Interface Fall VOL. 32, NO. 4, Winter 2023

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The Electrochemical Society

VOL. 32, NO. 4, Winter 2023

Highlights of the 12 244th ECS Meeting Reports 34 from the

ECS Summer Fellows

Multifunctional 55 In-situ Soil Sensors for Sustainable Agriculture

Progress in 61 Inkjet-Printed Sensors and Antennas


NEXT ECS MEETING 245th ECS Meeting SAN FRANCISCO, CA May 26-30, 2024 Marriott Marquis San Francisco


Joint International Meeting of ECS, ECSJ, & KECS

HONOLULU, HI October 6-11, 2024 Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village

247th ECS Meeting MONTRÉAL, CANADA May 18-22, 2025 Palais des Congrès de Montréal

248th ECS Meeting CHICAGO, IL October 12-16, 2025 Hilton Chicago


670 Electrolysis Workstation

Chemistry & Electrochemistry Agnostic CO 2 Reduction Low Temperature CO & Syngas Production Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis Organic Electrosynthesis & more...

THE LEADER IN ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY CONVERSION INSTRUMENTATION | | +1.910.695.8884 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Herding Cats


eadership of a group of people, be it in the commercial sector, on community boards, or at an academic institution, is one of the hardest tasks one can tackle. I have often been asked by others, many not in academia, why it seems that “nothing gets done” or “change takes forever” at universities. It’s easy to point fingers at the leaders (e.g., department chairs, deans, provosts) as their job descriptions could be summarized as “make sure stuff gets done.” The poor saps have to do that with people who think they are all that and a bag of chips. The ugly truth of the matter is that leading a group of academics—whether as department chair, dean, or provost—is like herding cats: in the end it is fruitless, and it just annoys the cats. The fundamental problems are the organizational structure and personalities. Tied to these is a separation of responsibility from authority that often prevents academic leaders from implementing difficult, but necessary, decisions. First the organizational structure. Academic departments have two primary goals: to educate and to discover new knowledge. They educate countless students through classes and other experiences such as internships. They educate the public through outreach. The faculty of the department meet their educational goals by cooperative and collaborative design of curricula, often in association with other departments (e.g., agreement on a set of core classes all engineering students in the school must take). Education is the main activity of universities in the minds of most of the public. What they often don’t realize is that faculty are only guaranteed nine months of salary which covers the academic year. To be paid in the summer, faculty must raise funds for research from governmental agencies, the private sector, or foundations. These funds not only pay for faculty summer salary, but usually also cover graduate student stipends, health insurance, and tuition, as well as the materials and supplies required by the research. Thus, besides their insatiable craving for knowledge, the discovery goal has some financial aspects as well for faculty members. Discovery through research occurs far more at the level of the individual faculty member (or groups thereof). Although the faculty members in departments need to cooperate to at least some degree with respect to the education mission, in the research regime, they are a loose confederation of thieves. Maybe a more polite analogy would be that each faculty member is a small business that shares office space with a bunch of others. Making it even better, the research enterprise in universities can have a bit of a Hunger Games vibe, as the resources (space, students, time, attention) are all finite, but the desire for each is infinite. So departments have split personalities that are often in conflict. The collective of education and the rugged individuality of research can be in opposition, but also have crosscurrents. Time for personalities. Into this milieu walks the academic leader (e.g., department chair, dean, provost). In most cases, a prerequisite for selection to such positions is a highly successful research career. Let’s leave aside the illogic of taking your best researchers and having them shift time from that to administrative duties. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, the leader starts their first day and realizes that (a) they have no real training to do this, and (b) not only do the aforementioned cats have claws and teeth, but also many appear to be deaf. It is at this point that the realization of the impact of the organizational decoupling of responsibility and authority hits home. The department chair (or dean) is held responsible for making their department (school) successful by their dean (provost). This expectation seems reasonable, except that too often the chair (dean) has very limited authority to meet those responsibilities. For example, I have been lucky to have had a recent string of great chairs. If one came to me and asked me to do something that might be unpleasant (e.g., chair a search committee, teach an extra class, give up lab space), what is the consequence to me if I just say “Uh, no thanks”? Spoiler alert: essentially nothing, especially if you are a full professor, but even more-junior faculty have a lot more power than they realize (let’s keep that between us). The leader can appeal to one’s better angels, but let’s just say there is not an oversupply of those in academia. Some leaders are adept at the most effective method of persuasion: appeal to the ego, as most faculty went through that line (at least) twice. The key is to not have the faculty member realize that they are being played until it is too late. I must confess that more than once I have walked out of a chair’s office and suddenly realized that my proverbial wallet was gone, only to see my chair smiling while holding it in the air. Until next time, be safe and happy.

Published by: The Electrochemical Society (ECS) 65 South Main Street Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA Tel 609.737.1902, Fax 609.737.2743 Editor: Rob Kelly Guest Editor: Praveen K. Sekhar Contributing Editors: Christopher L. Alexander, Chris Arges, Scott Cushing, Ahmet Kusolgu, Donald Pile, Alice Suroviec Director of Publications: Adrian Plummer Director of Community Engagement: Shannon Reed Production Editor: Kara McArthur Graphic Design & Print Production Manager: Dinia Agrawala Staff Contributors: Frances Chaves, Genevieve Goldy, Mary Hojlo, Christopher J. Jannuzzi, John Lewis, Anna Olsen, Jennifer Ortiz, Francesca Spagnuolo, Jennifer Tarantino, JaneAnn Wormann Advisory Board: Brett Lucht (Battery Division) Dev Chidambaram (Corrosion Division) Uros Cvelbar (Dielectric Science and Technology Division) Luca Magagnin (Electrodeposition Division) Qiliang Li (Electronics and Photonics Division) Katherine Ayers (Energy Technology Division) Cortney Kreller (High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division) Maria Inman (Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division) Eugeniusz Zych (Luminescence and Display Materials Division) Jeff Blackburn (Nanocarbons Division) Shelley Minteer (Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division) Stephen Paddison (Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division) Larry Nagahara (Sensor Division) Publications Subcommittee Chair: James Fenton Society Officers: Gerardine Botte, President; Colm O’Dwyer, Senior Vice President; James (Jim) Fenton, 2nd Vice President; Francis D’Souza, 3rd Vice President; Marca Doeff, Secretary; Elizabeth J. Podlaha-Murphy, Treasurer; Christopher J. Jannuzzi, Executive Director & CEO Statements and opinions given in The Electrochemical Society Interface are those of the contributors, and ECS assumes no responsibility for them. Authorization to photocopy any article for internal or personal use beyond the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 is granted by The Electrochemical Society to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Copying for other than internal or personal use without express permission of ECS is prohibited. The CCC Code for The Electrochemical Society Interface is 1064-8208/92. ISSN : Print: 1064-8208

Online: 1944-8783

The Electrochemical Society Interface is published quarterly by The Electrochemical Society (ECS), at 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839 USA. Subscription to members is part of membership service. © Copyright 2023 by The Electrochemical Society. *“Save as otherwise expressly stated.” The Electrochemical Society is an educational, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with more than 8,500 scientists and engineers in over 75 countries worldwide who hold individual membership. Founded in 1902, the Society has a long tradition in advancing the theory and practice of electrochemical and solid state science by dissemination of information through its publications and international meetings.

Rob Kelly Editor The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Localized and bulk measurements Where Power meets Precision

Premium Potentiostat SP-300 Low current and filter

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Dedicated techniques

• Pulsed techniques, such as DPV, SWV

Scanning Probe Workstation M470 ac/dc-SECM

• dc-SECM: chemically selective activity measurements • ac-SECM: no mediator for realistic “real world” results • Six other techniques (ic-SECM, LEIS, SVET, SKP, SDC, OSP)

Fast scan rates

• Suitable for high throughput screening

Software tilt compensation

• Reduce experiment setup time

Unlock your research potential with the M470 Scanning Electrochemical Workstation, powered by the SP-300 Potentiostat. Seamlessly merging localized and bulk measurements, this duo offers versatile precision, from microscale to macroscopic insights. Perfect for advancing corrosion science, innovating in energy storage, and more. 4

Shaping the future. Together. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Vo l . 3 2 , No . 4 Winter 2023

Multifunctional Sensors 53 Overview: for Smart Agriculture by Praveen K. Sekhar


Advanced Multifunctional Sensors for In-situ Soil Parameters for Sustainable Agriculture

the Editor: 3 From Herding Cats

by Vagheeswari Venkadesh, Vivek Kamat, Shekhar Bhansali, and Krish Jayachandran

for Society 8 Candidates Office

in Inkjet-Printed Sensors 61 Progress and Antennas by Caden Tyler Sandry, Sharmin Shila, Leobardo Gonzalez-Jimenez, Sebastian Martinez, and Praveen Kumar Sekhar

the President: 7 From ECS Toward Sustainability

of the 12 Highlights 244th ECS Meeting

21 Society News Fellowship 34 Summer Reports 30 Websites of Note 44 People News 48 Reports from the Frontier 51 Tech Highlights 72 Section News 75 Awards Program 78 New Members 84 Student News The winter 2023 cover is an original design by Dinia Agrawala. The image evokes a figure from "Progress in Inkjet-Printed Sensors and Antennas" by Sandry, Shila, Gonzalez-Jimenez, Martinez, and Sekhar. The original figure shows how an inkjet-printed sensor can provide much more functionality in a similar formfactor to a paper UPC sticker. Cover design: Dinia Agrawala

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


SYSTEMS FOR TESTING ELECTROLYZERS, FUEL CELLS, & BATTERIES High Current Rapid Pulsing Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Software development kits make it easy to integrate with process control systems. 6

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


ECS Toward Sustainability


y dear ECS friends, I write to you following two incredible gatherings of the global ECS community. The first was the 244th ECS meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden. There we assembled, over 3,400 strong—the largest meeting ECS has held outside of PRiME—to enrich and energize our professional lives and celebrate our triumphant return product_category/scanning-probe-workstations/ to hosting meetings in Europe (see page 12). The second was the annual meetings of the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica (SMEQ) and ECS Mexico Section. Launching efforts to expand the Society’s presence in Mexico, I gave a keynote talk as part of the celebration of SMEQ’s 40th anniversary celebration. It was remarkable to attend these events as president of an organization that has long been my professional home. I have been a proud ECS member since I was a student in 1998. My roots with the Society are deep, starting from my career’s earliest days, to becoming an ECS Fellow in 2014, and where I am now, a professor at Texas Tech and Founder and Director of the National Science Foundation Center for Advancing Sustainable and Distributed Fertilizer Production (CASFER). As ECS President, I aim to build on ECS’s past and recent successes to inspire a broader awareness and understanding of electrochemical technologies’ critical role in making positive change in our world. Alongside the battery technologies powering our mobile devices and growing fleet of emissionfree vehicles, advances in electrochemical technology are crucial to developing fuel cells and hydrogen power, as well as myriad novel materials, sensors, processes, and devices for applications ranging from industrial manufacturing to healthcare. We must increase awareness of electrochemistry and solid state science’s impact on solving the grand challenges facing our planet. Together we can safeguard the environment and deliver the next generation of materials, processes, and biomedical innovations through a truly sustainable and circular approach. I call this: “ECS Toward Sustainability.” Given our technologies’ central role in addressing the planet’s sustainability challenges, ECS members have unprecedented opportunities. Together we can make a difference! Therefore, I will briefly share two major presidential initiatives I am proud to have launched. The first is forming the ECS Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability. This group’s goal is to coalesce our collective knowledge in the electrochemical and solid state sciences to address sustainability, which is the equitable balance among environmental, social, and economic forces. For example, how can we leverage electrochemical technologies to provide clean water and renewable energy sources; protect our environment and prevent climate change; and support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality? Under Vice President Jim

Fenton’s leadership, this committee is already working on answering that question and charting ECS’s course to become the leading organization creating and disseminating critical scientific content on sustainability. The second is forming the ECS Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Engagement, which I hope will be the cornerstone of my presidency. Diversity is our strength. It fuels innovation, enhances collaboration, enables our best accomplishments, and brings us closer to the communities we serve. Chaired by Elizabeth Biddinger, Secretary and Treasurer of the ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division, this essential committee’s immediate charge is to recommend mechanisms for ensuring diversity representation in the Society’s governance structure; create a grant and recognition program to engage students, faculty, postdocs, and researchers from Minority Serving Institutions and groups traditionally underrepresented within ECS; and make recommendations for increasing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Engagement within the Society. In conjunction with this committee, I will continue to expand ECS’s international presence to ensure that we welcome all voices into the ECS community. With help from our colleagues at SMEQ and the local Mexican section, we launched a campaign to inspire faculty and scientists working in Central and Latin America to engage with the Society and establish ECS Student Chapters at their institutions. The objective is to introduce diverse perspectives and empower more scientists from around the world to actively engage in ECS activities. To advance our sustainability and diversity goals, we must inspire and nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers, and researchers. ECS Student Chapters are key to achieving this objective. I call on you to visit the ECS website to learn how to start a student chapter if your institution does not yet have one. ECS not only provides all chapter members with free membership, but it also allocates up to USD $1,000 per year to support chapter activities and events! It’s an amazing program that we actively want to expand. Please start a chapter at your institution and help realize ECS’s vision and mission to make the world a better place for all humanity. I look forward to collaborating with you as we join together to strengthen our Society and its position on the global stage.

Gerardine G. Botte ECS President

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


CANDIDATE S FOR SOCIE T Y OFFICE Biographical sketches and candidacy statements of the nominated candidates for the annual election of Society officers.

Candidate for President

Candidates for Third Vice President

Colm O’Dwyer is Professor of Chemical Energy in the School of Chemistry at University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland, and Principal Investigator of the Environmental Research Institute, Tyndall National Institute, and Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research Centre. He received his PhD in Semiconductor Electrochemistry and Physics in 2003 and conducted postdoctoral research on ultracold atom cooling and surface science at the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III. From 2008 to 2012, Prof. O’Dwyer was awarded the prestigious Science Foundation Ireland Stokes Lecturer on Nanomaterials. Since 2012, he has led a multidisciplinary research group at UCC developing 3D printed batteries, energy storage materials, optoelectronic materials and processes, and photonic structures. His current research interests include 3D-printed energy storage devices and real-time photonics for examining optoelectronic materials and energy storage materials, with large European Union (EU) Horizon Europe consortia and through national basic science and commercialization awards. Prof. O’Dwyer is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and was a 2017 Bell Labs Prize recipient. Over the years, with talented students, postdocs, and collaborators, Prof. O’Dwyer has co-authored more than 280 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and ECS Transactions articles covering most of the Society’s topical interest areas. Prof. O’Dwyer has been an ECS member since attending the 199th ECS Meeting in Washington, DC as a graduate student in 2001. In his 22 years of membership, he has served ECS continuously in many roles. He has organized or co-organized more than 40 ECS symposia in electrochemical and solid state topics since 2007; through the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, he helped deliver new collaborative symposia across several ECS divisions; and he has served the Electronic and Photonics Division as an Executive Committee Member for over 12 years, most recently as 1st Vice Chair and then Division Chair. At the Society level, Prof. O’Dwyer has chaired the Publications Subcommittee, Meetings Subcommittee, and Technical Affairs Committee. Since 2021, he has been a member of the Board of Directors and an elected Vice-President. As an award-winning

Y. Shirley Meng is a professor in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago. She serves as Chief Scientist of the Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS), Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Meng is Principal Investigator of the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion (LESC) research group, established at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) since 2009. She held the Zable Chair Professorship in Energy Technologies at UCSD from 2017 to 2021. Dr. Meng received her PhD in Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-Systems from the Singapore-MIT Alliance in 2005. She completed her BS in Materials Science with first class honors at Nanyang Technological University Singapore in 2000. Among the prestigious awards Dr. Meng has received are the 2023 ECS Battery Division Research Award, 2022 C3E Technology and Innovation Award, 2020 Faraday Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019 IBA (International Battery Association) Research Award, and 2016 ECS Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award. She is the author and co-author of close to 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, two book chapters, and six issued patents. Her first publication appeared in 2003 in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Throughout the past decade, Dr. Meng has devoted her volunteer time to ECS, serving the ECS Battery Division as member-at-large, Treasurer (2014–2016), Secretary (2016–2018), Vice Chair (2018– 2020), and Chair (2020–2022). She has also served on a number of Battery Division and Society committees. I am delighted to announce my candidacy for the position of Third Vice President of The Electrochemical Society, of which I have been a member since 2003. I am an electrochemist and materials scientist specializing in battery materials. My career has been dedicated to advancing electrochemistry with a particular focus on designing and characterizing battery materials for beyond-lithium-ion technologies, such as solid state, lithiummetal, and sodium batteries. I have led my team in pioneering and developing

Robert F. Savinell is Distinguished University Professor and George S. Dively Professor of Engineering at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). His research is directed at fundamental science and mechanistic issues of electrochemical processes, and device design and development. He is the co-inventor of the first high-temperature proton-conducting polymer membrane based on phosphoric acid doping of PBI. For over a decade, his research has focused on high-temperature polymer membrane fuel cells. In 1981, Savinell co-authored the first experimental paper reporting results of the all-iron flow battery. During the past decade, this chemistry has been developed into a commercial product and a variation of the original design was developed for long-duration storage with Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) funding. Development for commercial application now continues through an industry partner. Prof. Savinell earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Pittsburg under the guidance of Prof. Chung-Chiun Liu. He was a research engineer at Diamond Shamrock Corporation and faculty member at the University of Akron. In 1986, Prof. Savinell joined the faculty of CWRU, where he was Director of the Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences for 10 years and Dean of Engineering from 2000 to 2007. During a 2007 sabbatical year as a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he worked with Prof. Yang Shao-Horn and her students. Prof. Savinell was also a visiting professor at Yamanashi University and Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Limerick and the PI and Director of the DOE Emerging Frontiers Research Center on Breakthrough Electrolytes for Energy Storage (BEES) (2018–2026). Prof. Savinell has served in all ECS Industrial Electrolytic and Electrochemical Engineering Division officer positions, including Chair, and participated in many ECS committees and subcommittees. Since 2013, he has been Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. He is proud to have been named Fellow of The Electrochemical Society in 2000. He is also a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003)

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Candidacy Statement


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Candidates for Secretary

Colm O'Dwyer

Gessie Brisard is Professor of Chemistry at the Université de Sherbrooke, where she obtained a PhD in electrochemistry in 1990. Upon completing postdoctoral studies at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, she joined her alma mater in 1992 as Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department and became a full professor in 2004. Her dedication and involvement at her university led her to serve as Vice Dean of Academia and Secretary of the Faculty of Science from 2007 to 2010. Prof. Brisard’s expertise is in analytical electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, and energy production and storage. She has developed research programs in the field of electrocatalysis, namely structuresensitivity of electroreduction processes on copper single crystal and surface modification for high-aspect-ratio copper TSV insulation in Via-last processes. Brisard’s research also focuses on cathode material for lithium batteries, carbon dioxide reduction, and electrodeposition in ionic liquids. Her knowledge of electrochemistry in nonaqueous solvents of the interfacial behavior of non-aqueous electrolytes, with application to lithium batteries and metal deposition in nonconventional media, has led to successful collaborations with the Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec and Rio Tinto Alcan, the Canadian mining company and aluminum giant. Prof. Brisard became an ECS student member in 1986 and received the ECS Canada Section Student Award in 1989. This recognition consolidated her involvement with the Society. A long-standing member of the ECS Canada Section, she has been a diligent executive member for many years. During her term as President, the ECS Canada Section received the Society’s Gwendolyn B. Wood Section Excellence Award. Early in her academic career, Prof. Brisard volunteered as a symposium organizer and has since planned numerous symposia for the ECS Canada Section and ECS biannual meetings. She remains involved with the long-established electrocatalysis symposium, which she started with the late ECS member Prof. Andrzej Wieckowski. Prof. Brisard has been actively involved with ECS committees in the areas of governance, meetings, and publications, having served on the Council of Sections, Society Meeting

Jessica E. Koehne is a senior scientist in the Microfluidics and Instrumentation Branch at NASA Ames Research Center. There she leads the Nanosensors and Nanoelectronics Group, a multidisciplinary group of scientists and engineers. With a commitment to the next generation of scientists and engineers and to diversity, she has mentored 75 students in her lab. Students ranged from high school to graduate levels, including 49 with underserved and underrepresented backgrounds. Dr. Koehne joined the NASA Ames Center for Nanotechnology in 2001 and was awarded the NASA Ames Full Time Graduate Study Fellowship in 2004. She earned her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of California, Davis in 2009. She has received numerous honors and awards, including the 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and 2018 Women in Aerospace Achievement Award. Since 2014, she has served on the ECS Sensors Division board, where she is currently Past Chair. From understanding the world around us, to creating next generation technologies to support a sustainable future, electrochemistry is an attractive solution. The multidisciplinary nature of electrochemistry is embraced by ECS. Its breadth of technical divisions, crosstechnical–division symposia, and diverse membership are a testament to that fact. Since attending my first ECS meeting in 2003, I have been hooked. I feel that the excellent technical content in our meetings and publications is the best method to attract the next generation of members. I have been a committed member of the Society with roles ranging from Chair of the ECS Sensors Division to member of the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee. With successful interdisciplinary symposia such as Electrochemistry in Space, we have brought in new attendees, some of whom were previously unfamiliar with our Society. During my time as ECS Sensor Division Chair, I participated in the release of the new ECS journal, ECS Sensors Plus, which will further expand the Society’s reach to potential new members who may not have attended our meetings. ECS has been an

One of ECS’s many strengths is the diversity of its community, which we see at meetings, committees, divisions, and in the pages of our journals, ECS Interface, our blog, and social networks. Each year, our meetings showcase the collegiality and multidisciplinary nature that make this Society a premier venue for advancing electrochemical and solid state science and technology. ECS is a nonprofit organization that exists for its members and the wider community to disseminate the advances made by many people for the sake of a better, healthier, safer, and greener future. The Society successfully launched ECS Sensors Plus and ECS Advances, new journals that open the door to full open-access publication. The community’s engagement and interest has been exemplary and beyond our initial expectations. With new initiatives to grow our journals, my commitment to all members is to continue these ongoing initiatives and to foster new ones to maximize our scope, attractiveness, and accessibility to all authors across academia and industry R&D. As President, I will continue to advocate for programs that elevate our STEM education and outreach in all its forms. With the Society’s new educational programs centered around upskilling and battery workforce development, I plan to work with the leadership team and divisions to scope parallel opportunities called out in the CHIPS and Science Act in the US and the Chips Act in the EU. It is important that ECS expand its leadership in providing industryfacing opportunities for re-skilling in the many electrochemical and solid state science and technology disciplines that are core to the workforce development needs for all the technologies we use now and need in the future. If elected as our President, I pledge to engage with our divisions, other societies, funding agencies, policy makers, and our student chapters to ensure diversity in our people, and that our community’s activities and programs grow and thrive. After all, ECS is the only society whose core mission and topical interest areas, taken together, span the key technologies and enabling science underpinning the sustainable, electric future. It is an honor to be nominated. If I am elected, my professional and personal pledge is to serve ECS and the interests of

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Candidacy Statement

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advocate for open-access publication and open science, he has also guest edited several JES and JSS Special Focus Issues.

Candidacy Statement

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Colm O'Dwyer (continued from previous page)

all the divisions, you the members, and our wider community, and to play my part in growing the Society and its impact on our membership and the extensive community that actively engages in the ECS mission. Thank you for considering my candidacy. Y. Shirley Meng (continued from page 8)

various integrated advanced operando/in situ characterization techniques to probe atomic rearrangement in energy storage materials and applying the knowledge in design, synthesis, and optimization of energy storage materials and devices. These achievements have allowed me to contribute to ongoing global efforts toward sustainable energy transitions. As a member of ECS for over two decades, I envision my home society becoming a driving force in making electrochemistry the field of this century. If elected, my goal is to attract talented individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to join this community, thereby scaling electrochemistry at an unprecedented pace to achieve the carbon neutrality goals of our society at large. To accomplish this vision, I propose to implement several initiatives. First, I hope to establish a more creative membership scheme, allowing individuals from diverse training backgrounds and disciplines to join ECS and contribute their unique perspectives. I will develop a plan to enhance membership benefits to provide increased value and support to our members, facilitating their professional growth and networking opportunities. Furthermore, I am committed to expanding the impact of ECS beyond the scientific community and toward the public. This will involve educational programs, outreach events, and activities to raise awareness about the importance of electrochemistry in addressing global challenges. Equity, diversity, and inclusion are principles I hold dear. I will work diligently to foster an environment within ECS that embraces these core values. By creating an inclusive atmosphere, we can ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to contribute to ECS in meaningful ways. Last, I will work with our community to increase ECS revenues by fostering stronger corporate memberships and institutional partnerships. Through grants, scholarships, and other funding opportunities, ECS will be able to support more students, junior researchers, and professionals seeking career change in the field. Additionally, increased revenues will allow ECS to expand its openaccess publication policies, benefiting a broader range of individuals. I have served the ECS Battery Division as member-at-large, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice

Chair, and Chair. I have been a member of numerous division and Society committees throughout the decade. I am honored to present myself as a candidate for Third Vice President as I see volunteering as a meaningful way to build a better community. With my background, experience, and passion for electrochemistry, I am committed to driving the Society forward and elevating the field to new heights. I kindly request your support and look forward to the opportunity to serve as your Third Vice President. Robert F. Savinell (continued from page 8)

and Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2013). In 2022, Prof. Savinell was honored to receive the ECS Vittorio de Nora Award for distinguished contributions to electrochemical engineering and technology. In 2020, he was awarded the CWRU Frank and Dorothy Hummel Prize for exceptional achievements in teaching, research, and scholarly service.

Candidacy Statement

I have always been an advocate of ECS’s mission to advance the theory and practice of electrochemical and solid state science and technology and allied subjects. Over the decades (centuries), ECS has done this through its high-quality meetings, publications, and other support and advocacy activities. At the core of ECS’s success is the highly motivated community of scientists and engineers who believe in this mission and work hard to accomplish it. ECS is special to so many of us because of the people who engage in it, work for it, and lead it. My focus will be on strengthening and building this community of electrochemical and solid state scientists and nurturing their success to advance the field and lead our community in the future. I recall my first presentation at an ECS meeting—it was in Boston and the session chair, Zoltan Nagy, telephoned me before the meeting and welcomed me to ECS. At the meeting, José Giner introduced me. Dr. Nagy was already a well-known electroanalytical chemist and Dr. Giner was an accomplished electrochemical technologist. They invited me to join them and the other speakers of the day for dinner. This early exposure to ECS made me feel welcomed and valued and contributed significantly to my lifelong career in electrochemistry and service to the Society and its members. My goal is to continue this tradition of fostering the inclusion and assimilation of scientists and engineers into ECS, to help set them up for success in their respective fields, and to prepare them for service to our community. A related goal is to increase the diversity of people in our field. We all know that over the past four or more decades, solid state and electrochemistry science and electrochemical engineering have become more recognized


as fundamental to solving society’s major issues of energy, environment, water, food, information technology, and other areas. To solve these mega problems, we need to foster scientists and engineers from all genders, races, geographical locations, and age demographics. This requires programs not just for STEM recruitment, but also for nurturing younger ECS members to excel in their research and scholarship and into leadership positions that further advance the fields ECS represents. In my experience, ECS has a tradition of nurturing young scientists (see my first paragraph). Attending ECS meetings, one sees a broad range of ages with growing numbers of younger scientists and engineers and more gender diversity. The gender and geographical diversity of ECS leadership has also grown over the years and we have all benefited. But we could certainly be more intentional and strategic about how we expand this culture of inclusivity and make activities toward these goals more effective. For example, we have an international resource of potential mentors and mentees. ECS could be the way to connect them. At my core, I am an educator. Consequently, another goal of mine is to enhance the ECS mission through alternative and advanced education opportunities. Many scientists and engineers across all fields are incorporating solid state and electrochemical measurement methods and fundamental electron transfer insight into their research and development activities. ECS can serve this expanding community by providing resources for fundamental understanding of the underpinnings, experimental techniques, modeling, and theory. ECS journals now have perspectives and methods papers written by experts. Interface includes articles that summarize important fields. ECS meetings offer courses, and our technical divisions offer tutorial symposia. These activities should continue to be fostered and expanded. In addition, electrochemical researchers have historically had a culture of transforming fundamentals into processes and devices. Many of our members have created new companies and are leaders of small and large companies. Looking for ways to connect this expertise into our ECS culture through mentorship and education will benefit all our members and society at large. I had the opportunity to be Director of the Yeager Center for Electrochemistry, Dean of the Case School of Engineering, and to lead several research centers involving multiple faculty and disciplines supported by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), ARPA-E, and DOE-BES (Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences). Through these leadership positions, I have come to appreciate that there are many smart people with good ideas. I will be attentive to them for better ways to meet our mission and achieve our goals. I will work with our leadership structure and bylaws to implement new and continuing

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

initiatives. Being Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society over the past 10 years has also taught me that there is often more than one side to a story, and that ethics and cultures may be different in various populations. My commitment is to try to understand all the perspectives and opinions of the ECS membership. I ask you for your vote. The role of ECS Third Vice President is certainly not a stepping-stone for me to something else and I will be honored to serve ECS and its members in this way. Gessie Brisard (continued from page 9)

Committee, Interface Advisory Board, and Institutional Engagement Committee, among others. She has also chaired the ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division and has served in various positions on the ECS Board of Directors, including as Treasurer from 2018 to 2022.

Candidacy Statement

I am sincerely honored and deeply touched to be nominated for the position of Secretary. I am delighted to be considered for this important electrochemistry and solid state technology professional society’s

executive committee. ECS has been a significant part of my life for more than 35 years! I have seen where ECS came from and where it is going, and I am willing to continue being engaged, more than ever, as a volunteer. As ECS Secretary, I will assume responsibility for ensuring that the organization advances the Society’s mission, so it continues to maintain its pivotal role in the members’ professional lives. I will be fully dedicated to and participate in the work and discussions regarding, among other things, Individual Membership Committee issues as well as Education Committee decisions where I believe I can make a difference as an executive member. Personally, I especially want to work for students and open opportunities for them. As Secretary, I will make all the efforts in my power to support and encourage all members’ activities and pay special attention to the student level, to ensure that the Society continues to sponsor highprofile research dissemination and sustain the healthy involvement and participation of our students. As Secretary, I will be a respectful member of the ECS Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and as requested, report on all Society activities and assist

downloads per article

Jessica E. Koehne (continued from page 9)

important part of my development and my career. I wish to continue my service to grow the ECS community, from the diversity of the science to the diversity of its members. I am truly honored to be a candidate for ECS Secretary. If elected, I will continue my service to ECS to promote all members and work to grow the Society.


Average of


the Executive Director and staff members achieve the Society’s objectives. I realize that participating on an ECS committee is an important responsibility, and I am fully committed to again being part of it. I will take my role of guidance and oversight seriously. I pledge to work with you, my fellow members of the Society, as I did as Treasurer, to ensure that we value diversity within the Society and, as responsible scientists, secure the organization’s future by promoting partnership and collaboration. I hope you will give me your vote of confidence and support. I repeat my pledge to you: ECS has been driven by committed individuals for more than 120 years, and as Secretary, it will be my honor to continue that tradition.

Average of



Sensors Plus


>1,000 downloads per article


120+ YEARS >3



2022 Impact Factor


2022 Impact Factor


ECS Journal of The Electrochemical Society


ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology


LEGACY publications

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Highlights of the 244th ECS Meeting


G O T H E N B U R G , S W E D E N • October 8-12, 2023

rom October 8 to 12, 2023, the 244th ECS Meeting convened in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Society’s first meeting in Europe since fall 2009 coincided with the 400th anniversary of the city consistently ranked as the #1 most sustainable city in the world. With more than 3,400 attendees (3,383 registrants and 27 non-technical guests) representing 64 countries, the 244th ECS Meeting was the largest meeting in the Society’s 121-year history (other than PRiME). The meeting encompassed 48 symposia with 462 sessions. A total of 3,442 abstracts (including 1,474 abstracts by European authors) were accepted, along with 2,427 oral talks and 763 posters. Student abstracts numbered 1,381. The meeting featured 505 invited talks and 37 ECS award and keynote talks. Recordings of the ECS Awards and Recognition Ceremony and Plenary Presentation are available on the ECS YouTube Channel.

ECS Members Reception

244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023

More than 400 ECS members came together for the ECS Members Reception. The sold-out event preceded Sunday evening’s Opening Reception. Old and new colleagues networked while enjoying a raffle, food, and open bar. These ECS members received prize giveaways as part of attending the event: • 5-night Hotel Stay, PRiME 2024: Serhiy Cherevko, Forschungszentrum Jülich Gmbh • ECS Lifetime Membership: Thomas George, Harvard University • 245th ECS Meeting Registration: Leah Rynearson, University of Rhode Island • $250 Amazon Gift Card: James Noël, Western University • $250 Amazon Gift Card: Peter Ngene, Universiteit Utrecht The popular ECS Members Reception is scheduled again for the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco.

ECS members enjoy the sold-out ECS Members Reception, networking amidst raffles, delicious food, and drinks. All photo courtesy: Marie Ullnert, Happy Visual

Opening Reception

The City of Gothenburg hosted the Opening Reception of the 244th ECS Meeting, with more than 1,000 meeting attendees enjoying food and drinks. At 2000h, President Gerri Botte added a dynamic component to the event with Dance Vida instructors Fabian and Livia providing a lively salsa demonstration. Then Gerri invited everyone to join in for salsa lessons. She and her husband led the way!

The City of Gothenburg hosted the 244th ECS Meeting Opening Reception, including a salsa demonstration and lessons. 12

ECS Awards and Recognition Highlights

Christopher J. Jannuzzi, ECS CEO and Executive Director, delivered the meeting’s opening remarks. He welcomed event participants attending in person and via video stream to the 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden— the first in Europe in 10 years and the largest meeting, apart from PRiME, that the Society has hosted in its 121-year legacy. Chris expressed ECS CEO and Executive the Society’s gratitude to the city of Director Christopher J. Gothenburg, celebrating its 400th Jannuzzi opens the meeting. year in 2023. Aslan Akbas, Lord Mayor of the City of Gothenburg, warmly welcomed participants and showed a short video on the city’s sustainability initiatives and vision for the future. Chris gave an overview of the week ahead and thanked general meeting sponsors, symposia sponsors, exhibitors, meeting attendees, digital participants, volunteers, and staff. He noted the critical support provided by ECS divisions and sections through their travel funding programs for students and early career attendees. ECS President Gerardine (Gerri) Botte took the floor, welcoming attendees and digital participants to the fourth in-person meeting since the pandemic, and thanking meeting supporters, attendees, and staff. She expressed gratitude to immediate Past President, Turgut Gür, for his fierce, unwavering, and inspirational dedication to advancing the Society’s mission. Gerri described “ECS Toward Sustainability,” a vision for the Society to build on its past and recent successes to inspire a broader awareness and understanding of electrochemical technologies’ critical role in solving the grand challenges facing humanity and the planet. She has launched two initiatives to move the Society in that direction. The ECS Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability is working on charting ECS’s course to becoming the leading organization creating and disseminating critical scientific content on sustainability. The ECS Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Engagement (DEIE) will recommend mechanisms for ensuring DEIE representation in Society governance; create a grant and recognition program to engage students, faculty, postdocs, and researchers from Minority Serving Institutions and/or from groups traditionally underrepresented within ECS; and recommend mechanisms for increasing DEIE within the Society. Gerri then discussed her plan to travel to Latin American immediately after the meeting to expand the Society’s presence in Central and Latin America. She stressed the importance of growing the ECS Student Chapter program to nurture the field’s next generation of leaders and encouraged participants to form chapters if they don’t already Technical Advisor Jean exist in their institutions. St-Pierre accepts the 2023 Gerri then opened the Awards Leadership Circle Award on and Recognition Ceremony behalf of Cummins, Inc. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

celebrating the achievements of today’s greatest researchers in electrochemistry and solid state science. She presented the 2023 Leadership Circle Award to Cummins, Inc. for their five years of institutional membership. The award was accepted by Jean St-Pierre, Technical Advisor at Cummins. Gerri introduced ECS Senior Vice President Colm O’Dwyer, who recognized the following past ECS division chairs: • Paul Gannon, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes Division Past Chair (2019–2021) • Jennifer Hite, Electronics & Photonics Division Past Chair (2021–2022) • James Noël, Corrosion Division Past Chair (2020–2022)

Class of 2023 Fellows of The Electrochemical Society

ECS President Gerardine (Gerri) Botte recognizes past ECS division chairs (from left to right) James Noël, Jennifer Hite, and Paul Gannon.

