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Sponsored by the High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division of The Electrochemical Society, and the SOFC Society of Japan

BOSTON, MA | May 28-June 2, 2023

Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston

WIFI Network

Name: freethescience

Password: openaccess

Index/Program Guide Exhibitors .................................................................................................................. 20 Featured Events ........................................................................................................ 18 Floor Plans................................................................................................................. 13 Things to Know............................................................................................................ 5 Highlighted Events 16 Local Area Map 12 Meeting Abstracts ....................................................................................................... 7 Message from the Organizers ..................................................................................... 3 Meet the Organizers ................................................................................................... 4 Online Program ........................................................................................................... 6 Plenary Session ......................................................................................................... 10 Presenter Information 8 Program Grid 24 Registration Information ............................................................................................. 5 SOFC Proceedings/ECS Transactions .......................................................................... 7 Sponsors .................................................................................................................... 22 2 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • SOFC-XVIII

Message from the SOFC-XVIII Co-organizers

SOFC-XVIII Welcomes You to Boston!

Welcome to Boston, MA! On behalf of the SOFC Organizing Committee, we are pleased to have you join the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells!

This international symposium brings together scientists, engineers, and researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories to share results and discuss issues related to solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers. This meeting provides an opportunity to learn and exchange information on the latest scientific and technical developments relating to SOFCs and SOECs. The conference has drawn presentations from nearly 400 experts, researchers, and company representatives involved in the field.

To commence this exciting week, join us at the Sheraton Boston on Sunday for the SOFC Opening Reception in the Republic Ballroom & Foyer at 1900h. All attendees are welcome to enjoy light snacks, open bar, ample networking time, and the chance to meet with the SOFC organizers and fellow colleagues.

Start your Monday morning by attending the SOFC Plenary Session located in Room 210 of the Hynes Convention Center. Begin your first day of sessions by listening to the exciting talks of William Gibbons, DOE EERE; Mirela Atanasiu, Clean Hydrogen Partnership; Yosuke Fuji, NEDO; Rak-Hyun Song, KIER; and Shailesh Vora, DOE FE. During this session, we also award the High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Subhash Singhal Award to Tatsuya Kawada, Tohoku University. He then gives his award presentation.

On Tuesday evening, we invite you to take a break from the meeting’s technical formalities to network and socialize with your peers at the SOFC-XVIII Banquet at 1800h at the Sheraton Boston. We start with a reception in the Independence Ballroom and then transition to a formal dinner in the Grand Ballroom. One banquet ticket is included with all SOFC registrations. If you are interested in purchasing additional tickets or would like more information, please stop by Registration.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, be sure to stop by the Exhibit Hall, located in Hall A of the Hynes Convention Center, to mingle with colleagues and discover our exciting lineup of industry-leading exhibitors. SOFC Poster Sessions take place in the Exhibit Hall on Monday and Wednesday, offering a wealth of presentations and topics to browse at your leisure.

Finally, be sure to end the week at the SOFC Closing Session on Friday at 1640h in the Hynes Convention Center Room 210, when we recap the current state of SOFC and SOEC technologies. Please use the meeting program and website to make the most of your time at the meeting. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to stop by Registration for further assistance.

We thank you again for your support of SOFC-XVIII!

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 3 SOFC-XVIII

Meet the Organizers

Dr. Eric D. Wachsman, Director of the Maryland Energy Innovation Institute, is a Distinguished University Professor and the William L. Crentz Centennial Chair in Energy Research with appointments in both the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Maryland. He received his PhD in Materials Science & Engineering from Stanford University, and his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

Dr. Wachsman is Past President of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and Editor-inChief of Ionics. He is a Fellow of both ECS and the American Ceramic Society; elected fellow of the National Academy of Inventors and member of the World Academy of Ceramics; recipient of the 2017 ECS Carl Wagner Award; 2014 Sir William Grove Award from the International Association for Hydrogen Energy; 2014 Pfeil Award from The Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining; Outstanding Invention of 2013 award from the University of Maryland Office of Technology Licensing; 2012 Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition Award; and 2012 ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Outstanding Achievement Award.

His research is focused on solid ionconducting materials and electrocatalysts, and includes the development of solidstate batteries, solid oxide fuel cells, ion-transport membrane reactors, and solid-state gas sensors, using advanced ion conducting materials. He has more than 280 publications and 40 patents/ patent applications on ionic and electronic transport in materials, and their catalytic properties, and device performance. To date four companies have been founded based on these technologies.

Teruhisa Horita

Teruhisa Horita is a Director of Research Institute for Energy Conservation (iECO), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan. In 1992, he joined the National Chemical Laboratory for Industry in Japan (former AIST) as research scientist. Since then, he has been working on the materials research and analyses of electrochemical reactions of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). He has published more than 200 original papers and contributed to the improvement of durability of SOFCs. From 2018-2019, he was the project leader of the SOFC durability project of NEDO Japanese national project. From 2013-2015, he tentatively worked at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), as a project manager for energy-related projects (such as hydrogen, power electronics, etc.) and established several projects. Since 2020, he has lead the NEDO project “Development of advanced evaluation and analysis technologies for the durability of SOFC stacks”.

