality is who you go to bed with. Gender is who you go to bed as.” The idea that androgyny is about attraction is a misconception that Vaughn would like to go away. “That makes no sense to me. Just like the larger population, androgynes come in all flavors of straight, gay, bi, pan or whatever.” Matsura expressed a similar frustration, pointing out that androgyny “is a way to express originality combining both sexes, that carrying this style does not make you more or less a man than any normal guy who does not like this style.” Zenovka does not find a lot of myths about androgyny, though she says she is hit on by a lot of straight men “a shocking amount, so maybe: for me, at least, androgyny isn’t a kink or a fetish, and it shouldn’t be taken as an indication that I’m cross-dressing because ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 81

“a paradise that gives a taste of what true freedom really is” - Devin Vaughn

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I’m trying to find submissive men to spank. So please for god’s sake stop asking.” Timeless wishes people recognized that people who are androgynous are just expressing themselves. “We’re just like you... No one’s being hurt by what we’re doing. Being androgynous doesn’t make us deviants, there is no shame in what we are.” Androgyny is a celebration of ambiguity and is as individual as the people celebrating it. Vaughn considers the flow between genders, “the internal balancing of masculine and feminine, yin and yang, to be the ideal state of being for an enlightened person.” He points to Carl Jung’s archetypes Anima for men and Animus for women and the belief that embracing their inner gender opposite as a part of themselves instead of denying it makes a whole person who will live a happier life. He describes that balance as his comfort zone. For Zenovka, there’s an element of play Page 84 | ECLIPSE May 2015

and experimentation drawing a little from one social construct of gender and another. For Matsura, it’s about finding originality in the blending of gender archetypes. For Timeless, even though identity “straddles, and occasionally crosses, that blurred gender line,” it is not something he spends a lot of time thinking about. “This is simply who I am.”

Devin Vaughn’s blog: BishieStyle http://devinvaughn.blogsp

Ren Matsura’s blog: LETCIRREN

Vaki Zenovka’s blog: Insert Funny Name Here http://insertfun Androgynes in SL Flickr group: Second Life- Androgyny

Androgynous SL Flickr group: UC Berkeley Taxonomy of Gender Terms: http://geneq.berkel

The Androgynous Initiative The Androgyne Initiative is an in-world group serving the androgynous community in Second Life. They have a website that features creators who factor in androgynous shapes and style preferences and are always looking for more. Interested creators can apply on their website. The Androgynous Initiative is a non-sexual group that promotes community and shopping options for people that, up until now, have had very little of this beyond word of mouth. They’re here for you, and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon.



The Androgyne Initiative: The Androgyne Initiative Flickr group: The Androgyne Initiative in-world group: secondlife:///app/group/f9fce0bd-f180-0b60-92a8-2b0270c4fadb/about The Androgyne Initiative in-world headquarters: ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 85

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“ might challenge other people’s preconceptions...and I’m totally okay with that. They’ll catch up.” - Vaki Zenovka ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 87

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Written by Taylor Wassep Photography by Tempest Rosca

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AZUL is a Trans-Pacific Japanese Fashion house that is based in the Second Life fashion industry. For the last eight years, Mami Jewell, owner of AZUL, has garnered over 25,000 loyal member in the in-world group along with creating gowns that have been features on pageant winning residents. They have associating themselves with helping in launching careers of a vast majority of the highly regarded and established resident models in Second Life. When AZUL was established in 2007, Mami has been on the edge of fashion, pushing the boundaries of what a designer can do in second life. When asked how she has kept this pace and keeping AZUL fresh to newer residents. Page 90 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Miss Azul Final

list: Dream Love

AZUL-Second Lifeのファッ ション業界で活動する、太平 洋を越えた日本のファッション ハウス。 これまでの8年間、AZULの オーナーMami Jewellは様 々なコンテストでの勝者が着 用したガウンを作成するとと もに、 インワールドグループで 25,000以上の忠実なメンバ ーを集めてきた。 このことは、高く評価され確 立されている大半のSecond Lifeモデルのキャリアのスター トに貢献していることと関連 付けられる。 AZULが2007年に設立され て以来、Mamiはデザイナーが Second Lifeにおいて何がで きるかの限界を押し広げるフ ァッションのエッジになってい る。 このペースを維持し、 さらに新 しいレジデントに対しても新 鮮なAZULを維持してこれた 理由とは?