Colm then introduced the Fellows of The Electrochemical Society, acknowledging fellows from 2021 (who had not been publicly introduced due to the pandemic) and 2023:

2021 Fellows of The Electrochemical Society

• Shekhar Bhansali, Florida International University, for his pioneering contributions in areas of electrochemical sensors and service to the Society. • Rosa Palacín, Institut de Ciència dels Materials de Barcelona, for outstanding and impacting contributions to Liion, Na-ion batteries, and Ca batteries, and for service to the Society.

The Society acknowledged members of previous classes of Fellows who had not been recognized at meetings due to the pandemic. President Gerri Botte (center) congratulates members of the 2021 Class of ECS Fellows Shekhar Bhansali (left) and Rosa Palacín (right).

• Jeffrey Blackburn, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, for contributions to redox chemistry, charge transfer and transport, and dynamic (photo)electrochemical processes in single-walled carbon nanotubes and other low-dimensional materials. • Teruhisa Horita, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, for significant contributions to solid oxide fuel cell research and development, and service to ECS and the electrochemistry community. • Po-Tsun Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, for significant contributions to technical advances in electronics and optoelectronics, including novel semiconductor materials. • Robert Mantz, United States Army Research Office, for outstanding contributions to the Society and his great impact on the electrochemical community through his own fundamental research and fostering and funding of other scientists’ research. • John Muldoon, Toyota Research Institute of North America, for pioneering work in beyond-lithium-ion batteries, including the creation of novel electrolytes and cathode materials for multivalent and lithium sulfur systems. • Mikael Östling, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, for seminal contributions to semiconductor device technology and entrepreneurship. • Bryan Pivovar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, for technical contributions in the areas of fuel cells and electrolyzers, and global leadership in the promotion and adoption of hydrogen as a carbon-free energy carrier. • Minhua Shao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, for outstanding achievements in fundamental understanding in electrocatalysis and material design and synthesis for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. • Peter Strasser, Technische Universität Berlin, for formative contributions to the science of oxygen electrocatalysis and to our mechanistic understanding of the catalytic CO2 electroreduction. • Alice Suroviec, Berry College, for outstanding contributions to the Society, teaching, and research, as well as developing exciting new professional development opportunities. • Bilge Yildiz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for outstanding contributions to understanding and controlling ionic defects, charge transport, and catalysis at electro-chemomechanically coupled oxide interfaces. (The following 2023 Fellows were not present at the award ceremony: Martin Bazant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ajit Khosla, Xidian University and Yamagata University; Nazario Martín, University Complutense and IMDEA-Nanoscience Institute; and Chunsheng Wang, University of Maryland). (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023

ECS welcomes the 2023 Class of Fellows of The Electrochemistry Society.

(continued from previous page)

244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023

Gerri returned to the podium to present the 2023–2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowships to Yuzhang Li, University of California, Los Angeles and Yaocai Bai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (who was not present to receive the award). Gerri noted that with this year’s two recipients, the ECS-Toyota partnership has now provided over $1.54 million to support young professionals and scholars. The 2021 ECS Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science was President Botte presents the 2023awarded to Marc Koper 2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator of the Leiden Institute of Fellowship to Yuzhang Li, University of Physics for his contribuCalifornia, Los Angeles. tions to tackling fundamental problems in surface electrochemistry and electrocatalysis. The award, named in honor of Allen J. Bard, was established in 2013 to recognize distinguished contributions to electrochemical science. (Prof. Koper gave his award talk, “Electrochemistry of Platinum: New Views on an Old Problem” at the digital 239th ECS Meeting in June of 2021). The 2023 ECS Carl Wagner Memorial Award was presented to Peter Strasser of the Technische Marc Koper, Leiden Institute of Physics, Universität Berlin for his accepts the 2021 ECS Allen J. Bard formative contributions Award in Electrochemical Science from to the science of oxygen ECS President Gerardine (Gerri) Botte. electrocatalysis. The award was established in 1980 to recognize mid-career achievement, excellence in research areas of interest of the Society, and significant contributions in the teaching or guidance of students or colleagues in education, industry, or government. It commemorates Carl Wagner, a dedicated teacher who made vital technical contributions in all areas of the Society’s interest. Prof. Strasser’s award talk, “Free Electrons to Peter Strasser, Technische Universität Molecular Bonds and Berlin, receives the 2023 ECS Carl Back—The Dark Side of Wagner Memorial Award from ECS Solar Fuels and ChemiPresident Gerardine (Gerri) Botte. cals,” reported on examples of advances in the design and understanding of electrocatalytic materials, interfaces, and mechanisms relevant to the conversion of electricity into energy or value-added molecular compounds. The experimental approaches covered ranged from in situ/operando spectroscopic, microscopic, scattering, and spectrometric techniques at the microscale to new diagnostic tools and analyses of mass transport at the macroscopic device level. Examples included the generation and use of green hydrogen and the conversion of CO2. 14

The 2023 Olin Palladium Award was presented to Jeff R. Dahn of Dalhousie University for his enduring contributions to lithium and lithiumion battery science and technology, and advancement of all aspects of battery development. The Olin Palladium Award was established in 1950 for distinguished contributions to the field of electrochemical or ECS President Gerardine (Gerri) Botte corrosion science. presents the 2023 Olin Palladium Award Prof. Dahn’s award talk, “Our Path to Long to Jeff R. Dahn, Dalhousie University Lifetime Li-ion and Na-ion Cells,” described how a discussion with a graduate student about contributing to the development of Li-ion batteries with decades of lifetime led to the development of ultrahigh precision coulometry, battery isothermal microcalorimetry (with 3M collaborators), in situ volume measurements of gas generation and electrode stack growth, and other tools. Results from these tools point the way to chemistries that can deliver long lifetimes. Prof. Dahn gave examples that show the value of these tools although, in the end, there is really no way to be absolutely certain about long lifetime other than by testing for years and years, even at elevated temperatures. Dahn shared results suggesting that lifetimes of over 50 years can be obtained for Li-ion cells and are simple to make.

ECS Plenary Lecture

Gerri introduced and highlighted the career accomplishments of Zhenan Bao, K. K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of the Wearable Electronics Initiative at Stanford University, who presented the 244th ECS Meeting Plenary Lecture, a highlight of all ECS meetings. Prof. Bao delivered the 244th ECS Meeting Lecture, “Skin-inspired Materials for Sensing, Soft Integrated Circuits, and Next Generation Batteries,” She explained how skin, this conformable, stretchable, self-healable, and biodegradable material, simultaneously collects signals from external stimuli that translate into information on pressure, pain, and temperature. Developing electronic President Botte takes the stage at the materials inspired by Plenary Session to introduce the ECS skin’s complexity is a Lecture speaker Zhenan Bao, K. K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering and tremendous, unrealized Director of the Wearable Electronics materials challenge. Over Initiative, Stanford University. the past decade, materials design concepts have been developed to add skin-like functions to organic electronic materials and carbon nanomaterials with enhanced electronic properties. The fundamental understanding of molecular design and electronic structure tuning has allowed the development of soft electrochemical sensors for selective and sensitive sensing of neurochemicals in the brain and guts and high-density large-scale soft and stretchable integrated circuits. This molecular design thinking has expanded to develop skin-inspired polymers for more stable operation of lithium metal-based batteries and wearable stretchable batteries. ECS Senior Vice President Colm O’Dwyer then moderated a question-and-answer period with Dr. Bao. In conclusion, attendees The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

were encouraged to visit the Exhibit Hall and participate in the 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden; submit abstracts for the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco; and to join ECS for PRiME 2024 in Honolulu in October 2024.

Division, Section, & Student Awards

Fourteen division awards (including three student awards) and one section award were presented. Learn more about the award winners in the online meeting program.

Division Awards

Section Award

• 2023 Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award: Patrik Schmuki

244th Z01—General Student Poster Session Award

A total of 169 posters were submitted to the General Student Poster Session. The session’s award winners are: 1st Prize ($1,500) Gianmarco Gabrieli, IBM Research Europe, “Accelerated Estimation of Chemical and Sensory Liquid Attributes Using an AI-Assisted Electrochemical Electronic Tongue” 2nd Prize ($1,000) Amina Lahrichi, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, “Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance through Alkaline-Earth Metal Doped Fe-Rich Nano Dry-Petals: A CostEffective and Eco-Friendly Electrocatalyst Approach” 3rd Prize ($500) Ho Lun Chan, University of Virginia, “Corrosion Electrochemistry in Molten FLiNaK Salts”

244th Z01 General Student Poster Session Award Winners (from left to right): Gianmarco Gabrieli, Amina Lahrichi, and Ho Lun Chan.

ECS thanks the Society members who served as reviewers for the 244th ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session. In-person judges: • Samantha Gateman, Western University • Damilola A. Daramola, Northwestern University • Jefferey Halpern, University of New Hampshire Virtual judges: • Marco Bettinelli, Università degli Studi di Verona • Venkata Bhuvaneswari, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology • Steffen Emge, Umicore • John Flake, Louisiana State University • Joshua Gallaway, Northeastern University • Paul Gannon, Montana State University • David Hall, Universitetet i Stavanger • David Hickey, Michigan State University • Massimo Innocenti, Università degli Studi di Firenze • Mohammad Khan, Silicon Austria Labs GmbH • Cortney Kreller, Los Alamos National Laboratory • Leah Rynearson, University of Rhode Island • Neelakandan Santhosh, Jožef Stefan Institute • Eiji Tada, Tokyo Institute of Technology • Natasa Vasiljevic, University of Bristol • Sandamal Witharamage, North Carolina State University • Hui Xu, Envision Energy USA ECS thanks Alice Suroviec for serving as the Z01 General Student Poster Awards symposium organizer.

Symposia Best Presentation and Poster Awards

Some 244th ECS Meeting symposia presented much-appreciated awards for best posters, presentations, and papers. The symposia organizers thank the sponsors who generously supported these awards.

A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

Best Poster Awards sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories 1st Place ($500) Edvin Andersson, Uppsala Universitet 2nd Place ($300) Simone Martellone, Politecnico di Torino 3rd Place ($200) Yolande Murat, CEA-LETI (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023

• 2023 Battery Division Early Career Award Sponsored by Neware Technology Limited: Zheng Chen, University of California, San Diego • 2023 Battery Division Early Career Award Sponsored by Neware Technology Limited: Matthew McDowell, Georgia Institute of Technology • 2023 Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation: David Reber, Eidgenössische Materialprüfungsund Forschungsanstalt (Empa) • 2023 Battery Division Research Award: Y. Shirley Meng, University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory • 2023 Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development: Gustavo Hobold, Massachusetts Institute of Technology • 2023 Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development: KyuJung Jun, University of California, Berkeley • 2023 Battery Division Technology Award: John Muldoon, Toyota Research Institute of North America • 2023 Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award: Sannakaisa Virtanen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ErlangenNürnberg • 2023 Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award: Sanjay Choudhary, University of Virginia • 2023 Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence: Rajeev Gupta, North Carolina State University • 2023 Electrodeposition Division Research Award: Rohan Akolkar, Case Western Reserve University • 2023 Electrodeposition Division Research Award, Massimo Innocenti, Università degli Studi di Firenze • 2023 Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology: Peter Pintauro, Vanderbilt University • 2023 High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award: Chuancheng Duan, Kansas State University

(continued from previous page)

A05—Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage: Theory Meets Experiment Two Best Posters sponsored by Elsevier LTD and the American Physical Society Physical Review Journals

Best Poster ($300) Robin Lundström, Uppsala Universitet Best Poster ($300) Constantin Schwetlick, Universität Ulm

A07—Interplay between Temperature and Battery Phenomenon

I06—Crosscutting Materials Innovation for Transformational Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Conversion Technologies 5 Best Student Poster Award sponsored by ACS Applied Energy Materials ($300).

Davide Molino, Politecnico di Torino

ECS Exhibit Booth Raffle

Three lucky visitors to the ECS Exhibit Booth won raffle prizes: • Free meeting registration: Thomas Merzdorf, TU Berlin • ECS Life Membership: Jagabandhu Patra, National Cheng Kung University • ECS Monograph: Peng Yan, Forschungszentrum Jülich

243rd ECS MEETING with SOFC-XVIII • BOSTON, MA • May 28–June 2, 2023

Three Best Presentations, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research Best Presentation ($1,000) Lisa Cloos, Technische Universität Karlsruhe Best Presentation ($1,000) Kelsey A. Cavallaro, Georgia Institute of Technology Best Presentation ($1,000) Bret Schumacher, Columbia University

H02—Semiconductor Wafer Bonding: Science, Technology, and Applications 17

Best Paper Awards sponsored by Partow Technologies, LLC; EV Group; PVA TePla Analytical Systems GmbH; and Screen Holdings Co., Ltd. Best Paper ($500) Karine Abadie, CEA-LETI Best Paper ($500) Miyuki Auomoto, Tohoku University Best Student Paper ($500) Margaux Dautriat, CEA-LETI Best Student Paper ($500) Hikaru Iemura, Tohoku University

H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 16

Meeting attendees stop by the ECS Booth to try their luck in the ECS raffle.

Student Mixer

More than 250 students and early career professionals attended the sold-out Student Mixer. All the attendees received t-shirts and mingled in a relaxed setting, enjoying light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments. Special thanks to Pine Research Instrumentation for sponsoring the event.

Best Poster Awards sponsored by the ECS Electronics and Photonics Division

1st Place ($200) Chia-Chen Chung, National Tsing Hua University 2nd Place ($150) Wendian Yao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 3rd Place ($150) Yu-Ching Chen, National Tsing Hua University

I01—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers 23 Best Poster Awards sponsored by the Office of Naval Research

1st Place ($1,500) Hironori Nakajima, Kyushu University 2nd Place ($1,000) Taise Miyata, Doshisha University

Student attendees enjoy the bustling ambiance of the sold-out Student Mixer, a perfect atmosphere for reconnecting with old friends and making new ones!

3rd Place ($500) Sorataka Yoshikawa, Doshisha University Honorable Mention ($480) Kojiro Sanami, Kyushu University Honorable Mention ($480) Robert Anton, University of California, Irvine Honorable Mention ($480) Oskar Boström, Lunds Universitet 16

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Fall 2023 •

It Could be Verse, an Evening of Poetry and Song

Noel Buckley and Petr Vanysek hosted an enjoyable evening of poetry and song, a novel and light-hearted feature of the meeting. “It Could be Verse” featured ECS scientists and guests displaying their artistic sides. The program’s selection of poetry and songs in some 14 different languages reflected the ECS community’s diversity. Poems ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime, “Jabberwocky” (Rob Weatherup) to The Aeneid (Noel), resounded around the room. Stephen Paddison’s wonderful rendition of “The Cremation of Sam Magee” evoked images of the Klondike. Shuang Ma Andersen brought the audience to ancient China as she recounted the heroine Mulan’s exploits in Chinese. The ECS leadership team was well represented. President Gerri Botte led the charge with a

Z03—Young Researchers in Europe

Meeting participants contribute to “It Could be Verse,” an evening of poetry and song.

This unique symposium provided early-career European researchers with the opportunity to share their findings and network with other regional scientists. The symposium included invited talks and three-minute elevator pitches given by authors. Time was provided between presentations for networking. It was particularly helpful to learn about calls for research grants, especially those requiring teams from several countries. The symposium was organized by Noel Buckley, University of Limerick; Ingrid Milošev, Jožef Stefan Institute; and Petr Vanysek, Brno Technical University.

Sponsors and Exhibitors

ECS applauds the meeting sponsors and exhibitors whose support and participation contributed directly to the meeting’s success. Thank you for developing the tools and equipment driving scientific advancement, sharing your innovations with the electrochemical and solid state communities, and providing generous support for the 244th ECS Meeting!

244th ECS Meeting – General Meeting Sponsors

(continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023

beautiful poem in Spanish; Secretary Marca Doeff had our spirits soaring with Emily Dickinson’s “Hope”; and Treasurer Elizabeth Podlaha poked gentle fun with her own poem, “Musings of an ECS Treasurer.” Others also contributed their own original poems: Balasubramaniam Meichandiran on the mysteries of a woman’s heart in his native Tamil; Michael Andreozzi celebrating retirement; Rajesh Jethwa’s imaginative poem “Mirror”; Anna Olsen’s gentle haiku, “Breathe”; and Fred Roozeboom’s boisterous limericks. The rapt audience heard poems recited in the speakers’ native languages: Petr in Czech, Vladyslav Mishyn in Ukranian, Patrik Johansson in Swedish, Pau Farràs in Catalan, Amedeo Grimaldi in Neapolitan Italian, Mikhail Gorbunov in Russian, Sanaz Banifarsi in Farsi, and Maria Alhajji in Arabic. Songs complemented the poems with Melody Buckley’s haunting rendition of “Danny Boy,” Chao Zhang’s wonderful Chinese classic, Gözde Kabay’s beautiful song in Turkish, and the sweet cadences of Carmen Lopez’s songs in Spanish and English. Johna Leddy was present in spirit as Noel recited her favorite Lewis Carroll poem. Additional spontaneous contributions from the audience rounded off an inspirational evening.

(continued from previous page)

244th ECS Meeting – Exhibitors Thank you to our exhibitors!

244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023

244th ECS Meeting – Symposia Sponsors

Thank you to the 244th ECS Meeting symposium sponsors!


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •




countries represented

total abstracts

oral talks







abstracts by European authors



invited talks

ECS award & keynote talks


ECS student abstracts



student posters

oral student talks

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


244th ECS MEETING • GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN • October 8-12, 2023



SOCIET Y NEWS (continued from previous page)


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Editorial Board Updates Winter 2023 Appointments and Reappointments

Michael Adachi Reappointed Associate Editor, Sensors Plus for the term November 12, 2023 – November 11, 2024

Itthipon Jeerapan Initial appointment as Associate Editor for ECS Sensors Plus for the term July 17, 2023 – July 16, 2024

Doron Aurbach Reappointed Technical Editor for the Journal of the Electrochemical Society Battery and Energy Storage Topical Interest Area (TIA) for the term January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026

Yue Qi Initial appointment as Associate Editor of the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology for the term September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024

Vishal Chaudhary Initial appointment as Associate Editor for ECS Sensors Plus for the term July 17, 2023 – July 16, 2023

Taylor Garrick Initial appointment as Associate Editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Engineering TIA for the term October 16, 2023 – October 15, 2025

Minhua Shao Initial appointment as Technical Editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion TIA for the term August 15, 2023 – August 14, 2026

Pratima Solanki Reappointment as Associate Editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Sensors TIA for the term March 1, 2024 – February 28, 2027 Sanna Virtanen Reappointment as Technical Editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society Corrosion TIA for the term January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026 Sheng-Joue Young Reappointment as Associate Editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Sensors TIA for the term March 1, 2024 – February 28, 2027

Thank You to Our Departing Board Members The Electrochemical Society wishes to express its gratitude to the Editorial Board members whose service on the Joint Journal Editorial Board ended in 2023. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to ECS and its mission to advance scientific discovery. We wish you the best in your future endeavors. John Harb Technical Editor Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) May 1, 2018 – June 30, 2023

Stephen Maldonado Associate Editor Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2023

Paul Maggard Associate Editor ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) February 19, 2021 – August 15, 2023

Kailash Mishra Technical Editor ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2023

Xiao-Dong Zhou Technical Editor Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) January 1, 2020 – September 15, 2023

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



ECS Board of Directors Report The ECS Board of Directors held its fall gathering on Thursday, October 12, 2023, in conjunction with 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, October 8–12. ECS President Gerardine Botte called the Board to order and kicked off the meeting by thanking the members for their continued leadership, support, and dedication. She also reiterated the Society’s commitment to advancing electrochemical and solid state science for the betterment of humanity, outlining several key initiatives, including launching presidential ad hoc committees on sustainability and diversity. ECS Secretary Marca Doeff then presented the previous board meeting’s minutes and had the pleasure of announcing newly elected board members Luca Magagnin, Electrodeposition Division Chair; Cortney R. Kreller, High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Chair; and Eugeniusz Zych, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Chair. Their two-year terms began immediately following the board meeting in Gothenburg and end in October 2025. Congratulations and best of luck to our newly elected board members! Following the Secretary’s report, ECS Treasurer Elizabeth (Lisa) Podlaha-Murphy discussed the state of ECS’s finances, noting a rebound in ECS’s investment portfolio and that projections for revenue and expenses were far better than initially budgeted for the 2023 year. Although a deficit is still predicted (owing to major investments for new journals and educational offerings), strong meeting and publications revenue has significantly reduced that deficit. Lisa next presented the 2024 budget, which the Board unanimously approved. She concluded her report with an update on the project to streamline and simplify the division funding plan, emphasizing how division input is being sought at every stage of this effort, including final approval of the updated plan, which will not be voted upon until 2024. Institutional Engagement Committee Chair Alex Peroff reported next, noting that Institutional Membership remains at an all-time high. In addition, he thanked the committee and staff for their efforts in creating a robust and exciting exhibition floor for the 244th ECS Meeting, highlighting the growth in this area and the increasingly

important role industry plays in the life and work of the Society. Next, Director of Community Engagement Shannon Reed reported on ECS membership for Individual Membership Committee Chair E. Jennings (EJ) Taylor, who was unable to attend the meeting. Shannon reported that with over 8,000 members, ECS membership is now higher than it was prior to the pandemic. This growth is largely due to student members, which now total nearly 2,000. Shannon also reported on the project to create benefits for the engaged but nondues-paying members of the larger ECS community. It is anticipated that the Board will vote on these ECS membership structure changes in 2024. Last, Shannon presented the following new student chapters for Board approval, bringing the total to nearly 140 chapters around the world: • Central Electrochemical Research Institute, India • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore • North Carolina State University, US • Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea • Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México ECS Vice President and Technical Affairs Committee (TAC) Chair Colm O’Dwyer reported next and brought forward several major motions. The first was the decision to sunset ECS Transactions (ECST) following the PRiME 2024 meeting. The Board took great care to discuss this item at length, stressing the importance of finding an alternative vehicle for publishing conference proceedings in lieu of ECST, and ensuring that this decision would not negatively impact those divisions that rely on funding from ECST issues. Colm also presented a motion to hold the spring 2027 meeting in Singapore, pending successful contract negotiations. The Board approved both the ECST and Singapore motions. The TAC report concluded with TAC member and Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee Chair Jennifer Hite discussing the subcommittee’s interest in creating meeting symposia at the intersection of ECS’s solid state and electrochemical technical areas, especially around topics of sustainability and/or the conversion to EV-based transportation. The meeting concluded with reports by Education Chair Alice Suroviec, by Audit Committee Chair Turgut Gür, and by ECS Executive Director & CEO Chris Jannuzzi, who presented the Honors and Awards (H&A) Committee report for H&A Chair Adam Weber, who was unable to attend. Last, a motion to close the meeting was made, seconded, and unanimously approved. The Board will reconvene in March 2024 for the winter Board of Directors teleconference.

Read Online Now! ECS Sensors Plus is a one-stop shop journal for sensors. Gold Open Access. Read and publish for free in 2024 LEARN MORE 22

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Publications Update 2023 and Me by Adrian Plummer, MPA, PMP, Director of Publications It’s hard to believe that we are already preparing to close out calendar year 2023! Thinking back, I was just as shocked at how quickly 2022 came and went. 2023 started off with many concerns for the future in an everchanging publications industry landscape; the US Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memo increased fear of the unknown. But, as usual, our ECS publications portfolio editors’ and leaders’ dedication, commitment, and labor of love allow ECS to continue fulfilling its mission to be a leader in disseminating electrochemistry and solid state science research and advancing discovery. Our digital library continues carrying record-

breaking download and readership metrics. We continue seeing an increase in the volume of open-access articles. We are bringing down barriers to open-access publications through our partnership with IOP and transformative agreement models. And we continue to engage new reviewers who are committed to the ECS mission and equipped with the ECS & IOP Peer Review Excellence training and certification warranted by such a heavy call and duty. The end of a calendar year typically aligns with a period of reflection and, most importantly, gratitude. The ECS publications operations staff is immensely grateful for our editors’, authors’, peer reviewers’, and every member of the ECS solid state science and electrochemistry community’s hard work, effort, and continued support and advancement of ECS’s mission. In the coming year, we look forward to our new journals, ECS Advances and ECS Sensors Plus, earning their space and indexing in the Web of Science; honoring and recognizing our most active and dedicated peer reviewers via our Peer Review Excellence Recognition Program; and, of course, another year of advancing and accelerating scientific discovery.


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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



Staff News Meet ECS’s New Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications Fern Oram joined ECS in October as Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications. Fern is a strategic marketing, content, and communications leader with extensive knowledge and experience leveraging these skills to surpass organizational goals. An alumna of the University of Pittsburgh, her employment in both the for-profit and the nonprofit arenas gives her a unique perspective on attracting audiences, nurturing conversation and other interactions, building loyalty, and delivering value. In 2016, Fern was named a Trending 40 Association and Non-Profit Innovator. Most recently, she worked with the American College of Rheumatology and the American Society for Microbiology. As Christopher J. Jannuzzi, ECS Executive Director and CEO, says, “The need for this position is testament to our collective success at growing the community and advancing the mission. Our marketing

and communications needs have expanded beyond what we can handle with our current team, hence we created this position to meet that increasing demand. It is a good problem to have!” Shannon Reed, Director of Community Engagement, seconds the sentiment, “We cannot be more excited to have Fern join us, and we look forward to leveraging Fern’s expertise in content strategy, product development, brand management, and publishing.” In her role as Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications, Fern will supervise the Graphic Design & Print Production Manager, Digital Engagement & Marketing Specialist, and contracted vendors related to the role’s responsibilities. She explains, “ECS is on such an amazing trajectory in advancing science and technology—joining this community was an invitation I couldn’t refuse! Looking at how we can tell the ECS story, in all its iterations and to all our constituents, and shining the light on the intersections of the ECS brand and value with the ECS vision and mission is where I’ll be spending my time.”

UPCOMING ECS SPONSORED MEETINGS ECS, its divisions, and its sections sponsor meetings and symposia of interest to the technical audience ECS serves—in addition to regular ECS biannual meetings and satellite conferences. Here is a partial list of upcoming sponsored meetings; a complete list is on the ECS website.


2024 Electrochemistry Gordon Research Conference January 7–12, 2024 | Ventura, California, US Four Points Sheraton 8th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference: Finding New Inspiration 2 (BEChem 2024) April 14–17, 2024 | Tartu, Estonia University of Tartu


19th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIX) July 13–18, 2025 | Stockholm, Sweden The Brewery Conference Center

a free preprint service for electrochemistry and solid state science and technology 24

For information on the benefits of ECS meeting sponsorship (including publishing sponsored meetings’ proceedings volumes) or to request ECS sponsorship for your technical event, contact

powered by OSF Preprints The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


ECS Division Contacts Battery

High-Temperature Energy, Materials, and Processes

Brett Lucht, Chair University of Rhode Island

Cortney Kreller, Chair Los Alamos National Laboratory

Jie Xiao, Vice Chair Jagjit Nanda, Secretary Xiaolin Li, Treasurer Doron Aurbach, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Xingbo Liu, Vice Chair Teruhisa Horita, Junior Vice Chair Dong Ding, Secretary/Treasurer Minhua Shao, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Dev Chidambaram, Chair University of Nevada Reno

Maria Inman, Chair Faraday Technology, Inc.

Eiji Tada, Vice Chair Rebecca Schaller, Secretary/Treasurer Sannakaisa Virtanen, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Paul J. A. Kenis, Vice Chair Elizabeth Biddinger, Secretary/Treasurer Paul J. A. Kenis, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Dielectric Science and Technology

Luminescence and Display Materials

Uroš Cvelbar, Chair Jožef Stefan Institute

Eugeniusz Zych, Chair Uniwersytet Wrokławski

Sreeram Vaddiraju, Vice Chair Zhi David Chen, Secretary Thorsten Lill, Treasurer Peter Mascher, Journals Editorial Board Representative

Marco Bettinelli, Secretary/Treasurer Won Bin Im, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Luca Magagnin, Chair Politecnico di Milano Andreas Bund, Vice Chair Rohan Akolkar, Secretary Adriana Ispas, Treasurer Takayuki Homma, Journals Editorial Board Representative Electronics and Photonics

Qiliang Li, Chair George Mason University Vidhya Chakrapani, Vice Chair Zia Karim, 2nd Vice Chair Helmut Baumgart, Secretary Travis Anderson, Treasurer Khanna Aniruddh Jagdish, Journals Editorial Board Representative Fan Ren, Journals Editorial Board Representative Energy Technology

Katherine Ayers, Chair Nel Hydrogen Minhua Shao, Vice Chair Hui Xu, Secretary Iryna Zenyuk, Treasurer Minhua Shao, Journals Editorial Board Representative


Jeff L. Blackburn, Chair National Renewable Energy Laboratory Ardemis Boghossian, Vice Chair Yan Li, Secretary Hiroshi Imahori, Treasurer Dirk Guldi, Journals Editorial Board Representative Organic and Biological Electrochemistry

Shelley Minteer, Chair NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry Jeffrey Halpern, 1st Vice Chair Sabine Kuss, 2nd Vice Chair Ariel Furst, Secretary/Treasurer Janine Mauzeroll, Journals Editorial Board Representative Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Stephen Paddison, Chair University of Tennessee, Knoxville Anne Co, Vice Chair Svitlana Pylypenko, Secretary Iwona Rutkowska, Treasurer David Cliffel, Journals Editorial Board Representative Sensor

Larry Nagahara, Chair Johns Hopkins University Praveen Kumar Sekhar, Vice Chair Dong-Joo Kim, Secretary Leyla Soleymani, Treasurer Netz Arroyo, Journals Editorial Board Representative Stefano Cinti, Journals Editorial Board Representative

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



2023-2024 ECS Committees Executive Committee of the Board of Directors Gerardine Botte, Chair.....................................................................................................President, Spring 2024 Colm O’Dwyer..................................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2024 James Fenton................................................................................................. Second Vice President, Spring 2024 Francis D’Souza................................................................................................. Third Vice President, Spring 2024 Marca Doeff..................................................................................................................... Secretary, Spring 2024 Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy...............................................................................................Treasurer, Spring 2026 Christopher Jannuzzi....................................................................... Executive Director, Term as Executive Director Audit Committee Turgut Gür, Chair.......................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2024 Gerardine Botte...............................................................................................................President, Spring 2024 Colm O’Dwyer..................................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2024 Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy ..............................................................................................Treasurer, Spring 2026 Robert Micek................................................................................... Nonprofit Financial Professional, Spring 2025 Education Committee Alice Suroviec, Chair........................................................................................................................ Spring 2025 Svitlana Pylypenko........................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Paul Gannon................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Stephen Maldonado....................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 David Hall........................................................................................................................................ Spring 2025 Wen Shen....................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Samantha Gateman........................................................................................................................ Spring 2026 Damilola Daramola......................................................................................................................... Spring 2027 Maureen Tang................................................................................................................................. Spring 2027 Mohammad Sabeti......................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Elif Selin Sahin................................................................................................................................ Spring 2025 Marca Doeff..................................................................................................................... Secretary, Spring 2024 E. Jennings (EJ) Taylor..........................................................Chair, Individual Membership Committee, Spring 2026 Ethical Standards Committee Turgut Gür, Chair ......................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2024 Peter Fedkiw................................................................................................................. Past Officer, Spring 2026 Esther Takeuchi ............................................................................................................ Past Officer, Spring 2024 Marca Doeff..................................................................................................................... Secretary, Spring 2024 Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy...............................................................................................Treasurer, Spring 2026 Finance Committee Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Chair ....................................................................................Treasurer, Spring 2026 Paul Kenis....................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Thorsten Lill..................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Dong Joo Kim................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Robert Micek................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Marca Doeff..................................................................................................................... Secretary, Spring 2024 Tim Gamberzky.............................................................................................Chief Operating Officer, Term as COO Honors and Awards Committee Adam Weber, Chair ........................................................................................................................ Spring 2027 Vimal Chaitanya............................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Mikhail Brik..................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Sabine Kuss..................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Alanah Fitch..................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Shigeo Maruyama........................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Jean St-Pierre.................................................................................................................................. Spring 2025 Andrew Hoff.................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Dev Chidambaram.......................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Y. Shirley Meng............................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Elizabeth Biddinger......................................................................................................................... Spring 2027 Wilson Chiu..................................................................................................................................... Spring 2027 Stanko Brankovic............................................................................................................................. Spring 2027 Thomas Thundat............................................................................................................................. Spring 2027 Gerardine Botte...............................................................................................................President, Spring 2024 Individual Membership Committee E. Jennings (EJ) Taylor, Chair ........................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Jingxu (Kent) Zheng......................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Uroš Cvelbar.................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 John Staser...................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Y. Shirley Meng............................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Shuthi T. Kumar Raj......................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Qizhi Liu.......................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Jiaxin Duan...................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Jedidian Adjetey Adjei...................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Alex Peroff.........................................................................Chair, Institutional Engagement Committee, Spring 2025 Marca Doeff..................................................................................................................... Secretary, Spring 2024 Institutional Engagement Committee Alex Peroff, Chair............................................................................................................................. Spring 2025 Hanping Ding.................................................................................................................................. Spring 2026 Hemanth Jagannathan..................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Vimal Chaitanya............................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Yuyan Shao...................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Christopher Beasley........................................................................................................................ Spring 2024 Karen Poe........................................................................................................................................ Spring 2024 Yoko Yamakoshi............................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Santosh Vijapur............................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Yaw Obeng...................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 E. Jennings (EJ) Taylor..........................................................Chair, Individual Membership Committee, Spring 2026 Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy...............................................................................................Treasurer, Spring 2026


