242nd ECS Meeting Atlanta, GA-Meeting Guide

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MEETING GUIDE 242nd ECS Meeting ATLANTA • GA Oct. 9-13, 2022 Hilton Atlanta WIFI Network Name: freethescience Password: openaccess


Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
Guide Awards, Divisions 9 Awards, Sections 10 Awards, Society 9 Committee and Board Meetings 25 Companion Registrant Program ..................................................................................... 2 Division Events .............................................................................................................. 24 ECS Officers and Staff ............................................................................................... 48-49 Featured Events ............................................................................................................ 23 Exhibitors ................................................................................................................. 16-17 Floor Plans..................................................................................................................... 13 Future ECS Meetings ........................................................................................ back cover General Meeting Information ......................................................................................... 2 Get to Know ECS ............................................................................................................. 5 Highlighted Events ........................................................................................................ 20 Local Area Map ............................................................................................................. 12 Meeting Abstracts ........................................................................................................... 4 Message from the President 1 Online Program 3 Plenary Session 8 Presenter Information 6 Registration Information ................................................................................................. 6 Session Listing ............................................................................................................... 31 Short Courses ................................................................................................................ 21 Sponsors ........................................................................................................................ 18 Symposium Sponsors .................................................................................................... 19 Symposium Topics......................................................................................................... 26

Message from the President

ECS Welcomes You to Atlanta!

On behalf of the board of directors, volunteer leadership, and staff of ECS, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 242nd ECS Meeting.

To kick off this exciting week, we invite all ECS Members to join us at the Hilton Atlanta on Sunday for the ECS Members Only Reception in the Grand Salon West at 1800h. Then join us for the Opening Reception in the Grand Ballroom at 1900h. All attendees are welcome to enjoy light snacks, an open bar, ample networking time, and the chance to meet with ECS divisions.

On Monday, attend the Plenary Session located in the Grand Salon West. We invite attendees to wrap up the first full meeting day with the ECS Lecture, “The Critical Role of Energy Storage in the Electric Economy and Overcoming Climate Change,” by Stanley Whittingham, Nobel Laureate and Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materials and Director at Binghamton University, State University of New York. We also recognize Society award winners Fikile Brushett—recipient of the Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award—and Yue Kuo—recipient of the Edward G. Acheson Award. Division award winners from 2022 and past years (when meetings were held digitally due to the COVID-19 pandemic) will also be acknowledged.

Throughout the week, be sure to stop by the Exhibit Hall, located in the Grand Ballroom, to mingle with colleagues and discover our exciting lineup of industryleading exhibitors. Poster sessions take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, offering a wealth of presentations and topics to browse at your leisure. All week long, enjoy Society, division, and section award talks in various symposia. Check the online technical program for more details on these presentations and the complete technical program of over 2,400 abstracts.

The 242nd ECS Meeting is not only an excellent opportunity to explore the latest advances in science and technology, but also to discover the heart of Downtown Atlanta! “ATL” offers fine dining, shopping, and a rich history, which combine with inspirational attractions to create a city with Southern charm and world-class sophistication.

If you have any questions or concerns, please stop by Group Registration for further assistance.

We hope you have a great meeting experience and thank you for your continued support of ECS!

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 1

General Information


Location: Group Registration

Saturday. 1600-1900h

Sunday.................................. 0700-1900h

Monday 0700-1900h

Tuesday 0700-1730h

Wednesday 0700-1600h

Thursday............................... 0700-1000h

Registration fees*

On-site registration fees

Member $820

Nonmember.................................. $1,035

Student Member $480

Student Nonmember $540

One Day Member $655

One Day Nonmember $800

Emeritus and Honorary Member $0

Nontechnical Registrant $65

*All prices are in U.S. Dollars*

Who must pay the registration fee?

All meeting participants, including invited speakers, are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Individuals participating in Short Courses along with the meeting are required to register for both events.

Companion/Nontechnical registrant program

Attendees’ travel companions are invited to register for the meeting as nontechnical registrants. The nontechnical registrant fee includes admission to non-ticketed social events and a “Welcome to Atlanta” gift packet.

Lost badge or ticket

There is a $30 charge for reprinting lost badges or tickets. Entry to ticketed events is not possible without an actual ticket. Tickets cannot be reprinted at the event itself. Visit Registration during scheduled hours to reprint tickets.

Short Course registration

Four Short Courses are offered during the 242nd ECS Meeting—three on Sunday, October 9, from 0800-1630h, and one on Thursday, October 13, from 0800-1630h. Short courses are not recorded for later viewing. Pre-registration is required. The deadline to pre-register for Short Courses was October 3, 2022. However, registration may be possible on a space availability basis. Visit Customer Service at Registration to determine if space remains in a course that interests you.

Short Course Fees**

Course Only Course Regular Fees (Price discounted with Regular Fees* the purchase of a meeting registration)*

Member $625** $500

Nonmember $775 $650

Student Member $325 $250

Student Nonmember $400 $325

*Registration for Short Courses includes Breakfast and Lunch.

**All prices are in U.S. Dollars.

2 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

Things to Know


Complimentary network is available to all attendees in the meeting space.

Username: freethescience

Password: openaccess


Accommodations for attendees with disabilities are handled on an individual basis. If you require assistance, contact meeting headquarters (meetings@ electrochem.org) today by emailing meetings@electrochem.org or stop by Registration on site.

Permissions granted to ECS

ECS reserves the right to record any or all meeting-related events electronically. By registering for and/or attending an ECS meeting, you grant ECS permission to use any recording or photography made of you at any meeting event or anywhere within the meeting venue.

Photography and recording is NOT permitted in technical sessions

By attending the ECS meeting, you agree not to record any technical session activity without the express written consent of ECS. Violators of this policy are removed from the meeting and their registrations revoked without the possibility of a refund.

Speaker indemnification

The ideas and opinions expressed in the technical sessions, conferences, and handout materials are those of the presenter. They are not those of ECS, nor can any endorsement by ECS be claimed.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance is limited and generally governed by each symposium’s organizers. Contact your symposium organizers to determine funding availability. Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation should write to meeting headquarters (meetings@ electrochem.org). Such letters do not imply any ECS financial responsibilities.

Letters of attendance

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Attendance should visit the “Letters of Attendance” self-help computer in Registration or see a meeting representative.

Need an invoice?

Your registration information and invoice are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on your personal computer. Go to www.electrochem.org to log into your account to access this information.

Make the Most of Your

ECS Meeting Experience

Online program

The online program is your gateway to all meeting events and activities. Bookmark it now at https://ecs.confex.com/ecs/242/meetingapp.cgi.

With the online program:

• Navigate through the full meeting program, including all Technical Sessions and Events.

• Read the individual abstracts for all 2,400+ scheduled technical presentations.

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 3

• Quickly browse through ECS Society and Division Award Presentation abstracts and presentation details.

• Select sessions, individual presentations, and special events as Favorites for a handy reference of your personal meeting highlights.

• Use the Schedule feature to add customized events to your personal meeting schedule. Any events marked as Favorites (above) are added automatically to your personal schedule.

• Use the People feature to locate specific contributors and their presentations, and then the Connect button to send messages to an individual person via a built-in peer-to-peer messaging tool.

• Access the list of Cancelled Presentations for the most up-to-date scheduling information.

• Open Floor Plans to find layouts of the Hilton Atlanta event spaces quickly.

• Browse detailed Sponsor and Symposium Sponsor information, and the most up-to-date Exhibitor List.

• View any digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) that authors have uploaded. These files are available to all meeting registrants through November 5, 2022.

• Engage with presenters via a Comment field on every presentation web page.

• View any Award Presentations broadcast live through the Live Events feature.

Take time to familiarize yourself with the online program and use its builtin features to experience all that this amazing event has to offer!

Tools for a successful meeting

• Make sure to always wear your badge and have your special event tickets on hand.

• Access the full meeting website at https://www.electrochem.org/242.

• Bookmark the online program on your local device for easier access to the meeting schedule and abstracts.

• Become familiar with the meeting layout by using the maps on pages 13-15.

• Turn off cell phones during presentations. Remember, photography and recording is prohibited in session rooms.

• Stop by the Opening Reception on Sunday to greet old friends, meet new friends, and interact directly with some ECS divisions.

• Visit the Exhibit Hall to network and learn more about the latest industry innovations.

• Have extra copies of your business cards and/or poster presentations to hand out.

• Presentation videos and/or slides uploaded by some presenters to the online program are available for viewing through November 5.

• Become an ECS Member! Stop by Customer Service in Registration for more information.

• Tell us about your experience by completing the post-conference survey sent to you via email.

Meeting abstracts

Always right at hand—and as always, FREE! Registrants access all abstracts easily via the online program or download them from the meeting website. Paper copies of meeting abstracts are not distributed; attendees requiring these should download and print them before the meeting.

Advance your career

• Attend an ECS Short Course. See pages 21-22 for more information.

4 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

• Visit the Exhibit Hall to talk with leading companies in the field and network with poster presenters. Start researching which booths you plan to visit on page 16.

• Check the ECS Career Center, available all year round, at jobs.electrochem.org

• Update your LinkedIn profile with a new photo! Receive a complimentary

Get to Know ECS

ECS Booth

Stop by the ECS booth and reconnect with the ECS team!

Meet the Editors*

Location: Grand Ballroom Tuesday, October 11, 1730-1830h Tuesday, October 11, 1830-1930h Wednesday, October 12, 1730-1830h Wednesday, October 12, 1830-1930h

Did I hear RAFFLE?

Visit the ECS booth on the exhibit floor and drop your business card to enter to win a raffle item:

• Monograph (Electrochemical Systems, 4th Edition)

• Free meeting registration

• Complimentary ECS Life Membership

Pick up a treat and try your luck at winning some cool ECS swag to show off at home. Then brag about attending an ECS meeting!

Need a new bag/luggage tag? If yes, then stop by the Lamination Station located in the Networking Lounge on the Exhibit Floor.

