The 1941 Daytonian is dedicated to the City of Dayton, its founders, and its great men of yesterday and today, on the occasion of the one hundreth anniversary of the sign- ing of the charter of the City. Thus the University of Dayton pays tribute to a great community which it serves and by which it is served.
The City of Dayton is a symphony in itself. Its industrial, commercial, governmental, and educational institutions work harmoniously to produce a beautiful and powerful composition, "The Symphony of the City of Dayton."
The University is a movement in the score. Its classes, activities, athletics, and social functions all blend into an attractive harmony arousing in the souls of its students those noble principles that will help fit them for their place in the "Symphony of Life."
Engineers and athletes call this their own.
For quiet study, casual conversation, a 'tween class rendezvous, or just relaxation.
Source of wisdom, beauty, and culture;' students pursue knowledge in the inviting quiet · '
Cross-crowned dome reaching toward the skies.
Hilltop High on the hill-commanding upward. respectful glances.
ADMINISTRATION ...... . .......... Page 13
GRADUATES ..... . .. . ......... Page 25
UNDERCLASSMEN .... . ..... . .. Page 41
CLASSES . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Page 53 MILITARY . . . . . ... Page 61
Reverend John A. Elbert. S.M.. has held the posi ti on o f President of the University of Dayton for the past three years and during that time has elevated the academic and cultural interests o f the University.
Among the many outstanding events in his term a s president are the inauguration of the graduate division offering masters degrees in education. philosophy and English. the publication of several books. and attendance in various parts of the country at National Selective Service discussions. He was also a representative at the Conference on Science. Philosophy, and Religion and their relation to the Democratic Way of Life held in New York City.
Father Elbert. through his unselfish efforts, genuine leadership, good judgment and supreme confidence in others, has endeared himself to the faculty and students. His achievements and ideals attained so far, lead on to greater things in the future. Father Elbert stands for all that is high in education and culture.
Rev John A Elb e rt , S.M.As vice-president of the University of Dayton, Rev. George J. Ren- neker, S.M., has watched students by the hundreds enter and leave the halls of higher education; he has seen young men adjust them- selves in the classroom and in various activities. For the past seventeen years he has held the offices of vice-president, dean of the Univer- sity, registrar and director of admissions.
A visitor to Hawaii this past summer, Father Renneker had an op- portunity to see the natural beauty, the living conditions, defense plans and customs of these important Islands. While there, he worked among and gave a retreat to the lepers on Molokai. During the past year Father has given innumerable lectures on Hawaii before various groups and organizations-from business-men down to high school students.
Possessor of kindness, impartiality, superior judgment, dry wit, and quiet philosophy, he has endeared himself to the faculty and student body.
Page Sixteen
BERNARD T. SCHAD, S.M., Vice-Chairman
CARROLL A. HOCHWALT, '20 , Pre s ident, Dayton, Ohio
M ICHA EL J. G IB BONS , 99, Sec r eta r y, Dayton, Ohio
H UGH E WALL , ' 98 , Tre a s ur e r , Dayton, Ohio
Provincial of the Society of Mary, Dayton, Ohio
President of the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio
Treasurer of the University of Dayton , Dayton, Ohio
Harry C. An d e rton, ' 09 , Da y to n , Oh io
Edwin C. Bec k er, ' 11, Cincinnati, Ohio
Joseph F Odell, Dayton, Ohio
Sam u el L Finn , Dayton , Ohio
James M. Cox, Jr ., Dayton, Oh io
Howard Egb e rt , Dayton , Ohio
Harry F. F ink e , '02 , Dayton , Ohio
Harry C. Bu s ch, '96 , Cin ci nnati, Ohio
Vict o r E m anuel, ' IS , N e w York City
Martin C. Kuntz, ' 12, Dayton, Ohio
Harry A. Mack, Dayton, Ohio
Oscar C Miller, ' 92, Chicago, Ill.
George Quatman , Lima, Ohio
Charles H. Reiling, Dayton , Ohio
W. S. Robinson, Dayton , Ohio
Lewis B. Rock, Dayton, Ohio
George Walther, Dayton , Ohio
Joseph Westendorf, Dayton, Ohio
Th e Associate Board of Lay Trustees was organized in June, 1924. It is comp osed of alumni, members at large, and ex-officio members. The members a t large are elected by the Board itself, and the alumni members by the Alumni Ass ociation at its annual meeting. The term of office is for six years. The fun c tion of the Board is to assist the management of the University in an advis o r y capacity, and to hold, invest and administer the special endowment funds of the University.
Assistant Professor of English (on leave of absence)
Head of Department of Accounting; Professor of Accounting
Associate Professor of Physical Education; Athletic Director
Dean of Graduate Division; Professor of Education
Professor of Biology; Research Professor, lnstitutum Divi Thomae, Cincinnati, Ohio
Head of Department and Professor o f Mathematics
Head of Department and Profess o r o f Civil Engineering
Head of Department and Professo r o f Chemistry
Acting Head of Department and Associate Professor of Physics
MICHAEL ANTHONY BOBAL, S.M., B S Instructor in Chemistry
HERMAN JOSEPH BRENDEL, S.M., B. S. in Ed., B.S. in Com., M.A . Associate Dean, Division of Bu s ines s Administration; Head of Department and Professor of Economics
EDWARD ROBBINS BURROUGH S Assistant Professor of Drawing an d Design; Dean, School of the Dayto n Art Institute.
JAMES E. CARTER, B.S in P.E . Assistant Coach, Instructor in Physica l Education
Associate Professor of Civil Eng ine e ring
ETHELBERT WILLIAM COCHRAN Instructor in Mechanical Engine e r in g
WILLIAM BODINE COOLEY, Pv t U.S Army Instructor in Military Science and Ta ctics
Bro. Arns Fr Baumeis ter Bro. Beck Bro Bellmer Bro. Belz Bro. Biermacher Bro. Bishop Bro. Bobal Mr. Chamberlain P vt. CooleyURBAN A. DEGER
Instructor in Music
REV. JOHN ALOYSIUS ELBERT, S.M., B.A. , M.A., Ph.D. President of the University of Dayton, Professor of Philosophy
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Instructor in Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor of English and Philosophy
REV. FRANCIS JOSEPH FRIEDEL, S.M., B.A., M.A., S.T.B., S.T.L., S.T.D. Director of Summer Session; Dean of College of Arts and Sciences; Director of Evening Classes; Head of Department and Professor of Sociology
Acting Head of Department and Professor of Philosophy; Economics
Instructor in English
JEROME HINES GIBSON, B.A. Head of Department and Professor of Psychology (on leave of absence)
Instructor in Military Science and Tactics
ROBERT EMMET GRAY, B.C.E. Instructor in Civil Engineering
Dean of the College of Engineering; Professor of Chemical Engineering
GARTH EDGAR HECKMAN, B.S., M.B.A. Instructor in Business Organization
THEODORE HEIMANN Instructor in Voice
Supervisor of Student Education
GEORGE ADAM HOFMANN, S.M., B.S. Head of Department and Professor of Mechanical Engineering
EDWARD ANDREW HUTH, B.A., M.A. Assistant Professor of Sociology
PAUL KATZ, B. MUS. Instructor in Music
Mr. Fecher Mr Fitzgerald Fr. Fritz Sr Genevieve Marie Sgt. Gleave Mr Gray Bro Hoffman Mr. Huth Fr. KennyREV. JOHN PAULINUS KENNY, O.P., GEORGE FRANCIS KOHLES, S.M., B.A., B.A.
Instructor in Philosophy
Associate Professor of English
LIEUT. COL. DAVID RENWICK KERR, EZRA KOTCHER, B.S., M.S.E. U.S. Infantry, B.A. Assistant Professor of General Engi- Head of Department and Professor of neering
Military Science and Tactics
ADELE KIMM, B.A M.MUS. Assistant Professor in Music and Phy- sical Education
HUBERT S. KLINE. B.Ch.E. Instructor in Biology
EDWARD HENRY KNUST, S.M B.S .• M.Sc. Professor of Mathematics
REV. HENRY JOHN KOBE, S.M., B.A. Assistant Professor of History
Instructor in History
Associate Dean, Division of Education; Professor of Education
LIEUT. VICTOR BERNHARD LINDQUIST, Inf. Res., B.S. Instructor in Military Science and Tactics
Associate Professor in Biology; Research Instructor, Institutum Divi Thomae, Cincinnati, Ohio
Professor of English
Bro. Knust Miss Kimm Bro KohlesSISTER MARIE ST. ELEANOR, S.N.D
B.A., M.A.
Dean of Women; Head of Department ol History
PETER MICHELS , S.M B S. Instructor in Mathematics
VELMA MAE MILLER. B.C.S M.Ed. Instructor in Accounting
Associate Dean, Division of Science; Head of Department and Professor in Biology
Acting Head of Department of Religion; Associate Professor of Religion and Sociology.
JOSEPH FRANCIS MUENCH. S.M., B.S., M.Sc M.A. Assistant Registrar
TODD C. MUMMA, B.S., C.P.A. Instructor in Accounting
WALTER FREDERICK OLEMAN. B.A., M.B.A. Instructor in Accounting
Instructor in Engineering Drawing and Mathematics
Head of Department of Business Organization and Economics
REV. JOHN ANTHONY PARK, C.S.V., B.A. , M.A. Instructor in History
Bro. Paff Fr. Manheim Fr. Park Mr O 'Leary Bro. Patzak Bro . P erz Bro. Po it ra s Mr P helan Bro. P r ice Fr P h i ll i psFRANCIS PATZAK, S.M. Associate Professor in Physics and German
ROBERT M. PAYNE, B.S.Ch.E. Instructor in Economics
Head of Department of Modern Languages; Professor of German and Spanish
JOSEPH GERALD PHELAN, B.A., M.A. Instructor in Psychology
REV. LEO. T. PHILLIPS, C.S.V., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Classical Languages
THOMAS LEO POITRAS , S.M., B.S., B.A., M.A. Professor of French
Associate Professor of English
MAURICE RICHARD REICHARD, B.A. Head of Department of Music; Assistant Professor of Music
WALTER ANTHONY REILING, B.S. , M.D. Instructor in Biology
REV. GEORGE JOSEPH RENNEKER, S.M., B.A., M.A. Dean of the University and Registrar, Professor of Philosophy
LOUIS HERMAN ROSE, S.M., B.S., M.Sc Acting Head of Department and Ass ociate Professor of Electrical Engineering
HARRY JOHN ROUGIER, B.S., M.A. Instructor in Education and English
FRANCIS HERMAN RUHLMAN , S.M., B.A., B.S. in L.S. Librarian
Acting Head of Department and Instructor in Political Science
ANTHONY LOUIS SALETEL, S.M ., B.S ., M.A. Instructor in German
Head of Department of Geology; Associate Professor of Earth Science
Associate Professor of Biology
Assistant Professor in Mathematics
Mr. Reichard Mr. Rougier Bro. Ryan Bro L. Saletel Bro. SchuetzJOHN JOSEPH SCHUETZ, S.M., B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Education
BARTH J. SNYDER, B.A., J.D. Assistant Professor of Accounting and Business Organization
STAFF SERGEANT JAMES R. SOUTHALL, U. S. Army Instructor in Military Science and Tactics
LOUIS WALDEMAR SPRAGUE , Mus.D. Instructor in Piano and Musical Composition
LIEUT. THOMAS STACEY, U.S. Inf. Res. Instructor in Military Science and Tactics
JOSEPHINE ARDENE STEPHENS, R.N., B.P.E., B.A. Graduate Assistant
JOHN KOCHENDORFER , B.S. Graduate Assistant
REV BERNARD CLEMENT STUEVE, S.M., B.A. Instructor in Religion
HUGH EDWARD WALL, JR., B.A., LL.B. Instructor in Accounting
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
WILLIAM OTTO WEHRLE, S.M., B.A., M.A. , Ph.D. Head of Department and Professor ol English
SIEGFRIED REGINALD WENG, M.A., Ph.D. Director of Dayton Art Institute; Assistant Professor of Art
RICHARD J. H. WHARTON, B.S. in Ch.E. Instructor in Bacteriology
THOMAS H. WILLIAMS, B.S. Instructor in Civil Engineering
WILLIAM JOSEPH WOHLLEBEN, S.M., B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Head of Department and Professor of Chemical Engineering
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Mathematics
ELWOOD EUGENE ZIMMER, B.S. Instructor in Accounting
Mr. Snyder Sgt . Southall Lt. Stacey Miss Stevens Bro Weber Bro A. Wehrle Bro. W. Wehrle Bro. W ohllebenDr. Rappel. head of the Department o1 Electrical Engineering, died on October 2, 1940. With his passing, the University, alumni and students in his department lost one of their most valued associates. Dr. Rappel. besides being the founder of the Department of Electrical Engineering, was a brilliant instructor, k ind and understanding to his students.
Those who knew "Doc" will always cherish the memory of his willing smile, ready friendship, and intellectual greatness. Requiescal in pace.
Brother James V. Horger was called to his eternal reward on January 27, 1941. At the time of his death he was serving as assistant librarian at the University.
A cheerful disposition and his willingness to give every aid made him the friend of the many students with whom he came in con tact. These pleasant memories of Bro ther James will linger long with us as reminders of one who serve d faithfully and well.
We, a crowd of 250 wide-eyed green frosh, took our first whirl at college life in 1937. New acquaintances and kindly professors helped us over the rough spots, and we took to the fun like veterans . Clarke Kirby, debater de-luxe, showed that he was going to be outstanding as did Jeanne McLaughlin, Betty Jane Israel and John Chalmers, president of our class. Then along came spring and played its usual havoc with hearts and studies-and then suddenly we were sophomores.
We made life miserable for the frosh for a while, and then began worming our way into every student activity on the campus. Ardent wormers were Muriel Oswald, Max Wool, Betty Wilson and Joe Paluzzi. We used every opportunity on the social or intellectual side which came our way, and believe us, we didn't miss a thing.
"Life is real, life is earnest." and didn't we find it out! Serious specialization in our work began, and heavier position of responsibility overtook us. Joe Shimanek, Betty Myers, Miriam Losh, and Johnny Humm exemplified this phase. Our social activities mounted correspondingly, however, so we didn't mind. The Junior Prom, which found Earl Hendricks and Elma Plappert so active, was a triumph, even if we did pay for it during most of senior year.
One last action-filled, fun-packed year of college work and play remained for us, and we revelled in every hectic moment of it. Gene Westendorf, most valuable football player, Marty Manny, homecoming queen, and Bill Moran really came into their own this year. Then last of all, came the long academic procession and the poignant strains of the alma mater hymn. For us, the song is ended-but the melody lingers on.
President- John Chalmers
Vice-Pre sident- Robert Q Jo ne s
Secretary-Martha Rose Mann y
Treasurer-Joseph Shimanek
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Rifle Team '38, '3 9, ' 40 (William Trophy), '41; Advanced Military; Officers' Club ' 41 ; Mechanical Engineering Society '39 , '4 0. '41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Fostoria, Ohio
Intramural Football '40, '41; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40. '4 1; Intramural Baseball ' 38, ' 39. '40 , '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '3 9, '40 ; Conduct Award ' 38 , '39, '40, '41; Intramural Bowling '4 0, '41
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Rifle Team '39, '40, '41; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Pershing Rifles '38, ' 39; Drill Team '38, '39; Mechanical Engineering Society ' 39, ' 40 , '41; Civilian Pilot Training '41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '39, '40 (Program chairman), ' 41 (Secretary); Sigma Delta Pi News Staff ' 40; Junior Prom Committee '40; Economics Club '40; University of Chicago Medical School
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Tennis "38 , '39; W.A.A. "38, '39, '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '38, '39, '41; Le Petit Bavard ' 40
Bachelor of Electrical Engi~ering
Dayton, Ohio
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '40; Pi Delta Rho '40, '41 (President); Mathematics Club ' 41; Cabos '38, ' 39; Illuminating Society '39, '40 (Secretary)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Baldwin, N. Y.
Intramural Football '40; Mechanical Engineering Society '39, '40. '41
Page Twenty-seven
Arnoldi Bistline Bradford Bucher Allen Baker Biechler Boitor BurgerWILLIAM ROBERT BYRD
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Exponent Contributor '40; Wittenberg Transfer '4 0
Bachelor of Science
Honolulu , Hawaii
Class Officer (President) '39, '40, '41; U.D. News Staff ' 38 (Re- porter), '39 (News Editor). '40 (Editor-in-Chief) , '•11 (Edilor- in-Chief); Exponent Contributor '38, ' 41; Daytonian Staff ' ,10, ' 41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38; Upsilon Delta Sigma Debating Society '38, '39 (Manager), '40 , '41 (President); Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '38, ·39 (Publicity Director), 40, '41 (President); Sigma Delta Pi News Staff '38; Student Council '41; Glee Club '38; Ch ap el Choir ' 38 , '39, '40 , '41; Freshman Welcome Committee '38; Junior Prom Committee ' 40; Senior Farewell Committee ' 4 1; Oratorical Contest '39 (First place), '40; College Who's Who ' 40; Nor lhwe :;tern University Medical School.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Tennis '38, '39; Cheerleader ' 38 , '39, '40 (Head)
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton , Ohio
Exponent Contributor '38; Alpha Sigma Tau Ho n or Society '40; Senior Announcement Committee '41
Bachelor of Arts
Monogram Club ' 40, '41; Intramural Football '-11; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40, '41; Intramural Baseball '38 , '39, ' -10 , '41; Intramural Tennis ' 38, '39, '40, ' 41; Pershing Rifles ' 38, '39; Drill Team '38, '39; Junior Prom Committee '40; Spirit Committee '39 , '40. '41 (Treasurer); Intramural Golf '4 0, ' U; Intramural Bowling '38, '39, '41
Bachelor of Science in Education
Toledo , Ohio
Football '39, '40, '41; Basketball '38; Monogram Club '38, '39, '40; Intramural Basketball '38 , '39, '40; Mask and Ma s cara '38 , '39, '40, '41; Conduct Award
WHELAN W. CULLEY, JR. Memphis, Tenn.
Bachelor of Arts
Intramural Football '41; Intramural Ba s eball ' 38, '39 , '4 0, ' -11; Intramural Tennis '39, ' 40, '41; International Relations Club '41; Intramural Golf '40, '41; Intramural Bowling ' 38, ' 39, '40, '41; Spirit Committee '39, '40, '41 (Secretary)
Glen Head , N. Y.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Baseball '39, ' 40, '41; Boxing '39; Monogram Club '39 , '4 0, ' 41; Intramural Football ' 41; Intramural Basketball ' 38, ' 39, ' 40, ',11; Intramural Baseball ' 38; Conduct Award '40 , '41 ; Freshman Baseball Manager '38
Bachelor of Science
Williston Park, N. Y.
Football '38 , '39, '40, '41; Boxing '41; Monogram Club '39 , '40, '41; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40, '41; Intramu r al Baseball '38, '39, '40. '41; Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '41; Mask and Mascara '40, '41; Track ' 38, '39, '40 , '41
Bachelor of Science in Busine ss Administration
Intramural Basketball '39
Dayton , Ohio
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Toledo , Ohio
Football '38 , '39, '40, '41; Monogram Club '40, '41; Intramural Basketball "39 , '40, '41; Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '40; Class Officer (Treasurer) '38, '39; Cabos '3 8, ' 39; Mask and Mascara '39, '40; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '4 1; Freshman Welcome Comm ittee '39; Junior P r om Committee '40; Track '40; Bowling '38, '4 0
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education
Bachelor of Science
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Exponent Contributo r '40, '41; Daytonian Staff '40, '41; Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society ' 39 , '4 0, ' 4 1: Sigma Delta Pi News Staff '40, ' 41 ; Cabos '39; Mixed Chorus '38 , ' 39: Glee Club '38, ' 39; Pershing Rifles ' 38, '3 9: Drill Team '38 , '39; Military Ball Committee '39; Fre shman Welcome Committee '39; St. Loui s University School o f Medicine
Woodhaven, N. Y.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Intramural Football '3 9; Intramural Basketball ' 38, ' 39 , '40, '41; Intramural Base ball '38, '39, '40, '41; Daytonian Staff ' ,11; Conduct Award; Monogram Show ' 39 , '40, ' 41
Bachelor of Scienc e in Education
Detroit. Michigan
Glee Club '39 , 41; Cha pel Choir '39, '4 0, '41; Thespians '39 ; Band '38 , '39, '40, ' 41; Or ches tra '3 9; Fine Arts Club ' 39
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Football '4 0; Intramural Ba s ketball '38, '39, ' 40, '41; Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '4 0, '41; Pi Delta Rho ' 41; Illuminating Engineering Society '39, '40
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Normandy, Missouri
Conduct Award; American Society of Civil Engineers ' 39, '4 0, ' 41; Thespians '41; Mask and Mascara '41; Band ' 39 , '4 0, '41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '41; International Relations Club "38, '39; Intramural Golf ' 38 , ' 39, '40, ' 41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Bachelor of Arts
Cleveland, Ohio
Intramural Football '41: Intramural Baseball ' 38, '39, ' 40. ' 41; Alpha Sigma1 Tau Honor Society '38, '39, ' 40: Upsilon Delta Sigma Debating Society '39, '40 {Manager), ' 41: International Relations Club '40, ' 41; Advanced Military; Junior Prom Com- mittee '40; Le Petit Bavard '39 {editor), '40; Officers' Club '41; Spirit Committee '39, '40, '41 (co-manager); Intramural Bowl- ing '38 , '39, '40, '41
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Intramural Basketball '38, ' 39, '40, '41; Intramural Baseball '38, ' 39, '40, '41; Conduct Award; Band, ' 38; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Spirit Committee '40, ' 4 1
Cleveland, Ohio
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Intramural Football '40, '41; Intramural Baseball ' 39, ' 40, ' 41; Conduct Award; Chapel Choir '38 , 39; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Track '39 , '40, '41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Football Manager '38. '39, '40 , '41; Monogram Club ' 41; Class Officer '39 {Treasurer), ' 40 {Vice-President); Municipal A c- tivities Bureau '39, '40; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38 , '39, '40, '41; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38 , '39, '40 {2nd Lieut.), ' 41 {1st Lieut.); Drill Team '38, '39; Military Ball Committee '40, '41; Junior Prom Committee '40; Honor Key
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '40, ' 41: Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38; Mathematics Club '41; Band '38, '39, '40; Mechani- cal Engineering Society '39, '40, '41
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '40, '41: C.S.M.C. '41 ; Glee Club '38 , '39, '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '38; Thespians ' 41 ; Mas k and Mascara ' 38, '39, '41; Bowling '41
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Baldwin, N. Y.
Football '38 , '39 , '40, '41 {All-Ohio Tackle): Basketball '38, '39: Golf ' 39, '40, ' 41 {Captain); Monogram Club ' 38, ' 39 , ' 40 '41; Intramural Basketball '40, '41; Intramural Baseball ' 38 , '39. '40; Class Officers '38 {President); Exponent Contributor ' ,10: Conduct Award; Pi Delta Rho '40, '41; Advanced Military; Freshman Welcome Committee '39
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Covington, Ky.
