The Marian Library Newsletter November 1957

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Volume XIII - Number 2


November, 1957

NEW MARIAN PAPERBACKS Two well-known Marian books by non-Catholics have recently been released in paperback editions . The late Ruth Cranston's The Miracle of Lourdes (Popular Library, 35¢) is highly recommended as a worthwhile examination of the cures at Lourdes. The original edition (1955) ·eceived the Christopher Award and the Marian Library Medal. Scholem Asch's best-selling novel, Mary, (Popular Library, 35¢) first published in 1949, is a combination of truth mixed with error on page after page. The recently deceased author shows a considerable reverence for Our lady, but the book is not recommended precisely beca .1se, up to a point, it is good. The presence of so much truth can easily mi lead the reader into accepting the error also. Seven other popular Marian paperbacks are now or the market: Guadalupe to Lourdes, by Franc~ Parkinson Keyes (Catechetic<JI Guild, 50¢); The Song of Bernadette, by Fra~z Werfel (Pocket Books, 35¢ 1; Light on the Mountain by John S. Kennedy (Image Books, 65c); The World's First Love, by Fulton J . Sheen (Image Books, 75¢); The True Story of Fatima, by John deMarchi (Catechetical Guild, 50¢); Russia Will Be Converted, oy John M. Haffert (Ave Maria Institute, $1 .00); Our Lady of Fatima, by William Thomas Walsh (Image Books, 65¢).

LEGION of MARY ISSUE of MARIANIST Copies of the special Legion of Mary issue of 'the Marianlst magazine (November, 1957) are now available. Bulk rates: 25 or more copies, 16¢ each; 50 or more, 14¢; 100 or me-re, 12¢.

The MARIAN LIBRARY NEWSLETTER i., publish~ 1 monthly except July , Augu.'lt, and September, by the Marian Libmry, Unive··sity of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio. The NEWSIJETTER will be sent free of charge to anyone requesting it.


NEW MARY PRODUCTIONS ADDRESS Mary Productions ha~ ,_ a new address: 58 lenison Avenue, Belford, New Jersey . • . . The Age of Mary is planning a future issue on Mary of Agreda . . . . Stephan Cardina Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, began work on a new book. of meditations fc•r the month of May while he was under house arrest by the Communists. , . . The next convention of the Mariological Society of America will be held in Dayton on Thursday and Friday, January 2 and 3, 1958. Theme: Mary and the Church. . . . Twenty-eight selections on the Assumption and Queenship of Mary are included in the second volume of the Marian library u.ries, QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE. Cardinal Spellman, Bishop Sheen, and Bi hop Wright are three of the contributors. . . . The third Marlological anc the tenth Marian Congress will be held at lourdes from September 10 .tc 17, 1958 . . . . The November number of Marian Reprints (No. 55) is the encyclical by Pope Pius XII, "The lourdes Pilgrimage". All back issues of Marian Reprints are again in. print. •


LOURDES RESEARCH Rev. John D. Mulligan S.M., Fribourg, Switzerland, who has been a Marian library representative 'n Europe for the past three years, spent two weeks. in lourdes and Paris , in September gathering material for the library. The results of his researd will be seen especially in the 1958 issues of the MARIANIST magazine, which will contain many lourdes features. While In Paris, Father f, ~ulligan was able to spend one day with Abbe Pierre, studying the role of 0 Jr lady in the work of the famous French priest. The MARIAN 1ST will carry ; n article on the subject in 1958.

M. \RIOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY Rev. Eamon R. Car, ~II, 0. Carm., of The Catholic University of America, has prepared a v<.~luable five page "Recommended Reading List in Mariology", a copy of which he will be happy to mail to anyone sending an enclosed self-addressed stamped business-size envelope (6c first class, 2c unsealed). Contact him at: Whitefriars Hall, 1600 Webster Street, N.E., Washington 17, D.C.

