Daytonian 2018

Page 1

- 2018
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Editors: Kristen Daly

Brianne Hollandsworth Julie Koenig

Congratulations class o Weare


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Above: #TBT 2014

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I - Class of 2018

,., I Welcoming the new Flyers!


New Student Orientation 2018 : Mak ing sure all the ne w Flyer s are ready to start strong on clas ses , activities and overall fun memories!

After roughly two weeks of training , the NSO student leaders are ready to welcome the class of 2021!

The NSO team is hard at work in the

Out with the Old and in with the New KU

Remember This?


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We wouldn't be Flyers without our families!

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The ladies of ZTA know that we're all in thi s together!


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The young men of Phi Kappa Psi helped make Greek Week "lncredible(s)" Chi Omega showed Greek Life can give you the best of both worlds.

Call or Beep th e Theta Phi lad ies if you're ever in need and they'll be there

Th University of Dayton Alpha Phi chapter let the dogs out for POTH The Sigma Kappa ladies swam their way through Greek Week to Find Nemo ' I:


Wherever Flyers travel for this extended fall weekend, there's always a great story to share when the commUniDy comes back together!



Every year the Flyers come together for a spooky weekend of Halloween fun!


The best way to enjoy the fall weathe and events is with fellow Flyers!

Red Scare

Be low:

Left : Red Scare r epresents at a volleyba ll game! Above : Students dressed head to toe in red and blue representing the Flyers! We remember "Big ' Steve McE lvene #5 Left: Senior Allen Bruce proudly holds up a photo of Maisie Williams seen wearing a Dayton sweatshirt. Below: Fans can be seen cheering during the introduction of our Flyers!


Flyers love a good time with a great date and a group of friends!


A Global Learning Experience

The Center of International Programs and Center for Social Concern head various trips across the world to further education and engage in service. For the Flyers that went there either during a semester or over the winter break, these experiences were truly memorable.



Below: A throwback to the 2014 Callings Retreat, which is held each year for incoming freshmen to attend.

Above : The Women's Basketball team gave time out of their schedules to volunteer with Campus Ministry! Below: The 2018 Easter Mass, held in the Immaculate Concept ion Chapel Above: The Women's Wilderness Retreat. 2018


The May 2018 commissionees of the University of Dayton ROTC program are: Ian Blair, Laura Callaghan , Claire Crawford , Max Spoltman , Travor Suttie and Daniel White.


Campus Ministry encouraged the Flyers to take time a nd reflect during their Easter holiday .

The RecPlex wished all the Flyers a very happy Easter!


Flyers travelled near and far to celebrate Easter! Hope it wa: a "hoppy• holiday for all!


Above : the view of the RecPlex entrance on Evanston Ave Above : Flyers are grateful to the UDCR staff for all they do! Left and above: The campus recreation staff celebrates their year at the 2018 UDCR banquet.


For Flyers, the RecPlex was a great place for stress relief, weekly fitness, intramurals and

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The photos below capture just some of the memories from the 2018 Earth Fest, held at Old River Park The photos above are of two award recipients from the Campus Recreation staff banquet.


Spring is perfect for celebrations! Whe t her it's with family , our "Flyer family ,' or both , everyone can app reciate a b eautiful day at UD!


ArtStreet, located at an intersection of multiple streets in the student neighborhood , is a popular spot for organization ' take-overs ,' philanthropy events, studying, eating, artistic expression, and even making memories in one of the living spaces with fellow Flyers!

African Student Associatio
Alpha Epsilon Delta
American Red Cross Club American Sign Language Club
e rs
American Society of Mechanical Engine


Climbing Team

Black Action
Unity Christmas on Campus
Commuters on Campus


Flyer Enterprises is a student-run business that operates in multiple popular and favorite spots around campus!

flyer enterprises

Left : this photo shows two hands holding cups from The Blend, found in the basement of Roesch Library. Below: this photo shows a student holding drinks from ArtStreet Cafe , found in one of the main buildings in that popular area of the student neighborhood.
El Orgullo Latino El Puente Emergency Medical Servic e ~ Equestrian Club Faith and Fitness
Flyer Consulting Flying Solos Gymnastics Club Indian Student Association Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers

Japanese Language and Culture

Math Club

Multicultural Programming Council

Multicultural Associat i on of Pre-Med Stud en t 1

National Society of Black Enginee

C l uo
Mu Alpha
Panhellenic Council
Re-Volv Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Pi Sigma Epsilon


Each semester, the Orpheus literary magazine showcases the writing talents of var i ous Dayton Flyers. Pictured are the graduates of 2018 who worked to make this magazine possible.

