227th ECS Meeting: Meeting Program

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Photo taken in 1998 by Wikipedia user Soakologist. No rights claimed or reserved.

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227th ECS Meeting

CHICAGO May 24-28, 2015 Chicago, Illinois, USA Hilton Chicago

Meeting Program

ECS Leadership ECS Officers

ECS Senior Management Staff

Paul Kohl, President

Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director/CEO

Daniel Scherson, Sr. Vice-President

Tim Gamberzky, Chief Operating Officer

Krishnan Rajeshwar, 2nd Vice-President

Mary Yess, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Content Officer

Johna Leddy,



ECS Editors

Hariklia Deligianni, Secretary

Electrochemical Science & Technology (EST)

E. J. Taylor, Treasurer

Robert Savinell, Editor

Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director

Doron Aurbach, Technical Editor Gerald S. Frankel, Technical Editor

ECS Board of Directors James Burgess, Chair, Organic & Biological Electrochemistry Division Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director

Thomas F. Fuller, Technical Editor Charles L. Hussey, Technical Editor Shelley D. Minteer, Technical Editor

Michael Carter, Chair, Sensor Division

Rangachary Mukundan, Technical Editor

Hariklia Deligianni, Secretary

Dennis G. Peters, Technical Editor

Shinji Fujimoto, Chair, Corrosion Division

John Weidner, Technical Editor

Andrew Hoff, Chair, Electronics & Photonics Division Paul Kohl, President and Board Chair Dolf Landheer, Chair, Dielectric Science & Technology Division Johna Leddy, 3rd Vice-President

Solid State Science & Technology (SSST) Dennis W. Hess, Editor Jennifer A. Bardwell, Technical Editor

Bor Yann Liaw, Chair, Battery Division Robert Mantz, Chair, Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Tetsuya Osaka, Past President

Stefan De Gendt, Technical Editor Francis D’Souza, Technical Editor Yue Kuo, Technical Editor

Krishnan Rajeshwar, 2nd Vice-President

Kailash C. Mishra, Technical Editor

Daniel Scherson, Vice President Anant Setlur, Chair, Luminescence & Display Materials Division Venkat Subramanian, Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division

Interface Vijay Ramani, Co-Editor Petr Vanýsek, Co-Editor

Stuart Swirson, Nonprofit Financial Professional E. J. Taylor, Treasurer Adam Weber, Chair, Energy Technology Division

ECS Transactions

Eric Wachsman, Chair, Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Subcommittee

Jeffrey W. Fergus, Editor

R. Bruce Weisman, Chair, Nanocarbons Division Giovanni Zangari, Chair, Electrodeposition Division Xiao-Dong Zhou, Chair, High Temperature Materials Division

www.electrochem.org All recycled paper. Printed in USA.

227th ECS Meeting May 24-28, 2015 Chicago, Illinois, USA Hilton Chicago


ECS Welcomes You to Chicago n behalf of the officers, Board of Directors, volunteer leadership and staff of ECS, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the great city of Chicago for the 227th ECS meeting. Our meeting is located in downtown Chicago at the historic Hilton Chicago. This is an ideal location that offers convenient access to many of the city’s iconic attractions including museums, sporting events, and the Lake Michigan waterfront. It is one of my favorite cities in the world. We hope your time in Chicago will give you an opportunity to gather with colleagues and associates, discuss important research, and discover new initiatives. This international conference includes more than 2,200 technical presentations, guest and awardwinning lecturers, full-day short courses, professional development workshops and career opportunities, a dynamic technical exhibit, and our biannual Free the Science 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk, with proceeds benefitting the ECS Publications Endowment. We encourage you to fully participate in the technical program and social events. Please join us for the Plenary Session on Monday, May 25th at 1700h in the Grand Ballroom where Paul Kohl we will wrap-up the first full day of the 227th ECS Meeting by welcoming all meeting attendees and ECS President recognize the ECS Award recipients. John Turner will then present The ECS Lecture, “Hydrogen from Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – What’s It Gonna Take?” The awardee line-up includes Henry White, recipient of the first ECS Allen J. Bard Award in recognition of distinguished contributions to electrochemical science, and Yue Kuo, recipient of the ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology. In addition, ECS will honor the Division, Section, and student award winners. Be sure to add the technical talks from these award winners to your schedule throughout the week. We also encourage you to take advantage of our educational short courses offered on Sunday, May 24. Throughout the week there will be professional development sessions which provide essential information on enhancing career opportunities and networking. Between the award lectures and the technical sessions we hope everyone will take the time to attend the exciting events in the technical exhibit hall, which include exhibits from ECS sponsors and the general Society and student poster sessions. Be sure to save a little time for the other attractions the “windy city” has to offer. This meeting program should be your guide to a productive and enjoyable time here in Chicago. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to stop by the ECS Registration desk for further assistance.


Program Guide ADA Accessibility............................................................................2 Author Index.................................................................................181 Author Information Session............................................................10 Award Winners.......................................................................... 18-22 Committees, Boards & Other Meetings..........................................14 Companion Registrant Program........................................................2 ECS Committees....................................................................... 36-37 ECS Lecture....................................................................................18 ECS Division Officers....................................................................32 ECS Leaders........................................................... inside front cover ECS Sections...................................................................................30 ECS Staff........................................................................................32 ECS Student Chapters.....................................................................34 ECS Transactions for Chicago 2015...............................................35 Editorial Boards..............................................................................30 Emergency and Consulate Contact Information...............................5 Exhibit Hours .................................................................................25 Featured Speakers / Plenary............................................................17 Free the Science 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk.........................................8 Future Meetings......................................................inside back cover Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Floor Plan..........................................................................................7 General Meeting Information...........................................................2 Institutional Members.....................................................................38 Local Area Map.................................................................................4 Meeting & Event Schedule Overview...................................... 12-13 Meeting Tools...................................................................................3 Message from the President..............................................................1 Photography & Recording ...............................................................2 Open Access: Author Choice..........................................................16 Professional Development Series.....................................................9 Registration Hours............................................................................2 Session Chair Orientation...............................................................10 Sessions at a Glance.................................................................. 48-61 Short Courses....................................................................................9 Special & Ticketed Events .............................................................14 Sponsors..........................................................................................29 Student Mixer....................................................................................8 Symposium Topics and Organizers........................................... 40-41 Technical Program..........................................................................62 Wireless Network .............................................................................3 1

General Meeting Information

General Meeting Information Registration Information

Things to Know

Meeting Registration—The meeting registration area will be located in the Hilton Chicago, on the Lower Level. Registration will open on Saturday and the technical sessions will be conducted Sunday through Thursday.

ADA Accessibility Special accommodations for those attendees living with a disability will be handled on an individual basis. Contact the ECS headquarters immediately if you will need assistance at meetings@electrochem.org.

Registration Hours Saturday, May 23................................................ 1600-1900h Sunday, May 24.................................................. 0700-1900h Monday, May 25................................................. 0700-1900h Tuesday, May 26................................................. 0700-1730h Wednesday, May 27............................................ 0800-1600h Thursday, May 28............................................... 0800-1200h Who must pay the registration fee? All meeting participants, including invited speakers, are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Short Course registrants who wish to attend the meeting in addition to their Short Course are required to pay the meeting registration fee in addition to the Short Course fee. Travel Companions/Nontechnical Registrants Travel companions of attendees are invited to register for the 227th ECS Meeting as a nontechnical registrant. The nontechnical registrant fee of $60 includes admission to non-ticketed social events and a special “Welcome to Chicago” gift bag, along with food and drink vouchers for the venue. Registration Fees ALL PARTICIPANTS AND ATTENDEES ARE REQUIRED TO PAY THE APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION FEE LISTED BELOW. Regular Fees After April 24, 2015

ECS Member




ECS Student Member


Student Nonmember


One Day ECS Member


One Day Nonmember


Emeritus & Honorary Member Nontechnical Registrant


Speaker Indemnification The ideas and opinions expressed in the technical sessions, conferences, and any handout materials provided are those of the presenter. They are not those of ECS, nor can any endorsement by ECS be claimed. Financial Assistance Financial assistance is limited and generally governed by the symposium organizers. Contact your symposium organizers to see if funding is available. Please check the current meeting website to confirm submission deadlines in advance. Letters of Attendance Individuals requiring an official letter of attendance should see an ECS representative in the registration area. Book Sales and Book Pick-up Pick-up or purchase your copy of ECS Transactions and Interface magazine during the following days and times: Registration, Saturday, May 23........................... 1600-1900h Registration, Sunday, May 24............................. 0700-1900h Registration, Monday, May 25............................ 0700-1900h In the ECS Exhibit Booth when the exhibit hall is open, see page 39 for more information.


Short Course Registration Three Short Courses will be offered in Chicago on Sunday, May 24, 2015, from 0900h to 1630h. The registration fee for the Short Courses is $425 for ECS Members and $550 for Nonmembers. Students may register for a short course at a 50% discount—ECS Student Members: $212.50, and Nonmember Students: $275. Pre-registration for short courses is required—the deadline was April 24, 2015; however, if you are interested in registering for a short course please visit the registration area to see if there is space available. The registration fee for the course includes participation in the course, materials, continental breakfast, luncheon, and refreshment break. The short course registration fee does not include or apply to the general meeting registration, and it is not applicable to any other activities of the meeting. All individuals participating in short courses along with the meeting are required to register for both events. Lost Badge or Ticket There will be a $30 charge for reprinting lost badges or tickets. Admittance will not be granted to ticketed events without the actual ticket. Tickets must be reprinted at registration during scheduled hours and cannot be reprinted at the event itself. 2

Permissions Granted to ECS ECS reserves the right to electronically record any or all meeting-related events. By registering for and/or attending an ECS meeting you are granting ECS permission to use any recording or photography made of you at any meeting event or anywhere within the meeting venue.

Photography and Recording Photography and Recording Is Not Permitted in Technical Sessions


By attending the ECS meeting, you agree that you will not record any technical session activity, without the express written consent from ECS. If you violate this policy you will be removed from the meeting and your registration will be revoked without the possibility of a refund.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

General Meeting Information

General Meeting Information Meeting Tools ECS Meeting Abstracts ECS Meeting Abstracts are always right at hand—and as always, are FREE with registration. Registrants may easily access them through wireless Internet, which will be available at the meeting; download them directly from the 227th ECS Meeting website. Paper editions of meeting abstracts are not distributed.

Author Choice Open Access ECS offers Author Choice Open Access across its four peerreviewed journals: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, and ECS Solid State Letters. If you are attending the meeting in Chicago, you will also receive one Article Credit, which may be used for up to 12 months after the meeting. If you have any questions, please visit www. electrochem.org/oa, contact oa@electrochem.org for personal assistance, or see page 20 for further information.

Information for Presenters All oral presentations must be in English. Laptop computers and LCD projectors will be available in each symposium room for oral presentations. Authors must bring their presentation on a USB flash drive only. Speakers requiring special equipment must make written request to ECS headquarters (meetings@ electrochem.org) no later than three weeks before the meeting, and appropriate arrangements will be made at the expense of the author. Poster presentations must be in English, and correspond to the abstract number and assigned date of presentation as detailed in the final program. Plan your display to fit on one upright panel as per the below dimensions. Present displayed information from left to right, starting at the top left of the panel. The paper title, number, names, and affiliations of all authors MUST be at the top of the display. Authors should minimize written text but use it when necessary to emphasize essential

data and/or to stimulate discussion. Commercial advertisements or publicity will NOT be permitted in poster presentations. Authors violating this regulation will be asked to remove their presentations immediately. Recommended Dimensions: • Board: approximately 3 feet 10 inches high by 3 feet 10 inches wide (1.17 meters high by 1.17 meters wide) • Print size for the title is approximately 1′′ to 2′′ (2.5 cm to 5 cm) high. • Written text and charts should be large enough to read from a distance of 5′ (1.5 m) • Matted and finished photographs are recommended to enhance visibility. You may mount your poster only on your assigned day from 0900h to 1600h. Any posters unclaimed at 1600h will be discarded. Please do not begin setting up your poster until all the poster boards have been numbered. Pushpins and/or thumbtacks will be supplied. No posters will be displayed without author participation. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. Authors are responsible for the security of their displays and all items of value. ECS will not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen, or broken articles. Additional information or special requirements should be addressed to the individual symposium organizers prior to the meeting. The Student Poster Session will be held as a part of the Tuesday General Poster Session and Technical Exhibit. All meeting registrants are invited to attend. Students may start setting up their presentations at 0900h; judging of the posters will begin at 1700h and formal presentations will begin at 1800h. Winners will be announced and awards will be granted on Wednesday in the General Poster Session at 1800h.

WIFI Information

ECS is pleased to provide a complimentary wireless network! For the duration of the meeting, ECS will be providing a wireless network for your use sponsored by Princeton Applied Research under the Network: Hilton Chicago Meeting, Username: ECS227, Password: PARSOLARTRON

Go Mobile Go to electrochem.org/Chicago to access the meeting technical program and personal scheduler on your mobile device. Browse, add, and sync sessions, events, and presentations to your itinerary!

Stay Connected to Your Community Connect, share, and discover through ECS’s social media pages. Stay informed with the latest news in the world of electrochemistry and solid state science and interface with a like-minded community. ecsblog.org Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








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Wentworth 200W



Union Station



King Dr

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Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Palmer Art House Institute to Field Balbo Museum, Shedd Chicago Hilton Aquarium, and Adler Planetarium


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Olive Park

Chicago Chicago Smith Museum Children’s Shakespeare of Stained Glass Museum Theater






Centennial Fountain


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Selected Bus Routes

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South Water


Ri ve r

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Adler Planetarium

Arie Crown Theater

26th 27th


Ontario Hard Rock Cafe ESPN Rain Ohio Zone Forest Grand Cafe Grand Nordstrom Illinois Shops at North Bridge Freedom Museum Hubbard Wrigley Bldg House Sightseeing of Blues Ch ica go boats


Merch Mart



Art Institute Chicago Hilton




Apparel Center Merchandise Mart Goodman Theater Center

Navy Pier









Art Institute


I-55 Stevenson Expwy


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Sears Tower

Prairie Avenue Historic District



Palmer House

Navy Pier





to McCormick Place



Art Institute

Chicago Hilton


to McCormick Place





National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum


The Magnificent Mile

Selected Bus Routes




Pritzker Music Pavilion


Art Institute of Chicago

Petrillo Bandshell



Palmer House

Soldier Field


14th Pl


Thompson Center Cadillac Palace Theater

Millennium Park

Symphony Center



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Shedd Aquarium

Field Museum



Palmer House





LaSalle Bank Theatre

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Bus 6 or 10 to Museum of Science & Industry

Auditorium Harold Washington Theater Library G


Hilton Chicago

Adler Planetarium





Civic Opera House

Sears Tower Chicago Board of Trade


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Olive Park




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Bus 6 or 10 to Museum of Science & Industry


South Loop

15th Pl


Van Buren St 400S Station Buckingham Fountain




Millennium Station Cultural Harris Music & Center Dance Theater Millennium Park Pritzker 1N/1S Music Pavilion

Hilton Chicago




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Van Buren




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19th Pl

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University of Illinois at Chicago


Union Station



Chicago Hilton

I-290 Eisenhower Expwy

Vernon Park

Jackson Congress

Sears Tower

Van Buren


Chicago Theater

Ford Center

Daley City Center Hall

Sears Tower Chicago Board of Trade

Union Station/ Amtrak

CTA Blue Line to Cermak or Forest Park

Goodman Theater Center






Civic Opera House

Ogilvie Transp Center





Old Water Tower



720 South Michigan • 312 922 4400

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John Hancock Center

Chicago Place Lynn White Dr Niketown

Hubbard State

Maps Copyright 2007 by Chicago CartoGraphics • 312 322 0900 Lake









Merchandise Mart

United Center 1 mile via CTA bus 20



Loyola Univ Chicago

Merch Mart






CTA Green Line to Harlem/Lake

National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum




Shops at 900


McCormick Place Lakeside Center

Apparel Center


Bellevue Oak


Oak Street Beach


Institute Pl

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Frank Lloyd Wright Historic District 9 miles via CTA Green Line


Museum Cam Delaware pu s





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Local Area Information



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26th Pl


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Wrigley Field 2 miles via CTA Red Line Steppenwolf Theatre Royal George Theatre





Ogilvie Transp Center







Gro ve AO ran ge L



Union Station/ Amtrak



Van Buren

CTA Blue Line to Cermak or Forest Park





Clinton Normal

The Hilton Chicago is located at 720 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA.

North/ Clybourn









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Local Area Information Normal



I-90/94 Dan Ryan Expwy







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17th Pl



Midway Airport 8 miles

19th Pl







Local Area Information Chicago Emergency Phone Numbers

Chicago’s Foreign Consulates & Embassies Italy: 312.467.1550

Brazil: 312.464.0244

Japan: 312.280.0400

Canada: 312.616.1860

Liberia: 773.643.8635

Chile: 312.654.8780

Lithuania: 312.397.0382

China: 773.463.9187

Mexico: 312.885.1380

Colombia: 312.923.1196

Peru: 312.782.1599

Costa Rica: 312.263.2772

Poland: 312.642.4102

Denmark: 312.787.8780

Republic of Korea: 321.822.9485

Dominican Republic: 773.278.5778

Spain: 312.782.4588

Ecuador: 312.320.0266

Switzerland: 312.915.0061

Egypt: 312.828.9162

Thailand: 312.664.3129

Distance from hotel: 1.7 miles, approximate travel time: 4 minutes

El Salvador: 312.332.1393

Netherlands: 312.856.0110

France: 312.787.6657

Philippines: 312.332.65

Nearest Fire Station Chicago Fire Department 419 South Wells Street, Chicago, IL

Germany: 312.580.1199

Portugal: 773.889.7405

Ghana: 312.236.0440

South Africa: 312.939.7929

Greece: 312.750.1014

Turkey: 312.263.0644

Guatemala: 312.332.1587

UK: 312.464.6120

E-mail address: fire@cityofchicago.org

Iceland: 312-938-1800

Ukraine: 312.0642.4388

Distance from hotel: 2.7 miles, approximate travel time: 3 minutes

India: 312.595.0405

Uruguay: 312.642.3430

Israel: 312.565.3300

Venezuela: 312.236.9655

General information: 312-926-2000, Emergency: 312.926.5188 Website: www.nmh.org Distance from hotel: 2.5 miles; approximate travel time: 5 Minutes Nearest Police Station Chicago Police Department, 1st District Headquarters,1718 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60616 Local emergencies (Voice & TDD/TTY) 911 Local non-emergencies (voice & TDD/TTY) 311 Telephone number from outside the city of Chicago 312.746.6000 E-mail address: police@cityofchicago.org

Local emergencies (voice & TDD/TTY) 911 Local non-emergencies (voice & TDD/TTY) 311 Telephone number from outside the city of Chicago 312.745.3705

Local Area Information

Austria: 312.222.1515

Nearest Hospital Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 251 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611

ECS Meeting Photo Contest O T T


ECS will be hosting its first ever in-meeting photo contest at our 227th Meeting in Chicago! Theme: Collaboration

Show us your best pics of collaboration happening at the meeting! It’s easy… snap an image and head over to our Facebook page to submit through our photo contest app.

Prizes: free meeting registration, free memberships, $100 Visa gift card! We’ll see you (and your great pictures) in Chicago!

www.facebook.com/TheElectrochemicalSociety Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Your article. Online. FAST! More than 100,000 articles in all areas of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology from the only nonprofit publisher in its field.

• • • • Venue Information

• • • • • •

Summer 2014

ECS journals author choice open access. Quality peer review. Continuous publication. High impact research in technical content areas published daily. Focus journal issues. More than 80 years of up-to-the minute and archival scientific content. Leading-edge, accessible content platform. Free e-mail alerts and RSS feeds. Sample articles available at no charge. ECS members receive FREE ACCESS to 100 articles each membership year. Flexible subscription options available to academic and corporate libraries and other institutions.

VOL. 23, NO. 2 Summer 2014

IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:

Working With Stuff

9 From the President:

The Grandest Challenge of Them All

11 Orlando, Florida

ECS Meeting Highlights

36 ECS Classics–

Hall and Héroult and the Discovery of Aluminum Electrolysis

39 Tech Highlights 41 Twenty-Five Years of

Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy

43 Studying Electrocatalytic

Activity Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy

47 Measuring Ions with

Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy

www.electrochem.org 6

VOL. 23, NO. 2


If you haven’t visited the ECS Digital Library recently, please do so today!

25 Years of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy

53 Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale: The Force Dimension

61 Functional Electron

Microscopy for Electrochemistry Research: From the Atomic to the Micro Scale

Not an ECS member yet? Start taking advantage of member benefits right now!

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Leading the world in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology for more than 110 years

Floor Plan and Venue Information

ECS Headquarters

Venue Information



AV Tech Table Located outside select symposium rooms Information/Message Board Lower Level, Exhibit Hall Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Highlighted Events ECS Student Mixer Students are invited to join distinguished members and staff of ECS for an evening of fun, networking, and socializing over complimentary food and beverages. Always one of the most popular events of the meeting, the student mixer is by invitation, with RSVP required, and takes place on Monday, May 25 from 1930h to 2130h. Students registered for the meeting will receive an e-mail invitation with details of the mixer. Registration is required as space is limited for this event. Please contact customerservice@electrochem.org for more information.

Free the Science 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk Don’t forget your running shoes for the third ECS Free the Science 5K Run! Enjoy a refreshing morning run—and see if you can beat two-time Free the Science 5K winner, Matthew Thomas Lawder, as you race toward the finish Free the Science 5K Run in Cancun, Mexico. line. This year, we will also offer a one-mile walk at the time of the race. Proceeds from the event will benefit the ECS Publications Endowment. Join us for an invigorating morning in support of ECS’s Open Access initiative! When:..............Wednesday, May 27 at 0700h Cost:................Registration: $20.00 Event Day Sign Up: $25.00 To register for this exciting event, you may add it to your general meeting registration. The first 100 registrants will receive a complimentary 5K t-shirt. If you have any questions, please contact Becca Jensen Compton, becca.compton@electrochem.org.

Highlighted Events

Plenary Session

Student Poster Sessions

Join us for the Plenary Session on Monday, May 25th at 1700h in the Grand Ballroom where President Paul Kohl will wrap up the first full day of the 227th Meeting by welcoming all ECS meeting attendees.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the best and brightest students in the industry!

Meeting attendees will then turn their attention to John Turner who will deliver the highly anticipated ECS Lecture, “Hydrogen from Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – What’s It Gonna’ Take?” and all ECS award recipients will be honored.

ECS student poster sessions allow the next generation of electrochemists to present their research and compete for awards. Held in the exhibit hall on Tuesday and Wednesday beginning at 1800h each night, these sessions are the perfect excuse to socialize over cold drinks and delicious snacks while browsing unbeatable content and networking with the exhibitors. The poster award winners will be named on Wednesday at 1800h.

This can’t miss awardee line-up includes Henry White, recipient of the ECS Allen J. Bard Award, and Yue Kuo, recipient of the ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal. In addition to Henry White and Yue Kuo, ECS will also honor the Division and Section award winners. Be sure to add the technical talks from these award winners to your schedule throughout the week.


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Highlighted Events Short Courses ECS Short Courses are all-day classes designed to provide students or the seasoned professional with an in-depth education on a wide range of topics. Taught by industry experts, the small class size makes for an excellent opportunity for personalized instruction helping both novices and experts advance their technical expertise and knowledge. Three short courses will take place on Sunday, May 24, 2015, from 0900h to 1630h. Short Course #1 Nanotechnology for Bioenergy: Biofuels to Fuel Cells Shelley D. Minteer, Instructor Williford Room B This course is intended for chemists, biologists, physicists, materials scientists, and engineers with an interest in biofuels and renewable energy. Attendees will learn about the production and use of biofuels ranging from biohydrogen to biomethanol to bioethanol to biodiesel. Attendees will learn about the advances in synthetic biology that have improved biofuel production, as well as the advances in nanotechnology that have improved electrochemical biofuel production. Attendees will learn about electrochemical uses of biofuels, including fuel cells, enzymatic biofuel cells, and microbial biofuel cells. This course will also provide participants with detailed procedures and training in the electrochemical techniques of evaluating electrocatalysis, direct bioelectrocatalysis, and mediated bioelectrocatalysis. Short Course #2 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Thermodynamic Methods Jamie Noël, Instructor PDR 4

Short Course #3 Scientific Writing for Scientists and Engineers D. Noel Buckley, Instructor PDR 1 Are you a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or senior researcher who would like to improve your writing skills? This course is for you! Are you a professor who spends time rewriting students’ drafts of journal papers? Then, send your students to this course or attend it yourself and learn how to improve both your own and your students’ skills! Good skills in written communication are increasingly important, whether you are in an academic or an industrial environment. The course is intended for scientists and engineers with an interest in developing their skills in writing scientific documents, including journal papers, dissertations, proposals, abstracts, and reports. It will address elements of good writing in science and engineering, including standard practices, terminology and formatting. It will teach attendees how to best organize scientific results and analysis, how to properly structure sentences, paragraphs and sections, and how to present information in a format suitable for publication in the literature as well as for reports, dissertations, etc.

Highlighted Events

This course covers the basic theory and application of electrochemical science. It is targeted toward people with a physical sciences or engineering background who have not been trained as electrochemists, but who want to add electrochemical methods to their repertoire of research approaches. There are many fields in which researchers originally approach their work from another discipline but then discover that it would be advantageous to understand and use some electrochemical methods to complement the work that

they are doing. The course begins with a general, basic foundation of electrochemistry and uses it to develop the theory and experimental approaches to electrochemical problems of a thermodynamic nature. It complements a sister course, “Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Kinetic Methods”, offered alternately by the same instructor. The two courses have different emphasis, and each is designed to be a stand-alone introduction to electrochemical fundamentals. If both courses are desired, they can be taken in either order.

Professional Development Workshops Professional development workshops are offered to provide attendees with an opportunity to enhance networking and career search skills. As a two-part series, individuals are encouraged to attend both sessions to walk away with the best experience possible. The following workshops are free to all meeting registrants:

Part 1: Essential Elements for Employment Success John R. Susko, Instructor

Part 2: Résumé Review John R. Susko, Instructor

Williford Room C Sunday, May 24 | 1400-1600h PDR 1 Monday, May 25 | 0800-1000h

Conference Room 4I Monday, May 25 | 1200-1600h Tuesday, May 26 | 0800-1200h Wednesday, May 27 | 0800-1200h

Landing your next job requires selective and effective networking, developing and submitting specifically targeted résumés and cover letters, locating relevant job opportunities, and preparing for and participating in the job interview. This workshop will provide up-to-date information and tips for employment success.

At a loss for words? Bring your résumé for a one-onone session with an industry leader and expert on résumé development. You will walk away with a résumé that is sure to land you your next interview.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Highlighted Events ECS Booth, Bookstore, and Edison Theatre Stop by the ECS booth and Bookstore in booth 218 on the exhibit floor if you have any questions or just want to see what we’re giving away. Pick up copies of ECS Transactions and Interface magazine. Right next door is the Edison Theatre, where we’ll have live demos and ECS Author Information Sessions (see box below). Times and events will be announced at the booth.

ECS Author Information Session Do you have questions about the ECS Publications program? ECS has answers!

Highlighted Events

• Discover the easy way to submit your abstract to an ECS Meeting. • See how to submit your meeting presentation to ECS Transactions. • Learn about the ECS journals continuous publication model: your article, online, fast! • Find out about ECS’s new Open Access (OA) program. • Determine which ECS peer-reviewed journals are best for your latest research. • Hear about the latest Focus Issues for the ECS journals. • Get an inside view on how Interface articles are selected. • Learn about (and suggest topics for) upcoming ECS monographs. • Find out more about becoming a reviewer for the ECS journals.

Session Chair Orientation The success of the meeting is very much due to the role that Session Chairs take before, during and after each session. Session Chairs are encouraged to attend an orientation breakfast on Monday, May 25th at 0700h in the Mobley room in order to make sure they are best prepared to serve their session.

Sunday Evening Get-Together The Sunday Evening Get-Together is the perfect way to kick start the week. This informal get-together will be held on Sunday from 19002100h in the lower level. All technical and non-technical registrants are welcome to pop in for some tasty desserts, drinks and ample networking.

Join us for the ECS Publications – Author Information Session Wednesday, May 27 1815h ECS Edison Theatre, Booth 218 Salon C, Exhibit Hall 10

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

All photos © Glasgow City Marketing Bureau.

ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV July 26-31, 2015

GLASGOW Scotland

Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center

General Information This international conference convening in Glasgow, July 26-31, 2015, is devoted to the following areas: • Section A: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIV)—All aspects of research, development, and engineering of solid oxide fuel cells. Lead organizer: Subhash C. Singhal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. • Section B: Batteries—A wide range of topics related to battery technologies. Lead organizer: Peter G. Bruce, Oxford University. • Section C: Low Temperature Fuel Cells—Low-temperature fuel cells, electrolyzers, and redox flow cells. Lead organizer: Hubert A. Gasteiger, Technische Universität München, Germany.

Featured Events

This is the first of a series of planned biennial conferences in Europe by The Electrochemical Society on electrochemical energy conversion/storage materials, concepts, and systems, with the intent to bring together scientists and engineers to discuss both fundamental advances and engineering innovations.

Important Deadlines • Discounted hotel options are available now until June 15, 2015 or until the blocks sell out, reserve early! • Early-bird registration is now open, early-bird pricing available through June 15, 2015. Register TODAY! Please visit the Glasgow Meeting page for the most up-to-date information regarding hotel accommodations, registration, short courses, special events and to review the online technical program.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Meeting and Event Schedule at a Glance TIME




• Registration Opens, Lower Level

• Registration Opens, Lower Level • Session Chair Orientation Breakfast / Mobley Room


• Short Course Breakfast

• Technical Sessions Begin (see schedule for exact times) • PDS: Part 1 Essential Elements for Employment Success / PDR 1

• Short courses begin (see pg. 13 for more details)

• Electronics and Photonics Division Award Address / Conference Room 4G

0830 0840 0900 0930

• Technical Session Coffee Break

1000 1040

• Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award / Conference Room 4D

1100 1130 1200

• PDS: Part 2 Resume Review / Conference Room 4I


• IEEE Division Luncheon and Business Meeting / Waldorf Room • PAE Division Luncheon and Business Meeting / Mobley Room

1230 1300

• Technical Sessions Begin (see schedule for exact times)

1330 1400

• PDS: Part 1 Essential Elements for Employment Success / Williford Room C


• IEEE Division NET Award Address / PDR 3 • Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award Address / Salon A-1 • IEEE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award Address / PDR 3

1500 • Allen J. Bard Award Lecture by Dr. Henry White / Williford Room C

1530 1600 1630

• Plenary Session by Dr. John A. Turner / Grand Ball Room

1700 1730

Featured Events


1815 1900

• Sunday Evening Get-Together / Lower Level


• Student Mixer (invite only) Please see page 18 for all ticketed event information, Division, Committee and Board Meetings.

Color Key: 12

Highlighted Events

Technical Events

Ticketed Events

General Events Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Meeting and Event Schedule at a Glance TUESDAY


• Registration Opens, Lower Level

• Free the Science 5K and 1 mile walk

• Technical Sessions Begin (see schedule for exact times) • ETD Research Award Address / Boulevard Room A • PAE Division David C Grahame Award Address / Williford Room A • PDS: Part 2 Resume Review / Conference Room 4I

• Registration Opens, Lower Level • Technical Sessions Begin (see schedule for exact times) • PDS: Part 2 Resume Review / Conference Room 4I

• IEEE Engineering Division Student Achievement Award Address / Boulevard Room A

• DST Division Thomas D. Callinan Award / PDR7

• Technical Session Coffee Break • 9:40 Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award Address / Continental A


• Registration Opens, Lower Level • Technical Sessions Begin (see schedule for exact times)

• Technical Exhibit Opens

• Technical Exhibit Opens

• Technical Session Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall

• Technical Session Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall

• Nanocarbons Division Richard E. Smalley Research Award Address / Lake Huron

• Annual Society Business Meeting and Luncheon/ Grand Ballroom and Lobby

• Nanocarbons Division Luncheon and Business Meeting / Waldorf Room • OBE Division Luncheon and Business Meeting / PDR 1 • Energy Technology Division Luncheon & Business Meeting / Mobley Room

• Technical Exhibit Opens

• Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal Address / Williford Room C

• Gordon E. Moore Award Lecture by Dr. Yue Kuo / Williford Room B • Technical Exhibit and General Poster Session • Student Poster Award Presentation

Featured Events

• Technical Exhibit & General and Student Poster Session

• ECS Author Info. Session in Edison Theatre

Acronym Guide: PDS: Professional Development Series IEEE: Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering ETD: Energy Technology Division Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

PAE: Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry DST: Dielectric Science & Technology OBE: Organic & Biologic Electrochemistry 13

Featured Events Division, Committee, and Board Meetings Sunday, May 24 1400h ������ Fellow Nominating Subcommittee; Conference Room 4H 1600h ������ Interface Advisory Board; Pullman Boardroom 1600h ������ Electronics & Photonics Division Symposium Planning & Technical Directions Subcommittee; McCormick Boardroom 1700h ������ Dielectric Science & Technology Division Governing Body / Long Range Planning Committee & Symposium Planning Meeting/with Division Elections; Boulevard Room A 1800h ������ Europe Section Meeting; PDR 4 1800h ������ Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Symposium Planning Committee; Boulevard Room B 1800h ������ Sensor Division Executive Committee; McCormick Boardroom 1900h ������ Electronics & Photonics Division Award Reception & General Meeting; Williford Room C 2000h ������ Electronics & Photonics Division Executive Committee; Marquette

Monday, May 25 0700h ������ High Temperature Materials Division Executive Committee; Conference Room 4J 0700h ������ Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Executive Committee; Waldorf Room 0700h ������ Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Executive Committee; Conference Room 4I 0700h ������ Session Chair Orientation Breakfast; Mobley Room 1000h ������ Ethical Standards Committee; Conference Room 4J 1215h ������ Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Luncheon & Meeting; Waldorf Room* 1215h ������ Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Luncheon & Meeting; Mobley Room* 1330h ������ Education Committee; Conference Room 4J 1400h ������ ECS Transactions Editorial Board; McCormick Boardroom

1500h ������ Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee; Conference Room 4B 1530h ������ Individual Membership Committee / Division / Section Representatives; Pullman Boardroom 1700h ������ Organic & Biological Electrochemistry Division Executive Committee; Conference Room 4I 1830h ������ Nanocarbons Division Executive Committee; Lake Michigan Room 1900h ������ Energy Technology Division Executive Committee; Williford Room C

Tuesday, May 26 0700h ������ Joint ES&T and SSS&T Editorial Boards; Pullman Boardroom 0700h ������ Symposium Planning Advisory Board; Waldorf Room 0730h ������ Council of Past Presidents; McCormick Boardroom 0730h ������ Sponsorship Committee; PDR 1 0930h ������ Publications Subcommittee; Pullman Boardroom 1215h ������ Annual Society Business Meeting and Luncheon; Grand Ballroom* 1400h ������ Meetings Subcommittee; Conference Room 4J 1600h ������ Honors & Awards Committee; Pullman Boardroom

Wednesday, May 27 0700h ������ Technical Affairs Committee; McCormick Boardroom 1030h ������ Ways and Means Committee; Pullman Boardroom 1215h ������ Organic & Biological Electrochemistry Division Luncheon and Business Meeting; PDR 1* 1215h ������ Nanocarbons Division Luncheon and Business Meeting; Waldorf Room* 1230h ������ Energy Technology Division Luncheon & Business Meeting; Mobley Room*

Thursday, May 28 0700h ������ Board of Directors Pre-Meeting Review; Waldorf Room 0800h ������ Board of Directors Meeting; Waldorf Room

*Ticket required to attend, see below for more information

Ticketed Event Information

Featured Events

Monday, May 25

Wednesday, May 27

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Luncheon and Business Meeting........$46.00 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Luncheon and Business Meeting.......................................$46.00

Energy Technology Division Luncheon and Business Meeting........................................................$46.00 Organic & Biological Electrochemistry Division Luncheon and Business Meeting.......................................$46.00 Nanocarbons Division Luncheon and Business Meeting..$46.00 Free the Science 5K Run & 1-Mile Walk..........................$20.00 Event day sign-up..........................$25.00

Tuesday, May 26 Annual Society Business Meeting and Luncheon..............$46.00


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Featured Events

228th ECS Meeting

Phoenix, AZ October 11-16, 2015

Hyatt Regency Phoenix & Phoenix Convention Center

Photo by


©Visit Pho

Meeting Topics • • • • • • •

Batteries and Energy Storage Carbon Nanostructures and Devices Corrosion Science and Technology Dielectric Science and Materials Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition Electrochemical Engineering Electronic Materials and Processing

• • • •

Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing Physical and Analytical Eletrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry • Sensors

Important Deadlines • Discounted hotel rates start at $199 and will be available starting in June 2015 at the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix, Arizona. The reservation deadline is September 11, 2015 or until the block sells out, reserve early! • Early-bird registration opens in June 2015, early-bird pricing is available through September 11, 2015. • Take advantage of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, submit your application by July 10, 2015. • Travel grants are available for student attendees and young professional (early career and faculty) attendees. The 228th ECS Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix & Phoenix Convention Center. Please visit the Phoenix Meeting page for the most up-to-date information on hotel accommodations, registration, short courses, special events, and to review the online technical program. Full papers resented at ECS meetings will be published in ECS Transactions.

Future Meetings (ECS Satellite Conference) ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC–XIV

2016, May 29-June 3 — San Diego, CA 229th Meeting at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront & San Diego Convention Center

2016, October 2-7 — Honolulu, HI

PRiME 2016 at the Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village

2017, October 1-6 National Harbor, MD (greater Washington, DC area) 232nd Meeting at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Featured Events

2015, July 26-31 — Glasgow, Scotland

(continued on next page) 15

Why Go Open Access at ECS

Technical Exhibit (continued from previous page)

Reach more readers

OA for FREE!

ECS offers Author Choice Open Access, giving you the opportunity to make your papers Open Access (OA) – available to any scientist (or anyone, for that matter) with an Internet connection, and increasing your pool of potential readers.

You can publish your papers as Open Access for FREE if you have an Article Credit. Authors who are ECS members, who have attended a recent ECS meeting, or who are coming from subscribing institutions qualify. Those who cannot claim an Article Credit will be asked to pay an $800 Article Processing Charge to make their papers Open Access – a fee ECS continues to keep low.

Quality publications The research published in our journals (Journal of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, and ECS Solid State Letters) is truly at the cutting edge of our technical arenas, and ECS publications have continued to focus on achieving quality through a high standard of peer-review. Our four peer-reviewed titles are among the most highly-regarded in their areas. Choosing to make your paper Open Access within these journals makes no difference to the quality processes we uphold at ECS— selection criteria and peer review remain exactly the same. The difference is in who can see your content. Papers not published as Open Access can only be read by either those from a subscribing institution, or those who are willing to pay a fee to access it. Make your work more accessible by making it OA.

Keep your copyright ECS’s Open Access publishing agreement with authors does not require a transfer of copyright: the copyright remains with the author. Authors, however, must choose what kind of license they want to grant their readers, and ECS offers a choice of two Creative Commons usage licenses that authors may attach to their work (see sidebar).

Save the World Next time you submit a paper; why not make it Open Access? Electrochemistry and solid state science research is helping scientists and researchers across the globe solve problems facing our modern world, and the more people who can access your work, the faster those problems may be solved. If you have any questions about our Open Access program, please visit www. electrochem.org/oa or email us at oa@electrochem.org.


When publishing OA the copyright remains with the author.


The author selects one of two Creative Commons (CC) usage licenses defining how the article may be used by the general public.


CC BY license is the most liberal allowing for unrestricted reuse of content, subject only to the requirement that the source work is appropriately attributed.


CC BY-NC-ND license is more similar to the current usage rights under the transfer of copyright agreement: it limits use to noncommercial use (NC), and restricts others from creating derivative works(ND).

Find out more at



Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Plenary & Society Awards

Plenary & Society Awards Join us for the Plenary Session! Monday, May 25 at 1700h in the Grand Ballroom

oin us for the Plenary Session on Monday, May 25 at 1700h in the Grand Ballroom where President Paul Kohl will wrap up the first full day of the 227th Meeting by welcoming all ECS meeting attendees. Meeting attendees will then turn their attention to John Turner who will deliver the highly anticipated ECS Lecture, “Hydrogen from Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – What’s It Gonna Take?” and all ECS award recipients will be honored. This can’t-miss awardee line-up includes Henry White, recipient of the ECS Allen J. Bard Award, and Yue Kuo, recipient of the ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal. In addition, ECS will also honor the Division and Section award winners. Be sure to attend the Plenary Session to honor, support, and network with your friends and colleagues. Don’t forget to add the Society and Division and Section award winner talks to your calendar; they are scheduled in various symposia throughout the week.


5 Questions for John Turner “I always joke that I’m just interested in changing the world, that’s all.” What spiked your interest in renewable energy? I’m originally from Idaho and my grandparents had a farm and they homesteaded out there, and I sort of got the feeling of the earth and renewing and that sort of thing. As I started to go through university degree programs on the way to a PhD, it became more and more apparent that energy issues were going to be one of the key issues coming to society. What role does electrochemistry have in energy sustainability? Electrochemistry nowadays is really the key. We have fuel cells, we have electrolyzers, and we have batteries. All of the things going on in transportation and storage. It all comes down to electrochemical energy converters. Where do you think renewable energy will go in the future? Unfortunately what I have to tell students in particular and audiences in general is that it’s really up to the politicians to change the energy infrastructure. We have pretty much all the technologies we need. We certainly need to be able to upscale them and get things cheaper. The issue is how do you replace an essentially established infrastructure with a new one? What’s your motivation for changing it? You need political support. Are you seeing more engineering and science undergrads getting into renewable energy? Absolutely. I find that some of the most enthusiastic people are the students. They realize that people my age probably won’t see any big changes as far as the energy infrastructure, but today’s students are the ones who are going to have to come up with the technologies and push these things forward because it’s going to be their world and they have to live with whatever it is we give them and change it. How can we change the energy infrastructure? I encourage students to consider getting involved with politics. Politicians are the only ones with the power and the authority to really make changes in this enormous energy infrastructure and they need really good solutions and they need to be able to trust the people they’re talking to, and I don’t think scientists in general have been very good about interacting with politicians. There isn’t a good communication between scientists and politicians and the students can change that. These 5 questions are taken from the ECS Podcast that is available in the iTunes Store.

www.ecsblog.org/meetings/johnturner Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Plenary & Society Awards

Plenary & Society Awards The ECS Lecture Monday, May 25, 1700h Grand Ballroom Hydrogen from Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – What’s It Gonna Take? by John A. Turner John A. Turner has made an immense impact on the field of electrochemistry through his research in hydrogen production and innovation in fuel cells. Dr. Turner has studied under highly notable pillars of electrochemistry, such as Fred Anson and Heinz Gerischer. He joined the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in 1979—where he is now a Research Fellow—and began his work on photoelectrochemical water splitting for

hydrogen production. Among his many honors and awards, Turner received the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Outstanding Mentor Award for his work with undergraduate students. Dr. Turner has also received awards from the Midwestern Research Institute, the Hydrogen Technical Advisory Panel, and Idaho State University. With over 160 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Turner’s work focuses on direct conversion (photoelectrolysis) systems for hydrogen production from sunlight and water, catalysts for the hydrogen and oxygen reactions, materials for advanced fuel cell membranes, and corrosion studies of the fuel cell metal bipolar plates. His lecture is set to focus on hydrogen from photoelectrochemical water splitting.

Society Awards ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology Tuesday, May 26, 1730-1810h Williford Room B Research on Nano and Giga Electronics – Breakthroughs Along the Path by Yue Kuo Yue Kuo is currently the holder of the Dow Professorship at Texas A&M University of Chemical Engineering. Through his extensive experience and research in solid state science, Dr. Kuo has established the Thin Film Nano & Microelectronics Research Laboratory, dedicated to solid state research and education. Among his many honors, Dr. Kuo has been awarded ECS’s Electronics & Photonics Division Award (2007) and the prestigious ECS Fellow Award (1999). He has authored many papers and edited many journals, including the Journal of The Electrochemical Society from 2003 to 2012. Dr. Kuo’s research is focused on the interdisciplinary nano and microelectronics area, especially the understanding of the complicated relationship among device performance, material properties, and fabrication processes of TFTs, ICs, and novel applications. Dr. Kuo’s work in solid state science has yielded many innovations and has provided a great impact in the scientific community. In his award address, Dr. Kuo will talk about breakthroughs in research on nano and giga electronics.


ECS Allen J. Bard Award Monday, May 25, 1530-1600h Williford Room C The Electrochemical Nucleation and Physical Behavior of Hydrogen Nanobubbles by Henry White, Q. Chen, S. R. German, H. Wiedenroth, L. Luo, and S. W. Feldberg Henry White is a world leader in the field of electrochemistry, preforming pioneering research in energy storage and fundamental studies of reduction-oxidation reactions and electron-transfer reactions, and the structure of interfaces between metals and solutions. Professor White worked under Allen J. Bard while obtaining his PhD, where he researched electrogenerated chemiluminescence, transport in Nafion modified electrodes, and solar energy conversion using transition metal dichalcogenide photoelectrodes. Since joining the Society in 1985, Prof. White has been presented with ECS’s Carl Wagner Award (2010) and David Grahame Award (2005). Professor White currently serves as Dean of the College of Science at the University of Utah. Here, he and his research team have made advances in new methods to determine the structure of biological polymers such as DNA, the development of novel batteries with increased storage capacity and investigations of drug delivery though human skin using electrical currents. In his award address, Prof. White will talk about the electrochemical nucleation and physical behavior of hydrogen nanobubbles.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Division & Section Award Winners The ECS Division and Section awards will be given during the Plenary Session on Monday, May 25 at 1700h in the Grand Ballroom. Please be on hand to honor and support your friends and colleagues. Be sure to add the Society and Division and Section award winners talks to your calendar, they are scheduled in various symposia throughout the week.

Electronics and Photonics Division Award H04 Symposium Monday, May 25, 0900-0930h Hilton Chicago, Conference Room 4G

Cammy R. Abernathy started her journey through electrochemical science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1980, where she received her SB degree in materials science and engineering. From there, she went on to Stanford University where she received her MS and PhD degrees in materials science and engineering in 1982 and 1985 respectively. Dr. Abernathy then joined the University of Florida, where she became a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. She was appointed the College’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 2004, and currently holds the positon of Dean of the College of Engineering. Among her many honors, Dr. Abernathy has been presented the prestigious ECS Fellowship Award, and is a fellow of both AVS and APS. Dr. Abernathy’s research interests are in synthesis of thin-film electronic materials and devices using metal organic chemical vapor deposition and molecular beam epitaxy. She is the author of over 500 journal publications, over 430 conference papers, one coauthored book, seven edited books, eight book chapters, and seven patents.

Energy Technology Division Research Award I03 Symposium Tuesday, May 26, 0800-0840h Hilton Chicago, Boulevard Room A PEM Fuel Cell Electrode Layer Degradation by R. L. Borup, R. Mukundan, J. D. Fairweather, D. Spernjak, D. A. Langlois, K. L. More, G. Maranzana, A. Lamibrac, J. Dillet, S. Didierjean, O. Lottin, L. Guétaz, R. Ahluwalia, S. Arisetty, and K. Rau MPA-11: Materials Physics and Applications: Materials Synthesis and Integrated Devices SPO-AE: Science Program Office - Applied Energy Distributed Program manager for Fuel Cell and Vehicle Technologies

Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award A01 Symposium Tuesday, May 26, 0940-1000h Hilton Chicago, Continental Room A Near Room Temperature Conversion of Methane to Methanol by T. J. Omasta, W. A. Rigdon, C. A. Lewis, R. J. Stannis, R. Lui, C. Q. Fan, and W. E. Mustain William Mustain earned a PhD in Chemical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2006, followed by two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in ECS President Paul Kohl’s research group at Georgia Tech. He went on to join the Department of Chemical & Bimolecular Engineering at the University of Connecticut in 2008. Over the past twelve years, Prof. Mustain has worked in several areas related to electrochemical energy generation and storage, including: catalysts and supports for proton exchange membrane and anion exchange membrane fuel cells and electrolyzers, high capacity materials for Li-ion batteries, the purposeful use of carbonates in low temperature electrochemical systems, and the electrochemical conversion and utilizations of methane and CO2. Prof. Mustain has been the PI or Co-PI on over $5M of externally funded research projects. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles, authored two book chapters, has three pending U.S. patents, and has over 70 invited and conference talks. Among his many honors and recognitions, Prof. Mustain has received the 2013 U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Award and the Illinois Institute of Technology Young Alumnus Award. (continued on next page)

Rodney L. Borup is noted for his work in fuel cell transportation with such corporate and academic organizations such as General Motors and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He joined LANL in 1994 as a postdoctoral researcher, where he would eventually move on to become the Program Manager for the Fuel Cells and Vehicle Technologies Program and Team Leader for fuel cells – titles which he currently holds.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Division & Section Award Winners

Dielectrics for III-V Materials by C. R. Abernathy

He received degrees from the University of Iowa and the University of Washington. Additionally, Dr. Borup has been awarded 13 U.S. patents, authored roughly 100 papers related to fuel cell technology and presented over 100 oral papers at international and national meetings. Dr. Borup has been a member of ECS since 1995 and is currently a member of the DOE/US Drive Fuel Cell Technical team, along with being co-chair of the DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office Durability Working Group. His work in fuel cells has been highly recognized with the presentation of the Principal Investigator for the 2004 Fuel Cell Seminar Best Poster Award and the 2005 DOE Hydrogen Program R&D Award.

Division & Section Award Winners Division & Section Awards (continued from previous page)

Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award A02 Symposium Monday, May 25, 1400-1440h Hilton Chicago, Salon A-1 All-Graphene Energy Storage Device for High Energy and Power Density by H. Kim, H. D. Lim, J. Hong, and K. Kang

Division & Section Award Winners

Haegyeom Kim is a PhD candidate at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University. Here he studies developing carbon based electrode materials and graphite derivative materials for energy storage devices such as Li rechargeable batteries, Na rechargeable batteries, and hybrid supercapacitors. Kim received his BS from Hanyang University and his MS from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. While obtaining his MS, Kim studied developing graphene based electrode materials for lithium rechargeable batteries including anodes and cathodes. Since 2010, he has authored 16 published papers and co-authored 18. Kim’s accomplishments have been recognized by the Korea Section of ECS, where he was presented with the Student Award (2014). Kim has also received the 20th Humantech Paper Award, the Global PhD Fellowship, and has been funded by the Korean government for his research.

Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award L10 Symposium Monday, May 25, 1040-1110h Conference Room 4D Plasmonic Light Absorption Enhancement Mechanisms in Semiconductors Above and Below the Band Edge by S. K. Cushing, J. Li, A. D. Bristow, and N. Wu Scott Cushing is currently finishing his PhD dissertation in Physics at West Virginia University, where he is advised by Prof. Nianqiang (Nick) Wu and Prof. Alan D. Bristow. Through his research, Cushing aims to gain a fundamental understanding of plasmon-enhanced solar energy conversion processes. His thesis involves understanding how plasmonics can improve light absorption above and below the band edge in solar materials. Cushing’s investigations on energy and charge transfer also span into semiconductor heterostructures, fluorophores, and plasmonics to improve application such as water splitting and optical bio-sensors – focusing on how these processes occur on coherent and ultrafast time-scales. Cushing’s research on the plasmonic enhancement of solar energy conversion was featured in an the summer 2013 issue of Interface magazine. Cushing is also a Goldwater Scholar, NSF Graduate Fellow, and SPIE D.J. Lovell Scholar.


Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award F02 Symposium Monday, May 25, 1400-1440h Hilton Chicago, PDR 3 Development of Large Scale Commercial PEM Electrolysis by K. E. Ayers, B. Carter, L. Dalton, K. Dreier, C. Ebner, and L. Moulthrop of Proton OnSite Proton OnSite is the world leader in commercializing proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis. Founded almost two decades ago, Proton has built a successful, profitable and sustainable commercial business around this technology, providing reliable and cost effective products to industrial, laboratory, and military customers around the world. The company’s product portfolio spans hundreds of watts to nearly 200 kW of input power. Leveraging this strong commercial base, Proton is now poised to capitalize on the new emerging hydrogen markets in energy storage and mobility. The 2015 New Electrochemical Technology (NET) award for outstanding work in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering is awarded to Proton Onsite for the development of their C Series Hydrogen Generator. The recognized technical team below represents a broader cross-functional effort of many Proton personnel in bringing this product to market. The C Series is a key advance in Proton’s product portfolio, with an output capacity of up to 65 kg/ day of hydrogen. This product represents a 5-fold increase in output (over previously available generators) with only a 1.5-fold increase in product footprint. This new system, introduced as a commercial product in 2011, has high strategic importance in that it continues to validate the technological advantage of PEM-based electrolysis at a scale similar to alkaline liquid based systems, without the disadvantages of the caustic electrolyte and high-pressure oxygen generation. Additionally, there has recently been significant interest in megawatt (MW)-scale PEM-based electrolyzers for renewable energy capture, especially in Europe, with several recent announcements poised to dramatically change the energy storage landscape. The C Series is a key stepping stone for this market and its demonstrated track record is providing confidence MW-scale PEM can compete in this market. This 65-kg/day system also is at an appropriate size for the next generation of fueling stations for fuel cell bus demonstrations, and for the refueling of small fleets of cars, or forklift trucks. Proton has delivered hydrogen generation equipment for several fueling stations, based on this new C Series hydrogen generator. To date, this product has supplied hydrogen to support over 2500 successful high-pressure fills and while dispensing more than 7000 kg of hydrogen at the fueling station on site at our headquarters, which has been in operation for over three years. This serves as testament to the robustness and longevity of this platform.

Proton OnSite Contributors Ken W. Dreier specializes in PEM electrolyzer systems integration and electrolysis-based hydrogen fueling stations. Dreier is currently a Principal Mechanical Engineer at Proton Onsite, and has previously led the mechanical systems development effort for the C Serious product. He holds a MOT degree from Georgia Tech and a BSME from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Division & Section Award Winners

Blake D. Carter currently serves as the Project Manager for Commercial Cell Stacks, facilitating sustaining engineering and manufacturing efforts for legacy electrolyzer cell stack platforms as well as bringing new designs into production. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and has served as a commercial product design and development engineer for over 11 years. Past work includes the development of a 5,000 psig differential pressure PEM electrolyzer cell stack platform. Luke T. Dalton is Manager, Advanced Technologies and Systems and has served as engineer and program manager for a number of key R&D initiatives including high pressure electrolysis cell stacks and systems, closedloop regenerative fuel cells, and alkaline membrane system development. He currently manages the Navy and NASA oxygen generation stack programs, electrochemical hydrogen compressor research, and contributed to the C Series product development through the cell stack design and cost reduction. Luke received AB, BE, and MS degrees from Dartmouth College. Katherine E. Ayers is Director of Research where she is responsible for Proton’s advanced technology strategy, and has built a portfolio of projects to support Proton’s existing and future electrochemical products. She works with many universities and national labs to develop advanced materials for PEM electrolysis and other electrochemical devices. She was named one of the 2014 Rising Stars by the ACS Women Chemists Committee. Lawrence C. Moulthrop is the Vice President Hydrogen Systems and Co-founder of Proton OnSite, has over 36 years experience in PEM-based systems. Mr. Moulthrop works with Proton's engineering teams to develop packaged hydrogen generator systems for fueling, renewable energy capture, and backup power. Larry actively contributes to key H2 standards such as ISO22734-1 (Water Electrolyzers), DTR/ISO19880 (Hydrogen Fueling Stations), and NFPA2 Hydrogen Technologies Code, and is on the DoE Hydrogen Safety Panel. He holds 22 patents in PEM cell design and system architecture.

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Student Achievement Award I03 Symposium Tuesday, May 26, 0840-0900h Hilton Chicago, Boulevard Room A Anhydrous High-Proton Conductor Based on Ionic Nanopeapods by M. M. Hasani-Sadrabadi, E. Dashtimoghadam, G. Bahlakeh, and K. I. Jacob Mohammad Mahdi Hasani-Sadrabadi is currently a graduate researcher studying bioengineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, Hasani-Sadrabadi attended the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, where he received the Excellence Scholarship that enabled him to develop microfluidic platforms for controlled synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles. Hasani-Sadrabadi’s fuel cell research began in 2007 at Amirkabir University of Technology. In 2010, he established the Biologically-Inspired Developing Advanced Research (BiDAR) group as an international collaborative research team. His main research area of interest is the development of bio-inspired nanomaterials for energy and biomedical applications. Hansani-Sadrabadi has published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers and has an h-index of 15. He has received many honors and recognitions, including the National Scientific Prize for Elites and the IFIA Top Inventor Award.

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award F02 Symposium Monday, May 25, 1440-1520h Hilton Chicago, PDR 3 An Investigation of the Growth Mechanism of Coal Derived Graphene Films by S. H. Vijapur, D. Wang, D. C. Ingram, and G. G. Botte Santosh Vijapur is a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering at Ohio University, working under the guidance of Dr. Gerardine G. Botte. Santosh’s doctoral research work involves development of graphene and amorphous carbon films using coal as a carbon source, with focus on detailed investigation of the growth mechanism by utilizing various spectroscopy, crystallography and chromatography techniques. He has also demonstrated the utilization of these carbon films in various electrochemical applications. Apart from his dissertation work, Santosh is involved in coal electrolysis project for hydrogen production and synthesis of various nickel based nanocomposites for urea electrolysis. Santosh has received degrees from Ohio University and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University. His master’s thesis focused on enhancing the collection efficiency of pollutants containing particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 µm. Santosh has published five peer-reviewed papers, two conference proceedings, and has given five oral presentations. Further, he founded the Ohio University ECS Student Chapter and served as its secretary. (continued on next page)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Division & Section Award Winners

Curt C. Ebner is a Senior Mechanical Engineer at Proton OnSite. Ebner is an expert in hydrogen and thermal management systems and has applied this knowledge to several of Proton’s product development efforts including the C Series. He also has experience in designing sophisticated laboratory testing facilities for sound, psychrometric and electrical testing of HVAC equipment. Ebner holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology from Midwestern State University.

Division & Section Award Winners Division & Section Awards (continued from previous page)

Nanocarbons Division Richard E. Smalley Research Award B01 Symposium Wednesday, May 27, 1000-1040h Hilton Chicago, Lake Huron Nanocarbons for Optoelectronic Applications by D. M. Guldi

Division & Section Award Winners

Dirk M. Guldi is known for his outstanding contributions to the areas of charge-separation in donor-acceptor materials and construction of nanostructured thin fil for solar energy conversion. Dr. Guldi joined ECS in 2008, where he served as Chair of the Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructers Division and was named a Society Fellow in 2014. His career has a robust background in academia and research. Dr. Gulidi has held positions at Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory, and has also served as the Associate Editor of the journal Nanoscale. Since 2004, Dr. Guldi has authored or co-authored more than 300 peer-reviewed articles and has been named among the world’s 2014 Highly Cited Researchers by Thomas Reuters. Dr. Guldi is currently a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, where his research topics of interest include efficiencies of solar energy conversions. Dr. Guldi completed both his undergraduate and PhD at the University of Cologne, followed by postdoctoral appointments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin, and Syracuse university. Since 2004, he has authored or co-authored more than 300 peerreviewed articles on the fundamental structural and electronic requirements for ultrafast charge transport and optical gating in carbon nanostructure arrays of donor-acceptor ensembles and in nanostructured thin films to address aspects that correspond to the optimization and finetuning of dynamics and / or efficiencies of solar energy conversion.

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award L04 Symposium Tuesday, May 26, 0800-0840h Hilton Chicago, Williford Room A Kinetics of the Hydrogen Oxidation in Alkaline and Acid Electrolytes by H. A. Gasteiger, J. Durst, J. Herranz, A. Siebel, F. Hasché, P. J. Rheinländer, and C. Simon Hubert A. Gasteiger has touched many aspects of electrochemical science, from academia to industry. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from UC Berkeley in 1993, where he was mentored by Elton Cairns, Phil Ross, and Nenad Markovic in the field of electrochemistry. He went on to do a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, followed by academic research with Jürgen Behm at Ulm University – where he established a research group in heterogeneous gas-phase catalysis and electrocatalysis. After nine years of academic research, he spent ten years working in industry with organizations such as GM, Opel, and Acta S.p.A. He returned to the academic realm in 2009 when he accepted a oneyear Visiting Professorship at MIT, working on lithium-air batteries and fuel cell electrocatalysis – focusing on materials, electrodes, and diagnostics development for fuel cells and batteries.


Dr. Gasteiger has been with ECS since 1989, where he has received the ECS Norman Hackerman Young Author Award and was named an ECS Fellow in 2011. He has published 94 refereed articles (h-index 53, 15,000 citations), 15 book chapters, and 33 patent applications/patents.

Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award Z03 Symposium Wednesday, May 27, 0845-0930h Hilton Chicago, PDR 7 Boron Carbon Nitride Thin Films for Low-k Dielectric Interconnect and Optical Applications by K. B. Sundaram, A. Prakash, and S. W. King Kalpathy B. Sundaram has provided the foundation of thin film technology for low-k and high-k dielectric materials. His technical contributions in non-traditional low-k materials are cited as the original works. Prof. Sundaram’s contributions in this field are well known and highly regarded by both academic and industrial researchers and engineers for solving fundamental problems with high-k materials. Since joining ECS in 1994, Prof. Sundaram has served various leadership roles in the Dielectric Science Division of the Society, as well as being awarded the ECS Fellow Award. His efforts in education have resulted in four “University for Excellence in Teaching Awards” given by the Board of Trustees. Prof. Sundaram has received degrees from the University of Kerala, Indian Institute of Science, and the Indian Institute of Technology. After he obtained his PhD, Prof. Sundaram joined McMaster University as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. He went on to join Opto-Electronics Inc. as a Research Scientist, and then the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Central Florida, where he currently holds the title of Senior Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal L01 Symposium Tuesday, May 26, 1400-1440h Hilton Chicago, Williford Room C Electrochemical SERS on Nanostructured Surfaces and Its Application to DNA Detection and Discrimination by P. N. Bartlett Philip N. Bartlett is highly recognized among the scientific community for his research in bioelectrochemistry, template electrodeposition of nanomaterials and chemical sensors. After receiving his BA in Chemistry from the University of Oxford, he was awarded a British Petroleum Scholarship to study for a PhD in Photoelectrochemistry under the supervision of Professor W. John Albery FRS at Imperial College. From this, he went on to work on modified electrodes with the help of a Research Fellowship from the Royal Society for the Exhibition of 1851. He went on to pursue a career in academia at the University of Warwick and the University of Bath. In 1993 Prof. Bartlett joined the University of Southampton, where he is currently the Professor of Electrochemistry. Prof. Bartlett has been presented many awards and honors, including ECS’s Electrodeposition Division Research Award (2005) and the Carl Wagner Memorial Award (2007). He is currently the President Elect of the International Society for Electrochemistry and holds many fellowships, including the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Plenary & Society Awards

Plenary & Society Awards

ECS is proud to announce the establishment of the

Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science Award recipients will be honored for exceptional contributions to the field of fundamental electrochemical science and recognized for exceptionally creative experimental and theoretical studies that have opened new directions in electroanalytical chemistry and electrocatalysis. The first award will be given in Chicago at the 227th ECS Meeting. (See page 22 for details)

Allen J. BArd is the Norman Hackerman-Welch Regents Chair in Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at The University of Texas at Austin, and the Director of the Center for Electrochemistry.

Allen J. BArd

Among Dr. Bard’s many awards are The Electrochemical Society’s Carl Wagner Memorial Award (1981), Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching (1986), and Olin Palladium Award (1987); Priestley Medal (2002), the Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2008). He was elected into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 1990. In 2013, Dr. Bard was awarded the National Medal of Science, one of the highest honors bestowed by the U.S. government upon scientists, engineers, and inventors.

Special thanks to the generous support of our donors and advertisers, especially:

CH Instruments We need your help to ensure the award is fully funded in perpetuity, and we may also create a symposium in Dr. Bard’s honor. To help fund the award endowment and a continuing symposium in Dr. Bard’s honor, please donate online: Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



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Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL 1

Exhibitors Technical Exhibit The ECS Technical Exhibit is always the talk of the meeting—technical exhibits are popular networking opportunities, as attendees gather together with colleagues and meet new contacts. The exhibitors in Chicago will provide demonstrations and showcase instruments, materials, systems, publications, and software, as well as other products and services. Complimentary coffee breaks are scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday at 0930h in the Exhibit Hall. In addition, the Poster Sessions and receptions will be held in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, beginning at 1800h. The Exhibit Hall will be located in Salon C.

Exhibit Schedule Tuesday, May 26, 2015 0800-1300h............................................. Exhibitor Move-In 1300-1600h............................................. Technical Exhibit 1800-2000h............................................. Technical Exhibit, General & Student Poster Session Wednesday, May 27, 2015 0900-1400h............................................. Technical Exhibit 0930-1000h............................................. Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall 0930-1030h............................................. Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry Using Rotating Electrodes with Pine Research Instrumentation 1100-1200h............................................. Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1800-2000h............................................. Student Poster Award Presentation 1800-2000h............................................. Technical Exhibit & General Poster Session


Thursday, May 28, 2015 0900-1200h............................................. Technical Exhibit 0930-1000h............................................. Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall 0930-1030h............................................. Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1100-1200h............................................. Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1200-1600h............................................. Technical Exhibit Tear Down

ECS 227th Meeting Exhibitors modes/tools for applications including electrochemistry, batteries and energy storage, nanotubes, graphene, crystals, nanotubes. Our AFMs can be configured for glovebox experiments.

ALS Co., LTD. Booth 214

Katsunobu Yamamoto yamamoto@bas.co.jp 1-28-12, Mukojima Sumida-Ku, Tokyo, 131-0033 +81.3.3624.3387 Japan www.als-japan.com

ALS Co., Ltd. provides researchers with a wide range of products including Bipotentiostats, Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalances (EQCM), Ring-Disk Electrode apparatus (RRDE3A) and Spectrometry instruments (SEC2000). We are also dealing with various kinds of Spectroelectrochemical cells (SEC-C & SEC2F), Electrodes for conductivity measurement and Electrodes for EC measurement same as their related items. We sincerely hope that you will absolutely enjoy our cost-effective and highly quality products with our sincere-integrity support.

Asylum Research an Oxford Instruments Company Booth 517

Nushaw Ghofranian Nushaw.ghofranian@oxinst.com 6310 Hollister Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA

1.805.696.6466 www.asylumresearch.com @Asylum AFM

The AFM/SPM technology leader will feature the Cypher™ and the MFP-3D™ families of Atomic Force Microscopes. Our AFMs offer highest resolution, fast scanning and environmental control, for a wide range of samples. Asylum AFMs go beyond topography and offer unmatched performance with numerous advanced characterization Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Bio-Logic USA Booths 211, 213 & 215

David Carey david.carey@bio-logic.us 9050 Executive Park Drive, Suite 105C Knoxville, TN, 37923 USA

1.865.769.3800 www.bio-logic.us

Bio-Logic is the exclusive provider of EC-Lab Electrochemical Measurement Instruments. The EC-Lab family of products includes modular single-channel (SP-50/150/200/300) and multi-channel (VSP/VMP3/VSP-300/VMP-300) potentiostats/galvanostats, High current potentiostats (HCP-803/1005) and easy to use software with a complete line of electrochemical accessories. At ECS, we will proudly have on display the most powerful multi-channel potentiostat on the market. The VMP-300 is capable of having up to 16 independent potentiostats in one chassis, with optional current boosters of 1A/48V, 2A/30V, 4A/14V or 10A/5V, measuring currents down to 5 fA, voltages down to 750 nV, performing EIS experiments up to 7 MHz, analog and digital filtering, and true floating mode operation. All of this at a great economical price/performance. Come to booths 211, 213 and 215 to see our exciting line of products. (continued on next page)


Exhibitors (continued from previous page)

Hohsen Corporation Booth 505

Chroma ATE Inc. Booth 303

David Huang davidHY@chromaus.com 7 Chrysler Fullerton, CA 92618 USA

1.949.421.0355 www.chromaus.com

Chroma ATE Inc. is the global leader of power testing instruments and solutions. In the past decade, Chroma has leveraged this expertise to be a world leader in cell formation plus battery cell, module and pack cyclers/testers, ranging from micro-Watts to over a MegaWatt. Through patented regenerative technology, intuitive software and turn-key manufacturing solutions, Chroma is defined as the international partner of choice. Come learn how Chroma’s patented regenerative technology and precision instrumentation can improve quality, while reducing setup time, overall cost and operational overheads.

ECS and Edison Theatre Booth 218

Rob Gerth Rob.Gerth@electrochem.org 65 South Main St. Building D Pennington, NJ 08534 1.609.737.1902 ext. 114 USA www.electrochem.org


ECS was founded in 1902 as an international nonprofit, educational organization concerned with a broad range of phenomena relating to electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. The Electrochemical Society has more than 8,000 scientists and engineers in over 70 countries worldwide who hold individual membership, as well as roughly 50 corporations and laboratories that hold corporate membership.

ESL ElectroScience Booth 501

Lauren Timko ltimko@electroscience.com 416 E. Church Rd. King of Prussia, PA 19046 USA


ESL ElectroScience specializes in providing solutions to enable customers to take technologies from concept through high volume production using thick film pastes and ceramic tapes. ESL products can be found in hybrid microcircuits, multilayer microelectronics, transformers, thick film heaters, sensors, and fuel cells.

Gamry Instruments Booths 401 & 403 Chris Beasley cbeasley@gamry.com 734 Louis Drive Warminster, PA 18974 USA

1.215.682.9330 www.gamry.com @Gamry_Inst

Gamry Instruments designs and manufactures a variety of electrochemical instrumentation and accessories. Our full line of single and multichannel potentiostats/galvanostats/ZRAs/FRAs, EQCM, multiplexer, and spectroelectrochemical equipment will be on display. Anyone doing materials research or battery development, corrosion science, sensor development or fundamental physical electrochemical research should stop by our booth for a demonstration. Come find out why Gamry is the best value in electrochemical instrumentation.


Hohsen Corporation info@hohsen.co.jp 8F Risona Senba Bldg. 4-21, 4-chome Minamisenba, Chuo-ku Osaka-shi Osaka 542-0081 Japan

+81.6.6253.2600 www.hohsen.co.jp

Hohsen Corporation provides R&D / Pilot Line / Mass Production equipment, materials, parts, engineering and consulting services for Lithium-ion battery fabrication.

HORIBA Scientific Booth 513

Joanne Lowy joanne.lowy@horiba.com 3880 Park Ave. Edison, NJ 08820 1.732.494.8660 ext. 8142 USA www.horiba.com/scientific

HORIBA Scientific, world leader in spectroscopic instrumentation, offers elemental analyzers, GD-OES Spectrometers, and products for Raman, steady-state and lifetime Fluorescence, Photoluminescence, XRF, spectroscopic ellipsometry, atomic emission spectroscopy, optical components, gratings and high performance CCDs. We specialize in Glow Discharge and Raman spectrometers and their application for analysis of Li Ion batteries.

Huizhou Top Metal Material Booth 600

Sherlyn Xu & Charles Huang sherlyn@topmetalmaterial.com Yangling Village, Guangming Tongqiao Industrial Park, Zhongkai High & New Technology Development Zone Huizhou City, Guangdong 516232 1.949.354.2268w China www.topmetalmaterial.com

Huizhou Top Metal Material Co (TOPM) was founded in 1993 and has been ISO 9001 certified since 2006. TOPM located in China Guangdong province and manufactures rare earths, metals, and alloys. TOPM is the largest Scandium Oxide (Sc2O3) producer in the world with the capacity of 10MT per year, being capable of extending the production to more than 15MT annually. TOPM also manufactures rare earths and alloys including pure Scandium, Yttrium, Neodymium and AlSc. TOPM also provides some Zirconium Salt, including; Zirconia/Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2), Zirconyl chloride/Zirconium Oxychloride (ZrOCI2 · 8H2O), and Zirconium sulfate, (Zr(SO4)2 ). Our products are characterized as high purity with very competitive price. For more information about our products, please visit our website: www.topmetal,material.com. For quote request, please send an email to sales@topmetalmaterial.com.

Ivium Technologies Booth 503

Pete Peterson info@ivium.us 961687 Gateway Blvd., Suite 201D Fernandina Beach, FL, 32034 USA

1.800.303.3885 www.ivium.us

Ivium Technologies designs and manufactures instrumentation for the most demanding electrochemical measurements. We are introducing the high-resolution IviumStat.h™ Potentiostat – the first potentiostat to employ 24-bit data acquisition. The IviumStat™–with a maximum current of 10 Amps–is a general purpose instrument for the widest breadth of electrochemical applications. We will be demonstrating the Vertex™ Potentiostat – a high-value instrument that is available with 100 mAmp, 1 Amp, 5 Amp, or 10 Amp Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

current capability. We are also exhibiting the pocketSTAT™ and the CompactStat™ Potentiostats in Chicago. The pocketSTAT is a handheld potentiostat that is ideal for remote field measurements and the teaching lab. For the convenience of portability, check out the CompactStat™, a research-grade Potentiostat powered from the USB Port of your Notebook Computer. We will also be showing the nStat™ MultiChannel Potentiostat for labs that require maximum sample throughput.

Metrohm USA

Scribner Associates, Inc.

Booths 500 & 502 info@metrohmusa.com 6555 Pelican Creek Circle Riverview, FL, 33578 USA

Booth 405 1.813.316.4700 www.metrohmusa.com

Metrohm’s AUTOLAB electrochemistry systems with modular and dedicated designs and advanced control software, provide a flexible foundation that can easily grow with your application needs. Options include low current, impedance, EQCM, multiplexing, high and low speed scanning, and a variety of cells, electrodes and accessories for research needs.

MTI Corporation Booth 305

Parker Liu parker@mtixtl.com 860 S. 19th Street Richmond, CA 94840 USA

1.510.525.3070 www.mtixtl.com

Scribner Associates specializes in advanced analytical hardware and software for electrochemical research and development. Our software packages such as ZPlot, ZView, MultiStat and CorrWare are recognized world-wide as the gold standard for instrument control and data analysis. On display will be the Model 850e Fuel Cell Test System, a turn-key instrument for PEM, DMFC and SOFC R&D. The 850e features multiple current ranges for high accuracy over a wide dynamic range, automated humidifier bypass valves for wet/dry cycling, automatic humidifier water fill, manual or automated inlet selector valves, integrated potentiostat functions, and accurate dew point control up to 5 SLM. The 850e is now CE certified. Scribner is pleased to introduce the Model 580 8-Channel Battery Cycler. The 580 is specifically designed for battery and capacitor discharge cycling and offers CC, CV, CP, and CR modes, 6 current ranges, cell resistance by HFR, 5-wire terminal measurement, and comes with user friendly software for instrument control and data analysis. All of our products are available for quick delivery and are backed by comprehensive technical support.

Booth 212

Booths 402 & 404

1.919.782.8320 www.pineinst.com/echem

Pine Research Instrumentation manufactures a full line of affordable, durable and reliable electrochemical research equipment. Pine offers benchtop bipotentiostat/galvanostat instruments as well as portable USB potentiostat systems, all of which are controlled using our powerful AfterMath software package. We offer unite quartz electrochemical cells for photoelectrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry, and we are the world leader in rotating disk, ring-disk, and cylinder electrode instrumentation. Our line of compact voltammetry cells, featuring screen-printed patterned electrodes, provides a quick and easy way to perform routine electrochemical measurements.

Princeton Applied Research/Solartron Analytical Booths 302 & 304 1.865.483.2122 www.princetonappliedresearch.com

Princeton Applied Research is a leading manufacturer of laboratory instruments utilized for investigations in the field of electrochemistry, which includes batteries, fuel cells, corrosion, sensors and general physical chemistry. In business more than 50 years, we offer customers the benefit of knowledge, expertise, products, and Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

1.910.695.8884 www.scribner.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Pine Research Instrumentation

Ari Tampasis aritampasis@ametek.com 801 South Illinois Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 USA

Jason Scribner jason@scribner.com 150 E Connecticut Ave. Southern Pines, NC 28387 USA

Molly Iserman molly.iserman@thermofisher.com 5225 Verona Road, Bldg. 4 Madison, WI 53711 1.608.819.5730 USA www.thermoscientific.com

From pristine samples to in situ to post-cycled, Thermo Fisher Scientific has lab solutions for your battery analysis needs. Our new in-situ sampling cell advances Li-Ion battery research, providing chemical imaging of electrodes in real-time over battery cycling periods.

Vacuum Technology Inc. Booth 210

Yuling Cai sam.cai@vti-glovebox.com 15 Great Republic Drive, Unit 4 Gloucester, MA 01930 USA

1.510.333.6502 www.vti-glovebox.com

Vacuum Technology Inc. is committed to developing innovative products for clients around the world. With its North American Headquarters located in Gloucester, Massachusetts USA, VTI offers UL certified Super-Purified Glove Boxes and Gas Purification Systems. A variety of accessories can also be integrated into the glove box: Evaporator, Spin Coaters, Freezers, Cold Wells, and Microscope Units, among others. (continued on next page)



Chemistry lab equipment from MTI Corporation will upgrade your research laboratory. Equipment available from MTI includes diamond blade/wire saws, polishers, high temperature tube/muffle furnaces and ovens, film coating devices, analytical laboratory equipment and a full line of battery testing and assembling tools.

Diane White pinewire@pineinst.com 2741 Campus Walk Ave., Bldg. 100 Durham, NC, 27705 USA

solutions to support their particular research interest. Solartron Analytical is the global leader in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, providing more than 60 years of instrumentation development expertise for materials and electrochemical research. Solartron Analytical instruments and accessories are advancing the research into the physical and electrochemical properties of batteries, fuel cells, organic coatings, corrosion inhibitors, and sensors, as well as the characterization of materials for dielectrics, solar cells, display technologies, ferroelectrics, and composites.

Exhibitors (continued from previous page)

ZAHNER Elektrik GmbH & Co. KG

Exhibitor Workshops

Booth 504

Dr. Hans Joachim Schäfer hjs@zahner.de Thueringer Str. 12 D-96317 Kronach +49.9261.9621190 Germany www.zahner.de

Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry Using Rotating Electrodes Brought to you by Pine Research Instrumentation Wednesday 0930-1030h

For more than 35 years, ZAHNER-Elektrik has been developing and manufacturing innovative high-precision electrochemical and photo-electrochemical instruments for all kinds of electrochemical applications. We attach great importance to precise manufacturing, thorough testing and accurate calibration of all instruments. ZAHNER instruments are highly esteemed for their high flexibility, reliability, and performance.

This workshop is designed to help anyone who is interested in using rotating electrodes in their projects. Examples of application areas include fuel cell catalyst screening, corrosion inhibitor testing, and electroplating. After a short introduction of basic concepts (e.g., electron transfer and mass transport) in electrochemistry, a short demonstration will be conducted to illustrate the practical aspects of a rotating electrode experiment.

Literature Displays: Advanced Battery Technology/Fuel Cell Technology Fujifilm Dimatrix Gelest Inc.









Summe r 2013

, NO. 2 VOL. 22 r 2 0 1 3 Summe

VOL. 23 , S p r i n g NO. 1 2014



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www.electrochem.org Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Sponsors ECS thanks our 227th Meeting Sponsors for the generous and continued support





For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Becca Jensen Compton via phone: 609.737.1902x102; fax: 609.737.2743; or email: becca.compton@electrochem.org.

www.electrochem.org/sponsorship Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


ECS Community ECS Editorial Boards Electrochemical Science & Technology (EST) Robert Savinell, Editor Doron Aurbach, Technical Editor Gerald S. Frankel, Technical Editor Thomas F. Fuller, Technical Editor Charles L. Hussey, Technical Editor Shelley D. Minteer, Technical Editor Rangachary Mukundan, Technical Editor Dennis G. Peters, Technical Editor John Weidner, Technical Editor Thierry Brousse, Associate Editor Raymond J. Gorte, Associate Editor Takayuki Homma, Associate Editor Bor Yann Liaw, Associate Editor Stephen Maldonado, Associate Editor Paul M. Natishan, Associate Editor Thomas J. Schmidt, Associate Editor Venkat Srinivasan, Associate Editor Nae-Lih (Nick) Wu, Associate Editor

Giovanni Zangari, Electrodeposition Division Representative Jerzy Ruzyllo, Electronics and Photonics Division Representative Mani Manivannan, Energy Technology Division Representative Xiao-Dong Zhou, High Temperature Materials Division Representative John Staser, Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Representative Uwe Happek, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Representative Slava Rotkin, Nanocarbons Division Representative James Burgess, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Representative Andrew Hillier, Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Representative Nick Wu, Sensor Division Representative

ECS Transactions

Solid State Science & Technology (SSST) Dennis W. Hess, Editor Jennifer A. Bardwell, Technical Editor Stefan De Gendt, Technical Editor Francis D’Souza, Technical Editor Yue Kuo, Technical Editor Kailash C. Mishra, Technical Editor George Celler, Associate Editor

Interface Vijay Ramani, Co-Editor Petr Vanýsek, Co-Editor Bor Yann Liaw, Battery Division Representative Sanna Virtanen, Corrosion Division Representative Durga Misra, Dielectric Science and Technology Division Representative

Jeffrey W. Fergus, Editor D. Noel Buckley, Electronics and Photonics Division Representative James Burgess, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Representative Bryan A. Chin, Sensor Division Representative Hugh De Long, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Representative James M. Fenton, Energy Technology Division Representative Turgut Gur, High Temperature Materials Division Representative Robert Kostecki, Battery Division Representative Kailash C. Mishra, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Representative Durgamadhab Misra, Dielectric Science and Technology Division Representative Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Electrodeposition Division Representative Sanna Virtanen, Corrosion Division Representative John Weidner, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Representative R. Bruce Weisman, Nanocarbons Division Representative

ECS Sections

Arizona Section – Candace Chan, Chair Brazil Section – Luis Frederico Dick, Chair Canada Section – Michael Eikerling, Chair Chicago Section – Alan Zdunek, Interim Chair Chile Section – TBA China Section – Zi Feng Ma, Chair Cleveland Section – Irina Serebrennikova, Chair Detroit Section – Stephen Maldonado, Chair Europe Section – Enrico Traversa, Chair Georgia Section – Peter Hesketh, Chair India Section – Kallarackel Jacob, Chair

ECS Community 30

Israel Section – Daniel Mandler, Chair Japan Section – Hiroshi Nishihara, Chair Korea Section – Yung-Eun Sung, Chair Mexico Section – Ignacio Gonzalez, Chair National Capital Section – Eric Wachsman, Chair New England Section – Sanjeev Mukerjee, Chair Pittsburgh Section – Clifford Walton, Chair San Francisco Section – Bryan McCloskey, Chair Taiwan Section – Cheng-Lun Wang, Chair Texas Section – Harovel Wheat, Chair Twin Cities Section – Vincent Chevrier, Chair

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Photo by ©Visit Phoenix.


Summit Dates: October 12-13, 2015

newable Energy e R d n a s e u s s I l a c i l October 11-16, 2015 Z A Solar Crit , x i n oe l Ph g n i t e e 228 ECS M


SAVE THE DATE! With population growth and industrialization, global energy needs continue to grow as well. Economic, political, and environmental issues are largely dictated by energy needs. The fifth international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) is designed to foster an exchange between leading policy makers and energy experts about society needs and technological energy solutions.

organizers • Daniel Scherson, Case Western Reserve University • Adam Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • Krishnan Rajeshwar, University of Texas, Arlington

Participants • Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures, and Transport Center (FIRST) David Wesolowski, Oak Ridge National Laboratory • NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES) M. Stanley Whittingham, Binghamton University • Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m) Esther Takeuchi, Stony Brook University • Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage (NEES) Gary Rubloff, University of Maryland

• Center for Electrochemical Energy Science (CEES) Paul Fenter, Argonne National Laboratory • Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) George Crabtree, Director • Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) Harry Atwater, Director • Potential participation of large-scale government-funded efforts outside the U.S.

www.electrochem.org/e2s Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


ECS Community ECS Staff Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director/CEO Tim Gamberzky, Chief Operating Officer Mary Yess, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Content Officer Dinia Agrawala, Interface Production Manager Marcelle Austin, Board Relations Administrator Linda Cannon, Staff Accountant Karen Chmielewski, Finance Associate Becca Jensen Compton, Development Manager Paul B. Cooper, Editorial Manager Casey Emilius, Meetings Coordinator Dan Fatton, Director of Development & Membership Service Beth Fisher, Associate Director of Development & Membership Service Rob Gerth, Director of Marketing & Digital Engagement

Annie Goedkoop, Director of Publications Production Paul Grote, Director of Finance Andrea L. Guenzel, Publications Specialist Mary Hojlo, Constituent Services Associate Christie Knef, Director of Meetings John Lewis, Associate Director of Meetings Winnie Mutch, Web Manager Anna Olsen, Senior Content Associate Ericka Robinson, HR & Operations Specialist Beth Schademann, Publications Specialist Amanda Staller, Marketing Communication Assistant Logan Streu, Content Associate Beth Anne Stuebe, Meetings Content Manager Tonya Woodland, HR Manager

ECS Division Officers Battery Robert Kostecki, Chair Christopher Johnson, Vice-Chair Marca Doeff, Secretary Ying Meng, Treasurer

Electronics and Photonics Andrew Hoff, Chair Mark Overberg, Vice-Chair Edward Stokes, 2nd Vice-Chair Junichi Murota, Secretary Fan Ren, Treasurer

Corrosion Rudolph Buchheit, Chair Sannakaisa Virtanen, Vice-Chair Masayuki Itagaki, Secretary/Treasurer

Dielectric Science and Technology Dolf Landheer, Chair Yaw Obeng, Vice-Chair Vimal Chaitanya, Secretary Purushothaman Srinivasan, Treasurer

Energy Technology Adam Weber, Chair Scott Calabrese Barton, Vice-Chair Andy Herring, Secretary Vaidyanathan Subramanian, Treasurer

High Temperature Materials Xiao-Dong Zhou, Chair Turgut Gur, Vice-Chair Greg Jackson, Jr. Vice-Chair Paul Gannon, Secretary/Treasurer

Electrodeposition Giovanni Zangari, Chair Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Vice-Chair Stanko Brankovic, Secretary Philippe Vereecken, Treasurer

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Venkat Subramanian, Chair Douglas Riemer, Vice-Chair John Staser, Secretary/Treasurer

Luminescence and Display Materials Anant Setlur, Chair Madis Raukas, Vice-Chair Mikhail Brik, Secretary/Treasurer

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry James Burgess, Chair Mekki Bayachou, Vice-Chair Graham Cheek, Secretary/Treasurer

Nanocarbons R. Bruce Weisman, Chair Slava Rotkin, Vice-Chair Hiroshi Imahori, Secretary Dirk Guldi, Treasurer

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Robert Mantz, Chair Pawel Kulesza, Vice-Chair Andrew Hiller, Secretary Alanah Fitch, Treasurer

Sensor Bryan Chin, Chair Nianqiang Wu, Vice-Chair Ajit Khosla, Secretary Jessica Koehne, Treasurer

ECS Community


a Student Chapter! 32

ECS currently has 45 student chapters around the world, which provide students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of electrochemical and solid state science, to have a venue for meeting fellow students, and to receive recognition for their organized scholarly activities. Students interested in starting a student chapter may contact Beth.Fisher@electrochem.org for details. Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Discover Your Community

Your ECS membership defines you as a leader in your field – as someone who believes in: • Disseminating scientific research in the most accessible ways • Advancing the science by bridging the gaps between academia, industry, and government

• Mentoring young people through networking and by providing quality training and education • Honoring our heroes of the past, recognizing colleagues changing our lives now, and seeking those who are designing the future of our field

“I just like to disseminate my results. To share what I’ve done with others and help grow the field. That’s why I’m a member.” – Researcher and 12-year ECS member


The ECS Member Article Pack—$3,300 VALUE—100 free downloads from all ECS journals giving you access to full-text articles in the ECS Digital Library, including the top publications in solid state and electrochemical science and technology: w Journal of The Electrochemical Society w ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology w ECS Electrochemistry Letters w ECS Solid State Letters w ECS Transactions w Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters


Open Access Article Credit—$800 VALUE—receive a complimentary article processing waiver to publish a paper in an ECS journal as open access.


Discounts each time you attend an ECS biannual meeting, meet colleagues and mentors face-to-face and participate in top-level symposia and networking get-togethers.


Free one-year subscription to Interface, the quarterly magazine of record for the Society, delivered to your door, filled with the latest developments in the field and news and information for and about ECS members.


Exclusive access to the ECS Member Directory providing contact information for colleagues around the world.


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ec t


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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ECS Community


Questions about membership? Contact customerservice@electrochem.org l 609.737.1902, ext. 100


ECS Community ECS Student Chapters Atlanta Student Chapter at Georgia Tech (2008)......................................Peter J. Hesketh Auburn University (2007).....................................Jeffrey Fergus Boston (2009) Northeastern University Harvard University MIT...................................................................Eugene Smotkin

(Year Founded) Faculty Advisor

Research Triangle Student Chapter (2013) Duke University NC State UNC – Chapel Hill ................................... Jeffrey Glass (Duke) South Brazilian (Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul) (2010)............................ Luis Frederico P. Dick SRM University (2013)..........................................Ranjit Thapa ................................................................... Bhalchandra Kakade

Brno University of Technology (2006)....................Jiri Vondrak Calgary (2011)...........................................................Viola Birss California State University (2012) Fullerton Division...................................................... John Haan

Tel Aviv University (2009)................................. Eliezer Gileadi ..............................................................Yosi Shacham-Diamand Tyndall National Institute (2012).......................Alan O’Riordan

Central Illinois (2008)................................Andrzej Wieckowski

University of Arkansas (2014)....................................Rick Wise ...............................................................................Ingrid Fritsch

Clemson University (2014)...............................Stephen Creager

University of British Columbia (2013).................. Dan Bizzotto

ECS Cleveland Section and Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences Joint Student Chapter (2005) ......................... James D. Burgess

University of California – Berkeley (2006)......... John Newman

Colorado School of Mines (2012)..................... Andrew Herring

University of California – San Diego (2014).........Shirley Meng

Drexel University (2012)....................................... Yury Gogotsi

University of Central Florida (2000) ..........Kalpathy Sundaram

Indiana University (2012).........................................Lane Baker .............................................................................. Dennis Peters

University of Cincinnati (2007)...............................Marc Cahay

University of California – Riverside (2011) ......................................... Alexander Balandin

University of Florida (2005)................................. Mark Orazem Kerala, India at CUSAT (2008).............................M. K. Jayaraj University of Iowa (2014).......................................Johna Leddy Lahore, Pakistan (2008)......................................Inam Ul Haque University of Kentucky (2014)........................... Mona Shirpour Montana State University (2013)............................Paul Gannon ............................................................................Ryan Anderson

University of Maryland (2011).......................... Eric Wachsman

Montreal (2010)......................................... Steen B. Schougaard

University of Nevada – Reno (2014)............ Dev Chidambaram

North Florida (2014)................................................ Pedro Moss

University of Pittsburgh (2014).........................Prasanth Kumta

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2014) ..............Ann Mari Svensson

University of South Carolina (2010).................Xiao-dong Zhou University of Tartu (2013)........................... Kaido Tammeveski

Ohio State University (2006) ....................................... Anne Co University of Texas at Austin (2006)................ Ram Manthiram Ohio University (2011) .....................................Gerardine Botte University of Texas at Dallas (2012).........................Moon Kim

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2013)................. Daniel Lewis ........................................................................... David Duquette

University of Virginia (2006).......................... Giovanni Zangari Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona) (2013)......... Candace Chan

ECS Community

For more information on starting a student chapter, please contact Beth Fisher at beth.fisher@electrochem.org or 609.737.1902 ext. 103


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Volume 66– C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s

from the Chicago meeting, May 24—May 28, 2015

The following issues of ECS Transactions are from symposia held during the Chicago meeting. All issues are available in electronic (PDF) editions, which may be purchased by visiting http://ecsdl.org/ECST/. Some issues are also available in CD/USB editions. Please visit the ECS website for all issue pricing and ordering information. (All prices are in U.S. dollars; M = ECS member price; NM = nonmember price.)

Available Issues Vol. 66 No. 1

Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 16 USB/CD ...........M $111.00, NM $138.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Vol. 66 No. 5

Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 1 USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Vol. 66 No. 2

Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces – SGEI 1 USB/CD...........M $105.00, NM $131.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Vol. 66 No. 6

Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 6 USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Vol. 66 No. 3

Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3 USB/CD...........M $103.00, NM $129.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Vol. 66 No. 7

State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 57 (SOTAPOCS 57) USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Vol. 66 No. 4

Silicon Compatible Materials, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Processes, Circuits and Emerging Applications 5 USB/CD ...........M $103.00, NM $129.00 PDF .................M $TBD, NM $TBD

Forthcoming Issues CHI A01

Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage - and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion


Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond


Stationary and Large Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5


Stationary and Large Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5


Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology


Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices


Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules


Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory: In Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi


Metallization of Flexible Electronics



Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth

Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions


Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials


Spectroelectrochemistry 3


Electrochemical Engineering General Session


Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Water Electrolysis


High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes 2



Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5

Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5



Crosscutting Metrics and Benchmarking of Transformational Low-Carbon Energy-Conversion Technologies

Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials


Materials for Low Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2


State of the Art Tutorial on Diagnostics in Low Temperature Fuel Cells

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials


Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion



Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies


Corrosion General Session


High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 11

CHI M02 Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring CHI M04 Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session General Student Poster Session

Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry


Nanotechnology General Session


Solid State Topics General Session


Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session


Nature-Inspired Electrochemical Systems


Computational Electrochemistry

Ordering Information


Electrocatalysis 7

To order any of these recently-published titles, please visit the ECS Digital Library, http://ecsdl.org/ECST/

ECS Community


Email: customerservice@electrochem.org Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


CHI M01 Nano/Biosensors and Actuators



ECS Community ECS Committees Executive Committee of the Board of Directors


Paul Kohl

Spring 2015

Durga Misra

Spring 2016

Fan Ren

Spring 2016

Enrico Traversa

Spring 2017

Krishnan Rajeshwar

2nd Vice-President Spring 2016

Pawel Kulesza

Spring 2017

Johna Leddy

3rd Vice-President Spring 2017

Vijay Ramani

Spring 2017

Daniel Scherson

Senior Vice-President Spring 2015

Hariklia Deligianni

Secretary Spring 2016

Marca Doeff

Spring 2018

E. Jennings Taylor

Treasurer Spring 2018

Takayuki Homma

Spring 2018

Roque J. Calvo

Executive Director

Term as ED

Board of Directors, Presidential Appointment Stuart Swirson

Spring 2015 Immediate Past President Spring 2015

Daniel Scherson

Senior Vice-President Spring 2016

President Spring 2015

Individual Membership Committee Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy

Spring 2017

David (Picheng) Huang

Spring 2015

Parag Banerjee

Spring 2015

President Spring 2015

Kevin Rhodes

Spring 2016

Treasurer Spring 2018

Wataru Sugimoto

Spring 2016

Nonprofit Financial Professional Spring 2015

Thomas Schmidt

Spring 2017

Paul Kohl E. Jennings Taylor Stuart Swirson

Spring 2018

Paul Kohl

Audit Committee Tetsuya Osaka

Francis D’Souza

Education Committee

William Mustain

Spring 2017

Mark Orazem

Spring 2017

Hariklia Deligianni

Randy Leising

Spring 2015

Nominating Committee

Chris Apblett

Spring 2015

Tetsuya Osaka

Immediate Past President Spring 2015

Kalpathy Sundaram

Spring 2016

Paul Natishan

Spring 2015

Jeffry Kelber

Spring 2016

Charles Hussey

Spring 2015

Douglas Hansen

Spring 2017

Robert Savinell

A. Robert Hillman

Spring 2017

Johna Leddy

James (Jamie) Noel

Spring 2018

Sponsorship Committee

Vimal Chaitanya

Spring 2018

Christina Bock

Spring 2016

Vice-President Spring 2015

William Eggers

Spring 2015

Individual Membership Committee Spring 2017

William Brown

Spring 2015

Johna Leddy Kevin Rhodes


Ethical Standards Committee

Secretary Spring 2016

Spring 2015 3rd Vice-President Spring 2015

Paul Trulove

Spring 2015

Immediate Past President Spring 2015

Bruno Scrosati

Spring 2016

Fernando Garzon

Past Officer Spring 2015

Yukinari Kotani

Spring 2016

William Brown

Past Officer Spring 2016

Soo-Gil Park

Spring 2016

Jan Talbot

Past Officer Spring 2017

Hubert Gasteiger

Spring 2017

Secretary Spring 2016

Fred Roozeboom

Spring 2017

Tetsuya Osaka

Hariklia Deligianni

Prasanth Kumar

Finance Committee E. Jennings Taylor

Treasurer Spring 2018

Paul Kohl

Pete Petrson

Spring 2015

E. Jennings Taylor

Plamen Atanassov

Spring 2015

Roque J. Calvo

Jean St-Pierre

Spring 2016

Technical Affairs Committee

William Eggers

Spring 2016

Daniel Scherson

Daniel Scherson

Hariklia Deligianni

Senior Vice-President Spring 2015 Secretary Spring 2016

Honors and Awards Committee

Paul Kohl Tetsuya Osaka Fernando Garzon

ECS Community

Peter Pintauro

Spring 2015

Kalpathy Sundaram

Spring 2015

Paul Natishan

Spring 2015

Joseph Stetter

Spring 2015

Jean St. Pierre

Spring 2016

Johna Leddy Krishnan Rajeshwar Eric Wachsman

Spring 2017 President Spring 2015 Treasurer Spring 2018 Executive Director

Term as ED

Senior Vice-President Spring 2015 President Immediate Past President 2nd Immediate Past President Symposium Planning Advisory Board Publications Subcommittee

Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Spring 2015

New Technology Subcommittee Spring 2016

Tellers of Election Craig Arnold

Spring 2015

James Amick

Spring 2015

Bolded Name is Current Chair 36

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

ECS Community ECS Committees Norman Goldsmith

Spring 2015

Dennis W. Hess

Robert Comizzoli

Alternate Spring 2015

Petr Vanysek

Ronald Enstrom

Alternate Spring 2015

Vijay Ramani

William Ayers

Alternate Spring 2015

Jeffrey Fergus

Ways and Means Committee Hariklia Deligianni

Secretary Spring 2016

SSST Board Chair


Interface Editor


Interface Editor


ECS Transactions Editor


Hubert Gasteiger

Spring 2015

James Fenton

Spring 2015

Peter Fedkiw

Spring 2015

John Flake

Spring 2016

Adam Weber

Spring 2015

Csaba Janaky

James Fenton

Spring 2016

Hariklia Deligianni

Spring 2016

Symposium Planning Advisory Board of the Technical Affairs Committee

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy Krishnan Rajeshwar Daniel Scherson

2nd Vice-President Spring 2015 Senior Vice-President Spring 2015

Fuel Cell Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

Spring 2016 Secretary Spring 2016

Johna Leddy

3rd Vice-President Spring 2015

Robert Kostecki

Battery Division Chair

Fall 2016

Rudolph Bucheit

Corrosion Division Chair

Fall 2016

Hubert Gasteiger

Spring 2015

Dolf Landheer

Trung Nguyen

Spring 2015

Giovanni Zangari

Thomas A. Fuller

Spring 2015

Andrew Hoff

EPD Division Chair Spring 2015

Eric D. Wachsman

Spring 2015

Adam Weber

Energy Technology Division Chair Spring 2015

Prashant V. Kamat

Spring 2015

Xiao-Dong Zhou

HTM Division Chair

Thomas A Zawodzinski

Spring 2015

Venkat Subramanian

IEEE Division Chair Spring 2016

James M. Fenton

Spring 2015

Anant Setlur

Claude Lamy

Spring 2015

R. Bruce Weisman

Adam Weber

Spring 2015

James Burgess

Ernesto Gonzalez

Spring 2015

Robert A. Mantz

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

DST Division Chair Spring 2016 Electrodeposition Division Chair

Bryan Chin Eric D. Wachsman

LDM Division Chair

Fall 2015

Fall 2015 Fall 2015

Nanocarbons Division Chair Spring 2016 OBE Division Chair Spring 2015 PAE Division Chair Spring 2015 Sensor Division Chair

Fall 2016

IST Subcommittee Spring 2016

Eric Wachsman

Spring 2016

Ana Londergan

Spring 2015

Trung-Van Nguyen

Spring 2015

Michael Carter

Spring 2015

Shelley Minteer

Spring 2015

Arumugam Manthiram

Spring 2015

Patrik Schmuki

Spring 2015

John Stickney

Spring 2015

National Inventors Hall of Fame

Phaedon Avouris

Spring 2015

Peter Pintauro

James Burgess

Spring 2016

External Relations Representative

Madis Raukas

Spring 2016

Mark Orazem

Colm O’Dwyer

Spring 2016

(Ad Hoc) Committee on Free Dissemination of Research

Sri Narayan

Spring 2016

Society Historian Zoltan Nagy

Spring 2015

American Association for the Advancement of Science Roque J. Calvo

Term as Executive Director

Term as ED

Chemical Heritage Foundation Kathryn R. Bullock

Heritage Spring 2015 Councilor Honors & Awards Spring 2015 Committee Spring 2015

Larry Faulkner

Spring 2015

Meetings Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

Allen J. Bard

Spring 2015

Johna Leddy

3rd Vice-President Spring 2015

William D. Brown

Spring 2015

Cristina Bock

Akira Fujishima

Spring 2015

Spring 2015

Esther Takeuchi

Spring 2015

Bor Yann Liaw

Spring 2016

Isao Taniguchi

Spring 2015

Adam Weber

Spring 2016

Masayoshi Watanabe

Spring 2015

Term As ED

Martin Winter

Spring 2015

Roque J. Calvo

Executive Director

Mark Wrighton

Krishnan Rajeshwar

Paul A. Kohl

Mary E. Yess Robert F. Savinell

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

2nd Vice-President Spring 2015 Publisher Term as Pub EST Board Chair

Roque J. Calvo

Spring 2015 President Spring 2015 Executive Director Spring 2015



ECS Community

Publications Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee

Vice-Chair Spring 2015

D. Noel Buckley

ECS Institutional Members The Electrochemical Society values the support of our institutional members. Institutional members help ECS support scientific education, sustainability and innovation. Through ongoing partnership, ECS will continue to lead as the advocate, guardian, and facilitator of electrochemical and solid state science and technology.


AMETEK – Scientific Instruments (33) USA

Metrohm USA (8) USA

Benefactor Asahi Kasei E-Materials Corporation (6) Japan Bio-Logic USA (7) USA Duracell (57) USA Gamry Instruments (7) USA Gelest Inc. (5) USA

Hydro-Québec (7) Canada Industrie De Nora S.p.A. (31) Italy Pine Research Instrumentation (8) USA Saft Batteries, Specialty Battery Group (32) USA Scribner Associates Inc. (18) USA

Patron El-Cell (1) Germany Energizer (69) USA Faraday Technology, Inc. (8) USA IBM Corporation (57) USA

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (10) USA Panasonic Corporation (7) Japan Toyota Research Institute of North America (8) USA

Sponsoring Axiall Corporation (19) USA Central Electrochemical Research Institute (21) India EaglePicher Technologies, LLC (7) USA Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. (18) USA Ford Motor Company (1) USA GS-Yuasa International Ltd. (34) Japan Honda R&D Co., Ltd. (7) Japan IMERYS Graphite & Carbon (27) Switzerland Medtronic, Inc. (34) USA Next Energy EWE – Forschungzentrum (6) Germany

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (7) Japan Permascand AB (11) Sweden TDK Corporation, Device Development Center (21) Japan Technic, Inc. (18) USA Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. (15) USA Tianjin Battery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd (1) China Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (34) Japan Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences (16) USA ZSW (10) Germany


ECS Community

3M Company (25) USA General Motors Research Laboratories (62) USA Giner, Inc./GES (27) USA International Lead Zinc Research Organization (35) USA Johnson Controls Advanced Power Solutions GmbH (30) Germany Kanto Chemical Co., Inc., (2) Japan Leclanche SA (29) Switzerland


Los Alamos National Laboratory (6) USA Occidental Chemical Corporation (72) USA Quallion, LLC (14) USA Sandia National Labs (38) USA SanDisk (1) Japan SolviCore GmbH & Co. KG (1) Germany

Please help us continue the vital work of ECS by joining as an institutional member today. To join or discuss institutional membership options please contact Dan Fatton, Director of Development & Membership Services, at 609.737.1902 ext. 115 or dan.fatton@electrochem.org. Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL (Number in parentheses indicates years of membership)


Volumes 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65 from ECS Co-Sponsored Meetings

The following issues of ECS Transactions are from conferences co-sponsored by ECS. All issues are available in electronic (PDF) editions, which may be purchased by visiting http://ecsdl.org/ECST/. Some issues are also available in hard-cover, soft-cover, or CD-ROM editions. Please visit the ECS website for all issue pricing and ordering information. (All prices are in U.S. dollars; M = ECS member price; NM = nonmember price.)

Available Volumes Volume 65

2014 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition Los Angeles, California, November 10 - 13, 2014 Vol. 65 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition 2014 No. 1 CD-ROM...............................M $87.00, NM $109.00 PDF.......................................M $74.84, NM $93.55

Volume 63

15th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 15) Brno, Czech Republic, August 24 - 28, 2014 Vol. 63 15th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, No. 1 Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 2014) Soft-cover............................M $111.00, NM $138.00 PDF.......................................M $100.71, NM $125.89

Volume 52

China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2013 (CSTIC 2013) Shanghai, China, March 19 - 21, 2013 Vol. 52 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference No. 1 2013 (CSTIC 2013) Soft-cover.............................M $205.00, NM $256.00 PDF.......................................M $186.06, NM $232.57

Volume 51

2012 Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition Uncasville, Connecticut, November 5 - 8, 2012 Vol. 51 Fuel Cell Seminar 2012 No. 1 Soft-cover.............................M $92.00, NM $117.00 PDF.......................................M $79.67, NM $99.59

Volume 62

Volume 49

Volume 60

Volume 48

Volume 59

Volume 47

IMLB 2014: International Meeting on Lithium Batteries Como, Italy, June 10 - 14, 2014 Vol. 62 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2014) No. 1 Soft-cover............................M $95.00, NM $119.00 PDF.......................................M $84.88, NM $106.10 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2014 Shanghai, China, March 16 - 17, 2014 Vol. 60 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference No. 1 2014 (CSTIC 2014) Soft-cover............................M $215.00, NM $269.00 PDF.......................................M $195.59, NM $244.49 ECEE 2014: Electrochemical Conference on Energy & the Environment Shanghai, China, March 13 - 16, 2014 Vol. 59 Electrochemical Conference on Energy & the Environment No. 1 (ECEE 2014) Soft-cover............................M $138.00, NM $172.00 PDF.......................................M $125.35, NM $156.69

Volume 57

27th Symposium on Microelectronic Technology and Devices Brasília, Brazil, August 30 - September 2, 2012 Vol. 49 Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2012 No. 1 Hard-cover...........................M $146.00, NM $183.00 PDF......................................M $132.78, NM $165.97 13th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 2012) Brno, Czech Republic, August 26 - August 26, 2012 Vol. 48 Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 13) No. 1 Soft-cover.............................M $107.00, NM $134.00 PDF.......................................M $97.51, NM $121.89 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2012 (CSTIC 2012) Shanghai, China, March 18 - 19, 2012 Vol. 47 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference No. 1 2012 (CSTIC 2012) Soft-cover.............................M $212.00, NM $265.00 PDF.......................................M $192.39, NM $240.49

Volume 46

13th International Conference on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 13 (SOFC-XIII) Okinawa, Japan, October 6 - 11, 2013 Vol. 57 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 13 (SOFC-XIII) No. 1 CD-ROM...............................M $215.00, NM $269.00 PDF.......................................M $195.59, NM $244.49

Proceedings of the Workshop on Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry Juelich, Germany, April 23 - 25, 2012 Vol. 46 18º Simpósio Brasileiro de Eletroquímica e No. 1 Eletroanalítica (XVIII SIBEE) Hard-cover...........................M $88.00, NM $110.00 PDF......................................M $75.66, NM $94.57

Volume 56

Volume 44

Volume 54

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Ordering Information To order any of these recently-published titles, please visit the ECS Digital Library, http://ecsdl.org/ECST/ Email: customerservice@electrochem.org 39 3/11/15

ECS Community

4th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors Villard-de-Lans, France, July 7 - 12, 2013 Vol. 54 2013 International Conference on Semiconductor Technology No. 1 for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors (ULSIC vs. TFT 4) Soft-cover.............................M $98.00, NM $122.00 PDF.......................................M $88.87, NM $111.09

China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2012 (CSTIC 2012) Shanghai, China, March 18 - 19, 2012 Vol. 44 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference No. 1 2012 (CSTIC 2012) Soft-cover.............................M $212.00, NM $265.00 PDF.......................................M $192.39, NM $240.49

Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition Columbus, Ohio, October 21 - 24, 2013 Vol. 56 Fuel Cell Seminar 2013 No. 1 Soft-cover............................M $46.00, NM $57.00 PDF.......................................M $29.56, NM $36.95

Symposium Topics & Organizers

Symposium Topics and Organizers (Bold symposia titles denote an issue of ECST that will be available in advance of or at the meeting; see page 41 for details.) A — Batteries and Energy Storage

G — Electronic Materials and Processing

A01 — Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage -and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion – A. Manivannan, T. R. Jow, K. Edstrom, V. Kalra, B. Liaw Energy Technology / Battery

G01 — Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5 – M. J. Deen, D. J. Gundlach, B. Iniguez, H. Klauk Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology

A02 — Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond – B. L. Lucht, K. Amine, J. Muldoon Battery

G02 — Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 6 – C. O’Dwyer, D. N. Buckley, A. Etcheberry, A. C. Hillier, R. P. Lynch, P. M. Vereecken, H. Wang, O. M. Leonte Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Electrodeposition / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry CD/USB

A03 — Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5 – S. Narayan, J. St-Pierre, T. V. Nguyen, S. Mukerjee Energy Technology / Battery / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering B — Carbon Nanostructures and Devices B01 — Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion – J. L. Blackburn, P. Atanassov, J. Xiao, V. Di Noto, M. S. Arnold, S. K. Doorn Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry B02 — Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology – T. DaRos, H. C. De Long, R. I. Stefan-van Staden, L. J. Wilson, D. A. Heller, G. T. Cheek Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor B03 — Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices – S. Rotkin, S. K. Doorn, Y. Gogotsi, R. Weisman, M. Zheng, P. J. Kulesza Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry B04 — Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules – T. Akasaka, L. Echegoyen, S. Yang Nanocarbons

H — Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems H01 — Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 17 – Y. Omura, J. A. Martino, J. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B. Nguyen CD/USB Electronics and Photonics H03 — Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 5 – F. Roozeboom, E. Gusev, K. Kakushima, V. Narayanan, P. Timans, S. De Gendt, Z. Karim CD/USB Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology H04 — State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 57 (SOTAPOCS 57) – Y. Wang, V. Chakrapani, T. J. Anderson, J. M. Zavada, D. C. Abernathy CD/USB Electronics and Photonics H05 — Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 16 – S. Jang, K. Shenai, K. C. Mishra, G. W. Hunter, F. Ren, C. O’Dwyer Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Luminescence CD/USB and Display Materials / Sensor I — Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion

B05 — Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory: In Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi – F. D’Souza, N. Martin, D. M. Guldi, D. Cliffel Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I01 — Crosscutting Metrics and Benchmarking of Transformational Low-Carbon EnergyConversion Technologies – H. N. Dinh, E. L. Miller Energy Technology

B06 — Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials – H. Grebel, Y. S. Obeng, R. Martel, A. Hirsch, M. S. Arnold, V. Di Noto Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I02 — Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3 – X. Zhou, G. Brisard, M. B. Mogensen, W. E. Mustain, T. M. Gur, M. C. Williams High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

B07 — Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion – H. Imahori, H. N. Dinh, S. Meng, P. J. Kulesza, P. V. Kamat Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

I03 — Materials for Low-Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2 – M. Shao, P. N. Pintauro Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

B08 — Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies – K. M. Kadish, S. Mukerjee, N. Solladie, R. Paolesse, T. Torres Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology C — Corrosion Science and Technology C01 — Corrosion General Session – R. Buchheit Corrosion C02 — High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 11 – E. J. Opila, J. W. Fergus, P. E. Gannon, T. Markus, T. Maruyama, E. Wuchina High Temperature Materials / Corrosion E — Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition E01 — Metallization of Flexible Electronics – L. Magagnin, Y. Shacham-Diamand, T. Homma, A. Hoff, P. Cojocaru, V. Arcella, G. Zangari Electrodeposition / Electronics and Photonics E02 — Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth – T. Moffat, R. Akolkar, Q. Huang, J. Zhang Electrodeposition / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry F — Electrochemical Engineering F02 — Electrochemical Engineering General Session – V. K. Ramani, V. R. Subramanian, E. J. Taylor Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering F04 — High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes 2 – E. J. Taylor, G. Zangari Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Corrosion / Electrod eposition



I05 — Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces (SGEI 1) – M. B. Mogensen, E. Ivers-Tiffée, T. Kawada, S. B. Adler, P. J. Kulesza, S. Mukerjee High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical CD/USB Electrochemistry I06 — State-of-the-Art Tutorial on Diagnostics in Low-Temperature Fuel Cells – A. Z. Weber, T. A. Zawodzinski, V. K. Ramani, F. N. Büchi, D. J. Myers, K. Shinohara Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry K — Organic and Bioelectrochemistry K01 — Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry – D. G. Peters Organic and Biological Electrochemistry L — Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry L01 — Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session – P. J. Kulesza, A. H. Suroviec Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry L03 — Computational Electrochemistry – S. J. Paddison, S. Calabrese Barton Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology L04 — Electrocatalysis 7 – S. D. Minteer, P. Atanassov, M. Shao Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

L05 — Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions – A. H. Suroviec, D. M. Fox, R. L. Calhoun, J. Burgess, M. T. Carter, S. Calabrese Barton, J. A. Staser, M. R. Anderson Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Sensor

M02 — Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring – A. Khosla, S. Mitra, P. K. Sekhar, A. Simonian, P. Vanýsek, G. W. Hunter, P. Hesketh, H. Furukawa, A. K. Pradhan, V. K. Varadan, M. C. Almonte, S. Bhansali, A. M. Parameswaran, M. Yasuzawa, R. I. Stefan-van Staden, S. Kassegne, E. M. Sabolsky, M. Bayachou, J. Choi Sensor / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry

L06 — Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials – P. J. Kulesza, A. Rougier, C. Xu, A. Pawlicka Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

M04 — Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Chemical and Biological Sensors) – M. T. Carter, S. Mitra, B. A. Chin, J. Li, Z. P. Aguilar, A. Simonian Sensor

L08 — Spectroelectrochemistry 3 – A. C. Hillier, S. Mukerjee Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry L09 — Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Water Electrolysis – H. Xu, S. Mukerjee, V. K. Ramani, P. Atanassov, P. J. Kulesza Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry L10 — Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5 – N. Wu, D. Chu, H. N. Dinh, E. L. Miller, V. Subramanian, A. Manivannan, P. J. Kulesza, Z. Zou, H. Wang, J. Lee Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor L11 — Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials – V. Di Noto, G. Liu, K. Karan Energy Technology / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry M — Sensors M01 — Nano/Biosensors and Actuators – A. Simonian, B. A. Chin, N. Wu, S. Mitra, L. A. Nagahara, D. Cliffel, Z. P. Aguilar, J. E. Koehne Sensor / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Z — General Z01 — General Student Poster Session – V. R. Subramanian, M. P. Foley, V. Chaitanya, A. Khosla, P. Pharkya, K. B. Sundaram All Divisions Z02 — Nanotechnology General Session – O. M. Leonte All Divisions / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee Z03 — Solid State Topics General Session – K. B. Sundaram, O. M. Leonte, G. W. Hunter, K. Shimamura, H. Iwai Dielectric Science and Technology / Electronics and Photonics / Energy Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Sensor Z04 — Nature-Inspired Electrochemical Systems – W. E. Mustain, H. N. Dinh, H. Xu, S. D. Minteer, A. Simonian, M. Bayachou, G. G. Botte Energy Technology / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee

ECS Transactions – Forthcoming Issues Issues of ECS Transactions (ECST) for symposia with titles in bold in the list above may be pre-ordered and picked up at the meeting. Each of these issues will be distributed in a single package that will contain identical content on both a compact disc and a USB drive ( CD/USB ). These issues can also be purchased online through the ECS Digital Library as full-issue PDF files or individual article PDF files ( ) beginning on May 15, 2015. ECS will begin publishing papers in the ECST issues for the remaining symposia approximately 2 weeks after the Chicago meeting. These issues and individual articles will be available as PDFs only. If you would like to receive information on any of these issues when they become available, please sign up for the eTOC alerts by visiting www.ecsdl.org/site/misc/alerts.xhtml.

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Symposium Topics & Organizers

Symposium Topics and Organizers

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Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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www.knowledge.electrochem.org Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium


Monday, May 25 PM


Special Lectures All Divisions

PM 1600h ECS Allen J. Bard Award Williford Room C, 3rd Floor 1700h ECS Plenary Lecture Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor


Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage -and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion A. Manivannan, T. R. Jow, K. Edstrom, V. Kalra, B. Liaw Energy Technology / Battery


Abst 1-13 Continental Room A, Lobby Level

Abst 14-25 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 26-37 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Abst 38-45 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 46-51 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond B. L. Lucht, K. Amine, J. Muldoon Battery

Abst 228-238 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 239-249 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 250-260 Salon A-5, Lower Level Abst 261-271 Salon A-1, Lower Level Abst 272-282 Salon A-4, Lower Level

Abst 283-288 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 289-293 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 294-299 Salon A-5, Lower Level Abst 300-304 Salon A-1, Lower Level Abst 305-309 Salon A-4, Lower Level


Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5 S. Narayan, J. St-Pierre, T. V. Nguyen, S. Mukerjee Energy Technology / Battery / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Abst 659-668 Buckingham, Lobby Level

Abst 669-674 Buckingham, Lobby Level


Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion J. L. Blackburn, P. Atanassov, J. Xiao, V. Di Noto, M. S. Arnold, S. K. Doorn Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26 AM

Wednesday, May 27 PM

Thursday, May 28





1730h ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology Williford Room B, 3rd Floor Abst 52-62 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 63-73 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Abst 74-84 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 85-93 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Abst 94-106 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 107-118 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Abst 119-128 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 129-132 Continental Room B, Lobby Level Posters 133-187 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 188-199 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 200-211 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Abst 212-217 Continental Room A, Lobby Level Abst 218-223 Abst 224-227 Continental Room B, Lobby Level

Abst 310-320 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 321-331 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 332-342 Salon A-5, Lower Level Abst 343-352 Salon A-1, Lower Level Abst 353-362 Salon A-4, Lower Level

Abst 363-374 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 375-385 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 386-396 Salon A-5, Lower Level Abst 397-406 Salon A-1, Lower Level Abst 407-417 Salon A-4, Lower Level

Abst 418-422 Salon A-5, Lower Level Abst 423-433 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 434-438 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 439-448 Salon A-1, Lower Level Abst 449-458 Salon A-4, Lower Level Abst 459-463 Salon A-3, Lower Level

Abst 464-474 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 475-485 Salon A-5, Lower Level Abst 486-495 Salon A-1, Lower Level Abst 496-507 Salon A-3, Lower Level Posters 508-603 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 604-614 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 615-625 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 626-636 Salon A-5, Lower Level

Abst 637-647 Salon A-2, Lower Level Abst 648-654 Salon A-3, Lower Level Abst 655-658 Salon A-5, Lower Level

Abst 675-679 Abst 680-684 Buckingham, Lobby Level

Abst 685-690 Buckingham, Lobby Level

Abst 691-701 Buckingham, Lobby Level

Posters 702-706 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 707-711 Lake Huron, 8th Floor

Abst 712-717 Abst 718-722 Lake Huron, 8th Floor Posters 723-728 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 729-734 Abst 735-739 Lake Huron, 8th Floor

Abst 740-744 Abst 745-749 Lake Huron, 8th Floor

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium


Monday, May 25 PM



Abst 781-785 Lake Huron, 8th Floor


Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology T. DaRos, H. C. De Long, R. I. Stefan-van Staden, L. J. Wilson, D. A. Heller, G. T. Cheek Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor


Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices S. Rotkin, S. K. Doorn, Y. Gogotsi, R. Weisman, M. Zheng, P. J. Kulesza Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Abst 768-780 Lake Huron, 8th Floor


Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules T. Akasaka, L. Echegoyen, S. Yang Nanocarbons

Abst 816-828 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor


Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory: In Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi F. D’Souza, N. Martin, D. M. Guldi, D. Cliffel Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials H. Grebel, Y. S. Obeng, R. Martel, A. Hirsch, M. S. Arnold, V. Di Noto Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion H. Imahori, H. N. Dinh, S. Meng, P. J. Kulesza, P. V. Kamat Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies K. M. Kadish, S. Mukerjee, N. Solladie, R. Paolesse, T. Torres Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology


Corrosion General Session R. Buchheit Corrosion


Abst 849-852 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor

Abst 938-948 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor Abst 949-959 Lake Erie, 8th Floor

Abst 960-966 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor Abst 967-973 Lake Erie, 8th Floor

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26 AM

Abst 786-792 Abst 793-798 Lake Huron, 8th Floor

Wednesday, May 27 PM

Abst 799-807 Lake Huron, 8th Floor Posters 808-810 Salon C, Lower Level


Thursday, May 28




Posters 750-751 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 752-756 Abst 757-762 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor

Abst 763-767 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor

Abst 811-815 Lake Huron, 8th Floor

Posters 829-831 Salon C, Lower Level Abst 832-848 Lake Erie, 8th Floor

Abst 853-865 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor

Abst 974-984 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor Abst 985-995 Lake Erie, 8th Floor

Abst 866-875 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor

Abst 876-886 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor

Abst 887-897 Lake Ontario, 8th Floor Posters 898-904 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 905-916 Lake Erie, 8th Floor

Abst 917-924 Lake Erie, 8th Floor

Abst 925-935 Lake Erie, 8th Floor Posters 936-937 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 996-1006 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor Posters 1007-1011 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1012-1022 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor

Abst 1023-1033 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor

Abst 1034-1044 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor

Abst 1045-1055 Lake Michigan, 8th Floor

Abst 1056-1066 PDR 2, 3rd Floor

Abst 1067-1074 PDR 2, 3rd Floor Posters 1075-1086 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1087-1095 PDR 2, 3rd Floor

Abst 1096-1103 PDR 2, 3rd Floor

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium




High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 11 E. J. Opila, J. W. Fergus, P. E. Gannon, T. Markus, T. Maruyama, E. Wuchina High Temperature Materials / Corrosion

Abst 1104-1110 PDR 2, 3rd Floor

Abst 1111-1116 PDR 2, 3rd Floor


Metallization of Flexible Electronics L. Magagnin, Y. Shacham-Diamand, T. Homma, A. Hoff, P. Cojocaru, V. Arcella, G. Zangari Electrodeposition / Electronics and Photonics

Abst 1133-1135 Abst 1136-1140 PDR 5, 3rd Floor

Abst 1141-1144 PDR 5, 3rd Floor


Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth T. Moffat, R. Akolkar, Q. Huang, J. Zhang Electrodeposition / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Abst 1145-1153 PDR 4, 3rd Floor

Abst 1154-1159 PDR 4, 3rd Floor


Electrochemical Engineering General Session V. K. Ramani, V. R. Subramanian, E. J. Taylor Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Abst 1196-1204 PDR 3, 3rd Floor

Abst 1205-1209 PDR 3, 3rd Floor


High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes 2 E. J. Taylor, G. Zangari, J. Harb, R. Buchheit, M. E. Inman Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Corrosion / Electrodeposition


Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5 M. J. Deen, D. J. Gundlach, B. Iniguez, H. Klauk Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology

Abst 1258-1259 Abst 1260-1262 Conference Room 4L, 4th Floor

Abst 1263-1265 Conference Room 4L, 4th Floor


Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 6 C. O’Dwyer, D. N. Buckley, A. Etcheberry, A. C. Hillier, R. P. Lynch, P. M. Vereecken, H. Wang, O. M. Leonte Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Electrodeposition / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry



Monday, May 25 PM

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26

Wednesday, May 27



Abst 1117-1118 Abst 1119-1120 Abst 1121-1124 Abst 1125-1126 PDR 2, 3rd Floor

Abst 1127-1130 PDR 2, 3rd Floor

Abst 1160-1168 PDR 4, 3rd Floor

Abst 1169-1179 PDR 4, 3rd Floor

Abst 1180-1188 PDR 4, 3rd Floor

Posters 1190-1195 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1210-1221 PDR 3, 3rd Floor

Abst 1222-1230 PDR 3, 3rd Floor

Abst 1231-1240 PDR 3, 3rd Floor

Posters 1241-1242 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1243-1251 PDR 5, 3rd Floor

Abst 1252-1257 PDR 5, 3rd Floor

Abst 1266-1267 Abst 1268-1271 Conference Room 4L, 4th Floor

Abst 1272-1275 Abst 1276-1278 Conference Room 4L, 4th Floor

Abst 1279-1280 Abst 1281-1282 Abst 1283-1286 Conference Room 4L, 4th Floor

Abst 1287-1289 Conference Room 4L, 4th Floor

Abst 1290-1292 Abst 1293-1298 Conference Room 4F, 4th Floor

Abst 1299-1303 Conference Room 4F, 4th Floor

Abst 1304-1312 Conference Room 4F, 4th Floor

Abst 1313-1316 Conference Room 4F, 4th Floor Posters 1317-1320 Salon C, Lower Level

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Thursday, May 28 AM


Posters 1131-1132 Salon C, Lower Level


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium


Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 17 Y. Omura, J. A. Martino, J. Raskin, S. Selberherr, H. Ishii, F. Gamiz, B. Nguyen Electronics and Photonics




Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 5 F. Roozeboom, E. Gusev, K. Kakushima, V. Narayanan, P. Timans, S. De Gendt, Z. Karim Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology

Abst 1359-1359 Abst 1360-1364 Conference Room 4M, 4th Floor

Abst 1366-1369 Conference Room 4M, 4th Floor


State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 57 (SOTAPOCS 57) Y. Wang, V. Chakrapani, T. J. Anderson, J. M. Zavada, D. C. Abernathy Electronics and Photonics

Abst 1401-1406 Conference Room 4G, 4th Floor

Abst 1407-1413 Conference Room 4G, 4th Floor


Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 16 S. Jang, K. Shenai, K. C. Mishra, G. W. Hunter, F. Ren, C. O’Dwyer Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Sensor

Abst 1432-1439 Conference Room 4C, 4th Floor

Abst 1440-1445 Conference Room 4C, 4th Floor


Crosscutting Metrics and Benchmarking of Transformational Low-Carbon Energy-Conversion Technologies H. N. Dinh, E. L. Miller Energy Technology


Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3 X. Zhou, G. Brisard, M. B. Mogensen, W. E. Mustain, T. M. Gur, M. C. Williams High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Abst 1497-1502 Boulevard Room B, 2nd Floor

Abst 1503-1506 Boulevard Room B, 2nd Floor


Materials for Low-Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2 M. Shao, P. N. Pintauro Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering



Monday, May 25 PM

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26

Wednesday, May 27

Thursday, May 28






Abst 1321-1322 Abst 1323-1324 Williford Room B, 3rd Floor

Abst 1325-1330 Abst 1331-1333 Williford Room B, 3rd Floor

Abst 1334-1338 Abst 1339-1340 Williford Room B, 3rd Floor

Abst 1341-1342 Abst 1343-1346 Abst 1347-1349 Williford Room B, 3rd Floor Posters 1350-1350 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1351-1354 Abst 1355-1358 Williford Room B, 3rd Floor

Abst 1370-1374 Conference Room 4M, 4th Floor

Abst 1375-1381 Conference Room 4M, 4th Floor

Abst 1382-1389 Conference Room 4M, 4th Floor

Abst 1390-1392 Conference Room 4M, 4th Floor Posters 1393-1400 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1414-1420 Conference Room 4G, 4th Floor

Abst 1421-1428 Conference Room 4G, 4th Floor

Abst 1446-1454 Conference Room 4C, 4th Floor

Abst 1455-1461 Conference Room 4C, 4th Floor

Posters 1429-1431 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1462-1472 Conference Room 4C, 4th Floor

Posters 1473-1479 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1480-1483 Conference Room 4B, 4th Floor

Abst 1507-1515 Boulevard Room B, 2nd Floor

Abst 1516-1524 Boulevard Room B, 2nd Floor Posters 1525-1528 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1539-1549 Boulevard Room A, 2nd Floor

Abst 1550-1559 Boulevard Room A, 2nd Floor

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Abst 1484-1496 Conference Room 4B, 4th Floor

Posters 1529-1538 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1560-1570 Boulevard Room A, 2nd Floor

Abst 1571-1581 Boulevard Room A, 2nd Floor Posters 1582-1592 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1593-1601 Boulevard Room A, 2nd Floor


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium


Monday, May 25 PM



Abst 1602-1608 Boulevard Room C, 2nd Floor

Abst 1609-1612 Boulevard Room C, 2nd Floor


Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces (SGEI 1) M. B. Mogensen, E. Ivers-Tiffée, T. Kawada, S. B. Adler, P. J. Kulesza, S. Mukerjee High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


State-of-the-Art Tutorial on Diagnostics in Low-Temperature Fuel Cells A. Z. Weber, T. A. Zawodzinski, V. K. Ramani, F. N. Büchi, D. J. Myers, K. Shinohara Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry D. G. Peters Organic and Biological Electrochemistry


Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session P. J. Kulesza, A. H. Suroviec Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry

Abst 1694-1696 Abst 1697-1700 Williford Room C, 3rd Floor

Abst 1701-1704 Williford Room C, 3rd Floor


Computational Electrochemistry S. J. Paddison, S. Calabrese Barton Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology

Abst 1760-1763 Abst 1764-1767 Conference Room 4K, 4th Floor

Abst 1768-1771 Conference Room 4K, 4th Floor


Electrocatalysis 7 S. D. Minteer, P. Atanassov, M. Shao Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology


Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions A. H. Suroviec, D. M. Fox, R. L. Calhoun, J. Burgess, M. T. Carter, S. Calabrese Barton, J. A. Staser, M. R. Anderson Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Sensor


Abst 1803-1812 Williford Room A, 3rd Floor

Abst 1813-1831 Williford Room A, 3rd Floor

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26

Wednesday, May 27





Abst 1613-1619 Boulevard Room C, 2nd Floor

Abst 1620-1626 Boulevard Room C, 2nd Floor

Abst 1627-1634 Boulevard Room C, 2nd Floor

Posters 1635-1645 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1646-1650 Conference Room 4A, 4th Floor

Abst 1651-1656 Conference Room 4A, 4th Floor

Abst 1657-1660 Conference Room 4A, 4th Floor

Posters 1661-1667 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1668-1676 PDR 5, 3rd Floor

Abst 1677-1684 PDR 5, 3rd Floor

Abst 1705-1708 Abst 1709-1715 Williford Room C, 3rd Floor

Abst 1716-1720 Abst 1721-1725 Williford Room C, 3rd Floor Posters 1726-1738 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1739-1742 Abst 1743-1748 Williford Room C, 3rd Floor

Abst 1749-1754 Abst 1755-1759 Williford Room C, 3rd Floor

Abst 1772-1775 Abst 1776-1779 Conference Room 4K, 4th Floor

Abst 1780-1782 Abst 1783-1785 Conference Room 4K, 4th Floor Posters 1786-1791 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1792-1795 Abst 1796-1799 Conference Room 4K, 4th Floor

Abst 1800-1802 Conference Room 4K, 4th Floor

Abst 1832-1845 Williford Room A, 3rd Floor

Abst 1846-1849 Williford Room A, 3rd Floor

Abst 1850-1863 Williford Room A, 3rd Floor

Posters 1864-1875 Salon C, Lower Level

Thursday, May 28 AM


Abst 1685-1693 PDR 5, 3rd Floor

Abst 1876-1894 PDR 7, 3rd Floor

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium


Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials P. J. Kulesza, A. Rougier, C. Xu, A. Pawlicka Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Spectroelectrochemistry 3 A. C. Hillier, S. Mukerjee Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Water Electrolysis H. Xu, S. Mukerjee, V. K. Ramani, P. Atanassov, P. J. Kulesza Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5 N. Wu, D. Chu, H. N. Dinh, E. L. Miller, V. Subramanian, A. Manivannan, P. J. Kulesza, Z. Zou, H. Wang, J. Lee Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor


Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials V. Di Noto, G. Liu, K. Karan Energy Technology / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Nano/Biosensors and Actuators A. Simonian, B. A. Chin, N. Wu, S. Mitra, L. A. Nagahara, D. Cliffel, Z. P. Aguilar, J. E. Koehne Sensor / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry


Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring A. Khosla, S. Mitra, P. K. Sekhar, A. Simonian, P. Vanýsek, G. W. Hunter, P. Hesketh, H. Furukawa, A. K. Pradhan, V. K. Varadan, M. C. Almonte, S. Bhansali, A. M. Parameswaran, M. Yasuzawa, R. I. Stefan-van Staden, S. Kassegne, E. M. Sabolsky, M. Bayachou, J. Choi Sensor / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry



Monday, May 25 PM

Abst 1973-1981 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor



Abst 1895-1896 Abst 1897-1900 Conference Room 4E, 4th Floor

Abst 1901-1904 Conference Room 4E, 4th Floor

Abst 1982-1984 Abst 1985-1988 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor

Abst 1989-1992 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor

Abst 2086-2092 Continental Room C, Lobby Level

Abst 2093-2096 Continental Room C, Lobby Level

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26

Wednesday, May 27




Abst 1905-1908 Abst 1909-1913 Conference Room 4E, 4th Floor

Abst 1914-1917 Abst 1918-1920 Conference Room 4E, 4th Floor Posters 1921-1924 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1925-1927 Abst 1928-1931 Conference Room 4E, 4th Floor


Thursday, May 28 AM


Abst 1932-1943 PDR 6, 3rd Floor

Abst 1944-1949 Conference Room 4B, 4th Floor

Abst 1950-1958 Conference Room 4B, 4th Floor

Abst 1959-1967 Conference Room 4B, 4th Floor

Posters 1968-1972 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 1993-1996 Abst 1997-2002 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor

Abst 1983-2010 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor

Abst 2011-2013 Abst 2014-2018 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor

Abst 2019-2023 Abst 2024-2027 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor Posters 2028-2040 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2043-2050 Conference Room 4G, 4th Floor

Abst 2051-2057 Conference Room 4G, 4th Floor Posters 2058-2059 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2112-2122 Continental Room C, Lobby Level

Abst 2123-2130 Continental Room C, Lobby Level Posters 2131-2136 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2060-2071 PDR 6, 3rd Floor

Abst 2072-2079 PDR 6, 3rd Floor Posters 2080-2085 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2097-2104 Continental Room C, Lobby Level

Abst 2105-2111 Continental Room C, Lobby Level

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Abst 2041-2042 Conference Room 4D, 4th Floor

Abst 2137-2146 Continental Room C, Lobby Level


227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Sunday, May 24 Code

Technical Symposium


Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Chemical and Biological Sensors) M. T. Carter, S. Mitra, B. A. Chin, J. Li, Z. P. Aguilar, A. Simonian Sensor


General Student Poster Session V. R. Subramanian, M. P. Foley, V. Chaitanya, A. Khosla, P. Pharkya, K. B. Sundaram All Divisions


Nanotechnology General Session O. M. Leonte All Divisions / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee


Solid State Topics General Session K. B. Sundaram, O. M. Leonte, G. W. Hunter, K. Shimamura, H. Iwai Dielectric Science and Technology / Electronics and Photonics / Energy Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Sensor


Nature-Inspired Electrochemical Systems W. E. Mustain, H. N. Dinh, H. Xu, S. D. Minteer, A. Simonian, M. Bayachou, G. G. Botte Energy Technology / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee



Monday, May 25 PM



Abst 2147-2153 Astoria, 3rd Floor

Abst 2154-2157 Astoria, 3rd Floor

Abst 2295-2299 Conference Room 4H, 4th Floor

Abst 2300-2303 Conference Room 4H, 4th Floor

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

227th ECS Meeting l May, 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL Tuesday, May 26

Wednesday, May 27



Abst 2158-2161 Abst 2162-2166 Astoria, 3rd Floor

Abst 2167-2171 Abst 2172-2174 Astoria, 3rd Floor



Thursday, May 28 AM


Posters 2175-2181 Salon C, Lower Level

Posters 2182-2249 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2250-2260 Astoria, 3rd Floor

Abst 2261-2270 Astoria, 3rd Floor Posters 2271-2281 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2282-2284 Abst 2285-2291 PDR 7, 3rd Floor

Posters 2292-2294 Salon C, Lower Level

Abst 2304-2309 Conference Room 4H, 4th Floor

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Sunday, May 24

Technical Sessions Sunday, May 24 Highlight 1900h ��������� Sunday Evening Get-Together, Lower Level


Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage -and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion

















Energy Technology / Battery Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago

Sodium/Magnesium Battery – 13:00 – 17:20 Co-Chairs: A. Manivannan, S. R. Narayanan, and Prashanth Jampani Hanumantha 13:00











A Novel Conceptual Mg Battery with High Rate Capability – R. Zhang, C. Ling, and F. Mizuno (Toyota Research Institute of North America) Chemically Bonded Phosphorus/Graphene Hybrid As a High-Performance Anode for Lithium- and Sodium-Ion Batteries – D. Wang, Z. Yu, J. Song (The Pennsylvania State University), and A. Manivannnan (Department of Energy) Difference in the Intercalation of Sodium Ions and Lithium Ions into Hard Carbon Electrodes – X. Li (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), H. Zhan (Wuhan University), M. H. Engelhard, A. L. Schemer-Kohrn, Y. Shao, X. Chen (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), H. Pan (Institute of Physics, CAS), J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Electrochemical Performance of Solid State Derived Chevrel Phase Mo6T8 (T = S, Se) Cathodes for Rechargeable Sodium and Magnesium-Ion Batteries – P. Jampani Hanumantha, P. Saha, M. K. Datta, D. Hong (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh), C. U. Okoli (Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh), A. Manivannan (U.S. Department of Energy), and P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261) Exploring Nanostructured Tin Oxides (SnOx) As Anodes for Sodium Ion Batteries – B. Gattu (Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh), P. P. Patel (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering), P. Jampani (Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Eng,Univ. of Pittsburgh), M. K. Datta (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh), and P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261)


Hierarchical TiO2 Hollow Nanospheres: Ultra Stable Anode for Na-Ion Batteries – D. Su (Centre for Clean Energy Technology, UTS) In Situ Raman Microscopy of Metal Chloride Formation for Metal-Chloride Batteries – L. J. Hardwick (The University of Liverpool), S. Hughes (University of Liverpool), and S. Heavens (Ionotec) Multi-Physics Modeling of a Na-NiCl2 Commercial Cell – R. Christin (FIAMM, CEA), M. Cugnet (CEA), N. Zanon (FIAMM), and P. Mailley (CEA) On the Hydration of P2-Layered SodiumIon Cathode Materials in Aqueous Battery Applications – K. J. Frankforter (Electrical & Computer Engineering, UW-Madison, EC&T Program, University of Wisconsin - Madison), M. A. Anderson (EC&T Program, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Electrochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy), and M. I. Tejedor (University of Wisconsin Madison) Quantum Mechanical Study of Mg Rechargeable Battery Electrolyte Stability – X. Qu, N. N. Rajput, and K. A. Persson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of New Hexagonal Form of NaMn2O4 Cathodes for Sodium Ion Batteries – P. Jampani Hanumantha, M. K. Datta, R. Bandi (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh), V. Elumalai (University of Pittsburgh), A. Manivannan (U.S. Department of Energy), D. K. Achary (Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh), and P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261) Synthesis of Graphene-Supported NanoNa3MnCO3PO4 for High Rate and High Capacity Sodium Ion Batteries – F. Daneshvar-Fatah, C. Wang (Illinois Institute of Technology, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research), and L. Shaw (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research) Sn Thin Films and Their Application in Sodium Ion Battery – N. Xaba (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), University of the Western Cape (UWC)), R. M. Modibedi, M. K. Mathe (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)), L. E. Khotseng (University of the Western Cape), and K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR))

Electrocatalysis 7

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Williford Room A, Hilton Chicago

Anodic Electrocatalysis – 14:00 – 17:40 Co-Chair: Alexey Serov 14:00


Bulk Bi and Bi Decorated Pt Thin Film Electrodes: From Formic Acid Oxidation to CO2 Reduction – E. Bertin, S. Garbarino, C. Roy, and D. Guay (INRS-EMT) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






15:40 16:00 1808









Facile Galvanic Replacement Synthesis of Pd-Cu Nanotubes with Improved ElectroCatalytic Activity Toward Methanol Oxidation – J. Liu, C. Liu, and F. Wang (Beijing University of Chemical Technology) Effects of Alkali Metal and Organic Cations on the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Electrolytes – I. T. McCrum, P. Meduri, M. A. Hickner, and M. J. Janik (The Pennsylvania State University) Methanol Oxidation on Pd-Ru/C Nanocatalysts: Role of Electronic Properties and FTIR Studies – B. E. Amantéa, D. R. M. Godoi, and H. M. Villullas (Inst Química, Univ Estadual Paulista UNESP, Brazil) Break Pd-M Bimetallic Electrocatalysts for Selective Oxidation of Multi-Functional Biorenewable Molecule 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) – D. J. Chadderdon (Iowa State University), L. Xin, J. Qi (Michigan Technological University), Y. Qiu, and W. Li (Iowa State University) Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Ethanol and Formic Acid on Bimetallic Nanoalloys and Core-Shell Nanoparticles – A. Lewera, M. T. Gorzkowski, J. Piwowar, A. Jablonski, B. Gralec, and R. R. Jurczakowski (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry) Electrooxidation of Ethanol and Formic Acid on Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Different Platinum Shell Thickness – M. T. Gorzkowski (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry), P. Polczynski (Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw), R. R. Jurczakowski, and A. Lewera (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry) Using Vapor-Grown RuxPty and RuxPdy Nanoparticles to Investigate the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction Mechanisms in Alkaline Electrolyte – S. St. John, R. W. Atkinson III (University of Tennessee), R. R. Unocic (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), A. B. Papandrew (University of Tennessee), and T. A. Zawodzinski (University of TennesseeKnoxville) Study of the Supported Catalysts Core-Shell Type of Gold and Palladium: Analysis of the Reaction Products and Mechanism for the Electrooxidation of Ethanol in Alkaline Medium – J. G. Ruiz Montoya (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería), V. H. Chávarri Marín (FIQT, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Lima), P. Ocón Esteban (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), and J. C. Morales Gomero (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Lima)


Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5 Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Conference Room 4D, Hilton Chicago

Simulation and Characterization of Solar Energy Materials and Devices – 14:00 – 17:30 Co-Chair: Huyen N. Dinh 14:00










15:50 16:10 1978


Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Sunday, May 24



Modeling of Bio-Electrochemical and Mechanical Interactions in a Photosynthetic Cell – T. Hemanth Kumar, M. P. Resmi Suresh (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), A. V. Ramanan, S. Mehdi, P. Muthukumaran, P. Pillay, S. S. Williamson (Concordia University), and R. Rengaswamy (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) Interrogating Micro-Scale Spatial Variation in the Performance and Properties of Photoelectrodes with in Situ Scanning Probe Techniques – D. Esposito (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Columbia University), N. Y. Labrador (Columbia University), Y. Lee, V. Szalai (National Institute of Standards and Technology), A. A. Talin (Sandia National Laboratories), and T. P. Moffat (National Institute for Standards and Technology) A Spatially Resolved Study of the Role of Surface Motifs in the Photoelectrochemical Conversion on Prospective 2-D Layered Chalcogenide Photoelectrodes for SolarFuel Generation – J. John, J. M. Velazquez (California Institute of Technology), D. Esposito (Columbia University), A. Pieterick, R. Pala, R. Saive (California Institute of Technology), S. Ardo (University of California Irvine), B. Brunschwig, and N. S. Lewis (California Institute of Technology) Energy-Resolved Measurement of Electron Traps in Metal-Oxide Particulate Photocatalysts By Newly Developed Reversed Double-Beam Photoacoustic Spectroscopy – B. Ohtani (Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido Univ, Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University), A. Nitta (Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido Univ.), and M. Takase (Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido Univ.) A Theoretical Comparison of Optically Concentrating, Solar Water-Splitting Devices – J. Stevens (The Joint Center for Artificial Photsynthesis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Break Low-Cost High-Throughput Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production – D. E. Schwartz (PARC) and T. G. Deutsch (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Benchmarking Components for Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting Devices – S. M. Chatman, C. C. L. McCrory, J. C. Peters (California Institute of Technology), and T. F. Jaramillo (Stanford University Department of Chemical Engineering) 63

Sunday, May 24




In Situ Reactive Imaging of Photoassisted Water Splitting Reaction Intermediates on n-Doped Strontium Titanate Using Surface Interrogation Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy – B. H. Simpson, X. Zhou, and J. Rodríguez-López (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 1981 IrO2 Surface and Nanostructure Stability from First Principles and Variable Charge Force Field Calculations – F. G. Sen, A. Kinaci, B. Narayanan, M. J. Davis, S. K. Gray, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, and M. K. Y. Chan (Argonne National Laboratory)

