The University of Dayton Alumnus, June 1933

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A magazine which seeks to promote the interest of the University of Dayton and to foster among the A lumni a sentiment of regard for one a nother and attachment to their Alma Mat er

Volume V

JUNE, 1933

Eighty-Third Commencement Ceremonies

NuiJlber 9

tha t all g raduates ha ve ca t upon th em the important duty of knowing them seh-es, of reading their own book o f life often so that its error mi <> ht be corrected . " Live fa ithfully, abundantly and labo r tirelessly so that when the long night of time- wears away a nd the dawn of etern ity comes you will b e surprised at the res ults of your labors, at the draught you h ave made," he concluded. R ev. Walter C. Tredtin, S. M ., president of the ni versi ty, was the celeb rant of the solemn high mass. Rev. George ]. Renneker, S. M., was deacon and R ev. Charles V. Preisingcr, S. ~L, was sub-deacon. The combined choir o f Holy R osa ry church, Dayton, under the personal direction of Brother T homas P oitras, S. M., sang the mass of Vito Carnevali, " J\ .laria i'dater Gratiae."

· c1·cnty- i.x g raduates from the Uni,·ersity o f D ayton recei ved degrees at the 83 rd annua l commencement exBe sure to r·ead the special ercises on .\londay a fte rnoon, June 5, notice on page 4 of this Issue. at the .:-J. C. R. schoolhouse. Ten g rad uatcs from the p repa ratory depa rtment a lso recei ved their diplomas quiremcnts for law chools makes o f g radu ation at the exercises. ni vers ity \I o. t R c\'. J ames ]. i'V lcf add en, necessary thi action by o f D la\1' school is J).D., auxil iary bishop o f Cleveland, authorities. The !:!'" ' ·e the p rincipal add ress o f the neither e nd owed n o r s ubsidized and the number of tudents is limited. afte rnoon. under pre ent conditions the mver" \\"oriel ill s need but the enthusiasm o f ~-ou t h , o f you apos tl es of a n e11· si ty does not ha ve the resources to ocia l order, if they are to be c ured,"' continue the law school. Tho e who received h onorary d eBishop M cfadden told the "ni versity g rees included J o hn Q. Sherman, g raduates. u of o 'We in i\ me rica mu st not look to .\li chael ]. Gibbon . Jr., a nd W. .\lcC onn auo-hcy . i\11 were g iven the o n · man. but to man y men, yout hs Graduate Dinner Held s uch as the g raduates o f th is "ni ve r- d eg rees or d octo r o f laws. The valedictory wa. given by lel - On May 24. 1933 ~ ~L~- . 11·hose cou rage a nd e nthu sias m ,·in Huden, memb e r o f th e L psil o n Ecl11·ard D. Hamant was elected i. a ll ncompassing, but 1ri ll co-ordipre ident ; J ames J . Cleary was elected na te hi s tory in t he making with the D elta Sigma a t tl1c University . Several mu sica l selections were prc- vice-president and Daniel B. Adam s divine will o f Gocl." CrJI. R o~ · G. Fiv.o-era ld , Infan t r~· scntc I by R ob e rt L Klin e, oro-a is t was elected executive secretary-treasJ<eserves. presid e nt o f the Dayton Re- at the National Cas h R egi te r chool- urer o f the class of 1933 of the U niYersity o f Dayton at the annual g radse iTe OfTicers' . \ ssoc ia~i o n , presented house. i\ solemn memorial mass fo r de- uate dinne r held at Hotel Gib bons in comm is ions a· officer in the reser e a rmy of th e l"ni ted tates to eighteen parted alumni wa. ·ung on 1tlonday the American room. The dinner was g raduates o f t he Rese rve Officers' morning at C) o'clock in the main sponsored by the president of the Unichapel at the l " ni vc rs it~· h~· Very R ev. ve rsitl· ;Jnd t he Alumni Association. Tr;Jining (' 1rps a t th e tfniversit\'. .\ n inf rmal s peaking p rogra m fol R c\'. W a lter C. Tredtin. '.J\ 1.. 1 r ~ i ­ .\I. g r. Charlc:> 1\ . Ene l. ·o·. d e nt o f the l ni ver ity, a nnounced that ·' La unch ou t into th e Jeep a nd let lowed th e dinner. Th e speaker ina record e n roll ment ·or 1.22 1 ~ tud e nt~ do wn yo ur nets fo r a d ra ugh t '' ll"a s clud ed Henry L. Beigel, Jr., pres id en t ,,. r · registered a t the ll ni1·er. it\' of the text . elected b1· Rev. l\fartin Var- o f t he Alumni As so iation; R ev. \V a ID ay t n last ~· ea r. H e exp res~ d thank · lc~· . 06. pas to r of Sacred H ea rl church ter C. Tredtin , S. \ r. presid e nt of to a ll who had ass is ted the 1. ni vc rsity in Da~· ton, for hi s ba cca la ureate ad- the Uriivcrsit~·; \ I eric P. Smith, eire. strive n o n Su ncl a\·, Jun e 4. to the alumni secreta ry. and Dan iel Adams, in a m' wa\· during the pas t y ear. pre ident o f the senior cia . The din Father Tredtin a nn oun ced th a t t he LT ni\·er ity o f D ay ton o-raduates. ' The deep for you g raduates is th e ncr meeting was t he occasion of th e U ni vers itv will n ot reo-ister fresh me n students for th e law school next Sep- deep ocea n of life on 11·hic h yo u a rc fo rmal induction o f the 1933 g rad s ssocia ti on. Pl an . tember. Students 11 ho alreadv ha1·c ab ut to set sai l. Th e dra urrht i th e into the ,\lumni begun their law s tudies s ha ll h ~ve the good y u ca n accompli sh in yo ur 11·cre made fo r th e firs t re unio n o f live ," Father \ 'arlcv said. the 1933 class to be held at commen ceop po rtunit~· to complete them. Father In concluding, Father Varley said ment in 1938. Tredtin sa id that the raising of re-



