Interface Vol. 22, No. 2, Summer 2013

Page 1

VOL. 22, NO. 2 Summer 2013

IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:

The Law of Sigmoidal Growth

7 From the President:

A Turning Point for ECS

9 Toronto, ON, Canada

ECS Meeting Highlights

35 Currents—The G. S. Yuasa-

Boeing 787 Li-ion Battery: Test It at a Low Temperature and Keep It Warm in Flight

36 ECS Classics—

Beginnings of Gold Electroplating

39 Tech Highlights 41 Solar Fuels 43 An Integrated, Systems Approach to the Development of Solar Fuel Generators

51 Recent Aspects

of Photocatalytic Technologies for Solar Fuels, Self-Cleaning, and Environmental Cleanup

57 Photocatalytic Water

Splitting Using Oxynitride and Nitride Semiconductor Powders for Production of Solar Hydrogen

63 Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvesting

69 Solar Fuel Production for a Sustainable Energy Future: Highlights of a Symposium on Renewable Fuels from Sunlight and Electricity

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2010


The Law of Sigmoidal Growth

Editor: Krishnan Rajeshwar,


he title of this column may (mistakenly) lead to the impression that we are talking about some new law in mathematics or even in economics. Nothing could be farther from this; my musings below mostly stem from my recent encounters with several (interrelated) predictions that the futurist Ray Kurzweil has made. For example, he argues that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense “intuitive linear view.” This is his “Law of Accelerating Returns,” as expounded in his 1999 book, The Age of Spiritual Machines. Kurzweil points out that computer chip speed in microelectronics and economic returns, such as cost-effectiveness, are examples that increase exponentially (rather than linearly) with time. Kurzweil perhaps is best known for his prediction of The Singularity, at which point he reckons that machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence. On the other hand, I want to discuss below a general trend in the initiation, growth, and subsequent maturation of a research topic that adheres to what I will now call the Law of Sigmoidal Growth. We shall see that while the (intermediate) growth phase itself shares some traits with the exponential trend that Kurzweil talks about, there are other interesting aspects of both the “seeding” and subsequent phase(s) that deserve scrutiny and discussion. It is worth stating at the outset that the trends presented below share features with many natural processes including complex system learning curves [see for example, Gibbs, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 11, 1458 (2000)]. I am now going to make a metaphorical connection between the initiation, growth, and maturation of a research topic and nucleation and growth phenomenon as we know it from solid-state chemistry and/or electrodeposition perspectives. In the first instance, research activity is seeded by a landmark paper or a group of landmark papers. One can argue that discoveries deserving of the Nobel Prize fall in this category. In the materials case, a few (foreign) nuclei form on preferred “active” sites (about which we incidentally know very little) in a parent phase during the so-called nucleation period. The parent phase is an electrode surface in the electrodeposition example. In either case, an induction period then ensues during which time “very little” happens at least from a visualization or measurement perspective. Rather abruptly then, the growth phase sets in, during which there is frenetic activity. What is the rationale for these trends in the research case? The landmark research may have appeared in an obscure journal. This gives rise to a time lag (which can vary appreciably) before the research community appreciates the significance of the findings. From a researcher’s perspective, the growth phase clearly is the most exciting period to be engaged in. (I submit that the Kurzweil discussion above is most relevant here.) On the other hand, the skeptics among us may call this the “bandwagon phase”! In the nucleation/growth case, new phase growth imparts drastically altered characteristics to the parent material. Ultimately, “All things must pass” (à la George Harrison and the Fab Four), and the frenetic growth phase is inevitably followed by a slowing down of knowledge assimilation and progress. This is the phase where research findings devolve into being “incremental” rather than “transformative.” In phase transformations, the growth zones begin to coalesce and overlap and even interfere with one another such that the growth rate begins to slow down. The culmination either is a plateau or a subsequent decay as other effects (e.g., mass transfer in the nucleation/growth case) set in. In the lifespan of a research topic, this translates to researchers losing interest and moving on to other topics for study. One can well argue that the technological development phase (the D in R&D) should ideally set in toward the latter stages of the growth phase. However, this aspect deserves more attention than can be given here because of space restrictions. From a personal career standpoint, I was exceedingly fortunate to be involved in the growth phase of two areas of research activity (photoelectrochemistry and semiconductor electrodeposition) as I elaborate in more detail in a guest commentary elsewhere [J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2, 1301 (2011)]. This special issue of the magazine (that Guest Editor Nick Wu has so capably assembled) attempts to capture the essence of these important research topics of crucial relevance to solar energy storage and at their current stage of evolution. Stay tuned.

Krishnan Rajeshwar Editor The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Published by: The Electrochemical Society (ECS) 65 South Main Street Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA Tel 609.737.1902 Fax 609.737.2743

Guest Editor: Nianqiang Wu, Contributing Editors: Donald Pile, donald.pile@gmail. com; Zoltan Nagy, Managing Editor: Mary E. Yess, Production & Advertising Manager: Dinia Agrawala, Advisory Board: Bor Yann Liaw (Battery), Shinji Fujimoto (Corrosion), Durga Misra (Dielectric Science and Technology), Giovanni Zangari (Electrodeposition), Andrew Hoff (Electronics and Photonics), Jean St-Pierre (Energy Technology), Luis Echegoyen (Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures), Xiao-Dong Zhou (High Temperature Materials), John Staser (Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering), Uwe Happek (Luminescence and Display Materials), Jim Burgess (Organic and Biological Electrochemistry), Andrew C. Hillier (Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry), Nick Wu (Sensor) Publications Subcommittee Chair: Dan Scherson Society Officers: Tetsuya Osaka, President; Paul Kohl, Senior Vice-President; Dan Scherson, 2nd Vice-President; Krishnan Rajeshwar, 3rd Vice-President; Lili Deligianni, Secretary; Christina Bock, Treasurer; Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director Statements and opinions given in The Electrochemical Society Interface are those of the contributors, and ECS assumes no responsibility for them. Authorization to photocopy any article for internal or personal use beyond the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 is granted by The Electrochemical Society to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Copying for other than internal or personal use without express permission of ECS is prohibited. The CCC Code for The Electrochemical Society Interface is 1064-8208/92. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608 Canada Returns to be sent to: Pitney Bowes International, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2 ISSN Print: 1064-8208 Online: 1944-8783 The Electrochemical Society Interface is published quarterly by The Electrochemical Society (ECS), at 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839 USA. Subscription to members as part of membership service; subscription to nonmembers is available; see the ECS website. Single copies $10.00 to members; $19.00 to nonmembers. © Copyright 2013 by The Electrochemical Society. Periodicals postage paid at Pennington, New Jersey, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Electrochemical Society, 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839. The Electrochemical Society is an educational, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with more than 8000 scientists and engineers in over 70 countries worldwide who hold individual membership. Founded in 1902, the Society has a long tradition in advancing the theory and practice of electrochemical and solid-state science by dissemination of information through its publications and international meetings.

All recycled paper. Printed in USA.



The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

41 43

Solar Fuels

Vol. 22, No. 2 Summer 2013

by Nianqiang Wu

An Integrated, Systems Approach to the Development of Solar Fuel Generators by Nathan S. Lewis

the Editor: 3 From The Law of

Sigmoidal Growth


Recent Aspects of Photocatalytic Technologies for Solar Fuel, Self-Cleaning, and Environmental Cleanup by Akira Fujishima, Kazuya Nakata, Tsuyoshi Ochiai, A. Manivannan, and Donald A. Tryk


Photocatalytic Water Splitting Using Oxynitride and Nitride Semiconductor Powders for Production of Solar Hydrogen by Jun Kubota and Kazunari Domen

63 69

Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvesting by Scott K. Cushing and Nianqiang Wu

Solar Fuel Production for a Sustainable Energy Future: Highlights of a Symposium on Renewable Fuels from Sunlight and Electricity by Heli Wang, Deryn Chu, and Eric L. Miller

the President: 7 From A Turning Point for ECS ON, Canada 9 Toronto, Meeting Highlights

18 Society News 28 People News G. S. 35 Currents—The Yuasa-Boeing 787 Li-ion

Battery:Test It at a Low Temperature and Keep It Warm in Flight

Classics— 36 ECS Beginnings of Gold Electroplating

39 Tech Highlights 72 Section News 75 Awards 77 New Members 79 Student News ECS Meeting 85 225 Orlando, FL th

91 2012 ECS Annual Report On the cover . . .

Plasmonic nanostructures increase solar energy harvesting efficiency; see article starting on page 63. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Picture designed by Scott Cushing, West Virginia University.

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


A Turning Point for ECS I

t is a great pleasure and unique honor for me to serve as President of ECS, especially considering that I will be the first person from Japan to fill this important role. Despite some minor difficulties due to the time zone difference (days and nights are reversed), I have always enjoyed traveling to the headquarters office in Pennington, NJ, and to ECS meetings throughout the world. It has been a wonderful experience to be involved in such an important organization and to learn all the important initiatives that ECS is constantly carrying out for promoting electrochemical and solid state science and technology. I will certainly devote all my efforts to serve ECS with the aim of consolidating its success and high reputation in the scientific community. Indeed, we have seen in recent years a continuous increase in the number of attendees at the biannual ECS meetings. I believe that this acceleration is Air plane motivated by the growing concern on environmental and energy issues. Electrochemistry plays a unique role in addressing those issues by developing new batteries to power sustainable cars or storage alternatives, and green energy sources; hence the growSolar power ing importance of a society such as ECS that represents electrochemistry in all its scientific and technological aspects. Indeed batteries are key devices for promoting Wind power innovations, as shown schematically in the figure, and ECS has constantly devoted particular attention to these electrochemical storage devices. Unfortunately, here in Japan we have dramatically experienced an urgent need for this type of innovation— especially in the case of energy renewal—by the tragic disaster that struck Tohoku, Japan two years ago. Consequently, the present concern worldwide is to prevent other similar cases by promoting new energy scenarios. ECS is in the lead in this important race as demonstrated by the launch of the Electrochemical Energy Summit at the ECS Boston Meeting in 2011. I am particularly glad that the Summit will take place again at my first ECS meeting as President in San Francisco this coming fall.

Another important development at ECS is in the management of its publications. The impact factor is an important parameter that drives the choice of where the scientific community submits its publications. The importance of “the” impact factor may be disputable but it continues to have an impact on authors. Because of the way the impact factor is calculated, last year the Society made the decision to create new journals, with two to cover the electrochemistry side, and two journals to cover the solid state side. This will ensure that the ECS journals are categorized properly within the Science Citation Index. The Society’s flagship, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, continues its high-quality, peer-reviewed publication, but now with a focus on electrochemical science and technology.

Possibilities of Innovation from Battery Systems

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) Home energy management system (HEMS)

Recycling plant of battery ・Maintenance-free ・Analysis without destruction


Smart grid Substation

Factory energy management system (FEMS)


It will be one of my main goals to encourage the Japanese electrochemistry and solid state communities to submit their best results to JES and the new journals, so as to substantially contribute to their growth. I am looking forward to seeing you all at the 224th ECS Meeting in San Francisco.

Tetsuya Osaka ECS President


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ts 223 rd E h CS Meeting Highlig

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da a n a Toronto, ON, C


he 223rd ECS Meeting was the ninth time ECS held one of its biannual meeting in Toronto, and the “tradition” of meeting in this great city started in 1911. Meeting attendees had the opportunity to not only choose from over 1500 presentations in 44 symposia; but to sample some of the city’s renowned offerings: a wide variety of restaurants, one of the largest zoos in the world, and the great public art on display in the streets. At the ECS meetings, there are many opportunities to meet fellow scientists and engineers; but there are also ways to engage with the Society’s institutional members, including at the popular technical exhibit and mixer events. Organizations are also involved with ECS through the institutional membership program that began almost 70 years ago. At the plenary session on Monday, ECS was able to thank two of these members with Leadership Circle Awards:

both Permascand AB and Evonik Litarion GmbH reached the Silver Level Leadership Circle Award for 10 years of Institutional Membership with ECS. From the meeting program to the Annual Society Business Meeting to the Board of Directors meeting, participants saw evidence of the meeting’s many “green” initiatives. The meeting app continues (continued on next page)

Michael Mayberry delivered The ECS Lecture, entitled “The Frontier of Electronics Research,” at the plenary session of the 223rd ECS Meeting. Dr. Mayberry is Corporate VP of the Technology and Manufacturing Group and Director of Components Research at Intel. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


(continued from previous page)

to improve with every iteration, enabling attendees to look at a meeting abstract right on their mobile devices, and also eliminating the need to use (and throw away!) so much paper. Growing support from sponsoring organizations makes the meeting app possible, as well as the Internet Café, and job searching through Redcat, the Society’s research and community website. In addition to its very active Divisions, ECS is proud to have dynamic Sections throughout the world. Like the Divisions, the Sections also have a strong awards program, and typically these awards are presented during the Section’s own meetings. In Toronto, the Europe Section changed their normal schedule and presented the Alessandro Volta Medal to Jean-Noël Chazalviel from CNRS in Paris. The Society’s mission to advance electrochemistry and solid state science is supported by a strong publications program. The Society’s publications have been experiencing continuous growth in submissions, which demands an enormous amount of work from our editors. In Toronto, two members of the editorial team were thanked for serving the Society’s publications so well, including Andrew A. Gewirth for his work as a Technical Editor for the Society’s journals, and John Weidner for serving as Editor of ECS Transactions.

Fan Ren (right) received one of the Society’s highest awards, the Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology, from ECS President Fernando Garzon (left).

The Frontier of Electronics Research The ECS Lecture, during the Monday plenary session, was given by Michael Mayberry of Intel Corporation to a packed audience. He is Corporate VP of the Technology and Manufacturing Group and Director of Components Research at Intel. He is responsible for coordinating research to enable future process options for Intel’s technology development units. The scope of his responsibilities includes both internal and external (university) research, and other strategic R&D partnerships. As part of Intel’s California Technology Development team he was involved in EPROM, flash, and logic wafer fabrication innovation. Mayberry received his PhD in physical chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1983. After Dr. Mayberry was introduced by ECS 2nd VicePresident Paul Kohl, the speaker began his fast-moving and informative lecture. The entire talk was sprinkled with interesting quotes from Arthur C. Clark. He began by noting that the technology was poised at the 22 nm node. Thus, about 7500 transistors are packed into a region of space the dimension of a dot on the letter “i”! The challenge now is to follow the progression dictated by Moore’s law in terms of the number of devices that can be packed together in any given surface area. This inevitably means building complex 3-dimensional structures. The speaker turned to a discussion of quantum well (QW) field effect transistors built from Group III-V semiconductors and new-generation devices based on silicon nanowires. Beyond the 22 nm node he noted that carrier scattering from grains and sidewalls becomes dominant. Dr. Mayberry pointed out that interconnects become the limiter in device performance. Thus current research on aspects related to new interconnect materials (e.g., carbon nanotubes, CuAu alloys) were discussed along with the cost limitations associated with the use of elements such as gold. To continue to deliver the expected gains beyond the 22 nm node, Dr. Mayberry noted that several things had to happen congruently. First, the leakage current has to be


ECS President Fernando Garzon (left) thanked John Weidner (right) for his years of service as Editor of ECS Transactions.

managed, which means a change in structure to multi-gate configurations; and managing tunneling currents and scattering would be another challenge. The talk then turned futuristic, looking at possibilities of shrinking feature sizes down to 10 nm and then even to 1.5 nm. At this juncture we reach the space of chemistry where you build individual molecules. The 10 nm-5 nm roadmap would involve further advances in lithography, materials, interconnects, and more. At the end of scaling, which Dr. Mayberry predicted would occur in about 10 years, one could even envision a post-Si nanoelectronics future. The speaker alluded to a device

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

future beyond CMOS and into the realm of spintronics, and the search for the next switch. He then addressed non-Boolean logic possibilities and underlined that fabricating a spintronic circuit would require precise metrology and new strategies for measuring logic states. He concluded by summarizing the key developments needed in areas such as metrology and characterization to further advance manufacturing processes.

The Gordon E. Moore Award Lecture

The Chair of the Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Division, R. Bruce Weisman (right), presented the Division’s Richard E. Smalley Research Award to Nazario Martín (left) during the Toronto meeting. The Award is intended to recognize in a broad sense, those persons who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding and applications of fullerenes.

The award lecture, entitled, “Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Sensing Applications,” was given by Fan Ren on Monday afternoon. Professor Ren is a leading figure in GaN-based sensors for gas and chemical detection and for medical diagnostics. After getting his PhD from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute in 1991 and completing a post-doctoral training at AT&T Bell Labs, where he played a key role in heterojunction bipolar transistors and MOSFETs, Dr. Ren joined the University of Florida in 1998. He is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and an ExxonMobil Gator Chemical Engineering Alumni Chair professor. (continued on next page)

A gathering of editors—ECS has been privileged to have had the leadership and hard work of so many talented people as journal editors. At the Toronto meeting, the cameras captured five of them (from left to right): Dan Scherson, former Editor of the Society’s Electrochemical Science and Technology (EST) journals; Petr Vanýsek, former Interim Editor of the EST journals; Barry Miller, former Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society; Dennis Hess, current Editor of the Solid State Science and Technology journals; and Paul Kohl, former Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and Electrochemical and Solid State Letters.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


Some of the Society’s former Presidents attended the Annual Society Business Meeting (front row, left to right): William Brown (2010-2011), Fernando Garzon (2012-2013), and D. Noel Buckley (2008-2009). In the back row (left to right): Barry Miller (1997-1998), Dennis Hess (1996-1997), Robin Susko (2004-2005), and Richard Alkire (1985-1986).

(continued from previous page)

After being introduced to the audience by the ECS President Fernando Garzon, Dr. Ren began his award lecture acknowledging his collaborator and nominator, Steve Pearton. The lecture focused on the development of AlGaN/GaN junction-based transistors (HEMTs) for gas and bio-sensing applications. In general, the HEMT gate can be coated with selective agents for the gaseous and ionic solution analytes. The sensing mechanism is based on altered barrier height in the transistor device because of analyte interactions. The resultant signal may be amplified to provide for very high sensitivity. The use of semiconductor-based solid-state devices naturally lends to “fieldable” and remotely-accessible sensors. He gave examples of recent work from his group in this area for sensitive and selective detection of several families of analytes based on biomolecules (e.g., kidney injury biomarkers and endocrine disruptor biomarkers in fish); mercury; and gases such as hydrogen,


CO and CO2, arsenic, methane, pesticides etc. In particular a field example based on leak detection of hydrogen in an electric car was interesting to this writer (KR). Dr. Ren pointed out that the biosensor market is poised to reach $4.4 billion by 2014 in the U.S. He also underlined the strong demand for biosensors in divergent market sectors in biodefense, environmental monitoring, food, and pharma. Sensors that are adaptable to pointof-care or on-field use and have high precision, compact size, fast response, and high selectivity would be particularly relevant to such application needs. Dr. Ren’s award talk provided a clear demonstration of how AlGaN/GaN sensors fulfilled these requirements. Meeting Highlights were prepared by Krishnan Rajeshwar and Mary Yess, Interface’s Editor and Managing Editor respectively. All photos are by MARYPiCS Photography, Canada.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

ECS President Fernando Garzon (top left) convened the Annual Society Business Meeting with reports by ECS Secretary Lili Deligianni (top right), and ECS Treasurer Christina Bock (bottom left). Krishnan Rajeshwar (bottom right) also attended as the 3rd Vice-President-elect.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


The Society’s newest journals were on display in Toronto.

Visitors to the Redcat booth were treated to a limited-edition Redcat hat——have you joined yet?

ECS Central provides a wealth of information for authors, readers, and meeting attendees.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Scenes from the General Society Student Poster Session . . .

Recipients of the Student Poster Session (above) awards posed with their presentations. Michal Osiak (far left), University College Cork, was awarded the first place prize in the category of electrochemical science and technology for his poster, “New Routes Toward the Formation of Tin Oxide Inverted Opals for Charge Storage Applications.” Andrew J. Naylor (center), University of Southampton, was awarded the first place prize in the category of solid state science and technology, for his poster, “Electrodeposition of Copper/ Indium-Doped N-Type Bismuth TellurideBased Thermoelectric Nanomaterials.” Danielle Smiley (right), McMaster University, was awarded a second place prize in electrochemical science and technology, for her poster, “Studies of Ion Dynamics in Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries Using Solid-State NMR.”

The award winners received their awards and congratulations from Kalpathy Sundaram (organizer) at far left, ECS President Fernando Garzon (second from right), and Vimal Chaitanya (organizer). The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


socie t y ne ws

University of Maryland Chapter Visits Congress to Advocate for Stable Science R&D Funding


he ECS University of Maryland Student Chapter participated in the Science, Engineering, & Technology Congressional Visits Day (SET-CVD), which took place March 12-13, in Washington, DC. Ten student chapter members initiated meetings with Congress and staff members. This visit by University of Maryland students to Capitol Hill continues a long tradition of ECS participation in the annual Congressional Visit Days. Senate and House leaders and staff like to hear about the needs and accomplishments of scientists, but even more so, they like to hear success stories from students. The ECS Maryland Student Chapter members carried a strong message to Washington: the ECS mission may be more relevant today than ever before. Much of the research domain of ECS centers on energy and sustainability, with the activities of the Society and its members focusing on the need for improved power sources, core materials, clean water technologies, and information technology. Many of the Society’s research initiatives, including the ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit, the ECS Clean Water Technologies Symposium, and the upcoming Energy Water–Nexus Symposium (at the 224th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, October 2013), regularly bring scientists and policy makers together in a public forum to help further solutions to these worldwide challenges. In preparation for their visit to SET-CVD, the students set up meetings with some of the most influential members of Congress on the Commerce, Science, & Transportation, the Energy & Natural Resources, and the relevant Appropriations committees to ensure that the ECS message was heard by members that can directly act on it. Chapter members had the opportunity to meet with legislators and staff from Maryland, as well as their home states, among them Senators Mark Udall (D-CO), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Pat Toomey (RPA). In addition to promoting the ECS mission, Student Chapter members discussed the benefits of the innovation ecosystem created through a combination of federal and private scientific research programs and the importance of stable and predictable federal funding, a timely issue after the Sequester that just went into effect and the looming spending cuts it entails. Additionally, the Chapter’s faculty advisor, Eric Wachsman, stressed the importance of science and energy policy, and the potential impact of the UMD Chapter on keeping legislators informed of the benefits of electrochemical energy


ECS UMD Student Chapter members before meeting with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD).

ECS UMD Student Chapter Members Greg Hitz (left), Alex Kozen (second from left), and Ashley Lidie (far right) met with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA) (second from right) to discuss stability of science R&D funding.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

socie t y ne ws technologies. Dr. Wachsman recently published an article entitled, “Role of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in a Balanced Energy Strategy” in Energy & Environmental Science, and gave a number of energy policy oriented talks in DC region. Roque Calvo, Executive Director of ECS; Betsy Houston of Federation of Materials Sciences; Dean Darryl Pines of UMD’s Clark School of Engineering, and; Bob Boege, organizer of SET-CVD, were instrumental in guiding the students, however, the enthusiasm and commitment of the students to science prevailed. For all but one student, it was the first time that they had taken part in a congressional

visit, but all left with a newfound appreciation of the accessibility and willingness of the legislators and their staff to meet with constituents and to hear their concerns. Though brief, the meetings were a great opportunity to make contacts with legislators and their staff, and the UMD chapter members were able to offer assistance and information to congressional staff as well as grow their own network in the policy world. Colin Gore, President of the UMD chapter, put it nicely when he said, “I know that though we don’t yet have the clout to make any big changes in the minds of the staffers we talked to, we as a group left with a changed perspective

that will inform our positions and actions throughout the rest of our long careers in science and engineering. I’m glad that we were able to have this experience early on in our careers so that we have many decades to improve our relationship with our congressmen and women. I look forward to spreading this message to my peers at UMD, in ECS, and in the other professional spheres I go on to inhabit in the future. For more information on participating on Science, Engineering, Technology Congressional Visits Day, visit

Highlights from CSTIC 2013


CS and SEMI are pleased to announce that the annual China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC 2013) successfully concluded on March 18, 2013 in Shanghai, China with over 260 speakers and more than 700 attendees from around the world. The successful conclusion of CSTIC 2013 marked another milestone of this annual international conference. With a focus on semiconductor technology and manufacturing, CSTIC promoted technical exchanges on the latest developments in semiconductor technology and manufacturing and facilitated investment and collaboration in the semiconductor industry in Asia, particularly China. CSTIC 2013 covered all aspects of semiconductor technology and manufacturing, including circuit design, devices, lithography, integration, materials, processes, and manufacturing, as well as emerging semiconductor technologies and silicon material applications. Hot topics, such as 3D integration, LEDs, and MEMs, were also included in the conference. Ivar Giaever (Nobel Laureate and Professor of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Ghavam Shahidi (IBM Fellow and Director of Silicon Technology at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center), and Peng Bai (Vice President, Technology and Manufacturing Group at Intel) delivered the keynote speeches at the conference plenary session. Over 130 other leading experts in semiconductor technology presented invited talks in the eleven parallel symposia. Qinghuang Lin (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center), CSTIC 2013 Conference Chair, said “With the support of SEMI, ECS, and the dedicated volunteer service of more than 120 committee members, CSTIC has become an increasingly important and influential international conference on leading edge semiconductor technology and manufacturing.” Among the 308 accepted papers, about half of them were from the U.S., Europe, Japan, and Korea, while the other half were from China. CSTIC 2013 was organized jointly by ECS and SEMI. More than 150 CSTIC 2013 papers were published in ECS Transactions in

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

ECS Executive Director Roque Calvo (right) presented Tao Deng (left) with the Best Student Award at CSTIC 2013.

the ECS Digital Library after peer review by the conference committee members. Allen Lu (President of SEMI China) and D. Noel Buckley (Former President of ECS) gave opening speeches at the plenary session. ECS Executive Director Roque Calvo attended the conference. CSTIC 2013 was co-organized by China’s High-Tech Expert Committee (CHTEC) and co-sponsored by IEEE-EDS, MRS, CEMIA, and CSE. It was supported by Shanghai Pudong Association for Science & Technology, Shanghai Pudong New Area Science & Technology Development Fund. About 20

industry companies provided financial support for this industrial semiconductor technology conference. The Best Student Award winner was Tao Deng, Tsinghua University, China and the Best Young Engineer Award winner was Yingying Bai of Shanghai Huali Microelectronics, China; the awards were presented at CSTIC 2013. CSTIC 2014 is scheduled to be held March 16-17, 2014 in Shanghai, China. More information about CSTIC is available at www. 17

2 014

17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries Como, ItalyJune 10-14, 2014 IMLB 2014 ( is the premier international conference on the state of lithium battery science and technology, as well as current and future applications in transportation, commercial, aerospace, biomedical, and other promising sectors. Convening in the heart of downtown Como/Cernobbio at Villa Erba, the conference is expected to draw 1,200 experts, researchers, and company This international meeting will provide an exciting forum to discuss recent progress in advanced lithium batteries for energy storage the understanding of the fundamental processes that determine and control electrochemical performance. A major (but not exclusive) theme of the meeting will address recent advances beyond lithium-ion batteries. All areas of lithium battery related science and technology will be covered, such as, but not limited to: • • • • • •

general and national projects anodes and cathodes nanostructured materials for lithium batteries liquid electrolytes and ionic liquids polymer, gel, and solid electrolytes issues related to sources and availability of materials for Li batteries

• • • • • •

Li battery recycling electrode/electrolyte interface phenomena safety, reliability, cell design and engineering primary and rechargeable Li cells industrial production and development for HEVs, PHEVs, and EVs latest developments in Li battery technology

International Organizing Committee Chairs (in alphabetical order) • • • •

Doron Aurbach, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel Peter Bruce, University of St.Andrews, Scotland Rosa Palacin, ICMAB-CSIC Campus, Bellaterra, Spain Bruno Scrosati, Helmholtz Institute Ulm, Germany

• Jean-Marie Tarascon, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France • Josh Thomas, Uppsala University, Sweden • Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg, ZSW, Ulm, Germany

(in alphabetical order) • • • • • •

KM Abraham, E-KEM Science, USA Khalil Amine, Argonne National Lab, USA Yi Cui, Stanford University, USA Juergen Garche, FCBAT, Ulm, Germany Li Hong, China Youn-Jun Kim, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Korea • Marina Mastragostino, University of Bologna, Italy • Aleksandar Matic, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

• • • • • • • •

Linda Nazar, Waterloo University, Canada Zempachi Ogumi, University of Kyoto, Japan Tetsuya Osaka, Waseda University, Tokyo Japan Stefano Passerini, Muenster University, Germany Yang Shao-Horn, MIT, USA Yang-Kook Sun, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Osamu Yamamoto, Mie University, Japan Yang Yong, Xiamen University, China

The Meeting Venue IMLB 2014 will be held in Como, Italy, in the same location where two successful previous meetings convened. The site of the meeting th century villa. IMLB 2014 is being managed by ECS with logistical support provided by Centro Volta ( General sessions, breaks and lunches, and the technical exhibit will be held at the spacious Padiglione Centrale at Villa Erba, and posters will be on display for the and beauty. An astounding Villa—a green heaven where one can relax in between sessions and meeting.

Visit for deadlines, submission information, and more. Attendance to IMLB 2014 is limited to 1,200 participants and only a number of selected papers and posters will be accepted for presentation. Check the deadlines and submit your abstract early! 18

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013 IMLB 2014 is sponsored and managed by ECS (

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ECS Employee Retires after 34 Years of Service


Tiano retired at the end of December after over 34 years of service to the Society. She had many important roles with ECS and became the longest serving employee in the Society’s 111 year history. Her career with ECS began on February 21, 1978 when she was hired as a parttime Accounting Clerk. In 1980, Ellen was promoted to the full-time position of Computer Operator, and held that position until the end of 1991. At that time, she was promoted again to Information Systems Manager and worked in that position until the end of 1994 when her responsibilities shifted llen

to a broader management role as Membership and Administration Manager. Ellen held this position until the end of 1999 when her title changed to Director of Membership and Administration. In 2004, Ellen resigned from full-time service and moved to Florida where she worked remotely on a part-time basis as Constituent Services Associate, through 2012. ECS Executive Director Roque Calvo worked with Ellen Tiano for 30 years and had this to say about her retirement, “I’ve worked with Ellen for many years and in many different capacities, and she has always been a committed member of the staff

and a major contributor to the growth and development of ECS. She had a mastery of our software management systems that we may never find again, but more importantly she has been a friend whose quiet support has been invaluable to me during my years as Executive Director. Ellen provided ECS with many years of loyal service and made numerous important contributions. She will be missed by the ECS staff and many members. On behalf of the Society’s Board of Directors I would like to thank her for all that she has done for ECS and offer her our best wishes in the future.”

Results of the 2013 Election of Officers and Slate of Officers for 2014

Tetsuya Osaka President

The ECS Tellers of Election have announced the results of the 2013 election of Society officers, with the following persons elected: President — Tetsuya Osaka, Waseda University; and Vice-President — Krishnan Rajeshwar, University of Texas at Arlington. The terms of Paul Kohl (Vice-President), Daniel Scherson (Vice-President), Hariklia Deligianni (Secretary), and Christina Bock (Treasurer) were unaffected by this election. At the Board of Directors meeting in Toronto, ON, Canada on May 16, 2013, members of the Board voted to approve the slate of candidates recommended by the ECS Nominating Committee. The slate of candidates for the next election of ECS officers, to be held in January-March 2014, include: for President — Paul Kohl; for Vice-President (one to be elected) — Johna Leddy and Peter Fedkiw; and for Treasurer (one to be elected) — Enrico Traversa and E. J. Taylor. Full biographies and candidate statements will appear in the winter 2013 issue of Interface.

See the Society's

ECS ANNUAL REPORT starting on page 91 in this isue.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Krishnan Rajeshwar Vice-President

2012 19

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New Division Officers New officers for the 2013-2015 term have been elected for the following Divisions.

Electronics and Photonics Division Chair Andrew Hoff, University of South Florida Vice-Chair Mark Overberg, Sandia National Laboratories 2nd Vice-Chair Edward Stokes, University of North Carolina Secretary Junichi Murota, Tohoku University Treasurer Fan Ren, University of Florida Members-at-Large Albert Baca, Sandia National Laboratories Helmut Baumgart, Old Dominion University D. Noel Buckley, University of Limerick George Celler, Rutgers University Cor Claeys, IMEC Stefan De Gendt, IMEC M. Jamal Deen, McMaster University Manfred Engelhardt, Infineon Technologies AG Takeshi Hattori, Hattori Consulting International Hiroshi Iwai, Tokyo Institute of Technology Zia Karin, Aixtron Corporation Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University Qiliang Li, George Mason University Durgamadhab Misra, New Jersey Institute of Technology Suzuki Motofumi, Kyoto University Colm O’Dwyer, University Of Limerick Fred Roozeboom, Eindhoven University of Technology Jerzy Ruzyllo, Pennsylvania State University Krishna Shenai, Argonne National Laboratory Tadatomo Suga, University of Tokyo Ravi Todi, IBM Corp Yu-Lim Wang, National Tsing-Hua University

Energy Technology Division The Energy Technology Division will hold its election in June, 2013. The results will be published in the fall issue of Interface.


Organic & Biological Electrochemistry Division Chair James Burgess, Case Western Reserve University Vice-Chair Mekki Bayachou, Cleveland State University Secretary/Treasurer Graham Cheek, US Naval Academy Members-at-Large David Cliffel, Vanderbilt University Danjun Fang, Nanjing Medical University Toshio Fuchigami, Tokyo Institute of Technology Chang Ji, Texas State University-San Marcos Donal Leech, National University of Ireland Galway Flavio Maran, University of Padova Michael Mirkin, CUNY, Queens College Kevin Moeller, Washington University (St. Louis) Ikuzo Nishiguchi, Nagaoka University of Technology James F. Rusling, University of Connecticut Richard West, Case Western Reserve University

Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Chair Robert Mantz, Army Research Office Vice-Chair Pawel Kulesza, University of Warsaw Secretary Andrew Hillier, Iowa State University Treasurer Alanah Fitch, Loyola University Members-at-Large Plamen Atanassov, University of New Mexico Robert Calhoun, U.S. Naval Academy Wesley Henderson, North Carolina State University Gregory Jerkiewicz, Queen’s University Nicolas Mano, CRPP, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal Alice Suroviec, Berry College Petr Vanýsek, Northern Illinois University

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

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2013-2014 ECS Committees Executive Committee of the Board of Directors

Tetsuya Osaka, Chair.......................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Paul Kohl................................................................................................... Senior Vice-President, Spring 2014 Daniel Scherson........................................................................................Second Vice-President, Spring 2015 Krishnan Rajeshwar..................................................................................... Third Vice-President, Spring 2016 Hariklia Deligianni.........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016 Christina Bock .............................................................................................................. Treasurer, Spring 2014

Board of Directors, Presidential Appointment

Stuart Swirson ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2014

Audit Committee

Peter Fedkiw, Chair.........................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Petr Vanýsek ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Paul Natishan .................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 William Eggers................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Stuart Swirson...........................................................................Nonprofit Financial Professional, Spring 2014

Education Committee

Mark Orazem, Chair........................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Vimal Chaitanya Desai....................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Jeff Long ........................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Randy Leising ................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Chris Apblett ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Kalpathy Sundaram ........................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Jeffry Kelber ...................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Douglas Hansen .............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 A. Robert Hillman ...........................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Krishnan Rajeshwar .................................................................................... Third Vice-President, Spring 2014 Kevin Rhodes .............................................................. Chair, Individual Membership Committee, Spring 2016

Ethical Standards Committee

Fernando Garzon, Chair .......................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2014 Jan Talbot .......................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Johna Leddy ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 William Brown ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Hariklia Deligianni ........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2014

Finance Committee

Christina Bock, Chair .................................................................................................... Treasurer, Spring 2014 Nancy Missert.................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Elizabeth Opila ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Pete Peterson .................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Plamen Atanassov ..........................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Paul Kohl .................................................................................................. Senior Vice-President, Spring 2014 Hariklia Deligianni.........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016

Honors and Awards Committee

Technical Affairs Committee

Paul Kohl, Chair..........................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2014 Tetsuya Osaka................................................................................................................President, Spring 2014 Fernando Garzon...................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2014 Esther Takeuchi............................................................................... 2nd Immediate Past President, Spring 2014 Krishnan Rajeshwar................................................................. Chair, Symposium Subcommittee, Spring 2014 Daniel Scherson...................................................................... Chair, Publications Subcommittee, Spring 2014 Eric Wachsman................................................................. Chair, New Technology Subcommittee, Spring 2016

Tellers of Election

Robert Comizzoli, Chair .................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Ronald Enstrom .............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 William Ayers .................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Craig Arnold ..................................................................................................................Alternate, Spring 2014 James Amick ..................................................................................................................Alternate, Spring 2014 Norman Goldsmith .........................................................................................................Alternate, Spring 2014

Ways and Means Committee

Hariklia Deligianni, Chair...............................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016 Robert Glass ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Petr Vanýsek ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Peter Fedkiw ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Adam Weber ...................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Paul Kohl................................................................................................... Senior Vice-President, Spring 2014 Daniel Scherson........................................................................................Second Vice-President, Spring 2014

Development Subcommittee of the Sponsorship Committee

William Brown, Chair .....................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Bruno Scrosati ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 E. Jennings Taylor ....................................................................... Chair, Sponsorship Committee, Spring 2014 Tetsuya Osaka................................................................................................................President, Spring 2014 Roque Calvo...................................................................................................... Executive Director, Term as ED Dan Fatton...............................................................................................Director of Development, Term as DD

New Technology Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee Eric Wachsman, Chair......................................................... High Temperature Materials Division, Spring 2016 Hariklia Deligianni.............................................................................. Electrodeposition Division, Spring 2014 Uwe Happek ........................................................Luminescence and Display Materials Division, Spring 2014 Rick Wise ..............................................................................Electronics and Photonics Division, Spring 2014 Xiao-Dong Zhou ................................................................ High Temperature Materials Division, Spring 2014 Ana Londergan .........................................................Dielectric Science and Technology Division, Spring 2015 Trung-Van Nguyen.......... Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division, Spring 2015 Michael Carter ....................................................................................................Sensor Division, Spring 2015 Shelley Minteer .............................................. Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2015 Arumugam Manthiram ........................................................................................Battery Division, Spring 2016 Patrik Schmuki ...............................................................................................Corrosion Division, Spring 2016 Isao Taniguchi .................................................Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2016 Phaedon Avouris ................................Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Division, Spring 2016

Peter Pintauro, Chair ......................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Ralph White ...................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 D. Noel Buckley .............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Francis D’Souza .............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Kalpathy Sundaram ........................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Paul Natishan .................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Joseph Stetter ................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Jean St. Pierre ................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Durga Misra ...................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Masayoshi Watanabe .....................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Enrico Traversa ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 David Lockwood.............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Vijay Ramani ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Tetsuya Osaka................................................................................................................President, Spring 2014

Publications Subcommittee

Individual Membership Committee

Krishnan Rajeshwar, Chair........................................................................... Third Vice-President, Spring 2014 Bor Yann Liaw ............................................................................................... Chair, Battery Division, Fall 2014 Shinji Fujimoto ........................................................................................ Chair, Corrosion Division, Fall 2014 Oana Leonte ...................................................Chair, Dielectric Science and Technology Division, Spring 2014 Giovanni Zangari ...........................................................................Chair, Electrodeposition Division, Fall 2013 Andrew Hoff ................................................................Chair, Electronics and Photonics Division, Spring 2015 Adam Weber............................................................................Chair, Energy Technology Division, Spring 2015 Bruce Weisman ................... Chair, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Division, Spring 2014 Jeffrey Fergus ...............................................................Chair, High Temperature Materials Division, Fall 2013 Gerardine Botte ..... Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division, Spring 2014 John Collins ...................................................Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division, Fall 2013 James Burgess ..................................... Chair, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2015 Rob Mantz ............................................Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2015 Michael Carter .............................................................................................. Chair, Sensor Division, Fall 2014 Eric Wachsman................................................................. Chair, New Technology Subcommittee, Spring 2016

Kevin Rhodes, Chair ......................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Sri Narayan ....................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Robert Savinell ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 David (Picheng) Huang ..................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Parag Banerjee ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy .............................................................................................................Spring 2016 Wataru Sugimoto ...........................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Hariklia Deligianni ........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016

Nominating Committee

Fernando Garzon, Chair .......................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2014 D. Noel Buckley .............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Subash Singhal ..............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Dennis Hess ...................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Krishnan Rajeshwar..................................................................................... Third Vice-President, Spring 2014

Sponsorship Committee

E. Jennings Taylor, Chair.................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Rob Sides ......................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Michael Kubicsko ..........................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Ana Londergan ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 William Eggers ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2015 William Brown ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Paul Trulove ...................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Bruno Scrosati ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Yukinari Kotani ...............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Soo-Gil Park ..................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Tetsuya Osaka ...............................................................................................................President, Spring 2014 Christina Bock............................................................................................................... Treasurer, Spring 2014 Roque J. Calvo........................................................................ ex officio-nonvoting, Term as Executive Director


Daniel Scherson, Chair.............................................................................Second Vice-President, Spring 2014 Mary E. Yess..................................................................................................................Publisher, Term as Pub Robert Savinell.......................................................................................................EST Board Chair, 5/17/2017 Dennis W. Hess................................................................................................. SSST Board Chair, 12/31/2016 Krishnan Rajeshwar............................................................................................... Interface Editor, 12/31/2013 Jeffrey Fergus..........................................................................................ECS Transactions Editor, 12/31/2014 Subhash Singhal.............................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Johna Leddy...................................................................................................................................Spring 2014 Hubert Gasteiger.............................................................................................................................Spring 2015 James Fenton..................................................................................................................................Spring 2015 Hariklia Deligianni.........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016

Symposium Subcommittee

Society Historian

Zoltan Nagy ....................................................................................................................................Spring 2016

Representatives to Other Societies

American Association for the Advancement of Science Roque J. Calvo.................................................................................................. Term as Executive Director Chemical Heritage Foundation Kathryn R. Bullock...................................................................................... Heritage Councilor, Spring 2014 Federation of Materials Societies Petr Vanýsek................................................................................................................. Trustee, Spring 2014 Roque J. Calvo............................................................................Advisory Board, Term as Executive Director

National Inventors Hall of Fame

Peter Pintauro.......................................................................Chair, Honors & Awards Committee, Spring 2015

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Summer 2012

Fall—Winter 2012

Spring 2012

VOL. 21, NO. 1 Spring 2012

VOL. 21, NOS. 3-4 Fall–Winter 2012

IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:

On Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Singularity

7 From the President:

Second Life for Quicksilver? Living in an Accelerating Frame of Reference

11 Pennington Corner:

34 Tech Highlights

The Weston Legacy

221st ECS Meeting Seattle, WA, USA

35 Lithium Ion Battery Safety

13 Redcat: ECS Launches

Networking and Research Site for Scientists

44 ECS Classics—ECS One

Hundred Ten Years Later: Solving the World’s Most Important Challenges

37 A General Discussion of Li Ion Battery Safety

17 Candidates for

45 How Electrolytes Influence

Society Office

Battery Safety

19 PRiME, Honolulu, Hawaii:

53 Tech Highlights

51 Battery Safety

Meeting Highlights

55 How Do We Learn

Qualifications for Human Ratings

58 Tech Highlights


57 Simulation of Abuse

61 Conducting Polymers

57 As Goes California,

Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries

and Their Applications

So Goes the Nation: A Precautionary Tale for American Public Research Universities

63 Novel MEMS Devices

61 The Role of Separators in

Based on Conductive Polymers

Lithium-Ion Cell Safety

77 2011 Annual Report

67 Nanoparticle-doped

63 The Future of Graduate

Electrically-conducting Polymers for Flexible Nano-Micro Systems

Education in the Chemical Sciences: What is Really Best for Students?

S pecial i SSu e

67 Opportunities and

Challenges in Corrosion Education: Review of a National Research Council Assessment

73 Physical Electrochemistry

o n ...

Conducting Polymers and Their Applications

115 Toronto, ON, Canada Call for Papers

71 Electrochemical Assay

of GSTP1-related DNA Sequence for Prostrate Cancer Screening

88 ECS Summer Fellowship Reports

107 San Francisco, CA: Call for Papers

VOL. 21, NO. 2

VOL. 21, NO. 3-4

VOL. 21, NO. 1

the Field of Dielectric and Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing

IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:

9 From the President:

Weathering the Storm

Closing the Distance

29 Special Section:

77 Educational Initiatives in

IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:

Biomimetic or Bioinspired?

7 Pennington Corner:

in the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Critical Assessment

VOL. 21, NO. 2 Summer 2012

Lithium Ion Battery


CALL FOR Editor of NOMINATIONS INTERFACE ECS (The Electrochemical Society) is seeking to fill the position of Editor of The Electrochemical Society Interface. Nominees should have qualities of leadership, technical breadth, time commitment, creativity, and motivation. The successful candidate also will have excellent English-language writing and editing skills. Interface was established in 1992 to serve as an authoritative yet accessible publication for those in the field of solid-state and electrochemical science and technology. Published quarterly, this four-color magazine contains technical articles about the latest developments in the field, and presents news and information about and for members of ECS. The Society is committed to disseminating research and advancing electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and the Editor will be responsible for seeing that Interface fulfills that mission. The Editor is required to make publishing and editorial decisions consistent with maintaining the integrity of this publication.

ECS • The Electrochemical Society 65 South Main Street, Bldg. D, Pennington, New Jersey 08534-2839, USA tel: 609.737.1902 • fax: 609.737.2743

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

The Editor works with the Interface Advisory Board (IAB) made up of the ECS Publisher and representatives from each Division. The IAB helps ensure that the publication contains information that encourages synergistic exchange among the Society membership, Divisions, Groups, Sections, officers, staff, and the community at large. The Interface Editor’s duties involve soliciting topics and articles from the ECS Divisions (one Division or special topic is featured in each issue of the magazine), and assisting the Division or guest editors in the development of its issue. The Editor also encourages contributions from the broad scientific community that are of interest to ECS members. The Editor reviews all technical manuscripts and provides editing as needed. In conjunction with the Publisher, the Editor guides the future path of the publication. The Managing Editor develops the nontechnical content for the publication, with feedback from the Editor. In addition to the IAB, the Publisher, and the Managing Editor, the Editor has the assistance of other Society staff in the development and production of each issue. If selected as a finalist, the candidate is expected to be available at the Society’s fall meeting in San Francisco, CA for a face-to-face interview (October 27 or 28) with the Publications Subcommittee. The Publications Subcommittee will recommend a name for approval by the Technical Affairs Committee at San Francisco meeting. The new Editor is expected to officially begin his/her role as soon as possible after approval but with an official term starting no later than January 2, 2014. A yearly honorarium is offered by the Society. In addition to self-nominations, ECS members are encouraged to submit names of other possible candidates. Those interested should send their qualifications for the position: send a résumé of no more than two pages, and a cover letter (of no more than two pages), stating why they are interested in the position, their previous experience with publications, and the availability of their time to fulfill the duties of this position. The material should be sent to the Publisher. Send all suggestions and nominations by electronic format preferred no later than August 2, 2013 to Mary Yess, ECS Deputy Executive Director & Publisher, 23

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ECS Division Contacts High Temperature Materials

Battery Bor Yann Liaw, Chair University of Hawaii at Manoa • 808.956.2339 (U.S.)

Jeffrey Fergus, Chair Auburn University • 334.844.3405 (U.S.)

Robert Kostecki, Vice-Chair Christopher Johnson, Secretary

Timothy Armstrong, Sr. Vice-Chair Xiao-Dong Zhou, Jr. Vice-Chair

Marca Doeff, Treasurer


Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering

Shinji Fujimoto, Chair Osaka University • 81.6.6879.7469 (Japan)

Gerardine Botte, Chair Ohio University • 740.593.9670 (U.S.)

Rudolph Buchheit, Vice-Chair

Venkat Subramanian, Vice-Chair

Barbara A. Shaw, Secretary/Treasurer

Dielectric Science and Technology

Gregory Jackson, Secretary/Treasurer

E. Jennings Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer

Luminescence and Display Materials

Oana Leonte, Chair Berkeley Polymer Technology • 510.537.9413 (U.S.)

John Collins, Chair Wheaton College • 508.286.3976 (U.S.)

