242nd ECS Meeting Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities-Atlanta l GA

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242nd ECS Meeting ATLANTA l GA Oct. 9-13, 2022 Atlanta Hilton Sponsor & Exhibit application deadline: July 29, 2022 (To be included in printed materials) Digital deadline: August 26, 2022 For more information, please SPONSORSHIPsponsorship@electrochem.orgcontact&EXHIBITOPPORTUNTIES
2 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org ABOUT THE TABLEMEETINGOFCONTENTS 02 ............................................................... About the Meeting 04 ........................................................ ECS Technical Program 05 ........................ Symposium Sponsorship & Speaker Support 06 .............................................. General Meeting Sponsorship 08 ..................................... Continuning EducationSponsorship 09 ........................................................... Exhibitor Information 10 ............................................................................ Floor Plan 11-12 ........................................................ Meeting Advertising 13-14 ...................................... Sponsor & Exhibitor Application
Join us as ECS heads to Atlanta, GA, for the 242nd ECS Meeting from October 9 - 13, 2022 Every ECS meeting is a forum for the latest scientific and technical developments in electrochemistry and solid state science. Our participants represent academia, industry, and government at technical symposia, presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions, professional development workshops, and networking and social events. Take advantage of major benefits and unique opportunities to present products and services to your global target market by exhibiting and sponsoring at ECS biannual meetings.
3 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org “ECS meetings are a great place to discuss the latest research results, and meet the experts in the field of Electrochemistry and Solid State Science in a friendly and collegial atmosphere and the future generation of scientists.” — Dr. Christina Bock National Research Council of Canada, ECS President ECS, a nonprofit professional society established in 1902, advances theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. Our 8,000+ members in 85+ countries research innovative solutions to major global challenges. ECS hosts prestigious meetings, publishes research, fosters education, and collaborates with other organizations. THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY WHY PARTICIPATE? • Extend your reach – 2400+ average meeting abstract submissions and attendees • Exposure to ECS community – Over 8,000 members • Gain visibility – Dedicated exhibit hours facilitate idea exchange and collaboration • Meet future leaders – Young professionals’ and students’ posters displayed in exhibit hall • Be heard – Reinforce your distinction among professionals and academics • Keep up with the competition – Network with leading companies in exhibit hall • We fit your budget – Various sponsorship levels
4 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org Meeting abstract submission opens November 2021 Meeting abstracts submission deadline April 8, 2022 Abstract authors notified re: acceptance or rejection June 13, 2022 Technical program published online June 2022 Meeting registration opens June 2022 ECS Transactions submission site opens June 17, 2022 Travel grant application deadline June 27, 2022 Meeting sponsor and exhibitor deadline (for inclusion in printed materials) July 29, 2022 ECS Transactions submission deadline July, 2022 Travel grant approval notification August 29, 2022 Hotel and early meeting registration deadlines September 12, 2022 ECS Transactions release September 30, 2022 Important Dates and Deadlines SYMPOSIUM TOPICS & DEADLINES A Batteries and Energy Storage A01 New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems A02 Research and Development of Primary and Secondary Batteries: In Honor of George Blomgren A03 Lithium Ion Batteries A04 Next Generation Batteries A05 Extreme Batteries A06 Manufacturing in Electrochemistry B Carbon Nanostructures and Devices B01 Carbon Nanostructures: From Fundamental Studies to Applications and Devices C Corrosion Science and Technology C01 Corrosion General Session C02 Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion 10: In Honor of Gerald Frankel C03 Corrosion in Nuclear Energy Systems: From Cradle to Grave 2 C04 Electrochemical Techniques in Corrosion Research 2 D Dielectric Science and Materials