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Mami said that she would consider herself to be somewhere between a businesswoman and an artist. That she isn’t really doing this, all of this, for business. She just enjoys creating what the residents of Second Life are liking from her. That is what makes AZUL shine in Second Life, that she is simpling doing what she loves, and hopefully creating what others enjoy too. That is why the inception of Miss AZUL has been so fun for Mami. Seeing the creations and styling of some of the top models in Second Life. Page 92 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Miss Azul Finalist:

: Jeanie Waydelich

Mamiは自分がビジネスパー ソンとアーティストの中間に位 置すると考えていると言う。 すべてがビジネスのためにや っているのではない、 と。 彼女は、彼女が作成するもの が好きな人々が好むものを作 成し楽しんでいるのだ。 これがAZULがSecond Life で輝いている理由です-彼女は 自分が好きなものをつくる、 そ して他の人もそれらを楽しめ ることを期待して。 Second Lifeのトップモデル たちのスタイリングを見るチャ ンス - Miss AZULがMami にとってどれほど楽しいか! ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 93

So, that is why in 2015, Mami brought back the coveted pageant, Miss AZUL, after a break between 2011 to now. “Honestly, I tried to plan and running Miss AZUL every year, i just have been busy in real life and couldn’t give Miss AZUL all I could then,” said Mami. “Now, I have an amazing team for AZUL, especially Chloe Electra. She basically is managing the entity of Miss AZUL this year. I’m happy to finally run Miss AZUL 2015.”

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Miss Azul Finali

ist: Milla Crumb

2011年以降、長い沈黙のあ と、誰もが切望していたページ ェント 「Miss AZUL]を 理由 ”正直なところ、Miss AZULを やろうと毎年プランしていたけ ど、 リアルが忙しかったのでチ ャンスを逃してきたの” ”現在、私には素晴らしい AZULのチームがあります。 特にChloe Electra。 彼女は Miss AZULのほとんどのマネ ージングをしてくれています。 やっとMiss AZUL2015がで きてうれしい!” ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 95

Mami confided in us that she will be so sad to see Ponchitituti pass her crown down to the next Miss AZUL. But to Mami, Ponchitituti will always be ther face of AZUL to her. So, Mami has asked that if you ever see Ms. Pontituti Boucher out and about, please send her lots of love and waves. Now, the reason why Ponchitituti was so impaction during Miss AZUL 2011 are many of the very values and assets Mami is looking for in her next Miss AZUL. Page 96 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Miss Azul Finalist

t: Nayomi Gartner

MamiはPonchititutiが次の Miss AZULにクラウンを渡す のを見るのが寂しいと打ち明 けた。 でもMami。Ponchititutiはあ なたにとってもいつまでもあな たの求めるAZULの顔として 存在するよ。 PonchititutiがMiss AZUL 2011として残してきた多くの 価値や財産 - Mamiが次の Miss AZULに求めるものと は。 ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 97

“Miss AZUL is not ‘beauty contest’”, said Mami. “We don’t want a only a beauty avatar that is a perfect doll. We want to have the next Miss AZUL to have a good personality with well rounded sense of herself. She needs to be a business savy person who can handle the day to day tasks of being the face of AZUL. We want someone who enjoy working with us. But most importantly, she must love AZUL!” With the first round of submissions completed and the first six contestants have been chosen. There is still another round of auditions in June.

