5 minute read
Senior Class History
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
Scene I: U. D. Campus. Time: Four years ago. Action: Class of '38 enrolls as aspiring frosh initiations follow-mud in our eyes, shoe polish in our teeth and syrup splattered all over ... football season opens . . . frosh gridders prove good dummies for varsity-visit infirmary. Homecoming dance is real affa ir examinations, what tyrants these profs Junior prom, first taste of college social life. Class elections single out O'Connor , McClusky, Armstrong, and Wick debate season opens, freshmen bring forth prospects ... spring football and spring fever invade the campus freshmen show great strength on initial eleven. Elections produce Wagner, McClusky, Boemer, and Heckman.
Same Scene. Time: One year later. Action: Sophisticated sophomores return to bang into incoming greenies new school policy inhibits initiations Dean system introduced football season, and sophs are well represented in quantity as well as quality Frosh Welcome dance, our first social event , a great success Homecoming Dance, always a good time basketball season finds not a few sophs gracing the court. Junior prom and we strut in tuxes ... Hillenbrand , Hobbs, and O'Conno r tak e debate trips ... spring brings football practice, softball league and laziness ... second-year men engage in varsity baseball and tennis ... Zotkiewicz, Genung, Puterbaugh on "state champ" golf team-Joe takes individual honors ... two sophs winners in oratorical contest ... class elects Hobbs, Wagner, Harper , McClusky and Whalen to serve for junior year ... class picnic , plenty of eats and drinks.
Same Scene. Time: September, 1936. Action: VVe return as juniors ... enjoy initiations, but are too old to participate grid season finds junior stars in lim e light elections to fill vacancies are Dell, treasurer, O'Connor, student council Homecoming-Frosh Welcome season ends with Gutzwiller, all-Buckeye, Werner, Zotkiewicz, Wagner honorable mention , and Petkewicz most valuable ... Hillenbrand and Hobbs edit News and Exponent respectively with O'Connor associate on both Junior prom is most elaborate succ es s of recent years-Sten.ross play s, U. D. dances debate trips find same three juniors on road intramural basketball, junior team cops. Zotkiewicz and Genung again on state championship golf team; Joe takes individual honors, Paul second by a stroke juniors take second and third in oratorical contest ... Wagner, O'Connor , McClusky, Dell and Hobbs selected to lead class for senior year class picnic, amber fluid flows freely.
Last Scene. U. D. Campus. Time: One year ago. Action: Seniors enter home stretch ... football season is greatest success in years-fourthyear men drop from limelight as season ends with Zotkiewicz being elected captain. Debate trips and seniors travel ... golf still has Zotkiewicz and Genung starring . . . oratorical contest participated in by seniors ... not a few seniors receive honor keys ... Daytonian published , a splendid memorial to a great class ... Senior Farewell, soft music senior picnic , last and best graduation , the end of our journey the show is over, the curtain falls. THE 193 8
Electrical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Baseball, '37; Intramural Sports, '35, '36, '37, '38 ; Class Officer, Secretary '35; U. D. News Staff, '37; '38; Daytonian Staff, '38; Conduct Award, '35, '36, '37, '38; Mathematics Club, '35, '36; Sodality, '35, '36, '37, '38; Glee Club, '35, '36; Advanced Military, '37; Pershing Rifles, '35, '36; Drill Team, '35; Military Ball Committee, '36, '37; Junior Prom Committee, '37; Senior Farewell Committee, '38; Radio Club, Secretary '37, President '38.
Akron, Ohio
Intramural Sports, '35 , ' 36 ; Conduct Award, '35, '36; Sodality, '36, '37; Radio Club, '37.