Dolf Landheer, Vice-Chair Yaw Obeng, Treasurer Peter Mascher, Secretary

Baldassare Di Bartolo, Vice-Chair Anant A. Setlur, Secretary

Madis Raukas, Treasurer

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry

Electrodeposition Giovanni Zangari, Chair University of Virginia • 434.243.5474 (U.S.)

James Burgess, Chair Case Western Reserve University • 216.368.4490 (U.S.)

Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Vice-Chair Philippe Vereecken, Treasurer Stanko Brankovic, Secretary

Mekki Bayachou, Vice-Chair

Electronics and Photonics Andrew Hoff, Chair University of South Florida • 813.974.4958 (U.S.) Mark Overberg, Vice-Chair Edward Stokes, 2nd Vice-Chair

Junichi Murota, Secretary Fan Ren, Treasurer

Pawel Kulesza, Vice-Chair Andrew Hillier, Secretary

Alanah Fitch, Treasurer

Michael Carter KWJ Engineering • 510.405.5911 (U.S.)

Jean St-Pierre, Chair University of Hawaii at Manoa • 808.956.3909 (U.S.)

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Robert Mantz, Chair Army Research Office • 919.549.4309 (U.S.)


Energy Technology

Jeremy Meyers, Vice-Chair Adam Weber, Secretary

Graham Cheek, Secretary/Treasurer

Scott Calabrese Barton, Treasurer

Bryan Chin, Vice-Chair Nianqiang (Nick) Wu, Secretary

Ajit Khosla, Treasurer

Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures

Bruce Weisman, Chair Rice University • 713.348.3709 (U.S.) Luis Echegoyen, Vice-Chair Dirk Guldi, Treasurer Slava V. Rotkin, Secretary


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

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ECS Co-sponsored Conferences for 2013 In addition to the regular ECS biannual meetings, ECS, its Divisions, and Sections co-sponsor meetings and symposia of interest to the technical audience ECS serves. The following is a list of the co-sponsored meetings for 2013. Please visit the ECS website for a list of all cosponsored meetings. • 13th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XIII), October 6-11, 2013 – Okinawa, Japan • 28th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro 2013), September 16-19, 2013 — Curitiba, Brazil (Sponsored by

ECS Electronics & Photonics Division)

• New Processes and Materials Based on Electrochemical Concepts at the Microscopic Level (MicroEchem 2013), September 16-19, 2013 —

Querétaro, Mexico

• • • •

64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, September 8-13, 2013 — Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico EuroCVD 19, September 1-6, 2013 — Varna, Bulgaria Electrochem 2013, September 1-3, 2013 — Southampton, UK 4th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits, July 7-12, 2013 — Villard-de-Lans,

France (Sponsored by ECS Electronics & Photonics Division)

• 4th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N), June 16-20, 2013 — Corfu,


To learn more about what an ECS co-sponsorship could do for your conference, including information on publishing proceeding volumes for co-sponsored meetings, or to request an ECS co-sponsorship of your technical event, please contact

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Visit our website - - The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


socie t y ne ws

224 th ECS MEETING San Francisco, CA October 27—November 1, 2013 Hilton San Francisco San Francisco Travel Association photo by P. Fuszard. San Francisco Travel Association photo.

Mark your calendars NOW for the 224th ECS Meeting in San Francisco! What you need to know …

• The deadline for early-bird meeting registration is September 27, 2013. • Reserve your stay at the Hilton San Francisco, the meeting headquarters hotel— Discount rates, starting at only $179 are offered until September 27, 2013 or until the block sells out, whichever comes first. ECS looks forward to MEETING you in San Francisco in October!

More meeting details: or e-mail

In the

issue of

• The work of the members of the ECS Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Division will be featured in the fall 2013 issue of Interface. Guest edited by R. Bruce Weisman, the issue on New Frontiers in Nanocarbons will feature a number of very interesting articles, including “The Revival of Fullerenes?” by Nazario Martin; “Carbon Onions and Their Electrochemical Applications,” by John K. McDonough and Yury Gogotsi of Drexel University; and “Discovering Properties of Nanocarbon Materials as a Pivot for Device Applications,” by Slava V. Rotkin and Tetyana Ignatova.


• The 224th ECS Meeting in San Francisco is offering a full complement of technical presentations, networking events, special keynote talks, and other events. A highlight of the fall 2013 meeting will be the Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) featuring the Water-Energy Nexus Symposium. Also of interest is a special symposium in honor of Adam Heller on the occasion of his 80th birthday. • Tech Highlights continues to provide readers with free access to some of the most interesting papers published in the ECS journals, including articles from the Society’s newest journals: ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, and ECS Solid State Letters. • Don’t miss the next edition of Websites of Note which will focus on all the ECS websites: the new ECS Digital Library, the ECS home site, and Redcat.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

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websites of note by Zoltan Nagy

Nanoelectrochemistry: Metal Nanoparticles, Nanoelectrodes, and Nanopores

A recent detailed review of nanoelectrochemistry: electrochemistry of metal nanoparticles; voltammetry of solutions of isolatable nanoparticles; electrochemistry of films of nanoparticles; electrochemistry at nanoscopic electrodes; and electrochemistry at single nanopores. • R. W. Murray (UNC at Chapel Hill) • Nanoelectrodes%20and%20Nanopores%20(Royce%20W%20Murray).pdf

Electron Transfer in Functionalized Fullerenes

A considerable amount of work concerning systems in which C is an electron acceptor has been published. The fundamental 60 principles behind fullerene donor-acceptor systems are revisited and the experimental methods available for the study of these systems is presented. Potential applications of photoinduced electron transfer systems. Intermolecular charge transfer complexes involving fullerenes. • P. J. Bracher and D. I. Schuster (New York U.) •

Electrochemistry of Carbon Nanotube Composite Electrodes

A new type of composite electrode based on the combination of carbon nanotubes and sol-gel technology is reported. This approach combines the advantages of sol-gel based ceramic materials with the favorable electrochemistry of carbon nanotubes. The characteristics of the designed electrodes are controlled by altering the nature (in terms of methyl, ethyl or propylderivedsilane precursor) or the amount of the sol used. The composite electrodes exhibit well-defined electrochemical properties with superior characteristics compare to other carbon based composite electrodes. • L. G. Bachas (U. of Kentucky) •

About the Author

Zoltan Nagy is a semi-retired electrochemist. After 15 years in a variety of electrochemical industrial research, he spent 30 years at Argonne National Laboratory carrying out research on electrode kinetics and surface electrochemistry. Presently he is at the Chemistry Department of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He welcomes suggestions for entries; send them to

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Jamal Deen Receives Prestigious Honorary Degree and Fellow Recognitions


cMaster University professor and senior Canada Research Chair in information technology, M. Jamal Deen, received the highest degree and honor—Doctor Honoris Causa—from the University of Granada, one of the major academic and intellectual centers in Spain. This honor was in recognition of his exceptional achievements as a scholar, academic, educator, and collaM. Jamal Deen borator. The investiture of Prof. Deen’s Doctor Honoris Causa was on May 25, 2012 in Granada. In introducing Dr. Deen, Prof. Tejada, his “padrino,” collaborator, and nominator, stated that “Professor Deen is remarkable not only for the quality of his personal merits, but also collaborations with students and researchers in Granada. As other institutions have done before, we recognize his exceptional efforts as supervisor and mentor of a large number of researchers and engineers, as an excellent university teacher, and for his efficiency in transferring knowledge to other people. His personal career trajectory justifies” the highest degree Universidad de Granada granted him. Professor Deen’s address to students, professors, dignitaries, and honored guests was entitled “From Humble Beginnings to Life at the Intersection of Engineering and the Sciences.” Professor Deen divided his speech in three parts. In the first part, subtitled “Hard Work, Competition, Team Work, and Respect,” he described his early years in Guyana by illustrating the fruits of hard work, the benefits of staying focused, the challenges of being competitive, and the value of team work and respect for others. He explained the lessons of humility he has learnt—giving special thanks and appreciation to the many exceptional teachers he was fortunate to have. The second part of his speech was subtitled “Life at the Intersection of Engineering and Sciences,” and he presented some emerging trends in education and research. Using experience from his own scholarly work, he provided two of examples which involve inter- or intra-disciplinary interactions from some of his current and on-going collaborative research. He stated that these examples highlight rapidly emerging trends which require the convergence of expertise to solve important or pressing problems in our society. One example was the research and technology development of low-cost, scalable, engineered sensors for portable, realtime monitoring of water resources so that timely information can be obtained about the quality of water. He emphasized that this research is motivated by the fact that the availability of safe drinking water is fundamental to our health. His second example was in developing low-cost, miniaturized, and sensitive systems for minimally invasive screening and diagnoses of early stage malignancies. This research is motivated by the premise that the sooner a disease is caught, the higher the chances are for recovery. And more specifically, he explained how he and his collaborators use rapidly emerging technologies such as nanoelectronics, photonics, optics, and molecular imaging to develop minimal invasive endoscopic imaging systems. He also emphasized that an oft-overlooked aspect of these multidisciplinary projects is communication. He stated, “In fact, communicating effectively is critical, not only for students in arts or humanities, but especially for those in other fields such as engineering, science, or medicine who may be collaborating on large projects locally 28

or globally. Further, if we examine some of the grand challenges that you will have to tackle—universal access to clean water, reverseengineering of the brain, personalized learning, or improved and sustainable healthcare, effective solutions will be created by teams of researchers from different disciplines who must find commonalities in communication.” The third part of his address was subtitled “Changing Times, Tolerance, and Adaptability.” Here he stated that his ability to adjust and adapt has been a major part of his success. Besides working in Guyana, he had the good fortune of working in North America, Europe, and Asia. This afforded his family and him the unique privilege to appreciate the vast spectrum of cultural diversity, rich traditions and work ethics and practices. These experiences have helped them develop and shape new and meaningful perspectives that encourage cultural tolerance and adaptability, both within the parameters of work and society. He ended by urging the students and researchers to “work hard, persevere, and adapt. And always remember, humility is the mark of greatness. Also, do not forget to thank your family, professors, and mentors for their support and guidance during your studies.” Dr. Deen was also one of the five foreigners elected Foreign Fellow of the The National Academy of Sciences, India in October 2012. “Founded in the year 1930, the National Academy of Sciences, India is the oldest Science Academy of the country.” The fellow citation stated “Dr. M. Jamal Deen, Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in Information Technology, McMaster, is a major contributor and world leader in micro-, nano-, and opto-electronics. He anchors innovative, important contributions in noise and modeling of semiconductor devices in fundamentals of physics by combining physics-based modeling with clever experiments. His research productivity and impact in these fields have been truly exceptional, not only for its originality and rigor, but also for its blend of theory and practice. He is the world’s foremost authority in the modeling and noise of electronic and optoelectronic devices, particularly silicon transistors and high-speed photodetectors for application in wireless circuits and optical communication receivers. Dr. Deen has successfully transferred powerful physics-based, engineering and circuit models for the accurate analysis and design of high-performance semiconductor devices and circuits, and innovative experimental techniques, to numerous companies and research laboratories in Canada, USA, and Asia. His models that allow for the accurate prediction of noise in semiconductor devices and circuits have solved a major bottleneck in wireless communication systems today. His practical models for high performance optical detectors and experimental innovations to predict their reliability have contributed to the design and manufacture of reliable photodetectors in fiber-optic communication systems and has been used by a major Canadian company. He is in demand for invited lectures at conferences, research organizations and universities throughout the world to describe his fundamental contributions of microelectronics, optoelectronics for information and communication technologies. The recent Guyana Academic Achievement Award and Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce Technology Achievement Award were given for his pioneering contributions and leadership in research, international education and collaborations. Dr. Deen’s work has been recognized by his election as a Fellow of eight academies/learned societies, including three national Academies: RSC, CAE in Canada and NAE in India, as an Honorary Member of the World Innovation Foundation, the foundation’s highest honor, as well as by winning the ECS DS&T Division’s Callinan Award, a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, the Eadie Medal from the Royal Society of Canada, and twelve best paper/poster awards.”

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In Memoriam memoriam Jerome Kruger: Corrosionist and Gentleman (1927-2013) by Robert P. Frankenthal


erome K ruger , known to friends and colleagues as Jerry, died on March 31, 2013. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia (U.S.) on February 7, 1927. Dr. Kruger earned his BS and MS degrees in chemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1948 and 1949, respectively, and his PhD in chemistry at the University of Virginia in 1952. At the conclusion of his graduate studies, Dr. Kruger joined the Naval Research Laboratory Mollee and Jerry Kruger at the ECS (NRL), where he Centennial Meeting in May 2002. remained until 1955. At NRL he studied the mechanisms of the action of wash primers and the corrosion mechanisms of zinc sacrificial anodes. In 1955, Dr. Kruger left NRL and joined the Corrosion Section of the Metallurgy Division of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), now the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). In 1966, he was named Chief of the Corrosion Section and, in 1975, the electrodeposition activities at NBS were also placed under him. He retired from federal service in 1983. Kruger’s career, however, was far from completed. After serving as a Visiting Professor at the Technion in Israel, he joined the faculty of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, where he served as a full-time member of the Hopkins faculty, including a two-year term as the department chair, until his retirement in 1994. During his years at NBS Dr. Kruger worked on a wide variety of corrosion subjects. He was the first to adapt ellipsometry to corrosion studies. In his early work he studied the oxidation, passivation, inhibitor activity, and chemical reactions on single-crystal surfaces of copper, iron, and silver. This led the way to the ellipsometric and electrochemical studies of the properties of passive films: their formation; breakdown and repassivation; localized corrosion such as pit initiation, pitting, and crevice corrosion; stress corrosion cracking; and corrosion under organic films and subsequent delamination. He also developed new ellipsometric methods, such as ellipsometric spectroscopy and numerous variations of it, for investigating oxidecovered surfaces. In addition, his work extended to understanding the mechanisms of stress corrosion cracking, corrosion under coatings, and the corrosion of nuclear waste containment materials.


Dr. Kruger and coworkers published a series of scientific papers in the 1970s on the structure of passive films from the point of view of crystalline vs. non-crystalline vs. amorphous films. This work included the first definitive demonstration of the three-dimensional character of passive films. From this and additional work by Jerry and co-workers, came an understanding of the highly beneficial role of chromium and hydrogen in passive films. This work presented a substantially different point of view than that generally accepted by others at that time. The fundamental ideas of bond-flexibility and oxide-film adaptability put forth by Kruger and Revesz are still considered as important issues in the behavior of passive films. Another often cited accomplishment, which involved Dr. Kruger, is the 1978 report entitled “Economic Effects of Metallic Corrosion in the United States,” NBS Special Publication 511-1. This report, written by a team of coworkers at NBS, was prepared at the request of the U.S. Congress and was the most extensive and quantitative analysis of the economic consequences of corrosion ever conducted, covering every economic sector. It not only detailed costs, it also enumerated the savings that could be achieved by use of the best currently available technology. The study has been extensively used and quoted by industry and government. While at NBS, Dr. Kruger and coworkers developed a procedure for the restoration and conservation of bronze statuary on the Memorial Bridge in Washington, DC for the National Park Service. Kruger’s activities in conservation of statuary and other art objects expanded thereafter. He was an organizer of an international symposium that facilitated a dialogue between corrosion scientists, museum conservators, and archaeologists. He served on a NACE committee concerned with the preservation of art and cultural objects which organized dialogue between engineers and conservators on preservation issues. Several of his students at Johns Hopkins performed their graduate studies on degradation mechanisms of art objects. He also developed and conducted a very popular seminar course at Hopkins on degradation and conservation of art objects. While at Hopkins he started a program in cooperation with the Conservation Analytical Laboratory at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC for PhD students in materials science to study and research conservation science topics. Professor Kruger continued his exceptional productivity at Johns Hopkins. He was one of the founders and the first director of the Corrosion and Electrochemistry Research Laboratory. Professor Kruger advised 12 PhD and six MS theses and developed and taught two specialized and highly comprehensive graduate courses in corrosion science and engineering. His research program during this time included an extension of the work started at NBS with G. Long utilizing extended X-ray absorption fine structure and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure to study the structure, composition, and electronic properties of passive films. This work contributed to the understanding of the role of chromium and other alloying elements in the passivity of metals and alloys, the mechanisms of passivity

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

socie PEOPLE t y ne ws of several metals and alloys in a variety of organic solutions, and the innovative development of dynamic imaging microellipsometry and its application to the study of passive films at second phases in aluminum alloys. During his career, Dr. Kruger’s accomplishments resulted in the authorship or co-authorship of over 160 technical papers, the editing or co-editing of six books, and recognition in the form of the major corrosion awards in the world. These included the Silver Medal for Meritorious Service of the Department of Commerce “for exceptional achievement in surface metallurgy especially for researches on the kinetics of film formation and passivity in corrosions reactions;” the Gold Medal for Distinguished Service of the Department of Commerce “for distinguished leadership of groups carrying out research on the corrosion of metals and alloys of technical importance to the government;” the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Achievement in the Senior Executive Service of the U.S. Government; the Samuel Wesley Stratton Award for Outstanding Contributions to Research, NBS; appointment as Conseiller-Scientifique to the Commission of Fundamental and Applied Studies of the European Federation of Corrosion; the Willis R. Whitney Award of NACE International; Fellow of NACE International; the Outstanding Achievement Award of the Corrosion Division of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (later named the Uhlig Award); Honorary Membership in ECS; Fellow of ECS; and the Olin-Palladium Medal Award of ECS, the highest award in electrochemistry and corrosion in the Society; the Blum Award of the National Capital Section of ECS; the Ulick R. Evans Award of the British Institute of Corrosion and the accompanying Wilkinson Sword; and Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Corrosion in the United Kingdom. Dr. Kruger was the first recipient of the Jerome Kruger Award for Corrosion Science of the BaltimoreWashington Section of NACE International. Dr. Kruger has served in many important and prestigious positions for the corrosion community. Among these are: Divisional Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society; Chair of the Corrosion Division and Member of the Board of Directors of ECS; Treasurer of ECS; and co-editor of the famous, and often quoted, ECS volume entitled “Passivity of Metals;” (An acquaintance of the author recently witnessed the book, which was published in 1979, being used as a reference in ongoing work to understand and repair the corrosion damage to the Japanese nuclear reactors damaged by the tsunami.) Dr. Kruger was also Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Corrosion; Member of the NACE Board of Directors; President of the Federation of Materials Societies; and President of the International Corrosion Council. He served on many more symposium organizing committees, advisory panels, visiting committees, and editorial boards. These varied and unselfish contributions to the field include: one of the organizers of the First International Symposium on Ellipsometry; consultant to MIT on directions for their materials program; Chair of the NACE Conference on Fundamental Corrosion Research in Progress;

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

member of the NSF sponsored delegation of U.S. corrosion scientists and engineers to visit the USSR to assess the corrosion situation there; Co-Chair of the 4th International Symposium on Passivity; and membership on the advisory committees for the Corrosion Center at the University of Minnesota, the Surface and Coating Center at Lehigh University, and the Center for Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering at the University of Virginia. Through the years, Dr. Kruger lectured at universities and research laboratories all across the United States and in Israel, Japan, Argentina, France, South Africa, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, Egypt, Belgium, and Greece. A discussion of Jerry Kruger would not be complete without a few words about his greatest assets—his personality and his relationship with coworkers, colleagues, and students. He was a wonderful, warm, caring human being, who was also an excellent scientist, teacher, organizer, and administrator. It was a pleasure to work with him. He was as dedicated to his coworkers and colleagues as he was to his work. He was well known and often praised for his willingness to spend time with students discussing their own research, for his genuine interest in them, and for making insightful suggestions for continued work. Students respected him because of his ability to teach—he knew the difference between teaching and lecturing—and because of his interest in and concern for their studies, their research, and their personal welfare. In addition, he was a person with whom one could enjoy or discuss most subjects and issues, whether they were scientific, cultural, or current events. Jerome Kruger leaves behind his beloved wife of 58 years, Mollee Coppel Kruger; two sons and their wives, Lennard and Cynthia Kruger and Joseph and Dena Kruger; his sister, Betty Hecht; and two grandchildren, Isaac and Mira Kruger. Jerry Kruger was a great scientist, an honorable gentleman, a wonderful human being, and is a sorely missed friend.

Acknowledgments This tribute is based on a paper by P. J. Moran and R. P. Frankenthal, in Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion III, R. G. Kelly, G. S. Frankel, P. M. Natishan, and R. C. Newman, Editors, PV 98-17, p. xi, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJ (1999). This article is being published simultaneously in The Electrochemical Society Interface, Vol. 22, No. 2 (summer 2013;; and in the July 2013 issue of Corrosion ( This article is copyright 2013 The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and NACE International – The Corrosion Society.


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In Memoriam memoriam Su-Moon Park (1941-2013)


Park received his undergraduate chemistry degree from Seoul National University in 1964. Immediately after college he worked in Korea for the Choong-Ju Fertilizer Corp. (1964-1967) and the Yong-Nam Chemical Co. (1967-1970). During this period he spent much of his free time studying, with the dream and end goal of someday pursuing further degrees in the United States. In due course he moved to the U.S. and received an MS degree in organic chemistry from Texas Tech University in 1972 and then completed his PhD in 1975 with Allen J. Bard (The University of Texas at Austin) in the field of electrochemistry. During his PhD studies Su-Moon was an exemplary graduate student. He was part of a group investigating the mechanisms and applications of electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL), a technique in which light is generated from electron transfer reactions of reactants in an electrochemical cell. ECL later became an important analytical method in clinical chemistry for immunoassays and is still widely used. Su-Moon’s work involved the generation of excited state complexes, called exciplexes, (AD)^. He was the first to demonstrate that exciplexes could be produced electrochemically by reaction of A- and D+ to form (AD)^ and that such reactions could be observed in solvents with high dielectric constants where formation of (AD)^ by the usual approach of reaction of A* and D was not possible. His work resulted in his PhD dissertation entitled, “Exciplexes in Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence,” and four research papers in peer-reviewed journals. In 1975, Su-Moon and his family packed their bags in Austin and drove across West Texas to join the chemistry faculty at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He remained at UNM for 20 years, and it was during this period that he established his international reputation as an electrochemist and raised his three children. At UNM he published nearly 150 peer-reviewed scientific articles in the best national and international journals in his field. Starting at the beginning of his independent career and continuing until his death, he was a leader in the study of electrically conducting polymers. During his earliest days at New Mexico he also developed his interest in in situ spectroelectrochemistry and impedance spectroscopy, methodologies he pioneered and which he subsequently applied to other electrochemical systems and materials. Indeed, his careful experimental studies, framed with the appropriate theory, of fundamental electrochemical process in the 1990s have had an important impact on our understanding of energy storage materials, corrosion, and organic electrochemistry. As an assistant professor, one of us (Crooks) had the privilege of being Su-Moon’s colleague at UNM, and they held joint weekly research group meetings for four years. It is difficult to imagine a better senior colleague (in every way), particularly for a new academic scientist finding his way, than Su-Moon. Su-Moon was not all business during his time at UNM. Indeed, he was a man of many talents and interests. While in Albuquerque, he spent hours tending to his vegetable garden. He was a runner before running was cool and could be observed jogging around his neighborhood in the evenings (not so easy at 5,000 feet!). He also enjoyed the intricacies of American football, and in particular his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. Whenever a conference or symposium took him to a state with an NFL football team, he would return with that team’s jersey for his young son, Ilsun. Summers were spent on coast-to-coast tours of the U.S. with his wife and children in 32


the family station wagon. Wherever he was, Su-Moon had a knack for discovering the best fishing spots and the most scenic hiking routes. In 1995 Su-Moon returned to Korea, where he joined the faculty of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). He continued his studies of conducting polymers during this period, but he expanded his research into the fields of chemical sensing, electrochemistry in ionic liquids, and development of new electroanalytical methods. In addition to his scientific research, he contributed his administrative talents to POSTECH as Department Chair, Dean of Sciences, Director of the POSTECH Basic Sciences Research Institute, and Director of the Center for Integrated Molecular Systems. He was Editor-in-Chief of Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society from 1999-2003 and President of the Korean Electrochemical Society from 2004-2005. Throughout this period he continued to teach, and in 2005 was recognized with the award for best teacher from the POSTECH chemistry department. In 2009, Su-Moon moved to Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST) as Chaired Professor in the Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy and Director of the World Class University (WCU) program. His contributions to research, administration of scientific research, mentoring of his junior colleagues, and teaching continued until his death. Su-Moon was a member of ECS, the American Chemical Society, the Korean Chemical Society, the Korean Electrochemical Society, Phi Lambda Upsilon, and Phi Kappa Phi. He was a Fellow of Korea Academy of Science & Technology. During his life, he was honored with the T. K. Rhee Award of the Korean Chemical Society (2000); the Q. W. Choi Award in electrochemistry from the Korean Chemical Society (2001); The Khwarizmi International Award from the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology and UNESCO (2008); and the Sudang Prize from the Sudang Foundation (2010). He was recognized as one of the Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science by ISI-Thomson Reuters and as one of the 25 most prolific authors for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Altogether he published more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters and was awarded 12 patents. He co-authored two books: S.M. Park and C.-H. Pyun, Microcomputers in Laboratories (1989); and W. Paik and S.-M. Park, Electrochemistry – Science and Technology of Interfaces and Electrode Processes (2001). He presented more than 400 scientific lectures around the world. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

socie PEOPLE t y ne ws Although he had a great passion for research, study, and expanding the knowledge of his field of electrochemistry, Su-Moon’s greatest love and passion were for his family: his wife, Sunhee; daughters Hyesun and Minsun; and his son and daughter-in-law: Ilsun and Eliza. He often entertained his family with his singing and dancing, which would always bring laughter. He regaled his children with tall tales from his own youth, and encouraged them to be imaginative free thinkers. He always enjoyed conferences and traveling more when his wife, Sunhee, was able to accompany him, and in 45 years of marriage he never once forgot her birthday or wedding anniversary. His passion for his students was a very close second to that of his family. Despite his many other professional responsibilities, he always found time to meet with his students to discuss their professional and personal concerns. He cared about people around him and wanted them to enjoy a life as happy and fulfilling as his own. Indeed, Su-Moon was a bit of an amateur philosopher. He said “No man grows by himself. A man is delicately raised by absorbing benefits from people and their society. Once he is grown up, he has to return those benefits to the society and is obliged to grow another him by doing the same things. This is the way of making the world better generation by generation.” Su-Moon was a humble and highly respected man, and yet his influence on those who knew him was profound. On January 15, 2013, Prof. Su-Moon Park was laid to rest in Chungju, South Korea, on the hillside where he played as a child, overlooking the house where he was born, next to his mother. He will be missed. However, for those of us who had the honor to call him father, husband, friend, colleague, or mentor, it is easy to close our eyes and see the honorable professor in a neat and humble suit with grey hair, warm smile, soft but persuasive voice, and compassionate eyes.

Wolfgang J. Lorenz (1933-2012)


olfgang J. Lorenz passed away last year in his home at the age of 79 years in the presence of his wife Ingrid after a long illness. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, and by his son Joerg Lorenz, who is a dentist in Aosta, Italy, his daughter-in-law Ornella, and their children Oceanna (6) and Ben (4). Prof. Lorenz was a member of ECS for a very long time and became a Fellow in 1996. He started his research in electrochemistry with Kurt Schwabe and then crossed the Wall to finish his PhD studies in what was then West Germany. He became a Professor at the University of Karlrsruhe, Germany, where he succeeded H. Fischer. He initiated the Fischer Symposia that were held every three years in Karlsruhe. These symposia are now being held at different locations in Germany. Prof. Lorenz had an active research group with many visitors initially mainly from what were then the East Block countries and later from countries such as Argentina and the U.S. He is the author or co-author of a very large number of publications and co-author of several books including one with his good friend E. Budevski. I met Wolfgang Lorenz at an ECS meeting in Boston in the late 1960s and we were very good friends and colleagues since then. I will miss our regular phone calls.

This notice was contributed by Florian Mansfeld, FECS.

This memorial notice was prepared by Ilsun Park, Allen J. Bard, Richard M. Crooks, and Byoung-Yong Chang.

In Memoriam memoriam G. Frens (d. 2013), member since1981, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Arthur Reidlinger (d. 2012), member since 1966, Organic & Biological Electrochemical Division Dieter K. Schroder (d. 2012), member since 1983, Electronics and Photonics Division

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


NEw uct


Application areas: bio-sensors, biochemistry, corrosion, coatings, catalysts...


Introducing the 4th generation of scanning probe electrochemical workstations 9 available techniques: SECM, LEIS, SVP,SDS, SKP, OSP, ic-SECM, ac-SECM, ac-SDS High performance scanning stage: 0.09 nm ultimate z-resolution, 20 nm resolution on all axes, 100 mm scan range on all axes, 10 mm/s max scan speed New innovative techniques: ic-SECM offering true simultaneous imaging of topography and reactivity, ac-SECM offering measurement of surface conductivity without a mediator. Fully integrated potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA: ±10 V potential range, current ranges from 1 A to 1 nA, 1 MHz to 1µHz EIS capability

Product designed and manufactured by Uniscan Instruments Ltd, a Bio-Logic SAS company 34

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

currents Published online March 25, 2013

The G. S. Yuasa-Boeing 787 Li-ion Battery: Test It at a Low Temperature and Keep It Warm in Flight


rowth of dendrites is possible upon overcharging an anode of a Li-ion battery, particularly a Li-carbon anode, where the Li plating (deposition) potential is close to that of elemental Li. Dendrites, electrically shorting the electrodes of a battery, and creating a combustible mixture of LiCoO2 and electrically disconnected metallic Li particles, are recognized causes of battery fires. The likelihood of growth of a Li dendrite, a fine metallic Li fiber, and the likelihood of its survival and the survival of disconnected metallic Li particles at the LiCoO2 cathode in the electrolytic solution, is inversely temperature dependent, i.e., both increase at low temperature. Placing the battery in a compartment maintained at about 25°C could reduce the likelihood of a fire; and the battery should be tested by its repeated overcharging at the lowest temperature at which it is specified to be charged on a Boeing 787. Electroplaters know the conditions for plating a smooth and shiny metal, and the opposite conditions, under which the plated metal consists of thin, fibrous dendrites, often of black appearance. The prime requirement for plating a smooth and shiny metal layer is fast transport of the plated ion to the slowly plated electrode. The condition for plating dendrites is the opposite—slow transport of the plated ion to the rapidlyplated electrode. Fast transport means, in the context of a Li+ ion battery, transport that is fast enough to reduce the thickness of the solution layer in which Li+ ions are depleted to much less than the distance between the anode and the cathode, for example to less than 1/100th of this distance. Conditions for avoidance of depletion include: (1) a low enough plating current density; (2) a high enough free and mobile Li+ ion concentration; (3) fast enough diffusion of the Li+ ion; and (4) stirring, mixing, flow of the electrolyte, whenever possible. Usually these are difficult in a battery, unless its electrolyte is circulated. When a battery is cooled, the concentration of the plated Li+ ion may decrease because of lesser solubility of the Li+ salt serving as the electrolyte and, more importantly, because of pairing with the counter-ion, i.e., the anion of the electrolyte. Furthermore, when the battery is cooled, the diffusion of Li+ is slowed, because the cooled electrolytic solution is more viscous. The lesser solubility, greater ion pairing, and the slower diffusion in the more viscous electrolyte all enhance the growth of dendrites when the battery

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

is rapidly charged at a low temperature and particularly when it is rapidly overcharged at a low temperature. While slow transport of the plated Li+ ion at low temperature is by itself a severe problem, an even greater problem is that at the low temperature, a growing dendrite, a fine Li fiber, and the electrically disconnected metallic Li particles formed upon partial corrosion of the dendrite that would not survive at ambient temperature, does survive. Lithium ions residing in an electrolytic solution are necessarily coated with a thin insulating film, known to corrosion chemists as a passivating layer, and to battery experts as an SEI (Solid Electrolyte Interface). The film, formed by reaction of the metal and the electrolytic solution, i.e., by partial corrosive consumption of the metal, prevents further reaction with the electrolytic solution. In the absence of this film, a high surface-to-volume ratio metallic dendrite would be rapidly consumed—it would turn into a non-shorting insulator. The thickness of the corrosion passivating layer is steeply temperature-dependent. While at a low temperature, a very thin film can prevent corrosion, at a high temperature only a thick passivating film will protect against corrosion and all of the metal of a fine Li fiber may be consumed before its protective film grows to its final thickness. A fire can result from the accumulation of fine metallic dendrites and their fragments when these are protected against corrosion by a passivating film that, at a low temperature, is too thin. Their corrosive digestion by reaction with the electrolyte can be enhanced, and the likelihood of an uncontrolled thermal reaction with the oxidant of the battery can be reduced, by keeping the battery warm. So not only the passengers, but also the Li-ion battery of the Boeing 787 should be kept comfortably warm when the plane flies at an altitude of 40,000 feet, where the outside temperature is below -60°C. Adam Heller McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering University of Texas Austin, TX 78712


ECS Classics The Beginnings of Gold Electroplating by J. C. Garcia and T. D. Burleigh


f all the elements, gold is perhaps the most coveted by humanity. It represents wealth, power, prestige, and a love of both the mortal and the divine. For this metal mankind fought wars, assassinated, tortured, crossed deserts, discovered new continents, and spent centuries trying to create it from other metals. The three reasons for the Spanish exploration are traditionally cited as for gold, God, and glory. Given the ever-increasing price of gold, the manufacture of solid gold objects is extremely expensive and in many cases, impractical due to its softness and high density. The search for a method of depositing a thin layer of gold on an object led to the development of gold gilding and later gold electroplating. Before the advent of the Renaissance and modern science, all advances in chemistry were made in the field of alchemy. The word alchemy is an unusual combination of the Arabic word “al” for “the” and the old Greek word “chemia” that refers to Egypt. Together they loosely translate as “the Egyptian Art.” In the Arabic empires, it was believed that all metals were made up of varying proportions of sulfur and mercury. Gold was viewed as the perfect combination of these two “baser” elements.1 The greatest alchemist of the Arabs was Geber. He wrote three books on his pursuit of the philosopher’s stone. It is from these works that the word “gibberish” is derived because all three works were nonsensical. For hundreds of years, alchemists throughout Europe tried to decipher his writings, believing that he had encrypted them to protect his secrets.1 From a modern perspective, given the amount of mercury fumes without proper ventilation that most alchemists were exposed to during their work, it is more than probable that the works were not encoded but that their author was driven insane by the mercury poisoning. Alchemy spread to Europe through the Moorish occupation of Spain and through the crusades. The concept of gold as the ideal metal led to the search for a mechanism through which to transform lead into gold. Due to a mistranslation however, European alchemists viewed lead and mercury as the two base metals instead of sulfur and mercury.2 Often it is thought that the sole purpose of alchemy was the transmutation of lead into gold. Rather, the alchemists were searching for the elixir of life that could not only take lesser metals and create the perfect, ideal metal gold from them, but also take a lesser being, mortal humans, and create perfect immortals.3 A series of woodprints from an alchemist’s notebook, Constantine of Pisa, show the transformation of man to divine being through alchemy.3 Contrary to modern perception, medieval alchemists were not madmen who mixed various noxious chemicals together on a whim, but the predecessors to modern scientists. Their notebooks documenting their experiments were filled with extremely detailed woodcuts of the apparatuses, such as seen in “The Works of Gerber” (translated to English in 1678).3 Being an alchemist was a costly business, so most alchemists relied heavily on the patronage of the nobility, the church, and the royal families. Elizabeth I was a very generous patron of alchemists and seers. 36

While alchemy never managed to create gold from the “baser elements,” the attempts to transmute metals led to the discovery that a thin layer of gold could be plated onto the surface of an object. Prior to 1800, there were two methods available for plating an object. Water gilding allows for a very thin layer of gold to be placed upon the surface by submerging the sample in a dilute gold chloride solution.4 There is an exchange reaction as the gold is reduced and plated onto the surface, while the more reactive base metal is oxidized into the chloride solution. The second method that allows for a thicker, more durable layer of gold to be deposited is known as fire gilding or more cynically as the “Lost Apprentice Technique.”5 Fire gilding was described in the first century AD in the works by Pliny the Elder, and then in the second century by Theophilus of Antioch.5 To fire gild an object, a super thin sheet of gold was cut into minute pieces. An amalgam of the gold and mercury was then prepared by grinding the two metals together. The recommended proportions of 1 part gold to 8 parts mercury, that was first put forth by Pliny the Elder, is still used today.4 The amalgam was then heated to the boiling point of mercury and poured into cold water to keep the gold from precipitating. The amalgam was next brushed onto the surface to be plated, and the object was heated until the mercury had vaporized, leaving behind a gold coating. However, the mercury fumes evolved by this process, the lack of proper ventilation, and mercury poisoning through inhalation and skin contact, gave rise to the nickname of the “Lost Apprentice Technique” since after three or four coatings, the gilder tended to go insane and die. The industry policy was to have the least promising apprentice fire gild.4 Gilded items were highly valued throughout the Renaissance. The Church commissioned many gilded communion pieces. The nobility decorated their great estates with gilded furniture and accoutrements. Contrary to modern concepts of camouflage, gilded armor was very often seen on the battlefield (see Fig. 1). Most goldsmiths worked in tandem with armorers or were masters of both crafts. Elaborately gilded armor was in great demand for both the tournament arena and for the battlefield.6 Gilded armor indicated great wealth of the owner, telling the enemy that this person should be ransomed, not killed.

The Birth of Electroplating Once Alessandro Volta published his invention of electrochemical batteries, or “piles,” in 1800, people began to experiment with Volta’s technique. Electroplating was first reported in 1801 by a British scientist, William Cruickshank, who described his experiments of depositing dendritic metallic lead and copper on a surface in the Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts.8 He used Volta piles of zinc and silver with ammonia soaked paper in between the layers. For reasons known only to Mr. Cruickshank, he simply lists the numbers of layers in the piles as being “between 40 and 100.” The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

By attaching a silver wire to the bottom layer of zinc and the other to the top layer of silver of the Volta pile, and then placing the ends into a lead acetate solution, he was able to produce, “fine needles of a metallic material at the silver wire [the wire attached to the bottom of the Volta pile].” The experiment was also repeated with a copper solution. An Italian scientist, Luigi Brugnatelli, was the first to publish (in 1805) on the use of Volta piles to deposit a layer of gold onto another metallic surface.9 He published his experiments on plating gold onto silver medals in a letter to the Belgium Journal of Physics and Chemistry. A brief mention of this work may also be found in Philosophical Magazine of the Royal Irish Academy, “I have lately gilt in a complete manner two large silver medals, by bringing them into communication by means of a steel wire, with a negative pole of a voltaic pile, and keeping them one after the other immersed in ammoniuret of gold newly made and well saturated.”10 While Alessandro Volta was received by French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte with great pomp and circumstance (see the painting by Guiseppe Bertini11) and was made a count, Brugnatelli was not well received by Napoleon. The Emperor did not approve of the idea of the lower classes having access to gold plated items. Due to his falling out with Napoleon Bonaparte and thus the French Academy of Sciences, Brugnatelli’s work remained unknown outside of Italy.10 After Brugnatelli, there was very little reported on gold-plating until 1840 when the first English patent for a gold electroplating process was issued to Henry and George Elkington. With the collaboration of John Wright, the brothers developed a potassium cyanide bath for electroplating gold.12 Elkington & Co was later contracted to supply all of the plated flatware for the ill-fated RMS Titanic.13 By the 1850s, gold, silver, copper, and many other metals were being commercially plated onto varying surfaces. With the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the British Empire, gold electroplating technology spread around the world. Why was gold electroplating so popular? The popularity of electroplating goes back to humanity’s love of gold’s aesthetic beauty. While the Baroque Period had passed, along with its crown jewel the palace at Versailles, extremely ornate, heavily gilded walls and furniture had come back into style in the mid 1800s. With the rise of the newly rich from the Industrial revolution in Europe, the overly ornate styles of the Baroque and the Rococo periods were seen as a method to impress visitors with the wealth and power of the owners. A similar gold electroplating craze swept through Russia. The Eastern Orthodox Church quickly adapted the process for the creation of intricate cases for painted icons and statues. The Romanovs, the royal family of Russia, and their court took the Baroque Revival to heart as a show of their immense wealth. The Tsarina owned gold plated icon cases, reliquaries, and other items which would be worth millions of dollars on today’s market. The Tsar had a special cathedral built for her with a dome made of gold electroplated panels so that she might pray for the health of her son in privacy.14 The 1871 invention of the Gramme dynamo provided a means to generate electricity from rotary motion, and with this technology, electroplating had became more widespread.15 Many electroplating industries sprang up, but electroplating was considered a trade not a science, and the plating formulas were jealously guarded secrets.16 As a result, electroplating in those days was very irreproducible and poorly understood. Some companies went as far as to hire a spiritualist to keep the malicious spirits from interfering with the plating baths.17 Electroplating had become another branch of alchemy. Mr. Hogaboom, the secretary of the American Electro-Platers Society, reported in 1911, “If you were in my position and received the letters I receive protesting against the publication of formulas, you would not be surprised at the condition the electroplating industry is in today.”16 The American Electrochemical Society (predecessor of The Electrochemical Society) decided to remedy this situation and dedicated an entire symposium in 1913 to the electrodeposition of metals. A grant was provided to Francis C. Frary to compile, “all recipes for the plating of gold and silver upon other metals by electrolytic processes.”18 Dr. Frary compiled 193 recipes for gold The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

plating, from the German, French, British, and American literature. Noteworthy, The National Electro-Platers Association sent a delegation to the symposium along with a letter thanking the Society for the papers presented on electrodeposition.19 With this publication of plating recipes, electroplating was on the path to becoming a science and not trade secret nor a black art. However, like all fashions, gold plating fell out of style. With the demise of aristocratic Europe, the middle class no longer tried to emulate the excesses of the old courts. The Soviet overthrow of the Russian royal family ended the patronage of artists. The communist government also banned the creation of religious icons in its promotion of state atheism. Two world wars separated by a worldwide depression also took their toll on the popularity of gold electroplating. Commodities such as gold plated dinnerware were sold off to support the war efforts. All electroplating apparati were turned over for the production of copper, zinc, and cadmium plated nuts and bolts for the military.4 Gold electroplating experienced a revival in the late 1940s as gold became widely used in electric circuits due to its high conductivity and excellent corrosion resistance. Gold plating has benefited greatly from two developments. First the development of the gold electrolytes with sulfite or no excess cyanide (no free cyanide) has made the plating baths much less toxic to the operators and to the environment. The second development of acid hard-gold systems (incorporating nickel or cobalt into the gold electroplate), allowed for the use of gold electrical interconnects that had high electrical conductivity but were very durable for sliding wear.20,21 Gold electroplating is conducted today on a massive commercial scale. There are hundreds of bath formulations, but they fall in five general groups: alkaline gold cyanide, neutral gold cyanide, acid gold cyanide, non-cyanide (usually sulfite), plus the miscellaneous class of the remaining solutions.20 Gold gilding and electroplating technologies have allowed surfaces of cheaper metals to be covered in gold, where its luster and corrosion resistance were most beneficial. The toxic goldmercury fire gilding process was replaced by the toxic gold-cyanide electroplating process, which was fortunately replaced by the development of the gold electrolyte systems with sulfite or no excess cyanide, has made the plating process less toxic for the operators and (continued on next page)

Fig. 1. Elements of a Light-Cavalry Armor, Italian (Milan), ca. 1510; steel, etched and gilded, wt. 19 lb. 13 oz. (9 kg); gift of William H. Riggs, 1913 (14.25.716).7 (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY, U.S. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY.) 37

(continued from previous page)

the environment. Gold electroplating has transitioned from being a black art or trade secret to being true science. Gold has not lost its aesthetic value, as the Elkington plating company is still in business producing gold plated dinnerware. However, new applications for gold electroplating include electrodes in fuel cells for the conductive, circuit board contacts, and protection of electronic devices from wear and corrosion.

About the Authors Jill C. Garcia received her Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Engineering with honors in May 2013 from New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM. She will receive her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Florida in December 2013. During the last two years, Jill also has worked on graphene growth and characterization. She may be reached at T. David Burleigh is Professor of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering at New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM. He teaches graduate courses in “Electrochemical Techniques & Processes” and “Corrosion Phenomena.” He is a registered Professional Engineer in Metallurgy, and a certified Corrosion Specialist by NACE International. His research interests include anodizing steel, copper corrosion, and photoelectrochemistry. He has been a member of ECS since 1988. He may be reached at

References 1. B. Obrist, Intl. J. Philosophy of Chemistry, 9, 169 (2003). 2. C. Crisciani, Le forme della communicazione scientifica, M. Galuzzi, G. Micheli, and M. T. Mont, Editors, p. 85-110, Milan (1998). 3. C. O. Pisa, The Book of the Secrets of Alchemy, B. Obrist, et al., Editors (1990). 4. K. Anheuser, Make All Sure: The Conservation and Restoration of Arms and Armor, R. D. Smith, Editor, Basiliscoe Press, Leeds (2006).


5. Theophilus, On Divers Arts: The Foremost Medieval Treatise on Painting, Glassmaking, and Metalwork (translated by C. S. Smith), J. G. Hawthorne, Editor, New York, Dover (1979). 6. C. Foulkes, The Armourer and His Craft from the XIth to the XVIth Century, London, Methuen (1912). 7. Unknown, Elements of the Light-Cavalry Armor - Milan (Italy), in Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York (2012). 8. I. Buchmann, Batteries in a Portable World: William Cruickshank, Cadex Electronics, Vancouver, Canada. p. 3 (2001), crua.htm. 9. T. Thomson, Annals of Philosophy, or Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts, 13 (1819). 10. M. Schlesinger, Electroplating. (2012), http://electrochem.cwru. edu/encycl/art-e01-electroplat.htm. 11. J. Jenkins, Volta presents his “piles” to Napoleon by Giuseppe Bertini, Sparks Museum. 12. IEEE Global History Network “Electroplating,” http://www. 13. S. Cutlery, History of Elkington & Co (2000), downloaded 2012, 14. W. Salmond, Tradition in Transition; Russian Icons in the Age of the Romanovs, Washington DC, Hillward Museum (2004). 15. R. M. Burns and E. G. Enck, A History of the Electrochemical Society, 1902-1976. Princeton, NJ (1977). 16. G. E. Hogaboom, Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc., 19, 53 (1911). 17. I. Adams, Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc., 9, 211 (1906). 18. F. C. Frary, Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc., 23, 25 (1913). 19. C. A. Stiehle, Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc., 23, 264 (1913). 20. A. M. Weisberg, Metal Finishing, 99 (Supplement 1), 248 (2001). 21. R. Morrissey, Silver and Gold Plating Basics, Products Finishing (2011).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

t ech highligh t s Safe Testing of Advanced Lithium-Ion Cells

Because of their high energy density, ability to hold their charge after repeated charge/ discharge cycles, and durability, lithiumion batteries are used in portable electronics and are attractive to automotive, military, and aerospace applications. Although these batteries have an excellent safety record in the field, there is a need to further understand and improve safety, especially in light of recent, well-publicized accidents. Furthermore, R&D and prototyping work on Li-ion cells in the lab is often riskier because these cells may have new electrode materials, new electrolytes, and higher energy densities. J.R. Dahn and colleagues at Dalhousie University in Canada describe (in detail) the design, construction, and implementation of a facility that allows the accurate, precise measurement of coulombic efficiency of Li-ion cells ranging in size from coin cells to 40 Ah pouch cells while ensuring the safety of workers and the protection of equipment and facilities. The essential components of the facility are temperaturecontrolled test boxes (to maintain the cells under test within 0.05 °C) located within fireproof safety chambers, exhaust systems sized to handle the combustion products from a fire, and fireproof walls separating these chambers from the battery charger units. The authors demonstrate that the facility can safely handle accidents by including descriptions and photographs of thermal runaway experiments instigated by intentional abuse of batteries. From: J. Electrochem. Soc., 160, A251 (2013).