Conference proceedings

Proceedings papers from select symposia have been published online in ECS Transactions. All 242nd ECS Meeting issues are available to browse and read on an article level in the ECS Digital Library. Alternatively, purchase them in full as an instant PDF download from the ECS Online Store.

professional portrait in the Exhibit Hall, Booth 108.

• Meet the leaders of the divisions that align with your field at the Open Reception on Sunday.

• Are you a member? Register and attend the MEMBERS ONLY Reception on Sunday before the Opening Reception begins. You must have a ticket to attend the event.


ECS’s peer-reviewed journals—Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS), ECS Sensors Plus (ECSSP), and ECS Advances (ECSA)— provide continuous publication while maintaining the highest standards of peer review. JES and JSS offer the option to publish open access (OA) through ECS’s Author Choice Open Access program, while ECSSP and ECSA are fully Gold Open Access. The ECS OA program has various discount options, allowing most authors to publish OA at no cost or deeply reduced pricing through ECS membership or the ECS Plus subscription program. To learn more, visit www.electrochem.org/ oa or contact oa@electrochem.org


ECS members move science forward. We:

• Connect the electrochemical community

• Empower researchers at the forefront of discovery

• Accelerate the speed of science

• Engage and champion inclusivity

Join today and connect with the community that cares about and supports you and your work!

ECS members receive great benefits— discounts, professional development, and more. Visit www.electrochem.org/ join to join or stop by Customer Service in Registration.

*Check the online program for the full schedule of editors and their appearance times.

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 5

Presenter Information

Commercial advertisements and publicity are NOT permitted during oral or poster presentations.

For further detailed information on oral and poster presentation requirements, please visit the Author & Presenter Info page on the 242nd ECS Meeting website.

Oral presentations must be in English. Laptop computers and projectors are available in each symposium room for presentations. Presenting authors MUST bring their presentation on a USB flash drive to use with the dedicated laptop. Speakers requiring special equipment must submit a written request to ECS headquarters (meetings@electrochem. org) before the meeting; special requests are not handled on site. Additional information for oral presentations:

• Arrive to your session room early and introduce yourself to the session chairs (Session Chair ribbons are on their name tags).

• No additional time is allotted for Q&A (questions and answer sessions). If you plan to have Q&A, prepare your talk accordingly, based on the time length written in your acceptance notification.

• There is no speaker ready room.

Poster presentations must be in English and correspond to the abstract number and assigned date of presentation detailed in your acceptance notification. Additional information for poster sessions:

• No posters are displayed on site without author participation. No exceptions are granted.

• Posters must be removed at the end of each session. Any posters left behind are discarded.

• Mount posters from 1400-1700h on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

• Only mount posters on the presentation day.

• Pushpins and/or thumbtacks are supplied.

• Authors are responsible for the security of their displays and all items of value. ECS does not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen or broken articles.

• You may bring smaller copies of your poster (8.5×11 or A4 sizes only) for attendees to take away. Bring a clear folder to put them in; then pin the folder to the board with your display.

Digital presentations must be in English. All digital presenters were required to submit digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) in advance of the meeting. These materials are available to meeting attendees for on-demand viewing in the online meeting program from October 9-November 5, 2022.

The Z01 General Student Poster Session is part of the Tuesday Poster Session and Technical Exhibit. Presentation set up is from 1400-1700h; poster judging begins at 1700h; formal presentations begin at 1800h. Winners are announced and awards presented during the Wednesday General Poster Session from approximately 1815-1830h.

6 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
You may mount your poster only on your assigned day. Monday ......................... 1400-1700h Tuesday ......................... 1400-1700h Wednesday ................... 1400-1700h

Code of Conduct

ECS technical meeting Code of Conduct

ECS technical meeting attendees must conduct themselves in a manner that inspires public confidence and trust at all times. The success and credibility of ECS is dependent on adhering to our commitments and displaying honesty, integrity, and discretion when participating in Society activities and functions. Attendees who disregard these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including forfeiting their meeting registration, loss of Society membership, and/or being relieved of volunteer positions held within the Society.

When attending an ECS technical meeting, attendees assume the responsibility of adhering to this Code of Conduct:

• Attendees must ensure that they are in a condition to attend meetings safely, without risk of causing harm to themselves and/or others.

• Attendees are expected to present themselves in a mature and responsible manner at all times. Conduct and behavior during an ECS meeting, including private activities and social gatherings, should exhibit a high degree of personal integrity and

professionalism with respect to all individuals involved.

• Fighting, horseplay, disorderly conduct or other unsafe acts that may cause bodily injury or endanger others is prohibited.

• Attendees must not be noticeably impaired or under the influence of drugs or any controlled substances during ECS meetings, events, and other functions.

• Attendees are prohibited from engaging in any act of harassment, sexual, racial or other; telling sexist or racially based jokes; and making racial or ethnic slurs.

• Obscene or abusive language, rudeness, and unprofessional and/or antagonistic conduct toward any individual is prohibited.

Everyone is encouraged to communicate Code of Conduct policy violation concerns to an ECS management team member. ECS investigates all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior. ECS takes appropriate action in every instance where inappropriate behavior is found to have occurred. ECS does not retaliate against individuals who raise Code of Conduct violation concerns.

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 7

Plenary/ECS Lecture

Gather with your colleagues!

The plenary session is a highlight of every ECS meeting and brings together participants from all symposia to celebrate some of the greatest minds in the field. ECS President Turgut Gür wraps up the first full day of the 242nd ECS Meeting, welcoming meeting attendees and introducing the highly anticipated lecturer, Nobel laureate M. Stanley Whittingham from Binghamton University. Prof. Whittingham presents “The Critical Role of Energy Storage in the Electric Economy and Overcoming Climate Change.”

These Society awards are presented at the session:

Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award

Edward G. Acheson Award

Throughout the week, be sure to attend the Society, division, and section award winners’ talks delivered in symposia. Check the online program for specific dates and times and add them to your personal meeting schedule.

The ECS Lecture Monday, 1630h EST Grand Salon West

The Critical Role of Energy Storage in the Electric Economy and Overcoming Climate Change by Dr. Stan Whittingham, Binghamton University, State University of New York Energy storage, and in particular electrochemically-based storage, is critical in enabling the electric economy, just as it was for enabling the communications revolution. Lithium batteries have played the key role to date, but electrochemistry is also essential to the success of a clean hydrogen economy and to the attainment of a cleaner mining industry, one that would be based on electro-reduction rather than carbothermal processes.

M. Stanley Whittingham is a SUNY (State University of New York) Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering at Binghamton University. He received the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (with John B. Goodenough and Akira Yoshino) “for the development of lithium-ion batteries.” Prof. Whittingham received his BA and PhD in Chemistry from Oxford University, where he is an honorary Fellow of New College. He has been active in Li-batteries since 1971 when he won the Young Author Award of The Electrochemical Society for his work on beta-alumina. Prof. Whittingham joined Exxon in 1972 and discovered the role of intercalation in battery reactions. This resulted in the first commercial lithium rechargeable batteries, built by Exxon Enterprises. He returned to academia at Binghamton University (SUNY) in 1988, to initiate a program in materials chemistry. In 2018, Prof. Whittingham was elected member of the National Academy of Engineering and received the Turnbull Award from the Materials Research Society (MRS). He is an Honorary Member and Fellow of The Electrochemical Society; Foreign Member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the Royal Society, MRS, International Society of Electrochemistry, and ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data). His current research addresses pushing lithium batteries to their limits and assisting in creating an American lithium battery industry. Prof. Whittingham is Director of the NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES) and Battery-NY, and serves on the leadership team of two US battery consortia, NYBEST and NAATBatt.

Dr. Stan Whittingham
8 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org


The following ECS award talks take place during the 242nd ECS Meeting. Please check the online program for the full schedule of award talk times.

Society awards

Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award

Advancing Porous Electrodes for Electrochemical Systems

Fikile Brushett, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Division awards

Battery Division Early Career Award

Sponsored by Neware Technology Limited Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Cathode Microstructures in Lithium Batteries

Feng Lin, Virginia Tech

Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation

Thermal Runaway Modeling of Li-ion Batteries – From Fundamental Modeling to Real-Life Applications

Paul Coman, University of South Carolina

Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation

3D Printing of Batteries: Fiction or Reality? Alexis Maurel, University of Texas at El Paso

Battery Division Research Award

Structure-Property Relationships: A Journey From LFP to Lithium Metal

Atsuo Yamada, University of Tokyo

Battery Division Research Award

A New Perspective on Layered Transition Metal Oxides As Cathode Active Materials

Bor Yann Liaw, Idaho National Laboratory

Edward G. Acheson Award

Exploration of Amorphous Thin Film Electronics

Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University

Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development

Energy Storage with the Abundant Divalent Metal Batteries

Singyuk Hou, University of Maryland, College Park

Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development

The Role of Ion Solvation in Reduced Temperature Li Metal Batteries

John Holoubek, University of California, San Diego

Battery Division Technology Award

Understanding Metals’ Roles in Layered Structure Oxides for High-Energy Lithium-ion Batteries

Jun Lu, Argonne National Laboratory

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award

The Journey from Numerical Simulations to Impedance Analysis

Mark Orazem, University of Florida

Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award Microscopic Electrochemical Properties of Carbon Steels and Metallurgical Approach for High Corrosion Resistance

Mariko Kadowaki, National Institute for Materials Science

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 9

Division awards, cont.

Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence

Rust At a Glance: Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Porous Corroding Interfaces

David Bastidas, University of Akron

Electrodeposition Division Research Award

Impact of Electrodeposition on the Design and Synthesis of Nanoporous Functional Materials

Nikolay Dimitrov, Binghamton University, State University of New York

Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award

Understanding and Controlling Electrodeposition of Li in Solid Electrolytes

Fudong Han, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology

Low Temperature Water Electrolysis as a Near Term Enabler in Climate Change Mitigation

Katherine Ayers, Nel Hydrogen

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Outstanding Achievement Award

Mechanisms of Oxide Exsolution and Electrode Applications in Solid Oxide Cells

Scott Barnett, Northwestern University

Section awards

Europe Section Alessandro Volta Award

The Journey Towards the Large-Scale Commercialization of Low-Cost and High Energy Density Na-ion Batteries

Jerry Barker, Faradion Limited

Europe Section Alessandro Volta Award

From the Oil Barrel to Reactive Metals: An Approach to the Energy Transition

Stefano Passerini, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award

Joule Heating Based Ultrafast High-Temperature Sintering for Materials Discovery and Manufacturing Liangbing Hu, University of Maryland

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award

Electrochemically Grown Highly Textured Thick Ceramic Oxide Films for Energy Storage: A New Manufacturing Paradigm for Cathode Materials

Arghya Patra, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award

Formulation of Radiative and Nonradiative Transitions of a Polyatomic System within Crude Adiabatic Approximation Kailash Mishra, Osram Sylvania, Central Research and Systems Laboratory

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award In Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry Of Ionic Liquids and Hydrogen Bonds Tom Welton, Imperial College London

Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award Micro/Nano Sensors and Drug Delivery Anja Boisen, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award

The Long Reach of Electrochemistry: Semiconductors, Metallization and Energy Storage

Denis Noel Buckley, Limerick University

10 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 11 digital student presentations37Invited talks 448 student posters 301 oral student talks 777 ECS award & keynote talks 48 ECS student abstracts1,080 digital presentations107 symposia sessions oral talks 45 369 1,926 2,408 total abstracts 375 posters 57 countries represented 242ND ECS MEETING NUMBERSBY THE


12 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
Area Map Corner Bakery HSU’s Rays in the City Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint ELLIS HOTEL PEACHTREE ST BENNET ANDREWS MEEHAN’S Truva Metro Café JOHN PORTMAN BL VD. Avis Rent-a-Car Thrifty Car Rental Enterprise Rent-a-Car Hooters WALGREENS• PUBLIX CVS JOHN PORTMAN BL VD.

Floor Plans

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 13
Hilton Atlanta Souther n Element s Restaurant (see separate map) Lobby Atrium TrainingEscalator to 2nd Floor Parking Garage Elevator Group Registration kDesFront yLobb FedE x Business Cente r Escalatorto GALLERIA Escalatorto GALLERIA F E D BCA EXEC BOAR D ROOM FOYE R FOYE R CRYST AL BALLROOM Accessible Lift elevators JOHN PORTMAN BOULEVARD STREETDCOURTLAN MAIN ENTRA N CE Marketplace PavillionCourtyardhNort PavillionCourtyardSouth First Floor 213 212 214 208 209 210 211 207 206 205 204 203 202 GRAND BALLROOM EAST BALLROO M WEST BALLROO M C D B A exi t exi t exi t exi t Open service to Lobby Windows Windows Window s Windows Windows Windows sndowWi SALON EAST SALON WEST SALON elevators SKYBRIDGE TOSKYBRIDGE TO MARRIOTT MARQUIS 201 Reg 215 224 223 216 219 220 221 218217 222 Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Second Floor

Floor Plans

14 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
Hilton Atlanta Third Floor 301 314 313 312 311 305 315 302 303 304 306 307 308 309 310 elevators Windows Windows M W CONFERENCE CENTER reCentessnFitOpen To Lobby Window s sWindow service 401407 402406 403405 40 4 Jogging Tr ac k BasketballCourt TennisCourt service SW OD NI W SW OD NI W selevator Ope n ToLobby Fourth Floor


Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 15
Plans Hilton Atlanta BAKER STREET JOHN PORTMAN BOULEVARD Loading dock Galleria 8 Galleria 7 Galleria 6 Galleria 5 Galleria 2 Galleria 1 Galleria 3 Galleria 4 Food Preparation Open to abov eO pen to abov e Galleria

Technical Exhibit

Thank you to the 242nd ECS Meeting Exhibitors!


Grand Ballroom

Exhibit Hours

Monday, October 10 0800-1200h Exhibit Build 1200-1700h Exhibitor Move In 1400-1700h Poster Move In 1800-2000h Technical Exhibit, General Poster Session

Tuesday, October 11

1400-1700h Poster Move In 1400-2000h Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h Networking & Coffee Break 1800-2000h General and Student Poster Session

Wednesday, October 12

1400-1700h Poster Move In 1400-2000h Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h Networking & Coffee Break 1800-2000h General Poster Session 2000-2200h Optional Technical Exhibit Tear Down

Thursday, October 13 0900-1200h Technical Exhibit Tear Down








16 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
Instruments Booth: 309 Advanced Cell Engineering Booth: 205
Instruments (PAR/Solatron) Booth: 502
Instruments Booth: 400 BASi Booth: 401
USA Booths: 304, 306, & 308
Technologies Booth: 504 Comsol Booth: 407
Chemicals Booth: 202 Cyclikal Booth: 506


Instruments USA Booth: 402

De Nora Booth: 305

Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate Booth: 105

ECS - The Electrochemical Society

Exhibit Floor

Gamry Instruments Booths: 406 & 408

Hiden Analytical Booth: 204

IOP Publishing Booth: 201

IVIUM Technologies Booth: 303

Malvern Panalytical Booth: 103

Metrohm USA Booths: 300 & 302

MTI Corporation Booth: 200

OCI Vacuum Microengineering Booth: 404

Palmsens BV Booth: 403

Pamarco Booth: 107

Pine Research Instrumentation, Inc. Booths: 206 & 208

Royal Society of Chemistry Booth: 405

Scribner Associates Booth: 209

SH Scientific Corporation Booth: 500

Spectro Inlets ApS Booth: 101

TA Instruments Booth: 301

UL Research Institutes Booth: 508

VSPARTICLE B.V. Booth: 109

Wildcat Discovery Technologies Booth: 207 Wiley Booth: 203

Xenocs Booth: 307

Zurich Instruments USA Booth: 409


Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 17
Enabling re a l-time analysi s Understanding Inter faces


18 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
Thank you to the 242nd ECS Meeting sponsors! Silver Bronze

Symposia Sponsors

Thank you to the 242nd ECS Meeting symposia sponsors!

Platinum Gold

Applied Materials

G03 – SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 10


G02- Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18


I02- Frontiers of Chemical/ Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2: In Honor of Robert Savinell’s 70th Birthday

U.S. Army Research Office

L02- Molten Salts and Ionic Liquid 23 (MSIL-23)


I01-Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22)

Quantum Scape I03 – Solid State Ionic Devices 14

Silver Bronze


A04–Next Generation Batteries


G02 – Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18


G03 – SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 10

Daicel, Energy Assurance, LGES, Sila

A03 – Lithium

Ion Batteries


Applied Materials

G02- Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18


G02- Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18

G03 – SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 10

U.S. Army Research Office

I01- Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22)

Lam Research

G02 – Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18

Mitsui Kinzoku

I03 – Solid State Ionic Devices 14

Nissan Group of North America

A01 – New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

Arbin Instruments, Covalent Metrology, Neware Technology LLC

A03 – Lithium Ion Batteries

Neware Technology Limited A05 - Extreme Batteries

Lam Research

D04 - Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing 4

Air Liquide Advanced Materials

G02-Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18


E04 - 100 Years Electrodeposition Division: Past, Present and Future

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 19

Highlighted Events

Fulbright Program –Meet the Alumni

Room 207

Sunday, 1700-1800h

Come to this event and learn from ECS members who have participated in the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. These Fulbrighters will share with you their experiences collaborations with researchers outside the United States. You can also ask your questions about the logistics of the Fulbright process.

Member Reception*

Grand Salon West Sunday, 1800-1900h

Join your community! ECS members gather before the Opening Reception to kick off the meeting and enjoy appetizers and an open bar—along with fabulous giveaways. Don’t miss this must-attend member event!

*Ticketed Event: Purchase tickets in advance or at Customer Service.

Opening Reception

Grand Ballroom Sunday, 1900-2100h

Come get a taste for Atlanta and kick off an exciting week! All attendees are welcome for light snacks, open bar, ample time to network, and a chance to meet with ECS divisions.

Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Breakfast

Crystal Ballroom Monday, 0700-0800h

The meeting’s success is very much due to the hard work of session chairs, symposium organizers, and division members. All are encouraged to attend this orientation to ensure that they are best prepared for their roles in the meeting, and learn helpful information about future meetings.

Student Mixer

Grand Salon East

Monday, 2000-2200h

Wrap up the 242nd ECS Meeting’s first full day with friends and peers at the Student Mixer. Students and earlycareer professionals mingle in a relaxed setting—and enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments. Don’t miss it! Purchase your ticket online or visit Customer Service in Registration.

Technical Exhibition Grand Ballroom

Monday, 1800-2000h

Tuesday and Wednesday, 1400-2000h

Take time to explore exhibits from the leading vendors in the electrochemical and solid state science fields. Also, stop by the Exhibit Hall for Poster Sessions, Networking Breaks, Professional Portraits, and the ECS Booth. Check the DEVguide for information on our exhibitors!

Student and General Poster Sessions

Grand Ballroom

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 1800-2000h

Presenters meet and greet peers, professors, and industry representatives; field questions; make connections; and discuss compelling research questions.

After a full day of sitting in session rooms, this event is a great way to continue researching while in motion. Browse the aisles to find the posters that spark your interest!

Professional Portraits Grand Ballroom, Booth 108

Monday, 1800-2000h

Tuesday and Wednesday, 1700-2000h

Entering the job market? Seeking new career opportunities? Expanding your professional network? A great first impression opens doors and takes your

20 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

career to new heights. Update your Linke dIn profile with a new headshot. Stop by our professional portrait session—compli ments of ECS! No appointment required.

