October 6-11, 2024
Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village
With the technical co-sponsorship of:
Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
Semiconductor Physics Division, Korean Physical Society (KPS)
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ)
Korea Photovoltaic Society (KPVS)
Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE)
The Electrochemical Society of Taiwan (ECSTw)
Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (EDRACI)
Semiconductor Physics Division, Chinese Physical Society (CSP)
Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan (HESS)

Message from the Presidents

Colm O’Dwyer ECS President

Yasushi Idemoto ECSJ President

Jae-Joon Lee KECS President
Welcome to the PRiME 2024 Meeting in Honolulu, HI! S ince 1987, the joint Pacific Rim international meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) , The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) , and The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS) has been a preeminent global meeting on electrochemical and solid state science.
With a comprehensive range of technical sessions, wide-ranging social events, and enlightening hands-on courses, our meeting offers a wealth of opportunities. Whether it is your first or fifth PRiME Meeting, we welcome you; there is so much to learn, enjoy, and do!
The Online Program is an excellent resource for managing your meeting time. The schedule of technical presentations of almost 5,000 abstracts is summarized on pages 37-64. Floor plans and maps on pages 17-21 guide you through the meeting spaces and around the local area. Event staff wearing blue polo shirts with the ECS logo, and our Student Ambassadors, are on hand to answer questions and happy to help. You can also stop by Customer Service at Registration for assistance.
Here are some main events not to miss! Include them as you build your personal schedule. And remember, this is just the “tip of the iceberg.” Visit the Online Program for a complete rundown.
• Opening Reception | Sunday, 1900h | HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer & Rooftop Garden Catch up with old friends and make new ones, while enjoying light snacks, an open bar, and networking.
• Plenary Lecture | Monday, 1700h | HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Hiroshi Nishihara (Tokyo University of Science) takes the stage, presenting the PRiME Plenary Lecture, “Coordination Nanosheets – Electro-functional 2D Polymers of Metal Complexes.”
• ECS Awards and Recognition Ceremony | HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom. Share in acknowledging the leaders in our fields and their innovative, impactful, and far-reaching developments in science and technology.
• Exhibit Hall | HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2. Discover our exciting lineup of industry-leading exhibitors; browse the wealth of presentations in the General Poster Sessions; and get a complimentary Professional Portrait (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday). Meet the ECS Journal Editors (Tuesday) and if you need a pickme-up, stop by for a Coffee and Networking Break (Tuesday and Wednesday).
• Luau | Thursday, 1830h | HHV: Great Lawn. Unwind at the end of an exciting week with an evening of food, drink, and entertainment in the company of our PRiME 2024 ohana (“family”).
On behalf of ECS, ECSJ, KECS, and the PRiME 2024 Organizing Committee, thank you for joining us!

General Information
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
Saturday .................................. 1600-1900h*
Sunday ........................................ 0700-1900h
Monday .................................... 0700-1900h
Tuesday .................................... 0700-1730h
Wednesday ........................... 0700-1600h
Thursday 0700-1600h
Friday .......................................... 0700-1000h
*Hawaii Standard Time (HST).
Registration fees
On-site registration fees
Society Member .................................. $860
Nonmember ....................................... $1,090
Society Student Member .................. $495
Student Nonmember .......................... $560
One-Day Society Member ................ $685
One-Day Nonmember ...................... $845
Society Emeritus and Honorary Member.. $0
Nontechnical Registrant ........................$75
All prices are in U.S. dollars. These prices apply to ECS, ECSJ, and KECS members, as well as JSAP, KPS, SPSJ, KPVS, KIChE, ECSTw, EDRACI, CSP, and HESS members.
Who must pay the registration fee?
All meeting participants, including invited speakers, are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Individuals participating in Short Courses along with the meeting are required to register for both events.
Companion/Nontechnical registrant program
Attendees’ travel companions are invited to register for the meeting as nontechnical registrants. The nontechnical registrant fee includes admission to non-ticketed social events and a welcome gift bag.
Short Course registration
Short Courses are offered on Sunday, October 6, from 0900-1700h (with a lunch break from 1200-1400h).*
NOTE: In-person attendance is required for Short Courses held on site at ECS biannual meetings. While preregistration by September 30, 2024, was required for PRiME 2024 Short Courses, on-site course registration is possible for courses with space available. Visit Customer Service at Registration to determine if space is available.
Special discounted Short Course rates apply only to the PRiME 2024 Meeting. Take advantage of this one-time offer to update your expertise in critical areas!
Course Regular Fees (Price discounted with Course Only with the purchase of a Registration Fees Regular Fees meeting registration)
Member $800 $675
$950 $825
Student Member $500 $425
Student $575 $500 Nonmember
All prices are in U.S. dollars.
These prices apply to ECS, ECSJ, and KECS members, as well as JSAP, KPS, SPSJ, KPVS, KIChE, ECSTw, EDRACI, CSP, and HESS members.
*Lunch is not provided; attendees make their own lunch arrangements.

Things to Know
Lost badge or ticket
Entry to ticketed events is not possible without a physical ticket. Tickets cannot be reprinted at events; they can only be reprinted at Customer Service at Registration during scheduled hours. There is a $30 charge for reprinting lost badges or tickets.
ADA Accessibility
Accommodation for attendees with disabilities is handled on an individual basis. Contact ECS headquarters at meetings@electrochem.org immediately for assistance.
Financial assistance
Financial assistance (which is limited) is generally governed by each symposium’s organizers and allocated prior to the start of the meeting. Contact your symposium’s organizers to determine if funding is still available.
Registration information and invoices are available on your personal computer. Log into your account to access this information. Contact customerservice@electrochem.org with questions/issues.
Letters of attendance
Individuals requiring official “Letters of Attendance” should complete the necessary form on the self-help computer in the on-site registration area. Letters are emailed within two weeks of the meeting’s end. Contact meetings@electrochem.org with any questions. Such letters do not imply any financial responsibility on behalf of the PRiME 2024 organizers.
Permissions granted to PRiME
PRiME reserves the right to electronically record any or all meeting-related events. By registering for and/or attending PRiME, you grant permission to use any recording or photography made of you at any meeting event or anywhere within the meeting venue.
Photography and recording are NOT permitted in technical sessions
By attending PRiME, you agree not to record any technical session activity without the express written consent of the PRiME organizers. Violators of this policy are removed from the meeting and their registrations are revoked without possibility of refund.
Speaker indemnification
The ideas and opinions expressed in the technical sessions, conferences, and any handout materials provided, are those of the presenter. They are not those of the PRiME organizers, nor can any endorsement by PRiME be claimed.
Complimentary network service is available to all attendees in the meeting space.
Username: freethescience
Password: openaccess
Abbreviation key
HCC: Hawaiian Convention Center
HHV: Hilton Hawaiian Village

Make the Most of Your PRiME Meeting Experience
Online program
The Online Program is your gateway to all meeting events and activities. Bookmark it now at https://ecs.confex.com/ecs/prime2024/meetingapp.cgi.
With the Online Program:
• Navigate through the full meeting program, including all Technical Sessions and Events.
• Read the individual abstracts for all scheduled technical presentations.
• Browse quickly through ECS Society and Division Award Presentation abstracts and presentation details.
• Mark sessions, individual presentations, and special events as Favorites for a handy reference to your personal meeting highlights.
• Add customized events to your personal meeting schedule with the Schedule feature. Any events marked as Favorites are added automatically to your personal schedule.
• Locate specific contributors and their presentations with the People feature. Send messages to specific individuals via the Connect button, a built-in peer-to-peer messaging tool.
• Engage with presenters via a Comment field on every presentation webpage.
• Access the list of Cancelled Presentations for the most up-to-date scheduling information.
• Open Floor Plans to quickly find layouts of the event spaces.
• Review detailed Meeting Sponsor and Symposium Sponsor information and the current Exhibitor List.
• View digital presentation files (video and/or slide deck or poster) uploaded by authors. Meeting registrants can access these files through November 2, 2024.
• View live broadcast award presentations via the Live Events feature.
Familiarize yourself with the Online Program and use its built-in features to experience all that this amazing event has to offer!

