EcoMil Nutritional Report

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100 % Non dairy, without lactose Soya free Cholesterol free

A nutritional treasure

A nutritional treasure

Looking for EcoMil points of sell? It's available in all healthfood shops, Waitrose and internet retailers as Ocado, Goodness Direct, Planet Organic or Naturally Good Food

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EcoMil Almond UK

Almond is a particularly good source of protein containing all the essential amino acids. Almond lipids are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid).

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EcoMi l Non-dairy Drinks are delicious , well-balan ced, ligh t and easy t o diges t , and t hat’s why they are a healthy alternat iv e to dairy-mil k and non-dair y drinks , lik e S oya milk. There are t wo f ormats available: drin ks in t et ra bric k, ready to serve, and inst ant drinks in powder, that dissolve perfect ly in water (2 t o 3 t ablespoons in a glas s according to taste). Cold or hot, they make a v ery pleasan t drink at any moment of t he day, by itself or in coffee, chocola t e or t ea. T hey can also be used in cook ing or baking.


Their various nu tritional advantages and pleasant clean t ast e make them ideal drinks f or all the family, and it is suit able for a wide cate gory of diet requirements: 400g 1 Can






5 Tetrabriks

Nutri ops, S .L. was founded at t he beginning of t he 90´s. T he aim of our c ompany is to develop nutritionally sound produc t s wit hout lactos e as c ow milk alt ernatives that respond to specific dietary need s as well as forming part of a healt hy diet in general. The principle s of our c ompan y are based on: St rong nut rit ional inpu t f rom in-c ompany researc h, work wit h nut rit ioni st s, dietic ians and academic paper s Pref erenc e for controlled and c ert if ied organic ingredien ts in accordance wit h E U regula tion CE 2092 /91 Close cont rol and monitoring of raw mat e rial s An empha s is on tast e s o t hat t he produc t appeal s in terms of pala te and organolept ic quali t ies All our ingredients and products are c ont rolled and c ert ified organi c in ac c ordanc e wit h EU regulation CE 2092/ 91. T he use of organic ingredien t s ensures the best qualit y of raw material, grown without artificial chemical s or G M tec hnology and wit h no artificial additives during t he produc t ion and process ing. Bes ides, Nutriops follows a program of t raceabili ty t hroughou t t he proces s of pro duct ion and owns the Certifications IS F, B RC and ISO 22000 . Among ot her c erti f ying bodies, our products are controlled and certif ied organi c by t he Consejo de Agric ultura E cológic a de la Región de Murc ia (ES-E CO-024-MU) and the Comit é de Agric ult ura E cológic a de la Comuni tat Valen c iana (ES-E CO-020-C V) – S PAI N.



























Printed in June 2011 Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 2


Human beings are the only mammals that consume the milk of another animal and continue to do so throughout adulthood. However there are a few good reasons to avoid the consumption of dairy products: - to reduce the intake of saturated fats - allergies and intolerances - for people on a vegan diet


For many years now, non-dairy beverages have been available in the form of soya milk. This has been the main dairy alternative with a good protein structure. Soya however also has it’s own problems: - allergies and digestibility problems - concern over GM ingredients (soya being one of the main GM crops). - taste complaints

! There is now a good alternative to cow’s milk and to soya drinks: Almond drinks. EcoMil is at the forefront of the development of nut nutrition. Almonds come from the Almond tree or Prunus dulcis, which belongs to the Rosaceae family, specifically to the genus Prunus, along with plums, cherries, peaches, apricots and almonds. That’s why almonds may be considered seeds, although they are commonly considered to be part of the nut family, and we will call them “nuts” in this report from now on. ! EcoMil products “Almond drinks” are based on sound nutritional research and offer a very palatable taste that is easily drinkable and therefore well suited for people who will find it difficult to adapt to the taste of non-dairy products. Medical studies show almonds reduce bad cholesterol, benefit good cholesterol and are correlated with a much-reduced risk of coronary disease. This is because of the nutritional composition of almond: it is high in mono-unsaturated fats, high in antioxidant and high in fibre. What’s more, its proteins contain a high quantity of essential amino acids. Almonds are like a concentration of minerals and vitamins: rich in potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and a fairly good source of vitamin E, acid folic, riboflavin, niacin and biotin. ! EcoMil dairy milk alternatives are suitable for people with high cholesterol, lactose allergy or intolerance, coeliacs, as part of a wheat-free diet or for diabetics. They are highly digestible, GM-free and organic.


