Eco Community Seeds, Fall Issue 2008

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Community Seeds


www.communityseeds. com








Fires: The North State Recovers and Remembers

Why Napa? Stay Local! Local Wineries Offer Award Winning Wines


Tips For Fall Cooking, Crafts, and Entertainment

Get Your Green On Small Changes For a Greener You

Recording ARTIST: Mike Comfort Shares His Chico Experience


Fall 2008

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Community Seeds . Fall 2008

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Community Seeds e-Magazine

Editor-In-Chief DeAnna Holman Contributing Editor Amy Behlke Owner/Editor-in-Chief, DeAnna Holman (right) Amy Behlke, Contributing Editor (left)

Marketing/Advertising Kari Casey Advertising Karen Shwartz

Issue 2 Fall 2008

Environmental Advisor Greg Holman

Copyright Community Seeds Publishing 2008. All Right Reserved. May be printed for personal use.

Entertainment Editor Pete Parada

We’ve Been Busy! ber m a h C Chico ions t c u d o Intr

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Please send comments, article, photos, photos of artwork, interview ideas, and Photos of your Chico Bag to:

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Community Seeds . Fall 2008 For advertising and general information, visit:

A Note From the Editor

Wow is the word!

Our first issue was a success! We are so happy with this

magazine and our hard work and dedication is paying off! The community has whole-heartedly accepted us with open arms. People love Community Seeds Magazine and we are so proud to continue this project. In fact, things have taken off to the point where Amy Tha nks Behlke and I have had to expand our resources. New, and brave, Cou sin recruits have come on board with overwhelming enthusiasm! Kari Rya n! Casey has come on to help us with advertising and marketing, Karen Schwartz has taken on a big advertising role, my mom- CarrollAnn Davis has helped with editing proofs, and Pete Parada has joined our staff as the Entertainment Editor! My husband, as usual, has taken on many roles, but continues as our Technical Advisor. Other family members have helped with our events and we are so grateful. Finally, the community has taken on the biggest role by supporting us, sending us content, and encouraging us to continue our mission. Community Seeds Magazine will continue this project with the mission of promoting social, environmental and community awareness. I have said time and time again, to those who ask about our magazine, that we are different than conventional magazine in so many positive ways: We do not use paper or fossils fuels in publishing the magazine. We are available 24/7, so no need to search around for the magazine. You can download the magazine as a PDF to a computer to save and view without having to be connected to the internet. Any page can be printed at home on recycled paper. The magazine is interactive and links are live to businesses and organizations. There are so many options to readers with the tool bar and all back issues are archived and available to read at any time. We have our statistics available and we know our magazine is read. That may not be said for a conventional magazine. Who knows which pages are read or if a paper magazine sits on a pile in someone’s living room? Aside from our unique differences from conventional magazines, Community Seeds Magazine is committed to encouraging small changes in others, as we continue to make changes in our own lives. We want to connect to the community while learning how to be greener, healthier and more socially aware. Much of the inspiration for this project continues to come from our own desires to make small improvements in our own lives. For example, we have become more conscious of our green qualities (and/or lack there of) and we continue our green journeys, making small changes where we can. We are always trying to be conscious of our parenting and try desperately to improve daily, as we try to show our children unconditional love. Each of us has made a commitment to be healthier and we look forward to seeing a difference in how we feel. Finally, we continue to venture out into the community in hopes to connect and be more socially conscious. In fact, to further our commitment to the community, we have decided to donate a large portion of our profits to charitable organizations, community events, and non-profits (in the form of funds, merchandise and advertising). As always, we want to encourage people to send in their stories, informational articles, artwork, photos, music, advice and knowledge with Community Seeds Magazine. Join us and get to know our local community, while realizing our impact on the global community. Join us in our journey to better ourselves and our world one small step at a time.

DeAnna Holman


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FALL 2008



Features 4 Welcome! 5 Note From the Editor 8 Issue Contributors 10 Fall Quotes 14 Humboldt Fires 99 Kids Eco-Speak 121 Calendar 125 Advertiser’s Index 124 Be in The Winter Issue of Community Seeds

32 12 28

Skip Napa, Local Wine Tasting


Recording Artist, Mike Comfort

Pictorial- Fall Fun Local Geography Affects Wine Wine Expert Educates Us

His Love For Chico and Song Writing

50 Being Green-Not a New Concept, Just Ask Grandma

True Life 16

The Humboldt Fire


Thirteen Times a Bridesmaid

A Local Volunteer Firefighter’s Journal

A Kind Heart Trumps Humboldt Fire 6

Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Departments Easy Being Greener

52 My 7 Steps of Green 54 Where in the World is Chico Bag?

51 Green Links 61 Green Products 62 Safe Cosmetics For Women and Teens

66 Biking, A Spin On Being Green

71 88

Some Light on Biodiesel A Gorgeously Green Book Review


75 Home Rain Barrels 78 Get Your Home Green For The Fall and Save

82 The Ultimate Yard Sale Family

91 93

Waste Free Lunch


10 Fun Ways to be a Greener Mommy

Eco-Friendly School Supplies

97 Attack of Momnesia 99 Dog Bite Prevention Focus On Green Business 101 A Family Garden 46 Stay Vocal 48 Baby’s Boutique Community 115 Community Faces Food/Entertainment 117 Save the Endangered 105 Cooks Corner: 119 Chico Duathalon Fall Foods 107 Editor’s Choice Recipe: Persimmon Cookies


Simple Sushi For Everyone


110 The Potential

Dangers of Plastics


Surprising Food Truths


Benefits Youth Sports

10 44


44 Explore the Works of

Christopher Nolan, Director of The Dark Night


57 Easy Eco-Friendly Crafts For Kids and Adults

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Contributors This Issue- FALL 2008 DeAnna Holman Editor-in-Chief, Owner, Publisher, Web Designer, Mother of Three & Wife. DeAnna holds a BS Degree in Gerontology from USC, a California Teaching Credential and Science Supplement From CSU, Chico and an AA Degree in Liberal Studies/Photo Journalism from Grossmont College in San Diego. Amy Behlke Contributing Editor, Writer, Links Coordinator, Mother of Two, Wife. Amy holds a BA Degree in Liberal Studies from CSU Chico, a California Teaching Credential From CSU, Chico, works full time teaching 6th grade and writes grants. Greg Holman Writer, Environmental Advisor, Father of Three, Husband. Greg is a Science Teacher, Writer for, Grant Writer, Workshop Facilitator for the National Energy Education Development Project, who holds a BA and CA Teaching Credential from CSU Chico. Jan Holman Author, Jan Holman, has been a resident of Durham since the mid-1960s. A California State University, Chico graduate, she is a devotee of local history, mother, grandmother and Community Volunteer (4-H, Far West Heritage Association, Durham Women’s Club, Durham Schools, just to name a few). Pete Parada Pete is a professional musician, drum instructor, parent and Chico resident. He attended Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, has recorded many albums and has toured with major recording artists around the world. He is an avid movie fan with vast knowledge of the movie industry. Josh Pitts Chico resident and Owner of Pitts Pack Leading of Chico, trained through Animal Behavior College to become a certified pet dog trainer. After serving in the Army, he decided to return to continue his pursuit of happiness working with dogs and providing services to the residents of Butte County. Barbara Sederquist Certified Wine Professional who studied wine appreciation, wine making and wine business principles at both U.C. Davis and the Wine School at the Culinary Institute of America. She is the publisher of California Wine Magazine and author of Sierra Wines. Mark Roberts CEO of Springboard Biodiesel, a Chico based company working to help build a sustainable and renewable alternative energy portfolio that works today. He is committed to providing biodiesel products and technologies that are both environmentally and economically beneficial. Sophie Uliano A passionate environmentalist who has developed an earth-friendly lifestyle that appeals to women who don’t want to compromise their glamour and style. She is the New York Times Best Selling author of the new book, Gorgeously Green. Community Seeds e-Magazine


Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Contributors Kari Kasey

A greater Sacramento native, relocated to Chico in 2003 to raise her young family, after marrying Chico native Greg Casey. Among her many talents, she is a certified pastry chef & massage therapist. Mostly enjoys being an at-home mother of two boys, digital photography, relaxing outdoors and all creative projects. Kari is an advertising and marketing associate for Community Seeds Magazine. Alex Eaves The founder of STAY VOCAL, a reuse products and information company based near Boston, MA, and now with a second base of operations in Chico. As a former touring merchandiser for rock bands, traveling around the country is a normal part of Alex’s life. To learn more about Alex and his company, please visit

Contributors -Not Pictured

CarrollAnn Davis- Proof Editor, DeAnna’s mom, home school teacher, Stampin’ Up Demonstrator, PTA Treasurer. Brooke Wells-Brooke has a B.A. from Montana State University at Bozeman and a Masters in Social Work from Chico State. She grew up in Downieville, CA and Plains, Montana and now calls Chico home. Howard F Holman, III (“Pete”)-Retired Butte College Dean, Almond Farmer, Builder, Father, Grandfather Danae Dominichi- Writer and Chef Extraordinare, works for Paradise Unified School District at E6. Tara Donnell -Tara lives in Magalia with her husband, 3 year-old son, and various pets. She works part-time outside the home. Jennifer Arbuckle- Recycling and Public Outreach Coordinator Northern Recycling and Waste Services. Deanna Zachrich - Mother, Wife, Volunteer, and Writer. With her website,, she helps others learn how to implement green ideas into their homes, schools, and businesses. She recently implemented a recycling program at her daughter’s elementary school and a local popcorn manufacturing business with great success. Jonah Dvorin is 10 years old. His interests are animals, music, reading, and writing. He lives in Chico with his family, two cats, and a dog. Karen Bedsaul -A native of northern California, she has been married for 28 years and is the mother of 5 children, two of whom she is still home schooling. Karen became a small business owner in 2001 and works with local businesses. In 2007 her passion for health and wellness resulted in Karen starting another business with Arbonne International. She enjoys cooking, traveling, and spending time with her family Jennifer Smeltser -Jennifer is a home schooling mother of three. She also contributes to and You can read more about her experiences as a home schooling, green and natural mommy at her personal blog at Jen Hoyord- Jennifer works in marketing for Ideal Bite, Shelly Hodge- Shelly is a wife, mother and grandmother. Shelly and her husband, Ken, own Hodge’s Nursery in Durham which they are making organic. Sarah Parada -Sarah, a Chico resident, is a mother of two who has a BA degree in psychology. Sarah is a wife and mother of two. Amy Evans-Mother, Wife, and entrepreneur, Amy has owned an Eco-family resource, Baby’s Boutique, in Chico. Since 2001. Lisa Williams- Lisa can be seen all over Chico on her old green bicycle with the milk carton ‘ basket’. Lisa works for Chico Bike & Board and her favorite things about her job are test riding all the cool new bikes at the shop and supporting the BMX racing and Skateboard teams. Dave Weathers- A local contractor and father of two sons. He is a member of the P.V. Sports Boosters and is heading up the Chico Duathalon to raise money for Chico Sports Boosters.

If you plan to send an article for the next issue, please include a short bio at the end , along with your photo and photos to go with your article. Send articles (doc) and photos (jpg) to For additional guidelines, please go to w w


Community Seeds Asked:

What is your favorite thing about the fall?

What is your favorite thing to do in the fall?

Hopefully-The falling price of gasoline.

I like to drive down the Midway and look at all the colorful fall leaves on the trees.

—Lonnie Chlosta, Chico Pumpkin pie! And making a leaf pile and then jumping in it... That’s all. Nope there’s one more thing- Trick or Treating!

How you can just feel change in the air. —Paul Champlin, Chico

—Kaleb Casey, Age 5, Chico I love fall colors and the crisp morning air. My birthday is in the fall right before Halloween. The smell of the first rain on I remember always wanting warm pavement. an outside, summer party for —Alice Zeissler, Chico my birthday and it was never warm enough, but now fall is my favorite time of the year. I like the crisp mountain —Bobbi Abold, Durham mornings. —Marianne Smith, Hayfork The best part of fall is crunching the leaves in Bidwell Park- whether I’m riding my bike over the colorful leaves, or I’m pushing a stroller while my daughter waves a big leaf in the air. It makes me slow down and enjoy the days of Chico.

My favorite thing about Fall is the chilly weather. It’s great cuddling weather. You can grab a blanket and snuggle with the kids or the mister, or read a good book while wrapped in a blanket sipping hot cocoa or tea.

—Arielle Hofer, Durham I like to take my dog for strolls in Bidwell Park (and my family, too). —Lisa Billingsly, Chico My favorite thing to do in the fall is drive down the Esplanade and looking at all of the tress. They are so beautiful! My daughter and I like to walk through the orchards and take photos of the fall leaves. —Toni Cripe, Chico Now that our kids are older, we like to go to a pumpkin patch and find the prettiest pumpkin. —Janelle Rivers, Chico

One of our families favorite things to do in the Fall is go —Lucia Navarro, Oroville Pumpkin picking at TJ Farms. They have what seems to be “The delighted little faces of acres and acres of pumpkins —Erica Blaschke, Chico costumed children, trick or to pick from, and still has that Harvest treating at my door.” small town feel. —Brent Clark, Chico —Rochelle McCann, Paradise —Kim Friend, Chico 10 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Fall Quotes

I love watching my daughter go through the pumpkin patch trying to pick the best one.

We love camping on the beach in early fall and taking long rides on our Harley and looking at all the fall colors —Angela Ford, Chico locally. —Sally Gravison, Paradise

As a family we’ve always supported the Durham Harvest Festival, sponsored by Rotary, this year on September 14. Our children were youth volunteers in the drinks booth (digging for the sodas at the bottom of the borrowed cattle water trough comes to mind), and I’ve always started my early Christmas shopping at the various crafting booths. Through the years, because of 4-H or an interest in Civil War Reenacting, booths have been manned as our younger members became teens. We enjoy a great meal, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner (sometimes all three!) and we get a chance to catch up with friends. Our interest and support of the Veterans Day observance at the Durham Cemetery on November 11th has never waned since it started on November 11, 1995. Each year the event is a bit different, but it is always a heartfelt tribute to the many who have served our country.

Drive around and look at the beautiful leaves. —Carol, Paradise I like to rake up leaves and then jump in the pile. —Taylor Age 11, Paradise I like to play in the leaves, play baseball, and have fun with my friends. —Ryan Age 11, Paradise

I remember always being excited that school was starting again - both as a kid and as a parent - not because the kids were getting out of the house after summer, but because I was always involved in their school and did look forward to seeing the other moms. So. as school starts, seeing old friends always reminds me of a favorite quote, “It takes a minute to meet a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.” —Barbara Berger, Durham

—Rian (Langerwerf ) Farley, Durham w w



12 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


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14 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Photos by DeAnna Holman

Forward By Amy Behlke


he summer of 2008 was like no other ever seen by residents of the North State. The

Humboldt fire, sparked by an arsonist, charred over 20,000 acres of land and destroyed more than 70 homes on the Paradise ridge. Only days after this devastating fire was contained, a dry lightning storm on June 21 started another series of fires that would end up burning another 50,000+ acres and suffocating most of Northern California with thick smoke and ash that lasted for weeks. When all was said and done, close to 200 local residents of Paradise and Concow lost homes and property. Everyone in our area has been impacted in some way by these destructive wildfires. We all stayed indoors and choked on the smoke and ash. Many of us were evacuated not once, but two terrifying times, and sadly, many returned to find everything they owned in ruins. We all have stories to tell about what we experienced while the fires raged this summer. They are stories we’ll share for years to come: stories of neighbors becoming heroes, of communities banding together and of families picking up the pieces and starting over from scratch. The wildfires of 2008 have touched us all, and for that reason Community Seeds has collected just a few of these stories to share.

Photos on Left Courtesy of Tracy Lynn Photography

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The Humboldt Fire: Through the Eyes of a Volunteer By Greg Holman

Photos By Greg Holman and Brian Horn

It was an unusual start to that June morning. 4am, pager blaring: “Durham, structure, fire in the attic.� Now as a volunteer firefighter in a small community, this call only occurs a few times a year. Quickly, everyone available responds to assist the Butte County/Cal-Fire crews that are on their way. During the call, a pleasant breeze began to build, helping to cool people down wearing full turnout gear. After a few hours at that call, everyone returned home with a little less sleep than usual. The pleasant breeze slowly escalated to a steady, hot wind as the day progressed. Just after noon, a call was broadcast for a vegetation fire on Humboldt 16 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Greg H o Durha lman m Volu nteer

The Humbodlt Fire

Road. As the first engine responded from Chico, seeing the column of smoke and the extreme fire conditions, they ordered additional equipment while still miles from the scene. As the minutes passed, reports of the fire’s size seemed to grow exponentially.

Little did we know that the staging area would later be moved miles away to Butte College.

“Respond to the fire’s origin.” We were off to Humboldt Road. We choose to drive up highway 32 and then down Humboldt Road. As we arrived with a slue of equipment in the Humboldt staging Serving lunch to our 3 small children, my wife area, we could see that the head of the fire was and I listened. As engines began moving to miles in the distance. Listening to the radio, we locations farther south of the original fire, we heard Stilson Canyon was getting hit pretty hard became concerned for some friends in Butte Creek by the fire. Next it would drop into Butte Creek Canyon and gave them a call. “Nice breeze with Canyon. blue sky,” they said when we asked what it looked like there. “You might want to start thinking about Even with no homes in the way, this would be a preparing for a fire,” we said as we listened to the difficult fire to manage. With homes in the way of traffic on the fire frequencies. the fire’s path, many of the resources arriving are sent to protect houses from being consumed. As a “Request 20 additional strike-teams of engines, result, the fire gets larger. structures are threatened.” Soon they decide to send us to Honey Run Road Since I joined the Durham Volunteers in 1991, and Skyway. Honey Run Road? We cannot I have never heard a request like that. On top of believe that the fire has gone that far already. By the engines, bombers, helicopters, crews, dozers, the time we arrive at the driving range on Skyway water tenders and chiefs already responding – they at Honey Run Road, several engines are leaving wanted 100 more fire engines! Butte Creek Canyon and being sent to the Tuscon Ridge Golf course to catch the head of the fire. Weeks earlier, I had promised my wife that I After filling up an engine with water, we head up would be “low key” this summer with the fire Skyway. department, only responding to calls that were serious. My wife looked at me and said, “I have a As we arrive at the golf course, the fire is blowing really bad feeling. You need to go.” over the canyon ridge – pushed by 30-40mph winds. When the fire gets on the top of the ridge, Quickly, I put on my gear and headed to the it is traveling faster than you could drive a fire fire station. On calls like this you take a little engine through the lava rock spotted landscape. more time getting your gear together and on the equipment. I filled the ice chest on our 3600 gallon water tender with drinks and ice. I packed spare socks, shirts, TP; you never know when you will be able to get supplies. Just as I was leaving, Brian Horn, a new volunteer arrived. This would be his first fire. We were dispatched to “Silver Staging” (Silver Dollar Fairgrounds). On large incidents, Cal-Fire has resources respond to one central area and then sends those resources to the incident from there. w w


Several engines try to catch it. Each time they seem to gain the upper hand, fire pours over hundreds of yards above or below them. Soon it has spotted over Skyway in dozens of places. After unloading several loads of water into thirsty engines, we head to Paradise to pick up one of their hydrants famous for great water pressure. (At least at the lower part of town.) Before we have finished filling up, the radio announces: “Strike team code 3 to Neal Road.� Almost as fast as we can drive this 3600 gallon water tender, the fire has moved over another ridge. It is about half way down Neal that we stage with dozens of other fire apparatus. As we drive back down into the path of the fire, we go from several

miles of visibility to a few dozen of trying to coordinate all of these resources and all of the yards of visibility. Here come various active sides of the fire is the dozers. mind-boggling. This writer will not pretend to know how it all In an attempt to gain access works, but will get a glimpse of to the fire, several bulldozers the base camp where hundreds begin to make a line between of experienced professionals the fire and Paradise. Often worked around the clock on you hear they are stopped by strategy, contingency plans, and cliffs of lava rock, or terrain logistics. that is impassable - even on foot. They pull back and try This first night is spent sleeping again repeatedly until they can on the ground against the side of find a way to close the loop. the water tender. Occasionally One blade width will not be we are awakened for an enough. They build a path only engine that needs topping off. passable with four-wheel drive fire engines, or hand crews with At one point, after 3am, we hose. Night is falling. are frustrated to watch a spot fire grow larger and larger, threatening to jump Neal Road. The sheer size of the fire is starting to sink in. Thousands Finally, I get on the radio and call for help from an engine. of personnel and resources are Eventually 3 respond, cut the flooding in from around the fence and put it out. Just minutes state and beyond. The thought

after they leave, it flares up again. I call again. No response. As the fire increases, one engine drives by, looks, then drives on. What is wrong with these people? Can’t they see that this could jump the road? We drive up to investigate. It is then that we see why they are saving their energy. The fire has jumped Neal Road above and below our position. Putting out this spot would be futile and save nothing. Soon we are sent down a dozer line. It goes due south from Neal Road, just a few hundred yards from the old “spring box.” Like a scene from the movie Groundhog’s Day, the mission is the same: hold the fire from jumping this line. So far it has not worked: Humboldt Road, Stilson Canyon, Honey Run, Skyway, Neal Road….

We filled engines as they passed by, slept sitting up in the cab when we could. Day two of the fire seemed to pass slowly. Dozers, engines and the occasional chief would drive by to assess the fire. Everything seemed to be holding and several engines were working on a backfire operation. Backfiring is used to start a fire from the road we can hold, and have it burn up to the uncontrolled fireline, essentially putting the fire out. This goes on all day. The evening is spent patrolling the line. After midnight, the chronic down-canyon winds start to build. These winds plague most fires in the foothills of Butte County. Historically they can be blamed for several houses lost in the Concow area and many other fire jumping their fire lines.