PRiME Meeting checklist
• Always wear your badge and have your special event tickets on hand.
• Access the full meeting website at https://www.electrochem.org/ prime2024.
• Bookmark the online program (see above) on your personal device for easier access to the meeting schedule and abstracts.
• Familiarize yourself with the meeting layout using the floor plans & maps on pages 17-21.
• Turn off your cell phone during presentations.
• Remember, photography and recording are prohibited in session rooms.
• Stop by the Opening Reception on Sunday to greet old friends and meet new friends.
• Get your Luau tickets before it’s too late!
• Network and learn about the latest industry innovations in the Exhibit Hall.
• Have extra business cards and/or poster presentations to hand out.
• View presenters’ uploaded videos, posters, and slides through November 2, 2024.
Tell us about your experience by completing the post-conference survey sent to you via email.
Meeting abstracts
Always right at hand—and as always, FREE! Access abstracts easily via the Online Program or downloaded from the meeting website. Paper copies of meeting abstracts are not distributed; if needed, download and print them before the meeting.
Advance your career
• Accelerate your learning by taking a Short Course or registering for a Professional Development Workshop.
• Empower yourself with a Peer Review Certificate by joining a workshop hosted by ECS and IOP Publishing.
• Connect with peers and leaders at the Opening Reception and twice-daily complimentary Coffee Breaks (see page 23)—and candidates and employment opportunities!
• Champion your most recent work in one of the ECS, ECSJ, or KECS journals.
Abbreviation key
HCC: Hawaiian Convention Center
HHV: Hilton Hawaiian Village

Presenter Information
ALL presentations (oral, poster, and digital) MUST be in English. Commercial advertisements and publicity are NOT permitted during oral or poster presentations. For additional information on oral and poster presentation requirements, please visit the Author and Presenter Info webpage.
Oral presentations must be in English. Laptop computers and projectors are available in each symposium room for presentations. Presenting authors MUST bring their presentation on a USB flash drive to use with the symposium room’s dedicated laptop. Speakers requiring special equipment must have submitted a written email request to ECS headquarters (meetings@electrochem.org) before the meeting. Special requests are not handled on site.
Additional information:
• Arrive early at your session room and introduce yourself to the session chairs (Session Chair ribbons are on their nametags).
• No additional time is allotted for Q&A (questions and answer sessions). If you plan to have a Q&A, prepare your presentation accordingly, based on the time length provided in your acceptance notification.
• There is no Speaker Ready Room.

Set up your poster only on your assigned day.

• Poster presentations MUST be in English.
• On the day of your presentation, find the poster board marked with your abstract number (e.g., Z01—3072) in HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2. You must hang your poster here.
• No posters may be displayed on site without the author present. No exceptions are granted.
• Posters must fit within the A0 print format dimensions (851 x 1189 mm/33.1 x 46.8 in).
• Posters must be laid out vertically (portrait layout).
• Set up posters on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 1400-1700h.
• Posters may only be hung on the author’s assigned presentation day.
• Posters must be removed at the end of each session. Any posters not removed are discarded.
• Pushpins and/or thumbtacks are supplied.
• Presenters are responsible for the security of their displays and all items of value. ECS does not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged articles.
• Small copies (8.5 x 11 or A4 sizes only) of posters may be provided for attendees to take. Insert these into a clear folder that you supply. Pin the folder to the board with your poster.
• Commercial advertisements/ publicity are not permitted in poster presentations.
Z01—General Student Poster Session
The Z01—General Student Poster Session is part of the Tuesday Poster Session and Technical Exhibit. Poster set up is on Tuesday from 1400-1700h; poster judging begins at 1800h. Participants in the Z01—General Student Poster Competition must have uploaded a digital poster file in advance of the meeting and are required to be physically present during the in-person Tuesday evening judging session. Winners are announced and awards presented at around 1815h during Wednesday’s General Poster Session.
Digital presenters were required to submit digital presentation files (video, and/or slide deck or poster) before the meeting. These materials are available to meeting attendees for on-demand viewing in the Online Program from October 6 – November 2, 2024. For more information, go to https://www.electrochem.org/digitalpresentation-info.
Abbreviation key
HCC: Hawaiian Convention Center
HHV: Hilton Hawaiian Village

Code of Conduct
Meeting attendees must conduct themselves in a manner that inspires public confidence and trust at all times. The success and credibility of the PRiME Meeting depends on adhering to our commitments and displaying honesty, integrity, and discretion when participating in Society activities and functions. Attendees who disregard these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action, up to, and including, forfeiting their meeting registration, loss of Society membership, and/or being relieved of Society volunteer positions.
When attending the PRiME Meeting, attendees assume responsibility for adhering to this Code of Conduct:
• Attendees must ensure that they are in a condition to attend meetings safely, without risk of causing harm to themselves and/or others.
• Attendees are expected to present themselves in a mature and responsible manner at all times.
• Conduct and behavior during the PRiME Meeting, including private activities and social gatherings, should exhibit a high degree of personal integrity and professionalism with respect to all individuals involved.
• Fighting, horseplay, disorderly conduct, or other unsafe acts that may cause bodily injury or endanger others are prohibited.
• Attendees must not be noticeably impaired or under the influence of drugs or any controlled substances during the PRiME Meeting.
• Attendees are prohibited from engaging in any act of sexual, racial,

or other harassment; telling sexist or racially based jokes; and making racial or ethnic slurs.
• Obscene or abusive language, rudeness, and unprofessional and/or antagonistic conduct toward any individual is prohibited.
Everyone is encouraged to communicate Code of Conduct policy violation concerns to an ECS management team
member. All reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior are investigated. ECS takes appropriate action in every instance where inappropriate behavior is found to have occurred and does not retaliate against individuals who raise Code of Conduct violation concerns.
Abbreviation key
HCC: Hawaiian Convention Center
HHV: Hilton Hawaiian Village

Plenary Session
Monday | 1700h
HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom
Gather with your colleagues!
The plenary session is a highlight of every PRiME Meeting, bringing participants
Plenary Lecture
Coordination Nanosheets –Electro-functional 2D Polymers of Metal Complexes
Hiroshi Nishihara
Tokyo University of Science and The University of Tokyo
Hiroshi Nishihara is Vice President of Tokyo University of Science and Emeritus Professor of The University of Tokyo (U-Tokyo). His research areas are electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, photochemistry, and material science. Since 2013, when Prof. Nishihara synthesized the first example of conducting coordination nanosheets which are organic/inorganic hybrid 2D materials, he and coworkers have created various coordination nanosheets and discovered their unique properties and functions.
After receiving his DSc from U-Tokyo in 1982, Prof. Nishihara was appointed Research Associate at Keio University, then served as Visiting Research Associate at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1987-1989. He was named Associate Professor at Keio University in 1992 and became Professor at The University of Tokyo in 1996, a position he held until he retired in 2020. Prof. Nishihara has received numerous awards including the 2016 Chemical Society of Japan Award, 2015 Japan Society of Coor-
from all symposia together to hear from some of the field’s greatest minds during the PRiME Lecture.

