TIES Annual Report 2009-10

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Annual Report 2009-2010


p2 Special Thanks to TIES Members / p3 Our Mission / p4 What We Do / p5-6 TIES History - Since 1990 / p7-8 Messages from Our Members / p9 TIES Board of Directors / p11 Our Members, Our Partners / p12 TIES ecoAuction / p13 A Sneak Preview of What’s to Come in 2011-12

THANK YOU TIES global network proudly represents and is supported by members from over 100 countries who are leading the vital efforts to make travel and tourism more sustainable. It is an immense honor to be part of this worldwide network of leaders, pioneers and active supporters of tourism as a socially, environmentally and economically viable tool for sustainable development. From all of us at TIES team, we would like to share a big THANK YOU to our members who have made a tremendous difference for TIES growth in the past two decades, and who continue to inspire positive changes in the global tourism industry. -The International Ecotourism Society (TIES)

Our Mission

Engage Through an international network of industry professionals and business leaders, TIES offers valuable networking and professional development opportunities.




As a global source of knowledge and advocacy in ecotourism, TIES offers practical educational tools and promotes capacity building opportunities for professionals.

Utilizing the global ecotourism development experiences, TIES helps mainstream sustainability in tourism and inspire positive changes in the industry.



Uniting Conservation, Communities and Sustainable Travel

What We Do... Strengthening Opportunities through International Networks Membership Services: Helping members connect with each other and access valuable information and resources. Online Networking: Offering networking opportunities and marketing tools through TIES website, Ecotourism.org. Network Building: Helping strengthen “ties� among members through partnerships with associations and regional groups.

2009 at a Glance First 10 ambassadors selected for Travel Ambassador Program. 10 destinations and themes featured through ecoDestinations. 100+ articles on Your Travel Choice Blog. 10,000+ subscribers to Digital Traveler eNewsletter.

Sharing Education and Capacity Building Platforms Conferences & Workshops: Providing quality learning and knowledge sharing opportunities through our events. Educational Partnerships: Collaborating with universities and educational institutions to create and strengthen educational opportunities for students and professionals. Awareness-Building Initiatives: Working with members and partners to raise awareness of the principles of ecotourism and best practice examples.

Supporting Efforts to Mainstream Sustainability in Tourism Industry Partnerships: Partnering with various local, national and international industry organizations to strengthen efforts to promote sustainability in tourism. Sharing Wisdom: Working with leading industry organizations to establish standards and guidelines to promote sound development of ecotourism and sustainable tourism. Inspiring Change: Establishing mechanisms to apply lessons learned from ecotourism examples to help create positive change in mainstream tourism.

Uniting Conservation, Communities and Sustainable Travel

TIES History - Since 1990

20 years 1990 The Ecotourism Society launched by a team organized by Megan Epler Wood as the world’s first international non-profit dedicated to ecotourism as a tool for conservation and sustainable development.


1994 1992

“International Ecotourism Partners” meeting, St. John, US Advocates for sound Virgin Islands, to foster ecotourism practices national and regional at World Parks and Pro- ecotourism associatected Areas Congress in tions. Caracas, Venezuela and First World Congress on Tourism and the Environment in Belize.

1996 Tourism, Ecotourism and Protected Areas co-published with the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

1998 Marine ecotourism stakeholder meetings in the Caribbean and Mexico. “Developing an Ecotourism Destination” regional workshop in Quintana Roo, Mexico.

2000 “Your Travel Choice Can Make a Difference” consumer education campaign launched.

The International Ecotourism Society

Publishes its first book, Ecotourism: A Guide for Planners and Managers

The Ecolodge Sourcebook for Planners and Developers.

“Ecotourism at the Crossroads” - A regional conference in Kenya, co-hosted by Kenya Wildlife Service and Ecotourism Society of Kenya.


The first Ecotourism in the U.S. Conference in Bar Harbor, Maine, co-organized by the local Chamber of Commerce. September 2005.

The United Nations International Year of Ecotourism (IYE) IYE regional meetings in Belize, India, Kenya, Peru, Thailand, the Seychelles and Sweden.

Global Ecotourism Conference in Oslo, Norway, co-organized by Ecotourism Norway and the United Nations Environment Programme. May 2007.

2006 2004 Begins multi-year research on tourism certification as part of Rainforest Alliance-led project focusing on five Latin American countries.

2010 2008

Public forum “Indigenous Business Leaders in Ecotourism” organized in partnership with the Swedish Ecotourism Society.

“Traveling with Climate in Mind” consumer education campaign launched.

Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference (ESTC) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference (ESTC) held in Portland, Oregon, USA, co-hosted by Travel Portland and Travel Oregon. The first European Ecotourism Conference (EuroEco), held in Parnu, Estonia, co-hosted by the Estonian Ecotourism Association.

Uniting Conservation, Communities and Sustainable Travel TIES 15th anniversary “Celebration of Ecotourism” in Washington, DC.

