1 minute read
International Relations Club
from Daytonian 1938
by eCommons
Will iams Sachs . . . . . Presi d e nt
Joseph White . .. ... . Vice-Pr eside nt
Dwight Shannon . . Reco rd ing Se c ' y
John Zarka . . . C o rr espo ndin g Sec' y
Organized for the purpose of study ing international affairs and affiliated with the Carneg ie Foundation for International Peace, t he Unive rsity of Dayton International Relations club has pro gressed during the past year.
Every meeting is featured with a talk by a member on some vital question. During the pa st year various topics were presented and discusse d, as the American Neutrality Act by Sachs , and Free Trade by White, while Jim Martin explai ned the French cabinet crisis .
Dr John Perz, S.M., presented the hi st o rical background of the Spanish war as a guest le cturer of the society. Reverend Dr. John L. Ott , S.M., directs the organization's destinies as modera tor.
Delegates were sent to Peace Conventio ns at Toledo and Cleveland and all in all the pa st ye ar proved lively and interesting.