Daytonian 2013

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we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are stu ents. family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are m t rm· ,~: a:t£It!~Orga ized. istic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambiti . N." trov . e tim' tic. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we ar p te ar .w ' spirit e . erse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. 'Je are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are adventurous. we are ambitious. we are extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. ve are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family.

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termined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic.

w I ar 'a extroverts. we are optimistic. we are intuitive. we . 0 i " e are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. bl re i r " i e. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are w supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are students. we are family. we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. optimistic. we are intuitive. spiritual. we are diverse. we are intelr ng. we a . we are . we are suppo . we are engage . we are . we are we are victorious. we are proud. we are fighters. we are determined. we are lively. we are organized. we are artistic. we are volunteers. we are flyers. we are community. we are athletic. we are spirited. we are global. we are spiritual. we are diverse. we are sociable. we are involved. we are energetic. we are intense. we are creative. we are intelligent. we are supportive. we are engaged. we are active. we are accepting. we are marianist. we are volunteers. we are involved. we are proud. we are students. we are family. we are community. we are flyers. we are UD.


we are fivers


we are victorious




we are fighters



we are volunteers II


we are familv



we are community 12


Move-In We were blessed with a beautiful day for Student Move-In this year! August 18th brought happiness and excitement all across campus as Daytonians, young and old, eagerly awaited the brand new faces about to join our wonderful community. Chairs sprouted from lawns and porches, sheets hung proudly from rafters, and neighborhoods buzzed with the excitement of the days to come. One by one, the cars full of students and parents, eyes wide with excitement (or perhaps nerves), rolled down Evanston and Kiefaber. Blue Crew, New Student Orientation leaders, Resident Life and Neighborhood Fellows all helped to make the new students feel at home right away. It's safe to say that the weekend and weeks following brought about new friends, new experiences and of course, new additions to our UD community.



~~. NSO 2012

The River Stewards Cohort of 2013 presented to the incoming class in the RecPlex during New Student Orientation giving out 2,000 free reusable water bottles to encourage sustainable living, emphasize the importance of drinking wate r, and teach about Dayton's own valley aquifer.

Blue Crew, NSO Leaders, Neighborhood Fellows, and volunteers from the student body all worked hard to help move in the newest Flyers.



The 2012 AIR Program kicked off in June, leading to another fantastic summer of creativity, dedication and of cou rse, art. Five students were chosen and mentored by Visual Arts professor and professional artist, Jeffrey Cortland Jones.

Kaitlin Meme (Visual Communication Design)

Kelly Cramblit (Visual Communication Design)

Kristen Shortell (Photography)

William Kampf (Visual Communication Design)

Keionna Seabrook (Fine Arts)

Since 2006. AIR has enabled 39 diHerent students to create over 200 original works of art for permament installion throughout 15 campus buildings. 19

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During this wonderful weekend. students and their parents. sisters. brothers. and even some extended relatives were seen everywhere. exploring Kennedy Union. bowling at the Hangar. eating ice cream at the Calley. heading down to Brown street for dinner. and getting tours of the Student Neighborhoods. Campus Activities Board even had hypnotist Daniel James join in for the fun. Families participated in all sorts of campus-held activities and bonded with their IIlonglost children. while getting a glimpse at what goes on here at the University of Dayton. ll

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Fall was punctuated with several speakers, among which were the Nuns on a Bus, a group of nuns who tour the country on, yes, a bus. They tackle different themes, each placing a strong emphasis on the Catholic Church1s long-standing commitment to social justice.


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Salyersville. KY Summer 2013 for UDSAP had another successful program of smiles, spirit, and faith all around!


Senior Christina Cross and her friends just hanging by the pond

The IIUDSAP House which UD students of the year·s UD Summer in Appalachia program group share together for the summer ll

Students attended events like IITrunk or Treat at neighborhood schools, which hosted cars full of festive Halloween treats for elementary kids who otherwise wouldn't be able to Trick-or-Treat. ll

alloween fell on a chilly Wednesday this year, sending shivers down the spines of UD students as they proudly put on their finest costumes, carved out pumpkins, consumed massive amounts of sweet goodies, and spread me spooky spirit.

Other UD students attended the Late Night Pumpkin Carving hosted by Campus Activities Board and Artstreet on Hallow's Eve, or went off campus to corn mazes and haunted cornfields to celebrate the fun holiday.

The creativity the festivities and the spirit of UD Halloween were unforgettable. And let1s not forget about the costumes ... I

Fresh. healthv ompletely local

Christmas on Campus is one of the greatest traditions the University of Dayton offers to its students. An opportunity to not only celebrate Christmas with their peers, but also with many inner-city kids from the Dayton area. 2012 marked the 49th Christmas on Campus. Since the first cac in 1964, the event has evolved into the night of magic and wonder that we know today. "When Christmas on Campus began, it was a celebration for UD students and faculty. Then UD decided to involve the greater Dayton Community; thus local families were invited to come to the event and share in the Christmas celebration. It came to the attention of UD students that many children may not have the opportunity to fully celebrate the Christmas holiday." This year, over 1000 children from Dayton City Schools were treated to a magical evening by UD students!








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Metanoia According to Campus Ministry, "Metanoia inspires people to a change of heart by exploring the Gospel and how it shapes our own lives and the lives of others. Through scripture and sharing of personal witnesses, Metanoia challenges students to explore their invitation to discipleship. The Metanoia retreat is a moving and fun weekend with many surprises. "This year's retreat was open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, and created an atmosphere for exploration of self, faith, and friendships. The retreat was held at Bergamo - a local Marianist retreat center. Campus Ministry notes that all of their retreats provide an opportunity for students to "make your weekends more memorable and more meaningful," and this year's Metanoia retreat surely delivered on this promise!


UDSAp 13 I

For 47 years, UDSAP has given UD students the unique opportunity to spend nine weeks of the summer living in a community and providing services to members of the community in Salyersville, Kentucky. The students run camps for kids and teens and visit local nursing homes - bringing their love, friendship, and Marianist spirit to one of Kentucky's poorest counties.




reserve officers· training


The ROTC program at UD was founded in 1917 making it one of the oldest and longest running programs in the country.


IIGrowing up I always had a desire to do something

important and use the skills Cod blessed me with. Joining the army was the most logical way to do that while also getting my education. ROTC has done amazing things for me; I am much more disciplined than I used to be and have a respect for the men and women who fight and die for this country. I donlt think I am supposed to be anywhere else. II • Jacob Rinehart 115 37

While St. Patty's Day this year not the usual warm and sunny tradition that UD students have come to expect, he chilly day was still celebrated by many wi ,h the urge to spread their Irish cheer! S were even graced with some Irish luck in t e form of multiple events on campus incl ding free food and music at ArtStreet, lu ch events held by Student Neighborhood pecial Interest groups, Irish dancing" ow-to"s, and recreational games at the Rec lex.


Active Minds and M-Fest began in the spring of 2003 as a means of remembering, celebrating, and coping with the loss of a UD community member and friend, Mike Littler. Mikels friends and family put together an all-day concert in memory of Mike and to remove some stigmata surrounding mental illness on college campuses. The first M-Fest was a great celebration on a beautiful spring day. With the funds raised from that first M-Fest, the Mike Littler Fund was established through the University Counseling Center. M-Fest and Active Minds have continued to grow and expand every year. Their mission is to break down the stigmata of mental illness, especially among college students. Throughout the year they look for new ways to spread awareness at U 0 with M-Fest each spring as a fun and unique way. With each new group of students entering into UDls freshman class, more awareness and information has become available to them through their work, the Well ness Council, Counseling Center, Residence Education, and SGA. Puppies, cocoa, music, art, and awareness continue to be the focus and calling of Active Minds. In 2009, they joined the national Active Minds organization - providing an additional network of support. This yearls M-FEST was a fantastic day of performances, crafts, stress-relievers, and education that reminded people to watch for signs of mental distress and reach out in support. 42




,,:RIS 13

Redefining Investment strategy Education





RISE is an annual forum bringing together students, faculty, and investment professionals from around the country. The interactive environment, high-caliber panelists, and open format have made RISE one of the world's most prestigious student investment conferences. RISE 2013 certainly lived up to these expectations - not only did the conference draw students from all reaches of the nation, it even drew virtual attendants from UD's China Institute. Big names at this year's forum included Diane Swonk, Senior Managing Director and Chief Economist at Mesirow Financial; David Kudla, CEO & CIO at Mainstay Capital Management; Dennis Lockhart, President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Charles Evans, President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Fred Tomczak, President & CEO of TD Ameritrade; Roger Ferguson, Jr, President & CEO of TIAA-CREF; and Melody Hobson, President of Ariel Investments. Being a national forum, media was on hand to cover the event as well. Finance student A.J. Ziegler had a chance to speak with Dr. Curran on Bloomberg Radio. Steve Liesman, a Senior Economics Reporter from CNBC, also interviewed a number of students at the conference. Dave Asman, Anchor of FOX Business Network, moderated a markets panel featuring a number of key players in the markets industry. Overall, the event was a great success, as students had the opportunity to ask big questions, hear from the nation's investment leaders, and interact with investment students from around the globe. 45

The first week of April brought a great diversity of literature to campus! "Exploring the worlds of poetry and creative writing, LitFest aims to engage our own undergraduate and graduate students and faculty, secondary students from the Dayton community, area school teachers, and other members of the community in an exploration and celebration of the literary arts." Their two-day program included an amazing array of opportunities: feature readings by renowned, invited poets; group and open-mic readings by writers from the campus and area communities; creative writing workshops on poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and screenwriting; and an open poetry slam facilitated by local slam poets. Planning for LitFest 2013 was led by a collaborative team of faculty in the Department of English, including poet and creative coordinator Albino Carrillo; fiction writer and logistical coordinator Meredith Doench; Director of Graduate Studies, Andrew Slade; poet and Herbert W. Martin Creative Writing Fellow, Jonterri Gadson; and Department Chairperson, Sheila Hassell Hughes. A strong group of English graduate students and undergraduates (from Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honors Society, and from Orpheus, UD's Literary Magazine) also played a critical role in pulling the event together, working on a variety of subcommittees. Representatives from the LTC and Arts Series were also important collaborators, making it a true campus-wide event. For the second time this year, UD involved the local community, working closely with the creative writing faculty from Stivers School for the Arts, Chaminade-Julienne High School, Dayton Early College Academy and Kettering-Fairmont High School. This year's program focused around the event's theme of crossing ideological, geographical, ethnic, and gender-based boundaries and "contact zones, summed up in the phrase, "Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Frontiers." 46 -Information for this article was taken from the program's website. II



The Stander Schedule Monday, April 8: Celebration of the Arts Opening at the Schuster Center in downtown Dayton Tuesday, April 16: Mass of the Holy Spirit, Keynote Address by Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D. Wednesday, April 17: Day at the Stander





1 school

This year's Dayton 2 Daytona marked the 36th anniversary since its founding by SGA representative Jim Migliore. It has grown from 50 seniors riding down in a bus to an all-inclusive event with more than 2,500 students! Still, the heart and community of the trip remain unchanged. This year, with the help of the student-leisure tour company, Breakaway Tours, Dayton 2 Daytona took over 5 Daytona Beach hotels, reserved exclusively for UD students; free food and beverages excited students almost as much as the classic poolside competitions like the "cannonball contest" and "corndog eating contest". Add music and you've got yourself a good time! This year we were joined by Shwayze, Sean Kingston, and UD's own Dave Zup.