ELIMINATING OR REDUCING DAIRY MILK CONSUMPTION The idea that animal milk is essential for good nutrition of humans has no scientific basis. All mammals in nature receive their mother’s milk up to a certain age, after which they rely on their natural food for good nutrition. Reducing saturated fats The main reason that everyone should be concerned about their dairy consumption is that dairy products are high in saturated fats. Fat is an important nutrient. It provides a concentrated source of energy, producing more than double the energy of either protein or carbohydrate, however a diet high in fats leads to obesity. There are three kinds of lipids: saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated acids. - Saturated fatty acids raise the blood cholesterol level, one of the risk factors for coronary disease. They do not contain any essential nutrients whilst the incidence of coronary diseases is linked to countries with diets high in saturated fats as opposed to for example the typical Mediterranean diet or the Japanese diet. - Mono-unsaturated acids, as found in olive oil or almonds, can actually help reduce cholesterol. - Poly-unsaturated acids contain two essential nutrients or essential fatty acids, which the body cannot make for itself; these are alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids. Poly-unsaturated fats however are chemically fragile and can be transformed into trans-fats by heating or hydrogenation (hardening as with most vegetable margarines) losing its nutritional value. Official dietary guidelines across the world recommend that only 10 % of calories should come from saturated fats1. For example, whilst many countries in the world have no history at all of consuming dairy products, for example in the UK 20 % of calories intake come from reduce the total dairy foods2. That’s why, for dietary reasons, whilst it may be important to intake of fats to avoid weight and eventually obesity problems, it is equally important to switch from saturated fats and trans-fats (bad fats) t o poly-unsaturated and monounsaturated.

Allergies and Intolerances The word allergy is often confused with intolerance. On one hand, an allergy is a reaction that involves an over-reaction by the body’s immune system. In the 1960’s, it was discovered that such reactions caused the production of a specific antibody called immunoglobin E. The prevalence of food allergy declines to 2 to 4 % in children and around to 1 % in adults3. Allergic reactions only occur if the antibody is activated and there is some evidence that a predisposition to allergies can be inherited. Milk allergy is a true allergic reaction by the body’s immune system to one or more milk proteins, such as casein or lactoglobulin. The resulting symptoms typically include swelling, itching, bronchospasm, hives, hypotension or shock, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea4. Ingredients to avoid are all dairy products and products with dairy ingredients. On the other hand, food intolerance, also known as food sensitivity, has to do with digestion and metabolism, and is an enzymatic phenomenon, which is considered to be genetic. Food intolerance means that a particular person does not digest or metabolize a particular food properly. Lactose intolerance is a main intolerance of milk. 4

Lactose (milk sugar) is made up of two basic sugars, glucose and galactose. Lactose is found in all dairy products including ice cream, cow’s milk, yoghurt, cream, cheese and also in human breast milk. Before it can be absorbed from the bowel, lactose must be split into its basic sugars, glucose and galactose. This is done by the enzyme lactase, which is within the lining of the small intestine. At birth, the amount of lactase is high, enabling the baby to digest mother’s milk. During infancy, the amount of lactase naturally decreases. Then, the lactose sugar ferments in the small intestine, producing gas, bloating, cramps and diarrhoea5. Ingredients to avoid are milk, including skimmed or powder, and lactic acid.

SOYA, AN ALTERNATIVE FOR COW MILK ? The Pros and Cons of Soya Soya is nutritionally one of the best foods of the vegetable kingdom and forms an important part nutritionally of any vegetarian or vegan diet. Soya is a good source of proteins, providing most of the main amino acids6. Soya is a source of soluble fibre and also a rich source of isoflavones, micro-nutrients that can help protect you on the long term against certain cancers and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. There are three problems with soya in terms of its use as a milk alternative. At first, one third of people that are allergic to dairy milk are also allergic to soya or find it difficult to digest soya7, which comes from the bean family. Secondly, soya is at the forefront of genetic manipulation, with most soya being cultivated in countries, such as the US or Argentina with pro-GM policies and, in the case of the US, a refusal to segregate GM from Non-GM crops. Clearly anyone wanting to avoid GM soya would need to look for an organic soya product only. The third problem is to an extent subjective: it is taste. Soya milk has often being criticised for its taste. Even though improvements have been made, it is still not a highly palatable drink with a plaster-like after-taste. This makes soya milk a difficult candidate for people looking simply to cut down on dairy, as taste is obviously an important factor in purchasing choices.