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Miss Azul Finalis

st: Shinobu Istmal

”Miss AZULはビューティ ーコンテストではありません” と、Mami。 ”完璧で美しいアバターは必要 としていません。人柄がよく、 バランスの取れたセンスの持 ち主がMissAZULに欲しいの です。 AZULの顔である日々の作業 をこなすことができ、 ビジネス を理解している人、私たちチー ムと活動することを楽しめる 人。 でも一番大切なのは、AZUL が大好きであること!” 一回目のラウンドが終わり、最 初の6人のファイナリストが選 出された。 4月に続き6月にも 2回目のラウンドのオーディシ ョンが行われる。 ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 99

“First of all, let me tell you that there will not be just 12 finalists, but 15 finalists,” said Mami, “The judges had quite a difficult time narrowing down only six of the semi finalists at our first audition. That is when we decided to have a public vote near the end of June; to save another three semifinalists enter the finals. This public vote will be a pool of semi-finalists from the first and second round of auditions.” “I don’t think all of the judges were happy with the result of the first round of auditions, so that is why we decided to bring back three of the semi-finalists from the rounds,” said Mami. So, with the next round of auditions happening in June, you should be on the look out for details on how to apply for Miss AZUL 2015.

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Miss Azul Finalist:

”まず報告させてください。決 勝に進出するファイナリストは 12人ではなく、 15人に変更 になりました” と、Mami。 ”ジャッジたちは、 1回目のラウ ンドのオーディションで、 セミ ファイナリストたちから6人の ファイナリストに絞るのにとて も苦労しました。 そこで私たちは、 セミファイナ リストからさらに3人をファイ ナルに進められるよう、 6月末 に一般投票することを決めま した。 この一般投票は、第1回、 2回 両方のラウンドをあわせ、 12 枠のファイナルに進めなかっ たセミファイナリスト対象に投 票が行われます” ”ジャッジ全員が1回目のラウ ンドの結果に満足できず、追加 で3人をファイナルに送り込む ことにしました”と、Mami。 次回のラウンドのオーディショ ンは6月。Miss AZUL 2015 の応募詳細をチェック! Yeriakth Couturier

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Photography by Anderian Sugarplum Page 102 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Written by Landa Crystal ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 103

One afternoon in Second Life® as I looked into the world map I saw another tiny yellow dot on the sim — a beautiful writer´s home diagonal to my island. My friend was a fellow model and I casually asked her about a place to live as my particular abode had been giving me a lot of laggy grief. She mentioned the

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Neva Crystall Estates. As soon as I arrived I realized I was in one of the most beautifully landscaped places in SL® with understandably, a massive waiting list. Less than a year after this conversation, I am assigned to write about Neva and her business partner´s new entrepreneurial activities.

Most ventures, SL and otherwise start small, but almost since its inception, the Shiny Shabby Event has been huge. Just on its third round it already had sixty participating designers on board to the delight of its creator Neva Crystall and it´s co-owner AnaïsTerpielle, and they are already employing five people

on their team. Anaïs tells me that the correct name is the ¨Shiny Shabby Event¨ although colloquially many call it ¨The Fair¨. Opening on the 20th of each month and closing 25 days after that, on the 15th of the following month, the venue

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was rebuilt and moved to ground level on the Shiny Shabby sim beginning in April. As I arrive on the sim I am greeted by the same ethereal atmosphere that surrounds the work of Neva Crystall´s photographs on Flickr® and somehow I feel extremely cozy, welcome and warm. This is the same feeling I got from my visit to her estate. Neva and Anaïs have a close friendship that has spanned the better part of five beautiful SL years. They are lucky enough to get help from both their real life and SL family so that The Shiny Shabby can run smoothly. Neva´s real life daughter Blair, the owner and creator of Entwined Hair, helps with all things related to the event and is the liaison of The Shiny Shabby event with their media partners. Her real and Second Life partner, Boo deals with the Shiny Shabby rental system and Anais´ husband, Daniel, the

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designer behind Zerkalo, helps them with technical issues. We can certainly see that this is a highly creative and organized first and Second Life, mostly Russian family, that sticks together through thick and thin. This family’s goal is to bring together the most amazing and talented SL designers, who can provide 100% original mesh with a highly vintage feeling just like Neva´s style. They seem to be having an extreme success since in the month of April they had no less than 70 interested brands participating. One of their goals is to provide a relaxed and enjoyable atmospheric experience not just for the designers who participate, but also for those of us who are guests; a place that you will not hesitate to visit again and again. The 100% original mesh requirement is mandatory in order to participate in their events and it´s something that certainly

sets them apart. Each month they have a different theme in order to provide inspiration for the creative juices of the participating brands. However, there is always the common denominator of that vintage feel that is unchanging each and every time and which has become their signature. Their success since its creation in December 2014 (that is just 4 months ago!) has been impressive. If I were to explain their rapid growth I would say it probably has something to do with the combination of their exquisite taste, their ability to reach an entirely different set of talented creators on the other side of our world, along with the fact that they are offering them a venue to have their originality and genius valued, highlighted and displayed. Ana誰s inspires Neva and the latter has a ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 107