Nominating Committee Turgut Gür , Chair......................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2024 D. Noel Buckley............................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Jessica Koehne................................................................................................................................. Spring 2024 John Staser...................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Francis D’Souza................................................................................................. Third Vice President, Spring 2024 Christopher Jannuzzi....................................................................... Executive Director, Term as Executive Director Technical Affairs Committee Colm O’Dwyer, Chair........................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2024 Gerardine Botte...............................................................................................................President, Spring 2024 Turgut Gür.................................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2024 Eric Wachsman.............................................................................. Second Immediate Past President, Spring 2024 Francis D’Souza..................................................................................Chair, Meetings Subcommittee, Spring 2024 James Fenton................................................................................ Chair, Publications Subcommittee, Spring 2024 Jennifer Hite..............................................................................................Chair, ISTS Subcommittee, Spring 2025 Christopher Jannuzzi....................................................................... Executive Director, Term as Executive Director Publications Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee James Fenton, Chair....................................................................................... Second Vice President, Spring 2024 Francis D’Souza, Vice Chair................................................................................ Third Vice President, Spring 2024 Krishnan Rajeshwar..........................................................................................................JSS Editor, 12/31/2024 Robert Savinell.................................................................................................................JES Editor, Spring 2024 Ajit Khosla......................................................................................................... ECS Sensors Plus Editor, Fall 2024 Robert Kelly............................................................................................................. Interface Editor, Spring 2025 Pawel Kulesza.................................................................................................................................. Spring 2024 Ahmet Kusoglu................................................................................................................................ Spring 2024 Chunsheng Wang............................................................................................................................ Spring 2025 Daniel Schwartz............................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Meetings Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee Francis D’Souza, Chair....................................................................................... Third Vice President, Spring 2024 James Fenton, Vice Chair................................................................................ Second Vice President, Spring 2024 Xiaolin Li.......................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Xingang Jin....................................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Peter Mascher................................................................................................................................. Spring 2025 Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee Jennifer Hite, Chair.......................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Alanah Fitch .................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Sreeram Vaddiraju.......................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Huyen Dinh..................................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Vidhya Chakrapani.......................................................................................................................... Spring 2026 Alok Srivastava................................................................................................................................. Spring 2024 Charuska Thameera Walgama......................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Rangachary Mukundan................................................................................................................... Spring 2024 Chockkalingam Karuppaiah............................................................................................................. Spring 2024 Christopher Johnson........................................................................................................................ Spring 2025 James Noël, .................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Greg Jackson................................................................................................................................... Spring 2025 Jeff L. Blackburn.............................................................................................................................. Spring 2025 Luca Magagnin................................................................................................................................ Spring 2025 Symposium Planning Advisory Board of the Technical Affairs Committee Francis D’Souza, Chair....................................................................................... Third Vice President, Spring 2024 Brett Lucht ..........................................................................................................Chair, Battery Division, Fall 2024 Dev Chidambaram.......................................................................................... Chair, Corrosion Division, Fall 2024 Larry Nagahara ................................................................................................... Chair, Sensor Division, Fall 2024 Qiliang Li..............................................................................Chair, Electronics and Photonics Division, Spring 2025 Kathryn Ayers................................................................................. Chair, Energy Technology Division, Spring 2025 Shelley Minteer................................................ Chair, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2025 Stephen Paddison............................................Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2025 Luca Magagnin..................................................................................... Chair, Electrodeposition Division, Fall 2025 Cortney Kreller…......................................Chair, High Temperature Energy, Materials & Processes Division, Fall 2025 Eugeniusz Zych......................................................... Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division, Fall 2025 Uroš Cvelbar..............................................................Chair, Dielectric Science and Technology Division, Spring 2024 Jeff L. Blackburn....................................................................................Chair, Nanocarbons Division, Spring 2024 Maria Inman....................... Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division, Spring 2024 Jennifer Hite.......................................... Chair, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, Spring 2025 Other Representatives Society Historian Roque Calvo................................................................................................................................ Spring 2024 American Association for the Advancement of Science Christopher Jannuzzi.............................................................................................. Term as Executive Director National Inventors Hall of Fame Adam Weber............................................................................Chair, Honors & Awards Committee, Spring 2027

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


New Division Officers Electronics and Photonics Division Chair Luca Magagnin, Politecnico di Milano Vice Chair Andreas Bund, Technische Universität Ilmenau Secretary Rohan Akolkar, Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences Treasurer Adriana Ispas, Technische Universität Ilmenau Members at Large Faisal Alamgir, Georgia Institute of Technology Antoine Allanore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Trevor Braun, ElectraSteel, Inc. Amanda Clifford, University of British Columbia Massimo Innocenti, Università degli Studi di Firenze Maria Eugenia Toimil Molares, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research Toshiyuki Nohira, Kyoto University, Japan High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Chair Cortney K. Kreller, Los Alamos National Laboratory Vice Chair Xingbo Liu, West Virginia University Junior Vice Chair Teruhisa Horita, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Secretary/Treasurer Dong Ding, Idaho National Laboratory Members at Large Mohammed Hussain Abdul Jabbar, Nissan Technical Center North America Stuart B. Adler, University of Washington Mark D. Allendorf, Sandia National Laboratories Jihwan An, Seoul National University of Science and Technology Di Chen, Tsinghua University Fanglin (Frank) Chen, University of South Carolina Zhe Cheng, Florida International University Wilson Chiu, University of Connecticut Hanping Ding, Idaho National Laboratory Chuangcheng Duan, Kansas State University Jan Froitzheim, Chalmers University Mathias Christian Galetz, DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut Fernando Garzon, University of New Mexico

Srikanth Gopalan, Boston University Turgut Gür, Stanford University Liangbing Hu, University of Maryland Greg S. Jackson, Colorado School of Mines Xinfang Jin, University of Massachusetts Lowell Tatsuya Kawada, Tohoku University Hojong Kim, Pennsylvania State University Jae-Jin Kim, Argonne National Laboratory Kang Taek Lee, KAIST Min Hwan Lee, University of California, Merced Wonyoung Lee, Sungkyunkwan University Olga Marina, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Torsten Markus, Hochschule Mannheim Nguyen Minh, University of California, San Diego Jason Nicholas, Michigan State University Elizabeth Opila, University of Virginia Nicola Perry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kannan Ramaiyan, University of New Mexico Sandrine Ricote, Colorado School of Mines Jennifer Rupp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Yixiang Shi, Tsinghua University Subhash Singhal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Anna Staerz, Colorado School of Mines Hitoshi Takamura, Tohoku University Jianhua Tong, Clemson University Enrico Traversa, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Eric Wachsman, University of Maryland Geoffrey David Will, Queensland University of Technology Leta Woo, Cummins Bilge Yildiz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Luminescence and Display Materials Division Chair Eugeniusz Zych, Uniwersytet Wrokławski Secretary/Treasurer Marco Bettinelli, Università degli studi di Verona Members at Large Mikhail Brik, University of Tartu John Collins, Wheaton College Won Bin Im, Hanyang University Tetsuhiko Isobe, Keio University Luiz Jacobsohn, Clemson University Ru-Shi Liu, National Taiwan University Kazuyoshi Ogasawara, Kwansei Gakuin University Alan Piquette, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Alok Srivastava, Srivastava Consulting LLC

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



2023–2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship Recipients Yaocai Bai and Yuzhang Li received the 2023–2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowships for projects in green energy technology. The fellowship program is a partnership between The Electrochemical Society and the Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA), a division of Toyota North America’s Advanced Mobility R&D. Through this program, ECS and Toyota promote innovative and unconventional green energy technologies born from electrochemical research—and encourage young professionals and scholars to pursue battery and fuel cell research. This is the ninth year that the fellowships have been awarded. Since its inception, the program has awarded more than $1.5M in research funding to 30 young investigators (including the 2023–2024 recipients).

2023-2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellows Yaocai Bai Oak Ridge National Laboratory “Solvent-based Binder Removal toward Sustainable Direct Cathode Recycling” Yaocai Bai is an R&D Associate Staff Scientist pursuing postdoctoral research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) under the supervision of Dr. Ilias Belharouak in the Emerging and Solid-State Batteries Group. Dr. Bai leads the US Department of Energy’s ReCell Center Advanced Resources Recovery focus area. His research emphasis is on accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy through materials innovation and developing efficient and cost-effective processes for lithium-ion battery recycling, specifically with respect to electrode/metal separation and direct cathode regeneration. Through the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship, Dr. Bai will address binder removal, the key challenge associated with direct recycling of battery materials today. Direct recycling represents the highest potential value gain toward reclaiming cathode materials from spent batteries. He will investigate effective and green processes to separate active materials from delaminated cathodes, a sustainable low carbon footprint approach with the elimination of hazardous materials. Dr. Bai received his BS in Materials Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2010 and MS in Materials Science in 2012 from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. He completed his PhD in Materials Science under Prof. Yadong Yin at the University of California, Riverside in 2017. He worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at ORNL from 2019 to 2021, when he was named to his current position. The author of 52 articles with an h-index of 25 and four books/book chapters, Dr. Bai has seven patents pending and one granted patent. He has served as Guest Editor for Batteries and Clean Technologies and Recycling. Dr. Bai joined ECS in 2020 and has chaired/cochaired four sessions at ECS meetings. Yuzhang Li University of California, Los Angeles “Cryo-EM of Nanoscale Interfaces in Energy Storage and Carbon Capture Materials” Yuzhang Li is Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in the Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research focuses on renewable energy generation and storage, nanomaterials design and synthesis, cryogenic-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM), and in situ transmission electron microscopy. Through the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship, Prof. Li will build upon his proven track record in Cryo-EM technique building and analysis to use electron microscopy as a powerful tool to study battery materials (Li, Li SEI, and others). Li metal melts easily and evaporates under an electron beam; other materials degrade, too. CryoEM allows the non-destructive study of Li, SEI, Lix, Sn, graphite, S, and their interphases. The ultimate target is anode-less lithium metal anodes. After completing his BS in Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley in 2013, he received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2018 under 28

the supervision of ECS Fellow Yi Cui. He pursued a postdoc under Robert Sinclair at Stanford, then joined the faculty of UCLA in 2020. He is the author of 56 articles with an h-index of 42 and holds three patents. His research has been supported by the US Department of Energy Early Career Research Award (2022), NSF CAREER Award (2022), American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Grant (2022), Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2018–2020), and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2013–2016). Other awards he’s received include the 2018 ECS San Francisco Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award and 2017 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award. Forbes included him in the 2021 “30 Under 30” young innovators list. Dr. Li became a member of ECS in January 2022.

2023–2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigators Fellowship Selection Committee ECS gratefully acknowledges the service of the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship Selection Committee members. The committee reviewed 40 proposals for the 2023–2024 program.

Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA) • Timothy (Tim) Arthur, Senior Manager, Research Strategy Office • Masato Hozumi, Executive Engineer and Senior Manager, Materials Research Department • Charles (Chip) Roberts, Senior Research Manager, Materials Research Department • Gaohua Zhu, Senior Scientist, Materials Research Department • Rana Mohtadi, Senior Principal Scientist, Materials Research Department • Nik Singh, Senior Scientist, Materials Research Department • Shingo Otah, Executive Engineer, Materials Research Department • Chen Ling, Senior Principal Scientist, Materials Research Department • John Muldoon, Senior Principal Scientist, Materials Research Department

The Electrochemical Society • Amy Prieto, Colorado State University • Joaquin Rodriguez-Lopez, University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign • John T. Vaughey, Argonne National Laboratory 2024–2025 Fellowship Cycle Proposals for the 2024–2025 ECS Toyota Fellowships are accepted through January 31, 2024. Candidate interviews take place in spring 2024. The Fellows are announced in August 2024. Consult the ECS website for more information and to submit a proposal. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship SOCIET Y NEWS

Submit your Application

Are you an emerging professional pursuing research in batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen, CO2 capture, or other future sustainability technologies? Submit your application to join an award class that has received more than $1.5 million in funding since 2015!

To learn more and apply, visit Application deadline: January 31, 2024 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Websites of Note Selected for you by Alice H. Suroviec

Software Carpentry Software Carpentry has a large library of lesson materials available for researchers who would like to learn how to do basic research computing. Data collection and analysis is a critical part of science, but most scientists are never taught how to build, use, and validate software well. Their stated goal

is to teach those skills with free lessons so scientists can spend less time wrestling with software and more time doing useful research. Their core topics include structured programming in Python, R, and MATLAB.


Electronics Hub Electronics Hub provides a wide variety of tutorials for those who are looking to learn more about building their own electronics or understanding the basics of electronics. There are tutorials on topics as basic as capacitors and resistors up to more complicated topics like combinational logic circuits. The website is easy enough for first-time learners and could be used as a complement to course work.

The Chemical Catalysis for Bioenergy Consortium (ChemCatBio) is funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office and brings together the expertise of eight DOE national labs. ChemCatBio is part of the DOE Energy Materials Network. This group leverages unique capabilities to address technical risks associated with accelerating the development of catalysts and related technologies for the commercialization of biomass-derived fuels and chemicals. The website is working to establish an integrated and collaborative portfolio of catalytic technologies and enabling capabilities to push products to market faster.

About the Author Alice Suroviec is Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry and Dean of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Berry College. She earned a BS in Chemistry from Allegheny College in 2000. She received her PhD from Virginia Tech in 2005 under the direction of Dr.


Mark R. Anderson. Her research focuses on enzymatically modified electrodes for use as biosensors. She is a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and Associate Editor of the PAE Technical Division for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. She welcomes feedback and ideas from the ECS community.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •





The spring issue of Interface will highlight several exciting areas in electrochemical separations for sustainability, and will be guest edited by Chris Arges (Penn State), Hui Xu (Envision Energy), and Alice Suroviec (Berry). The issue will feature articles on the fundamental principles of

electrochemical separations, gas separations, and critical minerals separations. Plus Pennington Corner, the 2023 year in review, a sneak peek at the next ECS meeting, and of course updates on The Society, people, divisions, sections, and more.

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Summer Fellowships & Colin Garfield Fink Fellowship Summary Reports Summer Fellowships Each year, ECS awards up to four summer fellowships to support graduate students continuing their research from June through August in a field of interest to the Society. The ECS Summer Fellowships program comprises four named awards: Edward G. Weston Fellowship Joseph W. Richards Fellowship H. H. Uhlig Fellowship F. M. Becket Fellowship The Society also awards the Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship to one postdoctoral scientist or engineer who is a member in good standing. The Summer Fellowship and C. G. Fink recipients are each awarded USD $5,000. Congratulations to the five 2023 recipients!

The Society thanks the ECS Summer Fellowship Subcommittee for reviewing the applications and selecting the outstanding recipients. Subcommittee members are: • • • • •

Samantha Gateman, Chair, Western University, Canada Oumaima Gharbi, Sorbonne Université, France Joey Kish, McMaster University, Canada Peter Mascher, McMaster University, Canada Patrik Schmutz, Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs-und Forschungsanstalt, Switzerland • Kalpathy B. Sundaram, University of Central Florida, US • Junsoon Han, Sorbonne Université, France Interested in applying for an ECS Summer Fellowship or the Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship? The 2024 award application deadline is January 15, 2024. Learn more about ECS fellowships and grants.

2023 Colin Garfield Fink Postdoctoral Summer Fellowship – Summary Report The Effect of Electrochemical Hydrogen Production and Storage in Ti3C2Tx MXene on Cell Pressure


ydrogen is a clean fuel that can power vehicles with high efficiency and produce water as the only byproduct.1 However, hydrogen technologies face challenges that include low volumetric storage capacity, safety, and cost.2 One way to increase volumetric capacity is to store hydrogen in solid state materials. MXenes represent the fastest-growing family of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (a typical structure is depicted in Fig. 1a).3 Owning to their attractive properties, such as redox-active surfaces, metallic conductivity, and hydrophilicity, MXenes have been intensively studied for applications in electrocatalysis and electrochemical energy storage, among others.4,5 Recently, Ti2CTx MXene (Tx is surface termination, like –O, –OH, –Cl, –F, etc.) was claimed to store over 8 wt% hydrogen.6 Since MXenes are also electrocatalysts for hydrogen production,7 investigating hydrogen storage while it is produced on the same material electrode is a promising direction. In this study, we investigated the effect of electrochemical hydrogen production and storage in Ti3C2Tx MXene on cell pressure in a sulfuric acidic electrolyte. Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene is well-documented in the literature.8–10 In brief, 2D Ti3C2Tx MXene sheets were produced via the selective etching of the precursor Ti3AlC2 MAX phase with a mixture of HCl and HF solutions, followed by chemical intercalation of Liions in a LiCl solution, delamination by mechanical agitation, and separation through centrifugation. Figure 1b shows the Raman

by Ruocun (John) Wang

spectrum of the as-synthesized Ti3C2Tx MXene, which agrees with the literature.11 The 2D morphology is shown by optical micrograph in the inset of Figure 1b.12 We performed electrochemical characterization using a three-electrode Swagelok setup with a pressure sensor.13 The obtained 2D MXene sheets were assembled into electrodes via vacuum-assisted filtration without any binders or conductive additives. The counter and reference electrodes were activated carbon and Hg/Hg2SO4 with saturated K2SO4, respectively, and the electrolyte was 3 M H2SO4.

The effect of electrochemical hydrogen production and storage on pressure in the Swagelok cell is shown in Fig. 2. We monitored the cell pressure as the cell went through a series of cyclic voltammetry experiments. The cell was conditioned at 20 mV/s between -1.15 V and -0.05 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4 for 50 cycles and then cycled between -1.00 V and -0.05 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4 from 1 to 1000 mV/s. The cell pressure increased by 0.6 psi during the conditioning cycles, likely due to the hydrogen evolution reaction near -1.15 V. The cell pressure slowly decreased during

Fig. 1. a) Schematic illustration of two Ti3C2Tx MXene sheets with confined water made with mixed acid synthesis. b) Raman spectrum of Ti3C2Tx MXene collected using a 785 nm laser. The inset shows Ti3C2Tx MXenes deposited on a Si/SiO2 substrate.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Fig. 2. Effect of electrochemical protonation on cell pressure. Pressure in a Swagelok cell with Ti3C2Tx MXene was monitored during cyclic voltammetry over 50 cycles for conditioning between -1.15 V and -0.05 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4 and then cycled 7 times at 1 – 1000 mV/s between -1.00 V and -0.05 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4. The pressure monitoring also continued after finishing the electrochemical cycling to determine whether the periodic fluctuations in pressure were due to external reasons.

subsequent cycles at different rates within the electrolyte stability window, likely due to gas leakage from the cell and the lack of gas evolution when the voltage is limited to -1 V. The pressure fluctuations were likely from external sources like temperature and pressure changes in the fume hood where this experiment was housed. This experiment indicates that hydrogen production is the source of pressure increase in the Swagelok cell, and hydrogen storage in the form of protons within the electrolyte stability window does not raise the cell pressure. Future work includes studying electrochemical hydrogen production and storage in MXenes within a tightly sealed and isothermal cell with precise pressure monitoring.

Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges the ECS Colin Garfield Fink Postdoctoral Summer Fellowship for funding support and Prof. Yury Gogotsi for his guidance, support, and mentorship. The author would also like to acknowledge Dr. Robert W. Lord for helping set up the pressure monitoring system and Teng Zhang for the synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F03234IF

About the Author Ruocun (John) Wang is a postdoctoral researcher at the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Materials Science and Engineering Department at Drexel University, working with Prof. Yury Gogotsi. His current research interests include exploring electrochemical applications and fundamental properties of MXenes. He is a content creator for YouTube’s EChem Channel. Dr. Wang received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Veronica Augustyn with whom he subsequently completed a postdoctorate. He received the ECS Battery Division Student Slam 3 Best Paper Award in 2019 and a Cotswold Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2022. He served as Secretary for the ECS Research Triangle Student Chapter in 2018. Dr. Wang is the author of 21 articles with an h-index of 12.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

X. Duan, F. Schockenhoff, and A. Koch, World Elec Veh J, 13, 108 (2022). Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. M. Naguib, M. Kurtoglu, V. Presser, et al., Adv Mater, 23, 4248 (2011). M. Naguib, M. W. Barsoum, and Y. Gogotsi, Adv Mater, 33, 2103393 (2021). A. VahidMohammadi, J. Rosen, and Y. Gogotsi, Science, 372, eabf1581 (2021). S. Liu, J. Liu, X. Liu, et al., Nat Nanotechnol, 16, 331 (2021). S. Bai, M. Yang, J. Jiang, et al., NPJ 2D Mater Appl, 5, 78 (2021). T. S. Mathis, K. Maleski, A. Goad, et al., ACS Nano, 15, 6420 (2021). K. R. G. Lim, M. Shekhirev, B. C. Wyatt, et al., Nat Synth, 1, 601 (2022). A. Thakur, N. C. B S, K. Davidson, et al., Small Methods, 7, 2300030 (2023). A. Sarycheva and Y. Gogotsi, Chem Mater, 32, 3480 (2020). A. Miranda, J. Halim, A. Lorke, and M. W. Barsoum, Mater Res Lett, 5, 322 (2017). R. Wang and V. Šedajová, EChem Channel on YouTube (2021).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


2023 Edward G. Weston Research Fellowship – Summary Report Exploring Chemical Speciation and Catalyst Behavior for the Electrochemical Interconversion of Formate and Bicarbonate


he water-soluble formate/bicarbonate redox couple holds promise for electrochemical energy storage, hydrogen transportation, and carbon dioxide (CO2) management.1–5 Because electrochemical transformations in these electrolytes are accompanied by homogeneous reactions, we investigate electrolyte speciation as a function of reaction environment. In addition, we study the electrocatalytic oxidation of formate in the absence of supporting salt. Formate/bicarbonate solutions may not be in equilibrium with their environment, complicating speciation on experimental

by Alexander H. Quinn timescales. This is evinced in Fig. 1a where a freshly prepared 3 M KHCO3 increases in pH due to nitrogen sparging, a common approach for removing dissolved oxygen. To explore equilibrium as a function of state of charge (SoC) and headspace volume, we modeled species concentrations for the sealed system in Fig. 1b. Our model results highlight relationships between the solution and adjacent gas phase. A 3 M KHCO3 solution in contact with the atmosphere will repartition into 0.39 M KHCO3, 1.3 M K2CO3, and the remainder into gaseous CO2 (L ~ 10-6, Fig. 1c). Thus, in open systems, there is limited control

Fig 1. (a) pH measured against time for a freshly prepared 3 M KHCO3 with intermittent N2 sparging. Plateau “no sparging” regions imply that sparging enhances CO2 outgassing. (b) An abbreviated model description for a formate/bicarbonate half-cell: Vi (L) is partition volume, PCO2 (atm) is CO2 partial pressure, H is Henry’s constant for CO2/water, and zi is the valency of ion i. Brackets represent concentrations in mol L-1. The electroneutrality, carbon atom balance, and state-of-charge (SoC) expressions are sufficient to fully specify the system. Note, this treatment does not consider how the reaction proceeds (i.e., it does not specify whether CO2, HCO3-, or CO32- is the reacting species). The ratio (L = V2/V1) describes the relative headspace size to that of the liquid phase, and the SoC is defined as the concentration ratio of formate to initially added bicarbonate. Dissociation constants are obtained from Ref 6. Henry’s constant for CO2 was calculated assuming salt-free water.7 While we expect the model trends to hold, there are expected sources of error: CO2 solubility dependence on formate/bicarbonate concentrations, water consumption/production, and activity corrections due to ionic strength and high species concentrations are not included. (c) Model results for a system which is initially 3 M KHCO3 in the solution and 400 ppmvol CO2 in the headspace. L is varied between two extremes: an infinitesimal L represents an infinitely large headspace volume (e.g., the atmosphere) and a large L (approx. > 10) represents a headspace-free system. (d) Model results for an initial 3 M KHCO3 solution with variable PCO2. The SoC is varied to demonstrate pH and [CO2(aq)] changes during the reaction. 36

of species concentrations. In contrast, bicarbonate is the dominant species in a headspace-free system (L > 10, Fig. 1c) and is accompanied by a PCO2 increase to 0.9 bar. As (bi)carbonate or CO2 converts to formate, the system pressure and the concentrations of (bi)carbonate, gaseous CO2, and dissolved CO2 all decrease due to homogeneous reactions (Fig. 1d). Further, the pH remains constant throughout the reaction if, initially, PCO2 is kept relatively low, whereas saturating electrolyte at higher PCO2 causes pH to decrease with increasing SoC. These analyses highlight that reservoir design and pressure management can influence speciation; however, further research is needed to understand the dynamic and spatial features of these chemical reactions, including within the electrochemical cell.8–11 We also investigated formate electrooxidation in the absence of supporting salt using a rotating disk electrode (RDE) and a flow cell, given the relative paucity of data at such conditions.4 Figure 2a shows that oxidation of 3 M KHCO2 on Pd/C catalyst is relatively insensitive to electrode rotation and to temperature between 30 and 60 °C on the anodic sweep, but sensitive to temperature on the cathodic sweep. Further, 10-minute constant-potential holds show lower and decaying catalyst activity (Fig. 2b), like in acidic media12 but unlike in alkaline media,13 that can be recovered by periodic oxidation or reduction. At these conditions, the performance observed in cyclic voltammetry does not reflect the steady-state and repeated cycling results in incomplete surface reactivation (30 °C post, Fig. 2a). Flow-cell studies incorporating a reference electrode support these findings: temperature has a mild effect on the formate oxidation half-cell but a more pronounced effect on the full cell potential (Fig. 2c), suggesting reduced membrane and/or hydrogen evolution resistance. Solution quantification with 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance after 5-hour roomtemperature electrolysis showed significant formate consumption but no detectable bicarbonate. Although a fresh 3 M KHCO2 solution has a pH of 8.7, we observed bubble formation, suggesting that the locally acidic environment evolves gaseous CO2. As implied by Fig. 1d, reservoir sealing may be necessary to increase PCO2 and convert CO2 to bicarbonate. A better understanding of formate oxidation at high concentrations in unsupported electrolytes is needed.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

A&M University in 2018. His internship positions included the 2019 Vehicle Electrification Internship at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; 2018 Safe High-Power Batteries Internship at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Johnson Space Center; and 2017 Propellant Development Intern at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Marshall Space Flight Center. Alexander received a 2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and is an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s MIT University Center of Exemplary Mentoring (UCEM) Scholar; he also received a 2018 Outstanding Achievement Award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Johnson Space Center. He has published seven articles (three as first author) with an h-index of 5.


Fig 2. RDE and full cell experiments using 3 M KHCO2 solutions (no supporting electrolyte). (a) RDE cyclic voltammograms at variable temperature or rotation rate. Pd/C (40 wt% Pd) loading is 18 µg cm-2. (b) 10-minute chronoamperometric RDE measurements with intermittent 30 s reductive or oxidative potential holds to recover the electrode. (c) Flow cell schematic and results. The working electrode (anode) has 2 mg cm-2 Pd/C (40 wt% Pd) spray-coated onto a heat-treated (450 °C for 6 h in air) Freudenberg H23 electrode. The counter electrode (cathode) consists of 1 mg cm-2 Pt/C spray-coated onto the hydrophobic microporous layer of a Sigracet 39 BC paper. The counter electrode was hotpressed onto the Nafion 117 membrane. An interdigitated flow field (IDFF) and a serpentine flow field (SFF) were used for the working and counter electrodes, respectively. At the counter, hydrogen gas was produced. The Ag/AgCl reference electrodes used in RDE and flow-cell experiments have a 3 M NaCl fill solution.

Acknowledgement The author thanks The Electrochemical Society for the Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship. He also thanks Prof. Fikile Brushett for the many opportunities in studying electrochemical systems. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F04234IF

About the Author Alexander H. Quinn is a 5th year Chemical Engineering PhD student in the Brushett Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Alexander completed his BS in Chemical Engineering at Texas

1. O. Y. Gutiérrez, K. Grubel, J. Kothandaram, et al., Green Chem, 25, 4222 (2023). 2. K. Grubel, H. Jeong, C. W. Yoon, and T. Autrey, J Energy Chem, 41, 216 (2020). 3. S. Saric, B. Biggs, M. Janbahan, et al., Appl Energy, 183, 1346 (2016). 4. T. Q. Nguyen, A. M. Bartrom, K. Tran, and J. L. Haan, Fuel Cells, 13, 922 (2013). 5. T. Li, E. W. Lees, Z. Zhang, and C. P. Berlinguette, ACS Energy Lett., 5, 2624 (2020). 6. W. M. Haynes, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 94th ed., CRC press, (2014). 7. Z. Duan, R. Sun, C. Zhu, and I.-M. Chou, Marine Chem, 98, 131 (2006). 8. E. W. Lees, J. C. Bui, D. Song, A. Z. Weber, and C. P. Berlinguette, ACS Energy Lett., 7, 834 (2022). 9. G. Lee, A. S. Rasouli, B.-H. Lee, et al., Joule, 7, 1277 (2023). 10. L. Huang, G. Gao, C. Yang, et al., Nat Commun, 14, 2958 (2023). 11. X. Wang, W. Conway, R. Burns, N. McCann, and M. Maeder, J Phys Chem A, 114, 1734 (2010). 12. X. Yu and P. G. Pickup, J Power Sources, 187, 493 (2009). 13. A. M. Bartrom and J. L. Haan, J Power Sources, 214, 68 (2012).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


2023 Joseph W. Richards Fellowship – Summary Report Toward High-throughput Electrochemical Screening of in vivo Synthesized Metalloenzymes


here is a need for high-throughput electrochemical tools which are complementary to the extremely successful methods which have revolutionized molecular biology since the mid-1980s.1,2 In recent years, bioinspired metalloenzymes have proven a viable and sustainable method for hydrogen production via the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER).3 By using in vivo directed evolution synthetic techniques, hydrogenase systems based on rubredoxin (Rd) scaffolds with Ni substituted metal centers have proven a promising molecular catalyst.4–7 However, insight into the mechanism of hydrogen production between different mutants has proven tricky, as electrochemical characterization of the high number of mutants is slow.6,7 Highthroughput electrochemistry has started to emerge at the nano and macroscale in the form of scanning electrochemical methods8,9 and by using an array of electrochemical cells.10,11 Here we utilize the array microcell method (AMCM),12 which combines traditional scanning droplet methods with an electrode array, where a small droplet at the tip of a movable micropipette encounters each individual electrode within an array sequentially (Fig. 1a). By spotting a variety of wild type (WT) and mutant nickel-substituted

by Sasha Elena Alden rubredoxin [NiRd] metalloenzymes onto a carbon microelectrode array (MEA), we can electrochemically investigate each enzyme at one array by AMCM (protein samples provided by the Shafaat group at UCLA). A crucial aspect of protein electrochemistry is the adsorption of the enzyme to the electrode surface. By electrochemically roughening pyrolyzed photoresist films (PPF), a graphitic-like surface can be created that is suitable for the adsorption required for electron transfer from the protein to the electrode surface.13 As an initial test, roughened PPF electrodes were used as the working electrode for a microcell method (MCM) electrochemical measurement, where no defined MEA was used, but [NiRd] mutants were spotted (0.3 uL) at different positions at the electrode surface. With a 150 mM acetate buffer filled micropipette (I.D. ~36 µm), cyclic voltammograms were collected at the bare and protein-coated surface by MCM to see the difference in HER activity (Fig. 1b) at three different positions each. Voltammograms were normalized to the droplet footprint size and plotted as a current density to ensure that any differences in wetting were negligible. Average current density at -0.8 V vs Ag/AgCl was -72.7,

-111, and -107 µm/cm2 for the bare carbon, and positions where mutants 1 and 2 were located on the surface respectively. This is indicative of an increase in HER activity when [NiRd] is adsorbed to the electrode surface. In future studies, a microfabricated MEA incorporating the roughened PPF material as the electrode surface will be used to carry out an AMCM measurement for dozens of mutants in a single experiment. By combining AMCM with high-throughput biological methods for in vivo synthesis of metalloenzymes will provide direction for better biosynthesis of active catalysts.

Acknowledgement The author gratefully acknowledges Prof. Hannah Shafaat and Henry Teptarakulkarn for providing protein samples for analysis and for valuable discussion. Lingjie Zhang from the Baker Group at Texas A&M contributed significantly to instrumentation software development. Funding for this project is provided by the NSF CHE CMI award #1808133. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F05234IF

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of AMCM electrochemical measurement setup, including an electrode array showing spotted [NiRd] hydrogenase at one electrode. (b) Averaged voltammograms from three MCM positions at a roughened PPF electrode with spotted V43E (mutant 1) and V08E (mutant 2) [NiRd] hydrogenase. Pipette (I.D. 36 µm) was filled with 150 mM acetate buffer at pH = 4.5, CV collected at 0.05 V/s. 38

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

About the Author Sasha Elena Alden is a fifth-year PhD student in the Chemistry Department at Texas A&M University under the supervision of Prof. Lane A. Baker. After completing a BS in Chemistry at Western Washington University (WWU) in 2018, Sasha studied at Indiana University, then moved with her Principal Investigator to Texas A&M in January of 2022. She received a 2020 Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC) Student Travel Award and the 2017 WWU Verna Alexander Price Scholarship for Academic Merit and Continuation in Chemistry. Sasha has also worked with Dr. Nickolay Lavrik at Oakridge National Laboratory in the Center

for Nanophase Materials Sciences. A committee member of the SEAC student group since 2020, Sasha served as Secretary of the ECS Indiana University Student Chapter from 2019 to 2020. The author of four publications with an h-index of 4, she also wrote a chapter for the 3rd edition of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy.

References 1. J. A. Wells, M. Vasser, and D. B. Powers, Gene, 34, 315 (1985). 2. C. Zeymer and D. Hilvert, Annu Rev Biochem, 87, 131 (2018). 3. W. Lubitz, H. Ogata, O. Rüdiger, and E. Reijerse, Chem Rev, 114, 4081 (2014). 4. J. W. Slater and H. S. Shafaat, J Phys Chem Lett, 6, 3731 (2015). 5. J. W. Slater, S. C. Marguet, H. A. Monaco, and H. S. Shafaat, J Am Chem Soc, 140, 10250 (2018). 6. K. J. Naughton, R. E. Treviño, P. J.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Moore, et al., ACS Synth Biol, 10, 2116 (2021). R. E. Treviño and H. S. Shafaat, Curr Opin Chem Biol, 67, 102110 (2022). B. D. B. Aaronson, J. Garoz-Ruiz, J. C. Byers, et al., Langmuir, 31, 12814 (2015). I. M. Ornelas, P. R. Unwin, and C. L. Bentley, Anal Chem, 91, 14854 (2019). B. H. R. Gerroll, K. M. Kulesa, C. A. Ault, and L. A. Baker, ACS Measure Sci Au, 3, 371 (2023). J. Rein, J. R. Annand, M. K. Wismer, et al., ACS Cent Sci, 7, 1347 (2021). S.E. Alden, N. P. Siepser, J. A. Patterson, et al., ChemElectroChem, 7, 1084 (2020). X. Xu, J. Chen, W. Li, et al., Electrochem Comm, 10, 1459 (2008).

