244th ECS MEETING Guide

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October 8-12, 2023

Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

WIFI Network

Name: freethescience

Password: openaccess

Index/Program Guide Awards, Division........................................................................................................ 14 Awards, Society ......................................................................................................... 14 Committee and Board Meetings .............................................................................. 28 Companion Registrant Program ................................................................................. 4 Division Events .......................................................................................................... 27 ECS Officers and Staff ................................................................................................ 58 Exhibitors .................................................................................................................. 30 Featured Events ........................................................................................................ 26 Floor Plans................................................................................................................. 18 Future ECS Meetings ................................................................................................. 60 General Meeting Information ..................................................................................... 4 Get to Know ECS ......................................................................................................... 8 Highlighted Events 20 Local Area Map 17 Meeting Abstracts 7 Message from the President 3 Online Program 6 Plenary Session ......................................................................................................... 12 Presenter Information ................................................................................................ 9 Professional Development ........................................................................................ 25 Registration Information ............................................................................................. 4 Section Events ........................................................................................................... 28 Short Courses ............................................................................................................ 22 Sponsors .................................................................................................................... 32 Symposium Sponsors ................................................................................................ 33 Technical Sessions ..................................................................................................... 42 Technical Symposia Listing ........................................................................................ 36 2 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

Message from the President

ECS Welcomes You to Gothenburg, Sweden!

elcome to the 244th ECS Meeting, our first in Europe in almost 15 years! The exceptional minds of electrochemistry and solid state science gather at our conferences and share what they learned since we last met. If this is your first ECS meeting, thank you for connecting with our community! If you are returning, thank you for coming back! Whether this is your first or fifteenth meeting, we value your trust in our offerings and promise to make it worth your while.

e have assembled an outstanding offering of seminars, addresses, award presentations, workshops, and events to feed your appetite for learning. The schedule of technical presentations with over 3,200 abstracts is in the online technical program and summarized on pages 36-41; maps to guide you through the meeting are on pages 17-19. Event staff are happy to help if needed. Look for staff wearing ECS polo shirts and staff badges or go to Customer Service in Meeting Registration.

Keep these highlights in mind as you plan your schedule:

• Catch up with old friends and make new ones at the ECS Opening Reception. Meet ECS division representatives and enjoy light snacks, open bar, and networking (Sunday, 1900h, Congress Hall K). The Opening Reception is hosted by The City of Gothenburg.

• Hear Zhenan Bao (Stanford University) present the ECS Lecture, “Skin-inspired Materials for Sensing, Soft Integrated Circuits and Next Generation Batteries,” at the Plenary Session (Monday, 1630h, Congress Hall K). Peter Strasser (Technical University of Berlin), Carl Wagner Memorial Award recipient, and Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University), Olin Palladium Award recipient, are recognized. (Catch Society, division, and section award talks throughout the week’s symposia).

• Learn about young European researchers’ work, highlighted via lightning-round presentations at Z03—Young Researchers in Europe (Sunday and Monday, 0800h, Room E4).

• Discover our exciting lineup of industry-leading exhibitors in Exhibit Hall C. Browse the wealth of presentations in the General Poster Sessions (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).

• The great city of Gothenburg celebrated its 400th birthday in 2023! Today, it’s considered the world’s most sustainable city. Explore the historical and the contemporary nature of this city of unique character and charm, one of Sweden’s most popular destinations (see the 244 website for Must do’s in Gothenburg)!

On behalf of the Society’s board of directors, volunteer leadership, and ECS, thank you again for joining us!

Gerardine Botte ECS President
244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 3

General Information


Congress Foyer Registration

Saturday .............................. 1600-1900h

Sunday.................................. 0700-1900h

Monday 0700-1900h

Tuesday 0700-1730h

Wednesday........................ 0700-1600h

Thursday............................... 0700-1000h

Registration fees*

ECS on-site registration fees

ECS Member .................................. $860

Nonmember $1,090

ECS Student Member ..................... $495

Student Nonmember ....................... $560

One-Day Member .......................... $685

One-Day Nonmember $845

Emeritus and Honorary Member $0

Nontechnical Registrant ..................... $75

*All prices are in U.S. Dollars

Who must pay the registration fee?

All meeting participants, including invited speakers, are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Individuals participating in Short Courses along with the meeting are required to register for both events.

Companion/Nontechnical registrant program

Attendees’ travel companions are invited to register for the meeting as nontechnical registrants.

The nontechnical registrant fee includes admission to non-ticketed social events and a “Welcome to Gothenburg” gift packet.

Lost badge or ticket

There is a $30 charge for reprinting lost badges or tickets. Entry to ticketed events is not possible without a physical ticket. Tickets cannot be reprinted at the event itself. Visit Customer Service in Meeting Registration during scheduled hours to reprint tickets.

Short Course Registration

Three Short Courses are offered on Sunday, October 8, from 0900-1630h CEST (with a lunch break from 1200-1330h CEST). A fourth, Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy, takes place virtually over two sessions (see page 22).

NOTE: In-person attendance is required for Short Courses held onsite at an ECS biannual meeting. Day of participation is required for virtual Short Courses. ECS does not record Short Courses for later viewing.

While preregistration by October 2 was required for Short Courses, onsite registration is possible for courses with space available. Visit Customer Service at Registration to determine if space is available in the course(s) that interest you.

4 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
The 244th ECS Meeting is hosted in collaboration with The City of Gothenburg

Registration Fees

Course only

Course regular fees (price discounted with regular fees* the purchase of a meeting registration)*

Member $800 $675

Nonmember $950 $825

Student Member $500 $425

Student Nonmember $575 $500

*All prices are in U.S. Dollars.

Things to Know


Accommodation for attendees with disabilities is handled on an individual basis. To request accommodation, email meeting headquarters at meetings@ electrochem.org or stop by Customer Service in Meeting Registration on site.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance is limited and generally governed by each symposium’s organizers. Contact your symposium organizers to determine funding availability. Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation should email meetings@electrochem.org. Letters of Invitation do not imply ECS financial responsibility.


Your invoice and registration information are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on your personal computer. Access this information by logging in to your account at www.electrochem.org.

Letters of Attendance

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Attendance should visit the “Letters of Attendance” self-help computer in Meeting Registration or contact a meeting representative.

Permissions granted to ECS

ECS reserves the right to electronically record any/all meeting-related events. By registering for and/or attending an ECS meeting, you grant ECS permission to use any recording or photography made of you at any meeting event or anywhere within the meeting venue.

Photography and recording: NOT permitted in technical sessions

By attending the ECS meeting, you agree not to record any technical session activity without the express written consent of ECS. Violators of this policy are removed from the meeting and their registrations revoked without possibility of refunds.

Speaker indemnification

The ideas and opinions expressed in the technical sessions, conferences, and handout materials are those of the presenter, not those of ECS, nor can any endorsement by ECS be claimed.


Complimentary network in the meeting space is available to all attendees.

Username: freethescience

Password: openaccess

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 5
Short Course Fees

Make the Most of Your ECS Meeting Experience

Online program

The online program is your gateway to all meeting events and activities. Bookmark it now at https://ecs.confex.com/ecs/244/meetingapp.cgi. With the online program:

• Navigate through the full meeting program including all Technical Sessions and Events.

• Review the individual abstracts for all 3,200+ scheduled technical presentations.

• Quickly browse ECS Society and Division Award Presentation abstracts and presentation details.

• Mark sessions, individual presentations, and special events as Favorites for a handy reference of your personal meeting highlights.

• Add customized events to your personal meeting schedule via the Schedule feature. Any events marked as Favorites (above) are added automatically to your personal schedule.

• Locate specific contributors and their presentations using the People feature. Then send messages to specific individuals via the Connect button, a built-in peer-to-peer messaging tool.

• Engage with presenters via a Comment field on every presentation webpage.

• Access the list of Cancelled Presentations for up-to-date schedule information.

• Open Floor Plans to quickly find layouts of the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre event spaces.

• Browse detailed Sponsor and Symposium Sponsor information and the most up-to-date Exhibitor List

• View digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) uploaded

by authors. These files are available to all meeting registrants through November 7, 2023.

• Use the Live Events feature to view livebroadcast Award Presentations. Familiarize yourself with the online program and use its built-in features to experience all that this amazing meeting has to offer!

Tools for a successful meeting

• Always wear your badge and have your special event tickets on hand.

• Access the full meeting website at https://www.electrochem.org/244.

• Bookmark the online program on your local device to easily access the meeting schedule and abstracts.

• Use the maps on pages 18-19 to familiarize yourself with the meeting layout.

• Turn off cell phones during presentations. Remember, photography and recording are prohibited in session rooms.

• Stop by the ECS Opening Reception on Sunday to greet old friends, meet new friends, and interact directly with ECS division representatives.

• Network and learn about the latest industry innovations in the Exhibit Hall

• Have extra business cards and/or copies of poster presentations to hand out.

• View presenters’ uploaded videos and/ or slides through November 7.

6 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

• Become an ECS Member! Stop by Customer Service in Meeting Registration for more information.

• Tell us about your experience by completing the emailed postconference survey.

Meeting abstracts

Always right at hand—and as always, FREE! Abstracts are easily accessed via the online program or downloaded from the meeting website. Paper copies of meeting abstracts are not distributed; if needed, download and print them before the meeting.

Advance your career

• Expand your mind with an ECS Short Course (see pages 22-24 for more information).

• Network with leading companies and poster presenters in the Exhibit Hall (see pages 30-31).

• Engage with candidates and employment opportunities; expand job search skills on the ECS Career Center website.

• Update your professional image with a free high-res professional headshot in the Exhibit Hall ECS Booth 125 (see page 21).

• Earn your Peer Review Certificate by joining a workshop hosted by ECS and IOP Publishing.

• Interact with leaders in your fields representing ECS divisions at the Opening Reception

• Connect with your community at the Members Reception; join or renew your ECS membership; Sunday before the Opening Reception; ticket required.

• Recharge with today’s and tomorrow’s exceptional minds in electrochemistry and solid state science at twice daily free Coffee & Networking Breaks (see page 21).

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 7

Get to Know ECS

ECS Booth

Stop by ECS Booth 212 in the Exhibit Hall and reconnect with the ECS team!

Meet the Editors

Location: Exhibit Hall C, ECS Booth 212

Tuesday, October 10, 1730-1830h and 1830-1930h

Connect with esteemed editors of our family of journals at the ECS booth. They can answer questions on journal processes, discuss editorial opportunities, and describe the vision for ECS Publications’ growth. Check the online program for the list of attending editors.

Conference proceedings

Proceedings from select symposia are published online in ECS Transactions

All 244th ECS Meeting proceedings manuscripts are organized by symposium and are available to browse and read in the ECS Digital Library. Copies of full issues for given symposia are available to purchase via the ECS Online Store.


ECS’s peer-reviewed journals—Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS), ECS Sensors Plus (ECSSP), and ECS Advances (ECSA)—provide continuous publication while maintaining the highest standards of peer review. JES and JSS offer the option to publish open access (OA) through ECS’s Author Choice Open Access program, while ECSSP and ECSA are fully Gold Open Access. ECS’s OA program has various discount options, allowing most authors to publish OA at no

cost or deeply reduced pricing through ECS membership, the ECS Plus subscription program or a Transformative Agreement with our publishing partner. To learn more, visit www.electrochem.org/oa or contact oa@electrochem.org

Become a Peer Reviewer

ECS’s vision to be recognized as the steward of electrochemical and solid state science and technology is only attainable with the support of actively engaged peer reviewers. By making science available without obstructions through open access, ECS can Free the Science, accelerate scientific discovery and innovation, and lead the community as the advocate, guardian, and facilitator of our technical domain.