Sometime in the early morning before the sun comes up, a call goes on the air for an engine to check a spot fire that has crossed the line. An engine responds down a rough dirt road to check. After about 20 minutes, they respond: “Spot fire is 200-300 acres, no access, moderate rate of spread.” You could sense frustration, and determination as the personnel in charge went to their next contingency plan. We pulled out and headed to lower Paradise to fill our tank. As we were getting closer to Paradise, we realized that we were on the edge of what looked like a giant, dark hurricane – a hurricane of fire. Numerous residents had gathered at Neal and Wayland to witness the fire

The Humbodlt Fire

approaching. Dozens of residents who thought they were going to wait out the fire have decided to evacuate at the site of the approaching wall of flames. Some in the way of responding fire equipment, these last-second evacuees were leaving with minutes to spare, pulling any trailer or belonging with them. One man was even walking two horses up the street, his cowboy hat and horses covered with the bright pink fire retardant dropped from the firefighting airplanes. That was too close‌ After we were full with water, we found a wide

20 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

spot in the road on Neal across from Indian Springs Road. As the dark plume approached, power lines began to arch and snap like fireworks. The clear blue day began to turn to dark. We donned our gear and jumped into the truck. A resident on his personal bulldozer had been clearing around his shop and house in vain, parked his tractor on a pile of gravel, then, defeated, asked where the shelter was. He never looked back. If he had, he would have seen a wall of fire. Impossible to humanly fight at this point, all we

The Humbodlt Fire

could do was watch. Unlike anything I have ever seen, day turned into night with smoke, then back into day with the glow of the flames. As the fire caught all around us, the sound increased to where you had to speak up to talk. We were in a safe place. Think of all of the firefighters and engines that were fighting fire at the hundred of houses being protected from the approaching flames. Some were able to save homes, others were just able to save themselves. Public Information Officer (PIO) Joshepae White heroically answered the call when an engine crew was in distress. He drove his utility truck down through a wall of

flames and back out with the crew. Talking to him after the rescue, his calm made you would think he was out doing something relaxing. The melted paint, decals and lightbar on his truck showed what he had been through was anything but calm. As the head of the fire passed, Brian and I proceeded into the area just burned over. Many homes were fully involved with flames, but the surprising thing was that many were not. Engines could be seen hosing down hotspots around homes – islands in a sea of ash. Although less than a mile from the town’s hydrant system, we filled several

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more connected to them. Luckily I was able to see several of my past students and their families that had made it through the fire. Unfortunately, seven former students had not been so lucky.

engines and pumped water on piles of firewood and lumber burning dangerously close to homes. When out of water, we thought we would just go right back to Paradise. Now dozens of power poles had burned through with live lines lying across Neal in several places. Back to the valley for water. Luckily for me, this trip would allow me to switch drivers for the night. Shawn McJunkin, assistant chief of the Durham Volunteers took a twelve hour night shift. Brian remained as the firefighter on our water tender, eventually working 5 days straight. Returning to the fire the next day, the devastation was beyond my imagination. Homes, utilities, fences, vegetation, and anything else flammable was

reduced to white ash. Of the houses burned, you knew that people’s lives were being devastated. Family history, photos, old yearbooks, children’s first artwork, hobbies, awards – all gone. You only hoped that they had gotten out in time. I had seen all of this has happened on the news before, it just seemed to be different when it was this close to home. Since I only help out the fire department as a volunteer, my “day job” is a teacher. I teach 6th grade science and math at Paradise Intermediate in the Evergreen 6 program. On day three of the fire, it was sinking in that some of the people who had lost their homes were people I knew. It is not any more tragic when people you know lose their homes, it is just that you have more empathy since you are

Over the next few days we spent a lot of time in mop-up. Shuttling water, pumping hoselays that were being worked by inmate crews, and even watering roads to keep dust down for people working in the area. On the fifth day assigned to the fire, we had just completed the morning briefing when we saw a sign: “Happy Father’s Day.” I wondered how many thousands of people from across the western United States were reading that sign and thinking of their children. As bad as things were, I cannot help that think that we were lucky. If we had had one more day of high winds, the number of homes lost would be in the hundreds, not dozens. Let’s all hope for a much quieter fire season next year. I have already promised my wife…

For Fire Information Visit:

DISASTER RELIEF FUND OPENS! We have received numerous calls and e-mails asking how to help those affected by the Humboldt Fire. As a result, the Paradise Disaster Relief Fund has been established at the Paradise Community Foundation. The fund will help in responding, recovering and rebuilding from the Humboldt Fire. The funds raised will provide support to the disaster response organizations or groups and the victims of the fire today and in the months to come. Funds will continue to be collected in order to respond to future disasters. Checks should be made payable to the Paradise Community Foundation Disaster Relief Fund. They will be accepted at the Paradise Community Foundation, 6249 Skyway (next to the Boys & Girls Club) or mailed to P.O. Box 2095, Paradise, 95967. Questions? Contact Ronda Hoffman, Executive Director 876-8033. Information is also available on our website at: The Paradise Community Foundation.........Connecting People With Causes That Matter!

24 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

13 Times a Bridesmaid…. Finally a BRIDE! With the Humboldt fire forcing one couple’s wedding reception out of its location, read how the wedding party scrambles, but is saved at the last minute by a generous heart. By Brooke Wells

Yep, that’s me! I’m lucky enough to have a lot of friends and over the last 10 years, I’ve been a bridesmaid 13 times! I love the job of bridesmaid and I felt honored to do it, but I always longed for my own wedding and I when I got engaged in April 2007, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted my wedding to be like. Now, for those of you that have planned weddings, you know they are a lot of work! I’m a fairly organized person and so I started right where all of the magazines said I should: with the reception site. My husband and I are Catholic, so we needed to coordinate a reception site as well as a church and a priest. We started with the reception site. We needed one that could hold *Photographs by Chris Woodcox from Alpine Photography, Tracy from Tracy Lynn Photography, DeAnna Holman, Greg Holman and Brian Horn

a large number of people (remember I’ve been a bridesmaid 13 times) and we both preferred an outdoor venue. We made phone call after phone call and found that many sites were already booked for May and June, they were too expensive, or they did not hold enough people. And then we found it, the site of our dreams! It was beautiful, outdoors, and within our price range (if we used the outdoors only). Whew! Reception site: Check; Date: Check; Church: Check; Priest: Check. We moved on to all of the other details: finding a dress, selecting members of the wedding party, securing a caterer, and choosing a florist, a photographer, invitations, colors, and the cake. Time flew as we made these choices. w w


made us work hard for this day.

Things were going along smoothly. And then, 1 week before I was prepared to order my invitations, we got a letter in the mail from our reception site. The letter arrived February 4th, 4 months prior to our June 14th wedding. Now, I was prepared for some bumps in the road and almost everyone has something little go wrong with their wedding, but this was huge! This was a letter “dumping” us, informing us that they had double booked that day and that we were out of luck. With four months to go, we were in shock. What were we going to do and where? How were we going to find a reception site for the busiest wedding month of the year with only 4 months to go?! Instead of moving forward with plans we found ourselves back at step one, except that we had all the 26 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

rest of our vendors booked and family and friends had booked plane tickets. Our friends stepped up and we spent hours looking for other venues. After 2 more weeks of looking for a new site, we found one. A local golf course was available and they were willing to work with us on short notice. Now we needed to add another vendor: rentals and we no longer had a choice on a caterer because the golf course had their own that we were required to use.

Finally, June arrived! There was a sense of excitement in my day-to-day life that I had never experienced before and we were ready! Family arrived, friends arrived, and in the week before the wedding, so did the Humboldt Fire! Have I mentioned yet that my husband and father are firefighters? It seemed only natural that a fire was burning near by and we weren’t worried, at first. Then, the wind picked up and the fire moved quickly. As we worried about friends and co-workers, we went about taking care of last minute business. My bridesmaids started worrying about my reception site on Wednesday. It just happened to be in the path of the flames and I had not even thought about it.

We made phone calls to Onward and upward, we vendors for the 3rd time in a moved forward again. There year. We were not surprised were so many other things to learn that they were all that still needed to be done booked, but people were and with 3 ½ months to go, very helpful and some even we were busy! There was an offered to have us share a site issue with the florist in April; with another couple. I started we had to find another one panicking on Thursday and when we did, I thought afternoon when Skyway there was no way there could was re-closed to all traffic. It be any more complications. became very obvious that The wedding “gods” sure there was no guarantee we

13 Times a Bridesmaid

were going to be able to access our 2nd reception site. Wait, you’ve got to be kidding, with 2 days to go we have to find a 3rd site?! I called Tuscan Ridge and spoke to their representative and he felt we might be fine, but of course he couldn’t say for sure. However, with it being Thursday evening before the wedding and with two firefighters in the family (my fiancé and my father), we knew the unpredictable nature of the fire meant one of two things: the road would still be closed on Saturday or the road would be open, but our reception site would be a staging area for fire crews and the breathing would be difficult. We had to move on with a different plan. I have heard stories about people who have had the experience of coming across an individual who was so generous, that they would help strangers along the way of life. On the Thursday before the wedding, I got to meet one of those people.

with a “nice backyard” who I should call: Gail Brown, a resident of Durham. Gail had a beautiful property and a willingness to have us come to her home and have a wedding reception for up to 250 people. Soon, we went to Durham to meet Gail and see her property. The minute we drove through the gate, we realized how blessed we were at that moment! She was very welcoming and sweet, and with 1 ½ days notice, she offered us her home as a new location. It was breathtaking and in our opinion, far more beautiful than even the first site had been.

“The wedding ‘gods’ sure made us work hard for this day.”

in the entire process. So, I’ll tell you what everyone told me, “things it will work out!” Amazingly, it does and it sure helps to accept help when needed, take deep breaths, laugh when you can and move forward when you feel frustrated. The TV show, “Bridezillas” would have been very disappointed in following me around! I have stories to tell my children and grandchildren. There is one other important thing I’d like to close with: in the end there was nothing that could ruin that day! Remember that as you plan your own wedding and take the opportunity to remind others.

Gail had just recently begun looking into renting her home as a wedding/ reception venue and was still in the process when we needed her most. I cannot even begin to describe the property and give it justice. I’m a social worker, and A lake, manicured lawns, on Thursday afternoon I beautiful gardens, a patio for received a call from another a dance floor and plenty of professional (and close room for a large reception! friend, Tami) in the field. Yet Truly what we wanted all another social worker (Ann) along, and suddenly with a had contacted her and stated day and a half to go, it began that she knew of someone to feel easy. Easier than it had w w



Terroir, Sustainable Practices and Butte County Wines

Wine flavors and quality are influenced by many things. Publisher, author and certified wine professional, Barbara Sederquist shares how wines are impacted by the cumulative effect of a vineyard’s climate, soil, slope, orientation and geography, or as the French say, “terroir.” Written By Barbara Sederquist

is equally important. Whether it is rocky, shallow, and nutrient poor; or deep, loamy and packed full of nutrients, this impacts the grapes and how they mature. o how does this sense of place relate to the wineries of Butte County and what does it mean for the wines produced here? Well, actually, quite a bit. Although thought of as a hot weather region by many, Butte County extends well into the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and the edge of least one Cascade volcano. It has an unlimited number of microclimates and soil profile differences which drastically impacts the grapes and wine styles. Let’s look first at the impacts of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. he wineries located in the foothills surrounding Chico and Oroville are dependent on the breeze off the mountains to cool the region each evening. In order for a wine grape to develop good acidity (the attribute in a wine that gives it liveliness and vigor), and a good depth of flavor, the grape needs to mature slowly on the vines. This is known as ‘hang time.’ There are a number of elements that impact hang time, but some of the most common are wind, heat, daily temperature shifts and water. It is that breeze that allows the grapes to rest each day and ripen a little slower then might otherwise be possible in this very warm growing region. In fact, the low foothill growing


Odyssey Winery

“Very simply put, sustainable farming practices utilize natural means to deal with pests, nutrients, and watering practices.”


utte County is a land of dramatic landscapes, dotted with pastoral farmland, volcanic mesas, rambling rivers, and rolling hills. This area is where three major California geographic regions meet: the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the east, the Cascade volcanoes on the northeast, and the Great Central Valley on the west. The combination of these three striking geographic features facilitates a truly unique grape-growing climate, and allows the region to successfully grow a diverse group of grape varietals. But how can the district where the grapes are grown impact the resulting wine so dramatically? After all, when was the last time you saw someone swirl their morning glass of orange juice and proclaim it was indeed from the Miami region of Florida based on its minerality and great ripe fruit? t has to do with a little concept that the French call “terroir,” a term that has no direct English equivalent. Very simply, terroir refers to a taste of place and a wine grape’s unique ability to manifest that in the resulting wine. Terroir refers to the cumulative effect of all of the nuances of a vineyard’s climate, soil, slope, orientation and geography. It is impacted by not only the amount of rainfall, but when it falls and how hard. It isn’t just that the wind blows, but the direction, velocity and timing of that wind. The soil make-up


28 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Tannin is a compound in wine that comes from the skins, seeds and stems of grapes. It can cause a dry, or puckery feeling in the mouth. Just an aside - it is the tannin and/or acidity in wine that allows it the ability to age for years, which is why it is important. Grey Fox Winery

Long Creek Barrels

conditions combine mountain breezes with the lake effect of Lake Oroville to temper the valley heat at Grey Fox Vineyards, Quilici Vineyards and Long Creek Winery. This allows the local wineries to have great success with such Mediterranean style grapes as Barbera, Sangiovese and Zinfandel. The wines tend to be light on the palate with delicious ripe fruit and lively acidity. These are great dinner wines, made in the Italian fashion, which just cry out for a plate of pasta with family and friends. good contrast to this, are the vineyards of La Rocca, which are located at the 2600-foot elevation on the old volcanic flows from the Mount Lassen area. These vineyards receive significantly less daily heat, considerably harsher weather and much more precipitation. However, the soils are rich and volcanic. These elements combine to allow the vineyard to achieve considerable success with slightly cooler region grape varietals, like Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The grapes produce wines with a good level of acidity, soft black fruit profiles, and a good


New Clairvaux Vineyard

“Whether it is rocky, shallow, and nutrient poor; or deep, loamy and packed full of nutrients, this impacts the grapes and how they mature.” structure of tannin. The wines even seem to reflect back a bit of the earthiness of the volcanic soil, giving them a pleasant, almost dusty quality. These full-bodied wines are a perfect match to equally big foods, like grilled steak or a rich country stew. here are some very nice wines being made from grapes grown closer to the valley floor as well. Odyssey has had great success with a warm weather white wine grape, Symphony, which is a cross of Muscat of Alexandria and Grenache Gris. This grape produces wines with a lovely floral and citrus fruit quality, and a cool, refreshingly light finish; the perfect wine for a warm summer evening. astly, consider the wines of New Clairvaux Winery, just across the county line in Tehama County. The interesting feature here is the impact of heat on the hang-time of the grapes found in their vineyards.



A strange characteristic of wine grapes is that they shut down and stop maturing any time temperatures exceed 98 degrees. Since there are so many more days in the far northern valley in that temperature range, the effect is somewhat similar to the cool evenings in the higher elevation vineyards; the warm temperatures encourage the grapes to rest, thus lengthening hang times and allowing the grapes to mature more slowly. The New Clairvaux winery specializes in Spanish and Italian varietals, producing a bright, aromatic and fruity Albariño that is perfect with seafood. They also produce two very different Zinfandels; one from the river rocks of the ‘Pour Souls’ vineyard and one from the deep loam soils of the St. James Vineyard. The difference the terroir has had on the two wines is striking; the Poor Souls Zin is bigger and bolder, with a burst of fruit, spice, and w w


Butte County Wines, Continued a bit of minerality, whereas the St. James Zin is lighter in body with more of a berry characteristic. nother exciting impact on the vineyards of the area, is the embrace of sustainable vineyard practices. This concept encompasses the full spectrum of environmental responsibility, the needs of society, and economic feasibility. These three elements would seem to be in sharp contrast to one another, but in fact are not. Very simply put, sustainable farming practices utilize natural means to deal with pests, nutrients, and watering practices. It embraces the use of cover crops to manage vine vigor, add nitrogen and other nutrients in place of harsh fertilizers, and encourage spiders and lady bugs to manage pests as opposed to pesticides. Sustainable farming addresses the issue of utilizing proper watering and drainage practices that do not deprive the soils of their nutrients or leave them salt riddled. Many farmers are using raptors to protect against rodents, and smaller birds to fight the flying insects that can damage fruit. What this means to the grapes is a healthier vineyard that does not negatively impact neighboring properties, while remaining economically viable. rganic Farming practices take sustainability further by receiving an organic certification from USDA approved agencies, guaranteeing that synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators have not been used. There are different types of certification, but in the wine industry, the difference is really between wines made from


organically grown grapes and organic wine. A wine made from organic grapes has never been subjected to synthetic means to manage growth and maladies, but can have a small amount of added sulfites used in the processing. To call the wine itself organic means there can be no added sulfites. Many in the industry believe this can make it much harder to create a stable wine and is stricter for the wine industry than for many other agricultural products, indicating the debate over certification levels may continue in the near future. he continued exploration of terroir, combined with an increased focus on growing practices and a general expansion of the wine


industry make Butte County an exciting region with a bright future. As wine makers and vineyard managers gain more experience in the area, and thus discover precisely which varietals are most appropriate to each vineyard’s particular growing conditions, the wines of Butte County can only continue to develop. All the while, the move towards sustainable and organic vineyard practices ensures that the local wine industry will be around for many years to come, and as time goes on, an increasing number of fine wine enthusiasts will come to recognize the exceptional wines that this region is fully capable of producing.


30 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Bertagna Son Kissed Vineyard is located at 3363 Hegan Lane, Chico, CA For wine tasting & a tour of our winery please call (530) 343-1623

w w


32 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Why Go To Napa? Taste Wine Locally! When someone says, “Let’s go wine tasting,” locals usually think of taking the over three hour drive to the beautiful rolling hills of Napa and Sonoma. Many locals enjoy wine and would love to visit vineyards or to have the experience of tasting world-class wines in classy tasting rooms. Community Seeds has made a very exciting discovery: There is no need travel out of the area, we have plenty of wonderful wine tasting and vineyard tour opportunities right here in our own backyard! Written By Amy Behlke

The Vineyards/Wine Photos by DeAnna Holman Chico Tasting Room and butterfly Photos by Amy Behlke

The Tasting Rooms

Before focusing on some of the wonderful local wines made in our area, you might be ready to try some wines from other regions. Diverse world-class wines can be sampled right in the heart of Chico at one of the local wine tasting rooms.

Vino 100

Vino 100 is a local franchise that feels nothing like what you might expect of a franchise. Owned by four Bunco-group friends, Vino 100 offers a professional and cheerful atmosphere. You are sure to be greeted by a cheerful smiling face as you enter their door. Desi Cowan was formerly

a day care provider who cared for some of the children of her now wine shop partners. Yvette “Yogi” Bocast, Jo Scott and Laura Burwell came together as friends with the intent of starting their own wine shop. These ladies love to promote local vineyards and have a large selection of wines from each of the vineyards we will mention in this article. With over 100 wines, all under $25, you just can’t go wrong at Vino 100! They are also community minded. As a special promotion, every Monday night in July, Vino 100 donated 10% of all proceeds to the Red Cross and a local animal shelter in honor of those devastated by the local wildfires this summer.

Jim chuckles as we sipped wines he poured from Spain, Southern Australia and Lake County. In his three years pouring at Vino 100, Jim has become more than a valued employee, he is the one who makes these tastings unique. Easy to access in the heart of Chico, a tasting at Vino 100 offers more than just the opportunity to sample wines. It is a chance to unwind, to visit with friends, and get away from the day-to-day During our visits to Vino 100, we hustle and bustle of things. purchased wine and experienced a tasting. For $5, we enjoyed Monk’s Bistro and Lounge five wines, generously poured by Another Chico tasting room Jim Schell. Jim not only poured is Monk’s Bistro and Lounge. our wine, but became part of Owners Kevin & Keeley Coy the fabric of our wine tasting and Brad Peterson have recently experience. With over 30 years of history as a former employee of Ray’s Liquor, Jim is a perfect fit for Vino 100’s casual and fun atmosphere. Raised in Marin County, Jim moved to Chico in 1966. “I learned everything I know about liquor from my dad,” w w


Taste Wines Locally, Continued

added Atma Khalsa as an additional owner. With an eye toward hosting more intimate events in the future, Monk‘s is making major changes, including a revamping of their menu by a profession chef they are bringing in from Sicily as well as a kitchen and seating area remodel. Known for their wide selection of wines from all over the world, Monk’s is an easy-going place with a sophisticated feel. One can wind down the day with a glass of wine that came from as far away as Pomerol, France; or as nearby as Oregon House, a tiny town about 30 miles outside of Marysville. We were famished and yet we couldn’t decide what to order from Monk’s Bistro menu. Finally, we settled on sharing several dishes- the Local Bread Plate, Baked Brie, the Cheese Tasting, and the Big Vinny. The Local Bread Plate featured breads from Toasted Miller’s Bakehouse and Tin Roof Bakery served with olive oil and a balsamic reduction, garlic and herbs for dipping. While we chatted with Brad Peterson, he brought us a special treat to accent our breads: a local olive oil from Isern and Sons, a tiny 4-acre gold medal winning olive orchard on the Midway in Chico. The cheese plate offered a taste of four featured cheeses as well as head of roasted garlic , Crostini, crackers, grapes, pears, olives and toasted almonds. Served with a variety of fruits, nuts sun-dried tomatoes and chive oil, the baked Brie was a real treat. For our 34 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

shared entrée, we selected the Big Vinny- six large roasted jumbo prawns and bacon, drizzled with a Cabernet reduction. With our food, we ordered a flight of wines. For the cost of one glass of wine, we sampled generous pours for three different wines of our choice. The Proemio Reserve, a 2003 Malbec from Mendoza, Argentina, was a favorite with all of us. The Casal Dos Jordoes Tawny Port from Douro, Portugal was a great way to finish off a fabulous meal. In our conversations with the owners of Monks, we were struck with their commitment to providing their guests with a casual, yet classy and relaxed environment. On the night we visited, Sangria was being poured as the night’s special and I couldn’t help but notice that most of the lounge’s guests were enjoying bright glasses full of the fruited beverage. We also heard about some of the musicians Monk’s brings in, including “Tropical Expressions,” a band featuring Matt McBride’s “Island Jazz” music highlighted with Flamenco style melodies. In their newly remodeled space, Monk’s hopes to soon be able to host many more musical guests to entertain their customers and patrons.

The Vineyards

Unlike Napa and Sonoma‘s sprawling vineyards that can be intimidating to less experienced wine connoisseurs, Butte County is home to many quaint vineyards

with welcoming owners offering excellent wine tastings and vineyard tours at very reasonable prices. Starting in the southern part of Butte County, several vineyards are located in the outskirts of the City of Oroville. Three small vineyards, Grey Fox, Quilici, and Long Creek, are located off of Highway 162, also known as Olive Highway, just miles from each other, all with tasting rooms open every weekend.

Grey Fox Vineyards

Founded in 1996, Grey Fox Vineyards is located about 2 ½ miles off of Olive Highway (Hwy. 162) in Oroville. The drive up to the gates of Grey Fox is on a scenic country road that winds up to the vineyard and winery. Before the tasting, guests can walk through the 7-acre vineyard through rows of vines heavy with grapes. Sampling Moscato or Dolcetto grapes right off the vine is an experience everyone should have! After a walk through the vineyard, take a moment to walk up to the patio above the tasting room. The view from Grey Fox is stunning. Rolling hills and neat rows of olive trees lined up in the Lode Star olive orchard just below Grey Fox’s vineyard can be viewed from here. Once you enter the tasting room at Grey Fox, you realize you are actually standing inside a working winery. The front of the building is set up as a tasting room and just behind the partitions, professional-grade

“Butte County is home to many quaint vineyards with welcoming owners, offering excellent wine tastings and vineyard tours at very reasonable prices.�

w w


Taste Wines Locally, Continued

wine making equipment can be seen. Ask owners Jeanne & Gary Cecchi or Bruce Arrigoni to show you the equipment up-close and they will gladly take you through the wine making process. Seeing the 6-bottle filler and the onebottle-at-a-time corker and label machine provides visitors the realization that the owners of this vineyard have actually touched each and every bottle of wine they produced, corking and labeling them each by hand. Of course, the highlight of a trip to Grey Fox is tasting their wines! Grey Fox produces five white and blush wines, eight reds and a wonderful collection of five custom port wines. At the tasting we attended, we sampled ten wines: Muscat Blanc, Viogner, Sangiovese, Cabernet, Dolcetto and all five of the after-dinner port wines. Flipping through the various albums on display, you realize these vineyard owners are downto-earth people who enjoy chatting with their visitors as much as they enjoy tasting their own wines. Wine making is truly a labor of love for Jeanne, Gary and Bruce, and it shows when you visit the winery and taste their wines. Grey Fox’s vineyard, winery, and tasting room is open noon to 5:00 every weekend and by appointment for groups during the weekdays. One unique feature of Grey Fox wines is that they all cost the same price! You can buy a case, mix-and-match and every bottle costs exactly 36 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

$16. Joining the Grey Fox wine club is another great way to get a great bargain ($11 per bottle rather than $16). Club members are invited to quarterly “pick-up” parties if you prefer not to have your wines shipped, as well as other winery parties, including the homemade corned-beef-andcabbage feast every spring.