From 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday of the new school year, the incoming students of the University of Dayton, as well as any other interested students, eagerly walked the freshly cut lawn of Kennedy Union Field. It is a tradition for the many organizations that UD has to offer to set up tables and information booths to enlighten incoming students of the benefits of their specific clubl organization with hopes of earning new members and new friends. During those three hours, new journeys begin which will

last a lifetime.

All Y ar, ArtStreet ered ekly am~ing and free arts ogramming, i luding We nesday Wor o en Mic Nights riday Night Fil

In addition to the academic theater program, students throughout the University participated in Studio Theatre Club. Their performances included the Freshman Survival Guide, Monologue/Scene Night, Full Circle, The Project, UD Mons Doubt, and One Acts.

Parachute steve Moakler The Future Laureates

Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student-run programming board that provides events for students on the University of Dayton's campus.

"The UD Dance Teaf'll has introduced me 1:0 some of my best frien cls who share my passio n for dance. We have become such a close grou p and I am so

proud of how far the team has come! As a graduating senior, this team is one ofthe thing I will miss the most about UD! I will miss practices, performing our dances in the student neighbolrh()old~ during socials, and showing off our 'swag' during performances. This team has become my family and I wish them the best of luck the years to come!"

-Caroline Santella, CO-IPnulidl.1I


UDDM began at 1:00 AM on November 10th at the RecPlex. Generous students volunteered 14 hours of their time to form teams and dance for kids from Dayton Children's Medical Center. Various prizes, competitive games, and testimonies from patients and friends filled the gym for hours of non-stop dancing.


Chi Omega

Alpha Phi

Alpha Phi Alpha

Beta Theta Pi

Phi Kappa Psi

Phi Sigma Kappa

Sigma Chi


Theta Phi Alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha

Delta Tau Delta

Sigma Nu

Pi Beta Ph i

Kappa Alpha Psi

Pi Kappa Alpha

Pi Kappa Phi

Sigma Phi Epsilon

15% undergraduate men

16% undergraduate women

founded in 1907

" Running the Autumn Ai k'Was a great experience. I got to become more involved with the University of Dayton while supporting a great cause in the process. " John Mackenzie 66

Profes ionalism I Community Service I S'-~


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Leadership I Friendship I Service

Who: Members of a co-ed

service fraternity What: A wide variety of service projects based on the principles of leadership. _~ friendship and service Why: An opportunity to meet new people and make a difference


Phi Beta Chi is one of the university's co-ed fraternities for communication students. This group has set out to enrich our community as well as each member's communication skills. After making it through the recruitment events and the six weeks of pledging, the eager canidates will learn about the communication field, and officially call themselves brothers. Once a

brother, each student experiences various speakers, networking opportunities, event planning, and most importantly, fundraising

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Defining Organizations...

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Alpha Phi Omeu

what can you say about being a part of Christmas on Campus? "Being on the Christmas on Campus com mittee has been an amazing experience and opportunity to positively im pact thousands of local Dayton children while also bringing together the student population and the entire Dayton community." Interviewee: Jillian Schneider

Christmas on Campus

Kappa Pi

Defining Organizations ...


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Delta Sigma Pi "Delta Sigma Pi has not only helped me grow professionally but has provided me with so many opportunities and friendships. It has also provided me with all the essentials needed to make it in the business world and a way to be more involved on campus. Our three tiers: professional, social and community service allow each member to become involved in what he/she has a strong passion for.

Delta Sigma Pi has impacted my life since my very first pledge interview. II

-Jenna Gehring, Brother

Distance for Dreams

Defining Organizations...

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How has Flyer

Flyer News has been an important part of my life for four years. It's been an organization where I can grow as a journalist and be involved in sharing stories that are important to campus. FN is a training grounds but also serves a vital function at UD." Interviewee: Ethan Klosterman

Habitat for H man- - .......

International Club

Consciousness Rising

"Consciousness Rising aligns directly with the missio n of the university because people come to this school to learn and then go out and make a difference. That is exactly what this conference is hoping to do. Everyone has a responsibility to help a nd this is easy access to learn how. Consciousness Rising serves all students in every college because each individual student has a special talent, gift, strength or passion that plays a role in solving an issue that stands in t he way of humans receiving their minimum rights that should be guaranteed." -Erin Peery, President of Consciousness Rising

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Defining Organizations ...

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onhodox Christian Fellowship

Rescue Squad

How have KU Table Hours impacted your organization? "Table Hours really gave us the chance to give everyone on campus an opportunity to get involved and learn about all of the opportunities our service fraternity has to offer." Interviewee: Jackie Herns, Pledge Class Leader of Gamma Epsilon Lambda Interview Location: 4th floor of Roesch Library 81

Comprised of 170 students. Flyer Enterprises· employ range from sales associate positions a U of the way to Chief Executive Officer-

Flyer Enterprises' newest division: The Jury Box opening October 2013 Flyer Enterpsies is expanding by adding an additonal branch, The Jury Box, to the basement of the law library.




flyer enterprises

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the galley

the Blel1d -'Express-

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As the sixth largest student-run corporation in the nation, the University of Dayton1s Flyer Enterprises, comprised of nine divisions, brings in an annual revenue of over $1.3 million.

Mov e-in day was a day full of exc item ent and new experiences. There wer e pare nts, firs t years, and mem bers of New Stu den t Orie ntat ion help ing mov e the new firs t years into the ir dorms. Everyone was extr eme ly exc ited to beg in the ir new jour ney here at UD. 86

Interview with The Leap Years· Pat McKeone and Joe Oliveri

en Q: How did you guys meet?


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JO & PK: One of the first days of freshma n year orientation we met through a mutual friend. Q: What would you say is the genre you perform? JO & PK: Cafe rock Q: What is the inspiration for your songs? Pat McKeone: Music on t.v., things that happen in daily life, really just anything Joe Oliveri: It's mainly just random inspiration What's your favorite song to perform? JO: We really like Seasons, which is a song Pat wrote and I composed PK: We also like covering "Lights" by Ellie Goulding. It's a song people like to get involved in What's your favorite part of being musicians? PK: I like when I look up from playing and see people singing along to our music. It's cool to see people know the words to our songs JO: I like seeing the entire process come together and the appreciation from everyone PK: We do it for the music and it's also pretty cool when people like it

Photos courtesy of Maria Delgado, Allison Gallucci, Jenni Province, and Liz Rosevear


Interview with 1528 Brown street Q: Do you have any interesting traditions with your roommates? A: Procrastination and distracting each other; it wasn't intentional but it sure has become tradition Q: Do you do anything together as an apartment? A: Yes, we love to go to the Greene, stay home and listen to Erin talk, watch movies, go to U0 theater performances, and we enjoy the occasional crafting and coloring session Q: What do you love most about your apartment? A: Everything! The apartment is great and it is in a prime location Q: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, which of your roommates would die first and why? A: Erin Yacovoni because she would be too gullible and believe the zombies were just actors or she would probably try to befriend the zombies, which wouldn't end well for her


Juniors Kate Burkman. Kathryn Cardocki. Erin Yacovoni. and Kristin Kramer enjoy their time together as roommates

Just a short walk from the middle of campus, Brown Street is home to not only restaurants, cafes, and small shops, but also many graduate and law students who claim the apartments above some of our favorite stores. These apartments and studios are only a short walk to the library and law school, and to have your room smell like Smashburger or Chipotle, which is a plus in anyone's book, all you have to do is open your window. 93

Campus South, located on 311 Irving Avenue, houses sophomores in 53 3-bedroom apartments. Campus South is home to Club #6, the organization that promotes substance-free activities, and the sixth floor is dedicated to substance free housing. Campus South also has an honors floor and a total of ten floors. Campus South is a sophomore housing favorite because it is one of the few housing options that has a kitchen. The apartment style living makes it a unique way for sophomores to live their second year at UD. 95

Lauren Shewhart Julia Crannan Nicole Tromp Carla Knapke Regina Crane Brooke Bennett Alexandra Calteaux


Q: Do you share any interesting traditions with your roommates? A: W e make a list of things we want to accomplish throughout the year and check them off as we go. It keeps us on task and it's a great way to look back on our year and see what we have all done.

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Q: What is one thing you love about your house? A: My r oom has a fireplace in it. It doesn't work, but it looks cool. Q: What is the strangest thing that has ever happened in your house? A: Once we caught a mouse that had been living in our upstairs closet.

Q: In the event of a Zombie apocalypse, which of your roommates would

die first and why? A: Lauren, because she's the slowest! Q: How did you choose this house? A: We chose it because it had a wraparound porch and plenty of bedrooms for all of us .

Q: Are there any running jokes between you and your roommates? A: On A pril Fools Day before we moved into our house, we told one of our roommates that someone had called us saying the house had term ites and we would have to find a different one. She believed us, and now we joke to her about termites to remind her of it.


Q: Do you watch any shows together as a house? A: We're a big fan of anything on HGTV!


Q: Does your house have any unique features? A: We have an extra room in the back that we use as a walk-in



pantry, and we also have a nice view of the cemetery, which is right next door. 97







Senior year is a big year; ~1IIfoi u are about to step out into the r.eal world with real problems and real responsibilities. This final year in college is one where you have to figure out what you want from ,.:. life, while still enjoying the last year ~ _ ,with your friends . ~

Interview with Audrey Delguidice These ladies know what it's like to balance their school work and social lives during their senior year. When asked what she liked about College Park, Audrey Delguidice replied, III loved our ho~se

dynamic.There was always someone to hang out with or annoy:· Audrey also mentioned how the location was a plus because of how close it was to Brown Street. She pointed out that the only thing that was difficult was doing laundry without a car. When asked about her favorite memory of living at College Park, Audrey replied, I think my favorite memories would have to be the late night Speedway runs. We would come back and watch movies of the disturbing variety, or play cards and scream about it. Itls hard to pick, the whole year was my fabulous. II



"What makes it special? The people! This year there were a lot of seniors on our street. Being the tight-knit community that we are, there were so many familiar faces, some I knew very well, others I remembered from a class or a gathering. Our street has been so active this year and getting to develop relationships has made this the best year yet! II

"I have made more friends and met more people as a resident of Evanston than I could have ever imagined. Living on this street has far exceeded my expectations for my senior year in the best possible way. I've never felt so immersed in the community as I do right now. It has definitely been my favorite year of college. Graduating in May, I can easily say UD was the best decision of my life!"


