Wind Power
Chemical Plants
VOL. 24, NO.2 Summer 2015
3 From the Editor: Writing with Passion for Quality
7 From the President: Worthy Goals
9 Chicago, Illinois ECS Meeting Highlights Industry
35 Tech Highlights 37 Electrochemical
Energy Conversion
H2 H2
39 Applications of Fuel Cell Technology: Status and Perspectives
HydrogenElectricity Conversion
45 Toyota MIRAI Fuel Cell Vehicle and Progress Toward a Future Hydrogen Society
51 Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia: A Low Pressure, Low Temperature Approach
59 Origins, Developments, and Perspectives of Carbon Nitride-Based Electrocatalysts for Application in Low-Temperature FCs
65 Bi-Functional Oxygen FCVs/FC Buses
Electrodes – Challenges and Prospects
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Writing with Passion for Quality ditors for Interface solicit articles, work with authors and the ECS staff, deal with administrative issues, attend meetings, and make calls to potential authors, but they also read and write a lot. The skill to read comes from practice and from motivation. If I look in an instrument owner’s manual to learn how to set it up, I look for those details and try to ignore the language idiosyncrasies of machine translation. A careful editor for a magazine must, however, look for everything including the unexpected. Timelines and storylines do not show up in scientific writing, but they play an important role in reports. Thus, even a scientist needs to tell a good story to be well understood. An ECS Student Chapter once reported on their activities and, in their literary effort, they stated, “After the laboratory visit we took BART over the Bay Bridge to enjoy some free time in San Francisco.” BART is the Bay Area Rapid Transit system, which one can guess or lookup its meaning. But as the editor-nitpicker, I paused over the detail of which way BART is routed. It actually goes under the bay through a tunnel. I could not let that one go. An error in the text can slow the reader down just like a speed bump slows down a driver on the road. We each have our own research fields to worry about with accompanying jargon to learn. That requires a lot of literature reading, or at least some dedicated scanning that must be fast, without puzzling over the word structure. Then, a good citizen should find some time to read up on present world political and economic issues to find out what the popular media say about science and technology. In our busy world, good luck finding time to read the next Sue Grafton’s mystery story, but one should find the time even for some fiction. With all the reading we do, one would think that the skill to write comes naturally, but reading and writing do not make a reversible pair. Reading can make one a good proofreader, but stringing original sentences together requires other talents including a lot of practice and dedication. In addition, one should take pride in writing and speaking clearly, although not everyone sees this as a daily necessity. Even penmanship, which used to be another pillar of communication, is all but disappearing. Some schools no longer teach cursive handwriting. While I regret this trend, I am part of the problem. Normally, I type. Last Sunday, my German shepherd took a bite off of my keyboard and I had to write most of this editorial by longhand, which subsequently even I could not decipher. Still, if we do not teach the skill of cursive writing, only a few experts will be able to read older documents. Is attention to detail in communication essential? Do others understand sloppy language? Possibly yes, though the details might be lost and some people may be sidelined. For example, to a foreign born speaker, who learned to read English without sounding the words out, an ostensibly misspelled “thier” does not look anything like “their,” and the notoriously confused “there” and “their” have, to him, two different meanings. So what about “improper” spelling and grammar? After all, the language is continuously developing and what was once the norm is suddenly viewed as obsolete and pretentious. Some changes are for practical reasons, some are driven by fashion, and yet some are designed to push the envelope of what is permissible. The statement, “It’s true, I found it on the Internet” used to be a joke, but Internet authority is de rigueur these days. Still, your editor harbors the traditional view that language stewardship contributes to the quality of everything that we as people do. Just like the ocean shore changes over time, so does the language. But there is also a place for the steadfast breakwaters.
Published by: The Electrochemical Society (ECS) 65 South Main Street Pennington, NJ 08534-2839, USA Tel 609.737.1902 Fax 609.737.2743 Co-Editors: Vijay Ramani,; Petr Vanýsek, Guest Editors: Andrew M. Herring,; Vito Di Noto, Contributing Editors: Donald Pile,; Zoltan Nagy, Managing Editor: Annie Goedkoop, Interface Production Manager: Dinia Agrawala, Advertising Manager: Becca Compton, Advisory Board: Bor Yann Liaw (Battery), Sanna Virtanen (Corrosion), Durga Misra (Dielectric Science and Technology), Giovanni Zangari (Electrodeposition), Jerzy Ruzyllo (Electronics and Photonics), A. Manivannan (Energy Technology), Xiao-Dong Zhou (High Temperature Materials), John Staser (Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering), Uwe Happek (Luminescence and Display Materials), Slava Rotkin (Nanocarbons), Jim Burgess (Organic and Biological Electrochemistry), Andrew C. Hillier (Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry), Nick Wu (Sensor) Publisher: Mary Yess, Publications Subcommittee Chair: Johna Leddy Society Officers: Daniel Scherson, President; Krishnan Rajeshwar, Vice-President; Johna Leddy, 2nd VicePresident; Yue Kuo, 3rd Vice-President Lili Deligianni, Secretary; E. Jennings Taylor, Treasurer; Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director Statements and opinions given in The Electrochemical Society Interface are those of the contributors, and ECS assumes no responsibility for them. Authorization to photocopy any article for internal or personal use beyond the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 is granted by The Electrochemical Society to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Copying for other than internal or personal use without express permission of ECS is prohibited. The CCC Code for The Electrochemical Society Interface is 1064-8208/92. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608 Canada Returns to be sent to: Pitney Bowes International, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2 ISSN : Print: 1064-8208
Examples of the changing script. The left panel is from the baptismal record (1758) from the Vanýsek family line. The name Josephus Vanisuk is readable. The right panel shows script from half a century later (1811), which lists on the left Dominik Vanisek. The writing became more fanciful and, for the untrained eye, less readable.
Petr Vanýsek, Interface Co-Editor The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Online: 1944-8783
The Electrochemical Society Interface is published quarterly by The Electrochemical Society (ECS), at 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839 USA. Subscription to members as part of membership service; subscription to nonmembers is available; see the ECS website. Single copies $10.00 to members; $19.00 to nonmembers. © Copyright 2015 by The Electrochemical Society. Periodicals postage paid at Pennington, New Jersey, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Electrochemical Society, 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ 08534-2839. The Electrochemical Society is an educational, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with more than 8000 scientists and engineers in over 70 countries worldwide who hold individual membership. Founded in 1902, the Society has a long tradition in advancing the theory and practice of electrochemical and solid-state science by dissemination of information through its publications and international meetings. 3 All recycled paper. Printed in USA.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Electrochemical Energy Conversion
Vol. 24, No. 2 Summer 2015
by Andrew M. Herring and Vito Di Noto
Applications of Fuel Cell Technology: Status and Perspectives by Jürgen Garche and Ludwig Jörissen
Toyota MIRAI Fuel Cell Vehicle and Progress Toward a Future Hydrogen Society by Toshihiko Yoshida and Koichi Kojima
Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia: A Low Pressure, Low Temperature Approach by Julie N. Renner, Lauren F. Greenlee, Andrew M. Herring, and Katherine E. Ayers
Origins, Developments, and Perspectives of Carbon NitrideBased Electrocatalysts for Application in Low-Temperature FCs
the Editor: Writing 3 From with Passion for Quality the President: 7 From Worthy Goals Illinois 9 Chicago, ECS Meeting Highlights
16 Society News 32 People News 35 Tech Highlights 70 Section News 74 Awards 77 New Members 80 Student News for Papers 86 Call 229 ECS Meeting th
San Diego, California
89 2014 Annual Report
by Vito Di Noto, Enrico Negro, Keti Vezzù, Federico Bertasi, and Graeme Nawn
Bi-Functional Oxygen Electrodes – Challenges and Prospects by S. R. Narayan, Aswin K. Manohar, and Sanjeev Mukerjee
On the cover . . .
Sustainable society, a society that uses diverse energy sources, with electricity and hydrogen infrastructures, see article on page 49. Cover design by Dinia Agrawala.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
World’s #1 Single Cell Test System
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Worthy Goals “The Obama Administration is committed to the proposition that citizens deserve easy access to the results of scientific research their tax dollars have paid for.” Posted by the Office of Science and Technology Policy on February 22, 2013. On February 22, 2013, a Memorandum was issued by John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), directing “each Federal agency with over $100 million in annual conduct of research and development expenditures to develop a plan to support increased public access to the results of research funded by the Federal Government.” This action by the OSTP took place a week after a bill, entitled “Fair access to science and technology research” or FASTR, was introduced to the U.S. Congress, and supported in an open letter signed by 52 Nobel Laureates requiring public access to papers just six months after publication. This initiative echoes a similar policy put in place by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) back in 2008, demanding that research supported by the agency be publicly accessible after twelve months following publication. This “delay” stands in marked contrast with policies instituted by government-funded science agencies in the United Kingdom, which ask authors to pay publishers to make their work freely available to the public immediately. In an interview with Nature, Subra Suresh then Director of NSF, argued that he could not justify taking money out of basic research to pay for open access at a time when demand for the agency’s funding was high. Also emphasized in Holdren’s memo was an acknowledgment from the U.S. government administration “that publishers provide valuable services, including the coordination of peer review, that are essential for ensuring the high quality and integrity of many scholarly publications” and that “it is critical that these services continue to be made available.” These comments appear to be in response to a document signed about a year earlier by the Association of American Publishers who, while supporting any and all sustainable models of access that ensure the integrity and permanence of the scholarly record, expressed opposition to FASTR on behalf of 81 scholarly publishing organizations—both nonprofit and commercial companies, including the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Physics, Elsevier, and Springer Publishing Company—alleging in part that “the bill would force a change in publishers’ business models, and will create a cost burden on federal agencies.” This document further argued that Gold Open Access provides one such approach whereby publication is funded by an article publishing charge paid by the author or another sponsor, a subscription-based journal, or other options, thereby fulfilling the shared goal of expanding access to peer-reviewed scientific works and maximizing the value and reuse of the results of scientific research. The same analysis was made more recently by Lord Krebs, Chair of the UK House of Lords Science and Technology Committee who, while criticizing the actions of the Research Councils UK (RCUK) for failing to communicate in a clear and timely fashion its open access policy, stated that “open access is an inexorable trend. The Government must ensure that in further developing our capabilities to share research they do not inadvertently damage the ‘complex ecosystem’ of research communication in the UK.” Other countries have also instituted Open Access (OA) policies. For example, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has mandated that any publication arising from NHMRC-supported research must be deposited into an OA institutional repository and/or made available in another OA format within a twelve-month period from the date of publication. The German Research Foundation (DFG), on the other hand, has tied OA to its funding policy in that recipients of DFG funding are expected to make their research results to be published and to be made available, where possible, digitally and on the Internet via OA. More recently, the Mexican Congress enacted OA legislation
allowing free access to scientific and academic works made possible by public funding. More general information regarding Open Access (OA) around the world can be found in the Global Open Access Portal (GOAP: portals-and-platforms/goap/), an organization funded by the governments of Colombia, Denmark, Norway, and the United States Department of State, whose primary target audience includes policy-makers and delegates from national, regional, and nongovernmental organizations. Keenly aware of this rapidly changing environment, the ECS Board of Directors at its annual meeting in San Francisco in October 2013 boldly committed to a plan dubbed Platinum Open Access that “would enable the dissemination of content from the ECS Digital Library at no cost to authors, readers, libraries, or funding agencies.” A committee was then established by then-President Tetsuya Osaka, called the Committee on Free Dissemination of Research (CFDR). Led by Larry Faulkner, it included distinguished members of our community, including university presidents and ECS past presidents, who were charged with evaluating the future of Open Access for ECS and its impact on scientific advancements in our field; and for making recommendations concerning ECS’ organizational structure, funding options, and advocacy requirements necessary for an Open Access model that will lead to successful and uninhibited scientific advancement. In its final report the CFDR concluded that indeed the ECS journals are under critical pressure, and supported Platinum Open Access as the operational goal for ECS publications which could be fully implemented before 2030, should it succeed in raising the required funds. In addition, it recommended that a prominent Society committee be charged with carefully monitoring the implementation and progress of the plan. Such committee, called CFDR2 led by Roque Calvo, was recently constituted and has been hard at work fulfilling its challenging responsibilities. In response to the CFDR financial recommendations, ECS retained (in February 2015) Campbell & Company, a pioneer in absolute return investment management, specializing in systematic managed futures and equity market-neutral strategies, to conduct a campaign planning study testing the feasibility of a capital campaign that would help bring about a new chapter in the Society’s history. Its final report delivered to the Board of Directors at the last ECS meeting in Chicago (spring 2015) concluded that this is the right time for ECS to move forward with a major campaign effort and proposed a plan to achieve ECS aspirational goals. Among the salient points of that plan are cultivating a strong and strategic focus on donor-centered and long-term relationship. In addition to recommending the Society’s Platinum Open Access plan, the CFDR report emphasized that the Society must look at innovative publishing practices to meet the expectations of future authors and readers, whose needs are very different than those of the past. Both these initiatives will help to ultimately bring our journals to the prominence they deserve. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the members of our Board of Editors, and the staff at Pennington, a series of innovative strategies has been developed and implemented over the past few years, which has raised the impact factor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, our flagship publication, by more than 25% in just two years. In closing this, my first Interface column as President of ECS, I would appeal to our constituency to reflect on the issues I have herein raised and join the efforts of our leadership in accomplishing our worthy goals.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Daniel Scherson ECS President 7
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Tel:The (408) 744-9040 . Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
227th ECS Meeting Highlights May 24-28, 2015 Chicago, Illinois, USA Hilton Chicago
he spring meeting returned once again to Chicago, Illinois, to the historic Hilton Chicago, after eight years. Over 2,300 presentations were given in 45 symposia with an attendance of about 2,400 people. The meeting officially began on Monday at the plenary lecture, although many of the technical and business activities had already taken place on Sunday. In fact, many participants had already arrived in Chicago on Saturday to start early and enjoy some of the sights of Chicago, and its architecture. Several symposia were scheduled for Sunday afternoon, as were a few short courses. Several sections and divisions also held their committee meetings. The Sunday Evening Get-Together was a great kick-off for the scientific and social interactions of the next few days. (continued on next page)
Scene from one of the short courses held at the meeting.
At the Sunday Evening Get-Together, William Smyrl, an ECS past president, and Taka Homma, associate editor for the ECS ES&T journals. (Photo by Petr Vanýsek)
A scene from the Sunday Evening Get-Together. (Photo by Petr Vanýsek)
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
(continued from previous page)
Plenary Session ECS President Paul Kohl welcomed the assembled audience and opened the meeting. Paul Kohl gave an update on the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship, which was established in 2014 to support young professors and scholars from North America working in green energy technology projects. He also highlighted the continuous progress and growth in the publication open access initiative. He noted the difference between mere involvement and commitment of the members in the Society affairs and emphasized that many are indeed committed to the cause. He thanked all for their sustained help.
Paul Kohl thanked Martin Winter for his long-time service to the Society as a Technical Editor covering the field of Batteries and Energy Storage for the ECS journals. Paul Kohl next invited to the podium Henry White, the recipient of the Allen J. Bard Award and congratulated him on this achievement. Similarly, Yue Kuo was congratulated on his award − the Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology. Both of these award winners gave award addresses at symposia later in the week. Finally, Paul Kohl invited to the podium and yielded the floor to the ECS Lecture presenter, John A. Turner.
ECS President Paul Kohl (left) presented an ECS Service Award to Martin Winter (right) for his outstanding contributions as a Technical Editor and Associate Editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and a Technical Editor of ECS Electrochemistry Letters.
Henry White (right) receiving the Allen J. Bard Award from ECS President Paul Kohl (left).
Yue Kuo (right) receiving the Gordon E. Moore Medal from ECS President Paul Kohl (left). 10
The ECS Lecture The ECS Lecture was given by John A. Turner, Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. Dr. Turner has been with NREL since 1979. His long career in the field of energy was showcased in his lecture, “Hydrogen from Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting – What’s It Gonna’ Take?” Harvesting solar energy to achieve energy sustainability will require energy storage for times when sunlight is not sufficient. To achieve an efficient and low-cost system for conversion and storage of solar energy, a stable light absorber and a robust electrocatalyst will need to be coupled into one setup. While noble metals like platinum, iridium oxide, and ruthenium oxide are usually used because of their high efficiency, identifying earth-abundant material alternatives to replace expensive catalysts is highly desired. Hydrogen as an energy medium is a desirable technology. The cleanest way to produce hydrogen is by using sunlight to directly split water into hydrogen and oxygen. At present, 48 % of hydrogen is produced from methane gas, 30 % from partial oxidation of oil, 18 % from gasification of coal, and only 4 % from water, through electrolysis. A sustainable path to hydrogen is through sunlight and water. The final cost of hydrogen will ultimately determine which pathway will be used. In PEM electrolytic systems the catalyst is only about 6 % cost of the whole plant. The problem is availability of materials for large-scale application. It is estimated that some 25,000 square kilometers of land would be required to generate the needed hydrogen using a photoelectrochemical process as the source of hydrogen. At this extent, the use of precious metals needs to be minimized. Finding new suitable materials can be done by high throughput screening, which can be theory driven, or achieved The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
by alternate approaches. The pathway to success will also require significant synthetic tools. The ideal goal is to attain a solar cell that is basically spontaneous and self-assembling. This plenary lecture was a timely contribution that summarized the energy concerns of today’s world. It gave a perspective on some recent positive advances. It also outlined future challenges, which, when properly addressed, can be the inspiration for future research in electrochemistry and materials science.
Awards The Allen J. Bard Award, which was established in 2013 to recognize distinguished contributions to electrochemical science, was given out for the first time and was awareded to Henry White from the University of Utah. In a departure from the traditional scroll, the designed award plaque featured in the background an illuminated outline of a well-recognized symbol of electrochemistry − a diffusioncontrolled voltammetric curve. An electrochemical source is used to keep the light flashing. Prof. White presented his award lecture on the topic of “The Electrochemical Nucleation and Physical Behavior of Hydrogen Nanobubbles” Yue Kuo of Texas A&M received the Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology, and gave his award address, “Research on Nano and Giga Electronics – Breakthroughs Along the Path,” on Tuesday. In a fitting additional accolade it was also announced at the meeting that Prof. Kuo was elected the third vice-president of the Society.
John Turner during his plenary lecture.
Meeting Symposia At the forty-five symposia held at the meeting, over two thousand presentations were given in large or small settings, according to the audience interest and space availability. Some of the symposia featured presentations related to awards, given by divisions. At the Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry symposium on Tuesday, Phil Bartlett presented his Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal award lecture on Electrochemical SERS on Nanostructured Surfaces
Divisional Luncheons Luncheons are yearly events for several divisions. This spring, the Physical and Electroanalytical Electrochemistry, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Energy Technology, and Organic and Biological Electrochemistry divisions met. The divisional meetings are used to discuss divisional issues (and vote on annual reports), build new and renew old relationships, and also present divisional awards.
Henry White (left) presenting his award lecture alongside Allen J. Bard (right).