La Rocca Vineyards

A visit to LaRocca Vineyards in Forest Ranch goes far beyond any expectation anyone might have as far as a vineyard tour and tasting goes. Upon meeting at the vineyard with Phil LaRocca, founder, vinter, and owner of LaRocca Vineyards, you feel as if you are be welcomed into the home of an old friend. The winery is not fancy, but a building with a purpose- to create fine organic wines in the vision of Phil LaRocca and his family. Driving in to LaRocca Vineyard is an experience in itself. Just 30 minutes from Chico, it is amazing how you feel as if you are in the middle of nowhere during the journey to the vineyard. The vineyard is located only 4 ½ miles off of Highway 32, but the windy pavement-that-turnsto-dirt road is a bit difficult to navigate. However, upon arriving at the vineyard and winery, it is immediately clear that a visit to LaRocca Vineyards is well worth the journey. We walked from the winery up a dusty road lining the outer border of the vineyard past the Cabernet

Taste Wines Locally, Continued

and Merlot vines to the very edge of Butte Creek Canyon. To say the view was stunning would be an understatement. Behind us we could see much of the rolling 250 acres of the LaRocca Vineyard surrounded by nothing but the sprawling woods of the foothills. Directly on the edge of the canyon we could see across the valley floor clear to the Sutter Buttes where the LaRocca family leases another 190 acres and grows their Zinfandel, Chenin Blanc, Chardonnay, and a small crop of table grapes.

After touring the vineyard, we journeyed back to the winery to see the underground and naturally cooled wine cellar. With cases stacked to the ceiling, it is not hard to believe that LaRocca Vineyards currently ships to 19 states and 4 foreign countries. The vineyard also has a contract with several major food manufacturers who need organic wines as an ingredient to prepare their organic food lines. Lean Cuisine and Mama Melina’s sauces are just a few of the major food companies who use LaRocca wines in their organic dishes.

Producing about 25,000 cases of wine a year, about 6,000 of which are Cabernet, LaRocca Vineyards is by far the largest and most productive vineyard in our area. When he started planting in 1984, Phil LaRocca knew exactly how he wanted to create wine, and although it was not considered by many the “right way” to do things, he has stood by his commitment to create high quality 100% organic and chemical-free wines. All of the grapes at LaRocca are all grown 100% organically, the wine is produced 100% organically, containing no chemicals or sulfites. When asked how he feels about all of the companies “going green“ these days and such a heavy focus on marketing of organically produced products, Phil stated, “This is a lifestyle for me, this is what I do- organic farming.” This is Phil LaRocca’s passion, and it has been for over 20 years.

We were ready to take a trip back up the dusty road to the town of Forest Ranch where LaRocca Vineyard’s tasting room is located. Unlike the vineyard, the tasting room is very easy to access, right off Highway 32 in middle of Forest Ranch. The comfortable atmosphere of the tasting room invites you to have a seat and relax. We started with LaRocca’s Zinfandel made in a style coming from Croatia through Italy, and finally to America. One of our favorites was the Barbara, which won “Best in California” on its last vintage. This wine is full of fruit with an acidic bite, a good balance of tannin. For after dinner, LaRocca produces a wonderful late-harvest Lush Zinfandel. This dessert-style red wine, which has won multiple international and national awards, is the perfect way to end a meal. As a very special treat, we were able to sample LaRocca’s own w w


Taste Wines Locally, Continued

Organic Sparkling Wine. For this, the first ever Methode Champenoise organic champagne with no sulfites, the LaRocca family teamed with Chef de Cave and French champagne maker, Didier Jacquet. LaRocca agreed with Jacquet, that there would be no compromise in the making of this champagne. It had to be made truly the way a French Champagne is made, and it would have to be 100% organic with no chemicals or sulfites. Estate bottled and hand riddled with light citric and green apple tastes, this wine is comparable to expensive French Champagne. This trip to LaRocca was our first, but with surely not be the last! LaRocca Vineyards is starting a wine club of their own, and after our exceptional afternoon with Phil LaRocca and pourer Brad Schneider, we had to become members! Club members will be invited to a wine maker’s dinner every 3 months when it is time to pick up their wine as well as other parties and events put on by the vineyard. The general public is invited to visit LaRocca’s tasting room every Saturday and Sunday from 12:00-5:00 and vineyard and winery tours are available by appointment. LaRocca vineyards is truly a local gem not to be missed by any wine lovers in the area! For an interactive map to Butte County Wineries visit: butte_map_page.aspx 38 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Downtown Forest Ranch 530-899-WINE (9463)

V i n e ya r d T o u r s B y a p p o i n t m e n t TA S T I N G R O O M O P E N F r i d ay 1 : 3 0 - 6 p m S at . & S u n . 1 2 - 6 p m w w w . l a r o c c av i n e ya r d s . c o m

Other Local Wineries Worth Noting: Bertagna Vineyard in Chico Long Creek Winery in Oroville The tasting room is open at Long Creek Winery on Saturdays from 11:00-5:00 and other days by appointment. Quilici Vineyard in Oroville Quilici Vineyard, a quaint 10-acre vineyard is located in the same area as Long Creek and Grey Fox. This small familyowned and operated vineyard and winery offers tastings by appointment. Odyssey Winery and Vineyards in Chico This 2 ½ acre vineyard is known for their unique Symphony grape- a hybrid cross of Muscat or Alexandria and Grenache Gris, created by U.C. Davis to thrive in the intense heat of Chico. Tastings are available by appointment only. New Clairvaux Vineyard in Vina The New Clairvaux Vineyard is located in Tehema County. Run by Aimee Sunseri, fifth generation California wine maker and Father Thomas X. Davis, Abbot of the New Clairvaux Monastery. Located within the Abbey of New Clairvaux in Vina, founded in 1955, the vineyard is run by a community of Cistercian or “Trappist” monks. Visitors are welcome Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00-5:00 and weekdays by appointment.

Discover a better tomorrow...

starting today! 190 Cohasset Road - 894.1000 - w w




40 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

mike comfort

Legends Magazine called Chico resident, Mike

Comfort, “one of the top songwriters.” But, even with songs hitting charts and being nominated for New AC/Hot AC Artist Of The Year, Mike Comfort’s goal is to “simply share his music with others.”

ew i v ter



Interview By Amy Behlke

How would you describe your music?

“Our music is Alternative Rock, I guess. It can be very loud and aggressive, and at times very soft. But you can always understand the words. Also, you will hear acoustic guitars, strings, pianos, and background vocals throughout.” How would you describe your shows to people who have never seen you live?

“In Chico, our shows are always fun and high energy and are packed with a very enthusiastic crowd. If we play somewhere new where they have not heard our music before, the crowd will be a little subdued, but still very attentive to the music. Sometimes we wonder if we’ve really reached everyone there at first. Then, after the show we always have a lot of people come up to us and compliment our music. One time we did an acoustic show

at a Borders in Colorado and there was nobody in the seats in front of us (maybe 10 people at the most) after we were done playing though, there we at least 150 people who came up to have their CD signed. Everyone was hiding out in the book isles listening to us, [laughs]. Same way in a club sometimes, you don’t know the kind of impact your music has made until after the show. Either way, it’s more about the music than anything.” w w


Featured Artist

ew i v ter nued


ti n o C

Q&A mike comfort

What was the first record you ever purchased?

“It was In Through The Out Led Zepplin. I loved that CD! Still do.” What kinds of music do you listen to on your own time?

“I listen to just about everything. A lot of singer/songwriter stuff from the 60’s and 70’s. Neil Diamond, Simon and Garfunkle, Gordon Lightfoot, Cat Stevens. Also: Led Zepplin, Boston, Journey, Queens of The Stone Age, Mars Volta, Panic at The Disco, 311.” What lead you to call Chico home?

“A good friend I grew up with in the SF bay area was going to school here. I used to come up and visit and just fell in love with this place. I moved up here for 3 months just to see if I would like living here...that was 7 years ago.” What do you like most about Chico?

“Chico really has a lot to offer. There is a great sense of community here. Nice 42 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

places to hike and bike. Great places to eat. If you drive through downtown and nearby neighborhoods, you will see beautiful old Victorians fixed up, tree lined streets and a youthful celebration of life. Oh, and the $1 beers are always a good thing, too!” [Laughs] You have quite a following of fans here in Chico! We have enjoyed your music for quite some time. I was first introduced to your music when I heard “Pledge” played on a local radio station. How does it feel to have this kind of local support for your music?

“We are fortunate to have the best fans in the world here in Chico. It’s nice because that’s always given us the confidence to branch out and share our music with other places.”

Mike Comfort

Is there any way in particular that you are “green” or eco-friendly? Our magazine has a “green-feel” so I thought I’d ask…

“I recycle and have this OCD thing about not littering. I’m not an activist or anything but I definitely support a cleaner earth.” Is there anything interesting about you that most people don’t know?

“Well, my writing always comes from the heart, so the songs are very genuine. I receive a lot of e-mails from people telling me that the words to a certain song are exactly what they are going through. It’s a nice compliment for a writer to get. Oh, and I love sushi, but hate wasabi!” Where do you see yourself in five years?

“Selling out stadiums, of course!” [Laughs] Where can people hear you music?

“If we are not on the radio yet in their city, they can visit us at: www. mikecomfort. com or www. myspace. com/mikecomfort.” Where can we buy it?

You can get us on Itunes and at Best Buy.

w w





ccording to Box-Office receipts, almost everyone has seen the new film “The Dark Knight,” the sequel to the 2005 movie, “Batman Begins.” What you might not know is that Christopher Nolan, who wrote and directed both films, and is currently the toast of the town in Hollywood, has quite an impressive back-catalog of varied and intriguing movies. Nolan was born in London in 1970 and spent his childhood between London and Chicago. He began making films with his father’s 8mm camera and his toy action figures at the age of seven. He later studied English Literature at University College London, while also making 16mm films at the college film society. His first feature-length film, “Following,” was released in 1998. It was made for only $6,000 and shot on weekends over the course of a year. The story follows a young writer named Bill who takes to following random people, in order 44 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

to observe them for material to use in his writing. After following one man too many times, he is confronted and learns that the man is a burglar named Cobb, who subsequently takes him under his wing. Bill becomes fascinated by breaking and entering, and soon begins following a woman whose apartment they rob together. She in turn asks Bill to do her a favor, but to say anything more might ruin the plot. It was an amazing debut on a shoestring budget, and definitely worth seeking out. “Insomnia” was released in 2002 and starred Oscar winners Al Pacino, Robin Williams and Hilary Swank. It was a remake of a Norwegian thriller, though the location and many plot elements were changed for the American version. It involves two police detectives from Los Angeles who are brought to a remote town in Alaska to help local authorities with a murder investigation. They are in Alaska during the season of the midnight sun, where the


constant daylight prevents Pacino’s The most fascinating of all his character from being able to sleep. films however has to be 2000’s In his exhausted state, during a “Memento,” based on a short pursuit of the killer through thick story by his brother Jonathan. fog, Pacino accidentally shoots After the success of “Following” his partner. The killer leaves his at various festivals, New Market own gun as an unexpected alibi Films bought the script about for Pacino, and thus a riveting an insurance investigator named game of cat-and-mouse ensues as Leonard Shelby who loses his the killer blackmails Pacino, while short term memory from a head Hilary Swank plays a local officer in injury during a home invasion that charge of investigating his partners’ leads to the death of his wife. He is death. The film is a rare occasion unable to make new memories, and of an American remake being so he keeps an exhaustive amount superior to the original version. of notes, usually tattooing them all After “Batman Begins,” Nolan over his body to remember facts and his brother Jonathan (who and faces as he tries to find his also co-wrote “The Dark Knight”) wife’s killer. The movie starts at adapted the supernatural novel the end with a murder, and then “The Prestige” in to a feature unfolds backwards. What could film. It stars Christian Bale and have been a flimsy gimmick is Hugh Jackman as rival magicians instead a brilliant way of keeping at the end of the 19th century the audience at the same state of in London. At first they work confusion as Leonard. He can’t together, but when Jackman’s wife remember what he just did, so we drowns on stage during an escape have only as much information trick, he blames Bale and they as he does at any given time. We become bitter “Like most of Nolan’s know the end enemies, often result, but we work, the movie sabotaging each have to find unfolds in a nonlinear others’ stage out how he style, jumping from performances got there. It’s past to present and on an escalating not a case of scale. But when back again, leaving the WHO-doneBale’s character audience guessing until it, but WHY. develops a trick “Memento” the last frame.” that simply is a stunning cannot be explained, Jackman movie that practically demands to becomes obsessed with finding its be seen again as soon as it ends. secret and topping it, leading to So, if you enjoyed “The Dark murderous results. Like most of Knight,” take a look at some of Nolan’s work, the movie unfolds these other films by Christopher in a nonlinear style, jumping from Nolan, one of the finest filmmakers past to present and back again, working in American cinema leaving the audience guessing until today, and keep an eye out for what the last frame. he does next. w w


FOCUS on Green Business with


Do you ever wonder just how many new t-shirts are made every year? Or maybe how much oil it takes to make the billions of plastic shopping bags produced each year? Well, those are the kinds of things that I think about and I’ve decided to make products that encourage people to not only think about those things, but take action. My name is Alex Eaves and I run a reuse products and information company called STAY VOCAL (www.

By Alex Eaves

ideas for positive change, including animal and human rights. I began offering items like pins, stickers, even skateboard decks. But this past spring, I decided to solidify SV as a reuse products and information company.

With the planet and natural resources in the state they are in, reusing should be part of everyone’s life. Not to mention the fact that reusing was the most fun and exciting idea that I had worked on. The other ideas are not gone; they just fall under Just by the simple task of reusing, you are making the ReUse umbrella. SV encourages addressing all positive change. In fact, it’s even better than manner of ideas that can have a positive impact recycling because it’s offering the benefit of on our Earth. having materials be reused, without the energy expended to recycle them into new products. In 2003, I started the company (originally called VOCAL) as a positive minded apparel company. It was a result of working with numerous non profit organizations and political music groups. I came up with the name because I was so disenchanted by people who complained about how bad things are and never actually did anything about it. I envisioned it to be a company that encouraged people to use their voice to make some positive change in the world. The first piece of merchandise that I ever created was a ReUse t-shirt. These were shirts from thrift stores that I cleaned, treated, and put new prints on. I had been selling merchandise for bands for 3 years at that point and it was blowing my mind how many new t-shirts were being manufactured all the time. I wondered how many times those shirts actually got worn before ending up in a thrift store or sent off to a rag company. After researching facts on textiles and textile waste, I realized that reusing shirts was something that I not only wanted to do, but felt I needed to do. Over the next four years, SV went through some different phases as I began working on other 46 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Currently, our product line focuses on clothing and accessories. Not only do we print one of a kind t-shirts, like we’ve been doing since the start, but we also work with many different artists that create unique pieces from used materials. The possibilities are endless, as we never know what we’re going to get: journals made from record albums and guitar string, tote bags made from blankets and seat belts, skirts made from pillow cases, etc.

people to reuse and each one ends up replacing hundreds, if not thousands, of plastic bags over time. All of the bag designs include facts about the oil used for plastic bags and the trees used for paper bags. Another important aspect of our bags is that they are all made in the USA. With the US economy the way it is these days, the easiest thing someone can do to make it better is buy USA made goods.

Our line of reusable bags includes organic bags, Our most popular items, though, are the SV recycled cotton bags, and specialty bags for music reusable shopping bags. While these are “new” groups and non profit organizations that we work items that we have manufactured, they encourage with. The newest addition to our line is made from 100% recycled soda bottles. We teamed up with the music group The A.K.A.s from Philadelphia for that one. Beyond the products, SV reuses whenever and wherever possible, as there are many ways that we already reuse on a daily basis. When we print orders, they are printed on the back of used paper. When we ship orders, we reuse packaging and shipping materials donated from our families and our friends. So if you get a t-shirt in a waffle box, don’t be alarmed. All of our products can be found in our online store at Our website also serves a great information source for reusing. We have an extensive bulletin board for people to share ideas and suggestions on how people can easily bring ReUse into their daily lives. Through the end of September, SV will have a booth at Thursday Night Market in downtown Chico. So come visit Brianne, Erin, and myself under our newly acquired ReUse canopy. Just look for the big sign that reads, “ReUse! Because You Can’t Recycle the Planet.” w w


FOCUS on Green Business with

Baby’s Boutique

By Amy Evans

Reduce, Reuse... ReLOVE! specialty attachment parenting

Listening to my daughter, I hear her explain to her cousin where to put her recycling as they cleared the dinner table. That same night, she proudly pushed the recycling to the street with me as we left the 1⁄2 full trash behind. “We’re REDUCERS”, she exclaimed.

I run an Eco-family resource, Baby’s Boutique, in Chico. Since 2001, we have enjoyed sharing ideas and habits of recycling children’s clothing and furniture thru our consignment shop, I would like to think I was responsible for my child’s enthusiasm, but her spirit inspires me. My first child was born in 1998 in San Francisco. Parenting styles and playgroups strongly revolved around co-sleeping, cloth diapers and an organic lifestyle. Those ideals followed our new family back to my college town, Chico, where we became parents a second time. Baby’s Boutique, 7 years later, has developed all the skill and quality of a dedicated parent group, sharing, inviting and exploring everything baby. Organic clothing, toys and even compostable diapers give a finishing seam to our shop. We proudly partnered up with for 48 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

information, products and cloth diapering options. Collaborating in June 2008, we introduced Green Baby Expo to the eager families embracing natural lifestyles in Chico. Products you will find in our shop reflect the interest of our newest Chicoans. Parents will find natural rubber teethers like “Sophie the Giraffe”, chemical free diaper slave from Dimpleskins, and g-diapers, a cradle to cradle certified disposable diaper alternative. This month we will introduce “Eco-Me,” a way to make natural baby wipes, room sprays and cleaners at home. Some of our prized products are local talent. Brabrooks, Sunsmocks, and Bellyfish to name a few. I find new creative ideas and inspiring products mostly from the parents coming thru our doors. I hope to pass on the delight of saving resources and offering a simple way to Reduce, Reuse, and RELOVE! At Baby’s Boutique. Please visit us M-F 10-4 and Sat 11-4. We will resume Story time Monday @ 11:00 in September. Playgroups will start that same month. You can also visit us @ w w w.BabysBoutiqueChico. com and visit our myspace community.


Learn From Perry the Pack Rat how to find a friend, how sharing lets your heart smile and how important it is to be yourself. These colorful, whimsical stories will delight the entire family! Join Perry as he gathers treasures, makes new friends and learns life lessons!

Visit the website for more information and the author signing schedule.

Coming Soon: “Throw Away Dog”

Hundreds of Ridge Links, Interactive Community Calendar and More! • • • • • •

Worm Castings Organic Compost Red Worms Special Mixes Various Soil Amendments Delivery Available


The Chico Connection Green Page Your Source For Green Links: Local and Beyond VISIT: and click on “Green Living” Get Your Green On! w w


It’s Easy Being Greener

It’s not Easy Being Green


Being “Green” may be a new term, but it is not a new concept...Ask my grandma. DeAnna Holman


n early June, Community Seeds sponsored The Threshing Bee at the Patrick Ranch in Durham. While at our booth, I met great people, had great conversations, and learned a great deal. One sweet woman came to our booth and was interested in the magazine. She shared with me ways she has been “green” for over 40 years. Over 40 years! How can that be? It got me thinking about my grandma, now 95, and how she has actually been being “green” ever since I can remember. Actually, before I can remember because she tells me her stories, true stories. My grandma did so many things to be kinder to the earth. She would always turn off the water when brushing her teeth and she would never leave a light on in an empty room. I remember she had fruit trees in her backyard and she used “natural” ways to keep pests off. She did not have access to many chemicals and she wasn’t interested in them anyway. Granted, she was living in Los Angeles and the pest problem was minimal, but still it is noteworthy. I remember she would bury compostable items in her yard to make “mulch” and I thought that was odd. Now, I am making compost or “mulch” and people are writing about it for my magazine! I remember her telling me time and time again how coffee grounds were so good for her roses. She had a bowl near her kitchen sink for composting materials and come to think of it, she had very little waste at all. If my grandma did not finish a glass of water, she would dump the rest into a house plant. She never had a dry, wilting plant in the house. Those house plants emitting oxygen in her house was just another way she was being green. She has the smallest carbon footprint of anyone I know. She has even taken public transit or walked all of her life. She has always thought there is no need to get a car if you live in a city. 50 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

I always thought she was being frugal, but she was simply not being wasteful. Perhaps having parents that were immigrants from Russia helped her to be more conscious of wastefulness. Or maybe it was because of WWII and the hardships faced. Everyone around her worked, they had to ration food and necessities, and no one was wasteful. People appreciated the smallest of things. It may seem like it was a complicated time, but there was no TV, no clutter, no fast-pace rat race and no, “what’s in it for me” attitude. It was innate to reduce, reuse and recycle. It was not a chore to be eco-friendly, it was a way of life... Yes, over 40 years ago! We can learn so much about being “green” from our grandparents and their grandparents. It would certainly be worth while to interview them about the ways they were less wasteful. And, although I always chuckle when my grandma tears a napkin in half to use the other half later, I now appreciate that small gesture. If you have green tips or stories you would like to share, please send them to

It’s Easy Being Greener

ECO LINKS Here are some eco-friendly minded links that are worth checking out. Click on them to go directly to the site! - A site that tells about how their toys are made (from recycled milk jugs) and where to get the toys. There are at least two places in Chico!

Companies Go Green - Earth 911 gives out local information on recycling and works to empower consumers to act locally, live responsibly and contribute to sustainability. A site for working toward getting toxic chemicals out of products we use on our bodies, such as cosmetics, soaps and shampoos. Global Basecamps has been designed to showcase the world’s most unique sustainable lodging options and multi-day excursions. They also have a great blog.

Green Businesses

Interesting Green Websites - A site where you can purchase an Sun Oven and see how Sun Ovens International provides deforested developing countries with alternative to cooking with wood or coal.

With the majority of its rice farms officially deemed “organic,” Lundberg Family Farms is committed to producing a small carbon footprint. Lundberg does not burn rice straw stubble. Instead, they use rollers, that they developed, to mash the straw stubble. The remnants are then covered in water, creating wetlands for local wildlife until spring. The company maintains two solar arrays which provide almost 20% of the company’s energy. As far as the other 80%, Lundberg purchases energy offsets as wind energy credits. These practices have earned them awards from both The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Go to for more information. Go to feature_02.html to read a wonderful story in CSU, Chico’s Chico Statements Magazine. w w


It’s Easy Being Greener

My Seven Steps to a "Greener" Lifestyle By Amy Behlke

Over the past year, I’ve learned so much about how my human footprint is impacting the environment. I have been inspired by one of my partner teachers, to become aware of ways I can reduce my impact on the earth. Through a lot of reading online and in books, I have learned that there are so many small, easy steps that can be taken to tread more lightly on the planet. My first seven green lifestyle changes are listed below. My family and I have found most of these changes have been surprisingly easy to make and stick with.