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ALUMNUS Me mbe r of the American Alumni Council Published Monthly. Except in Jul y, .\ ugu September, by





-;-per year, mcludmg membersh ip ' " Alumn.• Assopauon. ! 5.00. ubscripti n alone, $2.00.

•ngle cop1es, 2



~e se nt

intended lor pu bhca tion should

to .the Al u mn i Office, . U n iversi ty of Dayton,

Dayton, OhJO, !hey shou ld be


hand befo re the I 'th

IO 11\SUre a llenfto n for the issue of t he SUCCeedi ng month.

Checks . drarts, and mo ne y o rders should be maJc pay able to ''T he A lu mn i Associatio n o f t he U n iversity

of Dayton ." ET~Lered a~ sc ond-d;IJ'!' mal_tcr j ntHWf)' I ;, 1929. oi l the l ost O.fT• cc at D :t)' tOn , Oluo, under A L.t vf Con~;ress

I M a rch

Vol. V


1879 .

JUNE. 1933

No. 9

A Fair Question H ow long h a ve you been receivlllg li tera ture a nd regula r news from the alumni office at the L ni n :rsity of D ayton witho ut co ntrib uting toward s its upkeep ? Some have contribu ted r egularly, b ut a large percenta ae ha ve n ot. 1 it fair ? 1 n t it abo~t time th at 11·e hould be receiving you r coo pera tion : We have truggled thro uah 0 t hese . stormy. times 11·ith the ho pe of carry tng on m the future. We h ave been patiently waiting and fa ithful ly !10ping t_ha t yo u would take yo ur place 111 the lm~~P · \Ve have been rely ing o n t he University for our verv existe nce. o matter how deservina o ur ·ase may be_o r ho w willing t he s~hool ma y be, takmg th e s um n esessa ry for t he Alumn i ociation from t he a lre~d r ove_r ~ u rd ened L'niversity i crea un o- acld 1t1ona l h a rdship. W e sho uld be pa):ing o ur own way. If yo u have not pa id your du e a nd a re a bl e to do so, a re you going to continue o n the " free li st," o r are you going to place your na me a longs ide of th ose active a lumni who have pa id their dues and 11·ho a r wo rking tn b rin a ab out t ha t 'ratif~· ing feeling < f pa,·fn"' nu r own II . . co nam es o f 11·a ~- .~ 1:' l' o ow1ng are the a lumni ,,·ho _ha ve recentl y joi ned o r r~n e wed t he1r m e mb e r~ hips in o ur li o f D ;\ lumni As ·ociati n : J oseph \\. B lil e~· , J r., ' 32, R ichmond . a. R ev. R ap hael \ . 'ourd , · J G. Cincinnati . R obert N . Len ch, '3 0. Cb ela nd. J o hn. ~ f. Burg meier. 'Oi . Chicago. Edw1n J. Yago\\'. '27. C hi cago. C ha rle. J. Ba um a n. ' 31. D ;11\on. \ . A. l\foeller, '28, Da~· wn .'