Dr. Horita is a Vice President of The SOFC Society of Japan, and serves many academic meetings including the SOFC symposium series, such as the Chairperson of SOFC-XVII (2021). He has served as the Secretary/Treasurer of the ECS H-TEMP Division since 2021.

Dr. Horita has received many awards including the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan in 2021, Richard M. Fulrath Award from The American Ceramic Society in 2005, and Oronzio DeNora Foundation Prize on Electrochemical Energy Conversion from The International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in 2001.

4 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •
Eric D. Wachsman Teruhisa Horita

Meeting Registration

Abbreviation Key

HCC = Hynes Convention Center

SB = Sheraton Boston Hotel

BB = Hilton Back Bay Hotel


HCC: Pre-function Hall A

Saturday. .............................. 1600-1900h

Sunday.................................. 0700-1900h

Monday ................................ 0700-1900h

Tuesday ................................ 0700-1730h

Wednesday .......................... 0700-1600h

Thursday............................... 0700-1600h

Friday 0700-1000h

On-site registration fees*

Please note that all SOFC registrations include: entrance to the SOFC Opening Reception; a copy of the SOFC-XVIII proceedings published in ECS Transactions; and one ticket for the SOFC banquet.

Technical........................................ $1,225

Student ............................................. $860

Additional SOFC Banquet Ticket ..... $175

*All prices are in U.S. Dollars*

Things to Know


Complimentary network service is available to all attendees in the meeting space.

Username: freethescience

Password: openaccess


Accommodations for attendees with disabilities are handled on an individual basis. If you require assistance, contact meeting headquarters today by emailing or stop by Registration on site.

Who must pay the registration fee?

All meeting participants, including invited speakers, are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Individuals participating in ECS Short Courses and Professional Development workshops along with the meeting are required to register for both events.

SOFC Companion/ Nontechnical registrant program

Attendees’ travel companions are invited to register for the meeting as nontechnical registrants. The SOFC nontechnical registrant fee includes admission to non-ticketed social events and a ticket to the SOFC Banquet.

Lost badge or ticket

There is a $30 charge for reprinting lost badges or tickets. Entry to ticketed events is not possible without an actual ticket. Tickets cannot be reprinted at the event itself. Visit Registration during scheduled hours to reprint tickets.

Permissions granted to ECS/SOFC

ECS reserves the right to record any or all meeting-related events electronically. By registering for and/or attending the SOFC-XVIII meeting, you grant ECS permission to use any recording or photography made of you at any meeting event or anywhere within the meeting venue.

Speaker indemnification

The ideas and opinions expressed in the technical sessions, conferences, and handout materials are those of the presenter. They are not those of ECS or the SOFC organizers, nor can any endorsement by ECS or SOFC be claimed.

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 5

Photography and recording is NOT permitted in technical sessions

By attending the SOFC-XVIII meeting, you agree not to record any technical session activity without the express written consent of ECS or the SOFCXVIII organizers. Violators of this policy are removed from the meeting and their registrations revoked without the possibility of a refund.

Letters of attendance

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Attendance should visit the Letters of Attendance self-help computer in Registration or see a meeting representative.

Need an invoice?

Your registration information and invoice are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on your personal computer. Go to to log into your account to access this information.

Make the Most of Your SOFC Meeting Experience

Online program

The online program is your gateway to all meeting events and activities. Bookmark it now at

With the online program:

• Navigate through the full meeting program, including all Technical Sessions and Events.

• The SOFC technical program may be accessed at https://ecs.confex. com/ecs/243/meetingapp.cgi/ Symposium/4569.

• Read the individual abstracts for all SOFC and ECS scheduled technical presentations.

• Select sessions, individual presentations, and special events as Favorites for a handy reference of your personal meeting highlights.

• Use the Schedule feature to add customized events to your personal meeting schedule. Any events marked as Favorites (above) are added automatically to your personal schedule.

• Use the People feature to locate specific contributors and their presentations, and then the Connect

button to send messages to an individual person via a built-in peer-to-peer messaging tool.

• Quickly browse through ECS Society and Division Award Presentation abstracts and presentation details.

• Access the list of Cancelled Presentations for the most up-to-date scheduling information.

• Open Floor Plans to find layouts of the event spaces quickly.

• Browse detailed Sponsor and Symposium Sponsor information, and the most up-to-date Exhibitor List.

• View any digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) that authors have uploaded. These files are available to all meeting registrants through June 27, 2023

• Engage with presenters via a Comment field on every presentation webpage.

• View any Award Presentations broadcast live through the Live Events feature.

6 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

Take time to familiarize yourself with the online program and use its builtin features to experience all that this amazing event has to offer!

Tools for a successful meeting

• Make sure to always wear your badge and have your special event tickets on hand.

• Access the full meeting website at

• Bookmark the online program on your local device for easier access to the meeting schedule and abstracts.

• Become familiar with the meeting layout by using the maps on pages 13-15.

