Eco-LOCAL Winter 2012

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Tech Valley

Winter 2012 • Issue 24 • FREE

eco LOCAL Promoting sustainable communities, healthy lifestyles and local business

the Snow Train is back!


LOCAL LOVE in North Creek PLUS: The Historic Snow Train Garnet Hill Lodge and Resort Trevett Millworks

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On the Cover Walking on Main Street in North Creek are local business owners Anna Bowers of the Vault and barVino, Sharon Taylor of the Alpine Lodge, Laurie Arnheiter of Hudson River Trading Company, Mike Bowers of barVino and Sarah Bowers of barVino. Through their hard work and dedication, they and the other members of the community have made North Creek one of the special places within the Adirondack Park. And it is this community of people who are eager to welcome you to the place they love. You’ll love it there too, and the long awaited return of the Snow Train provides a new way to get to North Creek, and to experience the Gore Mountain region. Don’t forget to “unlock the LOCAL LOVE” while you’re there (see center spread for details)!



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News and Views The Wellness Doc Holistic Health Money Matters Green Designer Life…Stylized! LOCAL DESTINATIONS North Creek Washington County MAPLE Weekend EcoLocal People


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A Train Ride for flaming youth and his older brother History of the North Creek Snow Train Garnet Hill Lodge A New Chapter for an Adirondack Treasure Small is BIG At Maple Ski Ridge LOCAL LOVE promotion LOCAL LOVE in North Creek Bowers Family Enterprises OH HENRY! The Enterprising Women of Henry St. LOCAL SOUND Eastbound Jesus TREVETT MILLWORKS Reclaiming the Past 5

Letter from the Publisher With Valentines Day in the middle of February, it is certainly the season of love. How about involving the community of local businesses in the declaration of love? How about lovingly going local? To advance this concept, Eco-Local-Living has developed a LOCAL LOVE campaign and promotion with the logo “Unlock the LOCAL LOVE.”

eco LOCAL PUBLISHER / EDITOR / SALES David Delozier 518-858-6866 DESIGN / PRODUCTION Centerline Design 518-883-3872 PHOTOGRAPHY David Delozier Anna Bowers, barVino food pictures CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Jessica Davis, Karen Carey, Sophie Castro, Harry Moran, Dr. Michael Quartararo, Kathleen Quartararo, Karen Totino Michele San Antonio

We are starting out in this Winter 2012 edition celebrating a marriage of sorts – that of the communities of Saratoga Springs and the Adirondack hamlet of North Creek, home of Gore Mountain. These two towns have been brought together by the Saratoga and North Creek Railroad. This historic rail line is known for bringing Teddy Roosevelt from out of the Adirondacks and down to the White House to become President after the McKinley assassination. 50 years ago the Snow Train brought skiers from the Capital District and elsewhere up to North Creek for the emerging sport of downhill skiing. Now the Snow Train is back, and it’s a great opportunity not just for skiers, but for everyone to ride this historic rail line that follows the Hudson River into the Adirondacks from Saratoga Springs. Leave your car in Saratoga Springs and see how easy it is to get around in North Creek and environs. Free shuttles can take you up to Gore Mountain or Garnet Hill Lodge to have an Adirondack adventure for the day or maybe the weekend. The hamlet of North Creek is a wonderful community of locally owned shops and eateries, all within walking distance to the train station. Upon your return to Saratoga Springs, don’t forget to visit the many locally owned shops and eateries there as well. It is in these two uniquely local towns that we are introducing the new LOCAL LOVE campaign. LOCAL LOVE allows stores, restaurants, local banks, businesses and organizations to declare that they want to be part of rendering the community more loving. You can unlock the LOCAL LOVE by showing your Snow Train ticket at a participating shop, or buy something at one place and show your receipt to the next participant, and you will get a discount on that purchase by showing your love for local! Look for that very pretty logo with the green sun and the red heart. We have only just started spreading the word, but it is quite possible that this idea spreads wildly as people long to create new local communities. Check it out and participate. Fill out a “I Love Local” card in either town (after a $10 minimum purchase) and you can enter a drawing for some free stuff, with a Grand Prize being awarded at the end of February for an overnight stay for two at the Garnet Hill Lodge. It’s Winter; love is in the air, new loving, healthier concepts and lifestyles are germinating; as Spring approaches we’ll may just see LOCAL LOVE blossoming… A few have already signed on, they are the first carriers of the torch. See our center spread for the promotion, or grab this QR code with your smart phone to go to the online promotion.

-David DeLozier, Publisher Every effort has been made to avoid errors and misspellings; however, if you see an error, please accept our apologies. We welcome your ideas, articles, and feedback so that we can give you the best service possible. Eco-LOCAL Living does not guarantee nor warrantee any products, services of any advertisers, nor will we be party to any legal or civil claims or promises. We expect advertisers to honor any claims or promises. We reserve the right to revise, edit and/or reject any and all advertising with or without cause. Liability is limited to the cost of the ad space in which it first appeared for printing errors of the publisher's responsibility or if the publisher fails to print an ad or article for any reason. We reserve the right to edit articles if needed for content, clarity and relevance. Unless otherwise noted, we use the Creative Commons License (in place of standard copyright), which allows anyone to freely copy, distribute, and transmit all content, although it must be attributed in the manner specified by the author or licensor, and no one may use it for commercial purposes, or alter, transform, or build upon it. 6

SUBSCRIBE The eco-LOCAL magazine is a free bi-monthly magazine for people choosing to lead more sustainable lifestyles within the greater Capital Region of New York. It can be found throughout the region at independent retailers, shops, restaurants and other high traffic locales. Visit to find a location near you. If you would like to receive a subscription by mail, send $12 along with your name and address to: Eco-LOCAL Media PO Box 621, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. If you would like updates and information by email, please sign up at our website. SUPPORT We seek to transform this special region of upstate New York into a local living economy of vibrant towns, productive farmlands and healthy open space. By reading eco-LOCAL, you become part of our team. The eco-LOCAL magazine is brought to you solely by the advertisers found within. Please tell them you appreciate their support of eco-LOCAL. We are all in this together, and we must support each other. Thank you!

News and Views Calling All Beer Lovers! Get your tickets now for this three day festival in Saratoga Springs! Join us as we celebrate three days of 25 plus events, beer dinners, The Grand Food and Rare Beer Tasting, and the annual Saratoga Beer Summit. This is a beer lovers utopia – don’t miss it! Check out for all the up to date event details.

SARATOGA BEER WEEK February 23rd, 24th & 25th

Harpoon, Redhook, Kona, Goose Island, Ithaca, Saratoga Brewery, City Steam, Widmer, Smutty Nose, and more to be confirmed)...all food and beer included. After parties and beer related events continue throughout the City of Saratoga Springs that evening. SATURDAY 2/25 Breakfast with the Brewers, Brewery tours, and International Saratoga Beer Summit Sessions 1 and 2. Plenty of beer dinners, tap takeovers, Freakin Firkins, Cask vs Keg, Randalls, and an After Party with the Brewers!

THURSDAY 2/23 Tap Takeovers, Dinner Pairings, "I Love NY Brew" Pub Crawl, Wine vs Beer, Meet The Brewers, Beeraoke, and much more! FRIDAY 2/24 Seminar Series 1 and 2 covering topics such as "How to Grow Hops", "Pairing Food with Beer", "Homebrew 101 and Beyond", Brewer question and answer panel. At night 14 regional brewers will be on hand to show off some new funky never to be found brews (Brooklyn, ADK, Saranac,

Purchase an all inclusive package before they are all gone. $129 for everything inclusive of 3 glasses, t shirt, entrance to all events, food and beer included at the Grand Food and Rare Beer Tasting!

What if you knew? By Kathleen Quartararo interpretation of what we think we see, influenced by our state of mind, past experience, and media influence? WHERE IS THE LIGHT SHINING NOW? We only have our perceptions to work with, and they are based on our experience, which I can only imagine is miniscule in the scheme of things. With all the talk of the beauty and bliss of heaven, why does there seem to be so much fear, anger and grief surrounding death? Wouldn't it be the opposite?

“Have a great time! See you when I get there!” What if you knew, 100%, that everything happening was exactly as it should be? What would it feel like to believe in the perfection of the universe? What if that which we believe, is simply our unique

often - She was clearly not the adrenaline junkie I was! Worry, as it is defined in “to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.” To me, worry, is to put attention to those things

Just know it will be a perfect day. Come in on any Saturday, before 12 noon and get a FREE MINI QUICHE & SCONE with any drink order!

I used to work with a woman who worried about everything - she wanted everything that needed to be done all mapped out ahead of time. I, on the other hand, worked in crisis mode - getting everything done at the last possible second (Just how I submit these articles!) You can imagine we clashed 7

you do not want to happen - if attention is younger angel asks the elder angel, "How given to those unwanted things, how can it could you let this happen? The poor farmer be given to those things wanted? and his wife gave all they had, yet you let their only cow die! The rich man offered no My Mom e-mailed me this story 6 years food and made us sleep in the cold, cold, ago, after I was upset about something I basement, yet you helped him, you fixed didn't fully understand. (Of course at the his wall!" "Nothing is as it seems." The time, I believed I knew EXACTLY what was elder angel replied. "There was gold in going on!) that wall. Since the rich man refused to Two traveling Angels appearing cold, poor, share what he had I sealed the wall up so hungry and in need of a place to stay for that he would never find it. Last night the evening knock on the door of a when the Angel of Death came for the mansion. The owner of the mansion poor farmer's wife, I gave him the cow refuses to allow them to stay in the main instead." house. "Put them up for the evening in the That story made a distinct impression on basement," he insisted to his butler. That me. It softened me, it humbled me, it gave evening, as the angels lay in the cold me a sense of peace. It released me from basement, the elder angel notices a large the pressure of having to judge and hole in the wall and immediately seals it question daily occurrences. It has freed me up. While traveling the very next day the from thinking so much of what is younger angel asked, "Why did you help happening is tragedy. Of course I don't that man? He had a huge house and plenty KNOW, but do we ever? We believe‌ and of food, but refused to share and made us our belief brings our emotion. And our sleep in the cold, cold basement.""Nothing emotions define our being. is as it seems," replied the elder angel. The very next evening the angels come So I began practicing a different way to upon the home of a poor farmer and his interpret. Instead of jumping to judgment, wife. The couple allowed them in, feed or anger, or fear, or grief, I search for relief. them supper and since the angels appear I remind myself, I don't really know the exhausted, they insisted the angels slept whole story, and I resist the urge to play it in their bed that evening. The next out in the negative way I may be morning, upon awakening to the screams interpreting it. Instead, I just trust. Of and sobbing of horror and despair coming course, I don't always remember to do this, from the farmer's wife, the younger angel and it doesn't always work, but I just keep looks out into the field. Marie, the at it. farmer's only dairy cow and sole source of Kathleen Quartararo is the owner of Virgil's House, income lay dead in the field. Angrily, the Saratoga Springs' most eclectic cafÊ, located at 86 Henry Street.