D01 Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 19 D02 Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 18: New Materials and Processes D03 Advanced 3D Interconnect Technologies and Packaging D04 Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing 4 D05 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing 2 D06 Quantum Dot Science and Technology 2 D07 Water-Energy Nexus Research Relating to Semiconducting Materials 2 E Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition E01 Electrodeposition for Energy Applications 6 E02 Electrochemical and Electroless Deposition of Functional Materials (Theory, Numerical Simulations, & Applications) 2 E03 Electrochemical and Electrophoretic Deposition of Ceramics, Oxides, and Composites E04 100 Years of the Electrodeposition Division: Past, Present, and Future F Electrochemical Engineering F01 Advances in Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering F02 Electrochemical Separations and Sustainability 5 F03 Tutorial on Industrial Electrochemistry 3 F04 Modeling Electrochemical Systems for Transportation Applications 2 G Electronic Materials and Processing G01 The Long Reach of Electrochemistry – Semiconductors, Metallization, and Energy Storage: In Honor of D. Noel Buckley G02 Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18 G03 SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 10 H Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems H01 State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 65 (SOTAPOCS 65) H02 Thin Film Transistors 16 (TFT 16) H03 Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 15 H04 Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide Power Technologies 12 I Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion I01 Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) I02 Frontiers of Chemical/Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2: In Honor of Robert Savinell’s 70th Birthday I03 Solid State Ionic Devices 14 I04 Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 12 I05 Electrosynthesis of Fuels 7 J Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing J01 Luminescence: Fundamentals and Applications: In Memory of George Blasse K Organic and Bioelectrochemistry K01 Advances in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry: In Memory of Jean-Michel Savéant L Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry L01 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session L02 Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 23 (MSIL-23) L03 In Situ Electrochemical Systems 5 L04 Charge Transfer: Electrons, Protons, and Other Ions 5 L05 Bioelectrocatalysis and Bioelectroanalysis 4 L06 Electrochemistry in the Environment L07 Electrochemistry of Mononuclear and Polynuclear Cyano-complexes M Sensors M01 Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 M02 Printed and Wearable Sensors and Systems 2 Z General Z01 General Student Poster Session
5 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org In addition to general meeting and custom sponsorship options, ECS offers specific symposium sponsorship. By sponsoring a symposium, you directly support the scientists who make the meeting possible. Sponsorships offset travel expenses, registration fees, complimentary proceedings, and/or host receptions for invited speakers, researchers, and students. Platinum$18,750* $12,500*Gold $6,250*Silver Bronze $ 3,125* Contributing$1,875* Brand exposure on the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide, online program, website, and signage Full hyperlinkedlogo to website Full hyperlinkedlogo to website Full hyperlinkedlogo to website Full hyperlinkedlogo to website Organization name Recognition and special thanks from the podiumsymposium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ n/a Recognition in emails to funding recipients ✓ ✓ ✓ n/a n/a Your logo featured as the screen saver on symposium room computers Full-color logo Full-color logo Full-color logo Organization name Organization name Free ad in advertisingmeeting Full page ½ page ¼ page n/a n/a Recognition in the ECS Transactions proceedings volume for that symposium (deadlines apply ~ not all symposia publish ECST) Full-color logo Ful-color logo Ful-color logo Full-color logo Organization name Complimentary meeting registration 2 1 0 0 0 Literature display in symposium room ✓ Can be added for $250 Can be added for $350 Can be added for $500 Can be added for $750 *all prices USD SYMPOSIUM SPONSORSHIP & SPEAKER SUPPORT For more information regarding symposium sponsorship, please contact sponsorship@electrochem.org