Switched my home garbage service to a more eco-friendly company

The new company in my town has the ability to recycle many more items than the company I used to have. They also provide up to two 96 gallon co-mingle recycle bins and two 96 gallon yard waste bins at no extra charge. As an added bonus, all green waste is taken to be composted rather than dumped in the landfill.


Created my own mini-worm farm for composting at my house. In just 30 minutes !

I was able to create a whole worm environment from just two Rubbermaid bins and a bucket. My worms have been happily consuming all of my kitchen waste and I am now much more aware of how much food we are throwing away. My worm bin sits in my garage right next to my recycle bin and garbage can, easy for sorting items! 52 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Vowed to always TRY to remember to use my reusable shopping bags and to bring less plastic bags home.

This has been a hard one for me because I find I often forget to bring my reusable bags into the store! I always have at least two Chico Bags clipped to my purse, so I am set for small trips. I’m really working on remembering to take my larger bags for my big shopping trips. I have lots of different reusable shopping bags, but my favorites for large trips are my “Carry More” bags from the Home Shopping Network These bags hold a lot of groceries and have clips so they stay open in the shopping cart, I love them!

5. Food


Gave up paper towels & napkins forever!

We ran out of paper towels recently and I figured, “Why not?” The next time I was at the store I picked up some inexpensive dishrags and cloth napkins. I chose different colors for each member of our family so we could use one cloth several times before washing it to keep the laundry down. I was sure this would be a tough one for our family, but to tell the truth, we don’t even miss paper towels or napkins at all! We’re also switching to only recycled toilet paper. Most toilet paper comes from virgin trees; what a waste! According to the National Resources Defense Council (, if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper (500 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 423,900 trees!


Switched from disposable water bottles to re-usable Klean Kanteens for my whole family.

Some facts I read at, a site dedicated to the promotion of the use of tap water vs. bottled, got me thinking… 96% of bottled water is sold in single-size plastic bottles, which end up in city trash cans rather than recycling bins. The national recycling rate for all PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, including soda bottles, is 23.1 percent. If you choose to get your recommended eight glasses a day from bottled water, you could spend up to $1,400 dollars annually! The same amount of tap water would cost around 49cents. Yikes! I bought my Klean Kanteens from at a discounted rate. I love the 12-ounce “Teenie Weenie Greenie” bottles for my kids! I got sports tops for my 4-year-old and sippy lids for my 2-year-old. We also have 27ozand 40oz bottles for my husband and me to use. We bought totes from to keep our beverages cold and our bottles from sweating.

Replaced our 12 m.p.g. S.U.V. with a new 30 m.p.g. family car.

This has been the biggest change we have made. Our S.U.V. was paid off, so it was a tough decision to go ahead and get into a car payment again. It was costing us nearly $600 per month to fuel our Suburban’s 44 gallon tank. Our new little Chevy HHR gets 30 m.p.g. and it’s 16 gallon tank will take us over 400 miles; about the same distance as the Suburban but on much less gas! It turns out the difference in money we are saving on gas is covering the car payment, so we’re saving money and being more eco-friendly; you can’t beat that!


Researched the products my family uses for beauty & grooming and started switching to more natural options.

I never realized we were slathering ourselves in so many awful toxic chemicals! I used a cosmetics safety database by Environmental Working Group called Skin Deep (www. This site will let you type in the name of a product and it rates the product on a scale from 1 to 10, ten being the most toxic, one being the least. There are amazing and interesting reports on thousands of products, providing details about what chemicals may be harmful in each product. is another great site with information about the chemicals in cosmetics. w w


Where In the World is

Chico Bag?

30,000 Feet



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te U

The average American uses 300 to 700 plastic bags per year! The popular Chico Bag makes being earth friendly a little easier. Send your photos of your Chico Bag in different locations to! If your photo is published, we will send you a New ChicoBag! How many places can Chico Bag be photographed?

OK Corral

Bodega Bay

ay B a odeg


Swiss Al ps

Shuttle Launch

Florence Italy

Black Hills North Dakota


San Diego

Guess the location of this Chico Bag! The first 3 correct answers get a FREE Chico Bag! e-mail:

, OR h t a m a l For t Ka E agl eL ake





.com 56 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Crafting is a hobby many people enjoy. One simple way to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle is by taking all that creative energy and spending some time on a few great “green� crafts.

Easy Eco-Friendly Crafts Turn an ordinary cereal box into a magazine holder!

Transform your child's hand print into a true work of art!

Make a key chain from a wine cork!

Create mood lighting with wine bottles! w w


It’s Easy Being Greener

Community Seeds is an e-magazine, environmentally focused and committed to being as green as possible. Not all magazines are so innovative and many of us still receive many print magazines in the mail every month. These magazines pile up, wait to be read and take up space. Why not create a few recycled magazine holders as a way to organize these print magazines? By Amy Behlke


You will Need: • A large cereal box (10 ½ x 9 works well) • Scissors • A ruler • A pencil • Magazine pages torn from old magazines to decorate • Decoupage substance like Modge Podge

Measure from the bottom of the box up about 4 inches. Draw a line in a 45 degree angle to the

top of the box creating a slanted opening. Cut along this line and cut off the top of the box so magazines can be inserted and viewed without falling over.

Choose and cut out or tear photographs and images from an old magazine to decorate the outside of the magazine holder. Lay these magazine pictures out to create an attractive collage to cover the outside of the box. Carefully use the Modge Podge to decoupage the outside of the box. Let dry and fill with magazines to create a more organized space and re-use those old cereal boxes and magazines! For more crafts like these visit:

Thanks to CarrollAnn Davis of Fernley, Nevada, for submitting this great green craft idea!


Blogging is one of my favorite ways to communicate. Recently I have learned that blogging can also be a great way to find ideas for tried-and-true recipes, games, fun crafts, and more! This craft posted by blogger “Mom in Madison” caught my eye and I had to give it a try with my kids (http://mominmadison. It was just too adorable to pass up! 58 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

You will Need: • A small canvas - 6 x 6 will hold one handprint, 10 x 10 will hold two • Watercolor paints • Oil pastels or crayons • Some tiny hands to trace & help with the project • Acrylic varnish • (Optional)

Begin by tracing your child’s hand onto the canvas with a pencil. Give your child some brightly colored oil pastels and ask them to color in the handprint. Try to leave little to no white space in the handprint. When they have finished, trace around the outline of the handprint with a black oil pastel to make it pop out. Using watercolors, have the child paint the entire canvas leaving no white space. The brighter the colors, the better the results. I found that my cheapie watercolors worked, but didn’t show up

It’s Easy Being Greener

very brightly on the canvas, I recommend using higher quality watercolors if possible. The oil pastel image will resist the watercolors, so it doesn’t mat-

ter if the child paints on the handprint. Once dry, an optional step is to coat the entire painting with acrylic varnish to preserve the artwork. I gave my

kids’ handprint paintings to my mom for her birthday this summer. She loves them and they hang proudly on her office wall at work.

In this issue we are featuring local vineyards and eco-friendly wineries. After finishing one of the great bottles of wine featured in our articles, why not create a simple and very cute craft from that wine bottle and cork? WINE BOTTLE MOOD LIGHTING Now that you’ve read about the great local vineyards we have in our area, you’ll need to stock up on some of that local wine. What to do with all those soon-to-be empty wine bottles, you ask? If you’d rather re-use than recycle them, we’ve got a great project for just that purpose.

The base will be made from the cardboard jewelry box. Normally, the top fits over the bottom of the box and forms an overhang. To create a smooth profile for your base, measure and cut off a strip from two of the top’s sides so that the top fits snuggly inside the base. The bottom of the jewelry box becomes the top of your lamp’s base. Position the battery pack in the corner from which you have just cut the two strips. The side of the battery pack with the on/off switch will be flush with the edge of the lamp base so that the light can be easily turned on and off. Trace the outline of the battery pack onto the other part of the box and cut the opening. Refer to the picture above.

Glue the battery pack in place and let dry. Then snap the lamp base together. Glue the wine bottle on top of the base. Snake the light string into the neck of the bottle. Try to get the lights to spread out as evenly as possible. It helps to turn the lights on when you do this. Take several strips of raffia and tie them around the top of the grape cluster; then, tie the raffia and grapes tightly around the neck of the bottle (making sure to go under the light string). Tie raffia in a bow and arrange the raffia strands. Trim the ends to desired lengths. Leave a little slack on the wire to make changing batteries easier.

In front is the cut box ready for Insert cork. assembly. In back is an assembled lamp base with the on/off switch accessible through the opening.

You Will Need: • Empty wine bottle and cork • Square cardboard jewelry box (to form base for lamp) Spray the outsides of the two box • String of battery pack Christ- parts with matte black paint. Allow mas lights + batteries to dry. • Plastic grape cluster • Raffia • Black spray paint • Multi-purpose strong glue like Household Goop or E-6000

Thanks to The Artful Crafter for providing the instructions for this fun green craft! mood-light.html w w


It’s Easy Being Greener


Durham’s Community Website t Business Links t Durham Business Directory

Durham Community Calendar Making a simple key chain out of a cork form your favorite bottle of wine is easy and inexpensive. The items needed to complete this craft are: • A cork from a wine bottle • A key ring • Craft wire (a heavier gauge works best) • A pretty bead of your choice • Pliers • Wire cutters Cut a length of craft wire about 1 inch longer than the cork you are using. Place the bead on the length of wire and use the pliers to bend the end of the wire the bead will not fall off. Carefully pierce the cork with the craft wire, and slide the cork onto the wire with the bead serving as a stopper at one end. Using the pliers, bend the wire to create a hook at the top and slip your new cork key chain onto the key ring. If you don’t have time to make one of these clever little key chains, you can buy one for just $3 from one of our favorite green sites at: /pages/shop/corkey.asp

60 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

t t t t

School Events Community Events Durham Recreation Events Interactive


Dilutable Cleaner by Clorox- made with biodegradable plant and mineral-based ingredients and cleans without leaving behind any harsh chemical fumes or residue. It is safe on surfaces from the kitchen to the bathroom. Available in stores or: products/detail.php?id=ndc

Keep Your Teeth Clean and Be Green

The Preserve Toothbrush by Recycline is curved at the dentist-recommended 45° angle and the handle makes it easy to reach every part of your teeth and gums. The handles of The Preserve and Preserve Jr. are made from 100% recycled plastic, including Stonyfield Farm® yogurt cups, and are recyclable when mailed back, Earth’s Best Natural Baby Body Care/ using Recycline’s postage-paid label. They also have a Jason Organics-Earth’s Best, known for subscription program. The adult toothbrush is available their line of organic baby foods, has at Target stores and $2.79 teamed up with Jason Naturals to create Aubrey Organics Seaware with Rosa this line of mineral oil & paraben-free Mosqueta Skin Care line for Dry Skinproducts for your little ones. This extensive This line does a great job of cleansing and line includes not only hair and body wash exfoliating without drying the skin. Even and everyday lotion, but more unique the English lavender facial toner leaves items like a spritz-on detangler, an extra the skin tingly-clean, yet still moisturized. rich therapy cream and a mineral based The Rosa Rose Hip Moisturizing Cream sunblock (S.P.F. 30). $6-$13 www.jasonis creamy and hydrating, yet not heavy. This line can be found at your local health food store or online . $50 for the cleanser, scrub, toner and moisturizer. Cuisinart Green Gourmet Cookware- Now you can have a scratchresistant, non-stick pan that doesn’t leave you wondering about its safety. The coating on these pans won’t peel and the ceramic-based coating is petroleum-free. The PTFE-free and PFOA-free nonstick cooking surface is on anodized clad pans with an aluminum alloy core. The nonstick interior is nonstick and safe! Available at Bed, Bath and Beyond stores. $24.99-$69.00 w w


Safe Cosmetics

For Women and Their Daughters By Karen Bedsaul

We are a nation of consumers, and as such, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements that entice us to buy everything from hamburgers, to lipstick. Sensors in our brains are triggered when we think about the taste of a quarter pound of beef, grilled over an open fame, drenched in a special sauce, topped with melted cheese, and wrapped up in a tasty bun. Feelings of self worth, admiration, and peer acceptance flood through us as we visualize our appearance when we wear the latest fashion color of lipstick. And we are off to the nearest burger joint, or beauty counter to fulfill our emotional impulses. That’s a pretty general statement, and not necessarily true of everyone. It does show how we can be influenced by our emotional responses, without stopping to consider the cost, both financially and to our health. More and more, consumers are becoming aware of the potentially harmful 62 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

ingredients in their food and personal care products. We read labels, and educate ourselves on the quality of the ingredients. It is our young girls that are at a high risk of using unsafe cosmetics because they approach them based on emotional responses: how they will make them look, how the products smell, and how they feel their peers will accept them when using these products. According to an industry report published in December 2004 by Mintel International Group, 90%

of 14 year old girls say they use makeup. The survey, which questioned 5,856 seven (7) to 19 year old girls, revealed that the number of girls aged 11 to 14 who use lipstick or lip gloss on a daily basis, has more than doubled in two years, with 63% of 7 to 10 year old girls now wearing lipstick. More than two in five girls in the same age group wear eye shadow or eyeliner, and almost one in four use mascara. The information in this report places a great burden on parents to make sure their daughters use cosmetics that are safe, yet will appeal to them. Is my lipstick safe? Lip gloss and lipstick have become very popular with young girls. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics conducted a product test on lipstick sold in the United States to check for unsafe levels of lead. An independent laboratory conducted the lead tests in September 2007 on red

lipsticks bought in Boston, Hartford, Conn., San Francisco and Minneapolis. The test results were released in October 2007 and found that more than half of 33 brand-name lipsticks tested, or 61%, contained detectable levels of lead, with levels ranging from 0.03 to 0.65 parts per million. None of these lipsticks listed lead as an ingredient. To get a better understanding of how much lead this represents, the FDA places a limit of 0.01 ppm of lead in candy. Lipstick, like candy, is ingested directly. Lipstick is ingested due to the fact that it is applied to the lips and is ingested by licking of the lips, taking a bite of food, or kissing someone who is wearing lipstick. Lead is proven to be a neurotoxin that can cause learning, language, and behavioral problems. Lead has also been linked to lowered fertility in both men and women, miscarriage, changes in hormones, menstrual irregularities and delays in the onset of puberty. Do all lipsticks contain lead?

Happily, the answer to that question is no. There are lipsticks available that contain no traceable levels of lead. But with manufacturers not listing lead as an ingredient, how can we be sure a product doesn’t contain lead? The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics website posts a link to a report by the Environmental Working Group called, Skin Deep. This report reviews ingredients found in nearly 25,000 name brand personal care products cross-referenced against 50 toxicity databases. Each product is ranked according to its ingredients’ potential to cause cancer, trigger allergic reactions, interfere with the endocrine

(hormonal) system, and impair reproduction or damage a developing fetus. You can access this helpful report at www. and click on the link button titled, “Skin Deep.” What other products should I be concerned about? Other beauty products that are of concern for our daughters are: nail polish, perfumes, and hair sprays. Nail polish may contain toluene, Dibutyl phthalates (DBP) and formaldehyde. All three of these are suspected teratogens, or chemicals that cause disfiguring birth defects. OPI Products, a leading cosmetics manufacturer, voluntarily stopped using these ingredients in their nail polishes, even though they were not required by the FDA to do so. Phthalates have received a lot of attention lately since they have been shown to cause reproductive harm, especially in male babies. Dibutyl Phthalates, or DBP, is an industrial chemical used w w


as a plastic softener and solvent in a wide variety of products including: nail polish, perfume, hair spray, toys, detergents, and food packages. In perfume, DBP is used to make the perfume more aromatic. Therefore, DBP’s can be found in perfumed oils and lotions which are very popular with young girls. Further information can be found at the Phthalate Information Center website, www., and at www. Breast Cancer in Young Girls Parabens are other chemicals, commonly found in cosmetics, that are a cause for concern. Parabens are used as a preservative and can vary in concentration, depending on the product manufacturer. Parabens have been shown to act like estrogen in the body, increasing the risk of breast cancer. According to an article in a San Francisco newspaper dated December 7, 2005, scientific studies have shown the most critical windows of vulnerability to chemical 64 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

exposures that contribute to later development of breast cancer are the prenatal, prebubertal and adolescent periods, through to a woman’s first fullterm pregnancy. “Puberty is a time of rapid cell development. Tissues are more sensitive to external toxicants, including those that can impair fertility and increase the risk of breast cancer,” said Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., executive director of the Breast Cancer Fund, a San Francisco based environmental health organization. “That’s why we’re concerned about hazardous ingredients in cosmetic products.” Other synthetic chemicals such as coal tar colors, phenylenediamine, and benzene, are commonly included in shampoos, skin creams, and blushes. All are known toxins that are absorbed into your skin with every use. It only takes 26 seconds for a topically applied chemical to be absorbed and transmitted to every major organ in the body. A Step in the Right Direction

In October 2005, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2005; the first of its kind in the country, to require cosmetic companies to disclose to the state Department of Health Services ingredients linked to cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm. Most people do not know that the FDA does not review or regulate cosmetic products or ingredients for safety before they are sold to the public and has no legal authority to require safety assessments of cosmetics. Again, the need to teach our young girls the dangers of using unsafe cosmetics and to offer them safe alternatives is imperative. The EWG report, Skin Deep, can be helpful in finding out which cosmetics are safe for us and our daughters. Teaching our daughters to use pure, safe, and beneficial products begins with the women in their lives modeling this principle. This is a living heritage that each of us can pass down to our daughters, and our daughter’s daughters.

Arbonne International introduced a new line in 2007 called F.Y.I. (For Young Individuals) to address the need to teach our daughters the importance of using pure, safe, and beneficial products. The company launched a separate website devoted to young girls that is interactive, age appropriate, and informative. Check it out at

As parents, we can be assured that the products offered to our young girls by Arbonne’s F.Y.I. line are not only pure, safe, and beneficial for them, but they contain no lead, phthalates, parabens, and other harmful chemicals visit www.karenbedsaul. for more information (Click on shop online, then F.Y.I.). w w


It’s Easy Being Greener

A New Spin on Green By Lisa Williams

The aim of this article is not to demonize your

car and guilt you into not driving it. Nor is my aim to bore you with factoring your carbon footprint or statistics that prove that riding a bike is more “green” than driving a car. All I want you to do is – try it. Just once, give it a go and see if riding your bike somewhere, anywhere is truly feasible. Then you can decide if riding more often, regularly or even daily is right for you. “I have to drop my two kids off at different schools then drive 12 miles in the opposite direction to get to work. Bicycle commuting is just not an option.” I agree. Don’t do it. Instead, try something else! Pick the closest destination to your home that you go to regularly. It may be the grocery store, church, barber, taco truck, or favorite restaurant. Then go there on your bike, just once. 66 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Convince me

Parking can be a hassle when driving your car; never so when riding your bike. There’s no circling the parking lot, looking for an open spot near the store or in the shade. There are no parking meters or parking garages to deal with. Most businesses and strip malls have bike racks; signs, trees, and railings work great too. For short distances, say of four miles or less, riding your bicycle can be just as fast as or faster than driving. This is especially so during rush hour when one sees long lines of cars stacked up waiting for a red light. Cyclists always get to go to the head of the line. Instead, avoid traffic completely by riding a block off your usual driving route or use the bikes paths and have a quiet, virtually car-free ride. Chico is very bicycle friendly. There is a brand

It’s Easy Being Greener

the next generation adopt green practices and attitudes as ‘the way they have always known it to be.’ You can be instrumental in influencing those around you, create positive change in the next generation, get some exercise, cut down on emissions, and have some fun. Wow! You’re going to save the planet and have fun doing it!

Let’s Go new, full-sized, plastic-coated Chico Bike Map now available FREE (Chico Bike & Board or online at This great map shows bike paths, bike lanes, bike routes, rules of the road and popular riding routes in and around Chico.

But now we’re getting ahead of ourselves. My goal is to get you to try it, just once. I am sure you will enjoy it and then the rest will take care of itself. To make sure that you’ll have fun from the outset, there are some tips that I would like to offer. First, make sure that your bike is in good working order. Has your old 10-speed

You will be amazed at how many people you greet and wave to when riding your bike. On your bike, you can stop at a moment’s notice and chat with a friend. Riding your bike is a fun way to connect to your community. One hot, sunny day in Chico I saw a man watering the plants in his yard. I called out, “Please spray me with your hose!” He smiled and then turned the hose in my direction as I slowed down. What a refreshing treat! I was cooled off, the stranger got a chuckle, and I got to work at the same time I always did. It was just plain fun. The ‘fun factor’ may be the single most over-looked aspect of riding your bike. On your bike, you can take a minute to cool your feet in the One-Mile pool, or hear the chortle of squirrels busy at their work; and make it a point to ride between the “Hands” in downtown Chico. Suddenly, life has more “playtime.” After all, you are riding your bike just like the kids! While having all this extra enjoyment during your day, you have also become a role model to your children and those around you. One of the challenges of the “green movement” is having w w


It’s Easy Being Greener

been in storage since the Reagan administration? It may still be a good quality bike; it is just going to need a tune-up and probably some adjustment. It is essential that your bicycle is comfortable. Raising the handlebars so that you are sitting up straight and getting the seat to fit right is a five-minute task added on to your tune-up that your local bike shop mechanic will be glad to help you with. Realistically, to get your old bike back on the road, you will need to spend about $80-$100 for a minor tune-up, new tires and tubes. If you hadn’t noticed, that is less than a tank of gas these days. Second, to fully enjoy your ride, please obey traffic laws. This part is easy, since they are the same laws you use to drive your car: stop at stop signs, ride on the right, let people know if you are going to make a turn, if it is dark put on your lights. Third, avoid main roadways where there are lots of cars. For your first couple trips riding to the grocery store or to dinner, take the same route you would in your car, but use a parallel street. And don’t forget to pick up your free copy of the Chico Bike Map! Lastly, take the kids. Start them out early. You can buckle junior and his car seat right in to a bicycle baby trailer. The typical bike trailer can fit two toddlers and some groceries. If the idea of a trailer seems cumbersome to you then opt for a baby seat. In addition to the traditional seat that fits behind the rider, there are new seats that fit in the front of the rider. These great seats are hugely popular in Europe and South America. The seats clamp on to the front frame so that your handlebars are free to move and the baby is seated between your arms. One advantage to the front-style baby seat is that your center of gravity is centered with your body instead of swaying around behind you. Another is that the back is low enough that the child doesn’t bang her head on the seat and she can see everything 68 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

that is going on. This makes for a happy baby. thus a happy rider. There we go, talking about fun and bicycling again. Bicycle seats and trailers are generally good for children up to 40 lbs. or 38 inches tall. When they are that big, you probably are sick of hauling them around and giving them a free ride anyway. So, put them to work! The trail-a-bike is the perfect solution. The trail-a-bike is the child’s bike that clamps on to your bike directly behind you. This system is great because you are still in control of where, and how fast, they are going versus having them on their own bicycle. The best part is that when they pedal – they help propel you! Biking is a great way to take a new spin on green and have a blast at the same time, so get out there and try it!