dination Chemistry Award, and in 2011, Doctor Honoris Causa from the Université de Bordeaux. He is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (2020) and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2014). Prof. Nishihara has served academic societies in diverse roles including as President of the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (2016-2020), President of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (2016-2017), Vice President of The Chemical Society of Japan (2013-2015), and Vice President of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2011-2013). He joined The Electrochemical Society in 1998 and has served with distinction on Society committees and in officer positions for the ECS Japan Section.
Prof. Nishihara’s PRiME Lecture focuses on the rich science and technology of coordination nanosheets relating to electrochemistry and electronics.
Hiroshi Nishihara Tokyo University of Science and The University of Tokyo

ECS Awards
ECS Awards and Recognition Ceremony
Monday | 1630h
HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom
ECS President Colm O’Dwyer leads the presentation of the following ECS awards and recognition honors:
• Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award
• Edward Goodrich Acheson Award
• ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship
ECS Society Awards
Be sure to also attend the ECS Society, division, and section award winners’ talks, which are presented in various symposia throughout the week. Check the Online Program for specific dates and times and add them to your personal meeting schedule.
Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award
Lithium Oxide Content in the Li Metal
Anode Solid Electrolyte Interphase Drives
High Coulombic Efficiency
Betar Gallant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology
• Norman Hackerman Young Author Award
• Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award
• Fellows of The Electrochemical Society
• Leadership Circle Award
• Past service recognitions
Edward Goodrich Acheson Award
Improvements in Anion Exchange
Membrane Water Electrolysis Materials and Devices
Paul Kohl, Georgia Institute of Technology
2023-2024 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship
Ultrafast Electrodeposition of Faceted Li Metal
Yuzhang Li, University of California, Los Angeles

ECS Division Awards
Battery Division Early Career Award Sponsored by Neware Technology Limited
Spin Probes and Materials Design for NextGeneration Batteries
Raphaële Clément, University of California, Santa Barbara
Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation
Silicon SEI Instability and its Effect on Calendar Aging
Josefine McBrayer, Sandia National Laboratory
Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation
Advancements and Challenges of Wide Temperature Electrolytes for NextGeneration Lithium Batteries
Jijian Xu, City University of Hong Kong
Battery Division Research Award
Sustainable LiFePO4 and LiMnxFe1-XPO4 (x = 0.1 to 1) Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: From Materials to Systems
Karim Zaghib, Concordia University
Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development
High-Throughput Electrochemical Characterization of Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries
Eric Fell, Harvard University
Battery Division Technology Award
Dendrite-Free Architected Zinc Anodes: Enabling Sustainable, Safe, Scalable, Rechargeable, and Manufacturable NextGeneration Aqueous Batteries
Debra Rolison and Jeffrey Long, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, and Joseph Parker, U.S. Office of Naval Research
Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award
The Remarkable Versatility of Copper: From its Corrosion Resistance to Antibacterial Properties
Ingrid Milošev, Jožef Stefan Institute
Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award
Respirometric Monitoring of Corrosion
Michael Strebl, Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award
Wet Metallization of Additive Manufactured Parts: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Roberto Bernasconi, Politecnico di Milano
Electrodeposition Division Research Award
Using Electrodeposition for Batteries and Electrocatalysis
Andrew Gewirth, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Energy Technology Division Walter van Schalkwijk Award in Sustainable Energy Technology
Ion-Pair Membranes for Advanced Electrochemical Devices
Yu Seung Kim, Los Alamos National Laboratory

High Temperature Materials Division
Outstanding Achievement Award
Development of Novel Ion Conducting Materials for Use as Electrolytes and Electrodes in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Cells
Tatsumi Ishihara, Kyushu University
Luminescence and Display Materials
Division Outstanding Achievement Award
Fiat Lux, or the Lighting Story of the Transition Metal and Rare Earth Ions
Mikhail Brik, Tartu Ülikool
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry
Division Max Bredig Award In Molten
Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry
Unexpected Energy Applications of Ionic Liquids
Douglas MacFarlane, Monash University
ECS Section Award
Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal
Sensor Division Early Career Award
Advancements and Challenges of Wide Temperature Electrolytes for Next-Generation Lithium Batteries
Dongmei Dong, Rowan University
Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award
IoT Enabled Turnkey Solution for Detection of Multiple Vapor Phase Analytes in Real-World Conditions
Ajit Khosla, Yamagata University
Structure, Reactivity and Durability of Hybrid Functional Materials in Electrocatalysis: CO2-Reduction Versus N2-Fixation
Pawel Kulesza, Uniwersytet Warszawski
Abbreviation key
HCC: Hawaiian Convention Center
HHV: Hilton Hawaiian Village

2,121 student abstracts
1,171 student oral talks
946 student posters

3,249 total oral talks
674 invited talks
25 ECS award & keynote talks
4,854 total abstracts
1,583 total posters
572 sessions
50 symposia
60 countries represented


JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

Floor Map of the Hilton

Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort
Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort

Highlighted Events
PRiME Opening Reception
Sunday | 1900-2100h
HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom & Rooftop Garden
Get a taste of Honolulu and kick off an exciting week! All attendees are welcome to enjoy light snacks, an open bar, and networking with colleagues.
Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Orientation Breakfast
Monday | 0700-0800h
HCC: Room 312
The meeting’s success is very much due to the hard work of session chairs, symposium organizers, and division members. All are encouraged to attend this orientation to ensure that they are prepared for their meeting roles and informed about future meetings.
Exhibit Hall
Monday | 1800-2000h
Tuesday, Wednesday, 1400-2000h
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
Explore exhibits from the leading vendors in the electrochemical and solid state science fields. Stop by for Poster Sessions, Networking Breaks, Professional Portraits, and Meet the Editors.
Student Mixer*
Monday | 2000-2200h
HHV: Tapa Ballroom 2
Unwind your mind after a day full of symposia and meet up with friends old and new. Don’t miss the snacks and light
refreshments! Students and early-career researchers are welcome. Sponsored by Pine Research and Scribner.
General and Z01 Student Poster Sessions
Monday | 1800-2000h
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2 Presenters meet and greet peers, professors, and industry representatives; field questions; make connections; and discuss compelling research questions. After a full day of sitting in session rooms, continue learning while in motion. Browse the aisles to find the posters that spark your interest!
Meet the Editors
Tuesday | 1730-1930h
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, ECS Booth 319
Connect with esteemed ECS journal editors at the ECS booth.
Christopher Alexander, (ECS Interface), Andrew Hillier (JES), Rob Kelly (ECS Interface), Peter Mascher (JSS), Praveen Sekhar (ECSSP), Wataru Sugimoto (JES), and Alice Suroviec (JES) are on hand to answer your questions on journal processes and discuss editorial opportunities and the vision for ECS Publications’ growth. As you determine your meeting schedule, take this opportunity to interact directly with ECS Publications Editorial Team members!

Professional Portraits
Monday | 1800-2000h
Tuesday, Wednesday | 1700-2000h
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 613
Entering the job market? Seeking new career opportunities? Expanding your professional network? A great first impression opens doors and takes your career to new heights. Update your LinkedIn profile with a new headshot. Stop by our professional portrait session— compliments of ECS! Appointments not required.
PRiME 2024 Luau*
Thursday | 1830-2100h
HHV: Great Lawn
Relax at the end of an exciting week and enjoy an evening of food, drink, and entertainment, all in the company of our PRiME 2024 ohana ("family").
Coffee and Networking Breaks
Sunday through Thursday | 09301030h and 1530-1630h
See Featured Events on pages 28-32 for locations.
Take a moment before your next session to stretch your legs, reenergize with coffee or tea, and network with fellow attendees and exhibitors.
* Ticket required. Purchase tickets in advance or at Customer Service at Registration.