Nikita Convertible Furnishings partners with Stockade Imports Nestled in amongst the stacks of handwoven, one-of-a kind rugs of the finest quality and of ancient tradition from around the world - you will also find the finest, solid hardwood and contemporary, cutting-edge design - Nikita Indoor-Outdoor Convertible Furnishings, hand-made right here in upstate New York. In this same showroom you will find full-length curtains of satin, brocade and silk sumptuously draping the majestic walls and exquisite, one-of-a-kind, “reverse-handpainted” chandeliers hanging opulently from the grand, high ceilings. “Where is this magnificent showroom?” you may ask. It is Stockade Imports, at 543 Broadway in Saratoga Springs, now a representative for Nikita Indoor Outdoor Convertibles in the Capital District and Adirondack Region. Stockade Imports is just across the street from the former Nikita Convertibles Showroom at 508 Broadway Due to the high rent, Nikita Convertibles closed their Saratoga Springs Showroom at midnight on December 31st, 2011. “Although Nikita and I feel a twinge of sadness at not having a dedicated showroom”, said Joanne Grigoriev, wife of designer / inventor, Nikita Grigoriev. “We are absolutely delighted to be partnering with Deborah Barthold of Stockade Imports.” Deborah maintains the highest standards not only in product selection and presentation but also in customer service and attention. “When we approached Deborah about partnering with us”, says Joanne of Nikita Convertibles, “she was immediately enthusiastic”. It is a good fit. Not only is Nikita all about good design, great quality and amazing, “just lean back” comfort, Nikita Furnishings are hand-made right here in upstate New York using sustainable practices. Nikita represents domestic fair trade - and not only fair trade right in America - but local, New York fair trade. In addition, Nikita's fabric and are a wonderful complement at Stockade Imports. And of course, when Spring arrives - you can expect to see those comfortable, “just lean back” Nikita Outdoor chairs and loungers on the elegant terrace at Stockade Imports. Partnering with Stockade Imports will allow Nikita to continue to design and build these designs into the future - right here in Saratoga's backyard - right here in upstate New York. Look for them at their new “front yard” display at Stockade Imports, 534 Broadway in Saratoga Springs. 9

The Wellness Doc By Dr. Michael Quartararo of Adirondack Advanced Chiropractic

Drug Free America? prescription drugs. More than 40 percent of high school seniors reported that painkillers are "fairly" or "very" easy to get. They also reported that they believed that if they were to get caught, there was less shame attached to the use of prescription drugs than to street drugs. This mirrors the perceptions of their parents, who when queried said that they felt prescription drugs were a safer alternative to drugs typically sold by a drug dealer."

It’s time to take a serious look at the drug problem in America! According to the CDC, for the first time in recorded U.S. history, prescription drugs killed more people than motor vehicle accidents. The latest compiled research from 2009 showed 37,485 people died from overdoses and side effects of medications compared to 36,284 deaths from traffic accidents. The CDC also released that prescription drug fatalities doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008 and tripled among people 50-69. Let me be very clear, these deaths are not due to illegal street drugs, the study showed that legal prescription drugs such as OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax, and Soma were the biggest culprits. To put this in perspective, these four prescription drugs caused more deaths in the U.S. than cocaine and heroin combined! This over prescription and overuse has spilled into the teen population in a big way. An article from the Baltimore Sun explains this clearly:

The fact that our youth believe that prescription drugs are safe or “OK” to dabble in is a direct result of the drug companies and media downplaying the devastating side effects these powerful drugs have. We all need to be responsible for our use of drugs and explain to our children that drugs, all drugs, have very serious effects that can be fatal.

In June 2010 the Journal of General Internal Medicine reported that in the last 30 years there were 62 million death certificates issued with “medication errors” as a cause of death. As you can assume, through those years the numbers were escalating not declining. This drug problem is not going away and it even affects our economy. The current costs of adverse drug reactions are $136 billion annually, which is greater than the total cost of cardiovascular care and treatment. We are now entering a time where the medications that were designed to help us when we are sick, are causing more harm than good. This trend has to stop and can only stop when we look at drugs, all drugs as having serious risks. Not weighing the risks “According to the White House Office of National against the “hopeful” benefits can be fatal. Drug Policy, prescription drugs are second to marijuana as the drug of choice for today’s teens. In Let’s look at some facts. We have more fact, 7 of the top 10 drugs used by 12th graders were medications than ever; they are more advanced,


and more available than 30 years ago. We have more doctors, and more advanced tests to detect when we need these more advanced medications. More people are taking prescription drugs and doctors are prescribing them earlier and earlier each year. The average American, aged 19 to 64, now takes more than 11 prescription drugs, according to the latest statistics from the Kaiser Health Foundation. Are we getting healthier as a nation because of these wonder drugs? Well, the World Health Organization (WHO) ranked the US as the 37th healthiest nation in the world. 37th? With the previously stated statistic by the CDC that prescription drugs kill more people than motor vehicle accidents, we need to stop looking for health at the bottom of a pill bottle! It’s time to start looking for other answers, besides harmful drugs, when we lose our health. Let’s adopt habits of a pro-active lifestyle. We all need to understand how our body’s work, and take care of them from the inside-out. Consult a wellness chiropractor today! They can help you make better choices and keep your body functioning well instead of waiting till it gets sick. Lets’ end our dependency on prescription drugs and rely on our bodies innate ability to be well and stay healthy. That’s the only way to a healthier drug-free America! Be Well! Dr. Michael Quartararo has been a chiropractic wellness practitioner for 17 years in Saratoga. He is the CEO and founder of AAC Family Wellness Centers, a Milton family and pediatric wellness center. He is a member of the New York State Chiropractic Council, International Chiropractic Council, International Pediatric Chiropractic Council and World Chiropractic Alliance. He can be reached at or by visiting

Holistic Health By Dr. Jessica Davis

Sustainable Medicine tried a different approach: “Don’t just do something, stand there!” This is certainly not as sexy as the ER shows on TV, but it allows you and your doctor to break away from mindless consumption, and get back to mindful choices. Standing (or sitting) there doesn’t mean doing nothing, it involves deep listening, time to think and reflect, and have an informed conversation. It allows time to build a trusting, understanding relationship that is usually more important and valuable than tests or procedures. Slow Food, Slow Medicine I just got back from a 2 hour home visit with a patient. Yes, there are still a few doctors who make house calls! In that time, I spent at least 90 minutes listening, about 15 minutes doing a physical exam, and 5 to 10 minutes talking and giving advice. Was this medically necessary? No. Did insurance cover it? Definitely not. Was it worth it to my patient? Absolutely! Was it worth my time? Yes...and incredibly rewarding. The experience of sitting with someone, being mindfully present and truly listening is difficult but profound. “Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something!” A 2 hour home visit is about as far as you can get from the typical 7-10 minute office visit most of us experience in a typical medical practice. When health problems arise in our fast-paced, technologically focused society, people usually expect the medical field to “Just do something!”- more tests, more diagnoses, more procedures, more medication. The medical industry keeps producing - and the health care “consumers” keep consuming. “Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!” What if we slowed things down instead, and

Slow Medicine*: So what would it look like if we applied slow food principles to medicine? Something like my practice, perhaps. Instead of mega-practices owned by hospital systems or drive-thru flu shots, you can have a completely different experience with personalized care from a doctor who knows you. By slowing down and making time for longer appointments, I can really listen and get to the root of problem. Home visits get me out in the community, where I can see the environment in which someone lives, and gain a deeper understanding than I ever could in the office alone. Slowing down allows my patients and I to build strong relationships and trust over time. I take the time to explain tests and treatments so that all your questions are answered, and that you have the information you need to make your own decisions. By slowing down, I can go far beyond just managing a disease, to helping you and your family live well.

Fast vs Slow: This brings me back to my home visit. We spent a lot of our time during the visit together in a discussion of nutrition and food. On the quiet drive back to my office, I couldn’t help thinking more about the parallels between food and medicine. I could have made my patient come to my office for the fast-food version and accomplished the medically necessary part of that visit in a 20 minute annual physical. However, my patient chose the *Dennis McCullough wrote a book about this Slow Food version. called “My Mother, Your Mother”. He focuses Slow Food: Slow Food is not just the opposite of the principles on care of the elderly, but I think fast food. It’s a movement started in Italy that they can be applied to everyone, especially other is about understanding where our food comes vulnerable populations like pregnant women from, who makes it and how it’s made. It’s and children. about breaking free of our fast-paced culture to build relationships with our food and the Want to Slow Down Your Health Care? If farmers that grow it. Instead of homogenized you are interested in learning more about food products churned out by huge agri- putting the doctor-patient relationship first, business industrial complexes, it emphasizes please visit the Philosophy section of my quality, organic, local, “real” food grown by website at people in your community. Slow Food Jessica Davis MD practices in Stillwater NY as “The New encourages us to take the time to find pleasure Mom’s Family Doctor”. She is board certified in Family in every mouthful, not just shove empty calories Medicine and Integrative Medicine, and also practices Medical Acupuncture. For more information call 877-664in to fuel our burned out selves. 6116 or visit 11

Money Matters By Harry Moran, CFP® AIF®

Hope from Montana The Corrupt Practices Act which essentially prohibited any corporate expenditures or contributions in the political system and was a response to the total domination of the “Copper Kings” who controlled politics at every level. A 1906 paper in Montana said, “The greatest living question of the day is whether corporations shall control the people or the people shall control the corporations.” One hundred years later, the question is every bit as relevant and is very much in line with Yes, Montana is a long way from home for a the sentiments of the Occupy movement. local economy publication but a very The Supreme Court's rationale for Citizens interesting story is unfolding that may have a United was that money is a form of speech and significant impact on the role of corporate therefore can't be restricted. When this comes money in politics. I wrote about this topic a in front of the court again, this will likely be the year ago in this column and think it's a perfect biggest argument that Montana will have to time to revisit this as the campaign season contend with. Attorney General Bullock insists heats up. though there are always some legitimate Montana's top court recently restored Big Sky limitations to speech such as not being allowed country's century-old law banning to yell “fire!” in a crowded movie theatre. In corporations from directly spending on the long run, we all have a vested interest in political candidates or committees. This case maintaining the integrity of the political was spearheaded by Attorney General Steve process and this can certainly be viewed as Bullock and legal experts believe that an essential protection of the common good. appeal will bring this back in front of the US As an interesting twist, Mr. Bullock is now Supreme Court and serve as the first key test running for Governor of Montana. Given how of the infamous Citizens United decision that hard he is pushing this case, it may very well essentially allows unfettered corporate make the fundraising necessary to conduct his campaign spending without even the campaign a bit problematic but he is necessity of public disclosure. determined to push on regardless of the Montana is defending a 1912 law known as potential impact. In a state where Senator