Monday, May 25 Highlights 0700h �������� Session Chair Orientation Breakfast, Mobley Room 0900h �������� Electronics and Photonics Division Award, Room 4G 0930h �������� Technical Session Coffee Break 1040h �������� Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award, Room 4D 1400h ��������� Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award, Salon A-1 1400h ��������� IE&EE Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award, PDR 3 1440h ��������� IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award, PDR 3 1530h ��������� Allen J. Bard Award Lecture, Williford, Room C 1700h ��������� Plenary Session, Grand Ballroom


Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage -and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion Energy Technology / Battery Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago

Aqueous Battery – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Ratnakumar V. Bugga and Aswin K. Manohar








Development of highly durable Ni-MH batteries through introduction of highly conductive Co compound-coated Ni (OH) 2 technology – Y. Shigekazu, K. Takuya, I. Yuzo, I. Takeshi, Y. Takayuki, T. Kazuta, Y. Hiroaki (FDK Twicell Co.,LTD), and D. Shuichi (Fujitsu Laborratories LTD) Optimization of MnO2 Cathodes for Aqueous Battery Applications – B. J. Hertzberg (MAE/ ACEE Princeton University), S. Phadke (Princeton University), G. Davies (MAE/ ACEE Princeton University), M. Chamoun (Brookhaven National Laboratory), A. Hsieh (Princeton University), E. D. Rus, G. D. Moon, C. K. Erdonmez (Brookhaven National Laboratory), S. Meng (University of California, San Diego), and D. A. Steingart (MAE/ACEE Princeton University) Nanocrystaline Beta-Ni(OH)2 Cathodes and Their Nanoelectrofuel Analogs for Flow Batteries – Y. Li, S. Aryal (Illinois Institute of Technology), S. Sen (Argonne National Laboratory), E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), C. U. Segre, and V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






10:00 10:20 20











Electrolyte Effects on the Electrochemical Behavior of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide in Alkaline Aqueous Media – E. D. Rus, G. D. Moon (Brookhaven National Laboratory), B. J. Hertzberg (MAE/ACEE Princeton University), M. Abeykoon, J. Bai (Brookhaven National Laboratory), D. A. Steingart (MAE/ ACEE Princeton University), and C. K. Erdonmez (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Improvement of Charge Transfer Resistitance of Cathode in Ni-MH Batteries Using Ni/AlLDH Prepared By Liquid Phase Deposition Method – M. Mizuhata, M. Takigawa, and H. Maki (Kobe University) Novel BCC Anode Materials for High-Power Alkaline MH-Air Batteries – H. Tan, N. Weadock, B. Fultz (California Institute of Technology), and R. V. Bugga (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Break Studies on Kinetics and Mechanism for Rechargeable-Iron Electrodes Using in Situ x-Ray Diffraction Technique in Conjunction with Electrochemistry – M. K. Ravikumar, A. Sundar Rajan, and A. K. Shukla (Indian Institute of Science) Ion-Transport Characteristics of Alkaline Battery Cathodes Containing Different Graphitic Additives – M. M. Forouzan, L. Robertson, M. Wray, and D. Wheeler (Brigham Young University) High Energy Density Aqueous Metal HydrideAir Batteries – R. V. Bugga, A. Kindler, T. I. Valdez (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), H. Tan, N. Weadock, B. Fultz (California Institute of Technology), J. Uddin, and D. Addison (LIOX Power, Inc.) A Study of a Sodium Doped Prussian Blue Cathode Coupled with Sodium Rich and Deficient Transition Metal Oxide Anode – S. Mukherjee, N. D. Schuppert (University of Louisville), B. Son, J. Kim (DGIST), O. Kwon (Keimyung University), D. H. Lee (DGIST), and S. Park (University of Louisville) Study of Potassium-Rich Prussian Blue and MoO3 Aqueous Secondary Cell with Nanoscale TiO2 Coatings – N. D. Schuppert, S. Mukherjee (University of Louisville), B. Son, J. Kim (DGIST), O. Kwon (Keimyung University), D. H. Lee (DaeguGyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST)), and S. Park (University of Louisville) Rechargeable Seawater Battery – Y. Kim (UNIST)

Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago Lithium Battery Anode I – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: A. Manivannan and Donghai Wang 08:00


Anodes Based on Porous Silicon Films Using Polymer Electrolyte for Lithium-Ion Microbatteries – V. Chaudoy, E. Luais, F. Ghamouss (Université François Rabelais), J. C. Houdbert (STMicroelectronics), and F. Tran-Van (Université François Rabelais)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL











10:00 10:20 32











Lithium Metal Polymer Battery Interfaces Studied By Hard X-Ray Microtomography – D. Devaux (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. J. Harry (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley), D. Y. Parkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), R. Yuan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley), D. T. Hallinan Jr. (Florida A&M University – Florida State University), A. A. MacDowell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and N. P. Balsara (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley) Finite Element Modeling (FEM) of the Effects of Elastic Buffer Layer on the Stability of a-Si Thin Film Patterned Li-Ion Anode – S. S. Damle, S. Pal (University of Pittsburgh), P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261), and S. Maiti (University of Pittsburgh) The Effect of Surface Functionalization on the Electrochemical Lithiation of Silicon for Li Ion Batteries – H. Yildirim (Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering), M. K. Y. Chan (Argonne National Laboratory), and J. Greeley (Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering) Effect of Disorder Induced By Ball Milling on the Electrochemical Performance of Catalytically Graphitized Carbon Xerogel As Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries – K. M. Gopalakrishna, M. Kakunuri, and C. S. Sharma (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad) Fabrication and Study of All-Solid-State LiIon Batteries Based on Self-Organized Titania Nanotubes – T. Djenizian (Aix-Marseille University), N. Plylahan, M. Letiche (Aix Marseille University), and M. Barr (AixMarseille University) Break Interpenetrated Gel Polymer Binder for High Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries – J. Song, Z. Yu, Q. Huang, and D. Wang (The Pennsylvania State University) Battery Metrics and Real-World Automotive Target Modelling – M. Karulkar (Ford Motor Company) Separator Design to Suppress Dendrite Growth in Lithium-Based Batteries – A. Jana (School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University), D. R. Ely (Ivy Tech Community College), and R. E. García (School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University) Magnesium Sulphide As Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries – H. Maria Joseph (Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)) and M. Fichtner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)) Sulphate Doped Polypyrrole Encapsulated Tin Composite for the Lithium Ion Battery Anode – S. Gopukumar and R. Ravikumar (CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute) Comparative Study of the Influence of Anion Size on the Electrochemical Anion Intercalation into Graphitic Carbons – P. Meister, K. Beltrop, S. Rothermel, M. Winter, and T. Placke (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster) 65

Monday, May 25


Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago Lithium Air – 13:40 – 16:20 Co-Chairs: S. R. Narayanan and A. Manivannan

Monday, May 25

















Novel Aluminum Air Ionic Liquid Based Battery – D. Gelman (Materials Science and Engineering,Technion, The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP),Technion), B. Shvartsev (Materials Science and Engineering,Technion), and Y. Ein-Eli (The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), Technion, Materials Science and Engineering, Technion) Comparison of Pyrochlore and Perovskite Electrodes Towards the Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Media – M. A. Abreu Sepulveda (University of Rochester), P. Trinh, S. Malkhandi (University of Southern California), D. J. Quesnel (University of Rochester), S. R. Narayanan (University of Southern California), and A. Manivannan (U.S. Department of Energy) Investigating Novel Electrolytes to Suppress Dendrite Growth in Li-Air Batteries – E. M. Ryan, J. Tan, T. Sokolinski (Boston University), and K. Ferris (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) The Dynamic Change of the Pore Size Distribution in Porous Electrodes of LithiumOxygen Batteries during Discharging – X. Li (University of Kansas) Liquid-Free Lithium-Oxygen Battery – M. Balaish (The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), Technion), E. Peled, D. Golodnitsky (Tel Aviv University), and Y. Ein-Eli (The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), Technion, Materials Science and Engineering, Technion) New High Energy Capacity VB2/TiB2 Composite Transition Metal Boride Air Battery – J. Stuart, M. J. Lefler (The George Washington University), C. Rhodes (Texas State University), and S. Licht (The George Washington University) Nucleation and Growth of Lithium Peroxide in the Li/O2 Cell – S. Lau and L. A. Archer (Cornell University) Self-Propagating Catalysis: On the Comparison of ORR/Oer Mechanism in Li-O2 Battery with Fuel Cell – D. J. Liu (Argonne National Laboratory)

Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago Lithium Battery Anode II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: Kristina Edstrom 14:00



High Performing Hollow Silicon Nanotube Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries – B. Gattu (Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh), P. Jampani (Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Eng,Univ. of Pittsburgh), P. P. Patel (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering), M. K. Datta (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh), and P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261)












High Performance NiO and NiO/Graphene Composite Thin Film Electrode Via Electrostatic Spray Deposition for Lithium Ion Batteries – C. Chen (Florida International University), P. J. Pedro (Miami dade middle school), M. Fernandez (MAST Academy, Miami-Dade County Public Schools), A. Barbeito (University of Florida), and C. Wang (Florida International University) Scalable Preparation of Freestanding Flexible Si Nanoparticles-Carbon Nanotubes Composite Paper Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries and Their Prelithiation By Stabilized Lithium Metal Powder – K. Yao, J. P. Zheng, and R. Liang (Florida State University) Development of Novel Lithium Ion Battery Electrolytes for Silicon Anodes – D. Strand, Y. Zhu, M. Caldwell, and G. Cheng (Wildcat Discovery Technologies) Three-Dimensional Si-Based Composite Nanorods Array Applied in Energy Storage System – J. Li (Xiamen University, University of California Berkeley), C. Yue, Y. Yu, S. Sun, and X. He (Xiamen University) Electrochemical Study on the Impact of Metallization on Si Particles for Li-Ion Negative Electrode – M. A. Spreafico (Politecnico di Milano), P. Cojocaru (Solvay Specialty Polymers), A. V. Oriani (University of California: Berkeley), F. Triulzi (Solvay Specialty Polymers), L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano), M. Apostolo, and M. Biso (Solvay Specialty Polymers)

Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond Battery Salon A-4, Hilton Chicago

Progress in Cathodes I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Saya Takeuchi and Khalil Amine 08:00








Study on Li-Rich Layered Cathode Material for Li-Ion Batteries – L. Li (National University of Singapore), B. Song (University of Oxford), K. S. Lee, and L. Lu (National University of Singapore) Epitaxial LiCoO2 Film As a Model System for Fundamental Electrochemical Studies – S. Takeuchi, H. Tan, K. K. Bharathi (National Institute of Standards and Technology), G. R. Stafford (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and L. Bendersky (NIST) Low-Cost Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Nanoparticle As Cathode Material of LithiumIon Batteries for Large-Scale Applications – M. Omarova, A. Koishybay (Nazarbayev University), N. Yesibolati (Institute of Batteries LLC, Nazarbayev University), A. Mentbayeva (Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation Systems, Institute of Batteries LLC), I. Kurmanbayeva, and Z. Bakenov (Institute of Batteries LLC, Nazarbayev University) Enabling High-Energy Battery Performance of 4.8 V Li-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode with a High-Voltage Additive – H. Q. Pham (Chungnam National University), E. H. Hwang, Y. G. Kwon (Leechem Co., Ltd.,), and S. W. Song (Chungnam National University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


09:40 10:00 277

10:20 10:40




278 279




Orientation-Controlled Growth of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Layers Directly Deposited on Current Collectors By Using Flux Coating and Their Electrochemical Properties – N. Zettsu (CREST, JST), Y. Mizuno, and K. Teshima (Shinshu University) Break Spinel LiMn2O4 Thin Films for 3 V Operating All-Solid-State Lithium Microbatteries – N. Bailly, B. Mirvaux, J. M. Boissel, and H. Porthault (CEA Grenoble - LETI/DCOS/ SCPE/LMBE) Reactions Between Deliathidated Cathodes and Electrolytes – Z. Chen and K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory) Impact of Electrochemical Charging on Fracture Toughness and Elastoplastic Properties of LiCoO2 – J. G. Swallow, W. H. Woodford, F. P. McGrogan, N. Ferralis, Y. M. Chiang, and K. J. Van Vliet (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Thermal Behavior of NMC Cathodes While Ageing – A. Warnecke (RWTH Aachen University, ISEA, Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy) and D. U. Sauer (RWTH Aachen University, ISEA, Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany) Aerosol Spray Deposition of Carbon Nanotube Enhanced LiFePO4 Batteries – W. D. Tennyson, N. N. Duong, A. H. Stevens, and D. E. Resasco (CBME, University of Oklahoma) Phase-Transition Mechanism Investigations in Monoclinic Li2FeSiO4 Orthosilicate Cathode – X. Lu (McGill University, Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ)), Z. Arthur (University of Guelph), H. Wei, H. C. Chiu (McGill University), N. Chen, J. Zhou, J. Reid (Canadian Light Source), D. T. Jiang (University of Guelph), R. Gauvin (McGill University), K. Zaghib (IREQ), and G. P. Demopoulos (McGill University)



09:40 10:00 266











Measuring Strain In Operando By X-Ray Diffraction in Bicontinuous Si and Nisn Inverse Opal Anodes Under Rapid Cycling Conditions – M. P. B. Glazer (Northwestern University), J. Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), J. Cho (Korea Basic Science Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), A. Paz y Puente, D. J. Sauza (Northwestern University), J. Okasinski (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Almer (Argonne National Lab), P. V. Braun (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and D. C. Dunand (Northwestern University) Break Reversible Storage of Lithium in ThreeDimensional Macroporous Germanium – H. Jia (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology), M. Winter, and T. Placke (MEET Battery Research Center) A Study of the Mechanical Degradation Process of Silicon Electrode in the Lithium Ion Battery Cycling Operation – Y. Xie, M. Qiu, X. Gao, and C. Yuan (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) A Novel Silicon/Graphite/Carbon Composite Anode for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteris – S. W. Kim, J. S. Moon, K. E. Shim, J. M. Lee, S. N. Jo, T. H. Yu, and J. J. Cho (Samsung Fine Chemicals) Electrochemical Performance of GasAtomized Si-Alloy Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery – Y. Kimura, M. Matsuoka, and Y. Tago (Daido Steel Co., Ltd.) Silicon/Carbon Nano-Composite Based Anodes for Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries – S. Dobrowolny, F. Mahlendorf, and A. Heinzel (University Duisburg-Essen) Co-Precipitation Synthesis of Sns-C Composite Used As Stable Anode in Li-Ion Battery – D. Y. W. Yu, Y. Li, W. Kang, J. He, and H. Zhou (City University of Hong Kong)

Salon A-1, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Daniel R. Baker and Haiping Jia

Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage Systems I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Robert Kostecki and Brett L. Lucht















Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Cooperated Si Nanorod Arrays Used in Rechargeable Batteries – J. Li, Y. Yu, C. Yue, S. Sun, and X. He (Xiamen University) Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Electrode Materials That Undergo Large Volume Changes and Application to the Lithium-Silicon System – M. W. Verbrugge, D. R. Baker, X. Xiao (General Motors, R&D Center), Q. Zhang, and Y. T. Cheng (University of Kentucky) Evaluation of Si Based Composite Helices Used As Anodes in Lib – D. B. Polat and O. Keles (Istanbul Technical University) Conductive Additive for Si/Mesoporous C Anode in Li-Ion Batteries: Conductive Graphite Vs Carbon Black C65 – A. Rezqita (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna University of Technology) and A. Trifonova (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Deformation of Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes during SEI Formation: a Probe for the Structure of the SEI – E. M. C. Jones, S. R. White, and N. R. Sottos (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Current State of Understanding of the SolidElectrolyte Interphase (SEI) in Lithium-Ion Cells and Its Relationship to Formation Cycling – D. L. Wood III (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of Tennessee), J. Li (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), C. Daniel (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of Tennessee), D. Mohanty (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), S. J. An (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of Tennessee), and S. C. Nagpure (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Solid-Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) Fracture: The Coupled Mechanical-Chemical Degradation of Lithium Ion Battery – R. Deshpande and D. Bernardi (Ford Motor Company)


Monday, May 25


Monday, May 25



The Limited Effect of VC in Graphite / NMC Cells – R. Deshpande (Ford Motor Company), P. Ridgeway, Y. Fu, W. Zhang, J. Cai, and V. Battaglia (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 09:20 232 A Novel Approach to Study the ChemoMechanical Stability of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) in Lithium-Ion Batteries – R. Kumar (Brown University), X. Xiao (General Motors, R&D Center), P. Lu (General Motors R&D Center), and B. W. Sheldon (Brown University) Break 09:40 10:00 233 Mechanism of Formation of Metal Acetylacetonates at the LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4-S/ Carbonate Ester Electrolyte Interface – R. Kostecki, A. Jarry, S. Gottis, and J. B. Kerr (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 10:20 234 Molecular Structure and Ion Transport Near Graphite-Electrolyte Interfaces in Lithium-Ion Batteries – V. Lordi, M. T. Ong, E. W. Draeger, J. E. Pask (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), O. Verners, and A. van Duin (The Pennsylvania State University) 10:40 235 Comparison of Spatiotemporal Changes of Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) Properties on Different Anodes By Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) – H. Bülter, G. Wittstock (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), F. Peters, J. Schwenzel (Fraunhofer IFAM Bremen), M. Sternad, and M. Wilkening (Graz University of Technology) 11:00 236 Model-Based SEI Layer Growth in EV and Phev Batteries for Standard Drive Cycles – M. T. Lawder (EECE Department, Washington University in St. Louis), V. R. Subramanian (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle), and P. W. C. Northrop (CFD Research Corporation) 11:20 237 Electrode Side Reactions, Capacity Loss and Mechanical Degradation in Lithium Ion Batteries – J. Xu (University of Kentucky), R. Deshpande (Ford Motor Company), J. Pan, Y. T. Cheng (University of Kentucky), and V. Battaglia (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 11:40 238 Li Vs. Na Batteries - Investigation of the SEI and Conversion Mechanisms of Nanostructured Fe2O3 Composites Electrodes Via Soft X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy – B. Philippe (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University), M. Valvo, F. Lindgren (Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University), H. Rensmo (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University), and K. Edström (Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University) Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago Mg, Na, Zn Batteries I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Leon Shaw, Mona Shirpour, and Marca Doeff 08:00



In Situ Precipitated Organic Nanorod Electrodes for Sodium Ion Batteries – C. Luo, J. Wang, X. Fan, Y. Zhu, F. Han, L. Suo (University of Maryland, College Park), and C. Wang (University of Maryland College Park)



Electrochemistry of Sodium Nonatitanates in Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries – M. Shirpour (University of Kentucky), D. Seshadri (Texas A&M University), and M. Doeff (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 08:40 252 NaFex(Ni0.5Ti0.5)1-XO2 (x = 0.2 and 0.4) : A Smooth Profile and Narrow Voltage Zone Cathode for Sodium Ion Batteries – G. Singh (CIC energigune), F. Aguesse (CIC Energigune), L. Otaegui (CIC energiGUNE), E. Goikolea (CIC Energigune), E. C. Gonzalo (CIC EnergiGUNE), J. Ségalini (CIC Energigune), and T. Rojo (CIC energigune) 09:00 253 Na Insertion and Extraction Reaction of Li2XMnO3 for the Use As a Positive Electrode Material of the Room Temperature Na Ion Battery – R. Kataoka and T. Kiyobayashi (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) 09:20 254 Effect of Cation Substitution on AirSensitivity and Structural Stability of P2NaxMn1/2Fe1/2O2 – E. Talaie, V. Duffort, and L. F. Nazar (University of Waterloo) 09:40 Break Roles of Processing, Structural Defects 10:00 255 and Ionic Conductivity in Electrochemical Performance of Na3MnCO3PO4 cathode Material – C. Wang (Illinois Institute of Technology, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research), J. A. Kaduk (Illinois Institute of Technology), and L. Shaw (Illinois Institute of Technology, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research) 10:20 256 Iron and Titanium-Based Electrode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries – J. Wang, X. He, T. Risthaus, and J. Li (MEET Battery Research Center) 10:40 257 Sodium-Ion Battery Cathode Material Synthesized By Spray Pyrolysis – K. Y. Shen, M. Lengyel, L. S. Wang, and R. L. Axelbaum (Washington University in St. Louis) 11:00 258 3D Microstructural Equilibrium in NaIon Batteries Revealed By in Situ Hard X-Ray Nanotomography – J. Wang, C. Eng (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Y. ChenWiegart (Brookhaven National Lab.), and J. Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory) 11:20 259 Composite Prussian Blue Analogues Utilized As Cathode Materials in a Sodium Ion Battery – M. Sawicki (Illinois Institute of Technology) and L. Shaw (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research) 11:40 260 Sodium-Ion Diffusion in Alluaudite-Type Na2+dFe2-d/2(SO4)3 Cathodes – L. L. Wong, H. M. Chen, and S. Adams (National University of Singapore) Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Li-S Battery I – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Zhengcheng Zhang and Xingcheng Xiao 08:00


Graphene-Coated Separators As Effective Polysulfide Traps in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries – A. G Kannan (Department of chemical engineering, Hanyang University), W. K. Shin, and D. W. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








09:40 10:00 244











N-Doped Graphene-CNT Cathode Composites for High-Performance Li-S Batteries – N. Noorbehesht (The University of Sydney), A. F. Hollenkamp (CSIRO Energy Technology), T. L. Church, A. T. Harris, and A. I. Minett (The University of Sydney) Sustainable Performance of Li-S Battery Using Ultramicroporous Carbon-Sulphur Composite Electrode in Carbonate Based Electrolyte – H. Maria Joseph, A. R. Munnangi (Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)), T. Diemant (Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, University of Ulm), R. Jürgen Behm (Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), University of Ulm), and M. Fichtner (Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Strong Lithium Polysulfide Chemisorption on Electroactive Sites of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Enables High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cathodes – J. Song, Z. Yu, Q. Huang, Y. Gao, and D. Wang (The Pennsylvania State University) Operando Characterization of Lithium-Sulfur Battery Intermediates Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy – A. Siebel, Y. Gorlin, M. Piana, M. Tromp, and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München) Break (Invited) Improved Performance of LithiumSulfur Battery with Fluorinated Electrolyte – Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory), N. Azimi (University of Illinois at Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory), Z. Xue (Argonne National Laboratory), and C. G. Takoudis (University of Illinois at Chicago) Sulfur Cathode for High Performance Lithium Sulfur Batteries – H. Y. Ryu, H. J. Woo, Y. J. Lee, S. J. Park, D. H. Kim, and H. T. Lee (Hyundai Motor Company) Three-Dimensional Porous Current Collectors As Electrodes for Li/S Battery Applications – B. Ganguli and L. M. R. Arava (Wayne State University) Porous Carbon Hollow Nanospheres for Confining Polysulfide in Lithium Sulfur Batteries – W. Zhou, X. Xiao, M. Cai, and L. Yang (General Motors, R&D Center) Effect of Metal Nanoparticles on the Polysulfide Conversion Reactions in Rechargeable Li-Sulfur Batteries – H. al Salem (Wayne state university), C. venkateswara Rao, B. Ganguli (wayne state university), and L. M. R. Arava (Wayne State University) In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy of Sulfur Speciation in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries – H. L. Wu, L. A. Huff, and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Salon A-4, Hilton Chicago Progress in Cathodes II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Jordi Cabana and Khalil Amine 14:00 14:40







Free-Standing LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4/Carbon Nanofiber Network Film As Light-Weight and High-Power Cathode for Lithium Ion Batteries – X. Fang, M. Ge, J. Rong, C. Shen, Y. Liu, A. Zhang, and C. Zhou (USC) Developing a Novel 2-Step Synthesis for High-Voltage Li2CoPO4f for Li-Ion-Batteries – J. Schoiber, R. J. F. Berger (Chemistry of Materials, University of Salzburg), C. Yada (Advanced Technology 1, Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA), H. Miki (Battery Research Division, Toyota Motor Corporation), and N. Hüsing (Chemistry of Materials, University of Salzburg) Synthesis and Characterization of Li2FeSiO4 As Candidate High-Capacity Li-Ion Battery Cathode Material – H. Wei (McGill University), X. Lu (Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ)), H. C. Chiu (McGill University), Z. Arthur (University of Guelph), N. Chen, J. Zhou (Canadian Light Source), R. Gauvin (McGill University), J. Reid (Canadian Light Source), D. T. Jiang (University of Guelph), P. Hovington, A. Guerfi, K. Zaghib (IREQ), and G. P. Demopoulos (McGill University)

Salon A-1, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Andrew N. Jansen and Bryant J Polzin 14:00










(Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award) All-Graphene Energy Storage Device for High Energy and Power Density – H. Kim, H. D. Lim, J. Hong (Seoul National University), and K. Kang (Seoul National University, Center for Nanoparticles Research, IBS) Silicon-Graphite Development: Robust, Practical, and Scalable High Performance Electrodes – S. E. Trask, B. J. Polzin (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Kubal (Purdue University), W. Lu, and A. N. Jansen (Argonne National Laboratory) Silicon-Graphite Electrode Performance in Lithium Ion Batteries: From Coin Cells to 500 Mah-Pouch Cells – B. J. Polzin, S. E. Trask, W. Lu, and A. N. Jansen (Argonne National Laboratory) Impact of Silicon Expansion upon Lithiation on Electrode and Cell Thickness – A. N. Jansen, S. E. Trask, and B. J. Polzin (Argonne National Laboratory) Li Storage Feasibility of Defected Single- and Bi-Layer Graphene – H. Yildirim (Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering), A. Kinaci (Argonne National Laboratory), Z. J. Zhao (Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering), M. K. Y. Chan (Argonne National Laboratory), and J. Greeley (Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering)


(Invited) A Tale of Spinels: From Li-Ion to Mg Battery Electrodes – J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) 306 Li1.14Mn0.53Ni0.28Co0.19Oy layered-Layered Spinel Material Prepared Using Taylor Vortex Reactor – O. Kahvecioglu Feridun, Y. Shin, and G. K. Krumdick (Argonne National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Monday, May 25


Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage Systems II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Robert Kostecki and Brett L. Lucht 14:00

Monday, May 25












Development of Coatings for NegativeElectrode Active Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries Using Simulation Technology – N. Iwayasu and A. Tanaka (Hitachi, Ltd.,) Steps Towards in-Situ Studies of the Mechanical Degradation of Li-Ion Batteries Using Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy – C. M. Snyder (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Sandia National Laboratories), C. A. Apblett (Sandia National Laboratories), D. Duquette (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), and A. M. Grillet (Sandia National Laboratories) Inhibition of Al/Cu Contact Corrosion in Lithium Ion Batteries – W. El Mofid (Technische Universitaet Ilmenau), S. Ivanov, A. Bund (Technische Universität Ilmenau), S. Rentenberger, and D. Goers (Li-Tec Battery GmbH) Phase Field Simulation of Lithium Ion Diffusion in Solid Electrolyte Interface – P. Guan and L. Liu (The University of Kansas) In-Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance Studies of the SEI Formation on Graphite Electrodes – L. Seidl, J. Ma, S. Martens, E. Mostafa, O. Schneider (Technische Universität München), and U. Stimming (Newcastle University, Technische Universität München) Defect Thermodynamics and Ion Transport in Inorganic SEI Compounds – A. Kinaci (Argonne National Laboratory), H. Yildirim (Purdue University School of Chemical Engineering), J. Greeley (Purdue University), and M. K. Y. Chan (Argonne National Laboratory)

Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Li-S Battery II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Brian W. Sheldon and Gao Liu 14:00











In Situ Stress Measurements of Li-S HalfCells during Electrochemical Cycling – L. Nation, A. Tokranov, B. W. Sheldon (Brown University), W. H. Woodford (Harvard University), and Y. M. Chiang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Innovative Sulfur-Carbon Nanotube Cathodes for High-Performance Li/S Batteries – J. Yan, X. Liu, and B. Li (West Virginia University) Toward a Better Understanding of the Surface Effect through the Design of Conductive Binders in Lithium Sulfur Battery – G. Ai, Z. Wang, Y. Dai, H. Zhao, Y. Chen, and G. Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Carbon Hotels with Nanosulfur Guests: Promising High Capacity Cathode Architecture with Hybrid Electrolyte for Lithium-Sulfur Battery – V. G. Pol, A. Dysart, C. Hong, V. Etacheri, and J. Tang (Purdue University) Influence of Solvent on Lithium-Sulfur Redox Reactions: A Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode Study – Q. He (Technische Universität München), Y. C. Lu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Y. Gorlin, and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München)

Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago Mg, Na, Zn Batteries II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: David Mitlin, Reza Shahbzian-Yassar, and John Muldoon 14:00













Activation with Li Enables Facile Sodium Storage in Germanium – D. Mitlin (Clarkson University) In Situ Electrochemical Reactions of Zn4Sb3 Nanowires with Li and Na: Fast Sodiation Rate and Excellent De/Sodiation Cyclablility – A. Nie (Michigan Technological University), R. F. Klie (University of Illinois at Chicago), S. Vaddiraju (Texas A&M University), and R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) First Principles Investigation of Sodium Intercalation Mechanisms into Corrugated Titanate Structures for Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes – I. M. Markus (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of CaliforniaBerkeley), M. Asta (University of CaliforniaBerkeley), M. Doeff (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Shirpour (University of Kentucky), and S. Engelke (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Na-Ion Aqueous Batteries for Stationary Energy Storage Systems – A. J. FernándezRopero, M. J. Piernas-Muñoz, M. Reynaud, B. Acebedo, E. Castillo-Martínez, D. Saurel (CICenergiGUNE), T. Rojo (CICenergiGUNE, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)), and M. Casas-Cabanas (CICenergiGUNE) Characterisations and Electrochemical Performances of Hard Carbons in Sodium Ion Batteries – V. Simone, L. Simonin, and S. Martinet (CEA-LITEN) Iron Boro-Phosphate: A Mixed Polyanionic Compound As a New Cathode Material for Na-Ion Battery – H. Yaghoobnejad Asl and A. Choudhury (Missouri University of Science and Technology)

Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5

Energy Technology / Battery / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Buckingham, Hilton Chicago

Redox Flow Batteries - I – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chair: Trung Van Nguyen 08:20




All Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Development for Stationary Energy Storage Applications – V. Sprenkle, D. Reed, E. Thomsen, W. Wang, B. Li, Z. Nie, B. J. Koeppel, K. P. Recknagle, V. Viswanathan, and A. Crawford (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Pathways to Low Cost Electrochemical Energy Storage: A Comparison of Aqueous and Nonaqueous Flow Batteries – R. M. Darling (United Technologies Research Center), K. G. Gallagher (Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, Argonne National Laboratory), F. Brushett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), S. Ha (Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, Argonne National Laboratory), and J. Kowalski (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL
















Correlating Nafion Membrane Microstructure with Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Performance – W. Wang, M. Vijayakumar, Q. Luo (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), R. Lloyd (Dupont), Z. Nie, X. Wei, B. Li, V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. D. Londono, and M. Unlu (Dupont) Electrochemical Characterization of Porous Carbon Electrodes in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries – Z. Tang, A. Pezeshki (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN), F. Delnick (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and T. A. Zawodzinski (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN) Simulation and Mechanism Analysis of Electrochemistry of the Vanadium Redox Couples By a Rotating Disk Electrode – J. Pan, X. Li, Y. Zhao, X. Xie (Tsinghua University), and V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology) Studies on Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries Based on Water-Soluble Quinone Redox Couples – B. Yang, L. Hoober-Burkhardt (University of Southern California), S. Krishnamoorthy (University of southern california), G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayan (University of Southern California) Acetylacetonate Complexes for Non-Aqueous Vanadium(III) Acetylacetonate Redox Flow Batterie Applications – J. F. Kucharyson, J. A. Suttil (University of Michigan), I. L. Escalante-Garcia (Case Western Reserve University), and L. T. Thompson (University of Michigan) Tridentate Metal Coordination Complexes As Active Species for Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries – S. Laramie, R. Brooner, M. Sanford, and L. T. Thompson (University of Michigan) One Dimensional Mathematical Modelling of the All-Vanadium and Vanadium/Oxygen Redox Flow Batteries – B. K. Chakrabarti (Imperial College London), C. L. Chen, H. K. Yeoh (University of Malaya), and N. P. Brandon (Imperial College London) Modeling and Analysis of All-Vanadium Redox Static Cells – S. B. Lee (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle), T. Soundappan, B. Suthar (Washington University in St. Louis), D. Sonawane, and V. R. Subramanian (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle)










Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices

Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Huron, Hilton Chicago

Nanotube Devices and Applications I – 07:55 – 14:40 Co-Chairs: Mark C. Hersam, François Léonard, and Michael S. Arnold 07:55 08:00 768 08:20








Aqueous/Alkaline Systems – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: S. R. Narayanan 14:00




Second Generation Aqueous Electrolyte Electrochemical Cells for Scaled Stationary Energy Storage – J. Whitacre (Carnegie Mellon Univerisity) Effect of Sulfide Additives on the Cycling Behavior of Iron Electrodes in Alkaline Batteries – A. K. Manohar, C. Yang, G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayanan (University of Southern California)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Rechargeable Oxide Batteries: Kinetic Study of Iron-Based Storage Materials in Low pO2(H2O-Vapour)-Atmosphere – W. Braun (FZ Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate 2 (IEK2)) and F. Thaler (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH) Investigation on the Microfluidics in PEM Water Electrolyzers – J. Mo (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng, UTSI, UTK), S. M. Steen III (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng., UTSI, UTK), W. Barnhill (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng, UTSI, UTK), and F. Y. Zhang (UT Space Institute, University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Performance of Rechargeable Sintered Iron Electrodes for Large-Scale Energy Storage – C. Yang, A. K. Manohar, G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayanan (University of Southern California) Modeling Two-Phase Transport on the PEM Water Electrolyzer – B. Han (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng, UTSI, UTK), S. M. Steen III (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng., UTSI, UTK), J. Mo (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng, UTSI, UTK), and F. Y. Zhang (UT Space Institute, University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

09:40 10:00 773

Welcoming Remarks (Invited) Vlsi Carbon Nanotube Thin-Film Circuits – M. C. Hersam (Northwestern University) (Invited) Scan-Probe Microwave Reflectance of Horizontally Aligned Arrays of SingleWalled Carbon Nanotubes: Nanoscale Imaging of SWNT Electrical Properties in the Quantum Regime – W. L. Wilson, E. Seabron, S. Maclaren, X. Xie (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), S. V. Rotkin (Lehigh University), and J. A. Rogers (UIUC) (Invited) Single Carbon-Nanotube Photonics and Optoelectronics – Y. K. Kato (The University of Tokyo) (Invited) Charge Separation and Recombination at Semiconducting SingleWalled Carbon Nanotube Interfaces – J. L. Blackburn, A. M. Dowgiallo, K. Mistry, R. Ihly, A. Ferguson, and N. Kopidakis (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) (Invited) Optoelectronic Properties and Electromechanical Resonance Behavior in Individual Suspended Carbon Nanotube Pn-Junctions and Devices – S. B. Cronin (University of Southern California) Coffee Break Inkjet Printed Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes As Active Semiconductors in Thin-Film Transistors and Circuits – A. Dodabalapur, B. Kim, S. Jang (The University of Texas at Austin), M. Geier, and M. C. Hersam (Northwestern University) 71

Monday, May 25



Monday, May 25










12:00 14:00 779 14:20


Toward Carbon Nanotube Based Thermal Interface Materials – M. P. Siegal, C. Rochford, W. G. Yelton, T. E. Beechem III, S. W. Howell, and D. L. Medlin (Sandia National Laboratories) Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Electrode Optimization for Thermocells – N. Holubowitch, C. Lippert (University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research), J. Landon, and K. Liu (University of Kentucky) Thermal Properties of Chemically Modified Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed in Polymer Matrices – A. W. Januszko (Militay Institute of Engineer Technology, Military University of Technology, Warsaw), J. Peszke (Silesian University,), A. Pawlicka (University of São Paulo, São Carlos Institute of Chemistry), and T. Czujko (Military University of Technology, Warsaw) (Invited) Scalable Assembly and Alignment of Highly Electronic-Type Purified Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Field Effect Transistors – M. S. Arnold, G. J. Brady, Y. Joo, M. Y. Wu, M. J. Shea, and P. Gopalan (University of Wisconsin-Madison) (Invited) Etching of Surfactant from SolutionProcessed, Type-Separated Carbon Nanotubes and Impact on Device Behavior – F. Léonard (Sandia National Laboratories) Break Gate Electrodes within Electrochemical Cells – T. Chowdhury and H. Grebel (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Covalent Chemistry on Carbon Nanotubes: From Electronic Fundamentals to Sensor Applications – D. Bouilly (Columbia University), R. Martel (Université de Montréal), and C. Nuckolls (Columbia University)


Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules Nanocarbons Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago

Endofullerenes and Nanocapsules – 08:00 – 14:40 Co-Chairs: Alan L. Balch, Takeshi Akasaka, Shangfeng Yang, and Luis Echegoyen 08:00










09:40 10:00 821











Nanotube Separation and Synthesis I – 14:40 – 16:40 Co-Chairs: Delphine Bouilly and Fotios Papadimitrakopoulos 14:40






15:40 16:00 784




(Invited) Carbon Nanotubes: From the Origin of Helicity to Application – A. R. Harutyunyan (Honda Research Institute USA Inc) (Invited) Post-Growth Manipulation of Horizontally Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – S. Maruyama, T. Inoue, K. Otsuka, and S. Chiashi (The University of Tokyo) Thermodynamics of Quasi-Epitaxial Assembly of Fmn Around Various (n,m)-SWNTs – F. Papadimitrakopoulos, R. Sharifi, M. Samaraweera, and J. Gascon (University of Connecticut) Break Preparation of Buckypaper By Surface Modified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubesfor Oxygen Reduction Reaction in PEMFC – L. Ye (East China University of Science and Technology), J. Zheng (Tongji University), P. Li (East China University of Science and Technology), and Y. Gao (Tongji University) Effects of Growth Substrates on Growth Mode of Carbon Nanofibers – M. Tian, Q. Zhang, C. Zhang (Qingdao University of Science and Technology), and L. Dong (Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Missouri State University)

12:00 14:00 827

Novel Carbon Nanohybrids As Highly Efficient Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents – B. Sun, R. Cui, H. Huang, and X. Guo (Institute of High Energy Physics) New Endohedral Fullerenes Containing Uranium – L. Echegoyen and D. Buck (University of Texas at El Paso) Evaluation of Nanocarbon Material Dispersions – T. Okazaki (Nanotube Research Cneter, AIST, TASC) Non-IPR Chlorofullerenes – J. M. Poblet, N. Alegret, K. Azmani, L. Abella, and A. Rodríguez-Fortea (University Rovira i Virgili) Endohedral Fullerenes Bis-Adducts: RegioChemistry Control Directed By the Cluster inside – M. R. Cerón (University of Texas at El Paso), M. Izquierdo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), and L. Echegoyen (University of Texas at El Paso) Coffee Break Crystal Structure Analysis of Salts and Derivatives of Cationic Lithium Endohedral Fullerene – S. Aoyagi (Nagoya City University), H. Ueno (Nagoya University), H. Kawakami (The University of Tokyo), K. Nakagawa (Osaka University), H. Okada (The University of Tokyo), N. Ikuma, K. Kokubo (Osaka University), Y. Matsuo (The University of Tokyo), and T. Oshima (Osaka University) Electrochemical Activation of the Least Reactive Endohedral Fullerene: Sc3N@IhC80 – D. M. Rivera-Nazario (University of Texas at El Paso), M. Izquierdo, S. Filippone (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), N. Martin (IMDEA-Nanociencia), and L. Echegoyen (University of Texas at El Paso) An Expanded Family of DysprosiumScandium Mixed-Metal Nitride Clusterfullerenes – S. Yang (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)) Metallofullerenes with Single Carbon Atom in the Endohedral Cluster – K. Junghans and A. A. Popov (IFW Dresden) Unprecedented Chemical Reactivities and Potential Utilities of Paramagnetic Endohedral Metallofullerenes – Y. Takano (WPI-iCeMS, Kyoto University) and T. Akasaka (Tokyo Gakugei University) Structural Studies of Endohedral Fullerenes – A. L. Balch (University of California), M. M. Olmstead (University of Califronia, Davis), K. Ghiassi (University of California, Davis), and G. W. Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) Lunch Break Synthesis of an Extensive Family of Sc2o@ C2n (n=35-47) and Chemical Insight into the Small-Size Species – L. Feng and N. Chen (Soochow University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Spin-Preserving N@C60 Cyclopropane Addition: Revisiting N@C60 Reactivity and Stability – K. Porfyrakis (University of Oxford)

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials






15:40 16:00 852


Mxenes: A New Family of Two-Dimensional Materials and Its Application As Electrodes for Li and Na-Ion Batteries – M. Naguib (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Y. Gogotsi, and M. W. Barsoum (Drexel University) Electric Field Tunable Band Gap in Bi-Axially Strained Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Super-Lattice – K. I. Masood (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technnlogy), M. H. Alam, and Q. D. M. Khosru (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Approach for QED Heat Conductance Between Graphene and SiC Substrate – D. You and S. V. Rotkin (Physics Department, Lehigh University) Break (Invited) Anti-Ambipolar, Gate-Tunable p-n Heterojunctions – M. C. Hersam (Northwestern University)

Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies

Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Lake Michigan, Hilton Chicago

Porphyrin Supramolecular Assemblies 1 – 08:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Nathalie Solladie and Victor Borovkov 08:00



















Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials: Structures I – 14:40 – 16:40 Co-Chairs: Haim Grebel and Yaw S. Obeng 14:40





Nucleotidic and Peptidic Multi-Porphyrinic Devices: When the Desired Conformation Is Determined By Chiral Flexible Linkers – N. Solladie (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination - CNRS) Probing Molecular Chirality Using MetalloBisporphyrin Hosts – S. P. Rath (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) Photo-Assisted Chemical Sensors Based on Porphyrins Coated ZnO – Y. Sivalingam, G. Magna, A. Catini, G. Pomarico, E. Martinelli, R. Paolesse, and C. Di Natale (University of Rome Tor Vergata) Iron(III) Protoporphyrin IX Associates with Proteins in a Sequence-Dependent Manner – D. Imhof, T. Kühl (University of Bonn), N. Goradia (Leibniz Institute for Age Research), H. H. Brewitz, A. Wißbrock (University of Bonn), and O. Ohlenschläger (Leibniz Institute for Age Research) Heat-Treating Self-Assembled Metalloporphyrin As Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – Y. Song (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Coffee break

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Engineering Self-Assembled Materials through Serendipity – D. Bonifazi (Namur Research College, University of Namur (Belgium), Department of Chemical Science, University of Trieste) New Generation of Hybrid Materials Based on Hierarchical Assembly of Porphyrin on Supramolecular Scaffolds or Nanostructures – M. E. Fragalà, A. D’Urso, R. Randazzo, D. A. Cristaldi, and R. Purrello (Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Università di Catania) Host-Guest Driven Self-Assembly of Non-Pi Aggregated Multi-Porphyrin Nanoarchitectures – J. Jayawickramarajah, H. Zhang, G. H. Aryal, and M. Zhu (Tulane University) Application of Octaethylporphyrin Structural Motif for Supramolecular Chirogenesis – V. Borovkov (Osaka University) Formation of Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Assemblies Based on Functionalized Saddle-Distorted Porphyrins – T. Kojima, H. Kajii (University of Tsukuba), M. Sankar (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee), T. Ishizuka, H. Kotani (University of Tsukuba), Y. Yamada, and S. Fukuzumi (Osaka University) Self-Organization of Tetraazaporphyrin Derivatives in 2 and 3 Dimensions – S. H. Eichhorn (University of Windsor) Lunch

Lake Erie, Hilton Chicago Porphyrinoids 1 – 08:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Penelope Jane Brothers and Roberto Paolesse 08:00










09:40 10:00 954





Advances in the Applications of Boron Tetrapyrrole and Dipyrrin Complexes – P. J. Brothers (University of Auckland) Out of the Blue! Azuliporphyrins and Related Azulene-Containing Porphyrinoids – T. D. Lash (Illinois State University) Toward True Carbaporphyrinoids Contraction of Benziporphyrins – B. Szyszko, K. Kupietz, K. Hurej, A. Kedzia, and L. LatosGrazynski (University of Wroclaw) Chemistry of Novel Non-Aromatic, MesoAlkylidenyl Carbaporphyrinoids – C. H. Lee (Kangwon National University) Electroreduction of Oxygen with Brominated Metallo-Corroles – L. Elbaz (Bar-Ilan University), N. Levi (Bar Ilan University), Z. Gross, and A. Mahammed (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) Coffee break Electro- and Photo-Catalytic Reduction of Small Molecules/Ions By Corrole Metal Complexes – Z. Gross and A. Mahammed (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) Functionalization of the Corrole Ring: A Neverending Game – R. Paolesse, S. Nardis, D. Monti, F. Mandoj, G. Pomarico, M. L. Naitana, C. Di Natale, and M. Stefanelli (University of Rome Tor Vergata) Electrochemical Properties of a New Class of Europium Sandwich Triple-Decker Complexes with Corrole and Phthalocyanine Macrocycles – G. Lu (Jiangsu University, University of Houston), S. Yan, M. Shi, J. Li, Z. Ou, W. Zhu (Jiangsu University), and K. M. Kadish (University of Houston) 73

Monday, May 25








Monday, May 25


Ion-Pairing Assemblies Comprising PyrroleBased π-Electronic Systems – H. Maeda (Ritsumeikan University) Solvent-Free Reactions of p-Extended Pyrroles with Aromatic Aldehydes Leading to New Organic Chromophores – S. Swavey (University of Dayton) Pyrrole-Fused Azacoronenes with Various Redox States – M. Takase (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Lunch

Lake Michigan, Hilton Chicago Porphyrin Supramolecular Assemblies 2 – 14:00 – 16:40 Co-Chairs: Mathias O. Senge and Emma Gallo N-H Hydrogen Bonding in Porphyrins - from Conformational Design to Supramolecular Chemistry – M. O. Senge (Trinity College Dublin) Structure-Dependent Reactions of 14:20 961 Tetraphenylporphyrin with Cu(111) – O. Lytken, M. Röckert, S. Ditze, M. Stark, M. Franke, Q. Tariq, H. Marbach, and H. P. Steinrück (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) 14:40 962 Structures and Reactivity of Group 9 Metalloporphyrin Complexes – B. J. Anding, T. O. Dairo, and L. K. Woo (Iowa State University) 15:00 963 Functionalized Pi-Extended Porphyrins – H. Wang (Miami Universtiy), R. G. Jinadasa (Miami University), S. Kumar (miami University), B. Schmitz, E. Miller (Miami University), K. M. Kadish, and Y. Fang (University of Houston) 15:20 964 Nonplanr Meso-Trifluoromethyl Substituted β-Octaalkylporphyrins – M. Suzuki, T. Hoshino, and S. Neya (Chiba University) 15:40 Break 16:00 965 Synthesis of Biologically Relevant Compounds Catalyzed By Metal Porphyrin Complexes – E. Gallo, P. Zardi, D. M. Carminati, and G. Tseberlidis (Chemistry Department, University of Milan (Italy)) 16:20 966 Asymmetric Oxidation and Carbene Transfer Reactions Catalyzed By Metalloporphyrins in Water – G. Simonneaux (CNRS), P. Le Maux (University of Rennes1), D. Carrie (CNRS), and S. Chevance (University of Rennes1) 14:00







Hexabenzocoronene-Porphyrin Conjugates – N. Jux and D. Lungerich (FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) 15:20 971 Core-Modified Porphyrins Containing Novel Heterocyclic Moieties – Z. Shen (Nanjing University) 15:40 Break 16:00 972 Asymmetrically Î’-Substituted Porphyrins: Synthesis, Photophysical, and Electrochemical Redox Properties – R. Kumar, N. Grover, N. Chaudhri, K. Prakash, and M. Sankar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee) Synthesis, Redox Properties and Structural 16:20 973 Features of Expanded Isophlorins – V. G. Anand and T. Y. Gopalakrishna (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)


Lake Erie, Hilton Chicago Porphyrinoids 2 – 14:00 – 16:40 Co-Chairs: Dorota Gryko and Norbert Jux




Porpholactone and Metal Complexes: Effect of Lactonization of ß-Pyrrole – J. L. Zhang and X. S. Ke (Peking University) Synthesis of BenzoporphyrinDiketopyrrolopyrrole Conjugates and Application for Organic Solar Cells – D. Kuzuhara, K. Takahashi (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), N. Yamada, Y. Yamaguchi (Yamagata University), M. Suzuki, N. Aratani (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), K. I. Nakayama (JST-CREST, Yamagata University), and H. Yamada (JST-CREST, Nara Institute of Science and Technology) Catalytic Activity of Novel Vitamin B12 Derivatives – D. Gryko (Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS,)


High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 11 High Temperature Materials / Corrosion PDR 2, Hilton Chicago

High Temperature Corrosion in Gaseous Environments – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Elizabeth J. Opila and David John Young 08:20






09:40 10:00 1107







Scaling Kinetics and Scale Microstructure of Chromia Scales Formed on Ni25Cr Model Alloy during Oxidation in H2o-Containing High and Low pO2 Test Gas at 1000°C – M. Hänsel (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH), V. Shemet (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), I. Kijatkin (Forschungszentrum Jülich), D. Simon, B. Gorr, and H. J. Christ (Universität Siegen) Silicon Effects on the Corrosion of Ferritic and Austenitic Chromia Forming Alloys in Wet and Dry CO2 – T. D. Nguyen, J. Zhang (The University of New South Wales), and D. J. Young (University of New South Wales) (Invited) Cr Volatility, Protective Coatings and SOFC Interconnect Testing – J. Froitzheim, P. Alnegren, H. Falk-Windisch, J. G. Grolig, R. Sachitanand, M. Sattari, and J. E. Svensson (Chalmers University of Technology) Break (Invited) Oxidation Mechanisms of Alloys for Advanced Ultra-Super Critical Steam Applications – G. R. Holcomb (National Energy Technology Laboratory) The Role of Grain Boundaries during the Initial Oxidation Stages in Cu-Added Austenitic Stainless Steel at 700 °C Studied at the Atomic Scale – J. H. Kim, B. K. Kim (Seoul National University), D. I. Kim (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), P. P. Choi, D. Raabe (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung), and K. W. Yi (Seoul National University) Effect of Sulphur on Fe-20Cr-(Mn, Si) Alloy Corrosion in CO2-H2O Gases at 650°C – C. Yu, T. D. Nguyen, J. Zhang (The University of New South Wales), and D. J. Young (University of New South Wales) (Invited) Design Against Hydrogen and Corrosion By Combining Multiscale Modeling and Surface-Sensitive Experiments – B. Yildiz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Wet Metallization II – 10:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Paula Cojocaru, Yosi Shacham-Diamand and Giovanni Zangari

















14:40 15:00 1114






The Time and Temperature Dependence of AISI 316L Corrosion in Chlorosilane Environments – J. L. Aller, K. Ellingwood, and P. E. Gannon (Montana State University) The Effect of Pre-Oxidation on HighTemperature Corrosion Resistance of Superheater Steels – J. Lehmusto, P. Yrjas, and M. Hupa (Abo Akademi University) Dimensionless Analysis for Predicting High Temperature Alloys Corrosion in Molten Salt Systems for Concentrated Solar Power Systems – H. S. Cho, J. W. Van Zee (University of Alabama), S. Shimpalee, B. Tavakoli, J. W. Weidner (University of South Carolina), B. L. Garcia-Diaz, M. J. MartinezRodriguez, L. C. Olson, and J. R. Gray (Savannah River National Laboratory) Intermission Different Vanadium Compounds Ash Corrosion of Boilers Using Heavy Fuel Oil – X. Montero and M. C. Galetz (DECHEMAForschungsinstitut) Accelerated Corrosion of Candidate Materials for High Temperature Power Plants – D. Rodriguez and D. Chidambaram (University of Nevada Reno) High-Temperature Corrosion Characteristics of Nano-Structured Coatings in Secondary System of Nuclear Power Plants – S. H. Kim, J. W. Kim, and J. H. Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)


Flexible Devices – 14:00 – 15:50 Co-Chairs: Luca Magagnin, Andrew Hoff and Vincenzo Arcella 14:00








Metallization of Flexible Electronics

Electrodeposition / Electronics and Photonics PDR 5, Hilton Chicago

Wet Metallization I – 08:00 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Luca Magagnin, Takayuki Homma and Giovanni Zangari 08:00 08:10 08:20 1133






Welcoming Remarks Introductory Remarks (Invited) A Wet Process of Copper Wiring on Surface Modified Polyimide Film By Aminosilanes – T. Osaka, T. Yokoshima (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University), H. Kagawa (Grad. Sch. Adv. Sci. & Eng., Waseda University), T. Hachisu, and A. Sugiyama (Inst. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Waseda University) Polymer Supported and Freestanding Transparent Electrodes Produced By Ink-Jet Printing and Electrodeposition – A. V. Oriani, M. A. Spreafico (Politecnico di Milano), P. Cojocaru, A. Marrani, F. Triulzi, M. Apostolo (Solvay Specialty Polymers), and L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano) Gold/ Polypyrrole Multilayer Electrode for Biochip Applications – R. Ofek Almog (Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University), Y. Sverdlov, S. Vernick, and Y. Shacham-Diamand (Tel Aviv University) Break

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Invited) One-Dimensional Ammonium Nickel Phosphate Nanorods for the Fabrication of High-Performance and Flexible Symmetric Pseudocapacitors – K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)) and K. Raju (CSIR Pretoria, SA) Direct Copper Electroplating on Polyimide Film By Using Ni As Barrier and Conductive Interlayer – P. F. Chan, S. E. Huang, and W. P. Dow (National Chung Hsing University) Rapid Prototyping of Multi-Scale Electrodes on Polymer Surfaces – C. Gabardo (McMaster) and L. Soleymani (McMaster University) SAM Assisted Nickel-Boron Electroless Metallization of PDMS – A. Molazemhosseini, S. Ieffa, P. Vena, and L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano) Fabrication of Mechanically-Robust Cu Films on Flexible Substrates Using Electron Beam Irradiation – I. S. Choi (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Y. C. Joo (Seoul National University), S. Y. Lee (Seoul National Univerisity), and J. H. Lee (Seoul National University) Intermission


Electroless Plating of Pla and Petg for 3D Printed Flexible Substrates – R. Bernasconi, G. Natale, M. Levi, and L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano) Nano Necklace Formed By Electroless Deposition of Metal on Polymer Nanofiber for Flexible Transparent Conducting Films – S. Shiratori (Graduate School of Science &Engineering, Keio University), I. Takenaka, K. Kyung (Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Keio University), R. Bernasconi, and L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano) Spalling of a Single Crystalline Silicon Layer By Electroless/Electrodeposit-Assisted Stripping(EAS) Process for Flexible Silicon Devices – C. Yang (Hanyang University), S. Yu (Hanyang university), and B. Yoo (Hanyang University) (Invited) Solution-Processing Routes to Conductive Ultrathin Films of Ruthenium Dioxide...on Any Substrate – D. R. Rolison (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), I. R. Pala, M. D. Donakowski (NRC Postdoctoral Associate, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), C. N. Chervin, J. W. Long, R. Stroud, T. Brintlinger, and X. Liu (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) Concluding Remarks


Monday, May 25

High Temperature Corrosion in Complex Environments – 13:40 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Torsten Markus and Nathan S. Jacobson


Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth



Electrodeposition / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry PDR 4, Hilton Chicago

Monday, May 25

Measurement Methods – 08:00 – 12:05 Co-Chairs: Thomas P. Moffat, Rohan Akolkar, and Ji-Guang Zhang 08:00 08:05 1145 08:45


09:25 09:45 1147












Welcoming Remarks Additive Effects on Surface Dynamics and Growth at the Metal-Electrolyte Interface – O. M. Magnussen (University Kiel) In Situ Vibrational Spectroscopy of Electrode Interfaces – S. Baldelli (University of Houston) Intermission In Situ Stress Measurements Using Cantilever Curvature: The Influence of Additives on Growth Stress – G. R. Stafford, M. R. Fayette, and M. D. Vaudin (National Institute of Standards and Technology) In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Imaging Self-Assembled Monolayers of Mercaptoacetic Acid and Cupric Ion on Au(111) Electrode – S. Yau (national central university) 3-Mercapto-1-Propanesulfonate for Cu Electrodeposition Studied By in Situ ShellIsolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SHINERS) – K. G. Schmitt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), R. Schmidt, F. von Horsten, G. Vazhenin (Atotech Deutschland GmbH), and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Superconformal Film Growth: Insights Provided By Seiras – T. P. Moffat (National Institute for Standards and Technology), G. Liu (NIST), S. Zou (Miami University), L. Y. Ou Yang, D. Josell (NIST), C. H. Lee (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), and L. Richter (NIST) Texture Evolution during Zinc Electrodeposition – C. Orme (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), J. Keist, P. K. Wright, and J. W. Evans (U. C. Berkeley) Direct Observation of Li Dendrite Growth through Operando electrochemical (S) TEM – B. L. Mehdi (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA), E. Nasybulin (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. Qian (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), C. Park (Florida State University, USA), D. Welch (University of California,Davis,USA), H. Mehta (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), W. A. Henderson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA), W. Xu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), C. Wang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), J. E. Evans (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA), J. G. Zhang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), K. T. Mueller (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), and N. D. Browning (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA)

In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscope Observations of Lithium Nucleation and Growth at Solid/Solid Interfaces for AllSolid-State-Lithium Battery – M. Motoyama, M. Ejiri (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, JST-ALCA), and Y. Iriyama (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)

Dendritic Growth and Interface Stability – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Ji-Guang Zhang and Rohan Akolkar 14:00













Three Dimensional Modeling of Dendrite Growth in Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries – A. Aryanfar, D. J. Brooks, T. Cheng, B. V. Merinov, W. A. Goddard III, A. J. Colussi, and M. R. Hoffmann (California Institute of Technology) High Rate and Stable Cycling of Lithium Metal Anode – J. Qian (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), W. A. Henderson, W. Xu, P. Bhattacharya, M. H. Engelhard (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), O. Borodin (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), and J. G. Zhang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Additives for Suppressing Zinc Dendrites in Rechargeable Zinc Metal Batteries – S. J. Banik and R. Akolkar (Case Western Reserve University) Electrodeposited Zinc Planarized By Bismuth at 3ppm Concentration: A Mechanistic Study – J. W. Gallaway, A. Gaikwad, L. Sviridov, S. Banerjee (CUNY Energy Institute at the City College of New York), B. J. Hertzberg, D. A. Steingart (MAE/ACEE Princeton University), C. K. Erdonmez, Y. C. K. Chen-Wiegart, K. Evans-Lutterodt, and J. Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Effect of Additive on the Formation of Cusn Alloy Nano-Trees Formed with DC Electroplating – S. Shingubara, T. Shimizu, N. Kaneko (Kansai University), and Y. Tada (Muroran Institute of Technology) Gravitational Level Effects on Coupling Phenomena Between Morphological Variations of Electrodeposited Film of ZnO and Mass Transfer Rates – H. Osaki, T. Wakatsuki (Kyoto University), T. Homma, and Y. Fukunaka (Waseda University, JST-CREST)

Electrochemical Engineering General Session Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering PDR 3, Hilton Chicago

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering General Session: 1 – 09:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Venkat Subramanian and John A. Staser 09:00




A Comparison of Electrochemical ORR Activity of Boron in Graphene Oxide; Incorporated As a Charge-Adsorbate and/or Substitutional p-Type Dopant – E. Pourazadi, A. I. Minett, and A. T. Harris (The University of Sydney) Study of Graphene FOAM Characteristics: Adsorption and Electrochemical Regeneration – F. Sharif and E. Roberts (University of Calgary) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




10:20 10:40 1200









Investigation of Zinc Whisker Growth from Electrodeposits Produced Using an Alkaline Non-Cyanide Electroplating Bath – L. Wu (Loughborough University) Electrodeposition of PbO2 on Reticulated Vitreous Carbon for Organic Electrooxidation – L. A. M. Ruotolo (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Department of Chemical Engineering) and R. M. Farinos (Federal University of Sao Carlos) Intermission Structural Properties of Electrolytic Nickel Deposits Produced By Direct, Pulse and Pulse Reverse Currents in the Organic-Free Watts Electrolytes – B. Arslan, I. Karakaya (Middle East Technical University), M. Erdogan (Yildirim Beyazit University), M. S. Aras (Middle East Technical University), and G. Demirci (Aselsan Inc.) Water Treatment By Adsorption with Electrochemical Regeneration – E. Roberts (University of Calgary), N. Brown (Arvia Technology Ltd.), S. N. Hussain (University of the Punjab, Lahore), H. Mohammad (University of Manchester, UK), and A. Martin (University of Lancaster, UK) Electrocoagulation for the Treatment of Oil Sands Tailings Water – P. Panikulam (University of Calgary), E. Roberts, and M. Husein (University of Calgary) Electrochemical Oxidation of Lignin to Value-Added Chemicals – C. Arroyo-Torres (Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research, Ohio University), O. Movil-Cabrera (Ohio University), and J. A. Staser (Chemical Engineering) Integrated Electrocatalytic Processing of Levulinicacid and Formic Acid to Produce Biofuelintermediate Valeric Acid – Y. Qiu (Iowa State University), L. Xin (Michigan Technological University), D. J. Chadderdon, and W. Li (Iowa State University)








Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology Conference Room 4L, Hilton Chicago

Photovoltaics, Solar Cells I – 08:15 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: David J. Gundlach and M. Jamal Deen 08:15 08:30 1258













(Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award) Development of Large Scale Commercial PEM Electrolysis – K. E. Ayers, E. Anderson, B. Carter, L. Dalton, K. Dreier, C. Ebner, and L. Moulthrop (Proton OnSite) (Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award) An Investigation of the Growth Mechanism of Coal Derived Graphene Films – S. H. Vijapur, D. Wang (Ohio University, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), D. C. Ingram (Ohio University, Department of Physics and Astronomy), and G. G. Botte (Ohio University, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Introductory Remarks (Invited) Structure Measurements for Organic Photovoltaics Manufacturing – D. M. DeLongchamp (National Institute of Standards and Technology) (Invited) Role of the Metal-Organic Interfaces in the Dark Current-Voltage Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells – J. A. Jiménez Tejada, P. López Varo (Universidad de Granada), O. Marinov, and M. J. Deen (McMaster University) Break

Photovoltaics, Solar Cells II – 10:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: M. Jamal Deen and David J. Gundlach

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering General Session: 2 – 14:00 – 16:20 Co-Chairs: Vijay K. Ramani and E. J. Taylor 1205

Manufacturing of Low Catalyst Loading PEM Electrolyzer Meas Using Reactive Spray Deposition Technology – H. Yu (Center for Clean Energy Engineering), N. Danilovic (Proton OnSite), S. Zhao, Y. Wang (University of Connecticut), C. Capuano (Proton OnSite), W. E. Mustain (University of Connecticut), K. E. Ayers (Proton OnSite), and R. Maric (University of Connecticut) Plasma Electrochemistry: How to Control the Size and Size Distribution of Au Nanoparticles – S. W. Lee (National Fusion Research Institute) Thorium-234 Electrodeposition Using Ionic and Aqueous Uranyl Solutions – A. M. SalibaSilva, M. Linardi, L. Dos Santos Rocha, and M. Durazzo (IPEN/CNEN-SP)


(Invited) Operating Mechanisms of Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells – G. GarciaBelmonte (Universitat Jaume I) (Invited) Development of Tailor Made Donor-Acceptor Pairs for Fullerene-Free Organic Solar Cells – G. C. Welch (Dalhousie University) (Invited) Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy of Charge Generation in Organic Photovoltaic Materials – J. B. Asbury (Pennsylvania State University) Lunch Break

Photovoltaics, Solar Cells III – 14:00 – 15:30 Co-Chairs: J. A. Jiménez Tejada and Gregory Charles Welch 14:00




(Invited) Polymer Nanopatterned Layers for Organic Solar Cell Applications – V. S. Balderrama, J. Ferre-Borrull, J. Pallares, and L. F. Marsal (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) (Invited) Nanomaterials and Device Architecture Engineering for Enhanced Efficiency in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells – R. Izquierdo (Université du Québec à Montréal)


Monday, May 25



Monday, May 25



(Invited) Spray Coating of Organic Semiconductors and Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Solar Cells – B. P. Rand (Princeton University) and J. Tait (imec)



Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 5 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology Conference Room 4M, Hilton Chicago

Plenary Session – 08:30 – 09:30 Co-Chair: F. Roozeboom 08:30


Heterogeneous Nano- to Wide-scale cointegration of Beyond-Si and Si CMOS Devices to enhance Future Electronics – A. Thean, N. Collaert (Imec), I. P. Radu (IMEC), N. Waldron, C. Merckling, L. Witters (imec), R. Loo (IMEC), J. Mitard, R. Rooyackers, A. Vandooren (Imec), A. Verhulst, A. Veloso, D. Yakimets, T. H. Bao, D. Chiappe, A. Vaysset, O. Zografos, M. G. Bardon, J. Ryckaert (imec), M. Caymax, K. Barla (IMEC), D. Verkest, and A. Steegen (imec)

Beyond CMOS Devices – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: Kuniyuki Kakushima 14:00








Si Nanowires and SiGe Based High Mobility Substrates – 10:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Vijay Narayanan and P. J. Timans 10:00









Strained Silicon-Germanium-Channel Finfets for High-Performance CMOS: Opportunities and Challenges – P. Hashemi, K. Balakrishnan, J. A. Ott, E. Leobandung, R. T. Mo, and D. G. Park (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) High Mobility Materials on Insulator for Advanced Technology Nodes – W. Schwarzenbach, C. Figuet, D. Delprat, C. Veytizou, I. Huyet, C. Tempesta, L. Ecarnot (SOITEC), J. Widiez, V. Loup, J. M. Hartmann, P. Besson, C. Deguet, F. Mazen (CEA, LETI, MINATEC Campus), B. Y. Nguyen (SOITEC), and C. Maleville (Soitec) Evaluation of Anisotropic Biaxial Stress in Si1-XGex/Ge Mesa-Structure by Oil-Immersion Raman Spectroscopy – S. Yamamoto, K. Takeuchi, R. Yokogawa, M. Tomita (School of Science and Technology, Meiji University), K. Usuda (AIST-GNC), D. Kosemura, and A. Ogura (Meiji University) A New Method to Induce Tensile Stress in Silicon on Insulator Substrate: From Material Analysis to Device Demonstration – S. Maitrejean (CEA-LETI), N. Loubet (STMicroelectronics), E. Augendre (CEALETI), P. F. Morin (STMicroelectronics), N. Bernier, R. Wacquez, S. Reboh (CEALETI), B. Lherron (STMicroelectronics), A. Bonnevialle (CEA-LETI, STMicroelectronics), J. M. Hartmann (CEALETI), S. Pilorget (STMicroelectronics), A. Halimaoui (STMIcroelectronics), J. Li (IBM Research), L. Grenouillet (CEA-LETI), F. Chafik, Y. Morand (STMicroelectronics), C. Le Royer, O. Faynot (CEA-LETI), M. Celik (STMicroelectronics), B. Doris (IBM Research), B. de Salvo (CEA-LETI), Q. Liu (STMicroelectronics), H. He (IBM Research), and J. Kanyandekwe (STMicroelectronics)

Mechanical Analyses of Extended and Localized Fdsoi Utbb Stressors Formed with Ge Enrichment Techniques – P. F. Morin (STMicroelectronics), L. Grenouillet (CEALETI), N. Loubet (STMicroelectronics), E. Augendre (CEA-LETI), A. Pofelski (STMicroelectronics), D. Lu (IBM), Q. Liu (STMicroelectronics), S. Maitrejean (CEALETI), V. Fiori (STMicroelectronics), B. de Salvo (CEA-LETI), B. Doris (IBM Research), and W. Kleemeier (STMicroelectronics)


Si Nanowire Tunnel FETs for Energy Efficient Nanoelectronics – Q. T. Zhao, S. Richter, L. Knoll, G. V. Luong, S. Blaeser, C. SchulteBraucks, A. Schäfer, S. Trellenkamp, D. Buca, and S. Mantl (Forschungszentrum Juelich) Oxide-Based Synaptic Transistors for Neuromorphic Systems – Q. Wan (Nanjing University) Atomic Resolution Study of VO2 MetalInsulator Transition As Field-Effect Transistors – H. Asayesh-Ardakani, A. Nie (Michigan Technological University), P. Marley (University at Buffalo, State University of New York), Y. Zhu (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology), G. Sambandamurthy, S. Banerjee (University at Buffalo, State University of New York), R. F. Klie (University Of Illinois At Chicago), G. Odegard, and R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) The Impact of the Ge Concentration in the Source for Vertical Tunnel-FETs – J. A. Martino, P. G. D. Agopian, F. S. Neves (University of Sao Paulo), A. Vandooren, R. Rooyackers, E. Simoen, A. Thean (Imec), and C. Claeys (KU Leuven, Imec)

State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 57 (SOTAPOCS 57) Electronics and Photonics Conference Room 4G, Hilton Chicago

Compound Semiconductor Processing – 09:00 – 11:50 Co-Chairs: Yu-Lin Wang and Chih-Fang Huang 09:00






10:30 10:50 1404

(Electronics and Photonics Division Award) Dielectrics for III-V Materials – D. C. R. Abernathy (University of Florida) Invited: Preparation of GaSb Surface for Low Interfacial Trap Density MOS Capacitors – C. Y. Chen, W. J. Hsueh, C. M. Chang, H. M. Hsu (National Central University), and J. I. Chyi (National Applied Research Laboratories, National Central University) Invited: Ohmic Contacts to Semiconductor Compounds: From III-V Semiconductors to Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides – S. E. Mohney (Penn State) Break Surface Metal Cleaning of GaN Surface Based on Redox Potential of Cleaning Solution – K. Nagao, K. Nakamura (Tohoku University, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.), A. Teramoto, F. Imaizumi, T. Suwa, Y. Shirai, S. Sugawa, and T. Ohmi (Tohoku University) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




Annealing Effects on the Electrical Activation of Si Dopants in InGaAs – A. G. Lind, H. L. Aldridge Jr. (University of Florida), C. C. Bomberger (University of Deleware), C. Hatem (Applied Materials), J. M. O. Zide (University of Delaware), and K. S. Jones (University of Florida) Electrochemical Transfer Doping: A Novel Phenomenon Seen in Diamond, Gallium Nitride, and Carbon Nanotubes – V. Chakrapani (Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute)







Compound Semiconductor Growth – 13:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: Jennifer K. Hite Invited: Approaches to the Formation and Integration of Large Lattice Mismatched Materials: Metamorphic and NonConventional ‘buffer’ Layers – T. F. Kuech, S. E. Babcock, L. J. Mawst, A. Wood, T. W. Kim, A. Rajeev, K. Schulte, and Y. Guan (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Invited: Growth of Non-Polar Cubic GaN 13:30 1408 on Common Si – M. Durniak, A. Bross, D. Elsaesser (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), A. Chaudhuri, S. C. Lee, S. R. J. Brueck (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque), and C. Wetzel (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 14:00 1409 Ag-Fe2O3 Heterostructured Nanoparticles as Photocatalysts under Visible Light Irradiation – S. Liu, Y. Chen (Qingdao University of Science and Technology), and L. Dong (Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Missouri State University) 14:20 1410 The Effect of Interfacial Contamination on Antiphase Domain Boundary Formation in GaAs on Si(100) – C. S. C. Barrett, A. G. Lind (University of Florida), X. Bao, Z. Ye, K. Y. Ban, P. Martin, E. Sanchez (Applied Materials), and K. S. Jones (University of Florida) 14:40 Break 14:50 1411 Invited: Point Defects in Chalcogenide Compound Semiconductors – A. Rockett (University of Illinois) 15:20 1412 Continuum Modelling of Silicon Diffusion and Activation in in0.53Ga0.47As – H. L. Aldridge Jr., A. G. Lind, M. E. Law (University of Florida), C. Hatem (Applied Materials), and K. S. Jones (University of Florida) 15:40 1413 Atomic Level Simulation of Ridge Reconstruction and Passivation in GaAs Nanopillars – T. H. Yu (California State University, Long Beach) and C. Ratsch (University of California, Los Angeles) 13:00









Growth and Characterization – 13:30 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Krishna Shenai and Travis J. Anderson 13:30






Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 16 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Sensor Conference Room 4C, Hilton Chicago

GaN based Electronics I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Soohwan Jang and Jen-Inn Chyi 08:00

09:50 10:10 1436


(Invited) Failure Mechanisms in AlGaN/ GaN Hemts Irradiated with 2MeV Protons – T. J. Anderson, A. D. Koehler (Naval Research Laboratory), P. Specht (University of California, Berkeley), B. D. Weaver, J. D. Greenlee (Naval Research Laboratory), M. J. Tadjer (U. S. Naval Research Laboratory), J. K. Hite, M. A. Mastro (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), M. Porter (Naval Postgradute School), M. Wade (Naval Postgraduate School), O. Dubon (University of California, Berkeley), M. Luysberg (Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre), K. D. Hobart (Naval Research Laboratory), T. R. Weatherford (Naval Postgradute School), and F. J. Kub (Naval Research Laboratory) (Invited) Simulation of Radiation Effects in AlGaN/GaN Hemts – E. Patrick, M. Choudhury, F. Ren, S. J. Pearton, and M. E. Law (University of Florida) (Invited) Neutron Irradiation Effect on GaN-Based Materials – M. L. Zhang (Hebei University of Technology) Break (Invited) Thermal Limitations in Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductor Power Switching Devices – K. Shenai (LoPel Corporation) (Invited) Low Loss Power Conversion Enabled By Gallium Nitride Based Devices – S. Chowdhury (Arizona State University) (Invited) GaN High Power Devices and Their Applications – J. K. Mun, W. Chang, and D. M. Kang (ETRI) Investigating the Effects of Annealing on OffState Step-Stressed AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors – B. J. Kim, S. Ahn, Y. H. Hwang, F. Ren, and S. J. Pearton (University of Florida)


Synchrotron White-Beam X-Ray Topography Analysis of the Defect Structure of HVPEGaN Substrates – L. Kirste (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics), A. N. Danilewsky (Institute of Geo- and Environmental Sciences), T. Sochacki (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS), K. Köhler (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics), M. Zajac, R. Kucharski (Ammono S.A.), M. Bockowski (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS), and P. J. McNally (School of Electronic Engineering) Impact of Microstructure and Defects on Surface Reactivity during Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Epitaxy – A. Yanguas-Gil and P. Zapol (Argonne National Laboratory) How Predictive Are Reactor-Scale Simulations of Wbg Semiconductor Epitaxy? a Sensibility Analysis of SiC and Nitride Epitaxy Models – A. Yanguas-Gil (Argonne National Laboratory) and K. Shenai (LoPel Corp) Break

(Invited) Radiation Damage in AlGaN/ GaN and Inaln/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors – S. J. Pearton, F. Ren, and Y. H. Hwang (University of Florida)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Monday, May 25


Monday, May 25








(Invited) Developing Periodically Oriented Gallium Nitride for Frequency Conversion – J. K. Hite, J. A. Freitas, M. A. Mastro, I. Vurgaftman, J. R. Meyer (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), C. G. Brown (University Research Foundation), F. J. Kub, S. R. Bowman, and C. R. Eddy Jr. (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) Epitaxial Growth of High Quality GaN Films on Lattice Matched Metallic Layers – A. M. Dabiran, F. Machuca, and I. De (Tivra Corporation) Oil-Immersion Raman Spectroscopy for c-Plane GaN on Si and Al2O3 Substrates – R. Imai (School of Science and Technology, Meiji University), D. Kosemura (Renewable Energy Res. Labs., Meiji University), and A. Ogura (Meiji University, Renewable Energy Res. Labs., Meiji University)

Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3

High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Boulevard Room B, Hilton Chicago






Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces (SGEI 1)

High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Boulevard Room C, Hilton Chicago

Oxygen Electrodes I – 08:30 – 13:40 Co-Chairs: Ellen Ivers-Tiffée and Mogens Bjerg Mogensen 08:30 08:40 1602



Fuel Production at High Temperatures – 09:00 – 12:05 Co-Chairs: Xiao-Dong Zhou and Yixiang Shi 09:00 09:05 1497 09:45


10:05 10:25 1499







Introductory Remarks (Invited) Performance and Durability of Solid Oxide Cells for Energy Storage – S. A. Barnett (Northwestern University) Steam-Carbon Fuel Cell for Clean Fuel and Energy Production – S. M. Stewart, B. Loong, D. U. Johnson, T. M. Gur, and R. E. Mitchell (Stanford University) Break (Invited) Electrochemical Upgrading of Bio-Oil – S. Elangovan, D. Larsen, J. J. Hartvigsen, J. M. Mosby, J. Staley, J. Elwell (Ceramatec, Inc.), and M. Karanjikar (Technology Holding LLC) The Synthesis of Hydrocarbons for Fuel and Lubricants Via Ceramic Membrane Reactor – J. M. Mosby (Ceramatec, Inc.), P. McGuire, D. Taggart (Ceramatec, Inc), J. Staley, and S. Elangovan (Ceramatec, Inc.) Electrodes for Protonic-Ceramic Membranes Used in Natural Gas-to-Chemicals Processing – S. Ricote (Mechanical Eng. Dept., Colorado School Of Mines), A. Manerbino (CoorsTek Inc. Golden USA), N. P. Sullivan (Mechanical Eng. Dept., Colorado School Of Mines), and G. Coors (CoorsTek Inc. Golden USA) Co-Synthesis of Hydrogen and Carbon Fuels from Water and Carbon Dioxide – F. F. Li, S. Liu, B. Cui, J. Lau, J. Stuart, and S. Licht (The George Washington University)

Reversible Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cells – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Kui Xie, Yu-Cheng Wu, and Xiao-Dong Zhou 14:00





(Invited) Measurement of Electronic Conductivity in 8YSZ Using an Embedded Electrode – L. Zhang, L. Zhu, and A. V. Virkar (The University of Utah) (Invited) Efficient Electrochemical Biogas Reforming with Enhanced Carbon Deposition Resistance of Ni/YSZ Electrode Coated with Chromium Oxide in a Solid Oxide Electrolyzer – W. Qi, K. Xie, S. Chen, and Y. Wu (Hefei University of Technology)

09:40 10:00 1604





Welcoming Remarks (Invited) Dissimilar Interfaces As a Driver to Oxygen Reduction on Perovskite Oxide Surfaces – B. Yildiz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Polarisation Induced Composition Changes in LSM Thin Film Electrodes Observed By in Operando Raman Spectroscopy and TOF-SIMS – R. A. Walker, M. D. McIntyre (Montana State University), M. L. Traulsen, K. Norrman, and S. Sanna (Technical University of Denmark) Coffee break Surface Segregation in Solid Oxide Electrode Materials Occurring at Intermediate Temperature – J. Druce, H. Téllez, T. Ishihara (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University), and J. A. Kilner (Imperial College London, wpiI2CNER, Kyushu University) Surface Segregation and Inter-Diffusion of Cations and Impurities in Microelectrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers – H. Téllez, J. Druce (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University), Y. Shi, M. Kubicek (Electrochemical Materials, ETH Zurich), N. J. Simrick (Department of Materials, Imperial College London), J. L. M. Rupp (Electrochemical Materials, ETH Zurich, wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University), T. Ishihara (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University), and J. A. Kilner (Imperial College London, wpiI2CNER, Kyushu University) Nature and Functionality of Oxygen/Cathode/ Electrolyte-Interfaces in SOFCs – J. Szász, F. Wankmüller (IAM-WET, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)), V. Wilde, H. Störmer, D. Gerthsen (LEM, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)), N. H. Menzler (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), and E. Ivers-Tiffée (IAM-WET, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT))

(Invited) Stabilized Bismuth Oxide As a Component in the Air Electrodes of Reversible Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cells – S. M. Haile (California Institute of Technology) (Invited) Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Development at Versa Power Systems – A. Wood, H. He, C. C. Brown, and T. Joia (Versa Power Systems Ltd.) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL





Surface Composition of Layered RuddlesdenPopper Lan+1NinO3n+1 (n = 1, 2 and 3) Epitaxial Films – K. T. Wu (Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University, Department of Materials, Imperial College London), H. Téllez, J. Druce (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University), M. Burriel (Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, France, Department of Materials, Imperial College London), T. Ishihara (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University, Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University), J. A. Kilner (Imperial College London, wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University), and S. J. Skinner (Department of Materials, Imperial College London, London) Oxygen reduction reaction at cathodes on proton conducting oxide electrolytes: contribution from three phase boundary compared to bulk path – R. Merkle (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research), D. Poetzsch (MPI for Solid State Research), and J. Maier (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research) Lunch break


Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Williford Room C, Hilton Chicago

Bard Award Symposium 1 – 08:00 – 09:30 Co-Chairs: Shelley D. Minteer, Alice H Suroviec and Pawel J. Kulesza 08:00






General – 13:40 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Stuart B. Adler and Robert A. Walker 13:40




14:40 15:00 1611



(Invited) Properties of the ElectrodeAmmonium Polyphosphate-Composite Interface at Temperatures up to 250°C – B. B. L. Reeb (ZAE Bayern) and U. Stimming (Newcastle University, ZAE Bayern) Effect of Gd0.2Ce0.8O2 Sintering Temperature on Formation of a SrZrO3 blocking Layer Between Y0.16Zr0.84O2, Gd0.2Ce0.8O2 and La0.58Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 – V. Wilde (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), H. Störmer (LEM, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)), J. Szász, E. Ivers-Tiffée (IAM-WET, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)), D. Gerthsen (LEM, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)), and F. Wankmüller (IAM-WET, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)) Break (Invited) Microreactors for Characterization and Benchmarking of Photocatalysts – P. C. K. Vesborg, F. Dionigi, D. Bøndergaard, T. Pedersen (Technical University of Denmark), K. Domen (ARPChem), K. Maeda (Tokyo Institute of Technology), S. Dahl, O. Hansen, and I. Chorkendorff (Technical University of Denmark) Need for in Operando Characterization of Electrochemical Interface Features – M. L. Traulsen, K. V. Hansen, L. T. Kuhn, C. Chatzichristodoulou, P. Holtappels, and M. B. Mogensen (Technical University of Denmark)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Invited) Electrochemical Detection of Collisions of Single Soft NanoparticlesEmulsions and Viruses – A. J. Bard (The University of Texas at Austin), B. K. Kim (University of Tesxas at Austin), A. Boika (Univerof Akron), and J. E. Dick (University of Tesxas at Austin) (Invted) Catalytically Accelerated Hydrogen Gas Detection at Electrodeposited Pd@ Pt Nanowires – R. Penner (University of California, Irvine) (Invited) Recent Progress in the Study of Single Molecule Electrochemistry Using Surface-Enhanced and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy – R. P. Van Duyne (Northwestern University)

Bard Award Symposium 2 – 10:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Shelley D. Minteer and Ryan Jeffrey White 10:00








(Invted) The Use of Redox Nano-Titrations for Elucidating Reactive Heterogeneity on Electrodes for Energy Conversion and Charge Storage – B. H. Simpson, J. Hui, T. Lichtenstein, X. Zhou, and J. Rodríguez-López (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (Invited) Bioelectrocatalytic Oxidation of Sucrose with an Enzyme Cascade Assembled on a DNA Scaffold – S. D. Minteer (University of Utah) (Invited) Designer Electrochemical Biosensors: Developing Guidelines Driven By Bioanalytical Applications – R. J. White (University of Maryland Baltimore County) (Invited) Fluorescence-Enabled Electrochemistry of Single Molecules and Nanoparticles – B. Zhang, S. Oja, and J. Lu (University of Washington)

Bard Award Symposium 3 – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Héctor D. Abruña and Keith J. Stevenson 14:00






(Invited) Ultrasensitive Electroanalytical Detection and Study of Single Nanoparticle Catalysts – K. J. Stevenson (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology) (Invited) Dendrite-Free Rechargeable Zinc-Based Batteries: Solving a Chronic Impediment through Architectural Design in 3D – D. R. Rolison, J. F. Parker (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), I. R. Pala (NRC Postdoctoral Associate, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), C. N. Chervin, E. S. Nelson, and J. W. Long (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) (Invited) Operando Methods for the Study of Energy Materials – H. D. Abruña (Cornell University)


Monday, May 25



Monday, May 25



(Allen J. Bard Award) The Electrochemical Nucleation and Physical Behavior of Hydrogen Nanobubbles – H. S. White, Q. Chen, S. R. German, H. Wiedenroth (University of Utah), L. Luo (University of Texas), and S. W. Feldberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)









Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Conference Room 4K, Hilton Chicago







Calculating the Proton Transport and Dielectric Properties of Phosphates and Related Materials – M. E. Tuckerman (New York University) New Method to Determine Eley-Rideal Barriers for 2e- and 4e- Oxygen Reduction Reactions in Fuel Cells – T. H. Yu, H. C. Tsai, S. Ravishankar, and W. A. Goddard III (California Institute of Technology) Molecular Dynamics Study for Lithium Ion Diffusion in Layered LixCoO2 (x=0.5~1.0) – S. Hattori, T. Kunikiyo, and Y. Tokita (Sony Corporation) Multiscale Modeling of the Electrode/ Electrolyte Interface Using Charge Optimized Many Body (ECOMB3) Potentials – S. A. Akhade (The Pennsylvania State University), A. Antony, T. Liang (University of Florida), M. J. Janik, J. K. Maranas (The Pennsylvania State University), and S. B. Sinnott (University of Florida)

Continuum -1 – 10:20 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Stephen J. Paddison and Keith Promislow 10:20










Computational Electrochemistry

AIMD - 1 – 08:00 – 10:20 Co-Chair: Stephen J. Paddison 08:00

CMD - 1 – 14:00 – 15:40 Co-Chairs: Stephen J. Paddison and Seung Soon Jang

Mathematical Modeling of Multi-Physics Electrochemical Devices – T. W. Farrell (Queensland University of Technology) Simulations of Phase Transformation Dynamics in LiFePO4 Particles in Battery Electrode – H. C. Yu, B. Orvananos, O. Akyildiz, and K. Thornton (University of Michigan) Modeling of Structural Changes in Cathodes of Lithium Ion Batteries Depending on State of Charge – B. Kleinsteinberg (RWTH Aachen University, ISEA) and D. U. Sauer (Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany, RWTH Aachen University, ISEA) Multi-Scale Theory in the Molecular Simulation of Electrolyte Solutions – L. R. Pratt, W. Zhang, and X. You (Tulane University)


Molecular Simulations of Proton and Hydroxide Transport in Fuel Cell Membranes – Y. L. S. Tse, J. Savage, C. Chen (Department of Chemistry, Computation Institute, James Franck Institute, the University of Chicago), C. Knight (Leadership Computing Facility, Argonne National Laboratory), and G. Voth (Department of Chemistry, Computation Institute, James Franck Institute, the University of Chicago) Molecular Simulation and Performance Prediction of High-Temperature Molten-Salt Batteries – H. Y. Li, C. F. Chen, Y. C. Cheng, and C. W. Hong (Dept of Power Mech Eng, National Tsing Hua Univ) The Effects of Sulfuric Acid and Vanadium Cations on the Morphology of Hydrated Nafion: MD Simulations – S. Cui (University of Tennessee), S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), and T. A. Zawodzinski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lithiation of Si Nanowires Covered By SiO2 and Al2O3 Shells – S. Y. Kim (Michigan State University), A. Ostadhossein, A. van Duin (Pennsylvania State University), and Y. Qi (Michigan State University)

Electrocatalysis 7

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Williford Room A, Hilton Chicago

Oxygen Reduction – 08:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Plamen Atanassov and Sanjeev Mukerjee 08:00








(Keynote) Oxygen Reduction Activity of MOF-Derived N-C Catalysts: Effect of Iron Traces or True Activity of N-Groups? – V. Armel, D. Jones, and F. Jaouen (Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier UMR CNRS 5253) Enhancement of the Oxygen Reduction on Nitride Stabilized Pt-M (M = Fe, Co and Ni) Core-Shell Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts – K. A. Kuttiyiel, K. Sasaki (Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory), G. G. Park (Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), Y. Choi (SABIC Technology Center (STC)), S. M. Hwang, T. H. Yang (Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), D. Su (CFN, Brookhaven National Laboratory), P. Liu, and R. Adzic (Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory) Nitrogen-Doped Large-Sized Graphene Tubes As an Active Support for a Hybrid Pt Electrocatalyst Towards Oxygen-Reduction – G. Wu (University at Buffalo, SUNY) Oxygen Reduction Reaction Kinetics at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures – E. C. M. Tse (University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign) and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


10:00 10:20 1818















13:00 14:00 1826

Highly Active LiNi1-XMxO2 (M = Mn, Co, Fe) Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Conditions – V. Augustyn, T. Turner, and A. Manthiram (The University of Texas at Austin) Intermission Understanding the Superior ORR Activity of the Fe-N2+2 to That of the Fe-N4 Site – Q. Jia, K. Strickland, H. Hafiz, B. A. Bernardo, S. Mukerjee (Northeastern University), N. Ramaswamy (General Motors Corporation), and U. Tylus (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Ordered Mesoporous Porphyrinic Carbons for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Pt-like Activity in Acidic Media and Active Site – S. H. Joo (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) What Is the Optimum Strain for Pt Alloys for Oxygen Electroreduction? – M. EscuderoEscribano, P. Malacrida, A. A. VelázquezPalenzuela, A. F. Pedersen (Technical University of Denmark), D. Friebel, A. Nilsson (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), I. E. L. Stephens, and I. Chorkendorff (Technical University of Denmark) Methanol Tolerant Oxygen Reduction Activity of Nitrogen-Iron Doped Carbon in a Hollow Core Mesoporous Shell Structure – K. Y. Chan and M. Zhou (The University of Hong Kong) Improving Activity and Stability of ORR Electrocatalysts with Pt-Rich Hollow Nanostructures – L. Dubau (CNRS, LEPMIGrenoble), T. Asset, R. Chattot (LEPMIGrenoble), and F. Maillard (LEPMI, UMR 5279 CNRS) Study of Non-PGM ORR Catalyst Degradation Using Synchrotron Techniques – U. Tylus, H. T. Chung (Los Alamos National Laboratory), D. C. Higgins (University of Waterloo), D. J. Myers (Argonne National Laboratory), D. Nordlund (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource), C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology), and P. Zelenay (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Activity of N-Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in Alkaline Media – K. Tammeveski, M. Vikkisk, I. Kruusenberg (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), U. Joost, E. Shulga, and I. Kink (Institute of Physics, University of Tartu) Model Non-Precious Metal Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: A Bottom-up Approach – U. Martinez, T. L. Williamson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. Artyushkova (University of New Mexico), M. A. Hoffbauer, G. M. Purdy, J. H. Dumont, A. M. Dattelbaum, A. Mohite, G. Gupta, and P. Zelenay (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Lunch An Approach for Highly Porous NonPrecious Metal Catalyst Synthesis for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Cathodes – H. T. Chung, D. C. Higgins (Los Alamos National Laboratory), D. Kim (University of Calrifornia, Santa Barbara), G. Wu (University at Buffalo, SUNY), U. Tylus (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. L. More, D. A. Cullen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and P. Zelenay (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Graphene Oxide Based Non Precious Metal Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Media – J. H. Dumont (Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of New Mexico), U. Martinez, A. Mohite, G. M. Purdy, A. M. Dattelbaum (Los Alamos National Laboratory), P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico), P. Zelenay, and G. Gupta (Los Alamos National Laboratory) The Effect of Anions on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity and Selectivity on a Au Electrode: A Double Disk Electrode Flow Cell ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy Study – Z. Jusys (University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany, Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis) and R. Jürgen Behm (University of Ulm, Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis) Boron Nitride - Gold As a Novel Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – K. Uosaki (National Institute for Materials Science, Hokkaido University), G. Elumalai (National Institute for Materials Science), H. Noguchi, T. Masuda (Hokkaido University, National Institute for Materials Science), A. Lyalin (Kyoto University), and T. Taketsugu (Hokkaido University) Magnetoelectrocatalysis of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) – K. L. Knoche and J. Leddy (University of Iowa) Morphology Controlled Synthesis of Durable TiO2 Support for Nano-Pt Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – M. A. Uddin, S. Ganesan (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut), S. Stagon (University of North Florida), and U. Pasaogullari (University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering)

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4E, Hilton Chicago

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 1 – 08:10 – 09:30 Co-Chairs: Aline Rougier, Chunye Xu, and Pawel J. Kulesza 08:10




Plasmonic Metal Oxide Nanocrystals and Their Near Infrared Electrochromism – D. J. Milliron (The University of Texas at Austin), E. Runnerstrom (The University of Texas at Austin, University of California, Berkeley), A. Llordes (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin), Y. Wang, and C. Dahlman (The University of Texas at Austin) Ultrathin and Nanostructured Organic Layers with on/Off Switching Properties Based on Covalently Grafted Olidothiophenes – J. C. Lacroix (Université Paris Diderot, ITODYS, UMR 7086 CNRS,)

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 2 – 10:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Aline Rougier and Jean Christophe Lacroix 10:00


Electroactive Polymers Prepared By Vapour Phase Polymerisation – R. Brooke (University of South Australia), X. Crispin (Linkoping University), P. J. Murphy, and D. Evans (University of South Australia)


Monday, May 25


Monday, May 25







Polymer Electrolytes for Electrochromic Devices – M. M. Silva, R. Leones (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho), R. Alves, R. F. P. Pereira (University of Minho), and V. de Zea Bermudez (University of Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro) Transparent Solid Polymer Electrolyte Thin Film Via Layer-By-Layer Deposition for Electrochromic Devices – M. Cui and P. S. Lee (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University) Electrochromic Devices Incorporating Conducting Polymer or Novel Viologens – M. Deepa and R. Sydam (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad)

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 3 – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Chunye Xu and Claes-Goran Granqvist 14:00









Thermochromic Smart Windows for Energy Saving and Comfort in Buildings and Vehicles – P. Jin (Shanghai Institute of Ceramics) Electrochromic Properties of NonStoichiometric Ni1-Xo Thin Films – M. Da Rocha, L. Manceriu, and A. Rougier (CNRSUniv. Bordeaux, ICMCB) Progress in Electrochromics and Thermochromics: New Data on Oxide Films of W, Ni and V, and on Devices Based on These – C. G. Granqvist (Uppsala University) Self-Powered Electrochromic Smart Window Driven By Transparent Triboelectric Nanogenerators Via Harvesting Wind and Rain Energies – M. H. Yeh, L. Lin, P. K. Yang, and Z. L. Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)





III-V Compounds for Solar Water Splitting – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: Vaidyanathan Subramanian 1989








Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring

Keynote Speeches on Solar Energy Materials and Devices – 08:15 – 10:40 Co-Chair: Nianqiang (Nick) Wu 08:15 08:20 1982

09:00 10:00 1984

Introductory Remarks Concerning the Role of Sacrificial Reagents in Photocatalytic Water Splitting Systems: A Critical Assessment – D. W. Bahnemann and J. Schneider (Leibniz University of Hannover) Break A New Family of Catalysts for Production of Solar Fuels – J. T. Hupp (Northwestern University)

New Direction of Solar Fuel Reserach – 10:40 – 12:20 Co-Chair: Heli Wang 10:40





(Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award) Plasmonic Light Absorption Enhancement Mechanisms in Semiconductors Above and below the Band Edge – S. K. Cushing, J. Li, A. D. Bristow, and N. Wu (West Virginia University) Novel Photoelectrodes and Noble Metal Free Catalysts for Light Driven Water Electrolysis – S. Fiechter (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Institute for Solar Fuels)

Toward High-Efficiency Scalable GaAs and GaAsxP1-X Photoelectrodes Grown Via Vapor Transport from a Solid Source – S. W. Boettcher (Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon) High-Efficiency Tandem Absorbers for Economical Solar Hydrogen Production – T. G. Deutsch (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), J. L. Young (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, University of ColoradoBoulder), H. Döscher (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Technische Universität Ilmenau), H. Wang, and J. A. Turner (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Electronic Properties of III-V Semiconductor Photocathode-Water Interfaces: Predictions from First-Principles Calculations – T. A. Pham, B. C. Wood, and T. Ogitsu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Materials for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting: The PEC Working Group – H. Wang (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), T. F. Jaramillo (Stanford University Department of Chemical Engineering), and E. L. Miller (U.S. Department of Energy)


Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5 Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Conference Room 4D, Hilton Chicago

An All Solution-Processed Lead Halide Perovskite-BiVO4 Tandem Architecture Delivering STH of 2.5% – Y. S. Chen, J. S. Manser, and P. V. Kamat (University of Notre Dame) Enabling Solar Fuels Technology By High Throughput Discovery of Earth Abundant Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts – J. A. Haber (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis-Caltech), J. M. Gregoire, D. Guevarra, R. Jones, A. Shinde, N. Becerra+Stasiewicz (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis- Caltech), C. Xiang (California Institute of Technology), M. Slobodan, S. Jung (Joint Center for Artificial PhotosynthesisCaltech), C. Kisielowski, J. Yano (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis- LBNL), and J. Jin (Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory)

Sensor / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Continental Room C, Hilton Chicago

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare 1 – 08:50 – 12:40 Co-Chairs: Rangachary Mukundan and Ajit Khosla 08:50 09:00 2086 10:00





Welcoming Remarks (Plenary) Paper Amperometric Systems for e-Diagnostics – A. P. F. Turner (Linköping University) (Keynote) Paper-Based Lateral Flow Strips Toward Point-of-Care Detection of Biomolecules – N. Wu, P. Zheng, and X. Gao (West Virginia University) A Fully Inkjet-Printed Carbon Nanotube Electrochemical Sensor on Paper – T. H. da Costa, R. P. Tortorich, E. Song, and J. W. Choi (Louisiana State University) Break Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








Rapid Detection of Fluoride in Potable Water – R. Chavali, N. S. Gunda (York University), S. Naicker (University of Alberta), and S. Mitra (York University) Electrically Conducting PDMS Nanocompsite Using in-Situ Reduction of Gold Nanostructures and Mechanical Stimulation of Carbon Nanotubes – J. Ozhikandathil (Concordia University), A. Khosla (University of Calgary), and M. Packirisamy (Concordia University) Self-Propelled Nanorockets for Water Monitoring and Pollutants Purification – T. Li, L. Li, L. Wang, and G. Zhang (Harbin Institute of Technology) Visual Nanosensor for the Detection of Heavy Metals in Water – C. Horwood, D. Cramb, and V. Birss (University of Calgary)

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare 2 – 14:00 – 15:50 Co-Chairs: Ajit Khosla, Rangachary Mukundan, and Peter Hesketh 14:00









(Keynote) Single Gold Nanowire Electrodes for Electrochemical Based Biosensing Applications – A. O’ Riordan, S. Barry (Tyndall National Institute), N. Creedon, A. Montrose, and B. O’Sullivan (Tyndall National Institute - University College Cork) All Silicon Gas Chromatographic Column for Fast Separation of VOCs Released By Armillaria Fungus – M. Navaei, P. Hesketh (Georgia Institute of Technology), J. Xu (Georgia Tech Research Institute), A. Mahdavifar (Georgia Institute of Technology), J. M. Dimandja (Spelman College), and G. McMurray (Georgia Tech Research Institute) Multimode Microsensors Based on Carbon Matrices for the Screening of Whole Blood for IL-6 – R. I. Stefan-van Staden and L. A. Gugoasa (NIRECM) In Vivo Glucose Measurement Using Fine Needle Type Amperometric Glucose Sensor – M. Yasuzawa and K. Edagawa (The University of Tokushima)

Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Chemical and Biological Sensors) Sensor Marquette, Hilton Chicago

Sensors Applied to Biosystems 1 – 09:00 – 12:00 Co-Chair: Michael T. Carter 09:00





Non-Invasive Biosensor for Measurement of Blood Urea Level in Human Subjects Using Reverse Iontophoresis – E. K Varadharaj and N. Jampana (Indian Institute of Science) Dielectric Impedance Spectroscopy in Flexible Polymer Microchip: Towards the Non Contact Biosensors – M. Kechadi, B. Tribollet, and J. Gamby (CNRS-LISE) Break

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL











Early Diagnosis of Small Fiber Neuropathies By Electrochemical Means: Optimization of Sensing Materials – A. Calmet (PSL Research University, Chimie ParisTechCNRS, IRCP, UTCBS UMR 8258), H. Ayoub (Impeto Medical), V. Lair (PSL Research University,Chimie ParisTech-CNRS,IRCP), S. Griveau (PSL Research University,Chimie ParisTech, UTCBS), P. Brunswick (Impeto Medical), A. Ringuedé (PSL Research University-CNRS,Chimie ParisTech, IRCP), F. Bedioui (PSL Research University,Chimie ParisTech, UTCBS, CNRS, UMR 8258), and M. Cassir Sr. (I2E, Chimie ParisTech, PSL) Comparison of Magnetoelastic Sensors to Other Acoustic Wave Sensors – H. C. Wikle III, J. Hu, S. Horikawa, Y. Chai, and B. A. Chin (Materials Research & Education Center, Auburn University) Detection of Salmonella on Bird Feces Contaminated Leafy Green Vegetables Using Phage-Based Magnetoelastic Biosensors – J. Dai (Auburn University), Y. Chai (Materials Research & Education Center, Auburn University), J. Hu (Changzhou University), S. Horikawa (Materials Research & Education Center, Auburn University), and B. A. Chin (Auburn University) Improved Pathogen Detection Using Magnetoelastic Biosensors Operating Under Multi-Harmonic Resonance Modes – S. Du, S. Horikawa, Y. Chai, H. C. Wikle III, and B. A. Chin (Materials Research & Education Center, Auburn University) Magnetoelastic Biosentinels for the Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in Stagnant Liquids – S. Horikawa, Y. Chai, S. Du, H. C. Wikle III, and B. A. Chin (Materials Research & Education Center, Auburn University)

Sensors Applied to Biosystems 2 – 14:00 – 15:20 Co-Chair: Michael T. Carter 14:00








Studies on Carbon Mediated Paste Screen Printed Sensors for Blood Glucose Sensing Application – E. K Varadharaj and N. Jampana (Indian Institute of Science) Electrochemical Detection of Antibiotics in Environmental Matrices Using Functionalized Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes – B. P. Chaplin and P. Gayen (University of Illinois at Chicago) Application of PVC Membrane Sensor in Pharmaceutical and Environmental Analysis. One Example: Potentiometric Determination of Moxifloxacin in Some Pharmaceutical Formulation Using PVC Membrane Sensors – G. A. H. Mostafa (College of pharmacy) Electrochemical and Electrocatalytic Properties of Platinum Electrode Modified With Gold-CNT Nanocomposite – A. S. Adekunle (North-West University (Mafikeng Campus)), J. G. Ayenimo (Obafemi Awolowo University), X. Y. Fang (Monash University), W. O. Doherty (Obafemi Awolowo University), A. O. Arotiba, B. B. Mamba (University of Johannesburg), and E. E. Ebenso (North-West University (Mafikeng Campus))


Monday, May 25



Nature-Inspired Electrochemical Systems

Energy Technology / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee Conference Room 4H, Hilton Chicago

Monday, May 25

Bioenergy – 08:55 – 11:00 Co-Chairs: William E Mustain and Shelley D. Minteer 08:55 09:00 2295









Welcoming Remarks From Chemical Fuel Cells to Biological Fuel Cells: Challenges and Directions – C. Santoro, S. Babanova, and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico) From the Bottom up and Back: NatureInspired Electrochemical Platforms for Bioenergy and Bioremediation – G. Reguera (Michigan State University) The Complete Oxidation of Glycerol to CO2: A Hybrid Enzymatic and Organic Electrocatalytic Cascade – S. D. Minteer, D. P. Hickey, M. McCammant, F. Giroud, and M. S. Sigman (University of Utah) Charge-Transfer and Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production By Hydrogenase Photobiohybrids – P. W. King, K. A. Brown, D. W. Mulder, M. W. Ratzloff (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and C. Lubner (University of Colorado, Boulder) Exploration of Ammonia Production in Blue Green Algae By Bioelectrocatalytic Methods – J. Lyon (University of Iowa), T. Paschkewitz (Pine Instruments), and J. Leddy (University of Iowa)

Biosystems Engineering – 13:55 – 15:40 Co-Chairs: Huyen N. Dinh and William E Mustain 13:55 14:00 2300








Welcoming Remarks Metabolic Engineering to Create New Class of Nature-Inspired Corrosion Inhibitors – M. Kamal Ahmadi and B. Pfeifer (State University of New York at Buffalo) In Situ Oxygen Gradient Generation, Control and Model inside a Microfluidic Habitat – W. E. Mustain, Y. Liu, A. Kadilak, and L. Shor (University of Connecticut) Development of a Novel Platform for Spectroelectrochemical Investigation of Geobacter Cytochromes Involved in Uranium Reduction – B. Awate, R. M. Worden, and G. Reguera (Michigan State University) Bio-Electrochemical Systems in the Subalpine Lake Idro (Italy) – P. Cristiani (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico S.p.A.)

Tuesday, May 26 Highlights 0800h ��������� Energy Technology Division Research Award, Boulevard Room A 0800h ��������� Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award, Williford Room A 0840h ��������� IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award, Boulevard Room A 0930h ��������� Technical Session Coffee Break 0940h ��������� Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award, Continental Room A 1300h ��������� Technical Exhibit Opens, Lower Level 1440h ��������� Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal, Williford Room C 1730h ��������� Gordon E. Moore Award Lecture, Williford Room B 1800h ��������� Technical Exhibit and General and Student Poster Session, Lower Level


Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage -and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion Energy Technology / Battery Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago

Fuel Cell Catalysis – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: S. R. Narayanan and A. Manivannan 08:00








Mn and Co Co-Substituted Fe3O4 Nanoparticles on Nitrogen-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide for Oxygen Electrocatalysis in Alkaline Solution – Y. Zhan, C. Xu, M. Lu (National University of Singapore), Z. Liu (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering), and J. Y. Lee (National University of Singappore) Effect of Contaminants on the Performance of a PEMFC – B. Tavakoli and J. W. Weidner (University of South Carolina) Design of the Catalyst Layers in Pemfcs Using an Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Approach – P. Andrei (Florida State University), G. Mixon (Florida State Univesity), M. Mehta (Florida State University, Aero propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy), and V. Bevara (Aero propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy) Hetro-Atom Doped CNTs As Metal Free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Fuel Cell – R. Nandan and K. K. Nanda (Indian Institute of Science)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




10:00 10:20 58









Modeling Diffusivity in Catalyst Layer of a PEMFC Based on a Unit Cell Approach – S. Salari, C. McCague (Simon Fraser University), M. Tam (Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation Corp.), J. Stumper (Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation Corporation), and M. Bahrami (Simon Fraser University) (Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award) Near Room Temperature Conversion of Methane to Methanol – T. J. Omasta, W. A. Rigdon, C. A. Lewis (University of Connecticut), R. J. Stannis, R. Lui, C. Q. Fan (Gas Technology Institute), and W. E. Mustain (University of Connecticut) Break Modelling of Radical Reactions at Platinum Deposits in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes – M. J. Eslamibidgoli (Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University) and M. Eikerling (Simon Fraser University, Department of Chemistry) Rational Design of Nanocatalysts for Fuel Cell Reactions – S. Guo (Los Alamos National Lab) Non-Carbon Catalyst Support for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells – X. Wang, T. Nowicki, N. Kariuki, D. J. Myers, C. K. Lin, and Y. Ren (Argonne National Laboratory) Platinum Decorated Nafion Functionalized Single-Wall Carbon Nanohorns As Catalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Applications – D. Ebenezer, M. Jagannatham (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), P. Bhuneshwar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune), and H. Prathap (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) Pdni-Based Catalysts for Anion-Exchange Membrane Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (AEMDMFC) – T. Jurzinsky, F. Jung, C. Cremers, K. Pinkwart, and J. Tübke (Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT)

Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago Lithium Battery Cathode I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Bor Yann Liaw and Prashant N. Kumta 08:00






A Phenomenological Open Circuit Voltage Model for Lithium-Ion Cells – C. R. Birkl (University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science), E. McTurk, M. Roberts, P. G. Bruce (University of Oxford, Department of Materials), and D. A. Howey (University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science) Novel Flexible Sulfur Wire Fabrics (FSF) for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries – P. Jampani Hanumantha (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh), P. M. Shanthi, B. Gattu (Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh), and P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261) Exploring Cycling Behavior of Lifsi-Bearing Electrolytes in Li1.03(Ni0.5Mn0.3Co0.2)0.97O2// Graphite cells – K. Z. Pupek, T. L. Dzwiniel, G. K. Krumdick, M. Klett, and D. P. Abraham (Argonne National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL







10:00 10:20 69









The Role of Modified Graphene in Cathode Formulations for Lithium-Ion Batteries – C. Arbizzani, L. Da Col, F. De Giorgio, M. Mastragostino (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna), and F. Soavi (Università di Bologna) Bond Pathway Analysis of NMR Spectra for Li1.2Mn0.4Co0.4O2: Pristine Material – H. Iddir, B. Key, F. Dogan (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Russell (Argonne National laboratory), B. R. Long, J. Bareno, and R. Benedek (Argonne National Laboratory) Spatially Resolved Post-Mortem-Analysis on Commercial Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Batteries – M. Lewerenz, J. Münnix, and D. U. Sauer (Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Juelich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA-Energy)) Break First-Charge Instabilities of Layered-Layered Lithium-Ion-Battery Materials: Relationship of Oxygen Ion Displacement to Mn Migration – J. R. Croy, H. Iddir, K. G. Gallagher, R. Benedek (Argonne National Laboratory), and M. Balasubramanian (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory) Advanced X-Ray Transmission Microscopy for Chemical and Fracture Imaging of Single LixFePO4 Particles at High Resolution – Y. S. Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), C. Kim (University of Illinois at Chicago), D. Shapiro, M. Farmand, R. Kostecki (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), D. Qian, S. Meng (University of California San Diego), and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) Effect of Lithium Bis(oxalato) Borate (LiBOB) As an Additive in Electrolyte for Enhanced Cycling Stability of Li-Rich Li1.2Ni0.16Mn0.56Co0.08O2 cathodes – D. Aurbach (Bar-Ilan University), P. Nayak, J. Grinblat (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel 52900), and M. D. Levi (Bar-Ilan University) Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Performance for a Series of Al- Substituted Li2MnO3 – L. TorresCastro (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras), J. Shojan (Dept. of Physics,University of Puerto Rico), R. S. Katiyar (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras), and A. Manivannan (U.S. Department of Energy) Geometric Characteristics of Lithium Ion Battery electrodes with Different Packing Densities – C. Lim, W. C. Lee (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), B. Yan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Z. Song (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), V. De Andrade (Argonne National Laboratory), F. De Carlo (Argonne National Lab), Y. Kim (UNIST), and L. Zhu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis)


Tuesday, May 26


Lithium Battery Cathode II – 14:00 – 17:00 Co-Chairs: Kristina Edstrom and A. Manivannan 14:00


Tuesday, May 26


















Li-Ion Battery State Estimation Using a Pseudo Two-Dimensional Electrochemical Model-Based Extended Kalman Filter with Temperature and Degradation Effects – A. M. Bizeray, S. R. Duncan, and D. A. Howey (University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science) Polarization Analysis Based on Realistic Lithium Ion Battery Electrode Microstructure Using Numerical Simulation – B. Yan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), C. Lim, Z. Song (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), Y. Kim (UNIST), and L. Zhu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) Effect of Coating and Particle Properties on the Cycling Stability of Li-Ion Conductor (LIC) Coated Sulfur Cathodes – P. M. Shanthi (Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh), P. Jampani Hanumantha (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh), B. Gattu (Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh), O. I. Velikokhatnyi (Department of Bioengineering), and P. N. Kumta (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261) An Introduction to Full Field, Hard X-Ray Microscopy Beamline at Brookhaven: 2D/3D, Ex Situ/in Situ Studies for Energy Materials – J. Wang, C. Eng (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Y. Chen-Wiegart (Brookhaven National Lab.), and J. Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Aging Modeling of LiFePO4/C Li-Ion Cells and Application to the Pack Sizing and Lifetime Prediction in an Electric School Bus – R. Mingant and J. Bernard (IFPEN) Comparison of Different Synthesis Methods for LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Regarding the Electrochemical Performance and Different Aging Mechanisms – M. Börner, M. Grützke, B. Vortmann, P. Niehoff, F. Schappacher, and M. Winter (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster) New Compounds for Li-Ion Battery Cathode Materials Based on Phosphite Chemistry – A. Choudhury and H. Yaghoobnejad Asl (Missouri University of Science and Technology) Controlling Polysulfide Shuttling in LithiumSulfur Batteries – M. Pathak (University of Washington Seattle), B. Suthar (Washington University in St.Louis, Saint Louis, MO, 63130), and V. Subramanian (University of Washington Seattle) Increased Conductivity of Li2xMg1-Xo/ Nanostructured Carbon Composites – N. F. Chayed, N. Kamarulzaman, R. Rusdi, and N. D. Abdul Aziz (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia)

Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago Fuel Cell Electrodes – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Jeff Greeley and Iryna V. Zenyuk 14:00








15:20 15:40 78 16:00










On the Mass-Transfer Properties of PartiallySaturated Carbon-Paper Gas Diffusion Layers: Global Vs. Local Effective Diffusivity – J. T. Gostick (McGill University), P. A. GarcíaSalaberri (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), G. Hwang (Wichita State University), M. Vera (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), and A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Modeling of Proton Conductivity through Perfluorosulfonate Acid Electrolyte Membranes – B. Zhang and B. J. Edwards (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle and Block Polymer Electrolytes – I. Villaluenga, S. Inceoglu, X. Jiang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), X. C. Chen (University of California, Berkeley), D. Devaux (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and N. P. Balsara (University of California Berkeley) Electrochemical Devices Based on Solid Acid Electrolytes for Conversion of Methane Derivatives – D. L. Wilson III, A. Papandrew (The University of Tennessee), and T. A. Zawodzinski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Break A Novel Model of Water Hydration in PEM Fuel Cell in Dynamic Operations – V. Liso and M. P. Nielsen (Aalborg University) Constructing Anhydrous Hydrogen-Bonding Network in a Sulfonated Polymer Based Membrane for High Temperature Fuel Cell Applications – Y. Li, Z. Wang, X. Hu (Wuhan University), G. Z. Chen (University of Nottingham), S. Dai (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and X. Jin (Wuhan University) Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel Coated Graphene Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates – S. Lee, H. Park, Y. Chung, E. Lee, S. Ahn, and D. J. Kim (Auburn University) Thin Film Electrodes and Electrochemical Reactions at Three-Phase Boundary in Alkaline Media: A DFT Approach – J. Kubal, Z. Zeng, and J. Greeley (Purdue University) Reaction Distributions in an Operating PEFC with Straight Channels Studied By Visualization of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Liquid Water Combined with Numerical Simulation – K. Nagase (University of Yamanashi, TAKAHATA PRECISION JAPAN), J. Inukai (University of Yamanashi), H. Motegi, M. Yoneda (Mizuho Information & Research Institute), Y. Nagumo (Shimadzu Corporation), T. Suga, H. Nishide (Waseda University), M. Uchida, and M. Watanabe (University of Yamanashi) Synthesis, Pore and PTFE Distribution Studies of Monolithic Gas Diffusion Media for PEMFC By Varying Solvent – S. Kattamanchi and H. Prathap (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Coating Ti-V-Cr Thin Film on the Anode Gas Diffusion Layer to Improve the Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – S. Y. Fang, R. H. Huang (National Chung Hsing University), L. G. Teoh (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology), K. L. Hsueh (Industrial Technology Research Institute), W. K. Chao (AU Optronics Corporation), D. C. Tsai, T. N. Yang, and F. S. Shieu (National Chung Hsing University)









Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond Battery Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago

Li-S Battery III – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Arumugam Manthiram and Jai Prakash 08:00






09:20 09:40 314







Lithium Sulfur Battery: Current Status and Future Prospects – T. Hara (Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System, Institute of Batteries LLC), I. Kurmanbayeva (Nazarbayev University), A. Mentbayeva (Institute of Batteries LLC, Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation Systems), and Z. Bakenov (Institute of Batteries LLC, Nazarbayev University) Enhanced Electrochemical Characteristics of the Pani-Coated Sulfur Cathode – J. E. Hyun (Korea Automotive Technology Institute), J. Um (Elpani), S. H. Lee (Ajou University), M. J. Jung (Elpani), and T. Ishihara (Kyushu University) Thermal Study of Reaction Intermediate Stability during Electrochemical Sulfur Reduction in a Lithium-Sulfur Cell – J. Seo, S. Sankarasubramanian (Illinois Institute of Technology), C. Kim, K. Zaghib (IREQ), and J. Prakash (Illinois Institute of Technology) Investigations of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries at Low and High Temperatures – N. A. Cañas, S. Zhao (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), N. Wagner (German Aerospace Center DLR), and K. A. Friedrich (German Aerospace Center (DLR), University of Stuttgart) Break Activated Li2s As a High-Performance Cathode for Rechargeable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries – C. Zu, M. Klein, and A. Manthiram (The University of Texas at Austin) Novel Approaches for Engineering Li2S Cathodes of Lithium Sulfur Batteries – L. Chen and L. Shaw (Illinois Institute of Technology) Polymer-Modified Carbon Nanotube Paper As an Efficient Current Collector in Li-S Batteries – Y. Cui and Y. Fu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) Enhanced Lithium-Sulfur Battery By AmineFunctionalized Cathode and Kinetic Study of Polysulfides Dissolution – L. Ma and L. A. Archer (Cornell University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

N-Doping Effect for Polysulfide Reservoir within Mesoscale Electrodes for Practical Application of Lithium Sulfur Batteries – J. Chen, D. Wu (Pacific Northweset National Laboratory), E. Walter, M. H. Engelhard, P. Bhattacharya (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), H. Pan (Pacific Northweset National Laboratory), Y. Shao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), F. Gao (Pacific Northweset National Laboratory), J. Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), and J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) Sequestration of Lithium Polysulfides - the Synergistic Effects of Nano-Confinement and Solvation – J. Guo and C. Fu (University of California at Riverside) High-Energy, Long-Life Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with a Surface-Coated Separator – S. H. Chung and A. Manthiram (The University of Texas at Austin)

Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Mg, Na, Zn Batteries III – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Andrew A. Gewirth, Jordi Cabana, and John Muldoon 08:00










09:40 10:00 326

Reversible Deposition and Dissolution of Mg Negative in Non-Ethereal Electrolyte – K. Soeda, M. Yamagata, and M. Ishikawa (Kansai University) The Unexpected Discovery of New Mg Complexes As Electrolytes for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries – C. Liao, B. Pan (Argonne National Lab), A. K. Burrell, and Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory) Elucidating the Requirements for Reversible Magnesium Electrodeposition and Dissolution – C. J. Barile (University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign), E. C. Barile, R. Spatney (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), K. R. Zavadil (Sandia National Laboratories), R. G. Nuzzo, and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) A New Iodoaluminate Ionic Liquid for Secondary Magnesium Batteries – F. Bertasi (Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova, INSTM), K. Vezzù (Veneto Nanotech S.C.p.a.), E. Negro (Department of Chemical Sciences University of Padova, INSTM), G. Pagot, G. Nawn (Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova), J. He, S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), and V. Di Noto (Department of Chemical Sciences University of Padova, INSTM) Performance of a Mgs Battery Using Grignard Based Electrolytes – B. R. Perdue and C. A. Apblett (Sandia National Laboratories) Break Self-Formation of Mg Metal / Electrolyte Interface in Rechargeable Mg Batteries – F. Mizuno, N. Singh, T. S. Arthur, O. Tutusaus, K. Takechi, and R. Mohtadi (Toyota Research Institute of North America)


Tuesday, May 26


Tuesday, May 26











Direct Observation of Magnesium Ion Intercalation into a Spinel-Structured λManganese Oxide at the Multi Length Scale – C. Kim, P. J. Phillips, T. Yi (University of Illinois at Chicago), B. Key, B. Key (Argonne National Laboratory), Y. S. Yu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), R. F. Klie (University Of Illinois At Chicago), and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) Computational Examination of OrientationDependent Morphological Evolution during the Electrodeposition and Electrodissolution of Magnesium – S. DeWitt and K. Thornton (University of Michigan) Beyond State of the Art: A Family of Novel and Highly Performing Electrolytes for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries Based on Boron-Hydrogen Compounds – R. Mohtadi, O. Tutusaus, T. S. Arthur, R. Zhang (Toyota Research Institute of North America), T. Carter (University of Michigan), and F. Mizuno (Toyota Research Institute of North America) Designing High Voltage Electrolytes Based on Boron Clusters for Magnesium Batteries – O. Tutusaus, R. Mohtadi, T. S. Arthur, and F. Mizuno (Toyota Research Institute of North America) Mg Battery Anodes Based on p-Block Elements: High Performances and Electrochemical Mechanisms – R. Berthelot (ICG-Montpellier - CNRS, RS2E), F. Murgia (Université Montpellier 2), L. Stievano (RS2E - CNRS FR3459, ICG-Montpellier), and L. Monconduit (RS2E, ICG-Montpellier)

Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago Progress in Electrolytes I – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Marshall C. Smart, Kang Xu, and Brett L. Lucht 08:00







Organosilicon-Based Electrolytes with Superior Thermal and Electrochemical Stability to Enable High Energy Lithium Ion Batteries – M. L. Usrey, A. Pena Hueso, M. Pollina, P. Du, L. Zhou, T. Johnson (Silatronix), R. J. Hamers (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Silatronix), and R. West (Silatronix, University of Wisconsin-Madison) SEI-Film-Suppression Additive for Enhancing Compatibility and Electrochemical Stability of Graphite Anode in PC-Based Electrolytes – H. Xiang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Hefei University of Technology), P. Yan, P. Bhattacharya, M. E. Bowden, R. Cao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. Qian (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), B. J. Polzin (Argonne National Laboratory), C. Wang, J. G. Zhang, and W. Xu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) The Impact of Additives upon the Propensity of Lithium Plating at Low Temperatures in Mcmb-LiNiCoAlO2-Based Li-Ion Cells with Methyl Propionate-Based Electrolytes – M. C. Smart, F. C. Krause, J. P. Jones, C. Hwang, L. D. Whitcanack, B. V. Ratnakumar (Jet Propulsion Lab., California Institute of Technology), M. R. Tomcsi, and V. Visco (Quallion, LLC)





09:40 10:00 337











Novel Highly Conductive Polymer Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries Applications – M. Leclere (CEA-Grenoble, INSA-Lyon), H. Mendil-Jakani (UMR SPrAM 5819 INAC - CEA-Grenoble - France), P. Rannou (UMR SPrAM 5819 - INAC- CEA-Grenoble - France), S. Lyonnard (UMR SPrAM 5819 - INAC - CEA Grenoble - France), S. Livi (INSA - IMP - UMR CNRS 5223), G. Gebel (CEA Grenoble - LITEN/DTNM/DIR - France), J. Duchet-Rumeau (INSA- IMP - UMR CNRS 5223- France), and L. Picard (CEA- Grenoble, LITEN/ DEHT/ SCGE/ LGI, France) Role of 1, 3-Propane Sultone and Vinylene Carbonate in Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI) Formation and Gas Generation – B. L. Lucht (University of Rhode Island), A. Garsuch (BASF SE), H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München), B. Zhang (University of Rhode Island), M. Metzger (Technische Universität München), S. Meini (BASF SE), M. Payne (BASF), and S. Solchenbach (Technische Universität München) Break (Invited) New Electrolyte Solvents and Additives Designed for Li Ion and Beyond Chemistries – K. Xu (Battery Material Research Center, U.S. Army Research Laboratory), Z. Zhang, D. P. Abraham, K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), A. V. Cresce, S. M. Russell, O. Borodin (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), and C. Wang (University of Maryland College Park) Trimethylboroxine Vs. Lithium Tetrafluoroborate As Electrolyte Additives for High Voltage LiCoPO4 Cathode Materials: Key Role of Boron Trifluoride – D. Haering, C. Marino (Technische Universität München), C. Stinner (BMW AG), and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München) Electrolyte Additives for Reducing the Irreversible Capacity Loss, Impedance and Polarization of a Doped LiCoPO4 Cathode – J. L. Allen, J. L. Allen, S. A. Delp III, and T. R. Jow (U.S. Army Research Laboratory) New Insights into Structure-PropertyRelationship of High-Voltage Electrolyte Components for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a pka Value Approach – D. R. Gallus, R. Wagner, B. Streipert, V. Kraft, W. Weber, R. Kloepsch, S. Wiemers-Meyer, I. CekicLaskovic, and M. Winter (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster) A Combined Computational and Experimental Approach to Determine Mg(BH4)2 Electrolyte Parameters – A. F. Chadwick, G. Vardar, K. Thornton, and D. Siegel (University of Michigan) Electrolyte Development for Magnesium Ion Battery – N. Sa (Argonne National Lab), D. L. Proffit, J. T. Vaughey (Argonne National Laboratory), A. L. Lipson, C. Liao (Argonne National Lab), B. Ingram (Argonne National Laboratory), Y. Ren (Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source), and A. K. Burrell (Argonne National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Salon A-1, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes III – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Gao Liu and Christopher Ryan Fell











The Effect of Internal Stress and Oxygen Non-Stoichiometry on Phase Transformations in Battery Cathodes – J. Sheth (Brown University), D. Liu (Alfred University), and B. W. Sheldon (Brown University) 08:40 354 Tuning Particle Morphology of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode Particles – G. Koenig and P. Robinson (University of Virginia) Synthesis and in Situ XAFS Investigation 09:00 355 of MoO2 nano-Particles As Li-Ion Battery Anodes – N. M. Beaver, S. Aryal, Y. Ding, J. P. Katsoudas, Y. Li, C. J. Pelliccione, C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology), and E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory) 09:20 356 Insight for Formation of Oxygen Deficiency in Spinel-Type LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4-δ Using Ab Initio DFT Calculations – H. Shiiba, N. Zettsu (Shinshu University, CREST, JST), M. Nakayama (Nagoya Institute of Technology), S. Oishi (Shinshu University), and K. Teshima (Shinshu University, CREST, JST) 09:40 Break In-Situ TEM Observation of Random Solid 10:00 357 Solution Zone in LiFePO4 Electrode – J. Niu (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) 10:20 358 The Effect of Ni Oxidation State on Li-Rich Layered Oxides – J. C. Knight (The University of Texas-Austin) and A. Manthiram (The University of Texas at Austin) 10:40 359 Performance Optimization for Nanoscale Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC) Li-Ion Battery Cathode – S. Aryal (Illinois Institute of Technology), S. Sen (Argonne National Laboratory), E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory), and C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology) 11:00 360 Structural Causes of Electrochemical Hysteresis and Voltage Fade in Lithiumand Manganese-Rich Composite Cathodes – F. Dogan, B. R. Long, J. R. Croy, K. G. Gallagher, H. Iddir, J. Russell (Argonne National Laboratory), M. Balasubramanian (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory), and B. Key (Argonne National Laboratory) 11:20 361 LiCoPO4 Based High Energy Li-Ion Cathodes – J. L. Allen, J. L. Allen, S. A. Delp III, J. Wolfenstine, and T. R. Jow (U.S. Army Research Laboratory) 11:40 362 Interfacial Reactivity of a High Capacity Manganese Rich (HCMRTM) Li-Ion Positive Electrode – L. Terborg, Y. Park (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), S. Venkatachalam, P. Hernandez (Envia Systems Inc.), and R. Kostecki (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

09:40 10:00 347











Galactomannan-Bound Battery Electrodes for High-Performance Applications – M. K. Dufficy, S. A. Khan, and P. S. Fedkiw (North Carolina State University) Toward Practical Application of Functional Conductive Polymer Binder for a HighEnergy Lithium-Ion Battery Design – H. Zhao, Z. Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), P. Lu (General Motors R&D Center), M. Jiang (GM R&D Center), A. Guerfi (IREQ), V. Battaglia (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), X. Xiao (General Motors, R&D Center), K. Zaghib (IREQ), and G. Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Impact of Aromatic Extension on the Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Carboxylates As Negative Organic Electrode for Lithium-Ion Battery – L. Fédèle, F. Sauvage, and M. Bécuwe (Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides, UMR 7314) Cycling Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Non-Uniform Size Particles in the Carbon Anode – M. Rashid and A. Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) Break in-Situ Measurement of the Thickness Change of Dense Si Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Electrochemical Dilatometry – D. Y. W. Yu, Y. Li (City University of Hong Kong), and M. Zhao (TUM CREATE) Optimization of the Thermal Treatment of Electrospun Poly(acrylonitrile) for Flexible, Binderless, and Collectorless Lithium-Ion Carbon Nanofibers Anode – J. Beach and R. B. Moore (Virginia Tech) Thermal Stability of Sb Anodes in Li-Ion Batteries and the Effects of Incorporating into Intermetallics and Composite Electrodes – E. Allcorn and A. Manthiram (The University of Texas at Austin) Invesitgation of the Gas Generation in Lithium Titanate Anode Based Lithium Ion Batteries – C. R. Fell (Johnson Controls Power Solutions), L. Sun (University of Notre Dame), P. B. Hallac, B. Metz, and B. C. Sisk (Johnson Controls Power Solutions) Redox-Active Functionalized Graphene Nanoribbons As Electrode Material for Li-Ion Batteries – K. Pirnat, J. Bitenc, I. Jerman, R. Dominko (National Institute of Chemistry), and B. Genorio (Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology) Preferentially Orientated Li-Deficient Li4Ti5O12 Nanosheet Anode and Its Excess Charge Storage Properties – H. C. Chiu (McGill University), J. Zhou (Canadian Light Source), L. Gu (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), J. Reid (Canadian Light Source), X. Lu (Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ)), R. Gauvin (McGill University), K. Zaghib (IREQ), and G. P. Demopoulos (McGill University)


Tuesday, May 26

Salon A-4, Hilton Chicago Progress in Cathodes III – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Joshua L. Allen and T. Richard Jow

Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago Li-Air (O2) Battery I – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Bryan D. McCloskey and Mark H. Weatherspoon

Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Mg, Na, Zn Batteries IV – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Baris Key, Joseph F. Parker, and John Muldoon





















Tuesday, May 26



16:00 16:20







Mechanistic Insights into Rechargeability and Capacity Limitations in Nonaqueous LiO2 Batteries – B. D. McCloskey (University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 364 Mesoporous Carbon Cathode in a Li-O2 Battery: Effect on Li2O2 Product Morphology and Recharge Potential – A. Dutta and H. R. Byon (RIKEN) 365 A Rechargeable Lithium-Oxygen Battery with Li2O2 Cathode in Closed Systems – A. Bhargav and Y. Fu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) 366 Thermal Swing Regeneration of Li-Air Battery Cathodes: A Practical Compromise for Prolonged Cyclic Performance – J. Kim, J. Yin (Cornell University), and Y. L. Joo (Cornell Univeristy) 367 A Study of e- Transport through Li2O2, the Main Discharge Product in the Li-O2 Battery – K. B. Knudsen (Department of Energy, Technical University of Denmark), S. H. Jensen (Technical University of Denmark), A. C. Luntz (SUNCAT, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), and J. Hjelm (DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark) 368 Ab Initio Study Of Surface Segregation Effects And Li- O2 Cell Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity On Pd3M (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) Alloys – S. Sankarasubramanian, J. Seo (Illinois Institute of Technology), F. Mizuno, N. Singh (Toyota Research Institute of North America), and J. Prakash (Illinois Institute of Technology) 369 Towards Improved Energy Efficiency of Aprotic Li-O2 Batteries – D. Kundu, R. Black, and L. F. Nazar (University of Waterloo) 370 Investigation of Impedance-Based Parameters in Metal-O2 Batteries for Next Generation of Battery Management Systems – A. E. Christensen (Lithium Balance A/S, DTU Energy) and J. Højberg (Haldor Topsøe A/S, DTU Energy) 371 Analysis of Diffusion Behavior in LithiumAir Batteries Via Simulated and Experimental Impedance Spectroscopy and Equivalent Circuit Modeling – R. Nelson and M. H. Weatherspoon (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) 372 CeO2 Nanoparticle-Guided Formation and Decomposition of Amorphous Li2O2 on Carbon Nanotube Cathode in a Li-O2 Cell – C. Yang and H. R. Byon (Byon Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN, Japan) 373 First Principles Study of Hybrid Li-Ion/LiO2 Battery Materials – A. Kinaci, L. Trahey (Argonne National Laboratory), C. Wolverton (Northwestern University), M. M. Thackeray, and M. K. Y. Chan (Argonne National Laboratory) 374 Lagp-Based Composite Membrane for Rechargeable Aqueous Li-Air Battery – D. Safanama, R. Prasada Rao, Y. Hu, D. Chua, and S. Adams (National University of Singapore)

3D Zinc Sponge Anodes: Towards NextGeneration Ni-Zn Batteries – J. F. Parker (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), I. R. Pala (NRC Postdoctoral Associate, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), C. N. Chervin (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), E. S. Nelson (Pathways Student at US Naval Research Laboratory), J. W. Long, and D. R. Rolison (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) In Situ Observation of Sodiation and Magnesiation of ZnO Nanowire Compared to Lithiation Process – H. Asayesh-Ardakani, A. Nie (Michigan Technological University), R. F. Klie (University Of Illinois At Chicago), and R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) In Situ Light Microscopy Observation of Sodium Dissolution/Deposition Reaction in Propylene Carbonate-Based Electrolyte – Y. Yui, M. Hayashi, K. Hayashi, and J. Nakamura (NTT Energy and Environment Systems Laboratories) Prussian Blue As Negative and Positive Electrode in Lithium and Sodium-Ion Batteries – M. J. Piernas-Muñoz, E. Castillo-Martínez, M. Armand (CICenergiGUNE), and T. Rojo (Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), CICenergiGUNE) Electrochemical Performance of Na3Ni1.5Zn0.5SbO6 in Different Electrolytes – F. Aguesse (CIC Energigune), L. Otaegui (CIC energiGUNE), E. Goikolea (CIC Energigune), G. Singh, and T. Rojo (CIC energigune) Revealing the Thermodynamics of Magnesium and Lithium Ion Insertion Chemistry in Ultrafast Discharging Hybrid Rechargeable Batteries – M. Aykol, S. Kim (Northwestern University), J. H. Cho (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Yonsei University), J. H. Ha, K. Y. Chung (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), K. B. Kim (Yonsei University), B. W. Cho (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), and C. Wolverton (Northwestern University) Origin of the High Cycling Stability of SbBased Materials in Na-Ion Batteries – L. Monconduit (RS2E, ICG-Montpellier), A. Darwiche (ICG-Montpellier, RS2E), L. Stievano (RS2E - CNRS FR3459, ICGMontpellier), M. T. Sougrati (Réseau de Stockage Electrochimique de l’Energie, ICGMontpellier), H. Martinez (IPREM-ECP UMR CNRS 5254, RS2E), L. Bodenes (IPREM), and B. Fraisse (ICG-Montpellier) Alternatives for Magnesium Metal Anodes? Intercalation Materials As Negative Electrodes for Rechargeable Magnesium-Ion Batteries – C. God (VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH), A. K. Burrell, B. Ingram (Argonne National Laboratory), K. Kapper, S. Koller, C. Lenardt (VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH), and J. T. Vaughey (Argonne National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






25mg NMR Studies of Mg-Ion Battery Materials – D. L. Proffit (Argonne National Laboratory), C. Kim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), P. Senguttuvan (Argonne National Laboratory), V. Duffort, L. F. Nazar (University of Waterloo), J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago), A. K. Burrell, J. T. Vaughey, and B. Key (Argonne National Laboratory) Interfacial Film Driven Morphological Evolution of a Mg Anode with Galvanostatic Cycling - Application to Mg Batteries – K. R. Zavadil, N. T. Hahn (Sandia National Laboratories, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research), S. DeWitt, and K. Thornton (University of Michigan, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research) Progress Towards Magnesium-Ion Batteries – A. C. Marschilok, K. J. Takeuchi (Stony Brook University), and E. S. Takeuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)









Salon A-1, Hilton Chicago Progress in Cathodes IV – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Brett L. Lucht and Khalil Amine 14:00












Electrophoretic LiFePO4/ Graphene Composite for Li-Ion Battery Cathode Application – Q. Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Direct Synthesis of Non-Stoichometric Nanocrystalline Metal Oxides and Their Composites: Improving the Reversibility and Current Capability of Lithium-Ion Batteries – K. J. Takeuchi, A. C. Marschilok (Stony Brook University), and E. S. Takeuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Study on the Preparation of the Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries By Multiphase Redox Method – D. Liao (Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy), X. M. Xi (Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,), L. Q. Hu, and S. B. Qin (Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) Studies on LiMn1.5Ni0.4Cr0.1O4 Cathode Spinel Combined with Graphene for Lithium Ion Batteries – R. K. Katiyar (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, IFN, University of Puerto Rico), J. Shojan (Dept. of Physics,University of Puerto Rico), V. S. Puli (Tulane University, New Orleans), S. Sahoo (University of Puerto Rico), G. Morell (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, IFN, University of Puerto Rico), B. R. Weiner (IFN, University of Puerto Rico, Dept. of Chemistry,University of Puerto Rico), and R. S. Katiyar (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, IFN,University of Puerto Rico) Voltage Fade in Lmr-NMC Oxides Cycled below the Activation Plateau – J. Bareno, Y. Li, M. Bettge, R. Benedek, H. Iddir, Z. Chen, I. Bloom, and D. P. Abraham (Argonne National Laboratory) The Effect of Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Particles on Interfacial Resistance Between the Li-NiMn-(Cr) Oxide (LNM) Spinel Cathode and Lipon – M. Kaneko, Y. Ishii, W. C. West, M. Motoyama, and Y. Iriyama (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Comparisons of the Performance of Combustion Derived Undoped LiCo1/3Ni1/3Mn1/3O2, and Doped LiCo0.3Ni0.3Mn0.3Fe0.1O2, LiCo0.3Ni0.3Mn0.3Cr0.1O2, and LiCo0.3Ni0.3Mn0.3Ti0.1O2 Cathode Materials – N. Kamarulzaman (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia), K. Elong (Universiti Teknologi MARA), R. Rusdi (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia), and M. H. Jaafar (Universiti Malaya) Optimising Electrochemical Properties of Spinel LiMn2O4 Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Battery Using Microwave Irradiation – F. P. Nkosi (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, University of Pretoria) and K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)) Chemical Delithiation Investigation of Olivine LiFePO4 – M. Lachal (Université Grenoble Alpes -CNRS, LEPMI), R. Bouchet (LEPMI Laboratory, Université Grenoble AlpesCNRS), A. Boulineau (CEA-LITEN), C. Rossignol (Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS, LEPMI), F. Alloin (Université Grenoble Alpes -CNRS, LEPMI), and S. Obbade (LEPMI, Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS) Examining the Electrochemical Impedance at Low States of Charge in Lithium- and Manganese-Rich Layered Transition-Metal Oxide Electrodes – K. G. Gallagher, S. R. Gowda, A. N. Jansen, and D. W. Dees (Argonne National Laboratory)

Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes IV – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Martin Winter and Ju Li 14:00












Modeling the Si-Current Collector Interface in Li-Ion Battery – M. Wang and X. Xiao (Michigan State University) Lithium Overpotential and Dendrite Formation – J. Heine, P. Bieker, and M. Winter (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster) Does Pseudocapactive Charge Storage Take Place in Nanoparticulate TiO2 and Li4Ti5O12 Anodes? – M. Opitz (Philipps-Universitaet Marburg), J. Yue (Justus Liebig University Giessen), J. Wallauer (Philipps-Universitaet Marburg), B. Smarsly (Justus Liebig University Giessen), and B. Roling (PhilippsUniversitaet Marburg) Simulations with an Accurately Calibrated Electrochemical Model of Li-Ion Battery to Determine Additional Aging Mechanisms – C. Edouard (IFPEN, UTC), C. Forgez (UTC), R. Revel, J. Bernard, and M. Petit (IFPEN) Insights into the Li-Storage Mechanisms and Mechanical Integrities of the Next Generation Anode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries – A. Mukhopadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay) In-Situ Observation of Lithium Whisker Growth during Li Electrochemical Deposition – K. So, C. Su (Massachussetts institute of technology), A. Kushima, and J. Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Tuesday, May 26







Tuesday, May 26






A Dendrite-Free Reversible Metallic Lithium Anode in a Solvate Ionic Liquid at Elevated Temperature – N. Imanishi, H. Wang, M. Matsui, and O. Yamamoto (Mie University) Anodic Dissolution in Dual-Ion Batteries: Development of Protection Layers for Current Collectors – G. Teucher (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - IEK-1), T. Van Gestel, S. Uhlenbruck (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), O. Guillon (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IEK-1), R. A. Eichel (RWTH Aachen University), P. Meister (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster), and M. Winter (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology) Lithium Surface Modification for Enhanced Cycle Life and Safety of Lithium Batteries – J. Kumar, F. Ouchen (University of Dayton Research Institute), and G. Subramanyam (University of Dayton) Plasma Assisted Synthesis of Sn Based Nanocomposites As High Performance Li-Ion Anodes – R. Hu (South China University of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology), W. Sun, H. Liu, and M. Zhu (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China) Coupling Tof-SIMS and XPS for a Better Understanding of Lithiation Mechanism of Silicon Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries – A. Bordes (CEA Grenoble - LITEN, CNRS (UMR 8247)/Chimie ParisTech), C. Haon (CEA Grenoble - LITEN, Univ. Grenoble Alpes), C. Secouard (CEA grenoble - LETI, Univ. Grenoble Alpes), A. Montani (CEA Grenoble - LITEN, Univ. Grenoble Alpes), P. Marcus (CNRS (UMR 8247)/Chimie ParisTech), and E. De Vito (CEA Grenoble LITEN, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

Salon A-4, Hilton Chicago Progress in Electrolytes II – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: T. Richard Jow and Brett L. Lucht 14:00






(Invited) Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries Based on High Voltage Cathodes – T. R. Jow, S. A. Delp III, J. L. Allen, J. L. Allen, O. Borodin (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), and M. Olguin (Army Research Laboratory) Selective Solvation of Lewis Acids in EC-Based Electrolyte Solution with Organophosphorus Compound – S. Tsubouchi, S. Suzuki, K. Nishimura, and T. Okumura (Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Research Laboratory) An Investigation of the Impact of Protic Impurities, Different Housing Materials and Silicon on the Thermal Aging of Electrolytes Used in Lithium-Ion Batteries – P. Handel, G. Fauler, K. Kapper, M. Schmuck, C. Stangl (VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH), R. Fischer, F. Uhlig (Graz University of Technology), and S. Koller (VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH)


















Tailoring the Desired Surface Chemistry in Silicon-Based Lithium-Ion Batteries with Electrolyte Additives – F. Shi (Material Science Division, LBNL, Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering Department, UC Berkeley), H. Zhao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Komvopoulos (Mechanical Engineering Department, UC Berkeley), G. Somorjai (Material Science Division, LBNL, Berkeley, Chemistry Department, UC Berkeley), and P. N. Ross (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Compatibility Studies of New Hückel-TypeBased Electrolytes with Electrode Materials – A. Bitner-Michalska, G. M. Nolis, T. Trzeciak, G. Z. Zukowska, L. Niedzicki, W. Wieczorek, and M. Marcinek (Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry) Designing New Conductive ImidazoleDerived Salt for Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes: A Computational Approach – E. G. Leggesse and J. C. Jiang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Validation of a Combinatorial Approach Toward the Discovery of Electrolyte Formulations for Lithium-Ion Batteries – Z. Feng (Case western reserve university), C. A. Cartier (case western reserve university), and D. Scherson (Case Western Reserve University) On the Stability and Reactivity of Phenothiazine-Based Redox Shuttles for Overcharge Protection – S. A. Odom (Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky), C. Risko, M. D. Casselman, C. F. Elliott, K. A. Narayana, and A. P. Kaur (University of Kentucky) Synthesis of New Lithium Salts for Application in Lithium Ion Batteries – X. G. Sun, S. Wan, and S. Dai (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Fluorinated Alkyl Substituted Sulfones As Electrolytes for High Voltage Lithium-Ion Battery – C. C. Su, L. Hu, Z. Xue (Argonne National Laboratory), M. He (WPI), K. Xu (Battery Material Research Center), and Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory) Influence of Fluoroethylene Carbonate Additive Concentration on Silicon/Graphene Composite Anode – S. Ha (Illinois Institute of Technology), Q. Wu, A. N. Jansen (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Prakash (Illinois Institute of Technology), and W. Lu (Argonne National Laboratory)

Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5

Energy Technology / Battery / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Buckingham, Hilton Chicago

Modeling and Analysis – 08:20 – 10:00 Co-Chair: Jean St-Pierre 08:20



Probabilistic Analysis for the Safety of Battery Based Energy Storage Systems – B. Gully, A. S. Agarwal, D. Hill, and N. Sridhar (DNVGL)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