Tennis ' 39; Intramural Baseball '38, ' 39, ' 40, '41 ; Daytonian Staff '40 , '41 (Ass' ! Business Mgr.); Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, '40; Advanced Military; Officers Club ',11 ; Spirit Committee ' 41; Fine Arts Society '39; Intramural Bowl- ing '38, '39, '40, '41; Honor Key Page Thirty
Hendricks Hiney Hollenkamp Hoover Humm Hickey Hoegler Hoover Howe HumpertBETTY JANE ISRAEL
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball ' 38; Intramural Tennis '38; U.D. News Staff ' 38; Exponent Staff ' 41; Daytonian Staff '40, '41; W.A.A. '38 ; Mixed Choru s ' 38 , '39 , '40, "41; Thespians '38, ' 39, '40, ' -11; Mask and Mascara '38 , ' 39, ' 40 , '41; Band Sponsor '40 ; Freshman Welcome Committee '39; Oratorical Contest ' 38 (3rd place) , '39 (2nd place) , ' 40 (1st place); Psychology Club ' ,11; Fine Arts Society ' 38 (secretary); Spirit Committee ' 41 ; Spring Swing Committee ' 39
Bachelor of Science in Education
Germantown , Ohio
Glee Club '38, ' 39, ' 40, '41; Mixed Chorus '38, '39; Thespians '40, ' 41; Radio Club ' 39
Cleveland, Ohio
Bachelor in Science in Business Administration
Football '38, ' 39 , ' 40; Monogram Club '38, '39, 40; Intramural basketball '38, ' 39, ' 40, ' 41; Intramural baseball ' 38, ' 39, '40. ' 41; Orchestra ' 38 , ' 39; Intramural bowling '41
ROBERT B. JURGENS Mansfield. Ohio
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Baseball '38, ' 39, '40, '41; Golf '40; Boxing '39; Rifle Team ' 38; Intramural Tennis ' 38, ' 39, ' 40, '41; Conduct Award; Religion Discussion Club '38: Track ' 38; Bowling ' 38, '39, ' 40, ' 41
Bachelor of Science
Dayton, Ohio
Basketball ' 38, ' 39; Golf ' 38; Intramural Basketball ' 40, ' 41; Class Officer '41 (Vice-President); Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '40 , '41 ; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38, '39 (1st Sgt.), ' 40 (1st Lieut.), ' 41 (Capt.); Drill Team '38, '39, '40, ' 41; Individual Drill Award ' 38, '39; Military Ball Committee '39, ' 40, '41; Officers' Club
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society ' 40; Junior Prom Committee "40; Psychology Club ' 41 (President); Stephens College Transfer ' 40
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38 ; Glee Club '39. '40, ' 41; Mixed Chorus '39, '40 (President), ' 41; Orchestra ' 39. '40; Advanced Military; Pe r shing Rifles '39
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Monogram Club ' 38 , ' 39, '40; Basketball ' 38: Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles ' 38; Drill Team '38; Track '39 ; Mechanical Engineering Society ' 41
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton , Ohio
Exponent Contributor ' 38, ' 39; Municipal Activities Bureau '38, '39; International Relations Club ' 39, ' 40
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Rifle Team ' 40. ' 41 ; Basketball '38 , '39; Baseball '38. ' 39, ' ,10;
Exponent Contributor ' 41; Municipal Activities Bureau '40 ; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society ' 38, '39, '40, '41; Cabos ' ,11; Glee Club ' 38, ' 39 , '40 '41; Mixed Chorus '38, '39, ' 40 , '41; Thespians '40 '41; Band '38, '39, '40, '41; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles ' 38, ' 39; Drill Team '38, '39; Officers" Club ' 41; Honor Key
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Baseball '38; U.D. News Stall ' 38, '39, 40 (Sports Editor) '41 (Columnist); Daytonian Stall '40 (Sports Editor), Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '39, '40; Ups ilon Delta Sigma Debating Society '39, '40 (Publicity Mgr.), '41 (Vice-Presi- dent); International Relations Club '40 (President), ' 41 (Presi- dent); Junior Prom Committee '40; Oratorical Contest '40 (2nd place); Le Petit Bavard '39; College Who ' s Who ',10; Eastern Debating Trip '39, ' 40; Southern Debating Trip '41; Courtesy Week Speaker ' 39; Honor Key
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Football ' 40; Intramural Basketball ' 38, ' 39, '40, '41; Intramural Baseball '38, '39 , '40, '41; Intramural Tennis '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '39, '40, '41; Chemical Engi- neering Seminar '40, '41; Mathematics Club '41 (President)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Springfield, Ohio
Intramural Baseball '40 , '41; Mechanical Engineering Society '40, '41; Civilian Pilot Training '40
Bachelor of Arts
St. Petersburg, Florida
Intramural Bowling '41; Spring Swing Commi ttee ' ,10, '41; Spirit Committee '41 ; St. Petersburg Jr. College Transfer ',10
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Tennis '39, '40 , '41; Intramural Football '41; Basketball ' 38, '39, ' 40, ' 41; Intramural Baseball '38, '39, ' 40, '41; C.S M.C. '39 , '41; Glee Club '38 , '39; Mixed Chorus ' 38, ' 39; Intramural Bowling '38, '40, ' 41; Dramatic Club '41
OSCAR G. KROGER Dayton, Ohio
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Intramural Football '40; Intramural Basketball ' 38, ' 39; Intra - mural Baseball '38 , '39; Chemical Engineering Seminar '40, '41; Mathematics Club '41
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Cleve land, Ohio
Football '38 , ' 39, ' 40, '41; Monogram Club ' 39, '40 , '4 1 (Sec.- Treas.); Intramural Basketball '38, ' 39, '40 , '41; Intramural Baseball '38 , '39, '40, '41; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Bowling '38, '39, '40, '41
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education
Tiffin, Ohio
Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '40, '41; Sigma Delta Pi News Stall '41
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Honolulu, Hawaii
Intramural Football '41; Intramural Basketball '38, ' 39, ' 40, '41;
Intramural Baseball '38, '39, ' 40 , '41; Alpha S igma Tau Honor Society '38, '40; Pershing Rifles '38; Mechanical Engineering Society ' 39, ' 40, '41; Civilian Pilot Training '40; Honor Key
Page Thirty-two
Kirby Klenke Kroger Lackey Lang Kirchmer Kramer Kroger Lansdowne LeeCARL G. LEWIS
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
America n Society of Civil Engineers ' 39, '40, '41; Advanced Military ; Officers' Club ' 41; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '38 , '39 ; Intramural Bowling '40. '41
Bachelor of Science in Busine:is Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Bas e ball '39, ' 40, '41; Civilian Pilot Training '40
Belleville, Illinois
Bachelor of Ch emic al Engineering Chemical Engineering Seminar ' 40, '41; Mathematics Club ' 41; Ameri c an Chemical Society '41
Bachelo r o f Science in Bus ine s s Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Int e rna tional Rel ations Club '40, '41; I.R.C. News ' 40, '41; Intram ural Bo w ling '40 , '41
Bachelor of Chemical Engi n eering
Florissant, Missouri
Exponent Contributor '39, '40, '41; Conduct Award; Chemical Engi neering Seminar '40, ' 41; Mathematics Club '41; Glee Club '38; Chapel Choir ' 39; Band '38 , ' 39, '40, '41; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles ' 38, '39; American Chemical Society ' 41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Tennis ' 40 ; Intramural Golf '40; Intramural Football ' 40; Intra- mural Basketball '38 , '39; Glee Club ' 38. '39, ' 40, '41 (Presi- dent); Mixed Chorus ' 38, '39, '40, ' 41; Band '38
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball ' 38, '39; Intramural Baseball ' 40, ' 41; Intramural Tennis '38 , '39. '40, '41; U.D. News Staff '39 (Re- porter), '40 (Copy Editor). '41 (Copy Editor); Exponent Staff '40, ' 41; Daytonian '39, '40. ' 41 (Activities Section Editor);
Intramural Bowling ' 38, ' 39, '40, '41; Intramural Archery '39, ' 40; Municipal Activities Bureau ' 38, '39, '40; International Re- lations Club '40 , '41 (Corresponding Secretary); I.R.C. News '40, ' 41 (Copy Editor); I.R.C. Convention Delegate '41; Dis- trict Convention Recording Secretary '41; Le Petit Bavard '40 (Edito r -in-Chief); W.A A. '38 (letter) , '39, '40 (silver award) '41 (gold award) (chairman of awards); Spring Swing Committee '39, '41; Epsilon Gamma '41 (program chairman); Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, '40, ' 41; Honor Key
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Sports '38 , '39 , '40, '41; Class Officer (Secretary) '38 , '41 ; Exponent Staff (Women' s Editor) ' 40, '41; Municipal Activities Bureau '38, '39, '40 ; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor So- ciety ' 38, '39; W.A.A. '38 (letter), '39, '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '38 , ' 39, '40; Thespians '39, '40, '41 ; Mask and Mascara '38, '39, '40. '41; Freshman Welcome Committee '39; Senior Fare- well Committee ' 41; Spring Swing Committee '39, '40, 41; Fine Arts Club '39; Homecoming Queen '41
Bachelor of Science
Miamisburg, Ohio
Intramural Bowling ' 40; College of St. Teresa Transfer '40
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Exponent Contributor '38, '39; Daytonian Staff '41; Municipal Activities Bureau '39, '40; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team ' 38, 39; Officers' Club '41; Freshman Welcome Committee ' 39; Mechanical Engineering Society '39, '40, ' 41
WILLIAM E. McDONALD Springfield. Ohio
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Intramural Basketball '38, '39; Intramural Tennis '38, '39; Ad- vanced Military; Officers' Club ' 41; Mechanical Engineering Society ' 39, '40, '41; Intramural Bowling '38, '39; Civilian Pilot Training ' 41.
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '39 , '40. '41; Chemical Engineering Seminar '40 , ' ,11 (Presi- dent); Mathematics Club '41; Band '38, '39, '40. '41 (Vice- President); Pershing Rifles ' 38, '39; Drill Team '38. '39; American Chemical Society '41; Honor Key
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Intramural Football '41; Intramural Basketball '38 , '39 , '40; Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '40, '41; Intramural Bowling '38. '39, '40 , '41; Intramural Golf '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '40; Conduct Award; Mask and Mascara '38. '39, '40. '41; Band '38, ' 39. '40. '41; Orchestra ' 38 , 39 , '40
Bachelor of Arts
Intramural Basketball '38. '39; Intramural Tennis '38; Class Officer (Secretary) '39, ' 40; U.D. News Staff '38, ' 39 (Column- ist), '40 (Columnist), '41 (Columnist); Exponent Contributor '38, '39; Exponent Staff '40, '41; Municipal Activities Bureau '39; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39 , '41 ; Cabos '39. '40: W.A.A. '38. '39, ' 40, '41; Mixed Chorus '38, '39. '40; Thes- pians '38. '39. '40. '41; Mask and Mascara '38. '39: Pershing Rifles Sponsor '39; Freshman Welcome Committee '39; Junior Prom Committee ' 40; Psychology Club '41: Le Petit Bavard '38. '39; College Who's Who '40; Homecoming Queen ',10; Spirit Committee '39, '40, '41; Honor Key
Bachelor of Arts
Marion, Ohio
Intramural Football '41; Intramural Baseball ' 38, '39, '-10. ' ,11; Intramural Basketball ' 38, '39. '40. '41; Exponent Contributor '41; Municipal Activities Bureau ' 38; Conduct Award; Cabos '39, '40; Psychology Club '41; Intramural Dowling '39 ' ,10. ',11; Spirit Committee '-10. '41.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Freeport, N. Y.
Football '38. '39, '40, ' 41; Basketball '38: Monogram Club '38, '39 , '40 , '41; Intramural Baseball "38, '39, '40 '41; Class Officer '38 (Vice-President); Pi Delta Rho '40, '41
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Mansfield. Ohio
Monogram Club '41; Intramural Football ' 41: Intramural Bas- ketball '39, '40; Intramural Baseball '38. ' 39, ' 40, '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society ' 40; Conduct Award; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Freshman Welcome Committee '39; Football Manager '38, '39, '40, '41
Kew Gardens, N. Y.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Boxing ' 40; Intramural Football '41; Intramural Basketball '39, ' 40, '41; Intramural Baseball '39, ' 40, '41: C S.M.C. '39; Conduct Award; Pershing Rifles '38 , '39; Drill Team '38, '39; Le Petit Bavard '39, '40
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Mechanical Engineering Society ' 40, '41; University of Cin- cinnati Transfer '40
Cincinnati, Ohio
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Intramural Sports '38. '39, ' 40 (letter). '41 (Silver award); Exponent Contributor '40, '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38: W.A.A. '38, '39, '40: Mixed Chorus '38, ' 39, '40, '41: Thes- pians '38, '39. '40 , ' 41; Mask and Mascara '38. '39, '40. '41; Spring Swing Committee '40 , '41; Fine Arts Club '39: Spirit Committee '41; Cheer Leader ' 39; Senior Farewell Committee '41
McDonal d McKirnan McNamara Moritz Mullen Mcf arland Mc Laughlin Moran Mulcahy MyersDOROTHY L. MANN
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, ' 39, '40, ' 41; Chemical Engineering Seminar '40 (Secretary), '41 (Vice-President); Mathematics Club '41; Advanced Military; Award of Excellence in Chemical Engineering '40; American Chemical Society '4 1; Honor Key
Bachelor of Science in Education
Toledo , Ohio
Football '38, ' 39 (All-Buckeye Center), ' 40, '41 (All-Ohio Center); Monogram Club '38, ' 39, '40. 41 (Vice-President); Intramural Basketball ' 38 , '39, '40: Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '40; Bowling ' 38; Track ' 39 , '40, '41; Mask and Mascara '38, ' 39, '4 0. '41; Freshman Welcome Committee '39; Conduct Award
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball '38, '39; Intramural Tennis '38, '39 , '40, '4 1; U.D. News Stall ' 40 ; Exponent Stall '41 (Associate Editor); Municipal Activities Bureau '39; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, ' 39, '40, '41; International Relations Club '40, '41 (Secretary); W.A.A. '38 (letter), '39, '40 (silver award), ',11; Mixed Chorus ' 38, '41; I.R.C. News Editor-in-chief '40, '41; Intramural Bowling '38, '39, '40, '41; Intramural Goll '38, '39, '4 0; Spring Swing Committee '40; Honor Key
Bachelor of Arts
Cincinnati, Ohio
Football '38, '39, '40, '41; Baseball '39, '40, ' 41; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40, '41; Class Officer {Vice-President '40; Junior Prom Committee '40
Cleveland, Ohio
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Football '38, '39 , '40; Baseball ' 38; Monogram Club '38, '39, '40. '41 ; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40; Conduct Award;
Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Mask and Mascara '38, ' 39, '40, '41; Junior Prom Committee '40
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball ' 38, ' 39; Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '4 0; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, '40, ' 41; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '38, '39; Mechanical Engineering Society '39, '40 , '41 ; Civilian Pilot Training '41; Fencing ' 40, '41; Honor Key
Bachelor of Arts
Osborn, Ohio
Intramural Sports '38, '39, ' 40, '41; U.D. News Stall '38; DayIonian Stall '41 {Associate Society Editor); Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, ' 40, '41; W.A.A. '38, '39, ' 40; Mixed Chorus '38, '39, '40; Thespians '38, '39, '40, '41; Mask and Mascara ' 38 , '39, ' 40 , '41; Junior Prom Committee '40; Psychology Club '41; Spirit Committee '41; Fine Arts Club '39; Spring Swing Committee '40; Senior Farewell Committee '41; Honor Key
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Municipal Activities Bureau '40; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38 , '39; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38, '39, '40 {2nd Lieut.), '41 (1st Lieut.); Drill Team '38, '39; Officers' Club '41; Junior Prom Committee '40; Mechanical Engineering Society ' 39, ' 40 (Secretary) , '41 {President)
Bachelor of Science in Education
Exponent Contributor '40, '41; W.A.A. '40, '41
Dayton, Ohio
Bachelor of Arts
Lima, Ohio
Boxing '40; Intramural Football '39, '40; Intramural Basket- ball '38, '39; Intramural Baseball '38, '39, '40, 41; Intramural Tennis '38, '39; Conduct Award; Mask and Mascara '38; Or- chestra '38, '39, '40, '41; Spirit Committee '38, '39, ' ,10, ' ,11; Bowling '39, '39, 40, '41; Civilian Pilot Training ' ,11
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
Exponent Contributor '40, '41; International Relations Club '40, '41; Glee Club '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '40, ' 41; Wittenberg- Y.M.C.A. College Transfer '40
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball '39, '40, '4 1; Exponent Contributor ',10; Municipal Activities Bureau '40: W.A.A. ' 39, '40 (Vice-Presi- dent), '41 (President); Spring Swing Committee '40; Mary- grove College Transfer '39
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
Belleville, Illinois
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Intramural Basketball ' 38, '39; Conduct Award; Track Manager '38, '39, '40, '41; Civilian Pilot Training '4 1
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Rifle Team '38, '39; Mechanical Engineering Society ' 38, ' 41
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Philadelphia , Pa.
Football '38, '39, '40; Boxing '41; Monogram Club '38, '39, '40 (President); Intramural Basketball '39 , '40, '41; Intramural Baseball '39, '40; Track '39, '40, '41; Bowling '38, ' 39, '40, '41; Mask and Mascara '38, '39, '40, '41; Conduct Award
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, '40, '41; Honor Key Page Thirty- six
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Daytonian Staff (Associate Editor) '41; Municipal Activities
Bureau '38 , '39, '40; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, ' 39 , ' 40 , '41; Pi Delta Rho '41; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '39; Junior Prom Committee ' 40; Award of Excellence in Electrical Engineering '40; Honor Key
Bachelor of Science
Dayton, Ohio
Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '38, 39, '40, ' 41 (Treasurer) ; Sigma Delta Pi News Staff ' 38, '39, '40, ' 41; Northwestern University Medical School.
Bach e lor of Civil Engineering
Sandusky, Ohio
Intramural Football ' 40; Intramural Basketball '39, ' 40, ' ,U; Intramural Baseball ' 39, '40 , '41; Exponent Contributor ' 40 , '41 ; Daytoni an Staff ' 39, '40; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society ' 39 ; American Society of Civil Engineering ' 39, ' 40, '41.
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
St. Louis, Missouri
Exponent Contributor '38, '41; Daytonian Staff (Photography
Edito r ) '40, '41; Municipal Activities Bureau ' 38; Alpha Sigma
Taur Honor Society '38 , '39, '40, ' 41 ; Conduct Award; Chemical Engineering Seminar '40, ' 41; Cabos ' 39; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team ' 38, ' 39; Freshman Welcome Committee '39; Senior Farewell Committee '41; American Chemical Society ' 41; Honor Key.
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Golf '38, ' 39, '41; Intramural Bowling '39, ' 40, ' 41; Daytonian Staff (Associate Section Editor) '41; Pershing Rifles ' 38, '39; Drill Team '38, '39; Senior Farewell Commiltee ' 41 ; Spirit Committee ' 39, ' 40, ' 41.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
La Grange, Illinois
Intramu r al Tennis ' 38; Class Officer ' 41 (Treasurer); U.D. News Staff '40, '41 (Columnist); Exponent Contributor ' ,11; Daytoni an Staff '40 (Editor-in-Chief), '41 (Advisory Editor);
Upsilon Delta Sigma Debating Society '38, ' 39, ' 40, '41 (Treasurer) ; Midwest Trip '39; Southern Trip ' 40; Eastern Trip ' ,U; Student Council '41 (Treasurer); Conduct Award ; Pi Delta Rho '41 (Publicity Director); Discussion Club '40; Cabos '40, '41 (Pres i dent); Glee Club '38; Pershing Rifles '38, ' 39; Drill Team ' 38 , '39; Junior Prom Committee '40; Senior Farewell Committee '41; Oratorical Contest ' 38, '39, '40 (3rd place) ; Radio Broadcasting ' 38 , '39, '40, '41; Illuminating Engineering Society ' 40
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Football '38, '39; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40 , '41 ; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles ' 38 , '39; Drill Team ' 38, ' 39; Junior Prom Committee '40; Illuminating Engineering Society ' 40.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Baseball '39, ' 40; Intramural Football '40.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Intramural Football '40; Intramural Basketball '38, '39, '40; Intramural Baseball ' 38, '39, ' 40 , '41; Intramural Tennis ' 38; Conduct Award; Band '38; Junior Prom Committee '40; Senior Farewell Committee ' 41; Civilian Pilot Training ' 40; Intramural Bowling '38, '39 , ' 40, ' 41; Spirit Committee ' 38 , '39 , ' 39, ' 41.
Bachelor of Science
Dayton , Ohio
Sigma De lta Pi Premedical Society ' 41; Cabos '41; Thespians ' 41; Psychology Club ' 41.
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball '38, '39; Exponent Contributor '38, '39; Exponent Business Manager '40: Cabos '39, '40: Glee Club '39, '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '39, '40; Thespians '40; Band '38, '39; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '38, ' 39; Track '39, '40, '41: Spirit Committee '40.
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Football '40: Intramural Basketball '38, '39; Intra- mural Baseball '39; American Society of Civil Engineers '39, '40 (Sec.-Treas.), '41 (President).
JOHN C. STEINLAGE, JR, St. Louis, Missouri
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Boxing '40; Intramural Football ' 38; Intramural Baseball '39, '40; U.D. News Staff '39; Conduct Award; Cabos '40, '41; Glee Club '39, '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '39, '40: Chapel Choir '39; Thespians '39, '40, '41 (stage manager); Mask and Mas- cara ' 39, '40, '41; Intramural Bowling '39 , ' 40; Fine Arts So- ciety '39; Civilian Pilot Training '40.
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
Exponent Contributor '39; International Relations Club '40.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Football '39; Intramural Baseball '39; International Relations Club '38; Bowling ' 40, ' 41: Junior Prom Committee ' 40.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '38, ' 39; Officers club '41.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton , Ohio
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '39 , '40, '41; Pershing Rifles '38, ' 39; Drill Team '38, ' 39.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Freeport, N. Y.
Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, ' 40, '41; Conduct Award; Honor Key.
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Football '38, '39, '40; Basketball '38, '39, '40; Baseball '39 , '-10, '41; Monogram Club '39, ' 40 , '41; Mechanical Engineering Society '38 , ' 39, '40, '4 I.
Page Thirty-eight
Skapik Steinlage Suttmiller Vocke Weber Smith Sommers Unger Walter WestendorfJANE WILLIAMS
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
W.A.A. ' 40. ' 41; Mixed Chorus '40. '41; Thespians '40, ' ,11; Miami University Transfer '40.
Bachelor of Science in Education
Dayton, Ohio
U.D. News Staff '39, '40 {News Editor) , '41 {Associate {gold key) Editor}; Exponent Contributor '38, '40, ' ,11; Daytonian Staff {Associate Editor) ' 40, '41; Municipal Activities Bureau
' 39 , '40 : Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, '40, '41; International Relations Club '40 {Vice -President), ' ,11 {VicePre s ident); Student Council Committee ' 39; W.A . A. '38, '39, '40 (letter) , ' 41 {gold pin}; Intercollegiate Fencing ' 40, '41;
I.R.C. News '40 (Associate Editor), '41 (Associate Editor}; Courtesy Week Committee '39; I.R.C. Convention Delegate '40: Honor Key; Epsilon Gamma (President) '41.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Basketball '38, '39; Intramural Baseball '38, '39;
Exponent Contributor '38, '39; Municipal Activities Bureau
'4 0; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '39, '40; Cabos '39, '40, '4 1; Glee Club ' 38, '39; Mixed Chorus '38, '39; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '38, '39: Junior Prom Committee '40.