Short Courses*
ECS Short Courses provide students and seasoned professionals with in-depth education on a wide range of topics. Academic and industry experts deliver personalized instruction to advance scientists’ and researchers’ technical expertise and knowledge. Short Courses are open to the public. Society members receive special discounts. Short Courses are scheduled as listed below, with a two-hour lunch break from 1200-1400h (lunch is not provided; attendees make their own lunch arrangements).
Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy
Sunday | 0900-1700h
HCC: Room 303A
Instructor: Mark Orazem
Attendees develop a basic understanding of the technique, sources of errors in impedance measurements, the way to optimize experiments to reduce these errors, and use of graphical and regression methods to interpret measurements in terms of meaningful physical properties.
Fundamentals of Electrochemistry:
Basic Theory and Kinetic Methods
Sunday | 0900-1700h
HCC: Room 303B
Instructor: James Noël
This course covers the basic theory and application of electrochemical science. It is targeted at people with a background
in physical sciences or engineering who have not trained as electrochemists but want to add electrochemical methods to their repertoire of research approaches.
Introduction to Lithium Ion Batteries
Sunday | 0900-1700h
HCC: Room 302B
Instructors: David Hall and Chock Karuppaiah
The basic foundation of the relevant electrochemical theory is reviewed along with materials characterization methods and more. The latest trends and advances in lithium ion batteries are presented.

Multiphysics Modeling of Batteries
Sunday | 0900-1700h
HCC: Room 308A
Instructor: June Xu
An in-depth exploration of the multiphysics modeling of batteries is provided, bridging the gap between material science and device engineering.
PEM Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzer
Sunday | 0900-1700h
HCC: Room 305A
Instructor: Christopher Arges
This course introduces low-temperature, proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell and water electrolyzer technologies to attendees who are new to hydrogen technologies.
* Visit Customer Service at Registration if you have not already preregistered for Short Courses.

Professional Development
Your career is a work in progress. To advance, you can never stop learning. Professional development opportunities are provided to upskill meeting attendees to manage challenges and move ahead.
These career-building, in-person learning opportunities are not offered in a digital format.
Peer Reviewer Excellence Certification Workshop*
Sunday | 1300-1700h
HCC: Room 317A
Instructors: Adrian Plummer, ECS Senior Director of Publications; Paul Cooper, ECS Editorial Manager; and Jessica MacDonald, IOP Publishing
ECS and IOP Publishing offer a unique peer-review certification program providing hands-on peer-review experience in scholarly publishing. Aspects covered include, but are not limited to, peer review fundamentals and models; how to become a peer reviewer; writing an excellent reviewer report; responding to research misconduct; and ethics in scholarly publishing. Complete the full workshop to earn a Peer Review Excellence Certification and become eligible for IOP Trusted Reviewer Status.
Essential Elements for Employment Success*
Monday | 0900-1200h
HCC: Room 327
Instructor: Michel Fouré
Landing your next job requires selective and effective networking; developing, and submitting specifically targeted resumes and cover letters; locating relevant job opportunities; and preparing
for and participating in job interviews. This workshop provides up-to-date information and tips for employment success.
Resume Review* (one on one)
Monday | 1400-1800h
HCC: Room 327
Instructor: Michel Fouré
Register for a one-on-one resume review session with an industry leader and expert on resume development. Walk away with a resume that is sure to land your next interview.
Strategic Tools for a Successful Career*
Tuesday | 0900-1200h
HCC: Room 327
Instructor: Michel Fouré
Scientists and engineers often find themselves trapped in careers that don’t fulfill their dreams and aspirations. It is not for a lack of working hard but simply because they have not learned or (re) discovered the keys to building a highly successful career. In this workshop filled with hands-on exercises, participants actively engage these essential principles. We ask what success means for each of us and discover that "success" hides different and individual realities which

we need to clearly articulate. We discuss goals, their importance, and the way to work with them—for goals are the blueprint of success.
ECS Mentoring Session*
Tuesday | 1400-1500h
HCC: Room 327
Facilitator: Alice Suroviec
ECS coordinates a group of mentors to meet with students and early-career professionals in small roundtable groups. While discussion topics vary and can be directed by the group, career-life balance, building contacts and networks, questions about career paths, and perspectives on different experiences are usually covered.
Win Funding: How to Write a Competitive Proposal*
Wednesday | 0900-1200h
HCC: Room 327
Instructor: Michel Fouré
Whether your career is in industry, academia, or a national lab, you will probably be intimately involved in writing research grant proposals. Your career growth may largely hinge on your ability to raise funds. While each proposal is unique, to maximize the probability of success, important guidelines at the intersection of the funding agency’s needs and your technical idea must be observed. This workshop is interactive so it’s best to work with real examples such as proposals submitted in the past, or ones anticipated to submit.
* Visit Customer Service at Registration if you have not already preregistered for Professional Devlopment sessions.

Featured Events
Saturday, October 5
1600-1900h ..................................... Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
Sunday, October 6
0700-1900h Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
0755h ............................................ Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)
0900-1630h .............................................................. Short Courses*, see page 24 for locations
0930-1030h ......................... Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer 1300-1700h .................................... Peer Review Excellence Workshop*, HCC: Room 317A
1530-1630h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1900-2100h PRiME Opening Reception, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom & Rooftop Garden
Monday, October 7
0700-1900h ..................................... Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
0700-0800h Session Chair and Symposium Organizer Orientation HCC: Room 312
0740h ............................................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)
0900-1200h .................................................... Essential Elements for Employment Success *, HCC: Room 327
0930-1030h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1400-1700h ...........................................Poster setup period – Monday evening presenters, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1400-1800h ............................................................................ Resume Review*, HCC: Room 327
1530-1630h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1630-1700h ................ ECS Awards and Recognition Ceremony, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom 1700-1800h ................................................ PRiME Plenary Lecture, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom
1800-2000h ................................. Professional Portraits, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 613
1800-2000h ......................................... Technical Exhibit open and General Poster Session, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
2000-2200h .................................. Student Mixer* Sponsored by Pine Research and Scribner, HHV: Tapa Ballroom 2
Tuesday, October 8
0700-1730h ..................................... Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
0740h ............................................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)
0900-1200h Strategic Tools for a Successful Career*, HCC: Room 327
0930-1030h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer

1200-1400h ................................................... ECS Fellows Luncheon*, HHV: Honolulu Suite 3
1400-1500h ....................................................................... Mentoring Session*, HCC: Room 327
1400-1700h ...........Poster set-up period – Tuesday evening posters, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1400-2000h Visit our Exhibitors! HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1530-1630h ................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1700-2000h ............. Professional Portraits, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 613
1730- 830h ....................... Meet the Editors, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 319
1800-2000h General and Z01 Student Poster Session, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1830-1930h ........................................... Meet the Editors, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 319
Wednesday, October 9
0700-1600h ..................................... Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
0740h ............................................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)
0900-1200 ..................................... Win Funding: How to Write a Competitive Proposal*, HCC: Room 327
0930-1030h ......................... Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1200-1330h .......................................... ECS Academic & Industry Appreciation Luncheon*, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom A
1400-1700h ........................................ Poster set-up period – Wednesday evening posters, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1400-2000h ...................................... Visit our Exhibitors! HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1530-1630h ................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
1700-2000h ............. Professional Portraits, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 613
1800-2000h .................................................... General Poster Session, HCC: Tapa Ballroom 2
1815-1830h ............................................. Z01 Student Poster Award Winner Presentation, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2, Booth 319
Thursday, October 10
0700-1600h Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
0740h ............................................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)
0930-1030h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1530-1630h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1830-2100h ...................................................................... PRiME 2024 Luau*, HHV: Great Lawn * Ticket or preregistration required. Visit Customer Service at Registration for more information.

JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

Friday, October 11
0700-1000h .....................................Meeting registration, HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 3
0740h ............................................. Technical Sessions begin (check online program for details)
0930-1030h Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
1530-1630h ........................ Coffee and Networking Break, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom Foyer
ECS Division Events
Sunday, October 6
1700- 1900h........ ECS Electronics and Photonics Division Executive Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 1
1700-1900h ECS Corrosion Division Executive Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 2
Monday, October 7
0700- 0900h..................... ECS Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Executive Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 2
0700-0900h .................... ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Executive Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 1
0700-0900h .................... ECS Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Executive Committee. HHV: Honolulu Suite 3
1215-1400h .......... ECS Electrodeposition Division Future Symposia Meeting Luncheon, HHV: Honolulu Suite 2 & 3 1830-2100h ECS Energy Technology Division Executive Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 2 & 3
1900-2000h ........... ECS Dielectric Science and Technology Division Networking Event, HHV: Iolani Suite 5
1900-2100h .................................... ECS Electrodeposition Division Executive Committee, HHV: Iolani Suite 2
Tuesday, October 8
1215-1400h ......... ECS Battery Division Luncheon & Business Meeting *, HCC: Kalakaua Ballroom A
1215-1400h ..................................... ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, HHV: Iolani Suite 6
1215-1400h ......... ECS Electrodeposition Division Early Career Forum Luncheon, HHV: Iolani Suite 7
1500-1700h ECS Luminescence & Display Materials Division Executive Committee & General Reception, HHV: Honolulu Suite 3
1745- 1845h ECS Corrosion Division Business Meeting, HHV: Honolulu Suite 2
1900-2000h ................................... ECS Corrosion Division Award Reception*, HHV: Iolani Suite 3 & 4

Wednesday, October 9
1215-1400h ........ ECS Electrodeposition Division Luncheon & Business Meeting*, HCC: Room 306A
1215-1400h ...................................... ECS Sensor Division Luncheon & Business Meeting *, HHV: Iolani Suite 5
1800-2000h ........................................................ ECS Electrodeposition Division Reception*, HHV: Iolani Suites 5/6/7
1830-2100h ECS Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt Chemistry Address & Banquet*, HHV: Honolulu Suite 3
1900-2000h .................... ECS Battery Division Award Reception*, HHV: Honolulu Suite 2
ECS Section Events
Monday, October 7
1800-1900h ......................ECS Europe Section Executive Committee, HHV: Iolani Suite 4
1900-2030h .........................................
Europe Section Meeting, HHV: Honolulu Suite 1
ECS Committee and Board Meetings
Sunday, October 6
1830-1930h ECS Low Temperature Fuel Cell Coordinating Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 3
Tuesday, October 8
0700- 0930h ECS Symposium Planning Advisory Board, HHV: Tapa Ballroom 3
0730-0930h ECS Council of Past Presidents, HHV: Iolani Suite 3
1000-1130h .................... ECS Individual Membership Committee. HHV: Honolulu Suite 1
1400-1600h .................................................... ECS Meetings Subcommittee, HCC: Room 309
1500-1630h ................................................... ECS Education Committee, HHV: Iolani Suite 2 1600-1800h ................................ ECS Honors and Awards Committee, HHV: Iolani Suite 5
Wednesday, October 9
0730-1100h ................................. ECS Technical Affairs Committee, HHV: Honolulu Suite 1 1300-1500h ................................................ ECS Nominating Committee, HHV: Iolani Suite 3
Thursday, October 10
0800- 1200h................................. ECS Board of Directors Meeting, HHV: Tapa Ballroom 3 * Ticket or preregistration required. Visit Customer Service at Registration for more information.

Exhibit Hall
Thank you to the PRiME 2024 Exhibitors!
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
Exhibit Hall Hours
Monday, October 7
1200-1700h ..............................................................................................................................Exhibitor move in 1400-1700h ................................................................................ Poster move in – Monday evening posters 1800-2000h ................................................................................. Technical Exhibit, General Poster Session
Tuesday, October 8
1400-1700h ................................................................................ Poster move in – Tuesday evening posters 1400-2000h ................................................................................................................................ Technical Exhibit 1530-1630h Coffee and Networking Break 1800-2000h .................................................................................. General and Z01 Student Poster Session
Wednesday, October 9
1400-1700h Poster move in – Wednesday evening posters 1400-2000h Technical Exhibit
1530-1630h ...................................................................................................... Coffee and Networking Break 1800-2000h ................................................................................................................... General Poster Session
2000-2200h ......................................................................................... Optional Technical Exhibit tear down
Thursday, October 10
0900-1200h ............................................................................................ Technical Exhibit tear down
Admiral Instruments Booth 409
AGC Chemicals Americas Booth 408
BAS Booth 221 BASi Booth 508
BioLogic Booth 427 & 429
Cellerate Booth 526
CrystalMaker Software Booth 406
Dr. Eberl MBEKomponenten GmbH Booth 520
easyXAFS Booth 518
ECS – Professional Portraits Booth 613
ECS – The Electrochemical Society Booth 319

ECSJ - The Electrochemical Society of Japan Booth 321
Gamry Instruments Booth 509
Hohsen Booth 507
Hyundai Motor Company Booth 107 & 206
iGii Booth 219
IOP Publishing Booth 318
IVIUM Technologies Booth 308
JEOL USA Booth 208
KECS – The Korean Electrochemical Society Booth 420
KOTRA Booth 109
Meiden Hokuto Booth 328
Metrohm DropSens Booth 309
Moleaer Booth 223
MTI Booth 227
Neware Technology Booth 330
NEXTRON Booth 423

PIKE Technologies Booth 209
Pine Research Booth 320 & 322
Pinflow energy storage Booth 608
Protochips Booth 306
School of Sustainable Energy and Resources at Nanjing University Booth 506
Scribner Booth 419 & 421
SH Scientific Booth 407


Sigray Booth 326
Software for Chemistry & Materials (SCM) Booth 522
Tera Leader Booth 431
Toray Research Center (TRC) Booth 431
Toshima Booth 528
Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA) Booth 307

Symposia Sponsors
G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 20

I01—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)
G03—SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 11: In Memory of Qizhi Liu
A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems

L02—Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 24 (MSIL-24) in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito
G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 20
H05—Electronic, Thermal, and Electrochemical Properties of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) 3: Technology, Applications, and Emerging Devices
G03—SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 11: In Memory of Qizhi Liu
L02—Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 24 (MSIL-24) in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito
Silver Platinum Gold

Thank you to the PRiME 2024 Symposia Sponsors!
Bronze Symposia Sponsors

A02—Batteries with Li Chemistries and Beyond: In Honor of Marca Doeff
A07—Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries: Electrodes, Electrolytes, and Interphases
G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 20
L02—Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 24 (MSIL-24) in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito
AlixLabs AB
VEECO Instruments Inc.
G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 20
NantG Power, LLC
A02—Batteries with Li Chemistries and Beyond: In Honor of Marca Doeff
ECSJ Committee of Battery Technology
A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems
A04—Advanced Characterization Techniques in Battery Research
A07—Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries: Electrodes, Electrolytes, and Interphases
A08—Materials and Interfacial Electrochemistry for Solid State Batteries
A09—New Materials for Non-Lithium Based Next-Generation Batteries
ECSJ Committee of Capacitor Technology
KECS Committee of Capacitor Technology
A06—Fast Energy Storage Materials and Devices
AM Batteries Inc. BioLogic
A07—Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries: Electrodes, Electrolytes, and Interphases
ECSJ Committee of the Electrolytic Science and Technology
ECSJ Fuel Cell Division
I01— Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)
ECSJ Solid State Chemistry
I02—Solid State Ionic Devices 15