• Turn off cell phones during presentations. Remember, photography and recording are prohibited in session rooms.

• Stop by the SOFC Opening Reception on Sunday to greet old friends and meet new friends and colleagues.

• Visit the Exhibit Hall to network and learn more about the latest industry innovations.

• Have extra copies of your business cards and/or poster presentations to hand out.

• Presentation videos and/or slides uploaded by some presenters to the online program are available for viewing through June 27.

• Tell us about your experience by completing the post-conference survey sent to you via email.

Advance your career

• Attend an ECS Short Course and/or Professional Development workshop. See ECS Guide, pages 18-21, for more information.

• Visit the Exhibit Hall to speak with leading companies in the field and network with poster presenters. See pages 20-21 to research which booths to visit.

• Check the ECS Career Center, available all year round, at

• Update your LinkedIn profile with a new photo! Receive a complimentary professional portrait at Booth 130 in the Exhibit Hall.

• Meet your colleagues in SOFC and SOEC technologies. Attend the SOFC Opening Receptions on Sunday.

• Listen to updates from the leading SOFC programs around the world during the SOFC Plenary Session.

• Are you an ECS member? Attend the MEMBERS ONLY Reception on Sunday before the SOFC Opening Reception begins. Visit Customer Service in Registration for a ticket.

Meeting abstracts

Always right at hand—and as always, FREE! Registrants can access all SOFC abstracts easily via the online program or download them from the meeting website. Paper copies of meeting abstracts are not distributed; attendees requiring these should download and print them before the meeting.

SOFC Proceedings/ECS Transactions

Proceedings papers from SOFC-XVIII have been published online in ECS Transactions. All onsite SOFC registrants receive a complimentary PDF copy of this ECST issue.

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 7

Presenter Information


Oral presentations must be in English. Laptop computers and projectors are available in each symposium room for presentations. Presenting authors MUST bring their presentation on a USB flash drive to use with the symposium room’s dedicated laptop. Speakers requiring special equipment must submit a written email request to ECS headquarters ( before the meeting. Special requests are not handled on site.

Additional information for oral presentations:

• Arrive to your session room early and introduce yourself to the session chairs (Session Chair ribbons are on their name tags).

• No additional time is allotted for Q&A (questions and answer sessions). If you plan to have Q&A, prepare your talk accordingly, based on the time length written in your acceptance notification.

• There is no Speaker Ready Room.


Poster presentations must be in English and correspond to the abstract number and assigned date of presentation outlined in your acceptance notification.

You may mount your poster only on your assigned day.

In addition: No posters are displayed on site without author participation. No exceptions are granted.

• Posters must be removed at the end of each session. Any posters left behind are discarded.

• Mount posters from 1400-1700h on Monday and Wednesday.

• Only mount posters on their assigned presentation day.

• Pushpins and/or thumbtacks are supplied.

• Authors are responsible for the security of their displays and all items of value. ECS does not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen or broken articles.

• You may bring smaller copies of your poster (8.5×11” or A4 sizes only) for attendees to take away. Bring a clear folder to hold them, then pin the folder to the board with your display.


Digital presentations must be in English. All digital presenters were required to submit digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) in advance of the meeting. These materials are available to meeting attendees for on-demand viewing in the online meeting program from May 28 through June 27, 2023.

Monday 1400-1700h

Wednesday ...................... 1400-1700h

8 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

Code of Conduct

ECS technical meeting Code of Conduct

Please note: This Code of Conduct also applies to SOFC-XVIII participants.

ECS technical meeting attendees must conduct themselves in a manner that inspires public confidence and trust at all times. The success and credibility of ECS is dependent on adhering to our commitments and displaying honesty, integrity, and discretion when participating in Society activities and functions. Attendees who disregard these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including forfeiting their meeting registration, loss of Society membership, and/or being relieved of volunteer positions held within the Society.

When attending an ECS technical meeting, attendees assume the responsibility of adhering to this Code of Conduct:

• Attendees must ensure that they are in a condition to attend meetings safely, without risk of causing harm to themselves and/or others.

• Attendees are expected to present themselves in a mature and responsible manner at all times. Conduct and behavior during an ECS meeting, including private activities

and social gatherings, should exhibit a high degree of personal integrity and professionalism with respect to all individuals involved.

• Fighting, horseplay, disorderly conduct or other unsafe acts that may cause bodily injury or endanger others is prohibited.

• Attendees must not be noticeably impaired or under the influence of drugs or any controlled substances during ECS meetings, events, and other functions.

• Attendees are prohibited from engaging in any act of harassment, sexual, racial or other; telling sexist or racially based jokes; and making racial or ethnic slurs.

• Obscene or abusive language, rudeness, and unprofessional and/ or antagonistic conduct toward any individual is prohibited.

Everyone is encouraged to communicate Code of Conduct policy violation concerns to an ECS management team member. ECS investigates all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior. ECS takes appropriate action in every instance where inappropriate behavior is found to have occurred. ECS does not retaliate against individuals who raise Code of Conduct violation concerns.