Student Posters After the judges considered all the presentations during the Tuesday evening poster presentation, the student poster awards were handed out by Paul Kohl in the presence of the session organizers. The winners for the category of Electrochemical Science and Technology were Jonathan Kucharyson (University of Michigan), first place, and Maria Lukatskaya (Drexel University) second place, and in the category of Solid State Science and Technology, the first place went to Heather Barkholtz (Northern Illinois University), and second to Rajankumar Patel (Missouri University of Science and Technology.) The student poster awards are not possible without generous service of the volunteer judges. The judges in Chicago were: Oana Leonte, Edgar Goluch, Andrew Hillier, Alice Suroviec, Michele Piana, Yelena Gorlin, Robert Lynch, Iryna Zenyuk, Andrew Hoff, Raluca Van Staden, Andrew Herring, Elizabeth Podaha-Murphy and Brian McCloskey. (continued on next page)
Phil Bartlett (left), receiving the Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal from Enrico Traversa (right), the Europe Section Chair.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Yue Kuo giving his award lecture Tuesday afternoon.
Hubert Gasteiger (left) receiving the PAED David C. Grahame Award for his work focusing on materials, electrodes, and diagnostics development for fuel cells and batteries from Robert Mantz (right), PAED Chair.
The students who received the travel award from the PAED Division are introduced by the division chair Robert Mantz (right). (Photo by Petr Vanýsek) (continued from previous page)
All thirteen divisions participate in providing travel support of students and some mostly young professionals. Some of the support enabled the students to contribute to the student posters. The following people received from the divisions either a registration waiver or travel supplement: Maria Abreu-Sepulveda, Paul Addo, Mahmoud Kamal Ahmadi, Josh Aller, Robert Atkinson, Sourav Bag, Moran Balaish, Stephen Bazinski, Seong Beom, Federico Bertasi, Vamsci Bevara, Kamala Bharathi, Arnaud Bordes, Andrea Bourke, Loraine Torres Castro, Tandeep Chadha, Alexander Chadwick, Lin Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Yong-Siou Chen, Sheng-Heng Chung, Sameer Damle, Abdoulaye Djire, Carina Dressel, Boris Dyatkin, Ali Estejab,
Xin Fang, Fathima Fasmin, Miriam Ferrer-Huerta, Bharat Gattu, Danny Gelman, Joydeep Ghosh, Edgar Goluch, Yelena Gorlin, Sapna Gupta, Jennifer Heine, Carlos Herreros-Lucas, Drew Higgins, Mohammad Hossein, Ya-Hsi Hwang, Clement Jacob, Sukhraaj Johal, Manohar Kakunuri, Kristyna Kantnerova, Saeed-Uz-Zaman Khan, Jangwoo Kim, Jimin Kim, Kevin Kirshenbaum, Sydney Laramie, Ermias Girma Leggesse, Na Li, Zhefei Li, Cheolwoong Lim, Yadong Liu, Caihong Liu, Bohuslava McFarland, M. Mehdi, Mohit Mehta, Prateek Mehta, Kuber Mishra, Alireza Molazemhosseini, Beatriz Molero, Njideka Okoye, Daniel Ortiz, Paul Panikulam, Oluwadamilola Phillips, Mayandi Ramanathan, Muhammad Rashid,
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
From left to right: Vimal Chaitanya with the student poster winners, Heather Barkholtz, Jonathan Kucharyson, Maria Lukatskaya, and ECS President Paul Kohl. (Not pictured: Rajankumar Patel.)
Russell Reid, Allen Rodriguez-Silva, Pranav Shetty, Jamie Shetzline, Mona Shirpour, Hassan Srour, Stephen Stewart, Jin Suntivich, Alireza Tari, Dan Thien, Lorenzo Toffoletti, Honorio Valdes-Espinosa, Celeste van den Bosch, Andrea Vittorio, Honglong Wang, Zi Wei, JianFeng Xiao, Le Xin, Litao Yan, Bo Yan, Jianhua Yan, Fan Yang, Naixing Yang, Venkata Raviteja Yarlagadda, Haoran Yu, Shumao Zhang, Shiliang Zhou, Xi Zhou, and Chenxi Zu.
Student Mixer
On Monday night more than 150 students attended a special invitation-only mixer to relax and compare notes with their own peers. (All photographs, unless noted otherwise, by Julie Valkanet.) (continued on next page)
Free the Science 5K Run
This traditional event took place Wednesday morning in the pleasant setting of Grant Park, a short walk from the hotel on the other side of Michigan Avenue. Matthew Lawder, 16:45 (men), and Elizabeth Jones, 22:06 (women), won the race. For Matthew it was his third win in the row at the ECS run. In addition to the run, an opportunity was given to participants who preferred the milder pace of a brisk walk. While the proceeds from participation at the event benefit the ECS Publications Endowment, participation builds camaraderie beyond the halls of science. Scene from Monday evening’s student mixer. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
(continued from previous page)
Participants of the Free the Science 5K Run posing for a picture before the start.
Meeting attendees were given the opportunity to take a selfie with two of the giants of electrochemistry – Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. Pictured here with them are ECS staffers Amanda Staller (left) and Beth Anne Stuebe (right).
ECS introduced its first set of Official ECS Major League Trading Cards at the meeting. They were a major hit.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Meeting s
229th ECS Meeting San Diego, CA
228th ECS Meeting Phoenix, AZ
October 11-15, 2015 Hyatt Regency Phoenix & Phoenix Convention Center
May 29-June 3, 2016 Hilton San Diego Bayfront & San Diego Convention Center
PRiME 2016
Honolulu, HI October 2-7, 2016 Hawaii Convention Center & Hilton Hawaiian Village
g n i t e e M S C E 231 s, LA st
New Orlean e May 28-Jun
2, 2017
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Resort l a n o ti a N d Gaylor on Center ti n e v n o C d an
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship Launched ECS, in partnership with the Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRINA), a division of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc. (TEMA), recently launched the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship. More than 100 young professors and scholars pursuing innovative electrochemical research in green energy technology responded to ECS’s request for proposals. Despite a difficult deliberation process, the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship Selection Committee ultimately chose three recipients for the inaugural fellowships: Patrick Cappillino, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Yogesh (Yogi) Surendranath, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and David Go, University of Notre Dame. The science of electrochemistry can help provide solutions for daunting challenges, like the need to transition to a less carbon intensive economy. “ECS was thrilled to partner with Toyota on this program and congratulates our three inaugural fellows,” said ECS Executive Director Roque Calvo. The ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship aims to encourage young professors and scholars to pursue research in green energy technologies that will promote the development of next-generation vehicles capable of utilizing alternative fuels. Global development of industry and technology in the 20th century increased production of vehicles and the growing population have resulted in massive consumption of fossil fuels. Today, the automotive industry faces three challenges regarding environmental and energy issues: (1) Finding a viable alternative energy source as a replacement for oil (2) Reducing CO2 emissions (3) Preventing air pollution Although the demand for oil alternatives—such as natural gas, electricity and hydrogen—may grow, each alternative energy source has its disadvantages. Currently, oil remains the main source of automotive fuel; however, further research and development of alternative energies may bring change. Electrochemical research has already informed the development and improvement of innovative batteries, electrocatalysts, photovoltaics and fuel cells. Through this fellowship, ECS and TRINA hope to see further innovative and unconventional technologies borne from electrochemical research. “We view research as an investment in our future both for our business, but also for the greater society,” says Fellowship chair and manager of Toyota’s North American Research Strategy Office Paul Fanson. “In order to start to overcome the very difficult technical challenges that we face, it is necessary to invest in and encourage scientists from diverse backgrounds with creative ideas that are willing to think outside of the box. I feel that we were able to accomplish that goal with this inaugural fellowship program, and I am very excited to be a part of it.” The selected fellows will receive restricted grants of no less than $50,000 to conduct the research outlined in their proposals within one year. They will also receive a one-year complimentary ECS membership as well as the opportunity to present and/or publish their research with ECS.
2015 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellows •
Patrick Cappillino, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Battery Division of ECS Mushroom-Derived Natural Products as Flow Battery Electrolytes: To investigate the use of a naturally occurring and biologically produced compound in non-aqueous redoxflow batteries (NRFB), to tune three important attributes while retaining extraordinary metal-binding properties: redox potential; solubility in NRFB solvents; peripheral electrostatic and steric properties.
Yogesh (Yogi) Surendranath, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Energy Technology Division of ECS Methanol Electrosynthesis at Carbon-Supported Molecular Active Sites: To synthesize a selective electrocatalyst for methane to methanol conversion by ligating single site transition metal compounds known to activate methane with graphitic carbon surfaces that allow for facile charge transfer.
David Go, University of Notre Dame, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division of ECS Plasma Electrochemisry: A New Approach to Green Electrochemistry: To demonstrate the feasibility of using plasma electrochemistry to process carbon dioxide (CO2) for the production of alternative fuels, thereby ushering in a novel electrochemically-driven approach to both capture and reutilize CO2, reducing the overall carbon footprint of automobiles
The ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship is an annual program, and the 2016 request for proposals will be released in the fall of 2015.
Special thanks to the 2015 Selection Committee:
Scott Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University, ECS Energy Technology Division
Yi Cui, Stanford University, ECS Battery Division
Paul Fanson, Chair, Toyota
Brett Lucht, University of Rhode Island, ECS Battery Division
Rana Mohtadi, Toyota
Peter Pintauro, Vanderbilt University, ECS Energy Technology Division
Kensuke Takechi, Toyota
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Successful Semiconductor Meeting in China ECS and SEMI are pleased to announce that the annual China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC 2015) successfully concluded on March 16th in Shanghai, China with about 311 speakers and 606 attendees from around the world. This marks the 16th year that CSTIC held this annual international conference. (ECS is a founding sponsor of the event.) With a focus on semiconductor technology and manufacturing, CSTIC promoted technical exchanges on the latest developments in semiconductor technology and manufacturing and facilitated investment and collaboration in the semiconductor industry in Asia, particularly China. CSTIC 2015 covered all aspects of semiconductor technology and manufacturing, including circuit design, devices, lithography, integration, materials, processes, and manufacturing, as well as emerging semiconductor technologies and silicon material applications. Hot topics, such as 3D integration, LEDs, and MEMs, were also included in the conference. Xi Wang of Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology of Chinese Academy of Science, Seok-Hee Lee of SK Hynix, and Rudi Cartuyvels of IMEC delivered the keynote speeches at the conference. Over 141 leading experts in semiconductor technology presented keynote and invited talks in the symposia. CSTIC 2015 was organized by SEMI and co-organized by ECS and China’s High-Tech Expert Committee (CHTEC), and co-sponsored by IEEE-EDS, MRS and the China Electronics Materials Industry Association. Several companies provided financial support for this industrial semiconductor technology conference. Additional sponsors included: JCET Changjiang Electronics Technology Co. Ltd., Henkel, SMIC (Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation), Tokyo Electron Limited, Applied Materials Inc., ANJI, ASE Group, Inc., ADVANTEST, NMC North Microelectronics Co. Ltd., ASM, Edwards, ULVAC, and Finnegan. About 217 CSTIC 2015 papers were published in IEEE Xplore. CSTIC Chair and ECS Fellow Cor Claeys opened the meeting on March 15th at the Shanghai International Conference Center. I gave welcome remarks and an introduction to ECS at the plenary session. The ECS Best Student Paper Award winners were Xiaofei Wu of University of Hong Kong (1st), Jin Jisong of Tokyo Institute of Technology (2nd), and Yanfen Xiao of University of Freiburg (3rd). CSTIC 2016 is scheduled to be held March 2016 in Shanghai, China. This article was prepared by Yue Kuo, ECS Fellow, newly elected ECS Vice-President, and recent recipient of the ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science and Technology.
Yue Kuo giving welcoming remarks and an introduction to ECS at the plenary session.
Yue Kuo (left) with the three student award winners at CSTIC 2015.
2015 Sponsored Meetings In addition to the regular ECS biannual meetings and ECS Satellite Conferences, ECS, its Divisions, and Sections sponsor meetings and symposia of interest to the technical audience ECS serves. The following is a list of the sponsored meetings for 2015. Please visit the ECS website for a list of all sponsored meetings. • • •
10th Symposio en Ciencia de Materiales Avanzados y Nanotecnología (Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology Symposium, SCiMAN), December 7-9, 2015 — San Jose, Costa Rica 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, October 4-9, 2015 — Taipei, Taiwan 16th International Conference On Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells, August 30-September 4, 2015 — Brno, Czech Republic
To learn more about what an ECS sponsorship could do for your meeting, including information on publishing proceeding volumes for sponsored meetings, or to request an ECS sponsorship of your technical event, please contact
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Focus on Focus Issues The Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) publish special focus issues, which highlight scientific and technological areas of current interest and future promise. These special issues expand the horizons of our readers and motivate further research and development in the field. The issues are handled by a prestigious group of ECS Technical Editors and guest editors, and all submissions undergo a rigorous peer review process. Many articles in the issues are Open Access and can be read for free.
enabled and will continue to enable exciting advances in printed electronics and energy devices. The overall collection of this focus issue covers an impressive scope from fundamental science and engineering of printing process, ink chemistry and ink conversion processes, printed devices, and characterizations, to the future outlook for printable functional materials and devices. Issue: ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., content/4/4.toc Guest editors: Chih-hung Chang, Wei Wang, Xiulei (David) Ji, and Paul J. Benning Image: Potential technical applications of printable functional inks.
Advanced Interconnects: Materials, Processing, and Reliability
Recent Issues… Atomic Layer Etching Atomic Layer Etch (ALEt) and Atomic Layer Clean (ALC) are emerging as enabling technologies for sub-10 nm technology nodes. At these scales, performance will depend critically on process variations, and novel technologies will thus be required to meet process and device specifications without increasing complexity. At even more aggressive nodes, where novel 2D materials are being considered, the need for zero damage and quasi-infinite selectivity during etch and clean processes becomes increasingly important. This most timely focus issue offers a picture of the current science and engineering status of ALEt and ALC, the directions and needs associated with this critical technology, and motivation for those individuals who will further develop and implement this muchneeded technology in future device generations.
re of dielectric on 2-D material
Issue: ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 3 Classification content/4/6.toc Guest editors: Craig Huffman, Dennis W. Hess, Jean-François de Marneffe, Makoto Sekine, and Stefan De Gendt Image: Structure of dielectric on 2-D material.
Issue: ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., content/4/1.toc Guest editors: Mikhail R. Baklanov, Christoph Adelmann, Larry Zhao, and Stefan De Gendt Image: Technology node and types of materials.
Printable Functional Materials for Electronics and Energy Applications ANTENNA
Interconnects today determine, to a large extent, the delay and thus the performance of CMOS-based circuits and today’s microelectronic chips. The articles in the issues cover topics such as: low-k dielectrics and new integration approaches allowing for a reduction in plasma damage; analysis of barrier challenges; problems of conductors and the challenges to find better candidates than Cu; mechanical stability of porous low-k dielectrics; problems of conductors and the challenges to find better candidates than Cu; surface chemistry of Cu ALD and CVD processes that can be used to replace the conventional electroplating approaches; reliability challenges in EM at 10 nm node; TDDB life-time models; and chip packaging interaction. The invited papers in the issue provide the “trunk” of this tree, while the regular contributions play the role of branches and foliage. All together they represent a good image of the present status of interconnect technology.
Printing technologies in an atmospheric environment offer the potential for low-cost and materials-efficient alternatives for manufacturing electronics and energy devices such as luminescent displays, thin-film transistors, sensors, thin-film photovoltaics, fuel cells, capacitors, and batteries. Significant progress has been made in the area of printable functional organic and inorganic materials including conductors, semiconductors, and dielectric and luminescent materials. These new printable functional materials have
Electrochemical Capacitors: Fundamentals to Applications
Trends in peer-reviewed publications and resulting citations in major science and engineering journals.
Electrochemical capacitors (ECs) represent a burgeoning and diverse class of energy-storage technologies that promise to bridge the performance gap between high-power capacitors and high energydensity batteries. This issue captures the state-of-the-art in EC research, which now spans a broad variety of subtopics ranging from the development of new charge-storing materials to the application of advanced characterization tools that provide new insights on key Jeffrey W. Long et al. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2015;162:Y3
©2015 by The Electrochemical Society
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
SOCIE T Y NE WS mechanisms to the use of modeling/computation. The issue includes three perspective-style articles that discuss critical questions for present EC research, the pros and cons of increasingly popular “redox electrolyte” ECs, and the often-overlooked but critical performance property of self-discharge. The bulk of the issue is devoted to primary research articles solicited from an international cast of prominent researchers in the field of ECs. Issue: J. Electrochem. Soc., Guest editors: Jeffrey W. Long, Thierry Brousse, and Daniel Bélanger Image: Trends in peer-reviewed publications and resulting citations in major science and engineering journals, from the introduction to the issue, p. Y3
Selected Presentations from the International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2014) The development and commercialization of Li-ion batteries in recent decades is without doubt the most important and impressive success of modern electrochemistry. Li-ion batteries today power most of our mobile electronic devices. It is hard to imagine today how our daily lives would be without rechargeable Li-ion batteries. The success of this technology in terms of its high energy density, reliable operation, safety, cycle-life, etc., drives our on-going efforts to develop Li-ion batteries for the more challenging electromobility and grid-storage applications. One of the most important international conferences in the Li battery community is the biannual International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB); a series founded by Bruno Scrosati 33 years ago. This issue is completely Open Access, and the papers in this issue touch upon many important new aspects in the field and illustrate well the wide spectrum of topics that were discussed at the IMLB 2014 meeting. Issue: J. Electrochem. Soc., Guest editor: Doron Aurbach Image: K. M. Abraham, “Electrolyte-Directed Reactions of the Oxygen Electrode in Lithium-Air Batteries,” p. A3021
In Recognition of Adam Heller and His Enduring Contributions to Electrochemistry Recent progress in diverse scientific fields ranging from bioelectrochemistry to battery technology to photoconversion has been deeply influenced by the contributions of Adam Heller of the University of Texas at Austin. The focus issue recognizes Prof. Heller’s career and works on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Several papers consider interactions of enzymes with redox polymers and with nanoscale structures for electron transfer reactions, applicable to sensors, energy conversion, and chemical conversion. Two papers cover the materials aspect of solar energy conversion, including an in-depth review of photostability of photoelectrochemical cells. Other papers take Heller’s ideas in new directions, including an electro-osmotic pump based on redox polymers, insect communication powered by implanted biofuel cells, and three papers on microbial fuel cells, applying Heller’s ideas on mediated electron transfer to “living bioelectrocatalysts.” Issue: J. Electrochem. Soc., Guest editors: Scott Calabrese Barton and Shelley Minteer Image: Adam Heller
Upcoming Issues… • JES Focus Issue on Redox Flow Batteries – Reversible Fuel Cells • JES Focus Issue on Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage Systems • JSS Focus Issue on Novel Applications of Luminescent Optical Materials • JES Focus Issue on Electrophoretic Deposition • JSS Focus Issue on Chemical Mechanical Planarization: Advanced Material and Consumable Challenges • JSS Focus Issue on Micro–Nano Systems in Health Care and Environmental Monitoring For calls for submissions to other upcoming special focus issues, check them following page: xhtml.