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
St. Louis, Missouri
Exponent Contributor '38, 39, 40: Exponent Staff {Editor-inChief) '41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, '39, '40, '41; Conduct Award; American Society of Civil Engineers '39, ' 40, '41; Senior Announcement Committee '41; Dr. Sweetman Award in Civil Engineering '40; Honor Key.
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Daytonian Staff '38, ' 39, '40. '41 (Academic Section Editor}; Municipal Activities Bureau '38, '39, ' 40: Exponent Contributor '38; Let Petit Bavard '39, '40; Psychology Club '41: Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society ' 38, '39, ' 40, '41: Sigma Delta Pi Premedical Society '38, '39, '40, ' 41 (Vice-President}; Sigma Delta Pi News Staff ' 38. '39 (Feature Editor), '40 (Editor-inChief), '41 (Editor-in-Chief}; Health Exhibit Lecturer '39: Courtesy Week Speaker '39; Upsilon Delta Sigma Debating Society ' 38, ' 39, '40 (Manager), '41 {Secretary}; Eastern Debate Tour '39, '40; Southern Debate Tour '41; President' s Debate Trophy '40; Honor Key; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
St. Louis, Missouri
Intramural Basketball '39; U.D. News Staff '38, '39; Exponent Staff '39, '41; Conduct Award; Thespians '39; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41; Pershing Rifles ' 38, '39; Drill Team '38, '39; Mechanical Engineering Society '39 (Publicity Manager), '40, '41.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Football Manager '38, '39, '40, '41; Basketball '39; Baseball '39, '40, '4 1; Monogram Club '40, '41; Conduct Award; Advanced Military; Officers' Club '41.
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Dayton, Ohio
Football '38; Exponent Contributor ' 41: Municipal Activities Bureau ' 38 , '4 0; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38 ; American Society of Civil Engineers ' 39, '40, "41; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles '38, '39; Drill Team '38, '39; Officers' Club ' U.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Dayton, Ohio
Intramural Sports '38, '39 , '40, '41; Exponent Contributor ' 40 , ' 41; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society '38, ' 39; W.A.A. ' 38, '39, '40, '41; Mixed Chorus '38 , '39, '40, '41 ; Thespians ' 38, ' 39 , ',10, '41; Mask and Mascara '38, '39, '40, '41; Le Petit Bavard '39; Fine Arts Club ' 39 , '4 0 {President).
Page Thirty-nine
Williams Winier Wolff Young Ziegler Wilson W ohlschlaeger Wool Zidanavich ZonarsCHARLES J. ZWIESLER. JR.
Bachelor of Arts
Dayton, Ohio
Football '38, '39: Basketball '38, '39: Baseball '38; Monoqram
Club '38, '39, '40, '41: Intramural Tennis '38, '39: Track '38, '39.
Bachelor of Science in Education
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Bachelor of Civil Engineering
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Bachelor of Arts
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Bachelor of Arts
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Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
Outstanding in Activities
Page Forty-two
Treasurer- Paul Ryan
S e cretary- Tanny Stoecklein
President- Charles Whalen
Vice-Pre s ident- Robert Kavanaugh
Three years at U.D. is a shori time when crowded with the multi- tude of activities which occurred in that time. As freshmen we were typical and took the traditional initiation in our stride. We astounded those above us with our prowess in both cur r icular and extra-curri cu- lar activities.
Even with several of us missing as w e start ed our sophomor e year, we gave the lowly freshman a severe initiation and had a grand t ime doing it. It is not to be mentioned that the freshmen won the a nnual Flag Rush but they compensated by being delightful gues t s at our Welcome Dance for them in the Empire room of the Miami hotel. Many members of the class were active in sports. drama tics . m usic , honorary societies and literary publica tions. In June we looked for- ward to our junior year.
Our anticipation was rewarded by a complete year of campus ac- tivity. Football drafted Fiorita, Keiter. McShane. Quinn. Ryan and Scott, while basketball claimed Keiter, McCloskey. Kavanaugh and Froendhoff, Kavanaugh being claimed the most outstanding p l ayer in modern U.D. history. Smolka shone as a playwright, while Whalen and Baker won debate trips . Junior coed s w e re active as a whole in extra-curricular activities. Everyone will remember forever the Junior Prom with the music of Reggie Childs at Lakesi de on February 15 as the outstanding dance of the year, a n d w e do no t refrain from saying so. Our efficient and amiable officers guided us through a succe s sful year and to our final year at U.D
FRONT ROW: Rita Luthrnan, Anne Keyes.
SECOND ROW: George Madden, Robert Waltz, Charles Bischof, Eugene Stalzer,Paul Kroger,Paul Finke.
FRO NT ROW: Douglas Baker, Robert Hunkeler, George Kinzeler.
SECOND ROW: Frederick Lange, Jack Kamp, William Higgins, Robert Greene, Robert Butler, Torn Priske.
FRONT ROW: Margaret Rieling.
SECOND ROW: Raymond Drury, Marcell E cabert, William Reeves, Joseph Murphy, Charles Whalen, Edward Hess, Charles McCloskey.
THIRD ROW: James Wrynn, Joseph Dunn, Richard Doyle.
Page Forty-three
SIT TING: Charles Hemler, Harold Reindl, Charles Forsthoff, Paul Boeke, William Knapp.
ST ANDING: Alfred Lange, Toseph Simon, Gilbert McEwan, Don Rist, Tack Schuler, Don High.
SITTING: Toseph Bernard , Robert Dodi.
ST ANDING: Clarence Ching, Bernard Schmid I , Robert Stacy, Robert Zimmerman, Richard Frazier.
SITTING: Eugene Linsker, Henry Rechtien.
STANDING: Blaz Scott, Earl Giesman, Walter Woeste, Susan Martin, Robert Maloney, Richard Hirt , Tohn Boland.
Harry Raterman, Quentin Weilbacher, Tanny Stoeck!ein, Jack Haberer, Patricia Stoner, Charles Scheu, Mary Borchers, Chrisitan Behr, Wilbur Smolka.
STANDING: Rene Figueroa, Francisco Crespo, Dorothy Barr, Phylli s Niswonger, Jane Watkins, Mildred Wharmby, Christine Behr, Mark Fecher, Leo Palmer.
SEA TED : Theodore Chang, Hugh Scott, Robert Swank, Edg ar Reagan.
Charlotte Wentz, Marjorie Kramer, Grace Keller, Paul Jacobs, Marion Margolis, Leona Fox, Richard Klopf, Emma Louise Odeem, John Somers, Ruth Salstrom, Robert Wolfe.
SEATED: Peggy Finley, Davida Nash, Jean Whelan.
STANDING: Paul Froendhoff, Bob Heidkamp, Joseph Quinn, Betty Wood, Robert Kavanaugh, Isabelle Marx.
Treasurer- W illiam Carri gan
Vice -Presiden t- James Fenton
Secr e tary- Ma rt ha Bucher
Pre s ide nt- John Murph y
In our second year at the University of Dayton, we, the class of '43, have made many note-worthy achievements in both curricular and extra-curricular activities. The freshman initiation program this year included cap crowning, parades to the courthouse steps, a skating party at Skateland, the traditional freshman court held in the stadium, and the flag rush in which we were victorious for the second time. Dick Skapik's orchestra provided music for the freshman welcome dance held at the Biltmore Hotel, September 28.
Our gridiron participants numbered twenty-one, outstand ing being -Curran, Knisley, Miller, Strugarek, J. Westendorf, Wynn, and Zach; while the court squad claimed Adams, Dill, Knisley, Southall, and J. Westendorf. We were also well represented in baseball, debate, golf, the honor society, religious, literary, and musical organizations.
For the second year John Murphy served as our class p r esident, with James Fenton, vice-president. Martha Bucher, secretary, and Wil- liam Carrigan, treasurer. Connie Skapik, Al Bagot, and John Murphy represented us on the Student Council. Pershing Riflemen chose Kay Day as sponsor. Journalism awards were won by Pat Tempest, Betty Mayl, and Betty Bogart. Dramatics claimed Ethel Cochran, Brooks Carson, William Carrigan, and Robert Zimmerman. George Monnier won first award for best individual drill.
As we close our sophomore year at the University of Dayton. we look back on the past two years which have brought us many friends, much enjoyment, and time well spent in work. Now we look forward to our last two years of college and the happiness and accomplish- ments the years will bring.
FIRST ROW: Helen Sweetman, Jack Fitzg erald, Stanley Scott, Ethel Cochran, Alfred Bagot, Kenneth Manka, Luci a Baldassarre.
SECOND ROW: Robert Becksted, Charles Moll , Robert Hancock , Frederick Zicard , Thoma s McMahon , William Carrigan , Jeanne Sharkey, Frederick Well s, Raymond Smith , Caroline Ka s tl , Maria Economides
FIRST ROW : Vinceni Ri chtar, Jo seph Bagdonas, Edward Velton, Robert Schmidt, Paul Herking , Ed ward Schlei, Robert Schaeffer, John Wroe.
SECOND ROW: Charles Rains, John Hoban , Lawrence Jehn, William Whittman, Leon Tyler, Mary Rose Sullivan, Clarence Earnhart , Anthony Wong
THIRD ROW: Paul Schauer, Joseph C aste lli , Marc Dunnam, Jack Dill, William Gauvey , George Monnier, Joseph Overwein, Paul Engle , Rich a rd Chri stman.
FOURTH ROW: Eug ene Channell, William Stoermer, Robert Ke ss ler , Harold Raybould , Paul Ki spersky, Th omas Goonan , Victor Smith, John Schumacher, Paul Carey , Erl e Mumpower.
FIRST ROW: David Connelly, Orlando Martino, Hugh Hoffman , Walter Reichert, Louis Priske, Joseph Jacobs, Kenneth Israel, John Hickey.
SECOND ROW: Paul Minnick, Kathleen Day, Dorothy Hummert, Amelia Luthman, Mary Ulmer, Buena Greer, Drusilla Dailey, Jo seph Brown, James Curran.
THIRD ROW: Louis Thacker , Charle s Lause, Ellsworth Foland, Edward Henz.
FOURTH ROW: Jerry Westendorf, Richard Loge s, Matthias Glas er, Samuel Fondiler, Marvin DeWitt, Terry Lynch , Douglas Broderick, Robert Wentzel , Jack Miller.
FIRST ROW : Dorothy Collins, Mathilda Keaton, Jean Gura, Nancy Britton, Mary Ferris, Mary Weigand, Anne Warwick , Patricia Tempest, Betty Bogart.
SECOND ROW : Lloyd Hensel , Robert Heel , Judy Rab , Madeline Georgiev, Connie Skapik, Polly Mack, Martha Bucher , Herbert Hayes , Jack Jones.
THIRD ROW: Jack Stang, Edward Hiehle, Jack Murphy , Frank Doorley, Lee Feinerer, Jack Kussman, Robert Wentzel.
Treasurer- Nicholas Savino
Secre tary-Dona Lou Morris
President- Will iam F itzgibbon
Vice -Preside nt- Vi ncen t Yano
Slightly awed and curious, the class of 1944 entered the University of Dayton last September to be greeted by the welcoming activities and hilarity of Freshman week. We were duly crowned with the traditional caps and later made a gallant but unsuccessful effort in the flag rush. Our first social affair was the Freshman-Sophomore skating party which introduced us to the real friendliness of U.D., and as honored guests we became real collegians at the Freshman Welcome dance.
Our interests quickly grew after the first few weeks and we were soon represented in the various campus activities. Mauch, Powers, and Castignola gained repute in football; dramatic productions featured Unverferth, Sharkey, Riepenhoff, and Rogge. In debating and journalism Goubeaux, S e iter, Morrison. Thoma. and Schweller were prominent; Quatman and Wack wrote for the Exponent; basketball starred Fry, Oberting, Claudepierre. and Swartzel. In fencing, discussion clubs, choir, and other organizations were Behringer. Rugh. Crockett, Schmidt, and Eshelman. McHugh was our representative to the Student council. Every field of endeavor was permeated by members of the class.
As freshman we obtained a successful start in college life and we intend to continue our efforts in the coming three years-the Class of '44.
SEATED: Robert Althoff, Mary Wack, Walter Rugh, Dorothy Yencer, Betty Messler.
SECOND ROW: Nicholas Savino, Carl Nutini, Fred Crockett, Richard Kelly, Lewi s Whit- mer, Wilbur Weaver, George Marku s
THIRD ROW: Paul Revere, Dominic Spinelli, Virgil Haws, Ernest Myers, Rob ert Flynn , Carl Housekeeper.
FOURTH ROW : Robert Swartzell, Robert Lanti s, Ralph Edwards, Marvin Braun.
FIRST ROW: Gertrude Heinz, Martha Kuenle, Mary Wehner, Pat Ortengren , Marjorie Wentz , Betty Kenny, Joe Updyke, Sidney Schultz, Virginia Zahn , Mary Ann Wenning , Dona L. Morris, Jeannette Speckman, Virginia Fletcher , Charlotte Marshall.
SECOND ROW: Jack Castignola, Thomas Macklin, Bob Mess barger, Bob Bener, John Graf , John Beres, Joe Goubeaux, Marvin Talmage , George Davis, Don Hoelle, Richard Greenwood, Stanley Chmiel , Jim Stevens, William Pyfrin .
THIRD ROW: David Ba s tell, Leland Schmidt, Pat Paulu s, Richard Oberting, Bob Murphy , Roy Caponi, Arthur Couture, Robert Bookman, Ben Frey, James Charles , Marvin Brown, Richard Rudnicki.
FOURTH ROW : Vincent Yano, Henry Froelich, Jack Fitzgibbon s, Louis Pohl , Henry Monte, Jack Male, Joe Zou! , Bill Stratheam, John Cu sack, Milton McGuire, Harold Mauch , Eugene Tressler.
FIFTH ROW: Alex Schoen , Joe McHugh, Barry Shillito , John Gruenwald , Harry Bergman, Louis Rumig, Ed Shanahan, Armand Breeding, John Wrynn , Virgil Tank , Don P inciotti, Joe Accrocco, Norbert Cook .
FRONT ROW: Miriam Loges, Helen Towne, Patr icia Somers, Eil een Ku smer, Betty Rogge , Laura Tr eat, Martha Lehman , Dorothy Raney, Mary Turner , Virginia P erry.
SECOND ROW : Walter Aldinger, Mari ta Sharkey, Gwen Hollenkamp, P auline Zink , Betty Behringer , Marjorie Wehner, Marvene Dav is, Ad ele Unverferth, Virginia Prugh , Mary J. Vogelsang.
THIR D ROW : William Yarger, George Th oma, Ed ward E s h elman, John O'Connor , John Leibfritz , Jame s Hanby, Thomas Butz, William Sauerman, Steve Tho mas, Carl Davis, Webb Whitmer, Jack George, Don Grove.
FOURTH ROW : Robert Seiter, John Quatman , Lou Riepenhoff, Rich ard Kinn, James Carnahan, Stanley Sander, Jo se Ruiz d e Val , Robert Reeves, Doug Burney
FRONT ROW : Robert Wening, George Keller, Ern est Jackson, Th omas Rataiczak , William Nicely, Richard Grime s, Ed ward Agne w, John Rauscher, Robert Schweller, Don Ruhl, Richard Westendorf, Richard Macher , Michael C onnair, Jam es P ryor.
SECOND ROW: James D. Sullivan, Charles Basset, Charles Fr eer, Harold Knapke, Richard Locker , Robert Mantey, Charles Keller, Jack Doorley, Newton Lu mm, Donald Roush, Harold Gates, Nick Simopulos, Edward Heller.
THIRD ROW: Henry Zolnoski , Clarence Couture , Norman Lanter, William McHugh, John Heinle!, William Fitzgibbon, Richard Duffy, John Fl ood, Robert Wolff , James Cu sh, Robert Luken , William Raif!, John Bach.
FOURTH ROW: Don Claudepierre, H arold Sweigard, Robert P erk in s, Richard Anduze , Edmond Morri son, John Kenney, John Westerheide, Louis P erry, Donald Snow, James Gibbons, Loui s Synck, Lewis Leonard.
FIFTH ROW : Hewitt Larsen, Howard Pr eston, Richard Fincel, George Caporal.
NP age Fifty-one
Moe and Shultz after an electrical lab Murphy and "mookie" Fitz Fitzgibbon and Kenney enjoy a little recorded swing Peggy, the W.A.A. soccer manager, turns on the personality between halves Bill, "The Wise Old Owl" .... Jurgens and Culley take credit for a snowman made by the coeds .... At tent ion .... September 16 and military life begins for 175 freshmen .... "Mutt and Jeff" or Bob and Jim .... Two suave Bobs .... Not much fun cleaning rifles at camp, is it, Joe? .... Russ, the playboy photographer of the Daytonian .... Believe it or not, but it's Joe Murphy relaxing in front of the library .... Jane rides to school and incidentally cuts a very nice figure ....
The Division of Liberal Arts, which is a part of the College of Arts and Sciences, seeks to provide the fundamentals of a general educa- tion. A liberal arts education serves such specific ends as: enriching the student's cultural background, stimulating intellectual activity, edu- cating for social adjustments, and developing leadership capacities. Particularly emphasized is thorough training in philosophy in view of the importance of philosophic principles in effective thinking and living. Rev. Francis J. Friedel, S.M. heads this department.
The aim of the curriculum is to give special preparation for various fields of professional activity such as education, art, music, law, jour- nalism, social service, and personnel administration. It also prepares students for graduate work. Departments offering majors are fine arts, languages, economics, education, English, history, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Beside the Bachelor of Arts degree, the College of Arts awards the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, which prepares students to teach four academic fields. These fields include: mathematics, Eng- lish, history, social science, languages, biological science, physical science, and earth science.
Since 1937-1938 the University of Dayton and the Dayton Art Insti- tute have evolved a reciprocal working arrangement whereby stu- dents enrolled in the university may complete requirements for a de- gree of Bachelor of Science in Education (Arts Supervision) which re- quires credits in fine arts, education and liberal arts subjects. Under this agreement students of the university can earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree which calls for credit hours in fine art and liberal arts sub- jects.
The Division of Science under the direction of associate dean Dr. Francis J. Molz, S.M., while maintaining the high standards of all its departments which have placed its graduates in the best medical, dental, and other graduate schools in the country, has made several advances in response to the needs of the community, especially by the development of new curricula and the attainment of further achievements during the past year. Chief among these are the further cooperation with the St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing in the field of nursing education and the completion of plans for courses in medical technology.
The majority enrolled in the division are pre-medical or pre-dental students. Others will major in mathematics or the natural sciences preparatory for teaching, graduate, or research work. The pre-medical and pre-dental students major principally in biology and chemistry.
The city of Dayton has well near 100 physicians, surgeons, and dentists who are graduates of the university's Division of Science. Students in this year's graduating class have been accepted by the medical schools of Northwestern, Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis universities. Among other medical and dental schools to which U.D. :men and women have gained admittance are Harvard, Washington, Western Reserve, Georgetown, Duke, Jefferson, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Vanderbilt, Marquette, Indiana, Loyola, and Ohio State.
Progressive Division
September. 1940 marked the thirtieth year since the organization of the engineering college. That modest school of 1910 was a mere child covering the fields of chemical and electrical engineering. Today the college has grown up. It has become a modern. highly technical department. The latest equipment is continually being procured to provide a modern program for the 200 students enrolled not only in chemical and electrical engineering but also civil and mechanical as well.
Lectures and recitations are accompanied by quantitative work in up-tothe-minute laboratories. Frequent inspection trips to various industrial plants and construction works familiarize the student with the trend of current engineering practice. Lectures by prominent practicing engineers from plants in and around Dayton keep the student constantly in touch with the newest of professional work and prac- tice. In this way the engineer is pre- pared to take his proper place in bring- ing about a better adjustment of technical advances to modern society. No effort is spared to acquaint the student thoroughly with fundamental principles and to give him a clear insight into the theoretical analysis of industrial prob- lems.
Mathias E. Haas, S.M. is dean of the college with the department of civil engineering under Charles Belz. S.M., mechanical engineering under George A. Hoffman, S.M., chemical engineering under William J. Wohlleben, S.M.. and electrical engineering under Louis Rose, S.M.
The Division of Business Administration offers its students training in the principles of business and in the practical application of these principles to the various fields of commerce and industry. Students of this division, upon the completion of required work in one of the three major fields of accounting, business organization, or economics, receive the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
The Department of Accounting offers instruction in the field of accounting, designed for those who wish to follow this profession. The Department of Business Organization aims to provide a broad comprehensive education in business subjects. The Department of Economics offers training in the field of economics, with emphasis on a cultural. rather than a vocational view on the subject.
Herman J. Brendel. S.M., is dean of the Division of Business and also head of the Department of Economics. Other prominent members of the faculty of the division include Charles Arns, S.M .. head of the Department of Accounting; Edmund B. O'Leary, head of the Department of Business Organization; Barth J. Snyder, professor of accounting and business organization; Con Fecher, professor of statistics and mathematics of finance; Velma Miller, instructor in accounting and introduction to business.
Economics Requires Careful Study Page Fifty-seven
Established in the spring of 1939 to assist teachers and administra- tors in Dayton and the vicinity to meet the new certification requirements of the State Department of Education. the Graduate Division of the University of Dayton is now offering Masters Degrees in Education and English as major fields. and philosophy. a minor field. The work is under the direction of Rev. Edmund Baumeister, S.M.. Dean of the Graduate School. In the Education division he is assisted by Dr. Daniel L. Leary, dean of education, and by Rev. John A. Elbert. S.M.. president of the university. William 0. Wehrle , S.M., and Rev. Matthew Fitzpatrick. S .M.. are instructors in the division of English Father Elbert. Father Baumeister. Rev. Henry Fritz. S.M., and Rev. John Kenny, O.P.• teach in the field of philosophy.
Approximately 40 are registered for work in this graduate division. Previous to their registration, candidates for masters degree must have received either a Bachelor of Arts degree or its equivalent and they must have a working knowledge of one approved foreign language Requirements for the degree include a minimum of 24 hours in ex- clusively graduate subjects and the completion and approval by the division of dissertation.
Evening and Saturday morning classes have become a permanent feature of the service rendered by the University to the community in the field of adult education. The courses offered form an integral part of the university's program and are coordinated with the regular sessions.
Evening classes are planned to assist students toward an academic degree, and in expanding their field of knowledge either for cultural or practical ends. Students can find courses in accounting, business organization, biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, as well as in languages, literature, philosophy, and the social sciences. In the past three years a special development has taken place with the inauguration of the engineering curriculum.
In outlining the program of studies for evening students, the University keeps in mind the satisfactory grouping of courses, some of the basic courses are offered each year and a conscious effort is made to arrange other courses in cycles of two or three years. Rev. Francis Friedel, S.M. is Director of Evening classes.
In the Division of Arts, it is possible to major in English, classical languages, modern languages, economics, history, sociology, political science, psychology, philosophy, art and music. A minor is offered in the Department of Physi cal and Health Education.
In the Division of Business Administration a major is offered in accounting , business organization, and economics. The Division of Education provides for the training of teachers for either elementary or secondary schools. The Division of Science offers facilities for a major in biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics, and a minor in geology.
More than eighty students learned the technique of flying in the University of Dayton's civilian pilot training program. Three sessions were held. Thirty basic and ten advanced students were enrolled in the summer course which ended in September. Twenty, including co-ed Mary Rose Sullivan. took the primary course during the first semester while 16 basic and ten advanced trainees received instruction during the second half of the year.