Supporting Electrolyte for Corrosion and Cracking Studies in De-aerated Simulated Fuel Grade Ethanol

Ethanol is being increasingly pursued as an alternative for gasoline. Unfortunately, carbon steel, as often used to construct fuel storage containers, is susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in ethanol. While the failures to date have been minor, this may change if extensive pipeline transport of ethanol is pursued in the future. Performing the electrochemical measurements necessary to study this phenomenon is hindered, however, due to the high electrical resistivity of this organic liquid. Reducing the resistivity of the ethanol through the addition of a supporting electrolyte is one route to overcoming the high resistance and also allows traditional SCC susceptibility tests, such as slow strain rate testing, to be performed using standard sample geometries. Identification of an appropriate supporting electrolyte is difficult, as in addition to accomplishing the goal of reducing electrical resistance of the solution, it must also not alter the electrochemical processes which take place. After the screening of a number of inorganic and tetraalkylammonium salts for their impact on the anodic and cathodic kinetics, as well as the SCC of carbon steel The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

in fuel grade ethanol, tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBA-TFB) was identified as particularly promising. Under de-aerated conditions, TBA-TFB had only minor effects on the electrochemical properties and no impact on the SCC behavior of X-52 carbon steel. From: J. Electrochem. Soc., 160, C19 (2013).

Anchoring Metallophthalocyanine Molecules in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Development of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) to compete with better-performing crystalline Si solar cells continues in the areas of efficiencies and increased and broader photon spectrum absorption. Metallophthalocyanines are suitable candidates for absorbing in both the visible and IR wavelength regions. However, anchoring these macrocyclic compounds to the metal oxide nanoparticles layer in such a manner as to ensure efficient injection of electrons to the photoanode surface can be complicated. Researchers in Japan explored an anchoring system based on metal-O-metal linkages between the SnO2 nanoparticle and a metallophthalocyanine. They found that tandem DSSCs consisting of SnO2 stained with indium(III) phthalocyanine chloride (PcInCl) performed better than cells consisting of TiO2 nanoparticles. Although PcInCl showed comparable adsorption, the difference in performance was due to higher charge recombination kinetics (determined via transient absorption spectroscopy) at TiO2 than at SnO2. The slower recombination on the SnO2 nanoparticles was attributed to a lower density of trap (surface) states than that on TiO2 nanoparticles. The authors compare this finding to a reported success using a longer carboxylic (-COO-) linkage to TiO2. The authors propose using the metal-O-metal linkage strategy on SnO2 electrodes. From: ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 2, Q6 (2013).

Can Silver Be a Reliable Cathode Current Collector for Electrochemical Tests at Elevated Temperatures?

As a structural part of an electrode assembly, a current collector is primarily used to conduct the electricity between the actual working (reacting) parts of the electrode and the external electrical terminals of an electrochemical cell. Among the popular noble metal current collectors used in solid oxide fuel cell development, Ag is frequently chosen for cathode studies below 800 °C due to its high electronic conductivity and its affordability. However, a recent report by researchers from the University of South Carolina and Benedict College calls for caution on the use of Ag for such purpose. In their study, the authors investigated the effect of curing temperature of Ag on the polarization area specific resistance (ASR) of a cathode. They found that a cathode

with Ag cured at 800 °C exhibited more than one order of magnitude lower ASR than one cured at 650 °C. Further microscopic analysis of the 800 °C-cured cells indicated that Ag had penetrated the bulk electrode material and formed finely dispersed Ag particles in the cathode/electrolyte interfacial region. These particles participated in the oxygen reduction reaction and thus overshadowed the true properties of the cathode. These results indicate that caution should be exercised when using Ag as a current collector at temperatures ≥ 650 °C. From: ECS Electrochem. Lett., 2, F4 (2013).

Vapor Phase Growth of Bismuth Telluride Nanoplatelets on Flexible Polyimide Films

Group V-VI chalcogenides such as Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, and related compounds are widely used for thermoelectric power generation or refrigeration at temperatures below 300 °C. Their unique charge transport behavior as topological insulators, and good Seebeck coefficients as n-type conductors make them viable materials in electronics, spintronics, thermoelectrics, and infrared detectors. Synthetic methods for two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets (or films) of Bi2Te3 is a key development need. The behavior of their topological states, and electrical and thermal conductivities are inherently linked to their size and structure. Developing practical devices is dependent on novel and upscalable film deposition and growth methodologies. Researchers at University of Alabama and Georgia Institute of Technology have successfully grown Bi2Te3 nanoplatelets on flexible Kapton films using a chemical vapor transport method. They demonstrate the potential of this method for low cost, flexible devices with topological insulator behavior. Their nanoplatelet dry transfer technique is based on electrostatic attraction of nanosheets from the surface potential of the Te-terminated basal plane of the Bi2Te3 nanoplatelets. The team’s surface probe characterization hinted at a van der Waals epitaxy leading them to suggest a vapor phase growth from a seeded layer on the Kapton film. The researchers propose that the technique could be extended to the growth of other related chalcogenides on flexible plastic films. From: ECS Solid State Lett., 2, P19 (2013)

Tech Highlights was prepared by Zenghe Liu of Google Inc., David Enos and Mike Kelly of Sandia National Laboratories, Colm O’Dwyer of University College Cork, Ireland, and Donald Pile. Each article highlighted here is available free online. Go to the online version of Tech Highlights, in each issue of Interface, and click on the article summary to take you to the full-text version of the article. 39

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Comin Soon g

by Nianqiang Wu


he total world consumption of marketed energy was 505 quadrillion Btu in 2008; this number is projected to increase by 53 percent in 2035.1 In the U.S., fossil fuels supplied 85% of the nation’s energy in 2008. The world energy-related carbon dioxide emissions were 30.2 billion tons in 2008, which in turn are predicted to increase to 43.2 billion tons in 2035.1 Since fossil fuels are the main energy source and the energy consumption continuously increases, the “greenhouse” effect becomes progressively worse. According to the Global Historical Climate Network data provided by NASA,2 the global mean surface temperature increased by about 0.5 oC from 1940 to 2011. Therefore, there is a strong incentive to exploit clean, renewable energy sources to address the challenges in sustainable global development. Solar energy is the most abundant, clean, renewable energy source. Solar energy can be utilized in three ways: (1.) solar thermal systems that convert solar energy to enthalpy stored in working fluids, (2.) photovoltaics that convert sunlight to electricity, and (3.) solar fuels that convert solar energy to chemical energy stored in chemical fuels such as hydrogen and methanol. In 1972, Fujishima and Honda developed a titanium dioxide-based photoelectrochemical cell to split water to generate hydrogen, which opened up a new avenue for solar fuel production.3 Besides water, carbon dioxide and biomass also have been exploited as the sources for solar fuel production. The products derived from carbon dioxide and biomass varies include methane, formic acid, methanol and etc., which depends on the reaction conditions. Photocatalytic systems fall into two categories based on the configuration: (1.) photoelectrochemical cells (PECs), and (2.) particulate photocatalytic systems. PECs generally have higher energy conversion efficiency and are more convenient for separating H2 and O2 products. On the other hand, particulate photocatalytic systems are simpler and inexpensive. So far, no single commercial photocatalyst is available to catalyze water-splitting reactions with energy-conversion efficiency larger than 10% under “one-sun” radiation, which is the benchmark for commercialization of solar-photocatalytic systems.4 The benchmark has not been achieved because current photocatalysts suffer from insufficient light absorption, inefficient charge separation, high charge recombination rate, low charge mobility, low catalytic activity, and high fabrication costs. Efforts are therefore being made either to develop new nanostructures or to search for new materials for photocatalytic production of fuels. In this special issue of Interface, we highlight the research progress in photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) and particulate photocatalytic systems for solar fuel production. In the first feature article, Nathan Lewis proposes an integrated systems approach to The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

the design and development of solar fuels generators. In the second article, Akira Fujishima, Kazuya Nakata, Tsuyoshi Ochiai, Donald Tryk, and A. Manivannan present a perspective on new generations of photocatalysts including developments on the workhorse material, titanium dioxide. In the third article, Kazunari Domen and Jun Kubota highlight oxynitride and nitride semiconductor photocatalysts for production of solar hydrogen. In the fourth article, Nianqiang (Nick) Wu and Scott Cushing provide new insights into plasmon-enhanced solar energy harvesting. Relevant to the theme of this special issue of the magazine, a symposium on “Renewable Fuels from Sunlight and Electricity” was held at the 222nd ECS Meeting in Honolulu in October. This symposium focused on the development of materials and devices for hydrogen generation and CO2 conversion to fuels. To round out the aforementioned perspectives on solar fuels, aspects discussed at this forum are summarized by Heli Wang, Deryn Chu, and Eric L. Miller in the last feature.

References 1. International Energy Outlook 2011, U.S. Energy Information Administration,, accessed on December 13, 2012. 2. GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, http://data.giss., accessed on December 13, 2012. 3. A. Fujishima and K. Honda, Nature, 238, 37 (1972). 4. A. J. Bard and M. A. Fox, Acc. Chem. Res., 28, 141(1995).

About the Author Nianqiang (Nick) Wu is currently Associate Professor of Materials Science in Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at West Virginia University (U.S.). He currently serves as Secretary of the ECS Sensor Division and also serves on the Interface Advisory Board. Dr. Wu’s current research interests lie in nanomaterials, nano-lithography, chemical sensors and biosensors, fuel cells, supercapacitors, photocatalysts, and photoelectrochemical cells. He has published one book, three book chapters, and more than 100 journal articles. He may be reached at 41

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An Integrated, Systems Approach to the Development of Solar Fuel Generators by Nathan S. Lewis


wo major technological challenges in the development of a sustainable, clean energy system are providing massive grid-scale energy storage and an ample supply of carbon-neutral, highenergy-density, transportation fuels. The development and deployment of massive, grid-scale energy storage is imperative for reliably and robustly compensating for the intermittency involved with the utilization of very large amounts of wind energy and solar energy.1 Another challenge is that ~ 40% of current global transportation fuel is consumed in uses for which electrification is technically difficult, if not impossible, such as in heavy-duty trucks, ships, and aircraft.2 Exhaustive use of advanced biofuels might possibly supply adequate carbon-neutral transportation fuel for these uses, but could not then also fulfill the requirement for long term, massive, grid-scale energy storage.3 Chemical fuels are desirable for energy storage because fuels are the most energy-dense storage medium known to man (other than the atomic nucleus), and could simultaneously provide a means to baseload at scale intermittent renewable energy resources while also fulfilling gaps in the need for high energy-density, carbon neutral, sustainable, transportation fuels.4 Hence a clear rationale exists to develop technology options that involve the conversion of sunlight, by far the largest energy source, directly into chemical fuels. One approach to address both of these technology development imperatives involves the development of artificial photosynthesis. In artificial photosynthesis, sunlight is directly converted, without the use of (or the limitations of) living systems, into a useful chemical fuel.5 Artificial photosynthesis has been pursued in the laboratory for over 40 years, since the observation by Fujishima and Honda that exposure of TiO2 to sunlight effects water splitting to produce, with high quantum yields, H2 and O2.6 However, to date, no single light absorber for artificial photosynthesis has been shown to combine simultaneously three desired technological attributes: efficiency, affordability, and robustness.7 A manufacturable artificial photosynthesis system also involves much more than a single photoelectrode, necessitating the incorporation of suitable catalysts, materials for the separation of the products, mitigation of undesirable effects of bubbles and flows, methods to manufacture the system at scale, and approaches to encapsulate the materials while maintaining facile reactant access and product egress. The requirements that The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

are imposed on the components therefore depend intimately on the design of the whole system. Hence, optimal progress toward a viable solar fuels technology mandates a holistic, systems approach, to identify and then solve the research and development needs that historically have served as barriers to the development of a scalablymanufacturable solar fuels generator. Natural photosynthesis provides a complex, but elegant, blueprint for the production of fuels from sunlight. With only water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight as the inputs, solar energy is stored in the form of chemical bonds as the output of photosynthesis. However, natural photosynthesis has significant performance limitations at the systems level, such as saturation at approximately one-tenth the peak intensity of sunlight; relatively modest overall energy conversion efficiencies on an annually averaged basis (1% or less); the need to spend significant amounts of energy internally to regenerate the unstable enzymes and to resynthesize the highly exquisitely ordered and arranged molecular machinery of photosynthesis; and in general the production of a fuel that is not directly compatible with widespread use in existing energy systems.8 Production of fuels directly from sunlight is thus inspired by natural photosynthesis, but has the mandate to provide far superior performance than photosynthesis. In this respect, “performance” is measured by the net annually averaged energy conversion efficiency to produce a useful chemical fuel in a scalable, cost-effective fashion. A fully artificial photosynthetic system would also not require arable land, potable water, or involve tradeoffs of land to be used either for food or for fuel production. It is clearly possible to construct a fuel-producing, man-made, solar energyconversion system that outperforms natural photosynthesis on an efficiency basis. For example, solar panels can be over 30% efficient in conversion of sunlight into electricity.9 In turn, electrolyzers can take electrical energy and produce H2 and O2 from water at over 70% energy efficiency.10 Hence, in combination, the sunlight to fuel (in this case solar-to-hydrogen, STH) energy-conversion efficiencies of a modular photovoltaic/electrolyzer combination system can be over 10 times greater than that of the fastest growing plants (on a yearly average). A goal of research in artificial photosynthesis is however not only to demonstrate high efficiency, but to develop a technology that is the basis

for a fully integrated solar fuels generator system that can simultaneously combine the three desired attributes of cost-effective scalability, robustness, and efficiency. A fully integrated artificial photosynthesis system is a complex assembly that will need to bridge many length scales, likely over as many as seven orders of magnitude (Fig. 1). The requirements, outcomes, and success of the R&D at each scale length are intimately dependent on the requirements, success, and outcomes of the R&D needed to construct such a system at many other scale lengths. For instance, the requirements on the materials used for light capture on the nanoscale depend significantly on the form factor and architecture of the system developed as a prototype on the cm-to-m length scale. Similarly, success on the µm length scale for the production of fuels from sunlight will generally produce bubbles and flows of product that would, if not controlled or mitigated, degrade the performance of the system on the m length scale. Rapid progress therefore is facilitated by vertically integrated R&D efforts that simultaneously address a multitude of critical bottlenecks at a multitude of length scales, in a parallel, spiral development type of structure.

Technology Bottlenecks in the Development of an Integrated Solar Fuels Generator System System components.—Figure 2 identifies some of the key bottlenecks that currently prevent the demonstration and construction of a scalably-manufacturable solar fuels generator system. Clearly, suitable materials are needed for the capture and conversion of sunlight. In photovoltaics, current can be traded for voltage, so materials with a relatively wide range of band gaps can be used to produce mutually similar net electrical power as the system output. However, the production of fuels, such as the prototypical example of splitting water into H2 and O2, requires a minimum voltage of 1.23 V, below which, according to the first law of thermodynamics, no substantive net products will be produced.11 Hence, materials that are well-suited for light capture for solar fuels production are not fully contained in the set of materials that are used for production of photovoltaics.

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The presence of kinetic and concentration overpotential losses in electrochemical systems,11 as well as the difference between the voltage of operation at maximum power production relative to the open-circuit voltage produced by a solar light absorber, imply that a single threshold system probably requires a band gap of at least 2.0 eV, and more likely at least 2.2 eV.12,13 However, the solar spectrum contains relatively few photons that are capable of providing such high excitation energies;14a therefore the ultimate energy conversion efficiency of the resulting photosystem is limited to <10%. In contrast, the use of two light absorbers that are connected electrically in series, each of which contributes a portion of the needed photovoltage for the fuel-production process, can provide ultimate solar-to-fuel energy conversion efficiencies of >25% (Fig. 3).14b This type of artificial photosynthesis design therefore closely resembles the “Z-scheme� employed in natural photosynthesis.15

Once electrons (actually electron-hole pairs) with the required energetics are produced, catalysts are generally needed to facilitate the efficient production of chemical fuels. The need for catalysis can be readily understood at the fundamental level because the sun is not a laser! Hence solar photons strike a device one at a time, but two or more electrons are needed at once to make and/or break chemical bonds (2 electrons to reduce water to H2, 4 electrons to oxidize two molecules of H2O to produce one molecule of O2, 6 electrons to reduce CO2 to CH3OH, etc.). The required electrocatalysts must be highly active, stable, and, for global scalability, must be either comprised of earth-abundant elements or must minimally utilize scarce metals such as Ru or Ir. Unfortunately, the most active catalysts for water splitting (in acidic environments) are Pt and IrO2,7 so a goal for the global solar fuels research and development community is to discover, develop, and exploit suitable systems and architectures that can allow for the replacement of large quantities of these scarce transition metals with more abundant metals, such as Mo, W, Co, Ni, Fe, or Mn.

A suitable half-cell electrocatalyst alone does not of course suffice to provide an adequate blueprint for the construction of a fully operational solar fuels generator system. The oxidative and reductive electrocatalysts need to work under mutually compatible conditions of pH, temperature, etc. The electrocatalysts also need to be interfaced with the light capture components, while retaining as an assembly the function of all of the individual pieces. The system must also be capable of operating safely with minimal, if any, co-evolution of H2 and O2 to produce an explosive gas mixture. Similarly if CO2 is reduced to form methanol, for example, the methanol must not diffuse to the oxidative region of the system, or it will be oxidized back to CO2 and the overall system efficiency will be unacceptably degraded. Hence, a membrane, or some type of physical and chemical separation system, is needed to prevent deleterious product backdiffusion or convention. But production of O2 from water will produce protons, whereas the reductive formation of a fuel

Fig. 1. Development scale of an artificial photosynthesis system. 44

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Fig. 2. Some key R&D bottlenecks in development of a solar fuels generator system.

will consume protons. The system must therefore allow a facile, low-resistance, path for ion (generally proton or hydroxide) conduction to neutralize the pH gradient, else the net reaction to form products will cease to occur. For this reason, a key R&D opportunity in the development of a solar fuels generator system is the development of suitable membranes or alternative physical/chemical/mechanical product separation schemes for enabling a scalable, manufacturable solar fuels generator. Functional integration of components.— The best catalyst is of course not sufficient if, when combined with the best light absorber, the catalyst poisons the light absorber and in turn the light absorber poisons the catalyst. Hence another goal for the global solar fuels R&D effort is to develop “interfaces” or “integrated systems,” which address strategies to link and interconnect the individual components of a system in a robust fashion with minimal loss of

performance in the process. A central focus of such efforts will involve understanding the inefficient charge transport between light absorbers and catalysts and, in particular, between the sites of water oxidation and fuelgenerating half-reactions. Typically, a large fraction of the photogenerated electrons or holes are diverted from productive paths by back or side reactions, or are trapped at defect sites resulting in low photochemical quantum yields. A critical challenge is achieving acceptable charge-transport efficiency at every stage of the catalytic cycle, which reflects the inherent difficulty of reconciling one-photon, single-charge generation with multi-electron catalysis. In addition, interfacial reactions during the deposition of metal catalysts on semiconducting light absorbers generally produce alloys or new compounds that introduce surface recombination sites in the light absorber and/or that reduce the catalytic activity of the metal electrocatalyst particles

Fig. 3. Energy diagrams for a tandem cell configuration with n-type and p-type photoelectrodes electrically connected in series. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

in the half-cell reaction of interest. These effects can be mitigated, or in fact exploited beneficially, through the use of optically transparent metal films and/or through nanoscale control over the space-charge region of laterally inhomogeneous metal/ liquid/semiconductor interfaces. Hence, R&D efforts devoted to understanding, and controlling, the interfacial chemistry of electrocatalysts integrated onto light absorbers is clearly an important component of a systems approach to development of a solar fuels generator system. Benchmarking.—Another important component of a global solar fuels R&D effort is the development and implementation of standardized measurement methods and techniques for assessing the activity of electrocatalysts and photocatalysts for solar fuels production. To date, a variety of methods and procedures have been used to assess the (photo)electrochemical behavior of solar fuels generators, half cells, and catalysts. For example, the activities of heterogeneous electrocatalysts for water splitting are reported in their own, individual conditions of solvent, electrolyte solutions, and pH.7 Additionally, samples of catalysts are generally deposited, using various techniques, onto mutually different substrates, and the resulting surface topographies and morphologies differ substantially between research groups. Even the definition of catalytic activity varies substantially, with some workers quoting the exchange current density and others quoting the overpotential needed to reach a given current density. The quoted quantities often do not allow for systematic comparisons across investigators or from catalyst to catalyst, due for example to differences in quoting the geometrical, BET active, or electrochemically active surface areas of the system being measured. A very similar situation is present for photoelectrochemical systems and devices. Various investigators quote solar energyconversion efficiencies using light sources that have mutually different spectral dependences, such as tungsten-halogen lamps, high- pressure Xe arc lamps, lasers, Hg lamps with or without filters that simulate Air Mass 1.0 or 1.5 conditions etc. The efficiency assessment is either (continued on next page)



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made by evaluation of the photocurrentvoltage characteristics of the system or by measurement of the production of fuels.7 In addition, various methods have been used to calculate the efficiency of solar fuels production even from nominally the same type of system output data.16 A benchmarking effort should therefore involve the development and implementation of uniform standardized methods and protocols for characterizing the activities of catalysts for the oxygen evolution, hydrogen evolution, and CO2 reduction reactions. One goal is the development of an internationally accepted facility that provides crosscomparable measurements on catalysts, half-cell systems and on devices, assessing their catalytic activity, solar conversion efficiency, and stability. Figure 4 shows an example of catalyst evaluation in a multi-parameter representation. The abscissa displays the measured overpotential for the hydrogenevolution reaction obtained upon immersion of the sample. These measurements have been performed in acidic, neutral, and alkaline aqueous solutions. The ordinate displays the overpotential measured after the catalyst has passed 10 mA cm-2 of current density for a period of 2 h. The color code displays the surface roughness factor that was determined by use of electrochemical impedance measurements. In acidic solution, a NiMo alloy appears to have an overpotential that is comparable to that of Pt. Both catalysts exhibit considerable stability because the overpotential does not change significantly after 2 h of operation. In contrast, the overpotential for MoS2 increases upon operation, as indicated by the location of the MoS2 data point above the dashed line for acidic and neutral solution. The color code shows that the NiMo electrocatalyst also has a substantially

larger surface area, as expressed by the measured roughness factor, when an activity is observed that is comparable to that of Pt. Consequently, the plot concisely reveals that the catalytic activity per surface area of Ni-Mo is considerably smaller than that of platinum. Population of such a plot by the global solar fuels community would greatly facilitate inter-comparison between the various global solar fuels R&D efforts. Accelerated discovery.—Another important avenue for solar fuels R&D would address the need to dramatically accelerate the process of discovery of new light absorbers, photocatalysts, and electrocatalysts. Traditionally, several years of time, and several person-years of effort, are required to synthesize, purify, characterize, and then optimize an individual light absorber or electrocatalyst. Although such directed research activities must still proceed with vigor and on a global scale, these activities can beneficially be complemented by a highly parallelized, extremely rapid methodology that uses highthroughput experimentation methods. A typical combinatorial approach involves the design of libraries that produce high information density in the discovery process.17-19 The approach also includes a vectorial search component in the sense that families and compositional fields of lead components are specifically examined and selected. The combinatorial approach mandates rapid screening methods of the most relevant material properties at a speed that equals the rate of compound synthesis. An additional area of concern involves the differences between the (spatial) library density and the synthesis speed, given that the demands differ depending on the application. For photoelectrochemical applications, combinatorial ink jet printing and sputtering have already been used to generate some modestly sized libraries of compounds,20-22 in rather small daily volume. It is possible

however to systematically prepare very large libraries of compounds, in a standardized, reference-able fashion, using ink jet printing, sputtering, and electrodeposition methods. First-generation ink jet printing, using drop-on-demand technology, has allowed the synthesis of 102 – 103 compounds per hour on FTO-coated glass. Reproducibility, mixing (sample compositional homogeneity) and thickness can be addressed by the replacement of layer-by-layer printing with a bitmap process in which interlaid patterns are created, and by surface pretreatments that reduce the liquid surface tension and surface hydration. For example, a library of 1844 samples can be produced within a few minutes at high resolution and low print velocity (Fig. 5). Such methods allow the synthesis of ~ 75,000 samples per hour with a single machine, therefore enabling a synthesis output of over one million samples per day assuming continuous operation of such an instrument. High-throughput experimentation also needs fast and reliable screening methods to comprise a full research pipeline system. For light absorbers, a suitable initial screen would involve the determination of the energy gap and of its nature with respect to direct versus indirect transitions. The availability of several earth-abundant materials that can be used as photocathodes, such as Si and MX2 (M=W, Mo; X=S, Se),23,24 reduces the materials search predominantly to photoanodes that have band gaps between 1.6 eV and 1.9 eV.14 Visual inspection of the prepared library plates allows exclusion of materials that are either transparent or opaque. For determination of the optical properties of the remaining samples, rapid diffuse reflection spectroscopy, by use of an integrating sphere, has been developed (Fig. 6). Further screening consists of electrochemical (electrocatalysts) and photoelectrochemical (light absorbers) analyses. Stability under operating conditions can then be assessed

Fig. 4. Benchmarking of electrocatalysts with regard to activity and stability. 46

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

in aqueous solutions and for different pH conditions, along with determination of the composition and structure of entire collections of interesting compounds. The resulting databases should optimally be made available for use by the global research community, and also should be used to provide feedback to direct subsequent more refined high-throughput materials searches.

Understanding emergent phenomena on the mesoscale.—Even if suitable light absorbers, catalysts, and integrated systems are developed, important phenomena also exist on the mesoscale, i.e., on the length scale of 100 nm-100 µm. A photovoltaic assembly that is constructed from a single semiconducting nanoscale object is of great academic interest, but a practical

solar fuels generator system will involve the preferential alignment of such objects over large areas, with the nanostructures pointing predominantly towards the sun, like blades of grass on a manicured lawn. Similarly, the optical, chemical, transport, and mechanical properties of an assembly (continued on next page)

Fig. 5. High-throughput plate with a materials library consisting of quaternary metal oxides of Ni, Co, Fe, and TiOx. Synthesis conditions: the samples were aged at 100 ºC, and then calcined at 350 ºC for 6-8 h in air.



Fig. 6. Screening of optical properties of an example materials composition field to determine suitable light absorbers: (a) relative absorption vs. photon energy, determined from evaluation of the diffuse reflection spectroscopy data; and (b) assignment of energy gaps and direct vs. indirect nature of the absorption edge. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



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of nanostructured objects are not generally predictable from the properties of a single object by itself. Hence efforts are required to orient nanoscale objects of interest over large areas using self-assembly and scalably-manufacturable methods, as well as to understand the optical, electrical, electrochemical, chemical, mechanical, and physical properties of macroscopic assemblies of systems of hard materials embedded into polymeric, soft materials. Membranes or other physical types of barriers are needed to separate the products while allowing for neutralization of the pH gradient that will be present otherwise as a result of the vectorial charge transport that is involved in the production of a reduced species (e.g., H2 or CH3OH, etc.) spatially separate from the production of an oxidized species (e.g., O2). Some membranes are available for separation of products with acceptable ionic conductivity under acidic or alkaline conditions, but few, if any, membranes are available that can function at neutral or near-neutral pH conditions.25-28 Similarly, few membranes have acceptable proton conductivities but low permeabilities to methanol and to other reduced carbon species from CO2.29 Hence R&D efforts at the mesoscale are needed to develop new types of membranes, with the needed properties, to support the functionality required for a solar fuels generator system. From components to constructs to devices to prototypes.—At still larger scale lengths, the reactor design, reaction inputs and outputs, flow paths, assembly schemes, system integration issues, and physical layout of the light absorbers relative to each other, relative to the incident light path, etc. need to be specified. In turn, the arrangement of the components in the prototype affects the performance of the prototype as well as the requirements for the materials and


components that will be needed to provide optimal stability and efficiency for the prototype itself. Hence, R&D in solar fuels generator systems also requires a concurrent prototyping effort, to design, debug, model, construct, and evaluate the performance of a wide variety of physical embodiments of solar fuels generators, optimally even before the final components themselves are specified in detail. Some of the critical system design criteria include: (1.) separation of the product gases, to produce minimal recombination; (2.) efficient neutralization of the pH gradient that will be produced by a spatial separation between the locations of water oxidation and water reduction; (3.) a low gas crossover rate, for safety purposes, to avoid having a gas mixture above 4% H2 in air (the flammability limit) and surely to avoid having a gas mixture above 17% H2 in air (the lower explosive limit); and (4.) the ability to hold back pressure differentials, to avoid gas and liquid flow in the system that will result from a pressure differential between different regions of the system (to collect the gas or gases obviously requires a pressure gradient, but the 2:1 H2:O2 stoichiometry of water electrolysis will produce, if not actively monitored and controlled, a significant pressure differential between the H2- and O2-evolving and collecting parts of the system). These design criteria are common to both solar-driven electrolyzers as well as to conventional, electrical-driven electrolysis systems. However, in the absence of optics used to achieve solar concentration, the solar fuels generators will operate only at a projected area current density of 10-20 mA cm-2, whereas to minimize the balance of systems and the area of the membraneelectrode assemblies, present electrically driven electrolysis systems operate at projected area current densities of ~ 1 A cm-2. This difference potentially changes

the acceptable, or even optimal system geometric parameters and system design that would be needed to achieve acceptable operational performance. A prototyping project could beneficially involve the use of electrochemical engineering design tools to evaluate the limitations and optimal operating conditions for several possible physical designs of an integrated solar fuels generator system. Each design (Fig. 7) should be evaluated with respect to the series resistance, the ability to hold back pressure differentials, gas crossover fluxes, and the fraction of the incident optical plane that is occupied by photoactive material that can absorb the incident sunlight. Resistance drops could be evaluated by use of a Poisson’s equation solver in Comsol Multiphysics. Comsol, as well as analytical modeling where possible, could be used to evaluate the gas crossover fluxes driven by either diffusion or convection for the different geometries and physical parameters of the different designs. The modeling effort would aid in the establishment of quantitative metrics for success for the various components based on their performance at the R&D level. For instance, one prototype may only possibly require an improvement in the light absorber band gap by 0.2 eV and then it is “done;” another prototype might have adequate light capture but require a H2 evolution catalyst that is a factor of 15 better than the current state-of-the-art; yet another prototype may have adequate catalysts but the catalysts operate at mutually different pH values or at a pH value where no suitable membranes have yet been developed. In this way, both the modeling and reduction to practice of the various prototypes of solar fuels generators is critical towards establishing rigid performance metrics and for insuring that the R&D program solves problems that are in fact real problems and does not solve problems that are not problems.


Fig. 7. Schematic illustrations of (a) a prototyping engineering model for design evaluations, (b) a prototyping design that integrates light absorbing materials and membranes. 48

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Optionality in fuels produced.—A final emphasis of a balanced global R&D program on solar fuels generator systems should be to retain flexibility in the types of fuels that can be produced from sunlight. In one embodiment, water is split into H2 and O2, but H2 is not necessarily the fuel that will be provided to the end-user. The H2 could be converted into a liquid fuel by upgrading biofuels, for example, or could be combined with CO2 from flue gas or otherwise using the reverse water-gas shift reaction, in conjunction with FischerTropsch reactions, to produce liquid fuels for use in transportation applications, for example. An alternative is to directly reduce CO2 to methanol or methane, for example.30 R&D should also therefore be devoted to developing, discovering, and studying catalysts that can promote the six-electron and eight-electron reduction of CO2 to methanol or methane, respectively. This process is envisioned as one in which the prototypes will have the optionality to produce either gaseous or liquid fuels, so that when the catalyst development program matures, the prototypes will already be developed and will be ready to receive this enhancement in functionality.

Summary The development of a complex system, such as a solar fuels generator, requires much more than just the discovery of a catalyst, or of a photocatalyst, or even of a watersplitting nanoscale construct. It requires a full macroscale object that is embedded in, and forms the basis for, an article of manufacture that can be made at scale, and that can operate safely, cost-effectively, and efficiently over all length and time scales of interest. A highly integrated effort, involving individual research groups, teams of research groups, centralized, focused R&D efforts, and global cooperation is therefore important to realize this goal in a cost-effective, time-effective, and efforteffective fashion. This realization is the most compelling, and in fact the overriding, justification for a systems level approach to the successful development of a technology that enables the direct production, in a globally scalable fashion, of fuels from sunlight by artificial photosynthesis, to provide an important technology option in the pursuit of a globally scalable sustainable energy system.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Acknowledgments Support for solar fuels R&D by the NSF Powering the Planet Center for Chemical Innovation, CHE-0947829 (development of electrocatalysts), by the DOE DEFG02-03ER15483 (earth-abundant light absorbers), and by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Award No. DE-SC0004993 to the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, a DOE Energy Innovation Hub (translational research in solar fuels generators), has enabled the preparation of this article.

About the Author Nathan S. Lewis obtained his PhD in inorganic chemistry from MIT in 1981. He has been a Professor of Chemistry at Caltech since 1991; and Scientific Director of the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, the DOE’s Energy Innovation Hub in Fuels from Sunlight, since 2010. His research interests include artificial photosynthesis and electronic noses. Dr. Lewis continues to study ways to harness sunlight and generate chemical fuel by splitting water to generate hydrogen. He is also developing an electronic nose, which consists of a chemically sensitive conducting polymer film capable of detecting and quantifying a broad variety of analytes. He may be reached at

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013 1

Recent Aspects of Photocatalytic Technologies for Solar Fuels, Self-Cleaning, and Environmental Cleanup by Akira Fujishima, Kazuya Nakata, Tsuyoshi Ochiai, A. Manivannan, and Donald A. Tryk


ncreasingly severe climatic, energy, and environmental problems warrant the need to continue to develop greenhouse gas-mitigating, energy-producing, energysaving, environmentally-beneficial technologies. The closely related fields of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry and semiconductor photocatalysis, largely involving titanium dioxide, have blossomed during the past forty years since the publication of our initial work on photoelectrochemical water splitting.1 This highly cited paper has provided a foundation for steadily increasing numbers of works on a broad range of topics, including applications such as solar light-induced water splitting (hydrogen production)2, CO2 reduction to produce carbonaceous solar fuels,3 water purification, decontamination, and disinfection, as well as new materials and fundamental aspects. Our recent review summarizes a number of photocatalytic applications, including selfcleaning surfaces, anti-fogging surfaces, heat dissipation, corrosion prevention, and visible light-sensitive materials.4 Figure 1 illustrates such a broad range of applications. The topics of “designer� titanium dioxide materials with various levels of dimensionality5,6 and photocatalysis for environmental applications7 have also been investigated thoroughly in our laboratory. Our early work on photocatalytic3 and photoelectrochemical8,9 CO2 reduction is now continuing at present, in the laboratory of our colleague, Akihiko Kudo,10 and in our own laboratory, both at the Tokyo University of Science, as well as by a number of other groups around the world. At the outset, we would like to emphasize the essential unifying principles of photocatalysis before presenting some specific examples. After energetic photons are absorbed in the semiconductor, electrons and holes are generated. The mobile electrons are free to move around, reaching the surface of the solid, and then react with water or oxygen. Similarly, the mobile, highly energetic holes reach the surface and oxidize water and/or organic matter. Thus, there are four simple cases for reactions involving the electrons and holes: (Case 1) water-water, (Case 2) oxygenwater, (Case 3) water-organic, and (Case 4) oxygen-organic. Cases 3, 4, and 5 are all involved with photocatalytic decomposition of organics, whereas Case 1 is likely to be involved in the photoinduced hydrophilic effect (PIHE), as well as photocatalytic water splitting.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Fig. 1. Overview of photocatalytic applications.

These processes can be made to occur at macroscopic electrodes and thus have a strong electrochemical aspect. For example, in Case 1, the electrons are drawn off to reduce water to hydrogen at a platinum electrode, and the holes react with water at the titanium dioxide photoanode to generate molecular oxygen.1 However, the large band gap (3.0 to 3.2 eV) of unmodified titanium dioxide made it too inefficient to produce hydrogen from sunlight due to the small number of sufficiently energetic photons. There have been several efforts to modify TiO2 so that visible light could possibly be used. In contrast, photocatalytic cleaning can operate with fewer energetic photons, but it is still desirable to develop visible light-sensitive materials, which could be used indoors. In this brief overview of some recent variations on the theme of photocatalysis, we describe the design of various forms of titanium dioxide with specific dimensionalities, such as zero-dimensional (0D), 1D, 2D, and 3D; and second, the development of specific environmentallybeneficial applications.

Dimensionality of Titanium Dioxide Structures The development of new materials is strongly desired to obtain higher performance with respect to photocatalytic properties, and to find new applications for TiO2 photocatalysis.5 Recently, the preparation of TiO2 nanostructures and microstructures with interesting morphologies and properties has attracted much attention, including spheres, nanorods, fibers, tubes, sheets, and interconnected architectures. Many factors, including size, specific surface area, pore volume, pore structure, crystalline phase, and the exposed surface facets, have important effects on the photocatalytic performance; thus the improvement of performance by adjusting these factors is still a major focus of photocatalysis research. Another factor that significantly affects the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 materials is the structural dimensionality. Therefore, materials with appropriate dimensionalities enable us to take full advantage of the unique properties of TiO2 (Fig. 2). (continued on next page)


Fujishima, Nakata, Ochiai, et al. (continued from previous page)

Zero-dimensional nanostructured or microstructured TiO2 spheres are the most widely studied and used TiO2-related materials.11,12 Such structures usually possess high specific surface area, high pore volume and pore size, high activity, and low density. All of these properties increase the accessible surface area and mass transfer for organic pollutant adsorption, resulting in better photocatalytic performance, since photocatalytic reactions are based on chemical reactions on surfaces. In 0D TiO2 materials, i.e., spheres, the introduction of both a hierarchical structure and highenergy (001) facets offer high photocatalytic activity. Recently, we reported mesoporous core–shell spheres composed of small TiO2 nanocrystals with exposed step-like (001) and (010) facets, prepared by a method that combines electrospraying and hydrothermal treatments.11 Electrospraying is a technique using a high-voltage electric field to obtain microsize or nanosize spheres. In this case, core–shell TiO2 spheres are produced by electrospraying titanium alkoxide with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)(Fig. 3a). Further, hydrothermal treatment provides a hierarchical structure with tunable pore size, pore volume, specific surface area, and percentage of specified crystal facets, because PVP forms a network, and the amorphous TiO2 particles fill the pores within the network during electrospraying of the core–shell TiO2 spheres. Later, PVP is removed from the TiO2 spheres (Fig. 3a), and TiO2 is crystallized during the hydrothermal

process. The crystal morphology depends on conditions such as the amount of PVP used and the hydrothermal method. Electrospinning can also tailor TiO2 materials with 1D structures, such as fibers and tubes, having unique properties and advantages for photocatalytic reactions. A co-jetting method has been reported for making hollow TiO2 fibers. By using a multi-channel nozzle, multi-channel hollow TiO2 fibers with zero to three channels can be obtained (Fig. 3b).13 The photocatalytic performance improves as the number of channels increases, which leads to the specific surface area increase with increasing numbers of channels, and therefore multiple reflections of incident light can be expected. The idea of 1D materials, which can decrease recombination of electrons and holes, has been combined with that of visible light absorption.14 Nitrogen doping was found to induce visible-light-responsive photocatalytic activity but lowered the UVlight-responsive photocatalytic activity. Visible-light photocatalytic activity was concluded to originate from N 2p levels near the valence band. This work on titania nanobelts has recently been extended.15 As a 2D material the nanosheet is a nanosized flake with a flat surface and high aspect ratio with an extremely small thickness (1-10 nm). The platelet size could range from submicrometers to several tens of micrometers. We reported the production of a self-cleaning glass using TiO2 nanosheets.16 The TiO2 nanosheets have low turbidity, strong adhesion to glass, and high hardness (Fig. 4). Furthermore, after dip-coating the self-cleaning glass in a solution containing methylene blue,

Interconnected architecture Sheet Tube Fiber




2D 3D

High carrier mobility

Smooth surface High adhesion

Light scattering Nonwoven mat

High specific surface area

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of structural dimensionality of materials with expected properties. 52

very little of this dye remained on the selfcleaning glass, indicating high anti-fouling properties. This is in contrast to the case of glass coated with TiO2 nanoparticles, which retained a significant amount of methylene blue. These results are due to the fact that the self-cleaning glass prepared using TiO2 nanosheets has a very smooth surface, which reduces the attachment of methylene blue molecules, whereas glass prepared using TiO2 particles has a relatively rough surface, which promotes the attachment of methylene blue molecules. Materials with this combination of low adhesion and photocatalytic properties are good candidates for new self-cleaning coatings. Among the various morphological structures, 3D interconnected arrangements have the potential for producing a new class of materials and applications. They are important for practical applications, because 3D hierarchical structures with pores have potentially large surface-to-volume ratios, which are an advantage for effective diffusion pathways for guest species, such as organic pollutants, into the framework; this should support efficient purification, separation, and storage. Furthermore, an interconnected structure is potentially superior from a practical point of view. For example, at present, almost all photocatalytic purifiers utilize TiO2 particles coated on porous structured ceramics; however, TiO2 particles may be stripped from the ceramic, leading to the release of small dust particles and degradation of the photocatalytic properties. To solve such problems, selfsupported porous TiO2 frameworks, i.e., monolithic materials, are suitable candidates for water remediation. Recently, we prepared TiO2 monoliths and evaluated their photocatalytic performance using methylene blue decolorization. TiO2 monoliths have a porous, interconnected structure, which is advantageous for photocatalytic decolorization. Furthermore, TiO2 monoliths have a porous structure after calcination at high temperature with sufficiently high hardness. The combination of porous structure and hardness provide benefits for water remediation. In actuality, TiO2 monoliths showed good performance for the photocatalytic decolorization of methylene blue. TiO2 monoliths should realize both hardness and high photocatalytic performance for water remediation. The dimensionality of the TiO2 structure affects various properties such as photocatalytic performance, specific surface area, adsorption properties, reflectance, adhesion, and carrier transportation. TiO2 is the most widely studied photocatalyst, and it is used in numerous applications because of its compatibility with modern technology. Novel forms of materials can help to develop advanced TiO2 photocatalysts, which will improve our lives in terms of advanced energy production and environmental protection. (continued on page 54) The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



Fig. 3. (a) FE-SEM image of zero-dimensional core-shell TiO2 spheres and SEM image of cut TiO2 spheres; (b) SEM images of multi-channel TiO2 fibers.

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Fujishima, Nakata, Ochiai, et al. (continued from page 52)

Environmental Purification Environmental purification, especially of indoor air and polluted water, is highly important for human life. The market for photocatalytic technology in Japan has experienced encouraging growth, approximately doubling during the last ten years, reaching on the order 1 billion USD (these data represent the sales volume for companies that are members of the Photocatalysis Industry Association of Japan). Recently, the sales volume of “cleanup” applications has increased greatly. This trend indicates the increasing numbers of people who are interested in environmental issues. For example, the swine influenza outbreak of 2009 raised serious fears of global pandemic and suddenly increased the sales volume of photocatalytic air-purifiers. The key scientific and technical requirements for effective photocatalytic environmental purification are (1) catalyst immobilization strategies, (2) integrated or coupled systems for enhanced photo-oxidation, and (3) effective design of photocatalytic reactor systems.17 To meet these requirements, we have fabricated a Ti-mesh impregnated photocatalyst, (TMiP®) by use of anodizing and etching methods.18 The method used

to fabricate TMiPs is shown in Fig. 5. We have found several advantages of TMiPs and their usefulness for environmental purification. The high mechanical flexibility of TMiPs allows us to design any geometry of modules for environmental purification through the combination of UV-sources and the other technologies. Our contribution in photocatalytic environmental purification with TMiPs is summarized in a recently published review article.7 Now, we are focusing on the fabrication of practical environmental purifiers. One of the recent applications of TMiPs is a photocatalytic-plasma synergistic air-purifier.19 The purifier consists of two essential technologies, a plasma-assisted catalytic technology (PACT) reactor, and the TMiP, to realize the plasma-enhanced photocatalysis. A practical test for the deodorization of tobacco smoke was proposed for a life-sized smoking room (2.7 × 3.6 × 2.5 m), which included the analysis of selected gaseous pyrolytic and oxidative decomposition products by using a single-pass system from the smoking room to a non-smoking room. The amounts of all of the contaminants except acetaldehyde were significantly decreased at the air outlet of the air-purifier. Finally, the amounts of these compounds were maintained at low levels in the non-smoking room. This result indicates that nearly all of the compounds can be decomposed and/or removed by the practical single-pass air-purifier.

The continuous improvement of the material properties and the reactor design would greatly aid the creation of effective environmental purification systems. Thus, it is becoming apparent that photocatalysis has been realized as an important field of study for a healthy, comfortable living environment.

Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Several years after our initial work on solar hydrogen production in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the topic of photocatalytic CO2 reduction was taken up, an idea that was essentially unknown at that time.3 Subsequently, the idea caught on, and several groups became interested (see Ref. 10). We also experimented with a photoelectrochemical approach, making use of high-pressure CO2 at a p-type indium phosphide photocathode in methanol.8,9 Recently, the photocatalytic approach has enjoyed a renewed popularity in Japan. One very recent example is the work of Kudo and coworkers, who have examined ALa4Ti4O15 (A = Ca, Sr, and Ba) photocatalysts with layered perovskite structures.10 The photocatalytic approach has also become popular in other parts of the world, for example, at the University of Nevada, in collaborative work with one of the present authors (AM).20 Grimes and coworkers have recently published a review on solar fuel production.21

Fig. 4. Photographs of the samples of glass coated (right) or not coated (left) with niobia nanosheets after a self-cleaning test. 54

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Fig. 5. Fabrication method of TMiP.18

Concluding Remarks The work surveyed here hopefully underlines the fact that the closely-related photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical approaches are extremely versatile and can be used in numerous ways to both produce fuels and chemicals from sunlight and to carry out various light-induced self-cleaning and environmental purification functions.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Grantin-Aid for Scientific Research (B) and for Challenging Exploratory Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. The authors are grateful to Yuko Morito (U-VIX Corporation) and Yuji Hayashi (I’m PACT World Co., Ltd.) for support and supervision of this work, as well as helpful advice and useful discussions.

About the Authors Akira Fujishima was appointed Chairman of the Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) and Director of the Functional Materials Research Laboratory of the Central Japan Railway Company in 2003. He was appointed Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo and later became a Special University Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo in 2005. He served as the Chairman for the Chemical Society of Japan from 2006 to 2007 and has been the Director of the China Research Center at the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) since 2008. He has been the President of Tokyo University of Science since 2010. He received the Asahi Prize in 1983, the Chemical Society of Japan Award in 2000, the Purple Ribbon Medal (Shijuhosho) in 2003, and in 2004 he received the Japan The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Prize and the Japan Academy Prize and was named an Honorable Citizen of Kawasaki City. He also received the Imperial Invention Award and Kanagawa Culture Award in 2006. He was recognized as a Cultural Contributor in 2010. He may be reached at Kazuya Nakata joined Tohoku University as a research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in 2005, and then joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2006 as a JSPS research fellow. He has been a full-time researcher in the photocatalyst group at the Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) since December 2007. Also, in September 2010, he joined in the Organic Solar Cell Assessment Project at KAST. He has also been Visiting Associate Professor at the Tokyo University of Science since January 2011. He received the Sano Award for Young Scientists of the Electrochemical Society of Japan in 2012. He may be reached at Tsuyoshi Ochiai has been a full-time researcher in the Photocatalyst Group at the Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology since April 2008. Since April 2010, he has also been a part-time lecturer (in chemistry) at the Nippon Institute of Technology. Since January 2011, he has also been a Visiting Researcher of the Tokyo University of Science. His research interests involve photosynthesis, photoelectrochemistry, and environmental chemistry. He may be reached at pg-ochiai@ A. Manivannan is a materials scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). He also currently serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Physics Department at West Virginia University. He has carried out research in

multidisciplinary areas in materials science for more than 28 years in academia. His research interests and expertise include materials for energy conversion and storage involving photoelectrochemical cells, solid oxide fuel cells, electrochemical energy storage devices such as Li, Na, Mg-ion batteries, supercapacitors, thermoelectric materials, catalysts, etc. Dr. Manivannan has been active in performing several international research collaborations and participates as an adviser in the NRC Research Associateship Programs. He is currently on the editorial board of Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials. He may be reached at Donald A. Tryk was a member of the Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences from 1980 to 1995 and then joined Professor Akira Fujishima’s group at the University of Tokyo, staying for six years, as an Associate Professor for the last three years. Then, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Puerto Rico and Tokyo Metropolitan University, before joining the Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center of the University of Yamanashi in 2008, where he is a Professor. He may be reached at

References 1. A. Fujishima and K. Honda, Nature, 238, 37 (1972). 2. A. Fujishima, K. Kohayakawa, and K. Honda, J. Electrochem. Soc., 122, 1487 (1975). 3. T. Inoue, A. Fujishima, S. Konishi, and K. Honda, Nature, 277, 637 (1979). 4. A. Fujishima, X. Zhang, and D. A. Tryk, Surface Science Reports, 63, 515 (2008). (continued on next page) 55

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5. K. Nakata and A. Fujishima, J. Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 13, 169 (2012). 6. K. Nakata, T. Ochiai, T. Murakami and A. Fujishima, Electrochim. Acta, 84, 103 (2012). 7. T. Ochiai and A. Fujishima, J. Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 13, 247 (2012). 8. K. Hirota, D. A. Tryk, T. Yamamoto, K. Hashimoto, M. Okawa, and A. Fujishima, J. Phys. Chem. B, 102, 9834 (1998). 9. K. Hirota, D. A. Tryk, K. Hashimoto, M. Okawa, and A. Fujishima, J. Electrochem. Soc., 145, L82 (1998).