Meet the Editors

Grand Ballroom

Tuesday, October 11, 1730-1830h Tuesday, October 11, 1830-1930h Wednesday, October 12, 1730-1830h Wednesday, October 12, 1830-1930h

We are excited to invite you to meet es teemed editors of our journals family at the ECS Booth! They are ready to con nect with you, answer your questions on journal processes, and discuss edito rial opportunities and the vision for ECS

Short Courses

Publications’ growth. As you determine your personal meeting schedule, take this opportunity to connect directly with ECS Publications Editorial Team members! Check the online program for the full schedule of editors and their appearance times.

Coffee and Networking Breaks

See Featured Events on page 23 for detailed locations Sunday through Thursday, 0930-1030h Sunday through Thursday, 1530-1630h

Take a moment before your next session to stretch your legs, re-energize with coffee or tea, and network with fellow attendees and exhibitors.

ECS Short Courses are all-day classes designed to provide students or seasoned professionals with an in-depth education on a wide range of topics. Small classes taught by academic and industry experts makes for personalized instruction, helping novices and experts alike advance technical expertise and knowledge. Short Courses are open to the public. Meeting attendees and members receive special discounts.

Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy

Room 214

Sunday, 0800-1630h; see Online Program for further information.

Instructor: Mark Orazem

This course is intended for chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and engineers with an interest in applying electrochemical impedance techniques to study a broad variety of electrochemical processes. Attendees develop a basic understanding of the technique, sources of errors in impedance measurements, manner in which experiments can be optimized to reduce these errors, and use of graphical and regression methods to interpret measurements in terms of meaningful physical properties. The content follows the textbook coauthored by Prof. Mark Orazem. Students are guided through

using the Orazem group’s recently published measurement program. Please be advised: this is the second course in a series of two. This course introduces model development based on proposed reaction mechanisms, statistical analysis of impedance data, and regression analysis. Consult the Online Program for more information.

Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Thermodynamic Methods

Room 213 Sunday, 0800-1630h; see Online Program for further information.

Instructor: James Noël

This course covers the basic theory and application of electrochemical science. It is targeted to people with a physical

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sciences or engineering background who have not been trained as electrochemists, but who want to add electrochemical methods to their repertoire of research approaches. Researchers in many fields approach their work from another discipline at first, and then discover the advantages of understanding and using electrochemical methods to complement their work.

The course begins with a general, basic foundation of electrochemistry and uses it to develop the theory and experimental approaches to electrochemical problems of a thermodynamic nature. James Noël offers a complementary sister course, “Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Kinetic Methods,” which has a different emphasis. Each is designed as a stand-alone introduction to electrochemical fundamentals. The courses can be taken in either order. Consult the Online Program for more information.

Devices and Materials of Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

Room 210

Sunday, 0800-1630h; see Online Program for further information.

Instructors: Hideo Hosono and Michael Shur

In this short course, leading experts in the world review fundamental principles and limitations on the devices and materials of oxide thin film transistors (TFTs). Future development trends are also discussed. TFTs and MOSFETs (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors) are solid state devices critical to the two largest electronic industries, i.e., flat panel displays and integrated circuits. An introduction to the fundamental science and updated technology development of TFTs is critical for scientists and engineers working with or interested in exploring opportunities these types of devices. The amorphous silicon TFT has been the backbone of large area active

matrix liquid crystal displays. However, its low field effect mobility greatly limits applications on many high-speed displays and electronic products. The oxide TFT has emerged as the leading device for these products.

The ECS TFT symposium series has taken place for 32 years, making it the longest continuously held TFT meeting in the world.

Processes and Applications of Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

Room 406/407

Thursday, 0800-1630h; see Online Program for further information. Instructors: Jin Jang and Yue Kuo In this short course, leading experts in the world review fundamental principles and limitations on the devices and materials of oxide thin film transistors (TFTs). Future trends in fabrication and applications are also discussed. TFTs and MOSFETs (metal–oxide–semiconductor fieldeffect transistors) are solid state devices critical to the two largest electronic industries, i.e., flat panel displays and integrated circuits. An introduction to the fundamental science and updated technology development of TFTs is critical for scientists and engineers working with or interested in exploring opportunities these types of devices. The amorphous silicon TFT has been the backbone of large area active matrix liquid crystal displays. However, its low field effect mobility greatly limits applications on many high-speed displays and electronic products. The oxide TFT has emerged as the leading device for these products.

The ECS TFT symposium series has taken place for 32 years, making it the longest continuously held TFT meeting in the world.

Consult the Online Program for more information.

22 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

Featured Events

Events At-A-Glance

Sunday, October 9


Meeting Registration, Group Registration

0740h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 0800-0900h Short Course Breakfast*, Room 208/209


Short Courses*, see pages 21-22 for locations 0930-1030h

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function 1200-1330h Short Course Luncheon*, Room 208/209 1530-1630h

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function 1700-1800h Fulbright Program – Meet the Alumni, Room 207 1800-1900h

ECS Members Reception*, Grand Salon 1900-2100h Opening Reception, Grand Ballroom

Monday, October 10


Meeting Registration, Group Registration 0700-0800h Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Orientation Breakfast, Crystal Ballroom


Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 0930-1030h

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function 1400-1700h ..........Poster Set-up Period – Monday Evening Presenters, Grand Ballroom 1530-1630h

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function 1630-1800h Plenary Session, Grand Salon West 1800-2000h .......................Technical Exhibit and General Poster Session, Grand Ballroom 1800-2000h Professional Portraits, Grand Ballroom Booth 108 1930-2130h Joint Journals Reception*, Crystal Ballroom C/D 2000-2200h Student Mixer, Grand Salon East

Tuesday, October 11


Meeting Registration, Group Registration

0750h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 0930-1030h

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function 1000-1100h Student & Early Career Mentoring Session*, Room 221 1200-1400h Fellows Luncheon, Room 205/206 1400-1700h Poster Set-up Period – Tuesday Evening Posters, Grand Ballroom 1400-2000h Visit our Exhibitors! Grand Ballroom 1530-1630h

Coffee and Networking Break, Grand Ballroom 1700-2000h Professional Portraits, Grand Ballroom Booth 108 1730-1830h Meet the Editors, Grand Ballroom 1800-2000h General and Student Poster Session, Grand Ballroom 1830-1930h Meet the Editors, Grand Ballroom

Wednesday, October 12


Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function

Meeting Registration, Group Registration 0745h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 0930-1030h

*Ticket or at Registration.

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 23
required. Purchase tickets in advance

Wednesday, October 12, cont.


Poster Set-up Period – Wednesday Evening Posters, Grand Ballroom

Coffee and Networking Break, Grand Ballroom

1400-2000h Visit our Exhibitors! Grand Ballroom 1530-1630h


Professional Portraits, Grand Ballroom Booth 108 1730-1830h Meet the Editors, Grand Ballroom

1800-2000h General Poster Session, Grand Ballroom 1815-1830h


Thursday, October 13


Z01 Student Poster Award Winner Presentation, Grand Ballroom

Meet the Editors, Grand Ballroom

Meeting Registration, Group Registration

0800h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 0800-0900h Short Course Breakfast*, Room 403 0900-1630h

Short Courses*, see pages 21-22 for locations 0930-1030h

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function

Coffee and Networking Break, Second Floor Pre-function 1200-1330h Short Course Luncheon*, Room 403 1530-1630h

Division Events

Sunday, October 9


Corrosion Division Executive Committee, Room 404 1700-1900h and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Executive Committee, Room 406

1800-2000h Electronics and Photonics Division Executive Committee, Crystal Ballroom C/D

Monday, October 10


High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes Division Executive Committee, Room 401

0700-0900h Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Executive Committee, Room 204


Electrodeposition Division Future Symposia Meeting Luncheon, Crystal Ballroom A/F

1800-1930h Sensor Division Executive Committee, Room 403 1830-2030h Luminescence and Display Materials Division Executive Committee & General Reception, Room 406/407

1900-2000h Dielectric Science and Technology Division Networking Event, Room 405 1900-2100h

Electrodeposition Division Executive Committee, Room 401 1900-2100h Technology Division Executive Committee, Room 204

Tuesday, October 11


Battery Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Crystal Ballroom 1215-1400h

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Room 406/407

Sensor Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Room 401/402 1715-1815h Corrosion Division Business Meeting, Room 401/402 1900-2000h Corrosion Division Award Reception*, Room 403


*Ticket at Registration.

24 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
required. Purchase tickets in advance or

Wednesday, October 12


Electrodeposition Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Room 401/402

100 Years of the Electrodeposition Division Reception*, Crystal Ballroom A/F 1830-2100h


ECS Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt Chemistry Address & Banquet*, Crystal Ballroom C/D 1900-2000h Battery Division Award Reception*, Room 406

Section Events

Monday, October 10


Europe Section Executive Committee, Room 404 1900-2000h Europe Section Meeting, Room 402

Wednesday, October 12


Georgia Section Reception Sponsored by SK, Room 404

Committee and Board Meetings

Sunday, October 9


PRiME Organizing Committee Meeting, Room 205 1830-1930h Low Temperature Fuel Cell Coordinating Committee, Room 204

Monday, October 10


Nominating Committee, Crystal Executive Ballroom 1900-2000h ......Dielectric Science and Technology Division Networking Event, Room 405 1900-2100h Electrodeposition Division Executive Committee, Room 401

Tuesday, October 11


Symposium Planning Advisory Board, Crystal Ballroom A/F 0730-0930h Council of Past Presidents, Room 207 1400-1600h Meetings Subcommittee, Room 207 1600-1800h Honors and Awards Committee, Room 204

Wednesday, October 12

0700-1100h Technical Affairs Committee, Room 204

Thursday, October 13


Board of Directors Meeting, Room 401/402

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Technical Symposia

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

A—Batteries and Energy Storage

A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 224

M. Manivannan, B. L. Lucht, C. Karuppaiah, S. Narayan

Energy Technology, Battery, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

A02—Research and Development of Primary and Secondary Batteries: In Honor of George Blomgren