Learn more about becoming peer reviewer at www.electrochem.org/publications/ peer-review


ECS members move science forward by:

• Connecting the electrochemical community

• Empowering researchers at the forefront of discovery

• Accelerating the speed of science

• Engaging and championing inclusivity

Join today! Connect with the community that cares about and supports you and your work! ECS members receive great benefits—in discounts, professional development, and more.

Visit www.electrochem.org/join to join today or stop by Customer Service in Meeting Registration.

8 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

Presenter Information

ALL oral presenters MUST bring their presentation to the Speaker Ready Room in advance of their talks; see below.

ALL presentations (oral, poster, and digital) MUST be in English. Commercial advertisements and publicity are NOT permitted during oral or poster presentations.

For additional information on oral and poster presentation requirements, please visit the Author & Presenter Info webpage at https://www.electrochem.org/authorpresenter-info/.


The conference venue uses a presentation management system that requires all presentations be centrally uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room. There technicians assist with upload and help with any presentation issues.

To upload your presentation:

• Bring your presentation to the Speaker Ready Room (check online program for location) on a USB-drive at least two hours before your session starts. Be sure to have your abstract title and four-digit ID number with symposium code (e.g., A01-0123). This is located in the online program or your acceptance letter.

• If your presentation is before 0930h, we recommend uploading your presentation the day before.

• If you cannot transfer your presentation to a USB drive, the on-site technicians in the Speaker Ready Room will provide a link to upload your presentation.

• Test your presentation’s functionality on one of the laptops available in the Speaker Ready Room.

• Each session room is equipped with a laptop connected to the projector and sound system. The session room laptops have the same specifications as the Speaker Ready Room laptops.

• There is a technician in every session room who operates the presentation management system and plays the speaker’s presentation.

• Arrive at your session room early and introduce yourself to the session chairs (their nametags have Session Chair ribbons). No additional time is allotted for questions and answer sessions (Q&A). If you plan to have Q&A, prepare your talk accordingly based on the time length specified in your acceptance letter.

Speakers requiring special equipment should have submitted a written email request to ECS headquarters before the meeting. Special requests are not handled on site.

Speaker Ready Room open hours

Saturday, October 7 .............. 1300-1900h

Sunday, October 8 ................. 0700-1900h

Monday, October 9 0700-1900h

Tuesday, October 10 0700-1900h

Wednesday, October 11 ....... 0700-1800h

Thursday, October 12............ 0700-1600h

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 9


• On the day of your presentation, a dedicated poster board bearing your abstract number (ex: Z01-3072) will be in Exhibit Hall C. You must hang your poster here. No posters may be displayed on site without the author being present. No exceptions are granted.

• Posters set up is from 1400-1700h on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

• Only hang your poster(s) on your assigned presentation day.

• Posters must be removed at the end of each session. Any posters not removed are discarded.

• Pushpins and/or thumbtacks are supplied.

• Authors are responsible for the security of their displays and all items of value. ECS does not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen or broken articles.

• You may bring smaller copies (8.5×11 or A4 sizes only) of your poster as take-away items for attendees. These must be placed in a clear folder that you supply and pin to the board with your display.

Student Poster Session

The Z01 General Student Poster Session is part of the Tuesday Poster Session and Technical Exhibit. Poster set up is from 1400-1700h; poster judging begins at 1700h; formal presentations begin at 1800h. Participants in the Z01 General Student Poster Competition are required to (1) have uploaded a digital poster file in advance of the meeting and (2) be present during the in-person Tuesday evening judging session. Winners are announced and awards presented during Wednesday’s General Poster Session at around 1815h.

Set up your poster only on your assigned day.

Monday 1400-1700h

Tuesday 1400-1700h

Wednesday ................... 1400-1700h


All digital presenters were required to submit digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) in advance of the meeting. These materials are available to meeting attendees for on-demand viewing in the online meeting program from October 8-November 7, 2023.

Z03—Young Researchers in Europe

This unique symposium is an additional opportunity for young European researchers to share their findings and network with other regional scientists. The symposium includes invited talks and three-minute elevator pitches given by authors chosen by the symposium organizers. Oral talk presenters must limit their materials to one (1) cover slide including the title/ author(s)/affiliation(s), and date/time/ location of your main talk, and three (3) technical slides. When you have prepared your Z03 slides, bring them to the Speaker Ready Room for uploading to the central system.*

*Please note that you must submit TWO files: one for your original, longer talk, and one for your abbreviated Z03 talk.

10 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

Code of Conduct

ECS technical meeting Code of Conduct

ECS technical meeting attendees must conduct themselves in a manner that inspires public confidence and trust at all times. The success and credibility of ECS is dependent on adhering to our commitments and displaying honesty, integrity, and discretion when participating in Society activities and functions. Attendees who disregard these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including forfeiting their meeting registration, loss of Society membership, and/or being relieved of Society volunteer positions.

When attending an ECS technical meeting, attendees assume the responsibility of adhering to this Code of Conduct:

• Attendees must ensure that they are in a condition to attend meetings safely, without risk of causing harm to themselves and/or others.

• Attendees are expected to present themselves in a mature and responsible manner at all times. Conduct and behavior during an ECS meeting, including private activities and social gatherings, should exhibit a high degree of personal integrity and

professionalism with respect to all individuals involved.

• Fighting, horseplay, disorderly conduct or other unsafe acts that may cause bodily injury or endanger others are prohibited.

• Attendees must not be noticeably impaired or under the influence of drugs or any controlled substances during ECS meetings, events, and other functions.

• Attendees are prohibited from engaging in any act of sexual, racial or other harassment; telling sexist or racially based jokes; and making racial or ethnic slurs.

• Obscene or abusive language, rudeness, and unprofessional and/or antagonistic conduct toward any individual is prohibited.

Everyone at ECS meetings is encouraged to communicate Code of Conduct policy violation concerns to an ECS management team member. ECS investigates all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior; takes appropriate action in every instance where inappropriate behavior is found to have occurred; and does not retaliate against individuals who raise Code of Conduct violation concerns.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 11

Plenary/ECS Lecture

Gather with your colleagues! The plenary session, a highlight of every ECS meeting, brings together participants from all symposia to celebrate our fields’ great minds.

ECS President Gerardine Botte welcomes attendees to Gothenburg, provides an update on ECS’s current ventures, and recognizes Society award winners. She then introduces the highly anticipated ECS lecturer, Zhenan Bao from Stanford University, who presents “Skin-inspired Materials for Sensing, Soft Integrated Circuits and Next Generation Batteries.”

The Society awards presented at the session are the:

Carl Wagner Memorial Award

Olin Palladium Award

2023 Class of Fellows

Don’t miss the Society, division, and section award winners’ talks presented in symposia throughout the week. Check the online program for specific dates and times and add them to your personal meeting schedule.

Monday, 1630-1800h

Congress Hall K

Skin-inspired Materials for Sensing, Soft Integrated Circuits and Next Generation Batteries

Skin, the body’s largest organ, is responsible for the transduction of a vast amount of information. This conformable, stretchable, self-healable, and biodegradable material simultaneously collects signals from external stimuli that translate into information on pressure, pain, and temperature. The development of electronic materials inspired by the complexity of this organ is a tremendous, unrealized materials challenge. Over the past decade, we have developed materials design concepts to add skin-like functions to organic electronic materials and carbon nanomaterials with enhanced electronic properties. The fundamental understanding of molecular design and electronic structure tuning allowed us to develop soft electrochemical sensors for selective and sensitive sensing of neurochemicals in the brain and guts and high-density large-scale soft stretchable integrated circuits. In addition, we extended the molecular-design thinking to develop skin-inspired polymers for more stable operation of lithium metalbased batteries and wearable stretchable batteries.

12 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
ECS Lecture

Zhenan Bao is K. K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of the Wearable Electronics Initiative (eWEAR) at Stanford University. Her recent work includes soft NeuroString for simultaneous neurochemical monitoring in the brain and gut; soft high-density electrophysiological recording array based on conducting polymers; high-density and high-speed stretchable carbon nanotube integrated circuits; stretchable batteries; and highperformance electrolytes and polymer coating for stable lithium-metal batteries.

Prof. Bao received her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1995, then worked as Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs Lucent Technologies from 1995-2004. She

joined Stanford in 2004 and served as Department Chair of Chemical Engineering from 2018-2022. Prof. Bao has nearly 700 refereed publications with an h-index of 199 and over 80 U.S. patents. She is a Clarivate Citation Laureate in Chemistry for her pioneering work on skin-inspired electronics and member of the National Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Academy of Inventors, and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Science. Her work has garnered numerous significant awards including the 2022 VinFuture Prize Female Innovator and 2017 L’OréalUNESCO For Women in Science Award.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 13


The following award talks are scheduled during the 244th ECS Meeting. Please check the online program for further details.

Society awards

Carl Wagner Memorial Award

Free Electrons to Molecular Bonds and Back – The Dark Side of Solar Fuels and Chemicals

Peter Strasser, Technische Universität Berlin

Division awards

Battery Division Early Career Award

Sponsored by Neware Technology


Towards Scalable and Sustainable Battery Recycling for Circular Energy Storage

Zheng Chen, University of California, San Diego

Battery Division Early Career Award

Sponsored by Neware Technology


Understanding Interfacial Mechanisms that Govern Performance in Solid-State Batteries

Matthew McDowell, Georgia Institute of Technology

Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation

Aqueous Batteries for Grid-Scale Storage: Beyond Highly Concentrated Electrolytes

David Reber, University of Colorado


Olin Palladium Award

Our Path to Long Lifetime Li-ion and Naion Cells

Jeff R. Dahn, Dalhousie University

Battery Division Research Award

Advanced Characterization of Electrochemical Interfaces and Systems for Next-Generation Batteries

Y.Shirley Meng, The University of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory

Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development

Quantitative SEI-based Descriptors for Li metal Liquid Electrolyte Design

Gustavo Hobold, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development

Rationalizing Fast Lithium-ion Diffusion in Inorganic Lithium Superionic Conductors

KyuJung Jun, University of California, Berkeley

Battery Division Technology Award

An Odyssey Through the Uncharted Waters of Post Lithium-Ion Batteries

John Muldoon, Toyota Research Institute of North America

14 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

Division awards, continued

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award

A Journey From Ice-Breakers to Biomedical Implants: Multifacets of Corrosion

Sannakaisa Virtanen, FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award

Evolution of Passivity and PassivityBreakdown for Cr and Cr-Containing Alloys

Sanjay Choudhary, University of Virginia

Corrosion Division Rusty Award for MidCareer Excellence

Enhancing the Corrosion Resistance of Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials: The Role of Feedstock Modification

Rajeev Kumar Gupta, North Carolina State University

Electrodeposition Division Research Award

Electrodeposition as an Enabling Technology in Future Semiconductors, Energy Storage, and Sustainable Metal Production

Rohan Akolkar, Case Western Reserve University

Electrodeposition Division Research Award

New Frontiers of Electrodeposition for Metallic Finishes

Massimo Innocenti, CNR Polo ScientificoSesto Fiorentino

Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology

Exploring New Electrode Designs with Nanofibers

Peter Pintauro, Vanderbilt University

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award

Protonic Ceramic Electrochemical Cells for Power Generation, Hydrogen Production, and Chemicals Synthesis

