Daytonian 1975

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Th roughout ou r tives at the university the memorabilia compi .les, reminding us of good times: salty tears, both happy and sad, qu iet contemplation in the silence of a dusky hou r, and concentration for study, for people.


All this builds our ambitions, augments our hopes, expands our dreams. And when tomorrow becomes today, we realize more than any book could tell us the importance of our expectations.


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the organizations day


Organization Day marked the beginning of the year's activities, and every club had its people out it was recruit alII the volunteers you could. Clubs from every possible hole in the wall converged on the plaza . Between all the tables laden with displays and people walking here, there and everywhere, you would think UD had more clubs and organizations than people. But, when you're made an offer to go to Kentucky with the Appalachia Club or promised far away places by the International Club, who could refuse?


regional art show Summertime on the Rive Gauche came to the campus early in September when local artists and craftsmen displayed their work on the library lawn. Exhibits of woodcarvings, jewelry, sculptures, flower arrangements, pottery and, of course, paintings were scattered about in shady areas along the paths. Students who browsed under the trees found artists eager to talk about their creations. Most of the prices were a bit too steep for student budgets, but no one could beat the price of admission - free .



campus carnival Imagine a bearded man eating a swirl of cotton candy; couples whirling around a ferris wheel; tossing ping pong balls for bottles of booze . The image created is the annual Campu s Carnival. Delayed on day due to a deluge from heaven, it offered computer horse racing, Black Jack dealers from Vegas and honest-to-goodness rides for thrills and whatever. Clubs worked diligently designing games that supposedly no one could win. But math geniuses and ultra-athletes triumphed and girls received early birthday presents of stuffed animals . Childhood revisited on a brisk fall night .


homecoming '74 ... Friends your drinking buddies, your dancing partners, the folks who get you home, the guys who cheer with you even when you lose; the people who smile at you even when they don't know you ... Friends.



the queen and her court


With a little help from her friends in the Afro American Society, the UD Marching Band, and the Flyerettes, business major Julia Bryant out-polled five other candidates to be crowned Homecoming queen. She was escorted by Reggie Shyne and her court (the competition) - clockwise, Janice Ferri, Joan Szymantki, Cindy Wallitsch, Marita Faletti, and Elizabeth Borton.


and the commoners When .. the chicken wire and crumpled tissue paper are unearthed, a Homecoming parade is just hours away. Getting ready for it takes one long all-nighter. Between the bouts of the World Series, paint splashing and potato chip munchies, it's 路a wonder any floats were built. But they were and the parade did happen ... winding over campus avenues and through the streets of the ghetto .


The parade wasn't elaborate or flashy or long, but there was International Club's un-seaworthy ship and WVUD's old-time portable radio, both prize winners. The Flyers were no prize winners, however, as they lost to Toledo 38-29. But the fans didn't seem to mind, there were so many old friends to see ...


and the flyer fans

even when you lose Even though the game went in the hopper, Homecoming day had something going tor it ... like Tom Vosberg's recordbreaking passing for three TDs ... over 2,000 alumni ... the UD Marching Band and the Coeds ... Queen Julia's crowning ... bottled spirits to warm the body against unseasonably cold weather ... and a mass boogie in Wampler's Ballroom at the end of the day, complete with two bands, several thousand students, gallons of booze and - do you remember? - snow.


friends will still be around

smitty comes home He doesn't belong to the University of Dayton anymore. Yet he's the same old Smitty. Rubberband on wrist. Cheering when he was on the bench. Hustling down the court. Playing an enthusiastic game . Former great guard for the Flyers, Donald Smith was playing for the Philadelphia 76'ers at the Arena. He was one-for-three from the field, three-forfour from the foul line, and managed to come up with one steal. Every time he checked into the game, he was met with applause from the 1,423 people in the stands. When he scored his only bucket the crowd cheered louder than they had all night. That was their Smitty on the floor. The same guy who played so well against Notre Dame and UCLA. The fact his team beat Houston 112-107 wasn't really important. But Smitty was not pleased with his performance. I DIDN'T REALLY FEEL AT HOME FOR SOME REASON . I WASN'T SHARP. YOU'VE GOT TO REALLY FIGHT AND SCRAP TO GET THROUGH THEM IN THE PROS. THE PROBLEM IS THAT I AM SO LITTLE. I'LL LEARN . I'D BETTER LEARN. That's the same old Smitty.


agiftof prophecy Jeanne Dixon : a wife a mother to over 30 foster children a devout Roman Catholic a self-proclaimed modern-day prophetess. She isn't at all what you might expect. She is not commercial or brash or pessimistic. She talks quickly, in reserved tones, about politics, religion, economics, the past, the future, life, God, spiritual unity throughout the world. A SENSE OF TIMING IS WOVEN INTO THE T APESTRY OF OUR LIVES THAT AIDS THE SPIRITUAL AND HUMAN PROGRESS THAT MOVES THE WORLD.


international tea After you entered the Ballroom, you felt over-powered by the colors found in the costumes being paraded around. The aura of faraway places invaded KU with the International Tea. Allowing for minor technical difficulties, which could be ignored while sampling a seemingly endless number of exotic teas, the program stormed on with dancers from all lands. Amazingly enough, some gentlemen were caught standing on chairs when a belly dancer entered the spotlight ...



trick or treat?

Beer has replaced the sacks full of candy, a dark room full of loud, raucous music and lights and shadows has supplanted the twilight race through the streets, getting treats or playing tricks. But the urge to become Cleopatra for just one evening . .. a clown ... a witch . .. a hobo . .. perhaps Mother Nature herself is still strong. Just to be anything but ourselves for a little while. Disgu ised behind a pair of shades, layers of make-up, dated fashions and a touch of ingenuity, we can make other eras and other relationships become real - just for one evening. It won't last much longer : the beer runs out and the music stops and the sun rises, banishing the ghosts and goblins for another year.


for xenia Bob Hope and an entourage of celebrities from stage, most of whom are screen, space and football native Ohioans - converged on the Arena for the benefit of Dayton's neighbor to the east, Xenia, which was devastated earlier in the year by a tornado. The show raised close to $100,000 to help rebuild Xenia. Nancy Wilson, Kenny Roberts and Maureen McGovern were among the performers.


stevie wonder


He came out with that wide smile on his face and an urge to get everybody up and moving. As he broke into "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" on the synthesizer, his head moved back and forth in that familiar rhythm, and the audience moved with him. Through the tranquil "My Cherie Amour" to his oldie "Uptight." From the harmonica to the piano to the drums. Sometimes fun, sometimes profound. Always open, down-to earth, honest. Talented, versatile, a child prod,igy at 12 - one almost forgets that the shades aren't part of the costume .




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theatre a

delicate balance

At one time or another during our lives, we experience moments when we are not quite sure whether we can retain our sanity - or whether we are even sane at all. The theatre's first production of the season, Edward A'l bee's" A Delicate Balance," is a study of the balance between sanity and madness - and how that balance can be easily tipped . The dark comedy explored the loss of love in modern life and the resulting loss of touch with reality . The script is scathingly humorous as it shows the cocktail party facade worn by the characters. When they are finally unmasked to each other, the balance shifts and is lost. No one is hurt but something in each dies in the confrontation.


three men on a horse

The theatre department did an abrupt about-face for its second production of the year, which was the very un-serious comedy "Three Men on a Horse" by John Holm and George Abbott. Capturing the nostalgic humor of the '30's, the play follows the escapades of a meek greeting card writer and his involvement with hoods as th ey began betting on the horses. As Director Dr . Charles Schultz explained, the show "deals with ridiculous characters, doing ridiculous things in a ridiculous way, but they take it all very seriously." No depth - just fun.


sh,e stoops to conquer

The lively Restoration comedy "She Stoops To Conquer" was presented in February to sellout crowds. The play concerns the actions of Kate Hardcastle, who "stoops" to portray路i ng a barmaid to "conquer" the heart of Charles Marlowe. "The Mistakes of a Night" proves to be an accurate subtitle as Kate's brother Tony works his mischief in order to marry his cousin Constance off to Marlowe's friend, Hastings. The older generation of Hardcastles remain the butt of all the jokes until the ending is finally resolved by the wise Sir Charles. Sound confusing? Well, at least the crew members knew what was going on ... The crew worked long hours preparing the delicate silhouettes that composed the only scenery for the play. Accompanied by 18th century music performed on a moog synthesizer, furniture glided in from the wings as the actors made their entrances. Their coordinated efforts drew applause for all four performances of this sprightly romp. Director Larry Selka and Technical designer Darryl Anderson tried to achieve a genuine feeling of Restoration theatre through the "false-proscenium" set. Two chandeliers, executed by Mr. Anderson and borrowed from Ohio State for the performances, and twin cherubim over the stage, helped both actors and audience enter the spirit of fun.


'tis the season For UD students, Christmas arrives in big yellow buses full of tumble-jumbled coats and mittens and laughing, smiling faces . Children and senior citizens mix with their student hosts to brighten the season and bring the real Christmas on campus. Tinsel, holly, some fluff stolen from an angel's fair head, and a proud glowing tree add the touch of Yuletide spirit. Some students adopted a child or senior citizen while others provided their talents to skits and carol-singing. And an old gent (at Ileast, he looked old) in a well-worn red and white suit stayed for awhile .. .


university art series

Featuring a host of vIsiting performers and their unique talents, this year's University Arts Series appealed to a wide spectrum of the community. Some performers like dancer Edward Villella appea ted to all while other artists pleased specific groups of art devotees. Synethesia, a multi-media presentation combining photography, poetry and music, appealed to those people fascinated by new art forms. For history buffs, the Madrigal recreated the joy of an English Christmas. Jack Thomas as Mark Twain, pianist Joseph Fennimore, the Dimov Quartet, photo collections, poetry readi,ngs, flute and guitar emsembles .. . a whole world of diverse art forms for a diverse campus.


ella A long, full crepe gown flowed around her as she stepped into the lights of the Arena into the midst of an almost empty house. But, Ella Fitzgerald gave a show that would have pleased an audience of one or one hundred thousand. Backed up by the Dayton Philharmonic orchestra and later by her own swinging trio, Ella came on with her famous intimate, uninhibited jazz sound. She opened with '''S Wonderful" and later went into a spirited Duke Ellington medley : "Do Nuthin' Till You Hear from Me" and "I Got it Bad and That Ain't Good". Later, "Big Noise from Winnetka" opened into Cole Porter's "It's Allright with Me". After her performance in the Arena that Thursday evening in February, it's little wonder why she is known as the "First Lady of Song" with a voice the sweetest sound this side of the angels.


distinguished visitors ralph nader Consumer advocate Ralph Nader urged students off their apathy to form public interest research groups to help end abuses against the public. He warned that unless consumers act, government and corporate power will dictate . "We can keep our Constitution and still lose our democracy."

julian bond Julian Bond, Georgia state representative, concluded that college campuses today are asleep, worried more about jobs than the state of the world . But at least blacks are a potential political force, and to test his hypothesis Bond was seeking support for his possible candidacy for President in 1976. Financial and political support ...


william proxmire Just about every politician had his own ideas on how to handle this country's dual economic problems of inflation and recession. Proxmire, Wisconsin Senator William Democrat was no exception. As a member of the Senate Banking Committee, he was in a position to act on his ideas. "We must have either a truly competitive situation or have government regulation across the board. And I believe more in the potential of a truly competitive economy."

jack anderson Speaking with flailing arms, investigative reporter Jack Anderson lashed out against the abuses of government and large oil interests. He recounted short stories detailing investigations by the FBI and CIA. And he attacked corporate interests, especially oil. But he was not completely negative: "Americans are strong enough to stand the truth. There's not another country in the world where I could do what I do."


the dating game


to the king It's the girl's turn to trap the guy for a date, and it's the guy's turn to play king for a day. Only this year the guys had a whole week to grace the dating pedestal usually reserved for women. One might think Turnabout is a real breakthrough for women's lib - the women taking the men out and all - except the traditional dance was started over a quarter of a century ago.' The '75 dance festivities included "The Dating Game," King's Preview (zany skits to win votes for the king candidates), the dance at Wampler's, and, of course, the crowning of King Jim Donnelly. Oh, the theme of the dance? "The Way We Were."


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free expression it can be precise or chaotic, graceful or harsh but is it a drag? part of the mill? who said?


it takes practice, work ...

and research: in-depth thorough challenging (someti mes) no time 55

to sleep

too much to do ... more than lectures


more than crowded cl,assrooms ... ideas to be tried



路 .. errors to be made





... and knowledge to be gained 61

who said it's a drag? a bore? a pain? who said it's a crowded degree mill? an ivory tower that imprisons? 62

who said?

it's four years of working it out trying doing living reaching our many expectations


football "These are times that try men's souls." The famous phrase wasn't originally used to describe the 74 football Flyers. But to anyone who witnessed the act the phrase fit. Like the walls of Jerico, dreams of fame and glory tumbled down upon the Red and Blue after winning the first two games of the season. Losing the next eight games in a row, a school record, and finishing the season with a 3-8 log, those exciting dreams turned into a horrible nightmare for second-year Coach Ron Marciniak and the rest of the Flyer faithfu I. Behind the running of Walt Wingard and the passing of Tom Vosberg, the Flyers opened the season with a convincing 21-7 rout of Drake.


Playing their first game ever in Astroturfed Welcome Stadium the following week, the Flyers continued to impress with a 23-17 win over Eastern Kentucky. Doug Kastilahn's touchdown reception with 5:46 left in the game proved to be the difference . Against Bowling Green the Flyers continued to roll, leading 21-7 at halftime. It was then the nightmare began . Outscoring the Flyers 34-0 in the second half, the Falcons won handily 41-21. Returning to Welcome, UD was whipped again . This time, Southern Illinois was the culprit, 38-16.


Never giVing up hope, the Flyers traveled south to meet Western Kentucky . They were whipped again, though, 32-15. The Homecoming game was next. Despite the chilly temperature and overcast skies, the crowd of 11,228 remained hopeful. Vosberg and Toledo quarterback Gene "swizzle" Swick locked arms in an aerial war . Vosberg won the battle of the skies but Toledo won the war 38-27 . The Flyers played what could have been their best game of the year the following week against East Carolina but lost again 34-6.


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Marciniak introduced a new pair of runningbacks to the UD loyalists in that game - freshmen Mark Zimmerman and Mike Waterson . The pair remained for the rest of the year and showed well. Against Central State the duo totaled over 100 yards rushin g but the Flyers were embarras sed 28-25 on a last second Marauder touchdown. The Red and Blue stayed close to Louisville the following week but lost again late in the game 20-15 . Perhaps the only consolation of the year came in the final game when UD hung on to edge Marshall 14-13. A young team and injuries to an endless line of regulars hurt the Flyers all year. But as Marciniak said throu ghout the season , "We didn't give up."




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ROW 1 : B. Klotz, T. Buda, T. Zins, C. Myers, J. Janosek, W. Wingard , G. Mete r, B. Rayburg, J. Cochran , D. Kastilahn, T. Herher, T. Vosberg, F. McCallion. ROW 2: R. Marciniak, L. Perez, G. Hilgenberg, W . Place, G. Schwarber, J. Snow, B. Ragon, J. McVay, R. Gordon, T. Cardon , R. Rhomas, K. Mart, G . Cilek, P. Kasprzycki, B. Mazie. ROW 3 : S. Carcella, M. Watterson, M. Tracey, N. Savino, K. Kirk, J. Zippay, D. McDade, B. Baldwin, J. Wolking, D. Puckett, T. Westbeld, G . Balzer . ROW 4: B. Palcik, B. J. Dailey, W. Clarke, T. Stellman, M . Zimmerman, T. Westbeld, R. Dundale, M. Gerkin, P. Artz, L. Reid, M . Johnson, S. Davis, C. Scandrick, T. DeBi asse. ROW 5 : K. Conley, R. Shyne , W. Clarke, D. Miller, M . Edwards, C. Henry, M. Frazier, J. Heffernan, W . Evans, T. Wanner, E. Dimitry, J. Adair, P. Kirk, G. Hilgenberg. ROW 6 : T. Hill, J. Skruck, G. Deime, R. Sammons, B. Sahnd, J. Lukash, J. Wiles, E. Plaspohl, R. Sears, S. Rampey , S. Klawonn, M. Marcianiak, T. Antil , B. uudley.


soccer I~==~~_'--------










Aided by a picture of goalie Dave Mechler's girlfriend he carried in his sock, the UD booters finished a winning season, 7-3-3, their ninth victorious season since 1965. Falling prey to the Flyers were the Cincinnati Bearcats who have never been able to beat UD. Other losers to the Red and Blue were Toledo, Morehead State, Wittenberg, Cedarville and Earlham. And this record despite several injuries sustained by the team. Although losing seniors Mike Cahill, Jim Gerker, John Hacker, Ray Lee, Jack Mar, Pat McEntee, Paul Schmidt and MVP Mechler, Coach Bo Richardson will be holding on to soccer Flyer of the Year, sophomore Bob Rohrbach as well as junior, Mark Boas. Cahil, Gerker and Rohrbach all saw glimpses of gold metals in Montreal when they were invited to tryout for the US Olympic soccer team . Unfortunately, none made the final squad. Cahill, although suffering from torn knee cartilage from two years ago, is leaving for an offer from a professional New York team. And Richardson will have to find a new student manager as UD also bids farewell to Bubba Sullivan.


ROW ONE: L-R; Chip Gachot, Luis Almeyda, Jack Mar, Mike DeRubertis, Dave Mechler, Paul Schmidt, Pat Webb, Joe Donovan . ROW TWO: Pete Guiliano, Joe Ruffolo, John Hacker, Dave Zawalski, Tom Cany, Pat MacAfer, Tony Englert, Fabio Tuiach. ROW THREE : Russ Grenig, Mark Boas, Bob Rohrback, Roke Fairweather, Mark Covon, Brian Burns, Terry McKenna, Bob Richardson. ROW FOUR : Mike Cahill, Ray Lee, Jim Gerker, Leon Jenkins, John Van OSI, Bob Sullivan.



STANDING : J. Bowers, J. Kelly, B. Mattice, C. O ' Neill, S. Russell , N. Sprague R. Toman , J. Kramer, R. Frantz, J. Trapuzzano, P. LoMaglia, J. McTierson M . Guzzo, M . Johnson . KNEELING: M. Carlin, M. Hennesy, S. Winship, W. Smith, J. Kearney, J. Spinner, L. Scott, Tasha


UD's rugby team punched in its best season ever with four wins and three losses. Slamming Miami Valley, 26-4, and Ohio Wesleyan, 16-9, the ruggers fell to University of Michigan, 3-18. Seeming to redeem themselves, they mauled Xavier, 24-6, but then faced defeat by University of Kentucky, 415. Findlay offered a big ego boost with a 32-4 take-home , but their final game found UD losing to John Carroll , 4-6. With the sprin g season approachin g, UD ruggers will be the home sponsors for the Carling Black Label Rugby tournament, with 16 team s participating .

Ruggers are a rare breed. Facing rain, snow, sleet, and hail, their game goes on . Spectators stra ggle into position along the touch line with numerous canines starin g in approval. Hustling through rucks, mauls, scrums, the teams emit stran ge groans and moans . Every once in a while, someone bites the dust a little too hard, and the team loses a player. But an aura of sportsmanship not dependent upon a referee's whistle pervades the entire panorama. The game ends, the beer is passed around, and it's hit the showers and then to Tim's .


women's volleyball There are several sports in which mental attitude is just as important as athletic skill. Volleyball most certainly is a contender for first pl,ace in this category . The Flyer volleyball squad showed their ability to think their way to the top with the best of them as they turned a dismal 7 for 18 start into a fourth place finish in the state. After losing 11 of their first 18 the women put together a fantastic winning streak taking 14 of their next 17 matches. In the State Tournament where they were seeded third behind Cleveland State and OSU, the Flyers quickly defeated Akron, Toledo, and Miami University before falling to Cleveland State, 4-15 and 12-15. Dayton finally copped fourth place by downing Cedarville after losing to OSU in the semi-finals .


SEATED: Gail Jacobsen - Manager, Kathy Hurley , Caro ~ Miller - Captain, Gail Jennings, R. Elaine Dreidame - Coach. STANDING : Sandy Johnson, Betty Burke, Connie Fox, Joy Barnett, Mary Beth Hackett, Jo McGuire.





women's field hockey

FRONT ROW : Kathy Kissinger, Donna Vigilo, Peggy Doran, Pam Brown, Mamie Oldani. MIDDLE ROW: Cindy Ashe, Betsy Coffield, Barb Buckley, Kathy Phillips, Debbie Auiles. STANDING: Mary Lou Holder - Manager, Cindy DiGregory, Dierdre Kane - Co-Captain, Debbie Lewis, Beth Madison, Allegra Storts, Pat Penders Co-Captain, Pat Jayson - Coach.


Attired in plaid skirts, white blouses and knee socks, rather reminiscent of a girls' private school gym class, women's field hockey brought home the Ohio Valley League Championship. Along with the laurels, the women totaled up a 4-2 record for regular season play. In the league tournament, they defeated Centerville, UC and Earlham, while losing to Miami. In the state tournament, Bowling Green and again Cedarville fell to the hustle of the women. In regular season play, Ohio Dominican, Uc, Wittenberg and Cedarville fell to the slashing sticks, while Eastern Kentucky and Ohio Wesleyan led the women to defeat. One of the strongest of women's sports, the field hockey team has represented, well, the female si~ o of the sweat socks. Coach Pat Jayson led her team to a 10-3-1 record for the fa II.


women's tennis

KNEELING: M. McCarthy, C. Brill, P. Roebuck, S. Sahlfeld . STANDING: T. Caulfield, M. Phillips, K. Cassidy, K. Bole, A. Zen perle, D. Sheaffer, C. Fielder, J. Charhut, G . Roesener, J. lancucci . I' .

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men's tennis

(STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT) Coach Joseph Pici, Jim McCabe, Tim Geraci, Ted Scholtz, Brad Stenger Ken Schoo, Jack Liebold, Mike Geraci








There are some sports on campus where no one comes out a loser. The Intramural program continued to expand du ring 1974-75, with over 60 percent of the student body participating in the various athletic acitivities. In additi on to the well-k nown sports such as baseball, softball, football and basketball, 12 new activities were added to the year-long schedule. Such things as cage ball, darts, horseshoes and golf allowed more students to become involved. Billy Mayo supervises the 1M program, coordinating the scheduling of games at all available field and court areas. For the first time, a monthly newsletter, "Hardee's Intramural Highlights," appeared on campus to inform the community on what was happening in the program.







UD hockey Coach Walt DeAnna an 11-year veteran, boasting an 85-50 overa ~ 1 record, led the icers into a new rink in 1975 with high hopes of improving last year's disappointing 4-8-2 record. Abandoning Hara Arena's cramped quarters, the Flyers moved into the spanking-new Kettering Arena with a team that lacked size but was loaded with speed. Attitude, conditioning and defense were the keys as Dayton jumped off to one of the best starts in the squad's history. "We get along better this year," said wingman Bi II Bommarito. "Everybody has a better attitude and is more enthusiastic." "We were not strong on defense and had no strength at forward, last year," said DeAnna. "We had to change our whole concept of play as the defense took chances to help the offense . "Th is year's team is the finest skating team since the 1969-1970 squad. They could be the finest skaters I've ever had. They're already the best passing team I've ever coached . "








women's basketball


For the first time in the history of the University, the women's basketball team was scheduled to play preliminary games before the men's varsity in of all places - the UD Arena. Coach Elaine Dreidame was forced to work with a relatively inexperienced team as half of the 1973-1974 squad was lost to graduation. Nevertheless, the returners had impressive credentials. Returning starters were sophomore guard Sandy Johnson, who averaged 11 points, junior guard Betty Burke, who averaged nine points, and junior center-forward Mary Lou Holder, who averaged five points. Also returning from last year's squad were Carol Miller and Pat Penders. "This will be a trial year for us," Dreidame said. liThe number of games we play in the Arena next year will depend on how well we're received."


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KNEELING : Carol Miller, Pat Penders - Captain . STANDING: Kathy Bole - Coach, Elaine DreidameHead Coach, Cindy DiGregory, Deidre Kane, Joy Barnett, Marylou Holder, Betty Burke, jo McGuire, Sandy johnson, Pat Jayson - Coach, Gail jennings. ABSENT: Gail jacobsen .




After last year's outstanding 20-9 season, the stunning dissection of Notre Dame and the triple-overtime loss to UCLA in the NCAA Western regionals, hopes for the 1974-'75 campaign shined brightly. Missing were superstars Donald Smith and Mike Sylvester. But, returning were The Man's gift to Dayton, Johnny Davis, co-captains Allen Elijah and Joe Fisher, musclleman Jim Testerman and Leighton Moulton. Coach Don Donoher, beginning his 11th season as Dayton's head man, stressed the need tor team "execution" if the Flyers were to attain their 27th consecutive non-losing season. "We'll simply have to rely on better team execution this year," said Donoher. "Our players will have to work harder for their shots."


Due to a scheduling quirk, the Flyers opened the season with nine consecutive home games. Dayton won three of the first four, topping Old Dominion, Xavier and Detroit. The Flyers weren't as lucky against highly rated Louisville and Big Ten power, Michigan. In the opening round of the UDIT the Flyers lost to a hot Texas Tech club while LaSalle trounced Clemson. In the consolation match the next night, the Red and Blue came from behind to edge Clemson by two, 71-69. LaSalle ran allover Texas Tech in the finals to win the tournament. Over the first seven games, Johnny Davis performed like an All-American. His backcourt partner, Leighton Moulton showed 100 percent improvement over his sophomore season. Allen Elijah and Joe Fisher grabbed every rebound in sight, and Jim Testerman provided much needed muscle inslide.





While the UD student body WilS home eating the Christmas turkey, the Flyers remained behind and celebrated the holidays in a different manner. Holding off a late Akron surge, UD hung on to edge the Zips, 73-72. Then, a couple of days later, the Flyers displayed the old axiom of brawn over brain, as they whipped Harvard, 77-64. As Dayton entered the year 1975, the basketball team was besieged by a plague that would have made Moses drool. Over the next five games, the Flyers lost four of them - all by an amazing one point. Pepperdine, Houston, Creighton and Duquesne all turned the trick. The Flyers did manage to squeeze a road victory over Easter n Kentucky but losses to DePaul and Miami gave UD a 1-6 January log.


The Flyers hoped February would bring them the success that somehow got away in Jlanuary. For a while, it looked as though UD would indeed start the long road to recovery. First, Loyola of Chicago came to town for the first afternoon game that had ever been played in the Arena . The Flyers had little trouble blowing the Ramblers back to the Windy City as Johnny Davis hit for 22 points. Western Kentucky visited the Flyers next and it was Davis again who sparked an overtime Dayton win. The sophomore sensation not only blocked a last-second Hilltopper shot, but he also took charge in the overtime period to clinch the victory. Just as things began to look good, the Flyers slumped again, losing three straight to UT-Chattanooga, Cincinnati and South Carolina. In both the Cincinnati and South Carolina games, UD hit cold shooting spells late in the games that cost it the wins . A .500 season eluded the Dayton club for the first time in 26 years as the Flyers dropped their last four games after beating Xavier in an attempted comeback . South Florida, Miami, and Louisville were the culprits along with Notre Dame, who avenged last season's upset by no I'ess than 33 points.


1974-1975 RESULTS Dayton 90 ............ Old Dominion 69 Louisville 76 .. . ........... Dayton 65 Dayton 75 . ..... .. . . ........ Xavier 66 Dyaton 90 ....... . .. .. ... . Detroit 76 Michigan 61 .....•....... . Dayton 50 Texas Tech 76 .......... . ... Dayton 67 Dayton 71 ........... . . . . Clemson 69 Dayton 73 ....... ..... ...... Akron 72 Dayton 77 ................ Harvard 64 Pepperdine 80 .. . . . . .... .... Dayton 79 Houston 86 ... .. ........... Dayton 85 Creighton 71 ............... Dayton 70 Dayton 73 . .. ... ... Eastern Kentucky 65 Duquesne 82 ........ ....... Dayton 81 Depaul 86 .................. Dayton 80 Miami O. 74 .. ........... ... Dayton 62 Dayton 76 ......... Loyola (Chicago) 63 Dayton 86 .... .... Western Kentucky 84 UT Chattanooga 78 ......... Dayton 73 Cincinnati 79 .. .... .. ... .. .. Dayton 68 South Carolina 93 Dayton 73 Dayton 78 ............. .... Xavier 67 South Florida 72 ........... Dayton 61 Miami 78 .......... ........ Dayton 66 Notre Dame 102 .............. Dayton 69 Louisville 83 ............... Dayton 67

SITTING L-R : Danny Jones, Leighton Moulton, Dan Herling, Jim Testerman, Joe Fisher, Allen Elijah, Dan Klawonn, Johnny Davis, Rocky Coleman, Terry Ross. STANDING L-R: Head Coach Don Donoher, Bill Cassidy, Jack Butler, Mike Brannen, Ervin Giddings, Joe Siggins, Greg Holloway, Jim Ehler, Manager Jack Adair, Athletic Director Dr. Dale Foster.




FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Gerry Weisgerber, Gary Metzger, Mike Robertson, Andy Patrick, Fritz Ritter, John Theis, Dan Mink, Ed Long. SECOND ROW : Bill Green, Tom Roettgers, Tim Pratt, John lola, Bob Shepherd, Jeff Mason, Jim Tafara, Joe Dawson, George Fenton, Mike Karbach . THIRD ROW: Dan Burneka, Tim Wabler, John Maisch, Bill Morris, Ron Smith, Larry Woerner, Jim Snow, Tom Adams, Greg Marshall, Kevin Kirk, Bob Hildreth - Head Coach .






