The Things Worth While I have been trying to decide . . . what things are most worth while ... and these I think are all of them ... a prayer, for all
a deed, a smile . .
a prayer to God in gratitude .
that He has done .
. and to petition Him for strength . . . rn
battles to be won .. . a faithful deed to serve each need .. . and answer every call . . . especially for charity . . . however great or small . .. and just to have the friendly smile .. . that brightens up the day . . . and does so much to lighten cares . and take the clouds away . . . Yes, these I think are all of them . . . a prayer, a deed, a smile . . . to fill the world with happiness . . . and make this life worth while.
RELIGION Some people think religion is . . . A church of wide acclaim . . . Where it is worth their while to have . . . A record of their name . . . Where they may go in Sunday clothes . . . That captivate the eye . . . To meet prospective customers . . . Who have the cash to buy . . . But that is not religion or . . . The reason for a church . . . And it is not the golden goal . . . For which the faithful search . . . Religion is that special way . . . In which we study God . . . And church is where we seek His help . . . Along the path we plod . . . Religion is the lamp that shines ..• To show the wrong from right . . And draw the world from dark design . . . To everlasting light.
THE DAYTONIAN STAFF ·J imm Horvath, Editor-In-Chief Julie Raney, Business Manager Bro. Louis A. Saletel, S. M., Faculty Advisor
IlEill[ATION The 1951 DAYTONIAN is a humble tribute to the Society of Mary whose untiring efforts to perpetuate Our Lady's attributes have yielded a university whose spirit is typified in the phrase "Our U. D. Family".
GOD, GIVE ME STRENGTH God, give me strength to live and love . . . And fight for what is right .. . And let me have the courage to . . . Endure the haunting night . . . Let not the sun go down too soon . . . Lest I should lose the way . . . Let not the rain break forth, let not . . . A cloud be gray today . . . Let youth and hope impel me toward . . . The goal of all I seek . . . And l et there be some wisdom in . . . Whatever words I sp eak . .. God, grant that all my music may . . . Be soft and gay and good . . . And of the beauty that is bright . . . And bravely understood . . . And give me grace, that I may give . What gratitude I can . . . For every inspiration in . .. The faith of fellow-man.
Page Six
SUCCESS Success is measured not by wealth . . fame ... or by the winning score we make
or everlasting . in any single
It is not gathered up at will . . . or fashioned over
night .
and it can never be retained ... without a constant
fight .
Success is slowly harvested . . . by energy and toil
and it can only come to life . . . if there is fertile soil It is the house where glory lives . . . and perserverance knocks . . . and faith and courage are the keys . . . that turn the master locks . . . It is the real and rich reward . . . that waits from year to year . . . for those whose hearts are honest and . . . whose efforts are sincere. Page Seven
Don Cosgrove, Treasurer; Dick Mayer, President; Pauline Spring, Secretary; Jim Walsh, Vice President.
Friends At My Side There are so many friendly songs .
to fill my heart
today . . . I never stop to look around .
for any cloud of
gray ... And if a shadow comes along . . . it does not bother me
. . because my spirit is content . .
in kindly company
My friends are always at my side
.. to comfort and
console . . . and help me find the faith I need . . . to gain my fondest goal
. . They offer every service they . . . can
possibly bestow .
. to help me live a better life ... wherever
I may go ... And so I feel I owe them each . . . an everlasting debt . . . And they may always rest assured . . . I never shall forget.
Page Eight
COLLEGE Among the proudest moments of . . . Our life from day to day . . . Is when we start our college work . . . At home or far away . . . We feel so very grown in years . . . And not a little wise . . . And everything we say o r do . .. we sort of emphasize . . . We study law or medicine ... Philosophy or art ... And usually athletics play . .. A most important part ... Fraternities, sororities . . . And clubs of every kind . . . Contribute happy hours while . . . We educate our mind . . . And then one day our hands receive . . . The coveted degree . . . And we go out into the world . . . To shape its history.
ADAMS, R. F.-Medical Technology; ARI.QUIST, F. A.- Business Organization and Economics, Pershing Rifles, 1, 2; Society for the Advancement of Management, 4; Business Organization and Economics Club, 3; AHRENDT, C. F.- Business; AtBERTS, R. K.Geology; AttEMEIER, H. F.-Chemical Engineering, Treasurer, Math Club '49; Treasurer Chemical Society '49; Vice President, Math Club '50; American Chemical Society, Student Chapter.
Auer, J. A ..
Asato, R. T.
J. P.
BAI.TES, }.- Business; BAtTZER, N. }.-Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers; BARCAFAR, R. T.-Social Studies; BARNHORN, A. C.-Biology; U.D. Band; Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; C.S.M.C.; BARNES, K.Business Administration; BATH, J. W.-Education; BARRY, J. L-Business Administration; BEACHAM, M. R.-Education; Student Senate; Education Club; Flyers' Hangar; C.S.M.C.; BECK, R. B.-Business.
AI.USON, B. P.-Mathematics; ARBOGAST, J. R.Engineering; U.D. Chemistry Society; Pershing Rifles; ARCHDEACON, R. F.-Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of Civil Engineers; AUER, J. A.- Social Studies; Education Club; ASATO, R . T.-Business; BACKHUS, J. G. -Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineers Society Student Chapter; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers.
Baltzer, N. J.
,Barcafar, R. T.
A'. C.
Barnes, K.
BECKER, F. T . -Philosophy, Economics; U.D. Band, 1, 2, 3, 4; Pershing Rifles, 1, 2; C.S.M.S., 1, 2; Red Cross College Unit, 1, 2, 3; Upsilon Delta Sigma, 1, 2, 3, 4; BEECROFT, W. C.-Industrial Management; Business Organization & Economics Club, 3, 4; U.D. Band, 1, 2, 3, 4; BEGIN F. C.- Personnel Management; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; Servers; Psychology Club; Daytonian; BEGtEY, R. W.-Physical Education; P.E. M.M. Club; Education Club.
Page Ten
BER NARD, C. W.-Speech ; Executive Committee, U.D . Players; BLAES, R . P. -Electrical Engineering; Pi De lta R ho, President '50; Math Clu b, President '50; BOH MAN, L. ].-Sociology; U .D . Players ; United W orld Federalists, Chairman ; Sociology Club, Vice P resident ; International Relations Club; BORNHORST, K. F.- Electrical Engineering; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; Institute of Radio Engineers; Mathematics Club.
Bernard C. W .
Blaes, R. P.
Bohman, L.
Bornhorst, K. F.
BROOKS, E. 1.-Education; BRUGGEMAN, R . ].Education; Education Club, President; Flyers' Hangar; Men's Glee Club; U .D. Mixed Chorus; BUCHER, E. S. - Education; BUCHNER, L. A.- Arts; BUHL, J. N.English-Spanish ; Education Club; BUNKER, C. M.Geology; BURKHARDT, J. R.- Biology; BURNEKA, C. R.-Mathematics; BURNICK, W . A.- Business Adm inistration.
Page Eleven
BOTHE, J. V.-Chemical Engineering; U.D. Chemistry Club, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball, 2, 4; BOURK, J. D . -Economics; Flyers' H angar; Business Organization and Economics Club; Spirit Committee; Intramural Sports; BRANDT, T. G.- Science ; BREE, Sr. M. ROSAIRE-M.S.C.; BREIG, C. R.-Business; BRILL, K. H .-Physical Education; Intramural Basketball 1, 3; BRINKMAN, R. H.-Business.
J. V.
J. D .
Brandt, T . G.
Sr. Bree
CALLAHAN, J. R.-Business Organization & Economics; Varsity Football, 2, 3, 4; Flyers' H angar ; Society for the Advancement of Management; Monogram Club, Vice President; CAMPBELL, H . M.-Business Administration; CAMPBELL, R. G.-Psychology; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; Psychology Club; Intramural Spor ts; Band ; CATANZARO, C.- Physical Education; Physical Education Club; Flyers' H angar ; C.S.M.C.
CASHMAN, A . P.-Education; CHERRY, J. A.-Mechanical Engineering; Student Member of 0. S. P . E.; Mechanical Engineering Society; CHRISTIAN, W. T. -Education; CLARK, E. H.-Medical Technology; CLUN E, C.-Business Administration; COCHRAN, J. J .- Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of American Society of Civil Engineering; Vice President, Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; Student Senate. COMBS, ]. C.-Speech; U. D. Players, 1, 2, 3, 4, Executive Committee, Chairman of the Social Committee;
COUNTRYMAN, R. E.- Accounting; Advanced Accounting Club; CROWE, T. A.-Education; CROWELL, W . L.- Psychology; Assistant Editor, Exponent; Program Chairman, Psychology Club; CUFF, T. S.-Education; DiCIACCO, N. ].-Business Administration; DALER, W. A.-Psychology, Sociology; DALY, V. D. -Physical Education; Monogram Club; P.E.M.M. Club; Varsity Baseball.
Daytonian 2, 3; U. D. Chorus, 4; CONDON, J. E.Mathematics; Head Football Manager; Mathematics Club; Monogram Club; CONN, C. E.- Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; U .D. Amateur Radio Club; COONEY, J. M.-English; Editor-inChief, Exponent Sigma, Sigma, Sigma; COSGROVE, D. ].-Psychology; President, Flyers' Hangar; Vice President, Spirit Committee; Treasurer, Senior Class; Student Council; Student Senate; Psychology Club; Servers.
DAPPER, J. C.-Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; U .D. Amateur Radio Club; DAVIDSON, T. E.-Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; U. D. Amateur Radio Club; DAY, J. G.- Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; Treasurer, Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; U. D. Amateur Radio Club; DEFFNER, J. F.-Arts; DeJEAN, L. T.-Nursing Education; DeMARTINO, N. ].- Business Administration.
Page Tw elve
DeROZIERE, R. C.-Business Administration; DICKMAN, R. L.-Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers; DIVER, W. }.Political Science; Debate Society, 1; Pershing Rifles, 3, 4; DORAN, J. F.-Business Organization and Economics; Business Organization and Economics Club; D OOLEY, J. F.-Biology; DOVER, J. W.-Physical Education; Sociology Club; DREES, H. J.-Business Administration.
De Roziere, R. C.
Dickman, R. L.
Diver, W. J.
Doran, J. F.
FISH, K. M.-Arts; FISCHER, W. }.-Business Organization; Sales and Retailing Club, Vice President; Business Organization and Economics Club; FLANAGAN, F. P.-Economics; Society for the Advancement of Management, Vice President; Business Organization and Economics Club; Flyers' Hangar; FLAUTE, R. B.Business Administration.
Page Thirteen
DUCKRO, R. E.- Accounting; Advanced Accounting Club; EHRMANN, Sr. M.- Physical Sciences and Mathematics; EMERICK, B. L.-Elementary and Secondary Education; Delta Epsilon Kappa; U.D. Chorus; W.A.A.; EWING, T.-Arts; FARRELL, J. T.- English; U. D. Players; FERRAZZA, D. E.-Physical Education; Spirit Committee, Vice President; Flyers Hangar; Student Senate; Physical Education Club; Football 1; Intramural Sports; Cleveland Club; Servers.
Dooley, J. F.
Dover, J. W.
Drees, H. J.
Duckro, R. E.
FLYNN, R. D.-Education; FOLINO, T. F.-Political Science; Pershing Rifles, 1, 2; C.S.M.C., 1, 2; FORD, R. ].-Chemical Engineering; FUNKHOUSER, J. W. -Medical Technology; Sigma Delta Pi; FREMGEN, R. D.-Chemical Engineering; U. D . Chemical Society, President; Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society; FRENCH, D. E.-Business Administration; FREYTAG, J. !.-Biology.
GLEASON, J. P.-Education; U. D. Mixed Chorus; U . D. Men's Glee Club; Education Club, Vice President; GALLAGHER, J. E.- Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers, Treasurer '50; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers, '49, '50; Radio Club, '50; GATES, T. E.-Industrial Management; C.S.M.C.; Society for the Advancement of Management; Blue Grass Club; Band Manager; GIAMBRONE, H. J.-Arts; GIBBONS, C. E.-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Pershing Rifles.
GIBBONS, J. A.-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Student Chapter of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers, President; Flyers' Hangar; Student Council, Senior Class Representative; GILVARY, J. }.-Political Science; Upsilon Delta Sigma, President '49; Student Council, President '50; Student Senate, President '49; Catholic Action Study Commission, National Chairman, '49; Spirit Committee; GLASSOCK, R. O.-Education; FROUNFELKER, F. E.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; U. D. Band; R.O.T.C. Rifle Team.
GOLTOS, C. E.-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineer ing Society; Student Chapter of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; GOUBEAUX, D. C.Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the American Society o f Civil Engineers; Ohio Society of Professional Engineer s; Track Team; GRANATO, J. P.- Business Organiza tion and Economics; Sales & Retailing Club; Business; Organization and Economics Club; Society for the Advancement of Management; GUIDO, A. C.Business Organization; Society for the Advancement of Management; GRAUL, E. H.- Business Administration; GRAUL, T.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; GRDEN, W. F.-Bioll:ogy.
GREASER, W. ].- Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Student Chapter of the Ohio Society of the Professional Engineers; GREVENCAMP, W. R.- Philosophy; C.S.M.C.; International Relations Club; GROLEMUND, R. H.-B us in es s Administration; GROSZEWSKI, D. J .-Electrical Engineering; GRAS, D. C.-Business Organization & Economics; Business Organization & Economics Club; Football Manager; Sales & Retailing Club; Pershing Rifles; GUILFOYLE, B. }.-Physical Education; Monogram Club; P.E.M.M. Club; Varsity Baseball & Basketball; HABER, J. M.Accounting; Advanced Accounting Club; HACKMAN, R. H.-Education; Psychology Club. Page Fourteen
HENNESSY, P . R.-Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; HERMETZ, M. C.-Education ; HERMILLER, R. ].-Biology; Education Club; HERRING, R. R.-Nursing Education; HESS, M. A.-Education; U . D . Chorus, Vice • President; U. D. Players; Commercial Club, President; C.S.M.C.; W.A.A.; U . D . Band.
HALL, T. B.-Mathematics; HAMPER, E. ].-Education ; HANKINS, E. C.- Arts; HARRIS, F. E.-Economics; Sales & Retailing Club; HARRIS, L. H.Business Administration; HAUER, M. L.-Education; HEINZ, I. C.-Nursing Education; HELMKAMP, E. J. - Business Organization; HENNESSY, M. F.-English; Sports Editor, "Daytonian" 1950; U . D . News, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Hamper, E.
Hall, T. B.
Hennessy, M. F.
Hennessy, P. R.
Hankins, E. C.
Hermitz, M. C.
Harris, L. H.
Harris, F. E.
Hermiller, R.
HICKEY, P. R.-Business Organization; Society for the Advancement of Management; Business Organization and Economics Club; Advanced Accounting Club; HICKEY, R. P.-Economics and Business Organization; Business Organization and Economics Club; HIEBER, M. E.-Biology; C.S.M.C.; Red Cross College Unit; U. D . Chorus; HILTON, R. E.-Political Science; U. D . Band, 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Senate; Scabbard & Blade; Debate Club; United World Federalists.
Page Fifteen
Herring, R. R.
Hauer, M. L.
Hess, M.A. -
Heinz, I. C.
Hickey, P. R.
H elmkamp, E.
Hickey, R. P.
HITES, M. H.- Secretarial Studies; Beta Upsilon Sigma; HOGAN, G . W.-Biology; HOGE, B. G.-Physical Education; Monogram Club; HOOK, J. H .- Arts; HORST, W . R.-Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; U. D . Amateur Radio Club; HUELSMAN, L. C.-Education; Education Club; Chapel Choir; C.S.M.C.
HUNT, J. M.-Education; HUSSEY, W. ].-Business Administration; HUSTMYER, F. E.-Arts; German Club, President; Psychology Club; C.S.M.C.; IMBER, C. D.-Business Organization and Economics; IMBER, D. E.-Business Organization and Economics; JABLINSKI, E. A.-Arts; JANNING, E. A.-Mathematics Statistics; Math Club; Flyers' Hangar; JOHNSON, M. E.- Nursing Education; Nu Epsilon Delta.
RANL Y, SR., M. T.-Nursing Education; Nu Epsilon Delta; JUDD, J. W.- German & English; German Club; KAHLE, D. A.-Electrical Engineering; Math Club; Pi Delta Rho; Student Chapter of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; KALMAN, G. ].- Business Organization and Economics; KA TSIKADAMAS, N. E. -Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
KAVANAUGH, M.-Education; KAVANAGH, V. A. -Elementary Education; Education Club; Sociology Club; KECK, V. H.- Business Administration; KELBLE, J. M.-Chemistry; Pershing Rifles, '47, '48; U. D. Chemical Society, '48, '49; Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society; Intramural Basketball '48; KELBLEY, T. K.-Education; U. D. Band; Education Club; Executive Committee; Intramural Basketball.
KELLER, H. G.-Nursing Education; Nu Epsilon Delta; KELLY, J. T.-Education; KELLY, N . B.-Business; KELSO, H. G.-Biology; President, Sigma Delta Pi '50; Pershing Rifles; KENNADY, J. E.-Biology; Blue Grass Club; C.S.M.C.; Flyers' Hangar; KEPLER, R. J. -Accounting; Society for the Advancement of Management; Advanced Accounting Club; Economics Club; Sales & Retailing Club.
Pa ge Sixteen
KERN, M. A.-Nursing Education; KESSLER, C. W. -Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; U . D. Amateur Radio Club; KILBANE, F. ).-Education; Physical Education Majors & Minors Club; Monogram Club; National Federation of Catholic College Students; Catholic Action; KIRSCH, K. B. -Economics & Business Organization ; KLOSTERMAN, W. E.-B i o 1 o g y ; KOEN IG, D. ).-Economics & Business Organization; Society fo r the Advancement of Management; C.S.M.C.; Sales & Retailing Club; Economics & Business Organization Club.
Kern, M . A.
Kopp, M. E.
K essler, C. W.
Kilbane, F.
Krebs, F. G.
Kronenberger, E.
Kirsch, K.
Klosterman, W. E.
Krumbholz, S. M.
Krumpe, F. W.
K RONENBERGER, E. ) .-Psychology; Monogram Club ; Psychology Club; Intramural Basketball; KRUMH OLZ, S. M.-Elementary Education; Education Club; K RUMPE, F. W .-Business Administration; KURDZ IEL, S. N.-Physical Education; Football; Flyers H angar; Monogram Club; Education Club; Intramural Basketball & Baseball; DeLUNA, ) . -Electrical Eng ineering; LACEY, D. W.-Business Administration; LEARY, J. E.- Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; LAUER, T. B.-Electrical Engineering; Pi Delta Rho.
Page Seventeen
KOLLER, 0. E.- Accounting; Advancing Accounting Club; LOOGLER, R . F.-Physical Education; Physical Education Majors & Minors Club; U . D . Student Officiating Association; KOPP, M; E.-Business Organization & Economics; Business Organization & Economics Club, Executive Committee; Sales & Retailing Club; KREBS, F. G.-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers.
Koenig, D.
Kurdziel, S. N.
Koller, 0. E.
Koogler, R. F.
Lacey, W; D.
LATHAM, H. G .-Business Administration; LANGMAN, B. 1.- Nursing Education; Nu Epsilon Delta; International Relations Club; LANGE, D. H .-Physical Education; Physical Education Club; Baseball Team; LANDER, R.-Business Administration; LACHEY, M . H.-Psychology; Sociology Club; Psychology Club; LECHNER, T. P .-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; Student Senate.
LEIST, ].- English; U. D. Players; Daytonian, Activities Editor; Exponent; Student Senate; LEIST, T.Business; LESCHANSKY, E.- Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; LEWIS, A.- Psychology; LEWIS, R.- Business; LIENESCH, M. L.-English; W.A.A.; C.S.M.C.; Flyers' Hangar; Homecoming Attendant; LIESER, ].-Business.
J. B.
Liu, D. C.
Leist, T. R.
J. W.
Leschansky, E.
Locklear, N.
Lewis, A.
Loeber, R. C.
LOGAN, ].-Biology ; Sigma Delta Pi; Pershing Rifles; LONG, G.-Physics; LOSH, A.-Fine Arts; LUCID, D.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; Pershing Rifles; LUI, P . -Philosophy; C.S.M.C. ; LUKEY, R. -Accounting; Society for the Advancement of Management; Advanced Accounting Club; MacMILLAN, V.- W.A.A.; Flyers' Hangar; Education Club; Spirit Committee; Exponent; Intramural Sports; Physical Education Major.
LINDON, R.-Biology; Flyers' Hangar; Sigma Delta Pi; Spirit Committee; LIU, D.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; Mathematics Club; LOCKE, J. W.-History; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; Debate Society; Sales & Retailing Club; C.S.M.C.; Servers; Track Team; LOCKLEAR, N.-Education; LOEBER, R.-Sociology; German Club; Sociology Club, Publicity Chairman.
Lewis, R. M.
J. A,.
Lienesch, M. L.
Long, G. W.
Losh, A.
Lindon, R. G.
Lucid, D. P.
McANESPIE, D.-Secretarial Studies; U . D. Mixed Chorus; U. D. Players; C.S.M.C.; Beta Upsilon Sigma; McGEE, F.-Business Administration; Business Organization Club; Economics Club; McGREE, T.-Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; MAY, W. F.- Business Administration; McMAHON, W.-English; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard & Blade; Student Senate; U. D. News, Editor; Daytonian; U. D. Players.
Pa g e Eighteen
McMULLEN , L. C.-Education; W.A.A.; Treasurer, Vice-President; Student Senate; C.S.M.C.; U. D. News; Daytonian; Flyers Hangar; Spirit Committee; Education Club; MALONE, J. E.-Psychology; Psychology Club; MANKER, W . M.-Economics; Economics Club; MARK, J. ].-Business; MARSDEN, 0. R.-Business.
MASON, L.- Arts; MAYER, R. E.-English; Student Council; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; U. D . News; N .F.C.C.S. ; Student Senate ; Senior Class President; MAYER, R. T . -Business; MAYL, W. C.-Business; MEIER, H. ].- Physics; MELLAS, S. P.-Business; MERRINANE, M. E.-Psychology; C.S.M.C.; U. D. Band.
McMullen, L . C.
Malone, J. F.
Manker, W. M.
Mark, J. J.
Marsden, 0. R.
Mason, L.
Mayer, R. E.
Mayl, W. C.
Meier, H.J.
MeUas, S• .P.
Me.rrinane, M. E..
Mescher, D. P.
Millard, R.
Mitchell, G. W.
MESCHER, D . P.-Accounting; Advanced Accounting Club; MILLARD, R. N.-Business; MITCHELL, G . W. -Physical Education; MONINGTON, G. W.-Biology; ~ ONNIN, L. N.-Philosophy; Social Studies; Educa~10n Club; Sociology Club; MONT AGUE, R. H. -Business; MONTGOMERY, S. A.-Business.
Page Nineteen
Mayer, R. T.
Monington, G. W.
MOORE, D . R.-Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; Math Club; MORT, C. B.-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; MOTT, J. E.-English; Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4; Monogram Club; MULLANEY, T. P.-Business; MULLER, R. R .-History; Education Club; World Literature Club.
PROFESSORS Professors are respected souls . . . Albeit underpaid . . . And not infrequently they are . . . Quite dignified and staid . . . Their learning is attested to . . . By two or three degrees . . . From highly rated colleges . . . Or universities . . . They lecture by the hour . . . They carefully explain . . . The theories and facts there are . . . To fill the students brain . . . And in return they only ask . . . Obedience and truth . . . As part of their campaign to build .. . The character of youth . .. Professors are the persons who . . . Are plain and undisguised . . . But whose suberb abiliti es . . . Are seldom recognized.
MURPHY, A. B.- Political Science; MYERS, E. E.Electrical Engineering; Pi Delta Rho; NAKAMA, H. S.-Business; NEFF, A. G.-Business; NICKELL, H . R.-Psychology; NEDECKEN, A. A.-Spanish; Red Cross; C.S.M.C.; W.A.A.; Flyers' Hangar; NORTON, R. O.- Business; O'CONNELL, D. J.-B us in es s; O'DONNELL, J. T.-Physical Education; C.S.M.C.
OLT, C. !.-Medical Technology; OMIETANSKI, G. M.-Chemistry; U. D. Chemical Society; Student Aff. A.CS.; ONDERCIN, J . S.-Business; Daytonian; ORACKO, M. M.-Nursing Education; Nu Epsilon Delta; Sociology Club; OSHIRO, G. T.- Biology; Daytonian, '49; U. D. News; Varsity Rifle Team; OSTERDAY, J. J .-Psychology; Psychology Club President; OTTEN, B. ).- Physical Education; Monogram Club President '50; Varsity Football.
OTTO, H. R.- Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Pershing Rifles; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; PARR, H. E ..:._Business; Editor, Daytonian, '49; PAULLIN, M. A.-Education; Education Club; C.S.M.C.; Flyers' Hangar; W.A.A.; Orchesis; Spirit Committee; PEGG, J . D.-Business Administration; Society for the Advancement of Management.
PEGUILLAN, E. J.-English; Flyers' Hangar; Daytonian; PHELAN, D . E.-Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Professional Engineering Society; PHILLIPS, T. E.- Business; PLAS, R. W.Social Studies; C.S.M.C.; Chapel Choir; Mixed Chorus; I.R.C.; Chapel Server; U. D . News.
Page Twenty
POHL, J. !.- Sociology; Student Council; Flyers' Hangar; C.S.M.C.; Sociology Club; POHLABEL, T. }.Business; POPIK, J. F.-Business; PORTER, D. R.English; U. D. Players; LR.~.; PORTER, G. H.-Accounting; Advanced Accounting Club; Red Cross; l.R.C.; Spirit Committee; Flyers' Hangar; PORTER, R. P.Business; POUNDS, L. H.-Psychology; Psychology Club; Sociology Club; I.R.C.; PRICE, D. W.-Business Organization and Economics; Flyers' Hangar; Business Organization and Economics Club.
J. I.
Pohlabel, T .
Porter, D. R.
REIGER, A. C.-M~chanical Engineering; Math Club; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; Mechanical En?ineering Society; REMNANT, A. 1.- Home Economics; Upsilon Delta Chi; RHOADS, J. A .-English; U. D. Players; Junior Class Secretary; RICHARDS, M. A.-Medical T echnology; Sigma Delta Pi; RIDGWAY, ~- E.-Mechanical Engineering; Math Club; Ohio Societf of P rofessional Engineers; Mechanical Engineering Society; RIDGWAY, M. L.-Mechanical Engineering; Math Club; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; Mechanical Engineering Society. Page Twenty-one
PRITCHARD, H. T.-Electrical Engineering; Pi Delta Rho; Institute of Radio Engineers; Math Club; Varsity and R.O.T.C. Rifle Teams; Scabbard and Blade; U. D. Amateur Radio Club; RAMUS, J. C.-Business Organization and Economics; C.S.M.C.; Society for the Advancement of Management; Business Organization and Economics Club; RA TERMAN, T. L.-B i o 1 o g y; REARDON, J. ].-Business; REGAN, W. L.-Economics and Business Organization; Sales and Retailing Club; Business Organization and Economics Club.
Porter, G. H .
P orter, R. P.
Pounds, L. H .
Price, D . W .
RIEGER, R. E.-Business Administration; Pershing Rifles; U. D . Band; Scabbard and Blade; ROHR, C. J. -Sociology; Psychology; Mixed Chorus; Red Cross; C.S.M.C.; Flyers' Hangar; U. D. Players; ROLL, M.Education; Freshman Class Secretary, '47; Freshman Queen, '47; Sophomore Class Secretary, '48; Homecoming Queen, '48; Student Council; Education Club; Jr. Prom Attendant, '49; C.S.M.C.; Spirit Committee; Flyers' Hangar; ROOF, R. F.- Business; ROSE, N. L.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi.
ROSSMAN , K.- Mathemat ics; R UDICK, W. ].-Geology; SAELZLER , W. ].-Busine ss; SAIDE, J. M.Mechanica l Eng ineering; Mechanica l Engineerin g Society; SANCHEZ , J. F. -Account ing; Advanced Accounting Club; SAUNDER S, R. E. -Mechani cal Engineering; Mechanica l Engineeri ng Society; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers.
Rossman, K.
Rudick, W.
Saelzler, W.
J. M.
SCULLY, 0. A.-Busine ss; SEEDS, H . -B u s i n es s ; SENSEMA N, R. H. - Education ; Education Club; SHARTLE , C. M.-Histo ry; SHARTLE , D. K.-Physi cal Education ; SHAW, G. R.-Biolog y; Sigma Delta Pi; SCHEIDL ER, J. C.- Physical Education ; Education Club; SHELL, R. G.-Civil Engineerin g; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers .
SCHILLER , F. C.-Chem ical Eng ineering; U . D . Chemical Society; Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society; SCHMALZ , F. H.- -Eng lish and Sp anish; Ed ucation Club; Glee Club ; Exponent Staff ; R ed Cross; SCHOCH, M. S.- Business; SCHOLES, C. R.-Busin ess; SCHWELL ER, H. E.- Chemistry; U . D . Chemical Society; Student Senate; Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society.
Saunders, R. E.
Schiller, F. C.
Schmalz, F. H.
SHEPARD , I. G.-Busine ss; SHERMA N, R . ].- Mathematics; Education Club; U . D . Band; Institute of R adio Engineers; SHOWAL TER, L. !.-Physic al Education ; W .A.A.; SIMON, E. 1.-Electri cal Engineerin g; Institute of Radio Engineers; SIMON, J. M.-Nursi ng Education ; Nu Epsilon Delta; Student Senate.
Pa ge Twenty-two
SIMPSON, C. M.-Education ; Mixed Chorus; Red Cross; SINGLER, D . E.- Business; SIN~LET~N, E: M.-Education; SKAILAND, D . O.- Engmeenng; P1 Delto Rho; SKELTON, J. ] .-Business; SLACK, J. F. -Business Organization and Economics; Sales and Retailing Club; Business Organization and Economics Club; Society for the Advancement of Management.
SLATT ERY, M. A. -Biology; Sigma Delta P i; SMITH, A. L.-Civil Engineering; Blue Grass Club; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers; SMITH, D. R.-Business; SMITH, F. A.-Education; SMITH, H. E.- Mechaniq l Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; SMITH, J. E.-Business.
SMITH, W. E.- Business Organization and Economics; Sales and Retailing Club; Society for the Advancement of Management; Business Organization and Economics Club; SNOW, H . ] .-Business Organization and Economics; Business and Organization Club; SOMMER, J.. F.-Chemical Engineering; U. D. Chemical Society; Vice-President, '50- '51; SPRENG, R. P.-English; U. D. News; Exponent.
SPRING, P. A.- Education; Senior Class Secretary, '51; Education Club; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; W.A.A.; C.S.M.C.; STACHLER, R . G.-B us in e ss; STECHSCHULTE, ]. A.- Education; Education Club; STEVENSON, J. L.-Social Studies; STOERMER, A. E. -Business; STOSHAK, W.-Education; STOUFFER, M . R.-Education; Girl's Chorus; Commercial Club.
Pa ge Twenty-three
STRATTON, R. L.- Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Student Senate; Ohio Society of Professional Engineers; SULLIVAN, A. L.-Nursing Education; SUSCO, M. L. - Psychology; U. D. Players; C.S.M.C.; Catholic Action; Psychology Club; Student Council; Student Senate; U . D . Chorus; SUTTMAN, L. !.-Electrical Engineering; Pi Delta Rho ; Student Senate; C.S.M.C.; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; Illumination Engineering Society.
Stratton, R. L.
Sullivan, A. L.
Susco, M. L.
Suttman, L. L
TUMBUSCH, ].- Mathematics; TWISS, J. E.-Engineering; Pi Delta Rho; UHLER, G. A.-Civil Engineering; U. D. Players; Student Chapter of the Society of Civil Engineers; UNVERFERTH, P. C.-Biology; VAN ATTA, A. D .-Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the Society of Civil Engineers; VANCE, G. T.- Civil Engineering; Flyers' Hangar; Spirit Committee; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers; VANDERHORST, J. P.-Psychology; Football; Monogram Club.
TANIS, R. R.-Electrical Eng ineering; Institute of R ad io Engineers; T EYBER, R. N .-Business; THIER, J. E. -Education; THOME, W . T .-Business Administration; C.S.M .C. ; U . D . Players ; Business Organization and Economics Club; Sales and Retailing Club ; TOERNER, J. W.- Business; TRENTMAN, J. J.Business; T RIBBY, R . P.- Electrical Engineering; Institute of Radio Engineers; Scabbard and Blade; Varsity and R.O.T.C. Rifle Teams; U. D . Amateur Radio Club; TRUESDALE, R. B.-Business.
Tanis, R.R.
Teyber, R.
Thome, W. T.
VELTEN, J. E.- Industrial Management; Society for the Advancement of Management; VOELKL, R. N .Economics; Business Organization and Economics Club; Society for the Advancement of Management; W ABO, M. A.-Nursing Education; Nu Epsilon Delta; I.R.C.; WADE, J. R .- Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Society; Ohio Society of Professional EnWAGNER, W. P .- Physical Education; gineers; Physical Education Club.
Page Twenty-four
WAUGH, D. E.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; Scabbard and Blade; WEAVER, D. }.-Physical Education; Physical Education Club; Varsity Football; WEBER, R . A.- Business Organization; Sales and Retailing Club; Business Organization and ,Economics Club; WEHNER, J . F.-Chemical Engineering; Math Club; Chemical Society; WEHNER, H. F.-Art Education.
W ALSH, F. B.-Mathematics; U. D. Band; U. D. Chorus; U. D. Orchestra; Institute of Radio Engineers; WALSH, J. E.-English; U. D . Players; Student Council; Junior Class President; Senior Class Vice President; WALSH, J. V .- Psychology; Sociology Club; Psychology Club; W ALSH, T. }.-Economics and Business Organization; Flyers' Hangar; l.R.C.; Sales and Retailing Club; Business Organization and Economics Club; Catholic Action; N.F.C.C.S.
Walsh, F. B.
Wehner, H. F.
J. E.
Weisman, T. H.
W alsh,
J. V.
Wenning, P. C. .
W alsh, T.
Westbeld, C. W.
WEISMAN, T. H.-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; WENNING, P. C.-Accounting; Advanced Accounting Club; WEST BELD, C. W.-Business; WESTERFIELD, C. U. -Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers; WHITE, J. E.-Business; White, R. L.-Economics; WHITE, R. L.-English and Social Studies; U. D. News; Education Club.
Page Twenty-five
W augh, D. E
Westerfield, C. U.
Weaver, D .
J. .E.
W eber, R. A.
White R. L.
White, R. L.
WHITMORE, D . V.-Civil Engineering; Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers; WILKINSON, L. B.-Nursing; WILLIAMS, J . E.Business Organization and Economics; Society for the Advancement of Management; WILLIAMS, L.-Education; WILLIAMS, R. F.-Business; WILSON, P . A. - Home Economics; Home Economics Club; W .A.A.; WITHROW, R. L.-Biology; WONG, H. Y. M.Biology; Sigma Delta Pi.
YOUNG, A. B.-History; Education Club; Scabbard and Blade; R.O.T.C. Cadet Council; Men's Chorus; Student Senate; YOUNG, G. G .-Biology; Sigma Delta Pi; YOX, B. A .-Secretarial Studies; U. D . Players; C.S.M.C.; Commercial Club.
Yox, B. A.
J. J
Additional Graduates
BACHELOR OF ARTS Beshara, P . J. Brenner, R . L. Brewer, C. C. Buer, G. Dean, H . C. Dexter, J. A., C.PP.S. Dueweke, J. R., C.PP .S. Egan, J. F., C.PP.S. Farabaugh, C. J., C.PP.S. Froelich, J. E., C.PP.S. Grevencamp, W . R . Herber, J. C., C.PP.S. Herlihy, W. J. Ivie, G . W. Kapitan, R. F., C.PP.S. Kinze!er, C. W. Lizza, A. M., C.PP.S. McKay, .J. P., C.PP.S. Meiring, B. J., C.PP.S. Miller, H. J. Miller, W. F., C.PP.S. Monroe, M. H . Ritzier, D . W., C.PP.S. ~chiml, R. J., C.PP.S. Seiter, R. F. Wildcnhaus, L. A., C.PP.S. Wise, C. A ., C.PP.S. Woytych, R. C., C.PP.S. Zogran, J. J., C.PP.S. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIO N Ahlers, A. A. Brockman, R . J. Cleary, J. W . Clemens, C. Fricke, H. A. Gilbert, C. R. Hanlon, W. P . Kawsky, A. L. Kercher, W. C. Leonard, P. R. Ohmer, F. L. Pappas, G. Reynolds, E. E. Robinson, J. A. Schoen, A. H. Smith, 0. E. EDUCATION
ZALESKI, J. ] .-Physical Education; Monogram Cl u b ; ZIMMERMAN, G. E. - Economics; Economics Cl u b ; ZINCK, T. N .-Political Science; I.R.C. ; Daytonian; C.S. M.C.
Alexander, M. M. Alvarez, M. L. Arnzen, R. A. Carson, C. M. Dahlmann, D. E., S.M. De Vor, K. R . Fields, J. M. Fleischman, H. J. Gephart, J. L.
Gigliotti, A. Kenney, T. B. Lerke, R. L. Lomax, E. M. Long, T. C. Lum, S. C., S.M. McNeil, S. A. MacMi llan, V. E. Meyer, M. A., S.M. Moore, R. D. Newell, M. G ., S.M. Niswonger, N. R. Pawlos, J. D., S.M. Pitman, L. L. Navarro, M. S., S.M. Thomas, M. A. Trick, A. M. White, M. G . CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Krein, F. P. CIVIL ENGINEERING La u, D. Y . M. Ruschau, R. J. Tartaglione, J. P. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Deluna, J. Ho, E. K . L. Nye, H . A. Trigg, H. W . Wannemacher, H. H. MECH ANICAL ENGINEERING Andrews, C. R . Balzuweit, E. 0. Carmer, K . R. Monnin, H . J. SCIENCE Barnhart, E. E. Cirillo, A . A. Cooper, J. D. Doolos, J. W. Hochwalt, J. R. Hubbard, C. W. Kittredge, J. B. Turner, R . P. Ullum, R. L. Wojciechowski, W. A. Plattenburg, M. H. NURSING Wilkinson, L. B. Bonnoront, 0. A. Fowler, J. L. Steinberger, E. M.
Page Twenty-six
The adherence to high scholastic standards coupled with unwavering Christian principles distinguish the administration of Father Henry Kobe, S.M., Vice-President and Dean of the University. Father handles academic matters with prudence and keenness. The varied responsibilities of his office do not impair the genial personality so invaluable in his contact work with faculty and students.
Fr. Henry Kobe
Page Twenty-eight
Father George J. Renneker, S.M., President of the University and "kind father" to the University of Dayton family, is revered by faculty and students alike. A calm and judicious manner, a sympathetic understanding of people and their problems combine to make Father a wise administrator. The University's second century has begun under an experienced leader with whom we can face the future with confidence.
Fr. George Rennek er
Page Twenty-nine
Sylvia Schmitt, Rose Stephan, Edna Clune, and Mary Ann Hess assist Brother Busch in the Treasurer's office.
All veterans' affairs, besides Business Administration matters, are in the capable hands of Ruth Nartker, Jeanne Gras, and Buena Greer.
Guidance, with student records, makes up a busy time in the Registrar's office, for Helen Brown, Mary Ellen Ganther, and Dorothy Dwenger.
Pa ge Thirty
Brother Austin
Business Manager
Bro. J. A. McAvoy, Comptroller and Nancy Hohler, secretary
Bro. J. H. Kline, Purchasing Agent and Dorothy Frost, Secretary
The vital business activities of the University are capably administered by the organization consisting of: Business Manager, Comptroller, Purchasing Agent and Treasurer.
Page Thirty-one
Bro. W. D. Busch Treasurer
Their knowledge of present problems and long-range vision for the future result in expert handling of the financial affairs of the University.
Rev. C. L. Collins Director of
Penetrating insight into the problems of his office characterizes Father Charles L. Collins, S.M., Dean of Students and Director of Admissions. Adept at counseling prospective students and wise in his direction of student activities, Father efficiently coordinates all campus organizations.
Rev. C. L. Collins, Director of Admissions Katherine Angst and Patricia Hickey, Secretaries
Bro. E. C. Lackner, Registrar Mary Tuite, Assistant
Bro. E. C. Lackner
The career of the student begins and ends with Bro. Lackner. His is the all-important duty of registering thousands of students through four years of effort, recording myriads of details and withal maintaining a serene disposition that endears him to faculty and students alike. To the graduate in particu lar he will be remembered as the man who issues the coveted cap and gown for the final farewell.
Page Thirty-two
Fr. Francis S. Friedel DEAN OF ARTS
Father Francis J. Friedel, S.M., scholarly Dean of Arts and Sciences, is a recognized sociologist and author. An able administrator, Father generously expends his time in encouraging the activities of campus organizations.
Fa ther Francis S. Friedel
Bro. George W. Nagel Head DIVISION OF BUSINESS
Skill m organization is exemplified by Bro ther George \V. Nagel, S.M. , Associate Dean, Head of the Division of Business Administration and Veterans' Coordinator. The countless questions of veterans and problems of student guidance are solved with ease and precision. Brother George W. Nagel Associate D ean
Page Thirty-three
Dr. Daniel L. Leary Head DIVISION OF EDUCATION Gifted with a genial personality, Doctor Daniel L. Leary, Associate Dean, Head of the Division of Education, provides student-teaching and employment opportunities through his many contacts in the educational field.
Dr. D.
Leary, Associate Dean
Shirley Gehring and Thalia Johnson, Assistants
Bro. J. A. Wehrle, Dean Mary Carey, Secretary, and Patricia Donisi, Assistant
Bro. J. A. Wehrle DEAN OF ENGINEERING A kindly administrator who enjoys working with and counseling students is Bro. J . Albert Wehrle, S..M., Dean of the College of Engineering.
It is his constant concern to maintain the high scholastic sta ndard~ of the Engineering s:udents.
Pa g e Thirty-four
Bro. Louis A. Saletel
DEAN OF SCIENCE The capable guidance of Brother Louis A. Saletel, S.M., Associate Dean, Head of the Division of Science, is responsible for exceptional achievements of the science students. For the past year, he has also been Acting Dean of Engineering.
Bro. Louis A. Saletel, Dean
Kind and accommodating, "Doc" Saletel gives experienced counsel to members of "the "Daytonian " staff as well as to others who make demands upon his time and talents.
Secretaries Shirley Schroll and Sandy Stevens
Sister Agnes Immaculata, S.N.D.
In terests of the women students and the organization of their activities are the princip al concerns of Sister Agnes Immaculata, S.N.D., Dean of Women . So und judgment and a sense of humor are Sister's valuable aids in promoting the best interests of the coeds.
Page Thirty-five
Mr. James Gallico
The Assistant Director of Admissions, Mr. james E. Gallico, always gives a genuine welcome to prospective students.
"A favorite among friends " is vivacious, enterprising Mrs. Troy Sears, Student Union Counselor. Her busy round of activities includes sponsoring tournaments, superv1smg noon-time talent shows, and scheduling various social activities for all campus clubs.
Pa g e Thirty-: ix
Hugh Brown Director of Public Relations
" Pepper" Wilson Publicity Director
PUBLICITY OFFICE Formal Public Relations at the University of Dayton is one year old. Public Relations at U. D. is in its second century. A gradual evolution from a Press Bureau in the thirties through a Publicity Departm ent in the forties has brought to the school on the hilltop full-fledged recognized Public Relations.
Through an administration that has the proper conception of Public Relations and a President that is sympathetic, the director of U.D.'s program has been able to set-up, coordinate, and operate a program which includes publications, radio and TV, advertising, and special events all slanted toward the goals of increasing understanding, appreciation, good will and prestige for U.D . today and in the uncertain future faced by all education.
T h e Department embraces a strong active Publicity Department guided by a capable, professional d irector. Well-planned and executed comprehensive sports and academic press and magazine coverage resulted from projects evolved by the publicity wing of the program. With the Flyers in the N ational Invitational Tourney, much additional and impressive sports coverage resulted. In the academic publicity field, wider use was made of the wire services, and rural area newspapers were provided w ith custom-made stories of U. D. personnel. In the purely Public Relations phase of the activity, it is significant to point out that of the eighteen major administrative and academic steps taken by the University of Dayton this last year, the Public Relations Department was concerned with the project either in its administration, its promotion, its control, or its follow-up. That is as it should have been since the chief Public Relations official in any institution is always the President. T_he director of the program is the confidential advisor, the carry-out man, the expeditor and the extra arms and legs of the President and policy m akers.
Page Thirty-seven
Mary Ellen Nagle Dept. Secretary
Dolores McAnespie News Assistant
Alumni Secretary "Dear Mary" - - so write scores of alumni to their obliging secretary. In the chatty columns of "The Alumnus", Miss Shay keeps alumni and former students posted on University affairs and alumni activities. Her dynamic personality assists in vitalizing chapters of the Alumni Association. The governing body of our Alumni Association is an advisory board composed of members either elected or appointed to their positions. They are: William J. Green, '30, president; Hon. Rodney M. Love, '33, vice-president; Miss Rose D. Rothberg, '40, treasurer; and Miss Mary Shay, '44, secretary. Members elected to the board are: J oho Duchak, M.D., '31, Dayton; Frank Marshall, '32, Sidney, O.; Merle P. Smith, '25, Dayton; Hugh E. Wall, Jr., '34, Dayton; John T. Westerheide, '43, Minster, O.; and Elmer J. Will, '37, Dayton.
Mary Shay
President of Alumni Association Mr. William J. Green, '30, president of the University of Dayton Alumni Association 1s a native of Zanesville, 0. As president of the Alumni Association, it is his responsibility to call and preside at meetings of the Board of Directors. Also listed among his duties is the responsibility of acting as general chairman of the annual Homecoming. He is president and general manager of the White-Allen Chevrolet Company, Dayton, 0. Mr. and Mrs. Green and their three children reside in Dayton.
William Green
Pa g e Thirty-eight
"Quiet Please! . . ." Students at work in the cheerful interior of the Albert Emanuel Library. Built in 1928, graceful and beautiful in an atmosphere of tranquility, the library is one of the most popular places on the campus. Brother Francis Ruhlman, head of the library, along with his qualified assistants Brother John Verder and Brother Walter Roesch generously provide the students with the necessary material for their numerous assignments and term papers.
"Information Please" Meet the controllers of " board of directions," Mrs. Louise Gibson and Miss Louise RaifÂŁ, day and evening operators, respectively. These "voices with the smiles" are the liaison between the public and DD. N o question seems too difficult to answer, always p roviding a challenge to which both operators are equal. They are key women to the smooth fu nctioning of the University and help to maintain the high standard of proficiency for which UD has always been noted.
Page Thirty-nine
Of The Arts Division Richard Baker Ph.D. Assisttmt Professor of Philosophy
Ewing Beauregard M.A. AHistaut Pr ofessor of Hostory
l ';.