Those taking the basic course studied air navigation, meteorology, civil air regulations, and theory of flight, and received flying instruction in Taylorcrafts furnished by the Moore Flying Service at the Dayton Municipal Airport, Vandalia, 0. They received a private pilot's license. Added to the curriculum for the advanced group were aerodynamics, engines, and radio. After receiving instruction and acroba tic training in a Myers trainer and a Travelaire, they received a restricted com- mercial rating.
Instruction was under the auspices of the Civil Aeronautics Au- thority and was directed by Dr. Matthias Haas. S.M.. dean of engineer- ing and coordinator of civilian pilot training. Five ground school in- structors were kept busy with the theory instruction while a Waco airplane was added to the already elaborate ground instruction equip- ment.
"Too large or too small?"
Advanced military training classes are offered by the U.D. Reserve Officers Training Corps to a limited number of students upon the com- pletion of two years basic work. Selections from the eligible cadets are made by the professor of Military Science and Tactics, who notes particularly the cadet's scholastic standing, military discipline , aptness, capacity for leadership, and physical fitness.
Both junior and senior military classes devoted four class hours a week to theoretical subjects and two hours to practical training as cadet officers in drill with the various companies of the R.O.T.C. ba- tallion.
During the summer vacation following the close of the junior year, the cadet officers receive intensive training in the six weeks summer camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky where they are taught to apply the prin- ciples and theory learned in class.
The regular Army staff included Lt. Col. David R. Kerr, P.M.S.&T., and Lts. Victor Lindquist and Thomas Stacy. Assisting were Staff Sgts. James Southall, Emil Gleave and Private William Cooley.
The officers of the batallion are seniors. A new system was in- augurated this year whereby various positions as major, captains and lieutenants were shifted every two months, in order to give each cadet experience at every position. The juniors acted as sergeants.
At the conclusion of the advanced course work, the student is com - missioned a second lieutenant in the Reserve Army of the United States.
FRONT ROW: Lieuts. Jones, Kersting and Po eppelmeier
SECOND ROW : Lieut s. Hollenkamp, Nellis, Placke and Zidanavich.
THIRD ROW : Lieuts Kappeler, McBride, Baker, Allen and Moritz
FRONT ROW: Lieuts. He ndricks, Young, Hiney, Lan sdowne and Lewis.
SECOND ROW : Lieut s. Shultz, Ziegler, Humpert and Hoegler.
THIRD ROW: Lieut s. Unger , McDonald, Pernush, Winter, Farber and Humm
FIRST ROW : Sgts. Butler, McEwan, Forsthoff, Rechtien , High , Dodi and Linsker.
SECOND ROW: Sgts. Quinn , Maloney, Higgins, Waltz, Murphy, Hirt, Drury and Kinzeler.
THIRD ROW: Sgt s. Scheu, Stalzer, Zimmerman and Woeste.
FOURTH ROW: Sgts. Bischo f, Scott and Swank.
Page Sixty-three
Cadet Major Hollenkamp, Capt. Nellis, Lts. Zidanavich, Kappeler, Sgts. Swank, Stalzer, Scott, Scheu. ·
Cadet Capt. Tones, Lts . McBride, Allen, Baker, Placke, Poeppelmeier, Sgts. McEwan, High, Bischof.
Military training for two years in the Reserve Officers Training Corps is compulsory for every full-time male student of the University of Dayton. Advanced training is optional. Training is confined to the infantry branch of the service.
During this time the student is instructed in the infantry drill move- ments, use of infantry weapons, marksmanship, scouting, map read- ing and related subjects
Cadet Capt. Hendricks, Lts. Humm, Schultz, Young , McDonald, Sgts. Quinn, Higgins, Waltz, Murphy .
Cadet Capt. Winter, Lts. Hoegler, Hiney, Pernush, Unger, Sgts. Drury, Maloney, Kinsler, Zimmerman , Lins- ker.
This year the R.O.T.C. unit consisted of five infantry companies excluding the band which performed for batallion parades during the fall and spring. Seniors served as officers while the juniors acted as sergeants.
Activities of the departm e nt. which was given an excellent rating by the War Department las t year, were concluded with the inspection by an officer from Corps A r ea Headquarters and the annual ceremony for the presentation of individual awards to outstanding military stu- dents.
Cadet Captain Ziegler, Lis . Humpert, Lewis, Lan s down, Farber, Sgts Woeste, Butler, Dodi, Hirt, Rechtien.
Founded as a result of a need for a society within the R.O.T.C. to promote better drill standards. the National Society of Pershing Rifles. honorary military fraternity, established Company B. First Regiment, at the University of Dayton in 1932.
Under the direction of Lt. Col. D. R. Kerr, P.M.S.&T and cadet officers, Captain R. Q. Jones, first Lieutenants Joseph Hollenkamp and Vincent Poeppelmeier, second Lieutenants Robert Swank. Raymond Drury, and Joseph Murphy, fifty men were initiated and p r esented with the official cord at the Pledge dance in early December. Various functions including platoon and individual competition were held throughout the year culminating in the selection of the final drill team 'l o enter competition with five other teams at the annual drill meet held this year at the University of Cincinnati in May.
At the Regimental Assembly held at Ohio Universi ty in February, and attended by officers and sponso r from Company B, Dayton was chosen as host to the Pershing officers assembly in 1942
During a tour of inspection in March , Cadet Major Vogt, National Adjutant of the Pershing Rifles visited and inspected the company.
Kathleen Day, sophomore coed was elected sponsor with attendants Dorothy Lee Raney and Jeannette Speckman. Honorary Captain Day reigned over the Pledge dance and the Military ball and assisted at all Pershing functions.
Pag e Sixty-six
C ompa n y B- 1 P ershing Ri fles , Cap tain R. Q Jones in Command Kay Day, Persh ing SponsorIn order to bring together more closely and promote a better spirit of fellowship among the members of the advanced course in military, the Cadet Officers club was organized in the early part of the year by senior cadet officers who felt that it would be a definite aid to the Military department.
Meeting were held twice monthly and programs of military interest and instruction were presented. Various social affairs including a hay ride and a sweater dance besides other events were held by the club.
The organization was instrumental in bringing about better cooperation in military affairs and served as a means of preparing the juniors for their six weeks' camp life during the summer.
A trick drill team and military publication, the "Dud", were sponsored by the Officers club, and both were very popular and successful.
Under the direction of Lieutenant Victor B. Lindquist, faculty advisor, the officers were Raymond Ziegler, president, Clem Young, vicepresident. and Eugene Stalzer, secretary and treasurer.
For the past several years trick drill teams of various natures were organized to perform at social functions. This year the newly formed Officers club took upon itself the maintaining of such a unit to be com- posed only of members of the club.
Under the command of Cadet Lt. Vincent Poeppelmeier, the team made many appearances at university, civic and private functions. They presented intricate drill movements without command and per- formed with unusual proficiency. Several of the performances were given at military affairs and dances. with the whole routine being pre- sented in the space of a ballroom floor. The most memorable of these was given in the Biltmore ballroom as the officers strutted for the bene- fit of those attending the President's ball.
The team members were: Robert Dodt, Raymond Drury, William Hig- gins. Richard Hirt. Eugene Kersting, Robert Maloney, Joseph Murphy, William McDonald. Eugene Placke, Charles Scheu, Robert Swank. Wil- son Scott, Val Pernush, James Winter, Paul Unger, Robert Shultz. Clem Young, Robert Zimmerman and Frank Baker.
Litteken and Baker make a new friend at camp .... Drury gets "shot" for camp Placke on the firing line .... The Pershing Rifles hold initiation ...• Mess at camp .... Mess again .... Colonel Kerr awards merit bars to best drilled squad Up and at them .... At attention .... Kappler and Baker in formal camp attire Kersting in the same Keeping physically fit .... Time out during manuevers at camp .... A little illegal perhaps, but fun .•••
"Slightly crowded"
"Seniors share spotlight" Committee
Downbeat of the school social year was the Freshman Welcome Dance on September 28. This event marked a truce in the annual Soph-Frosh feud and the students buried the hatchet for an evening's fun. The dance was the climax of the initiation activities planned by the sophomore committee and served to introduce the newcomers to the school social life.
The ballroom of the Biltmore hotel was appropriately decorated with University of Dayton pennants while red and blue lights helped to carry out the color scheme. Students from all classes joined in to dance to an alternate program of sweet and swing music supplied by Disk Skapik's orchestra. A crowded floor attested to the success of the occasion.
Members of the committee were: Jack Kussman, chairman; Ethel Cochran, Polly Mack, Betty Mayl, Jack Murphy, Jack Jones. George Monnier, Bill Carrigan. Jerry Herzog. Al Bagot. Martha Bucher, Jerry Westendorf and James Fenton.
FRON T ROW: George Monnier, Polly Mack, E the l Cochrah, Martha Bu cher, Betty May! , Bill Carr igan.The winter social season was opened in a fitting manner with the Pershing Rifles Pledge dance, held at the Dayton Country club. This is the only dance sponsored by a campus group to which members alone are admitted.
During intermission the Pershing sponsor, Honorary Captain Kath- leen Day, and attendants, Dorothy Raney and Jeannette Speclanan, were presented to the gathering with the Pershing Company in forma- tion. Cords were given to freshman, and medals presented to winners of the sophomore individual drill competition by Lt. Col. D. R. Kerr, P.M.S.&T. A colorful exhibition was rendered by the Cadet Officers club trick drill team.
Serving on the committee, of which Captain R. Q. Jones was chairman, were the officers, First Lts. Joseph Hollenkamp and Vincent Poep- pelmeier, Second Lts. Raymond Drury, Robert Swank and Joseph Murphy.
Sweet music of Earl Holderman combined with a brilliant array of uniforms, medals, and multi-colored formals to make this affair a de- cided social success.
The Dancing Was Fun Honorary Captain Kay Day, Attendant s Dorothy Lee Ran ey and Jeannette SpeckmanSaturday evening, February 15, witnessed the University of Dayton's most gala social event, the annual Junior Prom. This year's Prom, held in the beautifully decorated Lakeside ballroom, featured the Rolling Rhythms of Reggie Childs and his Orchestra. Attractive programs based upon the valentine motif. were presented to each couple.
The highlight of the evening's festivities was the presentation of the Prom Queen, Miss Mary Katherine Reemelin, by Junior class president Charles Whalen. The grand march , which was led by King Charles and Queen Mary, immediately followed the introduction of the queen.
The more than 300 couples who attended the ball acclaimed this year's Juni or Prom as one of the most outstanding social successes in the history of the university.
April 19
Medals Presented Page Seventy-six
The annual "Blue and White" Military ball opened the spring sea- son, April 19, with a gay gathering of glistening brass and polished leather, as the Pershing Riflemen were hosts to distinguished Army officers, prominent members of the Reserve Officers corps, members of the faculty of the university, guests from Pershing companies of other universities as well as a large majority of the cadet corps.
Young couples attired in trim uniforms and smart formals filled the huge Lakeside ballroom and swayed to the sweet music of Earl Holder- man's orchestra. During the intermission the trick drill team of the Cadet Officers club gave a colorful performance. Medals were also presented on the occasion to winners of the freshman individual drill competition by Lt. Col. D.R. Kerr, P.M.S.&T.
Cadet Captain R. Q. Jones and sponsor Kathleen Day presided over the ball and headed the committee which was composed of the Persh- ing officers, First Lts. Joseph Hollenkamp and Vincent Poeppelmeier, Second Lts. Robert Swank, Raymond Drury and Joseph Murphy.
Scott laughs at the camera Pershing OfficersThings in reverse perhaps best characterizes the fifth annual Spring Swing sponsored by the women students. and held the second of May at Lakeside Park where Earl Holderman furnished the music.
Something in the nature of an innovation, the coeds this year forsook the usual order of things and staged a backward dance, much to the amusement and amazement of the masculine element. Emily Post's etiquette for gentlemen was forgotten because it was the girls who assisted with coa ts, called for her date, sent him flowers, and payed the well-known bill for the evening's fun. The idea caught on at once and was a complete success. judging from the crowd which swarmed the ballroom to give it a try.
Betty Myers, president of the Association of Women Students, was general chairman of the dance, and working with her were the presidents and vice-presidents of the various newly-formed coed divisional groups.
Working under the direction of this steering committee, each group had charge of one phase of the dance, the science division being responsible for decorations; education for publicity and reservations; arts for tickets, permit, and tax exemptions; and business for ballroom and orchestra.
SITTING: Joseph Shimanek , Clem Young, Martha Rose Manny, John Chalmers, Betty Meyers, Russell Schlattman, William Sherman
STANDING: John Humm, Joseph Hollenkamp, Rob ert Shultz, Edythe Reiling, John Steinlage, Elise Biechler, Elwood Dryden, Samuel Simmons, Alvin Suttmiller, William Byrd.
Dancing under the stars, smiling faces, swirling gowns, summer for- mals, were the highlights of the Senior Farewell as seniors danced :!or the last time as U.D. students. With graduation just two days away the seniors. on this night of nights, seemed more than anxious to turn back the clock as it ticked towards the close of the happy evening. Tomorrow meant last-minute preparation for commencement exercises.
Dancing to the music of Lou Posey and his Megaphone Music on the beautifully decorated roof garden of the Miami hotel with the stars as a ceiling, the hundreds of U.D. men and women and their friends tried to forget that for many this was indeed the last farewell.
The grand march. led by John Chalmers. senior president. and Phyllis Niswonger. first U.D. co-ed to preside at a major U.D. dance, was unique in that only seniors marched and bade farewell to their many friends as they circled the floor.
General chairman John Chalmers was assisted by a large commit- tee in planning and supervising the evening's entertainment. Included on the committee were: Joseph Shimanek. John Humm, Elise Biechler. Edythe Reiling, Martha Rose Manny. Sam Simmons. Joseph Hollen- kamp. Elwood Dryden. Alvin Suttmiller. Betty Myers. John Kirchmer. William Byrd, Robert Shultz. John Steinlage, Russell Schlattman. Clem Young, and William Sherman.
Freshmen register for initiation.
SEPT. IS-Freshman registration. Frosh given identification tags.
SEPT. I 7-Freshman program. Professor Whiz Bagot asks the questions and the freshies answer-at times.
SEPT. IS-Sophomores entertain frosh with music and a movie.
SEPT. IS-Beginning of school-life begins for 1940-41.
SEPT. 22-"Get acquainted" tea given by sophomore girls for the freshman girls.
SEPT. 23-Frosh-Soph skating party-first real social event in th e freshman's college life.
Did it h urt?
SEPT. 25-Cap crowning-the Class of '44 is officially designated as "freshman."
SEPT. 28-Freshman Welcome dance.
OCT. 5-Migration day to Huntington; Marshall won but "we had a wonderful time, wish you had been there."
OCT. 6-Women's Athletic Association initiate freshman and new members at picnic.
OCT. IS-Sigma Delta Pi holds initiation for pre-med pledges.
A Hallowe' en game played with corn Spin
OCT. 2I-Senior skating party - upperclassmen get in the merry whirl.
OCT. 27-Women's Athletic Association presents awards at first formal meeting and tea.
OCT. 30-Alumni hailers celebrate Hallowe'en with cider and doughnuts.
OCT. 31-Evening students hold "mixer"; day student provide intertainment.
NOV. 5-Coeds' Election party - "candidates" are special guests.
NOV. 9-Homecoming-Old grads return to college scene. Queen Marty Manny reigns at festivities.
NOV. 18-C.S.M.C. skating party. U.D. skates to benefit the missions.
NOV. 29-Inaugural Cabos dance, a wonderful time was had by all.
DEC. 7-Football testimonia! dinner - Fordham's coach Jim Crowley proves the "Good Humor" man.
DEC. IO-Mother's Club bazaar. Parents and students gather for the fun.
DEC. 13-Coeds Christmas party-Santa visits dime store for gilts.
DEC. 13-Alumni hall party-amateur contest uncovers RARE talent.
DEC. 14-Pershing Pledge dance, the army takes over the social spotlight.
DEC. 17-Cabos Christmas party - Arleen Whelan and "Santa Claus"McShane add to festivities before Christmas vacation.
JAN. 6-Cabos dance-more fun, more records, more people
Homecoming hook-ups
Date s and datele ss Cabos dances Page Eighty-one
Feb. 5-C.S.MC. skating party-into the whirl of the second semester.
Feb. 15-Junior Prom - - super smooth music by Reggie Childs.
Feb. 24-W.A.A. dance - - coeds sponsor a "record" dance.
Mar. 7-0ne-act plays presented - - students turn actors and authors.
Mar. IS-Coeds play day - - U.D. coeds participate in play day at University of Cincinnati.
Mar. 17-Mechanical engineers party - - 40 men and a girl honor their patron, St. Patrick.
Mar. 17-Alpha Rho Tau party for the coeds - - potatoes and green lemonade add to the fun.
Mar. 29-Mixed Doubles bowling tournament - - Jerry Westendorf and Mary Borchers lead the field.
Mar. 31-Pershing Regimental inspection - - rifles inspected by nation- al adjutant.
Apr. I-Epsilon Gamma's April fools party - - art exhibit and food featured.
Apr. 19-Military Ball - - the R.O.T.C. "at ease" as the after Easter social season starts.
Apr. 23-Band dance - - girls, fellows, and "juke" box get together once more.
Apr. 27- "Lena Rivers" brought to life by Thespians with Marty Manny in the lead.
May 2-Spring Swing coeds turn the tables and play "escort" for a night.
May 4-Band Concert Maurie and the band played on.
May 8- Debate Banquet orators refresh tired throats at annual banquet.
May I 0-P~rshing Drill meet in Cincinnati - - drill team competes in intercollegiate meet.
May IO-Play Day Women's Athletic association is host to girls of Dayton high schools.
May IS-Monogram show block "D" men take "time out" for acting.
May I 9-Sigma Delta Pi banquet - - pre-meds.
May 21-Study Clubs picnic social climax to a year of study and activity.
May 26-June I-June Jamboree students and boosters take part in mammoth carnival of fun.
June 6-Senior Farewell class of 1941 have last "in school" dance.
June 8-Graduation Exercises the end and the beginning.
P age Eighty-three
Skapik orchestra entertains. P ershing officers e n tertain national adjutant. Coed s p lay po tato golf at St. P atrick's party Dancing at one of the s pring nickelodian hops.Put your cards on the table. pardner Si_ngin' in the rain .... Ching entertains at the Christmas party "Jackson·~ scores .... Dick hopes for the best .... Not a gold fish-jus t a sword .... "Popeye" and the radio on Sunday morning_.. . _ Wohlschlaeger concentrates on ye olde magazine sec- tion .... This means you! .... Sleeping ,beauty(?) .... Could be semester final .... Ghosts stalk in Alumni .... Corn in bed .... Rist types by touch(?) .
"IJever a dull moment" might well describe the dormitory life on ;he campus o1 the Universi iy o1 Dayton. From the time the alarm rings to rouse the student for Mass to the time '!he bell rings for lights out ai night, every moment bubbles with activity-almost.
After breakfast, a quick look al the morning papers, or pounding on the door of a sleepy chum to wake him for class-or just io wake him. Free hours-perhaps a little studyingor mo:c likely a bull session which originates with two and reaches its peak with ·,wo .ooms full.
Afternoons-when the click o1 pool balls, the thud of the ping-pong ball, and the notes o 1 the piano, combined with healthy laughs and friendly argumen'!s drift from the recreation room.
Saturday afternoons-perhaps a little card game for relaxation, or thirty winks in preparation for that heavy date later.
Along about 11 :SO P.M. the lineup oJ "signer- iners"--the "roomie" worrying if you're going to make it on time.
The friendly little tricks-fake telephone calls, breakfast cereal between the covers, turn ing off the lights in the shower, all these things combine to make life in the dorm-where the student no t just sleeps and studies-but lives.
Getting out copy for the News . ... Aspell, Murphy, and Rist work on the Daytonian .... Betty Jane and Joe look the Exponent over ...• Pasting up the dummy .... John talks over the next issue ....
Business manager Madden and editor Rechtien talk over the Daytonian budget.
Henry C. Rechtien . . . . . .
George A. Madden
Editorial Staff
Joseph M. Shimanek . .
John F. Aspell. . . . .
Betty Wilson
Anthony Schneble
Russel H. Schlattman . . . . .
Max L. Wool
Joseph A. Murphy
Miriam Losh
Clarke V. Kirby . . . . . . .. .........
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Activities Editor
Paul A. Humpert. . . . Assistant Business Manager
John F. Chalmers . . . . . . . .
Editorial and Technical Staff
George Gillen
William Sherman
James Gibson
Elma Plappert
Mildred Wharmby
Don Rist
Javier Covarrubias
Charles McBride
Frank Harig
John Boland
Francisco Crespo
Alfred Bagot
Robert Becksted
Sports Editor
Copy Editor
Francis Schnurr
Patricia Tempest
Betty Mayl
Betty Bogart
Ethyl Cochran
Judith Rab
Jack Kussman
Robert Seiter
Jack Jones
Nancy Britton
Jean Gura
John Hickey
'I'he 1940 Day tonian was designed to present the true University o{ Dayton campus life in all its activity, fire and earnestness. Through the introduction of a third color and more informal and expressive pictures than ever before used , life has been spread throughout the four sections of the book.
The "Symphony" theme was carried dynamically to the Daytonian cover and likewis e represented in sectional drawings. The finished product presents an exceptional yearbook of new ideas in design and makeup.
Production of the Daytonian this year was under the direction of mechanical engineering junior and U.D. News Sports editor, Henry Rechtien, who originated the theme and general layout of the book. In other editorial posts were George Madden, business manager, John Aspell, Betty Wilson and Tony Schneble, associate editors; and Russell Schlattman in charge o f photography.
Rerhtien DirPrts Wol'k
FIRST ROW: Tony Schneble, Francis Schnurr, Elma Plappert, Mildred Wharmby, Miriam Losh, Betty Wilson, Max Wool, Ru sse ll Schlattman.
SECOND ROW: Don Ri st, Joe Murphy, Charles McBride , Franci sco Crespo, John Chalmers , Jame s Gib so n , William Sherman, Paul Humpert, John Boland, Clarke Kirby, Joe Shimanek.
Freshman and Sophomore Staff MembersUPPER: Joseph Shimanek , Henry Rechtien, Betty Wilson, Miriam Losh, Betty Bogart, Patty Tempes t, Clarke Kirby, Jack Jone s, Jeanne McLaughlin
UPPER CENTER: Editor John Chalmers.
LOWER FRONT: Edwin Becker, Adele Unverferth, Mary Margaret Wack, Frank Hughe s, Louis Riepenhoff.
LOWER REAR: Robert Seiter, Betty Ann Behringer, John Quatman, Dona Lou Morris, Helen Towne , Jack Kussman.
Presenting a true picture of collegiate activity on the Hilltop was the bi-weekly University of Dayton News. The News made it another banner year, under the able leadership of editor-in-chief John Chalmers, for it again received the coveted awards of "All American" and "All Catholic."
U.D. journalists worked regularly in two distinct units, the news staff with its managing board of eleven members and twenty-six reporters; and the sports staff composed of editor Henry Rechtien, columnist Clarke Kirby, and four reporters. Rechtien, after three years of service, resigned late in the year in favor of freshman Lou Riepenhoff in order that he might take part in other fields of extra-curricular activities his senior year. Jeanne McLaughlin and Joe Shimanek pre- sented rival gossip columns which were among the first articles read when the paper came out.