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 9


SOFC Plenary Session

HCC: Room 210

Monday 0800-1220h

Join us as SOFC-XVIII co-organizers Eric Wachsman and Teruhisa Horita welcome all attendees to the conference and conduct a session with updates from the leading SOFC programs around the world.

“Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid Systems Enable Carbon-Neutral Flight in ARPA-E’s REEACH Program”

David Tew

United States Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)

“U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Perspectives”

William Gibbons

United States Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE EERE)

“The SOFC Program at the DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)”

Shailesh Vor

United States Department of Energy

“The Status of SOFC and SOEC R&D in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership”

Mirela Atanasiu

Clean Hydrogen Partnership

10 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

“Introduction of National Projects Concerning Fuel-Cells in Japan”

Yosuke Fujii

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

“Current Status of SOFC Deployment and Technology Developments in Korea”

Rak-Hyun Song

Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)


High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division

Subhash Singhal Award Address

“From Electrochemical to Mechanical Modeling of SOFCs and Their Experimental Validation”

Tatsuya Kawada

Tohoku University

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 11

Local Area Map

12 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

Floor Plans

Second Level

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 13
Hynes Convention Center Plaza Level

Floor Plans

Sheraton Level 2

Sheraton Level 3

14 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

Floor Plans

Sheraton Level 5

Hilton Back Bay, 3rd Floor

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 15

Highlighted Events

SOFC Opening Reception

SB: Republic Ballroom & Foyer

Sunday, 1900-2100h

Do not miss your chance to join fellow colleagues for light snacks, open bar, and ample time to network at this event!

Session Chair and Symposium

Organizer Breakfast

HCC: Room 208

Monday, 0700-0800h

The meeting’s success is very much due to the hard work of session chairs, symposium organizers, and division members. All are encouraged to attend this orientation to ensure that they are best prepared for their roles in the meeting, and learn helpful information about future meetings.

SOFC Plenary Session(s)

HCC: Room 210

Monday, 0820-1220h

Join us as SOFC-XVIII co-organizers Eric Wachsman and Teruhisa Horita welcome all attendees to the conference and conduct a session with updates from the leading SOFC programs around the world.

SOFC Poster Sessions

HCC: Hall A

Monday and Wednesday, 1800-2000h

Presenters meet and greet peers, professors, and industry representatives; field questions; make connections; and discuss compelling research questions. After a full day of sitting in session rooms, this event is a great way to continue researching while in motion. Browse the aisles to find the posters that spark your interest!

Technical Exhibition

HCC: Hall A

Monday, 1800-2000h

Tuesday and Wednesday, 1400-2000h

Take time to explore exhibits from the leading vendors in the electrochemical

and solid state science fields. Also, stop by the Exhibit Hall for Poster Sessions, Networking Breaks, Professional Portraits, Meet the Editors, and the ECS Booth. Check the DEVguide for information on our exhibitors!

Professional Portraits

HCC: Hall A, Booth 130

Monday 1800-2000h, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1700-2000h

Entering the job market? Seeking new career opportunities? Expanding your professional network? A great first impression opens doors and takes your career to new heights. Update your LinkedIn profile with a new headshot. Stop by our professional portrait session, compliments of ECS! No appointment required.

SOFC Coffee and Networking Breaks

See Featured Events on pages 18-19 for locations

Monday through Friday, 0930-1030h

Monday through Friday, 1530-1630h

Take a moment before your next session to stretch your legs, reenergize with coffee or tea, and network with fellow attendees and exhibitors.

SOFC Banquet

SB: Independence Ballroom & Grand Ballroom

Tuesday, 1900-2100h

Take time out from the technical formalities of the meeting for the opportunity to network and socialize with your peers at this exquisite banquet. The evening starts with a reception in the Independence Ballroom and then transitions to a formal dinner in the Grand Ballroom. A banquet ticket is included with all SOFC registrations. To purchase an additional ticket or for more information, stop by Registration.

16 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

PLUS ECS Members Reception*

SB: Constitution Ballroom

Sunday, 1800-1900h

Are you an ECS Member? Join us as we gather before the Opening Receptions to kick off the meeting and enjoy appetizers and an open bar—along with fabulous giveaways. Not a member? Sign up today so you don’t miss this must-attend member event!

ECS Plenary Session

SB: Grand Ballroom

Monday, 1630-1800h

Come join in and honor the accomplishments of the distinguished ECS award winners and volunteers and then listen to the plenary speaker give the ECS Lecture.

Meet the Editors

HCC: Hall A

Tuesday, 1730-1830h; 1830-1930h

Wednesday, 1730-1830h; 1830-1930h

We are excited to invite you to meet esteemed editors of our journals family at the ECS Booth! They are ready to connect with you, answer your questions on journal processes, and discuss editorial opportunities and the vision for ECS Publications’ growth. As you determine your personal meeting schedule, take this opportunity to connect directly with ECS Publications Editorial Team members! Check the online program for the full schedule of editors and their appearance times.

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*Ticket required. Purchase tickets in advance or at Registration.

