On the Cover Harry Orlyk works out of the back of his van, recording the landscape around his home in Salem, New York, and in so doing offers a journey into the serenity of the American countryside. Orlyk uses a freespirited style with thick strokes of paint that glisten as if in motion. Orlyk is driven to paint everyday no matter what the weather. His thick overalls are covered in paint accumulated over the countless hours spent outside capturing the beauty of neighboring silos, farmhouses and farm equipments. There is no struggle between man and nature in Orlyk's paintings; all is harmonious, productive and beautifulrural America at its finest. Our cover art and other works by Orlyk are on display at McCartee’s Barn at 23 East Broadway, Salem, NY.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE GREEN TEEN In with the NEW, out with the OLD . . . . . . . . Page 6 WINTER LOCALVORE Eating green when the ground is White . . . Page 8 NICE YEAR FOR A GREEN WEDDING . . . Pages 10, 20 UP & OUT Ski and Snowshoe at Coles Woods . . . . . . . Page 11 OFF GRID LOVE AFFAIR Unplugged and loving it . . . . . . . . . Pages 14, 15, 17 COZY UP YOUR HOME A Cure for Cabin Fever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 16 FROM INDIA WITH LOVE An Interview with Survir Saran . . . . . . . Pages 18-19 Ecolocal Guide is published bi-monthly and distributed free of charge to over 300 locations within a 50 mile radius of Saratoga Springs, NY. The Ecolocal Guide does not guarantee nor warranty any products, services, of any advertisers nor will we be party to any legal or civil proceedings to do with any advertisers We expect advertisers to honor any advertised claims or promises. The Ecolocal Guide will not knowingly accept any advertisement that is deemed misleading or fraudulent. We reserve the right to revise, edit and/or reject any and all advertising with or without issuing a reason or cause. We will not publish any article or advertisement that is contrary to the best interest of this publication. We reserve the right to edit articles if needed for content, clarity and relevance.
INTRODUCTION Welcome to the new year and to the new possibilities it may bring. The tumultuous year that was 2008 has left many of us wondering if the world as we know it has all but collapsed. What is really happening is we are in the midst of a paradigm shift – a breaking down of an old way that no longer works, transcending into a new realm not yet defined. This new way is the hope for long term survival on this planet we call home. Call it the “Sustainability Movement,” or the “Living, Local Economy,” it is the grassroots mobilization of individuals making personal changes to live a more harmonious life within their communities. It is a trend that can be summed up in one word…REAL…as in real value;real food;real community;real people. It is a desire to live within our means, accepting responsibility for both personal as well as planetary health, and reconnecting with the people and places of our community to become agents of transformation. One such agent of transformation is famed New York City chef Survir Saran. Stacey Morris caught up with Survir at Red Fox books in Glens Falls at the release of his latest cook book, American Masala. Chef Saran shares some insight about real Indian food and his local farm in Washington County. It’s inspiring to see that our local farms are providing the ingredients for some world class cooking. Of course, many of us already know this, attributing to the popularity of our Farmer’s Markets. But what is a Localvore to do in the wintertime? Sustainable nutrition counselor Mary Beth McCue gives us some advice on how to maintain the local food connection even when the ground is frozen. Now is the time to fire up that crock pot and enjoy some real comfort food. This is also the time of year when cabin fever can set in, so it is a good idea to take on a winter sport to ward off the winter blues. The new “Up and Out” column by Roger Fulton suggests a nearby adventure that can lift your spirits, and your heart rate. Another heart rate stimulator is Valentines’Day, the top day for popping the big question. If you are planning on marriage this year, perhaps you’ll consider a ‘green’ wedding. I discussed this option with Kate Harrison, author of the “Green Bride Guide,” and she shares a few tips on how to plan your big day with a small footprint. And speaking of a small foot print, one local couple has built their love nest to be powered by the sun and wind. But it’s winter, right? And what happens when the sun doesn’t shine? Contributing writer Stacey Allen takes a closer look at what it’s like to live un-plugged. The Ecolocal Guide brings you these stories and more in the months to come,to help you navigate through this new life of sustainable possibilities. This is a journey we make together, and with each other’s help, we will share in the bounty in what lies ahead. To assist in this endeavor, think local first. Buy local, eat local, play local…be Ecolocal!
- David DeLozier, Publisher
OUR MISSION To gather and share reliable resources and information which will assist this and future generations to make conscious choices that will lead to healthful, sustainable lifestyles. To provide benefit to all those who seek a vibrant, living local economy by promoting our neighborhood businesses that are committed to whole ecology thinking and practices, and the healthy food options available by supporting our local farming community Winter 2009 • Vol 2 Issue 1 PUBLISHER / SALES / MARKETING David Delozier 518-858-6866 advertise@EcolocalGuide.com DESIGN / PRODUCTION Centerline Design 518-883-3872 CONTRIBUTORS Vanessa Baird, MaryBeth McCue, Kate Harrison Roger Fulton, Stacey Allen, Sophie Castro & Stacey Morris ARTICLE / EVENT SUBMISSION submissions@EcolocalGuide.com ADDRESSES 38 Tamarack Trail Saratoga Springs, NY 12286 www.EcolocalGuide.com By reading and supporting Ecolocal you become part of our team - and help the greater community of the Northeastern NY become a healthier place to live, work and play. Please tell our advertisers you saw them here. We use recycled-content paper and water-based ink. PLEASE RECYCLE!