Rev. Charles C. Bloemer, S.M., M .A. Instructor in Philosophy
Lawrence L. Boll, S.M. Ph.D. P,¡o/essor of English
Rev. Joseph S. Bruder, S.M. S.T.D . Assistant Professor of Philosophy
William Ca halan M.A. Assistant Pr o f essor of Psycholo gy
Sister Mary Emilie, S.N.D. M .A. Instructor in English
R ev. Floria n J. Enders, S.M. A.B. Assisttmt Professor of Philosophy
Rev. John P. Finke, S.M. B.Th. Instructor in R eligion
R ev. Henry J. Fri tz, S.M. M.A. Professor of Philosoph y
John Gedeon Ph.L. Assistant Professor of Psychology
Sister Genevieve Marie, S.N.D ., M.A. Assistant Professor of English Page Forty
Of The Arts
Division Nelson Harper M.A. Assistant Professor of Mmic
Robert Koehn M.A. ¡ Instructor in Philosophy
John McGrath M.S.O. Assistmzt Pr ofessor of Sp eech
Edward Huth Ph .D. Pro/ :1ssor of Sociology
George F. Kohles, S.M. M.A. Assistant Professor of Journalism
M. G. Mattingly Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology
Rev. Edward Leimkuhler, S.M., M.A. Professor of R eligion
Richard Liebler, S.M. M.A. Instructor in Political Science
Rev. Lawrence Manheim, S.M., M.A. Associate Professor of R eligion
Gladys Nielsen M.A. Assistant Pro fessor of Sociology
Irene Peckham
John R. Perz, S.M. Ph.D. Prof essor of Lan31u1,ges
M .A.
Assistant Pro fess or of En3li!h Page Forty-one
Of The Arts Division Helen Peterson M.S. Assistant Professor of English
Thomas Poitras, S.M. M .A. Professor of L,mguages
Alberta Prather M.A. Assistant Professor of M rtth ematics
Rev. Charles Preisinger, S.M. M.A. Associate Professor of Speech
Thomas J. Price, S.M. M.A. Professor of English
Maurice R eichard M.A. Associate Professor of Mmic
Klara Reyst Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Languages
Rev. Edmund L. Rhodes, S.M., S.T.L. Assistant Professor of Philosophy
W. Roesch, S.M. B.L.S. Assistant Libr,irian
Albert H. Rose, S.M. M .A. Assistant Professor of Political Science
Justus Rosenberg Ph.D. A,sistant Professor of L,uiguages
\'v'illiam Ross M .A. Assistant Professor of History
Page Forty-two
Of The Arts
Division F. Ruhlman, S. M . B.L.S. Chief Librarian
Dominic Salandra Ph.D . Associate Professor of H istoi¡y
Aleen Schneider M .A. Instructor in L,mguages
Wilfred Steiner M.A. Assistant Professor of History
Betty Thomas B.M. Instructor in Music
Verder, S.M. B.L.S. Assistant Librarian
Scott Bowers
M. Ed. Assistant Professor of Psychology
Rev. Bernard C. Stueve
S.M., M.A. Willia m 0. Wehrle, S.M . Ph.D. Professor of English
Kathleen R. \'v'hetro M.A. Instructor in English
Very! Zech B.M. Instructor in ll'Iusic
A ssistant Professor of Religion
Faculty Of The
II 1)
' 1!1
1\ '_11
--~--Mary Civille B.S. Assistrmt Professor of Secretarial Studies
Charles Dugan M.B.A. Assistant Professor of Bminess Organization
Joseph Guerin M.A. Instructor in Economics
Robert Kriegbaum M.A. Instructor in S ecretarial Studies
A. Klug, S.M. B.A. R esidence Hall Supervisor
Harry Murphy B.S. Assistant Professor of Bminess Organization
Edmund O'Leary Ph.D. Professor of Economics & Business Organization Page Forty-four
Orville Comer M.S. Assistant Professor of Business Organization
Joseph Jackson B.S. Instructor in Accounting
Roland Kinder M.A. Assistant Professor of Secretarial Studies
E. Lynch, S.M. B.S. Residence Hall Supervisor
Velma Miller M .Ed. Associate Professor of S ecretarial Studies
r Faculty
Of The Busines s Division P. Omlor, S. M . BA. Caf iteria
Troy Sears M.A. Assistcmt Professor of Business Organization
Quentin Roche M.S. A ,sistant Professor of Accounting
Charles Singleton M .S. Assistant Professor of Business Organization
- - - -==--S_,~ -~--- ---
--~---- ------C \ _____
Barth Snyder M.A. Assistant Professor of Economics & Accounting
D. B. Springer Assistant Professor of Accounting
John Ambrose M.S. Assistant Professor in Business Organizatio n William Guensche B.S. Instructor in Business Organizatio n
Joseph Tolle
B.S. Instructor in Accounting
Joseph U pdyke
B.S. Instructor in Accounting
Robert Williams A.B., M.B.A. Instructor in Business Organization
Francis McGovern M.B.A. Assistant Professor of Economics
Of The Education Division Rev. James Donnelly, S.M. A.B. Assistant Pro fess or of English
Henry Ferrazza M.A. Instructor in Physical Education
Bartlett Lubbers M.Ed. Instructor in Education
Sister Mary Pelagia, M.S.C. Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education
Elizabeth Reel M.A. Instructor in Physical Education
Ralph McGehee B.S.
Instructor in Physical Education
Page Forty-six
Patricia Monnett B.S. Instructor in Physical Education
Louis J. Faerber, S.M. Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education
Andre Nadeau M.A. Assistant Professo1· of Physical Education
Reeves Schwartz M.Ed. Instructor in Physical Education
Of The Engineering Division¡ Russell Alberts B.A.S. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering
Orville Dunn B.S.E.E. Instructor in Electrical Engineering
Louis H. Rose, S.M. M.S., B.E.E. Professor of Electrical Engineering
Joseph Chamberlain M.C.E. Professor of Civil Engineering
Adrian Morgan B.S. Instructor in Electrical Engineering
Michael Savitski M.M.E. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Harold Nielsen B.S. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Bernard Schmidt B.S.C.E. Instructor in Electrical Engineering
Thaddeus Soslowski M.S.E.E. Ass-istant Professor of Electrical Engineering Page Forty-seven
Jerome H. Parr, S.M. M.S.M.E. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
A. J. Sofianopoulos Ph.D. Professor of Chemical Engineering
George J. Spahn, S.M. M.S.C.E. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Of The Enginee ring Division Andrew Weber, S.M. B.S., M.M.E. Professor of 1Wechanical Engin !iering
Adrian W escbrock M.S. Assistant Professor of M echanical Engineering
Harold Wright B.M.E. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering
William Wohlleben , S.M. Ph.D. Professor of ChemiCttl Engineering
Roy Wehmanen
B.S. Assistant Professor of G en eral Enginee.-ing
Michael Yatsko M.C.E. Instructor in Civil Engineering
Of The Science Division Martin Barnett M.A. Assistant Professor of Chemistry
William A. Beck, S.M . Ph.D. Pr ofessor of Biology
Sylvester Eveslage M .S. Instructor in Chemistry
John Barney M .S. Instructor in Biology
William Bellmer, S.M. M.A. Professor of Mathematics
Peter Faso M .S. Associate Professor of Biology
Charles J. Belz, S.M. M.C.E. Professor of Math ematics
Robert Donovan B.S. A ,sistan t Professor of Mathematics
Michael B. Grandy, S.M . Ph.D. Professor of Physics
Robert Harder M.Ed. Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Gertrude Heckman M .S. lnstmctor in Biology
Mary Horriga n R.N.,M.A. Associate Professor of Nursing Education
Pa g e Forty-nine
Of The Science Division Lawrence J ehn M.S. Assistant Professor of !Wttthematics
Russell A. Joly, S.M. M.S. Assistant Professor of Biology
Grace Morrissey M.A. Instructor in Mathem.ttics
Morris Kreider M.A. Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Dorothy Kuhl R.N. Instructor in Nursing Education
Sister Mary Minalia S.P.S.F., R.N., B.S., M.A . Director - St. Elizabeth's School of Nursing
Elizabeth Payne B.A. Instructor in Home Economics
Anna Mae Perry R.N., B.S. Instructor in Nursing
E. Kemp Prugh
Kenneth Schraut Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics
Hope Self M.S. Instructor in Home Economics Page Fifty
B. S. Assistmzt Professor of Physics
Eithel Rose M.S. Associ.tte Professor of Hom e Economics
Of The Science Division M .S. A ssociate Pr ofessor of Geology
Michael Tarantino B.S. Associate Professor of Chemistry
Paul Townsend M.S. Assistant Professor of Physics
Paul Ward M.A. Assistant Professor of Chemistry
George Springer
Vincent J. Wottle, S.M. M.S. Associat e Pr ofessor of Chemistry
Herman Wilhelm M.S. Instructor in Biology
Robert Wiechman B.S., M.T. Assistant Professor of Biology
Ferne Berner R.N., B.S.
John Lucier, S.M. M.S.
Instructor in Nursing Education
Instructor in Chemistry
Helen Johns Ph.D.
Lloyd Root
Instructor in Home Economics
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cyril Peckman M.S. Associate Professor of Math ematics Page Fifty-one
JUNIIOR SEClllON My Loyal Friends My greatest treasures are the friends . . . who always are the same . . . in poverty or plenty and .. . in humbleness or fame . . . Who comfort me when skies are gray . . . and everything goes wrong . . . and counsel me to try again . . . with courage new and strong . . . They are the ones whose kindly words . . . so much inspire me . . . to live a better life each day . . . and practice charity . . . In every way they show that they . . . are generous and true . . . and any favor I may ask . . . they are prepared to do . . . And someday I may search the world . . . for riches I have known . . . but I shall never be without . . . the friends I call my own.
Clete Oberst, Treasurer; Bill Enouen, President; Alice Duffy, Secretary; Jack Bramlage, Vice President
Page Filly-two
First row:-Bozymski, V., Jurena, F., Hohler, N., Radican, P.; Second row:-Carbonell, M., Janney, J., Martin, P., Barker, P., Moeder, J., Schubert, F., Wyrostek, T.; Third row:-Sauer, J., HaOerman, W., Fernandez, J., Wehinger, R., Breen J., Cooper, M., Harris, C.; Fourth row:-Hoefler, M., Mauch, H., Huth, W.
First row:-Shay, P., Irizarry, A., Shay, F., Nyhan, J., Riley, J.; Second row:-Pflaum, Derham, G. Nagle M,., Oberst, C., Schweller, D., Moorman, C., Ho, J., Osweiler, P.
Page Fifty-three
Vardalides, T.,
First row:-Marvin J., Kendall, J., Borgert, T., Kreidler, J.; Second row:-Mahle, J., Brewer, R., Price, J., Noonan, R., Millar, R., Cannarozzi, L., Third row:-Seuffert, T., Warning, D., Westendorf, R., Heigel, R., Marsico, F., Frost, J.; Fourth row:-McCaffery ]., Smith, D., Lee, P., Harr, G., Kennedy, R., Smith, M., Fifth row:-Mudd, D., Cashdollar, J., Verrett, E., Falke, L., Misiewicz, R.
First row:-Hilgeford, C., McAvoy, R. , Hartnett, J., Mountjoy, L.; Second row:-Mueller, M., Hoelderle, J., Culp, A., Sherman, P., 0ldiges, J.; Third row:-Quinlan, 0., Morrow, J., Pax, A., Meyer, J., Richard, J.; Fourth row:-Tucker, S., Moorman, G., Scott, R., Norris, L., Rhoades, 0.
Page Fifty-four
First row:-E. Ammann, J. Crowe, J. Gunckel, W. Hicks; Second row:-D. Loeffler, P. Kunka, E. Gorsuch, N. Cress, R. Brown; Third row:-B. Cutcher, D . Crossley, R. Lehner, R. Helmlinger; Fourth row:E. Hauer, N. Weber, R. Campbell, J. Hough.
row:-J. R eisch, W. Iannuzzi, A. Klamo, N. R eich, N. Kurfiss; Second row:-B. Cramer, R. Stith, J. Dixon, W. Hovey, E. Luthman, W. Loe; T hird row:-T. Yamada, Chen Fu, D. Grimme, R . Born.
Page Fifty-five
First 1·ow:-McGrath, R., Ferrara, J., Ohmer, P ., Mulanovich, E., Walsh, W., Stapp, C.; Second row:-Jauch, E., Eiting J., Hoke, R., King C., Antunano, E., Bojanowski, C., Passalacqua, L.; Third row:Bricker, R., Trevino, G., Drescher, 0., Troin, H., Janotta, R., Offenbacher, G.; Fourth row:-Kretzler, C., Roberts, W., Brooks, M., Mushett, J., Koesters, H., Caldwell, F.
First row:-Johnson, H., Theodoras, M., Shields, D., Rauscher, R., Moore, J., Schmidt, R., Duffy, A.; Second row:-Wissing, R., Pruzzo, J., Baumgarten J., Baujan, G., Hughes, C., Leschansky, E.; Third row:Yim, H., Ryschewitsch, G., Nanni, V. Kester, J., Razzano, F., Rueger, W., Pustinger, J.; Fourth row:Hoying, E., Browne, J., Brown, F., File, T. Page Fifty-six
First row:-Finke, J., Sacksteder, B., Koehler, J., Howley, P., Raney, J.; Second row:-Caes, C., Kucharski, L., Schuler, R., Sasala, J., Ferris, W., Kelble, D.; Thircl row:-Lehmann, J., Wall, L., Scalzitti, C., Huston, R., Sparks, J., Cooper, A., Melvin, F.; Fourth row:-Siu, L., Omlor, G., Like, L., Busse, R ., Ford, D ., Tumbusch, J.
Page Fifty-seven
SOPIHOMORE SECTIION I Have My Friends If I had nothing else in life . . . to make me glad today . I would remember all the friends . . . who ever came my way . .. The ones who took me by the hand . . . and gave their smiles to me ... who helped me on and did so much ... to brighten memory . . . I would remember those who spoke . . . a kindly word or two . . . especially at a time when I . . . was feeling sort of blue . . . Yes, they would all return to me . . . and linger in my mind . . . and I would have joys again . . . I had to leave behind . . . But I am really not in need . . . of happiness today . . . Because I still have all the friends ... who ever came my way.
Jim Cosimati, President; Barbara Payne, Secretary; Joe Young, Treasurer,¡ Jack Donovan, Vice President
Page Fifty-eight
First row:-Brookey,
Ambore, F., Hauer, M., Forrest, H., Bourgeois, S., Backs, C., Blackwell,
J., Bucher, J., Gates, J., Balcunas, S., Carolina, R., F.echer, M. Becker, R.; Third row:-Chun, E., Bube, N ., Hobbs, R., Herman, J., Berger, D., Cockett, M., Byrne, J.; Fourth row:Hebbeler D., Baker, R., Cochran, J., Bertrand, R., Hickey, G., Cenname, J. W.; Second row:-Ciani, A., Barragan,
First row:-sitting left to right-D . Schimmoller, R. Vandevander, J. Tempest, A. Tylinsdi; Second row:-sitting-J. Zimmer, C. Wamsley, J. Raiff, A Stein; Standing-left to right-M. Smith, J. Seitz, D. Smith, R. Touchman, P. Roccanova, W. Talbot, B. Schiml, T. Weber.
Page Fifty-nine
First r ow:-Lalor, R., Rafols, E., Nahn, M., Joefreda, M., Knuth, R., Schmitt, S., Kleinstuber, J., Marin, A.; Second row:-O'Connor, J., Roderer, R ., Malloy, J., Redinger, E., Murray, J., Montgomery, R., Murray, E.; Third row:-Kolb, J ., Kuhbander, C., Mocilnikar, P., Kapp, P., Keck, L., Rotterman, R.; Fourth r ow: -McKinniss, 0., Rigo, D., Karpiak, M., Kotlarek, L., Janning, R ., Kauth, C., Manny, E.
First row:-Donisi, P., Bowman, M., Curtin, H., Taylor, G., Johnson, T., Campbell, B.; Second row:-Cunningham, B., Wallingsford, P ., Wittman, R., Thomas, B., Beery, J., Eichman, M., Billett, W. ; Third row:-Kuntz, W ., Rizer, J ., Quinn, F., Shively, M ., Romer, T., Smith, G., Tieman, J., Lafayette, R., Peters, L.; Fourth row:-Becker, R ., Clemens, E., France, 0., Frericks, T ., Gleason, J., Rozzo, C., Miller, D ., Lowry, E.; Fifth row:-Moore, ]., Witt, R., Smolinski, G., Bonahoom, M., Taylor, V ., Vargo, P ., Wilt, W . Page Sixty
l eft to right:-R. Garcia, D . Bange, W . Flowers, A. Evers, E. Koerner, C. Walters, W. Bigelow, H. Chi.; First row standing:-V. Paul, J. Stockert, L. Castle, M. Villemain, A. Clinton, S. Solamillo, H. Villemain, S. Kraftmiller; Second row standing:-K. Golden, B. Chong, E. Medina, T. Wimsatt, P. Moore, T . Mill er, M . Yanes, J . Ryan, B. Morse, J. Wirth, R . Eisenlohr.
row:-Martin , W ., Petkwitz, P., Kramer, G., Moy, R., Malloy, P., Jenks, P.; Second row:-Roth, G., Biedenbender, W., Reinhard, D ., Warning, G., Wolf, N., LeBoeuf, C., Lowry, G.; Third row:Yanes, M., Grosser, L., Brands, M., Kamm, I., Finnen, G., Moore, P., Klaus, F.
Page Sixty-one
Sitting-left to right-J. Gurnick, F. Bustillo, D. Crawford, J. Cionni; Standing-first row:-H . Miller, D. Dechant, F. Groselle, J. Ransick, R. Glaser, E. Allemeier; Second row:-M. Allen, J. Lauber, J. Charles, R. Elliot, F. Seiler, R. Goenner, W. Barnes, P. Press, K. Dale; Third ro-w :-R. Hecker, G. Clayton, S. Heflin, D. Reichert, W . Jones, J. Williams.
First row:-M. Fischer, M . Delgado, P. Sampso n, D., Salvati, A. U tz, S. Schroll, H . VandeVelde, S. Stevens, L. Goetz; Second row:-J. Koehler, M . Ammann, J. Gras, D . Jones, R. Eberts, R. Fitzpatrick, C. Gebhart, C. Peterson, J . Riedinger, A. Camin; Third row:-J. Aplin, R. Reboulet, K . Peckholt, J. Bledsoe, V. Paullin, G. Pellow. Page Sixty-two
First row:-]. Frank, J. McIntosh, B. Payne, L. Wehner, M. Young, M. Catron; Second row:-D. Dickas, T. Fox, B. Harrison, M. Coppess, J. Gannon, J. Miles, T. Maurer; Third row:-D. Marc'um, K. Hayden, J. Fisher, W. Carrington, J. Lohrer, J. Donovan; J. Cosimati; Fourth row:-]. O'Connell, C., Searle, J. Bohman, H. Overly; Fifth row:-C. Koontz, R. Michael, R. Heisterman, J. Walton, J. Reeve.
Page Sixty-three
fRIESIHMIEN SIEClllON True Friendship A lasting friendship is a thing . . . that only you can make . . . but something that a second's time . . . is all it needs to break . . . The picture is the same as when . . . we plant an acorn small . . . and want it to become a tree . . . magnificent and tall . . . And then we swing our ax until . . . that one and final stroke .. . when we discover we have felled . . . the promise of an oak . . . A lasting friendship is a thing . . . of delicate design . . . that needs the rain and sunshine and . . . the silver stars that shine . . . Indeed it has to have the best . . . . of care that we can give . . . if we would have it last as long . .. as ever we may live.
Ray Bedwell, President; Mary Thesing, Secretary; Jim Lorenz, Treasurer
Pa ge Sixty-four
First row:-Ingle, N ., Connolly, S., Fischer, J., Holcomb, P., Enoch, C., McAdam, M. McGarvey, S.; Second row:-Koehler, W., Burke, M., Minic, M ., Gerber R., Boesch, H., Hecker, J., Murray, ,]., Caro:1, J., Gunn, R.; Third row:-Cross, H., Brown, J., Koverman, J., Bedwell, R., Heberle, G., Kuntz, D., Bieger, W ., Bardo, G., Lachey, K.; Fourth row:-Cook, J., Miller, F., De Pasquale, E., Holland, P., Deffet, G ., Fink, R. Ditzel, T.
First row:-Thesing, M ., Schoch, J., Stetson J., Vardalides, N., Yates, N ., Wyen, M.; Second row:Walsh, R., Rice., J., Strube, E., Sorohan, L., O'Connor, R., Valerin, A., Patesel, R., O 'N eal, S.; Third row:Price, C., Weiher, R., Scalia, P ., Young, W ., Nagle, D., Redmond T ., O'Neill, H., Recker, R.; Fourth row:Smith, S., Wilkerson, J., Wright, S., Staley, W ., Pfeiffer, R., Osterman, P ., Suel, A.
Page Sixty-five
First row:-sitting-J. Stark, D. Brehm, P. Caesar, E. Bell, R . Gettier, J. Day; Second row:kneeling-R. Daum, L. Hussman, R. Gomes, C. Jefford, H. Hee; Third row:-standing-T. O'Connell, S. Hagerman, R. Hewitt, J. Flannery, R. Kraft, L. Illes.
First row:-Umina, B., Stueve, J., MacCallum, S., Yates, M., Bendele, R., Maroglou, K., Hauer, M., Bridenbaugh, B.; Second row:-Girard, K., Caufi eld, M., Gerhartz, P., Hemmert, W., Wonka, H., McShane,
M., Dixon, P., Bender, M., Codling M .; Third row:-Ganther M., Brown, H., Romer, B., Gehring, S., Groth H., Hucke, C., Drees, D., Fischer, L., Kastle, P.; Fourth row:-Shock, H., Schenking, G., Egan, E., Vavul, A., Weidner, R., Mosher, W., Harding, J., Feidner, E., Ryan, R., DeVelbiss, J. Page Sixty-siJC
First row:-Wojci, R., Paradise, F., Forkner, M., Weis, B., Mitchell, E., Wannemacher, J., Wright C., Second row:-Riedlinger, A., Pohlman, W., Stanton, J., Trismen, D., Nolting, J., Pang, H., Wannemacher, M., Yamamoto, P.; Third row:-Osting, A., Maxwell, C., Reape, D., Muldoon, J., Whalen, T., Webt!r, V., Conners, C., Locke, T.; Fourth row:-Tobias, K., Capron, R., Krueger, L., Pank, H., Pollock, F., Radican, H., Donoher, D.
First row:-Finan, R., Ebbing, R., Jones, L., Middleton, G., Gruber, P., Kopp, R., Cornett, R.; Second row:-Bell, E., Hamer, J., Espy, B., Illes, L., Angerer, J., Kent, M., Gulick, J., Ekberg, D.; Third row:Martin, J., Mayer, R ., Fillenwarth, H., Beck, D . Marshall J., Bonbright, H., Buerhaus, A., Bolton, E.; Fottrth row:-Lindemann, T., McClune, W., Farmer, T., Entz, W., Long, W., Anderson, J .; Fifth row: McCloskey, R., O'Neill, W., Helmkamp, D., Greive, D., Dartt, D.
Page Sixty-seven
First row:-Duell, J., Sheehan, E., Rachweg, R ., Schoenber:;er, J., Page, T., Wrasman, P., Smith, H.; Second row:-Gill J., Haudrich, P., Schroeder, J., Palmer, R., Romer, A., Rose, W., Jira, E., Feeney, J.; Third row:-Wiggenhorn, R., Shank, R., Ousley, T., Wenstrup, K., Leonard, L., Hussong, F., Haag, W.; Fourth row:-Jacobs, C., Fischer, R., Ryan, R ., Thome, W ., Weeber, R., Foley, D., Kelsesky, W., Kadlec D.
row:-Lynott, M., Connors, A., Hoffman, J., Hsiung-Yuh-Hwa, Bulcher, J., Geiger, J.; Second row:-Lorenz, J., Kroger, J., Campbell, H., Free, R., Howard, E., Doughty, R., Gardner, C.; Third row:Althaus, M., Metzger, J., Enxing, D., Keith, R., Kueller, J., Fisher, R., Marcenaro, O.; Fourth row:-Janning, T., Gay, L., Coffey, F., Gairing, W., Blaeser, E., Hoene D . Page Sixty-eight
First row:-R. Alcwicker li. Bores, F. Moreharc, C. Mueller, M. Henige, J. Becker, J. D ouglas, S. Ackerman ; Second row:- J. Faiella, C. Brande, J . Fo ·d , J. Bechman, R. Flood, B. H arris,G . Leong; Third row:Ackerman; Second r ow:-J. Faiella, C. Brande, J . Ford, J. Bechman, R. Flood, B. H ar ris, G . ,Leong; Third row:row:-W. Friscik, T . Hochwalc, W. Farrell, J. Buck, T . Benn ett, W. Fishbaugh, D . H o, D. Bertram, J . Emmert; Fifth r ow:-D. Dunne, E. Mershad, G . Leider, P. Shou ).
First row:-Racerm an, P ., Steele, M., Radican, N ., Jauch, M ., Rose, E., Murphy, B., Dunham, S.; Second row:-O'M alley, G ., Johnson, B., Cruea, B., Chance, D ., Mahlmeiscer, S., Zayac, E., Okamura, H .; T h ird row:-Scudebaker, R., Naughton, J ., Whitmer, R ., R ose, G., Snyd er, D., Strider, M., Prater, H ., Simpson, J .; Fourth row:-Huffm an, K., T h eodorides, T., Thomas, L., White, R., W alton, H ., W einshank, J ., O'Toole, D ., Raterman, J., Supcoe, D .
Page Sixty-nine
CLASSES - -- -
6.i 3
5 20
- - -- - -
Grand Total
--- --- - -
9 16
Mechanical Totals
43 1
Dayto n
1290 ·----
O h io
Even ing .. . . . ..... . .. . ... 1290
G r and Total ... . ... . ... . .. .... 3360
Territory Foreign
Total Enroll ment Day ...... . ... .. ... ..... 2070
Page Seventy
ETERNAL THANKS I am so grateful to you, God ... For all that you have done . . . From every golden dawn until . . . The setting of each sun . . . For every little favor and .. . the goals that I have gained . . . And even for my loneliness . . . Whenever it has rained . . . I thank you for the beauty of . . . The life you let me live . . . And for the opportunity . . . To borrow and to give . . . The chance to gather happiness ... \Vherever I may go ... And in the wisdom of the world . .. To contemplate and grow . . . I am forever grateful for ... The blessings I receive .. . And pray that I will never cause . . . Your loving heart to grieve.
Front row :-Julie Raney, C. McMullen, T . Vardalides, M . A. Roll, R. McAvoy, M . A. H ess; S econd row :-Dominic Berardi, W. Kehl, R . Mayer, R. Flood, Richard Lawler, John Ondercin, Robert Hilton; T hird r ow:-W. McMahon, L. Sutcman, C. Moorman, W. Enouen, W. Crotty, A. Neff, M. Schock; Fourth r ow:-Robert Connair, Al Young, Gene Kuhbander, E. Ednie, R. Wehner, Robert Hoffman.
THE STUDENT SENATE The Student Senate, completed its third year of act1v1t1es as a subordinate legislative group of the student government. This year the Student Senate assisted the Student Council in the welcoming of the freshmen and other new members of the student body. The many activities of this organization were: Planning and carrying out a rush week in which clubs were urged to recruit new members for the bettering of their organization entering dates of club activities on the school calendar . . . airing the problems and plans of all campus organizations . . . planning and staging a variety show . . . making new plans with the Student Council for welcoming the freshmen of 1952 . . . and urging cooperation and school spirit among all student organizations. Officers for the year were: Al Neff ( C.S.M.C. ) , President; Walt McMahon, ( Pershing Rifles), Vice-President; Frosty Suttman, (Electrical Engineers ) , Treasurer; Julie Raney, (Home Economics Club ) , Secretary.
Page Seventy-two
First row:-Carcelli, D. Schock, M., Raney, J. Neff A ., McMahon, W., Suttman, L., Hess, M.; Se; o:ul row:-G-aIEco Kehl, W., Donovan, J., Enouen, W., Kuhbander, C., Connair, R., Payne, R., Kelly, J., Berardi, D ., ]\,fayer, R.
THE STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council of 1950-1951, guided by president, James Gilvary; vice-president, John Bramlage; secretary, Mary E. Nagle, and treasurer, Bill Enouen, will be remembered as one of the most active organizations of the student governing bodies. It is the median through which the students voice their opinions, suggestions, and criticisms. The representatives of the Student Council were named at class elections and the president of each class is automatically made a member. The various activities of the council included the sponsoring of various social affairs, providing financial backing for several dances and other activities, making recommendations to the Administration concerning desired improvements on the campus and with different organizations and nmong the student body in general. Many added privileges. improvements, and activities obtained fo r t he students came by th':! di ligen t and trusting work of the Student Council.
Page Seventy-three
EDUCATION CLUB Delta Epsilon Kappa was organized a year ago by a group of interested students with the guidance of Mr. Bart Lubbers for the purpose of promoting moral, ethical, and professional teacher g rowth and competence. Since its formation the club has attempted to provide projects and settings where future teachers, professional educators, and teachers in service could work, study, and exchange ideas, and investigate the current problems in the field of elementary and secondary education. Degrees are awarded according to merit points to members who participate in club activities. The year's activities of the club were concluded with a banquet and party May 10. First officers of the club were: Robert Bruggeman, president; Philip Gleason vice-president; Pauline Spring, secretary, and Thalia Johnson, treasurer. Officers elected for next year are : Thalia Johnson, president; James Gleason, vice-president; Rita Wittman, secretary, and Margaret Kunka, treasurer.
First row:-M. Codling, J. Stueve, S. MacCallum, C. McMullen, M. Bender, M. Paullin, T. John son, M. Beacham, B. Bridenbaug h; Second row:-D. Shartle, P . Dixon, M. Youngman, D. Drees, F. Polso n, C. Hucke, H. \Vonka, B . Emerick, M . Mountjoy, S. M cNeil ; Third row:-Bro. Faerber, Moderator; P . K '.lstl e, L. Fischer , M. McShane, P. Spring, H. Brown, L. Showalter , P . Kunka, V. Kavana:sh, J. Kaeppel, D . L. Leary, M od erator; Fourth row:-]. Auer, R. Lafayette, M. Bonahoom, C. Ringleman, G. Smolinski, E. Moorman, R . Bruggeman , L. Monnin, D . Loeffler, F. Schmalz; Fifth row:-A. Pax, J . Gleason, W . Fremont, S. T ucker , R . Scott, J. Stech schu lte, A. Young, P. Gleason, T. K elbley, A. Kulinski.
Page Seventy-four
First row:-R. Asato, R. Grolemund, A . Marin, R. Duckro, R. Kepler, L. Harris; Second row:-R. Countryman, R. Lukey, R . Mescher, R. Porter, M . Schoch; Third row:-P. Wenning, P. Hickey, E. Burg, R. Brockman, J. Garcia, A. Stoermer, H. Drees; Fourth row:-J. Tolle, J. Trentman, J. Lieser, J. Barry, H. Parr, J. Sanchez, 0. Koller, J . Jackson.
ADVANCED ACCOUNTING CLUB The purpose of the club since its organization in 1948 has been to correlate academic accounting theory with actual accounting practice. Discussion meetings were held at which prominent men from business explained accounting as practiced in their particular fields . These included men from financial institutions, municipal government, and private industry, and the last meeting featured the presence of the resident manager of Peet, Marwick, & Mitchell, Cincinnati public accounting firm. The officers for the year were: Harry Parr and Edward Graul, Co-Presidents; Clifford Scholes, Vice President; Donald Mescher, Treasurer; and Harold J. Drees, Secretary. Mr. Jackson served as faculty moderator.
Page Seventy-five
First row:-Shearl Roberts, W. Locke, R. Westendorf, R. Reboulet; Second row:-C. Zimmer, C. Brandt, D. Loeber, T. Ditzel, T. Borgert, Brother W. D. Wehrle, Moderator; Third row:-Roman Gerber, D. Schweller, Michael Bonahoom, R. Kennedy, J. Gilvary.
DEBATING SOCIETY Under the guidance of \X'illiam 0. Wehrle, S.M., moderator, assisted by the follo-;ving officers: Robert Kennedy, President; Shear! Roberts, Vicepresident; Donald Schweller, Treasurer; and Robert Westendorf, Secretary, the debate season of 1950-51 was the most extensive ever undertaken by Upsilon Delta Sigma both in the number of debates held and mileage covered. In all 56 intercollegiate debates were held, and 8500 miles were traveled in accomplishing this record.
were the opposition: California, St. Mary's, Santa Clara, University of San Francisco, Stanford, San Jose State, and San Francisc.:> State. Besides these trips the debaters took part in a triangular meet including Ohio State and Capital ac Columbus, and the NFCCS Regional Tournament held this year at Villa Madonna College in Covington, Kentucky.
Three tours were made taking eight members East, Midwest, and to the Pacific Co' The schools which played host to the debaters on the Eastern Tour were: Western Reserve, Case, Canisius, Union, U.S. Military Academy, Fordham, St. Peter's, Seton Hall, Temple, LaSalle, Georgetown, and Duquesne.
Various organizations also heard che debaters discuss the National topic: Resolved: That All Noncommunist Nations Should Form a New International Organization. These groups included: the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the International Relations Club, the Women's Club, the patients of Ward 22 at the Veterans Administration Hospital and those of Stillwater Sanitorium.
With the headquarters in Chicago another team met the following schools: Illinois at Navy Pier, Northwestern, DePaul, Wheaton, Lake Forest, Mundeline, Loyola, and Notre Dame. On the society's first trip to the Pacific Coast the following schools
The highlight of the home schedule was the visit of two Cadets from West Point. Charles E. Brant was presented with the President's Award for excellency in debating at the annual banquet which concluded the activities for the year.
Page Seventy-six
T he Sigma Delta Pi Honorary Premedical Society finished its fifteenth year on the campus in its traditional successful manner. The society is made up of students in premedical, predental and allied fields, who meet the requirements of high scholarship, strong interest, and good character. Meetings are held bi-weekly, at which times papers and talks are presented by either advanced students or speakers from the professional fields; among the topics discussed this year, were S:xialized Medicine, Antibiotics, Osteoarthritis, and Orthopedic Surgery. T he Sigma Delta Pi News, edited this year by James Baumgarten, serves as a link between present members and the alumni of the club. Recognizing the value of social qualities in academic and professional men, the entire organization participated happily in our fall wiener roast, the Christmas Party, the annual banquet, and the grandest annual picnic. Officers of the club were: Harold Kelso, president; Richard Schuler, Vice President; Robert Busse, T reasurer; and Alice Duffy, Secretary. Our Moderator, is the Dean of Science, Dr. Louis A . Saletel, S.M.
SIGMA DELTA PI First row:-] . Cionni, M. Theodoras, H. Yim, H. Kelso, T. File, R . Schmidt, D. Lucid; S econd row:- D. Liu, E. Leschansky, E. Hoying, E. Kucharski, L. Wall, W. Ferris, T. Weisman, J . Logan; Third row:-D. Kelble, J . Browne, C. Scalzitti, G. Shaw, N. Rose, R. Lindon; Fourth row:-G. Young, J. Baumgarten, R. Schuler, S. Heflin, P. Press, F. Frounfelker, W. Rueger, L. Goetz; Fifth row:-G. Baujan, W. Jones, D. Heichert, G. Omlor, R . Busse, D . Waugh, Dr. Saletel.
~ ,..:
Page Seventy-seven
First row:-R. Berg, D . M ayer, D . Cosgrove, D . Ferrazza, P . Rehs, L. Suttman; Second row:-M. Catron, J. Finke, M. A. Paullin, J. Ran ey, M . Beacham, G. Young, J. Beem an, B . J. H arrison; T hird row:-S. Bourgeois, J. Forrest, J. Gras, C. McMullen, A. U tz, M . M cShane, W . Billet, R. A. Ebbing, M . E. Ganther; Fourth row :-M. Fischer, T. Romer, B. Sacksteder, J. Pflaum, M . A. I senech er, K . Girard , B. W eis, S. Gehring; Fi fth row :-N. Hohler, C. Price, J. Stark, M . Smith, J. Pohl, F. Begin, H . VandeVeld e, D . Ford ; Sixth row:-R. Fin non, P . M alloy, J. McGraw, R. Scott, R. Bruggeman, D. Smith, C. Walters, Seventh r ow:-G. York, J. Caron, E. Peq uillo n, M. Cooper, M . Hoefl er.
FLYER'S H angar leaders this year were Don Cosgrove, Pauline Spring, Bill Kehl and Pauline Kelley, who were president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, respectively.
Page Seventy-eight
First row:-]. Donovan, J. Cosimati, W. Kehl, S. Montgomery; Second row:-R. McAvoy, P. Kelley, N. Radican, N. Ingle, B. Umina; Third row:-M. Coppess, J. Batsche, C. Hilgeford, T. Vardalides, V . MacMillan, M . Caufield; Forth row:J. O ldiges, M. Nagle, M. Roll, P. Radican, C. Rohr, H. Brown, B. Payne; Fifth row :-D. Singler, W. Enouen, P. Spring, E. Koerner, R. Snow, R. Bedwell, J. Kelly; Sixth row:-R. Norton, H. Fillenworth, Al N eff, J. Hannon, J. Kleinstuber, J. Gill, G. O'Malley; Seventh row:-E. Ednie, L. Hackett, J. Bramlage, J. Bourk, D. Campbell, E. de Pasquale, C. Conners.
HANGAR O ne of the largest and most active organizations on the campus, Flyer's Hangar is now in its sixth year of existence. The group was originally formed as a means of bringing students closer through infor mal social functions. Many lasting friendships have been formed through Hangar events in the last six years.
In addition to the regular Sunday dances held every other week at the Loretto, Hanger members this year attended some half dozen parties at the Canoe Club and the Touchdown Club, an ice-skating party at Troy, several picnics and th<~ annual "big" dance, celebrating Hangar's anniversary. Hanga_r succeeded in electing their Homecoming candidate, staging an active campaign. The annual Sadie Hawkins dance was, as usual, well-managed by the girls and was true to tradition. Page Seventy-nine
SPIRIT COMMITTEE The Spirit Committee adds the "Rah Rah" and the "Yeah Team" to all the sports activities of the Red and Blue athletic teams before, during, and after the game. Their activities of the year were many; each sporting activity was well- "publicized", "posterized ", and "paraded." Previous to the football and basketball games, this group of students met and painted posters which were himg in strategic places to bolster morale. They also gathered the sports-minded students and held pep rallies, p arades, and welcomes. During the football season, pep rallies were held for every game and the Spirit Committee saw the team off when the games were away from Home. During Homecoming, the Spirit Committee did a big job in decorating the queen stand and float. They also arranged an excursion to Lexington, Kentucky, and another one to Toledo to cheer the football team on in its encounter. Officers for the year were: Bill Kehl, president; Dan Ferazza, vice-president; Maria nne Roll, secretary ; and Dave Ford, treasurer.
First r ow:-M. Catron, J. Finke, M. McShane, J. McConnehea, P. Kell ey, M. A. Paullin, R . McAvoy, B. J. H arrison, M . Beacham, N . Ingle, P . Radican, N . Radican; Second row:-M. E. Ganther, J. R aney, W. Billett, R. Ebbing, V. MacMillan, C. Hilgeford, M. Roll, M. Coppess, B. Payne, M . N agle, P. Spring, E. J. Batsche, T . Vardalides; Third row:-J. Pflaum, M. Isenecker, C. McMullen, K . Girard, B. W eis, S. G ehring, T . Romer, W. Koerner, D . Ferrazza, R. Mayer; Fourth r ow:-P. Malloy, J. Donovan, L. Suttman, J. Cosimati, R . Berg, D. Cosgrove, W. Kehl, J. Bramlage, L. Hackett, Enouen, C. Walters, F. R ehs, S. Mo ntgomery; Fi fth row:- M. Smith, R . Scott, D. Ford, F. Begin, H. VandeVelde, D . Smith, E. P eguillan, D . Singler, J. Bourk, D . N orton, R. Campbell. Page Eighty
Seated-first row:-V. Paullin, J. Finke, S. Stevens; Second row:-]. Raney, S. Schroll; Third row:-S. Coles, B. Cruea, E. Rose, moderator; Standing first row:-S. Dunham, K. Dale, C. Hall; K. Peckholt, A. Utz, B. Murphy, P. Wilson, A. Remnant, M. Fischer; Standing second row:-A. Kaiser, P. Howley, W. Wheatley; B. Sacksteder, J. Koehler, M. Jauch, G. Pellow, B. Johnson.
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The Home Economics Club, Upsilon Delta Chi, enjoyed a very successful year in its academic and cultural projects.
All activities had for their common theme the development of social and good family relationships. leadership and active participation are prerequisites for the members of the organization. Prominent in the year's schedule were the card party, for which the members prepared candies, cookies, as well as aprons; the Style Show; the Christmas party; the MotherDaughter dinner, at which Mrs. Kessler spoke on Textile fabrics; and the Annual luncheon. The club was very active in setting up displays for the Career Day at the University. A great measure of the club's success is due to the enthusiasm and initiative of the Moderator, Mrs. Eithel Rose, Head of the Department of Home Economics, and the Officers: Julie Raney, president; Janet Finke, vice president; Marlene Fischer, recording secretary; Virginia Tate, corresponding secretary; Pat Wilson, treasurer; Shirley Schroll, publicity chairman; and Alice Remnant, Program Chairman.
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INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB This organizati on offers all the students of the University an opportuni ty to study and discuss questions of national and international significanc e. A competent and well-verse d moderator assisted in the promotion of interests in internatio nal affairs. The many veterans of the Club this year offered personal observatio ns, experience s, and modes of life from many of the foreign countries and territories they visited. At regular bi-monthly meetings, topics discussed included Russian-A merican relations, American policy toward Korea and Formosa, Spain and Franco, education and reconstruc tion in Germany, and the world situation in general. Under the capable guidance of the faculty advisor for the Club, Dr. de la Salandra, the Club achieved a moderate but active membership and succeeded in arranging many new and interesting speakers and topics for general discussion during its meetings. Officers for the past season were: William F. Hilbert, President; Richard F. Beach, Vice President; James N. Bily, Treasurer; and Robert H. Hickey, Recording Secretary.
Doctor D, Salandra, Sitting, left to right:-A. Kulinski, M . Beacham, G. Smolinski, D. Flood, J. Kelley, A. Niedecken, . Moorman, standing:-C row, Second Beach; D. Porter, G. Hilbert, W. Beeman, J. Porter, . Moderator; First row, standing:-D Leider. W. Mescher, C. , Theodorides T. J. Bily; Third row, standing:-D . Dechant,
Page Eighty-two
First row:-B. Renard, S. Ackerman, P. Raterman, J. Berry, S. Schroll, P. Radican, M. Thesing, M. Paullin, T. Vardalides; Second rot11:-V. Paullin, C. Rohr, J. Becker, M. Isenecker, B. Romer, J . Pohl, M. Nagle, H. Wonka, P. Ringo, G . Young; Third rot11:-A. Neff, R. Wittman, S. Schmitt, B, Payne, J. Schock, F. Shay, P. Spring, T. Ditzel, J. Zimmer, F. Schmaltz; Fourth rot11:-Father Finke, Moderator, D. Young, E. Koerner, D. Douglas, M. Coppess, P. Shay, J. Cosimati, W. Enouen, W. Talbot, R . Vandevander; Fifth rot11:-G. Schenking, M. Susco, D. Seifert, R. Walsh, C. Miller, W. Thome, J. Ramus, L. Suttman; Sixth rot11:-J. McGraw, A. Pax, W. Spatz; Seventh rot11:-B. Kuntz, F. Miller, - - - -, L. Buchner, M. Hoefler, M . Cooper.
C. S. M. C.
First rot11:-S. MacCallum, P. Donisi, R. Bendele, M. Burke, B. Murphy, S. McGarvey, W. Billett, B. Harrison, J. Beeman, M. Beacham, M. Catron; Second rot11:-S. Bourgeois, S. Connolly, M. Jauch, B. Bores, D. Drees, M. Henige, C. M ueller, D. McAnespie, M. A. Hess, F. Morehart; Third rot11:- J. Batsche, P. Kastle, N. Hohler, L. Fischer, J. Byrne, J. Gates, E. Murray, A. Marin, J. Kelly, M. Monroe; Fourth rot11:-W. Kuntz, H. Forrest, M. Mueller, C. Dean, J. Mueller, P. Hughes, G. Hughes, T . Ditzel; Fifth rot11:-F. Amore, A. Kulinski, J. Hamer, P. Mocilnikar, J. Bohman, P. Blaeser, H. Fillenworth, W. Collins. Page Eighty-three
N. P. B. J. R.
First row:-C. Rohr, D. Carcelli, G. Buer, M. Jauch, M. Thesing, J. McGrath, Moderator; S. Stevens, J. Combs, B. Jennings, Ingle, B. Harrison; Second row:-M. McShane, J . McConnehea, M. Hess, D. McAnespie, P. Gerharcz, R. Bendel, H. Curtin, Shay, M . Hofferbert, T. Ditzel, W. McMahon, J. Cosimaci, C. Bernard, R. Gunn; Third row:-E. Feidner, P . Kunka, A. Culp, Celise, Al Herman, R. Sullivan, W. Thome, G. Uher, J. Bohman, J. Hannon, G . Biersach, D. Ri ,:;o; Fourth row:-M. Joefreda, Rhoads, G. Leise, A Jablinski, G. Hoeffler, J . Walsh, J. Leise, B. Beck, J. Farrell, F. Amore; Fifth row:-M. Susco, J. Hamer, Berg, J. Koverman, J. Caron, J. Brookey, D. Porter, C. Dean, R . Bedwell, J. Seitz, M. Hauer, B. Crotty.
UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Capably and painstakingly directed by John I. McGrath and Mrs. Annette S. Anduze the University Players hit a new high in entertainment this season. This was described by Journal-Herald drama critic, A. S. Kany, as "what we unhesitatingly regard as their best to date, artistically speaking."
------- --------------- ----
The year was one filled with unexpected and oft times unusual occurrences. Everything from a rooster's impromptu crowing during a tender love scene to several Garden-boundPlayer "big-"' games on performance nights served to throw obstacles in the Players' path. Also to be considered was a minor weather detail - an eleven-inch sprinkling of snow that almost completely stalled attendance for one performance, and then wiped another off the schedule entirely for audience and Culpcornered thespians alike. But taking the unlooked-for in lengthened stride,, the Players bore down and carried the season with flying Black-and-Gold. Although four productions had been planned for the year, the afore-mentioned feathery prec1p1tation in November necessitated re-staging of "The Silver Whistle," resulting in only three plays this season. After the "Whistle" was plugged with slush, every-
Mrs. Anduze and Mr. J. McGrath
I Page Eighty-four
The Passion Play
"The Silver Whistle"
thing became dated A.B.-After the Blizzard. Thus the second attempt at McEnroe's handicraft was shown ( successfully, this time) in January, A.B.; this was closely followed in March, A.B. by the first annual Passion Play ever to be staged in Dayton. A few notes on this dramatic treatment of our Lord's last immortal hours: a cast of fifty, colorful costumes, spectacular lighting effects, impressive scene changes, and actual Spiritual text comb ined to make this play long-remembered by each member of the audience. Emelyn Williams' murder-thriller, "Night Must Fall," was presented in April as the school year round the bend into the home stretch, and the audiences were jolted from their spring doldrums by the mystery of the hatbox and its contents. T he headaches of management this year fell to an Executive Committee embracing Joanne Combs, Mary Ann Hess, Charles Bernard, George Uher, and Jim Walsh. Players received membership cards, certificates, or keys emblematic of their individual endeavor, and cloudy-eyed farewells were bade to fourteen troupers who graduate from college to pursue jobs, easy chairs, or first-sergeants. "Night Must Fall"
Page Eighty-five
Nu Epsilon D elta, the nurses' honorary society was organized in 1948, the year of the Diamond Jubilee of Nursing. The purpose of the society is to create enthusiasm for superior scholarship and to develop leaders in nursing who will advance nursing educa tion and the profession of nursing. For the monthly m eetings the program committee attempts to present prominent speakers both in the field of nursing a nd other professions, thus stressing the development of the nurse as a whole. Highlightin g the year's activities were a Christmas party, a tea in honor of the U. of D . faculty, a n annual banquet and various other social affairs. Officers of the society are: Margaret M. Oracko, R.N., C.M., president; Beulah Langman, R.N ., secretary; E~ther Matheson, R .N., treasurer ; Sister M. Minalia S.P .S.F., R.N., M .A ., moderator.