Interview with Hannah Reilly 113

li My favorite memory was 8t. Patrick's Day. Because Lowes and Kiefaber were closed down due to the "riots", all of our friends migrated to our house to hang out. We had a big hearty breakfast at 9:00 in the morning to make sure we all had enough energy to get through the day! It was great to have all of us together, enjoying our last UD holiday before graduation." 101

"Finger Foods is an event where we open our house and serve finger foods in an effort to build community among the students on campus. We serve various foods such as chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, cheese sticks, buffalo chicken dip, deli spirals, etc. We really enjoy the event because it is a good way to continue to strengthen relationships with the people we already know and at the same time get to know new people who stop by. As a Marianist Student Community, we feel it is a good opportunity to fulfill our goals as a special interest house of building community among our roommates, the international community, and the greater UD and Dayton community." -Jill Smith, host of Finger Foods on Frericks



on Stewart 106


in Gardens on Stewart? ·Sell, a senior Resident s is something quite 10 ation great with being reet and the Library, a adult by living in an

Q: Do you share any interesting traditions with your roommates?

I ".1 ·

RS: Thursday Evenings we had roommate hang out time, which included going out to eat, playing games, making dinner together, and doing pranks or crazy shenanigans. As a house we did a lot of fun activities. OF: Epic Movie time in the living room while eating Paul1s beer bread. We would also eat a bucket of ice cream together at Ben&Jerryls

Q: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, which of your roommates would die first, and why?

RS: Ben would die first. We would be too busy working on some gymnastic move or cooking a paleo meal to realize the zombies were already munching on his brain. OF:Ben Huey; his singing would attract all of the Zombies.

11 0

Interview with

Duncan Fischley and Rob Sander

240 Kiefaber: Duncan Fischley, Ben Huey, Paul Obbagy, Mark Kristl; (Not Photographed): Rob Sander, Peter Elliot

The Ladies of 220 L street are awesome

Alisa Vidulich, Emily Bright, Kristina Demichele, Megan Fox, Val Rozzo, (and Josh Moore)

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Q: What is your favorite thing to do with your roommates? EB: We always had the best time together, just sitting around talking about the most random things KD: We all loved having roommate time, so going to Elsa's or just hanging out in our living room eating pizza and chatting about life were some of our favorite things to do together! Q: What is one thing you loved about your house? EB: The character of the house and those who lived in it KD: Our house always kept a positive attitude. At the bottom of the stairs, we hung a dry-erase board on the wall, and each day all of us would write our "Miracle of the Day" on the board. We also kept many affirmative quotes on the walls all year long.

Being a 5th year can be very hard on people because a lot of your best friends move on with their lives and leave UD. I am SO very blessed to have had the opportunity to live with these 5 other people. The bonds we have formed from the past year have become so strong, and continue to keep growing even after college. Alisa, Megan, Emily, Kristina, and Josh: Thank you so much for being there for me and contributing to one of the best years of my life. I love you all, with all of my heart. -Val 113

lawnview 110 Lawnview: Robbie Stachler, Jim Dutton, Mark Stram, Jordan Deleon, Nate Tumbusch, and Dean Samuels.

An interview with Robbie: Q: Do you share any interesting traditions with your roommates? A: Porch sitting; our porch railing was renovated and is excellent to chill out on Also, this house is associated with the men's music fraternity on campus, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia- anything related to that is a tradition.

Q: Do you do anything together as a house? A: We usually do fraternity functions together. Also dinner with the whole house was done at least once a week. Q: What is one thing you love about your house? A: Perfect location and central within the ghetto, across from ArtStreet and the ArtStreet Amphitheater. It is cool for us because of the music aspect of art.


Q: Does your house have any unique features? A: Our house dog is named Bismarck.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia: 110 Lawnview Officers

President: Mitch McCrady Treasurer: Mark Stram Outreach Officer: Nate Tumbusch Alumni Relations Officer: Robbie Stachler Fraternal Education Officer: Dean Samuels

Interview with Connor McNamee Senior 2013 Q: What do you like about living on Lowes? A: I liked that it was the closest I've lived to campus since living in Founders freshman year. I also liked that everyone I knew pretty much lived down the street, it wasn't a dorm and I didn't have to be on meal plan.

Q: What would you change about it? A: I guess I didn't care for being on the second floor, or having housemates in the house below who I didn't know.

Q: How has living on Lowes affected your life as a student at UD? A: Living so close just really helped the feeling of home sink in, because I could just walk around and know everyone, and my place was never too far away.

Q: What was the best memory you had while living on Lowes? A: Going out onto the porch late at night was always a good time.

Interview with Teresa Lynch. Resident Assistant "I really liked living in Marianist. The best part was the location. It is so central in campus, that everything was just a close walk away. It was also super convenient living where there was a study space, a dining hall, and the book store."

"Marainist affected me in a very positive way. I met a lot of new friends in the building, both within my RA staff, and my wonderful floor. The location was great, it made going to class and meetings really convenient."

"My favorite memory of living at Marianist was having my end-of-the-year cookout with my floor. My bosses and the RAs in the building cam e to it, as well. The weather was perfect, the food was great, and it was a great way to wrap up the year."

"If I could change one thing about Marianist I would change it so that everyone would keep their door open , and get to know their floorm ates more. Marianist has doors that automatically shut and lock, which can be a little unwelcoming at times. "

"Being an RA in a dorm really changed my life. Living alone as RA really taught me a lot about myself. I also feel like I matured a lot from my experiences. I also had to become more efficient with my time. I had to fit in work, school, my floor, clubs, as well as try to find time to hang out with my friends. I met so many great new people because of it, and I can't wait to do it all next year again in Gardens on Stewart!" - Teresa Lynch, RA

One of four first-year res halls here at UD, Marycrest is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year

"It's loud, living at Marycrest. It's great having a dining hall to socialize, but residents are sure to build community at 3:00AM on the weekends. People are great, everyone greets everyone with a warm smile and are friendly although they may not know you by name.

"If I could change anything about Marycrest, I would make the dining hall open until 1:OOAM. The lunch ladies and all of the staff are wonderful, we would love to have more time with them, and have a chance to get a monster cookie or froyo at midnight."

"My favorite memory in the Crest would probably be table surfing with a fellow RA. Although I hurt my leg, it was a blast surfing across the tables on sheets. Also, seeing my residents enjoy shower parties and movie nights together; Seeing them get to know each other and expand their horizons has been so exciting!"

"Living in Marycrest has taught me the importance of patience. There are many people in this building- all with tests, practice, and extracurriculars. As much as we all have going on, being friendly and patient with others in a hurry is so important, showing them that they are valued as a person and individual in this building- because this is their home, too. Wouldn't you want to be recognized on the staircase at home?" 121

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Cassie Schemmel, Laura Petrocci, Kara Kindel, Anne Elise, Lauren Glass, and Emily Motz sit on their porch at 340 Stonemill. Among many other lucky seniors, these girls were able to live in a house their senior year. Unlike most seniors however, they lived in a Marianist house and held mass at their house every Monday night at 9:15. This was a unique part of their home and a true example of the Marianist values which are instilled in all students at the University of Dayton. These girls allowed others into their home to celebrate mass on a weekly basis which shows how they valued community and faith.

1915 Trinity Avenue: home to Nick Fahrig. Michael Barnard. Scott Fogel. and Matt "Sully" Bieber. as well as the UD Chapter of Epsilon Tau Pi 126

Epsilon Tau Pi is the premier Eagle Scout fraternity dedicated to brotherhood. service. and the principles of Scouting.

Brotherhood is very important within Epsilon Tau Pi. The limited number of Eagle Scouts creates a tight-knit organization of friends that share the same common experiences and many of the same goals for the future. Epsilon Tau Pi builds brotherhood everyday through social activities such as camping, sporting events, barbecues and cookouts, canoeing, and just hanging out. Service is also a large part of life in Epsilon Tau Pi. Becoming an Eagle Scout is built upon service to others and it is such that Epsilon Tau Pi is also built upon. The brotherhood serves the community as well as the local Scouting communities as a way to give back to Scouting.

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A national brotherhood of Eagle Scouts 127

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Desserts on the Darkside

Flyer 5K Challenge National Catholic Championship All-Ohio Championship NCAA Pre-Nationals A-10 Championship NCAA Great Lakes Regional

3rd 5th of 34 3rd of 7 7th of 26 6th of 16 15th of 32


Schedule: Sep. 01, 2012: Flyer 5K Challenge; Kettering, OH 3rd of 4 National Catholic Invitational; South Bend, IN 7th of 34 All-Ohio Championship; Cedarville, OH 5th of 9 NCAA Pre-Nationals; Louisville, KY 4th of 24 A-10 Championships; Philadelphia, PA 6th of 16 PMNCAA Great Lakes Regional; Madison, WI 16th of 30

Senior Greg Roeth earned his second consecutive White Allen Most Valuable Runner Award. This award is given to the runner who is most vital to the team's success. "During his Dayton Flyer career, Greg has been a quiet leader, letting his race results speak for him, said UD Head Coach Rich Davis. "In 2012, he led the Flyers in four cross country meets. Additionally, Greg was the individual winner of four spring season track meets, including becoming the All-Ohio Champion at 137 10,000 meters. II



Colleen Williams, 3, was highly recognized this season. She was named to the second team of the NSCAAIContinental Tire Women's NCAA Division I All-America Teams. For three consecutive seasons, Williams has been named an All-American and is the first Flyer to do so. In addition, for a second consecutive year, Williams was named to the Hermann Trophy Watch List. She is one of 38 other female soccer players in the nation. This is the highest individual award in intercollegiate soccer.