Results of the 2015 Election of Officers and Slate of Officers for 2016
Daniel A. Scherson President
The ECS Tellers of Election have announced the results of the 2015 election of Society officers, with the following persons elected: President — Daniel A. Scherson, Case Western Reserve University; and Vice-President — Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University. The terms of Krishnan Rajeshwar (Vice-President), Johna Leddy (Vice-President), Hariklia Deligianni (Secretary) and E.J. Taylor (Treasurer) were unaffected by this election. At the Board of Directors meeting in Chicago, Illinois, on May 28, 2015, members of the Board voted to approve the slate of candidates recommended by the ECS Nominating Committee. The slate of candidates for the next election of ECS officers, to be held from January – February 2016, include: for President — Krishnan Rajeshwar, for Vice-President (one to be elected) Christina Bock and Thomas Moffat, and for Secretary (one to be elected) James Fenton and Douglas Hansen. Full biographies and candidate statements will appear in the winter 2015 issue of Interface.
Yue Kuo Vice-President
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
6 Questions for Bor Yann Liaw Bor Yann Liaw is a respected battery-related researcher, working in advanced power sources and energy storage systems at the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute. He has recently been appointed to the ECS Electrochemical Science & Technology (EST) Editorial Board as an Associate Editor concentrating in the Batteries & Energy Storage Technical Interest Area. What do you hope to accomplish in your new role as the EST Editorial Board Associate Editor? I think that the impact of the journal is very high, but we need to have more people get involved. I am hoping to promote high-quality papers to be submitted to the journal and be part of the effort to promote the awareness of the journal. What type of expertise do you bring? I’ve been working in this area for about three decades, so I think that I have enough knowledge between the newer developments of materials, especially in the nano area, versus the most traditional and classic framework of electrochemistry. We’ll see whether we can bridge the technology gap between the two sets of skills into a more coherent framework, so we understand how the materials in a nanoscale can relate to the classical models or understanding of electrochemistry.
Who have been your mentors throughout your career? The two mentors I had in my PhD study were Robert Huggins at Stanford University and Werner Weppner at the Max-Plank-Institute for my postdoc study. I think they are both very inspiring people. What are the practical applications regarding your research in sugar-air batteries? Recently we were working with farmers in Hawaii. We have a lot of papaya that are not marketable, which means they look ugly and are not really sellable. We can take those papaya and grind them up and take the juice and put it into a battery and it has worked like a charm. What initially got you interested in science? My parents are both teachers, so I was inspired in teaching the possibilities of science. Another thing had to do with my personality. I’m interested in exploring everything that occurs in our daily lives. What is the biggest challenge going forward for clean energy? We probably have to come back to more fundamental understandings and make things much easier and simpler so the cost can come down and the impact to the environment can be drastically reduced.
Institutional Member spotlight Pine Research Instrumentation While the zodiac may disagree, at Pine Research Instrumentation, it’s the year of the duck—Dr. Reducks the duck, that is. The newly-named mascot has been making several appearances lately, and even has his own Facebook page chronicling his adventures at technical exhibitions and tradeshows around the world. Dr. Reducks isn’t the only new thing going on at Pine. Via a new website,, Pine is moving into the custom glassware arena. Soon, Pine customers will be able to design their own glassware and visualize it in 3D. In the meantime, customers may upload custom sketches to the preliminary site, as well as design their own round bottom glassware and adapters. Pine is also expanding their product line to include tools for neuroelectrochemical analysis, starting with headstage amplifiers for in-vivo electrochemistry. ECS is pleased to continue its partnership with Pine during this exciting time. An institutional member since 2006, Pine recently increased its commitment to ECS by becoming a Benefactor member. “We’re excited to see Pine growing even more in its involvement with ECS,” notes Dan Fatton, ECS Director of Development and Membership, “it has been a great partner over the years and a strong presence at our meeting exhibits.” This year, Pine will continue
that trend as an exhibitor and sponsor at the 227th ECS meeting in Chicago, the Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage with SOFC-XIV in Glasgow and the 228th ECS meeting in Phoenix. “Pine Research Instrumentation enjoys the breadth of research at ECS meetings, which brings our customers together from many different industries, geographic locations, and technical backgrounds,” notes Marion Jones, Pine Sales Manager, “Additionally, we find the ECS conferences to be well organized and working with the staff enjoyable.” Pine also enjoys working with ECS student chapters when the opportunity arises. Most recently, they hosted a pizza party for students at UC Irvine. In the past year, they also hosted the 2014 Christmas party for the ECS Research Triangle student chapter (which includes Duke University, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University). Frank Dalton gave a short talk and held a trivia game for the students. If you are interested in partnering with Pine for your next ECS student chapter event, you may contact Marion Jones at To learn more about Pine’s activities in 2015, check out their freshly launched profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS Staff News Mary Hojlo joined ECS in January of 2012 as a Membership Assistant and Receptionist for the Society. She was promoted to a fulltime Constituent and Membership Associate in July of 2014. Mary is responsible for all aspects of constituent membership, meeting registrations, and Digital Library access. She also assists with institutional membership, account maintenance, and retention. Mary enjoys interacting with the various groups of ECS constituents, and is happy to provide assistance to the members. In that regard she has made upgrade suggestions for innovating the membership processes and is helping to test the new systems being implemented. Mary was previously a Senior Data Analyst for Bristol Meyers-Squibb in their Pricing and Sourcing department and a Senior Financial Analyst for the operations division of Leaseway Transportation before taking a leave to raise her three daughters. Mary majored in English at Holy Family University and has an AA in business administration from Bucks County Community College. “Many of our members may be familiar with Mary Hojlo. If you call the ECS office, or send an email to customer service at ECS, Mary is likely the staff person assisting you. Mary is extremely helpful and approaches her work with a contagious positive attitude that makes it a pleasure to work with her.” said Dan Fatton, Director of Development and Member Services. Linda Cannon joined the Finance department at in December of 2013 as a temporary employee and became the full time Staff Accountant in April 2014. She is responsible for cash and investment portfolio reconciliations and financial statement analysis, as well as assisting in the ECS budget process. Linda also works with ECS’s independent auditors, WithumSmith+Brown, during their financial statement audit at year end. A CPA licensed in the State of NJ since 1991, Linda has over thirty years of overall accounting experience, including working in public accounting with a Big 4 firm, where she performed audits, compilations and reviews for both for profit and non-profit clients. She has also worked as an accounting supervisor, manager and assistant controller in companies in the fields of retail, telecommunications, and manufacturing and distribution. She is also actively involved in charitable work. Linda graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Rutgers University. She has lived in New Jersey all of her life. She grew up in South Jersey and currently resides in Lawrenceville. Paul Grote, Director of Finance said, “Linda brings valuable accounting experience and insight to ECS, and will play an important role in helping the Finance department achieve its goal of providing reliable and timely information to ECS’s Board of Directors, Management and staff.”
Rob Gerth, joined ECS in April 2014 as Director of Marketing and Digital Engagement. Rob says that when he was little his mom would say, “You watch enough TV, I hope you do something with that someday.” He started by writing plays starring space aliens invading in aluminum pie tin flying saucers. His high school in suburban Philadelphia had a TV studio where he shot basketball games and made shows for the elementary school kids. He graduated on to Temple University’s Radio-TV-Film program. Rob has made hundreds of corporate marketing videos, doing all the jobs along the way, from grip to director. “Being able to do, or at least appreciate all the jobs,” says Rob, “is key to understanding anything you’re in charge of.” To that end he joined his local volunteer fire company for a year before making a documentary about them. He also spent hundreds of hours with funeral directors in the process of doing a documentary on the funeral business. Both aired across the country on PBS stations. Those experiences lead Rob to become the director of the nightly news on New Jersey Public Television. All this multimedia experience lead him to becoming managing editor at MensHealth. com. That’s where he learned to build websites, grow contact lists, and market content (and get a 6-pack). His last stop before ECS was the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, where he was director of digital media. That’s where he learned the value of a support system. Rob believes all that TV watching as a kid brought him here. “The lessons from my experiences are coming together in just the right place,” says Rob. “I love the history of ECS, the relevance of the science, and the community I have discovered here.” Becca Jensen Compton joined ECS in August 2014 as the Development Manager in the Development & Membership Services Department. In addition to organizing the exhibit and sponsorship programs for ECS meetings, Becca is responsible for coordinating Society fundraising initiatives, institutional membership, and Interface advertising, as well as applying for and managing federal and institutional grants. Becca has particularly enjoyed working with Dan Fatton in connection with the Gates Foundation gift which enabled ECS to host the first Science for Solving Society’s Problems Challenge and hopes to assist with similar programs in the future. “Becca is a highly skilled writer and editor who brings a high level of professionalism to the ECS development office,” notes Fatton, “As the main contact for advertising, sponsorship, exhibits and federal grants, Becca regularly interacts with many long-time supporters of ECS, and consistently juggles multiple projects with ease.” Prior to joining ECS, Becca gained valuable fund development experience working for various non-profits and start-up organizations. She graduated from York College of Pennsylvania with a BA in Professional Writing in 2012.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
SOCIE T Y NE WS Beth Fisher joined the ECS staff as the Associate Director of Development & Membership Services in December 2014. As the Associate Director, Beth oversees day-today operations of membership services and provides strategic direction for the growth of ECS membership. Reporting to the Director of Development & Membership Services, Beth serves as the staff liaison to student chapters, sections, the Education Committee and the Individual Membership Committee. She manages the facilitation of programs such as short courses, division-sponsored travel grants and summer fellowships. Beth’s supervisor, Dan Fatton, says, “Beth brings a wealth of experience from working within academia and has already proven to be a great asset to ECS. We’re looking forward to great things, particularly as Beth further develops professional development programming in consultation with our volunteer leadership and the ECS student chapters.”
Prior to joining ECS, Beth served as the Director of Student Affairs and Community Engagement in the School of Pharmacy at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Florham Park, New Jersey. She brings to ECS over 14 years of knowledge working in higher education with a focus on recruitment, enrollment management, student organizational development and leadership programming. Beth’s involvement extends outside of the work environment. She currently serves as the Financial Advisor for the Drexel University Colony of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. She previously served in a volunteer capacity for her national sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma, where she supported the development and growth of leadership experiences for undergraduate women across the United States. Beth holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Sports/Entertainment/ Event Management from Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island and a Master of Science degree in Counseling in Higher Education from West Chester University in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
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Discover our new generation of battery test cells:
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2015-2016 ECS Committees Executive Committee of the Board of Directors
Technical Affairs Committee
Audit Committee
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee
Daniel Scherson, Chair...................................................................................................President Spring 2016 Krishnan Rajeshwar....................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2016 Johna Leddy............................................................................................. Second Vice President, Spring 2017 Yue Kuo........................................................................................................Third Vice President, Spring 2018 Hariklia Deligianni.........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016 E. Jennings Taylor ......................................................................................................... Treasurer, Spring 2018 Roque Calvo.............................................................................................................Term as Executive Director Paul Kohl, Chair....................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2016 Daniel Scherson.............................................................................................................President, Spring 2016 Krishnan Rajeshwar....................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2016 E. Jennings Taylor.......................................................................................................... Treasurer, Spring 2018 Stuart Swirson...........................................................................Nonprofit Financial Professional, Spring 2016
Education Committee
Mark Orazem, Chair........................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Kalpathy Sundaram.........................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Jeffry Kelber....................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Douglas Hansen .............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 A. Robert Hillman ...........................................................................................................................Spring 2017 James Noel.....................................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Vimal Chaitanya..............................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Anne Co..........................................................................................................................................Spring 2019 Enn Lust..........................................................................................................................................Spring 2019 Yue Kuo........................................................................................................Third Vice President, Spring 2016 Elizabeth Podhala-Murphy .......................................... Chair, Individual Membership Committee, Spring 2017
Ethical Standards Committee
Paul Kohl, Chair ...................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2016 William Brown............................................................................................................Past Officer, Spring 2016 Jan Talbot....................................................................................................................Past Officer, Spring 2017 Fernando Garzon.........................................................................................................Past Officer, Spring 2018 Hariklia Deligianni ........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016
Finance Committee
E. Jennings Taylor, Chair ............................................................................................... Treasurer, Spring 2018 Jean St-Pierre.................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 William Eggers................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Mark Verbrugge..............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Robert Mantz...................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Krishnan Rajeshwar....................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2016 Hariklia Deligianni.........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016
Honors and Awards Committee
Peter Fedkiw, Chair ........................................................................................................................Spring 2019 Jean St-Pierre.................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Durga Misra....................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Fan Ren...........................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Enrico Traversa................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Pawel Kulesza.................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Vijay Ramani...................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Marca Doeff....................................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Takayuki Homma.............................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Francis D’Souza..............................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Joseph Stetter.................................................................................................................................Spring 2019 Rohan Akolkar.................................................................................................................................Spring 2019 R. Bruce Weisman...........................................................................................................................Spring 2019 Daniel Scherson.............................................................................................................President, Spring 2016
Individual Membership Committee
Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Chair ...................................................................................................Spring 2017 Kevin Rhodes..................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Wataru Sugimoto............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Thomas Schmidt.............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 William Mustain..............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Giovanni Zangari.............................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Jordi Cabana...................................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Hariklia Deligianni ........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016
Nominating Committee
Paul Kohl, Chair....................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2016 Gerardine Botte...............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Dennis Hess....................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 John Stickney.................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Yue Kuo........................................................................................................Third Vice President, Spring 2016
Sponsorship Committee
Christina Bock, Chair......................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Bruno Scrosati................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Yukinari Kotani................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Soo-Gil Park...................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Hubert Gasteiger.............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Fred Roozeboom.............................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Prasanth Nammalwar......................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Kohei Uosaki...................................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Iwona Rutkowska............................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Shirley Meng..................................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Daniel Scherson.............................................................................................................President, Spring 2016 E. Jennings Taylor.......................................................................................................... Treasurer, Spring 2018 Roque Calvo.............................................................................................................Term as Executive Director
Krishnan Rajeshwar, Chair..........................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2016 Daniel Scherson.............................................................................................................President, Spring 2016 Paul Kohl..............................................................................................Immediate Past President, Spring 2016 Tetsuya Osaka..........................................................................Second Immediate Past President, Spring 2016 Johna Leddy............................................................................................. Second Vice President, Spring 2016 Yue Kuo........................................................................................................Third Vice President, Spring 2016 Eric Wachsman......................................................................................Chair, IST Subcommittee, Spring 2016
Eric Wachsman, Chair.....................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Arumugam Manthiram....................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Patrik Schmuki................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Hariklia Deligianni..........................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Phaedon Avouris.............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 James Burgess................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Madis Raukas.................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Colm O’Dwyer................................................................................................................................ Spring 2017 Sri Narayan.....................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 M. Jamal Deen................................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Gerardine Botte...............................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Rangachary Mukundan...................................................................................................................Spring 2018 Andrew Hillier.................................................................................................................................Spring 2018
Symposium Planning Advisory Board of the Technical Affairs Committee Yue Kuo, Chair............................................................................................. Third Vice-President, Spring 2016 Giovanni Zangari ...........................................................................Chair, Electrodeposition Division, Fall 2015 Xiao-Dong Zhou ...........................................................Chair, High Temperature Materials Division, Fall 2015 Anant Setlur.....................................................Chair, Luminescence and Display Materials Division, Fall 2015 Dolf Landheer.................................................Chair, Dielectric Science and Technology Division, Spring 2016 R. Bruce Weisman ...........................................................................Chair, Nanocarbons Division, Spring 2016 Venkat Subramanian..........Chair, Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division,Spring 2016 Eric Wachsman...........................Chair, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, Spring 2016 Robert Kostecki ............................................................................................. Chair, Battery Division, Fall 2016 Rudolph Buchheit .................................................................................... Chair, Corrosion Division, Fall 2016 Bryan Chin .................................................................................................... Chair, Sensor Division, Fall 2016 Mark Overberg ............................................................Chair, Electronics and Photonics Division, Spring 2017 Scott Calabrese Barton............................................................Chair, Energy Technology Division, Spring 2017 Mekki Bayachou ................................... Chair, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2017 Pawel Kulesza ......................................Chair, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division, Spring 2017
Publications Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee
Johna Leddy, Chair................................................................................... Second Vice President, Spring 2016 Mary Yess......................................................................................................................Publisher, Term as Pub Robert Savinell.......................................................................................................EST Board Chair, 5/31/2017 Dennis Hess...................................................................................................... SSST Board Chair, 12/31/2016 Petr Vanýsek............................................................................................................ Interface Editor, 5/31/2017 Vijay Ramani............................................................................................................ Interface Editor, 5/31/2017 Jeffrey Fergus..........................................................................................ECS Transactions Editor, 12/31/2017 John Flake......................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Csaba Janaky..................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 David Cliffel....................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Yue Kuo..........................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Hariklia Deligianni.........................................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016
Meetings Subcommittee of the Technical Affairs Committee
Yue Kuo, Chair..............................................................................................Third Vice President, Spring 2016 Krishnan Rajeshwar........................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Bor Yann Liaw.................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Adam Weber....................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Pawel Kulesza.................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Roque Calvo.............................................................................................................Term as Executive Director
Tellers of Election
Craig Arnold, Chair ........................................................................................................................Spring 2016 James Amick...................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Norman Goldsmith..........................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Robert Comizzoli, Alternate.............................................................................................................Spring 2016 Ronald Enstrom, Alternate...............................................................................................................Spring 2016 William Ayers, Alternate..................................................................................................................Spring 2016
Ways and Means Committee
Hariklia Deligianni, Chair...............................................................................................Secretary, Spring 2016 James Fenton..................................................................................................................................Spring 2016 Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy..............................................................................................................Spring 2016 Venkat Subramanian.......................................................................................................................Spring 2017 R. Bruce Weisman...........................................................................................................................Spring 2017 Johna Leddy............................................................................................. Second Vice President, Spring 2016 Krishnan Rajeshwar....................................................................................Senior Vice President, Spring 2016
Other Representatives
Society Historian Zoltan Nagy.................................................................................................................................Spring 2017 American Association for the Advancement of Science Roque J. Calvo............................................................................................. Term as Executive Director Chemical Heritage Foundation Yury Gogotsi............................................................................................... Heritage Councilor, Spring 2018 Federation of Materials Societies Petr Vanýsek................................................................................................................. Trustee, Spring 2016 External Relations Representative Mark Orazem...............................................................................................................................Spring 2016 National Inventors Hall of Fame Peter Fedkiw.....................................................................Chair, Honors & Awards Committee, Spring 2019
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
eThe Electrochemical Society Series Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
New Division Officers New officers for the 2015-2017 term have been elected for the following Divisions.