. ,


american chemical society Purpose : To provide educational opportunities and a chance for members to communicate with those in similar fields . ROW 1: Dr. Carl Michaelis, Advisor; Regina Toomey, Secretary; Mike Mannino, Treasurer; Carol Novak, President; Andrew Wolff, Vice President. ROW 2: Louis Todaro, Debbie Buttelwerth , Sharon Horvath , Jeanie Steininger, Sue Holloway, Rose Marie Deibel. ROW 3: Becky Seitz, Joe Russell , Fred Tenover, Mike Hoying, Larry Staubach, Larry Chase. ROW 4: Brian Meyer, Ted Willmann, John Naveau, Mark Heitbrink, Paul Weisman . ROW 5: Jeff Dormish, Pam Strevell, Kathy Foecking, David Thomas, David Eiserle, Kevin Robinson .

better com'munications club Purpose: To promote a better social communication among U.D. students. ROW 1: Brian Reynolds, Jake Garrity, Ken Schley, Dick Dorwart (President), AI Varga. ROW 2: Steve Cangem i, Karen Schnel, A.J. Donegan and Ghia, Mark Carney, Gary Faile, Willy Veihdeffer, John Tolay.


association for computing machinery Purpose: To introduce underclassmen to other members and faculty in the department. ROW 1: Sue Husson (President) , Gif Sander, Bob Mellinger, John Bellono. ROW 2: Gary Clearwater, Charlene Borgstede, Mollie McEriane, Barb Heckenbach, Mary Ann Nock. ROW 3: Pat Porubcansky, Rich Abraham, Jenny Kester, Len Castelli, John Murray. ROW 4: Bob Hengenius, Dale Selhorst, Jeff Hanrahan , Dan Vonderembse. Not pictured: Richard Blommel, Doug Lee, Dave Thole, John Meinking, Bill "0" Hurd, Doug Stapp, Ssu Lu, Ahmed EI-Magarmid, Jim Murray, Ted Covert, Reed Mihaldew, Gladdy Graham, Nancy Parisen, Kristen Fudge, Jeff Graham, Terry Wombacher, Doug Andrew, Paul Crowley, Marcy Boyle, Nancy Kirby.

appalachia club Purpose : To awaken the people of Appalachia to their own potential and individual integrity. FRONT SEAT: Brother Ed (Advisor) . SEATED: Dave Hose, Barb Puncer, Donald Liszkay (President), Tom Lynch, Tom Berkemeier. ROW 2: Vincent O'Connor, Barb Enger, Bob Kastellic, Laura Urgo, Rita Pochard, Regina Clark , John Butler, Bev Barns, Sue Dury, Peter Quinn. ROW 3: Theresa King, Gloria Uckele, Pat Buzer, Ann Zelten , Gene Scott, Boofie Hughes, Ann Deaton, Sue Broschart, Sue Mospens. ROW 4: Nancy Kirby, Connie Lakarosky, Sue Husson, Rick Cain , Cathy Schulten, Debbie Buttelwerth, Liz Berkemeier, Diane Masar, Kathy Riesch, Joyce Riegelmayer, Dennis Ketchup, Lisa Wukusick. ROW 5: Eric Arceri, Don Cuddihee, Jerry Harte, Elizabeth Biger, Bob Quinn, Debbi Delozier. Not pictured: Julie Caron, Mariann Lorenz, Dan Maloney, Debbie Theobold, Eileen Welsh.


marching band On flute: Joy Barnett, jane Danielson, Virginia Kleesattel, Marianne Luken, Florine McCurdy, Karen Mincer, Beth Morgan, Patricia Reardon, Dave Thomas, Joyce Thomas, Karen Thompson, Amy Voelm, Janet Wiggenhorn. On clarinet : Kathy Fairlie, Eileen Fatton, William Fromel, Patricia Kill, Thomas Koenig, Cathleen McAuley, Richard Scalenghe, Daniel Smith, Charlene Stooksberry, john Torrence, jeanie Wegener . On alto sax : jeanne Broering, Donna Crace, Alan Gusching, James Kleingers, Frank LaGrone, Brian Myer, Mary Murtaugh, Denice Nelson. On tenor sax: Gregory Bolton, Stephen Cumbie, Christopher johnson, Hal Melia, Ralph Spires. On F cornet: Tim Bednar, Wendy Cianflone, Brad Eaton, Donna Ehrbar, Mary Heider, Becky Herbst, Sandra Pelfrey, Gary Stokes, Jon Taylor. On baritone: Gregory Anderson, Margaret Braeunig, Linda Neal. On trumpet : Don Boccardi, Denise Cunningham, Dan Fleischman, Joseph Florian, Ben Flory, Tom Fontana, Bryan Ginn, Philip Heink, Bill O. Hurd, james Jira, Charles Kleesattel, Thomas Lavin, Dale Loftis, Raymond Moorman, Joe Russell, Gary Sammons, Cathy Schanz, David Stoughton, james Walters, John Ward, joceil Williams, james Yeazell. On trombone: Bruce Armstrong, Stephen Gilmore, Richard Guba, Gregory Hayes, Mark Isenberg, Carl King, Robert Kastner, James Kuenle, Dan Whitmer, Kent Wilson, Tim Yeazel I. On tuba: Richard Irwin, Bobby Kennerly, Mike Reeb, Thomas Wallman, Mark Zink. On percussion: Tom Andrew, Steve Barnes, Chris DeSimio, Bob Gauder, Kim Kelly, George Koenig, Randy Lamb, Kim Losego, Tim Manovill, james Meehan, Tony Pellitier, Richard Polera, Marta Wetzel, William Wise. The Marching Band provides spirit and pageantry at all home and some away football games. Its fresh and distinctive sound finds its roots in the jazz and rock idioms. Directing this illustrious musical extravaganza is Clair Miller; assistant director is Bill Stahl, and the drum major is Mike Trego.

the pride of dayton 117

biking and hiking club Purpose: To organize people interested in camping activities. (LEFT TO RIGHT): Maureen Ambrose, Hank Gitzen, jim Williams (President), joe Higgins. Not pictured : Patty Discenza, Bill Blake.

cleveland club Purpose: To unite students from northeast Ohio and share benefits derived from a common unity and a familiarity with the social, athletic, cultural and academic activities at U.D. ROW 1: Nancy Hirn, Matty Santiago, Vicki Kinsell, Mary Lou Popik, jean Marie Zerovnik, Richard Proday, Eileen Szeremet, Connie Morrin , Mary Mulligan, joyce Roseman, Debbie Dzurikania, Barb Sporcic. ROW 2: TomCancian (president), jack Mar, Mary Kilbane, Kathy Calvey, Kathy Kramer, janet Filips, Linda Hensman, Angela Donia. ROW 3: Chuck Ulie, Steve Hillman, Robert Zarlino, Gary Chapman, Ray Kaliszewski, Tom Switalski, Sheila Reinhard, Rick Klosterman. Not pictured: Bob- Babcock, Carla Budd, Patty Chambers, Kathy Cichowski, Mark Fagan , AI Filips, Ray Glaeser, joy Guschwan, Greg Hammer, Tim Hammer, Joe Higgins, Chuck javorsky, Tom Kaselonis, Brian Mayer, Dave Mori, Mike Prendergast, Terri Spahn, Bruce Taplek, Cathy Treat, Rich Votava, joanne Waitkun, Cookie Vie, jim Ziska.


debate team (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Dave Zeber, Bru ce Tanahili. Not pictured: Bill Albert (President), Steve Nock.



Purpose : To benefit campus and community through services and social projects. ROW 1: Mary Weaver, Grace Knutson, Marjorie Knutson. ROW 2: Pau'l Grygier, Bruce Toplek . ROW 3: John Thacker (President).

k.u. workers ROW 1: Joanie Szymanski, Mary Downing, Barb Radike, Sue Gilmore, Bill Blake. ROW 2: Joe Farrell, Gary Greenfield, Mary Beth Salley, Jan Henderson, Patty Dietz, Mary Moss, Jan Holt, Jay Hood . BEHIND THE COUNTER: Mark Boebel, D.J. Favole, Sue Schmidt, Sue Glaser, Dave Laurash.


international club Purpose: To promote cultural exchange on the U.D. Campus. ROW 1: Surender Kumar, Branda Hammett, Charlene Borgstede, Masamichi Asaishi, Pat Porubcansky. ROW 2: Jose Montero, Kazuyoshi Ohata, Ashok Bansal, Doug Lee, Lucho Yui, Gabriel Rus, S.M. (Advisor). Not pictured: Nancy Heitkotter (President), Terry Wombacher, Jose Brito, John Thacker, Jackie Fisher, Barb Hackenbach, Govindblai Patel, Grace Knutson, Carole Wolkan.

institute of electrical and electronic engineers Purpose : To teach theories and practices of electronics and to further the professional development of the student. ROW 1: Rick Kender, Louie Heeb, Tom Lieser, Mike Peters (President), Bob Perrone, Paul Grygier. STANDING: Mike Kilroy, Wade Allen, Frank Lukowski, Rick Klosterman, Joe Peters, Jim Bartol, John Funk, Greg Edgington, Bill Ritter, Dan Stairiker, Gary Werth, Professor Evers (Advisor).


minority engineers for adva.n cement Purpose: To increase the number of minorities in the professional field of engineering. ROW 1: Lewis Gist, Dennis Garvanne, Patricia Russell, Joan Baucum, Kathy Wharton, Mutiv Fagbayi, Anthony Woods. ROW 2: Fred Brown, Edmund Hillery, Erica Smith, Leslie Shokes (Chairman), Charles Pierce.

mathematics club Purpose: To further academic interest and social interaction among mathematic students and faculty. ROW 1: Tim Wilp, Frank Palmari, Terry McKenna, Art Kepes, Janet Ruschav. ROW 2: Michele Ehrler, Charlene Borgstede, Jim Cutter (President), Carol Arbaczewski, Ed Mykykta, Brian Bimonte, Terry Eveslage, Mary Pat Santner, Rick Grote, Brad Plohr. ROW 3: Larry Johnson, Connie Jusmer, Mike Hripko, Debbie Buttlewerth, Toni Merz, Larry Woerner, Pete Hovey, Joe Severs.

joint council of engineers Purpose: To organize an d coordinate activities among all Engineering clubs. ROW 1: Larry Russo, Arthur Friesz, Dave Quinlivan (Chairman), Dave Obergefeli, Bill Ritter, Jerry Klanac. ROW 2: Dave Thomas, John Logan, Pete Jerman, Gary Werth, AI Fernandez-Fraga, Cindy Dodson, Scot McAuley. ROW 3: John Steinbeck, Robert Zarlino, Brian Sismour, Darrell Dubsky, Bruce Barna.


the half-time entertainers

The Marching Co-Eds gave the football fans something to look at while listening to the band perform at halftime. This year Janice Bauman, Lisa Berling, Linda Bowman, Julia Bryant, Connie Caito, Cherie Carl, Betsy Conway, Sharon Davis, Debbie DeCurtins, Lea Ann Fawns, Jan Ferri, Dawn Flack, Marie Glaser, Brenda Hertlein, Bernita Jackson, Mary Kramen, Judy Lorette, Gwen Reid, Andrea Simun, Joyce Trissel, Debbie Walsh, Jan Wise, and Gail Yersavich delighted the crowd with their high-kicking, lively routines. Majorettes Christine Hamm, Unda Roesky and Nina Spatafora whirled and twirled to add a bit of sparkle to sometimes dull days. Mary Blazek, Mary Cummings, Gelzie Ely, Linette Ferrens, Cindy Fiedler, Nola Henderson, Judy Maurer, Marja Ross, and Doris Valentine carried the banners. These lovely ladies were worth coming to the football game to see ... even if the team did lose.


Cheerleaders, ROW 1: Rick Freese, Greg Tamer, Schoen Fitzgerald, Mike Baniak. ROW 2: Catherine Theby, Laura Salvati, Cheryl Vaughan, Mary Kay Martin. ROW 3: Debbie Long, Lyndelle Phillips (Captain). Sue McClure.

Flyerettes, ROW 1: Chris Hamm, Sara Blackford (Cap ' t). ROW 2: Joanne Carter, Kitty Solieralski, Valerie Galloway, Sabrina Satterfield, Janice Bauman, Betsy Conway, Mary Bryant, Peggy Quinn, Jackie Thompson, Molly McErlane . ROW 3: Andrea Simeen, Anita Lupp, Shelly Morath, Ann Pater, Julia Bryant, Marie Glaser, Pam Brown, Janice Baskovic, Jim Yeazell, Frank LaGrone, Tim Manovill, Nancy Culbertson, Peggy Wahlrab, Teresa Powell, Mary Lou Popik, Patty Ulrich, Sue Pelino, Karen Paterchak, Joyce Trissel.


pershing rifles Purpose: To develop concepts of military leadership, scholarship, and friendship. ROW 1: Frank Dimarco, Mike Kin, Reed Houser, James Brady, Betty McNatt, Frank Benedett. ROW 2: Joe Farrell, Ray Lemming, Steve Johanson, Dave Anslinger, Gary Greenfield, Jim Scarrazzo. Not pictured: John D'Amico, Scott Getter.

orienteering Purpose: To develop knowledge of map reading and navigation. ROW 1: Jeff Wendling, Joyce Gaeke (Pres.), ROW 2: Rhonda Reck, Bob Penrod, Capt. Cassell, John Murray, Phil Ertel, Don Hennessy, Steve Verhoff. Not pictured : Jeff Bassett, George Kinzeler, Charlie Martin, Pat O'Donnell, Steve Vondre'll, Pat Meehan , Betty McNatt, Celeste Ehrman, Annmarie Imbriale.

society of automotive • engineers Purpose : To provide its members opportunities to gain broader insight into the engineering profession . ROW 1: Pete Jerman, Kevin Richert (Pres .). ROW 2: Dale Pritchard, AI Fernandez-Fraga, Paul Angelo, Jerry Schneble, Steve Demeter, Fred Gilbert, Ray Kaliszewski.


public relations students society of america Purpose : To encourage the understanding of current theories and procedures in Public Relations. ROW 1 : Mary lou Pagliarini, Patty Discenza, Dr. Judith Trent, Nick Giangiulio (Pres.), David Sheehan, Jane Seelie, Tiffy Hamlin, Mary Kay Schmidt. ROW 2: Janice Janendo, Jimmy Minnick, Debbie loli, Colleen Egan, Garm Schaaf, Bob Byrne. ROW 3: Jan Wraesinski , Kathy leary, Jim Matastate, Marty Puin , Dave lanucci. ROW 4: Betty Borton, Maureen Pater, Jeanie luceno, Tom Astarita, Jim Whitter, Kevin Vogl, Jeff Demoski.

physical education majors and minors club Purpose: To acquaint members with their major and related physical education fields. ROW 1 : Peggy Solander, Kathy Birmingham, Mary Kay Martin, Donna Vigilo. ROW 2: lynne Bailie, Peggy Doran, Steve Winship (Pres.), Betsy O'Grady, Jason Phillips. ROW 3 : Bill Adams, Sal Gilardi, lance Marshall , Cindy DiGregory, Kim Spevak, Jeanne Fitzgerald, Pat Dahlinghaus, Jack Mar, Anne Zengerle. Not Pictured: Miss Jayson (Advisor), Jeff Wendling, Tom Corcoran, Bill Green, Ken Latish, Beth Madisov, Bobby Purdy, Cally Tsocaris, Linda Fecher, Bill Elkin, John Skehen, Steven Reid.


soc. of manufacturing eng. soc. of physics students Purpose: To help inform student engineering te chnologists about their futur e profession. ROW 1: John Weber. ROW 2: Robert Zarlino (presid ent). ROW 3: Mike M entle y, Ru ss Grenig.

Purpose: To attain greater social and intellectual unity among members. ROW 1: James Coon ey, Denice Nelson (President), Jim Parl ett. ROW 2: Ralph lemming, Marja Ro ss, John Th?rto n. ROW 3: Tom Witt berg, Stephen Cowd ery . ROW 4: Tim Potten ge r, Jim Walters, Stephen Ston er (Alumni Mascot).

student government 126

Purpose : To serve to improve th e general welfare of the students at the University of Dayton . SEATED : Mark Bukna . ON PIANO: Jake Garrity. STANDING: Kevin Carroll, John Fullam (President), Paula Herbst, Bill Hays, Noreen Friend .

university activities program board Purpose : To create and schedule social, cultural and educational activities throughout the school year . ROW 1: Karen Cassidy, Scott Pagliughi, Carol Trueman , Kathy Ashley, Douglas Lee, Kitsy Herrmann . ROW 2: Meg Kerr, Veronica Luersman, Maribeth Doillard, Kim V. Kettler, Mary Beth Moran, Cathy Schulten, Sue Schultz, Betsy Donahue. ROW 3: Gary Chapman, Jake Garrity, Pat Huddleston . Tim Castello, Bill Wall, Ray Glaeser, Jim McCabe (President), Tom Falloretti, Dan Millette, Rob Penrod . Not pictured : June Ericson , Kathy ~oley , tinan Gerber, Mike Levender, Dennis Lee, Brian Meyer, Rita Pochard, Bob Mack, Jim Donnelly.

wvud Purpose: To ~chedule and present radio programming to the campus. ROW 1: Tom Hunt, Dan Covey, Sue Strack, Jo-:'nn Wheatley, Cheryl Walke.r, Mary Ellen Karney, Rose Ann Schoenberger, Maggie Bohen, Martha Dunsky, Patty Spitler. ROW 2: Jeff Vargo, LOUIe .Chelekus, ChrIS Kreager, Claude Henderson, Steve McCannon, Tony Smith, Bill Pugh, Sean Breen, Gary Lee Brown . Not pictured: Robert Abele, Roger Conway, Dan Ross, Bill Andres, Mike Luczak.


flyer news EDITORIAL STAFF, SITTING: Pa.ul Grygier, Ginny Pierce, Dick Hammersmith (Co-Editor), Alice McGarvey, Peter Wickham (Co-Editor), Jayne Raparelli, Mark Wrightson. STANDING: Rich Beebe, Rick Weisenberger, Mark Znidar, Mike Klingman , Steve Wilder, Bill Cairns, Paul Rolfes.

STAFF MEMBERS, ROW 1: Marty Puin, Maureen O'Grady, Ron Chernak, Jill Blardinelli, Ken Grayzel, Terry Mattie. ROW 2: Mike Malone, Jeff Wendling, Mary Weaver, Denise Rondini, Margorie Knutson. ROW 3: Rich Winne, Chris Brown, Pat Lamb, Kenneth Randall, Tim Castello, Tim Thomas, John Thacker, Dave Matrisciano.



U.D. Photo Service (LEFT TO RIGHT): Ken Grayzel - Soft focus expert, Mark Osterday - Novice, Mark Duncan - Photography expert and Technical Advisor to this bunch of slobs, Frank Benedett - Assistant Director, Bob Mellinger (with open mouth as usual) - Director, Connie Waligura - Director's personal assistant, Frank Malczewski (Mal-chess-key) - Token Pollock.


alpha epsilon delta t urpose: To supplement the PreMed's academic training with social and community related problems. ROW 1: Dean R. Giulitte, David Bitonte, Gregg Rouan, Andy Wolff, Albrecht Kavtachltsch, Ann Pater. ROW 2: Mary Ellen Brucato, Judi Hill, janice Gallagier, Babra Bremen, Mary Schodorf, Carl Michaelis, Tom Fitzsimmons, jane Denker, Nancy Jackson. ROW 3: Gerry Slagel (Pres.), Ed Szmuc (V. Pres.), Tony Williamitis (Treas.), Gordon Souaid (Sec.), Fred C. J enover, Regina Lawless, joseph E. Derkson, john Nelson, Mary jane Rasbold.

delta upsilon Purpose: To promote Friendship, Character, and the advancement of Liberal Culture and justice. ROW 1: Tom Raziminski, jack Corrigan, Mike Hennessy, Pat Lamb, joshua, Tom Draughton, Andy Varzally, joe Luke, Terry Bennett. ROW 2: Terry Glliha, Rudy Petrie, Tim Coogan, Tom Lane, Dave Hodapp, Chuck Calhoun, Mike LaPinto, Ron Stamato, Kevin Richert, Dave Gabos, Ray Atkin, Chris Martin , Rich Pichette, Terry Brennan, Chuck Kuenzig.

alpha :nu omega

Purpose : To build the character of its members through service to needy groups. ROW 1: Lee Hobbins, Mike Moriscaleo, Rich Hand, Sonny Rosi, Bill Martin, jim Keller, Tony Cordon, Ron Rectinwald, Kevin Kirk, Gregg Mills, Dave Connolly, Steve Warner, Larry Pacey. ROW 2: Rich Abraham, Marc Oben, jim Wahlrab, Mike Delamanow, Trip Degroff, Steady Kovich, Gary McAfoose, Ted Thomas, Greg Wrynn . ROW 3: Jay Flannick, joe Moffo, Doug Dietrick, Phil Ignelsi, Paul Zauarella.


delta tau nu Purpose: To accommodate the Brother's social and athletic needs. ROW 1: Paul McVey, Skip Polcaro, Grill Vis kovich, Rich Miskewicz, Miller Westendorf, Mike Pugh, AI Franzolino. ROW 2: Ben Frindel, Chris Pesce, Dan Murphy, Joe DePreta, Mark Zonno, John Geraghty, Paul O'Neill, Russ Jones, Peter Martin, Don Gentile, Bill Pugh. ROW 3: Ridley Watts, Paul Clarke, Mike Ring, Frank Benigni, Dan Poland, Billy Gardener, Jody Avalone, Jeff Page, Gary Perna, John Maguine, Ted Gaeta, Phil Mazzucco, Pat Daly, Bob Jones, Tim Cronin.

chi sigma alpha Purpose : To create a ~ond of brother.hood among its members through friendship, sportsmanship, and social events. ROW 1: Timothy I. Brodorlck, K.C., Mark Reaney, Casper, Christopher Kerner, Dan A. Canzano, Elmo, Bob Zehnder. R?W 2: Bob Ulichney, Hillbilly, Jim Stickley, Mike Carlin, Kevin Wolf, David F. Sheehan, J. ~alt?n Bowers, Patrick P. McNamara, Schoen C. Fitzgerald. ROW 3: Tom Cancian, Paul McDougal, Steve WinShiP, Joe Burns, Jim Brady, Jim Coffaro, Tim McCune.


gamma gamma kappa Purpose : To instill strong feelin gs of unity, friendship, and hope between the women of our sorority. ROW 1: Marita Faletti (Pres.), Colleen Egan , Leila Hinckley, Jan Holt, Debbie Heffer. :R OW 2: Janet Patacca, Patti Minton, M arietta Didier, Joni Champa, Karen Flaherty, Kathy Heddy. ROW 3: Meg Flanigon , Maryanne Ciishim, Judy Kennedy, Debbie loli, Kathy Ashley. ROW 4: Jeanine Holland, Mary Coyne, Julie Pernhagen, Mary Laveille, Leslie Felting, Ellie Lynch, Patty Knox. ROW 5: Karen Blaeser, Denise Smith , Dani Stancie, Cindy Bacon , Ellie Agnello, Sue McGurn , Angela Carbonetta, Eileen Donohue.

epsilon delta tau Purpose : To further the individual's professional and social attitudes in Engineering. ROW 1: Mike Berger, Dave Witwer, Bruce Barna, Art Friesz, Da~rell Dubskey, Dave Quinlivan , Dave Obergefell, Louis Heeb, Tom Weinandy, Mickey Schrime. ROW 2: Bill Ritter, Pete Tartaglia, Kevin Connolly, Tony Klejna, Joe Euse, Joe Hagler, Joe Budney, Mike Kilroy. ROW 3: John Logan, Bob Mack, Pete Jerman, Larry Flechko, Dan Stairicker


alpha kappa psi Purpose : To promote scholarship, unity and friendship among Business majors. ROW 1: Jim Murray, Glenn Treat, Kevin Vogl, Tim Kelly, Jeff Roberts. ROW 2: Pat O'Herron, Jim Tortelli, Fernando Marquez, Rick Ravine, Bob Hurley, Steve Glover (President), Bruce Bernard, Lou Latos, Steve Popora. ROW 3: Sev Gonnella, Jim Jarazo, Bill Lebling, Vince Fioramonti, Andy Golon, Joe DeRose, John Stempak, AI Filips, John Ferrero, Gerry Chadwick, Tim O'Toole, Tom Ross. ROW 4: Joe Tauber, John McGregor, Paul Ertl, Adam Cieslik, Carl Woronowicz, Gary Codeluppi, John Smith, Dave Zawaski, Rick Pleva, John Duska.

lambda chi alpha Purpose: To provide guidance and assistance to brothers as well as to serve as a social organization . ROW 1: Linda Henseman, Chuck Javorsky, Mary Mulligan, Mark Fagan, Tom Volpe. ROW 2: John Fox, Mark Horvath, Mac McNamara, Joe Ruffalo, Chris Lang, Joe Mastandrea, John Nahm. ROW 3: Joe Valente, J. T. Ferrise, Russ Brown, Mike Licata . ROW 4: AI Dybeck, Mike Trogus, Greg Miller, Fred Benway, Eileen Szeremet, Lynn Tomari, Mike Reeves, Greg Hammer. Not pictured: Serge Chou net (President), Scott Pagliughi, Terry LaFrankie, Gary Chapman, Ted Eckhart, Jon Quatman, Tim Hammer, Richard Houle, AI Lopez, Ray Rutkowski, Paul Maurer, Rosemary Pilat, Kathy Calvey, Barb Faisst, Debi Clune, Sue Priem, Cyndy Wasiloff, Lynn Donell.


lambda lambda lambda Purpose: To attain social, scholastic, cultural and civic goals for both the sisters and U.D. ROW 1: Mary Lou Arnold, Cheryl Walker, Gina Moranz, Gretchan Johnson, Michele Crawford, Toni Guisti, Cathi Giovengo, Colleen Brennan, Patti DiSalvio, Margot Moran. ROW 2: Gail Pyne, Marilyn Klass, Beth Davis, Pegi Byers, Kay deShetler, Dawn O'Malley. ROW 3: Jill Meyer, Pat Bradley, Nancy Waldron, Julie Claus, Katie McDonnelll, Jeannie Luceno, Jan Goldschmidt, Suzanne Jocobs, Susie Fitzsimmons, Barb Radtke, Mary Fran Hennigan, Marcia Kanally.

lambda alpha epsilon Purpose: To make members more acutely aware of the responsibilities of their legal professions. ROW 1: Terry Moloney, Ken Christopher, Mary Brooks (President), Chuck Caron. ROW 2: Lisa Moore, Jack Rice, John Fitzgerald, Br路ian ForschRhonda ner, Denise Cunningham. ROW 3: Steinberg, Paul Keller.

delta gamma omega Purpose: To promote social, athletic and academic activities among our brothers. ROW 1: Bill Shoulin, Jeff Buyle, Jeff McClellan, Oscy Petrusyk, Larry Scott, Jim Welch, Tom Maceeko, Frank Pacetta, Bob Zaita, Chris Marchesello. ROW 2: Kevin McKee, Bob Wood, Don !lamperti, Les Snyder, Rich Novak, Jim Leotta, Louie Chelekis, Turf Astonta, Mike Scanlon, Paul Sheridan, Rick Maxwell, Ed Munster, Joe DiSimone. Not pictured: Don l oyce, Bob Eagle, Ratso Chirillo, Jim Phillips, Bob Simon, Joe Balochko, Brain Betelak, Robert Miller, Tom Zins, Jay Kubiak, Chuck P. Warburton, Jan Carpenter, Steve Wilder, Paul Henrici, Steve Pizzio.

phi kappa mu Purpose: To become united brothers striving to obtain development of the complete individual through brotherhood, scholarship and leadership. ROW 1: Rick Tomon, Leo Palaibis, Rick Szeghy, Bob Bonosky (President). ROW 2: Greg Donovan, Rick Black, Mike Grubenhoff, John Huber, Chuck Debevec, Tom Mallon, Mark Powers, Dave Lewis. ROW 1: Mike Levender, Craig Russo, Walt Harrilchak, Rick Pfleger, Tom Hickey, Butch Coyne. ROW 4: Greg Cullen, Eddie Larkin, Bill Bitterman, Bob Kuzmick, Tom Flynn, Gary O'Keefe, Fred McGarry.

'phi mu alpha Purpose: To instill an awareness of music's important role in the enrichment of human spirit. ROW 1: Mike Trego, Jim Yeazell (President), Steve Gilmore, Brian Meyer ROW 2: Tom Wallman, Hal Melra, Bob Kastner, Rich Irwin.


omega sorority Purpose: To foster ideals of friendship, action and unity among our sisters. ROW 1: Linda Neal, Claire McGrath, Kathy Sannuzzi. ROW 2: Rudi Prieto, Denise Venard, Lynn Steber, Martha Schwendeman, Becky Samples, Lindsey Kober. ROW 3: Nancy Parisen, Diane Bansbach, Debbie Urabel, Ms. Daisy (Dog), Pat Harrington, Elyse Dietz.

rho rho rho Purpose: To promote religious, academic, social and athletic achievement within the U. D. community. ROW 1: George Hanley, Kevin Nolan, Rick Morgan, Pete McCormick, Jeff Dormish, Robert Barclay, Mark Thrun, Steve Meyer, Dave Yaeger, Rich Pearce, Tom Corcoran. ROW 2: Charles lewis, Jeff Kennedy, Paul Delatorre, Dave Pollock, Keith Morrow, Kenny Van Sciver, Ed Schmitt, Joe liberta . ROW 3: Dave Mikionis, Jim Witter, Kenny Pouliot, Hank Naipauer, Billy Powers, Peter Barrett, Bob Keeler, Mike Garoner, Chuck Osowski, Brian McCartney, Tim Thall, Billy Fuchs, Tom Rambasex, Ricky Hanson, Jim Minnick, Scott Stimmer, Frank McCallion.

pi sigma alpha Purpose: To promote worthwhile activities for the Political Science students and faculty. ROW 1: Tom Guilbert, David Wise, Brian Gerber, John Pax, Mary Welsh . ROW 2: Dave Heier, Don Kovich, Bob Breuning, Steve Boff, Barbara Magner, Adesina lade Ie, Kathy Ryan, linda Ruschan, Kathleen Maughan .

pi mu epsilon Purpose: To promote scholarship and in terest in Mathematics. ROW 1: Jim Nicholas, Carol Arbaczewski, Jim Cutter, larry Woerner, Pete Hovey (Director), Paul Grygier, Tim Wilp, Bradd Plohr, Rick Grote, Janet Ruschav, Judy Deis. ROW 2: Ed Mykykta, larry Johnson, Mike Hripko, Toni Merz, Joe Severs, Brian Bimonte, Michele Ehrler.



