Daytonian 1974

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Outside Concert -


Beer and Good Time


Art Show



Sidewalk Sale


Sorority Rush


Sorority rushes this year were a little d ifferent than the traditional wine and cheese or beer parties of previous years. Exceptionally new was the ice cream rush provided by one of the sororities on campus. Th is rad idifferent rush cally aroused the curiosity of enough girls to make the rush a great success.


Elton John


The sell out crowd could not have wished more from Elton John in his two hour, two encore performance. hom the moment he hit the stage with his blinking neon sunglasses and white satin cape, he captivated the audience. The concert was partly a serious musical presentation, evident in songs like "Madman Across the Water," "High Flying Bird," and "Have Mercy on the Criminal." But he knew what the people wanted and "Your Song," "Rocket Man," and "Daniel" did just that. Being brought to their feet by "Crocodile Rock", the crowd remained standing through his finale, "Honky Tonk Women ." Elton John proved that he is truly an artist and a professional who knows how to please his people .

The Untouchable Twe,nties :/

Marathon Dance

"I COULD HAVE DANCED ALL NIGHT" - A Dance Marathon? - That's right! Perpetual Motion? - That's right, too!!!!! On Tuesday, October 9, as part of Homecoming 1973, UA sponsored a marathon - and, of all who participated, only five and one half proved they could "DANCE ALL NIGHT." Except for periodic ten minute breaks, none of the contestants were altowed to stop - not even for a minute! Steve WendeH, of WVUD, gave no mercy to the contestants as he shouted out demands. What a stinker! The marathon was a great success - everyone had lots of fun. And, now, the final contestants can honestly say, "I DID DANCE ALL NIGHT."


The Parade Clowns, balloons, floats - different sizes, shapes, and colors - drill teams, cheerleaders, beer, and fun for all, were but a few essential ingredients that initiated the ANNUAL UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON HOMECOMING PARADE this year! What a way for students and returning alumni to begin Homecoming 1973 - This, they call tradition - who wants to change it??? Not me!!!



"Keep hustling, something good will happen.'路 They did, it happened, and the Flyers beat Ball State in the homecoming appearance by a score

13-12. While keeping the 7,519 soggy fans on the edge of their seats, the UD Flyers showed the homecomers how they PLAY BALL! Yes, the game was a thriller! Though the scores were close and tension present in the crowds - the verdict as always was TRIUMPHANT!

Homecoming Game



Homecoming Dance

As you are well aware, nothing compares with the nostalgia of Homecoming. The dance is a time of renewing old acquantance, reliving unforgettable times, and reviving the famous U.D. spirit! This year's Homecoming, October 13, 1973, took as its theme, "The Roaring 20's". Wampler's was the site. Continuous music from two bands, "Timothy" and "Dillinger", were provided lo make the night memorable! This year candidates (RIGHT) were (BOTTOM ROW, L. to R.) Vivian Gregowich, Joyce Konst, Lyn Gutbrod, and Katie Hickey. (TOP, L. to R.) Georgina Linnelli and Erwena Stone.


University Art Series /'

Anna Moffo, John Alexander, and the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra gave an excellent performance combining superb vocal quality and outstanding audience appeal. Ms. Moffo and Mr. Alexander gave solo and duet performances from some of the world's most famous operas, includ ing selections from Donizetti's "Daughter of the Regiment", Verdi's "Rigoletto", and "Tosca" by Puccini. During the performance the two singers displayed not only their great vocal talents, but also showed considerable stage presence. The conclusion of the concert was an encore in which Ms. Moffo and Mr. Alexander sang "The Drinking Song" from "La Traviata" complete with their own improvised waltz to the delight of the audience.






Crosby-Nash Concert

WHAT can I say about the Crosby-Nash concert? I mean, for all of you who saw it - nothing needs to be said - and for all of you who didn't, you most probably have already heard what needs to be said ***** So, I have rationalized leaving this section of the Crosby-Nash concert up to your own memories. REMEMBER???


Theatre Restaurant

Dinner PLUS Entertainment! The University of Dayton held their Theatre-Restaurants right here on campus. Beavercreek Players sponsored "Gian't 's Dance" . Also included in entertainment were " Good-Bye Charlie" and "last of the Red Hot lovers"!! ! For all those present - they were definitely enjoyable evenings! lot ' s of fu n, food, and entertainment!



Spoon River Anthology


"Spoon River Anthology" The most intriguing aspect of this play was its variety. Nearly all aspects of life were represented, from the most contented souls in their grave to the most outraged. The play was reviewed as "well worth seeing" and that it surely was!!


Christmas on Campus

"HO! HO! HO! And what do you want for Christmas little girl?" What FUN "Christmas on Campus" - 1973 was this year with games, Santa, si nging, hot chocolate, Christmas cookies - and just about everything else CHRISTMASY!!





Frank Zappa Concert

Great excitement stormed throughout the U.D. campus on November 26. Zappa and the Mothers were brought to the U.D. Fieldhouse! Frank Zappa proved to be crazy, ugly, intelligent and outrageous. The most notorious thing about him people say, is his musical career. This, he proved to the U.D. students!


Military Ball




Phil Donahue -

Bobby Riggs

Amazing, Incredible ... but, YES it's true! The Phil Donahue Show was filmed at the UD Arena! Bobby Riggs played Pete Rose! Other Dayton TV personalities appeared and stood ready to get in on all the action!!



Go Flyers!


Lyn Gutbrod, Laura Saluati, Lyndelle Phillips, Georgina Linnelli, John Leone, Bob Bir, Tom Lolli, Gary O'Keefe. Missing: Greg Tamer.



lady Audley's Secret

Under the direction of Lawrence Selka, a GREAT CAST produced, "Lady Audley 's Secret" - a play deserving of much praise and recognition! The performers include Chris Sauter, Bob Byrne, Bill Lester, John Tobin, Jim Nicholas, Sue Rupert, and Patti Spitler. Lawrence Selka's direction of this play deserves much praise because choreography was especially important in diminishing the effect of a poor script. That's right - The name of the play "LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET"



Kings' Skits - Turnabout


'TURNABOUT KING - Nick Giangiulio - Competitors were Jim Casella, Dan Hogan, Bill Cairns, Tom Lolli, Charlie Henrich, Alfred Hannibal, John McTamney, and Mike Burke. All were considered "Babes in Toyland" with their childish charms!!


The Dating Game


THE DATING GAME!!! Presented alive and on the LID campus As part of Turnabout Week, one night was dedicated for The Dating Game - and what a game it was!!!


Turnabout Dance


What a treat for the men! THE TURNABOUT DANCE! Dinners, bottles, and rides were supplied by the girls. What more could the men ask for? A GOOD TIME was had by all - But, thank heavens it's only ONCE a year! a girl.




Academics - Lab, Compute, Study



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Football 5-5-1


Some football teams win their games by hook, some win them by crook, while others use a little 'schnook' to chalk one up in the victory cqlumn. The Dayton Flyers went this formula one better against their first rival of the season, Youngstown State. The fans saw a little bit of all three as the Flyers put together a 22-0 victory! Coach Marciniak used his flashy Veer-T offense, complete with options, counter options, and for good measure, a few more options in his master plan to hook Dayton on his football team .


For weeks before the football season, sports columnists and fans alike had been sizing up the team's strength down to a detailed description of each play. Ignored in this pregame flurry, the UD marching band took the spectators by surprise and earned throughout the season standing ovations. Why the sudden success? According to Band Director, Clair Miller, it is due to administration support and a new trend among U. D. students. Long discouraged by the national trend of "dropping out", he delights in the willingness of students to become a part of campus activities! The band members expressed the same idea of a new Spirit in the group. Last year the main job was to make the members believers, now their job is to make them doers.



"It was a great effort by a team that just wouldn't be beat ." This is the way coach Ron Marciniak described his team's 23-19, come from behind victory over Southern Illinois University. After trailing 16-3 at halftime, the Flyers came back before 7,881 fans . The win broke a three game losing streak for the Red and Blue . On his halftime adjustments Coach Marciniak said, "We just stuck to our game plan and reminded the team that each individual had to hold hi s block a little longer and outplay his man a bit more ." With just 3:36 left in the game, halfback Walt Wingard took a pitch from quarterback Ken Polke around right end and scored what proved to be the winning points! Greg Schwarber's extra point was simply the icing on the cake. What a game! What a team! What a school!







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ROW ONE: Bierdeman, Ellison, Zimmerman, Hart, Brohm, Polke, Kundert, Baldwin, Siewe, Hayden, Smith, Holmes, Dailey, Franklin, Zukoski, Zink, ROW TWO: Defensive Line, M. Nelson, West, Leighton, Broering, Kastilahn, Meter, Klotz, janosek, Rayburg, Earhart, Myers, Perez, Hilgenberg, Snow, Zins, Offensive Backfield, D. Green, ROW THREE: Defensive Secondary, B. Dudley, Westbeld, Killoran, johnson, Kirk, McVay, Schwarber, Mart, Dzalamanow, Phillips, McCallion, Gordon, Cardon, Kleinhenz, Shyne, ROW FOUR: Graduate Assistant, J. Burkhardt, Cospy, Ragon, Westbeld, Puckett, Kasprzychi, jones, Balzer, Thomas, Thomas, Wingard, Scandridk, Place, Fair, Keeling, Linebackers/Scouting, J. Edwards, ROW FIVE: Offensive Coordinator, B. Mazie, Wolking, Nare, Fecke, Cilek, Zippay, Dundala, Hill, johnston, Campbell, Gerken, Conley, McDonald, Receivers/Scouting, G. Myers, ROW SIX : Finn, Warrington, Head Football Coach, Ron Marciniak, McDade, Hildreth, Vosberg

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L-R Zgela.

Bob Edwards; Ed Kwest, head trainer; Neil Bobal; and John

KNEELING (L-R) - Joe Lipinski, head manager, and Don Brickweg; 2ND ROW - Mike Annarino, John Perry, Tony Grdina


22 0





Bowling Green



Central Michigan



Southern Illinois



Ball State


















Since his arrival, new head coach Ron Marciniak, has promised changes and that is just what he has produced. He started with changes in the coaching staff, continued with changes in the team's uniforms, and later changed some of his personnel to new positions. While Marciniak has attempted to install changes on the field to improve the squad, he also has attempted to create a program that the students can be proud of. "The players want the students to be proud of their football team," said Marciniak.



Soccer 6-2-2

The U.D. boosters overpowered five of their 1973 opponents to set a school record of 16 consecutive wins before being defeated by Miami University . The previous record of 11 wins was set by the '57 and '67 teams. This year's squad featured such standouts as Jim Gerker, Mike Brick, Mark Boas, and Dave Mechler. With 23 team members returning, next season promises to be another record-breaking year!




Soccer 1973 BonOM ROW: LEFT TO RIGHT Dave Mechler, John Hacker, Joe Donovan, Pat Webb, Jack Mar, Ray Lee, Paul Schmidt, Jim Tobin , Brian Urquhart. MIDDLE ROW: LEFT TO RIGHT Mark Heuth, Mark Wiedemer, Matt Welch, Pat McEnteer, Joe Ruffolo, Leon Jenkins, Jim Gerker, IIhan Pere, Fabio Tuaich. TOP ROW:LEFT TO RIGHT Bob Richardson (Coach), Mike Cahill (Coach), Mark Boas, Jerry McKenna, Mark Mays, Mark Coran, Bob Hecht, Bob Rohrbach, Bryan Hehemann, Bruce Lichorwic, Mike Brick, John Kubiak , Bob Sullivan.

U .D.

1 2 2 3 5

OPPONENT University of Cincinnati Ohio Wsleyan College Wilmington College Ball State Wittenberg University


1 2 1 2 1

3 4 1 2 1

OPPONENT Morehead State University of Toledo Miami University Ohio State Cedarville College

2 1 4 1 4


Rugby 3-6


Dayton's Rugby Club faced a number of tough opponents this year and in doing so managed to set two team records. Records were set for the most victories and for the most points scored during one season. The Club won three games and scored a total of 80 points, 38 more than the previous record of 42 points. Although the Cl.ub's overall record of 3-6 is not impressive, the , team members feel that they are gaining the necessary experience to become key tournament contenders. Their president, Dan Brabender, feels that the team is greatly improving each year and says it won't be long before Dayton becomes a championship




U.D.'s young Hockey team got off to a slow and premature start. After only two hours of practice they managed to tie Miami 4.-4 in the opener. However, inexperience began to take its toll as the Flyers lost four consecutive games to U,c., Toledo, Overland, and Henry Ford. Although the team was outscored, they were by no means defeated . After learning from their mistakes, the icemen came back to defeat Miami 18-3, Toledo 8-5, and Kenyon 13-3. If ,t hese late season scores are any indication of what to expect next year, opponents may find themselves nu mbered or as the Flyers slash the ice in the name of experience once again!





Women's Tennis Th ird in Ohio Valley League Tournament

When tryouts for the women's tennis team were held early this year, not as many girls tried out as were expected. Even though, Coach Jayson organized her gals into an attractive but tough tennis team that would stop at nothing. After many hours of hard practice and lessons learned the hard way, the team hit the high spot in their season by placing third in the Ohio Valley League Tournament. Each year the girls are getting better and who knows, someday a U.D. girl may be saying, "14-Love, Mr. Riggs!"


KNEEliNG: Alison DePaul, Debbie Moresi, Cathy Brill. STANDING: Pat Jayson, Anne Brennan, Bee Hanrahan, Carolyn Coyle, Anita Fisher, Reenie Laflin, Barb O'Neil.


Women's Field Hockey 8-4

BOTTOM ROW: Barb Buckley, Pam Downing, Mamie Oldani, Terri Deibert, Pat Jayson, Patti Paicic, Donna Vigilo, Christie Rothhammer. CENTER ROW: Kathy Phillips, Maureen Dolan, Cindy Ashe. TOP ROW: Dee Kane, Beth Madison, Liz Byrne, Betsy Coffield, Karen Shoemaker, Carol Miller, Janice King, Allegra Storts, Betty Hudson, Debbie Aviles, Pat Penders, Mary Beth Hackett.


Coach Pat Jayson's field hockey completed a very successful 8-4 season. Highlights of the season were a first place win in the Ohio Valley League Tournament and a first place finish in the Ohio Valley League. This fine showing gave them an eighth ranking in the state and has left us wondering what to expect next year.


Women's Volleyball Undefeated in the State of Ohio

U. D.

15-15 15-11-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15 15-15

OPPONENT Eastern Kentucky Baldwin Wallace Wooster Ohio University Miami University Ohio State U. Cedarville College • Indiana U. • U. of Illinois • Purdue • U. of Illinois Chicago Circle •• Northern Illinois •• U. of Illinois Chicago Circle •• Wester Michigan •• Northeastern III.

15-15 15-15 • Indiana Tournament .. Northern Illinois Tournament


9-4 11-15-4 7-7 2-7 7-6

12-12 4-3 8-10 8-8 4-8 7-11 4-4 13-3 9-2 11-8

Debbie Szima Pat l etzler Bett y Burk e Kathy Hurley layn Richter Sh aron Beigel

Connie Fo x Ch eryl Humphrey Carol Miller (Co-Capt.) Gail Jennings Bonnie Reikirch Gayle Blevin s (Co-Capt.)

The Women 's volleyball team finished their season with a 6-1 record. Undefeated in Ohio play, they beat such formatable foes as Ohio U., Miami and Oh io State . Coach R. Elaine Dreidame's team also played in Indiana's and Northern Illinois tournaments. Being ranked the number one Ohio team was the most satisfying part of the successfu I season.


Women's Basketball

BOTTOM ROW : Sharon Beigel, Sandra Johnson, Patti Palcic, Barb Buckle y, Pat Let zler. TOP ROW: Betty Burke, Carol Miller, Thelma Cromartie, Pat Lock wood, Mary Lou Holder, Pat Penders, Elaine Dreidame (Coach).


Swoosh! That was the constant sound from tipotf to the final buzzer. The Women's Basketball team under the coaching of Elaine Dreidame out jumped, outshot, and outclassed almost every opponent on their rugged schedule. Their high spirits and extra efiort, laced together with teamwork, proved to be a combination that couldn't be beat.


Varsity 'B owling



Intramurals The Staff . . .

BOTTOM ROW : J. leotta, P. Geib, J. Coley, T. lupia, B. Mayo. TOP ROW: J. BeslOn , B. Fajardo, B. Sh epard , T. DeGroff, D. Vig ilo, L Roe sky , S. Janky.

The Winners ...

MEN'S flAG FOOTBAll Bone Biters : J. Petrusyk, J. Deluca, D. Vassallo, P. Barry, R. Bianchi, G. We isgerber, K. loughery, J. Coffery, T. DeRose, F. Kennelly, J. Co x, D. Rhein, T. Caminiti, F. Hudson, F. Ribelli.

MEN'S TENNIS SINGLE G. Clou se, E. Krueger.


RING ! Hello ? Hello, Greg, thi s is John . You ready for the gam e tonite? What gam e ? The intramural game! Didn ' t you remember? Oh yeah, but I've got a te st tomorrow Come on, th e team's waiting O.K. I'll be right there.

WOMEN ' S VOLLEYBALL Honkey Tonk s: K. Sullivan, M. Mariscaico, L. Ste be rl , L. Ru sc hau , P. Wahbrab, A. Miller, S. Mosse r, M . Sc hewendeman, E. Broerin g, S. Mitris in , E. Di e tz, K. Long.

MEN'S VOLLEYBALL V-Club A: M. Baniak, M. Gon zal ez, J. Mar, A. Mashia c h, D. Mikionis, K. Nolan, P. Ocea n a k, E. Sol e r, J. Targa.

Hey, who are th e funny looking guys out ther e ? That's the team! Come on, it 's time to start Over here around the giv e it to up for two! Alright Buzzy W e 've won, John, we've won! Let's go to Tim 's and ce le brat e . I thought you had a test tomorrow, Greg? Well 1.'11 drink to that '!!

WOMEN 'S FLAG FOOTBALL Th e Dominattes: S. Johnson, S. Moble y, G. Je nning, E. Sm ith , D. Dun son, D. Valentine, T. Crom a rtie, C. DeHart , J. King, S. Irvin, L. He nd e rson, G . Ely, N. Bolde n, L. Phillips, D. Flac k.

CO-REC TABLE TENNIS Ming Kann Tze ng, Ann-Ping Tsou.

MEN'S SOFTBALL Th e Ne w G a ng: T. DeGroff, S. Warn e r, G . M c Aloose, J. Matlac k,

C. Ladi sh, J. Rourk e, D. Ve nn e kotter, D. Kovich, F. Pollutro, M. Onis, D. Christ, T.Hunt.


Wrestling Determination Plus!

~ it"





KNEEliNG: M. Sheridan, T. Berry, R. Petti, M. Reilly, M. Cermak, Hone, C. Demeo, J. Edwards (Coach), W. Place, B. Koshinski.


~. -.:

J. Murray. STANDING: P. lasky, T.

The Wrestling team experienced a frustrating season hampered by inexperience and injuries. This year's record was no indication of the teams overall hustle and enthusiasm. The Grapplers started each match six points in the hole since they did not have a man in the heavywe ight catagory and often found this to be the losing edge. First year coach Jim Edwards found himself organizing a seniorless team with only one junior member. Although this was a disappointing season the matmen never gave up. Through their determination and perserverence the team created a spirit of competition which they \an be proud of.


Baseba.11 Fall Season

U.D.'s Baseball team found themselves running the bases more than playing the field in most of their fall season games. The team demonstrated an uncanny ability to hit the ball in times of need. This, in conjunction with an excellent pitching staff, enabled the Flyers to compose a fine record of 10-3-1 for the season. Head Coach, Bob Hildreth described the Flyers as a "very successiul team", and later commented, "There's no doubt about it, I've been pleasently surprised all season."



Basketball Flyers on the Move ...


In the past, U.D.'s basketball team has been led by one or two outstanding players. However, this year, things were a lot different. The team's leading scorer, Donald Smith, found help in the person of Johnny Davis, who according to Smith, improved the team's offensive game by 70%. At the forward positions senior Mike Sylvester and jumping jack Allen Elijah backed up the team's offensive drives by sweeping the boards clean time after time and at the center position senior John Von Lehman and junior Joe Fisher rounded out the team's ability . This y~ar's victories were not the efforts of one man but rather of a team which had strength and consistency at every position.


Throughout the year, the Flyers' balanced scoring and tough defense were rewarded enthusiastically by acknowledging fans. Spurred on by cheerleaders before the games, Flyer fans had the Arena shaking by the time the team hit the floor. Coach Donoher said that he had never heard anything like it in the four years at the Arena. Donoher was referring to U.D.'s triumph over U.c. when the crowd's enthusiasm hit an all time high.






As the Flyers passed their mid-season mark, the lines at the box office never slackened. Why? 路 Because the students and Fans alike realized that they could expect to see a unique type of game. A type of game where enthusiasm runs at extreme levels and hope is never lost. A game where the word excitement cannot be used to describe the high amount of emotions present. A game where the healthy spirit of competition unites players, students, faculty and home town fans in a common goal.


..... .....


