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Senior Farewell

Senior Farewell


John Humm President

Herbert Redding Vi ce-President

Martha Manny Secretary

Leo Farber . Trea surer


Along with Joe Widmont, our Kandid-Kameraman, we spy the giggles and screams of Jeanne McLaughlin, the dramatic talent of Betty Jane Israel, the extraordinary golfing of John Humm, the brunette beauty of "Dot" Buchanan, and the naive shyness of John Glemet, we find the gay young


Pernush , Chabrand, Co stell, Fraher, Rum ig, Powers , Burk e, Conners, Jurgens , Tranter, Corcoran , S iewe, Higgins, C. Hendricks , Howe, Keyes, Brushman. Baker, Lansdown e, Perez , Henke, Paluzz i, E. Hendricks, O 'G rady , Leona rd, Smith , Quatman , Jiminez, Meng , Glemet. Sherman, Sullivan, Samu , Suttmiller, Fitzpatrick, Biersack , Kappeler, Carroll , Swartz , Weber, Mulcahy , Kipner, Hayes, Bocok , Humpert, Bertke , Simmons. Markley, Watts , Ryan , Hollenkamp, Hummert , Conway , Chapin, Sajovitz, Leyes, Welhener, Gerson , Finch, Moritz.

Kerns, Suttmann , Arno ldi , Hiney, Shearer, Loges , Kroge r. Swindler , Zwiesler , Bow e, Somm ers, Ros encrans, Kershner , Funk, Carne , Warner , Connelly , Hall, Dugan , Edgington

Bi elman, Heet, Duffy, Kersting, Winter , Walter, Borchers, Blake , Reis , Kirby, Lawler , Farb er, Psaki , May, Englert.

Lochinvar from Missouri, Clem Young, deeply interested in the musical prowess of maestro Dick Skapik, and crooners Phil Keyes and Dick Howe. In 'the cafeteria gather Martha Rose Manny, Elm c1

Plappert, Dola Zonars, and Betty Myers, (along with admir ing swains) eager for a rubber of bridge. With so many gay and attractive personalities it is hard to mention such a few, but we hope to meet more of you again sometime.

The 1938 Dayt Gress

Kuhlman, Keiter , Schendelman, Jones, Mclaughlin, Shaffer.

Olcott , Pickrel, Wehner, Chalmers, Jaffe, Hoskinson, Schneble , Gibson.

Hall , Carley, Longfellow, McKirnan, Sabry, Stoecklein, Vogel, Culley, Weber

Willoughby, Gorbea, Ramos, Hernadez, Reynolds , Wool, Hickey, Mendes, Kilcullen.

Hoov er, Roessler , Bernard, Winstell , Burns, Olazagasti, Lindauer , Poeppelmeier , Frame, Mestemaker, Reeb

Koerner, Ziegler, Wohlschlaeger, Bistline, Dryden , ~illen , Jurgens, Zidanavich , Delaet, Tsai , Burger, Kirchmer, Schramm , Brodbeck , Matusoff

Van Horn, Humm, Flynn, Westendorf, Curley, Connare, Bucher , Widmont, Friehs , Schlattman , Littiken, Groos, Akerland, McDonald, E. Smith.

Moran, Lewis, Aufderheide, Baker, Ferron , Greenwald, Brown , Kroger , Goldkamp , Sroka, Young , Schneble, McBride, Skapik.

Nellis, Allen, Gaylord, Goeke , McFarland, Jackson , Gregoric , Shimanek , Placke , Walter , Connell, Bunn , Egan , Leugers, DiPiero

Schultz, Messham, Drapp, Van Hausen, H Smith , Clark, Lee , Fine, Denlinger , Eiben , Tubman , Simmons, Gotterdam , Moore.

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