"1 ~


- -- '.-


Rev. Raymond A. Roesch President


vice presidents Bro. Joseph Stander Academic Affairs (Acting)

Rev . Charles Lees Administration and Planning

Bro. Joseph Mervar Services

sometimes lost in the confines of st. mary's, the administration (and their secretaries) are the clutch in the transmission of ud. in addition to all the big probl'ems that accompany running the university, they even tend to the rose gardens. stop and consult them sometime when your begonia is gomg.

Ms. Margaret Holland Student Development

Mr. Gerald VonderBrink Financial Affairs

Mr. Thomas Frericks University Relations


the deans arts and • sCiences

Dr. Rocco M . Donatelli Assoc. Dean for Humanities Richard E. Peterson Assistant Dean Ann Franklin Assistant Dean Bro. Leonard A. Mann , S.M . Dean

Dr. Jay D. Pinson Assoc. Dean for Research ana Graduate Studies

engineering Dr. David C. Kraft Dean


James L. McGraw Assoc. Dean, Director of Engineering Technology


Dr. Ellis A. Joseph Dean Joseph E. White Assistant Dean



student personnel services Thomas W . Anderson Administrative Assistant to Dean of Students

business administration William J. Hoben Dean

Clyde R. wisch Assoc. Dean of Students: Services

Theodore Kohan Assistant Dean of Students for Residence Life Mary S. Thomas Assistant Dean of Students: Discipline and Judiciaries

Rev. Francis Kenney, S.M Assoc. Dean of Students: Student Life

Walter L. Wilson Assistant Dean


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Richard Abraham Syracuse, New York Computer Science

Marilyn Ackerman Paurinburg, N.C. Psychology

James Ackley Greenville, Ohio Bus. Management

Homayoon Afghahi Tehran-Iran Business

James Aldstadt Dayton, Ohio Pre-Medical

Patricia Aleck Homewood, Illinois Communication Arts

Sharon Allen Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Richard Anderson Avalon, New Jersey Marketing

Louisa Adams Hollis, New York Accounting

Cathy Adkins New Lebanon, Ohio Elementary Education

Colon Alfaro Panama, Panama Electrical Eng. Tech.

Wade Allen Xenia, Ohio Electrical Eng.

David Allick Grand Island, N.Y. Pre-Dental

Ralph Alparone Rochester, N.Y. Marketing

Roger Anderson Ridgewood, New Jersey Marketing

Pamela Andrews Hasbrouck Hts .. N.J. Bus. Management

Leokadia Andrzejewski Garfield, New Jersey Fine Arts

Hussam AI-Khatib Dayton, Ohio Engineering

Oscar Alvarez Madrid, Spain Undeclared

Michele Anguilano Parma, Ohio Psychology



Bill Annelli New Providence, N.J. Social Work

Daniel Anysz Erie, Pennsylvania Sociology

Carol Arbaczewski Cleveland, Ohio Math

Bruce Armstrong Dayton, Ohio Electrical Eng. Tech.

路i.' 路 ,..


Joseph Avallone Oakhurst, New Jersey Social Work


John Avi Yatesboro, Pa. Psychology

ACCOUNTING: SEATED (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT): Edward W. Rodgers, Betty J. Coffey, Willard C. Clark, Jr. - Chairman, Robert G. Sanford, Andrew A. Fioriti. STANDING: Jack M . Fornwalt, John E. Ellis, Jr., Raymond F. Heidtke, John P. Keyes, Marion J. Eley.

Alan Azar Beleville, Illinois Pre-Medicine


Barbara Bachor Westwood, N.J. Elementary Education

Kate Baker Cincinnati, Ohio Social Work

Barbara Bakies Carey, Ohio Elementary Education

Joseph Balochko Braddock, Pa. Communication Arts

Richard Baloga Middleburg Hts., Ohio Accounting

Margaret Balzer Gaithersburg, Maryland Biology

Mary Banasiak Camden, N .J. Elementary Education

Diane Bansbach St. Louis, Mo. Mathematics

Maureen Barbetto Egg Harbor, N.J. Biology

Bruce Barna Highland Hts., Ohio Industrial Eng.

Mary Bashe Springfield, Ohio History

Renai Basta Garfield Hts., Ohio Communication Arts

John Barnas Garfield N.J. Mathematics


Mary Jo Barry Syracuse, N. Y. Social Work

Mary Katherine Bartley Deer Park, N.Y. Medical Technology

Ronald Bauer Pittsburg, Pa. Electrical Eng.

Deborah Baun Grosse Pte. Michigan American Studies

Anne Beare Celina, Ohio Social Work

Grant Beauchamp Louisville, Ky. Social Work

Carolyn Beauregard Kettering, Ohio History

Timothy Bednar Pepperpike, Ohio Bus. Management

Jayme Bednarczk Flossmoor, Illinois General Studies

Bonnie Beikirch Henrietta, N. Y. Physical Education

Jeff Bertke Bellewe, Kentucky Marketing

Peter Biance North Woodmere, N.Y. Chemistry

Thomas Beck Fairport, New York Economics

Donald Beckman Delphos, Ohio Accounting

Douglas Benbow Dayton, Ohio Theology

Joseph Benga Old Bridge, N.J. Chemistry

Edward Bentley Somerville, N.Y. Accounting

Mary Birmingham Shadyside, Ohio Health Education

William Blake Rumson, New Jersey Spanish

Robert Bleck Maspeth, N ew York Elee. Engr. Tech.

Karen Bogest Rhinelander, Wise. Chemistry

Lawrence Bommarito Kirkwood, Missouri Math / Music

Donald Boccardi Monroeville, Pa . Computer Science

Eric Bloom Brunswick, Ohio Business Management

Kathleen Bongiovi Massapequa Pk. N.Y. Psychology

Robert Bonosky Bridgeville, Pa. Business Management


Deborah Booher Vandalia, Ohio Biology

David Bourke Springfield, Ohio Economics

Geoffrey Boyle Paramus, New Jersey Political Science

James Brady Hasbrouck Hts., N.J. Psychology

Bru ce Brask ich Oak Lawn, III. Electrical Eng.

Jack Broering Stein , Ohio Chemical Eng.

Barbara Bremen Dayton, Ohio Pre-Medicine

Kevin Brennan Central Islip, N .Y. Social Work

Catherine Brill Middletown , Ohio Chemistry

Joanne Broderick Bronxville, N. Y. Art Education

Mary Ann Brooks Little Rock, Ark. Criminal Justice

Timothy Brophy Danville, Ca. Accounting

John Brown Brig, New Jerse) Psychology

Marie Brown Wheaton, Illinois Medical Technology

Rose Brown Miamisburg, Ohio Elementary Education

Justine Brown Massapequa, N.Y. Anthropology

Mary Ellen Brucato Mansfield, Ohio Biology


BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): Richard L. Miller, Charles H . Scheidler, Arthur L. Holt - Chairman, Lester T. Fuszara . STANDING: George Gillespie, Bill Danford - Grad . Assist., Mike Scacco Grad . Assist., Anthony L. Casey, Edward L. Marrinan. ABSENT : Robert N. Berger, John W. Darr, Martin O . Holland, Stephen R. Quinn, Stanley J. Stough.

Daniel Brunt Melville, N.Y. Health Education

Laurie Bruschi Princeton , N.J. Elementary Education

Julia Bryant Dayton, Ohio Marketing

James Buccini Brecksville, Ohio Social Work

Robert Buckel Dearborn, Michigan History/ Psychology

Barbara Buerschen Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Joan Buffington Cincinnati, Ohio Home Economics

LaRon Burbridge Cincinnati, Ohio Accounting

James Butts Cleveland, Ohio Economics

Susan Byrd Glendale, Ohio Secretarial Studies

Mary Ellen Byrne Rocky River, Ohio Fine Arts

James Cahill Webster, New York Secondary Education

Carol Calabrese Euclid, Ohio Secondary Education

Carolyn Campbell Xenia, Ohio Physical Education

Arnold Campo Syracuse, N.Y. Biology

Thomas Cancian Cleveland, Ohio Political Science

Stephen Cangemi Muttontown, N.Y. Economics

Paul Carnevali White Plains, N.Y . History

Mark Carney Erie, Pennsylvania Accounting

Charles Caron Glen Ellyn, N.Y. Criminal Justice

Betsy Carroll Wheaton, Illinois Psychology

Kevin Carroll Florence, Ky. Communication Arts

Michael Carroll Newtownscy, Pa. Philosophy

Jerome Carrozzino Hadden Heights, N .J. Accounting

Jim Casella New Cannan , Conn. Mech. Engr. Tech.


Eileen Casey Washington, D.C. English

Robin Catri Carteret, N.J. Psychology

Louis Chelekis Franklin, Pa. Communication Arts

Carolyn Claus Pittsford, N. Y. Social Work

Christine Cloke Lebanon, Ohio English


Johnson Chen Dayton, Ohio Mechanical Eng.

James Clark Pittsburgh, Pa. Civil Engineering

Henry Cobo Dayton, Ohio Biology

Mary Christensen Rocky River, Ohio Elementary Education

Julia Claus Pittsford, N. Y. English

Elaine Coffey Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Paul Cashnelli Wood-Ridge, N.J. Marketing

Patrick Charbonneau Merriville, Indiana Mechanical Eng.

Paul Christy Tonawanda, N.Y. Economics

Linda Cisternino Franklin Square, N.Y. Communication Arts

Samuel Clemens SI. Louis, Mo. Fine Arts

Patrick Clifford Pittsburgh, Pa. Marketing

Hans Coffey Dayton, Ohio Computer Science

Thomas Coffey Elmwood, Conn. Mechanical Eng.

Sandra Collier Chillicothe, Ohio Psychology

Thomas Collins Livingston, N.J. Computer Science

Mary Ann Collopy Paramus, N.J. Psychology

Deborah Connor Dayton, Ohio Criminal Justice

Barry Connors Saddle River, N.J. Biology

Helen Corless Bergen, New Jersey Fine Arts

Michele Crawford Wayne, New Jersey Elementary Education

Mary Cummings Peoria, Illinois Art Education

Jim Cutter Dayton, Ohio Mathematics

Lydia Dan Silver Springs, Md. Art Education

Robert Darling McKeesport, Pa. Accounting

Paula Daugherty Dayton, Ohio Medical Technology

Mary Cummins Solon, Ohio Secondary Education

Jacqueline Colton Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Salvatore Compagnone Pittsburgh, Pa. Management

Stephen Cowdery Mansfield, Ohio Physics

Thomas Cox Westwood, N.J. English

John Cunin Cleveland Hts. Ohio Economics

Helen Cury Plainfield, N.J. Social Work

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY: Carol M. Shaw, G. William Lawless - Chairman.


Robert Davidson Rochester, N.Y. Political Science

CHEMISTRY: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Howard C. Knachel, Jr., Bro. John J. Lucier - Chairman, Carll. Michaelis. STANDING: Dale Clifford - Admin . Assist., Albert V. Fratini, Sanford S. Singer, Sylvester Eveslage, Robert Keil, Bro. Cletus Chudd, Bernard L. Fox.

Mike Davis Centerville, Ohio Chemistry

Curtis Daye Dayton, Ohio Fine Arts

Mary Dayton Pleasantville, N.J. Sociology

Robert Defendis Rochester, N. Y. Economics

Dominic DeFilippo Kendall Park, N.J . Accounting

Clark DeGroff Salem, N .J. Accounting

Teresa Deibert Atlantic City, N.J. Physical Education

Mary DelBene Weirton, W .Va. Medical Technology

Edward Delker South Bend, Ind. Economics

Marcia Dempsey Pittsburgh, Pa. Home Economics

Joseph DePreta Stamford, Conn . Communication Arts

Pamela DeRiso Huntington, N.Y. Biology

Susan DeRuyter Carnegie, Pa. Social Work

Margaret DeMarino Waterbury, Conn. Communication Arts

Kay DeShetler Westlake, Ohio Elementary Education


Barbara Drishoff Huntington, N.Y. Communication Arts

Maureen DeSmedt Wheaton, III. Home Economics

James Donegan Syracuse, N.Y. Chemistry

Denise DiPonio Birmingham, Mich. Home Economics

Cathleen Donohue St. James, N.Y. Physical Education

Patricia Discenza Independence, Ohio Public Relations

John Dobrovocky Rossford, Ohio Marketing

Mary Dombrowski Independence, Ohio Computer Science

Kevin Donohue Rockaway Pk ., N.Y. Accounting

Jeffrey Dormish Brunswick, Ohio Chemistry

Richard Dorwart York, Pa. Management


Peggy Dougherty Chicago, III. Elementary Education

Patricia Douglas Brigantine, N.J . Physical Education

John Downton Lima, Ohio Social Work

路<evin Doyle Brooklyn, N.Y. Criminal Justice

Dianne Duerscheidt Metuchen, N.J. Psychology

Mary Duffey Williamsville, N.Y. Home Economics

lohn Dulka Warren Hts., Ohio Accounting

John Dullard Morton Grove, III. Accounting

Martha Dunsky Dayton, Ohio English

John Durbin MI. Vernon, Ohio Communication Arts

Douglas Durko Bellbrook, Ohio Political Science

James Dury Columbus, Ohio Secondary Education

Richard Eckstein Old Bridge, N.J. Physical Education

Gregorv Edgington Fairborn , Ohio Electrical Eng.

Thomas Droughton Olmstead Falls, Oh . Political Science


Brent Edwards Norristown, Pa. History

Colleen Egan Oradell, N.J. Communication Arts

Michele Ehrler Dayton, Ohio Physics

Frank Eich Northbrook, III. Engineering Tech .

Wilfred Ellis Washington, D.C. Biology

John Engelhardt Syracuse, N.Y. General Studies

Rogelio Earotaberea Philadelphia, Pa. Pre-Medicine

Joseph Euse Parma, Ohio Electrical Eng.


Robert Egan Oradell, N.J. Spanish


Peter Eiger Eastlake, Ohio History

Mark Engelhardt Syracuse, N.Y. Social Work

Maria Egolf Veadon, Pa. Elementary Education

Donna Ehrbar Lyndhurst, Ohio Music

Joan Ekiert Hempstead, N.Y. SOCiology

Allen Elijah Detroit, Michigan Management

June Ericson Marblehead, Mass. Fine Arts

Patricia Erickson McKeesport, Pa. Economics

Paul Ertel Cleveland, Ohio Management

James Fahey Dayton, Ohio Accounting

CIVIL ENGINEERING : SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Seymour J. Ryckman - Chairman, Robert A. Thomson . STANDING: Elmer H . Payne, George B. Shaw, Roger F. Weiss, Norman S. Phillips.

Gary Faile Kettering, Ohio Political Science

William Fajardo Glen Rock, N.J. Chemical Eng.

Kathryn Fairlie Avon lake, Ohio Chemistry

Marita Faletti Tenafly, N.J . Fine Arts

Joseph Farrell N. Babylon, N.Y. Management

Patricia Farrell Silver Springs, Md. Social Work

D.J. Favale Holbrook, N.Y. Elementary Education

Allan Fi'lips Parma, Ohio Management

James Fink Garfield Hts., Ohio Mathematics

Donna Fisher Westwood, N.J. General Studies

Paul Fickinger Puoli, Pa . Marketing

Dennis Fearn Manhasset, N .Y. Management

Thomas Falloretta Baden, Pa. Public Relations

Janice Ferri Aliquippa, Pa Elementary Education

Joseph Fisher lima, Ohio Marketing

Teresa Fisher Warren, Ohio Mathematics

leslie Fitting Erie, Pa. Secretarial Studies

Brian Fitzgerald Pittsburgh, Pa. Management

Jeanne Fitzgerald Bergenfield, N.J. Physical Education

Susan Fitzsimmons Middle Grove, N.Y. Heme Economics

Karen Flaherty Franklin Sq., N.Y . Elementary Education

Richard Fletcher Norwood, Ohio Pre路 Medicine

Joseph Florian Cleveland, Ohio Computer Science

Rosemary foley Stamford, Conn. Elementary Education

George Fuller Warren, Ohio Economics


Karen Foltz Mansfield, Ohio Psychology

ECONOMICS: FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Ralph R. Frasca, Rev. Msgr. Paul Louis, George E. Matlin. BACK ROW: Duane Oyen, John E. Rapp - Chairman, Bernard J. Winger, Russel R. Raney. ABSENT: John E. Weiler.

Josephine Fowler Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

ChrIStine Frank Dayton, Ohio Theater

Albert Franzolino Dayton, Ohio Criminal Justice

Michelle Ford Dayton, Ohio General Studies

Ida Ford Dayton, Ohio Sociology

Vickie Foster Miamisburg, Ohio English

Sandra Freeland Dayton, Ohio Marketing

Colleen Friend Cleveland, Ohio Criminal Justice

I Noreen Friend Dayton, Ohio Communication Arts

Arthur Friesz Newark, Ohio Mechanical Eng.

Robert Froehlich Dayton, Ohio Fine Arts

Eric Fucci Dayton, Ohio Psychology

John Fullam Norwalk, Conn. Communication Arts

Steven Funkhouser Kettering, Ohio Criminal Justice

Theodore Gaeta Kettering, Ohio Management

Anne Galbally Dayton, Ohio Accounting

George Gallagher Pittsbu rgh, Pa. Communication Arts

J1ames Gallagher Pittsburgh, Pa. Economics


Mary Gallagher Margate, N.J. Sociology

Mel Garafolo Wantach, N.Y. American Studies

Donald Gentile Bucktown, N .J. Communication Arts

Michael Gallagher Reynoldsburg, Ohio Accounting

Rory Gallagher Cliffside Pk., N.J. English

Janet Gallece Oradell, N.J . Elementary Education

Denise Galvin East Islip, N .Y. Elementary Education

Charles Gates Cincinnati, Ohio English

Mark Gaughan Cherry Hill, N.J. Marketing

William Gauntner Parma, Ohio Elect. Engr. Tech.

Peggy Geib Fairview Pk., Ohio Business Education

James George Hasbrouck Hts., N.J. General Studies

Brian Gerber Kettering, Ohio Political Science

Kathleen Gerety Somers Pt., N.J. Elementary Education

James Gerker St. Louis, Mo. English

Patricia Geyer Islip, N.Y. Elementary Education

Nicholas Giangiulio Havertown, Pa. Communication Arts

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING : SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Karl J. Strnat, Adrian J. Morgan, Donald Louis, Bro. Chairman . STANDING : Anthony Evers.

Ra~' mond Fitz, Bernard M. Schmidt -

Susan Gilmore Atlantic City, N.J. Communication Arts

Amy Giordano Kettering, Ohio Social Work

MaryGnandt Rocky River, Ohio Social Work

Margaret Goertemiller Fairfield, Ohio Management

Teresa Goode Newfield, N.Y. Biology

Jean Goodridge Buffalo, N.Y . Elementary Education

Dean Giolitto Tallmadge, Ohio Pre-Medicine

Janet Goldschmidt Havertown, Pa. Elementary Education

James Graham Belleville, Illinois Political Science

Anne Gleisinger Centerville, Ohio Communication Arts

Dennis Glennon Creve Coeur, Mo. Economics

Nancy Golubic Pittsburgh, Pi!. Biology

Michael Gonzalez Santurce, Puerto Rico Management

Joseph Greco Buffalo, N.Y . English

William Green Jamestown, Ohio Physical Education

Gary Greenfield Washington, D .C. Political Science


ENGLISH : SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): Patricia B. Labadie, Robert B. O'Donnell, Bud T. Cochran, Harry J. Rougier, Bernard J. Bedard - Chairman. STANDING: R. Alan Kimbrough, Peter L. Arons, Francis J. Henninger, Michael H. Means, Joseph Patrouch, Jr., Eleanore K. Stockum, Rev. Bernard L. Horst, Suzanne D. Palumbo, Alex J. Cameron, James P. Farrelly. ABSENT : James W. Geibel, F. Anthony Macklin, Kitayun Marre, Louis A. Marre, Herbert Martin, Lorraine M . Murphy, Joseph R. Pici, Lawrence A. Ruff, Eugene R. August, Rev. Adrian McCarthy, Bro. Norbert Sturm.

Henry Gross Dayton, Ohio Political Science

Paul Grygier Marion , Ohio Electrical Eng.

Martin Grzechowiak Cherry Hill, N.J. Accounting

David Guarnieri Warren , Ohio Accounting

Robert Guizzo Crown Pt., Ind . Biology

leo Haas St. louis, Mo. Mat h/Economics

Thomas Guilbert Harrington Pk ., N.]. Political Science

Antionette Guisti Cliffwood, N.J. Home Economics

John Hacker Potomac, Md. Economics

Richard Hafele West Islip, N.Y. Economics

Tiffy Hamlin Akron, Ohio Public Relations

Dick Hammersmith Cincinnati, Ohio Communication Arts

Michael J. Hajdin Bridgeport, Ohio Chemical Eng.

Nancy Halaparda Youngstown, Ohio Medical Technology

Christine Hamm Dayton , Ohio Business Education

lynne Hammaker Kettering, Ohio Home Economics

Beth Hannan Cleveland, Ohio Psychology

Jean Hanold lima, Ohio Elementary Ed.

Rick Hanson Oradell, N.J. Fine Arts

Catherine Hanzl Cleveland, Ohio Management

Yvonne Harris Amityville, N.Y. Sociology

Bruce Hartman Pittsburgh, Pa. Communication Arts

Michael Hawkins Kettering, Ohio Marketing

Kathleen Hayes Floosmoor, III. Elementary Education

Geoffrey Hearsum Dayton, Ohio Management

louis Heeb louisville, Ky. Electrical Eng.


FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION : (LEFT TO RIGHT) Sr. Loretta Petit, John O. Geiger, Mary A. Grob - Chairman, William M. Gray, John F. Britt.

Timothy Heher Stamford, Conn. Business Management

Margaret Heinen Lima, Ohio Elementary Education

Barbara Heinle W. Birmingham, Mich. Social Work

Robert Hengenius S. Euclid, Ohio Computer Science

Paul Henrici Allendale, N.J. Political Science

Paula Herbst Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Daniel Herling Philadelphia, Pa. Accounting

Kitsy Herrmann Cincinnati, Ohio Fine Arts

Debra Hickey Newfoundland, Canada Social Work

Susan Hile Pittsburgh, Pa. Home Economics

Margaret Hill Dayton, Ohio Computer Science

Leila Hinckley Narberth, Pa. Home Economics

Ann Hinker Dayton, Ohio Elementary Ed .

Mike Hirsh Cincinnati, Ohio Engineering Tech .

Kathe Hocevar Cleveland, Ohio Health Education

Lawrence Hodson Cleveland, Ohio Business Management

Susan Hixon Englewood, Ohio Fine Arts


Lee Hobbins Cleveland, Ohio Computer Science

Janice Hoffman Massillon, Ohio Social Work

Barbara Hogan Winnetka, Illinois Psychology

Jan Holt Spring Valley, N. Y. Elementary Education

Daniel Hornbach Cincinnati, Ohio Biology

Pete Hovey Dayton, Ohio Mathematics

Thomas Hovey Dayton, Ohio Marketing

John Huber Toms River, N.J . Political Science

Linda Hughes Tean,eck, New Jersey Psychology

Robert Hughes Mahwah, New Jerse' Political Science

Kathleen Hurley Chicago, Illinois Spanish

Priscilla Hurt Pittsburgh, Pa. Elementary Education

Susan Husson York, Pennsylvania Computer Science

David lanucci Commack, New York History

Peter larussi Sommerville, N.J. Economics

Deborah loli Bethel Park, Pa. Public Relations

Joan Jamieson Chicago, IIlinojs English

William Jamison Little Silver, N.J. Criminal Justice

Caroline Janda Western Sprin!!~. II. Accounting

Janice Janendo River Edge, N.J. Communication Arts

Susanne Janky Chicago, Illinois, Communication Arts

Greg Jasen Pittsburgh, Pa. Biology

Stephen Johanson Massapequa, N. Y. Civil Engineering

Gretchen Johnson Erie, Pennsylvania Political Science

Peter Jerman Darien, Connecticut Mechanical Eng.

Ann Jettinghoff Plymouth, Michigan Home Economics

Walter Johnson Maywood, New Jersey Business Management


John Johnston lynbrook, New York Journalism

Patricia Jonasse Rochester, New York Elementary Education

Robert Jones Monmouth Beach, N.J. Communication Arts

Stephen Jones Emerson, New Jersey Biology

Donald Joyce lhaynin Falls, Ohio Marketing

Thomas Kachelriess Union, New Jersey Marketing

Kathleen Kaczmarek Cheektowaga, N.Y Social Work

Janice Kadzielawski Chicago, Illinois Psychology

Victoria Kain Crofton, Maryland Home Economics

Mary Anne Kane Bay Village, Ohio Communication Arts

Imre Kasza Bayonne, New Jersey Psychology

Mary Kaufmann Huntington Station, N.Y. Elementary Education

Brian Kelly Massapequa, N.Y. Communication Arts

Brian E. Kelly Pittsburgh, Pa. Political Science

Timothy Kelly Glen Ellyn, II. Marketing


Robin Kemp Dayton, Ohio Theology

Albrecht Kavtschitsch Day tor" Ohio Pre-Medicine

Edward Kazar New Providence, N.J. Business Management

GEOLOGY: (LEFT TO RIGHT) George H . Springer Kathryn H . Gray.

Paul Keller Wardwick, New Jersey Criminal Justice

Chairman, Charles J. Ritter,




Richard Kender Euclid, Ohio Electrical Eng.

Carol Kennedy Scotch Plains, N.J. Elementary Education

Jeffrey Ken nedy Mars, Pennsylvania History

Christopher Kerner Dayton, Ohio History

Kathleen Kiefer Dayton, Ohio English/Philosophy

Erin Kilbane Bethesda, Maryland Elementary Education

Michael Kilroy Chagrin Falls, Ohio Electrical Eng.

Janice King Dayton, Ohio Mathematics

Thomas Kinsky Rochester, N.Y. Business Management

Nancy Kirby S. Euclid, Ohio Computer Science

Vincent Kirby Massapequa, N.Y. Marketing

Kevin Kirk Penfield, New York Chemical Engineering

Kathleen Kleshinski Mansfield, Ohio Business Education

Susan Kling N. Canton, Ohio General Studies

Michael Klingman Lyndhurst, Ohio Communication Arts

George Kloos Dayton, Ohio Electronic Eng. Tech.

Richard Klosterman Mentor, Ohio Electrical Eng.

HISTORY: FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Raymond Maras, Bro. George J. Ruppel, Alice G. Vines, Frank F. Mathias, Leroy V. Eid - Chairman. 2nd ROW: Bruce M. Taylor, Betty A. Perkins, Edwin R. King, Warren A. Ridgway. 3rd ROW: Roberta Alexander, Alfred J. Bannan, Tong-Chin Rhee, Erving E. Beauregard, Patrick Palermo. ABSENT: Gad Soffer.


Jean Koch Oregon , Ohio Elementary Education

Patricia Koerner Bedford, Ohio Fine Arts

Don Kovich Springdale, Pa. Political Science

John Kozak Cleveland, Ohio Political Science

Janet Kraus Erie, Pennsylvania Communication Arts

Christopher Kreger Cincinnati, Ohio Bus. Mgt.!Accounting

Nancy Koester Cranford , N .J. Theater

Bob Kohorst Cincinnati, Ohio Accounting

Barbara Komajda Niles, Illinois Psychology

Gary Kozich Euclid, Ohio Criminal Justice

Barbara Krakehl Great River, N .Y. Marketing

Rebecca Kramer Ft. Thomas, Kentucky Home Economics

Eileen Kretz Amityville, N.Y. Home Economics

Jeanine Kretz Amityville, N.Y. Secretarial Studies

Caryle Kriegbaum Kettering, Ohio Elementary Education

Janice Kroger Dayton, Ohio Business Education

HOME ECONOMICS: FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Julie Palmert, Maureen Britt, Betty Schroeder, Jo Ann Lefler . BACK ROW : Bella Freeman , Pat Stanley, Ethel Downey, Pauline Metzger.


Maggie Krouse Mansfield, Ohio Elementary Education

Deborah Kubovcik Washington, Pa. Psychology

Charles Kuenzig Pittsburg, Pa. Business Management

Patricia Laches Seaford, New York Social Work

Kenneth Ladish New Kensington , Pa . Physical Education

Missy Laign McMurray, Pa. Elementary Ed ucation

Donald Lamperti Plainfield, N.J. Communication Arts

Patte Lange Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

Timothy Langley Dayton, Ohio Theology/ Ph i losophy

Emil Krueger St. Louis, Missouri Math/Economics

Stan ley Krutsick Phillipsburg, N.J. Electrical Eng.