-- ---路""路'路'~ - - - --- ar路--L.-- - First row:-M gar et O racko, Mary Horriga n, Sr.
M. Christella, Sr. M . T h er ese J oseph , Sr. M. Minalia, Cope, M od er ator; Sr. M. J oanella McClain, Esth er M ath eson ; Second row:-M ary W abo, H el en Brayton, Ruby G race Luhrman, An ne Sulli va n, Hai el Azlako n, Lyn Nelson, M arth a Hierholzer, Inez K elly, Bern adin e Morasco; Third row:- H elen Beverly, U na Walker, Jan et Sheidler, J eann ette Simon, Catherin e Mueller, M argaret Schwab, Mary H enige, Barbara Bores, Freda M orehart, M ary La Fayette, D oris Fr oeb e, W anda Smith. Page Eighty-six
Society for the
First row:-R. Voekl, A. Guido, H. Nakama, W. May, T. Mullaney, P. Rehs, G. Porter, W. Hanlon, R. Norris; Second row:-F. Marsico, D. Koenig, R. DeRoziere, W. Smith, F. L-,J. Granato, R. Keppler, J. Ondercin, N. Keller; Third row:-]. Smith, H. Latham, J. Garcia, R. Millard, M. Schoch, J. Kyle, R. Millat, G. Burg, N. Kelly; Fourth row:-D . McFarland, P. Hickey; Fifth row:-]. Dack M. Copp, J. Ramus, P. Regan, R. Goodpaster, W. Beecroft, I. Shepard, R. Mipiewicz, Dr. O'Leary, Moderator; Mr. Ambrose, T. Gates.
T he Society for the Advancement of Management is the recognized national professional society of management people in industry, commerce, government, and education. Representing no special interests, it is motivated by a selfless zeal to spread the benefits of scientific management wherever management is required. T he organization has as its background various organizations dating from the Taylor Society, organized in 191 2, to forward the ideas of Frederick W . Taylor and his associates who had developed the concept of scientific management. T he Student Chapter, under the sponsorship of the Dayton Chapter was organized here on our campus in 1949 after the untiring efforts of Dr. O'Leary, professor
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and head of the Business Organization and Economics Departments. The activities of the organization are patterned after the senior chapters, and as such, plan to further the advances in scientific management. This goal is made possible by plant visitations, business problems seminars, and educational dinner meetings. In addition, several officers and members attended the National Annual Conference, held in the Statler Hotel, New York City, during the first week of November. Officers of the organization were: Robert J. Kepler, president; Robert J. Lukey, vice-president; William Beecroft, secretary; and Haldron Latham, treasurer. .John Ondercin and Howard Fricke served as representatives to the Student Senate.
MATHEMATICS CLUB Founded in 1940 under the direction of Dr. K. C. Schraut, The Mathematics Club of the University of Dayton has for its aim the promotion of interest in those branches of pure and applied mathematics that are not covered in class. At bi-weekly meetings members of the Club present papers on various fields of math. At the end of each semester the Dean of Science award is given to that member who presents the most interesting paper for that period.
It was within this club that the idea of the University of Dayton Guidance-Career Day was initiated, with the purpose in mind of offering help in choosing a career to those high school students who wished to attend college. The officers for the year were Richard Blaes, president; Hilary Allemeier, vice-president; William Walsh and Kenneth Bush, secretary for the first and second semester respectively; Patrick Luby, treasurer; and James Tumbusch and Eduardo Mulanovich, publicity secretary for the first and second semester respectively.
First row:-James Tumbusch, Richard Blaes, Hillary Allemeier, Dr. Kenneth C. Schraut, Moderator; Pat Luby, William Walsh; Second row:-David Lui, Edward Janning, Alfred Pax, Elmer Luthman, Kenneth Bornhorst; Third row:- Francis Wehner, Richard Schuler, James Baumgarten, Eduardo Mulanovich; Fourth row:-Jack Kester, Daniel Groszewski, John Condon, Kenneth Busch, Thomas Wimsatt. Page Eigthy-eight
First row:-Martha Bowman, Mary Ruth Hofferbert, Doris Shields, Jean Beeman, Mary C. Sullivan, Betty Cunningham; Second row:-Dr. Huth, Harold Brock, - - - - - - , Viola Kavanagh, Jack Pohl, B. Stevens, Pat Kinkade; Third row:- James C. Johnson, Jesse Dover, James Charles, Lloyd Monnin, James Gleason, B. Donohue, G. Smolinski, Joseph Zummo; Fourth row:-Jack Donovan, John Chaney, - - - - - - - - , Pete Roccanova, Orville France, Dale Miller, Leonard Kolorik, James Cenname.
SOCIOLOGY SOCIETY The Students' Sociology Society, Sigma Sigma Sigma, of the University of Dayton was organized in 1946 under the direction of Dr. Edward A. Huth, Head of the Department of Sociology. The purpose of the society is to discuss social problems, particularly those which affect twentieth century civilization. Its function is social as well as academic. Monthly meetings are held in the Albert Emanuel Library. in addition to discussions by the membership and guest speakers, the society held its Christmas dinner at the Red Gables. The May dinner meeting, devoted to the theme: "I am an American," was held at the University of Dayton. Among the ac tivities of the society were the sponsorship of several clinics at the Dayton State Hospital, and the promotion of the annual sociology tour to places of sociological interest. On May 15, the society visited the Ohio Penitentiary, the State Department of Public Welfare, and the Columbus State School for the feebleminded. Under the capable leadership of: Patrick J. Kinkade, president; John Donovan, vice president; Mary Sullivan, secretary; William H. Stevens, treasurer; Arthur Kulinski, program chairman; William J . Donohoue, membership chairman; Richard C. Loeber, publicity secretary; and, George F. Smolinski, sergeantat-arms, an active social year was enjoyed. Page Eighty-nine
SALES and RETAILING CLUB Since its founding in October, 1949, the Sales and Retailing Club has had for its aim the betterment of knowledge about the sales-retail field of industry. T his knowledge was more advanced from the normal acquisition a nd ideas discussed in the classroom since many guest-speakers who headed industry highlighted the program of speakers for the year. This enabled the members to get vario us ideas and viewpoints which help them to obtain a more thorough knowledge of industry, and also offers greater possibilities of employment upon graduation. A series of several Career Counselling Meetings were held throughout the year. Panel discussions were held by three prominent and successful businessmen ; they outlined various programs and systems now used in modern industry, and thus gave the members of the club many new ideas and topics about modern-day sales and retailing.
First row:-Ronald Berg, Lee Jira, Helen Forrest, Nancy Hohler, Joan Crotty, Al Neff, R . A. Weber; Second row:-James Marshall, James McCaffery, Edward Ednie, Earl Verrett, James Mark, Michael Shock, John Ondercin; Th ird row:-Robert Flaute, Robert De R o z:er e, Martin Copp, William Fischer, Amie Kawsky, Will:am R egan.
Page Ninety
First row:-G. Taylor, J. Finke, C. McMullen, M . A. Paullin, N. Ingle, W. Billett; Second r ow:-L. Showalter, T. Vardalides, V. Paulin, G. Pellow, E. Ammann, J. Batsche, V. MacMillan, T. Romer, N. Radican ; Third row:-P. Howley, P . Monnette, E. Reel, J. Koehler, R. McAvoy, M . Roll, J. Oldiges, A. Utz, P. Radican ; Fourth r ow:-H. Wonka, J. Fischer, M . Eichman, D . Jones, C. Hucke, J. Gunckel, D . Drees, K. Maroglou, B. Payne.
WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASS'N. Inaugurating a successful season with intramural hockey, W.A.A. blazed its way through such teams as Wittenberg, Ohio State, Otterbein, Earlham, and Mt. St. Joseph. With a brief respite, W.A.A. again took up its cudgels immediately after Christmas for an interclass volleyball tournament, the seniors being declared the winners. Joan Oldiges' team proved victorious in a thrilling basketball tournament. The lasses took to the road, playing such famous colleges as Ohio State, Antioch, and Wittenberg. W .A .A . rounded out its athletic activities with the inclusion of badminton, tennis, archery, and golf. W.A.A.'s aim to complement athletic with social was realized by their Hallowe'en party, a picnic, and the annual dinner. Officers for the current year were Virginia MacMillan, president; Celeste McMullen, vicepresident; Joan Oldiges, secretary; Peggy Howley, treasurer; Jeannyne Gunckel and Gloria Taylor, chairmen of awards.
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First row, sitting:-Dr. Justus Rosenberg, Moderator; Richard Loeber, Elizabeth Rose, Helen Brown; Seconcl row, sitting:-M. Louise Mountjoy, Hilda Groch, John Judd; Thircl row:-Margaret Ammann, Marcin Althaus, Renate Alcwicker, Frank Hustmeyer, Thomas Eshelman.
Carl Bunker, Mr. G . Springer, Walter Rudick, Francis Grosell e, R egina Wack, Robert Hoffman. Pa ge Ninety-two
OUR YOUN G SOLD IER S Our soldiers are so ver y young .. . For w h at t hey have to do . . . Their sweetest songs ar e still unsung ... Their memories are few .. . And yet their streng th of flesh and mind . . . Surpasses you a nd m e . . . And they are just the daring kind . .. To bring us v ictory . . . They h a ve the stamina and they . . . Believe in what is right . .. They know we have the way .. . They carry out the fight . .. They know th e tid e is theirs to stem . . . And turn again st the fo e . . . And we sincerely honor them . . . Wher ever bug les blow .. . They are the lads of younger years . . . T h ey are th e loyal sons . . . Who put aside their smiles a nd tears . .. For bayonets and g uns.
PERSHING RIFLES Company B-1 of the National Society of Pershing Rifles opened activities with pledge call early in October of the ~chool year and following a six weeks training and p ~edge period 54 new members were awarded the blue and white citation cord of the organization at formal initiation ceremonies in the student union building.
In November, Miss Marlene Fischer, sophomore science student, from Dayton, was chosen to succeed retiring PR sponsor Honorary Colonel Marilyn Hauer, who was runner-up in the annual national PR sponsor contest. Miss Hauer was selected from entries from more than 61 colleges over the nation.
Colonel Thomas J. O'Connor joined the University of Dayton Military staff as Professor of Military Science and Tactics in August 1950. The Colonel came to us with a fine military record. He was graduated from West Point in 1933. Pearl Harbor found him in Hawaii, in the thick of things. He spent the entire war period in the Pacific Theater of Operations, ending up as G-3 of the 24th Infantry Division. At the conclusion of hostilities Colonel O'Connor was sent to Washington, D .C. where he served on the Demobilization Board. He was then sent to Princeton University, New Jersey, for two years of post graduate studies. After this, he was again assigned to Washington, D.C., where he stayed until he was assigned to the U. D. staff.
In December, the annual Christmas Ball opened the winter social season with Woc>dy Herman and his band providing music. Miss Fischer was formally initiated as B-l's sponsor and crowned queen of the Ball by Miss Hauer.
In February, inroads by enlistment and draft into the Armed Forces necessitated a new pledge period and initiation of new members. The formation of the Pershing Rifles exhibition drill squad was also begun and in the fnllo"Ving- Months the group put on more than a dozen exhibitions for veterans' organizations, hospitalized veterans at both Brown and Wright-Patterson Air Force base hospitals, participated in the Armed Forces day exhibition, and the Memorial Day parade.
R.O.T.C. STAFF Left to right: Maj. William Harrigan; Maj. James DeLoache; 1st Lt. William Tremaine; Capt. Elbert E. Kibele; WOJG Eugene P. Smith; 1st Lt. Henry M. Pennline; Sgt. Charles M. Graham.
Pa ge Ninety-four
First row:-Ralph Ryan, Walter Reinhard, James Kendall, Daniel O 'Connell, Robert Eisenlohr, Walter McMahon, Harold Kelso, M arlene Fischer - Sponsor; Robert Heck, Raymond Rieger, Joseph Koehler; Second row:-John Kolb, Harry Vande Velde. George Beckley, Louis Illes, Paul Caesar, Roger Witte, Robert Kinser, Thomas Meyers, Lee Zimmerlin, George Van Schaik, Louis Goetz; Third row:-Charles Koehler, Richard Hewitt, Bernard Melvin, Ronald Glaser, Zeb Weikle, R . E. Capon, - - - - - -, Joseph Hamer, Thomas Jannings, David Young; Fourth row:-Richard Weidner, Edward Koehnen, Stanley Lagedrost, Daniel Nagle, John H errman, Thomas O 'Conn ell, Daniel Enxing, Emil Mershad, Robert Eberts, Robert Elliott.
PERSHING RIFLES In April, the squad, under the command of Cadet Lt. Joseph Koehler, took part in the Michigan Invitational Drill meet at Ann Arbor, Mich., and took first place in squad and exhibition drill while Lt. Koehler took second in individual drill competition.
Ground-breaking of new R.O.T.C. Building
A new branch of Pershing Rifle act1v1t1es was also inaugurated here at U . D. when the headquarters of the newly formed Second Battalion was established here under the command of Cadet Lt. Col. William J. Herlihy. Col. Herlihy was commander of the local company until his new assignment and was succeeded by Captain Harold Kelso.
Co-ed sponsors review companies
First r ow:-William Crotty, Robert Hoffman, Rudy Roof, Harry Parr, Raymond Rieger, William Curley, Dale Spencer; Secon d row:-Charles Zimmer, Thomas Castle, Norm Atkinson, Jackson Sparks, William Herlihy, Robert Heck, Rob ert Moy, Robert Hilco n; T hird row:-Daniel O'Connell, David W augh, Al Young, Thomas Anderson, Walcer McMahon, Clifford W estbeld, Frank Marisco.
SCABBARD and BLADE Scabbard and Blade, a National Military Society of select Advanced Course students, is on the threshold of its third season at the University of Dayton campus. Company A-9, first organized here in 1949, has been making itself felt ever since. Sponsoring its first Military Ball on March 30, Company A-9 opened the post-lenten social season with the annual dance. Miss Joan Crotty, the Company sponsor, was crowned queen of the ball by Cadet Captain Rudy Roof. Regular meetings held every two weeks consisted in the presentation and discussion of military events a nd problems. Capably serving in offices of the unit were Rudy Roof, Captain; Robert Hoffman, First Lieutenant; H arry Parr, Finance Officer; and William Crotty, First Sergeant.
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..... -··--
..... . ....... ,
Backbone of the
RIFLE TEAMS Bob Eisenlohr, President of the Southwestern Ohio Intercollegiate League and Jim Kendall, Secretary of the League
R. 0. T. C.
RIFLE TEAM Front Row: Mershad, Wirth, Sommers, Roccanova, Yanes. Back Row: Kendall, Eisenlohr, Bertrand, Horvath, Kotlarek, Nagle.
VARSITY RIFLE TEAM Front Row: Wirth, Sommers, Eisenlohr, Kendall, Yanes. Back Row: Roccanova, Bertrand, Sage, Horvath, Kotlarek.
Page Ninety-seven
With Major William Harrigan and M/ Sgt. Claude Allen as leaders, three U. D. Rifle teams concluded a successful season. Participatin g in postal matches which were fired against the leading collegiate teams in the country, the ROTC team won thirteen of eighteen meets. Placed among the ten top teams in the Second Army Area which qualified them to fire in the National ROTC match and firing in the Hearst Trophy Match were two of their outstanding achievement s. The Varsity Rifle team participated in shoulderto-shoulder type matches, winning seven of eleven meets. Becoming a member of the National Rifle Association on January 12, the Varsity Rifle team
deserves partial commendati on for the formation of the Southwester n Ohio Inter-Colleg iate League among Ohio University, University of Cincinnati, and University of Dayton. Bob Eisenlohr and Jim Kendall serve as President and Secretary, respectively, of this League whose headquarter s are situated on our own University of Dayton campus. Ohio University was awarded the annual League trophy. Upon completion of the new 12-point range, the Rifle Range of St. Mary's Hall will no longer be used. Possessing an abundance of qualities in their favor, namely experienced shooters, different surroundings, and new equipment, all eyes will be on the Rifle teams for future success matched only with the feats of this season.
Graduates receive their Commission s. Page Ninety-eight
Page Ninety-nine
Left to right:-Sam Hagerman, Otis Crawford, Charles Zimmer, Bob Heck, William Crotty, Pres., Glenn Kolleda, Joseph Koehler; absent-Carl Rhodes.
The Cadet Council was formed during this school year under the direction of Major William F. Harrigan. Its purpose is to further and supervise the social and disciplinary activities of the corps of cadets. The council is composed of two members of each ROTC class. The Cadet Regimental Commander , and a member of the Military Staff are invited to attend all meetings, but have no vote in the council decisions. The council met several times this past year, and got off to a fine start. It is expected to grow more in importance as time passes.
Page One Hundred
LIFE IS A SONG The passing years have taught me that . . . This life is like a song . . . And only that we think it so . . . There is not any wrong . . . There is not any heartache, and . . . There are not any tears . . . Except as we remember them . . . Throughout the passing years . .. There is not any worry or . . . A reason to regret . . . When it is just as easy to . . . Forgive and to forget . . . There is no storm that does not pass . . . And leave a quiet sea . . . Or any day that does not hold . . . Some pleasant memory . . . There is no rain that does not turn . . . To sunshine in the end . . . Or anyone, who if we try .. . We cannot call a friend.
U. D. BAND Something new has been added to the Band in Baton-twirler Dick Patesel. Replacing All-American Bob Dawson, Dick hails from Logansport, Indiana, and is a freshman in the Liberal Arts Division.
Highstepping their way into the 1950-51 season, sixtyfour Bandsmen and sixteen "Marching Coeds" lived up to their reputation of being the "Best Small C o 11 e g e Band." K nowing their flair for putting on brilliant halftime shows, the public this year was witness to even more spectacular performances, especially at the Miami and Kentucky games. This band of ours, accomplishing the impossible, outdid itself at the Thanksgiving game in Chattanooga, and left with the whole city lauding its efforts. The Band, comp'.emented by the marching coeds, featured a "Stormy Weather" routine, along wi th a perfectly-executed "Co mp a n y, front!"
First row:-Mary Ann Hess, Joan Crowe. Kathrvn Dale, Mary Minic, Shirley McNeill, Aurelia Crutcher, Geraldine Debrosse, Mary Theodoras, Mc;.ry Hauer, Joan Batsche; Second row:-Richac<l Patesal, Otis Rhodes, James Lorenz, Robert Hilton, Richard Wiggenhorn, Felicia Nimmons, Peg~ Caufield, Genevieve Pellow, Rosemarie Rauscher, Mary Young, Eileen Merrinane, William Hanlon, Chrd H-------, Francis Melvin, Arnold Barnhorn, Charles Gentile; Third row:-Lee Like Raymon Rieger, James Brown, James Fillenworth, Gene Kuhbander, Frederick Miller, Donald Bruh n, Ronald Weiher, Frederick Brown, Charles Leese, Thomas K elbley, Edward Hauer, Thomas Seuffert, Nelson
Page One Hundred }wo
Other accomplishments of this year's group included the . "On Parade", which was a variety show given in the Fieldhouse to a near-capacity audience, a sale of the school songs which were recorded under the R.C.A. label, and the organization of an "Alumni Band Association", which boasts of two-hundred members from New York to Mexico.
The Band was ably directed by Maurice Reichard, assisted by Nelson Harper. Ray Rieger served as President and Chris Perrotta as VicePresident; Jim Meyer was Treasurer, and Lee Like, Publicity Director.
yarper; Fo~trth r ow :-Maurice Reichard, Jam es M eyer, David Hoene, Richard Cooper , Shirley Tuck ~r, Eames Dakrn, Richard Doug las, Robert Dovey, El wn Dale Whitechair, Samuel O 'Neill, Jam es Bily, C dwar~ Sheehan, Felix Andrews, John Hightower, John Dolan, Robert Y eazell; Fifth row:-Coleman T u1bngs, T homas Thoma, William Beecroft, Waiter Barnes, Flavin Becker, Richard Whitmer, Rich ard B sc k a run, Cletus Moorman, Thomas Reichard, . Louis Goetz, Ronald Goenner, John Duncan, Robert ec er, Joseph Smith, John Caron, Warren Gibbs.
Page One Hundred Three
First row:-0. Rhoades, R. Williams, D. Patesel, M . Wannemacher, R . Hilton, F. Schmalz; Second row:-A. Barnhorn, T . Reichard, R. Bruggeman, J. Stark, H. M eier, M. McDonald, J. Lorenz, J. Bily; Third r ow:-J. Develbiss, R. Murtha, J. Gleason, M. Bonahoom, J. Anderson, R. G erber, K . Devor, D. McFarland, J. Moeder; Fourth row:-Mr. Harper, Director, S. Tucker, D. Crossley, A. Young, M . Hoefler, D . Rigo, E. Mauch, E. Moorman, P. Gleason, C. Moorman.
MEN'S GLEE CLUB The Glee Club is designed to meet the needs of those men who like to get together and sing. Three tours were taken this year to nearby towns in addition to the annual spring concert. Such favorites as " Stout Hearted Men" , "Dry Bones" , and "The Halls of Ivy", were sung during the past year. The group is open to all men of the University.
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UNIVERSITY MIXED CHORUS The University Chorus is open to all members of the student body. Its activities include formal concerts, radio and television, assemblies, and an annual tour. This year the tour included Coldwater, Ohio; Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois. The students in the chorus sing the best of choral material and enjoy the social contacts the group presents.
First row:-]. Faulkner, B. Umina, J. Combs, R. Wittmann, C. Rohr, D. McAnespie, J. Crowe, B. Bridenbough; Second row:-G. DeBrosse, C. Heimann, V. Paullin, F. Shay, M . Hess, J. Moore, E. Jackson, M. Theodoras, A. Crutcher; Third row:-B. Emerick, J. Hoelderle, R. Wack, B. Thomas, P. Wallingsford, E. Gorsuch, K. Girard, M. Young, R. Rauscher, F. Nimmons; Fourth row:-P. Shay, C. Simpson, N. Cress, J. Bennan, P. Gerhartz, B. Romer, W. Hemmert, M. Caulfield, A. Belt, B. Bilbrey, M. McShane; Fifth row:-M. Susco, R. Bruggeman, R. Murtha, J. Gleason, J. Bily, M. Bonohoom, F. Groselle, R. Walsh, F. Marsico, D. McFarland, S. O'Neal, R. Becker; Sixth row:-M. Hoefler, W. Huth, P. Gleason, E. Moorman, K . Devor, S. Tucker, C. Moorman.
Page One Hundred Five
In the spring of the current academic year, a chapter of Pi Alpha Theta was established at the University of Dayton. Officers of this first History Club were Rev. Clement J. Lambert, S.M., president; Eugene Jablinski, VicePresident; Richard Loy, Secretary; and Paul Osweiler, Treasurer. One of the most important goals of the Club is to foster more intensive interest in history, at the same time affording members a medium for additional history pursuits outside the classroom.
Page One Hundred Six
REPORTER Whatever his opinion or . . . The course that he would choose . . . The true reporter always sticks . .. To what is strictly news . . . He handles an assignment or . . . He happens to be there . . . When something starts a fire . . . A bullet cuts the air . . . He covers politicians and . . . The odds that ride a horse . . . And telephones the trial of . . . A prominent divorce . . . He tells about the weather or . . . The progress of the town . . . And how the cost of living now . . . Is going up or down . . . The true reporter is the one . . . With little time for play . . . Who hopes to be an editor .. . Or write a book some day.
James Cooney, Shirley McNeill, Francis Schmalz; First row:-Tu la Vardalid es, Virginia McMillan , Mary Ellen Nagle, Willard Crowell, Thomas Eshelman , Peg Kunka, Huth, William , Osweiler Betty Price, Thomas other Second row:-Br Daniel Zamorsk i.
THE EXPONENT First appeari ng on our campus in 1902-1903, the Expone nt has come through the years with no interrup tion in publicat ion. A monthly magazin e, it affords a release for the student gifted with a journali stic bent as well as many hours of pleasurable reading for those whose talents lie in other directio ns. Contrib utions range from humoro us sketches and articles to poetry and essays. The experien ce in work of this kind provide s the future writer with invaluab le experien ce along literary lines. Under the able directio n of Brother Thomas Price, S.M., James Cooney served as editor-in -chief, and was assisted by Mary Ellen Nagle, editor of the woman' s page, and Shirley McNeil , poetry editor. Associa te editors consiste d of William Huth, Francis Schmalz , Paul Beshara , Peg Kunka, Tula Vardalid es, and Willard Crowell . Illustrat ors were Dan Zamors ki, Virginia MacMil lan, Tom Eshelma n, and Betty Osweile r.
Page One Hundred Eight
This year's working staff of reporters have maintained the superior rating of "All-American" and "All-Catholic" honors which the U .'D. News has won consistently over more than a decade of years. By the human interest or feature touch, the use of students in the news, and a conscious effort at campus-wide coverage the staff got readers to read the things they should know about and understand concerning our University of Dayton. Walter McMahon was editor-inchief. Brother George F. Kohles, S.M., M.A., instructor in journalism, was faculty adviser.
First row:-T. Ditzel, T. Johnson, Betty McAdam, D. Beach, Martha Fox, J . Fischer; Second row:-R. Moyer, M. Nagle, W . McMahon, C. McMullen, S. McGarvey, Brother George Kohles; Third row:-Jack Redmond, Bill Koehler, R. Bedwell, J. Fischer, A. Camin; Fourth row:-M. Coppess, C. Price, B. Payne, T . Vardalides, Bill Conley, D. Carcelli, J. Horvath, Lois Shepard, Jerry Walton, M. Sherman.
Page One Hundred Nine
First row:-James Horvath; Second row:-]. Kleinst uber, P. Howley, S. Schroll; Third row:-D. Smith, S. Stevens, C. Rohr, Brother Saletel, A. Camin ; To p 1·ow:-E. Peguillan, W . Kehl, J. Raney, T. Vardalides, B. Yox.
DAYTONIAN Staff Editor: Jimm Horvath Bttsiness: Julie Raney, manager; Smith, John Ondercin
Sports: Bill Kehl, Jim Nyhan Photography: Alan Camin, Shirley Schroll Social: Mark Smith Secretarial: Jim Baumgarten, Mary Carey, Pat Donisi, Peggy Howley, Julie Pflaum, Claire Rohr, Shirley Schroll, Sandy Stevens, Barbara Yox Art: Betty Osweiler Faculty Adviser: Dr. Louis A. Saletel, S.M.
Page One Hundred Ten
Julie Pflaum, Bill Kehl, Julie Raney, Pe~ Howley
Jimm Horvath, Mark Smith, Jim Nyhan
The "Daytonian" staff: those behind the scenes, generally unknown, working the year-round, and deserving of all credit! From sports to social activities, finances to photography, proof reading to publishing, - their long hours remain uncounted, but their work, this issue, will always be remembered.
Alan Camin
Page One Hundred Eleven
Sandy Stevens, Shirley Schroll
0. S. P. E. Following its aim of instilling in engineering students the conscience of practical engineering, tl~e Ohio Society of Professional Engineers has had a profitable year. During this period the various lines of engineering development have been ably meted out to the students by competent professional engineers and by the moderator, Brother Andrew Weber, S.M., whose explanation of the Professional Examinations will no doubt prove valuable to this year's graduates. Insofar as organizational life is concerned, the most noteworthy event was the forming of a Student Council of OSPE, a functional group composed of representatives of the various student chapters in Ohio. The U . D . group was well represented at the founding ceremonies, and at the OSPE convention in Toledo. Left to right:-Clarence Kessler, Joe Day, Andrew Weber, James Gibbons, John Cochran .
The officers were James Gibbons, president; John Cochran, vice-president; Joe Day, treasurer; and Clarence Kessler, secretary.
First row:-Howard Otto, Dale Spencer , Joe D ay, Clarence K essler, James Gibbons, John Cochran, William Greaser, Thomas Wimsatt; Second row:--Paul Malloy, Donald Bange, Irmin Kamm, John Backhus, Merrill Ridgway, James Wade, Thomas Lechn er, Frederick Krebs, A. R. Weber, Mod erator; Third row:-Charles Mort, Eduardo Mulanovich, Edward J auch, K enneth Bornhorst, H enry Troin, H enry Brands, Gerald Finn e n ; Fourth row:-A rthur Reiger, Howard Smith, Charles Walters, John Gallagher, Paul Ohmer, John Dixon.
Page One Hundred Twelve
First row:-Neal Kurfiss, George Vance, Richard Stratton, Donald Grimme, Richard Shell, Felix Andrews, John Reisch; Second row:-Norbert Baltzer, Dale Spencer, Dale Goubeaux, Ramiro Garcia, Charles Westerfield, David Gage, Anthony Smith, John Cochran; Third row:-Stephen Kraffmiller, Albert VanAtta, George Uher, Thomas Harrigan, Emilio Antunano, Charles Walters, Thomas Yamada, Robert Elliott, Alvaro Ponce; Fourth row:-Brother George Spahn, T homas Miller, Richard Thomas, Richard Dickman, David Whitmore, Raymond Stith, Nathaniel Reich, Robert Archdeacon.
STUDENT CHAPTER - A. S. C. E. The Silver Anniversary of its foundation - a banner year for activities of the Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers! For the first time in its history, the Chapter was host to the North Central Conference of Student Chapters ASCE. The highlysuccessful Convention attracted more student representatives than any previous Annual Meeting of the Conference. George Vance was Conference President; Richard Shell was Secretary and Donald Grimme, Treasurer. The highest award conferred by the American Society of Civil Engineers was won by the University of Dayton Student Chapter. The U. D. Chapter received the Certificate of Commendation "for excellence in the effective and meritorious conduct of its affairs." Officers for the calendar year 1950 were: George Vance, Richard Stratton and Felix Andrews. Present officers are: Neal Kurfiss, Donald Grimme and Richard Thomas. Bro. George Spahn is faculty adviser and Mr. John Puterbaugh, U. D. '37, is the contact member.
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Pi Delta Rho, composed of Junior and Senior Electrical Engineering students particularly interested in the problems of electrical power generation, transmission and distribution, is under the direction of Brother Louis Rose, faculty moderator. The purpose of the organization is to promote weekly discussions on topics pertaining to the power field. Because of the increased use of electronics in power, the group departed from its usual practice of separate meetings and this year held joint meetings with the IRE, thereby gaining added knowledge of the electronic field. Officers for the year were Richard Blaes, president; Louis Suttman, secretary-treasu rer; and John Dixon, social chairman.
First row:-L. Suttman, Tom Lauer, E. Myers, D . Blaes. Second row:-John Dixon, Wm. Hovey, Dean Skaila nd, John Twiss, Thadeus Solowski.
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First row:-Charles Stapp, Richard McGrath, Eduaro Mulanovich, Merrill Ridgway, James Mushett, Thomas Lechner, Howard Otto, William Greaser; Second row:-Glen Ridgway, Paul Ohmer, William Walsh, Edward Jauch, John Backhus, Fred Krebs, Leonard Passalacqua, Robert Saunders, James Gibbons; Third row:-Theodore Bricker, Costas Goltsos, John Cherry, William Roberts, Arthur Reiger, Howard Smith, Charles Mort, Frank Caldwell, Charles Gibbons; Fourth row:Adrian Westbrock, Guillermo Trevino, Ralph Janotta, Melvin Brooks, Jose Saide, Henry Troin, Hubert Koesters, Carl Kretzler, Bro. J. Parr.
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY Believing that all work and no play would make any Engineer a dull person, the Mechanical Engineering Society mixed business with pleasure. The technical side of Mechanical Engineering was augmented by several lectures on air-conditionin g and various phases of their respective fields. Not to be outdone along the social lines, the Mechanical Engineering Society sponsored a Homecoming Queen, held a successful dance, and rounded out the year with an enjoyable picnic. Officers and their duties for the year were Merrill Ridgway, president; Thomas Lechner, vice-president; Eduardo Mulanovich, secretary; and James Mushett, treasurer. Upon the departure of James Mushett to the service, Henry Troin successfully undertook the office of treasurer. Mr. Adrian J. Westbrock was the faculty moderator.
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CONGRATULATIONS Sincere congratulations and . .. good luck to you today . . . May your diploma help you gain ... success in every way ... May progress mark your every step . . . along your rise to fame . . . and may your deeds endow you with . . . a good and noble name . . . May you fulfill your high ideals . . . without a doubt or guess . . . and may your friendships multiply . . . your daily happiness . . . Keep up the courage you have shown . . . and never shirk or quit . . . You know, you only get from life . . what you put into it . . . You well deserve the honor that . . . the school has given you . . . and so congratulations and . . . may all your dreams come true.
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Deans, President, and Commencement Speaker, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Archbishop Karl Alter, march in.
N. C. R. Auditorium
A few of the 451 graduates.
Going - Getting ready
for the Lineup
Going - Marching along the beautiful Campus park
Gone - Two by two to the fieldhouse
Page One Hundred Eighteen
Baccalaureate Service
Mindful of the school motto "Pro Deo et Patria," the academic year drew to a close in a manner befitting a religious institution. Graduates and fa"Z ulty
Almighty God for the many blessings and favors
that He
bestowed upon the school. . Not the least among these blessings was the advantage of a deeply Christian education from University of Dayton.
Page One Hundred Nineteen
HONORS DAY CONVOCATION Twenty-three seniors attained better than a 3.5 scholastic average. A large number of students, besides, were honored for their leadership in extra-curricular activities.
Pa ge One Hundred Twenty
FLYERS IN NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT For this relatively brief moment the , eyes of the nation's sports world were on this five lads-from the _University of Dayton. But what's more importantthe University of Dayton had found a spot in the hearts of countless thousands. For out of the Midwest had come this little band -< of Flyers to capture the fancy of brusk New York, .of the country's sports experts whose appraisal is given only with a critical eye. 'r . The spotlight of the 1951 NIT has faded, but praise for the courageous, tested Flyers continues to ricochet about the world. ¡ "Pep" Wilson U. D. Publicity Director
0 N
Harry C. Baujan
For the first time in twenty-nine years, Harry Baujan's coaching tactics have not been felt by a Flyer team. The Athletic Director of the University was forced to drop the last of his coaching reins, baseball, to concentrate solely upon administrative problems. The former Notre Dame graduate was busy carrying out the duties of running the brand new $600,000 U of D Fieldhouse. Baujan came to the Hilltop in 1922 and since then the teams he has sent out to fight for the Red and Blue have always done exceptionally well. His teams have always been rated "outstanding" and ranked among the nations' very best. The hustling
Flyer director relinquished all coaching worries, though, as he handed the coaching duties in baseball to John Marschall. Although his coaching record has been outstanding, it has been remarkable the way Baujan has been able to bring some of the nations' finest clubs into Dayton, thus proving the fine personality of the likable UD Athletic Director. Under his guidance, Baujan has asserted his chief aim here at the University that, "athletics, physical education, and recreation should be an integral part of the student's education" .
Pa ge One Hundred Twenty-two
Faced with one of the toughest football schedules in the University's history, head coach Joe Gavin and his coaching staff still were able to compile a record of four wms as against six losses. The Flyer football chief had to dig deep in his bag of tricks to come up with a winner last fall. Lack of depth and inexperience were bound to take their toll on the schedule which boasted three bowl teams. Gavin, a graduate of Notre Dame, starred there in basketball and captained the Irish five in 1930-31. He came to UD from Holy Name High in Cleveland
where his football teams had won 84 times, lost 37, and played in 13 ties over a 15 year span. Gavin left a lot of his football worries to his able backfield coach, Joe Quinn. The UD mentor also had a capable line coach in the person of Ralph McGehee. The latter was one of the few men to win four football letters at Notre Dame. In four years at tackle, not once did he play in a losing game. Freshmen football coach, Johnny Marschall, passed on an undefeated frosh club to the varsity, but lack of experience hampered this group of players.
Coaches; Line Coach Ralph McGehee, Head Coach Joe Gavin, Backfield Coach Joe Quinn, and Freshman Coach John Marschall.
'Page One Hundred Twenty-three
Danny O'Brien, ( 60) , scoots around end for the lone TD of Flyer-Penguins clash.
FLYERS EDGE PENQUINS 7 - 0 Joe Gavin's young men must live right. Perhaps that's the best way to explain UD's victory over Youngstown College before an estimated crowd of 7500 fans. Just 25 seconds remained in the first half, left halfback Danny O'Brien skirted right end easily for the single yard that lay between the ball and pay-off terrain. He did it while the Penguins' forwards were bunched around center bent on stopping a smash by Leroy Ka-Ne that turned out to be a fake. Bernie Otten tacked on the extra point with a perfect place kick. Joe Burns Dayton Daily News Sports Writer
Danny O'Brien
Russ Johnson
Dick Bertrand
Tony Kramer
Jim Akau
BONNIES PIN FIRST LOSS 40-14 Olean, N. Y., Oct. 1-The St. Bonaventure gridders gave their most ardent followers a pleasant surprise this afternoon when they exploded for three quick touchdowns in the initial period and went on to win, 40-14. Sophomore Ted Marchibroda and Junior Hanifin caught fire and the Brown Indians gained their revenge for the 1949 loss, 28-13, which had been administered by the visiting Flyers. Marchibroda completed nine of thirteen passes for 228 yards and two touchdowns. Hanifin, besides taking one of Marchibroda's passes for a 79-yard scoring run, slipped through the Dayton line for three other TDs. Carlton Weidt, Editor, The Bona Venture
Ka-Ne stretches for pass in Bonaventure encounter.
Page One Hundred Twenty-five
Shorty Jamison of the Wildcats scoot for 35 yards on opening play of Dayton-Kentucky game.
SUGAR BOWL CHAMPS DROP UD 40 - 0 Lexington, Ky., Oct. 7-Kentucky's powerful Wildcats scored three touchdowns in the first quarter and went on to defeat the University of Dayton, 40-0, before 20,000 fans last night. Although obviously outclassed by Coach Paul Bryant's team, one of the nation's top elevens, the Flyers kept battling the Wildcats until the end and in the last quarter advanced to the Kentucky's twoyard line - - the closest any of the first four foes came to scoring. It took Kentucky only a minute and a half to score its first touchdown, Babe Parilli passing to End Al Bruno for the marker. A few plays later Parilli completed a 41-yard pass to Bruno, who was stopped on the three-yard line, but on the next play Cliff Lawson went through center for the touchdown. Near the end of the first quarter Parilli faked a pass, then ran 38 yards around end for a TD.
Two touchdowns in the second period made it 33-0 at the intermission. Parilli passed to Wilbur (Shorty) Jamison for the first and a 12 yard aerial to Bruno for the second. In the second half Coach Bryant's stalwarts were met by a stubborn Dayton eleven and the Ohio lads played the Wildcats on near even terms. A 32-yard pass from Parilli to End John Netoskie gave Kentucky its final marker in the third frame. AllAmerican tackle Bob Gain kicked four extra points out of six tries. In the last quarter the Flyers twice threatened the Kentucky goal line, moving to the six-yard line before being stopped, and later registering four straight first downs to reach the two-yard stripe. The Wildcats with their regulars in the front line dug in, thus assuring Kentucky its fourth straight shutout. Ed Ashford Sports Editor
Pa ge One Hundred Twenty-six
FLYERS DOWN T. U. ROCKETS 14 - 13 Toledo, Ohio, October 14-The University of Toledo football team smelled an upset when it clashed with the Dayton Flyers in the Glass Bowl last night-but that's as close as it came-just a smell. With Leroy Ka-Ne out of action there appeared an outside chance of a T.U. win-that is until a pair of sopohomores, Bobby Recker, a Toledoan, and Phil Collins, came through with their first really top performance of the season, and squashed Toledo's hopes. With Collins and Recker doing most of the work, Dayton drove 70 yards for a score and Bernie Otten made the extra point. Toledo tied the score 4 minutes later, driving from the kick-off. The first time Dayton got hold of the ball in the second stanza, the Flyers moved 62 yards, aided considerably by a pair of passes from Joe Zaleski to Bill Saelzler, another Toledoan, and more running plays by Recker and Collins. Otten again converted. On the following kick-off, Jim Hays of TU ran the ball back 90 yards to make the score 14-13, and the conversion attempt failed, thus ending the scoring for the night. Seymour Rothftlan Toledo Blade
(Top) Phil Collins (Center) (Bottom)
Flyer Quarterback, Joe Zaleski, picks up 18 yards.
Page One Hundred Twenty-seven
Bobby Recker Chuck Noll
MARINES JAR FLYERS 7 - 0 Eddie LeBaron and his Quantico Leathernecks racked up their fifth straight win before 9000 grid fans by outlasting the Dayton Flyers on the losers' gridiron. The Dayton footballers, unawed by several players of national renown, played inspired football, holding the Marines to their smallest number of points this season. LeBaron, the little magician from the College of the Pacific, lived up to his reputation. His opposing quarterback, Joe Zaleski, also turned in a neat performance, both passing and running. Halfback Bob Farrell of Quantico, a former Holy Cross star, counted the game's only touchdown with a 6-yard plunge near the close of the first quarter, climaxing a 94 yard drive by the Leathernecks. Walt McMahon Sports Writer Dayton Daily News (Upper) Vanderhorst and Raiff bring down a Marine ball carrier (Lower) Flyer Fullback Johnny Callahan is pulled down by two Leathernecks
Ed Clemens
Joe Young
Bob Crawford
Before a capacity crowd of 14,000 fans in the UD stadium, the Xavier Musketeers from down Cincy way skimmed by a never-say-die University of Dayton team, 28-21. For a team that had won but two of five starts and had scored but 35 points, Dayton flamed into a battle like a legion of stalwarts fighting for its honor on every play. From a spectator's point of view, it was a terrific thriller. Most of the Dayton fans were totally satisfied with the performance of their Flyers who barely missed painting one of the fall's upset masterpieces. Sophomore Bobby Recker set the whole crowd to cheering as he dashed down the sideline with the kick-off which he had pulled in on his own 2 yard line. With near perfect blocking, and smart sidestepping on his own part, Ramblin' Robert slipped
past the entire Xavier eleven to tally for the Flyers. Cliff Wilke, the brilliant Musketeer fullback who had scored at least one touchdown in each of his previous 17 college games, ended his string in the stadium where it began. Xavier was puzzled no end by Dayton's shifting defenses that varied from an 8-man line downward. Coach Joe Gavin designed his defenses and particularly shifted his linebackers to halt the bull-like rushes of Wilke. The Hamilton gridder was eclipsed all right, but the Xavier halfbacks weren't. Jim Liber and Bob Finnell, hard-driving backs, were magnificent performers who took advantage of the Dayton concentration on stopping the fullback. Finner's dash of 75 yards to the goal line set the Flyers back before the second quarter was a minute old. Mike Henn essy Sports Writer Dayton Journal Herald
Vanderhorst and Ka-ne down a Musketeer ball carrier in UD territory.
Uttermohlen blasts through tackle for a UD score.
STREAl(S SPANK FLYERS 24 - 12 A crowd of 5500 chilled fans huddled in the UD stadium to watch a lightning fast John Carroll eleven pin a 24-12 loss on the Flyers in their annual Homecoming tilt. The Flyers couldn't do much about Don Shula, a hard-driving halfback even on turf growing increasingly heavy and slippery from a snowfall that fell virtually throughout the contest and fairly drove across the field in the second half. In 26 tries, Shula rolled up 175 of the 273 yards Carroll netted on the ground, 30 more than the entire UD team. It was Shula, too, who scored the deciding touchdown with a one yard buck, after the teams had scored once
apiece in each of the second and third quarters. Jimmy Uttermohlen scored Dayton's first TD by ramming over right tackle from the JC nine yard line. Danny O'Brien tallied the other touchdown for the Flyers as he slithered off left tackle, headed for the sidelines, and scooted 25 yards for the score. The Flyers did a pretty good job of stopping Carroll's "Big Name", holding All-Ohio fullback Carl Tasoff to 72 yards on 17 carries, even if that did bring his 4-year yardage for the Streaks to two miles plus 65 yards, and even though he scored the last touchdown, for No. 17 this season, and a point total of 102. Joe Burns Sports Writer Dayton Daily N ews
Pa ge One Hundred Thirty
REDSl(INS SCALP FLYERS 27 - 12 A powerful tribe of Redskins hailing from Miami U niversity swept the Dayton Flyers off their feet before 9500 fans at Oxford to the tune of 27-12. Quarterback Joe Zaleski put on a terrific second half show in his effort to wipe out Miami's advantage. After completing four of five first-half
passes, he threw 32 times in the last 30 minutes and completed 19 of the 32. â&#x20AC;˘ Dayton was pulled in one of yards for a TD. his way over the five yard marker
first to score as Bobby Recker Zaleski's aerials and scampered 64 Co-captain Johnny Callahan bulled center of the Miami line from the to score Dayton's other touchdown. Bob Brown Publicity Director Miami University
Callahan rambles for 20 yards behind perfect blocking. Pat Maloney
Jim RaifÂŁ
Jim Currin
-- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - -
SENIORS SALUTE Co-Capt. John Callahan Lima, Ohio
Co-Capt. Fran Quinn Clifton Height, N. J.
Stan Kurdziel Cleveland
Bernie 'Otten Pittsburgh
Bill Saelzler Toledo
Bucky Weaver Dayton
Jerry Vanderhorst St. Mary's, Ohio
John Cleary Columbus
Joe Zaleski Tiltonsville, Ohio
Jim Uttermohlen Columbus
Bernie Hoge Bridgeport, Obio
Leroy Ka-Ne Honolulu, T. H.
Joe Bannister WilJoughby, Ohio
Francis Kilbane Cleveland
Emory Csizma Cleveland
Ralph Fle.ischman Dayton
Bob Staehler Dayton
FLYERS RETAIN GOLDEN CLEAT Dayton's third victory of a near-gone grid season was finally bagged Saturday with an easy 35-6 triumph over Marshall College before a slim crowd of 8000 fans. Co-captain Johnny Callahan wound his home career by blasting his way to a pair of touchdowns. Leroy Ka-Ne racked up his last TD on home soil and other scorers over the Thundering Herd were Danny O'Brien and sophomore Joe Young. In the waning moments of the game, soph quarterback Frank Siggins engineered the last scoring march and it was the snappiest drive of the afternoon, covering 75 yards all told. Siggins flipped t';.,ice to end John Chaney for good gains and then from Marshall's 44, hit Young with a neat aerial, which he pulled in on the 25, and sped down the sidelines for a TD. Ritter Collett Sports Editor Dayton Journal Herald Has yet to leave Dayton campus.
Callahan rams through center for a TD.
O 'Brien is dropped by a Moc tackler, while another comes up to meet him head-on.
MOCS BOW TO FLYERS 7 - 4 Chattanooga, Tenn., November 23-Before 8500 fans at Chamberlain Field on a perfect Thanksgiving afternoon, the Dayton Flyers scored a 7-4 triumph over the University of Chattanooga, winding up the Flyers' season with a 4-6 record. Quarterback Joe Zaleski took command for the Flyers in the third quarter. After reeling off two first downs on the ground, the Flyers found themselves at midfield. Switching tactics, the Flyers quarterback threw a long pass that covered 44 yards in the air. Jim Currin, 210 pound sophomore end, gathered it in at the 15-yard line and bulled his way through two Chattanooga tacklers the remaining distance to score. Barney Otten's placement added the point and gave Dayton a 7-2 edge. Late in the game Zaleski dropped back m punt formatio n and gave the Moes two more points with a voluntary safety. This accounted for the odd score, but gave Otten a chance to kick off from his own 20 rather than risk a blocked punt in the end zone. Allan Morris Chattanooga Free Press
Page One Hundred Thirty-five
Recker stiff-arms a UC would-be tackler to pick up 17 yards in the second preiod.