BOTTOM ROW: Jack Adair, Rich Thalls, Dan Herling, Jim Testerman, Mike Sylvester, Donald Smith, John Vonlehman, Joe Fisher, Allen Elijah , Don Fritz TOP ROW : Don Donoher (Head Coach), Bill Cassidy (Assistant), leighton Moulton, Rocky Coleman, Jerome Holland, Dan Klawonn, John Davis, Jack Butler (Assistant), John McYay (Athletic Director)


97 68

80 69 54 63 66

74 73 82 62 62 74 72 72

85 91 76 83 68

79 87

OPPONENT St. Joseph's louisville long Island Pepperdine Michigan Georgia California Seattle Miami St. John's Xavier Creighton loyola of Chicago Detroit louisville DePaul Cincinnati VMI Western Kentuck y South Carolina South Florida Chattanooga Xavier Miami Northern Michigan Notre Dame

71 75 69 61 76 55 62 65 57 58 52 69 59 79 90 71 79 60

87 81 77



University of Dayton Club G . Russo, N. Cihnciola, C. Dragga, J. Higgins, K. Rose, G . Kozich, K. Sheridan, B. Alles, T. Williams, B. Brown , S. All es, M . Sheridan, B. Lynn , J. Williams, R. Walker, J. Garnon, R. Partington, P. Meehan, C. Martin , S. M ase hmeyer, C. Vaenta, J. Smulovit z, J. Effertz, F. Berbig

Orienteering Advisor; Capt. C assell, Pres. joyce Gaeke, J. Bassett, P. M ee han, C. Martin , Vondrell, K. Keating, D. Lloyd , M . Hart, C. Martin , J. Murray, J. Kr amer, D. Wood , W . Williamitis, B. Carroll, D. Be nnett, T. Williamitis, D. Green B. Bush, D. Besl, J. Kuhlman, J. Bledso, R. Penrod


Circle K Pres. P. Grygier, M . Wrightom, M. Bosayage, J. Donahue, R. Beebe, J. Gitzsen, M. Moran, D. Hussey, M. Weaver, J. Walters, D. Bellman, P. Bird, C. Stefanek, A. McGarvey, P. Dalinghaus, M. Knutson, B. Bonosky

Institute of Electric and Electron ic Engineers Pres. J. Herhold, R. Ralston, M . Zito, P. Pendergast, T. Sharp, S.. Szwed, D. Zkitzer, J. Schurmann, M. Fabish, J. Peters, M. Peters, A. Sigg, N. Gennavo, E. Spratt III , B. McCroskey, J. Scherling, l. Highfill, J. Byrd, B. Ritter, S. Coy, J. Abjami, B. Kretchmann, T. Chorba, B. Fanelli, R. Misplon, P. Grygier, J. Funk, M . Gulet!, S. Krutsick, l. Heeb, l. Shakes.


Marketing Club Prof. R. Kline (Advisor), J. Betz (Pres.), P. Cran ston (V.P.), M . Frenholz (Treas), B. Maras (Sec), N. Cosgriff, P. D'Onoirid , D.J. Chappie, J. Pas ette, G. Ferrara, P. Hammelrath, J. Nooney, L. Cioffi, R. Carpini, T. Rambasek , P. Cash nelli, M . Brun, L. Criscilio, D. Hacker, M.L. Mithoff, J. Axcei, R. Bonosky, T. Kesney, V. Pohlman, M. Vinciquerra

Dakota St. Clu b B. Kopi, H. Moore, M. We ndeln, S. Breen, R. Vivacqua, J. Welsh, T. Langley, B. Still, J. Macko, S. Mueller, T. Albrecht, B. Scott, J. Goodridge, T. Streicher, B. Laheta, S. Kram e r, A. Krisha, A. Rudden, J. Ward


Society of Physics Students B. Yager, T. Wittberg, E. Welsh, S. Vondrell,

J. Tuss, J. Thornton, S. Stoner, M . Shaheen, M. Schulte, D. Sauer, M . Ross, T. Rogers, E. Prochak, T. Pottenger, Brad Plohr, J. Parlett, D. Nelson, M. Miller, H. Manuel, B. Lynn, M. Lin, Ralph Lemming, T. Lee, D. Kovalcik, J. Lordik, P. Hemmer, A. Gusching, J. Geiger, W. Gazda, M. Ehrler, D. Dissinger, S. Cowdery, Laura Chervery, S. Chang P. Anthony, M. Baniak, T. Fecke, J. Murphy

Better Communications Club M. Burke (Pres.), J. Englehardt (V.P.), W. Lally (Treas.), L. Wilcox (Sec.), M. Rix (Consultant), P. McGrath, K. linn, D.J. Favale, S. Gilmore, D. Bourke, S. Yaeger, S. Kneller, P. Rini, Ghia (dog)


Cleveland Club Pres. S. Chou net, V.P. D. Bennett, Treas. K. Hoffman, Sec. A. Duckwall, J. Abjanic, B. Babcoc, T. Bennett, J. Bereznay, J. Bindl, K. Calvey, T. Cancian , A. Donia, P. Doran, M . Fagan, A. Filips, J. Filips, M . Flory, K. Foley, G. Hammer, L. Hensman, S. Hudak, S. Humm, C. Javorsky, T. Kaselonis, M. Kerr, D. Klosterman, J. Lehn, J. Mar, M . Morgan, J. Noonan, T. Novotny, D. Pritchard, A. Reiling, J. Savasky, G . Schweiger, B. Sporcic, E. Szeremet, D. Theobald , C. Ulle, E. Welsh, P. Young, T. Switalski, R. Kaliszewski, Father Kohmescher, Adv.



Joint Council of Engineers Chairman T. Zimmer, V. C. J. Herhold, Treas. L. Shokes, Sec. B. Herhold, D. Quinlivan, B. Kretz, D. Bishop, J. Wyse, D. Heitzer, R. Ralston, B. Bitter, J. Clark, D. Obergefell, R. Scrittorale, B. Smith, E. Thorne, S. Unverferth , C. Dragga, P. Grygier, C. Meehan, N. Spuzzillo, T. Witkowski, R. Kaliszewski, P. Peiffer, M. Roland, A. Wielosk, S. Rongo, R. Wabler, J. Bassett, J. Funk, S. Lykin , J. Giliwain, D. Pritchard

Student Government Pres. P. Torrpdo, K. Engro, M .A. Duychak, I. Zimmerman, J. Fuliam, T. Mazeikas, T. Rafferty, C. Warth, L. Tierney, C. Clovgnerty, M. Tkach, J. Dwyer, P. Sheeran, B. Passeretti


Pemm Club S. Puzzio, R. Eckstein, J. Fitzgerald, D. 0' Grady, S. Sm'ith, C Giovengo, T. Manovill, M. Garry, S. Winship, T. Phillips, D. Carhart, B. Norton, S. Decker, J. Mar, L Marshall, P. McNamara, T. Corcoran, C Farley, J. Mansfield, C Miller, J. Windling, c: Campbell, B. Purdy, J. Leone, D. Vigilio, K.C Landish, S. Beigel, D. South, G. Sutton, M. Aenaud, P. Douglas, M . Dolan, S. Acher, C Do Donohue, L Gubtrod, G. O'Keefe, L Baile, P. Doran, B. Shaffer, S. Reid, C DeMeo, B.. Adams , K. Burmingham, T. Dubert, E. Banister, M. Mikolai, M.K. Martin

Army of the U.S.A. R. Billotto, J. Brady, M. Cranford, J. Fitzgerald, S. Grant, J. Griffiths, S. Johanson, R. Lemming, J. Martoglio, R. Poquette, J. Scarazzo, G. Smith, H. Teschendorf, F. Bennedett, J. D Amico, C Thomas, R. Hanser, CPT D. Hall SFC R. Andrews


Math Club D. Bennett, C. Murley, K. Hartman, B. Carroll, H. Keller, J. Kuhlman , J. Hissons, Sgt. A. Lindsay (Advisor)

Pershing Rifles M. Holysz (Pres.), J. Orban (V.P.), S. Hinders (Ree. Sec'y,! J. Russel (Pub. Sec'y), M. Hripko (Treas.), Dr. Kauflin (Advisor), R. steinkirchner, L. Woerner, B. Bimonte, J. Bigle r, T. Weber, T. Merz, C. Kusmer, P. Kusmer, P. Kusmer, P. Hovey, P. Linebaugh, T. Duing, M. Cermak, L, Johnson, J. Severs, T. Wilp, L. Walter, A. Kepes, J. Wisniewski, E. Mykytks, R. Smith, M. Hemler, R. Brand, C. Begovich, J. Thomas, D. Buttelworth, S. Holloway, P. Flinn, S. Hodges, B. Karkoska, J. Dulka, M. Hoying , MaryJo Drerup, B. Vennekotter, T. Fisher, M. Heinen, J. Pendergast, L. Kellogg


Association for Computing Machinery Pres. P. Porubcansky, B. Hegenius, J. Cutter, C. Spangler, S. Marbusger, S. Husson, D. Andrew, D. Lee, J. Brown, M. Llewellyn, J. Noonan, J. Cayce, J. Murray, J. Bellono, C. Bongstede, C. Arbacyewski, B. Hurd, S. Stoner, V. Hoeffler, C. Speck hart, K. Kohler, L. Castrelli, T. Darbie, G. Sander, J. Bollman, J. Kinkes, H. Govan, T. Manovill, J. Murray, B. Mellinger, G. Clearwater, P. Seifert, J. Wilson, N. Parisen, S. McCulloch, C. Ambuske, D. Thole, J. Woeste, B. Leech, M. Jerozal, B. Flory, J. Pascucci, J. Kramerick

National Society of Professional Engineers C. Meehan, J. Scheriing, C. Diagga, R. Invim, G. Smith, J. Schurmann, D. Heitzer, F. Berbig, J. Funk, D. Saunders, T. Mauke, B. Smith, J. Wyse, S. Szwed, J. Clements, R. Frantz, D. Colditz, T. Zimmer


Le Cercle Francais Pres. E. Michaels, Prof, E. Romaguera, B. Arene, M. Richwalsky, T. Wombacher, M. Mass, E. Michaels

J. Dury, G. Sopczak, W. Miceli,

Flyer News Clarke, P. Laciura, A. Niedosik, M. Klingman, S. Clarke, P. Wickham, J. Molnar, J. Wendling, G. Pierce, P. Grygier, Wrightson, D. Laurash, T. McCarren, B. Mellinger, R.K. Martin, R. Weisenberger, D. Haas, B. Kohorst, C. Arbaczewski, Breen, J. Blardinelli, F. DeRita, J. Durbin, L. Ferrante, G. Gallagher, D. Hammersmith, K. Kearns, D. Matrisciano, P. Matthews, Mattie, A. McGarvey, P. Mramor, K. Scheidler, B. Sud hoff, M. Weaver, M. Yeranko, K. Carroll, D. Felter, T. Langley, J. McKenna, M. Tkach, B. Bellock, M. Knutson, T. Lupia, P. McDougal, K. Vogl, S. Wilder, M. Znidar, R. Beebe, P. Cashnelli, M. Miller, J. Nicholas, D. O'Brien, J. Raparelli, P. Resch, D. Thomas, T. Watson, D. Bellman, T. Castello, F. Bennedett, R. Bianchi, C. Bittner, M. Duncan, K. Grayzel, M. Hart, J. Higgins, K. MacReynolds, M. Osterday, B. Sudhoff, A. Campbell, B. Abele, B. Bath, R. Penrod, P. Eckstein, M. Kuzan, J. Krause, J. Woods, E. Samsel, J. Scully, J. Engelhardt, D. Kesling, M. Devine, Advisor M. M. D. T.


U.D. Marching Band Pres. C. Miller, G. Anderson, B. Armstrong, S. Barnes, C. Burger, T. Bednar, M . Braenig, E. Christopher, W. Cianfione, D. Cunningham, D. Dean, B. Eaton, D. Ehrbar, K. Fairlie, E. Fatton, D. Fleischman, J. Florian, M. Flower, T. Fontana, C. Hamm, B. Hurd, M. Gaither, B. Gay, S. Gilmore, C. Giovengo, M. Gruttadauria, R. Herbst, R. Irwin, B. Kastner, C. King, C. Kleesattel, T. Klemm, G. Koenig, T. Koenig, J. Kuenle, F. LaGrone, R. Lamb, D. Leitschuh, D. Loftis, C. McAuley, R. McCallister, M. Mallee, T. Manovill, H. Melia, B. Meyer, A. Miller, A. Moody, M. Murtaugh, L. Neal D . Nelson, T. Pelletier, D. Pressey, T. Ogorek, M . Reeb, L. Roesky, M. Ruddell, J. Russell, R. Schalenghe, C. Schniegenberg, O. Seara, G. Serrlanne, B. Smith, D. Smith, R.M. Smith, N. Spatafora, R. Spires, L. Tauiton, J. Thomas, K. Thompson, M. Trego, J. Trousdell, V. Vecchiotti, J. Waiters, J. Ward, J. Wegner, D. Whitmer, K. Wilson, B. Wise, R. Wright, J. Yeazell, M. Zink, M. Cummings, J. Maurer, C. Zarycki, S. Eisenhauer, M. Redding, J. Hildebrand, C. Stooksberry, D. Boccardi, T. Gibson, J. Wrzesinski, B. Kennerly, B. Bergemeir, T. Lavin, C. Leach, B. Gauder, J. Romond, M. Kuchta, M. Keihl, D. Walsh, D. Flack, J. Bryant, C. Carbo, J. Lorette, A. Pater, J. Frissel, J. Potts, J. Ferri, R. Ruble, J. Thompson, J. Bowman, J. Bauman, T. Falk, R. Cooper, B. Heartlein , G. Reed, T. Kraman



Alpha Delta Theta N. Zoffhe, P. Woods, C. Bolinger, K. Krajczynski, S. Pustaver, B. Callery, N. Halaparda, A. Saunders, M. DelBene, C. Klenk, H. Pickar, K. Trick, U. Post, j. Hennessey, M. Melia, j. Brugger, M. Casey, B. Laheta, B. Fleischman, M.L. Barenbregge, A. Wunderlich, G. Knight, j. Loesch, S. Flauth, S. Raslowsky, N. Kowalugh, D. Petsavage, L. Nadolsky, P. Doughty

Ph i Sigma Kappa A. Luzi, T. Lester, P. Miller, M. Bogdan, B. Lester, B. Show, B. Hayes, L. Blazek, D. Seitz, B. DeProdperis, T. Pettersen, T. Ward, P. Saunders, M. Mannino, M. Cermak, L. Hession, B. Powell, B. Spiess, M. George, j. Osenkowski, C. Hirsch, T. Grding, j. Wilson


Chi Sigma Alpha Pres. S. Barnwell, J. O'Hara, D. Chester, M. Fernholtz, L. Crum, D. Reitz, C. Kerner, M. O'Malley, J. Lombardo, D. Parnell, D. Brabender, P. Opinante, P. Certo, R. Suminski, T. Witkowski, J. Wargo, T. Cancian, K. Wolf, S. Borland, B. Henry. E. Stefkovich, B. iSarnhart, M . Quinn, G. BinnasKi, B. Toben, L. Marshall, M. Reaney, B. Zehnder, B. Kelloran, D. Canzano, B. Ulichney, H. Kawecki, M. Wiedemer, D. Callahan, S. Whitley, T. McCune, J. Tafaro, J. O'Connor, S. Cannatta, B. Steckline,. J. Olvaney, B. Roach, R. Byrd, D. Scheehan, V. Sgro, P. McNamara, M. Sundra, M . Cline, S. Fitzgerald, M. Maciejewski, J. Burns, G . Tamer, K. Walsh, S. Haley, D. Anysz, J. Montgomery, K. O'Brien, L. Biottl, J. Bowers, P. McDougal, D. Spafford, T. Bednar

Omega Soroity Pres. Joan Reichenberger, K. Chapman, J. McLallen, M. Johnessee, C. Beauregard, J. Reichenberger, B. Maras, M . LaHood, D. Venard, P. Harrington, M. Shanahan, J. Lowe, P. Butler, K. Bogest, S. Donovan, N. Parisen, D. Urabel, E. Dietz, L. Steberl, K. Sullivan, M. Schwendeman, K. Iannuzzi, R. Prieto, C. McGrath, B. Kuzio, D. Bambach, E. Broering


Lambda Nu P. He rbst, S. Hi xo n, D. Kubovcik , B. Lowry, M. Ston e , M.D. Pe nn a, J. Kaste li c, K. McConnell, P. Woods, J. Campana, N. La Bian ca, D. Lut z, J. Lindbe rg, A. Sullivan, L. Seitz, C. Jordan, L. Ko m o ro us, C. Sire j, J. Szymanski, D. Herbst. N. Le hr e n, P. Ta reco, N. He nd e rson, M . Zimm e rman, I. Lorette

Phi Kappa Mu Pre s. Ray Ru sh, F. Ta lari co, G. Collins, P. McCormi c k, M. Bryce, D. El sto n, B. Bitte rman, B. Bonosk y, B. Bonsok y, R. Co a te, T. Darc y, T. Difr a nces, F. De gae tane , J. Denne, T. Duff y, V. Full e n, J. Gil t ner, P. Glumac, D. Grubenhoff , R. Hea ly, T. Ho ne, J. Hube r, B. Ku zmi c k, T. Larkin , D. Lehren, J. Larkin , B. Mar as, R. M a rtinez, P. McEnt ee, B. Mitc hell , G . Mitte re d e r, D. Murphy , T. O a ks, B. O 'C onnor, M. O'Donnell , G. O ' Keefe , G . Phillips, B. Rayburg, T. Reill y, B. Ross, C. Ru sso , R. Smith , R. Szeghy , R. To man , D. Tu c hol ski , T. Ryd e r, j. Le hren, H. Rut a n, T. Co il , P. Re iss


Phi Gamma Delta J. Morrow, E. Donnelly, J. Donnelly, B. Dol a n, T. Vogan, P. Morrow, J. Gomatos, T. Fisher, P. DiPaola, G. Baird, D. Schwarz, J. lanna cc hino, J. Fasenalla, M. Smith, J. Holleran, T. Fisher, M. Mahon , S. Mailey, JI. Asavd, R. Buddie, J. M cTamney, D. Hogan, R. Norri s, K. Hennessey, E. Arch e r, G. Car raev, M. Bauer, R. Mi splon, M. Collier, G. Vitti, J. Fahey, D. Martin, J. D' Amelio, J. M ack

Kappa Chi Pres. Nancy Majni , M.K. Bartley, R. Basta, J. Bevacqua, B. Brand, M . Dem psey, D. DiPonio, C. Donohu e , K. Fol ey, K. Garner, J. Griffin, M . Hallahan, P. Knierim , J. Kon st, V. Lenzo, C. Lowry, J. Lowry, C. McCarth y, N. Mclau g hlin, P. Myl es, J. Roc he, C. Rog e rs, E. Sase na, N. Sauter, P. Solander, P. Steinhauer, K. Unger, V. Va nek, P. Vogt , B. Wahl, J. Pow ers, P. Wolff, M. Tomassi, T. Mramor, M. Lockhart , N. Deva ns , D. O'Hea rn


Alpha Kappa Alpha V, Patterson, D. Dukes, P. Hurt, L. Harris, J.A. Lovelace, C. Shealey, D. Kimbrough, P. Caldwell, L. Lewis, K. Kemp, T. Newsuan, P. Worth, B. Wilson, J. Roberts, J. Morton, S. Dartez, J. Wilson (Grad. Advisor)

la ,mbda Lambda Lambda B. Bachor, J. Bellinger, P. Byers, K. Checca, J. Cloves, S. Clifford, M . Crowford, K. DeShetler, P. Easterling, C. Gates, C. Giovingo, J. Goldschmidt, T. Gusiti, C. Johnson, G. Johnson, E. Kilbane, M. Laegn, S. lamb, J. luceno, G . Machie, K. McCarthy, K. McDonnell , S. McGonigle, M. McTamney, M. Meyers, D. Minelli, D. O'MaBey, J. Partyka, B. Ruplia, C. Sohlfeld, A. Steehlreyer, N. Thompson. N. Waldron, C. Walker, K. linn


Alpha Epsilon Delta Pres. N. Buin ewicz, J. Fa rin acci, P. Lave ll e, E. Sz mu c, P. De ri so, D. Ald stad t, D. Allic k, P. Bi a nco, D. Bita nt e, G . Bre man , C. Brill , J. Ca ta la n o, T. Cro m a rtie, D. Dee te r, J. Dirkso n, W. Elli s, J. Ga ll ag he r, K. G auth a n, D. Gau l, D. Aiv lit to , J. Ho lt , G. Huls hult, D. Kane, A. Kav tsc hit sc h, J. Kra me r, B. Le wis, G. M ac Nea ly, G. M o ore, J. Ne lso n, C. Nova k, J. O' Conn e ll, M. Ra n cure ll o , G . Rova n , G . Slage l, G. Sovaid, J. Sp a hn , J. Stac he, F. Te no ve r, M. Webb, T. Willi a mitis, A. Wo lff

Tau Kappa Epsilon Pres. S. Fer ra lli , J. Ba bk a, R. Ba loga, J. Brac ke r, S. Brady, C. Cipoll a, B. Cooga n , R. Del a ney, M. Demma, C. DeSa lv o, E. Du ff y, M . Fin negan, L. Fit z patri c k, J. Ge bh a rd t, K. G o rma n, T. Haberstroh , J. Hayes, R. He nn e r, D. Ho ffman, G. Imhoff , D. Kazmi e rski , R. M a rcy, F. Martin, K. M a tlin , M . Nea ry, J. Niemi ec, S. Roediger, B. Ruth , J. Se idma n, R. St. Cyr, R. Toth, J. Viol a nt e, B. Yo un g


Epsiton Delta Tau Pres. J. Herhold, R. Wabler, R. Scrittorale, D. Walsh, D. Bishop. C.E. Alfaro, T. Bach, B. Barna, J. Budney, T. Chorba, J. Clark, R. Grilliot, R. Grimaldo, P. Verman, H. Karbach, J. Logan, B. Mack, B. Mahoney, D. Obergefell, D. Quinlivan, D. Rechtin, B. Ritter, S. Rongo, J. Schnell, M. Schriml, D. Seger, B. Smith, B. Spencer, D. Stairiker, J. Targa, J. Trendy, S. Unverferth, J. Wyse, D. Yingling, T. Klejna, P. Tartaglia, M. Kilroy, J. Euse, D. Witwer, W. Allen, T. Horstman, J. Hagler, K. Connoll'ey

Tau Alpha Pi Pres. N. Spuzzillo, D. Kleinhen z, J. Gaulding, J. Tykowsk i, R. Bunn, D. Wright, W. Elliott, J. Lang, P. Militello, A. Hunter, J. Spinner, R. Frost, F. Eich, J. Aulds, J. Woodall, G. Klods, J. Wyatt, T. Witkowski, G. Farmer, A. Haitz


Phi Sigma Kappa Little Sisters D. Vrabel, K. Chajkowski, K. Danzig, M. Hennesey, C. Harke, P. Huddleston, M. l. Grundtisch, 5. Corsbie , H. Golinski, B. Yrehas, B. Sudhof

