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Advertise in the

Dairyland Peach Entertainment Section and Reach Over 26,000 Homes!

Dairyland Peach

AD DEADLINES Classifieds and Class Display:

Thursday 2:00pm


Thursday Noon

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SAUK CENTRE, MN www.schaefersmarket.com SToRE: 320-352-6490 • CUSToM BUTChERiNg 320-352-3095

Chris Lawinger, Owner

hoURS: Monday thru Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Closed Sunday

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OrAnges 4 Lb. Bag




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cArrOts 1 Lb. Pkg.

One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.




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Beans, Corn, Peas 14.5-15 Oz.



Cream of Mushroom 10.5 Oz.






silver spring

hOrserAdish sAuce 9.25 Oz.


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One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.






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One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.

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One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.



7.25 Oz.

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One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.

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Dairyland Peach, December 21, 2014, Page 13

Check Out Our Website

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One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.

One coupon per customer. Offer good only at Schaefer’s Market, Sauk Centre, MN thru Saturday, December 27, 2014.



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For Sale: JD 4440; Gravity boxes: Rd. bale feeders; JD corn and bean headers; Stock chopper; New & used tires, call for sizes and prices; 45’ Wilrich field cult. w/Nobles drag; Farm King snowblower; 20’ G/N stock trailer; MM 12’ grain drill w/grass and fert.; JD 7000 or 7100 planters; Rd. bales of grass hay, net wrapped; 4200 JD MFWD w/loader; 2007 Kawasaki 650 Brute Force, 4x4; 2002 Ford Explorer. 320-266-6569

KC Cavalier, 1 F, very playful; 1 male Cavalier/ Poodle, sweetheart, nonshedding, vac., vet checked, 320-492-8032 For Sale: Two 1998 Polaris Indy Trail snowmobiles, must sell. 218-232-3071

Lots Of Good used tires for sale. All sizes, tractor, truck and car tires. Total Tire & Auto Service LLC, Long Prairie. 320-732-9003 For Sale: Used 12x10 insulated OH door, $500; 7720 JD combine. 218-738-4230

Maltipoo pups, M/F, cute and sweet, pad trained, vac., vet checked, 320-4928032

Middle aged widower looking for female companion. Don 218-371-0523

Dairyland Peach Deadlines: Thursday at 2:00 p.m. for classified line ads and classified display ads; and 12:00 noon for display advertising. The Dairyland Peach retains sole discretion to determine what is considered a business ad or a personal ad. We also reserve the right to alter ad copy at our discretion.

New EPA Regulations will result in discontinuing the Classic Outdoor wood furnace. Buy now while we have some in stock! Classic Sales 763-444-9000 Isanti.

Wanted: Store tokens from Farming and Clotho, MN. 320-837-5292

Wanted: To buy, silage chipper. 320-292-0798

Wanted: To buy property along Hwy 71. Long Prairie area. 320-732-8159

For Sale: Storage trailer, 53’ dry van, best offer. 320352-2207

For Sale: UTV hauler, 16’Lx7’Wx7’H w/extras, $6,200. 320-761-4107

Need Shingles? Call Paul 320-248-2218. Licensed & Insured. Lic#RR653793 For Sale: Portable oil heater, 100,000 BTUs, $50. 320746-2552

For Sale: Pullets, hens, laying brown eggs, $6; Muscovy ducks, $5. 320-761-9624

For Sale: Sofa sleeper, very clean, 1st $40 takes it. 320845-2524

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Wanted: Batteries, radiators, electric motors, wire. 320-223-0230 Wanted: 250cc Honda/ Yamaha Enduro motorcycle. 320-558-6525

Reg. St. Bernards, nondrooling, family raised, vet checked, 12 wks old, $350. 320-352-1069

Wanted: Unwanted riding lawn mowers & other lawn & garden equipment for parts, 320-630-9444