2023 H. H. Uhlig Fellowship Research Fellowship – Summary Report Zinc Plating on Ti3C2Tx MXene Characterized through in-situ Optical Microscopy and UV-Vis Spectroscopy


inc metal batteries are promising candidates for multiple energy storage applications, ranging from grid storage to wearables, due to their safe electrolytes and moderate performance metrics compared to lithium-ion batteries.1 Zinc dendrite formation is one of the major factors inhibiting their implementation, and multiple directions have been explored to mitigate this. MXenes are 2D transition metal carbides with the structure Mn+1XnTx, where M represents early transition metals, X represents carbon and/or nitrogen, and Tx is for terminations (O, OH, F, etc.). MXenes have high conductivity with hydrophilic, redox-active terminations, which makes them prime candidates in energy storage applications.2,3 MXenes (mainly Ti3C2Tx) have established use in Zn battery dendrite suppression as a coating on the Zn metal or an electrolyte additive.4–7 There is considerably less work on using MXenes as an anode-free electrode, which would maximize energy density and zinc utilization, warranting exploration. MXene films, spray coated on glass (approximately 50–100 nm thick), were used for electrochemical measurements for dual compatibility with in-situ UVVis spectroscopy and optical microscopy.

by Kyle Matthews Ti3C2Tx MXene was tested in two electrolytes for deposition. 20 m ZnCl2 served as the model system, and 15 m ZnCl2 + 1 m LiCl was tested due to promising results in other Zn-battery literature.8 The Zn deposition was performed at 1 mA cm-2 on 1 cm2 electrodes. As seen in Fig. 1A, both electrolytes exhibit low polarization and nucleation overpotential (η), with 20 m ZnCl2 having a polarization of -0.12 V vs Zn/Zn2+ and η of 15 mV. The 15 m ZnCl2 + 1 m LiCl exhibited a lower polarization and η of -0.05 V vs Zn/Zn2+ and 8 mV respectively. In-situ UV-Vis spectroscopy was employed based on our previous work.9 As seen in Figure 1B, upon polarization the absorption peak at ~760 nm shifts toward lower wavelengths, which was proven to be protonation of O terminations.9 After plating for 30 minutes, there is a continued blueshift of the absorption peak < 700 nm, as well as a broad increase in absorption in the visible and NIR regions. This is caused by the plating of zinc on the Ti3C2Tx film. A visualization of this process is shown in Fig. 1C, where protonation and zinc particle formation occur in tandem, followed by the nucleation of distinct zinc crystals, which in turn grow into larger zinc facets.

To visualize and confirm this process beyond the spectroscopic signal seen in UV-Vis, in-situ optical microscopy was employed. Figure 2A shows the cell used for measurements. Optical microscopy images were taken at 20x magnification, with Fig. 2B showing onset plating at 5 mA cm-2. After 10 minutes, the amount of Zn particles dramatically increases to cover the MXene surface, as seen in Fig. 2C. When current density is increased to 10 mA cm-2, after just 3 minutes, the zinc particles have grown into crystal facets that are larger in size and number. In this unconstrained system, additional vertical growth can be seen, but there is no sign of mossy or dendritic zinc (see Fig. 2D). In summary, the deposition of zinc on MXene in chloride electrolytes was characterized in situ with UV-Vis spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The findings point toward a multi-stage process related to the protonation of O terminations and the nucleation of zinc crystals on the surface. Further research in this direction can apply this system to anode-free zinc batteries using low-cost ZnCl2 electrolytes. (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



(continued from previous page)

Acknowledgement The author thanks The Electrochemical Society for awarding him the 2023 H. H. Uhlig Summer Fellowship. The author thanks his PhD advisor, Prof. Yury Gogotsi for his constant support and guidance. Also, the author would like to thank Danzhen Zhang and Magdalena Zywolko for their assistance and support in materials preparation, as well as optical and electrochemical measurements. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F06234IF

About the Author

Fig. 1. (A) Plating of Zn on Ti3C2Tx at 1 mA cm-2, in different electrolytes. (B) In-situ UV-Vis of Ti3C2Tx in 20 m ZnCl2. (C) Schematic of the proposed mechanism for zinc deposition on Ti3C2Tx.

Kyle Matthews is a PhD candidate in the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University (DU). Kyle received his BS in Materials Science & Engineering from DU in June 2020. Working under Prof. Yury Gogotsi since August 2020, his research has focused on synthesis, processing, and applications of MXenes (specifically for use in the energy sector), with his peer-reviewed publications including papers on all three aspects. Kyle received the Koerner Family Fellowship in February 2022 and Outstanding Mentorship Award from DU in June 2023. Kyle received the ECS Battery Division Travel Grant for the 242nd ECS Meeting, and served as a student ambassador at the 243rd ECS Meeting. Kyle has more than 10 publications (h-index 6) and one patent.


Fig. 2. (A) Image of the in-situ electrochemical cell. In-situ optical microscopy images of Ti3C2Tx in 20 m ZnCl2: (B) at onset polarization, (C) after 10 minutes at 5 mA cm-2, and (D) after 3 minutes at 10 mA cm-2. Scale bar is 200 µm.


1. R. F. Service, Science, 372 (6545), 890 LP (2021). 2. M. Naguib, M. Kurtoglu, V. Presser, et al., Adv Mater, 23 (37), 4248 (2011). 3. A. VahidMohammadi, J. Rosen, and Y. Gogotsi, Science, 372 (6547), eabf1581 (2021). 4. C. Sun, C.Wu, X. Gu, C. Wang, and Q. Wang, Nano-Micro Lett, 13 (1), 1 (2021). 5. Y. Tian, Y. An, C. Wei, et al., ACS Nano, 13 (10), 11676 (2019). 6. N. Zhang, S. Huang, Z. Yuan, et al., Angew Chemie - Int Ed, 60 (6), 2861 (2021). 7. A. S. Etman, J. Halim, and J. Rosen, J Energy Storage, 52, 104823 (2022). 8. X. Zhong, F. Wang, Y. Ding, et al., J. Electroanal Chem, 867, 114193 (2020). 9. D. Zhang, R. Wang, X. Wang, and Y. Gogotsi, Nat Energy, 8, 567 (2023).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

2023 F. M. Becket Fellowship Fellowship – Summary Report Illuminating Photo-enhanced Bioelectrocatalysis in Purple Bacteria by Kevin Beaver


urple bacteria are a special subclass of photosynthetic bacteria known for their metabolic versatility, resistance to salinity, and bright red-violet pigmentation responsible for photosynthesis. Previous work by the Minteer group has demonstrated purple bacteria (Rhodobacter capsulatus) to be a viable electrochemical solution for sustainable decontamination of saline wastewater, in addition to biosensing and bio-electrosynthesis applications. Notably, the bacteria’s mechanism of transferring electrons to electrodes is directly related to their photosynthetic electron transfer chain, and current density is significantly enhanced in the presence of light. Often, the light sources used for photo-bioelectrochemistry experimental studies are high-intensity (~100 mW per cm2) and not wavelength-specific. This leads to uncertainty of the mechanism of photo-enhanced bioelectrocatalysis and may also lead to photo-inhibition at higher light intensities. Photopigments in purple bacteria include a range of carotenoids as well as bacteriochlorophyll. Specifically, a special pair of bacteriochlorophyll molecules absorbs light at around 870 nm, commencing the photosynthetic electron transfer chain. A novel method was developed to study the effect of isolated light wavelengths on photo-enhanced current. Cuvette-scale (continued on next page)

Fig. 1. Photo-activity spectrum for R. capsulatus. In blue, the absorbance spectrum for R. capsulatus is shown, highlighting the carotenoid stretch between 450 and 550 nm and the bacteriochlorophyllassociated peaks near 600, 800, and 870 nm. Several wavelengths of light were used to illuminate the electrodes, and the resulting currents (at 0.36 V vs SCE applied) are shown in black (sterile) and red (R. capsulatus). Currents recorded in dark conditions are shown by the baselines in gray (sterile) and red (R. capsulatus).

Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms of R. capsulatus (left) and sterile (right) electrodes at varying intensities of 870 nm light. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



(continued from previous page)

electrochemical setups were designed with a carbon paper working electrode (1 cm2), saturated calomel reference electrode, and platinum mesh counter electrode, and a monochromator was used to select the wavelengths emitted from a halogen lamp. Working electrodes were first sterilized under ultraviolet light and were either left sterile for control experiments or had R. capsulatus deposited on the electrode surface (30 mg per cm2). A photo-activity spectrum (PAS) for R. capsulatus-based electrodes was assembled by plotting the resulting currents at each wavelength of light applied (Fig. 1). It is important to note that intensity was roughly constant at each wavelength (3 ± 1 µW per cm2) except for the 900 nm light (> 13 µW per cm2). As expected, photoenhanced current was highest at the 870 nm wavelength, indicative of the vital role of the bacteriochlrophyll special pair.

In a follow-up experiment, an infrared LED lamp was used to study the intensity of 870 nm light via collection of cyclic voltammograms using the previous electrode setup (Fig. 2). Bacterial electrodes show increases in anodic current concordant with increases in light intensity, while the sterile electrodes do not show this pattern. In conclusion, this study serves as a promising lead to understanding the effect of light intensity and wavelength on photosynthetic microbial systems.


The author gratefully acknowledges the ECS F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship for funding support and Prof. Shelley D. Minteer for her guidance, support, and mentorship. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F07234IF

About the Author Kevin Beaver is a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry at University of Utah (U of U) under the supervision of Prof. Shelley D. Minteer. In 2019, he completed a BS in Environmental Science and BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Lebanon Valley College. Kevin received an NSF-REU (National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates) Fellowship to study under Prof. Joseph J. Kieber at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2017; a second NSF-REU Fellowship to study under Prof. Minteer at U of U in 2018; and the William W. Epstein Fellowship to continue studies at U of U in 2019. Kevin served as a Student Ambassador at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver in May 2022. He is the author of 14 articles with an h-index of 8.



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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •








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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



Empowering the Navajo Nation through Electrochemistry Research and Education ECS Sensor Division Member Founds First Tribal Electrochemistry Research Lab The Navajo Nation is the largest federally recognized Native American tribe in the US. Spanning over 27,000 square miles of desert and mountains across portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, the Navajo Nation is home to approximately 350,000 Navajo people. With a history and culture deeply rooted in tradition, the Navajo Nation is known for its stunning landscapes, including the iconic Monument Valley, and its distinctive artistry, such as intricate weaving and silverwork. Despite the challenges it has faced, the Navajo Nation remains steadfast in preserving its heritage and advancing the well-being of its people.

Navajo Technical University

This setting, where 30 to 40% of residents don’t have running water and the poverty level is 42%, is home to Navajo Technical University (NTU), arguably the most technically advanced tribal university in the US. Of the 38 tribal colleges and universities in the US, NTU is the only tribal university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and ABET. It is also the only tribal university to offer bachelor’s degrees in engineering and chemistry. To put this in context, in 2018, only 360 Native Americans earned bachelor’s degrees in engineering and only 62 earned degrees in chemistry. Worse, over the past decade, Native representation among science and engineering bachelor’s has dropped from 0.5 percent to 0.3 percent.

The Birth of the BS in Chemistry Program

And yet, since 2021, NTU has offered a four-year Bachelor of Science program in Chemistry, making it the first and the only tribal university to offer a comprehensive four-year BS in Chemistry. The program was conceived and created by ECS Sensor Division member and Awarded Student Member in 2007 and 2008, Thiagarajan Soundappan. Dr. Soundappan is Associate Professor of Chemistry and Coordinator and Head of the Chemistry Program at NTU.

Self Empowerment Through Electrochemistry Training

Dr. Soundappan is also the PI of grants from NSF PREM and USDA NIFA which have helped support the initiation of electrochemistry training, mainly through multiple electroanalytical

Dr. Soundappan and his team at the Chemistry Lab at Navajo Technical University, Crownpoint, NM. 44

techniques at NTU’s Nanoelectrochemical Analysis and Energy Storage Laboratory (NEST Lab). These techniques are vital tools in the field of electrochemistry, enabling precise analysis and understanding of chemical reactions at the molecular level. By introducing Navajo students to these techniques, the NEST Lab provides them a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a specialized scientific discipline. This enhances their academic and research skills and equips them with practical knowledge that can be applied to various real-world challenges. Importantly, it opens doors to potential careers in chemistry, engineering, materials science, and renewable energy. It offers Navajo students a pathway to contribute meaningfully to advancing science and technology while fostering economic self-sufficiency within their community, including starting technical companies inside the reservation.

Self Empowerment Through Graduate Studies and Beyond

NSF PREM and USDA NIFA research funds have transformed the NEST Lab and aspiring students’ educational and professional journeys. These vital funding resources provide invaluable opportunities for student interns, nurturing their potential in electrochemistry, and making them not only eligible but also highly competitive candidates for graduate studies at prestigious institutions like Harvard University, a partner in NTU’s NSF PREM program. With support from NSF PREM and mentorship by Dr. Souddapan, NTU sent its first student to graduate studies at Harvard, Robinson Tom (Biology), in 2021. A second student (NSF PREM), Michael Nelwood, has also secured admission to Harvard for postbaccalaureate studies.

Fostering STEM Education: Outreach to Chapter Houses

The NEST team is also visiting the Navajo Nation’s 110 Chapter Houses, centers of local government, armed with electrochemistry demonstrations. These visits connect NTU students with high school students and emphasize the vital role that electrochemistry research plays in scientific exploration and innovation. Through their educational outreach, the NTU students inspire the younger generation to consider careers in chemistry and underscore the broader

Dr. Soundappan training NEST Lab student intern Ms. Makeiyla Begay. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

SOCIET PEOPLEY NEWS NEWS knowledge, ambition, and cultural heritage converge on a path toward academic excellence and scientific achievement.”

Open Doors, Limitless Possibilities

The NSF PREM directors and the NEST Lab members at the MRS-PREM symposium-2023.

importance of STEM fields in addressing real-world challenges and in driving progress. On a recent visit to the Becenti Chapter House, the NTU students delivered an engaging electrochemistry presentation to local students. This ambitious endeavor to inspire young people in every chapter on the vast reservation promises a brighter, more empowered future for the Navajo Nation.

Pioneering the ECS Navajo Student Chapter

Dr. Soundappan says, “The NEST Lab’s ambitious plan to establish an Electrochemical Society (ECS) student chapter within the Navajo Nation marks a historic milestone that resonates with significance far beyond its borders. As the pioneering electrochemistry laboratory among 38 tribal colleges and universities, creating the ECS Navajo student chapter represents a groundbreaking initiative that embodies innovation, inclusivity, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. By nurturing a community of young scientists on Navajo soil, the chapter will bring the fascinating world of electrochemistry closer to Navajo students and positions them as trailblazers in tribal education. This extraordinary endeavor underscores the Navajo Nation’s commitment to empowering its youth with opportunities, mentorship, and a platform for scientific exploration, ultimately leading the way for other tribal institutions and communities to follow suit. The ECS Navajo student chapter promises to be a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the remarkable potential that can be unlocked when

Dr. Soundappan is with Michael Nelwood (NEST Lab alumni and NSFPREM postbaccalaureate student) in Prof. Jennifer’s lab at Harvard.

The NEST Lab’s ongoing research, underpinned by the generous support of NSF PREM and USDA-NIFA, stands as a beacon of possibility within the Navajo Nation and within a minorityserving institution with a long legacy of inadequate funding. As Dr. Soundappan states, “This dynamic team’s dedication knows no bounds, as they eagerly anticipate the opportunity to expand their horizons. With open hearts and an unwavering commitment to advancing knowledge, they welcome the prospect of submitting proposals to other funding agencies and embracing collaborative partnerships to further enrich the research landscape at NEST Lab.” For example, in the spring of 2023, the NEST Lab team visited Washington State University in Vancouver, WA to explore the cutting-edge world of inkjet printing research. Dr. Soundappan sums up the visit, “Against the backdrop of blooming cherry blossoms and the region’s scenic beauty, the NEST Lab team delved into a world of innovation, soaking in the expertise and insights shared by their counterparts. The exchange of ideas and experiences promises to push the boundaries of inkjet printing research, creating a brighter and more colorful future for all. This journey transcends research; it represents hope, ambition, and the collective pursuit of empowering the next generation of scientists and leaders within the Navajo community. The NEST Lab’s vision is a testament to the transformative power of collaboration, and their efforts are poised to change the trajectory of countless lives, infusing the reservation with a sense of pride and boundless potential.” Embark on a Journey of Discovery: For those eager to explore further, the doors to research and collaboration possibilities at Navajo Technical University’s NEST Lab are always open. Connect with Dr. Soundappan and embark on a journey of discovery innovation with the Navajo Community.

The NEST Lab student intern and employees providing a workshop training in electrochemistry research at the Becenti Chapter House, Becenti, NM (2023).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •



In Memoriam ... Kurt H. Stern 1926–2023

Kurt H. Stern passed away on August 5, 2023 in Takoma Park, MD. He was born in Vienna, Austria in 1926 and had lived in Takoma Park since 1964. The Nazi annexation of Austria led to his family’s move to the US in November 1939. They settled in New Jersey where cousins they had never met sponsored them. Graduating high school at age 16, Kurt completed 2 ½ years at Drew University before being drafted by the Army in April 1945. When his fluency in German was discovered, Kurt was sent to Germany. After serving as an interpreter for a Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) officer, Kurt was made a Special Agent in the CIC and transferred to the 3rd Army Headquarters in Heidelberg. While there he took a music course in Medieval Composition. When discharged, Kurt returned to Drew, graduating in 1948 with a BS in chemistry. In 1950 he received his MS degree in physical chemistry from the University of Michigan. In 1951, a paper describing research he did at Ann Arbor received the Turner Prize, an award for the best paper in The Journal of the Electrochemical Society by authors under 30. He received his PhD from Clark University in 1953, where for a time he sublet an apartment from the artist Leonard Baskin. Kurt taught chemistry and conducted research (US Airforce and NSF sponsored) at the University of Arkansas, primarily in non-aqueous and molten salt electrochemistry, for seven years. A sabbatical at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST) led to a permanent position there. He was a Project Leader in High Temperature Electrochemistry and was the coordinator of the National Standard Data Reference System established by NBS in 1963. A reduced budget appropriation led the Chief of the Electricity Division to eliminate the entire electrochemistry section in 1968. As a result, Kurt spent three months on an NSF program, teaching modern methods to Indian college teachers of chemistry in Nagpur, India. Kurt next accepted a position at the Naval Research Laboratory to set up a new program in molten electrochemistry, including study of the electrodeposition

of refractory compounds, such as carbides and silicides, from molten salts. At NRL he twice received publication awards, and was an NRL exchange scientist at the Materials Lab in Melbourne, Australia. His international reputation resulted in invitations to lecture at the universities of Milan, Bologna, Ferrara, Pisa, Bari, and Leeds, and in 1964 he gave a 2-week lecture tour of Romania, sponsored by the Romanian Government. For 25 years, concurrent with his research, he taught Physical Chemistry for the NIH graduate school. Kurt was both secretary and president of the Washington Academy of Science and Chairman of the National Capital Chapter of The Electrochemical Society, and a recipient in 1971 of the Society’s William Blum Award. He was a member of the Sigma Xi, the American Chemical Society, The Electrochemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a fellow of AAAS and the Washington Academy of Sciences. Kurt received three patents and published more than 100 papers and monographs, including some on the Liesegang phenomenon, and after his retirement he edited and authored several chapters in Metallurgical and Ceramic Protective Coatings (1996, Chapman and Hall) and published High Temperature Properties and Thermal Decomposition of Inorganic Salts with Oxyanions (2001, CRC Press). As a composer, he wrote more than 100 works for chamber ensembles, solo piano, choral and solo voice, and a cantata, The Wanderer, for baritone, chorus, portative organ, and medieval harp. Most of these works have been performed by professional musicians in the Washington area. A collection of some of his works, Chamber Music for Flute and Friends, was published by Bielizna Press. His deep interest in travel and the outdoors, which was shared by his wife Dr. Faith Stern (née Bueltmann, whom he married in 1960), included visiting all 50 US states, rafting the Colorado River, extensive backpacking, and climbing Mt. Rainier, Longs Peak, Mt. Whitney, and many of Colorado’s 14,000 ft. peaks as well as the Grossglockner Alp in Austria. On his trips to all seven continents, Kurt visited Machu Picchu, and Antarctica, and trekked in New Zealand and in the Himalayas in Nepal. Kurt and Faith also enjoyed skiing, bicycling, and canoeing. Kurt and Faith have two children: Karen R. Stern (husband, Bret Leslie) of Vienna, VA and Alan J. Stern (wife, Diana Ngo) of Gaithersburg, MD. This notice was contributed by Dr. Faith Stern.

SEARCHING FOR PEOPLE NEWS Interface is searching for People News for upcoming issues. If you have news you would like to share with the Society about a promotion, award, retirement, or other milestone event, please email the content to:


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •





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BASi (8) Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) (19) Central Electrochemical Research Institute (30) Corteva Agriscience (1) DLR – Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Oldenburg, Germany (15) Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. (27) EL-CELL GmbH (9) Ford Motor Company (9) GS Yuasa International Ltd. (43) Honda R&D Co. (16) Medtronic, Inc. (43) Nel Hydrogen (1) Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (16) NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry (2) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) (4) Panasonic Energy Corporation (28) Permascand AB (20) Plug Power, Inc. (2) Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. (24) UL Research Institutes (2)

Advanced Cell Engineering (2) Cummins, Inc. (5) Current Chemicals (1) General Motors Holdings LLC (71) Giner, Inc. (37) Ion Power, Inc. (9) Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. (11) Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) (15) Metrohm USA, Inc. (9) Microsoft Corporation (6) Occidental Chemical Corporation (81) Sandia National Labs (47) Sherwin-Williams (2) Spectro Inlets ApS (1) Technic, Inc. (27) United Mineral & Chemical Corporation (2) Western Digital GK (9) Westlake Corporation (28) Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at CWRU (25)

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*Years of membership as of 24 October 2023


Reports from the Frontier edited by Scott Cushing, Interface Contributing Editor

This feature is intended to let ECS award-winning students and post-docs write primary author perspectives on their field, their work, and where they believe things are going. This month we highlight the work of Yaoli Zhao, the 2023 Sensor Division Graduate Student Award Winner.

Advanced Sensing Strategies for Chemical Characterization by Yaoli Zhao and Thomas Thundat


he development of advanced chemical sensing strategies is playing an ever-increasing role in our world. However, progress in chemical sensors has lagged behind that of physical sensors. Recently, microfabricated sensors, such as microcantilevers, have attracted attention for chemical sensing due to their high sensitivity, ease of miniaturization, and mass production.1,2 The typical dimensions of a microcantilever are 500–100 µm length, 100–20 µm width, and 1 µm thickness.3 When molecular adsorption is restricted to one of its surfaces, the microcantilever generates surface stress and the resultant differential surface stress bends the microcantilever. These microcantilevers, which can be microfabricated into arrays using conventional micromachining techniques, offer a miniature sensing platform for real-time, simultaneous detection of multiple target analytes using a single device.4 The chemical selectivity of this type of sensor can be obtained by immobilizing chemically selective interfaces on the microcantilever surface.5 However, this method offers only limited selectivity since the interaction of the analyte molecules with immobilized receptors is based on weak chemical bonds for roomtemperature reversible sensing, and weak chemical bonds, such as hydrogen bonds, are not very selective.6 In addition, immobilized chemo-selective interfaces have a limited shelf-life, as they degrade over time, resulting in poorer selectivity and reproducibility.7 Although newer sensing platforms with higher sensitivities are rapidly being introduced, the fundamental challenge of chemical selectivity remains unresolved. We have demonstrated that this selectivity challenge can be addressed by combining microcantilever sensors with infrared spectroscopy.

Photothermal Cantilever Deflection Spectroscopy (PCDS) Is it possible to detect molecules without the use of selective receptors? Fortunately, microfabricated bi-material microcantilever (a cantilever with a thin layer of metal on one of its surfaces) sensors exhibit exceptional sensitivity to minute changes in temperature, which can be harnessed to address the selectivity challenge in chemical sensors.8 This extremely high thermomechanical sensitivity of a bi-material cantilever allows us to measure small thermal changes resulting from the nonradiative deexcitation of molecular vibrations of the adsorbed molecules. The adsorbed molecules can be resonantly excited by illuminating them with a tunable infrared (IR) light. The pico-Joule amount of heat associated with the nonradiative 48

deexcitation of molecular vibrations results in microcantilever deflection. By monitoring the amplitude of the bi-material cantilever deflection as a function of the wavelength of illumination, an IR absorption spectrum of absorbed molecules can be obtained. By analyzing the spectral patterns, it is possible to identify different molecules and their mixtures. This technique of photothermal cantilever deflection spectroscopy (PCDS), which combines the high thermomechanical sensitivity of a bi-material cantilever with the selectivity of IR spectroscopy, allows us to achieve high selectivity and sensitivity in molecular recognition of adsorbed molecules.

Standoff Photothermal Spectroscopy The advantage of the photothermal spectroscopic technique is that it can be used for standoff detection of materials by collecting and detecting the scattered IR photons using a bi-material cantilever serving as a broadband IR detector. Standoff sensing can be employed when physical contact between the sample and the sensor is not possible. For example, in recent years, plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental challenges facing us today. One of the strategies to address this challenge is to develop high-throughput sensors that can be employed in material recovery facilities (MRFs) to sort the plastics for effective recycling. These sensors must possess the ability to chemically characterize plastic waste on a conveyor belt from a distance. To fulfill this requirement, a specially designed setup, depicted in Fig. 1(a), was employed. Using a tunable quantum cascade laser (QCL) as the IR source, it was possible to capture the infrared spectrum of the plastic waste at a distance of one meter. Fig. 1(b) illustrates a comparison between the PCDS and standoff spectrum of PDMS. Moreover, the standoff detection system can also be used for real-time detection and quantification of degradation of plastics; for example, degradation of different materials under UV exposure as shown in Fig. 1(c).

Ultrasensitive Photothermal Spectroscopy of Atto-gram Detection Molecular spectroscopy is crucial for chemical sensing and imaging applications, yet detecting and quantifying minuscule quantities of chemicals remains a challenge. A sensitive spectroscopic technique based on the thermoelectric measurement of physisorbed molecules on a thermal probe for analyzing minuscule quantities of The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •






Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the standoff detection setup. A bi-material cantilever with a 200 nm polymer coating was illuminated with a chopped IR beam from a tunable quantum cascade laser (QCL). The deflection of the cantilever was monitored using an optical beam deflection method using a lock-in amplifier. (b) Comparison of the standoff and the PCDS spectrum of PDMS. (c) Time evolution of standoff spectra of different materials as a function of UV light exposure. All polymers show saturation after 10 min of UV exposure. (d) Schematic diagram of TAPS setup. (e) TAPS versus FTIR spectrum of DMMP. Adapted from refs. 8 and 9.

molecules has been developed.9 The thermal probe, consisting of a microfabricated nano thermocouple embedded in a microcantilever, has a temperature resolution of 40mK at room temperature. The thermocouple junction located at the apex of the cantilever has a radius of 25 nm, see Fig. 1(d). Temperature rise due to the resonant excitation of physisorbed molecules on this junction generates a potential difference due to the Seebeck effect. Plotting the Seebeck potential (after amplification) as a function of irradiation wavelength shows the IR spectrum of the target molecules. This technique, tip adsorbed photothermal spectroscopy (TAPS), has been used to monitor the spectrum of 10-18 g of DMMP adsorbed on the junction (Fig. 1(e)), and the characteristic adsorption peaks due to P=O stretching modes of DMMP can be clearly seen on the spectrum.

Remarks and Perspectives The integration of a microcantilever with infrared spectroscopy offers a novel receptor-free and label-free sensing platform with very high sensitivity, selectivity, and reversibility. Since photothermal spectroscopy does not rely on immobilized receptors or chemical interfaces, it is free from reproducibility challenges due to variations in graft density and aging associated with receptors.10 This technique also has the potential for standoff detection. Standoff detection mode makes it adaptable for applications such as the characterization of plastic waste in MRFs. Furthermore, its capabilities can be extended to the remarkable achievement of recognizing molecules at the atto-gram level, showcasing its exceptional sensitivity. Efforts are presently underway for the development of portable and costeffective tunable infrared laser sources. Increasing the data collection rate will enhance its real-time sensing capabilities. Packaging the device into a robust sensor module will be essential for applications in real-world conditions and its successful translation into the market.

Acknowledgements The work was supported by the NSF-EFRI Program (2029375), NSF Award 2226614, the New York State (NYS) Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), University at Buffalo. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F08234IF

About the Authors Yaoli Zhao, PhD Candidate, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo Education: Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering (Dalian University of Technology) Research Interests: Her current research focuses on developing innovative standoff detection sensors, specifically for molecular classification of plastic waste. Thomas Thundat, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo Education: Bachelor’s degree in physics (University of Kerala), master’s degree in physics (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras), PhD degree in physics (State University of New York at Albany). (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Zhao and Thundat

(continued from previous page)

Research Interests: His research team focuses on understanding and manipulating nanomechanical effects at interfaces and using that knowledge for the development of high-performance sensors, devices, for applications in health, environment, and energy. These interdisciplinary research efforts cover from basic research to design and development of complete systems. Work Experience: He is a SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY. He is also a Distinguished Professor (honorary) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He was a Canada Excellence Research Chair professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2010–2017). He was a research group leader for Nanoscale Science and Devices Group, and a UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) until 2010. He is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), The Electrochemical Society (ECS), the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the SPIE, the American Society of Biomedical and Biological Engineers (AIMBE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).

About the Editor Scott Cushing, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Caltech Education: BS in Physics, emphasis in Material Science and Chemistry and PhD in Physics, under Nick Wu and Alan Bristow (West Virginia University). Research Interests: With a multidisciplinary background spanning Chemistry, Materials Science, and Physics, his research focuses on the creation of new scientific instrumentation that can translate quantum phenomena to practical

devices and applications. The Cushing lab is currently pioneering the use of attosecond x-ray, time-resolved TEM-EELS, and ultrafast beams of entangled photons for a range of microscopy and spectroscopy applications. Work Experience: Past appointments include Dept. of Energy EERE Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Stephen Leone Group University of California, Berkeley with a Co-Appointment at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Currently Senior Research Advisor for Pacific Integrated (PI) Energy, San Diego, CA. Pubs & Patents: >60 publications, 3 patents, h-index >30, cited ~8,000 times Awards: 2022 Cottrell Scholar, 2022 Shirley Malcom Prize for Excellence in Mentoring, 2019–2021 Young Investigator awards for DOE, AFOSR, ACS, and Rose Hill Foundation. Work with ECS: ETD Division: assist with organizing and chairing symposium. Member for >15 years. Website:

References 1. T. Thundat, R. J. Warmack, G. Y. Chen, and D. P. Allison, App. Phys. Lett., 64, 2894 (1994). 2. J. Xu, M. Bertke, H. S. Wasisto, and E. Peiner, E. JMM, 29, 053003 (2019). 3. M. Rahimi, I. Chae, J. E. Hawk, S. K. Mitra, and T. Thundat, T., Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 221, 564 (2015). 4. M. K. Baller, et al., Ultramicroscopy, 82, 1 (2000). 5. D. Then, A. Vidic, and C. Ziegler, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 117, 1 (2006). 6. C. Jin and E. T. Zellers, Anal. Chem., 80, 7283 (2008). 7. M.-D. Hsieh and E. T. Zellers, E. T., Anal. Chem., 76, 1885 (2004). 8. Y. Zhao, et al., JES, 169, 037501 (2022). 9. Y. Zhao, P. Chakraborty, A. Passian, and T. Thundat, Nano Lett. (2023). 10. N. D. Brault, et al., Biosens. Bioelectron., 25, 2276 (2010).

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

TECH HIGHLIGHTS Ageing of High Energy Density Automotive Li-Ion Batteries: The Effect of Temperature and State-of-Charge

A comprehensive understanding of lithiumion batteries degradation is critical to develop mitigation solutions to improve battery performance and extend their lifetime. In this study, Mikheenkova et al. investigated the degradation and aging mechanism of 21700 cylindrical cells from the Tesla 3 long-range 2018 model (cathode: NCA, anode: SiOx-C) under different operational temperatures (20 and 45 oC) and state-of-charge (SoC) windows (0%–50%, 50–100%, and 0%– 100%). Through combined electrochemical and materials characterizations, the authors found that loss of lithium inventories (LLI) is the primary factor in capacity loss, followed by local heterogeneity formation and higher resistance over time as secondary factors. The dendrite solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) formed on SiOx particles from the anode side mainly contributes to the LLI particularly in this study, which sheds light on future design of silicon-graphite blended electrodes since the battery lifetime would be dependent on SiOx degradation. When it comes to loss of active materials (LAM), another important factor that contributes to degradation during cyclic aging, the authors conclude that NCA cathode degrades faster at elevated temperature and a higher SoC window over 50% (higher operational cell voltage), whereas an anode experiences higher degradation when it comes to a lower SoC window, especially when SoC reaches 0%. From: A. Mikheenkova, A. J. Smith, K. B. Frenander, et al., J. Electrochem. Soc., 170, 080503 (2023).

Electrodeposition of Manganese-Based Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries

The cost of Li-ion batteries can be reduced by several methods, for example basing the intercalation hosts on inexpensive Mn oxides or by substituting electrodeposition techniques to fabricate the electrodes instead of the standard slurry processing. A recent report by researchers at the University of South Carolina combined these two approaches by using electrodeposition to synthesize lithium manganese oxide (LMO) on Toray-060 carbon paper. Mn oxides were prepared by aqueous electrodeposition; these were chemically lithiated with LiOH, and the resulting LMO was sintered in air at 300 °C. The main focus of the work was understanding which LMO product was made, for example LiMn2O4 or Li2MnO3, and what Mn oxide was the parent phase of the product. The researchers found that highly crystalline Mn oxides failed to produce active LMO and resulted in negligible capacity. In contrast, when amorphous Mn oxide was the parent phase, considerable LMO was produced, resulting in an electrode that cycled with over 250 mAh/g. This high value suggested that Li2MnO3 must have been a

substantial component of the LMO. With successful scale-up, such a methodology could enable simplified recycling of Mnbased active material. From: M. Manjum, G. Jalilvand, and W. E. Mustain, J. Electrochem. Soc., 170, 062502 (2023).

Vanadium-Doped Ti4O7 Porous Transport Layers for Efficient Electrochemical Oxidation of Industrial Wastewater Contaminants

Modular reactors based on electrochemical oxidation (EO) that use economical renewable energy and avoid the use of hazardous chemicals provide an elegant solution for wastewater treatment. Borondoped diamonds, used as electrodes in EO, possess poor electrocatalytic performance and are expensive. Researchers at University of British Columbia addressed these limitations by using porous vanadium doped Ti4O7 as anodes, with vanadium doping up to 5%. Phase purity and physical and electrochemical characteristics of synthesized materials were characterized using XRD, SEM/EDX, 4-point conductivity probe, and cyclic voltammetry. The materials possessed sufficient conductivity, phase purity, and uniform distribution of vanadium dopant, and good electrochemical stability. The performance of EO was characterized with a flow cell, with synthesized material as anode, glass fiber as the separator, and a carbonbased gas diffusion layer as the cathode. The parametric study involved varying flow rates, current density, and dopant levels. The team developed an analytical model for predicting the mass transfer coefficients and energy consumption and validated the model using the experimental results. Commenting on the results, the researchers concluded with ways to improve the energy efficiency of an EObased wastewater treatment reactor. From: J. T. English and D. P. Wilkinson, J. Electrochem. Soc., 170, 083501 (2023).