LEROY KA-NE HB-Honolulu Voted the ouscanding defensive back for the Ease Squad in the Annual East-West Shrine Bowl Game held in San Francisco, Dec. 30, 1950.
LOU CANNAROZZI RG-Cleveland Elected Captain of the Flyer Football Team for the 1951 season.
JERRY VANDERHORST T-St. Marys, Ohio First team cackle on The United Press All-Ohio Football Team.
JOE ZALESKI QB-Tiltonsville , Ohio First team quarterback on The Associated Press All-Ohio Football team.
Page One Hundred Thirty-six
FOOTBALL MANAGERS Long after the football players had left the locker room after a hard afternoon practice or a collegiate encounter, the lights were found burning in the stadium rooms and if any passer-by should care to venture in to see who was working so late he would probably find the five managers busy checking in all the gear and preparing uniforms for the next session . Many things go towards the success of a football team. Having competent managers, thus eliminating the worry of one of football's biggest headaches, a football coach is able to unify all his forces towards one end-making everyone feel that he is an essential part in making the team work properly.
(Below) Titus Muzi and Jim Lemming ( Above) Phil Mocilnikar and Jack Gates
SENIOR MANAGER Not only will coach Joe Gavin have to go around finding replacements for the 17 seniors he lost this past season via the cap and gown route, but he will also have to find a man capable of filling the shoes of head manager John Condon who has been the manager for the past two years. Condon, who hails from Mt. Vernon, Ohio, has been connected with the football team for three seasons and has shared a lot of the headaches with Coach Gavin, but from a uniform and athletic gear angle. Senior Manager John Condon
Page One Hundred Thirty-seven
1951 NATIONAL INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Univer sity of Dayton - vs - Brigham Young University March 17, 1951 - Madison Square Garden, New York Page One Hundred Th irty-eigh t
Clockwise, left to right, firs t row: Gene Joseph, Leland Norris, Gene Hickey, Jim Hough, Tom Frericks, Arnie Stein, Clete Oberst, and Bobby Flynn. Back row, left to right: Vaughn Taylor, Don Meineke, Chuck Grigsby, Dick Campbell, and Pete Boyle.
FLYER CAGERS "From relative obscurity to the nation's sports spot-light," can best describe the rise of the University of Dayton basketball team in the past three seasons. Three years ago coach Tommy Blackburn's lads won . 16 games, last year they copped 24 of 32, but this season the UD netters really set the cage world spinning as they annexed 27 of 32 games, and
were runner-ups in basketball's biggest show, the National Invitational Tournament in New York. Blackburn loses but one man off the great NIT squad and has a rangy group of freshmen moving up to try for their "moment" in the sports spotlight as varsity members of the Flyers.
Coach Tom Blackburn has been at the University of Dayton for four cage seasons and in those four short years he has produced one of the nation's top cage fives which is ranked among the best in the land. Blackburn faced a tremendous rebuilding job when he took over the reins of the cage crew in 1947. The '46-47 club had won only four of 21 games. Since then Blackburn has had his lads basking in the nation's sports spotlight as he has brought a team out of nowhere to make a real name for itself by whipping some of the country's finest teams.
Coach Tom Blackburn
All American Cager On any winning ball club there is always one big scoring threat and in the case of the University of Dayton Flyers, Don "Monk" Meineke was the scoring leader. Big Don, who scales 6'7", established a new UD scoring record, smashing his old one of last season, and also broke the Madison Square Garden free-throw record in the second round of the NIT as he swished the nets 15 times to help lead the Flyers to an easy win over Arizona University. "Monk" made the NIT All-tournament team and at the completion of the basketball season was named to the Helms Athletic Foundation All-American team, which consisted of the top thirty players in the nation. Meineke also was named the number one center in Ohio by members of the Associated and United Press.
Don "Monk" Meineke Page One Hundred Fcrty
Flyers Win 27 of 32 Coach Tom Blackburn's Flyers played basketball in their own backyard this past season as the new U.D. Fieldhouse was completed and capacity crowds jammed the new building to see their favorite sons play some of the top teams of the country. Winners of 27 of their 32 encounters, here's a brief review of the cage season of 1950-51. Close to 4000 fans watched the Flyers lose their opening game of the season to a spunky Central Missouri State quintet, 50-47, in the first cage tilt in the new fieldhouse . . . The Flyers bounced back with an impressive 57-47 win over the highly ranked Bowling Green Falcons as Junior Norris led the winners with 14 tallies c 1ose!y tailed by Gene Hickey and Vaughn Taylor with 13 apiece . . . Charley Grigsby paced the Flyers in their second win with 17 points as the Gem City five routed the Anderson College (Ind. ) 71-41 on the Hoosier court .. . Classy Evansville College dealt a 60-54 loss to the Flyers at Owensboro, Ky., pinning loss number two on Blackburn's lads . . . Meineke leads scoring for locals as Miami Univesrity is dropped, 60-47. Accuracy at the foul line, plus Monk's 22 markers tell the story . . . Flyers travel to Eastern Kentuckt and come home with their third loss, 72-66, but the next evening whipped little Berea College, 74-53, to make season total 4 and 3 . . . This starts a thirteen g'.lme win streak for Flyers . . . John Carroll is b~asted, 72-45, as Monk gets 19 points and Norris tallies 18 .. . Flyers oust unbeaten Tennessee from the honored ranks, 76-61, as Norris and Boyle hit for 17 and 15 points.
(Top) Hey, Mule, slow up for Bobby! (Center) Razor sez: "My, should I shoot or
shouldn't I?" (Lower) Monk takes the tip against Chicago,
Page One Hundred Forty-one
The Southerner look s for h elp-but fast.
LOUISVILLE WHIPPED TWICE BY FLYERS Arizona State of Tempe is easily mastered, 9468, as Monk cans 30 points for Flyer's seventh win . . . Magnificent Monk sends his season total to 203 as the Flyers master the highly rated Chicago Loyola five, 74-46 . . . UD hits the century mark against Muskingum College, 100-71, as Joseph fires in a onehanded at the buzzer to hit the coveted point total. Meineke sets a new UD record as he chalks up 49 points against the Muskies .. . Ohio U. is dropped, 75-66, as Meineke gets 23 and Grigsby connects for 18 . .. Dayton comes from 19 points back to whip
Louisville, 66-61, in best played game of season . . . Mighty Toledo is downed, 64-46, as Grigsby leads scorers with 18 . .. Eastern Kentucky loss is revenged by Flyers 76-66 win . . . Kent State is dropped, 6646, as Meineke gets 24 tallies . . . Second loss is pinned on Toledo Rockets, 67-56, and win streak stretched to 12 now .. . Youngstown Penquins snap win skein with 76-73 win ... Flyers blast Baltimore Loyola and Chattanooga, 70-54 and 69-44, as Meineke collects 26 and 24 points in each game.
( L eft ) The tea m goes w ild as Norris a nd
Grigsby pull the Flyer s from b ehind in Louisville gam e.
Page One Hundred Forty-two
Monk hooks two in against scrappy Toledo.
FLYERS WALLOP XAVIER TWICE Flyers lick Musketeers of Xavier in Cincy, 6357, in well-played game and before 5600 fans . . . Dayton trips traveling Baldwin Wallace five, 69-55, as Monk drops in 27 tallies and passes the 1000 point mark for two seasons of play . . . Flyers invade Louisville and come home with hard-fought 70-66 win. Hickey pours in 21 points-Flyers get feeler for NIT . .. Miami suffers loss by Flyers, 62-53, as Vaughn Taylor takes over and cans 27 markers, 21 coming in the first half . . . Flyers move into
Cleveland and trip, John Carroll, 73-42, as Meineke pours in 22 points and smashes his old school record of 510-he now has 529 . . . U.D. skins past Baldwin Wallace for second time, 63-53, while big Monk sparks win with 24 tallies . . . Before largest crowd of season, 6300, Flyers win last home game of season over Xavier, 77-53, as Dayton makes a rout of the game in final ten minutes. Monk gets 22 points and Dayton picks up NIT bid.
The Fieldhouse is packed as NIT-bound Flyers tangle with Xavier.
A disillusioned gang of Flyers pause to check their forces with Tom.
RAGS TO RICHES 'True, the Flyers were well known throughout the ¡ Midwest, but the so-called experts in sports kept ignoring the Flyers during the cage season in their w eekly polls, so the Blackburn-coached squad took it upon themselves to become nationally known. After the Flyers had edged the Redmen of St. John's, the number one seeded team in the NIT, the Flyers were nationally known, and thus their road from rags to riches was complete. They became the Cinderella team of the tourney, and as the largest crowd of the season set in at the final contest, there were m any " subway alumni " in the Garden rooting for the "young upstarts" from the Midwest.
O op s, seco3d dow n, st:11 ei~ht to go.
T he Big C ity sees Dayton as top billing .
"Playing awful sweet basketball in a Mein-e-k-e, Dayton's Flyers yesterday afternoon sent t he 14th N IT off and running with 77-71 victor y."
Dan" A.Jozley, N. Y. Daily Neds
"Meineke was a one-man riot in th e open er with his 11 for 14."
Leonard Lewin, N . Y. Mirror
Page One Hu ndred Forty-four
The "Bear" charges past Richey of BYU. It's a tense moment in the NIT Finals with BYU.
VIAN. I. T. Following the final game of the NIT, many comments and sentiments were heard coming from a number of New York sports writers and the main trend of thought seemed to come from the fact that, "basketball has been taken off the hook." For from Omu ~ rollin 6 aiUs and the highlands of Utah had come two ambitious groups of young men to capture the hearts of metropolitan New York . .. Tom Blackburn's Flyers and Stan Watt's classy Cougars. Faith in the ultimate victory of sport over forces seeking surreptitious gain was exhibited by 18,379 fans who gave Madison Square Garden its largest crowd of the season. Shaken faith began to steady . . . basketball was making its comeback.
"Deadly pivot pushing of Don M ein eke . . . generalship of fiery D ick Campbell . . . overall height advan tages . . . confine the skillful patterns of poised Brigham Youn g?" H rtrold If/ eissm cm, D rtily Mirror
" 18,000 . . . to see if Brigham Young's poise w ill suffice to over come Dayton's fi er y tea m spirit."
Ted Meier, A P
Page One Hundred Forty-fiv e
Monk gives with the "ole college try."
Big Charley Grigsby strides forth to receive h1s engraved watch.
Mel Hutchins of BYU stops an attempt by "Monk" in the finals.
Dayton 77
Lawrence Tech 71
Dayton 77
Arizona 68
Before 8000 Garden fans the University of Dayton Flyers and the Blue Devils from Lawrence Tech sent the 14th annual NIT off and running as the flashy Dayton club led by their All-American Don Meineke edged by the lads from Detroit, 77-71.
Coach Tommy Blackburn's Flyers moved into the semi-finals of the NIT by upsetting fourthseeded Arizona University in the second round of the tourney. Led once again by the brilliant scoring of Don Meineke, the Flyers sent the Wildcats back West with one of their worst pastings of the season.
The game was nip-and-tuck all the way, but the ever dependable "Monk" took matters in his own hands and dumped in 21 of his 30 points of the afternoon in the final 15 minutes of play to lead his Gem City team mates to victory. Blaine Denning, 6-2 Negro flash with a beautiful soft, lefthanded shot, wound up with 27 points for the losers, and two-thirds of them came in the final 12 minutes of play.
Meineke tossed in 37 points and his scoring and rebounding gave the Flyers a comfortable lead in the final five minutes of play. Meineke set a new tournament foul shooting record by canning 15 free tosses and he connected on 11 of 14 field goal attempts. Captain Razor Campbell played a sharp rebounding game and collected 11 markers for the evening. Page One Hundred Forty-six
Norris lays one in as Hutchins of BYU stands by watching.
DAYTON EDGES ST. JOHN'S 69 - 62 T he young upstarts from the Midwest, the U.D. Flyers, dropped the number one-seeded ball club of the N IT, St. John's of Brooklyn, to the sidelines as they slipped past the Redmen, 69-62, in the semifinals of the tourney. Dayton, which came to the tourney unseeded and u nheralded, staged a valiant overtime upset win despite the loss of stars Don Meineke and Junior Norris on fouls midway in the second half. Big Charley Grigsby took over the pivot duties for the Flyers and really ran roughshot over the Redmen and their All-American center, Bob "Zeke" Zawoluk,
Hickey scrambles for ball as Denning, (14) , comes up fast.
as he connected for 19 tallies and tossed in two clutch field goals in the overtime to lead his team to this all important NIT triumph. The rags-to-riches Dayton quintet blew a 10point lead in the regulation game time, then scored eight quick points to really jolt the Redmen in the five-minute overtime. Vaughn Taylor's perfect lob pass to Grigsby set up the scoring play which broke the overtime wide open as the lanky Grigsby dumped it in to put the decision in favor of the lads from the "corn country."
Norris tries to skip past Richey of BYU.
Both teams watch anxiously from the sidelines as action really sparkles in the tilt of the National Invitational Tournament.
FLYERS LOSE TO COUGARS 62-43 Largest Crowd of Season Witness NIT Cage Finals
Led by crew-cut Roland Minson, and Co-Capt. Mel Hutchins, the Cougars of Brigham Young University from Provo, Utah, annexed the NIT title away from the U.D. Flyers on St. Patrick's night before Madison Square Garden's biggest crowd of the basketball season, 62-43. The Flyers fell-but hard- before a classy cage outfit ably coached by Stan Watts. The Cougars smashed the game wide open in the first five minutes of the second half as the clean-cut, leanjawed Minson fired in 26 points to put the game out of the reach of the Dayton five as their 6-7 star, Don Meineke, was completely shackled by the great defensive guarding of Mel "The Cat" Hutchins. Hutchins allowed the Dayton star to mesh only one of 10 shots fired throughout 6e encounter. Junior Norris, the 220-pound Dayton guard was a stand-out throughout the finale. The chunky lad poured in 20 points to pace his team, but the rapid fire shooting of Minson and the brilliant defensive job accomplished by Hutchins wrapped up the tirie tor the Skvline Border Champs who had been seeded number three in the tourney.
Capt. Campbell is really " foul ed " by BYU star Roland Minson.
Pa g e One Hundred Forty-eight
THOUSANDS WELCOME FLYERS HOME Dayton, the home of aviation, certainly got up in the air when their Flyers moved to the Big City to take part in the NIT. They stayed in the air, too, as the UD cagers annexed this first three games to move into the finals of basketball's biggest spectacle, only to lose out in the finals to¡ a fine quintet from Brigham Young University. As the Flyers returned to the Gem City, close to 4,000 boosters met the team at the Municipal Airport and then joined fire engines and police cars in a huge motor caravan through the city of Dayton to the UD Fieldhouse where an official "wlcome home" program had been arranged by the Dayton Chamber of Commerce.
"Is it Dayton, 0., or Dayton, N. Y. ?" Capt. Dick Campbell disembarks from plane.
"Dayton's Flyers became the darlings of the 14th annual National Invitational Tournament here tonight after their stirring win over St. John's."
Bill Zimmerman, Journal Herald
Earl Wilson, N. Y. Post "There was a happy U.D. heart tonight for every light on Broadway."
Dick Cull, Jr., U.D. Alumnm, '36, Dayton Daily News
Coach Blackburn says, "We hope to return and win it next year." Page One Hundred Forty-nine
"Bear" Norris . . . "If not in Korea .. .
"Razor" Campbell . . . next year we're .. .
"Monk" Meineke .. . going back and win."
Mayor Louis Lohrey presents banner to Capt. Campbell.
FIRST PLACE NEXT YEAR!! Homecoming really staggered the Flyers. Little did they realize that when they landed at the Dayton Municipal Airport that a throng of 4,000 supporters would be on hand
greet them.
were afraid the "folks back home" would be feeling as low as they felt as they allowed the "big one" to get away. They were rudely awakened from their feelings of remorse as they peered from the plane's windows
see the huge crowd pressing close to
the fence. The Flyers were hustled to cars and raced towards the Fieldhouse. Proud Daytonians waved from lighted porches along the way.
On Main Street
drivers stopped their cars to step out and cheer their team home. At the Fieldhouse, the Flyers were met by 3,500 citizens, television cameras radio mikes, and the UD band.
Merle Smith, '25, city commissioner emceed
as city officials, business and industrial leaders, and alumni paid tribute to a gallant ball club.
Mason Roberts, , Pres. Chamber of Commerce, congratulates Tom Black· burn for a job well done as UD president, Fr. Renneker, looks on. Page One Hundred Fifty
First row, left to right: Jim Neal, Ray Dieringer, Jerry Ford, Larry Pedicord, and Dick McCloskey. Back row, left to right: Don Donoher, Don Greive, Jim Paxson, Bill Schlundt, Frank Rataiczak, and Coach Don Bolton.
FROSH HAVE GOOD START Under the direction of coach Don Bolton, the UD frosh basketeers posted a record of 14 wins, against 6 losses for the 1950-51 season. Playing some of the top amateur teams in the Miami Valley, plus the freshman teams of Xavier, Miami University, Toledo, and Louisville University, the Bolton-coached lads came up with a fine season. Basketball mentor Tom Blackburn has some excellent material moving up to the varsity and with the new freshman rule coming into effect allowing freshmen to play varsity ball, the competition will be keen for the berths which will be open on the varsity. Coach Bolton, who was slated for action with the varsity this past season was injured in an industrial accident during the summer and had to forego playing ball, but he is expected to see plenty of cage action next season on the Flyers.
Jerry Ford, left, returns a ball to basketball manager Bob Lehner.
Page One Hundred Fifty-one
MEN'S INTRAMURALS Basketball Runners-Up
Basketball Champs
First row, left to right-Jack Bramlage, Bob Recker, Dan O 'Brien, and Joe Young. S econd row-Tom Carroll, Bill Cutcher, Harry VandeVelde, and Dick O 'Brien. Left to right, first row-Ed Magat, John Kiely, and Bob Basel. Second row-Don Dart, Joe Nieman, Damon Smith, and Bill Kehl.
Over 400 boys took part in the expanded sports set-up at UD which was accelerated because of the new fieldhouse. Competition was keen in the four cage loops, but the Big Spenders copped the coveted trophy slipping through 17 games without a defeat and whipping the runner-up Blue Devil quintet, 43-36, in the finals.
The basketball championship was decided by taking the winner and runner-up of each loop and drawing up a round-robin tournament. The Spenders captured the International League title, and beâ&#x20AC;˘cause of the round-robin, happened to face the second place Blue Devils also of the same circuit.
Left to right-Intra-mural Director Reeves Schwartz, Andre Nadeau, and Henry Ferrazza.
INTRAMURAL DIRECTORS Under the direction of Mr. Reeves Schwartz, the intra-mural set-up took on a completely different aspect considering past years. The three courts in the fieldhouse were in constant use and close to 100 boys took part in the winter program offered by the Physical Education Department. Spring sports attracted approximately 600 students, showing the great part that intra-murals are playing in the student's college program.
Page One Hundred Fifty -two
Frank Razzano and Carmine Scalzitti
Left to right-Dave Ford, John Callahan, William Cahalan, and Jim Barnes.
TENNIS The spring sports really brought out the athletic-minded students as close to 600 men took an active part in the intra-mural set-up. The boys from St. Joseph Hall outclassed all teams to capture the softball crown. Ronnie Asato took the tennis singles championship, while the 4 men pictured above met in the doubles finals and the championship was played too late for publication in the Daytonian.
In the softball race, there were three leagues consisting of 6 teams each. League play lasted 2 weeks with the final 2 weeks being used for a single round-robin tournament. Umpires came from various officiating classes under the direction of Mr. Nadeau.
RUNNER-UP First row, left to right: Al O'Neil, Chuck Baxter, Val Bozymski, and. Sam Ventura. S econd row, left to right: Ralph Brown, Louis Helmlinger, Frank Jurena, Gene Rice, and Ted Wyrostek.
First row, left to right: Paul Amenta, Lou Cannarozzi, Gene Joseph, and Bob Basel. Second row, left to right: Dick Campbell, Paul Spakowski, Don Donoher, Phil Shoup, and Pete Boyle.
WOMEN:S INTRAMURALS HOCKEY Fall activities were narrowed down to hockey and archery with the emphasis being placed upon hockey since many of the girls taking part in the intra-mural set-up took an active part in this sport. The gals practiced at Walnut Hill Playgrounds and had intercollegiate encounters with Miami University, Wittenberg College, and the University of Cincinnati.
First r ow, left to right: Gloria Taylor, Ellen Ammann, Rosie McAvoy, Mary Ann Paullin, Janie Fischer, Jeanne Gunckel, Janet Finke, Celeste McMullen, Pat Grubet, and Marilyn Forkner. Second row, left to right: Director Pat Monnette, Marilyn Eickman, Lynn Showalter, Joan Oldiges, Charlene Hucke, Peggy Howley, Wilda Billett, and Director Elizabeth Reel.
DIRECTORS Under the direction of Pat Monnette and Elizabeth Reel the women's sports program was completely revamped with the acquisition of the old gym given over to the full use of the girls. Basketball, badminton, and modern dance took up the major portion of the school year, although in the spring the girls were given instructions in the basic fundamentals of playing golf under the tutelage of the two directors.
Directors Pat Monnette and Elizabeth Reel.
BASKETBALL Twelve teams took part in the two-league set up in women's intra-mural in basketball which took place in the old gym. Toey Oldiges' squad won the league title and went on to win the round-robin tourney, winding up with an undefeated slate. First row, l eft to right: Kay Ann Peckholt, Rosie McAvoy, and Katie Maroglou. Back r ow, left to right: Joanne Koehler, Joan Oldiges, and Pat Radican.
Pa ge One Hundred Fifty-four
MODERN DANCE Under the direction of Mrs. Reel, the Modern Dance class met two days a week to work on the different styles of dancing which are practiced the world over, both today and in the past. A scheduled modern dance show which was slated for the old gym in early March was postponed because of the basketball tourney in New York.
Left to right: Joan Batsche, Mrs. Reel, Ellen Ammann, Joan Oldiges, T halia Johnson, Aurelia Crutcher, and Kay Ann Peckholt.
SPRING SPORTS As soon as the warm weather hit Dayton, girl's intra-murals ventured to the outside where the spring sports and the facilities at the University could be utilized to the fullest degree. Archery was the first sport to be tried, but soon fell to the popular demand for golf. Many of the girls took the golfing fundamentals class under the direction of Pat Monnette and before three weeks of instructions had p assed many of the gals were trying their luck on the tricky 18-hole course at Community. T ennis also was a popular spring sports and the U D courts were busy throughout the day as classes and matches were played. A tennis sing les championship was staged as was a doubles tourney. Left to right: Marilyn Eickman, Toey Oldiges, J eanne Gunckel, and Jackie Pohl.
Page One Hundred Fifty-five
Pitchers-left to right-Dick Zimmerman, Dick Witt, Don Grieve, Tom Frericks, Lee Falke, and Tom McCall.
BASE BALL The 1951 edition of the University of Day~on baseball team was under the directi~n -~f ¡,a new skipper, coach John Marschall, who succeeded Harry Baujan in the manager's circle. A wealth of young stars have brightened the Flyer baseball picture which seems to indicate better things to come in future years.
again and dropping a 7-3 encounter. The Redskins made the Flyers their 12th straight victim in that tilt.
This year's squad ended up with a season record of 7 wins against 11 losses. They dropped two encounters each to Ohio State, Miami, and Xavier, all of whom were rated outstanding m the diamond sport this past spring. \V'ith one day of practice the Flyers lost to Ohio State, who had been in training for two weeks in Texas, 15-1. After snow and cold weather froze out one game and all practice â&#x20AC;˘.sessions, Dayton dropped a 7-0 decision to Miami and then lost to Xavier, 9-1. They then licked Wilberforce, Cedarville, and Wittenberg before running into a red-hot Miami team Outfielder and leading slugger Jim Mott and catcher Fran Schubert.
Page One Hundred Fifty-six
r Marschall Takes Over Diamond Reins
Coach Marschall has uncovered a top pitcher in Bob Becker, hard throwing righthander who is only a sophomore. Dick Witt and Tommy Frericks are two other sophs joining juniors Lee Falke and Dick Zimmerman to give Dayton a fast improving mound corps. Freshman Don Pierce moved in at second base with veteran Bernie Guilfoyle at shortstop and sophomore John Reidinger at third. Frank Schubert, a junior, has handled the catching chores the past season while Vince Daley, Jim Mott, Bill Christian, and Bernie Hoge patrolled the garden spots. Sophomore Tom Carroll joined the club after spring football and Jim
First baseman Don Meinke, ace chucker Bobby Becker, and coach Marschall look over Ohio State nine warming up at Soldier's Field.
Paxson, a freshman cage star, moved into the line-up midway through the season. Mott led the hitting for the Flyers as he rapped the ball at a .336 clip, while Becker led the hurling staff with tour wins against two losses.
Outfielders-Bern ie j Hoge, Vince Daly, Bill Christian, Tom Carroll, and Jim Paxson.
Page One Hundred Fifty-seven
Left to right:-Bob Wise, Ned Duffy, and Gene Miller.
Madden Park Golf Course was the home of the U. D. golf team this past season as golf coach Tom Blackburn, who is also the golf pro at Madden, sent his forces out to meet six foes in a season which was shortened because of inclement weather. Junior Ned Duffy paced the local linksmen in most of their matches, coming up with some brilliant sub-par shooting on several occasions. The golfers started off on the right foot by whipping John Carroll and Xavier Universities, before losing by four team points to Ohio University.
The officers from Wright Field pasted two more defeats on the Flyers before the Gem City outfit won their second engagement from Xavier on the Cincinnati course. Miami University dumped the Flyers in a well played match at Oxford, and Detroit University came up with some brilliant shooting to outlast the local golfers on the Walnut Hill Course in Dayton. The squad also took part in the Ohio Intercollegiate Golf Tournament which was held at Ohio State University and placed high on the list in the final standings.
Left to right:-Tom Zinck, Bud Alexander, and Eddie Bell.
Pa ge One Hundrs d Fifty-eight
TENN¡IS Under the direction of Coach Paul Ward, the University of Dayton tennis team enjoyed its most successful season in history as it rang up 14 wins against a duo of defeats.
Capt. Bill O'Neill meets Xavier team captain.
Netters Lose to Indiana,
The netters, led by Bill O'Neill, Nate Newkirk, and Larry Pedicord hung up ten strai!1::ht wins before having their string snapped by Indiana University. The tennis team's only other loss came at the hands of powerful Detroit. The squad rang up wins over Ohio State, Miami, Xavier, Earlham, Wilmington, Bowling Green, Wittenberg, Wayne and the team from Wright Field. Most of these teams were met on a home-and-home basis.
Detroit; Whip Ohio State, Miami, Xavier, BeeGee
First r ow: Carmen Rozzo, Bob Holycross, Bill Staley, and Al Ponce. Second row: Coach Paul Ward, Bill O'Neill, Dutch Kro¡ nenberger, Larry Pedicord, Nate Newkirk, and Trainer Bob Connair.
Page One Hundred Fifty-nine
Ros'. e McAvoy, Frank Bustillo, Dolores Carcelli, Ralph Miller, Marlene Fischer, G ene W arning, Thelma Romer, and J ack Bramlage.
NEW FIELDHOUSE MEANS BETTER SPIRIT With the construction of the new fieldhouse, plus the winning efforts of the Flyers, the student body of the University was able to rally its forces into one huge mass to cheer their team on to victory. Huge pep rallies were staged to bolster the spirits of not only the team but of the students and were handled by the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders also performed on the Madison Square Garden court before the Garden's largest crowd of the season, 18782, and also before the television audience which numbered over two million. Everyone is tense and excited as action in th e N IT really warm s up .
Page One Hundred Sixty
REMEMBER, SWEET? Do you remember when we met . . . One evening .at a dance ... And how I was enchanted by ... Your first delightful glance? . . . Do you remember what I said . . . And what your lips replied . . . And how I hungered in my heart ...To linger at your side ... It was a magic moment, sweet ... That made my dreams come true ... and all the sky was like a shawl ... Of silver and of blue ... We left the crowd and strolled away . . . Beyond the slightest sound . . . And life was like a paradise .. . with beauty all around ... I know that you remember, sweet . . . And in my grateful heart ... The love that you have given me . . . Will never grow apart.
The first freshman class of the second century was welcomed to the University of Dayton in grand style on the night of September 30. The climax of Freshman Week, that gala Saturday evening, saw close to four-hundred beauties and their beaux dance to the strains of Earl Holderman's orchestra, with Patricia Raterman and Tony Bardo reigning as Queen and King. Properly initiated into the fold, the students then went about the business of forgetting that such a thing as school existed, and were quite successful as shown by the number of parties they just "happened in on."
Why so formal?
is too satisfied; won't look at the camera.
Page One Hundred Sixty-two
T he Pershing Rifles held their annual Christmas Ball at Lakeside. The splendor of uniforms and fes tive formals lent attractive color to the grand occasion.
Woody Herman furnished the music.
Exhibitions were given by the Rifle Staff under Capt. William Herlihy, and the special Exhibition Squad under Lt. W alter Rienhart. T he Honorary Colonel Miss Marilyn H auer climaxed her reign by bestowing the crown on Miss Marlene Fischer.
Feet tired ?
Page One Hundred Sixty-three
Top-Queens and military escorts reeciving ovation. Middle-Conver sations sparkles at pauses between dances. B ottom-Throngs gave homage to royalty.
Rhoads, Queen Pat Radican, N. Radican, B. Sacksteder,
J. Fischer,
the "Belles of (old) St. Mary's."
The Real McCoy!
It isn't any trouble just to S-M-1-L-E!
Page One Hundred Sixty-four
On November 4, the University of Dayton expanded and became three institutions in one when the Alumni returned to its Alma Mater. To some, it was St. Mary's Institute, to others it was St. Mary's College, and to still others it was, and is, the University. The weather may have dampened the "spirits" of some, but it fired the enthusiasm of those who watched as our Flyers played host to John Carroll. Halftime festivities included the crowning of Pat Radican as Homecoming Queen and Kate Marogfou as Freshman Attendant, together with the performance of the Alumni Band on mid-field. The downtown hotels later were the scene of many class reunions as old friendships were renewed and memories recalled.
C OMING Clear all tables for a picture!
A tooth-y foursome!
Page One Hundred Sixty-five
With hilarity and fun the "order of the night," never was there such compliance with a command as on March 30, when the Scabbard and Blade opened the post-Lenten social season with the presentation of the annual Military Ball. Highlight of the dance was the crowning of the organization's sponsor, Sis Crotty, by the commanding officer of Scabbard and Blade, Rudy Roof. Miss Joanne Crotty will reign over the military group until next year. Music was furnished by two fine orchestras, Elton Dale and Bob Bissett.
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JUNIOR PROM For a successful Junior Prom, bring in a smooth orchestra, add the hard work of the junior class dance engineers, and top it off w ith a beautiful queen. The juniors presented t his combination on the night of January 26, w ith the orchestra of Ray Anthony, the engineers of the dance being Bill Enouen, Bill Kehl, Lee Falke and Bill Hallerman among others, and the beautiful queen being Beverly W hisler.
Beverly gets a crown and fanfar e.
Page One Hundred Sixty-seven
TURNABOUT TAG The night of April 6 found a social switch taking place on and about the hilltop. Sleek new cars and gasping old ones pulled up before Alumni and St. Joe halls and any number of Dayton homes. Coeds, laden with corsage boxes, emerged to call for their dates. The long awaited Turnabout Tag was less than an hour away. At Lakeside, the girls checked coats, waited in line for drinks and popcorn, and led their dates to the dance floor-all the while keeping ope eye on their watches, waiting for 11 o'clock and intermission. Suspense mounted as Peg Kunka, master of ceremonies, called king candidates to the bandstand. Then the announcement-Mike Smith was the women's choice for 1951 Tag king. For the first time, a candidate backed by an independent group was the recipient of royal laurels. Mike was crowned by his campaign manager, Pauline Kelley.
preceded it. There were noisy parades, and the arcade, lounge and Student Union were plastered with bright posters and vote-winning pictures. Stunt that is best remembered was staged in the Chaminade hall "caf." Dave Smith, as Prince Charming, kissed and awakened a masked Sleeping Beauty. Everyone had fun-and agreed, with enthusiasm, that "Turnabout is fair play." King Mike and Escort Ann
The "knights" who made up King Mike's court were Bobby Recker, WAA candidate; Jerry Moore, sponsored by CSMC, and Dave Smith, Flyer's Hangar candidate. The golden-crowned king and Utz, led the traditional grand march, bers sized up corsages. And what a this year's winner turned out to be! many eye-catching creations.
his escort, Ann as faculty memjob selection of There were so
Music by Bob Bissett's orchestra filled the ballroom. The committee which took a bow for a memorable and well attended sixth annual Tag included Jackie Pohl, Marilyn Catron and Mary Ellen Nagle, chairman; Katie Maroglou, tickets; Mary Marcum, decorations, and Shirley McGarvey, chairman of campaigns. No record of Turnabout would be complete without mention of the feverish campaigns which
"Cats and dogs" as the background.
Corsage "cats and dogs" took first prize. Page One Hundred Sixty-eight
The Beer Industry Prospered!
Jim and Shirley brought the cat!
JEAN JAMBOREE About one-hundred Jeans jamboreed with their Genes when Omega staged its annual Jean Jamboree. The date, Friday, the 13th of April, furnished the theme of the dance. No superstitions! Black cats, ( one was active and too alive) , opened umbrellas, a ladder serving as entrance, such things decorated the Democratic Club, for the event.
Smiling Through!
Page One Hundred Sixty-nine
"Let all thoughts dwell On friends at Farewell"
Always ready to please the cameraman.
The Farewell dance brings serious thoughts.
SENIOR "Should auld aquaintance be forgot . . . " Such could be the theme of the 1951 Senior Farewell as a capacity crowd jammed Lakeside's Crystal Ballroom on May 25th. Music was furnished by the very popular Claude Thornhill, his piano, and his orchestra, as the students and friends of U. D. closed its social functions of the year. Through the work of committee chairmen, Pauline Spring, Ed Ednie, Dan Ferrazza, and Don Cosgrove, the dance proved to be a big success. The Senior Class President, Dick Mayer, introduced the committees at intermission and spoke briefly on the meaning of the Farewell, and the record of the Senior class.
Nice weather enticed groups outdoors.
Page One Hundred Seventy
The camera catches just a few of the groups.
FAREWELL "One last pose; let's have a crowd! "
Page One Hundred Seventy-one
"Is a deferment worth all this?"
"Looks like T.V. tag team!"
"P.R.'s Whoop it up!"
"All those beautiful girls!"
"The Cafeteria"-where school elections are won and lost.'' Page One Hundred Seventy-two
MY ALL FOR YOU If you could know the part you play .. . In all I try to be . . . You would begin to understand . . . How much you mean to me . . . And you would know that everything . . . I ever undertake . . . Is not for my convenience but . . . For your beloved sake . . . That I am happy only when . . . I know that what I do . . . Will ultimately bring about . . . Some happiness for you . . . I never see the sun begin . . . Or end another day . . . Without I say a silent prayer . . . To help you on your !way ... You mean so much to me that I ... Must honestly confess . . . That everything I ever do . . . Is for your happiness.
TURNABOUT l(ING The King of the traditional Turnabout Tag reigned at Lakeside Ballroom the night of April 6, 1951 in regal splendor. Mike Smith, of Dayton, Ohio, was chosen by the coeds of the University of Dayton over three other candidates: Jerry Moore, Dave Smith, and Bobby Recker. The dance itself introduced much frivolitv through the feminine ingenuity displayed in all
types and kinds of mad creations of men's corsages, in an effort to walk-off with first prize. Music by Bob Bissett's orchestra was one of the fine touches to the whole affair. After a week of feverish campaigning everyone settled down to having himself a good time. All the efforts put forth were not in vain, for everyone agreed that it was the outstanding dance of the season.
FRESHMAN ATTENDANT This popular Fairview graduate garnered t he coveted Freshman attendant crown, as candidate of the Engineers. With her wide grin and dark hair she has endeared herself to the
Page One Hundred Seventy-five
University. Despite the inclemencies of Ole Man Winter, her personality went out to those thousands of football fans, who witnessed the choice of the elections.
MISS JANE FISCHER Page One Hundred Seventy-six
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Page One Hundred Eighty
Page One Hundred Eighty-one
DAYTONIAN COURT This year's Daytonian staff is continuing what was thought to be a fine addition to the Queens of the U D campus. In 1950 the staff originated the idea of a Queen and Court for the annual. It proved so successful that we continue it, and hope it will become a tradition. Each staff member could submit three pictures. Nominees were chosen for personality, beauty, loyalty, and school spirit; we were faced with many lovely choices. We hope you are pleased with the finalists as we are.
Page One Hundred Eighty-two
Shot on the Spot - -
"Not all of us went to New York"
"Won't this line ever move?" "We'll always remember the big blizzard of '50" Page One Hundred Eighty-four
"The Gold-d~st Twins - they make it sparkle"
"How many holes does it have today?"
"Dropped your car keys, Jack? " Page One Hundred Eighty-five
"Muddy Field - Queen an<l Court wore boots"
"What hole am I standing in?" "Just a short walk to a bus"
"I hear they painted the library this year"
"Sigma Delts blow-out"
"Mid-winter sun tans acquired here" Page One Hundred Eighty-six
"Looks like all coke from here to Louisville
"We hollered 'em to National fame" "Best social semester of our four years"
Page One Hundred Eighty-seven
FACULTY DIRECTORY Alberts, R. .............. 47 Ambrose, J .... . .... . . 45, 87 Anduze, A. . ............ 84 Angst, K. .............. 32 Baker, R. .... . ....... . .. 40 Barnett, M. . ..... . . . .... 49 Barney, J .... . ........... 49 Baujan, H . . ... .. . .. ... 122 Beauregard, E. ........ 40, 42 Beck, W . . . ............. 49 Bellmer, W . ............ 49 Belz, C. ..... . ........... 49 Berner, F ............. . . . 51 Blackburn, T .. . .... 140, 150 Bloemer, Rev. C. . .. ... .. 40 Boll, L. .............. .. 40 Bowers, S. . .. .. ... .. . ... 43 Brown, H ............. .. 37 Busch, W ........ ... .... 31 Cahalan, W. . . .......... 40 Carey, M ............. ... 34 Chamberlain, J. . ......... 47 Civille, M. . ........ . .... 44 Clune, E. . . ......... . ... 30 Collins, Rev. C. ... ...... 32 Comer, 0 . . .......... .. . 44 DeLoache, Ma. J . . ....... 94 Donnelly, Rev. J ........ .46 Donovan, R. . .. . . .. ..... 49 Dugan, C. ... . .......... 4-4 Dunn, 0 . . ...... .. ..... .47 Dwenger, D. . . . . ...... .. 30 Emilie, Sr. M., SND ..... 40 Enders, Rev. F ......... . 40 Eveslage, S. . ..... . .. .. .. 49 Faerber. L. .. .. . ..... .46, 74 Faso, P ..... . . . ...... . . . . 49 F errazza, H . . ... ... . 46, 15 2 Finke, Rev. J ........ .40, 83 Fremaine, Lt. \X' ......... 94 Friedel, Rev. F . . ...... ... 33 Fritz, Rev. H. . .. . ....... 40 Frost, D ...... . ..... . .. . . 31 Gallico, J. . . ..... ... ... . 35 Gavin, J ..... . .. . ...... 123 Gedeon, J ............. .. 40 Genevieve, Sr., SND . . .... 40 Gibson, L. ... . .......... 39 Graham, Sgt. C. .. . ...... 94 Grandy, M. . .. ..... .. 47, 49 Green, W . . ......... 29, 38 Greer, B . . .. .. . ........ . 30 Guensche, W ........... -45 Guerin, J .... . .......... 44 Harder, R. ...... . .. . .... 49 Harper, N. 41, 43, 102-03, 104 Harrigan, Maj . W. . .. .. . 94 Heckman, G . . ........ . . 49 Hickey, P. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 32
Holian, A . . .. .. ......... 31 Horrigan, M. . .. .. .. . 49, 86 Huth, Ii. . . . . . ... . ... 41, 89 Immaculata, Sr. A. SND .. 35 Jackson, J ........... 44, 75 Jehn, L. . .............. . 50 Johns, H. .............. . 51 Joly, R. ... .. .......... . . 50 Kibele, Capt. E. . .. . ..... 94 Kinder, R. ........ .. .... 44 Kline, J .. . ............. . 31 Kobe, Rev. H . . . .. ...... . 29 Kohles, G .. . ....... .41, 109 Kriegbaum, R. . .. .. .. .. . 44 Kreider, M. . ............ 50 Kuhl, D ...... .. ........ 50 Lackner, E.. . ............ 32 Leary, D ............ . 34, 74 Leimkuhler, Rev. E ....... 41 Liebler, R. . .. . . .. ... . ... 41 Lubbers, B. . ....... . .... 46 Lucier, J ............. ... 51 McAvoy, J ............. . 31 McGehee, R. ........ 46, 123 McGovern, F ........ . .... 45 McGrath, J. ...... . .. . 41, 84 Marschall, J. . .... . 123, 157 Mattingly, M....... . .... 41 Miller, V. . ... . .. . ..... . . 44 Minalia, Sr. M. SPSF ..... 50 Monheim, Rev. L. . . ..... 41 Monnette, P. . ... 46, 91, 154 Morgan, A .......... . ... 47 Morrissey, G . . .. ..... 44, 50 Murphy, H . ......... . .. . 44, Nadeau, A. . . . .. . ....... 46 Nagel, G ............ . ... 33 Nartker, R . . .. . ... . .. ... 30 Nielsen, G. . ..... . .. . . . .11 Nielsen, H . ... . ......... 47 O'Connor, Col. T. . ... . .. 94 O'Leary, E. . ..... . .. .44, 87 Parr, .J . . . .......... 47, 115 Payne, E. . .. . ...... . .... 50 Peckham, C. ............. 51 Peckham, I. ..... . ... . .. . 41 Pelagia, Sr. MSC ........ 46 Pennline, Lt. H. . ... . .. . 94 Perry, A ...... . ... .. .... 50 Perz, J .. .. . ............ . 42 Peterson, H. . . .......... 42 Poitras, T ........ .. .... . 42 Prather, A. . . ... . ... . .... 42 Preisinger, Rev. C . . ... . 42 Price, T ...... .. ..... 42, 108 Prugh, E. . ....... .. .. . .. 50 Quinn, J ............ . .. 123 Raiff, L. ... .. ...... . .... 39
Reel, E....... 46, 91, 154, 155 Reichard, M. . ..... 42, 102-03 Renneker, Rev. G. 29, 117, 150 Reyst, K . . . . .. . ... . .... . 42 Rhodes, Rev. R . . . .. . .... 42 Roche, Q . . ............. 44 Roesch, W. . . ............ 39 Root, L. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. 51 Rose, A ............ . .... 42 Rose, E. . ........... 50, 81 Rose, L. ............ 47, 48 Rosenberg, J ........ . 42, 92 Ross, W . . . . . ... ....... . 42 Ruhlman, F ....... . ... 39, 42 Salandra, D ..... .. ... .43, 82 Saletel, L. . .. . 35, 77, 110, 117 Savitski, M. . .. . ........ . 47 Schmidt, B. . . . .......... 47 Schneider, A. . . . .. . ..... 43 Schraut, K. . .. . . . .... 50, 88 Schwartz, R ......... 46, 152 Sears, Mrs. T. . . ......... 36 Sears, Mr. T. . ...... . ... 44 Self, H. . ..... . .......... 50 Shay, M .. . ....... . . . .. . . 38 Singleton, C. ..... . ...... 45 Smith, E............. .. . 94 Snyder, B. . .. ...... . .... 45 Sofianopoulos, A. . ...... . 47 Soslowski, T. ........ 47, 113 Spahn, G . . . .... . . 47, 48, 113 Springer, D . . ......... . . 45 Springer, G ... . ....... 51 , 92 Steiner, W. . ...... . . .42, 43 Stephan, R. . ... . ..... . .. 30 Stueve, Rev. B . . .. . ...... 43 Tarantino, .M. . . ..... .. . 51 Thomas, B. . . .... . .. 43, 105 Tolle, J ............. . 45, 74 Townsend, P . . .. .. ...... 51 Tuite, M ... . .. . .... .. .. . 32 Updyke, J . ..... .. ...... -45 Verder, J . . . .... ..... ... 39 Ward, P ...... . .. . .. 51, 159 Weber, A ... .. ... ... 48, 112 \Vehmanen, R . . ........ . 48 Wehrle, J. . ....... .. ... . 34 Wehrle, W ..... ... ... 43, 76 Westbrock, A . .. .... 48, 115 Whetro, K. . ...... . ..... 43 W iechman, R. . . .... . .... 51 Wilhelm, H . ... _. . .... . . 51 Williams, R. . . ... . ..... . 45 Wilson, P ............. .. 36 Wohlleben, W . . ..... . .. . 48 Wottle, V ... . . . ........ . 51 Wright, H ............. .48 Yatsko, M. . .. ...... . .. . 48 Zech, V . ... ....... .. .. .43
Page One Hundred Eighty-eight
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Acme Aluminum Alloys, Inc. . ........... 217
Kander Drugs ....... .. .. . ............... 209
Acme Spring and Welding, Inc.......... . 201
Katherine's Resaurant . .. . .... . ......... . . 195
The Auto Electric Equipment Company . . .. 209
The Kramer Brothers' Foundry Company .... 195
L. M. Berry & Company . ............. . . . . 203
C. Gene Kuhbander ........ . .... . ....... 195
Bolser's Hi-Boy ...... . ........ : ......... 203
The Peter Kuntz Lumber company . . ...... 209
Borden's Finch Farms . . .................. 193
Malone Camera Stores, Incorporated ....... 191
H. Breidenbach ..... . ................... 207
David H. Margolis ...... . . . ........ .. ... 215
Burger Iron Company ............. . . . ... 217
Maxwell Finance Company .............. 219
Cash Grill .............................. 193
McCall Corporation ................ . . .. .. 191
The Central Motor Sales Company .... . ... 203
The Mechanical Engineering Society ... .. . 201
Chrysler Airtemp ....................... 205
Miller's South End Pharmacy . ............ 201
Bert L. Daily, Incorporated ............... 215
The Moran Paint Company ............... 203
B. G. Danis .. . .. . .... . .... . . . . . ........ . 209
Muth Brothers, Incorporated ............ . 223
The Dayton Bread Company . . ........... . 193
The National Cash Register Company ..... 197
The Dayton Dress Company . . ............ 195
The Ohio Bell Telephone Company .. . .... 203
The Dayton Fabricated Steel Company .. .. 211
The Ohio Metal & Manufacturing Company 223
The Dayton Stencil Works ............ . .. 211
The Otterbein Press ............. . .. . ... 193
William Focke Sons Company ............ 195
Rodgers Pontiac Company ............... 209
M. J. Gibbons Supply Company ......... . 193
The Roth Office Equipment Company ..... 199
The C. H. Gosiger Machinery Company .... 199
Service Distributing, Incorporated ..... . .. 209
Heidelberg Cafe . ....... . .. . ...... . .. .. . 199
Shaw and Marchant Company ......... . .. 217
Heidelberg Distributing Company ........ 223
Archie Sherer Company .......... . ... . ... 207
The Hermes and Knuge Company ......... 195
The Sidney Printing and Publishing Co. . . . 207
Hertz Drive - UR Self System .. . .......... 217
The Saint John Transportation Company . .. 215
The Horstman Printing Company .. . .. .. . 219
The Standard Register Company .......... 201
Industrial Steel Service .................. 211
The C. N. Stemper company .............. 223
Jahn And OIiier Engraving Company ...... 213
The Wehner Roofing and Tinning Company 221
Jergens Excavating Company .............. 223
Buy from Our Advertisers; They are Our Friends Pa ge One Hundred Eighty-Nine
PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Ackermann M / Sgt. Claude E. Allen M. Alvarez Mr. Andrew Aman Jr. Sadav Asato Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkinson Edwin R. Aviles The A. Baltzer Family B. M. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barnhorn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Basel The Baumgarten Family Mr. and Mrs. George C. Beckley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Bedwell Sr. G. C. Bendele Mr. Oliver Berardi Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beverley Mrs. Stanley Gay Bevis James R. Bily Helen R. Blaes Mrs. Theresa Bohman Mrs. Michael Bonahoom Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Bothe Mr. and Mrs. B. Bottini A. M. Bourgeois Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Brennan Mrs. Verona Brennen Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browne Henry Bruegge Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruha Mr. and Mrs. George Bube Mr. and Mrs. L. Buchner Joseph N. Buhl Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bunger Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Burnich The Business Organization and Economics Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busse Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Callahan B. F. Camin Joseph Carcelli J. Carmer Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cashman Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Charles Anthony Cionni Mrs. F. E. Clinard Omer F. Collins Mr. and Mrs. John R. Condon William C. Cosgrove Nettie Crooks
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PATRO NS Wm. S. Haudrich Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hauer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helmkamp Ralph H. Helmkamp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hennessy In Memory of Col. W. J. Herlihy Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Herman Mrs. J. 0. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Jule Hilgeford Dixon M. Hilsabeck Mrs. Emma Ho Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Hoefler H.J. Hoene W. W. Hofferbert Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hoge Franklin D. Hohler Don E. Holsapple The Home Economics Club Mrs. J. H. Hook C. E. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Pierce A. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Louis Illes Mr. and Mrs. Elmer lsenecker Mr. and Mrs. Harold Janney Mr. and Mrsr. John 1. Janotta Lawrence J. Jauch Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jeffords Mr. and Mrrs. W. 1. Jenks Miss Betty Johnson Helen K. Johnson S. V. Jordan Conrad G. Keith Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kelble Walter Kelbley Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kehl J. V. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. James Kennady Thomas H. Kennedy Robert J. Kepler F. J. Kiener Mr. and Mrs. James Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kilbane Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kinser Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Klaus Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Koontz Ray Koren Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kotlarek Stephen F. Kraffmiller Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kress Louis 1. J. Krueger Koz. Kucharski Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Kuhbander
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kundmueller Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus 1. lachey Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Lafayette Mr. and Mrs. William lagedrost Pierce J. Lalor Beulah 1. Langman Pascual A. lee Charles Leese Mr. and Mrs. A. Lehner Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Leider Augustus lewis Arthur J. Lindon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lisko In Memory of John D. Locke Mr. and Mrs. Myron lodge Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd lohrer Mr. Bartlett lubbers Timothy lucid Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacMillan Mr. Louis McAnespie James R. McCaffery Edwin R. McCoy Joseph E. McDonald John B. McDonough F. Parker McGee Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Millard W. Mclain J. 1. Mahle John E. Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Malloy Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Malloy E. P. Maloney Cornelius E. Mandel Mr. K. Maroglou J. E. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. P. Marsico H. L. Martin Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mayer Mrs. Sadie Mealy Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mehary Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merrinane Mr. and Mrs. Ivo J. Mescher Anthony B. Metzger William F. Miller D. P. Mooney Mother's Club of University of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Norbert F. Mott R. R. Mueller Mrs. Joseph L. Murtha Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Muzi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Naughton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Niemann William and Charles Noll E. H. Noonan
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SUP PLY CO. Wholesal e Dis·t ributors of
For all sad words of tongue or pen, T he saddest are these: "It might have been! "
John Greenleaf W bittier
Serving the Miami Valley Since 1875
OTTERBEIN PRESS 230-250 W. Fifth St.