Electronics and Photonics Division Chair Mark Overberg, Sandia National Laboratories Vice-Chair Colm O’Dwyer, University of College Cork 2nd Vice-Chair Junichi Murota, Tohoku University Secretary Soohwan Jang, Dankook University Treasurer Yu-Lin Wang, National Tsing Hua University Members-at-Large Andrew Hoff, University of South Florida Edward Stokes, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Albert Baca, Sandia National Laboratories Helmut Baumgart, Old Dominion University D. Noel Buckley, University of Limerick George Celler, Rutgers University Pablo Chang, Avago Technologies Cor Claeys, IMEC Stefan De Gendt, IMEC J. Jamal Deen, McMaster University Manfred Engelhardt, Infineon Technolgies AG Takeshi Hattori, Hattori Constulting internation Hiroshi Iwai, Tokyo Institute of Technology Zia Karim, AXITRON Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University Qiliang Li, George Mason University Durgamadhab Misra, New Jersey Institute of Technology Fan Ren, University of Florida Fred Roozeboom, Eindhoven University of Technology Jerzy Ruzyllo, Pennsylvania State University Krishna Shenai, LoPel Corp Motofumi Suzuki, Kyoto University Ravi Todi, Qualcomm Inc. Tadatomo Suga, University of Tokyo
Energy Technology Division Chair Scott Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University Vice-Chair Andrew Herring, Colorado School of Mines Secretary Vaidyanathan Subramanian, University of Nevada Treasurer William Mustain, University of Connecticut Members-at-Large Katherine Ayers, Proton On-Site Huyen Dinh, NREL James Fenton, University of Central Florida Thomas Fuller, Georgia Tech
Kunal Karan, University of Calgary Sanjeev Mukerjee, Northeastern University Sri Narayan, University of Southern California Peter Pintauro, Vanderbilt University Krishnan Rajeshwar, University of Texas at Arlington Juergen Stumper, Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation John Weidner, University of South Carolina Karim Zaghib, Hydro-Quebec
Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Chair Mekki Bayachou, Cleveland State University Vice-Chair Graham Cheek, U. S. Naval Academy Secretary/Treasurer (candidate not selected will become a member-at-large) Diane Smith, San Diego State University Members-at-Large David Cliffel, Vanderbilt University Danjun Fang, Case Western Reserve University Toshio Fuchigami, Tokyo Institute of Technology Chang Ji, Texas State University Donal Leech, Maynooth University Flavio Maran, University of Padova Michael Mirkin, Queens College Kevin Moeller, Washington University Ikuzo Nishiguchi, Nagaoka University of Technology James Rusling, University of Connecticut Richard West, Case Western Reserve University
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Chair Pawel Kulesza, University of Warsaw Vice-Chair Alice Suroviec, Berry College Secretary Petr Vanyýek, Northern Illinois University Treasurer Robert Calhoun, U.S. Naval Academy Members-at-Large Stephen Paddison, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Luke Haverhals, Bradley University Hugh DeLong, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Steven Maldonado, University of Michigan Plamen Antanassov, University of New Mexico Sanjeev Mukerjee, Northeastern University David Cliffel, Vanderbilt University Paul Trulove, U.S. Naval Academy Alanah Fitch, Loyola University
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Photo by ©Visit Phoenix.
Summit Dates: October 12-13, 2015
newable Energy e R d n a s e u s s I l a c i l October 11-15, 2015 Z A Solar Crit , x i n oe l Ph g n i t e e 228 ECS M SAVE THE DATE!
With population growth and industrialization, global energy needs continue to grow as well. Economic, political, and environmental issues are largely dictated by energy needs. The fifth international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) is designed to foster an exchange between leading policy makers and energy experts about society needs and technological energy solutions. The E2S program will be focused around Solar Critical Issues, and Renewable Energy. It will begin on Monday, October 12 and run through Wednesday, October 14, 2015. The program on Monday will be focused on the DOE Hubs, featuring a Plenary and invited talks from the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR), the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), and the Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office (EERE FCTO). The program on Tuesday and Wednesday will include keynote talks from five Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) Directors, relevant invited speakers, and round table discussions.
organizers • Daniel Scherson, Case Western Reserve University • Adam Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • Krishnan Rajeshwar, University of Texas, Arlington
Participants • Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures, and Transport Center (FIRST) David Wesolowski, Oak Ridge National Laboratory • NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES) M. Stanley Whittingham, Binghamton University • Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2m) Esther Takeuchi, Stony Brook University • Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage (NEES) Gary Rubloff, University of Maryland
• Center for Electrochemical Energy Science (CEES) Paul Fenter, Argonne National Laboratory • Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) George Crabtree, Director • Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) Harry Atwater, Director • Potential participation of large-scale government-funded efforts outside the U.S. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS Division Contacts High Temperature Materials
Battery Robert Kostecki, Chair Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory • 510.486.6002 (U.S.) Christopher Johnson, Vice-Chair Marca Doeff, Secretary Shirley Meng, Treasurer Corrosion Rudolph Buchheit, Chair Ohio State University • 614.292.6085 (U.S.) Sannakaisa Virtanen, Vice-Chair Masayuki Itagaki, Secretary/Treasurer Dielectric Science and Technology Dolf Landheer, Chair Retired • 613.594.8927 (Canada) Yaw Obeng, Vice-Chair Vimal Desai Chaitanya, Secretary Puroshothaman Srinivasan, Treasurer Electrodeposition Giovanni Zangari, Chair University of Virginia • 434.243.5474 (U.S.) Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Vice-Chair Stanko Brankovic, Secretary Philippe Vereecken, Treasurer Electronics and Photonics Mark Overberg, Chair Sandia National Laboratories • 505.284.8180 (U.S.) Colm O’Dwyer, Vice-Chair Junichi Murota, 2nd Vice-Chair Soohwan Jang, Secretary Yu-Lin Wang, Treasurer Energy Technology Scott Calabrese Barton, Chair Michigan State University • 517.355.0222 (U.S.) Andy Herring, Vice-Chair Vaidyanathan Subramanian, Secretary William Mustain, Treasurer
Xiao-Dong Zhou, Chair University of South Carolina • 803.777.7540 (U.S.) Turgut Gur, Sr. Vice-Chair Gregory Jackson, Jr. Vice-Chair Paul Gannon, Secretary/Treasurer
Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
Venkat Subramanian, Chair Washington University in St. Louis • 206.543.2271 (U.S.) Douglas Riemer, Vice-Chair John Staser, Secretary/Treasurer
Luminescence and Display Materials Anant Setlur, Chair GE Global Research Center • 518.387.6305 (U.S.) Madis Raukas, Vice-Chair Mikhail Brik, Secretary/Treasurer Nanocarbons R. Bruce Weisman, Chair Rice University • 713.348.3709 (U.S.) Slava Rotkin, Vice-Chair Hiroshi Imahori, Secretary Dirk Guldi, Treasurer
Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Mekki Bayachou, Chair Cleveland State University • 216.875.9716 (U.S.) Graham Cheek, Vice-Chair Diane Smith, Secretary/Treasurer Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Pawel Kulesza, Chair University of Warsaw • +482.282.20211 (Poland) Alice Suroviec, Vice-Chair Petr Vanýsek, Secretary Robert Calhoun, Treasurer Sensor Bryan Chin Auburn University • 334.844.3322 (U.S.) Nianqiang Wu, Vice-Chair Ajit Khosla, Secretary Jessica Koehne, Treasurer
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Volume 69– P h o e n i x , A r i z o n a
from the Phoenix meeting, October 11—October 15, 2015
The following issues of ECS Transactions are from symposia held during the Phoenix meeting. All issues are available in electronic (PDF) editions, which may be purchased by visiting Some issues are also available in CD/USB editions. Please visit the ECS website for all issue pricing and ordering information. (All prices are in U.S. dollars; M = ECS member price; NM = nonmember price.)
Enhanced Issues Vol. 69 No. 1
Batteries – Theory, Modeling, and Simulation USB/CD...........M $127.00, NM $159.00 PDF .................M $115.62, NM $144.53
Vol. 69 No. 10
ULSI Process Integration 9 USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $86.89, NM $108.61
Vol. 69 No. 2
Pits & Pores 6: Nanomaterials – In Memory of Yukio H. Ogata USB/CD...........M $105.00, NM $131.00 PDF .................M $95.53, NM $119.41
Vol. 69 No. 11
GaN & SiC Power Technologies 5 USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $66.81, NM $83.51
Vol. 69 No. 3
Nonvolatile Memories 3 USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $78.86, NM $98.57
Vol. 69 No. 12
Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 8 USB/CD ...........M $111.00, NM $138.00 PDF .................M $100.71, NM $125.89
Vol. 69 No. 4
Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 11 USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $66.81, NM $83.51
Vol. 69 No. 13
Vol. 69 No. 5
Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 13 USB/CD ...........M $113.00, NM $141.00 PDF .................M $102.44, NM $128.05
Solid-State Electronics and Photonics in Biology and Medicine 2 USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $51.35, NM $64.19
Vol. 69 No. 14
State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 58 (SOTAPOCS 58) USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $72.83, NM $91.04
Vol. 69 No. 6
Processing Materials of 3D Interconnects, Damascene and Electronics Packaging 7 USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $61.66, NM $77.07
Vol. 69 No. 15
High Temperature Experimental Techniques and Measurements 2 USB/CD ...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $41.05, NM $51.31
Vol. 69 No. 7
Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 11 USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $82.87, NM $103.59
Vol. 69 No. 16
Ionic Conducting Oxide Thin Films USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $56.50, NM $70.63
Vol. 69 No. 8
Semiconductor Cleaning Science and Technology 14 (SCST 14) USB/CD ...........M $103.00, NM $129.00 PDF .................M $93.80, NM $177.25
Vol. 69 No. 17
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 15 (PEFC 15) USB/CD...........M $200.00, NM $250.00 PDF .................M $181.77, NM $227.21
Vol. 69 No. 9
Thermoelectric and Thermal Interface Materials 2 USB/CD...........M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .................M $53.93, NM $67.41
Forthcoming Issues The following Standard issues of ECS Transactions are forthcoming will be availble after the enix meeting. Please visit the ECS enix Program at for additional issue information.
A01, A03, A04, A05, A06, A07, A08, A09, B01, C01, C02, C03, C04, C05, D01, E01, E02, E03, E04, F01, F02, F03, I01, I02, J01, L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, M01, M02, M03, Z01, Z02, Z03
Ordering Information To order any of these recently-published titles, please visit the ECS Digital Library, Email: 7/2/15
websites of note by Zoltan Nagy
Synthesis of Ammonia Directly from Air and Water at Ambient Temperature and Pressure
The N≡N bond (225 kcal mol−1) in dinitrogen is one of the strongest bonds in chemistry, therefore artificial synthesis of ammonia under mild conditions is a significant challenge. Based on current knowledge, only bacteria and some plants can synthesise ammonia from air and water at ambient temperature and pressure. Here, for the first time, we report artificial ammonia synthesis bypassing N2 separation and H2 production stages. A maximum ammonia production rate of 1.14 × 10−5 mol m−2 s−1 has been achieved when a voltage of 1.6 V was applied. Potentially this can provide an alternative route for the mass production of the basic chemical ammonia under mild conditions. Considering climate change and the depletion of fossil fuels used for synthesis of ammonia by conventional methods, this is a renewable and sustainable chemical synthesis process for future. • Rong Lan, John T. S. Irvine, and Shanwen Tao (Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XJ, UK)
Electrocatalysis Research for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production The CSIR undertakes research in the electrocatalysis of fuel cells and for hydrogen production. The Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) strategy supports research on electrocatalysts due to their importance to the national beneficiation strategy. The work reported here presents choice methods for the production of Platinum Group Metals (PGM) electrocatalysts, which are characterized for their performance. Investigations on the commercial feasibility of such electrocatalysts in fuel cells including hydrogen production continue to be subject of global interest, to ensure energy security. The paper aims to present possible synthesis routes for PGM electrocatalysts for commercial gains. • M. K. Mkhulu (HySA Infrastructure Center of Competence, Materials Science and Manufacturing, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), PO Box 395; Pretoria 0001; South Africa.)
Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia in Solid Electrolyte Cells Developed in the early 1900s, the “Haber–Bosch” synthesis is the dominant NH3 synthesis process. Parallel to catalyst optimization, current research efforts are also focused on the investigation of new methods for ammonia synthesis, including the electrochemical synthesis with the use of solid electrolyte cells. Since the first report on Solid State Ammonia Synthesis (SSAS), more than 30 solid electrolyte materials were tested and at least 15 catalysts were used as working electrodes. Thus far, the highest rate of ammonia formation reported is 1.13 × 10-8 mol s-1 cm-2, obtained at 80 °C with a Nafion solid electrolyte and a mixed oxide, SmFe0.7Cu0.1Ni0.2O3, cathode. At high temperatures (>500 °C), the maximum rate was 9.5 × 10−9 mol s-1 cm-2 using Ce0.8Y0.2O2-δ– [Ca3(PO4)2–K3PO4] as electrolyte and Ag–Pd as cathode. In this paper, the advantages and the disadvantages of SSAS vs. the conventional process and the requirements that must be met in order to promote the electrochemical process into an industrial level are discussed. • L. Garagounis, et al. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece)
About the Author
Zoltan Nagy is a semi-retired electrochemist. After 15 years in a variety of electrochemical industrial research, he spent 30 years at Argonne National Laboratory carrying out research on electrode kinetics and surface electrochemistry. Presently he is at the Chemistry Department of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He welcomes suggestions for entries; send them to
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
In the
The fall 2015 issue of Interface will be a special issue focused on the theme of Bioelectrochemical Energy Conversion. Guest-edited by Ramaraja Ramasamy of the University of Georgia, the issue will feature the following technical articles (titles are tentative): “Photosynthetic Energy Conversion: Recent Advances and Future Perspective,” by Narendran Sekar and Ramaraja P. Ramasamy, University of Georgia; “Microbial Fuel Cells and Microbial Electrolyzers,” by Abhijeet P. Borole, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and “1D Models for Enzymatic Biological Fuel Cells,” by Scott Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University.
issue of
Tech Highlights continues to provide readers with free access to some of the most interesting papers published in the ECS journals, including articles from the Society’s newest journals: ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, ECS Electrochemistry Letters, and ECS Solid State Letters.
Don’t miss the next edition of Websites of Note which gives readers a look at some little-known, but very useful sites.
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Two Recent Honors Go to Jamal Deen
n fall 2014, The Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) elected as its president Jamal Deen, a professor and the Canada Research Chair in Information Technology in the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Prof. Dean has been an ECS member since 1993 and was inducted as an ECS fellow in 2004. He assumed the office of President during the Annual General Meeting of the RSC on the weekend of November 20-23, 2014, at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac in Quebec City. Founded in 1882 under an Act of Parliament, the RSC comprises the Academies of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences of Canada. Its mission is to recognize scholarly, research and artistic excellence, to advise governments and organizations, and to promote a culture of knowledge and innovation in Canada and with other national academies around the world. Prof. Deen has been also elected as a member of the esteemed European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA). On March 7th, 2015 he was introduced with 120 new members at the EASA plenary meeting in Salzburg. Based in Salzburg, the Academy brings together more than 1,500 scholars, including 29 Nobel laureates, from around the globe focusing on scientific, social, cultural, and ethical issues. The EASA’s seven branches include humanities, medicine, arts, natural sciences, social sciences/law and economics, technical and environmental sciences, and world religions. Prof. Deen has published extensively in the areas of microand nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, work which includes the study of how devices transmit, detect, store and control electrical and optical signals. Wireless technologies, medical diagnostic systems, electronic cameras and optical fiber communications are examples of systems using devices based on the nanoand opto electronic principles. His discoveries, in which physics-bases modeling is combined with sophisticated experiments, further the fundamentals of the physics of semiconductor devices.
Prof. Deen was born in Georgetown, Guyana, South America. He completed a BSc degree in physics and mathematics at the University of Guyana (1978), a MS degree (1982) and a PhD degree (1985) in electrical engineering and applied physics at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He started his professional academic career in 1985 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, continued at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada 1986-2002, and then at McMaster University since 1999.
Jamal Deen (right) at the EASA Plenary Meeting in Salzburg with Siegdfried Selberherr (left) of Technical University of Vienna (principal nominator of Prof Deen) and Feliz Unger (center), President of EASA.
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
In Memoriam memoriam
Herbert P. Silverman
Robert J. Staniewicz
(1945 - 2014)
erbert P. Silverman, ECS Emeritus Member and a member since 1959, passed away on February 22, 2015 at the age of 90. A graduate from Stanford University, Herb Silverman had a long and fruitful association with electroanalytical chemistry and electroanalytical chemists. He was a member of a group of electrochemists from California who gathered to meet and discuss electrochemistry just prior to going to ECS or ACS meetings. Eventually this privately arranged activity became the starting point to establish the Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry, which arguably might have been the cradle of camaraderie among electrochemists. A full account of the history of Gordon Conferences on Electrochemistry can be found in “Historical Perspectives on the Evolution of Electrochemical Tools,” J. Leddy, V. Birss, and P. Vanýsek (Editors), The Electrochemical Society Proceedings, PV 2002-29. Silverman was a Manger of Energy Systems at TRW Inc. from 1960 to 1975, he was vice-president of research at YSI, Inc, and Director of R&D at TheraSense. Silverman had been a consultant for Broadley-James Corporation for the past twenty-five years and more recently he was a consultant for ACS Career Services, using his life experience to guide new scientists in finding jobs.
J. Staniewicz, of Cockeysville, Maryland, an ECS member since 1977, pass away on November 21, 2014. He was a long-time employee of Saft America. Thomas J. Alcide President/CEO of Saft provided the following tribute. Robert Staniewicz, affectionately known at Saft and in the battery community as “Dr. Bob” began his career with Saft in 1982 and established himself as the expert Robert J. Staniewicz in primary lithium technology. His scientific achievements in electrochemical advancement were instrumental in helping Saft become a market leader, especially in the space industry. He wore many hats throughout his career at Saft, most recently serving as the Senior Scientific Advisor. Dr. Bob was more than a man, he was a presence. He made an impact on anyone he encountered, whether it was impressing fellow scientists with his knowledge of electrochemistry, joking around with a co-worker, or helping anyone in need, both at work and in the community. Dr. Bob did not sit in an ivory tower; he made friends with everyone around him. He was strong in his convictions and was well known for arguing with his colleagues, but it was his generosity and caring nature that endeared him to anyone who knew him. He was equal parts fierce and tenacious, but fun-loving; resolute, but kind and gentle; self-assured yet humble. He had a style and personality that was uniquely Dr. Bob and if you ever met him, you would not soon forget him. obert
ECS Electrochemistry
KNOWLEDGE BASE One site. Thousands of resources. 4 Over 1,000 electrochemical definitions 4 Dozens of articles by leading experts 4 Links to 1,000 of electrochemical websites 4 Over 3,000 books and proceedings volumes listed The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Altmetrics Come to the ECS Digital Library What Are Altmetrics? Altmetrics are a better way for authors to track the discussion surrounding their work. Where the Journal Impact Factor reports aggregate data for a journal, altmetrics report data for individual articles. By providing article level metrics, altmetrics allow authors to see not only how much attention their work is receiving, but where the attention is coming from, and at an earlier stage than traditional metrics.