WHAT DOES ECOMIL OFFER ? EcoMil and the New Generation of Dairy Alternatives EcoMil was founded in the 90’s by Francisco Lajar_n, a qualified pharmacist and biochemist. The aim of the company was to develop nutritionally sound products that respond to specific dietary needs as well as forming part of a healthy diet in general. The principles of the company are based on: • Strong nutritional input from in-company research, work with nutritionists, dieticians and academic papers. • Preference for certified organic8 ingredients due to the mounting evidence that organic food is actually better for health reasons9 as well as for ethical/environmental reasons. • Close control and monitoring of raw materials, working with farmers and growers and close management of all processing (with full trace-ability systems) to maintain a nutritionally balanced end product. • An emphasis on taste so that the product appeals in terms of palate and organoleptic qualities. This is considered important in terms of helping people switch voluntarily to more healthy eating habits.

EcoMil has established itself at the forefront of new development in the non-dairy sector and particularly Almond drinks. These products of dairy milk alternatives present several advantages over other alternatives and they are suitable for a wide category of diet requirements: • For people with a high cholesterol level. • For milk allergy or intolerance or "detox" diets. • For coeliacs or gluten allergies. • For vegetarians and vegans generally. • For people with a soya allergy or indigestion problems. There are two formats available: • Liquid drinks in tetra-brik: ready to serve • Instant drinks in powder: easily dissolved in cold water, more or less 2 to 3 tablespoons in a glass according to taste. Almond drinks are composed of ingredients from Organic Farming. Although taste is inevitably a subjective issue, EcoMil products go through elaborate taste tests and taste comparisons, including the use of consumer panels to establish taste preference. Almond drinks can be used as an alternative to dairy products in almost all preparations, in coffee, tea, with cereals, in baking, for sauces or as a cold refreshing or hot drink by itself.


Nutritional Composition of EcoMil Almond drinks Ingredients: • • • •

EcoMil Almond Tetra Brik 1 L: Water, almond* (7%), agave syrup*, and corn maltodextrin*. EcoMil Almond Calcium Tetra Brik 1 L: Water, almond* (7%), agave syrup*, corn maltodextrin*, and calcareous marine algae: Lithothamnium calcareum (0,3%). EcoMil Almond Nature Tetra Brik 1 L: Water, almond* (7%), tapioca starch* and natural almond flavouring*. EcoMil Almond Instant in Powder** 400 g can: Partially defatted instant almonds* (75%), corn maltodextrin*, and maltose*.

• See product pictures inside back cover * From Organic Farming ** How to use EcoMil Almond Instant in powder: Dissolve in cold or hot water, more or less 2 or 3 tablespoons (15-20 g) according to taste, for 200 ml of water.

Nutritional information per 100g Energy value kJ / kcal Proteins g Carbohydrates g: - Sugars g - Fructose g - Lactose g Fat g: - Saturated g - Mono-unsaturated g - Poly-unsaturated g - Cholesterol mg Fibres g Sodium g Calcium mg Phosphorus mg Nutritional Claims 100% non-dairy Lactose free Gluten free Sugar free*** Soya free Cholesterol free No added sucrose No added sodium High quality proteins Easy to digest No preservative or colouring GMO free ingredients

EcoMil Almond Tetra Brik 1 litre & 200 ml

EcoMil Almond Calcium Tetra Brik 1 litre

EcoMil Almond Nature Tetra Brik 1 litre

192 Kj / 46 Kcal 0,9 5,4 3,8 3,1 0,0 2,1 0,2 1,4 0,5 0,0 0,8 0,1 NA*

192 Kj /46 Kcal 0,9 5,4 3,8 3,1 0,0 2,1 0,2 1,4 0,5 0,0 0,8 0,1 120 mg (15 % RDI**)

125 Kj / 30 Kcal 0,9 1,5 0,1 0,0 0,0 2,1 0,2 1,4 0,5 0 0,8 0,1 NA*




EcoMil Almond Instant in Powder 400 g can 1.889 Kj / 451 Kcal 13,3 60,2 9,8 3,0 0,0 15,2 1,5 10,2 3,5 0 10 0,2 200 (25% RDI**) 300 (42,8% RDI**)

" " " † " " " " " " " "

" " " † " " " " " " " "

" " " " " " " " " " " "

" " " † " " " " " " " "

*NA: Not Analysed **RDI: Reference Daily Intake ***According to EU regulation 1924/2006: “A claim that a food is sugars-free, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains no more than 0,5 g of sugars per 100 g or 100 ml.” 7