Materialization of a Novel Decorated Nanowire Biosensor Platform Based on Field Effect Transistor under Electrochemical Gate Modulation

The widely used field effect transistors (FET) in the electronics industry can be modified to function as chemical and biological sensors. The underlying principle is that the gate terminal surface functionalization with specific receptors leads to sensitive response to electric field or potential changes caused by charged analyte molecule binding. Research in this area focusing on nanoscale FET-based biosensors with extremely high sensitivities has been quite active because of extensive charge carrier depletion by the bound analytes. In a recent report, researchers from Iran University of Medical Sciences and the Danesh Complex Institute of Iran combined two nanoscale materials to construct such a biosensor on a regular p-type silicon substrate. The first material was zinc oxide nanowire that was

cast on the silicon device and exhibited the well-known semiconducting behavior. This layer was then further decorated with gold nanoparticles that had been functionalized with thio-derivatized DNA aptamers. With such devices, the authors successfully demonstrated the detection of streptavidin at atto-molar levels. Hybridization of a complementary DNA strand to the aptamer could also be differentiated with a single nucleotide polymorphism one. From: M. Shariati, M. Sadeghi, et. al, J. Electrochem. Soc., 170, 077502 (2023).

Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of BiOCl Nanoflower-RGO Based Supercapacitor in the Presence of Redox Additive Electrolyte

Supercapacitors play a pivotal role in energy storage and delivery systems by enabling rapid energy storage and discharge, making them crucial for applications such as regenerative braking in electric vehicles and providing backup power in portable electronics. Many supercapacitor electrode materials have been investigated to enhance specific capacitance and energy density. Bismuth oxychloride (BiOCl) holds promise as a supercapacitor material; however, it is limited by its relatively low electrical conductivity. Researchers from India have addressed this limitation through the preparation of composites of BiOCl with reduced graphene oxide (rGO). Nanoflowers of BiOCl/rGO were synthesized via a facile hydrothermal process. The influence of rGO on the electrochemical performance of BiOCl was investigated by varying the amount of rGO. Supercapacitors containing an optimized ratio of BiOCl and rGO demonstrated a specific capacitance of 611 F g−1 at 5 mV s−1 and an energy density of 21.21 Wh kg−1 at a power density of 1.37 kW kg−1. This report demonstrates how the electrochemical performance of low-conductivity materials can be enhanced through the preparation of composites with conductive carbons. From: S. Dutta, S. Pal, N. Ahammed, et al., J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 12, 091002 (2023).

Tech Highlights was prepared by Joshua Gallaway of Northeastern University, David McNulty of University of Limerick, Chao (Gilbert) Liu of Shell, Zenghe Liu of Abbott Diabetes Care, Chock Karuppaiah of Vetri Labs and Ohmium International, and Donald Pile of EnPower, Inc. Each article highlighted here is available free online. Go to the online version of Tech Highlights in each issue of Interface, and click on the article summary to take you to the full-text version of the article.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Overview: Multifunctional Sensors for Smart Agriculture by Praveen K. Sekhar


oday, agriculture stands at the intersection of three paramount challenges: ensuring food and nutrition security, addressing climate change through adaptation and mitigation, and promoting the sustainable utilization of vital resources like water, energy, and land. Addressing these challenges saw the rise of smart agriculture amidst modern challenges. Smart agriculture, also known as precision agriculture, allows farmers to maximize yields using minimal resources such as water, fertilizer, and seeds. By deploying sensors and mapping fields, farmers can begin to understand their crops at a micro scale, conserve resources, and reduce impacts on the environment. In the 2023 Winter issue of Interface, developments in the last four years of inkjet printing technology toward the fabrication of low-cost sensors and antennas is detailed with the anticipation of exponential growth of multi-functional agricultural sensors. Further, advanced multi-functional sensors for measuring in-situ soil parameters for sustainable agriculture is detailed. Finally, in the People News section, the magazine gives a peek into the electrochemistry research at Navajo Technical University, situated within the Navajo Nation, a vital educational institution dedicated to empowering Navajo individuals and communities through higher education and technical training. Agriculture is a cost-constrained industry and low-cost sensors allow farmers to place many sensors throughout their large farmlands (often hundreds of acres) without spending large amounts of money, thus enabling smart agriculture. Traditional sensors are too expensive for the farmers to buy in large quantities, and, as a result, the spatial resolution was not high enough to reflect the inherent variability across such large areas. With the new, cheap sensors, farmers will be able to collect data on their farms without worrying about variability in quality of results. Among the various techniques to fabricate low-cost sensors, inkjet printing has gained prominence and is evolving with respect to new materials, substrates, and application domains. Inkjet printing belongs to the wider class of direct writing techniques; here, direct writing includes all processes which can be used to deposit functional and/or structural materials onto a substrate in defined locations and patterns. In contrast to processes requiring masks and post-processing steps, inkjet printing is a mask-less, drop-on-demand technique, which allows for the direct writing of conductive or functional ink layers on flexible or rigid substrates, without the need for complicated postprocessing. Production time savings, reduction in the wastage of materials, high spatial resolution, and ease of scalability are the main advantages of inkjet printing; the cost of inks and reproducibility are the main drawbacks that are currently being addressed. Utilizing flexible substrates has enhanced these advantages of inkjet printing technology as the majority of flexible substrates are eco-friendly and extremely low-cost materials. Inkjet-printed electronics on paper have great potential for agricultural applications. Topics covered in this issue include a general overview of the fabrication process of inkjet devices through an inkjet printer, recent applications of inkjet-printed sensors, recent applications of inkjetprinted antennae, challenges in inkjet printing, and an outlook on the future of the technique. Applications covered include gas sensors, biomedical sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, glucose sensors, and more. Low-cost sensors are often used in tandem with high-end instrumentation for validation and accuracy of results. In precision agriculture, a multitude of physical and chemical measurements are required due to the heterogeneity of the soil matrix. Soil physical and chemical parameters such as pH, moisture

content, organic matter content, electrical conductivity, and available nutrient content are conducted manually with portable instruments or automatically with fixed sensors. Traditional approaches to measuring soil parameters involve soil sampling, a complicated treatment processes that is time-consuming, labor-intensive, expensive, and unable to detect soil nutrients simultaneously from multiple samples, limiting their application in continuous monitoring. These challenges and shortcomings have given way to the advancement of sensor technology in agriculture. Modern instrumentation systems have multiple sensors on a single platform, each performing its unique function. A comprehensive outcome is obtained from combining all the independent sensors and interpreting the results using a signal processing algorithm. An overview of the current state-of-the-art sensing techniques for determining soil properties is presented in this issue. Keeping the focus on agriculture, the magazine focuses on a different facet where traditional farming has always been extremely difficult and how a university is empowering students via electrochemistry research to address food insecurity. The Navajo Nation reservation is a rural area classified as a food desert by the United States Department of Agriculture. Within the Navajo Nation, the food insecurity rate is 76.7%, which is the highest reported rate in the United States due to structural challenges, high unemployment, geographic barriers, and the limited varieties and quantities of fruits and vegetables along with difficulty in accessing food due to high poverty rates. Addressing the sustainable food production needs in the Navajo Nation is the Nanoelectrochemical Analysis and Energy Storage Laboratory (NEST Lab) in Navajo Technical University in Crownpoint, NM. This issue gives an insider view into the happenings in the NEST Lab and how tribal students are empowered to tackle societal needs. ©The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F10234IF

About the Author Praveen Sekhar, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University Education: PhD (Electrical Engineering), University of South Florida Research Interests: Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as Sensors, Antennas, and Machine learning for threat reduction, healthcare, and energy security applications. Broadening participation in engineering and diverse workforce development Pubs + patents: 80 publications, 76 presentations, 22 conference proceedings Awards: Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service: Advancement and Community Service Award, Washington State University (WSU); Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow (University of Cologne, Germany) Work with ECS: Positions served in Sensor Division: Student award reviewer, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-Chair, Associate Editor Sensors TIA (JES, JSS, ECS Sensors Plus), Sensor Division Awards Committee Chair Website:

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Advanced Multifunctional Sensors for In-situ Soil Parameters for Sustainable Agriculture by Vagheeswari Venkadesh, Vivek Kamat, Shekhar Bhansali, and Krish Jayachandran


he agronomic practices of agricultural science in recent years have become more accurate, precise, and datadriven than ever before, regardless of the perspective on agrarian practices. The stable performance of an intelligent and sustainable system relies on a precise monitoring technique that provides critical information for constructing sitespecific information for evaluating soil parameters, environmental conditions, and plant growth.1 By implementing advanced systems like sensors, agriculture can become technology driven, more productive, and more efficient by optimizing fertilizer application and minimizing environmental impacts. As a result, sensors are extensively used and increasingly in demand to provide accurate information to farmers, ensuring agricultural strategies tailored to specific needs and enhancing yields. In modern agriculture, a multitude of physical and chemical measurements are required due to the heterogeneity of the soil matrix. Soil physical and chemical parameters such as pH, moisture content, organic matter content, electrical conductivity, and available nutrients can be measured manually with portable instruments or automatically with fixed sensors. Traditional approaches to measuring soil parameters involve soil sampling, a complicated treatment process that is time-consuming, labor-intensive, expensive, and unable to detect soil nutrients simultaneously from multiple samples, limiting their application in continuous monitoring.2 These challenges and shortcomings have sped the advancement of sensor technology in agriculture.3 Sensor-based monitoring of plants is used to identify the various environmental factors that affect plant health, such as water availability, light intensity, chlorophyll content, temperature, and

nutrient deficiencies. Modern instrumentation systems have multiple sensors, each performing its unique function. A comprehensive outcome is obtained from combining all these independent entities and interpreting the results using a signal processing algorithm. This type of system is called a multi-functional sensor system. Fig. 1 shows a graphic illustration of a multi-functional sensor that simultaneously measures and monitors various soil parameters such as soil pH, temperature, nutritional requirements, and the presence of pests and diseases, with the help of a single compact device. The design of such a multi-sensor system comprises two stages: the development of a sensor unit and the development of a signal reconstruction algorithm.4,5 Due to its compactness, convenient processing, and lower power consumption, the multi-sensor system has been recognized as a reliable diagnostic device in a wide range of applications.6 Driven by a new platform in sensor technology, this review focuses on exploring different agricultural multi-sensor systems developed under different working principles to measure soil parameters—primarily the labile form of nutrients. With miniaturization and lower material costs, as well as advanced communication technology, sensor data can be transmitted worldwide quickly and reliably. While there are many available techniques for in-situ soil sensing, the majority involve spectroscopy, remote sensing (RS), and electrochemical approaches. Spectroscopy or optical spectroscopy is based on the ratio between the amount of energy reflected, transmitted, or absorbed to the total amount of energy that illuminates the sample. Remote sensing involves analyzing images acquired from a distance and measuring emitted radiation from the surface of the target. On the other hand, an electrochemical sensor employs an ion-selective electrode to generate a current or voltage output that reflects the concentration of the ion.

Spectroscopy Methods Spectroscopy involves the study of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and chemical bonds in a material. The development of spectroscopic techniques provided new methods for analyzing chemical concentration and an insight into the structure and dynamics of the molecule. The three most common types of spectroscopy are ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance. NIR works on the principle of a simple harmonic oscillator in which any two atoms that share a bond between them have resonant characteristics to their constituent masses. When a band of frequencies is introduced to a sample, the vibrationally corresponding frequencies will be absorbed, and the other frequencies will either be reflected or transmitted. A reflectance spectrum indicating wavelength-dependent light is generated by measuring this diffuse reflectance from the spectrophotometer. The corresponding molecule can be identified by comparing the absorption peak with a spectrum database.7 Through advances in computers, these techniques have enabled multiple scattered frequencies to be evaluated faster and more efficiently. In recent years, mid-infrared (MIR) and nearinfrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy have enabled cost-effective, non-destructive, environmentally friendly, time-saving techniques for determining soil parameters.8,9 A study by Ma and colleagues used a joint LED light source to measure soil macronutrients using multichannel optical Fig. 1. Graphical illustration showing the use of multiplex sensors in agriculture to measure various soil parameters simultaneously.

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Venkadesh et al

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measurements.10 Based on the Beer-Lambert law, relatively high correlation peaks were obtained between the absorption at the emission wavelength and their respective nutrient concentration in the soil sample. Similarly, Shibusawa employed a multi-sensor system to measure moisture content, soil organic matter, nitrate nitrogen, pH, and electrical conductivity for a field depth of 15–40cm.11 The use of optical fiber probes that passed light energy at a wavelength of 400–2400nm was used to quantify the reflected energy. From the absorbed light energy derivatives, prediction models were obtained for measuring the soil parameters. Similarly, in comparison with NIR, MIR clearly reveals soil characteristics due to strong vibration fundamentals and clearly identifiable peaks.12,13 Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy uses the same principle as that of infrared absorption of particles and molecular bonds. However, instead of irradiating a sample with infrared radiation, this method uses infrared energy to penetrate a crystal called an ATR crystal (Fig. 2). The ATR crystal is commonly made of diamond, zinc, geranium, or selenide and is placed in direct contact with the sample of interest. Because the crystal has a higher refractive index than the sample, as the incident energy is reflected multiple times within the crystal, an evanescent field is created at the interface between the crystal and the test sample, allowing for a longer path length over which the infrared energy can be absorbed by the sample. As the reflected light exits the crystal it is directed into a spectrometer, which produces a spectrum of reflectance for the sample. In the past, soil parameters were studied using Fourier transform ATR spectroscopy primarily by transporting samples to a lab, processing them, and analyzing them.14,15 However, this method is not possible for in-situ measurements. To manage nitrogen application, a study was conducted using an ATR sensor that measures nitrate and moisture content in soil samples;16 although this technique requires minimal soil preparation, it involves a complicated procedure in assessing the target concentrate. Another report from Yi-Wei and coworkers studied soil parameters like organic matter and pH using both NIR and MIR in addition to trace elements and heavy metals such as copper, zinc, lead, nickel, iron, arsenic, and chromium.17 The results showed that copper and zinc had a better correlation with organic matter and pH and were able to give better results. Raman effects occur when a monochromatic light source scatters photons inelastically in a molecule. Here liquid samples are pumped through a nebulizer and converted into aerosol-like droplets. The energy transferred during collision primarily corresponds to the vibrational energy states within the target molecule. The Raman spectrum, or the spectrum of scattered frequencies, corresponds to the bonds in a molecule, with the stoichiometry of a molecule shown in terms of the relative intensity of the lines. Morphology-dependent stimulated Raman scattering (MDRS) increases the Raman scattering of the constituents within aerosol-sized liquid droplets by using

Fig. 2. Illustration of ATR spectroscopy where an IR beam is reflected through the ATR crystal, creating an evanescence field. The reflected energy is then directed to the spectrometer to get the reflectance spectrum of the sample (recreated from Ref. 44). 56

electromagnetic, morphology-dependent resonance characteristics of these droplets. The Raman scattering is then observed in the nearultraviolet, visible, or near-infrared ranges.18 Raman scattering has been widely used in the agriculture literature for identifying soil bacteria,19 pathogens,20 pesticide residues,21 and herbicide traces,22 but very little work has been done in multi-functional sensor systems due to the interference from the soil organic matter content. A recent study conducted by Lee and Bogrekci has demonstrated the use of Raman spectroscopy to measure real-time soil nutrients like nitrate, phosphate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Due to its portability, this multi-sensor allows us to observe spatial and temporal changes in the field effectively.23

Remote Sensing Remote sensing (RS) works by using sensors to observe and measure the physical characteristics of an object from a distance.24 RS can detect a wide range of features on the earth’s surface, such as vegetation, land use, and geological features (Fig. 3). In RS, the amount of reflected or emitted energy at a specific frequency is correlated with the chemical, biological, and physical characteristics of the phenomenon being studied. Traditionally, satellites and manned aircraft equipped with various sensors have been used, but with considerable technological advances, there has been a shift toward low altitude unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for agricultural applications.25 Multispectral or optical remote sensing is the process of acquiring and analyzing information about a target area from a distance using electromagnetic radiation in the visible or infrared spectrum. Depending on the study region, remote sensing data offers high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions designed for various applications such as monitoring crop health, mapping land cover, and monitoring environmental changes. Boegh and coworkers used multispectral imagery to quantify vegetation and variation in photosynthetic status due to nitrogen concentration.26 The reflectance of the green spectrum increases with increasing chlorophyll concentrations in field canopies, and reflectance in the 720–750 nm range correlated highly with the chlorophyll concentration. Several vegetation indices (VIs) have been developed using different wavebands to estimate various plant parameters, including leaf area, ground cover, biomass, chlorophyll content, and residue cover. Despite their ability to provide information about vegetative cover, these variables are relatively slow-responding and typically show signs only after significant crop damage. But in the case of soil parameters, multispectral remote sensing variables are usually used with multiple linear regression (MLR) models and partial least squares regression (PLSR) to predict soil nutrients.27 Hyper spectral imagery (HSI) sensors are specially designed devices that acquire detailed images of observed objects over hundreds of narrow spectral bands. HSI provides a non-destructive method of measuring plant growth parameters and nutrient levels in crop plants,

Fig. 3. Graphical illustration of various components in remote sensing for agricultural applications (recreated from Ref. 45).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

providing a cost-effective and efficient method for remote sensingbased–precision agriculture. It was designed to collect light in the visible, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectrums between 400 nm and 2500 nm.28 In a field study conducted in Illinois and Missouri, HSI was employed to study soil fertility parameters such as P, K, Ca, Mg, pH, EC, and organic matter. Here, a PLSR model was used to characterize the soil fertility based on the reflectance data. This study found that the PLSR model on derivative spectra explained 66% of the variability in soil fertility variables, with 0.66 as the predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS).29 Likewise, another study mapped and monitored total nitrogen, available P, and K in the soil on a regional scale. It was found that hyperspectral VNIR bands (450–950nm) exhibited a rapid, higher response and sensitivity to these nutrients. In addition to their complex relationships with soil nutrients, hyperspectral bands reflect the physical mechanisms of linear and nonlinear models.30 Through their wide range of narrow bands, hyperspectral sensors can extract features otherwise not visible with multispectral sensors. Hyperspectral sensors require narrow band filters, spectrometers, susceptible detectors, and twodimensional sensor arrays which allow multiple spatial and spectral samples to be acquired, making them complex and expensive. Microwave sensors cover the spectral range of 1mm to 1m in wavelength and frequencies between 0.3 and 300 GHz.31 In plants and soil, sensing is linked to wavelength, with longer wavelengths allowing for greater penetration; thus, microwaves interact within the medium more than visible or near-infrared signals. A radar or microwave radiometer can hence penetrate clouds and provide soil moisture information. Based on a literature review, microwave sensing is primarily used to investigate soil moisture content32,33 and assess droughts.34 There were no studies that used microwave sensors to determine nutrients or to determine other physicochemical parameters. Despite being ideal for long-term, large-scale soil moisture content measurements, satellite-based remote sensing has coarse spatial and temporal resolutions and is limited to shallow penetration depths.

Multiplex Electrochemical Sensors In recent years, electrochemical sensors have become a common approach for measuring the chemical elements in soil. Their simplicity, miniature size, high diversity in electroanalytical sensing, and ease of integrating with an autonomous system make them ideal for real-time application in agriculture. In such a system, a chemically selective layer is coupled to an electrochemical transducer in a device known as a recognition element. When the recognition element meets the ion of interest, it produces an electrical signal generated by the transducer. The measured electrical signal then corresponds directly to the target ions’ concentration. Electrochemical sensors can further be divided into three subcategories: potentiometric, amperometric, and voltammetric. A potentiometric sensor measures a change in potential that correlates to the concentration of the analyte. In contrast, in voltammetric and amperometric sensors, an oxidationreduction reaction produces current relative to the target ion. There is a wide range of electrochemical methods to evaluate soil fertility, and they are commonly done by either ion-selective electrodes (ISE) or ion-selective field effect transistors (ISFET). In both cases, a logarithmic relationship between ionic activity and electric potential determines the selectivity of the target ion.35 In ISEs, a conductive membrane is integrated with a reference electrode to create a chemical reaction that enables an electrical signal used to measure the concentration of selective targets. ISE is proven to have a wide dynamic range and is traditionally employed in nutrient measurements. The ability to use electrochemical sensors in a variety of environmental settings makes them highly suitable for agricultural applications. In the literature, most electrochemical sensors are employed to detect nutrients, toxins, and pollutants in aqueous solutions. However, ISEs can also obtain rapid measures on slurries, naturally moist soil, and unfiltered soil extracts. A direct soil measurement using ISE has been employed for on-the-go field mapping of soil pH, available potassium, nitrate-nitrogen, and

sodium content.36 This multi-sensor system used a combination of eight electrodes to precisely measure naturally moist soil, producing root mean squared error (RMSE) values ranging from 0.11 to 0.26. However, the identified range of ion activity was significantly reduced, resulting in a greater relative error in the set soils. In 2019 Cho and co-workers predicted ionic concentrations of nitrate nitrogen, K, Ca, and Mg using a robust ISE in hydroponics using hybrid signal processing and an artificial neural network.37 The hybrid model showed improved predictability and accuracy by effectively managing the signal drifts with coefficients of variance below 10%. It is apparent that ISE is a potentially powerful diagnostic tool that can be easily integrated with other functions for a fully automated system by compensating for interference. ISFETs are similar to ISEs but coupled with a field effect transistor (FET). Fig. 4(a) shows a schematic representation of an ISFET with three terminals: source, drain, and gate, which control current flow using an electrical field within a region of the device. By applying a voltage at the gate, an electrical field is generated to modulate the charge in the channel which influences the conductivity of the channel. The applied voltage, called the threshold voltage, reflects the number of volts required to accumulate sufficient electrons in the conductive channel. By attaching the ISE membrane to the FET’s insulating layer, the solution concentration can chemically modulate . the threshold voltage. Birrell and Hummel have investigated a multiISFET coupled with flow injection analysis (FIA) for real-time nitrate analysis in a wide range of soil types.38 Fig. 4(b) shows an ion-selective nitrate membrane that is attached to the ISFET and then the flow cell is connected, exposing the gate areas to the solution. The circuit includes four ISFET sensors that operate with constant drain currents, a source follower circuit, a buffer amplifier circuit, an analog switch, and an output multiplexer. The sensor is capable of measuring soil nitrate levels when a calibration solution with appropriate concentration is utilized. Another attempt to establish an electronic system based on ISFET for agricultural purposes that allowed direct and indirect evaluation of nutrient status and pH in the soil was performed by Joly and coworkers.39 Here an adaptation of a pH-ISFET sensor with NO3 and NH4 is employed to measure the natural variation in nitrate content caused by microorganism activity in soil. The nitrogen mineralization by microbial action due to temperature changes was recorded in this system. The use of the FIA system can mitigate the disadvantage of long-term drift associated with ISFETs and complements the miniaturization of a multi-sensor system.40 A biosensor is a device that combines biological elements such as an enzyme, an antibody, or a nucleic acid with a transducer to measure and detect the analytes in a sample. It usually involves (continued on next page)

Fig. 4. (a) Illustration of a typical ISFET comprising a semiconducting channel and three terminals: gate, source, and drain. The voltage applied at the gate controls the flow of current between the source and the drain. (b) Picture of an ISFET coupled with flow injection analysis for measuring nitrates in a micro fluidic platform (adapted from Ref. 46).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


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developing the sensing material, selecting the bioreceptor material, a complex medium containing the target analyte, a signal processor, and data analysis. Agricultural biosensors can be classified based on the type of bio-recognition system employed. The most commonly used bio-recognition elements include aptamer/antibody-antigen, enzyme-coenzyme-substrate, and nucleic acids-complementary sequences.41 In the present day, molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) membranes are being studied to measure wide ranges of ions using a polymeric matrix that structurally completes the target ions.42 They offer an alternative approach involving artificial biomimetic recognition systems.43 Recently, we have been working on an MIPbased multiplex electrochemical sensor for measuring macronutrients such as nitrates, phosphates, and potassium in the soil as shown in Fig. 5. During the electrodeposition of poly-pyrrole on the working electrode, the target ion migrates toward poly-pyrrole and gets entrapped on the polymer matrix. Then the molecules are eluted from the conducting polymer to produce a surface that is complementary in shape and functionality. Then the electrochemical detection is carried out by rebinding of the analyte at the working electrode.

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of multi-functional soil sensor to measure macronutrients.

analysis provides accurate soil chemistry analysis, in-situ soil sensors provide more reliable feedback. Integrating different measurement concepts into a single system is one of the current research topics in measurement. It can lead to improved prediction of selective soil attributes and enhanced site-specific crop management. More research on the fusion of different approaches has been conducted recently in various fields and should be available soon. In light of this, some of the reviewed sensor prototypes are expected to show agronomic and economic potential in the near future.

Future Trends An overview of the current state-of-the-art sensing techniques for determining soil properties is presented in this article based on accuracy, applicability, and physical interpretation. Table I summarizes the advantages and challenges of various sensing techniques taken into consideration in a multiplex sensing approach. Compared to visNIR spectroscopy, MIR spectroscopy offers better measurements of key soil parameters because molecular vibrations occur in the MIR spectrum, whereas weak overtones and combinations exist in the NIR. In remote sensing, UAV-based high-resolution thermal and multi-spectral imagery and image processing algorithms have been applied to determine proximal soil moisture content. The accuracy and resolution of satellite-based soil moisture content measurement are continually improving with advances in remote sensing hardware and software. Electrochemical-based sensors, on the other hand, can provide quantitative information on soil nutrients comparable to conventional laboratory analysis and have successfully been used to evaluate soil fertility. Commercial soil laboratories use ISEs for standard soil testing and pH measurement. Unlike other types of soil sensors described in this article, these sensors can measure soil parameters directly from soil solutes. It is essential to acknowledge that today’s precision agriculture largely relies on sensor-based measurements to be sustainable. While conventional laboratory soil chemistry

Acknowledgements This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Numbers 1827682 and 1160483, and the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Agency under Award Number DE-NA0003981. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F11234IF

About the Authors Vagheeswari Venkadesh, PhD Candidate, Agroecology Program, Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University Education: BE in Civil Engineering (Anna University); MS in Environmental Studies (Florida International University) Work Experience: Graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Earth and Environment since 2020; conducting research on biodegradable substrates to measure nutrients.

Table: Summary of various multiplex soil sensing platforms used for measuring soil parameters. SENSING TECHNIQUE






NIR spectroscopy

N, P, K, C, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn


Cost effective, Non-destructive, Time saving

Requires calibration. Interference due to moisture content

10 - 11

MIR spectroscopy

N, P, K, Zn, Cu, Fe


High accuracy

Expensive, not suitable for in-situ

16 - 17

Raman scattering

N, P, K, S, Mg

Pesticide and herbicide traces, pathogen


Interference from OM

19 - 23



SOC, TC, clay, chlorophyll

Applicable for vegetative cover

Slow responding, interrupted by cloud cover

26 - 27


P, K, Ca, Mg

pH, OM, EC

Rapid and high response rate

Expensive and large data storage provisions

29 - 30




Suitable for large scale sensing

Used only in moisture related drought and vegetative studies

32 - 34


N, K, S, Ca, Mg


Accuracy, Low cost, Miniaturization, System integration

Complex fabrication, instability in long term measurements

36 - 37


N, NH4


Continuous monitoring, Miniaturization

Long term drift

38 - 39

Note: OM- organic matter, SWC- soil water content, TC- total carbon, EC- electrical conductivity 58

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Research Interests: Environmental sustainability, Soil quality, Electrochemical characterization Publications: 2 peer-reviewed articles Vivek Kamat, Research Scientist, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University Education: PhD in Biotechnology Work Experience: Currently working as a research scientist with expertise in biosensors and nanotechnology, Dr. Kamat has prior industrial experience working in vaccine manufacturing. His research at Florida International University has led to the development of several wearable devices and microfluidic platforms for disease detection and diagnostic applications. Research Interests: Microfluidics, Wearable devices, Biosensors Pubs + Patents: >20 publications in Nature, Biosensor Bioelectronics, and ACS Awards: Gibco Cell Culture Hero award Website: Shekhar Bhansali, Lucent Technologies CALA Distinguished University Professor, Florida International University Education: PhD in Electrical Engineering (RMIT University, Australia) Work Experience: Served as NSF Division Director of Electrical, Cyber, and Communications Systems and on the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s (OSTP) subcommittee on Semiconductor and Microelectronics Leadership (SML) (2020–2022). Co-author of OSTP’s US National Strategy for Semiconductor & Microelectronics Leadership. Department Chair at FIU (2011– 2020), and Founding Interim Director of the FIU School of Electrical, Computer and Enterprise Engineering (2019–2020). PI/ co-PI on >50 grants. Advisor of >200 postgrad and undergrad students, always being an advocate for minority students. He is an elected Fellow of AAAS, AIMBE, ECS, IEEE, NAI, and IOP. Research Interests: Sensors, MEMS, Microfluidics, and Thin films Pubs + Patents: >40 US patents, 2 edited books, >250 research articles Awards: Numerous mentoring and research awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, Alfred P Jones Mentor of the Year Award, William R Jones Outstanding Mentor Award, and FIU’s Top scholar award. Work with ECS: ECS Fellow Website: Krish Jayachandran, Distinguished University Professor, Florida International University Education: PhD Work Experience: Joined Florida International University in 1996. In 2022, promoted to Distinguished University Professor. Teach Agroecology, Soils and Ecosystems courses, engage in innovative, novel, discovery-type research activities, community engagement, and outreach. Research Interests: Soil and plant microbiomes, Agroecology, Sustainable agriculture, Biological control, Biofertilizers, Soil-plantmicrobes interactions, Nutrient cycling Pubs + Patents: 110 peer-reviewed publications, 150 presentations, 1 book edition, h-index 28

Awards: Faculty Engagement Award, ASA Fellow, Faculty Research Award Website:

References 1. U. Shafi, R. Mumtaz, J. García-Nieto, S. A. Hassan, S. A. R. Zaidi, and N. Iqbal, Sensors, 19, 3796 (2019). 2. A. Galieni, N. D’Ascenzo, F. Stagnari, G. Pagnani, Q. Xie, and M. Pisante, Front. Plant Sci., 11, 1975 (2021). 3. F. J. Pierce and P. Nowak, Adv. Agron., 67, 1 (1999). 4. J. Sun and K. Shida, IEEJ Trans. Sens., 120, 162 (2000). 5. R. Z. Morawski, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 43, 226 (1994). 6. J. L. Yang, Y. S. Chen, L. L. Zhang, and Z. Sun, Rev. Sci. Instr., 87, 065004 (2016). 7. B. Kashyap, and R. Kumar, IEEE Access, 9, 14095 (2021). 8. J. M. Soriano-Disla, L. J. Janik, R. A. Viscarra Rossel, L. M. Macdonald, and M. J. McLaughlin, App. Spectr. Rev., 49, 139 (2014). 9. R. V. Rossel, D. J. J. Walvoort, A. B. McBratney, L. J. Janik, and J. O. Skjemstad, Geoderma, 131, 59 (2006). 10. L. Ma, Z. Li, Z. Birech, S. Li, Y. Yang, W. Zhang, and J. Hu, Electronics, 8, 451 (2019). 11. S. Shibusawa, In Proceedings 2003 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2, 1061 (2003). 12. M. Nocita, A. Stevens, B. van Wesemael, et al., Adv. Agron., 132, 139 (2015). 13. N. K. Wijewardane, Y. Ge, S. Wills, and Z. Libohova, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 82, 722 (2018). 14. M. R. Ehsani, S. K. Upadhyaya, W. R. Fawcett, L. V. Protsailo, and D. Slaughter Trans. ASAE, 44, 1931 (2001). 15. A. Shaviv, A. Kenny, I. Shmulevitch, L. Singher, Y. Raichlin, and A. Katzir, Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 2807 (2003). 16. A. Borenstein, R. Linker, I. Shmulevich, and A. Shaviv, Appl. Spectrosc., 60, 1267 (2006). 17. Y.-W. Dong, S.-Q. Yang, C.-Y. Xu, et. al., Pedosphere, 21, 591 (2011). 18. K. Kalantar-Xadeh and B. Fry, In Nanotechnology enabled sensors, 371, Springer US (2008). 19. Q. Chen, Y. Yang, M. Ilnur, W. Liang, A. Shen, and J. Hu, Talanta, 204, 44 (2019). 20. J. Ding, Q. Lin, J. Zhang, G. M. Young, C. Jiang, Y. Zhong, and J. Zhang, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 413, 3801 (2021). 21. L. Jiang, K. Gu, R. Liu, S. Jin, H. Wang, and C. Pan, SN Appl. Sci., 1, 1 (2019). 22. M. Yan, Y. She, X. Cao, et al., Microchim. Acta, 186, 1 (2019). 23. W. Lee and I. Bogrekci, Portable Raman sensor for soil nutrient detection. U.S. Patent Application 11/475,501 (2007). 24. T. Lillesand, R. W. Kiefer, and J. Chipman, Remote sensing and image interpretation. John Wiley & Sons (2015). 25. C. Yinka-Banjo and O. Ajayi, In Autonomous vehicles, 107, (2019). 26. E. Boegh, H. Soegaard, N. Broge, C. B. Hasager, N/ O. Jensen, K. Schelde, and A. Thomsen, Remote Sensing Environ., 81, 179 (2002). 27. D. G. Sullivan, J. N. Shaw, and D. Rickman, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 69, 1789 (2005). 28. A. Kumar, S. Saxena, S. Shrivastava, V. Bharti, U. Kumar, and K. Dhama, J. Exp. Biol. Agric. Sci, 4, 448 (2016). 29. S. G. Bajwa and L. F. Tian, Trans. ASAE, 48, 2399 (2005). 30. Y. Q. Song, X. Zhao, H. Y. Su, B. Li, Y. M. Hu, and X. S. Cui, Sensors, 18, 3086 (2018). 31. F. T. Ulaby, R. K. Moore, and A. K.Fung, Microwave remote sensing: Active and passive. Volume 3-From theory to applications (1986). 32. C. Champagne, A. Berg, J. Belanger, H. McNairn, and R. De Jeu, (2010), Int. J. Remote Sensing, 31, 3669 (2010).

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33. J. Zhang, D. Du, Y. Bao, J. Wang, and Z. Wei, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 69, 6446 (2020). 34. M. Vreugdenhil, I. Greimeister-Pfeil, W. Preimesberger, S. Camici, W. Dorigo, M. Enenkel, and W. Wagner, Front. Water, 4, 1045451 (2022). 35. B. R. Eggins, Chemical sensors and biosensors (Vol. 2), John Wiley & Sons (2002). 36. V. I. Adamchuk, E. D. Lund, B. Sethuramasamyraja, M. T. Morgan, A. Dobermann, and D. B. Marx, Comput. Electron. Agric., 48, 272 (2005). 37. W. J. Cho, H. J. Kim, D. H. Jung, H. J. Han, and Y. Y. Cho, Sensors, 19, 5508 (2019). 38. S. J. Birrell and J. W. Hummel, Comput. Electron. Agric., 32, 45 (2001).