William Clark, one of the “Copper Kings”, literally bought a senate seat for himself, Bullock understands completely how high the stakes are in the outcome of this and is willing to let the chips fall where they may. I believe this is a key issue to watch and voice our opinions on in the coming months and that this will provide a reality check regarding how much traction the efforts of the Occupy movement may get. If Montana loses and Citizens United isn't overturned, our political landscape may have a great deal in common with Montana in the early 1900's, when moneyed interests exerted complete control over the political process. It won't be easy but hopefully we will learn from history and turn this around. Stay tuned! Harry Moran helps socially conscious investors define and achieve their highest goals by aligning their money with their values. A 25-year veteran of the financial services profession, Mr. Moran has held the Certified Financial Planner® designation since 1991. He is a member of First Affirmative Financial Network, a national professional organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the socially conscious investing community, and a member of the Impact Investing Division of Portfolio Resources Advisor Group, a registered investment adviser. Mr. Moran can be reached directly at Sustainable Wealth Advisors at or 518-450-1755. Mention of specific securities, funds, or companies should not be considered an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell the security, fund, or company. To determine the suitability of any particular investment, please consult with your investment adviser. Remember, past performance is no guarantee of future results and no investment strategy can assure success. The opinions expressed are those of the author and may change without notice. Securities offered through Portfolio Resources Group, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC, MSRB, SIFMA.

The Green Designer By Sophie Castro & Karen Totino

Choosing to Build “Green” - Why and How 2- Health, safety and welfare. There has been an increase in ‘sick building syndrome’, affecting adults, children and pets, and a growing interest to build homes and design interiors that do not out-gas harmfully. This includes the use of safe materials for pipes, insulation, flooring, furniture, and the use of natural textures and fibers that have not been sprayed, treated and glued with harsh chemicals (such as in upholstery, window treatments, carpets, mattresses, etc.)

Green building and green interiors are terms that have become very common and sometimes confusing. What do they mean and why would you want to choose ‘green’? In the last few years many architects and interior designers have been implementing an environmentally responsible approach to building, designing and decorating. This approach is two folds. 1- Resource and energy conservation. For instance stone, granite, slate, etc. are finite, which when depleted, cannot be restored. Forests are another example of a depleted resource - even though trees grow back, they take many years. These are incentives to rethink what materials should be used and what they should be made of. Then there are energy efficiency practices: by placing windows strategically to get more natural light, and by using sources of renewable energy (such as solar, wind power, etc.) we can make a real difference in atmosphere alteration and energy conservation. Another aspect of preserving the environment is minimizing pollution. There is a concern about the disposal of construction and demolition materials, and its polluting effect. Building smaller and smarter reduces the amount that end up on the landfills – and whatever is discarded should be recyclable or biodegradable.

Our planet preservation and our own health are certainly worth considering. Whenever we embark on building or renovating a home, it is important to research and ask questions about materials and finishes, and what impact they may have. You cannot assume that all building professionals are up to date with what is ‘green’ and safe to use. You should know however that in 2012 all members of the American Institute of Architects will be required to increase their yearly continuing education training on health, safety and welfare, and that energy efficiency and the study of environmental issues are included in those mandatory courses. As in anything, the higher the demand, the better the selection, quality and pricing. A lot of us are under the impression that building and decorating with environmentally-friendly materials cost much more than using standard products. It is not always the case, and keeping the bigger picture of your health in mind is essential. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) posts on its website: “Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have shortand long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands. Examples include: paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials and furnishings, etc.” That statement alone should compell us to read the labels. Visit this link to learn more about

what toxins should be avoided: If you are on a limited budget and need to prioritize, be clear about how the spaces you are renovating will be used. Remember that children are more vulnerable to chemicals. Perhaps their bedrooms are a priority - what goes on their walls, what they sleep on and play on. If there is a room where you spend many hours regularly, such as a home office, you may want to ensure that there is no toxic offgasing from the new furniture and the carpet. The kitchen, where you prepare food and where the whole family gathers, is an important space to keep toxin free also – what are the counter tops made of? Is there a formaldehyde-smell coming off the new cabinets? We find that often, when building a new home, people have overlooked the finishes, and there is no money left for a non-toxic paint or a healthier floor. Think about it at the beginning. When choosing a contractor, past experience with a green project is a bonus but not a must. They should have an open mind and a willingness to research safer products and techniques. Make sure your expectation are reflected in the quote provided (the quote should include material cost and specific brands.) Homes and interior spaces should be comfortable, beautiful and healthy to live in. The indoor air you breathe in should not make you or your children sick. They are safe products on the market that makes a real difference. Sometimes they are even produced locally or not too far from home. Inquire. Ask around. Promote greener building practices by being informed and by caring about your own wellbeing. Karen Totino & Sophie Castro own Green Conscience Home & Garden, 33 Church St, in Saratoga Springs (tel: 306--5196). Green Conscience is a retail showroom that offers a variety of nontoxic and eco-friendly home improvement products. Sophie Castro is an interior designer who specializes in green and environmentally friendly solutions. For more info, email: or 13



A view of the North Creek train station as eager skiers disembark and locate a ride to take them up to the mountain.

A once familiar site may soon be witnessed again at the North Creek train station this winter: a train arriving to the station in deep snow with hundreds of eager skiers on board. The re-establishment of the snow train passenger service by the SaratogaNorth Creek Rail Road is a hopeful endeavor; one that the business community, Gore Mountain, and the train operators approach with anticipation. 14

The snow train, or ski train as it is also known, is not a new concept to North Creek. This small hamlet located in the Town of Johnsburg in Warren County has a yearround population of less than 1,000 people. Many here make their living in logging, recreational pursuits, town and county government, and hard-labor. The development of the mountain terrain surrounding North Creek eighty years ago

was a natural one, as the logging roads up the steep terrain were already in place. In 1932, the local American Legion organization began widening the trails for ski use. This came at a time when Lake Placid was in the spotlight for hosting the 1932 Olympic Winter Games and skiing became a popular winter recreation. The local paper enthusiastically reported on The American Legion's four mile-long ski trail

A ride from the train station to the mountain typically cost 25¢. It was the ease of transportation that popularized the motto: “Ride Up Slide Down.”

from the top of Gore Mountain, stating: “An unusual feature of the Legion's ski trail is that flaming youth and his older brother can make use of the slide without making the difficult climbs associated with ski trails. Cars may be driven to Barton's Mines at the start of the trail and the winter sports enthusiasts may then ride all the way back on skis” Home Town News North Creek Enterprise 12/15/1932. Being able to drive up the mountain and ski down was a significant attraction to these trails; one that very few areas offered back then. Furthermore, the numerous logging roads and the proximity of the train station to those roads-cum-ski trails prompted The Schenectady Winter Sports Club to choose North Creek as its prime ski destination to service its members. A chartered train for club members arrived at the North Creek train station on March 4, 1934 bringing 375 skiers onboard the King Winter Special. Round trip fare from Schenectady was $1.50. With the success of the chartered trains, the club made arrangement to begin overnight travel from Grand Central Station for the general public. Riders left New York late evening Friday and arrived early morning in North Creek the next day. The overnight ride was meant to service the skiers with anything they may need, in addition to being a fun adventure for young men and women. Saks 5th Avenue Sporting Goods Department provided warm clothing and après ski attire for sale. Female clothing models were onboard showcasing the latest fashions for winter recreation. Ski equipment rentals were available on the train, including waxing services and an instructor ready to answer any questions for the novice skier.

Arriving into the North Creek station, hundreds of “winter sports enthusiasts” disembarked the train. Local men with buses, trucks, and cars waited to transport them to the mountain for a fee of 25 cents a person. The phrase “Ride Up Slide Down” became a popular one associated with this area since a skier could be transported from the station by a vehicle to the base of the mountain. From there, the skier could pay another quarter for several tickets to ride a rope tow and then slide back down. It was the ease and proximity of transportation that made the slopes in North Creek so popular. In the winter of 1936, it was estimated that 25,000 skiers visited the slopes, spending approximately $50,000. This influx of people and cash were a small boon to the community. Residents were able

to make some extra income by boarding all these skiers. For $3 a day, a skier could get a warm bed and three meals. Of course, this was at that discomfort of the boarding family's children who were cast out of their own beds and made to sleep in the cellar to accommodate these strangers. The hamlet's hotels and lodges were full on the weekends that the snow trains operated. Main Street businesses thrived. The slopes in North Creek are touted as having one of the earliest rope tow systems in the east. A nurse developed an on-slope first-aid patrol and members wore a distinctive armband and carried a backpack with emergency supplies. Emergency sleds and a telephone box were installed on the slopes. This practice was a forerunner of the National Ski Patrol now known at every public ski mountain.

Ladies on board the Snow Train from New York, thought to be models for Saks 5th Avenue featuring the latest in ski fashion. 15

In the early days of the rope tow, skiers grabbed the moving rope with their hands and hoped their woolen mittens wouldn't freeze to it. The development of the tow was the invention of several local men who each had their own way of devising a pulley action. The first known tow was an outdated Model T car, whose rear tire was removed and the rope fed around the wheel base. As improvements were made to the system, a safety device was later installed. The affordability of using the rope tow made it a popular attraction for novice skiers.