How to Boost Your Altmetric Rankings • Publish open access so that more readers can view your research. • Like, tweet, and share. • Start a conversation and actively promote your work.
How Are Altmetric Scores Generated? Data comes from: • Online reference managers (Mendeley, CiteULike) • Mainstream media (newspapers and magazines) • Social media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.) Data is weighted based on: • Volume: How much attention is an article getting? • Sources: Which sources are mentioning the article? • Authors: Who is talking about the article?
Open Access and Altmetrics Are Complementary Open access and altmetrics work cooperatively to help articles reach their full impact. Altmetrics further ECS’s pledge to Free the Science™ by providing both transparent publication as well as transparent assessment of research.
(10) Google+ (12) new outlets (17) Facebook
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
T ECH HIGHLIGH T S Understanding Artifacts in Impedance Spectroscopy Impedance spectroscopy (also commonly referred to as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) is widely used to investigate corrosion processes, ion-conducting solids, fuel cells, electrode/electrolyte interfaces, and electrochemical reaction mechanisms and kinetics. While these measurements can provide valuable quantitative information, they must be performed with expertise and care to ensure that measurement artifacts in the experimental data do not lead to incorrect conclusions. J. A. Eastman and collaborators at Argonne National Laboratory recently published an extensive article that examined some of the principal sources of errors that typically plague practitioners of impedance spectroscopy. The authors demonstrated the effects of capacitance-to-ground (at the coaxial cables and the sample terminals) on three- and four-electrode measurements, and demonstrated that these high frequency artifacts (which manifest themselves as large magnitude inductances) can be quantitatively accounted for when the leakage capacitance is accurately known and included in the circuit analysis. While shortening the coaxial cables as much as possible is a good experimental practice, the authors clearly determined that it is still necessary to measure the cable and instrument capacitance and include them in the circuit analysis model if quantitative fits of model to experiment are desired. From: J. Electrochem Soc., 162, H47 (2015).
Effects of Pb Doping on Hole Transport Properties and Thin-Film Transistor Characteristics of SnO Thin Films Oxide semiconductors have attracted considerable attention as next-generation channel materials for thin-film transistors (TFTs). While these materials offer high field effect mobility, they are mostly n-type. High-performance p-type oxides are needed for TFT for transparent low-powerconsumption complementary circuits. Fortunately, SnO-based materials may provide p-type TFT oxides with acceptable carrier mobility when doped. Doped oxides must maintain a high off-state current and a high field-effect mobility. Researchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have investigated the effect of Pb doping on SnO and also demonstrated p-type TFTs using Sn1−xPbxO films. The researchers posit that for SnO-based p-type oxide TFTs, the hole concentration, resistivity, trap density, and crystal structure are critical in the doped material. With a higher level of Pb doping, the field-effect mobility decreased more rapidly than the Hall mobility. The authors also related the overall parametric response of the doped oxide TFT to the influence of trap states, dopant concentration, resistivity, and Fermi level pinning, which caused the high off-state current. Importantly, they identified that the contribution of dopant
orbitals to the valence band maximum (VBM) will be important for useful p-type oxide TFT channel materials. From: ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 4, Q26 (2015).
An Electrochemical Method for Measuring Localized Corrosion under Cathodic Protection Since the early 20th century, cathodic protection (CP) has been a common means of mitigating corrosion of vulnerable structures, such as steel pipelines. This history notwithstanding, direct means of measuring the corrosion rate of a cathodically protected surface are rare and uncommon in practice. Traditional electrochemical methods based on the SternGeary relationship are generally restricted to charge-transfer controlled reaction kinetics. In many practical scenarios, the reaction rate is dependent on the mass transfer rate of cathodic reactants, such as oxygen, to the surface. Researchers at Deakin University in Australia have developed a new electrochemical method using coupled micro-electrode array sensors to address these limitations. With the micro-electrode array under CP, the nominal cathodic current density measured across the entire array or at singular electrodes is analyzed to estimate the anodic current density (i.e., corrosion rate) at each electrode in the array. To demonstrate the ability to measure localized corrosion and its distribution under CP, the authors correlated calculated corrosion rates of carbon steel electrodes in aqueous sodium chloride solution with volume loss realized on the electrodes after exposure. As stated by the authors, the method may serve as a starting point for development of new tools for direct corrosion rate measurements for CP applications. From: ECS Electrochem. Lett., 4, C1 (2015).
Synthesis and Electron Microscopy of Superalloy Nanowires Nickel-rich Ni-Fe-Cr superalloys possess excellent corrosion resistance properties. Much literature exists for their chemical and mechanical properties and behavior, except when they are formed in isolated nano-dimensional solids. Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore used a template-assisted, electrochemistrybased methodology for synthesizing NiFe-Cr nanowires to begin exploring their properties. An anodic alumina membrane containing 200-nm diameter pores was used to form nanowires while electrodepositing at constant current from an electrolyte solution containing the chloride salts of Ni, Fe, and Cr. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), revealed long (~5 µm) uniform diameter nanowires having on average composition of 77:18:5 weight percent Ni:Cr:Fe. Selected area diffraction (SAD) results indicated that the nanowire was a mixture of amorphous and ultrafine
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
crystalline microstructure. A scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)high angle annular dark field (HAADF) analysis showed similar results: uniform composition of 80:15:5 weight percent Ni:Cr:Fe. The authors investigated the possibility of microstructure engineering by inducing crystallization via electron beam heating. Crystalline regions within an amorphous matrix were identified and created. The as-synthesized nanowires were also characterized via magnetization curves. Regardless of wire orientation or randomness, low magnetic coercivity (~150 Oe) was found for this superparamagnetic material. From: ECS Electrochem. Lett., 4, D1 (2015).
Enhanced Electro-Optical Properties of Electrically Controlled Birefringence Cells Liquid-crystal display (LCD) technology depends on control of the interactions between the LC molecules and the substrate surface. Surface alignment of the LC molecules is induced by treatments, such as rubbing and ion-beam (IB) bombardment, both of which have advantages in treating large areas. However, rubbing polyimide (PI) with a cloth produces electrostatic charge and inhomogeneous alignment. Researchers from Korea studied the use of a La2O3 layer (spin-coated, then annealed at various temperatures) subjected to IB irradiation and its impact on electrooptical (EO) properties. IB irradiation was shown via contact angle measurements to increase the surface energy of the La2O3 film, resulting in more uniformly aligned LC molecules through a stronger interaction between them and the surface compared to LC intermolecular interactions. Electrically controlled birefringence (ECB) cells were fabricated to test the transmittance and the response times. A cell made of the La2O3 film annealed at 500 °C exhibited a lower threshold voltage (30% lower at 90% transmittance) than that for a rubbed PI surface. Additionally, the La2O3-containing cell had rise and fall times two times quicker than the PI-containing cell. The authors attribute the improved EO properties to a higher dielectric constant and thus a larger electric field. From: ECS Solid State Lett., 4, R13 (2015).
Tech Highlights was prepared by Mike Kelly and Eric Schindelholz of Sandia National Laboratories, Colm O’Dwyer of University College Cork, Ireland, and Donald Pile of Nexeon Limited. Each article highlighted here is available free online. Go to the online version of Tech Highlights, in each issue of Interface, and click on the article summary to take you to the full-text version of the article.
228th ECS Meeting
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Important Deadlines • Early-bird registration is now open, early-bird pricing is available through September 11, 2015. • Take advantage of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, submit your application by July 31, 2015. The 228th ECS Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix & Phoenix Convention Center. Please visit the Phoenix Meeting page for the most up-to-date information on hotel accommodations, registration, short courses, special events, and to review the online technical program. Full papers presented at ECS meetings will be published in ECS Transactions.
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Electrochemical Energy Conversion by Andrew M. Herring and Vito Di Noto
he ECS Energy Technology Division was formed in 1983 to provide an overview of current and future energy sources, electrochemical energy conversion, and storage. With ever increasing amounts of renewable energy and the need for load leveling, rapid inter-conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy and vice versa presents an attractive solution to many contemporary energy issues. The devices that are of primary interest to the Division — fuel cells, electrolyzers, their reversible counterparts (e.g., redox flow batteries) and their light driven counterparts — hold the key to a sustainable global energy economy in this context. These technologies are modular and scalable from small (portable) to large (grid) applications. The key to making these devices practical is to fundamentally understand the issues that drive cost and durability, as well as to enable fuel/oxidant flexibility. In this issue of Interface, we present an overview of some recent advances in this arena. We begin with a historical perspective on all fuel cells, and present the reasons why fuel cells have yet to find widespread commercial adoption. This article points out areas where fuel cells are close to market adoption. This is followed by a fascinating article from researchers at Toyota Motor Co., explaining the advances in the fuel cell stack, system, and the car itself that have given rise to their next generation MIRAI fuel cell vehicle. This paper summarizes the huge amount of innovative work that is needed to reach the point where thousands of fuel cell vehicles can realistically be produced. Electro-fuels—chemicals produced by electrolysis, which can be subsequently used in fuel cells or thermal engines—are a topic of increasing interest. In addition to being a potential electrofuel in an alkaline fuel cell, ammonia, as a feedstock for fertilizer manufacture, is an essential chemical for large-scale production of an agricultural commodity. Alternatives to the energy-intensive HaberBosch process are still lacking. However, electrochemical production of ammonia can approach the efficiencies of this thermal process, and can be practiced on a distributed scale using off-grid renewable electricity. We have, therefore, included an article on the history of this “newly rediscovered” technology. There has been a huge amount of interest in carbon nitridebased catalysts for applications in low temperature fuel cells. These materials have the potential to enable low temperature fuel cells, by allowing non-precious metal or very low precious metal loadings to catalyze the oxygen reduction reaction. A perspective on this material is therefore included, elucidating the effects of synthesis protocols such as precursors and pyrolysis temperature, nitrogen density and distribution, and morphology on the ex situ and in situ electrochemical performance and durability of these electrocatalysts. Finally, keeping in mind the ultimate need for reversible fuel cells and metal-air batteries to sustain a renewable energy economy, it will be necessary to develop bi-functional electrodes that enable both
the oxygen reduction reaction and the oxygen evolution reaction. The final article in this issue addresses the current state of the art in reversible oxygen electrodes, the developing area of the dual functional catalyst layers that will be necessary to prepare such bifunctional electrodes, and the remaining challenges. We hope that this collection of articles provides the readership with an overview of the ongoing activities within the Energy Technology Division of ECS. © The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1149/2.F01152IF
About the Authors Andrew M. Herring is currently the the Vicechair of the Energy Technology Division of the ECS. Dr. Herring is a Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines where he has been working since 1995. He holds BSc and PhD degrees in Chemistry from the University of Leeds, and was a postdoctoral fellow at both Caltech and NREL before joining CSM. The Herring research group, http://chemeng.mines. edu/faculty/aherring/, is interested in energy research with a particular interest in electrochemical energy conversion using polymer electrolyte membranes. Both fundamental and device level studies of fuel cell and electrolyzer components are performed for a wide variety of fuels. Dr. Herring currently leads an ARO sponsored MURI developing next generation anion exchange membranes. He can be reached at
Vito Di Noto is a member of the executive committee of the Energy Technology Division of the ECS. Dr Di Noto is a full Professor of Chemistry for Energy and Solid State Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, Italy. He is an electrochemist with over 25 years of experience. Since 1992 he is the founder and the team leader of the Chemistry of Materials for the Metamorphosis and the Storage of Energy (CheMaMSE) group in Padova, DiNoto/index.html. His research activity is focused on the synthesis and studies on ion-conducting, and electrode materials for the development of batteries (Li, Mg, Na, Al and others), fuel cells (PEMFCs and AEMFCs), electrolysers, and redox flow batteries. Prof. Di Noto is author and co-author of over 220 publications and 20 patents. He may be reached at
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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VOL. 23, NO. 2 Summer 2014
IN THIS ISSUE 3 From the Editor:
Working With Stuff
9 From the President:
The Grandest Challenge of Them All
11 Orlando, Florida
ECS Meeting Highlights
36 ECS Classics–
Hall and Héroult and the Discovery of Aluminum Electrolysis
39 Tech Highlights 41 Twenty-Five Years of
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
43 Studying Electrocatalytic
Activity Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
47 Measuring Ions with
Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy
VOL. 23, NO. 2
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25 Years of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
53 Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale: The Force Dimension
61 Functional Electron
Microscopy for Electrochemistry Research: From the Atomic to the Micro Scale
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Leading the world in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology for more than 110 years
Applications of Fuel Cell Technology: Status and Perspectives by Jürgen Garche and Ludwig Jörissen
bout 175 years have passed since the invention of the fuel cell (FC) by Schoenbein und Grove,1 but up until now, only limited market penetration has occurred despite the potentially high energy conversion efficiency of FC technology. The very successful development of electrical generators and internal combustion engines (ICE) for cars and the challenges related to material selection and electrode kinetics led the promise of the fuel cell to almost sink into oblivion in the initial century or so since its invention. In the first half of the 20th century, there were isolated attempts to develop FCs, such as by Francis T. Bacon, who started his alkaline fuel cell (AFC) development in 1932 and presented a practical 5 kW system in 1959. In the same year, Harry K. Ihrig (Allis-Chalmers) demonstrated the first FC vehicle, a 15 kW AFC powered tractor (Fig. 1).
triggered a renaissance in FC development. Nearly all car manufacturers worldwide started FC-EV development programs after 1997, leading to a huge boost in the fundamental understanding and a concomitant lowering in cost. Today, FC costs are still considered too high for unsubsidized commercialization. Promising developments have taken place aside from light-duty road vehicle application; examples include FCs for residential combined heat and power (CHP), propulsion of forklifts, generation of backup power, and off grid and portable power. This large progress and optimistic attitude in the PEFC area was transferred also to other FC technologies although the technical overlap with the phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is low. The euphoric period created in the beginning of the new millennium, however, did not lead to wide market penetration of FC applications. Disillusionment followed almost till the end of the first decade of the 21st century. But subsequently, the large R&D efforts in place for two decades are bearing the first fruits as shown in Table I.
Table I. Market development 2009–2014 for different applications based on shipments (pieces) and power (MW). *Uncorrected Fuel Cell Today forecast from 2013 2 . Shipment by application Fuel Cell Today (as published) 1,000 Units
Transport Total
Megawatts by application Fuel Cell Today (as published) Fig. 1. 15 kW AFC-powered tractor of Allis-Chalmers. (From the National Museum of American History, Science Service Historical Images Collection, courtesy of Allis-Chalmers.)
In the 1960s and 1970s, FCs found application in the space program (AFC-Apollo, and polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC)-Gemini). However, this development occurred without substantial impact in the civil sector. Abundant availability of energy further stood against FC commercialization. Only with the first oil crisis in the beginning of 1970s, was energy efficiency again addressed, causing an increase of FC development activities in the years to follow. However, in spite of all these developmental activities, no commercial market was found for FCs. In the beginning of the 1990s, global environmental and resource problems as well as related legislation, such as the Clean Air Act and Zero Emission Mandates in California, drove the automotive industry to develop electric vehicles (EVs), also powered by FCs. In 1997, Daimler-Benz announced the commercial market introduction of FC-EVs for 2004. Although this date was considered to be about 10 years too early, its announcement
Megawatts Portable Stationary
Forecast 2012
Of the total fuel cell megawatts for 2014, the distribution mainly revolves around PEFC (~70 MW), MCFC (~70 MW), and SOFC (~32 MW).2 About 80% of the power was delivered by Fuel Cell Energy (FCE) and Bloom Energy for the stationary industrial market, Panasonic and Toshiba for the residential CHP market, and Plug Power for the material handling market. In 2013, worldwide fuel cell industry sales surpassed $1 billion for the first time, reaching $1.3 billion.3 As of 2015 more than 100,000 residential CHP-installations are operative in Japan.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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Garche and Jörissen
(continued from previous page)
Whereas the FC and H2 technology development was driven mainly by industry, these technologies are now included in national energy and environmental programs. Practically in all applications, FCs are competing with well-established technologies (heat engines, batteries, etc.). Because the costs of these competing technologies are determining the market accepted price, FCs initially will substitute the most expensive rival technologies.
Which Fuel Cell for Which Application? The working temperature (T) of the fuel cell, which is governed by the electrolyte, determines: • efficiency η: with increasing T the internal resistivity and polarization is decreased, which overcompensates the T-dependent voltage decrease • start-up time: time to reach the optimal operating temperature, which increases with increasing T • dynamic behavior: load changes lead to temperature changes and changes (expansions/contracions) in the stack material, resulting in mechanical stress, which gives rise to lifetime reduction. This is especially true in high temperature (HT) FCs with their ceramic components. These parameters give a first indication to the possible applications of FC technologies. For large stationary applications, we need systems with high efficiency; start-up time and load-following dynamics are a secondary consideration, and normally the MCFC or SOFC would be preferred. For mobile and portable applications, the primary parameters are short start-up time (even from temperatures below 0 °C) and high load-following dynamics, and hence here the PEFC is the system of choice. A further selection parameter for FC technology is the available fuel. From the electrochemical point of view, hydrogen is the best fuel as its direct reaction gives high system power density, but using hydrogen leads to logistic challenges in fuel supply. Therefore liquid fuels are preferable. Among liquid fuels, methanol reacts directly electrochemically at reasonable rates, however, with much lower power density than a direct hydrogen FC (<20% of H2). Most other liquid fuels, as well as natural gas (NG) must be converted via reforming to a H2-rich gas. However, due to a dense NG network, natural gas is widely available. The hydrocarbon reforming process produces catalyst poisons such as CO, which is thermally desorbed with increasing fuel cell operating temperature. So HT-FCs are less complex, given their easier fuel management.
Fuel Cell Applications Portable Applications
The definition of portable fuel cells is not very precise. A general definition is that portable FCs encompass those FCs designed to be moved, including auxiliary power units (APU) of lower power. The portable applications range in the power requirement from 25 W to about 5 kW. These FC applications are mostly not driven by energy efficiency (see Table 1), but rather by reduction of noise and emissions, and enhancement in device operating time. Military applications are a special field of portable FCs applications.4 Consumer applications4This market covers mainly the 4C applications (Computer, Cordless Phone, Camera, Cordless Tools). Power supplies for notebooks and mobile phones are based on DMFCs and H2-PEFCs in the power region of ~5 W and 75 W. Demonstrations for notebooks have been developed by Toshiba, NEC, Hitachi, Panasonic, Samsung, Sanyo and LG (50–250 cm³, 10–75 W mostly driven direct by methanol)5.