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 223

E. S. Takeuchi, B. Liaw, J. Nanda Battery

A03—Lithium Ion Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Galleria 1 and Galleria 2 G. Yushin, K. Xu, B. D. McCloskey Battery

A04—Next Generation Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday and Wednesday Galleria 4

V. Thangadurai, J. Nanda, G. M. Veith, H. Kim Battery

A05—Extreme Batteries

Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday Room 216

Z. Chen, C. Wang, Y. Yang Battery, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes

A06—Manufacturing in Electrochemistry Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday Room 219

J. Xiao, J. Muldoon, D. A. Steingart, E. J. Biddinger, J. Li Battery, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

B—Carbon Nanostructures and Devices

B01—Carbon Nanostructures: From Fundamental Studies to Applications and Devices

Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday Room 216

H. Imahori, J. Blackburn, A. A. Boghossian Nanocarbons

C—Corrosion Science and Technology

C01—Corrosion General Session

Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday Room 307

J. Noël, D. Chidambaram, R.F. Schaller Corrosion

C02—Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion 10: In Honor of Gerald Frankel Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday Room 306

S. Virtanen, J. R. Scully, R. Buchheit, E. Tada, R. K. Gupta Corrosion

C03— Corrosion in Nuclear Energy Systems: From Cradle to Grave 2 Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 308

D. Chidambaram, J. J. Noel, R. F. Schaller, Y. Hoshi Corrosion, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes

C04—Electrochemical Techniques in Corrosion Research 2 Monday, Tuesday; No Poster Session Room 307

M. Itagaki, M. Rohwerder, E. J. Schindelholz, Y. Gonzalez-Garcia

D—Dielectric Science and Materials

D01—Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 19 Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday Room 310

D. Misra, S. De Gendt, S. H. Kilgore, K. Kakushima, S. Lee Dielectric Science and Technology, Electronics and Photonics

26 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

D02—Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 18: New Materials and Processes Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday Room 310

T. Druffel, M. Tao, H. Hamada, Z. D. Chen, V. Subramanian Dielectric Science and Technology, Energy Technology

D03—Advanced 3D Interconnect Technologies and Packaging Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday Room 309

Y. Obeng, M. Koyanagi, O. Leonte, F. Roozeboom, Z. Karim, P. Ramm, S. Moreau Dielectric Science and Technology, Electrodeposition, Electronics and Photonics

D04—Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing 4 Monday, Tuesday; No Poster Session Room 311

T. Lill, S. Vaddiraju, M. Sunkara, P. Mascher, U. Cvelbar, O. Leonte, D. W. Hes Dielectric Science and Technology, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes, Sensor

D05—Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing 2 Tuesday; No Poster Session Room 315

U. Cvelbar, D. Mariotti, M. Sankaran Dielectric Science and Technology

D06—Quantum Dot Science and Technology 2 Wednesday, Thursday; No Poster Session Room 311

D. Ko, V. Svrcek, S. Oh, P. Snee, I. Marri, Q. Li Dielectric Science and Technology

E—Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition

E01—Electrodeposition for Energy Applications 6 Thursday; No Poster Session Room 301

P. M. Vereecken, N. Vasiljevic, S. R. Brankovic, G. Zangari, K. E. Ayers, W. E. Mustain, F. R. Brushett

Electrodeposition, Energy Technology, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

E02—Electrochemical and Electroless Deposition of Functional Materials (Theory, Numerical Simulations, and Applications) 2 Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday Room 301

N. Vasiljevic, A. Ispas, M. Toimil Molares, M. Innocenti, L. Magagnin, N. Dimitrov Electrodeposition

E04—100 Years of the Electrodeposition Division: Past, Present, and Future Sunday, Wednesday; No Poster Session Room 301

P. M. Vereecken, N. Vasiljevic, L. Magagnin, A. Bund, A. Allanore, R. Akolkar, G. Panzeri, R. Böttcher Electrodeposition

F—Electrochemical Engineering F01—Advances in Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Wednesday; Posters on Monday Room 315

P. Kenis, M. Inman, V. R. Subramanian, P. Liu, S. Bhargava Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Battery

F02—Electrochemical Separations and Sustainability 5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; No Poster Session Room 314

H. Xu, X. Su, W. A. Tarpeh, C. G. Arges, P. Gannon, G. Xin Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Energy Technology, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

F04—Modeling Electrochemical Systems for Transportation Applications 2 Monday; Posters on Monday Room 315

T. R. Garrick, J. Staser, I. V. Zenyuk, A. Z. Weber Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Energy Technology

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Technical Symposia, continued

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

G—Electronic Materials and Processing

G01—The Long Reach of Electrochemistry –Semiconductors, Metallization, and Energy

Storage: In Honor of D. Noel Buckley Tuesday, Wednesday; No Poster Session Room 210

C. O’Dwyer, R. P. Lynch, D. McNulty, S. Ahmed, C. G. Arges, J. Leddy Electronics and Photonics, Electrodeposition, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

G02—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday Room 211

F. Roozeboom, S. De Gendt, J. Dendooven, J. W. Elam, O. van der Straten, A. Illiberi, G. Sundaram, R. Chen, O. Leonte, T. Lill, M. J. Young Electronics and Photonics, Dielectric Science and Technology

G03—SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 10 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 212

Q. Liu, D. L. Harame, J. Murota, A. Joseph, X. Gong, G. Masini, J. Hartmann, M. Ostling, A. Mai, A. Ogura, S. Miyazaki, W. Bi, A. Schulze Electronics and Photonics, Dielectric Science and Technology

H—Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems

H01—State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 65 (SOTAPOCS 65) Monday; No Poster Session Room 213

T. J. Anderson, J. K. Hite, R. P. Lynch, C. O’Dwyer, E. A. Douglas, Y. Zhao Electronics and Photonics

H02—Thin Film Transistors 16 (TFT 16) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday Room 214

Y. Kuo Electronics and Photonics

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 15 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 209

Y. Chueh, C. O’Dwyer, J. He, M. Suzuki, S. Jin, S. Kim, F. Rosei, J. C. Ho, Z. Fan, Q. Li, G. W. Hunter, K. Takei, J. Wu, L. Li, P. Mascher Electronics and Photonics, Dielectric Science and Technology

H04—Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide Power Technologies 12 Tuesday, Wednesday; No Poster Session Room 213

M. Dudley, N. Ohtani, M. Bakowski, B. Raghothamachar Electronics and Photonics, Dielectric Science and Technology

I—Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion

I01A—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) – Diagnostics/ Characterization Methods, MEA Design/ Modeling

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday Galleria 3

F. N. Buechi, A. Z. Weber, E. Kjeang, H. Jia Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I01B—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) – Design, Fabrication and Operation of Cells, Stacks, and Systems

Sunday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday Galleria 7

C. A. Rice, B. Lakshmanan Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

28 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

I01C—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) –Ion-Exchange Membrane Development, Performance, and Durability Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday Galleria 6

A. Kusoglu, P. N. Pintauro, D. J. Jones Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I01D—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) – Catalyst Activity/Durability for Hydrogen(-Reformate) Acidic Fuel Cells Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday Galleria 5

H. Uchida, P. Strasser, Y. Kim, U. I. Kramm Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I01E—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) – Materials for Alkaline Fuel Cells and Direct-Fuel Fuel Cells Sunday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday Galleria 6, Galleria 7 W. E. Mustain, R. A. Mantz, D. R. Dekel Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I01F—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) –Polymer-Electrolyte Electrolysis Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday Galleria 8

B. S. Pivovar, H. Xu, K. E. Ayers, S. Mitsushima Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I01Z—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) – Plenary Session

Monday; No Poster Session

Galleria 5, 6, 7

K. Swider-Lyons Energy Technology, Battery, Corrosion, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I02—Frontiers of Chemical/Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2: In Honor of Robert Savinell’s 70th Birthday Sunday, Monday; Posters on Monday Room 220 Y. Shao-Horn, J. Suntivich, Z. Xu, R. Akolkar, J. S. Wainright, Y. Sato, J. Staser, P. Kenis, T. A. Zawodzinski, B. Gurkan Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Battery, Energy Technology, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I03—Solid State Ionic Devices 14 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 218

C. R. Kreller, B. Liaw, F. H. Garzon, T. M. Gur, Z. Cheng, H. Dinh, X. Zhou High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes, Battery

I04—Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 12 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 217

N. Wu, H. Wang, V. Subramanian, P. J. Kulesza, J. Lee, D. Ma, E. Miller, T. Tatsuma, G. P. Wiederrecht Energy Technology, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels 7 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday Room 215

X. Zhou, H. Xu, G. Brisard, D. Ding, J. Tong, J. Wu, H. Dinh High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes

J—Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing

J01—Luminescence: Fundamentals and Applications: In Memory of George Blasse Sunday, Monday; Posters on Monday Room 308

J. Brgoch, K. C. Mishra, J. Collins, R. Xie, E. Zych, R. Pode, T. Isobe, A. Meijerink Luminescence and Display Materials

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 29

Technical Symposia, continued

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

K—Organic and Bioelectrochemistry

K01—Advances in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry: In Memory of Jean-Michel Savéant

Tuesday; Posters on Monday Room 308

D. Smith, S. D. Minteer, M. Bayachou, S. Kuss Organic and Biological Electrochemistry

L—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry

L01—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session

Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday Room 302

A. Hillier, S. Paddison Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

L02—Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 23 (MSIL-23)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday Room 303

D. P. Durkin, P. C. Trulove, A. Bund, A. Ispas, V. Di Noto, W. M. Reichert, R. A. Mantz, H. C. De Long, T. Tsuda, M. Ueda Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrodeposition, Energy Technology

L03—In Situ Electrochemical Systems 5 Wednesday, Thursday; No Poster Session Room 304

A. C. Co, S. Pylypenko, I. V. Zenyuk, M. Shao, Y. Zhang Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Energy Technology

L04—Charge Transfer: Electrons, Protons, and Other Ions 5 Sunday, Monday; Posters on Monday Room 304

S. J. Paddison, V. Di Noto, A. M. Herring Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Energy Technology

L06—Electrochemistry in the Environment Wednesday; No Poster Session Room 302

A. Fitch, J. G. Ibanez, J. Leddy, W. A. Tarpeh Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

L07—Electrochemistry of Mononuclear and Polynuclear Cyano-complexes Tuesday; No Poster Session Room 305

P. J. Kulesza, I. A. Rutkowska, K. Rajeshwar, J. A. Cox, F. Scholz, M. Giorgetti, G. Inzelt Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


M01—Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday Room 312 L. Soleymani, P. J. Hesketh, S. Bhansali, G. W. Hunter, R. Van Staden Sensor

M02—Printed and Wearable Sensors and Systems 2 Sunday; Posters on Monday Room 311

P. Sekhar, J. E. Koehne, L. Tsui, D. Kim, S. Bhansali, R. Van Staden Sensor

Z—General Topics

Z01—General Student Poster Session Posters on Tuesday Grand Ballroom A. Suroviec All Divisions

30 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

Technical Sessions

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022

Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

Sessions, Start times, End times, and Rooms

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical presentations.