Three University of Dayton women's soccer players were named the nation's top student-athletes:

Colleen Williams #3 Juliana Libertin #12 Sarah Senoyuit #19


Aug. 04: Haiti National Team, W 4-1 Aug. 10, 2012: Miami, L 4-0 Aug. 17: Texas, L 3-2 (OT) Aug. 19: Texas-San Antonio, W 5-1 Aug. 23: Boston U, W, 2-1 (20T) Aug. 26: Northwestern, W 5-2 Aug. 31: Central Michigan, L 4-2 Sep. 02: DePaul, L 2-1 (OT) Sep. 07: Harvard, W 3-1 Sep. 09: Northeastern, Boston, MAW 3-1 Sep. 14: Wright State, W 3-0 Sep. 28: Massachusetts, W 4-0 Sep. 30: Rhode Island, W 7-2 Oct. 05: Butler, L 3-2 (OT) Oct. 07: Saint Louis, W 1-0 Oct. 13, 2012: Xavier, W 3-0 Oct. 19, 2012: St. Bonaventure, W 3-0 Oct. 21, 2012: Duquesne, W 4-0 Oct. 26: Richmond, W 2-1 Oct. 28, 2012: VCU, T 1-1 (20T) Nov. 01: Massachusetts University of Rhode Island, W 4-1 Nov. 02: VCU - A-1 0 Semifinal, 1-1 (20T) Mar. 10: Morehead State, T 1-1 Mar. 23: Bowling Green Baujan Field, W 3-0 139 Apr. 13: Marshall Baujan Field, W 3-0

Flyers' soccer had a great season overall. Players especially loved the intense energy and excitement that students, family and staff shared at every home game at Baujan. The continuing players look forward to another great year in 2013.

Senior Spotlight Evan McCreary, 15, is a forward from Canton, OH. "One of the best things about being on the men's soccer team is the comradery. We spent a ton of time together which really made us a cohesive team." In the future, McCreary is considering trying out for a small pro team but he is mostly in it for the fun and

Daniel Berko,16, is a Mid-fielder from Ghana. Berko says that he loved and appreciated every second he spent on the team. "The best moment on the team was seeing how much I'd improved. I went from scoring zero goals in my previous season to scoring ten goals in my senior year. And on senior night, Evan and I both scored." Berko plans to play professionally in the U.S. so be sure to look out for him.

2012 Men's Soccer Schedule: Aug. 14: Bradley, W 3-1 Aug. 18: Detroit, W 2-0 Aug. 24: Ohio State, W 3-2 Aug. 26: Kentucky, W 4-3 Aug. 31: Furman (Nike / Aaron Olitsky Memorial Classic), W 3-2 Sep. 2: College of Charleston (Nike / Aaron Olitsky Memorial Classic), L 1-0 Sep. 9: Eastern Illinois (Marriott Classic), W 4-1 Sep. 14: Gardner-Webb, W 2-1 (OT) Sep. 16: IPFW, W 4-1 Sep. 22: SlUE Edwardsville, ILL 1-0 Oct. 5: Butler, W 3-1 Oct. 7: Saint Louis, L 1-0 Oct. 12: Xavier, T 2-2 (20T) Oct. 19: St. Bonaventure, L 3-0 Oct. 21: Duquesne, W 2-1 Oct. 26: Richmond, W 5-0 Oct. 28: VCU, L 3-2 Nov. 2: UMass, W 2-0 Nov. 4: Rhode Island, W 4-0 Nov. 8: Xavier - A-1 0 Q uarterfinal, T 1-1 20T (Xavier advances 3-2 in PK's)

Schedule Illinois St. Duquesne Robert Morris Jacksonville Butler Davidson Morehead St. Valparaiso San Diego Drake Marist

UD 14 7 20

17 11 38 41 45 9 28 21

Opp. 56 17 14 21 21 3 27 0 41 13 17

The 2012 season held multiple victories for the Dayton Flyers; including both the regular season and tournament championship in the Atlantic 10. The Flyers finished the 2012 season with a 27-5 overall and 14-0 in the Atlantic 10 Conference. With a national rank of 19th overall, Dayton's total of five loses this season came from teams ranking in the top 25. During the season the Flyers were in the top 25 poll every week reaching as high as number lOin the nation. A perfect record in conference play doesn't come without hardwork and dedication. Three repeat All-Americans Honors; Samantha Selsky, Megan Campbell, and Rachel Krabacher supplemented the Flyers to a 19 match winning streak. This streak led them up to the second round meeting with number two ranked Oregon.

The Flyers season ended in Eugene Oregon where they came just short in their second round match with Oregon who stood behind the national champions, Texas.

2012-2013 Schedule Nov. 03, 2012 Saturday 5:00 PM Ashland - (exh) L 79-77 Nov. 09, 2012 Friday 4:00 PM Mississippi Valley State - (Maggie Dixon Classic) W 93-59 Nov. 10, 2012 Saturday 8:00 PM DePaul - (Maggie Dixon Classic) W 92-80 Nov. 14,2012 Wednesday 7:00 PM Toledo W 79-76 Nov. 18, 2012 Sunday 2:00 PM Vanderbilt W 71-66 Nov. 23, 2012 Friday 7:00 PM Buffalo - (Marriott Classic) W 68-44 Nov. 25, 2012 Sunday 2:00 PM Eastern Illinois - (Marriott Classic) W 105-42 Nov. 28, 2012 Wednesday 7:00 PM Wright State W 95-73 Dec. 01 , 2012 Saturday 5:00 PM UNLV - (ASU Classic) W 82-58 Dec. 02, 2012 Sunday 4:30 PM Arizona State - (ASU Classic) W 65-59 Dec. 08, 2012 Saturday 1:00 PM Michigan State W 60-53 Dec. 18, 2012 Tuesday 5:30 PM Akron W 90-59 Dec. 22, 2012 Saturday 1:00 PM Siena - (TV: Time Warner Cable SportsChannel) W 91-53 Dec. 30, 2012 Sunday 1:00 PM Bowling Green rL 65-40 Jan . 12, 2013 Saturday 12:00 PM Butler W 82-39 Jan. 16, 2013 Wednesday 7:00 PM La Salle W 95-47 Jan . 20, 2013 Sunday 2:00 PM Rhode Island W 74-48 Jan. 24, 2013 Thursday 11 :00 AM George Washington W 80-52 Jan. 27, 2013 Sunday 2:00 PM Massachusetts W 83-44 Jan. 30, 2013 Wednesday 7:00 PM VCU W 60-49 Feb. 03, 2013 Sunday 11 :00 AM Richmond - (TV: ESPNU) W 72-64 Feb. 07, 2013 Thursday 7:00 PM Xavier W 78-68 Feb. 10, 2013 Sunday 7:00 PM Fordham W 68-57 Feb. 18, 2013 Monday 9:00 PM Duquesne - (TV: CBS Sports Network) W 58-57 Feb. 21, 2013 Thursday 7:00 PM St. Bonaventure W 67-63 Feb. 24, 2013 Sunday 2:00 PM Temple W 67-47 Feb. 28, 2013 Thursday 8:00 PM Saint Louis W 71-61 Mar. 03, 2013 Sunday 2:00 PM Saint Joseph's * - (TV: ESPN2) W 73-66 Mar. 09, 2013 Saturday 12:00 PM George Washington W 74-49 Mar. 10,2013 Sunday 1:30 PM Saint Joseph's (TV-CBS Sports Network) L 61-54 Mar. 24, 2013 Sunday 2:30 PM NCAA 1st Round - St. John's (TV: ESPN2) W 96-90 (20T) Mar. 26, 2013 Tuesday 7:00 PM NCAA 2nd Round Kentucky (TV: ESPN2) L 84-70



2012-2013 UD Men1s Basketball Awards: White Allen Most Valuable Player- Kevin Dillard Alex Schoen Free Throw Percentage- Kevin Dillard John L. Macbeth Scholar-Athlete- Brian Vonderhaar Dr. George Rau Spirit Award- Brian Vonderhaar "Shorty" Sharpenter Top Rebounder- Devin Oliver Defensive Player of the Year- Khari Price Chris Daniels Memorial Award- Devin Oliver UHL Family Endowed Scholarship- Vee Sanford Thomas M. Luppe Memorial Award- Dyshawn Pierre (Credit to Flyer News)

2012-2013 Schedule

Oct. 27, 2012: Findlay - W 77-58 Nov. 04, 2012: Walsh - W 81-63 Nov. 10,2012: Arkansas State - W 74-61 Nov. 15,2012: Colorado - L 67-57 Nov. 16, 2012: Boston College - W 87-71 Nov. 18, 2012: Auburn - W 73-63 Nov. 24, 2012: Manhattan - W 66-58 Nov. 28, 2012: Weber State - L 62-61 Dec. 01,2012: Northern Illinois - W 60-43 Dec. 05, 2012: Alabama - W 81-76 Dec. 08, 2012: Miami - W 83-61 Dec. 15, 2012: Florida Atlantic - W 81-56 Dec. 19,2012: Illinois State - L 74-73 Dec. 22, 2012: Murray State - W 77-68 Dec. 30, 2012: USC - L 63-61 (aT) Jan. 05, 2013: UAB - W 78-71 Jan. 09,2013: VCU - L 74-62

Jan. 12, 2013: Butler - L 79-73 Jan. 16,2013: La Salle - L 72-70 Jan. 23, 2013: Fordham - W 96-51 Jan. 26, 2013: Duquesne - W 72-56 Jan. 30, 2013: Xavier - L 66-61 Feb. 02, 2013: Saint Louis - L 81-52 Feb. 06, 2013: Saint Joseph's - W 60-54 Feb. 09, 2013: Temple - L 72-71 Feb. 13, 2013: Rhode Island - L 75-72 Feb. 16,2013: Xavier - W 70-59 Feb. 23, 2013: Massachusetts - L 76-66 Feb. 27, 2013: Charlotte - W 88-67 Mar. 02, 2013: Richmond - W 78-74 Mar. 06, 2013: St. Bonaventure - W 75-63 Mar. 09, 2013: George Washington - L 81-80 (aT) Mar. 14, 2013: Butler - L 73-67


We are...