Social Justice Club Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Spectrum Student Veterans Association Supermileage Club Swing Dance Club UD Dance Ultimate Frisbee
Wo men of Remarkable Distinction
UNICEF Campus Initiative

Whether it's winter or spring finals, the Flyers get through them together!












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Abdulrahm an, Omar Abu Daqa, Rakan Aburn, Lindsey Ackerman , Joshua Adams, Gabrielle Adgalanis, Tyler Akerly, Car ly Al Nasr, Hussain Al Rabh, Mansour Alagel, Lama Alagel , Laubna Alagel , Lugaen Alanazi, Abdulmuhsen Alazemi, Mohammad Alazmi, Rashad Albakr, Khal id Alghamdi, Na il Alghawi, Hassan Alhammadi, Abdelrahman Al i, Ahmad Alkashqari, Tamadur Alkhudair, Amani
Alluwaimi, Abdullh Almajnouni, Yousef Almashmoum, Esmaeil Almazeedi, Haidar Almeida, Steven Almiqdad, Hassan Almoshoor, Mohammed Almousawi, Mostafa Almuaigel, Abdulaziz Alnasser, Hassan Alobaid, Fahad Alqahtani, Abdulaziz Alqallaf. lbrahem Alrasheedi, Abdulaziz Alrashidi, Ahmad Alrehaili, Rayan Alsaffar, Zainab Alsalameen, Abdullah Alshammari, Abdullah Alshammari, Sultan Alshatti, Rakan Alshlati, Mohammed Alsudairi, Bader Althagafi, Fawaz Altomare, Alexandra Arim, Sultan Axton, Heather Ayoob, Ally Baerenstecher, Kaitlyn Baffoe, Regina Bagdasarian , Samantha Bahadeg, Sara Baily, Ellen Baily, Jennifer Bain , Mark Bak, Delaney Baker, CheraneA Baker, Kristen Baker, Nash Baker, Rachel Ba lke, Ann Banke , Marisa Bartol, Gwendolyn Barwig, Sarah Behm , Joshua Benintendi, Emily Bernauer, Patrick Berry, Ryan Bertke, Arna nda Beyer, Griffin Bezjian, Andrew Bicek, Kaitlynro se Bigenwald, Joseph Bir, Luke Bloemer, Jessica Boltri, Stephen Boman, Alyssa Bond, Maria Brackman, Randy Breitenbach, Sydney Bridgham, Marlys Brown, Erika Brown.John Brown, Madilyn Brustoski, Jennifer Bryant, Collin Buabbas, Ahmad Bobal, Barbara Borchers, Sara Brogden, Marc'Kia Bruce, Allen Buccieri, Elliot Boehnlein, Christian Bottenhagen, Amanda
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Brookshire, Charles 'r' C Bruening, Megan Buckholt, John Boland, Casey Boyd, Margaret Broughton, Chance Brumfield, Emma Bucur, Nicholas Bugada, Mark Burck, Donald Burgei, Madison Cable, Noah Cabrera Morell, Lynette Cabrera, Karina Caceres, Brittany Cai, Yihan Callahan, Michael Calvert, Hunter Campbell, Dudley Camper, Summer Carey, Bridget Carmody, Thomas Carney, Devin Carroccio, Julia Cedeno, Sean Chambers, Taylor Chromaak, Phillip Cody, Kyleen Collins, Madeline Comes, Siena
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Connolly, Kerry Cook. Thomas Cornell, Jacob Costa Matthew Coudret, Emily Cowan, Julie Coyne, Ellen Cralt. Melanie Craighead, Mary Crawford, Claire Cregan. Mary Culbertson, Kristen Cullen, Ryan Cummins, Nicholaus Cunningham. Eric Curtis, Alexa Dalessandro, Cody Dalton, Abigail Daly. Connor Daly, Kristen Damiani, Alexandra Damon. Danielle Dangelo Sarah Kate Darras. Sabrina Davila, Beatriz Debruin , Dallas Deck, Benjamin Deeds Mary Deeds, Megan Del Vento, Amber Delamatre, Elizabeth Delladio, Shelby Delworth, David Demeter, Jason