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Start End Room

I01B—Flow Fields/Bipolar Plates 0740 1020 Galleria 7

A01—Miscellaneous Battery 1 0800 1200 Room 224

A03—Li-ion and Li metal Electrolytes 1 0800 1230 Galleria 2

A03—Li-ion Modeling and Simulations 0800 1200 Galleria 1

A04—Metal Anode/Conversion Electrode 1 0800 1240 Galleria 4

I02—Flow Battery Morning Session 0800 1150 Room 220

G03—Epitaxy of GeSn 0810 1010 Room 212

I04—Beyond Oxides for Photocatalysis and Electrocatalysis 1 0830 1205 Room 217

J01—Inorganic Phosphors: In Memory of George Blasse 0830 1120 Room 308

I01A—Modeling 0840 1220 Galleria 3

I01D—01 Pt-Based Anode and Cathode Catalysts 0840 1220 Galleria 5

E04—Early-Career Forum 1 0945 1200 Room 301

I01B—Recycling of Fuel Cell/Electrolyzer Materials 1020 1140 Galleria 7

G03—GeSn Optoelectronics Device 1030 1210 Room 212

Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award Address 1120 1200 Room 308

I01B—Alternative Fuels and Oxidizers 1140 1240 Galleria 7

M02—Printed and Wearable Sensors and Systems 1300 1720 Room 311

E04—Early-Career Forum 2 1330 1530 Room 301

I02—Flow Battery Afternoon Session 1330 1800 Room 220 G02—Tutorial 1355 1520 Room 211

A01—Miscellaneous Battery 2 1400 1700 Room 224

A03—Li-ion and Li metal Electrolytes 1400 1740 Galleria 2

A03—Li-ion Batteries Digital Session 1400 1640 Galleria 1

A04—Metal Anode/Conversion Electrode 2 1400 1800 Galleria 4

G03—Near IR Ge Photodetectors 1400 1600 Room 212

I01A—GDL & MPL 1400 1720 Galleria 3

I01B—Stacks/Systems 1400 1740 Galleria 7

I01D—02 Pt-Alloy Cathode Catalysts 1400 1800 Galleria 5

I01E—Anion Exchange Membranes 1400 1720 Galleria 6

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 31

Sunday, October 9, 2022, continued


Start End Room

I04—Beyond Oxides Electrocatalysis 1400 1725 Room 217

J01—Luminescence Fundamentals and NIR Materials: In Memory of George Blasse 1400 1640 Room 308

L04—Electrodes 1400 1540 Room 304

E04—Early Career Forum 3 1600 1800 Room 301

G03—Mid-IR 1620 1730 Room 212

A01—Digital Session 1700 1800 Room 224

Monday, October 10, 2022

Session Start End Room

F02—Gas Separation 0745 1220 Room 314

A01—Invited Talks 1 (Battery) 0755 1200 Room 224

A02—Introductory Session 0800 1200 Room 223

A03—Li-ion Industrial Perspective 0800 1220 Galleria 2

ECS Battery Division Awards Session 0800 1220 Galleria 1

A04—Solid State Battery 1 0800 1240 Galleria 4

A05—Extreme High-Energy and Long-Life Batteries 0800 0940 Room 216

A06—Battery Manufacturing Overview 0800 1150 Room 219

C02—Mechanisms Models 0800 1210 Room 306

D04—Session 1 0800 1230 Room 311

E02—Centennial Symposium – 1 0800 0940 Room 301

H02—Device, Modeling, Simulation, and Reliability 0800 1140 Room 214

I02—Fuel Cells and Electrolysis 0800 1150 Room 220 1120 Room 302 1040 Room 1200 Room 211 1200 Room

I01Z—PEFC&E22 1130 Galleria 1155 Room 217

M01—Recent 1220 Room 312 1210 Room 310 1000 Room 212

32 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
for Photocatalysis and
and Processing Integration for Photonics
Morning Session
L01—Electrocatalysis 0800
L02—Rare Earth/Nuclear/High Temp 0800
303 G02—Nanoelectronics 1 0815
H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 1 0820
Plenary 1 0820
5/6/7 I04—Photocatalysts and Photoelectrochemical Cells 0820
Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 –Biomedical Sensors 1 0820
D01—Non—Volatile Memories and Processing 0825
G03—Nanowires, Nanosheets and Nanoribbons 0830
Technical Sessions, continued 242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

H01—Wide and Ultrawide Bandgap Materials and Devices 0830 1020 Room 213

F04—New Battery Materials and Fuel Cells 0840 1140 Room 315

L04—Electrolytes and Membranes 1 0840 1000 Room 304

I03—Special SSID14 Session Honoring Prof. Friedrich B. Prinz 0850 1100 Room 218

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – Presentations from DOE Labs 0855 1020 Room 215

D03—Advanced 3D Interconnect and Packaging – CAD 0900 1200 Room 309

J01—Alternative Applications of Luminescence: In Memory of George Blasse 0900 1140 Room 308

E02—Electrochemical & Electroless Deposition of Alloys & Thin Films 1 1000 1240 Room 301

A05—Abuse-Tolerance Batteries 1020 1200 Room 216

G03—Plenary 1020 1200 Room 212

L04—Electrolytes and Membranes 2 1030 1210 Room 304

H01—2D Materials & Quantum Science 1040 1140 Room 213

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – CO2 Conversion 1 1040 1200 Room 215

L02—Reactions and Separations 1040 1200 Room 303

I03—Special SSID14 Session Honoring Prof. Friedrich B. Prinz 1100 1240 Room 218

L01—Photoelectrochemistry 1120 1220 Room 302

I01Z—PEFC&E22 Panel Discussion 1 1130 1200 Galleria 5/6/7

I04—Photocatalysts and Photoelectrochemical Cells –Digital Session 1155 1225 Room 217

A06—Materials Manufacturing 1300 1550 Room 219

J01—Luminescence Applications and Nanomaterials: In Memory of George Blasse 1320 1600 Room 308 H01—GaAs and Related Materials 1330 1450 Room 213

I01Z—PEFC&E22 Plenary 2 1330 1530 Galleria 5/6/7

I02—Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Afternoon Session 1330 1530 Room 220

F02—Element Recovery 1335 1600 Room 314

A02—Modeling and Simulation 1340 1600 Room 223

A05—Fast Charging Batteries 1340 1600 Room 216

I03—Special SSID14 Session Honoring Prof. Friedrich B. Prinz 1340 1600 Room 218

I04—Plasmon and Photocatalysis 1 1340 1600 Room 217

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels: Technology Maturation and Industrial Perspectives 1340 1600 Room 215

L04—Electron Transfer 1340 1600 Room 304

A01—Invited Talks 2 (Battery) 1400 1600 Room 224

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 33

Technical Sessions,

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

Monday, October 10, 2022, continued Session

Start End Room

A03—Li-ion and Li metal Electrolytes 1400 1600 Galleria 1

A03—Li-ion Miscellaneous 1 1400 1600 Galleria 2

A04—Solid State Battery 2 1400 1600 Galleria 4

C02—Corrosion Protection 1400 1600 Room 306

C04—Advanced Electrochemical Techniques 1 1400 1600 Room 307

Edward G. Acheson Award Address 1400 1440 Room 310

D03—Integration 1400 1550 Room 309

E02—Electrochemical & Electroless Deposition of Alloys & Thin Films 2 1400 1600 Room 301

F04—Lithium Ion Batteries 1400 1600 Room 315

G02—Fundamentals of ALD 1400 1600 Room 211

G03—Emerging Materials and Devices 1400 1550 Room 212

H02—Oxide, 2D, SiGe, 2D, poly-Si, and a-Si:H TFTs 1400 1550 Room 214

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 2 1400 1600 Room 209

L01—CO2 Electrocatalysis 1400 1520 Room 302

L02—Biomass 1400 1540 Room 303

M01—Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 –Biomedical Sensors 2 1400 1600 Room 312

D01—Metallization and Integration 1440 1550 Room 310

H01—Compound Semiconductor Characterization 1500 1600 Room 213

I01Z—PEFC&E22 Panel Discussion 2 1530 1600 Galleria 5/6/7

A04 Poster Session 1 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

A05 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

A06 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

C01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

C02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

D01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

E02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

F01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

F04 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

G02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I01A Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I01B Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

34 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

I01C Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I01D Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I01E Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I01F Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