Wanted: Old diesel or heating fuel, can pump out of basement. 320-424-2005

For Sale: Very nice gravity boxes from 2 to 600 bu., shedded. 320-453-3007

Poodle puppies, M/F, super cute, personality +, vac., vet checked, 612-7309453 Give Away: 4 healthy barn kittens. 320-249-5161, After 6pm 320-352-2059

Give Away: To good home, older Chihuahua female. 320-766-5176

Peach Subscriptions: $35 for full year, $20 for half year. For more info. call 320-352-6569 For Sale: Wood stove, antique, last used Oct. 2012, $2,500. 320-333-6581 Wanted: 8’ firewood logs, hardwood or mixed, 10-12 cords. 320-732-2552


Pomeranian puppies, 1 M, darling doll faced, pad trained, vac., vet checked, 320-492-8032

Wanted: Newer pontoon in good cond. w/ lift & dock preferred. 320-429-1635

For Sale: Wood corner ent. center and Polaris full face bell helmet. 320-282-8110

Effective Jan. 1, 2015: Dairyland Peach Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; Closed Saturday. Livestock hauling. Call Jay Tesch, 320-309-1771, 24/7

For Sale: Xmas ornaments, etc., mostly new in box, $30 for all. 320-356-7938 Wanted: 2000 or newer skidsteer, 18.4x38� hubs/ duals for Ford TW25. 320-

Found: Skidloader ramp. N. or Ward Springs, Co. Rd. 2 & 89. 320-292-0391 Ken Wanted: I will pay you back for your used guns. 320-219-8157

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For Sale: 2 bath cabinets with mirror and 3 light fixtures. 320-352-6349

Running Group Training Meeting: Jan. 10, 8 a.m. at Active Life Nutrition, 311 Main St., Sauk Centre. Training for Fargo Rocks Events - 5K, 10K, HalfMarathon, Full Marathon & Relay Options. For Sale: 8”x34’ Grain King auger, like new, $1,000. 320-808-9506

Tires, Tires, tires: Like new used tires, 10,000 in stock, all sizes, passenger car tires. 1 mile east of Verndale on Hwy. 10. 218-4455009 For Sale: 2 like new Carvin #1540 PA Speakers, $198/ pair or B/O. 320-354-2424 For Sale: 2 mini mares, bred, B/O.; 86 Nissan 300 ZX, $3600. 218-666-1905 Wanted: Farm cleanups. 320-223-0230

For Sale: 4x8 spear house, plywood sides on skids, $450. 320-363-4328

Used lawn mower and garden tractor parts for sale, 320-630-9444

For Sale: 3 BR 2 BA country home; also, remod. bldg. Brooten 320-444-4270

For Sale: 6’ Snowway snow plw w/brkts; Lennair waste oil furn. 320-760-1025

For Sale: 3 year old Red Heeler, fixed, needs a firm hand, not good with kids, $200. 320-594-2853 For Sale: 1999 Chev Suburban, looks good, 4x4, runs great, $2500. 320-282-7851

For Sale: D17 Allis diesel for rebuilding or parts tractor. B/O. 320-346-2517

For Sale: 7 ft. Christmas tree, decorations & lights. 320-254-0092

For sale: IH 240 utility tractor, 3 pt. 2 bottom plow, 3 pt. 7 ft. digger/ cultivator, $4,500 firm, 218-575-2684

Wanted To Buy: Horses of all kinds. Also riding and driving equipment. John Blair. 320-283-5657

Case Diesel 930, 3 point, 518 pulltype plow. Case international round baler, 320-760-5622

For Sale: 8N Ford tractor, needs clutch, $1,000 B/O; Sm. trvl. trlr. 320-594-2768

Outdoor woodburning furnaces, all stainless steel. Lifetime warranty! Also, radiant floor heat water tubing! Compare & save! Free estimates and guaranteed lowest prices. Visit www. mikesheating.com or call 1-800-446-4043

GM speedometers and gauge repair, plus other makes. Call for details 320360-6833 For Sale: 5 hp, 2,000w gen., $100 B/O; 1-1/2 hp elec. mtr., $40. 320-834-2659 For Sale: 9’x10’ insulated overhead door, 3 yrs old. 320-980-0708

For Sale: 8’x12’ barn storage shed, $875. 320-2480903

257 Weatherby Lazerguard, custom factory stock, custom bluing. Redfield 3x9 scope. Reloading dies, bullets, brass. Like new. Firm price cash only. $1,000. 320-492-5403

Plat Books Available at the Dairyland Peach office in Sauk Centre. Counties available include Stearns, Todd, Kandiyohi, Pope, Morrison and Douglas. Cost is $29.95 + tax.