John J. Kubiak Pittsburgh, Pa. Business Management

Fred Kuglin Overland Pk ., Kansas Economics

Margaret Kurtz Absecon , New Jersey Communication Arts

Patrick Lamb Cleveland Hts., Ohio Communication Arts

Sandra Lamb Fairfield, Ohio Elementary Education

John Larison . Brookhaven, Pa . Economics

Steve Larson Dayton, Ohio Computer Science

Richard Leavy Huntington, N.Y. Business Management

Kathleen Leddy Dix Hills, New York Communication Arts

Louis Latos Bedford, Ohio Accounting

Sue Laughlin Gahanna, Ohio English

Douglas Lee San Francisco, Ca. Economics

Debbie Leffler Columbus, Ohio Health Education

Regina Lawless Dayton, Ohio Pre-Medicine

Vickie Lenzo Marion , Ohio General Studies


Patricia Leugers 51. Marys, Ohio Social Work

James Leotta 5.1., New York Physical Education

Gaspar Lesznik Scarsdale, New York Civil Engineering

Alfred Lettieri Old Tappan, N.J . Electrical Eng.

Bruce Lichorowic Vernon, New York Biology

Thomas Lieser Rocky River, Ohio Electrical En g.

Jan Lindberg Dayton, Ohio Physical Education

Jon R. Lindberg Dayton, Ohio Biology

Cynthia Locke S. Charleston , Ohio Fine Arts

Maggi Lockhart Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Crystal Lofink Pittsburgh, Pa . Elementary Education

John Logan Kettering, Ohio Industrial Eng .

Kevin Lomupo Englewood , N.J . Political Science

Stephan Long Philadelphia, Pa. Psychology

John Leone Stamford, Conn. Physical Education

Christine Lowry Leawood, Kan sas Elementary Education

Ssu-Jen Lu Dayton, Ohio Computer, Science

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: (LEFT TO RIGHT) Raymond B. Puckett Fehlmann, Donald V. Staudter.

Chairman, Alfred B.


LANGUAGES: SEATED : Gordon A. Neufang - Chairman. STANDING (LEFT TO RIGHT): James M. Ferrigno, j. Michael Greely, Robert C. Conard, Kathy Hurley - Student Rep., Marisus Costello - Lamas, Edward L. Hatch, Enrique Romaguera, Carlos E. Galeano, Ethel Michaels - Student Rep. ABSENT : Andria Chiodo, Bro . George McKenzie, Rev. Joseph Zeinz.

Jean Luceno White Plains, N.Y. Communication Arts

Martha Luken Columbus, Ohio Physical Education

Frank Lukowski, Jr. Frenchtown , N.J. Electrical Eng.

Alden Luzi N. Wilb., Mass. Political Science

William Lynn Atlantic City, N .J. Sociology

Kirk Lyons Union City, Ohio Psychology

Patricia McAdams Huntington, N .Y. Elementary Education


Gary McAfoose New Kensington, Pa. Biology

Phillip E. McBride Norristown, Pa. Historv

James McCabe Rochester, N.Y. Business Management

Thomas McCann Union, New Jersey Business Management

Casey McCarthy Pulos Hills, II. Business Management

Kathryn McCarthy Cincinnati, Ohio Home Economics

Robert P. McCarthy Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Elizabeth McClain Olmsted Falls, Ohio Psychology

Jeffrey McClellan Webster, New York 'E lectrical Eng.

Katie McDonnell Pittsburgh, Pa. Social Work

Patrick McEntee Glen Rock, N.J. Marketing

Gerald McFadden Drexel Hill. Pa. History

Allan McFarland Uppepjay, New York Industrial Eng . Tech.

Maureen McGinty Columbus, Ohio Elementary Education

Susan McGonigle Long Beach, New York Psychology

Brian McGrath East Orange, N.J. English

MARKETING: FIRST ROW (FRONT TO BACK): Harry C. Murphy - Chairman, Peggy Carter - Secretary, Raymond A. Kline, Lynne Kerbis - Grad . Assist., Alan L. King, Frank Basanesse - Grad. Assist. SECOND ROW: Subhash Jain, Kathy Harmon - Grad. Assist., Pam Schindler - Grad. Assist., Orville L. Comer, Louis M. Capella. 169

MATHEMATICS : FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Bro . H.G. Mushenheim - Chairman, Ralph C. Steinlage, Kenneth C. Schraut. 2nd ROW: John W. McCloskey, Bernard J. Rice, Stanley J. Back . 3rd ROW: Henry B. Potoczny, Thomas E. Gantner, Robert B. Gorton. 4th ROW: Gerald Shaughnessy, John E. Kaufiin, Richard E. Peterson, J. William Friel. ABSENT: Bro. Joseph Stander.

Paul McVey Emerson, New Jersey Social Work

Althea MacDonald Freeport, New York Elementary Education

Thomas Maceiko Cranford, N.J. Marketing

John Mahlmann Dumont, New Jersey Business Management

Don Malcuit Park Ridge, N.J. Business Management

Michael Malone Highland Park, N.J. Biology


Roger McHale New Hyde Park, N.Y. Communication Arts

Sandra McKean Carnegie, Pa. Elementary Education

Mary E. McKenna Birmingham, Michigan Psychology

Gary Mclaughlin Dayton, Ohio Criminal Justice

Joseph Mclaughlin Dayton, Ohio English

John McTamney Rosemont, Pa. Business Management

Robert Mack Lima, Ohio Mechanical Eng.

Barbara Magner Ridgewood, N.J. Political Science

Monica Malone Cincinnati, Ohio Biology

Jack Mar Cleveland, Ohio Physical Education

Edward Mardaga Baltimore, Maryland Communication Arts

Robert Marland Columbus, Ohio Criminal Justice


Chairman , Kurt

C. Rolle. STANDING: Frederick Kretzler, Robert L. Wolff, Robert L. Mott.

Kathleen Martilla Huntington, N.Y. Elementary Education

Michael Martino Maspeth, New York Accounting

Paul Maschmeyer Bryn Mawr, N.Y. Marketing

Elaine Maslanka Rochester, N. Y. Secretarial Studies

Loretta Mathis Atlantic City, N.j . Elementary Edu cation

John Matlak Braddock, Pa. Historv

Patricia Mattern N. Olmsted, Ohio Elementary Education

Larry Mattey Dayton, Ohio Physical Education

james Matuszak Cleveland, Ohio Communication Arts

Richard Maxwell S. Plainfield, N .J. Business Management

Dave Mechler Penfield, New York Chemi cal Engineering

john Meinking Cincinnati, Ohio Statistics

John Mennes Mi ami, Florida Fine Arts

Diane Mentzer Chicago, Illinois Social Work

Steven Mescher Dayton, Ohio Pre-Dentistry


Ethel Michaels Dayton, Ohio French/Spanish

MILITARY SCIENCE : FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): SgtMaj. Robert Bennett, Capt. John P. Basilotto, Maj. James M . Turbok, LlCo!. Billy R. Smith - Chairman. 2nd ROW: Capt. Charles Cassell, Capt. Orin Durham, SSgt. Earnesto Alvarez

Carol Miller Dayton, Ohio Physical Edu cation

Marilyn Miller Eaton, Ohio Physical Science

James Minnick Upper Darby, Pa . Communication Arts

Patti Minton Huntington, N.Y. Home Economics

Donald Moisa Vineland , N.J. Politi cal Science

Lisa Moore LaPorte, Indiana Criminal Justice


Phil Militello Lindenwood, N.J. Mechanical Eng.

Christine Mills Maple Heights, Ohio Elementary Education

Marie Milord Dayton, Ohio Psychology

Richard Miskewicz Clifton, New Jersey Industrial Eng.

Linda Mitchell Cincinnati, Ohio Social Work

Joseph Moffo Princeton, N.J. Business Edu cation

Barbara Moorman Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

David Moorman Dayton, Ohio Mechanical Eng.

Timothy Moran Cleveland, Ohio History

Richard P. Miller Norristown. Pa. Biology

Debra Moresi Chester, Pennsylvania Diatetics

Bill Morris Valhalla, N. Y. Psychology

Susan Mosser Dayton, Ohio English

Matthew C. Moyer Sodus Point, N.Y. Accounting

Patricia Mramor Pittsburgh, Pa. Communication Arts

Deborah Mulcahy San Francisco, Cal. English

Nora Mu.lholland Elmhurst, 1I Iinois Business Management

Sheila Murphey Silver Springs, Md. General Studies

James Murphy Cleveland Hts., Ohio Business Management

PERFORMING AND VISUAL ARTS: FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Joann E. Fiehler, Marilyn I. Sandness, E.J. Vandevander, Betty J. Berk, Constance L. Minton, Charles A. Schultz. 2nd ROW: Veryl L. Zech, William B. Stahl, Louis A. Weber, Bro. Andrew Barrish, Patrick Gilvary - Chairman, Sean D. Wilkinson . 3rd ROW: Bernard Plogman, Maurice R. Reichard. R. Clair Miller, Harrv R. Black, Bro. Gordon Richardson, Rev. Henry Setter. ABSENT: Carol J. Baxter, Richard P. Benedum, Lawrence L. Selka, Lawrence E. Tagg, Mary A. Zahner.


James D. Nave Pittsburgh, Pa. Mathematics

John Necroto Fayetteville, N.Y. Marketing

Denice Nelson Marion, Ohio Physics

James Murray Cleveland, Ohio Accounting

Joyce Mutter Dayton, Ohio Sociology

Michelle Najjar Brooklyn, N.Y. English

Henry Najpaver Jr. Parma, Ohio Computer Science

Dennis Newell Woodridge, Illinois Accounting

James Nicholas Ridley Park, Pa. Chemical Engineering

PHILOSPHY: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): H . James Nersoyan, Richard F. Baker, Raymond M. Herbenick - Chairman, Rev. Edmund Rhodes, S.M., Joseph L. Dieska. STANDING : John G. Thompson, Paul E. Tibbetts, Lawrence P. Ulrich, Xavier O . Monasterio, Rev. Achilles Edelenyi, Gerald G. Wening, William M. Richards. ABSENT : Joseph Kunkle.lohn Quinn, Allen Rinderly.


Edwin Niederberger Pittsburgh, Pa. Economics

Dennis Nolan Cleveland Hts., Ohio Chemistry

Carol Novak Cleveland, Ohio Chemistry

Karen Nowak Mansfield, Ohio Psychology

Alex Nyasuln Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

David Obergefell Marblehead, Ohio Mechanical Eng.

Rene O'Brien Up. Montclair, N.J. Fine Arts

MichaelOburchay Penfield, N.Y. Business Management

Daniel O'Connell Ft. Wayne, Indiana Pre-Medicine


Sarah Jane O'Connell Silver Spring, Md . Math/Spanish


PHYSICAL EDUCATION: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): Patricia J. Jayson, Donald W. Morefield, Doris A. Drees, James B. LaVanche - Chairman . STANDING: Phillip Stanley, Carol J. Siciliano, Elmer R. Wanke, Carole L. Roberts, John R. Schleppi, Mary T. Leonard .

Michael O'Donohue Bronx, New York Biology


Kathryn O'Gorman Kankakee, Illinois Social Work

Betsy O'Grady Columbus, Ohio Health Education

Diana O'Hearn Dayton, Ohio Accounting

Maureen O'Donnell Kettering, Ohio English

Patrick O'Herron Painesville, Ohio lJusiness Management

PHYSICS (LEFT TO RIGHT): Bro. James Hoenigman, Perry P. Yaney, Charles R. Cothern, Joseph J. Kepes Mariano P. Crivello, Thomas P. Graham, Ronald A. Mann. ABSENT: Fredrick Bueche, James R. Schneider.

John O'Keefe Cleveland, Ohio Marketing

Elizabeth O'Neil Akron, Ohio Home Economics

,. ,..,

David Olsen Cranford, N.J. Business Management

Marie O'Neil Akron, Ohio Home Economics

Susan Olsen Bethpage, N.Y. Psychology

Dawn O'Malley Wynnewood, Pa. Marketing

Barbara O'Neill Wayne, Pennsylvania Elementary Education

Frank Pacetta Far Rockaway, N.Y. Political Science

Chairman, Michael J. O'Hare,

Douglas Ondercin Cleveland, Ohio Electronic Eng. Tech .

Mary Lou Pagliarini W. Middlesex, Pa. Communication Arts

...... ..,,'






Mindy Palmer Akron, Ohio Home Economics

Nancy Parisen Wayne, New Jersey Math/Computer Sci .

James Parlett Atlantic City, N.J. Physics

Richard Pascarella Syracuse, New York Accounting

Pamela Patrick Xenia, Ohio Econ¡omics/Chemistry


Susan Pawley Cherry Hill, N.j. Physical Education

John Pax jeffersontown, Ky. Amer. Stds/Pol. Sci.

Nancy Paxton jackson, Michigan Accounting

William Paxton jackson, Michigan Theology

linda Pellatt Madison, Connecticut Elementary Education

Tony Pelletier Glendale Heights, II. Psychology

Patricia Penders Dayton, Ohio Health Education

Robert Penrod Kettering, Ohio Business Management

Luis Perez Miami, Florida Business Management


POLITICAL SCIENCE: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): Antonio E. Lapitan - Chairman, Jozef Patyk, Norman Fogel, Richard Halverson, Brian E. Forschner. STANDING: Gerald E. Kerns, Douglas C. Anderson, Kenneth Howard. ABSENT: James Adamitis, Roger Kienzle, Lyndon Abbott, Andrew l. Case.


Robert Perrone Massapequa, N.Y. Electrical Eng.

Sylvia Perryman Dayton, Ohio Psychology

Michael Peters Xenia,Ohio Electrical Eng.

PSYCHOLOGY: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT): Eliot J. Butter, Donald Polzella, Kristina Ludwigsen, Berthold Berg, Ronald M. Katsuyama. STANDING: John R. Korte, Samuel M . Bower, Richard J. Popp - Chairman, Frank J. DaPolito, Janet Meyers-Abell, James G. Rotton, Charles E. Kimble. ABSENT: Thomas V. Brown, Marsha路B. Jacobson, Kenneth J. Kuntz.

John Petrone Princeton, N.J. History

Diane Petronella Westwood, N.J. Elementary Education

John Petrusyk Jr. Roslyn Heights, N.Y. Physical Education

Thomas Pettersen Massapequa, N.Y. Political Science

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\\::1, _ /I :; -

Richard Petti Bound Brook, N.J. History

Anthony Phillips Brigantine, N.J. Physical Education

Deborah Phillips Brigantine, N.J. English

Angela Po'hl Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

William Polito Rochester, N. Y. Accounting

Fred Pollutro Painesville, Ohio Communication Arts

Lynde lie Phillips Seattle, Washington Sociology

Russell Poquette Englewood, Ohio Mechanical Eng. Tech.

Stephen Pizzio Mine Hill, N.J. Physical Education

Janetta Porter Dayton, Ohio Social Work


Patrick Porubcansky Canton, Ohio Computer Science

Kenneth Pouliot Oradell, New Jersey Business Management

Mary Ann Power Falls Church, Va. English

William Powers River Edge, N.J. Business Management

Martin Puin Lyndhurst, Ohio Communication Arts

Bobbie Purdy Canton, Ohio Physical Education

Ewan Pu rkiss Montclair, N.J. Political Science

Ronald S. Puskar Pittsburgh , Pa . Communication Arts


Richard Proday Washington , D.C. Biology

David J. Quinlivan Endicott, N. Y. Electrical Eng .

Terry Quinn Dayton, Ohio Political Science

Barbara Radtke Ramsey, New Jersey Elementary Education

RELIGIOUS STUDIES: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Rev. Matthew Kohmescher - Chairman, Rev. Norbert C. Burns, Conrad L'Heureux . STANDING: Rev. Michael Donnellan, Rev. Bert Buby, Michael H . Barnes. ABSENT : William. P. Anderson, Richard A. Boulet, Rev. Charles J. Brady, Rev. William Cole, Rev. William P. Frost, Thomas Martin, Bro. Leo J. Murray, John D. Ryan.

Terry Rafferty Pekin, Illinois Elementar y Education

Thomas Rambasek Westlalk e, Ohio Management/Marketing

Laima Rastikis Dayton, Ohio Comm. Arts/ Pol. Sci.

David Rechtin Ft. Thomas, Kentucky Electrical Eng.

Ronald Rectenwald Bethel Park, Pa. Marketing

Camellia Reed Darton, Ohio Social Work

Raymond Reese Philadelphia, Pa. Marketing

Kevin Reilly Pittsburgh , Pa. Electronic Eng. Tech .

Mary Anne Reilly Bethesda, Maryland Fine Arts

Susan Reindl Dayton, Ohio Music

Jay Restel Cleveland Hts., Ohio Accounting

Barbara Reynolds Chicago, Illinois Health Education

Brian Reynolds Evergreen Park, II. Economics/ Pol. Sci.

Donald Reynold s Dayton, Ohio Business Management

John Riedl Pittsburgh, Pa. Business Management


J. Michael Ring Plainview, N.Y. Communication Arts

Katherine Ringwood Tappan, New York General Studies

William Ritchie Marco Island, Fla. Marketing

Julie Ritter Indianapolis, Ind. English

SECONDARY EDUCATION: FRONT ROW (lEFT TO RIGHT) : John J. McNally, Helen B. Frye, Robert E. Kriegbaum - Chairman . 2nd ROW : Pauline E. Metzger, James E. Gay, Mary A. Zahner.


William Ritter Broadview Hts., Ohio Electrical Eng.

Susan Roberge Indianapolis, Ind. Psychology

Christopher Robers Dayton, Ohio Electronic Eng. Tech.

Jeffrey Roberts Aurora, Illinois Business Management

Charles Robinson Rahway, New Jersey Psychology

Janet Roche University Hts., Ohio Political Science

Milton Rockman Beachwood, Ohio Biology

Lolette Roney Dayton, Ohio Music

Sara Rosenberg Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

Mark Rosi Wilmerding, Pa. Mechanical Eng.

Kathy Roy Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Elizabeth Ruflin N. Benton, Ohio Social Work

Janet Ruschau Dayton, Ohio Mathematics

Janice Ryan Savannah, Georgia Biology

Kevin Ryan Cleveland, Ohio Business Management

Barry Ruth Elyria, Ohio Chemical Technology

Vicky Roberts Atlanta, Georgia Social Work

Jane Robichaud Commack, N.Y. Elementary Education

Linda Roesky Avon Lake, Ohio Physical Education

William Roggenkamp Syracuse, New York Political Science

Marja Ann Ross Aurora, Indiana Physics

Brenda Rushin San Antonio, Texas Elementary Education

James Ryder Syracuse, N.Y. Marketing

James Rourke Unionville, Conn. History

Craig Russo Westfield, N.J. Business Management

Paul Salerno Cedar Grove, N.). Business Management


Richard Sanfilippo Newark, New Jersey Business Management

June Santangelo Harrison, New York Economics

Alicia Saunders Weirton, W. Virginia Medical Technology

Joseph Scaminace S. Euclid, Ohio Economics

Gary Schaaf Dayton, Ohio Communication Arts

Alvin Schempp Garfield Hts., Ohio Business Management

linda Schirmer Rochester, New York Biology

Paul Schmidt White Plains, N.Y. Biology

Susan C. Schmidt St. Davids, Pa. French/Psychology

George Schnell Marrisvilie, Pa. Electrical Eng.

Karen A . Schnell Fairview Pk., Ohio Fine Arts

Patrick Saunders Miami, Florida Electrical Eng.

Christine Sauter Bloomington, Ind. Communication Arts

Kenneth Schley Parma, Ohio Business Management

Donald E. Schwarz Yardley, Pa. General Studies

lawrence Scott Syosset, New York Marketing



Chairman, Janice Rae Huff, Nancy

JaneSeelie Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Communication Arts

Vickie Seelig Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Rebecca Seitz Dayton, Ohio Chemistry

James T. Seliskar Mentor, Ohio Mechanical Eng. Tech.

Marcus Sergy Monroeville, Pa. Accounting

Robert Shaffer Dayton, Ohio Physical Education

Roberta Shallenberger River Forest, II. English / H istory

George Shapiro Marblehead, Mass. Physical Education

Marilyn Sharko Oakbrook, Illinois Social Work

Sheila Shea Convent, New Jersey Psychology

SOCIOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK: FRONT: Rev. John G. Dickson - Chairman . 2nd ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Marian H. DeWire, Thelma Sens, Jack P. McDonald. 3rd ROW: Mary J. Huth, Matthew S. Baldwin, Bernard G. Riegel. 4th ROW: John M . Bregenzer, Anthony J. Fresina, John A . Skerl. ABSENT: John K. R olds.

Janet Shearer Chicago, Illinois Fine Arts


William Shovlin Brooklyn, New York Social Work

Delores Siegl King of Prussia, Pa. Home Economics

Robert Silk Pittsburgh, Pa. Economics

Peter Simmons Dayton, Ohio Business Management

Robert T. Simon Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education

Michael J. Skelton Coshocton, Ohio Secondary Education

J.e. Smith New York, N.Y . English

Michael Smith Rego Park, N.Y. Communication Arts

Les Snyder Lima, Ohio Physical Education

Maynard Snyder Syracuse, New York Physical Education

William Simpson Philadelphia, Pa. Physical Education

Gerald Slagel Dayton, Ohio Pre-Medicine

Michael Spadafora Huntingdon Val., Pa. Chemistry

BIOLOGY: SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Peter J. Faso, George B. Noland - Chairman, Gertrude D. Shay. 2nd ROW : Oscar C. Jaffee, Praphulla K. Bajpai, Joseph J. Cooney, P. Kelly Williams. 3;-d ROW: James M. Ramsey, Stephen A. Sonstein, Donald R. Geiger, Kenneth J. McDougall, Joseph D. Laufersweiler. ABSENT : Albert J. Burky, Charles J. Chantell, Bro . Russell Joly, Faye Schwelitz, Gerald L. Willis.

Charles Spallino Syosset, New York Business Management

Janice Span Donora, Pennsylvania American Studies

Nina Spatafora Huntington, N.Y. Diatetics

Robert Spencer New Providence, N.J . Mechanical Eng.

John Spinnato Dayton, Ohio English

Barbara Sporcic Pittsburg, Pa . Economics

Daniel Stairiker Morton, Pennsylvania Electrical Eng.


Gordon Sou aid Tenafly, N.J. Pre-Medicine

James Spinner Floral Park, N.Y. Electronic Eng. Tech .

Dierdre Stamper Great River , N.Y. Fine Arts

MaryKay Stanton Struthers, Ohio Psychology

Peter Stec S. Plainfield, N.J. Psychology

Jane Stein Allentown, Pa. Social Work

Erwena Stone Philadelphia, Pa. Sociology

Melissa Stone Cincinnati, Ohio Business Management

Susan Stone Midland Park, N.J. Elementary Education

Christopher Stanley Independence, Ohio Civil Engineering

Michael Stember Westerville, Ohio Mathematics

Susan Strack Indianapolis, Ind. Communication Arts

Richard Stanley Williamsville, N.Y. Business Management

Thomas Stickley Cincinnati, Ohio History

Jay Stumper Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychology

Barbara Sud hoff Coldwater. Ohio Pol. Sci.1 Comm. Arts

COMMUNICATION ARTS : SEATED (LEFT TO RIGHT) : Stephen Blatt, George C. Biersack - Chairman, John Haynes. STANDING : Richard Ilfeld, Geoffrey Vargo, Judith S. Trent, Philip J. Harwood, Michael Weatherly, Florence Wolff, John Lawson. ABSENT: Mary J. Devine, Gene Kiernan.


David Sullivan Ft. Lee, New Jersey Accounting

Robert Sullivan Jersey City, N.J . Criminal Justice

Sharon Suponcic Willowick, Ohio Medical Technology

Richard Suszko Clark, New Jersey Accounting

Joan Szymanski Cleveland, Ohio Psychology

John Talay New York, N .Y. Political Science

Jose Targa Santurce, Puerto Rico Civil Engineering

Kathryn Teevan Massapequa, N.Y. Elementary Education

David Tersaga Dayton, Ohio Electrical Eng.

Dawn Thomas Miami, Florida French

Nancy Thompson Granite City, II. American Studies

Deborah Toska lima, Ohio Mathematics

Jeanette Trauth Cincinnati, Ohio History

Glenn A. Treat Freehold, N.J. Marketing

Michael Trogus Portsmouth, Ohio American Studies

COMPUTER SCIENCE: Bro. Thomas Schoen, Bro . Edward Neuendorf, Dr. Edward Krall, Lawrence Jehn, Jack Kester.

Mark Thrun DePew, New York Business Management

David Tucholski Solon, Ohio Electrical Eng. Tech.


Patricia Uram Dayton, Ohio Psychology

Leslie Tyrrell Rochester, N.Y. Accounting

Valerie Vecchiotti Peekski", N.Y. Music

William Veihdeffer Erie, Pennsylvania Pre-Dentistry

Gill Viskovich Massena, N.Y. Business Management

Donna Viox Cincinnati, Ohio English

Kevin Vogl Lee, Massachusetts Communication Arts

Debra Volpe Hunt, New York Social Work

Deborah Walsh Bay Village, Ohio Elementary Education

Kevin Walsh Snyder, New York Political Science

Maureen Walsh Chicago, Illinois Accounting

John Walters Dayton, Ohio Electrical Eng. Tech.

Steven L. Wanstrath Batesville, Indiana Political Science

JamesT. Ward Cleveland, Ohio Marketing

Thomas Ward Glen Rock, N.J. Marketing

Stephen Warner Woodstown, N.J. Accounting

Richard Weisenberger Cincinnati, Ohio Accounting

Gary Werth Dayton, Ohio Electrical Eng .

Mary Ellen White Garden City, N.Y. Criminal Justice


LuAnn Watson Dayton, Ohio Elementary Education



Eileen Vander Leeuw Milltown, N.J. Elementary Education

Laurie Vassallo Troy, Michigan History

Janet Tuffy Park Ridge, N.J. Psychology

Frank Watkins Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Nancy White Massapequa, N.Y. Business Management

Timothy Whiting Dayton, Ohio Psychology

Pete Wickham Kenilworth, II. Communication Arts

ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (LEFT TO RIGHT): Rita E. Klosterman, Sr. Elizabeth Waters, Simon J. Chavez Chairman, Gordon S. Anderson, Paul N. Lutz, Ann D. Rapp. ABSENT: William A. Beitzel, Gordon E. Fuchs.

Patti Wieringa Hazlet, New Jersey English

Thomas Wilcox St. Louis, Missouri Economics

Gregory Williams Columbus, Georgia Business Management

James Williams Erie, Pennsylvania Business Management

linda Williams Newport News, Va. Elementary Education

Martha Williams Bound Brook, N.J. American Studies

Walt Wingard Dayton, Ohio Secondary Education

Richard Winne Kettering, Ohio Communication Arts

Sheila Winston Chicago, Illinois Elementary Education

David Wise Danville, Illinois Political Science

Laurie Wilcox New Providence, N.J. Home Economics

Anthony Williamitis Kett, Ohio Pre-Medicine

Elizabeth Williams Harveysburg, Ohio Diatetics

Stephen Williams Trenton, N.J. Political Science

James Witter Northport, N.Y. Communication Arts


PatWoda Fairview Park, Ohio Medical Technology

Kevin Wolf Glenwood Landing, N.Y Psychology

Terry Wombacher Peoria, Illinois Secondary Education

Frank Wong N. Point, Hong Kong Mechanical Eng.

Craig Wolff Kettering, Ohio Communication


Yen Wong N. Point, Hong Kong Mechanical Eng.

Patricia Wolff Emlenton, Pa. Accounting

Patrice Woll Cincinnati, Ohio Accounting

Robert Wooster Rockville, Md. Business Management

Margaret Woyat Springfield, Ohio Elementary Education

Janice Wrzesinski Lorain, Ohio Communication Arts

Joseph Wyland Somerdale, N.J. Accounting

James Yager Rushville, Ind. Mechanical Eng.

David Yeager Downers Grove, II. Chemistry

Erma Yow Dayton, Ohio Social Work

Hoi-Sang Yu Brooklyn, N.Y. Computer Science

Diane Zaciek Toledo, Ohio Fine Arts

Nancy Zaffke Euclid, Ohio Medical Technology

Robert Zaita Paramus, N.J. History

Marie Zamiska Bentleyville, Pa. Biology

Mark Znidar Cleveland, Ohio Communication Arts

Mary Ellen Firestone Palisades, N.Y. American Studies

David A. Zeber Rocky River, Ohio Geology


James Zielinski Pittsburgh, Pa. Mechanical Eng. Tech.

Karen Zinn Sayville, New York History

Christopher Hipp Norwalk, Ohio Psychology

Peter McCormick Garden City, N.Y. Communication Arts

Jeff Mason Vienna, Virginia Political Science

Lisa Osterman Cincinnati, Ohio Geology

Gloria Palascak Struthers, Ohio Psychology

Cecilia Pozo Cranford, N.J. General Studies

Victor Masor Centereach, N.Y. Urban Life

Carol Sahlfeld Cincinnati, Ohio Fine Arts

Robert Osmak Clifton, M .J. Psychology

Sukhdey Seehra Dayton, Ohio Computer Science

Maria Seppi Pittsburgh, Pa. Dietetics

Ernest C. Ulle Painesville, Ohio Psychology

AI Varga Solon, Ohio Mechanical Eng.


u.d. law school

the first year This is not really the first year UD has boasted a law school, technically speaking. There was a once-upon-atime school that closed during the '30s. So the opening of the new school in the '70s is actually - if you will - a re-opening . But for UD students, 1974-75 represented the first year for the law school .. . the first year the ground floor of the library was roped off from undergraduates ... the first year that the LSAT did not seem quite so overwhelming to pre-law students. For the 150-plus beginning law students, it was the first year of spending 40 to 50 hours each week in study .. . the first year to start calling the law library "home" ... the first year of four before they receive their law degree. And for Dr. Richard Braun, Dean of the Law School, it was the


first year to guide the school through its birth and growing pains. And growth is what the law school is all about, both for the school itself and for UD as a whole. One oIassroom will become two, then three . . . freshmen will become sophomores .. . students will someday become attorneys. The school may have started small - confined to the basement of a library - but there is plenty of room for expansion of facilities, personnel and students. And there is a great need to develop legal education to maintain the ethical standards - or to improve them - within the law profession. It may not be big and it may never become another Harvard, but the law school has a great deal to offer . .. especially to its students.


