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from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Dayton' s as si stant football coaches las t fall wer e Jo e H olsinger, Lou Tschudi, and Ed Malloy. Holsinger tutored the backfi e l d; Tschudi, th e freshmen; and Malloy as sisted Tschudi.
It was Joe Holsinger's job to develop the Flyer ba ckfi el d, and pa rti cularly important was the task of in structing th e quarte rb acks in football strategy. Holsing~r left the University of Dayton Ma rc h 1, to accept a position at Michigan State under Charlie Bachman, hi s old co llege coach. Before coming to Dayton in 1935, Holsinge r se r ved as ass istant coach at the University of Florida and at Wi scon sin.
Lou Tschudi and Ed Malloy had charge of the y e arlin g sq u ad . Besides this, they acted as scout s for the team. Both Mallo y a n d Tschudi are U. of D. graduates.
Football Squad
First Row: Jack Padley, Glen Smolka, Howard Carr, Al Ro sato, Elmer Bache, Don Malloy, Eugene We stendorf, Frank Baujan, Dave Grime s, Joe Andra sik, Ed Marre, Bob Riedel.
Second Row: Norm Hoelzer, Charle s Zwi es l e r, L es Giambrone, Joe Thoma s, Norman Tro st, Harry Jerina, Al Suttman, T e d Harroll, Howard Lan sdowne, Herb Redding, Thoma s Glick, Fred George and William Kelly.
Third Row: Coach Baujan, Willard Bank s, Joe Eiler s, Henry Chmiel, Cletu s Fr e nch, Ray Fitz, Jean Stapenhorst, Duncan Obee, John Rumig, Carl Co st e ll, Val Pernu sh, Elwood Dryden , Joe Paluzzi , Coa ch Hol sing e r.
Fourth Row: Leo Farber, John Humm , William Moran, Larry Knorr, John New sock, Coley M cDonough, Paul Wagner, Ralph Ni e haus, Tom Manning, Joe Olej y nik, and Cap Voit.