10. K. Iizuka, T. Wato, Y. Miseki, K. Saito, and A. Kudo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 20863 (2011). 11. K. Nakata, M. Sakai, T. Ochiai, T. Murakami, K. Takagi, and A. Fujishima, Langmuir, 27, 3275 (2011). 12. B. Liu, K. Nakata, M. Sakai, H. Saito, T. Ochiai, T. Murakami, K. Takagi, and A. Fujishima, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2, 1933 (2012). 13. T. Zhao, Z. Liu, K. Nakata, S. Nishimoto, T. Murakami, Y. Zhao, L. Jiang, and A. Fujishima, J. Mater. Chem., 20, 5095 (2010). 14. J. Wang, D. N. Tafen, J. P. Lewis, Z. Hong, A. Manivannan, M. Zhi, M. Li, and N. Wu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 12290 (2009). 15. N. Wu, J. Wang, D. N. Tafen, H. Wang, J.-G. Zheng, J. P. Lewis, X. Liu, S. S. Leonard, and A. Manivannan, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 132, 6679 (2010).

16. T. Shichi and K.-i. Katsumata, J. Surface Finishing Soc. Japan, 61, 30 (2010). 17. M. N. Chong, B. Jin, C. W. K. Chow, and C. Saint, Water Research, 44, 2997 (2010). 18. T. Ochiai, T. Hoshi, H. Slimen, K. Nakata, T. Murakami, H. Tatejima, Y. Koide, A. Houas, T. Horie, Y. Morito, and A. Fujishima, Catalysis Science & Technology, 1, 1324 (2011). 19. T. Ochiai, Y. Hayashi, M. Ito, K. Nakata, T. Murakami, Y. Morito, and A. Fujishima, Chem. Eng. J., 209, 313 (2012). 20. K. S. Raja, Y. R. Smith, N. Kondamudi, A. Manivannan, M. Misra, and V. Subramanian, Electrochem. SolidState Lett., 14, F5 (2011). 21. S. C. Roy, O. K. Varghese, M. Paulose, and C. A. Grimes, ACS Nano, 4, 1259 (2010).

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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Photocatalytic Water Splitting Using Oxynitride and Nitride Semiconductor Powders for Production of Solar Hydrogen by Jun Kubota and Kazunari Domen


ater splitting using a photocatalyst for direct solar hydrogen production from sunlight and water, has been regarded as an important approach to artificial photosynthesis.1,2 Solar hydrogen, which is the simplest solar fuel, can then be converted to various energy carriers such as organic hydrides, methanol, methane, and ammonia for transportation and storage. Thus, energy systems based on solar hydrogen can lead to a stable, secure, and ecologically-friendly society. Although solar fuel production using electricity from photovoltaic cells and concentrated solar thermal power is an existing technology, direct synthesis of solar fuels by artificial photosynthesis has more scalability in terms of system cost. To split water into hydrogen and oxygen, 1.23 V of energy is required, corresponding to a 2 electron reaction. An energy of 1.23 V is equivalent to a photon energy of 1000 nm, so that the visible light (400-800 nm in wavelength) that represents half of the solar energy spectrum can be thermodynamically used for water splitting. The challenge is to obtain an efficient photocatalyst that has an absorption edge in longer wavelength and the ability to split water. Highly efficient oxide photocatalysts, such as La-doped NaTaO3, and Zn-doped Ga2O3, have been reported with quantum efficiencies of over 50%.3-5 However, these oxides only absorb ultraviolet (UV) light with wavelengths shorter than 300 nm. In the solar spectrum at the earth’s surface, such short UV light is not present, so that these oxides cannot operate efficiently under solar irradiation. Most oxides have band gaps wider than the UV energy because of the deeper O 2p potential of the valence band. The valence band of nitrides is composed of the shallower N 2p potential, and thus their band gaps are generally narrower than those of oxides. For photocatalytic water splitting, photoexcited electrons in the conduction band reduce water to evolve hydrogen, and photogenerated holes in the valence band oxidize water to evolve oxygen. Therefore, the potential of the conduction band should be shallower than the reversible hydrogen potential and the potential of the valence band should be deeper than the reversible oxygen potential. In this article, the properties of oxynitride and nitride photocatalysts for water splitting are described. Surface modification of semiconductor photocatalyst particles with hydrogenor oxygen-evolving cocatalysts is an indispensable technique in the study of photocatalytic water splitting. In fact, hydrogen-evolution cocatalysts are required The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

in most cases. A simple illustration of photocatalytic water splitting is shown in Fig. 1. Photoexcited electrons in the conduction band need to be smoothly transferred to the hydrogen-evolution cocatalyst particles without release of energy. The first requirement for the cocatalyst is a smaller barrier for migration of electrons from the semiconductor photocatalyst to the

cocatalyst. The second requirement is that the hydrogen-evolving cocatalysts should have catalytic activity for water reduction. For this, a material with a higher exchange current for water reduction is suitable. A final important requirement is that the cocatalyst should not catalyze the reverse reaction, where the hydrogen produced and oxygen react to form water. Nobel metals, such as (continued on next page)

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration and band structure of a photocatalyst for water splitting. 57

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Rh and Pt, are generally active materials for hydrogen evolution; however, they also obviously promote the reverse reaction. Therefore, modification of the cocatalyst surface of Rh with Cr oxide is an effective means of inhibiting the reverse reaction. The development of cocatalysts is key for photocatalytic water splitting.

Photocatalytic Water Splitting with Visible Light The most active photocatalyst under visible light irradiation is a solid solution of GaN and ZnO, (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx), modified with a Rh-Cr mixed oxide cocatalyst.6-8 This photocatalyst has an absorption edge at ~500 nm and a quantum yield of 5.2 % for 410-nm light, as shown in Fig. 2. The diffuse reflectance spectra of (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) is shown in Fig. 3. Although GaN and ZnO are wide gap semiconductors with a wurtzite structure, with absorption edges in shorter wavelength than 400 nm, (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) has a longer absorption edge. The reason for the appearance of a new electronic state in the band gap has been explained by theoretical calculations and photoemission spectroscopy.9,10 A glass plate coated with (Ga1-xZnx) (N1- xOx) photocatalyst can evolve hydrogen and oxygen visually as shown in Fig. 4. The (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) photocatalyst was mixed with silica particles and coated on the frosted glass plate. The (Ga1-xZnx) (N1- xOx) photocatalyst has the highest solarhydrogen efficiency at present, but the solarto-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency remains at about 0.2% because it mainly utilizes light with a wavelength of 400 nm. The utilization of longer wavelength light in solar irradiation is the key to improving efficiency. Another promising candidate for photocatalytic water splitting is a mixed oxide with a perovskite structure. NaTaO3 and SrTiO3, which have a perovskite structure, show obvious activity for overall water splitting.1,2 In particular, NaTaO3 doped with La and modified with a NiO cocatalyst has been reported to have a 50% quantum efficiency for 280-nm light.3,4 However, these oxide photocatalysts with perovskite structures have an absorption edge in the UV region, and cannot utilize solar irradiation. Our strategy for the development of photocatalysts with the ability to absorb visible light involves the substitution of oxygen with nitrogen. For example, one of the oxygen atoms of SrTiO3 can be substituted with a nitrogen atom while balancing the charge by replacement of Sr(II) with La(III), yielding LaTiO2N.2,11,12 Because the potential of the 2p orbital of nitrogen is shallower than that of oxygen, the obtained oxynitrides have a narrower band gap than the oxides. Diffuse reflectance spectra of LaTiO2N and BaTaO2N are shown 58

Fig. 2. Diffuse reflection UV-visible spectra of (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) with varying x. 6-8 GaN and ZnO have absorption edges in the UV region (<400 nm), but the solid solution has absorption in the visible region.

Fig. 3. Gas evolution rates from water for the (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) photocatalyst.6-8 1 wt% Rh and 1.5 wt% Cr were deposited on (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx). The pH of the water was adjusted to 4.5 by the addition of H2SO4. The light source was a 450-W high-pressure Hg lamp and UV light was absorbed by a NaNO2 solution as a filter. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

in Fig. 5.11-13 While (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) can absorb 500 nm light, LaTiO2N and BaTaO2N can absorb light with a wavelength of 600700 nm. The solar irradiance is also shown in Fig. 5,14 and the advantage of LaTiO2N and BaTaO2N in the absorption spectra is obvious. The photoelectrochemical properties of LaTiO2N thin films are shown in Fig. 6.15 The LaTiO2N thin film was epitaxially deposited on Nb:SrTiO3 substrates by RF magnetron sputtering. A photocurrent appeared below 0 VRHE, indicating that the potential of the conduction band of LaTiO2N is shallower than the reversible potential for hydrogen evolution. In practical terms, LaTiO2N and BaTaO2N can evolve hydrogen and oxygen from sacrificial reagents of methanol and AgNO3 aqueous solutions, respectively, as shown in Fig. 7. 11,12 However, overall water splitting by LaTiO2N or BaTaO2N has not yet been achieved. We are currently examining tactics for improving the crystallinity, and also surface modification schemes for inhibiting carrier recombination.

Carrier Migration from Photocatalyst to Co-Catalyst Fig. 4. Photograph of hydrogen and oxygen evolution from (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) coated glass plate under irradiation with a 300-W Xe ramp. The surface of the (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) was modified with an Rh-Cr mixed oxide. The bubbles consist of a mixture of H2 and 1/2O2.

Fig. 5. Diffuse reflection UV-visible spectra of (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx), LaTiO2N, and BaTaO2N.11-13 Solar irradiance of air mass (AM) of 1.5 G is also shown in the figure.14 LaTiO2N and BaTaO2N utilize more energy of the solar irradiation. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Modification of photocatalysts with co-catalysts is one of the most important issues in the development of photocatalysts. In particular, co-catalysts are required for hydrogen evolution because the conduction band potential is close to the hydrogen evolution potential with and unsatisfactory overpotential. Furthermore, oxide and oxynitride surfaces are not active for the hydrogen evolution reaction. For the (Ga1Znx)(N1-xOx) photocatalyst, a combination x of Rh and Cr acts as the hydrogen evolution co-catalyst. When (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) is modified with only Rh, the obtained oxygen is reduced on the Rh surface to form H2O, so that the hydrogen and oxygen evolution rates are dramatically suppressed. However, the addition of Cr inhibits the reduction of oxygen at the Rh surface due to the formation of a Cr layer on the Rh surface as a barrier for oxygen, as shown in Fig. 8.16,17 A detailed mechanism has been proposed for this based on the use of model electrodes.16,17 Figure 9 shows infrared spectra of CO adsorbed on a Pt cocatalyst on (Ga1-xZnx) (N1-xOx) and LaTiO2N photocatalyst under irradiation and in the dark.18,19 For Pt/ (Ga1- xZnx)(N1-xOx), the absorption peak due to the CO stretching mode was shifted to a lower frequency by the irradiation. It is known that CO adsorbed on electrochemical interfaces shifts the absorption peak due to the changing potential of the electrodes. When the potential shifts to a negative value (shallower), the CO vibration shifts to a lower frequency because of the electrochemical Stark effect or backdonation of electrons of the metal to the 2π* orbital of CO. The observed frequency shift can thus be explained by the photoexcited (continued on next page) 59

Kubota and Domen

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electrons in the photocatalyst particles migrating to the Pt co-catalyst, resulting in a potential shift at the Pt co-catalyst. In the case of the LaTiO2N photocatalyst, no shift was observed for the CO adsorbed on the Pt co-catalyst, indicating that photoexcited electrons cannot smoothly migrate to most of the Pt particles. We consider that a solution to this undesired phenomenon will open the way to achieving overall water splitting with LaTiO2N photocatalysts.20 Macroscopic design of photocatalyst particles was also proposed for efficient carrier separation.21

Future of Photocatalytic Water Splitting Figure 10 shows the H2 evolution rate and STH energy conversion efficiency as a function of the band gap energy of the photocatalysts as single step photocatalysis with a quantum yield of 100%. It is assumed that photons with wavelengths shorter than the value on the horizontal axis are converted to 1/2H2. If the photocatalysts utilize visible light up to 600-700 nm with a quantum yield of 50%, the STH efficiency reaches ~10%, which is equivalent to that of a commercial photovoltaic system. Photocatalytic water splitting devices are obviously simpler than photovoltaic systems because vacuum processing is not required for the preparation of the devices. Considering the terrestrial equatorial area, 27 TJ km-2 day-1 of solar energy is expected based on an air mass (AM) of 1.5G14 and a 7.6 h day-1 irradiation. If a 25 km2 scale solar plant is available and working with 10% STH efficiency, 570 tons day-1 of hydrogen can be produced. This is equivalent to the output of typical natural gas plants.

Fig. 6. Current density-potential curve for LaTiO2N photoelectrode grown epitaxially on a Nb:SrTiO3 substrate under intermittent irradiation.15 The photoelectrode surface was modified by IrO2 nanoparticles as an oxygen evolution cocatalyst. The electrolyte used was 0.5 M Na2SO4, which was adjusted to pH = 4.5 by the addition of H2SO4. An Ag/AgCl reference electrode was used in the experiments and the potential is expressed against a reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE).



Acknowledgment This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research (#23000009) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Advanced Low Carbon Technology Research and Development Program (ALCA) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). This work also contributes to the international exchange program of the A3 Foresight Program of JSPS.

About the Authors Jun Kubota is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical System Engineering, the University of Tokyo. He earned a PhD in science from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1995 and became an Assistant Professor at the Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology in the same year. He was promoted to an Associate Professor in 60

Fig. 7. Hydrogen and oxygen evolution by LaTiO2N photocatalysts from sacrificial reagents of 20 vol% methanol and 0.01 M AgNO3, respectively.11,12 For hydrogen evolution, 3 wt% of Pt was loaded on LaTiO2N by an impregnation method. For oxygen evolution, 0.2 g of La2O3 was added into the reactant to stabilize pH. The light source was a 300-W Xe lamp with a 420-nm cut filter. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



the present institute in 2007. His current research programs involve photocatalytic water splitting, catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), and infrared spectroscopic analysis of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). He may be reached at Kazunari Domen is a Professor in the Department of Chemical System Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He became an Assistant Professor at the Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1982. He was promoted to an Associate Professor in 1990, and then to Full Professor in 1996. He moved to the University of Tokyo in 2004. His current research programs involve photocatalytic water splitting, photoelectrochemical water splitting, and catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs). He received an award from The Chemical Society of Japan in FY2010 for his research in photocatalytic water splitting. Details of his research can be found at http:// He may be reached at



Fig. 8. Transmission electron microscopy images and gas evolution rates of (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) photocatalysts with an Rh co-catalyst (a) and a Cr2O3/Rh co-catalyst (b). The proposed mechanism of the Cr2O3/Rh structure is shown in (c).16,17

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

1. K. Maeda and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 7851 (2007). 2. K. Maeda, T. Takata, and K. Domen, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Through Nanotechnology, Ling Zang Ed., Springer, p. 487 (2011). 3. H. Kato and A. Kudo, Catal. Lett., 58, 153 (1999). 4. H. Kato, K. Asakura, and A. Kudo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 3082 (2003). 5. Y. Sakata, Y. Matsuda, T. Yanagida, K. Hirata, H. Imamura, and K. Teramura, Catal. Lett., 125, 22 (2008). 6. K. Maeda, T. Takata, M. Hara, N. Saito, Y. Inoue, H. Kobayashi, and K. Domen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 8286 (2005). 7. K. Maeda, K. Teramura, D. Lu, T. Takata, N. Saito, Y. Inoue, and K. Domen, Nature, 440, 295 (2006). 8. K. Maeda, K. Teramura, and K. Domen, J. Catal., 254, 198 (2008). 9. M. Yoshida, T. Hirai, K. Maeda, N. Saito, J. Kubota, H. Kobayashi, Y. Inoue, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 15510 (2010). 10. T. Hirai, K. Maeda, M. Yoshida, J. Kubota, S. Ikeda, M. Matsumura, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 18853 (2007). (continued on next page)


Kubota and Domen

(continued from previous page)

11. A. Kasahara, K. Nukumizu, G. Hitoki, T. Takata, J. N. Kondo, M. Hara, H. Kobayashi, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 6750 (2002). 12. A. Kasahara, K. Nukumizu, T. Takata, J. N. Kondo, M. Hara, H. Kobayashi, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 791 (2003). 13. M. Higashi, R. Abe, K. Teramura, T, Takata, B. Ohtani, and K. Domen, Chem. Phys. Lett., 452 120 (2008). 14. Electricity, Resources & Building Systems Integration Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE), Solar Resource Data, ASTM G-173 Air Mass 1.5. 15. C. L. P. Thivet, A. Ishikawa, A. Ziani, L. L. Gendre, M. Yoshida, J. Kubota, F. Tessier, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 6156 (2009). 16. K. Maeda, K. Teramura, D. Lu, N. Saito, Y. Inoue, and K. Domen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 45, 7806 (2006). 17. M. Yoshida, K. Takanabe, K. Maeda, A. Ishikawa, J. Kubota, Y. Sakata, Y. Ikezawa, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 10151 (2009). 18. M. Yoshida, A. Yamakata, K. Takanabe, J. Kubota, M. Osawa, and K. Domen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 13218 (2009). 19. X. Lu, A. Bandara, M. Katayama, A. Yamakata, J. Kubota, and K. Domen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 23902 (2011). 20. F. Zhang, A. Yamakata, K. Maeda, Y. Moriya, T. Takata, J. Kubota, K. Teshima, S. Oishi, and K. Domen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 8348 (2012). 21. T. Hisatomi, T. Minegishi, and K. Domen, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 85, 647(2012).



Fig. 9. In situ infrared spectra of CO adsorbed on Pt co-catalysts on (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) (a) and LaTiO2N (b) in Na2SO4 aqueous solution before and after irradiation.19

Fig. 10. Theoretical relation of H2 evolution rate and solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency to the band gap energy of photocatalysts in wavelength units. The solar light is assumed to be air mass (AM) 1.5 G14, and 100% quantum yield is assumed.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Energy Harvesting by Scott K. Cushing and Nianqiang Wu


olar energy can be directly converted to electrical energy via photovoltaics. Alternatively, solar energy can be converted and stored in chemical fuels through photoelectrochemical cells and photocatalysis (see front cover image), allowing continued power production when the sky is cloudy or dark. The conversion of solar energy is regulated by four processes: light absorption, charge separation, charge migration, and charge recombination. An individual material cannot be optimized for all four processes. For example, TiO2 has excellent charge migration qualities. However, the ultraviolet (UV) band gap limits charge separation to less than 5% of the solar spectrum. Visible light band gap semiconductors such as Fe2O3 often have small charge minority diffusion lengths, ~4 nm in Fe2O3, and suffer from photoinstability.1 Several alternatives have been investigated to overcome the deficiencies of existing semiconductors. Doping of UV band gap semiconductors increases the absorption of visible light. However, the isolated midgap states are detrimental to charge mobility and lead to high charge recombination.2 No single material excels in efficient conversion of solar energy. Instead, two materials can be combined synergistically to compensate the individual weakness in a hetero-structured design. Sensitizers are one type of heterostructure where an efficient visible light absorber converts radiation and transfers the photoexcited charge to a semiconductor support. The semiconductor support, unlike the sensitizer, has favorable redox potentials or favorable charge migration and recombination properties. For example, sensitizers have been applied in dye sensitized solar cells to improve the energy conversion efficiency levels to 11.8%.3 Sensitizers are usually organic dyes or quantum dots, but both are plagued by photostability issues, especially for applications related to photocatalysis or photoelectrochemical cells (PECs).4 Incorporation of plasmonic nanostructures with semiconductors offers an alternative route to improve the solar energy conversion efficiency. Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) describes the collective charge oscillations in metal nanoparticles created by an incident field resonant with the periodic displacement of electrons against the positive nuclei background. LSPR is, at its core, a damped harmonic oscillator whose resonance conditions are determined by the geometry of the particle, the dielectric constant of the metal, and the local environment.5 At resonance, the charge oscillations create a local electric field with The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

strength up to ~103 times the incident field and greatly increase far-field scattering. In a plasmonic heterostructure the energy stored in the LSPR can (1.) be converted to heat in the metal lattice, (2.) re-emit as scattered photons, or (3.) transfer to the semiconductor. Plasmonic nanostructures improve solar energy conversion efficiency via the following mechanisms: (a) enhancing the light absorption in the semiconductor by photonic enhancement through increasing the optical path length and concentrating the incident field;6 (b) directly transferring the plasmonic energy from the metal to the semiconductor to induce the charge separation in the semiconductor by direct electron transfer (DET);7,8 or by plasmoninduced resonant energy transfer (PIRET).9

Plasmonic Enhancement of Light Absorption and Scattering The first enhancement mechanism, referred to as photonic enhancement, requires engineering the metal nanostructure or pattern to direct and concentrate light at the interface or bulk of the semiconductor. This is possible because the LSPR causes both absorption and scattering with strengths dependent on the size of the nanoparticle. A 15 nm sized gold nanoparticle (Fig. 1a), primarily localizes the EM field as depicted in Fig. 1c. A 100 nm sized particle primarily scatters the incident field (Fig. 1b) in the forward and backward directions (Fig. 1d). (continued on next page)

Fig. 1. Extinction, scattering, and absorption for (a) a 15 nm sized gold sphere and (b) a 100 nm sized gold sphere. As the sphere size increases, the LSPR shifts from localizing (c) to scattering (d) the incident EM field. 63

Cushing and Wu

(continued from previous page)

Combinations of these two characteristics have allowed close to 90% light trapping over the entire visible spectrum.10 The photonic enhancement mechanism can only increase the efficiency of the semiconductor at the energies above the band gap. Thin film solar cells overcome the short carrier diffusion lengths of visible light band gap semiconductors but remain inefficient because of the small absorption coefficient. The optical path length inside the semiconductor can be increased by using the scattering properties of large metal nanoparticles to effectively trap light.6,10 The large metal nanoparticles forward scatter incident light into the cell. A plasmonic reflector at the back of the cell (Fig. 2a) reflects the light that is not absorbed. The reflected light backscatters off the metal nanoparticles at the front of the cell, causing multiple reflections and increasing the optical path length. This strategy has increased the photocurrent of Fe­2O­3-based cells to 4 mA/cm2.11 A similar problem is faced in PEC and photocatalysis where semiconductor nanoparticles are favored because of the increased surface area for reactions. The total efficiency is limited because of the small absorption cross section of the nanoscale particles. The light absorption can be increased by attaching small metal nanoparticles on the semiconductor, which localize the incident field. The concentrated electromagnetic (EM) field of the plasmon increases the absorption cross section of the semiconductor nanoparticle and enhances the carrier creation rate.12 In a Ag@TiO2 system, the local EM field led to a 10 times enhancement in water splitting rate.13 The same strategy can be applied at the interface of two semiconductors, concentrating the incident field in the p-n junction where light absorption is critical.

Fig. 2. Photonic enhancement in plasmonic metal-semiconductor hetero-structures, including (a) increasing the optical path length through scattering and (b) increasing the absorption cross section by localizing the incident field.

Direct Electron Transfer (DET) from Plasmonic Metal to Semiconductor The second design pathway, referred to as plasmonic energy transfer enhancement, uses LSPR to convert solar radiation to the plasmonic energy stored in the metal, which is then transferred to the semiconductor. The process directly creates electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor, independent of the semiconductor’s light absorption characteristics. Energy is stored in a plasmon by (1.) hot electrons and (2.) the local electromagnetic field. The plasmonic energy transfer enhancement allows for charge separation at the energies below the semiconductor’s band gap. The plasmonic energy transfer enhancement mechanism was first reported in Au@TiO2, where the photocurrent increased proportional to the LSPR spectrum.7,8 The 64

Fig. 3. Two different mechanisms of plasmonic energy transfer enhancement: (a) plasmon-induced resonant energy transfer (PIRET) from the metal to the semiconductor, leading to charge separation, and (b) direct electron transfer (DET).

work of Furube et al. confirmed that the plasmonic electrons were overcoming the Schottky barrier and transferring into the Au (Fig. 3b) using transient absorption spectroscopy.16 The plasmonic electrons have an energy distribution centered on the LSPR peak wavelength. The plasmonic electrons mimic hot, or short lived, electron hole pairs due to the energy associated with the charge oscillation. The oscillations are quickly damped by nonradiative electron–

electron and electron–phonon scattering, or radiative scattering by emission of a photon. The strong dampening means the plasmon has a lifetime of ~10-15 s.14 For comparison, the electron hole pairs in a dye or quantum dot have a lifetime of ~10-9 s. Despite the difference in lifetimes, the interfacial charge transfer process for the plasmonic electrons is still well explained by Marcus theory for charge transfer between an organic dye and a semiconductor.15 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



Fig. 4. Photocatalysis enhancement verse wavelength compared to the extinction spectrum for (a) Au@Cu2O, and (b) Au@SiO2@Cu2O core shell nanoparticles. (Reprinted with permission from Ref. 9. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.)

The plasmonic charge transfer process is referred to as direct electron transfer (DET), as shown in Fig. 3b. DET has been investigated in a myriad of systems using both Au and Ag as the plasmonic metal.17-19 The enhancement of photocatalysis and photovoltaics at the energies above and below band gap has been found to be nearly universal, whether the base material is a semiconductor or graphene.17-19 DET is similar to electron transfer from a dye to a semiconductor in that direct contact and electronic alignment are necessary for efficient electron transfer (Fig. 3b). However, DET differs in that the plasmon does not have a band gap which determines the charge transfer kinetics. Rather, the plasmonic carriers have the energy The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

proportional to the incident photon’s energy plus the Fermi level, so they can easily overcome the energetically unfavorable barriers at the interface, leading to more flexibility in materials selection.

Plasmon-Induced Resonant Energy Transfer (PIRET) from Metal to Semiconductor The strong local EM field of LSPR allows for energy transfer mechanisms outside of DET which are not possible with dyes or quantum dots. The plasmonic photocatalysis enhancement even occurs in the presence of a SiO2 insulating layer between the plasmonic metal and the

semiconductor (Fig. 4b), which prevents from the DET process. Hence DET alone cannot interpret the existence of multiple plasmonic enhancement phenomena.20-23 Recently our group discovered an unprecedented plasmonic energy transfer enhancement mechanism, that is, plasmoninduced resonant energy transfer (PIRET)9 as shown in Fig. 3a. PIRET can proceed even in the presence of an insulating layer between the plasmonic metal and the semiconductor.9 PIRET describes the nonradiative transfer of energy from the LSPR dipole of the metal to the transition dipole of the semiconductor. In other words, the strong local EM field of the LSPR can preferentially relax by exciting an electron hole pair in the semiconductor without the emission of a photon. The strength of PIRET depends on the overlap of the semiconductor’s band edge (absorption band) with the LSPR resonance band, as well as the distance between the two dipoles (the plasmonic metal and the semiconductor), similar to Förster resonant energy transfer.25,26 Interestingly, our studies showed that only PIRET, not DET, was present in Au@Cu2O, independent of the existence of a spacer layer. However, when a Ag core was used, both DET and PIRET were present in Ag@Cu2O. These results suggest that both DET and PIRET can coexist dependent on material parameters.27 PIRET is an attractive route for plasmonic enhancement. PIRET depends on spectral overlap and does not require physical contact or electronic alignment to transfer energy like DET, which provides flexibility in design of solar energy materials and structures. As shown in Fig. 4, PIRET can generate electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor above and below the band gap of Cu­2O, suggesting strong coupling to the weak band edge states. The broad plasmon resonance can easily be tuned, allowing for enhancement of solar energy harvesting in the entire visible spectrum (Fig. 5). PIRET is useful when charge transfer creates undesirable effects, such as the carrier equilibration issues or the material degradation.

Plasmonic Photosensitizers As described above, plasmonic nanostructures can harvest solar light, and transfer solar energy to the semiconductor, enhancing the charge separation in the semiconductor. Therefore, a plasmonic nanostructure can be thought of as an effective “photosensitizer,” although plasmonic and traditional sensitizers vary in several key aspects. LSPR has a broad resonance (often 100 nm or larger) compared to dyes and quantum dots. Whereas quantum dots and dyes have a stokes-shifted emission, the absorbance and “effective” emission of a plasmonic sensitizer are almost identical spectrally. The multiple electron process responsible for LSPR also creates a much (continued on next page) 65

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larger absorption and scattering cross section.28 The LSPR is tunable across the entire UV-NIR spectrum by varying the shape, composition, and environment of the particle, as depicted in Fig. 5.5 The metal structure allows stability in the harsh environments of chemical cells while also acting as a co-catalyst and prolonging carrier lifetimes at the semiconductor metal interface.29-32 The same engineering principles used to enhance photovoltaics and photocatalysts with sensitizers can be applied to plasmonics. Plasmonics can replace, supplement, and even enhance current sensitizer based designs.12,33-35 The strength of plasmonic sensitizers is that, unlike traditional photosensitizer, multiple plasmon-induced enhancement mechanisms exist. In one system, the photonic and light conversion enhancements can be combined to enable harvesting of full spectrum solar light as outlined: a plasmonic nanostructure will reflect incident light, increasing the optical path length. The increased optical path length allows for more chance of light conversion at the energies below the semiconductor band gap because of the increased plasmonic absorption cross section. The increased light trapping will also enhance the conversion of below-bandgap light by plasmonic energy transfer to the semiconductor. Both DET and PIRET are possible to reduce the constraint in material/device design.

Fig. 5. (a) Solar spectrum;36 (b) representative tuning range for LSPR showing the full solar spectrum harvesting with LSPR as a sensitizer; and (c) the absorbance of common semiconductors used in water splitting.

Remarks and Perspectives

About the Authors


Plasmonic nanostructures are an attractive alternative and supplement to dyes and QDs in photovoltaics and photocatalysts. Two mechanisms, DET and PIRET, allow plasmonic sensitization of semiconductors at the energies above and below band gap. Plasmonic enhancement is applicable to a large variety of materials and designs where contact may or may not be possible. Further, the enhancement can be tuned throughout the wavelength range by changing the geometry of the plasmonic nanostructure. Plasmonic nanostructures will play an increasing role in solar energy harvesting. Current plasmonic sensitizers have an EM field enhancement of ~10. Plasmonic nanostructures can be designed with orders of magnitude larger EM field enhancements, creating the possibility of highly efficient photocatalysts and solar cells.

Scott Cushing is a graduate student at West Virginia University who is co-supervised by both Nick Wu and Alan Bristow. His research interests involve combining strategic materials design and advanced optical characterization techniques to understand the mechanisms of energy conversion and transfer in nanostructured materials. Scott Cushing is a Goldwater Scholar and NSF Graduate Fellow. He may be reached at

1. H. Dotan, K. Sivula, M. Graetzel, A. Rothschild, and S. Warren, Energy Environ. Sci., 4, 958 (2011). 2. J. Wang, D. N. Tafen, J. P. Lewis, Z. Hong, A. Manivannan, M. Zhi, M. Li, and N. Q. Wu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 12290 (2009). 3. Conversion efficiencies of best research solar cells worldwide from 1976 through 2012 for various photovoltaic technologies, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, File:PVeff%28rev121106%29.jpg, accessed on 11/24/2012. 4. B. Wang and L. L. Kerr, J. Solid State Electrochem., 16, 1091 (2012). 5. K. A. Willets and R. P. Van Duyne, Ann.. Rev. Phys. Chem., 58, 267 (2007). 6. H. A. Atwater and A. Polman, Nat. Mat., 9, 205 (2010). 7. Y.Tian and T. Tatsuma, Chem. Commun., 1810 (2004). 8. Y.Tian and T. Tatsuma, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 7632 (2005).

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the NSF (CBET-1233795). Cushing was supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant no. (1102689).


Nianqiang (Nick) Wu is currently Associate Professor of Materials Science in Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at West Virginia University in USA. He currently serves as Secretary of the Sensor Division, and also serves on the Interface Advisory Board. Dr. Wu’s current research interests lie in nanomaterials, nanolithography, chemical sensors and biosensors, fuel cells, supercapacitors, photocatalysts, and photoelectrochemical cells. He has published one book, three book chapters and more than 100 journal articles. He may be reached at

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

9. S. K. Cushing, J. Li, F. Meng, T. R. Senty, S. Suri, M. Zhi, M. Li, A. D. Bristow, and N. Q. Wu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 15033 (2012). 10. K. Aydin, V. E. Ferry, R. M. Briggs, and H. A. Atwater, Nat. Comm., 2, 517 (2011). 11. H. Dotan, O. Kfir, E. Sharlin, O. Blank, M. Gross, I. Dumchin, G. Ankonina, and A. Rothschild, Nat. Mat., (2012), doi:10.1038/nmat3477. 12. S. Linic, P. Christopher, and D. B. Ingram, Nat. Mat., 10, 911 (2011). 13. D. B. Ingram and S. Linic, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,133, 5202 (2011). 14. C. Sönnichsen, T. Franzl, T. Wilk, G. von Plessen, and J. Feldmann, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 077402 (2002). 15. T. Sakata, K. Hashimoto, and M. Hiramotoff, J. Phys. Chem., 94, 3040 (1990). 16. A. Furube, L. Du, K. Hara, R. Katoh, and M. Tachiya, J. Am. Chem. Soc,.129, 14852 (2007). 17. S. Mubeen, G. Hernandez-Sosa, D. Moses, J. Lee, and M. Moskovits, Nano Lett., 11, 5548 (2011).




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27. J. Li, S. K. Cushing, J. Bright, F. Meng, T. R. Senty, P. Zheng, A. D. Bristow, and N. Q. Wu, ACS Catal., 3, 47 (2013). 28. P. K. Jain, X. Huang, I. H. El-Sayed, and M. A. El-Sayed, Acc. Chem. Res., 41, 1578 (2008). 29. S. D. Standridge, G. C. Schatz, and J. T. Hupp, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 8407 (2009). 30. P. Christopher, D. B. Ingram, S. Linic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 9173 (2010). 31. H.Choi, W. T. Chen, and P. V. Kamat, ACS Nano, 6, 4418 (2012). 32. W. J. An, W. N. Wang, B. Ramaligam, S. Mukherjee, B. Daubayev, S. Gangopadhyay, and P. Biswas, Langmuir, 28, 7528 (2012). 33. P. Wang, B. Huang, Y. Dai, and M. H. Whangbo, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14, 9813 (2012). 34. X. Zhou, G. Liu, J. Yu, and W. Fan, J. Mater. Chem.,22, 21337 (2012). 35. S. C. Warren and E. Thimsen, Energy Environ. Sci., 5, 5133 (2012). 36. ASTM G173-03, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, am1.5/, accessed on 11/28/2012.

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18. E. Kowalska, O. Mahaney, R. Abe, and B. Ohtani, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12, 2344 (2010). 19. Y. Nishijima, K. Ueno, Y. Kotake, K. Murakoshi, H. Inoue, and H. Misawa, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3, 1248 (2012). 20. M. K. Kumar, S. Krishnamoorthy, L. K. Tan, S. Y. Chian, S. Tripathy, and H. Gao, ACS Catal., 1, 300 (2011). 21. I. Thomann, B. A. Pinaud, Z. Chen, B. M. Clemens, T. F. Jaramillo, and M. L. Brongersma, Nano Lett.,11, 3440 (2011). 22. Z. Liu, W. Hou, P. Pavaskar, M. Aykol, and S. B. Cronin, Nano Lett.,11, 1111 (2011). 23. E. Thimsen, F. L. Formal, M. Gratzel, and S. C. Warren, Nano Lett., 11, 35 (2011). 24. J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, p. 6, Springer Academic, New York (2006). 25. J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, p. 443, Springer Academic, New York (2006). 26. M. Li, S. K. Cushing, Q. Wang, X. Shi, L. A. Hornak, Z. Hong, and N. Q. Wu, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2, 2125 (2011).

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Solar Fuel Production for a Sustainable Energy Future: Highlights of a Symposium on Renewable Fuels from Sunlight and Electricity by Heli Wang, Deryn Chu, and Eric L. Miller


ynthesis of fuels from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide, without competing with food production, is an important route for sustainable development beyond fossil fuels. The magnitude of the challenge is very significant that requires scientific breakthroughs in materials and processing for creating economic opportunities.1 There are two straightforward conversion pathways for conversion of solar energy to fuels.2 The most important one is the photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen production via water splitting, which combines the electrical generation and electrolysis into a single system. The other pathway is replicating plant photosynthesis process with water and CO2. These direct solar fuel pathways, especially the PEC water splitting approach, have attracted attention world-wide due to their renewable fuel generation and benefit to the environment. In electrochemical and photoelectrochemical techniques, the electrodes combine with catalysts, inhibitors, and an electrochemical flow reactor to convert CO2 to organic fuels. In PEC water splitting, the grand challenge of 10% solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiency and 10 year lifetime was defined as the “holy grail of chemistry.”3 The requirements for a successful PEC water splitting device is displayed in Fig. 1, as shown with a p-type semiconductor case. To achieve efficient PEC water splitting at an illuminated semiconductor (SC), 1. the band gap (Eg) of the SC must be at least 1.6-1.7 eV since the theoretical difference in equilibrium potentials between water splitting reactions is 1.228 V at 25 °C. The overpotential must be sufficient for water splitting reactions, but not over 2.2-2.3 eV in order to absorb the visible light;

In this paper, an emphasis is placed on the summary of the presentations for solar fuels production. We will highlight some of the presentations that reflected the research progress in this field. Metal oxides are the most studied semiconductor material group. While metal oxides are more stable in aqueous solutions, key issues are wide band gap, band-edge mismatch and their intrinsic low STH efficiencies. A combinatorial screening might be a relevant approach to search for metal oxides with suitable band gap.4 Different tandem cells5-9 have been developed to solve the band edge mismatch. In the keynote speech, Akihiko Kudo at Tokyo University of Science (Japan) highlighted the Z-scheme type photocatalysts for water splitting with improved Rh-doped SrTiO3 and BiVO4. One the other hand, Lionel Vayssieres at Xi’an Jiaotong University (China) introduced an all-oxide quantum confinement approach to

222nd ECS Meeting in Honolulu in October. Over 130 abstracts were received for this symposium. The symposium attendees came from North America, Europe, and Asia. The research theme of this symposium focused on the development of materials and devices for hydrogen generation and CO2 conversion to fuels. One approach is to utilize the solar energy to produce fuels. Another approach is to utilize the electrical energy to generate fuels with electrochemical devices. The symposium presentations covered the following topics in both approaches: • • • • • • • •

solar energy materials; photocatalysts; photo electrochemical cells (PECs); biological devices; solar concentrators; solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs); solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs); and proton conductor electrolysis cells (PCECs) and fuel cells (PCFC).

(continued on next page)




2. the band edges of the SC must straddle the water redox potentials;

1.23 eV 1.6-1.7 eV H2O/O2

3. the SC must meet the need of efficient charge generation/transfer in the bulk and fast reaction kinetics at the interface; and

Counter Electrode

4. the SC must be stable in aqueous solutions. It is challenging to develop materials that meet all the requirements of photoelectrodes/ photocatalysts. To facilitate the research in photocatalysts and solar fuel production, a symposium on “Renewable Fuels from Sunlight and Electricity” was held at the The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

p-type Semiconductor Fig. 1. Schematic of the PEC water splitting process at illuminated p-type semiconductor. 69

Wang, Chu, and Miller

(continued from previous page)

solve the issue. The low solar-to-hydrogen efficiency is related to wide band gap, light absorption, charge mobility, recombination, interfacial kinetics, etc. To overcome this hurdle, different approaches have been discussed at the symposium, including band gap engineering, doping and codoping, nanostructuring, and catalyst, etc. Moreover, Nam-Gyu Park at Sungkyunkwan University (Korea) presented new solar energy materials and nanostructures in his keynote talk. Semiconductor materials such as III-V and I-III-VI2 compounds have suitable band gaps and high efficiencies. The band edge mismatch was successfully solved by a tandem cell design.10 However, the tradeoff is the photo-corrosion of III-V materials in PEC hydrogen generation. Silicon materials have oxidation issue in the dark, thus eliminating continuous application. Naturally the surface modification and protection of the high efficient semiconductors have been discussed in the symposium. In the keynote speech, John A. Turner, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.), addressed the competition of PEC hydrogen production vs. photovoltaic (PV) electrolysis, and delivered cost and economic considerations in selecting PEC materials. Krishnan Rajeshwar, University of Texas at Arlington (U.S.), after a short review on PEC efforts over generations, focused on the economic preparation of new families of metal oxides for water splitting and CO2 reduction in his keynote speech. Moreover, characterization and theoretical approaches opened new windows for understanding the challenge and discovering new PEC materials. The combined synthesischaracterization-theory loop will be an effective way to approach the 10% STH efficiency and 10-year life challenge.3

Naturally, there is no single material that could meet all the requirements of photoelectrodes/photocatalysts for water splitting; and this has challenged the PEC communities for decades. Multi-junction cells, quantum dots, and plasmonic metals brought new opportunities for research and development of PECs and photocatalysts. For example, Nianqiang (Nick) Wu, West Virginia University, talked about the development of plasmonic nanostructures for enhancing the photocatalysis. Plasmonic nanostructures convert the solar energy to the plasmonic energy stored in the oscillating electrons. Such energy can transfer from the metal to the semiconductor via a plasmonicinduced resonant energy transfer (PIRET) process,11 leading to generation of electronhole pairs in the semiconductor. The PIRET is an unprecedented mechanism of plasmonenhanced photocatalysis, which provides the guidelines for development of plasmonic photosensitizes for solar energy harvesting devices. Government support plays a key role to foster PEC R&D. In his keynote talk, Eric Miller of the Fuel Cell Technologies Program at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of DOE (U.S.) shared the “big picture” of the roles of hydrogen and fuel cells in diverse energy portfolios. He illustrated the promises and challenges of different renewable solar hydrogen technologies, and addressed the need for national and international collaborations for leveraging research to meet these challenges. He presented the techno-economic analysis, indicating the critical need for materials systems with conversion efficiency exceeding 10% STH efficiency (in many cases, even exceeding the 20% mark) to meet the DOE hydrogen cost threshold.12 This pushes the bar even higher for the solar-to-hydrogen materials researchers. Significant research progress has been made in the past four decades,

efforts are still needed to design and explore new photocatalysts and PEC materials to meet the “holy grail” challenge.3 In CO2 reduction, the thermodynamically uphill nature of this reaction, coupled with the large activation energy associated with the multi-electron and multi-proton reduction, makes the conversion of CO2 a big challenge.13 Thomas F. Jaramillo from Stanford University observed a total of 16 different CO2 reduction products (C1-C3) from a polycrystalline copper electrode, five of which were presented at the meeting. They have expanded their studies to numerous metals such as Pt, Au, Ag, Ni, Zn, and Fe, as well as non-metal surfaces. Andrew Bocarsly from Princeton University presented the pyridinium catalyzed electrochemical reduction of CO2 to methanol at illuminated p-GaP photocathodes; with Faradaic efficiencies exceeding 95%. From this effort, they proposed that the reduction of CO2 is initiated by a mediated charge transfer process, in which the one electron reduction of pyridinium leads to the formation of a carbamate intermediate. Protonated imidazole was also found to be an active catalyst for the conversion of CO2 to CO and formate in an aqueous electrolyte at an iron pyrite electrode. Paul Kenis’ group from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has developed an electrochemical flow reactor for CO2 reduction, in which the anode and cathode are separated by a flowing liquid electrolyte (Fig. 2). Owing to the differences in binding energy of intermediates by different particle size, the reaction rate for CO2 reduction increases upon the catalyst particle size decrease from 200 to 5 nm, but then decreases upon the particle size decreasing further to 1 nm. A thin, uniformly distributed, and agglomerate-free catalyst layer is a key because it eliminates mass transport issues while avoiding hydrogen evolution on bare carbon in the underlying gas diffusion

Fig. 2. (Left) Photo of the electrochemical flow reactor for the electrochemical reduction of CO2.. (Right) Micro-computed 3D tomographic image of the airbrushed cathode for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO that shows the thin uniformly distributed catalyst layer. 70

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

layer. The various optimization steps of the catalyst and the catalyst layer structure have led to current densities as high as 91 mA/cm2 (with 94% selectivity for CO) while at the same time maintaining energy efficiencies that exceed 42%. These advances will help electrochemical CO2 conversion to become an economically feasible process. In his keynote presentation, Anil Virkar from the University of Utah highlighted a reversible solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC), which produces fuel in times of available electrical energy and consumes fuel to produce electrical energy in times of demand, as a chemical energy storage tool. In the SOEC configuration, electrical energy is used to electrochemically convert water and air to hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide may be incorporated to produce a syngas or hydrocarbon fuel. During this presentation, Prof. Virkar addressed the tendency for more severe degradation in electrolysis mode (fuel generation) by posing the fundamental question of if a perfectly insulating electrolyte is desired, or if rather a mixed ionic electronic conductor (MIEC) might provide some benefit. He highlighted that the potential for degradation might be mitigated by introducing some level of electronic conduction in the electrolyte, while achieving a high overall ionic transport number by suitably designing the interfaces. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to small organic molecules is a very promising approach for generating useful fuel in the future. A series of fundamental research and development programs are ongoing at the United State Department of Defense. The Defense Advanced Project Agency (DARPA), Defense Science Office, initiated a program “Convert CO2, Sunlight, and Water to Syngas” in 2008 under the “Surface Catalyst for Energy Program.” The performers are the University of San Diego and the California Institute Technology. The University of San Diego also is leading a program to explore and develop this technology under the Air Force Research Office’s Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) program. The U. S. Army also initiated a “CO2 Reduction to Fuels” Program in 2013. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and the U.S. Army Communication Electronic Research and Development Center (CERDEC) are collaborating with the University of Southern California (USC) and the West Virginia University for this technology. The electrochemical and photo-electrochemical conversion of CO2 to small organic molecules as fuels has great potential to become a viable and economical technology.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

About the Authors


Heli Wang is a senior scientist at National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden before joining NREL in 2001. His research interests are photoelectrochemical cells for hydrogen production, charge transfer at semiconductor/electrolyte interface, corrosion and protection, and PEMFC components and system contamination. He is the author or co-author of one patent and one book chapter, as well as over 40 journal publications. He may be reached at heli.

1. U.S. Department of Energy: New Science for a Secure and Sustainable Energy Future, December 2008, http:// reports/files/nsssef_rpt.pdf. 2. J. A. Turner, Science, 285, 687 (1999). 3. A. J. Bard and M. A, Fox, Acc. Chem. Res., 28, 141 (1995). 4. M. Woodhouse and B. A. Parkinson, Chem. Soc. Rev., 38, 197 (2009). 5. A. J. Nozik, Appl. Phys. Lett. 30, 567 (1977). 6. M. Grätzel, Nature, 414, 338 (2001). 7. R. Abe, T. Takata, H. Sugihara, and K. Domen, Chem. Commun., 3829 (2005). 8. H. Wang, T. Deutsch, and J. A. Turner, J. Electrochem. Soc., 155, B99 (2008). 9. M. G. Walter, E. L. Warren, J. R. McKone, S. W. Boettcher, Q. Mi, E. A. Santori, and N. S. Lewis, Chem. Rev., 110, 6446 (2010). 10. O. Khaselev and J. A. Turner: Science, 280, 425 (1998). 11. S. K. Cushing, J. Li, F. Meng, T. R. Senty, S. Suri, M. Zhi, M. Li, A. D. Bristow, and N. Q. Wu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 15033 (2012). 12. U.S. Department of Energy Program Record 11007 (Offices of Fuel Cell Technologies): Hydrogen Threshold Cost Calculation, March 2011, pdfs/11007_h2_threshold_costs.pdf. 13. B. Kumar, M. Llorente, J. Froehlich, T. Dang, A. Sathrum, and C. P. Kubiak, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 63, 541 (2012).