• 4 complimentary meeting registrations.

• Organization logo in the meeting advertisement, online program, website (with link), and signage.

• 1 full-page complimentary ad plus second video page in the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide).

• 1 complimentary exhibit booth.

• 4 complimentary exhibit only registrations.

• Access the exhibitor lounge for one-on-one networking.

Platinum Sponsorship can also include a custom opportunity! (Choose one)

• Plenary Session – Stand out by sponsoring the meeting’s most highlighted event. Sponsorship acknowledgement at the beginning of the session. (One sponsorship available)

• Opening Reception – Kick off the meeting as this event’s sponsor. Stand out from the rest, as your company is acknowledged and your logo is displayed at the start of the reception.(Two sponsorships available)

• Online Program Sponsorship – Your company gets a positive charge out of advertising in the 241st meeting online program footer ad. (Three sponsorships available)

• 3 complimentary meeting registrations.

• Organization logo in the meeting advertisement, online program, website (with link), and signage.

• 1 full-page complimentary ad in the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide).

• 1 literature display table (As described on page 9)

• 3 complimentary exhibit only registrations.

• Access the exhibitor lounge for one-on-one networking.

Gold Sponsorship can also include a custom opportunity! (Choose one)

• ECS Daily Meeting eNewsletter – Hyperlinked logo featured in the daily ECS Meeting eNewsletter.

• ECS Weekly eNewsletter – Your banner ad reaches over 34K online subscribers. (Three advertisements anytime during 2022)

• Workplace Lounge – Provide a convenient attendee gathering space for working and networking. Your logo is prominently displayed throughout the lounge. (Multiple sponsorships available)

• Custom Event – Plan this sponsorship with ECS to get maximum exposure. Reach attendees in unique ways. Example: Sponsor a special attendee activity within your branded event. Includes a custom email to all meeting attendees and a mention in the meeting program’s Highlighted Events section. SPONSORSHIP

6 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org
*all prices USD

• 2 complimentary meeting registrations.

• Organization logo in the meeting advertisement, online program, website (with link), and signage.

• ½ page complimentary ad in the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide).

• 2 complimentary exhibit only registrations.

• Access the exhibitor lounge for one-on-one networking.

Silver Sponsorship can also include a custom opportunity! (Choose one)

• Lanyard – All attendees receive a logo-branded lanyard for their name badges. (One sponsorship available)

• ECS Weekly eNewsletter – Your banner ad reaches over 34K online subscribers. (Two advertisements anytime during 2022)

• Student Mixer – Tomorrow’s decision makers receive a branded networking event including t-shirts, food, and fun. (Two sponsorships available)

• Organization logo in the meeting advertisement, online program, website (with link), and signage.

• 1/4 page complimentary ad in the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide).

• 1 complimentary exhibit only registration.

• Access the exhibitor lounge for one-on-one networking.

Bronze Sponsorship can also include a custom opportunity! (Choose one)

• Coffee/Networking Breaks – Energize attendees by sponsoring coffee, the most coveted item at the meeting! Promote your brand on signage at the coffee break. (One sponsor per break; six sponsorships available)

• ECS Weekly eNewsletter – ECS Newsletter banner ad reaches over 34K online subscribers. (One advertisement anytime during 2022)

• Organization name in the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide, online program, website, and signage.

Contributing Sponsorship can also include a custom opportunity!

• Conference pens – Company logo-branded pens distributed to meeting attendees. (Four sponsorships available)

*all prices USD

“We definitely know that the people at ECS meetings are our potential customer base. They’re definitely more important to us than a larger society where there’s a much bigger, broader audience that’s not as tuned to us. We may get more leads in a larger society meeting, but they’re not the kind of qualified—or quality—leads we want. With ECS, almost every single person is a quality lead and somebody we want to talk to and do business with.” Alex Peroff,

Electroanalytical Scientist, Pine Research Instrumentation
7 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org
8 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org At each of our biannual meetings, the education committee provides programming to help students and young professionals develop skills for their current and future careers. We invite your organization to get involved and support these initiatives through sponsorship. Sponsorship opportunities: Professional Portraits ................................................. $2,500 Resume Review .......................................................... $4,000 Refresh & Connect: ECS Mentoring Session $5,000 Short Courses $5,000** Professional Development Workshops $3,000** *all prices USD **per short course & workshops CONTINUING EDUCATION SPONSORSHIP SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. INVEST IN THE FUTURE. The Society works hard to provide career development resources to students, early career researchers, and experienced professionals alike. You too can support the continuing development of the next generation of electrochemists. Contact Anna.Olsen@electrochem.org for more information Have a suggestion for a new professional development workshop, webinar, or short course? Email Shannon.Reed@electrochem.org.


Monday, October 10, 2022

0800-1200h Exhibit build 1200-1700h Exhibitor move in 1400-1700h Poster move in 1800-2000h Technical Exhibit, General Poster Session

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Poster move in 1400-2000h Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h Networking & Coffee Break 1800-2000h General and Student Poster Sessions

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

1400-1700h Poster move in 1400-2000h Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h Networking & Coffee Break 1800-2000h General Poster Session 2000-2200h

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Booth & Display Information

Optional Technical Exhibit tear down

Technical Exhibit tear down

• 3’

• mobile app,

For more information or to submit your application, please contact sponsorship@electrochem.org.

