Volume XIII - Number 6
March, 1958
MARIAN REPRINTS for the Lourdes Year No. 55-The Lourdes Pilgrimage-Encyclical letter of Pius XII No. 56-0ur Lady of Lourdes, Guardian and Teache,· of the Faith-Pastoral Letter of Bishop Pierre-Marie Theas No. 57-Esther and Our Lady-Msgr. Ronald A. Knox No. 58-Mary and the Theologians-Thomas E. Clark€. S.J. No. 59-Edith Stein and the Mother of God-Sister Mf.ry Julian Baird, R.S.M. No. 60-Behold the Handmaid of the Lord-Rev. Richerd Graef, C.S.Sp. No. 61-Documents of Bishop Bertrand-Severe Lauren:e, Bishop of Tarbes at the time of the apparitions at Lourdes. (Read" in April) Marian Reprints are 15¢. each. Complete sets of all is~ ues are now available.
NOTES ON THE LOURDES CONTEST Thousands oflentry blanks for the Lourdes c'ontest, sponsored by the Marian Li~rary and the Marianist, have 'been mailed out. Although the contest officially opened February 11, there is still time to enter. Closing date is April 7. References which may be of help to the co 1testants are: Sharkey: After Bernadette Cranston: The Miracle of Lourdes Flynn: This Place Called Lourdes
Carrel : The· 'oyage to Lourdes Marianist M; gazine Marian Repr nts
It is unlikely that any contestant will be able to locate all 16 quotations. Those identifying the greatest number and giving the· most accurate sources will be declared winners. The MARIAN LIBRARY NEWSLETTER is published monthly except July, August, and September, by the Marian Library, Univ. !Tsity of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio. The NEWSLETTER will be sent free of charg: to anyone requesting it.
During the 1958 summer session, the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., wil offer two additional courses in Mariology, both given by Fr. Eamon R. Carroli, 0. Carm. S. 501(2 credits) GENFRAL MARIOLOGY, II. Mary's privileges: freedom from inherited sin; h,~edom from personal sin; fullness of grace; perpetual virginity; Our 'ady's knowledge; Assumption and question of death. Mary and the G :1urch. S. 503 (2 credits) MARIAN CULT. Principles of Marian devotion and cult. Hyperdulia. Particular manifestations of devotion: prayer, consecration to Mary, sacrarnentals. Marian apparitions and criteria for judging them, with special reference to Lourdes. A bulletin giving additional details may be secured by writing to the Marian Library or the Catholic University of America,, Washington 17, D. C.
' •
Echoes of Lourdes, ; monthly newsletter published by the Marist Fathers, 27 Isabella Street, Bo ,ton 16, Mass., to promote devotion to the Blessed Virgin and interest in ler shrine at Lourdes, is sent free to all who request it. • Francis Winkel, 67!l29 Main Street, Richmond, Michigan, will welcome your broken rosaries a 1d damaged religious articles. Mr. Winkel repairs such items for the use of rr issionaries. • Fr. Eamon R. Carroll, 0. Carm., is now conducting a second s~mester seminar in dogmatic theology at the Catholic University of America "on the theme "Mary and the Church." • On April 30, 1958, Our Lady of Schools, venerated in her sanctuary at Notre Dame of Montreal Normal School, will be solemnly crowned in the name of the Holy Father by Cardinal Patl Emile Leger. Schools in the United States are invited to join those of Cana Ja in the preparation for the crowning. For further information write: Our Lady of Schools, Congregation of Notre Dame, 2330 Sherbrooke Street, we~ t, Montreal, Canada. • The sixth annual Marian Institute of the Marian Lib ·ary will be held on the campus of the University of Dayton Friday and Sal Jrday, June 13 and 14. • A workshop on Our Lady in Education will be oi ered in a pre-summer school session at the University of Dayton from June to June 20. (2 credits) Write: Division of Education, University of Dayton, [ ayton 9, Ohio. • Copies of A Marian Bibliography for the Lourdes Centenary, prepared especially for high school libraries, may be had on request from Mentzer, Bush and Company, 330 East Cermak Road, Chicago 16, Illinois. e St. John's University (N. Y.) has established a Mariological Institute during the second semester to commemorate the centennial of Lourdes. Rev. Vince I J. Nugent, C.M., is the director.