Model-Based Regional Comparison of Autonomy and Battery Utilization of Energy Storage Integration with Solar Power – M. T. Lawder (EECE Department, Washington University in St. Louis) and V. R. Subramanian (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle) Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Grid Storage: Lithium-Polysulfide Flow Battery – S. Ha (Argonne National Laboratory, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research) and K. G. Gallagher (Argonne National Laboratory) Numerical Solutions By Method of Lines Approach for Fluid Flow in a Modified Rotating Disk Electrode Apparatus – M. Ramanathan (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle), D. Rife (Washington University in St. Louis), and V. R. Subramanian (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle) Building a Better Redox Flow Battery Innovative Diagnostics to Visualise Reactant Transport – J. Rubio-Garcia and A. R. J. Kucernak (Imperial College London)

Redox Flow Batteries - II – 10:20 – 12:00 Co-Chair: Jean St-Pierre 10:20










Towards Long Cycle Life of Soluble LeadAcid Redox Flow Batteries – H. Y. Chen (Dept of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Eng Nat’l Taiwan Univ) and C. W. Chang (Dept BioIndustrial Mechatronics Engr Nat’l Taiwan Univ) Alkaline Hydrogen-Iodine Fuel Cell – D. Konwar (University of Kansas) and T. V. Nguyen (UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS) Development of High Surface Area Carbon Electrodes for the Bromine Reactions in H2Br2 fuel Cells – V. Yarlagadda, T. V. Nguyen (The University of Kansas), G. Lin, and P. Y. Chong (TVN Systems, Inc.) Evaluation of the Performance of an IronChloride Redox Flow Battery for Large Scale Energy Storage – A. K. Manohar, K. M. Kim (University of Southern California), E. J. Plichta, M. A. Hendrickson, S. Rawlings (Army Power Division, RDER-CCA), G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayanan (University of Southern California) Optimization of High-Energy-Density Aqueous Zinc-Polyiodide Redox Flow Battery – B. Li, Z. Nie, V. Murugesan, E. Thomsen, D. Reed (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), W. Wang, and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Redox Flow Batteries - III – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: S. R. Narayanan 14:00


Towards Sustainable Energy Storage Via Incorporation of Organic Molecules on Carbon Spheres – M. Boota, K. B. Hatzell, E. C. Kumbur, and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Development of Advanced Hydrogen-Bromine Fuel Cells for Energy Storage – G. Lin, P. Y. Chong (TVN Systems, Inc.), T. V. Nguyen, V. Yarlagadda (The University of Kansas), R. Wycisk, P. N. Pintauro (Vanderbilt University), M. C. Tucker, A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Bates, and S. Mukerjee (Northeastern University) Dissecting the Quinone-Bromide Flow Battery – Q. Chen (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science), M. R. Gerhardt (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences), L. Eisenach (Harvard Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology), M. P. Marshak (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences), R. G. Gordon (Harvard Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology), and M. J. Aziz (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences) Low Cost Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries Employing Sustainable Organic Anolytes – T. Liu, W. Wang, X. Wei, Z. Nie, M. Vijayakumar, and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Development of High Capacity Catholyte Material for Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries – J. Huang (Argonne National Laboratory), L. Su (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), M. Ferrandon (Argonne National Laboratory), F. Brushett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), A. K. Burrell, and L. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory) Durability and Performance of the Br2-H2 Redox Flow Cell – M. C. Tucker, A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), G. Lin, P. Y. Chong (TVN Systems, Inc.), and T. V. Nguyen (The University of Kansas)

Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices

Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Huron, Hilton Chicago

Nanotube Separation and Synthesis II – 08:00 – 10:40 Co-Chairs: Kirk J. Ziegler and Ming Zheng 08:00










(Invited) Carbon Nanotube Separation By Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction: A Progress Report – M. Zheng (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Spectroscopic Investigations into the Aqueous Two-Phase Partitioning of Carbon Nanotubes – J. K. Streit (National Institute of Standards and Technology), H. Gui (USC), G. Ao, J. A. Fagan, A. R. Hight Walker (National Institute of Standards and Technology), C. Zhou (USC), and M. Zheng (National Institute of Standards and Technology) (Invited) Aggregation State of Carbon Nanotubes in Solution – T. Okazaki (TASC, Nanotube Research Cneter, AIST) Swnt-Sorting with a Removable Solubilizer Based on Dynamic Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry – N. Nakashima (WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University, Department of Applied Chemistry) and F. Toshimitsu (Kyushu University) (Invited) New Methods to Probe the Surfactant Structure Surrounding Swcnts – K. J. Ziegler, J. Xu, J. Clar, and J. C. J. Bonzongo (University of Florida) 95

Tuesday, May 26


09:40 10:00 791



Break High-Fidelity Single-Column Selective Separation of Swcnts – Y. Zhao, J. Clar (University of Florida), J. Xu (Los Alamos National Lab), T. Yuan, J. C. J. Bonzongo, and K. J. Ziegler (University of Florida) (Invited) Flexible and Conductive Mxene/ Carbon Nanotube Composite Paper for Energy Storage – M. Zhao, C. E. Ren (Drexel University), Z. Ling (Drexel University, Dalian University of Technology), M. R. Lukatskaya, O. Mashtalir, M. W. Barsoum, and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University)

Tuesday, May 26

Nanotube Electrochemistry and Applications – 10:40 – 14:40 Co-Chairs: Nazario Martin and Philip G. Collins 10:40








12:00 14:00 797 14:20


In Situ Electrochemical Porosimetry of Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotube Carpets through Impedance Spectroscopy – H. K. Mutha, H. J. Cho, N. Lachman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), M. E. Suss (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology), C. V. Thompson, B. L. Wardle, and E. N. Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Tayloring of Reduction Potential of Carbon Nanotubes Hybrid Compound By Substrate Interaction Probed By Metal Deposition – N. G. Macedo (Universidade de Sao Paulo), E. Y. Matsubara (Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP), and J. M. Rosolen (Universidade de São Paulo - USP) Ultracompressible, High Rate Supercapacitors from Graphene-Coated Carbon Nanotube Aerogels – E. Wilson and M. F. Islam (Carnegie Mellon University) (Invited) Interfacial Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes: From Effective Charge Propagation and Storage to Enhancement of Electrocatalytic and Bioelectrocatalytic Properties – P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw) Break Modifying Carbon Nanotubes with Electroactive Systems – N. Martin (IMDEANanociencia) (Invited) Electronic Scattering in OneDimensional Carbon Nanotubes – P. G. Collins (Univ. of California, Irvine)













(Invited) Non-Resonant Absorption in Carbon Nanotubes – F. Vialla (Ecole Normale Supérieure), E. Malic (Technical University, Berlin), B. Langlois, Y. Chassagneux (Ecole Normale Superieure), J. S. Lauret (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, ENS Cachan), and C. Voisin (Université Paris Diderot) (Invited) Photoluminescence Carrier Dynamics and Photon Statistics of Covalent Dopant-Induced Trap States in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes – S. K. Doorn, X. Ma, N. F. Hartmann, S. E. Yalcin, and H. Htoon (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CINT) (Invited) Low Temperature Photoluminescence of Individual SWNTs Emitting at Telecommunication Wavelengths – V. Ardizzone (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, ENS Cachan), Y. Chassagneux (Ecole Normale Superieure), F. Vialla (Ecole Normale Supérieure), G. Delport (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, ENS Cachan), I. Robert-Philip (isabelle.robert@lpn.cnrs.fr), C. Voisin (Université Paris Diderot), and J. S. Lauret (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, ENS Cachan) Dynamic and Steady State Optical Studies of Individual Covalent Dopant Sites in SingleWall Carbon Nanotubes – N. F. Hartmann, S. E. Yalcin, E. H. Haroz, X. Ma, H. Htoon, and S. K. Doorn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CINT) Asymmetry in Raman Resonant Excitation Profiles of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: The Role of Kohn Anomaly, Optical Transition Order, and State-Mixing – E. H. Haroz, H. Telg (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPACINT), J. G. Duque (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. A. Fagan, M. Zheng (National Institute of Standards and Technology), J. L. Blackburn (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), E. B. Barros (Laboratorio de Microscopia Avancada, U. Federal do Ceara), and S. K. Doorn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CINT) Observation of Efficient Upconversion Photoluminescence of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – Y. Miyauchi (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, PRESTO, JST) and K. Matsuda (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)

Nanotube Optics and Characterization I – 14:40 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Stephen K. Doorn and R. Bruce Weisman

Salon C, Hilton Chicago B03 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00












(Invited) Tube^2: Optical and Electrical Properties of Tube-in-a-Tube – Y. Wang (University of Maryland) (Invited) Progress Towards a Novel Technology for Non-Contact Strain Measurements Based on SWCNT Fluorescence Spectroscopy – S. M. Bachilo, P. Sun, J. Zhao, S. Nagarajaiah, and R. B. Weisman (Rice University) (Invited) Variance Spectroscopy: A New Bridge Between Ensemble and Single-Particle Studies – J. K. Streit, S. Sanchez, S. M. Bachilo, and R. B. Weisman (Rice University) Break

Selective Synthesis of Large-Diameter, HighQuality and Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Via Thiophene-Assisted Method – J. Li (Duke University) and J. Liu (Duke University - Department of Chemistry) A Study on Correlation Between Elastic Deformation and Thermal Performance of Flexible Carbon Heater – Y. K. Hong, B. R. Kim (Korea Electronics Technology Institute), C. H. Hong, H. K. Park (Dayou Smart Aluminum), and J. K. Shin (Korea Electronics Technology Institute) Advances in the Gel Chromatography Separation Processes with the Use of DuelSurfactant and Surfactant-Salt Techniques – R. C. Capasse, B. Zeghum, and J. D. R. Rocha (Rochester Institute of Technology) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


B04 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Shangfeng Yang •





A Novel Organic Electrical Memory Device Based on Metallofullerene-Grafted Polymer – R. Cui, B. Sun, H. Huang, and X. Guo (Institute of High Energy Physics) Electric-Arc Synthesis of New and Uncommon Endohedral Metallofullerenes – B. L. Kime and S. Stevenson (Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne (IPFW)) Isoxazoline-Ring Fused Derivatives of Sc3n@C80 and C60: The Internal Effect on the Exohedral Configuration – L. Bao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, University of California, Davis), M. M. Olmstead (University of Califronia, Davis), A. L. Balch (University of California), and X. Lu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials

Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials: Structures II – 08:00 – 14:40 Co-Chairs: Richard Martel and Vito Di Noto 08:00








09:40 10:00 857 10:20




Graphene Ring Nanoelectrodes (GRiNs): Application As an Electroanalytical Sensor – M. Ferrer-Huerta, C. Boxall, J. W. Dickinson, F. Andrieux (Lancaster University), and N. J. Freeman (NanoFlex Limited) (Invited) Nanoelectronics Based on Silicene – L. Tao (The University of Texas at Austin), E. Cinquanta, C. Grazianetti, A. Molle (IMMCNR), and D. Akinwande (The University of Texas at Austin) (Invited) Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Group IV Graphane Analogues – S. Jiang, M. Arguilla, N. Cultrara, and J. E. Goldberger (The Ohio State University) (Invited) Graphene Plasmons: Properties and Applications – P. Avouris (IBM Research Division) Coffee Break (Invited) Promise of 2D Materials Beyond Graphene – D. Saptarshi (Argonne National Laboratory) Quantum Mechanical Modeling and Simulation of Monolayer WSe2 Channel Field Effect Transistor – S. U. Z. Khan and Q. D. M. Khosru (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) Degradation and Electronic Confinement in Exfoliated Black Phosphorus – R. Martel, E. Gaufrès (Université de Montréal), A. Favron (Universite de Montreal), F. Fossard (CNRS-ONERA), A. L. Phaneuf (Ecole Polytechnique), P. Lévesque (Department of Chemistry, Université de Montréal), A. Loiseau (CNRS-Onera), R. Leonelli (Universite de Montreal), and S. Francoeur (Ecole Polytechnique)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Invited) Understanding Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of MoS2 and Its Junctions with Graphene – M. S. Strano (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 11:20 861 1/F Noise in MoS2 Field Effect Transistors with Channel Length Variation – S. R. Das, J. Kwon (Purdue University), J. Claussen, S. Hu (Iowa State University), and D. B. Janes (Purdue University) 11:40 862 MoS2 Devices Using Pencil Circuits – V. Tiruparkadal Parthasarathy and V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago) 12:00 863 Group IV Graphane Analogues As Electronic Materials – N. Cultrara and J. E. Goldberger (The Ohio State University) 12:20 Lunch Break 14:00 864 Carrier Doping of Few-Layer MoS2 with Ionic Polymers and MoS2 Quantum Dots with Atmospheric Water – D. Briggs, P. Nguyen, C. Fager, S. Sreenivasan, and V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago) 14:20 865 III-V Tri-Gate Quantum-Well Mosfet for 10nm Technology and Beyond – K. Datta, A. Shadman, S. R. Biswas, E. Rahman, and Q. D. M. Khosru (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) 11:00


Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials: Functionalization and Characterization I – 14:40 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Andreas Hirsch and Vito Di Noto 14:40






15:40 16:00 869







Selection, Characterization, and Application of High Affinity Microcystin-Targeting Aptamers in a Graphene-Based Biosensing Platform – S. Eissa, A. Ng (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique–EMT), M. Siaj (Université du Quebec à Montreal), and M. Zourob (Cranfield University) Facile and Controllable Synthesis of Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanotubes Under Atmospheric Pressure – Y. C. Chang, G. L. Chen, and W. H. Chiang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Pi-Extended 2D-Networks of Heteroaromatic Compounds - Towards Two-Dimensional Nanostructured Materials – A. A. Ryan, N. C. Berner, A. A. Cafolla, G. S. Duesberg, and M. O. Senge (Trinity College Dublin) Break (Invited) Spectroscopic Metrics for Determining Size and Thickness of Liquid Exfoliated Nanosheets in Dispersion – C. Backes and J. Coleman (Trinity College Dublin) In-Situ Electrochemical Functionalization of Reduced Graphene Oxide: Positive Lead Acid Electrode Case – O. J. Dada, K. K. Yeung, and M. M. F. Yuen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Novel Functionalized Graphene OxidePolymer Nanocomposite Anion Exchange Membranes – O. Movil-Cabrera, M. Garlock (Ohio University), and J. A. Staser (Chemical Engineering) Evaluating the Electrocatalytic Stability of N-Doped Graphene Nanosheets Used As a Counter Electrode for [Co(bpy)3]3+/2+ Based Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells – P. Zhai (The University of Hong Kong)


Tuesday, May 26


Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules






Tuesday, May 26



Modulation of the Electrostatic and Quantum Capacitance of Few Layered Graphene through Plasma Processing – R. Narayanan, H. Yamada (University of California, San Diego), M. Karakaya, R. Podila, A. M. Rao (Clemson University), and P. R. Bandaru (University of California, San Diego) Photo-Induced Effects in Graphene Channels When Interfaced with Quantum Dot Array – X. Miao, T. Samarth (ECE department of New Jersey institute of Technology), and H. Grebel (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Fabrication and Properties of Graphene/ Polymer Transparent Conductive Composite Film – B. Pang, L. Yu, H. Dong (Qingdao University of Science and Technology), and L. Dong (Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Missouri State University)

Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion

Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Erie, Hilton Chicago













Solar Cells – 13:40 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Hiroshi Imahori and Eric Wei-Guang Diau 13:40










15:20 15:40 910


(Invited) Photoexcited-State Dynamics in Organic Solar Cells Utilizing Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Copolymer Investigated By Transient Optical Spectroscopy – H. Matsuzaki, A. Furube (AIST, Tsukuba, Japan), R. Katoh (Nihon University, Fukusima, Japan), S. P. Singh (Shiv Nadar University, India), P. Sonar (Queensland University of Technology, Australia), E. L. Williams, C. Vijila, G. S. Subramanian, S. Gorelik (IMRE, Singapore), and J. Hobley (University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei) (Invited) Push-Pull p -Extended porphyrins for Solar Energy Conversion – H. Wang (Miami Universtiy), R. G. Jinadasa, A. Matus, S. Zou, and L. Kerr (Miami University) Factors Controlling the Reduction Rate of Dye Cation in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells – S. Mori, J. Ogawa (Shinshu University), N. Koumura (AIST), and M. Kimura (Shinshu Universiy) (Invited) Impact of Indiumand Gallium Doping on the Photovoltaic Performance of CdSe Quantum Dot Hybrid Solar Cells – V. Chikan (Kansas State University), S. Ren, A. Kirkeminde, R. Scott, M. Gong, J. Totleben (University of Kansas), C. Tuinenga, C. Lewis, H. Luo, and D. Higgins (Kansas State University) (Invited) Optimization of the Thin-Film Making Process for Highly Efficient and Stable Polymer Solar Cells with Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles – A. Hayakawa (Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd.) and T. Sagawa (Kyoto University) Break (Invited) Morphological Control and Kinetics Characterization for Perovskite Solar Cells – E. W. G. Diau (National Chiao Tung University)


(Invited) Uniform Nanostructures for Highly Efficient and Reproducible Perovskite Solar Cells – L. Han (National Institute for Materials Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University), Y. WU (National Institute for Materials Science), X. Yang (National Institute for Materials Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University), H. Chen (Shanghai Jiaotong University), and A. Islam (National Institute for Materials Science) (Invited) Porphyrin and Rylene Based Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells – J. Wu (National University of Singapore and IMRE, A*STAR) (Invited) Metallated and Metal-Free Molecular Materials for Light/Electrical Energy Conversion – W. Y. Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University) (Invited) Singlet Exciton Fission in Molecular Solids – M. R. Wasielewski, S. W. Eaton, and E. A. Margulies (Northwestern University) (Invited) Photocurrent Enhancement of Quantum Dot Solar Cells By Plasmonic Metal Nanoparticles – T. Tatsuma and T. Kawawaki (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo) (Invited) Scalable Fabrication of Moisture Resistant Perovksite Solar Cells – M. K. Sunkara (Univ of Louisville, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Res)

Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies

Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Lake Erie, Hilton Chicago

Porphyrin Electrochemistry – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Karl M. Kadish and Francis D’Souza 08:00










09:40 10:00 990

Highly Efficient and Selective Two-Electron Reduction of Dioxygen Catalyzed By Cobalt Chlorin Complexes to Produce Hydrogen Peroxide – S. Fukuzumi, K. Mase, and K. Ohkubo (Osaka University) Electrochemical Gating of Charge Transport in Single Macrocycle Molecular Switches – E. Borguet (Temple University) Factors Affecting the Rate of Electrocatalytic O2 Reduction By Iron Porphyrin Complexes – A. Dey (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) Electrochemical and Spectrochemical Studies of Diphosphorylated Metalloporphyrins: Unusual Formation of Phlorin Anion – Y. Fang, P. Chen, X. Jiang, M. Manowong (University of Houston), Y. G. Gorbunova, A. Sinelshchikova, Y. Y. Enakieva, A. Tsivadze (Frumkin Inst. of Physical Chem. and Electrochem. of RAS), C. Stern, A. Bessmertnykh-Lemeune, R. Guilard (Université de Bourgogne, ICMUB), and K. M. Kadish (University of Houston) Substrate-Dependent Oxidation with Alkyl Hydroperoxide Mediated By Iron Porphyrin Coordinated By Thiolate – T. Higuchi (Nagoya City University) Coffee break Bioinspired CO2 Reduction with Iron Porphyrin Catalysts in High Efficiency – Y. Naruta (Inst. of Sci. and Tech. Res., Chubu University) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL










Reactivity and Spectroscopic Studies of Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Bio-Inspired Molecular Catalysts – T. Ohta (Department of Life Science, University of Hyogo), P. Nagaraju, and Y. Naruta (Inst. of Sci. and Tech. Res., Chubu University) Spectroelectrochemical Study of Iron Porphyrin Nitrosyls in the Presence of Weak Acids – M. D. Ryan and M. H. Rahman (Marquette University) Solid-State Electrochemistry of Organic Macrocycles and Mofs; Application to Organic Electronics and Energy Storage – K. Awaga (Nagoya University) Multi-Step Energy and Electron Transfer in a ‘v-Configured’ Supramolecular BodipyAzabodipy-Fullerene Triad – F. D’Souza, V. Bandi, F. P. D’Souza, and H. B. Gobeze (University of North Texas) Organic-Semiconductor Quantum Dot Hybrids: Controlling Photoinduced Energy and Electron Transfer – N. V. Tkachenko, K. Virkki, M. Arvani, K. Stranius, A. Efimov, and D. Lupo (Tampere University of Technology)

Lake Michigan, Hilton Chicago Phthalocyanine Supramolecular Assemblies 1 – 08:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Tomas Torres and Yulia G. Gorbunova 08:00








09:40 10:00 979







Synthesis of Phthalocyanines Using Triorganoindium Reagents – F. FernándezLázaro, E. Font-Sanchis, D. Molina, and A. Sastre-Santos (Universidad Miguel Hernández) Comparative Electrochemical Properties of Phthalocyanines Bearing Fc(CH2)n- and/or Alkyl Substituents in Non-Peripheral and/or Peripheral Positions. – J. C. Swarts (University of the Free State) Design, Synthesis, and Electronic Properties of Near-Infrared Absorbing Phthalocyanine Analogues – A. Muranaka (RIKEN) and M. Uchiyama (The University of Tokyo, RIKEN) Synthesis and Property of Novel Phthalocyanine Having Pentafluorosulfanyl (SF5) Group on the Peripheral Positions – N. Shibata (Nagoya Institute of Technology) Coffee break Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Phthalocyanines Bearing Fc(CH2)ns- and Dodecyl Substituents in Non-Peripheral Positions – J. P. Lewtak and J. C. Swarts (University of the Free State) Intermolecular Communication in a Supramolecular Assembly of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines – K. Tanaka (Nagoya University) Exploring the Unique Properties of Designed Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines – J. P. C. Tome (Aveiro University, Ghent University) Electrochemically Controlled Multistability of Ultrathin Films of Double-Decker Lanthanides Phthalocyanines – Y. G. Gorbunova (Frumkin Inst. of Physical Chem. and Electrochem. of RAS, Kurnakov Inst. of General & Inorg. Chem. of RAS), S. L. Selektor, A. V. Shokurov, V. V. Arslanov (Frumkin Inst. of Physical Chem. and Electrochem. of RAS), and A. Y. Tsivadze (Frumkin Inst. of Physical Chem. and Electrochem. of RAS, Kurnakov Inst. of General & Inorg. Chem. of RAS)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






Photoelectrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction Using Phthalocyanines – K. Ishii (Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo) Synthesis and Field-Effect Transistor Performance > of Thiophene Containing Phthalocyanine Analogues – M. Heeney (Imperial College London) Lunch

Phthalocyanine Supramolecular Assemblies 2 – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Dirk M. Guldi and Giovanni Bottari 14:00










15:40 16:00 1001





Hydrogen-Bonding and Pi-Stacking Induced Self-Assembly of Picolinic AcidSubstituted Phthalocyanine Derivatives – G. Bottari (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and IMDEA Nanociencia), B. Ballesteros (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), J. Fernandez Collado (IMDEA Nanociencia), and T. Torres (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, IMDEA Nanociencia) Polar Self-Assembled Subphthalocyanine Columnar Stacks – D. González-Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), T. Torres (IMDEA Nanociencia), and J. Guilleme (Autonoma University of Madrid) Spectroscopic and Nonlinear Optical Properties of 3, (4-tert-butylphenoxy) Phthalocyanine Constitutional Isomers – G. N. Ngubeni, J. Britton, J. Mack, T. Nyokong, and S. Khene (Rhodes University) Advances in Voltammetric Sensors Using Combinations of Phthalocyanines with Nanoparticles and/or Biomolecules in LB and LbL Films – M. L. Rodriguez-Mendez, C. Medina-Plaza, C. Garcia-Hernandez, C. Garcia-Cabezon, F. Martin-Pedrosa, R. Muñoz, and J. A. de Saja (Universidad de Valladolid) How Biphthalocyanine Molecules Do Arrange on Single Crystalline Surfaces – N. Witkowski (Université Pierre et Marie Curie), J. Lüder, B. Brena, C. Puglia, and I. Bidermane (Uppsala Universitet) Break Liquid Crystals of Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Dyads Exhibiting Homeotropic Alignment and Spiranthes-like Supramolecular Structure Useful for Solar Cells – A. Watarai, A. Ishikawa, K. Ono (Shinshu University), M. Yasutake (Saitama University), and K. Ohta (Shinshu University) Taming C60 Fullerene: Tuning Intramolecular Photoinduced Electron Transfer Process with Subphthalocyanines – D. M. Guldi (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Subphthalocyanines: Supramolecular Organization and Self-Assembling Properties – T. Torres (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, IMDEA Nanociencia), J. Guilleme, D. González-Rodríguez, I. Sánchez-Molina, C. G. Claessens, G. Zango, M. V. MartínezDíaz (Autonoma University of Madrid), D. Guzman (Autonoma University of Madrid, IMDEA Nanociencia, 28049 Madrid, Spain), P. Vazquez, N. Koji, M. S. RodriguezMorgade (Autonoma University of Madrid), and O. Trukhina (IMDEA Nanociencia, 28049 Madrid, Spain, Autonoma University of Madrid) 99

Tuesday, May 26








Boron Subphthalocyanines and the Exploration of Other p-Block Metal Phthalocyanines for Use in Organic Electronics – T. P. Bender (University of Toronto, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry) Synthesis of the Soluble Precursors of Tetrabenzoporphyrins and Their Application to Organic Field Effect Transistor Based on the Solution Process – T. Okujima (Ehime University) The Synthesis and Porperties of Metallotriphyrins – Z. Xue and Y. Wang (Jiangsu University)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago B08 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00

Tuesday, May 26







Polypeptides with Pendant Porphyrins: From the Recognition of Bidentate Bases to InterDigitated Photo-Active Strands – R. Rein and N. Solladie (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination - CNRS) Ring-Expanded Phthalocyanines Fused with Fluorene Skeleton for Light-Harvesting in the Near-IR Region – S. Yamamoto (Shinshu University) and M. Kimura (Shinshu Universiy) Polar Self-Assembled Subphthalocyanine Materials – D. González-Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), J. Guilleme (Autonoma University of Madrid), and T. Torres (IMDEA Nanociencia) Carbon Nanostructures and Perylenediimides – A. Sastre-Santos, L. Martin-Gomis (Universidad Miguel Hernández), G. Rotas, N. Karousis (National Hellenic Research Foundation), I. D. Petsalakis (National Hellenic Reseach Foundation), S. Pla, F. Fernández-Lázaro (Universidad Miguel Hernández), K. Ohkubo (Osaka University), N. Tagmatarchis (National Hellenic Research Foundation), and S. Fukuzumi (Osaka University) Porphycene-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Conjugates As p-Type Organic Solar Cell Materials – D. Kuzuhara, T. Okabe, M. Suzuki, N. Aratani (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), and H. Yamada (JST-CREST, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 11 High Temperature Materials / Corrosion PDR 2, Hilton Chicago

Oxidation of Alumina-Forming Systems – 08:20 – 09:00 Co-Chairs: Paul E. Gannon and Bilge Yildiz 08:20





Formation of NiAl2O4 Layer on High Temperature Oxidation of Ni/Al2O3 Nanocomposites – M. Nanko and D. Maruoka (Nagaoka University of Technology) Effect of Boron Addition on Oxide Scale Formation of Ni-Base Superalloys – W. Nowak, A. Jałowicka (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), D. J. Young (University of New South Wales), D. Naumenko, and W. J. Quadakkers (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)

Vaporization Processes – 09:00 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Paul E. Gannon and Bilge Yildiz 09:00





Measurements of Gas Shielding Factors for Cu, Fe, Ni – T. Markus (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences), F. Thaler (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH), M. Schulz, H. Fritze (Clausthal University of Technology, IEPT), and C. Stenzel (Airbus Defense and Space, Immenstaad, Germany) The Vaporization Coefficient of Silica – N. Ingersoll (Missouri State University), G. Costa, and N. S. Jacobson (NASA Glenn Research Center) Break

Oxidation and Corrosion of Silica-Forming Materials – 10:00 – 11:20 Co-Chairs: Paul E. Gannon and Bilge Yildiz 10:00








Characterization and Simulation of Residual Stress Generation during the Oxidation of Silicon Carbide – R. Krishnamurthy (UES Inc., Air Force Research Laboratory), P. Mogilevsky (Air Force Research Laboratory, UES Inc.), C. Przybyla (Air Force Research Laboratory), T. Parthasarathy (UES Inc., Air Force Research Laboratory), and R. Hay (Air Force Research Laboratory) Boria Fluxing of SiC in Ceramic Matrix Composite Aeropropulsion Applications – B. McFarland (University of Vrginia) and E. Opila (University of Virginia) High Temperature Oxidation of Mo-Si-B Alloys and Coatings – J. Perepezko, T. Sossaman, and P. Ritt (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Hot Corrosion of SiC/BN/SiC Composites – E. J. Opila and J. Hagan (University of Virginia)

CMAS/Coating Reactions – 11:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Paul E. Gannon and Bilge Yildiz 11:20




Composition Effects on TBC/Silicate Melt (CMAS) Interaction Dynamics – D. L. Poerschke, T. L. Barth, and C. G. Levi (University of California Santa Barbara) Reaction Mechanism of CaO-MgO-Al2O3SiO2 (CMAS) Corrosion in Pyrochlore Thermal Barrier Coatings – H. Wang, Z. Sheng, V. Agubra, X. Zhang, E. Tarwater, and J. W. Fergus (Auburn University)

Oxide Defect Chemistry – 13:40 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Jeff W. Fergus and Jan Froitzheim 13:40




14:40 15:00 1129

(Invited) Thermochemistry of Redox Active Oxides and Its Relevance to Solar Fuel Generation – S. M. Haile (Northwestern University, California Institute of Technology) Isothermal Pressure-Swing Cycling of Strontium Doped Lanthanum Manganite Oxides for Fuel Production – M. J. Ignatowich, T. Davenport, C. K. Yang, S. Handler, Y. Yamazaki, S. Wilke, and S. M. Haile (California Institute of Technology) Break Point Defect Equilibria and Diffusion in Siderite (FeCO3) Passive Film Studied Using Density Functional Theory – M. Youssef and B. Yildiz (MIT) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



(Invited) Stability and Defect Chemistry of High-Temperature Piezoelectric Single Crystals – H. Fritze (Clausthal University of Technology, IEPT)

Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth






09:20 09:50 1163











Electrodeposition / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry PDR 4, Hilton Chicago

Superconformal Film Growth – 08:00 – 12:30 Co-Chairs: Thomas Moffat, Rohan Akolkar, and Qiang Huang 08:00









Microvia and through-Hole Filling By Electroplating for Electronic Circuit Fabrication – W. P. Dow (National Chung Hsing University) Theory of Co-Adsorption and Its Application to Copper Superfilling – R. Liske, R. Krause, B. Uhlig, L. Gerlich, S. Bott, M. Wislicenus (Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems), and A. Preusse (Globalfoundries Dresden Module One LLC & Co.KG) Stochastic Modeling of Organic Additives in Cu Electroplating – L. Yang (imec, Vrije Universiteit Brussel), A. Radisic (imec), J. Deconinck (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), and P. M. Vereecken (imec, Centre of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, K.U. Leuven) Intermission Smart Polymers for Future Damascene Applications: Combining Bottom-up and Levelling Capabilities – H. Nguyen, F. Stricker, D. Lechner, J. Furrer, V. Grimaudo, P. Moreno-García, A. Riedo, M. Neuland, M. Tulej, P. Wurz, and P. Broekmann (University of Bern) Evaluating the Performance of 2-Mercapto-5Benzimidazolesulfonic Acid in Controllable Electro-Healing Cracks in Nickel – X. G. Zheng, Y. N. Shi, and K. Lu (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Utilizing Inhibitor Molecules in Low Temperature CVD to Control Thin Film Conformality, Nucleation, and Surface Morphology – J. R. Abelson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Using Graphene As a Conducting Layer and Barrier Layer for High Aspect Ratio through Silicon Via Filling – W. Y. Zeng, S. C. Chang, and W. P. Dow (National Chung Hsing University) The Practical Method for Monitoring Additives in Copper Electroplating Baths Using the Chronopotentiometry Technique – M. Kosugi and T. Okubo (Toppan Printing Co.LTD)

16:00 16:20 1175







Impact of Thiourea Addition on Morphological and Structural Characteristics of Electrodeposited ZnO Thin Films Using Nitrate Aqueous Solutions – S. Gallanti, E. Chassaing, D. Lincot, and N. Naghavi (IRDEP) Template-Morphology Dependent Deposition of Ferromagnetic Metals – K. Rumpf, P. Granitzer (Karl Franzens University Graz), P. Poelt (University of Technology Graz), and H. Michor (Vienna University of Technology) In Situ Ftirs Study of Glycine Effects on Cobalt Electrodeposition on Gold Electrodes – R. A. J. Critelli, P. C. Isolani, and P. T. A. Sumodjo (Instituto de Química - Universidade de São Paulo) Control of the Magnetism of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles By Growth Parameters within Nanostructured Silicon – P. Granitzer, K. Rumpf (Karl Franzens University Graz), P. Poelt (University of Technology Graz), and M. Reissner (Vienna University of Technology) Improving Dispersion Plating of Nickel in Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids – J. J. Coleman (Sandia National Laboratories), C. A. Apblett (Sandia National Labs), and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico) Intermission Orientation Control of Zeolite Films Using in Situ Electrochemical Method in Ionic Liquids – R. Cai, T. Yu, W. Chu, Y. Liu, and W. Yang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS) Study on Thermal Stability of Ag-Coated Cu Powders Fabricated By Electrochemical Methods – N. Seo, K. Zhuo, Y. S. Park (Sungkyunkwan University), J. H. Park, Y. S. Roh (Farad Materials Corportaion), and C. H. Chung (Sungkyunkwan University) Using Azo As a Conductive and Adhesive Liner for through Glass Vias Filling By Cu Electroplating – U. A. Li, C. W. Cheng, P. F. Chan, and W. P. Dow (National Chung Hsing University) Preparation of Surfaces of Germanium and Kovar Substrates By Electroplating for Soldering – Y. Çetin (Middle East Technical University, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority), I. Karakaya (Middle East Technical University), G. Demirci (Aselsan Inc.), M. Erdogan, and M. S. Aras (Middle East Technical University)

Surfactant Templated Growth of Films and Particles – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Rohan Akolkar, Ji-Guang Zhang, and Qiang Huang 14:00


Surfactant-Templated Nanoporous Metal Films and Powders – D. B. Robinson, P. J. Cappillino, C. G. Jones, M. A. Hekmaty, M. S. Kent, B. W. Jacobs (Sandia National Laboratories), R. Hjelm (Los Alamos National Laboratory), L. R. Parent, and I. Arslan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Tuesday, May 26



Electrochemical Engineering General Session

Tuesday, May 26










09:40 10:00 1215










Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering PDR 3, Hilton Chicago

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering General Session: 3 – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Harinipriya Seshadri and Elizabeth J. Biddinger 08:00





Assessing the Effects of Specific and ElectroInduced Sorption in an Asymmetric Capacitive Deionization Device Operating in Continuous Cycles – J. J. Lado (Federal University of Sao Carlos, IMDEA Water), R. E. Pérez-Roa, J. Wouters (EC&T Program, University of Wisconsin - Madison), C. Federspill, M. I. Tejedor-Tejedor (EC&T Program. University of Wisconsin - Madison), and M. A. Anderson (EC&T Program, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Electrochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy) Understanding Capacitive Deionization Performance By Comparing Its Electrical Response with an Electrochemical Supercapacitor – E. Garcia - Quismondo, C. Santos, J. Palma (Electrochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy), and M. A. Anderson (EC&T Program, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Electrochemical Processes Unit, IMDEA Energy) Effect of the Potential of Zero Charge Location on the Electrosorption Performance of a Capacitive Deionization Cell – X. Gao, A. Omosebi, J. Landon, and K. Liu (University of Kentucky) Improving Electrosorption Performance in Membrane Assisted Capacitive Deionization Cells Using Asymmetric Electrodes Configuration – A. Omosebi, X. Gao, J. Landon, and K. Liu (University of Kentucky) Impact of Improvements in Energy Efficiency in Capacitive Deionization Systems – J. Landon, X. Gao, A. Omosebi, and K. Liu (University of Kentucky) Intermission Electrochemical Nuclear Waste Management Using Ionic Liquids: Controlled Electrodeposition of Fission Platinoids – E. J. Biddinger and S. Shrestha (The City College of New York) Ruthenium Volatilisation in Nuclear Waste Systems - Studying the Baseline Thermodynamics of Ru(III) – S. K. Johal, C. Boxall (Lancaster University), C. Gregson (National Nuclear Laboratory), and C. Steele (Sellafield Ltd) Electrochemical Separation and Purification of Astatine for Radiopharmaceutical Application – S. Ganesan (University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering) and M. J. O’Hara (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Structural and Optical Characterization of Electrodeposited Black Chrome-Graphite Encapsulated FeCo Nanoparticles Composite Solar Selective Coatings – S. Harinipriya (SRM Research Institute) and B. Usmani (IIT Jodhpur)

Electrophoretic Mobility and Deposition in High Pressure High Temperature Boiler Environments – B. Raman, D. M. Hall (The Pennsylvania State University), S. J. Shulder (Electric Power Research Institute), and S. N. Lvov (The Pennsylvania State University) Effect of Temperature on Characteristics of Pt/C Gas-Diffusion Electrode Used in Electrodeposition of Manganese Dioxide for Saving Energy – H. Meng Sr. and J. Tang Jr. (University of Science and Technology Beijing) Microstructure and Electrochemical Properties of Agglomerated Alpha Nickel Hydroxide – L. H. Kao and K. S. Chou (Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU)

Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chair: Trung Van Nguyen 14:00








15:30 16:00 1226









Co-Generation of Fuels and Chemical in Mining Processes – A. West and S. Banta (Columbia University) Recovery of Erbium Metal Via Electrorefining in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids – L. J. Small, D. R. Wheeler, T. N. Lambert, and R. F. Hess (Sandia National Laboratories) Novel Titanium Electrowinning Process Using Specialized Segmented Diaphragms – C. J. Hsueh, M. Antloga, C. Virnelson, U. Landau, M. DeGuire, and R. Akolkar (Case Western Reserve University) Graphite Anodes for Electroreduction of Uranium Oxide – P. Motsegood, J. Willit, and M. A. Williamson (Argonne National Laboratory) Intermission Recovery of Rare Earth Metals By Electrodeposition from Ionic Liquids – K. J. Stevenson (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology) and D. Redman (The University of Texas at Austin) Effect of Bath Composition on the Composition and Morphology of Electrodeposited Ag-Cu Alloys – I. Karakaya (Middle East Technical University), F. Ulu (Hasselt University, Middle East Technical University), G. Demirci (Aselsan Inc.), and M. Erdogan (Yildirim Beyazit University) Cu Electro-Redox on the Surface of SingleWalled Carbon Nanotube Network – Z. Ou and J. Li (Tsinghua University) Investigation of Dy Permeation through Dy Alloy Diaphragm Using Molten Salt Electrolysis – H. Konishi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University), T. Oishi (AIST (Japan)), T. Nohira (Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University), H. Ono, and E. Takeuchi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) In-Situ Nanoscale Investigation of Calcium Sulfate Nanoparticles Immersed in Deionized Water – K. He (Michigan Technological University, Shandong University), A. Nie (Michigan Technological University), C. Megaridis (University of Illinois at Chicago), T. Tolou Shokuhfar (Michigan Technological University), Y. P. Lu (Shandong University), and R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL







Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Corrosion / Electrodeposition PDR 5, Hilton Chicago

High Rate Metal Dissolution I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: E. J. Taylor and Maria E. Inman 08:00






10:00 10:20 1247









The Importance of Surface OXIDE FILMS in Metal Dissolution Processes - a 20-Year Update – B. R. MacDougall (Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa) Microfabrication By High Rate Anodic Dissolution: Fundamentals and Applications – M. Datta (Amrita Center for Industrial Research and Innovation) Through-Mask Electroetching for Industrial Manufacturing – H. McCrabb, T. D. Hall, S. Snyder, and E. J. Taylor (Faraday Technology, Inc.) Break Electro-Polishing of Additive Manufactured Porous Titanium for Medical Implants – L. A. Hof (Concordia University), B. Johnston (McGill University), M. M. Rahman (Concordia University), S. A. Khanoki, D. Pasini (McGill University), and R. Wüthrich (Concordia University) Electrochemical Polishing of Nitinol and Other Medical Alloys in Aqueous Electrolytes Using Pulse/Pulse Reverse Electric Fields – H. Garich, T. D. Hall, S. Lucatero, S. Snyder (Faraday Technology, Inc.), M. E. Inman (Faraday Technology Inc.), E. J. Taylor (Faraday Technology, Inc.), and L. E. Kay (Fort Wayne Metals Research Products Corp.) Status of Vertical Electroplishing at Cornell University – F. Furuta (Cornell University) Electropolishing of Nb for Superconducting Radio-Frequency (SRF) Cavities – H. Tian and C. E. Reece (Jefferson national lab) Environmentally Benign Electrofinishing Process for Selective Material Removal and Reduced Surface Roughness of Materials (like Nb, Ti, Ta, SS and Mo) in Low Viscosity Water Based Electrolytes – T. D. Hall, H. Garich, S. Snyder, S. Lucatero, H. McCrabb, E. J. Taylor (Faraday Technology, Inc.), and M. E. Inman (Faraday Technology Inc.)

High Rate Metal Dissolution II – 14:00 – 16:40 Co-Chairs: John Harb and Giovanni Zangari 14:00







20 Years of Corrosion Sensing and Microvisualization of Corrosion Processes – W. H. Smyrl (University of Minnesota) Electrochemical Micromachining of Bulk Metallic Glasses – A. Gebert, S. Horn, R. Sueptitz, P. F. Gostin, M. Stoica, J. Eckert Sr., and M. Uhlemann (Leibniz Institute IFW Dresden) Recycling Electrochemical Machining for Metal Recovery and Elimination of Waste – B. Skinn, E. J. Taylor, T. D. Hall, S. Lucatero, S. Snyder, H. McCrabb, H. Garich (Faraday Technology, Inc.), and M. E. Inman (Faraday Technology Inc.) Break

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Enhanced Surface Finishing of Tungsten Carbide By Using Organic Additives – M. Schneider (Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden, Germany), N. Schubert (University of Technology Dresden, Germany), L. Simunkova (Fraunhofer IKTS Dresden, Germany), and A. Michaelis (Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Systems) Aluminum Dissolution in the Aluminum Chloride 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride (AlCl3-EtMeImCl) Ionic Liquid – C. Wang and C. L. Hussey (University of Mississippi) Surface Structuring of Ti-Al-V and Al-Mg Alloys By Chemical Etching for Advanced Adhesion of Polymers – M. BaytekinGerngross, M. D. Gerngross, J. Carstensen, and R. Adelung (Faculty of Engineering, University of Kiel)

Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology Conference Room 4L, Hilton Chicago

Materials, Processing, Interfaces, Applications I – 08:30 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Lluis F. Marsal and John Anthony 08:30





(Invited) Design of Polymeric Semiconductors for Transistor Applications – M. Heeney (Imperial College London) (Invited) Routes to Stabilization of LinearlyFused Aromatics – J. Anthony and T. Liyanage (University of Kentucky) Break

Materials, Processing, Interfaces, Applications II – 10:00 – 13:30 Co-Chairs: John Anthony and Lluis F. Marsal 10:00









(Invited) Unexpected Molecular Interfaces: SAMs on Cobalt – S. Pookpanratana, C. A. Richter, and C. A. Hacker (National Institute of Standards and Technology) (Invited) Thin Films of Eumelanin Pigment: Charge Carrier Transport, Ion Storage, and Interaction with Metal Electrodes – P. Kumar, E. Di Mauro, J. Wuensche (Polytechnique Montreal), and C. Santato (École Polytechnique de Montréal) (Invited) Importance of Interface Engineering in Organic Spintronics – H. J. Jang (NIST & WFU), S. Pookpanratana (National Institute of Standards and Technology), J. S. Lee (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC), R. J. Kline, J. I. Basham, D. J. Gundlach (NIST), C. A. Hacker (National Institute of Standards and Technology), O. A. Kirillov (NIST), O. D. Jurchescu (Wake Forest University), and C. A. Richter (National Institute of Standards and Technology) (Invited) Spectroscopic Investigations of Stable Nitroxyl Radical-Containing Polymers – A. Ferguson, B. K. Hughes, W. A. Braunecker, D. Bobela, and T. Gennett (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Lunch Break


Tuesday, May 26


High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes 2

Tuesday, May 26

Transistors and Circuits, Flexible Systems, Applications I – 13:30 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: B. Iniguez and Oana D. Jurchescu 13:30









(Invited) Development of Printed Flexible Organic Solar Panels, Field Effect Transistors, and Logic Circuits on PET Substrates – S. Alem, T. Y. Chu, J. Lu, T. Kololuoma, and Y. Tao (National Research Council of Canada) (Invited) Development of High Mobility Polymer Semiconductors for p-Channel, n-Channel, and Ambipolar Thin Film Transistors – Y. Li (University of Waterloo) (Invited) Surface-Mediated Molecular Assembly of Organic Semiconductors for High-Performance Organic Electronics – K. Cho (Pohang University of Science and Technology) (Invited) Design and Fabrication of Organic Thin Film Transistors Using SolutionProcessable Liquid Crystalline Phthalocyanine Derivatives – A. K. Ray (Brunel University London) Break

Transistors and Circuits, Flexible Systems, Applications II – 16:00 – 17:30 Co-Chairs: Ye Tao and Asim Kumar Ray 16:00







(Invited) Thin-Film Transistors Based on Donor-Acceptor Polymers – A. Dodabalapur, S. Kim (The University of Texas at Austin), T. Ha (Kwangwoon University, S. Korea), and P. Sonar (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) (Invited) Ionic Liquid-Gated PCBM Transistors: Pushing the Limit of the Doping in Organic Transistors – J. Sayago, M. Patel, F. Cicoira (École Polytechnique de Montréal), F. Soavi (Università di Bologna), and C. Santato (École Polytechnique de Montréal) (Invited) Design and Development of an Organic Operational Amplifier for Use in Low-Cost Smart Sensor Systems – M. Raja (University of Liverpool)






Semiconductor Electrochemistry - Thin Films and Passivation – 10:00 – 14:30 Co-Chairs: Heli Wang and Philippe M. Vereecken 10:00










Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 6 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Electrodeposition / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4F, Hilton Chicago

Semiconductor Electrochemistry - Etching, Interfaces and Devices 1 – 08:20 – 10:00 Co-Chair: Colm O’Dwyer 08:20



The Comprehension of the Interfacial Chemistry during Etching Process Onto Semiconductor: A Way, to Understand the Mechanism – A. Etcheberry (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ), T. Vayron, M. Bouttemy, I. Gerard, J. Vigneron, and D. Aureau (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles)

Impact Of Surface Texturization On Overall Performance Of Mono-Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells – S. Sankarasubramanian (Illinois Institute of Technology), G. K. Saud (Dibrugarh University), M. Shashikala (M.V.J.College of Engineering), P. Suratkar (Tata Power Solar India Ltd.), and S. Saravanan (Indian institute of Technology Bombay) Prediction of Photovoltaic Cu(In,Ga)Se2 p-n Device Performance By Forward Bias Electrochemical Analysis of Only the p-Type Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Films – D. Colombara, T. Bertram, V. Depredurand (University of Luxembourg), T. Fouquet, J. Bour (Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor), C. Broussillou, P. P. Grand (Nexcis Photovoltaic Technology), and P. J. Dale (University of Luxembourg) Break

(Invited) Chemical Nature and Control of InP/Al2O3 and Ingaas/Hf2o Interfaces – Y. J. Chabal, W. J. Cabrera (University of Texas at Dallas), and M. D. Halls (Schrödinger Inc, Schrodinger Inc.) (Invited) Chemical Stability and Electronic Behavior of Atomic Layer Deposited Metal Oxide Thin Films – N. C. Strandwitz, B. Bao, and G. C. Correa (Lehigh University) (Invited) Stabilizing Semiconductor-Solution Interfaces Via Chemically Stable but Electronically Defective Coatings – S. Hu, M. Shaner, M. F. Lichterman (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, California Institute of Technology), M. H. Richter (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), E. Verlage (California Institute of Technology, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), T. Mayer (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany), B. Brunschwig (California Institute of Technology), P. D. Dapkus (University of Southern California), and N. S. Lewis (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, California Institute of Technology) Photoelectrochemical Studies and Capacitance Measurements during the Nitride Passivation of InP in Liquid Ammonia (-55°C) – C. Njel (Institut lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ), I. Bakas (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ), D. Aureau (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles), A. M. Goncalves, and A. Etcheberry (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ) An Attractive Wet Route for Nitriding IIIVs – C. Njel (Institut lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ), D. Aureau (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles), A. M. Goncalves, and A. Etcheberry (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Photoelectrochemical Properties of InGaN Thin Film Grown By Plasma Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy – Y. M. Shen, A. Ganguly (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences), L. C. Chen (Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences), and K. H. Chen (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences) Intermission




Device Technology - I – 11:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Jean-Pierre Raskin and Bich-Yen Nguyen 11:00




Semiconductor Electrochemistry - Etching, Interfaces and Devices 2 – 14:30 – 17:10 Co-Chair: Arnaud Etcheberry 14:30











(Invited) Use of the Doping Dependence of Collection Efficiencies for Dye Sensitized Photocurrents to Demonstrate Physical Models for Charge Transfer at Single Crystal Oxide Semiconductor Surfaces – M. T. Spitler (U.S. Department of Energy), B. A. Parkinson, and K. Watkins (University of Wyoming) (Invited) Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Microwire Anodes By Electrochemical Etching Techniques – S. Nöhren (University of Kiel, Institute for Materials Science), E. Quiroga-González (Institute for Physics, BUAP), J. Carstensen (Faculty of Engineering, University of Kiel), and H. Föll (Institute for Materials Science, University of Kiel) Pseudocapacitive charge storage at nanoscale silicon electrodes – W. McSweeney, H. Geaney, C. Glynn, D. McNulty, and C. O’Dwyer (University College Cork) Electroless Ni Layer: Influence of Growth Steps and Annealing Temperature on NiSi Formation – E. Delbos, H. El Belghiti (KMG Ultra Pure Chemicals, Institut Lavoisier de Versailles), D. Aureau, J. Vigneron, M. Bouttemy (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles), and A. Etcheberry (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ) Synthesis of Metal Oxides/Graphene Nanocomposites for Applications in Lithium-Ion Battery – J. Nan, H. Dong, G. Li, L. Yu (Qingdao University of Science and Technology), Y. Qin (Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences), and L. Dong (Missouri State University, Qingdao University of Science and Technology)

Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 17













15:10 15:20 1329

Welcoming Remarks

Plenary Session – 08:30 – 11:00 Co-Chairs: Joao Antonio Martino and Yasuhisa Omura (Plenary) Physical Insights on the Design of UTB Devices, Including FinFETs – J. G. Fossum (University of Florida, Applied Novel Devices) Intermission

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Invited) High Performance III-V-on-Insulator Mosfets on Si Realized By Direct Wafer Bonding Applicable to Large Wafer Size – S. Takagi, S. H. Kim, Y. Ikku, M. Yokoyama (The University of Tokyo, JST-CREST), R. Nakane (The University of Tokyo), J. Li, Y. C. Kao (IntelliEPI, Inc.), and M. Takenaka (The University of Tokyo, JST-CREST) (Invited) 14nm Fully Depleted S O I Technology for High-Speed and EnergyEfficient CMOS – O. Weber (CEA-LETI), E. Josse, and M. Haond (STMicroelectronics)

Device Technology - II – 13:30 – 16:20 Co-Chairs: Francisco Gamiz and Yasuhisa Omura

Electronics and Photonics Williford Room B, Hilton Chicago

Welcome to H01 Symposium – 08:25 – 08:30 Co-Chair: Yasuhisa Omura

(Plenary) Substrate Innovation for Extending Moore and More Than Moore Law – C. Maleville (Soitec) Break




(Invited) Ultralow-Voltage Design and Technology of Silicon-on Thin-Buried-Oxide (SOTB) CMOS for High Energy Efficient Electronics in Iot Era – Y. Yamamoto, H. Makiyama, T. Yamashita, H. Oda, S. Kamohara, N. Sugii, Y. Yamaguchi (Lowpower Electronics Association & Project (LEAP)), T. Mizutani, M. Kobayashi, and T. Hiramoto (The University of Tokyo) (Invited) Advanced Semiconductor Devices for Future CMOS Technologies – C. Claeys (imec, KU Leuven), D. Chiappe (imec), N. Collaert, J. Mitard (Imec), J. Radu, R. Rooyackers, E. Simoen (imec), A. Vandooren (Imec), A. Veloso, N. Waldron, L. Witters (imec), and A. Thean (Imec) N-Junctionless Transistor Prototype: Manufacturing Using a Focused Ion Beam System – L. P. B. Lima (School of Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas, Chemistry Department, KULeuven), M. V. P. dos Santos, M. A. Keiler (School of Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas), H. F. W. Dekkers (Imec), S. De Gendt (imec vzw), and J. A. Diniz (School of Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas, Center for Semiconductor Components, Unicamp) Using the Wave Layout Style to Boost the Digital ICs Electrical Performance in the Radioactive Environment – R. Navarenho de Souza, M. Guazzeli da Silveira, and S. P. Gimenez (University Center of FEI) Intermission-2 Germanium Junctionless Mosfet with Steep Subthreshold Swing – M. Gupta and A. Kranti (Indian Institute of Technology Indore) A Novel U-Shaped Finfet with Vertical Channels – Y. Liu (Institute of Microelectronics, CAS), H. Yin (Institute of Microelectronics,CAS), R. Li, H. Zhu, C. Zhao (Institute of Microelectronics, CAS), P. Wang (Fudan University), S. Mei (XMC, Wuhan), and T. Ye (Institute of Microelectronics, CAS) Break-2


Tuesday, May 26


Nano, Micro, and Giga Technology – 16:20 – 18:10 Co-Chairs: Hiromu Ishii and Jean-Pierre Raskin 16:20




17:20 17:30 1333

Tuesday, May 26


(Invited) Si-Based Micro-Nanomechanics for Ultimate Sensing – T. Ono (Tohoku University) (Invited) A Sub-1G MEMS Sensor – D. Yamane (Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST, JST), T. Konishi (NTT Advanced Technology Corporation), H. Toshiyoshi (The University of Tokyo, CREST, JST), K. Masu, and K. Machida (Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST, JST) Intermission-3 (Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology) Research on Nano and Giga Electronics – Breakthroughs Along the Path – Y. Kuo (Texas A&M University)

Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 5 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology Conference Room 4M, Hilton Chicago





15:40 16:00 1378







III-V based High Mobility Substrates – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Evgeni Gusev and Vijay Narayanan 08:20




09:40 10:00 1372





Monolithic Integration of III-V As- and P-Based Devices on Si through Direct MBE Growth and Using Lattice Engineered Substrates – D. Lubyshev, J. Fastenau, A. Liu, and Y. Wu (IQE PA) Monolithic Integration of III-V Semiconductors By Selective Area Growth on Si(001) Substrate: Epitaxy Challenges & Applications – C. Merckling, S. Jiang, Z. Liu, N. Waldron (imec), N. Collaert (Imec), M. Heyns (imec), Z. Wang, B. Tian (Ghent Univ.), M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout (imec), D. Van Thourhout (Ghent Univ.), W. Vandervorst (imec), and A. Thean (Imec) Break Dopant Activation and Deactivation in Ingaas during Sub-Millisecond Thermal Annealing – M. O. Thompson, S. N. Zhang, V. Sorg, M. Hill, and P. Clancy (Cornell University) Technology Options for Reducing Contact Resistance in Nanoscale III-V Transistors – R. T. P. Lee, W. Y. Loh, R. Tieckelmann, C. Huffman, T. Orzali, A. Vert (SEMATECH), G. Huang, M. Kelman, Z. Karim (AIXTRON), R. J. W. Hill, C. Hobbs, and S. S. Papa Rao (SEMATECH) Record-Performance in(Ga)As MOSFETS Targeting ITRS High-Performance and LowPower Logic – M. J. Rodwell (University of California Santa Barbara), C. Y. Huang, S. Lee, V. Chobpattana, B. Thibeault, W. Mitchell, S. Stemmer, and A. Gossard (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Process Integration – 13:40 – 17:40 Co-Chairs: F. Roozeboom and P. J. Timans 13:40



Ion Implantation Applications for Advanced Device Scaling – N. Variam (Applied Materials)


Heated Ion Implantation Technology for High Performance Metal-Gate/High-k CMOS SOI Finfets – W. Mizubayashi (National Institute of AIST), H. Onoda, Y. Nakashima (Nissin Ion Equipment Co., Ltd.), Y. Ishikawa, T. Matsukawa, K. Endo, Y. Liu, S. O’uchi, J. Tsukada, H. Yamauchi, S. Migita, Y. Morita, H. Ota, and M. Masahara (National Institute of AIST) Plasma Etching Technology Challenges for Future CMOS Fabrication Based on Microwave Ecr Plasma – M. Izawa, M. Tanaka, N. Yasui (Hitachi High-Technologies Corp.), and M. Morimoto (Hitachi HighTechnologies Taiwan Corporation) Break Effect of Hydrogen on Silicon Nitrides Formation By Microwave Excited Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition – A. Teramoto, Y. Nakao, T. Suwa, K. Hashimoto (Tohoku University), T. Motoya (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), M. Hirayama, S. Sugawa, and T. Ohmi (Tohoku University) Plasma Processes for Emerging Silicon-Based MEMS, NEMS and Packaging Applications – M. E. McNie (Oxford Instruments) Enhanced Equipment and New Processes As Enabler for Power Technologies on 300mm Substrates – M. Engelhardt, J. Baumgartl, G. Denifl, G. Ehrentraut, M. Kuenle, M. Stadtmueller, S. Werner (Infineon Technologies Austria AG), D. Crippa (LPE Milano), and M. Kraft (CTR Villach) Influence of Annealing Condition on TSV Pumping and Microstructure Evolution – X. Jing (National Center for Advanced Packaging, Institute of Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Science), U. H. Lee (Memory Thin Film Technology Team, Samsung Electronics), C. Xu, Z. Niu, C. Song, W. Zhang (National Center for Advanced Packaging), J. Y. Bae, and J. Won (Memory Thin Film Technology Team, Samsung Electronics)

State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 57 (SOTAPOCS 57) Electronics and Photonics Conference Room 4G, Hilton Chicago

Devices 1: Optoelectronics & Photovoltaics – 08:00 – 11:40 Co-Chairs: Chih-Fang Huang and Chen-Yu Chen 08:00






Invited: Fabrication and Applications of HighEfficiency, Lightweight, Multi-Junction Solar Cells By Epitaxial Liftoff – V. C. Elarde, H. Miyamoto, R. Chan, C. Stender, C. Youtsey, J. G. J. Adams, A. Wibowo, R. Tatavarti, M. Osowski, and N. Pan (MicroLink Devices) Invited: Advances in III-V/Active-Silicon Multijunction Photovoltaics: Progress Toward a Si-Plus Architecture – T. J. Grassman, D. J. Chmielewski, C. Ratcliff, S. D. Carnevale, J. A. Carlin, and S. A. Ringel (The Ohio State University) Invited: Advanced Photon Management in Printed High-Efficiency Multijunction Solar Cells – X. Sheng (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and J. A. Rogers (UIUC)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


10:00 10:20 1418





Invited: Dilute-Nitride-Antimonide Materials Grown By Movpe for Multi-Junction Solar Cell Application – L. J. Mawst (University of Wisconsin - Madison), T. W. Kim, H. Kim (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Y. Kim, K. Kim, J. J. Lee (Ajou University), T. F. Kuech (University of Wisconsin - Madison, University of Wisconsin-Madison), Z. R. Lingley, S. D. LaLumondiere, Y. Sin, W. T. Lotshaw, and S. C. Moss (The Aerospace Corporation) Break Invited: Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals for Sensing and Optoelectronic Applications – R. D. Schaller (Argonne National Laboratory & Northwestern University) Invited: InAs/InAs1-XSbx Type-II Superlattices for High Performance Long Wavelength Infrared Detection – M. Razeghi, A. Haddadi, G. Chen, R. Chevallier, and A. M. Hoang (Northwestern University) Template-directed Synthesis of Ag2S-Fe2O3 Heterostructures – Y. Chen, S. Liu, M. Zhao, L. Yu, H. Dong (Qingdao University of Science and Technology), and L. Dong (Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Missouri State University)


Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 16 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Sensor Conference Room 4C, Hilton Chicago

GaN based Optical and Energy Devices – 08:00 – 12:30 Co-Chairs: Jennifer K. Hite and Soohwan Jang 08:00






09:30 09:40 1449











Devices 2: HEMTs & Sensors – 13:00 – 17:10 Co-Chairs: Travis J Anderson and Chen-Yu Chen 13:00






14:30 14:50 1424 15:20








Invited: The Effect of Thermally Induced Piezoelectricity on GaN Hemt Device Characteristics – P. McCluskey, J. Sengupta, and S. Khanna (University of Maryland, College Park) Invited: III-Nitride Semiconductor Nanowire Resonant Tunneling Diodes – W. Lu (The Ohio State University) Invited: The Stability of High Voltage AlGaN/ GaN Hemts – C. F. Huang, T. F. Chang (National Tsing Hua University), Y. H. Wang, and Y. C. Liang (National University of Singapore) Break Invited: Plasmonic Terahertz Detectors – M. Shur (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using High Electron Mobility Transistors – I. Sarangadharan, C. H. Chu, C. P. Hsu, and Y. L. Wang (National Tsing Hua University) A Semiconductor Gas System of Healthcare for Liver Disease Detection Using Ultrathin InN-Based Sensor – K. W. A. Kao (National Tsing Hua University, taiwan), S. Gwo (Department of Physics, NTHU, Taiwan), and J. A. Yeh (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan) Dilute Hydrogen Sulfide Sensing Characteristics of a Pt/GaN Schottky Diode – J. F. Xiao, C. P. Hsu, and Y. L. Wang (National Tsing Hua University) Detection of HIV-1 RT Protein Using AlGaN/ GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors – C. H. Chu, C. P. Hsu, and Y. L. Wang (National Tsing Hua University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Invited) Nitride Semiconductors for Energy Generation – H. Jiang and J. Lin (Texas Tech University) (Invited) High Efficiency Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion on InGaN Nanowire Arrays – Z. Mi (McGill University), B. AlOtaibi (McGIll University), and S. Fan (McGill University) (Invited) Nitride Photocatalyst to Produce Clean Hydrogen from Water without Extra Bias – K. Ohkawa (Tokyo University of Science) Break (Invited) Unraveling the Efficiency Limits of GaN-Based Emitters and the Surprising Connection to Electron Devices – J. Speck (University of California) (Invited) Group-III Nitrides to the Extreme --- from LEDs and Solar Cells to the Transistor – A. Bross, L. Zhao, D. Elsaesser, Z. Li, M. Durniak (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), T. Detchprohm (Georgia Institute of Technology), T. S. P. Chow, and C. Wetzel (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) (Invited) Applications of Electrochemistry for Novel Wide Bandgap GaN Devices – J. Han (Yale University) (Invited) High Efficiency Green-Yellow Emission from InGaN/GaN Quantum Well Structures Grown on Overgrown Semi-Polar (11-22) GaN on Regularly Arrayed MicroRod Templates – T. Wang (The University of Sheffield) Hydrothermally Grown Nonpolar a-Plane ZnO and Its Applications – J. Kim (Dankook Univsersity), K. H. Baik (Hongik University), and S. Jang (Dankook University) (Invited) Fully Porous GaN p-n Junctions Fabricated By Chemical Vapor Deposition: A Green Technology Towards More Efficient LEDs – J. J. Carvajal, J. Mena, O. Bilousov (FiCMA-FiCNA, University Rovira i Virgili), O. Martinez, J. Jiménez (GdS-Optronlab, Universtiy of Valladolid), V. Z. Zubialevich (Tyndall National Institute), P. J. Parbrook (Tyndall National Insitute, University College Cork), H. Geaney (University College Cork, Tyndall National Institute), C. O’Dwyer (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork), F. Díaz, and M. Aguiló (FiCMAFiCNA, University Rovira i Virgili)

GaN based Electronics II – 14:00 – 17:10 Co-Chairs: Srabanti Chowdhury and Byung-Jae Kim 14:00


(Invited) Power Loss Reduction in PerforatedChannel Hfet Switches – M. Shur (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), M. Gaevski, R. Gaska (Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc.), G. Simin (University of South Carolina), H. Y. Wong, N. Braga, N. Braga, and R. Mickevicius (SYNOPSYS, Inc.)


Tuesday, May 26








Tuesday, May 26

15:40 16:00 1459






A Novel Backside Gate Structure to Improve Device Performance – Y. H. Hwang, W. Zhu, C. Dong, F. Ren (University of Florida), I. Kravchenko (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), S. J. Pearton (University of Florida), and D. Smith (Arizona State University Department of Physics) (Invited) High-Power AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors on 200mm Si Substrates – C. F. Lo, O. Laboutin, C. K. Kao, K. O’Connor, D. Hill, and W. Johnson (IQE) Large Gate Swing and High Threshold Voltage Enhancement-Mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using Low Energy Fluorine Ion Implantation in GaN Layer – C. H. Wu, P. C. Han (National Chiao Tung University), and E. Y. Chang (National Chiao-Tung University) Break In-Situ Characterization of Defect Dynamics in 4H-SiC Power Diodes Under High-Voltage Stressing – K. Shenai (LoPel Corporation), B. Raghothamachar, M. Dudley (Stony Brook University), and A. Christou (University of Maryland) (Invited) Investigations and Improvements of AlInN/GaN Hemts Grown on Si – J. I. Chyi (National Applied Research Laboratories, National Central University), Y. M. Hsin, G. Y. Lee (National Central University), and H. C. Chiu (Chang Gung University) A Novel Approach to Improve Heat Dissipation of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors with a Backside Cu Via Under Device Active Area – Y. H. Hwang, T. S. Kang, F. Ren, and S. J. Pearton (University of Florida)


High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Boulevard Room B, Hilton Chicago
















(Invited) Enhanced Steam Electrolysis at Exsolution Titanates – D. Neagu, G. Tsekouras, T. H. Shin (St Andrews University), and J. Irvine (University of St Andrews) The Effect of Mixed-Conductivity on Electrolysis Cells Involving BaCexZr0.9XY0.1O3-d (x = 0, 0.1 and 0.2) Protonic Ceramic Membrane – S. M. Babiniec (Mechanical Eng. Dept., Colorado School Of Mines), M. Dippon (KIT, Karlsruhe), S. Ricote, and N. P. Sullivan (Mechanical Eng. Dept., Colorado School Of Mines) Steam Electrolysis By Proton-Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs) – L. Bi (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology-KAUST) and E. Traversa (KAUST) Hydrogen Permeation through Dense BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-δ - Ce0.8Y0.2O2-δ CompositeCeramic Membranes – W. A. Rosensteel, S. Ricote, and N. P. Sullivan (Mechanical Eng. Dept., Colorado School Of Mines)

Break Fabrication of a Novel BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-δ - Cu Ceramic-Metallic Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation – W. A. Rosensteel and N. P. Sullivan (Mechanical Eng. Dept., Colorado School Of Mines) (Invited) Challenges and Limitations of Materials for Membrane-Based Water Electrolysis at Megawatt Scale – K. E. Ayers, N. Danilovic, and E. Anderson (Proton OnSite) Polybenzimidazole Membranes for Hydrogen Production in the Hybrid Sulfur Electrolyzer – T. R. Garrick, A. Gulledge (University of South Carolina), J. A. Staser (Ohio University), B. Benicewicz, and J. W. Weidner (University of South Carolina) A Novel Anion Exchange Membrane Enabling Generation of Syngas from Water and Carbon Dioxide at Industrially Important Rates – Z. Liu, R. I. Masel, Q. Chen, R. Kutz, H. Yang (Dioxide Materials), K. A. Lewinski, T. S. Matthews, and M. Kaplun (3M Company) Phase Dependent Selectivity of Electrochemical CO2 Conversion to Fuels on TiO2 nanoparticles – C. J. Wright, P. P. Sharma (University of South Carolina), F. S. Ke (Wuhan University), A. A. Peterson (Brown University), and X. D. Zhou (University of South Carolina)

CO2 Conversion at Room Temperature – 14:00 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Anne C. Co, John A. Staser, and Xiao-Dong Zhou 14:00






Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3

Proton Conductors and Fuel Production – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Neal P. Sullivan, Arun S. Agarwal, and Christopher J. Wright 08:00

09:40 10:00 1511

15:40 16:00 1519









(Invited) Optimizing Electrocatalyst Selectivity for CO2 Reduction over H2 Evolution – A. A. Peterson (Brown University) (Invited) Electrosynthesis of Fuels Directly from CO2 – A. C. Co, J. Billy, and K. Muhlenkamp (The Ohio State University) (Invited) Defect-Rich CO2 Reduction Catalysts – X. Feng and M. Kanan (Stanford University) Break (Invited) Two-Dimensional Materials for Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels – J. Wu, M. Liu, K. Hackenberg, Y. Liu, R. M. Yadav (Rice University), P. P. Sharma, X. D. Zhou (University of South Carolina), B. Wood (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), B. I. Yakobson, J. Lou, and P. M. Ajayan (Rice University) (Invited) Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formic Acid on Crystalline SnO2 Nanosphere Catalyst – J. Qiao (Donghua Universtiy), Y. Fu (Donghua University), and Y. Liu (Tohoku University) Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Using BiLayer Cu2O Electrodes – G. L. Griffin (Center for Atomic-Level Catalyst Design, Louisiana State University) and J. Bugayong (Louisiana State University) Electrochemical Methanation of Carbon Dioxide with Highly Dispersed Copper Nanocatalysts – K. Manthiram, B. J. Beberwyck, and A. P. Alivisatos (University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 at Au and Cu Electrodes: Ligand Effects – E. M. Andrews, J. Flake, and Y. Fang (LSU) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Enhancing the Electrochemical Surface Area of Tin Based Porous Electrodes for Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Formate – A. S. Agarwal (DNVGL), D. Gautam (University of Cincinnati), E. Rode (DNVGL), J. B. Jasinski (Univ of Louisville, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Res), T. Q. Nguyen (University of Louisville, Chemical Engineering), M. K. Sunkara (Univ of Louisville, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Res), and N. Sridhar (DNVGL)







Salon C, Hilton Chicago I02 Poster Session 1 – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Jingjie Wu and Xiaofeng Feng •






Effect of Acid-Leaching on the Electrochemical Performance of CarbonSupported Copper Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonic Acid Tetrasodium Salt (CuTSPc/C) Catalys – J. Qiao and X. Qing (Donghua Universtiy) Kinetics and electrocatalytic activity of Co(Aminopyrine)-derived Nitrogen-doped porous nanocomposite for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Electrolyte – S. Tang, T. Zhu, Y. Fu (Donghua University), J. Qiao (Donghua Universtiy), and X. D. Zhou (University of South Carolina) Nitrogen-doped Hierarchical Mesoporous/ Macroporous Carbon (H-C) prepared from the combined silica templates with different size for Oxygen Reduction – J. Qiao (Donghua Universtiy), M. Wu, J. Shi (Donghua University), Q. Wang (Electric Power Supply Company), and Y. Liu (Tohoku University) The Performance of Doped Mesoporous Carbon Electrodes as Electrochemical Capacitors in Optimized Alkaline Electrolyte – J. Qiao and W. Chen (Donghua Universtiy)









Materials for Low-Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2 Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Boulevard Room A, Hilton Chicago

Fuel Cell Durability and Performance – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Radenka Maric and Rod L. Borup 08:00

09:40 10:00 1543


(Energy Technology Division Research Award) PEM Fuel Cell Electrode Layer Degradation – R. L. Borup, R. Mukundan, J. D. Fairweather, D. Spernjak, D. A. Langlois (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. L. More (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), G. Maranzana (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), A. Lamibrac (LEMTA CNRS), J. Dillet (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), S. Didierjean (LEMTA, CNRS, Vandoeuvre-lèsNancy), O. Lottin (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), L. Guétaz (CEA, LITEN), R. Ahluwalia, S. Arisetty (Argonne National Laboratory), and K. Rau (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Student Achievement Award) Anhydrous High-Proton Conductor Based on Ionic Nanopeapods – M. M. Hasani-Sadrabadi (Georgia Institute of Technology, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)), E. Dashtimoghadam, G. Bahlakeh (Amirkabir University of Technology), and K. I. Jacob (Georgia Institute of Technology) Heterogeneities of Ageing in a PEMFC Stack: Links Between Membrane Pinholes, Carbon Corrosion and End-of-Life – L. Dubau (LEPMI-Grenoble, CNRS), L. Castanheira, M. Chatenet (LEPMI-Grenoble), F. Maillard (LEPMI, UMR 5279 CNRS), J. Dillet, G. Maranzana, S. Abbou, O. Lottin (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lèsNancy), G. De Moor, A. El Kaddouri, C. Bas, L. Flandin (LEPMI-Univ. Savoie), E. Rossinot, and N. Caqué (AXANE) Durability Evaluation of PEFC Catalyst Layers through in-Situ SEM/STEM Techniques – A. Hayashi, M. Kitamura, Z. Noda, and K. Sasaki (Kyushu University) Break Fabrication and Characterization of WellTunable and Titanium Thin-Film Liquid/Gas Diffusion Layers – S. M. Steen III (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng., UTSI, UTK), J. Mo (Mechnical, Aerospace and Biomedical Eng, UTSI, UTK), S. Retterer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), A. Terekhov, and F. Y. Zhang (UT Space Institute, University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Liquid-Water Distribution in Compressed Gas-Diffusion Layers Using X-Ray Computed Tomography – I. V. Zenyuk, D. Y. Parkinson, and A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Analytical Modeling and Experimental Study of Thermal Conductivity of Catalyst Layer of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells – M. Ahadi, M. Andisheh-Tadbir (Simon Fraser University), M. Tam, J. Stumper (Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation Corp.), and M. Bahrami (Simon Fraser University) Performance of a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell with Low Catalyst Loading Produced by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology – S. Kim, T. D. Myles (Center for Clean Energy Engineering), and R. Maric (University of Connecticut) Effect of Ionomer Content and Relative Humidity on IT-PEMFC Performances at 120 oc – M. K. Cho (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, SNU), H. Y. Park, I. Y. Cha, S. Y. Lee, S. J. Yoo, H. J. Kim (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST), J. Han, S. W. Nam (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST, Green School, Korea University), Y. E. Sung (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, SNU, Center for Nanoparticle Research, IBS), and J. H. Jang (Green School, Korea University, Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST)


Tuesday, May 26






Impact of Cationic Impurities on Low-Pt Loading PEFC Cathodes – S. Ganesan, M. A. Uddin, J. Park, U. Pasaogullari (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut), L. J. Bonville, and T. Molter (University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering) A Cationic Contamination in PEFC Cathode: A Cause and Effect Study – M. A. Uddin (University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering), J. Park, S. Ganesan, U. Pasaogullari (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut), L. J. Bonville, and T. Molter (University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering)

Electrocatalysis for ORR I – 14:00 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Minhua Shao and Vojislav Stamenkovic

Tuesday, May 26









15:40 16:00 1554








(Invited) Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Systems – D. Li, Y. Kang, D. Strmcnik, N. M. Markovic, and V. Stamenkovic (Argonne National Laboratory) Insights into the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity of Pt/C and PtCu/C Catalysts – E. J. Coleman and A. C. Co (The Ohio State University) High Activity of Ru@CoSe2/C Electrocatalyst Toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction – H. Li, X. Cheng, and Y. Zhang (Xiamen University) Enhancing Activity and Pt Utilization in PtCsH2PO4 Composite Electrodes for Solid Acid Fuel Cells – V. S. Thoi and S. M. Haile (California Institute of Technology) Break (Invited) Engineering the Microstructure and Atomic Arrangement of Pt-Based ORR Catalyst for High Activity and Durability – J. Yang, C. Xu, K. Gath (Ford Motor Company), P. Pietrisz, R. Soltis (Ford), B. Pence (Ford Motor Company), M. Jagnar (Ford), K. Sun (University of Michigan), G. Meng (ULVAC Technologies, Inc.), E. Sohm (ULVAC Technologies, Inc), Q. Jia, and S. Mukerjee (Northeastern University) Dealloyed Pt-Ni Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Cathodes: Effects of Catalyst-Ionomer Ink Composition on Structure and Performance – D. J. Myers, N. Kariuki, J. Hammons, R. Ahluwalia, X. Wang, J. K. Peng (Argonne National Laboratory), and D. Fongalland (Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells) Glad-SAD Pt-Ni Alloy/Ni Nanorods As Highly Active Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts – N. Kariuki (Argonne National Laboratory), F. Yurtsever, M. Begum, M. Yurukcu, M. Cansizoglu, T. Karabacak (University of Arkansas - Little Rock), and D. J. Myers (Argonne National Laboratory) Stability Enhancement of the Interaction Between Pt Nanoparticles and Carbon Supports through Carbon Surface Functionalization – L. Xin, F. Yang, Z. F. Li (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis), C. Sun (X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), L. Stanciu (Purdue University), and J. Xie (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)






High-Performance Pt Catalysts Supported on Polybenzimidazole-Grafted XC72 for Pemfcs – Z. F. Li (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis), L. Xin (Michigan Technological University), F. Yang, and J. Xie (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) Influence of Temperature on the Oxygen Electroreduction Activity at Nanoporous Carbon Support – R. Jäger, E. Härk, V. Steinberg (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), and E. Lust (University of Tartu)

Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces (SGEI 1)

High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Boulevard Room C, Hilton Chicago

Oxygen Electrodes II – 08:00 – 13:55 Co-Chairs: Rotraut Merkle and Tatsuya Kawada 08:00






09:40 10:00 1616





(Invited) Rate-Determining Step for Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Oxide Cathode in SOFC and Its Interpretation Based on Band Energy Diagram – A. Takeshita (The University of Tokyo), S. Okada (The University of Tokyo, Japan), S. Sugiura (Dept. of Materials Engg., The University of tokyo), S. Miyoshi, Y. Shibuta (The University of Tokyo, Japan), S. Yamaguchi (The University of Tokyo), and F. Shimojo (Kumamoto University, Japan) (Invited) Molecular Understanding of Oxygen Exchange in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes – D. Morgan (University of Wisconsin - Madison), M. Gadre (University of Wisconsin-Madison), A. Ngo (Argonne National Laboratory), Y. L. Lee, Y. Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and S. B. Adler (University of Washington) Interfaces and Durability for Different LSCF/CGO/YSZ Systems for IT-SOFC – C. Rossignol (LEPMI, Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS), G. Constantin (Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS, LEPMI), P. Briois, A. Billard (IRTES-LERMPS), E. Djurado (LEPMI, Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS), and L. Dessemond (Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS, LEPMI) Coffee break (Invited) Structure and Stability of Pt-Y Alloy Particles for Oxygen Reduction Studied by Electron Microscopy – D. Deiana (Technical University of Denmark), J. B. Wagner (Center for Electron Nanoscopy, DTU), and T. W. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark) (Invited) Theoretical Approach for Understanding Oxygen Reduction at the Cathode Surface of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – M. Koyama (CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, INAMORI Frontier Research Center, Kyushu University) and T. Ishimoto (INAMORI Frontier Research Center, Kyushu University, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency) Potential Distributions and the Corresponding Driving Forces for Transport in Cathodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – X. Liu and W. Li (West Virginia University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



(Invited) Determination of Effective Reaction Area in a Mixed-Conducting SOFC Cathode – K. Amezawa, Y. Fujimaki, T. Nakamura (Tohoku University, Japan), K. D. Bagarinao (Natl Inst of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), K. Yamaji (AIST), K. Nitta, Y. Terada (JASRI), F. Iguchi (Tohoku University, Japan), K. Yashiro (Tohoku University), H. Yugami, and T. Kawada (Tohoku University, Japan) Lunch break

Hydrogen and CO Electrodes – 14:00 – 17:00 Co-Chairs: Helena Téllez and Tatsumi Ishihara 14:00








15:40 16:00 1624






(Invited) High Temperature CO2 Electrolysis on La(Sr)Fe(Mn)O3 Oxide Cathode By Using LaGaO3 Based Electrolyte – T. Ishihara (Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University), K. T. Wu (Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering), and S. Wang (Kyushu University) Phase Field Simulation Coupling Microstructural Evolution and Crack Propagation during Performance Degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – T. Abdullah and L. Liu (The University of Kansas) Sulfur Tolerance of La0.3M0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3 -δ (M= Sr, Ca) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes – P. K. Addo, B. Molero-Sanchez, A. Buyukaksoy, S. Paulson, and V. Birss (University of Calgary) Modeling Water Reduction on 10 Mole% Gadolinia-Doped Ceria (GDC10) Porous Electrodes – H. Valdes-Espinosa, E. M. Stuve, and S. B. Adler (University of Washington) Break Anodes Derived from Fluorite-Type and Perovskite-Type Metal Oxides for SOFCs – V. Thangadurai, K. Singh, H. T. Handal, and B. Mirfakhraei (University of Calgary) Impregnation Based Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel and Electrolysis Cells, the State-of-the-Art and Perspectives – S. Boulfrad, E. H. Da’as, L. Bi, and E. Traversa (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology-KAUST) Comparison of Impedance Behavior of Thin Film Ni and Infiltrated Ni-YSZ Anodes – A. Buyukaksoy and V. Birss (University of Calgary)





Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4A, Hilton Chicago

08:10 08:20 1646 1647

Welcoming Remarks (Invited) Recent Topics on x-Ray Analysis of Fuel-Cell Catalysts – H. Imai (NISSAN ARC Ltd.) (Invited) Understanding Fuel Cell Materials Degradation Via Advanced Electron Microscopy Techniques – K. L. More (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Break (Invited) Ionomer Membrane and Thin-Film Diagnostics – A. Kusoglu (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) and A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) (Invited) Water and Proton Dynamics in Perfluorinated Surfactants and Membranes by QENS – S. Lyonnard (UMR SPrAM 5819 INAC - CEA Grenoble - France), S. Berrod, A. Guillermo (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), G. Gebel (CEA Grenoble - LITEN/DTNM/DIR - France), B. Améduri (IEM), B. Frick, and J. Ollivier (ILL) (Invited) Imaging and Quantitative Chemical Mapping of PEM-FC Catalyst Layers By Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy – A. P. Hitchcock (McMaster University)

Tutorial 2 – 13:40 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Vijay K. Ramani and Rangachary Mukundan 13:40






15:40 16:00 1654






State-of-the-Art Tutorial on Diagnostics in LowTemperature Fuel Cells

Tutorial 1 – 08:10 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Deborah J. Myers and Thomas A. Zawodzinski


09:40 10:00 1648

(Invited) Diagnostics of Microstructure and Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer – A. Ohma, T. Mashio, H. Iden, K. Sato, Y. Ono, K. Sakai, K. Akizuki, Y. Furuya (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.), and K. Shinohara (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd) (Invited) Limiting Current As a Tool to Study Oxygen Transport in PEM Fuel Cells – D. R. Baker (General Motors, R&D Center) and D. A. Caulk (General Motors R&D Center) (Invited) Diagnostics of Fuel-Cell Performance Utilizing Simple Graphical Methods Based on Theoretical Limiting Cases – M. L. Perry (United Technologies Research Center) Break (Invited) Accurate Measurement of the Water Content of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Using Neutron Radiography – D. S. Hussey and D. L. Jacobson (NIST) (Invited) Measuring and Modeling Transport Processes in Porous Electrodes – J. T. Gostick (McGill University) (Invited) Modeling of and Novel Approaches to Water Management in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells – C. Y. Wang (The Pennsylvania State University)

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Williford Room C, Hilton Chicago

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 1 – 08:00 – 09:30 Co-Chairs: Alice H. Suroviec and Petr Vanýsek 08:00


Voltammetric and Impedance Investigation of Vanadium Oxidation States in Sulfuric Acid – P. Vanýsek (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUT), V. Novák (CEITEC BUT, Brno University of Technology), and L. Chladil (CEITEC Central European Institute of Technology BUT)


Tuesday, May 26


Tuesday, May 26





Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 2 – 10:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Shelley D. Minteer, Olga Tkacheva, and Alice H Suroviec

























Effect of CO Poisoning of PEM Fuel Cell Anode on Impedance Spectra- Simulations – F. Fasmin and S. Ramanathan (Indian Institute of Technology-Madras) Interpreting Impedance Spectra in TimeConstant Domain: Application to the Passive Film on Titanium – Q. Ni, S. J. Thorpe, and D. W. Kirk (University of Toronto) Artefacts in Electrochemical Impedance Measurements Due to Stray Capacitances – M. Balabajew and B. Roling (PhilippsUniversitaet Marburg)

Contact Lens Biofuel Cell Tested in Conditions Similar to Human Eyes – R. C. Reid, S. D. Minteer, and B. K. Gale (University of Utah) Electrochemical Kinetic Study on Various Immobilized Yeasts for Glucose Biofuel Cell Applications – Y. B. Jeon (Dept. of Syst. Eng., University of Arkansas at Little Rock), F. Tang (Dept. of Biology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock), and J. W. Lee (Dept. of Syst. Eng., University of Arkansas at Little Rock) Quantifying Single Human Cancer Cell Redox State By Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy – S. Kuss (McGill University), D. Trinh (Université de la Rochelle), and J. Mauzeroll (McGill University) Redox Triggered Vesicles a Promising Approach for Drug Delivery – T. Noyhouzer (McGill University), C. L’Homme (University of Qébec in Montreal), S. Kuss (McGill University), H. B. Kraatz (University of Toronto), S. Canesi (University of Qébec in Montreal), and J. Mauzeroll (McGill University) Electrochemical Modification of Carbon Surfaces with Functional Polymers – A. Devadoss, C. Xue, and H. K. Tsai (Hitachi Chemical Research Center, Inc.) Electrochemical Sensors for Continuous Monitoring of Bacterial Infections – E. D. Goluch, T. A. Webster, and H. J. Sismaet (Northeastern University) Electrolytic and Electroless Fabrication of Al-Sc Alloys in KF-Naf-AlF3 Electrolytes – O. Tkacheva, A. Suzdaltsev, A. Nikolaev, Y. Zaikov (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS), Y. Shtefanyuk (UC RUSAL), V. Pingin, and D. Vinogradov (RUSAL’s Engineering and Technology Centre)

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 3 – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Tyler Scott Matthews, Takayuki Homma, and Alice H. Suroviec 14:00



(Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal) Electrochemical SERS on Nanostructured Surfaces and its Application to DNA Detection and Discrimination – P. N. Bartlett (University of Southampton)

Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to CO with High Selectivity Using an All SolidState Electrolyzer Cell – T. S. Matthews, M. Kaplun (3M Company), Z. Liu, Q. Chen, R. Kutz (Dioxide Materials), S. M. Luopa, K. A. Lewinski (3M Company), and R. I. Masel (Dioxide Materials) Optimization and Characterization of the Solar Thermal Electrochemical Conversion of Calcium Carbonate into Calcium Oxide for STEP Cement – J. Lau, O. El-Ghazawi, J. Ren, F. F. Li, and S. Licht (The George Washington University) Order and Epitaxy during Electrochemical Layer By Layer Growth of Semiconductor Thin Films – F. Carlà, R. Felici (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)), and A. Magrini (Dipartimento di Chimica, UNIFI) Computational and Spectroscopic Study for Reaction Mechanism of Boric Acid Extraction in Micro-Channel Device – M. Kunimoto (Waseda University, JST-CREST), R. Tamura, T. Oyanagi, N. Matsuo (Waseda University), Y. Fukunaka (Waseda University, JSTCREST), H. Nakai (Waseda University), and T. Homma (Waseda University, JST-CREST)

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 4 – 16:20 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Alice H. Suroviec and Michael Edward Snowden 16:20










Analysis of Electrochemical Reactions on Irregular Pores Structures Relevant to Batteries and Fuel Cells Electrodes – N. H. Okoye, Y. W. Liu, and P. E. Arce (Tennessee Technological University) Mixed Ionic / Electronic Conductivity of Electrolyte-Modified Carbon/Zirconia Composites – J. A. Shetzline and S. Creager (Clemson University) Localized Investigations of the Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Battery Materials Using Micro-Pipets – M. E. Snowden (McGill University, Université du Québec à Montréal), J. Mauzeroll (McGill University), and S. B. Schougaard (Université du Québec à Montréal) Monitoring Mechanical Modulation of Reactivity in Electrocatalysis – Q. Deng (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg) and J. Weissmueller (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) Determining Microwire Morphology and Current Transient Trends from Single Microwire Electrodeposition – T. Zhang, E. Fahrenkrug, and S. Maldonado (University of Michigan)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago L01 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Pawel J. Kulesza and Alice H. Suroviec •


Evaluation of Corrosion Mechanisms at the Bone-Metal Interface of Hip Implants – M. J. Runa (Rush University Medical Center, Center for Mechanical and Materials Technologies (CT2M)), M. T. Mathew (Rush University Medical Center), and L. A. Rocha (UNESP Universidade Estadual Paulista) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL










Plamonic-Based Electrochemical Imaging of the Crystal Facets of Single Metallic Nanoparticles – Y. Wang, X. Shan, and N. Tao (The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University) Understanding of Rate-Limiting Behavior and of Diffusion in Commercial LiCoO2 Electrodes Via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy – K. R. Ahmed, M. Ozkan, and C. Ozkan (University of California, Riverside) Photoelectrocatalysis Applied in Water Disinfection Contamined By C. Parapsilosis using Nanoporous Electrodes of W/WO3 Prepared By Electrochemical Anodization – B. A. Souza, T. T. Guaraldo, and M. V. B. Zanoni (Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”) Synchronization of Current Oscillations in Dual-Anode Dissolution System in the Presence of a Common Cathode Electrode – M. J. Hankins, M. Wickramasinghe (Saint Louis University), and I. Z. Kiss (Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University) Determination of Inorganic Arsenic As(III) in Water By Anodic Stripping Linear Sweep Voltammetry Using Gold Ultra-Microelectrode Array – Q. N. Duong (Applied Physical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam), N. V. Le (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam), T. D. Le (Laboratory for Nanotechnology, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), H. T. Nguyen (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam), H. D. Tong (Laboratory for Nanotechnology, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), and T. T. P. Nguyen (Applied Physical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam) Visible Light-Induced Photoelectrocalalytic Degradation of 4-Nitrophenol on BiVO4/ Carbon Nanotube Electrode – F. W. P. Ribeiro, L. H. Mascaro, and S. A. Alves (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) Physical and Electrochemical Properties of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids Containing Allyl-Based Phosphonium Cations and Bis(fluorosulfonyl)Amide Anion – K. Tsunashima, Y. Sakai (Wakayama National College of Technology), and M. Matsumiya (Yokohama National University) Synchronization Patterns of Oscillatory Nickel Dissolution in Microfluidic Flow Cell with Branched Channel – Y. Liu, J. Coleman (Saint Louis University), and I. Z. Kiss (Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University) Rotational Waves in an Oscillatory Electrochemical System – M. L. Sebek (Saint Louis University) and I. Z. Kiss (Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL





Volammetric and Chronopotentiometric Study of Nonstationary Process on Oxygen-Evolving Anodes in KF-NafAlF3-Al2O3 – A. Suzdaltsev (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS), A. Khramov (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistery UB RAS), O. Limanovskaya (Ural Federal University, Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistery UB RAS), Y. Zaikov (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistery UB RAS, Ural Federal University), and V. Nekrasov (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistery UB RAS) Non-Precious Metal Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction – J. A. Varnell, E. C. M. Tse (University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign), and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University) Accumulation of Naturally-Occurring Radionuclide Polonium-210 By Phytoplankton in Urban Sea Bays – D. Peydus, G. E. Lazorenko, and V. S. Mychanov (The Institute of Biology of Southern Seas)

Computational Electrochemistry

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Conference Room 4K, Hilton Chicago

AIMD - 2 – 08:00 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Yue Qi and Stephen J. Paddison 08:00








First-Principles Based Modeling of Structures and Processes at Electrochemical ElectrodeElectrolyte Interfaces – A. Gross (Ulm University) Determining the Phase Stability and Oxygen Nonstoichiometry of Lanthanum Strontium Ferrite Structures By Combining Density Functional Theory and Thermodynamics – T. Das, J. D. Nicholas, and Y. Qi (Michigan State University) Structural Relaxation and Cation (Li+, H+, Na+) Diffusion in Crystalline Polymer Electrolytes: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations – J. He and S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Defect Chemistry of CeO2 Surfaces from First Principles and Space Charge Theory – T. S. Bjoerheim (University of Oslo), E. Kotomin, and J. Maier (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)

Continuum - 2 – 10:20 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Lawrence R. Pratt and Stephen J. Paddison 10:20






Confinement in Soft Materials for Novel Energy Applications – S. Mossa (CEA Grenoble) Pore-Scale Reconstruction and Multiphase Simulation of PEMFC Catalyst Layers – J. Kang, S. H. Kim (The Ohio State University), and K. Moriyama (Honda R&D Co. Ltd., Automobile R&D Center.) A Study of Mixing in a Magnetohydrodynamic Microfluidic Cell By Numerical Simulation – F. Yuan and K. Isaac (Missouri S&T)


Tuesday, May 26



Continuum Models for High Molarity Electrolyte Solutions – K. Promislow (Michigan State University) and N. Gavish (Technion Institute)

Tuesday, May 26

DFT - 1 – 14:00 – 15:20 Co-Chairs: Tor Svendsen Bjoerheim and Stephen J. Paddison 14:00






Theoretical Modeling of Defect Segregation and Space-Charge Formation in ProtonConducting Barium Zirconate – E. Helgee, A. Lindman, and G. Wahnström (Department of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology) Improved Accuracy of Density Functional Theory Calculations for CO2 Reduction and Metal-Air Batteries – R. Christensen, H. A. Hansen, and T. Vegge (Technical University of Denmark) Formic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation on Au25 and Pt@Au24 Nanocatalysts: A DFT Approach – A. Clayborne (University of Jyväskylä) and W. Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

AIMD - 3 – 15:40 – 17:20 Co-Chairs: Mark E. Tuckerman and Stephen J. Paddison 15:40






Predicting Transport Properties at Electrode/ SEI/Electrolyte Interfaces in Li Ion Batteries – Y. Qi (Michigan State University) NO Electrochemical Reduction on Pt Electrocatalysts: A DFT Approach – H. J. Chun (Purdue University), A. Clayborne (University of Jyväskylä), R. Rankin (Villanova University), and J. Greeley (Purdue University) First-Principles Modeling Approach Towards Quinone-Derivatives for Li Ion Battery: Effect of Molecular Architecture on Electrochemical Properties – S. S. Jang (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago L03 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •






Ab Initio Thermodynamic Modeling of Electrified Metal-Oxide Interfaces: Consistent Treatment of Electronic and Ionic Chemical Potentials – Z. Zeng (Purdue University), M. H. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), J. Greeley (Purdue University), J. Rossmeisl (Technical University of Denmark (DTU)), and M. E. Björketun (Technical University of Denmark) Modelling of Transport Processes inside Rechargeable Oxide Battery – V. Erfurt, W. Braun, L. Singheiser (FZ Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate 2 (IEK-2)), and C. M. Berger (Forschungszentrum Jülich, IEK) Mathematical Modeling of Mass and Charge Transfer in Anion-Exchange Membrane Direct Glycerol Fuel Cells Under Steady State and Dynamic Operations – X. Han, D. J. Chadderdon (Iowa State University), J. Qi (Michigan Technological University), and W. Li (Iowa State University) Modeling Standing Waves in a Thin Layer Sonoelectrochemical System – J. K. Landgren, J. Lyon, E. M. Null, C. G. Duda, G. Strohmer, and J. Leddy (University of Iowa)




Multiscale Modeling of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell: Effect of Electric Double Layer Structure – S. Castañeda Ramírez, J. Carmona, A. E. Pérez Mendoza, and R. E. Ribadeneira Paz (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín) Multiscale Modeling of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell: Atomistic Fuel Cell Model – S. Castañeda Ramírez, A. E. Pérez Mendoza, J. Carmona, and R. E. Ribadeneira Paz (Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín)

Electrocatalysis 7

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Williford Room A, Hilton Chicago

Grahame Award Session – 08:00 – 16:20 Co-Chair: Gessie Brisard 08:00

(Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award) Kinetics of the Hydrogen Oxidation in Alkaline and Acid Electrolytes – H. A. Gasteiger, J. Durst, J. Herranz, A. Siebel, F. Hasché, P. J. Rheinländer, and C. Simon (Technische Universität München) 08:40 1833 (Invited) A Kinetics Analysis of Methanol Oxidation Under Electrolysis/Fuel Cell Working Conditions – C. Lamy, B. Guenot, M. Cretin, and G. Pourcelly (IEM/CNRS) 09:10 1834 (Invited) Towards a Better Understanding of the Activity of ZrO2 As Non-PGM ORR Catalysts in Acidic Media – M. Piana, T. Mittermeier, P. Madkikar, X. Wang, and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München) 09:40 1835 (Invited) A Central Aspect of Electrocatalysis: Generation of Active Sites By PotentialDriven Surface Processes (Part 2) – S. Gottesfeld (Cellera Technologies) 10:10 Break 10:30 1836 (Invited) Water As Promoter and Catalyst in Dioxygen Electrochemistry at Aqueous and Organic Electrified Interfaces – N. M. Markovic (Argonne National Laboratory) 11:00 1837 (Invited) Towards the Development of Active, Stable and Abundant Catalysts for Oxygen Evolution in Acid – I. E. L. Stephens (Techical University of Denmark), E. A. Paoli, R. Frydendal, J. Rossmeisl, and I. Chorkendorff (Technical University of Denmark) 11:30 1838 (Invited) Electrocatalysis on Tailored Electrochemical Interfaces – Y. Kang, D. Li, D. Strmcnik, N. M. Markovic, and V. R. Stamenkovic (Argonne National Laboratory) 12:00 Lunch 14:00 1839 (Invited) In Situ Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering for the Analysis of Electrochemical Degradation of Metal Oxide Supported Pt Nanoparticles – T. Binninger (Paul Scherrer Institut), M. Garganourakis (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique SA), J. Han, A. Patru, E. Fabbri (Paul Scherrer Institut), O. Sereda (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique SA), R. Kötz, A. Menzel (Paul Scherrer Institut), and T. J. Schmidt (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut) 1832

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












(Invited) Epitaxial Oxide Surfaces: New Insights in Oxygen Electrocatalysis – K. A. Stoerzinger and Y. Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Invited) Perspectives for Design of Active and Stable Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts – A. R. Zeradjanin, A. A. Topalov, S. Cherevko, and K. J. J. Mayrhofer (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH) (Invited) Platinum Electrochemial Dissolution and Its Consequences for Platinum Electrocatalysis – S. Cherevko, S. Geiger, G. Keeley, A. A. Topalov, A. R. Zeradjanin, and K. J. J. Mayrhofer (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH) (Invited) Electrocatalysis of Ammonia Oxidation Reaction on Pt(100) in Alkaline Solutions – I. Katsounaros (Leiden University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), J. S. Jirkovsky, P. P. Lopes, D. Strmcnik, Y. Kang, V. R. Stamenkovic (Argonne National Laboratory), A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), M. T. M. Koper (Leiden University), and N. M. Markovic (Argonne National Laboratory) (Invited) Interplay Between Strain, Electronic Structure, and Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis in Iridates – Y. Nie, R. Tang, K. M. Shen, D. G. Schlom, and J. Suntivich (Cornell University) (Invited) Investigation of Hydrogen Oxidation and Evolution Reaction Activity on Iridium Metal in Alkaline Electrolyte – Y. Gorlin, J. Herranz, J. Durst, P. J. Rheinländer, and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München)


Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Sensor PDR 7, Hilton Chicago

Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions – 08:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Alice H. Suroviec and Douglas M. Fox 08:00






09:30 10:00 1879 10:20








Electrocatalysis 1 – 16:40 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Cynthia G. Zoski and Shelley D. Minteer 16:40








(Keynote) Effects of Catalytic Site Size on Activity of Model Electrodes Prepared By Mass-Selected Cluster Deposition – A. von Weber, E. T. Baxter, S. L. Anderson, and H. S. White (University of Utah) Mesoporous NiCo2O4 Nanosheets Grown on Stainless Steel Meshes As Binder Free Electrodes for Urea Electrolysis – D. Wang and G. G. Botte (Ohio University) On the Effects of Halides on the Hydrogen Peroxide Reduction Reaction in Aqueous Electrolytes – A. J. J. Jebaraj, N. Georgescu, and D. Scherson (Case Western Reserve University) Electrocatalysis at Nanoelectrode Ensembles of Ultramicroelectrode Dimensions – C. G. Zoski (New Mexico State University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

11:40 14:00 1884









(Invited) Fundamentals for Effective Research in Materials Science at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution – S. E. Lofland (Rowan University) (Invited) Making Electrochemical Research Accessible to an Undergraduate Audience – R. J. LeSuer (Chicago State University) (Invited) Nanofab Lab . . . in a Box!™ for Teaching and Outreach – M. Zach (University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, EChem Nanowires Educational Foundation, Inc.) Break Self-Assembled Monolayer Experiments in Undergraduate Laboratories – A. H. Suroviec (Berry College) Laboratory Experiments and Undergraduate Research Projects Incorporating Electroanalytical Techniques at Benedictine University – N. J. Ronkainen (Benedictine University) Electrochemical and UV-Visible Spectroscopic Studies of Self-Organized Gold Nanoparticle~Cytochrome C Superstructures – A. S. Harper-Leatherman, E. R. Pacer, B. H. Abunar, J. K. Spiridigliozzi, M. E. Graffam, E. M. Garvey, and K. L. Buzard (Fairfield University) Electrochemical Energy Conversion: How Can I Successfully Integrate It into My Teaching and Research? – M. D. Gross (Wake Forest University) Quantitative Study of Antioxidants and Their Reactivity in Various Tea – M. Perera, N. Hocker, L. Rudd, J. Prochotsky, and A. Eppurath (Illinois Wesleyan University) Lunch Break (Invited) Using Nanotechnology for Biosensor Applications – F. Williams, A. Komirisetty, D. Baker, and A. K. Pradhan (Norfolk State University) (Invited) Efficient Production of Hydrogen Using Composite Nanomaterial Electrode: A Step Towards Using Solar Powered Electrolyzer – K. S. V. Santhanam (Rochester Institute of Technology) Structure and Dynamics at Ionic Liquid/ Electrode Interfaces – D. Parr, C. Zibart, B. Egan, K. Malik, T. Shadley, and L. M. Haverhals (Bradley University) Ionic Liquid Facilitated Generation of Functional Biopolymer Composite Materials – E. T. Fox, E. K. Brown, T. Price, M. Brusoski, D. P. Durkin, P. C. Trulove (U. S. Naval Academy), L. M. Haverhals (Bradley University), and H. C. De Long (Air Force Office of Scientific Research) Development of Transition Metal Complexes As Electrocatalysts for Small Molecules – S. Swavey (University of Dayton) 115

Tuesday, May 26












Tuesday, May 26




Structural and Photoluminescent Characterization of Na3FMo1-XWxO4  (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) – E. C. Sullivan (Illinois State University) Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction with Homogeneous Transition Metals: Early Metals – K. A. Grice, C. Saucedo, and M. Sovereign (DePaul University) Electrochemical Deposition of Copper on Graphene with High Heat Transfer Coefficient – A. Jaikumar, K. S. V. Santhanam, S. G. Kandlikar, I. B. P. Raya, and P. Raghupathi (Rochester Institute of Technology) Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel Films Based on Crosslinked Chitosan – Y. Zhang (Department of Chemistry, Morgan State University) Screening of Novel Anti-Corrosion Coatings By Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) – R. L. Calhoun (U.S. Naval Academy), F. Lancaster (Naval Air Systems Command, Aerospace Materials Division), W. Dorriety, and R. Hanrahan (U. S. Naval Academy) Probing the Film Formation Mechanisms at the Slurry/Substrate Interface Relevant to the Chemical Mechanical Planarization Process – L. M. Janes and J. J. Keleher (Lewis University, Department of Chemistry)









Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 6 – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Aline Rougier and Susana I. Cordoba de Torresi 14:00








Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4E, Hilton Chicago

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 4 – 08:00 – 09:40 Co-Chairs: Aline Rougier, Chunye Xu, and Konrad Szacilowski 08:00








Molecules on Semiconductors: From Chromogenic Interactions to Information Processing Devices – K. Szacilowski (AGH University of Science and Technology), P. Kwolek (Rzeszow University of Technology), J. Mech, K. Pilarczyk (AGH University of Science and Technology), and M. Oszajca (ETH Zurich) Printed Flexible Solid State Electrochromic Devices Based on NiO/WO3 Complementary Electrodes – G. Cai, P. Darmawan, M. Cui, and P. S. Lee (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University) An Electrostatically Strong PolyviologenReduced Graphene Composite Film for Highly Stable Electrochromic Systems – B. Gadgil, P. Damlin, and C. Kvarnström (University of Turku) Structure and Electroactivity of Tungsten Oxides in Acid Medium: Enhancement of Charge Propagation Rates through Nanostructuring and Formation of MixedMetal Oxide Systems – I. A. Rutkowska, A. Wadas, and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw)

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 5 – 10:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Pawel J. Kulesza, Iwona Agnieszka Rutkowska, and Susana I. Cordoba de Torresi 10:00



Syntheses and Applications of Inorganic Electrochromic Materials and Devices – J. Wang (Shanghai Second Polytechnic University)

Electrostatic Layer-By-Layer and Electrophoretic Deposition As Alternative Methods for Electrochromic Nanoparticles Immobilization – S. I. Cordoba de Torresi (Universidade de Sao Paulo) and M. Vidotti (Universidade Federal do Parana) An Electrochromic Device Based on Prussian Blue, Polymer Matrix Immobilized Viologen, and Ferrocene – H. C. Lu, S. Y. Kao, T. H. Chang, C. W. Kung, and K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University) Solution Phase Electrochromic Materials and Devices – H. Byker (Pleotint, LLC) Conducting Polymers-Based Electrochromic Materials with Tunable Properties – C. Zhang (Zhejiang University of Technology)

Tuning the Neutral State Color of Blue, Cyan and Green PI-Conjugated Copolymers By Jointly Playing the Acceptor Strength and the Steric Hindrance – S. Fagour, D. Thirion, A. Vacher, X. Sallenave, G. Sini, J. F. Decarreau, P. H. Aubert, F. Vidal, and C. Chevrot (University of Cergy-Pontoise) The Preparation and Electrochromic Properties of the Polyurethanes Containing Triphenylamine Moiety – H. Niu (Heilongjiang University) Simple Strategies Towards Lowering the Activation Potential of Electrochromic Devices. Case Study on TiO2-Viologen Based Displays – L. Manceriu, A. Danine, M. Da Rocha, and A. Rougier (CNRS-Univ. Bordeaux, ICMCB) Enhanced Electrochromic Switching and Electrochemical Stability of Conducting Polymer on the Ionic Liquid Functionalized ITO Electrode – M. Ouyang and Y. Yang (Zhejiang University of Technology)

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 7 – 16:20 – 17:40 Co-Chairs: Chunye Xu and Gregory Sotzing 16:20






High-Throughput Screening for Color in Electrochromic Devices – G. Sotzing (University of Connecticut) Solar-Powered Ambipolar Electrochromic Polyimidothioethers Via Perovskite Photovoltaics – H. J. Yen, H. Tsai, W. Nie (Los Alamos National Laboratory), G. S. Liou (National Taiwan University), and H. L. Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Multi-Color Electrochromic Devices Based on Phenyl and Heptyl Viologens Immobilized By an UV-Cured Polymer Electrolyte – T. H. Chang, S. Y. Kao, C. W. Kung, M. Lee, H. C. Lu, and K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago L06 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Pawel J. Kulesza, Aline Rougier, and Chunye Xu •


Electrochromic Devices Using Prussian Blue Electrochromic Layer and HPC-Based Electrolyte – L. M. N. de Assis, L. P. dos Santos, R. C. Sabadini, and A. Pawlicka (Instituto de Química de São Carlos - USP) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL





AA-CVD and ALD of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Films for Electrochromic Applications – I. I. Kazadojev, S. O’Brien (Tyndall National Institute - UCC), D. Louloudakis, N. Katsarakis, E. Koudoumas, D. Vernardou (Technological Educational Institute of Crete), M. E. Pemble, and I. M. Povey (Tyndall National Institute - UCC) Fibroin Films Doped with Lithium Ions for Application in Electrochromic Devices – M. M. Silva (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho), R. F. P. Pereira (University of Minho), and V. de Zea Bermudez (University of Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro) Flexible, Low-Cost, Commercialized Smart Windows – J. Fan (Beijing Senmay Hons Technology Co., Ltd.)

Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Water Electrolysis

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4B, Hilton Chicago

Invited Talks – 08:25 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Hui Xu and Yang Shao-Horn 08:25 08:30 1944



09:30 10:00 1946 10:30






Welcoming Remarks (Invited) Toward a Distributed Renewable Electrochemical Energy and Mobility System: Non-Precious Metal Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Catalysts in Base – Y. Yan (University of Delaware) (Invited) Electrochemistry at Metal-Oxide Interfaces: At the Crossroads of Activity and Stability – N. M. Markovic (Argonne National Laboratory) Intermission (Invited) Enabling Oxygen Electrocatalysis for Sustainable Energy – Y. Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Invited) Activity Trends and Design Principles for Multi-Transition-Metal (Oxy) Hydroxide Oxygen Evolution Catalysts – S. W. Boettcher (Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon) (Invited) High Power Water Electrolysis As a New Paradigm for Operation of PEM Electrolyzer – K. A. Lewinski and S. M. Luopa (3M Company) (Invited) High-Performance and LongLifetime Oxygen Evolution Catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis – B. Rasimick (Giner Inc.), S. M. Alia, B. S. Pivovar (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and H. Xu (Giner, Inc.)



Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution over Nano Scaled Amorphous Ni−Fe Particles in Alkaline Electrolyte – Y. Qiu (Iowa State University), L. Xin (Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis), and W. Li (Iowa State University) 14:40 1952 Understanding the Influence of Structure on Activity and Stability in the Catalysis of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) Using Crystalline Oxides As a Platform – G. Gardner, P. Smith, C. Kaplan, J. F. Al-Sharab, Y. B. Go, M. Greenblatt, and G. C. Dismukes (Rutgers University) 15:00 1953 Structural Dynamism in Manganese Oxides in the Potential Regime for Water Oxidation: A SERS Study – C. Ranjan (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion) 15:20 1954 Perovskite Oxides Electrodes for Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction – B. Sljukic, M. Martins (Universidade de Lisboa), D. M. F. Santos (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal), L. Amaral (Universidade de Lisboa), N. Sousa (CICECO), C. A. C. Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal), and F. M. Figueiredo (CICECO) 15:40 Break 16:00 1955 (La,Sr)CoO3-Rgo Hybrid Oxygen Reduction Reaction/Oxygen Evolution Reaction Bifunctional Catalyst – H. T. Chung, W. Gao, D. C. Higgins, U. Martinez, R. Mukundan, U. Tylus (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. H. Dumont (University of New Mexico), G. M. Purdy, A. M. Dattelbaum, and P. Zelenay (Los Alamos National Laboratory) 16:20 1956 Screening of Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Electrocatalysts By Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy – S. X. Huang, W. F. Xiong, and Y. C. Weng (Feng Chia University) 16:40 1957 Oxygen Reduction and Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts Prepared By Sacrificial Support Method (SSM) – A. Serov, N. Andersen, I. Matanovic, A. Roy, and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico) 17:00 1958 Nickel Oxide Nanoclusters for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation – D. W. Kim, J. R. Avila, S. I. Baik, M. H. Beyzavi (Northwestern University), J. Emery (Argonne National Laboratory), D. Seidman (Northwestern University), A. Martinson (Argonne National Laboratory), O. K. Farha (King Abdulaziz University), and J. T. Hupp (Northwestern University)

Oxygen Evolution and Bifunctional Catalysts – 13:55 – 17:30 Co-Chairs: Hui Xu and Plamen Atanassov 13:55 14:00 1950

Introductory Remarks Catalyst Design of Delafossite Oxides for Water Electrolysis Anode Using Theoretical Calculations – K. Toyoda, R. Hinogami, N. Miyata, and M. Aizawa (Advanced Research Division, Panasonic Corporation)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Tuesday, May 26


Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5 Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Conference Room 4D, Hilton Chicago

Tuesday, May 26

Exploratory Materials and Systems for Solar Fuel Generation – 08:10 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Jae-Joon Lee and Heli Wang 08:10









Design of Photoelectrochemical Materials Via Non-Native Nanostructures and Their Click Assembly into Photoreactors – R. Pala, D. Behera (Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur), S. Saha (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur), A. Upadhyay, and S. Sivakumar (Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur) Organophotocatalyst Films and Their Multilayerization That Efficiently Utilize Natural Sunlight – K. Nagai (Tokyo Institute of Technology), T. Abe (Hirosaki University), and T. Iyoda (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Microfluidic Photocatalytic Device Utilizing Anodized Titania Nanotube Arrays: Application and Simulation Validation – Y. R. Smith, H. Jayamohan, L. Hansen, S. K. Mohanty, B. K. Gale, and M. Misra (University of Utah) Development of Two-Step Water Splitting Systems Under Visible Light Using Sulfide Photocatalysts – M. Higashi, T. Shirakawa, and R. Abe (Kyoto University) Break

Metal Oxides for Solar Water Splitting I – 10:00 – 12:20 Co-Chair: Heli Wang 10:00







Prospects for Future Photoelectrolysis Devices: New Oxide Semiconductors and Electrode Structures – B. A. Parkinson (University of Wyoming) 1998 Metal-TiO2 Composite Nanofibers for Plasmon-Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation – C. Xue (Nanyang Technological University) 1999 Enhanced Water Splitting at Thin Film WO3 Photoanodes Modified with the ElectroCatalysts – R. Solarska, K. Bienkowski, J. Augustynski, and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw) 2000 High Performance and Durable (Zn1xCox)O:N Nanowires As Photoanode for Efficient Hydrogen Production Via Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – P. P. Patel (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261), P. Jampani, O. I. Velikokhatnyi (Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261), and P. N. Kumta (Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261) 2001 Role of Surface Amorphization in CuOCu2o Core-Shell Nanowire Array for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – F. Wu Sr. (Washington University in St. Louis), S. Banerjee, Y. Myung (Washington University in St.Louis), and P. Banerjee (Washington University in St. Louis)



Optimization of Photoelectrochemical Performance of Long TiO2 Nanotubes By LiDoping Induced Defect Passivation – L. K. Tsui and G. Zangari (University of Virginia)

Metal Oxides for Solar Water Splitting II – 14:00 – 18:40 Co-Chairs: Nianqiang (Nick) Wu and Heli Wang 14:00

Effective Charge Extraction in the Heterogeneous Interfaces with TiO2 Nanoparticles/Nanotubes and Conducting Polymers – T. Park (Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)) 14:30 2004 BiVO4 Photoelectrodes for Use in Solar Water Splitting – K. S. Choi (University of Wisconsin, Madison) 15:00 2005 Solar Hydrogen Production Under Low Applied Bias Using Oxide Semiconductor Photocatalysts and Photoanodes – K. Sayama, K. Fuku, and Y. Miseki (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science (AIST)) 15:30 2006 Bismuth-Based Multimetal Oxides: Evaluation of Their Photoelectrochemical and Photocatalytic Properties – V. Subramanian (University of Nevada, Reno) 16:00 Break Catalyst Modified Ternary Oxide Photoanodes 16:20 2007 for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – S. K. Pilli (University of Nevada, Reno), T. E. Furtak (Colorado School of Mines), D. Chidambaram (University of Nevada Reno), T. G. Deutsch (NREL), J. A. Turner (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and A. M. Herring (Colorado School of Mines) 16:50 2008 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Cobalt Spinel Oxides for Solar Driven Hydrogen Production – Y. Yan (The University of Toledo) 17:20 2009 Enhanced Low Bias Performance in Textured BiVO4 Photoanodes through Halide and Phosphate Treatments – V. V. Nair (University of California-Irvine), C. L. Perkins (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and M. Law (University of California-Irvine) 17:40 2010 Engineering of Oxide Materials for Improved Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation – Y. G. Lin (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center) and Y. K. Hsu (National Dong Hwa University) 18:00 1983 Thin Film Photovoltaics with Organic Metal Halide Peroviskites – P. V. Kamat (University of Notre Dame)



Nano/Biosensors and Actuators

Sensor / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry PDR 6, Hilton Chicago

Nano/Biosensors and Actuators 1 – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Alex Simonian, Nianqiang (Nick) Wu, and Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden 08:00




Detection of Mercury with a SurfaceEnhanced Raman Scattering Biosensor – P. Zheng and N. Wu (West Virginia University) Nanoparticle Imprinted Polymers As Sensing Layers for Size-Selective Recognition of Silver Nanoparticles – J. Witt (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), D. Mandler (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and G. Wittstock (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






10:00 10:20 2066











Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Biosensors for Marine Toxins – S. Eissa (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique–EMT), M. Siaj (Université du Quebec à Montreal), and M. Zourob (Cranfield University) Label-Free Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Sensitive Detection of Cyanotoxin Anatoxin-a – R. Elshafey (INRS–EMT), M. Siaj (Université du Quebec à Montreal), and M. Zourob (Cranfield University) What Determines the Detection Limit during Impedance Biosensing? – I. I. Suni (Southern Illinois University) Break Enzyme-Based Nitric Oxide (NO) Releasing Surfaces: Nitric Oxide Synthase As a Source of Catalytic NO Release in Polymeric Films and in Electrospun Fibers – M. Bayachou, B. Gunesekera, and S. Wojciechowski (Cleveland State University) Development of Electrochemical and Optical Based Biosensors – V. Gupta, G. Kaur, A. Paliwal, M. Tak, A. Sharma (University of Delhi), and M. Tomar (Miranda House, University of Delhi) Layer-By-Layer Assembled Enzyme Cascade for Catalyzing Oxidation of Sucrose for Biofuel Cells – Y. Zhang, M. Arugula, S. Williams, and A. Simonian (Auburn University) Electrochemical Detection of Four Prominent Tuberculosis Biomarkers Using Functionalized Titania Nanotubular Array Sensing Platform – D. Bhattacharyya, Y. R. Smith, S. K. Mohanty, and M. Misra (University of Utah) Application of Polymer-Modified Electrode As Biosensor – A. A. Shaikh, S. K. Saha, P. K. Bakshi (University of Dhaka), and A. J. S. Ahammad (Jagannath University) Development of Prognostic Criteria of Kidney Transplantation Complications Based on Open-Circuit Potential Moniroting Using Probit Analysis – A. K. Evseev, A. N. Elkov (Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine), M. M. Goldin (Department of Biology and Chemistry, Liberty University), A. V. Pinchuk (Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine), M. Mirzaeian (University of the West of Scotland), and M. M. Goldin (Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine)













Salon C, Hilton Chicago M01 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Larry A. Nagahara •





Nano/Biosensors and Actuators 2 – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Sushanta Mitra and Jessica Koehne 14:00




Pt-Decorated Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Nanowire Arrays As Highly Sensitive H2O2 sensor Electrodes – S. Y. Lu, K. T. Lee, Y. C. Lo, Y. Y. Liang (National Tsing Hua University), N. Matsushita, and T. Ikoma (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Development of Multi-Parametric/Multimodal Spectroscopy Apparatus for Characterization of Functional Interfaces – L. Zhou, M. Arugula, A. Simonian, C. J. Easley, and C. Shannon (Auburn University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis of in2O3 Nanoboxes for Electrochemical Sensing of Paraben – J. A. Rather (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) and A. Qureshi (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals) Glassy Carbon Electrode As a Promising Sensor for Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring – S. Chatterjee (Institute of Chemical Technology) and A. Chen (Lakehead University) Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers of Mercaptoundecanoic Acid and Thiolactic Acid for the Construction of an Enzymatic Biosensor for Hydroquinone Determination – C. A. Pessoa, C. S. Santos, and R. Mossanha (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa) Nano-Asterisks of Vanadium Dioxide As Electrodes for TNT Detection – D. Cliffel, M. Casey, and A. Daniel (Vanderbilt University) Improving the the Actuation of Polymeric Artificial Muscles Using Magnetically Aligned Polyelectrolytes – M. M. HasaniSadrabadi and K. I. Jacob (Georgia Institute of Technology) Simultaneous Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Production and Oxygen Consumption By Electrochemical Method in THP-1 Cells during Respiratory Burst – S. Kasai (Tohoku institute of technology, Graduate School of Eng.,Tohoku institute of technology), M. Suzuki, H. Kikuchi, A. Prasad (Graduate School of Eng.,Tohoku institute of technology), K. Y. Inoue (Graduate School of Env.,Tohoku University), M. Tada, M. Kobayashi (Graduate School of Eng.,Tohoku institute of technology), and T. Matsue (AIMR, Tohoku University)

Carbon Paste Biosensors Modified with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for the Determination of Acids, Antioxidants and Glucose in Grapes – C. Garcia-Cabezon, R. Muñoz, C. Garcia-Hernandez, C. MedinaPlaza, Y. Blanco-Val, J. A. de Saja, F. MartinPedrosa, and M. L. Rodriguez-Mendez (Universidad de Valladolid) Preparation of PdCu Decorated Screen Printed Carbon Electrodes for Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensors – A. Uzunoglu, A. D. Scherbarth, and L. Stanciu (Purdue University) Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) of Reusable DNA LOOP Formation Dynamics – F. Yang, M. Arugula, S. Somasundaram, C. J. Easley, C. Shannon, and A. Simonian (Auburn University) Biosensors for Detecting Genetically Modified Organisms in Food and Feed – A. Chanysheva, M. Arugula, K. Vaglenov, and A. Simonian (Auburn University)


Tuesday, May 26


Tuesday, May 26




Using of Humic Acid and Platinum Nanoparticle As Surface Modifier for the Construction of a Electrochemical Sensor Using in Detection of Ethinylestradiol – K. Wohnrath, M. dos Santos (State University of Ponta Grossa), V. dos Santos (Instituto Federal do Paraná - Campus Curitiba), S. T. Fujiwara (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa), E. W. Scheffer, and J. R. Garcia (State University of Ponta Grossa) Development of Electrochemical AptamerBased Biosensors for the Detection of Hormonal Contaminants in Water – G. Contreras Jiménez (Université du Québec à Montréal), S. Eissa (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique–EMT), A. NG (McGill University), M. Zourob (Cranfield University), and M. Siaj (Université du Quebec à Montreal)

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring Sensor / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Continental Room C, Hilton Chicago

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare 4 – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Ronald Pethig and Anthony Peter Francis Turner 14:00






15:40 16:00 2108

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare 3 – 08:30 – 12:30 Co-Chairs: Jin-Woo Choi and Hiroshi Ito 08:30






10:20 10:40 2100

11:00 11:20

2101 2102






(Plenary) High Efficiency Coupling of Chemical Sensing to Chemical Treatment in Low-Dimensional Nanofluidic Structures – W. Xu, D. A. Grismer, L. P. Zaino III, C. Ma, E. Foster, and P. W. Bohn (University of Notre Dame) (Keynote) Dielectrophoresis: Exploring the ‘2nd Frontier’ of Its Application in the Biomedical Sciences – R. Pethig (University of Edinburgh) New Advances and Opportunities of Magnetohydrodynamic Microfluidics – C. K. Nash, A. Claycomb, F. Khan, B. J. Jones, J. Hutcheson, T. J. Muldoon, and I. Fritsch (University of Arkansas) Break Fabrication of Polysaccharide-Based Nanoparticles As Drug Delivery Nanocarriers – S. C. Pang, S. F. Chin, A. Nadirah (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak), S. H. Tay (Institut Penguruan Tun Abdul Razak), and S. N. A. Mohd Yazid (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak) Artificially Tailored Plasmonic Nanostructures for High-Performance Biosensing Devices – A. K. Pradhan (Norfolk State University) Flexible Micro-Sensor Array for the NonInvasive Monitoring of 3D Pressure Fields – T. H. N. Dinh, P. Y. Joubert, E. Martincic, and E. Dufour-Gergam (Université Paris-Sud) Rapid Prototyping of Electrochemical DNA Detection Sensors – S. Woo, C. Gabardo (McMaster), and L. Soleymani (McMaster University) A Miniature Sensor Integrating Multiple Detection Technologies for Evaluating Water Pollution – S. Poorahong, F. Lefèvre, M. C. Perron, P. Juneau, and R. Izquierdo (Université du Québec à Montréal)

(Plenary) Wearable Wireless Textile Based Nanosensor System for Early Detection of Concussion and Cardiac Arrest of Football Players – V. K. Varadan (Pennsylvania State University, Penn State Hershey Medical Center) (Keynote) Near-Zero-Power Electrochemical Sensors for Wearable Wireless Health, Safety, Surveillance and Environmental Electronics – J. R. Stetter (KWJ Engineering, Inc., SPEC Sensors, LLC), M. T. Carter (KWJ Engineering, Inc), and E. F. Stetter (SPEC Sensors, LLC) A Novel Viscometer Based on Self-Propelled Nanomotor – L. Li, T. Li (Harbin Institute of Technology), J. Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology), and G. Zhang (Harbin Institute of Technology) Break (Keynote) Oxygen Sensing Microfluidic Structures for Biomedical and Environmental Science Research – J. W. Grate, R. Kelly, N. Anheier, J. Suter (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), T. Schmidt (University of Michigan), and A. Vasdekis (University of Idaho) Estimation of Crystalline Structure and Gas Transport Properties of Crystalline Fluorinated Copolymer – G. Matsuba, T. Nyuui (Grad of Sci and Eng, Yamagata University), S. Sato (Depertment of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University), and K. Nagai (nagai@meiji.ac.jp) Magnetoelastic Biosensors for Real-Time, Wireless Pathogen Detection on Surfaces – Y. Chai, S. Horikawa (Materials Research & Education Center, Auburn University), J. Hu (Changzhou University), and B. A. Chin (Auburn University) Antibody-Free Electrochemical Detection of Cortisol Using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer – P. Manickam, S. K. Pasha, and S. Bhansali (Florida International University)








Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Chemical and Biological Sensors) Sensor Marquette, Hilton Chicago

Sensor Applications of Ionic Liquids – 08:00 – 11:00 Co-Chair: Michael T. Carter 08:00 08:10 2158



09:30 10:00 2160

Introductory Remarks (Invited) Ionic Fluids Containing Both Strongly and Weakly Interacting Ions of the Same Charge Have Unique Ionic and Thus Chemical Environments As a Function of Ion Concentration – R. D. Rogers (McGill University, The University of Alabama) and H. Wang (The University of Alabama) (Invited) Ionic Liquids and Gas Sensor Applications – X. Zeng (Oakland University) Break Comparison of Electroreduction of Sulfur Dioxide in Ionic Liquid at Gold and Platinum Electrodes – M. Guo and X. Zeng (Oakland University) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


(Invited) Ionic Liquids in Gas Sensors: Recent Progress and Future Prospects – M. T. Carter, J. R. Stetter, M. W. Findlay, and V. Patel (KWJ Engineering, Inc.)