Gamma Gamma Kappa Pres. J. Harkins, G. Wolfe, K. Keller, M. Van Pelt, M. Faletti, M. Finnerty, J. Pelliteri, E. Fazio, A. Ahasic, D. Saccaro, R. Smith, D. Leffler, K. Dewey, K. Flaherty, C. Lofink, A. Iannuzzi, T. Glynn,S. Findley, B. White, E. Donaghue, M. Gickey, l. Hinckley, V. Gregowich, K. Colliton, K. Koness, P. McQuiliian, C. Knox , K. Leddy, D. loli, A. Kehoe, K. Ashley, J. Champa, P. Minton, M . Peterson, S. Tizzoli, S. Barker, K. Fisher, K. Stoss, C. Caparosa, C. Taffaro, 5. Bellucci, J. Spiegal, J. Holt,S. McGurn, M . McGovern, M . Sartori, C. Anderson, B. Twiss, M. Didier, P. Knox, l. Fitting, M.B. Wagner, J. Troppoli, M. Oldane, C. Egan, F. Dent, B. Hanrahan, P. Dimock, K. Callahan, A.M. Walters, D. Horner, A. Hale, D. Stancui


Interfraternity Council D. Martin (Pres), B. Sullivan (Ex. V.P.), P. Opinate (Adv. V.P.), D. Christ (Sec'y), A. Fran zo lino (Tres), A. Alberts (Advi so r), P. Bellina, D. Gi es ler, j. Hagmeyer, S. Barnwell, D. Canzano, D. Brabender, R. Haye s, R. Novak, R. Ro c h e, B. ja mi son, R. jon es, R. Smith, j. Quinn, P. Ocenak, R. Atkin, K. Brown, R. Stubbs, B. Desch, D. Hogan , P. DiPaulo, j. Donnelly, R. Ru sh , B. Kuzmick, B. Maras, A. Lu z i, B. Lester, j. O sen kowsky, S. M eyer, B. Fu c hs, R. Morgan, S. Fe rralli , S. Brady , D. Hoffman , K. Martin, M. Walsh, K. Aldou s, j. Fin er an, D. Newoll, A. M eyers

Delta Upsilon Little Sisters l. Linville, C. Kl ee, A. O'Donoghue, L. Nea l, j. Hend e rso n, C. McKenna , M . Seherson, Dee Siegl, P. Kilkenny, K. Hurl ey, B. Orishoff, M.B . M c Kenna


Pi Mu Epsilon J. Orban (Director), J. Pendergast, C. Begovich, B. Vannekotter, l. Woerner, l. Johnson, B. Hannum, J. Cutter, T. Menz, P. Hovey, M .J. Dombrowski, E. Mykytlea, S. Hinders, M. Hripko

Delta Upsilon J. Andrea, R. Atkin , P. Beggan, T. Bennett, T. Brennan, A. Campo, V. Cuiffo, P. Colahan, T Coogan, J. Corrigan, P. Cox, B. Czaplicki, D. Dascenzo, C. Diener, T. Droughton, D. Galuos, B. Gilroy, J. Hauleins, M. Hennessy, T. Hennessy, G. Jones, C. Kuenzig, P. Lamb, F. Legrone, M. Lopinto, J. Manion, C. Martin, C. McGowen, P. Oceanak, A. O ' Day, B. O'Shea, R. Petric, R. Pickette, E. Piepmeyer, J. Quinn, K. Rose, V. Ross, M. Rycyk , E. Samsel. J. Scully O . Seara, B. Shipas, M . Snyder, R. Stamato, J. Statos, J. Stitt, B. Sullivan, J. Sullivan, l. Trigley, A. Varsally, J. Walsh , G. Zmuda


Ivy Leaf Club of Alpha Kappa Alpha Pres. P. Hurt, L. M itchell, L.R. Burliridge, P. Cathey, S. Reeves , E. Williams, K. Garrett, M. Shoecraft, L. Kemp, T. Edwards, J. Jones, c. Holley, D. Gamblin , R. Brown, R. Od en, D. Hampton, R. Cart er

Rho Rho Rho Hank Najpaver, Jeff Dormish, jeff Kennedy, Steve Meyer, Rich Hanson, Rich Pearce, Mark Thrun, Chuck Osowski, Frank Smolinski, Jim Minnick, Ray Reese, Dave Pollock, Keith Morrow, Ed Schmidt, Paul Delatorre, Bill Noce, Ed Hueth, Pete McCormick, Jerry Holland, Rick Morgan, Kevin Nolan, Brian McCartney, Bill Fuchs, Jamie Kaufman, Tom jackson, Dominic Palmieri, AI Vargo, Ken Pouliot, jim Witter, Tom McDonough, Bill Powers, Kevin Ryan, Tom Corcoran, Frank McCallion, Dave Yeager, joe Liberta, Pete Puskar, Dave Sheer, Joe Defoney, Tom Rambasek, Ken Van Sciver.


Delta Sigma Pi Pres. J. Yancik, Jr., S. Beaty, C. Campbell, M. Docherty, A. Gamble, R. Gareau, T. Hovey, E. Johnson, B. McAdams, S. Murlin, M. Gareau, R. Rawson, Mr. Joseph Updyke, Advisor, Mr. Robert Kriegbaum, Advisor

Tau N:u Kappa Pres. S. Szwed, J. Scheriing, T. Zimmer, J. Schurmann, C. Bueno, P. Grygier, D. Heitzer, J. Herhold, R. Kaliszewski, B. Macel , D. Walsh, J. Clark, Advisors: Mr. Roger Weiss, Mr. Ray Puckett, B. Smith, J. Wyse, D. Quinlivan, M . Walsh, D. Obergefell, D. Colditz, R. Wabler, G. Smith, J. Schneble, J. Zotter




REV . GEORGE BARRETT Administration and Planning REV. CHARLES LEE S Acad e mic Affairs

MARGARET HOLLAND Stude nt Deve lopme nt BRO. JOSEPH MERVAR Busin es5 M anager

THOMAS FRERICKS Unive rsity Re latio ns GERALD VONDERBRINK Financ ial Affairs


School of Business ( William Hoben - Dean, Edward Rodgers - Accounting, Dr . Arthur Holt - Bu siness Management, Mary Civill e - Secretarial Studi es, Harry Murphy - Marketing, Dr. John Rapp - Economics


School of Edu cation Dr. Ellis Jose ph - Dean , Joseph White - Ass istant Dean, Dr. Eugene Moulin - Coun se lor Edu cation, Dr. Simon Chav ez - Elementary Education, Dr. Audrey Bourgeois - Foundations of Education, James LaVanche - Phy sical Education and Health, Dr. John O ' Donnell School Admini stration, Robert Kreigbaum - Se condary Education.

School of Engineering

Arts and Science

Dr. David Kraft - Dean, James McGraw - Associate Dean, Charles Horwedel - Assistant Dean, Dr. lay Pinson - Associate Dean, Dr. Michael Bobal - Chemical Engineering, G. William Lawless - Chemical Technology, S. James Ryckman - Civil Engineering, Dr. Bernhard Schmidt . - Electrical Engineering, Richard Hazen - Electronic Engineering Technology, Raymond Puckett - Industrial Engineering Technology, Dr. Howard Smith - Mechanical Engineering, Jesse Wilder - Mechanical Engineering Technology. .

Bro. Leonard Mann - Dean, Dr. Rocco Donatelli - Associate Dean, Dr. Richard Petersen - Assistant Dean, Ann Franklin - Assistant D~an, Sr. Ellen Murphy Assistant Dean, Dr. George Noland Biology, Dr. John Lucier - Chemistry, George Biersack - Communication Arts, Bro. Thomas Schoen - Computer Science, Dr. Bernard Bebard - English, George Springer - Geology, Dr. Leroy Eid History, Betty Schroeder - Home Economics, Dr. Gordon Neufang Languages, Bro. Harold Mushenheim - Mathematics, Lt. Col. Billy Smith - Military Science, Patrick Gilvery - Performing and Visual Arts, Dr. Raymond Herbenick - Philosophy, Dr. Joseph Kepes Political Science, Dr. Richard Physics, Dr. Antonio Lapitan Popp - Psychology, Rev. John Dickson - Sociology, Rev. Mattew Kohmescher - Theology.



Donald J. Abramo Brooklyn, N. Y. Chemistry

William Adams Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Psychology

Annette Ahasic Aurora, Illinois Fine Arts

Sonder Lee Aikins Dayton, Ohio Accounting

JoAnn Alercia Easton, Pa. Social Work

Armand Aliotta Paterson, N. J. Chemistry

Maureen Ambrose Union City, N. J. Social Work

Roger Anderson Ridgewood, N. J. Marketing

Thomas Andrassy Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

Martha Andres Rochester, N. Y Psychology

Robert Andrews Dayton, Ohio Mech . Engineering

JoAnn Arcuri Rahway, N. J. Elementary Education

Christine Arnold Reading, Pa. Elementary Education

John Arroyo Washington, D. C. Biology

Timothy Ashworth Rochester, N. Y. American Studies

JalTles Axley Skokie, Illinois Marketing

Jeffrey Babka Independence, Ohio Accounting

Thomas J. Bach Dayton, Ohio Chemical Tech .

Nancy Bailey Dayton, Ohio Sociology

Gary Baird Waterville, Ohio Criminal Justice

Richard Ballantine Syusset, N . Y. Economics

Diane Balonek Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Joseph Banks Bellmawr, N . J. Accounting

Jo Anne Baraga Pittsburgh, Pa. Accounting

Susan Barker Fort Wayne, Indiana Elementary Education

Pat Barnett Dayton, Ohio Medical Tech.

Betsy Barnwell Beach Haven Crest, N. J. Art Education

Carl Basch Parma, Ohio Accounting

Joan Beckman Orchard Lake, Mich. Home Economics

Steven Barnwell Baldwin, N. Y. Political Science

Connie Begovich Dayton, Oh io Mathematics

Paul Barry Pearl River, N. Y. Criminal Justice

John M. Begovich Dayton, Ohio Chemical Engineering

Gerald Bartos Clairton, Pa. Elec. Engin.

Patricia Beham Toledo, Ohio Psychology



Donald Bennett Westlake, Ohio Accounting

Richard Bennett Cleveland, Ohio Business Management

John Beran Wickliffe, Ohio Indus. Engineering

Joyce Berberich Middletown, Ohio Elementary Education

Frederick Berbig Rochester, N. Y. Civil Engineering

Paul Berkemeier Jackson, Mich iga n Bu,. Management

Peter Bernasco Trenton, N. J. Mathematics

JoAnn Berwanger New Vienna, Ohio Biology

Dennis Beskie Fairport, N. Y. History

Joyce Bevacqua Des Plaines, Illinois Secretarial Studies

Richard Bianchi Iselin, New Jersey Chemistry

Bill Bianco Pittsburgh , Pa. Mathematics

Annette Biehler lorain, Ohio Social Work

John Bilz Erlanger, Ky. Elee. Engineering

Robert Sir Dayton, Ohio Sociology

David Bishop Auburn, N. Y. Civil Engineering

linda Bishop Trenton, N. J. Social Work

Neil Bobal Kettering, Ohio Physical Education

Gregory Bogosta Binghamton, N. Y. Marketing

Sally Boh nett Toledo, Ohio Biology

Gail Bohnhorst Massapequa Park, N. Y. Economics

Arthur B. Bok Dayton, Ohio Englhh

Joseph Bonanne New Brunswick, N . J. Elee. Engin . Tech .

Eugene Bonner Ardmore, Pa. Psychology

Steve Bornhorst Sidney, Ohio Civil Engineering

Jack Bors Middletown, Ohio Chemistry

John Boszko South River, N. J. Physical Education

Frances Boylan Bethesda, Maryland Anthropology

Barbara Boze Union City, Ohio Chem. Engin . Tech.

Daniel Brabend er, Jr . Erie, Penna. Political Science

Trina Brander Kettering, Ohio Sociolog y

Dennis Brei tfuss Skokie, Illinois English

Barr y Brooks Oakdale, N. Y. Management

Thomas J. Brooks Miamisburg, Ohio Political Science

Gary Bremen Dayton, Ohio Pre-medicine

Thomas Brophy Drexell Hill, Penna. English

Thomas Brennan Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Jenny Brown Sugarcreek, Ohio Computer Science

John Brill Middletown, Ohio Marketing

Ken Brown Kettering , Ohio Communication Arts


Thomas K. Brown Clark, N.J. Elec. Engin. Tech.

Kathleen Bruno SI. louis, Missouri Social Work

Robert Bruschi Princeton, N. J. Physical Education

Cesar Bueno Trujillo, Peru Mechanical Engineering

Noreen Buinewicz Middletown, Ohio Chemistry

Barbara Bunch Chillicothe, Ohio Social Work

Robert Bunn Columbus, Ohio Indus. Engineering

Mary Jo Burick Pittsburgh, Penna. Physical Education

Kathleen Burke Highland, Indiana Secondary Education

Michael Burke Dumont, N. J. Chemistry

Cary Buzzelli Cleveland, Ohio Psychology

James Byrd Spring Valley, Ohio Elec. Engineering

Robert Byrne louisville, Kentucky Chemistry

Denise Cafaro New Rochelle, N. Y. Physical Education

Charles Calabrese Paramus, N.J. Accounting

Paula Caldwell Washington, D. C. Psychology

Kevin Callaghan Huntington, N. Y History

David Ca'i vert Pompton lakes, N. J. Chem. Engineering

Thomas Caminiti Endwell, N. Y. Physical Education

John Carey louisville, Kentucky Accounting

William Carey Arlington Hts., III. Psychology

Noel Brown Cinti., Ohio General Studies

Russell Brown Dayton, Ohio Chemistry



..... .. .,

.....-...' ..... Michael Bryce Bergenfield, N. J. Mathematics



Carol Caparosa Pittsburgh, Penna. Elementary Education

Thomas Carney Cleveland, Ohio English

John Catalano Baldwin, N. Y. Communication Art<

Paul Carobini Bristol, Conn. Communication, Arts

Peter Certo, Jr. Haworth, New Jersey Political Science

Richard Carpini Clark, N. J. Marketing

Aurora Caruso Manhattan, N. Y. Fine Arts

Kay Chapman Niles, Illinois Elementary Education

Lynn Cherry Middletown, N. J. English

Donald Caste Oradell, N. ). Accounting

Michael Chimney Parma, Ohio Biology

Thomas Chorba Mayfield, Ohio Elec. Engineering

Serge Chouner Cleveland, Ohio Accounting

Donald J. Christ Skokie, Illinois Indus. Engineering

Karen J. Christ Skokie, Illinois Secretarial Studies

Patrick Ciambruschini Columbia, Maryland Indus. Engin. Tech.

Nicholas Cianciola Cleveland, Ohio Accounting

Barbara J. Cigoy Euclid, Ohio Computer Science

Louis T. Cioffi Mount Vernon, N. Y. Marketing

Michael Clarke Allison Park, Penna. Communications

Sherry Clifford Wilmette, Illinois Home Economics

Gregory Clouse Canton, Ohio Bus. Economics

Thomas Coffey West Hartford, Conn. Mech. Engineering

Paul Colahan Bangor, Penna. Bus. Management

lisa Cleveland Cincinnati, Ohio Home Economics

Patricia Ann Ciambro Kettering, Ohio Elementary Education


Dennis W . Colditz Pittsburgh, Pa. Civil Engineering


Robert J. Colum Bridgeport, Conn. Elee. Engineering

Gerard E. Collins Westbury, N. Y. Secondary Education

Mary M . Collins Dayton , Ohio Physical Education

Eileen V. Condon Rochester, N. Y. Elementary Education

Susan M . Condy Tappan, N. Y. Phys. & Health Edue.

Michael E. Collins Philadelphia, Pa. Accounting

Kevin Connolly Norwalk, Conn . Elee. Eng. Technology

Karen L. Colliton Oaklyn, N. J. Marketing

Brian F. Connor Huntington, N. Y. Criminal Justice

Cynthia A. Conrad Cincinnati , Ohio Mathematics

Gigi Conroy Buffalo, N. Y. Elementary Education

Nicholas J. Continisio Hammonton, N. J. Mathemallcs

Barbara J. Cordo Dumont, N. J. American Studies

Christine E. Corrado Di x Hills, N.Y. Elementary Education

Nancy A. Cosgriff Buffalo, N. Y. Marketing

Peter G. Cranston Stamford, Conn. Marketing

Linda M . Criscillo Phoenix, Maryland Marketing

Mary C. Crowder Falls Church, Virginia General Studies

Brian C. Cullen Bellport, N. J. Business Management

AI F. Currier Hartford, Vermont Fine Arts

Gregory T. Curtin Mitchell, Kentucky Marketing

Diane Marie S. Dabkowski East Brunswick, N. J. Elementary Education

Robert D. Dacey Waltham, Mass. Political Science

Donald J. Dailey Athens, Georgia Accounting

Mary Lou Daily Ventnor, N. J. English

Nicho las R. Daisey Collingswood, N. J. Pre Medicine

Patricia A. Dal y Indianapolis, Ind . English

Timothy J. Darcy Middletown, N. J. Communication Arts

lisa G. DeArco Panama Business Management

Donna T. DeBelle Chicago, III. Medical Techno logy

Richard A. Coombes Pittsburgh, Pa. Business

Renee A. Constantini Bloomfield Hills, Mich . Medical Technology

James L. Corcoran III Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Philosophy & Psychology

Jerome E. Covington Brielle, N. J. Psychology


Debbie DeBlasio Elmira, N. Y. Home Economics

Rose ta M. DeCarlucci Piltsburgh, Pa. Secretarial

Anthony J. DelPrete Bayonne, N. J. Political Science

Joseph W. Deluca Stamford, Conn . Physical Education

James W. Dellman Rochester, N. Y. Psychology

Richard S. Deutch River Vale, N. J. Biology

Joseph D. Diener Dayton, Ohio Indus\. Eng. Technology


Robert M . Dixon Camden, N. J. Political Science

Nelson S. DiGennaro Rochester, N. Y. Electrical Engineering

linda E. Dodson Pinsburgh, Pa . Elementary Education

Anne C. Decker Convent Station , N. J. Social Work

James A. Denne West Mifflin, Pa. Indus. & Sys. Engineering

Karen L. Dewey M\. Zion, III. Psychology

Denise C. Delong is Norwood, N. J. Business Admin istration

Kathleen J. Delp Toledo, Ohio Social Work

Robert J. Desch Hillside, N. J. History

Frederick DeStefano Jamica, N.Y. Communication Arts

J. Gary DeWine Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Susan C. DiAntonio Oaklyn, N. J. Social Work


Deborah K. Dillon Middletown, Ohio Elementary Education

Edward F. Dillon Sea Bright , N. J. History

Alphonse DiPierno Brooklyn, N. Y. Elec. Eng. Technology

Anne W. Doheny Bay Vill age , Ohio Health & Phys. Education

Ronald R. Doman Pins burgh, Pa. Business Management

Eileen M. Donahue Newark, N. J. Elementary Education

John P. Donohue Jr. Norristown, Pa. Electrical Engineering

Johna M . Driggs Bridgeport, Conn . Biology

Thomas G. Duffy Dravosburg, Pa. Chemistry

Patrica L. Donoghu e Glenview, III. Elementary Education

John E. Drogos Chapel Hill, N. C. Social Work

Christine E. Eakle Chemistry District Heights, Maryland

Mary Ann E. Doychak Lorain , Ohio Political Science

Charl es T. Dragga Mayfield Heights, Ohio Civil Engineering

Larry G. Drappi Manahawkin , N. J. Accounting

Patricia M . Dubielak No. Lavallette, N.J. Elementary Education

Mark B. Dubowe Warminister, Pa. Business Management

Ann L. Duckwall Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

Margaret M. Easterling Cincinnati, Ohio History

Ted C. Eckhardt Freehold, N. J. Medical Technology

Paul F. Eckstein Dayton, Ohio Communication Arts



' .~.


. I

Wendy H. Edelman New Hyde Park, N. Y. Elementary Education

John C. Engelhardt Syracuse, N. Y. Fine Arts

Joan E. Effertz Kettering, Ohio Art & Psychology

Ruth Ann Englert Louisville, Kentucky Elementary Education

Virginia A. Eichel Somerville, N. J. Chemistry

Kathe Engro Erie, Pa. Psychology

Faye A. Eichelberger Hanover, Pa. Elementary Education

David E. Elston Warren, Ohio Management

Karen S. Fairfield Sandusky, Ohio Education

William L. Fanelli Pottsville, Pa. Electrical ,E ngineering


Art C. Farkas Edison, New Jersey Elee. Engin. Tech.

Elena Fazio Fayetteville, New York Elementary Education

Douglas Felter Syusset, N. Y. English

Martin Fernholz Wilmette, Illinois Marketing

Samuel Ferralli Washington, Penna. Indus. Engineering

Glory A. Ferrara Lincolnwood, Illinois Marketing

Joseph Ferrara Leroy, New York Computer Science

Saverio Feudale Atlas, Penna. Political Science

Eluster Fields Dayton, Ohio Civil Engineering

Joseph Fink Garfield Heights, Ohio Mathematics

Susan Finley Louisville, Kentucky Mathematics

Karen Fisher Rochester, N. Y. Home Economics

Lynn Fitzgerald East Brunswick, N. J. Elementary Education

Eileen Fitzgibbons Manhasset, N. Y. Health Education

Ronald Fleming Pennsauken , N. J. Marketing

Kenneth Fletcher Norwood, Ohio Elec. Engin . Tech .