U. D. Stude nts Go to the
Dayton, Ohio
1626 S. Brown Street
"Good Milk is GOOD
for You!"
129 E. Fifth St.
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. He 1275
PATRONS W. L. O'Brien Thomas O'Connor Winfield A. O'Neill Mrs. Herman S. Oberst Mrs. M. Okamura William Omietanski John S. Ondercin Paul J. Olsweiler Mr. and Mrs. M. Otten Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Overly L. C. Pang Mr. William J. Paradise and Family James W. Paullin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payne The Peckolt Family Harold C. Pedicord Mr. and Mrs. R. Peguillan Whitney Pellow Cosmo Perrotta Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pohl Mr. Frank J. Pollock Freeman A. Pretzinger Mr. and Mrs. John V. Pustinger and Family Frank J. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Radican Herman J. Raiff Francis Rataiczak and Family Jerome A. Raterman Louis Raterman Martin J. Reape Mr. and Mrs. Carl Recker John A. Redmond Karl E. Reed Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Regan Mrs. Nathaniel Reich A. J. Reisch Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rigo Mr. and Mrs. Matt J. Roll Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rose G. R. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Rotterman Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ruhl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Salvati Stephen A. Sashla John Scalia Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Scalzitti M. C. Schenk Mr. a nd Mrs. Frederick S. Schmitt Felix Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Schroll Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Schubert R. F. Schuetzer Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Seiler
Mrs. Edward A. Sheehan A. J. Sherman Helen Louise Sherman Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society Stephen Sikes Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silvenir and Family Dean Skailand Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Smith Merle P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Smith S. H. Smith The Society for Advancement of Management Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sommer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Spring P. J. Stanton Dr. J. L. Stark Mrs. Ida Stein Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stith Mrs. Catherine A. Stoermer Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stoshak Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strube Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Thesing Logan Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Thome Robert Tormey Benjamin B. Tribby Michael C. Tuohy Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Vande Velde Sam Ventura Thuiman Vogue Mr. and Mrs. John Vukelich Sr. Louis C. Wagner Mrs. Edna P. Walker Thomas W. Wall James A. Walsh Albert C. W annemacher J. L. W annemacher Mr. Ollie R. Weaver Emil C. Weber Anthony C. Weger Gary R. Welbaum Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. White and Bob Patricia A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welt James Wirth and Family J. H. Wissing Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Woodward Capt. C. P. Wright Mr. and Mrs. George M. Wyrostek Hatsuji Yamado Clifton H. Y amamota A Friend of the University . ety-four Page One Hundred Nin
EN6AAVEAS ARTISTS and Photography
9163 FUilen Phone 139 S.Main St. DAYTON, 2 OHtO Makers
o., Printing Plates
r••J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- r . , -- - - - - - --
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C. GENE l(UBANDER Class of '53
241 E. Stroop Dr. DAYTON 9_ OHIO
Page 0 ne Hundred Ninety-five
Caes . .. . .... . .. . . . ..... Dayton, Ohio
C. B. Osterman ........ . ........ . . Norwood, Ohio
William Caho .. . ..... . .... . . . ..... Chicago, Jll.inois
C. J. Ramus . . .. . .. ...... . ....... Adrian, Michigan
Mrs. John Csizma .... . ........... . . Cleveland, Ohio
Mr. James Razzano .... .... ... Westbury, New York
Catholic Students Mission Crusade .. Univ. of Dayton
Anthony Riedlinger .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . Cincinnati, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Donoher .. . . . ..... . Toledo, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. R . F. Roof. ...... . ..... Ottawa, Ohio
Dr. Henry
Dr. and Mrs.
H. Dornheggen . .. . Cincinnati, Ohio
Jesus Sanchez and Family . .. . San Juan, Puerto Rico
J. Shoch
.... . Coldwater, Ohio
Gerald F. Foley and Family . .. ... Hollis, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Hauer Music House . . . ...... . ... . . . .. Dayton, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Singler . ... . .... Sandusky, Ohio
Dr. N. C. Hochwalt ... . .. .. .......... Dayton, Ohio
Sunray Films, Inc ...... . .... . .. . ... Cleveland, Ohio
Mrs. Margaret Hoelderle ........... . .. Payne, Ohio
Joe Supcoe . .. .... . .............. St. Paul, Virginia
The Lorenz Equipment Company . . .. Columbus, Ohio
Basil Theodoras .... . . . ......... . . . Vandalia, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Wah Sun Lui .... . ... Honolulu, T. H.
Toledo Gardners Co-operative Ass'n . .. Toledo, Ohio
Mr. Eugene A. May 1. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . Dayton, Ohio
Stanley Tylinski's Groc. & Meat Market . Toledo, Ohio
Mr. M. Monroe ... . ........ . .... . ... Dayton, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Uher . .. ........ Cleveland, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Montgomery .Louisville, Ky.
U. D. Players .. . ..... . ........ University of Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. G. Muldoon .......... Norwood, Ohio
Anna Wabo and Family ..... Mahoney, Pennsylvania
Ushikichi Nakama ..... . .. . .. . ..... Honolulu, T. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
D. Nicholas ....... . .. . . .. .... . .... . . . Piqua, Ohio
Koon Chuck Wong . .. . .. . ......... Honolulu, T. H.
J. Wagner .. Royal Oak, Mich.
Page One Hundred Ninety-s
hakespeare's aduice to polonius' son - '1Qcl, ,Jo U ,I D seniors ...
One Hundred Ninety-seve n
STUDENT DIRECTORY A Achberger, Donald, 2302 Superior Avenue, Middletown, Ohio .................... 69 Ackerman, Shirley A., 1661 California Avenue , Cincinnati, Oh, ....... 69, 83 Ache son, Cyril, 121 Cambridge, Dayton 6, Ohio Adams, John R., R, R. II Box 389·P, Dayton 9, Ohio Adams, Rob ert F ., 408 O xford Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio ........... 10 Agoston, Louis, 1300 Michigan, Middletown, Ohio Ahlers, Allen, 1811 Embury Pk. Rd. Dayton, Ohio. ........ 26 Ahlquist, Frederick, 326 W. Stewart St., Dayton 8, Ohio - - - - - · · · ····· 10 Ahrendt, Carl F., 13 Fairground, Dayton 9, Ohio . . ..................................... 10 Aiple, George, 230 Kenilworth, Dayton 5, Ohio Akau, James K., 1806 Kahihi St., Honolulu, T. H ....................................... 124 Akins, Billie, 18 Gates St. , Day ton, Ohio Albaro, Philip, 910 Michael, Lima, Ohio Albers, Lucille, R. R. 6, Celina, Ohio Alberts, Hobart Kirk, 125 Cass St., Dayton, Ohio ...... 10 Alexander, Clarence , 215 Park Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio. .................. 158 Allemeier, Edna, R, R. 3, Delphos, Ohio ..................... ................................ 62 Allemeie r , Hilary , R. R. 3, Delphos, Ohio "·············· ............................. .. 10, 88 Allen, Dayton, 3724 N . Hillsid e , Wichita, Ka n s a s Allen, Margaret, R. R. I, Mia misburg, Ohio Allen, Millard P ., 1649 Home Avenue, Dayton, Ohio . ..... ..................62 Allison, Paul, 213 Park Drive, Dayton 10, Ohio ............................................... 10 Allmon, Ce cil, 3254 N. Main St., Dayton 5, Ohio Althaus, Martin, Plaza Bolognesi 494 Miraflore s, Lima, Peru ...... 68, 92 Altmeyer, John, 53 Pe arl St., Newark, Ohio Altwicker, Elmar R., 631 Carlisle , Dayton 10, Ohio Altwicke r, Renate, 631 Carlisle , Dayton 10, Ohio ................... .. 69, 92 Alvare z, Marcelo, 808 E. 15th St. , Beardstown, Ill. ...... 26 Amlin, Ke ndall, 628 Central Ave., Miamisburg, Ohio Ammann, Ellen, 1013 Union Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ...... 55, 91 , 154, 155 Ammann, Margaret, 1013 Union Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ..... 62, 92 Amore, Anthony Frank, 3114 N. Bexley, Dr. Middletown, Ohio ..... 59, 83, 84 Ande rson, Eugene R., R. R . 8, Box 409·F, Dayton 3, Ohio Anderson, Gladys, 314 So. Colle ge, Muncie, Ind. Anders on, John C., 26 W . Hudson Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio .......61, 104 Anderson, Ohmer, 726 De vonshire Road, Dayton, Ohio Anderson, Thomas, 392 Lewis St., W . Hempstead, N . Y ......... _ _ _ _ 96 Andrews, Charles, 121 Canton Place, Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 26 Andrews, Felix, 229 Oak St., West Hempstead, N. Y. ...... 102, 103, 113 Angere r, Clarence, 3111 Kenmore Avenue, Dayton, Ohio - -- - - ······67 Antrobus, Richard E. , 1101 Delaine Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Antunano, Garcia Emilio, Box 782 Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico ............56, 113 Aplin, Robert, 1733 Brookline, Dayton 10, Ohio ..................... ...... ... 62 Arbogast, John, R. R. 5, Springfield, Ohio _ __ __ _ ............................. 10 Archdeacon, Robert, 450 S. 9th St., Miamisburg, Ohio.. ...... 10, 113 Amenta, Paul, 34 Star St., New Britain, Conn. Arnett, Carl, 1724 Xenia Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Arnett, John, Sunset Trail, Jellico, Tennessee Arnzen, Roba r!, 517 Lexington Ave., Newport, Ky . .......................................26 Atkinson, Norman, 2918 East Third St., Dayton 3, Ohio ····· · - - - - -- 96 Asato, Ronald, 2408 Waolani Ave., Honolulu 3, T. H ............................. 10, 75 Au, Ben, 306·A No. Vineyard St., Honolulu T. H. Auer, John, 703 Bank St., Delphos, Ohio ................................................... 10, 74 Ayers, Charles, 624 N. Ast St., Celina, Ohio
B Backs, Charles J., R . F. D. 6, Celina, Ohio .... .. ··············· 59 Backhus, John G., 7.35 E. Xenia Dr., Fairborn, Ohio. ....... 10, 112, 115 Baird, Ralph M, 926 Wyoming St. , Dayton, Ohio Baker, Francis E., Jr., 265 Hillside St., Fairborn, Ohio Baker, Hattie May, 310 Middle St., Fairborn, Ohio Baker, Oma J., Salem Ro ute 2, Salem, West Virginia Baker, Richard 0., 201 9 Pe rshing Blvd., Dayton 10, Ohio ........... 59 Baker, William S ., 925 Manhattan Ave., Dayton, Ohio Balcunas, Stanley, 1008 Somerset Ave., Dayton, Ohio. ............59 Baldassarre, Thomas J., 520 Odlin Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio Ballentine, Oliver, 1374 Folle r St., Springfie ld, Ohio Balte s, James P., North Palm Beach, Huron, Ohio ........................ ...... 10 Baltzer, Norbert, 5422 S. Spaulding St. , Chicago, Ill . ........................... 10, 113 Ranford, Donald Joseph, 1824 Pershing Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Bange , Donald A., 521 Ridg e lawn Ave., Hamilton, Ohio ...................... 61, 112 Banister, Joseph N., 56 Rivers St., Willoughby, Ohio .......... 133 Barcafar, Richard Thomas, 1126 N . Murray St., Springfield, Ohio ........... 10 Bardo, George Anthony, 1139 Grand Ave ., Newport, Kentucky ........... 65 Barker, Pierre F., 618 Shelby St., Sandus ky, Ohio ..................................... 53 Barley, Robert Eugene, 348 Monteray Ave., Dayton, Ohio Barnard, Patricia L., 1419 Sixteenth A v e., Altoona, Pa. Barnes , Aredia, 2341 Lake vie w Ave. , Dayto n 8, Ohio Barnes, Be rnard M., 225 N. Kilme r St. , Day ton , Ohio
Barnes, James S. , 95 Chatham Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio ......... ··········· 153 Barnes, Walter, 715 Kerche r St., Miamisburg, Ohio ... 62, 102, 103 Barnhart, Earl E., 1217 Oakdale Ave., Dayton, Ohio .... Barnhart, Roger E., R. F. D. I, Medway, Ohio Barnhorn, Arnold C., 1194 Shuler Ave., Hamilton, Ohio ...... 10, 102, 103, 104 Barnett, William E., 514 Adams St., Dayton, Ohio Barnwell, Robert J., 534 Geyer St., Dayton, Ohio Barragan, Jos e 0., Pase o Monte jo 479, Merida, Yucatan, Mex. 59 Barringer, Chadwick M., 575 Daytona Parkway, Dayton, Ohio Barriteau, Rawlinson E., 321 W. 116th St., New York City, N. Y. Barry, John L., 514 Adams St., Dayton, Ohio ... ... 10, 75 Bartels, Don James, 45 Edgar Ave ., Dayton, Ohio Bartley, Don Louis, Box 105, Bellbrook, Ohio Basel, Robe rt J., 88 Kingsbury Rd ., Garden City, N. Y. ....... 152, 153 Bath, Joseph Willard, 260 Che stnut St., Xenia, Ohio ... . ....................... 10 Batsche, Joa n C., 215 Shoop Ave., Dayton, Ohio .................... 78, 80, 83, 91, 102•03, 155, 169 Batsche, Ralph William, 215 Shoop Ave., Dayton, Ohio . 69 Bauer, Sylva J., 1054 Cosier Dr. , Dayton, Ohio Baujan, George E., 2069 Rustic Rd ., Dayton, Ohio ..... 56, 77 Baumgarten, James A ., 1529 Miller Court, Owe nsboro, Ky . .. 56, 77, 88, 169 Baxter, Charles W ., 212 S . Roys Ave., Columbus, Ohio .............. 153 Beach, Richard F ., 1107 Lagonda, Springfield, Ohio - - -- - 82 , 109 Be acham, Marilyn R., 215 Oakwood Ave., Day ton 9, Ohio 10, 74, 78, 80, 82 Beard,Lancil T., R. F. D. I, Watertown, Tennesse e Beck, Richard Jame s, 2685 Crosby, Pittsburgh 16, Pa ..................... ..........67 Beck, Robert B., 2416 Stroop Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio ................ _ __ _ JO, 84 Becker, Carol J., 232 S. Fourth St., Tipp City, Ohio Becker, Flavian T., SE Cor. Victory Pky. & Dana, Cincinnati, 0 . 10, 102·03 Becker, Jean C ., 3152 Portsmouth Ave ., Cincinnati, Ohio .................. 69, 83 Becker, John T., 3523 E. Third St., Dayton 3, Ohio Becker, Robert G., R. F . D. 2, Miamisburg, Ohio ...... 60, 102·03, 105, 157 Becker, Robert N., 3152 Portsmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio ....... 59 Beckham, James Dixon, 604 Bowen St., Dayton 10, Ohio ········ -- - -69 Beckley, Gaylord K., 3518·A·Edna St., Honolulu 15, Hawaii .... ..........95 Beckley II George C ., 351B·A·Edna St., Honolulu 15, Hawaii Bednarchek, Joseph J., 401 First Ave., Be thlehe m , Penna. Bedwell, Raymond Taylor, 3519 Say brook Ave., Cincinnati 8, Ohio .. 64, 65 73, 79, 84, 109 Beecroft, William C. , 1107 Superior Ave., Dayton, Ohio 10, 87, 102, 103 Beeman, Jeanne Ann, 5309 North Main St., Dayton, Ohio .. 78, 82, 83, 89 Beery, Jill, 2409 Oakridge Dr., Dayton, Ohio ... _ _ _ __ _ _ ..... 60, 83 Begin, Floyd C., 16705 Larchwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio . . .... 10, 78, 80 Begley, Roy W., 631 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio ·····--- - - -- - - 10 Be ll, Edward Franklin, 324 Central Park Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...... 66, 158 Bellmyer, Richard G., 37 Perrine St., Dayton, Ohio Belcher, Johnnie, Box 411, Kimball, West Virginia _ __ __ ]05 Belt, Ann Marie, 358 E. Weber Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio Belt, Virginia J., 1023 Park Ave., Piqua, Ohio Bendele, Ruth Marie, Ottoville, Ohio . ............................................ ...... 66, 83, 84 Bender, Mary Alice, 211 E. Center St., Germantown, Ohio _ _ _ _ 66, 74 Benges, Robert L., 216 Pritz Ave., Dayton, Ohio Bennett, Truman Wells, R . R. 8, Box 422 , Dayton, Ohio ·············69 Benson, Robert Johnson, 32 A s hley St., Dayton, Ohio Berardi, Isidore D., 46 N. High St., Tuckahoe 7, N. Y. ···············72 Berberich, Christella Sr., St. Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton, Ohio ................... 86 Berg, Ronald J., 140 Greenfield Lombard, Illinois ............. ......... 78, 80, 84, 90 Berger, Denis Lee, 69 Rita St., Dayton, Ohio ............ .... 59 Bernard, Charles W ., Box 241, Waynesville, Ohio ........... 11, 84 Be rtram, Norman Lee, 327 Mann Ave., Fairborn, Ohio ....... .......................69 Bertrand, Richard E., 202 E. 337th St., Willoughly, Ohio .........59, 124 Beshara, Paul, 1189 Fair Ave., Columbus 5, Ohio ..... .................. 26 Beverley, Helen Marie, R. R . I, Box 88, Vandalia, Ohio .. 86 Bidart, Sr. M. Florecita, 605 Xenia Ave., Dayton, Ohio Biedenbende r, William H., Young St. , Middletown, Ohio ... 61 Bieger, William G., 328 East 18th St., Covington, Ky. ..... ................... 65 Biersack, George C., 920 Troy St., Dayton, Ohio ...... ............. 8 4 Bigelow, William J., 75 East 197th St., Euclid 19, Ohio ...................... 6! Bilbrey, Bernice B., 26 Edgewood Ave., Day ton, Ohio ............................... 105 Billett, Wilda Mae, 1910 Burroughs Dr., Dayton, Ohio 60, 78, 80, 83, 91, 15 4 Billows Jr., Ronald A., 3125 Cottage Terrace, Dayton, Ohio Bi!y, James N. , 211 N. Stone Ave., LaGrange, IIL ... 82, 102·03, 104, 105 Binkley, Leona Lee, 106 North Walnut St. , Englewood, Ohio Blackwell, Woodford V., 32 Mound Road, Fairborn, Ohio .......................59 Blaes, Richard P ., 13 Wentz St., Tiffin 13, Ohio ... II, 88, 113, 16 3 Blaeser, He nry Paul, 120 West Walnut St. , Coldwater, Ohio ..... 68, 8 3 Bledsoe, Josephine, 134 Kirkham St. , Dayton, Ohio . .......... 62 Block, Clifford H., 702 Superior Ave. , Dayton 5, Ohio Blumenthal, Larry K., 117 Cambridge Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio .65 Boesch, Horace John, 2744 Fairmont Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Boggan, Joseph R., 1458 Glendale Ave., Dayton, Ohio . 63, 83, 84 Bohman, Jerome B., R. R. I, Hous ton, Ohio .!I Bohman, Les ter J., 418 Alberta St., Dayton, Ohio Bojanowski, Clement J., 6731 Chambers A v e ., Cleve land, .Ohio .::....••······ 56 Boland, William F. , 27 Evanston Ave ., Dayton, Ohio
113 E. Third St.
Brown St. at
Woodland Ave.
108 McConough St. DAYTON, O'HIO "As Near As
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STUDENT DIRECTORY Bolle, Frederick J., R. R. 10, Box 201 a, Dayton, Ohio Bolster, William L., 204 W. Norwich Ave., Columbus I, Ohio Bolton, Edward James, 4547 Dayview Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................... 67 Bonahoom, Michael J., 2514 Brooklyn Ave., Fort Wayne 6, Ind. 60, 74, 76, 104, 105 Bonbright, Harry Ward, 252 High St., Dayton, Ohio ... .. ......... 67 Booher, Robert L., R. F. D. 3, Box 700, Dayton 4, Ohio Bordenkircher, Richard, 1409 E. Main St., Coshocton, Ohio Bores, Barbara A., 121 Ohio St. , Fairborn, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ 68, 83, 84 Borgert, Theodore E., 321 Haynes St., Dayton, Ohio ........ 54, 76 Born, Richard A., 4063 Rhodes Ave., New Boston, Ohio ... .................... 55 Bornhorst, Kenneth F., 327 Shadowlawn, Dayton 9, Ohio ... !!, 88, 112 Bors, Carl, 6255 W. Newport Ave., Chicago 34, Ill. Borton, Thomas K., 1732 Tennyson Ave., Dayton, Ohio Boste r, Maurice J., 2145 E. Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio Bottini, Francis A., 331 E. 146th St., New York 51, N. Y. Bothe, James V., 15 W. S ixth St., Franklin, Ohio ........................... ........ 11 Bourgeois, Shirley, 36 Grand Blvd., Shelby, Ohio ...... ......... ... 59, 78, 83 Bourk, John D., 533 W . Grand Ave., Lima, Ohio ......................... 11, 79, 80 Bourne, Richard A., 1722 San Rae Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio Bowling, Robe rt G., 227 Chestnut St., Dayton, Ohio Bowling, William J., 227 Chestnut St., Dayton, Ohio Bowman, Don R., R. F. D. 3, Box 330, Brookville, Ohio Bowman, Martha J., 1472 E. Huffman Ave., Dayton 3, Ohio ........... .. 60, 89 Bowman, Robert Cecil, 37 Barnes, Phoenix, New York Bowsher, James, 5138 Bower Ave., Dayton, Ohio Boyle, Peter J., 157 Cherry St., Floral Park, L. I., N. Y . ...... 138, 139, 153 Boyle, Robert J., 17718 Flamingo Ave., Cleveland II, Ohio ...... . 69 Bozymski, Valentine W ., 274 W. Sixth St., Mansfield, Ohio . 53, 152 Brack, Harold, 1115 N. Rose Ave., Big Rapids, Mich. Bradfield, William, 157 Foraker Ave., Dayton 9, Ohio Bramlage, John C., 717 Wellmeier Ave., Dayton, Ohio .. 52, 73, 80, 152, 160 Brands, Henry J., 1025 Seton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio ........................... 61, 112 Brandt, Charles Alfred, 216 Cushing Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................. 69, 76 Brandt, John L., 43 Farmside Dr., Dayton 10, Ohio Brandt, Thomas C., 1009 Negley Place, Dayton, Ohio ............................... . II Brant, Charles E., 1015 Old Orchard Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio Braumiller, Charles C., 305 W. Madison St., New Carlisle, Ohio Branham, John Allen, 409 S. Broadway, Dayton 7, Ohio Braun, Robert Lee, 521 Kenilworth Ave., Dayton, Ohio Braun, John David, 106 Forest St., Collingham, Illinois Brawley, William A ., 19621 Batersea Blvd., Rocky River, Ohio Bree, Sr. M. Rosaire, St. Michael's Convent, Reading, Pa. .............. .. ...... !! Breen, John P., 236 Clinton Hgts., Columbus 2, Ohio _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 53 Brehm, DeWitt R., 115 N . Longview St., Dayton, Ohio ... ...66 Breig, Charles R., 1252 Epworth Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !! Brennan, Joyce, R. F. D. 7, Box 346, Dayton, Ohio ... .. ............................. ... 105 Brennan, William B., 9 Chatham Dr., Dayton, Ohio 69 Brenner, Robert L., 1257 Linda Vista Ave., Dayton 5, Oh'.o 26 Brent, William Theodore, 452 Cincinnati St., Dayton, Oh'o Brewer, Raymo:1d T., 13G Illinois Ave., Dayton, Ohio 54 Bricker, Theodore R., R. F. D. 5, Box 307A, Stoneguarry Rd. 56, 115 Bridenbaugh, Bonita L. Ill W. Race St., Troy, Ohio ................. 66, 74, 105 Briehl, Martin J., Jr. 126 North Street, Bellevue, Ohio _____ _ ll Brill, Kenneth H. R. F . D. 4, Xenia, Ohio ........ Brinkman, Ray H . 859 N . Euclid Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio .................. !! Brockman, Richard J., 53 Portland Ave. , Dayton, Ohio ... .. 26, 74 Brocone, Albert A. 20450 Morris Ave., Euclid 23, Ohio Brodbeck, Thomas Allen, 121 S. Perry St. , St. Marys, Ohio Brooks, Melvin, 102 Grosvenor St., Dayton 8, Ohio ...... ....................... 56, 115 Brodbeck, William A., R . F . D. I, St. Marys, Ohio Brooks, Elbert L. Jr., 5313 Springfield Pk. Dayton 3, Ohio _ __ _ _ . II Brookey, James L., '/07 Taylor St., Dayton, Ohio................... .. ... 59 Brown, Fred Douglas, 81?. Dibert Ave. Springfield, Ohio .... ........ 56, 102, 103 Brost, Robert E., 31 Ridge Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Brubaker, James F., 1129 Oakdale Avenue, Dayton, O . Bruggeman Robert J., 713 Charles St., Middletown 8, Ohio ......... 11, 74, 78, 104, 105 Bruegge, August H. 425 N. !st St. Breese, Ill Brown, Ralph D., 882 Tiffin Ave . Chillicothe, Ohio .............................. 55, 153 Brown, Helen Frances, 2725 E. 4th St. Dayton 3, Ohio .......... 30, 66, 74, 79 Browne, Joseph J. 321 Pearl St., Sandusky, Ohio .................................. 56, 77 Brown, James Howard, 1015 W. 4th St., Dayton 7, Ohio .......... 65, 102, 103 Brown, Helen A., 202 Wolf Creek St., Brookville, Ohio ........................ .. 92 Bruhn, Donald, 109.77 204th St., St. Albans, 11 N. Y. . ... 69, 102, 103 Bube, Nelson G., 715 Salem St. Brookville, 0. ......... _ _ _ _ _ _ .59 Bucher, Charles, 1028 Walnut Hills Place, Dayton, O. Bucher, Elwood, 1022 Akron Place, Dayton, Ohio ................. _ _ _ _ ll Bucher, James I., 1028 Walnut Hills Place, Dayton 10, 0., ... 59 Buchner, Louis, 61 Dover Parkway, Stewart Manor N. Y., .11, 83 Buck, John William, 505 N. Belmont, Springfield, Ohio .................................. 69 Buckner, Edwin, 1025 W . First St. Dayton, Ohio Buer, G e raldine, 171 Wyoming St., Dayton 9, Ohio .. ........ ................ .. 26, 84 Buerhaus, Alexander G e orge, 507 Inlay Drive, Zanesville, O . ........ ........... 67 Buhl, Jos eph, 2312 St. Charles, Dayton 10, Ohio ...................... · - - --
Bulcher, James Lewis, 67 McClure St. Dayton, Ohio ... ........... 68 Bunger, Jack Dale, 208 Lewiston Road, Dayton 9, Ohio Bunker, Carl Maurice, 1132 Lockland Place, Dayton 4, Ohio .......... .. I I, 91, Bunnell, Walter, 823 Chelsea Avenue, Apt. 2, Dayton 10, Ohio Burg, Eugene J., 1260 So . Broadway, Dayton 8, Ohio 75, 87 Burgess, Norbert, 236 N. Mead St. Zanesville, Ohio Burk, Robert D., 37 Salerno Place, Dayton 4, Ohio Burke, Mary Catherine, 164 E. Be echwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 65, 83, Burkhard, John R., 1343 Woodland Ave. Canton 3, Ohio .. ................ ...... !! Burks, Bert, 421 Ethel Avenue, Dayton 8, Ohio Burneka, Charles, 20 Baltimore St. Dayton 4, Ohio . 11 Burnich, William, 47 Stratford Rd. W. Hempstead, N. Y. _ __ _ _ 11 Busch, Gerald E., 30 S. Torrence St. Dayton 3, Ohio Busch, Kenneth, 3018 E. 4th St., Dayton 3, Ohio ........... 88 Busse, Robert, 131 N. Main St. Minster, Ohio 57, 77 Bustillo, Frank R., 5 Earnshaw Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio . ............... 62, 160 Butler, Lee A., 3605 Woodbine Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Butler, Walter 0., 649 Dennison Avenue, Dayton 8, Ohio Byrne, John M., 2396 Edgerton Road, Cleveland 18, Ohio 59, 82 Byrne, Patrick Joseph, 2396 Edgerton Road, Cleveland 18, Ohio
C Caes, Clyde Joseph, 128 Santa Clara, Dayton, Ohio . .. 57 Caeser, Paul Kenneth, 357 Adelite Avenue, Dayton 8, Ohio 66, 95 Cahill, John, 2000 Temberlane, Dayton, Ohio Caldwell, Frank Joseph. R. R. 6, Box 368·B ...................... ............ 56, 115 Caldwell, Allen, 94·29 Hollis Ct. Blvd. Queens Viii. N.Y . Callahan, John Robert, 419 W. McKibben, Lima, Ohio II, 128, 132, 134, 153 Callahan, Mrs. Marie, 216 Telford Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Gamin, Alan 2465 Rugby Road, Dayton 6, Ohio ................. 62, 109, 110, 111 Campbell, Bonnie Loy, 1512 Tampa Avenue, Dayton 8, Ohio .. . ......... 60 Campbell, Howard, 848 Riverview Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio ........................ 68 Camp bell, Richard George, 501 S. Limestone St., Springfield, 0., 11, 79, 80 Campbell, Richard Gordon, 1265 Michigan Ave., Columbus, 0 ., 55, 138, 139, 150, 53 Cannarozzi, Louis I., 856 London Rd., Cleveland 10, Ohio ...... 54, 136, 153 Cannon, Allen J., 1733 Bluefield Ave., Dayton, Ohio Capron, Robe rt E., 527 Gotham St., Watertown, N. Y..... 67, 95 Carbonell, Miguel Jose, Box 277, Utuado, Puerto Rico 53 Carcelli, Dolores Ann, 454 McClure Ave., Sharon Pa .. . 84, 109, 160, Carmer, Chester B., 420 Victory Ave., Dyersburg, Tenn. 26,55 Carmody, John Louis, 186 Prospect Ave., Dayton, Ohio Carnes, Billy S., 3205 S Dixie , Dayton, Ohio Carolina, Robert F., 816 Crescent Ave., Ellwood City, Pa ......... 59, 84 Caron, John Eugene, 408 Warren St., Greenville, Ohio ...... 65, 78, 102, 103 Carro, Salvator S., 145•17 Sutter Ave., New York 22, N. Y. ........ 63 Carrington, William P., 1730 N. 72nd St. Milwaukee 13, Wis . Carroll, Thomas M., 110 E. Madison Ave., Springfield, 0. . 152, 157 Carsner, Le o D., 616 Salem Ave., Apt. IO, Dayton, 0. 26 Carson, Catherine , 301 Dawnview Ave., Dayton 3, Ohio _ 69 Carter, Bunny F., 1833 Weave r St., Dayton, Ohio ..... Carter, Joseph R ., 202 E. Benton St., Wapakoneta, Ohio Carter, Ray D., 116 East Court,, Harshman Homes, Dayton, O. Carton, Thomas W., 2119 King Ave., Dayton, Ohio Cashdollar, John E., 737 Parkview Ave., Dayton 3, Ohio ....... 54 Cashman, Agnes Patricia, 402 Edgewood Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio ........... 12 Cassidy, Paul V. , 84 Wellington Rd., Garden City, N . Y Cassidy, Walter E., 1211 Lincoln St., Portsmouth, Ohio Castle, Lawrence E., 64 McOwen St., Dayton 5, Ohio .... .............................. 61 Castle, Thomas D., 3401 Dryden Rd ., Dayton 9, Ohio . .96 Catanzaro, Cosimo G., 2346 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis 7, Mo . ........................ !l Catron, Marilyn F., 1229 Cincinnati St., Dayton, Ohio ...... 63, 73, 78, 80, 83 Caufield, Margaret Anne, 2219 W . Third St., Dayton, Ohio . .... 66, 78, 102 103, !05 Caufield, Robert James, 645 Windsor St., Marion, Ohio Cavende r, John L., 533 Corona Dr., Apt. C, Dayton, Ohio Cenname, James L., 7343 Schover Ave., Swissvale 18, Pa . .............. 59, 89 Chance, Dolores Jean, 1226 Deeds Ave., Dayton 4, Ohio .............................. 6 9 Chaney, John P ., 2420 Power Ave ., Hamilton, Ohio ..................... 89 Charles, James, R. F. D. 4, Peebles, Ohio. .......................... .. ............... 62, 87 Chase, John L., R. F. D. 11, Box 369, Dayon 9, Ohio Chatman, Dona 2347 Germantown St., Dayton 8, Ohio Chenez, Gordon H., 25 Riv e rbend Rd., Dayton, Ohio ........... 12, !15 Cherry, John A., R. F. D. 2, Waynesville, Ohio ..... .. ............ 61 Chi, Henry H. K., 196 Tai Po Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong Ch. Chmielewski, Peter E., 306 Brandt St,, Dayton, Ohio 61 Chong, Benjamin M., 1654 A Fort St., Honolulu, T. H . ... .·.~·.·.·.·.·..... 12, 157 Christian, William T., 296 Maujer St., Brooklyn, N. Y... Christman, Patrick, 15 Indianola St., Dayton, Ohio .. 59 Chun, Edward K., 1142 Kinau St., Honolulu, T. H . ................ .. ... 59 Ciani, Anthony M., 105 N. Quentin Ave., Dayton 3, Ohio .... .. --·.·.·.. 62, 77 Cionni, Joseph, Box 302, Follansbee, West Virgina ........... Clark, Bernard E., 1345 W. 111 St., Cleveland 2, Ohio
Page Two Huoc!red
Today more than ever before in history our nation is depending on our young college graduates for its future success. You have earned the right to go forth and prove yourself in your chosen field. Th e world w ill always have room for men and wom en with vision and determinatio n, fo r an enlightened nation is a strong nation .
If America is to continue strong we must do everything w ithin our power to protect and preserve our country's heritage and ideas. lVe must never allow our systeni of education to weak£n and become decadent. Learning and education do not cease at graduation. The world needs sound minds developed in the spirit of good-will, fo r the strength of America and all the free countries of the world lies in its mentally ahrt and w ell-informed people.
