1 minute read
Municipal Activities Bureau
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
Robert Cotterman
Dwight Shannon
Associate Editors
Alex Rudziensk i Arthur Millonig
From its inception in 1931 the Civic Report has been t he subject of much favorable comment through out the nation. Being sixty pages in length and pr ofuse in illustrative and graphical materials, the re ports have invariably ranked with the best of ot her cities. As last year's report represented a distin ct departure from those of former years, so this 1938 Civic Report is a still further departure.
The University has gladly sponsored this project in or d er that it might render a valuable service to the c ivi c community and because it recognized the value o f student contacts with prominent officials. Bo th t he office of the City Manager and the City Com miss ion have expressed deep gratitude for this u niq ue collegiate accomplishment.