Chuancheng Duan, Kansas State University

Section awards

Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award

Endeavours in the Electro-Solar World of Schottky, Mott and Gerischer

Patrik Schmuki, Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nürnberg

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 15


3,213 total abstracts

2,427 oral talks

763 posters

505 invited talks


897 student posters

64 countries represented

48 symposia

462 sessions

1,474 abstracts by European authors

37 ECS award & keynote talks

ECS student abstracts

474 oral student talks

16 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

Local Area Map

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 17
SKÅNEGATAN MÖLNDALSVÄGEN ÖRGRYTEVÄGEN SÖDRA VÄGEN STEN STUREGATAN P Focus P Kanold P Gårda E6/E20 40/45 European Highway Route/National Roads P Valhalla P Liseberg Södra Scandinavium multi arena Liseberg Amusement Park Focus Shopping Centre/ Groceries/Pharmacy Museum of World Culture Ullevi Stadium Gamla Ullevi Stadium Gothenburg Concert Hall Gothenburg City Theatre Gothenburg Museum of Art Kungsports- avenyen Gothenburg Art Hall LISEBERGS TRAIN STATION KORSVÄGEN PUBLIC TRANSPORT HUB Filmstaden Bergakungen Cinema SCANDINAVIUM LISEBERG Public Transport Attractions/Arenas Parking 1 F G 2 5 4 8 Universeum -Sweden’s National Science Discovery Centre P Heden P Ullevi Pharmacy More than hundred restaurants in the area Entrance 1 Valhallagatan 9 Focus F Exhibitors Entrance, Valhallagatan 9 Entrance 2 Mässans Gata 42 Goods reception Mässans Gata 6 Entrance 4 Gothia Towers | Upper House Mässans Gata 24 Entrance 5 Main Entrance, Mässans Gata 20 Entrance 8 Congress Hall, Mässans Gata 8 1 F 2 G 5 4 8 The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, and hotels Gothia Towers and Upper House Groceries
18 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Gothia Towers Floor Plan K J2 130 J1 200 J Lounge H G F H2 300 H1 250 G4 300 G3 400 G2 220 G1 220 F6 220 F5 330 F4 330 220 F3 F2 260 250 F1 R26 R25 R24 R23 R22 R21 R16 R15 R7 R14 R13 The Studio R12 R11 R9 R6 R5 R4 R3 70 R2 Seasons Restaurant & Breakfast Conference Reception Bryggan Reception R38R37R36R35R34 R33 R31 Imagine R17 R18 Skyline View Horizon Star Upper House Dining Upper House Spa Heaven 23 ECS Fall Biannual Meeting 2023 Congress Foyer Congress Hall Banqueting Hall VIP Lounge Level 5 Level 2 Passage to Focus Shopping Centre & Parking Passage to Focus Shopping Centre & Parking Level 1 Entrance Focus F Entrance No. 8 Expo Hall Level 23 Level 3 Reception Level 1820 Level 25 Level 28 Level 29
Floor Plans
244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 19 R24 R23 R16 R15 R5 R4 E D C B A West Coast Corner Restaurant & Bar twentyfourseven Service Center E4 300 170 E3 140 E2 170 E1 A7 170 A6 220 A5 280 A4 210 290 A3 A2 230 A1 240 Lounge Passage to Liseberg Amusement Park Passage to Focus Passage to Focus Shopping Centre & Parking Level 1 Entrance No. 1 Entrance No. 8 Entrance No. 2 (Level 0) Main Entrance No. 5 Elevator to Heaven 23 Reception Reception Main Entrance Gothia Towers 12.1 80 80 B1 B2

Highlighted Events

Z03—Young Researchers in Europe

Sunday, 0800-1800h

Monday, 0800-1600h

Room E4

Join us for this special symposium featuring three-minute lightning presentations of selected oral and poster presentations from across the entire 244th ECS Meeting program.

ECS Members Reception*

Sunday, 1800-1900h

Hall H

Connect with your community! ECS members from around the world come together before the Opening Reception to mingle and enjoy appetizers and an open bar. Lucky partygoers win great giveaways. Not yet an ECS member? Join today so you don’t miss this highly popular, must-attend get-together.

Opening Reception

Sunday, 1900-2100h

Congress Hall K

Get a taste of Gothenburg and kick off an exciting week! All attendees are welcome for light snacks, open bar, time to network, and a chance to meet with ECS division representatives. The Opening Reception is hosted by The City of Gothenburg.

Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Breakfast

Monday, 0700-0800h

Expo Hall

The meeting’s success is very much due to the hard work of session chairs, symposium organizers, and division members. All are encouraged to attend this orientation so they are best prepared for their meeting roles. Helpful information about future meetings is also shared.

Student Mixer*

Monday, 2000-2200h

Expo Hall

You’re out of the lab, so come have fun at the Student Mixer! Unwind your mind after a day full of symposia. Meet up with old friends and make new ones. Don’t miss the snacks and the open bar! Students and early-career researchers are welcome.

Technical Exhibition

Monday, 1800-2000h

Tuesday and Wednesday, 1400-2000h

Exhibit Hall C

Explore exhibits from the leading vendors in the electrochemical and solid state science fields. Stop by the Exhibit Hall for Poster Sessions, Networking Breaks, Professional Portraits, Meet the Editors, and the ECS Booth. Check the DEVguide for exhibitor information.

20 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
*Ticket required. Purchase tickets in advance or at Customer Service in Meeting Registration.

General and Student Poster Sessions

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 1800-2000h

Exhibit Hall C

Presenters meet and greet peers, professors, and industry representatives; field questions; make connections; and discuss compelling research questions. After a full day of sitting in session rooms, this event is a great way to continue researching while in motion and find the posters that spark your interest!

Professional Portraits

Monday 1800-2000h, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1700-2000h

Exhibit Hall C, Booth 125

Entering the job market? Seeking new career opportunities? Expanding your professional network? A great first impression opens doors and takes your career to new heights. Update your LinkedIn profile with a new headshot. Stop by our professional portrait session— compliments of ECS! No appointment required.

Meet the Editors

Tuesday, 1730-1930h

Exhibit Hall C, ECS Booth 212

Connect with esteemed editors of our family of journals at the ECS booth. They are on hand to answer questions about journal processes, discuss editorial opportunities, and describe the vision for ECS Publications’ growth. As you determine your personal meeting schedule, take this opportunity to interact directly with ECS Publications Editorial Team members! Check the online program for the schedule of editors and their appearance times.

It Could Be Verse: An Evening of Poetry and More

Tuesday, 1800-2000h Room E04

Come join us for an evening of culture and entertainment as all meeting attendees are invited to step up and read a poem, sing, play music or simply listen. The event is intended as fun; it will be very informal and amateur in nature, and participants with no previous experience of contributing to such an event are highly encouraged! To participate, please contact meetings@electrochem.org in advance.

Coffee and Networking Breaks

Sunday through Thursday, 0930-1030h

Sunday through Thursday, 1530-1630h

See Events at a Glance on page 26 for detailed locations.

Take a moment before your next session to stretch your legs, reenergize with coffee or tea, and network with fellow attendees and exhibitors.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 21

Short Courses

ECS Short Courses provide students and seasoned professionals with in-depth education on a wide range of topics. Academic and industry experts provide personalized instruction to advance scientists’ and researchers’ technical expertise and knowledge. Short Courses are open to the public. Meeting attendees and ECS members receive special discounts.

Three Short Courses are scheduled from 0900-1630h CEST on Sunday, October 8. Fees for these three in-person Short Courses include lunch from 1200-1330h.

Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy takes place online in two sessions: Part 1: Sunday, October 8 @ 1330-1630h CEST (0930-1230h ET); Part 2: Thursday, October 12 @ 1330-1630h CEST (0930-1230h ET).

Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy*

Virtual event*

* Zoom link is emailed to registrants after October 2.

Part 1 – Sunday, October 8

1330-1630h CEST (0930-1230h ET)

Part 2 – Thursday, October 12

1330-1630h CEST (0930-1230h ET)

Instructor: Mark Orazem

This course is intended for chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and engineers interested in applying electrochemical impedance techniques to studying a variety of electrochemical processes. Attendees develop a basic understanding of the technique, sources of errors in impedance measurements, manner in which experiments can be optimized to reduce these errors, and using graphical and regression methods to interpret measurements in terms of meaningful physical properties.

The content follows the textbook coauthored by Prof. Orazem, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (2nd edition, Wiley, 2017). Students are guided through using the Orazem group’s recently published measurement program.

Topics covered are illustrated by applications to different systems including corrosion, fuel cells, batteries, and transport through membranes such as skin. This is the second course in the series, “Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy.” It introduces model development based on proposed reaction mechanisms, statistical analysis of impedance data, and regression analysis.

22 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
* Short Courses require tickets which can be purchased online or at Registration if space is available.

Short Courses (continued)

Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Kinetic Methods*

Sunday, 0900-1630h

Room E1

Instructor: James Noël

This course covers the basic theory and application of electrochemical science. It is targeted to people with physical sciences or engineering backgrounds who are not trained as electrochemists but want to add electrochemical methods to their repertoire of research approaches and learn the advantages of understanding and using electrochemical methods to complement their work.

A general foundation in basic electrochemistry is used to develop the theory and experimental approaches to electrochemical problems that depend on kinetic parameters. The same instructor offers a complementary course with a different emphasis, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Thermodynamic Methods. Both courses are designed as stand-alone introductions to electrochemical fundamentals and can be taken in any order.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 23

Short Courses (continued)

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety and Failure Modes*

Sunday, 0900-1630h

Room E2

Instructor: Thomas Barrera

The course benefits industry practitioners, academicians, R&D scientists, practicing engineers, and students needing to expand their knowledge of safe design of LIB energy storage systems. Attendees increase their understanding of LIBs’ potential safety hazards and how they are effectively evaluated and mitigated.

A foundation for understanding the general principles of LIB safety hazards and failure modes analysis is provided including the effects of LIB chemical, electrical, thermal, and mechanical design features on safety characteristics. Risk factors that influence thermal runaway (i.e., cell chemistry, battery design, operating conditions, and other factors) are discussed. LIB safety testing, implementation of industry standards, and lessons learned from high-visibility industry LIB incidents are covered. Catastrophic LIB failures are presented with practical examples of how real-life industry LIB safety incident outcomes have been evaluated.

Electrodeposition for Energy Applications*

Sunday, 0900-1630h

Room E3

Instructors: Stanko Brankovic and Sudipta Roy

Electrodeposition, widely used in fabricating materials and devices, has recently been applied to fabricating various energy conversion system components. Students, researchers, and practitioners with various technical backgrounds are introduced to, or refresh their understanding of, the technique’s fundamentals. Its potential in nanostructure fabrication is covered with focus on energy conversion and storage applications. Practical knowledge is gained of the methods and techniques used in the synthesis of catalysts for fuel cells, battery, and capacitor components, and photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical device radiation absorbers.

The courses’ two modules cover 1)fundamentals of electrodeposition including thermodynamics and kinetics, thin film formation, and electrochemical engineering aspects; and 2) electrodeposition for energy conversion devices including surface control electrochemical film formation, electrodeposition of electrocatalyst materials, and photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical device thin film and nanostructured radiation absorbers.

24 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
* Short Courses require tickets which can be purchased online or at Registration if space is available.

Professional Development

Your career is a work in progress. To advance, you can’t ever stop learning. That’s why ECS provides professional development opportunities at its biannual meetings. Programs like workshops and professional panels provide students, early career researchers, and experienced professionals with the skills required to handle challenges and move ahead.

These career-building learning opportunities are not offered in a digital format. Participants register for in-person attendance at the ECS biannual meeting where the program is offered.

ECS Mentoring Session*

Tuesday, 1400-1500h

Room E4

Facilitator: Alice Suroviec

ECS coordinates a group of mentors to meet with students and early career professionals in small roundtable groups. Mentors are seasoned professionals from electrochemistry and solid state fields. They share information about their own career paths, as well as providing guidance, motivation, support, and role modeling. Participants often drive the selection of discussion topics which range from career-life balance to building contacts and networks. Mentors are happy to answer questions about career paths and provide perspectives on their differing experiences.