9 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org All standard booths include the following:
Standard 10’x10’ exhibit space with 8’ high back wall and
high side drapes
One 7”x44” single line ID sign
One 6’ draped table with two side chairs
One wastebasket
One complimentary full-meeting registration
Two complimentary exhibit-only meeting registrations Additional exhibit-only registrations are available at $50/registration
Brand exposure in meeting advertising, online program,
website (with link), and signage
Logo with exhibitor listing in meeting advertising and on the website
Access to the exhibitor lounge for one-on-one networking All unstaffed literature displays include the following:
One 7”x44” single line ID sign
One 6’ skirted table
Company profile on the meeting website, online program, and meeting advertising


Admiral Instruments 309

Advance Cell Engineering 205

Ametek – Scientific (Par/Solarton)Instruments 502

Arbin Instruments 400

BASi 401

BioLogic USA 304, 306, & 308 TechnologiesCalumix Inc 504

Comsol, Inc 407

Current Chemicals 202

Cyclikal, LLC 506

DataPhysics Instruments USA Corp 402

DHS, Science and Technology Directorate 105 De Nora 305

ECS Network Lounge100, 102, & 104

ECS Professional Portraits 108

Gamry Instruments 406 & 408

Hiden Analytical 204

IOP Publishing 201

Ivium Technologies 303 Malvern Panalytical 103

MTI Corporation 200

Metrohm USA 300 & 302

OCI MicroengineeringVacuum 404

Palmsens BV 403

Pamarco 107

Pine InstrumentationResearch 206 & 208

Royal Society of Chemistry 405

Scribner Associates 209

SH Scientific Corporation 500

Spectro Inlets Aps 101

TA Instruments 301

UL Research Institutes 508


Wildcat TechnologiesDiscovery 207

Wiley 203

Xenocs, Inc 307

Zurich Instruments USA 409

10 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org Application deadline: July 29, 2022 Floor Plan Key ITEM TOTAL 1st booth $2,950 Additional booths $1,950 Corner booth add $500 to each Literature display $1,950 *all prices USD AtlantaPricing*Hilton UP CONSESSION CONSESSIONFACILITY REQUIRES FEC 115113 214212 223221219215213209 322320318314312308 309 10'30'LoungeBarBar10' 12' 12' 11'-11" 11'-6" 20'ExhibitorLounge20' 10' 17'17' 11' 10' 7' 7' 7' 7' 12' 12' 16'-1" 13' 12' 12' OctoberPRiME5 Hawaii Convention CenterHonoluluKamehameha UP CONSESSION CONSESSION WOMEN MEN FACILITY REQUIRES 20' FRONT AISLE FEC FEC 115113 214212 223221219215213 322320318314312 423421419415413 522520518514512 515513 61461210'30'LoungeBarBar20'20'20'10' 12' 12' 12' 11'-11" 11'-6" 20'ExhibitorLounge20' 10' 10'10'10' 12' 17' 17' 17'17' 11' 10' 10' 7' 7'7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 12' 12' 16'-1" 13' 12' 12' 13' 12' 12' OctoberPRiME5-7, 2020 Hawaii Convention Center - Kamehameha Exhibit Honolulu, HI ChairsTablesBoardsPosterand FLOOR PLAN DN DN UP DNDN DNDN DN COOLING TOWER UP DNDN DNUPDN EXIT EXITEXITEXITEXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT ExhibitorEXITLounge 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 12'-2"12'-1" 9' 9' 11'-10" 9'-1"Coffee Station 20' x 8' Coffee Station 20' x 8' ENTRANCE ENTRANCE18' 9'-1" 9'-1" 7'-6"8'-10"20'10' OPEN TO BELOW ELEC. REF.MECHANICAL RM STORAGE LIQUOR STORAGE STORAGE Pre-Function South Pre-Function North Pre-FunctionEscalators Storage Corridor Coat.Coat.RmRmLobbyGuestElevator East WingPre-FunctionWest ElevatorLobby Pre-FunctionMen STORAGE KitchenPrep 20'BoothECS10'EXIT EXIT EXIT 100 101 102 103 104 107105 108 109 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 508506504502500 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 25' 36"36" 19' 8' 8' 8' 8' 12'-6" 1105510'x10'DimensionInventory-Double-Total7-36"TablesSeating4-36"HighboysJob#AEBuildingNameAddressHallFloorShowNameShowDatesMove-InFilePathDrawnFileNameLastSavedSavedPaperSizeScaleTab Shepard Exposition Services has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information contained on this floor plan. However, no warranties, either expressed or implied, are made with respect to this floor plan. Verifying the locations of building columns, utilities, or other architectural components of the facility is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor/show management. SUBJECT TO FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL FHCFSFE 1531 October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta Hilton Hotel - Grand Ballroom - Level 2 Atlanta, GA