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he Dayton girls softball team took an overall record of 22-24 and a 12-9 mark in Atlantic-10 play, while earning the squad a berth in the conference tournament, its second in th e last three seasons. The Flyers' 12 league victories is the most in program history as UD finished the regular season as the six seed in the championship and Dayton also ended the season with the program's best RPI at 164. The team has been recognized by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) as a Division I All-Academic Team after posting a 3.332 team grade point average for the 2012-13 academic year. The Flyers ranked 44th among all Division I teams and second among active teams in the Atlantic 10 Conference. "We are very proud of our team and their outstanding academic success," commented head coach Cara LaPlaca following the award announcement. "Each team member has high expectations on the field and in the classroom . This is simply the most recent example of how well they balance the demands of being a student-athlete." (

2013 Schedule: Feb. 15. 2013: University of Iowa L 3-0 Feb. 15, 2013: University of Nebraska Omaha, L 9-2 Feb. 16, 2013: Oklahoma State University, L 4-2 Feb. 16, 2013: University of North Texas, L 3-2 Feb. 17, 2013: University of Nebraska Omaha, L 4-0 Feb. 22, 2013: Western Michigan , L 7-6 Feb. 23, 2013: South Dakota State University, W 2-1 Feb. 23, 2013: Valparaiso, L 6-5 Feb. 24, 2013: Pittsburgh , W 6-5 Feb. 24, 2013: Western Kentucky, L 7-2 Mar. 01, 2013: UNC-Greensboro, L 6-4 Mar. 01, 2013: Hartford, W 13-5 Mar. 03, 2013: Furman, W 4-3 Mar. 03, 2013: Winthrop, L 7-2 Mar. 15, 2013: Ohio, W 7-4 Mar. 15, 2013: Ohio, W 6-3 Mar. 16, 2013: Bowling Green, L 3-0 Mar. 16, 2013: Bowling Gree n, L 5-3 Mar. 22, 2013: Massach usetts, W 9-4 Mar. 23, 2013: Massachusetts, L 14-12 Mar. 23, 2013: Rhode Island, W 11-6 Mar. 28, 2013: Butler, W 6-3 Mar. 28, 2013: Butler, W 5-3 Mar. 30, 2013: Saint Lou is, W 5-1 Mar. 30, 2013: Saint Loui s, L 3-2 Apr. 03, 2013: Toledo, W 9-1 Apr. 03, 2013: Toledo, L 10-5 Apr. 06, 2013: Charlotte , W 3-0 Apr. 06 , 2013: Charlotte, W 11-3 Apr. 09, 2013: Wright State, W 6-5 Apr. 10, 2013: Wright State , W 4-0 Apr. 13, 2013: Temple, L 12-7 Apr. 13, 2013: Temple, W 2-0 Apr. 14, 2013: Saint Joseph 's, L 2-0 Apr. 14, 2013: Saint Joseph 's, L 3-1 Apr. 19, 2013: Fordham , L 5-2 Ap r. 20, 2013: Fordham , L 4-1 Apr. 21 , 2013: La Salle, W 9-6 Apr. 21 , 2013: La Salle, W 7-1 Apr. 24, 2013: Akron , W 4-3 Apr. 27, 2013: George Washington , L 4-0 Ap r. 27, 2013: George Washington , L 6-0 May. 04, 2013: St. Bonaventure , W 4-3 May. 04, 2013: St. Bonaventure , W 3-0 May. 08, 2013: Temple, L 7-2 May. 08, 2013: George Washington , L 2-1

2012-2013 Schedule Feb. 15: Gardner-Webb, L 8-3 Feb. 16: Gardner-Webb, T 0-0 Feb. 18: Wright State, L 5-1 Feb. 23: UNC-Greensboro, L 8-2 Feb. 24: UNC-Greensboro, W 3-2 Feb. 24: UNC-Greensboro, W 9-8 Mar. 01 : Wofford, W 5-4 Mar. 02: South Carolina Upstate, L 4-3 Mar. 03: Wofford, L 4-3 Mar. 09: Bryant University, L 3-2 Mar. 09: Bryant University, L 3-1 Mar. 10: Bradley, L 9-3 Mar. 12: Toledo, L 6-1 Mar. 15: Buffalo, L 8-5 Mar. 16: Oakland , W 6-0 Mar. 17: Buffalo, L 4-0 Mar. 17: Oakland , W 8-5 Mar. 22: Saint Louis, L 14-4 Mar. 23: Saint Louis, L 9-1 Mar. 23: Saint Louis, L 7-2 Mar. 29: Rhode Island, W 6-2 Mar. 30: Rhode Island, L 4-0 Mar. 31 : Rhode Island, W 6-3 Apr. 03: Baldwin-Wallace, L 8-6 Apr. 05: Xavier, L 12-3 Apr. 06: Xavier, L 4-3

Apr. 07: Xavier, L 12-4 Apr. 09: Toledo, L 10-2 Apr. 10: IPFW, L 18-10 Apr. 12: Butler, L 8-4 Apr. 13: Butler, L 9-4 Apr. 14: Butler, L 7-2 Apr. 16: Cincinnati , T 0-0 Apr. 17: Wright State , L 7-5 Apr. 19: VCU , L 10-2 Apr. 20: VCU , L 8-1 Apr. 21: VCU , W 4-1 Apr. 23: Miami , W 5-4 Apr. 24: Miami , L 13-5 Apr. 26: St. Bonaventure , L 3-2 Apr. 27: St. Bonaventure , L 5-1 Apr. 28: St. Bonaventure , L 5-2 May. 03: George Washington , L 12-0 May. 04: George Washington , L 7-4 May. 05: George Washington , L 7-5 May. 07 : Ohio, W 2-1 May. 10: Charlotte , L 8-4 May. 11 : Charlotte, L 3-0 May. 12: Charlotte, L 12-9 May. 14: Eastern Kentucky, W 14-11 May. 16: Furman , L 19-3 May. 17: Furman , L 5-2

2012-2013 Schedule Dec. 07, 2012 Friday All Day Oiler Opener Findlay, OH NTS Dec. 08, 2012 Saturday All Day Oiler Opener Findlay, OH NTS Jan. 12,2013 Saturday All Day Bowling Green Opener Bowling Green, OH 3rd - 80 points Jan. 18, 2013 Friday All Day Gladstein Invitational Bloomington , IN NTS Jan. 19,2013 Saturday All Day Gladstein Invitational Bloomington, IN NTS Jan. 25, 2013 Friday All Day YSU College Invitational Youngstown, OH NTS Feb. 01,2013 Saturday All Day YSU National Invitational Youngstown , OH NTS Feb. 02, 2013 Friday All Day YSU National Invitational Youngstown, OH NTS Feb. 08, 2013 Friday All Day Hoosier Hills Bloomington, IN 4th - 76 points Feb. 16, 2013 Friday All Day Atlantic 10 Indoor Track & Field Championships Kingston, RI 1st of 12 (41 points) Feb. 17,2013 Saturday All Day Atlantic 10 Indoor Track & Field Championships Kingston, RI4th of 12 (76 points) Track & Field Outdoor Schedule Mar. 29, 2013 Friday All Day Oliver Nikoloff Invitational Cincinnati, OH 6th of 13 (60 points) Mar. 30, 2013 Saturday All Day Oliver Nikoloff Invitational Cincinnati , OH 3rd of 13 (112 points) Apr. 05, 2013 Friday All Day Miami Ohio Invitational Oxford, OH 2nd - 13 points Apr. 06, 2013 Saturday All Day Miami Ohio Invitational Oxford , OH 2nd - 125.50 points Apr. 12, 2013 Friday All Day All-Ohio Championship Athens, OH 7th - 30 points Apr. 13, 2013 Saturday All Day All-Ohio Championship Athens, OH 7th - 30 points Apr. 19, 2013 Friday All Day Jesse Owens Classic Columbus, OH NTS Apr. 20, 2013 Saturday All Day Jesse Owens Classic Columbus, OH NTS Apr. 27 , 2013 Saturday All Day RedHawk Invitational Oxford , OH 2nd - 134 points May 05, 2013 Saturday All Day Atlantic 10 Outdoor Track & Field Championships Amherst, MA 1st of 12 (44 points) May 06, 2013 Sunday All Day Atlantic 10 Outdoor Track & Field Championships Amherst, MA 5th of 12 (88 points) May 10, 2013 Friday All Day Georgia Tech Invitational Atlanta, GA NTS May 11 , 2013 Friday All Day Cardinal Twilight Louisville , KY NTS 159

Dayton's lady rowers had a strong season with immense progress and growth. Both varsity and novice teams raced in a number of competitive races this season, and created a strong Flyer presence. In the Atlantic 10 Conference, Varsity 8+ finished fourth and the Novice 4+ team finished second overall at the Atlantic 10 Championships. Head coach Mike Wenker honored the seniors with high recognition for their strong leadership and experience. "The seniors are one of the most successful classes we had on the water and in the classroom. I wish the seniors all the best."

2012-2013 Schedule Oct. 06, 2012 Saturday All Day Head of the Ohio Pittsburgh , PA-Oct. 27, 2012 Saturday All Day Head of the Hidden Dragon Cincinnati , OH-Nov. 10,2012 Saturday All Day Dual with Ohio State Dayton , OH-Mar. 16, 2013 Saturday All Day Cardinal Oak Ridge Invite Oak Ridge , TN-Mar. 17, 2013 Sunday Al l Day Cardinal Oak Ridge Invite Oak Ridge , TN-Mar. 23, 2013 Saturday All Day Marietta Invite Indianapolis, IN-Mar. 30, 2013 Saturday All Day Indiana University Scrimmage Bloomington, IN-Apr. 13,2013 Saturday All Day Knecht Cup Cherry Hill, NJ-Apr. 14,2013 Sunday Al l Day Knecht Cup Cherry Hill, NJ-May. 04, 2013 Saturday All Day A-10 Championships Cooper River-May. 10,2013 Friday All Day Aberdeen Dad Vail Regatta Philadelphia, PA-May. 11,2013 Saturday All Day Aberdeen Dad Vail Regatta Philadelphia, PA-- Finished fourth at the Atlantic 10 Championships in Varsity 8+ - Novice 4+ team finished second overall at the Atlantic 10 Championships - Advanced to finals in Aberdeen Dad Vail Regatta, finished second in all four heats of Day 1 - Highlighted the Knecht Cup with a third place finish in the Grand Finale for Varsity 4+ - Finished second in Varsity 8+ race and third in Novice 8+ race at Marietta Invitational - Took first place at Oak Ridge Cardinal Invite in Varsity 8+ heat, defeating the likes of Kansas and Eastern Michigan. Finished second in the finals. - Finished first overall in three different events at Head of the Hidden Dragon race in Cincinnati , including Varsity 8+ , Novice 8+, and Varsity 4+. - Varsity 4+ takes first place at Head of Ohio race in Pittsburgh to open fall season


he University of Dayton women's golf team received the 2012 Academic Progress Rate (APR) public recognition award in the 2013 season. This is the eighth consecutive year the lady Flyers have earned recognition from APR. Dayton is one of three universities to have both its golf programs earn APR recognition all eight years. The others are Dartmouth and Yale. Head coach, Sally Koster's, roaster consisted of one senior: Kelly Coakley, three juniors: Maggie Prokop, Grace Nikolai, Erin Peavy, three sophmores: Mary Katherine Slattery, Lucy Frey, Kelly Muskat, three freshman : Mika Suntay, J acki Berardi, Amalia Emma. The Dayton Flyers women's golf team was playing its best golf of the season going into the 2013 Colonial Athletic Association tournament with a ranking of 7th in CAA. The Flyers shot a 343 team score in round three. It is Dayton's best finish at the CAA Championship since placing in sixth during the 2005 tournament. Dayton's top finisher was junior Grace Nikolai. She fired an 83 in round three and placed in a tie for 21st overall. The Flyers will lose one member of the squad going into the 2013-14 season.