j une, 1933

elected presid ent of the club. Edward 'f. C row, '32, was elected vice-president, and Edward F. Gowan 32 was elected secreta ry-trea u rer. j ose~h C. J m t, '31, was the director elected. £ach office was very clo ely contested. During th e course of the c1·eu ina R e . \ alter C. TredLin, ·. }.l., p resi~ dent of the ni\·ersity of Day ton, VISIted the cl ub and spoke about a tfai rs ., a L th_e Diversity . Other guests of the evenu~g were H a rry B a uJ an, · of D of o a thleu~ d irector, and l\lerle P. ·J;n ith, Alumni Election Results al umn1 ecretary , both of whom poke The foll 01rin (Y re ults o f t he a nn ua l of the activities of thei r departmen ts. alu mni electi on 11·e re a nnounced on 1- ollowmg t he adjournment of the b u sines ~ session ~he meeting wa conCla ss Day, J une 3 : erted m to a OCJal get-together. Lo ui · R. Ma hrt, a g radu ate of th e Those in a ttendance at thi meeting clas f 1926 a nd a pr min ent y o ung D ayton a ttorney, wa elected a lumni 1re re : AI chaefer, j oe B elan ich I cky p resident? ucceeding Hen ry L. Beigel, Conobo~'-. en e Hug, Willie Quay, Jr. A rch1e J. L ear y, another attorney- Harry 1 hompson, M ike Busciglio, AI J. H a rt, John B ohan, F uzzy (lt-law, fro m Clevel and and a a rad uate 1•.aust, J oe Andras1 Gi l Gowan, E d w. of. t he class of 1925 is the i~comincr . ' b ~i:ow, Ch uck Mehling, Bill l unn, Tim n ee-p resident. The o ffice of t rea urer will be filled 1"-J!leen, Joe H orriga n' Ed Schn eider , ?~· J ohn . R . o nn elly, '32 D ayton. C lem K emer, ' huck D ehler .B ill 1 he e off1ces a re a ll fo r the pe riod o f l\ l ayer, Gerry H erbi on, J ohn D~besi s t:d Gowan, Bill B elanich, D a n F itz~ one year. Two men were elected LO th e a lumni s 1m m ~:m , Bob Coll ins, J oe Caveney, .Boa rd o f Directors for a three-yea r J oe j1 ra t utz rmstrong, J oe olan, term. T hey 11·e rc Theodo re I . H ol- Bob L ensch, J ohn B auer, A rchie l e l~k~ m p, 99, of D ay ton, a nd R ev. L eary, And y Cunningh am, Bill Slick, Wil ham P. O'Connor '08 of C inci n- J ack Brad y, J ohn Nunn, E d Van ' ' A rnhem, J ack B yrne and Duke Beln at1., Oh'10. F o r a t hree-y ea r t erm on the a t h- a ~ich. Absent fo r ca use 11·ere J oe N eville and H erb E isele. letic board of cont rol Simon B urick It was a very enthusias tic m eetina '28, sports edito r of the D ayton D ai l): e\\'s, a nd Thomas E . Ga llag her '2 . which gives p romise of m uch activity o f D et roit ::\1ich ., were the succ~ss ful in t he futu re. ca ndid a tes. of D As a climax to th e class da ~· p rog ra m the da ses o f 190 a nd 1<J2 Father Kunnecke's New held their reu nion a t t he B iltmo re hotel with a buffet d inner . en ·cd at Book Published 6:30 p. m . T he reunion 11·e re verv Y ou sho uld read the ne1r pro mised l·r ell a ttend ed a nd p lans we re macfe fo r re un ions of bot h classes to' be held I'Oiume, 'T h e \' ay Out a nd t he \\ ay again in 1938. Clement G. J auch, Beyond, o r, Ou t o f the D epression in D ayton, ecretary of the '08 class, and S1xty D ays," and lea rn how our ecoJ ohn E . Carroll, C hatta nooga T enn ., nomi ~ sy stem, by correction o f it:: secreta ry of the ' 28 clas a re to be f~ ll aCJ_e , can come o ut of dep ressio n hig hly complimented fo r ' o s ucress- v1cton o us. ltR slogan expre se. its purpose: ec uri ty fo r al l- bu iness full ~- w rki ng o ut th lass reu ni on ~ . man, b ank~r fa nner, laborer_ a nd govu of o ernm ent. 1he volume con tam a prora m, proved and illu trated by Annual Election Meeting r' ra ph ' to ~c ~re ju tice to a ll. B y ron B ._H a rl a n, n1 ted tate con are ma n. of Cleveland Club . a 1d 'If t he economi st in t his coun On M ond ay evening. J un e 12, 193 3, try would get toaether on a pla n such the niversity o f Day ton lumni as P rofessor l' unn ecke propo e , or Club o f C levela nd held its an n ua l ne omewha t nea r it, omethin o- could electio n meeting a t B ill B ela nicb's be do ne." F ather K unnecke is dean re ta ura nt at 1547 H a milton avenue of p h i l osop h ~· . socio!oo-y and polit ical Cleveland Oh io. ·' ec~:m omy at th e · ni ver ity of D ayton. W illi am A. N unn J r., '28, was I-ll s book sells· for one doll a r. R ev. R a ymond G o rm a n, ' 19, T oledo. AI N . Dir chel '25, Troy, 0 . J ohn C. Wolf, '8 , .Rosell e .' \ . J . Lill e B a lzhiser, '32, Day ton. t. 1\ nd rew Zittel, J r., 26, East L o ui s, Ill. T heod o re D. H oll enkam p, '<)9 Da~· ­ to n. Theodore ,\ . ' ha r pen te r, '2 , A ur ra, I ll.