Dempsey, Morgan Derose, Carmen Diaz, Laura Dickison, Kenton Dietrich, Alondra Diller, Elizabeth Disanto, Samantha Dong, Michelle Dong, Qing Donofrio , Addison Dorland, Jonathan Du, Runze Du , Shuo Dubois, Joseph Eagan, Kelsey Ebersbacher, Joshua Eckenrode, Grant Etter, Emily Egan, Kaitlyn Elenteny, Claire Ellett, El izabeth Ellington, Brooke Elzein, Cassandra Enomiya, Shantell Erbe, Andrew Erhahon, Amber Erhart, Tara Etienne, Anakaona Evers, Kelly Fadayel, Stephanie Farnan, Bridget Fazi, Danielle Fields, Lyric Fiorino, Andrew Fioritto, Anna Fisher, Brittany Fogus, Emily Forman, Lewis Forsthoefel, Karin Foster, Jillian Francois, Emma Franz, Jaclyn Frederick, Sara Freyberger, Emily Frischmann, Leah Frost, Benjamin Funk, Laylah Gaddis, Amanda Gallagher, Clare Gardner Ii i, Josep h Gaspar, Lance
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Gallagher, Kait lyn Geehan, Sarah Globig, Marypat Gambacorta , Vic toria George, Michael Gobreski, Emily Gootee, Abigayle Grange r, Emily Ga o, Yunqian Ghi lani, Alex
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Godsi l, Patrick Gormley, Will iam Grenfe ll , Kathryn Garbsch , Claire Gibson, Brandy Goettemoe ll er, Adam
Gottschlich, Mary An Grie ser, Ryan Griffin, Emily Griffith, Rachel Grimm.John Gross, David Gross, Katherine Grube, Cody Guan, Xiaochen Gutbrod, Paul Guzowski, Sarah Hackel, Kristen Haines, Emily Ha ldes, Nick Hallack, Julia Hamilton, Lisa Han , Weidong Handorf, Eric Haney, Julianne Hannibal, Sarahjane Hansen, Peter Harbach, Diana Harmon, Allison Harper, Nicholas Harrington, Delanie Harvey, Stephen Hayba, Meeked Hayes, Kari Hayes, Kyra Hays.Julie Heck, Joseph Hedlund, Luke Heffernan, Hannah Helfferich, Nathan Hellmann, Hanna Hentz, Danny Herbst, Stephanie Hernandez, Natalia Hill , Breann Hillye r, Mara Hite, Charles Hemmel garn, Connor Heron , Matthew
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Hlosek, Jessica Holohan, Caitrin Hoyt, Ryan Hendri cks, Zachary Henninger, Zachary Hess, Colleen Hester, Mitchell Hoffman, Mary Hoffman , Shannon Hoody, Lauren Horey, Meaghan Huang, Caoqinglong Hubacek, Laura Hudson, Jaylen Hurrle, Nexander Hurst, Shania Huscroft,John
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Hyla, Daniel Isidro, Samantha Jackson, Anthony Jackson, Hannah Jacobi, Sam Jacobs, Mark James, Mackenzie Jansing, Zachary Jasensky, Tyler Jennings, Daniel Jiang, Yiwei Jobe, Libby Joglar, Carlos Johnson, Nexis Johnson, Kristin Johnson, Nicholas Jones, Chelsea Jones, John Kang, Yejoon Kania, Peter Kaniecki, Caroline Karam, Mia Karda , Grant Karnstein, Anna Kawiecki , Peter Keating, Brendan
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Kelley, Katherine Kimes , Brendan Knobel, Sydney Kotoch, Courtney Krueger, Ellen Kelsey, Nicholas Kelty, Patrick Kincaid, Reilly Kate Kirbabas, Conner Kocent, Nicholas Koch, Aidan Kowalczyk, Abigail Kramer, Andrew Krueger, Gavin Krumme, Caroline Kruszynski, James Lang, Thomas Laws, Michae l Lenz. Daniel Lisjak, Abigail Kukla, Mitchell Larkin, Connor