Lisa Williams can be seen all over Chico on her old green bicycle with the milk carton ‘basket’. Two things she loves about her job at Chico Bike & Board are test riding all the cool new bikes at the shop and supporting the BMX racing and Skateboard teams. She is dedicated to making your ride more enjoyable, as her goal is to have happy people riding properly functioning, well accessorized bicycles and/or skateboards.

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70 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Biodiesel - The SPARE Solution By: Mark Roberts, CEO of Springboard Biodiesel


iodiesel may be the best-kept secret in the US. Despite the fact that it is currently a sustainable alternative energy source that is profitable today, without government subsidies, very few Americans know what biodiesel is, how to use it or how to get it. In part, this is because our consumer economy has not been focused on diesel fuel (unlike the Europeans, where every other new car sold is a diesel); however, given that the US consumed 40 billion gallons, or almost $200 billion, of diesel fuel in 2007, biodiesel has become a meaningful energy niche that will likely grow over time.

“farm to fuel” - AND recycled vegetable and animal oils - “waste to fuel.”

Farm to fuel biodiesel has historically represented the lion’s share of commercial biodiesel production. However, given the world-wide surge in commodities pricing - soybean oil costs almost $200 barrel - commercial enterprises are not at “petroleum parity.” On the other hand, Waste to Fuel biodiesel is far cheaper than diesel. Previously recycled vegetable oil (“RVO”) was a nuisance product for which restaurants hired a service to remove weekly. Now that very same substance can be converted, Many people lump biodiesel into the Biofuels using products biodiesel processors, into government certified biodiesel fuel for less “Phylum” and stop there. Recently, biofuels have found themselves mired in controversy, than $1.15 per gallon - that’s a more than $3.50/gallon savings over petroleum based as opponents have successfully affixed the diesel. unfortunate tagline “Feeding SUVs, not people” to the entire spectrum of biofuels. Biodiesel made from RVOs and rendered Whatever your position on biofuels, it is important to be informed. The fact is that animal fats (Did you know that Tyson, the biodiesel can be made from both virgin oils - huge commercial chicken farming entity, w w


It’s Easy Being Greener

expects to convert 2.3 billion pounds of chicken fat into biodiesel in 2008?) will run in any diesel engine, without any retrofitting and in any blend, without compromising the engine’s performance. For instance, you can fill your tank with B-100 (100% biodiesel), and if caught away from your biodiesel source, fill up with regular diesel. It won’t hurt your engine; it won’t impair your performance.

“Biodiesel may be the best-kept secret in the US.” Biodiesel has a significantly better emissions profile than diesel. The US Department of Energy has reported that biodiesel reduces carbon output by 78% compared to diesel fuel. In addition, biodiesel has much cleaner particulate emissions than diesel due to its organic (vegetable and animal oils) chemical make up (go to the National Biodiesel website to view their most recent test results: fuelfactsheets/emissions.PDF). Springboard Biodiesel has seen a tremendous surge in interest in its small scale biodiesel processors. The economics are compelling, as are the environmental benefits. Our users can make a difference on a number of fronts - supporting a sustainable energy alternative, contributing to a lower personal and local carbon footprint, reducing the US’s annual $200 billion diesel outflow, and enjoy substantial savings doing so. Biodiesel is here to stay, and I encourage everyone to learn more about how to participate in the rapidly growing biodiesel economy. 72 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

The SPARE Solution is available today: Sustainable: Turns used vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel that runs in any diesel engine. – tested successfully by the DOT. Profitable: Using a Biodiesel Processor (Such as the Springboard Biodiesel BioPro), you can turn recycled vegetable oil into biodiesel for less than $1.15/gallon Alternative: Main ingredient is animal or vegetable oil that has already been used once –formerly a waste product Renewable: 3 billion gallons of vegetable oil was recycled last year in the US every year - animal-based oils are also viable and plentiful Environmental: 78% less carbon emitted, lower particulate matter, much cleaner emissions profile than diesel. For more information visit:

Using a Biodiesel Processor like the Springboard Biodiesel BioPro 190 (shown left), you can turn recycled vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel.

Want to save enough for a

car payment? I’M THERE

Drivers who switch their car insurance to State Farm® save an average of $369* a year. Welcome to the corner of you do the math and pinch me, I must be dreaming. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL MY OFFICE FOR A QUOTE 24/7. Darren P Normoyle, Agent Insurance Lic. #: 0D64180 118 W East Avenue Chico, CA 95926 Bus: 530-891-8163 *Average annual household savings based on national 2007 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL P080078 05/08

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Your community site for local web links. All links are free to add to this site. Bookmark this site; it will be right at your fingertips to look up local restaurants, green living, local events, and more!

74 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Rain Barrels

Collecting, or harvesting, rain water has been done for generations. Collecting water that would otherwise be wasted as run off, is an easy way to save energy and money. Harvesting rain water is the perfect way to get chemical-free, pure water for your plants. By Pete Holman

As we get into August, the days begin to get a little shorter and we begin to look forward to the temperature starting to come down a bit. In addition, we begin to think about the change to winter, or in California, the wet season. I also begin to make plans to clean out the gutters and down spouts on my house so that they will flow freely and not be responsible for water damage to my house. This year has been a very dry year and with the lack of rain, there has been water rationing in several areas of the state. Many farmers in the central valley are concerned that they will not have enough water to bring their crops to a successful harvest. It is estimated that some crops will have reduced yields and or quality due to the lack of water. When I was growing up in the east, many of my friends who lived in the country had big wooden water barrels on their down spouts. They used them to collect rainwater, which

the ladies used to wash their hair. The rainwater was much softer than the spring water that supplied most of the household uses. We now have better ways to get water to wash our hair, but there are plenty of uses for water that we can collect from a system system for the landscape. This system was all either drip or like this. soaker so that it would work At Evergreen Six School in on the low pressure. Some Paradise, they have installed cities are limiting the amount a rain barrel with the intent of water that you can put into of using the water as the the storm system because primary source for moisture of the cost of treating that to maintain their worm bins water. A rain barrel can help to produce compost. Many offset water run-off. people use the water from a system like this to provide Hopefully, we have sparked in doing water for their gardens or your interest to use the landscapes. These systems something can be as simple as having rainwater from your roof. your down spout dump into a container and then bucketing There are several things that the water out for your use. you need to consider before Or they can be as technical you start to put together your as a system I saw described system. on “This Old House� a while ago. The water was directed First, you need to have an from all of the downspouts estimate of the amount of to a sump, and then pumped water that you are going to into a 1200-gallon tank on the have to deal with. Second, property. The tank was then you will need to determine connected to the Irrigation what kind of container you w w


Rain Barrels

want to use. Finally, you will need to determine how you are going to divert the water to your storage system.

the number of cubic feet buy 7.48, as that is approximately how many gallons there are in each cubic foot.

Let’s start with the calculations to estimate the amount of water. At Evergreen 6, the building that they are collecting from is about 48’ by 12’ with one down spout at each end. It has a nearly flat roof that slopes slightly to the backside. If we multiply the 48 X 12 we get 576 feet squared. We then divide that by the 2 down spouts to get 288 square feet for each down spout.

In this case: 24 * 7.48 =179.52 or about 180 gallons.

them in the $20 range. They can be connected in a series to increase the capacity of the system. I hope to show this in some detail in the next issue of Community Seeds Magazine. These barrels work well since they are light to move around, easy to keep clean, and the can be cut to handle the plumbing quite easily.

This means that if we had a rainstorm that rained 1 inch, we should collect about 180 gallons at each rain barrel from the building above. Likewise, if it were ½ inch we You can see in figure #2 that would get about 90 gallons, a hose bib was put into the etc. You might note that the average annual rainfall in Paradise is about 52 inches this would translate to over 9000 gallons per year that The amount of rain is usually could be harvested from each measured in inches, but we down spot on that building! want to know the amount of water in gallons. If we take There are a number of a rainfall of one inch over possibilities for containing the 288 square foot roof, the the water. One option is a calculations to gallons would 30 gallon plastic barrel as go something like this: shown in Figure #1. These barrels are very common and In order to get volume, we Figure 2 must take the square footage barrel a couple inches from (length X width) and multiply the bottom. This is easy to it by the height in this case do with a polypropylene 1 inch. Since we want our tank adapter used to plumb answer to be in cubic feet, agricultural spray and all of the measurements must injector tanks (Figures #3 and be in feet. One inch can be 4). They are available at most stated as the fraction 1/12 of a foot and since a fraction is an indication of a division our problem becomes 288 feet squared divided by 12. Figure 1 This gives us 24 cubic feet for every inch of rain. In order are available in this area at to the get the number of most of the stores that sell gallons, we need to multiply surplus goods. I have seen Figure 3 76 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Rain Barrels

commercial diverter, but the big advantage is that it will automatically send the water into the downspout when your container is full. Since it uses a tube of about ¾ of an inch, it is easy to plumb it into the barrel (Figure #9) so that no outside trash can get in.

Figure 4 agricultural supply dealers and come in most standard pipe sizes. There are also several ways to divert the water. The simplest way is to take a plastic down spout adapter (Figure #5), connect it to some flexible drainpipe and run it directly in the container. You may want to use some screen to keep leaves and sticks out and you should make some kind of provision for when the

Figure 7

I hope that you are now thinking, “Maybe I can begin to do something with rainwater to benefit my lifestyle.” There is a lot of information on this subject available. One good place to start is the DIY Network at http://www.diynetwork. com. Very simply, go to their web site and search for “rain barrels.” If you do not wish to build your own system, there are many gardening web sites that have a complete water barrel kit for around $120.

One last word of warning, NEVER use the water collected for drinking. There could be things in the water from the roof, or the barrel, that would not be healthy. The warm, damp environment in the barrels is perfect for the growth of many organisms. It is good practice to mark Figure 9 your barrels with a warning container is full. The second that the water is not potable one is a commercial diverter (drinkable). that replaces a section of the downspout and has a section In the next issue, we can that you pull out when you take some time to detail the want the water diverted (See design and construction of a Figures #6 and #7). The “Water multiple barrel system. saver” (Figure #8), is another ----------Figure 8

Figure 5

Figure 6

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The Cost of Winter Energy Bills Got You Blue? Go Green! And Save Some Green! By Deanna Zachrich

Living greener while saving some green is easier than you may think. Looking over my utility bills from last winter, I started wondering why I ever felt chilled in my house when we were paying so much for heat. If it wasn’t keeping me warm, where was it going? I know our home has insulation, so I started searching for ideas on keeping my energy costs down for this upcoming winter. Surprisingly enough, there were several ideas that cost very little and even no money, and yet these same ideas would save me money on my winter heating bills. I also learned that saving on my heating bills coincided with being friendlier to 78 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

our planet. It’s estimated that during the winter months in most American homes, winter heating is responsible for sending almost four tons of greenhouse gases into the air. Feeling warmer this winter while saving some green, and the planet, sounds like a solution where everyone wins. I’ve learned that my home’s energy consists of several things: heating and cooling, water heating, lighting, electronics, and appliances. Heating my home’s space and water is at the top of the list, consuming more than half of my household’s energy. There has to be a greener, more efficient way to use my home’s

energy. So, that is where I began my quest for an energy efficient winter season. The first thing I’ve done is check for leaks! It’s not the most exciting thing I’ve ever done, but if you can get over the boring and tedious, it’s a breeze! It is so very worth the effort. Some experts say that reducing air leaks can cut 10% off an average household’s monthly energy bill. Wow! A stick of incense or candle is a great tool for checking leaks. Having closed all the windows and doors, I simply worked my way around my home, room by room, searching for places where the smoke


drifted. Silicone caulk, insulation strips and inexpensive door sweeps are great ways to target any leaks you may find. I also recycled some cute, coordinating fabric into what my mom calls a “draft dodger” that is filled similarly to a bean bag and just lies on the floor next to the bottom of my basement door. Brilliant! No more air leaks there and it cost me nothing! If you’re not sure what product to use to seal an air leak, check with your local hardware store. They are usually a great place for information on home improvement, no matter how small the project. Of course, windows and doors are the biggest culprits of heat loss. Seal any small cracks that you can with caulk and use the locks on your windows to make them

tighter and more draft resistant. Installing storm windows on your existing windows creates dead air space and can cut heat loss by as much as 25% - 50%! This is very impressive, but not all of us have the financial ability to purchase storm windows that can cost as much as $12.00 per square foot. If you can, fabulous! If you can’t, there are other options. When I first moved into my new home, my mother gave me some awful looking draperies that she insisted I needed to put up. She said the reason for them was to keep the heat in during the winter months because they were insulated on the backs of the drapery panels. Because I didn’t want anyone I knew to see these horribly ugly curtains in my home, I put them up in two bedrooms upstairs where no one would possibly see them. Surprisingly, those two bedrooms kept comfortably warm all winter. So, I swallowed my pride, and pulled out my sewing machine! I used the old insulated curtains for the backs of my newly sewn pretty ones. I found out that you can also line your

existing drapery panels with old bed linens if purchasing new insulated curtains is not within your budget. Now my living room and dining room keep plenty warm during the winter months. Who knew? Well, I guess Mom did. Thanks Mom. If you already have curtains, great! Although storm windows seal perfectly around your existing windows, curtains work similarly creating dead air space. There are a couple things to remember with curtains that will increase your energy savings. During sunny winter days, open up your drapes on any clean, sun-filled windows for solar heat gain. The sun’s warmth has the ability to warm up any objects in a room which helps keep the heated air warmer for longer. But remember to close them again at night to keep the heat in. Never block or cover radiators or heating vents with draperies or furniture. A clear path for the heated air to rise helps it to circulate efficiently throughout your home. And obviously your radiators and heating vents will work more w w


Cut Energy Costs

thermostat during an eight hour period, you’ll save up to 3% on your heating bill. According to the US Department of Energy, a typical household consumes 13% of its energy from water heating which makes your home’s water heater a huge energy-eater. The simplest way to save money on this is to turn efficiently if they are down the thermostat on ceiling. clean. your water heater. It costs you nothing, and Showing off any new I also inherited ceiling can save you up to 5% additions to your winter fans in almost every room wardrobe is also a on water heating costs in my house. These are for every 10 degrees you practical option to keep great for circulating the reduce the temperature. warm during the winter cool air around during It is recommended months. Heating your hot summers, but I’ve however, that electric home to a temperature learned that they are water heaters not be where you can run great for the winter lowered to less than 120 around in shorts and months as well. A slow degrees. a tank top is silly and rotating fan can help Water heaters are expensive. Put on that keep the heat from your insulated, but adding new winter sweater or radiators or heaters to that insulation is a even an old, comfortable from floating up to your sweatshirt and turn down great way to reduce any ceilings and staying heat loss, especially if your thermostat a few there. This is especially degrees. Experts say that your water heater is helpful with high ceilings. for each degree Celsius located in an unheated During the upcoming your thermostat is turned area. Insulating blanket cold months, reverse the down, you can save about kits are inexpensive, motor, making the ceiling 10% on your energy use. costing around $20.00 fan turn in the clockwise I can put away the shorts and available at most direction at a low speed. hardware and home for that kind of savings. This produces a small Reducing temperatures in improvement stores. updraft, which forces the Make certain you follow the evenings, when I’m warm air near the ceiling all directions when using cozy and cuddling with down where you can feel these blankets to avoid my sweetheart under my cozy and comfortable. I any potential fire hazards. blankets, is a great way would rather the heat to save also. For every warm me, than just my If your hot water pipes degree you lower your 80 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


run through an unheated area as well, insulate them too. If you don’t, your hot water pipes can lose heat and cause your water heater to work harder, costing you more on your energy bill. You can purchase insulation for your water pipes for as little as $2.00 for a six foot section. You’ll easily make back your investment on this one with the large savings you’ll see on your next bill. Another way to save is by simply using less hot water. I could not believe the savings on my last electric bill. The only habit I’ve changed is that I stopped using hot and warm water settings on my clothes washer. My bill dropped dramatically. Most detergents today

are formulated to use in both cold and hot water, so there’s really no need to wash clothes in any setting other than cold. If you’re worried your detergent won’t perform well enough in cold water, you could always switch detergents. Or, if you have a top loading machine, try this until you’re more comfortable with the idea of washing in cold: After you put your detergent in the washer, let warm water run in while you finish loading it up with your clothes. As soon as the washer is loaded, switch the temperature setting back to cold. Any worry you may have whether or not your detergent will dissolve properly should be eased from your mind. Another easy way to use less hot water is to not let the faucet run while shaving. Fill up the sink with warm water and only run the water again to rinse your blade. You could also simply use an electric shaver to save money. It uses much less energy than running the hot water constantly to shave. And of course, we all know by now, that shorter showers save two-fold. It saves on heating and on water consumption. A small

egg-timer is a great tool for kids. And with my love of standing under the hot water to relax, it also helped me to change my habits and shorten my showering time. It doesn’t have to be hard to live green. Hopefully, saving some money this year during the upcoming winter months will be motivation to live a little greener for all of us. Choosing to live greener not only saves us money, but helps save the only planet we have. There are so many things anyone can do for little and yes, even no money, to prepare their homes for the colder months ahead. Living greener and saving green simultaneously is completely achievable.

For more tips on making your home more efficient visit:

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A great way to get items reused and bring in some extra money is to have a yard, or garage sale. Use this quick guide for tips on having a successful garage sale. By Jan Holman

WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Over time, and often in a short time, families accumulate items that no longer fit their lifestyle, but have years of use left in them. Typically, families accumulate clothes; toys, furniture and books the kids have outgrown; tools no longer used; and china, vases, dishes and furniture made obsolete because tastes change. When families clean out attics, basements and the highest shelves in closets, there are treasures to be had. Not only do garage sales prolong the useful life of many items, they give discerning shoppers the chance to stretch their buying power, while raising money and reducing our carbon footprints!

groups. Participants can bring in items they no longer want and, if they wish, purchase items they can use at a greatly reduced price. The organization sponsoring the garage sale should clearly state how projected profits will be used, types and condition of items they are seeking, drop off points, and sale dates and times. People are generally eager to help organizations help themselves.

SELECT QUALITY SALE ITEMS If accepting donation items for your sale don’t be afraid to ask for quality items: clean, mended and ready to sell. It is often helpful to list the types of items that individuals might donate to a group sale. At the first school garage sale that I chaired, I asked the people in our small town to just NOT A TYPICAL FUND RAISER A garage sale can be an excellent fund pull out boxes of no longer needed items raising opportunity for groups. It does not that were sitting in their garages and set put a strain on already overloaded support them out at the curb for pick-up. What a 82 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

mistake! Along with many saleable items, the garage sale committee inherited the largest collection of spiders and dirty socks one could imagine. Everything had to be dusted or washed! For all sales, public and private, it will be to your advantage to clean all sale items before putting them out. You will be well paid for your time. Washing up dirty toys, furniture, strollers, clothing, etc. can double your sales. WHAT’S IN A NAME? If your sale is a multiple family garage sale, as it would certainly be if done by a group, advertise it as such. The fact that many families are participating excites buyers as they assume there will be a greater volume and diversity of items to be sold. If you have unique items in your inventory, advertise your event as a “Collectibles and Garage Sale!” This will encourage collectors and antique dealers, who would appreciate and pay for collectibles, to come to the sale. INVOLVE AN EXPERT Speaking of antique dealers, find a trusted antique dealer and ask him or her to visit the sale ahead of time to check your prices. He/ she could prevent you from under pricing treasures. Also, there are times when the dealer could get far more for some items at their store and you would both benefit.


CHOOSING A DATE It is a good idea to schedule your sale near the 1st or 15th of any month when many families receive pay checks. Avoid holiday weekends and weekends that are overbooked with community events. ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE Make sure you advertise your sale in as many venues as possible: fliers, posters, telephone trees, websites like Craig’s List, free space on public service TV, radio offered to non-profits, and in the newspaper (the day before and the day of the sale). On the day of the sale, make sure the site of the sale is clearly marked. One might use balloons, banners or large signs to catch people’s eyes. Good signage will bring the “drive by” crowd to your sale. A few directional signs, legally placed, will help people find you. Note: Make sure you remove all signs immediately following the sale. PLANNING LAYOUT OF SALE Display items of high interest, that might draw buyers into the sale, in a place that can be seen from the road. Group items that are in the same category together: linens, lamps, vases, dishes, clothes, collectables, books … Make sure all parts are included and label sale item as being complete. Example: Make sure all puzzle

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Yard Sale

and game parts are included. Seal the puzzle boxes and tape or saran wrap a game so that parts cannot be lost. This will make each item more saleable and will answer one of the most asked questions at a garage sale, “Is it all there?” PRICING When possible, price items in groups. This makes set-up easier and facilitates totaling the amount owed at checkout. Examples of group signage: “Unless otherwise marked - All Hardback Books 50 cents, Softbound Books 25 cents”, “All Shoes - $2”, “All Purses - $1.50”, “Unless otherwise marked, All Clothes - 25 cents” and so on. Some of the other items you can group are: small stuffed animals, large stuffed animals, puzzles, small toys (on a table), coffee cups, linens, and anything you have a lot of that are of similar value. Develop a price code for what you presume will be your four or five most used prices at your sale. Code each of these five prices with their own small, round colored sticker. Example: 25 cent items – yellow sticker, 50 cent items - blue, 75 cent items - green, and $1.00 items – red. Create 8 1/2” x 11” posters entitled, “Price Code”. On these posters list all the coded prices opposite their own colored sticker and put them in visible places throughout the sale venue. White stickers should be purchased to write the sale price of all items that do not fit the categories on your “Price Code Posters.” Make sure to put two “Price Code” sheets at the check-out table. Face one toward the cashier and one toward the buyer. This will facilitate an easy check out. CASH BOX Make sure you have a cash box with enough change (seed money) to get your sale started. If nothing is priced lower than 25 cents, you won’t need pennies, nickels or dimes. You will need quarters to give back change on purchases of less than a dollar. You will need 84 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Phone (530) 873-7649

You need a professional that understands the industry and is positioned to stay ahead of the game. We never stop moving.

e-mail: w w


Yard Sale

quite a few one dollar bills to make change for sales less than $5. You will also need $5 bills to make change for items costing between $5 and $15. If you are working on a multifamily or group garage sale, make sure a second, unrelated volunteer counts and confirms the amount of “seed money” in the cash box to begin the sale. A card should be filled out stating the amount of “seed money” in the cash box and both individuals should sign the card. This simple procedure will protect all parties involved. Even at a single family garage sale it is a good idea to put the initial cash count on a card in the cash box. It will allow one to have an accurate record of profits. CASHIER’S TABLE(S) Here are simple set-up tips for the cashier’s table that I think are the most important when setting up for your sale: 1. If possible, have at least one six foot table and two or three chairs. 2. Have a large number of newspapers, opened and stacked, ready for wrapping breakables at one end of the table. This one step will reduce check-out time and prevent buyers from becoming impatient and leaving without making a purchase. 3. Have a sufficient supply of sacks and boxes at arms reach. 4. At a large sale, have one or two people assigned to help the cashier, total purchases and wrap items. 5. If possible, have volunteers ready to carry purchased items to the buyers’ cars. 6. Have Price Codes easily visible to buyers and cashier at cashier’s table. 7. If you are going to accept checks, have a sign indicating to whom checks should be made payable. 8. Always greet buyers with a smile and a “hello” and always thank people for 86 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

shopping. 9. Cash Box: a. Place the cash box at one end of the table. b. Have someone with the cash box at all times. c. Do not allow too much cash to accumulate in the cash box. This creates an unnecessary temptation. Have a trusted individual periodically remove extra cash, place it in a prepared envelope and lock it up in the trunk of a car or in another safe place. d. Place bills of higher denominations and checks underneath the change tray. EARLY BIRDS On the day of the sale, be prepared for early birds! Though early birds can add pressure to the first hour of your sale, remember that many garage sale shoppers visit many garage sales every Saturday. They set up a route they will travel that allows them to visit the maximum number of sales in the shortest amount of time and with the fewest miles traveled. If you are not ready for them you will miss sales opportunities. Make sure you finish your preparations the night before and be ready for buyers up to an hour ahead of time. You will have the best chance of accommodating all buyers if you set your starting time no later than 7:30AM.