For Sale: Heavy duty steel 4 whl. utility trailer w/ jack, new lights, good con., $800. 320-766-8186

For Sale: 3 pt adapter for skidsteer w/PTO snowblwr., etc. 320-212-4507

For Sale: 04 Sukup 16’ dryer, single phase, LP gas, $26,500. 320-290-3143

TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-3126061 VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 tabs +10 FREE, $99 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or MetroDirecTV! Act Now- $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, Starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX FREE GENIE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket included with Select Packages. New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings LLC- An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Call 1-800-354-1203 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-615-4064 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $32.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-477-9659 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $32.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-648-0096 CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800-864-5784 AVIATION MANUFACTURING CAREERS - Get started by training as FAA certified Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136 ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnett-ifpa@live.com or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

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For Rent: House in Mesa, AZ. Fully furnished. 320250-3072

For rent; 3 BR farm house located west of Little Falls in the country. Must be responsible, no pets, nonsmoking. Call 320-6304973. Main Street Sauk Centre Retail Location. 1263 sq ft available. Will sub-divide. All utilities included. Rates negotiable - based on sq ft needs. Call 320-352-2020 Ask for Minnow

36 ft flat bed trailer w/duals. Also 8 Holstein springing heifers. 320-760-5622

Home For Sale By Owner: $43,800. 715-483-9662 Brooten

For Sale: 2 horse saddles, $100 & $50. 320-248-6373

For Sale: 43A farmstead, 1927 bldgs. 11 mi. N. of Clarissa, 9 acres tillable, 30A lowland pasture and swamp. 320-905-0170

For Sale: 36” door w/ 2-14” side lights, $500. 320-7634207 For Sale: 45’ grain auger, 6”; Rd. alf., grass; Sm. sq. alf., grass. 320-254-3298

Wanted: Farm Land to rent or buy, within 35 mile radius of Osakis. Call Richard at 651-295-9232 Home For Sale: By owner, Brooten, MN, $43,800. Call 715-483-9662

1995 Polaris XCR 600, excellent condition; also 1994 Arctic Cat 580, excellent condition; also 8’ flat bed trailer, $2,850 for all or B/O, 320-290-2855

A WHOLESALE CASH BUYER for used homes 1976 or newer call 763-5352840 Al or Patty

Buying Cars & Trucks: Running or not. Cash on the spot, any cond. Call Dick. 320-212-1766

For Sale: House on Lynx Golf Course, Sauk Centre, 3BR, 2BA, 1 level home, $255,000. 612-865-8537

For Sale: 2007 Toyota Solara, SE, 2 dr., red, 112k, new batt., $5900. 320-7662814 Wanted To Buy: Small herd beef calves. 320-9052626 Buying: Lame & thin walkable cows. Rick Sadlemyer 320-732-6867 Shotguns: Remington SP 10 ga. $725; Ithaca Mag 10 Supreme, NIB, $775; Ithaca Model 37 12 ga. turkey gun, $525; Ithaca Model 51 12 ga semi-auto, $375; Ithaca Model 66 lever action 12 ga., $300; Marlin 120 pump, $275; Marlin 12 ga. goose gun, $200; older guns. All in excellent to new condition. 320-276-7193

Blue Door Storage in Sauk Centre, sizes 5x10, 10x30s. 320-491-6528

Calm 19 mo. old German Shorthaired Pointers. Have guided Pheasant hunts with them all Fall. Two Females intact, one Male (fixed). Parents are both hip cert. good. Are calm in the house, but kennel outside now. Call to set up a hunt. 320-232-0876 $1,500 each.