J01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

K01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

L01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

L02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

L04 Session 1800 2000 Ballroom 1800 2000 Ballroom 1020

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 35 Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions
All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel. • Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.
M02 Poster Session
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 Session Start End Room D01—Novel Materials and Processing 0750 0950 Room 310 I03—Electrolysis & r-SOCs 0755 1200 Room 218 A01—Invited Talks 3 (Battery) 0800 1200 Room 224 A02—Electrolyte and Electrolyte Reactions 0800 1145 Room 223 A03—Li-ion Anode 1 0800 1240 Galleria 2 A03—Li-ion Characterization 1 0800 1140 Galleria 1 A04—Na/K/Multi-valent 1 0800 1240 Galleria 4 A05—Structural and Multifunctional Batteries 1 0800
Room 216 C04—Advanced Electrochemical Techniques 2 0800 1000 Room 307 D04—Session 2 0800 1200 Room 311 D05—Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing 2 0800 1240 Room 315 E02—Centennial Symposium 2 0800 0940 Room 301 G01—Electrochemical Film Growth and Surface Modification 0800 1300 Room 210 H02—P-channel and Organic TFTs 0800 0950 Room 214 H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 3 0800 1200 Room 209 I01A—Cell Level Analytics 0800 1300 Galleria 3 I01D—21 Cathode Catalyst Layers & New Support Materials 0800 1220 Galleria 5 I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – Diagnosis and Mechanisms 0800 1000 Room 215 L01—Bioelectrocatalysis and Bioelectroanalysis 0800 1000 Room 302 L02—Materials Special Session 0800 1200 Room 303 L07—Prussian Blue Analogs 0800 0930 Room 305

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Hilton Atlanta

Tuesday, October 11, 2022, continued Session

Start End Room

G03—Low Temperature Selective Epitaxy for Advanced CMOS Nodes 0810 1010 Room 212

F02—Ion Transport and Separation 1 0815 1200 Room 314

I04—Plasmon and Photocatalysis 2 0815 1210 Room 217

C02—Light Metals 0820 1140 Room 306

G02—Nanoelectronics 2 0820 1140 Room 211

M01—Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 –Health Sensors 0820 1220 Room 312

I01F—PEM Electrolysis 1 – Systems and Modeling Considerations 0825 1200 Galleria 8

A06—Processing Approaches 0830 1200 Room 219

I01C—Ion-Exchange Membrane Development 0830 1200 Galleria 6

D03—Tutorial on Semiconductor Advanced Packaging 0840 1210 Room 309

H04—General 0850 1200 Room 213

I01B—Catalyst Layer 0910 1200 Galleria 7

L07—Characterization and Application Cyanometallate Systems 0950 1220 Room 305

C04—Advanced Electrochemical Techniques 3 1000 1240 Room 307

E02—Electrochemical & Electrophoretic Deposition: Ceramics, Oxides, and Composites 1000 1240 Room 301

K01—Advances in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry: In Memory of Jean-Michel Saveant 1 1000 1200 Room 308

D01—New Devices and 1010 1230 Room 310

H02—Short-Channel 1010 1210 Room 214

I05—Electroconversion of CO2: International Presentations 1020 1240 Room 215

L01—Electrochemical 1020 1120 Room 302

G03—Stacked 1030 1210 Room 212

A05—Structural and Multifunctional Batteries 2 1040 1200 Room 216

L01 Digital Session 1120 1220 Room 302

K01—Advances in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry: In Memory of Jean-Michel Saveant 2 1300 1600 Room 308

I01C—Electrode Ionomers 1320 1700 Galleria 6

C02—Multi-Principal Element Alloys 1330 1450 Room 306

D03—Heterogeneous Packaging 1330 1605 Room 309

L07—Development of Functionalized Mixed Metal Cyanometallate 1330 1600 Room 305

36 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org Technical Sessions, continued
Atlanta, GA •
Nanosheet Devices
Integration /

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

A02—Cathode Materials 1340 1800 Room 223

C04—Advanced Electrochemical Techniques 4 1340 1440 Room 307

H04—Ultra Wide Band Gap Technologies 1340 1540 Room 213

F02—Ion Transport and Separation 2 1345 1500 Room 314

I04—Spectroscopic Studies on Semiconductors and Photocatalysts 1 1345 1730 Room 217

A01—Invited Talks 4 (Supercapacitor) 1350 1520 Room 224

D05—Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing 2 1350 1750 Room 315

A03—Li-ion Anode 2 1400 1740 Galleria 2

A03—Li-ion Characterization 2 1400 1700 Galleria 1

A04—Na/K/Multi-valent 2 1400 1800 Galleria 4

A05—Wide-Temperature Batteries 1 1400 1540 Room 216

A06—ML/AI and Characterization in Manufacturing 1400 1800 Room 219

D01—Two-Dimensional Materials and Processing 1400 1700 Room 310

D04—Session 3 1400 1720 Room 311

E02—Electrodeposition of Nanostructured Materials 1400 1800 Room 301

G02—ALD for Lithium Ion Batteries 1400 1720 Room 211

G03—Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors 1 1400 1540 Room 212

H02—Advanced Processes 1400 1740 Room 214

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 4 1400 1800 Room 209

I01A—X-Ray Imaging & Scattering 1400 1800 Galleria 3

I01B—Gas Diffusion Media/Layer (GDM/GDL) 1400 1600 Galleria 7

I01D—22 New Support Materials & High Temperature PEFCs 1400 1740 Galleria 5

I01F—PEM Electrolysis 2 – Electrocatalysts/Electrodes 1400 1800 Galleria 8 High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award Address 1400 1440 Room 218

I05—Solid Oxide Electrolysis – Invited Talks 1 1400 1540 Room 215

L01—Electrochemical Methods 1400 1520 Room 302

L02—Solute/Solvent Properties 1400 1800 Room 303

M01—Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 –Optical Sensors 1400 1600 Room 312

I03—Solid State Batteries 1440 1700 Room 218

Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award Address 1450 1550 Room 210

Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award Address 1500 1550 Room 307

F02—Desalination and Water Treatment 1 1500 1600 Room 314

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 37
38 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org Technical Sessions, continued 242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta Tuesday, October 11, 2022, continued Session Start End Room A01—Flow Battery 1520 1800 Room 224 L01—Electrochemical Processing, Kinetics and Materials 1540 1740 Room 302 Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence Address 1550 1620 Room 307 G01—Pores and Porosity 1550 1720 Room 210 A05—Wide-Temperature Batteries 2 1600 1800 Room 216 G03—Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors 2 1600 1740 Room 212 H04—SiC Technologies 1600 1800 Room 213 I05—Solid Oxide Electrolysis – Invited Talks 2 1600 1740 Room 215 Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award 1600 1640 Room 312 Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award Address 1620 1700 Room 307 I01B—High Temperature Fuel Cell Operation 1620 1740 Galleria 7 L07—Structure, Activity and Applications of Prussian Blue type Cyanometallates 1620 1800 Room 305 I04—Spectroscopic Studies on Semiconductors and Photocatalysts – Digital Session 1730 1750 Room 217 Z01—General Student Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom Wednesday, October 12, 2022 Session Start End Room D06—Growth, Deposition, and Self-Assembly 0745 1120 Room 311 A02—Beyond Lithium Ion 0800 1200 Room 223 A03—Li-ion Miscellaneous 2 0800 1200 Galleria 1 A03—Li-ion Cathode 1 0800 1300 Galleria 2 A04—Solid State Battery 3 0800 1240 Galleria 4 B01—Nanostructure 0800 1200 Room 216 D02—Silicon Photovoltaics 0800 0940 Room 310 G01—Flow Batteries, Batteries, Energy Storage/conversion 0800 1310 Room 210 H02—Applications, Circuits, Flexible Electronics, Sensors 0800 1130 Room 214 H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 5 0800 1220 Room 209 I01A—Catalyst Layer 1 0800 1200 Galleria 3 I01D—31 Cathode Catalysts for HDVs & Non-PGM Catalysts 0800 1220 Galleria 5 I04—Spectroscopic Studies on Semiconductors and Photocatalysts 2 0800 9030 Room 217 I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – CO2 Conversion 2 0800 1000 Room 215

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

G03—Quantum Computing 0810 1000 Room 212

C03—Corrosion in Molten Salts 1 0815 1200 Room 308

E04—Centennial Symposium 1 0815 1000 Room 301

F02—Desalination and Water Treatment 2 0815 1200 Room 314

L03—In Situ Studies on Batteries 0815 1200 Room 304

A01—Supercapacitor 1 0820 1140 Room 224

CO2—Ferrous Alloys 0820 1200 Room 306

F01—Electrochemical Engineering – Storage and other 0820 1020 Room 315

G02—Molecular and Hybrid Layer Processing 1 0820 1000 Room 211

L02—Gaune-Escard Session 0820 1200 Room 303

L06—Electrochemistry in the Environment 1 0820 1220 Room 302

M01—Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 –Sensors for Energy and Environment 1 0820 1200 Room 312

I01C—Membrane Durability 0840 1220 Galleria 6

I03—SOFC Anodes 0840 1200 Room 218

A06—Cell Components Manufacturing 0900 1120 Room 219

D03—Processing and Metrology 0900 1230 Room 309

H04—GaN Bulk & Epitaxy 0900 1140 Room 213

I01E—Catalysts for AEM – Devices 0900 1200 Galleria 7

I01F—PEM Electrolysis 3 – Fabrication and PTLs 0900 1200 Galleria 8

I04—Polaron and Photocatalysis 0950 1220 Room 217

D02—Cross Cutting Photovoltaics 1020 1200 Room 310

F01—Electrochemical Engineering – Electrolysis 1020 1200 Room 315

G02—ALD Present and Future 1020 1200 Room 211

G03—Wide Bandgap Devices 1020 1220 Room 212

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – NH3 Synthesis 1 1020 1200 Room 215

E04—Centennial Symposium 2 1030 1200 Room 301

Europe Section Alessandro Volta Award Address 1120 1200 Room 219

D06—Ligand Engineering 1120 1245 Room 311

Europe Section Alessandro Volta Award Address 1140 1220 Room 224

Sensor Division Student Research Award Address 1200 1220 Room 312

D03—Reliability / NIST 1330 1705 Room 309

I01A—32 Catalyst Layer 2 1340 1640 Galleria 3

I04—Metal Oxides for Photocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis 1 1340 1730 Room 217