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keen eye for the beauty that lies within. So when she was looking for a name for their event, Boo, her husband identified how she has the uncanny ability to see the shine and beauty in dusty old things. Hence, the perfect name to describe her taste: Shiny Shabby! He gave it meaning and presented her with a catchy name that is now in everyone’s mind. Being able to see what is not obvious is a sure sign of an artist and I am certainly in the presence of one through her amazing creations. The event is targeted to whomever likes and appreciates beautiful, original items with a vintage feel. The other side of SL and its heartbeat; ephemeral in its monthly offerings, almost like an artistic exhibition, with its wonderful creations hidden in alleyways. It is a place to find the beauty and shine behind the seemingly dusty, shabby, vintage lairs. Make sure you come and visit!

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Landmark: Website: Flickr group: Facebook: Plurk: Twitter: ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 111

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Photography by Sy

ylphia Constantine

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AnnaG Pfeffer Dress: Coquet- Debbie Souflee Hat: LaGyo - Yolanda hat Hair: Tableau Vivant - Liebe Necklace: Kunglers Extra - Andino Bracelet: MOLiCHiNO - Quilted Cuff Bag: *Nya’s* - LeatherBowlingBag Boots: Kunglers - Blanka boots - Navaho

DiamondGem Destiny Dress: Coquet - Debbie Souffle Hair: Tableu Vivant - Diana Hair Shoes: E-Clipse - Ete’ Slink High Shoes Bag: Zenith - Rattan Bow Bag Necklace: Zenith - Butterfly Necklace Earring: Kunglers Extra - Amala Earrings Bracelet: Glam Affair - Bangles Set Cream Ring: [MANDALA] - Prophecy Ring Headpiece: *LODE* - Magnolia II Double

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DiamondGem Destiny Dress: ZanZe - Vixie Hair: [taketomi] - Brandi Hair Shoes: JD - Malgo Slink Patent Handbag: David Heather - Dolce Purse Hat: *LODE* - Zima Necklace: Kunglers Extra - Elwen Necklace Sapphire Earrings: MG - Belladonna Crystal Beaded Bracelet: [Modern.Couture] - Luxury Bracelet Ring: Glam Affair - Lux Ring

AnnaG Pfeffer Dress: ZanZe - Vixie Hat: *LODE* - Madame [brown and blue] Hair: *ARGRACE* - Haruka Necklace & earrings: P.C. - Sapphire and Diamond Shoes: Elysium - Helga stiletto

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DiamondGem Destiny Skirt: Fishy Strawberry - Spring Fling Skirt Top: Maitreya - Lisbon Top Hair: D!va - Lynn Hair Shoes: Rebel Hope - Spring Fling Mesh Wedge Necklace and Bracelet: Mon Cheri - Loreen Set Handheld Accessory: May’s Soul - Japan Treasures Bird Cage

AnnaG Pfeffer Skirt: Fishy Strawberry - Spring Fling Skirt Hair: enVOGUE - HAIR Marilyn Glasses: Elysium - Ash sunglasses (unisex) Earrings: Kunglers Extra - Esplendor Shoes: Elysium - Helga stiletto

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Miele Tarantal Outfit: Zanze- Lexy Jumper Sandals: Just Design Isabeau Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Diana Hair Rings: ieQED irina ring set all Hat: Meli Imako Summer Hat Necklace: Maxi Gossamer Gypsy Flower Amulet of Antimony Bag: SAIKIN straw bag K8 petals