The comments in the press were encouraging. One particular piece, entitled “What a New Yorker thinks of North Creek” reads: Above all, he [the skier] is struck with the fact that the extremely popular North Creek hasn't the aspect of distinct commercialism that he had expected. He notices that the people who have opened up their houses to skiers like himself really seem to enjoy having them around, and last, but not least, is the fact that everything is quite within his budget. Reluctantly climbing back on the train Sunday afternoon, after practically mastering the sport [of skiing], he is possessed of two things. One is a reservation for next week-end. The other is the mounting love for this little town nestled in the side of the mountain, presenting the best in skiing, the best in companionship - and he still has a comforting jingle in his pocket which attests to the fact that he can come here without having to break the bank at Monte Carlo! North Creek News Enterprise 11/8/1939

The snow trains were wildly popular for nine winters. Several scheduled trains had to be canceled and trails closed due to the poor weather conditions. Despite this, the winter sports clubs carried on with trail development and rope tow installations, and looked forward to the future installation of a T-Bar lift. What no one anticipated was the war. When it took hold and took men with it, there was no one left to groom the trails. There weren't that many skiers to ride the trains or the trails either. The war depleted the town of resources, men, and skiers. Furthermore, the train operators now focused on transporting troops and goods for the war effort. 16

Following the end of the war and the revitalization of the country, the snow trains were reestablished in the late 1940s and early 1950s, but were welcomed with little success. The popularity of the private automobile made getting to the mountain a quicker trip. Transportation on ski buses was attempted, but was not nearly as successful as those snow train rides. The trails at Gore Mountain continued to develop. In 1964 the Adirondack Mountain Authority, a state-run department, began overseeing the operations of the mountain. At the expense of the state, new chair lifts were installed and later, in 1967, the red gondola lift - the first gondola in the state. In anticipation of the 30th anniversary of the snow train, North Creek residents established a celebratory ride called “Snow Trains Unlimited” in 1974. Unfortunately, it had to be canceled due to the lack of snow on the mountain. While this situation was a disheartening one for the ski train enthusiasts, it did bolster the state's efforts to install artificial snow-making guns on the mountain, especially since a few seasons were cut short completely due to the lack of snow in the mid and late 1970s. The Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) took control of Gore Mountain in 1984. Under this management, the mountain continues to establish new trails and better the existing ones. Just last year in 2010, work was completed on the triple chair lift which connects the small village mountain, also known as Ski Bowl or McMahon Bowl, to Gore Mountain. The Ski Bowl slopes were

home to some of those first rope tows installed in the 1930s. Now in 2012, the Saratoga-North Creek Rail Road will attempt to regain the popularity of snow trains not seen in over 70 years. North Creek's present day effort to encourage skiers and to accommodate them is not a new one, as indicated by a plea in the local paper in 1935: “These ski trains will mean considerable to the people of this community and no effort on our part should be passed up in order to make the ski trains possible. Maybe your one bed or camp cot will mean the success of bringing these trains to our village” North Creek Enterprise Home Town News 6/13/1935. This winter, retro-fitted school buses will be ready to transport skiers from the train station to the mountain. Hotels, restaurants, and shopping are all within a short walking distance from the station. The business community and local government are still striving to do their best to welcome the thousands of skiers who already visit Gore Mountain. With train and lift ticket packages available, the whole family can take a leisurely ride up the tracks, enjoy a cocktail, take in the gorgeous scenery, and not stress a bit about transportation. Gore Mountain still presents the best in skiing and North Creek still offers small town hospitality; all with a comforting jingle left in your pocket. The Johnsburg Historical Society was founded in 1973 and its mission includes collecting and preserving the history of the township. Phone messages can be left at (518) 251-5788 or write to: PO Box 144 Wevertown, NY 12886.

Life… Stylized! By Karen Carey, Communication Coach at

From Decision to PrecisionMake This Year Great, By Choice externally… is an internal job. What you think is true is true. What you want is possible with a commitment, a plan and a belief that it can be. I’m not suggesting that life is all about money, what I am suggesting is life can be more fun, fulfilling and financially rewarding when we know what we want, and then we go for it. H.L. Hunt a bankrupt cotton farmer in the 1930's turned multibillionaire advised in a television interview before his death in 1974, "First, you must decide exactly what it is you want to accomplish. Most people never do that in their entire lives. And secondly, you must determine what price you'll have to pay to get it, and then resolve to pay that price."

2012, as with every other year, has the possibility to be profound. Many have been searching for a new beginning, more fulfillment, more prosperity and more happiness… and having a hard time finding it. It all begins at the center of you. You have the power and the ability to change your life every minute of every day. Changing your life takes changing your mind.

Here are seven tips to get yourself going and make this year the best year of your life… 1. Decide exactly what you want. 2. Write it down. 3. Determine what the price of not doing what you long to do and the price for doing it. 4. Feel the fear and do it anyway. 5. Ask yourself – Is this the life I want to be living? If not, what needs to change… get uncomfortable and change it today. 6. Do what makes you feel alive and abundant – today! 7. Get Help!!! Doing it alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

In the Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton scientifically Essentially we are searching for ourselves, teaches us how our thoughts create our mind and our real self. body health, and ultimately our world. The movie The Secret tells us to see and feel our life as we want it to be, so the Universe, God, Mother Earth or What are you waiting for? You only get to live this perhaps our supportive friends can be our allies in life once so make it count. Do what you want to do and do it fearlessly. creating the life we want to live. Right now is the first moment In The Four Agreements, Ruiz shows us a way to of the rest of your life, use it wisely. live our life, get back to the essence of who we are and gives us a practical guide to inner peace. Not the programmed you, the authentic you. You learn to live not without emotion, rather without attachment or judgment, to be who you were born to be and live a happy life.

Let go of old hurts, look at your patterns, learn how to do something new and take a break when you need one.

During the great depression there were more selfmade millionaires than any other time. Did you know as of November 2011, there are 547 new millionaires per day! Imagine that you could be or have anything you want. I’m not talking about sitting and having what you want fall in your lap, although maybe that’s possible, I’m talking about knowing what you want and going for it.

Design the life you truly deserve, close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Start making a lasting impact on what you can create, give, see and do in every aspect of life.

These days it can feel as though the plans you have made and the places you have intended to go no longer exist as possibilities. You might think an outside force, such as your boss, your family, your educational background, etc. are keeping you from what you want. However, what’s happening

What you believe is true, is true.

If not now, when? If not you, who? Karen Carey is a communication expert and success coach for Life Stylized, a personal and professional development center based in Saratoga Springs, NY. Comprised of four unique coaches, the Life Stylized success team is dedicated to empowering your life and business success. We offer in-person and online business development seminars, services and workshops for heartcentered, forward thinking entrepreneurs and people ready to live their dreams. 17


Garnet Hill


The Adirondack Mountains have long been a destination for people who wish to get away from the hustle and bustle of the modern world. For those who want a little creature comfort with their wilderness experience, there are many choices of inns and lodge within the vast Adirondack Park from which to choose. Amongst all the options, there is one place that truly exemplifies the tradition of Adirondack hospitality in a true wilderness setting, and that would be the Garnet Hill Lodge and Resort. At the end of a dead-end road, in the shadow of Gore Mountain, and set upon a hillside overlooking the majestic Thirteenth Lake, Garnet Hill Lodge certainly has breathtaking views, like you'd expect from any Adirondack lodge. But the views are only the appetizer. The Great Camp architecture welcomes the traveler with open arms, with it's broad porch and sweeping front lawn opening up to a beautiful glacial lake set amongst the mountains of the Siamese Ponds Wilderness. The Great Room in the lodge with its massive stone fireplace calls in to set a spell. Here, you're able to “rough it� in style. Think of Garnet Hill Lodge as a base camp


for an epic wilderness adventure. The deep woods at the front door beckon in any season. This place is truly an Adirondack treasure; the time spent here will carve deep fissures into your memory, its recall bringing a smile to your face no matter the stress you may have. This is why we come to places like this. Managing a treasured place such as Garnet Hill Lodge and Resort is a huge responsibility. The remoteness, the seasonal variables, the weather; these factors have tested all those who have been smitten by the lodge, the land and the lake. The latest to feel the pull

of the heart, and the purse strings, is Don Preuninger and partner Melinda Piper. Nearby residents and long time fans of Garnet Hill, they saw an obligation to carry on the legacy of this place and continue its tradition of welcoming the hurried and the worried. As new owners, Don and Mindy are excited about their purchase, but more importantly, the pair are thrilled to have a chance to share Garnet Hill Lodge with the next generation of wilderness seekers. EcoLOCAL had a chance to ask them a few questions about their new enterprise: EL: Congratulations on becoming the new owners of the Garnet Hill Lodge. What possessed you to take on such a venture? DP: Thank you. It was a bit harder and took a bit longer to get the closing done than we had hoped, but we're now in full swing with the lodge, restaurant, pub and ski shop open for business. My partner Mindy and I are very enthusiastic about Garnet Hill Lodge and we're looking forward to a rewarding relationship with our guests. As for why we pursued this venture from the start and stayed with it to see it through, the 19

short answer is that Garnet Hill Lodge is a place that fits our soul and personality. It's the kind of place we want to take care of. It's the kind of place we want to welcome guests into; the kind of place that attracts people that we want to spend time with. I've thought of owning my own restaurant for quite some


time but never actively pursued the idea because it didn't feel right. With this undertaking it just feels right. The Lodge feels right for us and our vision for the Lodge feels right for all those who know it well and care about it.

EL: The Garnet Hill Lodge is one of the special places in the Adirondacks. How did it all start? DP: The roots of the Lodge go back to the early 1900's and the community that grew up on the hill around the Hooper garnet mine that was here. After that had run its course by the 1930's, the Hoopers built the main Lodge in 1936 as a retreat destination for artists and writers who wanted to 'get away from it all'. From there its reputation started to grow for the cross country skiing that was available right out the door of the Lodge and of course for the beautiful view of 13th Lake that stretches below the hill. In the 1970's the property passed into the hands of George Heim who grew the property as a business tremendously over the following years. The trail system was expanded to the 50 kilometers that exists today as well as the Lodge was developed as a resort and vacation destination that it still is today. EL: It's quite a responsibility to take on a property with such a storied past. How do you plan to apply your signature to the story yet to be written?

DP: Our vision for this property is primarily to restore it to it's roots because that is what we and the guests want for it: to make it what it was meant to be. We are not going to try to make the Lodge something it's not. We want to emphasize the quintessential aspects of the land, buildings, furnishings, food and support staff that contributes to the character and vitality of the guest experience here. To that end we are enhancing the beauty and peacefulness of the buildings and grounds in every way we can. We provide guests with interesting activities as well as many ways to relax and enjoy just doing nothing. Over the coming year we will be hosting numerous special events and gatherings for groups who want get in touch with nature and their own inner spirit. We plan to offer home grown vegetables and herbs to our guests to compliment the home style cooking that Chef Andrew specializes in. We've also drawn on the talents of Mary Jane Freebern who has worked at the Lodge in the past to provide fresh baked goods to our guests for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

the Adirondacks are notorious for testing the grit of entrepreneurs like you. How do you see yourselves able to handle these challenges? DP: Yes, it has been difficult to keep everything together even to this point and we don't expect our life here to be a bed of roses going forward either. But we've both lived in this area a long time. We know the area, the climate and the people here well and they know us and support us. It's been amazing how supportive the community here has been in volunteering to help with the transition and makeover that has taken place over the last month. It's been like one of those TV shows where a whole crew comes in to transform a home or business to give it an entirely new look and feel. And a lot of that has been done here by volunteers. EL: The Saratoga-North Creek railroad is a new way for people to come into the Adirondacks. Will the train passengers be able to get to Garnet Hill Lodge in some way?