BOOKS RECENTLY ADDED TO THE MARIAN LIBRARY Arboli y Faraudo, Servando, LA EUCARISTIA Y LA INMACULADA. Sevilla, E. Rasco, 1895. viii, 286p.
BIROUS. Lourdes, Editions du Lavedan, 1957. 141 p.
Corbusier, THE CHAPEL AT RONCHAMP. New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1957. 135p.
Colin, Louis, OUR LADY, QUEEN OF THE RELIGIOUS LIFE; trans. Sr. Maria Constance and Sr. Agnes Therese. Westminster, Md., Newman, 1958. xiv, 234p.
Lemieux, Ernest, ed., MARIE; documents pontificaux sur Ia Tres Sainte Vierge parus depuis un siecle 1854-1954. Quebec, Les Presses Universitaires Laval, 1954. 4 vols.
Corredor Garcia, Antonio, HISPANIARUM R E G I N A; poems Guadalupensis. Sevilla, Ed. S. Antonio, 1950. 74p.
Marchand, Alfred, T H E FACTS 0 F LOURDES AND THE MEDICAL BUREAU. London, Burns, Oates, Washbourne, 1924. xix, 151 p.
Cadilhac, Paul-Emile, LOURDES. Flammarion, 1947. 93p.
Courtin, J. B., LOURDES, LE DOMAINE DF.. NOTRE DAME, de 1858 a 1947. Rennes, Ed. Franciscaines, 1947. xxxix, 409p. Deery, Joseph, OUR LADY OF LOURDES. Dublin, Browne and Nolan, 1958. xii, 266p. Dehau, Peter Thomas, EVE AND MARY. St. Louis, Herder, 1958. ix, 268p. Durant, Max, et. al., LOURDES CITE DES MIRACLES. Paris, La Table Ronde, 1953. 125p. Escot, J., FOURVIERE A TRAVERS LES SIECLES. Lyon, Lescuyer, 1954. 126p. Friedel, Francis J., MOTHER OF JESUS, MY MOTHER; meditations on filial piety to Mary. Dayton, Marianist Publications. 1958. 177p. Gossman, Maria Elisabeth, DIE VERKUENDIGUNG AN MARIA IN DOGMATISCHEN VERSTAENDNIS MITTELALTERS. MUnchen, Max Hueber, 1957. 303p. Lafourcade,
Nasrallah, Joseph, MARIE DANS LA SAINTE ET DIVINE LITURGIE BYZANTINE. Paris, Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1955. 107p. Neubert, Emil, L'AME DE JESUS CONTEMPLEE AVEC MAR IE. Paris, Ed. Alsatia, 1957. 342p. Shields, J.A., GUIDE TO LOURDES; special centenary edition. Dublin, Fallon, 1957. 121p. Solis,
Antonio de, HISTORIA DE N. SENORA DE LA ANTIGUA. Sevilla, Manuel de Ia Puerto, 1739. 336p.
Eva, LA MADONNA NELL'ARTE ITA LIANA. Bergamo, lstituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1957. 1OOp. 62pl.
Trochu, Francis, A LOURDES LES APPARITIONS DE MASSABIELLE. Paris, Emmanuel Vitte, 1957. 138p. 14pl. Valentinus, Josephus Stephanus, SACRI ROSARII VIRGINIS MARIAE AB HAERETICORUM CALUMNIIS DEFENSIO ... Romae, Ex. typo. Dominici Basae, 1584. 209p.
MARIAN BOOK NEWS Msgr . Joseph Deery, author of OUR LADY OF LOURDES (Browne and Nolan), to be published in the U.S . by Newman, has vis ited Lourdes annually for thirty years .. .. OUR LADY OF THE FIELDS, a booklet written and illustrated by Sister Mary Jean Dorey, O.P., has been published by the National Catholic Rural Life Conference . . . . MOTHER OF JESUS, MY MOTHER, by Francis J . Friedel, S.M., has just been released by Marianist Publications . . . . EVE AND MARY, by P. T. Dehau, O.P., translated by the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, is a new Herder book . . . . Newman has published Redemptorist Father Louis Colin's OUR LADY, QUEEN OF THE RELIGIOUS LIFE . . . . Father Emil Neubert, S.M., has finished a new work, L'AME DE JESUS CONTEMPLEE AVEC MARIA (Aisatia). . . . Desclee of New York is the publisher of the English translation of Marcelle Auclair's BERNADETTE.
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