Deryn Chu received his PhD in electrochemistry from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland, Ohio in 1989 under the direction of Ernest B. Yeager. Since January 1993, he has been a research chemist at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL). He is a team leader for the fuel cell program where he is engaged in electrochemical research related to high performance fuel cell and renewable energy technologies. Dr. Chu has authored or coauthored approximately 90 referred journal papers in fuel cell science and technologies and he has given a number of invited keynote presentations at international conferences. Among his awards are the Best Paper Award for the 22nd Army Science Conference in 2000, the 2003 and 2008 Army Research and Development Achievement Award, and the 2004 Richard A. Glenn Award from the U.S. American Chemical Society, Fuel and Petroleum Division. He also received the Department of the Army “Commader’s Award for Civilian Service” in January 2012 for his outstanding service and contribution to fuel cell research and development. He may be reached at Eric L. Miller currently serves as the Hydrogen Production Technology Development Manager with the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Program at the U.S. DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. His professional career in alternative energy R&D, with an emphasis on solar energy and on hydrogen and fuel cell development, has spanned more than 20 years, including work with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the NASA Lewis (a/k/a Glenn) Research Center, Sunpower Inc., and the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dr. Miller is recognized as a world leader in the field of photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen production, specializing in semiconductor-based materials, devices, and systems for cost-effective PEC solar water-splitting; and currently serves as leader of the PEC task for the International Energy Agency’s Hydrogen Implementing Agreement. His numerous publications in the PEC field include several book chapters. He may be reached at


t ech SEC TION highligh NE WS ts Cleveland Section The ECS Cleveland Section held its annual spring symposium on March 15, 2013 at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland, OH. The event was organized in honor of Gerald Frankel, recipient of the 2012 Ernest. B. Yeager Award of the ECS Cleveland Section. The Yeager Electrochemistry Award of the Cleveland Section is awarded once every two years (on even years) to an individual in recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of electrochemistry in the U.S. Midwest and Great Lakes region. This year’s winner, Jerry Frankel, is a professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Director of the Fontana Corrosion Center at The Ohio State University. The full day event focused on corrosion studies and combined seven invited talks from the leading academic and industrial corrosion experts, with a student poster session. The symposium started with the award ceremony. The initial tribute to the award winner and presentation was given by Rudy Buchheit (The Ohio State University) who discussed “The Application of Microelectrochemical Methods for Understanding Localized Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Alloys.” Heather Allen, also of The Ohio State University, then presented a talk about “Ions, Water, and Electric Fields at Aqueous Surfaces.” Narasi Sridhar, Director of the Materials Program at Det Norske Veritas Inc. (DNV) focused on “Corrosion Assessment of Complex Systems.” After lunch, Mariano Iannuzzi (Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Akron) talked about “Corrosion

Jerry Frankel with symposium speakers and officers of the ECS Cleveland Section. From left to right are: Anne Co, Daniel Scherson, Jim Wu, Heidi Martin, Heather Allen, Mekki Bayachou, Mariano Iannuzzi, Jerry Frankel, Rudy Buchheit, Irina Serebrennikova, Ramgopal Thodla, and Shridar Narasi.

Inhibition of Aluminum Alloy 2024T3 by Vanadates.” A fascinating presentation on the “Design of Electrocatalytic Surfaces” was given by Daniel Scherson (Dept. of Chemistry, CWRU, the head of the Yeager Center of Electrochemical Sciences). Ramgopal Thodla (DNV/CC Technologies) then described the role of water on pit growth and repassivation in organic solvents. The last presentation from DNV concentrated on “Electrochemical Conversion of CO2.” The symposium attracted over 70 participants from the Northeast and Central

Ohio areas. Participants hailed from Energizer, NASA Glenn Research Center, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Honda, and a wide range of academic institutions (CWRU, Cleveland State University, University of Akron, and The Ohio State University). Detailed information about the symposium and past winners of the Yeager award can be found at https://filer. The event was co-sponsored by the Yeager Center of Electrochemical Sciences, the Joint ECS/ Yeager Center Student Chapter, and Case Western Reserve University.

Attendees at the 2012 E. B. Yeager Award Symposium of the ECS Cleveland Section. 72

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

t ech SEC TION highligh NE WS ts Korea Section

San Francisco Section

The Korea section symposium was held on April 11, 2013 at the Changwon Convention Center in Changwon, Korea. The symposium was organized by Yung-Eun Sung (Section Chair) and Soo-Kil Kim (Section Secretary). It was composed of six talks on battery, corrosion, electroless deposition, solar cells, and metal-organic frameworks. At the end of the symposium, Seong Min Bak received 7th Student Award of the Korea Section with a cash prize of $500. During the symposium, he also presented his recent work entitled, “Correlating Structural Changes and Gas Evolution During the Thermal Decomposition of Charged Cathode Materials” Mr. Seong Min Bak is a PhD candidate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Yonsei University in Korea. He received his BS degree from the same university in 2007. His current research interest is in the area of electrode materials for lithium ion batteries. He is the author of many papers in the Journal of Materials Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Electrochemical Communications, and more. The next award will be presented at the spring symposium of the Section in 2014.

It’s been an exciting year for the ECS San Francisco Section with two renowned international speakers at the monthly seminars. Stefano Passerini from University of Muenster (Germany) gave a talk about ionic liquids in battery electrolytes and another talk was given by Sorin Roşca from the Technical University of Bucharest (Romania). The latter event was organized together with the California Section of the American Chemical Society, and attracted a particularly large audience. The talk entitled, “Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Authentication of Romanian Wines,” was

very well received as it was presented in a close neighborhood of California’s Napa Valley and was part of the theme of a recent ACS meeting focused on “Chemistry of Energy and Food.” A mixed ECS-ACS audience was able to enjoy the talk and a tour of the battery laboratories of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Section has also toured Advanced Light Source, a world-class synchrotron facility engaged in multiple projects related to the mission of ECS, ranging from the characterization of battery materials and energy conversion systems to deep UV lithography of semiconductors. (continued on next page)

Gathered at the San Francisco Section seminar in April section seminar were (from left to right): Jaroslaw Syzdek, ECS SF Section Chair; Sorin Rosca, Bucharest Technical University; Oana Leonte, ECS SF Section Treasurer; and Dinu Leonte, ECS SF Section member.

Seong Min Bak (left) received the 7th Student Award of the Korea Section. On a tour for the SF Section were (from left to right): Dinu Leonte (ECS SF Section guest), Oana Leonte (ECS SF Section Treasurer), Mark Frishberg (ACS California Chair Elect), Sorin Roșca (Romanian Chemical Society President), Mircea Gheorghiu (ACS California Section member), Ana Racoveanu (ACS California Section member), Corneliu Radu (Romanian Chemical Society President), Alex Madonik (ACS California Section member), and Terasa Sowinski (ACS California Section member). The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


t ech SEC TION highligh NE WS ts (continued from previous page)

Indeed, given that the SF Section Chair is an LBNL employee, this season the integration between ECS and LBNL has been particularly strong. Three section seminars—two mentioned before and another one, given by Jarosław Syzdek (the SF Section Chair)—were hosted by LBNL. This reflects the trend of LBNL, a DOEfunded facility, to be more open to the public and to seek opportunities to collaborate with industrial partners on solving the burning problems of the nation’s energy and environment-related issues. Last but not least, the Section recently presented the Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award to Northern California students working in fields related to ECS mission. This year the ceremony was held in Sutardja-Dai Hall at University of California, Berkeley (UCB). The winner was Daniel Cohen,

advised by Michel Maharbiz from UCB. Daniel Cohen gave a very inspirational talk about bio-electricity, starting from the early days of electrochemistry, ending at his recent findings of collective responses of cells to electric fields and how that can be applied to treating injuries. The Section also awarded two honorable mentions: to Mallory Hammock, advised by Zhenan Bao (Stanford University), who talked about organic semiconductors and sensors; and Anthony Ferrese, advised by John Newman (UCB), who talked about mechanical response of Li-metal electrode in nonuniform electric fields. All the awardees showed amazing capabilities in science as well as outstanding integrity and healthy work-life balance. The ECS SF section is excited to have the next ECS meeting in San Francisco. The Section knows it will be a very successful meeting for all attendees.

The San Francisco Section presented the Daniel Cubicciotti Award in May. From left to right are: Anthony Ferrese, UC Berkeley (Honorable Mention); Jaroslaw Syzdek, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (ECS SF Section Chair); Daniel Cohen, UC Berkeley (Award winner); George Licina (Structural Integrity Associates Inc.); Mallory Hammock, Stanford University (Honorable Mention); and Mark Bailey, Kinestral Technologies Inc. (award jury member).

Twin Cities Section The ECS Twin Cities Section held their annual spring symposium on April 18 on the campus of the University of Minnesota. In addition to the University the Section is home to technology companies such as Medtronic, Boston-Scientific, St. Jude, and 3M Company, as well as other industrial organizations and academic institutions engaged in electrochemical or chemical physics research and development. Attendance at the symposium was generally good with approximately 60 people given that the weather did not cooperate. By late in the day heavy snow started to fall. Lili Deligianni, ECS Secretary, attended the symposium and kicked off the day with an update from ECS. The opportunities and advantages of ECS membership were well articulated by Dr. Deligianni. Speakers at the symposium were from the University of Minnesota, 3M Company, Medtronic, and Boston-Scientific. Dr. Deligianni followed her ECS introduction with a seminar on her work at IBM on the electrodeposition of photovoltaic materials. She was followed by Vincent Chevrier (3M) who described the company’s work on lithium ion battery materials. From the University of MN, Andreas Stein spoke of his work on structured nanomaterials for energy storage and Eray Aydil updated the attendees on his work in synthesis and characterization of photovoltaic materials. The symposium also included seminars on cardiac disease management and device intervention from Gregg Sherwood ( Boston Sci.) and Gonzolo Martinez (Medtronic) Thanks to all the speakers and Section officers for making this an entertaining, educational, and successful spring symposium.

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Student News


Bio-Logic USA, LLC................................................................back cover EL-Cell GmbH........................................................................................24 Gamry Instruments...............................................................................2, 4 Horiba.........................................................................................................8 Ivium Technologies........................................................inside front cover Koslow Scientific Company...................................................................24 Metrohm USA, Inc....................................................................................6 Princeton Applied Research............................................................... 1, 21 Scribner Associates Inc...........................................................................40 Solartron Analytical................................................................inside back cover Uniscan.....................................................................................................34

We welcome the opportunity to share with our membership, the scientific advances and activity news from your Section. Send your news to:

Visit The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


Call for Nominations For details on each award, including a list of requirements for award nominees, and in some cases, a downloadable nomination form, please go to the ECS website (www.electrochem. org) and click on the “Awards” link. This will take you to a general page that will then lead to the individual awards. The awards are grouped in one of four categories: Society Awards, ECS Division Awards, Student Awards, and ECS Section Awards. Click on one of these sublinks to find the individual award. Please see each for information about where nomination materials should be sent; or you may contact the ECS headquarters office by using the contact information on the awards Web page. For student awards, please see the Student News Section in this issue.

Visit and click on the “Awards” link. ECS Awards The Edward Goodrich Acheson Award was established in 1928 for distinguished contributions to the advancement of any of the objects, purposes or activities of The Electrochemical Society. The award consists of a gold medal, wall plaque and a prize of $10,000. The next award will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico, October 5-10, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to ECS, ATTN: Acheson Award, c/o The Electrochemical Society, 65 S. Main Street, Building D, Pennington, NJ 08534, U.S.; tel: 1.609.737.1902; e-mail: Electronic submission of nomination packets is preferred. Materials are due by March 1, 2014. The Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award was established in 2003 to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied electrochemistry or solidstate science and technology by a young scientist or engineer. The award consists of a certificate, a prize of $5,000, ECS Life Membership, and travel assistance to the meeting of the award presentation (up to $1,000). The next award will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico, October 5-10, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to ECS, ATTN: Tobias Young Investigator Award, c/o The Electrochemical Society, 65 S. Main Street, Building D, Pennington, NJ 08534, U.S.; tel: 1.609.737.1902; e-mail: Electronic submission of nomination packets is preferred.Materials are due by January 15, 2014. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

The award of ECS Fellows was established in 1989 for individual contribution and leadership in the achievement of science and technology in the area of electrochemistry and solid-state sciences and current active participation of the affairs of ECS, and consists of a scroll, lapel pin, and announcement in a Society publication. The next award will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico, October 5-10, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to ECS, ATTN: ECS Fellows, c/o The Electrochemical Society, 65 S. Main Street, Building D, Pennington, NJ 08534, U.S.; tel: 1.609.737.1902; e-mail: Electronic submission of nomination packets is preferred. Materials are due by January 15, 2014.

Division Awards The Early Career Faculty Travel Grants of the Battery Division were established to recognize promising faculty members at colleges and universities who are in the first five years of their appointments and engaged in research in the science and engineering of electrochemical energy storage and conversion. The grants shall be given for a single meeting. The grant award consists of a check in an amount not exceeding $1,000 payable to the recipient at the time of the meeting and a waiver of registration for that meeting as well as one-year membership in the Society. The next grant will be presented for the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Christopher S. Johnson, Argonne National Lab, 9700 S. Cass Ave # CSE-205, Argonne, IL 60439-4803, U.S.; e-mail: johnsoncs@cmt. Materials are due by November 15, 2013. (continued on next page) 75

NE W AWA MEMBERS RDS (continued from previous page)

The Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award was established in 1972 to recognize excellence in corrosion research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of corrosion science. The award consists of a scroll, prize of $1,500 and travel assistance to meeting of award presentation (if required). The next award will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico, October 5-10, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Philippe Marcus at CNRS-ENSCP (UMR 7045), École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie - CNRS, 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France; tel: 1 44 27 67 38; e-mail: Materials are due by December 15, 2013. The Electronics and Photonics Division Award was established in 1968 to encourage excellence in electronics research and outstanding technical contribution to the field of electronics science. The award consist of a scroll, a prize of $1,500, and expenses up to $1,000 or payment of Life Membership in the Society. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Edward Stokes, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Center for Optoelectronics, Grigg Hall, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, U.S.; tel: 1.704.687.8425; e-mail: Materials are due by August 1, 2013. The Research Award of the Energy Technology Division was established in 1992 to encourage excellence in energy related research. The award consists of a scroll, a prize of $2,000, and membership in the Energy Technology Division as long as a member of ECS. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Trung Van Nguyen, 4153 Learned Hall, 1530 W 15th St, Lawrence, KS 66045, U.S.; e-mail: Materials are due by September 1, 2013. The Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award of the Energy Technology Division was established in 2011 to recognize and reward an outstanding young researcher in the field of energy technology. Such early recognition of highly qualified scientists is intended to encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field. The award is named after the cofounder of the Energy Technology Division, Supramaniam Srinivasan. The award shall consist of a scroll, a prize of $1,000, and free meeting registration costs to help the recipient attend the ECS meeting at which the presentation is made. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, FL, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Katherine Ayers, Proton OnSite, 10 Technology Drive, Wallingford, CT 06492, U.S.; e-mail: Materials are due by September 1, 2013.


The SES Research Young Investigator Award of the Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Division was established in 2007 to recognize and reward one outstanding young researcher each year in the field of fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and carbon nanostructures. The award shall consist of a certificate plus $500 and free meeting registration costs to help the recipient attend the ECS meeting at which the presentation is made. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to the award chair, Dirk M. Guldi, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie, Egerlandstr 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany; e-mail: Materials are due by September 1, 2013. The High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award was established in 1984 to recognize excellence in high temperature materials research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of high temperature materials science. The award shall consist of a scroll, prize of a $1,000, complimentary meeting registration, and travel assistance to meeting of award presentation (up to $1,000). The next award will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico, October 5-10, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be send to Greg Jackson, Colorado School of Mines, 1610 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401, U.S.; tel: 1.303.273.3650; e-mail: Materials are due by January 1, 2014. The Early Career Faculty Travel Grants of the High Temperature Materials Division were established to assist postdoctoral associates, junior faculty, or other young investigators below the age of 35, who are both members of the High Temperature Materials (HTM) Division and are presenting papers at symposia sponsored or co-sponsored by the HTM Division at ECS meetings. The grant award consists of a check in an amount not exceeding $1,000 payable to the recipient at the time of the meeting. The next grant will be presented for the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Greg Jackson, Colorado School of Mines, 1610 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401, U.S.; tel: 1.303.273.3650; e-mail: Materials are due by November 15, 2013. The David C. Grahame Award of the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division was established in 1981 to encourage excellence in physical electrochemistry research. The award consists of a scroll and prize of $1,500. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Chicago, Illinois, May 24-28, 2015. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to Shelley D. Minteer, Chemistry Department, University of Utah, 315 S 1400 E Room 2020, Salt Lake City UT, 84112-0850, U.S.; tel.: 1.801.587.8325, e-mail: Materials are due by October 1, 2013.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

NE W MEMBERS ECS is pleased to announce the following new members for January, February, and March 2013.

Active Members Kathleen Abbey, Garner, NC, USA Fabio Albano, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Ezio Amerio, Gateshead, UK Senthil Annamalai, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Bashir Arima, Yonezawa shi, Yamagata, Japan Prashant Bagri, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Jacob Bauer, New Bedford, MA, USA Maryam Bayati, Stovolds Hill Cranleigh, Surrey, UK Elissa Bumiller, Patuxent River, MD, USA Hye Ryung Byon, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan Marissa Caldwell, San Diego, CA, USA Christopher Capuano, Wallingford, CT, USA Maria Paola Carpanese, Genova, Italy Kuo-Ching Chen, Taipei, Taiwan Li-Min Chen, Danbury, CT, USA Brandon Cisneros, Houston, TX, USA Brian DeForce, Natrona Heights, PA, USA Luís Frederico Dick, Porto Alegre, RS, BRAZIL Heather Durkee, Moses Lake, WA, USA Soham Dutta, Decatur, AL, USA Emma Gallo, Milano, Italy, Italy Lorena Garza Tovar, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Venkatagopal GK, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Gaetano Granozzi, Padova, Italy Robert Hamers, Madison, WI, USA Martin Heeney, London, London, UK Bryan Hendrix, Danbury, CT, USA Jennifer Hoffmann, Independence, OH, USA Olga Ivanova, Blacksburg, VA, USA Vatsala Jetti, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India Vibha Kalra, Philadelphia, PA, USA Yu Kaneko, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Patrick Keil, Senden, Germany Haiwon Kim, Yongin, Gyeongg-Do, South Korea Nicholas Kirkland, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki, Japan Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Nikko, Tochigi, Japan Wonyong Koh, Pyongtaek-si, Gyeonggido, South Korea Timothy Kucharski, Cambridge, MA, USA Miguel Lazaro, Provo, UT, USA Laurent Lecordier, Peabody, MA, USA Dongyun Lee, Busan, South Korea Eugene Letter, Webster, NY, USA Chen Li, Mountain View, CA, USA Hongqiang Li, Deep River, ON, Canada Sanela Martic, Rochester, MI, USA Ron Meyer, Lemont, IL, USA Akira Miyamoto, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan Michael Moehring, Independence, OH, USA Mabel Moreno Areneda, San Sebastian Donostia, Pais Vasco, SPAIN Truc Ngo, San Diego, CA, USA Cristiano Nicolella, Pisa, Italy Suzuka Nishimura, Chigasaki, Kagawa, Japan Bunsho Ohtani, Sapporo, Japan

John O’Sullivan, Portland, ME, USA Sarala Pamujula, Greensboro, NC, USA Fabian Peters, Oldenburg, Lower Saxonly, Germany Jens Pradella, Darmstadt, HE, Germany Russell Pylkki, Saint Paul, MN, USA David Sarraf, Elizabethtown, PA, USA Marc Secanell, Edmonton, AB, Canada Ozlem Sel, Paris, France Marian Stan, Muenster, NRW, Germany Scott Stephenson, Lorain, OH, USA Magdalena Stobiecka, Warsaw, POLAND Kimihiko Sugiura, Neyagawa, Osaka, Japan Kazutaka Terashima, Ebina, Kanagawa, Japan Rik Tykwinski, Erlangen, Germany Massimo Viviani, Genova, Italy Cheng-lun Wang, New Tapei City, Taiwan Dunwei Wang, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA Mark Weatherspoon, Tallahassee, FL, USA Xue Wei, Williamsville, NY, USA Shunqing WU, Xiamen, Fujian, P. R. CHINA Eda Yilmaz, Wako-Shi, Saitama, Japan Toshihiko Yoshida, Susono, Shizuoka, Japan

Member Representatives Chris Allen, Concord, OH, USA Dan Atherton, Lancaster, NY, USA Richard Baran, Lancaster, NY, USA Valentina Bonometti, Milano, Italy Marianna Brichese, Milano, Italy Richard Buchman, Brooklyn Center, MN, USA David Bush, Lake Charles, LA, USA Alice Calderara, Milano, Italy Dennis Chai, Lancaster, NY, USA Oceane Chotard, Varennes, QC, Canada Regis Cote, Varennes, QC, Canada Cecilia Del Curto, Milano, Italy Bridget Deveney, Cockeysville, MD, USA Alessandro Fiorucci, Milano, Italy Alice Gargiulo, Milano, Italy Tsuyoshi Hirai, Nagasaki, Japan Joachim Hossick-Schott, Minneapolis, MN, USA Luciano Iacopetti, Milano, Italy Emanuele Instuli, Milano, Italy Julia Krasovic, Fairport Harbor, OH, USA Stefanie Lau, Concord, OH, USA Erika Milligan, Lancaster, NY, USA Daisuke Mukai, Nagasaki, Japan Keishin Osaka, nagasaki, Japan Michele Perego, Milano, Italy Chiara Pezzoni, Milano, Italy Brandon Piercy, Concord, OH, USA Terry Smith, Monroeville, PA, USA Peter Symons, Lancaster, NY, USA Tomotake Takechi, Nagasaki, Japan Fabio Timpano, Milano, Italy Tetsuo Tokita, Nagasaki, Japan Daisuke Tsukamoto, Nagasaki, Japan Mark Viste, Minneapolis, MN, USA Joshua Wojcik, Sparks, MD, USA Peter Zhang, Brooklyn Center, MN, USA

Student Members Sofyane Abbou, Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France Fadi Abdeljawad, Princeton, NJ, USA Tomilola Ajayi, Westville, Durban, South Africa Neslihan Alpay, Montreal, QC, Canada Chibuokem Amuneke-Nze, Columbus, OH, USA Balasubramanian Anantharaman, New York, NY, USA Henrik Asheim, Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway Balasankar Athinarayanan, Changwon Gyeongsangnam, South Korea Rajesh Balachandran, Tucson, AZ, USA Moran Balaish, Technion City, Haifa, Israel Prabhuraj Balakrishnan, Fallowfield, Manchester, UK Stephen Banik, Cleveland, OH, USA Palani Barathi, Vellore Tamilnadu, India Damian Beauchamp, Hilliard, OH, USA Andri Bezzola, Chino Hills, CA, USA Salih Buyukkilic, Davis, CA, USA Jorge Alberto Cano, Merida, Mexico Amy Casaday, Columbus, OH, USA David Chandler, Camden, SC, USA Yu Chen, Columbia, SC, USA Chieh-Chun Chiang, Tucson, AZ, USA Hsu Ching-Hsiang, Hsinchu, Taiwan Chia-Yun Chou, Lakeway, TX, USA Kevin Click, Columbus, OH, USA Yiling Dai, Columbia, SC, USA Laurence Danis, Montreal, QC, Canada Diego De Alba, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico Juwana de Silva, Morgantown, WV, USA Jeremiah Deboever, Wilsonville, OR, USA Joselyn Del Pilar, Columbus, OH, USA Ann Deml, Boulder, CO, USA Swagata Dey, Columbus, OH, USA Jonathan Doan, Boston, MA, USA Emir Dogdibegovic, Cayce, SC, USA Madeleine Dupont, Newcastle, NSW, Australia Patricio Espinoza-Montero, Toluca, Mexico Shumin Fang, Columbia, SC, USA Yuanyuan Fang, Houston, TX, USA Robert Fares, Austin, TX, USA Allyson Fry, Columbus, OH, USA Taylor Garrick, Simpsonville, SC, USA Danny Gelman, Technion City, Haifa, Israel Matthew Genovese, Toronto, ON, Canada Lida Ghassemzadeh, Burnaby, Canada Sambit Ghosh, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India Jacob Goran, Austin, TX, USA Marc-Anthony Goulet, Montreal, ON, Canada Ankit Goyal, Hyattsville, MD, USA Chenjie Gu, Singapore, Singapore Ashish Gupta, Guna Madhya Pradesh, India Panitat Hasin, Columbus, OH, USA Nathalie Hayeck, Marseille, France Thomas Holm, Trondheim Sor-Trondelag, Norway

(continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


NE W MEMBERS (continued from previous page)

Shuozhen Hu, Pullman, WA, USA Xiaoyu Hu, Charlottesville, VA, USA Yuhai Hu, London, ON, Canada Tobias Hutzenlaub, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany Angelique Janse van Rensburg, Potchefstroom, South Africa Josiah Jebaraj Johnley Muthuraj, Potsdam, NY, USA Aniruddha Joi, Cleveland, OH, USA Amala Jose, Trois Rivieras, QC, Canada Jinhee Kang, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Yen Wen Kang, Hsinchu City Hsinchu, Taiwan Mahshid Karimi, Vancouver, Canada Shima Karimi, Burnaby, BC, Canada Ioannis Katsounaros, Duesseldorf, NW, Germany Yuya Kawai, Kyoto, Japan Ibrahim Khawaji, State College, PA, USA Sung Jin Kim, Pohang Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea Kevin Klunder, Holland, MI, USA Toshinari Koketsu, Berlin, Germany Sigrid Laedre, Heimdal, Norway Gaurav Lalwani, Stony Brook, NY, USA Vasilica Lates, Potchefstroom, South Africa Julie Lau, Tustin, CA, USA Seunghwa Lee, Gwangju, South Korea Kwan Leung, Columbus, OH, USA Jak Li, Toronto, ON, Canada Wei Li, Athens, OH, USA Yi-Ann Lii, Columbus, OH, USA Daw Gen Lim, West Lafayette, IN, USA Chong Liu, Albany, CA, USA Jian Liu, London, ON, Canada Lu Liu, Gainesville, FL, USA

Shih-Chien Liu, Hsinchu, Taiwan Daniel Lopez Sauri, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Antriksh Luthra, Columbus, OH, USA Aishwarya Mahadevan, Bryan, TX, USA Pasha Majidi, St. John’s, NL, Canada Katlego Makgopa, Pretoria, South Africa Caitlyn McGuire, Bloomington, IN, USA Beth McNally, Hamilton, ON, Canada Nakul Mehrotra, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India Tricia Meyer, Columbus, OH, USA Kevin Mistry, Boulder, CO, USA Jonathan Moldenhauer, Fayetteville, AR, USA Tamal Mukherjee, Denton, TX, USA Max Mullen, Columbus, OH, USA Fabian Munoz, West Covina, CA, USA Shrikant Nagpure, Columbus, OH, USA Narendar Nasani, Aveiro, Portugal Scott Nash, Lancaster, UK Ruben Nelson, Tallahassee, FL, USA Sarah Olsen, Billings, MT, USA Jeremy Onye, Columbus, OH, USA Anjali Paravannoor, Kochi Kerala, India Pakanat Pataru-anale, Columbus, OH, USA Allen Pauric, Hamilton, ON, Canada Joey Pavlovski, Hamilton, ON, Canada Jacob Paz, Las Vegas, NV, USA Anthony Petty II, Allendale, MI, USA Kathryn Pilson, East Dundee, IL, USA Dana Pinzaru, Calgary, AB, Canada David Polcari, Montreal, QC, Canada Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan, Potsdam, NY, USA Ranjusha Rajagopalan, Kochi Kerala, India Daniel Redman, Austin, TX, USA Andrew Ritzmann, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA Jerome Robinson, Philadelphia, PA, USA Bryan Rosales, Columbus, OH, USA Ala Sabeeh, State College, PA, USA Beatriz Sanchez, Calgary, AB, Canada

Evan Sarina, Davis, CA, USA Anna Schuppert, Duesseldorf, North RhineWestphalia, Germany Andrew Sharits, Columbus, OH, USA Xuesong Shen, Kyoto, Japan Priyank Shyam, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India Ajit Singh, Hyderabad Andhrapradesh, India Ramesh Soni, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Ramesh Soysa, Gyeongnamdong, South Korea Samuel St John, Cincinnati, OH, USA Xin Su, Providence, RI, USA Jennine Ta, Garden Grove, CA, USA Bahareh Alsadat Tavakoli Mehrabadi, Columbia, SC, USA Nehar Ullah, Montreal, QC, Canada Kyle Vasquez, Columbus, OH, USA Victor Velez, Orlando, FL, USA Paul Vo, Westminster, CA, USA Niladri Vyas, Swansea, UK Bo Wang, Columbus, OH, USA Dongniu Wang, London, ON, Canada Han Wang, Vernon, CT, USA Zhe Wang, Auburn Hills, MI, USA Weimer William, Columbus, OH, USA Kent Williams, Columbus, OH, USA Raymond Wong, Burnaby, BC, Canada Weixiao Xiao, Toronto, ON, Canada Chengkai Xiong, Athens, OH, USA Jinli Yang, London, ON, Canada Ceren Yilmaz, Istanbul, Turkey Lu Yu, Cleveland, OH, USA Dallely Melissa Zamora, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Marta Zaton, Montpellier, France Iryna Zenyuk, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Cindy Zhao, Hamilton, ON, Canada Lixia Zhu, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Member Anniversaries anniversaries It is with great pleasure that we recognize the following ECS members, who have reached 30, 40, and 60 year anniversaries with the Society in 2013. Congratulations to all!

60-Year Members

Margie May Nicholson Miller H. Peterson Howard H. Rogers Alvin J. Salkind R. R. Witherspoon

50-Year Members

Charles E. Allman Ting Li Chu Morris P. Grotheer Maurice I. Hart Raymond J. Jasinski Zlata Kovac William A. McAllister Lubomyr T. Romankiw John Z. O. Stachurski Orlin D. Trapp


John Wagenknecht Chih Chun Wang Walter Zwicker

40-Year Members Marjorie K. Balazs Larry R. Faulkner Edward L. Ghali Tohru Hara Adam Heller Nick Holonyak Savin Ikonopisov Harold F. Jones William J. Kroll Paul Meubus John J. Michel Patrick K. Ng Kemal Nisancioglu K. V. Ravi

McDonald Robinson Mark Salomon Desmond Tromans Richard D. Varjian David J. Young

30-Year Members

John O. Borland Edmond F. Bowden Mohammad A. Enayetullah Dennis H. Evans Joseph C. Farmer Y. S. Fung Heiner J. Gores Georges J. Kipouros Kevin Krist Clovis A. Linkous Toshio Maruyama Gangadhara S. Mathad

D. May Shalini Menezes Toshiaki Murahashi Takao Nagatomo Zempachi Ogumi Sandra C. Rondinini Israel Rubenstein Robert L. Ruedisueli Carey L. Scortichini Barbara A. Shaw Robert J. Staniewicz John L. Stickney Kenji Takahashi Jan B. Talbot Sing Pin Tay Jomar Thonstad Klaus Tomantschger Graham C. Wood Willie J. Yarbrough

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

t ST ech UDENT highligh NE WS ts New Student Chapter at Indiana University In September 2012, an ECS Student Chapter was established at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Lane Baker and Dennis Peters serve as the faculty advisors for the new Chapter, and doctoral candidates Celeste Morris, Angela Peverly, Elizabeth Wagoner, and Kirstin Morton act as the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, respectively. Inaugural membership consists of over 20 chemistry graduate and undergraduate students who seek to share their interest and skills of electrochemical sciences with one another and the community. Monthly informational sessions are held to instruct Indiana University scientists and researchers on various electrochemical techniques. Chapter members also participate in biannual field trips to enhance their electrochemical education and build camaraderie within the group. The first successful event was to attend the Indiana University Cinema’s showing of “The Believers” on January 28, 2013, which focused on the story of cold fusion. Following the viewing, the Chapter was able to take advantage of a question and answer session with the directors of the film. The Chapter plans to visit Argonne National Lab in the fall semester of 2014. In addition to the instructive events for Chapter members, the group also sponsors outreach events for the non-scientific community to educate and promote electrochemistry to a younger audience. Students demonstrated basic principles of electrochemistry during Indiana University’s National Chemistry week event in October

by arranging five interactive child-friendly experiments stationed within the university. One of the most popular experiments involved electroplating a copper penny with zinc so that it appeared silver and then applying heat to create a bronze layer, which allowed the penny to appear gold. At the conclusion of the experiment, an exciting souvenir for each participant was generated. The most noteworthy event sponsored by the Chapter during its first year of establishment was a seminar on April 10, 2013, featuring Allen J. Bard—recipient of the 2011 National Medal of Science—as the inaugural ECS seminar speaker at Indiana University. His talk focused on electrochemical measurement of single particle collisions and was attended by over 80 students, faculty, and visitors. Members of this Chapter hope to sponsor other prominent electrochemists to speak at the university in 2014, and they look forward to the enhancement of electrochemistry and its applications throughout Indiana University and the Bloomington, Indiana community.

University of Maryland Chapter Visits Congress to Advocate for Stable Science R&D Funding The ECS University of Maryland Student Chapter participated in the Science, Engineering, & Technology Congressional Visits Day (SETCVD), which took place March 12th and 13th in Washington, DC. See the full story on page 16.

Benefits of ECS Student Membership Annual Student Membership Dues Are Only $18 w Student Grants and Awards

Student awards and support for travel available from ECS Divisions

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Present papers and participate in student poster sessions at ECS meetings

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Valuable discounts to attend ECS spring and fall meetings

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65 South Main Street, Building D, Pennington, New Jersey 08534-2839 USA • Tel 609.737.1902 • Fax 609.737.2743

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


t ST ech UDENT highligh NE WS ts Ohio University Student Chapter The ECS Student Chapter at Ohio University was established in May 2011. The goal of the organization is to educate students in the field of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology and keep them informed with the latest trends in such field. The advisor for the Chapter is Gerardine Botte, who is a professor of Russ College and the director of the Center of Electrochemical Engineering Research (CEER) at Ohio University. She is also the chair for the ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) Division. The Chapter has invited distinguished professors and scientists to Ohio University to deliver seminars, such as Alan West (Columbia University), Robert Savinell (Case Western University), Perla Balbuena (Texas A&M University), Krishnan Rajeshwar (University of Texas Arlington and the Interface Editor) and Christopher Johnson (Argonne National Laboratory). The special guests have delivered various intriguing talks including: “Solar Energy,” “Flow Batteries,” “Environmental Remediation,” “Electrochemical Engineering in MicroFabrication,” “Prediction of Physical and Chemical Properties of Material Using Atomic-Level Simulations,” and “Lithium Ion Batteries.” The activities of the Chapter give the members of the organization an opportunity to meet and discuss with eminent scholars in the field of electrochemistry, which raises the awareness in new areas and aspects of research in the field of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. In addition, the Chapter has also organized the IE&EE Outreach Program in the fall of 2011 and fall of 2012. In this program, high school students have the privilege to learn about and operate

model fuel cell cars. This program has been rewarding for the ECS student members involved, because it provides the ECS student members the opportunity to serve as mentors for the next generation. During the program the high school students participating in the Outreach get very excited about the fuel cell car competition, with many of the students coming up after the completion to ask more questions about how the fuel cells operate, what opportunities are out there to continue doing research, what are the opportunities in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering. The Chapter’s more recent distinguished speaker, Dr. Johnson, discussed the current development of electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries. His seminar was followed by an informal pizza reception where the members of the Chapter had the opportunity to learn more about career opportunities in national laboratories. The current officers for the Chapter are: Wei Yan, President; Arthur Gildea, Vice-President; Fei Lu, Treasurer; and Ali Estejab, Secretary. The officers meet every week to discuss, plan, and organize events that could benefit not only its members but also other aspiring students. Gerardine Botte, who is no doubt the driving force of the Chapter, constantly motivates and encourages students to organize and participate in seminar and outreach activities to further their knowledge in science and engineering in society and enlarge the horizon of their research. The Chapter aspires to organize more events to engage students and enhance their knowledge of electrochemistry, and the Chapter welcomes more students to join the Chapter.

The ECS Student Chapter at Ohio University recently hosted a talk by Christopher Johnson. From left to right are: Madhivanan Muthuvel, Dan Wang, Bahar Moradi Ghadi, Vedasri Vedharathinam, Gerardine Botte, Arthur Gildea, Christopher Johnson, Wei Yan, Fei Lu, Ramasamy Palaniappan, Santosh Vijapur, Xiaoyound Xia, and Ali Estejab.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

t ST ech UDENT highligh NE WS ts The Ohio State University Student Chapter

The Ohio State University Student Chapter membership drive was held in November 2012. About 40 undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs from departments and research centers across the Ohio State campus attended the annual kick-off event. Among those departments and centers were Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Food

Looking for

Student News Visit The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Science, Biology, Fontana Corrosion Center, and the Center for Automotive Research. The event recruited 28 members through the ECS Awarded Membership and Student Chapter Membership. ECS member Anne Co is the faculty advisor; Danny Liu, Amy Casaday, Jared Steed, and Eric Coleman serve as the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Webmaster, respectively.

ECS takes an active interest in the affairs of its Student Members, and is always interested in hearing from you about your interests, activities, and accomplishments. Send all correspondence to 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA Tel: 609.737.1902 l Fax: 609.737.2743 E-mail:


t ST ech UDENT highligh NE WS ts The University of Texas at Austin Since its inception in 2007, the ECS Student Chapter at The University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) has provided a forum for students who share common research interests in electrochemical and solid-state sciences to discuss and exchange ideas about science. The Chapter is currently comprised of 12 registered student members who represent multiple disciplines in the college of natural sciences and Cockrell School of Engineering. In addition, faculty members and unregistered students also participate in the events hosted by the ECS Student Chapter each year. The Chapter kicked off 2013 by honoring UT’s own Professors John B. Goodenough and Allen J. Bard (recent recipients of the National Medal of Science) with two informal Q&A sessions with each professor. Here, Chapter members and nonmembers alike were given the unique opportunity to hear first-hand the stories and perspectives of two highly esteemed scientists.

In February, the Student Chapter helped with the poster session for the 5th Annual Workshop in Electrochemistry, hosted by the Center for Electrochemistry at UT Austin. Also in February, in order to promote student interactions throughout multiple departments, the Chapter organized its first ECS Student Chalk Talk presented by a senior doctoral graduate student, Jacob Goran. The chalk talk is a casual presentation without slides whereby audience members are welcome to interrupt at any time with questions and trigger interesting discussions about the research topic. The highlight of this spring was Explore UT, a day-long event where the entire university opens its doors to the public with many events and activities scheduled throughout the day. The Chapter outreach event showcased electrochemistry for clean energy. Here, children and adults alike learned about the fundamental principles of batteries and fuel cells through fun demonstrations and activities. Demonstrations included making batteries out of lemons and a model car fueled by hydrogen and oxygen from water electrolysis. The Chapter members also shared these activities with elementary school students at the Meridian Science Day in Round Rock, TX. The ECS Chapter at UT Austin continues to grow in membership and is currently planning more seminars and chalk talks to foster student networking. In addition, the Chapter will continue to provide outreach activities to inspire the next generation of scientists. More information about the ECS Student Chapter at the University of Texas at Austin can be found at

Lemon battery demonstration at Explore UT 2013.

Start a Student Chapter! ECS currently has 28 student chapters around the world, which provide students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of electrochemical and solid-state science, to have a venue for meeting fellow students, and to receive recognition for their organized scholarly activities. Students interested in starting a student chapter may contact for details. 82

UT-Austin ECS Student Chapter officers and members. From left to right are: Donald Robinson, Alma Castaneda, Netzahualcoyotl Arroyo Curras, Arumugam Manthiram (Faculty Advisor), Jason Yoo, Karen Scida, Josephine Cunningham, Brent Bennett, and Preethi Mathew. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

t ST ech UDENT highligh NE WS ts

For details on each award— including a list of requirements for award nominees, and in some cases, a downloadable application form—please go to the ECS website (www. and click on the “Awards” link. Awards are grouped in the following sub-categories: Society Awards, ECS Division Awards, Student Awards, and ECS Section Awards. Please see the individual award call for information about where nomination materials should be sent; or contact ECS headquarters.

Call for Nominations Visit and click on the “Awards” link.

The Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award of the Corrosion Division was established in 1991 to recognize outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering. The award consists of a scroll, a prize of $1,000, and travel assistance to the meeting where the award will be presented (up to $1,000). The next award will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Cancun, Mexico, October 5-10, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to David A. Shifler, Office of Naval Research, 875 N. Randolph Street, Code 332, Arlington, VA 22203-1995, U.S.; email: david.shifler@navy. mil. Materials are due by December 15, 2013 The Electrochemical Science and Solid-State Science Graduate Awards of the Energy Technology Division were established in 2012 to recognize and reward promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to the Division. The awards are intended to encourage the recipients to initiate or continue careers in this field. The award consists of a scroll, a prize of $1,000, and complimentary registration and travel assistance to attend the meeting where the award will be presented (up to $1,000). The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, FL, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to the award chair, Trung Van Nguyen, 4153 Learned Hall, 1530 W 15th St, Lawrence, KS 66045, U.S.; e-mail: Materials are due by September 1, 2013. The H. H. Dow Memorial Student Award of the Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division was established in 1990 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry. The award consists of a scroll and a prize of $1,000 for educational purposes. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to John Staser, University of Puerto Rico, Cond. La Ciudadela 602, Ave. Las Cumbres #2, Guaynabo, 00969 Puerto Rico; e-mail: staser.john@ Materials are due by September 15, 2013.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

The Student Achievement Award of the Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division was established in 1989 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical engineering and to encourage the recipients to initiate careers in this field. The award consists of a scroll and a prize of $1,000 for educational purposes. More than one recipient may be named, at the discretion of the Division. The next award will be presented at the ECS spring meeting in Orlando, Florida, May 11-16, 2014. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent to John Staser, University of Puerto Rico, Cond. La Ciudadela 602, Ave. Las Cumbres #2, Guaynabo, 00969 Puerto Rico; e-mail: staser.john@ edu. Materials are due by September 1, 2013.

Student Travel Grants

Several of the Society’s Divisions offer travel assistance to students and young faculty members presenting papers at ECS meetings. For details about travel grants for 225th ECS meeting in Orlando, Florida, U.S., please see the Orlando, Florida Call for Papers; or visit the ECS website: Please be sure to e-mail the student travel grant contact as each Division requires different materials for approval. The deadline for submission for the spring 2014 travel grants is November 15, 2013.

Awarded Student Memberships Available

ECS Divisions are offering Awarded Student Memberships to qualified full-time students. To be eligible, students must be in their final two years of an undergraduate program or enrolled in a graduate program in science, engineering, or education (with a science or engineering degree). Postdoctoral students are not eligible. Awarded memberships are renewable for up to four years; applicants must reapply each year. Memberships include article pack access to the ECS Digital Library, and a subscription to Interface. To apply for an Awarded Student Membership, use the application form on page 84 or refer to the ECS website at: w w w. e l e c t r o c h e m . o r g / a w a r d s / a p p l i c a t i o n s / o n l i n e / awardedmembership.asp.


tech highlights ST UDENT NE WSApplication Awarded Student Membership

ECS Divisions are offering Awarded Student Memberships to qualified full-time students. To be eligible, students must be in their final two years of an undergraduate program or be enrolled in a graduate program in science, engineering, or education (with a science or engineering degree). Postdoctoral students are not eligible. Awarded memberships are renewable for up to four years; applicants must reapply each year. Memberships include article pack access to the ECS Digital Library and a subscription to Interface.

Divisions (please select only one):

Personal Information

 Battery Name:

________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:__________________

 Corrosion  Dielectric Science & Technology

Home Address:


 Electrodeposition  Electronics and Photonics


Phone:____________________________________ Fax:________________________________________


 Energy Technology  Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures  High Temperature Materials  Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering  Luminescence & Display Materials  Organic & Biological Electrochemistry

School Information

 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry



(please include Division and Department)




Undergraduate Year (U) or Graduate Year (G) - circle one:






Major Subject:

__________________________ Grade Point Average: _______________ out of possible:

Have you ever won this award before?




 Sensor


If yes, how many times?______


Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________


Faculty member attesting to eligibility of full time student:

Faculty Member: ___________________________________________________________ Dept.: ______________________________________________________

E-mail Address:



Date: _________________________________

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

© Disney

225 ECS Meeting

© Cynthia Lindow


© Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek

© Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek

ORLANDO, FL May 11-16, 2014 Hilton Bonnet Creek

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013 © Disney

Call for Papers


225th ECS Meeting For the full Orlando, FL, Call for Papers, See the ECS website: General Information


he 225th ECS Meeting will be held from May 11-16, 2014. This major international conference offers a unique blend of electrochemical and solid-state science and technology; and serves as a major forum for the discussion of interdisciplinary research from around the world through a variety of formats, such as oral presentations, poster sessions, exhibits, and tutorial sessions.

Abstract Submission and Deadlines Abstracts are due no later than November 15, 2013. Note: Some abstracts may be due earlier than November 15, 2013. Please carefully check the symposium listings for any alternate abstract submission deadlines. For complete details on abstract submission and symposia topics, please see Submit one original meeting abstract electronically via, no later than November 15, 2013. Faxed abstracts, emailed abstracts, late abstracts, and abstracts more than one page in length will not be accepted. In January 2014, all presenting authors will receive an email from ECS headquarters office notifying them of the date, time, and location of their presentation. Only authors with non-U.S. addresses will receive a hardcopy acceptance letter. Other hardcopy letters will be sent only upon request. Meeting abstracts should explicitly state objectives, new results, and conclusions or significance of the work. Abstracts must be properly formatted and no more than one page in length. Please use the ideal preformatted two column template located at: abs_template.doc. Programming for this meeting will occur in January 2014, with some papers scheduled for poster presentation. Check the ECS website for further program details.

Paper Presentation

All authors selected for either oral or poster presentations will be notified in January 2014. Oral presentations must be in English. Both LCD projectors and laptops will be provided for oral presentations. Presenting authors are no longer required to bring their own laptops to the meeting for presentation; however, you MUST bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to be used with the laptop that will be provided in each technical session room. If a presenting author would like to use his/her own laptop for presentation, we strongly suggest that the author verify laptop/projector compatibility in the presentation room prior to the start of the session or all other presentations. Speakers requiring additional equipment must make written request to the ECS headquarters office at least one month prior to the meeting and appropriate arrangements will be worked out, subject to availability, and at the expense of the author. Poster presentations should be displayed in English, on a board approximately 3 feet 10 inches high by 3 feet 10 inches wide (1.17 meters high by 1.17 meters wide), corresponding to the abstract number and day of presentation in the final program.

Manuscript Publication

ECS Meeting Abstracts—All meeting abstracts will be published on the ECS website, copyrighted by ECS, and all abstracts become the property of ECS upon presentation. ECS Transactions—All full papers presented at ECS meetings are eligible for submission to the online proceedings publication, ECS Transactions (ECST). Each meeting is represented by a “volume” of ECST, and each symposium is represented by an “issue.” Some symposia will publish their issue to be available for sale “AT” the meeting. Please see each individual symposium listing in this Call to determine if there will be an “AT” meeting issue. In this case, submission to ECST is mandatory, and required in advance of the meeting. Some symposia will publish their issue to be available “AFTER” the meeting, and all authors are encouraged to submit their full papers. To determine acceptance in ECST, all submitted manuscripts will be reviewed, either by the symposium organizers or by the ECST Editorial Board. After the meeting, all accepted papers in ECST will be available for sale, either individually, or by issue. Please visit the ECST website ( for additional information, including overall guidelines, deadlines for submissions and reviews, author and editor instructions, a manuscript template, and much more. 86

Authors presenting papers at ECS meetings, and submitting to ECST, are encouraged to submit to the Society’s technical journals: the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, or ECS Solid State Letters. Although there is no hard deadline for the submission of these papers, it is considered that six months from the date of the symposium is sufficient time to revise a paper to meet the stricter deadlines of the journals. “Instructions to Authors” are available from the ECS headquarters office, the journals, or the ECS website. If publication is desired elsewhere after presentation, written permission from ECS is required.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is very limited and generally governed by the symposium organizers. Individuals may inquire directly to the symposium organizers of the symposium in which they are presenting their paper to see if funding is available. Individuals requiring an official letter of invitation should write to the ECS headquarters office; such letters will not imply any financial responsibility of ECS. Students seeking financial assistance should consider awarded travel grants (see page 88).