Featured Events

Events at a Glance

Sunday, May 28 0700-1900h ........................................ Meeting registration, HCC: Pre-function Hall A

0900-1630h ...................................... ECS Short Courses*, See ECS Guide, pages 18-21

0930-1030h .......... Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall C

1200-1330h .................................. ECS Short Course Luncheon*, SB: Commonwealth

1530-1630h .......... Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 1st Floor Pre-function Hall A, 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall C; SB: 5th Floor 1900-2100h ........................ SOFC Opening Reception, SB: Republic Ballroom & Foyer

Monday, May 29 0700-1900h ........................................ Meeting registration, HCC: Pre-function Hall A 0700-0800h Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Orientation Breakfast, HCC: Room 208

0800h ................... SOFC Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

SOFC Plenary Session, HCC: Room 210

............................. Managing and Leading Teams, SB: Liberty Ballroom A

......................................................... SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D

.............................. SOFC Poster Set-up Period – Monday Evening Posters, HCC: Hall A

1600-1700h SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D

1630-1800h ................................................. ECS Plenary Session, SB: Grand Ballroom

1800-2000h Technical Exhibit and SOFC Poster Session, HCC: Hall A

1800-2000h ......................................... Professional Portraits, HCC: Hall A, Booth 130

Tuesday, May 30

0700-1730h ........................................ Meeting registration, HCC: Pre-function Hall A

0800h ............................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

0830-1100h ECS Peer Review Excellence Workshop*, SB: Liberty Ballroom A & B

1000-1100h ......................................................... SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D

1400-2000h Visit our Exhibitors! HCC: Hall A

1530-1630h ......................................................... SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D


Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR)

Workforce Development Panel, SB: Liberty Ballroom A

1700-2000h ........................................ Professional Portraits, HCC: Hall A, Booth 130


SOFC Reception*, SB: Independence Ballroom

1900-2100h ........................................................ SOFC Banquet*, SB: Grand Ballroom

18 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •
*Ticket required. Purchase tickets in advance or at Customer Service in Registration.

Featured Events

Wednesday, May 31

0700-1600h ........................................ Meeting registration, HCC: Pre-function Hall A

0800h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 0900-1200h ............................... Win Funding: How to Write a Competitive Proposal, SB: Liberty Ballroom C 1000-1100h SOFC Coffee and Networking Break HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D 1400-1700h ........................ SOFC Poster Set-up Period – Wednesday Evening Posters, HCC: Hall A 1400-2000h .............................................................. Visit our Exhibitors! HCC: Hall A 1530-1630h ........................................................ SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D 1700-2000h ........................................ Professional Portraits, HCC: Hall A, Booth 130 1800-2000h ............................................................. SOFC Poster Session, HCC: Hall A

Thursday, June 1 0700-1600h ........................................ Meeting registration, HCC: Pre-function Hall A 0800h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details) 1000-1100h ......................................................... SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D 1530-1630h SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D

Friday, June 2 0700-1000h ........................................ Meeting registration, HCC: Pre-function Hall A 0800h ............................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D 1640-1700h ...................................................... SOFC Closing Session, HCC: Room 210 1600-1700h SOFC Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 19

Technical Exhibit

Thank you to the 243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII) Exhibitors!


HCC, Hall A: Plaza Level

Exhibit Hours

Monday, May 29, 2023

0800-1200h Exhibit Build 1200-1700h .............................................................................................................. Exhibitor Move In 1400-1700h Poster Move In 1800-2000h ........................................................................ Technical Exhibit, General Poster Session

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 1400-1700h .................................................................................................................. Poster Move In 1400-2000h Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h .............................................................................................. Networking & Coffee Break 1800-2000h General and Student Poster Session

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 1400-1700h Poster Move In 1400-2000h ................................................................................................................ Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h Networking & Coffee Break 1800-2000h ..................................................................................................... General Poster Session 2000-2200h Optional Technical Exhibit Tear Down

Thursday, June 1, 2023

0900-1200h Technical Exhibit Tear Down


Admiral Instruments Booth 211


Princeton Applied Research –Solarton Analytical

Booth 205

Arbin Instruments

Booth 534


Booth 425

BioLogic USA

Booths 116, 118, & 120

Bruker Optics

Booth 304

CAP CO., Ltd

Booth 126

CASFER, NSF Engineering Research Center, Texas Tech University

Booth 306

Comsol, Inc.

Booth 225

CrystalMaker Software Ltd.

Booth 407

Current Chemicals

Booth 302


Booth 235

20 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •
       CrystalMaker

The Electrochemical Society

Booth 317

ECS — Networking Lounge

Booth 217

ECS — Professional Portraits

Booth 130

Fiaxell Sàrl

Booth 532

Flexitallic US LLC

Booth 528

Gamry Instruments

Booths 508 & 510

Giner Labs

Literature Display Table

Harvard Bioscience Inc.

Booth 530

Hiden Analytical, Inc.

Booth 429

HORIBA Scientific

Booth 334

IOP Publishing

Booth 411

IVIUM Technologies

Booth 106


Booth 405


Booth 332

Maccor, Inc

Booth 524

Malvern Panalytical

Booth 431

Metrohm USA

Booths 308 & 310

Microscreen LLC

Booth 122

MTI Corporation

Booth 231

NanoScience Instruments, Inc.