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HONOLULU,HI October 6-11, 2024





The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Progress in Inkjet-Printed Sensors and Antennas by Caden Tyler Sandry, Sharmin Shila, Leobardo Gonzalez-Jimenez, Sebastian Martinez, and Praveen Kumar Sekhar


ithin the last five years, flexible sensors and antennas have become increasingly common and used for a wide variety of applications. While flexible sensors and antennas can be fabricated through different methods, including screen printing and 3D printing, inkjet printing is notable in that it is cost effective and allows the production of precise sensors and antennas that do not degrade when bent. Though inkjet printing can be used for other applications, such as making solar cells and LEDs,1 and there are many forms of inkjet printing, like piezoelectric and thermal,2 this article focuses on inkjet printing for sensors and antennas. Inkjet printing is convenient and relatively accessible while still allowing for a high-quality product. The applications of flexible sensors and antennas range from electronic skin3 to gas sensors. Inkjet antennas are generally used with sensors to transmit data, which is commonly used for remote biomedical applications or RFID tagging when paired with a sensor.4 There are also less common and more unique applications of inkjet devices since they are not as traditionally limited as rigid devices. One example is an inkjet antenna used on an origami robot, where the antenna must be light and flexible to attach to a paper surface.5 Inkjet sensors may also be used in intelligent packaging systems for food, in which the sensor may be used for freshness indication or hazardous substance detection.6

Several challenges are introduced when making a flexible device compared to more rigid ones, such as strain on the sensor or antenna while it bends. Bending can cause the device to degrade7 if not properly accounted for and must be compensated for in the circuit’s material design to allow a device that performs adequately under any reasonable form of stress, strain, or bending. Another challenge that will be focused on in later sections is the coffee ring effect, which is an issue unique to inkjet printing. This involves the ink droplets drying in a certain formation that is essentially a circle of dried ink, which decreases the conductivity of the printed circuit. This unwanted effect can be dealt with through Marangoni flow8 or by altering the ink composition. This paper will not focus on suggesting solutions, but rather will discuss challenges and optimal solutions that are already present or in development. This article will discuss the applications of flexible inkjetprinted sensors and antennas in the last five years, the challenges the field faces, and the fabrication process of these devices, as well as the general outlook for and possible advances in inkjet devices. Flexible devices have a clear focus in several concentrated areas, mostly wearable, biomedical, and environmental (gas sensing) applications,11-40 which will be explored in both common and novel applications to provide a complete review the field.

Fabrication of Inkjet Devices In a general sense, inkjet printing allows for very high customization.41 As shown by the variety of applications in this paper, it is clear that there are very many different uses for inkjet-printed devices. This is one of the appeals of fabricating through the inkjet printing process since designs can be changed to meet the demands of both common and unique implementations. Different parameters like circuitry, substrate, ink type, and so on can be controlled to suit the needs of the sensor or antenna. Being able to do all of this from an inkjet printer is very convenient from both a manufacturing and a research perspective. An important aspect in the review of inkjet devices is the fabrication process for both sensors and antennas. The inkjet device fabrication process goes through four major steps, which are pretreatment, inkjet printing, curing, and sintering.1 These four processes (Fig. 1) are broken down further in each subsequent part of this fabrication section. Figure 2 shows a four-step diagram of sample preparation for inkjet printing. Traditional silicon-based processing and inkjet printing processes are contrasted in Fig. 3. For sensors and antennas, an inkjet printer is used to print conductive ink onto a substrate. Substrate materials range from simple and cheap materials like paper to more specific materials like PET. Inkjet printing can produce high resolution patterns43 using conductive inks such as copper, gold, and silver.44 Nanoparticles range in size from ~1 to 100nm.45 Thin film layers are created with low viscosity inks to fabricate the product.46 Carbon nanotubes can also be used and are recyclable,47 reducing overall manufacturing waste. However, nanotubes can be affected negatively during oxidation and other processes.48 Graphene, with its strong mechanical properties, can also be used.49 Nanoparticle inks can be created in a couple of ways, the most consistent of these being chemical processes in which metal salts are reduced to create particles of uniform size.50 It is possible to create nanoparticles of metal with physical grinding; however, this can result in non-uniform

Fig. 1. Fabrication steps toward a fully printed gas sensor.42

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particle sizes. Inconsistent particle sizes, especially larger ones, can cause nozzle clogging. Nozzle clogging is also possible with certain inks and should be carefully considered based on the inkjet printer



being used to prevent fabrication defects. This is discussed further in the challenges section. Important aspects of fabrication are biodegradability and environmental safety, especially since many sensors are for medical use and will be disposed of after use. Silver nanoparticle ink is common for inkjet printing because it is conductive and relatively (c)


Fig. 2. Four step diagram of sample preparation: (a) Kapton; (b) plasma pre-treatment of Kapton; (c) inkjet printing of the pre-treated substrate; (d) sintering of the graphene ink.53

Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of inkjet printing. (a) Conventional silicon-based sensor fabrication with photolithography technology, (b) Flexible sensor fabrication with inkjet printing technology, (c) Process flow of inkjet printed flexible sensors, (d) Thermal inkjet printing, (e) Piezoelectric inkjet printing, (f) Aerosol jet printing, and (g) Electrohydrodynamic jet printing.1 62

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Table I. Biomedical sensors88 Sensor

Ink Material

Sintering Method


Functional Electrode Material

Detection Method



Pt, NP; Ag, NP

thermal, 180°C




71.3 mV ph-1



Bi, inorganic salt





0.083 A*m *mm

1 × 10 M



Au, Np

thermal, 380°C



potential impedance spectroscopy

566 Ohm ppm-1

0.01 ppm



Au, NP

thermal, 130°C



cyclic voltametry

850 µA mM-1 cm-2

2.99 µM



Au, inorganic salt



Aß42 antibody






Au, inorganic salt








inexpensive; however, using large amounts of silver in electronics can produce an equally large amount of waste.54 Since one of the biggest appeals of inkjet printing is that it is easy and inexpensive to use as a manufacturing method on a wide scale, biodegradable materials are even more relevant. Replacing silver or other materials that are used for their conductive and electrical qualities with elements like magnesium, zinc, or iron can be much better for the environment. These elements can dissolve in water, which makes them much more suitable for disposable electronics.54 This will be expanded upon in the challenges section.

Applications of Inkjet Sensors Inkjet sensors and antennas are closely related but will be treated here in two separate sections for better comprehension. Since there may be overlap regarding the literature on these topics, devices that include both a sensor and antenna may be included in either section. The most common applications will be covered first, followed by the more unique applications. Three of the most prominent applications of inkjet sensors are biomedicine,50, 55-62, gas sensing,42, 61, 63-81 and temperature sensing.82-87 Other common uses are electronic skin and wearables, which can overlap with the above applications, such as a wearable temperature sensor. Biomedical sensors are often wearable; thus they must be flexible and stable so that they can be attached to skin without affecting performance or data collection. Biomedical inkjet sensors vary, but generally serve the purpose of detecting abnormal levels of a substance, often through biomarkers. The goal of a wearable biomedical sensor is to provide accurate, useful medical information while being convenient and non-invasive for the user. Examples include human temperature sensors, glucose sensors, sweat analysis sensors that track K and Na levels,54 and in some cases electronic skin. Biomedical research can also benefit from inkjet printing,89 in which a sensor can be attached to the body to collect study data. Wearables have several specific requirements that are discussed later. An example of a biomedical sensor is one that can detect the level of glucose in the blood of a person with diabetes.90 It is possible to detect glucose using inkjet sensors and urine samples as well.91 When an inkjet sensor is developed for measuring data outside of the human body, flexibility may not be as much of a concern. The glucose sensor designed to be used in urine, for example, did not need to resist large and frequent amounts of bending or strain. Inkjet printing is simply cost-effective and well suited for printing very small sensors, which are still benefits for non-flexible applications. Wearable glucose inkjet sensors have been printed using gold ink and copper oxide nanoparticles,92 as well as other inks and nanoparticles. This type of sensor is disposable and wearable, which is both convenient and cheap for the user. These factors are important when considering biomedical applications, as their purpose is to be easier to use, cheaper, and at least as accurate as already existing methods. Inkjet sensors can also monitor glucose levels through sweat,93 and in this case, provide a fantastic alternative to traditional methods of monitoring glucose levels. The sensors are almost as accurate as commercial blood glucose monitors. If further developed to become wearable, glucose monitoring like this example could become very cheap and convenient for remote healthcare applications. This is



Detection Limit



151 -7

also a prime example of what inkjet sensor technology should strive to accomplish; the sensor achieved the same goal as the traditional blood collection kit while advancing otherwise, meaning that inkjet printing technology is rapidly approaching wider availability and usability. Another paper found that an inkjet-printed sensor for glucose biomonitoring was sensitive, disposable, low cost, and customizable to meet the user’s needs.94 A selection of these sensors is presented in Table I, which covers the type of sensor, substrate, functional electrode material, detection method, ink and sintering method, and performance. Temperature sensors are another example of inkjet-printed flexible devices. Traditional temperature sensors are typically rigid and thus not applicable as wearables that must maintain skin contact.87 With inkjet-printed sensors, temperature sensors can be used in biomedical applications when paired with an antenna,95 though they currently face challenges like poor operation range and conductivity. Carbonbased sensors are common in temperature sensing, primarily for their high conductivity and mechanical strength.84 Flexible polymerbased temperature sensors are also common; the conductivity in the material changes with changes in temperature.84 Since temperature sensing is essentially a category of biomedical sensors, comfort and durability are not just desired, but essential. Table II presents some of the reported temperature sensors along with information on their materials, production details, and performance. The third common use for inkjet-printed sensors is gas sensing. Carbon inks are sensitive to gas, which means they can detect aspects of an environment such as humidity.1 One of the most common uses of a gas sensor is for sensing ammonia, which can overlap with biomedical sensors. One such ammonia sensor is used to detect dangerously high levels of ammonia in human blood, which can help prevent seizures. Current tests for hyperammonemia require specialized equipment and are slow.80 Wearable ammonia sensors would enable much more convenient and earlier hyperammonemia detection. Research on ammonia sensors is relatively recent, and development is ongoing.96 Currently, ammonia detection is most commonly used in environmental hazard detection in industrial applications, in cars, and in houses.88 Workplace ammonia detection alerts if the concentration of ammonia is too high.22 Incorporating such a sensor into a small, inexpensive wearable may better protect employees because a wearable is easy to use and more effective for detecting individual exposure. Table III is a summary of inkjetprinted gas sensors. Another feature of flexible inkjet gas sensors is that they operate at room temperature. Rigid semiconductor oxide-based sensors are usually brittle, expensive, and require a relatively large amount of power to operate, as well as operating at a higher temperature than that of the average room.35 Thus, inkjet sensors are operable under wider conditions. Tactile sensing and pressure sensors are another category of flexible inkjet sensors.97 For example, electronic skin98 is essentially a wearable, multifunctional sensor. Electronic skin, or e-skin, can be viewed as a combination of the sensors explored above, including detection of temperature, pressure, humidity, gas, and strain. Although such multifunctional sensors are currently relatively under-researched, inkjet printing certainly could play a role in their development. (continued on next page)

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Table II. Temperature sensors Ref., Year

Substrate Material

Sensing Material

Contacts/ Electrodes


Sensitivity [TCR] (%/°C)

140, 2020




25 - 45°C.

9.389 × 10-4°C & -0.0139°C

141, 2019





1.625 × 10–3 K-1

142, 2020





0.1086 Ω/°C

143, 2021


G & f-rGO


30-83°C & 30-100°C

-1.94 × 10–3 K-1 & -1.64 × 10–2 K-1

144, 2021

nylon taffeta fabric




10.4 × 10–3

145, 2021




-20 - 60°C

1.713 × 10–3 K-1

82, 2019

cellophane tape



25 - 45°C

2.15 × 10-3 °C

85, 2021



Ag yarns


0.15 %/°C

85, 2021



Ag yarns


0.41 %/°C

85, 2021



Ag yarns


0.31 %/°C

146, 2019





0.00375 °C-1

147, 2019





-0.8 %/°C

148, 2020

FR-4 board




18.111 kHz/°C

149, 2021





0.1086 Ω/°C

150 2020





8 µV/°C

83, 2020

polymer substrate

CdSe/ZnS quantum dots



109 pm/ °C

86, 2022





0.113 %/°C

86, 2022

photo paper




-1.67 %/°C

Pressure sensors can be categorized as capacitive, piezoelectric, triboelectric, or piezoresistive, and in one example, a sensor was created using silver ink in a capacitive sensor with a dielectric material in between two plates.99 The traditional fabrication process for this sort of sensor takes lots of time and uses dangerous chemicals;99 thus inkjet printing can reduce workplace hazards and manufacturing time. In this example, not only were the manufacturing time and work environment improved, but the sensor’s performance also improved. The sensor was able to detect pressures lower than 1 kPa and at 50 kPa, so it can be used in many systems surrounding skin.99 With a capacitive sensor like this one, a dielectric is placed between two plates in the fabrication process. With a piezoresistive pressure sensor, the dielectric can be replaced with a conductive layer that changes resistivity when pressure is applied, allowing it to measure pressure change.100 Manufacturing steps need be only partially altered to change from a capacitive to a piezoresistive sensor, as the dielectric layer can be altered and replaced to form a different sensor. This sort of pressure sensor can be used for tactile sensing as it conforms to a surface. Figure 4 shows the schematic to implement an inkjet-printed tactile sensor.

Applications of Inkjet Antennas Inkjet antennas by themselves are limited to data transmission, which is why they are usually paired with a sensor. Inkjet antennas are similar to inkjet sensors in that they can be flexible and allow for bending stress, which means that they can be placed on skin, clothing, or other nonplanar surfaces as wearables.101 One application of inkjetprinted antennas is RFID tagging.102-108 In biomedical applications, RFID tagging is used for smart blood storage/blood bag tagging and patient monitoring.109 The tags are combined with a sensor, such as a strain sensor, to monitor patient parameters and transmit them to providers. Common issues with these devices include balancing transmission range and size. Figure 5 shows an inkjet-printed antenna on textile and Fig. 6 shows RFID tags on apples. 64

In one example, an inkjet-printed antenna and an RFID were used as a dosimeter tag for irradiation of blood for transfusions.110 Since the antenna is used in blood, it had to be optimized for this lossy environment. The antenna was integrated with biomedical sensors to automate the process of irradiation during blood transfusion and reduce loss of blood by increasing efficiency. RFID tagging can also be used in security.102 This unique application relies on the natural randomness that is inherent to inkjet printing, meaning that patterns can be created that are difficult to reproduce. This means that these RFID tags can be used as a high-level security measure simply because of the nature of inkjet printing. RFID tagging can also be used in the form of an inkjet-printed sticker, allowing inkjet antennas to be used in food packaging and monitoring.111 Prototypes are approximately double the length of the stickers already used on produce. In another example, an inkjet and screen-printed antenna was incorporated into a bandage for wireless wound monitoring.112 Like other wearable antennas in this article, it had to be flexible and bendable while remaining functional, and it could not be intrusive. In this example, the antenna was able to conform to the body properly, which demonstrates that it is already possible to meet these demands in making biomedical wearables. It should be noted, however, that strain and bending reduced both the gain and the bandwidth of the antenna, which will be discussed further in the challenges section. Nonmedical wearable antennas also require a great degree of flexibility and stability while bending. This strain can cause performance losses and must be accounted for in fabrication. A wearable antenna113 designed using a Teflon substrate can track body movement with RF sensing. This application is rarer in the field of flexible antennas, but it is certainly one that logically could be incorporated with an inkjet antenna. Current research on inkjet antennas is often nonspecific and used to verify that inkjet antennas have a promising place in the advancing world of electronics. In one study, for example, an antenna not used for a specific application reached an efficiency of 84%.114 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

Table III. Gas sensors Ref., Year

Substrate Material

Sensing Material

Target Gases

Detection Range/Gas Concentration

Working Condition

42, 2019

polyimide (PI)

SnO2-based ink


dry and wet air


63, 2022




50 ppb

room temperature

64, 2019

flexible & transparent


formaldehyde (CH2O)

10-200 ppm

room temperature

66, 2020

photo paper


ammonia and methyl alcohol

0.05 g/L

room temperature

67, 2019


WS2 nanoparticles

NO2, H2S, NH3, and CO2

10 ppm


68, 2022

photo paper

molecular-imprinted polymer (MIP)

propenoic acid

3-48 ppm

room temperature

69, 2019

thin substrate


NO2 and NH3

10 ppm NH3, 20-200 ppb NO2


70, 2019

Epson photo paper


VOCs, ethanol, toluene

RH 32%, 0-1300 ppm


71, 2021


SnO2 nanoparticle ink


55% RH, 0.7% w/v


72, 2019




50 ppm


73, 2021

photo paper

molecularly imprinted sol-gels (MISGs)

volatile organic acids (HA, HpA and OA), hexanoic acid (HA), heptanoic acid (HpA), and octanoic acid (OA)

19.56, 15.92, and 11.78 ppm

room temperature

74, 2019


molecular imprinted polymer (MIP)

propanoic acid (PA), hexanoic acid (HA), heptanoic acid (HPA) and octanoic acid (OA)



75, 2021




40-50% RH, 500-1300 ppm

room temperature (25°C)

76, 2022




300-700 ppm

room temperature

77, 2021

silicon wafer


benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX)

30 - 500 ppm

room temperature

78, 2020

quartz glass

hydrogen-terminated nanocrystalline diamond (NCD)

NH3 and NO2

10-50 ppm


80, 2022


YSZ dielectric


0, 200 and 500 μM

room temperature

A proposed application of an inkjet antenna that is currently quite relevant is an inkjet-printed 5G antenna.115-118 Mass production of inkjet-printed antennas for 5G is likely appealing for its manufacturing ease and lower cost. 5G inkjet antenna applications include wearables and transportation.119 Their lower weight, smaller size, and flexibility allows these antennas to be used on aerial vehicles such as small UAVs, which benefit aerodynamically from a flexible antenna. For niche applications in which a UAV uses flapping wings to fly, flat

and flexible sensors or antennas can attach to the wings or a curved surface. UAVs may also require omnidirectional antennas,120 which can be created with inkjet printing. More common vehicles like cars can also use inkjet antennas. An inkjet-printed antenna can conform to the surface of a car or military vehicle.121 Paired with other qualities like water resistance, certain flexible antennas can be implemented as a full replacement and upgrade to other, bulkier antennas. WLAN and WiMAX are another application of inkjet antennas, which allows for data connectivity with high speeds.122 Like previous applications, this is simply a more cost-effective approach in making technology that already exists. This technology is used for wireless devices like computers and phones,122 meaning that mass production is required, and manufacturing will benefit greatly from a simpler and cheaper production process. A unique application of inkjet-printed antennas is for wireless power transfer,123 though this application is still uncommon and its usefulness as a manufacturing method is not yet clear. (continued on next page)

Fig. 4. Fabrication procedure to implement a flexible tactile sensor. (a) Inkjet printing for the silver electrodes on a PET substrate. (b) DIW printing for the silicone-based insulating ink (or CNT/PDMS conductive ink) on the bottom electrode. (c) Bonding between another electrode obtained by repeating (a) and the printed structure obtained in (b). (d) Wire bonding to the electrodes for capacitance (or resistance) readout.100

Fig. 5. Photographs of inkjet-printed filtering antenna on a textile.101

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A frequent trend in inkjet antennas applications is that many of the applications already exist, they just currently use traditional antennas (e.g., WLAN and WiMAX, 5G, and RFID). However, inkjet printing’s cost-effectiveness makes it useful regardless of how new or unique the application, and there are new applications, especially in wearables.

Challenges in Inkjetprinted Sensors and Antennas Regarding the challenges that inkjet devices face, it is important to consider the alternatives that inkjet printing may be in competition with. One such alternative is general 3D printing, which can allow a wider variety of structure fabrication than inkjet printing. Inkjet printing can be pursued in 3D; however, the challenge is that inkjet structural printing tends to fracture and is not as strong as 3D printing with common materials such as plastic.124 This is a challenge that can met by identifying and testing different materials. For RF sensors, inkjet printing also does not have multilayer printing capabilities, while DIW 3D printing does.125 In addition, inkjet printing must be performed on a flat surface. If the ink is released onto a curved surface, it may flow away from the intended printing area and cause the device to malfunction, as the circuit design will not match the theoretical design. This is unique to inkjet printing in that the printer is depositing liquid onto a substrate, but it can be avoided in two ways. The first method is to simply not use curved surfaces in the design of a device. This is limiting in the creation of the device but still provides many design options. The second way is to print layerby-layer, which can build surfaces that are not entirely flat but can be printed on without changing the intended design of the device.124 The materials used for inkjet printing may provide some disadvantages. Specific materials are needed that can be printed onto the substrate at a certain viscosity, as the material must be put through the curing and sintering processes. Sintering can be done with an infrared lamp124 to broaden the material selection, but this still presents limitations for inkjet printing sensors and antennas. A problem with some inkjet-printed devices is that the stress of being bent may reduce the lifespan of the sensor or antenna.126 Though many of these devices are optimized to perform well under different conditions and forms of stress, their durability over time under these forces is not yet widely tested. Generally, the electrical aspect is highly researched and tested to ensure that the device will function properly when bent or flexed, but these devices typically are not put under this strain for long periods of time to test their structural integrity. Using something such as a wearable sensor on a piece of clothing or skin may cause the device to crack or fracture over long periods of time. All factors related to this issue are subject to change depending on the material used. For example, PTFE is a polymer that has limited use in flexible antennas, as the bandwidth is reduced under bending, and it is electrically unstable when bent as well as being more difficult to bend than other materials.127 Bending can also change the bandwidth of an antenna.128 Inkjet antennas can also be costly and bulky if the transmission range must be large, and tagging certain surfaces like skin, water, and metal may reduce antenna performance109. With a rigid antenna, different amounts of metal can be used to prevent some forms of damage and wear129. This protection cannot be implemented on flexible antennas because they are either too small for mechanical protection or the protective material is not suited for the bending and constant strain of a flexible antenna. Medical sensors entail particular safety, privacy, and performance requirements. Parameters such as selectivity and sensitivity must reach a certain threshold to be medically useful.130 With components that are extremely small, this can be tricky to manage. Often this will mean testing and redesigning sensors before they meet these standards. These requirements also mean that certain antennas and sensors may not be the designed to be the best possible devices available, but rather ones that function adequately while still being small and flexible. Some flexible antennas are designed to work 66

Fig 6. Fabricated prototype of RFID tag on two different apple samples.111

well under a specific bandwidth, but not necessarily a very large bandwidth for all applications.131 A more general issue that inkjetprinted devices face is the risk of manufacturing defects, which can affect device sensitivity.75 This is a challenge that comes with many other electronic components and is certainly not unique to inkjetprinted devices but is still worth noting, especially because sensitivity is particularly important in medical sensors. Nozzles can clog when using metal nanowires, which can slow down printing time and limit how much of a particular nanowire material can be used. In addition, an inkjet printer alone cannot print patterns >30 µm132. Carbon nanotube ink can clog nozzles as well, which is caused by their inherent structure. Inks that are water-based can have another problem entirely, as the possibility of high surface tension can reduce printing consistency.87 These are all very important factors to consider when choosing materials to fabricate a sensor or antenna with inkjet printing, as clogging and inconsistencies in printing can result in wasted time, funding, and materials. The coffee ring effect is one of the more common problems that inkjet printing faces, which involves particles forming in a circle on the substrate while the printed ink is drying, causing conductivity changes in the resulting circuit. One method of reducing the effects of the coffee ring effect is to add ethanol to the solvent, which promotes a lower contact angle between the ink and the substrate.133 This is essentially through Marangoni flow, which involves changing the surface tension of solvents in the ink.8 The reduced contact angle on the droplet lowers the surface tension, which can help reduce the coffee ring effect. Sustainable manufacturing is another common topic in inkjet devices, as it is in our best interest to facilitate recycling of inkjet antennas and sensors. This means that, to be sustainable, the parts used to make a sensor or antenna, which includes the substrate and any electronic components used for the device, must be created efficiently and be recyclable or biodegradable.134 This may be difficult as a researcher to be directly involved in, but it should be worth noting that it is very much possible to create recyclable and biodegradable inkjet devices that are still functional for their intended purpose. The specific problem that comes with using biodegradable materials for ink, like magnesium, is that they do not provide as much conductivity compared to materials that are not as easy to dispose of without harming the environment.53 Currently, electronics manufacturing creates massive amounts of waste. This is something that is difficult to change at a consumer level but is still important for researchers to further investigate to provide large-scale methods of reducing waste in the industry. It is also something that may not be implemented, even if it is possible, due to cost. Money is often going to be a major deciding factor when it comes to production, possibly meaning that this challenge will be around for a while. In general, inkjet printing is a low-cost method of manufacturing electronics. This is true most of the time, but extremely sensitive devices that are beyond the typical goals and scope of inkjet devices can be too expensive to be implemented reasonably. For example, RF platforms in pH sensors for meat packaging are very sensitive and provide stable communication options; however, currently they are too expensive to manufacture to be considered worth the price.153 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

For inkjet-printed antennas, a notable challenge to overcome is the operating range. Research on inkjet antennas shows that it is very possible to make a flexible antenna whose performance is not affected by bending stress, but the operating range is often too low for certain important applications. One of these applications is biomedical sensors paired with an antenna, which when fabricated with a PEDOT:PSS substrate, do not provide an operating range that is suitable for biomedical temperature sensing.136 There is little research in the combination of a temperature sensor and antenna that are both inkjet-printed, which means that the development of a fully optimal combination will likely not be implemented into any system very soon. Like many of the other challenges discussed in this section, the optimal solution is simply to research and test more designs and materials. Some antennas have been found to provide better efficiency than that of traditional antennas while under bending stress, so it is very likely possible to solve the issue of transmission range. Most of the issues that inkjet-printed sensors and antennas face do not seem impossible to overcome. The average cost and variety of use of these devices while still retaining quality means that inkjetprinted sensors and antennas are a technology that cannot ignored. There are already many examples of working sensors and antennas fabricated through inkjet printing,136-139 demonstrating their promise and sustainable use.

Conclusion and Outlook Overall, inkjet printing shows great promise and use in electronics manufacturing. Inkjet sensors and antennas can be used for a variety of applications while being cost-effective in their fabrication technique. Fabrication can be performed with materials that allow disposable sensors to be biodegradable, holding potential for being more environmentally friendly than traditional manufacturing methods. Inkjet printing holds great promise for biomedical systems as well as temperature and gas sensors, and even more applications. Inkjet antennas can either be paired with a sensor for uses like biomedical applications and RFID tagging or can be used independently for virtually any basic data transmission. Inkjet printing also allows for the sensors and antennas to be highly customizable while still being convenient to make and use. Much of the research on inkjet-printed devices shows that it is very possible to make them flexible while being bend and strain resistant, resulting in these devices being applicable to many applications. Flexibility allows for the relatively newer usage of wearable sensors and antennas, since the devices can bend, fold, and basically follow the skin or clothing of a moving person. This is especially important for biomedical sensors, and it is equally important with inkjet antennas, as they may need to attach to and bend with a surface. Bending in this way allows antennas to attach to unique surfaces like wings, due to both the shape changes and better aerodynamic properties when acting as a flat surface instead of a rigid stick or other shape. Benefits also include being operable under relatively normal conditions, like room temperature. Though inkjet-printed sensors still face challenges like fabrication defects, the coffee ring effect, and effective lifespan, and inkjet antennas still face range limitations and other challenges, the benefits outweigh the downsides. Challenges like fabrication defects are uncommon and can be minimized by material choice and circuit design. Most importantly research is working to find new ways to either compensate for these problems or solve them completely. It is unlikely that the inkjet-printing fabrication process will change much in the coming years. Some steps have been slightly altered in recent research, but the overall process remains the same. Changing the materials used and ink composition as well as different methods for treating, curing, and sintering are all common, but these are forms of customization, rather fundamental advances. Some applications are certainly more promising than others, however, as the amount of research on biomedical sensors appears to be much more common than research on some of the other topics, such as food processing. Regardless, it is evident that the use of inkjet printing in electronics manufacturing will only increase, and is poised to find niche applications in the era of internet of things (IoT).

Acknowledgments Sebastian Martinez and Leobardo Gonzalez-Jimenez were funded by the National Science Foundation, under grant #2104513. © The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.F12234IF

About the Authors Caden Tyler Sandry, Washington State University (WSU) Education: Fourth-year Electrical Engineering student and member of the NanomaterialsSensor Laboratory at WSU. Interests: Building computers and writing

Sharmin Shila, Washington State University (WSU) Education: BSc in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh); Master’s candidate in Electrical Engineering at WSU Vancouver. Research Interest: Inkjet-printed flexible sensors Work Experience: Teaching Assistant at WSU Vancouver. Member, Nanomaterials-Sensor Laboratory at WSU under Praveen Sekhar. Leobardo Gonzalez-Jimenez, Washington State University (WSU) Education: AA (Lower Columbia College), Electrical Engineering student and member of the Nanomaterials-Sensor Laboratory at WSU Interests: Soccer and hanging with friends

Sebastian Martinez, Washington State University (WSU) Education: Electrical Engineering student and member of the Nanomaterials-Sensor Laboratory at WSU Interests: Being in nature, including hiking, camping, and adventuring off trails. Spending time with family, dogs, and loved ones Praveen Sekhar, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University Education: PhD (Electrical Engineering), University of South Florida Research Interests: Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as Sensors, Antennas, and Machine learning for threat reduction, healthcare, and energy security applications. Broadening participation in engineering and diverse workforce development Pubs + patents: 80 publications, 76 presentations: 22 conference proceedings Awards: Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service: Advancement and Community Service Award, Washington State University (WSU); Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow (University of Cologne, Germany) (continued on next page)

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Work with ECS: Positions served in Sensor Division: Student award reviewer, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-Chair, Associate Editor Sensors TIA (JES, JSS, ECS Sensors Plus), Sensor Division Awards Committee Chair Website:

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111. A. Sharif, T. Althobaiti, A. A. Alotaibi, et al., IEEE Sensors J, 23, 733 (2023). 112. C. B. Chen, H. L. Kao, L. C. Chang, et al., Micromachines, 13(9), 1510 (2022). 113. W. Su, J. Zhu, H. Liao, and M. M. Tentzeris, IEEE Access, 8, 58575 (2020). 114. I. Ibanez-Labiano, S. Nourinovin, and A. Alomainy, 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). 115. H. F. Abutarboush, Alexandria Eng J, 61(8), 6349 (2022). 116. H. Yu, X. Zhang, H. Zheng, D. Li, and Z. Pu, Z., Int J Bioprint, 9 (2023). 117. G. S. Khinda, A. Umar, R. J. Cadwell, et al., 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 1824. 118. A. Eid, X. He, R. Bahr, et al., IEEE Microw Mag, 21(12), 87 (2020). 119. S. F. Jilani, M. O. Munoz, Q. H. Abbasi, and A. Alomainy, IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag Lett, 18, 84 (2019). 120. S. Y. Jun, A. Shastri, B. Sanz-Izquierdo, D. Bird, and A. McClelland, IEEE Trans Vehic Technol, 68, 604 (2019). 121. S. Bandi, B. Madhav, D. Nayak, and S. Reddy, J Instrument, 14(10), P10022 (2019). 122. F. B. Ashraf, T. Alam, M. T., Islam, et al., Comput Mat Continua, 71, 2271 (2022). 123. W. Chen, D. Xiao, H. Xiao, AIP Adv, 12(2), 025023 (2022). 124. S. Fried, Nano Dimension (2022). 125. A. H. Kalhori and W. S. Kim, ACS Appl Electron Mat, 5 (2022). 126. N. Wen, L. Zhang, D. Jiang, et al., J Mat Chem A, 8(48), 25499 (2020). 127. M. U. Ali Khan, R. Raad, F. Tubbal, Polymers, 13(3), 357 (2021). 128. W. Yang, H. Sun, Z. Guo, and X. Zhao, ACS Appl Nano Mat, 6 (2023). 129. Y. Luo, M. R. Abidian, J. H. Ahn, et al., ACS Nano, 17(6), 5211 (2023). 130. L. Petani, V. Wehrheim, L. Koker, Flex Print Electron, 6(4), 043003 (2021). 131. M. E. de Cos Gómez, H. F. Álvarez, C. G. González, et al., 2019 13th European conference on antennas and propagation (EuCAP). 132. J. Kim, M. Kim, H. Jung, et al., ACS Appl Mat Interfaces, 14(47), 53250. 133. A. Mansoori, S. Ahmad, M. Vashishath, and D. Kumar, Sens Actuators B Chem, 370 (2022). 134. M. Dulal, S. Afroj, J. Ahn, et al., ACS Nano, 16(12), 19755 (2022). 135. J. Waimin, S. Gopalakrishnan, U. Heredia-Rivera, et al., ACS Appl Mat Interfaces, 14(40), 45752 (2022). 136. M. Bhattacharjee, F. Nikbakhtnasrabadi, and R. Dahiya, IEEE IoT J, 8(6), 5101 (2021). 137. Z. Tiancheng, R. Tan, W. Shen, et al., Sens Actuators B Chem, 382 (2023). 138. D. Subitha, R. Vani, A. Raja, et al., Adv Mat Sci Engin, 9065960 (2021). 139. H. F. Abutarboush and A. Shamim, IEEE Antennas Wirel Propag Lett, 17, 1648, (2018). 140. D. Barmpakos, C. Tsamis, and G. Kaltsas, Microelectron Engin, 225, 111266 (2020). 141. J. Zikulnig, C. Hirschl, L. Rauter, et al., Flex Print Electron, 4(1), 015008 (2019). 142. Q. J. Liew, A. Aziz, H. Lee, et al., Engin Proc, 2(1) (2020). 143. D. Barmpakos, V. Belessi, R. Schelwald, and G. Kaltsas, Nanomat, 11(8) (2021). 144. B. A. Kuzubasoglu, E. Sayar, C. Cochrane, et al., J Mat Sci Mat Electron, 32(4), 4784 (2021). 145. J. Zikulnig, M. Khalifa, L. Rauter, H. Lammer, and J. Kosel, Chemosensors, 9(5), 95 (2021). 146. S. Ali, S. Khan, and A. Bermak, IEEE Access, 7, 163981 (2019). 147. A. Rivadeneyra, M. Bobinger, A. Albrecht, Polymers, 11(5), 824 (2019).

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Sandry et al

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148. K. K. Sappati and S. Bhadra, FLEPS 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems. 149. Q. J. Liew, N. Abdul Rashid, H. W. Lee, et al., J Physics Conf Ser, 1878(1) (2021). 150. M. Jung, J. Lee, S. K. Vishwanath, et al., Flex Print Electron, 5(2), 025003 (2020).


151. M. Zea, A. Moya, M. Fritsch, et al., ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 11, 15160 (2019). 152. Y. Sui, Y. Dai, C. C. Liu, R. M. Sankaran, and C. A. Zorman, Adv Mater Technol, 1900119 (2019). 153. S. Diaz-Amaya, L.-K. Lin, R. E. DiNino, C. Ostos, and L. A. Stanciu, Electrochim Acta, 316, 33 (2019). 154. Y. Dai et al., Talanta, 195, 46 (2019).

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ECS Sections ECS sections serve a fundamental role within the Society. Sections advance ECS’s mission by supporting activities in electrochemistry and solid state science while offering excellent networking opportunities.