Peer Reviewer Excellence Certification Workshop*

Sunday, 1300-1600h

Room G3

Instructors: Paul Cooper, ECS Editorial Manager, and Jessica MacDonald, IOP Publishing

ECS’s trusted publishing partner, IOP Publishing, offers a first-of-its-kind peer review certification program. The course, co-delivered by IOP and ECS, offers learning and the opportunity to gain hands-on peer-review experience. The workshop focuses on aspects of peer review in scholarly publishing, including but not limited to:

• Peer review fundamentals

• Models of peer review

• How to become a peer reviewer

• Writing an excellent reviewer report

• Responding to research misconduct

• Ethics in scholarly publishing

Those completing the full workshop earn a Peer Review Excellence Certification and are eligible for IOP Trusted Reviewer Status.

* Coffee and refreshments are served to registered workshop participants.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 25

Featured Events

Events at a Glance


0700-1900h .......................................... Meeting Registration, Congress Foyer Registration

0740h Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

0800-1800h Z03—Young Researchers in Europe: A Special Symposium and Workshop, Room E4

0900-1630h ........................................................ Short Courses*, see page 22 for locations

0930-1030h ................................................... Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall G

1300-1600h .............................Peer Review Excellence Certification Workshop, Room G3

1530-1630h .................................. Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Expo Hall, Hall G

1800-1900h ECS Members Reception*, Hall H

1900-2100h Opening Reception, Congress Hall K


0700-1900h ........................................ Meeting Registration, Congress Foyer Registration

0700-0800h .................. Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Orientation Breakfast, Expo Hall

0740h ..................................... Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

0800-1600h ................................................................ Z03—Young Researchers in Europe: A Special Symposium and Workshop, Room E4

0930-1030h ................... Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall E, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge, Conference Reception

1400-1700h Poster set-up – Monday evening presenters, Exhibit Hall C


Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall E, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge, Conference Reception

1630-1800h Plenary Session, Congress Hall K

1800-2000h Technical Exhibit and General Poster Session, Exhibit Hall C

1800-2000h ............................................. Professional Portraits, Exhibit Hall C, Booth 125

1900-2100h ........................... Electrodeposition Division Executive Committee, Room R9

2000-2200h ................................................................................ Student Mixer*, Expo Hall


0700-1730h ........................................ Meeting Registration, Congress Foyer Registration

0740h ................................... Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

0930-1030h Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall E, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge, Conference Reception

1200-1400h ............................................................................ Fellows Luncheon*, Bryggan

1400-1500h ................................................................... ECS Mentoring Session*, Room E4

1400-1700h ............................ Poster set-up – Tuesday evening presenters Exhibit Hall C

1400-2000h .................................................................... Visit our Exhibitors! Exhibit Hall C

1530-1630h .................... Coffee and Networking Break, Exhibit Hall C, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge, Conference Reception


Professional Portraits, Exhibit Hall C, Booth 125

1730-1930h ..............................................Meet the Editors, Exhibit Hall C, ECS Booth 212

1800-2000h ........................................ General and Student Poster Session, Exhibit Hall C


It Could be Verse: An Evening of Poetry and More, Room E4

26 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

Featured Events (continued)


0700-1600h ......................................... Meeting Registration, Congress Foyer Registration

0720h ................................... Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

0900-1200h .......................................................... IEA Fuel Cell Modelling Annex , Skyline

0930-1030h .................... Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall E, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge, Conference Reception

1400-1700h ..................... Poster Set-up – Wednesday evening presenters, Exhibit Hall C

1400-2000h .......................................................... Come visit our Exhibitors! Exhibit Hall C

1530-1630h Coffee and Networking Break, Exhibit Hall C, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge, Conference Reception

1700-2000h ............................................. Professional Portraits, Exhibit Hall C, Booth 125

1800-2000h General Poster Session, Exhibit Hall C

1815-1830h .................. Z01—Student Poster Award Winner Presentation, Exhibit Hall C


0700-1000h Meeting Registration, Congress Foyer Registration

0740h .................................. .Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)

0930-1030h .................................Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall E, Expo Hall, Hall G, J Lounge

1530-1630h ...................................................Coffee and Networking Break, Hall A, Hall G

Division Events


1600-1800h ...........................................Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Executive Committee, Room R4

1700-1900h ........................................ Corrosion Division Executive Committee, Room R16

1700-1900h .............. Electronics and Photonics Division Executive Committee, Room R14


0700-0900h ........................... High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Executive Committee, Room H1

0700-0900h Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Executive Committee, Bryggan

1215-1400h..................Electrodeposition Division Future Symposia Meeting, Imagine 1

1830-2100h ......................... Energy Technology Division Executive Committee, Room F6 Luncheon, Skyline

1900-2000h ................................ Dielectric Science and Technology Division Networking Event, J Lounge


1215-1400h Battery Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Seasons Garden

1215-1400h .............. Electrodeposition Division Early Career Forum Luncheon, Skyline

*Ticket required. Purchase tickets in advance or at Customer Service in Registration.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 27

Division Events (continued)

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, continued

1215-1400h .............................................................. High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Imagine 1

1215-1400h .................. Sensor Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Seasons Green

1500-1700h ................................ Luminescence and Display Materials Division Executive Committee & General Reception, Room R16

1715-1815h .............................................. Corrosion Division Business Meeting, Room B2

1900-2000h ............................................. Corrosion Division Award Reception*, J Lounge


1215-1400h ........................................... Electrodeposition Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, Seasons Garden

1800-2000h Electrodeposition Division Reception, Room R18

1900-2000h .................................................. Battery Division Award Reception*, Bryggan

Section Events


1800-1900h ........................................... Europe Section Executive Committee, Room R15 1900-2000h .................................................................. Europe Section Meeting, Room H1

Committee and Board Meetings


1530-1730h ....................................................... PRiME Organizing Committee, Room R18 1830-1930h Low Temperature Fuel Cell Coordinating Committee, Room R17


0700-0930h Symposium Planning Advisory Board, Bryggan 0800-0900h ................................................. Council of Past Presidents Breakfast, Horizon 1000-1130h ......................................................... Individual Membership Committee, Star 1400-1600h .................................................................... Meetings Subcommittee, Horizon

1600-1800h Honors and Awards Committee, Star


0730-1100h .............................................................. Technical Affairs Committee, Horizon 1330-1500h ..................................................................... Nominating Committee, Horizon


0800-1200h ............................................................. Board of Directors Meeting, Room J1

28 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
*Ticket required. Purchase tickets in advance or at Customer Service in Meeting Registration.
Full issues now available for purchase and download from the ECS Online Store: www.electrochem.org/online-store Volume 112: 244th ECS Meeting 20% ECS Members’ Discount ENHANCE YOUR MEETING EXPERIENCE

Technical Exhibit

Thank you to the 244th ECS Meeting Exhibitors!


The Exhibit Hall is in Exhibit Hall C in the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center.

Exhibit Hours



TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 1400-1700h



THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 0900-1200h


Admiral Instruments

Booth 123

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Booth 116

Applied Microengineering LTD (AML)

Booth 121

Arbin Instruments

Booth 306


Booth 221

BAS Inc.

Booth 304


Booth 201, 203, 205

Bruker Optics GmbH & Co. KG

Booth 209

BRG and the International House

Booth 302

Cellfion AB

Booth 308

Comsol AB

Booth 316

Crystal Maker Software Ltd.

Booth 417

Current Chemicals

Booth 110

ECS – The Electrochemical Society

Booth 212

Booth 210 – Networking Lounge

Booth 125 – Professional Portraits

30 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
1400-1700h Poster set-up
Exhibit build 1200-1700h
move in
– Monday evening posters 1800-2000h
Exhibit, General Poster Session
......................................................................... Poster set-up
................................................................................................................ Technical
.............................................................................................. Networking
– Tuesday evening posters 1400-2000h
Exhibit 1530-1630h
& Coffee Break
and Student Poster Session
1400-2000h ................................................................................................................ Technical
1530-1630h .............................................................................................. Networking
1800-2000h ..................................................................................................... General Poster Session 1815-1830h .......................................................... Z01—Student Poster Award Winner Presentation 2000-2200h Optional Technical Exhibit tear down
1400-1700h Poster set-up – Wednesday evening posters
& Coffee Break
Exhibit tear down

Edinburgh Instruments

Booth 112

El-Cell GmbH

Booth 317

Gamry Instruments

Booth 307

Heraeus Precious Metals

Booth 118

Hiden Analytical

Booth 213

Hohsen Corp.

Booth 401

IOP Publishing

Booth 315

International Society of Electrochemistry

Booth 427

IVIUM Technologies

Booth 305


Booth 311

Malvern Panalytical S.A.S.

Booth 309

Metrohm Electrochemistry

Booth 301

Metrohm Sensolytics

Booth 303

Neware Technology Limited

Booth 211


Booth 310

Nordic Biolabs AB / Ametek SI

Booth 114

NOVO Energy R&D

Booth 314

PalmSens BV

Booth 403

Pine Research Instrumentation

Booth 217, 219


Booth 325

PVA TePla Analytical

Systems GmbH

Booth 101


Booth 113

rhd Instruments

GmbH & Co. KG

Booth 321


Booth 318

Scribner, LLC

Booth 207

SEMCO Technologies

Booth 415

Smoltek Hydrogen AB

Booth 108

Spectro Inlets ApS

Booth 215

THT: Thermal Hazard Technology

Booth 124

Toray Research Center

Booth 225


Booth 102

Wiley Booth 313


GmbH & Co. KG

Booth 319


Booth 429

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 31
Creating the Connected Lab


32 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
you to the 244th ECS Meeting sponsors! research
Sponsors Thank
Silver Bronze

Symposia Sponsors

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 33
Thank you to the
Gold Office of Naval Research A07—Interplay between Temperature and Battery Phenomenon Office of Naval Research I01—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) Platinum Gelest, Inc. G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 19
244th ECS Meeting
34 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org Symposia Sponsors, continued Silver Xerion Advanced Battery Corporation A02—Lithium-Ion Batteries Applied Materials, Inc. Tokyo Electron Limited PVA TePla Analytical Systems GmbH H02—Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications 17 G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 19 Encapsulix SAS Atlant 3D



A04— Next-Generation Batteries

Thermal Hazard Technology

A03— Battery Safety and Failure Modes 4

ASM International N.V.

G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 19

American Physical Society – Physical Review Journals

A05—Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage: Theory Meets Experiment


G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 19

Arkema France

EV Group

H02—Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications 17

Arkema France

A06—New Developments and Applications of Electrode Binders for Rechargeable Battery and other Electrochemical Systems

Storagenergy Technologies, Inc.

I04—Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 14


Sandia National Laboratories

A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

A03—Battery Safety and Failure Modes 4

Toyota Research Institute of North America

A04—Next-Generation Batteries

A06—New Developments and Applications of Electrode Binders for Rechargeable Battery and other Electrochemical Systems



A06—New Developments and Applications of Electrode Binders for Rechargeable Battery and other Electrochemical Systems

A05—Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage: Theory Meets Experiment

Gamry Instruments

E02—Electrodeposition of Porous Materials and Materials with Complex Geometries

Z03—Young Researchers in Europe: A Special Symposium and Workshop

ACS Applied Energy Materials

I06—Crosscutting Materials Innovation for Transformational Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Conversion Technologies 5

Partow Technolgies LLC

SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd.