Richard Fitzharris Kings Park, N. Y. Communication Arts


Pamela Farrell Bricktown, N.J. Elementary Education

Susan Fletcher Dayton, Ohio Sociology

James Flannick Haddonfield, N. J. Psychology

Mary Kay Flynn Westfield, N. J. Social Work

Patricia Fleming Evergreen Park, Illinois Secondary Education

Bill Fogarty Penn sauken, N. J. Sociology

Laura Fogelsong Ann Arbor, Mich . History

Kathleen Foley Athens, Ohio Accounting

Shelia Foley San Francisco, Calif. Communication Arts

Kathleen Fowler Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Jerry Frank Parma, Ohio Accounting

Christine Frantz Shaker Heights, Ohio English

Richard Frasca Rockville Centre, N.J. Communication Arts

Mary Fremgen Dayton, Ohio Chemistry

William Fuchs East Rockaway, N. Y. Accounting

Vincent Fullan Dayton, Ohio Political Science

Marla Fultz Portsmouth, Ohio Secretarial Stud ies

Diann Funk Cincinnati, Ohio Elementary Education

Michael Galligan Dayton, Ohio Political Science

James Gander Huntington, N. Y. Business Management

William Garcia Manhasset, N. Y. Psychology

Margaret Gardner Chicago, Illinois Elementary Education

Susan Garges Washington, D. C. Chemistry


, ... -"



~I William Garlock Springville, N. Y. Business Management



Kathleen Garner University Park, Md . Social Work


David Gay Montgomery, N. Y. Engineering

James Gebhart Dayton, Ohio Chemistry

Terry Geffert Lan caster, Ohio Computer Science

Mary Geib Fairview Park, Ohio Physical Education

Michael George Pompano Beach, Fla. Accounting

John Geraghty Newark, N. J. Communication Arts

Barbara Giambrone Dayton , Ohio Accounting

Mark Giangreco Buffalo, N. Y. Communication Arts

Barbara Gilmartin Meriden, Conn . Social Work

James Gilroy Tomsriver, N. J. Marketing

Kenneth Gittinger Cincinnati, Ohio Civil Engineering

Terri Glenn Centerville, Ohio History

Robert Gliha Euclid, Ohio Political Science

Michael Goenner New Carlisle, Ohio Mech . Engr. Tech .

Helen Golinski Carnegie, Pa. Medical Technology

Kathleen Goodwin Huntington, N. Y. Theatre

Paul Gordil楼chik Red Bank, N. J. Biology

Harold Govan Wickliffe, Ohio Computer Science

Jan Grady Silver Spring, Md. Psychology

Linda Graef Coldwater, Michigan Secretarial, Studies

Mary Graham Belleville, Illinois Elementary Education

John Greco Niagara Falls, N. Y. Marketing

Vivian Gregowich Monroeville, Penn . Elementary Education

Jane Griffin Wilmette, Illinois Communication Arts

Joseph Griffiths lima, Ohio Chemistry

Mary lou Griffiths lina, Ohio Elementary Education

Richard Grilliot Versailles, Ohio Elec. Engr. Tech .

Bernard Groff Oaklyn, N. J. English

lyn Gutbrod Willowick, Ohio Art Education

Anne Gutekanst Winnetka, Illinois Psychology

Joseph Gyorky Fairview Park, Ohio Mech. Engr.

Deborah Haas Cicero, Illinois Political Science

Daniel Hacker Ironton , Ohio Business Administration

Colleen Hackett Middletown, Ohio Elementary Education

Daniel Haines Binghamton, N. Y. Political Science

Marianne Hallahan Brooklyn, N. Y. Communication Arts

Paul Hammelrath Cincinnati, Ohio Marketing

Brien Hampton Washington, D. C. Economics

Mary Ann Hageman Wapakoneta, Ohio Elementary Education


Robert Hannum Parkside, Pa. Math

Jeralyn Harkins Scotch Plains, N. J. Elementary Education

Dan Harman Dayton, Ohio Political Scienct'

Diane Harmon Indianapolis, Indiana Communication Arts

Kathleen Harmon Oaklawn, Illinois Communication Arts

Maryanne Harmon Springfield, N. J. Social Work



, ;C" .



YI. ,

lee Harris Carnegie, Pa. Businesss Management


James Heinrich Fairfield, Ohio Biology

Michael Hart Dayton, Ohio Communication Arts

Dennis Heitzer Pittsburgh, Pa. Elee. Engr.

Ann Harting Dayton, Ohio Physical Education

William Hartman Baltimore, Maryland Communication Arts

Bernard Healy, Jr. Ridgewood, N. J. English

Sharon Hemmer Fort Mitchell, Kentucky Secondary Education

Jud ith Hennessey Pittsburgh, Pa. Medical Tech.

Thomas Hennessy Elmwood Park, Illinois Chemistry

Philip Hertvik Brooklyn, Ohio Marketing

Kathleen Hickey Chicago, Illinois Social Work

Mary Beth Hickey Pittsburgh , Pa. Social Work

John Higgins Arlington, Virginia Communication Arts

Rosemary Higgins Yonkers, N. Y. Elementary Education

Monte Hillman Dayton, Ohio Computer Science

Linda Hickson Bethesda, Maryland Home Economics

Sara Hinders Brookville, Ohio Mathem~tics

Bill Hiebler Dayton, Ohio Psychology

Christy Hinsman Pleasant Hills, Pa. Psychology

Diane Hoffrogge Fort Mitchell, Kentucky Home Economics

Patricia Hogenmiller Allentown , Pa. Social Work

Mark Holysz Chicago, Illinois Mathematics

Howard Carlene Dayton, Ohio Home Economics

Lois Hoying Celina, Ohio Physical Science

Francis Hudson Pittsburgh, Pa. History

Barbara Hueth Spring Lake, N. J. Elementary Education

James Hull Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Sara Humm Cincinnati, Ohio Communication Arts

James Hurley Chicago, Illinois Accounting

George Hutchinson Haddonfield, N. J. Business Management

Kenneth Hodkey Lorain, Ohio Accounting

Kathleen Hoffman Ottawa, Ohio Secondary Education

Jean Holzman Cincinnati, Ohio Psychology

Thomas Hughes Norwall, Conn. Chemistry



Michael Hynes Matawan, N. J. Management

Ann Iannuzzi Cherry Hill, N. J. Elementary Education

John Inscho Clinton, N. J. History

Susan Irwin Garden Cit y, N. Y. Communication Arts

Leslee Jackson Chatham, N. J. Elementary Education

Sheila Jacobelli Lynbrook, N. Y. Elementary Education

Jil Jakab Cleveland, Ohio American Studies

Palma James Robbins, Illinois Political Science

Marian Janda W. Springs, Illinois History

Diane Jassick Irvington, N.J. Elementary Education

Mark Jennings Montclair, N. J. Elementary Education

Mary Johnesee Farmington Hills, Mich . Elementary Education

Charles Johnson New Carlisle, Ohio Marketing

Gene Johnston Lynbrook, N. Y. Biology

Russell Jones Scotch Plains, N. J. History

Colleen Jordan Fairview Park, Ohio Exec. Secretarial Studies

Donald Jordan Cleveland, Ohio Electron ics Engr.

Linda Jordanek Willoughby Hills, Ohio Elementary Education

Phil Joubert Marlbold, Mass. Accounting

Vin cent Julian Mountainside , N. J. Business Management

Kenneth Kaiser Dayton, Ohio Marketing

Raymond Kaliszewski Brooklyn, N. Y. Mechanical Engr.

Jane Kammerer Garden City, N. Y. Psychology

Kathleen Joyce New Orleans, La. Psychology

Judith Jablonski Pittsburgh, Pa. Elementary Education

\itargaret Kapcar Mar ion , Ohio Chem istry

Mary Ellen Kearney Croton-On-Hudson, N. Y. Communication Arts

John Kaufmann Dayton, Ohio Social Studies

Deborah Keenan Elmira, New York Spanish

David Kausch Rochester, N. Y. Mechanical Engr.

Dennis Kazmierski Rochester, N. Y. Mech. Engr. Tech.

Pamela Kehoe Niagara Falls, N. Y. Communication Arts

Mary Keihl Dayton, Ohio Physical Education

Janice Kean y Alexandria, Virginia Secondary Education

Kathryn Keller Brussels, Belgium English



Thomas Kesney Stamford, Conn. Marketing

Suellen Kelley Hillside, Illinois Political Science

Wayne Kelly Washington, N. Y. Psychology

Frank Kennelly Congers, N. Y. Physical Education

Lynne Kerbis Brooklyn, N. Y. Business Administration

Cynthia Kessler Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Art Fciucation

Karen Kester Lyndhurst, Ohio Elementary Education

Robert Kiley Vestal, New York Business Administration

Patrice Kilkenny New Milford, N. J. Social Work

Devi Kimbrough Evanston, Illinois Communication Arts

Paul Kirschling Euclid, Ohio Psychology

Cindy Klee Rochester, N. Y. Elementary Education

Mary Kleinberg Kettering, Ohio Mathematics

Robert King Dayton, Ohio History

Richard Kirchner Tiffin, Ohio Accounting

David Kieinhenz Celina, Ohio Mech. Engr. Tech .

Roger Kleisley Rochester, N. Y. Chemical Engr.

Madelyn Knoll Indianapolis, Indiana Psychology

Mary Knoll Deerfield, Ohio Accounting

Donald Klosterman Mentor, Ohio Accounting

Christine Knox Fairview, Pa. Elementary Education

Judy Knesboro Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychology

Patricia Knierim Garwood, Ohio Political Science

Gail Kochan Hillside, N. J. Psychology

Karen Koness Williamsville, N. Y. Home Economics

Joyce Konst Ottawa, Ohio Accounting

Kathl ee n Kopczynski South Bend, Indiana Home Economics

Carol Kottmann Bethpage, N. Y. Elementary Education

Laszlo I. Kovats Dayton, Ohio Mech. Engineering

James Krazit Bergenfield, N. J. Sociology

Sandra Krupp Berea, Ohio Home Economics

Alan Kurzinski New Hope, Pa. Marketing

Phil Laciura Oakland , N. J. Journalism

David Krebs Dayton, Ohio Business Management

Robert Kretz No. Royalton, Ohio Mech . Engr. Tech .

Michelle LaHood Southfield, Michigan Social Work

Philip Lakarosky Elizabethtown, Ky. Biology

William Lally Haddonfield, N. J. American Studies

Susan Lamb Cleveland Heights, Ohio Home Economics

Paul LaMonica Phillipsburg, N. J. Business Management

Louis Lamorte Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychology

Kev in Lanahan Princeton , Ohio History

John Larkin SI. Mary's, Oh io !lusiness Management

Nancy Larkin Bricktown, N. J. Communication Arts

Barb Laubacher Canton, Ohio Physical Education

Robert Leach Kettering, Ohio Computer Science

Joseph Leal Morganville, N. J Accounting

Robin Lebair Trenton, N. J. Elementary Education

Jane; Laudadio Upper Saddle River, N. J. Social Work


Gregory Lawrence Union , Ohio Account ing



Anthony Lewis Steelton, Pa. Mech . Engr.

Joseph Liberta Blue Anchor, Ohio Marketing

Patty Linebaugh Miamisburg, Ohio Mathematics

Lisa Linville Louisville, Kentucky Elementary Education

Jerome Lombardo Tenafly, New Jersey Business Management

Willis Long Dayton, Ohio Electronics

Barbara Lowry Blue Bell, Pa. History

Dan Lucia Norwalk, Conn. ~Iectrical Enj;\r.

Tony Lupia Rogo Park, N. Y. Journalism

Debra Lyons Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychology

Kathy Lysaght North Ridgeville, Ohio Elementary Education

Robert Macel Dayton, Ohio Mechanical Engr. Tech .

Regina Mackie Oakdale, N. Y. Health Education

James Mackin .Pittsburgh, Pa. Elec. Engr. Tech.

Gregory MacNealy Dayton, Ohio Pre-Medicine

Kevin MacReynolds Asbury Park, N. J. Elec. Engr. Tech .

Stephen Maginnis Audubon, N. J. Political Science

Bruce Mahoney Bethel Park, Pa. Civil Engr.

Nancy Majni Dayton, Oh io Elementary Education

Raymond Lee Huntington, N. Y. Secondary Education

Jack Lekan Parma, Ohio Biology

Devi Lingam Tokyo, Japan Business Management

Ralph Link McLean, Virginia Management

Charles LoPresti Cleveland, Oh io Biology

John Maguire Newton Square, Pa. Business Management

John Malone Farmingdale, N. Y. Psychology

Jean Manning Upper SI. Clair, Pa. Special Education

Carol Martin Plympton, Ohio Geology

R. Kevin Martin Cincinnati, Ohio Psychology

Albert Manovill, Jr. Somerville, N. J. Physical Education

Ralph Martinez Long Island, N. Y. Education

Barbara Maras Gaithersburg, Maryland Marketing

Paul Martino Bryan, Ohio Political Science

Tom Marten Indianapolis, Indiana Civil Engr.

Arthu r Massa Cincinnati, Ohio Communication Arts



Karen Matusoff Dayton, Ohio History

Samuel May, Jr. Chester, Pa. Accounting

Philip Mazzucco Bridgeport, Conn. CriminaUustice

Michelle McCabe Jamesburg, N. J. English

Joan McCaffrey Bethesda, Maryland Elementary Education

Mary Ellen McCann Berea, Ohio Elementary Education

Catherine McCarthy Chillum, Maryland Economics

Eileen McCarthy Cranford, N. J. Social Work

Brian McCartney Eilst Williston, Ohio Marketing

Karen McConnell Philadelphia, Pa. Sociology

Patrick McCormick Indianapolis, Indiana Communication Arts

William K. McCroskey Belmont, Ohio Electrical Engineering

Kathleen McGann Lakewood, Ohio Elementary Education

Brian McGuire Northport, Ohio Psychology

James McKenna Munster, Indiana Communication Art<

Mary McKenna Kettering, Ohio Elementary Education

Judy McLalien Erie, Pa. Medical Technology

Jean McMahon White Plains, N. Y. Social Work

jane McNeill West Orange, N . . Dietitics

Paula Me Quillan Belleville, Illinois Home Economics

james Meaney Somerdale, N. J. Psychology

Joanne Merriman Rocky River, Ohio Elementary Education

Dale Meyer Minster, Ohio Secondary Education

Karen Meyer Dayton, Ohio Sociology

Albert Meyers Pittsburgh , Pa. Chemistry

Robert Mikolajewski Piqua, Ohio Accounting

Elaine Miller Minneapolis, Minnesota Political Science

Richard Miller Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mechanical Engr.

Micheil Milligan West Carrollton, Ohio Political Science

julie Miskimen Dayton, Ohio Biology

Kathleen Mitchell Amityville, N. Y. Home Economics

William Mitchell Louisville, Ky. Math

Mary Lou Mithoff Charleston, W. Va. Marketing

Gregory Mittereder Dayton, Ohio Physical Science

Barbara Monnig Ironton, Ohio Secondary Education

Kathleen Montgomery Westlake, Ohio Home Economics

Herman Moore, III Manassas, Virginia Industrial Engr.

james Molloy Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. Economics

Joseph Molnar Cleveland, Ohio Communication Arts

Karen Mcquade Rocky River, Ohio Biology


Mary Moots Canton, Ohio Medical Technology

Patricia Morand Cheektowaga, N. Y. Dietetics

Sister lilliam More, O.P Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Regina Morris Dayton, Ohio Geology

John MOrriSS Holley, N. Y. Elementary Education

Jeffrey Morrow Cleveland, Ohio Accounting

Margaret Mospens Dayton, Ohio General Studies

John Murray Sandusky, Ohio Social Work

Ronald Mussaw Massena, N. Y. Mech. Engr. Tech.

Micki Myers Bellevue, Ohio Social Work

Margaret Myles Arlington Heights, III. Economics

Pamela Najjar Brooklyn, N.Y. PsycholoRY

Mark Nance Fort Wayne, Ind. Accounting

Steve Nicholas Rochester, N. Y. Accounting

\i1artha Nickol Haddonfield, N. J. Mathematics

John Niemiec Washington, D . C. Industrial Engr. Tech .

Susan Nitto Wilmette, Illinois Art Education

David Nordyke Dayton, Ohio English Education

Dee Novajosky Flint, Michigan Home Economics

Mary Oberlander Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Barbara O'l:!rlen Cranford, N. J. Elementary Education

Arthur Niedosik Philadelphia, Pa. Communication Arts


Thomas Novak Wallington, N. J. Accounting

John Nunney Fairview Park, Ohio Marketing

Ilmothy UaKes Rochester, N. Y. Civil Engineering

Carol O'Brien Indianapolis, Indiana English

Jeri O'Donnell ' Mansfield, Ohio Social Work

Paul Oceanak Frenchtown, N. J. Industrial Engr. Tech .

Michael O'Donnell East Meadow, N.Y. Civil Engineering

Michael O'Connell Whippany, N. J. American Studies

lames O ' Hara North Lavallette, N. J. Business Management

.James O 'Connor Pittsburgh, Pa. Accountinl':

Kathleen O ' Hare Upper Saddle River, N. J. Elementary Education

Jonathan O'Connor Mt. Lakes, N. J. Marketing

Kathleen O ' Herron Chicago, Illinois Political Science



Robert Okulski New Hyde Park, N. Y. Political Science

James Olvany Bayside, New York Business Management

DrewOlwel1 Bronx, New York Psychology

Philip Opinant e Brooklyn, N. Y. Psychology

Robert Oppenheim Mamaroneck, N. Y. History

Edward O'Reilly Holbrook , N. Y. Accounting

Frank Ostermann Queens Village , N. Y. Business Management

Carla Oswald South Orange, N. J. Theatre

Jonathan O'Toole Dayton, Ohio Economics

Patricia Paleic Gowanda, N. Y. Health and Physical Ed.

Dominic Palmeri Montville, N. J. Civil Engineering

Vincent Palmiotti Brooklyn, N. Y. Accounting

Dennis Palomba Canton, Ohio Industrial Engr.

Paul Papa Creskill , N. J. Political Science

Thomas Papp Dayton, Ohio Public Relations

Robert Pareti Park Ridge, N. J. Business Marketing

M. David Parnell Setauket, N. Y. Accounting

Robert Passaretti Oradell, N. J. Social Work

Richard Pater Hamilton, Ohio Civil Engineering

Edward Patterson Plainfield, N. J. Business Marketing

Joanne Pellitter路i Rochester, N. Y. Elementary Education

Mary Van Pelt Delphos, Ohio Elementary Education

Darnell Paul Youngstown, Pa . Political Science

Paul Peiffer Pittsburgh, Pa. Mech . Engr. Tech.

Jane Pendergast Milwaukee, Wisconsin Math.

David Pertl Canton, Ohio Accounting

Frank Pertz Seven Hills, Ohio Political Science

Marcia Pevarsk i Solon, Ohio Accounting

Alfreda Phillips Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Anne Phillips Cleveland , Ohio English

jane Phillips Pittsbu rgh, Pa. Social Work

Helen Pickar louisville, Kentucky Medical Technology

linda Pirnia Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Gustavo Plenge lima, Peru Electrical Engr.

Michael Podnar Euclid, Ohio Accounting

Mary Pollman Shelbyville, Indiana English

john Possehl Secausus, N. j. Business Marketing

Steven Post Dayton, ·Oh io Political Science

I"'f f


Ursula Post Dayton, Ohio Medical Tech.

Anita Pounds Akron, Ohio Social Work

Robert Pyne Norwalk, Conn. Business Administration





.. ••



+••k). '.-:-

~· iJ

Cynthia Prasnikar Arlington Hts., III. Accounting

Stephen Prutting Chicago, Illinois Communication Arts

john Pugh Mason, Ohio Biology

Mark Pulsfort Dayton, Ohio Civil Engineering

Patricia Quayle Geneva, Ohio Accounting

Michael Quigley New York, N. Y. Elementary Education

Robert Ralston Chicago, Illinois Electrical Engr.

Fred Ramos Independence, Ohio Pre-Law

Joan Reichenberger East Meadow, N . Y. Elementary Educaiion


Joseph Reiling Kettering, Ohio Communication Arts

Thomas Reilly Atlantic Highlands, N . J. Biology

Douglas Reitz Tenafly, N. J. Psychology

Pamela Rhoads Dayton, Ohio Art Education

Alfred Ribelli Wickliffe, Ohio Business Management

Janice Richtar Parma, Ohio Elementary Education

David Riguzzi White Plains, N. Y. Industrial Engr. Tech.

Ann Rinehart Kettering, Ohio Elementary Education

linda Ringholz Monroeville, Ohio Secondary Education

Eileen Riordan Hazel Crest, III. Dietetics

Michael Rix Garden City, N. Y. Communication Arts

James Rogacki Neptune, N. J. History

Anthony Rogers Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineering

Carol Rogers Drayton Plains Accounting

Janet Rogers Tipp City, Ohio Accounting

Gina Roman Cleveland, Ohio Social Work

Salvatore Rongo Walden, N. Y. Electronic Engineering Tech.

Beverly Ross Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

William Rothbauer Pittsburgh, Pa . Accounting

Mary Ellen Regan Scotch Plains, N. J. Marketing

Daniel Rhein Cleveland , Ohio Electrical Engr.


Merle Romberger Morristown, Ohio Elementary Education

James Romond -Greenlawn, N. Y. Accounting

Jean Reuille Fort Wayne, Ind. Accounting

Teresa Ricketts Bayside, N. Y. Education

Peter Rojek Oakland, N. J. Business Mgt.

Anthony Rubini Camden, N. J. Accounting

Karen Rudden Morris Plains, N. J. Elementary Education

Gary Russo Westfield, N. J. Business Mangement

M . Danielle Ryan Tipton, Indiana Communication Arts

Denise Saccaro North Wildwood, N. J. General Studies

Bernard Salmon Dayton, Ohio Biology

Stephen Sarsfield Vero Beach, Florida Political Science

Nancy Sauter Pittsburgh, Pa. Business Management

Susan Rupert Jackson, Ohio Theatre

Raymond Rush Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychology

Edward Samsel Bricktown, N. J. Communication Arts

Joan Sahradnik Cranford, N. J. Social Work

Michael Scacco ~ 'ddle Brook, Ohio Business Management

Deborah Scherack Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education


James Scherling Pittsburgh, Pa. Electrical Engr.

Mary L. Schieman Louisvill e, Kentucky Political Science

Kathryn Schirmeyer Fort Wayne, Indiana Dietetics

John Schmidt Dayton, Ohio Business Mgnt.

Helen Schmitz Dayton, Ohio Music Education

Richard Schnell Youngsville, Pa. Elee. Engr. Tech.