Not yet a section member?

Email now to join your region’s ECS section!

ECS Europe Section The two-day Z03: Young Researchers in Europe – A Special Symposium and Workshop at the 244th ECS Meeting, organized by the ECS Europe Section and sponsored by all the divisions, was a novel feature of the meeting. Early career electrochemistry professionals delivered three-minute “elevator pitches” highlighting their work—and presented an oral talk or a poster at another symposium in their technical interest area. Patrik Johansson (Chalmers University), Robert Weatherup (Oxford University), Christoph Baeumer (Universiteit Twente), Ana Borras (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Noel Buckley (University of Limerick), and Lina Sepúlveda Sepúlveda (Univerzita Pardubice) delivered 40-minute invited talks about grant-making institutions or international research consortia and collaborations. The speakers

were available during coffee breaks for discussion and consultation. To bring together and facilitate connections between scientists and engineers in the field, time was allowed between presentations and during coffee breaks to learn about participants’ research and projects and communicate similarities, differences, concerns, and anxieties in seeking to perform research across European countries. The symposium was highly successful, attracting several hundred participants. Of the 400 submissions, 100 representing the various regions of Europe were chosen for oral “elevator pitches.” The pitches generated much interest and, in addition to informal discussions during breaks, provided attendees with opportunities to identify relevant talks to attend at other symposia.

Electrochemical Society Europe Section Chair Phillippe Marcus at the Academy of Europe induction ceremony with AE President Marja Makarow. Both photos courtesy of Philippe Marcus.

ECS Executive Director and CEO Christopher Jannuzzi thanks The Electrochemical Society Europe Section.

ECS Pacific Northwest Section The ECS Pacific Northwest Section, chartered by the ECS board in 2020, partnered with the Oregon Center for Electrochemistry (OCE) to host a joint electrochemistry conference at the University of Oregon (UO) on September 21 and 22. The conference, organized by section Secretary Prof. Shannon Boettcher and Prof. Gary S. Harlow (both from UO) was the section’s first fall meeting. The event was free for attendees and featured a series of talks and a lively poster session for student attendees. Participants enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and technical discussions following the talks and poster session. Catered 72

meals and a series of coffee breaks provided opportunities for lively dialog and networking. The conference featured the first in-person presentations of the Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Research Award Sponsored by Gamry Instruments (see p. X) and Electrochemistry Student Award Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific (see p. X). The section was not able to host a fall meeting prior to this event due to the pandemic. Section Chair Prof. Corie L. Cobb (University of Washington), led the award presentation ceremony. Section Treasurer The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

SECTION NEWS Dr. Jerome Babauta (Gamry Instruments) and member at large Dr. Zhao Liu (Thermo Fisher Scientific) assisted with presenting certificates to the 2020–2023 award winners on behalf of the corporate sponsors. The 2021 Electrochemistry Research Award was awarded to Dr. Wei Wang of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The award’s 2022 winner was Dr. Eric Dufek of the Idaho National Laboratory. The 2022 Electrochemistry Student Award winner was Mitchell Kaiser; the 2023 award winner was Chih-Hsuan (Doris) Hung, both from the University of Washington. In addition to the award presentations, each awardee gave an invited research talk. Invited plenary speakers included Prof. Y. Shirley Meng (University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory), Dr. Joshua Lochala (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Prof. Carl Brozek (University of Oregon), Dr. Walter Drisdell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and Dr. Zbynek Novotny (Swiss Light Source). Current UO researchers and alumni also presented talks.

The section thanks Gamry Instruments and Thermo Fisher Scientific for sponsoring the section awards. The section is also grateful to former Chair Dr. Jie Xiao for leading the effort to charter the section in 2020. The section and OCE hope to continue their partnership in 2024 with a similar event to announce the 2023– 2024 award winners. Those interested in electrochemical science, engineering, and technology are invited to next fall’s meeting. Registration is free to attendees. Registration opens during summer 2024 on the UO OCE website. The section aims to further strengthen the growth of the electrochemistry and solid state science fields across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Joining The Electrochemical Society Pacific Northwest Section is free; however, Society membership in good standing is required. To become a member or renew your membership, please contact the ECS Community Engagement Department at

Award presenters and award winners at the joint ECS Pacific Northwest Section and Oregon Center for Electrochemistry conference include (top row, left to right:) Section Treasurer Dr. Jerome Babauta, Dr. Eric Dufek, Dr. Wei Wang, and Dr. Zhao Liu; (bottom row, left to right:) Chih-Hsuan (Doris) Hung, Prof. Corie L. Cobb, and Mitchell Kaiser. All photos courtesy of Corie Cobb.

Perusing the Student Poster Session at the ECS Pacific Northwest Section and Oregon Center for Electrochemistry joint electrochemistry conference.

ECS Pacific Northwest Section Treasurer Dr. Jerome Babauta congratulates 2021 Electrochemistry Research Award recipient Dr. Eric Dufek of the Idaho National Laboratory.

ECS Pacific Northwest Section member at large Dr. Dr. Zhao Liu (right) congratulates 2022 Electrochemistry Society Pacific Northwest Electrochemistry Research Award winner Mitchell Kaiser (left).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


SECTION NEWS Section Leadership Section Name

Section Chair

Arizona Section

Candace Kay Chan

Brazil Section

Raphael Nagao

Canada Section

Heather A. Andreas

Chile Section

José H. Zagal

China Section


Detroit Section

Erik Anderson

Europe Section

Philippe Marcus

Georgia Section

Seung Woo Lee

India Section

Sinthai Ilangovan

Israel Section

Daniel Mandler

Japan Section

Yasushi Idemoto

Korea Section

Won-Sub Yoon

Mexico Section

Carlos E. Frontana Vázquez

Mid-America Section

Nosang Myung

National Capital Section

Chunsheng Wang

New England Section

Sanjeev Mukerjee

Pacific Northwest Section

Corie Cobb

Pittsburgh Section


San Francisco Section

Gao Liu

Singapore Section

Zhichuan J. Xu

Taiwan Section

Chi-Chang Hu

Texas Section

Jeremy P. Meyers

Twin Cities Section

Victoria Gelling

Learn more about ECS sections at




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to register.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Awards, Fellowships, Grants The ECS Honors & Awards Program recognizes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemistry, solid state science, and technology, and acknowledges exceptional service to the Society. Award opportunities are provided in the categories of Society Awards, Division Awards, Section Awards, and Student Awards. Since today’s emerging scientists are our fields’ next generation of leaders, ECS offers competitive fellowships and grants that make it possible for students and young professionals to make discoveries and shape our science long into the future.

See highlights below and visit for more information.

Society Awards Allen J. Bard Award: Established in 2013 to recognize distinguished contributions to electrochemical science, the award consists of a plaque containing a glassy carbon medallion; $7,500* prize; complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and companion; dinner held in the recipient’s honor during the designated meeting; and ECS Life Membership. Nomination period: September 1, 2023 – April 15, 2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship: Established in partnership with the Toyota Research Institute of North America in 2015, the award encourages young professionals and scholars to pursue research into batteries, fuel cells, and hydrogen, and future sustainable technologies. Each year, at least one candidate receives the fellowship restricted grant of no less than $50,000 to conduct the proposed research within one year, and a one-year complimentary ECS membership. Recipients must present at a Society biannual meeting and publish their research in a relevant ECS journal within 24 months of receiving the award. Materials deadline: January 31, 2024 Fellow of The Electrochemical Society: Established in 1989 for advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and active membership and involvement in The Electrochemical Society, the award consists of a framed certificate and lapel pin. Nomination period: September 1, 2023 – February 1, 2024 Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology: Established in 1971 for distinguished contributions to the field of solid state science and technology, the award consists of a silver medal; plaque; $7,500 prize; complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and companion; dinner held in the recipient’s honor during the designated meeting; and ECS Life Membership. Nomination period: September 1, 2023 – April 15, 2024

Leadership Circle Awards: Established in 2002 to honor and thank our partners in electrochemistry and solid state science, these awards are granted in the year that an institutional member reaches a milestone level. Awardees receive a commemorative plaque and recognition on the ECS website and ECS Interface magazine. Nominations are not accepted.

Division Awards Battery Division Early Career Award Sponsored by Neware Corporation: Established in 2020 to encourage excellence among postdoctoral researchers in battery and fuel cell research, the award’s primary purpose is to recognize and support development of talent and future leaders in the field. Winners receive a framed scroll; $2,000 prize; and complimentary meeting registration. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation: Established in 2016 to encourage excellence among postdoctoral researchers in battery and fuel cell research, the award consists of a framed scroll; $2,000 prize; and complimentary meeting registration. Two awards are granted each year. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Battery Division Research Award: Established in 1958 to honor excellence in battery and fuel cell research and to encourage publication in ECS outlets, the award recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of primary and secondary cells, batteries, and fuel cells. Winners receive a framed certificate and $2,000 prize. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Battery Division Technology Award: Established in 1993 to encourage the development of battery and fuel cell technology, and to recognize significant achievements in this area, the award consists of a scroll; $2,000 prize; and ECS Battery Division membership while the recipient maintains ECS membership. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


AWARDS PROGRAM (continued from previous page)

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award: Established in 1973 to recognize excellence in corrosion research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology, the award consists of a scroll and $1,500 prize. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence: Established in 2021 to recognize a scientist or engineer’s mid-career achievements and contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology, the award consists of a framed certificate; $1,000; and possibly travel expenses and meeting registration. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award: Established in 2015 to recognize an outstanding young researcher in the field of electrochemical deposition science and technology, the award consists of a framed certificate and $1,000 prize, and an ELDP Division Business Luncheon ticket. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Electrodeposition Division Research Award: The award recognizes outstanding research contributions to the field of electrodeposition and encourages the publication of high quality papers in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES). It is based on recent outstanding achievements in, or contributions to, the field of electrodeposition, and is given to an author or co-author of a paper appearing in JES or another ECS publication. Winners receive a framed certificate and $2,000 prize, complimentary meeting registration, and an ELDP Division Business Luncheon ticket. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award for Sustainable Technology: Established in 2021 to recognize research scientists, academicians, and entrepreneurs who make innovative and transformative contributions to sustainable energy technologies, the award consists of a framed certificate and a $1,000 prize. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Outstanding Achievement Award: Established in 1984 to recognize excellence in research and outstanding technical contributions to the high-temperature energy, materials, and processes field, the award consists of a scroll; $1,000 prize; and complimentary meeting registration. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award: Established in 2002 to encourage excellence in luminescence and display materials research and outstanding technical contributions to the field, the award consists of a scroll and $1,000 prize. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award: Created in 1981 to encourage excellence in physical electrochemistry research and to stimulate publication of high-quality research papers in JES, the award consists of a framed certificate and $1,500 prize. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024


Sensor Division Early Career Award: Established in 2021 to recognize promising early career engineers’ and scientists’ research contributions to the field of sensors, and to encourage recipients to continue careers in the field and remain active in the ECS Sensor Division, the award consists of a framed certificate; $500 prize; complimentary meeting registration; and ECS Sensor Division Business Luncheon ticket. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award: Created in 1989 to recognize outstanding achievement in service to the sensor community, for research and/or technical contributions to the field of sensors, and to encourage work excellence in the field, the award consists of a framed certificate; $1,000 prize; complimentary meeting registration; and ECS Sensor Division Business Luncheon ticket. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024

Section Awards Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal: Established in 1998 to recognize excellence in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology research, the award consists of a silver medal and $2,000 prize. Nomination period: December 15, 2023 – February 15, 2024 San Francisco Section Award: Established in 2021 to recognize excellence by an individual or a team residing in California or the southwestern US in the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology; acknowledge service to ECS; and advance and encourage electrochemistry and solid state science and technology as a profession, the award consists of an engraved plaque and $2,000 prize. Nomination period: December 15, 2023 – February 15, 2024

Student Awards Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development: The award recognizes promising young engineers and scientists enrolled in a college or university in the field of electrochemical power sources and encourages them to initiate or continue careers in the field. Winners receive a framed certificate and $1,000 prize. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 Biannual Meeting Travel Grants: Many ECS divisions and sections offer travel grants to undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals and faculty presenting papers at ECS biannual meetings. The awards consist of financial support ranging from complimentary meeting registration to luncheon/reception tickets, travel support, and more. Each division and section has its own application requirements. 245th ECS Meeting Travel Grant applications accepted from December 1, 2023 to February 26, 2024

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

AWARDS AWARDS PROGRAM Canada Section Student Award: Established in 1987 to recognize promising young engineers and science students pursuing PhDs at Canadian universities, the award is intended to encourage recipients to initiate or to continue careers in the field of electrochemical power sources. Winners receive a $1,500 prize. Nomination period: September 30, 2023 – February 28, 2024 Colin Garfield Fink Fellowship: First awarded in 1962, the fellowship assists a postdoctoral scientist/ researcher during the months of June through September pursue research in a field of interest to the Society. The award consists of $5,000 and publication of a summary report in Interface. Materials deadline: January 15 annually Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award: Established in 1991 to recognize and reward outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering, the award consists of a framed certificate; $1,000 prize; and travel expenses. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024 General Student Poster Session Awards: Graduate and undergraduate students present research results of general interest to ECS. The session was established in 1993 to foster and promote work in electrochemical and solid state science and technology and to stimulate active student interest and participation in ECS. Posters accepted for presentation are eligible for General Student Poster Awards of 1st place: $1,500; 2nd place: $1,000; 3rd place: $500. For award consideration, authors must submit an abstract to the Z01 General Student Poster Session; be accepted for inclusion in the poster session; upload a digital poster; and be present during the in-person judging session. Materials deadline: The abstract deadline for the ECS Meeting in which the poster will be presented Korea Section Student Award: Established in 2005 to recognize academic accomplishments by a student pursuing a PhD at a Korean university in any area of science or engineering in which electrochemical and/or solid state science and technology is the central consideration, the award consists of a $500 prize. Nomination period: September 15 – December 31, 2023

Outstanding Student Chapter Award: Established in 2012, the award recognizes ECS student chapters that demonstrate active participation in the Society’s technical activities; establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education; and create and maintain a robust membership base. Up to three winners are selected with the one chosen as Outstanding Student Chapter receiving a recognition plaque; $1,000; award recognition; and chapter group photo in Interface or electronic communications. Up to two named Chapters of Excellence receive recognition certificates and acknowledgement in Interface. Materials deadline: April 15 annually ECS Summer Fellowships: Established in 1928, the awards assist students pursuing work in a field of interest to ECS. The Society awards the Edward G. Weston Fellowship, Joseph W. Richards Fellowship, F. M. Becket Fellowship, and the H. H. Uhlig Fellowship annually. Each fellowship consists of $5,000 to support research from June through August and publication of a summary report in Interface. Materials deadline: January 15 annually Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Student Award sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific: Established in 2021 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho pursuing PhDs in the field of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry, the award consists of a 1,000 prize. Nomination period: September 15, 2023 – February 28, 2024 San Francisco Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award: Established in 1994 to assist deserving students in Northern California pursuing careers in the physical sciences or engineering, the award consists of an etched metal plaque and $2,000 prize. Up to two honorable mentions are extended, each receiving a framed certificate and $500 prize. Nomination period: December 15, 2023 – February 15, 2024 Sensor Division Student Research Award: Established in 2021, promising students pursuing graduate training are recognized for conducting outstanding research in the field of sensors. The award consists of a framed certificate; $200 prize; complimentary meeting registration; and ECS Sensor Division Business Luncheon ticket. Nomination period: October 15, 2023 – January 15, 2024. *All prize amounts are in US dollars unless otherwise stated.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


NEW MEMBERS ECS is proud to announce the following new members for July, August, and September 2023 (Members are listed alphabetically by family/last name.)



Sofiene Abdellaoui, Reims, Grand Est, France Ebrahim Abouzari Lotf, Rheinmunster, BW, Germany Ramesh Adhikari, Hamilton, NY, USA Donya Ahmadkhaniha, Jonkoping, Dalarnas, Sweden Marco Altomare, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands Ramin Amin-Sanayei, King of Prussia, PA, USA Aparna Annamraju, Knoxville, TN, USA Tad Armstrong, Burlingame, CA, USA Mohd Monis Ayyub, Budapest, Central Hungary, Hungary


Julien Bachmann, Erlangen, BY, Germany Christoph Baeumer, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands Amin Bahrami, Dresden, SN, Germany Zebin Bao, Shenyang, Liaoning, China Violeta Barranco, Madrid, MAD, Spain Messaoud Bedjaoui, Grenoble, AuvergneRhône-Alpes, France Shotaro Beppu, Ichihara-shi, Chiba, Japan Robert Bogdanowicz, Gdansk, Pomerania, Poland Ageeth Bol, Storrs, CT, USA Benedetto Bozzini, Milano, Lombardia, Italy Matthew Brodt, Nuremberg, BY, Germany Katie Browning, Oak Ridge, TN, USA Vinay Budhraja, Tyler, TX, USA


José Ángel Cabral Miramontes, Delegación Benito Juárez, Distrito Federal, México Maria-Luisa Calvo-Muñoz, Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France Alasdair Campbell, Sheffield, Yorkshire & the Humber, UK Kun Cao, Wuhan, Hubei, China Julien Cardin, Caen, Normandie, France Heeyeop Chae, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Jeng-Kuei Chang, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan Richa Chaudhary, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Florent Chauveau, Bordeaux, NouvelleAquitaine, France Hsin Chu Chen, Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Emmanuel Chery, Leuven, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium Hong Kyoon Choi, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do, ROK Paul Christenson, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK

Marta Costa Figueiredo, Einhdoven, North Brabant, Netherlands


Jaime DuMont, Thornton, CO, USA Curtis Durfee, Schenectady, NY, USA Christopher Durkee, Stoneham, MA, USA Joydeep Dutta, Stockholm, Södermanland, Sweden


Fatemeh Ebrahimi, Hamburg, HH, Germany Ayyappan Elangovan, Fremont, CA, USA Christian Elkjaer, Kongens Lyngby, Hovedstaden, Denmark Salvador Eslava, London, England, UK Kai Exner, Essen, NRW, Germany


Qingping Fang, Holzkirchen, BY, Germany Pau Farras Costa, Galway, Connacht, Ireland Masahisa Fujino, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan


Hugh Geaney, Limerick, Munster, Ireland Christine Geers, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Jonathan Goh, Surbiton, Greater London, UK Ares Argelia Gomez Gallegos, Vaxjo, Kronoberg, Sweden Jorge Gonzalez, Skokie, IL, USA Gennady Gor, Newark, NJ, USA Christopher Gorski, University Park, PA, USA Perena Gouma, Columbus, OH, USA Elton Graugnard, Boise, ID, USA Axel Gross, Ulm, BW, Germany Chloe Guerin, Grenoble, Auvergne-RhôneAlpes, France Suraj Gupta, Ljubljana, Central Slovenia, Slovenia


Sang-Wook Han, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, ROK Russell Hawkins, Menlo Park, CA, USA Ping He, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Kristina Hellström, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Hsin-Chia Ho, Ljubljana, Central Slovenia, Slovenia Clinton Holloway, Marengo, OH, USA Elham Honarvarfard, West Bloomfield, MI, USA Masanobu Honda, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi, Japan Yunxia Hu, Hong Kong, Hong Kong TingWei Huang, Ueda, Nagano, Japan



Levi Irwin, Palo Alto, CA, USA Vladislav Ivanistsev, Copenhagen, Sjaelland, Denmark


Reza Jafari Jam, Lund, Scania, Sweden Jyh-Chiang Jiang, Taipei City, Tapei, Taiwan August Johansson, Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway Patrik Johansson, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden


Takeshi Kamijo, Stockholm, Uppland and Södermanland, Sweden Seok Ju Kang, Ulsan, Gyeongnam, ROK Bora Karasulu, Coventry, Warwickshire, UK Lasse Kattwinkel, Kiel, SH, Germany Péter Kerepesi, St. Florian am Inn, Oberösterreich, Austria Manfred Kerner, Offenbach, HE, Germany Jihoon Kim, Choenan-si, Chungcheongnamdo, ROK Jung Rae Kim, Busan, Gyeongsangnam-do, ROK Jungin Kim, Woburn, MA, USA Sang-Ok Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Seong Keun Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Young-Seok Kim, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Amr Kobaisy, Putzbrunn, BY, Germany Jacques Kools, Simiane Collongue, AlpesCôte d’Azur, France Attila Kormanyos, Budapest, Central Hungary, Hungary Gints Kucinskis, Riga, Riga, Latvia Hisatsugu Kurita, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan Min Gi Kwak, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Soon Hyung Kwon, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggido, ROK


Sweta Lal, Bhopal, MP, India Marc Ledendecker, Straubing, HE, Germany Han-Bo-Ram Lee, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Yan Ying Lee, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany Andrea Leoncini, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Letian Li, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands Qi Li, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Yingfu Li, Hamilton, ON, Canada Hannes Liepold, Freiburg, BW, Germany Lily Liu, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China Maria Lukatskaya, Zurich, ZH, Switzerland Mathilde Luneau, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Jinxing Ma, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Bart Macco, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands Dan Major, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, Israel Angel Martí, Houston, TX, USA Anna Martinelli, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Ebony Mays, Boise, ID, USA Leire Meabe, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, Spain Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Münster, NRW, Germany Stuart Miller, Skokie, IL, USA Ryuta Misumi, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Andrew Morrison, London, England, UK Amir Movaghar, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Nataliia Mozhzhukhina, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Harshini Mukundan, Berkeley, CA, USA Nicolas Murer, Seyssinet-Pariset, AuvergneRhône-Alpes, France Sevi Murugavel, Delhi, DL, India


Sundar Nadarajan, Radnor, PA, USA Ki Min Nam, Busan, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Paula Navalpotro, Mostoles, MAD, Spain Lakshman Neelakantan, Chennai, TN, India Abirdu Nemaga, Kjeller, Ostlandet, Norway Thi Xuyen Nguyen, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan Adjeroud Noureddine, Luxembourg, Wallonia, Luxembourg


Hideo Ohkita, Kyoto, Kansai, Japan Masahiro Ohkura, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands Md Opu, Mountain View, CA, USA


Sabine Paarmann, London, England, UK Zhefei Pan, Hong Kong, Kowloon City Gyeongbae Park, Gangneung, Gangwon-do, ROK Jagabandhu Patra, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan Greg Payne, College Park, MD, USA Eva Pellicer, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain Andreas Pfrang, Petten, North Holland, Netherlands Danish Pirzada, Sun Valley, NV, USA Maksym Plakhotnyuk, Taastrup, HojeTaastrup, Denmark Vincent Pluvinage, Palo Alto, CA, USA Paul Poodt, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands Ajay Prasad, Newark, DE, USA Michel Prestat, Brest, Brittany, France


Limin Qi, Beijing, Hebei, China Yong Qin, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Raza Quadri, Newark, CA, USA


Marco Radehaus, Dresden, SN, Germany Ram Ramanan, San Jose, CA, USA Santanu Ray, Horsham, England, UK Muhammad Sohail Riaz, Galway, Connacht, Ireland Débora Ruiz-Martinez, Mostoles, MAD, Spain Dorota Rutkowska-Zbik, Krakow, Wojewodztwo Malopolskie, Poland


Christopher Saffron, East Lansing, MI, USA Madhumita Sahoo, Gothenberg, Vastergotland, Sweden Tuhin Samanta, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Jaime Sanchez, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden José Antonio Santiago Varela, Madrid, MAD, Spain Anke Sanz-Velasco, Greifensee, ZH, Switzerland Haruka Sato, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Gregory Schmidt, Pierre Benite, AuvergneRhône-Alpes, France Jan Philipp Schmidt, Bayreuth, BY, Germany Kyra Sedransk Campbell, Sheffield, England, UK Alina Sekretareva, Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden Gavrilo Šekularac, Belgrade, Serbia Raghunandan Sharma, Odense, Syddanmark, Denmark Rakesh Sharma, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands Yu-Min Shen, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan Shan Shi, Hamburg, HH, Germany Takeshi Shiono, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan Udit Shrivastava, East York, ON, Canada Martin Skarstind, Norra Sorunda, Narke, Sweden Yoshitsugu Sone, Sagamihara, Kagawa, Japan Fang Song, Shanghai, Shanghai, China Weixing Song, Beijing, Beijing, China Jonas Sottmann, Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway Jochim Stettner, Kiel, SH, Germany Pei-Chen Su, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Pang-Chieh Sui, Victoria, BC, Canada Wenfang Sun, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA Andris Sutka, Riga, Riga, Latvia Koji Suto, Vasteras, Vastmanland, Sweden


Yasuhiro Tachibana, Bundoora, VIC, Australia Hirohisa Tanaka, Sanda, Hyogo, Japan Hanan Teller, Ariel, West Bank, Israel Johan Ten Elshof, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands Ralf Tonner-Zech, Leipzig, SN, Germany


Marleen van der Veen, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium Niklas van Treel, Freiburg im Breisgau, BW, Germany Tanja Vidaković -Koch, Magdeburg, SN, Germany Paola Vivo, Tampere, Pirkanmaa, Finland


Thomas Wagberg, Umea, Vasterbotten, Sweden Wenchao Wang, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Xuewei Wang, Richmond, VA, USA Daniel Weber, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Stephan Wege, Dresden, SN, Germany Rudolf Wessels, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands Richard West, Boston, MA, USA Erika Widenkvist Zetterstroem, Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden Charles Winter, Detroit, MI, USA David Wragg, Kjeller, Ostlandet, Norway Jeff Wu, Skokie, IL, USA


Zhenyuan Xia, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Kaiqi Xu, Notodden, Telemark, Norway


Kentaro Yamamoto, Nara, Kansai, Japan Takashi Yamamoto, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Peng Yan, London, England, UK Chaolong Yang, Kiel, SH, Germany Jin-Heong Yim, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, ROK Sukeun Yoon, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, ROK Alp Yurum, İstanbul, Marmara, Turkey


Raul Zazpe, Pardubice, Bohemia, Czech Republic Wolfgang Zeier, Münster, NRW, Germany Feng Zhao, Pullman, WA, USA Mikhail Zheludkevich, Geesthacht, SH, Germany Juner Zhu, Boston, MA, USA Liangzhu Zhu, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China Michael Zickar, Haag, SG, Switzerland Andrea Zitolo, Saint-Aubin, Île-de-France, France Anthony Zubiaur, Seraing, Liege, Belgium

Student Members


Akshay, Hyderabad, TG, India Kasthuri A, Karaikudi, TN, India Muthukrishnan A, Dindigul, TN, India Preethi A, Chennai, TN, India (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


NEW MEMBERS (continued from previous page)

Azadeh Abdi, Ilmenau, TH, Germany Moyinoluwa Adeniyi, Lubbock, TX, USA Zahra Ahaliabadeh, Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland Lawrence Ajayi, Boston, MA, USA Ibrahim Al Kathemi, Potsdam, BB, Germany Katarina Albrechtas, London, ON, Canada Mirna Alhanash, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Mohamad Al-Hashem, Raleigh, NC, USA Hazem Alhattawi, Lubbock, TX, USA Samiul Alim, Lalor, VIC, Australia Nadar Allwyn, Tirunelveli, TN, India Miguel Alvaro, West Lafayette, IN, USA Bebin Ambrose, Sekkalakottai, TN, India Bilal Amoury, Vandœuvre-les-Nancy, Grand Est, France Siva Ananth, Karakaidu, TN, India Robert Anton, Irvine, CA, USA Hafssa Arraghraghi, Bayreuth, BY, Germany Muhammad Humza Ashraf, Beykoz Kavacik, İstanbul, Turkey Tamir Assa, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, Israel Gal Avioz Cohen, Technion City, Haifa, Israel Ahmad Azeez, Stillwater, Rivers State, Nigeria Rotem Azoulay, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Israel


In-Ho Baek, Pohang, Gyeongsang do, ROK Jinwoo Baek, Pohang, Gyeongsang do, ROK Maedeh Barzmehri, London, ON, Canada Katharina Bischof, Ulm, BW, Germany Ruben Blomme, Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium Tom Boetticher, Münster, NRW, Germany Ameya Bondre, Delft, Zuid Holland, Netherlands Nathan Bradshaw, Cambridge, MA, USA


Jesica C, Karaikudi, TN, India Karthick C, Madurai, TN, India Aaron Caesar, Stillwater, OK, USA Yingnan Cao, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Fatma Çetinkaya, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Oğuz Çetinkaya, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Vahid Charkhesht, İstanbul, Marmara, Turkey Deep Chatterjee, West Lafayette, IN, USA Garima Chaturvedi, Mumbai, MH, India Boqiang Chen, Brighton, MA, USA Jonathan Chen, Sugar Land, TX, USA Ke-Le Chen, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Nicholas Chittock, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands Chanwook Choi, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK Ronan Chometon, Paris, Île-de-France, France Zhen Chong, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan Tanzia Chowdhury, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK

Lu Yu Chueh, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City, Taiwan Hong Keun Chung, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Samuel Cobb, Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK João Cunha, Braga, Minho, Portugal Angelina Cuomo, Erlangen, BY, Germany


Matthias Danner, St. Florian am Inn, Oberoesterreich, Austria Alina Darabut, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Ardra Darsan, Karaikudi, TN, India Sudip Das, Kolkata, WB, India Margaux Dautriat, Grenoble, AuvergneRhône-Alpes, France Nav Deepak, Bombay, MH, India Amuthan Dekshinamoorthy, Karaikudi, TN, India Akshay Kumar Narsinhbhai Desai, Mumbai, MH, India Anthony Dessalle, Nancy, Grand Est, France Manjubashini Dhandapani, Karaikudi, TN, India Arpan Dhara, Ghent, Belgium, Belgium Andersen Dimon, Perkasie, PA, USA Moses Dogho, Youngstown, OH, USA


Subramani E, Arikesavanallur, TN, India Sodai Ebiko, Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan Joel Edjokola, Graz, Styria, Austria Myles Edwards, West Lafayette, IN, USA James Ellison, Cambridge, England, UK Harsha Enale, Karaikudi, TN, India Jooyoung Eo, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Hui Won Eom, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Tyler Evans, Golden, CO, USA


Hammed Faleke, Lubbock, TX, USA Konstantinos Efstathios Falidas, Dresden, SN, Germany Hannah Faustyn, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Jan Fehrs, Kiel, SH, Germany Anders Feidenhans’l, Kongens Lyngby, Hovedstaden, Denmark Lu Feng, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City, Taiwan Alan Ferris, Raleigh, NC, USA Selina Finger, Erlangen, BY, Germany Philipp Finster, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, BW, Germany Alba Fombona Pascual, Mostoles, MAD, Spain Chace Franey, Lincoln, NE, USA Timo Fuchs, Kiel, SH, Germany


Dinesh Kumar G, Sivaganga, TN, India Giovanni Gammaitoni, Bayreuth, BY, Germany Yi Gan, London, ON, Canada Xinlei Gao, London, England, UK Christopher Gardner, Coventry, England, UK


Karsten Geuder, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, BW, Germany Kenneth Gordon, Lafayette, LA, USA Fuki Goto, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Tim Greitemeier, Münster, NRW, Germany Amedeo Grimaldi, Milano, Lombardia, Italy Olga Guchok, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel Hao Guo, Bayreuth, BY, Germany Qiang Guo, Braunschweig, NI, Germany


Maria Haag, St Petersburg, FL, USA Narges Hajighasemi, London, ON, Canada Geon Gu Han, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Gwon Deok Han, Stanford, CA, USA JiHoon Han, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Tomoya Hashimoto, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan Rufaydah Hassan, Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Mathias Heidinger, Graz, Styria, Austria Ellery Hendrix, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Aaron Hennessy, Limerick, Munster, Ireland Pascal Hennrich, Munich, BY, Germany Steffen Heuvel, Münster, NRW, Germany Cheng-Hsun Ho, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan Darius Hoffmeister, Erlangen, BY, Germany Marc Holst, Münster, BY, Germany Daniel Holzhacker, Giessen, HH, Germany Jeongsoo Hong, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK Taisei Hoshii, Fukuoka, Chikuzen, Japan Alec Howard, Golden, CO, USA Yang Hu, London, ON, Canada Hao-Che Huang, Taoyuan, Taoyuan, Taiwan Zoey Huey, Lakewood, CO, USA


Hikaru Iemura, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Lukas Ihlbrock, Münster, NRW, Germany Hafiz Ahmad Ishfaq, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenia Toshimasa Ishizawa, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Tomoya Iwata, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan


John J S, Karaikudi, TN, India Rishabh Jaiswal, Mumbai, MH, India Jooyoung Jang, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbukdo, ROK Ivani Jayalath, Oxford, MS, USA Jemin Jeon, Urbana, IL, USA Hyebin Jeong, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbukdo, ROK J Jeyasri, Karaikudi, TN, India Siming Ji, Princeton, NJ, USA Enzhong Jin, London, ON, Canada Jun Ho Jo, Changwon si, Gyeongsangnamdo, ROK Sung Eun Jo, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK Mikey Jones, Penryn, England, UK Kyoungjae Ju, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbukdo, ROK Myung Jin Jung, Busan, Gyeongsangnamdo, ROK

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Balamurugan K, Karaikudi, TN, India Ajay Preetham K B, Madurai, TN, India Akhil K C, Sekkalakottai, TN, India Rubesh K Vr, Chennai, TN, India Lakshmi K. M., Irinjalakuda, KL, India Gaurav Kamat, Stanford, CA, USA Ramya Kanagaraj, Karaikudi, TN, India Reiya Kaneko, Kadoma-shi, Osaka, Japan Vyshnav Kannampalli, Marseille, AlpesCôte d’Azur, France Arun Karmakar, Karaikudi, TN, India James Kasten, College Station, TX, USA Nikolaos Kateris, Redwood City, CA, USA Ali Khan, Duisburg, NRW, Germany Zayaan Khan, Oakville, ON, Canada William Kidder, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Eunseo Kim, Busan, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Hansol Kim, Jangan-gu, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Ji Soo Kim, Sungnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Min Joo Kim, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, ROK Minsoo Kim, Busan, Gyeongsangnam-do, ROK Philyong Kim, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Yewon Kim, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Young-Woo Kim, Pohang, Gyeongsangbukdo, ROK Hayato Kitagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Jochen Klein, Braunschweig, NI, Germany Naoki Koda, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Yusuke Kosaki, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Vinoth Krishnan, Karaikudi, TN, India Alenka Krizan, Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenia Hao-Yu Ku, Hsin Chu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan Anup Kuchipudi, Guntur, AP, India Arun Kumar, Mumbai, MH, India Sanjeev Kumar, Sivaganga, TN, India John Kurowski, Darien, IL, USA Jiyun Kwen, Villigen, AG, Switzerland Yelim Kwon, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK


Mai La, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Chi-Yu Lai, Hsinchu City, Taipei, Taiwan Gowsalya Lakshmanan, Chennai, TN, India Arthur Langlard, Nantes, Pays de la Loire, France G Latha, Karaikudi, TN, India Evan Lazaro, College Station, TX, USA Maëlle Le Cunff, Grenoble, AuvergneRhône-Alpes, France Byung-Jo Lee, Pohang, Gyeongsang-do, ROK Dong Wook Lee, Daejeon, Chungcheong, ROK Han Uk Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Ha-Young Lee, Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK HyunJu Lee, Incheon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Jae Seok Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Jaehwan Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Jinhyeon Lee, Pohang, Gyeongsang-do, ROK