DP: The railroad is a wonderful thing for us because it gives people coming to the North Country a real destination where they can spend time. The folks running the train have been great to work with to provide special packages for people to choose from and they are also providing shuttle service between the Lodge and train station. It's a great opportunity for the train passengers to experience a true wilderness outing. Even for an afternoon one can have a very fine time relaxing and taking in the views and scenery here. Or take a snow shoe trek or even go cross country skiing for a few hours. Then you may decide to spend the night to be able to do it all again in the morning. And we'll get you back to the train station in time for the evening departure. No matter the season, it's a great time to visit! The Garnet Hill Lodge is 5 miles north of the village of North Creek, at the end of Thirteenth Lake Road in North River. For more information, call (518) 251-2444 or online at

EL: You mentioned that GHL attracts the kind of people that you want to spend time with. What is it about these people who are drawn to this place that makes you happy? DP: Well they're people who are wholesome and down to earth. They're people who enjoy nature and physical activities as well as the finer things in life such as good food, art and music. I'm a classically trained musician myself who also happens to like to play jazz and popular piano styles. Mindy is also a very good singer and piano player so we both enjoy the arts and we're both open to many different styles and venues for music performance. EL: GHL is on the edge of the wilderness. Is there a technology void here? DP: Our guests tend to be relieved by the low profile role that technology plays here. Yes, we do have wireless internet access and TV and phones are available, but a lot of people are really looking for an escape from that, if only for a day or two. It gives one perspective to be able live without the constant bombardment of media messages. I like to think that instead of listening to gadgets of one variety or another, people here listen to themselves and to each other. EL: The seasonal swings and weather of 21


Small is


When it comes to Going GREEN Anderson, Schenectady Ski School at Maple has taught more people how to ski than most of the big boys combined. And it’s the closet ski center to the Capital District, which means while others are still driving, you and your family are on the slopes having fun. And after all, isn’t that what you are looking for in the first place? Another big thing for this small ski center is sustainability. The owners of Maple Ski Ridge have always had a deep respect for their land up on the outer hills of Schenectady. They know that their green space is also a public space, and preserving its natural beauty is paramount. That’s why they’ve recently added a wind turbine to help offset some of their electricity consumption. The unique “butterfly” vanes spin vertically atop a mast, an unobtrusive addition that is perfectly suited to the landscape. Built by Titan Power Systems, the butterfly-type wind turbine is an affordable way to capture the power of the wind. Kate Michener, co-owner of Maple Ski Ridge is thrilled to add a bit of green energy to their operation. She explains, “We know that this size of wind turbine will not seriously effect our footprint. Any ski area that makes snow and claims to be green is only fooling themselves and the under educated. We can only hope to offset our consumption and attempt to educated our guests and community. Our hope is to invite school groups and the public to see what this is all about. To help educated and perhaps expand the public's knowledge…that is the true goal.”

OTHER FACTS ABOUT MAPLE • All the water for snow making comes from 2 large ponds that collect run-off and then deposit it back into a local creek that feeds the Mohawk River. • In the Winter MSR employs over 50 local residents, Most are collage age, some are adult full time employees. For some this is their first job ever. • MSR donates over $7,000 in lift tickets to local organizations for fundraising activities through out the year. • The 2012/13 season we celebrate 50 years of operation. In today’s world, it seems that everything is going big. From the big- • Has been continuously locally owned and operated by the Mulyca box shopping centers to the super-sized meals, it seems that family and their descendants • Thousands of people have learned to Americans are addicted. All this bigness has consequences – it ski or snowboard here. requires massive amounts of resources to keep it all going...from IN THE "OFF SEASON" energy, to trucking and’s all adds incredible • The acreage supplies 5000+ bales of hay volumes of pollution and waste. • Hosted hundreds of Wedding. • Craft Fairs, Car Shows and Music Events are all held on Here in the depths of a northeast winter, many folks have the itch to head out for a day if skiing and riding. Again, we are being sold that location: June 9-10th 2012 - Rhythm on the Ridge Music Fest featuring bigger is better – the titans of the ski world proclaim that they have more trails, faster lifts, and taller mountains…but again, delivering ALL LOCAL BANDS. July 21st - Rides for Strides all these wonders of BIG require massive amounts of energy, not to July 28th - Run the Ridge a 5k Endurance Challenge mention the car miles traveled and gasoline burned that it takes August (Date TBA) - 51 Bass Camp Music Event skiers to get to all that bigness. September 15th - Out of Control Volleyball Tournament SO IS BIGGER REALLY BETTER? Sept 30th - Tractor Show Bucking the trend, and leading by example, venerable ski center October 6th - Fall Festival Craft & Car Show. Maple Ski Ridge in Rotterdam has proven that small is big, indeed. For more information on these and other events call 518-381A former dairy farm turned ski hill back in the 1960’s, Maple Ski Ridge may not have big statistics to brag about. But despite is small 4700 or visit us online at For more information on Titan Wind Turbines, visit stature, Maple’s legacy runs deep. It’s been family owned and operated for 50 years. Under the tutelage of local ski pioneer Freddie or call 518-926-0871. 23

The locales listed on the following page are ready to show you a little local love. Buy something from one place (or ride the Snow Train), show your receipt (or train ticket) to the next place and you'll get a nice discount on your purchase. Fill out the special “I Love Local� card and drop it in the box at the checkout counter for a chance to win our LOCAL LOVE drawing taking place each week in February. The more places you shop, the more chances you have to win the Grand Prize - an overnight stay at the majestic Garnet Hill Lodge! To see who won, check our facebook page each week at EcoLocalLiving!


BARVINO RESTAURANT 272 Min St., North Creek • 251-0199 barVino is a family owned and operated restaurant, wine bar and live music venue featuring diverse and approachable wine, beer and food menus. LOCAL LOVE prize: $50 gift certificate

VIRGIL'S HOUSE 86 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs 587-2949 • At Virgil's House, find fantastic COFFEE, specialty drinks, organic TEA, matte, WINE and BEER. Full selection of food for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner! Fun time, quite time, play time, eat, drink and be merry time! Now FREE WI-FI, too. Come join us! LOCAL LOVE Prize: $10 gift certificate

POIEMA & THE VAULT 274 Main St., North Creek • 251-5732 Located next to barVino, Poiema and the Vault are owned and operated by a mother-daughter team. Actually two unique stores in the former North Creek bank building, each reflect the pair's interpretations of fashion, beauty and interior design - bridging the gap between trendy and classic to encompass what is timeless, whimsical, distinctive and lovely. Poiema is dedicated to home and beauty with one-of-a-kind found objects for the home, pottery both locally and internationally made, as well as handcrafted all-natural candles, soaps, lotions and bath salts. The Vault located inside the original bank vault - is a boutique with an eclectic and rotating inventory of purses, wallets, accessories, unique clothing items and jewelry. LOCAL LOVE Prizes: $25 gift certificate to the Vault, $50 gift certificate to Poiema

ANDIES RESTAURANT AT SMITH'S 296 Main St., North Creek • 251-2363 Family owned Since 1924, Andie's Restaurant at Smith's serves American-German Cuisine for lunch or dinner. Dine in our cozy historic Adirondack pine dining room, enjoy a glass of wine on our porch. Featuring steak, seafood, pasta, German entrees and "the best burger in town." Family friendly, with a $4.99 children's menu. All desserts made on the premises from family recipes. LOCAL LOVE Prize: $25 gift certificate

Garnet Hill Lodge and Resort 39 Garnet Hill Rd., North River 251-2444 • Overlooking pristine Thirteenth Lake, Garnet Hill offers perfect Adirondack lodging for individuals, couples, and families providing an opportunity to escape from the hectic pace of everyday life to relax and enjoy the peace and serenity of nature. Adirondack vacation packages offer couples or parents and children a unique opportunity to reconnect over wholesome outdoor activities. Full service restaurant and bar. LOCAL LOVE Grand Prize: Certificate for overnight stay for two.

SCALLIONS RESTAURANT 44 Lake Ave., Saratoga Springs 584-0192 Scallions has been a favorite gourmet destination in Saratoga Springs. Lunch offers unique homemade soups, paninis, many vegetarian items, sandwich and salad combinations. Dinner offers specialty chicken and pasta dishes along with signature desserts. LOCAL LOVE Prize: $10 Gift Certificate

SIMPLICITY, A SALON 80 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs 583-7770 • At Simplicity we take an educated artistic approach to your personal style and well-being. A unique atmosphere of cutting edge hair and nail care, quality products and talented stylists. Value, warmth and a relaxing atmosphere define our salon. LOCAL LOVE Prize: $10 gift certificate

SARATOGA BEADS 80 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs 584-7733 Established July 7th, 1995, Saratoga Beads is the biggest little full-service bead store in upstate NY. We have been helping people with their bead needs and having great fun doing it for 16 years! LOCAL LOVE Prize: $10 gift certificate

UNCOMMON GROUNDS 402 Broadway, Saratoga Springs 581-0656 We bake our bagels daily in our ovens, roast coffee in our stores constantly and serve the finest desserts in the area. Drop by and enjoy a cup of fresh brewed coffee and relax in our cafés. LOCAL LOVE Prize: $5 gift certificate

CRAFTERS GALLERY 427 Broadway, Saratoga Springs 583-2435 Crafters Gallery is your source for great, unique Saratoga gifts you won't find any place else. Since 1993, Crafters Gallery in downtown Saratoga has served as a showcase and meeting ground for local artists and we also carry an unbeatable variety of gifts, furnishings, and collectibles to satisfy the most discerning individuals.

NBT BANK 295 Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 587-0330 • We are an independent community bank based in New York. We understand that local businesses are the lifeblood of their communities. That is why we work with businesses of all sizes to develop individualized plans that help foster their success. LOCAL LOVE Prize: $50 US Savings Bond 25

North Creek

A Gateway Year-Round Activities By Dave Bulmer

The historic hamlet of North Creek is a four season destination lying in the beautiful Adirondack Park. Part of the town of Johnsburg, NY, birth place of Civil War photographer Matthew Brady, it rests on the western bank of the Hudson River in the Northeast corner of Warren County.