Hotel Reservations

The 225th ECS Meeting will be held at the The Hilton Bonnet Creek Hotel, 14100 Bonnet Creek Resort Lane, Orlando, FL 32821. Please refer to the 225th ECS Meeting website for the most up to date information on hotel availability and a block of rooms where special rates have been reserved for participants attending the 225th ECS Meeting. The hotel reservation deadline is April 11, 2014. Please refer to ECS website for rates and reservations.

Meeting Registration

All participants—including authors and invited speakers of the 225th ECS Meeting—are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Hotel and meeting registration information will be posted on the ECS website ( as it becomes available. The deadline for early bird registration is April 11, 2014.

Short Courses

A number of short courses will be offered on Sunday, May 11, 2014 from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM. Short Courses require advance registration and may be cancelled if enrollments are too low. As of press-time, the following Short Courses are tentatively planned for the meeting: Basic Impedance Spectroscopy, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, Grid Scale Energy Storage, Solar Energy Conversion, Battery Safety, Chemical/Biological Sensors, and Survey of Materials Characterization Techniques. Please check the ECS website for the final list of offerings.

Technical Exhibit

The 225th ECS Meeting will also include a Technical Exhibit, featuring presentations and displays by over 40 manufacturers of instruments, materials, systems, publications, and software of interest to meeting attendees. Coffee breaks are scheduled each day in the exhibit hall along with evening poster sessions to increase traffic. Please see the ECS website for further details.

Sponsorship Opportunities

ECS biannual meetings are wonderful chances to market your company through sponsorship. Sponsors will be recognized by level in Interface, the Meeting Program, meeting signage, on the ECS website, and in the mobile app. The levels are: Platinum: $10,000+, Gold: $5,000, Silver: $3,000, and Bronze: $1,500. In addition, sponsorships are available for the plenary and keynote talks and other special events. These opportunities include the recognition stated above, along with additional personalized packages. Special event sponsorships will be assigned by the Society on a first-come, first served basis. Advertising opportunities—in the Meeting Program as well as in Interface—are available. Please see the ECS website for further details.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or require additional information, contact The Electrochemical Society, 65 South Main Street, Pennington, New Jersey, 08534-2839, USA, tel: 609.737.1902, fax: 609.737.2743, e-mail: ecs@; Web:

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


May 11-16, 2014

SYMPOSIUM TOPICS A — Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Energy Conversion

H4 — Charge Transfer: Electrons, Protons, and Other Ions 2

A1 — Batteries and Energy Technology Joint General Session

H5 — Physical Chemistry of Electrolytes

A2 — Material and Electrode Designs for Energy Storage and Conversion

H6 — Rare-Earth and Actinide Electrochemistry

A3 — Mechanical-Electrochemical Coupling in Energy Related Materials and Devices

H7 — Scanning Probe Microscopy 2

A4 — Stationary and Large Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 4

H8 — Spectroelectrochemistry 2 H9 — Symposium in Honor of Richard Buck

B — Chemical and Biological Sensors B1 — Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Chemical and Biological Sensors) B2 — Practical Implementation and Commercialization of Sensors B3 — Sensors for Power Production and Energy Conversion B4 — Ubiquitous Sensing, Energy Harvesting and the Internet of Things C — Corrosion Science and Technology

M — Carbon Nanostructures and Devices M1 — Carbon Electronics: Interfaces to Metals, Dielectrics, and Electrolytes M2 — Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion M3 — Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology M4 — Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices M5 — Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules

C1 — Corrosion General Session

M6 — Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory

D — Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition

M7 — Graphene and Related Structures

D1 — Electrodeposition for Micro- and Nano-Battery Materials

M8 — Nanostructures for Energy Conversion

D2 — Electroless Plating: Principles and Applications 3

M9 — Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies

E — Electrochemical Engineering

N — Dielectric Science and Materials

E1 — Electrochemical Engineering General Session

N1 — Dielectrics for Interconnect, Interposers, and Packaging

E2 — Characterization of Porous Materials 6

N2 — Dielectrics for Nanosystems 6: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability, and Manufacturing

E3 — Electrochemical Engineering for the 21 Century 4 st

E4 — Electrolysis and Electrochemical Processes E5 — Materials for Low Temperature Electrochemical Systems F — Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion F1 — Characterization of Interfaces and Interphases F2 — Computational Studies on Battery and Fuel Cell Materials (in Honor of Prof. Ishikawa Symposium) F3 — Electrochemical Utilization of Solid Fuels 2 F4 — Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 9 F5 — Solar Fuels and Photocatalysts 3 F6 — State of the Art Tutorial on Durability in Low Temperature Fuel Cells G — Organic and Bioelectrochemistry G1 — Students in Bioelectrochemistry G2 — Manuel Baizer Memorial Award Symposium in Organic Electrochemistry 11 G3 — Timely Challenges in Bioelectrochemistry: Unprecedented Analysis H — Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry H1 — General Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry Session

N3 — More than Moore 2 P — Electronic Materials and Processing P1 — Chemical Mechanical Polishing 13 P2 — Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 4 Q — Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems Q1 — Integrated Optoelectronics 7 Q2 — Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 15 R — Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing R1 — Nanoscale Luminescent Materials 3 S — Physical Sensors S1 — Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session (Physical Sensors) Z — General Z1 — General Student Poster Session Z2 — Nanotechnology General Session Z3 — Solid State Topics General Session

H2 — Symposium in Honor of Andrzej Wieckowski H3 — Biofuel Cells 6

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


Student Travel Grant Application Orlando, FL The Society’s, Battery, Corrosion, Dielectric Science & Technology, Electrodesposition, Electronics and Photonics, Energy Technology, High Temperature Materials (HTM), Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures (FNCN), Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE), Luminescence and Display Materials (LDM), Organic and Biological Electrochemistry (O&BE), Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, and Sensor Divisions offer travel grants to students presenting papers at the Society’s next meeting in Orlando, FL, May 11-16, 2014. To apply, complete this application and send it along with a copy of your transcript and a letter from an involved faculty member attesting both to the quality of the student’s work and financial needs, and a copy of the student’s meeting abstract. For additional information please contact the Division contact below, as requirements might differ among Divisions. Meeting Site: Name: School Adress: Email: Phone #: Undergraduate Year (U) or Graduate Year (G) - circle one:





Major Subject: Grade point average:




out of possible:

(please provide a letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor and a copy of your transcript)

Symposium Title (#): Title of paper to be presented at the meeting: Are you an ECS Student Member of the Society?

q yes

q no

(if not, please additionally submit the Awarded Student Membership application)

Estimated meeting expenditures: $ Signature: Date: Check only one Division. (Applications made to multiple Divisions will be rejected.) q Battery—Send to: Marca Doeff, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclontron Rd., M/S S62r0100-8028, Berkeley, CA 94720-8028, e-mail:

q Corrosion—Send to: N. Missert, Sandia National Labs, MS 1415, P. O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0100, USA, e-mail: q Dielectric Science & Technology—Send to: Vimal Desai Chaitanya, New Mexico State University, Office of the VP for Research MSC 3RES - Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001, USA, e-mail:

q Electrodeposition—Send to: Natasa Vasiljevic, University of Bristol, H. H. Willis Physics Lab Rm. M21, Tyndal Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TL, United Kingdom, e-mail:

q Electronics and Photonics—Send to: Fan Ren, University of Florida, 912 SW 88th Street, Gainesville, FL 32607-4942, USA; e-mail: q Energy Technology—Send to: Jean St. Pierre, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, 1680 East West Rd. POST 109, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA, e-mail:

q Fullerenes (FNCN)—Send to: Bruce Weisman, Rice University, Chemistry MS 60, 6100 Main Street. Houston, TX 77005, USA, e-mail:

q HTM—Send to: Greg Jackson, Colorado School of Mines, Brown Hall W350, Golden, CO 80401, USA, e-mail: q IE&EE—Send to: John Staser, Cond La Ciudadela 602, Ave., Las Cumbres #2, Guaynabo, 00969 Puerto Rico, e-mail: q LDM—Send to: John Collins, Wheaton College, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, 26 East Main Street, Norton, MA, 02766-0000, USA, e-mail:

q O&BE—Send to: James D. Burgess, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106-1712, USA, e-mail: q Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry—Send to: Andrew Hillier, Professor and Associate Chair, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, 2122 Sweeney Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA, e-mail:

q Sensor—Send to: Praveen K. Sekhar, Washington State University, PO Box 641020, Pullman, WA 99164-1020, USA, e-mail:

Applications for Travel Grants for the Orlando, FL, meeting must be received no later than November 15, 2013.

w w w. e l e c t r o c h e m . o r g / s p o n s o r s h i p / t r a v e l _ g r a n t s . h t m 88

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Young Faculty Travel Grant Application Orlando, FL The Society’s Battery and High Temperature Materials (HTM) Divisions offer travel grants to postdoctoral associates, junior faculty, and other young investigators presenting papers at the Society’s meeting in Orlando, FL, May 11-16, 2014. To apply, complete this application and send it along with a copy of your CV and a letter of recommendation from an established researcher attesting both to the quality of the applicant’s work and financial needs, and a copy of the applicant’s meeting abstract. For additional information, please contact the Division contact below, as requirement might differ between Divisions.

Meeting Site: Name: Organization: Adress: Email: Phone #:

Symposium Title (#): Title of paper to be presented at the meeting:

Estimated meeting expenditures: $

Signature: Date:

Check only one Division. (Applications made to multiple Divisions will be rejected.) q Battery–Send to: Christopher S. Johnson, Argonne National Lab, 9700 S. Cass Ave # CSE-205, Argonne, IL 60439-4803,

USA; e-mail: q HTM–Send to: Greg Jackson, Colorado School of Mines, Brown Hall W350, Golden, CO 80401, USA,


Applications for Travel Grants for the Orlando, FL, meeting must be received no later than November 15, 2013.

w w w. e l e c t r o c h e m . o r g / s p o n s o r s h i p / t r a v e l _ g r a n t s . h t m

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


The Electrochemical Society Monograph Series

The definitive volume on corrosion— now expanded and completely updated

Praise for The second ediTion

“An excellent sourcebook on a wide range of corrosion topics.” —Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Continuing a legacy that began with the classic 1948 edition comes this long-awaited, fully revised Third Edition of the authoritative guide on corrosion. A thorough and timely compilation, Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook, Third Edition explores, in eighty-eight chapters, a multitude of subjects important to understanding the methods for controlling the degradation of materials. It includes updates of all information along with many new chapters including corrosion monitoring; principles of accelerated corrosion testing; failure analysis; composite materials; diagnosing, measuring, and monitoring microbiologically influenced corrosion; and high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys. In addition, this new Third Edition: • Gives a solid summary of the scientific background of all the types of corrosion in a comprehensive and well-organized way • Includes new coverage of many important corrosion topics, including nuclear waste containment, CO2 corrosion of steel, ethanol-induced stress corrosion cracking, dealloying, shape memory alloys, nanocrystals, and corrosion of electronics • Features information on the standards for corrosion testing, microbiological corrosion, and electrochemical noise • Presents both scientific and practical approaches, making it extremely useful for all materials science professionals

ECS MEMbERS will receive a discount!

R. WINSTON REVIE CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada

978-0-470-08032-0 • 1,200 pages • Hardcover • October 2010 $195.00 US / CAN $234.00 / £133.00 / =C172.00

Valuable contributions from internationally renowned authors once again help distinguish Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook, Third Edition as a leading resource in the field as each page builds on the book’s longstanding reputation as an indispensable companion for engineers, scientists, students, and others concerned with the use of materials in applications where integrity, reliability, and resistance to corrosion are critical. aBoUT The aUThor R. WINSTON REVIE has had a career of more than thirty years at the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada, where he is a Senior Research Scientist and Program Manager. Currently, he is President of the NACE Foundation of Canada, a registered educational charity. He is also past director of the Northern Area of NACE International; a past chairman of the ASM Canada Council and of the Electrochemical Society Canadian Section; and a past president of the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Dr. Revie coauthored the third and fourth editions of Corrosion and Corrosion Control, a widely used textbook, and was the editor of the second edition of Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook. Dr. Revie is a Fellow of NACE International, ASM International, and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.




Advancing the Science I

t gives us great pleasure to present the 2012 annual report which includes information about many successful initiatives and activities that we delivered last year. The Society’s success is measured by our progress in meeting the goals and objectives set by our mission, which is to disseminate information to advance electrochemical and solid state science and technology. The initiatives described in this annual report reflect numerous advancements in our meetings and publications programs during the past year that have advanced the ECS mission.

In July, ECS launched three new journals to advance and diversify the stable of publications in the ECS Digital Library. We now publish two full-paper, peer-reviewed journals: our flagship Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), which contains papers in electrochemical science and technology, and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) covers solid state science and technology. Similarly, we publish two peer-reviewed letters journals with the papers divided in the same way. These two new letters journals, ECS Electrochemistry Letters (EEL) and ECS Solid State Letters (SSL), took the place of the very successful Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.

As part of the launch, we moved the ECS Digital Library platform from AIP’s Scitation to Stanford University’s HighWire Press to provide greater discoverability of the content and improved services to researchers in the field. In addition to the current issues of our four journals, the Digital Library includes the journals archives dating back to 1930. It also contains the ECS Meeting Abstracts and a complete set of the ECS Transactions. The total number of technical papers in the library will exceed 100,000 in 2013. The entire body of knowledge in the Digital Library is available to members through their 100 article download pack as part of the membership benefits package. (continued on next page)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


ECS ANNUAL REPORT ECS Meeting Abstracts and ECS Transactions are published from content presented at ECS biannual meetings and other sponsored meetings and conferences. The connection between ECS publications and our meetings—especially in terms of technical content—is extremely strong, and a driving force behind our mission to disseminate scientific research. ECS meetings have been advanced by both technological improvements and the relevance of our science, and the 2012 biannual meetings abstract submissions (5,664) and attendance (5,520) were at an all-time high. Another factor influencing publications and meetings is the broadening international scope of the science. We conducted our sixth Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science (PRiME) in October—the largest meeting in electrochemistry ever held, with 4011 papers presented. From the first PRiME held in 1987 this meeting has involved a joint partnership with the Electrochemical Society of Japan. It now includes sponsorship from four other technical societies: Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS), Chinese Society of Electrochemistry (CSE), and the Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). We also conducted our second Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) at the fall 2012 meeting, which provided attendees with the chance to meet and learn from industry leaders, electrochemical researchers, and other scientists with an understanding of the critical challenges in global energy. This multi-day exchange of information, brainpower, and technological possibilities helped foster the communication between policy makers and energy stakeholders—essentially a universal audience—about the opportunities of electrochemical energy systems, and provided researchers with a platform to develop globally critical solutions and systems.


With the excellent participation in our programs comes strong financial support and in 2012 we experienced a net operating surplus of $820K. These are important funds that will be used to support the high cost of technological advancements and program development, and to support our endowments. Growth in our endowments is important because there are growing challenges with generating financial support through membership and subscription revenues, so our financial goals include utilizing funds from endowments to support a large portion of our operating expenses. This is the main reason we have re-initiated fund raising activities and reestablished a development office within ECS. Never in our history have we experienced this level of interest and importance in electrochemical and solid state science and technology programs. It’s a great time to be in electrochemistry and the research conducted by ECS members is influencing the sustainability of our planet. The ECS Board of Directors is always looking for opportunities to better serve our community and advance the critically important science of electrochemistry.

Fernando Garzon ECS President

Roque Calvo ECS Executive Director

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Publications

Spring 2012

VOL. 21, NO. 1 Spring 2012

IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:

On Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Singularity

7 Pennington Corner:

Closing the Distance

29 Special Section:

221st ECS Meeting Seattle, WA, USA

44 ECS Classics—ECS One

Hundred Ten Years Later: Solving the World’s Most Important Challenges

53 Tech Highlights 55 How Do We Learn Electrochemistry?

57 As Goes California,

So Goes the Nation: A Precautionary Tale for American Public Research Universities

63 The Future of Graduate

Education in the Chemical Sciences: What is Really Best for Students?

67 Opportunities and

Challenges in Corrosion Education: Review of a National Research Council Assessment

73 Physical Electrochemistry VOL. 21, NO. 1

in the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Critical Assessment

77 Educational Initiatives in

the Field of Dielectric and Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing

The new ECS journals— continuing to meet the needs of the electrochemical and solid state science and technology community.

The year 2012 was a watershed year for the Society to advance the science, with the launch of three new journals. ECS has long been recognized as the society for a broad scientific and engineering field covering electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Our journals, meetings, and networking activities combine to make us the only organization encompassing this rich technical domain. From energy storage and conversion to electrochemical engineering, to electronic, photonic, and other solid state materials and devices, our mission to disseminate information in these areas has never been more relevant.

ECS President Esther Takeuchi (far right) thanked members of the Editorial Boards for their dedication to making the Society journals leaders in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. From left to right are: Doron Aurbach, John Weidner, Dennis Peters, Chuck Hussey, Dennis Hess, Stefan DeGendt, Andy Gewirth, and Petr Vanýsek. Not able to attend were Jennifer Bardwell, George Celler, Francis D’Souza, Jerry Frankel, Tom Fuller, Ray Gorte, Takayuki Homma, Yue Kuo, Kailash Mishra, Rangachary Mukundan, and Martin Winter.

Vladimir Bagotsky’s Fuel Cells: Problems and Solutions (2nd edition), published in 2012, became part of the Society’s monograph series.

Our flagship Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) has been in publication since our founding in 1902, and continues to be one of the mosthighly cited journals in electrochemistry. The new journals, which joined JES, made their debut in July along with the launch of the ECS Digital Library on the HighWire platform. The new journals are: ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS), ECS Electrochemistry Letters (EEL), and ECS Solid State Letters (SSL). With these changes, the journals also began publishing special focus issues to highlight areas of current interest and future promise. Even in the fast-paced era of article publishing, the ECS monograph series plays an important role in disseminating the world’s best electrochemical and solid

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

state science. The Society was privileged to publish a number of monographs by Vladimir Bagotsky, the latest of which was the second edition of Fuel Cells: Problems and Solutions. (See Interface, spring 2013, for an “ECS Classics” article on this amazing scientist.) While much of the Society’s focus is on enabling the presentation of science, both through meetings and publications, it also acknowledges achievements in many areas, including the publication of sound work. The Norman Hackerman Young Author Awards were established in 1928 to do just that. Through 2012, there is one award for the two best papers published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society— one for topic in the field of electrochemical science and technology; and the other for solidstate science and technology. With the advent of the new journals, the Society has created a separate award for papers from the new ECS Journal of Solid State Science. The latest awards were presented to their recipients at the PRiME 2012 meeting in Hawaii.

Claudia Fleischmann (left), one of the winners of the 2011 Norman Hackerman Young Author Award in Solid State Science & Technology, received her award from ECS President Fernando Garzon (right). Unable to attend the award presentation were the other three winners, Sebastien Couet, Koen Schouteden, and Philipp Hönicke.

Igor Volov (left), winner of the 2011 Norman Hackerman Young Author Award in Electrochemical Science & Technology, received congratulations from ECS President Fernando Garzon (right). 93


Seattle, WA Photo by Tim Thompson.

221st ECS Meeting

May 6-10, 2012

Many of the Society’s symposia have to do with very important aspects of energy research; but another issue is emerging as an important ECS topic as well: clean water. ECS has a unique opportunity to provide a forum for the presentation of original research and innovation that can have an impact on the future direction of clean water technologies, and provide viable solutions for current and future needs. The Clean Water Technologies symposium in Seattle did just that. The symposium also was fortunate to have as a speaker Doulaye Kone, Senior Program Officer with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who provided an update on, and continuing challenges to the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene program of the Foundation.

Beginning with the Seattle meeting, a number of changes were made to the tools for meeting participants. For the first time, the PDFs of ECS Meeting Abstracts became accessible through the meeting app. As a result, the Society was able to meet its commitment to programming “green” meetings and abstracts were available only through the app or the online meeting scheduler. The Society also moved to a new vendor (The Conference Exchange, or “Confex”) to provide abstract submission and production services.

Bruno Scrosati delivered The ECS Lecture at the Society’s 221st Meeting— on the topic of “Will It Be a Tank of Lithium to Drive Our Next Car?”—to a packed audience in Seattle.

Bruno Scrosati (right) was the recipient of the 2012 ECS Vittorio de Nora Award. At left is ECS President Esther Takeuchi presenting Prof. Scrosati with the de Nora Award. The de Nora Award is one of the Society’s highest honors, given to recognize major achievements in the field of electrochemical engineering and technology.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


Esther Takeuchi (left), ECS President, presented Mark Orazem (right) with the 2012 ECS Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching, which is given for excellence in teaching in subject areas of interest to the Society.

Peter Bruce (right) received the 2011 ECS Carl Wagner Memorial Award from ECS President Esther Takeuchi (left). The Carl Wagner Award is given for mid-career achievement and excellence in research areas of interest of the Society, and significant contributions in the teaching or guidance of students or colleagues in education, industry, or government.

The Student Poster Session was in full swing at the Monday Evening Get-Together in Seattle.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



ECS President Esther Takeuchi (right) welcomed Diana Cristina Martinez-Casillas, the 2011 first place winner of the poster session at the XXVI National Congress of the Sociedad Mexicana de ElectroquĂ­mica (SMEQ) and meeting of the ECS Mexico Section.

The 2012 ECS F. M. Beckett Summer Fellowship winner, Celeste Morris (at left), of Indiana University, received congratulations from ECS President Esther Takeuchi (right) at the ECS meeting in Seattle.

Recipients of the Seattle ECS Student Poster Session Awards received their certificates at the Annual Society Business Meeting & Luncheon from ECS President Esther Takeuchi (5th from left). From left to right are Oana Leonte (judge), Kalpathy Sundaram (Co-Chair), K. Sykes Mason, Michael Siedlik, (Takeuchi), Yoon Jang Kim, Prabhu Doss Mani, Aurelien Etiemble, Venkat Subramanian (Co-Chair), and Dan Schwartz (faculty advisor for Michael Siedlik).

All Seattle Meeting photos are by Steve Schneider Photography, Shoreline, WA. 96

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


Photo: Hawaii Tourism Japan (HTJ)

Photo: Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA)/Tor Johnson

Photo by Dana Edmunds


PRiME 2012 = Honolulu,HI = October 7-12, 2012 The joint international meeting of:

222nd ECS Meeting The Electrochemical Society of Japan—2012 Fall Meeting

With over 4,000 abstracts, the 2012 edition of the Pacific Rim International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science (PRiME) was the largest meeting ever held in these scientific areas. Begun in 1987, and held every four years, PRiME is a joint international meeting of ECS and The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ). Over the years, the meeting has also attracted the technical co-sponsorship of other electrochemistry societies, including the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Korean Electrochemical Society, the Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry. The six days of the meeting seemed way too short to take in even a small selection of technical talks, let alone the Electrochemical Energy Summit, Short Courses, Professional Development Workshops, poster sessions, various receptions, and the traditional closing luau. Of note were the special award talks, including those by Tadashi Matsunaga (“Cell Bioelectrochemistry and Biomagnets”) and Dennis Hess (“Plasmas for Thin Film Processing and Surface Modification”). The abundance of programming required two locations, with talks and events held at both the Hilton Hawaiian Village and Hawaii Convention Center.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Gathering before the PRiME 2012 plenary session were (from left to right): Fernando Garzon, President of ECS; Hideaki Matsuoka, President of The Electrochemical Society of Japan; Tadashi Matsunaga, the plenary speaker; Tetsuya Osaka, ECS Senior VicePresident; and Roque Calvo, ECS Executive Director.



The Society’s oldest major award, the Edward Goodrich Acheson Award is given for distinguished contributions to any of the purposes or activities of ECS. The 2012 Acheson Medal was presented to Dennis Hess (left) by ECS President Fernando Garzon (right) at the PRiME 2012 meeting.

Established in 1989 for individual contributions and leadership in the achievement of science and technology in the area of electrochemistry and solid-state sciences and current active participation in ECS, the category of ECS Fellow is one of the Society’s highest awards. ECS President Fernando Garzon (front row, fourth from left) welcomed the 2012 Class of ECS Fellows. Seated from left to right are: Petr Vanýsek, Lili Deligianni, Trung Van Nguyen, (Garzon), R. Bruce Weisman, and Mark Verbrugge. Standing from left to right are: Meilin Liu, Daniel Schwartz, Andrew Gewirth, Stefan DeGendt, Junichi Murota, Esther Takeuchi, R. Winston Revie, and Sri R. Narayan. Unable to attend the presentation ceremony was new Fellow Jeffrey Dahn.

To recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied electrochemistry or solid-state science and technology by a young scientist or engineer, the Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award is given every other year. For 2012, two Tobias awards were presented.

Bryan Pivovar (left), one of the recipients, received congratulations from ECS President Fernando Garzon (right).


Bilge Yildiz (left), also a recipient, received her award from ECS President Fernando Garzon (right).

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


From 231 submissions to the PRiME 2012 Student Poster Session, a dedicated group of volunteer judges selected winners for the best posters. From left to right are: Oana Leonte (judge); Yasushi Katayama (judge); Vimal Chaitanya (co-organizer); Mark Hulse of Maccor (Maccor sponsored the awards); Cheng Ai Li and Kwinam Han, Hanyang University (First Place, Electrochemical Science & Technology); Hideaki Matsuoka; President of The Electrochemical Society of Japan; Fernando Garzon, ECS President; Shigeta Yagyu, Yamagata University (First Place, Solid-State Science & Technology); Yoshinobu Adachi, Kyoto University (Second Place, Electrochemical Science and Technology); Takashi Hasegawa, Kobe University (Second Place, Solid-State Science and Technology); Venkat Subramanian (co-organizer); and Gautam Banerjee (judge).

The 2012 Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) held at PRiME focused on Grand Challenges for Energy Conversion and Large Scale Energy Storage. Gathered before E2S began were a number of the panelists and organizers. From left to right are: Kee-Suk Nahm (panelist), Hirohide Tanaka (presenter), Xiao-Dong Zhou (organizer), Dan Rastler (keynote speaker), Bor Yann Liaw (organizer), Mark Glick (panelist), Fernando Garzon (ECS President), Brian Schatz (Lt. Governor of Hawaii and keynote speaker), Colton Ching (panelist), Eric McFarland (panelist), Jun Liu (panelist), Trung Van Nguyen (organizer), and Robert Savinell (organizer).


All PRiME 2012 Meeting photos are by Eye of The Islands Photography, Kaneohe, HI. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



In addition to the Society’s own very successful meetings, ECS sponsors a number of outside conferences, including the very successful annual China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) meeting. The 2012 edition was held in Shanghai, China. ECS Executive Director Roque Calvo (far right) gathered with organizers and posters winners from CSTIC 2012.

ECS Meeting Growth 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000

Papers 100












Attendance The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Technical Divisions The ECS Divisions are an important part of what makes ECS such an interesting and vibrant organization. All Divisions are active throughout the year with planning symposia, selecting award recipients, choosing the winners of travel grants, and advancing the science through their ECS activities. The IE&EE Division has a very successful Outreach Program, designed to bring awareness of electrochemical energy conversion devices to future generations. The program starts with a lecture explaining fuel cell and water electrolysis technologies, followed by a briefing on a fuel cell car competition. Students are divided into teams to participate in the car competition. The ECS organizers help the students assemble the cars and explain technical details of fuel cell

technology to the teams during the competition. Teams calculate the amount of hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis, required to fuel their cars to travel a fixed distance (15 feet). The teams then compete with each other to make their cars travel as close as possible to the assigned 15-foot distance. Award certificates are presented to the winning team (the team that comes closest to the assigned distance). The fuel cell model cars are donated to the school to promote similar educational activities in the future. Many Divisions sponsor travel grants for keynote speakers and students to travel to ECS meetings. Some Divisions, through their support of symposia, also sponsors awards for the best paper or best poster.

Snowden International School student participants and ECS facilitators at the IE&EE Outreach Program in Boston, MA. In the front row, kneeling from left to right are: Paul Northrop (Washington University); Dennie Mah (Dupont Company); Gerardine Botte (Ohio University); Rui Zhang (Fuel Cell Energy); and Damilola Daramola, Vedasri Vedharathinam, Santosh Vijapur, and Wei Yan of Ohio University.

Kalani High School student participants and ECS facilitators at the IE&EE Outreach Program at PRiME 2012. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



FNCN Division Chair Dirk Guldi (left) presented Alexandra Krawicz (right) with a poster session award for Krawicz’s paper, “Porphyrin-based CuAAC Coupled Layer-by-Layer Molecular Multilayers on Gold (III) Electrodes for Electro-optical Applications.”

ECS Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures (FNCN) Division Chair Dirk Guldi (right) presented Stuart Corr (left) with a poster session award his paper, “Nanoparticles and Gd (III)-loaded Ultrashort Carbon Nanotubes for Applications in Non-invasive RF Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment.”

At the Wednesday business luncheon in Seattle, FNCN Division members elected a new slate of officers for two-year terms. R. Bruce Weisman (right) took over the Chair duties from Dirk Guldi (left), who is the new Treasurer. Luis Echegoyen is the new Vice-Chair, and Slava Rotkin is the new Secretary.


Four students received awards for best papers presented at the PEFC Symposium in Hawaii. From left to right are: Naoto Todoroki, First Place, for his paper, “Electrochemical Stability for Pt-Enriched Ni/Pt(111) Topmost Surface Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”; Takuya Tsukatsune, Second Place, for his paper, “Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity and Durability of Electrocatalysts Supported on SnO2”; Rie Teranishi, First Place, for her paper, “Analysis of Mechanism of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Non-Noble Metals in Alkaline Solution by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy”; and Melissa Vandiver, Second Place, for her paper, “Synthesis and Characterization of Perfluoro Quaternary Ammonium Ion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications”. Also pictured (far right) is Thomas Schmidt, one of the organizers of the symposium and member of the Energy Technology Division. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Membership The Society’s work goes on year-round, especially through the activities of its Sections and Student Chapters. Getting involved with an ECS Section is an excellent networking opportunity for those new to the field or advanced in their careers. Sections also bring technical news and activities within reach of those who are not able to attend ECS meetings. Sections provide key programming, symposia, grants, activities, and a great opportunity

to get involved and participate with colleagues in furthering the science. Sections also work hard to participate overall in ECS affairs and to increase ECS membership and help create awareness for the science. The 22 ECS Sections are currently located in Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North America, South America, and Southern Asia.

Organizer Li Yan and Bill Santos (middle) of the ECS Canada Section gathered with student poster and travel award winners at a recent meeting. (Photo by Mimoun Elboujdaini.)

Prize winners from a recent meeting of the Detroit Section (from right to left): Rinchen Lama, Joanna Birbeck, and Junsi Gu. (Photo courtesy of Kent Snyder.)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Graduate students Ricardo Aguilar (center) and Amber Pizzo (left) from Georgia Tech listen to Ezra Kim (right) describe his poster at a joint meeting of the Georgia Section and Atlanta Student Chapter at Georgia Tech.


ECS ANNUAL REPORT ECS Membership Statistics (as of October 1, 2012)

Table I. ECS Membership by Class Category Active Member Reps Life Emeritus Honorary Subtotal Active in Good Standing Delinquent Total Active on Record Students Delinquent Total Students Total Individual Members

2012/2011 %Change
























46 229 24 5433 1014 6447

45 234 26 5368 941 6309

46 248 25 5517 945 6462

46 266 24 5563 1130 6693

49 282 23 5338 1503 6841

53 293 23 5380 1115 6495

71 265 22 5233 1230 6463

34.0 -9.6 -4.3 -2.7 10.3 -0.5









440 1304 7751

304 1510 7819

512 1940 8402

648 2240 8933

946 2412 9253

719 2260 8755

859 2301 8764

19.5 1.8 0.1

2012/2011 %Change

Table II. ECS Membership by Sections Section








132 42 258 166

118 54 283 208

150 71 267 184

116 58 292 188

127 65 380 159

109 65 381 182

114 92 1019 154

62 114 105 1043 172

78 138 91 1081 168

123 134 99 1266 151

25 756 187 66 188 327 98 366 122 167 91

23 789 212 28 182 311 98 364 126 174 87

35 920 246 38 181 321 87 425 207 160 85

101 125 98 1256 165 58 31 791 262 36 159 291 87 415 97 160 86

81 123 118 1105 171 58 39 771 243 31 159 381 87 413 122 144 74

98 66 382 180 10 86 124 116 1108 179 59 39 775 253 30 154 360 80 416 123 146 76




2012/2011 %Change

Battery 2511 1378 1450 1130 1575 1711 Corrosion 1584 531 521 515 476 444 Dielectric Science & Technology 1278 377 375 377 301 306 Electrodeposition 1727 509 509 500 471 474 Electronics & Photonics 1812 815 759 821 671 661 Energy Technology 2434 929 1060 1145 1196 1239 Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 713 194 205 212 176 155 High Temperature Materials 991 205 196 209 203 212 Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engr 1343 277 297 301 303 313 Luminescence & Display Materials 701 110 120 122 102 100 Organic & Biological Electrochemistry 1026 188 215 222 188 175 Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry 2426 643 664 652 596 597 Sensor 1271 242 247 276 222 242 *From 2007 Division statistics include only primary interests. Previous years’ include primary and secondary interests.

1740 448 281 453 582 1175 175 209 309 99 176 561 223

1.7 0.9 -8.2 -4.4 -12.0 -5.2 12.9 -1.4 -1.3 -1.0 0.6 -6.0 -7.9

Arizona Brazilian Canada Chicago Chile China Cleveland Detroit Europe Georgia India Israel Japan Korea Mexico National Capital New England Pittsburgh San Francisco Taiwan Texas Twin Cities

28 757 175 200 318 89 387 181 91

-10.1 1.5 0.3 -1.1 6.2 0.8 -1.7 0.3 4.7 1.7 0.0 0.5 4.1 -3.2 -3.1 -5.5 -8.0 0.7 0.8 1.4 2.7

Table III. ECS Membership by Division* Division





Table IV. ECS Membership by Occupation Occupation Academic Industry Government Retired









2012/2011 %Change

2244 2412 399

2274 2334 388 69

2446 2456 431 77

2558 2160 436 119

2467 2034 391 112

2410 2197 394 112

2370 2135 403 112

-2.3 8.0 0.8 0.0

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


As part of the activities of the ECS Chile Section, Fritz Scholz, from the University of Greifswald, Germany, presented a course on “Electrochemistry of Immobilized Microparticles and Immobilized Liquid Droplets.”The course was given at the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) to an audience of 25 people comprised of mostly PhD students and post docs from USACH and University of Chile.

Symposium participants at a Chile Section Symposium of Electrochemistry held in Villa Alemana, Chile.

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The Israel Section held its annual meeting “Israelectrochemistry 2012” at Tel Aviv University. The meeting was organized by Diana Golodnitsky and was dedicated to Emanuel Peled (pictured) on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Pictured at a recent committee meeting of the ECS Japan Section (seated from left to right) are: Takashi Ito (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chair of the ECS Japan Section), Tetsuya Osaka (Waseda University, ECS Second Vice-President), Toshio Fuchigami (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Former Chair of the ECS Japan Section). In the back row (from left to right) are: Shin-Ichiro Kuroki (Tohoku University, Section Secretary and Treasurer of the ECS Japan Section), and Takayuki Homma (Waseda University, Former Section Secretary of the ECS Japan Section).

The ECS Japan Section aggressively cooperates with international conferences and workshops held in Japan. At the 2012 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials were (from left to right): Kazuo Kyuma, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., SSDM12 Organizing Committee Chair, and Takashi Ito, Chair of the ECS Japan Section.

Young-Woo Lee (left) received the 6th Student Award of the ECS Korea Section. Mr. Lee is a PhD candidate at the Soongsil University of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Seoul, Korea.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


The XXVII Meeting of the Mexican Electrochemical Society (SMEQ) and the 5th Meeting of the ECS Mexico Section was held in Toluca, Mexico. From left to right: Norberto Casillas, President of SMEQ; Jose Bisang (Argentina); Carlos Barrrera-Diaz, President of the Congress (UAEM); Manuel A. RodrigoRodrigo (Spain); Guadalupe O. Santamaría-González, Faculty of Chemistry Chair (UAEM); R. Daniel Little (USA); Paul A. Kohl, ECS Second VicePresident, (USA); Carlos Cabrera (Puerto Rico); and Bernardo Frontana-Uribe, President of the Congress (UNAM).

ECS Sections

Latin America Brazil Chile Mexico

North America Arizona Canada Chicago Cleveland Detroit Georgia National Capital New England Pittsburgh San Francisco Texas Twin Cities

Middle East Israel

Southern Asia India

Asia/Japan China Japan Korea Taiwan Europe Europe

Lidia G. Trujano Ortiz, PhD student from the Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN), in front of her poster, which she received the ECS-sponsored Best Poster Award at the Congress of the SMEQ/5th Meeting of the ECS Mexico Section.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



Prabhakar Singh presented a lecture on SOFC to the ECS New England Section.

At a recent meeting of the ECS San Francisco Section were (from left to right): Xiongwu Kang, Matthew McDowell, Allison Engstrom, Robert Kostecki, and Thomas Dinan. (Photo by Simon Lux, the Section 2nd Vice-Chair.)

ECS has a rapidly growing number of Student Chapters that give students an opportunity to learn about the specifics of electrochemical and solid-state science and technology, to have a venue for meeting fellow students, and to receive recognition for their organized scholarly activities and community services. The 32 ECS Student Chapters are located at academic institutions throughout the world. Students can meet and network with fellow students, participate in a wide range of programs and activities, receive recognition for scholarly activities, and develop career preparation skills. The Society welcomed five new Student Chapters in 2012 including the Colorado School of Mines Student Chapter, Drexel University Student Chapter, The California State University – Fullerton Division Student Chapter, Indiana University Student Chapter, and University of Texas at Dallas Student Chapter. Student Chapters are officially approved and recognized by the Board of Directors at ECS biannual meetings.

ECS Student Chapters • • • • • • • • • • •

Hany El-Sayed, President of the ECS Calgary Student Chapter, encouraged students to become members of the newly formed Chapter. 108

Atlanta Student Chapter at Georgia Tech, founded 2008, Peter J. Hesketh, Faculty Advisor, Auburn University Student Chapter, founded 2007, Jeffrey Fergus, Faculty Advisor, Boston Student Chapter (Harvard University, MIT, Northeastern University), founded 2009. Eugene Smotkin, Faculty Advisor, Technical University Brno Student Chapter, founded 2006, Jiri Vondrak, Faculty Advisor, Calgary Student Chapter, founded 2011, Viola Birss, Faculty Advisor, University of California - Berkeley Student Chapter, founded 2006, John Newman, Faculty Advisor, The California State University - Fullerton Division Student Chapter, founded 2012, John Haan, Faculty Advisor, University of California - Riverside Student Chapter, founded 2011, Alexander Balandin, Faculty Advisor, University of Central Florida Student Chapter, founded 2000, Kalpathy Sundaram, Faculty Advisor, Central Illinois Student Chapter, founded 2008, Andrzej Wieckowski, Faculty Advisor, andrzej@scs. University of Cincinnati Student Chapter, founded 2007, Marc Cahay, Faculty Advisor, marc. (continued)

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 ECS Student Chapters (continued)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •

ECS Cleveland Section and Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences Joint Student Chapter, founded 2005, James D. Burgess, Faculty Advisor, Colorado School of Mines Student Chapter, founded 2012, Andrew Herring, Faculty Advisor, Drexel University Student Chapter, founded 2012, Yury Gogotsi, Faculty Advisor, Florida International University Student Chapter, founded 2009, Chunlei Wang, Faculty Advisor, University of Florida Student Chapter, founded 2005, Juan Nino, Faculty Advisor, Grand Valley State University Student Chapter, founded 2008, Cory M. DiCarlo, Faculty Advisor, Indiana University Student Chapter, founded 2012, Lane Baker, and Dennis Peters, Faculty Advisors, Kerala, India Student Chapter at CUSAT, founded 2008, M. K. Jayaraj, Faculty Advisor, Lahore, Pakistan Student Chapter, founded 2008, Inam Ul Haque, Faculty Advisor, inamul.haque@ University of Maryland Student Chapter, founded 2011, Eric Wachsman, Faculty Advisor, Montreal Student Chapter, founded 2010, Steen B. Schougaard, Faculty Advisor, schougaard.steen@ New York Capital Region Student Chapter, founded 2006, Dan Lewis, Faculty Advisor, The Ohio State University Student Chapter, founded 2006, Anne Co, Faculty Advisor, co@ Ohio University Student Chapter, founded 2011, Gerardine Botte, Faculty Advisor, Research Triangle Student Chapter, founded 2009, Wesley Henderson, Faculty Advisor, South Brazilian Student Chapter, Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul, founded 2010, Luis Frederico P. Dick, Faculty Advisor, University of South Carolina Student Chapter, founded 2010, Xiao-dong Zhou, Faculty Advisor, Tel Aviv University Student Chapter, founded 2009, Eliezer Gileadi ( and Yosi Shacham-Diamand (, Faculty Advisors University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter, founded 2006, Ram Manthiram, Faculty Advisor, Tyndall National Institute Student Chapter, founded 2010, Alan O’Riordan, Faculty Advisor, University of Virginia Student Chapter, founded 2006, Rob Kelly, Faculty Advisor,

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

The ECS Cleveland Section’s joint Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences–ECS Cleveland Student Chapter announced participation in science education community outreach. The overall project is multidisciplinary and is led by Christine Korhnak and D’Edra Thompson, the Education Manager and Education Specialist, respectively, with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. The outreach experience is aimed at Northeast Ohio high school students and is centered on identification of contaminants in local waters and the ecological consequences of the contamination. ECS Student Chapter co-chairs met with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo’s “Zoo Crew” to plan the Water Analysis Project.

ECS UT Austin Student Chapter officers and student volunteers at Explore UT 2012. Explore UT is the largest open house in Texas hosting different events and activities at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) that cater to various age groups. The Chapter participated for the first time in an outreach program for school children by hosting a booth and organizing fun and interactive activities. The Student Chapter event was entitled “Clean Energy and More—Electrochemistry All Around Us.”



Students of the ECS Boston Student Chapter at their first meeting at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. The open atmosphere of the meeting provided students with a great opportunity to interact, network, and showcase their areas of expertise.

The ECS Drexel University Student Chapter held a university-wide poster session that communicated the importance of electrochemistry to both a technical and non-technical audience, by explaining how electrochemical research can make a dramatic impact in our society, either by making better batteries and solar cells, solving corrosion problems, or synthesizing new biological materials using electrochemical techniques. Pictured here are Chapter members. In the front row from the left are: Kelsey Hatzell, Katherine Van Aken, Kristy Jost, Yohan Dall’Agnese, Michael Naguib, Maria Lukatskaya, and Yury Gogotsi (Faculty Advisor). In the back row, from the left are: Arvind Kalidindi, Jerome Robinson, Daniel Stenger, Carlos R. Perez, Min Heon, Boris Dyatkin, Christopher Dennison, and Majid Beidaghi.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


At a recent meeting of the new ECS University of Maryland Student Chapter were (from left to right): Ke-Ji Pan, Greg Hitz, Jennie Moton, William Gibbons, Aaron Fisher, Cynthia Lundgren, Eric Wachsman (Faculty Advisor), Alex Kozen, Colin Gore, Ashley Lidie, and Yi-Lin Huang.

ECS University of Maryland Student Chapter members discussed strategies for success in academia with Donald Sadoway, a Time 100 professor notable for his molten metal battery breakthroughs.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



The 2nd Symposium of the ECS Montréal Student Chapter attracted more than sixty students and staff from Montréal and Ottawa universities and research centers. Rolf Wüthrich presented a talk entitled, “Lighting the Spark in Electrochemistry,” which provided a fascinating introduction to the applications of electrochemical discharge, while covering the latest results of this research area.

At a recent meeting of the ECS Ohio University Student Chapter were (from left to right): Ramasamy Palaniappan, Shanique Grant, Lingchong Mai, Ping Yu, Wei Yan, Gerardine Botte (Faculty Advisor), Aria Kahyarian, Luis Diaz, Krishnan Rajeshwar (guest speaker), Arthur Gildea, Fei Lu, Ali Estejab, Yu Ding, Xiaoyong Xia, Alex Miller, Santosh Vijapur, and Madhivanan Muthuvel.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


ECS University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter members and guests at a recent meeting. From left to right: Preethi Mathew, Katherine Rose Stroukoff, Peter Olapade, Netzahualcoyotl Arroyo Curras, Karim Zaghib (guest speaker), Katharine L. Harrison, Karen Scida, and Arumugam Manthiram (Faculty Advisor).

Richard Compton with Alan O’Riordan (Faculty Advisor) and members of the ECS Tyndall National Institute Student Chapter after Dr. Compton’s inspiring seminar on “Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale,” in Cork, Ireland. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



In addition to holding seminars relevant to the science, the ECS University of Virginia Student Chapter also holds membership drives. The Chapter was successful in introducing and familiarizing the incoming graduate student members to the resources of the Society, and continues to provide current members with important social and intellectual experiences. Chapter members pictured here are (from left to right): Samuel Madden (President), Andrew King (Vice-President), Rob Kelly (Faculty Adviser), Mara Shedd (Treasurer), and Cortney Crane (Secretary).

The ECS “family” also includes institutional members, who are busy moving the science forward in exciting and innovative ways. ECS Institutional Membership provides a direct relationship between ECS and organizations involved in electrochemical science and technology. Institutional Members help ECS to advance the Society’s purpose and objectives. In 2012, six organizations were

recognized with the Leadership Circle Award for continuous service to the ECS including: Bio-Logic USA/ Bio-Logic SAS, Gamry Instruments, Rockwood Lithium (formerly Chemetall GmbH), ENEOS CELLTECH Co., Ltd., Fortu Research GmbH, and OM Group, Inc. ECS had 77 Institutional Members at the end of 2012.

The Leadership Circle Awards are one way that ECS acknowledges and thanks its organizational members for their loyal support of ECS. In Seattle, ECS President Esther Takeuchi (far left) presented five-year awards to the following (starting with the second from left): Bill Eggers of Bio-Logic USA/ Bio-Logic SAS; David Loveday of Gamry Instruments, and Vera Nickel of Rockwood Lithium (formerly Chemetall GmbH). 114

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Other Programs

Redcat is an online community created by and for everyone working in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Launched by ECS in 2012, the site is unique—it’s a research tool and a networking site. The idea for Redcat came out of discussions aimed at furthering the ECS mission, which is to encourage research, discussion, critical assessment, and dissemination of knowledge in electrochemical and solid state science and technology. Because the ECS mission is to do all this for the entire electrochemistry and solid state community, Redcat is free and open to anyone. Redcat is a one-stop connection to dynamic people, breaking research and news, and important events. Redcat’s enormous and powerful database helps users discover trending topics, read new articles from highly-cited journals, and find recommendations for areas of study. Legacy research can be found side-by-side with current studies that are making news around the world. Users can collect and save searches and results for later reference and use. Redcat helps bring community members with similar interests together to share ideas and develop new research streams. Many groups have already been started in Redcat, including groups for ECS Divisions, Sections, and Student Chapters; groups on technical topics; and more. An event haven for scientists and engineers, educators, and students, Redcat also has lists of conferences and other events that are occurring in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology around the world. The Redcat Jobs pages enables users to look for a job or be discovered themselves by organizations with positions to fill. The name Redcat comes from “reduction always occurs at the cathode.” Remember that handy mnemonic? It made things a little easier and allowed you to concentrate on the important next steps in your work. Redcat makes it easier for everyone in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Redcat is here to do that for you.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

The ECS Career Fair at PRiME 2012.