Technical Symposia
PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.
A—Batteries and Energy Storage
A01—New Approaches and Advances in Electrochemical Energy Systems
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 315
B. Lucht, P. S. Lee, X. Feng, T. Kim, J. Saraidaridis, M. Manivannan, C. Karuppaiah, Y. Preger, N. Imanishi, Y. Sato, S-Y. Lee, U. H. Choi, H-K. Kim, H. S. Park, Z-S. Wu
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
A02—Batteries with Li Chemistries and Beyond: In Honor of Marca Doeff
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 318A
F. Lin, S. Meng, Y. Liu, J. Croy, C. Tian ECS Battery
A03—Accelerating Next-Generation Battery R&D Through Data-Driven Approaches
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 317B
W. Wang, E. Dufek, R. Dominko ECS Battery
A04—Advanced Characterization Techniques in Battery Research
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 317B
S. Bak, K. Amezawa, F. Lin, K-W. Nam, S. Mukerjee
ECS Battery, ECSJ Battery, KECS Battery
A05—Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries for High-Performance Electric Vehicle Applications
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 317A
M-S. Park, W. Cho, M. Zhu, J. H. Kim, G. Kobayashi, K. Y. Chung, K-Y. Park
ECS Battery, ECSJ Battery, KECS Battery
A06—Fast Energy Storage Materials and Devices
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 318B
H. S. Park, J. Long, V. Augustyn, T. Brousse, D. Rochefort, P. Simon, A. Balducci, Y-Y. Xia, H. Kim, M. Ishikawa, K. Naoi, S. Shiraishi, M. Morita, N-L. (Nick) Wu, P. Liu
ECS Battery, KECS Capacitor, ECSJ Capacitor
A07—Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries: Electrodes, Electrolytes, and Interphases
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday & Wednesday
HCC: Room 316A, 316B
W. Tong, B. Li, Y. Yamada, R. Amin, S-W. Song, Z. Zhang, H. Lee, W. Xu, W-H. Ryu, H-T. Kim, J. Lim, S-H. Yu, H. Lee, K. Xu, H-C. Yu
ECS Battery, ECSJ Battery, KECS Battery
A08—Materials and Interfacial Electrochemistry for Solid State Batteries
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Tuesday
HCC: Room 310
J-W. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Iriyama, K. Y. Chung, Y. S. Jung, Y. M. Lee
ECS Battery, ECSJ Battery, KECS Battery
A09—New Materials for Non-Lithium Based Next-Generation Batteries
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 316C
H-G. Jung, K. Y. Chung, S-T. Myung, J-Y. Hwang, M. Matsui
ECS Battery, ECSJ Battery, KECS Battery
B—Carbon Nanostructures and Devices
B01—Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion and Storage
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 310A
J. Blackburn, A. Boghossian, D. Heller, S. Corrie
ECS Nanocarbon

JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

Technical Symposia,
Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.
C—Corrosion Science and Technology
C01—Corrosion General Poster Session
Posters Monday
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
D. Chidambaram, E. Tada
ECS CorrosionD—Dielectric Science and Materials
C02—High-Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 16
Thursday, Friday
HCC: Room 303B
X. Liu, M. Nanko, P. Gannon, D. Chidambaram, T. Markus, J. Froitzheim, E. Opila
ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes, Electrochemical Society of Japan
C03—Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion 11
Monday, Tuesday
HCC: Room 303A
G. Frankel, S. Virtanen, E. Tada, R. Gupta, D. Chidambaram, S. Gateman
ECS Corrosion
C04—Pits and Pores 10: NanomaterialsFabrication, Properties, and Applications
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
HCC: Room 303B
P. Granitzer, S. Yae, K. Fukami, K. Kolasinski, G. Zangari, J. Macak, H. Tsuchiya
ECS Corrosion, Electrochemical Society of Japan
C05—Atmospheric and Marine Corrosion 3
Wednesday, Thursday
HCC: Room 303A
M. Itagaki, L. Hihara, H. Katayama, Y. Hoshi
ECS Corrosion, Electrochemical Society of Japan
D—Dielectric Science and Materials
D01—Photovoltaics for the 21st Century - 20th Anniversary: New Materials and Processes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 302B
H. Hamada, M. Tao, T. Druffel, Z. Chen, S. Ito, J-J. Lee, S-Y. Jang, J. Y. Kim, N. Matsuki, C. E. Song
ECS Dielectric Science and Technology, Korean Electrochemical Society, Electrochemical Society of Japan
D02—Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics and Plasma Nanoscience 2
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 304B
U. Cvelbar, T. Lill, H. Kondo, K. Song, P. Mascher, O. Leonte, K. Kakushima, S. Lee, Y. Obeng, S. Kilgore, D. Misra, E. Kovacevic
ECS Dielectric Science and Technology
E—Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition
E01—Electrochemical Deposition for Functional Materials and Energy Applications
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 304A
N. Vasiljevic, X. Dominguez-Benetton, J. Y. Kim, U. Sim, S. H. Kang, S. Roy, T. Hall, K. Jin, D-H. Nam, P. Vereecken, S. Brankovic, A. Bund, A. Ispas, M. Innocenti, L. Magagnin, K. Rajeshwar, J. K. Kim
ECS Electrodeposition, ECS Energy Technology
E03—Electrodeposition and Electroless Deposition for Interconnects in Integrated Circuits and 3D Packaging
Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 302A
M. Hayase, R. Akolkar, Q. Huang, N. Dimitrov, F. Inoue, M. J. Kim
ECS Electrodeposition
F—Electrochemical Engineering
F01—Advances in Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 305B
P. Kenis, C. Karuppaiah, E. Biddinger
ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
F02—Modeling Electrochemical Systems for Transportation Applications 3 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 306A
T. Garrick, J. Staser, S. DeCaluwe, K. Leung
ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Battery, ECS Energy Technology

F03—Tutorials and Advances in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Tuesday, Wednesday
HCC: Room 305B
M. Orazem, M. Itagaki, B. Ülgüt, V. Vivier
ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Corrosion
F05—Towards Electrolysis for Sustainability: Innovations in Materials and Processes
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters
HCC: Room 306B
J. S. Park, P. Kenis, S. H. Kim, S. Uhm, K. A. Friedrich, M. Higa, D. Daramola
ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Korean Electrochemical Society
G—Electronic Materials and Processing
G01—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 20
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 325B
F. Roozeboom, S. De Gendt, J. Dendooven, J. Elam, O. van der Straten, A. Illiberi, G. Sundaram, R. Chen, O. Leonte, T. Lill, M. Young, B. Bhuyan, A. Kozen
ECS Electronics and Photonics, ECS Dielectric Science and Technology
G02—18th International Symposium on Semiconductor Cleaning Science and Technology (SCST 18)
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 325B
S. Lim, K. Saga, P. Mertens, I. Kashkoush, J. Keleher, T. Hattori
ECS Electronics and Photonics
G03—SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 11: In Memory of Qizhi Liu
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 320
J-M. Hartmann, M. Östling, V. Jain, X. Gong, G. Masini, J. Holt, A. Mai, A. Ogura, O. Nakatsuka, W. Bi, A. Schulze
ECS Electronics and Photonics, ECS Dielectric Science and Technology
H—Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems
H02—Thin Film Transistors 17 (TFT 17)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Posters Tuesday
HCC: Room 323A
Y. Kuo
ECS Electronics and Photonics, ECS Dielectric Science and Technology
H03—Low-Dimensional Nanoscale
Electronic and Photonic Devices 17
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 323B
Y-L. Chue, J-M. Wu, C. O'Dwyer, M. Suzuki, S. Jin, S-W. Kim, F. Rosei, J. Ho, Z. Fan, Q. Li, J. H. He, G. Hunter, K. Takei, L-J. Li, P. Mascher
ECS Electronics and Photonics, ECS Dielectric Science and Technology
H04—Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide Power Technologies 14
Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 322A
M. Dudley, B. Raghothamachar, N. Ohtani, M. Bakowski
ECS Electronics and Photonics
H05—Electronic, Thermal, and Electrochemical Properties of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) 3: Technology, Applications, and Emerging Devices
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 322A
C. Wilmer, H. Baumgart, C. Woell, H. Kitagawa, P. Falcaro, M. Allendorf, G. Wu
ECS Electronics and Photonics, ECS Energy Technology, ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes
H06—Chromogenic Materials and Devices
Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 323A
A. Aoki, N. Kobayashi, C. H. Han
ECS Electronics and Photonics, Korean Electrochemical Society, ECSJ Chromogenic Research
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 322B
J-M. Wu, J. Chen, H-S. Chen, C-N. Yeh, H. Huang, C. Bowen, C-Y. Chen, X. Wang, W. Wu
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Dielectric Science and Technology, ECS Electronics and Photonics, ECSTw

JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

Technical Symposia, continued
Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.
I—Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion
I01A—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24) - Fuel Cell Electrocatalyst Activity and Durability
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 313B
H. Uchida, P. Strasser, Y-T. Kim, U. Kramm, K. Kakinuma, J. W. Han, K. Swider-Lyons
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS
Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS
Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
I01B—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)Electrolyzer Electrocatalyst Activity and Durability
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 312
B. Pivovar, M. Chatenet, D-H. Ha, S. H. Joo, K. SwiderLyons, H. Xu, S. Mitsushima
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS
Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS
Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
I01C—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)Ionomers, Membranes and Separators for Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 313C
A. Kusoglu, D. Jones, P. Pintauro, M. Hickner, C. Gittleman, K. Swider-Lyons
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS
Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
I01D—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)Fuel Cell Electrodes, MEAs and Diagnostics
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 311
E. Kjeang, A. Weber, J. Eller, M. Secanell, S. Jang, K. Swider-Lyons
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
I01E—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24) - Electrolyzer Electrodes, MEAs and Diagnostics
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 313A
J. Jankovic, W. Mustain, D. Dekel, M. Secanell, Y. Orikasa, K. Swider-Lyons
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
I01F—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)Cells, Stacks and Systems for Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 314
B. Lakshmanan, C. Rice, K. Swider-Lyons, C. Capuano, R. Mantz, H-I. Joh
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

I01Z—Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers 24 (PEFC&WE 24)Plenary Lecture
Monday HCC: Room 311
K. Swider-Lyons
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Battery, ECS Corrosion, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECSJ PEFC, KECS Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
I02—Solid State Ionic Devices 15
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 301B
C. Kreller, H. Takamura, J-H. Lee, X. Jin, K. Ramaiyan, J. Nanda
ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes, ECS Battery, ECSJ Solid State Chemistry, Korean Electrochemical Society
I03—Seawater Electrodialysis and Electrolysis for Water-Energy Nexus Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Poster Monday HCC: Room 302A
H. Park, X. Su, X. Xie, D. S. Han, M. Kim, J. LopezRuiz, K. Cho, C. Kim, S. W. Lee, H. Shon, C-H. Hou
ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Korean Electrochemical Society
J—Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing
J01—Luminescence and Display Materials: Fundamentals and Applications: In Honor of Baldassare Di Bartolo
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 307A
R-J. Xie, J. Brgoch, Z. Xia, A. Meijerink, M. Brik, A. Srivastava, J. Collins, K. Mishra, W. B. Im, J. Kim, I-S. Shin, D. Han, S-R. Kwon, E. Zych
ECS Luminescence and Display Materials, Korean Electrochemical Society
K—Organic and Bioelectrochemistry
K01—New Developments in Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry: In Memory of Tatsuya Shono, Tsutomu Nonaka and Ikuzo Nishiguchi
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 308B
T. Nokami, H. Shimakoshi, K. Moeller, F. Maran
ECS Organic and Biological Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Society of Japan
K02—Pioneering the Future with Bioengineering and Electrochemistry
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 308B
S. Minteer, K. Sode, A. Furst, J. Dick, H. Yang, H. Shiku, W. Tsugawa, S. J. Kwon, S. Tsujimura, H Funabashi
ECS Organic and Biological Electrochemistry, Korean Electrochemical Society, Electrochemical Society of Japan
L—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry
L01—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 321A
S. Paddison, A. Co, A. Suroviec
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry
L02—Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 24 (MSIL-24) in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 324
M. Ueda, D. Durkin, A. Bund, A. Ispas, V. Di Noto, W. M. Reichert, R. Mantz, H. De Long, A. East, P. Trulove, T. Tsuda
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Electrodeposition, ECS Energy Technology, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, ECSJ Molten Salt
L03—Electrode Processes 15 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 325A
A. Hillier, N. Hoshi, K. Komori
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Energy Technology

JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

Technical Symposia, continued
Symposia, Days, Rooms, Organizers, and Sponsoring Divisions
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the online program for up-to-date schedules for all technical sessions and presentations.
L04—Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 14
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 319B
N. Wu, G. Wiederrecht, T. Tatsuma, T. Torimoto, M. Manivannan, D. Ma, T. Hamann, H-H. Cho, K. M. Nam, H. Park, J. H. Park, J. Seo, H. Tian, Y. Hang, H. Wang, J-J. Lee, P. Kulesza
ECS Energy Technology, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Sensor, Korean Electrochemical Society
L05—Advanced Techniques for In Situ Electrochemical Systems 7
Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 321B
S. Pylypenko, H. Byon, J. Lim, D. Y. Chung, I. Zenyuk, Y. J. Hwang, Y. Kwon, A. Co, Y. Zhang
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Energy Technology, Korean Electrochemical Society
L06—Electrocatalysis at the Interface: From Fundamental Studies to Applications
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Wednesday
HCC: Room 319A
C. H. Choi, H. Kim, Y. Zhang, S. Ringe, D. Y. Chung, J. Chang, H. Ahn
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Korean Electrochemical Society
L07—Fundamentals of Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 323C
P. Kulesza, I. Rutkowska, P. Kenis, P. Atanassov
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Energy Technology, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical
M01—Recent Advances in Sensors Systems: General Session
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 308A
T. Thundat, J. Koehne, L. Nagahara, D-J. Kim, L. Soleymani, A. Ebrahimi, L-k. Tsui, P. Hesketh, D. Dong, T. Hyodo, A. Khosla
ECS Sensor, Electrochemical Society of Japan, Korean Electrochemical Society
M02—Chemical Sensors 14 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday; Posters Monday
HCC: Room 307B
P. K. Sekhar, L. Nagahara, T. Yasukawa, M. Matsuguchi, T. Tanaka, S. Tamura, T. Hyodo, V. Ponnusamy, L-k. Tsui, R. Mukundan, J. Koehne, T. Soundappan
ECS Sensor, Electrochemical Society of Japan
Z—General Topics
Z01—General Student Poster Session
HCC: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
A. Suroviec, N. Yabuuchi, M. Lim, Y. Kwon
All divisions of ECS, ECSJ, and KECS
Z02—A Lifetime of Cleaning the Planet: In Honor of Akira Fujishima
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Posters Monday HCC: Room 305A
L. Nagahara, A. Khosla, M. Navaei, R. Van Staden, T. Tatsuma, T. Torimoto, H. Irie, P. Kulesza, M. Manivannan, N. Wu
ECS Sensor, ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Energy Technology, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, Korean Electrochemical Society, Electrochemical Society of Japan
Z03—Innovation in Electrochemistry
Wednesday, Thursday; Posters Wednesday HCC: Room 307B
J. Leddy, K. A. Friedrich, M. Higa, D. Daramola, P. Kenis, T. Van Nguyen, J. H. Park, E. J. Taylor, B-K. Kim, A. Herring, J. S. Park, S. H. Kim, S. Uhm
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, ECS Energy Technology, ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Korean Electrochemical Society