Probably the greatest single achievement of the paper in 1941 was the work which it did toward the inauguration of a new football conference to replace the disbanded Buckeye association. George F. Kohles, S.M., was the faculty advisor.
John F. Chalmers
Jack L. Jones
Betty H. Wilson
Betty J. May
Patty J. Tempest
Jeanne M. McLaughlin
Joseph M. Shimanek
Miriam E. Losh
Betty K. Bogart
Robert E. Heet
Charles E. Laus
William Kitzgibbon
Simon Nathan
William Goss
Dan Prugh
Judith Rab
Jean Whelan
Herbert Hayes
Helen Towne
Henry Rechtien
Clarke Kirby
Gertrude Heinz
Louis Riepenhoff
Don Hoelle
Adele Unverferth
Harry Raterman
Robert Seiter
Dona Lou Morris
John Quatman
Edmond Morrison
Jack Kussman
James Wrynn
Edwin Becker
Frank Hughes
Mary Wack
George Davis
Michael Connair
Joseph Goubeau
Joe Goubeaux
Betty Behringer
Again. that oldest of campus publications. the Exponent, has been the outlet for those rare bits of student literary genius. First printed in 1902. the Exponent's eight monthly issues have always been filled with articles of a controversial. aesthetic. or practical nature. No topic of general interest is so abstruse or so common-place but that it may not find its way into the Exponent's pages. Whether in essay. poem. or playlet form, these expressions or original thought delight the student body. although repercussions have sometimes occurred.
Election, the Selective Service Act. and the War in Europe have made this a banner year for the Exponent. for here were found the pros and cons on such matters of vital interest.
"We .. The Women", the special property of the women students. gave the coeds a chance to express their own personal convictions to all and sundry. This section of the Exponent was under the capable direction of Martha Rose Manny.
Mounting the Editor's Soap Box this year was Joseph Wohlschlae- ger. assisted by Clem Young, Dan Prugh. Francis· Grisez. Martha Rose Manny. John Quatman. Jeanne McLaughlin, Muriel Oswald. and Betty Jane Israel.
Betty Jane Israel, Martha Manny, Joseph Wohlschlaeger, Clem Young, Muriel Oswald, Jeanne McLaughlin.Now in its second year of publication, the IRC News, published by the International Relations Club, has advanced from a one page bulletin to a regular monthly. Special features during the past year were Information Please which gave news of the books and lectures on international affairs, Key Hole Kitty bavardage column, Foreign Correspondence, a page devoted to letters received by club members, and feature articles and editorials on current events. Unique feature, too, was the country of the month, and the man of the month pages, devoted to news of a man or country that had been particularly outstanding. Distinctive artistic touch was given by the cover designs by Brother Arns, and by the designs of Mary Ferris.
Several special editions were published each year. This past year the Christmas edition was dedicated to "Peace". Another was pub- ' lished in conjunction with the public meeting 1held in April on "Our Part in Peace after the War."
The staff, under the capable direction of Muriel Oswald, editor, was composed of Betty Wilson, associate editor, Charlotte Wentz, typist, Miriam Losh, copy editor, Mary Ferris, art editor, Jean Whelan and John Rehmund, feature writers, Charles Scheu, reporter, and Marjorie Wentz, distribution manager.
The Dud was published monthly by the Cadet Offic ers club and dedicated to the interests of the students of military sci ence of the University of Dayton. This marked the first appearance o f a publication of this nature on the U.D. campus. Indications of its success point to continued popularity among the students.
The paper included editorials, company reports, arti cles and stories of military interest. Drawings and cartoons of army life were a monthly feature.
Serving as a contact with the members of the Officers club the pub- lication presented ideas and suggestions as to the conduct of the organization, and provided an outlet for some of the literary genius which existed among the group.
Editor-in-chief Joseph Murphy, headed a staff which included Albert Hoegler, associate editor, Robert Dodt, Charles McBride, Henry Rechtien, Albert Zidanavich, Charles Sheu, Paul Humper t, Char les Bischof, Val Pernush, and M artin Moritz, with John Aspell as staff artist
SECOND ROW: Martin Moritz, Charles Bischof, Henry Rechtien, Charles Scheu, and Val Pernush
FIRST ROW: P aul Humper t, Albert Hoegler, Joseph Murphy, Robert Dodi, Charles McBride, and Al Zidanavich.During its four years of existence, the Sigma Delta Pi News, published by the Sigma Delta Pi pre -med society, has endeavored to bring to the "embryo medicos" a deeper insight into what lies ahead of them, for it has been dedicated to the interests of the pre-medical student in the light of his pursuits and their relation to his chosen profession.
With the purpose of showing the rapid advances which are being made, each issue has carried accounts of the latest developments in medical sciences and reviews of the newer scientific books. Accounts of interviews with practicing physicians, internes, nurses, and laboratory technicians have been carried by the News, in an effort to bring to its readers vivid pictures of the medical profession, and its allied professions.
Through the News, a connection is made with the alumni, for it carries notes of their locations and their activities, and at the same time, conveys to them the events of interest which have occurred in the pre-medical department.
With Max Wool as editor, the staff was composed of Jeanne Sharkey, Mary M. Lang, Ethel Cochran, Richard Schneble, Leo Palmer, James Gibson, Edgar Reagan, William Carrigan, and Francisco Crespo. Dr. Francis J. Molz, S.M., acted as the faculty advisor.
Alumn1: News
FRONT ROW: Richard Schneble , Ethel Cochran, Jeanne Sharkey , Max Wool.
BACK ROW : James Gibson, Le o Palmer, Edgar Reagan, Franci sco Crespo, William Carrigan.
Dick Howe street sings indoors Brooks and Betty look over their lines Making a recording Carmen Tennessee Hillbillies (Herking, Locker and Reindl) entertain at the Alumni hall Christmas party . . Mrs. Reichart makes up Adele for "First Class Matter"
Sixty Pfoces
Annual Concert
Starting with thirty veteran members as a nucleus Maurice Reichard, director, developed the U.D. Band into an organization of sixty pieces. Always on hand to give tuneful impetus to the "Flyers" the band participated in a variety of activities during the year.
This outstanding musical organization made the migration trip to Huntington providing impromptu performances on the "U.D. Flyer Special", the special train for Dayton fans. In front of the unit again this season was ace drum major Robert Dawson with Webb Whitmer assisting. Sharing sponsor honors were coeds Jean Gura and Nancy Britton.
Aside from the football games the band entertained at the National Soldiers Home and for the annual performance of the Music department for the Mothers Club Winter series. In May the U.D. Band concert at the N. C. R. auditorium featured the "Emperor Valse" by Johann Strauss and the "Triumphal March" from Aida by Verdi.
The university brass choir, a group of 15 musicians, played "Children's Prayer," "Sweet and Low" and "Soldier's Chorus." Douglas Baker. member of the Dayton Philharmonic orchestra, presented two numbers in an unusual performance on a difficult solo instrument, the tuba.
Richard Howe, senior arts student who possesses one of the finest voices in the university music department, was the featured vocalist. Richard Howe's tenor voice was heard in the numbers "Celeste Aida" and "Life Is a Melody."
The concert attracted a record crowd and marked the 12th annual program under the direction of Reichard.
FRONT ROW: Nancy Britton , sponso r, Bob Dawson, drum major, Lloyd Rensel, Jack Fitzharris, Frederic Burney, Ernest Ruef , Webb Whitmer, drum major, Jean Gura, sponsor, Maurice Reichard, music director.
SECOND ROW: Wilbur Smolka, John Groo s, Marjorie Kramer , David Harter , Clarence Earnhart, Robert Becksted, Hewitt Larsen, Richard Klopf , Joseph Murphy, Robert McKirnan
THIRD ROW: Charles Bassett, Paul Revere, Theodore Chang, Charles Forsthoff, Jack George, Frank Doorley, Lewi s Whitmer, Victor Smith, Clarence Ching, Paul Boeke .
FOURTH ROW: Richard Christman, Hugh Hoffman, Elmer Willhelm, Edwin Becker , John Wroe, Edward Schlei, Robert Lamaitre , William Reeve s, Donald Ruhl.
FIFTH ROW: Jack Stang, Thoma s Goonan, Bernhard Schmidt, Richard Westendorf, Eugene Channell, Donald Grove , John Glemet, William Rupert.
SIXTH ROW : Charles Mcfarl and, Mark Littiken, Douglas Baker , Jame s Klopf.
LOWER LEFT : Nancy Britton sings "Auld Lang Syne" for the returning grads at the Homecoming game.
LOWER CENTER: The Band salu te s the home stands with its "U D" formation.
RIGHT INSERT : Drum Major Dawson struts.
In addition to their regular band activities fourteen of the band members joined together to form a brass choir. The group was under the direction of Maurice Reichard. but members of the conducting class occasionally took over the baton. It was also used as an experimental group by student composers and arrangers. For instance Lawrence Taylor. S.M. skillfully combined two themes from a Beethoven symphony into a concert piece and other arrangements were made by Richard Klopf.
The smooth blending of trombones. bass. baritones. and horns into organ-like tones and the use of trumpets in brilliant passages combined to make an effective instrumental ensemble . Their first appearance was on the Christmas assembly program when they presented several carols. This program was repeated at the Junior Association of Commerce municipal Christmas program at the N. C. R. auditorium. Between the two one-act plays that were presented March 7 the choir joined with the men's chorus in the stirring "Soldier's Chorus" from Faust. Folk songs and the "Children's Prayer" from Hansel and Graetel were played on the musical program on April 20. Several appearances were made before civic groups. among them the Optimist Club and Fairview high school.
FRON T ROW: Elmer Willhe l m, Edw ard S c h le i , Tohn Wro e, Hugh Hoffman, Richard Klopf, Robe r t Becks t ed, Hew it t Lars en
SECOND ROW: Eugene Ker s ti n g, James Kl opf, C ha rl es Mc Farla nd, John Hickey, Jack Stan g
Every Wednesday a t three o'clock there was a general bustle in the music room as the M ixed Chorus of the University of Dayton began its weekly practice. The group was under the direction of Miss Adele Kimm with Lew Whitmer doing the accompaniment on the piano.
The numbers sung by the g r oup were selected not only to add variety to the program but also to suit every individual taste. The music consisted of the m odern, "When Day Is Done"; the sacred "Adoramus Te" by Pales trina; the classic "Dedication" composed by Robert Franz; a folk song " Mo r ning Now Beckons"; and the ever favorite "Shortin' Bread" plus several o ther well known selections.
On several occasions the chorus appeared before student assemblies. On April 20 it par ticipated in the annual concert given by the music department. Many times during the year recordings were made of the group singing t heir favorite selections.
At the beginning of the second semester a complete reorganization took place. New rules were laid down concerning the qualifications of new and old members as well as their eligibility for receiving awards.
The officers for the year were Paul Jacobs, president; G. Kramer Loges, vice-president; Mildred Wharmby, sec r etary-treasurer.
G. Kramer Loges, a member for four years. was the only senior eligible to receive a gold key.
FIR ST ROW: Jean Gura, Nancy Brillon, Murie l Oswa ld, Charlot t e Wentz, Dorothy Raney, Adele Unverferth, Mary Wack, Leona Fox ; Mary Wehner and Mar jorie Reiling.
SECOND ROW: Grace Keller, Matilda Keaton, Kay Day, Patr icia Ortengren, Betty Kenny, Dona Morris, Mary Ann Wenni n g, Ri ta Luthman, Mildr e d Wh armby and Peggy Finley.
THIRD ROW: John Rehmund, P aul Jacobs, Dona ld Carey, John Wroe, Dou gl as Baker, Joseph Murphy, Kramer Loges, W ill iam By rd a n d Fra nci sco C r e spo
P IANO: Lewis Whi tme r.
Maintaining the prestige of the traditional Glee Club first organized by Thomas Poitras, S.M. in 1920, the Men's Chorus marked another suc- cessful year.
Under the stimulating direction of Maurice R. Reichard , the chorus made numerous local appearances. Midwinter and early spring ac- tivities found the group performing at the Christmas program and ren- dering intermission concerts between the plays "She Kept His Promise", and "First Class Matter". These concerts were presented both at the university and St. Elizabeth hospital. Selections included "The Sol- diers' Chorus" from Faust, "Dear Old Girl", and two negro spirituals, "I Got a Home in a dat Rock" and "Battle of Jericho".
To complete the year the group cooperated with the Thespians in presenting the "Seventh Annual Musical Show",
Senior gold awards were made to Richard Skapik, Bud Loges, Eu- gene Kersting, John Steinlage, Warren Kappeler, John Glemet, and Richard Howe.
Although radio broadcasts have been presented by the students for many years. this year marks the first time the entire production and presentation was handled by a separate organization designed for such work. In the past the work of producing radio shows was carried on by the dramatic organization. The new Student Broadcasting coun- cil has sponsored three new types of broadcasts during the course of the year.
The first major project for the new organization was the recording of a fifteen minute program for the American Youth Commission on some phase of the many projects being carried on in the nation for ·~he benefit of the youth of this country. Programs were sent in by :nany colleges throughout the entire nation. Each program was judged on the merits of the message it presented. the presentation, and "the lis- tener's appeal. The U.D. program finished in the finals of -this contest.
The next phase in the broadcasting activities consisted of a half hour variety show presented over WING. The talent for the show was supplied by the department of music and dramatics. Also aired over WING was a round-table series. This program was ca:rried on 'ihrough the cooperation of the debate society. Very pertinent topics of the day were discussed in a very free and informal manner almost approach- ing the well known "bull session".
The work of the new council was under the faculty supervis!on o ! Maurice Reichard. head of the music department. Continuity for the programs was under the direction of Wilbur Smolka and Jeanne McLaughlin assisted by Ethel Cochran and Jack Quatman. Record- ing production was handled by Jack Fitzharris. The programs aired over WING were produced and directed by Joseph M. Shimanek, founder of the council.
Quatman, Smolka, Seiler co ll aborate on a script with Fitzharri s and Riepenhoff helping out. Dire::lor Shimanek tunes in on Joyce, Rogge, and Mc Laughlin wh il e other cast members await their cues. rvew 01'gcini z ationPr oduce
Ori ginal Pl ays
FIRST ROW : Jeann e Mc Lau ghlin , P au line Zink , Mildred Wharmby, Margaret Finley , Betty Behringer , Marita Sharkey, Mary Jo Vogelsang, Betty May! , Kay Day, Mary Ann We n ni n g, Dona Lou Morris, Bett y M eyers, Theodora Zonars
SECOND ROW: Isa be l Mar x, Adele Unverferth , Lucianna Neumann, Nancy Britton, E lma Plappert, Betty Jane Israe l, Grace Keller, Jane Simon s, Polly Mack , Martha Ro se Manny, E thel Cochran, Bette Rogge , Marvene Davis
THIRD ROW : Brook s Carson, E dwin Becker, Charle s Jackson, William Carrigan, Robert Zimmerman , Jack Quatman, Douglas Baker , Wilbur Smolka, Ned Hess, Richard Howe , Loui s Riepenhoff , Robert Seiter, Frank Hughes , Don Carey.
With the auditioning of new members and the recording of voices , the University of Dayton dramatic club swung into a year of unusual activity. Stage management, designing of scenery, make-up, and playwriting were encouraged along with the regular dramatic activities. Particular interest was shown in the writing and producing of original plays. Wilbur Smolka's and Jack Quatman's productions were presented before students and outside groups, m both cases being enthusiastically received.
The first appearances of the club were at Christmas time when "Uncle Abner's Will" was presented in an assembly and "Who Said Pie?" was offered on the Christmas party program.
On the evening of March 7 , two one-act plays were presented. The first of these comedies, "First Class Matter," starred Bette Rogge in the role of a soft-hearted switchboard operator. The o ther , "She Kept His Promise," was a modern farce by Wilbur Smolka.
The three-act play of the year was a dramatization of Mary J.
Holmes' popular novel, "Lena Rivers." Mar tha Rose Manny as Lena and Wilbur Smolka as Durward Belmont carried the leads in this story of poor relations visiting a Kentucky plantation. Supporting roles were enacted by Betty Jane Israel, Betty Meyers, Adele Unverferth, and Eugene Kersting. Louis Riepenhoff and Jane Simons supplied the comedy parts as the two colored servants.
In May, members of the dramatic club joined the mixed chorus , glee club, and monogram club in the annual Mask and Mascara show.
The Thespians were again under the able direction of Maurice Reichard. Student officers of th e o rganization were: Wilbur Smolka , president; John Steinlage, vice-president; Betty Jane Israel, secretarytreasurer .
" L enci R ivers"
Unverferth, Baker and Israel running over their lines.
Rogge in "First Class Matter".
A dramatic moment.
"Maury" suggests a few changes.
Stagehands Kroger, Steinlage and Groos at work. Manny and Smolka.Another great musical show won the plaudits o f campus critics when the final curtain came down on the "Seventh Annual Mask and Mascara Presentation".
Maurice Reichard with his usual excellence directed the original production and cast Nancy Britton opposite veteran Dick Howe in the romantic singing roles. The combination worked well and the performances of both were el}thusiastically received.
With several new sets added to the prop supply and the stage and dressing rooms re-decorated, a fresh, new background was given to the laughable tale of a boy caught in the financial throes of a nonsympathetic business world.
This final show presented the most varied entertainment production of the season. Customers saw and heard the U.D. glee club, the Thespians, and the mixed chorus accompanied by the university dance band.
The principals rehearse. The chorus bru shes up.Organization of the Student council o f the University of Dayton by three seniors, Joseph Shimanek, John Chalmers and Jeanne McLaugh- lin, and one junior, Charles Whalen, ea rly in the second semester brought to the campus a much needed add ition.
The aims of the Student council are best expressed in a few words from the preamble to its constitution ", .. in order to foster a spirit of closer relationship among all campus organizations, to present studen t opinions and activities, and to promote a closer relationship between the faculty and students of the University "
Following the drafting of the constitution a committee of twenty- seven members was appointed to study the document and make sug- gestions for improvement. This done , the constitution was submitted to the student body which ratified it with greater than a 4 to I majority.
Robert Butler, Alfred Bagot, Constance Skapik, John Humm, Martha Rose Manny, John Chalmers, Joseph Shimanek , John Murphy , Eugene Westendorf , Mary Borchers, Paul Ryan , William McHugh, William Fitzgibbon.
Alpha Rho Tau Epsi
Beta Upsilon Sigma Steering Committee
FIRS T ROW: E lma P lappert, Martha Rose Manny, Mary Borchers, Betty Wilson, Connie Skapik .
SECOND ROW: Betty M yers, Jean Sharkey, Jeanne McLaughlin, E thel Cochran, P eggy Finley.
Coed government was reorganized on an interest basis in 1940 because wih the increased size of the women's group, administration became unwieldy. As a result, four Greek letter groups were formed according to scholastic divisions, greatly facilitating the carrying on of necessary business matters.
Miss Ardene Stephens was chosen adviser to Alpha Rho Tau, the arts group. Mary Borchers was elected president; Jeanne McLaughlin, vice-president; Elma Plappert, program chairman; and Judith Rab, secretary-treasurer.
Sister Genevieve Marie , S.N.D .. became advisor to Epsilon Gamma , the education group. Betty Wilson was selected for the office of president; Peggy Finley, vice -president; Miriam Losh, program-chairman; and Charlotte Wentz, secre tary-treasurer.
Beta Upsilon Sigma became the name of the coed business administration group. Miss Miller was made advisor. Officers elected were Margie Reiling, president; Martha Rose Manny, vice-president; Dona Lou Morris, program-chairman; and Gertrud e Heinz, secretary-treasurer.
The science and engineering division, of which Miss Kimm was chosen advisor, became known as Phi Chi. Officers elected were Ethel Cochran, president; Jean Sharkey, vice-president; Elise Biechler, program-chairman; and Jane Watkins, secre ta ry-treasurer.
Phi Chi
One of the oldest organizations on the campus, the Monogram club is now in its sixteenth year of existence Composed entirely of men who wear the varsity "D", the Monogram club represents an organized effort to increase respect and regard for the coveted Monogram, and to uphold the principle, "Keep athletics at the highest possible standard."
Through its organization, the Monog r am club frequently participates in extra-curricular affairs and lends its assistance to the success of the annual June Jamboree. the University o f Dayton open house and various campus musical productions.
The Monogram club presents each senior football player with a miniature gold football, the reward for athletic prowess in a Flyer uniform.
Officers of the organization during the pas t year were John Rumig. president, Bill Moran and Duncan Obee , vice-presidents, Howard Lansdowne, secretary, and Elwood Dryden, treasurer.
FIRST ROW: Lansdowne, Zidanovich, McShane , Quinn, Zwiesler.
S ECOND ROW: Humm, J. W eslendorl, Strugareck, Baker, Mclntryre, E W eslendorl.
THIRD ROW: Jerina, Pernush, Fenlon, Scott, McClo skey, Moran
FOURTH ROW : Farber, Moritz, Curley, Corcoran, Dryden, Hollenkamp
FIFTH ROW: Paluzzi , Obee, Kern, Crespo, Kni sley.
STANDING: Costell, Zach, Wynn, Froendhoff , Pangallo , Rumig.
The newly reorganized International Relations club is now in its eleventh year of existence on the University of Dayton campus. It is affiliated with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace with more than seven hundred similar organizations at other colleges throughout the country. Purpose of the club is to give the students an opportunity to discuss and to understand national and international events in the light of their significance for peace.
Participation at the annual conference of organizations in this district is always one of the outstanding events. The conference held at Murray State Teachers College, Murray, Kentucky, the past year was devoted to three topics, "Western Hemisphere", "Powers and Policies in the Orient", and "Democracy in Crisis". Representing the club were Clarke Kirby, who presided at a discussion on Canada, Charles Whalen, who presented a paper on the Monroe Doctrine. Miriam Losh. who acted as recording secretary for the conference, and Jean Whelan and Charlotte Wentz.
The Conference on Peace held by Our Lady of Mercy College at Cincinnati, Ohio, was attended by delegates Jean Whelan and John Rehmund who presented papers on "Social Defense of the United States".
Outstanding activity of the club is the sponsorship of an open pub- lic meeting, an annual event. "United States and Peace" was the topic of the meeting held in April.
Officers of the club were: Clarke Kirby, president; Betty Wilson, vice president; Muriel Oswald, recording secretary; Miriam Losh, corresponding secretary; Jean Whelan, treasurer.
Endowed UJJ Carnegie Conference on P eace
FIRS T ROW : Elma Plappert , Betty Wilson, Sylvia Scott, Betty May! , Mart ha Bucher , Caroline Ka stl, Leone Fox, Madeleine Georgiev , Judy Rab, Maria Economides, Nancy Britton.
SECOND ROW: Mary Borchers , John Kirchmer , Russ Schlattman, Eugene Linsker, Robert Dodi, Sue Martin, William Knapp, Mildred Wharmby, Jeanne Sharkey, Miriam Losh
THIRD ROW: Jeanne Mc La ughlin, Richard Hirt, Robert Stacy, Marvin DeWitt, Robert Mantey , Robert Becksted, Ja ck Stang, William Fitzgibbon , Edward Velten.