Booth 102

Nexceris LLC

Booth 229

Nextron Corporation

Booth 330

Oxford Instruments

Booth 435

Park Systems

Booth 207

Pine Research Instrumentation

Booths 324 & 326

Rigaku Americas Corporation

Booth 328

Royal Society of Chemistry

Booth 128

Scribner Associates, Inc.

Booth 312


Booth 124

SH Scientific Corporation

Booth 506

Spectro Inlets ApS

Booth 213


Booth 526

TA Instruments

Booth 504

VSParticle B.V.

Booth 104

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 21
Pantone 色號 525C C82% M100% Y46% K12% R76 G32 B90 # 4C205A
22 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • Symposia Sponsors Thank you to the SOFC-XVIII symposia sponsors! Gold Office of Naval Research


Thank you to the 243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII) sponsors!

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 23
Contributing Energy Material Advances, a Science Partner Journal IOP Publishing
Silver Bronze

SOFC-XVIII Program Grid

Monday 0800-1220h Opening -andPlenary Session

Monday 1400-1600h

Monday 1800-2000h

Monday 1900-2100h

Tuesday 0800-1000h

Tuesday 1020-1220h

Tuesday 1400-1540h

Tuesday 1600-17##h

Tuesday 1800-2100h

Wednesday 0800-1000h

Wednesday 1020-1220h

Wednesday 1400-1540h

Wednesday 1600-1800h

Wednesday 1800-2000h

SOFC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 1

Electrolyte Materials, Fabrication, and Performance

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 1

SOFC Poster Session 1

SOFC Opening Reception* Location: Sheraton Boston, Republic Ballroom and Foyer

SOFC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 2

SOFC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 3

SOFC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 4

SOFC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 5 (*ends at 1720h)

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 1

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 2

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 3

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 4 (*ends at 1700h)

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 2

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 3

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 4

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 5 (*ends at 1720h)

SOFC Banquet*

Locations: Sheraton Boston, Independence Ballroom and then Grand Ballroom

SOEC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 1

SOEC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 2

SOEC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 3

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 5

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 6

Cell, Stack, and System Modeling and Simulation 7

SOEC Cells, Stacks, and Systems 4 Characterization and Testing 1

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 6

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 7

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 8

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 9

SOFC Poster Session 2

24 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •
Room 210 Room 209 Room 206 Exhibit Hall A
Day/Time Hynes Convention Center

Thursday 1020-1220h Proton Conducting Cells 2

Thursday 1400-1540h

Conducting Cells 3

Thursday 1600-1800h Proton Conducting Cells 4

Friday 0800-1000h

Friday 1020-1220h

Friday 1400-16##h


Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 10

Electrode Materials, Fabrication, and Performance 11 (*ends at 1600h)

Characterization and Testing 3 -andDurability/Reliability and Degradation Mechanisms 1

r-SOC Cells,Stack, and Systems 2

and Degradation Mechanisms 2 r-SOC Cells,Stack, and Systems 3

and Degradation Mechanisms 3

of Fuel -and- TechnoEconomic Analysis 1

Interconnect, Contact, and Sealing Material 1 Ammonia SOCs 2

Interconnect, Contact, and Sealing Material 2 (*ends at 1600h)

Metal Supported Cells -and- TechnoEconomic Analysis 2 (*ends at 1620h)

Friday 1000-1020h

*Ticket or SOFC Registration Badge required.

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 25 Day/Time Hynes Convention Center Room 210 Room 209 Room 206 Exhibit Hall A
Thursday 0800-1000h
Conducting Cells 1
and Testing 2
Cells,Stack, and Systems 1
208 Proton Conducting Cells 5
and Degradation Mechanisms 4
SOCs 1
1640-1700h Closing Session Daily Coffee Breaks Location: Hynes Convention Center, 2nd Floor Pre-function Hall D Monday 1020-1040h
1600-1620h Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1000-1020h
Wednesday, Thursday 1540-1600h

Technical Symposia

243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII)

May 28 – June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA

Sheraton Boston Hotel and Hynes Convention Center

SOFC—18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII)

SOFC—Eighteenth International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters on Monday, and Wednesday

HCC, Room 206, Room 208, Room 209, Room 210

E. Wachsman, T. Horita

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes Division, SOFC Society of Japan

A—Batteries and Energy Storage

A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Tuesday

HCC, Room 110

A. Manivannan, S. R. Narayan, B. Lucht, L. Torres Castro Energy Technology Division, Battery Division

A02—Lithium Ion Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Tuesday and Wednesday

HCC, Room 102, Room 103

Z. Li, E. Self, C. Wang Battery Division

A03—Large Scale Energy Storage 14

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday

HCC, Room 101

M. Sunkara, J. Gallaway, E. Agar, C. Arges, D. Buckley

Energy Technology Division, Battery Division, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

