3 minute read
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
In the field of education Reverend George J. Renneker, S.M., holds an elevated position. Along with repeated accomplishments, his associations with such organizations as the Ohio Classical Conference, the National Association of Collegiate Registrars, and the Association of Ohio College Registrars, of which he is a charter member, speak for themselves.
Since 1924 Father Renneker has fulfilled the duties of vice-president and director of studies at the University of Dayton, and today he holds the offices of vice-president, dean of men, registrar and director of admissions. As such his services have been invaluable to the University as well as to the student body, who will long cherish fond memories of his friendly advice and fatherly assistance.
Board Of Trustees
BRO. GEORGE N. SAUER, S.M., Vice-Chairman .
BRO. GEORGE DECK, S.M ., Secrntary.
Associate Board Of Lay Trustees
Officers of the Board
JOHN Q. SHERMAN, President.
MICHAEL J. GIBBONS, '99, Secretary.
HUGH E. WALL, '88 , Treasurer.
Ex-Offic io Members
VERY REV. JOSEPH A. TETZLAFF, S.M , Provincial of the Society of Mary, Dayt on, O hio. REV. WALTER C. TREDTIN , S.M. , President of the University of Dayt on, Dayton, Ohio.
BRO. WILLIAM A. DAPPER , S.M , Treasurer of the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio.
Alumni Members and Members-at-Large
HARRY C. ANDERTON, '09, Dayton, Ohio.
EDWIN C. BECKER, '11, Cincinnati, Ohio.
HARRY C. BUSCH, '96, Cincinnati, Ohio.
JAMES M. COX, Jr., Dayton, Ohio.
HOWARD EGBERT, Dayton, Ohio.
VICTOR EMANUEL, '15, New York, N. Y.
HARRY F. FINKE, '02, Dayton, Ohio.
SAMUEL L. FINN, Dayton , Ohio.
MICHAEL J. GIBBONS, '99, Dayton, Ohio.
CARROLL A. HOCHWALT, '20, Dayton , Ohio
MARTIN C. KUNTZ, ' 12 , Dayton , Ohio
O SCAR C. MILLER, '92 , Chicago, Ill.
JOSEPH F ODELL, Dayton, Ohio
CHARLES A. REILING , Dayton, Oh io
W. S. ROBINSON, Dayton , Ohio.
LOUIS 8. ROCK, Dayt on , Ohio.
JOHN Q. SHERMAN , Dayton, Ohio.
HUGH E. WALL , '88 , Dayton, Ohio.
GEORGE WALTHER , Da yton , Ohi0.
Administrative Officers
REV. WALTER C. TREDTIN, S.M., President.
REV. GEORGE J. RENNEKER, S.M., Dean of Men, Registrar.
REV JOHN L. OTT, S.M., Dean of Arts and Sciences.
FRANCIS J. MOLZ, S.M., Assistant Dean, Head of Department of Science.
HERMAN J. BRENDEL , S. M., Assistant Dean, Head of Department of Business.
BERNARD T. SCHAD, S.M., Dean of Engineering.
SISTER MARIE ST. ELEANOR, S.N.D., Dean of College of Women.
WILLIAM A. DAPPER, S.M., Treasurer.
CHARLES LEONARD, S.M., Purchasing Agent.
REV. WALTER C. TREDTIN, S.M M.A , President.
REV. GEORGE J. RENNEKER, S.M ., M .A. , Dean of Men, Registrar
REV. JOHN J RAUSCHER, S M., M .A., Director, Mt St John Normal School.
CHARLES ARNS , S.M., B S. , Associate Professor , Accounting, Advertising, Business Engl ish
REV. EDMUND BAUMEISTER , S.M ., M.A., Assistant Professor, Educat ion.
HARRY BAUJAN , B.S Head Coach.
WILLIAM A. BECK, S.M., B.Sc. , Ph . D. , Professes , Lecturer.
WILLIAM J. BELLMER , S.M., B.Sc. , M.A. , Professor , Mathematics.
CHARLES J BELZ , S.M M Ci.E., Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
NORBERT Bl ER MACH ER, S.M , M.Sc. , Ph.D Assistant Professor , Ch e mistr y.
ANTHONY BISHOP, S.M., B.Sc., M Sc , Instructor, Chemistry.
HERMAN J BRENDEL , S M., B S. in Educ. , B.S. in Com., M.A., Professor, Assistant Dean , Head of Department of Business, Economics, Public Finance .
J J CHAMBERLAIN, JR., B.Sc. , M.S E Assistant Professor, Civ il Engineering.
LAWRENCE DRUFNER , S.M , Assistant Prefect of Alumni Hall.
CONSTANTINE J. FECHER, B.A. , Ph D., Ass istant Professor. Mathematics of Accountancy, Statistics.
REV. WILLIAM FERREE, S.M. , M.A.. Assistant Professor , English.
REV. FRANCIS J. FRIEDEL , S.M M.A. , S.T.D. , Associate Professor, Sociology
MICHAEL B. GRANDY, S.M . , M.Sc. , Ph.D. , Professor, Physics.
JEROME GIBSON, M A., Assistant Professor, Psychology.
•MATTHIAS E. HAAS, S.M., M.Sc., Ph.D , Associate Professor , Chemical Enginee ring, Physical Chemistry.
ADAM HOFFMAN , S.M., B.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
JOE FRANK HOLSINGER, B.S., Assistant Coach.
MAJOR EDGAR H KELTNER , U. S. Army, B.S., Assistant Professor, Military Science and Tactics
ARNOLD KLUG , S.M., Prefect of Zehler Hall.
EDWARD KNUST, S.M., M.Sc ., Professor, Engineering Drawing, Mathematics .
GEORGE F KOHLES, S M. , M.A. , Assistant Professor , Journalism, Public Speaking.
WINTHROP LANE , B.S Instructor Accounting.
REV. FRANCIS LANGHIRT, S M. , M.A., Assistant Professor , Philosophy.
DANIEL L. LEARY , Ph.D. , Professor, Head of Department of Education
REV. EDMUND LEIMKUHLER, S M., B.A., Professor, Head of the Department of Reli gion
FRANK M LUDWIG, B.S. in Educ ., M.A. , Assistant Professor , History
SISTER MARIE ST ELEANOR, S.N.D. , M.A. , Professor, Dean of the College for Women, English, H istory .
SISTER MARIE FIDELIS, S.N.D , M.A .. Assistant Professor, English
MADAME SUZANNE FAUVET-McLAUGHLIN, L-es-L., Professor Graduate of the University of Paris ; Professor, French.
RALPH MILLER, S.M. , B.S ., Physics.
SISTER MIRIAM THERESE, S.N.D., M.A. , Assistant Professor, Histo ry.