Now sharpening reel lawn mowers.

With the return of passenger rail service through the Saratoga-North Creek Railway, winter enthusiasts can ride the Snow Train from Saratoga to the North Creek Depot made famous by Teddy Roosevelt on his way to the presidency. Skiers and boarders are shuttled up to the base of Gore Mountain, while others take advantage of the quaint shops along Main Street or stop in at one of the many fine establishments offering food, drink and live music. Entertainment is available at the Tannery Pond Community Center and Widlund Gallery. Families can take advantage of ice skating, cross country skiing, snowshoeing or tubing at the Ski Bowl Park which is connected to Gore by the new Hudson Chair Lift. Spring brings white water rafting, canoeing and kayaking on the Hudson. North Creek has several outfitters who are happy to supply whatever you may need. Fly fishing is a big draw on the local streams and creeks, and the mountains call to hikers and climbers. In May, North Creek hosts the annual White Water Derby as well as the Adirondack Adventure Festival offering 20 and 50 mile road bike tours, guided hikes, free river raft rides, a craft fair, food, live music and exhibits from the Adirondack Museum, the Wild Center, North Country Wild Care and the Warren County Hatchery. During the summer months, you can find craft fairs, live music at local establishments and at Riverfront Park, Cruise Nights, a Farmer's Market, Gallery Art Walks, bicycle tours and races, a circus, fireworks on the Fourth of July, plays and other performances at the Tannery Pond Community Center. In the autumn months, the beautiful fall colors with the changing of the leaves can be enjoyed by riding the scenic gondola up Gore, by rail in a domed car winding along the forests that skirt the Hudson, hiking on several marked trails or kayaking on the Hudson River. Columbus Day Weekend is full of things to do at the Gore Mountain Harvest Festival and the downtown North Creek Autumn Street Fair. Whatever the time of year, North Creek is your gateway to the warmth and wonder of North Country hospitality, beauty and year-round activities. For a complete schedule of things to do:


Gore Mountain Region Chamber of Commerce 518-251-2612 • Andie's Restaurant at Smith's Featuring American-German cuisine. Serving wine and beer. 518-251-2363 Visit us on Facebook

Broderick Real Estate

Visit these businesses during the winter, and you’ll be back Spring, Summer and Fall!

Gore Mountain Region's premier real estate company. Top producers in North Creek since 1987.

518-251-0103 The Copperfield Inn

Garnet Hill Lodge and Cross-Country Ski Center Rustic country inn in the Adirondack Mountains. Lodging; full service restaurant; cross-country skiing

518-251-2444 Garnet Studio A full range of custom cut stones and jewelry using locally-mined garnet

518-251-3368 Hudson River Trading Company Discover two full floors of rustic furniture, antiques, antler lighting, adirondack books, clothing and so much more!

Gore Mountain Region's Premier Resort with 31 luxurious Guest Rooms & Suites, hot tub & fitness center plus 2 restaurants.



Flooring dealer / installer focused on bringing quality service, finest product, old school craftsmanship and best price point to our customers.

Basil & Wick's Restaurant and Bar A creative selection of Adirondack comfort food and traditional American cuisine.

518-251-3100 Eric and Eric Construction Drawing and Contractor Services for all types of residential projects for the homeowner or contractor. Office: 518-494-3611 Drawing Sevices: 518-494-2869

In-Style Flooring

518-251-5371 Poiema and the Vault - Pretty. Little. Things. One-of-a-kind found objects for the home, pottery, handcrafted all-natural candles, soaps, lotions and bath salts.

518-251-5732 Stoddard's Ski Bowl Café Homemade soups, salads and sandwiches

518-251-2123 Visit us on Facebook 27



You could call it a love story, of sorts, one that begins with an out-oftowner's business trip to a remote Adirondack village and ends with the relocation of an entire family plus a slew of new businesses in the community. It was 2006 when Delaware resident Michael Bowers made his first visit to North Creek as part of a construction management project he was part of. It was during nearly a dozen visits that year that he became increasingly intrigued with not only the town's charm, but potential and began brainstorming with Greg Taylor former owner of The Friends Lake Inn in Chestertown about available properties along Main Street. Wanting a base from which to live during the construction project, Michael bought the old North Creek Bank, with the intention of renovating it and selling the property when his project was completed. When the national economy took a turn for the worse, the construction project fell through and he was left with the building. Which turned out to be good news. “For a year Michael had gotten to know the community and decided he wanted to invest here,” said his wife Maryanne. “He saw potential for opening a business and wanted to make it work.” Maryanne was still living in Delaware at the time, fulltime caregiver to her elderly parents, but daughter Anna was coming to the end of a teaching tenure in Mexico and decided to join her father on a family venture. Enter barVino, a wine bar and restaurant with a tapas menu downtown that opened three years ago and draws an equal blend of locals, second-home-owners, and tourists for bottles of Pinot Noir and plates 28

Thai marinated Kilcoyne beef skewers with Puckers Pickles

of gnocchi bathed in brandy cream, bacon, and almonds; Prince Edward Island Mussels in Abbey Ale; and beef brisket sandwich with Stilton. “The menu is locally sourced when possible and we serve close to 80 types of draft and bottled beer, more than 100 kinds of wine, and 30 wines by the glass.” Anna said the large and small plates on the menu are specifically designed for sharing, especially on nights when live music is played. “We opened in 2008 and it's become one of those great neighborhood places, and my dad's the unofficial host. There was a cool place in town called Harry and Harry, where the owner would stand behind the bar and chat everyone up. Dad always joked he wanted to be like Harry.” Rounding out the family involvement is Chef Luke Bowers (Michael and Maryanne's son) who oversees the menu along with fellow-chef Kevin Gardner, both of whom met while working at restaurants in Santa Fe, New Mexico. “The name barVino may sound fancy, but there's nothing pretentious about the place,” said Anna. “The people who come through the doors are warm, fun, and eclectic, whether it's a lawyer, dentist, or farmer. We use simple ingredients on the menu, and there's something for everyone. We serve a $5 glass of Pinot Noir that's great.” Maryanne agreed. “There's no television in barVino, being there is about visiting and connecting,” she said. “It's about the connection that happens over wine and good food. A woman friend of mine said it's the kind of place she feels comfortable coming into and sitting at the bar. She'll either run into someone she knows or the bartender takes care of her.” 29

When Maryanne moved to North Creek in 2009, she decided to put her own retail signature on Main Street when she opened Poiema, a boutique in the former North Creek Bank that specializes in home décor and artisan gift items for the home. “I knew when I moved here they didn't need another Bowers giving input at the restaurant,” she said. “There was retail space available and Anna and I decided to share it. There were already some great retailers in town and we didn't want to step on any toes, so we came up with something different,” said Maryanne. “So I created the offerings of Poiema with those who don't necessarily ski in mind. I wanted a boutique that was chic, with a bit of an Anthropologie vibe. Poiema carries lotions, soaps, candles, pillows, and found objects. “Poiema means work of art, or handwork in Greek,” explained Maryanne. “We offer design services for the home and also do event design for parties, dinners, and special events. We never advertised for that, it came out of people coming in and inquiring.” A new facet of Poiema will be the addition of locally blended, certified organic loose teas courtesy of Linda Smith who owns Divinitea in Schenectady. The teas are sold by the ounce and served hot. “We'll see how it goes,” said Maryanne. “I talked with diners and cafes in the area who serve coffee because I didn't want to 'take over,' but nothing like this is being offered anywhere in town.” Within the same building is Anna's “The Vault,” which carries jewelry, clothing, handbags, pottery, and woodwork. She said that most of the inventory is made by local artisans. “They're all people who've heard about the shop and come in wanting to sell their works here.” Fries with sea salt and truffle oil


Maryanne Bowers

Michael and Maryanne live in the town's former IGA on Main Street, which is next to the former bank that houses The Vault and Poiema. And immediately next to that is barVino and barVino Celler, the retail store for the wines on the restaurant's menu. “You can literally jump from one to the other,” said Maryanne. The Bowers' credit the train for bringing in significant extra business during the summer

and on holiday weekends. “The train brought in a lot of orders. When it's not running we manage to hold our own,” said Maryanne. “The wonderful thing about being selfemployed and having a family business is if it works, great. If not, we can regroup and try something else,” said Anne. “We're not encumbered with lots of rules.” But for now, there appears to be no need for regrouping on the horizon.

“This is really an awesome community that has been incredibly supportive,” said Anna. “To make a business work here you need second home-owners and tourists, but you also need the community.” For more information on Poiema and The Vault visit or stop in at 274 Main St. For more information on barVino visit or join us at 272 Main St. 31

OH HENRY! On a street not far from Broadway Is an up and coming block That started not too long ago And man, it really rocks! The funny thing about it Are the owners of the shops Most of them are women And they never, ever stop! In Saratoga Springs, Broadway is well known for is multitude of shops and eateries, many of them locally owned. Not so well known are the side streets that contain the hidden gems of the Spa City. Henry Street, just two block east of Broadway can be easily missed - it's narrow, unpretentious corridor used to be the home of a more gritty side of Saratoga Springs. But there's been a quite transformation happening over the past few years. Shops and restaurants have moved into what were once auto parts stores and warehouses along the block between Lake and Caroline. Whether by destiny or by design, many of the entrepreneurs who have found a home on Henry Street are women, and very enterprising women, indeed! Some of Saratoga Springs' most dynamic and creative women have made Henry Street the go-to place to find the original and unique. Let's meet these ladies...