Cynthia Schniegenberg Garfield Heights, Ohio Biologv

Cand ace Schoenig Pittsburgh , Pa. Elementary Education

Marv Schuler Ne"": Cumberland, Ohio Chemistry

Joseph Schurmann Germantown, Ohio Electrical Engr.

Donald Seger Yorkshire, Ohio Electrical Engr.

Paulette Seitz Parma, Ohio Art Education

Eileen Semrow Park Ridge, Illinois Executive Secretarial Studies

Harry Servoss Williamsport, Pa. History

Marcella Sharpe Hazlet, N J. Psychology

Carol Shealey Pittsburgh, Pa. Elementary Education

Patrick Sheeran Dumont, N. J. Fine Art

Brenda Shimman Arlington Heights, Ohio Psychology

Albert Sigg Jenkintown, Pa. Electrical Engr.

Jerome Signorelli Mount Vernon, N. Y. Business Management

Joseph Silva New York City Mechanical Engineering




~~ '. -



Richard Sharp Dayton, Ohio Electrical Engr.


Michael Schilling Hopatcong, N. J. Marketing

Karen Shoemaker Dayton, Ohio Psychology


Sandra Shuster Golf, Illinois Accounting

Michael Smith Park, N. Y. Arts and Science

Patrick Smith Atlantic Highlands, N. J. I\merican Studies

William Smith Lorain, Ohio Mechanical Engr.

Charles Sonnhalter Rocky River, Ohio Business Management

Mary Spangler N. Ridgevill e, Ohio Computer Science

Michael Sperduti Niagara Falls, N. Y. Management

Jacqueline Spiegel Eastchester, N. Y. Home Economics

Michael Spiotto Bergenfield, N.J. Marketing

Jame Splain Washington, D. C. Chemical Engineering

Edward Spratt III New Brighton, Pa. Electrical Engr.

Nicholas Spuzzillo Cleveland, Ohio Industrial Engr. Tech .

E. Gerard Stache Jr. Long Island, N. Y. Biology

Gerard States Pittsburgh, Pa. Mechanical Engr.

John ~teinmet z Wickliffe, Ohio Political Science

Nancy Stettenfeld Highland Heights, Ohio Ph ysical Education

Darrell Stewart Pittsburgh, Pa. French

Kathryn Steward Monroe, Michigan Psychology

Douglas Strehl Fogelsville, Pa. Accounting

Karen Stoss Vestal, N. Y. Psychology

Timothy Singleton Dayto n, Ohio Secondary Education

William Skelly Minnetonka, Minn . Math ema tics

Rosema ry Smith Cheverly, Maryland Secondary Education

Susan Smith Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Julie Sparks Dayton, Ohio Physical Education

Gary Smith Dayton, Ohio Civil Engineering



Anne Stuhlreyer Cincinnati, Ohio Social Work

Barbara Sud hoff Coldwater, Ohio Political Science

Joann Sullivan S. Orange, N.J. English

Robert Sullivan Jersey City, N. J. Criminal Justice

Richard Suminski Erie, Pennsylvania Economics

Gail Sutton Binghamton, N. Y. Physcial Education

Deborah Swensen Lynbrook, Ohio Physical Education

Thomas Switalski Cleveland, Ohio Accounting

Michael Sylvester Milford, Ohio Physical Education

Stanley Szwed Parma, Ohio Electrical Engr.

Claudia Tafaro Summitt, N. J. Spanish

Fiore Talarico Allendale, N. J. Accounting

Thomas Tie Ok.inawa, Japan Biology

Elizabeth Tierney Pittsburgh, Pa. General Studies

Hank Teschendorf Parma, Ohio Chemical Engr.

Joyce Thomas Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

Michael Talone Ardmore, Pa. Communication Arts

Janet Tillitski North Canton, Ohio Secondary Education

Sandy Thomas Dayton, Ohio Psychology

William Teegan Wyckoff, N. J. Psychology

Marsha Tipul Mansfield, Ohio Elementary Education

Flizabeth Thompson Richmond Heights, Ohio Elementary Education

.Cynthia Tercek Cleveland, Ohio Accounting

Michael Tobe Ft. Recovery, Ohio Accounting

Wenard Thorne Philadelphia, Pa. Mechanical Engr.

Timothy Tomai Ridgewood, N. J. Economics

Deborah Toole Bethesda, Md. Political Science

Mary J. Tracey Morristown, N. J. Elementary Education

Daniel Trick Dayton, Ohio Pre-Law

Steven Turley Blue Point, Ohio Business Administration

Richard Unverferth Kalida, Ohio Mechanical Engr.

Gregg Valenzuela Clifton Forge, Ohio Biology

David Vassallo Rochester, N. y. Elementary Education

Jeffery Vaughn Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. Accounting

Lynn Vetter East Brunswick, Ohio Dietetics

Frank Vitaliti Silver Springs, Md. Mech. Engr. Tech.

Peter Vitro New Rochelle, N. Y. Social Work

Janet Vocke Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Patricia Vogt Cincinnati, Ohio Social Work

Ronald Voit Dayton, Ohio Communication Arts

James Vontress Dayton, Ohio Political Science

Joseph Unser Morrisonville, Ohio Business Management

George Vellucci New York, N. Y. Biology

Susan Voelkl Centerville, Ohio Executive Secretarial Studies

Thomas Vogan Pittsburgh, Pa. Communication Arts

Michael Tortorici Middl~ Village, Ohio


Susan Tozzoli Westwo路od, N. J. Psychology

Chris Tracy Westersprings, III. Social Work

Jane Uhland Cherry Hill, Ohio Dietetics

Mary Unger Chicago, Illinois Business Management



Raymond vyabler Dayton, Ohio Elec. Engr. Tech.

Timothy Wabler Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Janet Wagner Bellefontaine, Ohio Accounting

Beth Wahl Rochester, N. Y. Elementary Education

Thomas Wanner Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Robert Watrous Parma, Ohio Math

Larry Weaver College Corner, Ohio Electrical Engr.

Steve Weisberg Boston, Mass. Communication Arts

Laura Welch Seaford, N. Y Psychology

Theodore Weltner Middletown, N. J. Biology

John Westendorf Dayton, Ohio Arts and Sciences

Barbara White Surrey, England Elementary Education

Arthur Wielosik Upland , N. J. Engineering Tech .

Robert Williams Tiffin, Ohio Chemistry

Gary Wenck Cincinnati, Ohio Business Management

Roger Walker Waldwick, N. J. Sociology

Ann Weisenbach Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Thomas Wendeln Kettering, Ohio Political Science

Kenneth Wernert Bridgeville, Pa. Accounting

Hugh White N. Canton, Ohio Psychology

Richard White Clark, N. J. i'ine Arts

Laura Whitting Flossmoor, Illinois Social Work

Randy Wilson Westfield, N. J. Music Education

Jo Anne Wing Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Margaret Wise Birmingham, Mich. Psychology

Thomas Witkowski Brook Park, Ohio Chem. Engr. Tech.

Linda Worley Camden, N. J. Sociology

John Wyatt Somerdale, N. J. Elee. Engr. Tech.


Woolery Englewood , Ohio Physical Education

Diane Wourms Dayton, Ohio English

james Wyse Wauseon, Ohio Civil Engineering

Betty Yager Rushville, Indiana Physics

John Yancik Englewood , Ohio Business Edu catio n

Esat Yavuz Kettering, Ohio Pre-medicine

Charla nne Yelton Holmdel, N. j . Elementary Education

Richard Yelton Long Branch, N. J. Chemistry

Martha Yeranko Fort Wayne, Indiana Journalism

Deborah Young Garden City, N. Y. Social Work

Frank Young Lynchburg, Va. Accounting

Pat Young Cleveland, Ohio Marketing

Lori Zagata Sayreville, N. j . Educational Psychology



Joseph Zaluski Secaucus, N. J. Elementary Education

John Zgela Mansfield, Ohio Secondary Education

Timothy Zimmer Dayton, Ohio Mech. Engr. Tech.

Irvin Zimmer mar Dayton, Ohio General Studies

leo Zimmerman East Meadow, N. Y. Economics

Joseph Zisa Hackensack, N. J. Political Science

Robert Zitnay Trumbull, Connecticut Accounting

Michael Zito Cleveland, Ohio Electrical Engineering

John Zola West Carrollton, Ohio

Cynthia Conrad Cherry Hill, N. J. Elementary Education

Raymond Gadd Park ridge, N. J. Psychology

Steve Mueller Cincinnati, Ohio Psychology



SENIOR COMMENT This year's Senior Class has seen progression coupled with CrISIS In its years at the Universityof Dayton. Seniors remember the time when the question was "where are you from?", and now find themselves asking "do you have a job, or are you going to grad school?" For some seniors, security already exists in employment; most though, are still frantically sending out resumes and requesting interviews. Many are finding grad school a favorable alternative to unemployment. Senior year has been memorable for classes, brock parties (with bonfires), rallies, concerts, the NCAA, and streaking. The increases in food prices have resulted in too many macaroni casseroles, and too much "Hamburger Helper ." The gas shortage made traveling home on three day weekends nearly impossible. Watergate and the forced resignation of a vicepr esident brought a bout political disillusion ment. Th e Sen iors have enjoyed rei evant and survived irrelevant classes, h ave been motivated by concerned profs, and discouraged by extensive papers. Their friends, and even those who weren't friends have all, made an indelible mark on their lives. Even though the cIIass of '74 no longer has the security of the university community, they find that the problems they have learned to cope with have formed them into unique individuals capabl'e of surviv ing today's probl ems. They're scared, but they're ready.


1. GROUND NORTH STUART BACK Rich Ciurczak, John Abjanic, Charles H. Butler III, Dave Ahasic. FRONT - John Fedigan, William Cairns, Dave Wetzel, Rob Salchli, John Andrew, Bill Ward, Carey, Alfred Hinkley, Steve Halex, Terry Cherwin.

2. THE PICTURE BOYS Painstaking effort! Frank "Carrot Top", Pete Skivington, Bob Hach.

3.2 NORTH STUART Jacu Scully, John Nelson, Pat Cox, Buck Kapcar, Robert Humphries, Greg Mills, T. Graham Giusti, John Gilmore, Mike Reeves, Tom Berkemeir, Bob Zehnder, Jim Costa, Chris Jackson, Ted Brady (R.A.).

4.3 NORTH STUART Denny Rossi, Tony Martin, Mike Johnson (R.A.), Mike Chieski, Jerry Breznay, Joy Hagler, Rick Kubiak, Jeff Mallot, Kevin O'Brien, Donald W. liszkay, John Steinbeck, Tom Weinandy, Vince Geiger.

5. 4 NORTH STUART Anthony Gallego, Kenny Wenck, Kevin Kirethe, Steve Signs, Jim Pohl, Jim Spahn, Jerome Thomas, Ringo Starr, Jim Hartman, Francis laGrone, Tom Guilbert (R.A.)




1. 5 NORTH STUART Charlie Funk, John Schafer, George Schweiger, John Rowland, Tom Rye, Sean Brennan, Dale Pritchard, John Abjanic, Bill lebling, Walt Hartman, Dale Corfman, Bob Finno, Tony Coppa, Rich Miggins.

2.5 SOUTH STUART Kevin Duffin, Paul Pavelek, Bill Scheper, Bill Paxton, Bob Make as, Tom Volpe, Tom Novotny, jude Troppoli, Duane Isabella, Joe DeRose, Rick Delia, Tom Mallon, Bob Ritzel, Bill Bommacito, Joe Higgins, Richard Hill

3. 3 SOUTH STUART Carl Woronowicz, Mark Engle, Tom Farucht, larry Fechko, David Bitonte, Robert Wehner, Chris Giusti, John Catalano (R.A.), Steve Kane, Gary l. Jorcak, Mike Beer, Tom Wanecke, Mike Carlin, John Basil. Jeff Barna, George Hanley, Tom Cobel, Tim Zielinski, John J. Beck, Neil Sprague, Kevin Cooney, Tim Welsh, Thomas Ward.

4. 2 SOUTH STUART Tim Harrington, larry Blazek, Dave P. lehren, Mike, Chuck Moretti, Paul, Tom, Gary Russo, Doug, Steve, Jim, Brady, Allen, Rob, Schneider Jr., Petrison.

5. 4 SOUTH STUART Don Beckman, Hany Emmurel, Jim Tis, Dan Tambellini, Purple Haye, Steve MacDonald, Tim Saunders, Dan Poland, Allen Haynes, Philip M. Jones, David H. Gretzel, Paul Wenke, Jose Gary Montero, Bob Heityer, John Heeb


1. WARD 6 SOUTH STUART Tom "Booboo" Kaselonis, "Dago Red" Avolio, Dave "Bird" Gladstone, Dale Selhorst, James Kawulicz, Jimbo, George Rankin, Jeff Kos, Steve Verhoff, Paul McNulty, Gary Serrianne/Gaylord, Ken Balaban, Don Stepanek, Mike Llewellyn, John McGivern, Bill Taylor, Stu McCulloch, John Hallinan, Bill Heffner.

2. 3 EAST STUART Art Leon, Randy Knopp, Dave Cronin, John Blanks, Tom Laughlin, Marion Woodbury, David Hodapp, Pat Hoke.

3. 2 EAST STUART Bill Dolan, Tom Fisher, Jim Donnelly, Rory Beglin, Tits, Mad-dog, Wolf, Greg Black, Jim Sutton, Lucky, Schitz, "The Bear", Greg Terrell, Anthony Woods, "Moose", "Ace", Rick Buddie, Air Head, Kidd, Le Roy, Jim Gomotos, Mike Bauer, Kevin Keany, Ed Donnelly .

4. 5 EAST STUART Jeff Flaherty, Tim McGovern, Tim Thall, Craig S. Kloss, Ken Radziwanowski, Ken McDougall, Pat Burke, Steve Reichert, John Flask, Gene Sredinski, John J. Fisher III, Brad Stegner, Gregory Williams (R.A.)

5. 4 EAST STUART Joe Luke, Frank Lucek, Sue Hughes, Ron Kubea, Make Lyons, Jose Troje, Gareth Hunderfund, Kenny Schou, Ted Scholtz, Dan Thomas, Tim Saunders, Kent Wilson, Dennis Flynn, Fuzzy Nare, John Wolking, Ace Bassett.



1. 6 EAST STUART Barry Kopf, Greg Tamer, Tom Albreckt, Brian Bimonte, John Bellano, Mike Biedenbach, Carl King, Dan Lacy, Rick Case, Bill Albert, and Nancy.

2. 500 SOUTH U.H. FRONT - Steve Combs, Pete Vaskys, Ken Witherspoon, Paul McDougal , Pete Wied emann . BACK - Mike Denney, James Crisalii, Brian McGrath, Eugene Talley, Paul Schuster, Skip Froelich .

3.500 NORTH U.H. Michael DeBlasis, Keith Byrd, Walter Hende rson, Steve Mizell, Dave Golubieski, john Joyce, Bill Schmittinger, Jim Loughery, Art Johnson, Michael Sheridan, P.J. McCarthy, Cesar Bique, Rick Harris.

4. TRUE CAMERA HAMS From Stuart, Marycrest and Hamilton?

5. 1 SOUTH MARYCREST BACK - Jan Henderson, Dawn Fla ck, Sue Hudak, Dee Siegl, Caroline Martlew. 3rd Mary Coyn e, Gloria Uckele, jeanne Gilhooly, jill Kuhlman , Julie jones, Katie Bajor, Mary Gerard , Chan Cooper, Cecily Barnes, Debbie Dun son, Sandra Irvin. 2nd Irene Hall, Nancy Be ll , Carol Brown, Barb Curlee FRONT - Cindy Bacon, Patti Gompers, jane Condy, Su san Schmidt (R.A .), Gelzie, Ely, Bobbie Blauvelt.


1.3 SOUTH MARYCREST Anne Wunderlick, Rita Pachard, Jayne Kaparelli, Barbara Kujoe, Laetta Prachick, Anne Gleisinger

2. 2 SOUTH MARYCREST Nan cy Conroy, Connie Conway, Peggy Myers, Nancy Fiore, Cathy Albright, Bridget McDonagh, Terri Laird, Karen Johnson, Susan Bushelman, Hilary Smith, Deby WolI, Sandy Greene, Maribeth Salley, Rhonda Rick, -Ellen Lynch, Jane Mallory, Boj Terris, Ann Carol Briggs

3. 7 SOUTH MARYCREST Patrice Woll, Ann Rinehart, Maribeth Shanahan, Dorothy Sasson, Pat Harrington, Denise Venard, Susan Gtaser, Claire McGrath, Mary lou Arnold, linda Hoehn, Rita Brand , Jeanne Broering, Vivian Moynihan, Beth Davis, Joey Coley, Betsy Coffield, Vickie lenzo, Renai Basta (R.A.), Marilyn Hamilton, Nancy Mitchell

4. 6 SOUTH MARYCREST Christine Saladin, Lisa Hughes, Judy Maurer, Mary McGinty, Marilyn Selvaggio, Cindi Foster, Margaret White, lynn Schubel, Patty McNaney, Susan Sedlak, Maggie Schulze, Val Stace, Betsy Schwalbach, Mari Pat Varga, Gene Scott, Cheryl Mathy, Charlett Henderson, Eileen McCarthy, Janice Gallagher, Becky Tamer, Dorie Mills, Phyllis Azen , Janet Debien, Nancy Wahl , Nancy Whitting, Mary Foley, Deb Stryker, Cat Theby

5. 5 SOUTH MARYCREST Vicki Meno, Kathy ley, Jan Roelops, Maura Moran, Sue Stander, Mary Ann Shea, Jan Gallagher, Donna Mazza, Barb Throm, Kathy Foecking, Joyce Conroy, Toni Menz, Sandy Pawelkoski, Marilyn Klass, Connie Kusmer, Kathy Butch, Kathy Krajcynski




1. 3 NORTH MARYCREST Daria DiSsprito, Connie langenkamp, Ann lauro, Toni Fornelli, Megan McCarthy, Chris Corrado, Ann Ryan, linda Ke'llog, Jan Brice, Mary Jo Drerup, Jean From, Barbara Bath, Shelly Morath, Rene Capponi, Regina Clark, Nancy Franco, Angela Carbonetta, laura Dunbar, Teri Burns, Shawn Callahan, Barb Friel, Sheila Winston, Judy Jablonski (RA), Maureen McCormick, Cindy DeGregory.

2. 5 NORTH MARYCREST Janet Patacca, Mary Ellen Hydrean, Georgetta Sirmans, Barb Incento, Jeanne Cox, Julia Troppoli, Patty Knox, Mary Beth Wagner, Cass Anderson, leslie Fitting, Barbara Reilly, Allegra Storts, Sue Pellecore, Janet Hamilton, Mary McGovern, Barbara Gibbs, louann Fiedler, Carol Trueman, Mary Sartoic, Charlie Ennis, Patty luegers, Dodi lettus, lois Newell, Diane Masar. Mary Mitchell, Barbara Twiss, Cathy Hanzl (R .A.).

3. 2 NORTH MARYCREST Dorothy Xanos, Boofie Hughes, Margie Hawkins, Ginny Shawver, Nancy Jackson, Mary Schodorf, Barb Warniment, linda Tucker, Sue Raslowsky, Anne Rejent, Mary Jane Rasbold, Mary Ann Clishem, Ellie lynch, Beth Bowers, Angelia Donia, Gwen Munlin, Natalie Cole, Vicki Kinsell, Marylu Cronin, Mary lou Popik.

4. 4 SOUTH MARYCREST Beth Yuhas, Jenny Gulling, Valrie Corvino, Kathi Huth, Marjie Hennessey, Joan Raphel, Karen Chajkowski, Charlene Hatke, Pat Huddleston, Pat Russel, Sue Hinsman, Maureen Cahill, Mary Pentagas. Janelle Rebeta, Mary Segerso, Cathy Higgins, Barb Puncer, Kathy Iannuzzi.

5. 6 NORTH MARYCREST Mary Ann Brooks (R.A.), Gail Guss, Barbara McDonald, Jan lauery, Marcia Dempsey, Judi Tolhurst, Elaine Sasena, Kathy Birmingham, Annette Heiberger.


1. 4 MIDDLE MARYCREST Mary Murtaugh, Mary Egan, Denise Cunningham, jeanne Wegmer, Candy Zoghby, Michelle johnson, Paula Popovich, Amy Jordan, Mejie Renaud, Jill Meyer, Marilyn Miller, Kathy Kissinger.

2. 7 NORTH MARYCREST Connie Conway, Narus, Cheryl Fox, Mark Gaffney, Sender lee Arkins, Mary Jean Henig, Theresa McCarthy, Betsy ley, Marjorie Knutson, Diane Pokropski.

3. Kim Spevak, Regina Ross, Teni Baker, Mary Strickland, Maureen Dolan, Sue Owens, Ginny Roche, Debbie leclere, Mary Beth Sullivan, Mary Gaffney, Shelly Vanni, Cathy Albright, Mary Borris, Mary lynn Schiemann (R.A.), Donna Gaghaido, Meg Zimmer, Maureen Carey.

4. 1 NORTH MARYCREST Mary McDermott, Jonelle Bindl, Stephanie Fortune, Jeanine Colditz, linda lee, Regina Story, Cynthia locke, Maureen Barbetto, Cindy Ulan, Brenda Rushin, Mary Goldsmith, Jeanne Kretz, Mary McGinnis, Regina McFadden, Kathy Bartnicki, lynne Bailie, Stephanie Schaffer, Debby Smith, Barbara Carey.

5. 7 NORTH MARYCREST Diane Pokropski (R.A.), judy lorette, janine Pappa, Kandy Rittenhouse, Sonder Aikens, Sue laughlin, Mary Jo Herrig, Rose Nieturbitz, Cheryl Fox, laura Sonders.



1.5 MIDDLE MARYCREST De bbie Cadet, Mary Pat Schmidt, Veronica Lueisman, !ennifer Fran cis , Sandy Pelfrey, Meg Kerr, Ana Maria Izique, Peggy Doran, Madeline Lowry, Jan Keany, Joyce DeArco, Donna Vigilo, Gladie Graham, Shamu, Pete Shaker, Rea Ru sso, Killer Kilhenny, Coffy Fischer, Pierce, Deidre Kane.