H02—Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications 17

Bloom Energy Corporation Corning GmbH

I04—Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 14

Scribner, LLC

Z03—Young Researchers in Europe: A Special Symposium and Workshop

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 35

Technical Symposia Listing

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 - 12, 2023 | Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

A—Batteries and Energy Storage

A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday Room A1

M. Manivannan, B. L. Lucht, C. Karuppaiah, Y. Preger Energy Technology Division; Battery Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

A02—Lithium Ion Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Tuesday

Room A3, Room A4

Z. Li, G. Chen, N. P. Dasgupta Battery Division

A03—Battery Safety and Failure Modes 4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday Room A7

T. P. Barrera, L. Torres-Castro, P. R. Shearing, A. Kriston Battery Division

A04—Next Generation Batteries

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room A5, Room A6

V. Thangadurai, J. Muldoon, K. Xu, H. Kim Battery Division

A05—Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage: Theory Meets Experiment

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday Room J2

C. Zhang, D. Jiang, D. Brandell, V. Augustyn Battery Division

A06—New Developments and Applications of Electrode Binders for Rechargeable Battery and other Electrochemical Systems

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Monday Room R2

G. Liu, R. Amin-Sanayei, M. Manivannan, G. Jalilvand Energy Technology Division; Battery Division

A07—Interplay between Temperature and Battery Phenomenon

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Monday Room R2

R. E. Carter, G. J. Offer, S. Paarmann, J. Fleming, X. Yang Battery Division

B—Carbon Nanostructures and Devices

B01—Carbon Nanostructures: From Fundamental Studies to Applications and Devices

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Wednesday Room R18

J. Blackburn, A. A. Boghossian, Y. Li Nanocarbons Division

36 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

C—Corrosion Science and Technology

C01—Corrosion General Session

Monday, Tuesday; Posters: Wednesday

Room B1

D. Chidambaram, E. Tada Corrosion Division

C02—Corrosion in Nuclear Energy Systems: From Cradle to Grave 3


Room B1

J. J. Noël, D. Chidambaram

Corrosion Division

C03—Metallic, Organic, Inorganic, and Composite Coatings for Corrosion Protection

Wednesday Room B2

M. Rohwerder, G. Williams, Y. González-Garcia, H. A. Terryn, B. Wilson

Corrosion Division

C04—Analytical Tools in Corrosion Research

Monday, Tuesday Room B2

M. Itagaki, M. Rohwerder, Y. González-Garcia, E. Tada

Corrosion Division

D—Dielectric Science and Materials

D02—Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing 5

Wednesday; Posters: Wednesday

Room R26

T. Lill, S. Vaddiraju, M. Sunkara, P. Mascher, U. Cvelbar, D. W. Hess, O. Leonte

Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Electronics and Photonics Division

D03—Advanced 3D Interconnect Technologies and Packaging 2

Monday, Tuesday; Posters: Monday

Room R26

S. Moreau, O. Leonte, P. Ramm, K. Song, F. Roozeboom, M. Koyanagi, Y. Obeng

Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Electronics and Photonics Division

D04—Water-Energy Nexus Research Relating to Electrochemical Sciences

Monday; Posters on Monday

Room R31

S. Vaddiraju, U. Cvelbar, M. Sunkara, V. Chaitanya, G. Banerjee, S. Zou

Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

E—Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition

E01—Metal Electrodeposition from Fundamentals to Applications

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday

Room R5 and R6

W. Schwarzacher, N. Vasiljevic, T. Hall, S. R. Brankovic, A. Bund, A. Ispas, M. Innocenti, A. Clifford, L. Magagnin

Electrodeposition Division

E02—Electrodeposition of Porous Materials and Materials with Complex Geometries

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday

Room R5 and R6

M. E. Toimil Molares, N. Dimitrov, N. Vasiljevic, P. Atanassov, S. Bliznakov

Electrodeposition Division; Energy Technology Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

E04—Current Trends in Electrodeposition – An Invited Symposium


Room R5 and R6

P. M. Vereecken

Electrodeposition Division

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 37

Technical Symposia (continued)

F—Electrochemical Engineering

F01—Advances in Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Monday, Tuesday

Room R16

M. Inman, P. Kenis, E. J. Biddinger, B. Wilson

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

F02—Electrochemical Separations and Sustainability 6

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters:

Monday Room R14

X. Su, H. Xu, I. Belharouak, T. A. Zawodzinski, D. Ding, A. Suroviec, W. A. Tarpeh, E. J. Taylor, N. Vasiljevic, C. G. Arges, B. Wilson

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Electrodeposition Division, Energy Technology Division; High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

F03—Pulse and Reverse Pulse Electrolytic Processes 4: In Honor of EJ Taylor

Wednesday Room R15

M. Inman, A. Bund, S. Roy, E. J. Podlaha, T. Hall, K. E. Ayers, S. H. Vijapur

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Electrodeposition Division, Energy Technology Division

F04—Electrochemical Conversion of Biomass 4

Tuesday; Posters: Monday

Room R15

E. J. Biddinger, C. M. Saffron, J. A. Staser, S. Calabrese Barton, J. A. Lopez-Ruiz

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Energy Technology Division

G—Electronic Materials and Processing

G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 19

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday

Room E2

F. Roozeboom, S. De Gendt, J. Dendooven, J. W. Elam, O. van der Straten, A. Illiberi, G. Sundaram, R. Chen, O. Leonte, T. Lill, M. J. Young, B. Bhuyan

Electronics and Photonics Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division

G02—Semiconductor Process Integration 13

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room E3

T. Ono, A. Veloso, J. Murota, C. Claeys, H. Ishii, A. Mai, Y. Cao

Electronics and Photonics Division

H—Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems

H01—State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 66 (SOTAPOCS 66)

Monday; Posters: Monday

Room F3

J. K. Hite, Q. Li, T. J. Anderson, R. P. Lynch, C. O’Dwyer, E. A. Douglas, Y. Zhao

Electronics and Photonics Division

H02—Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications 17

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room R24 and R25

F. Fournel, R. Knechtel, C. S. Tan, T. Suga, H. Baumgart, M. S. Goorsky, K. D. Hobart

Electronics and Photonics Division

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 16

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room R22 and R23

Y. Chueh, C. O’Dwyer, J. He, M. Suzuki, S. Jin, S. Kim, J. C. Ho, Z. Fan, Q. Li, K. Takei, J. M. Wu, L. Li, J. Blackburn, F. Rosei, G.W. Hunter

Electronics and Photonics Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Electrodeposition Division; Nanocarbons Division

38 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

H04—Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide

Power Technologies 13

Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Wednesday

Room R31

M. Dudley, B. Raghothamachar, N. Ohtani, M. Bakowski

Electronics and Photonics Division

I—Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion

I01A—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Diagnostics/ Characterization Methods, MEA Design/ Model

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;

Posters: Monday

Room F3, Room F4

E. Kjeang, F. N. Buechi, A. Z. Weber, H. Jia, J. Jankovic, K. Swider-Lyons

Energy Technology Division; Battery Division, Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I01B—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Design, Fabrication and Operation of Cells, Stacks and Systems

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;

Posters: Monday

Room F5

B. Lakshmanan, C. A. Rice, K. Swider-Lyons, Y. González-Garcia

Energy Technology Division; Battery Division, Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I01C—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Ion-Exchange

Membrane and Ionomer Development, Performance, and Durability

Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Monday

Room F1

A. Kusoglu, D. J. Jones, P. N. Pintauro, M. Hickner, K. Swider-Lyons

Energy Technology Division; Battery Division; Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I01D—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Catalyst Activity/Durability for Hydrogen(-Reformate) Acidic Fuel Cells

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday Room F2

H. Uchida, P. Strasser, Y. Kim, U. I. Kramm, K. Kakinuma, K. Swider-Lyons Energy Technology Division; Battery Division; Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I01E—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Materials for Alkaline Fuel Cells and Direct-Fuel Fuel Cells

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Monday Room F3

W. E. Mustain, R. A. Mantz, D. R. Dekel, K. Swider-Lyons

Energy Technology Division; Battery Division; Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I01F—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – PolymerElectrolyte Electrolysis

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday

Room F1, Room F3, Room F6

B. S. Pivovar, H. Xu, C. Capuano, S. Mitsushima, K. Swider-Lyons

Energy Technology Division, Battery Division; Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

I01Z—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Plenary

Monday Room F4 and F5

K. Swider-Lyons Energy Technology Division; Battery Division; Corrosion Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 39

Technical Symposia

I02—Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 19: New Materials and Processes

Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room E1

T. Druffel, M. Tao, H. Hamada, Z. D. Chen Energy Technology Division, Dielectric Science and Technology Division

I03—High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 15

Tuesday Room E1

P. Gannon, D. Chidambaram, E. Opila, X. Liu, M. Nanko, J. Froitzheim, T. Markus

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division; Corrosion Division

I04—Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 14: In Honor of Prof. Anil Virkar

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room G2

S. Gopalan, X. Zhou, K. Swider-Lyons, H. Lim, Y.

S. Meng, M. A. Laguna-Bercero, L. Zhu

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division; Battery Division; Energy Technology Division

I05—Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 13

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday

Room G1

N. Wu, V. Subramanian, H. Wang, P. J. Kulesza, J. Lee, E. Miller, M. Manivannan, G. P. Wiederrecht, D. Ma, T. Minegishi, P. Kenis, J. A. Staser, F. R. Brushett Energy Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Sensor Division

I06—Crosscutting Materials Innovation for Transformational Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Conversion Technologies 5

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room G3

H. Dinh, E. Miller, S. Mukerjee, K. Bouzek, S. Bhargava, S. R. Bishop Energy Technology Division; High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

J—Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing

J01—Luminescence and Display Materials: Fundamentals and Applications

Monday; Posters: Monday

Room F1

E. Zych, W. B. Im, R. Xie, J. Brgoch, Z. Xia, K. C. Mishra, A. Meijerink, M. G. Brik, A. Srivastava, J. Collins

Luminescence and Display Materials Division

K—Organic and Bioelectrochemistry

K01—Advances in Organic and Biological Electrochemistry

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Monday

Room R17

R. Francke, K. D. Moeller, J. M. Halpern, S. D. Minteer, S. Calabrese Barton, P. Atanassov Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

L—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry

L01—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Monday

Room G4

S. J. Paddison, A. C. Co

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

L03—Advanced Techniques for In Situ Electrochemical Systems 6

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday

Room H1

S. Pylypenko, A. C. Co, M. Shao, I. Zenyuk, S. Shahgaldi

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division

40 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

L04—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids 6

Wednesday; Posters: Wednesday

Room R4

P. C. Trulove, R. A. Mantz, V. Di Noto, N. Macauley, A. Ispas

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Electrodeposition Division; Energy Technology Division

L07—Nanoscale Electrochemistry

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters: Monday Room J1

J. Xie, V. Di Noto, P. N. Pintauro, D. E. Cliffel, Y. Yu, Q. Zhang

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Energy Technology Division

L08—Nanostructured Metal Oxides and Polyoxometallate Clusters in Electrocatalysis, Electrochemical Energy Conversion, and Storage

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters: Wednesday Room H2

P. J. Kulesza, I. A. Rutkowska, N. Wu, A. M. Herring, V. Di Noto, C. Janaky, K. Rajeshwar

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division

L09—Physical and Electrochemical Processes at Flow Battery Electrodes

Monday, Tuesday; Posters: Monday Room R4

P. Vanysek, D. N. Buckley, J. Rodriguez Lopez, T. A. Zawodzinski, S. Sankarasubramanian, M. L. Perry

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Battery Division; Energy Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

