The Marian Library Newsletter February 1950

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Volume V Number


February 1950 MARIE

The M!orian Library is backiiJB compl"tely ~n Englis:t edition of MARIE. MARIE is a beautiful Marian Magazine in French edited. by Mr, :S.c·ger Brien of Nicolet ,Quebec, Ca.nt~.d.a. When there i3 a euffi~ient number of subsc~ibere to the English edition~Mr.Brien will edit ito The M3.rian Library w-oul•l like to serve as a center of circulation for this EIJBliah edition" If possible,the magazine would 4ppear in 1951.

A sample copy of the French edition can

t~ had for the should Jcu not read French,nevertheleas the art ~ork ~d th~ format of the ~zine will impregs you,I am


Father Francis Martin S.J. of St., Andrew on Hudson 9 Poughkeepeie,NY bas sent 'Z7 Marian books as a gift to the Marian Library.They make a real contribution,Father,and we are most grateful to you for themo Ask our help,~~ time,Father Martin 10 BOOKS



;.ny :p'.lblici ty in maeazine ,paper ,parish bulletin or by !DOUth tba t you. ca.."1. give to this Marian ~eterpiece ~ill be appreciated. It appears 6 times a yeal' )4r;.d the subscription price for the English edition is $3.5C a year or $6.00 for two years. The magazine is 8 by 10 1/2 inches 1 and p~eaently has 64 pages;but Mr.Brien is planning 100 page issues for each publication. IICrC. 0f

America says that it is a specialised Mari~ review.It differs rram the great maJority of "devotional" publications by ita matur1ty 7 ite expert-presentation and. what .m.i:'glit "bd"". • called its disinterestedness. It is also an art reviev of the h"!.,gh.,et ord.ero ·rhe Mar!!!!.t! L.ibrary wishes to nave the active 3·ilpport of ev~ry reader of it~ New9letters, ~~of ~11 itz friends,for t.hi3 :x.agazine=MARIE. This is indeed. a ~..d .md wor":.hy projec -+, to aee real:l. zed in thie; Holy Year c.f the Age cf Mary. all o·q,r th~ vorld who ha:Te seen thi!3 renarkable co!lllllented most favorably o:u it. One~~·-::~r ins ~.a.r~ce , says~ "The presentation, the illustrations, Y.l!.r~ l~l d.u, ~rlne !ire a great delight 1:.0 your incre.'lsing read~ e.t" listtt ··I The 1-E.ri~n !.i"b:;.--ary '.Vanta to circulate ocpl~s of the French edi t!on f'or comment. Do you think that !m E:c..eliah e-rJ.i tion of thia review will be ac~eptable to an Enelish r~ad~r-audience of the USA, of England, of Auatralia,of :ndia? There is talk,too, of a Spanish edition of MARIEo

Just very recently,Brother Moral of Madrid,Spain sent us 10 more most excellent new books in Spanish for the Library.One of them he himself' is author of. Thank you Brother.Your continued cooperation is splendid.

ITALY Father Scherrer,S.M .. ,representative of the Marianists at the Vatican reporte that-he secure the services of a Marianiat to get us the best booka in Italian.,Since that letter, Brother Sau.."lliera,and Mr.Ed.Gratsch,and Mro Skupienjall three of the USA residir~ in Rome~ have voluntez,d their ae:rvloea in this regard.o We are delighted.


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MARIE ia known as an excellent and. first class publical-:!.cn, And there is NO magazine like it~ to our kno-wledge. It ~UL~ly doee credit to Our Lady~and what a mo&ument to her c~.uee in the Ae,e of Mary would thla revie·;.r .nake a::nong English spe~king peoples! It is trulY. ·..rorthy of our su1rp~rt--1!.-:1d t:n., :"'1'."-:' .... ~· l)f every genuine rriend. of Our Blessed Mother. Wr1 te then NOW for a copy of t..he uzgazine 1 arJd in your capac:it] give it,please,what publi~!ty you ca.n-~-in ~on~ tacta with people(religious and lay),with or~~zations like Sodalities and oonfraternitiee, 1n articles about it in papers and magazines, in circulating a copy among the devotees of Our Lady. !Jev~r~~ally_.0~'1. ~.,~ d.o enc~ :::'0r 0u:' 3lee·.;e.G. :·lc•'J1lero :.:; ·~z the motto of Sainte. It is the chosen .:net to of the Marl..a.n Li bra.ry. It car. be your mot to also. wr1~e th"n ~o the Marian Library for a copy of MARIE, the F~nch editio~ of a Marian ma~rpiece.



will no+. be disappointed.