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The Mechanical Engineering Society University of Dayton
STUDENT DIRECTORY Clark, Ernest H., 3024 Lakeview Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................................... 12 Clark, William F., 506 E. Second St., Delphos, Ohio Clayton, Gerald L., 162 W. Hudson Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............................. 62 Cleary, John G ., 1736 Ravenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio Cleary, John W., 159 W. Lakeview Ave., Columbus 2, Ohio ...... .. 26, 132 Clemens, Edward G., 140 Parkfield St., Pittsburgh 10, Pa . ...... 60, 128 Clements, John R., 509 Ethe l Avenue, Dayton 8, Ohio Clinard, William F., 70G Ferguson Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Cline, Marilyn J., 295 Sherman Ave., Wilmington, Ohio Clinton, Arthur Damien, 83 The Waterway, Plandome Hgts. L. I., N.Y. 61 Clune, Carmel, 70 Central Avenue, Apt. 114 .............................................. 12 Cochran, John J., 78 Huffman Avenue, Dayton 3, Ohio .............. 12, 112 Cochran, John L., 1031 Arbor Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ............. .... 59, 113 Codling, Marjorie, 5 Glenbeck, Dayton 9, Ohio . .......................... 66, 74 Cockett, Melv in, 1513 Le ilani St., Honolulu T. H . ............................. .. 59 Cofer, Ned, 1721 Emerson Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Coffey, Francis , Richboro Road, Newtown, Pa . ................................... 68 Cohen, George, 1124 Harvard Blvd., Dayton 6, Ohio Coles, Shirley, 550 Corona, Dayton 9, Ohio . . ................... 81 Collins, Philip Neal, 6405 Newgard Ave., Chicago 26, Ill . ........................... 124 Collins, William P., 15721 Hazel Rd., E. Cleveland 12, Ohio ................... 83 Combs, Jack L., 327 E. Main St., W. Carrollton, Ohio Combs, Joanne Caroline, 1573 Wayne Avenue, Dayton 10, 0. 12, 84, 105 Common, James Harold, 851 St. Agnes, Dayton 7, Ohio Comp ton, Rob ert, 2145 E. Fifth St., Dayton 3, Ohio Condon, John Earl, 518 N. Braddock St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio 12, 88, 137 Condon, Thomas E., 1231 Alberta St., Dayton 9, Ohio Conley, William, 296 No. State St., Painesville, Ohio ............. 109 Conn, Calvin, 4113 N. Dixie Dr., Dayton 5, Ohio ........................... 12 Connair, Robert, 610 Hodapp Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ... 72, 159 Connaughton, William F., 3020 Griesmer Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio Conners, Charles, 7S6 Mannington, Cincinnati 26, Ohio ...................... 67, 79 Connolly, John Joseph, 433 Lowes St., Dayton, 9, Ohio Connolly, Suanne Marie, 131 W. Herman Avenue, Dayton Ohio 65, 83 Connors, Alonzo, 814 Conners St., Dayton 8, Ohio ···················---- - 68 Connoughton, John Jr., 23 Woodland Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Cook, Walter, R. R. 2, Box 83, Piqua, Ohio . - - -- -··········· 65 Cooney, James M., R. R. 4, Delaware, Ohio ................................. 12, 108 Cooper, Arnold, 560 W . 4th St., Dayton 2, Ohio ............... _ _ ____ 57 Cooper, Fiavious, 18 N. Alder St., Dayton, Ohio Cooper, James D., 28 E. Bruce Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ............. 26 Cooper, Michael, 28 E. Bruce Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio .............. 53, 78 , 83 Cope, Ruby, 425 S. 12 St., Hamilton, Ohio ........... _ __ _ _ _ ...... 86 Coppess, Marilyn Mae, 1116 Scudder St., Piqua, Ohio .. 63, 78, 80, 83, 109 Copple, Fred, 3029 Sellars Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio Cornett, George, Brock, Kentucky Cornett, Robe rt, R. D. 2, Sale m , Ohio .................... . .. 67 Corrigan, Edward, 29 Vincent St., Dayton 5, Ohio Cosgrove, Don, 4000 Grove Ave., Norwood 12, Ohio 8, 12, 73, 78, 80, 169 Cosimati, James, 2504 Fleming Rd., Middletown 0. 58, 63, 73, 78, 80, 83, 84 Costas, Connie, 413 Wiltshire Blvd., Dayton 9, Ohio Countryman, Rob ert, Z628 Mesmer Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ....... 12, 75 Coy, Charles Robert, 779 Greenlawn Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Coy, John R., 79 A Street, Fairborn, Ohio Coy, Richard G., 154 Cliff St., Dayton 5, Ohio Crawford, Ot'. s L., 2315 The odoreAvenue, Dayton, Ohio .................... 62, 100 Crawford, Robert, R. R. 2, 10 W. Madison St. Fairborn, 0 . ........... ...... 128 Cress, Naomi, R. R. 2, Miamisburg, Ohio ... .................................. 55, 105 Crew, Donna, 2822 N. Dixie Drive, Dayton 4, Ohio Crews, Clifford V., 1434 Alberta St., Dayton 9, Ohio Critchfield, Leroy B., 203 So. Torrence St., Dayton, Ohio Crooks, William, 311 Kielaber St., Dayton 9, Ohio Cross, Edward H., 129 S. Eucl' d Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio ................................. 65 Crossley, Donald R., 49 Park Dr., Dayton, Ohio .......................... 55, 104, 163 Crotty, Joanne H., 1935 Adirondack Trail, Dayton, Ohio ........ 84, 90, 178 Crotty, Leo W ., 1935 Adirondack Trail, Dayton, Ohio ..... 72, 96, 100, 163, Crowe, Joan L., 133 E. Hudson Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio ......... 55, 102·03, 105 Crowe, Thomas A., Box 84, Magnolia, Ohio .............................................. 12 Crowell, Willard L. , 425 W. Second St., Apt. 38, Dayton, Ohio -···· 12, 108 Cruea, Barbara Lee, 1827 Harvard Blvd., Dayton 6, Ohio .................. 69, 80 Crutche r, Aurelia, 930V2 Dona Ave., Dayton 8, Ohio ......... 102·03, 105, 155 Csizma, Emery J., 11807 Parkhill Ave., Cleveland 20, Ohio ...... ...... 133 Cuff, Thomas S .. 525 Boone St., Piqua, Ohio .................. . ............ 12 Culhane, John J., 13 McKinley St., Dayton, Ohio Cull, Shirley J., 4318 E. Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio Culp, Alma L., 323 Grand Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................. 54, 84 Culver, Jon M., 20 Hillcres t Ave., Dayton, Ohio Cummings, Coleman, 400 Norwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio .... ..... 102.03 Cunningham, Be tty F., 1815 Riverside Dr., Dayton, Ohio 60, 89 Cunningham, James H 114 E. Peach Orchard Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio Curley, William F., 8714 Dorcheste r Ave., Chicago 19, Ill. ......... .. 96 Currin, James A., 3110 Murdock Ave., Cincinnati 5, Ohio .......................... 131 Curtin, Helen V., 1505 Neva Ave., Dayton, Ohio ... ....................... ...... 60, 84 Curtin, Robert B., 1309 W. Arthur St., Chicago 26, Ill. Cutcher, William D.. 320 Church St., Oak Harbor, Ohio ................. 55, 152
D Dakin, James D., 2800 Brandt Pike, Dayton, Ohio .................. 102·03 Dale, Kathryn V., 2525 Roslyn Ave., Dayton 9, Ohio .......... 62, 80, 102•03 Daler, Wilbert A ., 1423 Carlisle Ave., Dayton, Ohio ......... . ................... 12 Daly, Vincent D., 19703 McLaughlin Ave., Hollis 7, N. Y . .............. 12, 156 Damron, Herbert, Center St., Wheelersburg, Ohio Daniszewski, Robert J., 276 Allon Ave., Dayton, Ohio Danklel, David L., R. F. D. 9, Box 651, Dayton, Ohio Dapper, James C, 118 W . McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio ........................... 12 Darling, Donald E., 1508 Algonquin Pl., Dayton, Ohio Dartt. Donald J., 949 Rogers St., Toledo 5, Ohio ............................. 67, 152 Daum, Richard J., 2684 Rugby Rd., Dayton, Ohio ............ . .. 66 Davidson, Kenneth N., 1013 W. Hillcrest Ave., Dayton, Ohio Davidson, Thomas E., 1333 holly Ave., Dayton, Ohio .. ······-·--· 12 Davis, Prince, 241 S. Conover St., Dayton, Ohio Day, James B., 2912 S. Smithville Rd., Dayton, Ohio ....................... ........... 66 Day, Joe G ., R. F. D. 6, Box 359, Dayton 7, Ohio ............ 12, 112, 163, 171 Dean, Carl E, 1244 W . First St., Dayton, Ohio ...................................... 83, 84 Dean, Henry C., 2826 Germantown St., Dayton, Ohio ........... 26 DeBrosse, Geraldine H., 2624 E. Third St., Dayton 3, Ohio ........... 102·03, 104 Dee, James E., 412 E. Chillicothe St., Bellefontaine, Ohio Dechant. Donald C., 37436 Detroit Rd., Avon, Ohio ....... ............. 62, 82 Delle!, George H., 467 Garden Rd., Columbus 14, Ohio Delle!, Joseph P., 467 Garden Rd., Columbus 14, Ohio .. .... 65 Deffner, John F., 2230 King Ave., Dayton, Ohio ... ......... 12 Delgado, Marco 0., Bo,: 4355, San Juan, Puerto Rico ... .................. ... 62 DeJean, Laverne T. , 4707 Eichelberger Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....................... 12 De luna, James, 224 Heaton Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............................... 17, 26, 171 DeMartino, Nicholas J., 134·10 32nd Ave., Flushing, N. Y. .. .................. 12 Deming, Robert E., 307 E. Bataan Dr., Dayton 10, Ohio Demmer, Harold F., 236 Lewiston Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio Demsey, Mary Patricia, YWCA, 141 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio DePasquale, Edward, 66 Stratford Ave., Garden City, N. Y . .......... 65, 79 Derham, George R., 82 Colonial Rd., Bellerose, N. Y. _ _ _ _ .............. 53 De Roziere, Robert C. , 889 Columbus Avenue, NY 25, NY ........... 13, 87, 90 Develbiss, Jack, 39V2 Miami St., W. Milton, Ohio . . ....... 66, 104 Devor, Kenneth R., 2138 Pershing Blvd. , Dayton IO, Ohio .. 26, 104, 105 Di Ciacco, Nicholas, 456 Watervliet Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio. . .......... 12 Dickas, Frederick, 873 Chestnut St., Sidney, Ohio ......................................... 63 Dickman, Richard, 43 St. Joseph's Lane, Covington, Ky. .......... 13, 113 Dieker, Charles D., 39 Park Drive, Dayton 10, Ohio Dieringer, Ray, 912 So. Blackhoff St., Wapakoneta, Ohio .................. 151 Dineen, Robert D .. 701 Grafton Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Diskin, Patrick, 15427 Dexter Ave., Detroit 21, Mich. Ditzel, Thomas, 131 Glencoe Avenue, Dayton, Ohio .. 65, 76, 83, 84, 109 Diver, Walter, 3102 Hampton Place, Middletown, Ohio ........... 13 Dixon, John E., 1503 Algonquin Place, Dayton, 7, Ohio .. ......... 55, 112, 113 Dixon, Phyllis, 146 So. Ardmore St., Dayton 7, Ohio - - - - - · 66, 74 Dolan, John P., 827 Oakwood Road, Charleston 4, W. Va. 102·03 Donaldson, Shirley, Harmon and Park Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Donisi, M. Patricia, 7109 Avenue "H" , Houston 12, Texas ......... 34, 60, 83 Donaher, Donald, 3902 Berkley Dr., Toledo 12, Ohio ................. 67, 151, 153 Donohue, William, 76 So. Garfield St., Dayton 3, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ 89 Donovan, John P ., 60 Bell St., Dayton 3, Ohio 58, 63, 73, 79, 80, 89, 169 Dooley, James, 2924 Jefferson Avenue, Cincinnati 19, Ohio ··-- - - 13 Doolos, James, Box 27, Union, Ohio .......... . ......................................... 26 Doran, John F., 1900 Russett Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio · - - ·····13 Dortch, William, 1817 Lombardy, Nashville 4, Tenn. Doughty, Ross, 312 Edgar Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ................................... 68 Douglas, Dorothy Jane , 433 Deeds Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio ........ 69, 83 Douglas, Richard, 615 W. Tait Avenue, Bridgeport 4, Conn . ........... 102•03 Douglass, James B., 1863 Salem Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Dover, Jesse, 303 Shadowlawn Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ...... 13, 89 Dovey, Robert E., 286 Plainfield Avenue, Floral Park, N . Y . . ........... 102•03 Draves, John H., 22 Perrine St., Dayton 10, Ohio Drayer, Patricia, 126 So . Seventh St., Miamisburg, Oh\o Drees, Doris Ann, 1102 Wagner St. , Sidney, Ohio ......... 66, 74, 83, 91 Drees, Harold, 20 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio .......................... 13, 74 Drescher, Otto J., 415 Ruth Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio ...... . .......................... 56 Dressler, Gene, 1220 E. Spencer, Pasadena, Texas Duckro, Raymond, 357 Xenia Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio . .................... 13, 75 Duell, John Leonard, 429 E. Siebenthaler Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ...... 68 Duff, Millard, 23 Victory Drive, Troy, Ohio Duffy, Alice M., 1554 Cornell Drive, Dayton 6, Ohio ......................... 52, 56 ... ! 58 Duffy, William, 41 Vincent St., Dayton 5, Ohio 102•03 Duncan, John R., 729 N. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio Duncan, Ronald L., 1128 Pritz Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Dunham, Shirley Mae, 2990 Atherton Road, Dayton, Ohio .................. 69, 81 . 69 Dunne, Donald E. , 301 Main Avenue, Fairborn, Ohio ....... ................. . Durbin, Richard Ralph, Church St., Doylestown, Ohio Durnbaugh, Marcus, 241 Dayton Avenue, Xenia, Ohio
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MI. 7421
STUDENT. DIRECTORY E Earlywine, Robert H., 2217 Rondowa Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Ebbing, Roseann Mari, 3205 Lenox Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio--------- 67, 78, 80 ------- 62, 95 Eberts, Robert E., 268 Southwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio Eck, Eugene J., 2412 Wayne Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Ednie, Edward, 256 Vanderbilt Avenue, Floral Park, N. Y. -- _____ 72, 79, 90 Egan, Eugene, 174 So. Walnut St., Germantown, Ohio Ehrmann, Sr. Cord;a MSC, St. Michael's Convent, Bernharts, Pa. ____________ J3 Eickman, Marilyn M., 33 Chatham Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio __ 60, 91, 154, 155 E:senhauer, Richard Joseph, 2834 Ridgway Rd., Dayton, Ohio E1senlohr, Robert R., R. F. D. I, Clayton, Ohio _____________________ ----------- 61, 95 --------------- 67 Ekberg, Donald Carl, 5124 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio ------- 62 Ell,ott, Richard L., 220 Elmhurst Rd., Dayton 7, Ohio Elliott, Theodore W., 5425 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio 95, 113 Elliott, Robert G., 1026 Colwick Dr., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ Elworth, Charles, 583 Wyoming St., Dayton 10, Ohio Emerick, Barbara L., 115 Woodland Ave. , Dayton, Ohio ____________ 13, 74, 105 __69 Emmert, John Charles, 628 Seminole Rd., Chillicothe, Ohio England, Orion W., 936 Grand Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio .65 Enouch, Clara, 37 Constance Ave., Dayton, Ohio _________ Enouen, William A., 13605 Edgewood Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio ______ 52, 72, 73, 79, 80, 83, 167, 169 Enright, Robert F., 2018 Arlington Ave., Middletown, Ohio Ensley, Theodore M., 1503 R,verside Dr., Dayton, Ohio Entz, William Lee, 1412 E. Hudson St., Columbus II, Ohio __ --------------------- 67 Enxing, Daniel Joseph, Box 75, West Middletown, Ohio _________ -------- 68, 95 Erickson, John A., 2060 Victoria St., Dayton 6, Ohio Eshbaugh, Kenneth Lee, R. F. D. 2, Miamisburg, Ohio - - - -~--------69 Eshelman, Thomas C., 1343 Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio ---- - ___ 92, 108 _ _ _ __ 67 Espy, Bruce Joseph, 1316 Superior Ave ., Dayton, Ohio_ Esser, William E., 179 Notre Dame Ave., Dayton, Ohio Estiamba, Alberto Diones, 1754 Maharri Loop, Honolulu, T. H. Evans, David Roland, 304 Fernwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___________ 56 Eiting, John R., Minster, Ohio __________ ----- 61 Evers, Anthony J., 1658 St. Charles Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio ----Ewing, Thomas G., 1313 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio----------- _____________________!3 Eynon, Harold Joseph, 831 S. 18th St., Columbus, Ohio
F Faiella, John Michael, Hyde Park, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico _ __ _ 69 Fair, Oscar, Box 144, Liberty, Kentucky ____________54, 15li Falke, Lee C., 835 Hampshire Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio _____ ___ 67 Farmer, Thomas Edward, 304 Hanover St., Toledo 9, Ohio -------___ !3, 84 Farrell, James T., 143 N. Walnut St., East Orange, N. J. -----69 _____________ _ Hampshire New Farrell, William James, R. F. D. 5, Penocook, Faso, Margaret R., Univers:ty of Dayton, Apt. 12 Faulkner, Joanne L., 523 Watervliet Ave., Dayton, Ohio ----------------- _____ !05 Fecher, Marion Jude, 2136 Lodell Ave., Dayton, Ohio ____ _ __ _ 59 _68 Feeney, John Edward, 3055 Coleridge Rd., Cleveland Hgts, Ohio Feidner, Edward Joseph, 628 S. Market St., Galion, Ohio _______ --- 66, 84 Feist, Sr. M. Philoberta, 49 Hopeland St., Dayton 8, Ohio Feldmann, Louis William, 230 Smith St., Dayton 8, Ohio Ferguson, Harold Allen, R. F. D. I, New Lebanon, Ohio Fernandez, Jose Louis, Calle de! Parque 69, Santurce, P. R. _ _ __ 53 Ferrara, Jose Y., Roma 214 Col. Hirador, Monterrey, Mex. _______ __ 56 Ferrazza, Daniel E., 11020 Woodstock Ave., Cleveland 4, 0. ____ 13, 78, 80 Ferrero, Paul, 521 N. Second St., Raton, New Mexico Ferris, William E., 213 Lake St. , Delaware, Ohio ____________ _ __ _ _ 57, 75 Ferryman, Russell Elden, 1011 Link Ave., Springfield 13, Ohio Fess, C. Norman, 40 Glenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio Fiehrer, Kenneth N., 946 Brough Ave., Hamilton, Ohio fields, John M., 812 Dennison Ave., Dayton, Ohio ___ _______ _ _~ 26 File, Thomas M., 51 Cambridge Ave., Dayton, Ohio ___ _ _ _ _ __ 56, 77 Fillenwarth, Henry James, 1601 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. 67, 79, 83, 102-03 Filoso, Donald, 308 Oakview Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio Finnan, Richard Howard, 3989 Galbraith, Cincinnati 36, Ohio_ _________67 Finch, Doris Edna, 1840 Home Ave., Dayton, Ohio Fink, Robert Richard, 9616 Easton Ave., Cleveland 4, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ 65 Finkenbine, George F ., Anna, Ohio Finke, Janet !., 208 Squirrel Road, Dayton, Ohio _____________ _57, 78, 80, 81, 91, 154, 161, 182 Finke, Robert, 208 Squirrel Road, Dayton, Ohio Finnen, Gerald W., 115 Maple Hgts., New Lexington, Ohio ________ ------ 61, 112 Fisher, Jane Evelyn, 249 Illinois Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio 63, 65, 91, 109, 154, 164, 176 Fischer, LaVerne, 317 E. Dixon Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ___________66, 74, 83 Fischer, Marlene R., 1936 Richard St., Dayton 3, Ohio 62, 78, 81, 95, 160, 181 Fischer, Robert F., 317 E. Dixon Avenue Dayton 9, Ohio - ------- 68 Fischer, Roy Fred, 48 So Cherrywood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ____ J3, 90 Fischer, William J., 317 E. Dixon Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio __Fish, Kurt, 133 Forrer Blvd., Dayton 9, Ohio _______________________________________ !3
Fishbaugh, William F., 907 Ellen Dr., Middletown, Ohio _ __ __ _ 69 Fisher, James, 33 S. Central, Fairborn, Ohio Fisher, Robert Louis, 50 Steele Avenue, Dayton, Ohio __________________ _ _68 Fitz, Cyril, 527 Clinton St., Sandusky , Ohio Fitzgerald, John B., 5110 Maffitt Ave., St. Louis 13, Mo Fitzpatrick, Robert, 432 Hadley Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio 62 Flanagan, Francis, 21 Osborn PL, Rockville Centre, N. Y. 13 ____66 Flannery, Joseph, 426 Wallace Avenue, Covington, Ky. Flaute, Rob e rt, 20 Patterson Rd ., Dayton 9, Ohio ____________ ___ ____ _____________ 13, :30 Flea!, Howard A., 52 Central Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio 26 Fleischman, Harlow, 1131 Irving Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio __________________ Fleischman, Ralph, R. R. I, Box 264, Dayton 5, Ohio _______ _______ ____ ___________ 133 69, 72, 82 Flood, Richard K., 151 W . 4th St., Mansfield, Ohio 61 Flowers, William E., 314 N. High St., New Lexington, Ohio Fluegeman, Sr. Mariella SPSF, 49 Ho;:,eland St., Dayton 8, Ohio Flynn, Robert D., 1407 Versailles Rd., Lexington, Ky. ____ ___ ________ 13, 139 68 Foley, Denes, 100-24-202 St., Hollis 7, New York ___ 13 Folino, Thomas F., S30 Stonemill Road, Dayton 9, Ohio ______ 57, 73, 78, 80, 153 Ford, David, 216 E. 24th St., Owensboro, Ky. ___ Ford, Gerald, 216 E. 24th St., Owensboro, Ky. _________________________ _________ 69, 151 __ ____________________ _______ 13 Ford, Robert J., 104 Kent Place, Dayton 4, Ohio Forkner, Marilyn, 920 Nordale Avenue, Dayton, Ohio __ ___________________ 66, 154 Forrest, Helen Louella, 4128 F u lton Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio __ 59, 78, 83, 90 ________ 26 Fowler, Janet, 2280 So. Patterson Blvd., Dayton 9, Ohio _____ Fox, Joseph E., 56 Palerno Place, Dayton, Ohio Fox, Martha, 39 Stockton A venue, Dayton 9, Ohio ___________________ _________ _______ J09 Fox, Richard, 1522 Viola Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ______ __ 63 Fox, Thomas, 106 W. Norwick Ave., Columbus I, Ohio _____ Fox, William J., R. D. I, Tennent Rd., E. Freehold, N. ). France, Orville A., Jr., 1515 Hockwalt St., Dayton 8, Ohio __________________ 60, 89 Francis, Vernon, 306 So. Center St., Versailles, Ohio Frazier, Marilyn, 237 So. Conover St., Dayton 7, Ohio Frazee, Paul W., 144 Edgewood Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Frank, Joann M., 367 Cherry Drive, Dayton 5, Ohio _______________ _ 63 Free, Ronald, 2304 Pershing Drive, Dayton 10, Ohio ________ _____ _ ------- 68 13 Fremgen, Robert D., 834 Heaton St., Hamilton, Ohio _ Fremont, William, 133 No. Perry St., Dayton I, Ohio _____ _ --------- 74 French, Darrell, 1550 Burnett Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio _____ _ _----- 13 French, Mitchell, 1550 Burnett Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Frericks, Thomas Joseph, 115 No. Hanover St., Minster, Ohio -- 60, 139, 155 Freytag, Edward C., W. Main St., Ft. Loramie, Ohio ---- 13 Freytag, James, W. Main St., Ft. Loramie, Ohio ___ _______ ________ Fricke, Howard, 300 E. Dixon Avenue , Dayton 9, Oh:o _________ __________________ 26 Fristik, William Robert, 1605 Alameda Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio ____ ----- 69 54 Frost, Joseph, 3595 Outlook Ave., Cincinnati 8, Ohio Frounfelker, Frank E., 531 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio __________________ 14, 77 Fry, Gloria Mae, 2215 Aerial Ave., Dayton, Ohio _____ 55 Fu, Chen, 8 Tad Ti I Chia, Tsinan, Shantung, China Fulton, Roland J., 6344 Brecksville Rd., Independence, Ohio Fulwiler, Daniel Ellis, 1242 W. Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio Funkhouser, James, 440 Lowes St., Dayton 9, Ohio _____ _______________________________-- 13
G Gabel, Harold Edward, 1515 Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio Gabriel, John R., 1143 Windsor Ave., Dayton, Ohio ___________ ________ _______113 Gage, David L., 24 Dewey Dr., Dayton, Ohio __ 68 Gairing, Walter Anthony, 396 Highland Ave., Wadsworth, Ohio . Galbraith, Barbara A ., Box 197, R. F . D. 10, Dayton 9, Ohio Galbraith, Harold H., R. F. D. 10, Box 197, Dayton 9, Ohio _________ 14, 12, 171 Gallagher, John Edward, Mantua ___________________________ ____ Gannon, John W., 401 Otterbein Ave ., Dayton 6, Ohio ____ ___________ _____ 63, 78 30, 66, 80 Ganther, Mary Ellen, 406 Kenwood Ave., Dayton, Oh:o - 87 Garcia, Joseph M., 4138 Farnham Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio Garcia, Ramiro Arturo, Amarica Sur 325, Monterray, Nuareleon 61, 75, 113 Gardner, Charles Clayton, 265 E. Pleasant St., Springfield, Ohio -------------- 68 Garringer, Lewis James, 150 Edgewood Ct., Dayton, Ohio Garrison, Robert W., 35 Wroe Ave., Dayton, Ohio Gates, John A., 1634 Windsor PL, Louisville , Kentucky ________ ___ 59, 83, 137 _____ J4, s7 Gates, Thomas E., 1634 Windsor PL, Louisville, Kentucky _ Gavin, George F., 533 N. Seventh St., Steubenville, Ohio Gavin, Joseph P., 623 Rockford Ave., Dayton, Ohio 68 Gay, Lawrence X., 154-17 10th Ave., Beechhurst, L.I., N. Y. Gay, William C., R. F. D. 8, Box 685, Dayton 3, Ohio _____________62 Gebhart, Charles J., 2103 Miller Rd., Ft. Wayne 8, Ind. Ohio 6, Dayton Ave., Norman W. 620 Lou, Mary Gehring, Gehring, Shirley Ann, 620 W. Norman Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio __ 34, 66, 78, 80 Geiger, John Leonard, 3844 W. 136th St., Cleveland II, Ohio ------------------ 68 Gentile, Charles Joseph, 1334 Grand Ave ., Dayton 7, Ohio __ _________J02-0 3 George, Robert Francis, 1113 Woodlawn Ave., Cambridge, Ohio Gerber, Roman Joseph, 134 S. Paint St., Chillico{he, Ohio __ 65, 76, I04 Gerhartz, Patricia Ann, 336 Sweitzer St., Greenville, Ohio __66, 84, JOS
Page Two Hundred four
Best Wishes for every success! We of Chrysler A irtemp offer our congratulations to all menibers of the Graduating Class of 1951, and send along our hestJ'. wishes for every success in the year ahead.
Page Tw o Hundred Five
from all the folks at Chrysler Airtemp
STUDENT DIRECTORY Giambrone, Harry Joseph, 2036 Emerson Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................... 14 Gibbons, Charles Edward, 2409 Sherman Ave., Middletown, 0 ........ 14, 115 Gibbons, James A., 71 Magnolia Ave., Floral Park, L. !., N. Y. 14, 112, 115 Gibbs, Warren Gilbert, 653 Dennison Ave., Dayton 8, Ohio ... .. 102·03 Gigloitti, Angelo, 133 Bruen St., Dayton, Ohio - -- - - · · 26 Gilbert, Charles R., 1800 Kensington Dr., Dayton, Ohio 26 Gill, John Augustine, 2231 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio ........ 68, 79 Gamer, George E., 74 Holmes Rd ., Fairborn, Ohio Gilmore, Hal Clarke, 3417 Smithville Rd., Dayton 10, Ohio Gilmore, Robert Wesley, 105 Danville St., Stanford, Kentucky Gilvary, James Joseph, 3612 N. Main St., Dayton 5, Ohio ......... 14, 73, 76 Girard, Kathleen M., 114 Colorado Ave., Dayton, Ohio .. 66, 78, 80, 105 Givens, Olen N., 222 S. Smith St., West Carrollton, Ohio Glanton, Robert D., 5909 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio Glasener, Guy William, 2139 Stegman Ave., Dayton, Ohio Glaser, Ronald M., 206 Geneva Rd., Dayton 7, Ohio ......................... 62, 95 Glassock, Robert 0., 545 Watervliest, Dayton, Ohio . .................... 14 Gleason, James J., 571 N. Spring, Wilmington, Ohio 60, 74, 89, 104, 105 Gleason, John P., 571 N. Spring St., Wilmington, Ohio .. 14, 74, 104, 105 Glock, James H., R. R. I, Clayton, Ohio Goenner, Ronald D., 606 Carlisle Ave., Dayton 10, 0 . . ........ 62, 102·03 Goetz, Louis J., 2310 San Rae Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio .......... 62, 95, 102·03 Golden, Kenneth, 1024 Xenia Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ................... 61, 77 Goltsos, Costas E., 157 Lexington Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio ............. .. 14, 115 Gomes, Ronald Lowell, 2413 Puunui Ave., Honolulu T. H . - - - - - · · 66 Goodpaster, Robert, 8 Briedweng Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ..................... 87 Gorsuch, Evelyn M., 1104 W. Third St., Dayton 7, Ohio ............. 55, 105 Gottschlich, Jerald W., R. R. 3, Box 149, Brookville, Ohio Goubeaux, Dale C., R. R. I, Versailles, Ohio ......... ......... 14, 113 Graham, Donald E., 838 Union Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Granato, Albert, 330 Pierce St., Dayton 10, Ohio Granato, John P., 330 Pierce St. , Dayton 10, Ohio . . ........... 14, 87 Gras, Donald C., 1557 Salem Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio ..................... 14 Gras, Jeanne, M, 1557 Salem Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio .............. 30, 62, 78 Graul, Edward IA.25 Creighton Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .... .. _ __ __ ]4 Grde n, Wilfre d F., 3554 E. 81st St., Cleveland 5, Ohio - -- -- -···14 Greaser, William J., 8548 Avon St., Jamaica 3, N. Y ............ 14, 112, 115 Greive, Donald, 756 Fernwood Avenue, Louisville, Ky . ....... 67, 151, 156 Grevencamp, William, P. 0 . Box 116, Ft. Recovery, Ohio ........................ .. 14 Grigsby, Charles, 112 Potomac St., Dayton 10, Ohio ........ _ __ _ _ _ l39 Grimme, Donald E., 126 Fremont, Ft. Thomas, Ky ........................ 55, 113 Groeber, Richard, 1622 Clifton Avenue, Springfield, Ohio Grolemund, Robert, 146 California Dr., Rochester, N. Y . ................ .. 14, 75 Groselle, Francis X. , R. R. I, Spencerville, Indiana . .... 62, 91, 105 Grosser, Leo, 475 Van Voast Ave., Bellevue, Ky. _ _ _ ___ . 61 Grosse, Richard Jr., 60 W. Peach Orchard Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio Groszewski, Daniel, 7226 W. Park, St. Louis 17, Mo . .................... 14, 88, 171 Groth, Hildegard, 246 Niagara Avenue, Dayton, Ohio _ __ _ 66, 92 Grube, Harold, R. R. I, New Carlisle, Ohio Gruber, Patricia, 2111 Ravenwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ............. 67, 154 Guido, Anthony, 2126 Hill Avenue, Middletown, Ohio ............ ... 14, 87 Guilfoyle, B2rnard, 99.44 208th St., B2llaire, 8, New York. . ................ 14 Gulick, John H., 10923 Granger Rd., Cleveland 25, Ohio . .................. 67 Gunckel, Jeannyne, E. Market St., Germantown, Ohio ...... 55, 91, 154, 155 Gunn, Raymond, 515 Delaware Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio .................. 65, 84 Gurnick, Gerard E., 2534 Fairmount Avenue, Dayton, Ohio .................. 62 Gustin, William, 2251 Emerson Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio
H Haag, William Jacob, 2918 Cedar St., Portsmouth, Ohio . _ _ _ _ _ _ 68 Haber, James, 18 E. 3rd St., W. Alexandira, Ohio - - - -·················· .. 14 Haberstroh, Thomas D., 241 Hillside, Fairborn, Ohio Hackett, Lawrence, 345 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown, Ohio ...... ... 79, 80 Hackman, Richard, 457 Allwen Drive, Apt. 7, Dayton 6, Ohio ..... 14 Hafner, William, 2357 Beverly Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Hageman, Richard, 2028 Koehler Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio .................... ..... 66 Hagerman, Samuel,1017 Pursell Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio 100 Haines, Michael, R. R. I, Philadelphia Drive, Dayton 5, Ohio Hall, Constance L., 1716 Salem Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio . 81 Hall, Thomas, 243 N. Williams St., Dayton, Ohio ..... 15 Hall, Thomas N., 652 Manning Place, Dayton 8, Ohio Hallerman, William E., 30 Grandon Road, Dayton 9, Ohio .53 Hamer, Joseph, 227 Kenwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ...... 67, 83, 84, 95 Hammond, Hubert, 4624 St. James Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Hampton, Lou Anne, 255 Corona Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Hane s, Thomas C., 109 W. South St., Arcanum, Ohio Hankins, Esther C., 447 Kiefaber St., Dayton, Ohio Hanlon, William P., 25 Thompson St., Waterbury, Conn. 26, 87, 102·03 Hannon, James P., 4006 W. Monroe St., Chicago 24, Ill . .................. 79, 84 Hansford, Paul, 108 Edgewood Court, Dayton, Ohio ... . Harding, John !., 4808 Berwyn Rd., College Park, Md . ............................... 66 Harding, Richard F ., 345 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio Harr, George E., 2806 Hoover Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................................... 54
Harrell, Orville N ., 1274 Alwildg Ave., Dayton, Ohio Harrigan, Thomas F., 8923 204th St., Hollis, L. 1;, N . Y. ... 113 Harris, Clyde, 1135 E. Herman Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............................ . .... 53 Harris, Foster E., 701 Forest Grove Ave., Dayton, Ohio .15 Harris, Lorenzo, 1545 Home Ave., Dayton, Ohio ········· ... 15, 74 Harris, Ramon Robert, 1506 Catalpa Dr., Dayton, Ohio Harris, Robert Eugene, R. F. D. 2, New Lebanon, Ohio Harriss, Robert, 417 Harriet St., Dayton, Ohio ........... ........................... 69 Harrison, Betty Jo, 1207 Cornell Dr., Dayton, Ohio .......... 63 ,78, 80, 83, 84 Hart, James P., 1327 Gordon St., Toledo 9, Ohio Hart, John P., R. F. D. 10, Dayton 9, Ohio Harter, John J., 3709 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio Hartman, Ronald R., 202 McDaniel St., Dayton, Ohio Hartnett, Judy A., 405 Red Haw Rd., Dayton 5, Ohio ... ········54 Hauer, Margaret L., 816 Ferguson Ave., Dayton, Ohio Haudrich, Paul Leon, 911 Ferkel St., Columbia, Ill. ····- - - -- - ······ 68 Hauer, Edward P., 2124 Maple Grove Ave ., Dayton, Ohio ...... 55, 102•03 Hauer, Mary Frances, 816 F ,rguson Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio ...... 66, 102·03 Hauer, Marilyn A., 1317 Tennyson Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio .. 15, 59, 84, 163 Hayden, Kenneth I., 110 Haller Rd., Dayton, Ohio .............................. ....... 63 Hazen, Richard R., 5025 Sutton Ave ., Dayton, Ohio Hebbeler, Donald B., 2522 Ridgecliff Ave., Cincinnati 3, Ohio ...............59 Heberle, Gerald C., 424 Neal Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ _ ____ ........65 Heberle, Walter J., 424 Neal Ave., Dayton, Ohio Heck, Robert F., R. F. D. 7, Box 266, Dayton, Ohio. ...... 95, 96, 100 Hecker, James, 1655 Smithville Rd., Dayton 10, Ohio _ _ _ _ ..... 65 Hecker, Richard 0., 1611 Nelson Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio _ _ __ _ _ 62 Hee, Howard YouKai, 1504 Pawals Lane, Honolulu, T. H. _ _ __ _ 66 Heflin, John H., 37 Mead St., Dayton, Ohio ............ . ............... 62, 77 Reigel, Robert D., 3610 E. Second St., Dayton, Ohio .......... . . .... 54 Heimann, Claire C. , 1129 Windsor Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............. 105 Hein, Ted F., 2435 Oakland, Dayton, Ohio Heinz, Irma C., 909 Grand Ave., Dayton, Ohio . ................... ....... 15 Heisterman, Robert L., R. F. D. 3, Brookville, Ohio ........ ....................... 63 Helke, Robert C., 130 Ccmmunity Dr., Dayton, Ohio Heller, William P., 422 Richard St., Dayton, Ohio Helmkamp, Donald G., 629 E. Fourth St., Delphos, Ohio .......................... 67 Helmkamp, Elmer J., 427 N. Jefferson St., Delphos, Ohio · -- - -- ··· 15 Helmlinger, Louis R., 743 Chestnut St., Sidney, Ohio .... _ _ _ _ _ 55, 153 Hemmert, Wanda Joan, 216 S. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio _ __ _ 66, 105 Henige, Mary K., 332 N. Fifth St., Upper Sandusky, Ohio ......... 69, 83, 86 Hennessy, Michael F., 21 Locust St., Floral Park, N . Y. ...................... 15 Hennessy, Paul R., 115 N. Gettysburg, Dayton, Ohio ......... _ _ _ _ _ _ l5 Herlihy, William J., 101 Lake St., Arlington, Mass. _ _ _ _ __ _ 26, 96 Herman, Alfonso D., Herman Farm, Waynesfield, Ohio _ _ __ _ _ 84 Herman, John L., Herman Farm, Waynesfield, Ohio .............................. 59, 95 Hermetz, Mathew C., 505 Elmhurst Rd ., Dayton 7, Ohio ................... ....... 15 Hermiller, Hobert J., 628 E. Fourth St., Ottawa, Ohio ......... 15 Herrmann, Samuel S., 1576 W . High St., Lima, Ohio Herring, Rosella, 425 W . 2nd St., Dayton, Ohio ...... .... 15 Herzog, Richard, 434 Grand Av-enue, Dayton S, Ohio Hess, Mary Ann, Ill Indiana Avenue, Dayton 10, 0 . ... 15, 3U, 72, 83, 84, 102·03, 104, 170 Hester, Glenn D., 322 Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio Hewitt, Richard, R. R. 7, East Whipp Road, Dayton, Ohio ...... .. 66, 95 Hickey, Gene, 2434 Broadway, Toledo, 9, Ohio...... ............... 59, 139 Hickey, Patrick, Box 224, Gassaway, West Virginia ......... 15, 75, 87 Hickey, Richard, 5525 Salem Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio ..... ······ · --············ l5 Hickey, Robert H., 5525 Salem Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Hicks, Willa, 2020 Home Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio .............. . ················55 Hieber, Dolores, 331 College Park, Dayton 9, Ohio Hieber, Mary, 331 College Park Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio . .... 15 Hierholzer, Martha, 119 So. Elm St. Celina, Ohio ......... · · · · - -·········· .... 86 High, Richard, 2731 W. Third St., Dayton 7, Ohio Hightower, John, 305 E. Washington Ave. Effingham, Ill ....................... 102•03 Hilbert, William, 118U Gonder St. Springfield 7, Ohio ........................ 82 Hilgefor'l, Charmaine, 52 Mann Avenue, Fairborn, Ohio .. . 54, 79, 80, 169 Hilsabeck, William, 39 Shopping Court, Dayton, Ohio Hilton, Robert, 247 W . Bataan Drive, Dayton 10, 0 .. . 15, 72, 96, 102·03, 10 4 Hinshaw, Fred, R. R. 3, Xenia, Ohio ..... 15 Hites, Mable, 438 E. Linde n, Miamisburg, Ohio. .... 69 Ho, Donald, 2316 Makanani Dr., Honolulu, T. H. ... 26 Ho, Earl, 1228 17th Ave. Honolulu, T. H. ....·······............ 59 Hobbs, Reid, 2332 Rugby Road, Dayton 6, Ohio. Hoberg, Charles, R. R. 3, Box 670 Portsmouth, 0. Hoberg, Paul, R. R. 3, Box 670, Portsmouth, Ohio Hockwalt, John, 1235 Mt. Vernon Ave nue, Dayton, 0 . .......................... ··26 69 Hockwalt, Norman, 1620 Catalpa Dr. Dayton 6, Ohio ........... Hoebich, Edwin F., 174 14th St. Sea Cliff, L. I. N. Y. Hoefler, Giles, 2101 Riverside Drive, Dayton 5, Ohio 53, 78, 83, 84, 104, IO! Hoelderle, Joanne, 240 E. Merrin, Payne, Ohio ...................................... 54, JO Hoene, David, R. R. 3, Effingham, Ill ......................... ....................... 68, !02·03 Hoff, Robert B., 2037 Grand Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Hofferbert, Mary, 3225 Ridge Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio ...
. 84, 89
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STUDENT DIRECTORY Hoffman, James, 102 Lawnv iew Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Hoffman, Rob ert, 773 N . W. 35th St. Miami 37, Fla . ............................ ... 92, 96 Hogan, George, R. R. 8, Box 476, Dayton 3, Ohio ............ .................... 15 Hoga n, Robert A., 1386 E. S2 St. Cleveland, 6, Ohio Hoge , Bernard, 1001 Howard St., Bridgeport, Ohio .................. 15, 133, 157 Hohler, Nancy, 1328 Central Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio ... 31, 53, 78, 83, 90 Hoke, Ronald, 259 Alton Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio . 56 Holcomb, Pa tricia, 20 Bragg Place, Dayton 8, Ohio ···············----- 65 Holland, Ph ,lli;,, 115 Gmymont Ave. Birmingham, Ala . . ... 65 Hollen, Rob ert, 114 Lawnview Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio Holsa pple, Donald, 30J Rockwoo d Ave nue, Dayton 5, Oh' o Holsinger, Ed:th, 1508 Broa dway, Piqua, Oh:o Holt evert, Charles C. Jr., 124 Hecshey St. Dayton 5, Ohio Holycross, Robert B., 219 Medford, Dayton 9, Ohio ............................ .......... 159 Hoo.,, James H., 2610 Philadelp h ia Drive, Dayton 5, 0. _ __ _____ 15 Hooper, Sanford P., 801 E. 16th St. Little Ro ck, Ark. HopKins, Guy A., 1827 Central Avenue, Anderson, Ind. Horst, William R. , R.R. I, E.oring Valley, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ ......... 15 Horstman, Be tty Ann, 1414 Cory Drive, Dayton 6, Ohio Horton, James, Ill Jacks on St. Dayton 2, Ohio Horvath, James, 3808 W. 157th St. Cleveland 11, Ohio .......... 109, 110, 111 Horvath, Roy T., 805 Ma nhattan Ave., Dayton, Ohio Hough, James L., R. F. D. 2, Le banon, Ohio .................................. . ...... 55, 139 Hovey, Richard K., 2856 Norton Ave., Dayton, Ohio Hovey, William John, 2856 Norton Ave., Dayton, Ohio ·········· 55, 113 Howard, Edward, 11 52 Haynes St., Dayton, Ohio. - - - - - · · · · · · ··68 Howard, Moyer E. 238 Troy St., Dayton, Ohio Howley, Marg uerit e Ann, S6 Fernwood Ave ., Dayton, Ohio 57, 81, 91, 110, Ill , 154 Hoying, Eugene John, R. F. D. 2, Anna, Ohio ........... .. ............................ 56, 77 Hsiung, Yuh-hwa, 2 Chung On Terrace, King's Rd., Hong Kong ............... 68 Hubbard, Charles W., 1344 Grand Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio .............................. 26 Hucke, Charlene, 2904 Kenmore Ave., Dayton, Ohio .... 66, 74, 91, 154 Huelsman, Lou.s C., Carthagena, Ohio _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 15 Huey, Byron C., 86 Cham;,,on Rd., Fairborn, Ohio Hullman, Dwight Gerald, R. F . D. I , New Lebanon, Ohio ................ .. 69, 72 Hughes, Clyde, 1117 Demphle Ave., Dayton, Ohio . _ __ _ _ 56 Hughes, Frank A., IOI p.39 St., Vandalia, Ohio Hughes, Gerald Richard 121 Budlong St., Adrain, Michigan Hughes, Philip Ernest, 121 Budlong St., Adrain, Michigan .................. ... 83 Hunt, Julius Michael, 805 N. Metcalf St., Lima, Ohio .......... _ _ __ _ _ 16 Hussey, William Joseph, 719 Belmont Park North, Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ l6 Hussong, Frederick Edward, 1316 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio .. ................ 68 Hussman, Lawrence Eugene, 1956 Rugby Rd., Dayton, Ohio . .............. 66 Hustmyer, Frank E., 1428 Alberta S t. , Dayton, Ohio -----········ 16, 92 Huston, Robert Bailey, 3330 Lenox Dr., Dayton, Ohio ...... _ __ __ _ _ 57 Huth, James Alan, 225 E. High St., Fostoria, Ohio Huth, William Edward, 2006 Far H,lls Ave., Dayton, Ohio .... 53, 105, 108 Hutzelman, Harry V., 2036 Pershing Blvd., Dayton 10, Ohio Hyde, Thomas Leroy, 805 Charles, Middletown, Ohio
I Iannuzzi William P., 517 Westchester Ave ., Mount Vernon, N. Y . .... 55, 170 Illes, Louis Joseph, 2009 Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio .................. 66, 67, 95 Imber, Carroll D., 129 E. Fourth St., Delphos, Ohio ..................... _____ J6 Imber, Darrell E., 129 E. Fourth St., Delphos, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... 16 Ingersoll, Ethel Puckett, Box 322, Centerville, Ohio Inle, Nancy Jeanne, 820 Cornell Dr., Dayton, Ohio .......... 65, 79, 80, 84, 91 Ireland, Frank T., 1639 Tuttle Ave., Dayton , Ohio Irizarry, Armando Louis, 100 Comercio St., Ponce Urban, R. R.__ ____ 53 Irizarry, Natalia, Box 206, Cabo Rajo, Puerto Rico Isensci<e r, Mary Ann, 2307 Rustic Rd., Dayton, Ohio . ............ 78, 80, 83, 169 Ivie, George W., 109 Knecht Dr., Dayton, Ohio ............ _ _ __ ____ 26
J Jablins k i, Eugene A., 2163 B:ckmore Ave., Dayton 4, Ohio ..................... 16, 84 Jackson, Essie Mae, 958 Gard Ave., Dayton, Ohio ........................................... 105 Jacobs, Clarence James, 125 McReynolds St., Dayton 3, Ohio ........... 68 James, Wue rthner V., 532 Blanche St., Dayton, Ohio Janney, James H., 57 E. Dixon Ave ., Dayton 9, Ohio ... _ _ _ _ _ 53 Janning, Edward, 3400 W . 130 St., Cleveland I, Ohio. ... 16, 88 Janning, Robert J., 935 Belvoir Ave., Dayton, Ohio . . ......... ... 60 Janning, Thomas Bernard, 1121 Old Orchard Ave., Dayton, Ohio 68, 95 Janetta, Ralph J., 39 State St., Norwalk, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 56, 115 Jauch, Edward F., 1107 Amherst Pl., Dayton 6, Ohio .................. 56, 112, 115, Jauch, Mary Elizabeth, 1107 Amherst Pl., Dayton 6, Ohio ....... 69, 81, 83, 84 Jeffords, Charles F., 1534 Sixth St., Portsmouth, Ohio. - - -- -··········66 Jellison, Patricia J., West Alexandria, Ohio Jenks, Peter G ., 345 Volusia Ave., Dayton, 9, Ohio ········-- - - - ..... 61 Jennings, Betty Jean, 1207 Cornell Drive, Dayton, Ohio _ __ _ _ ........ 84 Jensen, Finn H., 216 N. Downing St., Piqua, Ohio
Jindra, Leonard, 4319 Behwald Ave ., Cleveland 9, Ohio Jira, Elmer, 3854 Washington Pk. Blvd ., Cleveland 5, Ohio ....· - - - ·· 68 Jira, Lee, 8219 Deerfield, Parma 29, Ohio ........................................................... 90 Joefreda, Mary, 161 I Burroughs Dr., Dayton, Ohio ............................... 60, 84 Joedreda, Matthew, 1611 Burroughs Drive, Dayton, Ohio John, G eorge, 10912 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Johnson, Allred, 1914 Richley St., Dayton 8, Ohio Johnson, Barbara, R. R. II, Box 227, Day ton, Ohio .. 69, 81 Johnson,, Elaine Ward, 154 W. Hudson Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Johnson, Helen R., 67 E. Helena St., Dayton 5, Ohio . ...................... ........... 56 Johnson, James C., R. R. I, Waynesville, Ohio ..... 89 Johnson, Margaret E., 620 Shroyer Road, Day ton 9, Ohio . ................ 16 Johnson , Martha E., 2710 Hamilton Ave., Columbus, Oh,o Johnson, Omer T., 28 Lorenz Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Johnson, Russell L., 348 So. Montgomery, Dayton, Ohio ...................... .... 124 Johnson, Thalia W., 163 W. Hudson Avenue, Dayton, Ohio .. 34, 74, 109, 155 Johnson, David M. 609 McLain St., Dayton Johnston, Lynn.,225 Prospect Avenue Jones, Dale S., R. R. 2, Brookville, Ohio . ..... 62, 91, Jones, James, 20 Hawthorne St., Dayton 7, Ohio Jones, Luanne Marie, 712 Oakwood Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ........ ..67 _ _ _ __ 62, 77 Jones, Wallace, 44 Carrlands Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio Jordan, Silas Jr., 143 Wisteria Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio Joseph, Eugene, 505 Center St., Martins Feny, 0 . · · · · · - - - -- 139, 153 Judd, John W., 230 East Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio .............. 16, 92 Jurena, Frank C., 343 Barclay St., Newark, Ohio 53, 153
K Kadleg, Richard, 107 So. State, Painesville, 0. - - - - -- - - ············68 Kaeppel, Jean, 304 Wyoming St. Dayton 10, Ohio ....... ·-----···············74 Kahle, Donald, 122 ½ N. Oak St. Ottawa, Ohio _ _ __ _ ....... 16 Kaiser, Ada, Box 48, Phoneton, Ohio ................................................................... 81 Kaiser, Edward, Box 48, Phoneton, Ohio Kalman, George, 214 Sunset Avenue, Dayton 2, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 16 ....... 61, 112 Kamm, Irmin, 346 Shroyer Road, Dayton 9, Ohio Ka-ne, Leroy, 1116 N. School St. Honolulu, T. H . ................ 124, 129, 133, 136 Kanzler, William, 13 '·A" St. Fairborn, Ohio 60 Kapp, Phillip, 710 Troy St. Dayton 4, Ohio ..................... 60 Karpiak, Michael, R. R. I, Lewisburg, Ohio .. Karns, Dorothy, 1900 Coolidge Drive, Dayton, Ohio 66, 74, 83 Kastle, Patricia, R . R, I, Spring Valley, Ohio .. 16 Katsikactamas, Nicholas, 514 W. 4th St. Dayton 2, Ohio 60 Kauth, Charles, 51 Vermont Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio Kauth, Eugene, 51 Vermont Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio 16 Kavanaugh, Mike, 711 No. 4th St. Toronto, Ohio Kavanagh, Viola A., Sp, Charleston, Ohio ........ 16, 74, 89 Kawsky, Arnald, 408 W. Norman Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ....... .. 26, 90 Keck, Lawrence D. R. R. 3, Box 664, Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ~ 60 Keck, Victor, 2242 Ontario Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ...... 16 Keegan, Albert, 109 E. Fairview, Dayton 6, Ohio ... 72, 79, 80, 78, Kehl, William, 115 W. 11th St. Connersville, Ind. 110, Ill, 152 Keil, James, 636 So. Byene Rd., Toledo 9, Ohio Keith, Roger, 7201 W . Summerdale, Chicago 31, Ill. _ __ _ _ _ _ .... 68 _ _ _ _ 57, 77 Keble, David, 3027 E. Fourth St., Dayton 3, Ohio ...... . Keible, Jerome M., 3027 E. Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio .... - - - -·········16 Kelbley, Thomas Walter, Box 128, Bascom, Ohio _ _ __ 16, 74, 102,-03 ........ 16 Keller, Helena G., 28 Ashwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....... . Kelley, John Edward, 67·50 J 192 St., Flushing, N. Y, ···-- - ··········82 Kelly, Pauline L., 38 Marie Ave., Dayton, Ohio - - - - -- -·········80 Kelly, Inez Jean, 320 Elm Ave., Clearfield, Pa . ........................... . ···········86 Kelly, Jerome hichard, 524 S. Main Ave., Sidney, Ohio ........ 83 Kelly, John E. , 524 S. Main Ave., Sidney, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ ....... 16, 79 Kelly, John Thomas, 40 Plumwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio Kelly, Mildred, Pennington Gap., Virginia Kelly, Paul M., 524 S. Main St., Sidney, Ohio Kelly, Norbert B., 524 S. Main St., Sidney, Ohio .. ............... ···- - ··········· 16, 8 7 Kelsesky, Walter Karol, 37 Orchard Dr., Pitts burgh 15, Pa. ························68 Kelso, Harold G., 905 Bellaire Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ...................... 16, 77, 95 Kenady, Bruce I., 7350 N. Dixie Dr. , Dayton 5, Ohio Kendall, James Joseph, 616 25th Et., n. w., Canton 9, Ohio ..................54, 95 Kennady, James E., 1309 Cedar St., Owensboro, Kentucky ............................ ! 6 Kennedy, Raymond Francis, 62 N. Buena Vis ta St., Newark, Ohio ............ . Kennedy, Robert Thomas, 53 N. Quentin Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............. 54, 76 Kenney, Thomas B., 92 Notre Dame Ave., Dayton, Ohio ··················· 26 Kenning, Ronald R., 2835 Aberdeen, Latonia, Kentucky ... 67 Kent, Melville B., 54 W. Maplewood Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...... .. 16, 74, 87 Kepler, Rob ert J., 542 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio . Keplinger, Harold W., 346 Fountain Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio 7 Kern, Martha A., 1025 Philadelphia Dr., Dayton, Ohio ··································· \ 8 Kester, Jack E., 317 Oak St., Dayton, Ohio ................................................. 5 s, 1 Kessler, Clarence W., 660 E. King St., Lancaster, Ohio ................ ! 7, 11 2 , 17 Kidder, Isaac H., 1800 Eureka Dr., Dayton, Ohio
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STUDENT DIRE'CTORY ........... 152 Kiely, John M. , 23 Westeria Ave., Minsota, L. I., N. Y. Kiener, Jerome F., 704 E. Wheeling St., Lancaster, Ohio Kiernan, James J., 27 Floral Parkway, Floral Park, N. Y. Kilbane, Francis Joseph, 2183 W. 63 St., Cleveland 5, Ohio ......... .. 17, 133 Kilbane, James Patrick, 16405 Sedalia Ave., Cleveland 11, 0, King, Carl D., R. F. D. 3, Xenia, Ohio _ __ _ _ __ _ .. ................. 89 Kinkade, Patrick Jerome, 936 Blue Ave., Zanesville, Ohio . Kinser, William C., 1086 Phillips Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ __ _ __ .............95 Kinzeler, Clarence William, 1924 Emerald Court, Dayton 3, Ohio ............. 26 Kirbabas, Perry, 218 Richmond Ave., Dayton, 6, Ohio Kirby, Robert R., 339 S. Filth St., Miamisburg, Ohio ... I 7 Kirsch, Kevin B., 835 Woodbury Rd., Altodena, Calif. ..... . Kirkpatrick, Robert M., 2610 Smithville Rd., Dayton, Ohio Kissell, William F., 373 Kenwood Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio Kittredge, John B., 2737 Hillview Ave., Dayton, Ohio Klamo, Anthony E., 1500 Taylor Ave., Middletown Ohio .................... 55, 170 Klaus, Francis J., 520 Girard Ave., Marion, Ohio ···········- -- - -- - ·· 61 Klein, William, 129 Gull Rd., Elyria, Ohio . 60, 79, 110 Kleinstuber, John F., 810 Islington St., Silver Spring Md . . Kling, Jack Charles, 1409 Ohmer Ave. , Dayton 10, Ohio ..... ! 7 Klosterman, Walter E. , 1021 Haynes St., Dayton 10, Ohio. Klotz, Robert J., 2711 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio . 60 Knuth, Rae Lou, 4030 N. Dixie Dr., Dayton, Ohio ..................... . ....... 56, 81, 91, 154 Koehler, C. Joanne, 1516 N. Main S., Dayton, Ohio Koehler, Charles Thomas, 1516 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio _ __ __ .69,95 Koehler, John E., 600 Crestmore Ave., Dayton, Ohio Koehler, Jose ph R., 1516 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio ....................... 62, 95, 100 Koehler, William J., 2301 Revere Ave., Dayton, Ohio .... ....................... 65, 109 ... 95 Koehnen, Edward, R. R. I, Springs Valley, Ohio ... ................... Koehnen, John, 1364 Philadelphia Dr., Dayton 6, Ohio . .. 17, 87 Koenig, Donald, 1139 Hiahland Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ..... ...... 61, 79, 80, 83, Koerner, Ernest, 47 Windermere Dr., Willoughby, Ohio 165, 169 Koesters, Hubert, 418 Stonemill Rd. , Dayton 9, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ ...... 56, 115 Koester, Raymond, 2146 Mapleview Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Kokkinou, Ep ihanie, YMCA, Dayton 2, Ohio Kolb, John, 1514 Oakridge Drive, Dayton 7, Ohio ........................... .......... 60, 95 _ _ _ _ __ 100 Kolleda, Glenn, 1480 Keowee St., Dayton 4, Ohio. Koller, Oswald E., 2118 Fauver Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ l7, 75 Konczal, Raymond, 1109 Hamilton St., Toledo, 7, Ohio Koogler, Gerald, 932 Berkshire Road, Dayton 9, Ohio .. 17 Koogler, Robert Jr., 11 Marson Drive, Dayton 5, Ohio ...... . .63 Koontz, Charles, 409 W . Columbia St., Union City, Ind. Kopp, William D:, 4 Edgewood Court, Dayton 7, Ohio 17 Kopp, Martin Jr., R R. I, Norwood, Mo. - - - - · ··· 67 Kopp, Rita, 350 East Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio ··--- -- - - Koprowski, Edwin, 6809 Scher! Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio Koren, Raymond, 15711 Saranac Rd., Cleveland 10, Ohio Kotlarek, Lawrence, .'3735 W. Austin St., Milwaukee, Wisc. _ __ _ _ 60 Koverman, John R., R. R. I, Yorkshire, Ohio _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ............... 65 Koverman, John V., 1728 Brown St., Dayton, 9, Ohio ...... Kratka, Rudolp h, 1237 Carlisle Avenue, Dayton 0 . Kralmiller, Stephen E., 220-14 Hempstead, Queens Village . N. Y, ..... 61, 113 ...... 66 Kraft, Robert, 3110 Glen Rock Rd., Dayton, Ohio____ _ Kramer, Anthony, 229 Volusia Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio _ _ _ ____ .. 124 _ __ _ 61 Kramer, George Jr., 135 Lookout Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Krebs, Frederick G., 23 Woodland Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ... 17, 112, 115 Kreidler, Jacob, 1322 Central Ave., Sandusky, Ohio ............................. .. ... 54 Kreider, Junietta R., 256 Illinois Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio . 26 Krein, Frank P., 634 Pritz Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .......... . Kreitzer, Robert, 2427 Auburn A v enue, Dayton 6, Ohio Kress, Richard, 8028 Dresden, Parma 29, Ohio Kretzler, Carl, 1506 Shawano Place, Dayton 7, Ohio .. ......................... 56, 115 Krimm, Fred J. Jr., 2009 S. Malvern, Dayton 6, Ohio Kro e mer, Richard, 229 Caldwell St., Dayton 9, Ohio ...... 68 Kroger, Jack A ., 2728 Keehler Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Kronenberger, Earl, 1022 Pritz Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .................... 17, 159 67 Kraeger, Louis Jr., 5853 N. Main St., Dayton 6, Ohio .. 17 Krumbholz, Shirley, 2224 Benson, Dr., Dayton 6, Ohio 17 Krumpe, Frederick, 1950 Demphle Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio. Kuan, Pin Lin, 7 Evanston Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ... 57, 77 Kuchrski, Leonard, 3194 E. 66th St., Cleveland, 4, Ohio............... Kuhbander, Charles, 241 E. Stropµ Road, Dayton, Ohio ........... 60, 72, 102·03 ..74, 82, 83 Kulinski, Clarence, 2707 Van Buren Avenue, Erie 5, Pa. Kundmueller, Arthur C. , 3706 Rocky River Dr., Cleveland, Ohio Kunka, Margaret M., 630 Wellmeier Avenue, Dayton, Ohio .. 55, 74, 84, 108 Kuntz, David L., 202 Sylvan Road, Dayton 9, Ohio _ _ _ _
. .... 65
Kuntz, Edward James, 202 Sylvan Road, Dayton 9, Ohio ... 60 Kuntz, Walter F., 1222 Troy St., Dayton, Ohio ..... Kuntz, William, 1013 Haynes St., Dayton 10, Ohio _ _ __ __ _ 60, 83 Kurdziel, Stanislaus, 3810 Schiller Ave., Cleveland 9, Ohio ............. 17, 132 Kurliss, Neal T., 531 E. Market St., Germantown, Ohio _ _ _ __ 55, 113 Kwiatkowski, Joseph, 220 N. Hawley, Toledo 7, Ohio
L Lacey, Walter D., 2227 E. High St., Springfield 13, Ohio ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ 17 .. ........ 65 Lachey, Kenneth 1., South Main, Fort Loramie, Ohio ................... .... 17 Lachey, Marcellus H., South Mc,in, Fort Loramie, Obio Lackey, Samuel F., 825 Keowee St., Dayton, Ohio Lafayette, Mary Louise, 218 Hopeland St., Dayton, Ohio .............................. 86 Lafayette, Rolland, 21 Butler St., Waterbury, Vermont ..... _ __ __ 60, 74 Laflin, Robert G., 116 S. 10th St., Coshocton, Ohio _ _ ___ 95 Lagedrost, Stanley W., 306 Orchard Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio Lake, Lynn J., 305 Marietta Pl., Dayton, Ohio Lalor, Richard P., 1".58 Edwards Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio ....................... 60 Lambert, Thomas R., 49 Richmond Ave., Dayton, Ohio Lander, Richard C., 207 Second Ave ., Wayland, N . Y. _ __ _ .......... 17 ............... 17 Lange, Donald H., 3146 Elliott Ave., Dayton, Ohio Langman, Buelah Lee, 233 Wroe Ave ., Dayton 6, Ohio .................................. 17 Lapp, James Frederick, 911 Five Oaks Ave., Dayton, Ohio Lare, Lawrence, 420 Stonemill Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio Latham, Haldron G., 244 Valley St., Dayton 4, Ohio ............................. 17, 87 Lau, Donald Y . M., 1244 Ekaha Ave., Honolulu 55 T. H ........................... 26 .... 62 Lauber, James N ., 314 Fulton St., Sandusky, Ohio ......................... _ __ _ __ 17, 113 Lauer, Thomas B., 117 Hall Ave., Dayton, Ohio Lauvray, Robert E., 1325 Chestnut St., Coshocton, Ohio LeBoeuf, Charles E., 414 Acameda Pl., Dayton, Ohio _ _ __ _ __ _ 61 Lechner,Thomas P., 1601 Shaftesbury Rd., Dayton, Ohio ........... 17, 112, 115 _ _ _ __ __ 54 Lee, Paul M., Jr., 917 Ferguson Ave., Dayton, Ohio Lee, Richard Robert, 713 Eighth St., Alamoga, Colorado 102·03 Leese, Charles, 514 Lowes St., Dayton, Ohio . Leese, Donald A ., 514 Lowes St., Dayton, Ohio Lehmann, James J., 731 St. Nicholas Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ....................... 57 Lehner, Robert H., 1404 E. 221 St., Euclid 17, Ohio .............................. 55, 151 ... 69, 82 Leic'.er, William John, R. P. D. 2 Roanuke, Roanoke, Ind., _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 84 Leist, Gloria G., Shell, Wyoming Leist, James B., Shell Wyoming ...... .............................................. .............. 18, 84 Leist, Thomas R., 457 Allwen Dr., Apt 8, Dayton, Ohio .... _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 Lemming, James J., 1830 Richard St., Dayton, Ohio ........... _ _ _ _ _ _ J37 .. ....... 68 Leonard, Luke Joseph, 2317 Grandview, Cincinnati, Ohio . Leonard, Paul R., 240 Aberdeen Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..... _ __ _ _ ........... 26 Leong, George W., 2921 Winam Ave., Honolulu, T. H . ..... _ _ _ __ _ 69 ........... 26 Lerke, Roland L., 159 Baltimore St., Dayton, Ohio ... 18, 56, 77 Leschansky, Edward, 1626 Weston Ave., Dayton, 0. ........ Lettelleir, Thomas J., 342 E. Franklin St., Shelbyville, Ind Lewis, Augustus, 3307 Wayne Ave ., Dayton, Ohio ........................................ . 18 Le wis, Frank, 2702 McCall St., Dayton 7, Ohio Lewis, Ernest M., 1238 Germantown St., Dayton 8, Ohio Lewis, Frederic, 437 Talbett Dr., Dayton, Ohio Lewis, Grace Eleanor, 127 Avon Way, Dayton 9, Ohio .............. 18 Lewis, Robert M., 510 Kenilworth Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio Lichman, Sr. M. Bernadette, St. Michael's Convent, Reading, Pa. Lienesch, Mary Lou, 2941 Atherte Rd., Dayton, Ohio ................................... 18 Lieser, John Charles, 1310 Damphle Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ............... 18, 75 Like, Leopold W ., New Bavaria, Ohio ......................................... ....... 57, 102-03 Lindemann, Thomas William, 904 Hackett St., Beloit, Wisconsin ............ 67 Linden, Robert Gerard, 40 Jackson Ave., Rockville Center, N. Y . ..... 18, 77 Lingg, Donald J., 37 Haynes St., Dayton, Ohio Link, Charles Milton, 7 Bouscay Ave., Norwalk, Ohio Link, Sr. M. Jean, SPSF, 49 Hopeland St., Dayton 8, Ohio Link, Sr. M. Louise Agnes, SPSG, 49 Hopeland St., Dayton 8, Ohio Lisko, Robert 318 - 1st St. , Donora, Penn. Litten, Harold, 368 Harriet St., Dayton, Ohio ....................... 18, 88 Liu, David, P. 0. Box 3625, Honolulu, T. H. ......... 18, 76 Locke, John, 65 Jellerson St. , Uniontown, Pa. ......... 67 Locke, Thomas J., 65 Jellerson St., Uniontown, Pa . .................. .. Lodge, Myron, 532 W. Fairview, Dayton, Ohio ... 55, 170 Loe, William P., 125 Catherine St., Springfield 33, Ohio ...... Loeber, Richard, 838 Xemia Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ............... 18, 76, 92 Loelller, Donald, 323 N. Wood St., Fostoria, Ohio ................... ...............55, 74 .......... 18, 77 Logan, Jerome, 137 Ashwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Logan, Samuel, 1027 N. Broadway, Dayton 7, Ohio ............ 63 Lehrer, Johnny T., Owensville, Ohio ............. 26 Lomax, Edith, 95 Benning Place, Dayton 8, Ohio ......... 18 Long, Gerald W., 110 Harrison St., Middletown, Ohio Lonergan, Leo, 179-11 Anderson Rd., St. Albans, N. Y. Long, Michael, 110 Harrison St., Middletown, Ohio Long, Robert, Jr., 1113 W. Third St., Dayton 7, Ohio ........................ 67 Long, William, 1025 Donald Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. . ......... 64, 68, ..... 102, 103, 104 ............ 18 Losh, Armin, R. R. 8, Box 476, Dayton, Ohio ......... .. ......... 60 Lowry, Edward, 2101 San Rae Drive, Dayton, Ohio ..... .......... 61 Lowry, George E., 625 E. Schantz Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ...... Loy, Richard, 219 Warren , Dayton 2, Ohio .......... 88 Luby, Patrick, R. R. 2, Zanesville, Ohio ............................... .. Lucid, David, 1522 E. Second St., Dayton 3, Ohio · · - - -- - .. ............ 18, 77 Lorenz, James, 1050 Broadview Ave., Columbus 12, Ohio .