For Sale: 55 gal. aquarium, compl., $50; 30 gal. barrel stove, $20. 320-845-2372

For Sale: 265 gal. fuel oil barrel w/accs., $75. 320285-5067

For Sale: 220V arc welder, $250; 115V wire feed welder, $150. 320-346-2492

For Sale: 200 bales, grass hay, $3 per bale. 320-8151833

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For Sale: 2011 Karavsan 2-place snowmobile trailer, like new. 320-333-1194 For Rent: Grain vac, $200/$250 a day. 320-8456480

For Sale: 7’ lighted, green Christmas tree, lots of lights, nice. 320-352-3977

For Sale: 275/60R/20 truck tires, 50%, set of 4. 320-8594348 or 320-260-5429 For Sale: Grass hay, 1st and 2nd crop, 3x3x8 bales. 320-290-0177 Albany OTR drivers needed, immediate positions, fulltime or part-time. Call 320267-3013 For Sale: 1997 Bonneville, 3.8L, great con., 217K, $1,700 B/O. 320-845-4302

For Sale: 2001 Ford crew cab PU, low mi.; 2 100lb. LP cyls., full. 320-761-4546

For Sale: 2009 ArticCat 550, 4x4, ex., 1,450 act. mi., $4,900 B/O. 320-766-3891

For Sale: 40”x60” solid oak dbl pedestal table, 4 oak chairs. 320-352-3240

For Sale: 2010 Arctic Cat F8, 4K mi., $5,250. 320360-1199

For Sale: 2007 Dodge 2500, 4x4, 5.9 Cummins, 140K, $18,700. 320-760-5115

For Sale: 2012 Chev Impala, new tires, 41fK, red met., $13,500. 320-243-7248

For Sale: 30 round bales very quality hay, $95 each. 320-220-5044 or 320-7965514.

Help Wanted at Sow Unit near Melrose. General gestation and farrowing duties. Some weekends. Call Chris M-F business hours. 320-987-3159 Want to buy: Horses of all kinds. Riding horses, unbroke horses or ponies. Please call 952-261-9292. For Sale: Sofa & 2 recliners, $150. 320-732-2447

Wanted To Buy: Holstein steers, all sizes. 320-9054490

Wanted To Buy: Slaughter cows, lame and thin; and walkable cripples. 320905-2626

Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FUR NACES. Heat your entire home and hot water. EPA Qualified. Call today about limited time, money-saving offers! Bednar’s Outdoor Wood Stoves 320360-4702

For Sale: Conn organ, Artist 721, full sounds, db. keyboard. 320-845-4492

For Sale: Esp. snow board and size 7 Heeside boots, $125 B/O. 320-293-2303

For Sale: Earth Gear massage table & chair, portable, like new. 320-352-2538 For Sale: Ford F150 truck, 4 dr, tunnel cover, good cond. 320-232-9844

For Sale: Female cat, needs home, good mouser; also 3 kittens. 320-594-2953 For Sale: Gehl 1065 chopper, corn/hay head; 2 Gehl 970 boxes. 320-987-3233

Budde Trucking is now hiring, CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Positions Based in Avon, MN $1,000 Sign-on Bonus!

For Sale/Trade: TW 35; MFWD duals and cab; 6620 combine. 320-266-6569 For Sale: All qualities of alfalfa & grass hay, in med. squares and rounds. Also straw. Delivered in semi loads. 218-681-4028

For Sale: 92 Chev 1/2 ton 4x4, good cond; Also 11’ lift snowplow w/right & left turn and up & down, off dump truck. 320-352-2564

For Sale: 1998 Ford Taurus, 168k, new tires and battery last spring, runs but needs head gasket. Call 320-2932502