L10—Interfacial Analysis for Energy Storage

Wednesday; Posters: Monday Room R16

J. Rodríguez-López, Z. Feng, P. J. Kulesza, L. Fei, S. Meng

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Battery Division


M01—Recent Advances in Sensors Systems 4

Sunday, Monday; Posters: Monday

Room R24 and R25

J. E. Koehne, S. Akbar, P. J. Hesketh, G. W. Hunter, R. Mukundan, D. Dong, T. Soundappan, A. R. Hillman

Sensor Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division

M02—Biosensors, Lab-on-chips, Point-of-care Testing, In vitro, and In vivo Imaging 2

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;

Posters: Wednesday

R11 and R12

N. Wu, L. Soleymani, A. Ebrahimi, L. A. Nagahara, E. S. Andreescu, G. Xu, F. Vetrone, A. Khosla, H. Mukundan

Sensor Division

Z—General Topics

Z01—General Student Poster Session

Posters: Tuesday

Exhibit Hall C

A. Suroviec

All Divisions

Z02—Electrochemistry in Space 3


Room R26

G. Jackson, S. H. Vijapur, E. J. Taylor, J. E. Koehne, Y. Fukunaka, S. Calabrese Barton, G. W. Hunter, M. C. Smart

High-Temperature Energy Materials, & Processes Division; Dielectric Science and Technology Division; Electrodeposition Division; Energy Technology Division; Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division; Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division; Sensor Division

Z03—Young Researchers in Europe

Sunday, Monday Room E4

D. N. Buckley, I. Milosev, P. Vanysek, O. Gharbi

All Divisions

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 41

Technical Sessions

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

42 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room A02—Advanced Processing 1 0740 1220 Room A3 Z03—Lithium Ion Batteries 1 0800 0930 Room E4 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 1 0800 1000 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 1 0800 1000 Room A5 A01—Supercapacitors 1 0800 1140 Room A1 I05—Metal Oxide Photocatalysts & Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting 1 0800 1215 Room G1 A02—Simulation and Modeling for Li-ion Batteries 1 0800 1220 Room A4 L01—Electrode Processes 1 0800 1220 Room G4 I01A—Modeling 1 0800 1240 Room F4 I01F—01 PEM Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Evolution Beyond 0810 1200 Room F6 M01—Recent Advances in Sensor Systems Session 1 0815 1220 Room R24 and R25 I01D—01 Non-PGM Catalysts 0820 1200 Room F2 E01—Electrodeposition of Enhanced Materials: Electrical and Thermal Conductivities 0820 1220 Room R5 and R6 Z03—Flow Batteries 0930 1010 Room E4 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 1 1020 1220 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 2 1020 1220 Room A5 Z03—Lithium Ion Batteries 2 1030 1200 Room E4 I01B—SP—Electrodes & MEAs 1330 1700 Room F5 I05—Metal Oxide Photocatalysts & Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting 2 1340 1755 Room G1 Z03—Electrolysis 1400 1530 Room E4 I01E—Liquid Alkaline Electrolysis 1400 1540 Room F3 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 2 1400 1600 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 3 1400 1600 Room A5 M01—Recent Advances in Sensor Systems Session 2 1400 1700 Room R24 and R25 A02—Battery Diagnosis 1 1400 1740 Room A3 E01—Highlighting Early Career Researchers 1400 1740 Room R5 and R6

Technical Sessions, Sunday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 43 Session Start End Room I01D—02 Non-PGM Catalysts & Pt Cathode Catalysts 1400 1740 Room F2 I01F—02 Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis 1400 1740 Room F6 L07—Energy Storage and Batteries 1400 1740 Room J1 I01F—02 PEM Ir Based Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalyst 1400 1750 Room F1 A01—Supercapacitors 2 1400 1800 Room A1 I01A—Modeling 2 1400 1800 Room F4 L01—Modeling and Energy Storage/Conversion 1420 1720 Room G4 A02—Fast Charging of Li-ion Batteries 1500 1720 Room A4 A07—Heat Generation and Degradation 1500 1750 Room A2 Z03—Electrodeposition and Corrosion 1530 1610 Room E4 A04—Multivalent Ion Batteries 1 1620 1820 Room A5 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 3 1620 1820 Room A6 Z03—Electrode Processes 1630 1800 Room E4 Monday, October 9, 2023 Session Start End Room H01—Energy Conversion: Solar Cells and Photovoltaics 0740 0840 Room F3 D04—Large-Scale Water Treatment 0740 1230 Room R31 I04—Electrodes for SOFCs and SOECs 0755 1200 Room G2 A01—Invited Talks 1 – Electrochemical Energy Systems 0755 1220 Room A1 J01—Phosphors for Lighting 1 0800 0900 Room F1 A03—Characterizing Thermal Behavior with Advanced Calorimetry Techniques 1 0800 0930 Room A7 Z03—Lithium Ion Batteries 3 0800 0930 Room E4 E02—Dealloying 0800 0940 Room R5 and R6 F01—Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Ethylene 0800 0940 Room R16 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 2 0800 1000 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 4 0800 1000 Room A5 L09—Flow Batteries – New Topics 0800 1140 Room R4 F02—Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment 1 0800 1200 Room R14 I01—PEFC&E Plenary 1 0800 1200 Room F4 and F5 K01—Organic Electrochemistry 1 0800 1200 Room R17 I05—Metal Oxide Photocatalysts & Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting 3 0800 1205 Room G1 A02—Li-ion Battery Cathodes 1 0800 1220 Room A3 A06—Invited Talks 1 0800 1220 Room R2 L01—Electrode Processes 2 0800 1220 Room G4

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden

Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Monday, October 9, 2023, continued

44 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room A02—Electrolytes for Li-ion Batteries 1 0800 1240 Room A4 M02—Real-Time Monitoring with Sensors 0810 1215 Room R11 and R12 C01—General Session 1 0820 1000 Room B1 G02—Devices and Process Technology 1 0820 1000 Room E3 M01—Recent Advances in Sensor Systems Session 3 0820 1120 Room R24 and R25 B01—Energy Storage 1 – Capacitors 0820 1140 Room R18 D03—Process & Integration 1 0820 1210 Room R26 A07—Keynote Session 0820 1220 Room A2 C04—Advanced Analytical Methods 1 0825 0930 Room B2 G01—Keynote 0830 0915 Room E2 A05—Silicon-Electrolyte Interfaces 0830 1010 Room J2 H01—InN 0840 0940 Room F3 J01—Phosphors for Lighting 2 0900 1000 Room F1 L07—PGM Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Fuel Cells 0900 1200 Room J1 H03—2D Materials 1 0900 1220 Room R22 and R23 G01—ALD for Semicon Applications 0915 1105 Room E2 Z03—Solid State Materials and Devices 0930 1110 Room E4 I06—Accelerated Discovery & Development of Energy Materials 1 0955 1200 Room G3 Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award Address 1000 1040 Room H2 H01—Optoelectonics 1000 1120 Room F3 C04—Advanced Analytical Methods 2 1000 1200 Room B2 E02—Complex Geometries 1 1000 1220 Room R5 and R6 F01—Carbon Dioxide Reduction, Electrodialysis and Peroxide Production 1000 1220 Room R16 A03—Characterizing Thermal Behavior with Advanced Calorimetry Techniques 2 1000 1230 Room A7 C01—General Session 2 1020 1140 Room B1 J01—Quantum Dots and Molecules 1020 1140 Room F1 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 3 1020 1220 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 5 1020 1220 Room A5 G02—Devices and Process Technology 2 1030 1200 Room E3 A05—Cathode-Electrolyte Interfaces 1030 1210 Room J2

Technical Sessions, Monday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 45 Session Start End Room L08—Oxygen Electrochemistry 1040 1230 Room H2 G01—ALD On 0D and 1D Materials 1105 1150 Room E2 Z03—Beyond Lithium Ion Batteries 1110 1200 Room E4 M01—Recent Advances in Sensor Systems Session 4 1120 1220 Room R24 and R25 H01—Power Electronics: GaN and Beyond 1240 1620 Room F3 J01—Optical Thermometry 1300 1440 Room F1 L01—Water Remediation 1300 1600 Room G4 I01—PEFC&E Plenary 2 1315 1600 Room F4 and F5 Z03—Fuel Cells 1320 1500 Room E4 G02—Devices and Process Technology 3 1320 1550 Room E3 G01—ALD of/on Dichalcogenides 1340 1525 Room E2 C01—General Session 3 1340 1600 Room B1 F02—Resource Recovery, Recycling, and Chemical Purification 1 1340 1600 Room R14 L09—Flow Battery Alternative Electrolytes 1340 1600 Room R4 A03—Ageing Mechanisms 1350 1600 Room A7 I05—Photocatalysts and Electrocatalysts Beyond Metal Oxides 1 1355 1445 Room G1 I04—Modeling Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conduction 1355 1600 Room G2 D03—Process & Integration 2 1400 1520 Room R26 F01—Electrolysis and Recycling 1400 1520 Room R16 A05—Metal-Electrolyte Interfaces 1400 1540 Room J2 C04—Advanced Analytical Methods 3 1400 1540 Room B2 A01—Invited Talks 2 – Electrochemical Energy Systems 1400 1600 Room A1 A02—Advanced Characterization 1 1400 1600 Room A4 A02—Li-ion Battery Anodes 1 1400 1600 Room A3 A04—Advanced Characterization and Computation 1400 1600 Room A5 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 4 1400 1600 Room A6 A06—Invited Talks 2 1400 1600 Room R2 A07—Extreme Environments 1400 1600 Room A2 B01—Energy Storage 2—Batteries 1400 1600 Room R18 D04—Surface Engineering, Water Splitting and Separations 1400 1600 Room R31 E02—Porous Materials 1 1400 1600 Room R5 and R6 H03—Nanophotonic Devices 1400 1600 Room R22 and R23

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden

Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Monday, October 9, 2023, continued

46 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room I06—Accelerated Discovery & Development of Energy
2 1400 1600 Room G3 K01—Bioelectrochemistry 1 1400 1600 Room R17 L07—Fuel Cell Technology 1400 1600 Room J1 L08—Oxygen Evolution Reaction 1400 1600 Room H2 M02—Optical Sensors and Bio-Imaging 1 1400 1600 Room R11 and R12 J01—Round Table Discussion on Future Phosphor Research 1440 1610 Room F1 I05—Catalysis Toward Nitrogen-Containing Compound Conversion 1445 1600 Room G1 Z03—General Electrochemistry 1500 1600 Room E4 A01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C A05—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C A06—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C A07—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C D03—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C D04—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C E01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C E02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C F02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C F04—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C G01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C H01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I01A—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I01B—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I01C—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I01D—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I01E—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I01F—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I05—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C J01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C K01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C

Technical Sessions, Monday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 47 Session Start End Room L07—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L09—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L10—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C M01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L02 Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L10—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C M01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Session Start End Room A02—Advanced Characterization 2 0740 1100 Room A4 A02—Li-ion Battery Cathodes 2 0740 1220 Room A3 I01C—Ionomer & Membrane Development 0740 1220 Room F1 F04—Utilizing Biomass in Paired Electrolyses 0755 1200 Room R15 I04—Fundamental Properties and Mechanisms 0755 1200 Room G2 I03—Session 1 0755 1220 Room E1 F01—Pollution Prevention 0800 0900 Room R16 L08—Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction 0800 0930 Room H2 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 5 0800 1000 Room A5 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 4 0800 1000 Room A6 H02—Fundamental and Characterization 1 0800 1000 Room R24 and R25 L03—Fundamental In-Situ Liquid Electrolyte Studies 0800 1000 Room H1 A03—Policy, Field Experience, & Investigations 0800 1100 Room A7 I01F—21 Supported Ir for Oxygen Evolution 0800 1140 Room F3 A01—Invited Talk 3 – Electrochemical Energy Systems 0800 1150 Room A1 I01F—21 Impact of Bubble Generation 0800 1150 Room F6 E01—Nucleation and Growth of Electrodeposited Metals 0800 1200 Room R5 and R6 H04—General 0800 1200 Room R31 I05—Mechanistic Studies on Adsorption, Photocatalysis and Electrocatalysis 0800 1200 Room G1 K01—Organic Electrochemistry 2 0800 1200 Room R17 L09—VRFB Electrodes 0800 1200 Room R4 A06—Invited Talks 3 0800 1210 Room R2 F02—Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment 2 0800 1210 Room R14 I01D—21 Anode Catalysts & Cathode Catalyst Layers 0800 1220 Room F2