GROUND NORTH STUART: ROW 1: L. Evans (R.A.). ROW 2: J. Cordell, K. Braskich, I. Butler, T. Schaet zle. ROW 3: A. Gradesky, J. Benga, L. Mazza, R. Emerick.

2. NORTH STUART ROW 1: M. DeCocco, G. Starr, L. Szczech, J. Fox, B. Buchicchio . ROW 2: S. Hart, J. Krhaczynski, K. Kearns (R.A.), R. Delaney, D. Thorn. ROW 3: D. Isabella, B. Cramer, W. Rahe, J. Kreitler, J. Wirkowski, J. Leonard, B. DiMarco.


3 NORTH STUART: ROW 1: R. Beglin (R.A.). ROW 2: S. Greenfield, J. Mclean, P. Moro z, J. DelGrosso . ROW 3: A. Leon, M. Licata, B. Saunders, ,M. Infan ge r. ROW 4: B. Stepan, T. Rubino, N. Schiau, B. Lambert, S. Henry. ROW 5: T. Moloney, B. Wagner , R. Eustace, A. Sbai, M. Culliman, P. Sheridan, W . Lukasik.

4 NORTH STUART: ROW 1: P. Beggan (RA) ROW 2: M . Griesbaun, B. Conagha, K. Pappa, G. Farrell, R. Calvey, R. Tweedle, R. Yelton, J. Dwyer, ROW 3: M . Pinto, C. Henderson, D. Mur-路 phy, D. Ursu, O. Early, B. Davis, D. Fitgerald, J. Gadd, B. Zarrilli, S. Gilkey, K. McKee. ROW 4: J. Madrack, T. Murphy, J. McGlone, J. Rosser.

1 NORTH STUART路 ROW 1 : J. Hill, S. Stewart, B. Fredrick, D. Borkowski, T. Geraci, ROW 2: S. Anderson , B. Norton, R. Pertl, T. Balzer, ROW 3: l. Campanella, R. Blanck, J. Elmore, P. Tamburo . ROW 4: J. Bange, T. Murphy, J. Meston, M . Jindra.

5 NORTH STUART : ROW 1: F. Brown, D. Abbott, J. McHale, M . lIand, J. Rowland . ROW 2: M. Backs, J. Mar, P. Murphy, M. Schuesslar, S. Brickner, S. Milne, M. McGowan, T. Rye (RA), J. Ziska, W. Hartman, J. Klamac. ROW 3: D. Basso, T. Vdovic, J. Bonfils, F. Miggins, J. Hitzelberger, R. Guba, J. Walters, A. Haynes, G. Schoenenberger. ROW 4 : M. Dillman, J. Smulovitz, K. Wuebker, l. Russo, R. Germinder, J. Norton.


6 NORTH STUART : ROW 1: ]. Reyher, J. College, ROW 2: J. Foltz, S. McAuley, T. Jones, G. Meyers, K. Quinn . ROW 3 : B. Ferron, J. Lamancusa, D. Bunn, E. Olson, D. Tobe, J. Datko, ROW 4 : E. Dan iel , B. Stultz, P. Heink, R. Kaeble, D. Popa, S. Mueller, J. Nave (R.A.), M . Geekie.

2 SOUTH STUART : ROW 1: B. Bonn , J. Smith, E. Thompson, V. Fioramonti, S. Demuth , B. Martuzas. ROW 2 : P. Chatburn, B. Kocak, R. Pleva, T. Barry, T. Martilla, P. Chaconas. ROW 3 : T. Walsh, T. Farrelly, D. Krusenklaus, D. Connolly, B. Heeb, J. McNamara, B. Byrne (R.A.), D. Thomas, J. Sirak, G. Gabettie, B. Petronella, K. Hewitt, W. Paradise, S. Buckley.


6 SOUTH STUART : ROW 1 : D. Vanderembse, C. Vargo , D. Jabes, J. Hanranon, K. Ritchie, M . Buckner ROW 2: J. Ippolito, G . lizanetz, D. Hanlon , R. Kerns, B. Hurd (R .A.), B. Monahon ROW 4: G. Gerber, B. Benacquista, M. McCoy. ROW 5 : R. Graham

3 EAST STUART: ROW 1 : P. Costello, G. Sens, S. Harty, C. Apel, B. Toplek, J. Adams, T. Froelich, S: Hodges, J. Neurohr, J. Welsh , J. Conway, C. Nelson, R. Beck, B. Kwasnicki , M. Pintar, T. Krystofik, K. Brogan, B. Betelak, G. Hizer.

3 SOUTH STUART: ROW 1: K. 路 Bolkcom, J. Martinez, F. Ward, M. lasiello, A. Tacca, J. Zielinski, P. Nugent, J. Schuck, T. Lombard, A. Mille r, J. Yates, J. Andres, R. Jordan , J. Goss, T. Mullaly.

4 SOUTH STUART: ROW 1: J. Spahn (R.A.) , G. Bonutti, J. Garnon, D. Hennessy, D. Graene, D. Bernens, ROW 2: J. Bednar, L. Kelly, J. Montero, B. Heitzer, J. Trentman, K. Mcquaide.


4 FOUNDERS ROW 1 : C. DeMarino, B. Coyne, ROW 2: J. Trapuzzano, T. Klejna, B. Griffith , J. D'Amico ROW 3: B. Tannahill, M . Wieman, J. logan, H. Masll, K. Bell, T. O'Connell.


3 FOUNDERS ROW 1: G. Bardon, R. Stewart, M. Vonderbrink, ROW 2 : M. Duller, A. Fernandez-Fraga, J. lopez, B. Blind . ROW 3: G. Wrynn, R. Votava, C. Moor, G. Caste'llanos. ROW 4: J. Thacker, B. Riley, leonnard, T. Wright.

5 FOUNDERS ROW 1: D. Wong, C. Borgstede, D. lee ROW 2 Hengenius, I. Kasza.

J. Cutter, B.

7EAST STUART : ROW 1: J. O'Brien, ROW 2: D. Guiltinan, J. Cooney, G. Lammers, V. Belna, B. Huster, D. Meckle n borg, D. Maloney, D. Ganto se, S. Freisthler, D. Suttmiller, D. Marchuk . ROW 3: T. Kelaghan , K. Alii , jr., M. Haverkos, H. Petty III , T. Hall , M. Hripko (R.A.l, S. DesGrose illiers, R. Ellis, A. Ross, C. Pesce, P. Sohota, M . Lacki, D. Catalano, S. Cumbie, S. Eiser, S. Baron .

5 SOUTH STUART: R. McMullen, J. Monahan, B. Miller, R. Reeder, D. Frazer, A. Petruccio . N. Hilliard, F. Warre n .

GROUND FOUNDERS: W . Fowler, M. Hammelrath, M. Boll in, G. Maguire.


5 EAST STUART: ROW 1 : B. Mulica, D. Martine, J. Scaico, M. Grubenhoff, l. Narewski, G. Schiavoni, T. Karabinos. ROW 2: B. Stepan, T. Wilkinson, P. lIowitz, M. Tamer, B. Johnson, J. Reilly, M. Cehrs. ROW 3: J. Walters, M. Donowick, A. McElroy.

4 EAST STUART: ROW 1: B. Gruber, R. Albertson, B. Silvestri, M. Collins. ROW 2: B. Weltner, P. Crowley, D. Sanger, M. Moore.

2 EAST STUART : ROW 1: l. Raymond, R. Kodel, B. Colwell, J. Calvey, E. Kritch, R. Crane, R. Plonk, K. Dugan, B. Scarzella, ROW 2: J. Schaefer, T. Rodgiminski, J. Ehehalt, G. Williams, B. DeVoe, M . Kaplan, R. Rogers, R.J. Schnell, D. McClosheg, D. Connors, J. Skehen, J. Clork.


1 FOUNDERS : ROW 1: D. Golulieski, R. Harris . .ROW 2: D. Catlett, T. Perrault, A. Raptosh . ROW 3: l. Garrich, J. Brown, P. Reilly, S. Docherty. ROW 4: R. Pratt, J. Thompson, B. Moore, M. Bolyen.

HOUNDERS : ROW 1: W. Maguire, D. Collins, R. Forabaugh, N. Herold, S. Sulmasy.

J. Albonese. ROW 2: T. Bruder,

6 MIDDLE MARYCREST : ROW 1 : B. Fromel, M. Monnino, J. Fedigan, M. Mataug, J. Bosile, K. Cooney. ROW 2: J. Stadnicar, B. Mayer, B. Kastelic, S. Tabia, F. Tuiach . ROW 3: J. Maurer, B. Miller, B. Hilfer, D. Ackermann, T. Schaltz, D. Meehan (R.A ) Dad.


6 EAST STUART: ROW 1: K. Schwartz, R. Springer, D. Dowers, B. Zink, M . Mershad, D. Striebel, J. Pritchard, D. Koch, T. O'Brien, ROW 2 : D. Komer, S. Vondrell, J. Bigler, D. Kovalcik, T. Weber, W. Gazda, C. Houser, M. Prendergast, T. Schlairet, M. Niese. ROW 3: K. Itzel, L. Storey.


2AND 3 MIDDLE MARYCREST: ROW 1: M . Lyons, J. Barr, ROW 2 : D. Laub, C. Martin, D. Berry, M. Koch, ROW 3: K. Baciak, D. Tate, G . Chapman, B. Orr, J. Higgins, ROW 4: D. Saunders, A. Leahy, F. Gilbert, J. Fischer, P. Cox (R.A.J.

4MIDDLE MARYCREST : ROW 1 : P. Presto, L. Castelli, J. Stevens, ROW 2 : C. Lewis, R. Hill , D. Johnson, J. Beck, B. Wallman, D. Bellman, ROW 3: T. Volpe, D. Murphy, F. Benigni, T. Kasel , B. Mery, B. Van Hogen , ROW 4 : D. Drennen, J. Williams, G . Galdo, D. Zelier (RAJ A. Galon, R. Finns, D. Vorst .

5 MIDDLE MARYCREST : ROW 1: D. Wetzel, R. Freese, B. Clark, G . Langenbrunner, ROW 2: T. Brady, J. Egan, T. Wanecke, D. Bitonte, ROW 3: C. Omlar, S. Loerch , A. Kepes. ROW 4: N. Collins, P. Lee.

6 NORTH MARYCREST: ROW 1: M. O'Connor, L Hall, J. Kincade (R.A .), M. Kilbane, ROW 2: A. Pater, G. Scott, S. Kronauge, J. Riegeimayer, T. Unger, ROW 3: M. Pater, D. Swidarski, M . Fogerty, K. Innis.

7 MIDDLE MARYCREST : ROW 1: P. Fullenkamp, M. Hoying, B. Lostner, M . Hill, T. DeFrances, ROW 2: A. McGann, M . Reilly, R. Bingham, J. Hasky, ROW 3: B. Chavez, G. Anderson, L Lion, K. Wilson, ROW 4: J. McKeever, C. King, D. Smith, S. McB. Donald, J. Abjanic, Flory.


4 NORTH MARYCREST ROW 1: L. Berl ing, L. Donell, ROW 2: E. Doherty, J. Rolfes, M. Durkee, C. Pro, D. Russo, B. McGann, T. Donne, ROW 3: C. Duhig, D. Pentenburg, E. Piniazkiewicz, M. Kremer, D. Dlein, P. Duffy, ROW 4: B. Yuhas (R.A.j, K. Konst, P. Reardon, R. Lokai, S. Petrie, R. Walker.

3 NORTH MARYCREST ROW 1: A. Zenger, P. Rust, M. Mulligan, V. Ecker, S. Sahlfeld, .J. Charhut, M. Cashman, T. Baker, ROW 2: L. Sailer, L. Hensman, E. Szeremet, L. Tomari, D. Dzurikanin, S. Morath, C. Carl, J. Roseman, C. Morrin, A. Donia, D. Rondini, C. Leach, M. Zimmer, R. Clark, B. Hughes.

1 NORTH MARYCREST ROW 1: R. McFadden, L. Bailie, B. Jackson, D. Ponaer, P. Fee, T. Kapral, J. Bindl. ROW 2: D. Bekta, M. Begega, S. Koch, S. Eisenhaver, K. Kra~er, L. Lee, A. Marchetta, V. Joyce, G. Reid, ROW 3: M. McDermott, S. Ritter, M. Johnson, D. Dougherty, S. Fera, W. Gelb, J. Filips, ROW 4: S. Brown, G. Munlin, E. Smith.


1 SOUTH MARYCREST: ROW 1: P. Kill, C. Haag, B. Blavvelt, D. Kilgore, D. Flack, J. Altmeyer, C. Atkinson, A. Bachmeyer, ROW 2: J. Danielson , B. Morgan, A. Zipple, D. Valentine, M. Beale, K. Fudge, K. Bellesky, C. Isaacon , C. Benitz, L. Gooding, M. Gallagher, P. Basta. ROW 3: A. Lalluga, V. Heslin, D. Tate, S. Lester, J. Baskovic, T. Spahn, C. Beck, D. Banks, M. Banks, L. Williams, Y. TriviII, C. Nelson, S. Marsh, P. Gordon, E. Jennings. A. Imbriale, L. Fowler, K. Becker, N. Cashman, M. C. Axley, N. Machin, Johnson.

2 SOUTH MARYCREST: ROW 1: F. Ackley, S. Dewillie, B. Noland, R. Pilat, J. Kester, F. Garlitz, A. Lenan, S. Anatra, ROW 2: M. Miller (RA) L. Wuksick , C. Kolar , J. Dutcher, A. Nagel, A. Voelm, J. Williams, D. Lendway, M. Fertalj , T. Zugay, A. Cenci, L. Giambrone, P. Chambers, J. Zerovnik. ROW 3.: A. Horstman, J. Burk, V. Steigelman, J. Hartsock, L. Loveland, D. Saunders, M. Mersmann, B. McNall, J. Valier, M. Chisolm, A. Hirt, C. Briggs, S. Priem, K. Sobieralski, P. Igak, A. Reddy.

3 SOUTH MARYCREST: ROW 1: J. Lacey, S. Broschart, K. Can non, L. Kersting, L. Mathison, C. Brown, J. Heinz, ROW 2: M . Hausman, S. Sebasky, N. Muiane, S. Dury, J. Kirby, M. Mitchell, S. Tehan, A. Fehring, C. Campbell, ROW 3 : B. Buckley, M. Rossi, B. Eiger, S. Haubner, M. Walsh, S. Brown, D. King, C. Kramer, B. Kindt, N. Henderson, L. Urgo, E. Jaworowski. ROW 4: S. Mospens, C. Coito, R. Martorella, S. Carey, C. Brown .


5 SOUTH MARYCREST : ROW 1: K. Fitzpatrick, L. Schmidt, M. Sohm, ROW 2: S. Spranger, S. Komarinski, D. Hanvsik , M . Sheller, D. Krolik , D. Pittman, D. Wojcik , N. Him , L. Muus, C. Fiedler, J. lanucc i, ROW 3: A. Gleisin ger, T. Schumm, J. Guschwan , E. Gutierrez, K. Leary, N. Fallon. ROW 4: S. Lang, M . McGann, F. McCurdy, D. Sheaffer, J. Knippen .

6 SOUTH MARYCREST: L. Newell (R.A.) K. Walden, Z. Roberts, B. Jomes, C. Schan z, M . O 'Grady, M . Dollard, E. Berkemeier, G. Yersavick, T. Vertovec , S. O 'Connor, G. Strover, M . Plent, V. Kearns, S. Satterfield, M . Bryant, N. Chamberlain , ROW 2: T. Patrick, S. Fitzsimmons, C. Weisbach, S. Carter, L. Sutton, D. Meaney, J. Baucum. P. Fink, S. S. Sc hultz, R.J. Reck, D. Adler, K. Wharton, M . Fabrizo, C. Knapke, C. Wasiloff, M . Foley, M . Goetz, M. Kavalec, S. Webb, A. Sc huberman, K. Moeder, M. Ki ssane, M . Cummings, S. Tode, M. Myers, D. DeCurtins, M . McCoy.


7 SOUTH MARYCREST : M. Fagan, C. Richard son , J. Fa gan , G . Pope, K. Fitzsimmons, ROW 2: D. Battersby, S. Mo sser, R. Brand, M. Clark, ROW 3 : A. Jette , D. Buttelwerth, A. Romanawski , G. Siemers, S. Horvath, P. Haber, ROW 4: M . Carney, N. Reinhart.

4 SOUTH MARYCREST: ROW 1: P. Ross, M . Waldron, K. McCabe, T. Bajt, D. Ley, P. McDaniel, C. West, I. Thompson. ROW 2: M. Thorne, L. Richeson, N. Little, B. Donahue, K. Schneider, C. DeCew, R. Peagler, B. Kulik, M. Canning, M. Cullinan, M . O'Sullivan. ROW 3: M. Greisemer (R.A.J, M . Murray, S. Fredrick, D. Delozier, L. Garcia, S. Ryan, L. Liberta, S. Robotti, C. Sabol, J. Bryant , D. Crouch, D. Mazza, C. Tierney, B. Conway.

5 NORTH MARYCREST: ROW 1: S. Pelino, M . Lorenz, P. Benson . ROW 2: M. Aucremanne, S. Pelfrey, M . Wetzel, D. Stricker, M. Griebstein, S. Poeppelman, J. Purnhagen . ROW 3: T. Bergman, M. Kerr, M. Schmidt (R.A.J D. O'Brien, J. Neal, D. Rust, A. DePaul, M. Coyn. ROW 4: B. McDonald, M. Boyles, E. Lynch, D. Theobold, D. Oles, S. Lech, M. Selinger, I. Wojtkun.

7 NORTH MARYCREST : ROW 1: M. Luken, J. Wiggenhorn, C. Yann, J. Hemmer, V. Seelig, K. Smith, G. MatteI. ROW 2: C. Dodson, S. Mobley, S. Johnson, B. Lindsay, A. Zeleznik, J. Barker. ROW 3 : C. McCarthy, R. Nagy, G. Roesener, I. Carter, V. Galloway, D. Pokropski (R.A.l.


cam 'pus south


ROW 1 : S. Hoffman, K. Kimmet, M . Williams, K. Tibbals. ROW 2: A. Zelten, L. Mullen . 2.9F ROW 1 : M . Selvaggio, L. Hamburger, M. Moran . ROW 2: M. Krouse, Teddi, J. Robichaud. 3.9B M. Schulze, V. Stace, P. McNaney, M. Wetzler, L. Consi路 dine P. Resch . 4.7B N. Santoro, R. Carnie, B. Miller.


1. 9A ROW 1: B. Manning, B. Russel, Sunrise, J. Toerner. ROW 2: T. Mclaughlin, R. Lyons, J. Dolan . 2.7F M. Ross, M. Heiner, D. Nelson, T. Fisher, M . Brucato. 3.8F

ROW 1: T. Dunigan , L. Brown, G. Hritz, T. Coyle. ROW 2: B. Donlan, J. Thomas. ROW 3: T. O'Donoghue, N. Montgomery, T. Ritter.

4. 6B ROW 1: D . Cronin, M. Zonno, M. Dougherty. ROW 2: P. Sherry, T. Laughlin, M. Woodbury II.



1.6F ROW 1: A. Varzally, T. Hogan. ROW 2: S. Petrison, R. Stamato, Caine, D. Ahasic. 2.BE ROW 1: C. Sauter, M. Casey. ROW 2: J. Yeffmarrio, N. Kowalczvk, B. Samples, P. O'Herron . ROW 3: l. Neal, M. Rochman, l. Neal , S. Gonnella, J. Ericson. 3.6E

ROW 1: J. Andrea. ROW 2: K. Becker, G. DeBlasis, A. Johnson . ROW 3: N. Cashman, C. Fowler, J. Brito, P. Gordon, C. Izique. ROW 4: J. Valencia, J. Aristizabal. 4.6A ROW 1: A. lauro, A. Simun, C. langenkamp. ROW 2: T. Fornelli, A. Ryan, D. DiSpirito.


1.10B ROW 1: M. Freehan . ROW 2: D . Thomas, R. Bohn e. ROW 3: B. Albert, D. Eiserle, B. Rapp . 2. 6C ROW: C. O ehmig, D . Kimball , E. Visokey. ROW 2: J. Gallagher, B. Galante, B. Bowers. 3.SB ROW 1: S. Christian, J. Olwell. ROW 2: F. Hovan, D. Balinski, C. Bennett .

4. 6D K. Mushett, N. Conroy, C. Conway, M. Gaffney.


1. 5D ROW 1 : F. Avolio, M . Ll e we ll yn, T. Darbi e. ROW 2: J. Heeb, S. McCulloc h, J. O ' Brie n. 2. 4C ROW 1: D. Wende ln , B. Gibbs , M . Rank . ROW 2 : P. Lamb, L. Bruschi, B. Hann a n. 3. 4A ROW 1 : T. Saunde rs, B. Ga rrit y. ROW 2: K. MacDougall , J. Tis, D. Tambe llini . 4. 3F ROW 1: K. Narus, De bbie D. ROW 2: A. Kisting, M . Moor e. ROW 3: P. Grimm, D. Gagliardo.


1.4E ROW 1: P. Fuhs, N. Be ll, P. Compers. ROW 2: C. Ben z, J. Condy, M. Sulli-


2. 4B ROW 1: T. Smith. ROW 2: T. Spacek, A. Stoehr, M. Bashaar, S. McDowell, K. Laughna. 3.2C J. Donovan , P. King, S. Fitzgerald, M. Cahill. 4.9C ROW 1: C . Jacobse n, M. Hackell, P Roebuck , D. Avil es. ROW 2: M. McCarthy, C. Pierce.


1.3E ROW 1 : A. Jordan. ROW 2: J. Meyer, M. Daly, K. Kissinger. ROW 3: P. Popovich, J. La.Vigne. 2. 9D ROW 1: T. Kane, G. DeMastry. ROW 2: S. Paolella. 3. 7D and E ROW 1: L. Garnun, B. Makenas, N. McKay, J. Debien , R. Falato. 4.3A

ROW 1: C. Suttmann, M.T. Levender, T. Tedaldi. ROW 2: M . Powers, R. Pfleger, W. Harrilchak.


1.l0C ROW 1: M. Beer, D. Gaul. ROW 2: B. Pelles, T. Coppa, G. Hanley. 2.SF ROW 1: 'vI. Shea, V. Meno, J. Moran .

3. 10F ROW 1: T. Manovill, J. Nelson, F. Tenover, T. Mosack, R. Fletcher. ROW 2: R. Guizzo . 4.2E ROW 1: E. Lynch, G. Galdo. ROW 2: M . Salley, J. Malloy, S. Greene, J. Kennedy, K. Keating.


1.8A ROW 1: T. Leary. ROW 2: M. Tenalio, M. Dulligan, S. Smith, B. Joffe. 2.2D ROW 1: R. Delia, J. Robbins, M. Vukovich. ROW 2: A. Cerrone, T. Bales, B. Schmittinger.

3. 2B ROW 1: C. Boyle, D. Matter, J. Patacca. ROW 2: M. Ruettinger, C. Kerwin , P. Fries. 4.3B ROW 1: A. Gallego, F. LaGrone, J. Hartman . ROW 2: R. Boisseau, T. Cokeri, M. Krannitz.


1.234 L STREET ROW 1: j. janendo, P. jonasse, C. Mulvihill, M. McCarthy, B. Reynolds. ROW 2: M. Snyd e r, j. Ahren son, L. Pellalt, M. Quigley, R. Leavy . 2.234 COLLEGE PARK L to R: G. Cilek (Fonzie), L. Roesky , M. Egolf, P. Koren, F. Miggins, M . Gallaghle r, B. Armstrong, 1. Matthis, M. Luk e n. 3.214 COLLEGE PARK The Balachko Family ; (Ellen, joe , Tiffy, and Kyle). 4. 10 LAWNVIEW ROW 1: J. Partyka, V. Hix (Tyler). ROW 2: C. Ellinghaus, M . McGovern, K. Bridgman.


1. 1211 ALBERTA ROW 1: K. Bongiovi, S. Schmidt, S. Gilmore . ROW 2: S. Ol sen . 2. 1209 ALBERT A ROW 1: P. Fickinger, J. Ri edl. ROW 2: L. Burton , P. Maschmeye r. 3. 320 LOWES ROW 1: J. Stein, K. M artilla. ROW 2: S. Janky, S. Shea, J. Fit zgerald . 4. 36 EVANSTON ROW 1: C. Kennedy, J. Sagstetter, D . Hicke y, E. Vanderleeuw .


-------1.323 COLLEGE PARK ROW 1: E. McCormick, R. Hudson. ROW 2: P. Woda, C. Biggs, J. Caron. 2.215 LAWNVIEW ROW 1: N. Waldron, C. Sahlfeld. ROW 2: K. McCarthy, T. Anderjaska, B. Ruflin, ). Claus. 3. 107 EVANSTON ROW 1: L. Cisternino, A. Galbally, M. Laign, D. O ' Malley . ROW 2: S. McGonigle, D. Baun . 4.229 IRVING L to R: B. Stanley, T. Fedick, B. McHale.


1. 1225 ALBERT A ROW 1: M . Faletti, D. Stanciu . ROW 2: P. Minton, K. Leddy, D. loli, K. Ashley, J. Champa . . 2. 316 and 318 LOWES L to R: K. Benz, M. Halden, K. Ringwood, T. Hamlin . ROW 2: M. Firestone, A. Giordano, D. Fisher . 3.201 IRVING ROW 1: E. Soler . ROW 2: C. Alfaro , M. Gonzalez, J. Targa. . 4. 312 LOWES ROW 1: C. McCarthy, M . Pellicore. ROW 2: T. Chirillo, T. Stickley.



1.19 EVANSTON ROW 1: B. Barna, C Caron, C Stanley. ROW 2: D. O'ConneU, B. Mack, B. Ritter. 2. 216COLLEGE PARK L to R: M. Cahill, Tonya, T. Coffey, J. Gerker, Rusty, T. Martin, Juno, B. Sullivan. 3.127 EVANSTON ROW 1: E. Graves, Angus, L. Hinkley, Kilo, M. Sharko. ROW 2 : D. Mentzer, S. Roberge . 4.424 STONEMILL ROW 1: J. Ferri. ROW 2: M . Vo c hel, P. Discenza . ROW 3 : N. Spatafora, D. Walsh, I. O'Brien.


1. 306 LOWES L to R: G. Treat, Oklahoma Slim, J. Kubiak. 2. MEDFORD APT. 20 ROW 1: P. DeRiso, S. Pagliughi . ROW 2: C. Beill, P. McAdams. 3.1434 ALBERT A J. Hamilton, B. Reilly, S. Pellicore, C. Trueman, R. Walsh, A. Storts. 4. 237 STONEMILL ROW 1: D . Tapke, M. Hart. ROW 2: T. Ippoliti .



~ 4


1. 348 FIRWOOD Monte Brigham, Brian McGrath 2.345 FIRWOOD ROW 1: J. Fisk, M . Klass ROW 2: J. Conroy, J. Aldous, P. DiSalvio, J. Kadzielawski, L. Nadolsky, B. Davis 3. 1312-16 BROWN ROW 1: T. Fisher, S. Mushett, T. Griffen ROW 2: M . Semrow, P. Oimock, B. Hanrahan, G. Palombi, J. McTamney 4. 449 LOWES S. Winship, J. Kramer, V. Crawford, E. Derlict


1.201 IRVING T. Fredrico, B. Hartman, F. Pollutro. 2.442 KIEFABER ]. ]urcak, Woody, M. Carlin. 3.234 KIEFABER ROW 1: M. Dillingham, N. White, K. Lucchin, N. Gerety, P. Murphy. ROW 2: C. McNiece, K. Patch , D. Pasquale, B. Manion. 4. 459 LOWES ROW 1: P. Laches, S. Hile. ROW 2: ]. Browne, M . Kurtz.







110 LAWNVIEW ROW 1: J. Shearer, K. Kleshinski, M . Walsh ROW 2: K. Nowak, M . Anguilano 211 K STREET ROW 1: L. Hughes, B. Carroll, Mason , M . Brown, C. Campbell ROW 2: B. Bachor, M. Birmingham, Seagram, M . DeSmedt 1614 ALBERTA C. Debevec, L. Palaibis, R. Szeghy, R. Tomon, Craig Russo, B. Bonosky 239 STONEMILL ROW 1: Hiedi ROW 2: D . Vandervort, D. Stanley, L. Snyder ROW 3: S. McKean, S. DeReiyter, S. Lamb, J. Hanold




4. 5.

311 COLLEGE PARK ROW 1: J. Broering, T. Heher ROW 2: D. Berh ce (DaBoner), J. Leone 215 K STREET ROW 1: S. Pizzio, P. Henrici, F. Pacetta ROW 2: J. Boyle, R. Maxwell 411 IRVING ROW 1: S. Haley ROW 2: M. Devaney, D. Sheehan 345 FIRWOOD - APT. 1C D. Guarnieri, T. McCann 218 LOWES M . O ' Donohue, B. Lichorowic, K. Losego, B. Bennett




3. 4.