Spirit Llewellyn Outfit: Zanze- Lexy Jumper Shoes: [LG] Boutique Spring14 Adios Sandals Hair: Slink- Bianka Hat: GOS- Floppy Hat Bag: {Indrya}- Toni Straw Tote Glasses: Izzie’s Oversized Sunglasses Jewelry: Gizza- Boho Set Bangles and Necklace Jewelry: Shimmerie- bramble ramble earrings

Wicca Merlin Outfit: Zanze - Lexy Jumper Shoes: J’s - Studded Long Boots Glasses: ::Schoen:: - Color Bag: [LeLutka] - SACK bag Jewelry: GizzA - Boho Set Hair: [BURLEY] - Sirah

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Spirit Llewellyn Dress: *LpD* - *Kate* Dress Sand Hair/Hat: Lelutka GOGO Shoes: Dafnis- Beaded Sandals Bag: LPD- Shopping Bag Jewelry: Lazuri- Spring Collection bracelets&rings

Miele Tarantal Dress: *LpD* - *Kate* Dress Sand Sandals: Pure Poison - Rosalie Flat Sandals - Mauve Jewelry: Eshi Otawara - Hana Ring and Necklace Hair: little bones. Psycho Hair Flowers: *LODE* Head Accessory - Peony Double

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Spirit Llewellyn Top: .Atomic. - {Basic Crop Top} Skirt: .Atomic. - {LaLa Skirt} Shoes: Fri- Allison Boots Hair: Lelutka-Vibrato Hat: Chrysalis- Poetic Bowler Hat Jewelry: Indi-wood Rectangle necklace&earrings / Wood Bangles

Wicca Merlin Top: .Atomic. - {Basic Crop Top} Skirt: .Atomic. - {LaLa Skirt} Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe - Inara Boots Jewelry: [MANDALA] - SHIPPOAH Hair & Hat: Maitreya - Siobhan Bag: GizzA - Ruffle Bag Glasses: Izzie’s - Oversized Sunglasses

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Miele Tarantal Dress: OAKEN by Noodles - Lauren Dress Shoes: AZOURY Lazarus Bronze Hair: little bones. Windsong Sunglasses: Noodles - Born to Die Jewelry: Noodles - Esme Arm Chains Rose Jewelry: Noodles - Sky Thigh Chain Rose Wicca Merlin Dress: OAKEN by Noodles. - Lauren Dress Tights: LeeZu! - Glitter Tights /gold Shoes: Curio Obscura - Abomination Bitey Meaty Boot Head Piece: *SoliDea FoliEs* - Pink Paradise Eye Piece: PIXEL BOX - Steampunk Multi Monocle Right Ring: PIXEL BOX - Steampunk Ring Clock Collar: .:-CatniP-:. - Enslaved Collar ~ rough brown Arm Accessories: DRD - Armor /grunge Hair: booN - MLN447 hair /blonde Spirit Llewellyn Dress: OAKEN by Noodles. - Lauren Dress Jacket: COCO- Biker Jacket Over Shoulders Boots: Beautiful Dirty Rich- Platform Leggings Hair: Lelutka- Jada ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 127 Jewelry: Lazuri- Kaya Full Set

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Caesar Langer Suit: Zanze Men - Charlie Outfit (shorts and blazer) Bowtie: [ZE-Men] - Charlie Bow Tie Shoes: ..::ILLI::.. - Charles Slink Mocassin Cigarette: YV - Coco, White Sunglasses: [Amarelo Manga] - Sunglasses Miami Hairbase: [INK] Hairbase buzz-cut/Sideburn/Bold Hat: *ARGRACE* - Fedora hat Ring01: .:LB:. - “Nouveau Gothique” Olde Silver Ring02: Do Lubitsch - Man Signet Ring The Man Bag: David Heather - Bally Bag Hand Tattoo: .Inhale. - Mehndi Hair:*REDGRAVE* - Hair Jacob ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 129