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Tuesday, October 10, 2023, continued

48 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room I01A—Catalyst Layer 1 0800 1240 Room F4 M02—Wearable Sensors, Lab-on-Chips and Point-of-Care Testing 0810 1205 Room R11 and R12 I01B—TA—Stacks and Durability Testing 1 0815 1150 Room F5 D03—Chips Act Around The World 0820 0930 Room R26 B01—Sensors 0820 0940 Room R18 L01—Electrocatalysts and Electrocatalysis 1 0820 1200 Room G4 C01—General Session 4 0820 1220 Room B1 I06—Energy Materials Innovation 1 0825 1220 Room G3 C04—Advanced Analytical Methods 4 0830 0930 Room B2 G02—Memory and Process Technology 0830 1000 Room E3 A05—Fundamentals of Charge Storage 0830 1010 Room J2 A07—Pack and Thermal Management Design 0840 1150 Room A2 H03—Perovskites 0840 1220 Room R22 and R23 G01—Area-Selective ALD 0845 1120 Room E2 F01—Electrochemical Engineering 1 0900 1000 Room R16 L07—Catalysis for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions 0900 1200 Room J1 D03—Reliability 0950 1240 Room R26 C04—Advanced Analytical Methods 5 1000 1200 Room B2 L08—Electroreduction of Inert Molecules: CO2, CO and N2 1000 1210 Room H2 B01—Synthesis and Characterization of Carbons 1000 1220 Room R18 F01—Electrochemical Engineering 2 1020 1120 Room R16 H02—Fundamental and Characterization 2 1020 1200 Room R24 and R25 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 6 1020 1220 Room A5 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 5 1020 1220 Room A6 L03—Fundamental In-Situ Solid-Liquid Interface Studies 1 1020 1220 Room H1 A05—Charging Process 1030 1210 Room J2 G02—Memory, Wide-Gap Semiconductor Devices and Processes 1030 1210 Room E3 Olin Palladium Award Address 1100 1140 Room A4 A03—Modeling and Analysis 1 1100 1230 Room A7

Technical Sessions, Tuesday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 49 Session Start End Room G01—Atomic Layer Etching 1 1120 1205 Room E2 ECS Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology 1300 1400 Room A1 L01—Novel Methods/Materials 1300 1820 Room G4 G02—Emerging Technologies & Processes 1 1330 1530 Room E3 H04—GaN Devices 1330 1530 Room R31 I01B—Stacks and Accelerated Durability 1330 1740 Room F5 K01—Bioelectrochemistry 2 1340 1700 Room R17 I01C—Ionomer Characterization: Theory and Experiments 1340 1720 Room F1 I05—Photocatalysts and Electrocatalysts Beyond Metal Oxides 2 1340 1755 Room G1 High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award Address 1355 1440 Room G2 F04—Electrochemical Conversions of Biomass 1355 1740 Room R15 C01—General Session 5 1400 1500 Room B1 H02—Fundamental and Characterization 3 1400 1520 Room R24 and R25 I01E—Alkaline Hydrogen Catalysts and Fundamentals 1400 1520 Room F3 G01—Atomic Layer Etching 2 1400 1530 Room E2 A05—Advanced Simulation Techniques 1400 1540 Room J2 L03—Fundamental in-situ Solid-Liquid Interface Studies 2 1400 1540 Room H1 L08—Materials Chemistry for Electrocatalysis 1400 1540 Room H2 A03—Modeling and Analysis 2 1400 1550 Room A7 A01—Invited Talks 4 – Electrochemical Energy Systems 1400 1600 Room A1 A04—Multivalent Ion Batteries 2 1400 1600 Room A6 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 7 1400 1600 Room A5 A07—Modeling Across Scales 1400 1630 Room A2 L07—Catalysts and Supports for Electrocatalysis 1400 1640 Room J1 I01F—22 Big Picture Electrolysis Issues 1400 1700 Room F6 F02—Resource Recovery, Recycling, and Chemical Purification 2 1400 1715 Room R14 I03—Session 2 1400 1720 Room E1 L09—Flow Battery Electrode Design 1400 1720 Room R4

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Tuesday, October 10, 2023, continued

50 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room M02—Wearable Sensors, Lab-on-Chips and Point-of-Care Testing 1400 1730 Room R11 and R12 A02—Advanced Processing 2 1400 1800 Room A4 A02—Li-ion Battery Anodes 2 1400 1800 Room A3 A06—Invited Talks 4 1400 1800 Room R2 B01—Optoelectronic Properties and Devices 1400 1800 Room R18 E01—Novel Applications 1400 1800 Room R5 and R6 H03—2D Materials 2 1400 1800 Room R22 and R23 I01A—Catalyst Layer 2 1400 1800 Room F4 I01D—22 Pt-Alloy Cathode Catalysts 1400 1800 Room F2 I06—Energy Materials Innovation 2 1400 1800 Room G3 D03—To The Future 1440 1610 Room R26 I04—Proton Conductors for SOFCs and SOECs 1440 1740 Room G2 Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award Address 1500 1540 Room B1 H02—Hybrid Bonding and 3D Applications 1520 1800 Room R24 and R25 Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence Address 1540 1620 Room B1 I01E—Alkaline Membranes and Devices 1540 1700 Room F3 G01—Spatial/Solution/Fast ALD 1550 1720 Room E2 A05—Degradation Process 1600 1740 Room J2 H04—GaN Substrates 1600 1740 Room R31 L03—Fundamental in-situ Catalyst Layers Studies 1600 1740 Room H1 G02—Emerging Technologies & Processes 2 1600 1800 Room E3 L08—Electrochemical Water Splitting 1600 1800 Room H2 Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award Address 1620 1700 Room B1 A03—Characterizing Internal and External Short Circuits 1620 1740 Room A7 A01—Electrode Materials 1620 1800 Room A1 A04—Multivalent Ion Batteries 3 1620 1800 Room A6 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 8 1620 1800 Room A5 Carl Wagner Memorial Award Address 1700 1740 Room F6 A02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C Z01—General Student Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C

Technical Sessions, Wednesday

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 51
Session Start End Room I01C—Membrane Degradation and Durability 0720 1300 Room F1 A01—Battery Characterization – New Approaches 1 0740 1200 Room A1 A02—Li-ion Battery Cathodes 3 0740 1240 Room A3 C02—Used Fuel Disposal Containers 0755 1200 Room B1 I04—Materials Stability and Device Degradation 0755 1240 Room G2 L08—Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 0800 0920 Room H2 D02—Plasma-Assisted Fabrication of Electrodes and Catalysts 0800 0940 Room R26 F02—Carbon Dioxide Capture 0800 0940 Room R14 F03—Industrial Applications of Pulse and Pulse Reverse Electrolysis 0800 0940 Room R15 A04—Multivalent Ion Batteries 4 0800 1000 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 6 0800 1000 Room A5 E02—Periodic and 3D Nanostructured Materials 0800 1000 Room R5 and R6 H02—Surface Activated and Low Temperature Wafer Bonding 1 0800 1000 Room R24 and R25 L03—In-situ Electrocatalyst and Reaction Mechanism Studies 1 0800 1000 Room H1 C03—Organic Coatings 0800 1040 Room B2 A03—Characterizing Safety in Beyond Li-ion Battery Technologies 0800 1120 Room A7 I01E—Alkaline Oxygen Reduction 0800 1140 Room F3 K01—Organic Electrochemistry 3 0800 1200 Room R17 L01—Electrocatalysts and Electrocatalysis 2 0800 1200 Room G4 L04—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids 1 0800 1200 Room R4 L10—Advanced Methods for Interfacial Analysis 0800 1200 Room R16 H04—GaN Doping 0800 1210 Room R31 A06—Binder/Additive 0800 1220 Room R2 I01D—31 Pt-Alloy Cathode Catalysts & New Support Materials 0800 1220 Room F2 I05—Photocatalytic or Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Conversion 0800 1220 Room G1 I01F—31 Electrolysis Cell Testing 0800 1230 Room F6 A02—Electrolytes for Li-ion Batteries 2 0800 1240 Room A4

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, continued

52 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room I01A—GDL & MPL 0800 1240 Room F4 M02—Optical Sensors and Bio-Imaging 2 0810 1210 Room R11 and R12 I01B—Stacks and Durability Testing 2 0815 1230 Room F5 I02—Perovskite 1 0820 1000 Room E1 B01—Catalysis and Fuel Cells 0820 1120 Room R18 I06—Integrated Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Theory 0825 1200 Room G3 G02—Microsystems 1 0830 1000 Room E3 A05—Interfacial Chemistry 0830 1010 Room J2 A07—Instrumentation and Characterization 0830 1200 Room A2 G01—ALD for Battery Applications 0830 1220 Room E2 H03—Low-Dimensional Materials 1 0900 1200 Room R22 and R23 L07—Nanocatalysis for Water Electrolyzing, Nitrogen Reduction and CO2 Reduction 0900 1200 Room J1 D02—Plasma-Synthesized Device Structures 1000 1120 Room R26 F03—Pulse and Pulse Reverse Electrodeposition 1 1000 1200 Room R15 L08—Structure and Reactivity of Electrochemical Interfaces 1000 1210 Room H2 E02—Complex Geometries 2 1020 1200 Room R5 and R6 H02—Surface Activated and Low Temperature Wafer Bonding 2 1020 1200 Room R24 and R25 I02—Perovskite 2 1020 1200 Room E1 A04—Multivalent Ion Batteries 5 1020 1220 Room A6 A04—Solid State Batteries 7 1020 1220 Room A5 L03—In-situ Electrocatalyst and Reaction Mechanism Studies 2 1020 1220 Room H1 G02—Microsystems 2 1030 1200 Room E3 A05—Emerging Battery Systems 1030 1210 Room J2 C03—Conversion Coatings, Inorganic and Metallic Coatings 1 1040 1240 Room B2 D02—Plasma Etching and Patterning 1120 1220 Room R26 A01—Battery Electrodes—New Insights 1300 1800 Room A1 A03—Characterizing Safety in Beyond Li-ion Battery Technologies 1320 1530 Room A7