A04—Battery Student Slam 7

Monday, Tuesday

HCC, Room 105

B. Gallant, L. Ma Battery Division

A05—Sodium and Zinc Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday

HCC, Room 111

X. Li, F. Lin, M. Galceran, R. Carter, D. Bresser, G. Xu, J. Huang Battery Division

A06—Solid State Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Room 104

H. Kim, J. Schaefer, R. Amin, J. Muldoon, V. Di Noto Battery Division

B—Carbon Nanostructures and Devices

B01—Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion and Storage

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, The Fens

J. Blackburn, M. Song, X. Ji, A. Ferguson Nanocarbons Division

B02—Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Boston Common

D. Heller, T. Da Ros, M. Landry, L. Nagahara, J. Halpern, M. Bayachou, J. Koehne, A. Naumov, N. Iverson, N. Alvarez, D. Bouilly Nanocarbons Division, Sensor Division

B03—Carbon Nanotubes – From Fundamentals to Devices

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, The Fens

M. Zheng, R. B. Weisman, S. Rotkin, S. Maruyama, Y. Li, B. Flavel, Y. Ohno Nanocarbons Division

B04—NANO in Spain

Sunday, Monday

SB, Riverway

N. Martin, T. Torres, F. Langa, A. Sastre-Santos, H. Imahori

Nanocarbons Division

26 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia take place at the Sheraton Boston Hotel (SB) or Hynes Convention Center (HCC)

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

B05—Fullerenes – Endohedral Fullerenes and Molecular Carbon

Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Boston Common

Y. Yamakoshi, A. Balch, F. D’Souza, D. Guldi, L. Echegoyen, N. Martin, S. Stevenson, A. Narita, S. Yang

Nanocarbons Division

B06—2D Layered Materials from Fundamental Science to Applications

Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Public Garden

M. Arnold, Y. Obeng, S. De Gendt, Z. Karim, R. Martel, S. Rotkin, E. Miller-Link

Nanocarbons Division, Dielectric Science and Technology Division

B07—Light Energy Conversion with Metal Halide Perovskites, Semiconductor and Nanostructures, Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Materials, and Dynamic Exciton

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;

Posters on Tuesday

SB, Riverway

H. Imahori, P. Kamat, K. Murakoshi, T. Torimoto, M. Hariharan, Z. Lin

Nanocarbons Division

B08—Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Public Garden

R. Paolesse, K. Kadish, T. Torres, N. Solladie, N. Jux, A. Sastre-Santos

Nanocarbons Division

B09—Nano for Industry

Thursday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Boston Common

S. Rotkin, D. Wang, T. Lill, O. Leonte, D. Estrada, J. Blackburn, D. Heller

Nanocarbons Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Sensor Division, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee

C—Corrosion Science and Technology

C01—Corrosion General Session

Tuesday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Dalton

J. Noël, D. Chidambaram Corrosion Division

D—Dielectric Science and Materials

D01—Plasma Electrochemistry and Catalysis 2

Tuesday, Wednesday

SB, Exeter

U. Cvelbar, M. Sankaran, D. Mariotti, M. Sunkara

Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Energy Technology Division

E—Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition

E01—Molten Salts (High Temperature) Deposition and Extraction of Metals

Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday

SB, Clarendon

A. Allanore, R. Akolkar, T. Nohira, G. Haarberg, H. Kim

Electrodeposition Division; High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes Division

E02—Electrodeposition for Advanced Manufacturing

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday

SB, Berkely

T. Hall, S. Roy, J. Lopez-Ruiz, M. Innocenti Electrodeposition Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

F—Electrochemical Engineering

F01—Advances in Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering: Celebrating 80 Years of the Division

Sunday, Monday; Posters on Monday

Hynes CC Room, 107, Room 108

M. Inman, P. Kenis, E. Biddinger, S. Bhargava

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 27

Technical Symposia, continued

243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII)

May 28 – June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA

Sheraton Boston Hotel and Hynes Convention Center

F02—Multiscale Modeling, Simulation, and Design 5: In Honor of Ralph White

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday

HCC, Room 108

V. Subramanian, T. Garrick, J. Staser, J. Harb, E. Kalu, N. Kamyab, G. Pillay

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Battery Division; Energy Technology Division

F04—Reduction of CO2: From Laboratory to Industrial Scale 3

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Wednesday

HCC, Room 107

C. Arges, H. Dinh, G. Wu, P. Atanassov, S. Bhargava

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Energy Technology Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

F05—Electrochemical Science and Engineering on the Path from Discovery to Product 3

Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Room 109

X. Su, E. Taylor, K. Bouzek, S. Bhargava

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

G—Electronic Materials and Processing

G01—Silicon Compatible Emerging Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced

CMOS and Post-CMOS Applications 13

Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

SB, Fairfax A

H. Jagannathan, Z. Karim, K. Kakushima,

P. Timans, E. Gousev, S. De Gendt, D. Misra, Y. Obeng, F. Roozeboom

Electronics and Photonics Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division

G02—Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 10

Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

SB, Fairfax B

V. Chakrapani, C. O’Dwyer, D. N. Buckley, A.

Etcheberry, A. C. Hillier, R. Lynch, P. Vereecken, H. Wang, G. Banerjee, S. Calero-Barney