Caesar Langer Jacket: Howl - SUHA Loose jacket Pants: Gabriel ::GB:: - sagging pants Shoes: Lubbock - kokoia Man for Slink Necklace: POMPOSITY - Rolled Link short Sunglasses: [Amarelo Manga] - Sunglasses Miami Ring: ChaodCreation [CC] - Mesh Ring male Bag: REPRESENT - Lavin Python Backpack Hair: *ARGRACE* - Takumi HandPage Tattoo: - Mehndi 130.Inhale. | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Caesar Langer Blazer: AITUI CLOTHING FACTORY - Opened Blazer Pants: ::K:: - Dual Belt Chinos Homme Hat: Yasum - Mesh Leather Cap Shoes: Pure Poison - Adam Sandals Facial Hair: Tableau Vivant - Facial Hair 07 B Curtain Mutton Chops Ears: AITUI - Stretched ears, Gen 4 Piercing: .HoD. - Cosmis Belly HandPage Tattoo: - Mehndi 132.Inhale. | ECLIPSE May 2015

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Founded under the guidance and vision of Marcus Lefevre, The Miss SL Organization is dedicated to the celebration of beauty, creativity and talent. Recently, ECLIPSE Magazine has had the opportunity to speak to the Misses of the pageant and have posed the same question to each of them, in the hopes of offering a level of insight and depth to the women behind their country’s crown. The question asked was “Part of the beauty of Second Life is that everything is 100% user created and the only limitations placed on you are the ones you place on yourself. Tell us, what do you find beautiful about Second Life?” Page 134 | ECLIPSE May 2015

We present the Misses of the Miss SL Pageant with photographs from various runway challenges.

Photography provided by the Miss SL Organization. ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 135

-BloodyMistress Serenity Page 136 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Miss SL Angola q p Miss SL Australia

“First of all, thank you for this particular invitation and to give us the opportunity to share our vision/ideas. Now...this is an hard question...I think Beauty is everywhere, even in RL. Beauty is in the eyes of the person that sees it. So, Beauty is a very subjective concept and ever individual has its own concept. For me, Beauty in SL is on the most creative things but also on the most simple ones. It is a matter of personal tastes. There are fabulous sims with amazing landscapes and details that amazes us, amazing clothing, furniture and other objects that we thought they could never be created in SL! But what is even more beautiful about Second Life, it is not only the objects and what you see with your eyes. It is what you see and feel with your heart. I’ve seen lots of ugly things in Second Life, but also wonderful things like friendship, mutual aid, caring, kindness, love, awareness, respect, support, among other beautiful feelings I’ve experienced, and I take this chance to thank everyone that I share my SL with for all the beautiful things they give me.”

“To me, the most beautiful part of Second Life is how easy it is to learn about life outside your own. I have made friends from all over the world and discovered aspects of humanity I never would have been able to; how they love, laugh and live. It’s not possible to pick up a phone, dial a Norwegian number at random and ask what they do for fun, what’s showing on tv at the moment or what they had for breakfast. To me, our digital world is one that shrinks the analog one in all the best ways. “ -Sakura Sugarplum ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 137

Miss SL Austria q p Miss SL Belgium “It’s full of unbelievable things. Second Life opens entirely new doors, it is very interesting. It allows meeting people That we would maybe have never met in Real life. We can make friends around the world, we can discuss many things, meet a lot of people from different backgrounds, bind strong friendships and even love. I spent wonderful time on SL, moments that I will never forget, great friends that I have meet for real. We can develop our creativity, traveling, learning new things. Everything is possible in Second Life.” -Lolita Dinzeo Page 138 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“The beauty of Sl, is to be able to have the freedom to be whom ever you want and do whatever you want, to be whenever you want to be in just a second . Even if the task it is difficult , however, because you find yourself in a parallel world that forces you to get out who you really are , including your weaknesses your fears but also your strong moments . this is what SL gave to me and that’s what I like most , it pushes me to say no more ... “ I can not do it .” In Sl I found the strength to confront myself and grow day after day.” -Misondite Romano ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 139