In with the NEW, out with the OLD The holidays mean a lot of new stuff, even for households like mine that try to limit buying items. When new stuff comes in, it often replaces old items that still can be used. So what do I do with the old items? The green way is to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Since the holidays are not the easiest time to Reduce I make up for it, in part, with Reusing and Recycling. Last year my two brothers and I wound up with four new board games after the holidays. They were nice gifts but we already had a ton of games and there was no room for them in the closet. So my mom said to narrow it down to five games each. She said that was plenty for a family of five. That way we could keep the new games and the ones we liked the most. We found a way to 'Reuse' the games by passing them along to a neighbor with young kids. We listed the rest on freecycle, (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreecycleWarrenCounty/) and a family with foster kids took them all. The same thing happened the year I got a new CD player. I gave my old one to my brother since it still worked. He did not have to go out and buy a new one and my old one did not wind up in the dump. If you can't find someone to use your unwanted item there is always the third 'R,' Recycling. Electronic items have metals or plastic and can be taken apart and recycled. Apple, for example will take Ipod's and any brand cell phone and recycle those parts. (http://www.apple.com/environment/recycling/ipodrecycling/ Dell will take their computers back anytime and will even recycle other brands if you purchase a new Dell. The goal is to have less new stuff, but if it does find its way into your home, do the right thing and ether reuse or recycle the unwanted items.
About the Author: Vanessa Baird is a local teen living green. She thinks that's just great as long as having a green life doesn't mean giving up 'having a life.' She'd love to hear what other teens are doing to be green.You can email her at greenteen@verizon.net
WINTER LOCALVORE - EATING GREEN The thought of eating local sustainable foods can be quite daunting to many people. So when I recommend this to my clients during the winter months, it can seem impossible to some. But most people will find after slowly making these changes, and allowing the 20 - 30 days for them to become a life-style habit, that they are quite easy and more importantly - they feel so much healthier as a result. “Localvores” are people committed to eating foods grown within their local food-shed; many choose foods grown within a 100-mile radius of home; others branch out further. I suggest those living in our region to choose food choices from northeast sources; choosing those as close to home as possible. The motivating components to making such a life-style change is that these local food advocates recognize there are huge economic, environmental, political, and health benefits to eating foods grown close to home. It is a real “win-win” all the way around for the consumer, the local businesses and economy and the preservation of the earth as a whole. Here are some tips to help you “Get more Winter Localvore” 1) LET THE MARKETS BE YOUR GUIDE. Shop at local farmers market, natural food stores and large food co-ops. Almost all towns in our location have one or more of these. Most foods, especially the produce, at these markets will be the most seasonal and thus healthiest food.
2) CHOOSE THE MAJORITY OF FOODS GROWN CLOSER TO HOME. When in the stores, look for foods from a 100 - 150 mile radius. Most of the above markets label the harvest origin of all foods. 3) EAT WARM TO BE WARM. Eat more cooked vs raw foods, and drink green and herbal teas. They are more “warming” to the body. 4) PULL OUT THE OLD CROCK-POT. Or keep a large pot on the stove and once a week make a stew or a soup. 5) BE FLEXIBLE WITH RECIPE INGREDIENTS. Be flexible with recipe ingredients by using foods that you have. Look up “Gypsy Soup” recipe on line, or try the authors stew recipe below.They are great examples of how you can have various ingredient choices in one recipe. 6) WINTER CASSEROLES CAN BE EASY. Add layers of cabbage, spinach, parsnip, &/or carrot in a lasagna. Try Shepards' Pie with a layer of meat, legumes, and mashed acorn, butternut or other winter squashes. 7) WINTER SNACKS Use raw root veggies like carrots or radishes with hummus or nut butters. Wrap a sweet potato in foil, bake and refrigerate to eat cold slices with nuts. Or try a great new cookie recipe below. 8) EAT FRESH AND BAKED APPLES. There's so many ways to eat this wonderful winter fruit. 9) EAT MORE WINTER VEGETABLES As with any season, eat a plant-based diet, and choose lots of vegetables and fruits in season. Some more common winter produce choices are: root veggies such as beets, carrots, horseradish, jerusalem artichokes,onions,parsnips,potatoes,radishes, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, and yams. Kale and dried sea vegetables are also great to use this time of year and very abundant in nutrients. They can easily be added to any stew or soup, or in your morning scrambled eggs. The Brassica family of vegetables, or crucifers such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower are great winter vegetables and are very good for supporting the detoxification process within every cell in our bodies. 10) CHOOSE ONE OF THE ABOVE 1- 9 ITEMS Choose one of the above 1-9 items this week and start to implement it in your life. Build on your successes and do not think you can or need to do this all at once. Nor do you have to be a “purest”and practice 100 % in compliance. Every positive life-style change made will create a positive health result.
WHEN THE GROUND IS WHITE By Mary Beth McCue RD LDN CDN - Integrative Nutritionist
WINTER FLEX STEW • 1 onion - chopped • 2-3 tsp. garlic to taste, chopped • Handful of peeled baby carrots, yellow or orange peppers. • 1/2 head of broccoli, brussel sprouts or a large handful of green beans • 2 red potatoes and/or rutabagas cut into cubes. • 1 Tbs. tomato paste. (freeze the rest of the can and slice as needed) • 1-1/2 Tbs. Hungarian paprika. • 1 Tbs. red chili powder (optional) • Sea salt, dash of pepper. • Broth - any flavor. Use enough to cover contents plus a couple inches. Protein options: legumes, cut-up tofu, chicken, &/or wild game. In a large soup or stew pot, sauté the onions and garlic in a little olive on medium. Add and sauté the meat or cooked legumes when the onions are cooked to a light caramel color - about 3 minutes.Add the potatoes and continue to cook,stirring often, about 3 minutes. Add carrots and cook for another 3 minutes. Add the broccoli or green beans, salt and pepper. Cook for another 2 minutes. Add broth, boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes or more.