Up to now, there are no commercial products for 4C applications. Due to the tremendous progress achieved in Li-ion batteries (e.g., Panasonic NCR18650B, 691 WhL-1, 266 Whkg-1), it is difficult to see commercialization of FCs for the mobile computer market. Nevertheless, external chargers for low power electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablet computers etc., are currently on sale. Examples are the MiniPak Charger (Horizon), PowerTrekk (myFC), and Upp Fuel Cell (Intelligent Energy). These typically contain PEFCs: 2–5 W, 5 V USB, priced at $100–$230, weighing120–235 g, and are fueled by H2-catridges based on metal hydride (MH) and water activated NaSi. A portable liquid propane gas (LPG)-fueled micro-tubular SOFC (eZelleron) with a start-up time of <1 min and power density >0.3 kW/kg is also under development. In all these cases, devices based on Li-ion batteries are strong competitors due to their comparatively low cost. A 38 W-h Li-ion battery USB charger costs approximately $50, and has a weight of 272 g. Power Supply for Recreational Vehicles and Specialty Markets4These markets comprise long term power supply applications such as caravans, RVs, sailing boats, energy supply for remote sensor or relays stations etc., with restricted site access. Due to the enhanced functionality of the application, the current high prices of FC systems are acceptable. However, for these markets, the availability of a fuel that can be easily transported (such as methanol) or that is easily accessible worldwide (such as LPG) is important. SFC Energy AG has sold more than 31,000 DMFC systems (40 W, 72 W, and 105 W for approximately $2,800, $4,300, and $5,900 respectively), both for leisure and industrial applications. To avoid challenges related to gas processing, systems powered by LPG or higher alcohols frequently are based on high temperature PEFC technologies such as those developed by EnyMotion (EnyWare B500, 500 W using bio ethanol), Truma (VeGA, 250 W using LPG), or on SOFC technology such as the LPG-powered RP-20 system from Acumentrics (500 W, start-up time <1 h).
Stationary Applications Included in the stationary FC market are the core applications such as prime power, large CHP, residential CHP (resCHP), and uninterrupted power supply (UPS). Tri-generation systems are under development for heat, power, and cooling (via an added absorption chiller), particularly for areas where the thermal demand during the cold season is balanced by an almost equal cooling demand during the hot season.6 Furthermore, oxygen depleted air from the fuel cell exhaust can be used for fire prevention. A strong driver for several of the stationary applications is “resilience,” which reflects the ability of a system to absorb unexpected events (such as blackouts) via distributed power plants for grid stabilization and backup. The stationary FC sector represented >70 % of global FC revenue in 2014, and is expected to continue to lead the overall FC market in the coming years. According to a recent report from Navigant Research,7 annual shipments of stationary FCs will grow from nearly 40,000 in 2014 to 1.25 million in 2022 (CAGR = 51.7 %). Industrial Applications4The main applications for the industrial use of FCs are prime power, CHP, and tri-generation, mainly for new office builds, retail parks, hospitals, universities, or data centers. Because of the higher electrical efficiency of HT-FCs, MCFCs and SOFCs are usually used for such applications. PAFCs, PEFCs, and recently AFCs have been used to a lesser extent. Furthermore, the reduced gas reforming effort in HT-FCs allows using biogas from landfills, biomass, and digester sources to be used as fuel. Natural gas, however, is the dominant fuel. The prime power market of large stationary fuel cells is led by three players — Bloom Energy, FCE, and ClearEdge Power (now Doosan). MCFC — Fuel Cell Energy, based in the U.S., with its subsidiary, Fuel Cell Energy Systems (FCES) in Germany, and with its close relationship to POSCO (South Korea), is the main player in this market, delivering MCFC modules since 2007. Their main MCFC products are: DFC 300–300 kWel, DFC 1500–1,400 kWel, DFC
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
3000–2,800 kWel with ηel (LHV) = 47 ± 2% and ηtotal = 90%. FCE’s demand, whereas the SOFC works continuously. The Japanese targets production capacity for MCFCs will be soon 100 MW/annum. From are 1.4 million units by 2020 and 5.3 million units by 2030. The target 2015, POSCO, however, will produce modules by itself under license costs for CHP residential FC systems are around $1,000/kW. The sale prices are currently, however, much higher. Even in the longer run (by from FCE, at a planned capacity of 100 MW/annum. MCFC plants are in operation in more than 65 sites worldwide. 2020), it is projected that only $3,000–$5,000/kW will be achievable An 11.2 MW plant was installed at Daegu City (South Korea) and for 1–2 kW systems.10 a 14.9 MW plant in Connecticut (U.S.). The world’s largest FC plant (Fig. 2), a 59 MW facility, is being built in Hwasung City (South Korea), which is part of an upcoming 122 MW MCFC park. Additional large parks have been proposed for the Seoul region (230 MWel) and Pyeongtaek city (multihundred MWel). The cost to manufacture a MCFC plant today is approximately $2,500– $3,000/kWel with the goal being to to decrease it to $1,500/kWel by increasing the module lifetime to greater than five years and by lowering the cost of fuel processing. A quasi-stationary application of MCFCs is their installation on board ships. The EU Fellowship project is an example of this application, with a 2.8 MWe MCFC. SOFC — After SiemensWestinghouse stopped their activities at the end of the 2000s due to high costs (>$17,000/kW) and limited lifetime, only Bloom Energy is serving the market for large SOFC systems. The ES-5000, ES-5400, and ES-5700 systems were developed, generating FIG. 2. 59 MW Gyeonggi Green Energy fuel cell park in Hwasung City. (Courtesy of Fuel Cell Energy.) 100 kWel, 105 kWel, and 210 kWel respectively. All systems are based on a 1 kWel stack (40 cells of 25 Wel each) and ηel ≈ 50%. Specific system costs are between $7,000–$8,000/kW (@ Back-up and off-grid Power4FC systems for back-up and off100 kWel). In 2013, a 6 MW (30 Bloom 200 kWel systems) CHP plant grid applications are quite similar, with the exception of the fuel tank capacity; back-up systems for emergency use need lower fuel capacity. was opened at e-Bay’s data center in Utah (U.S.). PAFC8 — Based on the early ONSI PC 25 (200 kWel, ηel = 40 %, Back-up systems are used for areas as server banks, data centers, ηtotal = 84%, $4,000/kW), UTC developed the NG-powered 400 kWel telematics, traffic controls, tunnels, mines, hospitals, environmental PureCell system (ηtotal = 95%) in 2009. 4.8 MW plants were built by protection, pipelines, disaster control, IT, tele-communications, or combining 12 Pure Cell Systems for GS Power/Samsung (Anyang, signaling. In contrast to the competing battery technologies, FCs South Korea) and the World Trade Center (in NYC). In 2013, UTC decouple energy and power. Furthermore, they have a longer lifetime, was taken over by ClearEdge and subsequently by the Doosan Group lower service requirements, and lower operating costs than batteries in 2014. A further player is Fuji Electric, which has produced, since and do not suffer from self-discharge. Moreover, due to the short 2009, the FP-100i system (100 kWel, ηel = 40%, ηtotal = 87%, $13,000/ operating time of power backup systems, FC-durability issues are less kW) driven by NG or LPG. The annual production rate is on the order important compared to CHP-applications. Typical FC backup power units for telecom applications are in the of 2 MWel. Residential applications4Residential CHP units produce heat range of 2 to 10 kW. The fuel capacity on site of such applications and power mainly for single-family houses. In comparison to must be large enough to cover the required autonomous operation conventional CHP technologies (ICE, Sterling Engine) FC systems time, which can amount to several days of continuous operation. While lead to significant reductions in CO2-emissions (about 1–2.5 tons/ secondary batteries are providing a viable solution for autonomous annum/house).9 NG is primarily used as the fuel for residential CHP operating times less than 15 h, fuel cell systems require less installation applications. Both PEFCs (quick start-up, power modulation, direct space and are becoming more cost efficient for extended backup hot water) and SOFCs (high ηel, internal reforming, high temperature times since power generation and energy storage are decoupled. H2heat) are used for this application. PEFC systems are primarily used for backup power generation, while Japan is in a leading position in this domain, and market introduction reformate-fueled systems or DMFCs are preferred for off-grid power for residential CHP FC systems has already taken place. Worldwide, generation or in regions with frequent power outages. about 20 manufacturers are offering CHP systems in the power range Commercially available PEFC systems include units from Axane from 0.5–5 kW, having an electrical efficiency of 30–40% (PEFC) and (0.5–10 kW), Ballard (1.5–11 kW), Power Cell (3 kW), Electro 40–60% (SOFC) and ηtotal > 85%. The heat-to-power ratio amounts to Power Systems (1.5–10 kW), Heliocentris (1.2–20 kW), Horizon (0.1–25 kW), Hydrogenics (2–200 kW), and ReliOn-Plug Power (0.2– 2 (PEFC) and 0.5–1 (SOFC). The world’s most successful program for resCHPs is the Japanese 17.5 kW). Systems generating H2 on site from renewable sources and Ene-Farm project that started as far back as 1990. With the help of electrolyzers are also under development, with examples including government support, about 105,000 units (700–750 W each, ηtotal ≈ ElectroSelf TF (1.5–10 kW) and the MF-UEH Series (1–3 kW). 95%) have been installed by September 2014. PEFC units are operating (continued on next page) continuously and in transient mode, according to the buildings’ heat
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Garche and Jörissen
(continued from previous page)
Transportation The advantages of FC-based vehicle propulsion include zerodistributed emissions, and far greater well-to-wheels efficiency than ICE or battery vehicles. Compared to battery-EVs, the FC-EVs have a higher range and a shorter refueling time on the order of a few minutes. Because of the short start-up times and the highly dynamic load demand required in vehicle propulsion systems, PEFCs are used as the technology of choice. Despite the limited availability of filling stations, compressed hydrogen at 350 and 700 bar is the fuel of choice. On-board processing of liquid fuels such as methanol, LPG, gasoline, or diesel to yield hydrogen is deemed unfeasible for this application. The transportation application is mainly concentrated on passenger cars, buses, and material handling vehicles. There is also work on light traction vehicles (golf cars, wheel chairs, airport carts, etc.), bicycles, motorcycles, ships, airplanes, trams, and locomotives. PEFC technology powered by H2 and O2 has successfully been used in military submarines, allowing silent slow cruising for up to three weeks without surfacing. Cars4Passenger cars powered by fuel cells have successfully been demonstrated starting from 2004. Most of the initial development problems, such as start-up from sub-freezing temperatures and range, have been solved. Vehicles today have demonstrated about 3,000 hours (dependent on speed: 150–300 thousand kms) of operation. Start-stop operation and steep transient load cycling (leading to water management and gas transport problems) have primarily affected the lifetime of these FC systems.11 These and other durability issues are poised to be solved. High costs, however, are still a major problem despite significant cost reduction that has been achieved over the last few years. Cost calculations done under a DoE contract for a 80 kW PEFC systems under mass production (500,000 units/annum) amounted to $55/kW in 2014 and are expected to be $40/kW in 2020; the ultimate target cost is $30/kW.12 It was shown that the onset for strong cost reduction started at about 30,000 PEFC units. This is a high number for the market introduction phase. Therefore, car manufacturers are forming alliances to alleviate the burden (such as Daimler, Nissan, and Ford who will produce PEFC Stacks together from 2017 onwards). A number of automobile manufacturers are now launching fuel cell vehicles. In 2014, Hyundai started an innovative worldwide leasing program of their ix35 car. Toyota and Honda have launched FCEVs in 2015. The Toyota MIRAI FC-EV (described in the article by T. Yoshida and K. Kojima in this issue of Interface) has a 100 kW PEFC stack with a power density of 3 kW/liter (2 kW/kg), and is fueled by two 700 bar H2, tanks allowing a range of 650 km. The system is hybridized by a 1.6 kWh Ni-MH battery that is also used for regenerative braking.
The application of FCs in vehicles is among the most challenging applications from both the performance and cost perspectives. While the necessary performance has been demonstrated, the cost of the FC vehicles is still comparatively high; this is frequently attributed to the high cost of Pt. However, significant progress has been achieved in the recent past. In 2013, Toyota reported a total Pt demand of <30 g (compare against a catalytic converter at 4–7 g Pt)13 for a vehicle propulsion system. This would amount to less than 3% of the sales price foreseen in U.S. (about $57,500) or Europe (about $86,000). Bus4Transit buses are one of the best early transportation applications for FCs. Buses are highly visible. They operate in congested areas where reduction of air pollution is a key challenge. Operation of fuel cell powered buses is made easier since buses are centrally located and fueled. Furthermore, compared to passenger vehicles, there is more integration space available for the fuel cell system and for the H2 tanks. Their cost often is mitigated by government subsidies. The first concept buses were introduced in the early 1990s. Since 1994/1998 methanol-fueled transit buses (30 foot, 50 kW PAFC/40 foot, 100 kW PAFC) have been operated by Georgetown University. Given the faster start-up times and the swifter dynamics of the PEFC, the use of H2 as fuel is more practicable. In Europe the following bus demonstration programs have been carried out: Clean Urban Transport for Europe (CUTE) from 2003 to 2006 (27 Mercedes-Benz Citaro buses; 40 foot, 250 kW Ballard PEFC, 40 kg H2 compressed at 350 bar, range 200 km) and the HyFLEET:CUTE program from 2006 to 2009 (47 H2-buses, of which 14 were H2-ICE buses). Additionally, bus programs have been demonstrated in Perth, Beijing, and Iceland. Other efforts have included 3 Gillig buses in California, a 20-bus program started in Whistler in 2009, and a 10-bus program in Hamburg in 2010. Currently, Clean Hydrogen in European Cities (CHIC), a major FC-bus demonstration project, is underway in Europe. The suppliers of the FC buses are currently APTS (60 foot, 125 kW PEFC), EvoBus (40 foot, 120 kW PEFC), Van Hool (43 foot, 150 kW PEFC), Wrightbus/ Bluways (40 foot, 75 kW PEFC), and New Flyer (41 foot, 150 kW PEFC). Despite technical success, cost remains a key challenge. A 40 foot FC bus costs $1.5–$2.0 million, compared to an equivalent diesel bus at about $350,000. The U.S. National Fuel Cell Bus Program (NFCBP) set a cost target of $600K for a FC bus in 2006–2012. Costs ranging around $400K–$600K are expected for 2018–2022, mainly driven by manufacturing breakthroughs and high-volume manufacturing. Material handling systems4In transportation applications, the greatest commercial activity has occurred in the materials handling segment, where there is a strong business case for FC use in place of the incumbent technology, lead acid batteries. Forklifts are a key target application. Lower operating costs (FCs at $1,100/year versus batteries at $ 8,750/year) resulting from shorter refueling
Fig. 3. Market share development of different electric vehicles (BEV: Battery EV; FCEV: Fuel Cell EV; HEV: Hybrid EV; REEV: Range extender EV) in relation to the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) for three CO2 emission cap scenarios in 2050.14 (Coutesy of McKinsey.)
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
time compared to battery changing (FC 4–6 min/day, battery 45–60 minutes/day) are key drivers for this application. Furthermore, two batteries (one working, one to be charged) as opposed to only one FC are needed for each forklift. In 2013 approximately 4,000 FC vehicles were operated in the U.S. in large warehousing and distribution centers. The FC systems were mostly produced by Plug Power, Inc. Both are in the demonstration phase. PlugPower offers PEFC systems called Gendrive rated at 3 kW to 14 kW for different applications (e.g., lift trucks, pallet trucks, tow tractors, automated guided vehicles), with an installed fuel capacity of 0.7–3.4 kg H2 at a pressure of 350 bar. The success of fuel cell-powered forklifts and lift trucks in the U.S. has led to several small demonstration projects in Europe, including the HyLIFT-DEMO and HyLIFT-EUROPE projects, co-funded by the FCH JU.
Outlook Fuel cell technology has proven its technical viability in several domains of application such as CHP, remote and backup power generation, and vehicle propulsion. Challenges in terms of adequate power density have successfully been addressed, as have durability issues specific to most applications. But costs relative to incumbent technologies are still too high. A considerable further R&D effort is needed to lower costs. The intensity of industry-promoted R&D is crucially dependent on how various governments support the market introduction of FC technologies by providing favorable regulations with respect to emission control and the use of energy resources, even without providing direct subsidies. As an example, the consequences of legislative action to the vehicle fleet can be seen from Fig. 3. It is obvious in this case that only strict regulations (≤10 g CO2/km) leads to a strong FC-EV and battery-EV market in 2050. © The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1149/2.F02152IF
About the Authors Jürgen Garche has been involved with fuel cell and battery R&D since 1970. He started his electrochemical career at Dresden University of Technology (TUD), where he received his PhD (1970) and took his habilitation (1980). From the TUD he moved 1991 to the Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Division of ZSW in Ulm. Since 1993 he headed that division which is dealing with R&D and testing of materials, accumulators and fuel cells (PEFC, DMFC, and MCFC). In 2004 he was retired and founded the Fuel Cell and Battery (FCBAT) Consulting Office Ulm. He published more than 300 papers, patents and books and is the editor-in-chief of the five volumes Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources. He may be reached at
References 1. U. Bossel, The Birth of the Fuel Cell: 1835–1845: Including the First Publication of the Complete Correspondence from 1839 to 1868 between Christian Friedrich Schoenbein (discoverer of the Fuel Cell Effect) and William Robert Grove (inventor of the Fuel Cell), European Fuel Cell Forum, Oberrohrdorf (2000). 2. D. Hart, F. Lehner, R. Rose, and J. Lewis, The Fuel Cell Industry Review 2014, (accessed March 19, 2015). 3. 2013 Fuel Cell Technologies Market Report, U.S. Department of Energy, FC Technologies Office, downloads/2013-fuel-cell-technologies-market-report (accessed March 21, 2015). 4. T. Thampan, D. Shah, C. Cook, J. Novoa, and S. Shah, J. Power Sources, 259, 276 (2014). 5. Y.-R. Cho, M.-S. Hyan, and D.-H Jung, in Mini-Micro Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and Applications, S. Kakaç, A. Pramuanjaroenkij, and L. L. Vasilʹev , Editors, p. 291, Springer, The Netherlands (2008). 6. M. Badami and A. Portoraro, Energ. Buildings, 41, 1195 (2009). 7. Stationary Fuel Cells, Fuel Cells for Prime Power, Large CHP, Residential CHP, and UPS Applications: Global Market Analysis and Forecasts, Navigant Research, http://www.navigantresearch. com/research/stationary-fuel-cells 8. N. H. Beling, Fuel Cells: Current Technology Challenges and Future Research Needs, p. 53, Elsevier Ltd., Oxford (2012). 9. T. Elmer, M. Worall, Sh.Wu, and S. B. Riffat, Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 42, 913 (2015). 10. I. Staffell and and R. Green, Int. J. Hydrogen Ener., 38, 1088 (2013). 11. P. Pei and H. Chen, Appl. Energ., 125, 60 (2014). 12. DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office Record 14012: Fuel Cell System Cost – 2013, doe-fuel-cell-technologies-office-record-14012-fuel-cellsystem-cost-2013, (accessed March 22, 2015). 13. Fuel Cell Today, 06 Nov 2013, analysis/analyst-views/2013/13-11-06-the-cost-of-platinum-infuel-cell-electric-vehicles, (accessed March 24, 2015). 14. Electric Vehicles in Europe: Gearing up for a New Phase?, Amsterdam Roundtable Foundation and McKinsey & Company, April 2014.