Miss SL Brazil q p Miss SL Canada “I think pretty great power that Second Life has to gather and create linkages of friendship between people from different countries and cultures, I was already touched by this experience and have lived magical moments until this day.� -Nayomi Gartner Page 140 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“What I find beautiful is today I could be on a beach somewhere, enjoying the waves of an ocean, and hearing birds sing above me, and the next day I could at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. There is such an unlimited amount of very beautiful places in Second Life. I love the fact that I have the ability to control, think, move, design, create, enjoy, and even change to anything I absolutely desire. Second Life doesn’t prohibit our imagination, it gives it a way to release, and let our imagination flow as far as we desire. Today a Fashion Model, tomorrow the Queen of a Planet. “ -Sydney420 Ashbourne ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 141

Miss SL Chinaq p Miss SL Cyprus -Susy49 Albatros Page 142 | ECLIPSE May 2015

-Kim Rongyu ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 143

Miss SL France q p Miss SL Greece -Laiti Page 144 | ECLIPSE May 2015

-Eva Madenwald ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 145

Miss SL Guyana q p Miss SL Hawaii “What I find most beautiful about Second Life lies in the hearts of its players. The incredible thoughtfulness, love, and compassion that comes from behind the screen is overwhelming. To be witness of all the hard work done through charities, projects, and events to help make life better for those in need is also a thing of beauty. I am grateful to have been touched by so many.� -Ivyana Szondi Page 146 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“What I like in secondlife, it is to be able to create without limits, give way to its imagination and make very beautiful things. I like as well the easy way we have to be able to meet people from all over the world while staying at home! To be able to do some things that we would never dare to do certainly in real Secondlife for me is an imaginary world but also very real.� -AmyYlY Verne ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 147

Miss SL India q p Miss SL Indonesia “The one I feel very beautiful about second life is freshness. I find second life beautiful because it have shown me only clean people. Communication, love, desirability, ability, culture. language and its diversity. I love almost everything about second life, because its already been a part of my life. :)� -Valsnia Page 148 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“I love elegant and beautiful dresses in Second life. Details are fantastic and some creations amaze me.�

-Mio Linette

ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 149

Miss SL Italy q p Miss SL Japan “Second life can really free your imagination and push it to your limits. Thanks to this game i learned how to use photoshop and blender, but also i discovered a passion for the editorial field that leaded me to study editorial graphic in rl. So for me this virtual reality is a special gift that life did to me, helping me to find a side that in me was a bit hided. I love to have the chance to be a contributor, doing all my best to see SL growing more and more.� -Astralia Page 150 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“Where do things come that seems to be beautiful in SL from. When I think about the concept of “beauty”, It’s a thing coming from each one’s sense which forms the appearance of the avatar. We can call it life or delusion or a living fantasy. Although In Second Life, what we can not make possible in Real Life can come true, by utilizing the product of creators made, I create a new sense. When people look at my styling or photo I took, some emotion evoke in their mind, and It is the “beauty” that I look for.” -Shinobu Istmal ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 151

Miss SL Kazajistan q p Miss SL Mexico “I find beauty in places where we can go off of our real life, I find beauty in the people I know, and your feelings. In landscaping and sims with thematic and originality. The photographs and the feeling of every detail. Also in the creations and designers who make it possible for all the magic flow. The beauty which is part of each and how we are evolving within us.� -YeriakTH Couturier Page 152 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“I think the beauty in SL is where you want to find it. All the ways the people use to express their own creativity. SL is a reflection of RL so here we can find all the beauty that we have in Real Life. In SL you can find art, poetry, nature, In SL you can find LIFE, and there is where the beauty is.” -Euridice Qork ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 153

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Miss SL Monaco q p Miss SL Netherlands

Second Life, an imaginary world, more or less parallel to the real one, it travels along the inability to explain why we dream at night. Second Life is Fantasy, Creativity, and especially to think that there is no limitation in creating a thought, a dream, a folly. The real beauty is to know we can “do / be” anything. But really, I do not know how to create the clothes, hair or houses and jewelry, I have to settle for what others have thought, dreamed and then created. Despite this, beauty in second life I will find a lot of beauty in places, beauty of movement, in the avatar ... and this beauty we bring it in, with our taste and our personality with our ... dreams.” -Stregavento Nguya

“For me, the beauty in Second Life, is that we can accomplish what in real life was only in our dreams. No matter what your desire, if you dedicate yourself, you can realize it. It is only up to you.”