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Lawton, Emily Leslie, Meghan Liu , Xiaotong Kunas, Laura Larney, Brooke Lee, James Li, Baibo Loeloff, Frederick Kurtz, Morgan Kyle, Hannah Lattanzio, Nicholas Laubenthal, Steven Lawler, Thomas Lee, Jordan Legan, Grace Lenart, Nicholas Libecap, Josephine Liesner, Jacob Link, Daniel Loiseau , Jacqueline Long, Alexandra Longacre, Christopher Keeler, Gregory Keister, Brad Ke ller, Mallie Kelley, Kat herine Kelsey, Nicholas Kelty, Patrick Kessler, Rachel Khalil , Mira Kieffer, Brittany Kimes, Brendan Kincaid, Reilly Kate Ki rbabas , Conner Kleinhenz, Megan Knobel, Sydney Kocent. Nicholas Koch, Aidan Kotoc h, Courtney Kowalczyk, Abigail Kramer, Andrew Krueger, Ellen Krueger, Gavin Krumme , Caroline Kruszynski, James Kukla, Mitchell Kunas, Laura Kurtz, Morgan Kyle, Hannah Lagasse, Christopher Lang, Thomas Larkin, Connor Larney, Brooke Lattanzio, Nicholas Laubenthal, Steven Lawler, Thomas Laws, Michael Lawton, Emily Lee.James Lee Jordan Legan, Grace Lenart, Nicholas Lenz, Daniel Leslie, Meghan Li, Baibo Libecap, Josephine liesner, Jacob Link, Daniel Lisjak, Abigai l Liu , Xiaotong Loeloff, Frederick Loiseau, Jacqueline Long, Alexandra Longacre, Christopher Lull, Taylor Lynch, Carol ine Lysag ht, Joe Ma, Yueyang Macarthur, Madison Mackl in, Mary-Beth Mad ison, Brooklynn Mahoney, Sean Majercak, Michael Malkani, Ja cob Malone, Jillian Mancini, Samuel Mancuso, Marina Mangan, Nick Manka, Jennifer Mannion, Sean Manzella, Dominic Marrocco, Michael Martin, Jared Marlin, Katherine Martinette, Patrick Mastropietro, Cynthianna Matico , Christian Mativo, Thomas Matos, Alexander Matzuk, Ryan Mauch, Joseph Mauri, Adrienne Mayforth, Brandon Mccaffery, Katherine Mccahey, Caroline Mccormick, Clare Mccormick, Evan Mcdermott, Matthew Mcdowell, Megan Mcgill, Eric Mcguire, Kelly Mclaughlin, Jessie Mclaughlin, Kayla Mclin, Maia Mcmanamon, Daniel Mcnamara, John Mcnaughton, Robyn Mcnemar, Ethan Mctighe, Colin Mcvicker, Matthew Mellon, Spencer Melson, Caroline Melvin, Kathryn Mendez, Margarita Metress, Mo/~ Miller, Sarrah Miller, Steven Miller, Zachary Milos, Gabriela Monaco, Michaela Mankus, Courtney Moore, Matthew Mueller, Kaitlyn Mur ray, Molly Myren, Chelsea Nagy, Alex Nason, Brett Nelms, Alexandra Nemecek, Megan Nicklas, Angelina Nolan, Rachel Noth , Nathan O'Brien, Daniel O'Connell, Lyd ia O'Grady, Garrett O'Hallaron, Cla ire O'Malley, Brian O'Shea, William Ochs, Casey Odzer, Hannah Olayyan, Faisal Oleksy, Bridget Olson, Lauren Outwater, Kevin Pac ifico, Allyson Pariser, Ada Pariser, Kayla Parks, Elizabeth Paschal, Alexander Passafiume, Daniel Patterson, Rebecca Paulick, Austin Pavlinec, Rachel Payne, Brandon Pech, Abigail Pendery, Benjamin Peniza Vargas, Carlos Perez, Kristine Perry, Emily Peters, Joseph Peterson, Anne Peterson, Hanna Petrella, Bradley Petrick, Anna Peuutti, Dante Pfeifer, Benjamin Pierpont, Emma Poa,Jade Pollock, Thoma s Porter, Hannah Posey, Kathryn Poston, William Prosperi, Lauren Purk, Connor Qin, Yue Raad, Jade Ramsey, David Ramsey, Mercedes Rasmussen, Mark Ray, Austin Rayburg, Reed Reid, Lauren Reid , Zachary Reiser, Morgan Rice , Alexander Rice , Charles Rice, William Richards, Hannah Brianne Richardson, Robert Rieger, Florian Rita, Samuel Ritz, Ana Rivelli, David Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez, Stephanie