Yard Sale

ADDING UP THE TOTAL OWED When totaling the amount owed by the buyer, make sure they are counting with you. If you are totaling many items that cost the same, like paperback books or clothes valued at 25 cents each, don’t try to add as you go. Just count the number of books or clothes and divide by four and you will simply and quickly know the number of dollars owed. If at the end of the sale you are having a one-half off sale, inform the buyer that you are going to total up the original price and divide by two. It is much less confusing! Make sure you have a calculator, pencil, paper and a helper for the larger orders. HALF OFF SALE If your main goal in having a sale is to turn inventory into cash, you might consider establishing a time when the price of your inventory will be reduced. You should set that time in your pre planning and have it posted at the beginning of your sale. It does no good to announce a sale at the end of the day when most buyers have come and gone. You will not have a second chance to encourage your early buyers to come back and find that possible treasure at a much reduced price. In my experience, early notification of a reduced price sale has never stopped early buyers from buying something they really want. They do not want to take the chance that someone else will purchase their “find” before the half off sale. We do often see many buyers come at the end of the sale take advantage of discounted prices. If there are a few items on which you are not willing to drop the price, items you are willing to store for another sale or will keep, state that fact on your sign by saying, “Most Items Half Off At 2:30PM.” A second option

would be to place items that will not be reduced on the same table or in the same area and attach signage to inform buyers. ITEMS THAT DID NOT SELL Whether you are going to keep some of the items that do not sell, or you just want to dispose of everything, you must have a plan. There are several options. Sometimes friends or communities organize a string of sales and quality items are passed along for the next sale. Others just want to get rid of everything and enjoy the space they have cleared. In any case, you will need boxes and newspaper to pack inventory. If you have a large sale with many clothes, make sure you have a good supply of large plastic bags (a way to reuse) in which to pack them. There are many discount organizations, like the Salvation Army, that appreciate donations. Contact one of these organizations to find out what they will accept, their business hours and if they will pick up. Make sure you have a crew to help you tear down the sale, pack the unsold inventory and help deliver the items to your predetermined recipient. REPORTING OUTCOME If this was a nonprofit fundraiser, make sure you thank your contributors and let them know how much money was raised. Putting on a garage sale is a lot of work, but the rewards can be many. Of course it is always a good thing to turn unneeded items into cash, but it is also good to provide individuals the opportunity to stretch their buying power and find a way to reuse unneeded items. A GARAGE SALE - THE ULTIMATE RECYCLING EXPERIENCE!

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Book Review: Sophie Uliano’s

Gorgeously Green By Amy Behlke I recently stumbled upon a great “green” book for women. Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano is a wonderfully easy and fun read that not only educates, but gently encourages readers to make changes that will change the world for the better. The premise of the book is that women really are the heart of creating a green home since we are the ones who are typically responsible for most of the shopping, cooking, and household chores. The women in the home can easily influence the whole household to become more eco-friendly simply by making small changes. The book has an introduction by Julia Roberts, who appeared with Uliano and Sandra Bullock on Oprah on Earth Day this year to share some tips on leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Roberts claims, “This Gorgeously Green book has provided my household with a bible of home and help (not to mention a good cleansing mask and a source for eco-cashmere).” Gorgeously Green serves as just that, a bible of sorts, to busy-yet-concerned moms like me. Organized in eight easy to access chapters, the book teaches a broad spectrum of lifestyle choices that can easily be made in order to live in a more environmentally responsible way. Chapters Uliano describes as, “8 Simple Steps to an Earth Friendly Life” start with a brief narrative introduction, followed by an abundance of wellresearched information, resources and ideas 88 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

on how to make earth-friendly lifestyle changes. Helpful web sites and businesses are sited throughout each chapter as well as Uliano’s personal recommendations based on her own experiences. At the end of each chapter, a task is suggested based on the information from the chapter as well as recommendations for five easy little changes anyone can make that will make a big difference. Readers are encouraged to pick one of these changes to focus on for the next week. Uliano is a yoga instructor, so each chapter is concluded with Savasana, a calming, meditative yoga pose intended to relax and focus the reader. Chapter one, Becoming Aware presents background information and alarming statistics, providing a reason for leading a more earth-friendly lifestyle. While shocking and disturbing, the facts are presented in a way that is meant to educate, not create a sense of panic. The book is set up in a way that allows readers to take baby steps toward being greener. This chapter is focused on becoming educated and making the

Gorgeously Green

decision to begin making small changes that will end up making a big difference in the long run. This first chapter is concluded with a “Lifestyle Checklist” and an introduction to Uliano’s website, www.gorgeouslygreen. com, which can be used as a companion to the book.

of the chapter providing many helpful suggestions of specific products for each beauty routine, as well as general tips on what to choose and what to avoid. I have read and referred to this chapter so many times, the pages are worn and many are dog-eared. I think every woman should read this chapter before their next meditation in your everyday life I was interested after reading trip to the make-up counter! to benefit both your physical the first chapter, but it was really chapter two, Green Goddess, A daily program is provided and mental health. that led me to spend hours to keep both your body and culture’s consumerresearching online and really mind healthy in chapter three, Our make a significant lifestyle Your Green Temple. Uliano obsession is the topic of change of my own. One of has been a yoga instructor for chapter four: Soulful Shopping. the most important issues to many years. In this chapter she I love how this chapter focuses on “The Dreaded Three R‘s,” women, our beauty routine, particularly reduce and is tackled in this chapter and reuse. Sweatshops, fair trade, boy is it an eye-opener! The the importance of buying chapter starts with a “red organic, pet products, jewelry alert” list of seven ingredients even toilet paper made from consumers should always recycled paper is discussed avoid in the products they use, in this chapter! One tip I followed by an “orange alert” have used over and over list of ingredients that contain since reading this chapter is carcinogenic chemicals and Uliano‘s suggestion to ask, should also be avoided. Only “Can I actually live without four pages into the chapter I found myself sitting on the floor presents a daily yoga routine this?” each time you are about of my bathroom, magnifying that will take no more than 15- to purchase an item. I have glass in hand, products scattered 20 minutes daily and, if practiced found that if I actually stop in a all around me as I squinted to at a more vigorous pace, can store and ask myself this, almost read the bizarre list of chemicals provide a good workout. Two always the answer is yes! This included in the ingredients. yoga sequences are presented has not only served to curb my Almost every product in my with photographs and easy-to- consumerism of unnecessary cupboard contained ingredients follow instructions. Toning and items, but it has saved me a lot from both the red and orange strengthening suggestions are of money as well! lists! I couldn’t help but be a given as well as ideas on how little shocked at what I’d been to do “kitchen yoga” on those Your Palace: Creating the slathering all over my hair, skin days you are just too busy to Home You Deserve is the fit the whole sequence in. This title of chapter five. The scary and face! chapter ends with a paragraph household cleaning products Once educated on what to on meditation and ideas on that lurk in our cupboards are avoid, Uliano spends the rest how to implement yoga and tackled in this chapter. The

“ask, ‘Can I actually live without this?’ each time you are about to purchase an item.”

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Gorgeously Green

kitchen, laundry and overall cleanup is discussed, each section discussing both what to avoid and what to use instead of the harmful chemicals typically used. A list of “Gorgeously Green Tried-and-Tested Absolute Favorites” is provided with web sites for each product listed. Eight essential ingredients are also listed with which anyone can create their own safe and inexpensive cleaning products easily at home. Tips for saving energy, the importance of recycling, e-waste, proper disposal of old medications, organic gardening, composting, and tips for making each home in your house more green are also discussed in this chapter. What to eat is the focus of Chapter Six: Every Last Bite. Less meat and more locally grown fresh, seasonal, whole, organic foods is Uliano’s suggestion. I love the shopping lists that are included in this chapter for fridge and pantry “must-haves.” Several yummy recipes are included for each meal of the day as well as menu suggestions for kids, seasonal dinner parties, and treats.. Suggestions for kitchen gadgets and ideas for healthier substitutions for everything from soda to coffee are also given.

new hybrid vehicle and we aren’t generally willing to park our gas guzzlers and take public transportation every day either, so a list of tips on how to make “your old banger” more ecofriendly is much appreciated. The biggest point Uliano makes is when it comes to your car, it is just transportation. It is not an extension of who you are or anything else. It is simply a way to get from here-to-there and back. This kind of thinking, I find, is helpful in making green choices when it comes to transportation. Flying and environmentally friendly travel tips are given along with some great web sites for planning any kind of trip, from cruises to a picnic, in a more green way. I really enjoyed Uliano’s ideas for having a green wedding and green gift giving at the end of this chapter.

only very educational and eye opening, but very enjoyable to read. I enjoyed Uliano’s friendly narrative style of writing. I was able to gain clarification on anything mentioned in the book that I did not understand up front by following the hundreds of links and references listed throughout each chapter. Gorgeously Green is an excellent resource that I have used over an over. I have already given this book as a gift to one of my girlfriends and we have spent hours on the phone discussing what we have learned. It is a gift I am sure I will give again! It is always exciting for me when a book is able to be used and reused over and over again. Gorgeously Green is one book that will never collect dust or spend much time on a shelf in my house, as I find myself referring to it frequently.

The final chapter in the book, Chapter Eight: Go Super Green encourages, now-educated readers, to become advocates for the green movement. Checklists for your school, office and yard are included as well as contact information for organizations that are committed to saving our planet and letting the voices of the concerned public be heard. Finally, the “Gorgeously Green Lifestyle Checklist” from the beginning of the book is repeated to show your ecogrowth gained since reading the book.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is concerned about the environment, yet not sure where to start with making changes in their own life. Living an environmentally friendly lifestyle does not have to be difficult or confusing, as Uliano proves, it’s easy and fun to be Gorgeously Green!!

Chapter Seven: Out and About Having Fun is spent explaining all of the “in’s and out’s” of choosing cleaner ways to travel and have fun. Most of us can’t afford to go out and buy a brand Overall, I found this book not 90 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Waste-Free Lunch by Sophie Uliano Author of Gorgeously Green™

It is so ridiculously easy to create a no-waste lunch everyday for either your child or yourself. Given that a third of landfill space is taken up by plastic and paper food/beverage packaging, it only seems right that we should all reduce whenever we can. Speaking of reduce, you can reduce you budget by not buying and using plastic bags, paper napkins, plastic water bottles. The savings from that alone are well worth it.

Child’s Lunch Box:

Adult Lunch Box:

• Never buy individually-wrapped portions of cheese, carrots and ranch dressing etc • Buy a selection of tiny reusable containers (just avoid plastic #7) • Make sure you have a really sturdy reusable water bottle, non leaching plastic or aluminum • Use a cloth napkin and reusable flatware (plastic utensils are NOT recyclable • Make your own cookies, bars, dips and dressings to save money

• Invest in a good reusable salad box or sandwich box that you can use everyday • Keep a bottle or jar of homemade salad dressing in the fridge at work • Invest in a good insulated lunch box, so you can take yogurts and cut-up veggies to work • Take stainless flatware as it so much nice to eat off than plastic!

Enjoy saving money, your health and the planet, by always packing a no-waste lunch!


Community Seeds asked kids around town what they think people should do to be green. This is what some said: “Save Energy.” Zach B., Age 10 “We should love our Earth. We should recycle even P U stuff.” Liam B., Age 6 “We can help save our planet by having rain water our plants. We can not watch TV to save power and turn out lights if we are not in the room. We could have solar panels and we would use less energy.” Carina, Age 12 “Something you can do to save the Earth is to pick up trash and compost food parts instead of throwing them away.” Jesica R, Age 11 w w


Back to School

Sending your children back to school “in the green.” By Jennifer Smeltser

When I was younger, one of my favorite times of the year was the return to school in the fall. Every time I thought about my first day, I was filled with unexplainable excitement. What kid in her right mind would long for summer fun to end and be replaced by endless nights of homework? I enjoyed shopping for clothing, but what did it for me were the school supplies and accessories. Having an unblemished backpack filled with freshly sharpened #2 pencils, crisp new erasers, a pack of pens in almost every possible color, and never cracked, blank notepads (college ruled of course even though I was in high school) made me giddy. It almost saddened me to use any of these new items because I wanted them to stay pristine as long as possible. My school days are long over, but back to school has rolled around again and I can barely contain myself. I have three children who started school this year and the products I had when I was in school, cannot compare to what is available now. Eco-friendly is fashionable and available in “back-to-school.” If I am excited, then my children will be delirious. Our school year began a little later than planned this year, so our shopping was put off as well. One of the things I wanted to do before we started was to look around the house and see what items we had that were still functional and could be reused as school supplies. I found plenty of pencils that were made “new” with the addition of an eraser and all the stubby ones were set aside 92 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

because they are just right for my toddler’s little hands. We went through our recycled paper box, and with one staple, made notebooks ready for doodling or “serious” note taking. Since we are at the beginning of our school year, we decided to use some of the many empty file folders we have instead of buying new binders to store assignments, etc. If necessary, then we will move the schoolwork to a larger binder later. After repurposing as much as we could, it was time to shop. The following are a few of my favorite, neat finds for sending your children back to school “in the green.”

BAGS AND BACKPACKS 1. Act 2 Green Smart

I just can’t help myself, but when I learn of companies like this one, I just want to go out and buy bottled water. I know that is not a great green thought, but I love these bags and the fact they are recycled. Along with the bag, you receive detailed information about how many bottles it took to make your bag and how many energy hours were saved using laptop use as an example.

2. Eclipse Solar Gear

I find this a bit over the top as far as backpacks go, but I guess it’s the sign of the times. The solar backpack has everything your electronically gadget-child needs to keep him connected (This is also a useful bag for the active outdoors person). Take this with you when you go hiking to “trickle charge” your cell phone or keep the music flowing through your iPod when in remote areas. This can be a useful emergency backpack. Available at

3. Envirosax

These cute and fun bags are great for any age. They roll up and can be snapped for easy “take-a-long.” Great for uses when you need a bag (grocery shopping, overnight bag, etc.), but don’t want the bulkiness of a backpack. http://w w w.gigglefishgif


1. We headed to for school supplies as well as office supply needs. You can rate the supplies you buy according to their greenness with such criteria as the “amount of recycled content” used in the product or its “reduced chemical content.” They have affordable back to school kits which contain all the supplies any student needs when returning to school. Along with the green student kits for K-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, and 6th -8th grade. They also have a teacher’s kit.

2. Beeswax Block Crayons

Available at littlegreenstore, these were a fun choice for my older children as well as my toddler. The shape is as creative as the artist your child has inside of him.

3. Stubby Pencil Studio

This company at is another one of my favorites. Kate’s products are not only fun, and eco-friendly, but they are also affordable. From one mother to another, she wants to motivate your child to be creative, while keeping it affordable for you to help them do so. Your children can also satisfy the #2 standards with these pencils made from California Incensecedar wood and these fun recycled pencils. Your children will fall in love with Smencils, which smell good enough to eat, but remember not to.


Laptop Lunches (http://www.laptoplunches. com) are practical and reusable lunch boxes created by moms Tammy and Amy to “promote better nutrition and waste reduction.” They continue their efforts by offering volume discounts to schools and organizations wanting to do the same and have created a program called Waste-Free Lunches. This is a program, which is parent-organized, works with their children’s schools to reduce lunch waste. Learn how to get involved at: (

Another lunch box option for the younger set is the line from Crocodile Creek. If solid colors are not stylish enough for your child, then the theme lunch boxes they offer are sure to spark an interest. I can’t imagine my children having any more fun with their lunch boxes, than they did choosing from the variety of options. My once dinosaur loving son just had to have the ”extra” solar system lunch box (Available at Amazon. com).

2. Safe Sipping

We drink a lot of water and have run out of our make-shift, reusable drinking containers. I have FINALLY purchased our reusable water bottles from Klean Kanteen. These containers are environmentally sound, come in a nice selection of solid colors, and are company-based here in Chico. Another option for children is Sigg, which has a variety of character choices for children. Both available at Baby’s Boutique in Chico or

3. Paperless Napkins

Fabikins,, is another mommy business whose mission is to provide high quality, planet friendly napkins and products to help minimize the environmental impact of paper waste. They are “handmade, eco-friendly bamboo and organic cotton blend napkins.” Not only are these napkins stylish, but they can be personalized with your child’s name. No messy mouths here. These are just a few of the fabulous green products available for back to school. Whether your child is green or not, it just makes sense (cents too), they are better for the environment, and an exciting way to help your children become more environmentally conscious and to send him back to school a little more green. w w



10 Easy, Fun Changes to be a Greener Mommy Wondering how small changes can make a MASSIVE difference? Individually, they may not. But between you, your friends and your family, you can have an enormous impact on making the world a more livable, sustainable place - and enjoy ourselves while we’re at it. Sent to us by Jen Hoyord from Ideal Bite –THANKS Jen!

1. Swap with other Mommies.

Sure, the joys of parenthood are priceless, but the average cost of raising a kid ‘til age 2 can top $13,430. Save a bunch by swapping goods like maternity clothes, kids’ toys, and strollers with other parents. Plus, you’ll cut back on the energy that’s used to market, transport, and sell brandnew stuff. MORE INFO:

2. Ditch the Junk in the Trunk.

Not the usual junk, we’re talkin’ chems in disposable diapers that aren’t great for babies, babydaddies, or Mama Earth. Disposable diapers produce at least 70 times more waste than cloth diapers and end up in landfills. Give bio or cloth diapers a try instead. MORE INFO:

3. Throw an Eco-Friendly Birthday Bash.

Green up your kid’s celebration with creative eco-games and activities, pesticide-free eats, and decorations that aren’t lingering loooooong after the party’s over. Mylar balloons take several hundred years to biodegrade; latex ones take about six months. MORE INFO:

4. Baby/Mommy/Earth-Friendly Goodies.

Whether you have your own, or are looking for that ideal baby shower gift, organic baby toys are a great purchase. Made from organic cotton, natural wood and other natural fibers means this stuff is more durable and safer for babies. MORE INFO: ecogift_ideas/

5. Organic Baby Food.

Pound for pound, babies and children eat more than adults, thus consuming more toxins from conventionally grown food. Choose organic baby food. Or, consider preparing your own to ensure a safe, nutritional diet and save a bundle of cash on what your bundle of joy eats. MORE INFO: 94 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


6. Rock-a-Bye Baby.

Laminated wood, pressed wood, chipboard and particle board all release formaldehyde. Hardwood cribs, particularly those protected with low-VOC paints or finishes, limit a baby’s exposure to formaldehyde. Choose mattresses made from materials like natural rubber and organic wool and don’t forget to dress the crib in organic linens. MORE INFO:

7. Pack a Healthier Lunch(box).

Many seemingly practical, reusable (and even retro-cute) lunch boxes are often laden with PVC and toxic levels of lead, which can contaminate the food. Even in small amounts, lead can be harmful to a developing child so opt for reusable, lead-free alternatives. MORE INFO:

8. Look Ma. No Stretch Marks!

Science hasn’t yet conjured a miracle cream to rid new moms and moms-to-be of stretch marks completely, but there are natural ways to reduce them - especially if you start early. Keeping your diet balanced, decreasing your caffeine intake and staying hydrated can all help in fending off stretch marks. MORE INFO: week/

9. Quality Over Quantity.

Why not go for fewer toys with higher eco-value? Organic, low-chem and fair trade toys are safer for kids and for the earth. In some areas, almost 60% of amphibians exhibit malformations, which many scientists attribute to contaminants like pesticides from non-organic farms. Plus, it’s a fun lesson in sustainability. The best learning often happens when kids don’t realize they’re learning at all. MORE INFO:

10. The Next Picasso?

Let your budding artiste make masterpieces with non-toxic supplies like veggie-based paint for art that screams like Munch, but smells like Monet’s garden. Many standard art supplies emit asthma-inducing chems; pick ones that don’t contain ammonia, formaldehyde, or turpentine, especially since supplies can end up in kids’ mouths. MORE INFO:

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When Momnesia Strikes By Tara Donnell

I’m in a period of mourning. Not the typical mourning that happens when a loved one has passed, or the sadness I feel when I catch a glimpse of my post-baby tummy and remember how great it looked in my pink and black bikini when I was 16. No, this is different. I am grieving for the loss of my… umm… What’s that thing called again? It was just on the tip of my tongue… Oh yes, my MEMORY. Sadly, it appears I too have fallen pray to that dreaded affliction commonly referred to as— ”momnesia.” I should have known this would happen. After all, my mom had the worst case of momnesia on our block. Whether it was simple daily items like locating the car keys, her purse; or a neighbor’s phone number to more important things like my birth certificate, immunization record, or that I hated tuna fish sandwichesmomnesia plagued our family on a daily basis. I vividly recall being 10 years old and my mom could not find my birth certificate, again, for softball registration. This was the 96 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

third year in a row this occurred and searching for it always caused a considerable amount of stress for my mom, dad and me in our attempts to find it. When it was finally located, I vowed I would never, ever, become like my mother. So I stole my birth certificate from her (after she registered me), hid it safely in my little blue jewelry box, and softball registration was never a problem again.

pattern. I forget snippets of everything! People’s names, movies I’ve seen, appointment times (even when written down in my schedule book), and entire conversations with my husband-- even when he starts them off with, “So you’re listening to me right? I need you to remember this.” Sigh.

Now I know there has been some research on momnesia and it appears to My memory in my family used be something that occurs to to be legendary. My parents most, if not all moms, once would consult with me on a they have a baby. Looking regular basis: at it from an evolutionary “Have you seen my white standpoint this makes sense. purse?” Memory space is utilized to “What is our next door help ensure the survival of neighbor’s dog’s name? And your offspring and overrides the neighbor’s name?” previously stored memories, “Which one of you girls broke such as who played the male her hand last summer?” lead in Titanic, returning your “Is Uncle Kerry’s divorce sister’s phone call, and what final?” time Grey’s Anatomy comes “Hey, do you happen to know on. where your sister’s birth certificate is? She needs it I think that is a fantastic for softball registration.” way for the brain to adapt to help get our babies off to Ahhh, the good old days. a great start. However, why Now that I am a mom, being my memory has not returned faced with my diminishing now that my son is older memory has been quite a seems like a cruel trick. I blow. What is tricky about long for the days of hearing it, is that momnesia can a song on the radio and strike anywhere, at any time, instantly knowing the artist, without warning. And there remembering people’s names does not seem to be a clear as soon as I see them, and

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changing the setting on the oven from preheat to heat before I put the lasagna in the oven (instead of remembering to switch it over the last 10 minutes of cooking). Okay, I admit it, that last problem started way before I had my son.