./une, 1933


Class Notes

D o you wan t to receive the regular i sues of the U nive rsity of Dayton Alumnus? If so, fill in the slip at the bottom of the next page, and mail it to the Alumni Office, University of Dayton, Day~on , Ohio . . In tl1e futtu·e t h.e maf!az in.e wtll he mailed only to those who mail in slip and to thoSP who pay th eir alumni dues. Now is the time to show your inte rest by mai ling in th e coupon.

'94 Dr.

L ouis F. B:"~her, fo~·r~er re ident a nd practiClllg physician of D ayton, has been a v isitor in Dayton <>reetin<> old fri end . Dr. B ueber ' 0 0 l. now is a resid ent o( \ as 1mgton, wh re he mo1·ed after qu itting the 1 ractice o f hi profes ion he re I X 1·ears ago. Fo r severa I yea rs he has been pending hi s time bet11·een the _capital a nd hi e tate on C_he apeakc Bay 52 miles from Washm <>ton, ll1 l a ry land. During hi s vi it he ha been impo rtun ed by a la rge numb er f his friends to return to Dayton to res ume practice and he, admittedly, has t he propo al under con ideration.

'0 1 Announcement

wa made on Jun e 14 in 1ippecanoe City of the transfer of R ev. Walte-r L. Maid ey, pastor of St. John the B aptist Cathli c church at that place, to the pasto rate of the t. Patrick' Ca tholi c church at B el lefonta ine, Ohi o, the contemp lated cha nge to be effective J u ly I , 1933.


Our ve ry incere con" ra LUiati ons ar extended to 1\fT. and \1rs. fameJ "N rd" Cri mes of 625 6 Wini.h rop ave nue. Ch icago. lll., who celeb rated t heir 25 th l·l·edding anniversary on June 6, 1933 .