Ludwig Jörissen is currently head of the department Fuel Cell Fundamentals at the solar and hydrogen energy research center (ZSW) in Ulm, Germany which he joined in 1990. His research focusses on PEM fuel cells and electrically rechargeable metal-air batteries. He received a doctorate in physical chemistry from the University of Ulm in 1987. Subsequently, he spent a post-doctoral fellowship sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at the Institute of Physical and Chemical research (RIKEN) in Wako-Shi, Japan. He can be reached at
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 • 1
Toyota MIRAI Fuel Cell Vehicle and Progress Toward a Future Hydrogen Society by Toshihiko Yoshida and Koichi Kojima
n anticipation of the diversification of primary energy resources A New Concept in Flow Field Structure such as oil, natural gas, coal, electricity, and renewable resources, Toyota launched the Prius Hybrid vehicle in 1997 and has also A conventional flow field is made up of a rib and channel made available Electric Vehicle (EV) and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle architecture. The rib contacts against and presses into the gas diffusion (PHV) versions to improve fuel consumption efficiency and reduce layer (GDL) on the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to reduce exhaust gas emissions as compared to conventional combustion-engine contact resistance. However, the rib partially covers the GDL and the vehicles. Moreover, Toyota has developed a Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) resultant gas-transport distance become longer than the inter-channel and regards a sustainable society as the future energy scenario. In such distance. Thus, the width of the rib results in lower V-I performance.2 a scenario, the energy supply relies not only on fossil fuels, but also on The contact pressure between the GDL and the rib also compresses the environment-friendly renewable resources. Electricity and hydrogen GDL, making its thickness non-uniform across the rib and channel. are used as energy carriers in a common idealized infrastructure in This thinner portion of the GDL experiences higher water saturation.3,4 the sustainable society, as shown in Fig. 1. Toyota believes hydrogen As a result, the product water remains in the GDL at the rib position. will be a leading energy carrier and has just started sales of the MIRAI Consequently, oxygen transport is compromised, leading to nonFCV, introduced with an affordable price (approximately 7 million uniform power generation in the FC. Using sintered metal foam as the Japanese yen or $57,500), in December 2014. Toyota’s FCV development Electricity started in 1992, with the Fuel Thermal storage power facilities Cell Hybrid Vehicle (FCHV), generation which was first leased in 2002. EVs/PHVs Three big technical issues were addressed over several years: Electricity Grid the cruising range was increased Industry Urban/ Wind power Renewable Fossil Fuels residential to more than 500 km, cold start Energy was enabled from −30 °C, and HVs refueling times were lowered to about 3 minutes.1 This led Photovoltaic generation Hydrogen-Electricity to the FCHV-adv being leased Conversion in 2008, with around 100 cars Power generation units Electrolysis tested worldwide. A FC bus was Biomass Urban/ developed with Hino Motor Ltd, Chemical residential plants with field-testing beginning with Hydrogen Refineries/chemical plants tanks a Tokyo city route bus in 2003 Hydrogen Grid High-volume, and subsequent demonstration Energy Flow long-term storage tests conducted on many routes Electricity FCVs/FC buses Wastewater in Japan. Toyota made use of Hydrogen Urban/ residential the customers’ experiences of Fossil fuels Automotive fuel the FCHV-adv and the FC bus to help guide the design of the MIRAI FCV. The MIRAI retains Figuresociety, 1. Sustainable a society whichwith uses diverse Fig. 1. Sustainable a society thatSociety, uses diverse energy sources, electricity andenergy hydrogensources, infrastructures. FCHV-adv’s excellent qualities with electricity and hydrogen infrastructures of zero emissions, large cruising range, cold start, and short refueling time, with further improvements flow field alleviates the above issues. The contact width with the GDL towards quiet operation and better acceleration. A power supply is now small enough not to impede gas transportation significantly. function is also added for emergency use. Currently, overcoming The product water in the GDL is adsorbed by the hydrophilic metal the cost hurdle to bring FCVs to commercial reality is of paramount foam, thus homogenizing the oxygen transport and resulting in power importance. This paper presents new technologies introduced to being generated uniformly, with an anticipated higher power output. reduce cost and improve performance as steady progress is made At the same time however, the metal foam flow field causes a higher towards a hydrogen society. pressure drop, retains water, and the material quality distribution results in a higher cost.
(continued on next page)
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Yoshida and Kojima
A 3-D fine mesh flow field (shown in Fig. 2) was developed to overcome these issues and this architecture achieves higher V-I behavior and power stability. The metal plate is manufactured in a steric conformation (three-dimensional structure) so as to promote airflow towards the GDL and gas transport to the cathode catalyst layer. Flow-field structures on both sides are optimized and treated to render them hydrophilic. The generated water is quickly drawn out through the flow field, preventing accumulation within the pores. Thus, power generation from this flow field is uniform across the cross-section. The novel flow-field structure provides added pathways for gas flow. The flow-field structure is designed to decrease airflow toward the GDL near the air inlet, and cathode drying is mitigated by the removal of the system humidifier.
(continued from previous page)
A New Catalyst Layer, Separator and Stack
Figure 2. MIRAI cell and 3D fine mesh flow filed.
Fig. 2. MIRAI cell and 3-D fine mesh flow filed.
Fig. 3. Current-Voltage curve of 2008 model and MIRAI.
The oxygen reduction reaction activity in the MIRAI has been enhanced by a factor of 1.8 over the 2008 FCV model via optimization of the composition of the PtCo catalyst. In the previous generation of FCVs, the conventional hollow carbon support did not allow for full utilization of the Pt, as the Pt was often located inside the support pores. Herein, the hollow carbon support was replaced with a solidcore type support, and Pt utilization was thereby improved. The 3-D fine mesh flow-field, new PtCo catalyst, and a reduction in membrane thickness lowered gas transport, activation, and electronic resistances, respectively, resulting in dramatic improvements in performance. The current density of the MIRAI fuel cell is 2.4 times larger compared to the 2008 model, as shown in Fig. 3. This improvement enabled downsizing of the cell and less usage of expensive materials, resulting in significant cost reduction. In addition, the original stainless steel, SUS316L, that had been used in the 2008 model as the separator was replaced with titanium. This resulted in a lower amount of metal ion-impurities dissolving from the separator plates and interfering with the performance of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) in the FC stack. This development also removed the need for the gold coating on the plates (required with steel to provide a corrosion-resistant surface and to provide an electrically conductive contact). To reduce the corrosion of Ti and to avoid formation of its highly electrically resistive oxide layer, a carbon coating, π-Conjugated Amorphous Carbon (PAC), was applied. The change from stainless steel to Ti resulted in cost reductions and increased durability. Figure 4 shows the stack configuration and performance. In addition to the above aspects, the stack fastening method was also changed from a constant-pressure fastening that
Figure 3. Current-Voltage curve of 2008model and MIRAI
2008 model fuel cell stack
New fuel cell stack (MIRAI)
200 cells ×dual-line stacking = 400 cells
2.2 times better volume power density
370 cells
Constant pressure fastening
Single-line stacking
Constant distance fastening
Maximum Power Volumetric power density Cell number of cells thickness of cell flow channel
2008 FC –advanced 90kW 1.4kW/L, 0.83kW/kg 400 cells, dual line stack 1.68mm straight channel
Fig. 4. Stacks performance of 2008 model and MIRAI.
MIRAI FC stack 114kW 3.1kW/L, 2.0kW/kg 370 cells, single line stack 1.34mm 3D fine-mesh flow field
Figure 4. stacks performance of 2008model and MIRAI 46 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
was applied using a spring in the 2008 model to a constant-distance fastening in the MIRAI, to further reduce cost. Such accumulated improvements have made the stack more compact and yielded a volumetric power density of 3.1 kW/L.
The Hydrogen Tank Carbon fiber accounts for a large portion of a high-pressure hydrogen tank and so a reduction the tank unit price through improved usage of carbon fiber is essential. Expensive high-grade carbon fiber, airplane grade, was adopted in the 2008 model. To reduce cost, the manufacturer has committed to reinforcing the less expensive generalpurpose carbon-fiber strength in order to move it closer to airplane grade performance. Figure 5 shows the tank structure and the carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) winding method. The high-pressure hydrogen tank is made up of a plastic liner, CFRP from the inner to the outer layer, and bosses at the two ends. The plastic liner and innermost layer encapsulate hydrogen gas, and the CFRP inner layer bears the high pressure of 70 MPa. Three kinds of CFRP winding configuration were used in combination: low-angle helical winding is principally applied to the dome section, high-angle helical winding to the boundary section, and hoop winding to the cylindrical section. CFRP was partially wound in a portion of the dome section using a highangle helical configuration, however, this configuration bore only 1/6th of the stress compared to the boundary section and accounted for 25% of the total amount of CFRP in the 2008 model tank. In the MIRAI, the tank is newly designed to remove the high-angle helical winding in the boundary section by revising the liner structure in terms of flattening the rounded portion of the boundary section, along with winding the CFRP in a higher-strength hoop configuration. This revision achieved a total reduction of 20% in the amount of CFRP in the tank of the MIRAI, which allowed a hydrogen storage capacity of 5.7 wt-% (hydrogen weight/total weight of tank system). Along with the above development, system control optimization
allowed for a hydrogen-fuel-consumption improvement of 20% and a concomitant reduction in the number of tanks from four tanks in the 2008 model to two distinct dimensional tanks in the MIRAI; this ensured that the hydrogen storage tanks did not impact cabin space in the MIRAI sedan.
Streamlining of the FC System The FC system was streamlined to reduce cost. The humidifier was removed in the MIRAI system as shown in Fig. 6. The retention of an adequate amount of water is required for membrane hydration and good FC performance. The humidifier exchanges the humidity of the inlet air with that of the exhaust. It was thought that the removal of the humidifier would result in dry air and a dehydrated membrane, thus reducing FC performance and deteriorating the membrane’s mechanical properties.5-7 To alleviate this scenario, a design with internal humidification was implemented using a counter flow cell, where the wet gas at the end of the air flow field humidified the dry gas at the inlet to the hydrogen flow field via water transport across the membrane. The humidified hydrogen stream transported the water across the cell, where excess water was again transported through the membrane to humidify the dry air inlet. To realize internal humidification, a 1/3rd thinner membrane relative to the 2008 model was employed to facilitate the diffusion of water. Moreover, the hydrogen gas flow rate was increased, and cooling water was used to lower the temperature at the entrance of the air flow field (making humidification easier).
Leveraging Mass-Produced Parts While the initial FCV sales are not sufficiently large to reduce the cost of the FCV through mass-production, HV system parts, on the other hand, are already mass produced. Thus, utilization of these parts should be attractive for FCV cost reduction. The Toyota HV system (continued on next page)
Figure 5. Tank structure and CFRP winding method
Fig. 5. Tank structure and CFRP winding method. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Yoshida and Kojima
(continued from previous page)
uses a maximum voltage of 650 V, and only becomes applicable to the FCV system on the condition that the FC voltage is boosted to the HV system voltage. Thus, a DC-DC boost converter was newly installed in the MIRAI instead of the direct connection between the motor inverter and FC stack in the 2008 model. This modification now allows mass-produced HV parts to be leveraged in the MIRAI FCV.
Towards a Hydrogen Society
Future FCV Technologies and Infrastructure Even with the above improvements and cost reductions, the MIRAI price is still higher than that of a typical family car; further cost reduction is required for widespread adoption of the FCV. An improved PtCo/C catalyst is applied in the MIRAI, but the amount of Pt in the catalyst is still not low enough. Higher specific activity (SA) and lower electrochemical surface area (ECSA) or higher Pt utilization in the catalyst with roughly equal ECSA and SA compared to existing catalysts are being explored, for example, using Pt nano-frame and core-shell catalysts, respectively.8,9 Modeling and simulation are expected to improve the associated issues.10-12 At the same time, non-noble metal catalysts, oxide catalysts, and carbon alloys are being actively researched.13,14 The Pt loading in the anode catalyst layer is also expected to be reduced after Pt reduction is realized at the cathode. For the perfluorinated membrane and the GDL, the chemistry and processes for manufacturing are nearly fixed, and cost reductions will come with scale. FC durability has been and will be mitigated by operational optimization. For example, the Pt dissolution that causes the ECSA reduction is minimized through the use of current operation with slow sweep rates and upper and lower voltage limits.15,16 Technology for efficient exhaust heat management is still required. The PEMFC is usually operated at around 60 to 80 °C, whereas the conventional ICE vehicle is operated at around 110 °C. This smaller temperature gap between the FC and the ambient air requires a bigger radiator size when the FCV is driven at maximum power. Hightemperature operation would increase the rate of heat rejection from the radiator, and so high-temperature operation is a candidate among
2008 model
Toyota has announced the royalty-free use of approximately 5,680 fuel cell related patents until the end of 2020, including critical technologies developed for the new Toyota MIRAI17. Bob Carter, Senior Vice President of Automotive Operations at Toyota Motor Sales, USA Inc., has summarized this initiative, “The first generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, launched between 2015 and 2020, will be critical, requiring a concerted effort and unconventional collaboration between automakers, government regulators, academia, and energy providers. By eliminating traditional corporate boundaries, we can speed the development of new technologies and move into the future of mobility more quickly, effectively, and economically.” Such a collaborative approach will certainly hasten the commercialization of FCVs across the world. © The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1149/2.F03152IF
About the Authors Toshihiko Yoshida is a Project General Manager in the Fuel Cell System Engineering & Development Division, R&D Group at Toyota Motor Corporation and holds Bachelors and Doctorate Degrees in Chemical Engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He has investigated Photo Galvanic Cells, Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells, and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. He was a principal investigator on a National Project on SOFCs for five years. He has led the
New System
Small amount of back-diffusion water
Thinner Membrane
H2 supply
Electrolyte membrane
Removal Volume -15L Weight -13kg
H2 in
Air/H2 counter flow and increase H2 circulation To transport product vapor to down stream (Air upstream)
H2 recycle pump
H2 out
Promote diffusion
Air out
Internal Circulation
External Circulation
Wet Air
many solutions to keep radiator size low. Technologies to reduce exhaust heat have not yet received much attention. In terms of infrastructure, it is imperative to establish and operate hydrogen-fueling stations through the initial market introduction period of the FCV. To help with this aspect, not only have governments made plans to subsidize the establishment and operation of these fueling stations, but also Toyota, Nissan, and Honda have announced partial financial support for the operation of hydrogen stations in Japan.
transported vapor Humidifies Air upstream
Dry Air in
CCL increases in Air upstream
To keep lower temperature and to suppress water evaporation
Air Compressor
Figure 6 Humidifier removal and Adoption of internal circulation
Fig. 6. Humidifier removal and adoption of internal circulation. 48
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
effort to develop materials, MEAs, and cell configurations for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells since 2001. His current research focus is on advanced PEMFC technology, including membranes and catalysts. Koichi Kojima is a Project General Manager in the Fuel Cell System Engineering & Development Division, R&D Group at Toyota Motor Corporation and previously held the position of General Manager in the Fuel Cell System Development Division and Fuel Cell System Engineering Division from 2005 to 2014. He was one of the longest-tenured General Mangers at Toyota Motor Corporation. He holds bachelors and masters degrees from the Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan. He joined Toyota Motor Corporation in 1981 and has engaged in material development relating to ceramics, exhaust gas catalysts, batteries, and hydrogen storage.
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7. Tomoaki Uchiyama, Hideyuki Kumei, and Toshihiko Yoshida, “Catalyst layer cracks by buckling deformation of membrane electrode assemblies under humidity cycles and mitigation methods,” J. Power Sources, 238, 403 (2013). 8. Chen Chen, Yijin Kang, Ziyang Huo, Zhongwei Zhu, Wenyu Huang, Huolin L. Xin, Joshua D. Snyder, Dongguo Li, Jeffrey A. Herron, Manos Mavrikakis, Miaofang Chi, Karren L.More, Yadong Li, Nenad M. Markovic, Gabor A. Somorjai, Peidong Yang, and Vojislav R. Stamenkovic, “Highly Crystalline Multimetallic Nanoframes with Three-Dimensional Electrocatalytic Surfaces,” Science, 343, 1339 (2014). 9. J. Zhang, F. H. B. Lima, M. H. Shao, K. Sasaki, J. X. Wang, J. Hanson, and R. R. Adzic, “Platinum Monolayer on Nonnoble Metal-Noble Metal Core-Shell Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts for O2 Reduction,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 22701 (2005). 10. Norimitsu Takeuchi and Thomas F. Fuller, “Modeling and Investigation of Carbon Loss on the Cathode Electrode during PEMFC Operation,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, B135 (2010). 11. Shinji Jomori, Nobuaki Nonoyama, and Toshihiko Yoshida, “Analysis and modeling of PEMFC degradation: Effect on oxygen transport,” J. Power Sources, 215, 18 (2012). 12. Adam Z.Weber, Rodney L. Borup, Robert M. Darling, Prodip K. Das, Thomas J. Dursch, Wenbin Gu, David Harvey, Ahmet Kusoglu, Shawn Litster, Matthew M. Mench, Rangachary Mukundan, Jon P. Owejan, Jon G. Pharoah, Marc Secanell, and Iryna V. Zenyuk, “A Critical Review of Modeling Transport Phenomena in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells,” J. Electrochem. Soc, 161, F1254 (2014). 13. Shotaro Doi, Akimitsu Ishihara, Shigenori Mitsushima, Nobuyuki Kamiya, and Ken-ichiro Ota, “Zirconium-Based Compounds for Cathode of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 154, B362 (2007). 14. Takashi Ikeda, Mauro Boero, Sheng-Feng Huang, Kiyoyuki Terakura, Masaharu Oshima, and Jun-ichi Ozaki, “Carbon Alloy Catalysts: Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 14706 (2008). 15. R. M. Darling and J. P. Meyer, “Kinetic Model of Platinum Dissolution in PEMFCs,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 150, A1523 (2003). 16. Toshihiko Yoshida, “Development of MEA for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell,” TOYOTA Technical Review, 57(2), 46 (2011). 17. +ces+2015.htm.