Electrochemical Systems – 11:00 – 12:40 Co-Chair: Michael T. Carter 11:00










An Experimental Study of Adhesion Properties of PB Films for Sensing of H2O2 in a PEMFuel Cell Environment – H. Akbari Khorami (IESVic, University of Victoria, Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria), N. Jacobs, P. Wagner, A. Dyck (NEXT ENERGY • EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology), P. Wild (IESVic, University of Victoria, Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria), and N. Djilali (Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, IESVic, University of Victoria) Control of the Microstructure and the Magnetic and Magnetostrictive Properties of Electrodeposited Fe-Co-B Thin Films for Sensor Applications – Z. Sheng (Auburn University), K. Zhang (Taiyuan University of Science and Technology), and Z. Y. Cheng (Auburn University) Temperature-Controlled Electrochemical Microsensors and Microsensor Arrays – N. M. Contento and S. Semancik (National Institute of Standards and Technology) The Effect of Carbon Nanotubes Solid Contact Dispersing Agent on the Parameters of Resulting Potentiometric Sensors – A. Michalska (Univeristy of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry), E. Jaworska, and K. Maksymiuk (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry) Transparent Nanowire Electrodes As a Tool for Electrochemical Detection – F. Lefèvre, S. Poorahong, M. C. Perron, P. Juneau, and R. Izquierdo (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Gas Sensors 1 – 14:00 – 15:40 Co-Chairs: Gary W. Hunter 14:00








Gas Composition Monitoring in Cryogenic Fluid Transfer Lines – G. W. Hunter (NASA Glenn Research Center), J. Williams, D. B. Makel (Makel Engineering, Inc.), R. G. Johnson (NASA Kennedy Space Center), A. M. Biaggi-Liabiosa (NASA Glenn Research Center), and C. C. Liu (Case Western Reserve University) Electrochemical Characterization of Electrode Materials for Mixed-Potential Sensors – J. M. Reynolds (Tennessee State University), S. C. Brown, E. L. Brosha, R. Mukundan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), F. H. Garzon (University of New Mexico/ Sandia National Laboratory), and C. R. Kreller (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Amperometric Oxygen Sensor Based on Bimetallic Pd-V/C/Nafion Electrode – H. L. Wu and Y. C. Weng (Feng Chia University) Si Doped Metastable Epsilon-WO3 NanoParticle Film for Human Breath Acetone Sensing – R. Jain (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut) and R. Maric (University of Connecticut, University of Connecticut)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Gas Sensing Behaviors of Hierarchically Structured Nickel Oxide Film By Electrophoretic Deposition – Y. Chung, H. Park, S. Ahn, E. Lee, S. Lee, and D. J. Kim (Auburn University)

Gas Sensors 2 – 15:40 – 16:40 Co-Chair: Michael T. Carter 15:40







A Pre-Concentrator for Explosive Vapor Detection – Z. Caron, D. Mallin, M. Champlin, and O. Gregory (University of Rhode Island) Epitaxially Grown PtxIr100-X Alloys with Enhanced Properties for Ammonia ElectroOxidation – N. Sacré, J. Galipaud (INRS - EMT), S. Garbarino, L. Roué, and D. Guay (INRS-EMT) Gas Sensing on Oxidized Bronze – S. Banerjee, Y. Myung (Washington University in St.Louis), and P. Banerjee (Washington University in St. Louis)

General Student Poster Session All Divisions Salon C, Hilton Chicago

General Student Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Venkat Subramanian, Matthew P. Foley, V. Chaitanya, Ajit Khosla, P. Pharkya, and Kalpathy B. Sundaram •







One-Step Synthesis of Novel Mesoporous Three-Dimensional GeO2 and Its Lithium Storage Properties – H. Jia (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology), M. Winter, and T. Placke (MEET Battery Research Center) Enhanced Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Pt-Based Ordered Intermetallic Nanoparticle/Metal Oxide/Carbon Black – T. Gunji, T. Tanabe, S. Kaneko, and F. Matsumoto (Kanagawa University) The Use of Scallop Shell Powder As a Method of Extracting Alkaline-Earth Metals – F. Mihara, K. Takeuchi, S. Tamura, Y. Idemoto, and Y. Kogo (Tokyo University of Science) Spherical and Size-Controlled Graphite Particles and Their Physical and Electrochemical Characterization As Active Material in Dual-Graphite Energy Storage Systems – A. Heckmann (MEET Battery Research Center), P. Meister (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster), P. Gao, M. Winter, and T. Placke (MEET Battery Research Center) A Graphene-Zinc Nanorods Nano-Composite Film Sensor for Sensitive Determination of Tizanidine in Solubilized System – R. Jain and A. Sinha (Jiwaji University,Gwalior,India) The Relationship Between Carbon Nanotube Surface Status and Electrocatalytic Performance Toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Cobalt Phthalocyanine /Carbon Nanotube – Z. Zhang, F. Wang, J. Ji, J. Liu, and Z. Li (Beijing University of Chemical Technology)


Tuesday, May 26




Tuesday, May 26













Influence of pH on Morphology and ElectroActivity of Ternary Pt-Co-P/MWCNT ElectroCatalysts Towards Methanol Electro-Oxidation – J. Sun, F. Wang, M. Dou, and J. Liu (Beijing University of Chemical Technology) A Novel Graphene/Chitosan/ZrO2 Nanocomposite Sensor for Electrochemical Investigation of a Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drug Tolfenamic Acid – R. Srivastava and S. P. Satsangee (Dayalbagh Educational Institute) Hybrid Bilayer Membrane As a Versatile Electrochemical Platform to Modulate Transport Kinetics of Small Molecules Across a Lipid Monolayer – C. J. Barile, E. C. M. Tse, N. A. Kirchschlager, Y. Li, S. C. Zimmerman (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), A. Hosseini (The University of Auckland), and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University) Sensitive and Selective Determination of Dopamine at a Nanocomposite Modified Sensor – H. Devnani, S. Ansari, and S. P. Satsangee (Dayalbagh Educational Institute) Investigation of Lithium-Ion Diffusion and Irreversible Processes in Dual-Ion Cell – M. Balabajew, T. Kranz, and B. Roling (PhilippsUniversitaet Marburg) Intestrumentation for Electrochemical Time of Flight Experiments – J. C. Moldenhauer and D. W. Paul (University of Arkansas) Device Simulation of Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond Mosfet and Extraction of SmallSignal Parameters – X. Zhou (Center for Material Research, Norfolk State University) and S. Albin (Department of Engineering, Norfolk State University) A Novel Real-Time, Mediator-Free, NonEnzymatic Electrochemical Biosensor for Glutamate Detection – Y. P. Yang (University of Miami), A. Manfredi (University of Miami, University of Parma), and S. Daunert (University of Miami) First Principles Molecular Dynamics of Ionic Transport in High-Temperature Molten-Salt Electrolytes – Y. C. Cheng, H. Y. Li, C. F. Chen, and C. W. Hong (Dept of Power Mech Eng, National Tsing Hua Univ) Effects of Oxygen Concentration on Glucose Sensor Response – N. Halder (University Of Arkansas) and D. W. Paul (University of Arkansas) Effects of Biofouling on Oxygen Sensing Poly-o-Phenylenediamine-Coated Electrodes – M. Patrick and D. W. Paul (University of Arkansas) Anion Transport Across Electrode-Supported Lipid Membranes – E. C. M. Tse, C. J. Barile, J. P. Gewargis, Y. Li, S. C. Zimmerman (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University) Photocatalytic Nanocomposite Polymers for Enhanced Water Purification Applications – J. J. Rech, K. Hallenbeck, J. Murray, M. Fernandez, C. Dial (Lewis University, Department of Chemistry), J. Rago (Lewis University, Department of Biology), and J. J. Keleher (Lewis University, Department of Chemistry)
















Electrochemical Analysis of Film Forming Mechanisms Relevant to Data Storage Chemical Mechanical Planarization – L. M. Janes and J. J. Keleher (Lewis University, Department of Chemistry) Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots for Flexible Solar Cell Applications – Z. X. W. Widel, S. J. Brain, J. Truffa, and J. J. Keleher (Lewis University, Department of Chemistry) Effects of Electrode Compressibility in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries – S. M. Park (Yeungnam University), H. J. Kim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)), and H. Kim (Yeungnam University) Silicon/Graphene Nanosheets Composite Prepared By Plasma Assisted Milling As High Capacity Anode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries – W. Sun (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China), R. Hu (South China University of Technology), L. Yang, H. Liu, M. Zeng, J. Liu, and M. Zhu (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China) Room Temperature Processed Electrochromic Smart Windows with Flexible Film – S. Lee and H. Kim (Yeungnam University) Fabrication of Thermally Stable Ultra-High Density Particle-in-Cavity Nanostructure with Tunable Size and Density – C. Xu, J. C. Wong, Y. Zhao, L. Li, and K. J. Ziegler (University of Florida) Low-Cost MEMS Packaging Using PolymerBased Air-Gaps – O. Phillips and P. A. Kohl (Georgia Institute of Technology) Highly Active Non-PGM Catalysts Prepared from Metal-Organic Frameworks – H. M. Barkholtz (Argonne National Laboratory, Northern Illinois University), Z. B. Kaiser, and D. J. Liu (Argonne National Laboratory) Carbon Nanotubes Grown on Metal Microelectrodes for Dopamine Detection – C. Yang and B. J. Venton (Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia) Enhancement of Bifunctional Activity of Modified Carbon Nanotube Supported Cobalt Oxide Catalysts – J. Y. Park, I. So, and N. I. Kim (Sejong University) Poly(ethylene carbonate)-Based Composite Electrolytes Containing Ionic Liquids and Inorganic Fillers – K. Kimura and Y. Tominaga (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) Effects of B-Site Doping on Double Perovskite Structure Materials for Oxygen Evolution Reactions – J. Y. Park, S. H. Cho, and N. I. Kim (Sejong University) Highly Durable Cathode Materials with High Performance for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells – K. Y. Park (Sejong university) and J. Y. Park (Sejong University) Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia Using Molybdenum-Based Catalyst – H. Bateni and G. G. Botte (Ohio University) Thermally Stable, Coke-Resistant Ni Nanoparticle Catalysts Prepared By Atomic/ Molecular Layer Deposition for Dry Reforming of Methane – Z. Shang and X. Liang (Missouri University of Science and Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL













Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes Coated with Ultra-Thin Conductive Films for Long Cycle Life – R. L. Patel and X. Liang (Missouri University of Science and Technology) Theoretical Approach to the CH4 Decomposition on BaTiO3(001) – D. S. Rivera Rocabado (Department of Hydrogen Energy Systems, Kyushu University, INAMORI Frontier Research Center, Kyushu University), T. Ishimoto (Kyushu University), and M. Koyama (CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency) Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia in Alkaline Media – N. Tzap, L. A. Diaz, M. Muthuvel, and G. G. Botte (Ohio University) Characterization of the Double Layer By Time Resolved Surface Enhanced FTIR Spectroscopy – D. Parr, C. Zibart, B. Egan, K. Malik, T. Shadley, and L. M. Haverhals (Bradley University) Investigation of Mass Transport in Mesoporous Semiconducting Thin Film Electrodes – C. Meunier, E. Roberts, E. E. Remsen, and L. M. Haverhals (Bradley University) Direct Electron Transfer and Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Hemoglobin with Indium Tin Oxide Synthesized with Different Metal Compositions – Y. Ayato and W. Sugimoto (Shinshu University) Synthesis of Ruthenium Complexes for Semiconductor Device Using Atomic Layer Deposition – E. A. Jung (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Sungkyunkwan University), J. H. Han, B. K. Park, C. G. Kim (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology), S. U. Son (Sungkyunkwan University), and T. M. Chung (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) Engineered Si Sandwich Electrode: Si Nanoparticles/Graphite Sheet Hybrid on Ni Foam for Next-Generation High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries – C. Gao (USTB), H. Zhao (Beijing Key Lab of New Energy Materials and Technology), and P. Lv (USTB) Determination of Diffusion Coefficients through a Polymer Membrane Using a Rotating Disc Electrode – M. K. Reynolds (University of Arkansas - Fayetteville) and D. W. Paul (University of Arkansas) Modeling the Effects of Morphology in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes – P. Shetty (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay), T. S. Chadha, P. Biswas (Washington University in St. Louis), A. Mukhopadhyay, and V. Ramadesigan (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay) Studies Toward Lab-on-a-Chip Separations and Detection Using Redox Magnetohydrodynamic Microfluidics – F. Khan, D. Baucom, C. D. Heyes, and I. Fritsch (University of Arkansas) Transport and Dynamics of Ionic Species in Block Copolymer Electrolytes Obtained from NMR – T. V. Huynh, R. Messinger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)), R. Bouchet (LEPMI Laboratory), T. N. T. Phan, S. Maria, and M. Deschamps (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS))

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL















Trimetallic Platinum-Ruthenium-Copper Nanotubes for Methanol Oxidation – L. Mathurin (University of Arkansas), S. Chen (University of Connecticut), and J. Chen (University of Arkansas) Cyclic Voltammetry Studies of H-Bond Complex of a p-Phenylenediamine-Based Urea with 1,8-Naphthyridine As the ProtonCoupled Electron Transfer Guest with Platinum and Glassy Carbon As Working Electrodes – B. T. Tamashiro and D. K. Smith (San Diego State University) Polybenzimidazole Membranes for Hydrogen Production in the Hys Electrolyzer – T. R. Garrick, A. Gulledge (University of South Carolina), J. A. Staser (Ohio University), B. Benicewicz, and J. W. Weidner (University of South Carolina) Conducting Polymers Covalently Linked to Enzymes and Mediators and Electropolymerized on Microelectrode Arrays – B. J. Jones, C. Songer, P. Bare, and I. Fritsch (University of Arkansas) Pit Initiation in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys – A. Pinkowitz, S. Straub, D. Duquette, and R. Hull (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Activity of Nafion – N. Rathuwadu and J. Leddy (University of Iowa) Cation Intercalation and High Volumetric Capacitance of Two-Dimensional Titanium Carbide – M. R. Lukatskaya, M. Ghidiu, O. Mashtalir, C. E. Ren (Drexel University), M. Q. Zhao (Drexel Univerisity), Y. Dall’Agnese (Université Paul Sabatier, CIRIMAT), M. W. Barsoum, and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University) Cyclic Voltammetric Studies of Nitroimidazoles in Aqueous Solution with Additions of Cysteine – G. M. Darzi and D. K. Smith (San Diego State University) Graphene Based High Performance Energy Storage Devices – T. Liu, R. Kavian, and S. W. Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology) Electrode for Voltammetric Evaluation of Insoluble Particles – M. D. Lovander, E. Gillan, and J. Leddy (University of Iowa) Charge-Storage Mechanisms in Nanostructured Carbides and Nitrides for Energy Storage – A. Djire, O. T. Ajenifujah, A. Sleightholme, P. Rasmussen (University of Michigan), L. He (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), J. Siegel, and L. T. Thompson (University of Michigan) The Effect of a Protective Overcoat on MixedPotential Sensor Response – S. C. Brown, D. Spernjak, R. Mukundan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. M. Reynolds (Tennessee State University), E. L. Brosha, and C. R. Kreller (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Acetylacetonate Complexes for NonAqueous Redox Flow Battery Applications – J. F. Kucharyson, J. A. Suttil (University of Michigan), I. L. Escalante-Garcia (Case Western Reserve University), and L. T. Thompson (University of Michigan) Improving Seebeck Coefficient of Thermogalvanic Cells Using Polyelectrolytes – A. Gunawan, P. Tarakeshwar, D. A. Buttry, V. Mujica, and P. E. Phelan (Arizona State University)


Tuesday, May 26



Tuesday, May 26







Lithium Ion Battery Energy Storage System for Grid Applications – E. N. Moss Jr., R. Nelson, M. H. Weatherspoon, and P. L. Moss (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Study of the Kinetics of Redox Active Polymers in Non-Aqueous Media Under High Mass-Transfer Conditions Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy – T. Lichtenstein and J. Rodríguez-López (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Effect of Contaminants on the Performance of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell – B. Tavakoli and J. W. Weidner (University of South Carolina) Comparisons in Voltammetry of Phenylenediamine Based Ureas on Platinum and Glassy Carbon Working Electrodes – M. Cedano and D. K. Smith (San Diego State University) Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Supports for Bioelectrodes – D. V. T. Do, C. Gumeci, and S. Calabrese Barton (Michigan State University) The Roles of the Particle Size of GeBased Electrodes on the Electrochemical Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries – K. Mishra, J. Isenhower, and X. D. Zhou (University of South Carolina) Effects of Preparation on the Silicon Nanowires Grown By Electroless Etching – V. H. Velez, R. G. Mertens, and K. B. Sundaram (University of Central Florida)







Quinone Electrochemistry: From the Electron Transport Chain to Electron Mediators and Orientational Moieites – S. D. Minteer (University of Utah), F. Giroud (CNRSUniversité Joseph Fourier, University of Utah), R. D. Milton (University of Utah), and B. Tan (University of Utah, University of Utah) Pd-Based Metal Aerogels with Promoted Bioelectrocatalytic Behavior – D. Wen (TU Dresden; Physical Chemistry), W. Liu, and A. Eychmüller (Chair of Physical Chemistry, TU Dresden) Selective Electrochemical Sensing of Human Albumin By Semi-Covalent Imprinting – M. Cieplak (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS), K. Szwabinska (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, IChTE Poznan University of Technology), C. KC (University of North Texas), P. Borowicz (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Institute of Electron Technology), K. R. Noworyta (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS), F. D’Souza (University of North Texas), and W. Kutner (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Uniwesity in Warsaw)

Nature-Inspired Electrochemical Systems

Energy Technology / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee Conference Room 4H, Hilton Chicago

Bioelectrodes – 08:55 – 11:35 Co-Chairs: Shelley D. Minteer and Huyen N. Dinh 08:55 09:15 2304







Welcoming Remarks Bioinspired Metal Organic Naostructures for Electrcatalysis – D. Grumelli (Max-PlanckInstitute for Solid State Research, Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas INIFTA), B. Wurster, D. Hötger, R. Gutzler (Max-PlanckInstitute for Solid State Research), and K. Kern (Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Institut de Physique de la Matière Condensée EPFL) Bio-Inspired Design of Electrocatalysts for Oxidation of Small Organic Compounds – S. Babanova, I. Matanovic, A. T. Perry III, A. Serov, K. Artyushkova, and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico) Proton Channels on Molecular Electrocatlaysts for Hydrogenase Mimics – W. Shaw, A. Dutta, and J. Roberts (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Intermission

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Highlights 0700 ����������� Free the Science 5K Run 0845 ����������� Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award, PDR 7 0900h ��������� Technical Exhibit Opens, Lower Level 0930h ��������� Technical Session Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall, Lower Level 1000h ��������� Nanocarbons Division Richard E. Smalley Research Award, Lake Huron 1800h ��������� Technical Exhibit and General Poster Session, Lower Level 1815h ��������� Author Info Session in the Edison Theatre, Lower Level Exhibit Hall


Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storageand-Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion Energy Technology / Battery Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago

Supercapacitor I – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Bor Yann Liaw and Prashanth Jampani 08:00













Dual-Oxide Nanostructures Electrodes for High Energy Density Asymmetric Supercapacitors – N. D H (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)), P. Beaujuge, and H. Alshareef (KAUST) Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides on Activated Carbons for High Energy Density and High Performance Supercapacitors – W. Xing (ADA Technologies, Inc.) Facile Polymer/Carbon Electrodes Fabrication for Low-Cost, High-Energy Supercapacitors – M. R. Arcila-Velez and M. E. Roberts (Clemson University) Conducting Polymer/Redox Biopolymer HighEnergy Density Supercapacitors – K. P. Diaz Orellana, S. Leguizamon, and M. E. Roberts (Clemson University) Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of GrapheneCoated Mn-Doped Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFMP/G) for Electrochemical Capacitor – C. A. Rossouw (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, University of Pretoria), H. Zheng (CSIR), K. Raju (CSIR Pretoria, SA), M. K. Mathe, and K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)) Construction of Direct-Growth in Situ Doped Polypyrrole/CNT Core Shell Composite on Carbon Cloth As a High Performance Flexible Supercapacitor – Y. Yesi (Center for Condensed Matter Sciences), I. Shown, A. Ganguly, L. C. Chen, and K. H. Chen (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences) Break

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Low Cost, Low Surface Area Activated Carbon As Anode Material for Neutral pH Aqueous Asymmetric Supercapacitor Applications Via a Simple Surface Modification – S. Shanbhag (Aquion Energy) and J. Whitacre (Carnegie Mellon Univerisity, Aquion Energy Inc.) Transcap: A New Integrated Hybrid Supercapacitor and Electrolyte-Gated Transistor Device – F. Soavi (Università di Bologna), J. Sayago, F. Cicoira, and C. Santato (École Polytechnique de Montréal) Mediating Gel Formation from Structurally Controlled Poly(ionic liquids): Towards Ionic Gel Electrolytes for Energy Storage – H. Srour (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon), O. Ratel (Universite Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne), M. Leocmach, S. Denis-Quanquin, V. Appukuttan, N. Taberlet (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon), J. C. Majesté, C. Carrot (Universite Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne), S. Manneville, C. Andraud, C. Bucher, and C. Monnereau (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) Broad Temperature Range Electrolytes Based on Ionic Liquid / Solvent Systems for Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors – L. Dagousset, C. Galindo, G. Pognon (Thales Research & Technology), G. T. M. Nguyen (UNIVERSITE de Cergy-Pontoise), F. Vidal, and P. H. Aubert (University of CergyPontoise) All Solid State Carbon Based Supercapacitor with Ionogel As Electrolyte – M. Brachet (Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, CNRS), J. Le Bideau (IMN - Universite de Nantes), and T. Brousse (University of Nantes, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, CNRS) Systematic Analysis of Electrolyte during Formation of SEI Layer on Negative Electrode for Lithium Ion Capacitor – G. Gourdin, J. Collins, D. Zheng, M. Foster (University of Massachusetts Boston), and D. Qu (University of Massachusetts - Boston)

Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago Lithium Battery Electrolyte – 08:00 – 12:40 Co-Chairs: T. Richard Jow and Kang Xu 08:00




Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Studies of the Role of Electrolytes on the Durability of the Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries – K. Mishra (University of South Carolina), J. Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), W. Xu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), J. G. Zhang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), and X. D. Zhou (University of South Carolina) A Phosphonium Bis(fluorosulfonyl) Imide-Based Ionic Liquid Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries: Tailoring Composition and Performance – G. M. A. Girard, M. Hilder (Deakin University), K. Whitbread, D. Nucciarone, S. Zavorine, M. Moser (Cytec Canada Inc., Niagara Falls, Canada), M. Forsyth (Deakin University), D. R. MacFarlane (Monash University), and P. C. Howlett (Deakin University)


Wednesday, May 27

Wednesday, May 27






Wednesday, May 27
















Impact of Electrode Nature on Lithium-Ion Battery Performances with Ionic Liquids or Carbonate Electrolytes – E. Bolimowska (1) CEA Grenoble - DRT/LITEN/DEHT/SCGE/ LGI;, University of Lyon 1, CNRS-UMR 5265, C2P2), L. Chancelier (University of Lyon 1), H. Srour (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon), T. Gutel (CEA, LITEN), H. Rouault (1) CEA Grenoble - DRT/LITEN/DEHT/ SCGE/LGI), and C. C. Santini (University of Lyon 1) Insight View of Lithium Doped ImidazoliumBased Ionic Liquids in Presence of Organic Additive – E. Bolimowska (1) CEA Grenoble - DRT/LITEN/DEHT/SCGE/LGI;), F. Castiglione, A. Mele (Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Chimica), H. Rouault (1) CEA Grenoble - DRT/LITEN/DEHT/SCGE/LGI), D. Stosic (Université de Lyon, UMR 5265 CNRS-C2P2), and C. C. Santini (University of Lyon 1) Extreme Long Life Battery Via Atomic Layer Deposition of Solid Electrolyte on CFx Electrodes – W. Xing (ADA Technologies, Inc.) Ionic Permeability within Thermally-Activated Batteries – T. Humplik, E. K. Stirrup, D. E. Wesolowski, A. N. Allen, R. P. Grant, B. B. McKenzie, C. C. Roberts, S. A. Roberts, L. A. Mondy, and A. M. Grillet (Sandia National Laboratories) The Electrolyte - Electrode Interaction - Studying the Influence of the Electrolyte Decomposition Layer on the Kinetics of the Battery – P. Niehoff, M. Schroeder, F. Schappacher, and M. Winter (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster) Development of Garnet-Type Li Ion Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Li Ion Batteries – S. Narayanan, V. Thangadurai, X. Tong (University of Calgary), G. Hitz, and E. D. Wachsman (University of Maryland) Fluorinated High-Voltage Electrolyte: Synergetic Effect of Solvents and Additives – Z. Xue, L. Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), C. C. Su (Argonne National Lab), M. He (WPI), and Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory) Electrical and Optical Properties of Lithium Phosphorous Oxynitride (LiPON) Electrolyte Thin Films with High Nitrogen Content Prepared By RF Sputtering – Y. R. Su (1st Physics Institute, Justus-Liebig-University), J. C. Falgenhauer, C. Lupo (Institute of Applied Physics, Justus-Liebig-University), B. K. Meyer (1st Physics Institute, Justus-LiebigUniversity), D. Schlettwein (Institute of Applied Physics, Justus-Liebig-University), A. Polity (1st Physics Institute, Justus-LiebigUniversity), and J. Janek (Institute of Physical Chemistry, JLU Giessen) Tetrabromobisphenol a Bis(dibromopropyl ether) As a Flame Retardant Additive for Lithium-Ion Batteries – B. Kilic, D. Bruggemann, M. Winter, and F. Schappacher (MEET Battery Research Center)





In silico Based Rank-Order Determination and Experiments on Non-Aqueous Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries and Beyond – S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, B. Narayanan (Argonne National Laboratory), G. Kamath (University of Missouri), and H. Xiong (Boise State Univesity) Polymeric Ionic Liquid Electrolytes: Effect of Inorganic Fillers – M. N. Safa, A. Chamaani, and B. El-Zahab (Florida International University)

Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago Lithium Battery System – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Venkat Subramanian and A. Manivannan 14:00








Effect of Porosity Distribution on Intercalation-Induced Stresses and Plating Reaction in Li-Ion Battery – B. Suthar (Washington University in Saint Louis, MO, 63130), P. W. C. Northrop (CFD Research Corporation), and V. Subramanian (University of Washington Seattle) A Disruptive Concept for a Whole Family of New Battery Systems – F. Roumi (California Institute of Technology, Parthian Energy), C. Cid (California Institute of Technology), J. Roumi (parthian energy), and M. R. Hoffmann (California Institute of Technology) Can Radiolysis Help Understanding the Decomposition Products of the Electrolytes Used in Lithium-Ion Batteries? – D. Ortiz (CEA), P. Maître, M. Mostafavi (Universite d’Orsay), and S. Le Caër (CEA) Model-Assisted 4-Electrode Cell Design for Li-Based Electrolyte Characterization – M. Farkhondeh, M. Pritzker, M. Fowler (University of Waterloo), and C. Delacourt (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago Flow Battery I – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Robert F. Savinell and Aswin K. Manohar 14:00






Polyoxometalates for Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Battery Applications – J. J. J. Chen (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor) and M. Barteau (University of Michigan) X-Ray Micro-Tomography As a Diagnostic Tool for the Electrode Degradation in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries – P. Trogadas, O. O. Taiwo, B. Tjaden, T. P. Neville (University College London), S. Yun, J. Parrondo, V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology), M. O. Coppens, D. J. Brett, and P. R. Shearing (University College London) Prototype of Nanoelectrofuel Flow Batteries: Engineering Challenges and Prospectives – J. P. Katsoudas (Illinois Institute of Technology), E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), D. Singh (Energy System Division, Argonne National Laboratory), V. K. Ramani, and C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL














Electrolyte for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: The Role of Complexing Counter Ion – N. Roznyatovskaya, J. Noack, P. Fischer, J. Tübke, and K. Pinkwart (Fraunhofer ICT) Electrochemical Pretreatment of Carbon Fibre Electrodes and Its Effect on the Kinetics of Vanadium Redox Reactions – A. Bourke (Department of Physics & Energy, University of Limerick, Materials & Surface Science Institute, Ireland), M. A. Miller (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA), R. P. Lynch (Department of Physics & Energy, University of Limerick, Materials & Surface Science Institute, Ireland), J. S. Wainright, R. F. Savinell (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA), and D. N. Buckley (Department of Physics & Energy, University of Limerick, Materials & Surface Science Institute, Ireland) A Novel Flow Battery Using Quinoxaline Derivatives As Redox Couple – X. Li, Y. Zhao, J. Pan, X. Xie (Tsinghua University), and V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology) A Sulfur-Impregnated Flow Cathode for HighEnergy Lithium Flow Batteries – H. Chen, Q. Zou, Z. Liang, H. Liu, Q. Li, and Y. C. Lu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) In-Situ Optical Monitoring of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery State-of-Charge – N. Quill (University of Limerick, Materials & Surface Science Institute, Ireland), C. Petchsingh, X. Gao, D. N. Buckley, and R. P. Lynch (Department of Physics & Energy, University of Limerick, Materials & Surface Science Institute, Ireland) High Rate Capacity through Redox Electrolytes Confined in Macroporous Electrodes – R. Narayanan and P. R. Bandaru (University of California, San Diego) An Efficient Solar Energy Storage System: All Vanadium Redox Photoelectrochemical Cell – Z. Wei, D. Liu, H. Chia-jen, Y. Shen, and F. Liu (University of Texas at Arlington)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago A01 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: S. R. Narayanan •





Study of Electrochemical Cells with Intermediate Gate Electrodes – A. Patel and H. Grebel (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Two-Dimensional Modeling of Columnar TiO2 Nanostructured Electrodes – D. Rife, T. S. Chadha, B. Suthar (Washington University in St. Louis), V. Subramanian (University of Washington Seattle), and P. Biswas (Washington University in St. Louis) Study on Degradation and Failure in Lithographically Patterned Gold/Manganese Dioxide Core/Shell Nanowires Based Supercapacitors – G. Thesma Chandran, M. Le Thai, and R. Penner (University of California Irvine) A Sensorless Methanol Concentration Controller Based on the Amplitude of Output Voltage for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells – H. Y. Ha, M. G. An, A. Mehmood, and J. Hwang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Calendar and Charge-Discharge Cycle-Life Studies of Supercapacitors for Vehicular Applications – A. EL Mejdoubi (Université de Caen Basse Normandie, Université Moulay Ismail), A. Oukaour (Université de Caen Basse Normandie), J. Sabor (Université Moulay Ismail), and H. Gualous (Université de Caen Basse Normandie) Study on the Synthesis and Application of Core-Shell Structured Nanoparticles of Fe3O4 – C. Y. Chin and K. S. Chou (Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU) Development of La0.6Sr0.4TixFe1-XO3-δ -Based Composite Cathode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – H. Iwai, S. Suzuki, and Y. Takahashi (Noritake Co., Limited) Effect of Additives Reducing Solubility of ZnO on the Decomposition Kinetics of a Supersaturated Zincate Solution – L. Chladil (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUT, Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy), P. Vanýsek (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUT), J. Máca (Brno University of Technology), and O. Cech (CEITEC Central European Institute of Technology BUT) Study of Specific Capacitance of Poma/ Ptaa Layer-By-Layer Films – W. Christinelli (Chemistry Department - Federal University of São Carlos) and E. C. Pereira (Federal University of São Carlos) Understanding the Oxygen Reduction Activity of Composite Catalysts Based on Carbon and Calcium-Doped Lanthanum Cobalt Manganese Oxide – P. Trinh, S. Malkhandi, A. K. Manohar (University of Southern California), A. Manivannan (U.S. Department of Energy), G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayan (University of Southern California) Rapid,Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of a Composite of Mesoporous MnCo2O4 and Reduced Graphene Oxide(RGO) As a High Perfomance Anode for Li- Ion Batteries – S. Sunkara (Indian Institute of Science) Carbon Nanostructures (CNS): Highly Conductive Matrix for Lithium Ion Battery Electrodes – B. Singh (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology), T. Shah (Applied Nanostructures Solutions, LLC), and R. Hashaikeh (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology) Performance Enhancement of Pd/C for Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cell By Heat Treatment of the Carbon Black – T. Tsujiguchi (College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, JST, PREST), Y. Tsuchiya, R. Onishi, Y. Osaka, and A. Kodama (College of science and engineering, Kanazawa) Ion Transport in Temperature-Resistant Ceramic-Based Composites – M. T. F. Rodrigues, K. Kalaga, H. Gullapalli (Rice University), L. M. R. Arava (Wayne State University), and P. M. Ajayan (Rice University) Novel Electrolytes for High-Voltage Spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathode Material – M. Xu, L. Xing, and W. Li (South China Normal University)


Wednesday, May 27




Wednesday, May 27











Chemivoltaic Effects on Semiconductors for Direct Gas Fuel Energy to Electricity Conversion – A. Y. Kabansky (Lam Research Corp.), V. V. Styrov, and S. V. Simchenko (Institute of Nanotechnologies and Physical Engineering, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University) Numerical Investigation of Membrane Dehydration Based on PEM Stack Transient Simulation – X. Jia (Tongji University) On Various Hydrocarbon Ion Conducting Membranes for a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery – M. S. Lee (Chonbuk National University, Korea Institute of Energy Research), Y. W. Choi, J. D. Jeon (Korea Institute of Energy Research), and K. Nahm (Chonbuk National University)  Design of α-CoMoO4 Nanoflakes on Carbon Cloth and Investigation of Their Pseudocapacitance in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte and Electro-Oxidation of Methanol – P. Narayanasamy, H. Shao (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork), S. Selladurai (Anna University), C. O’Dwyer (Tyndall National Institute), and K. M. Razeeb (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork) Highly Durable and Efficient Pore Filling Type Ion Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis – Y. W. Choi (Korea Institute of Energy Research), M. S. Lee (Chonbuk National University, Korea Institute of Energy Research), C. S. Kim, H. K. Kim (Korea Institute of Energy Research), and K. Nahm (Chonbuk National University) Novel Carboxylated Poly (glycidyl methacrylate) Grafted Cellophane for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Applications – M. Abu-Saied (City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications) Investigation of Electroplating Trivalent Cr-C on Copper Alloy As Bipolar Plates with Different Current Density in Pemfcs – H. C. Wang (School of Defense Science, CCIT, NDU), K. H. Hou (Department of P.V. & S.E., CCIT, EDU), C. E. Lu (School of Defense Science, CCIT, NDU), and M. D. Ger (Department of A.C. & M.S.) Operando X-Ray Diffraction As a Tool to Monitor Compositional Gradients in Battery Electrodes – B. M. May, C. J. Kim (University of Illinois at Chicago), Y. S. Yu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) Capacitive Performance of Mwcnts Decorated with Manganese Oxides and Silver Particles As Electrode in Neutral Electrolytes – Q. Yang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and K. C. Yung (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Various Types of Applications with Double Perovskite Structure – A. Jun, J. Kim (Department of Energy Engineering, UNIST, South Korea), J. Shin (Dong-Eui University, South Korea), and G. Kim (Department of Energy Engineering, UNIST, South Korea) Wearable and Washable Supercapacitor Based on Adhering Architecture – Y. G. Yoo, S. Park, I. Nam, S. Bae, J. Park, and J. Yi (Seoul National University)

• •

Computational Analysis of Battery Performance Working at Low Temperature – S. Bae, H. D. Song, I. Nam, G. P. Kim, S. Park, Y. G. Yoo, J. Park, and J. Yi (Seoul National University) 160 Degradation Study of Yttria Doped Barium Cerate (BCY) Electrolyte in Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells Under Various Test Conditions – Y. J. Kim (changwon national univeristy), M. Y. Park, and H. T. Lim (Changwon National University) 161 Rational Design of Three-Dimensional TiO2 for Use in Li-Ion Battery – S. Park, J. Baek, C. K. Song, T. Y. Kim, I. Nam (Seoul National University), J. W. Han (University of Seoul), and J. Yi (Seoul National University) 162 Study on the Electrochemical Characteristics of Multiwalled CNTs Decorated By Various Oxygen Functional Groups (Non-Aqueous and Aqueous based Electrolytes) – H. S. Oktaviano, M. Wajima, and K. Waki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 163 Co3O4 Nanosheets Deposited By the Sacrificial Anode Method and Their Pseudocapacitive Behavior – L. Y. Chou, C. W. Kung, and K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University) 164 Insights into Structural and Chemical Evolution in Novel Energy Storage Materials Using Hard X-Rays – K. M. Wiaderek, T. L. Kinnibrugh, O. J. Borkiewicz, K. W. Chapman, P. J. Chupas (Argonne National Laboratory), N. Pereira, and G. G. Amatucci (Rutgers University) 165 Novel Synchrotron-Based Experimental and Analytical Approaches for Energy Materials Characterisation – K. W. Chapman, O. J. Borkiewicz, K. M. Wiaderek, and P. J. Chupas (Argonne National Laboratory) 166 Preparation of Sn-Cu/Graphene Nanocomposite for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries – M. Uysal, T. Cetinkaya, H. Algül, M. Tokur, M. Kartal, A. Alp, and H. Akbulut (Sakarya University) 167 Capacity Fade Mechanisms of NaTi2(PO4)3 When Used As an Aqueous Anode – A. I. Mohamed (Carnegie Mellon University) 168 Post-Mortem Study of Electrode Ageing in Supercapacitors – M. Teuber, J. Drillkens (RWTH Aachen University, ISEA, Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy), and D. U. Sauer (RWTH Aachen University, ISEA, Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany) 169 Ionic Conductivity of the Epitaxial Li0.33La0.55TiO3 Solid Electrolyte Thin Films – K. Kamala Bharathi (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, University of Maryland, MD, USA), H. Tan (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA), S. Takeuchi (National Institute of Standards and Technology), I. Takeuchi (University of Maryland, MD, USA), and L. A. Bendersky (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) 170 Electroless Deposition Assisted CuO/Carbon Fiber Nanohybrids for Fiber Supercapacitors – H. Park, S. H. Noh, Y. B. Kim, and T. H. Han (Hanyang University) 171 Effect of α-PbO2 formation on Cycle Performance in Lead Acid Battery – T. Iwai, S. Takai (Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University), and T. Yao (Kagawa National College of Technology) 159

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Investigation of the Interface Between Graphite Electrode and Ionic Liquid Based Electrolyte – E. Bolimowska (1) CEA Grenoble - DRT/LITEN/DEHT/SCGE/ LGI;), C. C. Santini (University of Lyon 1), H. Rouault (1) CEA Grenoble - DRT/LITEN/ DEHT/SCGE/LGI), and A. Benayad (CEA, LITEN) Modeling and Simulation of Heat of Mixing in Lithium Ion Batteries – Z. Song, B. Yan, C. Lim, and L. Zhu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) Research on Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell Stack with Producing High Pressure H2 and O2 in WE Mode – X. Zhang (Shanghai Power& Energy Storage Technology Center) Modeling the Thermal Behavior of a LithiumIon Battery Module for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications – B. Koo, J. Yi, and C. B. Shin (Department of Energy Systems Research, Ajou University) Modeling of the Thermal Behaviors of an Ultracapacitor Module – S. J. Park, J. Yi, C. B. Shin (Department of Energy Systems Research, Ajou University), K. S. Min, J. Choi (Manufacturing Technology Center, LS Mtron Ltd.), and H. Y. Lee (UC Team/ R&D, LS Mtron Ltd.) N, N-Diethyltrimethylsilylamine (DETMSA) As Electrolyte Additive for Si Based High Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries – M. He (WPI), L. Hu (Argonne National Laboratory), Y. Wang (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), K. Xu (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), and Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory) Nano Platinum Decorated Graphene Wrapped a-MnO2 Nanocomposite Lithium Air Breathing Cathode for Li-O2 Batteries – T. Cetinkaya, M. Uysal, M. Kartal, M. Tokur, S. Ozcan (Sakarya University), H. Algül (Engineering Faculty), and H. Akbulut (Sakarya University) Improvement of Cycle Life of Lithium Air Batteries Using Ag and Mg Alloyed Li Anode – H. Algül, M. Tokur (Engineering Faculty), M. Uysal, T. Cetinkaya, A. Alp, and H. Akbulut (Sakarya University) Improved Electrochemical Performance of Lithium Air Batteries with N-Methyl2-Pyrrolidone Based Composite Polymer Electrolytes – M. Tokur, H. Algül, T. Cetinkaya, A. Akkbulut, M. Uysal, M. O. Guler, and H. Akbulut (Sakarya University) New Synthetic Methodology of Hybrid Materials for Energy-Related Applications – C. Herreros Lucas, A. N. Khlobystov, and M. D. C. Gimenez Lopez (University of Nottingham) Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Reduced Graphene Oxideas the Counter Electrode Prepared By a Greenphotothermal Reduction Process – M. H. Yeh (National Taiwan University), L. Y. Lin (National Taipei University of Technology), L. Y. Chang, Y. A. Leu, W. Y. Cheng, J. J. Lin, and K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL







Discharge Voltage and Maximum Power Density of Li-Air Batteries with Dual Electrolyte – V. Bevara (Aero propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy, Florida State University), M. Mehta (Aero propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy), and P. Andrei (Florida State University) Synthesis and Evaluation of Fluorinated Carbonates As Solvents for High-Voltage Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolyte – L. Hu, Z. Xue (Argonne National Laboratory), M. He (WPI), C. C. Su (Argonne National Lab), and Z. Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory) Origami-Type Supercapacitor Chips with High Voltage Performance – I. Nam, G. P. Kim, S. Park, S. Bae, Y. G. Yoo, J. Park (Seoul National University), J. W. Han (University of Seoul), and J. Yi (Seoul National University) Porous SiC/Graphene-on-Wafer Electrodes for Supercapacitors – M. Ahmed (Griffith University), M. Khawaja (Electrical Engineering Dept, University of South Florida), M. Notarianni (Queensland University of Technology, Electrical Engineering Dept, University of South Florida), B. Wang, D. Goding (Griffith University), B. Gupta (Queensland University of Technology), J. J. Boeckl (Wright-Patterson AFB, Air Force Research Laboratory), A. Takshi (Electrical Engineering Dept, University of South Florida), N. Motta (Queensland University of Technology), S. E. Saddow (University of South Florida), and F. Iacopi (Griffith University) Synthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanostructures on Carbon Paper Using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Supercapacitor Electrode Applications – S. Lee, K. Jang, S. Yu, H. S. Kim, and H. Ahn (Hanyang University)

Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond Battery Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago

Flow Batteries – 08:00 – 09:40 Co-Chairs: Lu Zhang and Xiaoliang Wei 08:00








Redox Flow Lithium Oxygen Batteries – Y. Zhu and Q. Wang (National University of Singapore) Highly Concentrated Catholyte Based on Solvate Ionic Liquid for Flow Battery – K. Takechi (Toyota Research Institute of North America), Y. Kato (Toyota Cetnral R&D Labs., Inc.), and Y. Hase (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.) High-Performance Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries at Pnnl – X. Wei, W. Xu, L. Cosimbescu, M. Vijayakumar, T. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA), W. Wang, and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Nano-Scale Lithium Titanium Oxide As Anode Material for Nanoelectrofuel Flow Batteries – Y. Ding, C. J. Pelliccione (Illinois Institute of Technology), E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), J. P. Katsoudas, and C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology) 129

Wednesday, May 27



Liquid Catholyte Molecules for NonAqueous Redox Flow Batteries – L. Zhang, J. Huang (Argonne National Laboratory), L. Cheng (Argonne National Lab), R. Assary (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), P. Wang (University of Washington), Z. Xue, A. K. Burrell (Argonne National Laboratory), and L. Curtiss (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory)

Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Progress in Electrolytes III – 08:00 – 09:40 Co-Chairs: Susan A. Odom and T. Richard Jow 08:00



Wednesday, May 27



An Experimental Investigation - How Much Influence Has the Electrolyte Composition on the Ageing Behaviour of Separators in Lithium-Ion Cells? – Y. Kraemer, M. Meiler (Deutsche ACCUmotive GmbH & Co. KG), and A. Hintennach (Daimler AG) 435 A Roadmap to Design Robust Redox Shuttles for Lithium-Ion Batteries – S. A. Odom (Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky), C. Risko, M. D. Casselman, C. F. Elliott (University of Kentucky), S. Ergun (Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky), and A. P. Kaur (University of Kentucky) 436 TiO2 Nanotubes/Ionic Liquid Electrolyte System Enhances Li-Ion Battery Performance – P. P. Chu and J. B. Tuan (National Central University, Department of Chemistry) 437 Mixtures Ionic Liquids-Ethylen Carbonate for Lithium Batteries and Supercapacitor – L. M. L. Phung (University of Science-Applied Physical Chemistry Lab), F. Alloin (Université Grenoble Alpes -CNRS), T. N. Anh, N. H. P. Khanh, T. G. Nguyen (University of Science - Faculty of Chemistry), B. T. L. Dan (University of Science-Faculty of Chemistry), L. N. Thach (University of Science - Faculty of Chemistry), and T. V. Man (University of Science, Department of Physical Chemistry) 438 Charge-Discharge Characteristics of Lithium and Silicon Anodes in Li[N(CF3SO2)2]Glyme Solvate Ionic Liquids – Y. Katayama, N. Tachikawa, T. Ishida, K. Yoshii (Keio University), and M. Watanabe (Yokohama National University)








09:40 10:00 428











Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago Li-Air (O2) Battery II – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan and Jai Prakash 08:00





Solvating Additives and Their Role in Increasing the Capacity of Nonaqueous Li-O2 Batteries – V. Viswanathan (Carnegie Mellon University) Solution Phase Catalysts for Lithium-Oxygen Batteries – Y. Shen (Huazhong University of Science & Technology), Y. Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), and D. Sun (Huazhong University of Science & Technology)

Applications of Dendrimer-Based NanoArchitectures in Lithium-Air and LithiumSulfur Batteries – P. Bhattacharya, D. Lu, L. Cosimbescu, J. G. Zhang, W. Xu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), D. A. Tomalia (NanoSynthons LLC), and J. Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) The Effect of Discharge Products on the Impedance Spectra in Li-Air Batteries with Organic Electrolyte – M. Mehta, V. V. Bevara (Florida State University, Aero propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy), and P. Andrei (Florida State University) Geometric Optimization of Li-O2 Battery Cathodes with Pore Structure By Meso-Scale Modeling and Simulation Pursuing Practical Systems – H. C. Lee (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology), V. Roev (Samung Advanced Institute of Technology), T. Y. Kim, M. S. Park, and D. Im (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) Break Ab Initio Study Of Li2O2 On Noble Metal (Pt, Au, Pd), Pt3M (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) Alloy And Pd3M (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) Alloy Surfaces – S. Sankarasubramanian, J. Seo (Illinois Institute of Technology), F. Mizuno, N. Singh (Toyota Research Institute of North America), and J. Prakash (Illinois Institute of Technology) Flower-like Nickel Sulfide As Efficient Electrocatalyst for Lithium Air Batteries – Z. Ma, X. Yuan, L. Li, and Z. F. Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Ambient Air Operation in Non-Aqueous Li-Air Batteries: Influence of Water on Electrochemical Li Cycling – F. Mizuno and K. Takechi (Toyota Research Institute of North America) Analysis of the Aqueous/Solid Interface in a Mixed Aprotic/Aqueous Lithium-Air Battery – C. Uhlmann, P. Braun (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), J. Illig (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), and E. Ivers-Tiffée (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Benchmarking Metal and Metal Oxide Promoters for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Li-O2 Cells – C. Yang (Byon Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN, Japan), R. A. Wong (RIKEN, Tokyo Institute of Technology), A. Dutta, M. O (RIKEN), M. Hong (Byon Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN, Japan), K. Yamanaka (SR center, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga 525-8577, Japan), T. Ohta (Ritsumeikan University), and H. R. Byon (RIKEN) Comparative Study on Li Depletion for Li-O2 Batteries Using Carbonate and Ether Solvents – I. C. Jang (Kyushu University) and T. Ishihara (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University, Kyushu University)

Salon A-4, Hilton Chicago Progress in Cathodes V – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Yue Qi and Jordi Cabana 08:20


Significant Capacity Improvement and Long Cycle-Life of Lithium-Ion Battery through Thin Film Stabilized Cathode Particles – R. L. Patel and X. Liang (Missouri University of Science and Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






09:40 10:00 453











Specific Capacity and Capacity Fading of Interstitial and Substitutional Doping of Li in LiNi0.3Co0.3Mn0.3Ti0.1O2 cathode Material for High Energy Density Li-Ion – R. Rusdi, N. Kamarulzaman (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia), K. Elong (Universiti Teknologi MARA), and A. Abd Rahman (Universiti of Malaya (UM)) The Impact of Oxygen Vacancies on Lithium Vacancy Formation and Diffusion in Li2MnO3 – C. James and Y. Qi (Michigan State University) Effect of AlF3 Surface Coating on High Energy Lmr-NMC Material – Y. Shin, O. Kahvecioglu Feridun, and G. K. Krumdick (Argonne National Laboratory) Break Characterization of Thin and Uniform Carbon Coated Overlithiated Layer Oxide Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries – K. Park, J. Yoon, J. H. Park, S. G. Hong (Samsung Electronics), S. Doo, and J. H. Park (Samsung electronics) Investigation of LiMn2O4-Li2NiF4 Solid Solutions As Electrode Materials for LithiumIon Batteries – T. Yi, C. Kim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. R. Plews, and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) Effects of Doping on Lithium Rich NMC Cathode Prepared Via Spray Pyrolysis – M. Lengyel, K. Y. Shen, and R. L. Axelbaum (Washington University in St. Louis) Improved Electrochemical Performances and Thermal Stability of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2 by Li3PO4 coating – S. W. Lee (Yonsei univ.), M. Kim (Yonsei Univ.), and K. B. Kim (Yonsei univ.) Electrochemical Performance of Full Concentration Gradient Cathode for LithiumIon Batteries – H. Wu, R. Xu, J. Lu, and K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory) In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies Investigating Intercalation of Multivalent Ions into V2O5 Nanowire Cathode – A. Mukherjee (University Of Illinois At Chicago), H. Asayesh-Ardakani (Michigan Technological University), P. J. Phillips (University Of Illinois At Chicago), R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University), and R. F. Klie (University Of Illinois At Chicago)

Salon A-1, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes V – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Yang-Tse Cheng, Leon Shaw, and Marin Winter 08:20


Facile Synthesis Procedure and Lithium Storage Characteristics of a Porous NiSi2/Si/ Carbon Composite Anode Material for LithiumIon Batteries – T. Placke (MEET Battery Research Center), H. Jia (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology), and M. Winter (MEET Battery Research Center) 440 Li15Si4 As Potential Charged Anode Material:Cycling Stability and Reactivity Towards Carbonate Electrolyte – L. Toffoletti (Technische Universität München), S. Meini (BASF SE), N. Tsiouvaras (BMW Group), H. A. Gasteiger, and T. F. Fässler (Technische Universität München)





09:40 10:00 443











Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Advanced Characterization I – 10:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Daniel P. Abraham and Mitchell T. Ong 10:00





Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Mechanically Robust Sandwich-Structured C@Si@C Nanotube-Based Li-Ion Battery Anodes – J. Liu, M. D. Goodman, H. G. Zhang, E. S. Epstein, B. Huang, Z. Pan, J. Kim, J. Choi, X. Huang, J. Liu, N. Li, K. J. Hsia, S. J. Dillon, and P. V. Braun (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Reversible Lithium Storage in Carbon Encapsulated Hollow Silicon Nanospheres – M. Ashuri, Q. He, K. Zhang, S. Emani, M. Sawicki, J. S. Shamie, and L. Shaw (Illinois Institute of Technology, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research) Break A Silicon-Graphene Electrode with Multilayered Structure for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries – X. Gao (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), J. Li (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Y. Xie, and C. Yuan (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Graphene Folding in Si Rich Carbon Nanofibers for Highly Stable, High Capacity Li-Ion Battery Anodes – L. Fei and Y. L. Joo (Cornell University) A Novel Surface Modified Nano-Silicon As Promising Anode Material LithiumIon Batteries – J. H. Han (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), N. Hayati-Roodbari, M. S. Elsaesser (Materials Science and Physics, University of Salzburg), J. Schodl, A. Gavrilovic Wohlmuther (Centre of Electrochemical Surface Technology), P. Hans, and K. Hradil (X-Ray Center, Vienna University of Technology) High Capacity Silicon Electrodes with Nafion As Binders – J. Xu, Q. Zhang, and Y. T. Cheng (University of Kentucky) High-Energy Micro-Grain Silicon Anodes for Lithium-Ion Technology – F. Farmakis (Democritus University of Thrace), M. Hagen, P. Fanz (Fraunhofer ICT), A. Kovacs, S. Schiestel (Limedion GmbH), P. Selinis, and N. Georgoulas (Democritus University of Thrace) Silicon sp2-Hybridized Multiwall Nanotubes for Lithium-Ion Battery Application – P. Kolla, M. McGraw (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology), R. Cook (Zyvex Technologies, Rapid City, SD 57701), V. Lvovich (NASA Glenn Research Center), and A. Smirnova (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology)

(Invited) Electrochemical Characterization of Lithium-Ion Cells Based on Li1.2Ni0.15Mn0.55Co0.1O2 and Li4Ti5O12 – D. P. Abraham, Y. Li, M. Bettge, and J. Bareno (Argonne National Laboratory) Understanding Complex Ion Dynamics in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes from First Principles – M. T. Ong, V. Lordi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), T. Bremer, A. Gyulassy (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Utah), E. W. Draeger (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), H. Bhatia (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Utah), and J. E. Pask (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) 131

Wednesday, May 27








Effects of Fast Charging on Lithium-Ion Cells – L. Somerville, P. Jennings, A. McGordon (University of Warwick), C. Lyness (Jaguar Land Rover), P. Prezas, J. Basco, J. Bareno (Argonne National Laboratory), T. Duong (US Department of energy), and I. Bloom (Argonne National Laboratory) Electrochemical Stiffness Measurements of Graphite Anodes for Li-Ion Batterie – H. Tavassol (California Institute of Technology), E. M. C. Jones, N. R. Sottos, and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign) Using X-Ray Diffraction to Map the Electrochemical Spatial Inhomogeneity within Li-Ion Batteries – J. Okasinski and D. P. Abraham (Argonne National Laboratory)

Salon A-1, Hilton Chicago Progress in Cathodes VI – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Martin Bettge and Hongmei Luo

Wednesday, May 27




















Rapid Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis of Phospho-Olivines and Mg-Doping Thereof – P. Handel, C. Stangl, C. God (VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH), F. Uhlig (Graz University of Technology), and S. Koller (VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH) Polymer-Assisted Solution Method to Metal Oxide Network Structures for Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes – H. Luo (New Mexico State University) Novel Method for Synthesis of High Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Hydroxide By Engineered Two Step Co-Precipitation Method – K. Kim, M. Cha, J. Hyun, W. Yang, T. H. Yu, and J. J. Cho (Samsung Fine Chemicals) Effect of Rapid Charging or Discharging on Performance of High Energy Li- and Mn-Rich NMC Full Cells – M. Bettge, Y. Li, and D. P. Abraham (Argonne National Laboratory) Synthesis and Effect of Heat Treatment on LiCo0.3Ni0.3Mn0.3Ti0.1O2 – K. Elong (Universiti Teknologi MARA), N. Kamarulzaman, R. Rusdi (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia), and M. H. Jaafar (Universiti Malaya) Low-Temperature Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Layered m-LiMnO2 – D. Y. W. Yu, H. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Zhang, and W. Kang (City University of Hong Kong) High-Performance LiNi0.2Mn1.8O4 Spinel Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries Obtained By Microwave-Assisted Synthesis – K. Raju (CSIR Pretoria, SA), V. Elumalai (University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh), K. Damodaran (University of Pittsburgh), and K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)) Enabling Aqueous Processing of Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries – N. Laszczynski, G. T. Kim, and S. Passerini (Helmholtz Institute Ulm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Optimization of LiMnPO4 Using Solid State Processes – C. F. Oladimeji (Florida State University) and P. L. Moss (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering)




Direct Dry Synthesis of LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 Thin Film for Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes – Y. Wang and R. Maric (University of Connecticut) Break

Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes VI – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Gao Liu and David Mitlin 14:00


















High Capacity and High Density Sio Anode for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries – N. Yuca (Istanbul Technical University), H. Zhao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Z. Zheng (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), V. Battaglia (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Zaghib (IREQ), and G. Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) In Situ Fabrication of 3-Dimentional Li4Ti5O12/Reduced Graphene Oxide Microspheres with High Tap Density for HighRate Lithium Ion Batteries – M. Kim (Yonsei Univ.), S. W. Lee, and K. B. Kim (Yonsei univ.) High Density Sodium and Lithium Ion Battery Anodes from Banana Peels – D. Mitlin (Clarkson University) Towards a Better Reversibility of the Electrochemical Li-Si Reaction through the Use of Partially Oxidized Silicon Particles and Alternative Electrolyte Salt/Additives – A. Touidijine (Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides), M. Morcrette, M. Courty (Laboratoire de Réactivité et de Chimie des Solides), C. Davoisne (Laboratoire de Réactivité et de Chimie des Solides, Réseau de Stockage Electrochimique de l’Energie), M. Lejeune (Laboratoire de Physique de la matière condensée), N. Mariage (CEA/LITEN, Grenoble, France), W. Porcher (CEA Grenoble DRT/LITEN/DEHT/SRGE/LRC), and D. Larcher (Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides) Si/Mnooh Composite with Superior Lithium Storage Property – H. Zhan, H. Zhong, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou (Wuhan University) High Energy and Power Density TiO2 Nanotube Electrodes By Conformal Electrodeposition of Polymer Electrolyte – T. Djenizian (Aix-Marseille University) and N. Plylahan (Aix Marseille University) Nanotube-Constructed Li4Ti5O12-TiO2 Hybrid Spheres for Lithium Ion Batteries – C. Chen, X. Hu, P. Hu, and Y. Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Silicon Oxycarbide Ceramics As Anode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries: Modification of the Structure and Composition to Enhance the Li Storage Properties – P. Vallachira Warriam Sasikumar (Technical Universität Darmstadt, Germany), M. Graczyk-Zajac (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany), G. D. Soraru (University of Trento, Italy), and R. Riedel (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany) Insight into the Lithiation of SiO2 As a New Energy Storage Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries – A. Ostadhossein (Pennsylvania State University) and A. van Duin (The Pennsylvania State University) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




Durable Sno-Lto Composite Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries – Y. C. Chen, G. H. Liu, and P. P. Chu (National Central University, Department of Chemistry) Heterostructure of SnO2/TiO2 Nanotubes with Precise Wall Thickness Control As Anodes for Lithium Ion Battery – J. Lee, M. Kim, S. Lee, S. Seo, C. Bae, and H. Shin (Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University)



Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Solid State Battery – 14:00 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Dong-Joo Kim and Boris Kozinsky

Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago Advanced Characterization II – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Mark E. Roberts and Partha P. Mukherjee































A New Type of Reference Electrode for Three-Electrode Setups: Choice of Material and Geometry – J. Costard, M. Ender, J. Illig, M. Weiss (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), and E. Ivers-Tiffée (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Inhibiting Li-Ion Battery Operation at High Temperature Using Responsive Polymers – M. E. Roberts and J. C. Kelly (Clemson University) Effect of Drying in Electrode Processing for Energy Storage – M. Stein IV and P. P. Mukherjee (Texas A&M University) In-Situ TEM Study of Intercalation- and Conversion-Driven Lithiation in Single α-MnO2 Nanowire – Y. Yuan, A. Nie, S. Santhanagopalan (Michigan Technological University), K. He (Michigan Technological University, Shandong University), D. D. Meng (Michigan Technological University), R. F. Klie (University Of Illinois At Chicago), and R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) Anisotropic Mechanical Deformation of Lithium-Ion Electrode Networks Using Reconstructed Microstructures – H. Mendoza, S. A. Roberts, V. E. Brunini, K. N. Long, and A. M. Grillet (Sandia National Laboratories) Soh Indicator of EV Lithium-Ion Cell Based on Incremental Capacity – A. Eddahech and A. Delaille (CEA) Damage Evolution in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes – C. F. Chen (TAMU) and P. P. Mukherjee (Texas A&M University) Nonlinear Aging of Lithium-Ion Cells Linked to Pressure Differences: Degradation Mechanisms and Remedies – T. C. Bach (Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC), S. Schuster (Technische Universität München, ESS), E. Fleder, J. Müller (Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC), A. Jossen (Technische Universität München, ESS), and G. Sextl (Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC) Applicability of the Lumped Capacitance Model to Predict Heat Generation in a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell Under Various Rates of Discharge – S. Bazinski and X. Wang (Oakland University) Memory-Effect in Li-Ion Battery Electrodes Unraveled – M. Farkhondeh, M. Pritzker, M. Fowler, M. Safari (University of Waterloo), and C. Delacourt (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Thermofluids Analysis of the Coolant Flow during Lithium-Ion Battery Operation – M. F. Serincan (Istanbul Bilgi University) and M. Tabatabaei Malazi (Yildiz Technical University)

15:40 16:00 501







12V-Class Bipolar LiMn1-YFeyPO4 /Li4Ti5O12 Battery with an Oxide-Based Solid-State Electrolyte Layer – K. Yoshima, Y. Harada, and N. Takami (Toshiba Corporation) Growth of LiCoO2 and Li4Ti5O12 Crystals in Lithium Ion Conductive Li2.2C0.75B0.25O3 glass for All-Solid-State Libs – K. Teshima, T. Miyakoshi, H. Onodera, M. Matsumoto (Shinshu University), and N. Zettsu (CREST, JST) Structural Descriptors Controlling Ionic Motion in Solid Electrolytes from Automated Atomistic Computations – P. Mehta (Robert Bosch Corporate Research, University of Notre Dame) and B. Kozinsky (Robert Bosch Corporate Research) Improvement of Power Characteristics of AllSolid-State Thin-Film Rechargeable Lithium Batteries – A. Suzuki, S. Sasaki, I. Kimura, and T. Jimbo (Institute of Semiconductor and Electronics Technologies, ULVAC, Inc.) Hybrid Sn3O2(OH)2/Graphene Nanomaterials: From Solid Li-Ion Battery Anode to Flowable Nanoelectrofuel – C. J. Pelliccione (Illinois Institute of Technology), E. V. Timofeeva (Argonne National Laboratory), J. P. Katsoudas (Illinois Institute of Technology), D. Singh (Energy System Division, Argonne National Laboratory), and C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology) Break Flexible Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery with Large Scale Interdigitated Electrodes – K. B. Kim (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul National University), A. D. S. Da Costa (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), T. H. Kang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul National University), W. R. Yu (Seoul National University), N. I. Kim (Rocket Electronic Cooperation, LTD), K. H. Oh (Seoul National University), and I. S. Choi (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) Fabrication and Characterization of AllSolid-state3D Li-Ion Microbatteries Based on TiO2 Nanotubes – F. Vacandio, P. Knauth (MADIREL), and T. Djenizian (Aix-Marseille University) Improvement of Transport Properties in LiConducting Ceramic Oxides – A. Aguadero (Imperial College London), F. Aguesse, C. Bernuy-López, W. W. Manalastas Jr., J. M. López del Amo (CIC Energigune), and J. A. Kilner (wpi-I2CNER, Kyushu University) The Transition from Planar to Curved and Flexible Batteries – D. McNulty (University College Cork), D. N. Buckley (University of Limerick), and C. O’Dwyer (University College Cork)


Wednesday, May 27








Effect of Liquid Phase Sintering of Composite Electrode Containing 0.44LiBO2·0.56LiF Solid Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Batteries – S. Lee (Auburn University), S. Woo (Yonsei University), Y. Yoon (Gachon University), and D. J. Kim (Auburn University) Excellent Stability of a Li-Ion-Conducting Solid Electrolyte upon Reversible Li+/H+ Exchange in Aqueous Solutions – M. Chi, C. Ma (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), J. Sakamoto (Michigan State University), K. L. More, and C. Liang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) High Energy Density Solid-State Lithium Battery – J. Thokchom (Johnson Battery Technologies, Inc.)













Salon C, Hilton Chicago A02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Brett L. Lucht, Khalil Amine, and John Muldoon

Wednesday, May 27








A Study on Rate Capacity and Safety of Ionic Liquid-Based Lithium Ion Battery – T. Nishimura (Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd. Tsukuba Research Laboratory) and K. Kojima (Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd. Tsukuba Research Laboratory) High-Yield Few Layered Graphene Wrapped Around Hematite As a Superior Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery – Y. Wang, L. Yang, and M. Zhu (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China) Probing Ionic Transport in a Lithiated Carbon Anode with Electrochemical Strain Microscopy – P. Wang and J. Li (University of Washington) A Study on the Catalytic Activity of Noble Metal Nanoparticles on Reduced Graphene Oxide for Oxygen Evolution Reactions in Lithium-Air Batteries – Y. S. Jeong (Hanyang University), H. G. Jung (Korea University of Science and Technology), J. B. Park, J. Kim (Hanyang University), J. Lu, K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University), B. Scrosati (Helmholtz Institute Ulm, HIU, Ulm Germany, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy), and Y. J. Lee (Hanyang University) 3,7-Bis(trifluoromethyl)-NEthylphenothiazine: A Highly Soluble, Highly Stable Redox Shuttle and Electro-Active Material for Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries – S. A. Odom, S. Ergun (Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky), C. F. Elliott, A. P. Kaur (University of Kentucky), and N. Holubowitch (University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research) Tri-Layered Si/CeO2/Polyaniline Composites As Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries – Y. Bai (Beijing Institute of Technology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Y. Tang (Beijing Institute of Technology), Z. Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), C. Wu, F. Wu (Beijing Institute of Technology), and G. Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Generation of Agsi Film By Magnetron Sputtering for Use As Anodes in Lithium Ion Batteries – D. B. Polat (Istanbul Technical University), L. Eryilmaz (Argonne National Laboratory), and O. Keles (Istanbul Technical University) Improving the Electrochemical Performance of Nanostructured Sn Film Anodes By a Catalytic Top Coat – D. B. Polat, B. Bilici, and O. Keles (Istanbul Technical University) Reduced Niobium Oxide in Carbon Matrix As Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Battery – L. Yan (new mexico state university) and H. Luo (New Mexico State University) Pulverization Strategy for GraphiteCoOx Composite Cathode of Lithium-Air Batteries – W. J. Kwak, C. D. Shin (Hanyang University), J. Ming (Hanyang university), J. Lu (Argonne National Laboratory), L. Curtiss (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Influence of Lithium Precursors and Calcination Atmospheres on Graphene SheetsModified Nano-Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material – T. Yuan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sinopoly Battery Research Center Limited), W. Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), W. Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sinopoly Battery Research Center Limited), J. Ma, Y. S. He, X. Z. Liao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), and Z. F. Ma (Sinopoly Battery Research Center Limited, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Stability of Hard Carbon Coated Low Purity Natural Graphite As a Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Material – B. R. Kim, Y. K. Hong, H. J. Kang (Korea Electronics Technology Institute), S. Y. Shin, J. H. Lee, S. A. Kim (Aekyung Petrochemical Co., LTD.), K. T. Lee (Chonbuk National University), and J. K. Shin (Korea Electronics Technology Institute) Colloidal Synthesis of Alkali Transition Metal Fluorides and Their Applications in Alkali Metal-Ion Batteries – M. R. Plews, T. Yi, and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) Encapsulation of Selenium in Graphene Micro-Ball As a Cathode Material for LithiumSelenium Secondary Battery Applications – H. C. Youn and K. B. Kim (Yonsei University) Effect of Cathode Slurry Composition on the Electrochemical Properties of Li-Ion Batteries – K. B. Dermenci, S. Turan (Anadolu University), M. Behm, and G. Lindbergh (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Lithium Sulfide/Carbon (Li2S/C) Electrode Preparation in Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Flow and Its Electrochemical Performance – C. B. Dressel, H. Jha, H. A. Gasteiger, and T. F. Fässler (Technische Universität München) Study of Stable Cathodes and Electrolytes for High Specific Density Lithium-Air Battery – D. Hernandez-Lugo (NASA Glenn Research Center) and Y. Zhu (University of Akron) A Self-Promotion Effect during ORR Process in Lithium Oxygen Battery – W. Zhang, Y. Shen, and Y. Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Mesoporus Silicon through Magnesium Reduction of Polymer Templated Silica for High Power Li-Ion Batteries – J. Cook (UCLA) and S. H. Tolbert (University of California - Los Angeles) Electrochemical Performance of Commercial Carbon Fibers Towards Usage As Electrodes in Structural Li-Ion Batteries – J. Hagberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), S. Leijonmarck (Swerea SICOMP AB), and G. Lindbergh (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Oxides As Cathode Materials for Mg-Ion Batteries – E. C. Barile and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Hollow Carbon Nanosphere/Germanium Nanoparticle Composite Li-Ion Anode – N. A. Banek, K. A. Hays, and M. J. Wagner (The George Washington University) New Anti-Fluorite Transition Metal Nitrides As High Capacity Li-Ion Intercalation Anodes – R. D. Bayliss and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) Phase Field Modeling of the Li2O2 Growth in a Porous Cathode in Li-Air Batteries with Organic Electrolytes – L. Liang, M. Stan, and M. Anitescu (Argonne National Laboratory) The Carbon-Free Ag Electrode for NonAqueous Li-O2 Batteries – J. B. Park (Hanyang University), X. Luo (Argonne National Laboratory), S. H. Lee (Hanyang university), J. Lu (Argonne National Laboratory), C. D. Shin, C. S. Yoon (Hanyang University), K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Ceramic Composite Separators Coated with Moisturized ZrO2 Nanoparticles for Improving the Electrochemical Performance and Thermal Stability of Li-Ion Batteris – J. S. Yu, H. K. Kwon, W. Y. Lee, K. J. Kim, and M. S. Park (ABRC, Korea Electronics Technology Institute) A Dual-Phase Cathode and a Si/SiOx Anode for Li-Sulfur Batteries – S. K. Lee, S. M. Oh (Hanyang University), E. Park (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University), B. Scrosati (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy), M. S. Park (ABRC, Korea Electronics Technology Institute), Y. J. Kim (Korea Electronics Technology Institute), I. Belharouak (Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute), H. Kim, and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Ruthenium-Based Nonaparticles Supported on Ketjenblack/Reduced Graphene Oxide As Air Electrode for Lithium-O2 Batteries – X. Xin, K. Ito, and Y. Kubo (National Institute for Materials Science) Advanced O3-Type Na[Li0.05(Ni0.25Fe0.25 Mn0.5)0.95]O2 Cathode for Sodium Ion Batteries – H. M. Kim, J. Y. Hwang, S. M. Oh (Hanyang University), S. T. Myung (Sejong University), B. Scrosati (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy), K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL










Omc for Poorly Conductive Products in Rechargeable Sodium-Air Batteries – H. J. Shin (Hanyang university), W. J. Kwak (Hanyang University), Z. Chen (Argonne National Laboratory), C. S. Yoon (Hanyang University), J. K. Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) The Porous Carbon Matrix for High Rate Performance Lithium-Sulfur Battery – H. S. Kang, H. D. Shin, D. J. Lee (Hanyang University), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Advanced Na[Ni0.25Fe0.5Mn0.25]O2/C Cathode / EMS Electrolyte / Fe3O4 Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries – J. Y. Hwang, S. M. Oh (Hanyang University), S. T. Myung (Sejong University), C. S. Yoon (Hanyang University), J. Lu, K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Enhanced Electrochemical Properties of Carbon Coated TiO2 anode for Sodium-Ion Battery – J. H. Lee (Hanyang university), J. Y. Hwang, S. M. Oh, C. S. Yoon (Hanyang University), J. Lu, K. Amine (Argonne National Laboratory), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Low Temperature Electrochemical Properties of Li[NixCoyMn1-x-y]O2 Cathode Materials for Lithium Batteries – K. J. Park, S. J. Yoon, B. B. Lim (Hanyang University), S. T. Myung (Sejong University), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Metal Foam Electrodes Incorporated with Molten Active Materials for Thermal Batteries – H. W. Cheong, J. Lee, H. R. Yu, Y. S. Choi, S. H. Kang, and S. B. Cho (Agency for Defense Development) Concentration Gradient Core-Shell Li[Ni0.6Co0.15Mn0.25]O2 for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: Comparative Study of the Shell Morphologies of Nanoparticles and Nanorods – B. B. Lim, C. S. Yoon (Hanyang University), S. T. Myung (Sejong University), and Y. K. Sun (Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University) Fast Assembly of Si-CNFs Anodes for HighPerformance Lithium-Ion Batteries – M. Yao, X. Liu (West Virginia University), and H. Zhang (National Energy Technology Laboratory) Geometric Characteristics of Three-Phase Porous Microstructures for All Solid-State Lithium Ion Batteries – C. Lim (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), R. V. Penumaka, S. Murakami (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis), Z. Song (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), V. De Andrade (Argonne National Laboratory), F. De Carlo (Argonne National Lab), Y. Kim (UNIST), and L. Zhu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis)


Wednesday, May 27

Wednesday, May 27



Interfacial Study of the Role of SiO2 on Si Anodes Using Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance – A. A. Hubaud (Argonne National Laboratory), D. J. Schroeder (Northern Illinois University), Z. Yang, F. Dogan, and J. T. Vaughey (Argonne National Laboratory) 547 Development of Ceramic-Polymer Composite Electrolyte for All-Solid Lithium Ion Batteries – R. V. Penumaka, S. Murakami (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis), Y. Kim (UNIST), and L. Zhu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) 548 Three-Phase 3D Reconstruction of LiIon Batteries Electrodes Via FIB-SEM Tomography – Z. Liu (Northwestern Univerisity), H. Wang (Northwestern University), D. P. Singh, M. Wagemaker (Delft University of Technology), K. T. Faber, and S. A. Barnett (Northwestern University) 549 Li2s Nanocrystals Confined in FreeStanding CNT Paper for High Performance Rechargeable Li-S Batteries – M. Wu and Y. Fu (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis) 550 A Case Study: Li/S Battery Characterization in Argonne National Laboratories Post-Test Facility and Center for Nanoscale Materials – N. Dietz Rago (Argonne National Laboratory), L. Chen (Illinois Institute of Technology), Y. Liu (Argonne National Laboratory), L. Shaw (Illinois Institute of Technology), and I. Bloom (Argonne National Laboratory) 551 A Flexible Thin Film Technique for Rapid Evaluation of Complex Cathode Materials – C. Jacob, J. Jian, S. Verkhoturov, R. Guillemette, and H. Wang (Texas A & M University) 552 Effect of the Interface Between Current Collector and LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 Composite Cathodes on the Electrode Performance – J. Li (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), A. Henry, D. L. Wood III, and C. Daniel (University of Tennessee) 553 Surface Coating of 5V Spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathodes By Carbon Materials for Li-Ion Batteries Applications – T. Hwang, J. Lee, H. Noh, J. Lee (Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology), J. Mun (Incheon National University), J. K. Lee, and W. Choi (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea University of Science and Technology) 554 High Capacity Thick Cathode with a Porous Aluminum Current Collector for Various Rechargeable Lithium Batteries – H. Abe (Tokyo Metropolitan University), M. Kubota, M. Nemoto (Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd.), Y. Tanaka (UACJ Corporation), H. Munakata, and K. Kanamura (Tokyo Metropolitan University) 555 Electron Beam Irradiated Li4Ti5O12 Electrode for High Rate Lithium Ion Batteries – Y. Park, J. S. Park, S. H. Baek, and J. H. Kim (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) 556 Spherical/Porous Cox-Mny-O4 Spinel Compound for High Performance Lithium Rechargeable Battery Electrodes – S. Choi, Y. J. Yun (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology), J. S. Park (Hanyang University), and H. K. Jung (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology)


Deciphering the Thermal Evolution in 0.5Li2MnO3- 0.5LiNi0.33Co0.33Mn0.33O2 Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries By in Situ X-Ray Diffraction Technique – S. Muhammad, S. Lee, H. Kim, J. Yoon, Y. Kim, T. Kim, W. Lee, J. Yoo, W. Oh (Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University), J. Yoon (Samsung Electronics), J. H. Park (Samsung electronics), and W. S. Yoon (Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University) 558 Preparation Conditions of Porous Carbon Monolith Support Materials for Air Electrodes and Their Application to Lithium Air Secondary Batteries – M. Nohara, Y. Yui, S. Sakamoto, M. Hayashi, and J. Nakamura (NTT Energy and Environment Systems Laboratories) 559 Separator-Free Hybrid Electrolytes Composed of Inorganic, Polymer and Liquid Electrolyte for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Enhanced Safety – S. K. Kim, Y. C. Jung (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University), M. S. Han, W. C. Shin, M. Ue (Battery R&D Center, Samsung SDI), and D. W. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University) 560 Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Examined Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Electrochemical Methods in Non-Aqueous Li-O2 Batteries – J. Lindberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), B. Wickman (Chalmers University of Technology), G. Lindbergh, and M. Behm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) 561 New Metal Phosphide with Topotatic Reaction As an Anode Material for Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery – S. M. Lee, S. Sim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute), J. S. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Dong-A University), and G. Park (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute) 562 Synthesis of Spinel-Structured Core-Shell Nanocrystals for Lithium Ion Batteries – B. J. Kwon, C. Kim, and J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago) 563 Nanostructured (Mg,M)2SiO4 As Cathode Material in Mg Ion Batteries – S. M. Hanetho, P. I. Dahl Sr., A. Fossdal, K. Jayasayee, J. R. Tolchard, T. Mokkelbost (SINTEF Materials and Chemistry), X. Chen, L. Wang, and F. Vullum-Bruer (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 564 Electrochemical Analysis of Parallel Connected Lithium-Ion Batteries – C. S. Huang (National Taiwan University), Y. S. Lin (Industrial Technology Research Institute), W. L. Hsieh, and K. C. Chen (National Taiwan University) 565 Enhancement of Irreversible Capacity By PreFormed Lithium Silicates and Lithium Oxide in Sio Anode for Lithium Ion Battery – J. Yom and W. Y. Yoon (Korea University) 566 Al2O3/C-Composite Coated LiV3O8 As a Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Battery – B. H. Kim and W. Y. Yoon (Korea University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL











Synergistic Effect of Dual-Doping of Graphene Nanosheets on the Electrochemical Performance of Lithium-Air Cells – A. G Kannan (Department of chemical engineering, Hanyang University), J. H. Kim, and D. W. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University) Interfacial Control for Enhanced Cycling Performance of Li-Ion Battery with SiliconBased Anode and High-Voltage Layered Oxide Cathode – D. T. Nguyen, K. M. Nam, and S. W. Song (Chungnam National University) Conducting Polymer-Coated Carbon Nanotubes As High Rate Anode Material for Rechargeable Aqueous Electrolyte Battery – H. Lim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)), M. H. Lee, H. N. Lee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), and H. J. Kim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) Relaxation Rietveld Stage Analysis of Li Inserted Graphite after Charge/Discharge Cycles – T. Kitamura, S. Takai (Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University), and T. Yao (Kagawa National College of Technology, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University) Understanding How Libob Improves the Thermal Stability of Electrolytes in Lithium Ion Batteries – A. Pena Hueso, M. L. Usrey, R. J. Hamers, and R. West (Silatronix) Improved Lithium Sulfur Battery Performance through Attaching Nanosilica on the Backside of Nickel Foam – S. H. Cho and W. Y. Yoon (Korea University) In Situ synthesis of Three-Dimensional SelfAssembled SnO2 - Reduced Graphene Oxide Architecture for Lithium Ion Batteries – H. K. Kim (Yonsei University), K. B. Kim (Yonsei univ.), K. C. Roh (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology), J. H. Jeong, and H. K. Roh (Yonsei University) Design of Electrochemcial Interface Between Cathode/Solid Electrolyte By Using Liquid Type Li+ Conducting Materials – J. Wakasugi, H. Munakata, and K. Kanamura (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Investigation of Carbon-Coating Effect on the Electrochemical Properties of LiCoPO4 By Single Particle Measurement – Y. Yamada, Y. Noda, S. Miyamoto, H. Munakata (Tokyo Metropolitan University), K. Ohira, S. Yoshida, D. Shibata (DENSO CORPORATION), and K. Kanamura (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Surface Modification of Manganese-Rich Cathode Materials in Lithium Ion Batteries – J. Lee, J. Lee, T. Hwang, H. Noh (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), and W. Choi (Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL










Preparation and Electrochemical Characterization of Composite Cathodes Prepared By Aerosol Deposition for 5V Class All-Solid-State Lithium Rechargeable Batteries – M. Wadaguchi, Y. Ishii, W. C. West, M. Kaneko (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), M. Motoyama (JST-ALCA), and Y. Iriyama (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University) Surface Modification of Silicon-Based Alloy Materials for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications – H. S. Yang, S. H. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University), S. K. Kim, C. H. Park (Next Generation Technology Center ; ILJIN Electric), and D. W. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University) Study of Inexpensive Li2Fe1-XMnxSiO4 Cathode Materials Synthesised Using Abundant Materials By Conventional Methods – T. Mokkelbost, A. Fossdal, K. Jayasayee, S. M. Hanetho (SINTEF Materials and Chemistry), F. Vullum-Bruer, and N. P. Wagner (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Facile Synthesis of MoO3 Nanobelts with Carbon Dispersed Structure and Its Application As Anode of Lithium Ion Batteries – Q. Xia, H. Zhao, Z. Du, C. Gao, Z. Zeng, Z. Zhang, and T. Zhang (University of Science and Technology Beijing) Synthesis, Tailoring and Characterization of V2O5-Cathodes for High Performance Li+-, Na+- and Mg2+-Ion Batteries – L. Seidl, J. Ma, S. Martens, E. Mostafa, O. Schneider (Technische Universität München), U. Stimming (Technische Universität München, Newcastle University), H. Si, and X. Qiu (Tsinghua University Beijing) Evaluation of Flexible Li4Ti5O12 Anode Electrodes Using Water-Based Binder for Li-Ion Batteries – H. Lu, M. Behm, A. Cornell (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), S. Leijonmarck (Swerea SICOMP AB, KTH Royal Institute of Technology), and G. Lindbergh (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Monoclinic TiO2 As Active Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries – O. Cech (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUT, Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy), L. Chladil (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUT), T. Kazda (Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy), V. Kašpárek, P. Cudek (Brno University of Technology), and P. Vanýsek (CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUT) Semi-Empirical Study on Lithium Diffusion into Electrode Materials for Lithium Batteries – S. Y. Kwon and H. C. Shin (Pusan National University) Atomistic Simulation Studies of the Electrochemical Activity in Nanocrystalline Li2MnO3 – P. E. Ngoepe (University of Limpopo, Sovenga, 0727, South Africa), T. X. T. Sayle (University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NZ, UK.), and D. C. Sayle (University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NZ, UK) 137

Wednesday, May 27

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Wednesday, May 27



Electrical Circuit-Based Modeling of a NonAqueous Lithium-Oxygen Battery for High Accuracy State-of-Charge Estimation – J. Kim (Chosun University) 587 A Comparative Study of the Dwt and Wpt for Electrochemical Information Extraction of a LiCoO2 Cell – J. Kim (Chosun University) 588 Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Coated Lithium Titanate (LTO) By Simple Reflux Method for High Power Energy Storage Devices – D. H. Long (Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology), M. K. Jeong (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), I. H. Oh (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, , Korea University of Science and Technology), and H. G. Jung (Korea University of Science and Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 589 Revealing the Li Conduction Pathway Using Dopants at the Li Sites in Stuffed Garnets – R. H. Brugge and A. Aguadero (Imperial College London) 590 Enhanced Thermal Stability of Si/Graphene Composite Anode in the Presence of Fluoroethylene Carbonate Additive – S. Ha (Illinois Institute of Technology), Q. Wu (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Prakash (Illinois Institute of Technology), and W. Lu (Argonne National Laboratory) 591 Electrochemical Performance of Dual Doped Li4Ti5O10 for Use at Anodes of Lithium Ion Batteries – D. Cetin, K. Hua, and S. Gopalan (Boston University) 592 Lithium Metal Polymer Battery: Towards Optimized Cathodes and Crosslinked Polymer Electrolytes – J. Jeong, L. Hoogil, J. Choi, M. H. Ryou, and Y. M. Lee (Hanbat National University) 593 SnOx/Carbon Core Shell Structure: An Efficient Anode for Rechargeable Sodium Ion Batteries – R. S. Kalubarme, G. E. Park, and C. J. Park (Chonnam National University) 594 3D Nanoarchitecture of Ge/C Core-Shell for Ultra-High Rate Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries – D. T. Ngo, J. Y. Lee, and C. J. Park (Chonnam National University) 595 A Study into the Significant Improvement in Performance of Silicon Nanowire Electrodes through the Use of Electrolyte Additives – T. Kennedy (MSSI and CES department, University of Limerick, Ireland) and K. M. Ryan (MSSI and CES Department, University of Limerick, Ireland) 596 Binder-Free Ceramic Coated Separators Prepared By Polydopamine Treatment and RF-Sputtering – T. Lee, Y. Lee, D. Yeon, M. H. Ryou, and Y. M. Lee (Hanbat National University) 597 Improvement of Interfacial Properties of Sulfide Based All-Solid-State Lithium Secondary Batteries with Li-Si Alloy Anode – J. S. Jin (Changwon National University), H. W. Park (RIST), and H. T. Lim (Changwon National University) 598 New Flame-Retardant Composite Separators Based on Metal Hydroxides for Lithium-Ion Batteries – Y. Daeyong, Y. Lee, I. Cho, S. Song, M. H. Ryou, and Y. M. Lee (Hanbat National University)







Facile Process and Electrochemical Characterizations of Carbon NanotubeLiFePO4 Composite As a Cathode for High Rate Lithium Ion Batteries – X. Sun (ECE Department, University of Waterloo), Y. Zhang (Beijing University of Technology), and B. Cui (ECE Department, University of Waterloo) Design and Optimization of 3DSi Electrode for Li-Ion Battery Applications – K. A. Ababtain, L. M. R. Arava, and B. Ganguli (Wayne State University) Comparative Study on Active Material in Solid and Liquid Form for Li-S Battery – A. Sawas, B. Ganguli, L. M. R. Arava, and J. Bentley (Wayne State University) Amorphous Metal Fluorides Coatings By Atomic Layer Deposition for Stable Li-Ion Batteries – A. U. Mane, J. S. Park, J. R. Croy, and J. W. Elam (Argonne National Laboratory) Optimized Discrimination Based on the Data Mining Combined with the Discrete Wavelet Transform for LiFePO4 Cells Consistency – J. Kim (Chosun University)

Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5

Energy Technology / Battery / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Buckingham, Hilton Chicago

Other Systems – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chair: Sanjeev Mukerjee 08:20










Organic Sodium Based Flow Batteries Utilizing Transition Metal and Metal Free Complexes – J. S. Shamie (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research), L. Shaw, C. Liu (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research, Illinois Institute of Technology), and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Low Temperature Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of LiFeSi2O6 – S. Zhou (University of Southern California), G. King (Los Alamos National Laboratory), D. Scanlon (University College London, Diamond Light Source Ltd.), M. T. Sougrati (CNRS-Universite Montpellier 2), and B. Melot (University of Southern California) Redox Flow Lithium-Ion Batteries for LargeScale Energy Storage – Q. Huang, C. Jia, F. Pan, and Q. Wang (National University of Singapore) High Capcity, High Voltage Hybrid SodiumBased Flow Batteries with Aqueous Catholyte – C. Liu, L. Shaw (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research, Illinois Institute of Technology), J. S. Shamie (Illinois Institute of Technology, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research), and V. Sprenkle (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Colossal Pseudocapacitance in a High Functionality - High Surface Area Carbon Anode Doubles the Energy of an Asymmetric Supercapacitor – D. Mitlin (Clarkson University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












Novel Copper-Containing Layered Oxide Cathode for Room-Temperature Stationary Sodium-Ion Batteries – Y. S. Hu, L. Mu, S. Xu, Y. Li, and L. Chen (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) On the Capacity and Cycle Stability of Na3MnCO3PO4 - a High Capacity, MultiElectron Transfer Redox Cathode Material for Sodium Ion Batteries – C. Wang (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research, Illinois Institute of Technology), M. Sawicki, S. Emani, C. Liu (Illinois Institute of Technology, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research), and L. Shaw (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research, Illinois Institute of Technology) Two-Point State-of-Charge Determination in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs – M. Dubarry, A. Devie, and B. Y. Liaw (University of Hawaii, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute) High Ionic Conductivity of Flexible PolymerBased Electrolyte with Low Porosity – W. Zhao and M. Srinivasan (Nanyang Technological University) Using Pseudo-Two-Dimensional (P2D) Reformulation Model with a Particle Filter to Estimate State of Charge, State of Health, and Remaining Useful Life in Li-Ion Battery Management System (BMS) – L. Morris Jr., M. H. Weatherspoon, R. Nelson, J. F. Stephens, and P. L. Moss (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Limits of Li-Ion Batteries for Public Transportation – T. J. Patey (ABB Corporate Research)


Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion

Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Huron, Hilton Chicago

Solar/Thermal Energy Conversion 1 – 10:00 – 12:00 Co-Chair: Jeffrey L. Blackburn 10:00










Salon C, Hilton Chicago A03 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •



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Properties of Nickel-Iron Batteries with High-Performance Iron Electrodes – C. Yang, A. K. Manohar, G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayanan (University of Southern California) Understanding and Controlling of Solution Chemistry of Lithium Polysulfide to Enable High Energy Li-S Redox Flow Battery – H. Pan (Pacific Northweset National Laboratory), X. Wei (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), W. A. Henderson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA), J. Chen, Y. Shao, J. Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), and J. Liu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) Properties of Redox Couples for Use in Organic Redox Flow Batteries – L. HooberBurkhardt, B. Yang (University of Southern California), S. Krishnamoorthy (University of southern california), G. K. S. Prakash, and S. R. Narayanan (University of Southern California) Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Redox Flow Batteries – A. E. Aynalem and D. Walsh (University of Nottingham) The Deep Sea Water and Heat Energy of Thermoelectric Generation Study – M. C. Chen Sr. (National Taitung University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Nanocarbons Division Richard E. Smalley Research Award) Nanocarbons for Optoelectronic Applications – D. M. Guldi (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) (Invited) New Solar and Chemical Energy Conversion Mechanisms Enabled By Nanocarbon Systems – M. S. Strano (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Invited) Graphene Molecules: Synthesis, Electronic Properties and Applications – Z. Ji (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM), S. K. Doorn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CINT), and M. Sykora (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM) (Invited) DAN Assisted Formation of Charge Transfer Complex from Highly Charged Fullerenes and Conjugated Polymer – H. L. Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory), M. Cotlet (Brookhaven national Laboratory), K. Chengju, Y. Park (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Z. Liu (Brookhaven national Laboratory), and H. Tsai (Los Alamos National Laboratory) (Invited) Tunable Thermoelectric Power Factor in Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks – A. Ferguson, A. D. Avery, K. S. Mistry (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), S. Guillot (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison), B. Zhou, J. L. Blackburn (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), B. L. Zink (University of Denver), and Y. H. Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Solar/Thermal Energy Conversion 2 – 14:00 – 16:20 Co-Chair: Michael S. Arnold 14:00








(Invited) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene As Highly Efficient Hole Collecting and Transport Layer for Solar Cells – S. Maruyama, K. Cui, T. Chiba, I. Jeon, X. Chen, R. Xiang, S. Chiashi, and Y. Matsuo (The University of Tokyo) (Invited) High Performance Nano-Carbon/ Silicon Solar Cells Via Strategic Doping Processes – A. D. Taylor (Yale University) (Invited) CdTe Photovoltaic Devices Grown Directly on Transparent Carbon Single Wall Nanotube Back Contacts – R. R. Khanal, A. B. Phillips, Z. Song, Y. Xie, H. P. Mahabaduge, and M. J. Heben (University of Toledo, Wright Center for Photovoltaics) (Invited) Improving Charge Transport in TiO2 nanoparticle Based Hybrid Photoanodes through Spatial Control of Graphene Nanoribbon Assembly – V. Tung (University of California, Merced), J. Sodhi (UCSF), Y. C. Chen, and H. Ishihara (UC Merced)


Wednesday, May 27







Origin of Open Circuit Voltage in Solar Cells Based on Polymer Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerenes – A. T. Mallajosyula, G. Gupta (Los Alamos National Laboratory), S. K. Doorn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CINT), and A. Mohite (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Li@SWCNT and Cup-Stacked Carbon Nanotubes for Dye-Sensitezed Solar Cells – E. Y. Matsubara (Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP), J. M. Rosolen (Universidade de São Paulo - USP), B. A. Bregadiolli (Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP), M. Congiu (Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP), and C. F. D. O. Graeff (Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP) Break





Wednesday, May 27

Energy Storage: Batteries and Supercapacitors 1 – 16:20 – 18:00 Co-Chair: Gang Wu 16:20










(Invited) Graphene and 2d Crystals for Energy Devices – V. Pellegrini and F. Bonaccorso (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia IIT Graphene Labs) (Invited) Carbonaceous Hybrid Fibers for Solid-State Micro-Supercapacitors with High Volumetric Energy Density – Y. Chen (Nanyang Technological University) Synthesis of Spherical Graphite Particles Possessing a Definable Size and Their Application in Dual-Graphite Cells – A. Heckmann (MEET Battery Research Center), P. Meister (MEET Battery Research Center, University of Muenster), P. Gao, M. Winter, and T. Placke (MEET Battery Research Center) Effect of Gate Electrode in Electrochemical Cells – T. Chowdhury and H. Grebel (New Jersey Institute of Technology) MWCNTS/Nickel Oxide Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Made from Two Electrode Coin Type Cells – A. S. Adekunle (NorthWest University (Mafikeng Campus)), B. B. Mamba (University of Johannesburg), B. O. Agboola (American University of Nigeria), O. S. Oluwatobi (Cape-Peninsula University of Technology), K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)), and E. E. Ebenso (North-West University (Mafikeng Campus))

Salon C, Hilton Chicago B01 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Gautam Gupta and Gang Wu •




Increasing Energy Storage in Activated Carbon Based Ultra-Capacitors through Plasma Treatment – M. L. Muriel, R. Narayanan, and P. R. Bandaru (University of California, San Diego) Novel 3D Nanocarbon Electrodes for HighRate Li-Ion Batteries – H. Wang, J. Xie, M. Follette, and P. B. Amama (Kansas State University)


Carbon Support Modification for Improving Platinum Performance in PEMFC – J. Hu (Hefei Institute of Physical Science, CAS, Department of Chemistry, Brookhaven National Laboratory), C. Zhang, and Y. Meng (Hefei Institute of Physical Science, CAS) Energy Transfer Interactions Between SingleChirality Swcnts and Photoactive Molecules – J. Xu (University of Florida, Los Alamos National Lab), A. N. G. Parra-Vasquez, N. K. Subbaiyan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), S. K. Doorn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CINT), G. Montano (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. J. Ziegler (University of Florida), and J. G. Duque (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Preparation of Carbon-Conducting Polymer Composites Using Graphene Oxide Obtained from Carbon Waste By Electrochemical Exfoliation: Application on Supercapacitors – G. Marciniuk, A. B. H. Bischof, R. T. Ferreira, F. S. dos Santos, S. R. de Lazaro, K. Wohnrath, and J. R. Garcia (State University of Ponta Grossa) Fabrication of Multiwalled Carbon NanotubeWrapped Ultrathin SnS2 Nanoplates and Their Superior Li-Ion Intercalation Performance – D. Guan (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee)

Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Salon C, Hilton Chicago

Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •




Non-Destructive Detection of Metabolites in Live Cells Using Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes – T. V. Galassi (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medical College), P. V. Jena, D. Roxbury, J. Budhathoki-Uprety (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center), C. Horoszko, and D. A. Heller (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medical College) Nanomaterial-Based Sensitive Detection for Live Cell Dynamics of Compartmentalized Metabolic Processes – C. P. Horoszko (Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University), J. Budhathoki-Uprety, and D. A. Heller (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices

Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Huron, Hilton Chicago

Nanotube Optics and Characterization II – 08:00 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Alexander Högele and Slava V. Rotkin 08:00




(Invited) Photophysics of Localized Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes – A. Högele (Fakultät für Physik and CeNS, LMU Munich) (Invited) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Spectroscopy in Complex Environments – D. A. Heller (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








(Invited) Inter-Nanotube Exciton Energy Transfer Modulation in Polymer-Encapsulated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – J. Budhathoki-Uprety, P. V. Jena, D. Roxbury (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center), and D. Heller (Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) (Invited) Optics of Nanotubes, DNA and Rare Earth Ions: Towards Composite Material for Biosensing – S. V. Rotkin (Lehigh University) Sensitization of Rare Earth Ions with Carbon Nanotube Plasmonic Antennas – B. J. Sofka (Lehigh University) and S. V. Rotkin (Physics Department, Lehigh University) Break

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials

Nanocarbons / Dielectric Science and Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials: Functionalization and Characterization II – 08:00 – 14:00 Co-Chair: Michael S. Arnold 08:00










09:40 10:00 881







Covalently-Functionalized Graphene for Supercapacitor Application – Z. F. Li and J. Xie (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) (Invited) Self-Assembly on Graphene and 2D Materials – S. De Feyter (KU Leuven) Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticle Graphene Nanocomposites Using Atmospheric Pressure Microplasma Assisted Electrochemistry – H. N. Huang and W. H. Chiang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Graphene Nanoplatelets Embedded in HfO2 for Mos Memory – N. El-Atab (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology), B. B. Turgut (UNAM, Bilkent University), A. Okyay (UNAM), and A. Nayfeh (Masdar Institue of Science and Technology) Controllable Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticle/ Graphene Nanoribbon Composites – S. Y. Wang and W. H. Chiang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Coffee Break The Characterization of CVD-Grown Graphene Modified with Nitrophenyl Groups Using the Diazonium Reduction Method – E. Kibena, M. Mooste (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), J. Kozlova, M. Marandi, L. Matisen, A. Niilisk (Institute of Physics, University of Tartu), V. Sammelselg, and K. Tammeveski (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu) (Invited) Synthesis of Graphene and OxoFunctionalized Graphene Derivatives – S. Eigler (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Covalent Functionalization of Graphene – A. Hirsch (University of Erlangen) Decorating of Graphene-Supported Palladium Nanoparticles with Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide Towards More Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid – W. Ozimek, I. A. Rutkowska, and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






(Invited) Microfluidic Wet Chemical Functionalization of Graphene – M. Maggini, S. Silvestrini, E. Menna, H. Lobo, T. Carofiglio, C. De Filippo, and N. Vicentini (University of Padova) Mxene-Based Membranes As Novel Materials for Ion Separation – C. E. Ren, M. Alhabeb, K. B. Hatzell, Z. Ling (Drexel University), K. Mahmoud (Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute), and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University) Lunch Break

Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials: Growth and Properties – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Richard Martel and Haim Grebel 14:00


(Invited) Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Single- and Double-Layer Graphene Grown on Epitaxial Metal Films – H. Ago (Kyushu University, PRESTO-JST) 14:20 888 (Invited) Microwave Chemistry Enabled Controlled Fabrication of Graphene with Tailored Structures for Designed Applications – H. He (Rutgers University) 14:40 889 Chemically-Derived Graphene and Boron Nitride Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Applications – S. Behura, R. Debbarma, P. Nguyen (University of Illinois at Chicago), T. S. Sreeprasad (Rice University), and V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago) 15:00 890 Controllable Modification of Optical Properties of Graphene Oxide – A. V. Naumov (Central Connecticut State University), C. Galande, P. M. Ajayan, and R. B. Weisman (Rice University) 15:20 891 Formulation and Micro-Extrusion of High Graphene or Activated Carbon Loaded Slurries – L. Li, S. M. Imran (IIT), and L. Shaw (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research) 15:40 Break 16:00 892 Electrical Properties of Controlled, Longitudinal Wrinkles on Graphene Produced Via Bacterial-Scaffold Shrinkage – S. Deng (University of Illinois at Chicago), T. S. Sreeprasad (Rice University), and V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago) 16:20 893 Eta6 chemical Modification of Epitaxial Graphene: An Avenue for Non Destructive Surface Functionalization and Atomic Layer Deposition – S. Che (University of Illinois at Chicago), T. S. Sreeprasad (Rice University), P. Nguyen (Kansas State University), and V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago) 16:40 894 The Nature of Graphene Surfaces As Determined from the Wettability Studies of Basal and Edge Planes – D. Bhattacharyya, T. Depci, S. Assemi, and J. D. Miller (University of Utah)


Wednesday, May 27








Bottom-up Synthesis of Sub-10 Nm Semiconducting Graphene Nanoribbons with Smooth Armchair Edges on Ge(001) – M. S. Arnold, R. Jacobberger (University of Wisconsin-Madison), B. Kiraly (Northwestern University), M. Fortin-Deschenes (Polytechnique Montreal), P. Lévesque (Department of Chemistry, Université de Montréal), K. McElhinny, R. Delgado, S. Singha Roy (University of WisconsinMadison), A. Mannix (Northwestern University), M. G. Lagally, P. Evans (University of Wisconsin-Madison), R. Martel (Université de Montréal), M. C. Hersam (Northwestern University), and N. Guisinger (Argonne National Laboratory) Direct Formation of Monolayer Graphene on SI-Based Dielectrics – P. Nguyen, V. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago), and M. Seacrist (SunEdison Semiconductor) Aerogels: Graphene and Beyond – M. A. Worsley (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion

Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Erie, Hilton Chicago

Photocatalysts – 08:00 – 11:00 Co-Chairs: Prashant V. Kamat, Bunsho Ohtani, and Tsukasa Torimoto 08:00










Wednesday, May 27

Salon C, Hilton Chicago B06 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •









Inkjet Printed Graphene Electrodes for HighPerformance Supercapacitors – H. R. Yu, Y. S. Choi, and H. W. Cheong (Agency for Defense Development) Biomimetic Selective Ion Transport through Graphene Oxide Membranes Functionalized with Ion Recognizable Peptides – J. Nham, S. Kim, Y. S. Jeong, S. H. Ha, C. S. Lee, and Y. J. Lee (Hanyang University) Electrochemical Behaviors of Pt-Decorated 3D Network Architectures Based on Graphene Oxide and Melamine for Fuel Cells – S. Kim, C. Y. Song (Pusan National University), and Y. Jung (KOREATECH) Conducting Polymer Coated Exfoliated Graphene Sheet Electrodes for Lithium Rechargeable Cells – S. Kim, H. Y. Lee (Pusan National University), and Y. Jung (KOREATECH) Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Multilayered WS2 Coated Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites – R. Lu, K. Du, G. Liu (Buskerud and Vestfold University College), C. Yang, and K. Wang (Hubei University) The Effect of Surface Energy on Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 Dielectric on MoS2 crystals – S. Park, H. Lee, Y. Choi, and W. Choi (Kookmin University) Enhancing the Interfacial Bonding Strength of Carbon/Epoxy Composites Using SilaneFunctionalized Graphene Oxides – S. Y. Kim, C. Y. Lee, J. H. Bae (Chung-Ang University), T. Y. Kim (Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute), and S. H. Chang (Chung-Ang University)

09:40 10:00 922





(Invited) Solid-State Z-Scheme Photocatalysts for Overall Water-Splitting Under Visible Light – H. Irie (Clean Energy Research Center, University of Yamanashi) (Invited) Energy and Electron Transfer in Plasmonic Metal-Semiconductor Composite Photocatalysts – N. Wu (West Virginia University) (Invited) Visible to Near-IR Nanoplasmonics in Inorganic Nanoparticles – T. Teranishi (Kyoto University) (Invited) Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2 By H2o As an Electron Donor over Ag/ZnGa2O4/ Ga2O3 – K. Teramura, Z. Wang, S. Hosokawa, and T. Tanaka (Department of Molecular Engineering, Kyoto University) Photosensitizing Properties of Thiolated Gold Clusters. Exploring Beyond Plasmonics – Y. S. Chen and P. V. Kamat (University of Notre Dame) Break (Invited) A Visible Light-Active Titania Photocatalyst with Rhodium As a Builtin Redox Mediator – B. Ohtani (Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University) and J. Kuncewicz (Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University) (Invited) Photophysics of Hybrid Semiconductor Nanostructure in Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation Applications – M. Kuno (university of notre dame) (Invited) Tunable Electronic Energy Structure of ZnSe-AgInSe2 Solid Solution Nanoparticles for Solar Energy Conversion – T. Torimoto, Y. Douke, H. Shibakawa (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), S. Kuwabata (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University), and T. Kameyama (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)

Nanostructures – 11:00 – 17:00 Co-Chairs: Kei Murakoshi, Hiroaki Misawa, and Vaidyanathan Subramanian 11:00


(Invited) Deprotonation of a MultiNuclear Copper Complex for High Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity Investigated By in Situ X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy – M. Kato (Hokkaido University), K. Kimijima, M. Shibata, H. Notsu, K. Ogino, K. Inokuma (FC-Cubic TRA), N. Ohta (National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)), N. Oyaizu, H. Uehara, T. Ohba (Hokkaido University), Y. Uemura (Institute for Molecular Science), S. Takakusagi, K. Asakura (Hokkaido University), and I. Yagi (FC-Cubic TRA, Hokkaido University) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




12:00 14:00 928









15:40 16:00 933





(Invited) Improvement of Electron Transfer Rate at Metal/Organic Interfaces Using Pd Atomic Layers – K. Ikeda (JST-PRESTO, Hokkaido University) (Invited) A Novel Diffusion Mechanism of Metal Ions at Ionic Liquid/Electrode Interface Studied By in-Situ Electrochemical XPS – A. Imanishi (Osaka University) Lunch Break Examing Proton Coupled Electron Transfer, Oxygen Reduction, and Anion Diffusion Using a Hybrid Bilayer Membrane – A. A. Gewirth, E. C. M. Tse, and C. J. Barile (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) (Invited) In-Situ Raman Observation of Reaction Intermediates at Plasmon-Induced Water Oxidation Processes – K. Suzuki, S. Yasuda, and K. Murakoshi (Hokkaido University) (Invited) Plasmon-Induced Artificial Photosynthesis – H. Misawa (Hokkaido University) (Invited) A Unique Architecture Based on 1D Semiconductor/ Reduced Graphene Oxide/ Chalcogenide with Multifunctional Properties – V. Subramanian (University of Nevada Reno) (Invited) Fabrication of Micro- and Nanostructures for High Efficiency Energy Conversion By Using Anodic Porous Alumina – H. Masuda, T. Kondo, and T. Yanagishita (Tokyo Metropoliatn University) Break (Invited) Electrochemical CO2 Reduction By Violarite (FeNi2S4) As a Prebiotic Core of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase – R. Nakamura (RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science) (Photo)Electrochemically Prepared Organic/ Inorganic Hybrid Assemblies for Energy Conversion and Storage – C. Janáky (University of Szeged), K. Rajeshwar (University of Texas), and G. F. Samu (University of Szeged) Plasmon Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance in Graphene Oxide-TiO2 Composite Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells – R. Agarwal (University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus), S. Sahoo (University of Puerto Rico), and R. S. Katiyar (University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago B07 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •



Synthesis and Characterization of CdSe Quantum Dots for Photovoltaic Application – M. Dasari (southern Illinois University) and P. Kohli (Southern Illinois Univeristy) Indium Tin Oxide and Silicon Nanocrystal Nanocomposite Grown By Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition – S. O’Brien, K. Linehan, H. Doyle (Tyndall National Institute - UCC), A. Kingsley (SAFC-Hitech), C. Ashfield (SAFC- Hitech), B. Frank (SAFC Hitech), L. Xie, K. Leifer (Uppsala University), P. Thony, S. Perraud (CEA), M. E. Pemble, and I. M. Povey (Tyndall National Institute - UCC)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies

Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Lake Michigan, Hilton Chicago

Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Based Devices – 08:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Eric Wei-Guang Diau and Angela Sastre-Santos 08:00










09:40 10:00 1017












All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Push-Pull Zinc Porphyrin and MetalFree Organic Sensitizers – E. W. G. Diau (National Chiao Tung University) Porphyrins As Excellent Sensitizers for DyeSensitized Solar Cells – H. Imahori (Kyoto University) Efficient Combination of Porphyrins and Thiophene Derivatives for Photovoltaics – F. Langa, P. de la Cruz, S. Arrechea (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), and A. Aljarilla (Autonoma University of Madrid) Using Porphyrins in Solar Cells – C. Y. Lin (National Chi Nan University) Charge Generation, Regeneration and Recombination in Di-Chromophoric Carbazole-Thiophene-Porphyrin-Sensitised Solar Cells – A. J. Mozer (University of Wollongong) Coffee break New Push-Pull, Multicomponent Phthalocyanine-Based Photsensitizers for DSSCs – G. de la Torre (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), T. Torres (IMDEA Nanociencia, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), E. Fazio, and A. López-Pérez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Molecular Engineering of Zinc Phthalocyanine Sensitizers for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell – M. Kimura (Shinshu Universiy) Synergistic Interaction of Phthalocyanines and Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Advanced Co-Sensitized Solar Cells – A. Sastre-Santos, V. M. Blas-Ferrando, J. Ortiz (Universidad Miguel Hernández), R. S. Sánchez, M. V. González-Pedro (Universitat Jaume I), F. Fernández-Lázaro (Universidad Miguel Hernández), and I. Mora-Seró (Universitat Jaume I) Electroactive Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Framework Materials – J. T. Hupp (Northwestern University) Biomimetic Porphyrin Aggregation for Developing Novel Phase Change Photonic Materials – G. Zheng (Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto) Aromatically π-Extended Porphyrins with Large Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Sections and Bright Phosphorescence – S. Vinogradov and T. Esipova (University of Pennsylvania) Lunch

Porphyrinoid Nanostructures – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Craig John Medforth and Bernard Boitrel 14:00


Facile Synthesis of Meso-Aminoporphyrins and Their Oxidative Oligomerization – K. I. Yamashita, T. Shouichi, A. Motoko, K. I. Sugiura, and K. Kataoka (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


Wednesday, May 27










Wednesday, May 27

15:40 16:00 1028 16:20











Indium Porphyrin Frameworks: An Efficient Photocatalytic Platform for Organic Synthesis – J. Zhang (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) A New Binding Mode in the Dynamic Coordination Chemistry of Porphyrins – B. Boitrel, S. Le Gac, and V. Ndoyom (UMR CNRS 6226, ISCR, Université de Rennes 1) Synthesis of Porphyrin-Based Nanostructures By Ionic Self-Assembly: Exploring Novel Tectons – C. J. Medforth (REQUIMTE, Universidade do Porto) Maug Catalysis: A Tale of Ferryl Iron, Radicals and Long Distance Hopping – C. M. Wilmot (University of Minnesota), E. T. Yukl (New Mexico State University), and V. L. Davidson (University of Central Florida) Break Porphyrin Derivatives in Transistors and Nano/Micro Sized Coordination Polymers – S. J. Lee (Dept of Chemistry, Korea University) Nanoscale Assembly & Chemical Modification of Carbon Nanotubes & Graphene – S. O. Kim (KAIST) From Breathing Pores to Three-Dimensional Ionic Self-Assembly Under Electrochemical Control – S. F. L. Mertens (TU Wien, KU Leuven), K. Cui, O. Ivasenko, K. Mali (KU Leuven), M. Walter (FMF, Fraunhofer IWM), X. Feng, K. Müllen (MPIP Mainz), and S. De Feyter (KU Leuven) ORR Catalyst Based on Polypyrrole Nanowires with Electrochemically Immobilized Macrocycles – J. M. Sansiñena and J. Chlistunoff (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Structure and Electrical Properties of the Selected Crown Ether-Derivatized Bis(2,2’bithienyl)Methanes in Langmuir-Blodgett Films – K. Gawecka, K. R. Noworyta (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS), R. Chitta (Department of Chemistry, Central University of Rajasthan), and F. D’Souza (University of North Texas) Post-Assembly Transformations of PorphyrinContaining Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Films Fabricated Via Automated Layer-By-Layer Coordination – M. C. So, M. H. Beyzavi, R. Sawhney (Northwestern University), O. Shekhah, M. Eddaoudi (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), S. S. Al-Juaid (King Abdulaziz University), J. T. Hupp (Northwestern University), and O. K. Farha (King Abdulaziz University, Northwestern University)









09:45 10:05 1061











Corrosion General Session Corrosion PDR 2, Hilton Chicago

Lab-Scale Studies on the Activation Energy Regarding the Surface Alteration of SuperHeater Materials in Contact with KCl at Elevated Temperatures – J. Sui, J. Lehmusto, M. Bergelin, and M. Hupa (Åbo Akademi University) Refractory Metal Coatings on High Creep Strength Steel for Oxyfuel Coal Combustion – I. I. Suni (Southern Illinois University), D. Falola, P. Muralidas, and T. Wiltowski (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) Corrosion Studies on Graphite Encapsulated FeCo Nanoparticles Modified Black Chrome (MBC) Spectrally Selective Coatings – B. Usmani (Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur), V. Vijay, R. Chhibber, and A. Dixit (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur) Power Spectral Density Analysis of the Corrosion Potential Fluctuation of Stainless Steel 316L in Early Stages of Exposure to Caribbean Sea Water – C. Espinosa, L. P. Veleva, and J. L. Lopez (CINVESTAV, Merida, Applied Physics Department) Break Corrosion of Agr Fuel Pin Steel Under Conditions Relevant to Permanent Disposal – C. Anwyl, C. Boxall, and R. Wilbraham (Lancaster University) The Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of High Strength Carbon Steel in H2S-Containing Alkaline Brines – R. Feng, J. Beck, I. Wolfe, R. Cianni (The Pennsylvania State University), M. Ziomek-Moroz (DOE/ NETL), and S. N. Lvov (The Pennsylvania State University) Corrosion Behavior of 13Cr Casing in Cement Synthetic Pore Solution – A. Sengupta, J. Beck, H. Zhao, R. S. Schatz (The Pennsylvania State University), M. ZiomekMoroz (DOE/ NETL), and S. N. Lvov (The Pennsylvania State University) Rebar Corrosion Due to Chlorides in the Presence of Different Cations – K. K. Sharma, R. N. Deo, K. A. Mamun, and A. Kumar (The University of the South Pacific) Localized Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Simulated Concrete Pore Solution: Influence of Chloride Ion and Temperature – S. SharifiAsl (University of California, Berkeley), B. Kursten (SCK.CEN), and D. D. Macdonald (University of California at Berkeley) Electrochemical, Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Calculation Studies on Some Quinoxaline Derivatives As Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Medium – L. O. Olasunkanmi, A. S. Adekunle (North-West University (Mafikeng Campus), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria), M. M. Kabanda, and E. E. Ebenso (North-West University (Mafikeng Campus))

Ferrous Alloys: Corrosion and Protection – 08:00 – 12:05 Co-Chair: R. Buchheit

Applications, Monitoring and Models in Corrosion – 14:00 – 17:00 Co-Chair: John Harb

08:00 08:05 1056



Introductory Remarks Effect of Tantalum Addition on Inclusion Formation and Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Super Duplex Stainless Steels – M. Kawamori, J. Kinugasa, Y. Yonenaga, Y. Fukuta, M. Shimamoto, T. Sugimura, T. Sato (Kobe Steel, Ltd.), N. Nishizawa, and M. Nagao (Kobe Special Tube Co., Ltd.)


On the Mechanism of Corrosion in Presence of Organic Acids – A. Kahyarian (Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Flow Technology) and S. Nesic (Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Flow Technology, Ohio University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






15:20 15:40 1071







Electrochemical Measurement and Modeling of Corrosion Inhibition of Ternary Mixtures of Homologous Surfactants – Y. Zhu and M. L. Free (University of Utah) Atomistic Insights into the Interaction of Copper Oxide Surfaces with Chloride Ions in Aqueous Media – B. Narayanan, S. Deshmukh (Argonne National Laboratory), S. Ramanathan (Harvard University), and S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan (Argonne National Laboratory) Evaluation of Dezincification Corrosion of Brass By Electrochemical Impedance – Y. Hoshi, K. Tabei, I. Shitanda, and M. Itagaki (Tokyo University of Science) Break Real-Time Nanogravimetric Monitoring of Corrosion in Radioactive Environments – I. Tzagkaroulakis and C. Boxall (Lancaster University) Corrosion Behaviour of Agr Simfuels – N. Rauff-Nisthar, C. Boxall (Lancaster University), D. Hambley (NNL), Z. Hiezl (Imperial College), C. Padovani (NDA), and R. Wilbraham (Lancaster University) Study of Cu Bimetallic Corrosion and Its Inhibition Strategy for Cu Interconnect Application Using Micro-Pattern Corrosion Screening – O. Chyan, A. Goswami, S. Koskey, and K. Yu (University of North Texas) Copper Nanoparticles Effect on the Corrosion Behavior of Different Types of Nickel-Based Super Alloys – A. M. Abdullah (Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University), A. M. A. Mohamed (Qatar University), and M. H. Sliem (Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, Qatar)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago C01 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: R. Buchheit •






Phthalocyanine Based Advanced Corrosion Resistant Coatings By LbL Technique – Y. Yakut (Sabanci University, Faculty of Eng.& Natural Sci.) and F. Cebeci (Sabanci University Faculty of Eng.& Natural Sci., Nanotechnology Research & Application Center) Phthalocyanine Based Anti-Corrosive Materials – A. T. Gokceoren, Y. Arsalanoglu, and E. Kaplan (ITU) Modification of Bbituminous Coatings to Prevent Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel – V. E. Ignatenko, M. A. Maleeva, M. A. Petrunin, A. V. Shapagin, and A. A. Sherbina (IPCE RAS) The Measurement of Transient pH Values Near the Surface during the Pitting Corrosion of AISI 1020 Steel – A. M. Zimer, M. M. da Silva, L. H. Mascaro, and E. C. Pereira (Federal University of São Carlos) Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigations of Stainless Steels in Presence of Corrosion Inhibitors – J. Ribeiro (Federal University of Espírito Santo), R. R. Moreira (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo), and T. F. Soares (Federal University of Espírito Santo)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL









Microscopic Surface Studies of Modified Nickel-Based Superalloy 718 after Corrosion Fatigue in Simulated Sour Environment – M. Ziomek-Moroz, J. A. Hawk, K. Collins (DOE/ NETL), K. Rozman (ORISE/ DOE/ NETL), R. Thodla, and F. Gui (DNV USA) Semiconductive Properties of Passive Films on Carbon Steel Rebar in Highly Alkaline Environments – J. Williamson and B. Isgor (Oregon State University) Effect of Perchlorate Ions Concentration on Passive State of Iron – N. Nafikova (Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia), S. Kaluzhina, and M. Petrova (Voronezh, Russia, Voronezh State University) Corrosion Monitoring of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete By Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy – Y. Hoshi, M. Soukura, I. Shitanda, M. Itagaki, and Y. Kato (Tokyo University of Science) Inhibition Effect of Some Benzotriazole Derivatives on Carbon Steel in 1M H2so4 Medium – F. Branzoi, C. Pacuretu (Institute of Physical Chemistry), and R. Branzoi (University Politehnica of Bucharest) Effect of Zinc Diffusion Distribution on Corrosion Behavior of Brazed Tube/Fin Assemblies of Aluminum Automotive Condensers – J. C. Guia-Tello (CinvestavSaltillo), M. A. Pech-Canul (CINVESTAVMERIDA), M. I. Pech-Canul (CinvestavSaltillo), J. A. Gorocica-Diaz, R. AranaGuillén, and J. Puch-Bleis (Airtemp) The Evaluation of Corrosion in Construction Materials – A. Marquez (University of West Indies)

High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry 11 High Temperature Materials / Corrosion Salon C, Hilton Chicago

C02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Jeff W. Fergus •



A Thermodynamic Study of Evaporation of the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-FeO-SiO2 System Melts – S. I. Shornikov (RAS Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry) Synchrotron X-Ray Reflectivity Study of Ni-Oxide-Passive-Layer-and-Water Interface and Yttrium-Stabilized-Zirconia-and-Water Interface – C. Park (Carnegie Institution of Washington), J. Kim (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), C. Bahn (Pusan National University), H. Hong (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory), T. Kim, S. H. Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), B. Hou (Carnegie Institution of Washington), S. Hong (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), and J. H. Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)


Wednesday, May 27



Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth

Electrodeposition / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry PDR 4, Hilton Chicago

Ultrathin Films and Nanoparticles – 08:00 – 12:25 Co-Chairs: Stanko R. Brankovic and Thomas P. Moffat

Wednesday, May 27


Platinum Monolayer Perfection with the Assistance of Citric Acid in Galvanic Displacement Reaction – M. Shao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and S. R. Brankovic (University of Houston) 08:20 1181 Modeling of Growth and Morphology in Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanostructures – V. Privman (Clarkson University) and V. Gorshkov (National Technical University of Ukraine — KPI) 09:00 1182 Mechanistic Investigation into the Effect of Different DNA Sequences on the Shape and Morphology of Nanoparticles – N. S. R. Satyavolu, L. H. Tan, and Y. Lu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 09:20 Intermission Modulating Strain and Charge Transfers 09:40 1183 in Low Dimensional Catalysts through Interface Design and Templated Growth – F. M. Alamgir (School of Mat. Sci. and Engr., Georgia Inst. of Tech.) and A. Vitale (Georgia Tech) 10:20 1184 Citrate Effect on Reaction Kinetics of Pt Deposition on Pd(hkl) Via Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Cu UPD Monolayer – S. Brankovic, Q. Yuan (University of Houston), and M. Shao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 10:40 1185 H2-Evolution Assistd Pt-Thin Film Deposition on Non-Noble Metal Surfaces – J. N. Schwämmlein, H. El-Sayed, and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München) 11:00 1186 Impact of the Synthetic Route on the DeAlloying of Electrodeposited Cu3au Alloys – J. Xia, S. J. Ambrozik (Department of Chemistry, SUNY at Binghamton), C. Crane, J. Chen (University of Arkansas), and N. Dimitrov (Department of Chemistry, SUNY at Binghamton) 11:20 1187 Progress in Pulse Plating Atomic Layer Deposition (PP-ALD) – J. L. Stickney, J. Czerniawski, N. Bui, X. Zhang, and S. Shen (The University of Georgia) 11:40 1188 Self-Terminated Electrodeposition Reactions – T. Moffat (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Y. Liu, S. H. Ahn, R. Wang, D. Gokcen, C. Hangarter, and U. Bertocci (NIST) 12:20 Concluding Remarks








Salon C, Hilton Chicago E02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Thomas Moffat, Rohan Akolkar, Ji-Guang Zhang, and Qiang Huang •


Effect of Oxygen on Working Life of Additives and Improved Design of Anode Bag in Copper Electroplating – C. H. Hsu, J. F. Hsu, and W. L. Yuan (Department of Chemical Engineering, Feng Chia University)


Screen-Printed Silver Source-Drain Electrodes for a Solution-Processed Zinc-Tin-Oxide Thin-Film Transistor – Y. J. Kwack and W. S. Choi (Hoseo University) Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Jet Technique for Indium-Zinc-Oxide (IZO) Thin-Film Transistors – Y. J. Kwack, W. S. Choi, and H. Kim (Hoseo University) Effect of Tin Oxide Additive on the Suppression of Dendrite Growth of Zinc Electrodeposits – H. I. Kim and H. C. Shin (Pusan National University) Coatings Based on Conducting Polymers and Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes with Anionic Surfactants Obtained By Electropolymerization – F. Branzoi (Institute of Physical Chemistry), V. Branzoi, and Z. Pahom (University Politehnica of Bucharest) Ultrathin Pd Films on PBI-HFA Membranes for Selective Hydrogen Separation – S. H. Choi, D. H. Kim, C. W. Yoon (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), H. C. Ham, H. J. Kim, S. W. Nam (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST), T. H. Lim (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), and J. Han (Green School, Korea University)

Electrochemical Engineering General Session Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering PDR 3, Hilton Chicago

Alkaline Electrolyzers – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Gerardine G. Botte, Katherine E. Ayers, and Vijay K. Ramani 08:00











Importance of Polymer Backbone Stability of Anion Exchange Polymer Electrolytes – Y. S. Kim, K. S. Lee (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Y. K. Choe (AIST), and C. Fujimoto (Sandia National Laboratory) Mechanically Stable Poly(aryl ether) Anion Exchange Membranes for Alkaline Applications – L. Wang (Illinois Institute of Technology), C. G. Arges (Argonne National Laboratory), M. S. Jung, and V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology) Degradation of Anion Exchange Membranes (AEM) and Solubilized AEM Binders in Solid-State Alkaline Water Electrolyzers – J. Parrondo, M. S. Jung, Z. Wang (Illinois Institute of Technology), C. Capuano, K. E. Ayers (Proton OnSite), and V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology) New High Conductivity Membranes for Alkaline Electrolyzers – Q. Chen, Z. Liu, R. Kutz, H. Yang, R. I. Masel (Dioxide Materials), K. A. Lewinski, M. Kaplun, and T. S. Matthews (3M Company) Conductivity and Mechanical and Thermal Stability of Polyelectrolyte-Functionalized Anion Exchange Membranes – A. RodriguezSilva (Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research, Ohio University), O. Movil-Cabrera (Ohio University), and J. A. Staser (Chemical Engineering) Intermission

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL










Non-Noble Metal Catalysts As Oxygen Depolarized Cathodes in Chlor Alkali Electrolyzers – S. Ghoshal, J. Li, and S. Mukerjee (Northeastern University) Effects of Ni2+/3+ Redox Peak Potential on Oxygen Evolution Activity of MixedTransition-Metal-Oxides in Alkaline Electrolyte – M. Bates, S. Mukerjee, and Q. Jia (Northeastern University) Development of the Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis – T. Hoefner, M. Schalenbach, M. Carmo, W. Maier (Forschungszentrum Juelich), and D. Stolten (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH: Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3), 52425, Jülich, Germany) Optimized Performance of a Scale-up Ammonia Electrolyzer for Combined Wastewater Remediation and Hydrogen Production – A. Estejab and G. G. Botte (Ohio University) Production of Hydrogen and Chemicals from the Electroreforming of Renewable Alcohols – H. A. Miller, F. Vizza, M. Bevilacqua, A. Lavacchi, M. Bellini, Y. Chen (CNR-ICCOM), and L. Wang (CENMAT, University of Trieste)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago F02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Vijay K. Ramani •




Influence of Activated Carbon Film Thickness on the Electrode Performance in Capacitive Deionization – R. L. Zornitta, J. J. Lado, and L. A. M. Ruotolo (Federal University of Sao Carlos) The P2D Model of a Lithium Cell with Vacancy Effect in Solid-State Diffusion – C. Y. Lin and S. C. Yen (National Taiwan University)

Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology Conference Room 4L, Hilton Chicago

Transistors and Circuits, Flexible Systems, Applications IV – 10:00 – 10:40 Co-Chairs: Munira Raja and Yuning Li 10:00




LEDs, Optoelectronics I – 10:40 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Clara Santato and William S. Wong 10:40













(Invited) Considerations for Materials, Processes, and Characterization of Flexible Electronics – W. S. Wong (University of Waterloo) (Invited) Conducting Polymer Transistors Making Use of Activated Carbon Gate Electrodes – H. Tang (Hunan Normal University), P. Kumar, S. Zhang (Polytechnique Montreal), C. Santato (École Polytechnique de Montréal), F. Soavi (Università di Bologna), and F. Cicoira (École Polytechnique de Montréal) Break

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

(Invited) Innovations in Organic Printed Optoelectronics – B. Kippelen (Georgia Tech) (Invited) Plasmonic Composites of Semiconducting Polymers for Optoelectronic Applications – J. Pfleger, B. Paruzel, and K. Halasova (Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR, v.v.i.) Solution-Processed Light-Emitting Dielectric Films and Their Applications in Multifunctional Devices – J. Li, G. Dong, L. Duan, and L. Wang (Tsinghua University) Synthesis, Characterization, Electrochemical and Optoelectronic Properties and LED Device Fabrication of Low Band-Gap Donor-Acceptor Organic Semiconducting Small Molecules – R. Dhamodharan and E. Ramachandran (IIT Madras) Lunch Break

Physics, Modeling, Contact Effects – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Bernard Kippelen and Jiri Pfleger 14:00






Transistors and Circuits, Flexible Systems, Applications III – 08:30 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Yuning Li and Munira Raja 08:30

Bioinspired Molecular Electrets for Organic Electronics and Energy Applications – V. I. Vullev, J. M. Larsen, and E. M. Espinoza (University of California, Riverside) Pvdf Based Gel Polymer Electrolyte for Applications in Flexible Devices – A. V. Oriani (Politecnico di Milano), P. Cojocaru (Solvay Specialty Polymers), M. A. Spreafico (Politecnico di Milano), M. Apostolo, F. Triulzi (Solvay Specialty Polymers), and L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano)


(Invited) The Effect of Molecular Dynamics on Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors – O. D. Jurchescu (Wake Forest University) (Invited) Disentangling the Effects of Gated-Contacts on Transconductance in Organic FETs – E. Bittle (NIST, Wake Forest University), J. I. Basham (NIST, Penn State), T. N. Jackson (Penn State), O. D. Jurchescu (Wake Forest University), and D. J. Gundlach (NIST) (Invited) Charge-Based Modelling of the Channel Current in Organic Field Effect Transistors Considering Injection Effects – F. Hain (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Universitat Rovira i Virgili), C. Lammers, F. Hosenfeld (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen), H. Klauk, U. Zschieschang (Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research), B. Iniguez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), and A. Kloes (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen) Concluding Remarks


Wednesday, May 27



Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 6 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Electrodeposition / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4F, Hilton Chicago

Semiconductor Electrochemistry - Water Oxidation and Splitting – 08:10 – 15:20 Co-Chairs: Colm O’Dwyer and Heli Wang 08:10

Wednesday, May 27




09:30 10:00 1306








(Invited) Probing the SemiconductorLiquid Interface of a Photoelectrochemical Cell By Operando X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy – M. F. Lichterman (California Institute of Technology, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), M. H. Richter (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), S. Hu (California Institute of Technology, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), E. J. Crumlin (Advanced Light Source, LBNL), M. Favaro, W. Drisdell (Advanced Light Source, LBNL, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), T. Mayer (Technische Universität Darmstadt), B. Brunschwig (California Institute of Technology), N. S. Lewis (California Institute of Technology, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), and H. J. Lewerenz (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis) (Invited) Integrated Semiconductor/Catalyst Assemblies for Sustained Photoanodic Water Oxidation – J. Yang, J. K. Cooper, F. M. Toma, and I. D. Sharp (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Break (Invited) Semiconductor Energy Band Relations By AP-PES and XPS of Stabilized Photoanodes – M. H. Richter (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), M. F. Lichterman, S. Hu (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, California Institute of Technology), E. J. Crumlin (Advanced Light Source, LBNL), M. Favaro, W. Drisdell (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, Advanced Light Source, LBNL), T. Mayer (Technische Universität Darmstadt), B. Brunschwig (California Institute of Technology), N. S. Lewis (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, California Institute of Technology), and H. J. Lewerenz (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis) (Invited) P-Type Transparent Conducting Oxide Protection Layers for Sustainable Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation – L. Chen, J. Yang, L. Lee, S. Klaus, R. WoodsRobinson (JCAP, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), I. D. Sharp, and J. W. Ager III (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Atomic Layer Deposition of i-Sb2S3/p-NiO Thin Layers into Anodic Alumina Membranes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – M. Barr (Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS), L. Assaud (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Y. Wu, J. Bachmann (Friedrich-Alexander Universität ErlangenNurnberg), and L. Santinacci (Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS) Enabling Overall Water Splitting By Iron Oxide and Silicon – D. Wang (Boston College)


1310 A P-GaInP2 Photoelectrode for Water Reduction Stabilized with TiO2 and MoS2 Catalyst – J. Gu (National Renewable Energy Lab), J. L. Young (University of Colorado Boulder), N. Neale (National Renewable Energy Lab), and J. A. Turner (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 12:20 Intermission 14:00 1311 (Invited) Electrochemical Reaction Induced Amorphization to Complex Oxide Surface and Its Impact to Catalyst Activity for Oxygen Evolution Reaction – H. Jia, L. Q. Zhou, and C. Ling (Toyota Research Institute of North America) (Invited) Exploration of Structure-Function 14:40 1312 Relationships for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation By Molecular [Mn12O12] Clusters – Y. Yan (NREL) Semiconductor Electrochemistry - Electrodeposition and Growth – 15:20 – 17:40 Co-Chair: Andrew Campion Hillier 15:20








(Invited) Investigations into the Formation of Germanene using Electrochemical Atomic Layer Deposition (E-ALD) – M. Ledina, X. Liang (The University of Georgia), Y. G. Kim (California Institute of Technology, JCAP), J. Jung, B. Perdue, C. Tsang (The University of Georgia), M. Soriaga (California Institute of Technology, JCAP), and J. L. Stickney (The University of Georgia) (Invited) Direct Electrodeposition of Crystalline III-V Semiconductor Films – S. Maldonado (University of Michigan) ZnO Electrodeposition on Boron-Doped Diamond: Effects of Zinc Precursor Concentration – P. Gautier, A. Vallée (ILVCNRS - UVSQ), A. Etcheberry (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, UVSQ), and N. Simon (ILV- CNRS - UVSQ) Investigation of Photoelectrochemical Deposition of Zn(S,O) Via Nitrate Ions Reduction in the Presence of Thiourea – S. Gallanti, E. Chassaing (IRDEP), M. Bouttemy (Institut Lavoisier de Versailles), A. Etcheberry (CNRS-UVSQ), D. Lincot, and N. Naghavi (IRDEP)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago G02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •



Transient Photocurrent in Organic Photocells Assisted By Electric Double Layers in Electrolytes – M. Odaka, M. M. Matsushita (Department of Chemistry Nagoya Univ.), and K. Awaga (RCMS Nagoya Univ., Department of Chemistry Nagoya Univ.) A Study on the Seed Step-Coverage Enhancement Process (SSEP) of through Silicon Via (TSV) Using Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) of Pd/PVP Colloids – D. Lee, Y. Lee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), H. Cho (Sungkyunkwan University), and M. H. Lee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




Mechanistic Transition of Electron Transfer Kinetics from Quantum Electron Tunneling to Trap-Facilitated Hopping through TiO2 Films Grown By Atomic Layer Deposition on SnO2 Electrodes – J. R. Avila, M. J. Katz (Northwestern University), O. K. Farha (King Abdulaziz University), and J. T. Hupp (Northwestern University) Cleaning Solution Effect on Electrical and Reliability Properties of Dense and Porous Low Dielectric Constant Materials – Y. L. Cheng and C. J. Huang (National Chi-Nan University)




Device Physics - III – 13:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: Sorin Cristoloveanu and Francisco Gamiz 13:00




Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 17 Electronics and Photonics Williford Room B, Hilton Chicago

(Invited) Challenges to Nano-Scale Device World – F. Balestra (Grenoble INP-Minatec/ CNRS) Lunch Break


(Invited) Spin-Based Silicon and CMOSCompatible Devices – V. Sverdlov and S. Selberherr (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien) Variation of Spin Lifetime with Spin Injection Orientation in Strained Thin Silicon Films – J. Ghosh, D. Osintsev, V. Sverdlov, and S. Selberherr (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien) Intermission-4

Device Physics - I – 08:45 – 11:00 Co-Chairs: Yasuhisa Omura and Francisco Gamiz

Device Technology - III – 14:00 – 15:40 Co-Chairs: Bich-Yen Nguyen and Joao Antonio Martino

08:45 08:50 1334


















Introductory Remarks (Invited) Comparative Simulation Study of InAs/Si and All-III-V Hetero Tunnel FETs – A. Schenk, S. Sant (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), K. Moselund, and H. Riel (IBM Research-Zurich) Compact Modeling for Nano-Wire Tunnel Field Effect Transistor – S. Sato, Y. Omura (Kansai University, Dept. Electronics), and A. Mallik (University of Calcutta, Dept. Electronic Science) Study of Hysteresis in Vertical Ge-Source Heterojunction Tunnel-FETs at Low Temperature – F. S. Neves (Imec, University of Sao Paulo), P. G. D. Agopian, J. A. Martino (University of Sao Paulo), A. Vandooren, R. Rooyackers, E. Simoen, A. Thean (Imec), and C. Claeys (KU Leuven, Imec) Vertical Nanowire Tfet Diameter Influence on Intrinsic Voltage Gain for Different Inversion Conditions – V. D. B. Sivieri, C. C. M. Bordallo, P. G. D. Agopian, J. A. Martino (University of Sao Paulo), R. Rooyackers, A. Vandooren, E. Simoen, A. Thean (Imec), and C. Claeys (KU Leuven, Imec) Analytically Modeling the Asymmetric Double Gate Tunnel FET – H. Lv (Kansai University), S. Sato, Y. Omura (Kansai University, Dept. Electronics), and A. Mallik (University of Calcutta, Dept. Electronic Science) Break-3

Device Physics - II – 11:00 – 13:00 Co-Chairs: Siegfried Selberherr and Jean-Pierre Raskin 11:00


(Invited) Special Memory Mechanisms in SOI Devices – S. Cristoloveanu, M. Bawedin (IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec), C. Navarro (IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec, IES, Université de Montpellier 2), S. J. Chang (Electrical Engineering, Yale, New Haven, USA), J. Wan (IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec), A. Zaslavsky (Brown University), F. Andrieu (CEA, LETI), C. Le Royer (CEA-LETI), N. Rodriguez, F. Gamiz (University of Granada), and Y. T. Kim (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


A Steep Subthreshold Swing Technique for Gate-All-Around SOI MOSFETs – C. Y. Chen (National Yat-Sen University), J. T. Lin (National Sun Yat-Sen University), M. H. Chiang (National Cheng Kung University), and W. C. Hsu (National Cheng-Kung University) Direct Characterization of Impact Ionization Current in Silicon-on-Insulator BodyContacted MOSFETs – C. Marquez, N. Rodriguez, J. M. Montes, R. Ruiz, F. Gamiz, C. Sampedro (University of Granada), and A. Ohata (Utsunomiya University) Study of Total Quantum Efficiency of Lateral SOI Pin Photodiodes with Back-Gate Bias, Intrinsic Length and Temperature Variation – C. Novo, J. Baptista, M. Guazzeli da Silveira, R. Giacomini (Centro Universitário da FEI), A. Afzalian (TSMC - Logic Advanced Development), and D. Flandre (ICTEAM Institute, UC Louvain) Threshold Voltage Modeling for Dynamic Threshold UTBB SOI in Different Operation Modes – V. T. Itocazu, K. R. A. Sasaki, M. B. Manini (University of Sao Paulo), V. Sonnenberg (FATEC Sao Paulo e FATEC Osasco, University of Sao Paulo), E. Simoen (Imec), C. Claeys (KU Leuven, imec), and J. A. Martino (University of Sao Paulo) Break-4

Sensor Technology – 15:40 – 17:00 Co-Chairs: Hiromu Ishii and Yasuhisa Omura 15:40




(Invited) Planar Nanoelectronic Devices and Biosensors Using Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials – F. Al-Dirini (The University of Melbourne, National ICT Australia (NICTA)), M. A. Mohammed (Princess Sumaya University for Technology), M. S. Hossain, F. M. Hossain, A. Nirmalathas, and E. Skafidas (The University of Melbourne) Stress Considerations in Thin Films for CMOS-Integrated Gas Sensors – L. Filipovic and S. Selberherr (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien)


Wednesday, May 27




Geometrical Magnetoresistance in MultiGate Fully Depleted SOI Structures – C. Navarro (IES, Université de Montpellier 2, IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec), S. J. Chang (Electrical Engineering, Yale, New Haven, USA), M. Bawedin (IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec), F. Andrieu (CEA, LETI), B. Sagnes (IES, Université de Montpellier 2), and S. Cristoloveanu (IMEP-LAHC, INP Minatec) Day-Break

Salon C, Hilton Chicago Device Technology - IIIP – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Bich-Yen Nguyen and Yasuhisa Omura •



Improved Charge-Trapping Performance of Hf-Doped SrTiO3 for Nonvolatile Memory Applications – X. D. Huang (Southeast University,Nanjing, China) and P. T. Lai (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 5 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology Conference Room 4M, Hilton Chicago

Memory/Optical/Photonic Applications – 08:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Kuniyuki Kakushima and Evgeni Gusev

Wednesday, May 27









09:40 10:00 1386


Temperature Influence on Current Leakage and Hysteresis of Nc-CdSe Embedded ZrDoped HfO2 High-k Dielectric Nonvolatile Memory – S. Zhang and Y. Kuo (Texas A&M University) Nano-Scale CuO-Based Cbram-Cells Implementation with TiN Liner – K. H. Kwon, K. C. Kwon, M. J. Song, H. V. Jeoung, D. W. Kim, H. J. KiM (Hanyang University), and J. G. Park (Hangyang University) Nonvolatile Memory-Operation Mechanism for Ag-Doped PEO-Based Cbram-Cells – M. J. Song, K. C. Kwon, K. H. Kwon, D. W. Kim (Hanyang University), and J. G. Park (Hangyang University) Ge Nanostructures Embedded in ZrO2 Dielectrics for Non-Volatile Memory Applications – D. Lehninger (Institute of Applied Physics,TU Bergakademie), L. Khomenkova (V. Lashkaryov ISP of NASU), C. Röder (Institute of Theoretical Physics), G. Gärtner (Institute of Experimental Physics), J. Beyer, F. Schneider (Institute of Applied Physics,TU Bergakademie Freiberg), B. Abendroth, D. C. Meyer (Institute of Experimental Physics), and J. Heitmann (Institute of Applied Physics,TU Bergakademie Freiberg) Break Phosphor-Free III-Nitride Nanowire White Light Emitting Diodes: Challenges and Prospects – H. P. T. Nguyen and Y. Evo (New Jersey Institute of Technology)







Effect of Design and Rare-Earth Doping of the Structural, Optical, Electrical and Light Emitting Properties of Si-Based Superlattices Developed for Photonic Application – L. Khomenkova (V.Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics), R. Pratibha Nalini (SMBS, VIT Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India), C. Labbe (CNRS/CEA/ENSICAEN/UCBN), M. Carrada (CEMES, CNRS, Université de Toulouse), X. Portier (CNRS/CEA/Ensicaen/ UCBN), and F. Gourbilleau (CNRS/CEA/ ENSICAEN/UCBN) SSI-LED Made of WOx Embedded Zr-Doped HfO2 High-k Stack on Si Wafer – S. Zhang and Y. Kuo (Texas A&M University) Fabrication of High-Quality TiO2 Nanotubes on Conductive Glasses – S. Li, X. Yang, X. Wei, Y. Xuan (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), Z. D. Chen (University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, University of Kentucky), and Y. Jiang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)

Electrical and Physical Characterization Techniques – 13:30 – 14:30 Co-Chair: P. J. Timans 13:30






On the Origin of the Gate Oxide Failure Evaluated by Raman Spectroscopy – R. Yokogawa, M. Tomita (School of Science and Technology, Meiji University), T. Mizukoshi, T. Hirano, K. Kusano, K. Sasaki (LAPIS Semiconductor Miyagi), and A. Ogura (Meiji University) Characterization of Structure-Dependent Interfacial Layer Defects By Conductance Method – Y. M. Ding and D. Misra (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Room Temperature Photoluminescence Characterization of Interface Quality of SiN/ SiO2/Si Prepared Under Various Deposition Techniques and Conditions – W. S. Yoo (WaferMasters, Inc.), B. G. Kim, S. W. Jin (SK hynix, Inc.), T. Ishigaki, T. Ueda, and K. Kang (WaferMasters, Inc.)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago H03 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •




Light Emitting Properties of Si-Rich-Si3N4 Films Grown By PECVD Method – T. V. Torchynska (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México), J. L. Casas Espinola, G. Polupan, E. Vergara Hernandez (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico), L. Khomenkova (Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine), and A. Slaoui (ICube, France) Process Optimization of CoSi2 Formation on P-Doped Poly-Si By Hot Wall-Based Rapid Thermal Annealing – J. Y. Lee, H. J. Kim, E. J. Kim, H. S. Song, S. J. Yeom (SK hynix, Inc.), T. Ishigaki, K. Kang, and W. S. Yoo (WaferMasters, Inc.) Pulse Width Modulation for Reducing Pulsed MOS Capacitor Measurement Time – M. Safarnezhad Hendijani and S. Zahedi (University of Siegen)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL







Non-Volatile Resistive Memory Switching in Pulsed Laser Deposited Rare-Earth GallateGdGaO3 Thin Films – Y. Sharma (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico), S. P. Pavunny (University of Puerto Rico), J. F. Scott (university of cambridge), and R. S. Katiyar (University of Puerto Rico) Novel Buffered Magnetic Logic Gate Grid – T. Windbacher, A. Makarov, V. Sverdlov, and S. Selberherr (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien) Characterization of Ge Epitaxial Growth on Si1-XGeX Buffer Layer – H. Jang, B. Kim, S. Koo, and D. H. Ko (Yonsei University) Effect of Process Temperature of Al2O3 Atomic Layer Deposition Using Accurate Process Gasses Supply System – H. Sugita, Y. Koda, T. Suwa, R. Kuroda, T. Goto, A. Teramoto, S. Sugawa, T. Ohmi (Tohoku University), H. Ishii (Tohoku Univercity), and S. Yamashita (Fujikin Incorporated) Improved Structural and Electric Characterstics of Al/ALD-HfO2/Ge Mos Capacitor By Germanium Dioxide and Germanium Oxynitride As Interfacial Layer – R. Vaid and R. Prasher (University of Jammu)

State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 57 (SOTAPOCS 57) Electronics and Photonics Salon C, Hilton Chicago

H04 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •





The Photoluminescence Properties of CuInS2 and AgInS2 Nanocrystals Synthesized in Aqueous Solutions – L. Borkovska, V. Strelchuk (V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU), V. Kladko (V. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU), Y. Polishchuk (V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU), O. Stroyuk (L Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of NASU), A. Raevskaya (L. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of NASU), T. Kryshtab (National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico), and A. Romanyuk (V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU) Investigation of Trapezoidal Well for Improving the Light Efficiency in AlgainpBased LEDs – H. S. Oh (Korea Photonics Technology Institute) Metallization Reliability and Defectivity in Compound Semiconductors – S. Kilgore (Freescale Semiconductor Inc.)