ALMOND NUTRITION The Almond tree or Prunus dulcis belongs to the family of Rosaceae. The largest genus by far is Prunus, which include plums, cherries, peaches, apricots and almonds. That’s why almonds may be considered seeds, although they are commonly considered to be part of the nut family, and we will call them “nuts” in this report from now on. Almond tree fruit, the almond, is crisp and sweet, and the crop is harvested in September/October. This tree comes from plateaus and mountains of western Asia, particulary in Iran. It was introduced in Egypt by the Hebrews and in Europe by the Greeks people. The Romans brought back almond, called “Greek walnut”, to Italy in the 3rd century, then, the Arabs spread the almond tree throughout the Mediterranean. Almonds are tree crops that have been used as part of a human diet throughout history in all continents but they are mainly a part of the Mediterranean ecology. This nut is an important source of high quality nutrition.

Nutritional quality of almond

Nutritional Information Energy value (Kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) Saturated fats (g) Monounsaturated fats (g) Polyunsaturated fats (g) Cholesterol (g) Fibres (g) Calcium (mg) Vitamin E (mg) Sodium (mg)* Phosphorous (mg)* Magnesium (mg)*

per 100 g 576,0 19,0 4,8 53,5 4,2 36,6 10,0 0,0 15,0 248,0 26,18 1,0 484,0 268,0

- Vegetable Proteins Almond is rich in proteins; it supplies 19 g per 100 grams, practically as much as meat. Almonds are privileged in vegetarian food rightfully: 30 g of almond bring as many proteins as a yogurt or 150 ml of milk. Almonds also contain a high level of the amino acid L -Arginine, which steps in the protection of arteries.

- Carbohydrates Almond contains a majority of complex carbohydrates, around Source: FAO three quarters of the carbohydrates. They are a good *USDA National Nutrient Database: source of energy, giving a satiety sensation, and it’s recommended for longer physical efforts. These complex carbohydrates are slowly digested, causing blood glucose to rise less and over a longer period of time. - Unsaturated fats In this nut, fats account for 53.5 %. They essentially consist of unsaturated fats, which reduce the risks of coronary heart disease, because they are liquid at room temperature, unlike saturated fats, that are solid at room temperature, what can block blood vessels and cause cardiovascular-disease risk. About 80% of them are monounsaturated acids (oleic acids), which help to reduce bad cholesterol LDL and to increase good cholesterol HDL. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain body’s cells.


Research shows that diets that are higher in monounsaturated fatty acids, fibre and low glycemic index foods appear to have advantages in insulin resistance, glycemic control and blood lipids10. This information can be especially helpful for people with type 2 diabetes. Polyunsaturated fats are equally beneficial for our health, since they play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development. - Fibres Almond is composed of 15 % of fibres, 80 % of them are insoluble and 20 % are soluble. Fibres help to normalize bowel movement and have a satiating effect. Studies11 show that a rich diet of insoluble fibres can be associated with a lower risk of cancer of the colon. Soluble fibres favour a hypocholesterolemia and a hypoglycaemia, useful in the treatment of coronary heart disease and diabetes. Nutritionists advise a daily consumption of 30 g of fibres: one portion of almonds (30 g) supplies 4.5 g of fibres. - Minerals Almond is rich in minerals, supplying 2.6 g for 100 g. It is beneficial as a source of calcium, potassium and magnesium, minerals involved in regulation of artery tension and helping neuromuscles work well. Moreover, it contains phosphorus, iron and copper, which helps carry oxygen throughout the body, and little quantities of zinc and selenium (antioxidants). - Vitamins Almond is an exceptional source of Vitamin E with a content of 26 mg per 100 g. One portion of 30 g of almonds covers 60 % of the Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA). Thanks to its antioxidant properties, Vitamin E helps to fight against the free radicals, responsible of aging skin. It plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases12 and degenerative cataract, and it also contributes to have healthy blood cells and tissues.

Healthy Benefits of almonds Here we are mostly concerned with almonds – which have been associated with reduced risk of coronary diseases in particular as well as having a beneficial impact on obesity, cancer and diabetes. Almond nutrition therefore addresses the fundamental and major health problems of modern societies. Almonds are a highly recommended food, obviously as part of a healthy or ‘balanced’ diet and we should be encouraged to consume more almonds as snacks, desserts or in recipes.