Sales Manager ECM Publishers, Inc. is seeking an innovative strategic leader to develop and achieve business goals in newspaper, print and online sales. Working with the outside sales team out of our Coon Rapids Minnesota office, this person will operate closely with the General Manager to develop new markets, new product initiatives and successfully coach the sales team in achieving effective levels of performance. Qualified candidates must be able to demonstrate the following skills, abilities and experiences: • Entrepreneurial spirit, ability to think creatively with an eye for achieving business goals • 5+ years sales experience, with at least 2 years in sales management • Solid knowledge of the publishing industry • Demonstrated ability to lead and get results through others • Build lasting relationships with local businesspeople • Motivated by the success of your team • Excellent verbal and written communication, presentation and consulting skills We offer a competitive compensation and benefit package. We are looking for a team player who is motivated to exceed goals. If you are interested, please send your resume to: employment.resumes1@gmail.com.

For Sale: Bosch On Demand water heater. 320232-5564 For Sale: Microwave range hood, $10 ea. 320-732-3365

For Sale: Bush hog skidloader brush cutter; also, tree spade. 320-250-4600 For Sale: Classic wood boiler E2400, new 2011, $6,800. 320-762-2664 For Sale: Complete Burton snowboard package, $175. 320-493-2056

For Sale: Gravity boxes; Big bale trailers; Fdr. wagon; Plows. 320-732-3268

• LTL, OTR Flatbed – Company or Owner Operators. • Flexibility to be home most nights, every weekend and holidays! • Budde has a 60+ year operational history with the ability to offer stable year round employment. • Top driver in 2013 made $70K + Bonus. • Health Insurance, Vision, Dental, 401K, PTO and paid holidays offered. • Please email resume to: jobs@buddetruck.com or call: 612-720-5666. Requirements: • Current, valid Class A CDL for interstate commerce. • A minimum of one year’s professional driving experience or equivalent military driving experience. • Ability to lift/move up to 50 pounds frequently. • A clean MVR. • The ability to pass a post-offer-letter drug test, DOT physical, and background check. For Sale: Electronic dart board with stand, $25. 320594-6249

For Sale: Firewood oak, maple, elm mixed. 320293-9545

Dairyland Peach, December 21, 2014, Page 37

For Sale: Rem. Express 12ga. 3-1/2” Supermag, $325 B/O. 320-796-5554

For Sale: Beef hamburger, grass-fed, non GMO, no hormones or antibiotics. $4/lb. Good Christmas gift! 320-243-4274

For Sale: Angus/cross feeder calf, 5-600lbs. 320630-9114 For Sale: Dodge SLT QC 4x4, w/topper, low miles, $5000 firm. 320-232-0211

For Sale: Fresh home rendered lard, vacuum sealed, $1.25/lb. 320-249-5454

For Sale: IH Cadet 782 17hp. hydro. GT mower, snowblower, $1,695 B/O. 320-815-9351

For Sale: High comp. head for Farmall M tractor. Reconditioned. 320-356-7123 For Sale: Homemade 2 whl. trailer, farm use, pine hitch, $75. 218-924-4136

For Sale: Ice Castle fish house, 16x6.5, custom built, all cedar int., too many opts. to list, like new cond. 320-334-4342 after 5pm For Sale: Liquid manure and Solid manure. 218371-4894

CPC Logistics has Class A CDL Route openings for Northwest Food Products in Sauk Centre and Long Prairie markets. We offer extremely competitive wages along with a full benefits package! Drivers will be responsible for picking up raw milk from farms and making deliveries to dairy intakes. We are a safety-minded company that understands the need to balance driving time with quality home time and our drivers are home every night. If you have 18 months tractor trailer experience –OR– a certificate from an accredited school with 6 months experience, we look forward to speaking with you. Contact Stacy Hess at 608-285-2222 today! For Sale: Serviceable age Holstein bulls. 320-8087471. For Sale: Std size stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, $1300/all. 320-763-4207

