2 minute read











20-C inc innati , there

2 6- }Buck eye Meet 27-l at Ox ford

9-Cincinnati, here

12-C incinnati , there

16-Miami, th ere

20- Ohio U., here

22- Ohio Wesleyan, here

26-} State Intercollegiate

27- lM ee t at Ohio State

8-Bonebrake Sem., there

16-Wilming ton , here

20-Miami, here

2 3-Ohio U., here

2 3-London Bobby, here 24-Wilmin gton, there 28- Bon ebrak e, here

30-London Bobby, here

Ma y 1-C incinnati , here

6-Miami, h ere

10-C inc innati , there

13-Ohio Wesleyan, here

16- Miami, there

18- Ohio W es l eyan, there 20- Ohio U., here

2 3-Wilmin g ton , here

30-Xavier, there

Rear: J. Humm, Tommy Bryant (Coac h )

Front: G. Humm, Boote s, Boeckman.

Baseball Squad

Rear: Hoelzer, Smolka .

Third: Daugherty (Mgr.), Ro sato, Paluzzi, Fletcher, Zid anavic h , Zwiesler, Doyle (Asst. Mgr.)

Se co nd: Russe I I, Jurgens, Kinn ey, T o r p e y, Malloy, Coan, Pequignot .

Front: Furst, Stapenhorst, Ried e l , C u r I e y , Baujan, Pernu sh, Westendorf.


Rear: Roland, Cramer, Rum i g, Obee, Olejnyik, Connare, Flynn.

Second: Ska pi k, Padley, Scharf, French, Carr, Cherry.

Front : Reis (Mg r.), Hoegl er, Redding, J. R. Baker, Lohrey, Lee, Olazagasti, Bi schof.

Tennis Squad

L eft to right: Log es , Humpert, P. Kroger, Eiler s, Wilcox, W. Smith, Gregory, Hartman.

Men participate m eight intramural sports ... Bowling, ba sk etball, golf, softball, tenni s, billiards, pool and table tennis . . Organize three bowling leagues Eight team s per loop ... Indiana won We stern conference cup . Stanford topped the Pacific coast loop ... Dayton finished first in Buckeye loop ... Indiana had b es t record in league play ... Lost but once in 20 games.

Stanford wins pin crown in playoff ... T ea m composed of Les Giambrone, Tom Manning, Joe Olejynik, Cap Voit, Paul Wagner and Ralph Niehaus, senior gridder s . Voit ha s high individual for se ason ... Average was 170 ... Leo Farber led Western l eagu e ... Preottle topped bowlers in Buckeye ... Mixed double s pin tourn eys attract many couples ... Aylstock and Rudzien ski record high team total . . Preotle take s honor s for men' s individual s ... Medals awarded to kegler s .

Twenty-four basketball squads play in murals ... St. Louis winner in double elimination series Beat seniors for crown ... Howard Lansdowne, Leo Farber, John Rumig, Duncan Obee, John Humm, Bill Moran and Carl Costell on winning quintet All star intramural team made up of Fred George, Al Zidanavich, Ralph Niehaus, Ray Fitz and Carl Costell ... Double elimination tourneys staged in table tennis, pool and billiards Ernest Spegele bests Charles G. Haye s to take billiard championship ... Tony Furst takes pool crown ... Bill Kinney retains table tennis laurels.

Two recreation ball leagues formed in April Twelve teams participate in these loops National plays on Tuesdays and Fridays . . . A merican plays on Mondays and Thursdays Golfers hold elimination rounds each Thursday at Country Club .. . Bob Stoecklein was defending men's champion ... Tennis attracts thirty -four entrant s .

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