CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
“Guidelines for Sustainable Hunting and Fishing as Part of Tourism Activities: Biodiversity, conservation and tourism” Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Content 1. How is hunting tourism integrated in the market of tourism? 2. The market of hunting tourism 3. Impacts, risks and benefits 4. How to make hunting tourism more sustainable? Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
1. How is hunting tourism integrated in the market of tourism?
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Forms of Hunting
Primary Production /
Hunting by locals
1. State Land
Private Land
Hunting as a form of land use by locals 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3
Use of natural resources
Community Land
2. Hunting by non-residents
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
subsistence subsistence hunting hunting non-subsistence non-subsistence hunting hunting consumptive consumptive hunting hunting
Hunting as a form of land use + activity for non-residents! 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3
non-subsistence non-subsistence hunting hunting consumptive consumptive hunting hunting nonnon- consumptive consumptive hunting hunting
Hunting by locals
State Land
Private Land
Community Land
Hunting by non-residents Hunting Hunting Tourism Tourist Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
Rural T.
Nature T.
Business T.
Sun–Beach T.
Wellness T.
Use of natural resources
Primary Production /
Cultural T.
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Rural T.
Nature T.
Business T.
Sun–Beach T.
Wellness T.
Use of natural resources
Primary Production /
Cultural T.
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Hunting by locals
State Land
Private Land
Community Land
Adventure Tourism
Hunting by non-residents Hunting Tourism Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
Wildlife Tourism
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Note: hunting is an original form of using a natural renewable resource – game, hunting is a tool for wildlife management, hunting can be a leisure-time activity and is one element out of a special touristic supply, hunting tourism is a market segment within the wider tourism market, therefore, hunting tourism has to be seen as a complex land use strategy. Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
2. The market of hunting tourism
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CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Homeland Demand hunting tourist
The Demand Different Options for a hunting trip:
„specific“ species certain destination timeframe personal desires trophy size + quality willingness to pay
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
Destination Supply hunting trip
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
The Supply Demand
hunting tourist
hunting trip
Offered by: Private landowners Tourism industry Hunting – corporations Communities Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Elements of the hunting trip Demand
hunting tourist
TransTranshunting portation portation trip Destination Destination AccomAccommodation modation Food Food and and Beverage Beverage Local Local Mobility Mobility Hunting Hunting Activity Activity
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
The market Demand hunting tourist
hunting-trip provider travel agents
numbers of companies change almost annually
(not main source of income) Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
tour operators Forest- and Wildlife services Communities Land owners Safari companies (professionals)
Supply TransTransportation portation Destination Destination AccomAccommodation modation Food Food and and Beverage Beverage Local Local Mobility Mobility Hunting Hunting Activity Activity
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
The arrangements of a hunting trip Demand
hunting tourist
TransTransportation portation
travel agents
hunting arrangement
tour operators existing offers
Destination Destination AccomAccommodation modation
Food Food and and Beverage Beverage
individual desire
Local Local Mobility Mobility
specific desire
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
Hunting Hunting Activity Activity
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Note: no trustworthy data available, supply is strongly influenced by the variable desires of the costumers, the design of a hunting trip depends on the tour operators and travel agents, the tourism providers decide on the extent of the local benefits, the cash flow and added value, The business is not always managed by professionals, high number of various stakeholders, the market is not transparent. Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
3. Impacts, risks and benefits
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CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Two areas of concern: The impacts of hunting: • Hunting is a consumptive use of a natural resource – it directly impacts wildlife populations. • If done the wrong way, it causes disturbance, disrupts normal behavior and potentially affects mortality and reproductive success of game.
The impacts of tourism: • •
Tourism is seen as a non-consumptive use of a natural resource. Besides its positive impacts, tourism also has the capacity of causing damage to the environment and society if not well managed.
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Hunting tourism as a tool for financing of protected areas e.g. Selous Game Reserve 2001
Hunting Tourism
Sum Tourism
Revenue for the state ($)
Revenue for the Selous ($)
Number (n) Revenue ($) Revenue/ Tourist ($/n)
Proportion (%)
Hunting was developed as a tool for wildlife management. Revenue led to almost a self financing of the Selous Game Reserve. Revenue afforded anti poaching campaigns. Awareness building took place – poaching decreased. Increasing of wildlife population in the Game Reserve.
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CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Note: Combining tourism and hunting results in a win-winsituation and produces synergetic effects. hunting tourism is a small-scale tourism but can offer a number of outstanding monetary, ecological and sociocultural benefits to rural areas world wide. hunting tourism builds awareness at local communities. hunting tourism increases the value of wildlife. hunting tourism can be one tool for conservation „use it or loose it“. nevertheless, we need to take action in order to avoid risks and negative effects. Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
4. How to make hunting tourism more sustainable?
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
The concept of “Sustainable Development“
Use . of Resources
2002 2004 “ADDIS ABABA“
Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development
Use of Principles and Tourism Biodiversity Guidelines for Sustainable Use Sustainable Hunting Tourism
Hunting Tourism Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Essential Guidelines: supportive & linked governance at all levels, (Stakeholder involvement), adaptive management using science, monitoring, local knowledge and timely feedbacks, empowerment & accountability of local users (particulary Indigenous communities), equitable sharing of benefits for local people, transparency & international co-operation, public awareness of the benefits, financing of conservation, Educational training for hunting tour operators. Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Initiatives regarding sustainable hunting
European Charter on Hunting & Biodiversity
IUCN ESUSG WISPER Guidelines For Sustainable Hunting
Conservation Hunting Best Practice Manual
Sustainable Migratory Bird Hunting in the MTC
Global: Addis Ababa Principles & Guidelines (AAPG)
“Hunting Tourism: A Red Rag?”
Sustainable Hunting Tourism Programme IUCN-ZSL Symposium on Recreational Hunting
European Sustainable Hunting Initiative
Premium Hunting (Conservancies) Namibia
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
Professional Hunting Association (PHASA)
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Criteria of Nature‘s Best (
1. Respect limitations of destination (minimise environmental and cultural impacts) 2. Support the local economy 3. Environmental-friendly operation of the company 4. Contribute actively to conservation 5. Promote the joy of discovery, knowledge and respect (educational + quality criteria) 6. Quality management, including safety measures Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Problems on national level Corruption Weak wildlife legislation and enforcement (Poaching) Lack of cooperation No benefits for local communities Lack of intersectoral management Lack of international cooperation Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
CIC's Programme Sustainable Hunting Tourism Development of principles, guidelines Development of criteria and indicators Implementation of pilot projects, dialogues, round tables etc. in order to test and create best practices & ownership Development of codes of conduct and/ or certification options PR campaign Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
global regional regional
global global
Rural T.
Nature T.
Business T.
Sun–Beach T.
Wellness T.
Use of natural resources
Primary Production /
Cultural T.
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Hunting by locals
State Land
Private Land
Wildlife Tourism
Community Land
Hunting by non-residents Hunting Tourism Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
Adventure Tourism
? 26
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Thank you for your sustained attention!
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
CIC - International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
Hunting / Eco - Hunting
Ecotourism and its Impact on Wildlife – GEC 07 Oslo
„catch and release“ / catch and use