The ECS Career Fair was a new offering in 2012, providing a great way for organizations and individuals to connect with each other. Participating organizations have the opportunity to look for potential employees at every level of experience—from veterans in the science to newcomers entering research, development, and academia. With meeting attendance in the range of 2,000 to 3,000+ people, the ECS Career Fair is one of the most effective ways to recruit qualified candidates. The first-ever Career Fair was a highlight of the ECS Seattle meeting, and the second soon followed at the PRiME 2012 meeting in Hawaii. All meeting attendees had the opportunity to speak to participating company recruiters, provide their résumés for available employment opportunities, and be interviewed for a position. A job board was available for job and résumé postings; and Career Fair participants also could take advantage of an initial complimentary job posting on the Redcat Jobs Board. ECS is itself a member of a number of organizations that support the scientific community, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF), the National Inventors Hall of Fame, and the Federation of Materials Societies (FMS). AAAS is a nonprofit professional society dedicated to the advancement of scientific and technological excellence across all disciplines and to the public’s understanding of science and technology through its affiliate member societies. CHF is a nonprofit organization whose affiliate member societies seek to strengthen the public understanding of chemical sciences and technologies; increase the flow of the best students into the chemical sciences and chemical process industries; and instill in chemical scientists and engineers a greater pride in their heritage and their contributions to society. The CHF maintains ECS’s permanent archives and several oral histories on significant ECS members. The National Inventors Hall of Fame honors the women and men responsible for the great technological advances that make human, social, and economic progress possible. Each year, the Selection Committee of the National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation selects inventors for induction. These are selected from a field of people nominated by peers and the public. The Selection Committee includes representatives from the leading national scientific and technical organizations, including ECS.


ECS ANNUAL REPORT While ECS is not a lobbying organization, it does seek to educate those who make important decisions about the future of scientific research, including funding for it. Constituent visits on Capitol Hill are part of legislative process. Those most effective are organized visits emphasizing certain issues that the Senators and members of Congress should consider. Such visits have become a regular program called Congressional Visit Days. Because these visits are planned ahead and announced, congressional staff have opportunity to free up their schedules and focus more closely on the message. The large number of visitors, coming with similar theme, increases the impact of the message. ECS participated this year in the twoday event organized by the Science-Engineering-Technology Group, an information network comprised of professional, scientific, and engineering societies; higher education associations; institutions of higher learning; companies; and trade associations. ECS was involved in this event through its affiliation with the Federation of Materials Societies, and Petr Vanýsek, the current FMS President.

Subra Suresh (left) received the FMS National Materials Advancement Award from Petr Vanýsek, FMS President. Dr. Suresh became the 13th director of the National Science Foundation in October 2010.

FMS is an umbrella organization whose member societies and affiliates represent the professional societies, universities, and National Research Council organizations involved with materials science, engineering ,and technology. FMS constituent societies have more than 700,000 individual members.

Sometimes ECS is the one that gets the boost in efforts to advance the science, and 2012 provided such a lift. In 2012, ECS was awarded a Google Grant, comparable to $120,000 worth of online advertising, through the Google AdWords program. The grant automatically renews each year. ECS is using the award to encourage interest in many aspects of the Society—such as the Society’s Summer Fellowship programs, travel grants, career development programs, and student awards, among many other efforts—as well as introduce Redcat ( to our community. Google Grants is a part of the Google for Nonprofits initiative. Launched in 2003, Google Grants now empowers over 6,000 organizations to achieve their goals by helping them promote their websites. The program helps nonprofits use Google AdWords to reach those who are searching for information relevant to their organization and fields of study. Organizations that receive a Google Grant are awarded an in-kind online advertising stipend that can be used in a variety of ways, including general outreach, fundraising activities, and recruitment of volunteers. This Google grant, the Society’s new initiatives, and the ongoing publications, meetings, and other programs help ECS do what it does best—advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology and allied subjects; encourage research, discussion, critical assessment, and dissemination of knowledge in these fields; and foster the training and education of scientists and engineers—all in the service of our mission to promote science and technology in the public interest.

Northern Illinois University Students visited with award recipient Representative Randy Hultgren (R-IL) during the Congressional Visit Days. From left: Mischelle Nelson, Randy Hultgren, Lauren Grabstanowicz, and Megan Murtaugh.


The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Finance We are pleased to present the audited financial reports of ECS for the year ending December 31, 2012. These reports indicate that we met the Society’s financial objectives for the year, which will assist in the Society’s mission to advance solid state and electrochemical science, and that our financial health continues to be strong. The ECS annual financial goal is to generate a surplus from operations and investments that is equivalent to ten percent over total expenses. That target was exceeded for the year ended December 31, 2012, as net assets increased by $870,108, The surplus was a result of greater than anticipated revenues of $7.2 million, which was largely due to record attendance at the meetings, as well as greater than anticipated returns from the investment portfolio. The total operating expenses increased to $6.4 million primarily due to increased Society meetings and exhibits costs related to the venue and record attendance at the PRiME Meeting in Hawaii. A change in our digital library platform provider led to significant savings, and should provide some containment of publications costs over the next few years. The general and administrative costs were slightly higher due to increases in staff, benefit costs, IT, software and other support costs. We anticipate further increases in the staff size to manage the growth in meetings, publications, and technological requirements driving the Society’s future. The Society’s Statement of Financial Position reflects growth in assets to $15.7 million of which 55% are either custodial or endowment funds. Growth in these funds is important because there will be pressure to continue generating financial support through membership and subscription revenues. Therefore, our broader financial goal is to avoid the use of the endowment funds to cover operating expenses, enabling the funds to maintain future growth. This is the main reason we have reinitiated fundraising activities through the new ECS Development Subcommittee. Overall, 2012 was a very good year for ECS from a financial perspective. Most of our programs generated surplus revenues and we have taken steps to create greater efficiencies, which materialized into cost savings this past year. We do anticipate that continued large investments will be required to fund the technology necessary to advance the science, but the Society’s current financial strength will aid in these investments.

Christina Bock Treasurer

Paul Grote Director of Finance

ECS Revenue Percentages - 2012 Rental Percentages - 2012 ECS Revenue Investment income 4%

Income 8% Rental Income 8%

Investment income 4%

Meetings & Activities 37% Meetings & Activities 37%

Publications 41% Publications 41%

Membership 10% Membership 10%

ECS Expense Percentages - 2012 ECS Expense Percentages - 2012 Rental G&A 14% Awards & Grants 1% Awards & Grants 1%

G&A 14%

Meetings & Activities 40% Meetings & Activities 40%

operations 7% Rental operations 7%

Publications 31% Publications 31%

Membership 7% Membership 7%

The Electrochemical Society is a nonprofit international association of scientists and engineers chartered as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The Board of Directors engages the services of an independent auditor to assure that the Society maintains an effective system of financial management, and continues to operate under its nonprofit charter. The Board of Directors received an unqualified or clean opinion from their independent auditors, WithumSmith+Brown for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012.

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


ECS ANNUAL REPORT Financial Summary Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (For the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011)

Assets Cash and cash equivalents

2012 $

Accounts receivable, net Unconditional promises to give, net Prepaid expenses, deposits, and other assets Investments in marketable securities Custodial account investments Deferred rent Investments in real estate: Land Buildings, less accumulated depreciation of $432,847 Intangible assets Total assets





148,985 17,575 130,709 8,586,364 717,910 81,005

44,464 133,278 7,473,725 721,568 68,656

1,603,427 2,886,232 243,873 15,671,229

1,603,427 2,965,735 225,747 14,155,061

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Custodial account liability Security deposits Deferred compensation


Net assets Unrestriced Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilites and net assets

314,030 1,290,501 717,910 30,987 115,028


$200,378 832,572 721,568 33,487 34,391

11,950,633 410,627 841,513

11,092,450 407,247 832,968

13,202,773 15,671,229

12,332,665 14,155,061

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets (For the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011)

Revenues Publications Membership Society meetings and activities Interest and dividend income Contributions and grants Rental income Other revenues


2,792,216 712,278 2,554,820 268,591 23,696 512,521 15,564 6,879,686


2,954,166 654,036 2,271,796 302,242 243,345 482,192 40,346 6,948,123


1,955,617 461,169 2,555,910 86,582 5,059,278


2,100,260 323,710 1,816,715 134,075 4,374,760

Expenses Program services Publications Membership Society meetings and activities Awards, fellowships, and grants Supporting services General and administrative Fundraising Rental operations

865,341 747,048 685 431,377 471,915 1,296,718 1,219,648 Increase in net assets from operations $523,690 1,353,715 Net change in fair value of investments 346,418 (254,077) Other non-operation revenue Change in net assets 870,108 1,099,638 Net assets, beginning of year 12,332,665 11,233,027 Net assets, end of year 13,202,773 12,332,665 These financial statements are a condensed version of the audited statements of ECS for the year ending December 31, 2012. ECS will be pleased to provide complete copies along with all footnotes and the unqualified report of our auditors upon request. 118

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Notes to Financial Statements 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

4. Endowment Funds

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of The Electrochemical Society, its Divisions, Groups, and Sections, and the LLC. All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared to focus on The Electrochemical Society, and Subsidiary (the Society) as a whole, and to present balances and transactions according to the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets and changes therein are classified as follows: Unrestricted net assets – net assets not subject to donor-imposed stipulations; Temporarily restricted net assets – net assets subject to donorimposed stipulations that will be met by actions of the Society and/or by the passage of time; Permanently restricted net assets (endowment funds) – net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that they be maintained permanently by the Society.

The Society’s endowment funds consist of several funds established to fund awards, as well as an educational endowment fund, publications endowment fund, and a general endowment fund. The endowment funds include both donor-restricted funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), net assets associated with endowment funds are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Society’s policy requires the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result, the Society classifies as permanently restricted net assets the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment and the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the Society.

2. Income Tax Status and Income Taxes ECS and its Divisions, Groups, and Sections qualify as a tax-exempt organization described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all of its income, except income generated through the advertising included in its publications, is exempt from Federal income taxes. As a single-member limited liability company, the LLC is treated as a disregarded entity for income tax purposes and, as such, its financial activity is reported in conjunction with the federal income tax filings of ECS. The Society has adopted the accounting pronouncement that provides guidance on uncertain tax positions. The Society has no unrecognized tax benefits at December 31, 2012.

3. Investments Investments in equities and fixed income instruments are reported at fair market value, and investment in real estate is reported at cost. Investment income and realized and unrealized net gains and losses on investments of permanently restricted net assets are reported as follows: as increases or decreases in temporarily restricted net assets if the terms of the gift impose restrictions on the use of the income and/or net gains; as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets in all other cases. Cost, market value and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) at December 31, 2012 are summarized as follows: Cost Money Market Funds



Market Value $


Unrealized Gain/(Loss) $







Corporate and U.S. Bonds




Real Estate









Stocks and Mutual Funds Certificate of Deposit

Real Estate Trust Total

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



5. ECS Holdings, LLC ECS Holdings LLC was chartered in 1998 to manage the real estate assets of the Society. Current real estate holdings include five buildings at Howe Commons in Pennington, NJ valued at a cost of $5,007,611. The Society occupies one of the buildings and the other four are classified as an investment. ECS Holdings LLC leases office space in these four buildings to various tenants under operating leases arrangements expiring through 2019. Rental income under the aforementioned leases totaled $512,521 (net of Society’s rentals of $78,115) for the year ended December 31, 2012.

6. Report of the ECS Audit Committee The ECS Audit Committee provides oversight of Society’s financial reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors. Management (ECS Staff Directors and Officers) is responsible for the financial statements and the financial reporting process, including the system of internal control. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Committee discussed the financial statements in the annual report with management, including a discussion of quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting principles; the reasonableness of significant judgments; and the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements. The members of the Audit Committee in 2012 were Peter Fedkiw (Chair), John Susko, Petr Vanýsek, Paul Natishan, and Lloyd George. The Committee met with the independent auditors with and without management present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations of the Society’s internal control, compliance with laws and regulations, and the overall quality of the Society’s financial reporting. Based on these discussions the Audit Committee has recommended for acceptance to the Board of Directors the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012.



ECS ANNUAL REPORT Board of Directors (as of October 2012)

Christina Bock, Treasurer Gerardine Botte, Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division James Burgess, Chair, Organic & Biological Electrochemistry Division Roque Calvo, Executive Director Michael Carter, Chair, Sensor Division Pablo Chang, Chair, Electronics & Photonics Division John Collins, Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Hariklia Deligianni, Secretary Jeffrey Fergus, Chair, High Temperature Materials Division

ECS Editorial Boards (as of December 31, 2012)

Electrochemical Science & Technology Journals Petr Vanýsek, Editor Gerald S. Frankel, Technical Editor Thomas F. Fuller, Technical Editor Charles L. Hussey, Technical Editor Shelley D. Minteer, Technical Editor Rangachary Mukundan, Technical Editor Dennis G. Peters, Technical Editor John Weidner, Technical Editor Martin Winter, Technical Editor Doron Aurbach, Associate Editor Thierry Brousse, Associate Editor Raymond J. Gorte, Associate Editor Takayuki Homma, Associate Editor

Solid State Science & Technology Journals Dennis W. Hess, Editor Jennifer A. Bardwell, Technical Editor Stefan De Gendt, Technical Editor Francis D’Souza, Technical Editor Kailash C. Mishra, Technical Editor Yue Kuo, Technical Editor George Celler, Associate Editor

Interface Krishnan Rajeshwar, Editor Tim Armstrong, High Temperature Materials Division Representative Albert Fry, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Representative Uwe Happek, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Representative


Shinji Fujimoto, Chair, Corrosion Division Fernando Garzon, President and Board Chair Lloyd George, Nonprofit Financial Professional Paul Kohl, 2nd Vice-President Oano Leonte, Chair, Dielectric Science & Technology Division Bor Yann Liaw, Chair, Battery Division Shelley Minteer, Chair, Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Tetsuya Osaka, Sr. Vice-President Daniel Scherson, 3rd Vice-President Jean St-Pierre, Chair, Energy Technology Division Esther Takeuchi, Past President R. Bruce Weisman, Chair, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, & Carbon Nanostructures Division Giovanni Zangari, Chair, Electrodeposition Division

Nick Wu, Sensor Division Representative Andrew Hillier, Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division Representative Andrew Hoff, Electronics and Photonics Division Representative Prashant Kamat, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Division Representative Arumugam Manthiram, Battery Division Representative Durga Misra, Dielectric Science and Technology Division Representative Mani Manivannan, Energy Technology Division Representative Barbara Shaw, Corrosion Division Representative John Staser, Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Representative Giovanni Zangari, Electrodeposition Division Representative

ECS Transactions Jeffrey W. Fergus, Editor D. Noel Buckley, Electronics and Photonics Division Representative James Burgess, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Representative Bryan A. Chin, Sensor Division Representative Hugh De Long, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Representative James M. Fenton, Energy Technology Division Representative Turgut Gur, High Temperature Materials Division Representative Robert Kostecki, Battery Division Representative Kailash C. Mishra, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Representative Durgamadhab Misra, Dielectric Science and Technology Division Representative Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Electrodeposition Division Representative Sanna Virtanen, Corrosion Division Representative John Weidner, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Representative R. Weisman, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures Division Representative

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Headquarters Staff

ECS Donors

(as of June 30, 2013)

Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director

The following individuals and organizations have helped support ECS’s many activities. We thank them for their generous support of the Society.

Endowed Funds Mary Yess, Deputy Executive Director and Publisher Dinia Agrawala, Interface Production Manager Karen Chmielewski, Finance Associate Paul Cooper, Editorial Manager Dan Fatton, Director of Development Ann Goedkoop, Director of Publications Andrea Guenzel, Journals Publications Assistant Paul Grote, Director of Finance Mary Hojlo, Constituent Services Assistant Colleen Klepser, Executive Administrator John Lewis, Associate Director of Conference Publications Heather McAlinn, Publications Production Assistant Winnie Mutch, Web Manager Anna Olsen, Constituent Services Associate Karen Baliff Ornstein, Associate Director of Marketing Stephanie Plassa, Director of Meetings and Exhibits Elizabeth Schademann, Publications Production Assistant Stacy Schlags, Meetings Coordinator Beth Anne Stuebe, Conference Publications Production Assistant

We are grateful to the following donor for its generous support of our Education Endowment. This endowment helps to insure the continuation of bold advances in electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. Fondazione Oronzio de Nora Casella

Businesses, Organizations and Government

We are grateful to the following businesses, organizations, and government organizations for their generous support of $5,000 and above in support of our mission. American Elements AMETEK – Scientific Instruments Applied Materials Applied Nanofluorescence, LLC Asahi Kasei E-Materials Group Bio-Logic USA/Bio-Logic SAS Duracell ESL Electro-Science FMC Corporation Gamry Instruments Gelest, Inc. Hohsen Corporation Hokuto Denko Corporation IBM Corporation Industrie De Nora S.P.A. Koei Chemical Company Ltd. Maccor Inc. Metrohm USA Office of Naval Research Phosphor Research Society of Japan Pine Research Instrumentation ProSys, Inc. Saft Batteries, Specialty Batteries Group Scribner Associates


We are grateful to the following individuals for their generous gifts of $1,000 and above in support of our mission. Harry Halloran Peter Lewis Bruno Scrosati

The Legacy Society

The Legacy Society honors benefactors who have provided for the Society in a variety of ways—through their wills, a charitable trust, a life-income arrangement, a life insurance policy, or a retirement plan. Robert P. Frankenthal

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013


ECS ANNUAL REPORT Institutional Partners 3M Company Advance Nanosystems Agilent Technologies, Inc. Air Liquide Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Aixtron AG ALS Co., Ltd. American Elements AMETEK-Scientific Instruments AML Applied Materials Arbin Instruments Asahi Kasei E-Materials Corp. ASM International Asylum Research Ballard Power Systems, Inc. Bio-Logic USA/Bio-Logic SAS Bitrode Corp Bluestone Global Tech Bondtech Co. Ltd. Bruker AXS Inc. C. Uyemura & Co. Ltd. Cambridge NanoTech Inc. Central Electrochemical Research Inst. Chemetall GmbH Chris Hillseth Enterprises Corp. Co-Operative Plating Co. DNV DropSens Duracell Dynatronix eDAQ, Inc. ElectroChem, Inc. Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. ENEOS CELLTECH Co., Ltd. Energizer EPI ESL Electro-Science EV Group Evans Analytical Group Evonik Litarion GmbH Faraday Technology, Inc. FMC Corporation, Peroxygens Division Fortu Research GmbH Fuel Cell Technologies Fujimi Corporation Gamry Instruments Gelest Inc. 122

General Motors Research Labs Giner, Inc./GES Government Lab Greatbatch, Inc. GS-Yuasa International Ltd. Guangzhou Mikrouna Mech. Tech. Co Hawaii Natural Energy Inst. Heka Electronics Inc. Hohsen Corporation Hokuto Denko Corporation Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Hong Shih Horiba, Ltd. Hosokawa Micron Powder Systems Hydro-Quebec Hysitron, Inc. IBM Corporation Industrie De Nora S.p.A. INFICON International Lead Zinc Research Organization International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) IonPower IVIUM Technologies Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. Koei Chemical Company Ltd. Kyoto Environmental Nanotech Cluster Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Leclanche SA Luxtera Inc. Maccor, Inc. Mattheson Tri-Gas Mattson Technology, Inc. Medtronic Inc. Merelex Corporation Metrohm Autolab Metrohm USA MTI Corporation N.E. Chemcat Corporation Nacional de Grafite LTDA Nagano Co., Ltd. Naval Research Laboratory NETZSCH Instruments, Inc. Next Energy EWE-Forschungzentrum Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. NuVant Systems, Inc.

Occidental Chemical Corp. OM Group, Inc. Panasonic Corporation PEC North America Pennsylvania State University Permascand AB Permelec Electrode Ltd. Phosphor Research Society of Japan Pine Research Instrumentation PolyPlus Battery Company PPG Industries, Inc. Praxair, Inc. Precious Plate Incorporated ProSys, Inc. QUALCOMM Incorporated Quallion, LLC Reagent RheoSense, Inc. Robert Bosch GmbH Saft Batteries, Specialty Batteries Group SAFT Hitech Sandia National Labs SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Scribner Associates, Inc. Sematech Shin-Kobe Electric Machinery Co., LTD Smart Scholarship Program SOITEC Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo KK TDK Corporation, Device Development Center Technic Inc. Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. TIMCAL Ltd. Toshima Manufacturing Co. Toshin Kogyo Co Ltd. Tosoh Corporation Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc. Ulvac Technologies, Inc. Umicore AG & Co. KG Uniscan Instruments UTC Power Voltaix Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences ZSW

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 ECS Honor Roll Past Presidents of the Society J. W. Richards............................... 1902-1904 H. S. Carhart................................. 1904-1905 W. D. Bancroft............................... 1905-1906 C. Hering....................................... 1906-1907 C. F. Burgess................................. 1907-1908 E. G. Acheson................................ 1908-1909 L. H. Baekeland............................. 1909-1910 W. H. Walker................................. 1910-1911 W. R. Whitney............................... 1911-1912 W. L. Miller.................................... 1912-1913 E. F. Roeber................................... 1913-1914 F. A. Lidbury.................................. 1914-1915 L. Addicks..................................... 1915-1916 F. A. J. FitzGerald........................... 1916-1917 C. G. Fink...................................... 1917-1918 F. J. Tone....................................... 1918-1919 W. D. Bancroft............................... 1919-1920 W. S. Landis.................................. 1920-1921 A. Smith........................................ 1921-1922 C. G. Schluederberg.................................1922-1923 A. T. Hinckley................................ 1923-1924 H. C. Parmelee.............................. 1924-1925 F. M. Becket................................... 1925-1926 W. Blum........................................ 1926-1927 S. C. Lind...................................... 1927-1928 P. J. Kruesi.................................... 1928-1929 F. C. Frary...................................... 1929-1930 L. Kahlenberg................................ 1930-1931 B. Stoughton................................. 1931-1932 R. A. Witherspoon......................... 1932-1933 J. Johnston................................... 1933-1934 H. S. Lukens.................................. 1934-1935 J. H. Critchett................................ 1935-1936 D. A. MacInnes.............................. 1936-1937 W. G. Harvey................................. 1937-1938 R. L. Baldwin................................. 1938-1939

H. J. Creighton.............................. 1939-1940 F. C. Mathers................................. 1940-1941 R. R. Ridgway............................... 1941-1942 E. M. Baker.................................... 1942-1943 R. M. Burns................................... 1943-1944 S. D. Kirkpatrick............................ 1944-1945 W. R. Veazey................................. 1945-1946 W. C. Moore.................................. 1946-1947 G. W. Heise................................... 1947-1948 J. A. Lee........................................ 1948-1949 A. L. Ferguson............................... 1949-1950 C. L. Faust..................................... 1950-1951 R. M. Hunter................................. 1951-1952 J. C. Warner.................................. 1952-1953 R. J. McKay................................... 1953-1954 M. J. Udy...................................... 1954-1955 H. H. Uhlig.................................... 1955-1956 H. Thurnauer................................. 1956-1957 N. Hackerman............................... 1957-1958 S. Swann....................................... 1958-1959 W. C. Gardiner............................... 1959-1960 R. A. Schaefer............................... 1960-1961 H. B. Linford.................................. 1961-1962 F. L. LaQue.................................... 1962-1963 W. J. Hamer.................................. 1963-1964 L. I. Gilbertson.............................. 1964-1965 E. B. Yeager................................... 1965-1966 H. J. Read..................................... 1966-1967 H. C. Gatos.................................... 1967-1968 I. E. Campbell................................ 1968-1969 N. C. Cahoon................................. 1969-1970 C. W. Tobias.................................. 1970-1971 C. V. King...................................... 1971-1972 T. D. McKinley............................... 1972-1973 N. B. Hannay................................. 1973-1974 D. A. Vermilyea............................. 1974-1975

T. R. Beck...................................... 1975-1976 M. J. Pryor.................................... 1976-1977 D. N. Bennion................................ 1977-1978 D. R. Turner.................................. 1978-1979 J. B. Berkowitz.............................. 1979-1980 E. M. Pell....................................... 1980-1981 R. J. Brodd.................................... 1981-1982 F. J. Strieter................................... 1982-1983 J. B. Wagner, Jr............................. 1983-1984 P. C. Milner.................................... 1984-1985 R. C. Alkire.................................... 1985-1986 R. E. Enstrom................................ 1986-1987 F. G. Will........................................ 1987-1988 B. E. Deal...................................... 1988-1989 E. J. Cairns.................................... 1989-1990 J. M. Woodall................................ 1990-1991 L. R. Faulkner................................ 1991-1992 W. L. Worrell................................. 1992-1993 R. P. Frankenthal........................... 1993-1994 J. A. Amick.................................... 1994-1995 K. R. Bullock................................. 1995-1996 D. W. Hess.................................... 1996-1997 B. Miller........................................ 1997-1998 G. M. Blom.................................... 1998-1999 D.E. Hall........................................ 1999-2000 C. M. Osburn................................. 2000-2001 J. Talbot........................................ 2001-2002 K. Spear........................................ 2002-2003 B. Scrosati.................................... 2003-2004 R. Susko....................................... 2004-2005 W. Smyrl....................................... 2005-2006 Mark Allendorf.............................. 2006-2007 Barry MacDougall......................... 2007-2008 D. Noel Buckley............................. 2008-2009 Paul Natishan................................ 2009-2010 William D. Brown.......................... 2010-2011 Esther S. Takeuchi......................... 2011-2012

H. B. Linford.................................. 1949-1959 I. E. Campbell................................ 1959-1965 R. F. Bechtold................................ 1965-1968 D. R. Turner.................................. 1968-1974 P. C. Milner.................................... 1974-1980 F. A. Trumbore............................... 1980-1984

J. A. Amick.................................... 1984-1988 E. W. Brooman.............................. 1988-1992 J. McBreen.................................... 1992-1996 R. Susko....................................... 1996-2000 P. Natishan.................................... 2000-2004 P. Vanýsek..................................... 2004-2008 Johna Leddy................................. 2008-2012

E. G. Enck...................................... 1961-1964 R. H. Schaefer............................... 1964-1967 R. H. Cherry.................................. 1967-1973 F. J. Strieter................................... 1973-1976 J. L. Griffin.................................... 1976-1982 J. Kruger....................................... 1982-1986 R. P. Frankenthal........................... 1986-1990

R. E. White.................................... 1990-1994 W. M. Bullis................................... 1994-1997 Y. H. Wong.................................... 1997-1998 W. D. Brown.................................. 1998-2002 P. Fedkiw....................................... 2002-2006 J. Susko........................................ 2006-2010

Past Secretaries of the Society C. Hering.................................................1902 C. J. Reed...................................... 1902-1904 S. S. Sadtler.................................. 1904-1907 J. W. Richards............................... 1907-1921 C. G. Fink...................................... 1921-1947 R. M. Burns................................... 1947-1949

Past Treasurers of the Society P. G. Salom................................... 1902-1920 F. A. Lidbury.................................. 1920-1924 A. Smith........................................ 1924-1931 R. M. Burns................................... 1931-1943 W. W. Winship............................... 1943-1949 E. G. Widell................................... 1949-1955 L. I. Gilbertson.............................. 1955-1961

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013



Edward Goodrich Acheson Award E. G. Acheson...........................................1929 E. F. Northrup...........................................1931 C. G. Fink.................................................1933 F. J. Tone..................................................1935 F. M. Becket..............................................1937 F. C. Frary.................................................1939 C. F. Burgess............................................1942 W. Blum...................................................1944 H. J. Creighton.........................................1946 D. A. MacInnes.........................................1948 G. W. Vinal...............................................1950 J. W. Marden............................................1952 G. W. Heise..............................................1954 R. M. Burns..............................................1956 W. J. Kroll................................................1958 H. B. Linford.............................................1960 C. L. Faust................................................1962 E. A. Gulbransen......................................1964 W. C. Vosburgh........................................1966 F. L. LaQue...............................................1968 S. Ruben..................................................1970 C. W. Tobias.............................................1972 C. V. King.................................................1974 N. B. Hannay............................................1976 D. A. Vermilyea........................................1978 E. B. Yeager..............................................1980 H. C. Gatos...............................................1982 N. Hackerman..........................................1984 E. M. Pell..................................................1986 H. H. Uhlig...............................................1988 T. R. Beck.................................................1990 D. R. Turner.............................................1992 J. B. Wagner, Jr........................................1994 R. C. Alkire...............................................1996 J. M. Woodall...........................................1998 L. R. Faulkner...........................................2000 B. Deal.....................................................2002 W. L. Worrell............................................2004 V. de Nora................................................2006 Robert P. Frankenthal...............................2008 John Newman..........................................2010 Dennis Hess.............................................2012

Olin Palladium Medal Award (formerly the Palladium Medal Award, 1951-1977)

A. N. Frumkin...........................................1959 H. H. Uhlig...............................................1961 N. Hackerman..........................................1965 P. Delahay................................................1967 T. P. Hoar..................................................1969 L. Brewer.................................................1971 V. G. Levich..............................................1973 M. J. N. Pourbaix.....................................1975 H. Gerischer.............................................1977 R. Parsons...............................................1979 I. M. Kolthoff............................................1981 M. Cohen.................................................1983 M. Fleischmann........................................1985 A. J. Bard.................................................1987 B. E. Conway............................................1989 J. Newman...............................................1991 J.-M. Savéant...........................................1993 J. Kruger..................................................1995 R. W. Murray............................................1997 J. B. Goodenough....................................1999 N. Sato.....................................................2001 E. Gileadi..................................................2003 R. Rapp....................................................2005 Sergio Trasatti..........................................2007 Dieter M. Kolb..........................................2009 Koji Hashimoto........................................2011

Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid-State Science and Technology (formerly the Solid State Science & Technology Award, 1973-2005)

W. G. Pfann..............................................1973 H. C. Gatos...............................................1975 R. N. Hall..................................................1977 M. B. Panish.............................................1979 G. L. Pearson...........................................1981 N. Holonyak, Jr.........................................1983 J. M. Woodall...........................................1985 A. Y. Cho..................................................1987 J. F. Gibbons............................................1989 J. D. Plummer..........................................1991 B. E. Deal.................................................1993 W. L. Worrell............................................1995 K. E. Spear...............................................1997 I. Akasaki.................................................1999 A. Reisman...............................................2001 R. B. Fair..................................................2003 D. Hess....................................................2005 Tak H. Ning..............................................2007 C. Grant Willson.......................................2009 Stephen Pearton......................................2011

Vittorio de Nora Award in Electrochemical Engineering and Technology (formerly the Electrochemical Science and Technology Award, 1974-1977)

A. Brenner................................................1974 R. B. MacMullin.......................................1976 F. T. Bacon................................................1978 H. B. Beer.................................................1980 J. C. Schumacher.....................................1982 D. E. Danly...............................................1984 K. Kordesch.............................................1986 A. Heller...................................................1988 C. W. Tobias.............................................1990 E. B. Yeager..............................................1992 L. T. Romankiw........................................1994 R. Baboian...............................................1996 W. G. Grot................................................1998 D. R. Turner.............................................2000 R. C. Alkire...............................................2004 F. Mansfeld...............................................2006 John S. Newman......................................2008 Derek Pletcher..........................................2010 Bruno Scrosati.........................................2012

Carl Wagner Memorial Award A. J. Bard.................................................1981 G. C. Wood...............................................1983 R. C. Alkire...............................................1985 R. W. Murray............................................1987 W. L. Worrell............................................1989 D. D. Macdonald .....................................1991 J. Jorné....................................................1993 B. R. MacDougall.....................................1995 M. J. Weaver............................................1997 C. R. Martin..............................................1999 P. A. Kohl.................................................2001 R. M. Crooks............................................2003 J. Hupp....................................................2005 Philip N. Bartlett.......................................2007 Henry S. White.........................................2009 Peter Bruce..............................................2011

C. W. Wagner...........................................1951 N. H. Furman............................................1953 U. R. Evans..............................................1955 K. F. Bonhoeffer........................................1957 124

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching C. W. Tobias.............................................1982 B. E. Conway............................................1984 A. J. Bard.................................................1986 L. Brewer.................................................1988 J. Newman...............................................1990 K. Nobe....................................................1992 J. O’M. Bockris.........................................1994 T. C. Franklin............................................1996 R. A. Rapp................................................1998 G. Stoner..................................................2000 D. Peters..................................................2002 R. M. Latanision.......................................2004 D. Pletcher...............................................2006 Eliezer Gileadi...........................................2008 Daniel T. Schwartz....................................2010 Mark E. Orazem........................................2012

Charles W. Tobias Young Investor Award Stuart B. Adler..........................................2004 Hock Min Ng............................................2006 Yang Shao-Horn.......................................2008 Thomas J. Schmidt..................................2010 Bryan S. Pivovar......................................2012 Bilge Yildiz...............................................2012

Honorary Members Charles F. Chandler..................................1919 Edgar F. Smith..........................................1919 Carl Hering...............................................1922 Edward G. Acheson..................................1923 Wilder D. Bancroft....................................1925 Edward Weston........................................1926 Thomas A. Edison....................................1928 W. Lash Miller..........................................1929 Edward Dean Adams................................1930 Charles F. Burgess....................................1932 Frederick M. Becket..................................1934 L. H. Baekeland........................................1936 Robert A. Witherspoon............................1940 Archer E. Wheeler....................................1941 W.R. Whitney...........................................1944 Paul J. Kruesi...........................................1944 Colin G. Fink.............................................1946 Oliver W. Brown.......................................1946 John W. Marden.......................................1947 William Blum............................................1953 Robert M. Burns......................................1959 George W. Heise......................................1959 Frank C. Mathers......................................1959 Stanislaus Skowronski.............................1962 Oliver W. Storey.......................................1962 A. Kenneth Graham..................................1963 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Howard A. Acheson..................................1971 Charles L. Faust.......................................1971 Cecil V. King.............................................1973 Herbert H. Uhlig.......................................1973 Norman Hackerman.................................1973 Henry B. Linford.......................................1974 Sherlock Swann.......................................1974 Ernest G. Enck..........................................1975 W. C. Gardiner..........................................1975 Ivor E. Campbell.......................................1976 Ernest B. Yeager.......................................1977 David A. Vermilyea...................................1977 Charles W. Tobias.....................................1977 Harry C. Gatos.........................................1978 Ralph M. Hunter.......................................1979 Dennis R. Turner......................................1980 Henry F. Ivey............................................1980 Walter J. Hamer.......................................1980 Michael J. Pryor.......................................1981 Francis L. LaQue......................................1981 N. Bruce Hannay......................................1982 Theodore R. Beck.....................................1982 Vittorio de Nora........................................1982 John L. Griffin..........................................1983 Erik M. Pell...............................................1983 Samuel Ruben..........................................1983 Paul C. Milner..........................................1986 Harold J. Read.........................................1986 Forrest A. Trumbore.................................1986 Douglas N. Bennion.................................1987 Ralph J. Brodd.........................................1987 Jerome Kruger.........................................1987 Glenn W. Cullen........................................1990 James C. Acheson....................................1990 Richard C. Alkire......................................1991 Bertram Schwartz....................................1991 J. Bruce Wagner, Jr..................................1991 V. H. Branneky..........................................1991 R. S. Karpiuk............................................1996 F. J. Strieter..............................................1996 W. L. Worrell............................................1996 Barry Miller..............................................1999 Jefferson Cole..........................................2001 L. Faulkner...............................................2003 R. Frankenthal..........................................2003 L. Romankiw............................................2003 Gordon E. Moore......................................2007 John S. Newman......................................2007 Jerry M. Woodall......................................2007 Honorary Associate Members

Mrs. Colin G. Fink

Fellows of The Electrochemical Society Allen J. Bard.............................................1990 Robert B. Comizzoli..................................1990 Glenn W. Cullen........................................1990 Theodore I. Kamins..................................1990 Paul C. Milner..........................................1990 Edward H. Nicollian..................................1990 Robert A. Osteryoung..............................1990

Arnold Reisman.......................................1990 Lubomyr T. Romankiw.............................1990 Geraldine C. Schwartz..............................1990 Ben G. Streetman.....................................1990 J. Bruce Wagner, Jr..................................1990 Theodore R. Beck.....................................1991 Elton J. Cairns..........................................1991 Bruce E. Deal............................................1991 Werner Kern.............................................1991 William A. Pliskin.....................................1991 Charles W. Tobias.....................................1991 Rolf Weil..................................................1991 Richard C. Alkire......................................1992 Vittorio de Nora........................................1992 Jerome Kruger.........................................1992 Barry Miller..............................................1992 Dennis R. Turner......................................1992 Jerry M. Woodall......................................1992 Richard P. Buck........................................1993 Larry. R. Faulkner.....................................1993 Dennis W. Hess........................................1993 Vik J. Kapoor............................................1993 Rolf H. Muller...........................................1993 Carlton M. Osburn....................................1993 Robert A. Rapp........................................1993 George L. Schnable..................................1993 Y. H. Wong...............................................1993 Petr Zuman..............................................1993 George K. Celler.......................................1994 Sung-Nee George Chu.............................1994 John P. Dismukes....................................1994 Richard B. Fair.........................................1994 Adam Heller.............................................1994 Richard A. Oriani......................................1994 Boone B. Owens.......................................1994 Wayne L. Worrell.....................................1994 Fred Anson...............................................1995 Laurence D. Burke....................................1995 Brian E. Conway.......................................1995 Robert P. Frankenthal...............................1995 Karl M. Kadish..........................................1995 Digby D. Macdonald.................................1995 Gleb Mamantov........................................1995 Florian Mansfeld......................................1995 Royce W. Murray.....................................1995 John Newman..........................................1995 Yutaka Okinaka.........................................1995 Howard W. Pickering................................1995 George Rozgonyi......................................1995 Mordechay Schlesinger............................1995 Karl E. Spear............................................1995 John M. Blocher, Jr..................................1996 Hans K. Böhni..........................................1996 Der-Tau Chin............................................1996 Hugh Isaacs.............................................1996 Wolfgang J. Lorenz..................................1996 S. J. Pearton............................................1996 Subhash C. Singhal..................................1996 Venkataraman Swaminathan....................1996 James A. Amick.......................................1997 Denis Noel Buckley..................................1997 Eliezer Gileadi...........................................1997 125

ECS ANNUAL REPORT Fellows (continued) Michel J. Froment....................................1997 Koji Hashimoto........................................1997 Chung-Chiun Liu......................................1997 Edward McCafferty..................................1997 Theodore D. Moustakas...........................1997 Shyam P. Muraka.....................................1997 Stella W. Pang..........................................1997 Joachim Walter Schultze..........................1997 James D. Sinclair.....................................1997 Norman L. Weinberg................................1997 Lawrence Young......................................1997 Huk Y. Cheh..............................................1998 Donald E. Danly........................................1998 Dennis H. Evans.......................................1998 Fumio Hine...............................................1998 Dennis C. Johnson...................................1998 Zoltan Nagy..............................................1998 Katsumi Niki.............................................1998 Jun-ichi Nishizawa...................................1998 Fan Ren....................................................1998 Antonio J. Ricco.......................................1998 David A. Shores.......................................1998 William H. Smyrl......................................1998 George Thompson...................................1998 Eric Brooman...........................................1999 Stanley Bruckenstein................................1999 Kathryn Bullock........................................1999 Shimshon Gottesfeld................................1999 Yue Kuo...................................................1999 Dieter Landolt..........................................1999 Jerzy Ruzyllo............................................1999 Norio Sato................................................1999 Ralph White.............................................1999 William Yen..............................................1999 Cammy Abernathy....................................2000 Kuzhikalail M. Abraham............................2000 John C. Angus..........................................2000 W. Ronald Fawcett...................................2000 David S. Ginley.........................................2000 Yasuhiko Ito.............................................2000 Howard Huff.............................................2000 Robert F. Savinell.....................................2000 Roger Staehle..........................................2000 Charles W. Struck....................................2000 Sergio Trasatti..........................................2000 Dieter M. Kolb..........................................2001 David J. Lockwood...................................2001 James McBreen.......................................2001 Patrick J. Moran.......................................2001 Shohei Nakahara......................................2001 William E. O’Grady...................................2001 Supramanian Srinivasan..........................2001 Mark Allendorf.........................................2002 William Brown..........................................2002 Cor Claeys................................................2002 Martin Kendig..........................................2002 Kim Kinoshita...........................................2002 Paul Kohl..................................................2002 Zempachi Ogumi......................................2002 Tetsuya Osaka..........................................2002 126

Krishnan Rajeshwar.................................2002 Israel Rubinstein......................................2002 Sigeru Torii..............................................2002 Toshio Shibata.........................................2002 Sorin Cristoloveanu..................................2002 David Duquette........................................2003 Peter Fedkiw............................................2003 Charles Hussey........................................2003 Richard McCreery....................................2003 Frank McLarnon.......................................2003 Robin Susko............................................2003 Darrel Untereker.......................................2003 Osamu Yamamoto....................................2003 G. T. Burstein...........................................2004 C. Clayton.................................................2004 G. Davis...................................................2004 M. J. Deen................................................2004 S. Fonash.................................................2004 M. Meyyappan.........................................2004 J. F. Rusling.............................................2004 M. Seo.....................................................2004 M. Shur....................................................2004 J. Simonet................................................2004 M. Stratmann...........................................2004 J. Talbot...................................................2004 M. S. Whittingham...................................2004 R. Adzic....................................................2005 J. Davidson..............................................2005 T. Hattori..................................................2005 J. P. Leburton...........................................2005 P. Marcus.................................................2005 C. Martin..................................................2005 P. Natishan...............................................2005 D. Pletcher...............................................2005 B. Scrosati...............................................2005 J. Scully...................................................2005 R. Singh...................................................2005 H. H. Strehblow........................................2005 M. Williams..............................................2005 A. Baca.....................................................2006 S. Bandyopadhyay...................................2006 T. Fahidy...................................................2006 G. Frankel.................................................2006 C. Jagadish..............................................2006 N. Koshida...............................................2006 J. Lessard................................................2006 H. Massoud..............................................2006 H. Yokokawa............................................2006 B. MacDougall..........................................2006 M. Orazem...............................................2006 D. Misra...................................................2006 A. Virkar...................................................2006 A. Wieckowski..........................................2006 Simon S. Ang...........................................2007 Viola Birss................................................2007 Marc Cahay..............................................2007 James M. Fenton......................................2007 Dennis G. Peters......................................2007 Daniel A. Scherson...................................2007 Eric D. Wachsman....................................2007 Doron Aurbach.........................................2008 Albert J. Fry.............................................2008

Fernando Garzon......................................2008 Yury Gogotsi............................................2008 Curtis F. Holmes.......................................2008 Prashant V. Kamat....................................2008 Patrik Schmuki.........................................2008 Gery R. Stafford.......................................2008 Joseph R. Stetter.....................................2008 John Stickney..........................................2008 Thomas Thundat......................................2008 Vladimir Bagotsky....................................2009 Ugo Bertocci............................................2009 Manfred Engelhardt..................................2009 Tom Fuller................................................2009 Peter Hesketh...........................................2009 Uziel Landau............................................2009 Dolf Landheer..........................................2009 Thomas P. Moffat.....................................2009 Ikuzo Nishiguchi......................................2009 Kohei Uosaki............................................2009 Rudolph G. Buchheit................................2010 Francis D’Souza.......................................2010 Toshio Fuchigami.....................................2010 Michel Houssa.........................................2010 Robert G. Kelly.........................................2010 Roger C. Newman....................................2010 Peter N. Pintauro......................................2010 Peter C. Searson......................................2010 David Shoesmith......................................2010 Bernard Tribollet......................................2010 John W. Weidner......................................2010 David J. Young.........................................2010 Hugh C. DeLong.......................................2011 Hubert Gasteiger......................................2011 Arumugam Manthiram.............................2011 Ashok Kumar Shukla................................2011 Paul C. Trulove.........................................2011 Karim Zaghib............................................2011 Giovanni Zangari......................................2011 Thomas A. Zawodzinski...........................2011 Jeffrey R. Dahn........................................2012 Stefan DeGendt........................................2012 Hariklia Deligianni....................................2012 Andrew Gewirth.......................................2012 Meilin Liu.................................................2012 Junichi Murota.........................................2012 Sri Narayan..............................................2012 Trung Van Nguyen....................................2012 Winston Revie..........................................2012 Daniel Schwartz.......................................2012 Esther Takeuchi........................................2012 Mark Verbrugge.......................................2012 Petr Vanýsek............................................2012 Bruce Weisman........................................2012

Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship

(formerly the Edward G. Weston Fellowship, 1930-1945)

E. B. Sanigar............................................1930 K. Solliner................................................1931 M. E. Fogle...............................................1932 R. D. Blue.................................................1933 P. A. Jacquet............................................1934 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship


M. A. Coler...............................................1935 H. B. Linford.............................................1936 G. L. Putnam............................................1937 V. de Nora................................................1938 W. P. Ruemmier.......................................1940 R. E. Black................................................1941 W. E. Roake..............................................1942 R. D. Misch..............................................1947 M. T. Simnad............................................1948 R. L. Brubaker..........................................1961 D. Yohe....................................................1962 H. O. Daley, Jr..........................................1963 M. D. Hawley............................................1964 T. G. McCord............................................1965 J. D. McLean............................................1966 K. B. Prater...............................................1967 K. Doblhofer.............................................1968 L. R. Faulkner...........................................1969 W. J. Horkans...........................................1970 W. J. Horkans...........................................1971 W. J. Bover...............................................1972 B. J. Alexander.........................................1973 S. S. Fratoni, Jr. ......................................1974 M. Suchanski...........................................1975 R. J. Nowak..............................................1976 P. A. Kohl.................................................1977 C. D. Jaeger.............................................1978 L. Bottomley.............................................1979 G. L. McIntire...........................................1980 J. Pemberton...........................................1981 M. E. Kordesch.........................................1982 R. G. Tompson.........................................1983 P. M. Kovach............................................1984 J. N. Harb.................................................1985 S. E. Creager............................................1986 X. Zhang...................................................1987 C. Amass..................................................1988 R. J. Phillips.............................................1989 J. E. Franke..............................................1990 S. R. Snyder.............................................1991 P. Pantano................................................1992 G. J. Edens...............................................1993 B. Idriss...................................................1994 D. Bizzotto................................................1995 L. A. Lyon.................................................1996 C. Claypool...............................................1997 B. Bath.....................................................1998 A. C. Templeton........................................1999 P. W. Wuelfing..........................................2000 K. Balss....................................................2001 T. Hu........................................................2002 J. Mauzeroll.............................................2003 J. Seegmiller............................................2004 E. Blair.....................................................2005 F. Laforge.................................................2006 Aleix G. Gßell............................................2007 Matthew J. Banholzer...............................2008 Shulei Chou..............................................2009 Binh-Minh Nguyen...................................2010 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Abrin Schmucker.....................................2011 Sujat Sen..................................................2012

Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship P. Brown...................................................1962 W. G. Lemmermann.................................1963 W. G. Stevens...........................................1964 J. P. Carney..............................................1965 S. Piekarski..............................................1966 B. S. Pons................................................1967 R. E. Bonewitz..........................................1968 L. Papouchado.........................................1969 R. G. Reed................................................1970 R. Fike......................................................1971 D. L. McAllister........................................1972 R. R. Chance............................................1973 P. I. Lee....................................................1974 J. B. Flanagan...........................................1975 J. S. Hammond........................................1976 P. D. Tyma................................................1977 S. M. Wilhelm..........................................1978 J. D. Porter...............................................1979 R. S. Glass...............................................1980 E. E. Bancroft...........................................1981 T. D. Cabeika............................................1982 B. L. Wheeler...........................................1983 E. T. T. Jones............................................1984 D. A. Van Galen........................................1985 J. S. Hanson.............................................1986 P. Gao.......................................................1987 D. T. Schwartz..........................................1988 A. E. Russell.............................................1989 J. Xue.......................................................1990 C. K. Rhee................................................1991 M. J. Shane..............................................1992 C. M. Pharr...............................................1993 J. M. Lauerhaus.......................................1994 S. M. Hendrickson...................................1995 J. C. Hutchinson.......................................1996 P. V. A. Pamidi..........................................1997 G. S. Hwang.............................................1998 W. Baker...................................................1999 A. Crown..................................................2000 R. Maus...................................................2001 S. Peper...................................................2002 M. Alpuche-Aviles....................................2003 A. Mugweru.............................................2004 G. Lica......................................................2005 A. Martinson............................................2006 Prabeer Barpanda....................................2007 Sau Yen Chew..........................................2008 Hyea Kim..................................................2009 Brian Adams............................................2010 Tae-Ho Shin.............................................2011 Devika Sil.................................................2012

Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship V. E. Hauser, Jr.........................................1960 M. J. Schaer.............................................1961 R. E. Visco...............................................1961