2012-2013 Schedule Sep. 09, 2012 Sunday All Day Detroit Invitational Hartland Glen Golf Club 328 - (4th Out of 4) Sep. 10,2012 Monday All Day Detroit Invitational Hartland Glen Golf Club 312 - (4th Out of 4) Sep. 22, 2012 Satu rday All Day Ball State Cardinal Classic The Players Club 321 - (Sth Out of 12) Sep. 23, 2012 Sunday All Day Ball State Cardinal Classic The Players Club 317 - (6th Out of 12) Oct. 1S, 2012 Monday All Day MAC Preview Longaberger Golf Club 336 - (13th Out of 1S) Oct. 16,2012 Tuesday All Day MAC Preview Longaberger Golf Club 322 - (14th Out of 1S) Oct. 22, 2012 Monday All Day UD Invitational NCR Country Club 314 - (8th Out of 17) Oct. 23, 2012 Tuesday All Day UD Invitational NCR Country Club 316 - (10th Out of 17) Oct. 29, 2012 Monday All Day Braun Intercollegiate Quail Crossing Golf Club 328 - (7th Out of 11) Oct. 30, 2012 Tuesday All Day Braun Intercollegiate Quail Crossing Golf Club 332 - (10th Out of 11) Mar. 03, 2013 Sunday All Day UD / Hilton Head Invitational Berkeley Hall Country Club 326 - (1 st Out of 2) Mar. 31 , 2013 Sunday All Day IPFW Spring Classic Pine Valley Country Club 317 - (6th Out of 10) Ap r. 01,2013 Monday All Day IPFW Spring Classic Pine Valley Country Club 311 - (4th Out of 10) Apr. OS, 2013 Friday All Day Eastern Kentucky Invitational Arlington Country Club 320, 309 - (8th Out of 14) Apr. 06, 2013 Saturday All Day Eastern Kentucky Invitational Arlington Country Club 326 - (10th Out of 14) Apr. 13, 2013 Saturday All Day Indiana Invitational Indiana University Golf Course 317, 313 - (9th Out of 1S) Apr. 14, 2013 Sunday All Day Indiana Invitational Indiana University Golf Course 304 - (8th Out of 1S) Apr. 19, 2013 Friday All Day CAA Championships St. James Plantation 341 - (7th Out of 9) Apr. 20, 2013 Saturday All Day CAA Championships St. James Plantation 321 - (7th Out of 9) Apr. 21 , 2013 Sunday All Day CAA Championships St. James Plantation 343 - (7th Out of 9)


2 12-2013 Schedule Sep. 10, 2012 Monday All Day Marshall Invitational Guyan Golf Club 298, 289 - (12th Out of 16) Sep. 11, 2012 Tuesday All Day Marshall Invitational Guyan Golf Club 297 - (16th Out of 16) Sep. 24, 2012 Monday All Day Cardinal Collegiate Cardinal Club Course 305, 285 - (9th Out of 14) Sep. 25, 2012 Tuesday All Day Cardinal Collegiate Cardinal Club Course 295 - (8th Out of 14) Sep. 30, 2012 Sunday All Day Cobra-Puma Invitational Miromar Lakes Golf Club 290, 295 - (8th Out Of 15) Oct. 01, 2012 Monday All Day Cobra-Puma Invitational Miromar Lakes Golf Club 301 - (11 th Out of 15) Oct. 08, 2012 Monday All Day Bearcat Invitational Traditions Golf Club 297 - (8th Out of 13) Oct. 09, 2012 Tuesday All Day Bearcat Invitational Traditions Golf Club 294, 296- (5th Out of 13) Oct. 22, 2012 Monday All Day UD Invitational NCR Country Club 296 - (3rd Out of 18) Oct. 23, 2012 Tuesday All Day UD Invitational NCR Country Club 301 - (6th Out of 18) Feb. 18, 2013 Monday All Day Wexford Intercollegiate Wexford Plantation 314 - (18th Out of 18) Feb. 19,2013 Tuesday All Day Wexford Intercollegiate Wexford Plantation 310,317 - (17th Out of 18) Mar. 11,2013 Monday All Day Don Benbow Invitational Jacksonville Beach Golf Club 305 - (8th Out of 14) Mar. 12,2013 Tuesday All Day Don Benbow Invitational Jacksonville Beach Golf Club 305 - (8th Out of 14) Apr. 06, 2013 Saturday All Day NYX Hoosier Invitational IU Golf Course 305, 291 - (10th Out of 18) Apr. 07, 2013 Sunday All Day NYX Hoosier InvitationallU Golf Course 309 - (15th Out of 18) Apr. 12, 2013 Friday All Day Detroit Golf Club Invitational Detroit Golf Club 387, 355 - (6th Out of 6) Apr. 15, 2013 Monday All Day Northwestern Spring Invitational The Glen Club 313,304 - (13th Out of 14) Apr. 16, 2013 Tuesday All Day Northwestern Spring Invitational The Glen Club 299 - (12th Out of 14) Apr. 26, 2013 Friday All Day A-1 0 Championships Heron Bay Golf Club 298 - (9th Out of 13) Apr. 27, 2013 Saturday All Day A-10 Championships Heron Bay Golf Club 294 - (7th Out of 13) Apr. 28, 2013 Sunday All Day A-1 0 Championships Heron Bay Golf Club 298 - (7th Out of 13)





We Are: ~ys of 23 ~ 27 EVGrBtcrt

Tav Ca:15a'V, tv1att tv1a:7sa, Da1 McrrON, OrB Gray, Ml Ba"a1, CdnRcrcm omie Weikert , ~ Gre{i Fetter De/ts

Trips: The boys agreed that they took some of the greatest trips together. From camping trips to renting cabins in Gatlinburg. In Gatlinburg, the boys noted that they had a roast which was very unforgettable. In addition to that, Massa lost his keys before they left, leaving them stuck there for an addition 7 hours. Furthermore, they have spent 4 years together at Dayton to Daytona.

Memories: The interview with these boys was very laid back and informal. Their page consists of some of their favorite memories during their 4 years at the University of Dayton.

A day in the life: According to the boys, Chip makes the house pancakes all the time! Their Friday tradition includes movies and pizza after a long week of classes. They noted that one memory they have is when Matt fell asleep on Bruner's shoulder after a heartto-heart.


Recurring Theme: "We are legends".

Sports: These boys have quite the competitive side. They have won an intramural soccer and basketball championship together. Since Tony is a huge Reds fan, they noted that they would give him a hard time and not let him watch them play. One of their favorite games they recall watchi ng together was when the Blackhawks won the cup their freshmen year.

Delts: They have been through a lot together. The boys met freshmen year in their fraternity . With that they did a lot of things. One in particular is that they were able to raise $1,500 at the Delt Derby.


We are:

Laren ~k::hter, KrBth Antnxtia1, Rya1 Ftmtes, ~~ Wehmyer 444 Lowes

. .


Best part of living together: The girls say that the best part of living together is going to bed and waking up and knowing that they have each other. They say that they have "built-in therapists" and it's so nice to always have someone around to be able to talk to . They say that they often feel they know more about each other than they know about themselves.

Love at first sight: Ryan , Lauren, and Mel lived on the same floor freshmen year. The first couple of weeks they went out together. Ryan transferred at the end of the semester, and Kristin came in to take her spot. Ryan ended up comi ng back and was the "unofficial" roommate. They ha ve Ii ved wi th each other ever since and say that it was fate!

Recurring Theme:

Fami ly The girls say that they are the best versions of themselves when they are together. They've had quite the journey together and have been with each other through ups and downs, relationships , major life decisions and much much more. In addition to that, they do monthly family dinners at Mel's. They have done Daytona every year together. They have gone to a football game in Wisconsin, taken multiple visits to Lauren's house in Kentucky, and their most favorite memory is visiting the Lakehouse in Illinois with the guys. They say that it has been a learning experience but they have learned to accept each other through their long travels which always consisted of many laughs. These girls truly have found their second family at the University of Dayton.

We Are:

tv1:rk T~ paJ Irda1, Jf ~ Chrie Cardy, Brmb1 BresIa;k, Errtrett tvLrrllY, Da/6 ~ Peter, ~ TrrnIas Trotta Cdn srr&, ~ Rd?erts, Rd1crd tv1ea'es, cn;I Rya1

EdwGf'c6 1912 Trinity

Mark and Thomas's favorite memory:

Emmett and Brandon's favorite memories: Emmett's favorite memory was move in day to 1912 Trinity. Brandon's memory was when his roommate, Collin, received his fust kiss at 1912 Trinity. These guys were full of entertaining stories. The great thing about UD is the ability to be yourself and have your friends with you for each memory.


Mark enjoyed watching his roommates grow into the people they've become today. He noted how crazy it is that we start off like seeds coming into the University and tru ly blossom into mature young adults . Thomas's favorite memory was a bonfire they had together.

Paul and JT's favorite memory: Paul noted that his favorite memory was when Collin ate his first vegetable. He noted that Collin was very scared of vegetab les and had never eaten one until his senior year of college. Another memory was their George Foreman grill , which over the year accumulated a lot of grease according to Paul. JT said that his favorite memory was when a Dayton squirrel came into their house!

C harlie and \..ndy's favorite memory: Charlie moved into 19 12 "riniry about half way through the year. He noted one of hi s favo rite memories to be the move in. Andy said that his favorite memory was being a part of the boxing club, and never cleaning his George Foreman, which according to this hou se turned into a joke after it had not been clean for the first 4 months of school.

Richard and Davis's favorite memory: Richard' favorite memory wa having friends over on Halloween. Davis's favorite memory was gelling 10 know all of his neighbor .

Collin and Ryan's favorite memory: Collin's favorite memory was teaching hi s roommates, especially Edwards, everything he had learned from the amazing classes at UD. Ryan's favorite memory was learning from Collin, and stapling their couches back together. All of the boys also agreed that a highlight of the year was having a dart board in their house for a week.


Interview with : J::rn Mcrti1, Arcl'ea Mcesa--o,

!\exa Ba1/at~ CJ1d acre Gecr~ 4 sisters

La Rosa's Restaurant: The Meeting: Alexa Barbati and Jenn Martin sat next to each other in Physics class freshman year. In spring of the following semester they ironically joined the same sorority, Pi Beta Phi. Andrea Massaro and Clare Georges were friends in high school. When sophomore year came around all 4 girls lived across the hall from each other. Between their sorority, which Andrea and Clare eventually joined, and their living arrangements their friendship took off!

lenn, Andrea, Alexa, and Clare had a huge love for this particular restaurant. They noted that it was their favorite place to eat. Amidst eating cheeseburgers and drinking cold beers, this place was filled with many memories that will never be forgotten.