366 E. STEWART ROW 1: D . Gilletto, D . Glennon ROW 2: D. Alec, B. Ballway 40 CHAMBERS ROW 1: B. Martin, M. Oben ROW 2: G. Mills, M . Rosi, J. Moffo 818 FOURMAN CT. 11-13 M . Hamilton, Ginger, S. Lee, Cinnamon 39 EVANSTON M. Sweeney, K. Flischel, A . Dybeck, R. Steinkirchner 1919 TRINITY B. Thoma s, B. Wall, Justin, T. Zebrowski , M . Biedenbach






534 BECKMAN ROW 1: S. Clemens, B. Buckle, J. Necrote ROW 2: J. Fullam, L. Vetter, J. Holmer, J. Kerner, B. Lang, Moon, J.e. Smith ROW 3: R. Leavy, M . McCarthy, K. Donohue, D . Carhart. 66 FRANK ROW 1: Velvet ROW 2: L. Salvati, P.J. McCarthy, K. Yount, Chrystabel, T. O ' Brien ROW 3: e. Miller, J. Laffey 38 CHAMBERS ROW 1: D. Lettus, K. Pozzi , P. Bastian ROW 2: e. Ennis, L. Prachick, S. Dobkowski, D. Masar ROW 3: T. Mospens, F. Ferguson , J. Lipinski 456 LOWES ROW 1: J. Mohnack, M.B . McKenna ROW 2: J. Ekiert, B. Kelly, D. Wayne, K. Fetterer, B. Breuning



348 FIRWOOD - APT. M. ROW 1: Herman ROW 2: J. Graham, A. Azar, S.Ford 2. 68 CHAMBERS ROW 1: L. Dearie, B. Shaw ROW 2: L. Snyder, M . Annarino 3. 348 APT. G. - FIRWOOD G . Greenfield, J. Farrel 4. 401 IRVING Queenie, B. Armstrong, J. Schanck (Oh Yeah), T . .Kinsella 5. 206 lAWNVIEW ROW 1 : J. Talley ROW 2: G . Faile, P. Rushin, J. Donegan, B. Reynolds






419 KIEFABER ROW 1: Dog, G. Moore ROW 2: D. Joyce, B. Fitzgerald, S. Campogne, R. Novak 104 CHAMBERS ROW 1: M. Garofalo, G. Blois, J. Baylog, Woody, K. Sheridan, R. Tremblay ROW 2: J. Spinner 337 IRVING ROW 1: Eileen and Chri s ROW 2: Culligan Man, Ghia ROW 3: P. Geyer, DJ . Favle, J. Goldschmidt ROW 4: D. Galvin, K. Zinn, Z. DeCarlucci 108 AND 110 WOODLAND ROW 1: R. Petrie, C. Martin, M. Hennessy ROW 2: J. Corrigan, T. Lane, D. Hoddap, C. Calhoun, Raz ROW 3: J. Hawkins, T. Bennett, C. Kuenzig, M. Lopinto ROW 4: T. Droughron, J. Casella, R. Atkin ROW 5: K. Rechert, C. McGowan, G. Gilhooley, B. Sullivan , D. Gabos



1511 KIEFABER ROW 1: Rosko ROW 2: J. McCabe, P. Cash nelli, K. Murphy, J. Chase 2. 119 LAWNVIEW ROW 1 : V. Reardon , B. Darlin g, B. Lynn , B. 3. Simon , Barabas ROW 2: C. Humphrey 236 L STREET ROW 1: B. Reynolds (FOB) ROW 2: V. Popp, J. 4. Rados, J. Crawford, B. Corey, L. Lasky 1215 ALBERTA M. Marion, K. Kelbaugh , J. Lipin ski , P. Bastian , J. Mennes


1. 2.




330 STONEMILL R. Ga.llagher, A. Lettieri, B. Morris 517 IRVING ROW 1: G. Graham, P. Solander, C. Donohue ROW 2: J. Powers, J. Roche, D. Vigilo 307 KIEFABER ROW 1: M. Schwendeman, C. Beuregard, l. Steberl, E. Dietz ROW 2: D. Vrabel, C. McGrath 325 LOWES T. Salvito, Here and There, D. Cimmino, M. Thibault, R. Anderson, B. Ritchie, J. Lousyson 519 LOWES ROW 1: Shannon Dorwart ROW 2: K. Schley, M . Gallagher, R. Dorwart ROW 3: M. Carney, B. Veihdefter







1436 ALBERTA ROW 1: K. Hayes, K. Hurley ROW 2: J. Fowler, B._ Okishoff ROW 3: B. Hogan, C. Crabbe 227 KIEFABER K. Ryan, K. Albright, G. Roche 311 KIEFABER ROW 1: Emily, S. Decker, Phaedra ROW 2: S. Cangemi, B Wylonis, J. Talay, S. Jones 216-223 LOWES ROW 1: E. Kazar, J. Gallagher, E. Niederberger, F. Eich ROW 2: R. Ahearn, J. Span, P. Dougherty, T. Alonso, B. Barr ROW 3: B. Mille, J. Ritter, M. Williams, H. Edwards III, Spook





242 COLLEGE PARK ROW 1: P. Militello ROW 2: M. Geraci, J. Meinking, C. Gates, P. Draham, J. Dury 60 CHAMBERS ROW 1: K. Kelbaugh, J. Rack, W . Wlodarski, J. Kraus ROW 2: B. Donley, S. Dobkowski, S. Maschmeyer, F. Ferguson ROW 3: D. Masar, J. Lipinski, S. Freeland, J. Ryan , K. O 'Gorman 100 CHAMBERS ROW 1: Runt, P. Erickson, R. Steinberg, Goldie, A. O'Donoghue, Patches, J. Rice, S. Csop ROW 2: D. Mulcahy, S. Nicholas 18 LAWNVIEW ROW 1: J. Dembski, J. Kearney, P. Perna, Ralph, J. Vonholle ROW 2: D. Berardini, J. Spinner, J. Burns


where will you go, college graduate?

you are only beginning

while others are starting over

you are embarking on an unknown journey ... wherever the path of life leads ... through doors waiting patiently to be unlocked.


mark duncan

daytonian Well, gang, here it is!!! After eight months of arduous labor, cursing, hollering at photographers, hollering at the staff, and getting hollered at by our advisor, this edition of the Daytonian is finally in print. You who have purchased it now find that it has been well worth it (we hope). Those who have not - tough luck. We, the editors, now must thank the staff. Even though they goofed off at times they still got the job done. We also owe a great vote of thanks to some of the Flyer News staff who helped out when our own people did not show up. They gave of themselves to help this book come out on time. Finally we must thank you, the students and faculty at the university who ARE this yearbook. Many of you will never again see this place that has become a second home these last four years. No more block parties (for those of us that remember what block parties were), no more Saturday nights at Tim's, no more walks up Stuart hill, and no more 8:00 classes. We hope this book will accompany you on your travels through life, a reminder of simpler. less hectic times. We did our best with what we had; we hope you will endeavor to do the same.

debbie ioli


STUDENT LIFE: Theresa Duncan sent: Rick Delaney.

Editor, Mary Ann Nock, jane Hartsock. Ab-

CLUBS AND COUNCILS : Robin Shafer, Kim Kettler -

SPORTS: Mike Malone, Alice McGarvey, Steve Wilder Knorr.

Editor .

Editor. Absent : Janie

SENIORS, ET AL: Maggie Krouse -

HOME AWAY FROM HOME: Megan McCarthy, Craig Russo Robichaud, janice Janendo, Laura Hamburger.

Editor, Lisa Berling.

Editor, janie



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INDEX -AAbbott, Donald 199 Abjanic, John 207 Abraham, Richard 115, 131, 145 Ackerman, Marilyn 145 Ackermann, Douglas 205 Ackley, Falegh 209 Ackley, James 145 Adams, William 125 Adams, James 201 Adams, Louisa 145 Adkins, Cathy 145 Adler, Deborah 210 Afghahi, Homayoon 145 Agnello, Ellie 133 Ahasic, David 214 Ahearn, Rosemary 238 Ahrenson, J. 222 AI-Khatib, Hussam 145 Albert, William 215 Albertson, Russell 204 Albanese, John 205 Albright, K. 238 Aldous, Jane 228 Aldstadt, James 145 Alec, D. 232 Aleck, Patricia 145 Alexander, Roberta 163 Alfaro, Colon 145, 225 Allen, Sharon 145 Allen, Wade 120, 145 Alii, Koni 203 Allick, David 145 Alparone, Ralph 145 Altmeyer, Jo Ann 209 Alvarez, Oscar 145 Alvarez, SSGT. Earnesto 172 AmbroSe, Maureen 118 Anatra, Michele 209 Anderjaska, Teresa 224 Anderson, Douglas 178 Anderson, Gordon 191, 207 Anderson, Richard 145,237 Anderson, Roger 145 Anderson, Thomas 199 Anderson, Thomas W. 143 Anderson, William 181 Andrea, John 214 Andres, James 201 Andrew, Doug 115 Andrews, Pamela 145 Andrzejewski, Leokadia 145 Angelo, Paul 124 Anguilano, Michele 145, 230 Annarino, Michael 234 Annelli, William 145 Anslinger, David 124 Anysz, Daniel 145 Apel, Carl 201 Arbaczewski, Carol 121, 137, 145 Arceri, Eric 115 Armstrong, Bruce 145, 234 Arnold, Mary Lou 135 Arons, Peter 158 Asaishi, Masamichi 120 Ashley, Kathy 127, 133, 225 Astarita, Thomas 125 Astonta, Turf 135 Atkin, Ray 131, 235 Atkinson, Katherine 209 Aucremanne, Marie 211 Avallone, Joseph 145 Avalone, Jody 132 Avi, John 14fi


Aviles, Deborah 217 Avolio, Frederick 216 Axley, Mary 209 Azar, Alan 146, 234

-BBachmeyer, Ann 209 Bachor, Barbara 146, 230 Baciak, Kenneth 206 Back, Stan ley 170 Backs, Mark 199 Bacon, Cindy 133 Bailie, Lynne 125, 208 Bajpai, Praphulla 187 Bajt, Teresa 211 Baker, Kate 146 Baker, Richard 174 Baker, Theresa 208 Bakies, Barbara 146 Baldwin, Matthew 185 Bales, Thomas 220 Balinski, Dale 215 Ballway, Robert 232 Balochko, Joseph 146 Balzer, Margaret 146 Balzer, Thomas 199 Banasiak, Mary 146 Bange, James 199 Baniak, Mike 122 Banks, Deborah 209 Banks, Marilyn 209 Bannan, Alfred 163 Bansal, Ashok 120 Bansbach, Diane 136,146 Barbetto, Maureen 146 Barclay, Robert 137 Bardon, Gerard 202 Barker, Jennifer 211 Barna, Bruce121,133,14~226 Barnas, John 146 Barnes, Michael 181 Barns, Beverly 115 Baron, Steven 203 Barr, Briget 238 Barr, Joh n 206 Barrett, Peter 137 Barrish, Bro. Andrew 173 Barry, Mary Jo 146 Barry, Timothy 200 Bartley, Mary 146 Bartol, Jim 120 Basanesse, Frank 169 Bashaar, Mark 217 Bashe, Mary 146 Basilotto, Capt. John 172 Baskovic, Janice 209 Basso, Dale 199 Basta, Paula 209 Basta, Renai 146 Bastian, P. 233, 236 Battersby, Debra 210 Baucum, Joan 121, 210 Bauer, Ronald 147 Baun, Deborah 147, 224 Baxter, Carol 173 Baylog, John 235 Beale, Mary 209 Beare, Anne 147 Beauchamp, Grant 147 Beauregard, Carolyn 147, 237 Beauregard, Erving 163 Beck, Cathy 209 Beck, John 206

Beck, Raymond 201 Beck, Thomas 147 Becker, Kimberly 209, 214 Beckman, Donald 147 Bedard, Bernard 158 Bednar, Jerome 201 Bednar, Timothy 147 Bednarczk, Jayne 147 Beebe, Rich 128 Beer, Michael 219 Begega, Michele 208 Beggan, Paul 199 Beglin, Ronv 198 Beikirch, Bonnie 147 Beill, C. 227 Bekta, Dona 208 Bell, Kirk 202 Bell, Nancy 217 Bellesky, Karen 209 Bellman, Dan 206 Bellono, John 115 Belna, Victor 203 Benacquista, Bruce 200 Benbow, Douglas 147 Benedett, Frank 124, 129 Benedum, Richard 173 Benga, Joseph 147,198 Benigni, Frank 132, 206 Benitz, Carol 209 Bennett, Brian 231 Bennett, Clifford 215 Bennett, SGT MAJ. Robert 17:; Ben nett, Terry 131, 235 Benson, Sherman 211 Bentley, Edward 147 Benway, Fred 134 Benz, Carol 217 Benz, Kathleen 225 Berardini, Donald 23 Berg, Berthold 179 Berger, Mike 133 Bergman, Theresa 211 Berhce, D. 231 Berk, Betty 173 Berkemeier, Liz 115, 210 Berkmeier, Tom 115 Berling, Lisa 208 Bernard, Bruce 134 Bernens, David 201 Bertke, Jeff 147 Betelak, Brian 201 Beyers, Peggy 135 Biance, Peter 147 Biedenbach, Mike 232 Biersack, George 188 Biger, Elizabeth 115 Biggs, Charlotte 124 Bigler, Joseph 206 Bimonte, Brian 121, 137 Bind, Janelle 208 Bingham, Richard 207 Birmingham, Kathy 125 Birmingham, Mary 147, 230 Bitonte, David 131,207 Bitterman, William 136 Black, Harry 173 Black, Richard 136, 209 Blaeser, Karen 133 Blake, William 119, 147 Blanchard, John 147 Blanck, Frederick 199 Blardinelli, Jill 128 Blatt, Stephen 188 Blauvelt, Janet 209 Bleck, Robert 147 Blind, William 202

Blois, Gary 235 Blommel, Richard 115 Bloom, Eric 147 Boccardi, Donald 147 Boebel, Mark 119 Boff, Steve 137 Bogest, Karen 147 Bohen, Maggie 127 Bohne, Richard 215 Boisseau, Richard 220 Bolkcom, Kenneth 201 Bollin, Mark 203 Bolyen, M. 205 Bommarito, Lawrence 147 Bonfils, James 199 Bongiovi, lKathleen 147, 223 Bonn, William 200 Bonosky, Robert 136, 147, 230 Bonutti, G. 201 Booher, Deborah 148 Borgstede, Charlene 115, 120, 121, 202 Borkowski, Donald 199 Borton, Betty 125 Boschart, Susan 115 Bosile, J. 205 Boulet, Richard 181 Bourke, Daivd 148 Bower, Samuel 179 Bowers, Beth 215 Bowers, J. Dalton 132,205 Boyle, Marcy 115 Boyle, Candy 220 Boyle, Geoffrey 148, 231 Boyles, Maureen 211 Bradley, Pat 135 Brady, Charles 181 Brady, James 124, 132, 148 Brady, Ted 207 Brand, Rita 210 Braskich, Bruce 148 Braskich, Keith 198 Breen, Sea n 127 Bregenzer, John 185 Bremen, Barbara 131, 148 Brennan, Colleen 135 Brennan, Kevin 148 Brennan, Terry 131 Rreuning, Robert 137, 233 Brickner, Steven 199 Bridgman, Kathleen 222 Briggs, Carol 209 Brigham, Monte 228 Brill, Catherine 148 Brito, Jose 214 Britt, John 160 Britt, Ma u reen 164 Broderick, Joanne 148 Broderick, Timothy 132 Broering, Jack 148,231 Brogan, Kevin 201 Brooks, Ken 135 Brooks, Mary Ann 14/j Brophy, Timothy 148 Broschart, Susan 209 Brown, Carol 209 Brown, Cheryl 209 Brown, Chris 128 Brown, Fred 121, 199 Brown, Gary Lee 127 Brown, John 148 Brown, L. 213 Brown, Marie 148 Brown, Rose 148 Brown, Russ 134 Brown, Sandra 208

Brown, Susan 209 Browne, Justin 148, 229 Brucato, Mary Ellen 131, 148, 213 Bruder, Thomas 205 Brunt, Daniel 149 Bruschi, Laurie 149, 216 Bryant, Julia 149, 211 Bryant, Mary 210 Buby, Bert 181 Buccini, James 149 Buchicchio, Bruce 198 Buckel, Robert 149, 233 Buckley, Barbara 209 Buckley, Steven 200 Buckner , Michael 200 Budny, Joseph 133 Buerschen, Barbara 149 Buffington, Joan 149 Bukna, Mark 126 Bunn, Donald 200 Burbridge, Laron 149 Burk, Judy 209 Burns, Rev. Norbert S.M . 181 Burns, Joe 132, 239 Burton, L. 223 Butler, John 115, 198 Butter, Eliot 179 Buttlewerth, Debbie 114, 115, 121, 210 Butts, James 149 Buyle, Jeff 135 Buzer, Pat 115 Byrd, Susan 149 Byrne, Elizabeth 200 Byrne, Mary Ellen 149 Byrne, Robert 149

-cCahill, James 149 Cahill, Maureen 217 Cahill, Michael 226 Cain , Richard 115 Cairns, William 128 Calabrese, Carol 149 Calhoun, Charles 131, 235 Calvey, James 204 Calvey, Kathy 118 Calvey, Raymond 199 Cameron, Alex 158 Campanelia, Larry 199 Campbell, Carolyn 149,209 Campbell, Charles 230 Campo, Arnold 149 Campogne, S. 235 Cancian, Thomas 118, 132, 149 Canford, William 148 Cangemi, Stephen 114, 149, 238 Canning, Mary 211 Cannon, Kathleen 209 Canzano, Daniel 132 Capella, Louis 169 Carbon etta, Angela 133 Carcia, L. 211 Carey, Sheila 209 Carhart, David 233 Carl, Cherie 208 Carlin, Michael 132, 229 Carlitz, F. 209 Carnevali, Paul 149 Carney, Mark 114, 149, 210, 237 Carnie, Roger 212 Caron, Charles 135, 149, 226 Caron, Julie 224 'Carroll, Betsy 149, 230 Carroll, Kevin 126, 149 Carroll, Michael 149 Carrozzino, Jerome 149

Carter, Joanne 211 Carter, Peggy 169 Carter, Sandra 210 Casella, James 149, 235 Casey, Anthony 148 Casey, Eileen 150 Casey, Michele 214 Cashman, Mary 208 Cashman, Noreen 209, 214 Cashnelli, Paul 150, 236 Cassell, Capt. Charles 124, 172 Cassidy, Karen 127 Castellanos, G. 202 Castelli, Len 115, 206 Castello, Timothy 127, 128 Catalano, Dennis 203 Catlett, Doug 205 Catri, Robin 150 Cammino, Donald 237 Cehrs, Michael 204 Cenci, Adrienne 209 Cerrone, Alfred 220 Chaconas, Peter 200 Chadwick, Gerry 134 Chamberlain, Nancy 210 Chambers, Patricia 209 Champa , Joni 133, 225 Chapman, Gary 118, 127, 206 Charbonneau, Patrick 150 Charhut, Judith 208 Chase, James 236 Chase, Larry 114 Chatburn, Paul 200 Chavez, B. 207 Chavez, Simon 191 Chelekis, Louis 127,135,150 Chen, Johnson 150 Chernak, Ronald 128 Chirello, Thomas 225 Chisolm , Mary 209 Christensen , Mary 150 Christian , Scott 215 Christopher, Kenneth 135 Christy, Paul 150 Chudd, Bro . Cletus 152 Cieslik, Adam 134 Cisternino, Linda 150, 224 Civille, Mary 184 Clark, Bruce 207 Clark, James 150 Clark, Michael 210 Clark, Robert 208 Clark, Regina 115 Clark, Willard 146 Clarke, Paul132 Claus, Carolyn 150 Claus, Julia 150, 224 Claus, Julie 135 Clearwater, Gary 115 Clemens, Samuel 150, 233 Clifford, Dale 152 Clifford, Patrick 150 Clishim, Mary Anne 133 Cloke, Christine 150 Clork, J. 204 Cobo, Henry 150 Cochran , Bud 158 Codeluppi, Gary 134 Coffaro, James 132 Coffey, Betty 146 Coffey, Elaine 150 Coffey, Hans 150 Coffey, Thomas 150, 226 Coito, C. 209 Coiceri, John 220 Cole, William 181 Collier, Sandra 151 Collins, David 205 Collins, Michael 204

Collins, Norman 207 Collins, Thomas 151 Collopy, Mary Ann 151 Colton, Jacqueline 151 Colwell, Robert 204 Comer, Orville 169 Campagnone, Salvatore 151 Conard, Robert 168 Condy, Jane 217 Connolly, David 131, 200 Connolly, Kevin 133 Conner, Deborah 151 Connors, Barry 151 Connors, Richard 204 Conroy, Joyce 228 Conroy, Nancy 215 Considine, Lynn 212 Conway, Betsy 211 Conway, James 201 Conway, Mary 215 Coogan, Tim 131 Cooney, James 126, 203 Cooney, Joseph 187 Cooney, Kevin 205 Coppa, Tony 219 Cochran, Thomas 137 Corueil, Joan 198 Cordon , Tony 131 Corey, William 236 Corless, Helen 151 Corrigan, Jack 131, 235 Costello-l amas, Marisus 168 Costello, Peter 201 Cothern , Charles 177 Covert, Ted 115 Covey, Daniel 127 Cowdery, Stephen 126, 151 Cox, Patrick 206 Cox, Thomas 151 Coyle, Terry 213 Coyn , Mary 211 Boyne, Butch 136 Boyne, Mary 133 Coyne, William 202 Cramer, B. 198 Crane, Robert 204 Crawford, James 236 Crawford, Michele 135, 151 Crawford, V. 228 Crivello, Mariano 177 Cronin, Tim 132 Crouch, Donna 211 Crowley, Paul 115, 204 Csop, Suzanne 239 Cuba, R. 199 Cuddihee, Donald 115 Cullen, Greg 136 Cullinan, Michael 198 Cullinan, Mary 211 Cumbie, Stephen 203 Cummings, Mary 151, 210 Cummins, Mary 151 Cunin , John 151 Cunningham, Denise 135 Cury, Helen 151 Cutter, James 121, 137, 151, 202

-0D'Amico, John 202 Dahlinghaus, Pat 125 Daly, Mary 218 Daly, Pat 132 Dan, Lydia 151 Daniel, Edward 200 Danielson , Jane 209 Dapolito, Frank 179 Darbie, Thomas 216

Darling, Robert 151, 236 Datko, John 200 Daugherty, Paula 151 Davidson, Robert 152 Davis, Beth 135, 199, 228 Davis, Mike 152 Daye, Curtis 152 Dayton, Mary 152 De Blasis, Michael 214 De Cew, Chris 211 De Cocco, Michael 198 De Curtins, Debbie 210 De Francis, Anthony 207 De Marino, Charles 202 De Mastry, Gary 218 De Paul, Allison 211 De Preta, Joseph 132 De Voe, Robert 204 De Wire, Marian 185 Deaton, Ann 115 Debevec, Charles 230 Debien, Janet 218 Decarluzzi, Z. 235 Decker, Susan 238 DeFendis, Robert 152 DeFilippo, Dominic 152 DeGroff, Clark 131,152 Deibel, Rose Marie 114 Deibert, Teresa 152 Deis, Judy 137 Del Grosso, lohn 198 Delamanow, Michael 131 Delaney, Rick 198 Delatorre, Paul137 Delbene, Mary 152 Delia, Richard 220 Delker, Edward 152 Delozier, Debbi 115, 211 DeMarino, Margaret 152 Dembski , Jeffrey 239 DeMeter, Steve 124 DeMoski, Jeff 125 Dempsey, Marcia 152 DeMuth, Steven 200 Denker, Jane 131 DeBreta, Joseph 152 DeReiyter, Susan 230 Derie, L. 234 Deriso, Pamela 152, 227 Derkson, Joseph 131 DeRose, Joseph 134 Deruyter, Susan 157 Des Groseilliers, S. 203 Deshelter, Kay 135, 152 DeSmedt, Maureen 153,230 DeVaney, Michael 231 DeWillie, Susan 20~ Di Gregory, Cindy 125 Di Marco, Robert 198 Di Simone, Joseph 135 Di Spirito, Daria 214 Dickson , Rev. John 185 Didier, Marietta 133 Dieska, Joseph 174 Dietrick, Doug 131 Dietz, Elyse 136, 237 Dietz, Patty 119 Dillingham, Mary 199, 229 DiMarco, Frank 124 DiMock, Patricia 228 DiPonio, Denise 153 DiSalvo, Patty 135, 228 DiScenza, Patricia 125, 153, 226 Dobkowski, Susan 233, 239 Dobrovocky, John 153 Docherty, Scott 205 Dodson , Cindy 121 , 211 Doherty, Eileen 208 Dolan, John 213


Dollard, Maribeth 127, 210 Dombrowski, M .~ry 153 Donahue, Betsy 127, 211 Donatelli, Rocco 142 Donegan, James 114, 153, 234 Donell, Lynn 208 Donia, Angela 118, 208 Donlan , William 213 Donley, Bertram 239 Donne, T. 208 Donnellan, Michael 181 Donohue, Cathleen 153, 237 Donohue, Eileen 133 Donohue, Kevin 153, 233 Donovan, Greg 136 Donovan , James 217 Donowick, Michael 204 Doran , Peggy 125 Dormish , Jeff 114, 137, 153 Dorwart, Richard 114, 153, 237 Dougherty, Doreen 208 Dougherty, Peggy 153, 238 Douglas, Patricia 153 Dowart, S. 237 Dowers, Darryl' 206 Downey, Ethel 164 Downing, Mary 119, 216 Downton , John 153 Doyle, Kevin 153 Draham, Patrick 239 Draughton, Tom 131 Drees, Doris 176 Drennen , David 206 Drishoff, Barbara 152 Droughton, Thomas 153,235 Dubsky, Darrell 121 , 133 Duerscheidt, Dianne 153 Duffey, Mary 153 Duffy, Patricia 208 Dugan, Kevin 204 Duhig, Mary 208 Dulka, John 153 Dullard, John 153 Duller, Michael 202 Dulligan , Peter 220 Duncan , Mark 129, 244 Duncan, Theresa 245 Dunigan , Timothy 213 Dunsky, Martha 153, 127 Durbin , John 153 Dllrh~m. Capt. Orin 172 Durkee, M . 208 Durko, Douglas 153 Dury, James 153, 239 Dury, Sue 115, 209 Duska, John 134 Dutcher, Jeanne 209 Dwyer, John 199 Dybeck, AJ 134, 232 Dezerikania, Debbie 118 Dzurikanin, Deborah 208

-EEarly, O. 199 Earotaberea, Rogelio 154 Ecker, Valerie 208 Eckstein, Richard 153 Edelenyi, Rev. Achilles 174 Edgington, Gregory 153, 120 E~ards , Brent 154 Edwards, Harry 111238 Egan , Colleen 125, 133, 154 Egan , John 207 Egan, Robert 154 Egolf, Maria 154 Ehehalt, John 204


Ehrbar, Donna 154 Ehrler, Michele 121, 137, 154 Eich, Frank 154, 238 Eid, Leroy 163 Eiger, B. 209 Eiger, Peter 154 Eisenhaver, Shirley 208 Eiser, Steven 203 Eiserle, David 114, 215 Ekiert, ~ oan 154, 233 EI-magarmid, Ahmed 115 Eley, Marion 146 Elijah , Allen 154 Ellinghaus, C. 222 Ellis, John Jr. 146 Ellis, Raymond 203 Ellis, Wilfred 154 Elmore, Jack 199 Emerick, Randall 198 Engelhardt, John 154 Engelhardt, Mark 154 Enger, Barbara 115 Ennis, Charlene 233 Erickson , Patricia 154, 239 Ericson, June 154, 214 Ertel, Phi1124, 154, 134 Euse, Joseph 154 Eustace, Robert 198 Evans, Lawrence 198 Evers, Prof. 120 Evers, Anthony 157 Eveslage, Sylvester '152 Eveslage, Terry 121

-FFabrizo, K. 210 Fagan, Mary 210 Fagan, Mark 134 Fagbayi , Mutiu 121 Fahey, James 154 Fairlie, Kathryn 155 Fajardo, William 155 Falato, Rory 218 Faletti, Marita 155, 225, 133 Faile, Gary 114, 155, 234 Fallon, Nancy 210 Falloretti , Tom 127, 155 Farrel, John 234 Farrell, Gregory 199 Farrell, Joe 119, 124,155 Farrell, Patricia 155 Farrelly, James 158 Farrelly, T. 200 Faso, Peter 187 Favale, Dalores 119, 155, 235 Fearn, Dennis 155 Fedick, Thomas 224 Fedigan, John 205 Fee, Patricia 208 Fehlmann, Alfred 167 Fehring, Mary Ann 209 Felting, Leslie 133 Fera, Sharon 208 Ferguson,F.233,239 Fernandez-Fraga, A1121, 124, 202 Ferrerer, K. 233 Ferrero, John 134 Ferri, Janice 155, 226 Ferrigno, James 1611 Ferrise, James 134 Ferron, William 200 Fertalj, Mary 209 Fickinger, Paul 155 Fiedler, Cynthia 210 Fiehler, Joann 173 Filips, Allan 134, 155 Filips, Janet 118, 208