09:50 10:10 1466













Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 16 Electronics and Photonics / Dielectric Science and Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Sensor Conference Room 4C, Hilton Chicago

Novel Wide Bandgap Materials and Devices – 08:30 – 12:30 Co-Chairs: C.-F. Lo and Colm O’Dwyer 08:30



Impact of Carbon-Doped In-Si-O Channel for Future TFT – K. Kurishima (National Institute for Materials Science, Meiji University), T. Nabatame, N. Mitoma, T. Kizu, K. Tsukagoshi, T. Sawada, A. Ohi (National Institute for Materials Science), I. Yamamoto, T. Ohishi (Shibaura Institute of Technology), T. Chikyow (National Institute for Materials Science), and A. Ogura (Meiji University) Effect of Island Configuration and Neutral Axis Location for Mechanical Bending Strain on Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide (a-IGZO) Thin Film Transistors – C. B. Park, J. J. Kim, H. Na, T. H. Moon, S. S. Yoo, and M. S. Yang (R&D Center, LG Display) Effect of Rising Edge in Dynamic Stress with Various Duty Ratio in Amorphous Ingazno Thin Film Transistor – Y. H. Lee, S. J. Seok (POSTECH), B. K. Kim, S. H. Kim, T. K. Lee (LG Display), and O. Kim (POSTECH) Break Effect of Annealing Pressure and Ambient on Thermally Robust RuOx Schottky Contacts on InAlN/AlN/GaN-on-Si(111) Heterostructure – L. M. Kyaw, Y. Liu (National University of Singapore), M. Y. Lai, T. N. Bhat, H. R. Tan, P. C. Lim, S. Tripathy (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR), and E. F. Chor (National University of Singapore) Simulation Comparison of Self-Heating Effects in Junctionless Nanowire Transistos and Finfet Devices – G. Mariniello and M. Pavanello (Centro Universitario da FEI) Weak Quantum Confinement and Polaritos in ZnO and ZnO Cu Nanocrystals Prepared By Electrochemical Method – T. V. Torchynska (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México), B. El Filali, A. I. Díaz Cano (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico), and L. V. Shcherbyna (V.Lashkaryov Institute Semiconductor Physics, Ukraine) ALD NiO Thin Films As a Hole TransportElectron Blocking Layer Material for Photo-Detector and Solar Cell Devices – W. J. Nam, Z. Gray (The Pennsylvania State University), J. Stayancho, V. Plotnikov, D. Kwon (Lucintech Inc), S. Waggoner (The Pennsylvania State University), D. V. ShenaiKhatkhate, M. Pickering, T. Okano (The Dow Chemical Company), A. Compaan (Lucintech Inc), and S. J. Fonash (The Pennsylvania State University, Solarity LLC) Effects of Chemical Doping and Defect Density on Electrical and Optical Properties of Graphene As a Transparent and Conductive Electrode – S. Oh, G. Yang, Y. Jung, and J. Kim (Korea University) Development of Wide Bandgap Multifunctional NiO Nanostructures and Thin Films for Sensing Applications – M. Tomar (Miranda House, University of Delhi), M. Tyagi, A. Sharma, and V. Gupta (University of Delhi) Analysis of Patterned Defects on Graphene Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Liquid Crystals – G. Yang, S. Oh, Y. Jung, and J. Kim (Korea University)

Optically Transparent Flexible IGZO TFTs Fabricated with a Selective Wet-Etch Process – A. Tari, C. H. Lee, and W. S. Wong (University of Waterloo)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Wednesday, May 27

Salon C, Hilton Chicago H05 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Soohwan Jang and Byung-Jae Kim •




Wednesday, May 27






A New Capacitance-Voltage Model for Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond Mosfet – X. Zhou (Center for Material Research, Norfolk State University) and S. Albin (Department of Engineering, Norfolk State University) Blue Emission Stimulation in Mixture of ZnO and Carbon Nanoparticles at Mechanical Processing – T. V. Torchynska, B. Perez Millan, E. Velazquez Lozada (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México), M. Kakazey, and M. Vlasova (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos) Photocurrent Enhancement of TiO2 Nanotubes Decorated with PbS Quantum Dots – K. Du, G. Liu, X. Chen, and K. Wang (Buskerud and Vestfold University College) Effect of Cu- and Y-Codoping on Structural and Luminescent Properties of Zirconia Based Nanopowders – N. Korsunska, T. Stara, O. Kolomys (V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics), V. Strelchuk (V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU), L. Khomenkova (V.Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics), O. Gorban, and M. Kharchenko (O.O.Galkin Institute for Physics and Engineering) Effect of Rare-Earth Doping on Structural and Luminescent Properties of Screen-Printed ZnO Films – L. Khomenkova, V. I. Kushnirenko, N. M. Osipyonok, A. F. Singaevsky, G. S. Pekar, K. Avramenko, V. V. Strelchuk, and L. V. Borkovska (V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU) Electrodeposited Sb- Doped ZnO Nanorod Arrays and Electrical Characterization Based on Single Nanorod Field Effect Transistors – J. K. Liang, H. L. Su (Hefei University of Technology), C. L. Kuo (National Cheng Kung University), Y. C. Wu (Hefei University of Technology), and J. C. A. Huang (National Cheng Kung University) Improvement of Optical and Electrical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Layer of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diode By Surface Plasmon in Silver Nanoparticles – C. Y. Cho (Korea Advanced Nano fab Center), S. H. Hong (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology), K. H. Park, W. K. Park (Korea Advanced Nano fab Center), and S. J. Park (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)


Crosscutting Metrics and Benchmarking of Transformational Low-Carbon Energy-Conversion Technologies Energy Technology Conference Room 4B, Hilton Chicago

Benchmarking and Metric Needs and Approaches – 14:00 – 17:30 Co-Chairs: Eric Lars Miller and Huyen N. Dinh 14:00 14:05 1480







16:05 16:25


Welcoming Remarks (Invited) Critical Metrics and Fundamental Challenges for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies – K. Randolph, D. Peterson, E. Sutherland (U.S. Department of Energy), N. Rustagi (U.S. Department of Energy, ORISE Fellow), S. Studer (U.S. Department of Energy, EERE Postdoctoral Fellow), N. T. Stetson, and E. L. Miller (U.S. Department of Energy) (Invited) The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR): A New Paradigm for Energy Storage Research – G. Crabtree (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago) (Invited) Life-Cycle Net Energy Assessment of Large-Scale Hydrogen Production Via Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – J. B. Greenblatt, R. Sathre, I. D. Sharp (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), J. W. Ager III (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and F. A. Houle (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis) (Invited) Techno-Economic Analysis of Batteries and Key Considerations for Performance Comparisons – K. G. Gallagher (Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, Argonne National Laboratory) Break Discussion

Electrochemical Synthesis of Fuels 3

High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Salon C, Hilton Chicago

I02 Poster Session 2 – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Jinli Qiao and Arun S. Agarwal •




The Electrochemical Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Fuels on a Nanoporous Copper/M Catalyst – J. Billy and A. C. Co (The Ohio State University) Electrode Kinetics of the Ni Porous Electrode for Hydrogen Production in the Molten Carbonate Electrolysis Cell (MCEC) – L. Hu, G. Lindbergh (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), and C. Lagergren (KTH Applied Electrochemistry) Cross-linked Anion Exchange Membranes Composed of Imidazolium Salt for Alkaline Fuel Cell – J. Qiao and F. Song (Donghua Universtiy)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL









Effect of Acid Leaching on the Catalytic Activity of Co-Salen/C Non-Precious Metal Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – J. Qiao (Donghua Universtiy) and P. Xu (Donghua University) H2/O2 Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell Performances Using Carbon-Supported Metal Phthalocyanine (MPc/C,M = Co, Cu, Zn, Ni) as Cathode Catalysts – J. Qiao (Donghua Universtiy) and T. Zhu (Donghua University) Synthesis and Conductive Property of Alkaline Anion-Exchange Membranes Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Bis(2-chloroethyl) Ether-1,3-bis[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] Urea Copolymer Composite – J. Qiao and S. Chen (Donghua Universtiy) Electrode Investigation for the Solid-Oxide Electrolysis of Dry CO2 for O2 Production – K. Sabolsky, E. M. Sabolsky, J. Christian, J. Harp, and J. Zondlo (West Virginia University) Manganese Doped Lanthanum-Strontium Chromite Fuel Electrode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Oxygen Transport Membrane Systems – S. Gupta and P. Singh (University of Connecticut) Electro-Catalytic and Fuel Cell Studies in an Internal Reforming Iso-Octane Fed SOFC Using Cu/CeO2 Composites As Anodic Electrodes – A. A. Al-Musa, M. AlSaleh (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology), A. Al-Zahrani (king abdulaziz city for science and technology), N. Kaklidis (University of Western Macedonia), and G. Marnellos (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, University of Western Macedonia) Application of Coordinatively Supported and Activated Metal Nanocenters As Electrocatalytic Systems for Reduction of Carbon Dioxide – A. Wadas, I. A. Rutkowska, and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw)

Materials for Low-Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2 Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Boulevard Room A, Hilton Chicago

Batteries, Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Wataru Sugimoto and Zi-Feng Ma 08:00






(Invited) Graphene-Based Anode Material Design and Preparation Process for Lithium Ion Battery – Z. F. Ma, T. Yuan (Sinopoly Battery Research Center Limited), J. Ma, Y. S. He, and X. Z. Liao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) PEM Water Electrolysis - Durability Under Heavily Reduced Anode Catalyst Loading – C. Rakousky, M. Carmo, W. Maier (Forschungszentrum Juelich), and D. Stolten (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH: Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3), 52425, Jülich, Germany) Sensivity Analysis of a PEM Electrolyser Cathode with Respect to the Platinum and Nafion Loading – P. Paciok, C. Rakousky, M. Carmo, W. Maier (Forschungszentrum Juelich), and D. Stolten (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH: Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3), 52425, Jülich, Germany)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Thin Oxide Film Reduction Via the Polyol Method: An Electrochemical Study of a Polyol Reduction Process – H. El-Sayed (Technische Universität München), V. Sureshwaran (Universität Ulm), L. Schuster, and H. A. Gasteiger (Technische Universität München) 09:40 Break 10:00 1564 Noble Metal Aerogel Design for Bio-/Fuel Cell Applications – D. Wen (TU Dresden; Physical Chemistry), C. Zhu (The School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, WSU), and A. Eychmüller (Chair of Physical Chemistry, TU Dresden) 10:20 1565 Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of IrO2 Nanosheets – W. Shimizu, T. Ishida, S. Miyasaka, Y. Ayato, and W. Sugimoto (Shinshu University) 10:40 1566 Novel Ni-Based Bifunctional Oxygen Catalysts for Metal Air Batteries and Alkaline Fuel Cells – A. L. Roy (The University of Tennessee), G. A. Goenaga (The University of Tennessee-Knoxville), N. M. Cantillo (The University of Tennessee), S. Foister (The University of Tennessee-Knoxville), and T. A. Zawodzinski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) 11:00 1567 Supportless, Porous, Bismuth-Decorated Palladium Nanotubes with Enhanced Activity and Durability for Formic Acid Oxidation – R. W. Atkinson III, A. B. Papandrew (University of Tennessee), and T. A. Zawodzinski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) 11:20 1568 H2O2 Electroreduction at Platinum-Rare Earth (RE = Ce, Sm, Dy, Ho) Cathodes of Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells – D. M. F. Santos (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal), D. Cardoso, B. Sljukic (Universidade de Lisboa), C. A. C. Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal), D. Macciò, and A. Saccone (Università di Genova) 11:40 1569 Understanding on Electrochemical Structure of Low Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – S. M. Andersen (University of Southern Denamrk) 12:00 1570 CO Adsorption/Desorption Studies on Thin Platinum Films By Electrical Resistance Measurements – L. Zhu, L. Zhang, S. Kapoor, and A. V. Virkar (The University of Utah) 09:20


Electocatalysis for ORR II – 14:00 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Debra R. Rolison and Olga A. Baturina 14:00






(Invited) Fuel Cell Catalyst Development and Prospects of Refining Business in Tkk – K. Matsutani (Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K. K.) Dynamic Structures of the Active Sites in Iron-Based Catalysts during ORR – Q. Jia, K. Strickland, S. Mukerjee, H. Hafiz, B. A. Bernardo (Northeastern University), U. Tylus (Los Alamos National Laboratory), and N. Ramaswamy (General Motors Corporation) Combined Nitrogen Precursor Approach to Develop Cobalt-Based Non-Precious Catalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Cathodes – D. C. Higgins (University of Waterloo, Los Alamos National Laboratory), H. T. Chung, U. Tylus (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Z. Chen (University of Waterloo), and P. Zelenay (Los Alamos National Laboratory) 153

Wednesday, May 27



Wednesday, May 27

15:40 16:00 1575













Dual-Function Air Cathode for Metal-Air Batteries: Integrating Oxygen Reduction Catalysis with Pulse-Power Capability – D. R. Rolison, J. W. Long, C. N. Chervin (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), N. W. Kucko (STEP Student, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), and E. S. Nelson (Pathways Student, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) Break Preparations of Highly Stable RuxCo/CNTs Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – D. Gao, H. Li, and X. Cheng (Xiamen University) Different Carbide Derived Nanoporous Carbon Supports and Electroreduction of Oxygen – E. Härk (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), M. Russina, N. Kardjilov, I. Manke, A. Hilger (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin), R. Jäger, I. Tallo, T. Thomberg, H. Kurig (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), and E. Lust (University of Tartu) Synthesis and Characterization of Cu, Fe, Co Based Non-Precious Metal Catalysts for ORR in Alkaline Fuel Cells – G. A. Goenaga, A. L. Roy (The University of Tennessee-Knoxville), N. M. Cantillo (The University of Tennessee - Knoxville), S. Foister (The University of Tennessee-Knoxville), and T. A. Zawodzinski (University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Oxygen Reduction on Hafnium/Hafnium Carbide Nanoparticles – O. A. Baturina, A. Epshteyn, and A. Purdy (Naval Research Laboratory) Pyrolysis Pressure Dependence of MNC Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction – C. Gumeci, N. Leonard (Michigan State University), B. Halevi (Pajarito Powder), and S. Calabrese Barton (Michigan State University) Inhibiting Effects of Nafion on ORR Catalyzed By Precious and Non-Precious Electrocatalysts Supported on Carbon – J. Chlistunoff and J. M. Sansiñena (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Surface Confinement of Oxygen in Carbon Supported Oxygen Reduction Catalysts – J. Chlistunoff and J. M. Sansiñena (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago I03 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •




Nafion-SiO2 Hybrids Combined with PtSn/C Anodes for DEFC Operating at High Temperature – M. A. Dresch (CCCH-IPEN/ CNEN-SP, Inst Ciências Naturais, Humanas e Sociais, UFMT Brazil), F. C. Fonseca (IPEN, Brazil), E. I. Santiago (CCCH-IPEN/ CNEN-SP, Brazil), D. R. M. Godoi, and H. M. Villullas (Inst Química, Univ Estadual Paulista UNESP, Brazil) Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide on Single-Crystal Copper Membrane – N. Yoshihara, M. Arita, and M. Noda (Department of Chemical Engineering, Fukuoka University)










Selective Oxidation of Glycerol Using Au, Pd Mono and Bimetallic Nanoparticles Supported on Carbon Nanotube As Anode Catalysts in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – J. Qi, D. J. Chadderdon, N. Benipal, Y. Qiu, X. Han (Iowa State University), Y. Jiang (University of California, Riverside), and W. Li (Iowa State University) Catalyst Layer Architectures with Supportless Pt Hollow Spheres for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) – D. Cilingir Dogan (University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), S. H. Cho (Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), G. G. Park (University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), T. H. Yang (Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), and S. D. Yim (University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)) Platinum-Dysprosium Alloys for Oxygen Reduction in Alkaline Media – B. Sljukic (Universidade de Lisboa), D. M. F. Santos (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal), M. Martins (Universidade de Lisboa), C. A. C. Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal), D. Macciò, and A. Saccone (Università di Genova) Facile Synthesis and Performances of a CoSe2/C Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction – D. J. Zhao and S. Y. Ma (Suihua University) First Principles Investigation on the Phase Change Induced By Delithiation of Li2Fe0.5Mn0.5SiO4 – T. Yi, Y. Li, X. Cheng, and Y. Zhang (Xiamen University) Novel Gas Diffusion Layer for PEMFC Based on in-Situ Synthesized Carbon Nanofibers/ Carbon Paper Composites – J. Zheng, Y. Gao, and J. X. Ma (Tongji University) Preparation and Performance Study of an Unsupported Pt Catalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell – L. Ye, J. Zheng (Tongji University), T. Tian (East China University of Science and Technology), Y. Gao (School of automotive studies, Tongji University), and P. Li (East China University of Science and Technology) Study of Water Retention Elevation on TiO2 /Nafion Membrane By Using Dynamic AFM – O. Kwon (Keimyung University), B. Son, J. Kim (DGIST), S. Park (University of Louisville), and D. H. Lee (DGIST) Effects on Wetting Agents in Cationic Contamination and Mitigation in PEFCs – J. Park (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut), M. A. Uddin (University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering), S. Ganesan, U. Pasaogullari, and L. J. Bonville (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, University of Connecticut)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



High Temperature Materials / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Boulevard Room C, Hilton Chicago

Oxygen Electrodes III – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Bilge Yildiz and William C. Chueh 08:00






09:40 10:00 1630







(Invited) How Surface Ionic & Electronic Point Defects Control Oxygen Exchange Reactions – W. C. Chueh (Stanford University) (Invited) The Role of Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces for Mixed Ionic Electronic Conducting Oxygen Transport Membranes – S. Baumann, P. Niehoff, F. Schulze-Küppers, M. Ramasamy, W. A. Meulenberg (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - IEK-1), and O. Guillon (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IEK-1, Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy) Investigation of Infiltration Via MultiPhysics Simulation Tool with Realistic Microstructure Properties – T. Yang (MAE Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV, U.S. DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory), I. B. Celik (U.S. DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory, MAE Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV), H. Sezer (MAE Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV, U.S. DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory), S. Lee, and K. Gerdes (U.S. DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory) Coffee break (Invited) Capabilities of Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy for the Analysis of Structural, Chemical and Electronic Properties Exemplified By the (Ba,Sr)(Co,Fe)O3 Material System – M. Meffert (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), H. Störmer, and D. Gerthsen (LEM, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)) Modification of Oxygen/(Ba0.5Sr0.5)(Co0.8Fe0.2) O3-δ Interfaces Derived By Metal-Organic Deposition – K. Asano (CRIEPI), C. Niedrig, W. Menesklou, S. F. Wagner, and E. IversTiffée (IAM-WET, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)) Optimizing Surface Segregation and Defect Structure of a Perovskite through Strain for Improving Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Catalysis – C. A. M. van den Bosch, G. F. Harrington (Imperial College London), S. J. Skinner (Department of Materials, Imperial College London, London), and A. Aguadero (Imperial College London) (Invited) Enhancement of surface oxygen exchange kinetics for Pr0.1Ce0.9O2-δ with deposition of La or Sm oxide – L. Zhao (Kyushu University), N. H. Perry (I2CNER, Kyushu University), K. Sasaki (Kyushu University), and S. R. Bishop (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Surface Modification of LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3-δ Film Electrode By Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 Porous Layer – R. A. Budiman (Tohoku University), T. Miyazaki (School of Engineering - Tohoku University), S. I. Hashimoto, K. Yashiro (Tohoku University), K. Amezawa, and T. Kawada (Tohoku University, Japan)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago I05 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •











Study of Electrode Performance for Nanosized La0.4Sr0.6Co0.8Fe0.2O3-Δ IT-SOFC Cathode – L. V. Mogni (CONICET-CNEA), K. YakalKremski (Northwestern University), C. M. Chanquía (CNEA-CONICET), Z. Gao, H. Wang (Northwestern University), A. Caneiro (Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA), and S. A. Barnett (Northwestern University) Pt/Metal Oxide Micro-Nanostructures for Chemical-Electrical Signal Transduction – N. J. Ray (Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago) and E. G. Karpov (University of Illinois at Chicago) Oxygen Nonstoichiometry and Electrochemical Properties of LaNiO3-δ – R. A. Budiman, S. I. Hashimoto (Tohoku University), T. Nakamura (Tohoku University, Japan), K. Yashiro (Tohoku University), K. Amezawa, and T. Kawada (Tohoku University, Japan) Ni-YSZ Nanocomposite Thin Film Anodes Prepared By Liquid Precursor Deposition – A. Buyukaksoy and V. Birss (University of Calgary) Mass Transport inside PEFC during Power Generation Studied By Visualization of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Current Density – K. Takanohashi, M. Uchida (University of Yamanashi), T. Suga (Waseda University), Y. Nagumo (Shimadzu Corporation), J. Inukai (University of Yamanashi), H. Nishide (Waseda University), and M. Watanabe (University of Yamanashi) GDC-Infiltrated La0.3M0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3-δ (M= Sr, Ca) Symmetrical Air Electrodes for Reversible SOFCs – B. Molero-Sanchez, P. K. Addo, A. Buyukaksoy, and V. Birss (University of Calgary) Energy Conversion Processes in Catalytic Electrolyte-Free Metal-Oxide Nanostructures – M. A. Hashemian and E. G. Karpov (University of Illinois at Chicago) Elimination of Surface Adsorbates on Gadolinium Doped Ceria for Electrochemical Strain Microscopy – J. Xu, J. Li, and S. B. Adler (University of Washington) Electrochemical Performance of 100cm2 Class Direct Carbon-Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (DC-MCFC) – S. H. Choi, D. N. Park, H. C. Ham, S. P. Yoon, J. Han, and S. W. Nam (Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)) Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fabricated By Single-Step ReducedTemperature Co-Firing – H. Wang, Z. Gao (Northwestern University), A. E. Jakus, R. N. Shah (Northwestern University, Simpson Querrey Institute for BioNanotechnology), and S. A. Barnett (Northwestern University) 155

Wednesday, May 27


Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces (SGEI 1)



Activation of Platinum-Based Centers through Modification with Metal Oxo Species Toward Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether and Methanol – I. A. Rutkowska (University of Warsaw), J. P. Sek (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry), P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw), P. Zelenay (Los Alamos National Laboratory), and E. Marks (University of Warsaw)

State-of-the-Art Tutorial on Diagnostics in LowTemperature Fuel Cells

Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4A, Hilton Chicago






Tutorial 3 – 09:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Rod L. Borup and Ahmet Kusoglu

Wednesday, May 27



09:40 10:00 1658





(Invited) Segmented Cells: A Tool for Studying Fuel Cell Operation Heterogeneities, MEA Degradation Mechanisms, and Possible Mitigation Strategies – G. Maranzana, J. Dillet, S. Abbou (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), T. Gaumont (LEMTA - Université de Lorraine - CNRS), A. Lamibrac (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland), S. Didierjean (LEMTA, CNRS, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), J. C. Perrin (LEMTA CNRS), F. Xu (LEMTA - Université de Lorraine - CNRS), and O. Lottin (LEMTA, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lèsNancy, LEMTA, CNRS, Vandoeuvre-lèsNancy) Break (Invited) Diagnostic Methods Utilized in Accelerated Stress Testing of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells – R. Mukundan and R. L. Borup (Los Alamos National Laboratory) (Invited) Mass Transport and Electrocatalysis: Experimental Techniques for Determining the Performance of Low Temperature Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts – A. R. J. Kucernak (Imperial College London) (Invited) Combinatorial Study of Fundamental Electrocatalyst Performance - the Scanning Flow Cell Coupled to Online Analytics – S. Cherevko, A. K. Schuppert, J. P. Grote, S. Geiger, A. R. Zeradjanin, G. Keeley, and K. J. J. Mayrhofer (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH)


Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry Organic and Biological Electrochemistry PDR 5, Hilton Chicago

Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry 1 – 08:00 – 11:25 Co-Chairs: Flavio Maran and James Y. Becker 08:00 08:05 1668









Salon C, Hilton Chicago I06 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Adam Z. Weber •




Analysis of the Correlation Between Local Temperature and Observed Degradations during Durability PEMFC Tests for Automotive Application – F. Nandjou (CEA, LEPMI), J. P. Poirot-Crouvezier, M. Chandesris, J. F. Blachot (CEA), C. Bonnaud, and Y. Bultel (LEPMI) Improvement of the Process Model for the Ohmic Loss of the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell – S. M. Rezaei Niya, R. K. Phillips, and M. Hoorfar (University of British Columbia)

Start up/Shut Down Cycles in a Segmented Polymer-Electrolyte-Membrane Fuel Cell – M. Schwager, S. R. Dhanushkodi, and W. Mérida (Clean Energy Research Centre, UBC) Spatially Resolved Electrochemical Impedance Measurement in a PEM Fuel Cell Using an Array of Reference Electrodes – E. Brightman (National Physical Laboratory), C. Lyu (Harbin Institute of Technology), and G. Hinds (National Physical Laboratory) Cost Effective Fabrication and Characterization of in-Membrane MicroFuel Cell – S. R. Mahmoodi and R. S. Besser (Stevens Institute of Technology) Mass Transfer Overpotentials in Dispersed Pt/C and De-Alloyed Ptni/C Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Cathodes – X. Wang, J. K. Peng, R. Ahluwalia, D. J. Myers (Argonne National Laboratory), and Z. Yang (United Technologies Research Center) Investigating Local Temperature and Related Parameters in Large Area Pemfcs through a Pseudo-3D Physic-Based Model – Y. Bultel, F. Nandjou (LEPMI), J. P. Poirot-Crouvezier, and M. Chandesris (CEA)

09:45 10:05 1673 10:25




Introductory Remarks Alkene Difunctionalization Via b-Haloalkoxysulfonium Ions – R. Hayashi, Y. Ashikari, T. Nokami, A. Shimizu, and J. I. Yoshida (Kyoto University) Cationic Polymerization Initiated By Electrochemically Generated Dendritic Cations – J. I. Yoshida, M. Takumi, and A. Nagaki (Kyoto University) Visible Light Responsive B12-TiO2 Hybrid Catalyst Composed of Interfacial Complexation – H. Shimakoshi, S. Yonemura, and Y. Hisaeda (Kyushu University) Electrosynthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds By Radical Cyclization in Environmentally Friendly Media – J. P. Mendes (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho), J. M. S. S. Esperança (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), A. P. Esteves, M. M. Silva, and M. J. Medeiros (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho) Mechanistic Studies of the Cathodic Cleavage of Diphenylacetaldehyde Derivatives – A. J. Fry, E. Tsui, E. Baum, and B. Sheludko (Wesleyan University) Break Electrochemical Reduction of Triclocarban at a Silver Cathode – E. T. Martin and D. G. Peters (Indiana University) Anodic Olefin Coupling Reactions: Controlling the Reaction Pathways of Radical Cation Intermediates and Efforts Toward Artemisolide – R. J. Perkins and K. D. Moeller (Washington University in St. Louis) Electrochemical Investigation of Benzil/ Aluminum Ion Interactions – G. T. Cheek (United States Naval Academy)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Sustainable Electrochemistry: From Lignin Processing to Paired Electrolysis Reactions – B. H. Nguyen, R. J. Perkins, J. A. Smith, and K. D. Moeller (Washington University in St. Louis)

Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry 2 – 14:00 – 17:20 Co-Chairs: Dennis G. Peters and Albert Joseph Fry 14:00






15:00 15:20 1680










Nitrogen Containing O- and P-Quinones As Cathode Materials for Lithium Batteries – A. Shimizu, Y. Tsujii, H. Kuramoto, T. Nokami (Kyoto University), Y. Inatomi, N. Hojo (Panasonic Corporation), and J. I. Yoshida (Kyoto University) Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Study of the Hydration of Orthophthalaldehyde and Its Reaction with Amines and Aminoacids – K. Kantnerová, J. Donkeng (J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry), and J. Ludvík (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry) Electrocatalytic Aziridination of Alkenes in an Undivided Cell Mediated By Iodide – C. Zeng (College of Life Science & Bioengineering) and J. Chen (Beijing University of Technology) Break Electrochemical Reduction of 2,2′,6,6′-Tetrabromobisphenol A at Silver Cathodes in Dimethylformamide – B. Gerroll and D. G. Peters (Indiana University) The Selective Coupling and Quantification of Peptides on a Polymer-Coated Microelectrode Array – M. D. Graaf and K. D. Moeller (Washington University in St. Louis) Insights into the Distance Dependence of the Electron Transfer Rate through the Monolayer Protecting Au25 Nanoclusters – F. Maran, S. Antonello, T. Dainese, M. De Nardi (University of Padova), and A. Venzo (National Research Council) Effects of Electrolyte, Current Density and Electricity Consumption on the Anodic Oxidation of Cyclic Amides – J. Y. Becker and T. Golub (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) Electrochemical Cyclization of Brominated Allyl Ethers with the Aid of a Chiral Catalyst – E. Pasciak, J. Rittichier, M. J. Medeiros, M. VanNieuwenzhe, and D. G. Peters (Indiana University)







Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 6 – 10:00 – 12:10 Co-Chairs: Greg M. Swain, Gunther Wittstock, and Alice H. Suroviec 10:00












Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Williford Room C, Hilton Chicago

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 5 – 08:00 – 09:30 Co-Chairs: Enn Lust and Alice H. Suroviec 08:00


The Electrochemical Properties of Diamond and Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Electrodes in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids – G. M. Swain (Michigan State University), R. Jarosova (Charles University in Prague), and C. Munson (Michigan State University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Electrochemical Properties of Bi(111)|1-Ethyl3-Methylimidazolium Tetracyanoborate and 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Iodide Interface – C. Siimenson (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), L. Siinor, and E. Lust (University of Tartu) In Situ STM Studies of Electrochemically Polished Cd(0001) Electrode in 1-Ethyl-3Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate – P. Pikma, S. Selberg (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), L. Siinor (University of Tartu), C. Siimenson (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu), and E. Lust (University of Tartu) Electrochemical Characterization of the Bi(111) | 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Iodide Interface – L. Siinor (University of Tartu), L. Läll (Institute of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Estonia), and E. Lust (University of Tartu)

Local Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species at New Polymer-Modified Electrodes – G. Wittstock, S. Dongmo, J. Witt, and C. Dosche (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg) Composites of Polypyrrole with Micelles Nanospheres – P. Gryczan (Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw Univeristy), K. Maksymiuk, A. Kisiel (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry), and A. Michalska (Univeristy of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry) The Impact of the Alkali Cation on the Oscillatory Electro-Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol on Platinum – E. Sitta (Department of Chemistry, Federal University of São Carlos), R. Nagao, I. Z. Kiss (Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University), and H. Varela (Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo) Low-Cost, Fused Filament FabricationPrepared, 3D-Printed Microfluidic Devices with Modularly Integrated Electrodes for Electroanalytical Measurements – G. W. Bishop, J. E. Satterwhite, S. Bhakta (University of Connecticut), and J. F. Rusling (University of Connecticut, University of Connecticut Health Center) In-Situ x-Ray Diffraction Study of Pt(111) Oxidation during Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) – J. Drnec (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)), M. Ruge, F. Reikowski, B. Rahn (University Kiel), F. Carlà, R. Felici (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)), J. Stettner, O. M. Magnussen (University Kiel), and D. A. Harrington (University of Victoria) Electrochemical Activity of Titanium Dioxide Toward Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions – H. Tavassol and S. M. Haile (California Institute of Technology)


Wednesday, May 27


Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 7 – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Pawel J. Kulesza, Krzysztof Miecznikowski, and Nelly Esther Flores

Wednesday, May 27


Comparison of Processes for the Degradation of Trans-Cinnamic Acid: Anodic Oxidation, Electro-Fenton and Photoelectro-Fenton – N. E. Flores, E. Brillas, and I. Sirés (Universitat de Barcelona) 14:20 1750 Photoelectrochemical Degradation of 17β Estradiol Using a Photoanode Prepared with RuO2 Nanoparticles Supported over Graphene – F. C. Moraes, B. Rossi (Chemistry Department - Federal University of São Carlos), and E. C. Pereira (Federal University of São Carlos) 14:40 1751 Manipulation of Nanoscale Pattern Formation in Photoelectrochemically Deposited Chalcogenide Films Using Multiple Beam Illumination – A. Carim, N. Batara, A. Premkumar, H. A. Atwater (California Institute of Technology), and N. S. Lewis (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis) Enhancement of Water Oxidation at 15:00 1752 Tungsten Oxide Photoanodes Doped with Borotungstate-Polyanion Modified-Hematite – K. Miecznikowski (University of Warsaw), A. Ramirez-Caro, S. Fiechter (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Institute for Solar Fuels), and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw) Cobalt Phosphate Group Modified Hematite 15:20 1753 Nanorod Array As Photoanode for Efficient Solar Water Splitting – L. Fu (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics), H. Yu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics), C. Zhang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, zhangchk@dicp. ac.cn), Z. Shao, and B. Yi (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Physical-Chemical Properties of the Naf-AlF315:40 1754 Sc2O3-Al2O3 Molten System – O. Tkacheva, A. Kataev, A. Redkin, and Y. Zaikov (Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS) Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry 8 – 16:20 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Pawel J. Kulesza, Rafal Robert Jurczakowski, and Alice H Suroviec 16:20












Benchmarking of Heterogeneous CO2 Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts – I. M. Ferrer (California Institute of Technology, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), C. C. L. McCrory (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, California Institute of Technology), J. C. Peters (California Institute of Technology, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), and T. F. Jaramillo (Stanford University Department of Chemical Engineering, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis) Exceptionally Fast Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption through Platinum Overlayers – P. Polczynski (Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) and R. R. Jurczakowski (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry)


The Electrified Oil/Water Interface in the Presence of Divalent Ions – D. Diaz-Romero (Northwestern University, Institute of Physics, UASLP, Mexico), M. Olvera de la Cruz (Northwestern University), and G. I. GuerreroGarcia (Institute of Physics, UASLP, Mexico, Northwestern University) NaCl Augmented Phase Transformation in Interfacial Water Under Quasistatic-Loading Conditions – S. H. Khan (University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan) and P. M. Hoffmann (Wayne State University, Detroit, USA.) Investigation of Quantum Confinement in Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots, through Cyclic Voltammetry – S. K. Haram and Y. D. Gujarathi (S.P. Pune University)

Computational Electrochemistry

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Conference Room 4K, Hilton Chicago

Multiscale – 08:00 – 10:20 Co-Chairs: Alexander V. Neimark and Stephen J. Paddison 08:00








Design of Novel Electrochemical Materials from Data-Driven First-Principles Calculations – K. A. Persson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Accelerating the Discovery of Multivalent Cathode Materials Via High-Throughput FirstPrinciples Calculations – M. Liu, A. Jain, and K. A. Persson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Multiscale Modeling of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell: Macroscopic Fuel Cell Model and Experimental Validation – S. Castañeda Ramírez, J. Carmona, A. E. Pérez Mendoza, and R. E. Ribadeneira Paz (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín) Modeling Oxide Formation and Reduction on Platinum – M. Eikerling (Simon Fraser University)

Coarse Grained – 10:20 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Michael Eikerling and Stephen J. Paddison 10:20








Self-Assembly, Transport, and Thermodynamics in Nafion Membranes: Insight from Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation – A. Vishnyakov, M. T. Lee, and A. V. Neimark (Rutgers University) Meso-Scale Study of Hydrated Nafion with Diffused Vanadium Cations and Sulfuric Acid – F. Sepehr and S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Predictive Particle-Based Simulation of the Fabrication of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes – M. M. Forouzan, C. W. Chien, D. Bustamante, W. Lange, B. A. Mazzeo, and D. Wheeler (Brigham Young University) Diagnostic Criteria for Identifying Electrode Reaction Mechanisms By Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry – L. A. Bottomley and M. A. Mann (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








First Principles Calculations of Transition Metal Containment in Li-Ion Cathode Materials with Surface Coatings – D. H. Snydacker, S. J. Kirklin, and C. Wolverton (Northwestern University) Theoretical Study to Improve O → OH Reactions in the Fuel Cell ORR – T. H. Yu (California State University, Long Beach, California Institute of Technology), R. Torres (California State University, Long Beach), and W. A. Goddard III (California Institute of Technology) The Mechanism of Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction: A Combined DFT and in-Situ ATRIR Study on Model Semiconductor Surfaces Ge(100) and ZnO – P. U. Biedermann, S. Nayak, and A. Erbe (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung GmbH)

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Williford Room A, Hilton Chicago








09:40 10:00 1854









12:00 14:00 1860

Electrocatalysis 7

Electrocatalysis 2 – 08:00 – 15:20 Co-Chairs: David P. Hickey and Frederic Jaouen




(invited) Spectroscopic Techniques for the Identification of Fe and Co Coordination Chemistries in Fe(Co)-N-C Catalysts : Pristine Versus Degraded Catalysts – F. Jaouen (Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier UMR CNRS 5253), V. Goellner (ICGM UMR 5253), M. T. Sougrati (ICGM - UMR 5253), A. Zitolo, and E. Fonda (synchrotron SOLEIL) Metal Organic Frameworks: A Platform for Electrocatalytic Fuel Generation – I. Hod, O. K. Farha, and J. T. Hupp (Northwestern University) Electrochemical Stress Development during CO and NO Oxidation on Pt – Y. Ha (University of Illinois at Urbana−Champaign), Y. Cohen (Nuclear Research Center-Negev, Israel), and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Electrochemical Studies of Anion Transport As a Function of Nafion Layer Thickness – I. Sriram and K. M. Jeerage (NIST) Break An Ambient-Pressure Plasma-Based Method for the Synthesis of Metal Nanoclusters in Aqueous Electrolytes – S. Ghosh (Case Western Reserve University), N. S. Georgescu (Case Western Reserve University, Department of Chemistry), D. Scherson, and M. Sankaran (Case Western Reserve University) Determination of Phosphoric Acid Coverage on Pt/C for High Temperature-Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (HT-PEMFC) Using in-Situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy – H. Y. Park, I. Y. Cha, Y. H. Chung, M. K. Cho, S. J. Yoo, H. J. Kim, D. Henkensmeier, J. Y. Kim (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST), S. W. Nam, and J. H. Jang (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST, Green School, Korea University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL







Electrocatalysis of Fuel Cell Relevant Reactions in Protic Ionic Liquids – A. E. Aynalem and D. Walsh (University of Nottingham) Strain and Ligand Effects of Transition Metals in Pt Alloys on Oxygen Reduction Reaction – M. Shao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Probing the Working Mechanism of Electrocatalyst-Assisted Nonaqueous LithiumOxygen Evolution Reaction – Y. Wang, Z. Liang, and Y. C. Lu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Identifying Activity Descriptors for CO2 Electro-Reduction to Methanol on Rutile (110) Surfaces – A. Bhowmik, H. A. Hansen, and T. Vegge (Technical University of Denmark) Lunch Reduction Induced Surface Amorphization Enhances Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity in Co3O4 – X. Leng (The University of Queensland), Q. Zeng, K. H. Wu, I. Gentle (University of Queensland), and D. Wang (The University of New South Wales) Voltage Asssisted Photocatalytic Flow through Cell for Inactivation of Biological Pathogens Using Titania Nanotube Arrays – K. Carlson, J. Huber, M. Misra, and S. K. Mohanty (University of Utah) Electrochemical Analysis and Density Functional Theory (DFT) Simulation to Investigate the Phosphoric Acid Adsorption on Pt3m (M = Fe, Co, Ni) Nanoparticles – H. Y. Park (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST), D. H. Lim (Chungbuk National University), I. Y. Cha, Y. H. Chung, S. J. Yoo, H. J. Kim, D. Henkensmeier, J. Y. Kim (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST), S. W. Nam, and J. H. Jang (Fuel Cell Research Center, KIST, Green School, Korea University) Recent Progress in New Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – S. Guo (Los Alamos National Lab)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago L04 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Shelley D. Minteer •




4A-Zeolite Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Pt/C for Electrooxidation of Methanol in Alkaline Medium – G. Zhang, W. Feng, P. He, and S. Zhang (Southwest University of Science and Technology) Doping Poly(Acrylonitrile-co-Butadiene-coStyrene) with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles to Create Novel Chemical Sensors – M. R. Skorski, D. M. Fox, and A. E. Miller (American University) Intrinsic Relationship Between Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity and Nanoscale Work Function of Doped Carbons – J. Y. Cheon (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), J. H. Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), J. H. Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), J. Y. Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), and S. H. Joo (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)


Wednesday, May 27

DFT - 2 – 14:00 – 15:20 Co-Chairs: Göran Wahnström and Stephen J. Paddison



Wednesday, May 27









Simultaneous Detection of Dopamine and Oxygen Species Using Coated Electrodes – L. M. ALshandoudi (Sohar College of Applied Sciences) High Electrocatalytic Activity of the Pt-Based Catalyst Supported on Carbon Prepared Using a Plasma Torch and Natural Gas – J. Ribeiro, T. C. S. Evangelista, and G. T. Paganoto (Federal University of Espírito Santo) Kinetic Study of La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3-Δ Nanoelectrodes for Symmetrical-SOFC – C. M. Chanquía, A. Montenegro-Hernández (CNEA-CONICET), L. V. Mogni (CONICETCNEA), and A. Caneiro (Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA) Fabrication of Multi-Metallic Frameworks with Specific Surface Areas Tailored for Catalysis of Surface Based Reactions – D. K. J. Oppedisano, L. A. Jones, and S. K. Bhargava (RMIT University) Electrodeposited Pt/Rare Earth Metals As Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction – E. Mostafa, L. Asen, W. Ju, O. Schneider (Technische Universität München), and U. Stimming (Newcastle University) Electrodeposition of Novel Catalyst Materials for the Cathode Side of Meas – L. Asen, W. Ju, E. Mostafa, S. Martens, U. Heiz (Technische Universität München), U. Stimming (Technische Universität München, Newcastle University), and O. Schneider (Technische Universität München) Electrochemistry of Glycerol Oxidaton at Low Index Crystal Planes of Platinum – R. M. L. M. Sandrini, J. Souza-Garcia, and C. A. Angelucci (UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC) Patterned Electrodeposition of Cobalt Selenide Nanostructure Arrays As a Highly Efficient Bifunctional Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) and Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) – J. Masud, A. Swesi, and M. Nath (Missouri University of Science & Technology) Confinement of Platinum Catalysts in Carbon Nanocontainers to Control the Durability in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction – A. Kurtoglu, D. Walsh, A. N. Khlobystov, and M. D. C. Gimenez-Lopez (University of Nottingham)

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 9 – 10:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Chunye Xu, Pawel J. Kulesza, and Aline Rougier 10:00









Spectroelectrochemistry 3

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry PDR 6, Hilton Chicago

Spectroelectrochemistry 3 – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chair: Andrew Campion Hillier 08:00












Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4E, Hilton Chicago

Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials 8 – 08:00 – 09:40 Co-Chairs: Aline Rougier and Harlan Byker 08:00







Sunlight Responsive Thermochromics Dynamic Windows Made Simple – H. Byker (Pleotint, LLC) Novel Self-Powered Electrochromic Materials and Devices – C. Xu (University of Science and Technology of China) Surface Treatments for Electrochromic Glazing: Toward Reduced Costs and Optimal Performances through Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis – A. Maho, J. Denayer (University of Liège), G. Bister, P. Aubry (INISMa), P. Colson, C. Henrist, and R. Cloots (University of Liège)

Color e-Paper Technology with Electrochemistry – N. Kobayashi (Chiba University) Enhanced Electrochromic Performance Based on Conducting Polymer/ZnO Nanocomposites – X. Lv and C. Zhang (Zhejiang University of Technology) Effective Immobilization of Nanostructured Materials Aiming Performant Electrochromic Electrodes – S. I. Cordoba de Torresi (Instituto de Quimica, Universidade de São Paulo), J. R. Martins Neto, and T. Augusto (Universidade de São Paulo) An All-in-One Electrochromic Device Containing Thermally Cured Dual Functional Viologen – S. Y. Kao, H. C. Lu, T. H. Chang, C. W. Kung, and K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University)


In Situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Batteries: Discovery of New Mechanisms and Materials – C. U. Segre, J. P. Katsoudas (Illinois Institute of Technology), E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), V. K. Ramani (Illinois Institute of Technology), D. Singh (Energy System Division, Argonne National Laboratory), C. J. Pelliccione, Y. Ding, S. Aryal, N. M. Beaver, Y. Li (Illinois Institute of Technology), and S. Sen (Energy Systems, Argonne National Laboratory) High Resolution 3D Spectro-Microscopy of Iron Fluoride Nanowires As Conversion Cathodes for High Capacity Li Ion Batteries – M. Farmand, Y. S. Yu, and D. Shapiro (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Spatially Resolved Spectro-Electrochemistry Using Soft X-Ray Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy – A. P. Hitchcock (McMaster University), S. M. Rosendahl (Canadian Light Source), and N. Appathurai (McMaster University) in Situ Coherent Surface x-Ray Scattering Study of the Au (111) Surface Dynamics in Electrolytes: The Effect of Surface Reconstruction and Chloride Adsorption – Y. Liu, A. Barbour (Argonne National Laboratory), V. Komanicky (Safarik University), and H. You (Argonne National Laboratory) Vanadium Nitride Thin Films and Nanoclusters: Growth and Electrochemical/ XPS Characterization – O. Bondarchuk (CIC energiGUNE), E. Goikolea (CIC Energigune), T. Rojo (CIC energigune), and R. Mysyk (CIC Energigune) Spectroelectrochemical Study of the Role of Pyridinium in Carbon Dioxide Reduction – A. J. Lucio and S. K. Shaw (University of Iowa) Break Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL













Nanoscale IR Near-Field Imaging of the SEI Layer on an HOPG Electrode – M. Ayache, D. Jang, and R. Kostecki (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Formic Acid Electrooxidation on Au Electrode Studied By Potential Step and a Fast Scan ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy – Z. Jusys (University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany, Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis) and R. Jürgen Behm (Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, University of Ulm) In Situ Optical Studies of Carbon Accumulation with Different Molecular Weight Alkanes on SOFC Ni Anodes – M. D. McIntyre and R. A. Walker (Montana State University) Challenging a Deeply Buried Electrode By Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy. Towards the Understanding the CO2 Electroreduction on Ionic Liquid-Metal – N. Garciar-Rey and D. D. Dlott (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) In Situ UV-Vis Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy Study of Polycrystalline Platinum Oxidation in Aqueous Solutions – J. Xu and D. Scherson (Case Western Reserve University) Separation of Enantiomers of Alanine from Racemic Mixture By Polycrystalline Metal Surfaces- a Spectroelectrochemical Approach – D. Kumar, S. Pal, M. Chhabbra (IIT Jodhpur), and S. Harinipriya (SRM Research Institute)

Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Water Electrolysis











Salon C, Hilton Chicago L09 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 •






Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4B, Hilton Chicago

Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts and Others – 08:05 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Sanjeev Mukerjee and Hui Xu 08:05 08:10 1959








Introductory Remarks Electrochemical Deposition of Pt Nanoclusters on WC for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Acid – Y. Liu (Argonne National Laboratory), Y. C. Kimmel (University of Delaware), D. Esposito (National Institute of Standards and Technology), J. Chen (Columbia University), T. Moffat (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and H. You (Argonne National Laboratory) Nanoengineering of MoS2 Electrocatalysts for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reactions – Q. Gao (Jinan University, Guangzhou, China) and N. Liu (Jinan University) Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Sm2O3doped Ni-Co Coating Electrode for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction – S. Ding, P. He, W. Feng, G. Zhang, and S. Zhang (Southwest University of Science and Technology) Self-Terminated Electrodeposition of Monolayer Electrocatalysts – S. H. Ahn, Y. Liu, R. Wang, U. Bertocci (NIST), and T. Moffat (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Intermission

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

New Catalysts for the Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions – Z. Gross and A. Mahammed (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) Catalytic Activity of Doped Praseodymium and Samarium Based Perovskites in Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions – P. Kolla, M. Schrandt, and A. Smirnova (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology) First-Principles Study of Structure Property Relationships of Monolayer (Hydroxy)OxideMetal Bifunctional Electrocatalysts – Z. Zeng (Technical University of Denmark), J. Kubal, and J. Greeley (Purdue University) Water Splitting Using Gallium Nitride Based Working Electrodes for Hydrogen Generation without Applying Bias – Y. Y. Chen, J. K. Sheu, W. C. Lai (National Cheng Kung University), and M. L. Lee (Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Photoelectrochemical Phenomena at NanoV2O5 Films Impregnated with Bi3+ – L. H. Mascaro, M. F. Gromboni (Universidade Federal de São Carlos), F. Marken, and E. Downeey (University of Bath)

Selective Oxygen Reduction to Hydrogen Peroxide Using Earth-Abundant Metal Pyrites As High-Performance Electrocatalysts – D. Ying (Department of Chemisty, UWMadison), Q. Ding, and S. Jin (Department of Chemistry, UW-Madison) Monolayer-Precision Synthesis of Molybdenum Sulfide Nanoparticles and Their Nanoscale Size Effects in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction – B. Seo, G. Y. Jung, Y. J. Sa, J. Y. Cheon, S. K. Kwak, and S. H. Joo (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Effect of Graphene/MoS2 interface on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction – A. C. Rabelo (Universidades Federal de São Carlos), E. G. S. Firmiano Sr. (University of São Carlos), and E. R. Leite Sr. (Universty of São Carlos) Carbon Nanotubes/Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Core-Sheath Nanostructures As Highly Active Bifunctional Oxygen Reduction and Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts – Y. J. Sa, C. Park, H. Y. Jeong (Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology), S. H. Park, G. G. Park (Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)), and S. H. Joo (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Metal-Metal Bonding Dynamics of Anode Materials for Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) in Basic Electrolyte Studied By Using in Situ Surface Stress Measurements – T. T. H. Hoang (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign), Y. Cohen (Nuclear Research Center-Negev, Israel), and A. A. Gewirth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Wednesday, May 27


Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5



Integrated Systems for Solar Fuel Generation – 08:10 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Eric Lars Miller and Huyen N. Dinh








Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Conference Room 4D, Hilton Chicago







Wednesday, May 27


Photoelectrochemical Ion Pumping with DyeFunctionalized Polymer Membranes – C. D. Sanborn and S. Ardo (University of California Irvine) Near-Isothermal Doped-Hercynite Redox Cycle for Solar-Thermal Water Splitting – C. Muhich, B. Ehrhart, I. Alshankiti, B. Ward, C. Musgrave, and A. Weimer (University of Colorado) Experimental Demonstrations of Spontaneous, Solar-Driven Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – J. W. Ager III (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Shaner, K. Walczak (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), I. D. Sharp (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and S. Ardo (University of California Irvine) Break

Artificial Photosynthesis Using Iron Foam Photoanodes Coated with Catalytic GrapheneManganese Porphyrin Self-Assembled Structures – A. Kaplan, E. Korin, and A. Bettlehiem (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) High Performance Silicon Photocathodes for Hydrogen Production Via Solar Water Splitting – J. D. Benck, T. R. Hellstern, R. J. Britto, J. Kibsgaard (Stanford University Department of Chemical Engineering), S. C. Lee (Stanford University Materials Science & Engineering), K. D. Fong (Stanford University Department of Chemical Engineering), R. Sinclair (Stanford University Materials Science & Engineering), and T. F. Jaramillo (Stanford University Department of Chemical Engineering) Corrosion and Passivation of p-GaInP2 Photocathodes at Light-Dark Boundaries – J. L. Young (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, University of Colorado Boulder), H. Döscher, T. G. Deutsch, and J. A. Turner (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Electrophoretic Deposition of NiCo2S4 Thin Film As a Catalytic Material for DyeSensitized Solar Cells – S. W. Chou and J. Y. Lin (Department of Chemical Engineering, Tatung University) Break

Exploratory Approaches for Solar Fuel Generation – 10:00 – 12:10 Co-Chair: Deryn Chu



Material Development for Solar Hydrogen Generation – 16:00 – 17:50 Co-Chairs: Ayyakkannu Manivannnan and Renata Solarska










Using Soft X-Rays and Electrons to Determine the Chemical and Electronic Structure of Semiconductors for Solar Water Splitting – C. Heske (University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Gold-Based Nanomaterials for Catalytic CO2 Conversion Applications – C. Matranga (National Energy Technology Laboratory) Using Protection Layers for a 2-Photon Water Splitting Device – B. Seger, B. T. Mei, R. Frydendal, A. Permyakova, D. Bae, T. Pedersen, I. Castelli, P. Malacrida, P. C. K. Vesborg, I. E. L. Stephens, O. Hansen, K. Jacobsen, and I. Chorkendorff (Technical University of Denmark) Au Nanoparticle-Enhanced Photocatalysis: Beyond Plasmonic Effect – J. Li (Mech. and Aero. Engineering, West Virginia University), S. K. Cushing (Department of Physics, West Virginia University), and N. Wu (West Virginia University) Photoelectrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol at Hybrid System Composed of Titanium(IV) and Copper(I) Oxides – E. Szaniawska (University of Warsaw, Department of Chemistry), K. Bienkowski, R. Solarska, I. A. Rutkowska, and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw)

Catalysts and Co-Catalysts for Water Oxidation or Reduction – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Pawel J. Kulesza and Renata Solarska 14:00



Stable Solar-Driven Water Oxidation to O2(g) By Multifunctional Electrocatalysts Coated Small Band Gap Semiconductors – K. Sun and N. S. Lewis (California Institute of Technology)









Photoelectrochemical Performance of Composition Tuned BiOCl Nanosheet Arrays – Y. Myung, S. Banerjee, F. Wu (Washington University in St.Louis), and P. Banerjee (Washington University in St. Louis) Unexpected Hydrogen Production of α-Fe2O3 Nanorings – H. Wender (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul) and R. Gonçalves (University of São Paulo) Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Photocatalytic Activity of ZnxCd1-Xs Photocatalyts – H. Chang and Y. C. Weng (Feng Chia University) Modeling/Simulation and Prototyping Development of Solar-Hydrogen Generators – C. Xiang (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), Y. Chen (California Institute of Technology), K. Walczak (Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis), M. Singh (Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory), A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), J. Jin (Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory), and N. S. Lewis (California Institute of Technology)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago L10 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Nianqiang (Nick) Wu and Heli Wang •


Novel Photoelectrodes and Noble Metal-Free Catalysts for Light-Driven Water Electrolysis – S. Fiechter (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Institute for Solar Fuels)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL












A Novel Photoelectrochemical Secondary Battery Featuring Phthalocyanine Photocathode Toward the Application to Ubiquitous Sensors – T. Shimizu, T. Kondo, A. Ando (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), T. Abe (Hirosaki University), and K. Nagai (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Low Cost Fabrication of High Efficiency Polymer Solar CELLS – I. J. Ogundana, S. Y. Foo, and Z. Yu (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering) Pt- and TCO-Free Flexible Counter Electrodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells – J. Y. Lin (Tatung University), W. Y. Wang, and S. W. Chou (Department of Chemical Engineering, Tatung University) Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production By Ta2O5 Nanotube Powders Sputtered Decorated with Ni Nanoparticles – R. Gonçalves (University of São Paulo) and H. Wender (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul) Efficient Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution of Amorphous Group VI Metal Chalcogenides on Si Micropyramids – Q. Ding (Department of Chemistry, UW-Madison), X. Zhang (Department of Chemistry, UWMadison, Zhejiang University), J. Zhai, M. J. Shearer, M. Caban, F. Meng (Department of Chemistry, UW-Madison), J. H. He (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), R. J. Hamers, and S. Jin (Department of Chemistry, UW-Madison) Facile Synthesis of Ultrafine Nanoparticles of Iron Based Oxides and Their Application in Solar Cells – B. Ahmmad (Yamagata University,, CREST, JST), S. Hayasaka, K. Kanomata (Yamagata University), M. A. Basith (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), S. Kubota, and F. Hirose (Yamagata University, CREST, JST) New Photocatalyst for the Generation of Environmentally Friendly Fuel Using Visible Solar Spectrum – T. Akter and G. B. Saupe (the university of texas at el paso) Understanding Nucleation and Growth Behavior of Electrodeposited Platinum Particles for Optimization of MetalInsulator-Semiconductor Photoelectrodes – N. Y. Labrador, W. A. S. Agata (Columbia University), and D. Esposito (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Columbia University) Photochemical Deposition of Co-Ac Catalyst on ZnO for Solar Water Oxidation – A. Irshad and N. Munichandraiah (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) Controlling Active Surface Area of TiO2 Nanotube Imprinted Ti Foils for Efficient DyeSensitized Solar Cells – L. Y. Lin (National Taipei University of Technology), M. H. Yeh, W. Chen, K. Ho, and V. Ramamurthy (National Taiwan University) Double-Wall TiO2 Nanotubes for DyeSensitized Solar Cells: A Study of Growth Mechanism – L. Y. Lin (National Taipei University of Technology), W. Chen, M. H. Yeh, V. Ramamurthy, and K. Ho (National Taiwan University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



Novel Hybrid 1-D Structure of PEDOT/TiO2 Nanotubes As the Pt-Free Catalyst of Counter Electrodes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells – W. Chen, M. H. Yeh, J. D. Peng (National Taiwan University), L. Y. Lin (National Taipei University of Technology), and K. Ho (National Taiwan University)

Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials Energy Technology / Battery / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Conference Room 4G, Hilton Chicago

Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials I – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Vito Di Noto and Gao Liu 08:00








09:50 10:10 2047







The Structural Aspects of PFSA Ionomers As Determined By STEM and Simulations – S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Decoupling Ion and Proton Transport from Structural Relaxation in Polymers and Ionic Liquids – A. Sokolov (University of Tennessee) High Transference Number Composite Lithium Electrolytes: From “Soggy Sand” Electrolytes to Infiltrated Mesoporous Silica – J. Popovic and J. Maier (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research) Interplay Between Vibrational Modes and Relaxations in Electrolytes for Secondary Magnesium Batteries Based on Haloaluminate Ionic Liquids – F. Sepehr (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), F. Bertasi (Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova, INSTM), S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), and V. Di Noto (Department of Chemical Sciences University of Padova, INSTM) Coffee Break, morning The Relationship Between Segmental Motions, Hydration and Overall Mass Transport in Pfsas – T. A. Zawodzinski, R. A. Elgammal, and Y. Bai (University of Tennessee-Knoxville) Understanding Transport Phenomena in Perfluorosulfonic-Acid Membranes – A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), J. T. Gostick (McGill University), A. Kusoglu (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), and A. Crothers (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UCB) Interfacial Structure of Nafion – J. A. Dura (Center for Neutron Research, NIST), S. C. DeCaluwe (Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines), and P. Kienzle (Center for Neutron Research, NIST) Hybrid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Linear Siloxane Networks and Crosslinked Polyether Domains: Interplay Between Composition and Properties – N. Boaretto (University of Padova, Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC), C. Brinkmann (Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC), K. Vezzù (Veneto Nanotech S.C.p.a.), V. Di Noto (Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova, INSTM), and H. Lorrmann (Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC) 163

Wednesday, May 27

Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials II – 14:00 – 17:30 Co-Chairs: Vito Di Noto and Kunal Karan 14:00






15:20 15:40 2054

Wednesday, May 27







Ion-Conduction within the Fibrous Framework of an Electrospun PEO Gel Electrolyte – R. B. Moore (Virginia Tech) First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Studies of Proton Transport in Hydrogen-Bonded Media – M. E. Tuckerman (New York University) Charge Transport and Structural Dynamics in Polymerized Ionic Liquids – J. R. Sangoro and S. J. Paddison (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Coffee Break, afternoon Understanding Polymer Ion Clustering and Its Implications for Fast Ion Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes – A. M. Herring (Colorado School of Mines) and V. Di Noto (Department of Chemical Sciences University of Padova) Structure and Transport Properties of Ionomer Thin Films in Membrane-Electrode Assemblies – J. A. Elliott (University of Cambridge) Ionic Conduction and Dielectric Relaxation in Poly(ethylene carbonate)-Li Salt Electrolytes – Y. Tominaga (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) Toward a Single-Ion Nanocomposite Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries – H. Zhao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), G. Baker (Michigan State University), and G. Liu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)









10:45 2118 11:00









Salon C, Hilton Chicago L11 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Vito Di Noto, Gao Liu and Kunal Karan •


Ionic Conductivity of Fe(II)-, Co(II)- and Ni(II)-Based Metallo-Supramolecular Polymers with a One- or Three-Dimensional Structure – R. K. Pandey, M. D. Hossain, S. Moriyama, T. Sato (National Institute for Materials Science), and M. Higuchi (JSTCREST, National Institute for Materials Science) Study of Morphological Variation on SiO2/ Nafion Composite Membrane Under Different Hydration Condition – O. Kwon (Keimyung University), B. Son, J. Kim, and D. H. Lee (DGIST)



Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring Sensor / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Continental Room C, Hilton Chicago

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring 1 – 08:30 – 12:40 Co-Chairs: Edward M. Sabolsky and Ajit Khosla 08:30





(Invited) Microneedle Array Features in Precise Moulding of Biocompatible Polymers – H. Ito (Yamagata University), K. Taki (Kanazawa University), T. Takayama, K. Uchiumi, and H. Yahagi (Yamagata University) Integrated Micro-Heater Solid State Based NO2 Gas Sensors with Enhanced Response – A. Sharma, A. Singh, R. Gupta, L. Rana (University of Delhi), M. Tomar (Miranda House, University of Delhi), and V. Gupta (University of Delhi) (Invited) Design and Characterization of a New Low Cost Thick Film Copper Metallization Transfer Process Onto PDMS Enabling Stretchable Electronics – D. Hilbich, G. Yu, B. L. Gray, and L. Shannon (Simon Fraser University) Non-Invasive Sensor for Quantitative Determination of Lactate in Sweat – R. Figueroa-Teran, S. Babanova, N. Petseva (University of New Mexico), Y. Ulyanova, S. Singhal (CFD Research Corporation), and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico) Break Development of Biofilm-Based Electrocatalytic Materials for Biosensing and Bioenergetics – P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw) Point-of-Care Sensor with Interdigitated Array Electrodes for Lead Determination – W. Kang, X. Pei (Department of EECS, University of Cincinnati), A. Bange (Department of Chemistry, Xavier University), E. Haynes (Dept of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati), W. R. Heineman (Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati), and I. Papautsky (Department of EECS, University of Cincinnati) Improved Anodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Arsenic Using Nanoporous Gold Microelectrode – J. Jiang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Peroxynitrite Sensing: From Graphene-Based Platforms to Modified Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes – M. Bayachou and H. Kalil (Cleveland State University) Pattern Recognition of HER-2 in Whole Blood Samples Using Stochastic Sensors – I. Moldoveanu (Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB, NIRECM) and R. I. Stefan-van Staden (NIRECM)

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring 2 – 14:00 – 18:20 Co-Chairs: Go Matsuba and Rangachary Mukundan 14:00


(Invited) A Chemiresistive Glucose Sensor Based on Polyaniline Nanowire Network – E. Song and J. W. Choi (Louisiana State University)

(Invited) A Brief Overview of Smart Microsystem Technology and Its Application to Fire Detection, Air Quality Monitoring, Health Care, and Emissions Monitoring – G. W. Hunter (NASA Glenn Research Center) (Invited) Nanobiosensors for Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring – Z. P. Aguilar (Zystein, LLC) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






15:25 15:40 2127







Nanostructured Sensors for Determination of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-Dimethylurea Based in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) Deposited in Screen Printed Carbon Nanotubes – J. C. Morales Gomero (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Lima), R. Fernández Cori (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería), B. C. Huayhuas Chipana (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Institute of Chemistry, State University of São Paulo), and P. Taboada Sotomayor (Institute of Chemistry, State University of São Paulo) A New Kind of SERS Active Substrate Using a Film of Densely Packed Gold Nanoparticles – G. Rutherford, M. Farrell (Center for Materials Research, Norfolk State University), B. Xiao (Norfolk State University), C. G. Carvajal (Center for Materials Research), K. Santiago (Center for Materials Research, Norfolk State University), and A. K. Pradhan (Norfolk State University) (Invited) Silicon Nanowire and Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for Sensing Applications – A. Tarasov (Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Basel), M. Wipf, R. L. Stoop (University of Basel), K. Bedner (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen), W. Fu, M. Calame, and C. Schönenberger (University of Basel) Break Graphene Based Materials for Arsenic Sensing and Removal from Contaminated Water – A. Assirelli, S. Ieffa, R. Bernasconi, L. Nobili, and L. Magagnin (Politecnico di Milano) Electrochemical Characterisation of a RealTime pH Sensor – K. M. Herdman (Maynooth University, Maynooth), F. B. Bolger, N. J. Finnerty, and C. B. Breslin (Maynooth University) Electrochemical Detection of Volatile Organic Biomarkers Using Next Generation Titania Nanotube Arrays – Y. R. Smith, D. Bhattacharyya, S. K. Mohanty, and M. Misra (University of Utah) Effect of Changed Structure As Well As Composition on the Behaviour of Sn(Se,Te) Compound Semiconductor Thin Films and Schottky Diodes for Solar Cell Applications – N. Padha (University of Jammu), N. Kumar, A. Devi, R. Sachdeva (University of Jammu, Jammu, India), and C. Panchal (M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, India)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago M02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Rangachary Mukundan, Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden, and Sushanta Mitra •


Effect of the Replacement of Some Indium Atoms with Aluminum Atoms on the Behaviour of p-CuInSe2 Thin Films and Schottky Diodes – N. Padha (University of Jammu), U. Parihar (University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K (India)), and C. Panchal (M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara , Gujarat (India))

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


The Effect of Distribution of Uvlight on Elastic Modulus of UV Cured Film in Rollto-Roll Nanoimprint Process – S. Kondo (Yamagata University), K. Taki (Kanazawa University), and H. Ito (Yamagata University) Thiol-Sensitive Electrochemical Sensors for Advance Detection of Neurotoxins in Water and Biomass – A. Pilip (SRCES RAS), A. Eremenko (Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS), I. Kurochkin (Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University), I. Russkikh (SRCES RAS), and T. Prokopkina (Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University) A Paper-Based Reagent Storage Approach for Point-of-Care Electrochemical Sensing – X. Wang (University of Cincinnati), W. Kang, and I. Papautsky (Department of EECS, University of Cincinnati) Titanium Dioxide and Tin Oxide Composite for so2 Gas Sensors – S. Mulmi (UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY) and V. Thangadurai (University of Calgary) Highly Sensitive Impedance Sensor for Detection of Acephatement Using Nanostructured Assembly – J. Gong (Department of Chemsitry, Central China Normal Univeristy)






Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Chemical and Biological Sensors) Sensor Salon C, Hilton Chicago

M04 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: Michael T. Carter and Bryan A. Chin . • 2175 Screen-Printed Electrodes Modified with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Cisplatin Detection – E. M. Materón, A. Wong, S. I. Klein, and M. D. P. T. Sotomayor (UNESP) • 2176 Polypyrrole-Coated Carbon Nanotubes for Low Temperature Gas Sensor – A. Kim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Hanyang University), H. Lim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)), H. N. Lee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), P. Jae-Young (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)), B. Yoo (Hanyang University), and H. J. Kim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH)) • 2177 Spray-Coated All-Solid-State Potentiometric Sensors – E. Jaworska (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry), M. Schmidt, G. Scarpa (Technische Universität München), K. Maksymiuk (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry), and A. Michalska (Univeristy of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry) • 2178 Carbon Nanofibers As Transducer Layers in Potentiometric Sensors – E. Jaworska, J. Madejak, A. Kisiel, K. Maksymiuk (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry), and A. Michalska (Univeristy of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry) • 2179 a New Bifunctional Electrochemical Sensor for Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitrite Based on Bimetallic Porphyrin MOF – B. Zhou and L. M. Shi (Nanjing Normal University)


Wednesday, May 27





Citrus Limon Peel As a Component of Modified Carbon Paste Electrode for Voltammetric Determination of Cd(II) – D. S. Rajawat (Department of Chemistry, IIS University, Jaipur) and S. P. Satsangee (USIC, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra) Tailoring Morphology of ZnO Nanostructures on Fabrics By Electrochemical Deposition for Gas Sensors – E. Lee, H. Park, Y. Chung, S. Lee, and D. J. Kim (Auburn University)

Nanotechnology General Session

All Divisions / Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee Marquette , Hilton Chicago

Nanotechnology General Morning Session – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: O. M. Leonte, Sabri Alkis, and Manashi Nath 08:00 08:05 2250

Wednesday, May 27







09:25 10:00 2254










Introductory Remarks Electric Current Rectifying Device That Is Completely in Liquid State: A Theoretical Proposal – G. I. Guerrero-Garcia (Northwestern University, Institute of Physics, UASLP, Mexico), K. Raidongia, J. Huang, and M. Olvera de la Cruz (Northwestern University) Electroforming Free Non-Volatile Resistive Memory Switching in Pulsed Laser Deposited Rare-Earth Oxides Thin Films – Y. Sharma (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico), S. P. Pavunny, and R. S. Katiyar (University of Puerto Rico) Tin Oxides with Nano and Micron-Sized Pores for Functional Electrochemical Devices – E. J. Kim and H. C. Shin (Pusan National University) Nano-Second Pulse Programming of Resistive RAM Devices and Its Benefits – L. Montesi, M. Buckwell, A. Mehonic, S. Hudziak, and T. Kenyon (University College London) Break Laterally Assembled Ga2Te3/In2Te3 HeteroNanostructures for Thermoelectric Applications – Y. T. Hung, T. H. Chen, H. C. Chang, and C. H. Chen (National Chiao Tung University) Core-Shell Structured Supported Size-Selective Catalysts with High Catalytic Activity – Z. Shang and X. Liang (Missouri University of Science and Technology) High-Performance SOFC Electrodes Synthesized By Novel One-Step Chemical Routes – A. E. Martinelli (UFRN), D. A. Macedo (UFPB), M. R. Cesário, C. A. Paskocimas (UFRN), D. P. Fagg (University of Aveiro), and R. M. Nascimento (UFRN - Department of Materials Engineering) Electrodeposition of Highly Ordered CdTe Nanorod/Nanotube Arrays for Solar Energy Conversion – W. P. R. Liyanage, J. S. Wilson, E. Kinzel, and M. Nath (Missouri University of Science & Technology) Enhanced Light Scattering with Energy Downshifting Using 16 Nm Indium Nitride Nanoparticles for Improved Thin-Film a-Si N-I-P Solar Cells – F. I. Chowdhury, K. Islam (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology), S. Alkis (Bilkent University), B. Ortaç (Material Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University), M. Alevli (Department of Physics, Marmara University), N. Dietz (Georgia State University), A. Okyay (UNAM), and A. Nayfeh (Masdar Institue of Science and Technology)



Enhancing the Rate Capability of Hybrid Supercapacitors Based on Redox Active Electrolytes through High-Surface Area Reduced Graphene Oxide – S. Roldán, O. Bondarchuk (CIC energiGUNE), J. Carretero-González (CIC Energigune), T. Rojo (CIC energigune), and R. Mysyk (CIC Energigune)

Nanotechnology General Afternoon Session – 14:00 – 17:25 Co-Chairs: O. M. Leonte, Stephen Maldonado, Lionel Santinacci, and Loic Assaud 14:00


















Charge Trapping Memory with 2.85-Nm SiNanoparticles Embedded in HfO2 – N. El-Atab (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology), B. B. Turgut (UNAM, Bilkent University), A. Okyay (UNAM), and A. Nayfeh (Masdar Institue of Science and Technology) Fabrication of Large Scale Molecular Junctions of Ag Nanowires By Mev Proton Beam Irradiation – S. Honey (Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics), I. Ahmad (National Centre for Physics), S. Riaz, S. Naseem (Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics), and M. Maaza (iThemba LABS , Somerset West , South Africa) Direct Electrodeposition of Crystalline Si Nanowires at Low Temperatures – L. Ma, S. Lee, and S. Maldonado (University of Michigan) Direct Electrochemical Synthesis of Epitaxial Germanium Nano- and Micro-Wire Arrays at Room Temperature in Water – E. Fahrenkrug, J. Gu, and S. Maldonado (University of Michigan) Atomic Layer Deposition and Anodic Oxidation: A Good Tool Combination to Build Nanostructured Electrodes for Energy Applications – L. Santinacci (Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS), L. Assaud (FriedrichAlexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), M. Barr (Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS), E. A. Baranova, N. Brazeau (University of Ottawa), N. Plylahan (Aix-Marseille Université - CNRS), T. Djenizian (Aix-Marseille University), J. Bachmann (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), and M. Hanbucken (AixMarseille Université - CNRS) Effect of Nano-Silver Ink Composition and Drying Behavior on Its Adhesion on Glass Substrate – I. H. Lai (National Tsing Hua University) and K. S. Chou (Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU) A Novel Empirical Force Field to Capture Size-Dependent Dimensionality Effects in Au Nanoclusters – B. Narayanan, A. Kinaci, F. G. Sen, M. J. Davis, S. K. Gray, M. K. Y. Chan, and S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan (Argonne National Laboratory) Nanoscale Investigation of Anodization Process of Titanium – K. He (Michigan Technological University, Shandong University), Y. P. Lu (Shandong University), T. Tolou Shokuhfar, and R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) On the Electrochemical Dealloying of Binary AlCu and Ternary Al-Cu-Sn Alloys – T. Song, M. Yan (RMIT University), Z. Shi, A. Atrens (The University of Queensland), and M. Qian (RMIT University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL



In-Situ TEM Observation of ZnO Nanostructure Growth in Liquid – T. H. Hsieh (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), J. Y. Chan (Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), C. W. Huang, W. C. Li, C. F. Chang, and W. W. Wu (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU) Concluding Remarks



Salon C, Hilton Chicago Z02 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chairs: O. M. Leonte and Hideyuki Takahashi •

Synthesis and Size Control of CuIn Alloy Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution and Its Application for CuInSe2 Solar Cell – H. Takahashi, H. Fujiki, S. Yokoyama, and K. Tohji (Tohoku University) 2272 Solid-State Reaction Assisted Synthesis of CoDoped MnO2 Nano-Composite Materials for Supercapacitor – W. Feng, G. Zhang, P. He, W. Lei, J. Wen, and F. Wang (Southwest University of Science and Technology) 2273 Atomic Layer Deposition on Fabrics for Flame Resistance – S. O’Brien, L. Cosgrave, V. Lodge (Tyndall National Institute - UCC), and I. M. Povey (Tyndall National Institute UCC) 2274 RT Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 By Using Remote Plasma Excited Water Vapor – K. Kanomata, P. P. Pansila, H. Ohba, B. Ahmmad, S. Kubota, K. Hirahara, and F. Hirose (Yamagata University) 2275 ZrO2/GRP Nanocomposite Based Sensor for the Electrochemical Investigation of an Anti-HIV Phytoconstituent Andrographolide – S. Saxena (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, India) and S. P. Satsangee (Dayalbagh Educational Institute) 2276 The Catalytic Activity of Pd Supported on TiO2 Nanotubes on the Formic Acid Oxydation in Alkaline Media – J. Aldana-González (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, CIICAp-UAEM), M. G. Montes de Oca-Yemha (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco), J. C. Olvera, M. A. Romero-Romo (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco), J. Uruchurtu (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, CIICAp-UAEM), and M. Palomar-Pardavé (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco) 2277 FDTD Analysis for Devices with Glass Substrates and Its Application to Antireflection Coating on Organic Solar Cells – S. Kubota, K. Kanomata, B. Ahmmad (Yamagata University), J. Mizuno (Waseda University), and F. Hirose (Yamagata University) 2278 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Raman Scattering Studies of ALD Alumina Coated ZnTe Nanowires – K. Pradhan, S. Sahoo (University of Puerto Rico), J. H. Peng, H. Yu, S. K. Dey (Arizona State University), and R. S. Katiyar (University of Puerto Rico) 2279 Effects of 3-Aminopropyl Triethoxysilane (APTES) on Stability, Optical Properties and Morphology of Gold Nanoparticles – M. Farrell, G. Rutherford (Center for Materials Research, Norfolk State University), and A. K. Pradhan (Norfolk State University)

Plastic and Flexible Micro-Electrochemical Supercapacitor Based on Cluster-Assembled Carbon – F. Soavi (Università di Bologna), C. Arbizzani (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna), L. G. Bettini, P. Milani, and P. Piseri (Università degli Studi di Milano) Additive Manufacturing (AM) through Imprinting Gold Nanoparticles on Glass Substrates By Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) – L. A. Hof (Concordia University), C. Escobedo (Queen’s University), J. D. Abou Ziki, and R. Wüthrich (Concordia University)


Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Solid State Topics General Session

Dielectric Science and Technology / Electronics and Photonics / Energy Technology / Luminescence and Display Materials / Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Sensor PDR 7, Hilton Chicago

Solid State Topics General Session - Morning Session 1 – 08:00 – 10:00 Co-Chairs: Kalpathy B. Sundaram and O. M. Leonte 08:00 08:05 2282 08:25





Introductory Remarks Modification of Sacrificial Polymers for LowCost MEMS Packaging – O. Phillips and P. A. Kohl (Georgia Institute of Technology) Exploration of Chemical Bonding Transformation Mapping to Assist Low-k Dielectric Nanostructure Fabrication – O. Chyan, S. Rimal, T. Mukherjee, A. Goswami, and N. Ross (University of North Texas) (Dielectric Science & Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award) Boron Carbon Nitride Thin Films for Low-k Dielectric Interconnect and Optical Applications – K. B. Sundaram, A. Prakash (University of Central Florida), and S. W. King (Intel Corporation) Break

Solid State Topics General Session - Morning Session 2 – 10:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Gary W. Hunter and Kalpathy B. Sundaram 10:00








Understanding Field-Dependent Leakage Current Mechanisms in Amorphous Hydrogenated Boron Carbide As a Function of Electronic, Dielectric, and Disorder Parameters – M. M. Paquette, B. J. Nordell, C. L. Keck, G. Bhattarai, T. D. Nguyen, S. Purohit, A. N. Caruso (University of Missouri-Kansas City), W. A. Lanford (University at Albany), and S. W. King (Intel Corporation) The Electrodeposition of Crystalline Gallium Antimonide Using Electrochemical LiquidLiquid Solid Deposition (ec-LLS) – J. J. DeMuth and S. Maldonado (University of Michigan) Understanding the Effect of MgO Interfacial Layer on ZnO/High-K/Fto Transparent Thin Film Transistor for Large-Area Transparent Electronics Applications – R. Jha and P. Thapaliya (University of Toledo) Low Work Function LaB6 thin Films Prepared By Nitrogen Doped LaB6 target Sputtering – H. Ishii (Tohoku Univercity), K. Takahashi (Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., LTD), T. Goto, S. Sugawa, and T. Ohmi (Tohoku University)


Wednesday, May 27








Growth of Nickel Silicide/Platinum Silicide Axial Nanowire Heterostructure through Solid-State Reaction – Y. T. Wu (Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), C. W. Huang (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), J. Y. Chan, Y. T. Huang, C. H. Chiu, Y. S. Hsieh (Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), C. F. Chang (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), and W. W. Wu (Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU) Solid State Reaction to Form Metal Oxide Heterostructure Nanowire – Y. H. Chen (Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), C. W. Huang (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), J. Y. Chan, Y. T. Huang (Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU), and W. W. Wu (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, NCTU) Ageing Effects on Sputtered YSZ Thin Films and Gold Electrodes for Electrochemical Sensor Applications – K. M. Subramaniam, L. L. Rajeswara Rao, and N. Jampana (Indian Institute of Science)

Salon C, Hilton Chicago Z03 Poster Session – 18:00 – 20:00 Co-Chair: Kalpathy B. Sundaram

Wednesday, May 27




Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Chitosan and Europium Triflate – M. M. Silva (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho), R. Alves (University of Minho), J. P. Donoso, C. J. Magon, I. D. A. Silva, and A. Pawlicka (University of São Paulo) Chitosan Solid Polymer Electrolytes Doped with Cyano-Based Ionic Liquids – R. Leones (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho), F. Sentanin (University of São Paulo), J. M. S. S. Esperança (ITQB), A. Pawlicka (University of São Paulo), and M. M. Silva (Centro de Química, Universidade do Minho) Effect of Thickness on Electrical and Reliability Characteristics for Dense and Porous Low Dielectric Constant Materials – Y. L. Cheng, K. C. Kao, and C. S. Wu (National Chi-Nan University)

Thursday, May 28 Highlights 0900h ��������� Technical Exhibit, Lower Level 0930h ��������� Technical Session Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall, Lower Level


Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storageand-Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy Conversion Energy Technology / Battery Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago

SOFC I – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Scott A. Barnett and Srikanth Gopalan 08:00












10:00 10:20 194




An Innovative Carbonate Fuel Cell Matrix – A. Hilmi, A. Surendranath, and C. Y. Yuh (FuelCell Energy, Inc.) Experimental Investigation of Carbon Deposition on a Ni/YSZ Anode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell – D. Hua, X. Zhang, G. Li, N. Yang, and P. Fan (MOE Key Laboratory of ThermalFluid Science & Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University) Optical Studies of Dry and Wet Reformed Methane on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes – S. N. Qadri (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), J. D. Kirtley (Montana State University), D. A. Steinhurst (Nova Research, Inc.), R. A. Walker (Montana State University), M. B. Pomfret (Lab/Cor Materials), and J. C. Owrutsky (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) Optimization of Support Materials for Intermediate Temperature Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (IT-MCFC) – N. Li, A. Poozhikunnath, M. Aindow, and R. Maric (University of Connecticut) Scandium-Doped LSM Anode for Steam Electrolysis in a Proton-Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolyzer – S. Chen, K. Xie, and Y. Wu (Hefei University of Technology) Surface Chemistry, Charge Transfer, and Transport in La0.1Sr0.9TiO3-Alpha-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes: Modeling and Experimental Study – V. Yurkiv (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), G. Constantin (Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS, CNRS), A. Hornes (German Aerospace Centre (DLR)), A. Gondolini, E. Mercadelli, A. Sanson (ISTECCNR), L. Dessemond (Université Grenoble Alpes-CNRS), and R. Costa (German Aerospace Center (DLR)) Break Mechanical and Dielectric Relaxation in 8 Mol% YSZ – P. Gao, M. Radovic (Texas A&M University), G. Brankovic, and Z. Brankovic (University of Belgrade) The Oxygen Transport Properties of La2NiO4+δ Infiltrated La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ By Electrical Conductivity Relaxation – X. Zhang, X. Liu (West Virginia University), and H. Zhang (National Energy Technology Laboratory) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Studies of Ionic Conduction Mechanisms in Low-Cost and Rare-Earth-Free Superior Fast OxideIon Conductor Sr3-3xNa3xSi3O9-1.5x – Y. Y. Hu (Florida State University) and K. Huang (University of South Carolina) Reduced-Temperature Firing of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with YSZ/GDC Bilayer Electrolytes and Sr0.8La0.2TiO3-a Anode-Side Supports – Z. Gao and S. A. Barnett (Northwestern University) A Systematic Study on Sodium Doped Strontium Silicate for SOFC Application – Y. Jee, X. Xiong (University of South Carolina), J. Tong (China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing), F. Si, J. Wang, J. Fang, and K. Huang (University of South Carolina) Nanostructured Ni-YSZ Anode By Atomic Layer Deposition for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – X. Cui, A. D. Zdunek, and C. G. Takoudis (University of Illinois at Chicago)











Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago Supercapacitor II – 08:00 – 12:20 Co-Chairs: Prashanth Jampani Hanumantha and Maria Angelica Abreu Sepulveda 08:00












10:00 10:20 206

Metallic MoS2 Nanosheets As Electrodes with High Volumetric Energy and Power Densities – M. Acerce, D. Voiry, and M. Chhowalla (Rutgers University) Electrochemical Properties of Nanocrystalline Li4Mn5O12 for Hybrid Capacitor – T. V. Man (University of Science, Department of Physical Chemistry), N. L. T. Huynh (Faculty of Chemistry, University of Science, VNU-HCM), T. V. Le (Faculty of Materials Technology), and L. M. L. Phung (University of Science-Applied Physical Chemistry Lab) High Volumetric Capacitance and Mechanisms of Electrochemical Charge Storage in TwoDimensional Ti3C2-Based Mxene – M. R. Lukatskaya, M. Ghidiu, O. Mashtalir, C. E. Ren (Drexel University), M. Q. Zhao (Drexel Univerisity), Y. Dall’Agnese (Université Paul Sabatier, Drexel University), M. W. Barsoum, and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University) Graphene-Coated Carbon Nanotube Aerogels Decorated with MnO2 for Ultracompressible and Highly Stable Pseudocapacitors – E. Wilson and M. F. Islam (Carnegie Mellon University) Characteristics of Mn-Co-Ni Oxide Powders Prepared By Chemical Reduction Method for a Supercapacitor Electrode – W. W. Chun, M. S. Shin, B. N. Choi, and C. H. Chung (Sungkyunkwan University) NiO Hybrid Nanoarchitecture Based Symmetric Supercapacitor in Non-Aqueous Electrolytes with Improved Rate Capability and Cycle Life – P. Narayanasamy (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork), S. Selladurai (Anna University), K. M. Rahulan (SRM University), C. O’Dwyer (Tyndall National Institute), and K. M. Razeeb (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork) Break Enhanced Charge Transport and Storage of Two-Dimensional Vanadium Pentoxide – C. Rhodes, N. Lambdin, R. Patel, and A. Zaleski (Texas State University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Effect of Anodic Deposition Parameters on Electrochemical Behavior and Microstructure of Mn-Ni Oxide As a Pseudocapacitive Electrode – M. H. Tahmasebi (Isfahan University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano), A. Vicenzo, M. Bestetti (Politecnico di Milano), M. A. Golozar, and K. Raeissi (Isfahan University of Technology) Cathodic Deposition of Metal Sulfide Nanostructures As Active Materials for HighPerformance Supercapacitors – S. W. Chou (Department of Chemical Engineering, Tatung University) and J. Y. Lin (Tatung University) Series-Connected Substrate-Integrated LeadCarbon Hybrid Ultracapacitors with VoltageManagement Circuit – A. Banerjee (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), R. Srinivasan (enArka Instruments, Bangalore 560 040, India), and A. K. Shukla (Indian Institute of Science) Facile Fabrication of Co3O4@C@ Tnas Heterojunction Composites with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Supercapacitors – C. P. Yu, Y. Wang, J. F. Zhang, X. Shu, J. W. Cui, K. Xie (Hefei University of Technology), Z. Chen (Nanyang Technological University), T. Xie, and Y. C. Wu (Hefei University of Technology) Electrochemically Synthesized CDC for Supercapacitors and Performance Ionic Liquid Electrolytes – L. G. B. Camargo, B. G. Palazzo, G. Taylor, Z. Norris, Y. Patel, J. Hettinger, and L. Yu (Rowan University)

Supercapacitor III – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: David Mitlin and Maria Angelica Abreu Sepulveda 14:00












Charge Storage Mechanisms of Carbides and Nitrides – A. Djire, O. T. Ajenifujah, A. Sleightholme, P. Rasmussen (University of Michigan), L. He (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), J. Siegel, and L. T. Thompson (University of Michigan) Functionalized Carbon Based Electrodes for High-Performance Energy Storage Devices – T. Liu, R. Kavian, and S. W. Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology) Peanut Shell Hybrid Sodium Ion Capacitor with Extreme Energy - Power Rivals Lithium Ion Capacitors – D. Mitlin (Clarkson University) Synthesis of Ni-Co Oxides/Sulfides for Electrochemical Capacitors – P. Xiao, Y. H. Li (College of Physics, Chongqing University), and Y. Zhang (College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) The Influence of Water in Montmorillonite Clay on the Performance As Electrode Material for Li-Ion Battery/Capacitor – C. Chen, G. Shah, and C. Wang (Florida International University) Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Layer - ByLayer Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Material for Asymmetric Supercapacitor Device – S. Bag and C. R. Raj (Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur)


Thursday, May 28


Continental Room A, Hilton Chicago SOFC II – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chairs: Sean R. Bishop and Edward M. Sabolsky 14:00









Thursday, May 28




Porous SOFC Electrode Infiltration Methods By Bio-Adhesive Templating – O. Ozmen, J. Zondlo (West Virginia University), S. Lee, K. Gerdes (U.S. DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory), and E. M. Sabolsky (West Virginia University) Chemiacl Potential and Degradation of Solid Electrolyte for SOFCs – H. T. Lim, M. G. Jung, and M. Y. Park (Changwon National University) Influence of CO2 on the Cathode Performance and Stability of La1-XSrxCo0.2Fe0.8O3-δ in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – D. Cetin, Y. Yu, H. Luo, X. Lin, U. B. Pal, S. N. Basu, and S. Gopalan (Boston University) On the Defect Chemistry, Electrical Properties and Electrochemical Performances As Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Materials of New La-(Sr/Vac)-Co-Ti-O Perovskites – F. GarcíaAlvarado, A. Gómez-Pérez, J. C. PérezFlores, M. T. Azcondo-Sánchez, M. Yuste (Universidad CEU San Pablo), N. Bonanos (Technical University of Denmark), U. Amador (Universidad CEU San Pablo), and J. Canales-Vázquez (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha) Role of Grain Size in Redox Induced Thin Film Stress in Ceria Systems – J. Sheth (Brown University), D. Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), S. R. Bishop (Kyushu University), B. W. Sheldon (Brown University), and H. L. Tuller (Kyushu University) GdBaM2-xFexO6-δ (M = Co, Mn) Perovskitetype Oxides as SOFCs Cathodes: Influence of Ordering Effects on the Crystal Structure and Properties – S. Garcia-Martin, D. Muñoz-Gil, E. Urones-Garrote (Complutense University), D. Avila-Brande (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), and X. Martínez de Irujo (Complutense University)

Continental Room B, Hilton Chicago Flow Battery II – 16:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: S. R. Narayanan and A. Manivannan 16:00





Development of Nanoelectrofuel Electrodes for Flow Batteries : Rheology and Electrochemistry of Fluidized Nanoparticles – S. Sen (Argonne National Laboratory), E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), C. J. Pelliccione, J. P. Katsoudas (Illinois Institute of Technology), D. Singh (Energy System Division, Argonne National Laboratory), and C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology) Investigation of Treated Graphene Oxides for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery – A. Di Blasi, O. Di Blasi, N. Briguglio, C. Busacca (CNR ITAE), and V. Antonucci (CNR-ITAE Institute)






Electrochemistry and Transport of Redox Active Polymers Across a Porous Separator: Towards a Size-Selective Strategy for Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries – N. Gavvalapalli, J. Hui, T. Lichtenstein, K. Cheng, J. S. Moore, and J. Rodríguez-López (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) From Nanofluids to Nanoelectrofuels: Suspension Electrodes and Application in Flow Batteries – E. V. Timofeeva (Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory), S. Sen (Energy Systems, Argonne National Laboratory), J. P. Katsoudas (Illinois Institute of Technology), D. Singh (Energy System Division, Argonne National Laboratory), V. K. Ramani, and C. U. Segre (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond Battery Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago

Progress in Cathodes VII – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Chris Wolverton and Jeffrey W. Elam 08:00










09:40 10:00 631



LiVPO4F : A New Age High Voltage Cathode Material for Lithium Ion-Hybrid Electrochemical Capacitors – R. Satish (Nanyang Technological University), A. Vanchiappan (Energy Research Institute @ NTU), C. L. Wong (Energy Research Institute @ NTU), and M. Srinivasan (School of Materials Science and Engineering, NTU) Electrochemical Approach for the Synthesis of Carbon-Metal Fluoride Nanocomposites for Lithium Batteries – A. R. Munnangi (Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)) and M. Fichtner (Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Bottom-up Synthesis of Copper Fluoride Nanocomposites and Their Application to Rechargeable Li Batteries – J. Chun (POSTECH), Y. Kim (UNIST), and J. Lee (POSTECH) First Principles Investigation of Stable LiMn2O4 Surfaces for Lithium-Ion Batteries – S. Kim, M. Aykol, and C. Wolverton (Northwestern University) Long-Term High-Efficient Cus and Cu2s Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries – X. Meng (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory), Y. Ren (Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source), C. Sun (X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), and J. W. Elam (Argonne National Laboratory) Break Understanding the Electrochemical Behavior of Vanadium Dioxyfluoride – F. GarcíaAlvarado, A. Kuhn, J. C. Pérez-Flores (Universidad CEU San Pablo), E. Morán, R. Villamor, J. M. Gallardo-Amores, and D. Avila-Brande (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Initial Investigations on the Use of Coated Nano-Sized Phthalocyanines for Very High Energy Density Rechargeable Lithium-Based Batteries – J. P. Fellner, B. Quinton (Air Force Research Laboratory), and M. Tsao (University of Dayton Research Institute) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL








The Effects of Size and Shape on the Electrochemical Conversion in FeF2 Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study – Y. Ma (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) In-Situ Synchrotron XANES Study of Iron Oxyfluoride As Cathode Material in Lithium Ion Batteries – F. Yang, Y. Liu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), C. Sun (X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory), Z. F. Li (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis), Q. Liu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), Y. Ren (Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source), and J. Xie (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) Iron(III) Oxalate Tetrahydrate: A New Positive Electrode for Li Batteries – H. Ahouari (Laboratoire de réactivité et chimie des solides), J. M. Tarascon (Collège de France), N. Recham (Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS)), G. Rousse (Collège de France), J. Rodriguez-Carvaja (Institut Laue-Langevin), M. T. Sougrati (Institut Charles Gerhardt), M. Courty (Laboratoire de Réactivité et de Chimie des Solides), and M. Saubanere (CTMM ICG Montpellier) A Novel Li-Battery Cathode Material: Synthesis and Characterization of Li(Mn1xCox)BO3 – B. Le Roux (CEA, LITEN, F-38054 Grenoble, France, CRISMAT, Caen, France), C. Bourbon, J. F. Colin (CEA, LITEN, F-38054 Grenoble, France), O. Lebedev, and V. Pralong (CRISMAT, Caen, France)

Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes VII – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Shaojun Guo and William E. Mustain 08:00

Degradation of Cobalt Oxide Anode for Lithium Batteries at High Conducting Material Content – W. S. Choi (Pusan National University), W. Chang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology), and H. C. Shin (Pusan National University) 08:20 616 MoO2/Mo2C hybrid Nanowires As Anode Materials for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries – L. Yang, W. Sun (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China), Z. Zhong (Jinan University, Guangzhou, China), Y. Wang (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China), Q. Gao (Jinan University, Guangzhou, China), and M. Zhu (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China) 08:40 617 Metal Oxide Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries – W. E. Mustain, Y. Liu, J. He, Y. Meng, and S. Suib (University of Connecticut) 09:20 619 Gas Phase Synthesis of One-Dimensional Single Crystal Tin Oxide Nanostructured Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes – T. S. Chadha (Washington University in St. Louis), P. Shetty, A. M. Tripathi, S. Mitra (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay), and P. Biswas (Washington University in St. Louis) 09:40 Break 615

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL













Free-Standing Sb@Rgo Nanocomposite Films for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes – W. Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and technology), X. Hu, and Y. Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Low Voltage Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries – S. Clark (University of Oxford), A. R. Armstrong (University of St Andrews), and P. G. Bruce (University of Oxford, Department of Materials) Silicon-Germanium Heterostructure Nanowires As High Capacity Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes - an Electrochemical and Structural Investigation – T. Kennedy (MSSI and CES department, University of Limerick, Ireland) and K. M. Ryan (MSSI and CES Department, University of Limerick, Ireland) Rational Design of Metal Oxide-Carbon YolkShell Nanostructures for Lithium Ion Batteries – S. Guo (Los Alamos National Lab) From Quasi-2D TiO2(B) and Graphene Nanosheets to 3D Hierarchical Nanostructured Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries – G. Ren and Z. Fan (Texas Tech University, Electrical & Computer Engineering) Designed Synthesis of SnO2 Nanosheet Arrays with Superior Performance for Lithium and Sodium Storage – X. Zhang, P. Nie, L. Shen, Y. Zhu, S. Fang, H. Luo, and J. Jiang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Salon A-2, Hilton Chicago Advanced Characterization III – 08:00 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Dennis W. Dees and Venkat Subramanian 08:00











Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Behavior and Safety in Simulated Scenarios – C. F. Lopez (Texas A&M University), J. A. Jeevarajan (NASA), and P. P. Mukherjee (Texas A&M University) Simulation Model of a Prismatic LithiumIon-Battery for Temperature Propagation in the Cell after a Short Term Thermal Stress – P. Bohn (AUDI AG), G. Liebig, S. Vasic (NEXT ENERGY. EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology), L. Komsiyska (NEXT ENERGY- EWE Research Center for Energy Technology), and G. Wittstock (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg) Electrochemical Modeling and Performance of a Lithium- and Manganese-Rich Layered Transition-Metal Oxide Positive Electrode – D. W. Dees, D. P. Abraham, W. Lu, K. G. Gallagher, M. Bettge, and A. N. Jansen (Argonne National Laboratory) Mechanistic Understanding of Li Transport in Rechargeable Batteries – R. Shahbzian-Yassar (Michigan Technological University) Computational Analysis of Scalable Three-Dimensional Electrode and Device Architectures – S. Pannala, S. Allu, J. Nanda (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), B. Dunn (University of California - Los Angeles), and M. Z. Bazant (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Break


Thursday, May 28














High-Energy Li-Ion Batteries: Full Cell and Electrode Monitoring for Evaluating Cycling and Impedance Performance of Layered Oxide//Si-Graphite Cells – M. Klett, J. Gilbert, S. E. Trask, B. J. Polzin, A. N. Jansen, D. W. Dees, and D. P. Abraham (Argonne National Laboratory) Molecular Dynamics Studies of Diffusion Dynamics during Lithiation of Si Electrode: Increasing Si Vacancies Can Improve the Lithiation Rate – K. J. Kim (michigan state university) and Y. Qi (Michigan State University) Study on the Charging Behaviors of LithiumIon Batteries By the Simulation of Li Distribution in the Electrode Particles – N. Yang, X. Zhang, G. Li, D. Hua (MOE Key Laboratory of Thermal-Fluid Science & Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University), and P. Zhang (School of Energy & Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University) Model Based Dynamic Optimization Strategies for Lithium-Ion Batteries – D. Sonawane (Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle), B. Suthar (Washington University in St. Louis), M. Pathak (University of Washington Seattle), S. Santhanagopalan (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and V. Subramanian (University of Washington Seattle) Lifetime Prediction Based on the Load Profile of Lithium Ion Batteries – K. Kleiner (KIT) and P. Jakes (IEK9, Forschungszentrum Jülich) Density Functional Theory Study of Li Intercalation Voltage Near Cathode Interfaces – S. Xu, R. Jacobs (University of Wisconsin - Madison), C. Wolverton (Northwestern University), and D. Morgan (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Thursday, May 28

Advanced Characterization IV – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Patrick J. Phillips and Frederick C. Krause 14:00









Probing Life Limiting Parasitic Reactions: A Conceptual Model for Long Term Impedance Rise – E. S. Takeuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory), A. C. Marschilok, and K. J. Takeuchi (Stony Brook University) Exploring the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Voltage Fade – A. Vu, L. K. Walker, J. Bareno, Z. Chen, C. K. Lin, D. A. Bass, A. K. Burrell, and I. Bloom (Argonne National Laboratory) Pore Collapse and Regrowth in Lithiated Si Anodes Determined By in-Operando Neutron Reflectometry – J. A. Dura (Center for Neutron Research, NIST), S. C. DeCaluwe (Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines), B. M. Dhar, L. Huang, K. Yang (Binghamton University), J. Owejan (Alfred State University), Y. Zhao (University of Georgia), A. A. Talin (Sandia National Laboratories), and H. Wang (State University of New York, Binghamton) Evaluation of Commercial High Energy Lithium-Ion Cells for Aerospace Applications – F. C. Krause, A. Lawrence, M. C. Smart, S. F. Dawson, A. Ulloa-Severino, and B. V. Ratnakumar (Jet Propulsion Lab., California Institute of Technology)















Investigating the Discharge Mechanism of Electrodes Using in-Situ Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction – K. C. Kirshenbaum (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Stony Brook University), A. C. Marschilok, K. J. Takeuchi (Stony Brook University), and E. S. Takeuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Stony Brook University) Advanced Electron Microscopy of LayeredOxide Cathode Materials – P. J. Phillips (University Of Illinois At Chicago), C. Kim (University of Illinois at Chicago), J. Bareno (Argonne National Laboratory), T. Yi, J. Cabana (University of Illinois at Chicago), D. P. Abraham (Argonne National Laboratory), and R. F. Klie (University Of Illinois At Chicago) Quantitative Evaluation of Charge-Discharge Cycle Test and Storage Test in Commercially Available Lithium-Ion Batteries – H. Yoshida, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Mita, and H. Miyashiro (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry) Optical Impedance Spectroscopy - a Technique for Characterizing the Lithium Intercalation Process in a Porous Graphite Electrode – D. Manka, S. Schindler, P. Berg, and E. IversTiffée (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Conversion Reaction Mechanism in Complex Systems: A Triple X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Tisnsb, a Very Efficient Negative Electrode Material for Li-Ion Batteries – A. Darwiche (RS2E, ICG-Montpellier), M. T. Sougrati (ICGMontpellier, ALISTORE-ERI), M. Alfredsson (ALISTORE-ERI, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent), E. M. Kelder (Department of Chemical Engineering, TUDelft, ALISTORE-ERI), L. Monconduit (ALISTORE-ERI European Research Institute, ICG-Montpellier), and L. Stievano (ALISTORE-ERI, ICG-Montpellier) In Situ High Resolution Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Studies of Lithium Batteries – M. Amri (DTU Energy, Roskilde, Denmark), A. Fitch (ESRF, Grenoble, France), and P. Norby (Technical University of Denmark) Mapping of Ageing Mechanisms in Cylindrical LiFePO4/Graphite Batteries Cycled Under Deep Discharge Steps – F. Aguesse (CIC Energigune), E. SarasketaZabala (Ikerlan), E. Bekaert, C. Lopez (CIC Energigune), P. Kubiak (CIC Enegigune), and L. M. Rodriguez-Martinez (IKERLAN)

Salon A-5, Hilton Chicago Progress in Cathodes VIII – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Chris Wolverton and Yadong Liu 14:00


A High-Throughput Search for Functional Cathode Coatings for Lithium-Ion Batteries By First-Principles Thermodynamics – M. Aykol, S. Kim, S. J. Kirklin (Northwestern University), D. Morgan (University of Wisconsin - Madison), and C. Wolverton (Northwestern University)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






About the Thermodynamics of LixCoO2 in the Metal-Insulator Two-Phase Region Derived from DFT Calculations – S. O. Dang (FZ Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate 2 (IEK-2)), I. M. Markus (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Asta (University of California-Berkeley), and L. Singheiser (FZ Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate 2 (IEK2)) First Principles Study on Phase Stability in Li-Rich Layered Li2MnO3-LiMO2 (M=Mn, Ni, Co) – Z. Lu (Northwestern University), D. Morgan (University of Wisconsin - Madison), and C. Wolverton (Northwestern University) Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study of Failure of Commercial LiFePO4 Cells Under Overcharge Conditions – Y. Liu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), Z. F. Li (Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis), Q. Liu (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), and J. Xie (Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis)


Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion

Nanocarbons / Battery / Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Huron, Hilton Chicago

Energy Storage: Batteries and Supercapacitors 2 – 08:00 – 10:20 Co-Chair: Andrew Ferguson 08:00










Salon A-3, Hilton Chicago Progress in Anodes VIII – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Michael J. Wagner and Zhe-Fei Li 14:00














Structure and Surface Chemistry Optimization of Graphite Electrodes for High-Voltage Dual-Intercalation Batteries – B. Dyatkin (Drexel University) and J. A. Read (U.S. Army Research Laboratory) In Situ Neutron Depth Profiling of Lithium Transport within Aluminum and Tin – D. X. Liu, L. R. Cao, and A. C. Co (The Ohio State University) Gallium Arsenide As an Alloying Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries – K. A. Hays, N. A. Banek, and M. J. Wagner (The George Washington University) Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Electrochemical Performance of SU-8 Photoresist Derived Carbon Films As Lithium Ion Battery Anode Material – M. Kakunuri and C. S. Sharma (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad) In-Operando Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - Formation of Mossy Lithium on Lithium Anodes and Lithium Plating on Graphite Anodes during Charge/Discharge Cycling – J. Wandt, H. A. Gasteiger, C. Marino (Technische Universität München), P. Jakes (Forschungszentrum Jülich), R. A. Eichel (Forschungszentrum Jülich, RWTH Aachen University), and J. Granwehr (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Investigation of Graphite/Tin Phosphide Composites As the Potential Anode in LiIon Batteries – Z. F. Li and J. Xie (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) Preparation of Graphite from Fish Scales – Y. Huang, M. Gao (BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOG), and W. Wang (Research Institute of Chemical Defense)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

09:40 10:00 734

(Invited) Roll-to-Roll Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Embedded Redox Polymers – M. E. Roberts, M. R. Arcila-Velez, J. Zhu, R. Podila, M. Karakaya, and A. M. Rao (Clemson University) Nanoporous-Carbon As an Intercalation Host Material to Enable Multivalent Ion Electrochemical Energy Storage – M. P. Siegal, W. G. Yelton, and H. Schwarz (Sandia National Laboratories) Three-Dimensional Bi-Continuous Graphene Monolith from Hollow Ni Templates Via Polymer Templates – Y. Zhu (University of Akron) Graphene Nanocomposites Templated from Cage-Containing Metal-Organic Frameworks for Oxygen Reduction in Li-O2 Batteries – G. Wu (University at Buffalo, The State University of New York) Influence of Carbon Surface Defects on Double Layer Charge Storage and Ion Dynamics in Electrochemical Capacitors – B. Dyatkin (Drexel University), E. Mamontov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University) Break Biomass Based Carbon Nanospheres As Electrode Materials in Lithium Ion Batteries – A. A. Arie (Parahyangan Catholic University) and J. K. Lee (Korea University of Science and Technology)

Electro-catalysis and Fuel Cells 1 – 10:20 – 12:00 Co-Chair: Stephen K. Doorn 10:20










(Invited) Mechanistic Studies of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalyzed By N-Doped Graphitic Carbon Materials – L. S. Li, Q. Li, B. Noffke, and K. Raghavachari (Indiana University, Dept. of Chemistry) Facile Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Activity of Sulfur Doped Carbon for Oxygen Reduction – R. Yang, Y. Sun, Z. Yang, and J. Wu (Soochow University) Facile Synthesis of High-Porous Noble-MetalFree Catalyst for Highly Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction – D. Whang and M. Kim (Sungkyunkwan University) Highly Active Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Metal Oxide Hybrid Composites for Oxygen Reduction Reaction – M. Bayati and K. Scott (Newcastle University) Metal-Catalyst-Free Fuel Cells with Carbon As Catalysts – W. Li, J. Qi, N. Benipal (Iowa State University), H. Wang (Michigan Technological University), D. J. Chadderdon (Iowa State University), Y. Jiang (University of California, Riverside), W. Wei (Michigan Technological University), X. Han, Y. Qiu (Iowa State University), and Y. H. Hu (Michigan Technological University)


Thursday, May 28


Electro-catalysis and Fuel Cells 2 – 14:00 – 16:00 Co-Chair: Liang-Shi Li 14:00











Graphene for Energy: Which Promising Applications and How? – E. Quesnel (CEALiten) (Invited) Structured Carbon Nanostructures Derived from Graphene Oxide for Catalysis – G. Gupta (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Combinatorial Search of Hydrogen Catalysts Based on Transition Metal Embedded Graphitic Carbons – W. I. Choi, B. Wood, E. Schwegler, and T. Ogitsu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Enhancement of Platinum Mass Activity at Polymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotube-Based Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts – N. Nakashima (WPI-I2CNER), I. Hafez (Kyushu University, WPI-I2CNER), M. R. Berber (Kyushu University, Department of Applied Chemistry), and T. Fujigaya (JST-CREST) Fe and N Functionalized-Ordered Mesoporous Carbon with Different Morphologies: Role of Fe on Surface Properties and Electrocatalytic Activity – D. S. Yang, M. Y. Song, E. Bae, and J. S. Yu (Korea University) Break


Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

Nanocarbons / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago

Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence in Biology – 08:00 – 10:00 Co-Chair: Tatiana Da Ros 08:00










Electro-catalysis and Fuel Cells 3 – 16:00 – 17:40 Co-Chair: Gautam Gupta 16:00

Thursday, May 28











New Transition Metal-CN ORR Electrocatalysts with a ‘ Core-Shell ‘ Structure – V. Di Noto, E. Negro (INSTM, Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova), K. Vezzù (Veneto Nanotech S.C.p.a.), G. Nawn (Department of Chemical Sciences - University of Padova), F. Bertasi (INSTM, INSTM), A. Serov, K. Artyushkova, and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico) Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Pd-MnO2 Hybrid at Onion-like Carbons: Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Alcohols in Alkaline Media – P. M. Ejikeme, K. Makgopa (Department of Chemistry, University of Pretoria), K. Raju (CSIR Pretoria, SA), and K. I. Ozoemena (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)) Gold Decorated Graphene for Energy Conversion in Electrocatalytic Oxidaton of Alcohols – L. K. Ventrapragada, R. Podilla, A. M. Rao, and S. Creager (Clemson University) Engineering Carbon Nanotubes As Oxygen Reduction Catalysts for Solid Acid Fuel Cells – V. Evoen (California Institute of Technology), H. Tavassol (California Institute of technology), and S. M. Haile (California Institute of Technology) The Role of Chemistry and Morphology of Carbon in Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Structure-to-Property Studies – K. Artyushkova, A. Serov, M. J. Workman, and P. Atanassov (University of New Mexico)


(Invited) Developing Short-Wave Infrared Fluorescent Immunoprobes Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – K. M. Beckingham, M. Vu, C. W. Lin (Rice University), R. C. Bast Jr. (Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center), and R. B. Weisman (Rice University) (Invited) Corona Phase Molecular Recognition (CoPhMoRe) to Enable New Nanosensor Interfaces – M. S. Strano (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (Invited) Biological Applications of Nanoparticles for Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Scavenging and Sensing – A. A. Boghossian (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), F. Sen (Dumlupinar University), B. Gibbons (Stanford University), S. Sen (Middle East Technical University), S. Faltermeier, J. P. Giraldo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), C. Zhang (Harvard University), J. Zhang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), D. Heller (Weill Cornell Medical College, New York), and M. S. Strano (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Spectral Microscopy Resolves Carbon Nanotube Chromatic Diversity in Living Systems – D. Roxbury, P. V. Jena (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center), R. Williams (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center), and D. Heller (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Applications of Single Nanotube Imaging Spectroscopy in Live Cells – P. V. Jena, D. Roxbury (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center), T. V. Galassi, C. Horoszko (Weill Cornell Medical College), J. BudhathokiUprety, and D. Heller (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Coffee Break

New Carbon Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications – 10:00 – 14:00 Co-Chair: Ardemis Anoush Boghossian 10:00






An Easy Stereo-Specific and Regio-Selective Reaction for the Synthesis of Ester-[70]Fullerene Derivatives – E. Castro and L. Echegoyen (University of Texas at El Paso) Controllable Synthesis of Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanotubes Under Atmospheric Pressure and Their Electrocatalytic Ability to L-Cystein – Y. C. Chang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), I. T. Chen (National Taiwan University), G. L. Chen (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University), and W. H. Chiang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) (Invited) Glycofullerenes for Biological Applications – N. Martin (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, IMDEANanociencia) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL







Stochastic Sensors Based on Diamond Paste for Screening of Biological Fluids for Neurotransmitters – R. I. Stefan-van Staden (NIRECM), I. Moldoveanu (Laboratory of Electrochemistry and PATLAB, NIRECM), and J. F. VAN Staden (NIRECM) Porphyrin-Fullerene Based Donor-Acceptor Conjugates for Photocontrol of Cell Membrane Potentials – Y. Takano (WPIiCeMS, Kyoto University), T. Numata (Faculty of medicine, Fukuoka University), K. Fujishima, T. Murakami, M. Kengaku (WPIiCeMS, Kyoto University), Y. Mori, and H. Imahori (Kyoto University) Boron-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide (B-RGO) and Its Application to L-Cysteine Sensing – I. T. Chen, H. C. Lu, T. H. Chang (National Taiwan University), L. D. Huang (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan), and K. C. Ho (National Taiwan University) Lunch Break

Nanocarbon Therapeutics and Theranostics – 14:00 – 15:40 Co-Chair: Daniel Heller 14:00

14:20 14:40



Playing with Fullerene, Carbon Nanotubes, Nanodiamonds and Other Carbon Nanostructures – T. DaRos (University of Trieste), V. Armuzza, J. M. Gonzalez Dominguez, A. Gajewska, and M. Carini (Trieste University) 764 Bioconjugated Iron-Filled Carbon Nanotubes As Cancer Theranostics Agents – F. Pineux (UNamur) 765 Controlled Layer-By-Layer Polymer/DNA Coating of Carbon Nanotubes for Gene Delivery Applications – F. S. Majedi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Amirkabir University of Technology), H. Keshvari (Amirkabir University of Technology), M. M. Hasani-Sadrabadi (Georgia Institute of Technology, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)), P. Renaud (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)), and L. Tayebi (Marquette University) 766 Biomedical Applications of Diamond Nanoparticles – V. N. Mochalin and Y. Gogotsi (Drexel University, A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute) 767 C60-Derivatives: Applications in Electric-Field Cancer Therapy (EFCT) – S. Corr, L. Vergara (BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE), Y. Mackeyev (Rice University), J. C. S. Ho (Baylor College of Medicine), L. J. Wilson (Rice University Department of Chemistry), and S. A. Curley (Baylor College of Medicine)


Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory: In Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi

Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Lake Erie, Hilton Chicago Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory: In Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi – 08:00 – 17:00 Co-Chair: Francis D’Souza 08:00 08:05 08:10 832








09:30 10:00 836 10:20










12:00 14:00 842

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Welcoming Remarks Introductory Remarks Laser-Induced Hydrogen Evolution Using Metal-Free Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes – K. Ohkubo, N. Kohno, Y. Yamada, and S. Fukuzumi (Osaka University) Oligothiophene-Graphene Ensembles – N. Tagmatarchis (National Hellenic Research Foundation) Carbon Nanodots - Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Their Photoluminescence – D. M. Guldi (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Modulating Electron Transfer Dynamics Via Graphene Interactions in Donor-Acceptor Systems – F. D’Souza (University of North Texas), G. N. Lim (Univeristy of North Texas), and C. KC (University of North Texas) Coffee Break Chiral Fullerenes from Asymmetric Catalysis – N. Martin (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, IMDEA-Nanociencia) Chemically Functionalized Nanocarbons for Artificial Photosynthesis and Solar Energy Conversion – H. Imahori (Kyoto University) Cycloaddition of Nitrile Imines to Graphene. a Theoretical and Experimental Approach – M. Barrejon, A. Rodriguez, M. J. GomezEscalonilla, J. R. Carrillo, M. P. Prieto, and F. Langa (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) Photoindued Electron Transfer in HydrogenBonded Supramolecular Assemblies Using a Diprotonated Saddle-Distorted Porphyrin – T. Kojima (University of Tsukuba) Using Higher Fullerenes to Channel HalogenHalogen Interactions – K. Ghiassi, J. Wescott, S. Y. Chen (University of California, Davis), S. Stevenson (Indiana UniversityPurdue University Fort Wayne), A. L. Balch (University of California, Davis), and M. M. Olmstead (University of Califronia, Davis) Unveiling the Nature of Supramolecular Crown Ether-C60 Interactions – L. Moreira (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), J. Calbo (Universitat de Valencia), R. M. Krick Calderon (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), J. Santos (IMDEA-Nanociencia), B. M. Illescas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), J. Aragó (Universitat de Valencia), J. F. Nierengarten (Université de Strasbourg et CNRS (UMR 7509), France), D. M. Guldi (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), E. Ortí (Universitat de Valencia), and N. Martin (IMDEA-Nanociencia) Lunch Break Anchoring Semiconductor and Metal Nanoparticle on Graphene Oxide for Simultaneous Sensing and Degradation of Contaminants – P. V. Kamat and R. Alam (University of Notre Dame)


Thursday, May 28










15:40 16:00 847




Carboxylate Fullerene Derivatives in RedoxReversible Bimetallic Assemblies – C. Suarez, D. M. Rivera-Nazario, and L. Echegoyen (University of Texas at El Paso) Preparation and Photophysical Properties of Molecular Architectures Composed of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Porphyrin Derivatives – T. Hasobe (Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University) Photo-Physical Properties and Applications of Multi-Porphyrinic Polypeptides – N. Solladie (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination CNRS) Polaron Structure and Transport in Fullerene Materials: Insights from First-Principles Calculations – K. M. Pelzer, M. K. Y. Chan, S. K. Gray, and S. Darling (Argonne National Laboratory) Break Synthesis and Characterization of BisTriruthenium Cluster Derivatives of an All Equatorial [60]Fullerene Tetramalonate – C. H. Chen (The University of Texas at El Paso), A. Aghabali (University of California, Davis), M. M. Olmstead (University of Califronia, Davis), A. L. Balch (University of California, Davis), and L. Echegoyen (The University of Texas at El Paso) Fullerenes and Caps By Sequential HF Elimination from F-PAHs – A. Böttcher, J. Weippert, S. Ulas, P. Weis, J. F. Greisch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), K. Amsharov (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), and M. Kappes (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))

Thursday, May 28













Nanocarbons / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Energy Technology Lake Michigan, Hilton Chicago









09:20 09:40 1038

Osmotic Pressure Effects Reveal a Specific Dehydration-Induced Hydrophobic Electron Transfer Structure Comprising Cytochrome C and Cytochrome C Oxidase – K. Ishimori (Hokkaido University) Silicon Nanocrystals Coated By Porphyrins As Light-Harvesting Antennae – P. Ceroni, M. Locritani, A. Fermi, G. Bergamini (University of Bologna), Y. Yu, and B. A. Korgel (University of Texas at Austin) Porphyrins and Other Chromophores with Antioxidant Substituents – J. P. Hill, S. Jin, J. Labuta, S. Ishihara, and K. Ariga (WPI Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics) New Scaffolds for the Delivery of Protease Sensitive Photosensitizer Prodrugs – J. Bouilloux (University of Geneva), N. Sekkat (UNiversity of Geneva), A. Babic, and N. Lange (University of Geneva) Coffee break Heme Ruffling in Cytochrome c As a Mechanism to Control Electron Transfer – P. M. Champion (Northeastern University)

The Molecular Approach for Artificial Photosynthesis – A. Aukauloo (Université Paris Sud, iBiTecS, CEA Saclay), M. Sircoglou, C. Herrero (Université Paris Sud), W. Leibl, A. Quaranta (iBiTecS, CEA Saclay), S. Cherdo, and S. ElGhachtouli (Université Paris Sud) Creating Artificial Photosynthetic Reaction Centres: Amphiphilic Porphyrin Protein Maquette Complexes – D. L. Officer, P. Wagner, K. Wagner, N. Roach, R. Mitchell, C. Hobbs (University of Wollongong), A. Elliott, H. van der Salm, K. Gordon (University of Otago), G. Kodali, B. Discher, C. Moser, and P. L. Dutton (University of Pennsylvania) Structural Basis for Heme Transport By Hmut in Corynebacterium Glutamicum – S. Aono (National Institutes of Natural Sciences) Origin of Reactivity Differences Between Heme and Nonheme Iron(III)-Hydroperoxo Complexes – S. de Visser (University of Manchester) Role of the Heme Axial Ligand on the Reactivity of High-Valent Oxo-Iron Porphyrin Intermediate – H. Fujii (Nara Women’s University) Supramolecular Assembly of Helical Porphyrin Nanostructures on Single Stranded DNA Via Directional Hydrogen Bonds – M. Balaz (University of Wyoming) Lunch

Heme and Biomimetic Porphyrins 2 – 14:00 – 18:00 Co-Chairs: Ursula Mazur and Takashi Hayashi 14:00










Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies

Heme and Biomimetic Porphyrins 1 – 08:00 – 14:00 Co-Chairs: David L. Officer and Jonathan P. Hill



15:40 16:00 1050

The Dehaloperoxidase Paradox: How Nature Juggles Oxygen Transport, Peroxidase, and Peroxygenase Activities at a Single Heme Active Site – R. A. Ghiladi (North Carolina State University) The Heme in Bacterioferritin Is Crucial to Bacterial Iron Homeostasis – M. Rivera, H. Yao, Y. Wang, and S. Lovell (The University of Kansas) Can Heme Modes be Influenced By Protons? – V. Schünemann (University Kaiserslautern) Porphyrin-Functionalized Porous Silicon Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy – E. Secret (ICGM), M. Maynadier, A. Gallud (IBMM), A. Chaix (ICGM), E. Bouffard, M. Gary-Bobo (IBMM), N. Marcotte (ICGM), O. Mongin (Université de Rennes 1), K. El Cheikh (IBMM), V. Hugues (Université Bordeaux 1), M. Auffan (CEREGE), C. Frochot (Université de Lorraine), A. Morère (IBMM), P. Maillard (Institut Curie), M. Blanchard-Desce (Université Bordeaux 1), M. J. Sailor (University of California at San Diego), M. Garcia (IBMM), J. O. Durand (ICGM), and F. Cunin (CNRS) Developments of Porphyrin Derivatives As Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy – H. Horiuchi (Gunma University) Break Structure and Function Relationships of Heme-Based Gas Sensors and Heme-Redox Sensors – T. Shimizu (Shantou University Medical College)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL











From Hemoabzymes to Hemozymes: The Long but Fascinating Story of the Elaboration of New Biocatalysts for Selective Oxidation Reactions – J. P. Mahy, F. Avenier, W. Ghattas (University Paris-sud), J. D. Maréchal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), and R. Ricoux (University Paris-sud) Iron Porphyrin Carbenes As Intermediates in the Degradation of Toxic Compounds and Catalysis: Structures, Spectroscopic Properties, and Bonding – R. Khade, W. Fan (Stevens Institute of Technology), Y. Ling (University of South Mississippi), L. Yang, and Y. Zhang (Stevens Institute of Technology) Kinetic Studies of Reactions of Hydroxyporphyrins on Silicate Surface – T. Mizutani (Doshisha University) Optoelectronic Properties of Metal-Free Binary Porphyrin Nanostructures – U. Mazur, B. Borders, and K. W. Hipps (Washington State University) Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Dibenzoporphycene – T. Hayashi, A. Ogawa, and K. Oohora (Osaka University, Department of Applied Chemistry)





Magnesium and Titanium: Corrosion and Protection – 14:00 – 17:00 Co-Chair: Masayuki Itagaki 14:00








Corrosion General Session Corrosion PDR 2, Hilton Chicago

Aluminum: Corrosion and Protection – 09:00 – 12:20 Co-Chair: Sannakaisa Virtanen 09:00






10:00 10:20 1090







Assessing Concurrent Uniform Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys As a Function of Temperature, pH, Time, and Chloride Ion Concentration – I. W. Huang (the Ohio State University) The Relation Between the Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Alloy AA2024-T3 – H. B. Yi (Surface Modification Lab) Comparison of the Corrosion Behavior of Modern and Traditional High Strength Aluminum Alloys – S. N. Grieshop, A. Curran, and R. Buchheit (The Ohio State University) Break Electrochemical Investigation of the Corrosion Behavior and Galvanic Compatibility Between Microchannel Tubes and Fins of an Aluminum Automotive Condenser – M. A. Pech-Canul, M. Echeverría (Cinvestav-Mérida), M. I. Pech-Canul (Cinvestav-Saltillo), J. C. AguilarCordero (UNAM), J. A. Gorocica-Diaz, R. Arana-Guillén, and J. Puch-Bleis (Airtemp) Correlation Between Amount of Bound Water and Stability of Anodic Oxide Film on Aluminum – T. Haruna, T. Ikeda, and A. Nishimoto (Kansai University) Corrosion Inhibition of TCP-Coated AA2024-T3 during Exposure to so2 Atmospheric Testing – G. M. Swain, L. Li, and B. Whitman (Michigan State University) The Role of Chromium (III) in the Corrosion Inhibition of AA2024-T3 By Trivalent Chromium Process Coatings – G. M. Swain and B. Whitman (Michigan State University)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Aluminum Corrosion Mitigation in Alkaline Electrolytes By Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Inhibitor System for Power Sources Applications – D. Gelman (The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP),Technion, Materials Science and Engineering,Technion), I. Lasman, S. Elfimchev, D. Starosvetsky (Materials Science and Engineering, Technion), and Y. Ein-Eli (The Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), Technion, Materials Science and Engineering, Technion) Multifunction Nanostructured Coatings – M. G. S. Ferreira, J. Tedim (University of Aveiro), and M. L. Zheludkevich (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG))

15:20 15:40 1100








The Role of Self-Corrosion during the Dissolution of Galvanically Coupled Magnesium – J. Harb and D. Banjade (Brigham Young University) Microstructure and Electrochemical Characterizations of Permanganate Conversion Coating on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy – S. Y. Jian and C. S. Lin (National Taiwan University) Control the Corrosion of Magnesium for Implant Application By Hydrothermally Deposited Biodegradable Calcium Phosphate Coating – S. Kaabi Falahieh Asl (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology), S. Nemeth (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology), and M. J. Tan (Nanyang Technological University) A Citrate-Based Coating System for AZ31 Magnesium Alloys – Y. R. Chu and C. S. Lin (National Taiwan University) Break Corrosion Effects of Electrolytic Biocomposites Coated Magnesium on Endolithial Cell Viability – S. K. Yen, R. C. Lin, and M. J. Wang (National Chung Hsing University) Protein Interactions with Corroding Metal Surfaces – S. Virtanen (University of Erlangen) Growth of TiO2 Nanotube Layers on Ti Substrates with Different Microstructures – M. S. Kim, S. Yamamoto, H. Tsuchiya, and S. Fujimoto (Osaka University) Effects of High-Energy Electro-Pulsing Treatment on Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy – X. Ye and G. Tang (Tsinghua University)

Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 17 Electronics and Photonics Williford Room B, Hilton Chicago

Materials and Process Technology – 09:00 – 10:20 Co-Chairs: Bich-Yen Nguyen and Joao Antonio Martino 09:00


Crystallinity Improvement of Ferroelectric BiFeO3 Thin Film by Oxygen Radical Treatment – F. Imaizumi, T. Goto, A. Teramoto, S. Sugawa, and T. Ohmi (Tohoku University) 177

Thursday, May 28








Influence of Substrate on Hafnium Silicate Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors Grown By Atomic Layer Deposition – B. J. Hutchinson (Tyndall National Institute - UCC), V. S. Teodorescu (National Institute of Material Physics, Bucharest), R. Negrea (National Institute of Materials Physics), B. Sheehan (Tyndall National Institute - UCC), P. Carolan (Tyndall National Institute -UCC), S. O’Brien (Tyndall National Institute - UCC), M. Modreanu (Tyndall National Institute -UCC), P. K. Hurley, and I. M. Povey (Tyndall National Institute - UCC) Ultra-Low Temperature Flattening Technique of Silicon Surface Using Xe/H2 Plasma – T. Suwa, A. Teramoto, T. Goto, M. Hirayama, S. Sugawa, and T. Ohmi (Tohoku University) Low Temperature Atomically Flattening of Si Surface of Shallow Trench Isolation Pattern – T. Goto, R. Kuroda, T. Suwa, A. Teramoto, N. Akagawa, D. Kimoto, S. Sugawa, T. Ohmi (Tohoku University), Y. Kamata, Y. Kumagai, and K. Shibusawa (LAPIS Semiconductor Miyagi Co., Ltd.)


Crosscutting Metrics and Benchmarking of Transformational Low-Carbon Energy-Conversion Technologies Energy Technology Conference Room 4B, Hilton Chicago

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production Pathway Analysis and Benchmarking – 08:00 – 17:30 Co-Chairs: Eric Lars Miller and Huyen N. Dinh 08:00 08:05 1484







Devices and Circuits – 10:40 – 12:00 Co-Chairs: Jean-Pierre Raskin and Joao Antonio Martino 10:40



Thursday, May 28






Exploring Fdsoi Devices for Asynchronous Full-Adders at Sub-Threshold Level – E. Amat, J. F. Christmann, O. Billoint, I. Miro, and E. Beigne (CEA-LETI) Proton Radiation Effects on the Analog Performance of Bulk n- and p-FinFETs – M. Bertoldo, A. V. D. Oliveira, P. G. D. Agopian (University of Sao Paulo), E. Simoen (Imec), C. Claeys (KU Leuven, imec), and J. A. Martino (University of Sao Paulo) Comparison of Current Mirrors Designed with Tfet or Finfet Devices for Different Dimensions and Temperatures – M. D. V. Martino, J. A. Martino, P. G. D. Agopian (University of Sao Paulo), A. Vandooren, R. Rooyackers (Imec), E. Simoen (imec), A. Thean (Imec), and C. Claeys (KU Leuven, Imec) Impact of Gate Stack Dielectric on Intrinsic Voltage Gain and Low Frequency Noise in Ge p-Mosfets – A. V. D. Oliveira, P. G. D. Agopian, J. A. Martino (University of Sao Paulo), W. Fang, H. Arimura, J. Mitard, E. Simoen (Imec), C. Claeys (KU Leuven, Imec), H. Mertens, A. Mocuta, N. Collaert, and A. Thean (Imec)

Concluding Remarks – 12:00 – 12:30 Co-Chairs: Joao Antonio Martino and Yasuhisa Omura 12:00 12:10

10:05 10:25 1488





11:55 14:00 1491







Concluding Remarks Lunch Break



Introductory Remarks (Invited) Benchmarking Transformational Energy Technologies – B. D. James, W. G. Colella, and J. M. Moton (Strategic Analysis Inc.) (Invited) Analytic Methods for Benchmarking Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies – M. Melaina, G. Saur, T. Ramsden, and J. Eichman (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) (Invited) Benchmarking and Protocol Development for Data Comparison Between Laboratories – G. Bender and S. S. Kocha (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) (Invited) Standardizing Experimental Methods and Metrics in the Field of Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Water Splitting – Z. Chen (Stanford University), H. N. Dinh (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and E. L. Miller (U.S. Department of Energy) Break (Invited) Key Barriers to Commercial Deployment of Next Generation Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzers – K. E. Ayers (Proton OnSite) (Invited) Alkaline Water Electrolysis Vs. PEM Water Electrolysis - Exploring Their Full Performance – M. Carmo (Forschungszentrum Juelich), D. L. Fritz III (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), W. Maier (Forschungszentrum Juelich), and D. Stolten (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH) (Invited) Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Biomass in the Cellulose-Degrading Bacterium Clostridium Thermocellum – L. Magnusson, K. Chou, and P. C. Maness (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Lunch (Invited) Benchmarking a Metal OxideBased Thermochemical Cycle for Solar Hydrogen Production – A. H. McDaniel and I. Ermanoski (Sandia National Labs) (Invited) Needed Research Focus for Achieving Cost-Effective and Reliable SolarThermal Water Splitting – C. Muhich, B. Ehrhart, I. Alshankiti, B. Ward, C. Musgrave, and A. Weimer (University of Colorado) (Invited) Re-Energizing Waste CO2 to Fuels with the Sun: Efficiency, Scale, Resource Utilization, and Economics – E. B. Stechel (ASU-LightWorks) and J. E. Miller (Sandia National Laboratories) (Invited) Renewable Hydrogen Evolution on Nickel Phosphide Electrocatalysts: A Comparative Study of Efficiency and Tolerance to Corrosion – G. C. Dismukes (Rutgers University), A. Laursen, B. Liu, K. Patraju, and M. Greenblatt (Rutgers) Break

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL






Design and Cost Considerations of Solar-Fuel Devices – M. A. Modestino, C. A. Rodriguez, D. Psaltis, and C. Moser (EPFL) The Effect of Blockages in a PEM Electrolyzers Flow-Field on Performance and Temperature Distribution – D. L. Fritz III (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), M. Carmo (Forschungszentrum Juelich), M. Müller (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany), and D. Stolten (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IEK-3) Concluding Remarks

Materials for Low-Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2

Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry Organic and Biological Electrochemistry PDR 5, Hilton Chicago

Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry 3 – 08:00 – 11:25 Co-Chairs: Graham T. Cheek and Kevin D. Moeller 08:00 08:05 1685







Energy Technology / Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Boulevard Room A, Hilton Chicago

Membrane, Ionomer and BOP – 08:00 – 11:40 Co-Chairs: Christopher George Arges and Robert M. Darling 08:00









09:40 10:00 1597









(Invited) Separator Requirements for Nonaqueous Flow Batteries – R. M. Darling (United Technologies Research Center) Gas Permeation Study in Thin and Ultra-Thin Ionomer Films – M. Tesfaye (University of California Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), B. D. McCloskey, and A. Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Development and Characterization of Membrane and Catalyst Materials for the Cucl(aq)/HC(aq) Electrolytic Cell – D. M. Hall, R. Lotfi, S. Kim, and S. N. Lvov (The Pennsylvania State University) Next Generation Anion Exchange Membranes Based on Perfluorinated Polymer Backbones – Z. Page-Belknap, M. C. Kuo (Colorado School of Mines), B. S. Pivovar (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and A. M. Herring (Colorado School of Mines) Break Novel Hyperbranched Polymer-Based AnionExchange Membranes – O. Movil-Cabrera, L. Frank (Ohio University), and J. A. Staser (Chemical Engineering) Uni-Directional Orientation of Ionic Domains in Block Copolymer Electrolytes for Anisotropic Ion Transport – C. G. Arges and P. F. Nealey (University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory) Multiple Advance Diagnostics to Probe the Effect of Balance of Plant Materials on Fuel Cell Performance – C. B. Staub (University of South Carolina), J. M. Christ (Colorado School of Mines), G. Bender, C. S. Macomber, H. Wang, and H. N. Dinh (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Novel Gas Diffusion Layers with Separate Gas and Water Pathways for Pemfcs – Q. He, J. Li, L. Li (Illinois Institute of Technology), and L. Shaw (Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research) Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Membranes for Medium Temperature PEM Fuel Cells – M. E. Córdova-Chávez, E. M. Kelder, and S. J. Picken (Technical University Delft)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

09:25 09:45 1689









Introductory Remarks Electrochemical Character and Application of Halide Mediators Using CF3CH2oh As Solvent – C. M. Lam (University of California, Santa Barbara), C. Zeng (Beijing University of Technology), and R. D. Little (University of California, Santa Barbara) Electrochemically-Induced Radical Cation Diels-Alder Reactions Assisted By “Redox Tag Strategy” – Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Okada, and K. Chiba (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) Electrochemistry Vs. Photochemistry: A Mechanistic Comparison of the Nucleophilic Trapping of Radical Cations from ElectronRich Olefin – M. D. Graaf and K. D. Moeller (Washington University in St. Louis) Electrochemical Reduction of Oligonitrocalix[4]Arenes - Molecules with Multiple Redox Centers, Different Conformations and Variable Shape – J. Ludvík (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry), A. Liška (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University Prague), and P. Lhoták (Institute of Chemical Technology Prague) Break Electrochemical Reduction of Flavones – M. J. Medeiros (University of Minho), E. Pasciak (Indiana University), M. Mubarak (The University of Jordan), and D. G. Peters (Indiana University) Electrochemical Explorations of 9,10-Anthraquinone/Hafnium(IV) Ion Interactions in Nonaqueous Solvents – G. T. Cheek (United States Naval Academy) The Effect of Electron Transfer on a Strongly H-Bonded Ureidopyrimidinone Dimer – D. K. Smith and L. A. Clare (San Diego State University) Electronic Structure Effects on Electron Transfer Controlled Hydrogen Bonding in Substituted Dinitrobenzene Electrogenerated Anions As Receptors for 1,3-Diethylurea – E. Martinez-Gonzalez and C. Frontana (CIDETEQ SC) Electrochemical Behavior of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous CTAB – I. U. Haque (University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakistan)


Thursday, May 28



Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5 Energy Technology / Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry / Sensor Conference Room 4D, Hilton Chicago





Solar Energy Materials and Devices – 09:00 – 10:00 Co-Chair: Scott Kevin Cushing 09:00






Photovoltaic Effect in Ferroelectric Pt/ (Bi0.9La0.1)(Fe0.97Ta0.03)O3/Graphene Hetrostructures – R. K. Katiyar (.Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, IFN University of Puerto Rico), Y. Sharma (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, IFN, University of Puerto Rico), D. G. Barrionuevo Diestra (Dept. of Physics,University of Puerto Rico, IFN,University of Puerto Rico), F. Mendoza (IFN, University of Puerto Rico, IFN, University of Puerto Rico), S. P. Pavunny (IFN,University of Puerto Rico, Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico), G. Morell (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico, IFN, University of Puerto Rico), B. R. Weiner (Dept. of Chemistry,University of Puerto Rico, IFN, University of Puerto Rico), and R. S. Katiyar (Dept. of Physics, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, IFN,University of Puerto Rico) Synthesis of Light-Absorbing ZnSnP2 Semiconductor Nanowires – S. Lee, J. Gu, E. Fahrenkrug, and S. Maldonado (University of Michigan) Break

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring

10:40 11:00 2142









Sensor / Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Continental Room C, Hilton Chicago

Thursday, May 28

Nano-Micro Sensors and Systems in Environmental Monitoring – 08:30 – 13:10 Co-Chairs: Rangachary Mukundan and Yasuhiro Shimizu 08:30







(Keynote) Progress in the Development of Metal Oxide Gas Sensors to Reduce Carbon Footprint – V. Thangadurai and S. Mulmi (University of Calgary) (Invited) Refractory Ceramic Sensors for Process and Health Monitoring of Slagging Gasifiers – E. M. Sabolsky, R. Chockalingam, K. Sabolsky, G. A. Yakaboylu, B. Armour, A. Teter (West Virginia University), M. Palmisiano, and T. Close (ANH Refractories Company Technology Center) (Invited) Quantitative Decoding of Complex Gas Mixtures for Environmental Monitoring Using Mixed-Potential Sensors – C. R. Kreller, A. Nadiga, S. C. Brown (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. M. Reynolds (Tennessee State University), D. Spernjak (Los Alamos National Laboratory), F. H. Garzon (University of New Mexico/ Sandia National Laboratory), E. L. Brosha (Los Alamos National Laboratory), A. V. Morozov (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers Univerisity), and R. Mukundan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Effects of Pt-Based Electrode Compositions on CO Sensing Properties of NASICONBased Solid Electrolyte Gas Sensors – Y. Shimizu, H. Takeda, T. Ueda, K. Kamada, and T. Hyodo (Nagasaki University) Combinatorial Structures of Graphene Oxide and SnO2 for Sensing various VOCs – H. Park, Y. Chung, E. Lee, S. Ahn, S. Lee (Auburn University), H. Ahn (Korea Institute of Construction Technology), and D. J. KIM (Auburn University) Break Redox Cycling Behavior of Catecholamines and Their Mixtures at Different Diffusion Distances: Steps Toward Quantitative Speciation – M. Hu and I. Fritsch (University of Arkansas) Photochemical Decoration of Metal/MetalOxide Nanoparticles on SnO2 Nanorods for Improved Hybrid Gas Sensors and Photodetectors for Environmental Applications – C. G. Carvajal (Center for Materials Research), K. Kadri (Norfolk State University, Center for Materials Research), G. Rutherford (Center for Materials Research, Norfolk State University), and A. K. Pradhan (Norfolk State University) Atomic Layer Deposition of SnO2 for Selective Room Temperature Low Ppb Level O3 Sensing – S. C. Mills (North Carolina State University), B. Lee, and V. Misra (ASSISTNERC) Application of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures for Ultra-Low Power, Low Noise Nitrogen Dioxide Detection – M. Lim, B. Lee, and V. Misra (North Carolina State University, ASSIST-NERC) An Ultra-Low Power Fast Response TCD Sensor for Airborne Measurements Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – S. Li (KWJ Engineering Inc.), A. Shirke, L. Ploense (KWJ Engineering, Inc.), M. T. Carter (KWJ Engineering, Inc), M. W. Findlay (KWJ Engineering, Inc.), M. Papageorge (SPEC Sensors, LLC), and J. R. Stetter (SPEC Sensors, LLC, KWJ Engineering, Inc.) Concluding Remarks

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.


Ahn, Soohyun..................................... 80 (A01, Tue), ...........................2141 (M02, Thu), 2171 (M04, Tue) Ahouari, Hania...................................635 (A02, Thu) Ai, Guo..............................................291 (A02, Mon) Aindow, Mark....................................191 (A01, Thu) Aizawa, Masato................................1950 (L09, Tue) Ajayan, Pulickel............................... 146 (A01, Wed), ................................890 (B06, Wed), 1519 (I02, Tue) Ajenifujah, Olabode..........................218 (A01, Thu), ...........................................................2239 (Z01, Tue) Akagawa, Naoya..............................1354 (H01, Thu) Akasaka, Takeshi..............................825 (B04, Mon) Akbari Khorami, Hamed.................2162 (M04, Tue) Akbulut, Hatem.......166 (A01, Wed), 178 (A01, Wed), ................................. 179 (A01, Wed), 180 (A01, Wed) Akhade, Sneha................................ 1763 (L03, Mon) Akinwande, Deji.................................854 (B06, Tue) Akizuki, Ken......................................1651 (I06, Tue) Akkbulut, Ahsen............................... 180 (A01, Wed) Akolkar, Rohan............................... 1156 (E02, Mon) Akolkar, Rohan.................................1224 (F02, Tue) Akter, Tahmina.................................2035 (L10, Wed) Akyildiz, Oncu................................ 1765 (L03, Mon) al Salem, Hesham.............................248 (A02, Mon) Al-Dirini, Feras...............................1347 (H01, Wed) Al-Juaid, Salih................................. 1033 (B08, Wed) Al-Musa, Abdullah...........................1537 (I02, Wed) Al-Saleh, Mohammed......................1537 (I02, Wed) Al-Sharab, Jafar................................1952 (L09, Tue) Al-Zahrani, Ayman...........................1537 (I02, Wed) Alam, Md..........................................850 (B06, Mon) Alam, Rabeka..................................... 842 (B05, Thu) Alamgir, Faisal.................................1183 (E02, Wed) Albin, Sacharia........1473 (H05, Wed), 2194 (Z01, Tue) Aldana-González, Jorge..................2276 (Z02, Wed) Aldridge, Henry.............................1405 (H04, Mon), .........................................................1412 (H04, Mon) Alegret, Núria....................................819 (B04, Mon) Alem, Salima.................................... 1272 (G01, Tue) Alevli, Mustafa.................................2259 (Z02, Wed) Alfredsson, Maria..............................645 (A02, Thu) Algül, Hasan........ 166 (A01, Wed), 178 (A01, Wed), .............................. 179 (A01, Wed), 180 (A01, Wed) Alhabeb, Mohamed.......................... 886 (B06, Wed) Alia, Shaun........................................1949 (L09, Tue) Alivisatos, A.......................................1522 (I02, Tue) Aljarilla, Ana................................... 1014 (B08, Wed) Alkis, Sabri.......................................2259 (Z02, Wed) Allcorn, Eric....................................... 349 (A02, Tue) Allen, Ashley....................................... 99 (A01, Wed) Allen, Jan........................................... 339 (A02, Tue), .................................361 (A02, Tue), 407 (A02, Tue) Allen, Joshua..................................... 339 (A02, Tue), .................................361 (A02, Tue), 407 (A02, Tue) Aller, Joshua.................................... 1111 (C02, Mon) Alloin, Fannie.........405 (A02, Tue), 437 (A02, Wed) Allu, Srikanth.....................................608 (A02, Thu) Almer, Jon.........................................265 (A02, Mon) Alnegren, Patrik..............................1106 (C02, Mon) AlOtaibi, Bandar.............................. 1447 (H05, Tue) Alp, Ahmet........... 166 (A01, Wed), 179 (A01, Wed) ALshandoudi, Laila.........................1867 (L04, Wed) Alshankiti, Ibraheam.........................1492 (I01, Thu), ..........................................................2012 (L10, Wed) Alshareef, Husam.............................. 107 (A01, Wed) Alves, R.............1898 (L06, Mon), 2292 (Z03, Wed) Alves, Suellen...................................1732 (L01, Tue) Amador, Ulises...................................215 (A01, Thu) Amama, Placidus.............................. 724 (B01, Wed) Amantéa, Bruno................................1807 (L04, Sun) Amaral, Luis......................................1954 (L09, Tue) Amat, Esteve....................................1355 (H01, Thu) Amatucci, Glenn............................... 164 (A01, Wed) Ambrozik, Stephen..........................1186 (E02, Wed) Améduri, B.........................................1649 (I06, Tue)

Amezawa, Koji.................................1619 (I05, Tue), ..............................1634 (I05, Wed), 1637 (I05, Wed) Amine, Khalil....... 278 (A02, Mon), 337 (A02, Tue), ..............................457 (A02, Wed), 511 (A02, Wed), ............................. 517 (A02, Wed), 532 (A02, Wed), ............................. 536 (A02, Wed), 537 (A02, Wed), .............................. 539 (A02, Wed), 540 (A02, Wed) Amri, Mahrez.....................................646 (A02, Thu) Amsharov, Konstantin....................... 848 (B05, Thu) An, Myung-Gi................................... 136 (A01, Wed) An, Seong Jin....................................229 (A02, Mon) Anand, Venkataramanarao...............973 (B08, Mon) Andersen, Nalin................................1957 (L09, Tue) Andersen, Shuang.............................1569 (I03, Wed) Anderson, Everett.......................... 1205 (F02, Mon), ............................................................1512 (I02, Tue) Anderson, Marc.................................... 9 (A01, Sun), .............................. 1210 (F02, Tue), 1211 (F02, Tue) Anderson, Scott.................................1846 (L04, Tue) Anderson, Travis.............................1433 (H05, Mon) Anding, Bernie..................................962 (B08, Mon) Andisheh-Tadbir, Mehdi....................1545 (I03, Tue) Ando, Akira......................................2029 (L10, Wed) Andraud, Chantal.............................. 115 (A01, Wed) Andrei, Petru....................................... 54 (A01, Tue), .............................. 183 (A01, Wed), 426 (A02, Wed) Andrews, Evan...................................1523 (I02, Tue) Andrieu, François...........................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1349 (H01, Wed) Andrieux, Fabrice...............................853 (B06, Tue) Angelucci, Camilo...........................1873 (L04, Wed) Anh, Tran........................................... 437 (A02, Wed) Anheier, Norm.................................2108 (M02, Tue) Anitescu, Mihai................................. 531 (A02, Wed) Ansari, Sana......................................2191 (Z01, Tue) Anthony, John.................................. 1267 (G01, Tue) Antloga, Mirko..................................1224 (F02, Tue) Antonello, Sabrina..........................1682 (K01, Wed) Antonucci, Vincenzo..........................225 (A01, Thu) Antony, Andrew.............................. 1763 (L03, Mon) Anwyl, Christopher......................... 1061 (C01, Wed) Ao, Geyou...........................................787 (B03, Tue) Aono, Shigetoshi.............................. 1041 (B08, Thu) Aoyagi, Shinobu...............................821 (B04, Mon) Apblett, Christopher........................284 (A02, Mon), ............................... 325 (A02, Tue), 1174 (E02, Tue) Apostolo, Marco................................51 (A01, Mon), .......................... 1134 (E01, Mon), 1282 (G01, Wed) Appathurai, Narayan........................1934 (L08, Wed) Appukuttan, Vinukrishnan................ 115 (A01, Wed) Aragó, Juan........................................ 841 (B05, Thu) Arana-Guillén, René...................... 1085 (C01, Wed), .......................................................... 1090 (C01, Thu) Aras, Mustafa..........1179 (E02, Tue), 1200 (F02, Mon) Aratani, Naoki......968 (B08, Mon), 1011 (B08, Tue) Arava, Leela........246 (A02, Mon), 248 (A02, Mon), .............................. 600 (A02, Wed), 601 (A02, Wed) Arava, Leela Mohana Reddy........... 146 (A01, Wed) Arbizzani, Catia..........66 (A01, Tue), 2280 (Z02, Wed) Arce, Pedro........................................1721 (L01, Tue) Archer, Lynden........ 44 (A01, Mon), 317 (A02, Tue) Arcila-Velez, Margarita................... 109 (A01, Wed), ............................................................ 729 (B01, Thu) Ardizzone, Vincenzo...........................804 (B03, Tue) Ardo, Shane......................................1975 (L10, Sun), ........................... 2011 (L10, Wed), 2013 (L10, Wed) Arges, Christopher..........................1232 (F02, Wed), ............................................................1598 (I03, Thu) Arguilla, Maxx....................................855 (B06, Tue) Arie, Arenst Andreas.......................... 734 (B01, Thu) Ariga, Katsuhiko.............................. 1036 (B08, Thu) Arimura, Hiroaki..............................1358 (H01, Thu) Arisetty, Srikanth...............................1539 (I03, Tue) Arita, Mai..........................................1583 (I03, Wed) Armand, Michel................................. 378 (A02, Tue) Armel, Vanessa................................ 1813 (L04, Mon)

Ababtain, Khalid............................... 600 (A02, Wed) Abbou, Sofyane....1541 (I03, Tue), 1657 (I06, Wed) Abd Rahman, Azilah........................ 450 (A02, Wed) Abdul Aziz, Nor Diyana...................... 93 (A01, Tue) Abdullah, Aboubakr........................ 1074 (C01, Wed) Abdullah, Taufiq................................1621 (I05, Tue) Abe, Hidetoshi.................................. 554 (A02, Wed) Abe, Ryu............................................1996 (L10, Tue) Abe, Toshiyuki........1994 (L10, Tue), 2029 (L10, Wed) Abella, Laura.....................................819 (B04, Mon) Abelson, John....................................1166 (E02, Tue) Abendroth, B...................................1385 (H03, Wed) Abernathy, Dean.............................1401 (H04, Mon) Abeykoon, Milinda.............................17 (A01, Mon) Abou Ziki, Jana................................2281 (Z02, Wed) Abraham, Daniel......65 (A01, Tue), 337 (A02, Tue), ...............................401 (A02, Tue), 459 (A02, Wed), ............................. 463 (A02, Wed), 489 (A02, Wed), ............................... 606 (A02, Thu), 609 (A02, Thu), ............................................................642 (A02, Thu) Abreu Sepulveda, Maria.....................39 (A01, Mon) Abruña, Héctor................................ 1703 (L01, Mon) Abu-Saied, Mohamed....................... 153 (A01, Wed) Abunar, Bayan..................................1881 (L05, Tue) Acebedo, Begoña..............................297 (A02, Mon) Acerce, Muharrem.............................200 (A01, Thu) Achary, Damodaran............................. 11 (A01, Sun) Adams, Jessica................................. 1414 (H04, Tue) Adams, Stefan....... 260 (A02, Mon), 374 (A02, Tue) Addison, Dan......................................22 (A01, Mon) Addo, Paul.............1622 (I05, Tue), 1640 (I05, Wed) Adekunle, Abolanle......................... 722 (B01, Wed), ......................... 1066 (C01, Wed), 2157 (M04, Mon) Adelung, Rainer................................1257 (F04, Tue) Adler, Stuart......................................1614 (I05, Tue), ...............................1623 (I05, Tue), 1642 (I05, Wed) Adzic, Radoslav.............................. 1814 (L04, Mon) Afzalian, Aryan...............................1345 (H01, Wed) Agarwal, Arun.........675 (A03, Tue), 1524 (I02, Tue) Agarwal, Radhe................................ 935 (B07, Wed) Agata, Wendy-Angela Saringi.........2036 (L10, Wed) Agawa, Yoshiaki..............................1189 (E02, Wed) Agboola, B........................................ 722 (B01, Wed) Ager, Joel........................................1307 (G02, Wed), ............................ 1482 (I01, Wed), 2013 (L10, Wed) Aghabali, Amineh.............................. 847 (B05, Thu) Ago, Hiroki....................................... 887 (B06, Wed) Agopian, Paula.....1336 (H01, Wed), 1337 (H01, Wed), ...........................1356 (H01, Thu), 1357 (H01, Thu), ...........................1358 (H01, Thu), 1369 (H03, Mon) Aguadero, Ainara............................. 503 (A02, Wed), ..............................589 (A02, Wed), 1632 (I05, Wed) Agubra, Victor...................................1126 (C02, Tue) Aguesse, Frederic.....252 (A02, Mon), 379 (A02, Tue), .................................. 503 (A02, Wed), 647 (A02, Thu) Aguilar, Zoraida............................. 2113 (M02, Wed) Aguilar-Cordero, Julio..................... 1090 (C01, Thu) Aguiló, Magdalena.......................... 1454 (H05, Tue) Ahadi, Mohammad............................1545 (I03, Tue) Ahammad, A....................................2070 (M01, Tue) Ahluwalia, Rajesh.............................1539 (I03, Tue), ...............................1555 (I03, Tue), 1666 (I06, Wed) Ahmad, Ishaq...................................2262 (Z02, Wed) Ahmed, Kazi.....................................1728 (L01, Tue) Ahmed, Mohsin................................ 186 (A01, Wed) Ahmmad, Bashir..............................2034 (L10, Wed) Ahmmad, Bashir.............................2274 (Z02, Wed), ..........................................................2277 (Z02, Wed) Ahn, Heejoon.................................... 187 (A01, Wed) Ahn, Hosang.................................... 2141 (M02, Thu) Ahn, Sang Hyun..............................1188 (E02, Wed), ..........................................................1962 (L09, Wed) Ahn, Shihyun..................................1439 (H05, Mon)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Armour, Brian................................. 2138 (M02, Thu) Armstrong, Anthony..........................621 (A02, Thu) Armuzza, Valentina............................ 763 (B02, Thu) Arnold, Michael................................777 (B03, Mon) Arnold, Michael................................ 895 (B06, Wed) Arotiba, A.......................................2157 (M04, Mon) Arrechea, Susana............................ 1014 (B08, Wed) Arroyo-Torres, Christian................ 1203 (F02, Mon) Arsalanoglu, Yasin.......................... 1076 (C01, Wed) Arslan, Burcu.................................. 1200 (F02, Mon) Arslan, Ilke........................................1169 (E02, Tue) Arslanov, Vladimir V..........................982 (B08, Tue) Arthur, Timothy................................ 326 (A02, Tue), .................................329 (A02, Tue), 330 (A02, Tue) Arthur, Zachary........282 (A02, Mon), 309 (A02, Mon) Artyushkova, Kateryna..................... 745 (B01, Thu), ........................................................... 749 (B01, Thu), ............................1825 (L04, Mon), 2305 (Z04, Tue) Arugula, Mary.......2068 (M01, Tue), 2073 (M01, Tue), ..............................2082 (M01, Tue), 2083 (M01, Tue) Arvani, Maedeh..................................995 (B08, Tue) Aryal, Gyan.......................................945 (B08, Mon) Aryal, Shankar....... 16 (A01, Mon), 355 (A02, Tue), ..............................359 (A02, Tue), 1932 (L08, Wed) Aryanfar, Asghar............................. 1154 (E02, Mon) Asakura, Kiyotaka............................ 925 (B07, Wed) Asano, Koichi....................................1631 (I05, Wed) Asayesh-Ardakani, Hasti.................. 376 (A02, Tue), ............................458 (A02, Wed), 1368 (H03, Mon) Asbury, John....................................1262 (G01, Mon) Asen, Ludwig.........1871 (L04, Wed), 1872 (L04, Wed) Ashfield, C......................................... 937 (B07, Wed) Ashikari, Yosuke.............................1668 (K01, Wed) Ashuri, Maziar.................................. 442 (A02, Wed) Assary, Rajeev................................... 422 (A02, Wed) Assaud, Loic......1308 (G02, Wed), 2265 (Z02, Wed) Assemi, Shoeleh................................ 894 (B06, Wed) Asset, Tristan................................... 1822 (L04, Mon) Assirelli, Alessandra...................... 2127 (M02, Wed) Asta, Mark.............296 (A02, Mon), 656 (A02, Thu) Atanassov, Plamen......745 (B01, Thu), 749 (B01, Thu), ........................... 1174 (E02, Tue), 1827 (L04, Mon), .......................... 1957 (L09, Tue), 2117 (M02, Wed), ............................2295 (Z04, Mon), 2305 (Z04, Tue) Atkinson, Robert...... 1567 (I03, Wed), 1811 (L04, Sun) Atrens, Andrej..................................2269 (Z02, Wed) Atwater, Harry..................................1751 (L01, Wed) Aubert, Pierre-Henri........................ 116 (A01, Wed), ...........................................................1914 (L06, Tue) Aubry, Philippe................................1927 (L06, Wed) Auffan, Melanie............................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Augendre, Emmanuel....................1363 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1364 (H03, Mon) Augusto, Tatiana..............................1930 (L06, Wed) Augustyn, Veronica......................... 1817 (L04, Mon) Augustynski, Jan...............................1999 (L10, Tue) Aukauloo, Ally................................. 1039 (B08, Thu) Aurbach, Doron................................... 71 (A01, Tue) Aureau, Damien..... 1290 (G02, Tue), 1296 (G02, Tue), ................................1297 (G02, Tue), 1302 (G02, Tue) Avenier, Frederic.............................. 1051 (B08, Thu) Avery, Azure.......................................711 (B01, Wed) Avila, Jason........1319 (G02, Wed), 1958 (L09, Tue) Avila-Brande, David.........................217 (A01, Thu), ............................................................631 (A02, Thu) Avouris, Phaedon................................856 (B06, Tue) Avramenko, K.................................1477 (H05, Wed) Awaga, Kunio.......993 (B08, Tue), 1317 (G02, Wed) Awate, Bhushan.............................. 2302 (Z04, Mon) Axelbaum, Richard..........................257 (A02, Mon), ........................................................... 455 (A02, Wed) Ayache, Maurice..............................1938 (L08, Wed) Ayato, Yusuke.......1565 (I03, Wed), 2221 (Z01, Tue) Ayenimo, J......................................2157 (M04, Mon)

Ayers, Katherine............................. 1205 (F02, Mon), .......................... 1207 (F02, Mon), 1233 (F02, Wed), ................................1488 (I01, Thu), 1512 (I02, Tue) Aykol, Muratahan..380 (A02, Tue), 629 (A02, Thu), 655 (A02, Thu) Aynalem, Andinet.........705 (A03, Wed), 1856 (L04, Wed) Ayoub, Hanna.................................2149 (M04, Mon) Azcondo-Sรกnchez, M.Teresa.............215 (A01, Thu) Azimi, Nasim....................................244 (A02, Mon) Aziz, Michael..................................... 687 (A03, Tue) Azmani, Khalid.................................819 (B04, Mon)

Banerjee, Sarbajit............................1368 (H03, Mon) Banerjee, Sriya.................................2174 (M04, Tue) Banerjee, Sriya........2001 (L10, Tue), 2024 (L10, Wed) Bange, Adam.................................. 2119 (M02, Wed) Banik, Stephen................................ 1156 (E02, Mon) Banjade, Dila.................................... 1096 (C01, Thu) Banta, Scott.......................................1222 (F02, Tue) Bao, Bo............................................. 1294 (G02, Tue) Bao, Lipiao..........................................831 (B04, Tue) Bao, T. Huynh.................................1359 (H03, Mon) Bao, Xinyu......................................1410 (H04, Mon) Baptista, Joรฃo..................................1345 (H01, Wed) Baranova, Elena...............................2265 (Z02, Wed) Barbeito, Andres.................................47 (A01, Mon) Barbour, Andi...................................1935 (L08, Wed) Bard, Allen...................................... 1694 (L01, Mon) Bardon, M. Garcia..........................1359 (H03, Mon) Bare, Pilar..........................................2232 (Z01, Tue) Bareno, Javier...........67 (A01, Tue), 401 (A02, Tue), ............................. 459 (A02, Wed), 461 (A02, Wed), ................................ 638 (A02, Thu), 642 (A02, Thu) Barile, Christopher............................ 323 (A02, Tue), .............................. 928 (B07, Wed), 2199 (Z01, Tue) Barile, Christopher J.........................2190 (Z01, Tue) Barile, Elizabeth.....323 (A02, Tue), 528 (A02, Wed) Barkholtz, Heather............................2208 (Z01, Tue) Barla, Kathy....................................1359 (H03, Mon) Barnett, Scott........ 197 (A01, Thu), 548 (A02, Wed), ............................ 1497 (I02, Mon), 1635 (I05, Wed), ...........................................................1644 (I05, Wed) Barnhill, William...............................672 (A03, Mon) Barr, Maissa........................................31 (A01, Mon), ...........................1308 (G02, Wed), 2265 (Z02, Wed) Barrejon, Myriam.............................. 838 (B05, Thu) Barrett, Caleb..................................1410 (H04, Mon) Barrionuevo Diestra, Danilo........... 2041 (L10, Thu) Barros, Eduardo..................................806 (B03, Tue) Barry, Sean.....................................2093 (M02, Mon) Barsoum, Michel...............................202 (A01, Thu), ...............................792 (B03, Tue), 849 (B06, Mon), ...........................................................2235 (Z01, Tue) Barteau, Mark.................................... 119 (A01, Wed) Barth, Talia........................................1125 (C02, Tue) Bartlett, Philip...................................1716 (L01, Tue) Bas, Corine.........................................1541 (I03, Tue) Basco, John....................................... 461 (A02, Wed) Basham, James.......1270 (G01, Tue), 1288 (G01, Wed) Basith, M. a......................................2034 (L10, Wed) Bass, Dean..........................................638 (A02, Thu) Bast, Robert........................................ 752 (B02, Thu) Basu, Soumendra...............................214 (A01, Thu) Batara, Nicholas...............................1751 (L01, Wed) Bateni, Hamed...................................2214 (Z01, Tue) Bates, Michael...... 686 (A03, Tue), 1237 (F02, Wed) Battaglia, Vince................................231 (A02, Mon), .............................. 237 (A02, Mon), 344 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 475 (A02, Wed) Baturina, Olga...................................1578 (I03, Wed) Baucom, Dustin................................2227 (Z01, Tue) Baum, Evan.....................................1672 (K01, Wed) Baumann, Stefan...............................1628 (I05, Wed) Baumgartl, Johannes........................ 1380 (H03, Tue) Bawedin, Maryline........................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1349 (H01, Wed) Baxter, Eric........................................1846 (L04, Tue) Bayachou, Mekki............................2066 (M01, Tue), ........................................................ 2121 (M02, Wed) Bayati, Maryam................................. 738 (B01, Thu) Bayliss, Ryan..................................... 530 (A02, Wed) Baytekin-Gerngross, Melike............1257 (F04, Tue) Bazant, Martin....................................608 (A02, Thu) Bazinski, Stephen.............................. 472 (A02, Wed) Beach, Jeremy.................................... 348 (A02, Tue) Beaujuge, Pierre................................ 107 (A01, Wed) Beaver, Nathaniel......355 (A02, Tue), 1932 (L08, Wed) Beberwyck, Brandon.........................1522 (I02, Tue)