ONE GREAT COOKIE These are very healthy because there is no processed sugar or flour, gluten, dairy or other very common problematic foods. It is whole foods based, high in fiber and nutrients, and has healthy choices from all the 3 macronutrient groups - carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The cookies are very satisfying to the appetite and very supportive for glucose levels, and digestive health. ENJOY, they taste great! • 4 cups almond meal (buy prepare, or make your own by grinding almonds) • 1 stick butter (1/2 cup or 1/3 c), or 1/3 c coconut oil • 3/4c cup honey • 2 eggs, beaten • 1 tsp. baking soda • 1/4 tsp salt • 1 tsp. vanilla (or more) • 1/2 to 1-1/2 cups raisins or dates • 1 cup chopped pecans, &/or walnuts Optional: 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut, 1/2 to 3/4 cup carob or dark choc chips, 1/2 to 3/4 cup shredded raw carrots, 1/2 cup flax meal.You may want to top each cookie with your favorite jam.
Melt butter or coconut oil, and stir in the rest of the ingredients adding the meal, coconut, raisins and nuts last. Cook at around o o 325 - 350 F, until they just start to get a little brown which is approximately 12 minutes. Then watch & take out at desired color. The temperature and time can vary depending on your oven and cookie sheet. You may want to drop in ball forms, then back. Or 1/2 way through the baking, press cookie down and top with jam if you desire. I use a stone cookie sheet and have had equal success with or without oiling the sheet. Use as a dessert or snack. On-line resource suggestions: http://100 mile diet.org http://localfoods.about.com/ www.localharvest.org www.uvlocalvore.com www.whfoods.org www.wildoats.com www.wholefoodsmarket.com Mary Beth McCue RD, LDN, CDN is a dietitian recognized for her work in Holistic/Integrative and Functional Nutrition. She is a certified and licensed Nutritionist in NY and MA., and is certified in Functional Nutrition & Medicine by the Institute for Functional Medicine. With more than 20 yrs experience in clinical, wellness and integrative/holistic nutrition, she offers Corporate, and Community programs, and consults with individuals at the Roosevelt Baths and Spa in Saratoga Springs. Mary Beth has successfully assisted everyone she works with to health recovery, including herself. For more information: www.SIPN.edu. To schedule a consultation: SaratogaNutrition@earthlink.net or ph 518.257.6530.
Nice Year for a 'Green' Wedding There are 2.5 million weddings a year in the United States, making up a $70 billion dollar industry. The impact on the environment from these celebrations is substantial and many couples are searching for environmentally friendly options. How can eco-conscious brides and grooms-to-be plan their special day without sacrificing style or the environment? Ecolocal publisher David DeLozier recently talked with Kate Harrison, author of “The Green Bride Guide,” to get answers.
DAVID: First off, what is a green wedding? KATE: A green wedding is any wedding where the couple tries to decrease the impact of their event on the planet - and there are many ways to do it! Every part of a wedding - from invitations to flowers to the favors - has eco-friendly options worth considering. DAVID: Why would a couple want to have a green wedding? KATE: I think having a green wedding has environmental, economic and spiritual benefits.
ENVIRONMENTAL With 2.5 million wedding a year in the United States the environmental impact from these events is enormous. Here are a few fun facts to put things in perspective: • The amount of paper used to make invitations every year could cover the island of Manhattan. • If every wedding used a disposable aisle runner and they were laid end-to-end it would circle the globe twice. • The amount of gold used to make just one ring produces 2 tons of mining waste - the equivalent of 12 elephants! The bottom line is that every green choice makes a difference - no matter how small.
ECONOMIC There is a myth in our society that in order to be green you have to be willing to spend more. In fact, having a green wedding ca save you up to 40%!! How is this possible? Well, let me illustrate with a few examples from my own wedding. First there were the flowers. The average couple spends about $2000 on flowers. My husband and I had a fall wedding and asked all of our friends and neighbors to donate hydrangea and other seasonal flowers from their gardens. We then bought $200 worth of organic dahlias from a local flower farm and that was that. Another example was my dress. Most gowns cost around $1300. I bought a damaged gown (the train was stained) for $600 and spent another $100 to have it tailored. I had the seamstress turn the salvageable material from the train into a matching shawl and after my wedding donated both to Brides Against Breast Cancer. For my shoes, I bought once worn white silk Vera Wang shoes on eBay for $50 and resold them after my wedding for the price - so I only paid for shipping. Simple choices like these are not only better for the environment, but can help stretch your wedding dollars.
SOCIAL BENEFITS Finally, there are the social benefits.When you start talking to vendors about what you want to do you, and explain your choices to your guests, you change the way people in your community think about what it means to be green. You make being green seem possible and help get the word out about sustainable alternatives. DAVID: How do people explain this choice to their family? KATE: I think people today are more aware of the environment and conservation than they were even a few years ago. Although you may get a few odd looks, most family members and guests will not only be supportive, but will actively applaud your efforts. By making your day not just about the two of you, but about your future and your relationship to the greater world, you add a level of meaning to your wedding that is very moving. You are saying,“Our wedding is going to be sustainable, just like our marriage.” - continued on Page 20
What to do, where to go and how to get there.