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More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of. Wherefore, let thy voice Rise like a fountain for me night and day.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
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STUDENT DIRECTORY Lui, Peter, 307•A N. School St., Honolulu, T. H. Lukey, Robert, ll05 Wayne Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .................... 18, 75 Luther, John, 915 Manhattan Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Luthman, Elmer, 1564 Emmons Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .......... 55, 88, 170 Lynott, Martin, 25 Poole St., Pittston, Pa. ................. ........................... 68
M McAdams, Mary E., 1657 Philadelphia Drive, Dayton 6, 0 . .......... 65, 109 McAnespie, Dolores, 361 Kenwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio 18, 37, 83, 84, 105 McAvoy, Rosalie, R. R. 3, Box 350, Dayton 4, Ohio 54, 72, 79, 80, 91, 154, 160 McCaffery, James, 448 E. Angela, So. Bend, Ind. McCall, Thomas F., 492 W. Martin St., E. Palestine, Ohio 156 McCarthy, Edwin, 17705 Sedalia, Cleveland ll, Ohio McClain, Sr. M. Jeanilla., SPSF, 128 Hopeland Ave., Dayton 8, Ohio .... % McClelland, John, 127 W. Main St., Xenia, Ohio McC!une, Wayne, 140 Clinton Avenue, Elyria, Ohio ····-- - - - -·· 67 McClure, George, 174 Holmes Rd., Fairborn, Ohio McC!oskey, Allred, 300 Kenwood Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio McCluskey, Richard, 727 Raymer Blvd., Toledo 5, Ohio ............ 67, 151 McConnehea, Jacquelyn, 427 Triangle Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ......... 84 McCoy, James J., 152·02·85th Drive, Jamaica 2, N. Y. McCurtin, Shirley, 218 Edgar Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio McDaniel, Charles, 1033 Wawona Rd., Dayton 7, Ohio McDonald, Neil, 6½ Orangeville St., Greenville, Pa. .. ........................ 104 McDonald, William, S65 St. John's Pl., Brooklyn 13, N . Y. McDonough, Kenneth, Ringwood Rd., R. R. 7, Oxford, Ohio McFarland. Donald, SOil N. Dixie Dr., Dayton 4, Ohio 87, 104, 105 McGarry, Vincent, 529 Elm Ave., Upper Darby, Pa. McGarry, William, 20 Clark St., Lynbrook, New York McGarvey, Shirley Ann, Box 320·C, R. R. I, Shiloh Soga, Dayton 65, 83, 109 McGee, Floyd P., 4ll Catherine Ave., West Carrollton, Ohio .. . ........... 18 McGonigal, George William, 324 Springbrook Blvd., Dayton 5, Ohio McGovern, Frederick J., 38 W. Bataan Dr., Dayton, Ohio McGrath, Richard Joseph, Box 194, Dalton, Pa. ........................... 56, ll5 McGraw, James Earl, 1210 Webb Rd., Lakewood 7, Ohio........ ....... 83 McGree, Thomas Joseph, 231 Lincoln Pi., Urbana, Ohio ......... . 18 McIntosh, Janet Lois, 637 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio . 63 McKinniss, Owen J., Box 331, Oak Hill, Ohio ................................ ... . 60 McMahon, Walter Louis, 2225 King Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...... 18, 72, 84, 95, 96 , 109 McMullen, L. Celeste, 52 Chamber! St., Dayton, Ohio .... ... . ... 19, 72, 74, 78, 80, 91, 154 McNeil, Shirley Ann, 103 Horace Ave., Dayton, Ohio 26, 74, 102, 103, 108 McQuaid, John Patrick, 844 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio McShane, Martha Ann, 9 Mayo Rd., Dayton, Ohio 66, 74, 78, 80, 84, 105 McWilliams, Paul C., 610 W . Stroo9 Rd., Dayton, Ohio Mabra, Donald, 36 W. Clark St., Springfield, Ohio MacCallum, Sandra Kay, 36 Shaw Ave., Dayton, Ohio 66, 83 MacMillan, Virginia L., 221 Geneva Rd., Dayton, 0. 18, 79, 80, 91, 108, 169 Magat, Edmund, 215 E. Gun Hill Rd., New York 67, N. Y . ..................... 152 Magill, William, 125 S. Perry St., Dayton, Ohio Mahle, John L., 819 Convers Ave., Zanesville, Ohio . ........... 54 Mahlmeister, Suzanne H., 345 Dellwood Ave. , Dayton, Ohio Maiersperger, Evelyn L., IOI Siebenthaler Ave., Dayton, Ohio Malloy, Joseph J., 3244 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa .................... 60, 124 Malloy, Paul J., 1562 Marlowa Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio 61, 78, 80, 112, 169 Malloy, Vincent C., 2038 White Pond Dr., Akron 13, Ohio Malone, John F., 1920 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio ......................................... 19 Maloney, Edward P., 428 W. Fairview Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................... 131 Mandel, Cornelius E., 230·15 139th Ave., Laurelton 10, N. Y . ............. .. 170 Manker, William M., 736 Xenia Ave., Dayton, Ohio ···············---- 19 Manny, Edward P., 828 St. Agnes Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..... ........................ 60 Marcenaro, Oscar S., Cura Munecos 160 S . Lridro, Lima, Peru .............. 68 Marcum, Douglas L., 63 W. Bruce Ave., Dayton, Ohio. .......... 63 Marin, Anibal M. , 783 B. Castro St., Hato Rey, P. R . ................... 60, 75, 83 Mark, James J., 414 Huron Ave., Dayton, Ohio ... .............................. 19, 90 Markey, Paul R., R. F. D. I, New Lebanon, Ohio Maroglou, Kate K., 1719 Harvard Blvd., Dayton 6, Ohio ...... 66, 73, 91 154, 164, 170, 175 Marsden, Omer R., 1010 Wyoming St., Dayton 10, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 Marshall, James Edward, 674 S. Diamond St., Mansfield, 0. .. 67, 90 Marshall, Robert E., 2822 White Oak Dr., Dayton, Ohio Marsico, Francis P., R. F. D. 3, Box 61, Dayton, Ohio ..... 54, 87, 96, 105 Martin, Jack Emil, 5720 Valley View Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio ................. 67 Martin, James E., ll2 Franklin St., Middletown, Ohio Martin, Philip H., 608 College Ave., Fostoria, Ohio ........ 53 Martin, William J., 2321 Rugby Rd., Dayton, Ohio ..................................... 61 Marvin, James G., 404 Wiltshire Blvd., Dayton, Ohio ............ 54 Mason, Leon B., 1426 Germantown St., Dayton, Ohio _ __ _ 19 Mauch, Eugene E., 915 Patterson Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio ........ 53, 104 Maurer, Donald J., 220 Haynes St., Dayton, Ohio Maurer, Thomas W., 1817 Lakewood Ave., Lima, Ohio ......................... 63
Maxwell, Christian D., 907 W . Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio ..............................67 May, William F., 816 E. Central Ave., Miamisburg, Ohio .... ......... 18, 87 Mayer, Richard E., 16606 Ferrdale Ave., Cleveland, Ohio ...... 8, 19, 72 73, 78, 80 Mayer, Richard T., 3015 Colridge Rd., Cleveland Hgts, Ohio ............... 19 Mayer, Robert Charles, 3015 Colridge Rd., Cleveland Hgts, Ohio ........... 67 May!, William C., ll24 Seneca Dr., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ··· l9 Meachan, Armand S., 124 Gold St., Dayton, Ohio Medina, Eugenion F., Hidalgo 704 Pie, Monterrey, Max .......... . ········ 61 Mehary, John W., 266 Raymond St., Rockville Centre, N. Y. Meier, Herbert, 504 E. Anthony St., Celina, Ohio..... .. 19, 104 Meineke, Donald, 248 So. Torrence St., Dayton, Ohio ... 139, 140, 150, 157 Mellas, Sam, 921 Manhattan Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio ...................... ··- - . 19 Melvin, Francis, 220 Clinton St., Hempstead, N. Y ............ 57, 95, 102, 103 Merchant, William, 1728 Brown St., Dayton, Ohio or 501, N. Prospect St., Marion, Ohio Meredith, Glen, 200 Alliance Pl., Dayton 4, Ohio Merrinane, Eileen, 1013 Third St., Ft. Wayne, Ind . .................... 19, 102, 103 Mershad, Edmund, 638 Brown St., Dayton 2, Ohio ........... _ _ _ ___ .. 95 Mershad, Emil, 638 Brown St., Dayton 2, Ohio ...... - - - -- - - . 69 Mescher, Carl, 3143 Elliott Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ....................... . 82 Mescher, Donald P., 1320 Pursell Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .......... 19, 74 Mettler, Constance E ., 109 Redwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Metzger, James A., 116 Ridge Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ... 68 Meyer, James M., 1028 Pine St., Springfield 50, Ohio ........... 54, 102, 103 Meyer, Thomas, 331 Knecht Drive, Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ ..... 95 Meyers, Richard B., 5174 Harshmanville Rd., Dayton, Ohio Michael, Russell, 126 Earnshaw Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio. .....63 Middleton, Geralyn Ann, 450 Carlisle Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .... ......... 67 Miles, John, 2576 Kemper Rd., Shaker Hts. 20, Ohio _ _ _ __ _ __ 63 Millar, Ronald, 20 Ashwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Millard, Robert, 303 Schenck Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio. ... 19, 87 Millot, Robert, 333 Salem Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54, 87 Miller, Cletus, Fulda R. R. I, Caldwell, Ohio... - ----············83 Miller, Dale, 2319 Eastview Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ............................. 89 Miller, Donald, 1604 Isl Ave., Middletown, Ohio _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 60 Miller, E. Virginia, 240 West Norman Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Miller, Eugene, 233 Volkenand St., Dayton 10, Ohio .. _ _ _ __ _ J58 Miller, Frederick, 44 Fillmore St., Dayton, Ohio ................... 65, 83, 102, 103 Miller, Hugh R., Granville Rd., Newark, Ohio ························· · - -- - 62 Miller, Ralph, 1005 Croyden Drive, Dayton 10, Ohio · -- - - - -····160 Miller, Raymond, 51 Cromwell Pl., Sea Cliff, L. !., N. Y. Miller, Richard Leroy, 305 E. Central, W. Carrollton, Ohio Miller, Thomas A., 217 Penn Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio ..... 61, 113 Minaugh, Eileen, 457 N. West St., Lima, Ohio .... 65, 102, 103 Minic, Mary H., 2710 Hazel Avenue, Dayton, Ohio . Misiezicz, Robert, 1102 Parkside Blvd., Toledo 7, Ohio ····· 54, 87 Mitchell, Eleanor, 70 W. Hudson Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ._ _ _ _ _ 67 Mitchell, George, 142 Gorsvendor St., Dayton 7, Ohio _ _ __ _ __ 19 Mitchell, William A., 234 Edgewood Court, Dayton 7, Ohio Mix, Jack, 4378 Shenandoah Dr., Dayton, Ohio Mocilnikar, Phillip, 17917 E. Park Dr., Cleveland 19, 0 . ........... 60, 83, 137 Moeder, Joseph, R. R. 5, Celina, Ohio ............. _____ ... 53, 104 Monaghan, Mary, 304 Kenwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Monington, George, 2875 Shafor Blvd., Dayton 9, Ohio _ _ _ __ _ 19 Monnin, Lloyd, R. R. I, Houston, Ohio. ........................ ........... 19, 74, 89 Monroe, Margaret, 45 Greenhouse Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio _ _ __ _ 26, 83 Montague, Richard, 2032 Shaftsbury Rd., Dayton 6, Ohio ................. 19 Montgomery, Richard, 1800 Roanoke, Louisville 5, Ky . .. _ _ __ _ _ 60 Montgomery, Schuhmann A., 1800 Roanoke, Louisville 5, Ky . ... 19, 79, 80 Morehart, Freda R., 552 N. Eighth St., Upper Sandusky, 0. 69, 83, 86, 183 Morgan, Lawrence W ., 26 Chestnut St., Englewood, Ohio Morgan, Mary Margaret, 935 Wawona Rd., Dayton 7, Ohio Moore, Darrell Robert, 1217 Spinning Road, Dayton 3, Ohio ........ ........... 19 Moore, Gerald, 2802 Horlacher Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio. _ _ _ _ _ ....60 Moore, Jeanne Marie, R. F. D. 8, Box 327, Dayton 3, Ohio ....... .... 56, 105 Moore, Paul E., 2266 Benson Dr., Dayton, Ohio ................... ... 61 Moore, Ralph David, 56 Constantia Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............. 26 Moore, Willis, 4750 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio Moore, William B., 3515 Kenesaw Ave., Apt. 4, Dayton, Ohio Moorman, Cletus Aloysius, R. F. D. I, Box 61, St. Henry, Ohio . 53, 72, 82 102, 103, 104, 105 Moorman, Eugene Frank, 204 S. Main St., Minster, Ohio .... 54, 74, 104, 105 Moorman, Raymond G., 103 N. East St., Versailles, Ohio Moorman, Robert George, 2730 Chestnut St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Morris, Arthur Alan, 1657 Meriline Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio Morris, Loy, 804 S. Main Ave., Sidney, Ohio Morrow, Jerome Joseph, 47 Pleasant Ave., Dayton, Ohio .......... ............54 Morse, Billy, Milford Center, Ohio _ _ __ _ · - - - - - - - - -······61 Mort, Charles Bernard, 424 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................ 19, 112, ll5 Mosher, William Edward, 105·10 221 St., Queens Village, N. Y . ............ 66 Mott, James E., 5866 Redbank Rd., Cincinnati, 0 . _ _ _ __ .. 19, 156 Mountjoy, Martha L., 3626 Linden Ave., Dayton, Ohio ........ ...... 54, 74, 92 Moy, Robert Stanley, 313 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ __ __ .. 61, 96 Mudd, Donald Eugene 100 Stonebridge Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio .................... 54
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"Jahn & 0 Hier Again " A familfar and reassuring slogan FAMILIAR .• • because it has appeared in thousands of the country's finest yearbooks for the past half century. REASSURING ••• because those years of specialized experience bring complete service, outstanding quality and de pendable delivery to the yearbook staffs with whom we work.
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OLLIER ENGRAVIN G CO. 817 W. Washington Blvd.
STUDENT DIRECTORY Mueller, Catherine E., 560 S. Second St., Coldwater, Ohio ................. 69, 83, 86 Mueller, Charles Edward, 1232 Ve rnon Dr .. Dayton, Ohio Mueller, James Carl, E. South St., Coldwater, Ohio Mueller, John E., 535 E. Third St ., Delphos, Ohio ............................... ........ 83 Mueller, Margery R., E. South St., Coldwater, Ohio ................................. 54, 83 Mulanovich. Eduardo J., Agricultura 268, Lima, Peru .......... 56, 88, 112, 115 Muldoon, John Patrick, 1954 Elm Ave., Norwood, .12, Ohio Mullaney, Thomas Paul, 37 Halleck St. , Youngstown, Ohio .... . ......... 19, 87 Mullin, Albert, 49 Ivanhoe Ave., Dayton, Ohio Muller, Richard R., 1931 Wood St., La Crosse, Wisconsin ..... ... 19 Mullins, Raymond Jacob, 2119 E. Third St., Dayton 3, Ohio Murphy, Arthur B., 14 Elm Ave., Floral Park, N . Y. ....................... . 20 Murphy, Betty Lee, R. F. D. 5, Box 389, Dayton, Ohio ...................... 69, 81, 83 Murphy, George H., 41 W . Ward St., Sp ringfield, Ohio Murray, Edward P., 254 Princeton St., Rockville Centre, N. Y. ....... 60, 83 Murray, Gerald Patrick, 336 Ryburn Ave ., Dayton, Ohio _______________
Murray, Richard Joseph, 320 Hadley Ave., Dayton, Ohio Murray, Walter J., 141 Stonemill Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio ........................... Murtha, Robert Joseph, 2913 Foster Ave., Brooklyn 10, N . Y. .............. 104, Mushett, James William, 60 Jellerson St., Norwalk, Ohio ...... . ...........56, Muzi, Titus Joseph, 723 Grant St., Damison, Ohio ...................... Myers, Edmund Eugene, 556 Ballentine Ave., Marion, Ohio ............ .. 20,
.. 60 105 115 .137 113
N Nagle, Daniel Anthony, 320 Kenwood Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio . . ...65, 95 Nagle, Mary Ellen, 320 Kenwood Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio ...... 37, 53, 73, 79, 80 , 83, 108, 109 Nahn, Mary C., 203 E. Bruce Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............................... ......... 60 Nakama, Harry S., 2035 Aoao Pl., Honolulu 10, T. H . ............................ 20, 87 Nanni, N. Vincent, 163 Southmayd Rd., Waterbury, Conn. ................ ... 56 Nash, Rob ert Eug e ne, W. Main St., Somerset, Ohio Naughton, James W ., 206 Montrose Way, Columbus 2, Ohio ................ ......... 69 Neff, Alvin G., 705 Rockford Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio ............ 20, 72, 79, 83, 90 Neil, Charles, 101 W. Great Miami Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Nelson, Joseph Leon, 115 E. 21st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Neugebauer, Constantine A., 614 Lexington Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio Newkirk, Nate, 3524 Stanford Place, Dayton 6, Ohio .......... ... 159 Nickel, Charles, 343 Southlyn Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio Nickell, Harold, 1233 Lockland Pl., Dayton 6, Ohio ............. ..20 Nickell, James, 420 So. Columbus St., Xenia, Ohio Niedecken, Amelia, Ft. Jennings Rd., Delphos, Ohio .......... .20, 82 Niemann, Joseph, 3998 Germania Avenue, Cincinnati 27, Ohio . . ... 152 Niles, Curtis, 18 So. Summit St., Dayton 7, Ohio Nimmons, Felicia A ., 654 Randolph St., Dayton 8, Ohio ........ 102, 103, 105 Niswonger, Nancy, 226 Kenwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio ....... .......... 26 Nolan, Clemon, 1015 Negley Place, Dayton 7, Ohio Nolting, John Leo, 7124 Garden Rd., Cincinnati 36, Ohio .......... _ _ _ _ 67 Noonan, Robert, 336 Bolander Avenue, Dayton 8, Ohio .......... ................ 54 Nyhan, James, 2142 University Dr., Dayton 6, Ohio ....................... 53, 111 Norton, Richard, 742 W . Wayne St., Lima, Ohio ............................ 20, 79, 80 Nye, Henry A., 835 20th Ave ., Honolulu, T. H .. ........................................... 26 Norris, Leland, Jr., 452 W . Stroop R., Dayton 9, Ohio ............... 54, 139, 150 Norris, Ray L., 2005 Patterson Road, Dayton 10, Ohio ............................... 87 Noll, Charli,s, 1362 W. 114th St., Cleveland 2, Ohio .............................. 127
0 Oberst, Cletus E., 1416 W. Filth St., Owensboro, Ky . ........ 52, 53, 73, 139 O'Boyle, Frank, 3779 W. 135th St., Cleveland 11, Ohio O'Brien, Richard C., 512 Rawling St., Washington C. H., Ohio .......... 152 O'Brien, Walter, 512 Rawling St., Washington C. H., 0 . 124, 135, 152 O'Connell, Daniel, 124 Linsan Court, Dayton 10, Ohio .......... 20, 95, 96 O'Connell, James, 222 Kenilworth Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio .. .. 63 O'Connell, Thomas, 1119 Holly Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ......... 66, 95 O'Connor, James E., 1009 Naub St. , Coshocton, Ohio .............................. 60 O'Connor, Raymond, 81 Birch St. , Floral Pk., L. I., N. Y. ...... .65 Odom, Juanita W., P . 0 . Box 151, Wilberforce , Ohio O'Donnell, John, 110 No. Patton Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio .......................... 20 Offenbacher, George, 2334 King Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ...... .. . 56 O'Grady, Frederick C., 1743 Tuttle Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Ohara, Yoshiharu, 24 Glenwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio O'Hearn, Robert, R. D. 8, Box 476, Dayton 3, Ohio Ohmer, Paul P., 1549 Joseph St., Cincinnati 37, Ohio .......... 56, 112, 115 Okamura, Harold, 2235·A Aulii St., Honolulu, T. H. .. ................. 69 Okita, Harold, Jr., 2310 Young St .. Honolulu, T. H. Olberding, Thomas A., 4909 Relleim Ave., Cincinnati 38. Ohio Oldiges, Margaret, 108 Seminary Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..................... 54, 79, 91 154, 155, 182 Olt, Clifford, 322 Helena St., Dayton 6, Ohio ................................................... 20 O'Malley, George, Owen Place, Greenlawn L. I., N. Y . ................ 69, 79 Omietanski, George, 49 Light St., Dayton 4, Ohio ................ ... 20 Omlor, Gene, 234 Rita St., Dayton 4, Ohio ............................................ 57, 77
O'Neal, Samuel Elson, 1607 Home Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio ................ 65, 105 Ondercin, John S., 312 William St., Fairborn. Ohio .................. 20, 72, 87, 90 O'Neill. Aloysius, 420 Wayne Place, Fremont, Ohio . ... ....................... 153 O'Neill, Henry C., 420 Wayne Place, Fremont, Ohio .................................. 65 O'Neill, Thomas, 182 Whittlesey Ave., Norwalk, Ohio O'Neill, William, 337 Fountain Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio ....................... 159 O'Neill, Winfield A ., 616 E. Fifth St., Delphos, Ohio ........ ............ 67 Oracko, Margaret, 341 W . Kline Ave., Lansford, Pa . ............................. 20, 86 Osman, Majole, 617 E. Dorothy Place, Dayton 9, Ohio Osterday, Joseph. 549 Burns Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ...............................20 Osterman, Thomas, 2022 Wanda Avenue, Norwood 12, Ohio ................ 65 Osting, Alven, R. R. 2, Delphos, Ohio ............................................................. 67 Osweiler, Elizabeth Ann, 2824 Patterson Blvd., Dayton, Ohio ............... 108 Osweiler, Paul J., 2824 Patterson Blvd., Dayton, Ohio ................................. 53 O'Toole, Damian Fidelis, 524 W. Wheeling St., Lancaster, Ohio ............. 69 Otten, Bernard J., 50 ½abash Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa . .......... ........... 20, 132 Otto, Howard R. , 624 Dearborn Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....... . ....... 20, 112, 115 Ousley, Thomas Russell, R. F. D. I, Franklin, Ohio .................. ..................... 68 Overly, Howard E., 906 Gullview Dr., Dayton 6, Ohio . .................. 63 Overman, William Eli, 312 N. Upland Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio Owen, Marion F., 1733 E. Filth St., Dayton, Ohio
p Paetz. Charles M., 141 Edgewood Cts., Dayton 7, Ohio Page, Thomas F., Jr., 1744 Wiles Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio ............... 68 Pahl, Robert, 1229 E. Second St., Dayton, Ohio Palmer, Raymond S., 1016 Garden, Middletown, Ohio ............. . .... ....... 68 Pang, Howard IC S., 3245 Huuanu Ave ., Honolulu 17, T. H . .................... 67 Pank, Harry Robert, 1596 Robinwood Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio ............... 67 Panos, Maesimud B., 838 Neal Ave., Dayton, Ohio Pappas, George , 201 Rockwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..... . ........................ 26 Paradise, Frank William, 91 Grace Church St., Port Chester, N . Y . ........ 67 Parish, Elsie L., 1238 Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio Parr, Harry E., Jr., 160 Fillmore St., Dayton, Ohio ............... 20, 75, 96, 163 Parrish, John B., 2536 Auburn Ave., Dayton, Ohio Parrish, Robert Larry, 2503 Kennedy Ave., Dayton, Ohio Passalacqua, Leonard N., 3458 Evanston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio .. 56, 115 Patesel, Richard Edward, R. F. D. 3, Logansport, Ind .......... 65, 102, 103 Paton, William Taylor, 70 E. Maple Ave., Dayton, Ohio Patton, Charles E., 786 Gree nlawn Ave., Dayton, Ohio Paul, Dale A., 449 Kielaber St., Dayton, Ohio Paul, Vincent J., 313 Third St., N. E., Massilon, Ohio ......................... ......61 Paulick, Richard Edward, 49 Anna St., Dayton, Ohio Paullin, Mary Ann, 431 N. GaHoway St., Xenia, Ohio ... 20, 74, 78, 80 81, 83, 91, 154 Paullin, F . Virginia, 431 N. Galloway St., Xenia, Ohio ........ 62, 83, 91, 104 Pax, Allred C., R. F. D. 1, New Weston, Ohio ....................... 54, 74, 83, 88 Paxson, James Edward, R. F. D. 1, Arthur Rd., Springfield, 0 ... 151, 157 Payne, Barbara J., 801 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............. 58, 63, 79, 80, 83, 91, 109, 165 Payne, Donald Edward, 428 Sandhurst Dr., Dayton, Ohio Payne, Richard L., 322 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio Peckolt, Kay Ann, 2900 Wayland Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....... 62, 81, 154, 155 Pedicord, Lawrence C., 4618 N. Dixie Dr., Dayton, Ohio. 151, 159 Peebles, Melestine, 754 Basin Pl., Dayton, Ohio Pegg, Joe D., 49 E. Hillcrest Ave., Dayton, Ohio .......... . ........................ 20 Peguillan, Edward J., 174 Locust St., Floral Park, L. I., N. Y. 20, 78, 80, 110 Pellow, Genevieve A., 515 Evergreen Ave., Dayton, 0. 62, 81, 91, 102, 103 Pepiot, Joseph H., R . F . D. 1, Houston, Ohio Perkins, Gloria S., 593 E. Xenia Dr., Fairborn, Ohio Perreira, Gilbert F., 2117 Kaohu St., Wailuku Mani, T. H. Perrotta, Christopher, 236 92nd St., Brooklyn 9, N. Y. Perry, Maxiola, 316 Mercer Ave., Dayton, Ohio Peters, LeRoy W., 116 Reisinger Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..........60 Peterson, Bernard Ross, R. F. D. I, Tipp City, Ohio Peterson, Carl T., 141 Laura Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............. .......... 62 Peterson, Robert L., 42 Skyview Dr., Vandalia, Ohio Petkwitz, Paul E., 24 Schantz Ave., Dayton, Ohio ............ ........... 61 Pfeiffer, David L., 921 Ferndale Ave ., Dayton, Ohio Pfeiffer, John Joseph, 2430 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio Pfeiffer, Russell Joseph, 116 E. Bruce Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....... ................... 65 Pllaum, Julie, 200 Squirrel Road, Dayton 5, Ohio .................. 53, 78, 80, 111 Phelan, Don, 135 A·36th St., Vandalia, Ohio ................................................... 20 Philippi, Joan, 1037 Brown St., Dayton 9, Ohio Phillips, Henry W ., R. R. I, Box 577, Dayton, Ohio Phillips, Thomas, 303 Way Avenue, Kirkwood 22, Mo. .............. 9, 20 Pines, Louis Thomas, 270 Cypress St., Rochester 7, N. Y. Place, Lyman T., 15 Best St., Dayton 5, Ohio Plas, Ralph W., Ulien St., Avon, Ohio . . ........................... ..................... 20 Poeppelman, William Albert, 33 Bolander Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Pohl, Jacqueline, 64 Patterson Road, Dayton 9, Ohio ....21, 78, 83, 89, 155 Pohlabel, Thomas, 438 Wes t Grand, Lima, Ohio .....................,............. Zl
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to the
German Made Weiners are Tops CLASS OF '23 - - - - - ~- - --
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Two Hundred
- - - - -----/-)
STUDENT DIRECTORY Pohlman, William, R. R. I, Spring Valley, Ohio _ ____ ....................... 67 Polliard, Forbes, Box 950, Orlando, Fla. Polson, Frances, 1157 10th St., San Peoro, Calif . ........................................... 74 Pollock, Francis Joseph, 45 Henry St., Merrick, New York ............................ 67 Pompei, Mrs. Irene, 855 N. Broadway, Dayton 7, Ohio Ponce, Alvaro, Calle 21, No. 107, Merida, Mexico ........................... 113, 159 Ponder, Ervin, 235 N. Irwin St., Dayton, Ohio Poock, Doyle, 25 Cedarlawn Drive, Dayton, Ohio Poole, Calvin, 4320 Blue Rock Road, Dayton 3, Ohio Popik, Joseph, 10107 Gibson Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio ................................... 21 Porter, Donald, R. R. 4, Box 265, Dayton, Ohio .... ... 21, 82, 84 Porter, Guy, Jr., 304 Wyoming St., Dayton 10, Ohio .................. 21, 82, 87 Porter, James W., 427 S. Main St., Miamisburg, Ohio Porter, Robert, 1117 Holly Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ......... ...................... .... 21, 75 Possert, Markus A., 717 Taylor St., Dayton 4, Ohio Pounds, Lloyd H., 687 Randolph St., Dayton 8, Ohio .. ~ ........ 21 Prater, Harold, I Vandergrift Drive, Dayton, Ohio ..............................' ....... 69 Press, Peter, 31 East Wren Circle, Dayton 10, Ohio . .................... . 62, 77 Pretzinger, Robert B., 204 Forrer Blvd., Dayton 9, Ohio Price, Charles S., R. R. I, Augusta, Georgia ........... . 65, 78, 109 Price, David, 412 E. 13th St., Chester, Penna . .................................. ............ 21 Price, John, Ill E. Broadway, Shelbyville, Ind ............................................. 54 Pritchard, Howard, 915 Nela View Rd., Cleve. Hgts. 12, Ohio ............... 21 Pru7.zo, John, 526 B Telford Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ............................... 56 Pustinger, John, 643 So. 14th St., Monessen, Pa. ...... .. .................... 56 Puterbaugh, Maxine, R. R. 4, Union Road, Dayton, Ohio
Q Quinlan, Owen, 940 Donner Quinn, Francis, 201 Walnut Quinn, Robert, 30 Flint Rd., Quedeweit, Louis, 131 Cross
Avenue, Monessen, Penna. St., Clifton Heights, Pa . .... E. Rockaway, New York St., Dayton 9, Ohio
.. .......... 54 ... .......... 132
R Raab, Harold, 1009 W. Fairview Avenue, Dayton 6, Ohio Radican, Henry, 1202 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio. . .......................... 67 Radican, Nance, 1202 Middle Ave., Elyria, 0. 69, 79, 80, 91, 164, 169, 176 Radican, Patricia E., 1202 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio .... . 53, 79, 80, 83 91, 154, 164, 177 Rafols, Edwin, Isabala, Puerto Rico ......... ................................ 60 Raif!, James, 105'l Superior Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio .................. 59, 128, 131 Raiff, Richard, 29 Colorado Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Ramus, John C., 222 Clinton St., Adrian, Mich . ........................... 21, 83, 87 Randolph, Keith AIJen, 331 Edgewood Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Raney, Julie, 516 Red Haw Road, Dayton 5, 0. 57, 72, 78, 80, 81, 110, 111 Hanly, Sr. Teresa, SPSF, 49 Hopeland St., Dayton, Ohio .... ... 16, 84 Ransick, Jean, 812 Grand Avenue, Cincinnati 5, Ohio .............................. 62 Rataiczak, Francis, 3837 Ridge Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ........................... 151 Raterman, Jerome, Bon Air Drive, Sidney, Ohio ........................ . .. .......... 69 Raterman, Patricia, R. F. D. I, Minster, Ohio ......................... 69, 83, 180 Raterman, Thomas L., R. F. D. I, Minster, Ohio ....... ................... ..... ....... 21 Rathweg, Richard Anthony, 617 Homewood Ave., Dayton, Ohio .......... 68 Rauh, James C., 231 W. Dixon Ave., Dayton 9, Ohio Rauscher, Rosemarie E., 1938 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago 39, Ill., ... 56, 102 103, 104 Razzano, Frank A., 689 Westbury Ave., Westbury, N. Y ............... 56, 153 Reape, Donald J., 1530 Wallace St., Philadelphia 30, Pa. ...... .. ....... 67 Reardon, John J., 1875 Selma Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.......... .. ....... 21 Reboulet, Richard E., 1111 Pursell Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....................... 62, 76 Recker, Robert Bernard, 20 W. Defiance St., Leipsic, Ohio ....................... 65 Recker, Robert C., 2666 118th St., Toledo, Ohio ...................... 127, 135, 152 Redmond, John Edward, 903 McCleary Ave., Dayton, Ohio ......... 65, 109 Redinger, Earl B., 802 Valley St., Dayton 4, Ohio .... .................................. 60 Reed, Donald P., 115·48·202 St., St. Albans II, N. Y. Reed, Tommy B., 305 Edgewood Ave., Dayton, Ohio Reel, James D., 401 Marathon Ave., Dayton, Ohio Reeve, John Brunner, 222 N. Roberts Blvd., Dayton, Ohio ...................... 63 Regan, Paul C., 1535 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio ............................... 87 Regan, William L., Ill E. Schantz Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................... 21, 90 Rehs, Ferdinand P., 2019 13th St. Akron 14, Ohio ...................... 78, 80, 87 Reich, Nathaniel K., 36 W. Norman Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............. 55, 113 Reichard, Thomas E., 2909 Ida St., Dayton 5, Ohio . 77, 102, 103, 104 Reichle, Robert A., 131 E. Pleasant St., Springfield, Ohio Reichert, Donald H., 303 E. College St., Coldwater, Ohio ........... 62 Reid, Alonzo, Jr., 807 Danner Ave., Dayton 8, Ohio Reiger, Arthur C., 920 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio .............. 21, 112, 115 Reinhard, Donald L., 631 Wilfred Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ........................ 61 Reinhard, Walter J., 631 Wilfred Ave., Dayton, Ohio . ............................... 95 Reisch, John L., 1416 Collins Ave., St. Louis, Mo . ....................... ......55, 113 Reising, James E., 1102 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio
Remnant, Alice I., 820 Manhattan Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..... ..... ........ 21, 81 Renard, Barbara Ann, 451 Overlook Rd., Mansfield, Ohio ...............83 Reynolds, Edward E., 24 W. Emerson, Fairborn, Ohio ...... 26 Reynolds, George H., 2422 Rugby Rd., Dayton, Ohio Rhines, Bill N., 125 Lawn St., Dayton 5, Ohio Rhoads, Joyce Ann, 2817 Ferncliff Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....... 21, 84, 164, 176 Rhoades, Otis C., 4310 Midway Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....... 54, 102, 103, 104 Rhode•, Carl Joseph, Box 370, R. F. D. II, Dayton, Ohio Rice, Donald W., 303 Linden Ave., Piqua, Ohio Rice, Eugene E., 62 Spring St., Glouster I, Ohio . .. .............................. 153 Rice, Jack Austin, Box 385 B, R. F. D. 6, Dayton, Ohio ........................... 65 Rice, James Arthur, Reed, West Virginia Rice, Robert N., 97 Orchard, Keyser, West Virginia Rich, Rodney Allen, 1100 Kemper Ave., Dayton, Ohio Richard, John C., 426 Valley St., Dayton 3, Ohio ...................................... 54 Ridgway, Glen Eugene, 2426 Robin Rd., Dayton 9, Ohio. .... 21, 115 Ridgway, Merrill L., 2104 Demp!e Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............. 21, 112, 115 Riedinger, John A., 729 Maple Ave., Newport, Kentucky ...... 62 R;.ed!inger, Anthony J., 1309 California Ave., Cincinnati 37, Ohio .... ...... 67 Riedy, Richard V., 1040 Tiffin Ave., Sandusky, Ohio Rieger, Raymond E., 204 Canterbury Dr., Dayton 9, 0 . .. 21, 95, 96, 102, 103 Rieger, William J., 4659 Lanchester Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio Rigo, Donald W., 403 W. Herrick Ave., Wellington, Ohio ...... 60, 84, 104 Riley, John E., 944 Vernon Dr., Dayton, Ohio ...... .. ............................ .... 53 Rindler, Aloys, Jr., 6335 N. Dixie Dr., Dayton, Ohio Ri,:igleman, Clarence L., 225 W. Third St., Dayton 2, Ohio ....................... 74 Ringo, Phyllis, ?.600 Oakridqe Drive, Dayton, Ohio ............................... ..... 83 Ritz, Karl C., 62 Decker Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Rizer, Jerry A., 2615 Hillside Avenue, Springfield, Ohio ..................... .... 60 Roberts, Shear!, 249 Henry St., Dayton, Ohio ................................................... 76 Roberts, William M., 424 E. Early Drive, Miamisburg, Ohio .......... 56, 115 Roberts, William Roy, 208 S. First St., Tipp City, Ohio Robinson, James A. , 922 Wilberforce Place, Dayton 8, Ohio .... 26 Roccanova, Peter, 83·18 246 St., Bellerose 6, New York .................. 59, 89 Roderer, Raymond, 716 Hampshire Road, Dayton 9, Ohio ........ . ... 60 Roesch, Charles, 2254 Nobel Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio Rohr, Clara, 930 Wyoming St., Dayton 2, Ohio .. . 21, 79, 83, 105, 110 Rohr, Thomas, R. D. 3, Massillon, Ohio Rolfe, Robert Lee, 234 Dover St., Dayton, Ohio Roll, Marianne, 415 Homewood Avenue, Dayton 5, 0 . .. 9, 21, 72, 79, 80, 91 Romer, Albert, St. Henry, Ohio ........................................................................... 68 Romer, Daniel Mark, 208 Willowwood Drive, Dayton, Ohio Romer, Elizabeth, St. Henry, Ohio ....................................................... 66, 83, 105 Romer, Thelma, 208 Willowwood Dr., Dayton 5, 0 . ....... 60, 78, 80, 91, 160 Roof, Rudy, 237 E. 4th St., Ottawa, Ohio ................................................ 21, 96 Rose, Don, Box 23, Cherry Fork, Ohio Rose, Elizabeth Jean, 1317 Riverview Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio .. 69, 92 Rose, George M., 116 Edmund St., Dayton 4, Ohio ........... ............... 69 Rose, Norman, 209 Baltimore St., Dayton 4, Ohio ................... .... .............. 21 Rose, William, 531 So. 2nd St., Coldwater, Ohio ................................. 68, 77 Rosenbeck, Odra, 413 Livingston Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Rossmann, Kurt, 308 Sherman St., Dayton 3, Ohio ....................................... 22 Roth, George, R. R. I, Portsmouth, Ohio ........ ................... 61 Ro•.t erman, Robert, 2091 I Beachwood, Rocky River 16, Ohio ........ ........ 60 Roush, Jack, 339 N. Broad St., Fairborn, Ohio Rowe, George D., 148 Bluecrest Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Rozzo, Carmen, 713 West 35th St., Ashtabula, Ohio ............ .... ....... 60, 159 Rudick, Walter, 4400 Daleview, Dayton 5, Ohio .... ............ 22, 91 Rudokas, Peter, 22 Victor Street, Dayton, Ohio Rueger, William J., 918 Chelsea Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .......... 56, 77 Ruga, Theodore, R . R. II, Box 36, Dayton, Ohio Russell, Charles, 724 Rockford Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Rutledge, Richard, 1469 Huffman Avenue, Dayton 3, Ohio Ryan, Joseph, 217 Lincoln Place, Urbana, Ohio ................. . ..................... 61 Ryan, Ralph, 1024 Sherwood Dr., Dayton, Ohio ...................................... 68, 95 Ryan, Ronald, 1902 Riverview Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio ......................... 66 Ryschewitsch, George E., 411 Brightwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ...........56
s Sacksteder, Barbara, 724 Kenilworth Ave., Dayton 5, 0. 57, 78, 81, 164, 176 Sacksteder, Raymond, 724 Kenilworth Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Saelzler, William , 1510 Cherry St., Toledo 2, Ohio ...................... 22, 132 Sage, Redmond T., 126 E. Hadley Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Saide, Jose, Morelos 149 Pte, Monterrey, Mexico ............................. 22, !l5 Salomon, Thomas, 210 Kammer Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Salvati, David, 173 Owasco Road, Auburn, New York .. 62 Salvati, Robert, 173 Owasco Road, Auburn, New York Sampson, Plumer, 3132 Germantown St., Dayton, Ohio ..62 Sanchez, Jesus, P. 0. Box 3629, San Juan, Puerto Rico ................... 22, 75 Sanders, Donald, 1834 Kipling Drive, Dayton, Ohio Sasala, James S ., 4327 Baintree Road, Univ. Hts., Ohio .. 57 Sauer, John C., 16 S. Smithville, Dayton 3, Ohio . .. ................................. 5 3
Page Two Hundred Sixteen
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117 W. Second St. 1615 E. Springfield St. DAYTON, OHIO
Down Town Parking 127 W. Second St.