Babanova, Sofia............................ 2117 (M02, Wed), ............................2295 (Z04, Mon), 2305 (Z04, Tue) Babcock, Susan...............................1407 (H04, Mon) Babic, Andrej................................... 1037 (B08, Thu) Babiniec, Sean....................................1508 (I02, Tue) Bach, Tobias...................................... 471 (A02, Wed) Bachilo, Sergei........ 800 (B03, Tue), 801 (B03, Tue) Bachmann, Julien...........................1308 (G02, Wed), ..........................................................2265 (Z02, Wed) Backes, Claudia...................................869 (B06, Tue) Bae, Changdeuck.............................. 485 (A02, Wed) Bae, Dowon......................................2016 (L10, Wed) Bae, Eunjin......................................... 744 (B01, Thu) Bae, Ji-Hun........................................ 904 (B06, Wed) Bae, Jong-yong................................ 1381 (H03, Tue) Bae, Seongjun.................................. 158 (A01, Wed), .............................. 159 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Baek, Jayeon..................................... 161 (A01, Wed) Baek, Seong-Ho................................ 555 (A02, Wed) Bag, Sourav........................................223 (A01, Thu) Bagarinao, Katherine.........................1619 (I05, Tue) Bahlakeh, Ghasem.............................1540 (I03, Tue) Bahn, Chibum................................. 1132 (C02, Wed) Bahnemann, Detlef......................... 1982 (L10, Mon) Bahrami, Majid.........56 (A01, Tue), 1545 (I03, Tue) Bai, Jianming......................................17 (A01, Mon) Bai, Ying............................................ 513 (A02, Wed) Bai, Yujia..........................................2047 (L11, Wed) Baik, Kwang Hyeon........................ 1453 (H05, Tue) Baik, sung-Il......................................1958 (L09, Tue) Bailly, Nicolas...................................277 (A02, Mon) Bakas, Idriss..................................... 1296 (G02, Tue) Bakenov, Zhumabay........................274 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 310 (A02, Tue) Baker, Daniel.........262 (A02, Mon), 1652 (I06, Tue) Baker, Doyle......................................1884 (L05, Tue) Baker, Gregory.................................2057 (L11, Wed) Bakshi, P...........................................2070 (M01, Tue) Balabajew, Marco............................1708 (L01, Tue), ...........................................................2192 (Z01, Tue) Balaish, Moran....................................42 (A01, Mon) Balakrishnan, Karthik.....................1360 (H03, Mon) Balasubramanian, Mahalingam.......... 69 (A01, Tue), ............................................................ 360 (A02, Tue) Balaz, Milan..................................... 1044 (B08, Thu) Balch, Alan............826 (B04, Mon), 831 (B04, Tue), .................................840 (B05, Thu), 847 (B05, Thu) Baldelli, Steven............................... 1146 (E02, Mon) Balderrama, Victor..........................1263 (G01, Mon) Balestra, Francis..............................1340 (H01, Wed) Ballesteros, Beatriz.............................996 (B08, Tue) Balsara, Nitash.......... 27 (A01, Mon), 76 (A01, Tue) Ban, Keun-Yong.............................1410 (H04, Mon) Bandaru, Prabhakar.......................... 127 (A01, Wed), ................................ 723 (B01, Wed), 873 (B06, Tue) Bandi, Ramalingam............................. 11 (A01, Sun) Bandi, Venugopal................................994 (B08, Tue) Banek, Nathan....... 529 (A02, Wed), 650 (A02, Thu) Banerjee, Anjan..................................209 (A01, Thu) Banerjee, Parag................................2001 (L10, Tue), ........................... 2024 (L10, Wed), 2174 (M04, Tue) Banerjee, Sanjoy............................. 1157 (E02, Mon)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Becerra + Stasiewicz, Natalie......... 1988 (L10, Mon) Beck, Justin.......1062 (C01, Wed), 1063 (C01, Wed) Becker, James..................................1683 (K01, Wed) Beckingham, Kathleen...................... 752 (B02, Thu) Bécuwe, Matthieu.............................. 345 (A02, Tue) Bedioui, Fethi.................................2149 (M04, Mon) Bedner, Kristine............................. 2126 (M02, Wed) Beechem, Thomas.............................774 (B03, Mon) Begum, Mahbuba...............................1556 (I03, Tue) Behera, Dilip.....................................1993 (L10, Tue) Behm, Mårten.................................. 522 (A02, Wed), .............................. 560 (A02, Wed), 582 (A02, Wed) Behura, Sanjay.................................. 889 (B06, Wed) Beigne, Edith....................................1355 (H01, Thu) Bekaert, Emilie...................................647 (A02, Thu) Belharouak, Ilias............................... 534 (A02, Wed) Bellini, Marco..................................1240 (F02, Wed) Beltrop, Kolja......................................37 (A01, Mon) Benayad, Anass................................. 172 (A01, Wed) Benck, Jesse.....................................2021 (L10, Wed) Bender, Guido....... 1486 (I01, Thu), 1599 (I03, Thu) Bender, Timothy................................1004 (B08, Tue) Bendersky, Leonid............................273 (A02, Mon) Bendersky, Leonid............................ 169 (A01, Wed) Benedek, Roy...................................... 67 (A01, Tue), ...................................69 (A01, Tue), 401 (A02, Tue) Benicewicz, Brian......1513 (I02, Tue), 2231 (Z01, Tue) Benipal, Neeva...... 739 (B01, Thu), 1584 (I03, Wed) Bentley, Jaron.................................... 601 (A02, Wed) Berber, Mohamed.............................. 743 (B01, Thu) Berg, Philipp.......................................644 (A02, Thu) Bergamini, Giacomo........................ 1035 (B08, Thu) Bergelin, Mikael.............................. 1057 (C01, Wed) Berger, Cornelius..............................1787 (L03, Tue) Berger, Raphael.................................308 (A02, Mon) Bernard, Julien..........89 (A01, Tue), 389 (A02, Tue) Bernardi, Dawn.................................230 (A02, Mon) Bernardo, Barbiellini-Amidei.........1572 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1818 (L04, Mon) Bernasconi, Roberto...................... 1141 (E01, Mon), ..........................1142 (E01, Mon), 2127 (M02, Wed) Berner, Nina........................................868 (B06, Tue) Bernier, Nicolas...............................1363 (H03, Mon) Bernuy-López, Carlos....................... 503 (A02, Wed) Berrod, S.............................................1649 (I06, Tue) Berry, Vikas............ 862 (B06, Tue), 864 (B06, Tue), ..............................889 (B06, Wed), 892 (B06, Wed), ...............................893 (B06, Wed), 896 (B06, Wed) Bertasi, Federico................................ 745 (B01, Thu) Bertasi, Federico.......324 (A02, Tue), 2046 (L11, Wed) Berthelot, Romain.............................. 331 (A02, Tue) Bertin, Erwan....................................1803 (L04, Sun) Bertocci, Ugo.........1188 (E02, Wed), 1962 (L09, Wed) Bertoldo, Marcelo............................1356 (H01, Thu) Bertram, Tobias................................ 1292 (G02, Tue) Besser, Ronald...................................1665 (I06, Wed) Bessmertnykh-Lemeune, Alla............988 (B08, Tue) Besson, Pascal.................................1361 (H03, Mon) Bestetti, Massimiliano.......................207 (A01, Thu) Bettge, Martin.......401 (A02, Tue), 459 (A02, Wed), ............................... 489 (A02, Wed), 606 (A02, Thu) Bettini, Luca Giacomo.....................2280 (Z02, Wed) Bettlehiem, Armand.........................2020 (L10, Wed) Bevara, Vamsci.........54 (A01, Tue), 183 (A01, Wed) Bevara, Vamsci V.............................. 426 (A02, Wed) Bevilacqua, Manuela.......................1240 (F02, Wed) Beyer, J............................................1385 (H03, Wed) Beyzavi, M......... 1033 (B08, Wed), 1958 (L09, Tue) Bhakta, Snehasis..............................1746 (L01, Wed) Bhansali, Shekhar............................2111 (M02, Tue) Bharathi, K........................................273 (A02, Mon) Bhargav, Amruth................................ 365 (A02, Tue) Bhargava, Suresh.............................1870 (L04, Wed) Bhat, Thirumaleshwara...................1466 (H05, Wed) Bhatia, Harsh..................................... 460 (A02, Wed)

Bhattacharya, Priyanka..................... 318 (A02, Tue), ............................................................ 333 (A02, Tue) Bhattacharya, Priyanka.................... 425 (A02, Wed), ......................................................... 1155 (E02, Mon) Bhattacharyya, Dhiman................... 894 (B06, Wed), ..........................2069 (M01, Tue), 2129 (M02, Wed) Bhattarai, Gyanendra.......................2285 (Z03, Wed) Bhowmik, Arghya............................1859 (L04, Wed) Bhuneshwar, Paswan........................... 61 (A01, Tue) Bi, Lei..................... 1509 (I02, Tue), 1625 (I05, Tue) Biaggi-Liabiosa, Azlin.....................2167 (M04, Tue) Biddinger, Elizabeth.........................1215 (F02, Tue) Bidermane, Ieva................................1000 (B08, Tue) Biedermann, P. Ulrich......................1802 (L03, Wed) Bieker, Peter....................................... 387 (A02, Tue) Bienkowski, Krzysztof....................1999 (L10, Tue), ..........................................................2018 (L10, Wed) Biggs, Hunter...................................2064 (M01, Tue) Bilici, Burcin..................................... 515 (A02, Wed) Billard, Alain......................................1615 (I05, Tue) Billoint, Olivier................................1355 (H01, Thu) Billy, Joshua..........1517 (I02, Tue), 1529 (I02, Wed) Bilousov, Oleksandr......................... 1454 (H05, Tue) Binninger, Tobias..............................1839 (L04, Tue) Birkl, Christoph.................................... 63 (A01, Tue) Birss, Viola............ 1622 (I05, Tue), 1626 (I05, Tue), .............................1638 (I05, Wed), 1640 (I05, Wed), ........................................................2092 (M02, Mon) Bischof, Alan..................................... 727 (B01, Wed) Bishop, Gregory...............................1746 (L01, Wed) Bishop, Sean..........216 (A01, Thu), 1633 (I05, Wed) Biso, Maurizio.....................................51 (A01, Mon) Bister, Geoffroy................................1927 (L06, Wed) Biswas, Pratim................................. 134 (A01, Wed), ...............................619 (A02, Thu), 2226 (Z01, Tue) Biswas, Sudipta...................................865 (B06, Tue) Bitenc, Jan.......................................... 351 (A02, Tue) Bitner-Michalska, Anna......................411 (A02, Tue) Bittle, Emily....................................1288 (G01, Wed) Bizeray, Adrien..................................... 85 (A01, Tue) Bjoerheim, Tor Svendsen.................1775 (L03, Tue) Björketun, Mårten.............................1786 (L03, Tue) Blachot, Jean-François......................1661 (I06, Wed) Black, Robert..................................... 369 (A02, Tue) Blackburn, Jeffrey.............................711 (B01, Wed), ................................771 (B03, Mon), 806 (B03, Tue) Blaeser, Sebastian...........................1366 (H03, Mon) Blanchard-Desce, Mireille............... 1048 (B08, Thu) Blanco-Val, Yolanda........................2080 (M01, Tue) Blas-Ferrando, Vicente M.............. 1019 (B08, Wed) Bloom, Ira..............401 (A02, Tue), 461 (A02, Wed), ............................... 550 (A02, Wed), 638 (A02, Thu) Boaretto, Nicola...............................2050 (L11, Wed) Bobela, David................................... 1271 (G01, Tue) Bockowski, Michal.........................1440 (H05, Mon) Bodenes, Lucille................................ 381 (A02, Tue) Boeckl, John...................................... 186 (A01, Wed) Boettcher, Shannon..........................1947 (L09, Tue), ......................................................... 1989 (L10, Mon) Boghossian, Ardemis......................... 754 (B02, Thu) Bohn, Pamina.....................................605 (A02, Thu) Bohn, Paul........................................2097 (M02, Tue) Boika, Aliaksei................................ 1694 (L01, Mon) Boissel, Jean-Marc............................277 (A02, Mon) Boitrel, Bernard............................... 1025 (B08, Wed) Bolger, Fiachra B........................... 2128 (M02, Wed) Bolimowska, Ewelina........................ 96 (A01, Wed), .................................97 (A01, Wed), 172 (A01, Wed) Bomberger, Cory.............................1405 (H04, Mon) Bonaccorso, Francesco..................... 718 (B01, Wed) Bonanos, Nikolaos.............................215 (A01, Thu) Bondarchuk, Oleksandr..................1936 (L08, Wed), ..........................................................2260 (Z02, Wed) Bøndergaard, Daniel........................ 1611 (I05, Mon) Bonifazi, Davide...............................943 (B08, Mon) Bonnaud, Céline................................1661 (I06, Wed)

Bonnevialle, Aurore........................1363 (H03, Mon) Bonville, Leonard.............................1548 (I03, Tue), ...............................1549 (I03, Tue), 1592 (I03, Wed) Bonzongo, Jean-Claude.....................790 (B03, Tue), .............................................................791 (B03, Tue) Boota, Muhammad............................ 685 (A03, Tue) Bordallo, Caio.................................1337 (H01, Wed) Borders, Bryan................................. 1054 (B08, Thu) Bordes, Arnaud.................................. 396 (A02, Tue) Borguet, Eric.......................................986 (B08, Tue) Borkiewicz, Olaf.......164 (A01, Wed), 165 (A01, Wed) Borkovska, L...................................1429 (H04, Wed) Borkovska, L.V...............................1477 (H05, Wed) Börner, Markus.................................... 90 (A01, Tue) Borodin, Oleg.................................... 337 (A02, Tue), ..............................407 (A02, Tue), 1155 (E02, Mon) Borovkov, Victor...............................946 (B08, Mon) Borowicz, Pawel...............................2309 (Z04, Tue) Borup, Rod............1539 (I03, Tue), 1658 (I06, Wed) Bott, Sascha.......................................1161 (E02, Tue) Bottari, Giovanni.................................996 (B08, Tue) Böttcher, Artur.................................... 848 (B05, Thu) Botte, Gerardine............................. 1206 (F02, Mon), ............................1239 (F02, Wed), 1847 (L04, Tue), ..............................2214 (Z01, Tue), 2218 (Z01, Tue) Bottomley, Lawrence.......................1799 (L03, Wed) Bouchet, Renaud........405 (A02, Tue), 2228 (Z01, Tue) Bouffard, Elise................................. 1048 (B08, Thu) Bouilloux, Jordan............................. 1037 (B08, Thu) Bouilly, Delphine..............................780 (B03, Mon) Boulfrad, Samir..................................1625 (I05, Tue) Boulineau, Adrien.............................. 405 (A02, Tue) Bour, Jérôme.................................... 1292 (G02, Tue) Bourbon, Carole.................................636 (A02, Thu) Bourke, Andrea................................. 123 (A01, Wed) Bouttemy, Muriel............................ 1290 (G02, Tue), ............................1302 (G02, Tue), 1316 (G02, Wed) Bowden, Mark................................... 333 (A02, Tue) Bowman, Steven.............................1443 (H05, Mon) Boxall, Colin.......853 (B06, Tue), 1061 (C01, Wed), ..........................1071 (C01, Wed), 1072 (C01, Wed), ...........................................................1216 (F02, Tue) Brachet, Mylène................................ 117 (A01, Wed) Brady, Gerald....................................777 (B03, Mon) Braga, Nelson................................... 1455 (H05, Tue) Brain, Samantha................................2202 (Z01, Tue) Brandon, Nigel..................................667 (A03, Mon) Brankovic, Goran...............................194 (A01, Thu) Brankovic, Stanko...........................1180 (E02, Wed), ..........................................................1184 (E02, Wed) Brankovic, Zorica..............................194 (A01, Thu) Branzoi, Florina.....1084 (C01, Wed), 1194 (E02, Wed) Branzoi, Roxana.............................. 1084 (C01, Wed) Branzoi, Viorel.................................1194 (E02, Wed) Braun, Paul...........265 (A02, Mon), 441 (A02, Wed) Braun, Philipp................................... 431 (A02, Wed) Braun, Waldemar..... 671 (A03, Mon), 1787 (L03, Tue) Braunecker, Wade............................ 1271 (G01, Tue) Brazeau, Nicolas..............................2265 (Z02, Wed) Bregadiolli, Bruna............................. 717 (B01, Wed) Bremer, Timo.................................... 460 (A02, Wed) Brena, Barbara..................................1000 (B08, Tue) Breslin, Carmel.............................. 2128 (M02, Wed) Brett, Dan.......................................... 120 (A01, Wed) Brewitz, Hans Henning....................941 (B08, Mon) Briggs, Donovan.................................864 (B06, Tue) Brightman, Edward...........................1664 (I06, Wed) Briguglio, Nicola................................225 (A01, Thu) Brillas, Enric.....................................1749 (L01, Wed) Brinkmann, Christine.......................2050 (L11, Wed) Brintlinger, Todd............................. 1144 (E01, Mon) Briois, Pascal......................................1615 (I05, Tue) Bristow, Alan................................... 1985 (L10, Mon) Britto, Reuben..................................2021 (L10, Wed) Britton, Jonathan.................................998 (B08, Tue) Broekmann, Peter.............................1163 (E02, Tue)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Brooke, Robert................................ 1897 (L06, Mon) Brooks, Daniel................................ 1154 (E02, Mon) Brooner, Rachel................................666 (A03, Mon) Brosha, Eric.................................... 2139 (M02, Thu), .............................2168 (M04, Tue), 2240 (Z01, Tue) Bross, Adam......1408 (H04, Mon), 1450 (H05, Tue) Brothers, Penelope............................949 (B08, Mon) Brousse, Thierry................................ 117 (A01, Wed) Broussillou, Cédric.......................... 1292 (G02, Tue) Brown, Casey................................... 1504 (I02, Mon) Brown, Christopher.........................1443 (H05, Mon) Brown, Eva........................................1887 (L05, Tue) Brown, Katherine............................ 2298 (Z04, Mon) Brown, Nigel................................... 1201 (F02, Mon) Brown, Shanice.............................. 2139 (M02, Thu), .............................2168 (M04, Tue), 2240 (Z01, Tue) Browning, Nigel.............................. 1152 (E02, Mon) Bruce, Peter...............63 (A01, Tue), 621 (A02, Thu) Brueck, Steven................................1408 (H04, Mon) Brugge, Rowena............................... 589 (A02, Wed) Bruggemann, Daniel......................... 104 (A01, Wed) Brunini, Victor................................... 468 (A02, Wed) Brunschwig, Bruce......................... 1295 (G02, Tue), ......................... 1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed), ...........................................................1975 (L10, Sun) Brunswick, Philippe.......................2149 (M04, Mon) Brushett, Fikile...... 660 (A03, Mon), 689 (A03, Tue) Brusoski, Michael.............................1887 (L05, Tue) Buca, Dan........................................1366 (H03, Mon) Bucher, Christophe........................... 115 (A01, Wed) Buchheit, R....................................... 1089 (C01, Thu) Buck, David......................................817 (B04, Mon) Buckley, D. Noel.............................. 123 (A01, Wed), .............................. 126 (A01, Wed), 504 (A02, Wed) Buckwell, Mark...............................2253 (Z02, Wed) Budhathoki-Uprety, Januka.............. 756 (B02, Thu), ........................................................... 813 (B03, Wed) Budhathoki-Uprety, Januka............. 750 (B02, Wed), ........................................................... 751 (B02, Wed) Budiman, Riyan....... 1634 (I05, Wed), 1637 (I05, Wed) Bugayong, Joel...................................1521 (I02, Tue) Bugga, Ratnakumar......19 (A01, Mon), 22 (A01, Mon) Bui, Nhi............................................1187 (E02, Wed) Bultel, Yann..........1661 (I06, Wed), 1667 (I06, Wed) Bülter, Heinz.....................................235 (A02, Mon) Bund, Andreas...................................285 (A02, Mon) Burrell, Anthony.........322 (A02, Tue), 342 (A02, Tue), ...................................382 (A02, Tue), 383 (A02, Tue), .............................. 422 (A02, Wed), 638 (A02, Thu), ............................................................ 689 (A03, Tue) Burriel, Mónica................................ 1607 (I05, Mon) Busacca, Concetta..............................225 (A01, Thu) Bustamante, Danilo..........................1798 (L03, Wed) Buttry, Daniel....................................2242 (Z01, Tue) Buyukaksoy, Aligul...........................1622 (I05, Tue), ..............................1626 (I05, Tue), 1638 (I05, Wed), ...........................................................1640 (I05, Wed) Buzard, Kaitlyn.................................1881 (L05, Tue) Byker, Harlan..... 1912 (L06, Tue), 1925 (L06, Wed) Byon, Hye......................................... 364 (A02, Tue), ................................372 (A02, Tue), 432 (A02, Wed)

Calabrese Barton, Scott...................1579 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................2247 (Z01, Tue) Calame, Michel.............................. 2126 (M02, Wed) Calbo, Joaquín.................................... 841 (B05, Thu) Caldwell, Marissa...............................49 (A01, Mon) Calhoun, R.........................................1893 (L05, Tue) Calmet, Amandine.........................2149 (M04, Mon) Camargo, Luis.................................... 211 (A01, Thu) Canales-Vázquez, Jesús.....................215 (A01, Thu) Cañas, Natalia.................................... 313 (A02, Tue) Caneiro, Alberto......1635 (I05, Wed), 1869 (L04, Wed) Canesi, Sylvain..................................1712 (L01, Tue) Cansizoglu, Mehmet..........................1556 (I03, Tue) Cantillo, Nelly......1566 (I03, Wed), 1577 (I03, Wed) Cao, Lei..............................................649 (A02, Thu) Cao, Ruiguo....................................... 333 (A02, Tue) Capasse, Ryan.....................................810 (B03, Tue) Cappillino, Patrick............................1169 (E02, Tue) Capuano, Chris.......1207 (F02, Mon), 1233 (F02, Wed) Caqué, Nicolas...................................1541 (I03, Tue) Cardoso, David.................................1568 (I03, Wed) Carim, Azhar....................................1751 (L01, Wed) Carini, Marco..................................... 763 (B02, Thu) Carlà, Francesco......1719 (L01, Tue), 1747 (L01, Wed) Carlin, John...................................... 1415 (H04, Tue) Carlson, Krista.................................1861 (L04, Wed) Carminati, Daniela Maria.................965 (B08, Mon) Carmo, Marcelo..............................1238 (F02, Wed), .............................. 1489 (I01, Thu), 1496 (I01, Thu), ..............................1561 (I03, Wed), 1562 (I03, Wed) Carmona, Juan..................................1790 (L03, Tue), ............................ 1791 (L03, Tue), 1794 (L03, Wed) Carnevale, Santino........................... 1415 (H04, Tue) Carofiglio, Tommaso........................ 885 (B06, Wed) Carolan, P.........................................1352 (H01, Thu) Caron, Zachary.................................2172 (M04, Tue) Carrada, Marzia...............................1387 (H03, Wed) Carretero-González, Javier..............2260 (Z02, Wed) Carrie, Daniel....................................966 (B08, Mon) Carrillo, Jose Ramon......................... 838 (B05, Thu) Carrot, Christian................................ 115 (A01, Wed) Carstensen, Jürgen...........................1257 (F04, Tue), .......................................................... 1300 (G02, Tue) Carter, Blake.................................... 1205 (F02, Mon) Carter, Michael................................2106 (M02, Tue), ...........................2146 (M02, Thu), 2161 (M04, Tue) Carter, Tyler........................................ 329 (A02, Tue) Cartier, Charles................................... 413 (A02, Tue) Caruso, A..........................................2285 (Z03, Wed) Carvajal, Christian........................ 2125 (M02, Wed), ......................................................... 2143 (M02, Thu) Carvajal, Joan................................... 1454 (H05, Tue) Casas Espinola, Jose Luis...............1393 (H03, Wed) Casas-Cabanas, Montserrat..............297 (A02, Mon) Casey, Matthew................................2077 (M01, Tue) Casselman, Matthew......................... 414 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 435 (A02, Wed) Cassir, Michel.................................2149 (M04, Mon) Castañeda Ramírez, Sergio..............1790 (L03, Tue), ............................ 1791 (L03, Tue), 1794 (L03, Wed) Castanheira, Luis................................1541 (I03, Tue) Castelli, Ivano..................................2016 (L10, Wed) Castiglione, Francesca........................ 97 (A01, Wed) Castillo-Martínez, Elizabeth............297 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 378 (A02, Tue) Castro, Edison.................................... 757 (B02, Thu) Catini, Alexandro..............................940 (B08, Mon) Caulk, David......................................1652 (I06, Tue) Caymax, Matty................................1359 (H03, Mon) Cebeci, Fevzi................................... 1075 (C01, Wed) Cech, Ondrej..................................... 140 (A01, Wed) Cech, Ondrej..................................... 583 (A02, Wed) Cedano, Mario...................................2246 (Z01, Tue) Cekic-Laskovic, Isidora..................... 340 (A02, Tue) Celik, Ismail......................................1629 (I05, Wed) Celik, Muhsin..................................1363 (H03, Mon)

Cerón, Maira.....................................820 (B04, Mon) Ceroni, Paola.................................... 1035 (B08, Thu) Cesário, Moises................................2257 (Z02, Wed) Cetin, Deniz........... 214 (A01, Thu), 591 (A02, Wed) Çetin, Yasin.......................................1179 (E02, Tue) Cetinkaya, Tugrul............................. 166 (A01, Wed), ............................. 178 (A01, Wed), 179 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 180 (A01, Wed) Cha, In Young....................................1547 (I03, Tue), ........................... 1855 (L04, Wed), 1862 (L04, Wed) Cha, Minah........................................ 488 (A02, Wed) Chabal, Yves..................................... 1293 (G02, Tue) Chadderdon, David........................... 739 (B01, Thu), ........................... 1204 (F02, Mon), 1584 (I03, Wed), ............................. 1788 (L03, Tue), 1808 (L04, Sun) Chadha, Tandeep.............................. 134 (A01, Wed), ...............................619 (A02, Thu), 2226 (Z01, Tue) Chadwick, Alexander........................ 341 (A02, Tue) Chafik, Fadoua................................1363 (H03, Mon) Chai, Yating.....................................2110 (M02, Tue), .......................2150 (M04, Mon), 2151 (M04, Mon), ........................2152 (M04, Mon), 2153 (M04, Mon) Chaix, Arnaud.................................. 1048 (B08, Thu) Chakrabarti, Barun............................667 (A03, Mon) Chakrapani, Vidhya........................1406 (H04, Mon) Chamaani, Amir................................ 106 (A01, Wed) Chamoun, Mylad................................15 (A01, Mon) Champion, Paul................................ 1038 (B08, Thu) Champlin, Mitchell..........................2172 (M04, Tue) Chan, Jui-Yuan................................2270 (Z02, Wed), ........................... 2289 (Z03, Wed), 2290 (Z03, Wed) Chan, Kwong-Yu............................ 1821 (L04, Mon) Chan, Maria...........29 (A01, Mon), 288 (A02, Mon), .............................. 304 (A02, Mon), 373 (A02, Tue), ..............................846 (B05, Thu), 1981 (L10, Sun), ..........................................................2267 (Z02, Wed) Chan, Po-Fan...... 1137 (E01, Mon), 1178 (E02, Tue) Chan, Ray......................................... 1414 (H04, Tue) Chancelier, Léa................................... 96 (A01, Wed) Chandesris, Marion..........................1661 (I06, Wed), ...........................................................1667 (I06, Wed) Chang, Chao-Min...........................1402 (H04, Mon) Chang, Chia-Fu......2270 (Z02, Wed), 2289 (Z03, Wed) Chang, Chih-Wei............................... 680 (A03, Tue) Chang, Edward................................. 1458 (H05, Tue) Chang, Hao.......................................2026 (L10, Wed) Chang, Hsiu-Cheng.........................2254 (Z02, Wed) Chang, Ling-Yu................................. 182 (A01, Wed) Chang, Seung-Hwan......................... 904 (B06, Wed) Chang, Shih-Cheng...........................1167 (E02, Tue) Chang, Sung-Jae............................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1349 (H01, Wed) Chang, Ting-Fu................................ 1423 (H04, Tue) Chang, Ting-Hsiang.......................... 762 (B02, Thu), .............................1911 (L06, Tue), 1920 (L06, Tue), ..........................................................1931 (L06, Wed) Chang, Wonyoung.............................615 (A02, Thu) Chang, Woojin................................1438 (H05, Mon) Chang, Yu-Chen......758 (B02, Thu), 867 (B06, Tue) Chanquía, Corina.............................1635 (I05, Wed), ..........................................................1869 (L04, Wed) Chanysheva, Alina...........................2083 (M01, Tue) Chao, Wen-Kai..................................... 84 (A01, Tue) Chaplin, Brian................................2155 (M04, Mon) Chapman, Karena.....164 (A01, Wed), 165 (A01, Wed) Chassagneux, Yannick.......................802 (B03, Tue), .............................................................804 (B03, Tue) Chassaing, Elisabeth........................1170 (E02, Tue), .........................................................1316 (G02, Wed) Chatenet, Marian................................1541 (I03, Tue) Chatman, Shawn...............................1979 (L10, Sun) Chatterjee, Jhunu..............................2064 (M01, Tue) Chatterjee, Sanghamitra..................2075 (M01, Tue) Chattot, Raphaël.............................. 1822 (L04, Mon) Chatzichristodoulou, Christodoulos............................ .......................................................... 1612 (I05, Mon)

C Caban, Miguel..................................2033 (L10, Wed) Cabana, Jordi...........70 (A01, Tue), 155 (A01, Wed), .............................. 305 (A02, Mon), 327 (A02, Tue), ...............................383 (A02, Tue), 454 (A02, Wed), ............................. 520 (A02, Wed), 530 (A02, Wed), ............................... 562 (A02, Wed), 642 (A02, Thu) Cabrera, Wilfredo............................. 1293 (G02, Tue) Cafolla, Attilo......................................868 (B06, Tue) Cai, Guofa.........................................1906 (L06, Tue) Cai, Jinshu.........................................231 (A02, Mon) Cai, Mei.............................................247 (A02, Mon) Cai, Rui..............................................1175 (E02, Tue) 184

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Chaudhri, Nivedita............................972 (B08, Mon) Chaudhuri, Anabil...........................1408 (H04, Mon) Chaudoy, V..........................................26 (A01, Mon) Chavali, Ravi..................................2089 (M02, Mon) Chávarri Marín, Violeta Herminia........1812 (L04, Sun) Chayed, Nor Fadilah............................ 93 (A01, Tue) Che, Songwei.................................... 893 (B06, Wed) Cheek, Graham......1675 (K01, Wed), 1690 (K01, Thu) Chen, Aicheng..................................2075 (M01, Tue) Chen, Chaoji...................................... 481 (A02, Wed) Chen, Chen...................................... 1768 (L03, Mon) Chen, Chen-Yu................................1402 (H04, Mon) Chen, Chia-Hsiang............................. 847 (B05, Thu) Chen, Chien-Fan............................... 470 (A02, Wed) Chen, Ching Liang............................667 (A03, Mon) Chen, Chun-Hua..............................2254 (Z02, Wed) Chen, Chun-Yu................................1343 (H01, Wed) Chen, Chung-Fu.....1769 (L03, Mon), 2196 (Z01, Tue) Chen, Chunhui........47 (A01, Mon), 222 (A01, Thu) Chen, Di.............................................216 (A01, Thu) Chen, George....................................... 79 (A01, Tue) Chen, Guan-Lin......758 (B02, Thu), 867 (B06, Tue) Chen, Guanxi................................... 1419 (H04, Tue) Chen, Han............................................911 (B07, Tue) Chen, Hao Min..................................260 (A02, Mon) Chen, Hongning................................ 125 (A01, Wed) Chen, Hsun-Yi.................................... 680 (A03, Tue) Chen, I-Ting....................................... 762 (B02, Thu) Chen, I-Ting....................................... 758 (B02, Thu) Chen, Jee-Jay.................................... 119 (A01, Wed) Chen, Jie..........................................1679 (K01, Wed) Chen, Jingguang...............................1959 (L09, Wed) Chen, Jingyi.........1186 (E02, Wed), 2229 (Z01, Tue) Chen, Junzheng......318 (A02, Tue), 703 (A03, Wed) Chen, Kuei-Hsien............................ 112 (A01, Wed), .......................................................... 1298 (G02, Tue) Chen, Kuo-Ching.............................. 564 (A02, Wed) Chen, Le..........................................1307 (G02, Wed) Chen, Li-Chyong..... 112 (A01, Wed), 1298 (G02, Tue) Chen, Lin................315 (A02, Tue), 550 (A02, Wed) Chen, Liquan..................................... 696 (A03, Wed) Chen, Meng....................................... 706 (A03, Wed) Chen, Ning...........282 (A02, Mon), 309 (A02, Mon) Chen, Ning........................................827 (B04, Mon) Chen, Ping...........................................988 (B08, Tue) Chen, Qianjin.................................. 1704 (L01, Mon) Chen, Qing......................................... 687 (A03, Tue) Chen, Qingmei................................1234 (F02, Wed), ...............................1514 (I02, Tue), 1717 (L01, Tue) Chen, Shigang...... 192 (A01, Thu), 1506 (I02, Mon) Chen, Shuli........................................1534 (I02, Wed) Chen, Shutang...................................2229 (Z01, Tue) Chen, Susanne.................................... 840 (B05, Thu) Chen, Taung-Han.............................2254 (Z02, Wed) Chen, Wei..........................................1782 (L03, Tue) Chen, Wei–Chieh.............................2038 (L10, Wed) ........................... 2039 (L10, Wed), 2040 (L10, Wed) Chen, Wenzhao..................................1528 (I02, Tue) Chen, Xi............................................... 76 (A01, Tue) Chen, Xiao......................................... 712 (B01, Wed) Chen, Xilin............................................. 3 (A01, Sun) Chen, Xinzhi..................................... 563 (A02, Wed) Chen, Xuyuan.................................1475 (H05, Wed) Chen, Yanxin....................................1240 (F02, Wed) Chen, Yen Yu....................................1966 (L09, Wed) Chen, Yen-Chang.............................. 715 (B01, Wed) Chen, Yi-Chih................................... 484 (A02, Wed) Chen, Yi-Hsuan................................2290 (Z03, Wed) Chen, Yikai.......................................2027 (L10, Wed) Chen, Yingjie.....1409 (H04, Mon), 1420 (H04, Tue) Chen, Yong Siou.............................. 921 (B07, Wed), ......................................................... 1987 (L10, Mon) Chen, Yuan........................................ 719 (B01, Wed) Chen, Yulin........................................291 (A02, Mon) Chen, Zhebo.......................................1487 (I01, Thu) Chen, Zhi.........................................1389 (H03, Wed)

Chen, Zhong.......................................210 (A01, Thu) Chen, Zhongwei................................1573 (I03, Wed) Chen, Zonghai...... 278 (A02, Mon), 401 (A02, Tue), ............................... 537 (A02, Wed), 638 (A02, Thu) Chen-Wiegart, Yu-chen.................. 1157 (E02, Mon) Chen-Wiegart, Yuchen........................ 88 (A01, Tue), ...........................................................258 (A02, Mon) Cheng, Chia-Wen..............................1178 (E02, Tue) Cheng, Gang........................................49 (A01, Mon) Cheng, Kevin.....................................226 (A01, Thu) Cheng, Lei......................................... 422 (A02, Wed) Cheng, Tao...................................... 1154 (E02, Mon) Cheng, Wan-Yu................................. 182 (A01, Wed) Cheng, Xuan......................................1552 (I03, Tue), ..............................1575 (I03, Wed), 1588 (I03, Wed) Cheng, Yang-Tse..............................237 (A02, Mon), ..............................262 (A02, Mon), 446 (A02, Wed) Cheng, Yi-Chia.......1769 (L03, Mon), 2196 (Z01, Tue) Cheng, Yi-Lung..............................1320 (G02, Wed), ..........................................................2294 (Z03, Wed) Cheng, Z.-Y......................................2163 (M04, Tue) Chengju, Kuo.................................... 710 (B01, Wed) Cheon, Jae Yeong............................1866 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1969 (L09, Wed) Cheong, Hae-Won............................ 542 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 898 (B06, Wed) Cherdo, Stephanie............................ 1039 (B08, Thu) Cherevko, Serhiy.............................1660 (I06, Wed), ..............................1841 (L04, Tue), 1842 (L04, Tue) Chervin, Christopher......................... 375 (A02, Tue), ........................... 1144 (E01, Mon), 1574 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1702 (L01, Mon) Chevallier, Romain.......................... 1419 (H04, Tue) Chevance, Soizic...............................966 (B08, Mon) Chevrot, Claude................................1914 (L06, Tue) Chhabbra, Meenu.............................1943 (L08, Wed) Chhibber, Rahul.............................. 1059 (C01, Wed) Chhowalla, Manish............................200 (A01, Thu) Chi, Miaofang................................... 506 (A02, Wed) Chia-jen, Hsu.................................... 128 (A01, Wed) Chiang, Meng-Hsueh......................1343 (H01, Wed) Chiang, Wei Hung............................. 878 (B06, Wed) Chiang, Wei-Hung............................ 758 (B02, Thu), ................................ 867 (B06, Tue), 880 (B06, Wed) Chiang, Yet-Ming.............................279 (A02, Mon), ...........................................................289 (A02, Mon) Chiappe, Danielle............................ 1326 (H01, Tue), .........................................................1359 (H03, Mon) Chiashi, Shohei.........712 (B01, Wed), 782 (B03, Mon) Chiba, Kazuhiro...............................1686 (K01, Thu) Chiba, Takaaki................................... 712 (B01, Wed) Chidambaram, Dev........................ 1115 (C02, Mon), ...........................................................2007 (L10, Tue) Chien, Chao-Wei..............................1798 (L03, Wed) Chikan, Viktor.....................................908 (B07, Tue) Chikyow, Toyohiro.........................1463 (H05, Wed) Chin, Bryan......... 2110 (M02, Tue), 2150 (M04, Mon), .......................2151 (M04, Mon), 2152 (M04, Mon), ........................................................2153 (M04, Mon) Chin, Chun-Yi................................... 138 (A01, Wed) Chin, Suk..........................................2100 (M02, Tue) Chitta, Raghu.................................. 1032 (B08, Wed) Chiu, Chung-Hua.............................2289 (Z03, Wed) Chiu, Hsien-Chieh...........................282 (A02, Mon), ............................... 309 (A02, Mon), 352 (A02, Tue) Chiu, Hsien-Chin............................. 1460 (H05, Tue) Chladil, Ladislav.............................. 140 (A01), Wed, ............................. 583 (A02, Wed), 1705 (L01, Tue) Chlistunoff, Jerzy........................... 1031 (B08, Wed), ..............................1580 (I03, Wed), 1581 (I03, Wed) Chmielewski, Daniel....................... 1415 (H04, Tue) Cho, Byung-Won............................... 380 (A02, Tue) Cho, Chu-Young.............................1479 (H05, Wed) Cho, H. Jeremy...................................793 (B03, Tue) Cho, Hyun-Seok............................. 1113 (C02, Mon) Cho, Hyungkoun.............................1318 (G02, Wed)

Cho, Insung....................................... 598 (A02, Wed) Cho, Jae-Hyun.................................... 380 (A02, Tue) Cho, Jeong-Ju.......268 (A02, Mon), 488 (A02, Wed) Cho, Jiung..........................................265 (A02, Mon) Cho, Kilwon..................................... 1274 (G01, Tue) Cho, Min Kyung..1547 (I03, Tue), 1855 (L04, Wed) Cho, Seong Hun................................1585 (I03, Wed) Cho, Sung Ho.................................... 572 (A02, Wed) Cho, Sung-baek................................. 542 (A02, Wed) Cho, Sung-Hwa.................................2212 (Z01, Tue) Chobpattana, Varistha...................... 1374 (H03, Tue) Chockalingam, Rajalekshmi.......... 2138 (M02, Thu) Choe, Yoong-Kee.............................1231 (F02, Wed) Choi, Bit Na.......................................204 (A01, Thu) Choi, In-Suk........501 (A02, Wed), 1140 (E01, Mon) Choi, Jaecheol................................... 592 (A02, Wed) Choi, Jin-Woo...............................2088 (M02, Mon), ........................................................ 2123 (M02, Wed) Choi, Jongrak.................................... 176 (A01, Wed) Choi, Junhee...................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Choi, Kyoung-Shin...........................2004 (L10, Tue) Choi, Pyuck-Pa...............................1108 (C02, Mon) Choi, Sun Hee.....1195 (E02, Wed), 1643 (I05, Wed) Choi, Sungho..................................... 556 (A02, Wed) Choi, Wonchang.......553 (A02, Wed), 576 (A02, Wed) Choi, Woo-Sung.................................615 (A02, Thu) Choi, Woon Ih.................................... 742 (B01, Thu) Choi, Woon-Seop............................1191 (E02, Wed), ..........................................................1192 (E02, Wed) Choi, Woong..................................... 903 (B06, Wed) Choi, YongMan............................... 1814 (L04, Mon) Choi, Young-Woo............................ 150 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 152 (A01, Wed) Choi, Yu-Song.......542 (A02, Wed), 898 (B06, Wed) Choi, Yura.......................................... 903 (B06, Wed) Chong, Pau......................................... 690 (A03, Tue) Chong, Pau Ying..........682 (A03, Tue), 686 (A03, Tue) Chor, Eng Fong...............................1466 (H05, Wed) Chorkendorff, Ib.............................. 1611 (I05, Mon), ...........................1820 (L04, Mon), 1837 (L04, Tue), ..........................................................2016 (L10, Wed) Chou, Kan-Sen................................. 138 (A01, Wed), ............................1221 (F02, Tue), 2256 (Z02, Wed), ..........................................................2266 (Z02, Wed) Chou, Katherine.................................1490 (I01, Thu) Chou, Li-Yao..................................... 163 (A01, Wed) Chou, Shu-Wei..................................208 (A01, Thu), ........................... 2023 (L10, Wed), 2031 (L10, Wed) Choudhury, Amitava........................... 91 (A01, Tue), ...........................................................299 (A02, Mon) Choudhury, Mohua.........................1434 (H05, Mon) Chow, Tat-Sing................................. 1450 (H05, Tue) Chowdhury, Farsad..........................2259 (Z02, Wed) Chowdhury, Srabanti......................1437 (H05, Mon) Chowdhury, Tazima......................... 721 (B01, Wed), ...........................................................779 (B03, Mon) Christ, Hans-Jürgen........................1104 (C02, Mon) Christ, Jason.......................................1599 (I03, Thu) Christensen, Andreas......................... 370 (A02, Tue) Christensen, Rune.............................1781 (L03, Tue) Christian, John..................................1535 (I02, Wed) Christin, Rémy....................................... 8 (A01, Sun) Christinelli, Wania............................ 141 (A01, Wed) Christmann, Jean-Frédéric...............1355 (H01, Thu) Christou, Aris................................... 1459 (H05, Tue) Chu, Chia Ho.................................... 1425 (H04, Tue) Chu, Chia-Ho................................... 1428 (H04, Tue) Chu, Peter............. 436 (A02, Wed), 484 (A02, Wed) Chu, Ta-Ya........................................ 1272 (G01, Tue) Chu, Wenling.....................................1175 (E02, Tue) Chu, Yu-Ren..................................... 1099 (C01, Thu) Chua, Daniel....................................... 374 (A02, Tue) Chueh, William.................................1627 (I05, Wed) Chun, Hee-Joon................................1784 (L03, Tue) Chun, Jinyoung..................................628 (A02, Thu) Chun, Woo Won.................................204 (A01, Thu)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Author................................................................Abs No.

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Chung, Chan-Hwa............................204 (A01, Thu), ...........................................................1177 (E02, Tue) Chung, Hoon..........1573 (I03, Wed), 1823 (L04, Mon), ............................1826 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Chung, Kyung Yoon.......................... 380 (A02, Tue) Chung, Sheng-Heng.......................... 320 (A02, Tue) Chung, Taek-Mo...............................2222 (Z01, Tue) Chung, Yoonsung................................ 80 (A01, Tue), ...........................2141 (M02, Thu), 2171 (M04, Tue) Chung, Yoonsung........................... 2181 (M04, Wed) Chung, Young-Hoon.......................1855 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1862 (L04, Wed) Chupas, Peter....... 164 (A01, Wed), 165 (A01, Wed) Church, Tamara.................................240 (A02, Mon) Chyan, Oliver.........1073 (C01, Wed), 2283 (Z03, Wed) Chyi, Jen-Inn..........1402 (H04, Mon), 1460 (H05, Tue) Cianni, Rosemary........................... 1062 (C01, Wed) Cicoira, Fabio................................... 114 (A01, Wed), ............................1277 (G01, Tue), 1280 (G01, Wed) Cid, Clement..................................... 130 (A01, Wed) Cieplak, Maciej.................................2309 (Z04, Tue) Cilingir Dogan, Didem.....................1585 (I03, Wed) Cinquanta, Eugenio.............................854 (B06, Tue) Claessens, Christian..........................1003 (B08, Tue) Claeys, Cor....................................... 1326 (H01, Tue) Claeys, Cor...... 1336 (H01, Wed), 1337 (H01, Wed), .......................... 1346 (H01, Wed), 1356 (H01, Thu), ...........................1357 (H01, Thu), 1358 (H01, Thu), .........................................................1369 (H03, Mon) Clancy, Paulette................................ 1372 (H03, Tue) Clar, Justin............... 790 (B03, Tue), 791 (B03, Tue) Clare, Laurie.....................................1691 (K01, Thu) Clark, Steve........................................621 (A02, Thu) Claussen, Jonathan..............................861 (B06, Tue) Clayborne, Andre.............................1782 (L03, Tue), ...........................................................1784 (L03, Tue) Claycomb, Adair.............................2099 (M02, Tue), ...........................................................2225 (Z01, Tue) Cliffel, David....................................2077 (M01, Tue) Cloots, Rudi......................................1927 (L06, Wed) Close, Timothy................................ 2138 (M02, Thu) Co, Anne................ 649 (A02, Thu), 1517 (I02, Tue), ...............................1529 (I02, Wed), 1551 (I03, Tue) Cohen, Yair........ 1852 (L04, Wed), 1972 (L09, Wed) Cojocaru, Paula..................................51 (A01, Mon), .......................... 1134 (E01, Mon), 1282 (G01, Wed) Colella, Whitney................................1484 (I01, Thu) Coleman, Eric.....................................1551 (I03, Tue) Coleman, Jasmine.............................1734 (L01, Tue) Coleman, Jonathan.............................869 (B06, Tue), ...........................................................1174 (E02, Tue) Colin, Jean François...........................636 (A02, Thu) Collaert, Nadine.............................. 1326 (H01, Tue), ..........................1358 (H01, Thu), 1359 (H03, Mon), .......................................................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Collins, John...................................... 118 (A01, Wed) Collins, Keith.................................. 1080 (C01, Wed) Collins, Philip......................................798 (B03, Tue) Colombara, Diego............................ 1292 (G02, Tue) Colson, Pierre...................................1927 (L06, Wed) Colussi, Agustin.............................. 1154 (E02, Mon) Compaan, Alvin..............................1469 (H05, Wed) Congiu, Mirko................................... 717 (B01, Wed) Constantin, Guillaume......................193 (A01, Thu), ............................................................1615 (I05, Tue) Contento, Nicholas..........................2164 (M04, Tue) Contreras Jiménez, Gaston..............2085 (M01, Tue) Cook, John......................................... 526 (A02, Wed) Cook, Rob......................................... 448 (A02, Wed) Cooper, Jason..................................1305 (G02, Wed) Coors, Grover................................... 1501 (I02, Mon) Coppens, Marc.................................. 120 (A01, Wed) Cordoba de Torresi, Susana.............1910 (L06, Tue), ..........................................................1930 (L06, Wed) Córdova-Chávez, Miguel..................1601 (I03, Thu) Cornell, Ann...................................... 582 (A02, Wed)

Corr, Stuart......................................... 767 (B02, Thu) Correa, Gabriela............................... 1294 (G02, Tue) Cosgrave, L......................................2273 (Z02, Wed) Cosimbescu, Lelia..........420 (A02, Wed), 425 (A02, Wed) Costa, Gustavo..................................1120 (C02, Tue) Costa, Rémi........................................193 (A01, Thu) Costard, Janina.................................. 464 (A02, Wed) Cotlet, Mircea.................................... 710 (B01, Wed) Courty, Matthieu........478 (A02, Wed), 635 (A02, Thu) Crabtree, George...............................1481 (I01, Wed) Cramb, David.................................2092 (M02, Mon) Crane, Cameron...............................1186 (E02, Wed) Crawford, Alasdair............................659 (A03, Mon) Creager, Stephen...............................1722 (L01, Tue) Creager, Stephen................................ 747 (B01, Thu) Creedon, Niamh.............................2093 (M02, Mon) Cremers, Carsten.................................. 62 (A01, Tue) Cresce, Arthur.................................... 337 (A02, Tue) Cretin, Marc......................................1833 (L04, Tue) Crippa, Danilo.................................. 1380 (H03, Tue) Crispin, Xavier................................ 1897 (L06, Mon) Cristaldi, Domenico..........................944 (B08, Mon) Cristiani, Pierangela........................ 2303 (Z04, Mon) Cristoloveanu, Sorin......................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1349 (H01, Wed) Critelli, Renan...................................1172 (E02, Tue) Cronin, Stephen.................................772 (B03, Mon) Crothers, Andrew.............................2048 (L11, Wed) Croy, Jason.......................................... 69 (A01, Tue), ................................360 (A02, Tue), 602 (A02, Wed) Crumlin, Ethan...............................1304 (G02, Wed), .........................................................1306 (G02, Wed) Cudek, Pavel..................................... 583 (A02, Wed) Cugnet, Mikaël....................................... 8 (A01, Sun) Cui, Baochen.................................... 1502 (I02, Mon) Cui, Bo............................................... 599 (A02, Wed) Cui, Jie-Wu.........................................210 (A01, Thu) Cui, Kang........................................ 1030 (B08, Wed) Cui, Kehang...................................... 712 (B01, Wed) Cui, Mengqi.......1899 (L06, Mon), 1906 (L06, Tue) Cui, Rongli.............816 (B04, Mon), 829 (B04, Tue) Cui, Shengting................................. 1770 (L03, Mon) Cui, Xiaodan......................................199 (A01, Thu) Cui, Yi................................................. 316 (A02, Tue) Cullen, David.................................. 1826 (L04, Mon) Cultrara, Nicholas........ 855 (B06, Tue), 863 (B06, Tue) Cunin, Frederique............................ 1048 (B08, Thu) Curley, Steven.................................... 767 (B02, Thu) Curran, Alan..................................... 1089 (C01, Thu) Curtiss, Larry........ 422 (A02, Wed), 517 (A02, Wed) Cushing, Scott....... 1985 (L10, Mon), 2017 (L10, Wed) Czerniawski, Justing........................1187 (E02, Wed) Czujko, Tomasz.................................776 (B03, Mon)

Dall’Agnese, Yohan..........................2235 (Z01, Tue) Dall’Agnese, Yohan...........................202 (A01, Thu) Dalton, Luke.................................... 1205 (F02, Mon) Damle, Sameer....................................28 (A01, Mon) Damlin, Pia........................................1907 (L06, Tue) Damodaran, Krishnan....................... 492 (A02, Wed) Dan, Bui............................................ 437 (A02, Wed) Daneshvar-Fatah, Farhad..................... 12 (A01, Sun) Dang, Siaufung..................................656 (A02, Thu) Daniel, Aaron...................................2077 (M01, Tue) Daniel, Claus........229 (A02, Mon), 552 (A02, Wed) Danilewsky, Andreas......................1440 (H05, Mon) Danilovic, Nemanja....................... 1207 (F02, Mon), ............................................................1512 (I02, Tue) Danine, Abdelaadim.........................1916 (L06, Tue) Dapkus, Paul.................................... 1295 (G02, Tue) Darling, Robert......... 660 (A03, Mon), 1593 (I03, Thu) Darling, Seth...................................... 846 (B05, Thu) Darmawan, Peter...............................1906 (L06, Tue) DaRos, Tatiana................................... 763 (B02, Thu) Darwiche, Ali..........381 (A02, Tue), 645 (A02, Thu) Darzi, Ghazwan................................2236 (Z01, Tue) Das, Suprem........................................861 (B06, Tue) Das, Tridip.........................................1773 (L03, Tue) Dasari, Mallika.................................. 936 (B07, Wed) Dashtimoghadam, Erfan....................1540 (I03, Tue) Datta, Kanak........................................865 (B06, Tue) Datta, Madhav...................................1244 (F04, Tue) Datta, Moni....................4 (A01, Sun), 5 (A01, Sun), ................................... 11 (A01, Sun), 46 (A01, Mon) Dattelbaum, Andrew...................... 1825 (L04, Mon), ............................1827 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Daunert, Sylvia..................................2195 (Z01, Tue) Davenport, Tim.................................1128 (C02, Tue) Davidson, Victor............................. 1027 (B08, Wed) Davies, Greg........................................15 (A01, Mon) Davis, Michael........1981 (L10, Sun), 2267 (Z02, Wed) Davoisne, Carine............................... 478 (A02, Wed) Dawson, Stephen...............................640 (A02, Thu) De, Indranil......................................1444 (H05, Mon) De Andrade, Vincent........................... 73 (A01, Tue), ........................................................... 545 (A02, Wed) de Assis, Lucas..................................1921 (L06, Tue) De Carlo, Francesco............................ 73 (A01, Tue), ........................................................... 545 (A02, Wed) De Feyter, Steven............................. 877 (B06, Wed), ......................................................... 1030 (B08, Wed) De Filippo, Christian........................ 885 (B06, Wed) De Gendt, Stefan.............................. 1327 (H01, Tue) De Giorgio, Francesca......................... 66 (A01, Tue) de la Cruz, Pilar............................... 1014 (B08, Wed) de la Torre, Gema............................ 1017 (B08, Wed) de Lazaro, Sérgio.............................. 727 (B01, Wed) De Long, Hugh.................................1887 (L05, Tue) De Moor, Gilles..................................1541 (I03, Tue) De Nardi, Marco.............................1682 (K01, Wed) de Saja, Jose Antonio.........................999 (B08, Tue), ..........................................................2080 (M01, Tue) de Salvo, Barbara...........................1363 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1364 (H03, Mon) de Visser, Sam.................................. 1042 (B08, Thu) De Vito, Eric....................................... 396 (A02, Tue) de Zea Bermudez, V....................... 1898 (L06, Mon), ...........................................................1923 (L06, Tue) Debbarma, Rousan............................ 889 (B06, Wed) DeCaluwe, Steven.............................639 (A02, Thu), ..........................................................2049 (L11, Wed) Decarreau, Jean-François.................1914 (L06, Tue) Deconinck, Johan..............................1162 (E02, Tue) Deen, M...........................................1259 (G01, Mon) Deepa, Melepurath.......................... 1900 (L06, Mon) Dees, Dennis..................................... 406 (A02, Tue), ................................ 606 (A02, Thu), 609 (A02, Thu) Deguet, Chrystel.............................1361 (H03, Mon) DeGuire, Mark..................................1224 (F02, Tue) Deiana, Davide...................................1616 (I05, Tue)


D D. H., Nagaraju................................. 107 (A01, Wed) Da Col, Luca........................................ 66 (A01, Tue) Da Costa, Avelino............................. 501 (A02, Wed) da Costa, Tallis...............................2088 (M02, Mon) Da Rocha, Mathias.......................... 1902 (L06, Mon) Da Rocha, Mathias............................1916 (L06, Tue) da Silva, Marina.............................. 1078 (C01, Wed) Da’as, Eman.......................................1625 (I05, Tue) Dabiran, Amir..................................1444 (H05, Mon) Dada, Oluwaseun................................870 (B06, Tue) Daeyong, Yeon.................................. 598 (A02, Wed) Dagousset, Laure.............................. 116 (A01, Wed) Dahl, Paul.......................................... 563 (A02, Wed) Dahl, Søren....................................... 1611 (I05, Mon) Dahlman, Clayton........................... 1895 (L06, Mon) Dai, Jing..........................................2151 (M04, Mon) Dai, Sheng.................79 (A01, Tue), 415 (A02, Tue) Dai, Yiling.........................................291 (A02, Mon) Dainese, Tiziano..............................1682 (K01, Wed) Dairo, Taiwo......................................962 (B08, Mon) Dale, Phillip...................................... 1292 (G02, Tue)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Dekkers, Harold............................... 1327 (H01, Tue) Delacourt, Charles........................... 132 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 473 (A02, Wed) Delaille, Arnaud................................ 469 (A02, Wed) Delbos, Elise.................................... 1302 (G02, Tue) Delgado, Richard.............................. 895 (B06, Wed) Delnick, Frank...................................662 (A03, Mon) DeLongchamp, Dean......................1258 (G01, Mon) Delp, Samuel..................................... 339 (A02, Tue), .................................361 (A02, Tue), 407 (A02, Tue) Delport, Géraud...................................804 (B03, Tue) Delprat, Daniel................................1361 (H03, Mon) Demirci, Gökhan..............................1179 (E02, Tue), .............................1200 (F02, Mon), 1227 (F02, Tue) Demopoulos, George.......................282 (A02, Mon), ............................... 309 (A02, Mon), 352 (A02, Tue) DeMuth, Joshua...............................2286 (Z03, Wed) Denayer, Jessica...............................1927 (L06, Wed) Deng, Qibo........................................1724 (L01, Tue) Deng, Shikai...................................... 892 (B06, Wed) Denifl, Guenter................................. 1380 (H03, Tue) Denis-Quanquin, Sandrine............... 115 (A01, Wed) Deo, Ravin....................................... 1064 (C01, Wed) Depci, Tolga...................................... 894 (B06, Wed) Depredurand, Valérie....................... 1292 (G02, Tue) Dermenci, Kamil............................... 522 (A02, Wed) Deschamps, Michaël.........................2228 (Z01, Tue) Deshmukh, Sanket.......................... 1069 (C01, Wed) Deshpande, Rutooj...........................230 (A02, Mon), ..............................231 (A02, Mon), 237 (A02, Mon) Dessemond, Laurent.........................193 (A01, Thu), ............................................................1615 (I05, Tue) Detchprohm, Theeradetch............... 1450 (H05, Tue) Deutsch, Todd...................................2007 (L10, Tue) Deutsch, Todd..................................1978 (L10, Sun), ...........................1990 (L10, Mon), 2022 (L10, Wed) Devadoss, Anando............................1713 (L01, Tue) Devaux, Didier.......... 27 (A01, Mon), 76 (A01, Tue) Devi, Anjali.................................... 2130 (M02, Wed) Devie, Arnaud................................... 698 (A03, Wed) Devnani, Harsha................................2191 (Z01, Tue) DeWitt, Stephen......328 (A02, Tue), 384 (A02, Tue) Dey, Abhishek.....................................987 (B08, Tue) Dey, S...............................................2278 (Z02, Wed) Dhamodharan, Ragavachari...........1286 (G01, Wed) Dhanushkodi, Shankar......................1663 (I06, Wed) Dhar, Bal-Mukund.............................639 (A02, Thu) Di Blasi, Alessandra...........................225 (A01, Thu) Di Blasi, Orazio..................................225 (A01, Thu) Di Mauro, Eduardo.......................... 1269 (G01, Tue) Di Natale, Corrado...........................940 (B08, Mon), ...........................................................955 (B08, Mon) Di Noto, Vito..........324 (A02, Tue), 745 (B01, Thu), ...........................2046 (L11, Wed), 2050 (L11, Wed), ..........................................................2054 (L11, Wed) Dial, Courtney...................................2200 (Z01, Tue) Diau, Eric..............910 (B07, Tue), 1012 (B08, Wed) Díaz, Francesc.................................. 1454 (H05, Tue) Diaz, Luis..........................................2218 (Z01, Tue) Díaz Cano, Aaron............................1468 (H05, Wed) Diaz Orellana, Kryssia...................... 110 (A01, Wed) Diaz-Romero, Diana........................1757 (L01, Wed) Dick, Jeffrey.................................... 1694 (L01, Mon) Dickinson, James................................853 (B06, Tue) Didierjean, Sophie............................1539 (I03, Tue), ...........................................................1657 (I06, Wed) Diemant, Thomas..............................241 (A02, Mon) Dietz, Nikolaus.................................2259 (Z02, Wed) Dietz Rago, Nancy............................ 550 (A02, Wed) Dillet, Jérôme....................................1539 (I03, Tue), ...............................1541 (I03, Tue), 1657 (I06, Wed) Dillon, Shen J.................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Dimandja, Jean...............................2094 (M02, Mon) Dimitrov, Nikolay............................1186 (E02, Wed) Ding, Qi............. 1968 (L09, Wed), 2033 (L10, Wed)

Ding, Shuangshuang........................1961 (L09, Wed) Ding, Yi Ming.................................1391 (H03, Wed) Ding, Yujia......................................... 355 (A02, Tue), .............................421 (A02, Wed), 1932 (L08, Wed) Dinh, Huyen.......... 1487 (I01, Thu), 1599 (I03, Thu) Dinh, Thi Hong Nhung....................2102 (M02, Tue) Diniz, José........................................ 1327 (H01, Tue) Dionigi, Fabio.................................. 1611 (I05, Mon) Dippon, Michael................................1508 (I02, Tue) Discher, Bohdana............................. 1040 (B08, Thu) Dismukes, G.......................................1494 (I01, Thu) Dismukes, Gerard.............................1952 (L09, Tue) Ditze, Stefanie...................................961 (B08, Mon) Dixit, Ambesh................................. 1059 (C01, Wed) Djenizian, Thierry..............................31 (A01, Mon), ............................. 480 (A02, Wed), 502 (A02, Wed), ..........................................................2265 (Z02, Wed) Djilali, Ned.......................................2162 (M04, Tue) Djire, Abdoulaye........218 (A01, Thu), 2239 (Z01, Tue) Djurado, Elisabeth.............................1615 (I05, Tue) Dlott, Dana.......................................1941 (L08, Wed) Do, Duyen.........................................2247 (Z01, Tue) Dobrowolny, Sascha.........................270 (A02, Mon) Dodabalapur, Ananth.......................773 (B03, Mon), .......................................................... 1276 (G01, Tue) Doeff, Marca........251 (A02, Mon), 296 (A02, Mon) Dogan, Fulya....................................... 67 (A01, Tue), ................................360 (A02, Tue), 546 (A02, Wed) Doherty, W......................................2157 (M04, Mon) Domen, Kazunari............................. 1611 (I05, Mon) Dominko, Robert............................... 351 (A02, Tue) Donakowski, Martin....................... 1144 (E01, Mon) Dong, Chen...................................... 1456 (H05, Tue) Dong, Guifang.................................1285 (G01, Wed) Dong, Hongzhou................................875 (B06, Tue), .............................1303 (G02, Tue), 1420 (H04, Tue) Dong, Lifeng.........785 (B03, Mon), 875 (B06, Tue), ..........................1303 (G02, Tue), 1409 (H04, Mon), .......................................................... 1420 (H04, Tue) Dongmo, Saustin..............................1743 (L01, Wed) Donkeng, Joel..................................1678 (K01, Wed) Donoso, J. P......................................2292 (Z03, Wed) Doo, Seokgwang............................... 453 (A02, Wed) Doorn, Stephen................................ 709 (B01, Wed), ..............................716 (B01, Wed), 726 (B01, Wed), ................................ 803 (B03, Tue), 805 (B03, Tue), .............................................................806 (B03, Tue) Doris, Bruce.........1363 (H03, Mon), 1364 (H03, Mon) Dorriety, William..............................1893 (L05, Tue) dos Santos, Fábio.............................. 727 (B01, Wed) dos Santos, Leandra..........................1921 (L06, Tue) dos Santos, Marcos.......................... 1327 (H01, Tue) dos Santos, Monalisa.......................2084 (M01, Tue) dos Santos, Vagner...........................2084 (M01, Tue) Dos Santos Rocha, Lucas............... 1209 (F02, Mon) Dosche, Carsten...............................1743 (L01, Wed) Döscher, Henning.......................... 1990 (L10, Mon), ..........................................................2022 (L10, Wed) Dou, Meiling.....................................2188 (Z01, Tue) Douke, Yusuke.................................. 924 (B07, Wed) Dow, Wei-Ping............................... 1137 (E01, Mon), .............................1160 (E02, Tue), 1164 (E02, Tue), .............................1167 (E02, Tue), 1176 (E02, Tue), ...........................................................1178 (E02, Tue) Dowgiallo, Anne-Marie....................771 (B03, Mon) Downeey, Elisabeth.........................1967 (L09, Wed) Doyle, H............................................ 937 (B07, Wed) Draeger, Erik........234 (A02, Mon), 460 (A02, Wed) Dreier, Ken...................................... 1205 (F02, Mon) Dresch, Mauro...................................1582 (I03, Wed) Dressel, Carina.................................. 523 (A02, Wed) Drillkens, Julia.................................. 168 (A01, Wed) Drisdell, Walter..............................1304 (G02, Wed), .........................................................1306 (G02, Wed) Drnec, Jakub.....................................1747 (L01, Wed)

Druce, John..................................... 1604 (I05, Mon), .............................1605 (I05, Mon), 1607 (I05, Mon) D’Souza, Fiona...................................994 (B08, Tue) D’Souza, Francis............................... 835 (B05, Thu), .............................994 (B08, Tue), 1032 (B08, Wed), ...........................................................2309 (Z04, Tue) Du, Kang.............902 (B06, Wed), 1475 (H05, Wed) Du, Peng............................................. 332 (A02, Tue) D’Urso, Alessandro...........................944 (B08, Mon) Du, Songtao...................................2152 (M04, Mon), ........................................................2153 (M04, Mon) Du, Zhihong...................................... 580 (A02, Wed) Duan, Lian.......................................1285 (G01, Wed) Dubarry, Matthieu............................. 698 (A03, Wed) Dubau, Laetitia.........1541 (I03, Tue), 1822 (L04, Mon) Dubon, Oscar..................................1433 (H05, Mon) Duchet-Rumeau, Jannick.................. 335 (A02, Tue) Duda, Chester....................................1789 (L03, Tue) Dudley, Michael............................... 1459 (H05, Tue) Duesberg, Georg.................................868 (B06, Tue) Dufficy, Martin................................... 343 (A02, Tue) Duffort, Victor....... 254 (A02, Mon), 383 (A02, Tue) Dufour-Gergam, Elisabeth..............2102 (M02, Tue) Dumont, Joseph............................. 1825 (L04, Mon), ............................1827 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Dunand, David..................................265 (A02, Mon) Duncan, Stephen.................................. 85 (A01, Tue) Dunn, Bruce.......................................608 (A02, Thu) Duong, Nhung...................................281 (A02, Mon) Duong, Quyet....................................1731 (L01, Tue) Duong, Tien....................................... 461 (A02, Wed) Duque, Juan............ 726 (B01, Wed), 806 (B03, Tue) Duquette, David....... 284 (A02, Mon), 2233 (Z01, Tue) Dura, Joseph.........639 (A02, Thu), 2049 (L11, Wed) Durand, Jean-Olivier........................ 1048 (B08, Thu) Durazzo, Michelangelo................... 1209 (F02, Mon) Durkin, David....................................1887 (L05, Tue) Durniak, Mark........1408 (H04, Mon), 1450 (H05, Tue) Durst, Julien.........1832 (L04, Tue), 1845 (L04, Tue) Dutta, Arghya.........364 (A02, Tue), 432 (A02, Wed) Dutta, Arnab......................................2306 (Z04, Tue) Dutton, P........................................... 1040 (B08, Thu) Dyatkin, Boris........ 648 (A02, Thu), 733 (B01, Thu) Dyck, Alexander..............................2162 (M04, Tue) Dysart, Arthur....................................292 (A02, Mon) Dzwiniel, Trevor.................................. 65 (A01, Tue)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

E Easley, Christopher.........................2073 (M01, Tue), ..........................................................2082 (M01, Tue) Eaton, Samuel.....................................914 (B07, Tue) Ebenezer, D.......................................... 61 (A01, Tue) Ebenso, Eno..................................... 722 (B01, Wed), ......................... 1066 (C01, Wed), 2157 (M04, Mon) Ebner, Curt...................................... 1205 (F02, Mon) Ecarnot, Ludovic.............................1361 (H03, Mon) Echegoyen, Luis................................ 757 (B02, Thu), .............................817 (B04, Mon), 820 (B04, Mon), .............................. 822 (B04, Mon), 843 (B05, Thu), ............................................................ 847 (B05, Thu) Echeverría, Marbella........................ 1090 (C01, Thu) Eckert, Jürgen....................................1253 (F04, Tue) Edagawa, Kazuaki.........................2096 (M02, Mon) Eddahech, Akram.............................. 469 (A02, Wed) Eddaoudi, Mohamed....................... 1033 (B08, Wed) Eddy, Charles..................................1443 (H05, Mon) Edouard, Clément.............................. 389 (A02, Tue) Edström, Kristina..............................238 (A02, Mon) Edwards, Brian..................................... 75 (A01, Tue) Efimov, Alexander..............................995 (B08, Tue) Egan, Bryce..........1886 (L05, Tue), 2219 (Z01, Tue) Ehrentraut, Georg............................. 1380 (H03, Tue) Ehrhart, Brian...... 1492 (I01, Thu), 2012 (L10, Wed) Eichel, Rüdiger-Albrecht.................. 393 (A02, Tue), ............................................................652 (A02, Thu) Eichhorn, S. Holger..........................948 (B08, Mon) 187

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Author................................................................Abs No.

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Eichman, Joshua................................1485 (I01, Thu) Eigler, Siegfried................................ 882 (B06, Wed) Eikerling, Michael.............................. 58 (A01, Tue), ..........................................................1795 (L03, Wed) Ein-Eli, Yair........................................38 (A01, Mon), ............................... 42 (A01, Mon), 1094 (C01, Thu) Eisenach, Louise................................ 687 (A03, Tue) Eissa, Shimaa.....................................866 (B06, Tue), ........................... 2062 (M01, Tue), 2085 (M01, Tue) Ejikeme, Paul M................................ 746 (B01, Thu) Ejiri, Makoto................................... 1153 (E02, Mon) El Belghiti, Hanane.......................... 1302 (G02, Tue) El Cheikh, Khaled............................ 1048 (B08, Thu) El Filali, Brahim..............................1468 (H05, Wed) El Kaddouri, Assma...........................1541 (I03, Tue) EL Mejdoubi, Asmae........................ 137 (A01, Wed) El Mofid, Wassima............................285 (A02, Mon) El-Atab, Nazek.........879 (B06, Wed), 2261 (Z02, Wed) El-Ghazawi, Omar............................1718 (L01, Tue) El-Sayed, Hany....... 1185 (E02, Wed), 1563 (I03, Wed) El-Zahab, Bilal.................................. 106 (A01, Wed) Elam, Jeffrey......... 602 (A02, Wed), 630 (A02, Thu) Elangovan, S.......1499 (I02, Mon), 1500 (I02, Mon) Elarde, Victor................................... 1414 (H04, Tue) Elbaz, Lior.........................................953 (B08, Mon) Elfimchev, Sergey............................ 1094 (C01, Thu) Elgammal, Ramez............................2047 (L11, Wed) ElGhachtouli, Sanae........................ 1039 (B08, Thu) Elkov, Aleksandr..............................2071 (M01, Tue) Ellingwood, Kevin.......................... 1111 (C02, Mon) Elliott, Anastasia.............................. 1040 (B08, Thu) Elliott, Corrine................................... 414 (A02, Tue), .............................. 435 (A02, Wed), 512 (A02, Wed) Elliott, James....................................2055 (L11, Wed) Elong, Kelimah................................. 403 (A02, Tue), .............................. 450 (A02, Wed), 490 (A02, Wed) Elsaesser, David.............................1408 (H04, Mon), .......................................................... 1450 (H05, Tue) Elsaesser, Michael S......................... 445 (A02, Wed) Elshafey, Reda..................................2063 (M01, Tue) Elumalai, Ganesan.......................... 1829 (L04, Mon) Elumalai, Viswanathan....................... 11 (A01, Sun), ........................................................... 492 (A02, Wed) Elwell, Jessica.................................. 1499 (I02, Mon) Ely, David............................................34 (A01, Mon) Emani, Satya..................................... 697 (A03, Wed) Emani, Satyanarayana...................... 442 (A02, Wed) Emery, Jonathan................................1958 (L09, Tue) Enakieva, Yulia...................................988 (B08, Tue) Ender, Moses..................................... 464 (A02, Wed) Endo, Kazuhiko............................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Eng, Christopher..........88 (A01, Tue), 258 (A02, Mon) Engelhard, Mark................................... 3 (A01, Sun), ..............................318 (A02, Tue), 1155 (E02, Mon) Engelhardt, Manfred........................ 1380 (H03, Tue) Engelke, Simon.................................296 (A02, Mon) Eppurath, Atul...................................1883 (L05, Tue) Epshteyn, Albert................................1578 (I03, Wed) Epstein, Eric S................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Erbe, Andreas...................................1802 (L03, Wed) Erdogan, Metehan............................1179 (E02, Tue), .............................1200 (F02, Mon), 1227 (F02, Tue) Erdonmez, Can...................................15 (A01, Mon), .............................. 17 (A01, Mon), 1157 (E02, Mon) Eremenko, Arcadij......................... 2133 (M02, Wed) Erfurt, Viktoria..................................1787 (L03, Tue) Ergun, Selin.......... 435 (A02, Wed), 512 (A02, Wed) Ermanoski, Ivan.................................1491 (I01, Thu) Eryilmaz, Levent............................... 514 (A02, Wed) Escalante-Garcia, Ismailia...............665 (A03, Mon), ...........................................................2241 (Z01, Tue) Escobedo, Carlos.............................2281 (Z02, Wed) Escudero-Escribano, María............ 1820 (L04, Mon) Esipova, Tatiana.............................. 1022 (B08, Wed) Eslamibidgoli, Mohammad J.............. 58 (A01, Tue)

Esperança, J. M..............................1671 (K01, Wed), ..........................................................2293 (Z03, Wed) Espinosa, Carlos.............................. 1060 (C01, Wed) Espinoza, Eli...................................1281 (G01, Wed) Esposito, Daniel..............................1959 (L09, Wed), ............................ 1974 (L10, Sun), 1975 (L10, Sun), ..........................................................2036 (L10, Wed) Estejab, Ali.......................................1239 (F02, Wed) Esteves, A........................................1671 (K01, Wed) Etacheri, Vinodkumar.......................292 (A02, Mon) Etcheberry, Arnaud......................... 1290 (G02, Tue), ............................1296 (G02, Tue), 1297 (G02, Tue), ...........................1302 (G02, Tue), 1315 (G02, Wed), .......................................................... 1316 (G02, Wed Evangelista, Tereza..........................1868 (L04, Wed) Evans, Drew.................................... 1897 (L06, Mon) Evans, James................................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Evans, Jim....................................... 1151 (E02, Mon) Evans, Paul........................................ 895 (B06, Wed) Evans-Lutterodt, Kenneth.............. 1157 (E02, Mon) Evo, Yaset........................................1386 (H03, Wed) Evoen, Vanessa................................... 748 (B01, Thu) Evseev, Anatoly................................2071 (M01, Tue) Eychmüller, Alexander....................1564 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................2308 (Z04, Tue)

Fazio, Ettore.................................... 1017 (B08, Wed) Fédèle, Lionel..................................... 345 (A02, Tue) Federspill, Cade................................1210 (F02, Tue) Fedkiw, Peter...................................... 343 (A02, Tue) Fei, Ling............................................ 444 (A02, Wed) Feldberg, Stephen........................... 1704 (L01, Mon) Felici, Roberto.........1719 (L01, Tue), 1747 (L01, Wed) Fell, Christopher................................. 350 (A02, Tue) Fellner, Joseph....................................632 (A02, Thu) Feng, Lai............................................827 (B04, Mon) Feng, Ruishu................................... 1062 (C01, Wed) Feng, Wanru....................................1864 (L04, Wed), ........................... 1961 (L09, Wed), 2272 (Z02, Wed) Feng, Xiaofeng...................................1518 (I02, Tue) Feng, Xinliang................................. 1030 (B08, Wed) Feng, Zhange...................................... 413 (A02, Tue) Fergus, Jeff........................................1126 (C02, Tue) Ferguson, Andrew.............................711 (B01, Wed), ............................. 771 (B03, Mon), 1271 (G01, Tue) Fermi, Andrea................................... 1035 (B08, Thu) Fernandez, Melisa...............................47 (A01, Mon) Fernandez, Michelle.........................2200 (Z01, Tue) Fernandez Collado, Javier..................996 (B08, Tue) Fernández Cori, Rey...................... 2124 (M02, Wed) Fernández-Lázaro, Fernando.............974 (B08, Tue), ............................1010 (B08, Tue), 1019 (B08, Wed) Fernández-Ropero, Antonio Jesús........297 (A02, Mon) Ferralis, Nicola..................................279 (A02, Mon) Ferrandon, Magali.............................. 689 (A03, Tue) Ferre-Borrull, Josep........................1263 (G01, Mon) Ferreira, Mario................................. 1095 (C01, Thu) Ferreira, Rodolfo............................... 727 (B01, Wed) Ferrer, Ivonne...................................1755 (L01, Wed) Ferrer-Huerta, Miriam........................853 (B06, Tue) Ferris, Kim..........................................40 (A01, Mon) Fichtner, Maximilian.........................35 (A01, Mon), ...............................241 (A02, Mon), 627 (A02, Thu) Fiechter, Sebastian..........................1752 (L01, Wed), ...........................1986 (L10, Mon), 2028 (L10, Wed) Figueiredo, Filipe..............................1954 (L09, Tue) Figueroa-Teran, Rubi..................... 2117 (M02, Wed) Figuet, Christophe...........................1361 (H03, Mon) Filipovic, Lado................................1348 (H01, Wed) Filippone, Salvatore..........................822 (B04, Mon) Findlay, Melvin...........2146 (M02, Thu), 2161 (M04, Tue) Finnerty, Niall................................ 2128 (M02, Wed) Fiori, Vincent...................................1364 (H03, Mon) Firmiano, Edney...............................1970 (L09, Wed) Fischer, Peter..................................... 122 (A01, Wed) Fischer, Roland.................................. 409 (A02, Tue) Fitch, Andy.........................................646 (A02, Thu) Flake, John.........................................1523 (I02, Tue) Flandin, Lionel...................................1541 (I03, Tue) Flandre, Denis.................................1345 (H01, Wed) Fleder, Elena...................................... 471 (A02, Wed) Flores, Nelly.....................................1749 (L01, Wed) Foister, Shane.......1566 (I03, Wed), 1577 (I03, Wed) Föll, Helmut..................................... 1300 (G02, Tue) Follette, Marissa................................ 724 (B01, Wed) Fonash, Stephen..............................1469 (H05, Wed) Fonda, Emiliano...............................1850 (L04, Wed) Fong, Kara........................................2021 (L10, Wed) Fongalland, Dharshini.......................1555 (I03, Tue) Fonseca, Fabio..................................1582 (I03, Wed) Font-Sanchis, Enrique........................974 (B08, Tue) Foo, Simon.......................................2030 (L10, Wed) Forgez, Christophe............................. 389 (A02, Tue) Forouzan, M. Mehdi..........................21 (A01, Mon), ..........................................................1798 (L03, Wed) Forsyth, Maria..................................... 95 (A01, Wed) Fortin-Deschenes, Matthieu............. 895 (B06, Wed) Fossard, Frederic.................................859 (B06, Tue) Fossdal, Anita....... 563 (A02, Wed), 579 (A02, Wed) Fossum, Jerry................................... 1321 (H01, Tue) Foster, Erick.....................................2097 (M02, Tue) Foster, Michelle................................. 118 (A01, Wed)


F Fabbri, Emiliana................................1839 (L04, Tue) Faber, Katherine................................ 548 (A02, Wed) Fagan, Jeffrey.......... 787 (B03, Tue), 806 (B03, Tue) Fager, Cody.........................................864 (B06, Tue) Fagg, Duncan...................................2257 (Z02, Wed) Fagour, Sébastien..............................1914 (L06, Tue) Fahrenkrug, Eli.................................1725 (L01, Tue), ............................2042 (L10, Thu), 2264 (Z02, Wed) Fairweather, Joseph............................1539 (I03, Tue) Falgenhauer, Jane.............................. 103 (A01, Wed) Falk-Windisch, Hannes..................1106 (C02, Mon) Falola, Daniel.................................. 1058 (C01, Wed) Faltermeier, Sean............................... 754 (B02, Thu) Fan, Chinbay........................................ 57 (A01, Tue) Fan, Jiangfeng...................................1924 (L06, Tue) Fan, Pengfei........................................189 (A01, Thu) Fan, Shizhao..................................... 1447 (H05, Tue) Fan, Wenchao................................... 1052 (B08, Thu) Fan, Xiulin.........................................250 (A02, Mon) Fan, Zhaoyang....................................624 (A02, Thu) Fang, Jie..............................................198 (A01, Thu) Fang, Shan..........................................625 (A02, Thu) Fang, Sheng-Yu.................................... 84 (A01, Tue) Fang, Wen.........................................1358 (H01, Thu) Fang, X...........................................2157 (M04, Mon) Fang, Xin...........................................307 (A02, Mon) Fang, Ying.......................................1365 (H03, Mon) Fang, Yuanyuan......963 (B08, Mon), 988 (B08, Tue) Fang, Yuxin........................................1523 (I02, Tue) Fanz, Patrik........................................ 447 (A02, Wed) Farha, Omar..........1033 (B08, Wed), 1319 (G02, Wed), ............................ 1851 (L04, Wed), 1958 (L09, Tue) Farinos, Rosimeire...........................1199 (F02, Mon) Farkhondeh, Mohammad................ 132 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 473 (A02, Wed) Farmakis, Filippos............................ 447 (A02, Wed) Farmand, Maryam......70 (A01, Tue), 1933 (L08, Wed) Farrell, Monique........................... 2125 (M02, Wed), ..........................................................2279 (Z02, Wed) Farrell, Troy..................................... 1764 (L03, Mon) Fasmin, Fathima................................1706 (L01, Tue) Fässler, Thomas........440 (A02, Wed), 523 (A02, Wed) Fässler, Thomas..................................618 (A02, Thu) Fastenau, Joel................................... 1370 (H03, Tue) Fauler, Gisela...................................... 409 (A02, Tue) Favaro, Marco.......1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed) Favron, Alexandre...............................859 (B06, Tue) Fayette, Matthew............................ 1147 (E02, Mon) Faynot, Oliver.................................1363 (H03, Mon)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Fouquet, Thierry............................... 1292 (G02, Tue) Fowler, Michael........132 (A01, Wed), 473 (A02, Wed) Fox, Douglas....................................1865 (L04, Wed) Fox, Eric............................................1887 (L05, Tue) Fragalà, Maria Elena.........................944 (B08, Mon) Fraisse, Bernard................................. 381 (A02, Tue) Francoeur, Sebastien...........................859 (B06, Tue) Frank, B............................................. 937 (B07, Wed) Frank, Logan......................................1597 (I03, Thu) Franke, Matthias...............................961 (B08, Mon) Frankforter, Kevin.................................. 9 (A01, Sun) Free, Michael.................................. 1068 (C01, Wed) Freeman, Neville.................................853 (B06, Tue) Freitas, Jaime...................................1443 (H05, Mon) Frick, B...............................................1649 (I06, Tue) Friebel, Daniel................................. 1820 (L04, Mon) Friedrich, Kaspar................................ 313 (A02, Tue) Friedrich, Theo..................................1806 (L04, Sun) Fritsch, Ingrid....... 2099 (M02, Tue), 2142 (M02, Thu), ................................2225 (Z01, Tue), 2227 (Z01, Tue), ...........................................................2232 (Z01, Tue) Fritz, David............ 1489 (I01, Thu), 1496 (I01, Thu) Fritze, Holger.......1119 (C02, Tue), 1130 (C02, Tue) Frochot, Céline................................. 1048 (B08, Thu) Froitzheim, Jan................................1106 (C02, Mon) Frontana, Carlos...............................1692 (K01, Thu) Fry, Albert........................................1672 (K01, Wed) Frydendal, Rasmus..........................1837 (L04, Tue), ..........................................................2016 (L10, Wed) Fu, Chengyin...................................... 319 (A02, Tue) Fu, Li................................................1753 (L01, Wed) Fu, Wangyang................................ 2126 (M02, Wed) Fu, Yanbao.........................................231 (A02, Mon) Fu, Yishu................. 1520 (I02, Tue), 1526 (I02, Tue) Fu, Yongzhu........316 (A02, Tue), 365 (A02, Tue), 5 ............................................................. 49 (A02, Wed) Fujigaya, Tsuyohiko........................... 743 (B01, Thu) Fujii, Hiroshi.................................... 1043 (B08, Thu) Fujiki, Hironari.................................2271 (Z02, Wed) Fujimaki, Yoshinobu..........................1619 (I05, Tue) Fujimoto, Cy....................................1231 (F02, Wed) Fujimoto, Shinji............................... 1102 (C01, Thu) Fujishima, Kazuto.............................. 761 (B02, Thu) Fujiwara, Sergio...............................2084 (M01, Tue) Fuku, Kojiro......................................2005 (L10, Tue) Fukunaka, Yasuhiro....................... 1159 (E02, Mon), ...........................................................1720 (L01, Tue) Fukuta, Yuko................................... 1056 (C01, Wed) Fukuzumi, S......................................947 (B08, Mon) Fukuzumi, Shunichi.......................... 832 (B05, Thu), ............................... 985 (B08, Tue), 1010 (B08, Tue) Fultz, Brent...............19 (A01, Mon), 22 (A01, Mon) Furrer, Julien.....................................1163 (E02, Tue) Furtak, Thomas.................................2007 (L10, Tue) Furube, Akihiro...................................905 (B07, Tue) Furuta, Fumio....................................1249 (F04, Tue) Furuya, Yoshihisa...............................1651 (I06, Tue) Furuyama, Taniyuki............................978 (B08, Tue)

Gallagher, Kevin......69 (A01, Tue), 360 (A02, Tue), ................................406 (A02, Tue), 606 (A02, Thu), .............................. 660 (A03, Mon), 677 (A03, Tue), ...........................................................1483 (I01, Wed) Gallanti, Serena.......1170 (E02, Tue), 1316 (G02, Wed) Gallardo-Amores, Jose Manuel........631 (A02, Thu) Gallaway, Joshua............................. 1157 (E02, Mon) Gallo, Emma.....................................965 (B08, Mon) Gallud, Audrey................................. 1048 (B08, Thu) Gallus, Dennis.................................... 340 (A02, Tue) Gamby, Jean...................................2148 (M04, Mon) Gamiz, Francisco...........................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1344 (H01, Wed) Ganesan, Selvarani...........................1217 (F02, Tue), ............................... 1548 (I03, Tue), 1549 (I03, Tue), ......................................................... 1831 (L04, Mon) Ganesan, Selvarani............................1592 (I03, Wed) Ganguli, Babu.........246 (A02, Mon), 248 (A02, Mon), ................................. 600 (A02, Wed), 601 (A02, Wed) Ganguly, Abhijit....... 112 (A01, Wed), 1298 (G02, Tue) Gannon, Paul................................... 1111 (C02, Mon) Gao, Chuihui........580 (A02, Wed), 2223 (Z01, Tue) Gao, Dong.........................................1575 (I03, Wed) Gao, Fei.............................................. 318 (A02, Tue) Gao, Mengyao....................................654 (A02, Thu) Gao, Peipei.........................................194 (A01, Thu) Gao, Pengfei......... 720 (B01, Wed), 2185 (Z01, Tue) Gao, Qingsheng....... 616 (A02, Thu), 1960 (L09, Wed) Gao, Wei............................................1955 (L09, Tue) Gao, Xianfeng......267 (A02, Mon), 443 (A02, Wed) Gao, Xin.............. 126 (A01, Wed), 1212 (F02, Tue), .............................. 1213 (F02, Tue), 1214 (F02, Tue) Gao, Xuefei....................................2087 (M02, Mon) Gao, Yuan.........................................784 (B03, Mon), ..............................1589 (I03, Wed), 1590 (I03, Wed) Gao, Yue............................................242 (A02, Mon) Gao, Zhan..........................................197 (A01, Thu), ................................635 (I05, Wed), 1644 (I05, Wed) Garbarino, Sébastien........................1803 (L04, Sun), ..........................................................2173 (M04, Tue) Garcia, Jarem...... 727 (B01, Wed), 2084 (M01, Tue) Garcia, Marcel.................................. 1048 (B08, Thu) García, R. Edwin.................................34 (A01, Mon) Garcia - Quismondo, Enrique.......... 1211 (F02, Tue) García-Alvarado, Flaviano...............215 (A01, Thu), ............................................................631 (A02, Thu) Garcia-Belmonte, Germa...............1260 (G01, Mon) Garcia-Cabezon, Cristina..................999 (B08, Tue), ..........................................................2080 (M01, Tue) Garcia-Diaz, Brenda....................... 1113 (C02, Mon) Garcia-Hernandez, Celia...................999 (B08, Tue), ..........................................................2080 (M01, Tue) Garcia-Martin, Susana.......................217 (A01, Thu) García-Salaberri, Pablo........................ 74 (A01, Tue) Garciar-Rey, Natalia........................1941 (L08, Wed) Gardner, Graeme...............................1952 (L09, Tue) Garganourakis, Marios.....................1839 (L04, Tue) Garich, Holly....................................1248 (F04, Tue), .............................. 1251 (F04, Tue), 1254 (F04, Tue) Garlock, Michael................................871 (B06, Tue) Garrick, Taylor......1513 (I02, Tue), 2231 (Z01, Tue) Garsuch, Arnd.................................... 336 (A02, Tue) Gärtner, G........................................1385 (H03, Wed) Garvey, Elizabeth..............................1881 (L05, Tue) Gary-Bobo, Magali.......................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Garzon, Fernando........................... 2139 (M02, Thu), ..........................................................2168 (M04, Tue) Gascon, Jose......................................783 (B03, Mon) Gaska, Remis................................... 1455 (H05, Tue) Gasteiger, Hubert.............................243 (A02, Mon), .............................. 293 (A02, Mon), 336 (A02, Tue), ...............................338 (A02, Tue), 440 (A02, Wed), .............................. 523 (A02, Wed), 652 (A02, Thu), ............................1185 (E02, Wed), 1563 (I03, Wed), .............................1832 (L04, Tue), 1834 (L04, Tue), ...........................................................1845 (L04, Tue)

Gath, Kerrie........................................1554 (I03, Tue) Gattu, Bharat.............. 5 (A01, Sun), 46 (A01, Mon), ..................................... 64 (A01, Tue), 87 (A01, Tue) Gaufrès, Etienne..................................859 (B06, Tue) Gaumont, Thomas.............................1657 (I06, Wed) Gautam, Dushyant.............................1524 (I02, Tue) Gautier, Pierrick..............................1315 (G02, Wed) Gauvin, Raynald..............................282 (A02, Mon), . ............................... 309 (A02, Mon), 352 (A02, Tue) Gavish, Nir........................................1779 (L03, Tue) Gavrilovic Wohlmuther, Aleksandra........................... ........................................................... 445 (A02, Wed) Gavvalapalli, Nagarjuna....................226 (A01, Thu) Gawecka, Karolina......................... 1032 (B08, Wed) Gayen, Pralay.................................2155 (M04, Mon) Ge, Mingyuan...................................307 (A02, Mon) Geaney, Hugh......1301 (G02, Tue), 1454 (H05, Tue) Gebel, Gerard..........335 (A02, Tue), 1649 (I06, Tue) Gebert, Annett...................................1253 (F04, Tue) Geier, Micheal...................................773 (B03, Mon) Geiger, Simon......1660 (I06, Wed), 1842 (L04, Tue) Gelman, Danny..........38 (A01, Mon), 1094 (C01, Thu) Gennett, Thomas.............................. 1271 (G01, Tue) Genorio, Bostjan................................ 351 (A02, Tue) Gentle, Ian........................................1860 (L04, Wed) Georgescu, Nicholas........................1848 (L04, Tue), ..........................................................1854 (L04, Wed) Georgoulas, Nikolaos....................... 447 (A02, Wed) Ger, M. D........................................... 154 (A01, Wed) Gerard, Isabelle................................ 1290 (G02, Tue) Gerdes, Kirk..........212 (A01, Thu), 1629 (I05, Wed) Gerhardt, Michael.............................. 687 (A03, Tue) Gerlich, Lukas...................................1161 (E02, Tue) German, Sean.................................. 1704 (L01, Mon) Gerngross, Mark-Daniel...................1257 (F04, Tue) Gerroll, Benjamin...........................1680 (K01, Wed) Gerthsen, Dagmar........................... 1606 (I05, Mon), ............................. 1610 (I05, Mon), 1630 (I05, Wed) Gewargis, John P...............................2199 (Z01, Tue) Gewirth, Andrew..............................249 (A02, Mon), ...............................323 (A02, Tue), 462 (A02, Wed), ..............................528 (A02, Wed), 928 (B07, Wed), ........................... 1149 (E02, Mon), 1737 (L01, Tue), ...........................1816 (L04, Mon), 1843 (L04, Tue), .......................... 1852 (L04, Wed), 1972 (L09, Wed), ..............................2190 (Z01, Tue), 2199 (Z01, Tue) Ghamouss, F........................................26 (A01, Mon) Ghattas, Wadih................................. 1051 (B08, Thu) Ghiassi, Kamran........826 (B04, Mon), 840 (B05, Thu) Ghidiu, Michael.........202 (A01, Thu), 2235 (Z01, Tue) Ghiladi, Reza.................................... 1045 (B08, Thu) Ghosh, Joydeep...............................1342 (H01, Wed) Ghosh, Souvik..................................1854 (L04, Wed) Ghoshal, Shraboni............................1236 (F02, Wed) Giacomini, Renato..........................1345 (H01, Wed) Gibbons, Brenna................................ 754 (B02, Thu) Gilbert, James.....................................609 (A02, Thu) Gillan, Edward..................................2238 (Z01, Tue) Gimenez, Salvador........................... 1328 (H01, Tue) Gimenez Lopez, Maria del Carmen.....181 (A01, Wed) Gimenez-Lopez, Maria....................1875 (L04, Wed) Giraldo, Juan Pablo............................ 754 (B02, Thu) Girard, Gaetan..................................... 95 (A01, Wed) Giroud, Fabien........2297 (Z04, Mon), 2307 (Z04, Tue) Glazer, Matthew................................265 (A02, Mon) Glynn, Colm..................................... 1301 (G02, Tue) Go, Yong Bok....................................1952 (L09, Tue) Gobeze, Haptom.................................994 (B08, Tue) God, Colin..............382 (A02, Tue), 486 (A02, Wed) Goddard, William........................... 1154 (E02, Mon), ...........................1761 (L03, Mon), 1801 (L03, Wed) Goding, Dayle................................... 186 (A01, Wed) Godoi, Denis....... 1582 (I03, Wed), 1807 (L04, Sun) Goellner, Vincent.............................1850 (L04, Wed) Goenaga, Gabriel.1566 (I03, Wed), 1577 (I03, Wed) Goers, Dietrich..................................285 (A02, Mon)

G G. Kannan, Aravindaraj...................239 (A02, Mon), ........................................................... 567 (A02, Wed) Gabardo, Christine......................... 1138 (E01, Mon), ..........................................................2103 (M02, Tue) Gadgil, Bhushan................................1907 (L06, Tue) Gadre, Milind.....................................1614 (I05, Tue) Gaevski, Mikhail.............................. 1455 (H05, Tue) Gaikwad, Abhinav.......................... 1157 (E02, Mon) Gajewska, Agnieszka......................... 763 (B02, Thu) Galande, Charudatta......................... 890 (B06, Wed) Galassi, Thomas..........750 (B02, Wed), 756 (B02, Thu) Gale, Bruce...........1709 (L01, Tue), 1995 (L10, Tue) Galetz, Mathias............................... 1114 (C02, Mon) Galindo, Christophe.......................... 116 (A01, Wed) Galipaud, Jules.................................2173 (M04, Tue) Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Gogotsi, Yury.........202 (A01, Thu), 685 (A03, Tue), ................................733 (B01, Thu), 766 (B02, Thu), ...............................792 (B03, Tue), 849 (B06, Mon), .............................. 886 (B06, Wed), 2235 (Z01, Tue) Goikolea, Eider................................252 (A02, Mon), ..............................379 (A02, Tue), 1936 (L08, Wed) Gokcen, Dincer................................1188 (E02, Wed) Gokceoren, Argun........................... 1076 (C01, Wed) Goldberger, Joshua...... 855 (B06, Tue), 863 (B06, Tue) Goldin, Mark....................................2071 (M01, Tue) Goldin, Michael...............................2071 (M01, Tue) Golodnitsky, Diana.............................42 (A01, Mon) Golozar, Mohammad Ali...................207 (A01, Thu) Golub, Tatiana.................................1683 (K01, Wed) Goluch, Edgar...................................1714 (L01, Tue) Gomez-Escalonilla, María J.............. 838 (B05, Thu) Gómez-Pérez, Alejandro...................215 (A01, Thu) Goncalves, Anne-Marie.................. 1296 (G02, Tue), .......................................................... 1297 (G02, Tue) Gonçalves, Rentao..........................2025 (L10, Wed), ..........................................................2032 (L10, Wed) Gondolini, Angela..............................193 (A01, Thu) Gong, Jingming.............................. 2136 (M02, Wed) Gong, Maogang..................................908 (B07, Tue) Gonohe, Narishi...............................1189 (E02, Wed) Gonzalez Dominguez, Jose Miguel...... 763 (B02, Thu) González-Pedro, Maria Victoria.........1019 (B08, Wed) González-Rodríguez, David..............997 (B08, Tue), ............................. 1003 (B08, Tue), 1009 (B08, Tue) Gonzalo, Elena..................................252 (A02, Mon) Goodman, Matthew D...................... 441 (A02, Wed) Gopalakrishna, Karthik.......................30 (A01, Mon) Gopalakrishna, Tullimilli..................973 (B08, Mon) Gopalan, Padma................................777 (B03, Mon) Gopalan, Srikanth......214 (A01, Thu), 591 (A02, Wed) Gopukumar, Sukumaran.....................36 (A01, Mon) Goradia, Nishit..................................941 (B08, Mon) Gorban, O........................................1476 (H05, Wed) Gorbunova, Yulia.... 982 (B08, Tue), 988 (B08, Tue) Gordon, Keith................................... 1040 (B08, Thu) Gordon, Roy....................................... 687 (A03, Tue) Gorelik, Sergey...................................905 (B07, Tue) Gorlin, Yelena..................................243 (A02, Mon), ..............................293 (A02, Mon), 1845 (L04, Tue) Gorocica-Diaz, Jorge..................... 1085 (C01, Wed), .......................................................... 1090 (C01, Thu) Gorr, Bronislava..............................1104 (C02, Mon) Gorshkov, Vyacheslav.....................1181 (E02, Wed) Gorzkowski, Maciej.........................1809 (L04, Sun), ...........................................................1810 (L04, Sun) Gossard, Arthur................................ 1374 (H03, Tue) Gostick, Jeff........................................ 74 (A01, Tue), ..............................1655 (I06, Tue), 2048 (L11, Wed) Gostin, Petre Flaviu..........................1253 (F04, Tue) Goswami, Arindom........................ 1073 (C01, Wed), ..........................................................2283 (Z03, Wed) Goto, Tetsuya..................................1351 (H01, Thu), ...........................1353 (H01, Thu), 1354 (H01, Thu), ...........................1399 (H03, Wed), 2288 (Z03, Wed) Gottesfeld, Shimshon........................1835 (L04, Tue) Gottis, Sebastien................................233 (A02, Mon) Gourbilleau, Fabrice.......................1387 (H03, Wed) Gourdin, Gerald................................ 118 (A01, Wed) Gowda, Sanketh................................. 406 (A02, Tue) Graaf, Matthew........... 1681 (K01, Wed), 1687 (K01, Thu) Graczyk-Zajac, Magdalena.............. 482 (A02, Wed) Graeff, Carlos.................................... 717 (B01, Wed) Graffam, Molly.................................1881 (L05, Tue) Gralec, Barbara.................................1809 (L04, Sun) Grand, Pierre-Philippe..................... 1292 (G02, Tue) Grandi, Maximilian...........................1806 (L04, Sun) Granitzer, Petra..........1171 (E02, Tue), 1173 (E02, Tue) Granqvist, Claes-Goran.................. 1903 (L06, Mon) Grant, Richard..................................... 99 (A01, Wed) Granwehr, Josef.................................652 (A02, Thu)

Grassman, Tyler............................... 1415 (H04, Tue) Grate, Jay..........................................2108 (M02, Tue) Gray, Bonnie.................................. 2116 (M02, Wed) Gray, Joshua.................................... 1113 (C02, Mon) Gray, Stephen.................................... 846 (B05, Thu), ............................ 1981 (L10, Sun), 2267 (Z02, Wed) Gray, Zachary..................................1469 (H05, Wed) Grazianetti, Carlo................................854 (B06, Tue) Grebel, Haim........133 (A01, Wed), 721 (B01, Wed), ................................779 (B03, Mon), 874 (B06, Tue) Greeley, Jeff.............. 29 (A01, Mon), 81 (A01, Tue), .............................288 (A02, Mon), 304 (A02, Mon), .............................1784 (L03, Tue), 1786 (L03, Tue), ..........................................................1965 (L09, Wed) Greenblatt, Jeffery.............................1482 (I01, Wed) Greenblatt, Martha............................1494 (I01, Thu), ...........................................................1952 (L09, Tue) Greenlee, Jordan.............................1433 (H05, Mon) Gregoire, John................................. 1988 (L10, Mon) Gregory, Otto....................................2172 (M04, Tue) Gregson, Colin..................................1216 (F02, Tue) Greisch, Jean-Francois....................... 848 (B05, Thu) Grenouillet, Laurent.......................1363 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1364 (H03, Mon) Grice, Kyle........................................1890 (L05, Tue) Grieshop, Sara.................................. 1089 (C01, Thu) Griffin, Gregory.................................1521 (I02, Tue) Grillet, Anne....................................... 99 (A01, Wed), ..............................284 (A02, Mon), 468 (A02, Wed) Grimaudo, Valentine.........................1163 (E02, Tue) Grimmer, Christoph..........................1806 (L04, Sun) Grinblat, Judith..................................... 71 (A01, Tue) Grismer, Dane..................................2097 (M02, Tue) Griveau, Sophie..............................2149 (M04, Mon) Grolig, Jan.......................................1106 (C02, Mon) Gromboni, Murilo............................1967 (L09, Wed) Gross, Axel........................................1772 (L03, Tue) Gross, Michael..................................1882 (L05, Tue) Gross, Zeev......................................953 (B08, Mon), .............................954 (B08, Mon), 1963 (L09, Wed) Grote, Jan-Philip...............................1660 (I06, Wed) Grover, Nitika....................................972 (B08, Mon) Grumelli, Doris.................................2304 (Z04, Tue) Gryczan, Piotr..................................1744 (L01, Wed) Gryko, Dorota...................................969 (B08, Mon) Grützke, Martin.................................... 90 (A01, Tue) Gu, Jing...........................................1310 (G02, Wed) Gu, Junsi.............2042 (L10, Thu), 2264 (Z02, Wed) Gu, Lin................................................ 352 (A02, Tue) Gualous, Hamid................................ 137 (A01, Wed) Guan, Dongsheng............................. 728 (B01, Wed) Guan, Pengjian..................................286 (A02, Mon) Guan, Yingxin.................................1407 (H04, Mon) Guaraldo, Thais.................................1729 (L01, Tue) Guay, Daniel....... 1803 (L04, Sun), 2173 (M04, Tue) Guazzeli da Silveira, Marcilei..........1328 (H01, Tue), 1 ........................................................... 345 (H01, Wed) Guenot, Benoît..................................1833 (L04, Tue) Guerfi, Abdelbast.......309 (A02, Mon), 344 (A02, Tue) Guerrero-Garcia, Guillermo...........1757 (L01, Wed), ..........................................................2250 (Z02, Wed) Guétaz, Laure.....................................1539 (I03, Tue) Guevarra, Dan................................. 1988 (L10, Mon) Gugoasa, Livia...............................2095 (M02, Mon) Gui, Feng......................................... 1080 (C01, Wed) Gui, Hui...............................................787 (B03, Tue) Guia-Tello, Juan.............................. 1085 (C01, Wed) Guilard, Roger.....................................988 (B08, Tue) Guilleme, Julia...................................997 (B08, Tue), ............................. 1003 (B08, Tue), 1009 (B08, Tue) Guillemette, Renald.......................... 551 (A02, Wed) Guillermo, A.......................................1649 (I06, Tue) Guillon, Olivier..........393 (A02, Tue), 1628 (I05, Wed) Guillot, Sarah.....................................711 (B01, Wed) Guisinger, Nathan............................. 895 (B06, Wed)

Gujarathi, Yogini..............................1759 (L01, Wed) Guldi, Dirk............707 (B01, Wed), 834 (B05, Thu), ...............................841 (B05, Thu), 1002 (B08, Tue) Guler, Mehmet Oguz........................ 180 (A01, Wed) Gullapalli, Hemtej............................. 146 (A01, Wed) Gulledge, Alexander.........................1513 (I02, Tue), ...........................................................2231 (Z01, Tue) Gully, Benjamin................................. 675 (A03, Tue) Gumeci, Cenk......1579 (I03, Wed), 2247 (Z01, Tue) Gunawan, Andrey.............................2242 (Z01, Tue) Gunda, Naga Siva..........................2089 (M02, Mon) Gundlach, David............................. 1270 (G01, Tue), .........................................................1288 (G01, Wed) Gunesekera, Bhagya........................2066 (M01, Tue) Gunji, Takao......................................2183 (Z01, Tue) Guo, Juchen........................................ 319 (A02, Tue) Guo, Min..........................................2160 (M04, Tue) Guo, Shaojun....................................... 59 (A01, Tue), ..............................623 (A02, Thu), 1863 (L04, Wed) Guo, Xihong...........816 (B04, Mon), 829 (B04, Tue) Gupta, Amit........................................ 346 (A02, Tue) Gupta, Bharati................................... 186 (A01, Wed) Gupta, Gautam......716 (B01, Wed), 741 (B01, Thu), .......................... 1825 (L04, Mon), 1827 (L04, Mon) Gupta, Manish.................................. 1329 (H01, Tue) Gupta, Reema................................. 2115 (M02, Wed) Gupta, Sapna.....................................1536 (I02, Wed) Gupta, Vinay..................................1471 (H05, Wed), .......................... 2067 (M01, Tue), 2115 (M02, Wed) Gur, Turgut....................................... 1498 (I02, Mon) Gutel, Thibaut..................................... 96 (A01, Wed) Gutzler, Rico.....................................2304 (Z04, Tue) Guzman, David.................................1003 (B08, Tue) Gwo, Shangjr................................... 1426 (H04, Tue) Gyulassy, Attila................................. 460 (A02, Wed)


H Ha, Heung Yong................................ 136 (A01, Wed) Ha, Jung-Hoon................................... 380 (A02, Tue) Ha, Seonbaek.........417 (A02, Tue), 590 (A02, Wed) Ha, Seungbum....... 660 (A03, Mon), 677 (A03, Tue) Ha, Sung Hoon.................................. 899 (B06, Wed) Ha, Taejun........................................ 1276 (G01, Tue) Ha, Yeyoung.....................................1852 (L04, Wed) Haber, Joel....................................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Hachisu, Takuma............................. 1133 (E01, Mon) Hackenberg, Ken...............................1519 (I02, Tue) Hacker, Christina.................................. 1268 (G01, Tue), ................................................................. 1270 (G01, Tue) Hacker, Viktor...................................1806 (L04, Sun) Haddadi, Abbas................................ 1419 (H04, Tue) Haering, Dominik.............................. 338 (A02, Tue) Hafez, Inas.......................................... 743 (B01, Thu) Hafiz, Hasnain.........1572 (I03, Wed), 1818 (L04, Mon) Hagan, Joseph...................................1124 (C02, Tue) Hagberg, Johan.................................. 527 (A02, Wed) Hagen, Markus.................................. 447 (A02, Wed) Hahn, Nathan..................................... 384 (A02, Tue) Haile, Sossina........ 748 (B01, Thu), 1128 (C02, Tue) Haile, Sossina...................................1127 (C02, Tue), ............................1503 (I02, Mon), 1748 (L01, Wed) Haile, Sossina.....................................1553 (I03, Tue) Hain, Franziska...............................1289 (G01, Wed) Halasova, Klara...............................1284 (G01, Wed) Halder, Nandita.................................2197 (Z01, Tue) Halevi, Barr.......................................1579 (I03, Wed) Halimaoui, Aomar...........................1363 (H03, Mon) Hall, Derek............1219 (F02, Tue), 1595 (I03, Thu) Hall, Timothy...... 1245 (F04, Tue), 1248 (F04, Tue), .............................. 1251 (F04, Tue), 1254 (F04, Tue) Hallac, Peter....................................... 350 (A02, Tue) Hallenbeck, Kathleen........................2200 (Z01, Tue) Hallinan, Daniel..................................27 (A01, Mon) Halls, Mathew.................................. 1293 (G02, Tue) Ham, Hyung Chul.............................1643 (I05, Wed) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Ham, Hyung Chul............................1195 (E02, Wed) Hambley, David.............................. 1072 (C01, Wed) Hamers, Robert................................. 332 (A02, Tue), .............................571 (A02, Wed), 2033 (L10, Wed) Hammons, Joshua..............................1555 (I03, Tue) Han, Bo..............................................674 (A03, Mon) Han, Fudong......................................250 (A02, Mon) Han, Jeong Hwan..............................2222 (Z01, Tue) Han, Jeong Woo... 161 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Han, Jonghee...................................1195 (E02, Wed), ...............................1547 (I03, Tue), 1643 (I05, Wed) Han, Joong-Hee................................ 445 (A02, Wed) Han, Jun.............................................1839 (L04, Tue) Han, Jung.......................................... 1451 (H05, Tue) Han, Liyuan.........................................911 (B07, Tue) Han, Man-Seok................................. 559 (A02, Wed) Han, Ping-Cheng.............................. 1458 (H05, Tue) Han, Tae Hee..................................... 170 (A01, Wed) Han, Xiaotong................................... 739 (B01, Thu), ..............................1584 (I03, Wed), 1788 (L03, Tue) Hanbucken, Margrit.........................2265 (Z02, Wed) Handal, Hala.......................................1624 (I05, Tue) Handel, Patricia......409 (A02, Tue), 486 (A02, Wed) Handler, Sheila..................................1128 (C02, Tue) Hanetho, Sidsel.........563 (A02, Wed), 579 (A02, Wed) Hangarter, Carlos.............................1188 (E02, Wed) Hankins, Michael..............................1730 (L01, Tue) Hanrahan, Richard............................1893 (L05, Tue) Hans, Philipp..................................... 445 (A02, Wed) Hänsel, Michael..............................1104 (C02, Mon) Hansen, Heine.........1781 (L03, Tue), 1859 (L04, Wed) Hansen, Karin................................... 1612 (I05, Mon) Hansen, Lauryn.................................1995 (L10, Tue) Hansen, Martin..................................1786 (L03, Tue) Hansen, Ole........ 1611 (I05, Mon), 2016 (L10, Wed) Hansen, Thomas.................................1616 (I05, Tue) Haon, Cédric...................................... 396 (A02, Tue) Haond, Michel.................................. 1324 (H01, Tue) Haque, Inam-ul................................1693 (K01, Thu) Hara, Toru........................................... 310 (A02, Tue) Harada, Yasuhiro............................... 496 (A02, Wed) Haram, Santosh................................1759 (L01, Wed) Harb, John........................................ 1096 (C01, Thu) Hardwick, Laurence............................... 7 (A01, Sun) Harinipriya, S......1218 (F02, Tue), 1943 (L08, Wed) Härk, Eneli............1559 (I03, Tue), 1576 (I03, Wed) Haroz, Erik.............. 805 (B03, Tue), 806 (B03, Tue) Harp, Jeremy.....................................1535 (I02, Wed) Harper-Leatherman, Amanda...........1881 (L05, Tue) Harrington, David............................1747 (L01, Wed) Harrington, George...........................1632 (I05, Wed) Harris, Andrew........240 (A02, Mon), 1196 (F02, Mon) Harry, Katherine..................................27 (A01, Mon) Hartmann, Jean-Michel.................1361 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1363 (H03, Mon) Hartmann, Nicolai....... 803 (B03, Tue), 805 (B03, Tue) Hartvigsen, Joseph........................... 1499 (I02, Mon) Haruna, Takumi................................ 1091 (C01, Thu) Harutyunyan, Avetik.........................781 (B03, Mon) Hasani-Sadrabadi, Mohammad Mahdi....................... ........................................................... 765 (B02, Thu), ..............................1540 (I03, Tue), 2078 (M01, Tue) Hasché, Frédéric...............................1832 (L04, Tue) Hase, Yoko........................................ 419 (A02, Wed) Hashaikeh, Raed............................... 144 (A01, Wed) Hashemi, Pouya..............................1360 (H03, Mon) Hashemian, Mohammad..................1641 (I05, Wed) Hashimoto, Keiichi.......................... 1378 (H03, Tue) Hashimoto, Shin-ichi.......................1634 (I05, Wed), ...........................................................1637 (I05, Wed) Hasobe, Taku...................................... 844 (B05, Thu) Hatem, Chris........1405 (H04, Mon), 1412 (H04, Mon) Hattori, Shinnosuke........................ 1762 (L03, Mon) Hatzell, Kelsey.......685 (A03, Tue), 886 (B06, Wed)

Haverhals, Luke.................... 1887, 1886 (L05, Tue), ......................................(L05, Tue), 2219 (Z01, Tue), ...........................................................2220 (Z01, Tue) Hawk, Jeffrey.................................. 1080 (C01, Wed) Hay, Randall......................................1121 (C02, Tue) Hayakawa, Akinobu...........................909 (B07, Tue) Hayasaka, Shogo..............................2034 (L10, Wed) Hayashi, Akari....................................1542 (I03, Tue) Hayashi, Katsuya............................... 377 (A02, Tue) Hayashi, Masahiko........................... 377 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 558 (A02, Wed) Hayashi, Ryutaro.............................1668 (K01, Wed) Hayashi, Takashi.............................. 1055 (B08, Thu) Hayati-Roodbari, Nastaran............... 445 (A02, Wed) Haynes, Erin................................... 2119 (M02, Wed) Hays, Kevin........... 529 (A02, Wed), 650 (A02, Thu) He, Hong.........................................1363 (H03, Mon) He, Hongpeng.................................. 1504 (I02, Mon) He, Huixin......................................... 888 (B06, Wed) He, Jieqing.........................................271 (A02, Mon) He, Jr-Hau........................................2033 (L10, Wed) He, Jun................... 324 (A02, Tue), 1774 (L03, Tue) He, Junkai...........................................617 (A02, Thu) He, Kun............................................ 467 (A02, Wed), .............................1230 (F02, Tue), 2268 (Z02, Wed) He, Lilin.................218 (A01, Thu), 2239 (Z01, Tue) He, Meinan.......... 102 (A01, Wed), 177 (A01, Wed), ................................184 (A01, Wed), 416 (A02, Tue) He, Ping...........................................1864 (L04, Wed), ........................... 1961 (L09, Wed), 2272 (Z02, Wed) He, Qi................................................293 (A02, Mon) He, Qianran...........442 (A02, Wed), 1600 (I03, Thu) He, Xin..............................................256 (A02, Mon) He, Xu....................50 (A01, Mon), 261 (A02, Mon) He, Yu-Shi............518 (A02, Wed), 1560 (I03, Wed) Heavens, Steve....................................... 7 (A01, Sun) Heben, Michael................................. 714 (B01, Wed) Heckmann, Andreas......................... 720 (B01, Wed), ...........................................................2185 (Z01, Tue) Heeney, Martin...... 984 (B08, Tue), 1266 (G01, Tue) Heine, Jennifer................................... 387 (A02, Tue) Heineman, William........................ 2119 (M02, Wed) Heinzel, Angelika..............................270 (A02, Mon) Heitmann, J.....................................1385 (H03, Wed) Heiz, Ueli..........................................1872 (L04, Wed) Hekmaty, Michelle............................1169 (E02, Tue) Helgee, Edit.......................................1780 (L03, Tue) Heller, Daniel.......750 (B02, Wed), 751 (B02, Wed), . ................................754 (B02, Thu), 755 (B02, Thu), ...............................756 (B02, Thu), 812 (B03, Wed), ........................................................... 813 (B03, Wed) Hellstern, Thomas............................2021 (L10, Wed) Hemanth Kumar, Tanneru................1973 (L10, Sun) Henderson, Wesley.......................... 703 (A03, Wed), ...........................1152 (E02, Mon), 1155 (E02, Mon) Hendrickson, Mary............................ 683 (A03, Tue) Henkensmeier, Dirk........................1855 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1862 (L04, Wed) Henrist, Catherine............................1927 (L06, Wed) Henry, Andrew.................................. 552 (A02, Wed) Herdman, Karen............................. 2128 (M02, Wed) Hernandez, Pedro............................... 362 (A02, Tue) Hernandez-Lugo, Dionne................. 524 (A02, Wed) Herranz, Juan.......1832 (L04, Tue), 1845 (L04, Tue) Herrero, Christian............................ 1039 (B08, Thu) Herreros Lucas, Carlos..................... 181 (A01, Wed) Herring, Andrew...............................1596 (I03, Thu), .............................2007 (L10, Tue), 2054 (L11, Wed) Hersam, Mark..........768 (B03, Mon), 773 (B03, Mon), .............................. 852 (B06, Mon), 895 (B06, Wed) Hertzberg, Benjamin..........................15 (A01, Mon), .............................. 17 (A01, Mon), 1157 (E02, Mon) Heske, Clemens...............................2014 (L10, Wed) Hesketh, Peter................................2094 (M02, Mon) Hess, Ryan.........................................1223 (F02, Tue) Hettinger, Jeffrey................................ 211 (A01, Thu)

Heyes, Colin......................................2227 (Z01, Tue) Heyns, Marc..................................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Hickey, David.................................. 2297 (Z04, Mon) Hickner, Michael...............................1805 (L04, Sun) Hiezl, Zoltan.................................... 1072 (C01, Wed) Higashi, Masanobu...........................1996 (L10, Tue) Higgins, Daniel...................................908 (B07, Tue) Higgins, Drew........1573 (I03, Wed), 1823 (L04, Mon), ............................1826 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Hight Walker, Angela..........................787 (B03, Tue) Higuchi, Masayoshi.........................2058 (L11, Wed) Higuchi, Tsunehiko.............................989 (B08, Tue) Hilbich, Daniel............................... 2116 (M02, Wed) Hilder, Matthias................................... 95 (A01, Wed) Hilger, André.....................................1576 (I03, Wed) Hill, D............................................... 1457 (H05, Tue) Hill, Davion........................................ 675 (A03, Tue) Hill, Jonathan................................... 1036 (B08, Thu) Hill, Megan...................................... 1372 (H03, Tue) Hill, Richard..................................... 1373 (H03, Tue) Hilmi, Abdelkader..............................188 (A01, Thu) Hinds, Gareth....................................1664 (I06, Wed) Hinogami, Reiko...............................1950 (L09, Tue) Hintennach, Andreas......................... 434 (A02, Wed) Hipps, K. W...................................... 1054 (B08, Thu) Hirahara, Kazuhiro...........................2274 (Z02, Wed) Hiramoto, Toshiro............................ 1325 (H01, Tue) Hirano, Takehiro.............................1390 (H03, Wed) Hirayama, Masaki...........................1353 (H01, Thu), .......................................................... 1378 (H03, Tue) Hiroaki, Yanagawa..............................14 (A01, Mon) Hirose, Fumihiko............................2034 (L10, Wed), ........................... 2274 (Z02, Wed), 2277 (Z02, Wed) Hirsch, Andreas................................. 883 (B06, Wed) Hisaeda, Yoshio...............................1670 (K01, Wed) Hitchcock, Adam......1650 (I06, Tue), 1934 (L08, Wed) Hite, Jennifer........1433 (H05, Mon), 1443 (H05, Mon) Hitz, Gregory.................................... 101 (A01, Wed) Hjelm, Johan...................................... 367 (A02, Tue) Hjelm, Rex........................................1169 (E02, Tue) Ho, Jason............................................ 767 (B02, Thu) Ho, Kuo-Chuan........163 (A01, Wed), 182 (A01, Wed), ................................758 (B02, Thu), 762 (B02, Thu), .............................1911 (L06, Tue), 1920 (L06, Tue), .......................... 1931 (L06, Wed), 2038 (L10, Wed), ........................... 2039 (L10, Wed), 2040 (L10, Wed) Hoang, Ahn...................................... 1419 (H04, Tue) Hoang, Thao.....................................1972 (L09, Wed) Hobart, Karl.....................................1433 (H05, Mon) Hobbs, Chris..................................... 1373 (H03, Tue) Hobbs, Christopher.......................... 1040 (B08, Thu) Hobley, Jonathan.................................905 (B07, Tue) Hocker, Nathan.................................1883 (L05, Tue) Hod, Idan..........................................1851 (L04, Wed) Hoefner, Tobias................................1238 (F02, Wed) Hof, Lucas...........1247 (F04, Tue), 2281 (Z02, Wed) Hoffbauer, Mark.............................. 1825 (L04, Mon) Hoffmann, Michael.......................... 130 (A01, Wed), ......................................................... 1154 (E02, Mon) Hoffmann, Peter...............................1758 (L01, Wed) Högele, Alexander.............................811 (B03, Wed) Højberg, Jonathan.............................. 370 (A02, Tue) Hojo, Nobuhiko..............................1677 (K01, Wed) Holcomb, Gordon...........................1107 (C02, Mon) Hollenkamp, Anthony.......................240 (A02, Mon) Holtappels, Peter.............................. 1612 (I05, Mon) Holubowitch, Nick........................... 512 (A02, Wed), ...........................................................775 (B03, Mon) Homma, Takayuki.......................... 1159 (E02, Mon), ...........................................................1720 (L01, Tue) Honey, Shehla..................................2262 (Z02, Wed) Hong, Chan Ho...................................809 (B03, Tue) Hong, Che-Wun............................. 1769 (L03, Mon), ...........................................................2196 (Z01, Tue) Hong, Chulgi.....................................292 (A02, Mon) Hong, Daeho.......................................... 4 (A01, Sun)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Hong, Hawoong.............................. 1132 (C02, Wed) Hong, Jihyun.....................................300 (A02, Mon) Hong, Misun...................................... 432 (A02, Wed) Hong, Sang-Hyun...........................1479 (H05, Wed) Hong, Seungbum............................ 1132 (C02, Wed) Hong, Suk-Gi.................................... 453 (A02, Wed) Hong, Young Kyu.......519 (A02, Wed), 809 (B03, Tue) Hoober-Burkhardt, Lena..................664 (A03, Mon), ........................................................... 704 (A03, Wed) Hoogil, Lee........................................ 592 (A02, Wed) Hoorfar, Mina....................................1662 (I06, Wed) Horikawa, Shin...............................2110 (M02, Tue), .......................2150 (M04, Mon), 2151 (M04, Mon), ........................2152 (M04, Mon), 2153 (M04, Mon) Horiuchi, Hiroaki............................. 1049 (B08, Thu) Horn, Sylvia......................................1253 (F04, Tue) Hornes, Aitor......................................193 (A01, Thu) Horoszko, Christopher..................... 751 (B02, Wed), ................................750 (B02, Wed), 756 (B02, Thu) Horwood, Corie.............................2092 (M02, Mon) Hosenfeld, Fabian...........................1289 (G01, Wed) Hoshi, Yoshinao............................. 1070 (C01, Wed), ......................................................... 1083 (C01, Wed) Hoshino, Tyuji...................................964 (B08, Mon) Hosokawa, Saburo............................ 920 (B07, Wed) Hossain, Faruque............................1347 (H01, Wed) Hossain, Md Sharafat.....................1347 (H01, Wed) Hossain, Md.....................................2058 (L11, Wed) Hosseini, Ali......................................2190 (Z01, Tue) Hötger, Diana....................................2304 (Z04, Tue) Hou, Binyang.................................. 1132 (C02, Wed) Hou, K. H.......................................... 154 (A01, Wed) Houdbert, J.-C.....................................26 (A01, Mon) Houle, Frances..................................1482 (I01, Wed) Hovington, Pierre..............................309 (A02, Mon) Howell, Stephen................................774 (B03, Mon) Howey, David............. 63 (A01, Tue), 85 (A01, Tue) Howlett, Patrick.................................. 95 (A01, Wed) Hradil, Klaudia.................................. 445 (A02, Wed) Hsia, K. Jimmy................................. 441 (A02, Wed) Hsieh, Andrew.....................................15 (A01, Mon) Hsieh, Ting-Huan.............................2270 (Z02, Wed) Hsieh, Wan-Lin................................. 564 (A02, Wed) Hsieh, Yu-Shun................................2289 (Z03, Wed) Hsin, Yue-Ming................................ 1460 (H05, Tue) Hsu, Chen-Pin................................. 1425 (H04, Tue), .............................1427 (H04, Tue), 1428 (H04, Tue) Hsu, Chien-Hsing............................1190 (E02, Wed) Hsu, Hsien-Ming.............................1402 (H04, Mon) Hsu, Jia-Feng...................................1190 (E02, Wed) Hsu, Sung Nien................................2256 (Z02, Wed) Hsu, Wei-Chou................................1343 (H01, Wed) Hsu, Yu-Kuei.....................................2010 (L10, Tue) Hsueh, Chang-Jung...........................1224 (F02, Tue) Hsueh, Kan-Lin.................................... 84 (A01, Tue) Hsueh, Wei-Jen...............................1402 (H04, Mon) Htoon, Han.............. 803 (B03, Tue), 805 (B03, Tue) Hu, JiaJia.........................................2110 (M02, Tue), ........................2150 (M04, Mon), 2151 (M04, Mon) Hu, Jue............................................... 725 (B01, Wed) Hu, Lan..............................................1530 (I02, Wed) Hu, Libo........................................... 102 (A01, Wed), ............................. 177 (A01, Wed), 184 (A01, Wed), ............................................................ 416 (A02, Tue) Hu, Liu-quan...................................... 399 (A02, Tue) Hu, Mengjia.................................... 2142 (M02, Thu) Hu, Pei............................................... 481 (A02, Wed) Hu, Renzong.......... 395 (A02, Tue), 2204 (Z01, Tue) Hu, Shan..............................................861 (B06, Tue) Hu, Shu............................................ 1295 (G02, Tue), .......................... 1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed) Hu, Xianluo........... 481 (A02, Wed), 620 (A02, Thu) Hu, Xiaohong....................................... 79 (A01, Tue) Hu, Yan............................................... 374 (A02, Tue) Hu, Yan-Yan.......................................196 (A01, Thu)

Hu, Yong-Sheng................................ 696 (A03, Wed) Hu, Yun Hang..................................... 739 (B01, Thu) Hua, Dong.............. 189 (A01, Thu), 611 (A02, Thu) Hua, Keping...................................... 591 (A02, Wed) Huang, Bo......................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Huang, Cheng-Ying......................... 1374 (H03, Tue) Huang, Chi-Jia................................1320 (G02, Wed) Huang, Chih-Fang............................ 1423 (H04, Tue) Huang, Chih-Sheng.......................... 564 (A02, Wed) Huang, Chun-Wei...........................2270 (Z02, Wed), ........................... 2289 (Z03, Wed), 2290 (Z03, Wed) Huang, Gensheng............................. 1373 (H03, Tue) Huang, Huan..........816 (B04, Mon), 829 (B04, Tue) Huang, Huin Ning............................. 878 (B06, Wed) Huang, I-Wen................................... 1087 (C01, Thu) Huang, Jiaxing.................................2250 (Z02, Wed) Huang, Jinhua.........422 (A02, Wed), 689 (A03, Tue) Huang, Jung-Chun Andrew............1478 (H05, Wed) Huang, Kevin......... 196 (A01, Thu), 198 (A01, Thu) Huang, Li-De..................................... 762 (B02, Thu) Huang, Liwei......................................639 (A02, Thu) Huang, Qingquan....... 32 (A01, Mon), 242 (A02, Mon) Huang, Qizhao.................................. 693 (A03, Wed) Huang, Rong-Hsin............................... 84 (A01, Tue) Huang, Shang-En............................ 1137 (E01, Mon) Huang, Sin-Xian...............................1956 (L09, Tue) Huang, X. D....................................1350 (H01, Wed) Huang, Xingjiu.................................. 441 (A02, Wed) Huang, Yaqin......................................654 (A02, Thu) Huang, Yu-Ting...............................2289 (Z03, Wed), ..........................................................2290 (Z03, Wed) Huang, Yunhui................................. 424 (A02, Wed), ............................. 481 (A02, Wed), 525 (A02, Wed), ............................................................620 (A02, Thu) Huayhuas Chipana, Bryan Carlos.....2124 (M02, Wed) Hubaud, Aude................................... 546 (A02, Wed) Huber, Jeff........................................1861 (L04, Wed) Hudziak, Steven...............................2253 (Z02, Wed) Huff, Laura........................................249 (A02, Mon) Huffman, Craig................................ 1373 (H03, Tue) Hughes, Barbara............................... 1271 (G01, Tue) Hughes, Stephen.................................... 7 (A01, Sun) Hugues, Vincent............................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Hui, Jingshu......... 226 (A01, Thu), 1697 (L01, Mon) Hull, Robert.......................................2233 (Z01, Tue) Humplik, Thomas............................... 99 (A01, Wed) Hung, Mao-Chun..............................1176 (E02, Tue) Hung, Yu-Ting..................................2254 (Z02, Wed) Hunter, Gary..... 2112 (M02, Wed), 2167 (M04, Tue) Hupa, Mikko................................... 1057 (C01, Wed) Hupa, Mikko................................... 1112 (C02, Mon) Hupp, Joseph.................................. 1020 (B08, Wed), ......................... 1033 (B08, Wed), 1319 (G02, Wed), ........................... 1851 (L04, Wed), 1958 (L09, Tue), ......................................................... 1984 (L10, Mon) Hurej, Karolina..................................951 (B08, Mon) Hurley, P...........................................1352 (H01, Thu) Husein, Maen.................................. 1202 (F02, Mon) Hüsing, Nicola..................................308 (A02, Mon) Hussain, Syed.................................. 1201 (F02, Mon) Hussey, Charles.................................1256 (F04, Tue) Hussey, Daniel...................................1654 (I06, Tue) Hutcheson, Joshua..........................2099 (M02, Tue), ...........................................................2225 (Z01, Tue) Hutchinson, B...................................1352 (H01, Thu) Huyet, Isabelle................................1361 (H03, Mon) Huynh, Nguyen..................................201 (A01, Thu) Huynh, Tan Vu..................................2228 (Z01, Tue) Hwang, Constanza............................. 334 (A02, Tue) Hwang, Eui-Hyeong.........................275 (A02, Mon) Hwang, Gisuk...................................... 74 (A01, Tue) Hwang, Jang-Yeon........................... 539 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 540 (A02, Wed) Hwang, Jang-Yoen............................ 536 (A02, Wed) Hwang, Jinyoun................................ 136 (A01, Wed) Hwang, Sun-Mi............................... 1814 (L04, Mon)

Hwang, Taejin...... 553 (A02, Wed), 576 (A02, Wed) Hwang, Ya-Hsi...............................1432 (H05, Mon), ..........................1439 (H05, Mon), 1456 (H05, Tue), .......................................................... 1461 (H05, Tue) Hyodo, Takeo.................................. 2140 (M02, Thu) Hyun, Jangsuk................................... 488 (A02, Wed) Hyun, Jung Eun...................................311 (A02, Tue)


I Iacopi, Francesca............................... 186 (A01, Wed) Iddir, Hakim............... 67 (A01, Tue), 69 (A01, Tue), .................................360 (A02, Tue), 401 (A02, Tue) Idemoto, Yasushi...............................2184 (Z01, Tue) Iden, Hiroshi.......................................1651 (I06, Tue) Ieffa, Simona........1139 (E01, Mon), 2127 (M02, Wed) Ignatenko, Vasiliy............................ 1077 (C01, Wed) Ignatowich, Michael.........................1128 (C02, Tue) Iguchi, Fumitada................................1619 (I05, Tue) Ihly, Rachelle.....................................771 (B03, Mon) Ikeda, Katsuyoshi.............................. 926 (B07, Wed) Ikeda, Takao..................................... 1091 (C01, Thu) Ikku, Yuki......................................... 1323 (H01, Tue) Ikoma, Toshiyuki.............................2072 (M01, Tue) Ikuma, Naohiko................................821 (B04, Mon) Illescas, Beatriz.................................. 841 (B05, Thu) Illig, Jörg............... 431 (A02, Wed), 464 (A02, Wed) Im, Dongmin..................................... 427 (A02, Wed) Imahori, Hiroshi................................ 761 (B02, Thu), ..............................837 (B05, Thu), 1013 (B08, Wed) Imai, Hideto........................................1646 (I06, Tue) Imai, Ryosuke.................................1445 (H05, Mon) Imaizumi, Fuminobu......................1351 (H01, Thu), .........................................................1404 (H04, Mon) Imanishi, Akihito............................... 927 (B07, Wed) Imanishi, Nobuyuki........................... 392 (A02, Tue) Imhof, Diana.....................................941 (B08, Mon) Imran, Shaik...................................... 891 (B06, Wed) Inatomi, Yuu....................................1677 (K01, Wed) Inceoglu, Sebnem................................ 76 (A01, Tue) Ingersoll, Nolan.................................1120 (C02, Tue) Ingram, Brian..........342 (A02, Tue), 382 (A02, Tue) Ingram, David................................. 1206 (F02, Mon) Iniguez, B........................................1289 (G01, Wed) Inman, Maria....................................1248 (F04, Tue), .............................. 1251 (F04, Tue), 1254 (F04, Tue) Inokuma, Kiyoshi............................. 925 (B07, Wed) Inoue, Kumi.....................................2079 (M01, Tue) Inoue, Taiki........................................782 (B03, Mon) Inukai, Junji............. 82 (A01, Tue), 1639 (I05, Wed) Irie, Hiroshi....................................... 917 (B07, Wed) Iriyama, Yasutoshi............................. 402 (A02, Tue), .............................577 (A02, Wed), 1153 (E02, Mon) Irshad, Ahamed................................2037 (L10, Wed) Irvine, John.........................................1507 (I02, Tue) Isaac, K. M........................................1778 (L03, Tue) Isenhower, John................................2248 (Z01, Tue) Isgor, Burkan................................... 1081 (C01, Wed) Ishida, Takanobu...............................1565 (I03, Wed) Ishida, Takuya................................... 438 (A02, Wed) Ishigaki, Toshikazu........................1392 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1394 (H03, Wed) Ishihara, Hidetaka............................. 715 (B01, Wed) Ishihara, Shinsuke............................ 1036 (B08, Thu) Ishihara, Tatsumi................................311 (A02, Tue), .............................433 (A02, Wed), 1604 (I05, Mon), ............................1605 (I05, Mon), 1607 (I05, Mon), ............................................................1620 (I05, Tue) Ishii, Hidekazu..1399 (H03, Wed), 2288 (Z03, Wed) Ishii, Kazuyuki....................................983 (B08, Tue) Ishii, Yosuke...........402 (A02, Tue), 577 (A02, Wed) Ishikawa, Aya....................................1001 (B08, Tue) Ishikawa, Masashi.............................. 321 (A02, Tue) Ishikawa, Yuki.................................. 1376 (H03, Tue) Ishimori, Koichiro............................ 1034 (B08, Thu) Ishimoto, Takayoshi..........................1617 (I05, Tue), ...........................................................2217 (Z01, Tue) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Ishizuka, Tomoya..............................947 (B08, Mon) Islam, Ashraful....................................911 (B07, Tue) Islam, Kazi.......................................2259 (Z02, Wed) Islam, Mohammad......203 (A01, Thu), 795 (B03, Tue) Isolani, Paulo.....................................1172 (E02, Tue) Itagaki, Masayuki........................... 1070 (C01, Wed), ......................................................... 1083 (C01, Wed) Ito, Hiroshi......2114 (M02, Wed), 2132 (M02, Wed) Ito, Kimihiko..................................... 535 (A02, Wed) Itocazu, Vitor...................................1346 (H01, Wed) Ivanov, Svetlozar...............................285 (A02, Mon) Ivasenko, Oleksandr....................... 1030 (B08, Wed) Ivers-Tiffée, Ellen............................ 431 (A02, Wed), .............................. 464 (A02, Wed), 644 (A02, Thu), ............................1606 (I05, Mon), 1610 (I05, Mon), ...........................................................1631 (I05, Wed) Iwai, Hiroyuki................................... 139 (A01, Wed) Iwai, Taichi........................................ 171 (A01, Wed) Iwayasu, Norio..................................283 (A02, Mon) Iyoda, Tomokazu...............................1994 (L10, Tue) Izawa, Masaru.................................. 1377 (H03, Tue) Izquierdo, Marta........820 (B04, Mon), 822 (B04, Mon) Izquierdo, Ricardo.........................1264 (G01, Mon), ........................... 2104 (M02, Tue), 2166 (M04, Tue)

Janik, Michael........ 1763 (L03, Mon), 1805 (L04, Sun) Jansen, Andrew.......301 (A02, Mon), 302 (A02, Mon), .............................. 303 (A02, Mon), 406 (A02, Tue), ................................417 (A02, Tue), 606 (A02, Thu), ............................................................609 (A02, Thu) Januszko, Adam................................776 (B03, Mon) Jaouen, Frederic............................. 1813 (L04, Mon), ..........................................................1850 (L04, Wed) Jaramillo, Thomas...........................1755 (L01, Wed), ...........................1979 (L10, Sun), 1992 (L10, Mon), ..........................................................2021 (L10, Wed) Jarosova, Romana............................1739 (L01, Wed) Jarry, Angelique................................233 (A02, Mon) Jasinski, Jacek....................................1524 (I02, Tue) Jaworska, Ewa.................................2165 (M04, Tue), .........................2177 (M04, Wed), 2178 (M04, Wed) Jayamohan, Harikrishnan.................1995 (L10, Tue) Jayasayee, Kaushik.......................... 563 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 579 (A02, Wed) Jayawickramarajah, Janarthanan......945 (B08, Mon) Jebaraj, Adriel...................................1848 (L04, Tue) Jee, Youngseok...................................198 (A01, Thu) Jeerage, Kavita.................................1853 (L04, Wed) Jeevarajan, Judith...............................604 (A02, Thu) Jena, Prakrit...........750 (B02, Wed), 755 (B02, Thu), ................................756 (B02, Thu), 813 (B03, Wed) Jennings, Paul.................................... 461 (A02, Wed) Jensen, Søren...................................... 367 (A02, Tue) Jeon, Il............................................... 712 (B01, Wed) Jeon, Jae-Deok.................................. 150 (A01, Wed) Jeon, Yang Bae..................................1710 (L01, Tue) Jeong, Hu Young..............................1971 (L09, Wed) Jeong, Jiseon..................................... 592 (A02, Wed) Jeong, Jun Hui................................... 573 (A02, Wed) Jeong, Min-Ki................................... 588 (A02, Wed) Jeong, Yo Sub........511 (A02, Wed), 899 (B06, Wed) Jeoung, Han-Vit..............................1383 (H03, Wed) Jerman, Ivan....................................... 351 (A02, Tue) Jha, Himendra................................... 523 (A02, Wed) Jha, Rashmi......................................2287 (Z03, Wed) Ji, Jing................................................2187 (Z01, Tue) Ji, Zhiqiang........................................ 709 (B01, Wed) Jia, Chuankun.................................... 693 (A03, Wed) Jia, Haiping.......................................266 (A02, Mon), ..............................439 (A02, Wed), 2182 (Z01, Tue) Jia, Hongfei..................................... 1311 (G02, Wed) Jia, Qingying.......1237 (F02, Wed), 1554 (I03, Tue), ............................1572 (I03, Wed), 1818 (L04, Mon) Jia, Xiao............................................. 149 (A01, Wed) Jian, Jie.............................................. 551 (A02, Wed) Jian, Shun-Yi.................................... 1097 (C01, Thu) Jiang, De-Tong.....282 (A02, Mon), 309 (A02, Mon) Jiang, Hongxing............................... 1446 (H05, Tue) Jiang, Jiangmin...................................625 (A02, Thu) Jiang, Junhua.................................. 2120 (M02, Wed) Jiang, Jyh-Chiang............................... 412 (A02, Tue) Jiang, Meng........................................ 344 (A02, Tue) Jiang, Shishi........................................855 (B06, Tue) Jiang, Sijia........................................ 1371 (H03, Tue) Jiang, Xi................................................ 76 (A01, Tue) Jiang, Xiaoqin.....................................988 (B08, Tue) Jiang, Yadong..................................1389 (H03, Wed) Jiang, Yibo............. 739 (B01, Thu), 1584 (I03, Wed) Jimbo, Takehito................................. 499 (A02, Wed) Jiménez, Juan................................... 1454 (H05, Tue) Jiménez Tejada, J............................1259 (G01, Mon) Jin, Jian..............1988 (L10, Mon), 2027 (L10, Wed) Jin, Joo Sung..................................... 597 (A02, Wed) Jin, Ping........................................... 1901 (L06, Mon) Jin, Seung Woo...............................1392 (H03, Wed) Jin, Shangbin.................................... 1036 (B08, Thu) Jin, Song............ 1968 (L09, Wed), 2033 (L10, Wed) Jin, Xianbo........................................... 79 (A01, Tue) Jinadasa, Raja Gabadage...................906 (B07, Tue), ...........................................................963 (B08, Mon) Jing, Xiangmeng.............................. 1381 (H03, Tue)

Jirkovsky, Jakub................................1843 (L04, Tue) Jo, Sung-Nim....................................268 (A02, Mon) Johal, Sukhraaj..................................1216 (F02, Tue) John, Jimmy......................................1975 (L10, Sun) Johnson, David................................. 1498 (I02, Mon) Johnson, Robert................................2167 (M04, Tue) Johnson, Tobias.................................. 332 (A02, Tue) Johnson, W....................................... 1457 (H05, Tue) Johnston, Burnett..............................1247 (F04, Tue) Joia, Tahir......................................... 1504 (I02, Mon) Jones, Benjamin......2099 (M02, Tue), 2232 (Z01, Tue) Jones, Christopher.............................1169 (E02, Tue) Jones, Deborah................................ 1813 (L04, Mon) Jones, Elizabeth.........228 (A02, Mon), 462 (A02, Wed) Jones, John-Paul................................. 334 (A02, Tue) Jones, Kevin...................................1405 (H04, Mon), ......................... 1410 (H04, Mon), 1412 (H04, Mon) Jones, Lathe......................................1870 (L04, Wed) Jones, Ryan...................................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Joo, Sang Hoon.............................. 1819 (L04, Mon), .......................... 1866 (L04, Wed), 1969 (L09, Wed), ..........................................................1971 (L09, Wed) Joo, Yong................366 (A02, Tue), 444 (A02, Wed) Joo, Yongho.......................................777 (B03, Mon) Joo, Young-Chang........................... 1140 (E01, Mon) Joost, Urmas.................................... 1824 (L04, Mon) Josell, Daniel................................... 1150 (E02, Mon) Josse, Emmanuel.............................. 1324 (H01, Tue) Jossen, Andreas................................. 471 (A02, Wed) Joubert, Pierre-Yves.........................2102 (M02, Tue) Jow, T......................339 (A02, Tue), 361 (A02, Tue), ............................................................ 407 (A02, Tue) Ju, Wenbo.......... 1871 (L04, Wed), 1872 (L04, Wed) Jun, Areum........................................ 157 (A01, Wed) Juneau, Philippe..............................2104 (M02, Tue), ..........................................................2166 (M04, Tue) Jung, Eun Ae.....................................2222 (Z01, Tue) Jung, Florina......................................... 62 (A01, Tue) Jung, Gwan Yeong...........................1969 (L09, Wed) Jung, Ha-Kyun.................................. 556 (A02, Wed) Jung, Hun-Gi.........511 (A02, Wed), 588 (A02, Wed) Jung, Jin...........................................1313 (G02, Wed) Jung, Min-suk.....1232 (F02, Wed), 1233 (F02, Wed) Jung, Myung Geun............................213 (A01, Thu) Jung, Myung-Jo..................................311 (A02, Tue) Jung, Suho....................................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Jung, Yongju..........900 (B06, Wed), 901 (B06, Wed) Jung, Younghun..............................1470 (H05, Wed), .........................................................1472 (H05, Wed) Jung, Yun-Chae................................. 559 (A02, Wed) Junghans, Katrin...............................824 (B04, Mon) Jurchescu, Oana.............................. 1270 (G01, Tue), .......................... 1287 (G01, Wed), 1288 (G01, Wed) Jurczakowski, Rafal........................1756 (L01, Wed), ............................. 1809 (L04, Sun), 1810 (L04, Sun) Jürgen Behm, Rolf...........................241 (A02, Mon), ...........................1828 (L04, Mon), 1939 (L08, Wed) Jurzinsky, Tilman................................. 62 (A01, Tue) Jusys, Zenonas...... 1828 (L04, Mon), 1939 (L08, Wed) Jux, Norbert.......................................970 (B08, Mon)