A. K. Postma............................................1962 C. C. Liu...................................................1963 M. J. Vasile..............................................1964 M. J. Vasile..............................................1965 C. C. Liu...................................................1966 B. N. Baron...............................................1967 L. P. Zajicek, Jr.........................................1968 K. R. Bullock............................................1969 S. H. Cadle...............................................1970 J. W. Webb...............................................1971 C. P. Keszthelyi.........................................1972 M. Shabrang............................................1973 D. H. Karweik...........................................1974 T. P. DeAngelis.........................................1975 D. L. Feke.................................................1976 H. Faulkner...............................................1977 D. M. Novak.............................................1978 B. R. Karas...............................................1979 R. M. Cohen.............................................1980 R. N. Dominey..........................................1981 R. M. Ianniello..........................................1982 D. F. Tessier..............................................1983 N. T. Sleszynski........................................1984 C. M. Lieber.............................................1985 J. L. Valdes..............................................1986 R. Q. Bligh................................................1987 D. W. Conrad............................................1988 S. A. Schofield.........................................1989 J. A. Roberts............................................1990 M. S. Freund............................................1991 L. Gao......................................................1992 H. Gasteiger.............................................1993 J. Schoer..................................................1994 S. Morin...................................................1995 N. Madigan...............................................1996 S. Petrovic...............................................1997 J. J. Sumner.............................................1998 A. Wijayawardhana...................................1999 B. Liu.......................................................2000 C. Noble...................................................2001 C. B. France..............................................2002 P. Ramadass............................................2003 J. Carroll..................................................2004 K. Salaita..................................................2005 J. Breger..................................................2006 Sadagopan Krishnan................................2007 Meng Jiang..............................................2008 Haizhou Liu..............................................2009 Mohammad Rez Khajavi...........................2010 Jeyavel Velmurugan.................................2011 Balazs Berkes...........................................2012

F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship (formerly the F. M. Becket Memorial Award 1962-1999)

R. B. Johnson..........................................1962 J. K. Johnstone........................................1964 K. Lehman................................................1966 H. K. Bowen.............................................1967 T. E. Parker...............................................1971 G. M. Crosbie...........................................1973 N. A. Godshall..........................................1975 J. D. Hodge..............................................1977 127

ECS ANNUAL REPORT F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship (continued)

W. Cheng.................................................1979 P. Davies..................................................1981 P. A. Barron..............................................1983 G. J. Miller...............................................1985 M. Rosenbluth.........................................1987 J. D. Cotton..............................................1989 J. Philliber................................................1991 P. Agarwal................................................1993 H. C. Slade...............................................1995 K. S. Weil.................................................1997 G. S. Hwang.............................................1999 J. Parrish.................................................2001 S. Wasileski.............................................2002 E. Clark.....................................................2003 F. Deng.....................................................2004 S. Harrison...............................................2005 Y. Yang.....................................................2006 Michael Orthner.......................................2007 Marcos Jose Leitos Santos......................2008 Steve Rhieu..............................................2009 James Whitaker.......................................2011 Celeste Morris..........................................2012

Herbert H.Uhlig Summer Fellowship Natalia Shustova......................................2008 Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan...........2009 Swetha Puchakayala................................2011 Julia van Drunen......................................2012

Energy Research Summer Fellowship

(supported by the U.S. Department of Energy)

M. R. Deakin............................................1985 P. B. Johnson...........................................1985 D. A. La Hurd...........................................1985 S. E. Morris..............................................1985 D. P. Wilkinson.........................................1985 D. G. Frank...............................................1986 K.-C. Ho...................................................1986 R. G. Kelly................................................1986 I.-H. Yeo...................................................1986 J. Kwak....................................................1986 L. C. Dash................................................1987 S. A. Naftel...............................................1987 T. R. Nolen...............................................1987 D. Schwartz..............................................1987 T. H. Wong...............................................1987 S. D. Fritts................................................1988 D. A. Koos................................................1988 D. A. Hazlebeck........................................1988 M. O. Schloh............................................1988 S. S. Perine..............................................1988 J. E. Baur.................................................1989 C.-P. Chen................................................1989 D. W. Eng.................................................1989 R. L. McCarley.........................................1989 C. J. Murphy............................................1989 C. K. Nguyen............................................1990 128

I.-H. Oh....................................................1990 T. G. Strein...............................................1990 J. W. Weidner...........................................1990 S. E. Gilbert..............................................1990 C. S. Johnson...........................................1991 H. Huang..................................................1991 D. R. Lawson...........................................1991 B. D. Pendley...........................................1991 C. C. Streinz.............................................1991 P. A. Connick............................................1992 A. C. Hillier...............................................1992 D. L. Taylor...............................................1992 K. K. Lian.................................................1992 T. T. Nadasdi.............................................1992 D. G. Jensen.............................................1993 J. C. Bart..................................................1993 G. Seshadri..............................................1993 J. A. Poirier..............................................1993 K. W. Vogt................................................1993 Z. Shi.......................................................1994 C.-C. Hsueh..............................................1994 V. A. Adamian...........................................1994 K. M. Maness...........................................1994 K. M. Richard...........................................1994 Y.-E. Sung................................................1995 J. C. Conboy.............................................1995 L. A. Zook.................................................1995 W. R. Everett............................................1995 H. Zhang..................................................1995 S. Grabtchak............................................1996 J.-B. Green...............................................1996 S. Motupally.............................................1996 C. Nasr.....................................................1996 S. Nayak...................................................1996 K. Hu........................................................1997 M. E. Williams..........................................1997 A. Zolfaghari.............................................1997 C. R. Horne..............................................1997 G. K. Jennings..........................................1997 M. Zhao....................................................1998 S. Sriramulu.............................................1998 J. Ritchie..................................................1998 M. A. Elhamid...........................................1998 S. Zou......................................................1998 K. Cooper.................................................2000 K. Grant....................................................2000 D. Hansen................................................2000 J. F. Hicks.................................................2000 Z. Liu........................................................2000

Oronzio de Nora Industrial Electrochemistry Fellowship N. Mano...................................................2004 N. Mano...................................................2005 N. Mano...................................................2006 Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan....................2007 Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan....................2008 Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan....................2009 Wenjing (Angela) Zhang...........................2010

Norman Hackerman Young Author Award

(formerly the Young Authors Prize, 1929-1988)

W. C. Gardiner..........................................1929 D. K. Alpern..............................................1930 F. L. Jones................................................1931 F. W. Godsey, Jr........................................1932 B. L. Bailey...............................................1933 J. R. Heard, Jr..........................................1934 U. B. Thomas, Jr......................................1935 W. A. Johnson..........................................1936 R. S. Soanes............................................1937 N. B. Nichols............................................1938 G. A. Moore..............................................1939 J. S. Mackay.............................................1940 E. Adler....................................................1941 S. Speil.....................................................1942 W. G. Berl.................................................1943 J. P. Coyle................................................1944 A. E. Hardy...............................................1945 N. A. Nielsen............................................1946 H. Leidheiser, Jr.......................................1947 M. A. Streicher.........................................1948 J. C. Griess, Jr..........................................1949 G. W. Murphy...........................................1950 J. T. Byrne................................................1951 W. E. Kuhn...............................................1952 J. Halpern.................................................1953 M. J. Pryor...............................................1954 M. Stern...................................................1955 R. S. Cooper.............................................1956 P. Ruetschi...............................................1957 M. Stern...................................................1958 F. A. Posey ..............................................1959 A. C. Makrides..........................................1960 J. D. Newson............................................1961 M. J. Dignam...........................................1962 J. A. Cunningham.....................................1963 R. E. Westerman......................................1964 R. E. Visco...............................................1965 J. Newman...............................................1966 H. W. Pickering........................................1967 G. G. Charette...........................................1968 G. Dryhurst..............................................1969 J. Newman...............................................1969 W. R. Parrish............................................1969 A. J. Appleby............................................1970 D. C. Johnson..........................................1970 D.-T. Chin.................................................1971 M. S. Whittingham...................................1971 M. A. Hopper............................................1972 F. Kuhn-Kuhnenfeld..................................1972 M. J. Bowden...........................................1973 L. Thompson............................................1973 D. Simonsson..........................................1973 S. H. Cadle...............................................1974 A. D. Dalvi................................................1974 L. R. Faulkner...........................................1975 S. Solmi...................................................1975 P. Negrini.................................................1975 B. MacDougall..........................................1976 S. K. Ubhayakar.......................................1976 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Norman Hackerman Young Author Award (continued)

C. W. Manke.............................................1977 W. J. Horkans...........................................1977 A. G. Gonzalez..........................................1978 C. H. Tsang...............................................1978 D. A. Antoniadis.......................................1978 D. Y. Wang...............................................1979 C. W. Magee.............................................1979 E. Takayama.............................................1980 H. Reller...................................................1980 W. J. P. Van Enckevort..............................1981 M. W. M. Graef.........................................1981 C. Y. Chao................................................1981 L. F. Lin....................................................1981 D. W. Sittari..............................................1982 T. P. Chow................................................1982 P. G. Pickup..............................................1983 K. F. Jensen..............................................1983 D. B. Graves.............................................1983 N. A. Godshall..........................................1984 E. K. Broadbent........................................1984 J. C. Farmer.............................................1985 G. S. Oehrlein...........................................1985 J. Richer...................................................1986 T. Tanaka..................................................1986 C. P. Wilde................................................1987 P. N. Bartlett.............................................1987 J. Maier....................................................1987 J. A. Bardwell...........................................1988 C.-J. Han..................................................1988 A. E. Husser.............................................1989 D. H. Craston...........................................1989 J. M. Rosamilia........................................1989 J. H. Comfort...........................................1989 M. W. Verbrugge......................................1990 C. J. Giunta..............................................1990 T. J. Mountziaris.......................................1991 J. V. Cole..................................................1991 D. W. Suggs.............................................1991 B. W. Gregory...........................................1991 D. B. Bonham...........................................1992 E. S. Aydil.................................................1992 P. P. Apte..................................................1993 A. West....................................................1993 H. A. Gasteiger.........................................1994 F. R. Myers...............................................1994 R. Vidal....................................................1995 G. D. Papasouliotis...................................1995 J. H. Nordlien...........................................1996 J. Lee.......................................................1996 A. K. Padhi...............................................1997 S. M. Han.................................................1997 A. D. Robertson.......................................1998 Y. Shao-Horn............................................1998 S. R. Kaluri...............................................1998 A. Bautista................................................1999 P. A. O’Neil...............................................1999 R. T. Leah.................................................2000 J. W. Klaus...............................................2000 J. F. Whitacre...........................................2001 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

P. Feichtinger...........................................2001 T. J. Pricer................................................2002 P. S. Lee...................................................2002 K. Jambunathan.......................................2003 S. Noda....................................................2003 M. Miyamoto............................................2003 R. Akolkar................................................2004 Y.-K. Hong................................................2004 S. Borini...................................................2005 M. Kunimatsu...........................................2005 Mathieu Bervas........................................2006 Pradeep Dixit............................................2006 Steffen Eccarius.......................................2007 A. T. J. van Niftrik.....................................2007 Kevin Ralston...........................................2008 Eu Jin Tan................................................2008 Yudi Setiawan..........................................2008 Paul Albertus............................................2009 Louis Hutin..............................................2009 Gijs Dingemans........................................2010 Erik Langereis..........................................2010 Stephen E. Potts......................................2010 Xingbao Zhu.............................................2010 Igor Volov................................................2011 Claudia Fleischmann................................2011 Sebastien Couet.......................................2011 Koen Schouteden.....................................2011 Philipp Hönicke........................................2011 Kiersten Horning......................................2012 Sykes Mason ...........................................2012 Balavinayagam Ramalingam....................2012

ECS General Society Student Poster Session Awards F. Forouzan...............................................1993 D. L. Taylor...............................................1993 L. Abraham..............................................1994 A. J. Aldykiewicz......................................1994 A. Dalmia.................................................1994 M. Murthy................................................1994 R. Munkundan.........................................1995 A. E. Thomas............................................1995 C. E. Ramberg..........................................1995 W. Wang..................................................1995 S. Chen....................................................1996 K. Kowal...................................................1996 C. Leger...................................................1997 E. Potteau.................................................1997 K. Bera.....................................................1998 E. Dickenson............................................1998 G. Q. Lu....................................................1998 M. W. Riley...............................................1998 J. Pearton.................................................1999 A. Templeson...........................................1999 N. Baydokhi..............................................2000 A. Pismenny.............................................2000 A. Besing..................................................2001 V. Sochnikov............................................2001 S. Dimovski..............................................2002 P. Maitra...................................................2002 H. Ohtsuka...............................................2002 T. Wiley....................................................2002

P. Kavanagh.............................................2003 B. Monahan..............................................2003 O. Rabin...................................................2003 P. Scopece...............................................2003 K. Yasuda.................................................2003 M. Guan...................................................2004 K. Kanaizuka.............................................2004 A. Oide.....................................................2004 R. M. Todi................................................2004 W. J. Cheong............................................2005 J. Chmiola................................................2005 S. Chrisanti..............................................2005 C. Drake...................................................2005 D. L. Gonzalez-Parra................................2006 Naoko Kamiura........................................2006 T. Takeyasu...............................................2006 Arun Vijayakumar.....................................2006 Naoaki Hashimoto....................................2007 Daisuke Kikutani......................................2007 Toyoki Okumura.......................................2007 Gholamreza Rostamikia...........................2007 Arun Vijayakumar.....................................2007 Rajwant Singh Bedi..................................2008 Bryan K. Boggs........................................2008 John Chmiola...........................................2008 Yuta Ishigami...........................................2008 J. S. O’Brien.............................................2008 Tyler Osborn............................................2008 Ralf Peipmann..........................................2008 Philippe Perret.........................................2008 Kenji Takada.............................................2008 Vinit Todi..................................................2008 Natalia B. Shustova..................................2008 Joshua Snyder.........................................2008 Tomomasa Sugiyama...............................2008 Anasuya Adibhatla....................................2009 Magdalena Gizowska................................2009 Frederik Golks..........................................2009 Karina Kangas..........................................2009 Kiera A. Kurak..........................................2009 Manale Maalouf........................................2009 Debasish Mohanty...................................2009 Natalia Shustova......................................2009 Joko Sutrisno...........................................2009 Jaroslaw Syzdek......................................2009 Alex Avekians...........................................2010 Shayna Brocato........................................2010 Pablo de la Iglesia....................................2010 Christian Desilets.....................................2010 Ayesha Maria Hashambhoy......................2010 Carolin Lau...............................................2010 Raja S. Mannam.......................................2010 Joshua P. McClure...................................2010 Sarvesh Pasem........................................2010 Robert Sacci............................................2010 Misato Tashiro.........................................2010 Jesse Benck.............................................2011 Benjamin Caire.........................................2011 Zhebo Chen..............................................2011 Damilola Daramola...................................2011 Kirsten Marie Jensen...............................2011 Javed Khan..............................................2011 129

ECS ANNUAL REPORT ECS General Society Student Poster Session Awards (continued)

Simon Lux................................................2011 Ashley Maes.............................................2011 Lingchong Mai.........................................2011 Francis Richey..........................................2011 Neil Spinner.............................................2011 Melissa Vandiver......................................2011 Georgi Bodurov........................................2012 Aurelien Etiemble ....................................2012 Kiersten Horning .....................................2012 Yoon Jang Kim.........................................2012 Prabhu Doss Mani...................................2012 K. Sykes Mason.......................................2012 Seungha Oh.............................................2012 Michael Siedlik.........................................2012 Bong Seob Yang......................................2012 Yoshinobu Adachi....................................2012 Kwi Nam Han...........................................2012 Takashi Hasegawa....................................2012 Cheng Ai Li...............................................2012 Shigeta Yagyu..........................................2012

ECS Sponsored Meeting Student Poster Award Winners Simposio Brasileiro de Electroquimica e Eletroanalitica (SIBEE) L. M. Nunes.............................................2009 V. Dos Santos...........................................2011 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) C. Santini.................................................2009 L. Ma........................................................2010 M. B. Gonzalez.........................................2011 Chien Chi Chen.........................................2012 Euro CVD Award A. Szkudlarek...........................................2011 IC4N: From Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems M. Gharbi.................................................2009 H. N. Green..............................................2011 Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica (SMEQ) and ECS Mexican Section Meeting A. Mendez-Albores...................................2008 L. S. Hernandez-Munoz............................2009 C. Avila-Gonzalez.....................................2010 D. C. Martinez-Casillas.............................2011 Lidia G. Trujano-Ortiz...............................2012

Turner Book Prize S. Speil.....................................................1942 W. G. Berl.................................................1943 J. P. Coyle................................................1944 J. T. Waber...............................................1945 B. Cartwright............................................1946 A. E. Hardy...............................................1947 M. A. Streicher.........................................1948 130

R. E. Hoeckelman.....................................1949 P. Delahay................................................1950 K. H. Stern...............................................1951 C. C. Templeton........................................1951 P. T. Gilbert...............................................1952 R. B. Holden.............................................1953 D. A. Vermilyea........................................1954 J. G. Jewell...............................................1955 J. H. Westbrook.......................................1956 A. C. Makrides..........................................1957 J. P. Pemsler............................................1958 R. G. Carlson............................................1959 R. E. Meyer..............................................1960 P. C. Milner...............................................1960 H. Freitag.................................................1961 P. J. Boddy...............................................1962 E. J. Cairns...............................................1963 M. Weinstein............................................1963 R. W. Bartlett............................................1964 E. M. Hofer...............................................1965 C. S. Tedmon, Jr.......................................1966 F. P. Kober................................................1967 J. M. Hale.................................................1968

Leadership Circle Awards Legacy Level Dow Chemical Co., Central Research, received 2011 Olin Chlor Alkali Products Division, received 2011 Medallion Level Occidental Chemical Corp., received 2007 Atotech USA, Inc., received 2009 Energizer, received 2009 Diamond Level General Electric Co., Corporate Research & Development, received 2001 General Motors Research Laboratories, received 2001 Rayovac, received 2002 Duracell, received 2006 IBM Corporation, received 2006 Gold Level Toshiba Corp., Research & Development Center, received 1998 Siltronic AG, received 1998 Osram Sylvania, Inc., Chemical & Metallurgical Division, received 1999 Sandia National Laboratories, received 2000 International Lead Zinc Research Organization, Inc., received 2003 Medtronic, Inc., Energy and Component Center, received 2004 Toyota Central Research and Development Labs, Inc., received 2004 Yuasa Corp, received 2004 Princeton Applied Research/Solartron Analytical, received 2005 Saft Batteries, received 2006 CSIRO Minerals, received 2007

Industrie de Nora, received 2007 Ballard Power Systems, Inc., received 2008 ECO Energy Conversion, received 2008 Varta Automotive GmbH, Advanced Battery Division, received 2008 Greatbatch, Inc., received 2010 Leclanche S. A., received 2009 Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, received 2009 Giner, Inc., received 2010 Greatbatch, Inc., received 2010 TIMCAL Graphite and Carbon Ltd., received 2011 Silver Level Eltech Systems Corp., received 1992 Tronox LLC, received 1994 Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd., received 1997 3M Company, received 1998 E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., HD Microsystems, received 1998 Solartron Instruments, received 1999 Central Electrochemical Research Institute, received 2002 TDK Corp., R&D Center, received 2002 Valence Technology, received 2002 DAISO, Co., Ltd., received 2003 Panasonic Corp., received 2003 C. Uyemura & Co., Ltd., Central Research Lab, received 2005 Electrosynthesis Co., Inc., received 2005 FMC Corporation, Active Oxidants Division, received 2005 Nacional de Grafite, LTDA, received 2005 Permelec Electrode, Ltd., received 2005 PG Industries, Inc., Chemicals Group Technical Center, received 2005 Scribner Associates, Inc., received 2005 Technic Inc., received 2005 Advance Research Chemicals, Inc., received 2007 Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at CWRU, received 2007 PEC North America, received 2009 Quallion, LLC, received 2009 UTC Power, received 2009 Broddarp of Nevada, received 2010 Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc., received 2010 OM Group, Inc., received 2012 Bronze Level Hach Company, Radiometer Analytical Division, received 2002 De Nora Technologie Elettrochimiche S.r.L., received 2003 BAE Systems Battery Technology Center, received 2005 Agilent Laboratories, received 2008 Evonik Degussa GmbH, received 2008 Samsung SDI, received 2008 GAIA-Akkumulatorenwerke GmbH, received 2009 Permascand AB, received 2009 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Leadership Circle Award


ZSW Center for Solar Energy & Hydrogen Research, received 2009 Coolohm, Inc., received 2010 ElectroChem, Inc., received 2010 Faraday Technology, Inc., received 2010 Johnson Matthey, received 2010 Metrohm USA, received 2010 Pine Research Instrumentation, received 2010 Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd., received 2011 Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., received 2011 Hydro-QuĂŠbec, received 2011 Bio-Logic USA/Bio-Logic SAS, received 2012 Gamry Instruments, received 2012 Rockwood Lithium, received 2012 ENEOS CELLTECH co. Ltd., received 2012 Fortu Research GmbH, received 2012

Battery Division Student Research Award J. R. Waggoner........................................1980 K. E. Yee...................................................1980 W. A. van Schalkwijk................................1981 C. Y. Mak..................................................1986 T. I. Evans................................................1987 C. C. Streinz.............................................1988 J. Weidner................................................1989 M. G. Lee.................................................1990 E. J. Podlaha............................................1991 G. E. Gray.................................................1992 D. Qu........................................................1993 P. De Vidts................................................1994 S. Motupally.............................................1995 J. Xu.........................................................1996 Y. Shao-Horn............................................1997 I. Courtney...............................................1998 G.E. Rousse.............................................1999 V. Srinivasan............................................2000 M. Zhao....................................................2001 V. Subramaniam.......................................2001 L. Fransson..............................................2002 K.-W. Park................................................2003 A. Weber..................................................2004 C. Delacourt.............................................2005 K. Kang....................................................2006 Feng Jiao..................................................2007 Nonglak Meethong...................................2009 Yi-Chun Lu...............................................2010 Christopher Fell........................................2011 Yuhui Chen...............................................2012

Battery Division Research Award J. J. Lander..............................................1958 D. M. Smyth.............................................1959 T. P. Dirkse...............................................1962 F. G. Will...................................................1964 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

J. Burbank................................................1966 C. P. Wales...............................................1966 D. Tuomi..................................................1968 Y. Okinaka................................................1970 A. C. Simon .............................................1972 S. M. Caulder...........................................1972 J. McBreen...............................................1974 T. Katan....................................................1976 S. Szpak...................................................1976 A. Heller...................................................1978 K. R. Bullock............................................1980 R. A. Huggins...........................................1982 D. Pavlov..................................................1984 G. H. J. Broers.........................................1985 J. L. Devitt................................................1986 D. H. McClelland......................................1986 J. P. Gabano.............................................1987 M. Armand...............................................1988 J. Jorne....................................................1989 A. N. Dey..................................................1990 R. E. White...............................................1991 D. N. Bennion...........................................1992 E. Peled....................................................1993 K. M. Abraham.........................................1995 J. Dahn.....................................................1996 B. Scrosati...............................................1997 C. Delmas.................................................1999 J. B. Bates................................................2000 S. Wittingham..........................................2002 K. Kinoshita..............................................2003 J. Newman...............................................2004 G. Ceder...................................................2004 M. Thackeray...........................................2005 T. Ohzuku.................................................2006 Clare P. Grey............................................2007 Peter G. Bruce..........................................2008 Linda Nazar..............................................2009 Dominique Guyomard..............................2010 Yang-Kook Sun........................................2011 Stefano Passerini.....................................2012

Eiji Endoh.................................................2009 Khalil Amine.............................................2010 Jeffrey Dahn.............................................2011 Yet-Ming Chiang.......................................... 2012

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award (formerly the Outstanding Achievement Award of the Corrosion Division 1973-1983)

M. Cohen.................................................1973 D. A. Vermilyea........................................1975 J. Kruger..................................................1977 M. J. Pryor...............................................1979 T. R. Beck.................................................1981 N. Sato.....................................................1983 P. Kofstad.................................................1985 H. W. Pickering........................................1987 R. P. Frankenthal......................................1989 H. Leidheiser............................................1991 H. Isaacs..................................................1993 W. H. Smyrl..............................................1995 M. J. Graham...........................................1997 K. Hashimoto...........................................1999 D. Macdonald...........................................2001 F. Mansfeld...............................................2002 C. Leygraf.................................................2003 R. Newman..............................................2004 P. Marcus.................................................2005 G. T. Burstein...........................................2006 Edward McCafferty...................................2007 Martin Stratmann.....................................2008 John R. Scully..........................................2009 Gerald S. Frankel......................................2010 Patrik Schmuki.........................................2011 Hans-Henning Strehblow.........................2012

Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award

Battery Division Technology Award

(formerly the Corrosion Division Award for Summer Study 19861988)

Y. Nishi.....................................................1994 K. Ozawa..................................................1994 E. S. Takeuchi...........................................1995 S. Gilman.................................................1996 J.-M. Tarascon.........................................1997 G. E. Blomgren.........................................1998 A. Yoshino................................................1999 H. Y. Cheh................................................2000 B. B. Owens.............................................2001 D. Wilkinson.............................................2002 M. Winter.................................................2002 J. Yamaki.................................................2003 M. Yoshio.................................................2003 M. Ue.......................................................2004 D. Aurbach...............................................2005 P. Novak...................................................2005 K. Lee.......................................................2006 Michel Broussely......................................2007 Hiroshi Inoue...........................................2008 Satoshi Mizutani......................................2008

S. D. Scarberry........................................1986 C. C. Streinz.............................................1987 R. Bianco.................................................1988 M. A. Harper.............................................1992 R. G. Buchheit..........................................1993 J.-F. Yan...................................................1994 B. V. Cockeram.........................................1995 I. Odnevall................................................1996 D. G. Kolman............................................1997 C. S. Brossia............................................1998 M. Verhoff................................................1999 S. Yu........................................................2000 S. F. Nitodas.............................................2001 K. Cooper.................................................2002 T. Ramgopal.............................................2003 Q. Meng...................................................2004 D. Chidambaram......................................2005 H. Tsuchiya..............................................2006 Magnus Johnson.....................................2007 Christopher D. Taylor...............................2008 131

ECS ANNUAL REPORT Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award (continued)

Mariano Iannuzzi......................................2009 Pouria Ghods...........................................2010 Hongbo Cong...........................................2011 Mariano Kappes.......................................2012

Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award J. A. Davies..............................................1968 J. P. S. Pringle..........................................1968 G. M. Sessler...........................................1970 J. E. West.................................................1970 C. A. Mead...............................................1971 W. Kern....................................................1972 J. R. Szedon.............................................1973 C. M. Osburn............................................1975 T. W. Hickmott..........................................1976 J. R. Ligenza............................................1977 R. Williams...............................................1978 R. J. Kriegler............................................1979 B. E. Deal.................................................1982 L. Young..................................................1983 A. K. Sinha...............................................1985 A. C. Adams.............................................1986 S. P. Murarka...........................................1987 R. B. Comizzoli.........................................1988 E. A. Irene................................................1988 R. A. Levy.................................................1989 M. H. Woods............................................1990 V. J. Kapoor..............................................1991 S. I. Raider...............................................1992 D. W. Hess...............................................1993 Y.-H. Wong...............................................1994 K. L. Mittal...............................................1995 W. D. Brown.............................................1996 J. P. Dismukes.........................................1997 R. Singh...................................................1998 A. Rohatgi................................................1999 K. Saraswat..............................................2000 P. Ho........................................................2001 J. Deen.....................................................2002 S. K. Banerjee...........................................2003 A. G. Revesz.............................................2003 S. Fonash.................................................2004 Paul A. Kohl.............................................2008 Tsu-Jae King Liu......................................2011

Electrodeposition Division Research Award W. Weil.....................................................1980 Y. Okinaka................................................1981 132

E. B. Budevski..........................................1982 R. C. Alkire...............................................1983 L. T. Romankiw........................................1984 R. J. von Gutfeld......................................1984 J. W. Dini.................................................1985 H. R. Johnson..........................................1985 H. Leidheiser............................................1986 J. P. Hoare................................................1987 H. Y. Cheh................................................1988 D. S. Lashmore........................................1989 S. Nakahara..............................................1990 T. C. Franklin............................................1991 R. E. White...............................................1992 P. C. Andricacos.......................................1993 M. J. Froment...........................................1994 D. Landolt................................................1995 T. Osaka...................................................1996 M. Schlesinger.........................................1997 Madhav Datta...........................................1998 R. Winand................................................1999 H. Honma.................................................2000 D. Kolb.....................................................2002 J. Switzer.................................................2003 J. Dukovic................................................2004 P. Bartlett.................................................2005 T. P. Moffat.............................................. 2006 Ibro Tabakovic..........................................2007 Olaf Magnussen.......................................2008 John Stickney..........................................2009 Takayuki Homma......................................2010 Philippe Allongue.....................................2011 Hariklia Deligianni....................................2012

Electronics and Photonics Division Award F. A. Trumbore..........................................1970 F. C. Palilla................................................1971 M. B. Panish.............................................1972 W. A. Pliskin.............................................1973 B. E. Deal.................................................1974 H. M. Manasevit.......................................1975 M. G. Craford...........................................1976 A. Y. Cho..................................................1977 C. M. Wolfe..............................................1978 E. Sirtl......................................................1979 J. M. Woodall...........................................1980 G. A. Rozgonyi.........................................1981 G. W. Cullen.............................................1982 D. W. Shaw..............................................1983 A. Reisman...............................................1984 S-M. Hu...................................................1985 E. H. Nicollian...........................................1986 B. Schwartz..............................................1987 K. E. Bean.................................................1988 T. Kamins.................................................1989 D. M. Brown.............................................1990 C. M. Osburn............................................1991 G. S. Oehrlein...........................................1992

B. S. Meyerson.........................................1993 G. K. Celler...............................................1994 L. C. Kimerling.........................................1995 H. Huff.....................................................1996 A. F. Tasch................................................1997 U. M. Gösele............................................1999 S. N. G. Chu.............................................2000 S. P. Murarka...........................................2001 S. Cristoloveanu.......................................2002 T. Ohmi....................................................2003 C. Claeys..................................................2004 S. Pearton................................................2005 H. Massoud..............................................2006 Yue Kuo...................................................2007 Fan Ren....................................................2008 Eicke R. Weber.........................................2009 Lih J. Chen...............................................2010 M. Jamal Deen.........................................2011 Chennupati Jagadish ...............................2012

Energy Technology Division Research Award M. W. Verbrugge......................................1994 S. Srinivasan............................................1996 H. R. Kunz................................................1998 A. W. Czanderna.......................................1999 R. Selman................................................2001 I. Uchida...................................................2001 A. Nozik....................................................2003 K. Kinoshita..............................................2004 K. Kanamura............................................2005 S. Licht.....................................................2006 Radoslav Adzic.........................................2007 Yang Kook Sun........................................2007 Tom Fuller................................................2008 Krishnan Rajeshwar.................................2009 Jai Prakash..............................................2009 John Weidner...........................................2010 Karim Zaghib............................................2010 Claude Levy-Clément...............................2011

Energy Technology Division Srinivasan Award Vijay Ramani............................................2012 Adam Weber............................................2012

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Richard E. Smalley Research Award Sumio Ijima..............................................2008 Phaedon Avouris......................................2009 Robert Haddon.........................................2011

Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures SES Research Young Investigator Award Nikhil Koratkar.........................................2009 Mark C. Hersam.......................................2010 Aurelio Mateo-Alonso..............................2012

High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award J. B. Wagner, Jr........................................1986 W. L. Worrell............................................1988 R. A. Rapp................................................1990 H. Schmalzried.........................................1992 S. C. Singhal............................................1994 C. G. Vayenas...........................................1996 C. Bernard................................................2001 H. Yokokawa............................................2002 K. Spear...................................................2004 A. Virkar...................................................2006 David J. Young.........................................2008 Harry L. Tuller..........................................2010 Eric Wachsman........................................2012

High Temperature Materials Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award S. Mohney................................................1999 S. M. Haile...............................................2001 M. Swihart...............................................2003 R. Mukundan...........................................2005 Xiao-Dong Zhou.......................................2007 Juan Claudio Nino....................................2009 Toshiaki Matsui........................................2011

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award Asahi Glass Company..............................1999 DeNora Tecnologie...................................2005 E-Tek........................................................2005 Bayer Material Science AG.......................2005 Ballard Power Systems............................2007 FuelCell Energy........................................2009 U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Constrction Engineering Research Laboratory, and Electro Tech CP........................................2011

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award R. Bakshi..................................................1991 G. J. Yusem..............................................1992 J. A. Poirier..............................................1993 S. Siu.......................................................1994 M. Vreeke.................................................1995 A. E. Thomas............................................1996 S. A. Leith................................................1997 P. Soo.......................................................1998 S. Sriramulu.............................................1999 K. M. Jeerage...........................................2000 A. L. Prieto...............................................2001 W. He.......................................................2002 J. Zhang...................................................2003 S. Basker..................................................2004 V. Ramani.................................................2005 N. Jalani...................................................2006 Brenda L. Garcia-Diaz..............................2007 Sunil Roy.................................................2008 Prabeer Barpanda....................................2009 Brandon Bartling......................................2010 Long Cai...................................................2011 Meng Li....................................................2012

Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Student Achievement Award Y.-E. Sung................................................1995 J. K. N. Mbindyo......................................1996 C. A. Smith...............................................1997 J. A. Drake...............................................1998 R. Lowrey.................................................1999 C. Arvin....................................................2000 B. Djurfors...............................................2001 V. Subramanian........................................2002 P. M. Gomadam.......................................2003 I. AlNashef...............................................2004 V. Sethuraman..........................................2006

Minhua Shao............................................2007 Vinten Dewikar.........................................2008 Paul Albertus............................................2009 Satheesh Sambandam.............................2010 Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan............2011 Rainer Kungas..........................................2012

Luminescence and Display Materials Division Centennial Award A. Meijerink..............................................2004 A. Srivastava............................................2004 H. Guedel.................................................2006 David J. Lockwood...................................2010 Hajime Yamamoto....................................2012

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Manuel Baizer Memorial Award T. Shono...................................................1994 H. Lund....................................................1996 H. Schäfer................................................1998 S. Torii.....................................................1998 J. Simonet................................................2000 J. Utley.....................................................2000 J. M. Savéant...........................................2002 M. Tokuda................................................2004 D. Evans...................................................2004 I. Nishiguchi.............................................2006 Albert Fry.................................................2008 Toshio Fuchigami.....................................2010 Dennis Peters...........................................2012

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award F. C. Anson...............................................1983 J. Newman...............................................1985 A. Heller...................................................1987 M. J. Weaver............................................1989 B. Miller...................................................1991 A. T. Hubbard...........................................1993 R. M. Wightman.......................................1995 D. M. Kolb................................................1997 P. N. Ross, Jr............................................1999 D. A. Scherson.........................................2001 A. Wieckowski..........................................2003 H. White...................................................2005 Joseph T. Hupp........................................2007 Héctor D. Abruña.....................................2009 Masatoshi Osawa.....................................2011 133

ECS ANNUAL REPORT Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt Chemistry M. Blander...............................................1987 G. P. Smith..............................................1990 R. A. Osteryoung......................................1992 G. Mamantov...........................................1994 N. Bjerrum...............................................1996 H. A. Øye..................................................1998 Y. Ito........................................................1999 G. N. Papatheodorou................................2002 M. Gaune-Escard.....................................2004 J. Wilkes..................................................2006 Bernard Gilbert.........................................2008 C. Austen Angell.......................................2010 Derek Fray................................................2012

Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1991-1992 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1992-1993 New England Section..................... 1993-1994 National Capital Section................. 1994-1995 National Capital Section................. 1995-1996 National Capital Section................. 1996-1997 Canadian Section and National Capital Section................. 1997-1998 Chicago Section............................. 1998-1999 New England Section..................... 1999-2000 National Capital and New England Section..................... 2000-2001 National Capital Section................. 2001-2002 National Capital Section................. 2002-2003 San Francisco Section.................... 2003-2004 San Francisco Section.................... 2004-2005 San Francisco Section.................... 2005-2006

Canada Section Electrochemical Award

Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award J. Janata...................................................1994 R. P. Buck.................................................1996 I. Lundström............................................1998 A. J. Ricco................................................2000 M. Aizawa.................................................2002 N. Yamazoe..............................................2004 W. Heineman............................................2006 Chung-Chiun Liu......................................2008 Thomas Thundat......................................2010 Sheikh Ali Akbar.......................................2012

E. J. Casey...............................................1982 Brian E. Conway.......................................1986 L. Young..................................................1990 S. Flengas................................................1994 Jacek Lipkowski.......................................1998 Jean Lessard............................................2002 Jeffrey R. Dahn........................................2006 David Shoesmith......................................2010

Canada Section R. C. Jacobsen Award George Fraser..........................................1988 Barry MacDougall....................................1990 Louis Brossard.........................................1994 Ernest E. Criddle......................................2002 Sharon G. Roscoe....................................2006 Jacek Lipkowski.......................................2010

Canada Section Student Award Sensor Division Student Paper Award Jeffrey Kirsch...........................................2012 Kazuaki Edagawa......................................2012

Gwendolyn B. Wood Section Excellence Award Metropolitan New York Section...... 1975-1976 Columbus Section.......................... 1976-1977 Chicago Section............................. 1979-1980 Chicago Section............................. 1980-1981 Chicago Section............................. 1981-1982 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1982-1983 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1983-1984 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1984-1985 National Capital Section................. 1985-1986 North Texas Section....................... 1986-1987 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1987-1988 Chicago Section............................. 1988-1989 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1989-1990 North Texas Section....................... 1990-1991


Jean St-Pierre..........................................1988 Gessie Brisard..........................................1989 James Hinatsu.........................................1990 Gregory Jerkiewicz...................................1991 Hubert Dumont........................................1992 Meijie Zhang............................................1993 Dan Bizzoto..............................................1994 Sylvie Morin.............................................1995 Alexandre Brolo........................................1996 Aicheng Chen...........................................1997 Ian A. Courtney........................................1998 Dany Brouillette........................................1999 Shiyuan Qian............................................1999 Bryan Park...............................................2000 Luc Beaulieu............................................2001 Vlad Zamliny............................................2002 Sandra Rifai.............................................2003 Amy Lloyd................................................2004 M. Toupin.................................................2006 Thamara Laredo.......................................2007 Arash Shahryari.......................................2008

Mohamed Naser.......................................2009 Mohammed Naser....................................2010 Ahmad Ghahremaninezhad......................2011 Karen Chan..............................................2012

Cleveland Section Ernest B. Yeager Electrochemistry Award B. Miller...................................................2004 Richard McCreery....................................2006 Uziel Landau............................................2008 Jacek Lipkowski.......................................2010 Gerald Frankel..........................................2012

Europe Section Gerischer Award Akira Fujishima........................................2003 Michael Graetzel.......................................2005 Allen J. Bard.............................................2007 Rüdiger Memming...................................2009 Helmut Tributsch......................................2011

Europe Section Alessandra Volta Award M. Armand...............................................2000 J.-M. Tarascon.........................................2002 R. G. Compton.........................................2004 Bruno Scrosati.........................................2006 Not Awarded............................................2010 Jean-Noël Chazalviel................................2012

Georgia Section Student Award Matthew Lynch.........................................2012

Korea Section Student Award Ho-Suk Ryu..............................................2006 Jae-Hwan Oh............................................2007 Sung Ki Cho.............................................2008 Cheol-Min Park........................................2009 Ji-Hyung Han...........................................2010 Young Woo Lee........................................2011 Not Awarded............................................2012

National Capital Section William Blum Award W. Blum...................................................1958 S. Schuldiner...........................................1960 D. N. Craig...............................................1962 A. Brenner................................................1964 J. Kruger..................................................1966 J. Burbank................................................1969 K. H. Stern...............................................1972 B. F. Brown...............................................1974 A. C. Simon..............................................1976 R. T. Foley................................................1978 R. de Levine.............................................1980 E. McCafferty...........................................1982 R. L. Jones...............................................1984 Ugo Bertocci............................................1986 P. J. Moran...............................................1988

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

2012 National Capital Section William Blum Award M. H. Peterson.........................................1990 D. S. Lashmore........................................1992 J. R. Scully...............................................1994 Paul M. Natishan......................................1996 G. D. Davis...............................................1998 W. E. O'Grady...........................................2000 Thomas P. Moffat.....................................2002 J. L. Hudson.............................................2004

National Capital Section Robert T. Foley Award R.T. Foley.................................................1989 W.J. Hamer..............................................1991 G.E. Stoner...............................................1993 P.J. Moran................................................1995 P.M. Natishan...........................................1997 J. Kruger..................................................1999 R.G. Kelly.................................................2001

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2013

San Francisco Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award L. J. Oblonsky..........................................1995 Y. Ma........................................................1996 C. Wade...................................................1997 C. R. Horne..............................................1998 M. Tucker.................................................1999 L. V. Protsailo...........................................2000 H. Visser..................................................2001 D. Wheeler...............................................2002 J. Hollingsworth.......................................2003 E. Guyer...................................................2004 D. Steingert..............................................2005 Sarah Stewart..........................................2006 James Wilcox...........................................2007 Susan Ambrose........................................2008 Que Anh Nguyen...... Honorable Mention 2008 Yuan Yang ............... Honorable Mention 2008 Paul Albertus............................................2009 Andrew Lee.............. Honorable Mention 2009 Mark Oliver ............. Honorable Mention 2009

Venkat Viswanathan.................................2010 Yi Wei Chen.............. Honorable Mention 2010 Thomas Conry......... Honorable Mention 2010 Maureen Tang..........................................2011 Yi Wei Chen.............. Honorable Mention 2011 Thomas Conry......... Honorable Mention 2011 Allison Engstrom......................................2012 Matthew McDowell.. Honorable Mention 2012 Xiongwu Kang.......... Honorable Mention 2012


Volume 50– H o n o l u l u , H a w a i i

from the PRiME Honolulu meeting, October 7—October 12, 2013

The following issues of ECS Transactions are from symposia held during the Honolulu PRiME meeting. All issues are available in electronic (PDF) editions, which may be purchased by visiting Some issues are also available in soft cover editions. Please visit the ECS website for all issue pricing and ordering information. (All prices are in U.S. dollars; M = ECS member price; NM = nonmember price.)

Available Issues Vol. 50 No. 1

Interfaces and Interphases in Battery Systems PDF.............................M $29.23, NM $36.54

Vol. 50 No. 2

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 12 (PEFC 12) PDF.............................M $192.39, NM $240.49

Vol. 50 No. 3

Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide Power Technologies 2 PDF .........................M $116.43, NM $145.54

Vol. 50 No. 4

Dielectric Materials and Metals for Nanoelectronics and Photonics 10 PDF.............................M $112.42, NM $140.53

Vol. 50 No. 5

High Purity Silicon 12 PDF.............................M $79.67, NM $99.59

Vol. 50 No. 6

Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 5 -and- State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 54 (SOTAPOCS 54) PDF.............................M $113.86, NM $142.32

Vol. 50 No. 20

Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene: From Fundamental Properties and Processes to Applications and Devices PDF.............................M $20.62, NM $25.77

Vol. 50 No. 21

Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy and Quantum Confinement PDF.............................M $14.87, NM $18.59

Vol. 50 No. 22

Nanotechnology (General) 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012 PDF.............................M $26.36, NM $32.95

Vol. 50 No. 23

Contemporary Issues and Case Studies in Electrochemical Innovation PDF.............................M $17.74, NM $22.18

Vol. 50 No. 24

Intercalation Compounds for Rechargeable Batteries PDF.............................M $63.61, NM $79.51

Vol. 50 No. 25

Metal-Air Batteries PDF.............................M $26.36, NM $32.95

Vol. 50 No. 7

Semiconductor Wafer Bonding 12: Science, Technology, and Applications PDF .........................M $106.70, NM $133.37

Vol. 50 No. 26

Lithium-Ion Batteries -andNon-Aqueous Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries PDF.............................M $92.33, NM $115.41

Vol. 50 No. 8

Thin Film Transistors 11 (TFT 11) PDF.............................M $99.24, NM $124.05

Vol. 50 No. 27

Solid State Ionic Devices 9 Ion Conducting Thin Films and Multilayers PDF.............................M $63.61, NM $79.51

Vol. 50 No. 9

SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds 5: Materials, Processing, and Devices PDF .........................M $170.50, NM $213.13

Vol. 50 No. 28

Bioengineering Based on Electrochemistry PDF.............................M $26.36, NM $32.95

Vol. 50 No. 29

New Synthetic and Mechanistic Approaches to Molecular Electroorganic Chemistry PDF.............................M $14.87, NM $18.59

Vol. 50 No. 10

Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices 12 PDF.............................M $75.66, NM $94.57

Vol. 50 No. 11

Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 18 PDF.............................M $137.10, NM $171.37

Vol. 50 No. 30

Materials Degradation in Energy Systems: Corrosion and Hydrogen-Material Interactions PDF.............................M $29.23, NM $36.54

Vol. 50 No. 12

Chemical Sensors 10 -and- MEMS/NEMS 10 PDF.............................M $132.78, NM $165.97

Vol. 50 No. 31

Vol. 50 No. 13

Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 8 PDF.............................M $53.30, NM $66.63

Corrosion, Passivity, and Energy: A Symposium in Honor of Digby Macdonald PDF.............................M $97.51, NM $121.89

Vol. 50 No. 14

International Symposium on Functional Diversification of Semiconductor Electronics PDF.............................M $34.98, NM $43.72

Vol. 50 No. 15

Sodium Batteries PDF.............................M $12.00, NM $15.00

Vol. 50 No. 16

Vol. 50 No. 32

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Vol. 50 No. 33

International Symposium on Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices PDF.............................M $12.00, NM $15.00

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Vol. 50 No. 34

Nonvolatile Memories PDF.............................M $37.85, NM $47.31

Vol. 50 No. 17

Bioelectroanalysis and Bioelectrocatalysis PDF.............................M $12.00, NM $15.00

Vol. 50 No. 35

Vol. 50 No. 18

ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012: Grand Challenges for Energy Conversion and Large Scale Energy Storage PDF.............................M $12.00, NM $15.00

Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (General Session) – 222nd ECS Meeting/ PRiME 2012 PDF.............................M $17.74, NM $22.18

Vol. 50 No. 36

Electrocatalysis 6 PDF.............................M $32.10, NM $40.13

Vol. 50 No. 37

Pits and Pores 5: A Symposium in Honor of David Lockwood PDF.............................M $79.67 NM $99.59

Vol. 50 No. 19

Electrochemical Synthesis and Engineering (General) – 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012 PDF.............................M $34.98, NM $43.72

Vol. 50 No. 38

Solid State Topics (General) 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012 PDF.............................M $12.00, NM $15.00

Vol. 50 No. 39

Chemical Mechanical Polishing 12 PDF.............................M $32.10, NM $40.13

Vol. 50 No. 40

Emerging Materials and Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage PDF.............................M $29.23, NM $36.54

Vol. 50 No. 41

Luminescence and Display Materials: Fundamentals and Applications PDF.............................M $29.23, NM $36.54

Vol. 50 No. 42

Materials for Solid State Lighting PDF.............................M $23.49, NM $29.36

Vol. 50 No. 43

Electrochemical Capacitors PDF.............................M $79.67, NM $99.59

Vol. 50 No. 44

High Temperature Corrosion Materials Chemistry 10 PDF.............................M $45.58, NM $56.97

Vol. 50 No. 45

Batteries and Energy Technology (General Session) - 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012: In Honor of James McBreen PDF.............................M $48.15, NM $60.19

Vol. 50 No. 46

Plasma Processing 19 PDF.............................M $34.98, NM $43.72

Vol. 50 No. 47

High Resolution Characterization of Corrosion Processes 3 PDF.............................M $26.36, NM $32.95

Vol. 50 No. 48

Student Posters (General) 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012 PDF.............................M $58.46, NM $73.07

Vol. 50 No. 49

Renewable Fuels from Sunlight and Electricity PDF.............................M $58.46, NM $73.07

Vol. 50 No. 50

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Vol. 50 No. 51

Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 8 PDF.............................M $43.00, NM $53.75

Vol. 50 No. 52

Electrodeposition Fundamentals and New Materials (General) - 222nd ECS Meeting/PRiME 2012: Dieter M. Kolb Memorial Symposium PDF .............................M $53.30, NM $66.63

Vol. 50 No. 53

Electroless Deposition: Principles, Activation, and Applications 2 PDF.............................M $20.62, NM $25.77

Vol. 50 No. 54

Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Posters (General) - 222nd ECS Meeting/ PRiME 2012 PDF.............................M $26.36, NM $32.95

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