Brother Robert BrueiiJIIIer S.,M .. has eent us 1300 cards~~~writte~, from the 11 bra:ry of Father 'Jarcl., All of these are booka ~r ~rticles on Our Lady found in Father's pri= vate library-. Your aacrifize of time,Brother,for the Marian Library is wonderful. Thank you very much for everythingo Fieldworker Mary Kolb of Washington is doing excellent vork toward extendiiJB our Union Catalogue.

Record Player and Marian recorda are nov added to o11r Library poasessions. Brother Muld ta and Miea Mary Jo Huth, both of Daytonlhave given us recordso The player is the gift of KoScb.-aut and JoTo Glaser, both of Dayt.:;,:":!.o T'"na:n..k you! Any victrola record 'Jf,. music in any lA.."lgllA8e ia moat ae=

ceptable for the collection hereo

The Marian L1 brary is maldns up packets--s1gns 1 booklists, reprints,nevsletters and such to be used as exhibit .material These packets can be had for the vr1t1ns.It is a project to put the M!!.rian L1bra17 before as many &a possible.These packets are excellent 11" you want somethi1J6 for your bulletin board, or for asodall't7 meeting,or a l1bra:t'7 meetins.There will be no charge to have 1t sent you.~ who may find use for one may ask that one be sent him.

llolJ Tr1n1t7 llish,Broo~, throuah the courtes7 of' Pather Bedell and Brother Buach;Fr. Thoas Bodie of' D&Jton U; a friend 1n Philadelphia, two 1n PittsburSb~another in Baltimore ,and & lAst in RClllle have contributed flnanciall.y to the Marian Li brar;r. Our sincere thanks to one and &11 of these very cooperative and interested friends. God give us more gifts and :more friends. It is such persona who the ~­ ian Library a reall ty. QtiESTIONS

Sister Mary Rosalia of St.Augustine 's,ClevelAnd.,Ohio is painting a very special picture for us 1 which we shall ent1 tle OUR LADY OF THE MARIAl'l LIBRARY.We hope to have this oil pa1ntill8 completed,lramed,&Dd h1UJ6 b7 Easter.It shall be 48 inches by 36 inches ,and from it we plan to make small pictures tor publicity purposes.Thank you 1 Sister, tor your vork an this proJect. We moat annous}¥ await your masterpiece. Dl!!



A Corporatian(Stramberg-Carlaon) asks ua the origin and the emct JIIS.mler of ringillg the Angelus. We 've looked and found llttle.Do any- of our readers know of an author! tative sau-~e on this? Is the ri1J61ng 3-3-;-9 on a statio:n&rJ bell,or is the final 9 struck an a svi.Dsill6 bell? Who vould kDow the exact answer to this question? Please vri te us of 1t 1 if you have &n &nslrer or a lead to an answer. S AT I S' ---~. ·~-

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:lather Ed vri tee that he "Wnts to start a branch of the Marian L1 brary in Puerto Rico.Ria first obJective is a Union CataJ.osue of Marian Books 1n that area. The Sodality Jl>siera tors are enthusiastic &bout the ide& & rill help him. The Libr&rJ has sent him BOIM ateri&l.s for this proJect. Good Luck Father,and if JOU do as well there as ~ou did here, then your labors are assured of success.

Shorlty, the Mariolosical Society of America,under the preaiienoy ot Father J.B.Carol,OFM, will edit ·in printed f'orm tb.e constitutions, the charter members, and the papers read at the recently held convent1~. Write to us i f JOU want a copy of this valuable publication.It is the tirst to appear and eignif'icantly it comea 1n the .Holy Year of 1950. This ie iDdeed the Ase ot Mary. -



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