2.6 MIDDLE MARYCREST Judy Kincade, Mary Beth Hackett , " Gill" Jacobsen , Jeanne Peloquin, Paula Daugherty, Terry Falk , Cathy Sweene y, " Kaz " Kaczmarek , Debbie Cadet, Pit Roebuck, Mig McCarthy, Vicki Kain (R. A.i, Slush Lu sh, Sharon Scythes, "Bill " Thomas, Donna Factor.





University Hall reopened dl1;e to .1J~panded enrollment


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1. 2A CAMPUS SOUTH Kathy Ashley, Dani Stanciu, Joni Champa.

2. 2B CAMPUS SOUTH Craig A. Frankel, Cookie, Champ George Harrison .






1. 2C CAMPUS SOUTH Frank Kennelly, Joe Deluca, Dave Vassallo, Gerry Weisgerber, (missing) Wimpy laciura, Cleats Mason .

2. 2D CAMPUS SOUTH Rickett Gareau, Don Berger, Steve Bardelman,. Fred Raimondo, Keith Bartkowiak, George Harrison .

3. 3C CAMPUS SOUTH Cheryl Walker, Carol Sirej, Colleen Jordan, Joannie Partyka, (missing) Fidel Komorouski, Patty Dorgan .

4. 36 CAMPUS SOUTH Don Yager, Stan Schoemer, Rick Appleby, Greg Stanko, Fred Benway, Jim Buennagel.


1. 3F CAMPUS SOUTH Sam Ferralli, Stan Roediger, Barry Ruth, Stan Kisiel.

2. 3D CAMPUS SOUTH Doug Andrew, Megan McCarthy! Rich Wendell, Fabulous Bert, Raymond Douglas Daries, Cork Nelms, Todd Rundgren, James Aulds.

3. 4A CAMPUS SOUTH Mary Majorack, Mary Lou Schmit, Debbie Grausso , June Ellien.

4. 3E CAMPUS SOUTH Greg Imhoff, Doug Hoffman, Jim Hayes, Elton John , Joe Greco, Jeff Seidman, Rich Scalenghe, Megan, Steven Stills.

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1. 4E CAMPUS SOUTH Terry Wynne, Pat Skelton, John Pertl, Jim Maslyn, John Leone, Sean Kelly, Boone, Dip.

2. 4F CAMPUS SOUTH Tom Coffey, Mike Cahill, Frank Ostermann, Bob Sullivan, Rich Bianchi.

3. 4CB CAMPUS SOUTH Jeff Dembski, Paul Perna, Chris Brennan, Irv Gillespie.

4. 5B CAMPUS SOUTH Joe Brooks, Gary Perna, Jerry Polcaro.




1. 5C CAMPUS SOUTH Katie McDonnell, Rich Pearce, Terri Anderjaska, Julie Claus, Nanci Waldron.

2. 50 CAMPUS SOUTH Pete McCormick, Dr. James Witter, Keith Morrow, Paul DeLatorre, Grandma, Bill Chuey, Edward Schmitt.

3. 5E CAMPUS SOUTH Brian Bennet, Michael O'Donohue, Brock Lichorowic.

4. SF CAMPUS SOUTH Dave Ricci, Chuck Wagon, Keith Morrow, Marita Myers, Buddy Bucks, Robert Plant, Victoria Lotito, Carol Santella, Meg Hoodes, Debbie Pasquale, Janie Bellinger.



1. 6A CAMPUS SOUTH Jerry Holland, Cathy McNiece, Mark Raimondo, Martha Johnson, Steve ' Bond, Rich Dogie, Nancy White, Mary Dillingham, Bill Dowd; Nancy Gerety, Patty Murphy, Katie Lucchin.

2. 6B CAMPUS SOUTH Larry Murphy, Mark Ramondi.

3. 6E CAMPUS SOUTH Dave Mikionis, Kevin Nolan, Claude Harris.

4. 6F CAMPUS SOUTH Dan Bertke, John Leone, John Pertl, Dave Seswick .


1. 7C CAMPUS SOUTH Frank, Sue, Charlie, Jimmy.

2. 7A CAMPUS SOUTH Becky Samples, Nancy Kowalczyk, Michele Casey, June Ericson, linda Neal, Sauter.

3. 7E CAMPUS SOUTH Jack Nunney, Rick Bennett, Bob Pyne, lou lamorte, Mike Hynes, AI McFarland .

4. 7F CAMPUS SOUTH Fish, Jarja, Me lon, Dennis, Megsie, Dizzy.

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1. 8C CAMPUS SOUTH Jo Ann Arcuri, Diane Zaciek, Barbara O'Neill, Frank Pacella, Geoffrey Boyle.

2. 80 CAMPUS SOUTH Thomas Barker, Tim Cronin, Bill Marpe, John Heithaus, Carl Lafong. .

3. 8A CAMPUS SOUTH Mark McVoy, Jack Corrigan, Kevin Gannin, Brian Reilly, Opie Covgan.

4. 8E CAMPUS SOUTH Mark Smith, Lind say Murray, Mike Mahon, Jeff Assaud.




1. 9A CAMPUS SOUTH T. Kone, Sal Paolella, Michael Wru, Michael Donnelly.

2. 9D CAMPUS SOUTH T. J. Mosack, D. J. Hornbach, John Thacker, Tom Wittberg, Fred Tenover.

3. 9F CAMPUS SOUTH Cynthia Conrad, Kathy Kapczynski, Jenny Brown, Barb Bakies, Maggie Krouse, !ane Robichaud.










1.211 K. STREET linda Hughes, Carolyn Campbell, Barb Bachor, Maureen DeSmedt, Betsy Caroll, Seagram, Marie Brown.

2.227 K. STREET Pam Najjar, Kathy O'Hare.


1.227 K. STREET Ms. Tricia Aleck, Ms. Jayne Bednarczyk .

2. 200 COLLEGE PARK Bobby Kennerl'y, Wilfred J. G. Ellis.

3. 222 COLLEGE PARK Jeff McCabe, Frank Young, Pete Vitro, Art Campbell, Steve Scharrer, Bill McCabe.

4. 323 COLLEGE PARK Harry Servoss, Frank Hudson, Barry Stell, Rick Pater, Tom Carney, Jerry Signorelli .




1. 1225 ALBERTA ST. Kathy Keller , El ena Lazio, Jerry Hurkins, Denise Saccaro, Rose mary Smith, Berf.

2. 1229 ALBERTA ST. Terri Gl enn, Ann Iannuzzi, Crystal Lotink , Carla Margh eret, Sue Stone, Sue Finley .

3. 1234 ALBERTA ST Chris Kno x, Ginny Wolfe , Karen Kon ess, Pat Hogenmiller, Karen Colliton , Paul a McQuillan.

4. 1434 ALBERT A ST. Clenn A. Tr eat , Paul Gordaychik , Ed Dillion , Ray Stubbs, Ron Fl eming .


1.10 LAWNVIEW AVE. Kathy Goodwin, Karen Wurmsek, Janice Rechtar, linda Criseillo, Brenda Shimman, Ruth Ann.

2.12 LAWNVIEW AVE. Millie Sullivan, Carol Arbaczewski, Beth.

3.113 LAWNVIEW AVE. M . Brunsman, D. Kovich, T. Breck, Steve Wilder.

4.20 LAWNVIEW AVE. Tom Kesney, Greg Mitlereder, Tom Hughes, Ray Gadd, Mullet Carpini, Hugh White.

5. 118 LAWNVIEW AVE. Dutch, Kim Daniel, Dave Fowler, Dane Mutter, Tom Spoth, Michael Elliott, Nora Mulholland, Mary Kauffman, Debbie Volpe, Joyce D' Alessandro, Jean Goodridge, Barb Elliott.





1. 26 EVANSTON ST. Diane Harmon, Katy Schirmeyer, Martha Yeranko.

2.34 EVANSTON ST. Susie Pauly, Joanne Merriman, Linda Bishop.

3.103 EVANSTON ST. Mike Maynard, Pat O ' Herron , Miton Rockmann, Dave Laurish, Ed Delker, Candy.

4.123 EVANSTON ST. Mick i Myers, Sue Smith , Sherry Clifford, Luis Perez.



Brothers and friends .

2.112 CHAMBERS ST . Jack Bors, Chuck Dragga , Ric Kirchner, John Morriss, Robert Williams, Robert Kretz.

3.222 KIEFABER ST. Barb Radtke, Patty Dorgan, Colleen Br ennan, Aurora Caruso, Fay Eichelberger. -

4.303 KIEFABER ST. Mary Jo Burick, Ro se mary Higgins , Denise Cafaro, Jane Phillips.

5.307 KIEFABER ST. Sue DiAntonio, Annette Biehler, Diane Balonek, " Cutter" Gilmartin , Merlin, Fred.



1. 218 LOWES ST. Jim Scrazzo, Gar y Smith , Joe Griffis, Hank Tesh endorf.

2.242 LOWES ST. Denni s Palomba, James Byrne.

3.332 LOWES ST. Marita Fal etli , Debbie Leffl er, Karen Glahert y, Su e Fitz simmon s.

4.312 LOWES ST. Jack Le kan , Pat Charbonneau , Mike Malone, Jim Phillips.





1.412 LOWES ST. Joe Zaluski, Rick Carpini, Bill Caputi, Gary Hornon, john Possehl.

2.416 LOWES ST. Kathy Gerety, Terri Deibert, Mary jane Dayton, Barb Sudhoff, Marg Demarino, Tom Lieser, Mike McLaughlin, Lou Chanese, Dave Laurash.

3.437 LOWES ST. Uncle Dave Rigguzzi, Joe Rufus Chiappetta, Capt. Art Krizman , Bill Bagote.

4.460 LOWES ST. jeanne Grippo, Anne Gutekanst, Paula Hassard, Chris Corrigan.



1.461 LOWES ST. Maureen E. Ambrose, Eileen V. Condon .

2. 517 LOWES ST. Patricia Knierim, Barb Brand, Joyce Konst, Katie Unger, Cathy Donohue.

3.345 FIRWOOD - APT. 2D Tony Lupia, Lou Cioffi and frie nds.

4.357 FIRWOOD - APT. 2C Dolby Joe Ril ey, Steve W eisburg, and friends.




1.107 WOODLAND AVE . Vincent Kirby, Mo Penrone, Mad-Dog Anderson, Mark Sergy, John Larison, Greg Curtin .

2. 342 STEWART ST. Kathe Engro, Liz Tierney, John Judge, George Rieger.

3.112 KRATOCHWILL Bob Hach, John Hinkle, Kevin Pendergast.

4.212 NASSAU ST . R. Talone, T. Brophy, M . Talone.


1.818 FOURMAN CT. -

APT . 3

Mike Banigan, Bob Bowman.

2.107 PARK Betty Yager, Bunkie Miller, Cindy Tercek, Jane Kauffman, Mary Ann Pollman.

3.523 IRVING AVE. Joanne Broderick, Betsy Barnwell, Satch.

4.331 STONEM ILL Mike Clarke, Jim McKenna, Ken.



U.D. Photo Service

OPPOSITE : (TOP, L. to R.) Ken Grayzel, Rich Bianchi, Mark Duncan, Ma rk Boas, Barb Sud hoff, Art Campbe ll , Frank Benedett.

Dave Lau rash -


Terry McCarren -

Bob Mellinger -


~~ -



Asst. Director

Asst. Director




Index -A133 Abele, Bob 123 Abjaml, John 126,194,197 Abjanic, Jihn 154 Abramo, Donald Adams, William 154 154 Ahasic, Annette 194 Ahasic, Dave 154,206 Aikins, Sonder ... . . ... .. 129 Alalitto, Dean 201 Albert, Bill 201 Albreckt , Tom Albright , Cathy . ... . .... .. . ... . .. , , , 202 139 Aldstadt , Dave 230 Aleck, Tricia 154 Alercia, JoAn n 154 Aliotta, Armand 122 Alles, Billy 122 Alles, Susan , , 139 Allick , Dave 154,244 Ambrose, Maureen 132 Ambuske, Carl 205 Anderson, Cass 134 Anderson, Greg 247 Anderson, M . 154 Anderson, Roger 154 Andrassy, Thomas 154 Andres, Martha 132 Andrew, Doug 194 Andrew, John 154 Andrews, Robert 131 Anysz , Dan 132,133,234 Arbaczewski, Carol 137 Archer, 'Eric 154 Arcuri, JoAnn 132 Arene, Bob 133 Armstrong, Bruce 154 Arno!d, Christine 202 Arnold, Mary lou 154 Arroyo, John 137 Asaud, Jeff 154 Ashworth, Timothy 140 Aulds, James , , 198 Avolio, Fred 154 Axley, James 202 Azen , Phyllis

-8Babka, Jeffery Babcock , Bob Bach , Thomas Bac hor, Barb Bacon, Cindy Bagote, Bill Bailey, Nancy Bailie, lynne Baird, Gary Bajor, Katie Baker, Teni Balaban , Ken Ballantine, Richard Baloga, Rich Balonek , D iane , Banigan , Mike Banks, Joseph Bansbach, Diane Baraga, Jo Anne Barbetto, Maureen 8.uker, Susan Barna, Bruce BOirna, Jeff Barnes, Cecily Barnes, Steve Barnett, Pat Barnhart, Brady Barnwell, Betsy 801 rnwell, Steven 8OIrry, Paul


139,154 126 140,154 229 201 243 154 206 137,154 201 206 198 154 139 154,238 248 154 131 154 206 154 140 197 201 134 155 131 155 131,155 155

137 Bartley, Mary Kay 206 Bartnicki, Kathi 155 Bartos, Gerald 155 Basch, Carl 197 Basil , John 202 Basta, Renai 198 Bassett , Ace 122,127 Bassett, Jeff 133,205 Bath, Barbara 134 Bauman, Janice 137 Beauregard, Carr ie 197 Beck , John 155 Beckman, Joan 197 Beckmann, Don 131,134 Bednar, Tim 230 Bednarczyk, Jayne 123,133 Beebe, Rich 197 Beer, Mike 198 Beglin, Rory .,"" ,. ... . . . . . Begovich, Connie 155 155 Begov ich, John 155 Beham, Patricia 156 Beitel, Frank 201 Bell, Nancy 123,133 Bellman, Dan " " ',. , . .. • . ' 132,201 Bellono, John Bennedett, Fr ank 133 122 Bennet , Debbie 122,126,156 Bennett, Donald 156 Bennett, Richard 126 Bennett, Terry 156 Beran , John 156 Berberich, Joyce Berbig, Frederick 1U,lJ~ , I:'b 126 Bereznay, Jerry .. ,"" . .. . Bergemeir, B. 134 156 Berkemeier, Paul 194 Berkemeir, Tom 156 Bernasco, Peter 156 Berwanger, JoAnn 156 Beskie, Dennis ", .. , " " " , . . ' Besl, David .. ... . ... . •. . 122 154 Beuty, Steve 137,156 Bevacqua, Joyce 133,156 Bianchi, Richard Bianco, Bill 156 139 Bianco, Peter Biedenbach, Mike 201 Biehler, Annette 156,238 Bilz, John , .. ,"", ... 156 Bimonte, Brian 201 131 Binaski, Gary Bindl, Jonelle 126,206 131 Biotte, lou Bique, Cesar 201 123 Bird, Pete 156 Bir, Robert Birmingham, Kathy 205 140,165 Bishop, David ........ . . 156,237 Bishop, linda 139,197 Bitonte, Dave 136 Bitterman, Bill 133 Bittner, C. Black, Greg . ... .. . . . . . . ... . 198 Blan ks, Joh n 198 Blardinelli, J. . ..... . . ... . 133 201 Blauvelt, Bobbie Blazek , larry 197 Bledso, John 122 134 Boccard i, Don Bobal, Neil 156 Bogest, Karen 131 Bogosta, Gregory 156 194 Bohl, Jim Bohnett, Sally 156 Bohnhorst, Gail 156 156 Bok , Arthur Bollman, John 132 197 Bommacito, Bill 156 Bonanne, Joseph 156 Bonner, Eugene

Bonosky, Bernie Bonosky, Bob Borgstede, Charlene . Borland, Steve Bornhorst , Steve Bornwell, Betsy Borris, Mary Bors, Jack ...... . .. . Bosavage, Meg Boszko, John Bowers, Beth Bowers, John Bowman , Bob Bowman, Janice Boylan, Frances Boze, Barbara Brabender, Dan Bracker, Jeff Brady, Steve Brady, Ted Braening, Maraget Brand , Barb Brand , Rita Brander, Trina Braud, Barb Breck , T . . Breen , D. Breitfuss, Dennis Breman , Gary Brennan, Colleen Brennan, Sean Brennan, Thomas Breznay, Jerry Brice, Jan Briggs, Carol Brill, Cathy Brill, John Broderick, Joanne Broering, .Elaine Broering, Jeanne Brooks, Mary Ann Brooks, Thomas Brophy, Thomas Brown , Barbara Brown, Carol Brown, Jenny Brown, Ken Brown, Marie Brown , Noel Brown, Rita Brown, Russel Brown, Thomas Bruno, Kathleen Brunsman, M . Bruschi, Robert Bryant , Julia . Bryce, Michael Buddie, Rich Budney, Joe Bueno, Cesar Buinewicz, Noreen Bunch , Barbara . . Bunn , Robert Burger, Ghris Burick, Mary Jo Burke, Kathleen Burke, Michael . Burke, Pat Burleridge, lakon Burns, Joe Burns, Teri Bush, Buc Bushel man, Susan Butch, Kahty , Butler, Pam Butler, Charles Buzzelli, Cary Byrd, James Byrd, Keith Byrd, Randy Byrne, Robert

136 123,136 132 131 157 248 206 157,238 123 157 205 131 248 .. 237 157 157 131 ,157 139 139 194 134 244 202 157 137 234 133 157 139,157 238 197 157 194 205 202 139 157 248 131 202 205 157 157,247 122 201 132,157 157 229 158 144 158 158 158 234 .. 158 134 136,158 137,198 140 145,158 139,158 158 140,158 134 158,238 158 158 198 144 131 ,. 205

122 202 202 137 194 158 123,158,240 201 ., ., 131 158

-cCadet, Debbie 208 Cafaro, Denise 158,238 Cahill, Maureen 205 Cairns, William 194 Calabrese, Charles 158 Caldwell, Paula 158 Callaghan, Kevin 158 Callahan, Dave 131 Callahan, Shawn 205 Calvert, David . 158 Calvey, Kathy 126 Caminiti, Thomas 158 Campana, Jan 136 Campbell, Art 133,230 Campbell, Carolyn 229 Campbell, Ch ip 145 Cancian , Tom 126,131 Cannatta, Steve .. .... 131 Canzano, Dan 131 Caparosa, Carol .. 158 Capponi, Rene 205 Caputi, Bill 243 Carbo, Carol 134 Carbonetta, Angela 205 Carey, Barbara 206 Carey, Maureen 206 Carey, John 158 Carey, William . . 158 Carlin , Mike 197 Carney, Thomas 159,230 Carobini, Paul 159 Caroll, Betsy 229 Carpini, Mullet 234 Carpini, Rick 159,243 Carraeu , Gary 137 Carrol , Bill .122 Carroll , Kevin 133 Carter, Regina . .... .. .. •. .. .. .. . . . 144 Caruso, Aurora 159,238 Case, Rick 201 Cash nell i, P. 133 Caste, Donald 159 Castello, T. 133 Castrelli, len 132 Catalano, Jim 139 Catalano, John 159,197 Cathy, Patrice 144 Cayce, John 132 Certo, Peter 131,159 Cha;kowski , Karen . .. 205 Chanese, lou 243 Chapman, Kay 131,159 Charbonneau, Pat 234 Cherry, Jynn 159 Cherwin, Terry 194 Chester, Dave 131 Chiappetta, Joe .. . ...... . . . . 243 Chieski , Mike .......... . 194 Chimney, Michael 159 Chorba, Thomas 123,140,159 Chouner, Serge 159 Christ, Donald ..... .... .. . 159 Christ, Karen . . . 159 Christopher, Ernie 134 Ciambro, Patricia 159 Ciambruschini, Patrick 159 Cianciola, Nick 122,159 Cigoy, Barbara 159 Cioff i, lou is 159,244 Cipolla, Chip 139 Ciurczak, Rich 194 Clark , Jim 133,140,145 Clark, Regina 205 Clarke, Mike 133,159,248 Clarke, Steve 133 Clearwater, Gary 132 Clements, John 132 Cleveland, lisa 159 Clillord, Sherry 159,237 Cline, Mark 131 Clishem, Mary Ann .. .. . .. . . . .•. . 205 Clougherty, Chris 127 Clouse, Gregory 159

Coate, Rex 136 Cobell , Tom 197 Colley, Thomas 159 Coffield, Betsy 202 Coil, Te rry 136 Colahan, Paul 159 Colditz, De nnis 132,145,160 Colditz, Jeanine 206 Cole, Natalie 205 . . .' 202 Cole y, Joey . Collier, Mike 137 Collins, Gerard 136,160 Collins, Maty 160 Collins, Michael 160 Colliton, Karen 160,232 Colum, Robert 160 Combs, Steve 201 Condon, Eileen 160,244 Condy, Jane 201 Condy, Susan 160 Connolly, Kevin 140,160 Connor, Brian 160 Conrad, Cynthia 161 ,190 Conroy, Gigi 161 Conroy, Joyce .. . ...... . . 202 Conroy, Nancy . . 205 Constini sio, Nicholas . . 161 Coogan , Brenda . . .. 139 Coombes, Ric hard ... 161 Conney, Kevin 197 Cooper, Chan 201 Cooper , Roslynne 134 Coppa, Tony 197 Corcoran , James 161 Corcoran, James 161 Cordo, Barbara .. .. 161 Corlman, Dale 197 Corrado , Christine 161,202 Corvino , Valrie . 205 Cosgrill, Nancy . ... . ... .. ...... . ... 161 Costa, Jim 194 Constantini, Renee 161 Covington, Jerome ·161 Cox, Jeane 205 Cox, Pat 194 Coy, Steve 123 Coyne, Mary 201 Cranston , Peter 161 Criscillo~ James 201 Criscillo, linda 161 ,234 Cromarte, Thelma 139 Cronin, Dave 198 Cronin , Marylou 205 Crowder, Mary 161 Crum, lyle . . . ... .. . . .... . 131 Cullen, Brian .... 161 Cumming, Mary .. 134 Cunningham, Denise 134,206 Curlee, Barb 201 161 Curr ier, AI 161 ,247 Curtin, Greg 132 Cutter , Jim