, , , I
Rooney, Karsen Rose, Anthony Roth, Silverlyn
Saleh, Naimeh Salkeld , Cody Santana, Christian Rieker, Sarah Riuo, Kaitlyn Roebke, Logan Ruffolo, Michael Sathish, Akhil Rinderle , William
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Roach, Mary Ronnisch, Julia Ryan, Mackenzie Sauer, Madeline Ripepi, Julia Rodebeck, Hadley Rooney, Caroline Ryan, Mary Sauter, Nyl a Sayed Hasan, Abdulmunaleb Schiavone, John Schlegel, Anna Schlogl, Cortney Schlueter, Nicho las Schm idt. Mary Schmig, Claire Schmitt, Heather Schmitz, Laure n Schne id er, Catherine Schneider, Dan ielle Schroede r, Alexis Schroeder, Kristen Schroeder, Timothy Schuller, Eva Schultz, Ni cho las Searles, Christian Sekanick, Brandon Sfiligoj, Jul ie Shelley, Nicol e Shi , Peimin Shultz, Derek Siefring, Caleb Simpson, Josh Simpson, Katherine Singleton, Theodore Sinnott, Mack Sipos, Susie Slenska, Tara Smith, Hannah Smith, Jacob Smith, Reid Smythe, Bridget Soto, Carlos Spieles, Mary Spoltman, Max Sponsler, Evan Stanley, Kelli Stanton, Jamie Stapulionis, Nathaniel Stegeman, John Steinbicker, Nicole Steinmetz, Ethan Stemley, Matthew Stimson, Caitlyn Stoermer, Scott Stoughton, Mary Stumph, Jamie Stupi, Emily Sventy, Collin Szappanos, Andrew Szaechowski, Victoria Talarico, Alicia Tao , Peng Taylor, Hannah Thesing, John Thieken, Scott Thomakos , Olivia Thomas, Madeline Thompson, Kylie Thurgaland, Elizabeth Tian, Tian Tonies, Jacqueline Torok, Molly Torok. Sydney Turkistani, Zeyad Turnwald, Elizabeth Twiner, Joseph Ullman, Emily Umana. Erika Valadez , Alan
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Varela , Ana-Alicia Vasunia , Benjamin Venetis, Emma Vickery, Tyler Vickless, Matthew Vieson, Jamie Vogele. Thomas Vogliano, Lauren Vogt, Catherine Wahlen , Luke Waller. Cie rraLynn Wal ler, Dakota Valde, Tiffany
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Verner, Emily Viets , Zachary Vo lk, Nathan Wang. Bowe i Van Oss, Lauren Vanden Brul , John Vichill, Abigail Vickery, Tayler Vild, Mallory Vii i, Zachary Vonderh aar Lora Wagner, Matthew Wang. Sic heng Wang. Tia nchu Warner, Dan iel Wa rpinski, Benjamin Washington, Daria n Watson , Elizabe th Wecke ss er, Th oma s We lch , Megan Welsh , Emma Wen dt. Olivia Wenz inge r, Ell iso n Werne t. Mi tche ll Wertz , Ash lee Wes terbeck, Ryan White, Christa White, Lauryn Whitney, Alia Whi ttemore , Lindsey Wilker, Zachary Williams, Hayley Wingfield , Al ex is Wirth , Anna Yao , Shiyi Youn g, Vi ctoria You se f, Fati mah
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Zaharko, Margaret Zielinski, Elise Zinader, Adam Zou, Wei


Athletics: Erik Schelkun

Organizations: LifeTouch

Seniors : LifeTouch

{STUDENT), UNIVERSITY OF I University of Dayton MDD 4/3/2023 1000 I1111111111111111 lllll lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111 RV066124-3 of 3

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