1 minute read
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
Leo Fitzharris . Pre sident
John Lemming . . Vice- President
Elizabeth Trupp ·. . . . ... Secretar y
Larry Finke Treasurer
September, 1936-wide-eyed, wondering where and how to begin, 150 of us came red and blue freshman caps and the peanut-rolling frolic that marked our initiation .•. mud-slinging, literally ... we were full-fledged freshmen. Came an invitation from the co-eds, and did the boys flock to it! Thanksgiving day students rested while boarders spread red paint in home towns back to work lull until Christmas ... more red paint exams and headaches. Junior prom and feeling sophisticated until the sophs looked scornfully at us spring practice-freshies look good on gridiron Military Ball felt like big-shots in our uniforms ... flowers blooming, victims of cupid walking oblivious trouble keeping eyes on the board with the sun shining outside final exams and home.
Came September, 1937, all too soon .•• only 80 of us back .•. looking at familiar walks and halls, knowing all the ropes that was a grand feeling how small these freshies ... could we have looked like that? Freshman Welcome dance swaying to the rhythm of Michael Hauer at the Miami. And then football games won and more games won with sophs shining ... Padley in all the headlines, with McDonough, Marre, Reidel and other sophs nearly copped the Buckeye title. Those exams again-"Brother, can I have late light?" Thanksgiving and boarders make up for lost time with the "stamp-gals" basketball, with sophs flashing on the court •.. class members shining in all extra-curricular activities-publication staffs, clubs, honor society, dramatics and debating .•. Karl Schreiber travels on debate tour. Spring practice again •.• our men look better than ever sophs in all minor sports ... social life goes on .•. Spring-Swing and lots of "Big-Apple-ing" final exams and home again .•. only two more years to go.
The 1938 D Ayt Gress