-DDabkowski, Diane . 161 Dacey, Robert 161 Dailey, Donald 161 Dailey, Marylou 161 Dalinghaus, Pat 123 Daisey, Nicholas 161 Daly, Patricia 161 Damelio, John 137 Daniel, Kim 234 Darbie, Tom 132 Darcy, Timothy 136,161 Daugherty, Paula 208 Davis, Beth .. . . ... . . . . . . . . 202 Dayton, Mary Jane . .. 243 Dean, Donna 134 DeArco, lisa . ... .. 161 De8elle, Donna .... . . • .. . . 161 Debien, Janet .. . .. .. .. . . ... . . 202 DeBlasio, Debbie 162

Deblasis, Michael DeCarlu cci, Roseta Decke r, Anne Deeter, David DeFrances, Tony Degaetano, Frank DeGregory, Cindy De ibert, Te rri Delaney, Ric h Delker, Ed Delongis, Denise Delp, Kathleen .. . .... .. . Delpre te, Anthony Deluca, Joseph . Demarino, Marg Demma, Mik e Dempsey, Marcia Denne, James Denney, Mike Derisco, Pam DeRita, F. DeRose, Joe Desalvo, Craig Desch, Robert DeSmedt, Maureen DeStaf ano, Frederick Dettman, James . Deutch, Richard Devans, Nancy . Dewey, Karen DeWine, Gary DiAntonio, Susan Diener, Joseph Dietz, Elyse ........... . . DiGennaro, Nelson Dillon , Deborah Dillon, Ed DiPaola, Paul LJ,l'ierno, Alphonse DiPonio , Donna Dirkson, Joe DiSaprito, Daria Dixon, Robert Dodson, linda Doheny, Anne Dolan, Bill Dolan, Maureen Doman, Ronald Donahue, Eileen Donia, Angelia Donnelly, Ed Donnelly, Jim Donohue, Cathy Donohue, John Donoghue, Patrica Donovan, Sharon Doran, Peggy Dorgan , Patty Doychak, Mary Ann . Dr agga, Charles Drappi, larry Drerup, Mary Jo Driggs, Johna Drogos, John Dubielak, Patrica Dubowe, Mark Duckwall, Ann Duffin , Kevin Dully, Ed Dully, Thomas Dunbar, laura . Duncan, Mark Dunson, Debbie Durbin, John Durg, Jim Dwyer, Jim

201 162 162 139 136 136 205 243 139 237 162 162 162 .. 162 243 139 137 136,162 201 139 133 197 139 162 229 162 .... .. 162 162 137 162 162 162,238 162 131 123 162 162,232 137 162 137 139 205 162 162 162 137,198 206 162 162 126,205 137,198 137,198 137,244 123,163 163 131 126,208 238 ..... 127,163 122,127,132,238 163 205 163 163 197 163 163 197 139 136,163 205 133 201 133 133 133

-EEakle, Christine Easterling, Margaret Eaton, Brad Eckhardt, Ted ......... .• . Eckstein, Paul Edelman , Wendy

163 163 134 163 163 163


Edwards, Terri Effertz, Joan Egan, Mary Ehrban, Donna Eich, Francis Eichel, Virginia Eichelberer, Faye Eisenhauer, Shirley Elliot, Barb Elliot, Bill Elliot, Michael Ell is, Wi Ifred Elston, David Emmurel, Harry Englehart, John Englert, Ruth Ann Engro, Kathe Ennis, Charlie Euse, Joe

144 122,163 206 134 140 163 163,238 134 234 140 234 139,230 163 197 133,163 163 127,163,247 208 140

-FFabish, Michael Factor, Donna Fagan , Mark Fahey, Jim Fairfield, Karen Fairlie, Kathie Falelli, Marita Falk, Terry Fanelli, William Farinacci, John .Farkas, Art Farmer, Greg Farrell, Pamela Farucht , Tom Fasenalla, Jerry Falton, Eilleen Fazio, Elena Fechko, Larry Fedigan, John Felter, Douglas Fernholz, Martin Ferralli, Samuel Ferrara, Glory Ferrara, Joseph Ferrante, Linda Ferri, Janice Feudal , Saverio Fields, Eluan n Filips, AI Filips, Jan Fink , Joseph Finnegan, Mike Finley, Sue Finno, Bob Fiore, Nancy Fischer , Coffy Fischer, John Fisher, Karen Fisher, Tom Fisher, Tony Filting, Lesl ie Fitzgerald, Lynn Fitzger aid, Schoen Fitzgibbons, Eileen Fitzharris, Richard Fitzpatrick, Larry Fitzsimmons, Sue Flack, Dawn Flaherty, Jeff Flannick , James Flask, John Fleischman, Dan Fleming, Patricia Fleming, Ronald Fletcher, Kenneth Fletcher, Susan Florian, Joe Flory, Ben Flory, Michele Flower, Mark Flynn, Denise Flynn, Mary Kay


123 208

126 137 163 134 240 134,208 123,163 139 164 140 164 197 137 134 164 197 194 164 131,164 139,164 164 164 133 134 164 205

126 126 164 139 164,232 197 202 20B 198 ,198 137,198 137

205 164 131 164 164 139 240 134,201 198 164 198 134 164 164,232 164 164 134 132 133 134 198 164

Foecking, Kathy Fogarty, Bill Fogelsong, Laura foley, Kathleen Foley, Mary Foley, Shelia Fontdna, Tom fornelli , Toni Fortune, Stephanie , Foster, Cindi fowler, Dave Fowler, Kathleen Fox , Cheryl francis , Jennifer Franco, Nancy Fr ank, Jerry frantz, Christine Frantz, Richard Frasca, Richard Fremgen, Mary friel , Barb Frissel , Joyce Froelich , Skip From, lean Frost, Rich Fuchs, William Fullam, John fullan , Vincent . Fultz, Marla Funk, Charlie funk , Diann Funk, John

202 164 164 126,137,164 202 165 134 205 , 206 202 234 165 208 208 205 165 165 132 165 165 205 134

201 205 140 165 127 136,165 165 197 165 123,127,132

-GGadd, Ray Gaffney, Mark Gaffney, Mary Gaglaido, Donna Gaither, Mike Gallagher , G . Gallagher, Janice Gallego, Anthony Galligan , Michael Gamble, Alex Gamblin, Dorothy Gander, James Garcia, William Gardner, Margaret Gareau, Marty Gareau , Rich Garges, Susan Garlock, William Garner, Kay Garnon , John Garrell, Karla Gauder, Bob Gaul, Bob Gaulding, Jerry Gautham, Kathy Gay, Bob Gebhart, James Geffert, Terry Geib, Mary Geiger, Vince George, Michael Geraghty, John Gerard , Mary Gerety, Kathy Giambrone, Barbara Giangreco, Mark Gibbs, Barbara Gibson, T. Gilhooly, Jeanne Gillwain, John Gilmartin, Barbara Gilmartin, "CUller" Gilmore, John Gilroy , Jane Giltner, Jim Giovenzo, Cathi Gillinger, Kenneth Gilzen, John GOJsli, Chris ,

190,234 206 206 206 134 133 139,202

194 165 145 144 165 165 165 165 165 165 166 137,166 134 144 134 139 140 139 134 139 166 166 194 166 166 201 243 166 166 205 134 201 127 166 238 194 166 136 134 166 123 197

GiUSli, Graham Gladstone, Dave Glaherty, Karen Glaser, Susan Gleisinger, Anne Glenn, Terri Gliha, Robert Glumac, Pete .," " ' . . , Goenner, Michael Goldsmith, Mary Golinski, Helen Golubieski, Dave Gomatos, Jim Gompers, Palli Goodridge, Jean Goodwin, Kathleen Gordaychik, Paul Gorman, Kevin Govan, Harold Grady, Jan Graef, Linda , Graham, Mary Gr aham, Glad ie , ' Grayzel, Ken Greco, John Gregowich, Vivian Green, Donald Greene, Sandy Gretzel, David Griffin, Jane Griffis, Joe Griffiths, Joseph Griffiths, Mary Lou Grillot, Richard Grimaldo, Rodrigo Grippo, Jeanne Griss, Gail Groff, Bernard Gryger, Paul Grubenhoff, Dan Guilbert, Tom Grulell, Mike Gulling, Jenny Gutbrod, Lyn Gutekanst, Anne Grulladuria, Mike Gyorky, Joseph

194 198 240 202 202 166,232 166 136 166 201 166 201 137,198 201 234 166,234 166,232 139 132,166 166 166 166 .. 208 133 166 202 122 202 197 137,167 240 167 167 140,167 140 243 205 167 123,127,133;145 136

194 123 205 167 167,243 134 167

-HHaas, Deborah Haberstroh, Tom Hach, Bob Hacker, Daniel Hacken, Colleen Hacken, Mary Beth , Hageman, Mary Ann , Hagler, Joe Hagler, Joy Haines, Daniel Haitz, AI Ha ley, Steve Hall, Irene Hallahan , Marianne Hallinan, John Hamilton, Janet Hamilton, Marilyn Hamm, Chris Hammelrath, Paul Hammer, Greg Hammersmith, D, Hampton, Brian Hampton, Denise Hanley, George Hannum, Robert Hanzl, Cathy Harkin, Jerry Harman, Dan Harmon, Diane Harmon, Kathleen Harmon, Maryanne Harrington, Pat Harrington, Tim Harris, Lee

133,167 139 194,247 167 167 208 167 140 194 167 140 131,194 201 137,167 198 205 202 134 167

126 133 167 144 197 168 205 168,232 168 168,237 168 168 131,202 197 168

Harris, Ricn 201 Hart, Micnael 122,133,168 Harting, Ann 168 Harting, Jim 194 Harting, Walt 197 Hartman, William 168 Hassard, Paula 243 Hatne, Cnarlene 205 Hawkins, Marge 205 Hayes, Jim 139 Haynes, Allen 197 Healy, Bernard 168 Healy, Ricn 136 Heartlein, Brenda 134 Heeb, Jonn 197 123 Heeb, Louis Heffner, Bill 198 Heiberger, Annette 205 Heinricn, James 168 Heityer, Bob 197 Heitzer, Dennis 123,127,132,147,168 Hemmer, Snaron 169 Henderson, Cnarlet! 202 Henderson, Jan 201 Henderson, Nancy 136 Henderson, Walt 201 Henig, Mary Jean 206 Henner, Ron 139 Hennessey, Juditn 168 Hennessey, Kevin 137 Hennessey, Margie 20S Hennessey, Tnomas 168 Henry, Bill ...... ' . . . 131 Hensman, Linda 126 Herbst, Donna 136 Herbst, Paula 136 Herbst, Rebecca 134 Hernold, Bonnie 127 123,127,140,145 Herhold, Jeff Herrig, Mary Jo 206 Hertvik, Philip 169 Hickey, Katie 169 Hickey, Mary Betn 169 Hickson, Linda .......... •. 169 Hiebler, Bill 169 Higgins, Catni 205 Higgins, Joe .. .. .. ....... • . 122,197 Higgins, Jonn ..... ... . .• . . .. . . 133,169 Higgins, Rosemary 169,238 Higntill, Lee . .. 123 Hildebrand, J. 134 Hill, Ricnard 197 Hillman, Monte 169 Hinders, Sara ... .. ... . . , . 169 Hinkle, John . .. ... ... . .. •.... . .•. 247 Hinkley, Allred ....... . • .. 194 Hinsman, Cnristy 169 Hinsman, Sue ......... . . ... . ..•. . . 205 Hixson, Sue ........... . 136 Hodapp, David . 198 Hodkey, Kenneth .. . . . . . . . .• .. . . . .. 169 Hoeffler, Vicki 132 Hoehn, Linda 202 Hoffman, Doug 139 Hoffman, Kat hleen .... .. . . .. ... .. .... . 169 Hoffrogge, Diane 169 Hogan, Dan ... ..... 137 Hogenmiller, Pat 169,232 Hoke, Pat .... •.. . . . . ' 198 Holleran , Carrean . .. . . . . . .. . 144 Holley, Carrean . ...... . . . . . . . . 144 Holt, Jonn 139 Holysz, Mark 169 Holzman, Jean 169 Hone, Tim . .... ... . .• ..• .. . 136 Hornon, Gary 243 Horstman, Tom . .... • . . . • .. . .. . 134 Hovey, Tom 145 Howard, Cnarlene 169 Hoying, Lois 169 Huber, Jonn 136 Hudak, Susan 126 Hudson, Frank 169,230 Huetn, Barbara 169 Hughes, Boolie 205

Hugnes, Lind a Hugnes, Lisa Hugnes, Sue Hugnes, Tnomas Hull, James Humm, Sara Humpnries, Robert Hunderlund, Garetn Hunter, AI Hurd, Bill Hurd, Bob Hurley, James Hussey, Denise . Husson, Sue Hutcninson, George Hutn, Katni Hydreau, Mary Ellen Hynes, Micnael ..


202 198 169,234 169 126,169 194 194 140 134 132 169 123 132 169 205 205 .. 170

-1lannaccnino, Joe Iannuzzi, Ann

137 170,232

Iannuzzi, Katny Imnoff, Greg



Incento, Barb


Inscno, Jinn


Irvin, Sandra Irvin, Ricnard

201 132,134

Irwin, Susan

169 197

Isabella, Duane Izique, Ana Mar ie


-JJablonsk i, Juditn Jackson, Cnris Jackson, Leslee Jackson, Nancy Jacobelli, Snelia Jacobsen, " Gill" Jakab, Jill James, Palma Janda, Marina Jassick, Diane Javorsky, Cnuck Jennings, Mark Jerman, Pete Jerozal, Max Jonnesee, Mary Jonnson, Art Jonnson, Cnarles Jonnson , Ed Jonnson, Karen Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Mike Jonnston, Gene Jones, Jeri Jones, Julie .... ....• . ..•. . •.. . • . Jones, Pn ilip Jones, Russell Jorcak, Gary Jordan, Amy Jordan, Colleen Jordan, Donald Jordanek, Linda Joubert, Phil Joyce, John Joyce, Kathleen ..... .. • .. . Judge, John .... . ..... . Julian, Vincent


194 170 205 .170

208 170 170 170 170 126 .. 170 140 132 131,170 201 170 145 202 206 194 170 144 201 197 170 197 206 136,170 170 170 170 201 170 247 170

-KKaczmarek , Katny Kain, Vicki ............. . . • . Kaiser, Kennetn .......... . . Kaliszewski, Raymond Kammer , Jane Kane, Deidre Kane, Denny Kane, Steve

208 208 170 126,127,145 170 208 139 197

Kapcar, Buck 194 171 Kapcar, Margaret Karbach, Henry 140 Kaselonis, Tom 126 Kastenlic, Jan ........ . . . .. . 136 Kastner, Bob ...... . . . .. . 134 Kauffman, Jane . . .... . . .. . 248 Kaulman, Mary 234 Kausch , David 171 Kautscnitscn, AI 139 Kawecki, Hank 131 198 Hawulicz, Jim Kazmierski, Dennis 139,171 Keany, Janice 171,208 Keany, Kevin ...... .. . . 198 Kearney, Mary Ellen 170 Ke arns, Kevin 133 Keating, Katny 122 171 Keenan, Deboran Kenoe , Pamela 171 Keinl , Mary 134 Keller , Kathy 171,232 Kelley, Suellan 172 Kelly, Wayne 172 Kellog, Linda 205 Kelloran, Bob 131 Kemp, Linda 144 172 Kennelly, Frank Kennerly, Bob 134,230 Kerner, Cnris 131 Kerbis, Lynne .... . .. .. . 172 208 Kerr , Meg . . ... .. . . .•.... . ... .. Kesling, Dave 133 Kesney, Tom 172,234 172 Kessler, Cynthia .......... . .. . .. Kester, Karen 172 Kiley, Robert 172 Kilhenny, Killer 208' Kilkenny, Patrice 172 Kilroy, Mike . .... 140 Kimbrougn, Devi 172 Kincade , Judy 208 King, Carl 134,201 King, Robert 172 Kinker, Jeff 132 Kinsell , Vicki 205 Kirby, Vincent 247 Kirchner, Richard 172,238 Kirethe, Kevin 194 Kirschling, Paul 172 KiSSinger, Kathy .. . . •. .. • . 206 Klass, Marilyn ... . ....... •. . 202 172 Klee, Cindy 134 Kleesattel, Charles Kleinberg, Mary 172 Kleinnenz, David 140,172 172 Kleisley , Roger . 140 Klejna, Tony ........ •.. . ..•... . 134 Klenm, T. Klingman, Mike 133 140 Kloos, George Kloss, Greg 198 126,172 Klosterman, Donald Knesboro, Judy 172 137,172 Knierim, Patricia .. . , ..... . . 172 Knoll, Madelyn Knoll, Mary 172 Knopp, Randy .... ... • . . ... . 198 Knox, Christine 172,232 Knox, Patty 205 Knutson, Majorie 123,133 Kochan, Gail 172 134 Koenig, G. Ko enig, T. 134 Kohlar, Kim . .. . . .. . . •...... . 132 Kohorst, Bob 133 Komo rous, Li n 136 Ko ness, Karen 172 137,173,244 Konst, Joyce ..... . .. 173 Kopczynski, Katnleen Kopl, Barry 201 198 Kos, Jeff Kottman , Carol .. . 173 173 Kovats, Laszlo Kovich, D. 232


Kozich, Gary Krajcynski, Kathy Krammer, John . Krause, J. Krebs, David Kretchmann, Bob Kertz, Jeanne Kretz, Robert Krizman, Art Krupp, Sandra Kubea, Ron Kubiak , Rick Kuchta, M. Kuenle, J. Kuhlman, Jill Kujoe, Barbara Kurinski , Alan Kusmer, Connie Kuzan, M. Kuzmick, Bob

122 202 122 133 173 123 206 127,173 243 173 198 194 134 134 122,201 202 172 202 133 136

-llaBianca, Nancy 136 laciura, Phil 133,173 lacy, Dan 201 laGrone, Francis 134,194 laHood, Michelle 131,173 laird, Terri .... .. ... . 202 lakarosky, Phillip 173 lally, Wm 173 lamb, Randy . .......... . 134 lamb, Susan ... . .. . • . .. . .. . . 173 laMonica, Paul ... ".".. . ... 173 lamorte, louis 173 lanahan, Kevin . . .. .... .• . 173 lang, Joe 140 langenkamp, Connie . 205 larison, John . . .. , . . ... .•. . . 247 larkin , Tom 136 larkin, Nancy 173 laubacher, Barb 173 laudadio, Janet 173 laughlin, Sue . . 206 laughlin, Tom 198 laurash, Dave 133,237,243 lauro, Ann 205 lavin, Tom 134 lavelle, Paul 139 laurence, Gregory 173 lazio, Elena 232 leal, Joseph 173 lebair, Ropin 173 lebling, Bill 197 leciare, Debbie 208 lee, Doug 132 lee, linda 206 lee, Raymond 174 lee, Sender 206 leffler, Debbie 141,240 lehn, Joan 126 lehren, Dave 136 136 lehren, Nancy leitschul, D. 134 lekan, Jack 240 lenzo, Vicki 137,202 leon, Art 196 lettus, Dod i 205 lewis, Anthony 174 lewis, Brenda 139 ley, Betsy 206 ley, Kathy .. . .. . .. .. .. ... . 202 liberta, Joseph 173 lieser, Tom 243 lindberg, Jan 136 linebaugh, Patty . . 174 174 lingham, Deir 174 link, Ralph 174 linville, lisa liszkay, Donald 194 Llewellyn, Mike 132,198 Lloyd, Darwin 122 locke, Cynthia 206 lockhart, Maggie 137


loftis, Dale logan, John lombardo, Jerome . long, Willis loPresti, Charles lorette, Judy lotink, Crystal loughery, Jim lowe, Jill ... ... ... . . lowery, Jan lowry, Barba ra lowry, Chris lowry, Jan lowry, Madeline lucek, Frank lucia, Dan luegers, Patty lueismar, Veronica luke, Joe lupio, Tony lutz, Donna . .. . .... .. . lykins, Steve lynch, Ellen . lynn, Bill lyons, Debra lyons, Mike ........ . . lySaght, Kathy

134 140 . .. 131,174 173 173 134,136,206 232 201 131 137 136,174 137 137 208

198 174 205 208

198 133,174 136 127 . 202,205 122 174 198 174

-MMacDonald , Steve . 197 Macel, Robert 174 Maciejewski, Mark . ...... .. .. . . . . . 131 Mack, Bob 140 Mack, Jack 137 Macke, Tim 132 Mackie, Regina 174 Mackin, James 174 MacNealy, Gregory 139,174 MacReynolds, Kevin 133,174 Maginnis, Stephen 174 174 Maguire, John Mahon, Mike 137 Mahoney, Bruce 140,174 Mailey, Steve 137 Majni, Nancy ... . .. . ... . . . . 137,174 Makeas, Bob 197 Mallee, Mike 134 Mallory, Jane 202 Mallot, Jeff 194 Malone, John 174 Malone, Mike 240 Malone, Tony 197 Manning, Jean 175 Manovill, Albert . . ... .. . .. .. . .. . 175 Manovill, Tim .... . .... . . . 134 Manovill, Tom 132 Mar, Jack 126 Maras, Barbara ...... •...•. . .. .. 131,175 Maras, Bill .......... . . 136 Marburger, Steve 132 Marey, Ray 139 Margheret, Carla 232 Marshall, lange 131 Marten , Tom ........ . .. . .. ..... . 174 Martin, Carol 122,175 Martin, Charlie . ..... 122 Martin, Dave 137 Martin, Frank 139 Martin, R. Kevin 133,175 Martin, Tony 194 Martinez, Ralph 136,175 Martino, Paul 175 Martlew, Caroline 201 Masar, Diane 205 Masehmeyer, Sue 122 Mass, Mary loretta 133 Massa, Authur 175 Mathy, Cheryl 202 Matlin, Keith 139 Matrisciano, Dave 133 Mathews, Paul 133 Matti, Terri 133 Matusoff, Karen 175