Fink, James 155 Fink, Patricia 210 Finns, R. 206 Fioramonti, Vince 134, 200 Fioriti , Andrew 146 Firestone, Mary Ellen 192, 225 Fisher, Donna 155, 225 Fisher, Joseph 155, 206 Fisher, Thomas 213 Fisher, Teresa 155, 228 Fisk, Jean 228 Fining, Leslie 155 Fitxgerald, D . 199 Fitz, Bro . Raymond 157 Fitzgerald, Brian 155, 235 Fitzgerald, Jeanne 125, 155, 223 Fitzgerald, John 135 Fitzgerald, Schoen 122, 132, 217 Fitzpatrick , Kathleen 210 Fitzsimmons, Karen 210 Fitzsimmons, Sally 210 Fitzsimmons, Susan 155 Fitzsimmons, Tom 131 Flaherty, Karen 133, 155 Flanigan, Meg 133 Flannick, Jay 131 Flechko, Larry 133 Fletcher, Richard 155, 219 Flickinger, P. 223 Flihchel, K. 232 Florian , Joseph 155 Flory, Benson 207 Flynn , Tom 136 Foecking, Mary 114 Fogel, Norman 178 Fogerty, Michele 207 Foley, Molly 210 Foley, Rosemary 155 Foltz, Joseph 200 Foltz, Karen 156 Forabaugh, R. 205 Ford, Ida 156 Ford, Michelle 156 Ford, Steven 234 Fornelli, Toni 214 Fornwalt, Jack 146 Forschner, Brian 135 Forschner, Brian E. 178 Foster, Vickie 156 Fowler, Camille 214 Fowler, Josephine 156, 238 Fowler, Laura 209 Fowler, Wayne 203 Fox, Bernard 152 Fox, Joh n 134, 198 Frank, Christine 156 Franklin, Ann 142 Franzolino, Albert 132, 156 Frasca, Ralph 156 Fratini, Albert 152 Frazer, Donald 203 Fredrick, Brent 199 Fredrick, Sandra 211 Fredrico, T. 229 Freehan, M . 215 Freeland, Sandra 156, 239 Freeman, Bella 164 Freese, Rick 122, 207 Freisthler, Stephen 203 Frericks, Thomas 141 Fresina, Anthony 185 Friel, J. 170 Friend, Colleen 156 Friend, Noreen 126,156 Fries, Paula 220 Friesz, Art121, 133, 156 Frindel, Ben 132 Froelich, Robert 156 Froelich, Thomas 201

Fromel, William 205 Frost, William 181 Frye, Helen 182 Fucci, Eric 156 Fuchs, Billy 137 Fudge, Kim 209 Fudge; Kristen 115 ". Fuhs, Pamela 217 Fullam, John 126, 156, 233 Fullenkamp, Philip 207 Fuller, George 155 Funk, John 120 Funkhouser, Steven 156 Fuse, Joe 133 Fuszara, Lester 148

-GGabettie, George 200 Gabos, Dave 131, 235 Gadd, John 199 Gaeke, Joyce 124 Gaeta, Ted 132 Gaeta, Theodore 156 Gaffney, Mary 215 Gagliardo, Donna 216 Galante, Barbara 215 Galbally, Anne 156, 224 Galdo, Gustavo 206, 219 Galeano, Carlos 168 Gallagher / George 156 Gallagher, Janet 215 Gallagher, Janice 131 Gallagher, Janes 156, 238 Gallagher, Maureen 209 Gallagher, Mary 157 Gallagher; Michael 157, 237 Gallagher, Rory 157, 237 Gallece, Janet 157 Gallego, Anthony 220 Galloway, Valarie 211 Galon, A. 206 Galvin, Denise 157, 235 Gantner, Thomas 170 Gantose, David 203 Gardener, Billy 132 Garnon, John 201 Garnon, Linda 218 Garofalo, M. 157, 235 Garoner, Mike 137 Garrick, Lance 205 Garrity, William 216 Garrity, Jake 114, 126 Garvanne, Dennis 121 Gates, Charles 157, 239 Gatterfield, S. 210 Gaughan, Mark 157 Gau I, Dave 219 Gauntner, William 157 Gay, James 182 Gazda, Walter 206 Geekie, Mark 200 Geib, Peggy 157 Geiger, Donald 187 Geiger, John 160 Gelb, W. 208 Gentile, Donald 132, 157 George, James 157 Geraci, Michael 239 Geraci, Timothy 199 Geraghty, John 132 Gerber, Brian 157, 137 Gerber, Gerald 200 Gerety, Kathleen 157 Gerety, Nancy 229 Gerker, James 157, 226 Germinder, Richard 199 Geyer, Patricia 157, 235

Giambrone, Lisa 209 Giangiulio, Nick 125, 157 Gibbs, Barbara 216 Gilbert, Fred 124, 206 Gilhooley, George 235 Gilkey, Scott 199, 299 ~illespie, George 148 Gilletto, D. 232 Gilmore, Steve 136, 223 Gilmore, Susan 119, 158 Gilvary, Patrick 173 Giolitto, Dean 158 Giordano, Amy 158, 225 Giovengo, Kathy 135 Gist, Lewis 121 Gitzen, Hank 118 Giulitte, Dean 131 Glaeser, Ray 127 Glaser, Sue 119 Gleisinger, Anne 158, 210 Glennon, Dennis 158, 232 Gliha, Terry 131 Glover, Steve 134 Gnandt, Mary 158 Garrity, Jake 127 Goertemiller, Marga~et 158 Goetz, Maryellen 210 Goldschmidt, Janet 135, 158, 235 Golon, Andy 134 Golubic, Nancy 158 Go1ubieski, David 205 Gompers, Patricia 217 Gonnella, Severin 214 Gonzalez, Michael 158, 225 Goode, Teresa 158 Gooding, Lisa 209 Goodridge, Jean 158 Gordon, P. 209, 214 Gorton, Robert B. 170 Goss, Robert 201 Gradesky, A. 198 Graene, D. 201 Graham, Gladdy 115,237 Graham, James 158, 234 Graham, jeff 115 Graham, Richard 200 Graham, Thomas P. 177 Graves, R. 226 Gray, Kathryn H. 162 Gray, William M. 160 Grayzel, Ken 128, 129 Greco, joseph 158 Greely, j. Michael 168 Green, William 158 Green, Sandra 219 Greenfield, Gary 119, 124, 158, 234 Greenfield, Stephen 198 Greisemer, M. 211 Grenig, Russ 126 Griebstein, Mary 211 Griesbaum, Mark 199 Griffin, Theresa 228 Griffith, Bruce 202 Grimm, Patricia 216 Grob, Mary A. 160 Gross, Henry 158 Grote, Rick 121路, 137 Grubenhoff, Michael 204 Gruber, Robert 204 Grygier, Pau1119, 120, 128, 137, 159 Grzechowiak, Martin 159 Guarnieri, David 159, 231 Guilbert, Thomas 137, 159 Guiltinan, David 203 Guisti, Toni 135, 159 Guizzo, Robert 159, 219 Guschwan, Susan 210 Gutierrez, Emely 210

-HHaag, Carol 209 Haas, Leo 159 Haber, P. 210 Hacker, john 159 Hackett, Mary 217 Hafele, Richard 159 Hagler, joe 133 Hajdin, Michael j. 159 Halaparda, Nancy 159 Halden, Margie 225 Haley, Stephen 231 Hall, Larry 207 Hall, Timothy 203 Halverson, Richard 178 Hamburger, Laura 212, 245 Hamilton, j. 227 Hamilton, Marilyn 232 Hamlin, Tiffy 125, 159, 225 Hamm, Christine 159 Hammaker, Lynne 159 Hammelrath, Mark 203 Hammer, Greg 134 Hammersmith, Dick 1'28, 159 Hammett, Branda 120 Hand, Rich 131 Hanley, D. 219 Hanley, George 137 Hanlon, Daniel 200 Hannan, Beth 159,216 Hanold, jean 159, 230 Hanrahan, Berenice 228 Hanrahan, jeff 115, 200 Hanson, Ricky 137, 159 Hanusik, Deborah 210 Hanzl, Catherine 159 Hardwood, Philip 188 Harmon, Kathy 169 Harrilchak, Walt 136, 218 Harrington, Pat 136 Harris, Richard 205 Harris, Yvonne 159 Hart, M. 227 Hart, Stephen 198 Harte, jerry 115 Hartman, Bruce 159, 229 Hartman, james 220 Hartman, Walter 199 Hartsock, jane 209 Harty, Shaun 201 Hasky, joi 207 Hatch, Edward L. 168 Haubner, Shirl.ey 209 Hausman, Mary 209 Haverkos, Mark 203 Hawkins, john 235 Hawkins, Michael 159 Hayes, Kathleen 159, 238 Haynes,Anthony 199 Haynes, john 188 Hays, Bill 126 Hearsum, Geoffrey 159 Heckenbach, Barb 115 Heddy, Kathy 133 Heeb, William 200 Heeb, john 216 Heeb, Louie 120, 133, 159 Heffer, Debbie 133 Heher, Timothy 160, 231 Heidtke, Raymond F. 146 Heier, Dave 137 Heinen, Margaret 160, 213 Heink, Philip 200 Heinle, Barbara 160 Heinz, joan 209 Heitbrink, Mark 114 Heitzer, Robert 201

Hemmer, julie 211 Henderson, Claude 127, 199 Henderson, jan 119 Henderson, Nola 209 Hengenius, Bob 115, 160, 202 Hennessy, Don 124, 201 Hennessy, Mike 131, 235 Hellnlgan, Mary Fran 135 Henninger, Francis j . 158 Henrici, Paul 160, 231 Henry S. 198 Henseman, Linda 118, 134, 208 Herbenick, Raymond M. 174 Herbst, Paula 126, 160 Herling, Daniel 160 Herold, Nelson 205 Herrmann, Kitsy 127, 160 Heslin, Virginia 209 Hewitt, Kevin 200 Hickey, Debra 160, 223 Hickey, Tom 136 Higgins, joe 118,206 Hile, Susan 160, 229 Hilfer, B. 205 Hill, john 199 Hill, judi 131 Hill, Mark 207 Hill, Margaret 160 Hill, Richard 206 Hillary, Edmund 121 Hilliard, Nelson 203 Hillman, Steve 118 Hinckley, Leila 160, 133 Hinker, Ann 160 Hinkley, L. 226 Hipp, Christopher 193 Hireh, Mike 160 Hirn, Nancy 118, 210 Hirt, Ann 209 Hirzelberger, james 199 Hix, Victoria 222 Hixon, Susan 160 Hizer, Gregory 201 Hobbins, Lee 131, 160 Hoben, William j. 143 Hocevar, Kathe 160 Hodapp, Dave 131, 235 Hodges, Stephen 201 Hodson, Lawrence 160 Hoenigman, Bro. james 177 Hoffman, janice 160 Hoffman, Sue 212 Hogan, Barbars 161 Hogan, john 214 Holland, jeanine 133 Holland, Margaret 141 Holloway, Sue 114 Ho,l mer, j. 233 Holt, Arthur 148 Holt, jan 119,133,161 Hood, jay 119 Horanz, V. 219 Hornbach, Daniel 161 Horst, Vev. Bernanrd 158 Horstman, A. 209 Horvath, Mark 134 Horvath, Sharon 114,210 Hose, David 115 Houser, Charles 206 Houser, Reed 124 Hovan, Dan 215 Hovey, Pete 121,135,161 Hovey, Thomas 161 Howard, Kenneth 178 Hoying, Mike 114, 207 Hripko, Mike 121, 137, 203 Hritz, Gregory 213 Hubwe, john 161 Huddleston, Pat 127

Hudson, IR. 224 Huff, janice 184 Hughes, Boofie 115 Hughes, Elizabeth 208 Hughes, Linda 161,230 Hughes, Robert 161 Humphrey, Charles 236 Hunt, Tom 127 Hurd, William 200 Hurley, Bob 134 Hurley, Kathleen 161, 168, 238 Hurt, Priscilla 161 Husson, Susan 115, 161 Huster, William 203 Huth, Mary 185

-\lanucci, Janet 210 lanucce, Dave 125, 161 larussi, Peter 161 lasiello, Mark 201 Igah, Philomena 209 Ignelsi, Phil 131 Ilfeld, Richard 188 lIowitz, Peter 204 Imbriale, Annmarie 209 Infanger, Michael 198 Innis, Kathryn 207 loli, Deborah 125, 133, 161,225, 245 Ippolitti, Tony 227 Ippolitto, joseph 200 Irwin, Rich 136 Isaacon, Cheryl 209 Isabella, Duane 198 Itzel, Keith 206 Izique, Cesar 214

-J jabes, D. 200 Jackson, Brenita 208 jackson, Nancy 131 jacobsen, Gail 217 jaffee, Oscar 187 jain, Subhash 169 jamieson, joan 161 jamison, William 161 janda, Caroline 161 janendo, janice 125,161,222,245 janky, Susanne 161, 223 jarazo, jim 134 jasen, Greg 161 javorsky, Chuck 134 jaworo",d(i, Eve 209 jayson, Patricia 176 jehn, Lawrence 189 jennines, R. 209 jermdn, Peter 121, 124, 133, 161 jette, Ann 210 jettinghoff, Ann 161 jindra, Mark 199 jocobs, Suzanne 135 loffe, B. 220 Johanson, Stephen 124, 161 lohnson, Anthony 214 Johnson, Byron 204 johnson, C. 209 johnson, D. 206 Johnson, Gretchen 135,161 johnson, Larry 121, 137 johnson, M. 208 johnson, Sandra 211 johnson, Walter 161 johnston, John 162


Jonasse, Patri cia 162, 222 Jones, Benita 210 Jones, Robert 132, 162 Jones, Ru ss 132 Jones, Stephen 162, 238 Jones, Thomas 200 Jordan, Amy 218 Jordan, Rudolph 201 Joseph, Ellis 143 Joyce, Donald 162, 235 Joyce, Veronica 208 Jurcak, Joseph 229

-KKachelriess, Thomas 162 Kaczmarek, Kathleen 162 Kadzielawski , Janice 162, 228 Kaeble, Richard 200 Kain, Victoria 162 Kaliszewski, Ray 118,124 Kanally, Marcia 135 Kane, Mary Anne -162 Kane, Timothy 218 Kaplan , Michael 204 Kapral, Theresa 208 Karabinus, Theodore 204 Karney, Mary Ellen 127 Kasel, Thoma s 206 Kastelic, Robert 115, 205 Kastner, Bob 136 Kasza, Imre 162, 202 Katsuyama, Ronald 179 Kauflin, John 170 Kaufmann, Mary 162 Kavalec, Marita 210 Kavtachitsch, Albrecht 132, 162 Kazar, Edward 162, 238 Kearney, James 239 Kearns, K. 198 Kearn s, Victoria 210 Keating , Katharine 219 Keeler, Bob 137 Keil, Robert 152 Kelaghan, Timothy 203 Kelbaugh, Kenneth 236, 239 Keller, Jim 131 Keller, Paul 135, 162 Kelly, Brian 162, 233 Kelly, Leo 201 Kelly, Timothy 134, 162 Kemp, Robin 162 Kender, Richard 120, 163 Kennedy, Carol 163, 223 Kennedy, Judith 133, 219 Kennedy, Jeffrey 137, 163 Kenney, Rv. Francis 143 Kepes, Art 121, 207 Kepes, Joseph 177 Kerbis, Lynne 169 Kerner, Christopher 132, 163 Kerner, Jaime 233 Kerns, Gerald 178 Kerns, Robert 200 Kerr, Margaret 127, 211 Kersting, Laura 209 Kerwin, John 220 Kester , Jack 189, 209 Kestler, Jenny 115 Ketchup , Denni s 115 Kettler, Kim 127 Keyes, John 146 Kiefer, Kathleen 163 Kilbane, Erin 118, 163, 207 Kilgore, Dennis 209 Kill, Patricia 209 Kilroy, Mike 120, 133, 163 Kimball , Deborah 215


Kimble, Charles 179 Kimbrough , R. Alan 158 Kimmet, Kathy 212 Kin , Mike 124 Kincade, Judith 207 Kindt, Barbara 209 King, Alan 169 King, Carl 207 King, Edwin 163 King, Janice 163 King, Peter 217 King, Theresa 115 Kinsell, Vicki 118 Kin sella, T. 234 Kin sky, Thomas 163 Kirby, Jacqueline 209 Kirby, Nancy 115, 163 Kirk , Kevin 131 , 163 Kissane, Mary 210 Kissinger, Kathleen 218 Kisting, Ann 216 Klanac, Jerry 121, 199 Klass, Marilyn 135, 228 Klein, D. 208 Klejna, Anthony 133, 202 Kleshinski, Kathleen 163, 230 Kline, Raymond 169 Kling, Susan 163 Klingman, Michael 128, 163 Kloos, George 163 Klosterman , Rick 118, 120, 163 Klosterman , Rita E. 191 Knachel, Howard C. Jr. 152 Knapke, Carol 210 Knippen, Janice 210 Knox, Patty 133 Knutson , Grace 119 Knutson , Margorie 119, 128 Kober, Lindsey 136 Kocak , Robert 200 Koch , David 206 Koch, Jean 164 Koch, Michael 206 Koch, Sue 208 Kodel, Raymond 204 Koerner, Patricia 164 Koester, Nancy 164 Kohan, Theodore 143 Kohmescher, Rev. Matthew 181 Kohorst, Bob 164 Kolar, Christina 209 Koludrovic, Nancy 184 Komajda , Barbara 164 Komarinski , Sandra 210 Konst, Karen 208 Korte, John 179 Kovalcik , David 206 Kovich , Don 137, 164 Kowalczvk, Nancy 214 Kozak, John 164 Kozich , Gary 164 Kraft, David c. 142 Krajczynski, James 198 Krakehl , Barbara 164 Krall, Edward J. 189 Kramer, Christy 209 Kramer, Joseph 228 Kramer, Kathy 118, 208 Kramer, Rebecca 164 Krammitz, Michael 220 'Krau s, Janet 164, 239 Kreger, Christopher 127, 164 Kreitler, James 198 Kremer, Mary 208 Kretz, Eileen 164 Kretz, Jeanine 164 Kretzler, Fredrick 171 Kriegbaum , Caryle 164 Kriegbaum, Robert E. 182

Kritch, Edward 204 Kroger, Janice 164 Krolik, Diane 210 Kronauge, Suzanne 207 Krouse, Maggie 164, 212, 245 Krueger, Emil 165 Krusenklaus, David 200 Krutsick, Stanley 165 Krystofik , Anthony 201 Kubiak, John J. 165, 227 Kubovcik, Deborah 165 Kuenzig, Charles 131 , 165,235 Kuglin, Fred 165 Kulik , Barbara 211 Kumar, Surender 120 Kurtz, Margaret 165, 229 Kusmer, Connie 121 Kuzmick , Bob 136 Kwasnicki, William 201

-LL'Heureu x, Conrad 181 Labadie, Patricia B. 158 Lacey, Julia 209 Laches, Patricia 165, 229 Lacki, Michael 203 Ladele, Adesina 137 Ladish, Kenneth 165 Laffey, Joseph 233 LaGrone, F. 220 Laign, Mi ssy 165, 224 Lakarosky, Connie 115 Lamancusa, John 200 Lamb, Pat 128, 131, 216 Lamb, Patrick 165 Lamb, Sandra 165, 230 Lambert, William 198 Lammers, Gary 203 Lamperti , Donald 135, 165 Lane, Tom 131 , 235 Lang, Chris 134 Lang, Robert 233 Lang, Suzanne 210 Lange, Patte 165 Langenbrunner, Gary 207 Langenkamp, Connie 214 Langley, Timothy 165 Lapinto, Mike 131 Lapitan, Antonio E. 178 Larison, John 165 Larkin, Eddie 136 Larson, Steve 165 Laskey, Lawrence 236 Latos, Lou 134, 165 Lattuga, Amy 209 Laub, David 206 Laufersweiler, Joseph D . 187 Laughlin , Sue 165 Laughna, Kevin 217 Laurash, Dave 119 Lauro, Ann 214 LaVanche, James B. 176 Lavelle, Mary 133 LaVigne, Judith 218 Lawless, G. William 151 Lawless, Regina 131 , 165 Lawson, John 188 Leach, Cheryl 208 Leahy, Andrew 206, 220 Leary, Kathy 125,210 Leavy, Richard 165, 222, 233 Lebling, Bill 134 Lech, Sue 211 Leddy, Kathleen 165, 225 Lee, Dennis 202 Lee, Doug 115, 120, 127, 165 Lee, philip 207

Lee, Shirley 232 Leed, L. 208 Lees, Rev. Charles 141 Leffler, Debbie 165 Lefler, Jo Ann 164 Lemming, Ralph 126 Lemming, Ray 124 Lenane, Ann 209 Lendway, Donna 209 Lenzo, Vickie 165 Leon, Arthur 198 Leonard , John 198 Leonard, Mary T. 176 Leone, John 167, 231 Lester, Susan 209 Lesznik, Gaspar 167 Lettieri, Alfred 167, 237 Lettus, Dorothy 233 Leugers, Patricia 167 Levender, Mike 136, 218 Lewis, Charles 137, 206 Ley, Lorraine 211 Liberta, Joe 137 Liberta, Loretta 211 licata, Mike 134, 198 lichorowic, Bruce 167, 231 lieser, Tom 120, 167 lindberg, Jan 167 lindberg, Jon R. 167 Lindsay, Bernadette 211 Lion, L. 207 lipinski, Joseph 233, 236, 239 Liszkay, Donald 115 Little, Nancy 211 Lizanetz, Glen 200 Lland, Mauricio 199 Llewellyn, Michael 216 Locke, Cynthia 167 Lockhart, Maggi 167 Loerch, Steven 207 Lofink, Crystal 167 Logan , John 121, 133, 167, 202 Lokai, Rita 208 Lombard, Thomas 201 Lomupo, Kevin 167 Long, Debbie 122 Long, Stephan 167 Lontner, B. 207 Lopez, Joaquin 202 Lopinto, Michael 235 Lorenz, Mariann 211 Losego, Kim 231 Louis, Donald 157 Louis, Rev. Msgr . Paul 156 Lou syson, J. 237 Loveland, Lynn 209 Lowry, Christine 167 Lu, Ssu-Jen 115, 167 Lucchin, Kathy 229 Luceno, Jean 125, 135, 168 Lucier, Bro. John J. 152 Ludwigsen, Kristina 179 Luersman, Veronica 127 Lukasik, Walter 198 Luke, Joe 131 Luken, Martha 168, 211 Lukowski, Frank 120, 168 Lutz, Paul N. 191 Luzi, Alden 168 Lynch, Ellie 133, 211, 219 Lynch, Tom 115 Lynn, William 168, 236 Lyons, William 213 Lyons, Kirk 168 Lyons, Michael 206

-McMcAdilms, Patricia 168, 227

McAfoose, Gary 131, 169 McAuley, Scot 121, 200 McBride , Philip E. 169 McCabe, Jim 127, 169, 236 McCabe, Kathleen 211 McCallion, Frank 137 McCann , Thomas 169, 231 McCannon , Steve 127 McCart~y, Casey 225 McCarthy, Ce leste 211 McCarthy, Kathy 169, 224 McCarthy, Megan 222,233 McCarthy, Margaret 217 McCarthy, Patrick 233 McCarthy, Rob e rt P. 169 McCartney, Brian 137 McClain , Eli zabeth 169 McClellan , Jeffrey 135, 169 McCloskey, David 204 McCloskey, John W. 170 McClure, Sue 122 McCormick, Eileen 224 McCormick, Peter 137, 193 McCoy, Mary 200, 210 McCulloch , Stuart 216 McCune, Tim 132 McCurdy, Florine 210 McDaniel, Patrice 211 McDermott, Mary 208 McDonald , Barbara 211 McDonald, Jack P. 185 McDonald , Steve 207 McDonnell , Katie 135, 169 McDougal, Paul 132 McDougal, Kenneth J. 187 McDowell, Sean 217 McElroy, Andrew 204 McEntee, Patrick 169 McEriane, Mollie 115 McFadden, Gerald 169 McFadden, Regina 208 McFarland, Allan 169 McGann, Andrew 207 McGann , Bonnie 208 McGann , Mary Anne 210 McGarry, Fred 136 McGarvey, Alice 128 McGinty, Maureen 169 McGlone, Joseph 199 McGonigle, Susan 169, 224 McGovern , Mary 222 McGowan, Mary 199 McGowan, Christopher 235 McGrath, Brian 169, 228 McGrath, Claire 136, 237 McGraw, James L. 142 McGregor, John 134 McGurn, Sue 133 McHale, Robert 224 McHale, John 199 McHale, Roger 170 McKay, Nancy 218 McKean , Sandra 170, 230 McKee, Kevin 135, 199 McKeever, John 207 McKenna, Mary E. 170, 233 McKenna, Terry 121 Mclaughlin, Gary 170 Mclaughlin, Joseph 170 Mclaughlin , Ted 213 Mclean, James 198 McMullen, Raymond 203 McNally, John J. 182 McNamara, Mac 134 McNamara, Patrick 132 McNaney, Patricia 212 McNatt, Betty 209 McNiece, Cathy 229 Mcquaide, Kevin 201

McTamney, John 170, 228 McVey, Paul 132, 170

-MMacDonald, Althea 170 MacDougall, Kenneth 216 Maceeko, Tom 135, 170 Machin, Nancy 209 Mack, Bob 133, 170, 226 Madrach, Gerald 199 Magner, Barbara 170 Maguine, John 132 Maguire, Eugene 203 Maguire, W. 205 Mahlmann, John 170 Makenas, Robert 218 Malcuit, Don 170 Malczewski, Frank 129 Malloy, Jane 219 Malone, Michael 128, 170, 245 Malone, Monica 170 Maloney, Daniel 203 Mangner, Barbara 137 Manion, Betsy 229 Mann , Bro. Leonard A. Mann, Ronald A. 177 Manning, William 213 Mannino, Mike 114 Manovill, Albert 219 Mar, Jack 118, 125, 170, 199 Maras, Raymond 163 Marchesello, Chris 135 Marchetta, Anne 208 Marchuk, Douglas 203 Mardaga, Edward 171 Marion, Michael 236 Marland, Robert 171 Marquez, Fernando 134 Marrinan, Edward L. 148 Marsh, Sheila 209 Marshall , Lance 125 Martilla, Kathleen 171, 223 Martilla, Thomas 200 Martin , Bill 131 , 232 Martin, Chris 131, 206, 235 Martin, Mary Kay 122, 125 Martin , Peter 132 Martin , Thomas 181 , 226 Martine, David 204 Martinez, Jose 201 Martino, Michael 171 Martorella, Renee 209 Martuzas, Brian 200 Masar, Diane 115, 233, 239 Maschmeyer, Pau1171, 223 Maschmeyer, Mary S. 239 Maslanka, Elaine 171 Masll, H. 202 Mason , Jeff 193 Masor, Victor 193 Mastandrea, Joe 134 Matastate, Jim 125 Mathias, Frank F. 163 Mathias, Loretta 171 Mathison, Elizabeth 209 Matlak, John 171 Matlin, George E. 156 Matoug, Mahmoud 205 Matrisciano, Dave 128 Mattei, Alice R. 211 Matter, Dawn 220 Mattern, Patricia 171 Mattey, Larry 171 Mattie, Terry 128 Matuszak, James 171 Maughan , Kathleen 137 Mauer, John E. 205

Maxwell, Richard 135, 171, 231 Mayer, Brian 205 Mayer, jill 135 Mazza, Denise 211 Mazzucco, Phil132 Meaney, Denise 210 Means, Michael H. 158 Mechler, Dave 171 Mecklen borg, Daniel 203 Meehan , David 205 Meinking, John 115,171,239 Mellinger, Bob 115, 129 Melra, Hal 136 Menatt, Betty 124 Mennes, John 171, 236 Meno, Victoria 219 Mentley, Mike 126 Mentzer, Dianne 171 , 226 Mershad, Martin 206 Mervar, Bro. Joseph 141 Merry, William 206 Merz, Tony121, 137 Mescher, Steven 171 Meston , James 199 Metzger, Pauline E. 164, 182 Meyer, Brian 114, 136 Meyer, Joseph 218 Meyer, Stephen 137 Meyers, Gregory 200 Meyers, Ja net 179 Michaelis, Cari114, 131, 152 Michaels, Ethel 168, 172 Miggins, Fredrick 199 Mihaldew, Reed 115 Mikionis, Dave 137 Militello , Phil 172, 239 Miller, Andrew 201 Miller, Bob 212 Miller, Carol 172, 233 Miller, Greg 134 Miller, Marilyn A. 209 Miller, Marilyn J. 172 Miller, R. Clair 173 Miller, Richard L. 148 Miller, Richard P. 172, 238 Miller, William F. 205 Miller, William R. 203 Millette, Dan 127 Mills, Christine 172 Mills, Gregg 131, 232 Milne, Steven 199 Milord , Marie 172 Minnick, Jim 125, 137, 172 Minton, Constance L. 173 Minton, Patti 133, 172, 225 Miskewicz, Richard 132, 172 Mitchell, Linda 172 Mitchell, Mark 209 Mobley, Shellessa 211 Moeder, Kathleen 210 Moffo, Joe 131, 172, 232 Mohnack, Joseph 233 Moisa, Donald 172 Moloney, Terry 135, 198 Monahan, James 200 Monahan, John 203 Monasterio, Xavier O . 174 Monnino, M. 205 Montero, Jose 120, 201 Montgomery, N. 213 Moore, Bruce 205 Moore, Lisa 135, 172 Moore, Margaret 216 Moore, Mark 204 Moorman, Barbara 172 Moorman, David 172 Moran, Jennifer 219 Moran, Marjorie 135, 212 Moran, Mary Beth 127

