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Athletic Board

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Senior Farewell

Senior Farewell

"Responsible for arrangement of schedules and maintenance of the University's athletic integrity, the University of Dayton Athletic Board controls the institution's policies in this field.

Dr Bernard T. Schad, S. M., serves as the chairman of the Board, which is comprised of thirteen individuals, five of these being faculty members and the remainder alumni of the University. Dr. Schad is also a vice-president in the Buckeye Intercollegiate Athletic Association.

Brother Jerome McAvoy, who in 1937 assumed the administrative duties of Dr. Schad, holds the position of faculty supervisor of athletics and is likewise faculty representative to the B. A. A. Other faculty members are William J. Wohlleben, S. M., Francis J. Molz, S. M., and William A. Dapper, S. M. Alumni representatives include Martin C. Kuntz, Edwin G. Becker, James J. Hartnett, Jack R. Brown, Merle P. Smith, David H. Margolis, Ellis J. Mayl and Harry C. Baujan. These latter serve as advisers to the Board head.

Athletic Director

Harry Baujan is finishing his sixteenth season as head coach and his tenth as athletic director at the University of Dayton. The 1937-38 schedules clearly reflect what progress Dayton has made in the world of collegiate sports under the guidance of the blond mentor. His conscientiousness and perseverance received recognition in the admittance of Dayton to the Buckeye Conference in 1935.

Baujan-coached teams have established themselves as clean and hard-fighting, and certainly worthy opponents for any college or university squad. In sixteen years Harry has brought the Flyers from the position of an obscure, small-time school to one that is "tops" among the smaller universities of the country, and even greater accomplishments are predicted for the future.

Fl Yer Coaches

JOE HOLSINGER as an undergraduate at Kansas State University, received national recognition in both football and basketball. Following his graduation in 1927 he served as assistant coach at Florida and Wisconsin universities. He has been assistant football coach, and basketball and golf mentor since coming to the University of Dayton in 1935. Joe's golf squads have twice annexed the State Championship trophy, being the defending champs in this year's tournament.

LOU TSCHUDI graduated from the University of Dayton in 1934, after making a name for himself as a Flyer athlete and serving in the capacity of freshman football coach and varsity basketball coach in his senior year. Since then his attention has been centered on his duties as coach of frosh football and director of intramurals. Lou's other activities find him serving as football scout and director of women's athletics.

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