FOU RTH ROW : John Rou scher, Robert Zimmerman, Char l es McFarland, John Schuler, Melvin Nellis, Paul Herking , Paul Engl e, Robert Schaefer, H enry Rechtien, Francisco Crespo, Samuel Fondiler, John Hickey.
FIFTH ROW: Jack Jone s, Gene Ker s ting, Jack Murphy, Bill Carrigan, Eugen e Pl acke, Edward Sch l ei, Tony Schneble, Jo seph Overwein, Jo seph Hollenkamp .
S IXTH ROW: Paul Weber, Charle s Schendelman, Albert Hoegler, Gibbons Fitzpatrick, Paul Humpert , Earl Hendrick s, Jo seph Wohlschlaeger,
Alpha Sigma Tau honor society was organized in 1935 to give recognition to students who maintain a high scholastic average. A point-hour average of 2.5 or better is required for membership. To 19 seniors who maintained a cumulative point-hour average of 2.5 or better for seven semesters, Alpha Sigma Tau presented gold honor keys, lasting mementos of achievement. These seniors were Miriam Losh, Betty Wilson, Muriel Oswald, Jeanne McLaughlin, Elma Plappert, Joseph Hollenkamp, Paul Humpert. Eugene Kersting, Clarke Kirby, Charles Schendelman, Russell Schlattman, Anthony Schneble, Paul Weber, Joseph Wohlschlaeger, Max Wool and George Lee. Rev. Francis J. Friedel. S.M.. is adviser to the society which has no meetings or particular activities but which is strictly honorary in nature.
FIRST ROW: Anthony Schneble, Elma Plappert , Eugen e Plack e, Je anne McLaughlin, Joseph Hollenkamp.
SECOND ROW: George Lee , Miriam Lo sh, Muriel Oswald, Paul Weber, Melvin Nellis, Paul Humpert , Ru ssell Schlattman, Eugene Kersting.
THIRD ROW: Max Wool, Clarke Kirby.Joseph Wohlschlaeger, Charles McFarland, Charl es Schendelman.
Sponsoring three extensive debating tours, participating in four home debates, and holding panel and round table discussions on topics of the day, the debate society, Upsilon Delta Sigma, put the final touch on its busy year with the annual debate banquet held May 8.
Climax to several months of practice, research, and scrimmage debates was the tournament at which trips amounting to over 6,000 miles were awarded. Clarke Kirby and Max Wool went South for two weeks, engaged in twelve debates, and returned undefeated. John Chalmers and Joseph Shimanek made for the East coast on another two week jaunt, and also returned undefeated. Charles Whalen and Douglas Baker were the society's ambassadors to the Middle West. They returned after ten days and eight debates. In all, the traveling debaters met 32 other college teams in 15 different states.
Officers of the debate society for the school year 1940-1941 were: John Chalmers, president; Clarke Kirby, vice-president; Max Wool, secretary; Joseph Shimanek, treasurer and Henry Rechtien, publicity director. Paul Jacobs and Charles Whalen managed the trips. Dr. William 0. Wehrle, S.M .. head of the English department , served his seventh year as faculty advisor.
President's Award
Max Woo l , C larke Ki rby.
Charles Whalen, Doug las Baker.
Joseph Shimanek, John Chalmers
SITTING: Charles Whalen, Earl Hendricks, Joseph Shimanek, John Chalmers, Clarke Kirby, Max Wool, P aul Jacobs. S TANDING: Paul Froendhoff, Robert Seiter, George T homa, Joseph Goubeaux, Edwin Becker, Lou Riepenhoff, Thomas Macklin, Jerry H erzog, Leo P almer, Joseph Jacobs, Jack Murphy, Robert Schweller, Douglas Baker, Henry Rechtien, Edward Eshelman, Jack Jones.The organization on the campus largely responsible for fostering a lively school interest was the Spirit Committee. Throughout the football season this group was very active. Real pre-game spirit was aroused with rallys. jam sessions. bonfires and torchlight parades. The morning of each game found the campus covered with pep signs of every description designed to bring out lively enthusiasm.
It was the Spirit Committee that sponsored the highly successful migration trip via the "Dayton Flyer Special" to Huntington. W. Va. for the Marshall football game. The entire train was decorated in red and blue while an orchestra furnished gay rhythm for dancing in the baggage car.
Homecoming topped the best year this energetic group has yet seen. Patricia Ellis. star of screen and stage. was obtained to officially crown Martha Rose Manny. homecoming queen. before a student assembly. At the game. a Foreign Legion 40 and 8 train followed the queen and her aids who were conveyed in a fiery red convertible sedan.
These activities, accomplished without financial aid of any kind from the school. indicate that the "Spirit Boys" are destined to go on to bigger and better years.
FIRST ROW : Sam Simmon s, Bill Sherman, Bu d Corcoran , Gsorge Quatman, Earl Hendrick s, Whelan C ulley , James Hi ney, H enry Rechtien . SECOND ROW : Joe Igel, Pau l H umpert, Isabe l Mar x , Jeanne Mc Laughlin , Elm a Plappert , Betty Is rael, Betty M eyer s , Jerry Herzog, Robert ZimmermanThe University of Dayton Mathematics club was established this year with Dr. K. G. Schraut, assistant professor of mathematics as faculty adviser.
Its purpose is to stimulate interest in both pure and applied mathematics through the informal discussion of those fundamental topics which seldom arise in undergraduate classes.
During the first year of the club John T. Kirchmer, senior in chemical engineering was president; Robert A. Stacy, junior in electrical engineering, was vice-president; and Joseph H. Overwein, sophomore in chemical engineering was secretary. Other active members were: Littiken, Hoover, Bucher, Lindauer, Reindl. Schuler, Lange, McFarland, Simon, McEwan, Knapp, Herking, Dill, Wong, Stang, Reybould, Rains, and Engle.
Throughout the y ea r semi-monthly meetings were held at which the members of the club presented topics for discussion. The club also had as guest speakers Mr. Louis A. DeRosa of the research division of the National Cash Register company and Dr. Louis T. Mora , Dean Emeritus and Fellow of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Cincinnati.
Guest Spea leers
FIRST ROW : Edward Schlei, Don High, William Knapp, Robert Stacy, Jack Kirchmer, Joseph Overwein, Melvin Nellis, Mark Littiken, Oscar Kroger, Paul Herking.
SECOND ROW : John Wroe, Eugene Reiterman , Marc Dunnam, Paul Engl e, Allred Lange , Jack Dill, Robert Schaefer, John Schuler, Javier Covarrubias, Harold Raybould, Charles McFarland , Robert Zimmerman, Joseph Simon, Dr. Schraut.
THIRD ROW : Anthony Wong , Robert Schmidt , Edward Velten , Marvin Talmadg e, Don Tekamp, Harold Reindl, Joseph Caste lli , Charles Rains , Jack Stang, John Hoban, Paul Kisper sk y, Thomas Goonan.
The Psychology club of the University of Dayton has been so or- ganized as to emphasize problems of applied psychology in Dayton. The club has been limited strictly to those whose interest in psychologi- cal problems is mature and abiding.
Marianna Jones was elected president of the organization. Elma Plappert, vice-president; Marion Margolis, secretary; Leona Fox and Jeanne McLaughlin publicity directors.
Problems of vocational guidance in the city schools, of psychology in employment stabilization and industrial relations were observed and reported in detail. Ultimately the club assumed the atmosphere of a seminar group with reports from alert and interested members. Several instructive field trips were undertaken, notably, investigation in the use of scientific selection procedures in employment manage- ment at the Inland, Leland, Frigidaire, Aero, Delco, Standard Register, McCall and Eider's corporations. Another field project designed to prepare students in the use of personnel selection devices was the cooperative program for the administration and interpretation of work samples and psychological test at the Ohio State Employment Service.
Job requirements for occupations in industry and education related to the knowledge of psychological technique were reported to the group.
In addition to these activities, the club was fortunate in being able to work with and to take advantage of the experience of such special- ists as Mrs. Whitmore of the Ohio State Employment Service and Mr. Thompson of the Parker Cooperative high school.
The club members felt, at the termination of the academic year, that the objective of the club, namely the presentation for the use of club members of concise information on related community problems, had been realized.
FIRST ROW: Charle s Schiavo, Je an Whelan, William Joyce, Marian Margoli s, Elma Plappert, Jeanne McLaughlin , Patricia Stoner. S EC OND ROW : Leona Fo x, Bill Higgin s, Mariann a Jones, Wilbur Smolka, Betty Israel.Sophomores victorious in mud
Well, you know Four girls get their man The giving spirit, eh Adele The mad Russian .... Pals get together Are you ready: here we come Whalen introduces Whelan .... Betty greets the freshman Jim and Betty get acquC!linted
Late light Nice set of molars
Goin' down to Brown? Seeing the team off "I feel like a toad" .... At ease, gentlemen .... Celebrating the victories Bundles for Britain from Tanny and Mary ... .
Two Groups
Cabos, the familiar abbreviation for the Campus Activities Board of Service, is a well lmown organization at the University of Dayton. Organized in 1938 by Rev. Lawrence Monheim, S.M., its purpose is to render service to the campus in all activity with special regard to greater unity and a spirit of cooperation by giving help when is needed.
The club fulfills its aim by fostering student activities both social and religious. During the scholastic year of 1940-41 Cabos successfully sponsored a student assembly in honor of Father Chaminade: a Christ- mas party raffle, proceeds of which were used to buy food and clothing for needy people; a pamphlet exhibit during Catholic Press Month; informal social dances at the Loretto; joint discussions with the Neuman club of Antioch college; purchased pictures of Pope Pius XII which were presented to the school, and backed other projects on the campus. Cabos comprised two groups of students, both campus and off- campus, who were called primary and secondary members. The pri- mary group of twelve students met weekly to discuss plans and pro- jects for the group to sponsor, while the secondary group was called upon to help on campus-wide activities.
Officers for the year were Joseph Shimanek, president; Charles Whalen, vice-president; Javier Covarrubias, treasurer; and Peggy Fin- ley, secretary.
To the Unive rsity of Dayton was given the "Commission on Catholic Action Study" by the National Federation of Catholic College Students of which the University is a member. The purpose of the Commission is to furnish material. su ggestions, and plans for establishing Catholic Action in other Catholic c olleges and universities. Through these three Study Clubs this end w as realized. The clubs published a monthly bulletin title d "Catholic Action" which was sent to all member schools of the N.F.C .C.S. Je an Whelan and Jack Stang of the Chaminade Discussion club were c o -editors.
Each group met w eekly to study the theory of Catholic Action and to find ways of applying it. Periodically all three clubs met together. Javier Covarrubias, under whose leadership Chaminade Discussion club was fo rmed tw o years ago , was president of the group. The Pillar club, w hose chairman was William Fitzgibbon, and the Marianist group, of which Do rothy Hummert and Gertrude Heinz were co-chairmen, were formed this y ear . Rev. Lawrence Monheim , S.M. was moderator of the clubs.
"Catholic Action"
The aim of the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade is essentially prayer, sacrifice, and study. A round table discussion group was formed in the beginning of the school year. They chose as their topic for these discussions the subject of "The American Negro." The U.D. unit is affiliated with the Miami Valley regional conference.
The social activities of the year consisted of several skating parties. The profit obtained from these events was used to aid in the support of the missions. The utmost aid and support was given to these events by the members.
The group made a trip to Crusade Castle and attended Mass fol- lowed by breakfast. This climaxed events for the year.
The officers chosen to serve for the year were: John Boland. presi- dent; Carolyn Kastl. vice-president; Robert Schweller, secretary-treas- urer. Publicity co-chairmen were Adele Unverferth and Carolyn Kastl. Rev. Bernard Stueve. S.M.. was moderator.
SITTING: Patricia Sommers, Pauline Zink, Carolyn Kastl, Virginia Zahn, Adele Unverferth. STANDING: Lloyd Ren se l, John Boland, George ThomaFrom the choir loft of the Immaculate Conception Chapel, this group of campus students lent its talents to the enhancement of the beauty of the Mass.
Reorganized this yea r under the direction of Thomas Poitras, S.M., the choir was developed into an organization of twenty capable members.
The group presented Masses dedicated to St. Joan of Arc by Dobblesteen, Our Lady by F restle and to Father Junipero Serra by Richard Keyes Briggs. Among their other selections are "Paree Domine", and "Ave Marias" by Arcadelt and Rossini.
Election of office rs in the music room of St. Joseph Hall placed John Glemet in the presidency with Joseph Overwein vice-president, and Robert Zimmermann , secretary.
Discussion club in action .... Aspell fixes up Jacobs .... Exposition Cabos .... "Deo Gratias"
SI TTI NG: Ed Klenke, Robert Allen, Robert Hoover, John Rueth, E ugene Westendorf, Charles McBr ide, Leroy Mullen, Eugene P lacke, Vincent P oeppelmeier, Frank Baker, Michael Kerezsi, William McDonal d
STANDING: John Wroe, Joseph Castelli , Earl Giesman, Lawrence Jehn, Blaz Scott, Walter Woeste, Ed Schlei, Henry Rechtien, Jack Dill, Susan Mart in, William Stoermer, Victor Smith, Robert Maloney, Paul Herking, Erle Mumpowe r , Julius Burger, Richard H irt, Jack Hamon , Eugene Linsker, John Boland, Robert Schaeffner, Clem Young, John Hoban, George Lee, Martin Rex, Lowell Hill.
Now in its fifth year of existence, the Mechanica l Engineering society has increased the practical knowledge of its members through lectures and trips to industrial plants. Among the speakers who addressed the society were John A. Fisher '35. Major Paul H. Kemmer U.S . Air Corps, and Adam Hoffman, S.M. The trips included a tour of Frigidaire Power plant and plant 2. Loew's theatre, Dayton Power and Light, and Dayton Rubber Manufacturing company.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has adopted St. Patrick as its patron, and considers him as the firs t mechanical engineer, due to the invention of the "worm drive" which has been accredited to him. As an annual event, the March 17 meeting is set aside to give honor and recognition to this distinguished patron.
With Vincent Poeppelmeier as chairman, Susan Martin as secretarytreasurer, and Victor Smith Jr. as publicity director, the lecture meetings were held on an appointed Saturday of each month.
The University of Dayton student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers was organized in 1926. The aim of the chapter is to acquaint the student with what is to come after graduation, and also to provide some social activities for the engineer.
The chapter, consisting of 16 members, held bi-monthly meetings at which varied programs were offered. Professional practicing engineers were invited to give practical lectures on current phases of civil engineering; each senior delivered a technical talk during the course of the year; lantern slides and lectures of large engineering projects were obtained from the Ame rican Institute of Steel Construction.
This year, as in the past, the chapter held a joint meeting with the Dayton chapter on the campus after which refreshments and recreation were offered. During the course of the year, many inspection trips to local and nearby engineering construction works and manufacturing plants were made by the chapter.
Hugh Smith was president; Javier Covarrubias, secretary-treasurer; and Brother Charles Belz, faculty advisor.
FIRST ROW: Javier Covarrubias, Francis Schnurr, Joseph Wohlschlaeger, Frank Harig.
SECOND ROW: John Groo s ; Carl Lewis, Ray Zeigler, Joseph Schu lkers.
S TANDING REAR: Anthony Wong, George Lodge, Richard C hristman, Joseph Igel, John Brennan.
Organized in the fall of 1940, Pi De lta Rho succeeded the Illuminat- ing Engineering Society as the campus organization of Electrical Engi- neers. The scope of activity was broa d ened to include not only illumi- nation but also the generation of electricity.
Several prominent members of the in d u s try addressed the organi- zation during the year, presenting lec ture s on diverse topics of interest to the members. Student speakers also p res ented papers and demon- strations.
One of the functions of the socie ty was to promote good fellowship between students. Occasional informal ev e ning meetings in the club- room brought the members together for play and refreshments.
Inspection Trips
Inspection trips to points of interest bo th in Dayton and elsewhere were taken to familiarize the students w ith electrical engineering prac- tice in the field and to supplement class-room instruction.
Officers of the new society were: Frank Bucher, president; and Robert Stacy, secretary.
S TANDING : Frank Bucher. FIRS T ROW: Bernard Schmidt, Rober t Dodi. S ECOND ROW : Joseph Bernard , William Mo ran, Robert Schultz, Joseph Shimanek. TH IRD ROW : Anthony Schneble, John Humm , Loui s Goldkamp, Richard Frazer. FO URT H ROW: Robert Stacy, Robert Zimmerm an, Clar ence Ching .Junior and senio r chemical engineers composed the membership of the Chemical Semin ar which met each Saturday morning of the past year to discuss new d eve lopments in industrial and theoretical chemistry outside the scope of the textbooks. Preparation entailed many hours of contact with " our library". Through the help of chemical abstracts and the wealth o f journals and publications, the student gar- nered a knowledge of the subject which enabled him to present his talk and to lead the ensuing discussions.
Contemporary subjects such as: synthetic plastics, vitamins, enzymes, and colloida l fuels were presented. A symposium on unit processes in organic synthesis was delivered by the seniors in conjunc- tion with their plant theses. Solution of various industrial problems requiring a knowledge o f industrial chemistry were a feature of many of the meetings this yea r
Dr. William J. Wohlleb e n , S.M., as head of the department of chemical engineering. was the faculty supervisor. The following officers served for the 1940- 1941 se s s ions: Charles McFarland. president; Melvin Nellis. vice-president; John Schuler, secretary; and Harold Reindl, reporter
Sigma Delta Pi, campus honorary pre-medical society was founded five years ago by Edward Millonig, who was also its first president. The purpose of the society has been to promote exemplary qualities of character, to promote scholarship, and leadership, and to acquaint its members with modern advances in medicine and research tech- nique, by engaging in formal and informal discussions. The society comprises a representative group of pre-medical students and others in allied fields who have completed at least one year of college work, and who have achieved and maintained a high point average.
Officers for the year were John Chalmers , president, Max Wool, vice- president Elise Biechler, secretary, and Richard Schneble, treasurer. Dr. Francis J. Molz, S.M., head of the Department of Science, served as faculty adviser.
FRONT ROW : Jeanne Sharkey, Mary Margaret Lang , Ethel Cochran, James Gibson, Max Wool, John Chalmers, Ri chard Schneble, Robert Jones, Phylli s Niswonger, Jane Watkins. BACK ROW : Dorothy Baar, Rob e rt Swank , Robert Wagner, F rancisco Crespo, Leo Palmer, William Carrigan, Fr ede ri ck Wells, Robert Becksted, Mark Fecher, Alfred Bagot, Edgar Reagan, H e l en Sweetman.W.A.A. Picnic .... Yipe "Agua" Loafin' on a lazy day .... Bob and Lloyd get an eyeful Hawaii vs. Dayton .... Joe on the beam Harpo Brennan reaches the dew point High Flyers .... Fred Waring hails Dayton U. over a nation wide network
Dona, Betty and Marvene out for a walk around the campus .... Ho t on '!he trail .... Nothing like a nice clean flagrush .... Dan hesitates on the steps .... Lou, Betty, Adele and Joe pose for the Daytonian Lab work or W.P.A.? .... What Murphy fears; Jones doesn't .... Every student's friend, Miss Ryan Gwen is a good sport during the initiation. Stop that hair pulling, Becksted Betty hides behind the frosh Martha and Dotty carry weapons, snowballs. Paul brings up the rear .... Mary Ann surveys the campus blanketed with snow •••.
This department was founded by Rev. John A. Elbert, S.M.. and became active in August 1939. Its purpose is to establish new and broader activities designed to interpret the University to its alumni, to special groups, to present and future students, and to the general pub- lic. The Public Relations department offices are located in the administration building.
Student Guidance activities are directed by Brother Edward Knust, S.M. This office concerns itself chiefly with the selection of new stu- dents. Through this office colorful and informative literature is pre- pared and disseminated. Brother Knust schedules visits to high schools by University representatives and also arranges personal interviews with seniors of these high schools regarding their college careers.
News Service Bureau is directed by James A. Connelly, who, by means of newspapers and other publications, interprets academic, extra-curricular and athletic activities to the general public. The Miami Valley area, home towns of students, and other cities concerned with University activities, are included in its scope.
Alumni Association headed by Honorable William H. Wolff. '31. president, and R. C. Brown, secretary, has as its objective the organiz- ing of all former students into a unit dedicated to the work of the Uni- versity and its students-past, present and future. It has operated con- tinuously since its birth on June 27, 1893, and a full -time secretary was appointed when it was reorganized in August 1939.
Hon. Wm. H. Wolff '31, Dayton, Ohio .... President
Charl e s P farrer ' 27, Dayton, Ohio Vice-President
Wm. J. Reynolds '29, Philadelphia, Pa Treasurer (Terms expire June, 1942)
R. C. Brown ' 34 , Dayton, Ohio (Appointive office)
Terms expire June, 1941
Joh n E, Ledger ' 16, Dayton, Ohio
Louis A. Sucher '09, Dayton, Ohio
Terms expire June, 1942
Jo s eph Goetz '31, Cincinnati, Ohio Elmer Will '37, Dayton, Ohio
Terms expire June, 1943
Dr, Leon Deger '10, Dayton, Ohio
Dr. Walter Reiling ' 30, Dayton, Ohio
Founded in 1893 the Alumni association of the University of Dayton. then lmown as St. Mary's Institute, numbers some 3000 men and women in 38 states. six foreign countries. Puerto Rico. the Hawaiian Islands• and the District of Columbia. Membership is open to all graduates and former students whose class has graduated. Also in the associa- tion are students of the discon tinued prepar atory departments of the University of Dayton and St. Mary's Institute
Annual membership in the Alumni Ass ociation is four dollars year- ly. which includes subscription to the ALUMNUS magazine. The ALUMNUS, a two-color, eight-page magazine. appears monthly Octo- ber through June. It contains news of the school, letters from alumni, and news items of members of the association.
Under the guiding inspiration of R. C. "Jim" Brown '34, alumni secretary, active chapters have been formed in Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleve- land. Columbus. Detroit, Honolulu, T.H ., Lima, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Springfield. Washington, D. C.. and the Miami Valley (Dayton and vicinity). An alumnae chapter, composed of former women students, is also active.
Principal activities of the association are the annual Homecoming game and festivities. the class reunions, the national meeting, and the "All Out For Dayton" membership campaign.
The highlight of 1941 was the "All Out For Dayton" membership drive which featured personal solicitation by over one-hundred volunteer captains. The campaign had as its goal 1000 paid members.
P resident Wm. H. Wol ff and Secretary R. C. BrownUnder the direction of Edward H. Knust, S.M. the Student Guidance office of the University of Dayton has been making remarkable progress. Brother Knust is assisted by Maurice R. Reichard, who for the last few years has been very active in this type of work.
The major functions of this office are to guide students in the selection of a college and explain to them the quality and quantity of credits needed to meet entrance requirements.
Every year this office prepares pamphlets, letters and other informative literature concerning the courses in the various fields of engineer- ing, business, arts, education and science. The pamphlets also tell of the numerous athletic activities, social functions, and musical programs that are a part of the University of Dayton.
Through the medium of the Student Guidance office schedules are arranged for the many representatives of the University who are sent out for personal interviews with high school seniors regarding their college careers.