Moran,1 imothy 172 Moranz, Gina 135 Morath, Michele 208 Morefield, Donald W. 176 Moresi , Debra 1n Morgan, Adrian J. 157 Morgan, Beth 209 Morgan, Rick 137 Moriscaleo, Mike 131 Moroz, Paul 198 Morrin, Connie 118, 208 Morris, Bill 173, 237 Morrow, Keith 137 Morsemann, M. 209 Mospens, Susan 115, 209 Mospens, Thomas 233 Moss, Mary 119 Mossak, Thomas 219 Mosser, Susan 173, 210 Mott, Robert L. 171 Moyer, Matthew C. 173 Mramor, Patricia 173 Mueller, Scott 200 Muiane, Nancy 209 Mulcahy, Deborah 173, 239 Mulholland, Nora 173 Mulica, Robert 204 Mullaly, Thomas 201 Mullen, Lucy 212 Mulligan, Mary 118, 134, 208 Mulvihill, Kathleen 222 Munlin, Gwendolyn 208 Murphey, Sheila 173 Murphy, Daniel M . 132, 206 Murphy, Donald 199 Murphy, Harry C. 169 Murphy, James 173 Murphy, Kevin 236 Murphy, Patricia 229 Murphy, Patrick 199 Murphy, Timothy 199 Murra y, Jim 115, 134, 174 Murray, John 115, 124 Murray, Leo 181 Murray, Madeleine 211 Mushenheim, Bro. H.G . 170 Mushett, Catherine 215 Mushett, Susan 228 Mutter, Joyce 174 Muus, Laura 210 Myers, Marcia 210 Mykykta, Edward 121 , 137

-NNadolsky, Lois 228 Nagle, Anne 209 Nagy, Rosemarie 211 Nahm, John 134 Naipauer, Hank 137 Majjar, Michelle 174 Najpaver, Henry Jr. 174 Narewsk i, Len 204 Narum, Kathleen 216 Nave, James D. 174, 200 Naveau, John 114 Neal, Judith 211 Neal, Linda 136, 214 Necroto, John 174, 233 Nelson , Cheryl 209 Nelson, Chris 201 Nelson, Denice 126, 174, 213 Nelson, John 131, 219 Nersoyan, H. James 174 Neuendorf, Bro. Edward 189 Neufang, Gordon A. 168 Neurohr, John 201 Newell, Dennis 174


Newell, Lois 210 Nicholas, James 137, 174 Nicholas, Stephen 239 Niederberger, Edwin 175,238 Niese, Michael 206 Nock, Mary Ann 115 Nol an, Dennis 175 Nolan, Kevin 137 Noland, Elizabeth 209 Noland, George B. 187 Norton, Robert 199 Norton , James 199 Novak, Carol 114, 175 Novak, Rich 135, 235 Nowak , Karen 175, 230 Nugent, Patrick 201 Nyasulu, Alex 175

-0 O'Brien, Donna 211 O'Brien, Irene 226 O'Brien, James 216 O'Brien, John 203 O'Brien, Rene 175 O ' Brien , Thomas 206, 233 O 'Connell, Daniel 175, 226 O 'Connell, Sarah Jane 176 O 'Connell, Timothy 202 O'Connor, Vincent 115 O'Connor, Maureen 207 O 'Connor, Shaun 210 O'Donnell, Maureen 176 O'Donnell, Robert B. 158 O'Donoghue, Anne 239 O'Donoghue, Timothy 213 Q'Donohup. Michael 176. 231 O'Gorman , Kathryn 176, 239 O'Grady, Betsy 125, 176 O 'Grady, Maureen 128, 210 O ' Hare, Michael J. 177 O'Hearn, Diana 176 O'Herron, Patrick 134, 176, 214 O'Hurd, Bill 115 O ' Keefe, Gary 136 O'Keefe, John 177 O 'Malley, Dawn 135, 177, 244 O'Neil, Elizabeth 177 O'Neil, Marie 177 O'Neill, Barbara 177 O'Neill, Paul 132 O'Sullivan, Maureen 211 O'Toole, Tim 134 Oben, Marc 131 , 232 Obergefell, David 121 , 133, 175 Oburchay, Michael 175 Oehmig, Colette 215 Ohata, Kazuyoshi 120 Okishoff, Barb 238 Oles, Deborah 211 Olsen, David 177 Olsen, Susan 177, 223 Olson, Eric 200 Olwell, John 215 Omlar, Charles 207 Ondercin, Douglas 177 Orr, Robert 206 Osmak, Robert 193 Osowski , Chuck 137 Osterday, Mark 129 Osterman, Lisa 193 Oyen, Duane 156

-pPacetta, Frank 135, 177, 231 Pacey, Larry 131


Page, Jeff 132 Pagliarini , Mary Lou 125,177 Pagliughi, Scott 127, 227 Palaibis, Leo 136, 230 Palascak, Gloria 193 Palermo, Patrick 163 Palmari, Frank 121 Palmer, Mindy 177 Palmert, Julie 164 Palombi , Ginny 228 Palumbo, Suzanne D. 158 Paolella, Sal 218 Pappa, Karl199 Paradise, William 200 Parisen, Nancy 115, 136, 177 Parlett, James 126, 177 Partyka, Joan 222 Pascarella , Richard 177 Pasquale, Deborah 229 Patacca , Janet 133, 220 Pater, Ann 131, 207 Pater, Maureen 125, 207 Patrick, Pamela 177 Patrick, Teresa 210 Patrouch, Joseph Jr. 158 Patyk, Jozef 178 Pawley, Susan 178 Pax, John 137, 178 Paxton , Nancy 178 Paxton, William 178 Payne, Elmer H. 154 Peagler, Tranicia 211 Pearce, Rich 137 Pelfrey, Sandra 211 Pelino, Susan 211 Pellatt, linda 178, 222 Pelles, William 219 Pelletier, Tony 178 Pellicore, Michael 225 Pellicore, Susan 227 Penders, Patricia 178 Penrod, Robert 124,127,178 Pentenburg, Deborah 208 Perez, Luis 178 Perkins, Betty A. 163 Perna, Gary 132 Perna, Paul 239 Pernhagen, Julie 133 Perrau It, Edward 205 Perrone, Robert 120, 179 Perryman, Sylvia 179 Pertl, Richard 199 Pesce, Chris 132, 203 Peters, Joe 120 Peters, Michael 120, 179 Peterson , Richard E. 142, 170 Petit, Sr. Loretta 160 Petric, Rudy 131 , 235 Petrie, Sarah 208 Petrison , Stephen 214 Petrone, John 179 Petronella, Robert 200 Petronella, Diane 179 Petruccio, Albert 203 Petrusyk, John 135, 179 Petterson, Thomas 179 Petti, Richard 179 Petty, Harry 203 Pfleger, Rick 136, 218 Phillips, Anthony 179 Phillips, Deborah 179 Phillips, Jason 125 Phillips, lyndelle 122, 179 Phillips, Lyndelle 122, 179 Phillips, Norman S. 154 Pichette, Rich 131 Pierce, Charles 121 Pierce, Ginny 128, 217 Pilat, Rosemary 209 Piniazkiewicz, Elaine 208

Pinson , Jay D. 142 Pintar, Michael 201 Pinto, Mark 199 Pittman, Dorothy 210 Pizzio, Stephen 179, 231 Plank, Rhett A. 204 Plent, Maureen 210 Pleva, Rick 134, 200 Plogman, Bernard 173 Plohr, Brad 121, 137 Poc hard, Rita 115 Poeppelman, Sueann 211 Pohl, Angela 179 Pokropski, Diane 211 Poland, Dan 132 Polcaro, Skip 132 Polito, William 179 Pollock, Dave 137 Pollutro, Fred 179, 229 Polzella, Donald 179 Popa, Daniel 200 Pope, Ginny 210 Popik, Mary Lou 118 Popora, Steve 134 Popovich, Paula 218 Popp, Richard 179 Popp, Vincent 236 Poquette, Russell 179 Porter, Janetta 179 Porubcansky, Pat 115, 120, 179 Potoczny, Henry B. 170 Pottenger, Tim 126 Pouliot, Kenneth 137,179 Power, Mary Ann 179 Powers, Billy 137 Powers, Joan 237 Powers, Mark 218 Powers, William 179 Pozo, Cecilia 193 Pozzi, Karen 233 Prachick, Loretta 233 Pratt, Richard 205 Prendergast, Michael 206 Presto, Peter 206 Prieto, Rudi 136 Pritchard, Dale 124 Pritchard, James 206 Pro, Colleen 208 Proday, Richard 118, 179 Puckett, Raymond B. 167 Pugh, Bill 127, 132 Pugh, Mike 132 Puin, Martin 125, 128, 179 Puncer, Barbara 115 Purdy, Bobbie 179 Purkiss, Ewan 179 Purnhagen, Julie 211 Puskar, Ronald S. 179 Pyne, Gail 135

-QQuigley, Mike 222 Quinlivan, David 121,133,179 Quinn, Bob 115 Quinn, Kevin 200 Quinn , Peter 115 Quinn, Terry 181

-RRack, Mary 239 Radike, Barb 119 Rados, James 236 Radtke, Barbara 135, 181 Rafferty, Terry 181 Rahe, Robert 198

Rambasek, Thomas 181 Ramsey, James M . Randall , Kenneth 128 Raney, Russell R. 156 Rank, Mary 216 Raparelli , Jayne 128 Rapp, Ann D. 191 Rapp, Brian 215 Rapp, John E. 156 Raptosh , Andrew 205 Rasbold , Jane 131 Rastikis, laima 181 Ravine, Rick 134 Raymond, leonard 204 Raziminski, Tom 131 Reaney, Mark 132 Reardon, Patricia 208 Reardon, Vincent 236 Rechtin , David 181 Reck, Rhonda 124, 210 Rectenwald, Ronald 131 , 181 Reddy, Anne 209 Reed , Camellia 181 Reeder, Randolph 203 Reese, Raymond 181 Reeves, Mike 134 Reichard , Maurice R. 173 Reid, Gwendolyn 208 Reilly, Barbara 227 Reilly, John 204 Reilly, Kevin lBl Reilly, Mark 207 Reilly, Mary Ann Reilly, Patrick 205 Reindl , Susan 181 Reinhard, Sheila 118 Reinhart, N. 210 Resch , Pamela 212 Restel , Jay 181 Reyher, James 200 Reynolds, Barbara 181, 222, 236 Reynolds, Brian 114, 181 , :l34 Reynolds, Donald 181 Rhee, Tong-Chin 163 Rhodes, Rev . Edmund 174 Rice, Bernard J. 170 Rice, Jane 239 Rice, Jack 135 Richards, William M . 174 Richardson, Bro. Gordon 173 Richert, Kevin 124,131 Richeson, Elizabeth 211 Ridgway, Warren A. 163 Riedl, John 181, 223 Riegel, Bernard G. 185 Riegelmayer, Joyce 115, 207 Riesch, Kathy 115 Riley, Timbes B. 202 Ring, D. 209 Ring, John Michael 132, 182 Ringwood, Katherine 182, 225 Ritchie, Kevin 200 Ritchie, William 182, 237 Ritter, Bill 120, 121, 133, 226, 182 Ritter, Charles J. 162 Ritter, Julie 182, 238 'Ritter, Susan 208 Robbins , James 220 Roberge , Susan 183, 226 Robers, Christopher 183 Roberts, Carole L. 176 Roberts, Jeffrey 134, 183 Roberts, Vicky 183 Roberts, Zenetta 210 Robichaud, Jane 183, 212, 245 Robinson , Charles 183 Robinson, Kevin 114 Robotti, Susa n 211 Roc he, Ginny 238 Roche, Janet 183, 237

Rochman , Milton 183, 214 Rodgers, Edward W. 146 Roebuck, Patricia 217 Roesch, Rev. Raymond A. 140 Roesener, Gail211 Roesky, Linda 183 Rogers, Richard 204 Roggenkamp, William 183 Rolfes, Joan 208 Rolfes, Pau 1128 Rolle, Kurt C. 171 Romanguera, Enrique 168 Romanawski, Anne 210 Romer, Douglas 206 Rondini, Denise 128,208 Roney, Lolette 183 Rose man, joyce 118, 208 Rosenberg, Sara 183 Rosi, Mark 183, 232 Rosi, Sonny 131 Ross, Andrew 203 Ross, Marja 126, 183, 213 Ross, Pamela 211 Ross, Tom 1'34 Rosser, james 199 Rossi, Marian 209 Rotton, james 179 Rouan, Gregg 131 Rougier, Harry j. 158 Rourke, james 183 Rowland, john 199 Roy, Kathy 183 Rubino, Anthony 198 Ruettlnger, Mary 22U Ruffalo, joe 134 Rufiin, Elizabeth 183, 224 Ruppel, Bro. George j. 163 Rus . Rev. Gabriel 120 Ruschan, Linda 137 Ruschau, janet 121 , 137, 183 Rushin, Brenda 183 Rushin, Patrick 234 Russel, Robert 213 Russell, joe 114 Russell, Patricia 121 Russo, Craig 136, 183, 230, 245 Russo, Doreen 208 Russo, Larry 121, 199 Rust, Diane 211 Rust, Pamela 208 Ruth , Barry 183 Ryan, Ann ?14 Ryan, janice 183, 239 Ryan, john 181 Ryan, Kathy 137 Ryan, Kenneth 238 Ryan, Kevin 183 Ryan, Sheila 211 Ryckman, Seymour j. 154 Ryder, james 183 Rye, Thomas 199

-5Sabol, Cheryl 211 Sagstetter, joann 223 Sahlfeld, Carol 193, 224 Sahlfeld, Susan 208 Sailer, Lois 208 Sal, Gilardi 125 Salerno, Paul183 Salley, Mary Beth 119, 219 Salvati, Laura 122, 233 Salvito, Thomas 237 , Samples, Becky 136,214 Sandler, Gif 115 Sandness, Marilyn I. 173 Sanfilippo, Richard 184

Sanford, Robert G. 146 San ger, David 204 Sannuzzi, Kathy 136 Santangelo, june 184 Santiago, Matty 118 Santner, Mary Pat 121 Santoro, Nick 212 Saunders, Alicia 184 Sau nders, Barry 198 Saunders, Donald 206 Saunders, Danielle 209 Saunders, Patrick 184 Saunders, Timothy 216 Sauter, Christine 184, 214 Sbai, Ahmed 198 Scacco, Mike 148 Scalco, john 204 Scaminace, joseph 184 Scanlon, Mike 135 Scarrazzo, jim 124 Scarzella, Robert 204 Schaaf, Gary 125, 184 Schaefer, james 204 Schaetzle, Theodore 198, 205 Schanck, james 234 Schanz, Cathy 210 Scheidler, Charles H. 148 Schempp, Alvin 184 Schiau, Nick 198 Schiavoni, Gary 204 Schindler, Pam 169 Schirmer, Linda 184 Schlairet, Timothy 206 Schleppi, john R. 176 Schley, Kenneth 114. 184 Schmidt, Bernard M . 157 Schmidt, Lisa 210 Schmidt, Mary 211 Schmidt, Mary Kay 125 Schmidt, Paul 184 Schmidt, Sue 119, 184, 223 Scm itt, Ed 137 Schmittinger, William 220 Schneble, jerry 124 Schneider, Kathy 211 Schnell, George 184 Schnell, Karen 114,184 Schnell, R.j. 204 Schodorf, Mary 131 Schoen, Bro. Thomas 189 Schoenberger, Rose Ann 127 Schoenenberger, Gary 199 Schraut, Kenneth C. 170 Schrime, Mickey 133 Schroeder, Betty 164 Schuck, joseph 201 Schuesslar, Michael 199 Schulten, Cathy 115, 127 Schultz, Charles A. 173 Schultz, Sue 127 Schultze, Margaret 212 Schumm, Teresa 210 Schwartz, Donald 184 Schwartz, Kenneth 206 Schwendeman , Ma rtha 136, 237 Scott, Gene 115, 207 Scott, Lawrence 135, 184 Sebasky, Stephanie 209 Seehra, Sukhd e y 193 Seelie, jane 125, 184 Seelig, Vickie 185, 211 Seitz, Rebecca 114, 185 Selhorst, Dale 115 Selinger, Marilyn 211 Seliskar, james T. 185 Selka, Lawrence L. 173 Selvaggio, Marilyn 212 Semrow, Mary 228 Sens, Gregory 201 Sens, Thelma 185

Seppi, Maria 193 Sergy, Marcus 185 Setter, Rev. Henry 173 Severs, joe 121, 137 Shaffer, Robert 185 Shallenberger, Roberta 185 Shapiro, George 185 Sharko, Marilyn 185, 226 Shaughnessy, Gerald 170 Shaw, Bob 234 Shaw, Carol M . 151 Shaw, George B. 154 Shay, Gertrude, D. 187 Shley, Kenneth 237 Shea, Mary 219 Shea, Sheila 185, 223 Sheaffer, Diane 210 Shearer, janet 185,300 Sheehan, David 125, 132, 231 Sheller, Mari ~yn 210 Sheridan, Kevin 235 Sheridan, Paul 135, 198 Shokes, Leslie 121 Shovlin, Bill 135, 186 Siciliano, Carol j. 176 Siegl, Delores 186 Siemars, Gretchen 210 Silk, Robert 186 Silvestri, William 204 Simmons, Peter 186 Simon, Robert T. 186, 236 Simpson, William 186 Simun, Andrea 214 Singer, Sanford S. 152 Sirak, james 200 Sismour, Brian 121 Skehen, john 204 Skelton , Michael j. 186 Skerl, john A. 185 Slagel, Gerald 131 , 186 Smith, Daniel 207 Smith, Denise 133 Smith, Erica 121, 208 Smith, john C. 186, 233 Smith, john T. 200 Smith, Kathy 211 Smith, LtCol Billy R. 172 Smith, Michael 186 Smith, Steven 220 Smith, Tony 127, 217 Smulovitz, jeffrey 199 Snyder, Leslie 135, 186, 230, 234 Snyder, Maynard 186, 222 Sobieralski, Kathleen 209 Sohm, Margaret 210 Sohota, Perminder 203 Solander, Peggy 125, 237 Soler, Edgardo 225 Sonella, Sev 134 Sonstein, Steph e n A. 187 Souaid, Gordon 131 , 188 Spacek, Thomas 217 Spadafora, Michael 186 Spahn, james 201 Spahn, Teresa 209 Spallino, Charles 187 Span, janice 187, 238 Spatafora, Nina 187, 226 Spencer, Robert 187 Spevak, Kim 125 Spin nato , john 187 Spinner, james 188, 235, 239 Spitler, Patty 127 Sporcic, Barbara 118, 187 Spranger, Susan 210 Springer, George H. 162 Springer, Robert 206 Stace, Valerie 212 Stadnicar, john 205 Stahl, William B. 173

Stairiker, Daniel 120, 133, 187 Stamato, Ron 131, 214 Stamper, Dierdre 188 Stancie, Daniel 133, 225 Stander, Bro. joseph 141 Stanley, Bob 224 Stanley, Christopher 188, 226 Stan ley, Pat 164 Stanley, Phillip 176 Stanley, Richard 188, 230 Stanton, Mary Kay 188 Stapp, Doug 115 Starr, Gregory 198 Staubach, Larry 114 Staudter, Donald V. 167 Steberl, Lynn 136, 237 Stec, Peter 188 Steigelman, Vickie 209 Stein, jane 188, 223 Steinbeck, john 121 Steinberg, Rhonda 135, 239 Steininger, Jeanie 114 Steinkerchner, Ronald 232 Steinlage, Ralph C. 170 Stember, Michael 188 Stempak, john 134 Stepan , Robert 198, 204 Stevens, john 206 Stewart, Ronald 202 Stewart, Steven 199 Stickley, jim 132 Stickley, Thomas 188, 225 Stimmer, Scott 137 Stockum. Eleanore K. 158 Stoehr, Andrew 217 Stone, Erwena 188 Stone, Melissa 188 Stone, Susan 188 Stoner, Stephen 126 Storey, Laurence 206 Storts, Allegra 227 Strack; Sue 127, 188 Strevell, Pam 114 Stricker, Debbie 211 Striebel, David 206 Strnat, Karl j. 157 Stultz, Albert 200 Stumper, jay 188 Sud hoff, Barbara 188 Sullivan, David 188 Sullivan, Mary Beth 217 Sullivan, Robert 189, 226, 235 Suponcic, Sharon 189 Suszko, Richard 189 Suttmann, Clement 218 Suttmiller, Dennis 203 Sutton, Linda 210 Sweeney, Marjorie 232 Swidarski, Tom 118 Szczech, Lawrence 198 Szeghy, Rick 136, 230 Szeremet, Eileen 118, 134, 208 Szmuc, Ed 131 Szymanski, Joan 119, 189

-TTacca, Albert 201 Tagg, Lawrence E. 173 Talay, john 189, 234, 238 Tambellini, Daniel 216 Tamburo, Peter 199 Tamer, Greg 122 Tamer, Michael 204 Tanahill, Bruce 119, 203 Targa, Jose 189, 225 Tartaglia, Pe te 133 Tate, Denine 209


Tate, Douglas 206 Tauber, Joe 134 Taylor, Bruce M. 163 Tedaldi, Richard 218 Teevan, Kathryn 189 Tehan, Sharon 209 Tenalio, Mi chael 220 Tenover , Fred 114, 131, 219 Tersaga, David 189 Thacker, John 119, 128, 202 Thall, Tim 137 Theby, Catherine 122 Theobold , Deborah 211 Thibalt, Michael 237 Thole, Dave 115 Thomas, Daniel 200 Thomas, David 114, 121, 215 Thomas, Dawn 189 Thomas, James 213 Thomas, Mary S. 143 Thomas, Ted 131 Thomas, Tim 128 Thompson, Thomas E. 200 Thompson, Jacquelin 211 Thompson , James 205 Thompson, John G. 174 Thompson, Nancy 189 Thomson, Robert A. 154 Thorn , Daniel 198 Thorne, Merry 211 Thorton , John 126 Thrauth, Jeanette 189 Thrun, Mark 137, 189 Tibbals, Karen 212 Tibbetts, Paul E. 174 Tierney, Claire 211 Tis, James 216 Tobe, Douglas 200 Tobia, Stephen 205 Todaro, Louis 114 Toerner, John 213 Tolay, John 114 Toman, Rick 136 Tomari, Lynn 134, 208 Tomon, Richard 230 Toomey, Regina 114 Toplek, Bruce 119,201 Tortelli, Jim 134 Toska, Deborah 189 Trapuzzano, Joseph 202 Treat, Glenn 134, 189, 227 Tremblay, Richard 235 Trent, Judith 125,188 Trentman, James 201 Trogus, Mike 134, 189 Trueman, Carol 127, 227 Truitt, Yolanda 209 Tucholski, David 189 T uffy, Janet 190 Tuiach, Fabio 205 Turbok, Maj . James M . 172 Tweedle, Richard 199 Tyrrell, Leslie 190

-uUckele, Gloria 115 Ulichney, Bob 132 Ulle, Ernest 118, 193 Ulrich, Lawrence P. 174 Unger, Teri 207 Urabel, Debbie 136 Uram, Patricia 190 Urgo,Laura115,209


Ursu, Daniel 199

-vValencia, Javier 214 Valente, Joe 134 Valentine, Doris 209 VanderLeeuw, Eileen 190, 223 Vandervort, Douglas 230 Vandevander, E.J. 173 Van Hogen, Bob 206 Van Sciver, Kenny 137 Varga, AI 114, 193 Varga, Chris 200 Vargo, Geoffrey 127, 188 Varzally, Andy 131, 214 Vassallo, Laurie 190 Vaughan, Cheryl 122 Vecchiotti, Valerie 190 Veihdeffer, William 114, 190, 237 Venard , Denise 136 Verhoff, Steve 124 Vertovac, Theresa 210 Vetter, Philip L. 233 Vigilo, Donna 125, 237 Vines, Alice G. 163 Viox, Donna 190 Viskovich, Gill 132, 190 Visokey, Elaine 215 Voelm, Amy 209 Vogl, Kevin 125, 134, 190 Voller, Mary Jane 209 Volpe, Debra 190 Volpe, Tom 134, 206 Vonderbrink, Gerald 141 Vonderbrink, Mark 202 Vonderembse, Dan 115,200 Vondrell , Steven 206 Von holle, James 239 Vorst, David 206 Votava, Richard 202 Vrabel, Debbie 237 Vukovich , Michael 220

-wWagner, William 198 Wahlrab, Jim 131 Walden, Kim 210 Waldron, Mary Anne 211 Waldron, Nancy 135, 224 Waligura, Connie 129 Walker, Cheryl 127, 135 Walker, Roberta 208 Wall, Bill 127, 232 Wallman, Robert 206 Wallman, Tom 136 Walsh, Deborah 190, 226 Walsh, Kevin 190 Walsh, Maureen F. 190, 230 Walsh, Maureen H. 209 Walsh, Rita 227 Walsh, Tim 200 Walters, Jerald 199 Walters, Jim 126 Walters, John 190, 204 Wanecke, Thomas 207 Wanke, Elmer R. 176 Wanstrath, Steven L. 190 Ward, James T. 190 Ward, Thomas C. 201 Ward , Thomas J. 190

Warner, Steve 131, 190 Warner, Steve 131, 190 Warren , Franklin 203 Wasiloff, Cynthia 210 Waters, Sr. Elizabeth Watkins, Frank 190 Watson, Luann 190 Watts, Ridley 132 Weatherly, Michael 188 Weaver, Mary 128 Webb, Sue 210 Weber, John 126 Weber, Louis A. 173 Weber, Thomas 206 Weinandy, Tom 133 Weisbach, Cindy 210 Weisenberger, Richard 128, 190 Weisman, Paul 114 Weiss, Roger F. 154 Welch, Jim 135 Welsh, James 201 Welsh, Mary 137 Weltner, Robert 204 Wendeln, Diane 216 Wendling, Jeff 124, 128 Wening, Gerald G. 174 Werth , Gary 120, 121, 190 West , Carol 211 Westendorf, Miller 132 Wetzel, David 207 Wetzel, Martha 211, 212 Wharton, Kathy 121,210 Wheatley, Joann 127 White, Joseph E. 143 White, Mary Ellen 190 White, Nancy 190, 229 Whiting, Timothy 191 Whitter, Jim 125 Wickham, Pete 128, 191 Wieman, Marc 202 Wieringa, Patti 191 Wiggenhorn , Janet 211 Wilcox, Laurie 191 Wilcox, Thomas 191 Wilder, Jessee H. 171 Wilder, Steve 128, 245 Wilkinson, Sean D. 173 Wilkinson, Thomas 204 Williamitis, Anthony 131, 191 Williams, Elizabeth 191 Williams, George 204 Williams, Gregory 191 Williams, James 118, 191 Williams, Joceil209 Williams, John 206 Williams, Linda 191 Williams, Lynn 209 Williams, Martha 191, 238 Williams, Michele 212 Williams, P. Kelly 187 Williams, Stephen 191 Willmann, Ted 114 Wilp, Tim 121, 137 Wilson, Kent 207 Wilson, Walter L. 143 Wingard, Walt 191 Winger, Bernard J. 156 Winne, Richard 128, 191 Winship, Steve 125, 132, 228 Winston, Sheila 191 Wirkowski , James 198 Wisc h, Clyde R. 143 Wise, David 136, 191 Wittberg, Tom 126 Witter, James 137,191

Witwer, Dave 133 Wlodarski, Wayne 239 Woda, Pat 192, 224 Woerner, Larry 121, 137 Wojtkun , Soann 211 Wolf, Kevin 132, 192 Wolff, Andrew 114, 131 Wolff, Craig 192 Wolff, Florence 188 Wolff, Patricia 192 Wolff, Robert L. 171 WolI, Patrice 192 Wombacher, Terry 115, 192 Wong, Frank 192 Wong, Kar Ming 202 Wood, Bob 135 Woodbury, Marion 213 Woods, Anthony 121 Wooster, Robert 192 Woronowicz, Carl 134 Woyat, Margaret 192 Wright, Terry 202 Wrightson, Mark 128 Wrynn, Gregory 131 , 202 Wrzesinski, Janice 125, 192 Wuebker, Kenneth 199 Wukusick, Lisa 115 Wyland, Joseph 192

-yYager, James 192 Yaney, Perry P. 177 Yann, Carla 211 Yates, John 201 Yeager, David 137, 192 Yeazell, Jim 136 Yelton, Randy 199 Yersavick, Gail 210 Yockel, Mary 226 Yount, Kristina 233 Yow, Erma 192 Yu, Hoi-Sang 192 Yuhas, Beth 208 Yu i, Lucho 120

-zZaciek, Diane 192 Zaffke, Nancy 192 Zahner, Mary A. 173, 182 Zaita, Robert 135,192 Zamiska, Marie 192 Zarlino, Robert 118, 121, 126 Zarrilli, Robert 199 Zauarella, Paul 131 Zawaski, Dave 134 Zeber, Dave 119, 192 Zebrowski, Thomas 232 Zech, Veryl L. 173 Zehnder, Bob 132 Zeleznik, Annetta 211 Zelten, Ann 115,212 Zengerle, Anne 125, 208 Zerovnik, Jean M. 118, 209 Zielinski, James 192,201 Zimmer, Margaret 208 Zink, William 206 Zinn, Karen 192, 235 Zipple, Anette 209 Ziska, James 199 Znidar, Mark 128, 192 Zonno, Mark 132 Zugay, Patricia 209

parting shots



the end

This chronicle of life at the University of Dayto n is the culmination of the efforts of many people. Hundreds of photographs and thousands ot words fi ll the space between the covers of this volume. For the images in this yearbook we must thank the followi ng photogra ph ers :

Frank Benedett Delma Studios Steve DeMartino Mark Duncan Terry Duncan Ken Grayzel Leslie Hayes Joe Higgins Frank Malczewski Robert Mellinger John Moreau Mark Osterday Ken Schwartz Les Shokes Connie Waligura Sean Wilkinson Jan Wrzesinski

Although a picture is supposedly worth a thousand words, it took many more to represent this year. The talents of these write rs helped bind together all these events:

Rick Delaney Mark Duncan Terry Duncan Mike Malone Alice McGarvey Steve Wilder

We are grateful for the continous support of our advisor, Mary Devine, and wish to specially thank our yearbook representative, Charlie Miller fo r his gift of his time to this venture.


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