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TH E 1938 D A lif,,,,.O N JAY I OF P l!l!GRESS

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Senior Farewell

Senior Farewell

Charles William Richard Joseph

Wagn a r President

O'Connor Vice-President

McClusky Secretary

Dell Treasurer


Chuck Wagner , gridder president Dan Hobbs, writer and debater Dave Israel, business manager deluxe • . . Williamitis, Gerwels, chemists extraordinary Joe Dell , master accountant ... Joe Zotkiewicz and Paul Genung , ver itable Bobby Jones' Ed. Gutzwiller, curly fopped all-Buckeye Dutch Tscherne, diminutive all-American Pesky Wern 0r, jovial sag e and stalwart end ... Bob Borchers , honor society president Bill Sachs, minister pl e nipotentiary t o International Relations' conventions . . . Bob Pfister, Napoleon of th e Pe rsh ings Dick McClusky, class secretary Tom Armstrong, U. D. Marconi Cotterman and Shannon , editors of th e Municipal report ... Paul Wick, agile racqu :J t ee r

. . . Angelo Farrug(Jio , ro 1und sodalist lead e r Ben Carl e n, maes t ro R"Y Bnm::? r, min ; trel composer Bill O'Connor , orator politician .

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