Electrical Enginering
Dayton, Ohio
Football, '35, '36, '37, '38; Basketball, '36; Baseball, '36, '37, '38; Monogram Club, '37, '38; Intramural Sports, '36, '37, '38; Illuminating Engineers Society, '37, '38; Mathematics Club, '35, '36; Radio Club, '37, '38
ROY J. BOEMER East St. Louis, Illinois Business
Football, '35, '36, '37, '38; Rifle Team, '35, '36, Captain '37, '38; Monogram Club, '36, '37, President '38; Intramural Sports, '35, '36; Class Officer, Secretary '36; Exponent Contributor, ' 36; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36, '37; Conduct Award, '35, '36, '37, '38; Sodality, '35, '36, ' 37, '38; Glee Club, '36, '37, Vice President '38; Dramatics, ' 35, '36, '37, '38; Dramatic Society, '38; Minstrel Show, '35, '36, '37, '38; Advanced Military , '37, '38; Pershing Rifles Rifle Team, '35, '36, Captain '37, '38; Military Ball Committee, '36, '38; Freshman Welcome Committee, '36; Senior Farewell Committee, '38; Operetta, '38.
ROBERT E. BORCHERS Dayton, Ohio Arts
U. D. News Staff, '35; Municipal Activities Bureau, '37, '38; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36, '37, President ' 38; Honor Key; Mathematics Club, '35; Sodality, '36, '37; Advanced Military ,; '37, '38; Pershing Rifles , '35, '36; Drill Team, '35, '36; Military Ball Committee , ' 35; Square Circle Club, ' 37, '38.
EUGENE G. BRANDS Wap a koneta , Ohio
Conduct Award , ' 36, '3 7, ' 38 ; Internat io na l Peace Association, '36, ' 37; S o dali ty, Sec retary ' 36 , Presiden t ' 37 ; Glee Cl ub, '36 ; Minstrel Show , ' 36.
U D Ne ws Staff, ' 35 ; G lee Club , ' 36 ; M i nstrel Show , '36 ; Senior Ann o uncem ent Committe e , ' 37 ; Catho lic Action Club , '35.
Sigma Del ta Pi Prem e di ca l Society , ' 35 , '36, ' 3], ' 38 ;
Student Cou ncil, ' 35 ; Conduct Award, '35 , '36 , ' 37 , '38; Soda lity, '35, '3 6, ' 37 , '38 ; Glee Club, '35 , '36 , '37, ' 38; Dra matics, ' 37 , ' 38; Dram ati c Soc iety , ' 37 , ' 38 ; Sigma De lta Pi News, '3 7, ' 38.
The 193 8 D A
BERNARD A CARLEN " Det ro it , Mich igan Sci enc e Soda li ty, ' 34 , '35 , ' 37 ; G lee C lub , '34 , '35 , ' 37 , ' 38 ; M ixe d Chorus , ' 37 , ' 38 ; Drama ti c Society , '38 ; Minstre l Show , ' 35 , ' 37, ' 38 ; Band , '34 , '35 , ' 37 , ' 38 ; Orchestra, ' 34 , '35 , ' 37 , ' 38 ; In t erclass Da nc e Comm ittee , ' 35.
BENJAMIN M. COHEN {Harlan) Dayton , Oh io
Intramural Sports , ' 35 , ' 36 , ' 37 ; Mun icipa l Activities Bureau, '3Q_,_ ' 37; Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society , ' 35 , Publicity Di rector ' 36 , ' 37 , ' 38 ; Mathematics Club , ' 35 ; Glee Club , '35 , '36 , '37 , ' 38; Mixed Chorus , '36; Dramatics, ' 35 , ' 36; Dramatic Society, '35 , ' 36; Minstrel Show , '35 , '36
ROBERT L. COTTERMAN Dayton, Oh io Civil Engineering
Intramu ral Sports , ' 36 , ' 38 ; Municipal Activities Bureau , Associate Editor '37 , '38 ; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society , ' 38 ; Amer ican Society of Civ il Engineers , ' 36 , Secretary '37, President ' 38 ; Glee Club, ' 35, '36 ; Advanced Milita ry, ' 37 , ' 38; Award for Excellence in Junior Civil Engineering , ' 37.