A01—Supercapacitor 2 1400 1640 Room 224

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 39

Technical Sessions,

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 GA • Hilton Atlanta

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, continued


Start End Room

A02—Anode Materials and Surface Electrolyte Interphase 1400 1740 Room 223

A03—Li-ion Cathode 2 1400 1740 Galleria 1

A03—Li-ion Cathode 3 1400 1800 Galleria 2

A04—Solid State Battery 4 1400 1800 Galleria 4

A06—Electrolytes Manufacturing 1400 1700 Room 219

B01—Capacitor and Battery 1400 1800 Room 216

C01—Corrosion Protection 1400 1700 Room 307

C02—Advanced Techniques 1400 1610 Room 306

C03—Corrosion In Molten Salts 2 1400 1600 Room 308

D02—Perovskite Photovoltaic 1 1400 1540 Room 310

D06—Theory and Simulation 1400 1620 Room 311

Electrodeposition Division Research Award Address 1400 1440 Room 301 Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award Address 1400 1440 Room 315

G01—Semiconductor Materials, Devices and Processing 1400 1630 Room 210

G02—ALD for Catalysis 1400 1600 Room 211

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 6 1400 1600 Room 209

H04—GaN Devices 1400 1710 Room 213

I01C—Ionomer & Membrane Performance: Characterization and Modeling 1400 1600 Galleria 6

I01D—32 Non-PGM Catalysts 1400 1620 Galleria 5

I01E—AEM Devices and Alcohol 1400 1800 Galleria 7

I01F—PEM Electrolysis Membranes and Other 1400 1730 Galleria 8

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Outstanding Achievement Award Address 1400 1500 Room 218

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – NH3 Synthesis 2 (Effect of 1400 1540 Room 215

L02—Deep Eutectic 1400 1540 Room 303

L03—In Situ Studies on Electrocatalysis 1400 1800 Room 304

L06—Electrochemistry in the Environment 2 1400 1800 Room 302

M01—Recent Advances in Sensor and Systems 3 –Materials for 1400 1600 Room 312

G0—Epitaxy of Group – 4 Semiconductors

1410 1600 Room 212

Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award Address 1440 1520 Room 301

40 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org
4 –

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

F01—Electrochemical Separations and Recovery 1440 1600 Room 315

I03—SOFC Electrolytes 1500 1600 Room 218

E04—Centennial Symposium 3 1550 1800 Room 301

I05—Electrosynthesis of Fuels – NH3 Synthesis 3 1600 1720 Room 215

L02—Reactions and Separations 1600 1800 Room 303

D02—Perovskite Photovoltaic 2 1620 1800 Room 310

D06—Biolabeling and Bioimaging 1620 1740 Room 311

G03—Strain Engineering in Group – 4 Semiconductors 1620 1720 Room 212

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 7 1620 1800 Room 209

I03—SOFC Cathodes 1620 1800 Room 218

M01—Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3 –Digital Session 1620 1740 Room 312

G01—Electrochemistry for Technology 1630 1800 Room 210 Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology Address 1640 1720 Room 224

I01A—Electrolyzer Analysis 1640 1800 Galleria 3 Charles W. Tobias Award Address 1720 1800 Room 224

A01 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

A02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

A03 Lithium Ion Batteries Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

A04 Poster Session 2 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

B01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

C03 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

D02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

D03 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

G03 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

H02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

H03 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I03 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I04 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

I05 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

L03 Poster Session 1800 2000 Grand Ballroom

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award In Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry Address 1830 2100 Crystal Ballroom C/D

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 41

Technical Sessions,

242nd ECS Meeting • October 9-13, 2022 Atlanta, GA • Hilton Atlanta

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Start End Room

A01—Lithium Battery 0800 1220 Room 224

A02—Sympoisum in Honor of George Blomgren 0800 1000 Room 223

A03—Li-ion Cathode 4 Mining and Recycling 0800 1200 Galleria 1

A03—Li-ion Safety and Diagnostics 0800 1220 Galleria 2

A04—Air/Sulfur/Flow Battery 1 0800 1240 Galleria 4

C01—Corrosion of Ferrous Materials 0800 0940 Room 307

D06—Optics and Photonics 0800 1120 Room 311

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 8 0800 1020 Room 209

I01A—Electron & Neutron Imaging 0800 1120 Galleria 3

I01F—AEM Electrolysis 1 0800 1200 Galleria 8

I03—Proton Conducting Fuel Cells 0800 1000 Room 218

I05—Solid Oxide Electrolysis 3 0800 1000 Room 215

L02—Power and Energy 1 0800 1200 Room 303

L03—In Situ Studies on Electrochemical Systems 0800 1205 Room 304

E01—Electrocatalysts1 0810 0950 Room 301

C03—Corrosion in Nuclear Reactors and Waste Storage Systems 0815 1200 Room 308

I04—Carbon Dioxide Conversion by Photocatalysis or Electrocatalysis 0815 1225 Room 217

G03—Metrology 0830 1010 Room 212

G02—Molecular and Hybrid Layer Processing 2 0900 1040 Room 211

C01—Computations and Modeling in Corrosion Science 1000 1040 Room 307

E01—Electrocatalysts 2 1020 1240 Room 301

I03—Solid State Ionic Devices 1020 1140 Room 218

I05—Solid Oxide Electrolysis 4 1020 1220 Room 215

G03—Group 4 – Quantum Dots 1030 1150 Room 212

C01—Corrosion of Additively Manufactured Materials 1040 1140 Room 307

G02—ALD for Membrane Applications 1100 1200 Room 211

D06—Energy Conversion and Storage 1 1120 1240 Room 311

G03—Structural and Optical Properties of Group –4 Semiconductors 1330 1545 Room 212

I04—Metal Oxides for Photocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis 2 1340 1700 Room 217

A01—Battery Characterization Techniques 1400 1720 Room 224

42 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia are held at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel.

• Check the online program for the up-to-date schedules of all technical sessions and presentations.

A04—Air/Sulfur/Flow Battery 2 1400 1700 Galleria 4

C01—Advanced Techniques, Materials, and Challenging Environments 1400 1650 Room 307

D06—Energy Conversion and Storage 2 1400 1520 Room 311

E01—Electrodeposition for Energy Devices 1400 1720 Room 301

I01F—AEM Electrolysis 2 1400 1800 Galleria 8

L02—Power and Energy 2 1400 1520 Room 303

D06—Photodetectors 1520 1720 Room 311

L02—Electrodeposition 1540 1800 Room 303

Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 43
Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org Full issues now available for purchase and download from the ECS Online Store: ENHANCE YOUR MEETING www.electrochem.org/online-store 20% ECS Members’ Discount Volume 109: 242nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society
Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 45 Notes
46 Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org Notes
Meeting Guide • October 9-13, 2022 • Atlanta, GA • www.electrochem.org 47 Notes

ECS Leadership

ECS Officers

Turgut Gür, President

Gerardine Botte, Senior Vice President

Colm O’Dwyer, 2nd Vice President

James Fenton, 3rd Vice President

Marca Doeff, Secretary

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Treasurer

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer

ECS Board of Directors

Sean Bishop, Chair, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division

Jeffrey Blackburn, Chair, Nanocarbons Division

Gerardine Botte, Senior Vice President

Uros Cvelbar, Chair, Dielectric and Science Technology Division

Marca Doeff, Secretary

James Fenton, 3rd Vice President

Turgut Gür, President

Andrew Hillier, Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

Jennifer Hite, Chair, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee

Maria Inman, Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer

Jessica Koehne, Chair, Sensor Division

Sadagopan Krishnan, Chair, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division

Qiliang Li, Acting Chair, Electronics and Photonics Division

Shirley Meng, Chair, Battery Division

Robert Micek, Nonprofit Financial Professional

William Mustain, Chair, Energy Technology Division

James (Jamie) Noël, Chair, Corrosion Division

Colm O’Dwyer, 2nd Vice President

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Treasurer

Natasa Vasiljevic, Chair, Electrodeposition Division

Eric Wachsman, Immediate Past President

Rong-Jun Xie, Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division


ECS Staff

Dinia Agrawala, Graphic Design & Print Production Manager

Paul B. Cooper, Editorial Manager

Tim Gamberzky, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer

Genevieve Goldy, Board Relations Specialist

Andrea L. Guenzel, Publications Specialist (Journals)

Sophie Harper, Publications Coordinator/ECST & Journals

Mary Hojlo, Membership & Constituent Services Specialist

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director/CEO

Sophia P. Jorge, Senior Manager of Finance

John Lewis, Director of Meetings

Anna Olsen, Senior Manager, Corporate Programs

Jennifer Ortiz, Digital Content Specialist

Adrian Plummer, Director of Publications

Shannon Reed, Director of Community Engagement

Beth Schademann, Journals Production Manager

Garrett Shumaker, Junior Staff Accountant

Francesca Spagnuolo, Meetings Manager

Cody Sullivan, Publications Coordinator/Journals Operations

Jessica Wisniewski, Associate Director of Human Resources & Operations Manager

JaneAnn Wormann, Meetings Program Specialist Street, Pennington, NJ, 08534-2839, USA tel.: 1.609.737.1902, 1.609.737.2743

Contact Information The Electrochemical Society 65 South Main
General Questions: ecs@electrochem.org Publications: publications@electrochem.org Meetings: meetings@electrochem.org Sponsorships: sponsorship@electrochem.org Membership: customerservice@electrochem.org Development: development@electrochem.org Awards: awards@electrochem.org
www.electrochem.org/meetings 243rd ECS Meeting with SOFC-XVIII BOSTON, MA May 28-June 2, 2023 Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston 244th ECS Meeting GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN October 8-12, 2023 Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre PRiME 2024 HONOLULU, HI October 6-11, 2024 Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village 245th ECS Meeting SAN FRANCISCO, CA May 26-30, 2024 Marriott Marquis San Francisco FUTURE ECS MEETINGS

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