Coles Woods, Glens Falls By Roger Fulton and Mike Carpenter
Too many of us overlook great outdoor activities because they are so close to home that we take them for granted. Or they are just far away enough that we don't even know about them. Well,we're going to change that for you! In this regular column we will provide you with a fun and seasonal activity, a place to do it and we'll even give you explicit directions on how to get there. Then it's up to you to get your spouse, family or friends to get “up and out” and join you for a great morning, afternoon, or an all day adventure. In this Winter 2009 edition we want to introduce you to: THE INTERNATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY SKI TRAILS AT COLES WOODS NEAREST TOWN: Glens Falls, NY GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Nearly 5 miles of both groomed and un-groomed trails are available for cross country skiing. That includes 7 kilometers of lighted trails for night skiing. ACTIVITIES: Trails are generally groomed for both traditional track skiing and for skating style cross country skiing. You can also snowshoe these trails,just stay off the groomed portion of the trails.
Beth Kopp of Hallowell, Maine and Jen Kane of Glens Falls, NY DIFFICULTY: Easy to moderate. Downhills are generally marked as to difficulty level. Know your own limitations! SURFACE: Generally wide and open trails through wooded areas. RENTALS: You can rent skis and snowshoes at Inside Edge, 634 Upper Glen St., Queensbury, NY 12804, 518-793-5676. (It's on your way to the trails on Route 9.) WHAT YOU MAY SEE: The trail system crosses a picturesque brook via wooden bridges. Wildlife is seen frequently along the trails.The scenery, day or night, is great! HOW TO GET THERE: From I-87 take Exit 19 and travel east on Route 254 (Aviation Road) and follow it about .5 miles to Route 9.Turn right onto Route 9 and follow it .8 miles to the 4th traffic light and turn right onto Fire Road. Go about .3 miles and pull into a parking on your right, just before Fire Road makes a 90° turn to the left.
GPS READING - PARKING AREA: N 43° 19.298' W 073° 40.048' CAUTIONS: Heed any warning signs on the hills. Know your own capabilities! Dogs are not allowed on the trails from December through April. SEASON-HOURS-FEES-PARKING: The trails are open year round for hiking, biking and skiing depending on the season and the weather. Weather permitting, the lighted cross country trails are lit until 10:30 pm each evening.There are no fees. There is limited parking at the parking lot, but additional parking is available at the recreation center. (You passed it on Fire Road before you got to the parking area. The trails also run behind that recreation center.) FACILITIES: None RELATED ACTIVITIES: If the snow isn't cooperating, you can hike or mountainbike these same trails. WHAT WE FOUND: In the dead of winter when the days are shortest, it is very nice to have this lighted trail system.This is a very nice place for novices to hone their basic skiing techniques. SPECIAL TALE: The first lighted cross country ski trails in North America opened here in 1971. And those lights are STILL burning until 10:30 pm., in season. CREDIT: This mini-adventure is excerpted from the recently released book,25 Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Trails in the Lake George, NY Region by Roger Fulton and Mike Carpenter. “Outdoor books for ordinary people” is their theme for several regional outdoor books for this area, and more on the way.You can access all of their titles at www.RogerFulton.com or www.commonmanbooks.com or ask for them at your local bookstore or other selected area retailers.
LIVING OFF THE GRID This time of year, more than ever, there's probably not one among us that hasn't imagined being off the grid... not having to worry about the cost of heating our home throughout the winter chill.Tucked away in the middle of 80 acres on the borders of Greenfield Center and Corinth, photographer Tom Stock and his wife, Roberta, are living just that life.
During the ice storm that hit our area hard in December, while most of us were facing days without power or fear every time the lights flickered, the Stocks were safely tucked in into their home, not aware that everyone around them was powerless and not concerned that their power lines might be clipped by a falling branch. The idea for their self-sufficient home began several years ago when they were looking to combine their households. Both resided in Saratoga Springs, and instead of moving one into the other's home, they wanted to start fresh. While they could have bought an existing residence, Stock has always been interested in living out in the country which would be a perfect complement for his work. Because of this they began to look for land. Originally intent on finding a 20-acre parcel, they had difficulty locating exactly what they were looking for. Ultimately, they ended up falling in love with the 80-acre keyhole plot. With only 60 feet of road frontage and a long and winding driveway leading to their property, and the nearest power line at one mile away, their new land was ideal for creating a completely self-sufficient home. After much research on alternative energy and educating themselves, they settled on three complementary systems: a passive solar system which both powers and heats the home, a wind turbine and a backup propane generator. The three systems work hand-in-hand to assure they are never without power. The solar panels and windmill give them the ability to charge their battery cells via two methods and if it's cloudy and still for too long, the generator kicks in on its own. However they note, fortunately that happens rarely, if ever. Since they moved into the home, on Valentine's Day 2005, they have not once had a problem, power outage or heating issue. And having lived in it in the day-to-day, they admit, there is nothing they would change about their setup. When it came down to construction, it truly was a labor of love for both of them. Instead of relying on someone to fulfill their vision, they took the concept and worked on the design themselves. Seeing the home as somewhere they knew would never leave, they built for the future as well. Everything they need is on the main level and all the entrances and doorways are handicapped accessible. Before construction even began, they had to clear a large area in the wooded property to make room for the home and to allow access to the sun for the solar panels and give the turbine the room it needed. To undertake the challenge, the Stocks had several tree-clearing parties, offering friends and family all the wood they could take and use for the added man power to help with the project.