Jałowicka, Aleksandra......................1118 (C02, Tue) Jaafar, Mohd Hilmi........................... 403 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 490 (A02, Wed) Jablonski, Andrzej.............................1809 (L04, Sun) Jackson, Thomas.............................1288 (G01, Wed) Jacob, Clement.................................. 551 (A02, Wed) Jacob, Karl............1540 (I03, Tue), 2078 (M01, Tue) Jacobberger, Robert.......................... 895 (B06, Wed) Jacobs, Benjamin..............................1169 (E02, Tue) Jacobs, Nadine.................................2162 (M04, Tue) Jacobs, Ryan.......................................614 (A02, Thu) Jacobsen, Karsten.............................2016 (L10, Wed) Jacobson, David.................................1654 (I06, Tue) Jacobson, Nathan..............................1120 (C02, Tue) Jae-Young, Park............................. 2176 (M04, Wed) Jagannatham, M................................... 61 (A01, Tue) Jäger, Rutha...........1559 (I03, Tue), 1576 (I03, Wed) Jagnar, Mark.......................................1554 (I03, Tue) Jaikumar, Arvind...............................1891 (L05, Tue) Jain, Anubhav...................................1793 (L03, Wed) Jain, Rajeev.......................................2186 (Z01, Tue) Jain, Rishabh....................................2170 (M04, Tue) Jakes, Peter............. 613 (A02, Thu), 652 (A02, Thu) Jakus, Adam......................................1644 (I05, Wed) James, Brian.......................................1484 (I01, Thu) James, Christine................................ 451 (A02, Wed) Jampana, Nagaraju........................2147 (M04, Mon), ..........................2154 (M04, Mon), 2291 (Z03, Wed) Jampani, Prashanth............................... 5 (A01, Sun), ................................46 (A01, Mon), 2000 (L10, Tue) Jampani Hanumantha, Prashanth......... 4 (A01, Sun), ....................................11 (A01, Sun), 64 (A01, Tue), .............................................................. 87 (A01, Tue) Jana, Aniruddha...................................34 (A01, Mon) Janáky, Csaba.................................... 934 (B07, Wed) Janek, Jürgen..................................... 103 (A01, Wed) Janes, David........................................861 (B06, Tue) Janes, Lisa............1894 (L05, Tue), 2201 (Z01, Tue) Jang, Dongyoun...............................1938 (L08, Wed) Jang, Hyuk-Jae................................. 1270 (G01, Tue) Jang, Hyunchul...............................1398 (H03, Wed) Jang, Il-Chan..................................... 433 (A02, Wed) Jang, Jong Hyun................................1547 (I03, Tue), ........................... 1855 (L04, Wed), 1862 (L04, Wed) Jang, Kihun....................................... 187 (A01, Wed) Jang, Seonpil.....................................773 (B03, Mon) Jang, Seung Soon..............................1785 (L03, Tue) Jang, Soohwan................................. 1453 (H05, Tue)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

K Kaabi Falahieh Asl, Sara................. 1098 (C01, Thu) Kabanda, Mwadham....................... 1066 (C01, Wed) Kabansky, Alexander........................ 148 (A01, Wed) Kadilak, Andrea.............................. 2301 (Z04, Mon) Kadish, Karl.....................................956 (B08, Mon), ................................963 (B08, Mon), 988 (B08, Tue) Kadri, Killani................................... 2143 (M02, Thu) Kaduk, James....................................255 (A02, Mon) Kagawa, Hiroki............................... 1133 (E01, Mon) Kahvecioglu Feridun, Ozgenur.......306 (A02, Mon), ........................................................... 452 (A02, Wed) Kahyarian, Aria............................... 1067 (C01, Wed) Kaiser, Zachary.................................2208 (Z01, Tue) Kajii, Hiroki......................................947 (B08, Mon) 193

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Kakazey, Mukola............................1474 (H05, Wed) Kaklidis, Nikolaos............................1537 (I02, Wed) Kakunuri, Manohar............................30 (A01, Mon), ............................................................651 (A02, Thu) Kalaga, Kaushik................................ 146 (A01, Wed) Kalb, Roland.....................................1806 (L04, Sun) Kalil, Haitham................................ 2121 (M02, Wed) Kalubarme, Ramchandra S............... 593 (A02, Wed) Kaluzhina, Svetlana........................ 1082 (C01, Wed) Kamada, Kai.................................... 2140 (M02, Thu) Kamal Ahmadi, Mahmoud............. 2300 (Z04, Mon) Kamala Bharathi, K.......................... 169 (A01, Wed) Kamarulzaman, Norlida..................... 93 (A01, Tue), ...............................403 (A02, Tue), 450 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 490 (A02, Wed) Kamat, Prashant.........842 (B05, Thu), 921 (B07, Wed), ............................1983 (L10, Tue), 1987 (L10, Mon) Kamata, Yutaka................................1354 (H01, Thu) Kamath, Ganesh................................ 105 (A01, Wed) Kameyama, Tatsuya.......................... 924 (B07, Wed) Kamohara, Shiro.............................. 1325 (H01, Tue) Kanamura, Kiyoshi.......................... 554 (A02, Wed), .............................. 574 (A02, Wed), 575 (A02, Wed) Kanan, Matthew.................................1518 (I02, Tue) Kandlikar, Satish...............................1891 (L05, Tue) Kaneko, Masakazu............................ 402 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 577 (A02, Wed) Kaneko, Naoto................................ 1158 (E02, Mon) Kaneko, Shingo.................................2183 (Z01, Tue) Kang, Dong Min.............................1438 (H05, Mon) Kang, Hye-Joung.............................. 519 (A02, Wed) Kang, Hyo-Seok............................... 538 (A02, Wed) Kang, Jinfen......................................1777 (L03, Tue) Kang, Kisuk......................................300 (A02, Mon) Kang, Kitaek.........1392 (H03, Wed), 1394 (H03, Wed) Kang, Seung-Ho............................... 542 (A02, Wed) Kang, Tae-Hyung.............................. 501 (A02, Wed) Kang, Tsung-Sheng.......................... 1461 (H05, Tue) Kang, Wenjing.............................. 2119 (M02, Wed), ........................................................ 2134 (M02, Wed) Kang, Wenpei.......271 (A02, Mon), 491 (A02, Wed) Kang, Yijin........................................1550 (I03, Tue), ..............................1838 (L04, Tue), 1843 (L04, Tue) Kanomata, Kensaku........................2034 (L10, Wed), ........................... 2274 (Z02, Wed), 2277 (Z02, Wed) Kantnerová, Kristýna......................1678 (K01, Wed) Kanyandekwe, Joel.........................1363 (H03, Mon) Kao, C.-K......................................... 1457 (H05, Tue) Kao, Kai-Chieh................................2294 (Z03, Wed) Kao, Kun-Wei.................................. 1426 (H04, Tue) Kao, Li-Hsing....................................1221 (F02, Tue) Kao, Sheng-Yuan.............................1911 (L06, Tue), ............................ 1920 (L06, Tue), 1931 (L06, Wed) Kao, Yung-Chung............................ 1323 (H01, Tue) Kaplan, Amir....................................2020 (L10, Wed) Kaplan, Christopher..........................1952 (L09, Tue) Kaplan, Ekrem................................ 1076 (C01, Wed) Kaplun, Marina...............................1234 (F02, Wed), ...............................1514 (I02, Tue), 1717 (L01, Tue) Kapoor, Siddharth.............................1570 (I03, Wed) Kapper, Katja..........382 (A02, Tue), 409 (A02, Tue) Kappes, Manfred................................ 848 (B05, Thu) Karabacak, Tansel..............................1556 (I03, Tue) Karakaya, Ishak................................1179 (E02, Tue), .............................1200 (F02, Mon), 1227 (F02, Tue) Karakaya, Mehmet......729 (B01, Thu), 873 (B06, Tue) Karanjikar, Mukund......................... 1499 (I02, Mon) Kardjilov, Nikolay.............................1576 (I03, Wed) Karim, Zia........................................ 1373 (H03, Tue) Kariuki, Nancy.................................... 60 (A01, Tue), ................................ 1555 (I03, Tue), 1556 (I03, Tue) Karousis, Nikolaos............................1010 (B08, Tue) Karpov, Eduard.................................1636 (I05, Wed) Karpov, Eduard G.............................1641 (I05, Wed) Kartal, Muhammet........................... 166 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 178 (A01, Wed)

Karulkar, Mohan.................................33 (A01, Mon) Kasai, Shigenobu.............................2079 (M01, Tue) Kašpárek, Vít..................................... 583 (A02, Wed) Kataev, Alexander............................1754 (L01, Wed) Kataoka, Kazuyuki......................... 1023 (B08, Wed) Kataoka, Riki....................................253 (A02, Mon) Katayama, Yasushi............................ 438 (A02, Wed) Katiyar, Rajesh......400 (A02, Tue), 2041 (L10, Thu) Katiyar, Ram S.........72 (A01, Tue), 400 (A02, Tue), ............................935 (B07, Wed), 1396 (H03, Wed), ...........................2041 (L10, Thu), 2251 (Z02, Wed), ..........................................................2278 (Z02, Wed) Kato, Masaru..................................... 925 (B07, Wed) Kato, Yoshitaka............................... 1083 (C01, Wed) Kato, Yuichi....................................... 419 (A02, Wed) Kato, Yuichiro...................................770 (B03, Mon) Katoh, Ryuzi........................................905 (B07, Tue) Katsarakis, N.....................................1922 (L06, Tue) Katsoudas, John............................... 121 (A01, Wed), ............................... 224 (A01, Thu), 227 (A01, Thu), ...............................355 (A02, Tue), 421 (A02, Wed), .............................500 (A02, Wed), 1932 (L08, Wed) Katsounaros, Ioannis.........................1843 (L04, Tue) Kattamanchi, Sruthi............................. 83 (A01, Tue) Katz, Michael..................................1319 (G02, Wed) Kaur, Aman....................................... 414 (A02, Tue), .............................. 435 (A02, Wed), 512 (A02, Wed) Kaur, Gurpreet..................................2067 (M01, Tue) Kavian, Reza.........219 (A01, Thu), 2237 (Z01, Tue) Kawada, Tatsuya...............................1619 (I05, Tue), ..............................1634 (I05, Wed), 1637 (I05, Wed) Kawakami, Hiroki.............................821 (B04, Mon) Kawamori, Makoto......................... 1056 (C01, Wed) Kawawaki, Tokuhisa...........................915 (B07, Tue) Kay, Lawrence..................................1248 (F04, Tue) Kazadojev, I.......................................1922 (L06, Tue) Kazda, Tomáš.................................... 583 (A02, Wed) Kazuta, Takeno....................................14 (A01, Mon) KC, Chandra.......... 835 (B05, Thu), 2309 (Z04, Tue) Ke, Fu-Sheng.....................................1515 (I02, Tue) Ke, Xian-Sheng.................................967 (B08, Mon) Kechadi, Mohammed....................2148 (M04, Mon) Keck, Christopher............................2285 (Z03, Wed) Kedzia, Aneta....................................951 (B08, Mon) Keeley, Gareth......1660 (I06, Wed), 1842 (L04, Tue) Keiler, Marco................................... 1327 (H01, Tue) Keist, Jayme.................................... 1151 (E02, Mon) Kelder, Eric............645 (A02, Thu), 1601 (I03, Thu) Keleher, Jason..................................1894 (L05, Tue), .............................2200 (Z01, Tue), 2201 (Z01, Tue), ...........................................................2202 (Z01, Tue) Keles, Ozgul.....................................263 (A02, Mon), .............................. 514 (A02, Wed), 515 (A02, Wed) Kelly, Jesse........................................ 465 (A02, Wed) Kelly, Ryan.......................................2108 (M02, Tue) Kelman, Maxim............................... 1373 (H03, Tue) Kengaku, Mineko.............................. 761 (B02, Thu) Kennedy, Tadhg.........595 (A02, Wed), 622 (A02, Thu) Kent, Michael....................................1169 (E02, Tue) Kenyon, Tony...................................2253 (Z02, Wed) Kern, Klaus.......................................2304 (Z04, Tue) Kerr, John..........................................233 (A02, Mon) Kerr, Lei...............................................906 (B07, Tue) Keshvari, Hamid................................ 765 (B02, Thu) Key, Baris.................67 (A01, Tue), 327 (A02, Tue), .................................360 (A02, Tue), 383 (A02, Tue) Khade, Rahul.................................... 1052 (B08, Thu) Khan, Foysal...................................2099 (M02, Tue), ..............................2225 (Z01, Tue), 2227 (Z01, Tue) Khan, Saad......................................... 343 (A02, Tue) Khan, Saeed Uz Zaman......................858 (B06, Tue) Khan, Shah.......................................1758 (L01, Wed) Khanal, Rajendra.............................. 714 (B01, Wed) Khanh, Ngo....................................... 437 (A02, Wed) Khanna, Sumeer............................... 1421 (H04, Tue) Khanoki, Sajad..................................1247 (F04, Tue)

Kharchenko, M...............................1476 (H05, Wed) Khawaja, Mohamad.......................... 186 (A01, Wed) Khene, Samson...................................998 (B08, Tue) Khlobystov, Andrei.......................... 181 (A01, Wed), ..........................................................1875 (L04, Wed) Khomenkova, L.............................1385 (H03, Wed), ......................... 1387 (H03, Wed), 1476 (H05, Wed), .........................................................1477 (H05, Wed) Khomenkova, Larysa......................1393 (H03, Wed) Khosla, Ajit.....................................2090 (M02, Mon) Khosru, Quazi..................................850 (B06, Mon), ................................. 858 (B06, Tue), 865 (B06, Tue) Khotseng, Lindiwe............................... 13 (A01, Sun) Khramov, Andrey..............................1736 (L01, Tue) Kibena, Elo........................................ 881 (B06, Wed) Kibsgaard, Jakob..............................2021 (L10, Wed) Kienzle, Paul....................................2049 (L11, Wed) Kijatkin, Ivan...................................1104 (C02, Mon) Kikuchi, Hiroyuki............................2079 (M01, Tue) Kilgore, Steve..................................1431 (H04, Wed) Kilic, Bilge........................................ 104 (A01, Wed) Kilner, John.........503 (A02, Wed), 1604 (I05, Mon), .............................1605 (I05, Mon), 1607 (I05, Mon) Kim, Anna...................................... 2176 (M04, Wed) Kim, Bongjun....................................773 (B03, Mon) Kim, Byeong-Koo..........................1465 (H05, Wed) Kim, Byongju..................................1398 (H03, Wed) Kim, Byoung Gyu...........................1392 (H03, Wed) Kim, Byung Hyuk............................. 566 (A02, Wed) Kim, Byung Kyu.............................1108 (C02, Mon) Kim, Byung-Jae..............................1439 (H05, Mon) Kim, Byung-Kwon......................... 1694 (L01, Mon) Kim, Byung-ryang............................ 519 (A02, Wed) Kim, Byung-Ryang.............................809 (B03, Tue) Kim, Chan-Soo................................. 152 (A01, Wed) Kim, Chang Gyoun...........................2222 (Z01, Tue) Kim, Cheon Jung.............................. 155 (A01, Wed) Kim, Chisu......................................... 312 (A02, Tue) Kim, Chunjoong......70 (A01, Tue), 327 (A02, Tue), ...............................383 (A02, Tue), 454 (A02, Wed), ............................... 562 (A02, Wed), 642 (A02, Thu) Kim, Da Hye....................................1195 (E02, Wed) Kim, Dong Hee.................................245 (A02, Mon) Kim, Dong Wook..............................1958 (L09, Tue) Kim, Dong-Ik..................................1108 (C02, Mon) Kim, Dong-Joo........80 (A01, Tue), 505 (A02, Wed), ..........................2171 (M04, Tue), 2181 (M04, Wed) Kim, Dong-Joo................................ 2141 (M02, Thu) Kim, Dong-Won...............................239 (A02, Mon), ............................. 559 (A02, Wed), 567 (A02, Wed), ........................... 578 (A02, Wed), 1383 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1384 (H03, Wed) Kim, Donghun................................ 1826 (L04, Mon) Kim, Eun Jeong...............................1394 (H03, Wed) Kim, Eun-Ji......................................2252 (Z02, Wed) Kim, Gil-Pyo........ 159 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Kim, Guk-Tae................................... 493 (A02, Wed) Kim, Guntae...................................... 157 (A01, Wed) Kim, H.............................................. 1417 (H04, Tue) Kim, Haegyeom................................300 (A02, Mon) Kim, Haekyoung......2203 (Z01, Tue), 2205 (Z01, Tue) Kim, Hak-Sung................................. 187 (A01, Wed) Kim, Han-Ki...................................... 152 (A01, Wed) Kim, Hansu....................................... 534 (A02, Wed) Kim, Hee Min................................... 536 (A02, Wed) Kim, Hong-Ik...................................1193 (E02, Wed) Kim, Hun Joo..................................1394 (H03, Wed) Kim, Hunho......................................1192 (E02, Wed) KiM, Hye-Jee..................................1383 (H03, Wed) Kim, Hyoung-Juhn.........................1195 (E02, Wed), .............................1547 (I03, Tue), 1855 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1862 (L04, Wed) Kim, Hyun-Jong.............................. 569 (A02, Wed), ........................... 2176 (M04, Wed), 2203 (Z01, Tue) Kim, Hyun-Kyung............................ 573 (A02, Wed) Kim, Hyunchul.................................. 557 (A02, Wed)


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Kim, Jae Hyun.................................. 555 (A02, Wed) Kim, Jae Hyung...............................1866 (L04, Wed) Kim, Jae-Hong.................................. 567 (A02, Wed) Kim, Jangwoo.................................... 366 (A02, Tue) Kim, Jeom-Soo................................. 561 (A02, Wed) Kim, Jeong Won.............................. 1116 (C02, Mon) Kim, Ji Hyun......... 1116 (C02, Mon), 1132 (C02, Wed) Kim, JiHyun..........1470 (H05, Wed), 1472 (H05, Wed) Kim, Jimin........................................ 1453 (H05, Tue) Kim, Jin Young...............................1855 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1862 (L04, Wed) Kim, Jinwoo...................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Kim, Jong Hoon...............................1866 (L04, Wed) Kim, Jonghoon................................. 586 (A02, Wed), .............................. 587 (A02, Wed), 603 (A02, Wed) Kim, Jongjin.................................... 1132 (C02, Wed) Kim, Joogon............23 (A01, Mon), 24 (A01, Mon), .............................1591 (I03, Wed), 2059 (L11, Wed) Kim, Jooho........................................ 511 (A02, Wed) Kim, Ju-Heon..................................1108 (C02, Mon) Kim, Jung Jun.................................1464 (H05, Wed) Kim, Junyoung.................................. 157 (A01, Wed) Kim, K.............................................. 1417 (H04, Tue) Kim, Kee-Bum.................................. 501 (A02, Wed) Kim, Ki Jae........................................ 533 (A02, Wed) Kim, Kitae......................................... 488 (A02, Wed) Kim, Kwang Jin.................................610 (A02, Thu) Kim, Kwang-Bum............................ 380 (A02, Tue), ............................. 456 (A02, Wed), 476 (A02, Wed), .............................. 521 (A02, Wed), 573 (A02, Wed) Kim, Kyu............................................ 683 (A03, Tue) Kim, Mansu........................................ 737 (B01, Thu) Kim, Min Su..................................... 1102 (C01, Thu) Kim, Myeongseong......................... 456 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 476 (A02, Wed) Kim, Myungjun................................. 485 (A02, Wed) Kim, Nam-In.................................... 501 (A02, Wed), ..............................2210 (Z01, Tue), 2212 (Z01, Tue) Kim, Ohyun.....................................1465 (H05, Wed) Kim, Sang Ouk............................... 1029 (B08, Wed) Kim, Sang-Hyeon............................ 1323 (H01, Tue) Kim, Sang-Hyung............................. 578 (A02, Wed) Kim, Se-Won.....................................268 (A02, Mon) Kim, Seohee..................................... 1276 (G01, Tue) Kim, Seok..............900 (B06, Wed), 901 (B06, Wed) Kim, Seon-Kyong............................. 578 (A02, Wed) Kim, Seul-Ki..................................... 559 (A02, Wed) Kim, Seung Hyun.......................... 1116 (C02, Mon), ............................ 1132 (C02, Wed), 1777 (L03, Tue) Kim, Siwon........................................1546 (I03, Tue) Kim, Soo............................................ 380 (A02, Tue), ................................ 629 (A02, Thu), 655 (A02, Thu) Kim, Soo Young................................ 904 (B06, Wed) Kim, Soohyun....................................1595 (I03, Thu) Kim, Sun Ah...................................... 519 (A02, Wed) Kim, Sung-Ho.................................1465 (H05, Wed) Kim, Sung-Yup............................... 1771 (L03, Mon) Kim, Sunho....................................... 899 (B06, Wed) Kim, T............................................... 1417 (H04, Tue) Kim, Tae Won.................................1407 (H04, Mon) Kim, Tae Yong.................................. 161 (A01, Wed) Kim, Tae Young................................ 427 (A02, Wed) Kim, Tae-Yoon.................................. 904 (B06, Wed) Kim, Taeho...................................... 1132 (C02, Wed) Kim, Taewhan................................... 557 (A02, Wed) Kim, Y............................................... 1417 (H04, Tue) Kim, Yong-Hyun................................711 (B01, Wed) Kim, Yong-Tae................................1339 (H01, Wed) Kim, Youn-Geun.............................1313 (G02, Wed) Kim, Young Beom............................ 170 (A01, Wed) Kim, Young Jin................................. 160 (A01, Wed) Kim, Young-Jun................................ 534 (A02, Wed) Kim, Youngsik...................................25 (A01, Mon), .................................... 73 (A01, Tue), 86 (A01, Tue), ............................. 545 (A02, Wed), 547 (A02, Wed), ............................................................628 (A02, Thu)

Kim, Yu Seung.................................1231 (F02, Wed) Kim, Yunok....................................... 557 (A02, Wed) Kime, Brittany.....................................830 (B04, Tue) Kimijima, Ken’ichi........................... 925 (B07, Wed) Kimmel, Yannick.............................1959 (L09, Wed) Kimoto, Daiki...................................1354 (H01, Thu) Kimura, Isao...................................... 499 (A02, Wed) Kimura, Kento...................................2211 (Z01, Tue) Kimura, Mutsumi...............................907 (B07, Tue), ............................1008 (B08, Tue), 1018 (B08, Wed) Kimura, Yuta.....................................269 (A02, Mon) Kinaci, Alper.......288 (A02, Mon), 304 (A02, Mon), .............................. 373 (A02, Tue), 1981 (L10, Sun), ..........................................................2267 (Z02, Wed) Kindler, A............................................22 (A01, Mon) King, Graham.................................... 692 (A03, Wed) King, Paul........................................ 2298 (Z04, Mon) King, Sean......... 2284 (Z03, Wed), 2285 (Z03, Wed) Kingsley, A........................................ 937 (B07, Wed) Kink, Ilmar...................................... 1824 (L04, Mon) Kinnibrugh, Tiffany.......................... 164 (A01, Wed) Kinugasa, Junichiro........................ 1056 (C01, Wed) Kinzel, Edward................................2258 (Z02, Wed) Kippelen, Bernard...........................1283 (G01, Wed) Kiraly, Brian...................................... 895 (B06, Wed) Kirchschlager, Nicholas A................2190 (Z01, Tue) Kirillov, Oleg.................................... 1270 (G01, Tue) Kirk, Donald......................................1707 (L01, Tue) Kirkeminde, Alec................................908 (B07, Tue) Kirklin, Scott........655 (A02, Thu), 1800 (L03, Wed) Kirshenbaum, Kevin..........................641 (A02, Thu) Kirste, Lutz......................................1440 (H05, Mon) Kirtley, John.......................................190 (A01, Thu) Kisiel, Anna......1744 (L01, Wed), 2178 (M04, Wed) Kisielowski, Christian..................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Kiss, Istvan..........1730 (L01, Tue), 1734 (L01, Tue), ............................ 1735 (L01, Tue), 1745 (L01, Wed) Kitamura, Masahiko..........................1542 (I03, Tue) Kitamura, Takashi............................. 570 (A02, Wed) Kiyobayashi, Tetsu............................253 (A02, Mon) Kizu, Takio......................................1463 (H05, Wed) Kladko, V.........................................1429 (H04, Wed) Klauk, H..........................................1289 (G01, Wed) Klaus, Shannon...............................1307 (G02, Wed) Kleemeier, Walter...........................1364 (H03, Mon) Klein, Michael.................................... 314 (A02, Tue) Klein, Stanlei.................................. 2175 (M04, Wed) Kleiner, Karin.....................................613 (A02, Thu) Kleinsteinberg, Björn...................... 1766 (L03, Mon) Klett, Matilda............65 (A01, Tue), 609 (A02, Thu) Klie, Robert.......... 295 (A02, Mon), 327 (A02, Tue), ...............................376 (A02, Tue), 458 (A02, Wed), .............................. 467 (A02, Wed), 642 (A02, Thu), .........................................................1368 (H03, Mon) Kline, R............................................ 1270 (G01, Tue) Kloepsch, Richard.............................. 340 (A02, Tue) Kloes, Alexander.............................1289 (G01, Wed) Knauth, Philippe............................... 502 (A02, Wed) Knight, Chris................................... 1768 (L03, Mon) Knight, James..................................... 358 (A02, Tue) Knoche, Krysti................................ 1830 (L04, Mon) Knoll, Lars.......................................1366 (H03, Mon) Knudsen, Kristian.............................. 367 (A02, Tue) Ko, Dae Hong.................................1398 (H03, Wed) Kobayashi, Masaharu...................... 1325 (H01, Tue) Kobayashi, Masaki..........................2079 (M01, Tue) Kobayashi, Nagao...............................978 (B08, Tue) Kobayashi, Norihisa........................1928 (L06, Wed) Kobayashi, Yo....................................643 (A02, Thu) Kocha, Shyam....................................1486 (I01, Thu) Koda, Yasumasa..............................1399 (H03, Wed) Kodali, Goutham.............................. 1040 (B08, Thu) Kodama, Akio................................... 145 (A01, Wed) Koehler, Andrew.............................1433 (H05, Mon) Koenig, Gary...................................... 354 (A02, Tue) Koeppel, Brian..................................659 (A03, Mon)

Kogo, Yasuo......................................2184 (Z01, Tue) Kohl, Paul........... 2207 (Z01, Tue), 2282 (Z03, Wed) Köhler, Klaus..................................1440 (H05, Mon) Kohli, Punit....................................... 936 (B07, Wed) Kohno, Naoki..................................... 832 (B05, Thu) Koishybay, Aibolat............................274 (A02, Mon) Koji, Naoda.......................................1003 (B08, Tue) Kojima, Katsunori............................. 508 (A02, Wed) Kojima, Takahiko......839 (B05, Thu), 947 (B08, Mon) Kokubo, Ken.....................................821 (B04, Mon) Kolla, Praveen......... 448 (A02, Wed), 1964 (L09, Wed) Koller, Stefan..................................... 382 (A02, Tue), ................................409 (A02, Tue), 486 (A02, Wed) Kololuoma, Terho............................ 1272 (G01, Tue) Kolomys, O.....................................1476 (H05, Wed) Komanicky, Vladimir......................1935 (L08, Wed) Komirisetty, Archana........................1884 (L05, Tue) Komsiyska, Lidiya.............................605 (A02, Thu) Komvopoulos, Kyriakos.................... 410 (A02, Tue) Koncar, Michael................................1806 (L04, Sun) Kondo, Shunsuke........................... 2132 (M02, Wed) Kondo, Takashi................................2029 (L10, Wed) Kondo, Toshiaki................................ 932 (B07, Wed) Konishi, Hirokazu.............................1229 (F02, Tue) Konishi, Toshifumi.......................... 1332 (H01, Tue) Konwar, Dhrubajit............................. 681 (A03, Tue) Koo, Boram....................................... 175 (A01, Wed) Koo, Sangmo...................................1398 (H03, Wed) Koper, Marc......................................1843 (L04, Tue) Kopidakis, Nikos..............................771 (B03, Mon) Korgel, Brian.................................... 1035 (B08, Thu) Korin, Eli..........................................2020 (L10, Wed) Korsunska, N...................................1476 (H05, Wed) Kosemura, Daisuke........................1362 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1445 (H05, Mon) Koskey, Simon................................ 1073 (C01, Wed) Kostecki, Robert................................. 70 (A01, Tue), .............................. 233 (A02, Mon), 362 (A02, Tue), ..........................................................1938 (L08, Wed) Kosugi, Masahiro..............................1168 (E02, Tue) Kotani, Hiroaki..................................947 (B08, Mon) Kotomin, Eugene..............................1775 (L03, Tue) Kötz, Ruediger..................................1839 (L04, Tue) Koudoumas, E...................................1922 (L06, Tue) Koumura, Nagatoshi...........................907 (B07, Tue) Kovacs, Adalbert............................... 447 (A02, Wed) Kowalski, Jeffrey..............................660 (A03, Mon) Koyama, Michihisa...........................1617 (I05, Tue), ...........................................................2217 (Z01, Tue) Kozinsky, Boris................................. 498 (A02, Wed) Kozlova, Jekaterina........................... 881 (B06, Wed) Kraatz, Heinz-Bernhard....................1712 (L01, Tue) Kraemer, Yvonne.............................. 434 (A02, Wed) Kraft, Martin.................................... 1380 (H03, Tue) Kraft, Vadim....................................... 340 (A02, Tue) Kranti, Abhinav................................ 1329 (H01, Tue) Kranz, Tobias....................................2192 (Z01, Tue) Krause, Frederick........ 334 (A02, Tue), 640 (A02, Thu) Krause, Robert..................................1161 (E02, Tue) Kravchenko, Ivan............................. 1456 (H05, Tue) Kreller, Cortney.............................. 2139 (M02, Thu), .............................2168 (M04, Tue), 2240 (Z01, Tue) Krick Calderon, Rafael...................... 841 (B05, Thu) Krishnamoorthy, Sankarganesh......664 (A03, Mon), ........................................................... 704 (A03, Wed) Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan............1121 (C02, Tue) Krumdick, Gregory............................. 65 (A01, Tue), ..............................306 (A02, Mon), 452 (A02, Wed) Kruusenberg, Ivar........................... 1824 (L04, Mon) Kryshtab, T......................................1429 (H04, Wed) Kub, Francis....................................1443 (H05, Mon) Kub, Fritz........................................1433 (H05, Mon) Kubal, Joseph...................................... 81 (A01, Tue), ............................ 301 (A02, Mon), 1965 (L09, Wed) Kubiak, Pierre....................................647 (A02, Thu) Kubicek, Markus.............................. 1605 (I05, Mon)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Author................................................................Abs No.

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Kubo, Yoshimi.................................. 535 (A02, Wed) Kubota, Masaaki............................... 554 (A02, Wed) Kubota, Shigeru..............................2034 (L10, Wed), ........................... 2274 (Z02, Wed), 2277 (Z02, Wed) Kucernak, Anthony........................... 679 (A03, Tue), ...........................................................1659 (I06, Wed) Kucharski, Robert...........................1440 (H05, Mon) Kucharyson, Jonathan......................665 (A03, Mon), ...........................................................2241 (Z01, Tue) Kucko, Nathan..................................1574 (I03, Wed) Kuech, Thomas..............................1407 (H04, Mon), .......................................................... 1417 (H04, Tue) Kuenle, Matthias.............................. 1380 (H03, Tue) Kühl, Toni..........................................941 (B08, Mon) Kuhn, Alois........................................631 (A02, Thu) Kuhn, Luise...................................... 1612 (I05, Mon) Kulesza, Pawel...................................796 (B03, Tue), ............................. 884 (B06, Wed), 1538 (I02, Wed), ........................... 1645 (I05, Wed), 1752 (L01, Wed), .............................1908 (L06, Tue), 1999 (L10, Tue), .......................... 2018 (L10, Wed), 2118 (M02, Wed) Kumagai, Yuki.................................1354 (H01, Thu) Kumar, Ajal..................................... 1064 (C01, Wed) Kumar, Deepak................................1943 (L08, Wed) Kumar, Jitendra.................................. 394 (A02, Tue) Kumar, Narinder............................ 2130 (M02, Wed) Kumar, Prajwal......1269 (G01, Tue), 1280 (G01, Wed) Kumar, Ravi.........232 (A02, Mon), 972 (B08, Mon) Kumar, Siddhartha............................963 (B08, Mon) Kumbur, Emin.................................... 685 (A03, Tue) Kumta, Prashant.................................... 4 (A01, Sun), ......................................5 (A01, Sun), 11 (A01, Sun), .................................28 (A01, Mon), 46 (A01, Mon), .................................... 64 (A01, Tue), 87 (A01, Tue), ...........................................................2000 (L10, Tue) Kuncewicz, Joanna........................... 922 (B07, Wed) Kundu, Dipan..................................... 369 (A02, Tue) Kung, Chung-Wei............................ 163 (A01, Wed), .............................1911 (L06, Tue), 1920 (L06, Tue), ..........................................................1931 (L06, Wed) Kunikiyo, Toshiyuki....................... 1762 (L03, Mon) Kunimoto, Masahiro.........................1720 (L01, Tue) Kuno, Masaru.................................... 923 (B07, Wed) Kuo, Chun-Liang............................1478 (H05, Wed) Kuo, Mei-Chen..................................1596 (I03, Thu) Kuo, Yue.......................................... 1333 (H01, Tue), .......................... 1382 (H03, Wed), 1388 (H03, Wed) Kupietz, Kamil..................................951 (B08, Mon) Kuramoto, Hiroki............................1677 (K01, Wed) Kurig, Heisi.......................................1576 (I03, Wed) Kurishima, Kazunori......................1463 (H05, Wed) Kurmanbayeva, Indira.....................274 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 310 (A02, Tue) Kurochkin, Ilijya............................ 2133 (M02, Wed) Kuroda, Rihito... 1354 (H01, Thu), 1399 (H03, Wed) Kursten, Bruno................................ 1065 (C01, Wed) Kurtoglu, Abdullah..........................1875 (L04, Wed) Kusano, Kenichiro..........................1390 (H03, Wed) Kushima, Akihiro............................... 391 (A02, Tue) Kushiya, Tomofumi............................978 (B08, Tue) Kushnirenko, V. I............................1477 (H05, Wed) Kusoglu, Ahmet........1648 (I06, Tue), 2048 (L11, Wed) Kuss, Sabine.........1711 (L01, Tue), 1712 (L01, Tue) Kutner, Wlodzimierz........................2309 (Z04, Tue) Kuttiyiel, Kurian............................. 1814 (L04, Mon) Kutz, Robert....................................1234 (F02, Wed), ...............................1514 (I02, Tue), 1717 (L01, Tue) Kuwabata, Susumu........................... 924 (B07, Wed) Kuzuhara, Daiki........968 (B08, Mon), 1011 (B08, Tue) Kvarnström, Carita...........................1907 (L06, Tue) Kwack, Young-Jin...........................1191 (E02, Wed), ..........................................................1192 (E02, Wed) Kwak, Sang Kyu..............................1969 (L09, Wed) Kwak, Won-Jin..... 517 (A02, Wed), 537 (A02, Wed) Kwolek, Przemyslaw........................1905 (L06, Tue) Kwon, Bob Jin.................................. 562 (A02, Wed)

Kwon, Dohyoung............................1469 (H05, Wed) Kwon, Hyuk Kwon........................... 533 (A02, Wed) Kwon, Jiseok.......................................861 (B06, Tue) Kwon, Ki-Hyun.............................1383 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1384 (H03, Wed) Kwon, Kyoung-Cheol...................1383 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1384 (H03, Wed) Kwon, Osung...........23 (A01, Mon), 24 (A01, Mon) Kwon, Osung......1591 (I03, Wed), 2059 (L11, Wed) Kwon, So-Yeon................................. 584 (A02, Wed) Kwon, Young-Gil..............................275 (A02, Mon) Kyaw, Lwin Min.............................1466 (H05, Wed) Kyung, Kyuhong............................. 1142 (E01, Mon)

Le Bideau, Jean................................. 117 (A01, Wed) Le Caër, Sophie................................. 131 (A01, Wed) Le Gac, Stéphane............................ 1025 (B08, Wed) Le Maux, Paul...................................966 (B08, Mon) Le Roux, Barbara...............................636 (A02, Thu) Le Royer, Cyrille............................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1363 (H03, Mon) Le Thai, Mya..................................... 135 (A01, Wed) Lebedev, Oleg....................................636 (A02, Thu) Lechner, David..................................1163 (E02, Tue) Leclere, Melody................................. 335 (A02, Tue) Leddy, Johna....................................1789 (L03, Tue), ...........................1830 (L04, Mon), 2234 (Z01, Tue), ............................2238 (Z01, Tue), 2299 (Z04, Mon) Ledina, Maria..................................1313 (G02, Wed) Lee, Bongmook.............................. 2144 (M02, Thu), ......................................................... 2145 (M02, Thu) Lee, Chang Hwa............................. 1150 (E02, Mon) Lee, Chang Sun................................. 899 (B06, Wed) Lee, Chang Yeong............................. 904 (B06, Wed) Lee, Chang-Hee................................952 (B08, Mon) Lee, Czang-Ho................................1462 (H05, Wed) Lee, Dong Ha.....................................23 (A01, Mon), .............................1591 (I03, Wed), 2059 (L11, Wed) Lee, Dong-Ha......................................24 (A01, Mon) Lee, Dong-Ju..................................... 538 (A02, Wed) Lee, Dongryul.................................1318 (G02, Wed) Lee, Eunji..............80 (A01, Tue), 2141 (M02, Thu), ..........................2171 (M04, Tue), 2181 (M04, Wed) Lee, Geng-Yen................................. 1460 (H05, Tue) Lee, Ha-Young.................................. 176 (A01, Wed) Lee, Hee-Yoon.................................. 901 (B06, Wed) Lee, Heung Chan.............................. 427 (A02, Wed) Lee, Ho-Nyun........569 (A02, Wed), 2176 (M04, Wed) Lee, Ho-Teak.....................................245 (A02, Mon) Lee, Hyuna........................................ 903 (B06, Wed) Lee, J. J............................................. 1417 (H04, Tue) Lee, Jae-Young.................................. 594 (A02, Wed) Lee, Jeongyeon.... 553 (A02, Wed), 576 (A02, Wed) Lee, Ji-Hoon.................................... 1140 (E01, Mon) Lee, Jieun.............. 553 (A02, Wed), 576 (A02, Wed) Lee, Jim Yang....................................... 52 (A01, Tue) Lee, Jin Wook....................................1710 (L01, Tue) Lee, Jin Yul......................................1394 (H03, Wed) Lee, Jinwoo........................................628 (A02, Thu) Lee, Jong-hyuk.................................. 519 (A02, Wed) Lee, Joo-Hyeong............................... 540 (A02, Wed) Lee, Joong-Kee................................ 537 (A02, Wed), ................................553 (A02, Wed), 734 (B01, Thu) Lee, Ju-Myeung................................268 (A02, Mon) Lee, Jubong....................................... 485 (A02, Wed) Lee, Jun-Sik...................................... 1270 (G01, Tue) Lee, Jungmin..................................... 542 (A02, Wed) Lee, Ki-Tae........................................ 519 (A02, Wed) Lee, Kim............................................272 (A02, Mon) Lee, Kuan-Ting................................2072 (M01, Tue) Lee, Kwan-Soo................................1231 (F02, Wed) Lee, Lyman......................................1307 (G02, Wed) Lee, Mi-Soon....... 150 (A01, Wed), 152 (A01, Wed) Lee, Min Hyung............................... 569 (A02, Wed), .........................................................1318 (G02, Wed) Lee, Ming Lun.................................1966 (L09, Wed) Lee, Ming-Tsung..............................1796 (L03, Wed) Lee, Minhan......................................1920 (L06, Tue) Lee, Pooi See......1899 (L06, Mon), 1906 (L06, Tue) Lee, Rinus......................................... 1373 (H03, Tue) Lee, S...............................................1408 (H04, Mon) Lee, Sang Chul.................................2021 (L10, Wed) Lee, Sang-Kyu.................................. 534 (A02, Wed) Lee, Sang-Min................................... 561 (A02, Wed) Lee, Sanghoon.................................. 1374 (H03, Tue) Lee, Sanghyun................................... 187 (A01, Wed) Lee, Sangwoo.................................... 557 (A02, Wed) Lee, Seokhee...........80 (A01, Tue), 505 (A02, Wed), ..........................2141 (M02, Thu), 2171 (M04, Tue), ........................................................ 2181 (M04, Wed)


L L’Homme, Chloé..............................1712 (L01, Tue) Labbe, Christophe...........................1387 (H03, Wed) Laboutin, O...................................... 1457 (H05, Tue) Labrador, Natalie.............................1974 (L10, Sun), ..........................................................2036 (L10, Wed) Labuta, Jan....................................... 1036 (B08, Thu) Lachal, Marie..................................... 405 (A02, Tue) Lachman, Noa.....................................793 (B03, Tue) Lacroix, Jean Christophe................ 1896 (L06, Mon) Lado, Julio...........1210 (F02, Tue), 1241 (F02, Wed) Lagally, Max..................................... 895 (B06, Wed) Lagergren, Carina.............................1530 (I02, Wed) Lai, I-Hsien.......................................2266 (Z02, Wed) Lai, Mei Ying..................................1466 (H05, Wed) Lai, P. T............................................1350 (H01, Wed) Lai, Wei Chi.....................................1966 (L09, Wed) Lair, Virgine....................................2149 (M04, Mon) Läll, Laura........................................1742 (L01, Wed) LaLumondiere, S. D........................ 1417 (H04, Tue) Lam, Chiu.........................................1685 (K01, Thu) Lambdin, Nicole................................206 (A01, Thu) Lambert, Timothy.............................1223 (F02, Tue) Lamibrac, Adrien.............................1657 (I06, Wed), ............................................................1539 (I03, Tue) Lammers, Christian.........................1289 (G01, Wed) Lamy, Claude....................................1833 (L04, Tue) Lancaster, Fred..................................1893 (L05, Tue) Landau, Uziel....................................1224 (F02, Tue) Landgren, Jeffrey..............................1789 (L03, Tue) Landon, James..................................775 (B03, Mon), ............................. 1212 (F02, Tue), 1213 (F02, Tue), ...........................................................1214 (F02, Tue) Lanford, William..............................2285 (Z03, Wed) Langa, Fernando............................... 838 (B05, Thu), ......................................................... 1014 (B08, Wed) Lange, Norbert................................. 1037 (B08, Thu) Lange, William.................................1798 (L03, Wed) Langlois, Benjamin.............................802 (B03, Tue) Langlois, David..................................1539 (I03, Tue) Laramie, Sydney...............................666 (A03, Mon) Larcher, Dominique.......................... 478 (A02, Wed) Larsen, Dennis................................. 1499 (I02, Mon) Larsen, Jillian..................................1281 (G01, Wed) Lash, Timothy...................................950 (B08, Mon) Lasman, Itay..................................... 1094 (C01, Thu) Laszczynski, Nina............................. 493 (A02, Wed) Latos-Grazynski, Lechoslaw............951 (B08, Mon) Lau, Jason............ 1502 (I02, Mon), 1718 (L01, Tue) Lau, Sampson......................................44 (A01, Mon) Lauret, Jean-Sébastien.......................802 (B03, Tue), .............................................................804 (B03, Tue) Laursen, Anders.................................1494 (I01, Thu) Lavacchi, Alessandro.......................1240 (F02, Wed) Law, Mark....... 1412 (H04, Mon), 1434 (H05, Mon) Law, Matt..........................................2009 (L10, Tue) Lawder, Matthew.......236 (A02, Mon), 676 (A03, Tue) Lawrence, Adam................................640 (A02, Thu) Lazorenko, Galyna............................1738 (L01, Tue) Le, Nghiem........................................1731 (L01, Tue) Le, Thang...........................................201 (A01, Thu) Le, Thuong........................................1731 (L01, Tue)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Lee, Seon-Hwa.................................. 532 (A02, Wed) Lee, Seong Beom..............................668 (A03, Mon) Lee, Seonhee..................................... 485 (A02, Wed) Lee, Seung Whan............................ 1208 (F02, Mon) Lee, Seung Woo....219 (A01, Thu), 2237 (Z01, Tue) Lee, Shiwoo..........212 (A01, Thu), 1629 (I05, Wed) Lee, So Young....................................1547 (I03, Tue) Lee, So-Yeon................................... 1140 (E01, Mon) Lee, Sohee.........................................2205 (Z01, Tue) Lee, Sudarat........2042 (L10, Thu), 2263 (Z02, Wed) Lee, Suk Joong................................ 1028 (B08, Wed) Lee, Suk Woo....... 456 (A02, Wed), 476 (A02, Wed) Lee, Suk-Hyun....................................311 (A02, Tue) Lee, Tae-Kuen.................................1465 (H05, Wed) Lee, Taejoo........................................ 596 (A02, Wed) Lee, Ui-Hyoung............................... 1381 (H03, Tue) Lee, Wen Chao..................................... 73 (A01, Tue) Lee, Won Yeol................................... 533 (A02, Wed) Lee, Wontae....................................... 557 (A02, Wed) Lee, Yeol-hyeong............................1465 (H05, Wed) Lee, Yong Min.................................. 592 (A02, Wed), .............................. 596 (A02, Wed), 598 (A02, Wed) Lee, Yoon Ji.......................................245 (A02, Mon) Lee, Youngmin..................................1974 (L10, Sun) Lee, Yueh-Lin.....................................1614 (I05, Tue) Lee, Yujin........................................1318 (G02, Wed) Lee, Yun Jung........511 (A02, Wed), 899 (B06, Wed) Lee, Yunju............ 596 (A02, Wed), 598 (A02, Wed) Lefèvre, Florent...............................2104 (M02, Tue), ..........................................................2166 (M04, Tue) Lefler, Matthew...................................43 (A01, Mon) Leggesse, Ermias Girma.................... 412 (A02, Tue) Leguizamon, Samuel........................ 110 (A01, Wed) Lehmusto, Juho.............................. 1057 (C01, Wed), ......................................................... 1112 (C02, Mon) Lehninger, D....................................1385 (H03, Wed) Lei, Wen...........................................2272 (Z02, Wed) Leibl, Winfried................................. 1039 (B08, Thu) Leifer, K............................................. 937 (B07, Wed) Leijonmarck, Simon........................ 527 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 582 (A02, Wed) Leite, Edson......................................1970 (L09, Wed) Lejeune, Michael.............................. 478 (A02, Wed) Lenardt, Christian.............................. 382 (A02, Tue) Leng, Xue.........................................1860 (L04, Wed) Lengyel, Miklos...257 (A02, Mon), 455 (A02, Wed) Leobandung, Effendi......................1360 (H03, Mon) Leocmach, Mathieu.......................... 115 (A01, Wed) Léonard, François.............................778 (B03, Mon) Leonard, Nathaniel............................1579 (I03, Wed) Leonelli, Richard.................................859 (B06, Tue) Leones, R...........1898 (L06, Mon), 2293 (Z03, Wed) LeSuer, Robert..................................1877 (L05, Tue) Letiche, Manon...................................31 (A01, Mon) Leu, Yow-An..................................... 182 (A01, Wed) Lévesque, Pierre..........859 (B06, Tue), 895 (B06, Wed) Levi, Carlos.......................................1125 (C02, Tue) Levi, Marinella................................ 1141 (E01, Mon) Levi, Mikhael....................................... 71 (A01, Tue) Levi, Naomi......................................953 (B08, Mon) Lewera, Adam..........1809 (L04, Sun), 1810 (L04, Sun) Lewerenz, Hans.............................1304 (G02, Wed), .........................................................1306 (G02, Wed) Lewerenz, Meinert............................... 68 (A01, Tue) Lewinski, Krzysztof........................1234 (F02, Wed), ..............................1514 (I02, Tue), 1717 (L01, Tue), ...........................................................1948 (L09, Tue) Lewis, Christopher..............................908 (B07, Tue) Lewis, Connor...................................... 57 (A01, Tue) Lewis, Nathan................................. 1295 (G02, Tue), ......................... 1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed), ........................... 1751 (L01, Wed), 1975 (L10, Sun), ........................... 2019 (L10, Wed), 2027 (L10, Wed) Lewtak, Jan.........................................979 (B08, Tue) Lherron, Benoit...............................1363 (H03, Mon) Lhoták, Pavel...................................1688 (K01, Thu)

Li, Bin...............................................659 (A03, Mon), ............................... 661 (A03, Mon), 684 (A03, Tue) Li, Bingyun.......................................290 (A02, Mon) Li, Dongguo..........1550 (I03, Tue), 1838 (L04, Tue) Li, Fang-Fang...... 1502 (I02, Mon), 1718 (L01, Tue) Li, Guicun......................................... 1303 (G02, Tue) Li, Guojun.............. 189 (A01, Thu), 611 (A02, Thu) Li, Hao-Yu..........1769 (L03, Mon), 2196 (Z01, Tue) Li, Hengyi..............1552 (I03, Tue), 1575 (I03, Wed) Li, Jian.............................................. 1323 (H01, Tue) Li, Jiangtian.......1985 (L10, Mon), 2017 (L10, Wed) Li, Jiangyang..................................... 443 (A02, Wed) Li, Jiangyu............510 (A02, Wed), 1642 (I05, Wed) Li, Jianlin..............229 (A02, Mon), 552 (A02, Wed) Li, Jie.................... 256 (A02, Mon), 1600 (I03, Thu) Li, Jing...................50 (A01, Mon), 261 (A02, Mon), ............................ 956 (B08, Mon), 1285 (G01, Wed) Li, Jinghua...........................................808 (B03, Tue) Li, Jingkun........................................1236 (F02, Wed) Li, Jinhui............................................1228 (F02, Tue) Li, Ju................................................... 391 (A02, Tue) Li, Juntao.........................................1363 (H03, Mon) Li, Liang-shi....................................... 735 (B01, Thu) Li, Liangliang................................... 1092 (C01, Thu) Li, Lin................................................ 429 (A02, Wed) Li, Ling.................. 891 (B06, Wed), 1600 (I03, Thu) Li, Liu................................................272 (A02, Mon) Li, Longqiu.......2091 (M02, Mon), 2107 (M02, Tue) Li, Luping...........1365 (H03, Mon), 2206 (Z01, Tue) Li, Na..................................................191 (A01, Thu) Li, Nan............................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Li, Ping.................784 (B03, Mon), 1590 (I03, Wed) Li, Qiqi............................................... 735 (B01, Thu) Li, Quan..................125 (A01, Wed), 397 (A02, Tue) Li, Rui............................................... 1330 (H01, Tue) Li, Shibin.........................................1389 (H03, Wed) Li, Suiqiong..................................... 2146 (M02, Thu) Li, Tianlong......2091 (M02, Mon), 2107 (M02, Tue) Li, Un-An..........................................1178 (E02, Tue) Li, Wei-Che......................................2270 (Z02, Wed) Li, Weishan........................................ 147 (A01, Wed) Li, Wenting........................................ 518 (A02, Wed) Li, Wenyuan.......................................1618 (I05, Tue) Li, Wenzhen.......... 739 (B01, Thu), 1584 (I03, Wed) Li, Wenzhen...... 1204 (F02, Mon), 1788 (L03, Tue), ............................. 1808 (L04, Sun), 1951 (L09, Tue) Li, Xianglin.........................................41 (A01, Mon) Li, Xiaolin.............................................. 3 (A01, Sun) Li, Xue..................124 (A01, Wed), 663 (A03, Mon) Li, Yan......................79 (A01, Tue), 221 (A01, Thu), ...............................401 (A02, Tue), 459 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 489 (A02, Wed) Li, Ying.................2190 (Z01, Tue), 2199 (Z01, Tue) Li, Yingshun.....................................271 (A02, Mon), ................................347 (A02, Tue), 491 (A02, Wed) Li, Yue................................................16 (A01, Mon), ..............................355 (A02, Tue), 1932 (L08, Wed) Li, Yuning......................................... 1273 (G01, Tue) Li, Yunming....................................... 696 (A03, Wed) Li, Yunsong.......................................1588 (I03, Wed) Li, Zhe-Fei............. 634 (A02, Thu), 653 (A02, Thu), ...............................658 (A02, Thu), 876 (B06, Wed), ................................ 1557 (I03, Tue), 1558 (I03, Tue) Li, Zhilin............................................2187 (Z01, Tue) Li, Zhongda...................................... 1450 (H05, Tue) Liang, Chengdu................................. 506 (A02, Wed) Liang, Jin-Kun................................1478 (H05, Wed) Liang, Linyun.................................... 531 (A02, Wed) Liang, Richard.....................................48 (A01, Mon) Liang, Tao........................................ 1763 (L03, Mon) Liang, Xinhua..........449 (A02, Wed), 2215 (Z01, Tue), ............................ 2216 (Z01, Tue), 2255 (Z02, Wed) Liang, Xuehai..................................1313 (G02, Wed) Liang, Yung C.................................. 1423 (H04, Tue) Liang, Yung-Yung............................2072 (M01, Tue) Liang, Zhuojian....... 125 (A01, Wed), 1858 (L04, Wed)

Liao, Chen...............322 (A02, Tue), 342 (A02, Tue) Liao, Daqian....................................... 399 (A02, Tue) Liao, Xiao-Zhen........518 (A02, Wed), 1560 (I03, Wed) Liaw, Bor Yann................................. 698 (A03, Wed) Licht, Stuart........................................43 (A01, Mon), ............................. 1502 (I02, Mon), 1718 (L01, Tue) Lichtenstein, Timothy.......................226 (A01, Thu), ............................1697 (L01, Mon), 2244 (Z01, Tue) Lichterman, Michael....................... 1295 (G02, Tue), .......................... 1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed) Liebig, Gerd.......................................605 (A02, Thu) Lim, Byung-Beom........................... 541 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 543 (A02, Wed) Lim, Cheolwoong............................... 73 (A01, Tue), .................................86 (A01, Tue), 173 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 545 (A02, Wed) Lim, Dong-Hee................................1862 (L04, Wed) Lim, Gary........................................... 835 (B05, Thu) Lim, Hana...........569 (A02, Wed), 2176 (M04, Wed) Lim, Hee-Dae....................................300 (A02, Mon) Lim, Hyung-Tae............................... 160 (A01, Wed), ............................... 213 (A01, Thu), 597 (A02, Wed) Lim, Michael................................... 2145 (M02, Thu) Lim, Poh Chong..............................1466 (H05, Wed) Lim, Tae Hoon.................................1195 (E02, Wed) Lima, Lucas...................................... 1327 (H01, Tue) Limanovskaya, Oksana....................1736 (L01, Tue) Lin, Chao-Sung.......1097 (C01, Thu), 1099 (C01, Thu) Lin, Chi-Kai..............60 (A01, Tue), 638 (A02, Thu) Lin, Ching-Wei................................... 752 (B02, Thu) Lin, Ching-Yao................................ 1015 (B08, Wed) Lin, Chyun-Yaw...............................1242 (F02, Wed) Lin, Guangyu.................................... 682 (A03, Tue), .................................686 (A03, Tue), 690 (A03, Tue) Lin, Jeng-Yu......................................208 (A01, Thu), ........................... 2023 (L10, Wed), 2031 (L10, Wed) Lin, Jiang-Jen.................................... 182 (A01, Wed) Lin, Jingyu........................................ 1446 (H05, Tue) Lin, Jyi-Tsong.................................1343 (H01, Wed) Lin, Long......................................... 1904 (L06, Mon) Lin, Lu-Yin.........182 (A01, Wed), 2038 (L10, Wed),

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

........................... 2039 (L10, Wed), 2040 (L10, Wed) Lin, Ruei........................................... 1100 (C01, Thu) Lin, Xi.................................................214 (A01, Thu) Lin, Yan-Gu.......................................2010 (L10, Tue) Lin, Yang-Shan.................................. 564 (A02, Wed) Linardi, Marcelo............................. 1209 (F02, Mon) Lincot, Daniel..........1170 (E02, Tue), 1316 (G02, Wed) Lind, Aaron....................................1405 (H04, Mon), ......................... 1410 (H04, Mon), 1412 (H04, Mon) Lindberg, Jonas................................. 560 (A02, Wed) Lindbergh, Göran............................. 522 (A02, Wed), ............................. 527 (A02, Wed), 560 (A02, Wed), ............................... 582 (A02, Wed), 1530 (I02, Wed Lindgren, Fredrik..............................238 (A02, Mon) Lindman, Anders...............................1780 (L03, Tue) Linehan, K......................................... 937 (B07, Wed) Ling, Chen................1 (A01, Sun), 1311 (G02, Wed) Ling, Yan.......................................... 1052 (B08, Thu) Ling, Zheng............ 792 (B03, Tue), 886 (B06, Wed) Lingley, Z. R.................................... 1417 (H04, Tue) Liou, Guey-Sheng.............................1919 (L06, Tue) Lippert, Cameron..............................775 (B03, Mon) Lipson, Albert..................................... 342 (A02, Tue) Liška, Alan.......................................1688 (K01, Thu) Liske, Romy......................................1161 (E02, Tue) Liso, Vincenzo..................................... 78 (A01, Tue) Little, R. Daniel................................1685 (K01, Thu) Liu, Amy........................................... 1370 (H03, Tue) Liu, Bin...............................................1494 (I01, Thu) Liu, Caihong..................................... 691 (A03, Wed), .............................. 694 (A03, Wed), 697 (A03, Wed) Liu, Chenguang.................................1804 (L04, Sun) Liu, Chu-Chi.....................................1164 (E02, Tue) Liu, Chung-Chiun............................2167 (M04, Tue) 197

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Liu, Danny..........................................649 (A02, Thu) Liu, Dawei.......................................... 353 (A02, Tue) Liu, Di-Jia...............45 (A01, Mon), 2208 (Z01, Tue) Liu, Dong.......................................... 128 (A01, Wed) Liu, Fuqiang...................................... 128 (A01, Wed) Liu, Gao................ 291 (A02, Mon), 344 (A02, Tue), ............................. 475 (A02, Wed), 513 (A02, Wed), ..........................................................2057 (L11, Wed) Liu, Guan-Hung................................ 484 (A02, Wed) Liu, Guohua........902 (B06, Wed), 1475 (H05, Wed) Liu, Guokun.................................... 1150 (E02, Mon) Liu, Hao............................................. 125 (A01, Wed) Liu, Hui................. 395 (A02, Tue), 2204 (Z01, Tue) Liu, Jiangwen....................................2204 (Z01, Tue) Liu, Jie.................................................808 (B03, Tue) Liu, Jingjun.......................................1804 (L04, Sun), ..............................2187 (Z01, Tue), 2188 (Z01, Tue) Liu, Jinhuai........................................ 441 (A02, Wed) Liu, Jinyun......................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Liu, Jun.......................3 (A01, Sun), 318 (A02, Tue), ...............................420 (A02, Wed), 684 (A03, Tue), .............................703 (A03, Wed), 1152 (E02, Mon) Liu, Kunlei.......... 775 (B03, Mon), 1212 (F02, Tue), .............................. 1213 (F02, Tue), 1214 (F02, Tue) Liu, Lin..................286 (A02, Mon), 1621 (I05, Tue) Liu, Miao..........................................1793 (L03, Wed) Liu, Mingjie........................................1519 (I02, Tue) Liu, Ning..........................................1960 (L09, Wed) Liu, Ping.......................................... 1814 (L04, Mon) Liu, Qi..................... 634 (A02, Thu), 658 (A02, Thu) Liu, Qing......... 1363 (H03, Mon), 1364 (H03, Mon) Liu, Shiben........1409 (H04, Mon), 1420 (H04, Tue) Liu, Shuzhi....................................... 1502 (I02, Mon) Liu, Tianbiao..........420 (A02, Wed), 688 (A03, Tue) Liu, Tianyuan........219 (A01, Thu), 2237 (Z01, Tue) Liu, Wei.............................................2308 (Z04, Tue) Liu, Xiao.......................................... 1144 (E01, Mon) Liu, Xingbo..........195 (A01, Thu), 290 (A02, Mon), ............................... 544 (A02, Wed), 1618 (I05, Tue) Liu, Yadong............ 634 (A02, Thu), 658 (A02, Thu) Liu, Yanchun.....................................1175 (E02, Tue) Liu, Yi..............................................1466 (H05, Wed) Liu, Yifan...........................................1734 (L01, Tue) Liu, Yihang........................................307 (A02, Mon) Liu, Yihua......... 1188 (E02, Wed), 1935 (L08, Wed), ........................... 1959 (L09, Wed), 1962 (L09, Wed) Liu, Ying.............. 617 (A02, Thu), 2301 (Z04, Mon) Liu, Yongxun.................................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Liu, Yuanyue......................................1519 (I02, Tue) Liu, Yunfei........................................ 1330 (H01, Tue) Liu, Yung-way...................................1721 (L01, Tue) Liu, Yuyu................ 1520 (I02, Tue), 1527 (I02, Tue) Liu, Yuzi............................................ 550 (A02, Wed) Liu, Zengcai....................................1234 (F02, Wed), ...............................1514 (I02, Tue), 1717 (L01, Tue) Liu, Zhao........................................... 548 (A02, Wed) Liu, Zhaolin.......................................... 52 (A01, Tue) Liu, Zhongwei................................... 710 (B01, Wed) Liu, Ziyang....................................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Livi, Sebastien.................................... 335 (A02, Tue) Liyanage, Thilanga.......................... 1267 (G01, Tue) Liyanage, Wipula.............................2258 (Z02, Wed) Llordes, Anna.................................. 1895 (L06, Mon) Lloyd, Ralph......................................661 (A03, Mon) Lo, C.-F............................................. 1457 (H05, Tue) Lo, Yu-Chun.....................................2072 (M01, Tue) Lobo, Hyacintha................................ 885 (B06, Wed) Locritani, Mirko............................... 1035 (B08, Thu) Lodge, V...........................................2273 (Z02, Wed) Lofland, Samuel................................1876 (L05, Tue) Loh, Wei Yip.................................... 1373 (H03, Tue) Loiseau, Annick..................................859 (B06, Tue) Londono, J.-David............................661 (A03, Mon) Long, Brandon..........67 (A01, Tue), 360 (A02, Tue) Long, Du Hoang............................... 588 (A02, Wed)

Long, Jeffrey............375 (A02, Tue), 1144 (E01, Mon), ............................1574 (I03, Wed), 1702 (L01, Mon) Long, Kevin...................................... 468 (A02, Wed) Loo, Roger.......................................1359 (H03, Mon) Loong, Brandon............................... 1498 (I02, Mon) Lopes, Pietro.....................................1843 (L04, Tue) Lopez, Carlos.....................................604 (A02, Thu) Lopez, Carmen...................................647 (A02, Thu) Lopez, Juan..................................... 1060 (C01, Wed) López del Amo, Juan Miguel........... 503 (A02, Wed) López Varo, P..................................1259 (G01, Mon) López-Pérez, Ana............................ 1017 (B08, Wed) Lordi, Vincenzo.........234 (A02, Mon), 460 (A02, Wed) Lorrmann, Henning.........................2050 (L11, Wed) Lotfi, Roghayyeh...............................1595 (I03, Thu) Lotshaw, W. T................................... 1417 (H04, Tue) Lottin, Olivier....................................1539 (I03, Tue), ...............................1541 (I03, Tue), 1657 (I06, Wed) Lou, Jun..............................................1519 (I02, Tue) Loubet, Nicolas..............................1363 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1364 (H03, Mon) Louloudakis, D..................................1922 (L06, Tue) Loup, Virginie.................................1361 (H03, Mon) Lovander, Matthew...........................2238 (Z01, Tue) Lovell, Sott....................................... 1046 (B08, Thu) Lu, C. E............................................. 154 (A01, Wed) Lu, Darsen.......................................1364 (H03, Mon) Lu, Dongping.................................... 425 (A02, Wed) Lu, Guifen.........................................956 (B08, Mon) Lu, Hsin-Che..................................... 762 (B02, Thu), .............................1911 (L06, Tue), 1920 (L06, Tue), ..........................................................1931 (L06, Wed) Lu, Huiran......................................... 582 (A02, Wed) Lu, Jianping...................................... 1272 (G01, Tue) Lu, Jin.............................................. 1700 (L01, Mon) Lu, Jun..................457 (A02, Wed), 511 (A02, Wed), ............................. 517 (A02, Wed), 532 (A02, Wed), .............................. 539 (A02, Wed), 540 (A02, Wed) Lu, K..................................................1165 (E02, Tue) Lu, Li.................................................272 (A02, Mon) Lu, Meihua........................................... 52 (A01, Tue) Lu, Peng................ 232 (A02, Mon), 344 (A02, Tue) Lu, Rongteng..................................... 902 (B06, Wed) Lu, Shih-Yuan..................................2072 (M01, Tue) Lu, Wenquan....................................301 (A02, Mon), .............................. 302 (A02, Mon), 417 (A02, Tue), .................................590 (A02, Wed), 606 (A02, Thu Lu, Wu.............................................. 1422 (H04, Tue) Lu, Xia..............................................282 (A02, Mon), ............................... 309 (A02, Mon), 352 (A02, Tue) Lu, Xing..............................................831 (B04, Tue) Lu, Yi................................................1182 (E02, Wed) Lu, Yi-Chun...................................... 125 (A01, Wed), ............................ 293 (A02, Mon), 1858 (L04, Wed) Lu, Yu-Peng.........1230 (F02, Tue), 2268 (Z02, Wed) Lu, Zhi................................................657 (A02, Thu) Luais, E................................................26 (A01, Mon) Lubner, Cara.................................... 2298 (Z04, Mon) Lubyshev, Dmitri............................. 1370 (H03, Tue) Lucatero, Savidra.............................1248 (F04, Tue), .............................. 1251 (F04, Tue), 1254 (F04, Tue) Lucht, Brett......................................... 336 (A02, Tue) Lucio, Anthony................................1937 (L08, Wed) Lüder, Johann....................................1000 (B08, Tue) Ludvík, Jiří........ 1678 (K01, Wed), 1688 (K01, Thu) Lui, Renxuan........................................ 57 (A01, Tue) Lukatskaya, Maria............................202 (A01, Thu), ................................792 (B03, Tue), 2235 (Z01, Tue) Lungerich, Dominik..........................970 (B08, Mon) Luntz, Alan......................................... 367 (A02, Tue) Luo, Chao..........................................250 (A02, Mon) Luo, Haifeng......................................625 (A02, Thu) Luo, Heng...........................................214 (A01, Thu) Luo, Hongfu........................................908 (B07, Tue) Luo, Hongmei...... 487 (A02, Wed), 516 (A02, Wed) Luo, Long........................................ 1704 (L01, Mon)

Luo, Qingtao.....................................661 (A03, Mon) Luo, Xiangyi..................................... 532 (A02, Wed) Luong, Gia Vinh..............................1366 (H03, Mon) Luopa, Sean..........1717 (L01, Tue), 1948 (L09, Tue) Lupo, Christian.................................. 103 (A01, Wed) Lupo, Donald......................................995 (B08, Tue) Lust, Enn...........................................1559 (I03, Tue), ........................... 1576 (I03, Wed), 1740 (L01, Wed), ........................... 1741 (L01, Wed), 1742 (L01, Wed) Luysberg, Martina...........................1433 (H05, Mon) Lv, Hongfei.....................................1338 (H01, Wed) Lv, Pengpeng.....................................2223 (Z01, Tue) Lv, Xiaojing......................................1929 (L06, Wed) Lvov, Serguei................................. 1062 (C01, Wed), ........................... 1063 (C01, Wed), 1219 (F02, Tue), ............................................................1595 (I03, Thu) Lvovich, Vadim................................. 448 (A02, Wed) Lyalin, Andrey................................. 1829 (L04, Mon) Lynch, Robert....... 123 (A01, Wed), 126 (A01, Wed) Lyness, Christopher.......................... 461 (A02, Wed) Lyon, Jacob........1789 (L03, Tue), 2299 (Z04, Mon) Lyonnard, Sandrine........................... 335 (A02, Tue), ............................................................1649 (I06, Tue) Lytken, Ole........................................961 (B08, Mon) Lyu, Chao..........................................1664 (I06, Wed)


M Ma, Chaoxiong.................................2097 (M02, Tue) Ma, Cheng......................................... 506 (A02, Wed) Ma, Jian-Xin......................................1589 (I03, Wed) Ma, Jingjing..........518 (A02, Wed), 1560 (I03, Wed) Ma, Jiwei..............287 (A02, Mon), 581 (A02, Wed) Ma, Lin............................................... 317 (A02, Tue) Ma, Luyao........................................2263 (Z02, Wed) Ma, Song...........................................1587 (I03, Wed) Ma, Xuedan............. 803 (B03, Tue), 805 (B03, Tue) Ma, Ying.............................................633 (A02, Thu) Ma, Zhong......................................... 429 (A02, Wed) Ma, Zi-Feng..................................... 429 (A02, Wed), ..............................518 (A02, Wed), 1560 (I03, Wed) Maaza, Malik...................................2262 (Z02, Wed) Máca, Josef........................................ 140 (A01, Wed) Macciò, Daniele....... 1568 (I03, Wed), 1586 (I03, Wed) Macdonald, Digby.......................... 1065 (C01, Wed) MacDougall, Barry...........................1243 (F04, Tue) MacDowell, Alastair...........................27 (A01, Mon) Macedo, Daniel................................2257 (Z02, Wed) Macedo, Nadia....................................794 (B03, Tue) MacFarlane, Douglas.......................... 95 (A01, Wed) Machida, Katsuyuki......................... 1332 (H01, Tue) Machuca, Francisco........................1444 (H05, Mon) Mack, John..........................................998 (B08, Tue) Mackeyev, Yuri.................................. 767 (B02, Thu) Maclaren, Scott.................................769 (B03, Mon) Macomber, Clay.................................1599 (I03, Thu) Madejak, Joanna............................ 2178 (M04, Wed) Madkikar, Pankaj..............................1834 (L04, Tue) Maeda, Hiromitsu.............................957 (B08, Mon) Maeda, Kazuhiko............................. 1611 (I05, Mon) Magagnin, Luca.................................51 (A01, Mon), ..........................1134 (E01, Mon), 1139 (E01, Mon), ..........................1141 (E01, Mon), 1142 (E01, Mon), ..........................1282 (G01, Wed), 2127 (M02, Wed) Maggini, Michele.............................. 885 (B06, Wed) Magna, Gabriele................................940 (B08, Mon) Magnussen, Olaf............................ 1145 (E02, Mon), ..........................................................1747 (L01, Wed) Magnusson, Lauren...........................1490 (I01, Thu) Magon, C. J......................................2292 (Z03, Wed) Magrini, Andrea................................1719 (L01, Tue) Mahabaduge, Hasitha....................... 714 (B01, Wed) Mahammed, Atif..............................953 (B08, Mon), .............................954 (B08, Mon), 1963 (L09, Wed) Mahdavifar, Alireza.......................2094 (M02, Mon) Mahlendorf, Falko............................270 (A02, Mon) Mahmoodi, Seyed Reza....................1665 (I06, Wed) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Mahmoud, Khaled............................ 886 (B06, Wed) Maho, Anthony................................1927 (L06, Wed) Mahy, Jean-Pierre............................ 1051 (B08, Thu) Maier, Joachim................................ 1608 (I05, Mon), .............................1775 (L03, Tue), 2045 (L11, Wed) Maier, Wiebke......... 1238 (F02, Wed), 1489 (I01, Thu), ..............................1561 (I03, Wed), 1562 (I03, Wed) Maillard, Frederic.............................1541 (I03, Tue), ......................................................... 1822 (L04, Mon) Maillard, Philippe............................ 1048 (B08, Thu) Mailley, Pascal....................................... 8 (A01, Sun) Maiti, Spandan....................................28 (A01, Mon) Maître, Philippe................................. 131 (A01, Wed) Maitrejean, Sylvain........................1363 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1364 (H03, Mon) Majedi, Fatemeh Sadat...................... 765 (B02, Thu) Majesté, Jean-Charles....................... 115 (A01, Wed) Makarov, Alexander........................1397 (H03, Wed) Makel, Darby...................................2167 (M04, Tue) Makgopa, Katlego.............................. 746 (B01, Thu) Maki, Hideshi......................................18 (A01, Mon) Makiyama, Hideki........................... 1325 (H01, Tue) Maksymiuk, Krzysztof...................1744 (L01, Wed), .........................2165 (M04, Tue), 2177 (M04, Wed), ........................................................ 2178 (M04, Wed) Malacrida, Paolo............................ 1820 (L04, Mon), ..........................................................2016 (L10, Wed) Maldonado, Stephen......................1314 (G02, Wed), ............................ 1725 (L01, Tue), 2042 (L10, Thu), .......................... 2263 (Z02, Wed), 2264 (Z02, Wed), ..........................................................2286 (Z03, Wed) Maleeva, Marina............................. 1077 (C01, Wed) Maleville, Christophe..................... 1322 (H01, Tue), .........................................................1361 (H03, Mon) Mali, Kunal..................................... 1030 (B08, Wed) Malic, Ermin.......................................802 (B03, Tue) Malik, Kasim........1886 (L05, Tue), 2219 (Z01, Tue) Malkhandi, Souradip.........................39 (A01, Mon), ........................................................... 142 (A01, Wed) Mallajosyula, Arun Tej..................... 716 (B01, Wed) Mallik, Abhijit.......1335 (H01, Wed), 1338 (H01, Wed) Mallin, Daniel..................................2172 (M04, Tue) Mamba, B.......... 722 (B01, Wed), 2157 (M04, Mon) Mamontov, Eugene............................ 733 (B01, Thu) Mamun, Kabir................................. 1064 (C01, Wed) Man, Tran.............. 201 (A01, Thu), 437 (A02, Wed) Manalastas, William......................... 503 (A02, Wed) Manceriu, Laura......1902 (L06, Mon), 1916 (L06, Tue) Mandler, Daniel...............................2061 (M01, Tue) Mandoj, Federica..............................955 (B08, Mon) Mane, Anil......................................... 602 (A02, Wed) Manerbino, Anthony........................ 1501 (I02, Mon) Maness, Pin-Ching.............................1490 (I01, Thu) Manfredi, Anita.................................2195 (Z01, Tue) Manickam, Pandiaraj.......................2111 (M02, Tue) Manini, Matheus.............................1346 (H01, Wed) Manivannan, A.............4 (A01, Sun), 11 (A01, Sun), .................................. 39 (A01, Mon), 72 (A01, Tue), ........................................................... 142 (A01, Wed) Manivannnan, Ayyakkannu................... 2 (A01, Sun) Manka, Daniel....................................644 (A02, Thu) Manke, Ingo......................................1576 (I03, Wed) Mann, Megan...................................1799 (L03, Wed) Manneville, Sebastien....................... 115 (A01, Wed) Mannix, Andrew............................... 895 (B06, Wed) Manohar, Aswin K........................... 142 (A01, Wed), .............................670 (A03, Mon), 673 (A03, Mon), ................................683 (A03, Tue), 702 (A03, Wed) Manowong, Machima.........................988 (B08, Tue) Manser, Joseph................................ 1987 (L10, Mon) Manthiram, Arumugam.................... 314 (A02, Tue), ................................320 (A02, Tue), 358 (A02, Tue), ..............................349 (A02, Tue), 1817 (L04, Mon) Manthiram, Karthish..........................1522 (I02, Tue) Mantl, Siegfried..............................1366 (H03, Mon) Maran, Flavio..................................1682 (K01, Wed)

Maranas, Janna................................ 1763 (L03, Mon) Marandi, Margus............................... 881 (B06, Wed) Maranzana, Gael...............................1539 (I03, Tue), ...............................1541 (I03, Tue), 1657 (I06, Wed) Marbach, Hubertus...........................961 (B08, Mon) Marcinek, Marek.................................411 (A02, Tue) Marciniuk, Gustavo.......................... 727 (B01, Wed) Marcotte, Nathalie........................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Marcus, Philippe................................ 396 (A02, Tue) Maréchal, Jean-Didier..................... 1051 (B08, Thu) Margulies, Eric....................................914 (B07, Tue) Maria, Sebastien................................2228 (Z01, Tue) Maria Joseph, Helen..........................35 (A01, Mon), ...........................................................241 (A02, Mon) Mariage, Nicolas............................... 478 (A02, Wed) Maric, Radenka.... 191 (A01, Thu), 495 (A02, Wed), ............................ 1207 (F02, Mon), 1546 (I03, Tue), ..........................................................2170 (M04, Tue) Mariniello, Genaro..........................1467 (H05, Wed) Marino, Cyril...........338 (A02, Tue), 652 (A02, Thu) Marinov, O......................................1259 (G01, Mon) Marken, Frank..................................1967 (L09, Wed) Markovic, Nenad..............................1550 (I03, Tue), .............................1836 (L04, Tue), 1838 (L04, Tue), ..............................1843 (L04, Tue), 1945 (L09, Tue) Marks, Ewelina.................................1645 (I05, Wed) Markus, Isaac........296 (A02, Mon), 656 (A02, Thu) Markus, Torsten................................1119 (C02, Tue) Marley, Peter...................................1368 (H03, Mon) Marnellos, George............................1537 (I02, Wed) Marquez, Andres............................. 1086 (C01, Wed) Marquez, Carlos..............................1344 (H01, Wed) Marrani, Alessio.............................. 1134 (E01, Mon) Marsal, Lluis...................................1263 (G01, Mon) Marschilok, Amy........385 (A02, Tue), 398 (A02, Tue), ................................ 637 (A02, Thu), 641 (A02, Thu) Marshak, Michael.............................. 687 (A03, Tue) Martel, Richard................................780 (B03, Mon), ................................ 859 (B06, Tue), 895 (B06, Wed) Martens, Sladjana.............................287 (A02, Mon), .............................581 (A02, Wed), 1872 (L04, Wed) Martin, Alastair............................... 1201 (F02, Mon) Martin, Erin.....................................1673 (K01, Wed) Martin, Nazario................................. 759 (B02, Thu), ...............................797 (B03, Tue), 822 (B04, Mon), .................................836 (B05, Thu), 841 (B05, Thu) Martin, Patrick................................1410 (H04, Mon) Martin-Gomis, Luis..........................1010 (B08, Tue) Martin-Pedrosa, Fernando.................999 (B08, Tue), ..........................................................2080 (M01, Tue) Martincic, Emile..............................2102 (M02, Tue) Martinelli, Antonio...........................2257 (Z02, Wed) Martinelli, Eugenio...........................940 (B08, Mon) Martinet, Sebastien...........................298 (A02, Mon) Martinez, Hervé................................. 381 (A02, Tue) Martinez, Oscar................................ 1454 (H05, Tue) Martinez, Ulises............................. 1825 (L04, Mon), ............................1827 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Martínez de Irujo, Xabier..................217 (A01, Thu) Martínez-Díaz, M. Victoria..............1003 (B08, Tue) Martinez-Gonzalez, Eduardo..........1692 (K01, Thu) Martinez-Rodriguez, Michael........ 1113 (C02, Mon) Martino, Joao.................................1336 (H01, Wed), ......................... 1337 (H01, Wed), 1346 (H01, Wed), ...........................1356 (H01, Thu), 1357 (H01, Thu), ...........................1358 (H01, Thu), 1369 (H03, Mon) Martino, Marcio...............................1357 (H01, Thu) Martins, Marta...........1586 (I03, Wed), 1954 (L09, Tue) Martins Neto, Jose...........................1930 (L06, Wed) Martinson, Alex.................................1958 (L09, Tue) Maruoka, Daisuke.............................1117 (C02, Tue) Maruyama, Shigeo........................... 712 (B01, Wed), ...........................................................782 (B03, Mon) Masahara, Meishoku........................ 1376 (H03, Tue) Mascaro, Lucia............................... 1078 (C01, Wed), ............................ 1732 (L01, Tue), 1967 (L09, Wed)

Mase, Kentaro.....................................985 (B08, Tue) Masel, Richard................................1234 (F02, Wed), ...............................1717 (L01, Tue), 1514 (I02, Tue) Mashio, Tetsuya.................................1651 (I06, Tue) Mashtalir, Olha..................................202 (A01, Thu), ................................792 (B03, Tue), 2235 (Z01, Tue) Masood, Khalid Ibne........................850 (B06, Mon) Mastragostino, Marina......................... 66 (A01, Tue) Mastro, Michael.............................1433 (H05, Mon), .........................................................1443 (H05, Mon) Masu, Kazuya.................................. 1332 (H01, Tue) Masud, Jahangir...............................1874 (L04, Wed) Masuda, Hideki................................. 932 (B07, Wed) Masuda, Takuya.............................. 1829 (L04, Mon) Matanovic, Ivana.............................1957 (L09, Tue), ...........................................................2305 (Z04, Tue) Materón, Elsa................................. 2175 (M04, Wed) Mathe, Mkhulu.........13 (A01, Sun), 111 (A01, Wed) Mathew, Mathew..............................1726 (L01, Tue) Mathurin, Leanne..............................2229 (Z01, Tue) Matisen, Leonard.............................. 881 (B06, Wed) Matranga, Christopher.....................2015 (L10, Wed) Matsuba, Go.....................................2109 (M02, Tue) Matsubara, Elaine.......717 (B01, Wed), 794 (B03, Tue) Matsuda, Kazunari..............................807 (B03, Tue) Matsue, Tomokazu...........................2079 (M01, Tue) Matsui, Masaki................................... 392 (A02, Tue) Matsukawa, Takashi........................ 1376 (H03, Tue) Matsumiya, Masahiko......................1733 (L01, Tue) Matsumoto, Futoshi..........................2183 (Z01, Tue) Matsumoto, Mitsuhiro...................... 497 (A02, Wed) Matsuo, Nobufumi............................1720 (L01, Tue) Matsuo, Yutaka.........712 (B01, Wed), 821 (B04, Mon) Matsuoka, Masashi...........................269 (A02, Mon) Matsushita, Michio.........................1317 (G02, Wed) Matsushita, Nobuhiro......................2072 (M01, Tue) Matsutani, Koichi..............................1571 (I03, Wed) Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki...........................905 (B07, Tue) Matthews, Tyler..............................1234 (F02, Wed), ...............................1514 (I02, Tue), 1717 (L01, Tue) Matus, Alex.........................................906 (B07, Tue) Mauzeroll, Janine.............................1711 (L01, Tue), ..............................1712 (L01, Tue), 1723 (L01, Tue) Mawst, Luke......1407 (H04, Mon), 1417 (H04, Tue) May, Brian......................................... 155 (A01, Wed) Mayer, Nicole....................................1806 (L04, Sun) Mayer, Thomas............................... 1295 (G02, Tue), .......................... 1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed) Maynadier, Marie............................. 1048 (B08, Thu) Mayrhofer, Karl...............................1660 (I06, Wed), ..............................1841 (L04, Tue), 1842 (L04, Tue) Mazen, Frédéric..............................1361 (H03, Mon) Mazur, Ursula................................... 1054 (B08, Thu) Mazzeo, Brian..................................1798 (L03, Wed) McCague, Claire.................................. 56 (A01, Tue) McCammant, Matthew................... 2297 (Z04, Mon) McCloskey, Bryan............................ 363 (A02, Tue), ............................................................1594 (I03, Thu) McCluskey, Patrick.......................... 1421 (H04, Tue) McCrabb, Heather............................1245 (F04, Tue), .............................. 1251 (F04, Tue), 1254 (F04, Tue) McCrory, Charles............................1755 (L01, Wed), ...........................................................1979 (L10, Sun) McCrum, Ian.....................................1805 (L04, Sun) McDaniel, Anthony...........................1491 (I01, Thu) McElhinny, Kyle............................... 895 (B06, Wed) McFarland, Bohuslava......................1122 (C02, Tue) McGordon, Andrew.......................... 461 (A02, Wed) McGraw, Mike.................................. 448 (A02, Wed) McGrogan, Frank..............................279 (A02, Mon) McGuire, Patrick.............................. 1500 (I02, Mon) McIntyre, Melissa........................... 1603 (I05, Mon), ..........................................................1940 (L08, Wed) McKenzie, Bonnie.............................. 99 (A01, Wed) McMurray, Gary............................2094 (M02, Mon) McNally, Patrick.............................1440 (H05, Mon)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

McNie, Mark.................................... 1379 (H03, Tue) McNulty, David....... 504 (A02, Wed), 1301 (G02, Tue) McSweeney, William....................... 1301 (G02, Tue) McTurk, Euan...................................... 63 (A01, Tue) Mech, Justyna....................................1905 (L06, Tue) Medeiros, M...........1684 (K01, Wed), 1689 (K01, Thu) Medeiros, M. J................................1671 (K01, Wed) Medforth, Craig............................... 1026 (B08, Wed) Medina-Plaza, Cristina......................999 (B08, Tue), ..........................................................2080 (M01, Tue) Medlin, Douglas................................774 (B03, Mon) Meduri, Praveen................................1805 (L04, Sun) Meffert, Matthias..............................1630 (I05, Wed) Megaridis, Constantine.....................1230 (F02, Tue) Mehdi, B. Layla.............................. 1152 (E02, Mon) Mehdi, Shahparnia............................1973 (L10, Sun) Mehmood, Asad................................ 136 (A01, Wed) Mehonic, Adnan...............................2253 (Z02, Wed) Mehta, Hardeep............................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Mehta, Mohit....................................... 54 (A01, Tue), .............................. 183 (A01, Wed), 426 (A02, Wed) Mehta, Prateek.................................. 498 (A02, Wed) Mei, Bastian.....................................2016 (L10, Wed) Mei, Shaoning.................................. 1330 (H01, Tue) Meiler, Markus.................................. 434 (A02, Wed) Meini, Stefano........336 (A02, Tue), 440 (A02, Wed) Meister, Paul.......................................37 (A01, Mon), ...............................393 (A02, Tue), 720 (B01, Wed), ...........................................................2185 (Z01, Tue) Melaina, Marc....................................1485 (I01, Thu) Mele, Andrea....................................... 97 (A01, Wed) Melot, Brent...................................... 692 (A03, Wed) Mena, Josue...................................... 1454 (H05, Tue) Mendes, J. P.....................................1671 (K01, Wed) Mendil-Jakani, Hakima..................... 335 (A02, Tue) Mendoza, Frank............................... 2041 (L10, Thu) Mendoza, Hector............................... 468 (A02, Wed) Menesklou, Wolfgang.......................1631 (I05, Wed) Meng, Dennis Desheng.................... 467 (A02, Wed) Meng, Fei.........................................2033 (L10, Wed) Meng, Guangnan................................1554 (I03, Tue) Meng, Huimin...................................1220 (F02, Tue) Meng, Shirley......................................15 (A01, Mon) Meng, Shirley....................................... 70 (A01, Tue) Meng, Xiangbo..................................630 (A02, Thu) Meng, Yongtao...................................617 (A02, Thu) Meng, Yuedong................................. 725 (B01, Wed) Menna, Enzo..................................... 885 (B06, Wed) Mentbayeva, Almagul......................274 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 310 (A02, Tue) Menzel, Andreas...............................1839 (L04, Tue) Menzler, Norbert.............................. 1606 (I05, Mon) Mercadelli, Elisa................................193 (A01, Thu) Merckling, Clement.......................1359 (H03, Mon), .......................................................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Mérida, Walter...................................1663 (I06, Wed) Merinov, Boris................................ 1154 (E02, Mon) Merkle, Rotraut................................ 1608 (I05, Mon) Mertens, Hans..................................1358 (H01, Thu) Mertens, Robert.................................2249 (Z01, Tue) Mertens, Stijn.................................. 1030 (B08, Wed) Messinger, Robert.............................2228 (Z01, Tue) Metz, Bernhard.................................. 350 (A02, Tue) Metzger, Michael............................... 336 (A02, Tue) Meulenberg, Wilhelm.......................1628 (I05, Wed) Meunier, Carl....................................2220 (Z01, Tue) Meyer, Bruno.................................... 103 (A01, Wed) Meyer, D. C.....................................1385 (H03, Wed) Meyer, Jerry.....................................1443 (H05, Mon) Mi, Zetian......................................... 1447 (H05, Tue) Miao, Xin............................................874 (B06, Tue) Michaelis, Alexander........................1255 (F04, Tue) Michalska, Agata............................1744 (L01, Wed), .........................2165 (M04, Tue), 2177 (M04, Wed), ........................................................ 2178 (M04, Wed) Michor, Herwig.................................1171 (E02, Tue)

Mickevicius, Rimvydas................... 1455 (H05, Tue) Miecznikowski, Krzysztof..............1752 (L01, Wed) Migita, Shinji.................................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Mihara, Fumihiro..............................2184 (Z01, Tue) Miki, Hidenori...................................308 (A02, Mon) Milani, Paolo....................................2280 (Z02, Wed) Miller, Abigail..................................1865 (L04, Wed) Miller, Eric.......................................1480 (I01, Wed), .............................1487 (I01, Thu), 1992 (L10, Mon) Miller, Ethan......................................963 (B08, Mon) Miller, Hamish.................................1240 (F02, Wed) Miller, James......................................1493 (I01, Thu) Miller, Jan.......................................... 894 (B06, Wed) Miller, Mallory.................................. 123 (A01, Wed) Milliron, Delia................................. 1895 (L06, Mon) Mills, Steven................................... 2144 (M02, Thu) Milton, Ross......................................2307 (Z04, Tue) Min, Kyung-Seok............................. 176 (A01, Wed) Minett, Andrew.................................240 (A02, Mon) Minett, Andrew I..............................1196 (F02, Mon) Ming, Jun........................................... 517 (A02, Wed) Mingant, Rémy.................................... 89 (A01, Tue) Minteer, Shelley............................. 1698 (L01, Mon), ...........................1709 (L01, Tue), 2297 (Z04, Mon), ...........................................................2307 (Z04, Tue) Mirfakhraei, Behzad..........................1624 (I05, Tue) Miro, Ivan.........................................1355 (H01, Thu) Mirvaux, Boris..................................277 (A02, Mon) Mirzaeian, Mojtaba..........................2071 (M01, Tue) Misawa, Hiroaki................................ 930 (B07, Wed) Miseki, Yugo.....................................2005 (L10, Tue) Mishra, Kuber........ 94 (A01, Wed), 2248 (Z01, Tue) Misra, Durga...................................1391 (H03, Wed) Misra, Mano.......1861 (L04, Wed), 1995 (L10, Tue), . ..........................2069 (M01, Tue), 2129 (M02, Wed) Misra, Veena......2144 (M02, Thu), 2145 (M02, Thu) Mistry, Kevin.........711 (B01, Wed), 771 (B03, Mon) Mita, Yuichi........................................643 (A02, Thu) Mitard, Jerome................................ 1326 (H01, Tue), ...........................1358 (H01, Thu), 1359 (H03, Mon) Mitchell, Reginald........................... 1498 (I02, Mon) Mitchell, Rhys.................................. 1040 (B08, Thu) Mitchell, William............................. 1374 (H03, Tue) Mitlin, David........220 (A01, Thu), 294 (A02, Mon), .............................. 477 (A02, Wed), 695 (A03, Wed) Mitoma, Nobuhiko..........................1463 (H05, Wed) Mitra, Sagar........................................619 (A02, Thu) Mitra, Sushanta..............................2089 (M02, Mon) Mittermeier, Thomas........................1834 (L04, Tue) Mixon, Grayson................................... 54 (A01, Tue) Miyakoshi, Tatsuya........................... 497 (A02, Wed) Miyamoto, Haruki............................ 1414 (H04, Tue) Miyamoto, Shohei............................. 575 (A02, Wed) Miyasaka, Syu...................................1565 (I03, Wed) Miyashiro, Hajime.............................643 (A02, Thu) Miyata, Nobuhiro..............................1950 (L09, Tue) Miyauchi, Yuhei..................................807 (B03, Tue) Miyazaki, Takamichi........................1634 (I05, Wed) Miyoshi, Shogo..................................1613 (I05, Tue) Mizubayashi, Wataru....................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Mizuhata, Minoru...............................18 (A01, Mon) Mizukoshi, Toshikazu.....................1390 (H03, Wed) Mizuno, Fuminori...........1 (A01, Sun), 326 (A02, Tue), ................................329 (A02, Tue), 330 (A02, Tue), ...............................368 (A02, Tue), 428 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 430 (A02, Wed) Mizuno, Jun......................................2277 (Z02, Wed) Mizuno, Yusuke................................276 (A02, Mon) Mizutani, Tadashi............................. 1053 (B08, Thu) Mizutani, Tomoko............................ 1325 (H01, Tue) Mo, Jingke........................................672 (A03, Mon), ...............................674 (A03, Mon), 1543 (I03, Tue) Mo, Renee.......................................1360 (H03, Mon) Mochalin, Vadym............................... 766 (B02, Thu) Mocuta, Anda...................................1358 (H01, Thu) Modestino, Miguel.............................1495 (I01, Thu)

Modibedi, Remegia............................. 13 (A01, Sun) Modreanu, M....................................1352 (H01, Thu) Moeller, Kevin...............................1674 (K01, Wed), ......................... 1676 (K01, Wed), 1681 (K01, Wed), ..........................................................1687 (K01, Thu) Moffat, Thomas...............................1188 (E02, Wed), ........................... 1959 (L09, Wed), 1962 (L09, Wed) Moffat, Thomas P........................... 1150 (E02, Mon), ...........................................................1974 (L10, Sun) Mogensen, Mogens.......................... 1612 (I05, Mon) Mogilevsky, Pavel.............................1121 (C02, Tue) Mogni, Liliana.........1635 (I05, Wed), 1869 (L04, Wed) Mohamed, Adel............................... 1074 (C01, Wed) Mohamed, Alexander....................... 167 (A01, Wed) Mohammad, Hussain...................... 1201 (F02, Mon) Mohammed, Mahmood..................1347 (H01, Wed) Mohanty, Debasish...........................229 (A02, Mon) Mohanty, Swomitra........................1861 (L04, Wed), ............................1995 (L10, Tue), 2069 (M01, Tue), ........................................................ 2129 (M02, Wed) Mohd Yazid, Siti Nur Akmar...........2100 (M02, Tue) Mohite, Aditya................................. 716 (B01, Wed), .......................... 1825 (L04, Mon), 1827 (L04, Mon) Mohney, Suzanne............................1403 (H04, Mon) Mohtadi, Rana................................... 326 (A02, Tue), .................................329 (A02, Tue), 330 (A02, Tue) Mokkelbost, Tommy........................ 563 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 579 (A02, Wed) Molazemhosseini, Alireza.............. 1139 (E01, Mon) Moldenhauer, Jonathan.....................2193 (Z01, Tue) Moldoveanu, Iuliana......................... 760 (B02, Thu), ........................................................ 2122 (M02, Wed) Molero-Sanchez, Beatriz..................1622 (I05, Tue), ...........................................................1640 (I05, Wed) Molina, Desiré.....................................974 (B08, Tue) Molle, Alessandro...............................854 (B06, Tue) Molter, Trent........... 1548 (I03, Tue), 1549 (I03, Tue) Monconduit, Laure........................... 331 (A02, Tue), .................................381 (A02, Tue), 645 (A02, Thu) Mondy, Lisa......................................... 99 (A01, Wed) Mongin, Olivier................................ 1048 (B08, Thu) Monnereau, Cyrille........................... 115 (A01, Wed) Montani, Alexandre........................... 396 (A02, Tue) Montano, Gabriel.............................. 726 (B01, Wed) Montenegro-Hernández, Alejandra............................. ..........................................................1869 (L04, Wed) Montero, Xabier.............................. 1114 (C02, Mon) Montes, Jose....................................1344 (H01, Wed) Montes de Oca-Yemha, Maria........2276 (Z02, Wed) Montesi, Luca...................................2253 (Z02, Wed) Monti, Donato...................................955 (B08, Mon) Montrose, Armelle.........................2093 (M02, Mon) Moon, Geon Dae......15 (A01, Mon), 17 (A01, Mon) Moon, Jong-Seok..............................268 (A02, Mon) Moon, Tae Hyoung.........................1464 (H05, Wed) Moore, Jeffrey....................................226 (A01, Thu) Moore, Robert...........348 (A02, Tue), 2051 (L11, Wed) Mooste, Marek.................................. 881 (B06, Wed) Mora-Seró, Iván.............................. 1019 (B08, Wed) Moraes, Fernando............................1750 (L01, Wed) Morales Gomero, Juan.....................1812 (L04, Sun), ........................................................ 2124 (M02, Wed) Morán, Emilio....................................631 (A02, Thu) Morand, Yves..................................1363 (H03, Mon) Morcrette, Mathieu........................... 478 (A02, Wed) More, Karren........ 506 (A02, Wed), 1539 (I03, Tue), ............................. 1647 (I06, Tue), 1826 (L04, Mon) Moreira, Luis...................................... 841 (B05, Thu) Moreira, Roberta............................. 1079 (C01, Wed) Morell, Gerardo.........400 (A02, Tue), 2041 (L10, Thu) Moreno-García, Pavel.......................1163 (E02, Tue) Morère, Alain................................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Morgan, Dane........ 614 (A02, Thu), 655 (A02, Thu), ................................ 657 (A02, Thu), 1614 (I05, Tue) Mori, Shogo........................................907 (B07, Tue) Mori, Yasuo........................................ 761 (B02, Thu)


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Morimoto, Michikazu...................... 1377 (H03, Tue) Morin, Pierre........1363 (H03, Mon), 1364 (H03, Mon) Morita, Yukinori............................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Moriyama, Koji.................................1777 (L03, Tue) Moriyama, Satoshi...........................2058 (L11, Wed) Morozov, Alexandre....................... 2139 (M02, Thu) Morris, Larry..................................... 700 (A03, Wed) Mosby, James......1499 (I02, Mon), 1500 (I02, Mon) Moselund, Kirsten...........................1334 (H01, Wed) Moser, Christopher......................... 1040 (B08, Thu), ............................................................1495 (I01, Thu) Moser, Michael................................... 95 (A01, Wed) Moss, Eugene....................................2243 (Z01, Tue) Moss, Pedro...................................... 494 (A02, Wed), ..............................700 (A03, Wed), 2243 (Z01, Tue) Moss, S. C........................................ 1417 (H04, Tue) Mossa, Stefano..................................1776 (L03, Tue) Mossanha, Rosana...........................2076 (M01, Tue) Mostafa, Ehab..........287 (A02, Mon), 581 (A02, Wed), ........................... 1871 (L04, Wed), 1872 (L04, Wed) Mostafa, Gamal..............................2156 (M04, Mon) Mostafavi, Mehran............................ 131 (A01, Wed) Motegi, Haruki..................................... 82 (A01, Tue) Motoko, Asano................................ 1023 (B08, Wed) Moton, Jennie.....................................1484 (I01, Thu) Motoya, Tsukasa.............................. 1378 (H03, Tue) Motoyama, Munekazu..................... 577 (A02, Wed), ......................................................... 1153 (E02, Mon) Motoyama, Munekazu....................... 402 (A02, Tue) Motsegood, Perry..............................1225 (F02, Tue) Motta, Nunzio................................... 186 (A01, Wed) Moulthrop, Larry............................ 1205 (F02, Mon) Movil-Cabrera, Omar........................871 (B06, Tue), .......................... 1203 (F02, Mon), 1235 (F02, Wed), ............................................................1597 (I03, Thu) Mozer, Attila.................................... 1016 (B08, Wed) Mu, Linqin......................................... 696 (A03, Wed) Mubarak, Muhammad.....................1689 (K01, Thu) Mueller, Karl................................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Muhammad, Shoaib.......................... 557 (A02, Wed) Muhich, Christopher.........................1492 (I01, Thu), ..........................................................2012 (L10, Wed) Muhlenkamp, Katheriine...................1517 (I02, Tue) Mujica, Vladimiro.............................2242 (Z01, Tue) Mukerjee, Sanjeev............................ 686 (A03, Tue), ...........................1236 (F02, Wed), 1237 (F02, Wed), ..............................1554 (I03, Tue), 1572 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1818 (L04, Mon) Mukherjee, Arijita............................. 458 (A02, Wed) Mukherjee, Partha............................ 466 (A02, Wed), ............................... 470 (A02, Wed), 604 (A02, Thu) Mukherjee, Santanu...........................23 (A01, Mon), .............................................................24 (A01, Mon) Mukherjee, Tamal............................2283 (Z03, Wed) Mukhopadhyay, Amartya................. 390 (A02, Tue), ...........................................................2226 (Z01, Tue) Mukundan, Randachary...................1539 (I03, Tue), .............................1658 (I06, Wed), 1955 (L09, Tue), ..........................2139 (M02, Thu), 2168 (M04, Tue), ...........................................................2240 (Z01, Tue) Mulder, David................................. 2298 (Z04, Mon) Muldoon, Timothy..........................2099 (M02, Tue), ...........................................................2225 (Z01, Tue) Müllen, Klaus.................................. 1030 (B08, Wed) Müller, Jana....................................... 471 (A02, Wed) Müller, Martin....................................1496 (I01, Thu) Mulmi, Suresh................................. 2137 (M02, Thu) Mulmi, Suresh................................ 2135 (M02, Wed) Mun, Jae-Kyoung...........................1438 (H05, Mon) Mun, Junyoung................................. 553 (A02, Wed) Munakata, Hirokazu........................ 554 (A02, Wed), .............................. 574 (A02, Wed), 575 (A02, Wed) Munichandraiah, N..........................2037 (L10, Wed) Munnangi, Anji Reddy....................241 (A02, Mon), ............................................................627 (A02, Thu) Münnix, Jens........................................ 68 (A01, Tue)

Muñoz, Raquel..... 999 (B08, Tue), 2080 (M01, Tue) Muñoz-Gil, Daniel.............................217 (A01, Thu) Munson, Catherine...........................1739 (L01, Wed) Murakami, Sho.........545 (A02, Wed), 547 (A02, Wed) Murakami, Tatsuya............................ 761 (B02, Thu) Murakoshi, Kei................................. 929 (B07, Wed) Muralidas, Pooja............................. 1058 (C01, Wed) Muranaka, Atsuya...............................976 (B08, Tue) Murgia, Fabrizio................................. 331 (A02, Tue) Muriel, Marcelis................................ 723 (B01, Wed) Murphy, Peter.................................. 1897 (L06, Mon) Murray, Jacob....................................2200 (Z01, Tue) Murugesan, Vijayakumar.................. 684 (A03, Tue) Musgrave, Charles............................1492 (I01, Thu), ..........................................................2012 (L10, Wed) Mustain, William................................ 57 (A01, Tue), ............................ 617 (A02, Thu), 1207 (F02, Mon), ......................................................... 2301 (Z04, Mon) Mutha, Heena......................................793 (B03, Tue) Muthukumaran, Packirisamy...........1973 (L10, Sun) Muthuvel, Madhivanan....................2218 (Z01, Tue) Mychanov, Vladimir.........................1738 (L01, Tue) Myers, Deborah.......60 (A01, Tue), 1555 (I03, Tue), ..............................1556 (I03, Tue), 1666 (I06, Wed), ......................................................... 1823 (L04, Mon) Myles, Timothy..................................1546 (I03, Tue) Mysyk, Roman................................1936 (L08, Wed), ..........................................................2260 (Z02, Wed) Myung, Seung-Taek......................... 536 (A02, Wed), ............................. 539 (A02, Wed), 541 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 543 (A02, Wed) Myung, Yoon....................................2001 (L10, Tue), ........................... 2024 (L10, Wed), 2174 (M04, Tue)

Nam, Suk Woo.........1195 (E02, Wed), 1547 (I03, Tue), ........................... 1855 (L04, Wed), 1862 (L04, Wed) Nam, Wook Jun...............................1469 (H05, Wed) Nan, Jiaqi.......................................... 1303 (G02, Tue) Nanda, Jagjit.......................................608 (A02, Thu) Nanda, Karuna..................................... 55 (A01, Tue) Nandan, Ravi........................................ 55 (A01, Tue) Nandjou, Fredy........ 1661 (I06, Wed), 1667 (I06, Wed) Nanko, Makoto.................................1117 (C02, Tue) Narayan, S. R............142 (A01, Wed), 664 (A03, Mon) Narayana, Kishore............................. 414 (A02, Tue) Narayanan, Badri............................. 105 (A01, Wed), ...........................1069 (C01, Wed), 1981 (L10, Sun), ..........................................................2267 (Z02, Wed) Narayanan, Rajaram........................ 127 (A01, Wed), ................................ 723 (B01, Wed), 873 (B06, Tue) Narayanan, S.......... 39 (A01, Mon), 704 (A03, Wed) Narayanan, S. R...............................670 (A03, Mon), .............................. 673 (A03, Mon), 683 (A03, Tue), ........................................................... 702 (A03, Wed) Narayanan, Sumaletha...................... 101 (A01, Wed) Narayanasamy, Padmanathan.......... 151 (A01, Wed), ............................................................205 (A01, Thu) Nardis, Sara.......................................955 (B08, Mon) Naruta, Yoshinori......... 990 (B08, Tue), 991 (B08, Tue) Nascimento, Rubens........................2257 (Z02, Wed) Naseem, Shahzad.............................2262 (Z02, Wed) Nash, Christena................................2099 (M02, Tue) Nasybulin, Eduard.......................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Natale, Gabriele.............................. 1141 (E01, Mon) Nath, Manashi.................................1874 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................2258 (Z02, Wed) Nation, Leah......................................289 (A02, Mon) Naumenko, Dmitry...........................1118 (C02, Tue) Naumov, Anton................................. 890 (B06, Wed) Navaei, Milad.................................2094 (M02, Mon) Navarenho de Souza, Rafael........... 1328 (H01, Tue) Navarro, Carlos..............................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1349 (H01, Wed) Nawn, Graeme........324 (A02, Tue), 745 (B01, Thu) Nayak, Prasant..................................... 71 (A01, Tue) Nayak, Simantini.............................1802 (L03, Wed) Nayfeh, Ammar................................ 879 (B06, Wed), ........................... 2259 (Z02, Wed), 2261 (Z02, Wed) Nazar, Linda.....................................254 (A02, Mon), .................................369 (A02, Tue), 383 (A02, Tue) Ndoyom, Victoria............................ 1025 (B08, Wed) Neagu, Dragos....................................1507 (I02, Tue) Neale, Nathan..................................1310 (G02, Wed) Nealey, Paul........................................1598 (I03, Thu) Negrea, R..........................................1352 (H01, Thu) Negro, Enrico..........324 (A02, Tue), 745 (B01, Thu) Neimark, Alexander.........................1796 (L03, Wed) Nekrasov, Valentin............................1736 (L01, Tue) Nelson, Eric....................................... 375 (A02, Tue), ............................1574 (I03, Wed), 1702 (L01, Mon) Nelson, Ruben................................... 371 (A02, Tue), ..............................700 (A03, Wed), 2243 (Z01, Tue) Nemeth, Sandor............................... 1098 (C01, Thu) Nemoto, Miyu................................... 554 (A02, Wed) Nesic, Srdjan................................... 1067 (C01, Wed) Neuland, Maike.................................1163 (E02, Tue) Neves, Felipe........ 1336 (H01, Wed), 1369 (H03, Mon) Neville, Tobias.................................. 120 (A01, Wed) Neya, Saburo.....................................964 (B08, Mon) Ng, Andy............................................866 (B06, Tue), ..........................................................2085 (M01, Tue) Ngo, Anh............................................1614 (I05, Tue) Ngo, Duc Tung.................................. 594 (A02, Wed) Ngoepe, Phuti.................................... 585 (A02, Wed) Ngubeni, Grace...................................998 (B08, Tue) Nguyen, Bich-Yen..........................1361 (H03, Mon) Nguyen, Bichlien............................1676 (K01, Wed) Nguyen, Dan..................................... 568 (A02, Wed) Nguyen, Giao T. M........................... 116 (A01, Wed) Nguyen, Hai......................................1163 (E02, Tue)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

N Na, HyungIl.....................................1464 (H05, Wed) Nabatame, Toshihide......................1463 (H05, Wed) Nadiga, Aniruddha.......................... 2139 (M02, Thu) Nadirah, Ain.....................................2100 (M02, Tue) Nafikova, Natalia............................ 1082 (C01, Wed) Nagai, Kazukiyo..............................2109 (M02, Tue) Nagai, Keiji........ 1994 (L10, Tue), 2029 (L10, Wed) Nagaki, Aiichiro..............................1669 (K01, Wed) Nagao, Kenji...................................1404 (H04, Mon) Nagao, Mamoru.............................. 1056 (C01, Wed) Nagao, Raphael................................1745 (L01, Wed) Nagarajaiah, Satish.............................800 (B03, Tue) Nagaraju, Perumandla........................991 (B08, Tue) Nagase, Katsuya................................... 82 (A01, Tue) Naghavi, Negar.......1170 (E02, Tue), 1316 (G02, Wed) Nagpure, Shrikant.............................229 (A02, Mon) Naguib, Michael................................849 (B06, Mon) Nagumo, Yuzo......... 82 (A01, Tue), 1639 (I05, Wed) Nahm, KeeSuk..........150 (A01, Wed), 152 (A01, Wed) Naicker, Selvaraj............................2089 (M02, Mon) Nair, Vineet........................................2009 (L10, Tue) Naitana, Mario..................................955 (B08, Mon) Nakagawa, Koji................................821 (B04, Mon) Nakai, Hiromi....................................1720 (L01, Tue) Nakamura, Jiro.......377 (A02, Tue), 558 (A02, Wed) Nakamura, Kenichi.........................1404 (H04, Mon) Nakamura, Ryuhei............................ 933 (B07, Wed) Nakamura, Takashi...........................1619 (I05, Tue), ...........................................................1637 (I05, Wed) Nakane, Ryosho............................... 1323 (H01, Tue) Nakao, Yukihisa............................... 1378 (H03, Tue) Nakashima, Naotoshi........................ 743 (B01, Thu), .............................................................789 (B03, Tue) Nakashima, Yoshiki......................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Nakayama, Ken-ichi.........................968 (B08, Mon) Nakayama, Masanobu....................... 356 (A02, Tue) Nam, Inho............ 158 (A01, Wed), 159 (A01, Wed), .............................. 161 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Nam, Kyoung-Mo............................. 568 (A02, Wed) Nam, Suk Woo..................................1643 (I05, Wed)


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Nguyen, Hieu..................................1386 (H03, Wed) Nguyen, Hoang.................................1731 (L01, Tue) Nguyen, Phong..........864 (B06, Tue), 889 (B06, Wed), ...............................893 (B06, Wed), 896 (B06, Wed) Nguyen, Thoa....................................1731 (L01, Tue) Nguyen, Thuan...............................1105 (C02, Mon), .........................................................1109 (C02, Mon) Nguyen, Thuong..............................2285 (Z03, Wed) Nguyen, Trung.................................. 681 (A03, Tue), ................................682 (A03, Tue), 686 (A03, Tue), ............................................................ 690 (A03, Tue) Nguyen, Truong Giang..................... 437 (A02, Wed) Nguyen, Tu.........................................1524 (I02, Tue) Nham, Jeasun.................................... 899 (B06, Wed) Ni, Qing.............................................1707 (L01, Tue) Nicholas, Jason..................................1773 (L03, Tue) Nie, Anmin........... 295 (A02, Mon), 376 (A02, Tue), ............................. 467 (A02, Wed), 1230 (F02, Tue), .........................................................1368 (H03, Mon) Nie, Ping.............................................625 (A02, Thu) Nie, Wanyi.........................................1919 (L06, Tue) Nie, Yuefeng......................................1844 (L04, Tue) Nie, Zimin...........659 (A03, Mon), 661 (A03, Mon), .................................684 (A03, Tue), 688 (A03, Tue) Niedrig, Christian..............................1631 (I05, Wed) Niedzicki, Leszek................................411 (A02, Tue) Niehoff, Patrick.................................1628 (I05, Wed) Niehoff, Philip..........90 (A01, Tue), 100 (A01, Wed) Nielsen, Mads Pagh............................. 78 (A01, Tue) Nierengarten, Jean-François.............. 841 (B05, Thu) Niilisk, Ahti....................................... 881 (B06, Wed) Nikolaev, Andrey..............................1715 (L01, Tue) Nilsson, Anders............................... 1820 (L04, Mon) Nirmalathas, Ampalavanapillai......1347 (H01, Wed) Nishide, Hiroyuki........ 82 (A01, Tue), 1639 (I05, Wed) Nishimoto, Akio............................... 1091 (C01, Thu) Nishimura, Katsunori......................... 408 (A02, Tue) Nishimura, Takuya............................ 508 (A02, Wed) Nishizawa, Natsuki......................... 1056 (C01, Wed) Nitta, Akio.........................................1976 (L10, Sun) Nitta, Kiyofumi..................................1619 (I05, Tue) Niu, Haijun........................................1915 (L06, Tue) Niu, Junjie.......................................... 357 (A02, Tue) Niu, Zhongcai................................... 1381 (H03, Tue) Njel, Christian.....1296 (G02, Tue), 1297 (G02, Tue) Nkosi, Funeka.................................... 404 (A02, Tue) Noack, Jens....................................... 122 (A01, Wed) Nobili, Luca.................................... 2127 (M02, Wed) Noda, Masaru....................................1583 (I03, Wed) Noda, Yusaku.................................... 575 (A02, Wed) Noda, Zhiyun.....................................1542 (I03, Tue) Noffke, Benjamin............................... 735 (B01, Thu) Noguchi, Hidenori.......................... 1829 (L04, Mon) Noh, Hana............ 553 (A02, Wed), 576 (A02, Wed) Noh, Seung Hyun.............................. 170 (A01, Wed) Nohara, Masaya................................ 558 (A02, Wed) Nohira, Toshiyuki.............................1229 (F02, Tue) Nöhren, Sandra................................ 1300 (G02, Tue) Nokami, Toshiki.............................1668 (K01, Wed), .........................................................1677 (K01, Wed) Nolis, Gene..........................................411 (A02, Tue) Noorbehesht, Nikan..........................240 (A02, Mon) Norby, Poul........................................646 (A02, Thu) Nordell, Bradley...............................2285 (Z03, Wed) Nordlund, Dennis............................ 1823 (L04, Mon) Norris, Zach........................................ 211 (A01, Thu) Norrman, Kion................................. 1603 (I05, Mon) Northrop, Paul...........129 (A01, Wed), 236 (A02, Mon) Notarianni, Marco............................. 186 (A01, Wed) Notsu, Hideo..................................... 925 (B07, Wed) Novák, Vitězslav...............................1705 (L01, Tue) Novo, Carla.....................................1345 (H01, Wed) Nowak, Wojciech..............................1118 (C02, Tue) Nowicki, Tammi.................................. 60 (A01, Tue) Noworyta, Krzysztof..................... 1032 (B08, Wed), ...........................................................2309 (Z04, Tue)

Noyhouzer, Tomer............................1712 (L01, Tue) Nucciarone, Donato............................ 95 (A01, Wed) Nuckolls, Colin.................................780 (B03, Mon) Null, Emily........................................1789 (L03, Tue) Numata, Tomohiro............................. 761 (B02, Thu) Nuzzo, Ralph...................................... 323 (A02, Tue) Nyokong, Tebello................................998 (B08, Tue) Nyuui, Tatsuki..................................2109 (M02, Tue)

Okoli, Christopher................................. 4 (A01, Sun) Okoye, Njideka.................................1721 (L01, Tue) Oktaviano, Haryo.............................. 162 (A01, Wed) Okubo, Toshikazu.............................1168 (E02, Tue) Okujima, Tetsuo................................1005 (B08, Tue) Okumura, Takefumi........................... 408 (A02, Tue) Okyay, Ali......................................... 879 (B06, Wed), ........................... 2259 (Z02, Wed), 2261 (Z02, Wed) Oladimeji, Charles............................ 494 (A02, Wed) Olasunkanmi, Lukman................... 1066 (C01, Wed) Olguin, Marco.................................... 407 (A02, Tue) Oliveira, Alberto..............................1356 (H01, Thu), ..........................................................1358 (H01, Thu) Ollivier, J............................................1649 (I06, Tue) Olmstead, Marilyn...........................826 (B04, Mon), ................................831 (B04, Tue), 840 (B05, Thu), ............................................................ 847 (B05, Thu) Olson, Luke..................................... 1113 (C02, Mon) Oluwatobi, O..................................... 722 (B01, Wed) Olvera, Juan......................................2276 (Z02, Wed) Olvera de la Cruz, Monica.............1757 (L01, Wed), ..........................................................2250 (Z02, Wed) Omarova, Marzhana.........................274 (A02, Mon) Omasta, Travis..................................... 57 (A01, Tue) Omosebi, Ayokunle..........................1212 (F02, Tue), .............................. 1213 (F02, Tue), 1214 (F02, Tue) Omura, Yasuhisa............................1335 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1338 (H01, Wed) Ong, Mitchell.......234 (A02, Mon), 460 (A02, Wed) Onishi, Ryo........................................ 145 (A01, Wed) Ono, Hideki.......................................1229 (F02, Tue) Ono, Kenta........................................1001 (B08, Tue) Ono, Takahito................................... 1331 (H01, Tue) Ono, Yoshitaka...................................1651 (I06, Tue) Onoda, Hiroshi................................. 1376 (H03, Tue) Onodera, Hitoshi............................... 497 (A02, Wed) Oohora, Koji..................................... 1055 (B08, Thu) Opila, Elizabeth........ 1122 (C02, Tue), 1124 (C02, Tue) Opitz, Martin...................................... 388 (A02, Tue) Oppedisano, Daniel..........................1870 (L04, Wed) Oriani, Andrea....................................51 (A01, Mon), .......................... 1134 (E01, Mon), 1282 (G01, Wed) Orme, Christine............................... 1151 (E02, Mon) Ortaç, Bülend...................................2259 (Z02, Wed) Ortí, Enrique....................................... 841 (B05, Thu) Ortiz, Daniel...................................... 131 (A01, Wed) Ortiz, Javier..................................... 1019 (B08, Wed) Orvananos, Bernardo...................... 1765 (L03, Mon) Orzali, Tommaso.............................. 1373 (H03, Tue) Osaka, Tetsuya................................ 1133 (E01, Mon) Osaka, Yugo...................................... 145 (A01, Wed) Osaki, Hiroshi................................. 1159 (E02, Mon) Oshima, Takumi................................821 (B04, Mon) Osintsev, Dmitry.............................1342 (H01, Wed) Osipyonok, N. M............................1477 (H05, Wed) Osowski, Mark................................. 1414 (H04, Tue) Ostadhossein, Alireza...................... 483 (A02, Wed), ......................................................... 1771 (L03, Mon) Oszajca, Marek.................................1905 (L06, Tue) Ota, Hiroyuki................................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Otaegui, Laida....... 252 (A02, Mon), 379 (A02, Tue) Otsuka, Keigo....................................782 (B03, Mon) Ott, John..........................................1360 (H03, Mon) Ou, Zhiyuan......................................1228 (F02, Tue) Ou, Zhongping..................................956 (B08, Mon) Ou Yang, Liang-Yueh..................... 1150 (E02, Mon) Ouchen, Fahima................................. 394 (A02, Tue) Oukaour, Amrane.............................. 137 (A01, Wed) Ouyang, Mi.......................................1917 (L06, Tue) Owejan, Jon........................................639 (A02, Thu) Owrutsky, Jeffrey...............................190 (A01, Thu) Oyaizu, Nobuhisa............................. 925 (B07, Wed) Oyanagi, Takahiro.............................1720 (L01, Tue) Ozcan, Seyma................................... 178 (A01, Wed) Ozhikandathil, Jayan......................2090 (M02, Mon) Ozimek, Weronika............................ 884 (B06, Wed)


O O, Minho........................................... 432 (A02, Wed) O’ Riordan, Alan............................2093 (M02, Mon) O’Brien, S........... 937 (B07, Wed), 1352 (H01, Thu), ............................ 1922 (L06, Tue), 2273 (Z02, Wed) O’Connor, K..................................... 1457 (H05, Tue) O’Dwyer, Colm................................ 151 (A01, Wed), .............................. 205 (A01, Thu), 504 (A02, Wed), .............................1301 (G02, Tue), 1454 (H05, Tue) O’Hara, Matthew..............................1217 (F02, Tue) O’Sullivan, Benjamin....................2093 (M02, Mon) O’uchi, Shinichi............................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Obbade, Said...................................... 405 (A02, Tue) Ocón Esteban, Pilar..........................1812 (L04, Sun) Oda, Hidekazu.................................. 1325 (H01, Tue) Odaka, Masato................................1317 (G02, Wed) Odegard, Gregory...........................1368 (H03, Mon) Odom, Susan..................................... 414 (A02, Tue), .............................. 435 (A02, Wed), 512 (A02, Wed) Ofek Almog, Rakefet...................... 1135 (E01, Mon) Officer, David................................... 1040 (B08, Thu) Ogawa, Ayumu................................. 1055 (B08, Thu) Ogawa, Junichi....................................907 (B07, Tue) Ogino, Kazuya.................................. 925 (B07, Wed) Ogitsu, Tadashi.........742 (B01, Thu), 1991 (L10, Mon) Ogundana, Ifedayo...........................2030 (L10, Wed) Ogura, Atsushi.................................1463 (H05, Wed) Ogura, Atsushi................................1362 (H03, Mon), ..........................1390 (H03, Wed), 1445 (H05, Mon) Oh, Hwa Sub...................................1430 (H04, Wed) Oh, In-Hwan...................................... 588 (A02, Wed) Oh, Kyu............................................. 501 (A02, Wed) Oh, Seung-Min................................. 534 (A02, Wed), ............................. 536 (A02, Wed), 539 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 540 (A02, Wed) Oh, Sooyeoun........1470 (H05, Wed), 1472 (H05, Wed) Oh, Woong........................................ 557 (A02, Wed) Ohata, Akiko...................................1344 (H01, Wed) Ohba, Hisashi...................................2274 (Z02, Wed) Ohba, Tadashi.................................... 925 (B07, Wed) Ohi, Akihiko....................................1463 (H05, Wed) Ohira, Koji......................................... 575 (A02, Wed) Ohishi, Tomoji.................................1463 (H05, Wed) Ohkawa, Kazuhiro........................... 1448 (H05, Tue) Ohkubo, Kei...................................... 832 (B05, Thu), ............................... 985 (B08, Tue), 1010 (B08, Tue) Ohlenschläger, Oliver.......................941 (B08, Mon) Ohma, Atsushi....................................1651 (I06, Tue) Ohmi, Tadahiro...............................1351 (H01, Thu), ...........................1353 (H01, Thu), 1354 (H01, Thu), ...........................1378 (H03, Tue), 1399 (H03, Wed), .......................... 1404 (H04, Mon), 2288 (Z03, Wed) Ohta, Kazuchika................................1001 (B08, Tue) Ohta, Narumi..................................... 925 (B07, Wed) Ohta, Takehiro.....................................991 (B08, Tue) Ohta, Toshiaki................................... 432 (A02, Wed) Ohtani, Bunsho.........922 (B07, Wed), 1976 (L10, Sun) Oishi, Shuji......................................... 356 (A02, Tue) Oishi, Tetsuo......................................1229 (F02, Tue) Oja, Stephen.................................... 1700 (L01, Mon) Okabe, Takuya..................................1011 (B08, Tue) Okada, Hiroshi..................................821 (B04, Mon) Okada, Satoshi...................................1613 (I05, Tue) Okada, Yohei....................................1686 (K01, Thu) Okano, Terumi................................1469 (H05, Wed) Okasinski, John.........265 (A02, Mon), 463 (A02, Wed) Okazaki, Toshiya........788 (B03, Tue), 818 (B04, Mon)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Ozkan, Cengiz...................................1728 (L01, Tue) Ozkan, Mihri.....................................1728 (L01, Tue) Ozmen, Ozcan....................................212 (A01, Thu) Ozoemena, Kenneth........................... 13 (A01, Sun), ...............................111 (A01, Wed), 404 (A02, Tue), ..............................492 (A02, Wed), 722 (B01, Wed), ..............................746 (B01, Thu), 1136 (E01, Mon)

Park, Dae-Gyu.................................1360 (H03, Mon) Park, Dong-nyeok.............................1643 (I05, Wed) Park, Eunjun...................................... 534 (A02, Wed) Park, Ga-Eun..................................... 593 (A02, Wed) Park, Gu-Gon...................................1585 (I03, Wed), ...........................1814 (L04, Mon), 1971 (L09, Wed) Park, Gumjae..................................... 561 (A02, Wed) Park, Hee-Young...............................1547 (I03, Tue), ........................... 1855 (L04, Wed), 1862 (L04, Wed) Park, Hun........................................... 170 (A01, Wed) Park, Hye Won.................................. 597 (A02, Wed) Park, Hyejin...........80 (A01, Tue), 2141 (M02, Thu), ..........................2171 (M04, Tue), 2181 (M04, Wed) Park, Hyeon Ki....................................809 (B03, Tue) Park, Jaehyung..................................1548 (I03, Tue), ...............................1549 (I03, Tue), 1592 (I03, Wed) Park, Jea-Gun........1383 (H03, Wed), 1384 (H03, Wed) Park, Jeong Young...........................1866 (L04, Wed) Park, Jeong-Hwan.............................1177 (E02, Tue) Park, Jin-Bum........511 (A02, Wed), 532 (A02, Wed) Park, Jin-Hwan..........453 (A02, Wed), 557 (A02, Wed) Park, Jin-Seong................................. 556 (A02, Wed) Park, Jongseok................................. 158 (A01, Wed), .............................. 159 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Park, Joong Sun................................ 602 (A02, Wed) Park, Jun-ho....................................... 453 (A02, Wed) Park, Jun-Young...............................2210 (Z01, Tue), ..............................2212 (Z01, Tue), 2213 (Z01, Tue) Park, Jung Soo................................... 555 (A02, Wed) Park, Ka-Young.................................2213 (Z01, Tue) Park, Kang-Joon................................ 541 (A02, Wed) Park, Kwangjin................................. 453 (A02, Wed) Park, Kyung-Ho..............................1479 (H05, Wed) Park, Mi-Young.........160 (A01, Wed), 213 (A01, Thu) Park, Min-Sik................................... 427 (A02, Wed), .............................. 533 (A02, Wed), 534 (A02, Wed) Park, Sam...........................................23 (A01, Mon), ................................24 (A01, Mon), 1591 (I03, Wed) Park, Sang Jin....................................245 (A02, Mon) Park, Seok-Hee................................1971 (L09, Wed) Park, Seong-Ju................................1479 (H05, Wed) Park, Seonyoung............................... 903 (B06, Wed) Park, Soomin....... 158 (A01, Wed), 159 (A01, Wed), .............................. 161 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Park, Su Mi........................................2203 (Z01, Tue) Park, Sung June................................. 176 (A01, Wed) Park, Taiho.........................................2003 (L10, Tue) Park, Won-Kyu................................1479 (H05, Wed) Park, Yirang........................................ 362 (A02, Tue) Park, Yiseul....................................... 555 (A02, Wed) Park, YoungIl..................................... 710 (B01, Wed) Park, Yu-Seon....................................1177 (E02, Tue) Parker, Joseph.......375 (A02, Tue), 1702 (L01, Mon) Parkinson, Bruce............................. 1299 (G02, Tue), ...........................................................1997 (L10, Tue) Parkinson, Dilworth...........................27 (A01, Mon), ............................................................1544 (I03, Tue) Parr, Daniel...........1886 (L05, Tue), 2219 (Z01, Tue) Parra-Vasquez, A. Nicholas.............. 726 (B01, Wed) Parrondo, Javier.......120 (A01, Wed), 1233 (F02, Wed) Parthasarathy, Triplicane..................1121 (C02, Tue) Paruzel, Bartosz..............................1284 (G01, Wed) Pasaogullari, Ugur............................1548 (I03, Tue), ..............................1549 (I03, Tue), 1592 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1831 (L04, Mon) Paschkewitz, Timothy..................... 2299 (Z04, Mon) Pasciak, Erick.........1684 (K01, Wed), 1689 (K01, Thu) Pasha, Syed......................................2111 (M02, Tue) Pasini, Damiano................................1247 (F04, Tue) Pask, John.............234 (A02, Mon), 460 (A02, Wed) Paskocimas, Carlos..........................2257 (Z02, Wed) Passerini, Stefano.............................. 493 (A02, Wed) Patel, Akshat...................................... 133 (A01, Wed) Patel, Mitesh..................................... 1277 (G01, Tue) Patel, Prasad.......................................... 5 (A01, Sun), ................................46 (A01, Mon), 2000 (L10, Tue)

Patel, Radica.......................................206 (A01, Thu) Patel, Rajankumar............................ 449 (A02, Wed), ...........................................................2216 (Z01, Tue) Patel, Vinay......................................2161 (M04, Tue) Patel, Yash.......................................... 211 (A01, Thu) Patey, Timothy.................................. 701 (A03, Wed) Pathak, Manan...........92 (A01, Tue), 612 (A02, Thu) Patraju, Kelly......................................1494 (I01, Thu) Patrick, Erin.....................................1434 (H05, Mon) Patrick, Marlena................................2198 (Z01, Tue) Patru, Alexandra................................1839 (L04, Tue) Paul, David.......................................2193 (Z01, Tue), .............................2197 (Z01, Tue), 2198 (Z01, Tue), ...........................................................2224 (Z01, Tue) Paulson, Scott.....................................1622 (I05, Tue) Pavanello, Marcelo.........................1467 (H05, Wed) Pavunny, Shojan.............................. 2041 (L10, Thu), ..........................................................2251 (Z02, Wed) Pavunny, Shojan P...........................1396 (H03, Wed) Pawlicka, Agnieszka........................776 (B03, Mon), ...........................................................1921 (L06, Tue) Pawlicka, Agnieszka.......................2292 (Z03, Wed), ..........................................................2293 (Z03, Wed) Payne, Martin..................................... 336 (A02, Tue) Paz y Puente, Ashley.........................265 (A02, Mon) Pearton, Stephen............................1432 (H05, Mon), ........................ 1434 (H05, Mon), 1439 (H05, Mon), .............................1456 (H05, Tue), 1461 (H05, Tue) Pech-Canul, Martin........................ 1085 (C01, Wed), .......................................................... 1090 (C01, Thu) Pech-Canul, Maximo..................... 1085 (C01, Wed), .......................................................... 1090 (C01, Thu) Pedersen, Anders............................. 1820 (L04, Mon) Pedersen, Thomas........................... 1611 (I05, Mon), ..........................................................2016 (L10, Wed) Pedro, Perdomo...................................47 (A01, Mon) Pei, Xing......................................... 2119 (M02, Wed) Pekar, G. S.......................................1477 (H05, Wed) Peled, Emanuel...................................42 (A01, Mon) Pellegrini, Vittorio............................. 718 (B01, Wed) Pelliccione, Christopher....................224 (A01, Thu), ...............................355 (A02, Tue), 421 (A02, Wed), .............................500 (A02, Wed), 1932 (L08, Wed) Pelzer, Kenley.................................... 846 (B05, Thu) Pemble, M............ 937 (B07, Wed), 1922 (L06, Tue) Pena Hueso, Adrian.......................... 332 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 571 (A02, Wed) Pence, Benjamin................................1554 (I03, Tue) Peng, J...............................................2278 (Z02, Wed) Peng, Jia-De.....................................2040 (L10, Wed) Peng, Jui-Kun........1555 (I03, Tue), 1666 (I06, Wed) Penner, R............ 135 (A01, Wed), 1695 (L01, Mon) Penumaka, Rani........545 (A02, Wed), 547 (A02, Wed) Perdue, Brian........325 (A02, Tue), 1313 (G02, Wed) Pereira, Ernesto................................ 141 (A01, Wed), ...........................1078 (C01, Wed), 1750 (L01, Wed) Pereira, Nathalie................................ 164 (A01, Wed) Pereira, Rui F. P.............................. 1898 (L06, Mon), ...........................................................1923 (L06, Tue) Perepezko, John................................1123 (C02, Tue) Perera, Manori...................................1883 (L05, Tue) Pérez Mendoza, Alejandro..............1790 (L03, Tue), ............................ 1791 (L03, Tue), 1794 (L03, Wed) Perez Millan, Brenda......................1474 (H05, Wed) Pérez-Flores, Juan Carlos.................215 (A01, Thu), ............................................................631 (A02, Thu) Pérez-Roa, Rodolfo...........................1210 (F02, Tue) Perkins, Craig....................................2009 (L10, Tue) Perkins, Robert...............................1674 (K01, Wed), .........................................................1676 (K01, Wed) Permyakova, Anastatia....................2016 (L10, Wed) Perraud, S.......................................... 937 (B07, Wed) Perrin, Jean-Christophe....................1657 (I06, Wed) Perron, Marie-Claude.....................2104 (M02, Tue), ..........................................................2166 (M04, Tue) Perry, Albert......................................2305 (Z04, Tue)

P Pacer, Elizabeth.................................1881 (L05, Tue) Paciok, Paul.......................................1562 (I03, Wed) Packirisamy, Muthukumaran........2090 (M02, Mon) Pacuretu, Catalina........................... 1084 (C01, Wed) Paddison, Stephen............................. 324 (A02, Tue), ...........................1770 (L03, Mon), 1774 (L03, Tue), .......................... 1797 (L03, Wed), 2043 (L11, Wed), ............................2046 (L11, Wed), 2053 (L11, Wed) Padha, Naresh................................ 2130 (M02, Wed), ........................................................ 2131 (M02, Wed) Padovani, Cristiano......................... 1072 (C01, Wed) Paganoto, Giordano.........................1868 (L04, Wed) Page-Belknap, Zachary......................1596 (I03, Thu) Pagot, Gioele...................................... 324 (A02, Tue) Pahom, Zoia.....................................1194 (E02, Wed) Pal, Samanwita.................................1943 (L08, Wed) Pal, Siladitya........................................28 (A01, Mon) Pal, Uday............................................214 (A01, Thu) Pala, Irina........................................... 375 (A02, Tue), ...........................1144 (E01, Mon), 1702 (L01, Mon) Pala, Ragip........................................1975 (L10, Sun) Pala, Raj.............................................1993 (L10, Tue) Palazzo, Benjamin............................. 211 (A01, Thu) Paliwal, Ayushi.................................2067 (M01, Tue) Pallares, Josep.................................1263 (G01, Mon) Palma, Jesús...................................... 1211 (F02, Tue) Palmisiano, Marc............................ 2138 (M02, Thu) Palomar-Pardavé, Manuel...............2276 (Z02, Wed) Pan, Baofei......................................... 322 (A02, Tue) Pan, Feng........................................... 693 (A03, Wed) Pan, Huilin............................................. 3 (A01, Sun), ................................318 (A02, Tue), 703 (A03, Wed) Pan, Jianxin..........124 (A01, Wed), 663 (A03, Mon) Pan, Jie...............................................237 (A02, Mon) Pan, Noren........................................ 1414 (H04, Tue) Pan, Zeng........................................... 441 (A02, Wed) Panchal, Chetan............................. 2130 (M02, Wed), ........................................................ 2131 (M02, Wed) Pandey, Rakesh................................2058 (L11, Wed) Pang, Beili...........................................875 (B06, Tue) Pang, Suh..........................................2100 (M02, Tue) Panikulam, Paul.............................. 1202 (F02, Mon) Pannala, Sreekanth.............................608 (A02, Thu) Pansila, P. Pungboon........................2274 (Z02, Wed) Pantouvaki, Marianna...................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Paolesse, Roberto.............................940 (B08, Mon), ...........................................................955 (B08, Mon) Paoli, Elisa.........................................1837 (L04, Tue) Papa Rao, S. S.................................. 1373 (H03, Tue) Papadimitrakopoulos, Fotios............783 (B03, Mon) Papageorge, Mark........................... 2146 (M02, Thu) Papandrew, Alex.................................. 77 (A01, Tue) Papandrew, Alexander.....................1567 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................1811 (L04, Sun) Papautsky, Ian............................... 2119 (M02, Wed), ........................................................ 2134 (M02, Wed) Paquette, Michelle...........................2285 (Z03, Wed) Parbrook, Peter................................. 1454 (H05, Tue) Parent, Lucas.....................................1169 (E02, Tue) Parihar, Usha.................................. 2131 (M02, Wed) Park, Bo Keun...................................2222 (Z01, Tue) Park, Chan-Jin...... 593 (A02, Wed), 594 (A02, Wed) Park, Chang Bum............................1464 (H05, Wed) Park, Changyong............................. 1132 (C02, Wed) Park, Cheol-Ho................................. 578 (A02, Wed) Park, Chiwoo................................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Park, Chiyoung................................1971 (L09, Wed) Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Perry, Mike.........................................1653 (I06, Tue) Perry, Nicola......................................1633 (I05, Wed) Persson, Kristin................................... 10 (A01, Sun), ........................... 1792 (L03, Wed), 1793 (L03, Wed) Pessoa, Christiana............................2076 (M01, Tue) Peszke, Jerzy.....................................776 (B03, Mon) Petchsingh, Cattelya......................... 126 (A01, Wed) Peters, Dennis.................................1673 (K01, Wed), ......................... 1680 (K01, Wed), 1684 (K01, Wed), ..........................................................1689 (K01, Thu) Peters, Fabian....................................235 (A02, Mon) Peters, Jonas....... 1755 (L01, Wed), 1979 (L10, Sun) Peterson, Andrew........1515 (I02, Tue), 1516 (I02, Tue) Peterson, David.................................1480 (I01, Wed) Pethig, Ronald..................................2098 (M02, Tue) Petit, Martin........................................ 389 (A02, Tue) Petrova, Maria................................. 1082 (C01, Wed) Petrunin, Maxim............................. 1077 (C01, Wed) Petsalakis, Ioannis D.........................1010 (B08, Tue) Petseva, Nia.................................... 2117 (M02, Wed) Peydus, Daniel..................................1738 (L01, Tue) Pezeshki, Alan...................................662 (A03, Mon) Pfeifer, Blaine.................................. 2300 (Z04, Mon) Pfleger, Jiri.......................................1284 (G01, Wed) Phadke, Satyajit...................................15 (A01, Mon) Pham, Hieu........................................275 (A02, Mon) Pham, Tuan Anh.............................. 1991 (L10, Mon) Phan, Trang.......................................2228 (Z01, Tue) Phaneuf, Anne-Laurence....................859 (B06, Tue) Phelan, Patrick..................................2242 (Z01, Tue) Philippe, Bertrand.............................238 (A02, Mon) Phillips, Adam................................... 714 (B01, Wed) Phillips, Oluwadamilola..................2207 (Z01, Tue), ..........................................................2282 (Z03, Wed) Phillips, Patrick................................. 327 (A02, Tue), ............................... 458 (A02, Wed), 642 (A02, Thu) Phillips, Ryan....................................1662 (I06, Wed) Phung, Le.............. 201 (A01, Thu), 437 (A02, Wed) Piana, Michele.......... 243 (A02, Mon), 1834 (L04, Tue) Picard, Lionel..................................... 335 (A02, Tue) Picken, Stephen..................................1601 (I03, Thu) Pickering, Michael..........................1469 (H05, Wed) Piernas-Muñoz, María José.............297 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 378 (A02, Tue) Pieterick, Adam.................................1975 (L10, Sun) Pietrisz, Patrick..................................1554 (I03, Tue) Pikma, Piret......................................1741 (L01, Wed) Pilarczyk, Kacper..............................1905 (L06, Tue) Pilip, Anna...................................... 2133 (M02, Wed) Pillay, Pragesan.................................1973 (L10, Sun) Pilli, Satyananda Kishore.................2007 (L10, Tue) Pilorget, Sonia.................................1363 (H03, Mon) Pinchuk, Alexey...............................2071 (M01, Tue) Pineux, Florent................................... 764 (B02, Thu) Pingin, Vitaliy....................................1715 (L01, Tue) Pinkowitz, Ainsley............................2233 (Z01, Tue) Pinkwart, Karsten.........62 (A01, Tue), 122 (A01, Wed) Pintauro, Peter.................................... 686 (A03, Tue) Pirnat, Klemen................................... 351 (A02, Tue) Piseri, Paolo......................................2280 (Z02, Wed) Pivovar, Bryan.......1596 (I03, Thu), 1949 (L09, Tue) Piwowar, Justyna..............................1809 (L04, Sun) Pla, Sara.............................................1010 (B08, Tue) Placke, Tobias.....................................37 (A01, Mon), .............................266 (A02, Mon), 439 (A02, Wed), .......................... 720 (B01, Wed), 2182 (Z01, Tue), 2 .............................................................185 (Z01, Tue) Plews, Michael..... 454 (A02, Wed), 520 (A02, Wed) Plichta, Edward.................................. 683 (A03, Tue) Ploense, Lloyd................................. 2146 (M02, Thu) Plotnikov, Victor.............................1469 (H05, Wed) Plylahan, Nareerat..............................31 (A01, Mon), .............................480 (A02, Wed), 2265 (Z02, Wed) Poblet, Josep M.................................819 (B04, Mon)

Podila, Ramakrishna......................... 729 (B01, Thu), ..................................747 (B01, Thu) 873 (B06, Tue) Poelt, Peter...........1171 (E02, Tue), 1173 (E02, Tue) Poerschke, David..............................1125 (C02, Tue) Poetzsch, Daniel............................... 1608 (I05, Mon) Pofelski, Alexandre.........................1364 (H03, Mon) Pognon, Grégory............................... 116 (A01, Wed) Poirot-Crouvezier, Jean-Philippe.........1661 (I06, Wed), ...........................................................1667 (I06, Wed) Pol, Vilas............................................292 (A02, Mon) Polat, Deniz......................................263 (A02, Mon), .............................. 514 (A02, Wed), 515 (A02, Wed) Polczynski, Piotr.............................1756 (L01, Wed), ...........................................................1810 (L04, Sun) Polishchuk, Yu.................................1429 (H04, Wed) Polity, Angelika................................. 103 (A01, Wed) Pollina, Michael................................. 332 (A02, Tue) Polupan, Georgiy............................1393 (H03, Wed) Polzin, Bryant......301 (A02, Mon), 302 (A02, Mon), .............................. 303 (A02, Mon), 333 (A02, Tue), ............................................................609 (A02, Thu) Pomarico, Giuseppe.........................940 (B08, Mon), ...........................................................955 (B08, Mon) Pomfret, Michael...............................190 (A01, Thu) Pookpanratana, Sujitra.................... 1268 (G01, Tue), .......................................................... 1270 (G01, Tue) Poorahong, Sujittra.........................2104 (M02, Tue), ..........................................................2166 (M04, Tue) Poozhikunnath, Abhinav...................191 (A01, Thu) Popov, Alexey...................................824 (B04, Mon) Popovic, Jelena.................................2045 (L11, Wed) Porcher, Willy.................................... 478 (A02, Wed) Porfyrakis, Kyriakos.........................828 (B04, Mon) Porter, Matthew...............................1433 (H05, Mon) Porthault, Hélène...............................277 (A02, Mon) Portier, Xavier.................................1387 (H03, Wed) Pourazadi, Ehsan..............................1196 (F02, Mon) Pourcelly, Gérald...............................1833 (L04, Tue) Povey, I............... 937 (B07, Wed), 1352 (H01, Thu), ............................ 1922 (L06, Tue), 2273 (Z02, Wed) Pradhan, Aswini...............................1884 (L05, Tue), .........................2101 (M02, Tue), 2125 (M02, Wed), ...........................2143 (M02, Thu), 2279 (Z02, Wed) Pradhan, Kallol.................................2278 (Z02, Wed) Prakash, Adithya..............................2284 (Z03, Wed) Prakash, G. K...........142 (A01, Wed), 664 (A03, Mon), .............................670 (A03, Mon), 673 (A03, Mon), ...............................683 (A03, Tue), 702 (A03, Wed), ........................................................... 704 (A03, Wed) Prakash, Jai.............312 (A02, Tue), 368 (A02, Tue), ...............................417 (A02, Tue), 428 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 590 (A02, Wed) Prakash, Kamal.................................972 (B08, Mon) Pralong, Valérie..................................636 (A02, Thu) Prasad, Ankush.................................2079 (M01, Tue) Prasada Rao, Rayavarapu.................. 374 (A02, Tue) Prasher, Rakesh...............................1400 (H03, Wed) Prathap, Haridoss........ 61 (A01, Tue), 83 (A01, Tue) Pratibha Nalini, R............................1387 (H03, Wed) Pratt, Lawrence............................... 1767 (L03, Mon) Premkumar, Anjali...........................1751 (L01, Wed) Preusse, Axel.....................................1161 (E02, Tue) Prezas, Panagiotis............................. 461 (A02, Wed) Price, Tyler........................................1887 (L05, Tue) Prieto, Maria Pilar.............................. 838 (B05, Thu) Pritzker, Mark....... 132 (A01, Wed), 473 (A02, Wed) Privman, Vladimir...........................1181 (E02, Wed) Prochotsky, Jennifer..........................1883 (L05, Tue) Proffit, Danielle.......342 (A02, Tue), 383 (A02, Tue) Prokopkina, Taisiya........................ 2133 (M02, Wed) Promislow, Keith..............................1779 (L03, Tue) Przybyla, Craig..................................1121 (C02, Tue) Psaltis, Demetri..................................1495 (I01, Thu) Puch-Bleis, José............................. 1085 (C01, Wed), .......................................................... 1090 (C01, Thu) Puglia, Carla......................................1000 (B08, Tue)