Electronics and Photonics Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Electrodeposition Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

H—Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems

H01—Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 24

Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

SB, Hampton B

M. Tadjer, V. Chakrapani, J. Hite, T. Anderson, S. Kilgore, J. Zavada

Electronics and Photonics Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division

H02—Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 20

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday

SB, Hampton A

J. Martino, B. Nguyen, J. Raskin, F. Gamiz, S. Selberherr, E. Simoen, H. Ishii

Electronics and Photonics Division

H03—Solid-State Electronics and Photonics in Biology and Medicine 9

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Tuesday

SB, Commonwealth

Z. Lin, Y. Wang, W. Wu, C. Lin, T. Sakata, M. Cheng, L. Marsal, S. Minteer

Electronics and Photonics Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I—Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion

I01—Low Temperature Water Electrolysis (LT-WE) for H2 Production

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Rooms 206, 207, 208

H. Xu, K. Swider-Lyons, W. Mustain, M. Carmo, Ping Liu, S. Pylypenko, J. Chen, P. Stasser, Sh. Alia, S. Cavaliere Energy Technology Division; Industrial

28 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia take place at the Sheraton Boston Hotel (SB) or Hynes Convention Center (HCC)

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I02—Renewable Fuels via Artificial Photosynthesis or Heterocatalysis 9

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Room 202

N. Wu, V. Subramanian, A. Manivannan, P. Kulesza, F. Osterloh, B. Ohtani, E. Miller, G. Wiederrecht, T. Lian, Heli Wang Energy Technology Division

I03—Materials for Low Temperature

Electrochemical Systems 9

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

HCC, Rom 203

M. Shao, G. Wu

Energy Technology Division

I04—Energy Conversion Based on N, P, and Other Nutrients 2

Tuesday, Wednesday

HCC, Room 201

L. Winter, M. Hatzell, W. Tarpeh, G. Wu, J. Renner Energy Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

K—Organic and Bioelectrochemistry

K01—Organic and Biological Electroanalytical

Chemistry: In Memory of Petr Zuman

Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday

SB, Jamaica Pond

J. Rusling, J. Ludvik, S. Krishnan

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division

K03—Biomolecular Engineering of Electrochemical Phenomena

Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

SB, Jamaica Pond

J. Renner, A. Furst, J. Halpern, P. Atanassov

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

L—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry

L01—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session and Grahame Award Symposium

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Room 204

A. Hillier, S. Paddison

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

L02—Computational Electrochemistry

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters on Monday

SB, Gardner A

S. Paddison, S. Barton, S. DeCaluwe, S. Sankarasubramanian

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division



Sunday, Monday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Room 205

A. Hillier, B. Gurkan, Y. Zhang

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division


L05—Electrochemical Studies by Synchrotron Techniques 2


SB, Clarendon

A. Co, S. Pylypenko, K. Stoerzinger, I. Zenyuk

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division

L06—Advances in Analytical

Electrochemistry: A Joint Symposium with Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC)

Tuesday; Posters on Monday

HCC, Room 205

D. Cliffel, A. Fitch, B. Zhang

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, The Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC)

SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 29

Technical Symposia, continued

243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII)

May 28 – June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA

Sheraton Boston Hotel and Hynes Convention Center

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia take place at the Sheraton Boston Hotel (SB) or Hynes Convention Center (HCC)

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

L07—Electrochemistry in Extreme Conditions


SB, Clarendon

P. Kulesza, V. Di Noto, I. Rutkowska, P. Atanassov

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

L09—Fundamental Kinetics and Mechanisms in Environmental and Energy Relevant Reactions

Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

HCC, Room 205

J. Leddy, D. Cliffel, K. Stoerzinger, A. Fitch

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division


M01—Micro and Nano Systems: In Honor of Peter J. Hesketh

Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Monday

SB, Gardner B

M. Navaei, A. Khosla, P. Sekhar, G. Hunter, L. Nagahara, T. Thundat, L. Tsui Sensor Division

M02—Microfluidic Sensors and Devices 4

Wednesday; Posters on Wednesday

SB, Gardner B

J. Koehne, N. Wu, L. Soleymani, A. Ebrahimi Sensor Division


Z01—General Student Poster Session

Posters on Tuesday

HCC, Exhibit Hall A

A. Suroviec All Divisions

Z02—Electrochemical/Materials Processing for Space Engineering

Monday, Tuesday; Posters on Tuesday

HCC, Room 200

Y. Fukunaka, G. Jackson, G. Nelson, S. Vijapur, A. Allanore, D. Sadoway, T. Fuller, Y. S. Meng, R. Kostecki, V. F. Lvovich, R. Bugga, R. Hyers Electrodeposition Division; Battery Division; Electronics and Photonics Division; Energy Technology Division; High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Sensor Division, The Light Metals, and the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Divisions of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

30 SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA •
SOFC-XVIII Meeting Guide • May 28-June 2, 2023 • Boston, MA • 31 Notes


19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX)

Sponsored by the High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division of the Electrochemical Society, and the SOFC Society of Japan


July 13-18, 2025

The Brewery Conference Center

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