Technical Sessions
PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.
Sunday, October 6, 2024

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Sunday, October 6, 2024, continued

Technical Sessions, Monday
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.
Monday, October 7, 2024

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)

Technical Sessions, Monday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

JOINT INTERNATIONAL MEETING of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Korean Electrochemical Society, and The Electrochemical Society

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Monday, October 7, 2024, continued Session End Room
L02—Molten Salts & Ionic Liquids 24 in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito 14:00 16:00 Room 324
L04—Solar Water Splitting beyond Oxide Photo(electro)catalysts 2 14:00 16:00 Room 319B
Z02—Honorary Symposium Session 2 14:00 16:00 Room 305A
L07—Fundamental Aspects of CO2-Reduction Electrocatalysis 14:40 16:00 Room 323C
A02—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
A04—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
A07—Poster Session 1
Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
C01—Corrosion General Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
F01—Poster Session
Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2 F02—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
F04—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
G01—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
H07—Poster Session 18:00
Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
I01C—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
I01D—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2

Technical Sessions, Monday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024 Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
October 8, 2024, continued
for EV 3
Electrolytes 2
Layer 1 8:00 12:20 Room 311 J01—Luminescence of QDs and Nanocrystals 8:00 12:20 Room 307A
L04—Nitrogen and Other Compound Conversion via Photocatalysis or Electrocatalysis 1
F05—Novel Catalysts and Electrodes 1
Room 321A
D01—Perovskite Solar Cell 3 – Materials & Green Processes 8:20 9:40 Room 302B

Technical Sessions, Tuesday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)

Technical Sessions, Tuesday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)

Technical Sessions, Wednesday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.
I01B—31 PEM/Alkaline Electrolysis
I01D—Catalyst Layer 3
Salts & Ionic Liquids 24 in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI

Technical Sessions, Wednesday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.
and Corrosion Protection 1
Discovery and Development 2
Energy Storage Materials
A08—Electrodes and Interfaces 3
Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics and Plasma Nanoscience 6 14:00 18:00 Room 304B
I01E—ELX – Durability/Degradation 14:00 18:20 Room 313A I02—Perspectives on Solid State Ionic Devices 2 14:20 18:00 Room 301B
Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award Address 14:40 15:20 Room 304A
L02—Molten Salts & Ionic Liquids 24 in Memory of Yasuhiko Ito 14:40 17:40 Room 324

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, continued
Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS-67)
and Corrosion Protection 2
A03—Poster Session
20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
A05—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
A06—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
A07—Poster Session 2
D02—Poster Session
20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
E03—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2
F05—Poster Session 18:00 20:00 Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2

Technical Sessions, Wednesday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Thursday, October 10, 2024, continued

Technical Sessions, Thursday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
FThursday, October 10, 2024, continued
L02—Molten Salts & Ionic Liquids 24 in

Technical Sessions, Thursday (continued)
Sessions, Days, Times, Rooms
• All symposia take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC).
• Check the Online Program for up-to-date schedules for all technical presentations, sessions and presentations.

PRiME 2024 | October 6–11, 2024
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii Convention Center (HCC)
Friday, October 11, 2024, continued
Digital Only Presentations
Available via Online Program, October 6, 2024— November 2, 2024
A07—Digital Only Presentations
B01—Digital Only Presentations
C01—Digital Only Presentations
C03—Digital Only Presentations
D01—Digital Only Presentations
E01—Digital Only Presentations
E03—Digital Only Presentations
F02—Digital Only Presentations
G02—Digital Only Presentations
I01B—Digital Only Presentations
I01D—Digital Only Presentations
L01—Digital Only Presentations
L07—Digital Only Presentations
M01—Digital Only Presentations
Z03—Digital Only Presentations

PRiME Partners
Get to Know ECSJ
The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ) was founded in 1933 to foster scientific and industrial progress in the fields of electrochemistry and industrial physical chemistry. Rapid changes in both academic and industrial environments have been seen, with important increases in the scope covered by the discipline of electrochemistry, as well as in the circumstances affecting the industry in the intervening years. ECSJ continues to remain responsive to this rapid progress and to contribute significantly to advances in this field.
Get to Know KECS
The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS) was founded in 1998 as a non-profit scientific organization. KECS actively contributes to academic and technical activities based on electrochemical science and technology, such as scientific meetings, international academic exchanges, technical supports, and social cooperation with relevant companies, consultation, training, and anything electrochemistry related.
Get to Know ECS
The mission of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) is to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. To encourage research, discussion, critical assessment, and dissemination of knowledge in these fields, the Society holds meetings, publishes scientific papers, fosters training and education of scientists and engineers, and cooperates with other organizations to promote science and technology in the public interest.
Technical Co-Sponsors
The PRiME 2024 organizers thank our technical co-sponsors:
Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
Semiconductor Physics Division, Korean Physical Society (KPS) Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ)
Korea Photovoltaic Society (KPVS)
Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE)
Electrochemical Society of Taiwan (ECSTw)
Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (EDRACI)
Semiconductor Physics Division, Chinese Physical Society (CSP)
Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan (HESS)

PRiME 2024 Leadership
PRiME 2024 Organizing Committee
Colm O’Dwyer, ECS Co-Chair
Wataru Sugimoto, ECSJ Co-Chair
Jae-Joon Lee, KECS Co-Chair
Stefan De Gendt, ECS Member
Marca Doeff, ECS Member
Kaoru Dokko, ECSJ Member
ECS Leadership
ECS Officers
Colm O’Dwyer, President
James Fenton, Senior Vice President
Francis D’Souza, 2nd Vice President
Robert Savinell, 3rd Vice President
Gessie Brissard, Secretary
Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Treasurer
Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director & CEO
ECSJ Leadership
ECSJ Officers
Yasushi Idemoto, President
Mikako Saito, Senior Vice President
Hiroshi Irie, Vice President
Wataru Sugimoto, General Affairs
Koji Amezawa, General Affairs
Kei Murakoshi, Treasury
Takashi Yanagishita, Treasury
Tetsuya Haruyama, Publications
Kaoru Dokko, Publications
Tadashi Takamizawa, Director General
Youichi Nozaki, ECSJ Office
Jong Hyeok Park, KECS Member
Hyun-Kon Song, KECS Member
Jean St-Pierre, ECS Member
Kazuyoshi Ueno, ECSJ Member
Naoaki Yabuuchi, ECSJ Member
Won-Sub Yoon, KECS Member
ECS Senior Management
Christopher Jannuzzi, Executive Director & CEO
Tim Gamberzky, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
John Lewis, Senior Director of Meetings
Adrian Plummer, Senior Director of Publications
Shannon Reed, Senior Director of Engagement
KECS Leadership
KECS Officers
Jae-Joon Lee, President
Dong-Won Kim, Vice President
Won-Sub Yoon, Vice President
Seung-Wan Song, Vice President
Hye Jin Lee, Vice President
Jaeyoung Lee, Vice President
Yun-Sung Lee, Vice President
Taek Dong Chung, Vice President

The Electrochemical Society
65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA
tel.: 1.609.737.1902 fax: 1.609.737.2743
General questions: ecs@electrochem.org
The Electrochemical Society of Japan Nihon-Kodokai Building 7F, 3-1-6, Nishikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0065, Japan
tel.: +81.(0)3.3234.4213 fax: +81.(0)3.3234.3599
General questions: ecsj@electrochem.jp
The Korean Electrochemical Society Room 1715, 122 Wangsan-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02566, Korea
tel.: +82.2.568.9392 fax: +82.2.568.5931
General questions: kecs98@kecs.or.kr
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