14 R ev. R obut J.

.her-ry: rec~or. o f St. Greo-01·y em1nary Ill Cl11Cll~­ nati. 1ras a recent vis itor to the Uni,·er iry. father Sherry was accompa ni ed h1· F ath er O' Brien, a 1\Iaryk noll pri est from China. 1

IS C rnrJ!.r

.. L o~sciL_. who visit<:d the alu mn1 o ff1 ce o n June 7, ~ ~ 1ra ffic man ~ge r o f t l~e Union lro,n \Vorks a t En e. Pa. TillS was Georges fi rst visit to t he l ni ve rsity of Dayton since 19 1 . • Greetin<> come from our good fri end. Edrt•. C. _Purpus, attorney-at-l air. 412 P ershmg Square bui lding, 448 Sou th Hill treet, Los ngeles. California. F.d wond ers what hance a weste rn er would have to run [or a n a lumni office. \ ·e are reminded of Horace G reek's admonition. Ed sat as Judge Pro T e m in t he uperior Court. Co un t1· of L o~ ngeles. State of C a lifo rni a. -,rithin t he last half year. H e h a~ been pr min entl y mentioned fo r the 1 o ition o f .\ .si ta nt ttorn ~y­ General of the li nited States. He 111 troduced the H ono rab le Willia m Gibb IcAd oo over th e rad io hook-up on the last ni <>ht o ( th e ca mpaign. 1



Greetin o-s come (rom R ev: R a~­ mond T. Corman, who IS stdl


connected with the Central Catholic hig h school in Toledo, Ohio.


Canoll A. H ochwalt, co-partner o f the Thomas-Hochwalt R eea rch L a bo ratories in Dayton, Ohio, has been elected chairman of th e Dayton section of the American Chemical Society. Carroll res ides at 1408 Schantz avenue, D ay ton, Ohio. 1


j ohn 1'. H aclceU is now located at 11 8 South Vlebster s treet, J ackson, Mich.


On J une .) th ~l~c ' ni versi ty o f D ay ton 1ras Vl 1ted by H f!Tb fTI },anigcm o f Londo n, Ohio. • C reeings come from R ev. GTegory Nelso n Sullivan , who is located at 3+ R oche street, Huntington, Ind. 1

25 F-rancis

E . Bustillo is now located at Ju ereta ro 183 , l\llex ico City 1 lexica. • L eo B . Vi rant, attorn c,:-~t-lan· is located at l?o·· Centra l l 1~ited lh~k bu ilding 30 ' Euclid avenu , Cl eveland, Ohio.


Our sympathies a re extended to iltichael H erbrrt Eilunbary o[ 304 E dga r avenu e, Dayton, Ohio, on the death o f hi s mother.


P aul J>. 1li cClellan h~s receiv~d hi doctora te d earee m chemlstrv at Co rn ell uni versity and since J t; ne IS he has been a ociated with th Fire ton company at kron, b hio as their res a rch microscopi t.

Page 3

J un e ' ' 1933 ' to R o emary We , ten dorf, dauo-hter o f rd r. a nd Mrs. Cia renee \ Vestendo rf of Fillmo re t rect, Dayton, Ohio. The wedding wa solemnized at St. Mary's church, D ayto n.


\1/r. and \11-.r. J ohn E. L ogn uf 336 Hickorv street, D arton. Ohi o, are t he proucl paren ts of a bab)~. girl born on .\Iay 12, 1933. J o hn 1 prese ntly connected with t he Republ ic sphalt company of D ayton.


Francis X. K o:be, chemical :nginee r is workmg unde r MaJ o r . Charles V.' Bacon, ' 19, consulting chemical engineer of 3 Park Row, Tew York City. • Wilbut· C. Mitchell wa a visitor to the alumni office on June 8, 1933. Wilb ur is connected with The Texoma Natural Gas company of Fritch, Texas. • Ralph E. Brady now resides at 222 Rhode Island avenue, Detroit, :Mich. • Announcement is being made of the approaching marriage of M iss Virginia Ann Moorman, D ayton, to William Paul Brandenburg, and Saturday, July 8, has been chosen as the date for the wedding, which is to take place at Corpus Christi church in Dayton, Ohio. • j ohn f. Danis, son of Mrs. Agnes Danis, 39 Stoddard Circle, Dayton, Ohio, graduated from the United States Military \.cademy at West Point, N. Y., as one of five receiving commissions as "distinguished cadets." The honor is awarded to cadets who a re graduated after averaging 92 per cent or more for their four years at \Ves L Point. John s scholastic standing was third highest in his class. • R obert W . Shennan, son of 1Vlr. and Mrs. Henry]. Sherman of 6 13 Homewood avenue, D ayton, Ohio, was married on June 14, 1933, to Miss Elanor Hoersting, daughter of /fr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoersting of 2045 Philadelphia drive, Dayton, Ohio. T he wedding was solemnized at Our L ad y of M rcy church iu D ayton .