Technical Sessions, Wednesday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 53
Session Start End Room G02—Emerging Technologies & Processes 3 1330 1520 Room E3 L03—In-situ Electrocatalyst and Reaction Mechanism Studies 3 1340 1540 Room H1 I05—Photocatalysts and Electrocatalysts Beyond Metal Oxides 3 1340 1800 Room G1 I04—Novel Chemical Processing Methods 1355 1800 Room G2 ECS Electrodeposition Division Research Award Address 1400 1440 Room R5 and R6 G01—ALD of Conductive Oxides 1400 1500 Room E2 H02—Surface Activated and Low Temperature Wafer Bonding 3 1400 1500 Room R24 and R25 C03—Conversion Coatings, Inorganic and Metallic Coatings 2 1400 1520 Room B2 F03—Pulse and Pulse Reverse Electrodeposition 2 1400 1520 Room R15 M02—Electrochemical Biosensors 1 1400 1520 Room R11 and R12 A05—Solid-Electrolyte Interphases 1400 1540 Room J2 D02—Plasma-Assisted Fabrication of Novel Materials 1400 1540 Room R26 I02—Perovskite 3 1400 1540 Room E1 I06—Integrated Materials Synthesis, Characterization and Theory 2 1400 1540 Room G3 L08—Nanostructured Materials Engineering in Electrocatalysis 1400 1540 Room H2 A02—Electrolytes for Li-ion Batteries 3 1400 1600 Room A4 A04—Li Metal 1 1400 1600 Room A6 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 9 1400 1600 Room A5 C02- Nuclear Fuel, Cladding, and Reactors 1400 1600 Room B1 K01—Bioelectrochemistry 3 1400 1600 Room R17 H04—SiC Technologies 1400 1650 Room R31 I01D—32 New Support Materials Based on Carbon 1400 1700 Room F2 I01F—32 Porous Transport Layers 1400 1700 Room F6 L07—Nanocatalyst Design for Electrocatalysis 1400 1700 Room J1 I01E—Anodes: Non-H2 Oxidation Reactions 1400 1720 Room F3 H03—Energy and Catalysis 1400 1740 Room R22 and R23 I01B—WP – Flow Field(s), Plates and Channels 1400 1750 Room F5 A02—Li-ion Battery Anodes 3 1400 1800 Room A3 A06—Membrane/Electrolyte/Interface 1400 1800 Room R2 ECS Battery Division Awards Session 1400 1800 Room A2 I01A—MEA Degradation & Durability 1400 1800 Room F4

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, continued

54 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Session Start End Room L01—Voltammetry and Microscopy 1400 1800 Room G4 L04—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids 2 1400 1800 Room R4 L10—Fundamental Processes at Interfaces and Interphases 1400 1800 Room R16 I01C—Catalysts Ionomers 1420 1640 Room F1 ECS Electrodeposition Division Research Award Address 1440 1520 Room R5 and R6 G01—ALD for Thermoelectrics 1500 1530 Room E2 H02—Die to Wafer Bonding 1500 1800 Room R24 and R25 M02—Wearable Sensors, Lab-on-Chips and Point-of-Care Testing 1520 1730 Room R11 and R12 C03—Ultra Thin Coatings and Inhibition Layers 1520 1740 Room B2 E04—Current Trends in Electrodeposition 1520 1800 Room R5 and R6 F03—Pulse and Pulse Reverse Surface Finishing 1540 1700 Room R15 G01—Molecular Layer Deposition 1550 1620 Room E2 A03—Test and Characterization 1 1550 1800 Room A7 G02—Emerging Technologies & Processes 4 1600 1720 Room E3 D02—Plasma-Assisted Fabrication of Thin Film Structures 1600 1730 Room R26 I06—Materials to Market 1 1600 1730 Room G3 A05—Diffusion Process 1600 1740 Room J2 I02—Thin Films 1600 1740 Room E1 L03—In-situ Studies of Batteries 1 1600 1800 Room H1 L08—Electrocatalytic and Photoelectrochemically Active Materials 1600 1800 Room H2 G01—Infiltration Processes 1620 1705 Room E2 A02—Advanced Characterization 3 1620 1800 Room A4 A04—Li Metal 2 1620 1800 Room A6 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 6 1620 1800 Room A5 C02—Corrosion in Molten Salts 1620 1805 Room B1 F03—Pulse and Pulse Reverse Electrolytic Conversion 1700 1720 Room R15 A03—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C

Technical Sessions, Wednesday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 55
Session Start End Room A04—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C B01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C C01—Poster Presentations 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C D02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C D01—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C H02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C H03—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C H04—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I04—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C I06—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L03—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L04—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C L08—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C M02—Poster Session 1800 2000 Exhibit Hall C Thursday, October 12, 2023 Session Start End Room A01—Battery—Na/Zn/Al/Ti 0740 1220 Room A1 I04—Solid State Batteries and Novel Phenomena 0755 1140 Room G2 E02—Porous Materials 2 0800 0920 Room R5 and R6 A03—Test and Characterization 2 0800 0930 Room A7 L03—In-situ Studies of Batteries 2 0800 0940 Room H1 A02—Li-ion Battery Cathodes 4 0800 1000 Room A3 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 10 0800 1000 Room A5 A04—Solid State Batteries 8 0800 1000 Room A6 H02—Wafer Bonding for Sensors and MEMS 0800 1020 Room R24 and R25 L08—Development and Characterization of Electrocatalytic Interfaces 0800 1020 Room H2 I01D—41 New Support Materials – Carbon and Oxides 0800 1100 Room F2 I02—Silicon PV and Recycling 0800 1100 Room E1 A02—Li-ion Battery Anodes 4 0800 1140 Room A4 I05—Photocatalytic or Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Conversion 2 0800 1210 Room G1 I01A—Imaging 1 0800 1220 Room F4

244th ECS Meeting

October 8 – 12, 2023 • Gothenburg, Sweden Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

56 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
Thursday, October 12, 2023 Session Start End Room I01F—41 Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis 0800 1230 Room F6 I01A—Cell Level Analytics 0800 1240 Room F3 M02—DNA – or Aptamer-Based Biosensors 0810 1100 Room R11 and R12 I01B—ThA – Gas Diffusion Layers 0815 1100 Room F5 G02—Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 1 0820 0930 Room E3 Z02—Electrochemistry in Space 1 0820 1150 Room R26 L01—Electrolysis and Electrochemical Processes 0820 1200 Room G4 A05—Materials Modelling and Design 0830 1020 Room J2 G01—ALD of Metals 0830 1035 Room E2 I06—Materials to Market 2 0855 1200 Room G3 H03—Low-Dimensional Materials 2 0900 1220 Room R22 and R23 E01—Alloys and More 0920 1200 Room R5 and R6 G02—Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 2 0950 1110 Room E3 L03—In-situ Studies of Batteries 3 1000 1200 Room H1 A02—Battery Diagnosis 2 1000 1240 Room A3 A03—Fast Charging and Lithium Plating 1000 1250 Room A7 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 11 1020 1220 Room A5 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 7 1020 1220 Room A6 G01—ALD for (Electro)catalysis 1035 1205 Room E2 H02—SiC, GaN, Li-based, Diamond and Other Material Bonding 1 1040 1220 Room R24 and R25 M02—Detection of Pathogens and Toxins with Biosensors 1100 1200 Room R11 and R12 A01—Redox Flow Battery 1320 1800 Room A1 I05—Photocatalytic or Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Conversion 3 1340 1700 Room G1 I04—Fabrication and Synthesis 1355 1700 Room G2 G01—ALD of Nitrides 1400 1430 Room E2 H02—SiC, GaN, Li-based, Diamond and Other Material Bonding 2 1400 1520 Room R24 and R25 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 12 1400 1600 Room A5 A04—Solid State Batteries 9 1400 1600 Room A6

Technical Sessions, Thursday continued

Days, Sessions, Times, Rooms

• All symposia take place at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.

• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.

I01A—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Diagnostics/Characterization Methods, MEA Design/ Model

I01E—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Materials for Alkaline Fuel Cells and Direct-Fuel Fuel Cells

I01F—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 (PEFC&E23) – Polymer-Electrolyte Electrolysis

I04—Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 14: In Honor of Prof. Anil Virkar

I05—Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 13

J01—Luminescence and Display Materials: Fundamentals and Applications

L01—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session

M01—Recent Advances in Sensors Systems 4

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 57 Session Start End Room H03—Flexible Electronics 1400 1600 Room R22 and R23 Z02—Electrochemistry in Space 2 1400 1600 Room R26 I01F—42 Alkaline Electrocatalysis 1400 1620 Room F6 M02—Electrochemical Biosensors 2 1400 1640 Room R11 and R12 I01A—Imaging 2 1400 1700 Room F4 A02—Li-ion Battery Anodes 5 1400 1740 Room A4 E01—Beyond Water 1400 1740 Room R5 and R6 A02—Battery Diagnosis 3 1400 1800 Room A3 G01—Plasma Processes 1430 1505 Room E2 H02—Conclusion and Awards 1520 1800 Room R24 and R25 A04—Next Generation Electrodes and Electrolytes 13 1620 1820 Room A5 A04—Non-Li Ion Batteries 8 1620 1820 Room A6 Digital Only Sessions Available via Online Program, October
2023 A01—New Approaches and
in Electrochemical
Systems A02—Lithium Ion Batteries C01—Corrosion General Session F01—Advances in Industrial Electrochemistry
Electrochemical Engineering H02—Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology and Applications 17 H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 16
8 -

ECS Leadership

ECS Officers

Gerardine Botte, President

Colm O’Dwyer, Senior Vice President

James Fenton, 2nd Vice President

Francis D’Souza, 3rd Vice President

Marca Doeff, Secretary

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Treasurer

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer

ECS Board of Directors

Katherine Ayers, Chair, Energy Technology Division

Sean Bishop, Chair, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division

Jeff Blackburn, Chair, Nanocarbons Division

Gerardine Botte, President

Dev Chidambaram, Chair, Corrosion Division

Uros Cvelbar, Chair, Dielectric and Science Technology Division

Marca Doeff, Secretary

Francis D’Souza, 3rd Vice President

James Fenton, 2nd Vice President

Turgut Gür, Immediate Past President

Jennifer Hite, Chair, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee

Maria Inman, Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer

Qiliang Li, Chair, Electronics and Photonics Division

Brett Lucht, Chair, Battery Division

Robert Micek, Nonprofit Financial Professional

Shelley Minteer, Chair, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division

Larry Nagahara, Chair, Sensor Division

Colm O’Dwyer, Senior Vice President

Stephen Paddison, Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Treasurer

Natasa Vasiljevic, Chair, Electrodeposition Division

Rong-Jun Xie, Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division

58 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org

ECS Staff

Dinia Agrawala, Graphic Design & Print Production Manager

Paul B. Cooper, Editorial Manager

Tim Gamberzky, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer

Genevieve Goldy, Awards and Board Relations Manager

Andrea L. Guenzel, Publications Specialist (Journals)

Sophie Harper, Publications Coordinator/ECST & Journals

Mary Hojlo, Membership & Constituent Services Specialist

Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer

Sophia P. Jorge, Senior Manager of Finance

John Lewis, Director of Meetings

Anna Olsen, Senior Manager, Corporate Programs

Jennifer Ortiz, Digital Content Specialist

Adrian Plummer, Director of Publications

Shannon Reed, Director of Community Engagement

Beth Schademann, Journals Production Manager

Garrett Shumaker, Junior Staff Accountant

Jessica Smyth, Associate Director of Human Resources & Operations Manager

Francesca Spagnuolo, Meetings Manager

Cody Sullivan, Publications Coordinator/Journals Operations

Jennifer Tarantino, Programs Specialist

JaneAnn Wormann, Meetings Program Specialist

Contact Information

The Electrochemical Society

65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA tel.: 1.609.737.1902, fax: 1.609.737.2743

General Questions: ecs@electrochem.org

Awards: awards@electrochem.org

Development: development@electrochem.org

Meetings: meetings@electrochem.org

Membership: customerservice@electrochem.org

Publications: publications@electrochem.org

Sponsorships: sponsorship@electrochem.org

244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org 59

245th ECS Meeting


May 26-30, 2024

Marriott Marquis San Francisco

PRiME 2024

Joint International Meeting of ECS, ECSJ, & KECS


October 6-11, 2024

Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village

247th ECS Meeting


May 18-22, 2025

Palais des Congrès de Montréal

248th ECS Meeting


October 12-16, 2025

Hilton Chicago

60 244th ECS Meeting Guide • October 8-12, 2023 • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • www.electrochem.org
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