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STUilENT S' IN IlEX-(C.ontinu.cul )

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Siegle, Florence 78, 105 Siewe, Al G 63, 137

Siff, Leon S .... ... ...................... 57, 116

Simmons, Edwa r d C 59, 116, 118

Simmons, Samuel A ............................ 63

Simon, Joseph E ........... 66

Simons, Louis R. .................................. 63

Skapik, Richard L. ............. 62, 103, 104, 105, 107, 112, 137

Smi th, Hugh M ........63, 117

Sm i t h, Marvin B............................. 58, 133

Smith, R. Kenneth 58, 112, 117

Smith, Sebe A........ ... ... 66

Smith, William H 63,


A Salute To University Of Dayton

As a local institution of many years' standing, this company watches with interest and pride the growth of the University of Dayton, and extends its congratulations and best wishes to not only the Unive rsity itself but to the many fine yo ung men and women who make up its student body, and to its graduates who have taken their places as citize n s of this and other communities.

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