A LOCAL LOVE AFFAIR While Stock was on hand almost every day and was involved in every facet of the home's construction, they subcontracted out much of the work and actual implementation. Subcontracting proved to have its own challenges however, as they found themselves having to educate many of their subcontractors. When it came time to get an engineer involved, they found that they had to hold fast on the orientation of the home while he was determined to give them what he considered the best view. The Stocks continually had to explain that the orientation had to be exact for the house to function properly. If the solar panels and the main bank of windows was not facing due south, they would lose out on the home's efficiency. As they went on, they found they regularly were sharing the knowledge they had gained with those working on their home that had never taken on such a project before. The home is not just the wind turbine, solar panels and generator however, at least when it comes to heating. With the majority of its windows facing south, the home benefits from optimum sun intake.The dark slate floors absorb the sunlight throughout the day, allowing them to radiate the heat throughout the day. During the construction phase, Stock used Structural Insulation Panels (SIPs) and caulking to help with the homes heating efficiency. This heavy insulation effectively seals off the home, keeping it free of all drafts and leaves it feeling comfortable no matter the temperature. According to Roberta, between 62 and 66 degrees, the house can easily feel more comfortable than a drafty home at 70 degrees.The insulation also serves to keep the house cool during the summer. Instead of turning to an air conditioning unit, the Stocks' home remains comfortable during the summer sun, even with the wide bank of windows thanks to the insulating job. A major feature of the main living space is the gorgeous masonry heater that fills the kitchen and living room. The heater is faced with field stones from around the property. Using the stones from the property tied the stove into a concept Stock very much wanted to follow in the construction of their home... bringing the surrounding nature and their environment to the indoors, essentially tying the two together. This concept can also be found as structural features throughout the home in stock utilized trees that had been cut down to make room for the homestead as stair bannisters and structural posts. The 3-ton masonry heater, which Stock built himself, from a kit, is highly efficient.The fire only needs to burn for two hours and once it goes out, the stove's large surface will continue to radiate heat for up to 9 hours. -continued on Page 17
By Stacey Allen
COZY UP YOUR HOME THIS WINTER Feeling the gloom and the boredom of the season? Feeling cold,frustrated, discontented? Yet the experience of winter does not have to be disheartening.Those few chilly months are an invitation to make our homes cozier and more comfortable. Following nature’s lead, this is a time when it feels good to be home, slow down, and enjoy.
by Sophie Gillet Castro
“Every winter, When the great sun has turned his face away, The earth goes down into a vale of grief, And fasts, and weeps, and shrouds herself in sables, Leaving her wedding-garlands to decay… Charles Kingsley (1819 - 1875), Saint's Tragedy (act III, sc. 1)
Here are some suggestions to inspire you to create a supportive and warm interior for yourself and your loved ones. Four uplifting words to remember for a warmth-filled winter!
1 - Comfort Being housebound for a while calls for comfortable sitting. Make your sitting area inviting at any time of day or evening. Bring in additional throw pillows if you need. Choose warmer and brighter colors (oranges, terra cota, reds, fuschia, golds, teal, chocolate browns…) Select soft textures you can snuggle in. Have sufficient matching throws and blankets around. Re-arrange the furniture a little so that several people can cozy up together while sharing a hot chocolate or tea. Maybe bring in one ottoman or two, so that everyone can lean back and put their feet up. When the sun goes down, and it is time to wind down, dim the main lights and light candles (and conserve electricity). If you have a fireplace, use it – make it dance and sing!
2 - Warmth Are there any drafts that make it feel cold when lying on the couch, sitting on the floor or reading in bed? Locate and fix them. Not only do they keep you from relaxing in your home, they are also drain energy. Keep your feet warm at all times. Take off your shoes as soon as you come in and get into comfy thick socks or slippers.Warm up your bare floors with area rugs. You can also use floor pillows, great to rest your feet on if you’re watching TV or working at the computer.
There is nothing like the warmth of a wood stove or a fireplace. Create a wood stock-up area easy to reach, have all the supplies handy (matches, fire starter, etc.) so that lighting a fire is effortless.
3 - Serenity In winter, your home becomes a refuge. Make it so that there is a place for you personally,where you can curl up with a book, sit quietly to reflect and do journal writing, or take a nap. It could be a comfy armchair, a soft bean bag chair, or an area on the floor where you can sit among cushions. Keep a book of uplifting quotes and wisdom nearby. Slow down.
Change into warm casual clothes, play relaxing music in the background and light candles. Take time regularly this winter to tune in with nature’s cycle. It’s not about feeling trapped or depressed, but about embracing a slow down phase and doing internal reflective work before the renewal of spring. It’s a gift to yourself!