MICHELLE MORRIS- the Foodie! Formerly on Broadway, Scallions Restaurant was already a Saratoga favorite when Michelle took her restaurant to a new level with a new location on the corner of Henry & Lake. The former Manle Auto Parts Store has been completely transformed into one of Saratoga Springs locals' favorite eateries. The beauty and uniqueness of the dining room are easily seen thru giant picture windows. The fresh, bright interior welcome the hungry dine and the unique folk-art style tables and bar create a cheery welcome. Centered around fresh food and healthy eating, this owner/chef has created a one-of-a-kind dining experience - where Food, meets Art. KATHLEEN QUARTARARO - the Princess! Who calls themselves Princess Forever?? This energetic plethora of never-ending ideas, opened Virgil's House in 2007 as a coffee shop/game room/restaurant/meeting place/library… still morphing, Virgil's has a unique menu offering quality espresso drinks and smoothies, alongside home made bakery & soups, with paninis, wine and beer! It's a Game Room, gone Coffee House, gone Cafe! Breakfast, Lunch, Meetings, Quick Snack, After School, Lite Dinner, Book Club, Business Meeting, Happy Hour (Wine & Beer)…It's hard to define, but it's always fun! Very cool, very eclectic furniture surrounded by board games, books, music and a free connection to the world-wide web. Yes, it's true! The formerly no-tech café now welcomes you to log on, with respect, of course, to your fellow human beings. Virgil's is a must see.... come, eat, drink, chat, play.. or work if you must! TINA BRISCOE - the Style Maven! After working as a stylist for many years, Tina opened SimpliciTy, A Salon. Value, warmth and a relaxing atmosphere define this salon. Offering cutting edge hair styles for men and women who want to look their best. Tina and her team also offer workshops where they share their expertise so you can utilize some of their techniques yourself. Tina has sought out the best products for hair and skin, and has become an exclusive dealer for Eufora, a systems approach to hair and body care. This integrated approach delivers results that the growing clientele really seem to like! LINDA SCHRADE- a bead store?? HOW COOL IS THAT! Linda Schrade had a great idea in 1993… to create a place where anyone would be welcome to come sit down at a table with other folks and create something beautiful. And so in 1995 Saratoga Beads was born. Some call it The Biggest Little Bead Store in Saratoga Springs. In fact, it's the only one! For 17 years Saratoga Beads has been helping the youngest to the oldest create beautiful things out of our amazing collection of beads and findings!! Come down to Henry Street and enjoy some time with us! We have beads, findings, cording, books, classes and parties after hours!! Take a chance..bring a friend.. have some fun!

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A Northeast tradition - from late February to mid March the maple producers of the Upper Hudson Valley are busy gathering the sweep sap of the Sugar Maple tree and evaporating it down to become maple syrup and other tasty treats. Chances are there's a maple producer near you - Bring the whole family out and enjoy the local flavor!

MAPLE WEEKENDS • March 17 & 18 / March 24 & 25

FULTON COUNTY FRASIER SUGAR SHACK 144 Church Street, St. Johnsville 518-568-7438 From Johnstown take Rt 29 West about 10-12 miles to Lasselville. Turn right on County Highway 119. Go two miles and turn right on Church Street. Our sugarhouse will be on the right. MUD ROAD SUGAR HOUSE 261 Mud Rd, Ephratah 518-863-6313 Take NYS Thruway to the Canajoharie exit. Take Rt 10 North for seven miles (just past Ephratah Firehouse) and turn right onto Mud Road. The sugarhouse will be about 1.5 miles down the road on the right. PEACEFUL VALLEY MAPLE FARMS 116 Lagrange Rd, Johnstown 518-762-0491 Take Rt 29 west out of Johnstown, take a right

onto county highway 131,take next right which is Rt 131A also known as O'Neil Ave., Lagrange Road is the first left on Rt 131A, sugarhouse is immediately on your left.

RENSSELAER COUNTY KENT'S SUGAR HOUSE 2529 Plank Rd., Berlin 518-658-2134 or 658-2801 Starting at the State Intersection of Rts 7 & 22, go south on Rt 22 for apx. 12 miles, you will see a caution light by the Bank of America, turn right onto County Rt 40, go 1.25 miles, sugarhouse will be on your right.

SARATOGA COUNTY MAPLE VALLEY FARM 84 Harris Road, Corinth • 518-654-9752 From Corinth, go north on 9N for about two miles and turn left on Antone Road. Go about one-half mile to Harris Road and turn right.

NIGHTINGALE'S MAPLE FARM 4888 Jersey Hill Rd.,Town of Galway 518-882-9334 From intersection of state highway 67 & 147(Scotch Church) 1.5 miles West on 67, turn right North onto Jersey Hill Rd. 2 miles on right. Also follow NYS Maple DOT signs on Rte 67

WARREN COUNTY ADIRONDACK GOLD MAPLE FARM 74 Bear Pond Road, Thurman 518-623-9718 or 260-2480 Take I-87 to Exit 23. Turn Right onto Rt 9 North into Warrensburg. Turn left onto Rt 418 and follow it to the end and then take an immediate right onto Athol Road. Then follow the signs to Adirondack Gold Maple Farm. TOAD HILL MAPLE FARM 131 Charles Old Road, Thurman 518-623-4744 Take I-87 to Exit 23. Turn Right onto Rt 9 North into Warrensburg. Turn left onto Rt 418 and follow it to the end and then take an immediate right onto Athol Road. Then follow the signs to Toad Hill Maple Farm. VALLEY ROAD MAPLE FARM 190 Valley Road, Thurman 518-623-9783 Take I-87 to Exit 23. Turn Right onto Rt 9 North into Warrensburg. Turn left onto Rt 418 and follow it to the end and then take an immediate right onto Athol Road. Then follow the signs to Valley Road Maple Farm..

WASHINGTON COUNTY DRY BROOK SUGAR HOUSE 432 Chambers Rd, Salem 518-854-3955 • Kevin Keyes and Bob Chambers welcome you to their 6,000-tap operation. Our sugarhouse is located at the Chambers family dairy farm. Serving a pancake breakfast - See ad on this page for dates and time. Directions: Located on Chambers Road east of Salem. Follow the signs off Rt 153. Call for directions at 518-854-3955. GROTTOLI'S MAPLE 91 Ritchie Road, Middle Granville 518-642-2856 Located just off Rt 22 in Middle Granville. From the intersection of Rts. 22 & 149 in Granville, head 36

north on Rt 22 for 4 miles. Take a right onto Ritchie Road and we are the first place on the right. From the intersection of Rts. 4 and 22 head south on 22 for 7.3 miles take a left onto Ritchie Road and we are the first place on the right. HIGHLAND MAPLE FARM 954 Coach Rd, Argyle • 518-638-8586 Located on Coach Road in Argyle. From NY Rt 40 North, turn right on McEachren Hill Road. Go onehalf mile to Coach Road and turn right on Coach Road. We're about a quarter mile down the road. MAPLELAND FARMS 550 Bunker Hill Road, Argyle 518-854-7669 • Mapleland Farms is a 8000 tap on tubing operation. Our sugarhouse features an oil-fired evaporator with reverse osmosis. Woods walk. Demonstrations of sap collection, and of boiling

sap to syrup. Pancake breakfast. Take either Rt 29 or Rt 40 to Rt 49. Follow that to Cossayuna. Look for Bunker Hill Road and take that to our sugarhouse. RASCHER'S SUGAR HOUSE 347 Perry Hill Road, Shushan 518-854-3770 Our Certified Organic maple syrup is produced in a state-of-the-art wood-fired evaporator. Holder of several "World's Best Maple Syrup" awards. We teach maple. Handicap accessible. Pancake breakfast, with proceeds going to the Salem Fire Department. Free guided tours of the maple bush. Remember to dress appropriately for the weather. From Rts. 22 & 64 - follow our signs. From Rts. 313 & 61 - follow our signs.

RATHBUN'S MAPLE SUGARHOUSE AND RESTAURANT 1208 Hatch Hill Road, Granville • 518-642-1799 Located two miles of Rt 22 in North Granville. Just turn at the North Granville store and follow the signs. SUGAR MILL FARM 2469 State Rt 29, Greenwich • 518-692-2486 Take Rt 29. We're about 3.1 miles out of Greenwich at the corner of Ryan Road and Rt 29. WILD HILL MAPLE 366 Carney Cassidy Road, Salem 518-854-7272 or 496-4048 Rt 29 to Batttenville. Take County Rt 61 to Carney Cassidy Road. Turn left and take Carney Cassidy for about 2 miles. Look for the beagle sign. Turn right onto long gravel driveway and look for the sugar house at the top of the hill.

Simply the World’s Best Maple Syrup





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One of the great things about the local music scene is discovering new talent right here in our backyard. And when that talent starts getting accolades and recognition, we can brag about how we saw them before everyone else got on board the sound. One such band that is making waves on the local scene is Eastbound Jesus. Coming from the musically appropriate street called Fiddlers Elbow Road in Greenwich in Washington County, and barely a year old, Eastbound Jesus is creating a “buzz” wherever they play. In June of last year, EBJ stole the show at SPAC's Battle of the Bands, amazing those in attendance with their self described “Northern Rock.” A blend of Americana, Bluegrass and Rock and Roll, EBJ's sound is familiar yet original. I saw them back in December at 70 Main in Greenwich, an intimate post and beam “barn” playing before hometown friends and family. The boys played their hearts out, the affection and love flowed into the audience and returned back to them. This was local music at its best! Before the show I had an opportunity to chat with brothers Luke and Carl Anderson about the band and how it all got started: EL: How long has Eastbound Jesus been together as a band? Carl: Going on just over a year, we began in September of 2010. Everyone in the band had played with other bands, which all had dissolved in one way or another, I (Carl) got together with our lead singer and decided we should get something going again, so we made a few phone calls and we got together the band we have now. EL: Being brothers, have you two ever played together in a band? Luke: The lap steel guitarist, and the bass player and I were in a bluegrass band called the Upchuck Ramblers, and Carl and the lap steel player jumped around in a number of other projects. Carl: We all kind of came together into this “Super Group” concept that we like to call it.

Luke: We all do different stuff. Some of us were in a jam band, and others like me playing more of a bluegrass style, so we've all been doing a totally different music. EL: How would you describe your sound, since you've got elements of different styles coming together? Carl: I think we're country-bluegrass-rock. Luke: Newgrass is what some people have been saying Carl: We like to call it Northern Rock. It's like southern rock, but it's colder up here so it's northern version of that kind of sound. It's what Lynryd Skynryd would have sound like if they lived up here! EL: Are you guys going to incorporate the jam groove element into your performances? Carl: We like to have a fun live, and we'll let each other take a lead and go back and forth. EL: Is all your stuff original or do you do covers? Luke: We do all originals. We did one traditional song on our first album - Nine Pound Hammer, a lot of bluegrass bands play it. Sometimes we'll do a cover in a live show, like we did Maggie's Farm at a show at Saratoga Winery. Carl: We like the challenge of spending the time coming up with the different parts, the harmonies, writing our own songs, matching the rhythm to it, rather than mimic what someone else has done. EL: Do you have certain themes to the lyrics, like the classic country songs that feature pickup trucks, girls and dogs? Luke: Oh yeah, it's all in there. Carl: We do songs about what every country guy feels - y’know, like heartache, and drinking. Luke: We try to touch on a lot of stuff that personal touches us, especially the stuff that Adam writes. But we write about fictional stuff, y'know, just telling stories.