International Ecolodge Guidelines

Washington DC EcoTour, highlighting eco-friendly initiatives and educational opportunities in the greater Washington, DC community.


“ Makiko Nakagaki, Executive Secretary, Ecotourism Japan

Thomas A. Tabor, Ecotourism Development Consultant, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, Division of Travel & Tourism Kaity Tsui, I LOVE NY’s “Greenest New Yorker” I like the user-friendly and informative features of the TIES website, such as the “Tips for Travelers” section, especially with burgeoning interest in the eco-/sustainable tourism industry. As more travelers become increasingly attracted to this type of alternative tourism, it’s imperative for global networks such as TIES to serve as “sources of knowledge and advocacy uniting communities, conservation, and sustainable travel” in order to highlight the issues and challenges raised in this blossoming industry as its definition continues to expand. In the end, it’s really about thinking globally and acting consciously.

My first exposure to TIES was at the “2005 Ecotourism in the U.S. Conference” in Bar Harbor, Maine. The conference itself opened up relationships and a networking community that I have used for resources, education, latest research, development concepts, supportive tools for conservation and preservation, collaboration with a similarly goal-oriented international market, and perhaps, most importantly, lifelong friendships and support from like-minded people. In my position here in Nebraska, I work closely with rural people who work on the land. Nebraska has a limited amount of public access land (97% is privately-owned), and to access some of the state’s most pristine areas, one needs to have strong connections with landowners. From that first conference to the most recent one I attended in Portland, Oregon, the education, training, and network of friends and colleagues I have developed has been an asset to our state. What I do is so rewarding, in major part because I have been able to implement TIES many concepts of ecotourism right here in Nebraska.

Congratulation, TIES, on your 20th Anniversary! Networking is key to furthering the ecotourism movement, and I believe that TIES’ roles in assisting networking opportunities around the world will be more and more important. In many countries, ecotourism is perceived and practiced in a variety of ways that reflect their unique cultural and social values. I hope to see information about ecotourism disseminated globally by TIES representing not only global but also local perspectives, highlighting diverse approaches. In today’s globalized and rapidly changing society, our worldwide ecotourism network plays a critical role in promoting and advocating for a more sustainable future. I believe that as a community we form a stronger voice, and as a community we build synergies that lead to meaningful actions. I look forward to continue creating opportunities for collaborative actions with fellow members from around the world. 20周年おめでとうございます。エコツーリズムという運動には、ネ ットワークは不可欠であり、TIESの今後の国際的役割も益々大き くなると感じています。各国での文化や社会背景により、エコツー リズムに対する価値観や取り組みは国々や地域によっても多様 化してきています。TIESとしての視点だけでなく、そうしたエコツ ーリズムの多角的な取り組みについても、発信していただけるこ とを期待しています。めまぐるしく変わる社会の中において、持続 可能な生き方を提案している我々の活動は今まさに必要とされ ています。そのような社会に対し、ネットワークだからこそ世界的 にも大きな声をあげていく力を持ちえるし、つながりによってシナ ジーが生まれ、 より大きなアクションを生み出していくことができ ます。今後もそのようなアクションを一緒につくりだしていけるこ とを楽しみにしています。 - 日本エコツーリズムセンター理事・事務局長 中垣 真紀子


(The photo was taken in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda with mountain gorillas.)

TIES 20th Anniversary! 514 organization members.

Piero Ponce, Executive Board Member, Regional Chamber of Tourism (Ayacucho, Peru)

1,070 individual members.

TIES is the worldwide reference for sustainable tourism and best case practices. By promoting continuously research and connecting organizations and individuals on a common goal, we will ensure that conservation, communities and sustainable travel will remain as our priorities in ensuring the sustainable development of this unique green industry.

11 New Advisory Board Members.

I’ve been associated with TIES for 10 years as a member and partner in providing media relations for both the organization and quite a number of members who are tour operators, operate eco lodges, etc. TIES has been such a leader in promoting sustainable practices globally and has provided a forum for meaningful conversation amongst the constituency that they serve.

Nancy Harrison, Founding Partner, Adventure Media

2010 at a Glance

As a participant and speaker at conferences organized and sponsored by TIES, it has been so inspirational to see the synergy amongst academics, community organizers, outfitters and operators all coming together to further the cause of sustainable tourism development, thoughtful economic impact and the corresponding betterment of people worldwide. And this all happens while providing travelers the unique opportunity to see and experience world culture, wildlife, nature, sights and sounds all that enrich our collective experience. It’s a wonderful thing that TIES has done these past twenty years and will continue to build and grow in the next twenty years and beyond.

47 new members participated in the ESTC 2010 conference. Innovation Award launched.

TIES Board of Directors

Dr. Kelly Bricker Associate Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, University of Utah

Deirdre Campbell Owner, The Tartan Group

Richard Edwards Marketing Director, Gap Adventures

Shadia Garrison Consultant, Writer, Project Manager

Palitha Gurusinghe Founder and President, Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation

Glenn Jampol President, Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Plantation and Inn

TIES Advisory Board comprises of ecotourism experts and industry leaders.