4 - Energy No question that these long winter weeks of decreased sunlight can affect our moral. Although it is a time for inner hibernation, it’s also a great opportunity to be productive around the house. Make a list of all those things that have been on your mind and need completing in an ideal world: closet organizing, sewing, filing, photo album arranging,toys sorting,etc.How about those Christmas decorations? Are they boxed and labeled properly, easy to find next year? Maybe consider hiring a professional organizer to help you. Take the time to get to know what you have collected in your own house.Downsize if necessary,and organize,so that you can enjoy what you surround yourself with. Remember that your living space is a reflection of who you are. Bring in additional plants and fresh cut flowers to brighten your home. Make sure to air out regularly also. Feeling subdued and blue? Snap out of it! Let the snow fall and play some energizing music – perhaps some new tunes you’ve never heard before: Cape Verdean music, Puerto Rican salsa, Bahiana samba…Dance and gradually lighten your home. Spring will be here soon! Sophie Gillet Castro is the founder of DAYAA Design, and provides interior decorating and organizing services. She focuses on space well being, incorporating Feng Shui and Vaastu principles. www.dayaadesign.com 518-744 2287 Member of S.O.S – Saratoga Organizers and Stagers
A LOCAL LOVE AFFAIR - continued from Page 15
The stove's high efficiency is seen most strongly in its wood consumption. Using the stove once a day for an entire season, the Stocks only used approximately 1.5 cords of wood, whereas a normal wood stove would go through 10 or more. While they note that their setup would not be ideal for a larger family or consumes energy at a higher rate, it is perfect for them and keeps the cognizant of how much power they consume on a regular basis. Having the ability to see how much electricity they are using and how their battery charge is holding up, they find they are much more aware of how much energy they consume. To conserve and otherwise save energy, they are regularly in the habit of reducing their phantom loads. These phantom loads, the ones that continually draw from your energy supply whether they are in use or not, contribute for a lot of what the rest of us get charged for regularly. Things like cell phone chargers, televisions, computers, stereo systems and microwaves regularly draw energy even when not in use. Because of this, the Stocks have placed all these items on power strips that have on/off switches and can be shut off when not in use, saving them the regular draw. This lifestyle also carries over to their commute as well. When they were living in town, Stock drove a Ford Explorer and thought nothing of his few mile commute or having to run to the store to buy something. However, now that his commute is much longer, he decided it was time to find a more fuel efficient vehicle to take the trip daily. These days, the Stocks commute into Saratoga together and Roberta leaves her car at her office for around town errands. They have also found that living away from stores, they are forced to plan their trips around and to town more thoroughly. Looking back at when they started the project, the energy crisis wasn't the hot topic it was these days and they find it interesting that now that we've begun to see gas and energy prices rise, that people assume that the work they've done was in response to the current situation. Indeed they were ahead of the curve when they began planning, but now that we have found ourselves in the situation we're in, they are certainly thankful they had the foresight.
From India, with Love by Stacey Morris
GLENS FALLS It's a Friday evening and Red Fox Bookstore is in the midst of hosting what is probably one of its more fragrant book signings. Celebrated chef, cookbook author, and restaurateur Suvir Saran is on hand not only to sign copies of “Indian Home Cooking” and “American Masala,” but to encourage customers to sample the fruits of his recipe collections. At one end of the store is a table laden with Indian and Indian-inspired dishes from his books: Tamarind-Glazed Meatloaf, Better-Than-Ketchup Tomato Chutney, Raita (a yogurt-herb dip), Three-Cheese Spinach Dip, Shrimp Poha Paella, and Spiced Pear Chutney. The colorful spread was prepared by Glens Falls caterer Sally Longo, who is also the host of the television program “Dinner at 8” on North News 8. As smitten customers fill their paper plates, Saran chats animatedly with them about the rudimentary principals of Indian cuisine, which he says should be very clean tasting and leave one feeling nourished both physically and mentally. “Suvir is an alchemist in the kitchen,” said Longo with a smile. “His recipes make Indian influences relevant to the dishes I cook every day. I own thousands of cookbooks and when I buy a new one, I'll read the whole thing and try out three recipes. If none of them strikes me as a "keeper", that's as far as I go,” she said. “So far, I have prepared seven recipes from “American Masala,” and have truly loved them all. I would never have considered serving meat loaf to company, but Suvir's Tamarind-Glazed Meat Loaf changed that.” Longo's effusiveness is precisely the reason Saran opened Devi (pronounced day-vee), his pan-Indian restaurant in Manhattan. He describes authentic Indian cuisine as “an exploration in the art of eating in a manner that enriches mind, body and soul.” “Good Indian food does not give heartburn; instead, it leaves you sated and inspired,” said Saran.“Indian restaurant fare in the U.S. has mostly been very mediocre and has done great disservice to the amazingly magical cuisine of India. It's sad that many people think that Chicken Tikka Masala, the creamladen awful Kurmas, and the poorly prepared Vindaloos are
the length and breadth of Indian cuisine. India is inhabited by over 1 billion people who speak over 18 languages, represent every religion known to man, and are of many different ethnic backgrounds. How then could the foods of these greatly diverse people be confined to any one stereotype?” When he's not overseeing operations at Devi, Saran travels the country as a speaker and consultant,sharing his philosophies on nutrition, the importance of eating local, and the (often appalling) state of his adopted country's eating habits. On weekends and during other stretches of downtime, Saran joins his partner, Charlie Burd, at their American Masala Farm in Washington County. The 70-acre acre spread is home to a sizeable flock of Heritage chickens, as well as Guinea Hens and a few Alpacas. While Saran tends to out-of- town business, Burd manages the farm, which includes the meticulous feeding of the chickens (he routinely transports steaming bowls of homemade vegetable broth out to the coops). Presently,Burd and Saran supply the Saratoga Springs restaurant Max London's with fresh eggs, as well as individuals who stop by their farm to purchase them. Their other collaboration is the American Masala Collection, the line of cook and tableware he and Burd have designed which includes ceramic cutting knives, mortar and pestles, trivets and serving platters. Burd said that the ceramic knives have extremely sharp edges, second only to a diamond, and come in five sizes, each with ergonomically designed rubber handles. “They're razor sharp and unlike metal, don't have to be sharpened,” he said. “The knives excellent for vegetables, meats, and bread. And the rubber grip has a guard that curves down so your finger doesn't touch the blade.” Since many of Saran's recipes call for the blending whole seeds, herbs, and spices, he reinvented the pestle prototype by creating his to have a wide, circular base (as opposed to the traditional Billy club-shape) in order to trap the ingredients easily in the mortar.