Maurer, Judy May, Samuel Maynard, Mike Mazeikas, Thomas Mazza, Donna ....... ... .. . . . Mazzucca, Phillip .. .. . . ..... . McCabe, Bill McCabe, Michelle McCabe, Jeff McCaffrey, Joan . . . . .. ... . McCallister, R. McCann , Mary Ellen . .. .. . .•.. McCarren, Terri McCarthy, Catherine McCarthy, Eileen McCarthy, Meqan McCarthy, P.J. McCarthy, Theresa McCart ney, Brian

134,202 176 237 127 202 176 230 176 230 176 134 176 133 137,176 176,202 205 201 206 176

McConnell, Karen 136.176 McCormick, Maureen 205 McCormick, Patrick 136,176 123,176 McCroskey, Wm McCulloch, Stu 132,198 McCune, Tim 131 McDermott, Mary . . . ..... . . 206 McDonagh, Bridget 202 McDonald, Barbara 205 McDougal, Paul 131 ,133 McDougall, Ken 198 McEntee, Pat 136 Mcfadden, Regina 206 McGarvey, Alice 123,131 McGarthy, Mig 208 McGann, Kathleen . . . . .. . . . . . " 176 McGinnis, Mary 206 McGinty, Mary 202 McGivern, John 198 McGovern, Mary 141 ,205 McGovern, Tim 196 McGrath, Brian 201 McGrath, Claire 131.202 McGuire, Brian 176 McGurn, Sue 141 McKenna, James 176,248 McKenna, Mary 1n Mclallen, Judy 131,ln Mclaughli.n, Mike ... .• ... . ... . 243 Mclaughlin, Noreen 137 McMahon, Jean 177 McNamara, Pat . .. . . • ........ . .. 131 McNaney, Patty 202 McNeill, Jane 1n McNulty, Paul ..... ........ . 196 Mcquade, Koren Mcquillan, Paula 141,232,177 McTamney, John 137 Meaney, Janna Meehan, Chris . . . . .. . 127,132 Meehan, Patrick ......... ... ". 122 Melia, Hal 134 Melinger, Bob 132,133 Meno, Vicki 202 Menz, Toni 202 Merriman, Joanne . .. 1n,237 Meyer, Brian 134 Meyer, Dale 177 Meyer, 'Jill .... ..... . . 206 Meyer, Koren 177 Meyers, Albert 1n Micela, Wm 133 Michaels, Ethel . ...... .. . 133 Miggins, Rich 197 Mikolajewski. Robert 1n Militello, Phil 196 Miller, Anne 134 Miller, Bunkie 248 Miller, Elaine 176 Miller, M . . .. .. . ... . . 133 Miller. Marilvn .. ... •. . ... ... . . ... 206 Miller, Richard 1n Milligan , Micheil 177 Mills, Dorie 202 Mills, Greg 194

Minton, Patti Misk imen, Julie Misplon, Rich Mitchell, Kath leen Mitchell, linda Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, Nancy Mitchell , William Mithoff, Mary lou Mittereder, Gregory Mizell, Steven Molloy, James Molnar, Joseph Monnig, Barbara Montero, Jose Montgomery, Jack Montgomery, Kathleen Moody, Allice Moore, Gordon Moore, Herman Moots, Mary Moran, Mary Beth Moran, Maura Morand, Patricia Morath, Shelly More, Sister lillian Morelli, Chuck Morris, Regina Morriss, John Morrow, Jeffery Morrow, Pat Mospens, Margaret Moynichar, Viv ian Mramov, Tricia Mulholland, Nora Munlin, Gwen Murphy, Denny Murray, Jim Murray, John Murtaugh, Mary Mussaw, Ronald Mutter, Dane Myers, Micki Myers, Peggy Myles, Margaret

141 177 123,137 177

144 205 202 136,177 177 136,177,234 201 177 133,177 177 197 131 177 134 139 177 178 123,126 202 178 205 178 197 178 238 137,178 137 178 202 137 234 205 136 132 122,132,178 206 178 234 237,178 202 137

-NNajjar, Pamela Nance, Marke Nare, Fuzzi ...... ..•... Neal, Linda Neary, Mike Nelson, Denise Nelson, John Newell, Lois Nichols, J. Nicholas, Steve Niedosik, Arthur Niemiec, John Nieturbitz, Rose Nitto, Susan Noonan , John Nordyke, David Norris, Rich Novajosky, Dee Novak, Carol Novak, Thomas Novotny, Tim Novotny, Tom Nunney, John

178,229 178

198 134 139 134 136,194 205 133 178 133,178 139,178 206 178 126,132 178 137 178 139 178 126 197 178

-0Oakes, Timothy Obergefell, Dave Oberlander, Mary O'Brien , Barbara O'Brien , Carol O'Brien, D. O'Brien, Kevin Oceanak, Paul O'Connell, Judy

136,178 127,140 178 178 179 133 131,194 ........ 179 139

O'Connell , Michael O'Connor, Brian O'Connor, James O ' Connor, Jonathan Oden, Rhonda O'Donnell, Jeri O'Donnell, Michael Ogorek, Thomas O'Har~, 'James O'Hare, Kathleen O'Hearn, Diane O'Herron, Kathleen O'Herron, Pat O'Keefe, Gary Okulski, Robert Oldane, Mamie Olvany, James Olwell , Drew O'Malley, Mike Opinate, Philip Oppenheim, Robert O'Reilly, Edward Osterday, M. Ostermann, Frank Oswald, Carla O'Toole, Jonathan Owens, Sue

179 136 179 131,179 139 179 134 134 131,179 179,229 137 179 237 136 180 141 131 ,180 180 131 131.180 180 180 133 180 180 180 206


123 123 181 181 181 136 181,238 240 133 181 181 181 181

206 197 181,246 205 206 206 132 181,243 181 181 134 181 181 202 181 134 131 126,127,197 181 205 181 181 181

-QQuayle, Patricia Quigley, Michael

181 181 127,140 131

Quinlivan, Dave

Pachard, Rita 202 Paleic, Patricia 180 Palmeri , Dominic 180 Palmiolli, Vincent 180 Palomba, Dennis 180,240 Papa, Paul 180 Papp, Thomas 180 Pareti, Robert 180 Parisen, Nancy 131,132 Parnell, M. David 131,180 Partington, Robert 122 Pasbold , Mary Jan e 205 Pascucci, Joe 132 Paslowsky, Sue 205 Passaretti, Robert 127,180 Patacca, Janet 205 Pater, Ann 134 Pater, Richard 180,230 Pallerson, Edward 180 Paul, Darnell 180 Pauley, Susie 237 Pavelek, Paul 197 Pawelkoski, Sandy 202 Paxton , Bill 197 Peiffer, Paul 127,180 Pelfrey, Sandy 208 Pellecore, Sue 205 Pellitteri, Joanne 141,180 Pelliteri, Tony 134 Peloquin, Jeanne 208 Pelt, Mary 180 Pendregast, Jane 180 Pendergast, Kevin 247 Pendergast, Patricia 136 Pennna, Maddie 136 Penrod, Rob 122,133 Penrone, Mo 247 Pentagas, Mary 205 Perez, Luis 237 Pertl, David 181 Pertz, Frank .... ...• . ...• . ... • . ... . 181 Peters, Mike Peters, Joseph Pevarski, Marcia Phillips, Alfreda Phillips, Anne Phillips, Gary Phillips, Jane Phillips, Jim Pierce, Ginny Pickar, Helen Pirnia, Linda Plenge, Gustavo Podnar, Michael

Pokropski, Diane Poland , Dan Pollman , Mary Popik , Mary Lou Popovich, Paula Poppa, Janine Porubcansky, Pat Possehl , John Post , Steven Post, Ursula Potts, Jerilyn Pounds, Anita Powers, Joan prachick , Laetta Prasnikar, Cynthia Pressy, Deby Prieto, Rudi Prichard, Dale Prutt ing, Stephen Pu ncer, Barb Pugh , John Pulsfort, Mark Pyne, Robert

Quinn, Mike

-RRadtke, Barb Radziwanowski, Ken Rafferty, Terry Ralston, Robert Ramos, Fred Rancurello, Mike Rankin , George Raparelli, Jane Raphel, Joan Rayburg, Bill Reaney, Mark Rebeta, Janella 'Rechtar, Janice Redding, Mary Reeb, Mike Reed, Gwen Reeves, Mike Reeves, Shelia Regan , Mary Ellen Reichemberger, Joan Reichert , Steve Reiling, Anne Reiling, Joseph Reilly, Barbara Reilly, Thomas Reitz, Douglas Rejent, Anne Renaud, Mejie Resch, P. Reville, Jean Rhein , Daniel Rhoads, Pamela Ribell i, Alfred Richtar, Janice Richwalsky, Maribeth Rick, Rhonda Ricketts, Teresa Rieger, George Riguzzi, Dave Riley, Joe Rinehart, Ann Ringholz, Linda Riordan , Eileen Rittenhouse, Kandy Ritter, Bill Ritzel , Bob Rix, Michael Roach, Bob Roche, Janet Roche, Sue


198 127 181 181 139 198 133,202 205 136 131 205 234 134 134 134 194

144 182 131 ,181

198 126 182 205 136,182 131,182 205 206 133 182 182 182 182 202 133 202 182 247 182,143

244 182,202 182 182 206 123,127,140 197 182 131 137 206


Rockman , Miton Roebuck, Pat Roediger, Stan Roelops, Jan Roesky, Linda Rogacki, James Rogers, Anthony Rogers, Carol Rogers, Janet Roland, Mike Roman, Gina Romberger, Merle Romond, James Rongo, Salvatore Rose, Kevin Ross, Beverly Ross, Bill Ross, Regina Rossi, Denny Rothbauer , William Rouan, Greg Rowland, John Rublem , Renee Ruddell, Michael Redden, Karen Ru pert , Susan Rush, Raymond Rush in , Brenda Russel , Pat Russell, Joe Russo, Craig . . .. . . , .. . . Russo, Gary Russo , Rea Rutan, Harry Ruth, Barry Ryan, Ann Ryan, M. Danielli Rye, Tom Ryder, Tim

237 208 139 202 134 182 182 137,182 182

127 182 182 134,182 127,140,182 122 182 136 206

194 182 139 197 134 134 183 183 136,183 206 205 134 136 122,183 208 136 139 205 183 197 136

-5Saccaro, Den ise Sahradnik, Joan Saladin, Christine Salehli, Rob Sally, Maribeth Salmon, Bernard Samsel, Edward Sander, Giff Sarsfield, Stephen Sartoric, Mary Sasena, Elaine Sasson, Dorothy Saunders, Don Saunders, Tim Sauter, Nancy Savasky , Jim Scacco, Michael Schafer, John Schaffer, Stephanie Schalenghe, R. Scharrer, Steve Scheidler, K. Scheper, Bill .. ..... . . . Scherack , Deborah Scherling, James Schieham, Dave Schiemann, Mary Lynn Schmidt, John Schmidt , Mary Pat .. ... ... . . . . Schmidt, Susan Schmittinger, Bill Schmitz, Helen Schnell, John Schnell, Richard Schniegenberg, Cynthia Schodorf, Mary Schoenig, Candace Schou, Kenny Schriml, Mickey Schube l, Lynn Schuler , Mary Schulze, Maggie


183,232 183 202 194 202 183 133,183 132 183 205 205 202 132 197,198 137,183 126 183 197 206 134 230 133 197 183 123,184 131 184,237 184 208 201 201 184 140 184 184 205 184 198 140 202 184 202

Schurmann, Joseph 123,184 Schuster, Paul 201 Schwalbach, Betsy 202 Schwartz, Don 137 126,197 Schweiger , George Schwenenan, Martha 131 Scott, Gene 202 Scrazzo, Jim 240 Scrittorale, Ron 127,140 Scully, Jacu 133.194 Scythes, Sharon 208 Seara, Oscar 134 Sedlak, Susan 202 140,184 Seger, Donald ... •...• . . Segerso, Mary 205 Seidman, Jeff 139 Seifert, Patty .... •.. •. . .. . . . , . . . . 132 Seitz, Laurie 136 Seitz, Paulette 184 Selhorst, Dale 198 Selvaggio. Marlyn 202 Semrow, Eileen 184 Sergy, Mark 242 Serrianne, Ga ry 134,198 Servoss, Harry 184, 230 Sgro, Vincent 131 Shaker, Pete 208 Sh akes, Lesl ie ... ..... . . 123,127 Shanahan , Maribeth 202 Sharp, Richard 184 Sharp, Tom 123 Sharpe. Marcella 184 Shawver, Ginn y 20S Shea. Mary Ann . ... .. .. , . 202 Shealey, Carol. 184 Sheeran , Patrick 127,184 Sheridan, Kevin 122 Sheridan, Michael 122,201 Shimman, Brenda .. .. ..... .. . 184,234 Shoecraft, Marla 139 Shoemaker, Karen 184 Shuster, Sandra 184 Siegl, Dee 201 Sigg, Albert 123,184 Signorelli, Jerome 184,230 Signs, Steve 194 Silva, Joseph 184 Singleton, Timothy 185 Sirej, Carol 136 Sirmans, Georgetta 205 Skelly, William 185 Skivington, Pete 194 Slagel, Gerry .......... . 139 Smith , Barb 134 Smith, Bill 140 Smith, Dan 134 Smith, Debbie 206 Smith, Gary 132,185,240 Smith, Hillary 202 Smith , Mark 137 Smith, Michael 185 Smith, Patrick 185 Smith , Roger 136 Smith, Rosemary 134,185,232 Smith, Susan 185,137 Smith, William . . 127,132,185 Smulovitz, Jeff 122 Solander, Peggy 137 Sonnhalter, Charles 185 Sopczak , Gladys 133 Sovaid, Gordon . ..... . . . . 139 Spafford , Dan 131 Spahn , Jim 139,194 Spangler, Chris 132,185 Sparks, Julie 185 Spatafora, Nina 134 Speckhart, Cary 132 Spencer, Bob 140 Sperduti, Michael 185 Spevak , Kim 206 Spiegel, Jacqueline 185 Spinner, James 140 Spiotto, Michael 185 Spires, Ralph 134 Splain, Jane 185

Sproth , Tom Sprague , Neil Spratt, Edward Spuzzillo, Nicholas

234 197 123,185 . 127,140,185

Spratt, Edward 123,185 Spuzzillo, Nicholas 127,140,185 Sredinski, Gene 198 Stace, Val 202 Stache, E. Gerard 139,185 Stander, Sue 202 Starr, Ringo 194 States, Gerard 185 Steber!, Lynn 131 Steck line, Bob 131 Stefanek, Chris 123 Stefkovich, Emil 131 Stenger, Brad 198 Steinbeck , John 194 Steinhaver, Patti .. . . ,,',... 137 Steinmetz, John ..... .. . .. . . 185 Stell, Barry 230 Stepanek, Do n 198 Stettenfeld, Nancy 185 Stewart, Darrell 185 Stewart, Kathryn .. . ,' " .. , . . . , . 185 Stone, Missy 136 Stone, Sue 232 Stoner, Steve 132 Stoss, Karen 185 Stooksberry, C. 134 Storts, Allegra 205 Strickland, Mary 206 Strohl, Dougl as . 185 Stryker, Deb .. . . , . •.. . 202 Stubbs, Ray . ..... .. . . • 232 Stuhlreyer, Anne 186 Sudhoff. Bar b 133,140,186,243 Sullivan, Ann 136 Sullivan, Joann 186 Sullivan, Kathy 131 Sullivan, Maribeth 206 Sullivan , Millie . ........ . 234 Sullivan , Robert . •.. . . , ... 186 Suminski, Richard 131,186 Sundra, Mark .......... . 131 Sutton, Gail . , ... , .. . .. 186 Sutton, Jim . ...... ... .. . , .. . .•. . . . 198 Sweeney, Cathy 208 Swensen, Deborah 186 Switalski, Thomas ... . . , .. . . 126,186 Sylvester, Michael 186 Szeghy, Rich 136 Szwed, Stanley 123,132,186 Szymanski, Joanie 136

-TTafaro, Claudia Talaro, Jim Talarico, Fiore Talley, Eugene Talone, Michael Talone, R. Tambellini, Dave Tamer, Becky Tamer, Greg Tareco, Patty Targa, Jose Tartaglia, Pete Taulton, Sue Taylor, Bill Teegan, William Tenover, Fred Tercek , Cindy Terrell, Greg Teshendorf, Hank Thall, Jim Thole, Dave Thomas, "Bill" Thomas, Dan Thomas, Jerome Thomas, Joyce Thomas, Sandy ............ . Thompson, Elizabeth

186 131 136,186 201 186,247 247 197 202 131,201 136 140 140 134 198 186 139 186,248 198 186 198 132 208 133,198

194 134,186 186 186

Thompson, Karen Thompson, Jackie Thorne, Wenard Throm, Barb Tie, Thomas Tierney, Elizabeth Tillitski, Janet Tipul, Marsha Tis, Jim Tkach, Michael Tobe, Michael Tobin, Bill Tolhurst , Judi Tomassi, Mary Tomai, Timothy Toman, Rick Toole, Deborah Torrado, Panchi Tortorici, Michael Touoli, Susan Tracy, Chris Tracey, Mary Jan e Treat, Glenn Trego, Mike Trendy, Joe Trick, Daniel Trausdell, I. Troje, Jose Troppoli, Jude Troppoli, !ulia Trueman, Carol Tucker, linda Turley, Steven Twiss, Barbara Tykowski, John


134 127,166 202 166 127,166,247 166 166 197 127 166 137 205 137 167 136 167 127 167 167 167 167 232 134 140 167 134 196 197 205 205 205 167 205 140

-uUckele, Gloria Uhland, Jane Ulan, Cynthia Ulichney, Bob Ulle, Chuck Unger, Katie Unger, Mary Unser, Joseph Unverferth, Richard Unverferth, Steve Urabel, Debbie

201 187 206 131 126

137,244 167 167 127,167 140 131,141

-vValenta, Cathy Valenzuela, Greg Vanek, Virg Vannie, Shelly Varga, Mary Pat Vaskys, Pete Vassallo, David Vaughn, Jeffery Vecchiotti, Valerie Vellucci, George Venard, Denise Vetter, Lynn Verhoff, Steve Vigilo, Donna Violante, Joe Vitaliti, frank Vitro, Pete Vitti, Gary Vocke, Janel Voelkl, Susan

122 167 137 206 202 201 167 187 134 167 131,202 187 196 206 139 167 167,230 137 187 187

137.167 137,167 187 234 197 122 167

Vogan, Thomas Vogt, Patricia VOil, Ronald Volpe, Debbie Volpe, Tom Vondrell, Steve Vontress, James

-wWabler, Raymand Wabler, Timothy Wagner, Janet Wagner, Mary Beth Wahl, Beth Wahl, Nancy Walker, Roger Walker, Ron Walsh, Dennis Walsh, Kevin Walters, Jerry Walters, Jim Wanecke, Tom Watd, Bill Ward, John Ward, Thomas Warniment, Barb Warth, Charles Watrous, Robert Weaver, Larry Weaver, Mary Webb, Melanie . Wegner, Jeanne Weinandy, Tom Weisberg, Steve Weisenbach, Ann Weisenberger, Rich Welch, Laura Welsh, Eileen Welsh, Tim Weltner, Robert Wellner, Theodore Wenck, Gary Wenck, Steve Wendling, leff Wenke, Paul Wernert, Kenneth Westendorf, John Wetzel, Dave White, Barbara White, Hugh White, Margaret White, Richard Whitner, Dan Whitting, Laura Whitting, Nancy Wickham, Pete Wiedeman, Pete Wiedener, Mark Wielosk, Arthur Wilder, S. Williamitis, Tony Williamitis, Wendy Williams, Beth Williams, Greg Williams, Jim Williams, Robert Williams, Tony Wilson, Kent Wilson, John Wilson, Randy Wing, JoAnne

127,140,188 188 188 205 137,188 202 188 122 140 131 123 134

197 194 134 197 205 127 188 188 123,133 139 134,206 194 188,244 188 133 188 126 197 197 188 188 194 133 197 188 188 194 234 188 202 188 134 188 202 133 201 131 127,188 133 122,188 122 144 198 122 188,238 122 134,198 132 188 188

Winston, Shelia Wise, Margaret Wise, William Witherspoon, Ken Witkowski, Thomas Witwer, Dave Woeste, Jane Wolf, Kevin Wolfe, Ginny Wolff, Patty Wolking, John WolI, Deby WolI, Patrice Wombacker, Terry Wood, Donna Woodall, James Woodbury, Tom Woods, Anthony Woods, Peggy Woolery, Charles Worley, linda Woronowicz, Carl Wourms, Diane Wright, Duane Wright, Robert Wrightson, Mark Wrzeiginski, J. Wunderlick, Anne Wurmsek, Karen Wyatt, John Wyse, James

205 188 134 201 127,131,140,169 140 132 131 232 137 198 202 202 133 122 140 198 198 136 189 189 197 189 140 134 122,133 134

202 234

140,169 127,132,140,169


Xanos, Dorothy

-yYager, Betty Yancik, John Yavuz, hat Yeazel I, Jim Yelton, Charlanne Yelton, Richard Yeranko, Martha Yingling, Dave Young, Deborah Young, frank Young, Pat Yuhas, Beth

189,248 189 189 134 189 189 133,189,237 140 189 189,230 189 205

-zZagata, Lori Zaluski, Joe Zarycki, Carol Zehnder, Bob Zgela, John Zielinski, Jim Zimmer, Meg Zimmer, Timothy Zimmerman , Irvin Zimmerman, Leo Zimmerman, Mary Zink, Mark Zisa, Joseph Zitnay, Robert Zito, Michael Znider, Mark Zoghby, Candy Zola, John

189 189,243 134 131,194 190 197 206 127,132,190 127,190 190 136 134 190 190 123,190 133 206 190


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