Coasts 4

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Learning Focus: How are coastal landforms created by deposition? • What: Learn how coastal landforms are produced through deposition • How: Create an annotated field sketch showing the movement of sediment. • Why: Understand how different features are formed and where they can be seen in the UK

Connect: What is this picture showing? How do you think it got there?

Eventually the material that is transported by the sea is deposited (dropped), which is responsible for many features around the coastline. Direction of LSD

Larger beach

Smaller beach

Longshore Drift

E.T to L.S.D?! Look at the diagram of Long shore drift on page 149. you have been asked to explain to an alien what on earth long shore drift is?! The alien understands simple diagrams with clear and detailed labels.

Use the diagram on page 149 to draw a sketch to explain to your alien this important concept.

Activate: What are the different features produced by deposition?

A cross-section of a beach is called a beach profile Sandy beaches have gently sloping profiles and shingle and pebble beaches are steeper Shingle ridges called berms are often found towards the back of a beach What sort of waves help to build up the beach? What processes bring sediment to the beach?

Where do you think the smallest beach material is deposited? Why? Where is the largest beach material? Why? How did it get there?

A spit is an extended stretch of beach material that projects out to sea and is joined to the mainland at one end.

A tombolo is like a spit, but it connects the mainland to an island. Chesil Beach connects the Isle of Portland to the UK. Chesil Beach is 18 miles long. Behind it a lagoon has formed.

Demonstrate: How does deposition create these land forms? Task: Using the information on pages 154-155 create a research board to show how each feature is created. Labelled field sketch

(up to C grade)

Information about how feature is created.

(up to B grade)

What processes are responsible for each feature?

(up to A/B grade)

Extension (A/A* answer!): Add the specific details about erosion at work to your field sketches.

Map skills Homework Locate the following coastal features on a map. (Google earth would be a very helpful in doing this task!)

1. A spit (hint: there is a spit located along the Dorset coastline) 2. A beach 3. A bar (hint: there is a bar located at Slapton Lay, Devon) In for next lesson!

Let’s see if you can remember some key words… …Coastal Hangman!

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