Volunteer Work: From moving headstones in a graveyard to helping under privileged girls in the Dayton area find prom dresses, these four girls do it together. They are always signing each other up to do volunteer work. They love being with one another and say it is the random activiti es they do that strengthen their friendship.

Sorority Memories:

Some of their favorite socials in their sorority are the ones they were able to dress up for and "go all out." Some of the things they dressed up as include: the F1intstones, Thanksgiving, Sons of Anarchy, Cops and Robbers, and KISS.

What makes their friendship unique: These girls have a very special relationship. They have family dinners every week, in which they each take turns cooking. They know everything about each other. A Ithough they often gi ve each other a hard time, they know that it's how they show one another love. They also noted that not many people understand their sense of humor or random jokes, but thats what makes them friends

Recurring Theme: "No matter what we do, we do it together".

Fatma Abbas Malinda Addison Sarah Ahler Steven Ahlrichs Julia Ahrns

Daniel Aielli Renee Alati Frances Albanese Elizabeth Albers James Alfieri

Ahmed Alsafran Ahmed Alshuwakat Kristin Ambrookian Ashlee Anderson Cassandra Anderson

Yu Hui Cheryl Ang Matthew Antenucci Stephanie Arambula Kevin Arens Esther Arizmendi

Alexa Arlinghaus Maitham AsadaJlah Ali Aziz Alexa Barbati Sarah Barden

u 196

Ten years from now, will you remember all of the hit TV shows? We decided to take a survey to see what TV shows people COULD NOT miss during their college years ...

-5::a1:ici -W"*hg Dead

+t;w I tv1et Yar fv1ot::h:r

-Pretty Little Lia"s -/vn:rica1l-trrcr Sta'y

WBCEketba -!Xro of /v1a"dJy -Rea l-bJ:;ewi./es

-71'e Ba:h±r

-Paks <rd Recreatia1

Steven Bare Samantha Barker Benjamin Barland Brianne Barrett Matthew Barrett

Colbey Basinger Heather Bell Jacob Bell Markia Benjamin Joshua Benson

Benjamin Bialorucki Adrienne Bianchi Anna Maria Bittoni Winston Black Jessica Blalock

Grace Blumberg Adeline Bodart Sarah Bodine Erin Bolles Allison Bond

Katherine Boone Amanda Bordewick Shannon Bowers Alaina Bowling Peter Boylan

-TreOffce M::dem Fan/y -Tre Big Ba?g Treay -frey-? Amt:ar/Y -DOM1ta1~y

-Ore LJxn a Tme



-La,v a1d frder 9.V

-Bm:s -£a3t Ma1 Stmii'rJ -Dcrta" W1?

-TeenlVtm -Ca:;tie -Wat:h::ik:s

N 197

Kristen Brahier Stacey Breitbarth Emily Bright Chloe Brodner Marcus Brotzki

Shane Brown Shayne Brown Jason Bruner Christopher Buck Erin Buckley

Christopher Budin Hillary Budkowski Deanna Buenger Theodore Buffington Laura Burger

Kathleen Burke Laura Butsch Kylee Byrd Michael Byrd Maria Caci

Kristine Cahall Catherine Camerota Allyson Caperna Katerina Carabin Megan Carlson

I 198

From dorm rooms, to apartments, and maybe a house in "the ghetto, " on the far side, on the dark side, or off campus, what was your favorite place to live?

''Co.J::h to rw::h, cw frien:1s IuEe to avttet"


-rrhity Ave -LCMle6

-Ga-c1er6 a7 Stua1; -Stxrem/

Kyle Carroll Clare Catania Zachary Catella Philip Cenedella Michael Cerrone

Kar Yen Chai Alexander Chengelis Alexandra Chiafery Frank Chiodo Holly Christian

Lauren Christie Jenn Churik Robert Clancy Jennifer Clark Dana Clemens

Daniel Cleveland Joy Cl ifford Kelly Coakley Andrew Cobb Brittany Cody

Katherine Colby Eric Colish Casey Colon Ellen Comes Eric Conkel

-Ma'yrrest -Ma'ia'IBt

-The fre:ere

{Street -At!-tme

"Da:a1t matter, as brJ as ,YOJre rea' frien::IEI'

v 199

Anna Conrad Hillary Cook John Cooney Allison Coppin Theodore Corgan

Lindsay Cosby Samantha Costa Amanda Costlow Frederick Cox Meghan Cugliari

Aidan Curran Kevin Czajkowski Laura D'arcy Chelsea Daddona Emma Dallagrana

Larry Dalton Michael Dansereau Samuel Day Raffaele De Finis Abigail De La Rosa

Mario De La Rosa Jordan De Leon Evan Deger Joseph Delanis Audrey Delgiudice

E 200

The last four years have been filled with millions of memories, enjoy the walk down memory lane ...

-St. PatrK:ks Dew 20 12 -Rver Stewcrds .f\/i{frts att at Tire


-Sperdhg tire with frieni3 a7 -Sperdhg the :3..I11n:f' at UJ Hiday pa'ties with frieni3

Kristina Demichele Viktor Denic David Deran Kelly Derrig Andrew Desalle

Danielle Detrude Catherine Devlin Armando Diaz Kara Dickey Kristen Diddle

Marshall Dismer Emily Dolan Matt Donahue Charlie Douglas Katherine Dowrey

Nicholas Doyle Diana Driesen Maeve Drohan James Dutton Calley Eads

Allison Eder Bakist Edwards Jessica Edwards Rachel Egbert Rebecca Emerick

.J..hfersity of Daytm SLrnrer A{;paa1lia

-RLmhJ dreu;jJ the KU fantain


-Dare Ma'ath:;n 2012 +fa1;;tIg att at fraternity iv.£es

-geddhg cbM7 Stuai; hi -Daytm 2 DaytaJa

-W Wan;rls RCANhg rean -New Yea:; Eve 2013 -J--fcI pati:s in the d:mr3

R 201

Lauren Erhart Abigail Ertel Madalyn Esch Angela Evanko Kensie Everhart

Clint Eversole Daniel Faerber Nick Fahrig Colleen Federici Colleen Feist

Alexa Fett Michael Ficocelli James Fiessinger Alissa Fink Garrett Fitzgerald

Coral Flamand Mendez Megan Fleming Molly Flottman Kyla Foster Madeline Fox

Emily Freeman Molly Freund Kyle Frobose Kaetha Frost Hillary Fry

s 202

The University of Dayton would not be a university without its amazing academics, lets see what some students said were their favorite classes ...

-O..itue a?d Pcwer a7t1rq:dc:w -Coq'Iitve PsycJy;bay +ima1 Traffid::hg -.AJJramci PsycJy;bay

-Ccrrpa-atve 0irIi1ci JEtte Sy.5tei173 -Germa1450 -/lLJdkJ Pra:ictrn -Carecttns

Ryan Fuentes Eric Fuerst Emily Fyda Erin Gahimer Erin Gallagher

Allison Gallucci Eric Gammarino Alexis Garcia Emily Gardner Colleen Garvey

John Gearin Jessica Genord Elizabeth Gentil Clare Georges John Gerbasi

Peter Getti ngs Danielle Giannantonio Kathleen Gibboney Stacy Giessler Hannah Gigliotti

Gurpreet Gill Samuel Ginikos Alyssa Girten Anna Godby Matthew Goddard

-IVKT 310

-!rrt:ervbNi1a aU UtreeJirJ

-Amtar/Y La?

-Irrmn:;hqy -Faith aU J.Jstix -EDT 340

-f/yer Jazz La? baU ~Law

-FfN494 -H.ma7 Ee.>vaity -tvGT 49:7 -Err.TeerirJ Sp::rirt:rTtatixl

I 203

Elizabeth Goecke Michael Goettemoell er Nicole Goettemoeller Susan Gogniat Lance Gomez

Belmari Gonzalez Britney Gottemoell er Gregory Gottschlich Maria Grabnar Michael Graham

Cameron Gray Alexa Green Alexander Gresky Paul Griffin Matthew Grilli

Michael Groff Christina Gross Miles Grundy Weijie Gu Sarah Guarino

Brandon Gunn Margaret Gurney Maxwell Hahn Sabine Hahn Morgan Hale

T 204

With amazing academics comes brilliant professors, next are a few professors that received top rankings by many 2013 graduates ...

-U. Crutcter



-U. Haim

-Dr. Wrirfrt;

-u.Rkh<rds -u.Kll1


Monjca Haley Ross Hallman Kelly Hanlon Julie Hansen Mo lly Hanson

Patrick Hayes Ran He Jacqueline Healey Kyle Helm John Hemm

Allje Heniff Brian Herdeman Stephen Herr Rosah Hill Meredith Hirt

Seth Holl ingsworth Benjamin Holman Elizabeth Hoskins Crajg Houseknecht Neil Hubbert

Jarred Huey James Huffman Ian Hundley Alexander Hunton Ann Hurley -Dr. 07cEe -Dr. Krwtofk -Dr. In.;ran


-Dr. PJef'ce -Dr. FIa:k -Dr. Wliare

-Dr.Badwh -Dr. Fi&<:ter -Dr.Bog;rd -Dr. Cdiers

y 205

James Hurt Angela Iannucci Margaret Jdiake Winston Imwalle Emily Irwin

Lauren J abir Charlie Jackson Cara Jacobsen Laura Janosko Jessica Janus

Eric Jensen Emily Jirles Darius Johnson Michael Jones Patrick Julien

Katherine J unglen Allan Kaplan Gregory Kapolnek Husain Karam Tara Katchur

Emi ly Kaylor Kathleen Kelly Keegan Kelly Kylie Kelly Sean Kelly

o 206

Although it may be hard to come up with just one thing or word that you would consider to be the BEST thing about UD. Here are afew ...

