ECS, trusted steward of the science
The Electrochemical Society (ECS) has led the world in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology and allied subjects since 1902. We advance scientific theory and practice through publications, meetings, continuing education, and collaboration. Our robust global membership develops solutions to the planet’s major challenges. Scientists, engineers, and industry leaders share research at ECS biannual, co-hosted, and sponsored meetings. The ECS Digital Library on IOPscience hosts abstracts and highly peer-reviewed articles from publications including Journal of The Electrochemical Society (the oldest journal in its field), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, and open access ECS Sensors and ECS Advances
Connect with the ECS community
Growing community of more than 54,000
Interface: 9,000+ average downloads per month
Presenting 5,000+ abstracts annually at ECS biannual meetings
ECS Digital Library: over 9 million page views per year
Digital Advertising Opportunties
The Electrochemical Society partners with IOP Publishing
ECS is proud to partner with IOP Publishing in the publication of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, and hosting ECS Transactions, ECS Meeting Abstracts, Interface, as well as hosting ECS’s retired publications archive—ECS Electrochemistry Letters, ECS Solid State Letters, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, and ECS Proceedings Volumes
Reach a global audience of researchers by creating an advertising campaign running across our digital journals platform.

ECS Pubs champion the study and advancement of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology with:
• Over 8,143 page views per month
• 9,015,249 downloads in 2023
• One of the most highly cited journals in the field
• Content consumed by readers from every continent in the world
Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES)
JES is the flagship journal of The Electrochemical Society. Published continuously from 1902 to the present, JES is one of the most highly cited journals in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology.
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS)
JSS is a peer-reviewed journal covering fundamental and applied areas of solid state science and technology, including experimental and theoretical aspects of the chemistry and physics of materials and devices.
ECS Sensors Plus
ECS Sensors Plus is a one-stop shop journal for sensors. This multidisciplinary, gold open access journal provides an international platform for publishing high-quality, impactful articles and promoting scholarly communication and interactions among scientists, engineers, and technologists whose primary interests focus on materials, structures, properties, performance, and characterization of sensing and detection devices and systems, including sensor arrays and networks.
ECS Advances
ECS Advances is a multidisciplinary, gold open access forum of peer-reviewed, highquality content covering all technical areas supported by the Society. ECS Advances publishes full-length original work, brief communication-style papers, perspectives, review articles, and special issues.

Digital Advertising Opportunities

With the electrochemical industry continuously evolving, ECS wants to keep the industry informed and up to date Working with the publishing team at Multiview, the ECS eNews reaches over 49,000 electrochemical professionals every week.

PhysicsWorld is co-producer
Brand awareness: stay top of mind with prospects who match your target audience Brand affinity: align your company with a trusted leader within the industry Exclusivity: guaranteed 100% share of voice on the advertising zone chosen
Zone 7: Your choice of a
of a
The webinars are broadcast on PhysicsWorld, the official website of ECS’s publishing partner, the Institute of Physics. The site hosts webinars from many of the world’s leading scientific authorities, routinely generating more than 800,000 monthly page views.
Webinar sponsorship opportunities include sponsors’ names/logos on the landing page and lists of all webinar registrants giving permission to be contacted.

ECS Meetings showcase over 5,000 abstracts across 50 symposia. Make Your Way to an ECS Meeting TODAY!

Share your message: advertise before, during, and after the ECS Biannual Meetings!
From visibility to credibility, advertising at ECS meetings is right for your organization. The Society's powerful digital platform entices major new customers and enhances relationships with current customers around the world.
2024 Meetings

245th ECS Meeting May 26-30, 2024 – San Francisco, CA Marriot Marquis San Francisco