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Miss SL Norway q p Miss SL Poland “Remarkable beauty exists in Second Life brought to us through the genius and creativity of its residents. What I find most remarkable, though, is that in an artificially created world, the truth and utter beauty of human relationships thrive just as strongly as they do in First Life. “ -Vivienne Darcy Page 156 | ECLIPSE May 2015

“I find the friendships and relationships you create in SL beautiful, I have made so many friends in SL who become some of my best friends in RL as well and My RL boyfriend whom I met through SL, and the fact that you can be anything you want to be here. No matter what the circumstance may be.� -jj26 Ragu ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 157

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Miss SL Puerto Rico q p Miss SL South Africa

“To me the most beautiful of Second Life is, people, customs and languages, to travel to places in my life would be impossible. Laugh at unexpected things I encounter on the road, colors, magic, and fantasy, being part and belong to something special.� -Precise Frimon

“I find beautiful about Second Life the chance to meet people from all over the world, and even not knowing them personally and only through pictures I am able to call them my friends and even consider some of them as an extension of my family. I love the chance to be able to express through fashion and stylings, to show my real self through my work, to keep evolving in my SL modeling career and also as a human being.� -Leezah Kaddour ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 159

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Miss SL Spain q p Miss SL United Kingdom

“The most beautiful thing that Second Life has is the people their different nationality, race, cultures that meet together every day we have strong friendship ties. Boundaries disappear, money, language... there is not doubt, Second Life is a magic platform where dreams become a reality and distance get short is there where you can find beauty.� -Naarnisse

“In a world where fantasy is very important, I love use my imagination. I love watching strange objects created by builders, I love the fairy tales land, I love to dream with the clothes. It’s beautiful have every day a different a sophisticated western woman or an ethereal Japanese’s queen, is sufficient a click. I also love the possibility defies the laws of physics and fly. Flying has always been the dream of man, in Second life it’s possible. Distances do not exist, in a few seconds you can get anywhere, who wouldn’t want to flying in real life? Also other period of history it’s possible relive in Second life with RPG, it’s good to be in the middle ages or in the ancient greece come forward. Last but not least, in this “crazy” world, I have met many friends, Italians and other countries. some of them have gone on to become very good friends in the real life.”

-Memole Ghia ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 161

-Trinity Graves Page 162 | ECLIPSE May 2015

Miss SL USA q p Miss SL Venezuela

“The amount of love and creativity in Second Life is simply amazing. There are so many wonderful things going on. Theres Music and fashion, fun and creativity in all genres. But I find the most beautiful thing about Second Life is the amount of sincere love and compassion you can find among your peers. You can make connections here that would never be possible in your first life. The residents have a chance to be who they dream of being. The inner persona that is the true heart and soul of who you are. No real barriers and nothing to hide. Were not inhibited by societies standards. There is no real separation of race class gender religion or even nationality. What we see here is the manifestation of the heart. The true beauty of the soul within the body. With no barriers to get past the love and compassion simply flow free. The possibilities in this virtual world are utterly limitless. We can save lives support loved ones and strangers alike giving a hug or simply reaching out and connecting when it is needed most. What could be more beautiful than the true selves we get to see every single day here. In my opinion it is the people that are truly beautiful.�

“First of all thank you very much for the opportunity to share with you this space. What beautiful encounter in Second Life? I think first we should be clear why we are in Second Life or led us to be. For me the beauty of Second Life is the facility to fulfill dreams of projects in real life for some reason were truncated or impossible. And not having perfect avatar, that’s super easy, I speak that within each existing role, tools and knowledge. FASHION In my case, where I could enjoy and get all the information inherent to the subject, as well as knowledge of design, photography, advertising not forgetting the wonderful and effective social network offering.” -Layka63 ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 163

Miss SL Vietnam q “I find beautiful about Second Life from myself. It is my Ideal of beauty. And bewitching, cute, kitsch and most elegant. It is freedom mind of me.” -Rehana Seljan Page 164 | ECLIPSE May 2015

FINALE May 30, 2015 10AM SLT ECLIPSE May 2015 | Page 165

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