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Recently, momnesia affected me in a more serious way when a police officer came to our door to notify us that we were on precautionary evacuation status due to the fires. As calmly as I could I searched, and searched, and searched some more to find all our important documents. And yes, it did take me a considerable amount of time to find my son’s birth certificate. Though it took even more time to find my marriage certificate and I’m not sure I ever found the deed to the house. However, there was one document unaffected by momnesia. As I set off to look for it, I instantly had a moment of clarity. I raced to my bedroom closet, threw open the doors and grabbed by little blue jewelry box off the top shelf. There inside, safe and sound, was my birth certificate. I breathed a small sigh of relief and smiled to myself as I realized, that in this moment, my momnesia had been conquered. But then I tried to find my wedding album, and the moment quickly passed.

Tracy Lynn Photography (530) 518 -w w7431


Preventing Dog Bites

In Public and in Your Own Home

Written by Josh Pitts Photography by Tracy Lynn Photography

The Bite Concern Dog bites are a serious growing public health concern. Incidents can inflict emotional damage in addition to physical injury, which can be incredibly costly to communities. According to the Centers for Disease Control, each year, 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs. 800,000 seek medical attention for dog bites; half of these are children. Of those injured, 386,000 require treatment in an emergency department and about a dozen die. Decreasing dog bites requires active and ongoing community involvement; periodic attention will not solve this problem. Many turn to me for help with their pit bulls, which can become a liability in the absence of leadership. I am always pleased when I see people become responsible dog owners. I intend to help local leaders find effective ways to reduce the dog bite problems in our community.

Safety Tips When encountering dogs, keep the following safety tips in mind: *When a child wants to pet a dog, they should always ask the dog’s owner for permission to pet the dog first. *Once permission is given by the owner, the child should approach the dog slowly and quietly, extending their hand first to be smelled by the dog. Then they can pet the dog’s back, avoiding the top of the head. When you bring your hand over a dog’s head, it can make them feel they are in a vulnerable position and can make them feel threatened.

*If ever out in public and you or your child are approached by a strange dog you do not know, you should never run. Stop and look away from the dog, do not look it in the eye. Looking a dog in the eye can be taken as a challenge by some dogs and can make them feel threatened. Slowly and carefully walk away from the dog and seek safety. Not only should you never run from a dog, you should not scream either. *Teach your child that if a dog is ever attacking them, they should drop to the ground and roll their body into a ball. Teach kids to “be like a turtle” and roll up in a ball. This example works well for young kids, they understand what that means and know what to do. When James, age 4, was asked what to do when being attacked by a dog- a week after learning this he remembered, “You should freeze and carefully walk away or to be like a turtle on the ground.”

Amy Behlke from Community Seeds took the class with her kids. This is what she had to say: I recently attended a class on Children and Dog Bite Prevention with my two sons, James, age 4, and Owen, age 2, as well as several other parents and their young children. The class was taught by Josh Pitts, owner of Pitts Pack Leading, canine services of Chico. Josh was very professional and patient with the children during the class. The class was taught in a way that fostered a feeling of safety and trust with the children before he introduced a dog for demonstration purposes. The dog Josh brought in for the children to practice their newly learned dog safety skills was well behaved and calm. After teaching the main elements of dog safety, he asked the children to each demonstrate what they had learned by approaching him and his dog. The children in this class were all 4-years-old and under, yet they all listened with interest while they learned and practiced these important skills. We do not have a dog at home, but many of our friends and family members do and we are often approached by strange dogs in public places such as the park or on walks in our neighborhood. I am so glad I attended this class with my children, as I feel we are all better equipped to handle potential dog bite situations having taken the class.

For more information, see the American Veterinary Medical Association’s ‘A Community Approach to Dog Bite Prevention’ at: http://www.

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More helpful dog bite prevention links: biteprevention.htm mmwrhtml/mm5226a1.htm

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The Family Garden…. The fruits grown are more than just the produce. They are lessons learned, memories, and time spent together. By Shelly Hodge

Living in Durham, with its rich agricultural history, one can’t help but try growing a vegetable garden and fruit orchard. Hopefully, some day our children and grandchildren will want to do the same. It is a legacy worth encouraging the next generation to pass on. My husband’s mom encouraged him to grow a garden when he was young by buying the produce that came out of his garden. I loved spending time with my mom in her garden growing up. Planning and planting a garden with the family provided an opportunity for Ken and me to teach our children about the environment, about how a plant grows, what it needs in order to grow, and what the benefits are for growing plants. Our children help in the garden and they have all worked in our nursery (Hodge’s). I’ve talked to my boys about an area that needs help, and asked them to pick out something and plant it in that particular part of the garden. They are especially helpful when it comes to pruning, weeding, raking up the debris 100 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

and hauling it off. The boys built me two raised bed areas with their dad a few years ago for my Mothers’ Day present. Now, our granddaughter loves to plant. Earlier this spring, she planted flowers into pots and other containers. There is something to do in the garden all year long. Taking packets of seeds radishes, corn, and watermelon or pumpkin- with six pack containers filled with some planting soil is a good, easy activity to do with the young ones in the early spring. Let them poke holes in each of the six sections, then sprinkle some radish seeds in the first two, then three corn seeds in each of the next two, then 3-4 watermelon/pumpkin seeds in the final two sections. Water and put somewhere – on the patio or in the windowsill and watch the transformation take place. Make sure you keep the soil moist, not soaking wet, but moist. You don’t want to drown the seedlings. In a few days, the radishes should start shooting up some hair like

growth. A couple days after the radishes have come up, you’ll see the corn and watermelon/ pumpkin seeds start to push up through the soil. In about two weeks, transfer these seedlings to your vegetable garden. Feed with some organic tomato and vegetable fertilizer, water, and watch them GROW! Once the fruit trees start producing fruit during the summer, it’s nice to invite family and friends to come by and harvest what they can eat because we don’t always eat the fruits fast enough. We love to hand pick the fruit fresh right off the tree, bite into it, and be surprised with such a delectable and juicy taste. My favorites are the BEAUTY PLUMS, which is sweet and flavorful and is the size of a big cherry; the STRAWBERRY FREE WHITE PEACH, a very sweet, aromatic, juicy, with a superb delicate flavor; and the ARCTIC SUPREME WHITE PEACH, a large white peach that is sweet, tangy, and delicate in flavor. These peaches make great breakfast smoothies or a nice

Family summer dessert -- just chilled, sliced, and topped with yogurt or sherbet. Fall is a very exciting and busy time for me. Summer’s done; school and sports have gotten under way. The road trips to trade shows and conferences begin in August, thus plans for next year for the nursery have already begun. Preparations for the holidays have started and gatherings with family and friends will be more frequent during this time. At our house, it’s Harvest. It’s when the “fruits of our labors” fill Ken’s fruit tree orchard, the vegetable garden, the pumpkin/ squash/ watermelon “patch.” The corn have stalks produced several ears of corn. There have been plenty of green, yellow,

red peppers, lots of heirloom tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, eggplant, and artichokes. The watermelon, squashes, and pumpkins have spread out into an interesting mixed pattern in the “patch.” The pumpkins will ripen by Halloween and Thanksgiving. The garden mums of many colors are will be in full bloom. The fall colors on the Raywood Ash, the Chinese Hackberry, and the Pacific Sunset Maple will be vibrant, rich and spectacular. It is also a time to be reminded how bountiful our blessings have been this past year and to be very thankful for what we do have in our lives.

more weeks for the watermelon to grow a little bit more, rather than walking away with it … still on the vine. The excitement, the anticipation, and the visual stimulation may mean more to our senses than the actual eating of the fruit or vegetable. Imagine the vibrant colors, the wonderful smells, and the amazing tastes. Experience the of picking and claiming of a particular watermelon, feeling the pure joy of taking it home to share with mommy, daddy, and little sister. Next, it will be trying to choose the right pumpkin to carve out, roast its seeds, or perhaps make a pumpkin pie, bread, or even a stew out of it.

Recently, my husband explained to our granddaughter why she should wait just a few

I’m the only one in our family who loves our heirloom tomatoes, especially the sweet

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Family Garden, Continued SUNSUGAR. I eat them fresh off the vine. They are great in salads. We’ve got zucchini and different squashes growing as well and they will get steamed, stir fried, or put into a pasta dish or salad. But, it’s the fruit in our garden everyone seems to enjoy the most, so I try to have some in a bowl in the house for snacking. I have included a few of our family favorite recipes that use fruits from the garden. The kids can help pick the fruit and with supervision, can help prepare these recipes with you in the kitchen. They are great for a weekend family activity for breakfast or brunch. What‘s growing in your garden? It doesn’t need to be big or full a lot of fruit and vegetables, or even flowers. Create one that fits your family’s needs. Do make it a family affair, encourage everyone to participate. You may be pleasantly surprised to find what’s actually blooming. Remember; water, feed, nurture, and let grow…

FRUIT TOPPED FRENCH TOAST 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons butter 4 eggs ¼ cup 2% low fat milk ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract 102 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

PEACHY FRUIT SMOOTHIE 2 cups 2% low fat milk 1 tablespoon honey 1 banana 3 peaches ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 to 2 cups if crushed ice In a blender, combine all ingredients and puree until smooth. Serve.

BANANA BOAT 2 cups plain yogurt 2 tablespoons honey ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 bananas cut in bite size pieces 2 cups mixed berries: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries Combine the yogurt, honey, pure vanilla extract, in a small bowl, set aside. Spoon banana pieces into bowls, put mixed berries on top of bananas and top with the yogurt. 8 slices of cinnamon bread 2 – 3 sliced peaches or nectarines Confectioners’ sugar Maple syrup In 12 inch skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Whisk together the cinnamon mixture, eggs, milk, and

pure vanilla extract. Pour into a shallow container. Dip bread into egg mixture. Fry slices until golden brown, then flip over to cook the other side. Top with sliced peaches or nectarines. Sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar and/or maple syrup.

Special thanks to The Butte County Almond Hull Association members and Greg Casey for their generous sponsorship of Community Seeds eMagazine! BCAHA provides an eco-friendly alternative for the disposal of agricultural bi-products of almonds. For over 35 years, they have joined together local almond growers to provide top quality almond hulls for livestock feed. Thank you for your support and commitment to the environment! w w


His daughter told him his farm was for the birds

te Growi ng great tas™ for gener ation s


ne day, when Wendell Lundberg was out driving Eldon, Wendell, Harlan, and Homer Lundberg his daughter Jessica around his rice fields, she told him something that changed his life forever. She pointed out that the land he was farming was originally for the birds, not for rice. That started him thinking. So much so, that he started farming with bird habitats in mind. Today, Jessica is the Chair of the Board. Pretty smart kid. Wendell and his three brothers Eldon, Harlan and Homer have been growing rice sustainably in Richvale, California since they were kids. Their father, Albert Lundberg, taught them a simple lesson: leave the land better than when you first arrived. Since 1937, the Lundberg family has been farming delicious rice while respecting and sustaining the earth. Today, the third generation carries on the family heritage. We continue to use eco-positive farming methods that produce wholesome, healthful rice products, while protecting and improving the environment for future generations. For more of the story go to

104 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Cook’s Corner

Fall Foods For Family and Friends Text by “Danny D”

My friends know me as “Danny” or “Danny D.” I am excited to be writing a column for the cooking department of Community Seeds Magazine. For the fall, I would like to share some quick ideas for cookies and a Pumpkin dessert. Also, I would like to share a few of my fall favorites, left over recipes and secrets with you. I have included recipes sent in by readers-Thank you! Enjoy!


Tasty Tip: Left Over Thanksgiving Turkey

Aside from great sandwiches, there are many recipes using left over, cooked turkeyso don‘t throw it away! One of my favorites is to make an easy turkey casserole. Serves about 6 2 to 3 cups of cooked poultry, cut into bite size pieces 1 small onion, chopped 6 oz. sliced mushrooms ¼ cup butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon Dijon or spicy mustard ½ teaspoon salt A dash of each nutmeg and white pepper ½ cup poultry broth (or ½ cup water with ½ teaspoon of bullion) 1 cup half-and-half (or milk) 1 tablespoon Vermouth or White Wine (optional) ¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese. Heat oven to broil

Triple Cranberry Sauce 1 cup frozen cranberries 2/3 cup sugar 12 oz package of fresh or frozen cranberries 1/2 cup dried cranberries 3 tablespoons orange marmalade 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice 2 teaspoons orange zest 1/4 teaspoon allspice

In 10 inch skillet, add butter, mushrooms and onion. Sauté until onion is translucent. Mix in flour, salt, nutmeg, pepper, and mustard. Cook until bubbly. Remove from heat gradually stir in halfand-half and broth. Return to heat and cook, stirring until mixture has thickened. Fold in poultry and vermouth or wine.

In sauce pan, combine cranberry juice and sugar. Bring to boil over high heat. Add fresh and dried cranberries, cook until berries start to pop and dried berries have softened some (about 7-15 minutes). Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. Pour into a bowl, cover and chill for 2 hours prior to serving. Makes 2 cups. Keep leftovers in container in refrigerator.

Pour this mixture over 4 to 5 cups of cooked green beans, or broccoli, noodles or rice. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and place under broiler until sauce and cheese are lightly browned: 3-5 minutes. w w



Fall Food For any Get Together Easy Holiday Cookies Impostor Pumpkin Makes about 2 dozen Pecan Pie This is a super easy, and pretty quick, cookie recipes to make for either Halloween or gifts for the holidays. It is very versatile. It is fun to add orange food coloring to the dough, scoop onto baking sheet and push in mini chocolate chips for a Jacko’-lantern look. You can also use this recipe for making quick chocolate chip cookies. 1 box of yellow or white cake mix ½ cup flour (Optional use ½ cup Oatmeal instead) ½ cup melted butter 2 eggs Optional: Food coloring, Sprinkles, crushed candy canes or chocolate morsels. . Preheat oven to 350 F In a large mixing bowl, pour in cake mix, flour, butter and eggs. **Mix until a smooth dough is formed. Drop dough by tablespoon or cookie scoop onto a baking sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes. **OPTION: Before the dough is formed, you can add food coloring tomixture and/or colored morsels. You can also make dough without any additions and cover with sprinkles or crushed candy canes.

106 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Makes 16 to 20 servings

1 (16 oz) can solid pack pumpkin 1 (12 oz) can evaporated milk 3 large eggs 1 1/2 cups sugar 4 tsp pumpkin pie spice 1/2 tsp salt 1 pkg Yellow Cake Mix 1 cup chopped pecans 1 cup butter or margarine, melted whipped topping

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease bottom of 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan. Combine pumpkin, evaporated milk, eggs, sugar, pumpkin pie spice and salt in large bowl. Stir until well blended. Pour into pan. Sprinkle dry cake mix evenly over pumpkin mixture. Top with pecans. Drizzle with melted butter. Bake at 350°F 50 to 55 minutes or until golden. Cool completely. Serve with whipped topping. Refrigerate leftovers.


Rachel Ray’s Flavor-Packed Pumpkin Seeds Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a bowl, mix 2 cups seeds and 1 tbs. olive oil. In a small bowl, mix 2 tsp. Cumin, 1 tsp. Paprika, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ground black pepper, and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon. Blend seeds and spices; spread on a baking sheet. Bake 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

Editor’s Choice Persimmon Cookies

From the Durham Women’s Club Recipe Book Prep: 20 min. Bake 15 minutes Oven 350 degrees Fahrenheit

1½ cup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup persimmon pulp 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups flour ½ teaspoon cloves ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins 1cup chopped walnuts Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheets. Add soda to persimmon pulp and set aside.


There are two kinds of persimmons: the Fuyu, the kind you can eat off the tree, and the Hachiya, the kind you can’t. The unripe Hachiya persimmon contains a high level of tannin and will taste very bitter. The ripe persimmons have an exceptional flavor and contain nutrients such as beta-carotene, Vitamin C and potassium. China produces the most persimmons. Almost all, of the relatively small amount of, persimmons grown in the United States come from California. There are many great recipes that use persimmons.

Cream brown sugar and shortening and set aside. Sift flour, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and salt. Add flour mixture, alternately with persimmon pulp mixture and the brown sugar and shortening mixture. When well blended, add vanilla. Add raisins and nuts. Drop batter by teaspoon onto GREASED cookie sheet. Bake 15-18 minutes at 350 degrees. The cookies will be moist and they store well.

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Simple Sushi

For the Casual Sushi Eater This sushi recipe is simple, yummy, and not fishy! It is a perfect recipe for entertaining. Even the sushi skeptics will love this dish! Recipe and Food Prepared By Sarah Parada Photos By DeAnna Holman

Thanks to Michelle Paris for great note taking!

For Philadelphia Rolls you will need: (For California Rolls, omit cream cheese.)

Serves six to eight people. Makes up to 8 rolls, sliced into six or more pieces each. You will need: A wooden or plastic mixing bowl (metal reacts with vinegar, so do not use) Bamboo mat, or place mat (something to form the sushi into a roll) A sharp knife Rice spatula or plastic serving spoon Wooden spoon 3 cups rice 3 1/3 cups water ¾ cup sushi vinegar (Available at Raley’s) 1 large carrot 1 large cucumber 1 avocado 1 package of imitation crab 1 small tub of cream cheese Sushinori flat sheets (roasted seaweed available at Raley’s) A bowl of warm water for your hands when working with the rice Sesame seeds to sprinkle Pickled ginger, Wasabi, and soy sauce for condiments

Begin by preparing rice as directed on the package, but with the water ratio of 3 cups rice, 3 1/3 cups water. Cut cucumber in strips and cut out all cucumber seeds. Cut carrot into long strips as well. Set both aside. Cut crab into small pieces (kitchen scissors work well) and mix crab with cream cheese to taste. Set aside. Cut avocado into slices and set aside with other vegetables. 108 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Put the rice into the mixing bowl. Pour small amounts of sushi vinegar over the wooden spoon and spoon it over rice. Do not pour the vinegar directly on the rice from the bottle or it can burn the rice and change the flavor. Lay one sheet of seaweed on a dry cutting board. Cut the sheet in half, lengthwise . Lay a half sheet on a bamboo mat. Get a bowl with warm water for dipping fingers while working with rice. Dips hands in water. Get a handful of rice and spread it over the entire half sheet of seaweed until no darkness shows through the rice. Sprinkle sesame seeds over rice. Lay one piece of cucumber at least 1 inch from the edge of the seaweed, horizontally. Add several slices of avocado (lined up). Spoon some of the crab mixture along the top of the vegetables. Lay carrot slice over the top. Now you are ready to roll! To roll: use the bamboo mat to assist in rolling the sushi into a tight cylinder shape. Hold both ends of the bamboo and roll back and forth to make the roll tight and compact so it will not fall apart when cutting. Use a sharp knife to cut the roll into slices. Arrange on a plate and serve with pickled ginger, Wasabi and soy sauce. Yum!

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The Potential Dangers of Plastic By Jennifer Arbuckle

Plastics have been under debate for many years, not only for arguments about their effects on the environment, but for their potential to leach toxic chemicals into our food. In fact, according to Dr. George Pauli, Associate Director of Science Policy, FDA Office of Food Additive Safety, the regulations mandated in 1958 assume that “all plastics migrate toxins into the food they contact.” Migration is the movement of free toxins from plastics into the substances they contact- in this case it is your food.

Health wise: plastic leaching is a debate between those whom say it doesn’t leach out the toxic chemicals used to make it and those that say they do. To begin, let me

Environmentally, plastics are responsible for clogging our water ways, killing marine life, filling up our landfill and releasing chemicals into our water ways. Plastics do not biodegrade in landfills as they are compacted to such an amount that the environment is anaerobic. Americans use 2,500,000 plastic bottles every hour! Most of them are thrown away. Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year. In 1988, we used 2 billion pounds of HDPE just to make bottles for household products. That’s about the weight of 90,000 Honda Civics. Recycling plastics saves twice the energy as burning it in an incinerator. If every American household recycled just one out of every ten HDPE bottles they used, we’d keep 200 million pounds of the plastic out of landfills every year. Americans throw away 25,000,000,000 Styrofoam coffee cups each year; enough to circle the Earth 436 times. Styrofoam cannot be recycled and does not biodegrade. 110 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

“Americans u plastic bottle Most of them ar explain that the recycling symbol you see on the bottom of plastic products does not mean the product is recyclable. The numbers 1-7 designate what type of resin the plastic is, or what types of materials were used to make it. For instance, #1 PET is made of Polyethylene Terephthalate (all plastic is made from petroleum and then mixed with various chemical and additives to make it as thick/ durable as wanted). Styrofoam is

actually a Dow Chemical name brand, the product itself is Polystyrene. Polystyrene is basically a hard, brittle plastic (just like disposable plastic cups) and it doesn’t become Styrofoam until it gets injected with a “blowing agent” to make it 30 times lighter than its original weight. To make Styrofoam, certain gases are injected into the plastic, blowing tiny holes that become gas and air filled pockets once the plastic cools. Polystyrene is made out of Benzene

use 2,500,000 es every hour! re thrown away!

and a NEUROTOXIN (that’s toxic to the brain!).

In addition to creating safety problems during production, many chemical additives that give plastic products desirable performance properties also have negative environmental and human health effects. These effects include: Direct toxicity, as in the cases of lead, cadmium, and mercury; carcinogens, as in the case of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP); endocrine disruption, which can lead to cancers, birth defects, immune system suppression and developmental problems for children. People are exposed to these chemicals not only during manufacturing, but also by using plastic packages, because some chemicals migrate from the plastic packaging to the foods they contain. Examples of plastics contaminating food have been reported with most plastic types, including Styrene from polystyrene, plasticizers from PVC, antioxidants from polyethylene, and Acetaldehyde from PET. It is recommended to find alternatives to plastic products whenever possible. Specifically; buy food in glass or metal containers, avoid heating food in plastic, do not give young children plastic tethers or toys, use natural fiber clothing, bedding and furniture, and avoid all PVC and Styrene products.

This being said, there are also those out there that believe that these chemicals only migrate out at such small levels that it won’t cause a problem or that they do not leach out at all. I encourage all to read up on both sides and make your own objective opinion. and Styrene. Benzene is the most toxic of Mine is obvious… It has potential to leach all the chemical components of Styrofoam toxic chemicals into my food, cause serious it is listed on the Hazardous Substances List environmental issues, never biodegrades; I because it is a known MUTAGEN (alters one’s think I will just use something else. chromosomal makeup), CARCINOGEN and is flammable. Many scientists believe there Many of you have seen a recent cancer are no safe exposure levels for carcinogens. update circulating on line and in literature Styrene is also very toxic in high levels, and regarding the dangers of plastics. The is in the fatty tissue of every single one of following is that CANCER UPDATE FROM us right now. It is considered a MUTAGEN JOHN HOPKINS HOSPITAL: w w


1. No plastic containers in should go in the microwave.

the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the 2. No water bottles in the freezer. body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or 3. No plastic wrap in microwave. ceramic containers for heating food. Johns Hopkins has recently sent this You get the same results, only without out in its newsletters. The following the dioxin. So, such things as TV information is being circulated at Walter dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container Reed Army Medical Center as well: and heated in something else. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Paper isn’t bad, but you don’t know what is in the paper. It’s just safer to Dioxins are highly poisonous to the use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. cells of our bodies. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away Don’t freeze your plastic bottles with from the foam containers to paper. water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, was on a TV program to explain this such as Saran, is just as dangerous health hazard. He talked about dioxins when placed over foods to be cooked and how bad they are for us. He said in the microwave. As the food is nuked, that we should not be heating our the high heat causes poisonous toxins food in the microwave using plastic to actually melt out of the plastic wrap containers. This especially applies to and drip into the food. Cover food with foods that contain fat. He said that a natural paper towel instead.