For Sale: Home, Clarissa, 3 BR, 2 lg. lots, 2 car garage. 320-732-3497

For Sale: Parting out Stieger Bearcat 1, new 20.8-34 tires. 320-491-4494

For Sale: IH 470 16’ disk dual whls., 2 whl. hdr. trailer, 25’. 320-859-2894 Help wanted: Milker on 80 cow dairy. Southwest of Sauk Centre. Hours 5-7:30 p.m. Please call 320-761-1416

For Sale: JD 420 tractor, 60” deck, 2-stage snowblower, cab & more. 320-548-3260 For Sale: JD 1750 6RN w/ liquid fert., finger pickup, $18,500. 320-250-5588

For Sale: Laying hens, 8 months old, $6. 320-3523525

For Sale: JD 7000 planter, 6 row w/dry fert.; also 7T MN wagon. 320-630-8131 Wanted: AKC Chihuahua. 320-285-2254

For Sale: Masport wood stove, free stand w/glass door, $200. 320-815-2424 For Sale: Master Craft 12’x37” wood lathe, 3/4 hp, 5 spd., $125. 320-293-7172 Wanted: Used oil. 320761-9977

For Sale: Kenmore white smooth top range and sys. fridge. 320-492-9727

For Sale: Men’s size 10 zipper overshoes. 320-5470009

For Sale: IH Farmall parts for H-M and 450. 320-7463023

For Sale: Ice tongs and saw; New Kevin Harwick Nascar coat. 320-834-4050 For Sale: Mixed meadow hay, 1,000 lb. bales, net wrapped. 320-746-2668

For Sale: Lg & sm round bales of balage and dry lg rounds. 218-647-8404

Wanted: 8-bolt axles w/ electric brakes or whole stock trailer. 320-491-4494

For Sale: Yamaha snowmobile suit, 2 pc., jacket L, bibs M. 320-352-5756 Wanted to rent: Tillable farm land in the Swanville area, 320-333-8629 For Sale: New 16” saddle, Missouri made, $400. 320491-1369 For Sale: Jack Russell/Rat Terrier puppies, $100. 320453-7478 Affordable Plans-Save!

debt relief agency Bankruptcy $956* Divorce/Custody $570* Criminal/DUI starts $330* * court fees additional

612-326-3300 or 218-828-4483

For Sale: Pine posts, railings; also corn husker hopper trailer. 320-254-8400

Dairyland Peach, December 21, 2014, Page 38 GRASS, ALFALFA, ALFALFA GRASS, STRAW In Round Bales 3x3x8. Net Wrapped.


Call Tim 320-221-2085

Bedding For Sale: Dry sawdust, sunflower hulls & redwood shavings, also available sweet corn silage. All delivered on walking floor trailers. 888-339-2381

Black Canvas for fishhouses, will also repair or sew new covers. 320-356-7646 Butcher cows, also lame, thin, walkable cattle. Jay Tesch, 320-309-1771.

A Central Boiler Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FUR NACE gives you an independent and self-sufficient lifestyle. Free heat for your home and hot water. Call today I-94 Classics, 320256-4439 or 320-256-3623

For Sale: 385 bu. J&M gravity box; 4 RW Balzer stock chopper. 320-243-7175 For Sale: 400 gal. Sunset bulk milk tank. 320-2626874 For Sale: 1978 Chev shortbox, rust free, $6,000. 320766-1074

For Sale: 1995 Polaris 440 Sport snowmobile, $850 M/O. 320-356-9872

For Sale: 1987 Ford L9000 tandem grain truck L10, 9 spd B&H. 320-815-3495 For Sale: 1990 Polaris Indy set-up for ice racing, $1,200. 218-294-6729 For Sale: 2001 Sundro childs 4 whlr., low mi., ages 8-12, $500. 320-352-6707 For Sale: 2004 Arctic Cat F-7, 2,233 miles, exc. cond., cover, $4000. 320-352-6028

For Sale: 1996 Chu. 2500 ext. cab, green, good shape, $2,900. 320-493-4411 For Sale: 1996 Geo Prizm, needs no work, auto, little rust, $1,700. 320-224-6518 For Sale: 2002 Ford F150 XLT Sup Cab, auto, 4.6, 4x4, good shape. 320-248-7878 For Sale: 2006 JD 1750 planter 6x30” liquid fert., ex. con. 320-250-5588