ECS Online Program

Highlight your brand to our entire community as a supporter of ECS. Our community is making key discoveries that address global sustainability challenges. Join us, as we look to further advancement in these areas.

• Online program footer ad – $6,500*

o Three sponsorships available

o Ad links to sponsor’s website

o Dynamic rotation; ad is present on all pages

o Artwork submitted as PNG or JPG in RGB color mode

o Five sizes needed when placing footer sponsor ads so that the images display well in all browser sizes and mobile devices.**

 1800 px W x 100 px H

 1280 px W x 100 px H

 960 px W x 100 px H

 640 px W x 50 px H

 480 px W x 50 px H

• Online program symposium ad – $5,000*

o Multiple sponsorships available

o Ads will be displayed inline within chosen symposium

o Ad links to sponsor’s website

o Art work submitted as PNG or JPG in RGB mode

o Provide the following two sizes:**

 1800 px W x 450 px H – desktop 800 px W x 200 px H – mobile

• Online program navigation panel ad – $3,500*

o Three sponsorships available

o Ad links to sponsor’s website

o Dynamic rotation; ad is present on all pages

o Art work submitted as PNG or JPG in RGB mode

o Image size specification is 480 px W X 360 px H**

*all prices USD

**Please note: As images shrink in smaller screen sizes, be aware of not making text too small. Navigation Ad

11 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org NEW MEETING ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES
Footer Ad Symposium Ad

MEETING ADVERTISING visibility to credibility, advertising at ECS meetings is right for your organization. Today’s successful sales The Society’s powerful platform entices major new customers and relationships with current customers around the world. Join us! DEVguide:

• and in the critical electrochemistry and solid state science market;

• strategic for organization and product(s); at scale, in context, in a personal format;

• to make campaigns cost-effective. $3,500 $2,500 $1,500 $500 ensure your are reproduced at the highest quality, please send electronic high resolution PDF files (all graphic elements and text at least 300 dpi) all converted to outline. from one to three minutes; or link to a YouTube video.

12 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org
Share your message by advertising in the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide! From
campaigns include digital advertising.
Distributed to all live
online audiences
Provides a
digital showcase
• Brings brand stories to customers
Delivers real time results and metrics
Full page
Half page
Quarter page
Addition of a second full-page ad with video
*all prices USD FORMAT SIZE (no bleed) SIZE (bleed) 4-Color Width Height Width Height Full Page 7” 10” 8 �/� ” 11 �/� ” ½ Page 7” 4 �/� ” 8 �/� ” 5 �/� ” ¼ Page 3 �/�” 5” N/A N/A To
Video: MP3, MP4
ACCEPTABLE APPLICATIONS • Adobe Illustrator (version 6.0 or higher), • Adobe Photoshop (version 4.0 or higher), and Adobe PDF. AdsDEADLINEmustbereceived by August 26, 2022 Note: Advertisers are responsible for submitting ads on time. Ads received after the deadline will not be included. Pricing* Specifications UNACCEPTABLE APPLICATIONS Microsoft Office: • Microsoft PowerPoint • Microsoft Word • Microsoft Excel METRICS The DEVguide provides impressions, reads, read time, and clicks. The DEVguide does not provide in-document link click-through rates (CTR), these are easy to find through Google Analytics or Bit.ly. Please consider this when submitting your URLs.
13 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Date Organization Are you an ECS Institutional Member? ■ Yes ■ No Contact Name Title CityAddress State Postal Code Country Phone Fax Email WebsiteAddress Twitter Handle Please contact ECS at sponsorship@electrochem.org if you prefer to display information different from that listed above. Remember, the deadline for recognition in printed materials is July 29, 2022. PAYMENT INFORMATION Sponsorship and exhibit costs are payable to ECS in U.S. funds by a check drawn on a U.S. bank, a credit card, or bank/wire transfer. The full balance is due when the application is received. Please select from the payment options below. ■ Check (Enclosed) ■ Credit Card Card Type ■ Visa ■ Master Card ■ American Express ■ Discover Cardholder’s Name Card Number CVV Expiration Date ■ Request Bank/Wire Transfer Information ($40 wire transfer fee) ■ Please send an invoice for the balance of my payment Application deadline: July 29, 2022 Please complete pages 13-14 and return to sponsorship@electrochem.org. SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR APPLICATION