A Reduced Risk of Coronary Disease

Research has shown that almond reduces bad cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and benefits good cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol because of their nutritional composition: high in mono-unsaturated fats, high in Vitamin E and high in fibre. Research has also demonstrated mono-unsaturated fats lower total cholesterol and improves the ratio between LDL and HDL cholesterol13. The vitamin E content acts as an antioxidant that may guard arterial walls and lipoproteins from damage. Almonds also contain a high level of the amino acid L-Arginine, which produces the metabolic messenger Nitric Oxide, a compound responsible of vasodilatation of blood vessels. L-Arginine is believed to protect arteries from injury and stops blood clots forming. In addition, the high fibre content of these almonds helps reduce cholesterol levels by reducing its absorption in the guts whilst phytochemicals within almonds, plant sterols and saponins have an effect on reducing blood cholesterol levels14.


Comparative Nutritional Attributes of Almonds


L-Arginine Magnesium Cholesterol (g)* (mg)* (mg)* 2,4 268 0













Cheddar Cheese








Whole milk




*Per 100 g of edible food. Source: USDA National Nutrient Database

The research in favour of almonds consumption appears quite conclusive. A study found that 100 g of almonds a day reduced cholesterol by 12 % against a reduction of 5 % for olive oil15. These epidemiological studies have been backed by clinical trials that have found a significant reduction in LDL and total cholesterol as well as, in some cases, a reduction in triglycerides (basically fat) as a result of high or regular almond consumption. •

Possible Effect on Cancer Prevention:

Two published studies have found that nut consumption, especially almond consumption, has a protective effect on the incidence of prostate cancer16. In all cases, when talking about the relation between diet and cancer we must be very cautious, and any benefit on the long term (over many years) will have to take into consideration the lifestyle as a whole. Research carried out by Pennsylvania University, USA, showed that the two flavonoid phytochemicals – quercetin and kaempferol – found in almonds were strong suppressers of both lung and prostate tumour cell growth, thus reducing the effects of cancer. According to the research, the effect is through interfering with the cancer promoting actions of particular hormones17. Almonds also contain antioxidants and phytochemicals. The first ones protect against oxidation or damage to cells in the body. Phytochemicals (flavonoids, plant sterols and plant sulphur) are plant compound that appears to decrease risk of heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. •

Other Nutritional Properties

The mineral contents of almonds read like a multi-mineral capsule. They are an excellent source of magnesium as well as calcium. They are also rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper and iron. Vitamin contents are of biotin, riboflavin, niacin and Vitamin E. The fibre content in almonds is also high and this is also a factor reducing the cholesterol level in blood as fibre reduces its absorption in the intestines. Fibre appears to play a protective role against heart disease and diabetes, and aids in the prevention of constipation, diverticulosis, and some forms of cancer, such as colon and rectal18. Almond is actually a good source of vegetable protein, very similar to soya protein, the best one in the Vegetable Kingdom. In fact, the protein of almonds has an essential and wellbalanced aminoacid composition. The combination of dietary fibre with protein contributes to overall satiety and therefore may play a role in controlling caloric intake. Most protein sources, as cheese and eggs, do not provide dietary fibre such as is found in almonds. 10

Amino Acid Profile Compared Against FAO recommended intake AMINO ACIDS Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine + Cistine Phenylalanine + Tyrosine Threonine Tryptophan Valine TOTAL

FAO reference (g per 100 g of proteins)

Almond (g per 100 g of proteins)

Almond / FAO

4,00 7,00 5,50 3,50 6,00 4,00 1,00 5,00 36,00

3,92 7,85 2,61 2,35 7,95 2,96 0,80 5,58 34,02

0,98 1,12 0,47 0,67 1,32 0,74 0,80 1,11 0,94

The Risk of Almond Allergy Almond is the fruit of the Prunus dulcis tree (Almond tree) and belongs to the family of Rosaceae, like apricot and plum trees. People often compare almond allergy with nut allergy, but today few studies have been carried out exclusively about almond19. Moreover, almond allergy affects only very few people in the world. EcoMil Almond drinks, both in tetra-brik format and in powder, contain a variety of almond called Marcona, generally regarded as a gourmet eating almond. As well as their delicious flavour without bitterness, this variety of almond peels easily and this way guarantees the absence of shell into the products. Furthermore, before the production all the almonds peeled are rinsed in water in order to eliminate possible residues, and quality checks on raw material are being made regularly. What’s more, these products don’t contain gluten nor lactose or milk proteins.

