Natural Hazards Lesson Six

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Lesson Focus: Why was the Japanese earthquake so disastrous? What: Learn how earthquakes can lead to tsunamis How: Research then write a news report explaining what happened in Japan Why: To be able to describe the impacts of the disaster

Connect: Watch the news report and write down at least 3 facts

This was a 2 in 1 disaster! • It was one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded • The earthquake measured 8.9 on the Richter scale

But, the earthquake also triggered a tsunami.

Activate: What Causes a Tsunami?

What are the different impacts? • You are going to writing and presenting your own news report about the disaster in Japan. • The following impacts will help you make a well informed news report.

• On the 11th March 2011 a huge scale earthquake hit Japan. • The death toll continued to rise for weeks, reaching over 20,000 people.

Whirlpools could be seen off the coast of several cities, catching boats in their drag.

Damage to gas pipes and electricity lines meant that many fires broke out.

The tsunami swept through this car park and engulfed buildings.

Light planes and vehicles are amongst the debris and rubble.

Burst water pipes meant that water swept through towns.

The water swept houses away.

The earthquake triggered a tsunami which swept across the Pacific Ocean.

Thousands who live near this nuclear energy plant have been evacuated.

People had to evacuate swaying buildings in Tokyo- Japan’s capital city.

Japan lies on the ‘Ring of Fire.’ This means they are prone to earthquakes. People know what to do in times of disaster because they practise earthquake drills here.

The capital city was evacuated. With all trains cancelled people had to find their way home via other means.

The disaster was caused by a ‘mega thrust’ quake. This is when one tectonic plate pushes below another.

It is believed to be the 5th most powerful quake on earth in the past 100 years.

Thousands are confirmed dead and tens of thousands are still missing.

Your Challenge! • You are the journalists! • You will work in groups to write a news report about the disaster. • Everyone MUST provide ideas. • Failure to work as a news TEAM will mean that your report will be rejected and not go to print! • You will be ASSESSED on TEAM WORK and COMMUNICATION skills.

Demonstrate: How can I write my own news report? Use the 5 w’s! Who?


What? When? How? • Use the information cards to give you exact information.

Homework: • Between now and next lesson find out 3 new facts about the disaster. • You can add these to your report next lesson. • Extra marks will be awarded for showing signs of your own research!

Lesson Focus: Why was the Japanese earthquake so disastrous? What: Learn how earthquakes can lead to tsunamis How: Research then write a news report explaining what happened in Japan Why: To be able to describe the impacts of the disaster

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