-Tre carm.nity -Yaire rot jot a nrrber

-Tre p::q;fe


-Tre fxt tflat; ev~ is IXIreCted to


ea17 other by avtf'er p::rsm in ::are wqy

Kelsey Kendall Megan Kennedy Kaitlin Kenny James Kerr Anam Khan

James Khoury Emma Kiefer Gerald Kierce Corey Killion Thomas Kimberly

Natalie Kimmel Lydia Kindelin William Kingsolver Megan Klebba Erica Kleinman

Kelly Kleinschmidt Lauren Kleist Emily Kloos Danielle Knapper Cody Knife

Matthew Knutson Louis Kocevar Lindsey Kokinis Kimberly Koly Jennifer Konstantinidis

-Great ~ frem fcaJty -9a;ici atm::J::{tere -The Ma-ia1ist faniy

-Quciity Ed.caticn -Carp..o Mrlstry mi the Center fa" Sa:ici Car:em


F 207

Sarah Kopfman Krista Korneffel Rachel Krabacher Madison Kramer Stephanie Kramer

Laura Kresnak Ellen Kudronowicz Brian Kurish Brenda La Salman Laeri

Bryce Lahrman Kirsten Lakeman Patricia Lammers Kyle Landreth Megan Landry

Ryan Landy John-Paul Lang Natalie Lantz Erik Lanzer Shannon Larkin

Caitlin Larock Abdulaziz Layri Vincent Leach Stephanie Lefeld Jaclyn Leffelman

D 208

Many students partake in a variety of service opportunities, here are afew that you or your peers may have enjoyed:

-S::rvhg at the ~ :heIter

-Big Brotf>er513ig Sisters -/-/ct;itat f« Hma1ity Ccle4ate ~


Anne Leibold Mark Lenz Erin Leonard Sara Leonard Alyssa Lesko

James Lewis Patrick Lillis Mark Lisak Marina Locasto Matthew Lomanno

Erica Long Kevin Longacre Bradley Lonsway Adam Lostumbo Hannah Lowe

Brooke Ludder YinMa Jordan Maas Shannon Maas Danjelle Macdonald

Aimee Madliger Brendan Maelia Samuel Makj Michael Malec David Marra

-FitzCenter -REI{ Dayta?

-Errha brdatt trp to New ~

-OrBtmas a1 CarpE -Reiay fa'Life ..pa7am IVIedta Brig3de

-Dc:kota Q.iJ tuta' -I'vtre to Life retreat

ilited RehciJlitatia1 ~

A 209

Emma Marsden Jennifer Martin Mary Martin Alyssa Marynowski Stephen Marziale

Ronald Masek Matthew Massa Andrea Massaro Amberly Maston Caroline Matis

Carrie Matson Melissa Mautino Andrew Maximo Emily Mayer Kelsey Mayrand

Christopher McClelland Mitchell McCrady Grace McDonnell Emma Rose McFarland Thomas McGee

Colin McGrath Douglas McIntyre John McKay Lauren McKay Ryan McLaughlin

y 210

Fine date spots oj Day ton, Ohio ....

-Set; -The Pro Cli7 -Secm:I Street Maket

-MiaV3 -TheNecn {adder 1 1

Connor McNamee Kourtney McNulty Andrew McQuillen David McRoberts Richard Meares

David Medve Mark Mehall Stephanie Mekus Elizabeth Melena Carly Merljng

Michelle Metz Molly Metzung Justin Meyer Shahbaz Minhas Jeffrey Miranda

Rachel Misanik Elizabeth Mitchell Catherine Moerman Annette Moore Adrienne Morgan

Willie Morris Daniel Morrow Jacob Motto Emjly Motz Ryan Mulcahy


-AtnMh:re i1 the freg:;n Di8t1tt

-Dewey's PIZZa ~e at the Greere

-Yd?w S{:rhg3 fa' the day

--rre ~e Fcrtay

T 211

Sarah Mulkie Madeline Murdock David Musuraca Thierry Ndangurura Alexandra Neal

Danielle Negrelli Lauren Neichter Amanda Newlove Bridget Neylon Kathleen Nicolello

Isaac Niekamp Matthew Noble Ryan O'boyle Trevor O'connor Cara O'grady

Hayley O'reilly PaulObbagy Emily Ochs Matthew Odierna Olusola Ogunmekan

Natasha Olsson Wendy Onofre Mike Oradini Alexandra Osell Renee Otte

o 212

Memories from holidays on campus ...

Oristmas Q1 Carp..s -t:f'e bea.JtifLI carp.l3 mi srnlhJ fxes of d t:f'e chid-en that cane frem in:r city


Zi Ouyang Jill Pajka Margaret Palumbo Peter Palumbo Dylan Parfitt

Jena Parish Maxwell Paton Matthew Paul Dustin Paulus Dara Paxson

Chris Pepera Beatriz Perez-Aviles Layne Perkowitz Robert Peterson Laura Petrocci

Terri Phelan Kellie Phillips Taylor Piatkowski Margaret Piergalski Sarah Pierz

Amanda Pipik John Pirages Milena Pisani Andrea Podwika Curtis Polette

St. Patrtks Dew


-ev~ crm::s aft to ceJei:;r'ate m::I

-s~ a7 carp.t3 m::I ceJei:;r'atha with

We fin a3 a cmm.nity


N 213

Cody Potts Cristina Prall Paige Prenger Amy Price Jennifer Province

Aaron Pugh Maria Pyle Thomas Pyzoha David Quinn Kelly Raffenberg

Jonathan Raguse Ibraheem Rajab Taaha Rana Sophia Raptis Alexander Reed

Hannah Reilly Joseph Relick Kaitlyn Ridel Kara Riely Mary Riemersma

Colin Riordan Erin Roark Cara Robeson Amy Rohlfing Alison Rosegrant

c 214

What was your favorite place to eat on campus?

voted KU as the best pax to eat CI1

Maycrest -34% of stu::lent:s i1 the da::6 of 20 13 voted Maycrest the best pax to eat



Kerredy U7k;n

-20% of 5tudents i1 the da::6 of 20 13

Edward Roth Patrick Rowe Valerie Rozzo Eva Rubin De Celis Evan Ruggiero

Dhari Saeed Robert Salcedo Caroline Santella Kylie Sawka Jenna Scanlan

Jordan Schembri Eric Schickler Meredith Schlabig Lauren Schrnalbruch Teresa Schoen

Andrew Schofield Matthew Schroeder Kelsey Schuering Catherine Scully Jacqueline Severt

Alyssa Shallberg RobertShaw Ryan Sheedy Gretchen Sherman lmani Sherman



Ma1y ~ awred d.rha t:te last 4

-4 1%of stu:ients i1 t:te d<£6 of 20 13 voted VIM( t:te best rJa;e to eat a?

-5% of stu:ients i1 t:te da::s of 20 13 voted t:te fnrx; as t:te best rJa;e to eat

.}ea'S, \fW('s cafeteria ha;I a ma)cr fa:e



lift, t:te fnrx; ~ witiJ different, aYi Kerredy lJ1kx7 aYi Maycrest rer:e¥ed qlite t:te rert:H'atK;n a..Jtst;k;

L 215

Kimberly Sherman Joseph Shiley Kyle Shimmin Kristen Shiring Kathryn Shockey

Kristen Shortell Izia Sidler Ariella Siegel Alexandra Sierra Peter Sismour

Alexandra Sitko Amy Skurow Cody Slicker Ashley Smalls Alec Smidt

Brooke Smith Emmeline Smith Nicholette Smith Merideth Snead Kelsey Snively

Kira Sosnowski Anna Spittler Geetika Srivastava Mary Stefanski Liam Steinberg

A 216

With the delicious cafeterias come the great service, the following names are of those who were voted the most favorite lunch ladies or gentlemen

-Lirda -Drug

Lindsey Steinbrunner Jared Steinmetz Kevin Stepuszek Sarah Stockinger Anastasia Stolz

Samantha Stretavski Sean Stricker Emily Striebich Robert Strong Jordan Stuckey

Jamie Stukenborg Julie Suitts Daniel Sullivan Tara Sulzer Lauren Sweeney

Madie Szaller Ran Tai Michelle Terwi lleger Alexis Terzian Theresa Testori

Sarah Theiler Patrick Therriault Joseph Thomas Leighann Thomas Madeline Thomas

-5tEa7 -EvelYn

s 217

Sierra Thomas Jacqueline Thompson Lauren Thorn Darrell Tibbs Jeffrey Timpone

Philip Titlebaum Mary Tonner Peter Tonon Erika Tornquist Amanda Torrez

Kelly Tracy Matthew Tran Ana Treptow Alexandria Twehues Kelly Unterborn

Eric Vagedes Shannon Van Horn Sarah Van Walleghem Allison Varricchio Amy Veltri

Alisa Vidulich Mary Viertel Rosalie ViscegLia Adam Von Lehmden Brian Vonderhaar

s 218

Some unforgettable sporting events that occurred while at UD ...

-Tt"e Dayta? VB. Xa!ier gam that ta;k pere d..rh.a senk::r }ea""

Mackenzie Wahlen Kathryn Walacavage Andrew Wallace Brianna Walsh Kara Walsh

Adam Walusis Qingpei Wang Michael Ward Skylar Warner Courtney Wasrungton

David Watanabe Zach Weber Melanie Wehmeyer Richard Weigand Charles Weikert

Matthew Weinberger Brad Wenclewicz Elizabeth Wetzel Stephanie Wilhelm Olivia Wilson

Victoria Wilson Erika Wittkorn EmileeWood Rachael Worden Kyle Wright

-~ two trothers coa1li1;J ag;Jh3t ea:h other h the St.p::r 80M, Bcftinre Rat'en3 lIS the Sa? Fransco 49ers

-f3Ia::khav..ks wi11in;J the Sta1ey Up twix withh the pa5t 4 ~

Drdh:i3 vvrnha the Wait Effies i1 g3W 7 of2011

o 219

Madeline Wright Eleanor Young Lou is Zambelli Laura Zeller Chong Zhang

Chao Zhu Daniel Zidek Dana Zook


F 220

The next several quotes are what students said was their biggest take away from the University of Dayton, the people remain anonymous.


rJa::e W1ere Jfand a !-are, I1?Y faniy,

a?d rny:;df' .!j'\ rJa::e that ha3 hel(;ed Ire f{'OW in I1?Y a::a::iemics, 5(i"itu.:iity, a?d frien:#lipS' .!7he best 4 yea:; of I1?Y lifd'

.!'ft:rre awe{}' fran h:;rre' .!7he best cIecBicn JeYer madeJ' .!7he f{'eatest

pax Q1 ea1ff'


Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation Ma 2013

Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation Ma 2013 ,

Graduation Ma 2013


Graduation May 2013


student life Jill Pajka Katie Lorentz Krista Walker

organizataions Alexis Niekamp Madeline Schoen Miracle Reason


residence life Steph Arambula Emily Keane Val Rozzo

athletics Kaitlin Kenny Hannah Overman Ashleigh Libs

staff photographers Ch ris Santucci Ametra Harris


nnie Leibold

editor-in-chief Sondra Wozniak 235

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University of Dayton--Daytonian Yearbook 2013


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