OTHER ECOMIL INGREDIENTS Maltodextrin Maltodextrin is a creamy white hygroscopic powder, moderately sweet in taste. It is produced by partial hydrolysis of starch by a typical total enzyme process using a bacterial alphaamylase followed by refining and spray drying to a moisture level of 3% to 5%. Maltodextrin is a mixture of glucose, maltose, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, being richer in oligo and polysaccharides (complex sugar). Maltodextrins are derived from cornstarches. They are classified by dextrose equivalent (DE), which is a measure of the reducing sugars present calculated as dextrose and expressed as a percentage of the total dry substance. Maltodextrins can go up to 20 DE. The lower the DE, the less sweet and the more like starch the maltodextrin is. EcoMil always uses maltodextrin with a low DE, which is a good source of complex sugars with a low glycemic index. There is only one way to obtain organic corn maltodextrin, through an enzymatic hydrolysis process. That’s because an enzyme is a natural catalyst, easily created and eliminated by the human body, and moreover it is something that disappears on the process. The main difference between this process and not-Bio maltodextrin is that the second one is made using synthetic acids, obtained by chemical processes. 11

Our maltodextrin supplier is Agrana20, an Austrian certified supplier of Bio ingredients, leader in Central and Eastern Europe. This company has a strong commitment with a sustainable approach to natural resources, driven by government policies like the banning of Genetically Modified Crops (GMO) in Austria. . Agave syrup The most valuable part of the Agave juice are its sugars, being the main one a complex form of fructose called inulin or fructose (more or less 90% of total sugar). The inulin is hydrolysed and the juice is concentrated into syrup with high fructose content. Fructose is a simple sugar found mainly in fruits and vegetables. All EcoMil tetra-brik products are sweetened with agave syrup from organic farming. The main characteristics of this natural sweetener are the following: • • • • • • • • •

Sweetener: Higher level of sweetness 25% sweeter as compared to sucrose or glucose Improves flavour release and natural flavours of foods Hydroscopicity: Increases water retention properties of food products. High Fermentability: It is an advantage for bakery products and contributes to maintain freshness as well High Osmotic Pressure helps inhibit microbial growth High Purity Low Ash Content Natural Transparency High solubility, dissolves easily

Agave Syrup has a low glycemic level and is a delicious and safe alternative to sugar. It is usually tolerated by most type 2 diabetics. If we compare Agave Syrup with other sweeteners, we find that: AGAVE SYRUP





GLYCEMIC 15 43,0 43,0 55,0 64,0 INDEX Sources:

Glycemic index indicates effect of each food on blood glucose levels. Low GI products produce small changes in blood and insulin levels. That may lead to reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes. They also improve blood cholesterol levels.

Maltose Maltose, or corn malt syrup, is a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose. It is clear, colourless and sweet viscous liquid. It is often used as a sweetener in baby foods as baby cereal and drinks. Moreover, maltose is a slow digested but prolonged source of energy and unlike other sweeteners and regular sugar, it hardly disturb blood sugar level.

All these ingredients come from Organic Farming. 12

CONSUMER PROFILES FOR ALMOND DRINKS People with specific nutritional and dietetic needs

EcoMil Almond drinks are delicious, light and easy to digest. Almond is a particularly good source of protein containing all the essential amino acids. EcoMil Almond is a perfect alternative to dairy or soya milks and can be recommended in the following cases: •

• • •

Intolerance and / or allergies: people suffering from lactose intolerance, as well as dairy protein allergies. Contribution to prevent cardiovascular risks: almond lipids are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid which can help you to regulate your cholesterol level. Gluten allergy. Ideal for vegetarians or vegans. Digestion: Intestinal disorders, diarrhoea. Children

EcoMil drinks are especially recommendable for children because of their taste, their easy digestion and their nutritional properties. However, in any case these drinks cannot be used as an infant formula or follow-on formula (as per the definition of Directive 2006/141/CE), and can only be consumed as a complementary food, as part of a diversified and balanced diet for children from 1 year old onwards. Indeed, they constitute an energy source, which helps with the nutritional balance. Thanks to their composition, they complete the nutritional needs of this period of life. As they are highly digestive, they provide high quality proteins and complete the intake of indispensable nutrients. Elderly person Many elderly find it hard to digest dairy products and suffer from intestinal disorders. They know that they have to reduce their consumption of dairy products and switch to vegetal substitutes. EcoMil Almond is ideal to introduce the consumption of non-dairy drinks to elderly as they usually enjoy the taste of almond. EcoMil Almond is easy to digest and perfectly adapted to their nutritional needs. EcoMil Almond Calcium drinks are especially recommended to those who want to fulfil their need for calcium.