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l Page Two Hundred Seventeen
STUDENT DIRECTORY Saucier, William A., 714V2 E. Case St., Springfield, Ill. Saunders, Robert E., 512 Piqua Pl., Dayton 7, Ohio ............ ........ 22, 115 Sauvage, William, 2035 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Scalzitti. Carmine J., 2606 Landor Ave., Louisville 5, Ky .............. 57, 77, 153 Scalia, Peter Charles, 113 Wyatt Rd., Garden City, N . Y. ................... 65 Schaefer, Charles J .. Jr., 49 Corona Ave ., Dayton 9, Ohio Schaefer, James Maurice, . 156 Steele Ave., Dayton, Ohio Schamel, Eugene T., 59 Illinois Ave., Dayton, Ohio Scharff. Martin, 549 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio Scheidweiler, Fred W., 2801 E. Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio Schenk, Patricia L.. 423 Greenmount Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Schenking, Gerald Joseph, 331 Sandhurst Dr., Dayton, Ohio . 66, 83 Schillorth, John D., 1087 Summit Ave., Lakewood 7, Ohio Schimmoller, Donald J.. 259 Shaw Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............................. 59 Schiml. Bernard L., 227 Steele Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................. . ......... 59 Schierlow, Richard J., 145 Virginia Ave., UJ:Iyton, Ohio Schiller, Frederick C .. 153 S. Hedges St .. Dayton, Ohio ....•... ---------·- 22 Schlipp, Carl E. , 731 ½ Cottage Ave ., Miamisburg, Ohio Schmalz, Francis H., 903 Harper St., Utica, New York 22, 74, 83, 104, 108 Schmidt, Rosemmy E.. 1423 Philadelphia Dr.. Dayton, Ohio 56, 77 Schmitt, Sylvia M., II Stillwell Dr., Dayton 3, Ohio .......... 30, 60, 83 Schmitz, Francis H., 619 Jellerson, Miamisburg, Ohio Schnetzer, Robert F .. 4433 Zeller Rd., Columbus 14, Ohio Schnieder, Earl G., 2903 Milton Rd., Middletown, Ohio Schoch, Jean Marilyn, 600 W. Walnut St. , Coldwater, Ohio ........ 65, 83 Schoch, Michael S .. 600 W. Walnut St., Coldwater, Ohio 22, 72, 75, 87, 90 Schoen, Alex H., Jr., 1801 Coventry Rd .. Dayton 10, Ohio 26 Schoenberger, John N., Box 82, Centerville Pike, Miamisburg, Ohio 68 Scholes, Clifford R., 215 Livingston Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...... 22 Schroll, Jack E., 223 Riverbend Dr .. Dayton, Ohio .................... ... 16 Schroeder, Jos,,,:,h Kevin. R. F. D. 2, Leipsic, Ohio ....................... 68 Schroer, Robert John, 220 W . Bataan Dr., Dayton, Ohio Schroll, Shirley Rae, 706 Forest Grove, Dayton 6, Ohio 35, 62, 81. 83 110, 111. 169, 182 Schubert, Francis J., 48 Gordon Rd .. Valley Stream, N. Y . .......... 53, 156 Schuler, Walter R., 427 N. Main St., Marion, Ohio ......................... .. 57, 88 Schwab, Margaret M.. 526 Creighton Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio . .. . 86 Schwartz, Thomas P .. R. F . D. I, Houston, Ohio Schweller, Donald G., 1502 Gummer, Dayton 5, Ohio ........................ 53, 76 Schweller, Eugene J., 135 Alton Ave., Dayton, Ohio Schweller, Harold E .. 1312 Princeton Dr .. Dayton, Ohio ........................... 22 Scott, Russell Walter, 1614 Locust, Toledo 8, Ohio ...................... 54, 74, 78, 80 Scully, Owen A ., 38 Moraine Circle North, Dayton 9, Ohio Scurlock, Donald I., 221 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio Seaders, Charles 0., Jr .. 1028 Akron Pl., Dayton 4, Ohio Searle, Charles F., 1720 Emerson Ave., Dayton, Ohio ........................ ... 63 Sears, Mrs. H. Troy, 225 Greenmount Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Seeds, Henry, YMCA, Dayton, Ohio ......................................................... ...... 22 Seifert, Donald N., 227 S. Fifth St., Upper Sandusky, Ohio ........... .......... 83 Seifert, Robert L.. 6 Catherine St. , Dayton 2, Ohio Seiler, Frank J., 659 Carlisle Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................... ............... 62 Seiter, Robert F ., 408 Edison Blvd., Xenia, Ohio ................ . ··········· 26 Seitz, Joh".\ C., 314 St. Paul Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio 59, 84 Sellars, Charles R., 141 Parkwood Dr .. Dayton, Ohio Sengpiel, Guenter, I Buergermeister Daub Street Bingerbruck, Rineland, Germany
Senseman, Rodney II., 232 S . Second St., Tipp City, Ohio ··········· 22 Setser, Clarence, 2901 Oakridge Drive, Dayton, Ohio Seuffert, Thomas, 3410 Wellington Drive, Dayton 10, 0 . ...... 54, 102, 103 Sewell, Albert, 19 Liberty St., Dayton, Ohio Sewell, Mary, 123 Gale Street, Dayton, Ohio Shaler, Paul, 336 So. Filth St., Miamisburg, Ohio Shank, Robert, 153 Kirkham St., Dayton, Ohio ...... 68 Shartle, Charles, 27 Huffman Avenue, Dayton 3, Ohio ..................... 22 Shartle, Dorothy, 2135 Elmwood Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ................ 22, 74 Shaw, Glenn R. , 7108 Xenia Pike, Dayton 3, Ohio ............. ......... ... 22, 77 Shay, Frances , 42 Pioneer St. , Dayton 5, Ohio ........................ 53, 83, 105 Shay, Paula, 42 Pioneer St., Dayton, Ohio .............................. 53 , 83, 84, 105 Sheehan, Edward, 2737 E. High St., Springfield 49, Ohio .. 68, 102, 103 Sheidler, John C., 1021 Chelsea Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio .......................... 22 Shell, Joyce, R . R. 2, Miamisburg, Ohio Shell, Richard, 69 Watervliet Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ....... . ... 22, 113 Sheller, John R .. 2018 Howard Avenue, Middletown, Ohio Shellhammer, James, Rhoads Road, Farmersville, Ohio Shelton, Earl. 38 Ashley St., Dayton, Ohio Shepard, Irvin, 236 Nordale Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio ................... ...... 22, 87 Shepherd, Lois, 636 Aullwood Road, Dayton 5, Ohio ............................ . 109 Sherman, Helen, 2730 Philadelphia Drive, Dayton , Ohio .... ........ 109 Sherman, Patricia,2720 Philade lphia Drive, Dayton, Ohio .... ........... 54 Sherman, Robert, 829 Spruce St .. Sidney, Ohio .. Shields, Doris, R.
R. 2, Greenville,
... .................... 22
Ohio ....................................... ..... 56,
Shively, Lawrence, 3724 Cleveland Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Shively, Mary Louella, 839 Webs ter St., Dayton, Ohio ............... ..... ........... 60 Shock, Hugh, R. R. 2, Box 364, New Lebanon, Ohio ............ ....................... 66
Shollenberger, David, 60 Portland Avenue, Dayton, Ohio Shoup, Philip, 619 So. 3rd St., Columbus 6, Ohio ..... 69, 153 Showalter, Lynn, 123 Indianola Ave .. Dayton 5. Ohio ...... 22. 74, 91, 154 Shroyer, Robert, 229 McClure St .. Dayton 3. Ohio Shroyer, Virginia, 229 McClure St., Dayton 3, Ohio Shute, Lawrence, 115 Gunckel Avenue, Dayton 10, Ohio Siegfried, Thunberg, Jr .. 305 N . Gettysburg Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Siehl, David, 215 N . Main St., Sidney, Ohio Siggins, Frank M., Ill Wheeler Avenue, Mineola, L. I., N . Y. Sikes. Stephen V., 860 Riverview Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Silverii, Louis, 31 So . Diamond St., Clifton Hgts., Penna . Simon, Edward, 4226·28th St., Cincinnati 9, Ohio ............. ............................. 22 Simon. Jeane tte, R. R. I, Versailles, Ohio .............................. .... 22, 86 Simpson, Carole, 3521 Lenox Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio ......... .... 23, 105 Simpson, Charles Joseph, R. R. I, West Alexandria Simpson, Jesse, 2021 Melvina Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio .. .................... 69 Sims, Herndon, 125 Cherry St., Asheville, No. Car. Singler, David, 216 Decatur St., Sandusky, Ohio ........ . 23, 7~, 80 Singleton, Ewell, 342 Park Drive, Dayton 10, Ohio ................. .................... 23 Siu, Leonard, 1236 Hall St., Honolulu, T. H . ............................................... 57 Skailand, Dean, 48 Woodcrest Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio .............. 23, 113 Skelton, Joseph, 801 Chestnut St .. Coshocton, Ohio .......................................23 Slack, Joseph, 320 E. Franklin St .. Troy, Ohio ............................... ................... 23 Slaton, Cornelius, 15 N. Sperling Avenue, Dayton 3, Ohio Slattery, Mary A ., R. R. 3, Troy, Ohio ............................... ................. 23 Slaughte,, Reuben Lee, 41 Kinnard St., Dayton 7, Ohio Smartt, Earl. 732 Dennison Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Smith, Anthony L., 108 E. Seventh St., Owensboro, Ky. ..... .23, 113 Smith, Damon B.. 202 Malcom Dr., Dayton, Ohio ...................................... 152 Smith, David R., 333 S. Third St., Tipp City, Ohio ............. 23, 78, 80, 110 Smith, David Ross, 550 Forest Ave., Apt. 27, Dayton, Ohio Smith, Donald E .. 1320 Wayne Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................................... 54 Smith, Flaura A., 219 S. Circle Dr., Troy, Ohio ..... ............. ............................23 Smith, Georqe M.. 142 Columb11s St. , Dayton 3, Ohio .................................. 60 Smith, Harry James, 9 N. Miller St., Shelbyville, Ind . ............................... 68 Smith, Howard E., 1594 Woodman Dr., Dayton, Ohio .................. 23, 112, 115 Smith, Josep h R., 50 N. Main St., West Alexandria, Ohio .. 23, 87, 102, 103 Smith, Lloyd Andrew, 756 Miller Ave., Dayton , Ohio Smith, Mark J.. 1246 Cumberland Ave., Dayton, Ohio ....................... 54, Ill Smith, Michael T., 37 Woodland Ave., Dayton 9, Ohio .............. 59, 80, 168 Smith, Orion E .. 305 Market St., Germantown, Ohio .................................. 26 Smith, Robert A. , 72 W . Hudson Ave., Dayton, Ohio ........... ........... 59 Smith, Stephen Hackett, 37 Bellmore St., Floral Park, N . Y . .................... 65 Smith, Thomas Merle, 607 Forest Ave., Dayton, Ohio Smith, Walter E., 727 Wilfred Ave., Dayton, Ohio ........ ............. 23, 87 Smith, William C., 1826 Sherman Ave., Middletown, Ohio Smolinski, George F., 1048 Dodgson Court, Dayton, Ohio .. 60, 74, 82, 89 Snow, Henry J.. 604 Roy Ave ., Apt. 3, Dayton, 9 Ohio ... . ...............23 Snow, Robert Groves, 237 Morton Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..................... ........ 79 Snyder, Den nis, 114 Schuyler Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio ........................................69 Solamillo, Estanislao M ., Puukolii , Lahaina, Maui, T. H. ....... ............. 61 Sommer, John f., 502 Adams St., Portsmouth, Ohio ................. ............. 23 Sommers, Neil A .. 813 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio Sorohan, Lawrence J., 306 W . Brown St., New Lexington, Ohio .............. 65 Spakowski, Paul Walter, 20 Star St., New Britain, Conn. .......... 153 Sparks, Jackson M., 3205 S. Dixie, Dayton 9, Ohio ........................... 57, 96 Spatz, Wilbur J.. 704 Bowen St., Dayton 10, Ohio ..................... ............... 83 Spencer, Dale F., R. F . D. 8, Box 478, Dayton, Ohio ..... ... 96, 112, 113 Spieler, Raymond J., 811 Highland Ave., Dayton, Ohio Spillan, Edward J.. 314 W . High St., Springfield, Ohio Sponsler, Don E. , 2706 W . Third St., Dayton, Ohio Spreng, Robert P., 68 Mary Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio ..................................... 23 Spring, Pauline A., 48 E. Fairview Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio . ........ 8, 23, 73 74, 79, 80, 83 Springer, LaMar Miles, 3510 Kathleen Ave., Dayton, Ohio Staehler, Robert G., 203 Xenia Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ...... 23, 133, !63 Staley, William J., 51 Chambers St., Dayton, Ohio .......................... 65, 159 Stamas, Paul J.. 333 Holt St .. Dayton, Ohio Stanch, John M., 4804 Miller Dr., Dayton . Ohio Stapp, Charles J., 2004 Grand Ave ., Dayton, Ohio ... .................. 56, 115 Stansell, Marion J .. 2224 Emerson Ave., Dayton, Ohio Stanton, John Peter, 1116 W. 103 St., Cleveland 3, Ohio ...... 66, 67 Stark, John Leo, 1543 Wittakind Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio ....... 78, 104 Staup, John G., E. Second St., Delphos, Ohio Stechschulte, James A., Box 107, Columbus Grove, Ohio ...............23, 74 Stedwill, Roland G., 608 Walnut St., Nelsonville, Ohio Steele, Miriam E., 1130 Oakwood Ave. , Dayton, Ohio .................... - •·········69 Stein, Arnold, 2170 Ryer Ave., New York 57, N. Y. ...........................59, 139 Steinbach, Bernmd L., 8 V2 S. Second St., Fairborn, Ohio Steinberger, Elizabeth M ., 2405 E. State St., Ft. Wayne 3, Ind . ............ 26 Steiner. Richard W., R. F. D. I , Union, Ohio Stetson, Janette W ., 521 Oak Dr., Fairborn, Ohio ..................... ............ 65 Steven~ . Regnald B., 719 Park Ave ., Piqua, Ohio Stevens, Sandra, 1920 Litchfie ld Ave. , Dayton 6, 0.
35, 62, 81 Ill. 169
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BEST WISHES to the CLASS of '51
and Tag Manufacturers
20 S. Ludlow
510-12-14 Wayne Ave.
DAYTON. OHIO FUiton 2182
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"..foe,a/4 (!)~, 'kl«Je.u, K~" U. J. RIEGER-PRESIDENT
Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest; To give and not to count the cost; To fight and not to heed the wounds; To toil and not to seek for rest; To labour and not asking for any reward; Save that of knowing that we do Thy will.
St. Ignatius Loyola
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STUDENT .DIRECTORY Stevens, William H., 4236 N. Main St., Dayton 5, Ohio. ......................... 89 Stevenson, Jack L., 202 Hickory St., Dayton JO, Ohio · - -- - - - - - 23 Stewart, Richard L., 318 Trojan Ct., Troy, Ohio Stewart, Russell Lowell, Box 92, Pitsburg, Ohio Stidham, Forrest, 2145 N. Main St., Dayton 5, Ohio Stich, Lawrence , 240 Maryland Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio . ....... 55, 113 Stith, Raymond, 273 Elgin Avenue, Toledo 5, Ohio .......... Stockert, Joseph, 4103 Cprinth Blvd., Dayton 10, Ohio _ _ __ _ _ _ 6J Stoarmer, Albert, 617 St. Paul, Dayton JO, Ohio - -- - -- -·· 23, 75 Sotshak, William, 648 Main St., Sugar Notch, Pa. . .... - -- - - ~ 3 . . 23 Stouffer, Marilvn, 1426 PhiladA!phia Drive, Dayton 6, 0 . .... Strain, Charles, 20 W . Hayes St., West Milton, Ohio Stratton, Richard, 2307 W. Second St., Dayton, Ohio .................. 24, I 13 Strider, Mark, 404 Middle St., Fairborn, Ohio ··· - -- - -- --- -- - 69 Strubczewski, Walter, 1211 ½ Valley St., ........... 65 Struba, Edward, 4245 W. 49th St., Cleveland 9, Ohio Stodebaker. Robert, 366 Hillside St., Fairborn, Ohio ................................... 69 . ..................... 66, 74 Stueve, Julia, R. R. 9, Box 340, Dayton 4, Ohio. Sue!, Arthur, 747 Bristol Place, Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 65 Suhr, Carl, 17 Woodsdale Road, Dayton, Ohio Sullivan, Anna, Box 446- U. D., Dayton, Ohio ... .............................. 24, 86 . ........ 89 S"Jlivan, Mary, 333 Castlewood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio ........................ 84 Sullivan, Robert, 107 Edgewood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. S,,.mmer, William, 1201 Catalpa Drive, Dayton 7, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ 69 Supcoe , Donald, St. Paul, Va. .... Surber, Helen, R. R. I, Union, Ohio Susco, Eugene, R. R. 2, Hartville, Ohio Susco, Milton, B.. R. 2, Hartville , Ohio ......................... ....... 24, 83, 84, 105 Suttman, Louis, 503 Buckeye St., Miamisburg, 0 . 24, 72, 78, 80, 83, 114, 171 Swanson, Mabel, 215 E. Beechwood Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio Swift, Francis, 1115 Old Orchard, Dayton 5, Ohio Switzer, Delta, 816 Shroyer Road, Dayton 9, Ohio Szabo, Lillian, 1257 W. First St., Dayton, Ohio
T ............ 59, 83 Talbot, William, 119 Piccadilly Downs, Lynbrook, N. Y. Tangeman, Francis, 5765 Philadelphia Drive, Dayton 5, Ohio Tanis, Robert, 1608 Xenia Avenue, Dayton, Ohio .......................................... 24 Tanner, Betty, 114 N. Woodward Avenue, Dayton 7, Ohio Tate, Edward, 2316 Watervliet, Dayton 10, Ohio Tate, Virginia, 1023 W. First St., Dayton 7, Ohio .. 60, 91, 154 Taylor, Gloria, 2101 Cardinal Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio Taylor, Robert, 607 Hall Avenue, Dayton 4, Ohio Taylor, Vaughn K., 56 Boltin St., Dayton 3, Ohio ... ..................... 60, 139 _ _ _ _ __ . 59 Tempest, June, 926 Troy St., Dayton 4, Ohio. Termini, Marlo, 13417 Grannis Rd., Garfield Hts., Ohio Teybar, Robert, 401 Claranna Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio .................... .......... 24 Theodoras, Mary, Box 267, Vandalia, Ohio - - - - - -········· 56, 77, 105 69, 82 Theodorides, Thales, 12 Hanion St., Athens, Greece Thesing, Mary, 1930 Trinity Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio ....... 64, 65, 83, 84 24 Thier, Joseph, 1107 Kuntz Avenue, Middletown, Ohio Thoma, Thomas, 2001 Coolidge Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio _ __ _ 102, 103 Thomas, Betty, 906 Custer Place, Dayton 8, Ohio ................ _ __ _ _ 60 Thomas, Logan, 2217 Wayne Avenue, Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ __ _ __ 69 26 Thomas, Marilyn, Box 68, Maria Stein, Ohio Thomas, Richard, 25 Fountain Avenue, Dayton 5, Ohio _ _ _ _ __ _ 113 Thome, Walter, 2151 Castlewood Drive, Toledo 12, Ohio .... ········· 24, 84 Thome, William Leonard, 2151 Castlewood Drive, Toledo 13, Ohio .... . 68 Tieman, James Vincent, 73 Gramont Ave ., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 Tierney, Joseph B., 428 Fishers Ave., Philadelphia 20, Pa. Tilsen, Lester C., Y.M.C.A., Dayton, Ohio Titsch, Fred Edward, 317 E. Herman Ave., Dayton, Ohio Tobias, Kenneth L., 173 Indiana Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 67 Tobias, Richard Lamar, 648 Watervliet Ave., Dayton JO, Ohio Toerner, John W., 1054 Winfield Ave., Cincinnati 5, Ohio _ _ __ _ 24 Tope, Arlen, 244 Dover St., Dayton, Ohio Touchman, Roger L., 2713 Norton Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ __ _ ... 59 Trentman, James J., R. F. D. 2, Delphos, Ohio ............. _ _ _ _ _ . 24, 75 56, 115 Trevino, Guillermo J., Apenines 2755 Col., Jardin, Monterrey Tribby, Robert P., 680 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio ............... 24, 163 Trice, Walteretta D., 425 S. Euclid Ave ., Dayton, Ohio Trick, Robert C., R. F. D. 9, Box 698·A, Dayton 4, Ohio Trick, Robert L., 211 Valley View Dr., Dayton, Ohio Trigg, Harry W., 4505 Genesee Ave., Dayton, Ohio - -- - -················ 26 Trigg, John R., 4505 Genesee Ave., Dayton, Ohio Trimbach, Gerald E., R. F. D. 5, Box 402, Dayton 5, Ohio Trismen, David Lester, 320 Sandalwood Dr., Dayton, Ohio ........................ 67 Trivison, Joseph, 16105 Judson Dr., Cleveland 20, Ohio Troin, Henri J., 12 Wolfie St., Glen Cove, N. Y . ............ ........... 56, 112, 115 Truesdale, Roy B., 42 Helena Homes, Dayton, Ohio _ __ _ ____ 24 . .... 54, 74, 102 Tucker, Shirley R., 518 E. Spruce St., Princetown, Ind. 103, 104, 105
Tuite, Francis H., 201 Santa Clara, Dayton, Ohio Tumbusch, James J., 4221 Merrimac Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio .. 24, 57, 88 Tuohy, John Patrick, 2334 Emerson Ave., Dayton, Ohio Turner, Richard P., 605 Imo Dr., Dayton, Ohio ......... ..................... ................. 26 ........... 24, 113 Twiss, John E., 53 Clover St., Dayton, Ohio ...... ............ Tylinski, Adolf Stanley, 301 E. Central Ave., Toledo 8, Ohio .................. 5g
u Uher, George A., 3936 E. 42nd St., Cleveland 5, Ohio .. . 24, 84, 113 Uhlenhake, David J., St. Henry, Ohio Ullum, Robert Lloyd, 541 Lexington Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio ..................... 26 66, 79, 105 Umina, Betty Ann, 630 Woyming St., Dayton, Ohio · - -- ............... 24 Unverferth, Paul C., 302 Peach Orchard Rd., Dayton, Ohio Urbanski, John Richard, 9825 Miles Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio 130, 133 Uttermohlen, James, 361 E. Northwood Ave., Columbus, Ohio Utz, Ann E., I Nimitz Dr., Dayton 3, Ohio ......... .... .. 62, 78, 80, 91, 168
V Valerin, Arnoldo A., 45 Hivling St., Dayton, Ohio ............ . Valiukas, Leonard A., 2035 Stapleton Ct., Dayton, Ohio . 24, 113 VanAtta, Albert D., 60 Ashley St., Dayton, Ohio ..... 24, 112 Vance, George T., 227 Triangle Ave., Dayton, Ohio Vanderhorst, JeromE P., 18 Fairgrounds Ave., Dayton, Ohio .. 24, 128. 129 132, 136 Vande Velde, Harry J., 1542 Larchmont Ave., Lakewood,O . ....... 62, 78, 80 95, 112 Vandevander. Rob ~rt H ., R. F . D. I, New Lebanon, Ohio .............. 59, 83 80 , 95, 152 Vangrov, Helen R., 565 W. Second St., Dayton, Ohio Vannorsdall, James W., R. F. D. I, Jeffersonville, Ohio VanSchaik, George John, 1523 Wake Ave., Dayton 3, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ 95 ...... 65 Varalides, Nina, 300 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ Vardalides, Tula Z., 300 Grafton, Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...... 53, 72, 79, 80, 83 91, 108, 109, 110 Vargo, Paul J., 2020 Arthur Ave., Dayton, Ohio Varner, Billie Gene, R. F . D. 8, Box 14, Dayton 3, Ohio ............................. 66 Vavul, Andrew, 645 Kenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio . Velten, James E., 125 S. 17th St., Richmond, Ind . ............ _ _ _ ____ 24 .... 153 Ventura, Samuel J., 164 Ninth St., Newark, Ohio _ __ _ _ _ Verrett, Earl F., 130 Dover St., Dayton 10, Ohio ............. _____ 54. 90 Vest, Paul E., R. F. D. I, Cedarville 3, Ohio Victorino, Bernard Stephen, Box 62, Kapaa, Kaupi, T. H. _ __ _ _ 61 Villemain, Herbert F., 714 Lebanon Ave., Belleville, Ill. ..... 61 Villemain, Milton W ., 3205 S. Dixie Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio _ _ _ __ Vice, Edwin A., 248 Lorain Ave., Dayton JO, Ohio Vincke, John J., Box 28, Ottoville 8, Ohio Vocke, Robert J., 35 Klee Ave., Dayton, Ohio .. 24, 87 Voelkl, Robert N., 649 Creighton Ave., Dayton, Ohio ......... . Vogt, Thomas E., 4146 E. 116 St., Cleveland 5, Ohio Vogue, Larry Leon, R. F. D. 2, West Alexandria, Ohio Volk, Alfred J., 130 Puritan Pl. , Dayton, Ohio Voss, Larry R., 1402 Dewey, Anderson, Ind. Vukelich, John Joseph, R. F . D. 2, Caseyville, Ill.
w ... 24, 86 Wabo, Mary Ann, 702 E. Mahanoy Ave., Mahanoy City, Pa. ......... 92, 105 Wack, Regina L., 40 Central Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..... 24, 112 Wade, James, J 91 S. Fifth St., Newark, Ohio Wagner, Walter Robert, 1517 Central Ave., Sandusky, Ohio ············· 24 Wagner, William P., 511 W. Ninth St., Royal Oak, Mich. Walker, Jane C., 409 Forest Ave., Dayton, Ohio Walker, John V, Box 149 A, R. F . D. I, Clayton, 0. 86 Walker, Una, R. F. D. 1, Hill Rd., Covington, Ohio ...... . Walkie!, Thomas R., 454 Carlisle Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ··· ····57, 77 Wall, Lester E., 135 N. Clinton St., Richwood, Ohio ...... . Wallace, Marie Maxine, Farmersville, Ohio Wallace, Robert E., 2500 Philadelphia Dr., Dayton, Ohio Wallace, Vera Ann, 34 W. Fairview, Dayton, Ohio Wallingsford, Patricia, 129 Fernwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio .... ........ 60, 105 ................... 25 Walsh, Francis B. 58 Ashley St., Dayton 9, Ohio ............. Walsh, James E., 219 Wrights Ave., Conneaut, Ohio ...- - - - .....8, 25, 8 4 Walsh, James E., 235 N. Galloway St., Xenia, Ohio ··············25 Walsh, John V., 2225 Portman Ave., Cleveland 9, Ohio .... . 65, 83, 105 Walsh, Robert Henry, 235 N. Galloway St., Xenia, Ohio ... ········· 25 Walsh, Thomas J., R. F . D. I, De Kalb, Ill. ·· - - - - ········ Walsh, William B., 219 Wrights Ave., Conneaut, Ohio ............... 56, 88, 11 5 Walters, Charles F., 400 E. 59th St., New York 21, N . Y. 61, 78, 80, !12, !1 3 Walton, Gerald C., 6 Knox Place, Dayton 8, Ohio .................................. 63, J0 9 Walton, Harry C., !161 Brazil Lane, Dayton, Ohio ....••·--······················•• 69
Page Two Hundred Twenty
Since 1850
The WEHN ER Roofin g and Tinnin g Co.
FU 3751 - FU 6095
Asbestos, Asphalt Slate and 'Tile 'Roofing Insulated and Asbestos Sidings Skylights, Stock and Exhaust Systems Bonded 'Built-Up 'Roofs Galvanized Standing Seam Roofs Waterproof ing Furnaces, Spouting and Ventilation
We Carry Both State and Public Liability Insurance 1
Page Two Hundred Twenty-one
STUDENT DIRECTORY Walton, Percy, 2400 Lisle Ave ., Dayton, Ohio . ........ 59 Wamsley, Cecil Donald, Vincent. Ohio ....................... ..... ............ 26 Wannemacher, Howard H .. R. F. D. 3, Ft. Jennings, Ohio Wannemacher, James Paul. Box 25, Ottoville, Ohio ...................................... 67 Wannemach~r. Melvin Earl, 512 E. Anthony St .. Celina, Ohio .......... 67, 104 Warning, Donald W .. 440 Truman Ct., Dayton, Ohio ................................. 54 .......... 61, 160 Warning, Gene C., 1119 Warwick Pl. , Dayton, Ohio Warren, Je rry S .. 253 Chestnut St., Dayton, Ohio Waters, Vincent Frederic, 1304 Elm St .. Middletown 8, Ohio ...... 25, 77, 96 Waugh, David E., 402 E. Main St., Greenville, Ohio Weaver, Calvin D., 319 N. Maple, Fairborn, Ohio Weaver, Donald J., 54 Frank St., Dayton 9, Ohio .................................... 25, 132 Weaver, Paul J .. 1019 Washington Ave., Evansville, Ind. Weber, Huldan Elsie, 774 Pavone St. , Benton Harbor, Mich. Webe r, Norman W .. 1314 Demphle Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio ....................... 55 Weber, Robert A ., 615 W. Fifth St .. Delphos, Ohio .................................. 25, 90 Weber, Thomas E., Third St., Perrysville, Ohio ........................................... 59 .. ....67 Weber, Vernon Emil. Brainard Rd. , Solon, Ohio ........................ _ __ _ _ 68 Weeber, Richard H., 342 Fountain Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio Weeks, Elvin Dane, 154 Rickhill Ave., Dayton, Ohio Weger, James A .. 404 E. Third St., Delphos, Ohio Wehinger, Rob e rt F., 964 Burger Ave., Mansfield, Ohio .......................... 53, 72 Wehner, Harold, 1325 Ashland Ave., Dayton, Ohio ......... _ _ _ ____ 25 Wehner, John F .. 508 W . Mechanic St., Wapakoneta, Ohio .............. 25, 88 Wehner, Letitia Jean, 1325 Ashland Ave. , Dayton, Ohio .............................. 63 Weider, Richard E., 311 School St .. Bradford, Ohio Weidner, Harold C. , R. F. D. I , Old Salem Rd .. Dayton, Ohio .... 66, 95 Weidner, Richard Eugene , 222 Kenwood Ave ., Dayton, Ohio Weimer, Duff Eugene, 415 Gramont Ave ., Dayton 7, Ohio Weiher, Ronald George, 1130 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio .. 65, 102, 103 Weinert, Richard A ., 55 S . McGee St., Dayton, Ohio Weinshank, Jerry N ., 707 Lindsey St., Piqua, Ohio ........ _ _ ____ ......69 Weis, Barbara A ., 321 Kenwood Ave ., Dayton 5, Ohio .................. 67, 78, 80 Weisman, Thomas II, 1014 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio .................. 25, 77 Weiss, Lester T., 2243 Lisle Ave., Dayton, Ohio Welbaum, Gary R. , 457 W. Plum St .. Tipp City, Ohio Wenning, Paul C., R. F. D. I , Coldwater, Ohio ....... _ _ _ __ _ _ 25, 75 68 Wenstrup, Kenneth Paul. 2600 Sheridan Dr., Norwood 12, Ohio ...... Westbald, Clifford W ., 739 Creighton Ave .. Dayton 10, Ohio .............. 25, 96 Westendorf. Robert, J., 19 Seminary Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................... 54, 76 Westerfie ld, Charles U. , 318 Cedar St., Owensboro, Kentucky ....... 25, 113 Weston , Edward, R. F. D. 7, Rahn Rd., Dayton, Ohio Wethington, George P .. Clementsville, Kentucky Whale n, Thomas P ., 6025 N. Maplewood, Chicago 45, Ill . ..................... ... 67 Wheatley, Wanda L. , 24 Redlands Ave .. Dayton, Ohio _ _ __ _ _ _ .. 81 Wheelersburg, Carl P .. 363 W . First St., Apt. I, Dayton, 0 . Whitake r, James Richard, R. F. D. I, Miamisburg, Ohio ......................... 25 White , Joseph C .. 1102 Superior Ave., Dayton, Ohio White, Maurice G ., 120 Durner Ave .. Dayton 8, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 26 ................. 69 White, Robe rt Edward, 671 E. River St., Elyria, Ohio White, Rob ert Lee, 205 Clemmer St., Dayton, Ohio ............................. .......... 25 White, Robe rt Les ter, 2926 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 25 White, Tedford, 27 Ashwood Ave .. Dayton, Ohio Whithair, Elton D., 709 Cottage Ave., Miamisburg, Ohio .............. 102, 103 .. ............. 167, 179 Whisler, Bev e rly J.. 702 Haynes St. , Dayton 10, Ohio . Whitmer, Richard Lee, 59 W. National Rd., Vandalia, Ohio .. 69, 102, 103 _ __ _ _ _ 113 Whitmore, David V., 13 W . Eme rson, Fairborn, Ohio Wie demann, Ernest. 316 Bone Rd .. Cincinnati 33, Ohio Wiggenhorn, Richard G ., 337 Clover St. , Dayton 10, Ohio ....... 68, 102, 103 Wikle, John J.. R. R. I, Dayton, Ohio Wiles , Lawrence Arthur, 473 Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio Wilkening, Jerome Burrows, 159 Lexington Ave .. Dayton, Ohio Wilkerson, Cortez, 1806 Germantown St .. Dayton, Ohio 65, 73 Wilkerson, James Edward, 173 Hawthorn St. , Dayton, Ohio ............ 104 Willems, Rob ert John, 320 N. Spring Ave., LaGrange, Ill. Williams, Bertie Mae, 1640 Weaver St., Dayton, Ohio Williams, Earl Rav, 332 Burrowes Blvd., Fairborn, Ohio Williams, Jay A., 31 High St., Dayton, Ohio ................................................. 62 Williams, Joseph E., 836 Kumler Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio Williams, John V. 1703 E. 28th St .. Baltimore 18, Md. Williams, LeRoy, 601 Piqua Pl., Dayton, Ohio Williams , Richard F., 9 Wilmington Ave .. Dayton, Ohio · - -- -........ 25 Williamson, Elizabe th N.. 124 Anderson St., Dayton II, Ohio Willis, Richard F .. 3426 W . 117 St. Cleveland II, Ohio Willoughby, Russell, H., 252 High St., Dayton, Ohio Wilson, Eugenia E .. 3100 Germantown St., Dayton, Ohio Wilson, Jack Curtis, 120 Vine St .. Xenia, Ohio Wilson, Patricia A ., 912 Harmon Ave., Dayton, Ohio ........................... 25, 80 Witt, Ric hard, 88·22·69 Ave ., Forest Hills, N. Y. .... _ _ __ _ ...... 60, 156 Wilt, William B.. 2906 Shafer Blvd. , Dayton, Ohio ............................... .......... 60
Wilvert, Ruth B.. 1636 Harold Dr. , Dayton, Ohio Wimsatt, Thomas K., 314 E. Fifth St., Owe nsboro, Ky . ..... ........... 61, 88, 112 Winkfield, Philip J .. 25 Grosvenor Ave., Dayton 7, Ohio .. ........................... 61 Wirth, James E., R. F .D. I, Clayton, Ohio ................ Wise, Robert L., 424 Elmdale Dr. , Dayton 9, Ohio ....................................... 158 Wissing, Richard D .. 1119 Hammers Ave., Louisville, Ky . .......................... 5 6 Withrow, Richard L., 705 American Bldg.. Dayton, Ohio .............................. 25 Witte, Roger B., 3803 E. Third St. , Dayton 3, Ohio .....................- -............. 95 Wittenberg, James W ., 196 Holmes Rd., Fairborn, Ohio Wittmann, Rita Ann, 646 Hodapp Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio .......... 60, 83, 105 Wogaman, Robert J., IOI East St., Versailles, Ohio Wojciechowaski. Walter, 1401 Mound St., Springfield, Ohio ...................... 26 Wojick, Ronald Joseph, 2322 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio .. -·· -- -- .......... 67 Wolff, Grace, 604 Kenwood Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio Wolley, Kenneth Robert, 3553 W. Hillcrest Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio Wolery, John J.. 1250 Alwildy Ave. , Dayton, Ohio Wolf, Nelson D., 2041 Elsmere Ave., Dayton, Ohio ...................................... 61 WoHe, Clifford E .. 122 Berea Pi., Dayton, Ohio Wolff, Donald H., I S. Miami Ave. , Miamisburg, Ohio Wonderly, Billy, Box 155, Verona, Ohio .. .............. 25 Wong, Harry Y. N ., 4223 Sierra Dr., Honolulu 16, T. H. Wonka, Helen, 109 Sherman St .. Dayton, Ohio ...................... 66, 74, 83, 91 Wood, Frederick, 308 Kiefaber St., Dayton ,Ohio Woodward, George D. , 3340 Culver Ave .. Dayton, Ohio .. ........ 68 Wrasman, Paul Aloysius, R. F. D. I , Delphos, Ohio ............ Wright, Charles Andrew, 721 W . Second St .. Xenia, Ohio · -- - - -......67 Wright, Hubert Wayne, 222 E. Main St., W. Carrollton, Ohio Wright. Robert E .. 1936 N. Gettysburg Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................... 65 Wright, Sanford L., 1531 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Wyen, Mary Elizabeth, 313 Dixie Ave .. Dayton, Ohio .................. ............... 65 Wyrostek, Thaddeus S., II Summer St. , Warren, R. I. _ _ _ _ _ 53, 153
y Yakamoto, Patrick Seiji, 3427 Maluhia St .. Honolulu 31, Hawaii .............. 67 Yamada, Thomas S., 642 Alamoana Rd., Honolulu 13, Hawaii ...... 55, 113 Yanes, Manuel A., San Rafael 273, Stop 25, Santurce, P. R. So. .. .........61 Yarnell, Lloyd D.. 1408 E. Schantz, Ave .. Dayton, Ohio Yates, Myrtle Frances, Box 300·E, R. F. D. 7, Dayton, Ohio _ __ _ 66 Yates , Manci S. , 205 Hill St. , Urbana, Ohio ................................ _ _ _ __ 65 Yeazell, Robert William, 1418 S. Limestone St., Springfield, 0 . ...... 102, 103 Yeck, Willa S .. 219 Victor Ave., Dayton 5, Ohio Yike, William J .. 139 Wyoming St .. Dayton 9, Ohio Yim, Henry H. S .. P. 0 . Box 801, Kaneohe Oahu, T. H . ... _ _ ___ 56, 77 York, Gerald P .. 4612 Canyon Rd., Dayton 4, Ohio _ __ _ ___ .......... 78 Yoshimi, James M., P. 0. Box E, Papaikou, T. H. 26, 72, 74, 96, 104 Young, Albert B., 346 W. Tenth Ave., Tarentum 4, Pa. Young, David J., R. F. D. 2, Box 160, Dayton 10, Ohio ................. 73, 83, 95 Young, Georgianna L., 715 St. Nicholas Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio .......... 83 Young, Gregory G ., R. F. D. 2, Box 160 A, Dayton 10, Ohio 26, 77, 78 Young, Joseph A ., 512 E. State St., Fremont, Ohio ..................... 58, 128, 152 Young, Joyce Maxine, 343 N. Jay St. , W. Milton, Ohio Young, Mary R., 304 S . Harrison St., Garrett, Ind . ....... 63, 102, 103, 105 Young, William H .. 509 Otterbein Ave., Dayton, Ohio ..... _ _ _ _ _ 65 Yount, Marcus A ., 726 E. Canal St., Troy, Ohio Youngman, Martha E., 615 Elberon Ave ., Dayton 3, Ohio ..............- - • · 74 Yox, Barbara A .. 237 Kenwood Ave ., Dayton 5, Ohio ...................... 26, 110
z Zaenglein, William, R. F. D. 2, Box 297, Dayton , Ohio Zahari. Ronald J., 4878 N. Ashland Ave ., Chicago 40, Iii. 26, 133, 136 Zaleski. Joseph J .. Box 103, Tiltonsville, Ohio _ __ ___ Zaidain, Sam, 884 Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio Zamorski. Daniel M., 111 Feltus St., South Amboy, N. J. ...... ................ 108 ................................ .................69 Zayac, Edward J ., Senecaville, Ohio Zehring, Robert Henry, 116 57th St., Miamisburg, Ohio Zeiler, Mauree n Phyllis, 7965 Clifton Ave., Dayton, Ohio Zimmer, Charles E .. 32 Virginia Ave ., Dayton, Ohio ............... 76, 96, 100 Zimmer, John M. , 525 Kelping Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............................. 59, 83 Zimmerlin, Leland Harold, 76 Wainwright Dr .. Dayton, Ohio .................. 95 Zimmerman, George E., 58 S. Ardmore Ave., Dayton, Ohio ................... 26 Zimmerman, John A .. 1023 Carlisle Ave., Dayton, Ohio Zimmerman, Richard C., 1023 Carlisle Ave .. Dayton, Ohio ....................... 156 Zimmerman, Thomas E .. 1023 Carlisle Ave., Dayton, Ohio Zinck, Thomas N. , 151 Oakview Dr., Dayton, Ohio .......................... 26, 158 Zummo, Joseph J. , 1023 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio .............................. 99
Page Two Hundred Twenty-two
Jerome J. Muth (Pres.) Howard W. Muth (V. Pres.)
Distributors of Fine Beers, and
Gibson, Roma and Meiers Wines
Best Wishes for Success to the Class of '51 613-627 E. Second St. ~•) - - - - --
133 E. Stewart St.
Dayton, Ohio -
- - - --
MANUFACTURING CO. 818 East Monument Ave.
Dayton, Ohio
Pa g e Tw o Hundred Twenty-three
ADams 9290
KE. 4408
i - - - - - - --
Dayton 2, Ohio
Congratulations to the
A LAST WORD The work of the Daytonian staff started ii1 September with the opening of classes, and went on till July. This is an experiment in a "summer book" with opportunities of incorporating the act1v1t1es on the "Hilltop" as they occurred to the very end of the year.
possible because Jim Baumgarten, with Mary Carey and Pat Donisi from the Engineering office came through with needed copy and typewritten matter. Alan Camin willingly gave much of his time to gather photographic copy; Bob Heck and Pete Chmielewski contributed at critical times.
The staff were few, and inexperienced, but bravely began this task of tasks. The editor, Jimm Horvath, had nothing but the dream of an idea as a goal; he planned and sketched and wrote and talked, did literary and photographic duty, and slaved under the threat of deadlines.
Deserving of mention, further are Sandy Stevens, Mary Ann Weisman, Clare Rohr, Mark Smith, and Jim Nyhan, who served in various capacities on the staff. Dave Lutes and "Pep" Wilson were invaluable for their sports photographic coverage; we appreciate their help and contributions.
Greatest appreciation is due to the staff "finalists" who had to bring numerous threads together after vacation began. Bill Kehl worked through one of the biggest years in the annals of U D sports history. Our little, dark-haired business manager, Julie Raney, should be congratulated for doing a tremendous job in her department. Peggy Howley and Julie Pflaum worked long and late those last weeks checking all details towards a perfect job. Banner work was done by Shirley Schroll, particularly in the final stretches of feverish preparation of the dummy for delivery to the printer; smiles were still
A word of grateful mention is due, too, to the patient and untiring help of Jim Oldham, representaâ&#x20AC;˘ tive of Jahn and Ollier Engraving Company, and to William Amos, from the Sidney Printing and Publishing Company whose advice and suggestions helped bring the book through its most critical stages. But, most of all, to Brother Louis A. Saletel, S.M., the guiding light of the "Daytonian," who despite his many other duties, gave unselfishly of his hours and energy, we ¡say our thanks for having brought the book to its completion.
Page Two Hundred Twenty-four
Ever Forward Another year has run its course . . . twelve months have come and gone .
however we have used the time
. we
have to carry on
. however great our glory now
ill the wind that blew . with many things to do to ponder or regret
there is another year ahead the hours are not long enough . for there are struggles to be
faced . . . and problems to be met . . . Then let us gird ourselves anew . . . and keep our courage high . . . and to the pattern of the past . . . now briefly say good-by . . . Let us ask God for stronger faith .
and nobleness of mind
Let us go forward in the dawn .
. and never look behind. $
"Portraits", those ever-popular and thoughtprovoking poems used throughout the annual, from the Dayton Daily News . . . . courtesy of James ]. Metcalfe and the Chicago SunTim es Syndicate.