STOP THE PAPER PILE-UP People are excited by the thought of Community Seeds being an on-line magazine because it reduces the mail load. When talking to people in the community, the general consensus is that there is too much junk mail out there and it is a waste. There are also catalogs and magazines, stacking up and adding to the problem. According to, each household receives 63 catalogs each year! That makes for a lot of wasted trees, water and time that can be conserved with little effort. Here is Ideal Bite’s list of ways you can stop the paper pile-up: Catalog Choice - it’ll get you on no-send lists and stops catalog spam. - free, quick way to get your name off commercial mailing lists. - opt out of pre-approved credit card and insurance offers online or by phone: 1-888-5-OPTOUT. EcoLogical Mail Coalition - helps businesses stop mail addressed to former employees. Native Forest Network’s Guide - five easy steps to stop junk mail. 112 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Some foods we have thought are good for ingredients that include mayonnaise and should just us, are not. Others we have learned to stay be avoided. clear of should be added back to your menu.

Misunderstood Foods DeAnna Holman

Trying to make dietary decisions to support a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, and often frustrating. There are so many ideas and theories about the foods we eat, that we can become confused. Staying away from refined sugars and processed foods, as well as trying to eat organic foods, are always on the DO lists when creating a menu for a healthy lifestyle. However, some things are not as clear. Some foods we think are good for us, are actually unhealthy. Others that we have learned are alright, should be eliminated from our diets. Community Seeds learned some interesting misconceptions about foods from’s Healthy Life segment.

Vitamin Water-Kids, and adults alike, think vitamin

water is a healthy alternative to soda or other high caloric drinks. WRONG! They are filled with sugar and many have more sugar than a regular soda! Many have 200 calories each! The NBC News report called compared vitamin water drinks to traditional “KoolAid with vitamins added.” The list of FOODS WE THINK SHOULD BE AVOIDED, BUT ACTUALLY HAVE HEALTH BENEFITS include:

Bananas-Many think bananas are high on the gly-

cemic index and should be avoided. Actually, if you chose a mini banana, it will only add 50 calories to your diet. Bananas are packed with potassium which helps flush out retained sodium in our bodies.

Potatoes-Yes, those white kind, too! Potatoes, the

size of an adult fist, actually are said to have 20 different antioxidants and be loaded with potassium. A health correspondent for Prevention Magazine sugThe list of FOODS WE THINK ARE FINE, BUT SHOULD gested putting olive oil, rosemary, and garlic on the BE ELIMINATED FROM OUR DIETS include: potatoes for a yummy side dish. Sin of Cortez restaurant in Chico has the right idea! Muffins-Most are low in fiber and have a high calorie count averaging 400 calories per muffin and contain Dried Fruits-Many think that dried fruits are high in 50% of the recommended saturated fat recommendcalories and sugar. However, if you opt for ¼ cup of ed for one day. dried fruit with no sugar added, it can be healthy and low in calories. Studies have shown that figs are the Pretzels-This one was a shock to us. Most are made most nutritious dried fruits to eat. with white flour, are calorie dense, and they are low in fiber. If you can find oat bran or whole grain pretzels, Frozen Vegetables-Vegetables that are going to be they would be a better option. frozen are generally picked, washed and frozen immediately. They can actually have more nutrients than Diet Soda-Studies have shown that people that drink the same vegetable that has been packed, shipped, diet soda, are heavier than people that drink no soda handled and placed on a counter top until eaten. Reat all. The sweeteners in diet sodas have been said search shows that frozen vegetables, if microwaved to cause hunger in some people. In many, artificial or steamed, retain most of their vitamins and antioxisweeteners have been said to cause bigger cravings dants. for sweets. It is best to have nothing artificial in your diet and water would be the best drink to quench a thirst.

Spinach Wraps-Those healthy looking, green wraps that have a vegetable in the name- are not made from spinach, they are made from white flour and food coloring. Most of the time they are filled with

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114 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


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116 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Save the Endangered By Jonah Dvorin Hi! My name is Jonah. I am ten years old, and have a great interest in endangered animals. Together with my friend Diego, I have founded “Save the Endangered”, a club for those interested in helping to save threatened species. Our club’s mission is to help save animals from becoming extinct, by raising money to donate to other larger organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and by helping to educate the public on the subject and encouraging them to be conscious of endangered species. Unfortunately, mankind has contributed to the demise of several species through the destruction of habitats, global warming, deforestation, and pollution, as well as more direct forms of killing such as hunting for sport. We believe that every creature in the world has the right to live, and that it is our responsibility to save those in trouble.

At our meetings, we try to do three things: 1.) 2.) 3.)

Continue to learn more about different endangered species Talk about and plan things that we can do to help out Put our ideas into action

I believe that kids can help save endangered species as well as adults. If you are interested in becoming involved, you can start by looking at the following websites for more information and ways to help. Together we can do much more than alone. World Wildlife Fund International Fund for Animal Welfare http://

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I love Tri Counties Bank!

I’m such a scratcher…

I’m going for the tri-tip BBQ dinner

I’m going to win a Million $!

I get to play with Elsie!

Join us for the 1st Annual “Tee Up For Tots” Golf Tournament, Monday September 29, 2008 at Canyon Oaks Country Club, Chico, CA. Benefiting the Esplanade House Children’s Fund Providing services for homeless children. Presented by:

Hole in one prizes $10,000.00 Cash Carnival Bahamas cruise

Meals Includes BBQ lunch on the course! Tri-tip & chicken dinner in the clubhouse!

Golf package for two Set of clubs & matching bag

For more information Contact Lexi Grier at

Million dollar shootout A chance to win $1,000,000.00! Dress Code or Gloria Rodgers at

Collared shirts, tailored mid-length shorts, No blue denim. Soft spikes only.

Phone (530) 891-2977 (530) 879-3426 Fax

118 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Another great partnership of Community Action Agency


Duathlon and 5K Run to benefit the Chico and Pleasant Valley High School Sports Booster Clubs By Dave Weathers

On Sunday, September 28, a fundraiser Duathlon and 5K Run will take place at Durham Park. Proceeds from the event will be distributed to Chico and Pleasant Valley High School Sports Booster Clubs. Participants can enter either the sprint distance; run-bike-run Duathlon or the 5K run. The Duathlon accepts both individual entries and relay teams. The 5K run is for individuals. The event, formally known as the Durham Duathlon, was hosted years ago by Dr. Don Ricci and Butte College instructor, Dave Berman. Both are outstanding athletes in their own right, having competed at the highest level- Ironman triathlons. They found Durham Park to be the perfect setting for a Duathlon. For several years, participants enjoyed the shade covered, quiet country roads and the beautiful park setting that the event offered. Dave Weathers, a local contractor and father of two sons, was excited that his oldest was going to be a “ high schooler” at Pleasant Valley High School this fall. He was looking forward to the new experiences that high school would provide, both academically and athletically for the new freshman.

When the Chico Unified School District announced that one option to accommodate the financial constraints of the district was to eliminate all freshman sports programs district wide, several community members, businesses and individuals responded. “Save Freshman Sports” was the new buzz term. Dave Weathers, a member of the P.V. Sports Boosters, called up his friends, Don Ricci and Dave Berman. With their insights, experience and advice on coordinating the “old” Durham Duathlon, and the generous donations and support of the community, the “new” Chico Duathlon and 5K Run was created. The Duathlon and 5K Run is open to participants of all abilities. All entries will receive an event shirt, goodie-bag , race bibs, custom water bottles, and post event refreshments. Registration is available on-line at, and brochures are available at various locations in Chico or can be downloaded from the event website. Please visit: or Google, “Chico Duathlon.” The event will host an exhibitor expo that invites all health, fitness, and community awareness organizations to participate. Please contact David Weathers-event coordinator if you would like to be an exhibitor. The event is seeking volunteer, sponsor and donation support . This information can also be found on the event website. w w


Join us for one of the biggest events of the year for your family...

Children’s Fair Saturday, October 18th 10 AM to 4 PM at the Elks Lodge in Chico FREE family fun for all ages! Brought to you by:



Celebrate Paradise’s Apple History

FREE bounce house, face painting, and balloon animals! GREAT PRIZES & GIVEAWAYS Pre-holiday shopping at vendor booths. Learn about resources for parents. Dress up the family for family photos! Animals, arts and crafts and tour emergency service vehicles! Food, Fun, Entertainment, Storytime, and Demonstrations on stage, plus much, much more.



Homemade Apple Pies & Live Music! 4BUVSEBZ 0DUPCFS UI



Face Painting Prizes Crafts & Wares from 150+ Artisans •



120 Community Seeds . Fall 2008


Community Events . Fall 2008 SEPTEMBER EVENTS Sunday 7 Taste of Chico Come enjoy the 23rd Annual Taste of Chico! Over 100 restaurants, breweries, wineries and beverage distributors treat event participants to fabulous fare while they stroll Downtown streets brimming with culture. Four main stages host continuous, live music and performances while the “Open Air Art Gallery” previews fine artists from the Chico Art Center’s Open Studios Art Tour. This highly acclaimed food, beverage, music and fine-art festival is scheduled for Sunday, September 7th from Noon until to 4:00pm. The event takes place in the heart of Downtown Chico and satisfies the appetites of more than 12,000 locals and visitors. Chico Concours d’Elegance Promises to be a full day of music, refreshments, entertainment and, of course, beautiful automobiles in the park-like atmosphere of the Chico State campus. Sunday, September from 10:00am until 4:00pm on the Kendall Hall Lawn, CSUChico. Family Fun Day Azad’s Martial Arts Family Center invites you to it’s 18th Family Fun Day in the downtown Chico Park Plaza. Martial arts children, and local dance troops will be providing the public with fun and safe entertainment. There will also be games, activities, prizes, pizza, hot dogs, dunk tank, bounce house and much more! This is a Free Event. The intention of this event is to help our local schools and disadvantaged children acquire their school supplies. They will be accepting school supply donations during this event. School supplies such as: pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, markers, back packs, binder paper, binders, crayons, dictionaries, rulers, pencil boxes, protractors, calculators, glue sticks, and water colors are among the items needed by kids. All those who donate at least $10 worth of school supplies to our “Back To School Supplies” will receive a Free Special Family Safety Class at Azad’s (value: $50). For more information contact Master Azad at 892-AZAD (2923), 896-0777 or by email at master@azadsmartialarts. com.

Sunday 14 Push Cart Grand Prix Ready -Set –Push! Come and join in the fun and excitement as the 1st Annual Push Cart Grand Prix is held in Downtown Chico on Sunday, September 14. Races start at 10am. As a spectator or a racer, you’ll enjoy the action as the friendly competition heats up around the Downtown Plaza. There will also be food & fun for the whole family. Advance registration is required. You can register by contacting . Durham Harvest Festival Durham Rotary Club promises Durham Harvest Festival will be bigger and better than ever! Funds raised from the event go back into the Durham Community for scholarships and local projects. There will be a pancake breakfast, Tri-tip sandwiches, BBQ chicken dinner, arts & crafts faire, unique car show, musical entertainment, wildlife, petting zoo and pony rides. Visit for more info and event schedule. Saturday 20 Pastels in the Plaza Come and “Chalk it up” in downtown Chico. This great family event gives both the novice and professional artist an opportunity to express themselves. Novice squares can be purchased by anyone that wants to participate. These 4’ x 4’ squares are perfect for a family, group or individual. Professional artists are encouraged to apply for a sponsored square on “Fine Art Alley.” These 8’ x 8’ squares are sponsored by local businesses. Applications for “Fine Art Alley” are available online at or at the CARD main office. All chalk is provided. Saturday 26 Chico Airfest 2008 Come out and see the Snowbird Jet Team at Airfest 2008! Chico has been selected as one of five cities in the U.S. that will witness the Snowbirds amazing flying formations and acrobatic red & white jets. Airfest will begin on Friday afternoon, September 26 with a full-day show on Saturday, September 27. In

addition to the Snowbirds, there will be other military and civilian performances, activities on the ground including static aircraft displays, a “dream machine village” with specialty machine displays, a jet pull and a variety of youth activities. For more information about the AirFest, visit or call (530) 891-5556. Saturday 27 Chico Palio Chico Palio is the official kick-off event for Artoberfest, a Month-Long Festival of Arts & Culture. 10am to 3pm in the Downtown Chico Park Plaza. There will also be hands-on art activities and information provided by art & culture organization. Sunday 28 Duathalon & 5K Run Help raise funds for Chico and P.V. high school athletic departments. Start and finish in beautiful Durham Park. This year’s course is super friendly and fun. Our goal is to provide you with a lifelong memory in a safe and fun environment. There will be several event vendors, sports booster clubs, snack bar and beverages available, great music, and plenty of grass, shade and a playground to enjoy for the entire family. Visit for more info.

Monday 29 Tee Up for Tots! Calling all Golfers! The kids at Esplanade House need your help! Our Children’s Center has lost critical funding. You can help, and have loads of fun doing it. Sign up for our 1st Annual Golf tournament at Canyon Oaks Country Club. Don’t play golf ? There are other great ways you can help make a difference in the lives of homeless children: Donate an item for our silent auction or raffle drawing! Sponsor a hole and advertise your business! Contact Lexi Grier at or call 891-2977 x 217 .

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COMMUNITY EVENTS 2nd Annual Parade of Lights Rancho Chico Days invites you to join us in our celebration of Chico with a Fall parade Under the Magical Harvest Moon. As we move from summer into Fall, the students are returning to school and the farmers are harvesting their crops- what better time to enjoy a night of family fun? This year we would like to invite you to join us in our celebration of “Through a Child’s Eyes.” Downtown Chico, after dark.

OCTOBER EVENTS Recreation area is the locale for

Wednesday 1 Artoberfest Welcome to Artoberfest! A MonthLong Festival of Arts & Culture featuring more than 130 art exhibits, music performances. Visit www. for a complete listing of events. Saturday 4 TJ Farms Pumpkin Patch Bring the family to pick out just the right pumpkin. TJ Farms has a variety of sizes and the farm includes a Country Store, Bounce House, Horse and Carriage Rides and Free Activities: Corn Shellers, Farm Obstacles Course, Farm Animals, and Wagons. Come rain or shine! For more information, call (530) 343-2294. Open Every day through October 30, 2008. 3600 Chico Ave, Chico. Mon.-Fri. 2pm-6pm. Weekends 10am-6pm. Johnny Appleseed Days (& Sun.) Come join us for 2 days of fun as Paradise celebrates it’s 128th Fall festival (40th as ‘Johnny Appleseed Days’). There will be food, arts & crafts, games, storytelling, face painting, entertainment, and everything ‘apple’! The festival kicks off with a pancake breakfast on Saturday at 7am. Visit www. for more info.

Mozart Mile Stretch your legs enjoy live music and support North State Symphony and music throughout our community. A level running, jogging or strolling course in Bidwell Park at One Mile 122 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

this unique community event, as musicians from the Symphony and local youth music groups entertain you. Call (530) 898-5984 for information. Starts at 9:00am. National Yo-Yo Contest National Yo-Yo Museum America’s Best Yo-Yo players wind up in Chico for the National Championships. FREE admission. Downtown Chico Park Plaza 9:00am to 5:00pm. For more information, contact Bob Malowney at (530) 893-0545 x24 or e-mail at Long Creek Winery Come check out the art of Long Creek Winery. Free tours and wine tasting throughout the month of October. Visit www.longcreekwinery. com for more information.

Saturday 11 Sierra Oro Farm Trail Passport Weekend A grand weekend of farm fresh food sampling and wine tasting throughout beautiful Butte County. Featuring 20 specialty farms and seven wineries throughout the county, where you can taste why we are as proud of what we farm as much as where we farm. The Sierra Oro Farm Trail highlights not only an enthusiasm for local agriculture, but also an excitement to share it with your family. Whether it is a romantic weekend getaway or a family adventure, join us on the 11&12th, in celebrating a lifestyle that creates a trail of memories. Visit for more information.

Chico Memory Walk We are on the MOVE to end Alzheimer’s. By joining Memory Walk, you’ll be walking with a purpose – and MOVING us ever closer to a world without Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Association, the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research, is dedicated to finding prevention methods, treatments and an eventual cure for Alzheimer’s. For more info visit chicomemorywalk08. Saturday 18 Harvest Sidewalk Sale Celebrate the changing season at Downtown’s annual fall celebration and merchant sidewalk sale. Streets are adorned with festive fall decorations and the season’s best bargains. The sale begins at 9am— shop early for the best selection! For a special treat, pick up a free minipumpkin given away while supplies last from the “pumpkin patch” at 3rd & Broadway courtesy of the DCBA. Children’s Fair Join us for face painting, balloon animals, pre-holiday shopping, arts and crafts, prizes, & giveaways. There will also be emergency service vehicles on display, food and entertainment. Don’t miss the biggest family event of the year! 10:00am to 4:00 at the Elks Lodge in Chico. Free for all ages. For more info call 894-4809 Please Submit your favorite Community Event photos to

Friday 31 Treat Street Treat Street is a safe and fun adventure for children 12 and under. Wear a costume, bring a parent and get ready to stroll downtown Halloween-style. 80+ businesses are listed on the Treat Street route. Just follow the map to the nicest merchants in town! Be on the look out for special posters in the windows of participating businesses. Activities, entertainment and special vendors will be set up in City Plaza. 2pm to 5pm.

friendly baby and children’s products, which include toys and everything any kid (green or not) would want this holiday season. There will be raffle drawings throughout the day, family entertainment, and yummy holiday treats. 10am to 4pm. Chico Masonic Family Center, 1110 West East Avenue. Visit www.chicochristmasboutique. com or call (530) 741-9203 for more information.

Blessing Bags for Cold Nights It’s Blessing Bag season at the Jesus Center... a time where families, NOVEMBER EVENTS groups and churches get together to Saturday 1 create goodie bags for our clients. Open Studios Art Tour If you would like to participate, fill The artists of Butte County serve a large zip lock bag with: a pair of up a full palette of art forms on the thick socks, a comb, a healthy nonOpen Studios Art Tour. Paintings, perishable snack, bottle of water, sculpture, pottery, photographs, glass, hefty garbage bag/disposable rain jewelry, drawings, fiber, furniture, and poncho, toiletries (razor, deodorant, prints await you in the studios where toothpaste, toothbrush, band-aids, they were created AND you get to etc), notebook with pen, bug spray meet the artists. Studios are located or wipes. We distribute these items throughout Butte County. Tour regularly through our Resource Guides are $10 per person, children Center. Jesus Center, 1297 Park Ave. free when accompanied by paid adult; available in advance at Chambers of Commerce throughout Butte County and on tour days at the Chico Art Center, Paradise Art Center, and the State Theater in Oroville. For more info visit the Chico Art Center at Sunday 2 Bidwell Mansion Fall Festival Free admission. Held on the grounds of the mansion, the festival includes hands-on activities, such as butter churning, Victorian lawn games, contests, and crafts. 11:00am to 3:00pm. 525 The Esplanade. For more info call (530) 895-6144. Saturday 8 A Unique Boutique The Chico Christmas Boutique (CCB) returns once again for another exciting day filled with unique and specialty items, vendors from near and far, far away, and shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Don’t miss CCB’s special feature of eco-

Sunday 23 Christmas Preview Downtown Chico officially kicks off the season in a tradition of holiday hospitality from 4-8pm. Merchants debut their holiday cheer by inviting the community to delight in an evening filled with the sights, sounds and smells of the season. Stores don beautiful decorations, refreshments are served and strolling carolers add a special charm to the downtown streets. This is a perfect opportunity for a visit with Santa at his station on 3rd & Broadway. Thursday 27 Run For Food In the spirit of giving thanks, why not spend your Thanksgiving morning working up an appetite, helping our community and enjoying the beauty of Bidwell Park with friends and family? The 3rd annual Run for Food is a 5k run/walk will begin (and end) at the One Mile Recreation area of beautiful Bidwell Park at 9:00am. Run For Food is a Jesus Center fundraiser. For more info visit

To submit calendar listings, e-mail information to Include the name of the event, time, address, short description, appropriate age range, fee and phone number. Photos are accepted. Quarterly deadlines can be found at If you miss our deadline, you may submit your event directly on our interactive calendars at, www. Just click on the icon of the community calendar and press "Add Event." w w


JOIN US IN THE WINTER The Next Issue of Community Seeds will be released December 1, 2008...

Please be apart of our next issue by submitting:

t Your favorite winter day trip location and snow spot t Your winter photos of friends & family t Your photos of Chico Bag in unique locations throughout the world t Your special winter memory or what you like best about winter t Your child’s story and/or artwork t Your holiday craft or party ideas t Your seasonal recipes t Your articles of interest t A book review t Upcoming Community Events

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...or you can purchase advertising!

The Winter issue deadline is November 1, 2008 Please email your submissions to For more information visit

124 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

Community Seeds

Advertisers’ Index 56 65 Arbonne................................................................................................................................... 120 Azad’s Family Fun Day........................................................................................................... 97 Baby’s Boutique....................................................................................................................... 30 Bertagna Winery...................................................................................................................... 97 Belly Fish................................................................................................................................ Butte County Almond Hull Association.................................................................................. 103 Chico Bag................................................................................................................................ 54-55 74 49 The Chico Connection Green Links........................................................................................ 97 The Chico Connection Kids Links.......................................................................................... 69 Chico Duathlon....................................................................................................................... 120 Children’s Fair......................................................................................................................... 85 Coldwell Banker – Rhonda Maehl........................................................................................... 60 74 39 Golden Valley Bank................................................................................................................. 60 Growing Up Chico................................................................................................................... 2-3 In Motion Fitness..................................................................................................................... Johnny Appleseed Days........................................................................................................... 120 95 Klean Kanteen......................................................................................................................... 38 La Rocca Winery...................................................................................................................... 56 104 Lundberg Family Farms.......................................................................................................... Mr. Kopy................................................................................................................................. 126 50 Nature Conservancy................................................................................................................. 49 99 Pitt’s Pack Leading................................................................................................................... 99 ProTrain K-9 Academy............................................................................................................. PushCart Grand Prix............................................................................................................... 118 65 31 Sierra Oro Farm Trail.............................................................................................................. 73 State Farm Insurance/Darren Normoyle.................................................................................. 56 60 Teague Family Chiropractor and Wellness Center.................................................................... Tee Up For Tots Golf Tournament............................................................................................ 118 97 Tracy Lynn Photography.......................................................................................................... 49 Words of Whimsy Publishing.................................................................................................. 29 The Worm Farm....................................................................................................................... Special thanks to: Sierra Wines................................................................................................... TJ Farms.........................................................................................................

California Wine w w


126 Community Seeds . Fall 2008

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