Puli, Venkata....................................... 400 (A02, Tue) Pupek, Krzysztof.................................. 65 (A01, Tue) Purdy, Andrew...................................1578 (I03, Wed) Purdy, Geraldine............................ 1825 (L04, Mon), ............................1827 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Purohit, Sudhaunshu........................2285 (Z03, Wed) Purrello, Roberto...............................944 (B08, Mon)


Q Qadri, Syed.........................................190 (A01, Thu) Qi, Ji....................... 739 (B01, Thu), 1584 (I03, Wed) Qi, Ji..................... 1788 (L03, Tue), 1808 (L04, Sun) Qi, Wentao........................................ 1506 (I02, Mon) Qi, Yue.................. 451 (A02, Wed), 610 (A02, Thu), ...........................1771 (L03, Mon), 1773 (L03, Tue), ...........................................................1783 (L03, Tue) Qian, Danna......................................... 70 (A01, Tue) Qian, Jiangfeng................................. 333 (A02, Tue), ...........................1152 (E02, Mon), 1155 (E02, Mon) Qian, Ma...........................................2269 (Z02, Wed) Qiao, Jinli..........................................1520 (I02, Tue), ............................... 1525 (I02, Tue), 1526 (I02, Tue), ............................... 1527 (I02, Tue), 1528 (I02, Tue), .............................1531 (I02, Wed), 1532 (I02, Wed), ..............................1533 (I02, Wed), 1534 (I02, Wed) Qin, Shi-biao...................................... 399 (A02, Tue) Qin, Yong.......................................... 1303 (G02, Tue) Qing, Xin............................................1525 (I02, Tue) Qiu, Ming..........................................267 (A02, Mon) Qiu, Xinping...................................... 581 (A02, Wed) Qiu, Yang........................................... 739 (B01, Thu), ........................... 1204 (F02, Mon), 1584 (I03, Wed), ............................. 1808 (L04, Sun), 1951 (L09, Tue) Qu, Deyang....................................... 118 (A01, Wed) Qu, Xiaohui.......................................... 10 (A01, Sun) Quadakkers, Willem.........................1118 (C02, Tue) Quaranta, Annamaria....................... 1039 (B08, Thu) Quesnel, David....................................39 (A01, Mon) Quesnel, Etienne................................ 740 (B01, Thu) Quill, Nathan..................................... 126 (A01, Wed) Quinton, Betty....................................632 (A02, Thu) Quiroga-González, Enrique............. 1300 (G02, Tue) Qureshi, Ahsanulhaq........................2074 (M01, Tue)

R Raabe, Dierk....................................1108 (C02, Mon) Rabelo, Adriano...............................1970 (L09, Wed) Radisic, Aleksandar..........................1162 (E02, Tue) Radovic, Miladin...............................194 (A01, Thu) Radu, Juliana..........1326 (H01, Tue), 1359 (H03, Mon) Raeissi, Keyvan..................................207 (A01, Thu) Raevskaya, A...................................1429 (H04, Wed) Raghavachari, Krishnan.................... 735 (B01, Thu) Raghothamachar, Balaji................... 1459 (H05, Tue) Raghupathi, P....................................1891 (L05, Tue) Rago, James......................................2200 (Z01, Tue) Rahman, Ehsanur................................865 (B06, Tue) Rahman, Md........................................992 (B08, Tue) Rahman, Md......................................1247 (F04, Tue) Rahn, Bjorn......................................1747 (L01, Wed) Rahulan, K..........................................205 (A01, Thu) Raidongia, Kalyan...........................2250 (Z02, Wed) Raj, C..................................................223 (A01, Thu) Raja, Munira..................................... 1278 (G01, Tue) Rajawat, Deepak............................ 2180 (M04, Wed) Rajeev, Ayushi.................................1407 (H04, Mon) Rajeshwar, Krishnan......................... 934 (B07, Wed) Rajeswara Rao, L. L........................2291 (Z03, Wed) Rajput, Nav.......................................... 10 (A01, Sun) Raju, Kumar..................................... 111 (A01, Wed), ...............................492 (A02, Wed), 746 (B01, Thu), ......................................................... 1136 (E01, Mon) Rakousky, Christoph........................1561 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................1562 (I03, Wed) Ramachandran, Elumalai...............1286 (G01, Wed) Ramadesigan, Venkatasailanathan........2226 (Z01, Tue) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Ramamurthy, Vittal.........................2038 (L10, Wed), ..........................................................2039 (L10, Wed) Raman, Balaji....................................1219 (F02, Tue) Ramanan, Aravind Vyas...................1973 (L10, Sun) Ramanathan, Mayandi....................... 678 (A03, Tue) Ramanathan, Shriram..................... 1069 (C01, Wed) Ramanathan, Srinivasan...................1706 (L01, Tue) Ramani, Vijay.....................................16 (A01, Mon), ............................. 120 (A01, Wed), 121 (A01, Wed), .............................. 124 (A01, Wed), 227 (A01, Thu), ............................663 (A03, Mon), 1232 (F02, Wed), ........................... 1233 (F02, Wed), 1932 (L08, Wed) Ramasamy, Madhumidha.................1628 (I05, Wed) Ramaswamy, Nagappan..................1572 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1818 (L04, Mon) Ramirez-Caro, Alejandra.................1752 (L01, Wed) Ramsden, Todd..................................1485 (I01, Thu) Rana, Lokesh.................................. 2115 (M02, Wed) Rand, Barry.....................................1265 (G01, Mon) Randazzo, Rosalba............................944 (B08, Mon) Randolph, Katie................................1480 (I01, Wed) Ranjan, Chinmoy..............................1953 (L09, Tue) Rankin, Rees.....................................1784 (L03, Tue) Rannou, Patrice.................................. 335 (A02, Tue) Rao, Apparao...................................... 729 (B01, Thu) Rao, Apparao...........747 (B01, Thu), 873 (B06, Tue) Rashid, Muhammad........................... 346 (A02, Tue) Rasimick, Brian.................................1949 (L09, Tue) Rasmussen, Paul........218 (A01, Thu), 2239 (Z01, Tue) Ratcliff, Chris................................... 1415 (H04, Tue) Ratel, Olivier..................................... 115 (A01, Wed) Rath, Sankar......................................939 (B08, Mon) Rather, Jahangir................................2074 (M01, Tue) Rathuwadu, Nadeesha......................2234 (Z01, Tue) Ratnakumar, Bugga.......................... 334 (A02, Tue), ............................................................640 (A02, Thu) Ratsch, Christian.............................1413 (H04, Mon) Ratzloff, Michael............................ 2298 (Z04, Mon) Rau, Karen..........................................1539 (I03, Tue) Rauff-Nisthar, Nadya...................... 1072 (C01, Wed) Ravikumar, Musuwathi......................20 (A01, Mon) Ravikumar, Raman.............................36 (A01, Mon) Ravishankar, Sundararaman........... 1761 (L03, Mon) Rawlings, Sabrina.............................. 683 (A03, Tue) Ray, Asim......................................... 1275 (G01, Tue) Ray, Nathan.......................................1636 (I05, Wed) Raya, I. B. P.......................................1891 (L05, Tue) Razeeb, Kafil......... 151 (A01, Wed), 205 (A01, Thu) Razeghi, Manijeh............................. 1419 (H04, Tue) Read, Jeffrey.......................................648 (A02, Thu) Reboh, Shay....................................1363 (H03, Mon) Rech, Jeromy.....................................2200 (Z01, Tue) Recham, Nadir...................................635 (A02, Thu) Recknagle, Kurt................................659 (A03, Mon) Redkin, Alexander...........................1754 (L01, Wed) Redman, Daniel................................1226 (F02, Tue) Reeb, Berthold................................. 1609 (I05, Mon) Reece, Charlie...................................1250 (F04, Tue) Reed, David........... 659 (A03, Mon), 684 (A03, Tue) Reguera, Gemma........................... 2296 (Z04, Mon), ......................................................... 2302 (Z04, Mon) Reid, Joel..........................................282 (A02, Mon), ............................... 309 (A02, Mon), 352 (A02, Tue) Reid, Russell.....................................1709 (L01, Tue) Reikowski, Finn...............................1747 (L01, Wed) Rein, Regis........................................1007 (B08, Tue) Reissner, Michael..............................1173 (E02, Tue) Remsen, Edward...............................2220 (Z01, Tue) Ren, Chang.............202 (A01, Thu), 792 (B03, Tue), .............................. 886 (B06, Wed), 2235 (Z01, Tue) Ren, Fan......... 1432 (H05, Mon), 1434 (H05, Mon), ..........................1439 (H05, Mon), 1456 (H05, Tue), .......................................................... 1461 (H05, Tue) Ren, Guofeng.....................................624 (A02, Thu) Ren, Jiawen.......................................1718 (L01, Tue) Ren, Shenqiang...................................908 (B07, Tue)

Ren, Yang.......................................... 342 (A02, Tue), ................................ 630 (A02, Thu), 634 (A02, Thu) Ren, Yang............................................. 60 (A01, Tue) Renaud, Philippe................................ 765 (B02, Thu) Rengaswamy, Raghunathan.............1973 (L10, Sun) Rensmo, Hakan.................................238 (A02, Mon) Rentenberger, Stephan......................285 (A02, Mon) Resasco, Daniel.................................281 (A02, Mon) Resmi Suresh, M. P...........................1973 (L10, Sun) Retterer, Scott.....................................1543 (I03, Tue) Revel, Renaud.................................... 389 (A02, Tue) Reynaud, Marine...............................297 (A02, Mon) Reynolds, Jonathan........................ 2139 (M02, Thu), .............................2168 (M04, Tue), 2240 (Z01, Tue) Reynolds, Marissa.............................2224 (Z01, Tue) Rezaei Niya, Seyed Mohammad......1662 (I06, Wed) Rezqita, Arlavinda............................264 (A02, Mon) Rheinländer, Philipp........................1832 (L04, Tue), ...........................................................1845 (L04, Tue) Rhodes, Chris......................................43 (A01, Mon) Rhodes, Christopher..........................206 (A01, Thu) Riaz, Saira........................................2262 (Z02, Wed) Ribadeneira Paz, Rafael...................1790 (L03, Tue), ............................ 1791 (L03, Tue), 1794 (L03, Wed) Ribeiro, Francisco Wirley.................1732 (L01, Tue) Ribeiro, Josimar............................. 1079 (C01, Wed), ..........................................................1868 (L04, Wed) Richter, Curt........1268 (G01, Tue), 1270 (G01, Tue) Richter, Lee..................................... 1150 (E02, Mon) Richter, Matthias............................. 1295 (G02, Tue), .......................... 1304 (G02, Wed), 1306 (G02, Wed) Richter, Simon.................................1366 (H03, Mon) Ricote, Sandrine.............................. 1501 (I02, Mon), ................................ 1508 (I02, Tue), 1510 (I02, Tue) Ricoux, Rémy.................................. 1051 (B08, Thu) Ridgeway, Paul.................................231 (A02, Mon) Riedel, Ralf........................................ 482 (A02, Wed) Riedo, Andreas..................................1163 (E02, Tue) Riel, Heike.......................................1334 (H01, Wed) Rife, Derek.............134 (A01, Wed), 678 (A03, Tue) Rigdon, William................................... 57 (A01, Tue) Rimal, Sirish.....................................2283 (Z03, Wed) Ringel, Steven.................................. 1415 (H04, Tue) Ringuedé, Armelle.........................2149 (M04, Mon) Risko, Chad............414 (A02, Tue), 435 (A02, Wed) Risko, Donald....................................1246 (F04, Tue) Risthaus, Tim....................................256 (A02, Mon) Ritt, Patrick........................................1123 (C02, Tue) Rittichier, Jonathan.........................1684 (K01, Wed) Rivera, Mario................................... 1046 (B08, Thu) Rivera Rocabado, David...................2217 (Z01, Tue) Rivera-Nazario, Danisha.................822 (B04, Mon), ............................................................ 843 (B05, Thu) Roach, Nicholas............................... 1040 (B08, Thu) Robert-Philip, Isabelle........................804 (B03, Tue) Roberts, Christine............................... 99 (A01, Wed) Roberts, Edward..............................1197 (F02, Mon), ...........................1201 (F02, Mon), 1202 (F02, Mon) Roberts, Ethan...................................2220 (Z01, Tue) Roberts, John.....................................2306 (Z04, Tue) Roberts, Mark.......109 (A01, Wed), 110 (A01, Wed), ................................465 (A02, Wed), 729 (B01, Thu) Roberts, Matthew................................. 63 (A01, Tue) Roberts, Scott..........99 (A01, Wed), 468 (A02, Wed) Robertson, Logan................................21 (A01, Mon) Robinson, David...............................1169 (E02, Tue) Robinson, Pierce................................ 354 (A02, Tue) Rocha, John-David.............................810 (B03, Tue) Rocha, Luis.......................................1726 (L01, Tue) Rochford, Caitlin...............................774 (B03, Mon) Röckert, Michael...............................961 (B08, Mon) Rockett, Angus................................1411 (H04, Mon) Rode, Edward.....................................1524 (I02, Tue) Röder, C...........................................1385 (H03, Wed) Rodriguez, Antonio............................ 838 (B05, Thu) Rodriguez, Claudia............................1495 (I01, Thu)

Rodriguez, David............................ 1115 (C02, Mon) Rodriguez, Noel.............................1339 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1344 (H01, Wed) Rodriguez-Carvaja, Juan...................635 (A02, Thu) Rodríguez-Fortea, Antonio...............819 (B04, Mon) Rodríguez-López, Joaquín...............226 (A01, Thu), ...........................1697 (L01, Mon), 1980 (L10, Sun), ...........................................................2244 (Z01, Tue) Rodrigues, Marco-Tulio, F............... 146 (A01, Wed) Rodriguez-Martinez, Lide.................647 (A02, Thu) Rodriguez-Mendez, Maria Luz.........999 (B08, Tue), ..........................................................2080 (M01, Tue) Rodriguez-Morgade, M. Salome......1003 (B08, Tue) Rodriguez-Silva, Allen....................1235 (F02, Wed) Rodwell, Mark................................. 1374 (H03, Tue) Roev, Victor....................................... 427 (A02, Wed) Rogers, John........ 769 (B03, Mon), 1416 (H04, Tue) Rogers, Robin...................................2158 (M04, Tue) Roh, Ha-Kyung................................. 573 (A02, Wed) Roh, Kwang Chul............................. 573 (A02, Wed) Roh, Yung-Seok................................1177 (E02, Tue) Rojo, Teofilo......... 252 (A02, Mon), 379 (A02, Tue), ........................... 1936 (L08, Wed), 2260 (Z02, Wed) Rojo, Teófilo.......... 297 (A02, Mon), 378 (A02, Tue) Roldán, Silvia...................................2260 (Z02, Wed) Roling, Bernhard............................... 388 (A02, Tue), ..............................1708 (L01, Tue), 2192 (Z01, Tue) Rolison, Debra.........375 (A02, Tue), 1144 (E01, Mon), ............................1574 (I03, Wed), 1702 (L01, Mon) Romanyuk, A..................................1429 (H04, Wed) Romero-Romo, Mario.....................2276 (Z02, Wed) Rong, Jiepeng....................................307 (A02, Mon) Ronkainen, Niina..............................1880 (L05, Tue) Rooyackers, Rita............................. 1326 (H01, Tue), ......................... 1336 (H01, Wed), 1337 (H01, Wed), ..........................1357 (H01, Thu), 1359 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1369 (H03, Mon) Rosendahl, Scott..............................1934 (L08, Wed) Rosensteel, Wade........ 1510 (I02, Tue), 1511 (I02, Tue) Rosolen, Jose.......... 717 (B01, Wed), 794 (B03, Tue) Ross, Nick........................................2283 (Z03, Wed) Ross, Philip......................................... 410 (A02, Tue) Rossi, Bruno.....................................1750 (L01, Wed) Rossignol, Cécile.........405 (A02, Tue), 1615 (I05, Tue) Rossinot, Elisabeth.............................1541 (I03, Tue) Rossmeisl, Jan......1786 (L03, Tue), 1837 (L04, Tue) Rossouw, Claire................................ 111 (A01, Wed) Rotas, Giorgos...................................1010 (B08, Tue) Rothermel, Sergej...............................37 (A01, Mon) Rotkin, Slava........ 815 (B03, Wed), 851 (B06, Mon) Rotkin, Slava V..........769 (B03, Mon), 814 (B03, Wed) Rouault, Helene.................................. 96 (A01, Wed), .................................97 (A01, Wed), 172 (A01, Wed) Roué, Lionel.....................................2173 (M04, Tue) Rougier, Aline.........1902 (L06, Mon), 1916 (L06, Tue) Roumi, Farshid.................................. 130 (A01, Wed) Roumi, Jamshid................................ 130 (A01, Wed) Rousse, Gwenealle.............................635 (A02, Thu) Roxbury, Daniel................................ 750 (B02, Wed) Roxbury, Daniel................................ 755 (B02, Thu), ................................756 (B02, Thu), 813 (B03, Wed) Roy, Aaron.........................................1957 (L09, Tue) Roy, Asa................1566 (I03, Wed), 1577 (I03, Wed) Roy, Claudie......................................1803 (L04, Sun) Rozman, Kyle................................. 1080 (C01, Wed) Roznyatovskaya, Nataliya................ 122 (A01, Wed) Rubio-Garcia, Javier.......................... 679 (A03, Tue) Rudd, Lydia.......................................1883 (L05, Tue) Ruge, Martin....................................1747 (L01, Wed) Ruiz, Rafael.....................................1344 (H01, Wed) Ruiz Montoya, José Gabriel.............1812 (L04, Sun) Rumpf, Klemens.......1171 (E02, Tue), 1173 (E02, Tue) Runa, Maria.......................................1726 (L01, Tue) Runnerstrom, Evan......................... 1895 (L06, Mon) Ruotolo, Luis Augusto....................1199 (F02, Mon), ..........................................................1241 (F02, Wed)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Rupp, Jennifer.................................. 1605 (I05, Mon) Rus, Eric...................15 (A01, Mon), 17 (A01, Mon) Rusdi, Roshidah.......93 (A01, Tue), 403 (A02, Tue), .............................. 450 (A02, Wed), 490 (A02, Wed) Rusling, James.................................1746 (L01, Wed) Russell, John.............67 (A01, Tue), 360 (A02, Tue) Russell, Selena................................... 337 (A02, Tue) Russina, Margarita............................1576 (I03, Wed) Russkikh, Iana................................ 2133 (M02, Wed) Rustagi, Neha....................................1480 (I01, Wed) Rutherford, Gugu.......................... 2125 (M02, Wed), ...........................2143 (M02, Thu), 2279 (Z02, Wed) Rutkowska, Iwona........................... 884 (B06, Wed), .............................1538 (I02, Wed), 1645 (I05, Wed), ............................ 1908 (L06, Tue), 2018 (L10, Wed) Ryan, Aoife..........................................868 (B06, Tue) Ryan, Emily.........................................40 (A01, Mon) Ryan, Kevin........... 595 (A02, Wed), 622 (A02, Thu) Ryan, Michael.....................................992 (B08, Tue) Ryckaert, J.......................................1359 (H03, Mon) Ryou, Myung-Hyun......................... 592 (A02, Wed), .............................. 596 (A02, Wed), 598 (A02, Wed) Ryu, Hee-Yeon..................................245 (A02, Mon)

Sankaran, Mohan.............................1854 (L04, Wed) Sankaranarayanan, Subramanian.........105 (A01, Wed), ...........................1069 (C01, Wed), 1981 (L10, Sun), ..........................................................2267 (Z02, Wed) Sankarasubramanian, Shrihari.......... 312 (A02, Tue), ...............................368 (A02, Tue), 428 (A02, Wed), .......................................................... 1291 (G02, Tue) Sanna, Simone.................................. 1603 (I05, Mon) Sansiñena, José-María................... 1031 (B08, Wed), ..............................1580 (I03, Wed), 1581 (I03, Wed) Sanson, Alessandra............................193 (A01, Thu) Sant, Saurabh..................................1334 (H01, Wed) Santato, Clara................................... 114 (A01, Wed), ............................1269 (G01, Tue), 1277 (G01, Tue), .........................................................1280 (G01, Wed) Santhanagopalan, Shriram.................612 (A02, Thu) Santhanagopalan, Sunand................. 467 (A02, Wed) Santhanam, Kalathur.......................1885 (L05, Tue), ...........................................................1891 (L05, Tue) Santiago, Elisabete............................1582 (I03, Wed) Santiago, Kevin.............................. 2125 (M02, Wed) Santinacci, Lionel..........................1308 (G02, Wed), ..........................................................2265 (Z02, Wed) Santini, Catherine............................... 96 (A01, Wed), .................................97 (A01, Wed), 172 (A01, Wed) Santoro, Carlo................................. 2295 (Z04, Mon) Santos, Cleis...................................... 1211 (F02, Tue) Santos, Cleverson.............................2076 (M01, Tue) Santos, Diogo...................................1568 (I03, Wed), ..............................1586 (I03, Wed), 1954 (L09, Tue) Santos, José........................................ 841 (B05, Thu) Saptarshi, Das......................................857 (B06, Tue) Sarangadharan, Indu........................ 1425 (H04, Tue) Sarasketa-Zabala, Elixabet................647 (A02, Thu) Saravanan, S..................................... 1291 (G02, Tue) Sasaki, Katia....................................1346 (H01, Wed) Sasaki, Katsuhiro............................1390 (H03, Wed) Sasaki, Kazunari........1542 (I03, Tue), 1633 (I05, Wed) Sasaki, Kotaro................................. 1814 (L04, Mon) Sasaki, Shunsuke.............................. 499 (A02, Wed) Sastre-Santos, Angela......................1010 (B08, Tue), ......................................................... 1019 (B08, Wed) Sastre-Santos, Angela.........................974 (B08, Tue) Sathre, Roger.....................................1482 (I01, Wed) Satish, Rohit.......................................626 (A02, Thu) Sato, Kazuyuki...................................1651 (I06, Tue) Sato, Shingo..........1335 (H01, Wed), 1338 (H01, Wed) Sato, Shuichi....................................2109 (M02, Tue) Sato, Takashi....................................2058 (L11, Wed) Sato, Toshiki.................................... 1056 (C01, Wed) Satoh, Koh...........................................978 (B08, Tue) Satoshi, Satoshi................................1189 (E02, Wed) Satsangee, Soami.............................2189 (Z01, Tue), ............................ 2191 (Z01, Tue), 2275 (Z02, Wed) Satsangee, Soami........................... 2180 (M04, Wed) Sattari, Mohammad........................1106 (C02, Mon) Satterwhite, Jennifer........................1746 (L01, Wed) Satyavolu, Nitya Sai Reddy............1182 (E02, Wed) Saubanere, Matthieu..........................635 (A02, Thu) Saucedo, Cesar..................................1890 (L05, Tue) Saud, Gaurav.................................... 1291 (G02, Tue) Sauer, Dirk Uwe......68 (A01, Tue), 168 (A01, Wed), ............................280 (A02, Mon), 1766 (L03, Mon) Saupe, Geoffrey B............................2035 (L10, Wed) Saur, Genevieve.................................1485 (I01, Thu) Saurel, Damien..................................297 (A02, Mon) Sauvage, Frédéric............................... 345 (A02, Tue) Sauza, Daniel....................................265 (A02, Mon) Savage, John.................................... 1768 (L03, Mon) Savinell, Robert................................. 123 (A01, Wed) Sawada, Tomomi............................1463 (H05, Wed) Sawas, Abdulrazzag.......................... 601 (A02, Wed) Sawhney, Rohan.............................. 1033 (B08, Wed) Sawicki, Monica............................... 442 (A02, Wed) Sawicki, Monica.......259 (A02, Mon), 697 (A03, Wed) Saxena, Sachin.................................2275 (Z02, Wed)

Sayago, Jonathan............................. 114 (A01, Wed), .......................................................... 1277 (G01, Tue) Sayama, Kazuhiro.............................2005 (L10, Tue) Sayle, Dean....................................... 585 (A02, Wed) Sayle, Thi........................................... 585 (A02, Wed) Scanlon, David.................................. 692 (A03, Wed) Scarpa, Giuseppe........................... 2177 (M04, Wed) Schäfer, Anna..................................1366 (H03, Mon) Schalenbach, Maximilian................1238 (F02, Wed) Schaller, Richard.............................. 1418 (H04, Tue) Schappacher, Falko............................. 90 (A01, Tue), .............................. 100 (A01, Wed), 104 (A01, Wed) Schatz, Rich..................................... 1063 (C01, Wed) Scheffer, Elizabeth...........................2084 (M01, Tue) Schemer-Kohrn, Alan............................ 3 (A01, Sun) Schenk, Andreas..............................1334 (H01, Wed) Scherbarth, Austin............................2081 (M01, Tue) Scherson, Daniel............................... 413 (A02, Tue), ........................... 1848 (L04, Tue), 1854 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1942 (L08, Wed) Schiestel, Stefanie............................. 447 (A02, Wed) Schindler, Stefan................................644 (A02, Thu) Schlettwein, Derck............................ 103 (A01, Wed) Schlom, Darrell.................................1844 (L04, Tue) Schmidt, Morten............................ 2177 (M04, Wed) Schmidt, Ralf.................................. 1149 (E02, Mon) Schmidt, Thomas..............................1839 (L04, Tue) Schmidt, Tom...................................2108 (M02, Tue) Schmitt, Kevin................................ 1149 (E02, Mon) Schmitz, Benjamin............................963 (B08, Mon) Schmuck, Martin................................ 409 (A02, Tue) Schneider, F.....................................1385 (H03, Wed) Schneider, Jenny............................. 1982 (L10, Mon) Schneider, Michael...........................1255 (F04, Tue) Schneider, Oliver.............................287 (A02, Mon), ............................581 (A02, Wed), 1871 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1872 (L04, Wed) Schodl, Juergen................................. 445 (A02, Wed) Schoiber, Jürgen................................308 (A02, Mon) Schougaard, Steen.............................1723 (L01, Tue) Schrandt, Matthew...........................1964 (L09, Wed) Schroeder, David............................... 546 (A02, Wed) Schroeder, Matthias.......................... 100 (A01, Wed) Schubert, Nora..................................1255 (F04, Tue) Schulte, Kevin.................................1407 (H04, Mon) Schulte-Braucks, Christian.............1366 (H03, Mon) Schulz, Michal..................................1119 (C02, Tue) Schulze-Küppers, Falk.....................1628 (I05, Wed) Schünemann, Volker........................ 1047 (B08, Thu) Schuppert, Anna................................1660 (I06, Wed) Schuppert, Nicholas...........................23 (A01, Mon), .............................................................24 (A01, Mon) Schuster, Lukas.................................1563 (I03, Wed) Schuster, Simon................................ 471 (A02, Wed) Schwager, Maximilian......................1663 (I06, Wed) Schwartz, David................................1978 (L10, Sun) Schwarz, Haiqing............................... 730 (B01, Thu) Schwarzenbach, Walter..................1361 (H03, Mon) Schwegler, Eric.................................. 742 (B01, Thu) Schwenzel, Julian..............................235 (A02, Mon) Schwämmlein, Jan...........................1185 (E02, Wed) Schönenberger, Christian............... 2126 (M02, Wed) Scott, James.....................................1396 (H03, Wed) Scott, Keith......................................... 738 (B01, Thu) Scott, Randall......................................908 (B07, Tue) Scrosati, Bruno................................. 511 (A02, Wed), .............................. 534 (A02, Wed), 536 (A02, Wed) Seabron, Eric.....................................769 (B03, Mon) Seacrist, Mike.................................... 896 (B06, Wed) Sebek, Michael..................................1735 (L01, Tue) Secouard, Christophe......................... 396 (A02, Tue) Secret, Emilie................................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Ségalini, Julie....................................252 (A02, Mon) Seger, Brian......................................2016 (L10, Wed)

S Sa, Niya.............................................. 342 (A02, Tue) Sa, Young Jin..........1969 (L09, Wed), 1971 (L09, Wed) Sabadini, Rodrigo.............................1921 (L06, Tue) Sabolsky, Edward..............................212 (A01, Thu), ............................1535 (I02, Wed), 2138 (M02, Thu) Sabolsky, Katarzyna........................1535 (I02, Wed), ......................................................... 2138 (M02, Thu) Sabor, Jalal........................................ 137 (A01, Wed) Saccone, Adriana.............................1568 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................1586 (I03, Wed) Sachdeva, Ramesh......................... 2130 (M02, Wed) Sachitanand, Rakshith....................1106 (C02, Mon) Sacré, Nicolas...................................2173 (M04, Tue) Saddow, Stephen............................... 186 (A01, Wed) Safa, Meer......................................... 106 (A01, Wed) Safanama, Dorsasadat........................ 374 (A02, Tue) Safari, Mohammadhosein................ 473 (A02, Wed) Safarnezhad Hendijani, Mohamad.............................. .........................................................1395 (H03, Wed) Sagawa, Takashi..................................909 (B07, Tue) Sagnes, Bruno.................................1349 (H01, Wed) Saha, Partha............................................ 4 (A01, Sun) Saha, S..............................................2070 (M01, Tue) Saha, Sulay........................................1993 (L10, Tue) Sahoo, Satyaprakash......................... 400 (A02, Tue), .............................935 (B07, Wed), 2278 (Z02, Wed) Sailor, M........................................... 1048 (B08, Thu) Saive, Rebecca..................................1975 (L10, Sun) Sakai, Kei...........................................1651 (I06, Tue) Sakai, Yuki.........................................1733 (L01, Tue) Sakamoto, Jeffrey............................. 506 (A02, Wed) Sakamoto, Shuhei............................. 558 (A02, Wed) Salari, Sina........................................... 56 (A01, Tue) Saliba-Silva, Adonis....................... 1209 (F02, Mon) Sallenave, Xavier..............................1914 (L06, Tue) Samaraweera, Milinda......................783 (B03, Mon) Samarth, Trivedi..................................874 (B06, Tue) Sambandamurthy, Ganapathy........1368 (H03, Mon) Sammelselg, Väino........................... 881 (B06, Wed) Sampedro, Carlos............................1344 (H01, Wed) Samu, Gergely................................... 934 (B07, Wed) Sanborn, Christopher.......................2011 (L10, Wed) Sanchez, Errol.................................1410 (H04, Mon) Sánchez, Rafael S........................... 1019 (B08, Wed) Sanchez, Stephen................................801 (B03, Tue) Sánchez-Molina, Irene......................1003 (B08, Tue) Sandrini, Regiani..............................1873 (L04, Wed) Sanford, Melanie...............................666 (A03, Mon) Sangoro, Joshua...............................2053 (L11, Wed) Sankar, Muniappan..........................947 (B08, Mon), ...........................................................972 (B08, Mon) 206

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Segre, Carlo...........16 (A01, Mon), 121 (A01, Wed), ............................... 224 (A01, Thu), 227 (A01, Thu), .............................................355 (A02, Tue), 359 (A02, Tue), ..................................421 (A02, Wed), 500 (A02, Wed), ...........................1823 (L04, Mon), 1932 (L08, Wed) Seidl, Lukas..........287 (A02, Mon), 581 (A02, Wed) Seidman, David.................................1958 (L09, Tue) Sek, Jakub..........................................1645 (I05, Wed) Sekkat, Nawal.................................. 1037 (B08, Thu) Selberg, Simona...............................1741 (L01, Wed) Selberherr, Siegfried......................1341 (H01, Wed), ......................... 1342 (H01, Wed), 1348 (H01, Wed), .........................................................1397 (H03, Wed) Selektor, Sofiya L................................982 (B08, Tue) Selinis, Petros.................................... 447 (A02, Wed) Selladurai, S.......... 151 (A01, Wed), 205 (A01, Thu) Semancik, Steve...............................2164 (M04, Tue) Sen, Fatih........................................... 754 (B02, Thu), ............................ 1981 (L10, Sun), 2267 (Z02, Wed) Sen, Selda........................................... 754 (B02, Thu) Sen, Sujat................16 (A01, Mon), 224 (A01, Thu), ................................227 (A01, Thu), 359 (A02, Tue), ..........................................................1932 (L08, Wed) Senge, Mathias.......868 (B06, Tue), 960 (B08, Mon) Sengupta, Arupananda.................... 1063 (C01, Wed) Sengupta, Jonah............................... 1421 (H04, Tue) Senguttuvan, Premkuvar................... 383 (A02, Tue) Sentanin, Franciani..........................2293 (Z03, Wed) Seo, Bora..........................................1969 (L09, Wed) Seo, Jeongwook................................ 312 (A02, Tue), ................................368 (A02, Tue), 428 (A02, Wed) Seo, Nali............................................1177 (E02, Tue) Seo, Seongrok................................... 485 (A02, Wed) Seok, Su-jeong................................1465 (H05, Wed) Sepehr, Fatemeh..............................1797 (L03, Wed), ..........................................................2046 (L11, Wed) Sequeira, Cesar.................................1568 (I03, Wed), ..............................1586 (I03, Wed), 1954 (L09, Tue) Sereda, Olha......................................1839 (L04, Tue) Serincan, Mustafa............................. 474 (A02, Wed) Serov, Alexey.................................... 745 (B01, Thu), .............................. 749 (B01, Thu), 1957 (L09, Tue), ...........................................................2305 (Z04, Tue) Seshadri, Dhruv.................................251 (A02, Mon) Sextl, Gerhard................................... 471 (A02, Wed) Sezer, Hayri.......................................1629 (I05, Wed) Shacham-Diamand, Yosi................ 1135 (E01, Mon) Shadley, Tyler.......1886 (L05, Tue), 2219 (Z01, Tue) Shadman, Abir.....................................865 (B06, Tue) Shah, Gautam.....................................222 (A01, Thu) Shah, Ramille....................................1644 (I05, Wed) Shah, Tushar...................................... 144 (A01, Wed) Shahbzian-Yassar, Reza...................295 (A02, Mon), ...............................376 (A02, Tue), 458 (A02, Wed), .............................. 467 (A02, Wed), 607 (A02, Thu), ...........................1230 (F02, Tue), 1368 (H03, Mon), ..........................................................2268 (Z02, Wed) Shaikh, A..........................................2070 (M01, Tue) Shamie, Jack..................................... 442 (A02, Wed), .............................. 691 (A03, Wed), 694 (A03, Wed) Shan, Xiaonan...................................1727 (L01, Tue) Shanbhag, Sneha............................... 113 (A01, Wed) Shaner, Matthew............................. 1295 (G02, Tue), ..........................................................2013 (L10, Wed) Shang, Zeyu....... 2215 (Z01, Tue), 2255 (Z02, Wed) Shannon, Curtis...............................2073 (M01, Tue), ..........................................................2082 (M01, Tue) Shannon, Lesley............................. 2116 (M02, Wed) Shanthi, Pavithra......... 64 (A01, Tue), 87 (A01, Tue) Shao, Han.......................................... 151 (A01, Wed) Shao, Minhua..................................1180 (E02, Wed), ........................... 1184 (E02, Wed), 1857 (L04, Wed) Shao, Yuyan................3 (A01, Sun), 318 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 703 (A03, Wed) Shao, Zhigang..................................1753 (L01, Wed)

Shao-Horn, Yang...............................1614 (I05, Tue), ..............................1840 (L04, Tue), 1946 (L09, Tue) Shapagin, Alexey............................ 1077 (C01, Wed) Shapiro, David....... 70 (A01, Tue), 1933 (L08, Wed) Sharif, Farbod...................................1197 (F02, Mon) Sharifi, Roholah................................783 (B03, Mon) Sharifi-Asl, Samin........................... 1065 (C01, Wed) Sharma, Anjali................................1471 (H05, Wed), .......................... 2067 (M01, Tue), 2115 (M02, Wed) Sharma, Chandra.........30 (A01, Mon), 651 (A02, Thu) Sharma, Krishneel........................... 1064 (C01, Wed) Sharma, Pranav...... 1515 (I02, Tue), 1519 (I02, Tue) Sharma, Yogesh..............................1396 (H03, Wed), ............................2041 (L10, Thu), 2251 (Z02, Wed) Sharp, Ian........................................1305 (G02, Wed), ...........................1307 (G02, Wed), 1482 (I01, Wed), ..........................................................2013 (L10, Wed) Shashikala, M................................... 1291 (G02, Tue) Shaw, Leon............. 12 (A01, Sun), 255 (A02, Mon), .............................. 259 (A02, Mon), 315 (A02, Tue), ............................. 442 (A02, Wed), 550 (A02, Wed), ............................. 691 (A03, Wed), 694 (A03, Wed), ..............................697 (A03, Wed), 891 (B06, Wed), ............................................................1600 (I03, Thu) Shaw, Scott.......................................1937 (L08, Wed) Shaw, Wendy.....................................2306 (Z04, Tue) Shcherbyna, Lyudmula...................1468 (H05, Wed) Shea, Matthew...................................777 (B03, Mon) Shearer, Melinda..............................2033 (L10, Wed) Shearing, Paul................................... 120 (A01, Wed) Sheehan, B........................................1352 (H01, Thu) Shekhah, Osama............................. 1033 (B08, Wed) Sheldon, Brian...................................216 (A01, Thu), .............................232 (A02, Mon), 289 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 353 (A02, Tue) Sheludko, Boris...............................1672 (K01, Wed) Shemet, Vladimir............................1104 (C02, Mon) Shen, Chenfei....................................307 (A02, Mon) Shen, Kuan-Yu..........257 (A02, Mon), 455 (A02, Wed) Shen, Kyle.........................................1844 (L04, Tue) Shen, Laifa.........................................625 (A02, Thu) Shen, Sheng......................................1187 (E02, Wed) Shen, Yi............................................. 128 (A01, Wed) Shen, Yu-Min................................... 1298 (G02, Tue) Shen, Yue.............. 424 (A02, Wed), 525 (A02, Wed) Shen, Zhen.........................................971 (B08, Mon) Shenai, Krishna..............................1436 (H05, Mon), ...........................1442 (H05, Mon), 1459 (H05, Tue) Shenai-Khatkhate, Deodatta...........1469 (H05, Wed) Sheng, Xing...................................... 1416 (H04, Tue) Sheng, Zhizhi..........1126 (C02, Tue), 2163 (M04, Tue) Sherbina, Anna................................ 1077 (C01, Wed) Sheth, Jay................216 (A01, Thu), 353 (A02, Tue) Shetty, Pranav........619 (A02, Thu), 2226 (Z01, Tue) Shetzline, Jamie................................1722 (L01, Tue) Sheu, Jinn Kong...............................1966 (L09, Wed) Shi, Feifei........................................... 410 (A02, Tue) Shi, Jingjing........................................1527 (I02, Tue) Shi, Li-Mei..................................... 2179 (M04, Wed) Shi, Mengying...................................956 (B08, Mon) Shi, Y. N.............................................1165 (E02, Tue) Shi, Yanuo........................................ 1605 (I05, Mon) Shi, Zhiming.....................................2269 (Z02, Wed) Shibakawa, Hiroko........................... 924 (B07, Wed) Shibata, Daisuke............................... 575 (A02, Wed) Shibata, Mari..................................... 925 (B07, Wed) Shibata, Norio.....................................977 (B08, Tue) Shibusawa, Katsuhiko.....................1354 (H01, Thu) Shibuta, Yasushi.................................1613 (I05, Tue) Shieu, Fuh-Sheng................................. 84 (A01, Tue) Shigekazu, Yasuoka............................14 (A01, Mon) Shiiba, Hiromasa................................ 356 (A02, Tue) Shim, Kyu-Eun.................................268 (A02, Mon) Shimakoshi, Hisashi.......................1670 (K01, Wed) Shimamoto, Masaki........................ 1056 (C01, Wed)

Shimizu, Akihiro............................1668 (K01, Wed), .........................................................1677 (K01, Wed) Shimizu, Takashi..............................2029 (L10, Wed) Shimizu, Tomohiro......................... 1158 (E02, Mon) Shimizu, Toru................................... 1050 (B08, Thu) Shimizu, Wataru................................1565 (I03, Wed) Shimizu, Yasuhiro........................... 2140 (M02, Thu) Shimojo, Fuyuki.................................1613 (I05, Tue) Shimpalee, Sirivatch....................... 1113 (C02, Mon) Shin, Chang Dae.......517 (A02, Wed), 532 (A02, Wed) Shin, Chee Burm.............................. 175 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 176 (A01, Wed) Shin, Heon-Cheol............................ 584 (A02, Wed), .............................615 (A02, Thu), 1193 (E02, Wed), ..........................................................2252 (Z02, Wed) Shin, Hwang Dong........................... 538 (A02, Wed) Shin, Hyeon-Ji................................... 537 (A02, Wed) Shin, Hyunjung................................. 485 (A02, Wed) Shin, Jeeyoung.................................. 157 (A01, Wed) Shin, Jin-Koog.......519 (A02, Wed), 809 (B03, Tue) Shin, Myung Sik................................204 (A01, Thu) Shin, Sang-Yong............................... 519 (A02, Wed) Shin, Tae-Ho.......................................1507 (I02, Tue) Shin, Won-Kyung.............................239 (A02, Mon) Shin, Woo-Cheol............................... 559 (A02, Wed) Shin, Youngho......306 (A02, Mon), 452 (A02, Wed) Shinde, Aniketa............................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Shingubara, Shoso.......................... 1158 (E02, Mon) Shinohara, Kazuhiko.........................1651 (I06, Tue) Shirai, Yasuyuki..............................1404 (H04, Mon) Shirakawa, Takashi...........................1996 (L10, Tue) Shiratori, Seimei.............................. 1142 (E01, Mon) Shirke, Amol................................... 2146 (M02, Thu) Shirpour, Mona........251 (A02, Mon), 296 (A02, Mon) Shitanda, Isao........ 1070 (C01, Wed), 1083 (C01, Wed) Shojan, Jifi.................72 (A01, Tue), 400 (A02, Tue) Shokurov, Alexander V.......................982 (B08, Tue) Shor, Leslie...................................... 2301 (Z04, Mon) Shornikov, Sergey........................... 1131 (C02, Wed) Shouichi, Takeuchi.......................... 1023 (B08, Wed) Shown, Indrajit.................................. 112 (A01, Wed) Shrestha, Sujan..................................1215 (F02, Tue) Shtefanyuk, Yuriy..............................1715 (L01, Tue) Shu, Xia..............................................210 (A01, Thu) Shuichi, Doi.........................................14 (A01, Mon) Shukla, Ashok.........20 (A01, Mon), 209 (A01, Thu) Shulder, Stephen...............................1219 (F02, Tue) Shulga, Eugene............................... 1824 (L04, Mon) Shur, Michael......1424 (H04, Tue), 1455 (H05, Tue) Shvartsev, Boris..................................38 (A01, Mon) Si, Fengzhan.......................................198 (A01, Thu) Si, Huinan.......................................... 581 (A02, Wed) Siaj, Mohamed...................................866 (B06, Tue), .......................... 2062 (M01, Tue), 2063 (M01, Tue), ..........................................................2085 (M01, Tue) Siebel, Armin.......243 (A02, Mon), 1832 (L04, Tue) Siegal, Michael..........730 (B01, Thu), 774 (B03, Mon) Siegel, Donald.................................... 341 (A02, Tue) Siegel, Jason..........218 (A01, Thu), 2239 (Z01, Tue) Sigman, Matthew............................ 2297 (Z04, Mon) Siimenson, Carolin.........................1740 (L01, Wed), ..........................................................1741 (L01, Wed) Siinor, Liis.......................................1740 (L01, Wed), ........................... 1741 (L01, Wed), 1742 (L01, Wed) Silva, I. D..........................................2292 (Z03, Wed) Silva, M........... 1671 (K01, Wed), 1898 (L06, Mon), ........................... 1923 (L06, Tue), 2292 (Z03, Wed), ..........................................................2293 (Z03, Wed) Silvestrini, Simone............................ 885 (B06, Wed) Sim, Sungju....................................... 561 (A02, Wed) Simchenko, Sergey........................... 148 (A01, Wed) Simin, Grigory................................. 1455 (H05, Tue) Simoen, Eddy....1326 (H01, Tue), 1336 (H01, Wed), ......................... 1337 (H01, Wed), 1346 (H01, Wed), ...........................1356 (H01, Thu), 1357 (H01, Thu), ...........................1358 (H01, Thu), 1369 (H03, Mon)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL


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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Simon, Christoph..............................1832 (L04, Tue) Simon, Dirk.....................................1104 (C02, Mon) Simon, Nathalie...............................1315 (G02, Wed) Simone, Virginie...............................298 (A02, Mon) Simonian, Aleksandr.......................2068 (M01, Tue), .......................... 2073 (M01, Tue), 2082 (M01, Tue), ..........................................................2083 (M01, Tue) Simonin, Loic....................................298 (A02, Mon) Simonneaux, Gerard.........................966 (B08, Mon) Simpson, Burton............................ 1697 (L01, Mon), ...........................................................1980 (L10, Sun) Simrick, Neil.................................... 1605 (I05, Mon) Simunkova, Lenka............................1255 (F04, Tue) Sin, Y................................................. 1417 (H04, Tue) Sinclair, Robert.................................2021 (L10, Wed) Sinelshchikova, Anna.........................988 (B08, Tue) Singaevsky, A. F..............................1477 (H05, Wed) Singh, Avneet................................. 2115 (M02, Wed) Singh, Boor....................................... 144 (A01, Wed) Singh, Deepak................................... 548 (A02, Wed) Singh, Dileep........ 121 (A01, Wed), 224 (A01, Thu), .............................. 227 (A01, Thu), 500 (A02, Wed), ..........................................................1932 (L08, Wed) Singh, Gurpreet..... 252 (A02, Mon), 379 (A02, Tue) Singh, Kalpana...................................1624 (I05, Tue) Singh, Meenesh................................2027 (L10, Wed) Singh, Nikhilendra............................ 326 (A02, Tue), ................................368 (A02, Tue), 428 (A02, Wed) Singh, Prabhakar...............................1536 (I02, Wed) Singh, Samarendra..............................905 (B07, Tue) Singha Roy, Susmit........................... 895 (B06, Wed) Singhal, Sameer............................. 2117 (M02, Wed) Singheiser, Lorenz............................656 (A02, Thu), ...........................................................1787 (L03, Tue) Sinha, Ankita.....................................2186 (Z01, Tue) Sini, Gjergji.......................................1914 (L06, Tue) Sinnott, Susan.................................. 1763 (L03, Mon) Sircoglou, Marie.............................. 1039 (B08, Thu) Sirés, Ignasi......................................1749 (L01, Wed) Sisk, Brian.......................................... 350 (A02, Tue) Sismaet, Hunter.................................1714 (L01, Tue) Sitta, Elton........................................1745 (L01, Wed) Sivakumar, Sri...................................1993 (L10, Tue) Sivalingam, Yuvaraj..........................940 (B08, Mon) Sivieri, Victor..................................1337 (H01, Wed) Skafidas, Efstratios..........................1347 (H01, Wed) Skinn, Brian.......................................1254 (F04, Tue) Skinner, Stephen.1607 (I05, Mon), 1632 (I05, Wed) Skorski, Matthew.............................1865 (L04, Wed) Slaoui, A..........................................1393 (H03, Wed) Sleightholme, Alice...........................218 (A01, Thu), ...........................................................2239 (Z01, Tue) Sliem, Mostafa................................ 1074 (C01, Wed) Sljukic, Biljana.................................1568 (I03, Wed), ..............................1586 (I03, Wed), 1954 (L09, Tue) Slobodan, Mitrovic......................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Small, Leo.........................................1223 (F02, Tue) Smarsly, Bernd................................... 388 (A02, Tue) Smart, Marshall.......334 (A02, Tue), 640 (A02, Thu) Smirnova, Alevtina.......................... 448 (A02, Wed), ..........................................................1964 (L09, Wed) Smith, David.................................... 1456 (H05, Tue) Smith, Diane.......1691 (K01, Thu), 2230 (Z01, Tue), ..............................2236 (Z01, Tue), 2246 (Z01, Tue) Smith, Jake......................................1676 (K01, Wed) Smith, Paul........................................1952 (L09, Tue) Smith, York.......................................1995 (L10, Tue), ..........................2069 (M01, Tue), 2129 (M02, Wed) Smyrl, William..................................1252 (F04, Tue) Snowden, Michael............................1723 (L01, Tue) Snydacker, David.............................1800 (L03, Wed) Snyder, Chelsea.................................284 (A02, Mon) Snyder, Stephen...............................1245 (F04, Tue), ............................. 1248 (F04, Tue), 1251 (F04, Tue), ...........................................................1254 (F04, Tue)

So, Inseop..........................................2210 (Z01, Tue) So, Kangpyo....................................... 391 (A02, Tue) So, Monica...................................... 1033 (B08, Wed) Soares, Thiago................................. 1079 (C01, Wed) Soavi, Francesca................................. 66 (A01, Tue), .............................114 (A01, Wed), 1277 (G01, Tue), ...........................1280 (G01, Wed), 2280 (Z02, Wed) Sochacki, Tomasz...........................1440 (H05, Mon) Sodhi, Jaskiranjeet............................ 715 (B01, Wed) Soeda, Kazunari................................. 321 (A02, Tue) Sofka, Benjamin................................ 815 (B03, Wed) Sohm, Evan........................................1554 (I03, Tue) Sokolinski, Tatiana..............................40 (A01, Mon) Sokolov, Alexei................................2044 (L11, Wed) Solarska, Renata...............................1999 (L10, Tue), ..........................................................2018 (L10, Wed) Solchenbach, Sophie.......................... 336 (A02, Tue) Soleymani, Leyla........................... 1138 (E01, Mon), ..........................................................2103 (M02, Tue) Solladie, Nathalie.............................. 845 (B05, Thu), ..............................938 (B08, Mon), 1007 (B08, Tue) Soltis, Richard....................................1554 (I03, Tue) Somasundaram, Subramaniam........2082 (M01, Tue) Somerville, Limhi............................. 461 (A02, Wed) Somorjai, Gabor................................. 410 (A02, Tue) Son, ByungRak..................................23 (A01, Mon), ...............................24 (A01, Mon), 1591 (I03, Wed), ..........................................................2059 (L11, Wed) Son, Seung Uk..................................2222 (Z01, Tue) Sonar, Prashant...... 905 (B07, Tue), 1276 (G01, Tue) Sonawane, Dayaram.........................612 (A02, Thu), ...........................................................668 (A03, Mon) Song, Bohang....................................272 (A02, Mon) Song, Chang Yoon............................ 900 (B06, Wed) Song, Chongshen............................. 1381 (H03, Tue) Song, Chyan Kyung.......................... 161 (A01, Wed) Song, Edward................................2088 (M02, Mon), ........................................................ 2123 (M02, Wed) Song, Feifei.......................................1531 (I02, Wed) Song, Han Sang...............................1394 (H03, Wed) Song, Hyeon don.............................. 159 (A01, Wed) Song, Jiangxuan.................................... 2 (A01, Sun), ................................32 (A01, Mon), 242 (A02, Mon) Song, Min Young............................... 744 (B01, Thu) Song, Myung-JIn...........................1383 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1384 (H03, Wed) Song, Seonghyun.............................. 598 (A02, Wed) Song, Seung-Wan.............................275 (A02, Mon), ........................................................... 568 (A02, Wed) Song, Tingting..................................2269 (Z02, Wed) Song, Yujiang....................................942 (B08, Mon) Song, Zhaoning................................. 714 (B01, Wed) Song, Zhibin........................................ 73 (A01, Tue), .................................86 (A01, Tue), 173 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 545 (A02, Wed) Songer, Corinne................................2232 (Z01, Tue) Sonnenberg, Victor.........................1346 (H01, Wed) Soraru, Gian Domenico.................... 482 (A02, Wed) Sorg, Victoria.................................... 1372 (H03, Tue) Soriaga, Manuel..............................1313 (G02, Wed) Sossaman, Travis..............................1123 (C02, Tue) Sotomayor, Maria.......................... 2175 (M04, Wed) Sottos, Nancy.......228 (A02, Mon), 462 (A02, Wed) Sotzing, Gregory...............................1918 (L06, Tue) Sougrati, Moulay-Tahar.................... 381 (A02, Tue), ............................... 635 (A02, Thu), 645 (A02, Thu), .............................692 (A03, Wed), 1850 (L04, Wed) Soukura, Masanori.......................... 1083 (C01, Wed) Soundappan, Thiagarajan.................668 (A03, Mon) Sousa, Nuno......................................1954 (L09, Tue) Souza, Bárbara..................................1729 (L01, Tue) Souza-Garcia, Janaina.....................1873 (L04, Wed) Sovereign, Mark................................1890 (L05, Tue) Spatney, Russel.................................. 323 (A02, Tue) Specht, Petra....................................1433 (H05, Mon)

Speck, James.................................... 1449 (H05, Tue) Spernjak, Dusan................................1539 (I03, Tue), ............................ 2139 (M02, Thu), 2240 (Z01, Tue) Spiridigliozzi, Julia...........................1881 (L05, Tue) Spitler, Mark..................................... 1299 (G02, Tue) Spreafico, Marco................................51 (A01, Mon), .......................... 1134 (E01, Mon), 1282 (G01, Wed) Sprenkle, Vincent.............................659 (A03, Mon), .............................661 (A03, Mon), 691 (A03, Wed), ........................................................... 694 (A03, Wed) Sprenkle, Vincent......3 (A01, Sun), 420 (A02, Wed), .................................684 (A03, Tue), 688 (A03, Tue) Sreenivasan, Sreeprasad.....................864 (B06, Tue) Sreeprasad, Theruvakkattil.............. 889 (B06, Wed), ...............................892 (B06, Wed), 893 (B06, Wed) Sridhar, Narasi.........675 (A03, Tue), 1524 (I02, Tue) Srinivasan, Madhavi.........................626 (A02, Thu), ........................................................... 699 (A03, Wed) Srinivasan, Ramesh............................209 (A01, Thu) Sriram, Indira...................................1853 (L04, Wed) Srivastava, Ratnanjali.......................2189 (Z01, Tue) Srour, Hassan..........96 (A01, Wed), 115 (A01, Wed) St. John, Samuel................................1811 (L04, Sun) Stadtmueller, Michael...................... 1380 (H03, Tue) Stafford, Gery..........273 (A02, Mon), 1147 (E02, Mon) Stagon, Stephen............................... 1831 (L04, Mon) Staley, Jacob........1499 (I02, Mon), 1500 (I02, Mon) Stamenkovic, Vojislav......................1550 (I03, Tue), ..............................1838 (L04, Tue), 1843 (L04, Tue) Stan, Marius...................................... 531 (A02, Wed) Stanciu, Lia...........1557 (I03, Tue), 2081 (M01, Tue) Stangl, Christoph....409 (A02, Tue), 486 (A02, Wed) Stannis, Ronald.................................... 57 (A01, Tue) Stara, T.............................................1476 (H05, Wed) Stark, Michael...................................961 (B08, Mon) Starosvetsky, David......................... 1094 (C01, Thu) Staser, John.......... 871 (B06, Tue), 1203 (F02, Mon), .............................1235 (F02, Wed), 1513 (I02, Tue), ...............................1597 (I03, Thu), 2231 (Z01, Tue) Staub, Charles....................................1599 (I03, Thu) Stayancho, John..............................1469 (H05, Wed) Stechel, Ellen......................................1493 (I01, Thu) Steegen, A........................................1359 (H03, Mon) Steele, Carl........................................1216 (F02, Tue) Steen, Stuart.....................................672 (A03, Mon), ...............................674 (A03, Mon), 1543 (I03, Tue) Stefan-van Staden, Raluca-Ioana.......... 760 (B02, Thu), ........................ 2095 (M02, Mon), 2122 (M02, Wed) Stefanelli, Manuela...........................955 (B08, Mon) Stein, Malcolm.................................. 466 (A02, Wed) Steinberg, Vahur.................................1559 (I03, Tue) Steingart, Daniel.................................15 (A01, Mon), .............................. 17 (A01, Mon), 1157 (E02, Mon) Steinhurst, Daniel...............................190 (A01, Thu) Steinrück, Hans-Peter.......................961 (B08, Mon) Stemmer, Susanne............................ 1374 (H03, Tue) Stender, Chris................................... 1414 (H04, Tue) Stenzel, Christian..............................1119 (C02, Tue) Stephens, Ifan................................. 1820 (L04, Mon), ............................ 1837 (L04, Tue), 2016 (L10, Wed) Stephens, Jamal................................. 700 (A03, Wed) Stern, Christine....................................988 (B08, Tue) Sternad, Michael...............................235 (A02, Mon) Stetson, Ned......................................1480 (I01, Wed) Stetter, Edward.................................2106 (M02, Tue) Stetter, Joseph..................................2106 (M02, Tue), ...........................2146 (M02, Thu), 2161 (M04, Tue) Stettner, Jochim................................1747 (L01, Wed) Stevens, Adam...................................281 (A02, Mon) Stevens, John........1977 (L10, Sun), 1226 (F02, Tue) Stevenson, Keith............................. 1701 (L01, Mon) Stevenson, Steven........830 (B04, Tue), 840 (B05, Thu) Stewart, Stephen.............................. 1498 (I02, Mon) Stickney, John....... 1187 (E02, Wed), 1313 (G02, Wed)


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Stievano, Lorenzo............................. 331 (A02, Tue), .................................381 (A02, Tue), 645 (A02, Thu) Stimming, Ulrich............................. 1609 (I05, Mon) Stimming, Ulrich.............................287 (A02, Mon), ............................581 (A02, Wed), 1871 (L04, Wed), ..........................................................1872 (L04, Wed) Stinner, Christoph.............................. 338 (A02, Tue) Stirrup, Emily...................................... 99 (A01, Wed) Stoerzinger, Kelsey...........................1840 (L04, Tue) Stoica, Mihai.....................................1253 (F04, Tue) Stolten, Detlef.........1238 (F02, Wed), 1489 (I01, Thu), ...............................1496 (I01, Thu), 1561 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................1562 (I03, Wed) Stoop, Ralph................................... 2126 (M02, Wed) Störmer, Heike........1606 (I05, Mon), 1610 (I05, Mon), 1630 Stosic, Dusan............................. 97 (A01, Wed) Strand, Dee..........................................49 (A01, Mon) Strandwitz, Nicholas........................ 1294 (G02, Tue) Stranius, Kati.......................................995 (B08, Tue) Strano, Michael..........708 (B01, Wed), 753 (B02, Thu), .................................754 (B02, Thu), 860 (B06, Tue) Straub, Sarah.....................................2233 (Z01, Tue) Streipert, Benjamin............................ 340 (A02, Tue) Streit, Jason............. 787 (B03, Tue), 801 (B03, Tue) Strelchuk, V...........1429 (H04, Wed), 1476 (H05, Wed) Strelchuk, V. V.................................1477 (H05, Wed) Stricker, Florian.................................1163 (E02, Tue) Strickland, Kara...............................1572 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1818 (L04, Mon) Strmcnik, Dusan................................1550 (I03, Tue), ..............................1838 (L04, Tue), 1843 (L04, Tue) Strohmer, Gerhard.............................1789 (L03, Tue) Stroud, Rhonda............................... 1144 (E01, Mon) Stroyuk, O.......................................1429 (H04, Wed) Stuart, Jessica........ 43 (A01, Mon), 1502 (I02, Mon) Studer, Sarah.....................................1480 (I01, Wed) Stumper, Jürgen.........56 (A01, Tue), 1545 (I03, Tue) Stuve, Eric..........................................1623 (I05, Tue) Styrov, Vladislav.............................. 148 (A01, Wed), .................................................................... (I05, Wed) Su, Chi-Cheung................................ 102 (A01, Wed), ................................184 (A01, Wed), 416 (A02, Tue) Su, Cong............................................. 391 (A02, Tue) Su, Dawei............................................... 6 (A01, Sun) Su, Dong.......................................... 1814 (L04, Mon) Su, Hai-Lin......................................1478 (H05, Wed) Su, Liang............................................ 689 (A03, Tue) Su, Yu................................................. 103 (A01, Wed) Suarez, Catalina................................. 843 (B05, Thu) Subbaiyan, Navaneetha.................... 726 (B01, Wed) Subramaniam, Kiruba Mangalam...... 2291 (Z03, Wed) Subramanian, Gomathy......................905 (B07, Tue) Subramanian, Vaidyanathan............ 931 (B07, Wed), ...........................................................2006 (L10, Tue) Subramanian, Venkat.......................... 92 (A01, Tue), ............................. 129 (A01, Wed), 134 (A01, Wed), .............................236 (A02, Mon), 612 (A02, Thu ), .............................. 668 (A03, Mon), 676 (A03, Tue), ............................................................ 678 (A03, Tue) Subramanyam, Guru.......................... 394 (A02, Tue) Sueptitz, Ralph..................................1253 (F04, Tue) Suga, Takeo............. 82 (A01, Tue), 1639 (I05, Wed) Sugawa, Shigetoshi.........................1351 (H01, Thu), ...........................1353 (H01, Thu), 1354 (H01, Thu), ...........................1378 (H03, Tue), 1399 (H03, Wed), .......................... 1404 (H04, Mon), 2288 (Z03, Wed) Sugii, Nobuyuki............................... 1325 (H01, Tue) Sugimoto, Wataru............................1565 (I03, Wed), ...........................................................2221 (Z01, Tue) Sugimura, Tomoko......................... 1056 (C01, Wed) Sugita, Hisaya.................................1399 (H03, Wed) Sugiura, Ken-ichi............................ 1023 (B08, Wed) Sugiura, Shinya..................................1613 (I05, Tue) Sugiyama, Atsushi.......................... 1133 (E01, Mon) Sui, Jingxin...................................... 1057 (C01, Wed) Suib, Steven........................................617 (A02, Thu)

Sullivan, Eirin...................................1889 (L05, Tue) Sullivan, Neal...... 1501 (I02, Mon), 1508 (I02, Tue), ................................ 1510 (I02, Tue), 1511 (I02, Tue) Sumodjo, Paulo.................................1172 (E02, Tue) Sun, Baoyun...........816 (B04, Mon), 829 (B04, Tue) Sun, Chengjun...................................630 (A02, Thu), ................................ 634 (A02, Thu), 1557 (I03, Tue) Sun, Dan............................................ 424 (A02, Wed) Sun, Junting.......................................2188 (Z01, Tue) Sun, Kai..............................................1554 (I03, Tue) Sun, Ke.............................................2019 (L10, Wed) Sun, Liyuan........................................ 350 (A02, Tue) Sun, Peng.............................................800 (B03, Tue) Sun, Shibo..............50 (A01, Mon), 261 (A02, Mon) Sun, Wei............................................ 395 (A02, Tue), ...............................616 (A02, Thu), 2204 (Z01, Tue) Sun, Xiangcheng............................... 599 (A02, Wed) Sun, Xiao-Guang............................... 415 (A02, Tue) Sun, Yan.............................................. 736 (B01, Thu) Sun, Yang-Kook............................... 511 (A02, Wed), ............................. 517 (A02, Wed), 532 (A02, Wed), ............................. 534 (A02, Wed), 536 (A02, Wed), ............................. 537 (A02, Wed), 538 (A02, Wed), ............................. 539 (A02, Wed), 540 (A02, Wed), .............................. 541 (A02, Wed), 543 (A02, Wed) Sundar Rajan, Aravamudan................20 (A01, Mon) Sundaram, Kalpathy........................2249 (Z01, Tue), ..........................................................2284 (Z03, Wed) Sung, Yung-Eun.................................1547 (I03, Tue) Suni, Ian.............1058 (C01, Wed), 2065 (M01, Tue) Sunkara, Mahendra............................916 (B07, Tue), ............................................................1524 (I02, Tue) Sunkara, Satyendar........................... 143 (A01, Wed) Suntivich, Jin.....................................1844 (L04, Tue) Suo, Liumin.......................................250 (A02, Mon) Suratkar, Prakash............................. 1291 (G02, Tue) Surendranath, Arun............................188 (A01, Thu) Sureshwaran, Vignesh......................1563 (I03, Wed) Suroviec, Alice..................................1879 (L05, Tue) Suss, Matthew.....................................793 (B03, Tue) Suter, Jonathan.................................2108 (M02, Tue) Suthar, Bharat.................................... 134 (A01, Wed) Suthar, Bharatkumar........................... 92 (A01, Tue), .............................. 129 (A01, Wed), 612 (A02, Thu), ...........................................................668 (A03, Mon) Sutherland, Erika...............................1480 (I01, Wed) Suttil, James.........665 (A03, Mon), 2241 (Z01, Tue) Suwa, Tomoyuki.............................1353 (H01, Thu), ........................... 1354 (H01, Thu), 1378 (H03, Tue), ..........................1399 (H03, Wed), 1404 (H04, Mon) Suzdaltsev, Andrey...........................1715 (L01, Tue), ...........................................................1736 (L01, Tue) Suzuki, Akiyoshi............................... 499 (A02, Wed) Suzuki, Kentaro................................. 929 (B07, Wed) Suzuki, Makoto................................2079 (M01, Tue) Suzuki, Masaaki................................964 (B08, Mon) Suzuki, Mitsuharu............................968 (B08, Mon), ...........................................................1011 (B08, Tue) Suzuki, Shinsuke............................... 139 (A01, Wed) Suzuki, Shohei................................... 408 (A02, Tue) Svensson, Jan-Erik..........................1106 (C02, Mon) Sverdlov, Viktor.............................1341 (H01, Wed), .......................... 1342 (H01, Wed), 1397 (H03, Wed) Sverdlov, Yelena.............................. 1135 (E01, Mon) Sviridov, Lev................................... 1157 (E02, Mon) Swain, Greg..................................... 1092 (C01, Thu), ............................1093 (C01, Thu), 1739 (L01, Wed) Swallow, Jessica................................279 (A02, Mon) Swarts, Jannie.......... 975 (B08, Tue), 979 (B08, Tue) Swavey, Shawn.................................1888 (L05, Tue) Swavey, Shawn.................................958 (B08, Mon) Swesi, Abdurazag............................1874 (L04, Wed) Sydam, Rambabu............................ 1900 (L06, Mon) Sykora, Milan.................................... 709 (B01, Wed) Szacilowski, Konrad.........................1905 (L06, Tue) Szalai, Veronika................................1974 (L10, Sun)

Szaniawska, Ewelina.......................2018 (L10, Wed) Szász, Julian........1606 (I05, Mon), 1610 (I05, Mon) Szwabinska, Katarzyna.....................2309 (Z04, Tue) Szyszko, Bartosz...............................951 (B08, Mon)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

T Tabatabaei Malazi, Mahdi................ 474 (A02, Wed) Tabei, Kozue................................... 1070 (C01, Wed) Taberlet, Nicolas............................... 115 (A01, Wed) Taboada Sotomayor, Pilar.............. 2124 (M02, Wed) Tachikawa, Naoki............................. 438 (A02, Wed) Tada, Mika........................................2079 (M01, Tue) Tada, Yoshihiro............................... 1158 (E02, Mon) Tadjer, Marko..................................1433 (H05, Mon) Taggart, Daniel................................. 1500 (I02, Mon) Tagmatarchis, Nikos......................... 833 (B05, Thu), ...........................................................1010 (B08, Tue) Tago, Yuichiro...................................269 (A02, Mon) Tahmasebi, Mohammad....................207 (A01, Thu) Tait, Jeffrey......................................1265 (G01, Mon) Taiwo, Oluwadamilola..................... 120 (A01, Wed) Tak, Manvi.......................................2067 (M01, Tue) Takagi, Shinichi............................... 1323 (H01, Tue) Takahashi, Hideyuki........................2271 (Z02, Wed) Takahashi, Kentaro..........................2288 (Z03, Wed) Takahashi, Kohtaro...........................968 (B08, Mon) Takahashi, Yosuke............................. 139 (A01, Wed) Takai, Shigeomi........171 (A01, Wed), 570 (A02, Wed) Takakusagi, Satoru............................ 925 (B07, Wed) Takami, Norio................................... 496 (A02, Wed) Takano, Yuta.......... 761 (B02, Thu), 825 (B04, Mon) Takanohashi, Kazuhiro.....................1639 (I05, Wed) Takase, Mai.......................................1976 (L10, Sun) Takase, Masayoshi............................959 (B08, Mon) Takayama, Tetsuo.......................... 2114 (M02, Wed) Takayuki, Yano....................................14 (A01, Mon) Takechi, Kensuke.............................. 326 (A02, Tue), .............................. 419 (A02, Wed), 430 (A02, Wed) Takeda, Hirotaka............................. 2140 (M02, Thu) Takenaka, Issei................................ 1142 (E01, Mon) Takenaka, Mitsuru........................... 1323 (H01, Tue) Takeshi, Ito..........................................14 (A01, Mon) Takeshita, Ayano................................1613 (I05, Tue) Taketsugu, Tetsuya.......................... 1829 (L04, Mon) Takeuchi, Eiichi................................1229 (F02, Tue) Takeuchi, Esther..........385 (A02, Tue), 398 (A02, Tue), ................................ 637 (A02, Thu), 641 (A02, Thu) Takeuchi, Ichiro................................ 169 (A01, Wed) Takeuchi, Kazuma..........................1362 (H03, Mon) Takeuchi, Ken...................................2184 (Z01, Tue) Takeuchi, Kenneth............................ 385 (A02, Tue), ................................398 (A02, Tue), 637 (A02, Thu), ............................................................641 (A02, Thu) Takeuchi, Saya..........169 (A01, Wed), 273 (A02, Mon) Taki, Kentaro....... 2114 (M02, Wed), 2132 (M02, Wed) Takigawa, Masashi.............................18 (A01, Mon) Takoudis, Christos.............................199 (A01, Thu), ...........................................................244 (A02, Mon) Takshi, Arash..................................... 186 (A01, Wed) Takumi, Masahiro...........................1669 (K01, Wed) Takuya, Kai.........................................14 (A01, Mon) Talaie, Elahe......................................254 (A02, Mon) Talin, A..................639 (A02, Thu), 1974 (L10, Sun) Tallo, Indrek......................................1576 (I03, Wed) Tam, Mickey.............56 (A01, Tue), 1545 (I03, Tue) Tamashiro, Bryan..............................2230 (Z01, Tue) Tammeveski, Kaido......................... 881 (B06, Wed), ......................................................... 1824 (L04, Mon) Tamura, Risa.....................................1720 (L01, Tue) Tamura, Sanae...................................2184 (Z01, Tue) Tan, Boxuan......................................2307 (Z04, Tue) Tan, Haiyan..........169 (A01, Wed), 273 (A02, Mon) Tan, Hongjin.............19 (A01, Mon), 22 (A01, Mon) Tan, Hui Ru.....................................1466 (H05, Wed) Tan, Jinwang.......................................40 (A01, Mon) Tan, Li Huey.....................................1182 (E02, Wed) 209

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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Tan, Ming......................................... 1098 (C01, Thu) Tanabe, Toyokazu.............................2183 (Z01, Tue) Tanaka, Akihide................................283 (A02, Mon) Tanaka, Hiroyuki..............................1189 (E02, Wed) Tanaka, Kentaro..................................980 (B08, Tue) Tanaka, Motohiro............................. 1377 (H03, Tue) Tanaka, Tsunehiro............................. 920 (B07, Wed) Tanaka, Yuichi................................... 554 (A02, Wed) Tang, Fusheng...................................1710 (L01, Tue) Tang, Guoyi...................................... 1103 (C01, Thu) Tang, Hao........................................1280 (G01, Wed) Tang, Jialiang....................................292 (A02, Mon) Tang, Jing..........................................1220 (F02, Tue) Tang, Runbang..................................1844 (L04, Tue) Tang, Sheng........................................1526 (I02, Tue) Tang, Yang......................................... 513 (A02, Wed) Tang, Zhijiang...................................662 (A03, Mon) Tao, Li..................................................854 (B06, Tue) Tao, Nongjian....................................1727 (L01, Tue) Tao, Ye.............................................. 1272 (G01, Tue) Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty....................2242 (Z01, Tue) Tarascon, Jean Marie.........................635 (A02, Thu) Tarasov, Alexey.............................. 2126 (M02, Wed) Tari, Alireza.....................................1462 (H05, Wed) Tariq, Quratulain...............................961 (B08, Mon) Tarwater, Emily.................................1126 (C02, Tue) Tatavarti, Rao................................... 1414 (H04, Tue) Tatsuma, Tetsu.....................................915 (B07, Tue) Tavakoli, Bahareh............................... 53 (A01, Tue), ............................ 1113 (C02, Mon), 2245 (Z01, Tue) Tavassol, Hadi.................................. 462 (A02, Wed), ..............................748 (B01, Thu), 1748 (L01, Wed) Tay, Soon Hiang...............................2100 (M02, Tue) Tayebi, Lobat...................................... 765 (B02, Thu) Taylor, André..................................... 713 (B01, Wed) Taylor, E.............. 1245 (F04, Tue), 1248 (F04, Tue), .............................. 1251 (F04, Tue), 1254 (F04, Tue) Taylor, Gregory.................................. 211 (A01, Thu) Tedim, Joao...................................... 1095 (C01, Thu) Tejedor, M.............................................. 9 (A01, Sun) Tejedor-Tejedor, M. Isabel................1210 (F02, Tue) Telg, Hagen.........................................806 (B03, Tue) Téllez, Helena................................. 1604 (I05, Mon), .............................1605 (I05, Mon), 1607 (I05, Mon) Tempesta, Catherine.......................1361 (H03, Mon) Tennyson, Wesley.............................281 (A02, Mon) Teodorescu, V...................................1352 (H01, Thu) Teoh, Lay Gaik..................................... 84 (A01, Tue) Terada, Yasuko...................................1619 (I05, Tue) Teramoto, Akinobu.........................1351 (H01, Thu), ...........................1353 (H01, Thu), 1354 (H01, Thu), ...........................1378 (H03, Tue), 1399 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1404 (H04, Mon) Teramura, Kentaro............................ 920 (B07, Wed) Teranishi, Toshiharu.......................... 919 (B07, Wed) Terborg, Lydia.................................... 362 (A02, Tue) Terekhov, Alexander..........................1543 (I03, Tue) Tesfaye, Meron..................................1594 (I03, Thu) Teshima, Katsuya.............................276 (A02, Mon), ................................356 (A02, Tue), 497 (A02, Wed) Teter, Aaron..................................... 2138 (M02, Thu) Teuber, Moritz................................... 168 (A01, Wed) Teucher, Georg................................... 393 (A02, Tue) Thach, Le........................................... 437 (A02, Wed) Thackeray, Michael............................ 373 (A02, Tue) Thaler, Florian......671 (A03, Mon), 1119 (C02, Tue) Thangadurai, Venkataraman............ 101 (A01, Wed), ........................... 1624 (I05, Tue), 2135 (M02, Wed), ......................................................... 2137 (M02, Thu) Thapaliya, Prem...............................2287 (Z03, Wed) Thean, Aaron................................... 1326 (H01, Tue), ......................... 1336 (H01, Wed), 1337 (H01, Wed), ...........................1357 (H01, Thu), 1358 (H01, Thu), ........................ 1359 (H03, Mon), 1369 (H03, Mon), .......................................................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Thesma Chandran, Girija................. 135 (A01, Wed)

Thibeault, Brian............................... 1374 (H03, Tue) Thirion, Damien................................1914 (L06, Tue) Thodla, Ramgopal........................... 1080 (C01, Wed) Thoi, V. Sara.......................................1553 (I03, Tue) Thokchom, Joykumar....................... 507 (A02, Wed) Thomberg, Thomas...........................1576 (I03, Wed) Thompson, Carl..................................793 (B03, Tue) Thompson, Levi................................218 (A01, Thu), .............................665 (A03, Mon), 666 (A03, Mon), ..............................2239 (Z01, Tue), 2241 (Z01, Tue) Thompson, Michael......................... 1372 (H03, Tue) Thomsen, Ed......... 659 (A03, Mon), 684 (A03, Tue) Thony, P............................................. 937 (B07, Wed) Thornton, Katsuyo............................ 328 (A02, Tue), ................................341 (A02, Tue), 384 (A02, Tue), ......................................................... 1765 (L03, Mon) Thorpe, Steven..................................1707 (L01, Tue) Tian, Bin........................................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Tian, Hui............................................1250 (F04, Tue) Tian, Meijuan....................................785 (B03, Mon) Tian, Tian...........................................1590 (I03, Wed) Tieckelmann, Robert........................ 1373 (H03, Tue) Timofeeva, Elena...............................16 (A01, Mon), .............................. 121 (A01, Wed), 224 (A01, Thu), ................................227 (A01, Thu), 355 (A02, Tue), ...............................359 (A02, Tue), 421 (A02, Wed), .............................500 (A02, Wed), 1932 (L08, Wed) Tiruparkadal Parthasarathy, Vedhikha........................ .............................................................862 (B06, Tue) Tjaden, Bernhard.............................. 120 (A01, Wed) Tkachenko, Nikolai.............................995 (B08, Tue) Tkacheva, Olga.......1715 (L01, Tue), 1754 (L01, Wed) Toffoletti, Lorenzo............................ 440 (A02, Wed) Tohji, Kazuyuki................................2271 (Z02, Wed) Tokita, Yuichi.................................. 1762 (L03, Mon) Tokranov, Anton................................289 (A02, Mon) Tokur, Mahmud................................ 166 (A01, Wed), ............................. 178 (A01, Wed), 179 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 180 (A01, Wed) Tolbert, Sarah.................................... 526 (A02, Wed) Tolchard, Julian................................. 563 (A02, Wed) Tolou Shokuhfar, Tolou...................1230 (F02, Tue), ..........................................................2268 (Z02, Wed) Toma, Francesca.............................1305 (G02, Wed) Tomalia, Donald................................ 425 (A02, Wed) Tomar, Monika...............................1471 (H05, Wed), .......................... 2067 (M01, Tue), 2115 (M02, Wed) Tomcsi, Michael................................. 334 (A02, Tue) Tome, Joao..........................................981 (B08, Tue) Tominaga, Yoichi............................2056 (L11, Wed), ...........................................................2211 (Z01, Tue) Tomita, Motohiro...........................1362 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1390 (H03, Wed) Tong, Hien.........................................1731 (L01, Tue) Tong, Jingjing.....................................198 (A01, Thu) Tong, Xia........................................... 101 (A01, Wed) Topalov, Angel..........1841 (L04, Tue), 1842 (L04, Tue) Torchynska, Tetyana......................1393 (H03, Wed), .......................... 1468 (H05, Wed), 1474 (H05, Wed) Torimoto, Tsukasa............................. 924 (B07, Wed) Torisu, Shigemitsu...........................1189 (E02, Wed) Torres, Randy...................................1801 (L03, Wed) Torres, Tomas......... 996 (B08, Tue), 997 (B08, Tue), ............................ 1003 (B08, Tue), 1009 (B08, Tue), ......................................................... 1017 (B08, Wed) Torres-Castro, Loraine......................... 72 (A01, Tue) Tortorich, Ryan...............................2088 (M02, Mon) Toshimitsu, Fumiyuki.........................789 (B03, Tue) Toshiyoshi, Hiroshi.......................... 1332 (H01, Tue) Totleben, Jennifer................................908 (B07, Tue) Touidijine, Amina............................. 478 (A02, Wed) Toyoda, Kenji....................................1950 (L09, Tue) Trahey, Lynn....................................... 373 (A02, Tue) Tran-Van, François..............................26 (A01, Mon) Trask, Stephen..................................301 (A02, Mon), ...............................302 (A02, Mon), 609 (A02, Thu)

Trask, Stephen...................................303 (A02, Mon) Traulsen, Marie........1603 (I05, Mon), 1612 (I05, Mon) Traversa, Enrico..... 1509 (I02, Tue), 1625 (I05, Tue) Trellenkamp, Stefan........................1366 (H03, Mon) Tribollet, Bernard...........................2148 (M04, Mon) Trifonova, Atanaska..........................264 (A02, Mon) Trinh, Dao.........................................1711 (L01, Tue) Trinh, Phong........... 39 (A01, Mon), 142 (A01, Wed) Tripathi, Alok.....................................619 (A02, Thu) Tripathy, Sudhiranjan......................1466 (H05, Wed) Triulzi, Francesco...............................51 (A01, Mon), .......................... 1134 (E01, Mon), 1282 (G01, Wed) Trogadas, Panagiotis......................... 120 (A01, Wed) Tromp, Moniek.................................243 (A02, Mon) Truffa, Julianne.................................2202 (Z01, Tue) Trukhina, Olga..................................1003 (B08, Tue) Trulove, Paul.....................................1887 (L05, Tue) Trzeciak, Tomasz................................411 (A02, Tue) Tsai, Du-Cheng.................................... 84 (A01, Tue) Tsai, Han-Kuan.................................1713 (L01, Tue) Tsai, Ho-cheng................................ 1761 (L03, Mon) Tsai, Hsinhan........ 710 (B01, Wed), 1919 (L06, Tue) Tsang, Chu.......................................1313 (G02, Wed) Tsao, Max...........................................632 (A02, Thu) Tse, Edmund C. M........................... 928 (B07, Wed), ...........................1737 (L01, Tue), 1816 (L04, Mon), ..............................2190 (Z01, Tue), 2199 (Z01, Tue) Tse, Ying-Lung................................ 1768 (L03, Mon) Tseberlidis, Giorgio...........................965 (B08, Mon) Tsekouras, George..............................1507 (I02, Tue) Tsiouvaras, Nikolaos......................... 440 (A02, Wed) Tsivadze, Aslan...................................988 (B08, Tue) Tsivadze, Aslan Yu..............................982 (B08, Tue) Tsubouchi, Shigetaka......................... 408 (A02, Tue) Tsuchiya, Hiroaki............................. 1102 (C01, Thu) Tsuchiya, Yuki................................... 145 (A01, Wed) Tsui, Elaine......................................1672 (K01, Wed) Tsui, Lok-kun....................................2002 (L10, Tue) Tsujiguchi, Takuya............................ 145 (A01, Wed) Tsujii, Yutaka...................................1677 (K01, Wed) Tsujimoto, Akihiro...........................1189 (E02, Wed) Tsukada, Junichi............................... 1376 (H03, Tue) Tsukagoshi, Kazuhito.....................1463 (H05, Wed) Tsunashima, Katsuhiko.....................1733 (L01, Tue) Tuan, Jhen-Bin.................................. 436 (A02, Wed) Tübke, Jens...............62 (A01, Tue), 122 (A01, Wed) Tucker, Michael......686 (A03, Tue), 690 (A03, Tue) Tuckerman, Mark........................... 1760 (L03, Mon), ..........................................................2052 (L11, Wed) Tuinenga, Christopher........................908 (B07, Tue) Tulej, Marek......................................1163 (E02, Tue) Tuller, Harry.......................................216 (A01, Thu) Tung, Vincent.................................... 715 (B01, Wed) Turan, Servet..................................... 522 (A02, Wed) Turgut, Berk Berkan........................ 879 (B06, Wed), ..........................................................2261 (Z02, Wed) Turner, Anthony.............................2086 (M02, Mon) Turner, John....................................1310 (G02, Wed), ...........................1990 (L10, Mon), 2007 (L10, Tue), ..........................................................2022 (L10, Wed) Turner, Travis.................................. 1817 (L04, Mon) Tutusaus, Oscar................................. 326 (A02, Tue), .................................329 (A02, Tue), 330 (A02, Tue) Tyagi, Manisha................................1471 (H05, Wed) Tylus, Urszula..................................1572 (I03, Wed), ...........................1573 (I03, Wed), 1818 (L04, Mon), ......................... 1823 (L04, Mon), 1826 (L04, Mon), ...........................................................1955 (L09, Tue) Tzagkaroulakis, Ioannis.................. 1071 (C01, Wed) Tzap, Natalie.....................................2218 (Z01, Tue)


U Uchida, Makoto...... 82 (A01, Tue), 1639 (I05, Wed) Uchiumi, Kazuyasu....................... 2114 (M02, Wed) Uchiyama, Masanobu.........................976 (B08, Tue) Uddin, Jasim........................................22 (A01, Mon) Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

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Uddin, Md. Aman.............................1548 (I03, Tue), ..............................1549 (I03, Tue), 1592 (I03, Wed), ......................................................... 1831 (L04, Mon) Ue, Makoto........................................ 559 (A02, Wed) Ueda, Takeshi..................................1392 (H03, Wed) Ueda, Taro....................................... 2140 (M02, Thu) Uehara, Hiromitsu............................. 925 (B07, Wed) Uemura, Yohei.................................. 925 (B07, Wed) Ueno, Hiroshi....................................821 (B04, Mon) Uhlemann, Margitta..........................1253 (F04, Tue) Uhlenbruck, Sven.............................. 393 (A02, Tue) Uhlig, Benjamin................................1161 (E02, Tue) Uhlig, Frank...........409 (A02, Tue), 486 (A02, Wed) Uhlmann, Christian........................... 431 (A02, Wed) Ulas, Seyithan.................................... 848 (B05, Thu) Ulloa-Severino, Antonio....................640 (A02, Thu) Ulu, Fulya..........................................1227 (F02, Tue) Ulyanova, Yevgenia....................... 2117 (M02, Wed) Um, Jaeeun..........................................311 (A02, Tue) Unlu, Murat.......................................661 (A03, Mon) Unocic, Raymond.............................1811 (L04, Sun) Uosaki, Kohei.................................. 1829 (L04, Mon) Upadhyay, Arun................................1993 (L10, Tue) Urones-Garrote, Esteban...................217 (A01, Thu) Uruchurtu, Jorge...............................2276 (Z02, Wed) Usmani, Belal..........1059 (C01, Wed), 1218 (F02, Tue) Usrey, Monica........332 (A02, Tue), 571 (A02, Wed) Usuda, Koji.....................................1362 (H03, Mon) Uysal, Mehmet................................. 166 (A01, Wed), ............................. 178 (A01, Wed), 179 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 180 (A01, Wed) Uzunoglu, Aytekin...........................2081 (M01, Tue)

Vaughey, John................................... 342 (A02, Tue), ................................382 (A02, Tue), 383 (A02, Tue), ........................................................... 546 (A02, Wed) Vayron, Tommy................................ 1290 (G02, Tue) Vaysset, A........................................1359 (H03, Mon) Vazhenin, Grigory........................... 1149 (E02, Mon) Vazquez, Purificacion.......................1003 (B08, Tue) Vegge, Tejs......... 1781 (L03, Tue), 1859 (L04, Wed) Velazquez, Jesus................................1975 (L10, Sun) Velazquez Lozada, Erick................1474 (H05, Wed) Velázquez-Palenzuela, Amado....... 1820 (L04, Mon) Veleva, Lucien................................. 1060 (C01, Wed) Velez, Victor......................................2249 (Z01, Tue) Velikokhatnyi, Oleg............................ 87 (A01, Tue), ...........................................................2000 (L10, Tue) Veloso, Anabela............................... 1326 (H01, Tue), .........................................................1359 (H03, Mon) Vena, Pasquale................................ 1139 (E01, Mon) Venkatachalam, Subramanian........... 362 (A02, Tue) venkateswara Rao, Chitturi..............248 (A02, Mon) Venton, Barbara.................................2209 (Z01, Tue) Ventrapragada, Lakshman................. 747 (B01, Thu) Venzo, Alfonso................................1682 (K01, Wed) Vera, Marcos........................................ 74 (A01, Tue) Verbrugge, Mark...............................262 (A02, Mon) Vereecken, Philippe..........................1162 (E02, Tue) Vergara, Leoncio................................ 767 (B02, Thu) Vergara Hernandez, Erasto.............1393 (H03, Wed) Verhulst, A.......................................1359 (H03, Mon) Verkest, D........................................1359 (H03, Mon) Verkhoturov, Stanislav...................... 551 (A02, Wed) Verlage, Erik..................................... 1295 (G02, Tue) Vernardou, D.....................................1922 (L06, Tue) Verners, Osvalds...............................234 (A02, Mon) Vernick, Sefi.................................... 1135 (E01, Mon) Vert, Alexey...................................... 1373 (H03, Tue) Vesborg, Peter.........1611 (I05, Mon), 2016 (L10, Wed) Veytizou, Christelle.........................1361 (H03, Mon) Vezzù, Keti........................................ 324 (A02, Tue), .............................. 745 (B01, Thu), 2050 (L11, Wed) Vialla, Fabien.......... 802 (B03, Tue), 804 (B03, Tue) Vicentini, Nicola............................... 885 (B06, Wed) Vicenzo, Antonello.............................207 (A01, Thu) Vidal, Frédéric...........116 (A01, Wed), 1914 (L06, Tue) Vidotti, Marcio..................................1910 (L06, Tue) Vigneron, Jackie............................... 1302 (G02, Tue) Vigneron, Jacky................................ 1290 (G02, Tue) Vijapur, Santosh.............................. 1206 (F02, Mon) Vijay, Vivek..................................... 1059 (C01, Wed) Vijayakumar, Murugesan................ 420 (A02, Wed), ............................... 661 (A03, Mon), 688 (A03, Tue) Vijila, Chellappan...............................905 (B07, Tue) Vikkisk, Merilin.............................. 1824 (L04, Mon) Villaluenga, Irune................................. 76 (A01, Tue) Villamor, Raquel................................631 (A02, Thu) Villullas, Hebe.......... 1582 (I03, Wed), 1807 (L04, Sun) Vinogradov, Dmitriy.........................1715 (L01, Tue) Vinogradov, Sergei.......................... 1022 (B08, Wed) Virkar, Anil.......... 1505 (I02, Mon), 1570 (I03, Wed) Virkki, Kirsi.........................................995 (B08, Tue) Virnelson, Craig................................1224 (F02, Tue) Virtanen, Sannakaisa........................ 1101 (C01, Thu) Visco, Vincent.................................... 334 (A02, Tue) Vishnyakov, Aleksey........................1796 (L03, Wed) Viswanathan, Venkatasubramanian......423 (A02, Wed) Viswanathan, Vilayanur....................659 (A03, Mon) Vitale, Adam.....................................1183 (E02, Wed) Vizza, Francesco..............................1240 (F02, Wed) Vlasova, Marina..............................1474 (H05, Wed) Voiry, Damien....................................200 (A01, Thu) Voisin, Christophe........ 802 (B03, Tue), 804 (B03, Tue) von Horsten, Frank......................... 1149 (E02, Mon) von Weber, Alexander.......................1846 (L04, Tue) Vortmann, Britta................................... 90 (A01, Tue) Voth, Gregory.................................. 1768 (L03, Mon) Vu, Anh...............................................638 (A02, Thu)

Vu, Michael........................................ 752 (B02, Thu) Vullev, Valentine.............................1281 (G01, Wed) Vullum-Bruer, Fride......................... 563 (A02, Wed), ........................................................... 579 (A02, Wed) Vurgaftman, Igor.............................1443 (H05, Mon)

V Vacandio, Florence............................ 502 (A02, Wed) Vacher, Antoine.................................1914 (L06, Tue) Vaddiraju, Sreeram............................295 (A02, Mon) Vaglenov, Kiril.................................2083 (M01, Tue) Vaid, Rakesh....................................1400 (H03, Wed) Valdes-Espinosa, Honorio.................1623 (I05, Tue) Valdez, Thomas...................................22 (A01, Mon) Vallachira Warriam Sasikumar, Pradeep..................... ........................................................... 482 (A02, Wed) Vallée, Anne....................................1315 (G02, Wed) Valvo, Mario......................................238 (A02, Mon) Van Campenhout, Joris.................... 1371 (H03, Tue) van den Bosch, Celeste.....................1632 (I05, Wed) van der Salm, Holly......................... 1040 (B08, Thu) van Duin, Adri..................................234 (A02, Mon), ............................ 483 (A02, Wed), 1771 (L03, Mon) Van Duyne, Richard........................ 1696 (L01, Mon) Van Gestel, Tim.................................. 393 (A02, Tue) Van Staden, Jacobus........................... 760 (B02, Thu) Van Thourhout, Dries....................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Van Vliet, Krysytn............................279 (A02, Mon) Van Zee, John.................................. 1113 (C02, Mon) Vanchiappan, Aravindan....................626 (A02, Thu) Vandervorst, Wilfried....................... 1371 (H03, Tue) Vandooren, Anne............................. 1326 (H01, Tue), ......................... 1336 (H01, Wed), 1337 (H01, Wed), ..........................1357 (H01, Thu), 1359 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1369 (H03, Mon) VanNieuwenzhe, Michael...............1684 (K01, Wed) Vanýsek, Petr.................................... 140 (A01, Wed), ..............................583 (A02, Wed), 1705 (L01, Tue) Varadan, Vijay..................................2105 (M02, Tue) Varadharaj, Eswaramoorthy K..........2147 (M04, Mon), ........................................................2154 (M04, Mon) Vardar, Gulin...................................... 341 (A02, Tue) Varela, Hamilton..............................1745 (L01, Wed) Variam, Naushad.............................. 1375 (H03, Tue) Varnell, Jason A.................................1737 (L01, Tue) Vasdekis, Andreas............................2108 (M02, Tue) Vasic, Stanislav..................................605 (A02, Thu) Vaudin, Mark................................... 1147 (E02, Mon) Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

W Wachsman, Eric................................ 101 (A01, Wed) Wacquez, Romain...........................1363 (H03, Mon) Wadaguchi, Masaki........................... 577 (A02, Wed) Wadas, Anna.........1538 (I02, Wed), 1908 (L06, Tue) Wade, Michael................................1433 (H05, Mon) Wagemaker, Marnix.......................... 548 (A02, Wed) Waggoner, Shawn...........................1469 (H05, Wed) Wagner, Jakob....................................1616 (I05, Tue) Wagner, Klaudia............................... 1040 (B08, Thu) Wagner, Michael... 529 (A02, Wed), 650 (A02, Thu) Wagner, Nils...................................... 579 (A02, Wed) Wagner, Norbert................................. 313 (A02, Tue) Wagner, Pawel.................................. 1040 (B08, Thu) Wagner, Peter...................................2162 (M04, Tue) Wagner, Ralf....................................... 340 (A02, Tue) Wagner, Stefan..................................1631 (I05, Wed) Wahnström, Göran............................1780 (L03, Tue) Wainright, Jesse................................. 123 (A01, Wed) Wajima, Mikiya................................. 162 (A01, Wed) Wakasugi, Jungo............................... 574 (A02, Wed) Wakatsuki, Takao............................ 1159 (E02, Mon) Waki, Keiko....................................... 162 (A01, Wed) Walczak, Karl..................................2013 (L10, Wed), ..........................................................2027 (L10, Wed) Waldron, Niamh.............................. 1326 (H01, Tue), ...........................1359 (H03, Mon), 1371 (H03, Tue) Walker, Lee........................................638 (A02, Thu) Walker, Robert..................................190 (A01, Thu), ............................1603 (I05, Mon), 1940 (L08, Wed) Wallauer, Jens..................................... 388 (A02, Tue) Walsh, Darren................................... 705 (A03, Wed), ........................... 1856 (L04, Wed), 1875 (L04, Wed) Walter, Eric......................................... 318 (A02, Tue) Walter, Michael............................... 1030 (B08, Wed) Wan, Jing.........................................1339 (H01, Wed) Wan, Qing........................................1367 (H03, Mon) Wan, Shun.......................................... 415 (A02, Tue) Wandt, Johannes................................652 (A02, Thu) Wang, Bei.......................................... 186 (A01, Wed) Wang, Chao-Yang..............................1656 (I06, Tue) Wang, Chen.......................................1256 (F04, Tue) Wang, Chongmin.............................. 333 (A02, Tue), ......................................................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Wang, Chualong................................... 12 (A01, Sun) Wang, Chuanlong.............................255 (A02, Mon), ........................................................... 697 (A03, Wed) Wang, Chunlei.........47 (A01, Mon), 222 (A01, Thu) Wang, Chunsheng............................250 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 337 (A02, Tue) Wang, Dan.......... 1206 (F02, Mon), 1847 (L04, Tue) Wang, Dawei....................................1860 (L04, Wed) Wang, Donghai..................................... 2 (A01, Sun), ................................32 (A01, Mon), 242 (A02, Mon) Wang, Dunwei.................................1309 (G02, Wed) Wang, Evelyn......................................793 (B03, Tue) Wang, Feng......................................1804 (L04, Sun), ..............................2187 (Z01, Tue), 2188 (Z01, Tue) Wang, Fu..........................................2272 (Z02, Wed) Wang, Guan-Wu ..............................826 (B04, Mon) Wang, H. C........................................ 154 (A01, Wed) Wang, Haiyan.................................... 551 (A02, Wed) Wang, Heli.........................................1599 (I03, Thu), .......................... 1990 (L10, Mon), 1992 (L10, Mon) Wang, Hong............906 (B07, Tue), 963 (B08, Mon) Wang, Honglong...............................1126 (C02, Tue) Wang, Hongqian.............................. 548 (A02, Wed), ..............................1635 (I05, Wed), 1644 (I05, Wed) Wang, Howard...................................639 (A02, Thu) 211

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Author................................................................Abs No.

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Wang, Hsing-Lin......710 (B01, Wed), 1919 (L06, Tue) Wang, Huan....................................... 724 (B01, Wed) Wang, Hui.........................................2158 (M04, Tue) Wang, Hui................392 (A02, Tue), 739 (B01, Thu) Wang, Jiajun............ 88 (A01, Tue), 258 (A02, Mon) Wang, Jie............................................198 (A01, Thu) Wang, Jingjing..................................250 (A02, Mon) Wang, Jinmin....................................1909 (L06, Tue) Wang, Jiyuan....................................2107 (M02, Tue) Wang, Jun............... 88 (A01, Tue), 256 (A02, Mon), ............................ 258 (A02, Mon), 1157 (E02, Mon) Wang, Junjie......................................265 (A02, Mon) Wang, Kaiying........902 (B06, Wed), 1475 (H05, Wed) Wang, Lianqin..................................1240 (F02, Wed) Wang, Liduo....................................1285 (G01, Wed) Wang, Lihui......................................1232 (F02, Wed) Wang, Lin.......................................2091 (M02, Mon) Wang, Louis......................................257 (A02, Mon) Wang, Lu........................................... 563 (A02, Wed) Wang, Miao........................................ 386 (A02, Tue) Wang, Ming...................................... 1100 (C01, Thu) Wang, Peiqi.......... 422 (A02, Wed), 510 (A02, Wed) Wang, Pengfei.................................. 1330 (H01, Tue) Wang, Qiang.......................................1527 (I02, Tue) Wang, Qing.......... 418 (A02, Wed), 693 (A03, Wed) Wang, Rongyue...............................1188 (E02, Wed), ..........................................................1962 (L09, Wed) Wang, Shan-Yu................................. 880 (B06, Wed) Wang, Shijing.....................................1620 (I05, Tue) Wang, Tao......................................... 1452 (H05, Tue) Wang, Wei........................................ 420 (A02, Wed), .............................659 (A03, Mon), 661 (A03, Mon), .................................684 (A03, Tue), 688 (A03, Tue) Wang, Wei-Yan................................2031 (L10, Wed) Wang, Weikun....................................654 (A02, Thu) Wang, Xia.......................................... 472 (A02, Wed) Wang, Xiao..................................... 2134 (M02, Wed) Wang, Xiaodong...............................1834 (L04, Tue) Wang, Xiaohua......1555 (I03, Tue), 1666 (I06, Wed) Wang, Xiaoping................................... 60 (A01, Tue) Wang, Yan........................................ 177 (A01, Wed), .............................. 210 (A01, Thu), 1046 (B08, Thu) Wang, Yang...................................... 495 (A02, Wed), ...........................1207 (F02, Mon), 1895 (L06, Mon) Wang, Yemei.....................................1006 (B08, Tue) Wang, Yixian.....................................1727 (L01, Tue) Wang, Yu..........................................1858 (L04, Wed) Wang, Yu-Lin.................................. 1425 (H04, Tue), .............................1427 (H04, Tue), 1428 (H04, Tue) Wang, YuHuang..................................799 (B03, Tue) Wang, Yukun......... 509 (A02, Wed), 616 (A02, Thu) Wang, Yun-Hsiang........................... 1423 (H04, Tue) Wang, Zhechao................................ 1371 (H03, Tue) Wang, Zheng..................................... 920 (B07, Wed) Wang, Zhihui....................................291 (A02, Mon), ................................344 (A02, Tue), 513 (A02, Wed) Wang, Zhiyong..................................... 79 (A01, Tue) Wang, Zhong Lin............................ 1904 (L06, Mon) Wang, Zhongyang............................1233 (F02, Wed) Wankmüller, Florian....................... 1606 (I05, Mon), .......................................................... 1610 (I05, Mon) Ward, Barbara..........1492 (I01, Thu), 2012 (L10, Wed) Wardle, Brian......................................793 (B03, Tue) Warnecke, Alexander........................280 (A02, Mon) Wasielewski, Michael.........................914 (B07, Tue) Watanabe, Masahiro........................... 82 (A01, Tue), ...........................................................1639 (I05, Wed) Watanabe, Masayoshi....................... 438 (A02, Wed) Watarai, Ayumi..................................1001 (B08, Tue) Watkins, Kevin................................. 1299 (G02, Tue) Weadock, Nick.........19 (A01, Mon), 22 (A01, Mon) Weatherford, Todd..........................1433 (H05, Mon) Weatherspoon, Mark......................... 371 (A02, Tue), ..............................700 (A03, Wed), 2243 (Z01, Tue) Weaver, Brad...................................1433 (H05, Mon)

Weber, Adam............74 (A01, Tue), 686 (A03, Tue), ................................690 (A03, Tue), 1544 (I03, Tue), ...............................1594 (I03, Thu), 1648 (I06, Tue), ........................... 1977 (L10, Sun), 2027 (L10, Wed), ..........................................................2048 (L11, Wed) Weber, Olivier.................................. 1324 (H01, Tue) Weber, Waldemar............................... 340 (A02, Tue) Webster, Thaddaeus..........................1714 (L01, Tue) Wei, Huijing.........282 (A02, Mon), 309 (A02, Mon) Wei, Wei............................................. 739 (B01, Thu) Wei, Xiaoliang.........420 (A02, Wed), 661 (A03, Mon), ................................688 (A03, Tue), 703 (A03, Wed) Wei, Xiongbang..............................1389 (H03, Wed) Wei, Zi............................................... 128 (A01, Wed) Weidner, John........53 (A01, Tue), 1113 (C02, Mon), ..............................1513 (I02, Tue), 2231 (Z01, Tue), ...........................................................2245 (Z01, Tue) Weimer, Alan....... 1492 (I01, Thu), 2012 (L10, Wed) Weiner, Brad..........400 (A02, Tue), 2041 (L10, Thu) Weippert, Jürgen................................ 848 (B05, Thu) Weis, Patrick....................................... 848 (B05, Thu) Weisman, R. Bruce........................... 752 (B02, Thu), ................................ 800 (B03, Tue), 801 (B03, Tue), ........................................................... 890 (B06, Wed) Weiss, Michael.................................. 464 (A02, Wed) Weissmueller, Joerg..........................1724 (L01, Tue) Welch, David................................... 1152 (E02, Mon) Welch, Gregory...............................1261 (G01, Mon) Wen, Dan..............1564 (I03, Wed), 2308 (Z04, Tue) Wen, Jianwu.....................................2272 (Z02, Wed) Wender, Heberton...........................2025 (L10, Wed), ..........................................................2032 (L10, Wed) Weng, Yu-Ching...............................1956 (L09, Tue), ........................... 2026 (L10, Wed), 2169 (M04, Tue) Werner, Sebastian............................. 1380 (H03, Tue) Wescott, Joseph.................................. 840 (B05, Thu) Wesolowski, Dan................................ 99 (A01, Wed) West, Alan.........................................1222 (F02, Tue) West, Robert...........332 (A02, Tue), 571 (A02, Wed) West, William.........402 (A02, Tue), 577 (A02, Wed) Wetzel, Christian............................1408 (H04, Mon), .......................................................... 1450 (H05, Tue) Whang, Dongmok.............................. 737 (B01, Thu) Wheeler, David.................................1223 (F02, Tue) Wheeler, Dean...... 21 (A01, Mon), 1798 (L03, Wed) Whitacre, Jay........ 113 (A01, Wed), 669 (A03, Mon) Whitbread, Kristina............................. 95 (A01, Wed) Whitcanack, Larry............................. 334 (A02, Tue) White, Henry......1704 (L01, Mon), 1846 (L04, Tue) White, Ryan..................................... 1699 (L01, Mon) White, Scott.......................................228 (A02, Mon) Whitman, Brandon.......................... 1092 (C01, Thu), .......................................................... 1093 (C01, Thu) Wiaderek, Kamila............................ 164 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 165 (A01, Wed) Wibowo, Andree.............................. 1414 (H04, Tue) Wickman, Björn................................ 560 (A02, Wed) Wickramasinghe, Mahesh................1730 (L01, Tue) Widel, Zachary..................................2202 (Z01, Tue) Widiez, Julie....................................1361 (H03, Mon) Wieczorek, Wladyslaw.......................411 (A02, Tue) Wiedenroth, Hilke........................... 1704 (L01, Mon) Wiemers-Meyer, Simon..................... 340 (A02, Tue) Wikle, Howard..............................2152 (M04, Mon), ........................................................2153 (M04, Mon) Wikle, Howard...............................2150 (M04, Mon) Wilbraham, Richard....................... 1061 (C01, Wed), ......................................................... 1072 (C01, Wed) Wild, Peter........................................2162 (M04, Tue) Wilde, Virginia....1606 (I05, Mon). 1610 (I05, Mon) Wilke, Stephen..................................1128 (C02, Tue) Wilkening, Martin.............................235 (A02, Mon) Williams, Evan....................................905 (B07, Tue) Williams, Frances..............................1884 (L05, Tue) Williams, Jeff...................................2167 (M04, Tue) Williams, Ryan................................... 755 (B02, Thu)

Williams, Shannon...........................2068 (M01, Tue) Williamson, Jon.............................. 1081 (C01, Wed) Williamson, Mark.............................1225 (F02, Tue) Williamson, Sheldon.........................1973 (L10, Sun) Williamson, Todd............................ 1825 (L04, Mon) Willit, James......................................1225 (F02, Tue) Wilmot, Carrie................................. 1027 (B08, Wed) Wilson, David...................................... 77 (A01, Tue) Wilson, Evan...........203 (A01, Thu), 795 (B03, Tue) Wilson, Jacob...................................2258 (Z02, Wed) Wilson, Lon........................................ 767 (B02, Thu) Wilson, William................................769 (B03, Mon) Wiltowski, Tomasz......................... 1058 (C01, Wed) Windbacher, Thomas......................1397 (H03, Wed) Winter, Martin.......... 37 (A01, Mon), 90 (A01, Tue), ............................. 100 (A01, Wed), 104 (A01, Wed), .............................. 266 (A02, Mon), 340 (A02, Tue), ................................387 (A02, Tue), 393 (A02, Tue), ..............................439 (A02, Wed), 720 (B01, Wed), ..............................2182 (Z01, Tue), 2185 (Z01, Tue) Wipf, Mathias................................. 2126 (M02, Wed) Wislicenus, Marcus...........................1161 (E02, Tue) Witkowski, Nadine...........................1000 (B08, Tue) Witt, Julia........... 1743 (L01, Wed), 2061 (M01, Tue) Witters, Liesbeth............................. 1326 (H01, Tue), .........................................................1359 (H03, Mon) Wittstock, Gunther...........................235 (A02, Mon), .............................605 (A02, Thu), 1743 (L01, Wed), ..........................................................2061 (M01, Tue) Wißbrock, Amelie.............................941 (B08, Mon) Wohnrath, Karen.............................. 727 (B01, Wed), ..........................................................2084 (M01, Tue) Woisetschläger, Dieter......................1806 (L04, Sun) Wojciechowski, Sarah.....................2066 (M01, Tue) Wolfe, Ian........................................ 1062 (C01, Wed) Wolfenstine, Jeff................................ 361 (A02, Tue) Wolverton, Chris............................... 373 (A02, Tue), ................................380 (A02, Tue), 614 (A02, Thu), ............................... 629 (A02, Thu), 655 (A02, Thu), ..............................657 (A02, Thu), 1800 (L03, Wed) Won, Jaihyung.................................. 1381 (H03, Tue) Wong, Ademar............................... 2175 (M04, Wed) Wong, Chui Ling................................626 (A02, Thu) Wong, Hugh..................................... 1455 (H05, Tue) Wong, Justin......................................2206 (Z01, Tue) Wong, Lee Loong.............................260 (A02, Mon) Wong, Raymond............................... 432 (A02, Wed) Wong, Wai-Yeung...............................913 (B07, Tue) Wong, William...............................1279 (G01, Wed), .........................................................1462 (H05, Wed) Woo, Hee Jin.....................................245 (A02, Mon) Woo, L...............................................962 (B08, Mon) Woo, Stephen...................................2103 (M02, Tue) Woo, Sungpil..................................... 505 (A02, Wed) Wood, Adam....................................1407 (H04, Mon) Wood, Anthony................................ 1504 (I02, Mon) Wood, Brandon................................. 742 (B01, Thu), ............................. 1519 (I02, Tue), 1991 (L10, Mon) Wood, David........229 (A02, Mon), 552 (A02, Wed) Woodford, William..........................279 (A02, Mon), ...........................................................289 (A02, Mon) Woods-Robinson, Rachel...............1307 (G02, Wed) Worden, Robert............................... 2302 (Z04, Mon) Workman, Michael............................ 749 (B01, Thu) Worsley, Marcus............................... 897 (B06, Wed) Wouters, Jesse...................................1210 (F02, Tue) Wray, Michael.....................................21 (A01, Mon) Wright, Christopher...........................1515 (I02, Tue) Wright, Paul.................................... 1151 (E02, Mon) Wu, Chang-Sian...............................2294 (Z03, Wed) Wu, Chia-Hsun................................. 1458 (H05, Tue) Wu, Chuan......................................... 513 (A02, Wed) Wu, Dangxin...................................... 318 (A02, Tue) Wu, Fei............... 2001 (L10, Tue), 2024 (L10, Wed) Wu, Feng........................................... 513 (A02, Wed)


Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Wu, Gang........................................... 732 (B01, Thu), .......................... 1815 (L04, Mon), 1826 (L04, Mon) Wu, Heng-Liang...............................249 (A02, Mon) Wu, Hui-Lun....................................2169 (M04, Tue) Wu, Huiming..................................... 457 (A02, Wed) Wu, Jiao.............................................. 736 (B01, Thu) Wu, Jingjie..........................................1519 (I02, Tue) Wu, Jishan...........................................912 (B07, Tue) Wu, Kuan-Ting......... 1607 (I05, Mon), 1620 (I05, Tue) Wu, Kuang-Hsu...............................1860 (L04, Wed) Wu, Liang.........................................1198 (F02, Mon) Wu, Meng-Yin..................................777 (B03, Mon) Wu, Min............................................. 549 (A02, Wed) Wu, Mingjie.......................................1527 (I02, Tue) Wu, Nianqiang................................. 918 (B07, Wed), ...........................1985 (L10, Mon), 2017 (L10, Wed) Wu, Nick..........2060 (M01, Tue), 2087 (M02, Mon) Wu, Qingliu............417 (A02, Tue), 590 (A02, Wed) Wu, Wen-Wei..................................2270 (Z02, Wed), ........................... 2289 (Z03, Wed), 2290 (Z03, Wed) Wu, Yanlin.......................................1308 (G02, Wed) Wu, Yen-Ting...................................2289 (Z03, Wed) Wu, Ying........................................... 1370 (H03, Tue) Wu, Yongzhen.....................................911 (B07, Tue) Wu, Yu-Cheng..........210 (A01, Thu), 1478 (H05, Wed) Wu, Yucheng........ 192 (A01, Thu), 1506 (I02, Mon) Wuensche, Julia............................... 1269 (G01, Tue) Wurster, Benjamin............................2304 (Z04, Tue) Wurz, Peter........................................1163 (E02, Tue) Wüthrich, Rolf........ 1247 (F04, Tue), 2281 (Z02, Wed) Wycisk, Ryszard................................. 686 (A03, Tue)

Xu, Feina...........................................1657 (I06, Wed) Xu, Hui..............................................1949 (L09, Tue) Xu, Jia.................... 726 (B01, Wed), 790 (B03, Tue), .............................................................791 (B03, Tue) Xu, Jiagang...........237 (A02, Mon), 446 (A02, Wed) Xu, Jie................1642 (I05, Wed), 2094 (M02, Mon) Xu, Jing............................................1942 (L08, Wed) Xu, Kang.......................................... 177 (A01, Wed), .................................337 (A02, Tue), 416 (A02, Tue) Xu, Mengqing................................... 147 (A01, Wed) Xu, Pan..............................................1532 (I02, Wed) Xu, Rui.............................................. 457 (A02, Wed) Xu, Shenzhen.....................................614 (A02, Thu) Xu, Shuyin......................................... 696 (A03, Wed) Xu, Wei.............................................2097 (M02, Tue) Xu, Wu.....................94 (A01, Wed), 333 (A02, Tue), ............................. 420 (A02, Wed), 425 (A02, Wed), ...........................1152 (E02, Mon), 1155 (E02, Mon) Xuan, Yaoyu....................................1389 (H03, Wed) Xue, Can............................................1998 (L10, Tue) Xue, Cuihua......................................1713 (L01, Tue) Xue, Zhaoli........................................1006 (B08, Tue) Xue, Zheng....................................... 102 (A01, Wed), .............................184 (A01, Wed), 244 (A02, Mon), ................................416 (A02, Tue), 422 (A02, Wed)

Yang, Changyol............................... 1143 (E01, Mon) Yang, Cheng......................................2209 (Z01, Tue) Yang, Chenguang.............................670 (A03, Mon), ..............................673 (A03, Mon), 702 (A03, Wed) Yang, Chih-kai..................................1128 (C02, Tue) Yang, Chunzhen..........372 (A02, Tue), 432 (A02, Wed) Yang, Dea-Soo................................... 744 (B01, Thu) Yang, Fan...........................................634 (A02, Thu), ................................ 1557 (I03, Tue), 1558 (I03, Tue) Yang, Fuling.....................................2082 (M01, Tue) Yang, Gwangseok..........................1470 (H05, Wed), .........................................................1472 (H05, Wed) Yang, Hongzhou..1234 (F02, Wed), 1514 (I02, Tue) Yang, Hwi.......................................... 578 (A02, Wed) Yang, Jinhui...........1305 (G02, Wed), 1307 (G02, Wed) Yang, Jun............................................1554 (I03, Tue) Yang, Kaikun......................................639 (A02, Thu) Yang, Li.............................................247 (A02, Mon) Yang, Lichun.................................... 509 (A02, Wed), ...............................616 (A02, Thu), 2204 (Z01, Tue) Yang, Liu............. 1052 (B08, Thu), 1162 (E02, Tue) Yang, Myoung Su...........................1464 (H05, Wed) Yang, Naixing........ 189 (A01, Thu), 611 (A02, Thu) Yang, Po-Kang................................ 1904 (L06, Mon) Yang, Qin........................................... 156 (A01, Wed) Yang, Ruizhi....................................... 736 (B01, Thu) Yang, Shangfeng...............................823 (B04, Mon) Yang, Tae-Hyun......1585 (I03, Wed), 1814 (L04, Mon) Yang, Tao...........................................1629 (I05, Wed) Yang, Tse-Ning..................................... 84 (A01, Tue) Yang, Weishen...................................1175 (E02, Tue) Yang, Wooyoung............................... 488 (A02, Wed) Yang, Xiaohui.................................1389 (H03, Wed) Yang, Xudong.....................................911 (B07, Tue) Yang, Yanbo...................................... 479 (A02, Wed) Yang, Yu-Ping...................................2195 (Z01, Tue) Yang, Yuan........................................1917 (L06, Tue) Yang, Zhenrong.................................. 736 (B01, Thu) Yang, Zhenzhen................................ 546 (A02, Wed) Yang, Zhiwei.....................................1666 (I06, Wed) Yanguas-Gil, Angel........................1441 (H05, Mon), .........................................................1442 (H05, Mon) Yano, Junko..................................... 1988 (L10, Mon) Yao, Huili......................................... 1046 (B08, Thu) Yao, Kang............................................48 (A01, Mon) Yao, Meng......................................... 544 (A02, Wed) Yao, Takeshi..................................... 171 (A01, Wed), ........................................................... 570 (A02, Wed) Yarlagadda, Venkata......................... 682 (A03, Tue), ............................................................ 686 (A03, Tue) Yashiro, Keiji.....................................1619 (I05, Tue), ..............................1634 (I05, Wed), 1637 (I05, Wed) Yasuda, Satoshi................................. 929 (B07, Wed) Yasui, Naoki..................................... 1377 (H03, Tue) Yasutake, Mikio................................1001 (B08, Tue) Yasuzawa, Mikito..........................2096 (M02, Mon) Yau, Shuehlin.................................. 1148 (E02, Mon) Ye, Licheng..........784 (B03, Mon), 1590 (I03, Wed) Ye, Tianchun..................................... 1330 (H01, Tue) Ye, Xiaoxin....................................... 1103 (C01, Thu) Ye, Zhiyuan.....................................1410 (H04, Mon) Yeh, J. Andrew................................. 1426 (H04, Tue) Yeh, Min-Hsin.................................. 182 (A01, Wed), ..........................1904 (L06, Mon), 2038 (L10, Wed), ........................... 2039 (L10, Wed), 2040 (L10, Wed) Yelton, W............... 730 (B01, Thu), 774 (B03, Mon) Yen, Hung-Ju.....................................1919 (L06, Tue) Yen, Shi-Chern.................................1242 (F02, Wed) Yen, Shiow....................................... 1100 (C01, Thu) Yeoh, Hak Koon................................667 (A03, Mon) Yeom, Seung Jin.............................1394 (H03, Wed) Yeon, Daeyong.................................. 596 (A02, Wed) Yesi, Yesi........................................... 112 (A01, Wed) Yesibolati, Nulati...............................274 (A02, Mon) Yeung, Kan..........................................870 (B06, Tue) Yi, Baolian........................................1753 (L01, Wed)

X Xaba, Nqobile...................................... 13 (A01, Sun) Xi, Xiao-ming.................................... 399 (A02, Tue) Xia, Jiaxin.........................................1186 (E02, Wed) Xia, Qing........................................... 580 (A02, Wed) Xiang, Chengxiang........................ 1988 (L10, Mon), ..........................................................2027 (L10, Wed) Xiang, Hongfa.................................... 333 (A02, Tue) Xiang, Rong...................................... 712 (B01, Wed) Xiao, Bo......................................... 2125 (M02, Wed) Xiao, Jian-Feng................................ 1427 (H04, Tue) Xiao, Jie...................94 (A01, Wed), 318 (A02, Tue), .............................. 425 (A02, Wed), 703 (A03, Wed) Xiao, Peng..........................................221 (A01, Thu) Xiao, Xingcheng..............................232 (A02, Mon), .............................247 (A02, Mon), 262 (A02, Mon), ............................................................ 344 (A02, Tue) Xiao, Xinran....................................... 386 (A02, Tue) Xie, Jian................. 634 (A02, Thu), 653 (A02, Thu), ...............................658 (A02, Thu), 876 (B06, Wed), ................................ 1557 (I03, Tue), 1558 (I03, Tue) Xie, Jingyi......................................... 724 (B01, Wed) Xie, Kui.............................................192 (A01, Thu), .............................. 210 (A01, Thu), 1506 (I02, Mon) Xie, L................................................. 937 (B07, Wed) Xie, Ting.............................................210 (A01, Thu) Xie, Xiaofeng.......124 (A01, Wed), 663 (A03, Mon) Xie, Xu..............................................769 (B03, Mon) Xie, Yao............................................. 714 (B01, Wed) Xie, Yuanyuan...........267 (A02, Mon), 443 (A02, Wed) Xin, Le................ 1204 (F02, Mon), 1557 (I03, Tue), ..............................1558 (I03, Tue), 1808 (L04, Sun), ...........................................................1951 (L09, Tue) Xin, Xing........................................... 535 (A02, Wed) Xing, Lidan....................................... 147 (A01, Wed) Xing, Weibing.........98 (A01, Wed), 108 (A01, Wed) Xiong, Hui (Claire)........................... 105 (A01, Wed) Xiong, Wei-Fen.................................1956 (L09, Tue) Xiong, Xiaolei....................................198 (A01, Thu) Xu, Chaohe........................................... 52 (A01, Tue) Xu, Cheng......................................1365 (H03, Mon), ............................. 1381 (H03, Tue), 2206 (Z01, Tue) Xu, Chunchuan..................................1554 (I03, Tue) Xu, Chunye......................................1926 (L06, Wed) Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Y Yada, Chihiro....................................308 (A02, Mon) Yadav, Ram........................................1519 (I02, Tue) Yaghoobnejad Asl, Hooman............... 91 (A01, Tue), ...........................................................299 (A02, Mon) Yagi, Ichizo....................................... 925 (B07, Wed) Yahagi, Haruki............................... 2114 (M02, Wed) Yakaboylu, Gunes A....................... 2138 (M02, Thu) Yakal-Kremski, Kyle........................1635 (I05, Wed) Yakimets, D.....................................1359 (H03, Mon) Yakobson, Boris.................................1519 (I02, Tue) Yakut, Yonca................................... 1075 (C01, Wed) Yalcin, Sibel............ 803 (B03, Tue), 805 (B03, Tue) Yamada, Hidenori...............................873 (B06, Tue) Yamada, Hiroko........968 (B08, Mon), 1011 (B08, Tue) Yamada, Naoya.................................968 (B08, Mon) Yamada, Yusuke.........832 (B05, Thu), 947 (B08, Mon) Yamada, Yuto.................................... 575 (A02, Wed) Yamagata, Masaki.............................. 321 (A02, Tue) Yamaguchi, Shu.................................1613 (I05, Tue) Yamaguchi, Yasuo............................ 1325 (H01, Tue) Yamaguchi, Yuji................................968 (B08, Mon) Yamaguchi, Yusuke..........................1686 (K01, Thu) Yamaji, Katsuhiro..............................1619 (I05, Tue) Yamamoto, Ippei.............................1463 (H05, Wed) Yamamoto, Osamu............................ 392 (A02, Tue) Yamamoto, Satoshi...........................1008 (B08, Tue) Yamamoto, Shota............................. 1102 (C01, Thu) Yamamoto, Shotaro........................1362 (H03, Mon) Yamamoto, Yoshiki.......................... 1325 (H01, Tue) Yamanaka, Keisuke.......................... 432 (A02, Wed) Yamane, Daisuke............................. 1332 (H01, Tue) Yamashita, Ken-ichi........................ 1023 (B08, Wed) Yamashita, Satoru...........................1399 (H03, Wed) Yamashita, Tomohiro....................... 1325 (H01, Tue) Yamauchi, Hiromi............................ 1376 (H03, Tue) Yamazaki, Yoshihiro.........................1128 (C02, Tue) Yan, Bo................................................ 73 (A01, Tue), ..................................86 (A01, Tue), 173 (A01, Wed) Yan, Jianhua......................................290 (A02, Mon) Yan, Litao.......................................... 516 (A02, Wed) Yan, Ming.........................................2269 (Z02, Wed) Yan, Pengfei....................................... 333 (A02, Tue) Yan, Sen.............................................956 (B08, Mon) Yan, Yanfa.........................................2008 (L10, Tue) Yan, Yong........................................1312 (G02, Wed) Yan, Yushan.......................................1944 (L09, Tue) Yanagishita, Takashi......................... 932 (B07, Wed) Yang, Bo...............664 (A03, Mon), 704 (A03, Wed) Yang, Changping............................... 902 (B06, Wed)


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Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Yi, Han Bang.................................... 1088 (C01, Thu) Yi, Jaeshin............ 175 (A01, Wed), 176 (A01, Wed) Yi, Jongheop..................................... 159 (A01, Wed), .............................. 161 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Yi, Jongheop...................................... 158 (A01, Wed) Yi, Kyung-Woo...............................1108 (C02, Mon) Yi, Tanghon........................................642 (A02, Thu) Yi, Tanghong..................................... 327 (A02, Tue), .............................. 454 (A02, Wed), 520 (A02, Wed) Yi, Tiancheng....................................1588 (I03, Wed) Yildirim, Handan...............................29 (A01, Mon), ..............................288 (A02, Mon), 304 (A02, Mon) Yildiz, Bilge................................... 1110 (C02, Mon), ............................. 1129 (C02, Tue), 1602 (I05, Mon) Yim, Sung-Dae..................................1585 (I03, Wed) Yin, Haizhou.................................... 1330 (H01, Tue) Yin, Jun............................................... 366 (A02, Tue) Ying, Diwen.....................................1968 (L09, Wed) Yokogawa, Ryo..............................1362 (H03, Mon), .........................................................1390 (H03, Wed) Yokoshima, Tokihiko...................... 1133 (E01, Mon) Yokoyama, Masafumi...................... 1323 (H01, Tue) Yokoyama, Shun..............................2271 (Z02, Wed) Yom, JeeHo....................................... 565 (A02, Wed) Yoneda, Masakazu............................... 82 (A01, Tue) Yonemura, Shunsuke......................1670 (K01, Wed) Yonenaga, Yosuke........................... 1056 (C01, Wed) Yoo, Bongyoung............................ 1143 (E01, Mon), ........................................................ 2176 (M04, Wed) Yoo, Jaeseung.................................... 557 (A02, Wed) Yoo, Soon Sung...............................1464 (H05, Wed) Yoo, Sung Jong.................................1547 (I03, Tue), ........................... 1855 (L04, Wed), 1862 (L04, Wed) Yoo, Woo Sik........1392 (H03, Wed), 1394 (H03, Wed) Yoo, Young Geun............................. 158 (A01, Wed), .............................. 159 (A01, Wed), 185 (A01, Wed) Yoon, Chang Won............................1195 (E02, Wed) Yoon, Chong seung.......................... 532 (A02, Wed), ............................. 537 (A02, Wed), 539 (A02, Wed), .............................. 540 (A02, Wed), 543 (A02, Wed) Yoon, Jaegu.......... 453 (A02, Wed), 557 (A02, Wed) Yoon, Jeongbae................................. 557 (A02, Wed) Yoon, Sung-June............................... 541 (A02, Wed) Yoon, Sung-Pil..................................1643 (I05, Wed) Yoon, Won-Sub................................. 557 (A02, Wed) Yoon, Woo Young............................ 565 (A02, Wed), .............................. 566 (A02, Wed), 572 (A02, Wed) Yoon, Youngsoo................................ 505 (A02, Wed) Yoshida, Hiroyuki..............................643 (A02, Thu) Yoshida, Jun-ichi............................1668 (K01, Wed), .......................... 1669 (K01, Wed), 1677 (K01, Wed) Yoshida, Shuhei................................ 575 (A02, Wed) Yoshida, Takuya..................................978 (B08, Tue) Yoshihara, Naoki...............................1583 (I03, Wed) Yoshii, Kazuki................................... 438 (A02, Wed) Yoshima, Kazuomi............................ 496 (A02, Wed) You, Dan............................................851 (B06, Mon) You, Hoydoo..........1935 (L08, Wed), 1959 (L09, Wed) You, X.............................................. 1767 (L03, Mon) Youn, Hee-Chang.............................. 521 (A02, Wed) Young, David.................................1105 (C02, Mon), ............................1109 (C02, Mon), 1118 (C02, Tue) Young, James.................................1310 (G02, Wed), ...........................1990 (L10, Mon), 2022 (L10, Wed) Youssef, Mostafa...............................1129 (C02, Tue) Youtsey, Chris.................................. 1414 (H04, Tue) Yrjas, Patrik..................................... 1112 (C02, Mon) Yu, Chun..........................................1109 (C02, Mon) Yu, Cui-Ping.......................................210 (A01, Thu) Yu, Denis..........................................271 (A02, Mon), ................................347 (A02, Tue), 491 (A02, Wed) Yu, Gary......................................... 2116 (M02, Wed) Yu, H.................................................2278 (Z02, Wed) Yu, Haoran....................................... 1207 (F02, Mon) Yu, Hongmei....................................1753 (L01, Wed) Yu, Hui-Chia................................... 1765 (L03, Mon)

Yu, Hye-Ryeon......542 (A02, Wed), 898 (B06, Wed) Yu, Ji-Sang........................................ 533 (A02, Wed) Yu, Jong-Sung.................................... 744 (B01, Thu) Yu, Kyle........................................... 1073 (C01, Wed) Yu, Lei................................................ 211 (A01, Thu) Yu, Liyan............................................875 (B06, Tue), .............................1303 (G02, Tue), 1420 (H04, Tue) Yu, Seongil........................................ 187 (A01, Wed) Yu, Sungkuk.................................... 1143 (E01, Mon) Yu, Tae-Hwan.......268 (A02, Mon), 488 (A02, Wed) Yu, Ted............................................1413 (H04, Mon), ...........................1761 (L03, Mon), 1801 (L03, Wed) Yu, Tongwen.....................................1175 (E02, Tue) Yu, Woong-Ryeol.............................. 501 (A02, Wed) Yu, Yang.............................................214 (A01, Thu) Yu, Yingjian............50 (A01, Mon), 261 (A02, Mon) Yu, Yixuan........................................ 1035 (B08, Thu) Yu, Young-Sang......70 (A01, Tue), 155 (A01, Wed), ..............................327 (A02, Tue), 1933 (L08, Wed) Yu, Zhaoxin........................................... 2 (A01, Sun), ................................32 (A01, Mon), 242 (A02, Mon) Yu, Zhibin.........................................2030 (L10, Wed) Yuan, Chirs...........267 (A02, Mon), 443 (A02, Wed) Yuan, Fangping.................................1778 (L03, Tue) Yuan, Qiuyi......................................1184 (E02, Wed) Yuan, Rodger.......................................27 (A01, Mon) Yuan, Tao..............518 (A02, Wed), 1560 (I03, Wed) Yuan, Tianyu.......................................791 (B03, Tue) Yuan, Wei-Li....................................1190 (E02, Wed) Yuan, Xianxia.................................... 429 (A02, Wed) Yuan, Yifei......................................... 467 (A02, Wed) Yuca, Neslihan.................................. 475 (A02, Wed) Yue, Chuang...........50 (A01, Mon), 261 (A02, Mon) Yue, Junpei......................................... 388 (A02, Tue) Yuen, Matthew....................................870 (B06, Tue) Yugami, Hiroo....................................1619 (I05, Tue) Yuh, Chao-Yi......................................188 (A01, Thu) Yui, Yuhki...............377 (A02, Tue), 558 (A02, Wed) Yukl, Erik........................................ 1027 (B08, Wed) Yun, Sukhwan................................... 120 (A01, Wed) Yun, Young Jun................................. 556 (A02, Wed) Yung, Kam-Chuen............................ 156 (A01, Wed) Yurkiv, Vitaliy....................................193 (A01, Thu) Yurtsever, Fatma................................1556 (I03, Tue) Yurukcu, Mesut..................................1556 (I03, Tue) Yuste, Mercedes.................................215 (A01, Thu) Yuzo, Imoto.........................................14 (A01, Mon)

Zelenay, Piotr...................................1573 (I03, Wed), ...........................1645 (I05, Wed), 1823 (L04, Mon), ......................... 1825 (L04, Mon), 1826 (L04, Mon), ............................1827 (L04, Mon), 1955 (L09, Tue) Zeng, Chengchu.............................1679 (K01, Wed), ..........................................................1685 (K01, Thu) Zeng, Meiqin.....................................2204 (Z01, Tue) Zeng, Qingcong...............................1860 (L04, Wed) Zeng, Wei-Yang................................1167 (E02, Tue) Zeng, Xiangqun..............................2159 (M04, Tue), ..........................................................2160 (M04, Tue) Zeng, Zhenhua.................................... 81 (A01, Tue), ............................ 1786 (L03, Tue), 1965 (L09, Wed) Zeng, Zhipeng................................... 580 (A02, Wed) Zenyuk, Iryna.....................................1544 (I03, Tue) Zeradjanin, Aleksandar....................1660 (I06, Wed), ..............................1841 (L04, Tue), 1842 (L04, Tue) Zettsu, Nobuyuki.............................276 (A02, Mon), ................................356 (A02, Tue), 497 (A02, Wed) Zhai, Jianyuan..................................2033 (L10, Wed) Zhai, Peng............................................872 (B06, Tue) Zhan, Hui....................3 (A01, Sun), 479 (A02, Wed) Zhan, Yi................................................ 52 (A01, Tue) Zhang, Anyi.......................................307 (A02, Mon) Zhang, Bo............................................ 75 (A01, Tue), ..............................336 (A02, Tue), 1700 (L01, Mon) Zhang, Cathy...................................... 754 (B02, Thu) Zhang, Changkun.............................1753 (L01, Wed) Zhang, Cheng..........1913 (L06, Tue), 1929 (L06, Wed) Zhang, Chengxu................................ 725 (B01, Wed) Zhang, Cuixia....................................785 (B03, Mon) Zhang, Feng-Yuan............................672 (A03, Mon), ...............................674 (A03, Mon), 1543 (I03, Tue) Zhang, Guangli...............................1864 (L04, Wed), ........................... 1961 (L09, Wed), 2272 (Z02, Wed) Zhang, Guangyu...........................2091 (M02, Mon), ..........................................................2107 (M02, Tue) Zhang, Hong......................................945 (B08, Mon) Zhang, Hui............. 195 (A01, Thu), 544 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Hui Gang.............................. 441 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Ji-Guang......94 (A01, Wed), 333 (A02, Tue), ............................425 (A02, Wed), 1152 (E02, Mon), ......................................................... 1155 (E02, Mon) Zhang, Jian...................................... 1024 (B08, Wed) Zhang, Jian-Fang...............................210 (A01, Thu) Zhang, Jianqiang............................1105 (C02, Mon), .........................................................1109 (C02, Mon) Zhang, Jiaolong................................. 491 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Jingqing.................................. 754 (B02, Thu) Zhang, Jun-Long...............................967 (B08, Mon) Zhang, Kan........................................ 442 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Kewei...................................2163 (M04, Tue) Zhang, Lei........... 1505 (I02, Mon), 1570 (I03, Wed) Zhang, Lu...............422 (A02, Wed), 689 (A03, Tue) Zhang, Ming-lan.............................1435 (H05, Mon) Zhang, Pengfei................................... 611 (A02, Thu) Zhang, Qian.......................................785 (B03, Mon) Zhang, Qinglin..........262 (A02, Mon), 446 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Ruigang...........1 (A01, Sun), 329 (A02, Tue) Zhang, Shiming...............................1280 (G01, Wed) Zhang, Shumao..............................1382 (H03, Wed), .........................................................1388 (H03, Wed) Zhang, Suki...................................... 1372 (H03, Tue) Zhang, Susu....... 1864 (L04, Wed), 1961 (L09, Wed) Zhang, Tianhou................................. 580 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Tim........................................1725 (L01, Tue) Zhang, W......................................... 1767 (L03, Mon) Zhang, Wang..................................... 525 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Wei............231 (A02, Mon), 620 (A02, Thu) Zhang, Weimin.................................. 518 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Wenqi................................... 1381 (H03, Tue) Zhang, Xiaogang................................625 (A02, Thu) Zhang, Xiaoyue................................1187 (E02, Wed) Zhang, Xingwang............................2033 (L10, Wed) Zhang, Xingxing...............................1126 (C02, Tue) Zhang, Xinrong................................. 174 (A01, Wed)


Z Zach, Michael....................................1878 (L05, Tue) Zacharias, Robert..............................1806 (L04, Sun) Zaghib, Karim.........282 (A02, Mon), 309 (A02, Mon), ................................312 (A02, Tue), 344 (A02, Tue), ................................352 (A02, Tue), 475 (A02, Wed) Zahedi, Sayedehgolnaz...................1395 (H03, Wed) Zaikov, Yurii....... 1715 (L01, Tue), 1754 (L01, Wed) Zaikov, Yuriy.....................................1736 (L01, Tue) Zaino, Lawrence..............................2097 (M02, Tue) Zajac, Marcin..................................1440 (H05, Mon) Zaleski, Audrey..................................206 (A01, Thu) Zangari, Giovanni.............................2002 (L10, Tue) Zango, German.................................1003 (B08, Tue) Zanon, Nicola......................................... 8 (A01, Sun) Zanoni, Maria....................................1729 (L01, Tue) Zapol, Peter.....................................1441 (H05, Mon) Zardi, Paolo.......................................965 (B08, Mon) Zaslavsky, Alexander......................1339 (H01, Wed) Zavadil, Kevin.........323 (A02, Tue), 384 (A02, Tue) Zavorine, Serguei................................ 95 (A01, Wed) Zawodzinski, Thomas......................... 77 (A01, Tue), .............................662 (A03, Mon), 1566 (I03, Wed), .............................1567 (I03, Wed), 1577 (I03, Wed), ...........................1770 (L03, Mon), 1811 (L04, Sun), ..........................................................2047 (L11, Wed) Zdunek, Alan......................................199 (A01, Thu) Zeghum, Bilal......................................810 (B03, Tue)

Meeting Program l May 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL

Author Index Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Author................................................................Abs No.

Zhang, Xinxin....................................195 (A01, Thu) Zhang, Xiongwen..............................189 (A01, Thu) Zhang, Xiongwen.............................. 611 (A02, Thu) Zhang, Ying...........1552 (I03, Tue), 1588 (I03, Wed) Zhang, Yong..................................... 1052 (B08, Thu) Zhang, Yongchao..............................1892 (L05, Tue) Zhang, Yuanyuan.............................2068 (M01, Tue) Zhang, Yuefei.................................... 599 (A02, Wed) Zhang, Yunhuai..................................221 (A01, Thu) Zhang, Zhengcheng......................... 102 (A01, Wed), ............................. 177 (A01, Wed), 184 (A01, Wed), .............................. 244 (A02, Mon), 322 (A02, Tue), ................................337 (A02, Tue), 359 (A02, Tue), ............................................................ 416 (A02, Tue) Zhang, Zhengping.............................2187 (Z01, Tue) Zhang, Zijia....................................... 580 (A02, Wed) Zhao, Chao....................................... 1330 (H01, Tue) Zhao, Dong........................................1587 (I03, Wed) Zhao, Hailei..........580 (A02, Wed), 2223 (Z01, Tue) Zhao, Haining.................................. 1063 (C01, Wed) Zhao, Hui.............. 291 (A02, Mon), 344 (A02, Tue), ...............................410 (A02, Tue), 475 (A02, Wed), ..........................................................2057 (L11, Wed) Zhao, Jackie.........................................800 (B03, Tue) Zhao, Liang......... 1450 (H05, Tue), 1633 (I05, Wed) Zhao, Mei......................................... 1420 (H04, Tue) Zhao, Meng-Qiang............................202 (A01, Thu), ...........................................................2235 (Z01, Tue) Zhao, Mengqiang................................792 (B03, Tue) Zhao, Ming......................................... 347 (A02, Tue) Zhao, Qing-Tai................................1366 (H03, Mon) Zhao, Shuai..................................... 1207 (F02, Mon) Zhao, Sijie.......................................... 313 (A02, Tue) Zhao, Weiyun.................................... 699 (A03, Wed) Zhao, Yang.........................................791 (B03, Tue), ............................1365 (H03, Mon), 2206 (Z01, Tue) Zhao, Yang........................................ 124 (A01, Wed) Zhao, Yiping.......................................639 (A02, Thu) Zhao, Yubin.......................................663 (A03, Mon) Zhao, Zhi-Jian...................................304 (A02, Mon)

Zheludkevich, Mikhail.................... 1095 (C01, Thu) Zheng, Dong...................................... 118 (A01, Wed) Zheng, Gang.................................... 1021 (B08, Wed) Zheng, Haitao.................................... 111 (A01, Wed) Zheng, Jim...........................................48 (A01, Mon) Zheng, Junsheng..............................784 (B03, Mon), ..............................1589 (I03, Wed), 1590 (I03, Wed) Zheng, Ming.......................................786 (B03, Tue), ................................. 787 (B03, Tue), 806 (B03, Tue) Zheng, Peng..........2060 (M01, Tue), 2087 (M02, Mon) Zheng, X. G.......................................1165 (E02, Tue) Zheng, Ziyan..................................... 475 (A02, Wed) Zhong, Hai......................................... 479 (A02, Wed) Zhong, Zhiwei....................................616 (A02, Thu) Zhou, Ben...........................................711 (B01, Wed) Zhou, Bo......................................... 2179 (M04, Wed) Zhou, Chongwu......... 307 (A02, Mon), 787 (B03, Tue) Zhou, Hui.............271 (A02, Mon), 491 (A02, Wed) Zhou, Jigang.....................................282 (A02, Mon), ............................... 309 (A02, Mon), 352 (A02, Tue) Zhou, Lang.......................................2073 (M01, Tue) Zhou, Li........................................... 1311 (G02, Wed) Zhou, Liu............................................ 332 (A02, Tue) Zhou, Ming...................................... 1821 (L04, Mon) Zhou, Shiliang................................... 692 (A03, Wed) Zhou, Weidong..................................247 (A02, Mon) Zhou, XI.............1473 (H05, Wed), 2194 (Z01, Tue) Zhou, Xiao-Dong............................... 94 (A01, Wed), ............................... 1515 (I02, Tue), 1519 (I02, Tue), ...............................1526 (I02, Tue), 2248 (Z01, Tue) Zhou, Xuan.........1697 (L01, Mon), 1980 (L10, Sun) Zhou, Yunhong.................................. 479 (A02, Wed) Zhu, Chengzhou................................1564 (I03, Wed) Zhu, Huilong.................................... 1330 (H01, Tue) Zhu, Jingyi.......................................... 729 (B01, Thu) Zhu, Liangzhu..........1505 (I02, Mon), 1570 (I03, Wed) Zhu, Likun........................................... 73 (A01, Tue), .................................86 (A01, Tue), 173 (A01, Wed), .............................. 545 (A02, Wed), 547 (A02, Wed)

Zhu, Mengyuan.................................945 (B08, Mon) Zhu, Min............................................ 395 (A02, Tue), .............................. 509 (A02, Wed), 616 (A02, Thu), ...........................................................2204 (Z01, Tue) Zhu, Taishan..........1526 (I02, Tue), 1533 (I02, Wed) Zhu, Weidi........................................ 1456 (H05, Tue) Zhu, Weihua......................................956 (B08, Mon) Zhu, Yakun...................................... 1068 (C01, Wed) Zhu, Yaoyao.......................................625 (A02, Thu) Zhu, Ye................................................49 (A01, Mon) Zhu, Yihan.......................................1368 (H03, Mon) Zhu, Yu...................524 (A02, Wed), 731 (B01, Thu) Zhu, Yujie..........................................250 (A02, Mon) Zhu, Yunguang.................................. 418 (A02, Wed) Zhuo, Kai...........................................1177 (E02, Tue) Zibart, Christina........1886 (L05, Tue), 2219 (Z01, Tue) Zide, Joshua.....................................1405 (H04, Mon) Ziegler, Kirk.......... 726 (B01, Wed), 790 (B03, Tue), ............................ 791 (B03, Tue), 1365 (H03, Mon), ...........................................................2206 (Z01, Tue) Zimer, Alexsandro........................... 1078 (C01, Wed) Zimmerman, Steven C.....................2190 (Z01, Tue), ...........................................................2199 (Z01, Tue) Zink, Barry.........................................711 (B01, Wed) Ziomek-Moroz, Margaret.............. 1062 (C01, Wed), ...........................1063 (C01, Wed), 1080 (C01, Wed) Zitolo, Andrea..................................1850 (L04, Wed) Zografos, O.....................................1359 (H03, Mon) Zondlo, John..........212 (A01, Thu), 1535 (I02, Wed) Zornitta, Rafael................................1241 (F02, Wed) Zoski, Cynthia...................................1849 (L04, Tue) Zou, Qingli........................................ 125 (A01, Wed) Zou, Shouzhong........906 (B07, Tue), 1150 (E02, Mon) Zourob, Mohammed..........................866 (B06, Tue), .......................... 2062 (M01, Tue), 2063 (M01, Tue), ..........................................................2085 (M01, Tue) Zschieschang, Ute...........................1289 (G01, Wed) Zu, Chenxi.......................................... 314 (A02, Tue) Zubialevich, V. Z.............................. 1454 (H05, Tue) Zukowska, Grazyna............................411 (A02, Tue)

Meeting Program l October 24-28, 2015 l Chicago, IL




Meeting s


ECS Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV

2016 229th ECS Meeting San Diego, CA

Glasgow, Scotland

May 29-June 3, 2016

July 26-31, 2015

Hilton San Diego Bayfront & San Diego Convention Center

Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center

228 ECS Meeting th

Phoenix, AZ

October 11-16, 2015 Hyatt Regency Phoenix & Phoenix Convention Center

g n i t e e M S C E 1 23 s, LA

October 2-7, 2016 Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village

bo r a H l a n o i t Na a) ton, DC are shing (greater Wa

New Orlean May 28-

Honolulu, HI

nd E C S M e e t i n g 2 23 r, MD


7 June 2, 201

PRiME 2016

, October 1-6

s Riverside n a le r O w e Hilton N



Resort l a n o ti a N d Gaylor on Center ti n e v n o C d an






ECS thanks our 227th Meeting Sponsors for the generous and continued support

For more information on sponsorship opportunities with ECS, please contact Dan Fatton, Director of Development and Membership at 609.737.1902 x115 or dan.fatton@electrochem.org.


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