“Longo, for one, is sold. “With an ordinary pestle, you have to chase the spices all around,” she explained. “I didn't have to do that this time because of the heaviness and width of this one. It's intelligent design.That's what I like about Suvir's line; he doesn't just sell his name to something, he designs it.” Burd and Saran chose the Dorset, Vt.-based J.K. Adams Co. for exclusive U.S. distribution of the line, which also includes ceramic trivets and elegant serving platters. “The trivets are inspired from the look of the Taj Mahal,” said Burd.“The solid cream colors are reminiscent of its color. And we coated them with glaze so they look perpetually new.” The American Masala Collection is available at the J.K. Adams retail store, online at www.jkadams.com and also at Sterling & Company in Glens Falls. But Saran and Burd also have other plans on the horizon. In support of the local food movement, they hope to soon begin making artisan cheeses and other products. We have a barn and milking facility at the farm,” said Burd. “And we're debating whether to do production on the farm or at an off-site location, which would expand our options.” Burd said that with an offsite production facility, other dairy farmers could participate and the product line could expand from cheeses to include jams, chutneys, and other condiments. “Charlie and I would love whatever we end up creating as our production center to become an entity that not only is our passion, but is one for the community in general,” said Saran. “It is our hope that we can employ locals, and make them partners in the business. We want the production to be connected to the farm, to be part of our local community, and to have the interest of the community at heart.” For information about Suvir Saran's cookbooks, the American Masala Collection, Devi, or Saran's upcoming appearances, visit www.suvir.com Photo credits - Antonio Ruiz
20 GREEN WEDDING - continued from Page 10 DAVID: A big part of the green movement is making a positive impact to our local communities and environment. How can a green wedding play a part in this? KATE: A big part of going green is going local. When you choose local seasonal flowers and foods you not only decrease the environmental footprint of the event (because nothing has to be imported which produces emissions and contributes to global warming), but you are also supporting local business and your community. I always recommend couples serve local delicacies and give locally made favors. It is a great way to create a sense of place for your guests and to make your wedding more unique. DAVID: What if I can't find a green option? Is it “cheating� if my limo isn't a hybrid? Do they even make them? KATE: In some parts of the country (New York and San Diego for example), you can indeed find hybrid limo companies. But to answer your question, one of things I really stress in the book is that you don't have to be puritanical. If you can't find something, or you don't want to choose the green option at every turn, that is OKAY. I think of it this way - if every couple just included one green option in their wedding it would be 2.5 million green choices a year! So don't fret too much and don't let anyone try to convince you that if your wedding is not green through and through you are being hypocritical. That's ridiculous. Just do what you can, and know it makes a difference. DAVID: My big view on the whole green thing is emphasizing locally grown, locally made, and locally independent. Dollars spent locally have the biggest impact in our communities, and supporting local merchants and artisans keeps our communities strong. If the local cake-baker does not use organic sugar, but uses locally sourced flowers to decorate it, it's part of the success. KATE: I totally agree. Although I think it is great to try to get local vendors to make substitutions when you can. In the back of the book I offer vendor worksheets - which are checklists you can use to talk to vendors about green services they can offer. This also goes to your earlier question about what to do if you can't find local green vendors. For example, you may not be able to find an organic baker, but you can ask bakers in your town if they are willing to substitute in organic flour and sugar, cage-free eggs - and you will have a green wedding cake. You will quickly find out who is willing to work with you, and who knows - maybe it will even change the way they do business in the future! Photo courtesy of Eric Seplowitz, Captured Light Photography
DAVID: Is there anything else you want to share with readers? KATE: Yes - I want to encourage them to take a look at my website (www.thegreenbrideguide.com). In addition to finding pictures and stories from real green weddings, they can find links to local products, services and vendors. The green community is a grass roots movement and everyone's help is needed. I hope all of your readers will come back to the site and share their experience with others. The more examples people have of ways to go green, the easier the choice will be.
Green wedding veteran and environmentalist Kate L. Harrison offers the most comprehensive green wedding book on the market, The Green Bride Guide: How to Create an Earth-Friendly Wedding on Any Budget. It's the perfect resource to help couples make sure their big day is memorable, but doesn't leave a lasting impression on the Earth.The Green Bride Guide includes hundreds of sustainable choices in one handy reference, and it's also a practical resource for budget conscious couples. Kate provides low, medium, and high-end choices in every category, and proves that you don't have to break the bank to have a gorgeous green event! Kate and her husband Barry planned their own green wedding in 2007. She lives in New Haven, Connecticut.
COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD FARMERS MARKETS Buy directly from the producer—the person who grew it or made it can tell you how to best cook, use and enjoy it. Plus, your dollars contribute directly to the local economy and assure the future of a healthy regional food system. Glens Falls Winter Market. Saturdays 9am 12pm at the Christ’s Church Methodist, corner of Bay and Washington Streets. Saratoga Springs Winter Market Saturdays 9am-1pm at the Salvation Army Building on Woodlawn Ave. Schenectady Greenmarket Sundays 10am 2pm at the Proctors Arcade, 432 State St. Free Parking Downtown on Sundays Troy Winter Market Saturdays 9am - 1pm at the Uncle Sam Atrium, Broadway at 3rd & 4th Streets. Now on both floors!
ICE BREAKER WINTERFEST The Towns and Villages of the Battenkill Valley (Cambridge, Greenwich & Salem), February 8, 9 and 10 This multifaceted three day event offers something for all age groups. Bonfires will blaze at most venues, and local businesses and youth groups will participate together to create this community wide event. For more information, go to visitballenkillvalley.com, click on the events tab.
SARATOGA NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK EVENTS Frost Faire January 24, 2009, 10:30am to 3pm. Our 14th annual winter festival! Wintertime family fun, past and present. Tubing the "Big Hill," bonfires, hot refreshments, nature hike, snow shoeing and more. Free. Call 518-664-9821 ext. 224 for more information. Cabin Fever Escape Feb. 1, 8 & 15, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM Armchair Tours of America`s National Parks" -- Special National Park programs for kids and adults about America`s magnificent national parks including Morristown, Yellowstone, and historic sites of Washington DC. Free. Call 518664-9821 ext. 224
Schedule: Sunday, February 1: Morristown NHP • Sunday, February 8: Washington DC area National Parks • Sunday, February 15: Yellowstone National Park
WILTON WILDLIFE PRESERVE AND PARK WINTER PROGRAMS Children's Winter Scavenger Hunt Monday, January 19th; 1pm-2pm; Old Gick Parcel Have you ever noticed the tracks of a deer in fresh snow or the smell of a pine tree on a crisp winter day? This program will encourage children (and their parents!) to use their senses in order to explore the great white winter in a fun scavenger hunt format. Snowshoes available for rent. Pre-registration required; call 518-450-0321 ext. 2. Let's Snowshoe! Saturday, January 24th; 1pm-2:30pm; Neilmann Parcel With temperatures dropping and snow falling, it’s the perfect time to go outside and be active! Come learn the basics of snowshoeing while we enjoy winter’s scenery at the Neilmann parcel. Beginners welcome! Snowshoes available for rent. Pre-registration required; call 518-450-0321 ext. 2. Vince Walsh: Winter Tracking Saturday, January 31st; 9am-12noon or 1pm-4pm; Camp Saratoga. Vince Walsh, a naturalist, tracker, NYS licensed guide, and founder of Kawing Crow Awareness Center in Greenfield Center, will present a three-hour tracking workshop. After a brief indoor talk, Mr.Walsh will lead a tracking trek,focusing on identifying and interpreting tracks and trails. This free program is sponsored by Southern Adirondack Audubon Society and underwritten by a grant from Stewart's, Inc. Snowshoes are available to rent. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited; call 518-450-0321. Annual Moonlight Ski & Snowshoe Saturday, February 7th, 7pm-9:30pm; Camp Saratoga This is our most popular event of the year! Approximately 2.5 miles of trails will be lit with luminaries for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Two trailside bonfires will warm your outsides while hot chocolate warms your insides. A limited number of snowshoes are available to rent on a first-come first-serve basis. Event will be held conditions permitting. For information call 518-450-0321 ext. 2
Annual 8k Snowshoe Race Saturday, February 14th; Camp Saratoga This is the sixth annual Saratoga Stryders Camp Saratoga 8k Snowshoe Race. All abilities are welcome. This event benefits the Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park. For more information, visit www.saratogastryders.org Family Snowshoe Day Tuesday, February 17th; 1pm-2:30pm; Camp Saratoga Instead of sitting inside all winter break, pack up the family for a fun-filled afternoon of snowshoeing. This program teaches the ABCs of snowshoeing and includes a walk along Camp Saratoga’s user-friendly trails. Have fun, explore this historic parcel, and sip hot chocolate! What could be better! Snowshoes available for rent. Pre-registration required, call 518-450-0321 ext. 2. Surviving Winter Saturday, February 28th; 2pm-3:30pm; Camp Saratoga We spend much of the winter bundled up in sweaters, jackets, and scarves to stay warm. How do the plants and animals in our region endure the cold winter? Come learn about some winter survival techniques of local species while enjoying Camp Saratoga’s beautiful trails. Snowshoes available for rent. Pre-registration required, call 518-450-0321 ext. 2.
Get your event or business service listed for just $20 for four lines. If the event is free to the public, the listing is free! Submit your listing via email to: submissions@ecolocalguide.com. Payment can be made by credit card via PayPal under paypal@ecolocalguide.com, or mail to Ecolocal, 38 Tamarack Trail, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 SAVE PEOPLE MONEY. HELP SAVE THE PLANET. Ambit Energy offers competitive rates on our residential energy service plans, including Ambit Certified Green plans, which are certified by the Green-e Program to reduce the environmental impact of the energy our customers use. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. With Ambit you can earn unlimited income while you set your own hours and work from home. Go to GreenEnergyNY.com or call 209-3341 for details.