'32 L eo

T heo. " Shorty' S!tarpenter has fini shed a o urse in embalming ill the \\'o rsham colleoin Chicago. '·. ho r ,_,. . aY that he is a-oi ng to be a big 11ndertaker.

Zierolf has j us_t fu~ished hi first y ear as athletiC d1rector at St. r iary's h igh s_chool _in San~u sky, Ohi o. Lee was given h1gh p ra1 e Ill ' The BelL" the St. Mary's hig h ch ol student paper.




~ ob C . B e r~le of 3725 _W oodnd ge road. Cle1·ela nd, Oh10, wa. a ,-isito r' at 1i f D on ·May 29 193 3. • Edgm· M c Bride of Bellemonte P a rk, orth, D ayton, Ohio, was married on

We . extend ou_r hearty congralul atwns and smcere welcome to ou r new alumni, the class of 1 93~. Rem ember, your ci a s ecretary 1 D aniel A dams .

Page 4


U D Golfers State Champs

Appoint Assistant Coach

The niversit'y of Dayton golfers culminated a most successful links campaign by winning the state intercollegiate title at C leveland, and one of the U of D fairwa y artists, Eddie Hamant, the F lyer captain, copped the individual crown. Led b the brilliant golf of their captain the l of 0 pill-pu her displayed a brand of golf which w·ould be difficult to beat by the best of college team s. Through the aid of the sport editor of the Dayton paper and an exhibiti n match enough contributions ha ve been received to send the U of D golf tean1 to Buffalo for the national intercollcgiilte golf tournament. Nelson Ruddy, No. 2 ma n on the U of D golf team, crashed through to hi first major championship· on· Saturday, June I 0, when he won the Kentucky amateur title at L exington.


of D

U of D Stadium Attracts The U niversity of Dayton staditllll ' the scene o f the Ohio As ociation A. A. U. track and fie ld chil mpion ship meet spon sored by t he Edelwei, s club of Dayton.• Ohio. The meet 11·as held on Saturday, June 3, at 2 p. m. and was open to all a th letes registered as amateur in t he Ohio Association. On Friday night, June 16. Max Baer appea red in th e of D stadium fo r an exhibition match. Jack Dempscv was the third man in th e rin)!. Fi'v e six-round prelimi na ry Lout · we re a l ·o on the card. II' a



The athletic board of the Univerity o f D ayton announced that t\b Strosnider, '27, former · o f D football star, wi ll be assistant grid coach to Harry Baujan for the 1933 season. L ou T schudi,· a sen ior in the college o f arts a nd science at the Unive rsity a nd for the past two , ea sons coach f D prep 11·a · app inted u f the

J ime, 1933

fre · hman grid coach for next year. St rosnider wa o f D fres hman coach last eason. u of o L ess than I Oc a week fo r membership in the Alumni :\ s ociation o f t he penn y a day ni versity o f Dayton . from ach a lumnu s would enab l us to pay our own way.

Tentative Schedule of Prices for Football Tickets ~ HO IE GAME -SEA OJ\ 1933 Estahli shed Price Tax Included

P rice with C oupon of Precedi ng Ga me Tax Included

Frid ay Night, September 211 .'\ORlAN vs. DAYTO - -------- - - ;61.00 Friday Night, October 6 OHIO WESLEYA vs. DAYTO r_ _ 1.23 $ 1.00 Friday ight, October 13 HEIDELBER G vs. DAYTON___ __ 1.00 75c Friday ight, October 20 FL. DLA Y vs. DAYTO ___ __ :.____ 1.00 SaLUrday, Iovembe r 4 BALDWI WALLACE v. DAYTOr 1.00 75 Sa turday, November 11 W. Vi\ . WESLEYAN vs . DAYT01 1.25 l.tJO 'a turday, Iovember 25 WITTE BER G vs. DAYTO ___ __ l.25 1.00 SE SON BOOKS, $6.00 BOXES (Eight Seats) , $60.00 Customers can avail th emselves of the reduced price only when purcha ing tickets in advance of the game and by presenting the stub of a ticket for the preceding game. Thi s privilege does not hold for box office sales. Du e t the un certainty of p resent economic cond ition , the abo c p rice a rc ubject to cha ncre.




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