For Sale: 1995 JD 1032D snowblower, walk behind, $750. 320-852-7554

For Sale: 1998 Chev 1T w/ small hoist and full bed toolbox. 320-761-6406

For Sale: 1750 JD 6 row corn planter, corn and beans. 320-333-4066

Growing Central MN Commercial Roofing Company Seeking Full Time Laborers, Roofers and Sheet Metal Workers. Single Ply/ BUR or Sheet Metal Knowledge Preferred But Not Required. Must Be Punctual, Have A Clean Driving Record And Pass A Drug Test. We Offer Competitive Wages And A Benefit Package. Call Krista At (320)836-7663 For More Information. For Sale: 1890 Premier 22 rifle pump; Stevens 25 cal. rifle; Traps. 218-338-9826 For Sale: Fuel oil tank, $60. 320-232-5564

For Sale: 1953 Ford golden Jubilee tractor, $5,000. 320256-5400 For Sale: 1976 Arctic Cat Jag, $250. 320-276-8383

Holiday toys may present a high risk of eye injury By JOHN MICHAELSON Minnesota News Connection As parents across Minnesota continue to pack the malls and stores, remember that some gifts for their children can bring pain as well as joy. Thousands of accidents in the U.S. each year involving children and toys result in eye injuries and even blindness. Optometrist Jessica Schara says there is a long list of dangerous toys. “BB guns, paint guns, slingshots, darts — anything that’s a projectile,� she said. “But even things like chemistry sets, woodworking sets, crafts that involve scissors and glue, can also be dangerous.� Schara adds parents need to heed the age recommendations of toy manufacturers and teach their children about safe use. One common toy-related eye injury is a corneal abrasion, but Schara says she also has treated children with more serious trauma, including orbital bone fractures and detached retinas. “What’s important for everybody to know is, if there is any sort of eye injury, you really should seek the advice of an eye-care practitioner,� she said, “because sometimes there are things that aren’t visible deep inside the eye that might be going on, that could potentially lead to vision loss.� Toys that could do physical harm to a child’s eyes, however, are not the only danger to vision that may come wrapped up under the tree. Schara points to all those tech gadgets and screen time. “Blue light from things like tablets, smart phones, computers and even the TVs can cause computer vision eye strain,� she said. For children and adults who have long periods of screen time, one recommendation is to follow the 20-20-20 rule. That’s taking a 20 second break every 20 minutes, and viewing something 20 feet away.

Stress mixed with smiles: A holiday tradition for some families By JOHN MICHAELSON Minnesota News Connection While the holidays are a happy time for many, the stress associated with family obligations and dynamics can be the “lump of coal� in some people’s Christmas stockings. According to the American Psychological Association, fatigue and

stress are the top sources of negative feelings during this time of year. Sometimes, said clinical social worker and psychotherapist Lisa Ferentz, the best thing to do is simply not take part in potentially stressful situations. “Sometimes,� she said, “you have to give yourself permission to avoid family interactions that you know are going to

be too painful or that will set you up to be ‘triggered’ in some way.� If you do feel compelled to see family or friends who can be a source of conflict, Ferentz said, limit the time you spend, bring a friend to act as a buffer and use your cell phone as an excuse for a break. Sometimes, the best relief is to break away from habits from the

past, she said, by beginning a new tradition or doing something for others. “I encourage people to volunteer during this time of year,� Ferentz said. “I think when you do things that kind of help you step outside of yourself and your own emotional upset, it gives you perspective about life. It also helps you to kind of reclaim a feeling

of gratitude.� Ferentz said it’s also important to avoid selfdestructive behaviors such as overeating or drinking too much — and replace them with exercise or meditation. Tips from the American Psychological Association are online at apa. org.

Dairyland Peach, December 21, 2014, Page 40

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