Jongmin Lee, Urbana, IL, USA Jungho Lee, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Sanghun Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Seunghyeok Lee, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Sin Gyu Lee, Seondong-gu, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Yeongdae Lee, Ulsan, Gyeongsang, ROK Benjamin Leifer, Brookline, MA, USA Anja Lenzer, Ulm, BW, Germany Pengwei Li, Shenyang, Liaoning, China Shih-Guo Li, College Station, TX, USA Siqi Li, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Yi Li, Chongqing, Chongqing, China Zhao Li, Shanghai, Shanghai, China Moran Lifshitz, Tel Aviv, Israel, Israel Youngjin Lim, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK Hongyi Lin, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Baichen Liu, Soborg, Gribskov, Denmark Elena Lopez Pazos, Milano, Lombardia, Italy Adam Lovett, Cambridge, England, UK


Kiruba M, Sivagangai, TN, India Seevalapriyal M, Tirunelveli, TN, India Nikhil M K, Karaikudi, TN, India Tien Ching Ma, Erlangen, BY, Germany Milad Madadi, Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland Edna Mados, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel Rupali Mane, Mumbai, MH, India Anna Mangini, Turin, Piedmont, Italy Roy Marrache, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel Kowsalya Mathialagan, Karaikudi, TN, India Grgur Mihalinec, Zagreb, Croatia, Croatia Wynn Miholits, Albertville, AL, USA Keyvan Mirehbar, Madrid, MAD, Spain Atul Mishra, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Bree Mitchell, Commerce City, CO, USA Maram Mohammed, Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Bharathi Mohan, Mayiladuthurai, TN, India Jyothy Mol.J, Karaikudi, TN, India Kelly Murphy, Castlemaine, Munster, Ireland Gomathi Murugesan, Sivaganga, TN, India Sai Muthumaran, Chennai, TN, India Yogeshrajan Muthurajan, Karaikudi, TN, India


Sreenivasan N, Sathyamangalam, Erode, TN, India Hariharan N Dhandapani, Karaikudi, TN, India Murugasenapathi N K, Karaikudi, TN, India Pardhasaradhi Nandigana, Karaikudi, TN, India Stone Naquin, College Station, TX, USA Karthikeyen Natarajan Pugazhendhi, Waterloo, ON, Canada Anindya Nath, West Lafayette, IN, USA Aditya Satish Nayar, Stillwater, OK, USA Shihao Niu, Saitama, Saitama, Japan Paul Noël, Grenoble, Auvergne-RhôneAlpes, France Mohammadreza Nouri, Lincoln, NE, USA


Jorit Obenlüneschloß, Bochum, NRW, Germany Edwin Ochedikwu, College Station, TX, USA Adeyemi Ogunbowale, Lubbock, TX, USA Lawal Ogunfowora, West Lafayette, IN, USA Ryuji Ohno, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan Adrian Olejnik, Gdańsk, Pomerania, Poland Quentin Orecchioni, Besancon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France Francisco Ospina Acevedo, College Station, TX, USA Nicklas Oesterbacka, Gothenburg, Vastergotland, Sweden Shane O’Sullivan, Cork, Munster, Ireland Mert Oezkaynak, İstanbul, Marmara, Turkey


Vignesh P, Karaikudi, TN, India Darius Pakarinen, Bromma, Uppland, Sweden Mymoona Paloli, Kolathur, KL, India Yuwei Pan, London, England, UK Ananya Panda, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan Aarthi Pandiarajan, Karaikudi, TN, India Walter Agustin Parada Villarroel, Erlangen, BY, Germany Kiruthieek Paranitharan, Karaikudi, TN, India Geonwoo Park, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Zachary Park, Raleigh, NC, USA Emily Pearce, Lockport, IL, USA Fiona Pescher, Freiburg, BW, Germany Jarrett Peskar, Columbia, SC, USA Meike Pieters, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands Noemi Pirrone, Torino, Piedmont, Italy Juš Polansek, Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenia Melissa Popeil, Golden, CO, USA Nikolaus Porenta, Zurich, ZH, Switzerland Sampathkumar Prakasam, Sivagangai, TN, India Eugenie Marie Pranada, College Station, TX, USA Andrea Pulici, Briosco, Lombardia, Italy


Laura Quiñones, Kingston, ON, Canada


Akash R, Chennai, TN, India Subhadra R, Karaikudi, TN, India Siddhartha R P, Tiruchirapalli, TN, India Earnest Raj, Karaikudi, TN, India Nisarga Rajagopal, Karaikudi, TN, India Divyasri Ramasamy, Karaikudi, TN, India Ram Prasanth Ramesh, Tiruchirappalli, TN, India (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


NEW MEMBERS (continued from previous page)

Nowduru Ravikiran, Hyderabad, TG, India Lana Regent, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Slovenia Ina Reichmann, Erlangen, BY, Germany Agnese Reitano, Bayreuth, BY, Germany Ricardo Rivera-Maldonado, Seattle, WA, USA Gabriela Rizzo Piton, Straubing, BY, Germany Austin Rockaitis, Tinley Park, IL, USA Andrea Rogolino, Cambridge, England, UK Khatereh Roohi, Delft, Zuid Holland, Netherlands Matteo Rossini, Stockholm, Södermanland and Uppland, Sweden Axel Rouviller, Amfreville, Normandie, France Ji-Hyun Ryu, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, ROK


Rajalekshmi S, Ambasamudram, TN, India Seethalakshmi S, Karaikudi, TN, India Behrouz Sabour, Lubbock, TX, USA Ranadip Saha, West Lafayette, IN, USA Marco Salgado, Golden, CO, USA Theo Salvi, Besancon, Bourgogne-FrancheComté, France Hafiz Sami ur Rehman, Fisciano, Campania, Italy Jerom Samraj, Sivaganga, TN, India Stephanie Sandoval, Atlanta, GA, USA Logeshwarar Saravanan, Chennai, TN, India Geethu Sasikala, London, ON, Canada Federico Scesa, Milano, Lombardia, Italy Fabian Schroefel, Kiel, SH, Germany Finn Schroeter, Kiel, SH, Germany Luana Schwendler, Braunschweig, NI, Germany Anne Christina Sehnal, Münster, NRW, Germany M. Sethupathi, Ramanathapuram, TN, India Ghazal Shafiee, London, ON, Canada Yijing Shang, Kongens Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark Xiaohan Shao, San Jose, CA, USA Arpan Sharma, West Lafayette, IN, USA Kateryna Shevchuk, Philadelphia, PA, USA Haeyong Shin, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, ROK Vishal Shrivastav, Warsaw, Poland, Poland Kazuki Shudo, Koufushi, Yamanashi, Japan Kamaljeet Singh, Reykjavik, RVK, Iceland Mandeep Singh, Lulea, Norrbotten, Sweden Umisha Singh, Powai, MH, India Narmatha Sivaraman, Sekkalakottai, TN, India Vaishnavey SR, Madurai, TN, India

Michael Stodolka, Lafayette, CO, USA Akhila Subhakumari, Bangalore, KA, India Gokulnath Subramaniam, Karaikudi, TN, India Meghana Sudarshan, West Lafayette, IN, USA Arya Sukumaran Nair, Westhausen, BW, Germany Pengfei Sun, Suita, Osaka, Japan Anjeli Sunny, Kannur, Kerala, India Debashish Sur, Charlottesville, VA, USA Ammu Surendran, Karaikudi, TN, India


Aswathi T, Karaikudi, TN, India Chen-Wei Tai, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan Sui Xiong Tay, Princeton, NJ, USA Cade Tharrington, Raleigh, NC, USA Amogh Thatte, Lakewood, CO, USA Mehala Thirumurugan, Madurai, TN, India Jesper Frost Thomsen, Münster, NRW, Germany Jing Tian, Kiel, SH, Germany Andrew Toh, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Akshay Tomar, Roorkee, UT, India Vivian Tran, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Gian Marco Trippetta, Stockholm, Uppland, Sweden Haruto Tsuzuki, Toyota-shi, Aichi, Japan Yi Heng Tu, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan


Theresa Uhlemayr, Ulm, BW, Germany


Krishna Teja Valeti, Golden, CO, USA Marianne van der Merwe, Berlin, BE, Germany Renee van Limpt, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands Suruthi Vasudevan, Karaikudi, TN, India Kevin Vattappara, San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain Maximilian Vergin, Braunschweig, NI, Germany Tippi Verhelle, Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium Kelly Vernon, College Station, TX, USA A Vizhi, Karaikudi, TN, India Philipp Voss, Münster, NRW, Germany



Irene Walker, Golden, CO, USA Scott Wallace, College Station, TX, USA Jiajia Wan, Milano, Lombardia, Italy Peng Wang, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan Yijia Wang, London, ON, Canada Zixian Wang, Manhattan, KS, USA Pei-Tsen Wei, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan Run-Jie Weng, Taipei City, Taipei, Taiwan Jannis Wesselkämper, Münster, NRW, Germany Christopher Wett, Hennef, NRW, Germany Malgorzata Wojtala, Oxford, England, UK Christopher Woodley, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Cheng-Che Wu, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan Lizhen Wu, Hong Kong, Kowloon City Si-Ming Wu, Erlangen, BY, Germany Pieter-Jan Wyndaele, Leuven, Vlaams Brabant, Belgium


Yurou Celine Xiao, Edmonton, AB, Canada Mingfeng Xu, Bayreuth, BY, Germany


Jaya Yadav, Bengalaru, KA, India Haruka Yamaki, Toyota City, Aichi, Japan Danan Yang, Lund, Skane, Sweden Pei-Qing Yang, Hsinchu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan Celine Wing See Yeung, Cambridge, England, UK Benjamin Yip, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Hojun Yoo, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, ROK Ray Yoo, College Station, TX, USA Sanghyun You, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, ROK EzzEldien Yousef, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Yi Yuan, London, ON, Canada


Kouer Zhang, Cowloon City, Hong Kong Mengyao Zhang, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Rongyu Zhang, Waltham, MA, USA Zhenyu Zhou, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium Jiyong Zhu, Wuhan, Hubei, China Everett Zuras, Brighton, MA, USA

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


New Members by Country

Look who joined ECS in the Third Quarter of 2023.















Czech Republic











Hong Kong













South Korea

Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Egypt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Nigeria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Spain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Finland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Norway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Sweden. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Poland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Switzerland. . . . . . . . . . . 5

Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Portugal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Hong Kong. . . . . . . . . . . 5

Latvia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Serbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Turkey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Croatia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Hungary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Luxembourg. . . . . . . . . . 1

Singapore. . . . . . . . . . . . 4

UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Czech Republic. . . . . . . 2

Iceland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Slovenia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Denmark. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Netherlands. . . . . . . . . 16

South Korea. . . . . . . . . 58

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


STUDENT NEWS Graduating ECS Members Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our community’s graduates. The list below announces ECS members who graduated from January 1 through December 31, 2023.* Join us in congratulating them on their academic success—and best wishes for their next career steps! Nagmani Miguel Abrego Tello Jada Adams Priyanka Adapala Khantesh Agrawal Hector Agudelo Arias Najmeh Ahledel Fei Ai Toshihiro Akashige Md Shafayet Alam Sasha Alden Shatha Alrasheed Aljawharah Alsharif Lennart Alsheimer Hatem Amin Muhammad Humza Ashraf Raad Asif Genevieve Asselin Raymond Awoyemi Mirac Ayarci Irfan Aydogdu Atia Azad Parviz Azimov Fahmida Azmi Raunaq Bagchi Arash Bahrololoomi Shuaib Balogun Vasant Batta Kevin Beaver Marlena Bela Helen Bergstrom Ayush Bhardwaj Deepra Bhattacharya Alexander Bills Tom Boetticher Toby Bond Aline Bornet María Fernanda Bósquez Cáceres Vincent Briselli Lena Viviane Buehre Oliver Calderon Cole Carpenter Stephanie Castro Baldivieso Tybur Casuse-Driovínto Nai Jen Chang Utibe-Eno CharlesGranville Zhaoyang Chen Weikun Chen Nicholas Chittock Richard Church Lauren Clarke Joshua Coduto Elena Colombo Saida Cora Isuri Dammulla Gabrielle Dangel Matthias Danner Brigita Darminto

Miguel de las Heras Damien Degoulange Changyu Deng Wenjing Deng Jean-Nicolas Deraspe Anthony Dessalle Manuel Dillenz Penghui Ding Moses Dogho Brianna Doucette Jiaxin Duan Debayon Dutta James Ellison Chien-We Fan Hsu Fang Marius Fluegel Emily Foley Maggie Fox Edward Fratto Elias Galiounas Saahir Ganti-Agrawal David García-Bassoco Sakshi Gautam Ramchandra Gawas Nagalakshmi Gayathri M Ryan Gentile Felix Gerbig Ryan Gettler Zahed Ghelichkhah Inmaculada GimenezGarcia Panagiotis Giotakos Joel Glass Alan Gonzalez Leo Gordon Asa Green Amedeo Grimaldi Jerren Grimes Adrian Grzedowski Raghvendra Gupta Chaeyoung Ham Ines Hamam Niamh Hartley Mohamed Hassan Rufaydah Hassan Jan Niklas Hausmann Asmaa Heiba Ryan Hill Christian Hoess Hendrik Hoffmann Guillaume Hopsort Wei-Lun Hsiao Hang Hu Genzhi Hu Fei Hu Yang Hu Xiaozhou Huang Zoey Huey Matthew Humbert Takumi Ijichi Tjark Ingber

Maasoomeh Jafari Taejin Jang Chamithri Jayawardana Marzieh Joda Yash Joshi Antonio Junior Riham Kanaan Prashanth Kannan Youcef Karar Laura Keane Yeonga Kim Mijin Kim Moonseong Kim Min Joo Kim Hansol Kim Leya Kober Sachin Kochrekar Kerstin Koeble Zachary Konz William Kopcha Miriam Koprek Martin Kosicek YuPing Ku Dacheng Kuai TzuHan Kuo Maximilian Kutter Sz-Nian Lai Saheed Lateef Pascal Lauf Dong Wook Lee Michael Lee DongKyu Lee Ha-Young Lee Youngju Lee Bong Han Lee Kyu Lee Kiwoong Lee Kunhua Lei Zoushuang Li Kris Likit-Anurak Qinglin Lin Yifan Liu Matthew Lovander Adam Lovett Shreyitha M Varsha M V Meghann Ma Krystian Machaj Mohamed Mahrous Likhith Manjunatha Stephanie Matz Andrew May Charles McCabe Alice Merryweather Enzo Moretti Sascha Morlock Louis Morris James Moulton Adrian Mularczyk Beth Murdock Erlind Mysliu


Tasya Nasoetion Aqsa Nazir Lukas Neidhart Bertrand Neyhouse Huy Quí Vinh Nguyen Grace O’Dwyer Nicholas Oliveira Nurul Amanina Binti Omar Bryan Ong Axel Ortiz Dhananjai Pangotra Juyoung Park Sheyda Partovi Rohan Paste Khushi Patel Alexi Pauls Verena Perner John Petrovick Ayon Phukan Hossein Pourrahmani Joseph Powell Pablo Prieto-Diaz Ziba Rajan Anjana Raj Raju Yashesh Rajyaguru Vahid Ramezankhani Ewelina Randall Shravan Ranga Stuart Robertson Jyoti Rohilla Cameron Romero Thomas Rose-Gray Sepehr Saadat Jerom Samraj Sara Sand Varsha Sasikumar S P Giuseppe Sassone Anne Christina Sehnal Parin Shah Anjaiah Sheelam Sachin Shendokar Changmin Shi Yang Shi Her-Yih Shieh Jiyun Shin Javad Shokri Stephan Sinzig Dhyllan Skiba Toni Srour Rhys Standing Grzegorz Stando Jonas Stoll Thomas Stracensky Jia Quan Su Akhila Subhakumari Ruhi Sultana Nigar Sultana Sreeram Sundaresh Christopher Tapia Serdar Tekin

Tushar Telmasre Patrick Teppor Varshith Tipirneni Andrew Toh David Tran Vivian Tran Lyra Troy Kailash Veerappan Uma Kumar Maitri Uppaluri Pooja Vadhva Maxime van der Heijden Saeed Vaselabadi Surishi Vashishth Sundeep Vema Rebecca Vincent Bairav Sabarish Vishnugopi Lucy Walters Peng Wang Chenying Wang Yian Wang Yixian Wang Nicholas Watkins Bryce Watson William Wei Catherine Weiss Miaomiao Wen Jingwen Weng Si-Ming Wu Ivy Wu Bing Wu Quinton Wyatt Sijie Xie Yahia Yahia Ruoyu Yang Fei Yang Zongmin Yang Jixiang Yang Masahiro Yasutake Bixian Ying Huaming Yu Kunpeng Yu Mengjie Yu Yasemin Duygu Yücel Zhiqiao Zeng Hong Zhang Fengyi Zhao Yaoli Zhao Keren Zhou Larissa Zhou Zhenghao Zhu Ivana Zrinski Kosovar Zullufi * Graduation information as of October 1, 2023. Members must list their graduation date in their ECS My Account to be included in the list.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

STUDENT NEWS ECS Chulalongkorn University Student Chapter Situated in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, the ECS Chulalongkorn University Student Chapter distinguishes itself as the second ECS student chapter in the country, notable for its interdisciplinary membership. Officially chartered by The Electrochemical Society in June 2023, the chapter operates under the mentorship of experienced faculty advisors at Chulalongkorn University (CU). This nascent student organization has rapidly achieved significant milestones in promoting innovation and facilitating cross-disciplinary collaboration within its diverse student body. Under the proactive leadership of Chapter President Susmita Pramod Patil and Vice President Sanni Abdulkadeem, the chapter has made concerted efforts to extend its reach. They and their esteemed faculty advisors have initiated comprehensive recruitment strategies targeting students involved in a variety of fields, including electrochemistry, solid state science, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, computer engineering, nanoscience and technology, material science, and chemistry. The chapter hosted its inaugural workshop series on manuscript writing at CU from August 18 to September 22, 2023. The event garnered significant interest, drawing a diverse crowd of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The workshop series was inaugurated with keynote addresses by chapter faculty advisors, Associate Prof. and Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering Dr. Soorathep Kheawhom, and Associate Prof. Dr. Rojana Pornprasertsuk from the Department of Material Science. The curriculum was meticulously designed to provide participants, whether newcomers or seasoned researchers, with invaluable guidance and actionable techniques for successful scholarly writing and publication. The content was tailored to equip attendees with the requisite knowledge, vocabulary, and skills to author manuscripts with the confidence and precision expected in peer-reviewed academic journals. Special acknowledgment is extended to our invited speaker, John Alan Wilcox, whose expertise added tremendous value to the workshop. The chapter expresses heartfelt thanks to all of the participants, whose active involvement significantly contributed to the success of this educational endeavor. Upon the workshop’s successful completion, participants were awarded certificates of participation generously provided by the student chapter.

After the workshop series, the chapter visited the Energy Storage Research Laboratory at CU’s Department of Chemical Engineering. There Dr. Soorathep presented one of the most promising contenders: zinc-based batteries for energy storage. The chapter expresses its sincere appreciation to Prof. Dr. Supot Teachavorasinskun, Dean, CU Faculty of Engineering, and Associate Prof. Dr. Sirithan Jiemsirilers, Acting Dean, CU Faculty of Science, for their approval and for generously offering their support and platform for the event. On October 19, 2023, the chapter collaborated with scientists from the Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) to host an in-person workshop at CU on “Advanced In-Situ and In-Operando Characterization Techniques.” On October 20, Associate Prof. Dr. Yidan Cao from Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, presented a webinar titled “Approaches towards High-energy-density Anode-free Lithium Metal Batteries through Interfacial Manipulation.” The chapter eagerly anticipates organizing future workshops, symposia, and webinar series on electrochemistry and solid state science. The chapter expresses its heartfelt appreciation to The Electrochemical Society for its support and the wonderful opportunity to be an integral part of the ECS community.

Participants at the ECS Chulalongkorn University Student Chapter’s firstever Manuscript Writing Workshop Series.

Associate Prof. Dr. Rojana Pornprasertsuk, Department of Material Science and Student Chapter Faculty Advisor, Chulalongkorn University (left), and Sunithi Ratana, student chapter member from the Chulalongkorn University Department of Material Science (right), at the Chulalongkorn: Unlock Your Potential Workshop. All photos courtesy of Warunyoo Yoopensuk.

Members of the ECS Chulalongkorn University Student Chapter visit the Kheawhom Energy Storage Research Laboratory.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


STUDENT NEWS ECS Indiana University Student Chapter The ECS Indiana University Student Chapter welcomed a new board and many new members in 2023. This fall, chapter members received departmental fellowships and awards, including: Treasurer Sheyda Partovi received the Chester Davis Inorganic Fellowship and Raymond Siedle Inorganic Fellowship; Vice President Scott Bowers received the Kratz Fellowship and Felix Haurowitz Award; Secretary Cameron Grant received the Dennis G. Peters Associate Instructor Award; and member Nayana C. B. received the Carroll Family Fellowship and Lynne L. Merritt Award. The chapter had a large presence at the American Chemical Society spring 2023 Conference with most of its members attending and presenting research. President Megan Knobeloch was awarded a best poster award in the Colloid and Surface Chemistry Division. The

chapter will attend the Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference and the PINDU Inorganic Chemistry Conference, where the members will also present research. The chapter is looking forward to hosting Prof. Shannon Boettcher from the University of Oregon who will give a seminar on his group’s research. A huge congratulations to Prof. Sara Skrabalak and Prof. Xingchen Ye (who worked with several chapter members including former student chapter advisor Prof. Lane Baker [now at Texas A&M]) for receiving National Science Foundation funding for their Center for Single-Entity Nanochemistry and Nanocrystal Design (CSENND)! Many current chapter members are conducting research for this Center to better understand structure–property relationships for nanocrystals using single-entity characterization.

Members of the ECS Indiana University Student Chapter (from left to right): Brigham Pope, Ekta Verma, Megan Knobeloch, Jillian Dempsey, Sheyda Partovi, Scott Bowers, Cameron Grant, and Eric McKenzie. Photo courtesy of Megan Knobeloch.

ECS Lewis University Student Chapter On July 27, more than 50 high school students from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM participated in SMASH Illinois through the Creating Pathways and Access for Student Success Foundation (CPASS) at Lewis University. CPASS uses hands-on programs focusing on STEM and STEAM education for middle school, high school, and college-level students which introduce growth goals, provide consistent guidance toward a degree, and create pathways for workforce development. SMASH Illinois is a free three-year STEM intensive residential college prep program that brings together students from the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Carbondale, and East St. Louis Metro Area. Current Lewis University undergraduate and graduate chemistry students served as mentors and assisted SMASH participants with the activities. Energy was the focus of this project. The scenario provided was that the students were healthcare workers on Flyer Island where Tropical Storm Bucky had knocked out the power. Thus, the participants had to generate power through common hospital supplies. Under these constraints, the students needed to create a lemon battery, a wind turbine, and a solar cell. 86

Before the students arrived, all components were built and a 5V target was set. Participants were given zinc strips, pennies, lemons, and various alligator clips to make lemon batteries. Participants enjoyed assembling circuits and eagerly competed to see who could generate the most potential. The pennies were mixed between preand post-1982 dates, which affected the overall performance of the batteries, prompting students to think about why the dates were important. The next supply station included wooden spokes, a base turbine with wiring, and sheets of cardboard. Each team worked together to build the turbine, design an effective set of blades from cardboard, and strategically orient the blades to achieve the greatest lift. Once fully assembled, a box fan was used as a wind source. Potential generated from the spinning turbines was measured. Students were given enough cardboard to test and improve multiple blade designs. The final station included hospital dining hall supplies for designing dye-sensitized solar cells using ITO glass slides, berry juice, titanium dioxide, and graphite. First, the participants had The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

STUDENT NEWS to determine which side of the glass was conductive, then they followed instructions to assemble the solar cell. After the solar cell was assembled, participants exposed their solar cells to light and measured the generated potential. The teams split the work among stations, then, at the end, came together to combine the energy from all three stations to generate the most potential. Many of the teams reached the 5V target with a combination of solar cells and lemon batteries. However, one team, by accruing more lemons and pennies, generated 12 volts of potential.

After each activity, SMASH participants were asked to share their observations and connect them to foundational chemistry principles. Topics discussed included flow of charge, conductors versus insulators, electrolytes, and conversion of energy. Since the goal of each activity was to generate energy, concepts such as renewable energy were also discussed. Many visiting students said they enjoyed being in a chemistry lab and working hands-on to complete the provided activities, as well as having the Lewis student mentors guide them through the project.

ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter The ECS University of Michigan (U-M) Student Chapter was established in summer 2023 and has begun hosting events! Membership and attendance span a diverse range of departments, including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, chemistry, industrial and operational engineering, and more. Chapter members aim to establish an interdisciplinary peer network focused on advancing solid state and electrochemical science and technology. For their first activity, students had the honor of hosting Prof. Jürgen Janek from Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. The renowned figure in the field of solid state electrochemistry and energy storage delivered an impressive presentation on “‘All-Solid’ to ‘Almost-Solid’ – How Solid will Solid-State Batteries get?” The

student chapter subsequently hosted Prof. Yang-Tse Cheng from the University of Kentucky, who presented on “Understanding the Coupled Electrochemical-Mechanical Behavior of Materials for Improving the Performance and Durability of Batteries.” These technical seminars gained a total attendance of more than 70 attendees ranging from undergraduate and graduate students to faculty, which helped bring the community of student chapter members together for fruitful discussions. In ongoing efforts to foster understanding in one of the most widely growing fields of electrochemistry, lithium-ion batteries, the chapter visited the University of Michigan (U-M) Battery Lab. Technical Director Dr. Greg Less led the tour of the over 9,000 square feet of

Invited speaker Prof. Jürgen Janek presents “‘All-Solid’ to ‘Almost-Solid’ – How Solid will Solid-State Batteries get?” All photos courtesy of Daniel Liao.

Prof. Yang-Tse Cheng presents “Understanding the Coupled Electrochemical-Mechanical Behavior of Materials for Improving the Performance and Durability of Batteries” at a U-M chapter seminar.

University of Michigan Battery Lab Technical Director Dr. Greg Less explains a slurry mixer and pilot line for battery cell fabrication to chapter members touring the facility.

ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter members meet with colleagues and fellow chapter members at their ice cream social event.

(continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


STUDENT NEWS (continued from previous page)

research space, including a pilot line for pouch and cylindrical cells, R&D pouch cell line, coin cell fabrication, electrochemical cycling, abuse testing, and a full suite of material characterization tools. The chapter hosted a Journal Club and Ice Cream Social to promote academic and social interaction among U-M electrochemists. Many students participated, engaging in discussions about selected papers and building connections while enjoying ice cream. It was an excellent opportunity for students to gain insight into each other’s research and to establish valuable networks. The chapter had a table at a Chemistry Department Student Organization Fair to promote our newly formed student chapter and expand membership across departments. To further enhance the understanding of electrochemistry’s diverse facets, the chapter will invite speakers with a variety of backgrounds in the field. Additionally, chapter is actively planning a series of social events to promote interaction among U-M electrochemistry students. The student chapter looks forward to continued support and enthusiasm for their activities.

The chapter is grateful to faculty members Jeff Sakamoto, Yiyang Li, Neil Dasgupta, and Stephen Maldonado for their dedicated efforts to establish the ECS University of Michigan Student Chapter; and the constant efforts of chapter Chair Daniel Liao, Vice Chair Catherine Haslam, Secretary Joshua Hazelnis, and Treasurer Jinhong Min. The chapter also extends its thanks to the U-M Electric Vehicle Center for their generous support in funding events. For more information and additional details about activities and initiatives, please visit the chapter’s website.

University of Michigan Student Chapter Chair Daniel Liao (4th from the left) leads the discussion on a suggested paper at the chapter’s first Journal Club meeting.

Chapter Secretary Joshua Hazelnis recruits new members at the U-M Chemistry Department Student Organization Fair.

Technische Universität München Student Chapter In April, the ECS Munich Student Chapter and 25 MS students from different disciplines with interests in electrochemistry visited EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH. The ElringKlinger and Plastic Omnium joint venture in developing fuel cell stacks are leaders in producing bipolar plates. After a short introduction to the company’s activities in research, development, and industrialization of fuel cell stacks, the visit concluded with a guided tour of the production hall for bipolar plates, automated stack assembly, and stack testing field. On September 21, more than 100 participants, including MS and PhD students, postdocs, and professors, attended the chapter’s symposium, “From Academia to Industry – Electrochemical Challenges at Different Scales.” The event’s overarching question was how academia and industry can collaborate more efficiently to solve challenges in electrochemistry, especially with respect to fuel cells and batteries. The event represented electrochemical challenges faced at different scales ranging from academic research to the start-up sector, Guest speaker Prof. Dr. Philipp Adelhelm presents his research on Na-ion batteries.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


Technische Universität München student chapter members gather at their “From Academia to Industry – Electrochemical Challenges at Different Scales” symposium. All photos courtesy of Philip Rapp

to a large-scale production level. What is the current interdependence between academia and industry within the innovation pipeline of green technology and how can it be improved? The invited speakers from universities, start-ups, and established companies presented their work and research. Battery-related talks were given by Prof. Dr. Philipp Adelhelm (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, TU Berlin), Dr. Heino Sommer (Cellforce Group), Dr. Sophie Solchenbach (BMW Group) and Dr. Fabian Linsenmann (Tesla, Inc.). Fuel cell and

hydrogen technology talks were given by Prof. Dr. Christina Roth (Universität Bayreuth), Dr. Matthias Breitwieser (Ionysis GmbH), Dr. Florian Kessler (Siemens Energy), and Dr. Matthias Hanauer (Robert Bosch GmbH). Chapter members presented their research in a poster session during the lunch break. In November, the student chapter hosted a talk by Dr. Christian Hagelüken about the industrial recycling of batteries. Dr. Hagelüken is the former Director for EU Government Affairs at Umicore AG & Co. KG.

ECS Texas Tech University Student Chapter In collaboration with the Texas Tech Alumni Association, the ECS Texas Tech University Student Chapter led a two-day outreach event, “Racing into the Future: Fuel Cell Technology.” It has been part of the chapter’s Legacy U program since its founding in the summer of 2020. This is the third outreach event that promoted intergenerational experiences on the Texas Tech University campus. Participants included seven-to-13-year-old grandchildren and their grandparents. On the first day, chapter President Nathan Wilson opened the event with a captivating introduction on chemical engineering and electrochemistry. The focus then transitioned to fuel cell cars, a crucial innovation in sustainable technologies. Chapter members teamed up with grandparent-grandchild pairs and acted as mentors, eloquently explaining the mechanism of fuel cells, making the learning experience both educational and practical. The following day, each team actively participated in a thrilling fuel cell car race, fostering friendly competition and team spirit. Grandchildren engaged in a hands-on experiment before the race, gaining firsthand experience in running fuel cell cars and creating calibration graphs under their mentors’ watchful eyes. An engaging quiz allowed participants to showcase their recently acquired knowledge. The event ended with an award ceremony, honoring the victors of both the thrilling car race and the stimulating quiz.

Chapter President Nathan Wilson (top left) and Secretary Jessica Ortega (top right) explain fuel cell car challenges to “Racing into the Future: Fuel Cell Technology” seminar participants. All photos courtesy of Nathan Caballero.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •


STUDENT NEWS (continued from previous page)

The chapter organized an open house on September 13 for graduate and undergraduate students who are passionate about electrochemistry. Chapter faculty advisor and ECS President Dr. Gerardine Botte commenced the evening with an engaging speech delving into The Electrochemical Society’s rich history and elucidating the many advantages of joining this prestigious organization. The President’s address was followed by an informative session organized by the chapter’s officers. The goal was to enhance

attendees’ understanding of electrochemistry while offering valuable insights into its practical applications. Fundamental electrochemistry concepts were covered and diverse applications in electrochemical engineering explored. The student chapter is planning webinars and more activities to enhance networking possibilities and facilitate the exchange of knowledge.

Student chapter mentors help participants gain hands-on experience in operating fuel cell cars.

ECS Texas Tech University Student Chapter Faculty Advisor and ECS President Dr. Gerardine Botte delivers the September Open House keynote speech.

VISIT THE ECS STUDENT CENTER for more information about student chapters. For the global scope of the Society’s student chapter network, view the Student Chapter Directory. Interested in establishing an ECS Student Chapter at your academic institution?




The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

STUDENT NEWS 2023 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter and Chapters of Excellence Congratulations to the ECS University of Notre Dame Student Chapter for being named this year’s ECS Outstanding Student Chapter! The award recognizes the chapter’s dedication and commitment to advancing electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education. The chapter has grown to approximately 50 students—three times its size when it was established in 2020. In the past year, the chapter hosted seminars with internationally recognized professors and experts from the US and Europe, and actively promoted the fields on social media platforms and through a website launched in March 2023 to better circulate information and increase awareness. Activities, including game and movie nights, were organized for members and the chapter participated in the new ECS Mid-America Section launch reception.

ECS Texas Tech University Student Chapter and ECS Indian Institute of Technology Student Chapter are this year’s ECS Student Chapters of Excellence. These chapters maintained active memberships, hosted workshops, and promoted awareness of electrochemistry within their chapters and to school-age children. The Society established the Outstanding Student Chapter Award in 2012 to recognize distinguished ECS Student Chapters that demonstrate active participation in the Society’s technical activities; establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education; and create and maintain a robust membership base. Up to three winners can be selected, with one being named the Outstanding Student Chapter and up to two being named Chapters of Excellence.

ECS Charters Five New Student Chapters On October 12, 2023, the ECS Board of Directors approved the chartering of five new student chapters. The Society continues welcoming new student chapters into our supportive, global community, bringing the total number of chapters to 136 around the world!

Join us in welcoming our newly chartered ECS Student Chapters:


• Central Electrochemical Research Institute, India • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

• North Carolina State University, US • Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea • Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México

Advertisers Index Bio-Logic ......................................................................... 4

Ion Power ....................................................................... 20

ECS Transactions 244th ECS Meeting............................... inside back cover

IOP Publishing............................................ 70, back cover

El-Cell ............................................................................. 31

Scribner LLC..................................................................... 1

Gamry................................................................................ 6

Wiley............................................................................... 54

Pine Research Instrumentation ........................................ 2

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •





Solid State

• Batteries and Energy Storage • Corrosion Science and Technology • Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition • Electrochemical Engineering • Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion • Organic and Bioelectrochemistry • Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry • Sensors (Electrochemical)

• Carbon Nanostructures and Devices • Dielectric Science and Materials • Electronic Materials and Processing • Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems • Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing • Sensors (Solid State)


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2023 •

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Volume 112: 244th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society

ECS, a prestigious nonprofit professional society, has led the world in electrochemistry, solid state science and technology and allied subjects since 1902, providing a rigorous and high-quality home for the whole community.

ECS is dedicated to moving science forward by empowering researchers globally to leave their mark on science. The Society connects a diverse and representative constituency of members and nonmembers to accelerate scientific discovery, facilitate the engagement of an inclusive network, and champion the dissemination of research to support a sustainable future.

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