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J/ie 5ootball SeaJon

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Senior Farewell

Senior Farewell

Chmiel, Glick, C. Wagner, Donley , Stapenhorst, Niehaus , Manning, Wirtz , French, Carr, Gutzwiller.

Psaki, student manager, Furst, Harroll, Fitz, George, Carrigan, Newsock , Welter, Knorr, McDonough , P. Wagner, Ol 'ejnyik, Voit, Sha'rp, student manager

Holsinger, backfield coach; Riedel , Werner, Kelly , Trost, McClusky , B~ery , Giambrone, Padley, Marre , Hoelzer , Zotkiewicz, Shannon, Baujan, head coach and athletic director

Tschudi, freshman coach; Smolka, Boemer , Andrasik , Thomae , Baujan, Petkewicz, Grimes , Malloy, Rosato , Tscherne , Banks , Bache.

H 011orary Captain


Flyers open season by downing Wittenberg Lutherans score first on 50-yard dash by Abrams ... Sophomore Ed Marre runs 70 yards for Dayton's initial score Bache, Zotkiewicz, and Banks add additional Flyer markers ... much predicted of Dayton squad.




Ohio Wesleyan opens Flyer Buckeye sked ... Bishops open scoring parade Lou Banks dashes 41 yards Second period

Flyer offensive Padley takes touchdown pass from Thomas ... McDonough sprints 72 yards Padley tosses touchdown pass to McDonough ... Dayton recognized as a definite Buckeye threat.



Slaughter at Cincinnati Bearcats fail to register single first down Flyers start slowly ... Zotkiewicz plunges for first tally ... George intercepts pass on three ... Scores as half ends ... Red and Blue run wild in third period . .. Banks, Hoelzer and Smolka score ... Kelly adds five extra points.



John Carroll at Cleveland • Carroll grabs lead Arsenault returns punt 60 yards . .. Score: Dayton, 0-Carroll, 7, with eight minutes to play Quarterback Thomas gambles Padley tosses

35-yard pass to McDonough on fourth down .. . Mac grabs oval on 5 Padley goes over . Kelly converts Score tied Two minutes to play Niehaus blocks punt George recovers on two Zotkiewicz plunges for winning touchdown.

Biggest test to date Ohio unbeaten in eight years on home field ... Stalwart Flyer line thrice repulses Bobcat thrusts in first half Dayton offensive unable to break loose Eight seconds remain in game ... Fourth down and ten for Ohio ... Time for one play Bobcat quarterback calls line buck to retain possession of pigskin .•. Ohio offsides Time out • .. Dayton refuses penalty and takes ball Five seconds to play A pass ... Riedel cocks arm ... Padley, standing on four, snares flying pigskin as gun cracks Steps over final marker to score winning points .. . Dayton mob hysteria Flyer rooters parade .. . Ohio sad ... Dayton's third conference win.

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