Contact (if different from Org. Contact)

Email Phone

Please send a vector-based logo to sponsorship@electrochem. org. To ensure your logo is reproduced at its highest quality, please provide it in a vector-based AI or EPS format with all fonts converted to outline.


See floor plan on page 10. Please indicate top three choices. Booth #_______ Booth #_______ Booth #_______

We would prefer to be near the following exhibitor(s)

We would prefer not to be near the following exhibitor(s)



■ 1st booth $2,950

■ Additional booths $1,950

■ Corner boot add $500 to each

■ Literature display ................................................................ $1,950

Exhibit Total $___________________


■ Platinum $18,750

■ Gold 12,500

■ Silver 6,250

■ Bronze 3,125

■ Contributing 1,875


■ Platinum $18,750

■ Gold 12,500

■ Silver 6,250 Bronze 3,125

■ Contributing 1,875



■ Full page $3,500

■ Half page 2,500

■ Quarter page 1,500

■ Addition of a second full-page ad with video 500


■ Footer ad $6,500

■ Symposium ad 5,000

■ Navagation Panel ad 3,500



1) This exhibit supplements the ECS meeting. Exhibitors are expected to present their products and/or services with awareness of the technical needs of the meeting attendees. The 242nd ECS Meeting reserves the right to deny any applicant who is unlikely to contribute to the overall objectives of the meeting.

2) Exhibitor must authorize an official on-site representative to be responsible for its booth. The representative shall be authorized to enter into such contracts as may be necessary to ECS and other contractors and subcontractors. At least one representative must be at the booth during all official exhibit hours.

3) Exhibitors will receive a registration form closer to the meeting to designate free full (1) and exhibit-only (2) registrations. Each additional exhibit-only registration will cost $50.00. Literature display tables are unstaffed tables.

4) Exhibitor assumes responsibility and agrees to indemnify and defend ECS and the Vancouver Convention Center and their respective owners, managers, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, and agents against any claims or expenses arising out of the use of the exhibition premises.

5) Exhibitor understands that neither ECS, nor the venue contracted to host the exhibit, maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property, and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.

6) Exhibitors canceling after Friday, July 29, 2022, incur a 50% cancellation fee.

■ I understand and agree to abide by the official exhibition regulations as stated above Date

14 Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities • 242nd ECS Meeting • ATLANTA, GA • October 9-13, 2022 • www.electrochem.org
Authorized Representative Name Authorized Representative Signature


Solidify and strengthen your brand

Sponsoring events at ECS meetings gives your brand visibility and reinforces your position as an industry leader. Companies can choose from a wide array of activities—from symposia to special events—which deliver worldwide recognition as a supporter of electrochemical and solid state research—and enhance ECS meetings.

Associate your company with ECS

ECS meetings are the right place to exhibit! From visibility to credibility, exhibiting at ECS meetings is right for your organization. Benefit from the Society’s powerful platform to meet major new customers and boost relationships with current customers from around the world.

Access cutting-edge research

Our events offer exceptional and balanced scientific programs covering an extensive range of topics. Top scientists from around the world give you access to the latest research breakthroughs.

Build new partnerships

Meeting poster sessions, coffee breaks, and exclusive social events deliver unparalleled networking opportunities and facilitate dialogue and collaboration between exhibitors and attendees.

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