EL: How did you come up with the name: ”Eastbound Jesus”? Carl: It was kind of a joke at first! Someone was describing where we were from, and the reply was “we're out in the middle of nowhere, over in East Jesus,” or something like that. And then we were going to our first show, and we came up with ten other stupid names and were we just like, let's just be Eastbound Jesus, and everyone seemed to like it. Luke: There are no religious connotations. It's a name that everyone remembers, and the concept of Eastbound Jesus gets you thinking a little bit. We have a song called the ballad of Eastbound Jesus which kind of describes where we were going with the concept. EL: So where are you going from here? Is this band a keeper? Luke: Everyone is excited about the band, and our songwriting gets better every time. We just recorded our second album, and we're trying to raise some money to have it mixed and mastered. We recorded it at Edie Road Studios with Chris Robeson - he's right up the road from here. It's an awesome studio. EL: What was the result of your win at the SPAC Battle of the Bands? Carl: We got three songs done this summer as a result, we got T-shirts and Bumper stickers, and we got airtime on WEQX. EL: Are you planning a tour to promote your new album? Carl: We still want to get some more name recognition locally. There's a lot of competition and great local music, so we are still working on establishing ourselves. Luke: We all have jobs, so it's hard to do much traveling. We'll be pretty local for awhile. Our CD release party is scheduled for January 27th at the Putnam Den in Saratoga. C'mon out and see us! 41



It’s a pretty well known fact that lumber is a renewable resource. Wood has been the preferred building material for centuries, and in the forested northeast, it has also been a local resource that has provided jobs and industry for many. But with demand outstripping supply, there is concern that the lumber we find at the supply stores may not be harvested in a sustainable manner. Trevett Millworks owner Mark Anderson of Greenwich, in Washington County set his business up with the intent of finding a niche in the green building market. This custom molding, flooring and cabinetry shop found a growing market for the use of recycled and reclaimed lumber. At the same time Greenwich carpenter, Joe Murphy, was also finding local sources of vintage wood in historic buildings too good to end their lives in the landfill. Joe and Mark were able to pair their passion for saving and reusing old wood in the Trevett Millworks shop. In the search for reasonably priced wood sources,

the pair stumbled upon a find that would completely change the business plan for Trevett Millworks.

A BUSINESS IS REBORN, IN A GYMNASIUM Mark purchased his first pieces of milling equipment and contacts for purchasing gymnasium bleachers in and around New York just over two years ago. One of his first sets of bleachers came from a school in New Jersey that was replacing its’ old wooden gymnasium bleachers with the modern all metal designs, complete with an electronic open and close mechanism (apparently the Physical Education Departments were tired of the old manually operated ones!). The old wood-decked bleachers were to be disposed of – literally cut up and landfilled. Gymnasium bleachers are typically beautiful, straight boards of Yellow Pine, Fir and Mahogany (aside from the bubble gum stuck

to the bottom sides), there for the taking. “It was going to cost them thousands to have it all cut up and disposed of. Now they get a check from me. They’re thrilled.” This acquisition started an insatiable appetite for reclaimed lumber that has fueled a new vision for Trevett Millworks. They’ve since gotten bleachers from many other schools, including nearby Lake George High.

RECLAIMING THE PAST, FOR A NEW USE INTO THE FUTURE On a cold day in early December, I met Joe out at an old dairy barn outside of Greenwich to take a look at their wood stash. He was like a little kid, enthusiastically showing me the inventory of old woods. “I’ve become a wood junkie!” he exclaimed. He pointed to a pile of large hand-hewn beams. “All of these were from a house built in the 1770’s,” he said. “This is wood cut from the original trees on the land– over 300 years ago! It’s old 43

growth timber, just look at how tight these growth rings are,” he said. “You can’t buy lumber like this today!” Joe and Mark disassembled the house piece by piece, so there were all species of historic lumber in this barn – floorboards, framing, and the massive main beams. Joe points out a rather rough looking beam saying, “We believe this is chestnut. It may not look like much now but we have the ability to make flooring out of this, and it comes out beautifully!” American Chestnut was a common wood 100 years ago, but now nearly impossible to find due to a blight that has wiped them out of the northeast. Wow! There before me was a large stack of original Chestnut boards that may once again grace the floors of some lucky home or business. Joe’s excitement for this wood was infectious. “It doesn’t exist any more!” he exclaimed. The wood here is a remnant of 44

history, of a time that’s all but forgotten. I began to understand Joe’s passion.

PRESERVING HISTORICAL WOOD In an adjacent barn the bleacher boards are stacked in neat piles. In the back, Joe grabs a dusty old board and smiles. “This is from an old building in Pittsburg where they made whiskey barrels.” It was going to be demolished for a condominium complex. “This is Dirty Top Pine! Look at the saw marks – this will make awesome flooring.” A rich patina was accentuated by the darker rough sawn imprint. “All this wood has a history,” he continued. “Imagine having flooring in your house that came from an old whiskey barrel factory!” I’ll drink to that, I thought. “It’s got a story. Everything we have has a story,” Joe exclaimed. Joe plans to create documents that will validate the origin and authenticity of the wood - so the new use will have a historical

record. “We want to make this wood accessible to everybody,” Joe explained. “We have to purchase the lumber in large enough quantities at a reasonable price so that the new lumber we make out of it is priced affordably.” I’m drinking to that, too! A wood junkie indeed. Leaving the barns for the shop a few miles away, I saw the old houses and barns along the roadside with new eyes. Mmmm…lumber. All that sunaged siding would make nice walls for the new den.

TREVETT MILLWORKS WHAT IS OLD IS NEW AGAIN At the shop Joe introduces me to Mark Anderson. He welcomes me into his world – one of milling machines and sawdust. While Joe is the wood junkie, it quickly becomes apparent that Mark is a milling machine junkie. Mark has slowly been acquiring some

serious wood working equipment through the years. Mark explains the process of taking the old boards and reworking them to become new lumber. The various machines process the wood into tongue and groove flooring, lumber, cabinetry and moldings. The whole shop runs on its own diesel generator. “If I had to draw the power from the grid, it would kill me,” referring to the potential electric bill. “We can run this whole shop all day on a couple of gallons of diesel,” said Mark. Next to the generator sits a massive band saw. With an automatic feed, the band saw can cut pieces to an eighth of an inch thick. He fires up the band saw, and the drain on the generator is significant – the motor takes a sudden drop in RPM to supply the amps needed for the beast. “It takes a few minutes to get up to speed,” Mark explains, “and then it hardly strains the motor.” Sure enough, as the big flywheels reach their optimum speed, the generator calms down and purrs like a kitten. A rather large kitten, mind you. Joe sends a board through and saw dust flies everywhere like a blizzard. The power of this machinery is incredible. Back in the main shop, I meet Mark’s two sons, Luke and Carl. They are the extra hands in the shop, making it a family affair. These boys grew up around the shop, and share their dad’s obsession. What a great place for boys to grow up, I thought. Mark fires up the planer, and Luke and Carl make quick work of a stack of boards. These boards are then brought over to a four head molder, which gives the boards their final look. All these machines make quick work of the old wood, giving it a whole life and purpose. It seems that, like the wood, Trevett Millworks has also taken on a new life and purpose. Besides reclaiming old wood, Trevett Millworks may be helping to save the rare and endangered forests. Woods like mahogany that were so common in the 1930’s that they were used as gymnasium bleachers, are now rare and expensive. Repurposing this old wood into new cabinets and flooring eliminates the need to harvest new trees. But it’s not just the physical value of this old wood. There’s a spiritual side as well. “There’s a physical and spiritual element to wood - how it makes you feel,” explained Joe. “It shelters us, but it also brings out something from your inner self…a connection to nature and to life itself!” Trevett Millworks located at 207 Fiddlers Elbow Rd. in Greenwich, Washington County. For more information call (518) 692-2593, or online at 45

Eco-LOCAL People

Peter Looker, of All Certified Chimney Sweeps Meet Peter Looker, Chimney Sweep, Peace Activist, Teacher and Local Music Aficionado

Peter Looker of All Certified Chimney Sweeps is one eco-local guy. He utilizes his blue limo whenever possible (aka CDTA bus) to get around to his many activities, which are legend - Chimney Sweep, Peace Activist, Teacher, Local Music Aficionado…a man in constant motion who knows that we have limited time on this planet and we need to be impactful in our daily lives. Peter is a man for the everyman…speaking out, acting out and exposing the corporatocracy and greed of our politicians and their masters. His infamous minvan with a message is a common sight in Saratoga Springs. Peter is the first amendment in action, knowing that free speech is not just a right, but an obligation. Use it, or lose it! Eco-LOCAL Living: How long have you been in business and what inspired you to get started? Peter: 35 years, heating with wood, having a chimney fire and reading about chimney sweeping in an article of my older brother's Mother Earth News by Jay Hensley. ELL: What's the best part about your job? Peter: Energy related problem solving. Oh, and like most kids, I like to climb, get dirty, meet interesting people, and get paid for it. 46

ELL: Why do you choose to operate your business in the Capital Region as opposed to somewhere else? Peter: This is where I live and I like it in this area (the capital district of the empire state in the world's fading corporate empire). ELL: Why do you think it’s important to keep it local? Peter: Travel costs time, money and resources, all of which I have been lead to believe may be finite. I've studied energy for over forty years and reality points to ever increasing costs of formerly cheap fossil fuels. Why get an apple from thousands of miles away when I can get one from my yard, my neighborhood or at least the local food shed. Hey, I would like there to be somebody local who can raise food, help me raise and find food as the infinite growth greedy corporate system breaks down. The transition to a low carbon economy is happening and local economies are more resilient. What's the downside of primarily local? ELL: What locally owned business (other than your own) could you not live without? Peter: Those that serve food. I am particularly fond of the buffet at Four Seasons on Phila St.

ELL: What are some of the things you do to help make the world a little bit better? Peter: Use less, live simpler, ("so that others may simply live"), speak truth to power, live as if we borrow the earth from our children, do good work and have a good time. ELL: What do you like to do in your free time? Peter: Learn and support the new beautiful, sustainable world rising up under the old collapsing one. ELL: What's the best advice you've ever received? Peter: KISS (keep it simple stupid) from Otto Best, chimney sweep extraordinaire. ELL: Our Facebook fans want to know: What is it that sets you apart and promotes loyal, repeat business? Peter: I'm still here. The Wards and Sears models that tried to create McChimney Sweeps 35 years ago didn't work. ELL: Our Twitter followers want to know: What drives you to keep doing what you do? Peter: Music. My mind tells me how, but music, like the folk music my wife (Terri Roben) was singing when I first saw her (and still sings), grabs my soul, inspires me and keeps me going.

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