14 192 /46 0,9 5,4 3,8 3,1 0,0 2,1 0,2 1,4 0,5 0,0 0,8 0,1

192 / 46 0,9 5,4 3,8 3,1 0,0 2,1 0,2 1,4 0,5 0,0 0,8 0,1

per 100 g

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !















! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !


300 (42,8% RDI**) ! ! ! ! !














200 (25% RDI**)













230 / 55

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !















193 / 46

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !















214 / 51

! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !















363 / 87

200 ml

Alternative to single cream

! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !



503 / 120 2,1 15,0 10,2 NA* 0,0 5,4 0,5 4,0 0,9 0,0 1,4 0,1



! ! ! ! !



447 / 107 2 13,5 10,1 NA* 0,0 4,7 0,3 3,4 1 0,0 1,2 0,1


! ! ! ! !


! ! ! ! !



438,9 / 105 1,6 15,8 12,0 NA* 0,0 3,9 0,5 2,5 0,9 0,0 0,2 0,1


14* Not Analysed. **RDI: Reference Daily Intake. *** According to EU regulation 1924/2006: °!A claim that a food is sugars-free, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains no more than 0,5 g of sugars per 100 g or 100 ml.°±

Organic 100% non-dairy Lactose free Gluten free Soya free Sugar free*** Cholesterol free No added sucrose No added sodium High quality proteins Easy to digest No preservative or colouring GMO free ingredients


! ! ! ! !


Phosphorus mg

Nutritional Claims


Calcium mg

Sodium g

Fibres g

- Cholesterol mg

- Polyunsaturated g

- Monounsaturated g

- Saturated g

Fats g

- Lactose g

- Fructose

- Sugars g

Carbohydrates g

Proteins g

EcoMil Almond Nature

125 / 30

EcoMil Almond Instant 1.889 / 451

EcoMil Hazelnut

400 g can

EcoMil Quinoa Tetra-brik 1L

EcoMil Sesame

Tetrabrik 1L

EcoMil Cuisine Almond

Tetrabrik 1L

EcoMil Almond Original

Tetrabrik 1L

EcoMil Almond Cocoa

120 mg (15 % RDI**)

Tetra-brik 1L

EcoMil Almond Tetrabrik 1L & 200 ml

CUISINE & DESSERTS EcoMil Almond Vanilla

Energy value (Kj / Kcal)

EcoMil Almond Calcium





The Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy published a report on Nutritional Aspects of Cardio-vascular Disease recommends that 35% of food energy should come from fats but only 10% from saturated fats. 2 The Vegan Dairy Foods & Heart Disease Summer 2002; 8-10. 3 Food and Agricultural Organisation FAO, 2001. 4 The diagnosis is suggested by positive prick tests to milk or milk component extracts or by RAST tests (not as good as prick tests). Most clinicians would be convinced by a positive prick test for milk coupled with improvement after avoidance of dairy foods, sometimes adding a single-blind challenge. 5 Note that Lactose Maldigesters usually tolerate lactose in small doses, but are overwhelmed by larger quantities. Also note that it is possible to pre-treat milk with the lactase enzyme and supplement the body’s natural lactase enzyme with lactase pills. Lactose Maldigestion easily can be diagnosed by a test known as the Breath Hydrogen Level test (BHL). 6 Of the 22 amino acids we require, our body produces only fourteen and the remaining eight are called essential amino acids, because they must come from the foods we eat. 7 Again in terms of true allergies, allergy to soya amongst the general population is estimated at below 0.5% but soybean allergy is more common in children below 3 years of age with allergic reactions detected in between 14% to 35% of infants allergic to cow’s milk. The Internet Symposium on Food Allergens, 8 All our organic ingredients and products are controlled and certified by the Consejo de Agricultura Ecol_gica de la Regi_n de Murcia and the Consejo Catal_n de la Producci_n Agraria Ecol_gica. This is the organic control mechanism put in place in Spain that is managed at a regional level through regional bodies. All these bodies apply the EU regulations on organic agriculture (CE 2092/91) which particularly with regards to products of vegetal origin are identical to the Soil Association standards, the best-known UK certifying body. 9 Research on organic agriculture as against conventional agriculture is increasingly showing a health benefit in terms of nutrient and dry matter content, let alone in terms of risk associated with toxic residues and the mix of these chemical residues, see e.g. Organic Food Farming, Food Quality and Human Health, the Soil Association 2001 – a comprehensive pier review of existing research. With animal products there is a further concern over the treatment of animals and antibiotics. 10 Tony Hung, John L. Sievenpiper, Augustine Marchie, et al. Fat versus carbohydrate in insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care; 6:165-176. 11 Jansen MC, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, et al . Dietary fiber and plant foods in relation to colorectal cancer mortality: the Seven Countries Study. Int J Cancer. 1999;81:174-179. 12 Pietinen P, Ascherio A, Korhonen P, et al. Intake of fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in a cohort of Finnish men. The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study. Am J Epidemiol 1997;145:876-87. 13 Jenkins D, Kendall C, Marchie A, et al. Dose Response of Almonds on Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors: Blood Lipids, Oxidized Low-Density Lipoproteins, Lipoprotein(a), Homocysteine, and Pulmonary Nitric Oxide. Circulation. 2002; 106:1327-1332. 14 Nuts About Nutraceuticals by Michael Heasman and Julian Mellenton, The World of Ingredients, October 1998. 15 Dr Gene Spiller of the Health & Research Studies Center, Los Altos, CA. 16 describing studies published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and a case control study based on intake of nuts, lentils and beans by Jain et al, 1999. 17 Dr Kris Etherson, Professor of Nutrition and Dr John Milner, Professor and Head of Department of Nutrition, Pennsylvania University in Nuts About Nutraceuticals by Michael Heasman and Julian Mellenton, The World of Ingredients, October 1998. 18 David S. Gray. The Clinical Uses of Dietary Fiber . American Family Physician , Feb 1, 1995 v51 n2 p419(8). 19 Tree nuts are considered as one of the most frequent causes of food allergy, but almond allergy seems rather unusual. No good data for occurrence of almond allergy are available. 20