PRiME 2024 October 6-11, 2024 – Honolulu, HI Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village
Email sponsorship@electrochem.org to learn more about ECS Meetings.
Meeting Advertising
ECS online program
Highlight your brand to our entire community as a supporter of ECS. Our community is making key discoveries that address global sustainability challenges. Join us, as we look to further advancement in these areas.
Online program footer ad*
• Three sponsorships available
• Ad links to sponsor’s website
• Dynamic rotation; ad is present on all pages
• Submit artwork as PNG or JPG in RGB color mode
• Five sizes needed when placing footer sponsor ad so that the image displays well in all browser sizes and mobile devices:
o 1800 px W x 100 px H
o 1280 px W x 100 px H
o 960 px W x 100 px H
o 640 px W x 50 px H
o 480 px W x 50 px H
Online program symposium ad
• Multiple sponsorships available
• Ad displays inline within chosen symposium
• Ad links to sponsor’s website
• Submit artwork as PNG or JPG in RGB mode
• Provide the following two sizes:*
o 1800 px W x 450 px H – desktop
o 800 px W x 200 px H – mobile
Online program navigation panel ad
• Three sponsorships available
• Ad links to sponsor’s website
• Dynamic rotation; ad is present on all pages
• Submit artwork as PNG or JPG in RGB mode
• Image size specification is 480 px W X 360 px H*
*Please note:
As images shrink in smaller screen sizes, be aware of text size and readability.

Interface Advertising Opportunities
Why advertise?
The Electrochemical Society Interface is an authoritative yet accessible publication for those in the field of solid state and electrochemical science and technology. Published online, Interface provides the global science community with the research, news, and views they need to keep informed on breakthroughs, challenges, and emerging trends from around the world.
Researchers on the cutting edge
Inform the ECS membership and the wider science community on how the latest advances in your goods and services can aid them in their research efforts.
Global reach
Build relationships with scientists around the world through our extensive networks.

An active community
Benefit from added word of mouth from ECS’s highly engaged community where professionals from various industries collaborate and share information of mutual benefit.
Align your brand with a prestigious nonprofit with a rich history of advancing scientific knowledge for a better future.

Interface is part of the family of ECS Pubs. See more digital advertising opportunities with ECS Pubs on page 3.
Interface Advertising Opportunities

Celebrating 30 years of publication
Reach your markets in our quarterly magazine, Interface, a staple for leading electrochemical and solid state science engineers and scientists. Interface was downloaded an average of 8,000 times per month from researchers and members in every continent in the world.
Spring 2024
Special issue: Electrochemical Separations and Sustainability
Advertising close date: January 29
Advertising copy submission: February 9
Publish date: March 29
Summer 2024
Advertising close date: April 29
Advertising copy submission: May 10
Publish date: June 28
Fall 2024
Battery Safety
Advertising close date: July 29
Advertising copy submission: August 9
Publish date: September 27
Winter 2024
Dielectric Science & Technology
Advertising close date: October 26
Advertising copy submission: November 8
Publish date: December 27
White papers and advertorials
Have a report or product you’d like to share with potential customers?
Publishing a white paper or advertorial is an innovative way to introduce or promote your product or services.
With Interface, you reach tens of thousands of researchers, academic leaders, students, industry partners, and influencers in the electrochemical and solid state science community.
Contact sponsorship@electrochem.org for more information.
Key advertisers include:

Interface Advertising Specifications
Design ad specifications
Interface display advertising
Full page 7” 10” 8 3/8” 11 1/8”
2/3 page 4 1/2” 10” 5 1/4” 11 1/8”
1/2 page 7” 4 7/8” 8 3/8” 5 5/8”
1/3 page 4 1/2” 4 7/8” N/A N/A
1/3 page vertical 2 1/8” 10” N/A N/A
1/4 page 3 1/2” 5” N/A N/A
1/4 page vertical 2 1/8” 7 3/8” N/A N/A
Trim size: 8 1/8” x 10 7/8”
Type page: 7 x 10”
Bleed size: 8 3/8” x 11 1/8”
Column width: 2 1/8”
Three columns per page Column height: 10”
Ad requirements
Electronic high-resolution PDF files preferred
Acceptable applications: Adobe Illustrator (version 6.0 or higher), Adobe Photoshop (version 4.0 or higher), and Adobe PDF.
Unacceptable applications: Microsoft Office: PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.
Supporting files/graphics: Include all supporting files and fonts along with page layout. Acceptable applications: Illustrator and Photoshop. High Resolution TIFF or EPS files must have at least 300 DPI.
Compression: Zip (PC) or any other self-extracting compression software.
Production charges: All ads not meeting the above specifications are subject to production charges for color separations; typesetting; alterations in copy or layout; reproduction from photographs, either halftone, silhouette or drop-out, etc.; and any artwork corrections or for any other special requirement and necessary repairs.