BOOKS RECENTLY ADDED TO THE MARIAN LIBRARY Alameda, Santiago, MARIA SEGUNDA EVA; tratado teologico biografico sobre Ia santisima Virgen. Vitoria, Ediciones Establiz, 1956. lxi, 680p. Alliney, Alberto, LA GROTTE DES TROIS FONTAINES. Paris, Ed. Spes, 1956. 156p. Aspurz, Lazaro de, HISTORIA DE MARIA. Madrid, Compania Bibliografica EsP.~nola, S.A., 1955. 394p. Charm-6t, Francois, lES EXERCISES SPIRITUElS DE S. IGNACE AVEC MARIE MEDIATRICE. Toulouse, Apostolate de Ia Priere, 1956. 144p. Cabode'villa, Jose Maria, SENORA NUES~A; el misterio del hombre a Ia luz del misterio de Maria. Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1957. xii, 433p. <;,rol, Juniper B., ed., MARIOLOGY; :.,, v6lume 2. Milwaukee, Bruce, 1957. ~..,路 xii,. 606p. <;ongar, Yves M-J., CHRIST, OUR LADY, 路 AND THE CHURCH . Westminster, .. 路 Md., Newman, 1957. xix, 103p. Qjroo, ,Andre, lOURDES, CITE DES MIRAClES OU MARCHE D'lllUSIONS. Paris, Fayard, 1956. 223p. (Bibliotheque Ecclesia, 28) Dey mann, Clementine, MAY DEVOTIONS FOR EACH DAY OF THE MONTH. 20th ed. Chicago, Franciscan Herald Press, 1957. 107p. Ganss, Henry G., MARIOlATRY; new phases of an old fallacy. 2nd ed. Notre Dame, Ind., Ave Maria, 1897. 308p. Hume, Ruth Fox, OUR lADY CAME TO FATIMA. New York, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1957. 192p. (Vision Books, 19) Kenny, Frank J., MARY'S SPIRITUAL MATERNITY ACCORDING TO MODERN WRITERS. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 1957. ix, 96p. (Studies in sacred theology, 2d aer., 93)

Koch, Hugo, VIRGO EVA-VIRGO MARIA. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1937. 1 14p. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 25) lovasik, lawrence G., OUR LADY IN CATHOliC liFE. New York, Macmillan, 1957. xiv, 409p. leuret, Francois and Bon, Henri, MODERN MIRACUlOUS CURES; a documented account of miracles and medicine in the 20th century. New York, farrar, Straus, and Cudahy, 1957. xviii, 215p. liTTlE OFFICE Of THE BlESSED VIRGIN MARY, edited by Philip Foley, O.C.D. Holy Hill, Hubertus, Wise., Discalced Carmelite fathers, 1957. xiii, 111 p. Maes, G., NOTRE-DAME DE BEAURAING; histoire des apparitions. Beauraing, "Pro Maria", 1953. 226p. 路 Mathews, Stanley G., ed., QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE; an anthology on the Assumption and Queenship of Mary. St. Meinrad, Ind., Grail Publications, 1957. xiv, 258p. (Marian library series, 2) Moral, Benito, MAS AlMAS MARIANAS. Madrid, Sociedad de Educacion "Atenas", 1956. (Coleccion Hagiografias, 4) Schroeder, Agustina, MOTHER Of FAIR lOVE. Milwaukee, Bruce, 1957. 195p. Trochu, francis, ST. BERNADETTE, a pictorial biography; with photograph~ by leonard von Matt. Chicago, Regnery, 1957. xii, 91 p. 183pl. Van der Kley, Francesca, MARIAN MYSTIC: a short life of St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. Chicago, Carmelite Third Order Press, 1957. 96p. West, Donald James, ElEVEN lOURDES M I R A C l E S. London, Duckworth, 1957. X, 134p.

OUR CLIPPING FILE The Irish Catholic (Dublin) and The Uni· verse (London) are the two most recent additions to the list of newspapers received each week by the Marian Library for our Marian clipping file. More than thirty papers are clipped and classified each week for items on the Blessed Virgin and related topics.







1958 Pilgrimage to Lourdes The 1958 Marianist Pilgrimage to Lourdes for the centennial celebration will be led by Rev. Philip Hoelle and Bro. Stanley Mathews of the Marian Library staff. The pilgrimage, which leaves New York by TWA on June 28, 1958, includes Fatima, Madrid, Lourdes, Barcelona, Rome, Fribourg, Paris, and London. Marianist pilgrims from all countries will meet at Lourdes on July 6 with Very Rev. Paul J. Hoffer, S.M., Superior General of the Society of Mary, in a special Marianist day at the shrine. Further information on the pilgrimage may be obtained from the Marianlst Promotion Service, 300 College Park Avenue, Dayton 9, Ohio.






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