RECIPES WITH ECOMIL CUISINE EcoMil Cuisine is an almond cooking cream. It is a perfect alternative for dairy single cream and soya creams. This cream does not curdle when cooking. It can be boiled and mixed up with sour food such as lemon or mustard.

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Ingredients:                      

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Ingredients:         

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Ingredients:         


EcoMi l Non-dairy Drinks are delicious , well-balan ced, ligh t and easy t o diges t , and t hat’s why they are a healthy alternat iv e to dairy-mil k and non-dair y drinks , lik e S oya milk. There are t wo f ormats available: drin ks in t et ra bric k, ready to serve, and inst ant drinks in powder, that dissolve perfect ly in water (2 t o 3 t ablespoons in a glas s according to taste). Cold or hot, they make a v ery pleasan t drink at any moment of t he day, by itself or in coffee, chocola t e or t ea. T hey can also be used in cook ing or baking.


Their various nu tritional advantages and pleasant clean t ast e make them ideal drinks f or all the family, and it is suit able for a wide cate gory of diet requirements: 400g 1 Can






5 Tetrabriks

Nutri ops, S .L. was founded at t he beginning of t he 90´s. T he aim of our c ompany is to develop nutritionally sound produc t s wit hout lactos e as c ow milk alt ernatives that respond to specific dietary need s as well as forming part of a healt hy diet in general. The principle s of our c ompan y are based on: St rong nut rit ional inpu t f rom in-c ompany researc h, work wit h nut rit ioni st s, dietic ians and academic paper s Pref erenc e for controlled and c ert if ied organic ingredien ts in accordance wit h E U regula tion CE 2092 /91 Close cont rol and monitoring of raw mat e rial s An empha s is on tast e s o t hat t he produc t appeal s in terms of pala te and organolept ic quali t ies All our ingredients and products are c ont rolled and c ert ified organi c in ac c ordanc e wit h EU regulation CE 2092/ 91. T he use of organic ingredien t s ensures the best qualit y of raw material, grown without artificial chemical s or G M tec hnology and wit h no artificial additives during t he produc t ion and process ing. Bes ides, Nutriops follows a program of t raceabili ty t hroughou t t he proces s of pro duct ion and owns the Certifications IS F, B RC and ISO 22000 . Among ot her c erti f ying bodies, our products are controlled and certif ied organi c by t he Consejo de Agric ultura E cológic a de la Región de Murc ia (ES-E CO-024-MU) and the Comit é de Agric ult ura E cológic a de la Comuni tat Valen c iana (ES-E CO-020-C V) – S PAI N.





100 % Non dairy, without lactose Soya free Cholesterol free

A nutritional treasure

A nutritional treasure

Looking for EcoMil points of sell? It's available in all healthfood shops, Waitrose and internet retailers as Ocado, Goodness Direct, Planet Organic or Naturally Good Food

Imported in the UK by:

EcoMil Almond UK

Almond is a particularly good source of protein containing all the essential amino acids. Almond lipids are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid).

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