Ariane JanĂŠr Co-Founder, EcoBrasil

Karen Lewis Owner, Lapa Rios Ecolodge

Kimberly Lisagor Journalist, Author

Rick MacLeod Farley Principal Consultant, MacLeod Farley & Associates

Hitesh Mehta Architect, Landscape Architect and Ecotourism Planner, HM Design

Representing diverse groups of stakeholders, the Advisory Board serves as an effective venue to support TIES mission.

TIES Governance Board Dr. Kelly Bricker, Chair Masaru Takayama, Vice Chair Jon Bruno, Treasurer Jason Banks, Advisor

www.ecotourism.org/ board Paul Radchenko Tourism Development Planner, Government of Alberta

Wolfgang Strasdas, PhD. Professor, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde

Masaru Takayama Executive Director, Japan Ecolodge Association / Founder, Spirit of Japan Travel

Albert Teo Chin Kion Managing Director Borneo Eco Tours

Annie Vanderwyk Principal Cultural Consultant, Wild Earth Expeditions

“The tourism industry has the power to make a positive change. It is uniquely positioned to take a place-based approach to conservation and poverty alleviation.� -Dr. Kelly Bricker, Chair, TIES Board of Directors

Our Members

Our Partners

Global Network

Recipe for Success

TIES global network of members consists of organizational members (Association, Business, NGO, Institution, College & University) and individual members (Professional, Student, Traveler).

TIES partners with NGO’s, associations and other organizations that share our commitment to responsible travel and sustainable development.

Ecotourism Associations

Providing the vital links between governments, NGOs, businesses and citizens, local, national and regional ecotourism associations are a crucial part of our efforts to further TIES mission. www.ecotourism.org/ecotourism-associations

Voluntourism Partner: Planeterra

Planeterra is a leading non-profit foundation dedicated to sustainable community development and environmental conservation through travel. www.ecotourism.org/planeterra

Membership Service Partners Adventure Media TravMedia Stylus Publishing www.ecotourism.org/membership Ecotourism Explorer: a global online network for individuals and organizations committed to the principles of ecotourism. www.ecotourism.org/ explorer

Your Travel Choice Blog Partners

WHL Group Much Better Adventures www.yourtravelchoice.org/about/partners

TIES ecoAuction

ESTC Silent Auction

Featurin a special selection of ecoholiday packages generously donated by TIES members, TIES ecoAuction is hosted on Bidding for Good, a charitable auction community with over 87,000 active bidders.

At the Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference (ESTC), held in Portland OR in September 2010, a silent auction was organized, offering eco-holiday packages (along with other auction items) generously donated by TIES members from around the world.

January 2009 - December 2009 • 58 auction items sold • $28,508 raised

ESTC Silent Auction • 58 auction items sold • $4,570 raised

January 2010 - December 2010 • 45 auction items sold • $15,264 raised Access TIES ecoAuction www.biddingforgood.com/ ecotourismauction Sponsorship Information www.ecotourism.org/ sponsor-ties-ecoauction

Auction! o c e U YO rs THANK rs & Supporte Sponso

A Sneak Preview of What’s to Come in 2011-12

More opportunities for sharing stories and inspirations through improved tools for members to interact with each other.

Ecotourism.org will not only be a place for learning, but also a platform for networking and expanding your networks.

Get engaged in ecotourism initiatives around the world by actively participating in TIES global network!

Stay tuned: Ecotourism.org


Sharing Ideas

Tranform Biodiversity

Capacity Building

Greening Tourism

Responsible Travel Voluntourism slowness

Voices of Nature

Celebrating Excellence

Local ecolodge Travel Heritage


Rewarding and Memorable Experiences

Wildlife Authenticity Innovation Award

Millennium Development Goals www.yourtravelchoice.org

Appreciating Cultural Diversity

Leadership Respecting Our Land

Quality of Life


Making a Difference

Off the Beaten Path


Community Conservation transition Giving Back


Sustainable Business Model


Indigenous Tourism

Creative Solutions


Photography Credits Page 2 (from left) Ecotourism Japan, Piero Ponce, Ecotourism Society Pakistan, Outside Hilton Head Island, Dream Nepal Travels & Tours, The International Ecotourism Society (TIES); Page 4 “2010 at a Glance” - Photo by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES); Page 5 “Ecotourism at the Crossroads” - Photo by Megan Epler Wood; Page 6 Ecotourism in the US Conference, Global Ecotourism Conference - Photos by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES); Page 7 (from left) Kaity Tsui, Thomas A. Tabor, Ecotourism Japan; Page 8 (top) Piero Ponce, (bottom) Nancy Harrison; Page 8 “2010 at a Glance” - Photo by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES); Page 14 “ESTC Silent Auction” - photo: Sarah Henderson, sirenapictures.com.

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