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Senior Farewell

Senior Farewell

Women Personalities

Eileen Fiel, president of women, and our own Tizzie Lish .. • Ma r jorie Coffman and Margaret Ann Mess, News staff artists and art institute students

• .. Martha Welhener, schoolma'am ... Beth Trupp, homecoming attendant and basketball star

Kaye "Torchie" Herold, carrot-topped News columnist ... Patty Snapp, genial News reporter . ..

Jean McLaughlin, " e xpert" bowler and dramatic villainess . . . Mary Graziano, homecoming attendant and future fina ncier ... Anna Laura Fella, Irish songbird and telephone operator Betty Jane Israel, coach as well as star of dramatics

Alma Braun, editor of pre - medical newspaper

Lorraine Nowak, pre-med and dramatic artist .. .

Wilma Moore, from Flo rida, an enthusiastic supporter of northern winter fifty other co-eds of whose laurels space will not permit description.

Women's Athletic Association

With the inception of the College of Women in 1935, there was also organized the Women's Athletic Association, but due to the numerical limitation the organization necessarily restricted its scope and activities. This year the constitution was entirely revised enabling more girls to participate, and a point system carefully constructed. W. A. A. is now a goal for which U. D. co-eds hope and strive, admittance being recognized as a distinction.

In 1937-38, under the able supervision of Lou Tschudi, women's athletic director, a complete intramural program was inaugurated, competition for points being intense. Winter basketball was highly popular, two freshman squads, one sophomore and one junior team vieing for honors. Top place went to the sophomores who hung up the unique record of eight games won, none lost.

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