High school students and principals have made generous use of this service and in this way the opportunities offered by the University of Dayton have been made better known and appreciated. Guidance
FOOTBALL .................. ...... Page 145
BASKETBALL ..... . ........ Page 157
MINOR SPORTS ... .. . . Page 163 Page One
Outstanding Student Friend of Students
Last November, when Lou Tschudi submi tted his resignation to uni- versity officials, the University of Dayton lost more than a freshman football coach and intramural athletic director. For little Lou, with his bow tie, cigar and pin stripe suit, represented a character about the Hilltop which can never be replaced.
Somehow, the University of Dayton and Lou Tschudi always seemed synonymous. For ten years he served as student, coach and head of the physical education department. After attending prep school here, Lou continued in college with his versatile talents reaping accomplish- ments in everything from class president to head basketball coach. In 1933, he became the only undergraduate head basketball coach in the country.
After graduation, Lou began coaching freshman football teams and gained prominence as track mentor. His unselfish interest in his boys, combined with a sparkling personality, made him dearly loved by every student he contacted.
And so it was, that Lou Tschudi, young in years but steeped with U. D. tradition, and gifted with unlimited energy, carved an enviable niche in the history of University of Dayton athletics. Now, far removed from the campus, Lou is still concerned with the "flyers" but this time as a first lieutenant in the United States Army Air Corps, not as a commander of the U. D. Flyers.
All inter-collegiate and intramural athletics are under the supervision of the University of Dayton Athletic Board of Control. The University president heads the board and all decisions are subject to his final ap- proval.
Eleven men comprise the membership of the board . Six of these are laymen and four are facu lty members Athletic director Harry Baujan serves as an advisory member. The chairman is Aloysius Doyle, S M .. faculty manager of athletics.
Board members are Martin C. Kuntz, J. Ellis Mayl, Leo Spatz, Robert C. Payne, Louis R. Mahrt, Merle P. Smith, Hon. William H. Wolff, Francis J. Molz , S.M., William Dapper, S.M., and William J. Wohlleben, S.M.
LEFT TO RIGHT : Dr. Franci s J. Molz , S.M., William A . Dapper, S M. , Judg e Wil- li am Wolff, Leo Spatz, Ellis May!, Aloysius A. Doyle, S.M., H C Baujan, William J Wohlleben, S M., Rev. John A. Elb ert, S M. , Mer le P Smith. Aloysius Doyle, S.M.The name of Harry C. Baujan, director of athletics, has been linked with sports at Dayton for 19 years. He graduated from Notre Dame in 1917 where he was a "Rockne man". After gaining widespread recog- nition for his grid achievements under the greatest of all football coaches he entered the service of his country in World War I. After the war professional football, in its pioneer stages, claimed Harry. In 1922 he joined the University of Dayton coaching staff and one year later was named head football coach.
In 1928 he assumed the additional duties as athletic director, and under his guidance intercollegiate as well as intramural sports have flourished at the Hilltop institution. In intercollegiate competition the teams from Dayton have gained recognition from coast to coast. Dur- ing the past year Harry was the only coach in Ohio who had enough courage to take the initiative in the formation of a new athletic con- ference. The intramural program, being expanded with each succeed- ing year, is now classed as one of the most complete in this section.
The athletic teams of the University of Dayton, with their fighting spirit and true sportsmanship, reflect the ideals set up by Harry Baujan.
Harry C. Baujan and University of Dayton football are synonymous terms in the world of college athletics. For Baujan, youthful in appearance but aged in football wisdom, has personally molded and developed every Flyer since 1922. Proud to be a Notre Dame graduate and a Rockne product, Harry is truly the "Rockne of Dayton". Beginning 19 years ago with a hapless, ill-equipped squad Baujan has witnessed the rise of Dayton into national prominence as one of America's most powerful small college teams. Baujan is also noted for the outstanding baseball teams which result from his coaching.
Once a manufacturer of touchdowns for Purdue, James Carter today instills that quality into the University of Dayton backfield. Carter, who joined the Dayton coaching staff in I 939, graduated from Purdue in 1935 , winner of three letters each in football and track. With Duane Purvis, Carter became known as one of the "touchdown twins". Possessi ng a keen knowledge of football and the ability to impart it to oth ers, quiet and well-mannered, Jim commands the respect of every U.D athlete and rooter. Also head basketball mentor, his 1940-1941 net squad compiled the best Flyer record since 1934.
Lou Tschudi, Dayton's own pride and joy who graduated from U.D. in 1934, closed seven years of activity as freshman football coach last fall . In addition to his work with the Flyer yearlings, Lou also served as chief football scout. intramural athletic director and varsity track coach. Ideally gifted for his position as frosh coach, Lou took embryonic stars and gave them the polish and finesse needed in intercollegiate competition. Head coach Baujan recognized Tschudi to be one of the best football scouts in the country, an invaluable aid in diagnosing weaknesses of opposing teams.
The cheerleaders "swing" into action .... The bench warmers get excited The crowd, with Dottie front and center, comes to atten ti on Queen Patricia meets Queen Marty Make way for the queens .... Dawson and company look on
Led by a sparkling blond halfback, Bill Moran, the 1940 Dayton Flyers compiled the best school gridiron record since 1938 in winning six out of nine games. After losing the first two contests to Wichita and Marshall, the "fighting Flyers" proved their courage and true quality by trouncing six strong foes including Western Reserve and Xavier. With a predominance of talented but inexperienced sophomores steadied by a banner crop of veterans, Dayton mastered early season weaknesses to play brilliant football and truly merit the title of its predecessors, the "Fighting Flyers of Dayton". Included in the squad ranks were such gridiron greats as center and "Honorary Captain" Duncan Obee, tackle John Humm and halfback Bill Moran, all of whom earned All-Ohio mention. and quarterback Gene Westendorf, the strategist and blocker par excellence, named the squad's "Most Valuable Player".
FIRST ROW: John Wynn, Joe Bagdonas, Bob Miller, James Curran, John Marschall, Hugh Scott, Vincent Richtar, Kenny Manka, Walter Zach and Harry Zavakos.
SECOND ROW: Harry Baujan, head coach, Gene Westendorf, James Fenton, Terry Lynch, Lee Feinerer, Charles Schiavo, Joe Paluzzi, Dick Strugarek, John Rumig and Lou Tschudi, freshman coach.
THIRD ROW: Paul Ryan, Paul Herking, Joe Quinn, Jerry Westendorf, Bill Knisley, Bob McIntire, Harry Jerina, John Humm, Carl Costell and Jim Carter, assistant coach.
FOURTH ROW: Beno Keiter, Bill Moran, Val Pernush, Woody Dryden, Howie Lansdowne, Joe McShane, Leo Farber, Duncan Obee, Wally Southall and Irv Pangallo.
"Most Valuab l e" Gene WestendorfFlyers open 1940 campaign against new opponent University of Wichita comes to Dayton to furnish opposition . Shockers score first with field goal in initial period Flyers outrush Wichita but lack scoring punch within the 25-yard markers Visitors score again after a sustained drive late in the fourth quarter U.D. ahead 8 to 3 in first downs ...• Flyers play fine defensive game
300 students and fans follow Flyers to Huntington for game with powerful Marshall squad U.D. again weakens in second half Herd scores twice in initial half Bill Knisley jaunts 25 yards for first score for Dayton Paluzzi passes to Moran to put Flyers back in game as half ends . Marshall changes to running attack in second half • • •• Flyer attack is foiled Moran, Paluzzi, and Knisley give standout performances.
Flyers outpower Western Reserve Dayton a great team . . Score first as Quinn crashes over from three Red Cats come back to score in second period .... U.D. then marches 80 yards to score on pass from Fiorita to G. Westendorf Reserve scores last tally in third stanza Moran puts game on ice with thrilling 77-yard run to pay dirt .... Westendorf. Moran, and Fiorita star Pernush, a senior, injured; out for season.
Flyers drub Miami at Oxford Great running attack features win Moran scores on runs of 19 and 25 yards plays great game Farber takes Miami kickoff and runs 90 yards to a touchdown Quinn plunges from three for other tally . Migdal scores Redskins' only tally of day • • • • Flyers maintarn possession of coveted Tomprop.
Passes g ive U.D. win over Cincinnati on the Bearcat grid Both running attacks stifled 30 passes thrown . Paluzzi. a native of Cincinnati, sets up Flyer score . Quinn then passes to Keiter for only touchdown of day .... Moran gets off 77-yard punt Dayton line invincible as Bearcats fail to get past 34-yard line • • •• Flyers threaten twice in second period Bearcat line holds third victory in row for U.D
Dayton outclasses undefeated Transylvania eleven Second s tring line and substitute backs standout Transylvania passes 48-yard line once .. Moran and Wynn score for Flyers in first quarter Knisley jaunts 13 yards for third marker in second quarter Pangallo crashes over for last score in third period .... Mo r an, Fenton, Wynn, Knisley and Farber have field day.
Xavier furnishes opposition in homecoming fray 7500 fans on hand Moran passes Flyers to victory Passes set up Moran's first touchdown, a jaunt from the three Scott takes Paluzzi's pass in the end zone for the second marker .... Dayton plays conservative ball in second half Stellar line play keeps X from scoring .•• Victory smashes Musketeers' five game winning streak , Westendorf, Paluzzi, and Moran turn in fine backfield performances Obee, Humm, and Zach star on line. Dayton Ohio U. 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
A supercharged Ohio U team beats Flyers •••• A blocked kick recove r ed in end zone by Risaliti provides margin of victory . . Because of the frigid temperature the highly touted aerial attack of both teams is not used .. Dayton reaches Bobcat II-yard marker only to lose ball on downs Risaliti' s coffin corner kicks keep Flyers back on their heels.
......... Ohio
0 7 13 7 0 0 0 0 27 0
Flyers trample Ohio Wesleyan in last game of season U.D plays flawless ball all afternoon
Close season in blaze of glory J. Westendorf scores the first touchdown on a pass from Knisley .... In the second half Knisley scores by taking a pass from Fiorita .... G. Westendorf intercepts and scores .... Wynn skirts end for final score of the year Moran, playing a magnificent game, is injured . . Last game for thirteen seniors.
Lou Tschudi this year again presented a fo rmidable array of freshman football talent. The yearlings played tw o intercollegiate games. dropping the first to the University of Cincin nati frosh 7-6. and in the second game holding a powerful first yea r fr om Marshall to a 13-13 deadlock.
In the Cincinnati fray the Flyers held the upper hand till the final seconds when a blocked kick led to a Bear cat score. A successful place kick spelled defeat for Dayton.
The Marshall game was played under t h e stadium lights the night before the homecoming game and gave the returning grad an oppor- tunity to see the future varsity in action. The freshman Flyers showed exceptional speed and power. but a Marshal ae r ial attack in the second half netted two touchdown. leaving the score ti ed as the game ended.
Outstanding linemen were Walter Rudnicki , stocky guard from Toledo Catholic. Bill Powers. center from Dayton Steele. and Bill Goss. touted as one of the best place kickers to enroll at the U.D. from Philadelphia. Outstanding half backs were Jack Castignola , all-state back from New Philadelphia and Harold Mauch . a race horse type of back from Toledo Catholic.
FIRST ROW : Dan Brandt , Alex Lewandosky, Leland Schmidt, Dick Kelly, Dick Rudnicki, Joe Accrocco and Harold Mauch
SECOND ROW: Jim Charles, Jack Male, Bill P owers, Bill Sauerman, Lou Rumig, Milt McGuire , Jack Castignola and Lou Tschudi, coach.
THIRD ROW : Ed Shanahan, Joe Zou!, Harry Bergman, Bill Goss, Gifford Leap, John Wrynn and Don Pinciotti. Page One
FIRST ROW: Walter Rugh , George Keller , Robert Schmitt, Norman Chapin , George Monnier , Don Hoelle.
STANDING: Martin Mor itz , Joe Ho llenkamp, Albert Zidanovitch, John Kenny.
S ITT ING: Eugene Stalzer, Richard Doyle.
The genuine U. D. rah-rah boys who smybolize the characteristic spirit of collegiate athletics are the cheer leaders. Present at every game and equipped with megaphones, tricky yells and unusual stunts, the cheer leaders portray their descriptive name by stimulating student interest and enthusiasm.
They deserve much credit for developing the University of Dayton spirit which is !mown and respected throughout the Middle West.
They never score any touchdowns nor make any vicious tackles, but the stude nt managers of varsity football are invaluable to the U.D. coaching staff.
Performing their duties unnoticed by the crowd, they are the men behind the scenes who are present at every game and every practice working for the success of the football squad.
Their work consists of a thousand incidental jobs such as issuing and caring for equipment, taping weak ankles and running errands for coach Baujan. Their reward for service is a manager's letter which is awarded to each in his senior year.
Men Eehhicl The Scenes
ShowrnenFrom the press box Xavier's hopes go up in smoke .... Consultation on the bench, or what's the matter Marschall? .... Organizing the conference, Harry? Bud and his corn .... What's the score, Verne? .•
The 1940-1941 Dayton Flyer basketball team, the "record breakers" in modern school net history, deserve recognition as the best team since 1934. Coached by Jim Carter, the Flyers, handicapped greatly by lack of height, shattered records galore in winning nine contests.
In addition to setting a new high scoring mark for a score over a major opponent by defeating: Ohio Wesleyan, 82 to 46, Dayton had an individual record breaker in forward Bob Kavanaugh. The Springfield sharpshooter broke two previous scoring marks, one for a single game by tallying 30 points in the Wesleyan debacle, and the other a seasonal one, by averaging 10.3 points per game over a 23-game stretch or a total of 236, three more than the total gathered by Elmer Bache in 1937.
Squad monogram winners were honorary captain, Gene Westendorf, Charles McCloskey, Bernard Keiter, Pau l F r oendhoff, Bill Knisley, Wallace Southall, Jerry Westendorf and Bob Kavanaugh.
FRONT ROW : Bob Kavanaugh, Beno Keiter , Paul Froendhoff, Gene Westendorf, Hook McCloskey and Wallace Southall.
BACK ROW: Jerry Westendorf, Dick Strugerek, Bill Knisley, Jack Dill and Paul Adams.
Coach Ji m CarterFlyer basketballers play Cedarville in curtain raiser , , .. Impressive in 40-34 win . • • Gene Westendorf scores 17 points ..•. , Lack of height spells defeat in Wittenberg game . • • Flyers lose 55-46 in fast game . . . • . Highly touted St. Joseph team face Flyers at Dayton Flyers outfight Hoosiers to finish on the long end of a 40-28 score ..... Kavanaugh and Gene Westendorf garner scoring honors . . . • . Wilmington stops Dayton's two game winning streak ..... Flyers falter in waning minutes and lose 30-28 ..... U. D. takes to road for three game pre-holiday jaunt ••... Lose to Mount Union 56-45 . . A rough contest, 55 personal fouls called ..... Ashland holds Flyers to two field goals in last half .... Win 60-35 .... • Dayton closes road trip against Youngtown . . Close game till final minutes when Youngstown pulls ahead to a 53-40 win. Mogus, Penguin guard, gets 32 points • Flyers begin new year with impressive win over Ohio Wesleyan, 42-36 ....• Westendorf brothers carry off scoring honors Lose rough tilt to Xavier . Last half rally nets Musketeers 37 -35 win ..... Baumholtz leads Ohio U. Bobcats to 61-41 win over Flyers
Scores 18 points . . . .. Height again impor tant factor as Marshall comes to Dayton to hand Flyers 46-37
defeat ..... Dayton plays good ball in final half but unable to make up deficit ..... U.D. courtsters journey to Peoria, Ill. to face Bardlay Tech Flyers hold their touted foe to 45-35 win .....
Rejuvenated Hilltopers chalk up victory over Cincinnati ..... Bearcats had previously defeated Ohio U..... Westendorf brothers pace Flyers to win Score is 43-29 ..... Flyers gain revenge for previous Wittenberg defeat . . Dayton's fight proves superior to Lutheran's height
Final count is 5039 ..... Run win streak to three at expense of Miami 37 fouls and 31 Miami substitutions slows up game Flyers on long end of 39-26 score
Toledo amazes 1100 fans at Coliseum with great exhibition Gerber's 27 points spells Dayton's downfall
Final score is 56-39 Bob Kavanaugh chalks up 30 points against Ohio Wesleyan ..... Record for modern era of U.D. basketball Seventh
Paul Froendhoff Wally Southall McCloskey Sails By Dick Strugerek Tack Dill Paul Adam s Bill Knisleyvictory of season for Flyers ..... Count is 82-46 . Flyers journey to Marshall . Suffer second defeat at of Herd 78-42 . . Chalk up eighth win of season against Cincinnati 44-37 ..... All Flyer regulars get at least 8 points ..... U.D. rolls to another win ..... Leads throughout contest and win over Miami, 45-37 Kavanaugh rings up 15 points . .
Flyers again face Ohio U. and Baumholtz Fall 72-47 ..... It's 16th win of year for Bobcats . . Baumholtz gets 29 points ..... Flyers meet another star individual performer as they fall to Toledo and Gerber 70-34 ..... Gerber marks up 35 points ..... Lose final game of season to Xavier, 54-30 .....
Kavanaugh scores 11 points to run his total to 236, which is a record for a season's scoring in modern U.D. basketball . Game was final appearance of guard Gene Westendorf ..... Season's record is 9 wins against 14 losses.
Good Material Outscore Opponents
Boasting a well balanced aggregation, the 1940 edition of the U.D. freshman basketballers finished a successful season with seven wins and an equal number of looses. Throughout the season the team showed a certain class which promises much for the varsity next year. Several of the games were very close affairs and the final scores showed a difference of only a few points.
The freshman scored a total of 555 points against the 490 of their opponents. Outstanding on the floor and a consistent scorer, Swartzel averaged 6.8 points a game. His fine play was bolstered by Oberting and Fry, two smooth ball players.
Members of this year's team were: Bob Swartzel, Dick Oberting, Don Claudepierre, Tip Locker, Harold Knapke, Jack Castignola, Hank Zolnoski, Harold Sweigart, William Pyfrin.
AT THE FOUL LINE : Bob Swartzel. LEFT: Dick Oberting, Don Claudepi erre, Tip Locker , Harold Knapke RIGHT : Jack Castignola, Hank Zolnoski , Harold Sweigart.s1·x Veterans On Squad
Well Balanced Team
FIRS T ROW: Albert Zidanavich, Richard Strugarek, Joe P aluzzi, Robert Stacy, Bill Knis l ey, Jack Curley. Insert, Ne d H ess, manager.
S ECOND ROW: Charles Zwiesler, E ugene Westen d orf, P aul Froendhoff, Ed H enz, Bob Kananaugh, Jim Fior ita.
THIR D ROW: P aul Herking, E rvin P angallo, John Marschall, Rober t Uebbing, G eo r ge Kinzeler, Walter Reichert.
Always considered a power in Ohio intercollegiate diamond circles, the Flyer baseball team performed in its usual creditable manner in 1941.
Steadied by the performance of six veterans, Dayton played and defeated some of the state's leading college nines. Returning regulars were catcher AI Zidanavich, first baseman Bob Kavanaugh, second baseman Paul Froendhoff, shortstop Joe Paluzzi and outfielders, Gene Westendorf and Jim Fiorita.
Highlights of the season were contests with the annual rivals-Cincinnati U., Miami, Ohio Wesleyan, Wittenberg and Ohio University. Other games were played with Cedarville and Wilberforce.
Coached by Harry Baujan, the Flyers presented a well-balanced offensive combine, together with a flashy inner defense which aided the capable pitching of two right handed flingers, Ervin Pangallo and Charles Zwiesler.
Seniors on the Flyer squad were Joe Paluzzi, Gene Westendorf, Jack Curley, AI Zidanavich, Erv Pangallo and Charles Zwiesler.
April IO Cedarville
April 24 Miami
April 27 Cincinnati
May 2 Ohio U.
May 4 Wilmington
Page One Hundred Sixty-four
FRON T ROW : Herbert Hayes, Robert McIntire, Eugene Westendorf, Bob Moran, John Humm , Bob Haley.
S ECOND ROW: Ted Chang , Dick Loges, George Keller, Pa ul Fi nke , George Madd en, Gus Kinzeler.
With the return of only one veteran varsity golfer, captain John Humm, the 1941 Flyer golf team sought to achieve a like portion of the fame that was gained by U.D. teams of the past, who won four championships and a like number of individual state titles since 1932.
Flyer teams met six opponents this season, the more extensive schedule being made possible by the returning of golf expenses to 'ihe athletic department budget. Last year's team played four matches but was not financed by the university.
Humm, playing his third season of varsity golf, is a top-ranking New York state amateur. Three times junior champion of Long Island, he is presently the metropolitan New York champion. He captained a team composed of newcomers Bill Moran, Herb Hayes, Bob Haley and Bob Jones
On Athletic Budget
May 2 - Dayton, 9; Miami, 9.
May 4 - Dayton, 10; Detroit, 8.
May 20 - Dayton, 11 ½ ; Cincinnati, 6 ½
May 21 - Dayton , 13 ½: Miami, 4 ½
April 30 Miami U. (awa y)
May 2 ... . . U. of Cincinnati (away)
May 13 Miami U. (here)
May 16.. U. of Cincinnati (here)
May 17 Intercollegiate Tourney (Columbus)
May 21 U. of Tol e do (there)
May 29 U. of Toledo (her e)
P age One Hundred Sixty-live
Humm, CaptainThe ring of steel on steel was a familiar sound from November until May, as U.D. fencers exchanged thrusts and parries in practice bouts.
Coached by Bill Salsinger, three coeds, Grace Keller, Donna Lou Morris, and Betty Wilson; and seven men, Joe Jacobs, Jack Jones, George Keller, Eugene Placke. Dan Prugh, Walter Pugh and Webb Whitmer comprise the women's and men's fencing teams, respectively.
Two of the coeds, Betty Wilson and Grace Keller, saw action against a strong Cincinnati team, and Betty Wilson fenced against Antioch in an unofficial meet early in the season.
Despite several setbacks in the nature of interruptions to their intercollegiate schedules, the men's and women's teams developed into promising units. Only two members were lost through graduation, and plans are afoot. to be effective in the fall, for the formation of a fencing club and of a men's sabre team.
SI TTI NG: Jack Fitzharri s, Walter Rugh, Gene Placke , Michael Kerezsi.
STANDING: Jack Jones, Joseph Jacobs, Dan P rugh, and William Salsinger.
Isabel Marx, Drusilla Dailey, Mary J. Vogelsang, Donna Lou Morris, and Grace Keller.
KNEELING : John Wroe , Fra n k Ba ke r, Ro b e r t Ma lon e y, Rober t Alle n , Lo u Pris k e
S TANDING : Lt. Lin d qui s t, W illi am Stoer me r , Donald Tekamp , Pa ul Scha u er , Vi nc e nt Yano , Pa ul Engl e, Pa ul Ki s pers ky, Eugene Cha nn e ll , Jack George , S teve n Thom a s, Rober t Lan tis, Sg t. Gl eave , No r man La nter .
This year, as in previous years, the University of Dayton rifle team enjoyed a successful season. Little publicity is ever given this group although it competes with schools that have achieved national repute besides a large number of universities of lesser fame the country over.
The rifle team, under the direction of First Lt. Victor B. Lindquist ably assisted by Staff Sgt. Emil F . Gleaves, has surpassed last year's average for a ten man team by over 200 points. This enabled them to defeat over half of their opponents. The failure to increase this winning total was partly due to the magnitude of new material at the outset of the season, at which time over 15 matches were fired. As the season continued, considerable progress was shown, and at its termination the team was winning more than its share of the scheduled matches.
The highest ten-man score for the season totaled 1808. John Wroe, sophomore, obtained the high individual aggregate average score by edging out Robert Allen, senior, by a score of 361.2 and 355.3 respectively.
The 1941 team, which consisted of 19 men, was composed of three seniors, two juniors, eight sophomores, and six freshmen.
Under the direction of Lou Tschudi and Jack Brown intramural activity reaches a new high on the campus for the year 1940-41 Touch football, a sport new on the campus, i naugurates activity .... Ten teams play weekly during October and November .... Aces cop league title Team composed of Heidkamp, Gates, Walkup, Israel, Wentzel, P. Kroger, Hoover, Somers, Feinerer, Broderick, and Schumacher.
Winter activity begins with 150 men participating in bowling
Three leagues bowl one night each week a t the National Alleys
League leaders stage roll-off tournament at end of season Team of Farber, Rumig, Humm, Pernush, and Pangallo take top honors .... Jeanne McLaughlin and Bob Sloan are winners in annual mixed doubles tournament.
Large number of students participate in intramural basketball
Two class A leagues and two class B leagues formed New York Giants emerge victorious in class A play -off . .... Team members are Lansdowne, Rumig, Moran, Costell, Obee , Farber, Gillen, and Humm .... Buffalo carries off class B crown Team composed of Kirchmer, Placke, Schultz, Boeke, 0. Kroger, Schauer, and Goldkamp.
Twenty entrants vie or championship Hugh Hoffman is winner Large entry list in billiards ....Dave Bastel wins elimination tournament ·.... R. Smith places first in pool competition .... Clarence Ching is champion of
Another new intramural sport is handball
Bago t aces one over .... Val pi t ches a ringer . . 35 0 pounds of fat and no m u scle Strike Onel . Divot diggers Jeep t akes it in st r ide "Golden Avalanche" In the rough Scoop u ses the English . Right Cross . . 20-2 1 .
checker players .... Tournaments in chess , bridge, and pinochle round out the indoor act i vity.
Spring finds l O softball teams playing each M onday and Friday nights .... Tourna m ent is held at end of season Seventy male students participate in elimination tennis tournament on school cour is .... Ten four-man golf teams play weekly schedule at Community Country Club Individual medal tournament is held at end of season .... Competition in volley-ball, badminton, and horseshoe pitching round out the spring intramural activi ty.
Outstanding activity during the year of the Women' s Athletic Association was the inauguration of the Janet Breidenbach Memorial Award to honor the memory of one of the associations most active members. The award was based on sportsmanship, scholarship, leadership, and service, and was presented to the girl who met those requirements.
In its second year of complete organization, the W . A. A. was associated with the national organization. Awards we r e made to those girls who earned 90 points for participation in intramural sports, tournaments, membership on committees, excellence in scholarship and service to the organization. The first year a "Flying D" is earned, and the following years a Dayton coed is eligible to receive a bronze, a silver, and a gold pin.
Attendance by the women of the University of Dayton was second highest at the annual University of Cincinnati Play Day held March 15, at which 16 colleges were represented. U.D. gi rls were victorious in volley ball and fencing and took first place in stunts, and third in swimming. On May IO, the U.D. chapter of W.A.A. was host to the girls of the Dayton high schools in a play day he ld for the first time on the campus.
Soccer was introduced to the association members in the fall of '40 with Peggy Finley as manager. Eleven teams participated in bowling and the sophomore Blues retained the crown they also won their freshman year. Basketball, bridge, which was in cl uded for the first time, and table tennis attracted many. With the coming of spring, the intramural program turned to golf, tennis, hiking. archery. baseball. and bicycling. A home and home series was played with Oakwood high school in tennis.
Miss Adele Kimm is head of the department and Miss Ardene Stephens is assistant and advisor of the University of Dayton W.A.A.
S ITT ING: Jeanne Sharkey, Mil dred Wharmby, Edythe Reiling , Miriam Lo sh. S TANDING: Be tt y Behringer, Ardene Stephens, E thel CochranPresident, Edythe Reiling
Vice-President, Mildred Wharmby
Chairman of Awards, Miriam Losh
Social Chairman, Ethel Cochran
Secretary, Betty Behringer
Treasurer , Jeanne Sharkey
co-ed s talk it over during the half ... . Foul On the B. .. . Soccer team relaxe s Marty s hows ' em Two in the gutter Adele and Betty l ine up the target . Three of the co-eds pau s e at practice
Courthouse rally .... That's the spirit .... "Eight ball in the side pocket" .... Brooklyn flash .... March 21 Moran takes one over for the grads .•• •
Allen, Robert G 101 E. Parkwood Dr .... Dayton, Ohio
Arnoldi, Robert P., 819 Cory St
Fostoria, Ohio
Baker, Estella M., 548 Salem Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Baker, Frank A., 552 Westwood Ave
Biechler, Elise I., 1001 Harmon Ave
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Bistline, Harold, 1614 Xenia Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Boitor, Isabel, 258 Alaska St. . Dayton, Ohio
Bowman, Grace F 3946 Ridge Ave . . . Dayton, Ohio
Bradford, Dorothy, 248 Beverly Pl. Dayton, Ohio
Bucher, Frank X.. 1028 Walnut Hills Pl Dayton, Ohio
Burger, Julius, 2 Silver Lake Pl. ...... Baldwin, L.1., N. Y.
Byrd, William R., 2200 Smithville Rd . .. Dayton, Ohio
Chalmers, John F., 3615 Sierra Dr Honolulu, T.H.
Chapin, Norman R., 125 Plumwood Rd Dayton, Ohio
Coffman, Leah F., 434 Lexington Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Coleman, Ruth E .• 1017 Smithville Rd.
Connelly, William, 66 E. Dixon Ave
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Conway, Charles F., 420 Linwood St. Dayton, Ohio
Corcoran, John L Shawnee Rd. Lima, Ohio
Costell, Carl A., 261 Bloomfield St. Toledo, Ohio
Cotterman, Earle B., 508 Beckman St. . Dayton, Ohio
Culley, Whelan W., 1956 Harbert Ave Memphis, Tenn.
Curley, John E Glencove Ave. Glen Head, L.1., N.Y.
Dennis, Prudence E., 136½ Eagle St Dayton, Ohio
Dryden, Woody, 190 Primrose Rd Williston Park, N.Y.
Edgington, Jean R., 2441 Lakeview Ave Dayton, Ohio
Farber, Leo J., 652 Woodlawn Ave. . ... Toledo, Ohio
Forrer, Monica I., 3905 N. Main St. . Dayton, Ohio
Ganger, Mabel. Miami Valley Hospital. Dayton, Ohio
Gibson, James J 222 Shafor Blvd . .. Dayton, Ohio
Gillen, Geo. J., 8751 95th St., Woodhaven, New York,N.Y.
Glemet, John F., 216 W. Grand Blvd ...... Detroit, Mich.
Goldkamp, Louis E., 829 Belmonte Park, N., Dayton, Ohio
Groos, John J., 3511 Central Pl. Normandy, Mo.
Hall, Richard A 46 Simms St. Dayton, Ohio
Harig, Frank E 3160 Victoria Blvd Cincinnati, Ohio
Hatfield, Clay, 311 Superior Ave Dayton, Ohio
Heel, Donald G., 2020 Elsmere Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Hendricks, Earl R., 13024 Miles Ave. Cleveland, Ohio
Hickey, Rosemary T., 220 E. Beechwood Ave . . . . Dayton, Ohio
Hiney, James P., 5929 Putnam Ave Dayton, Ohio
Hockey, Ruth H., 63 Hodapp Ave. . Dayton, Ohio
Hoegler, Albert J., 1140 E. 172nd St Cleveland, Ohio
Hollenkamp, Joseph, 304 Schenck Ave Dayton, Ohio
Hoover, Robert B., 643 Rockford Ave .. . Dayton, Ohio
Hoover, Robert M., 42 S. Mathison Ave . Dayton, Ohio
Howe , Richard F., 53 E. Bruce Ave Dayton, Ohio
Humm, John J., 21 Grimm Pl. . .. Baldwin, L.I.. N.Y.
Humpert , Paul A 1339 Greenup St Covington, Ky.
Israel. Betty Jane, 2 Forrer Blvd. . Dayton, Ohio
Jackson, Charles H., 16 E. Gunckel St.
Jackson, E. Jay, 2036 Mayfair Rd.
Germantown, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Jerina, Harry, 15315 Lucknow Ave. Cleveland, Ohio
Jones, Marianna, 245 Greenmount Blvd Dayton, Ohio
Jones, Robert Q 1916 Malvern Ave Dayton, Ohio
Ju r gens, Robert B 39 Sherman Ave Mansfield, Ohio
Kappeler, Warren A 420 Kenilworth Ave., Dayton, Ohio
Ka r st, Mrs. Al. 324 Knecht Dr. .... : Dayton, Ohio
Kelbe, Erdine K 328 lohnson St. Dayton, Ohio
Kereczi, Michael A 735 Faulkner Ave
Kern, Ervine, 301 Orchard Dr
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Kerr, Orpha D 44 Orchard Spring Dr ..... Dayton, Ohio
Kersting, Eugene L 211 Beverly Pl.
Dayton, Ohio
Kirby, Clarke V 224 Hartford St. . .. Dayton, Ohio
Kirchmer, John T., 744 N. Main St. . ....... Dayton, Ohio
Klee , John W ., 156 Oaklawn Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Klenke, Edward J., 932 Lagonda Ave. Springfield, Ohio
Kommnick, Mildred E., 2510 S. Wayne Ave., Dayton, Ohio
Kramer, Lois Ann, 201 Lakeview Ave . . . St. Petersburg, Fla.
Kroger, Claude 0., 1638 Harvard Blvd. . Dayton , Ohio
Kroger, Oscar G 407 Brandt St. Dayton, Ohio
Lang, Mary M 159 Sycamore St. . . Tiffin. Ohio
Lansdowne, Howard J., 9909 Lamont Ave. . Cleveland , Ohio
Lee , George W., 942-B Hikina Lane : Honolulu, T.H.
Lewis, Carl G 701 Kolping Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Leyes , Charles J.. 217 Oakwood Ave . ..... Dayton, Ohio
Lindauer, Richard B.• 902 Lebanon Ave Belleville, Ill
Lindeman , Rosemary, 112 Beverly Pl• Dayton, Ohio
Litteken, Mark F R.R. 2, Box 192 Florissant, Mo.
Lively, Helen C., 35 E. McPhersons St. Dayton, Ohio
Loges, G. Kramer, 85 Baltimore St. Dayton, Ohio
Losh, Miriam E .. 1258 Kumler Ave. . Dayton, Ohio
McBride, Charles J 729 Belmonte Pk. N . Dayton, Ohio
McDonald, William E., 453 E. Madison Ave
............. Springfield, Ohio
McFarland, Charles M R.R. 5, Box 91 Dayton, Ohio
McKirnan, Robert J., 130 E. Wayne St. . Celina, Ohio
McLaughlin, Jeanne, 244 Schenck Ave . . . Dayton, Ohio
Manny, Martha Rose, 828 St. Agnes Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Marquis Madelaine, 36 Cambridge Ave. Dayton , Ohio
Mayer, Margaret E 306 N. Main St Miamisburg, Ohio
Moran, William, 120 Harrison Ave ... Freeport, L.1., N.Y.
Moritz, Martin F 571 Garfield Pl Mansfield, Ohio
Mulcahy, Lawrence R., 52 Cuthbert Pl.
............................ Kew Gardens, L.I N.Y.
Mullen, Leroy C., 259 S. Torrence St. Dayton, Ohio
Myers, Mary Elizabeth, Hotel Alms Cincinnati, Ohio
Nellis, Melvin A .. 3610 Woodbine Ave . ... Dayton, Ohio
O'Brien, Bernice E 38 E. Elmwood Ave Dayton, Ohio
O'Connor, Teresa A., 1126 Superior Ave . . Dayton, Ohio
Obee, Duncan, 705 Sylvania Ave .. Toledo, Ohio
Oswald, Muriel R 2411 N. Main St. ....... Dayton, Ohio
Paluzzi. Joseph E .• 3600 Warsaw Ave Cincinnati, Ohio
Pernush, Valentine J., 466 E. 152nd St.
Placke, Eugene W., 1913 Wyoming St
Cleveland, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Plappert, Elma, Grand Ave. . ... Dayton, Ohio
Poeppelmeier, Vincent E 711 Far Hills Ave
Pyper, Eloise, 1020 Shroyer Rd.
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
Quatman, George W R.R. 4, Shawnee Rd Lima, Ohio
Rehmund, John C 137 Hedges St.
Dayton, Ohio
Reiling, Edythe A., 615 Grafton Ave . Dayton, Ohio
Reiling, Mary E., Miami Valley Hospital. Dayton, Ohio
Reis, Paul J., 625 Centerville Ave. Belleville, Ill.
Rex, Martin A 307 College Park Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Rumig, John J.. 5529 Pearl St. ......... Philadelphia, Pa.
Saurine, Charles E 317 Corona Ave Dayton, Ohio
Schendelman, Charles G. , 655 Oak St. . Dayton, Ohio
Schlattman, Russel H .• 4170 Hartford St. St. Louis, Mo.
Schneble, Anthony J., 60 Illinois Ave . Dayton, Ohio
Schnurr, Francis M. , 603 W. Washington St ... Sandusky, Ohio
Seitner, Charlotte, Oakwood Manor Dayton, Ohio
Sherman, William P 2720 Philadelphia Dr ......... Dayton, Ohio
Shimanek, Joseph M .. 438 N. La Grange Rd. ....... . ................... La Grange, Ill.
Shultz, Robert A .. 119 N. Philadelphia St. Dayton, Ohio
Siewe , Albert, 737 Gonder! Ave , Dayton, Ohio
Simmons, Samuel A., 1109 E. Livingstone Ave . . Columbus, Ohio
Simons, Jane E., 8 Dellwood Dr. . ...... Dayton, Ohio
Skapik, Richard, 1216 W. Hillcrest Ave Dayton, Ohio
Sleeter, Mary, 1715 Park Pl. Dayton, Ohio
Smith, Hugh M.. 345 Delaware Ave Dayton, Ohio
Sommers, Frederic D .• 115 Wroe Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Steinlage, John C., 7250 Maryland Ave St. Louis, Mo.
Sussman, Reva P. , 342 Fountain Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Taylor, Earl J.. 258 Claranna Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Unger, Paul E 103 S. Euclid Ave. .. Dayton, Ohio
VanErp, George, 331 Grafton Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Vocke, Elvera C. , 736 Bowen St. ... Dayton, Ohio
Walter, Robert L., 325 Delaware Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Weber, Paul F .• 99 Bedell St. Freeport, L.I N.Y.
Welchans, Jean, 1176 Grafton Ave . . . . Dayton, Ohio
Westendorf. Eugene, 216 Henry St. Dayton, Ohio
Williams, Jane, 1414 Bryn Mawr Dr. Dayton, Ohio
Williams, Raymond N.. 144 N. Quentin Ave . . . .... .. Dayton, Ohio
Wilson, Betty, 832 St. Agnes Ave . ........ Dayton, Ohio
Winter, James F .. 911 St. Nicholas Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Wohlschlaeger, Joseph A 7820 Minnesota Ave ... St. Louis, Mo.
Wool. Max L 1948 Grand Ave. . . Dayton, Ohio
Young, Clem, 8600 Octavia Ave . . St. Louis, Mo.
Zidanavich, Albert T .. 14 Fillimore Pl ... Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ziegler, Ramon D 40 Macy Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Zonars, Theodora, 139 Greenmount Blvd Dayton, Ohio
Zwiesler, Charles J 129 McLure St. Dayton, Ohio
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Charles, James L. . 50, 154 Ching, Clarence W. Y. 44, 101, 130 Chmiel, Stanley A. . . 50 Christman, Richard D. 47, 101, 129 Claudepierre, Don ..... SL 162 Cochran, Ethel 47 , 72, 77, 91, 97 , 106, lll, 122, 132, 170 Collins, Dorothy J. ...............
David M.
William ..............
Cook, Norbert A . ...
John L. .... 28, ll2, ll6, 128 Costell, Carl A . . 28, ll2, 147. 148, 168 Couture, Arthur . . ....
Couture, Clarence ....
Covarrubias, Javier F. 44, 91, ll7, 122. 123, 125, 129 Crespo , Francisco Jose 45, 91, 97 ,
Flynn, Robert H. . ....... .
Foland, Ellsworth T. ............... 48
Fondiler, Samuel I. 48, ll4
Forsthoff, Charles W . . 44, 64 , 101, 129
Fox, Leona 45, 103, 114, I 18
Frazier, Richard D. 44, 130
Freer, Charles R. .... SI
Froelich, Henry M. . SO
Froendhoff, Paul J. . .. 45, 75, ll2 , llS, 158, 164
Frey Ben . . SO
Ganger, Mabel G . 29
Gates, Harold T. . SI
George, Jack E. .. SL 101, 167
Georgiev, Madeline A. . 48 , ll4
Gibbons, James H. .......... SI
Gibson, James J. 29, 91, 97, 132
Giesman, Earl J., Jr. 44, 128
Gillen, George J. . 29, 91
Glaser, Matthias J. 48
Glemet, John F . ...... 29, 101, 104, 125
Goldkamp, Louis A. . 29 , 130
Goonon , Thomas E. 47, IOI, ll7
Goss, William J. 154
Goubeaux, T. Joseph 50, llS
Graf. John E. . . SO
Greene, Robert A. . 43
Greenwood, Richard Y. SO
Greer, Buena M. . 48
Grimes, Richard W. SI
Groos, John J. . 29, 101, 129
Grove, E. Donald SL 101
Gruenwald, John T. 50
Gura, Jeanann 48, 91, IOI, 103 H
Haberer, John B. . 45
Haley, Robert M. 165 Hall , Richard A. 29
Hanby, James E . ........ 51
Hancock, Robert E. ....... 47
Bradford, Do r othy 27
Brant, Dan A . ........ 154
Breeding, Armand ... 50
Braun, Marvin 50
Brennan, Joh n J 44, 129
Britton , Na n c y E. 48, 91, 101, 103, 106, 114
Broderick, Douglas 48
Brown , Jos e ph E. ... .. 48
Brown, Ma rv in J . 50
Bucher, Fran k X. 27
Bucher, Ma r ta A 46, 48, 72, 114, 130
Burger, Julius P 27, 128
Burney, Frede ri c D SL IOI
Butler, Robert L 43 , 65, 75 , llO
Butz, Thoma s H 51
Byrd, William R. ...... 28, 78, 103, 104 C
Caponi. Ro y P
Capora l, George C.
Carey, Paul E . ......
Carrigan, Willi am A . 46, 47, 72 , 97. 106, 114, 132
Carson , Brooks T. . . 106
Castignola , Joh n R. 150, 154, 162
Castelli, Joseph A ...... 47, ll7, 128
Chalmers, John F. 26, 28, 78, 91, 92. llO , llS, 125, 132
Chang, Theodore C. K ... 45 , IOI, 165
Channell, Eugene R. 47, IOI, 167
Chapin, Norman R. 28, 155
Harig, Frank E. 91, 129
Harter, Dave ....... . IOI
Haws, Virgil E. . . SO
Hayes, Herbert W. 48, 165
Heet , Donald G. . 29
Heel, Robert E. . .... 48
Hei dkamp, Robert H. . 45
Heinz , Gertrude C. .... . 50, ll I, 123
Heller, Edward L. ... 5 1
Hein tel. John G. 51
Hemler, Charles E 44, I 29
Hendricks, Earl R. 30, 65 , ll3 ,
Henz, Edward C .
Herking, Paul W .
ll4. llS, ll6 ..... 48, 164 47, ll4 , ll7, 128, 147, 164
Herzog, H. Jerome ... llS , ll6, 123
Hess, Edward A . .... 43, 106, ll3, 164
Hickey, Rosemary 30
Hickey, John L. 48, 91, ll 4
Hiehle, Edward C. .......... 48
Higgins, William E . ........ 43 , 65 , ll 8
Hill , A. Lowell, Jr. 128
High, Donald A. . 44, 64, ll7 , 129
Hirt, Richard 65, ll4, 128, 144
Hiney, James P. 30, 65, 116
Hoban, John T. 47, ll7 , 128
Hoegler, Albert J. 30, 65, 96, 114
Hoelle, Don D. 50, 155
Hoffman , Hugh H .. Jr 48 , IOI, 113
Hollencamp, Gwen ........ 51
Hollenkamp, Joseph G . .... 30, 64, 76, 78, ll2 , ll4, 155
Homan, Jack L. .... 128
Pag e O ne H u ndre d S ev enty- n ine
Lange , Alfred J. ..... 44, 117, 129 Lange, Frederick S. 43 Lansdowne, Howard J. ... 32 65. 112, 147, 149
Lanter, Norman A. . SI. 167 Lantis, Robert N. SO, 167 Larsen, Hewitt C . ...... ...... SI. 101 Lause, Charles J. 48 Leap, Charles G. ....... 154
Shanahan, Edward J. ....... 50, 154 Sharkey, A. Marita 51. 106, 113. 123 Sharkey, Jeanne 47, 97, 111. ll4, 132, 170 Sherman, William P . 37, 78 ,
Sander, Stanley 51
Sauerman, William D. 51. 154
Saurine, Charles E. . . 36
Savino, Nicholas A. 49, 50
Schaefer, Robert E. 47, ll4. ll7, 128
Schauer, Paul J. 47, 167
Schendelman, Charles G ..... 36 114
Scheu, Charles W. 45, 64. 95, 96, ll 3
Schiavo, Charles A. . ... ll8 , 147
Schlallman, Russell H. 37. 78. 91. ll4, 129
Schlei, Edward J. . . 47, IOI. ll4, ll7, 128
Schmidt. Bernard M . 44, IOI. 130, 155
Schmidt, Leland C. ... 50, 154
Schmidt, Robert J. . 47, ll7
Schneble. Anthony J. .. 37, 91. 114, 130
Schneble. Richard J. .. 37, 97 , 132
Schnurr, Francis M. . 37, 129. 191
Schoen, Alex H. . . ..... 50
Schuler, John E. 44, ll4, ll7, 129
Schulkers. Joseph R. .......... 44. 129
Schultz, Sidney M. ....... 50, 65 130
Schweller, Robert J. 51. llS
Scott, Blaz Y. . . 44, 128
Scott. Hugh H. 45. ll2, 147, 152
Scott, Stanley I.. 47
Scott , Sylvia C. . ll4
Scott , Wilson R, 64
Seiter, Robert F. 51. 91. 92, 104. 105, 106, 115. 123
* As a local institution of many years' standing, this company watches with interest and pride the growth of the University of Dayton, and extends its congratulations and best wishes to not only the University itself but to the many fine young men and women who make up its student body, and to its graduates who have taken their places as citizens of this and other communities.
to the many members of the faculty and the student body who cooperated in the production of the 1941 Daytonian. We especially thank the following for their invaluable assistance.
William A. Dapper, S.M. U.D. Treasurer
James A. Connelly ---- Staff Adviser
Louis A. Saletel, S.M. U.D. Photography Department
Karl George ---- Karl George Studio
Harold Mann
Mr. Hoy
- Repro Engraving Co. Repro Engraving Co.
F. W. Papenhagen - Defiance Printing and Engraving Co.
J. A. Eck -- Defiance Printing and Engraving Co.
W. C. Sims ------ S. K. Smith Co.
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