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia: A Low Pressure, Low Temperature Approach* by Julie N. Renner, Lauren F. Greenlee, Andrew M. Herring, and Katherine E. Ayers
bout half of the people on this planet exist because of the human mastery of nitrogen.1 The earth’s soil and natural processes simply could not support seven billion people without modern chemistry enabling the production of reactive nitrogen compounds from stubbornly inert nitrogen gas. All biological processes depend on nitrogen. It is an essential component of chlorophyll, proteins, and genetic material. For millions of years, plants have relied on natural mineralization, nitrogen fixing bacteria, or animal waste as their source of more reactive nitrogen in the soil. Over this past century, however, the plants we eat have increasingly relied on chemically synthesized fertilizers to keep up with demand. In fact, nearly half of the nitrogen in our bodies may have originated in a factory2 — where we have bent this inert gas to our own human wills. The story of how we came to “make bread from air” demonstrates how science and engineering can respond to a large societal problem, and impact the entire globe for the coming centuries. In the mid 1800s, mining of fertilizers became more common as demand increased. Explorers even went searching for guano deposits, large quantities of sun-baked avian excrement full of nitrogen and phosphorous. This “white gold” became so important agriculturally that it was mentioned in U.S. President Millard Fillmore’s 1850 State of the Union Address, and in 1856 the U.S. Congress passed the Guano
Island Act.3 The guano industry eventually fell to more reliable nitrate salt deposit mining. By the end of the century, scientists had raised the alarm about an impending societal problem — the increasingly large demand for nitrogen compounds and the limited supply.4 Scientists began attempting to fix atmospheric nitrogen, resulting in the industrialization of various processes in the early 1900s. In 1909, Fritz Haber demonstrated the feasibility of his technique, producing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gas at high temperatures and pressures over a catalyst. Carl Bosch transformed this benchscale demonstration into an unprecedented industrial process as an engineer at BASF, resulting in commercial production in 1913.5 Ultimately known as the Haber-Bosch process, it rose to be the most economical way to manufacture fertilizer, and remains so today. This process earned both men a Nobel Prize and enabled exponential world population growth, shown in Fig. 1. Today, the Haber-Bosch process involves the heterogeneous reaction of nitrogen (N2) obtained from air, and hydrogen (H2) obtained from fossil fuels. The process occurs at high pressure (150–300 atm) and high temperature (400–500 °C) over an iron-based catalyst. It is one of the most impactful developments in human history, but it comes at a price. Converting the highly inert N2 to fertilizer is energy intensive, and accounts for about ~1% of the world’s annual energy consumption.6 In addition, the fossil fuel reforming of natural gas (continued on next page)
Fig. 1. Historical estimates of world population (source: U.S. Census Bureau), and the exponential population growth occurring shortly after fertilizer mining and manufacturing practices began to increase.
*Contribution of NIST, an agency of the U.S. government; not subject to copyright in the United States. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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to hydrogen results in substantial carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. According to the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory, total CO2 emissions from ammonia production were 10.2 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents in 2013, accounting for ~3% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.7 Additional emissions are incurred because of the need to transport the ammonia from a large centralized plant. The extreme conditions and pre- and post-processing steps combined with the low equilibrium conversion (~15%), which requires gas-recycling, makes these facilities highly capital intensive. These centralized plants are installed at a cost of more than $1 billion per plant, inhibitive for some countries that need fertilizer. As fossil fuels dwindle, and concerns rise over increasing greenhouse gas emissions, more sustainable and economical ammonia production methods will be required to support growing world demand for fertilizer.
The Electrochemical Production of Ammonia One alternative approach to solve the ammonia problem is to use electricity to drive the ammonia production reaction, decreasing the need for high pressure and heat,8-10 and reducing energy demand. The concept of using electricity to drive nitrogen reactions and fertilizer production is not new. As early as 1901, Bradley and Lovejoy were attempting to pass electrical sparks though the air to make nitric acid on a commercial scale.11 However, the electricity costs proved to be too high and their process was abandoned. Today, methods exist to more efficiently utilize the energy input for an electrochemical process. Recently, a multi-scale simulation model found that energy consumption of an electrolytic process could easily match the HaberBosch process.10 The intrinsic design of electrochemical systems allows oxidation and reduction reactions to be separated, enabling a wider range of chemistries,12 and potentially more selective catalysts that can be used for each reaction. This flexibility in chemistries and catalysts may eliminate the need to use highly purified inlet streams, allowing air to be the nitrogen source.13,14 A successful electrolytic ammonia process would enable a new nitrogen fertilizer industry based on networks of distributed-scale, near-point-of-use production plants, as illustrated in Fig. 2. This electrically driven process is compatible with intermittent operation and enables utilization (and monetization) of renewable electricity without the need for transmission capacity expansion. To the extent that renewable electricity is utilized to drive the process, CO2
emissions would be eliminated from the production step, and further reduction of emissions would be realized through the reduced need for ammonia transport. Since electrochemical technology based on flow cells is highly scalable, products could support a range of small to mid-sized farms, or could be designed on a larger scale to distribute ammonia locally for multiple farms. As megawatt (MW)scale electrolysis systems are already becoming a reality at companies such as Proton OnSite, localized ammonia production at relevant scales is not hard to envision. There is also a natural synergy in using distributed wind power for fertilizer production. In the U.S. Plains and Upper Midwest, excess wind production capacity, transmission limitations, and high regional demand for N-fertilizers combine to create excellent economic drivers for this technology. Additionally, there are many other industrial uses for ammonia besides agricultural fertilizers. Ammonia is used to synthesize a variety of chemicals including urea, nitric acid and pharmaceutical compounds. It is also important in emissions capture as well as refrigeration, and could be used in a fuel cell for electricity generation. This flexibility in use makes ammonia an attractive renewable energy storage option. Despite these potential advantages, only a few major studies have been conducted on electrochemical ammonia generation devices to date. Some groups are leveraging oxide conductors13,15-17 for electrochemical production of ammonia, and others are using proton conductors. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) materials are well established and have been recently incorporated into a number of ammonia synthesis devices.18-23 In addition, the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) in Grand Forks North Dakota has also some highly relevant work in this area, with demonstration of large reductions in energy usage by using an integrated acid-based electrochemical-thermal ammonia production process that operates at a reaction temperature of 200–400 °C.24 Work at elevated temperatures (200 °C) has also been conducted using nanoscale Fe2O3 in molten hydroxide and basic electrolyte.13,17 While the work to date is incredibly promising for the advancement of electrolytic ammonia production, two major problems arise: high temperatures and acidic environments. High temperatures make the process less practical for consumer use, or rapid intermittent operation with renewable energy. In addition, the acidic environments require costly materials of construction compared to a basic environment and severely limit the options for catalyst materials, potentially eliminating many highly active and selective catalysts from the design. While PEMs have shown extremely long lifetimes and fast ion transport in other electrochemical applications, ammonia is a weak base, and it is expected that it will react with acidic membranes to reduce proton conductivity18 and, speculatively, membrane lifetime. In contrast, using alkaline chemistry reduces the membrane reactivity with ammonia, enables low-cost materials of construction, and allows the utilization of a wider array of low-cost and active catalysts. For these reasons, alkaline exchange membranes (AEMs) are an attractive alternative to PEMs for electrochemical ammonia synthesis.
An Alkaline Exchange Membrane-based Ammonia Generation Device
Fig. 2. High regional demand for fertilizers co-located with large renewable resources makes electrochemical technology an attractive option for distributed ammonia production. (Images courtesy of satit_srihin and supakitmod at, 2015). 52
State of the art AEMs have ionic conductivities comparable to commercially available PEMs; even though the hydroxide anion is twice the size of a hydrated proton, structure diffusion can be extremely fast in these systems.25 In addition, AEM materials are generally stiffer and easier to handle than PEM materials of similar thickness, allowing thinner AEMs and offsetting the lower conductance. The use of less raw material also results in less costly membranes. Recently, AEMs have been successfully demonstrated in ammonia fuel cells,26-28 but there is no significant published work on AEM utilization
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
for ammonia synthesis to date. Collaborative work between Proton OnSite, Lauren Greenlee at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Andrew Herring at Colorado School of Mines (CSM) was conducted to show ammonia could be produced in an AEM-based device. Figure 3 shows the schematic of the electrochemical cell developed. The feed gas stream is humidified air fed to the cathode, where N2 and water (H2O) combine with electrons to form hydroxide (OH−) and NH3. The key enabler in the device is the AEM which selectively conducts OH− to the anode where the ions form O2 and H2O, and enable the advantageous basic cell Fig. 3. Schematic for an AEM-based ammonia production cell. environment. The end result is an ammonia enriched air stream depleted of small amount of N2 and H2O. Catalyst coated gas diffusion layers (GDLs) serve as the electrodes for the device, forming a gas diffusion electrode (GDE). This electrode approach allows a variety of cathode materials to be explored without using high heat to bond the electrode to the temperature-sensitive AEM material.
The Need for Selective Catalysts A primary challenge for the development of AEM-based lowtemperature ammonia technology is the lack of catalyst materials that are optimized for both activity and selectivity. The field of catalyst development for electrochemical ammonia synthesis is small but growing, with ammonia production demonstrated on a variety of electrode materials from precious metals such as platinum18 and ruthenium9,29 to non-precious metal-based copper, iron, and nickel materials.20,30,31 Most recently, Licht and co-authors demonstrated significantly higher ammonia production rates and faradaic efficiencies in a molten hydroxide electrolyte cell with a nano-Fe2O3 catalyst and at slightly elevated temperatures (105 °C–200 °C).13,18 Initial theoretical modeling efforts by Howalt, Skúlason and co-authors32,33 (Fig. 4, volcano plot representation of theoretical predictions) suggested that while ruthenium may be optimal for nitrogen reduction, several nonprecious metals such as iron, nickel, and cobalt might be useful especially in combination. These predictions certainly support initial experimental results cited herein. However, the theoretical modeling also points out a key issue: all of the metals examined fall within the region where hydrogen atoms will preferentially adsorb over nitrogen atoms. In other words, hydrogen evolution from water electrolysis will preferentially occur instead of ammonia synthesis. This conclusion from theoretical predictions provides a primary explanation for the observed low faradaic efficiencies (typically less than 1%, apart from results reported by Licht and co-authors); most of the catalytic activity of the metal catalyst is going towards hydrogen evolution instead of nitrogen reduction. Licht and co-authors13,17 conducted a series of experiments to explain their high efficiency (~35%) and the mechanism for nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia in an alkaline electrolyte. In particular, they showed that the presence of water, in addition to air or nitrogen gas, is necessary to achieve high ammonia production efficiency. The group also showed that the ammonia production efficiency is dependent on the applied potential that is used for the reaction and can be limited by the available surface area of the nanoscale catalyst. These results point to a mechanism that is dependent on the hydrogen atoms present in water molecules, and the water-splitting reaction, as the hydrogen source for nitrogen electroreduction. However, at potentials above the theoretical potential for water electrolysis, a portion of the hydrogen produced from water electrolysis preferentially forms hydrogen gas
Fig. 4. A volcano plot predicting metal performance for nitrogen electroreduction. Data are plotted for the applied potential (U) required as a function of the binding energy (E) of the N atom onto the metal surface. Theoretical predictions include multiple associative and dissociative mechanisms for N2 reduction and are based on single metal surfaces. The optimal metals are shown at the peak of the volcano (dotted yellow line), and the region for preferential nitrogen adatom (*N) adsorption is shaded in blue. The white region indicates preferential hydrogen adatom (*H) adsorption. Adapted from Figure 7 of [33].
instead of reducing nitrogen. As the potential increases, the portion of H atoms going to hydrogen gas continues to increase, effectively decreasing the ammonia production efficiency. In terms of a developed technology that can efficiently electrochemically produce ammonia with a reasonable physical footprint and compete with the Haber-Bosch process, the current produced at low applied potentials is too small. Therefore, it is necessary for an actual AEM device to operate at potentials potentially well above the onset potential of water electrolysis. Herein lies the essential challenge in catalyst development for nitrogen electroreduction and other similar electrochemical reactions: the catalyst must be both selective and active for the target reaction to allow for realistic operating conditions. The results reported by Licht
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and co-authors experimentally demonstrate this need where ammonia synthesis was limited by available surface area of their catalyst and by the lack of selectivity of their catalyst to preferentially reduce nitrogen to ammonia instead of evolve hydrogen. The combination of selectivity and activity is an opportunity for the field of nanostructured materials, where properties such as phase, electronic structure, morphology and surface structure can potentially be controlled. It is likely that a combination of optimal metals and designed nanostructure will be necessary to achieve concurrent selectivity and activity for nitrogen electroreduction in a catalyst material. There is evidence elsewhere in the field of electrochemical catalysis that nanostructured materials result in performance and selectivity enhancements, most notably in the large and growing bodies of literature focused on the development of low-poisoning, high-activity oxygen reduction reaction catalysts and catalysts for methanol electrooxidation.34-48 Lessons learned thus far from theory and experiment point towards the potential successful use of non-precious metals in multi-metallic nanostructured materials for enhanced electrocatalytic performance.
Experimental Progress To date, the Proton, NIST and CSM team has proven the feasibility of an alkaline membrane electrolyzer as an ammonia generator, conducted successful nanoparticle synthesis, and has shown improved catalyst efficiency for Fe, FeNi and Ni nanoparticles over Pt black (Fig. 5). To enable the screening of promising cathode catalyst materials, and prove the AEM-based ammonia generation concept, Proton designed and built an AEM system based on a lab-scale, 25 cm2 test cell. The screening efforts have revealed Fe only materials to be highly active, but unstable. Conservative estimates of initial efficiency are as high as 41%. However this efficiency is short lived, and decreases to single digit efficiency in a matter of hours. Ni only materials behave oppositely. They have demonstrated single digit efficiencies initially, with good relative stabilities with time. Interestingly, the Fe-Ni materials appear to have a combination of both Fe and Ni properties, and differences in performance may be attributable to differences in composition. For example, low surface area (LSA) samples have degrading efficiency with time (more Fe like), whereas the high surface area (HSA) sample have increasing efficiency with time (more Ni like). This indicates that a good approach to catalyst optimization would include tuning the morphology to get the benefits of the Fe efficiency, while protecting it with Ni to gain stability.
The operational performances of the Fe and Ni-based nanocatalysts in the AEM system were compared to relevant literature values, and the Haber-Bosch process. Table I outlines the results. One important highlight of Table I is that the conservative estimate of the initial efficiency for Fe only particles (41% efficient) translates to an equivalent energy consumption rate to the Haber-Bosch process. It is important to note that this high efficiency was also achieved with FeNi HSA particles at NIST, in their solution-based 3-electrode tests. These results establish proof-of-concept that the AEM technology is capable reaching the performance necessary to replace the current HaberBosch process, while operating at low temperatures and pressures and without emitting CO2. While the ammonia production rate is lower than in other technologies, the AEM technology stands out as having the most potential for efficient ammonia production at low temperatures. The low ammonia production rate currently achieved is attributable to low current densities. Approaches to increase the current density include membrane development toward thinner and more conductive materials, as well as catalyst development toward selective and stable materials at higher voltages, because reducing the overpotential of the reactions ultimately will allow for greater current densities and greater selectivity versus hydrogen production.
The Future A mere century ago, we were faced with a dwindling supply of fertilizer, a potential global crisis. Using science and engineering, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch responded to the problem with unimaginable success. Similarly today, we face the reality of dwindling fossil fuels, and the increased amount of by-products in our atmosphere because of their use, a potential global crisis. However, we can take heart in the fact that we have a demonstrated capacity to think our way out of potential disaster — we have been here before. Surely, many innovations will occur in response to this new potential crisis, including a new way to make fertilizer. Several key challenges remain to enable AEM-based electrochemical ammonia production technology including: optimizing the catalyst for selectivity and activity; optimizing the membrane for OH- transport and durability; and achieving higher efficiency with electrochemical cell design (e.g., electrode optimization). If successful, this technology will transform how our food is grown, how our energy is used, and potentially allow greater access to fertilizers globally. If the HaberBosch process makes “bread from air,” the proposed electrochemical solution will do so even more truly, potentially using wind energy to drive the process, with air that will be cleaner as a result. © The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1149/2.F04152IF
Fig. 5. FeNi high surface area (HSA), Fe only, and Ni only nanoparticle electrocatalysts and associated ammonia production efficiency results from the AEM electrolyzer test cell. 54
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Table I. Cost and efficiency comparisons of AEM electrochemical ammonia production with relevant literature values and the Haber-Bosch process (dark grey shading is AEM). Process
Typically Fe-based
PEM Electrochemical19
Mixed Electrolyte Electrochemical14
Perovskite Oxide
Molten Hydroxide Electrochemical13
AEM Electrochemical
Pt, Fe, Ni, FeNi
Energy Consumption (kwh/kg NH3)
Ammonia Production Rate (mol NH3/cm2s)
Faradic Efficiency (%)
Cell Potential (V)
6.20 × 10−10–2.80 × 10−10
3.1 × 10−11–1.71 × 10−10
2.40 × 10−9
1.33 × 10−12–3.80 × 10−12
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the generous support from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the work described in this article. Additional support came in the form of a Small Business Diversity Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and administered by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), which supported Julie Renner at Proton OnSite. Many individuals contributed to the success of demonstrating AEM-based ammonia generation including Morgan George, Judith Manco, Andrew LaMarche Luke Dalton, Chris Capuano, and Nem Danilovic at Proton OnSite. NIST collaborators who provided critical expertise in catalyst material development included Nicholas Bedford and Nikki (Goldstein) Rentz. Proton also acknowledges Mike Reese and Doug Tiffany from the University of Minnesota for their conversations about the economic analysis. The authors acknowledge Taylor J. Woehl and Roy H. Geiss for TEM imaging support.
About the Authors Julie N. Renner is a Research Engineer at Proton OnSite working in the Research and Development Department. She currently leads projects in advanced electrode design and manufacturing, advanced membrane materials, and emerging electrochemical technology, which includes the work described in this article. She studied chemical engineering at the University of North Dakota, and during her undergraduate career obtained an EPA GRO Fellowship to conduct environmental research an EPA facility. She completed her thesis work as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow at the Purdue School of Chemical Engineering during the summer of 2012. She joined Proton Energy Systems in November 2012 as Small Business Postdoctoral Research Diversity Fellow supported by the NSF under a grant to the American Society for Engineering Education. She can be reached at
Lauren F. Greenlee received her BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2001 and then spent several years working abroad in France and Switzerland. Subsequently, she worked in Boston for a pharmaceutical start-up company before attending graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her MS in Environmental Engineering in 2006 and her PhD in Chemical
Temp (°C)
Engineering in 2009, where she focused on understanding the precipitation of scaling salts during reverse osmosis membrane desalination. Lauren then held a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) from 2009–2011, with a focus on iron nanoparticle synthesis and characterization for water treatment applications. She continued at NIST as a staff scientist and currently leads the Engineered Nanoparticle Systems Project, where research activities focus on the development and characterization of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials for water treatment, energy conversion, and chemical conversion applications including nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia. She can be contacted at Katherine E. Ayers has been at Proton OnSite for eight years and currently holds the position of Vice President, Research and Development. She is responsible for Proton’s advanced technology strategy, and has built a portfolio of projects to support Proton’s existing and future electrochemical products. She works with many universities and national labs to develop advanced materials for PEM electrolysis and other electrochemical devices. She was named one of the 2014 Rising Stars by the ACS Women Chemists Committee and received the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Sub-Program Award for Hydrogen Production in 2012. She can be reached at kayers@
Andrew M. Herring is currently the the Vice-chair of the Energy Technology Division of the ECS. Dr. Herring is a Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines where he has been working since 1995. He holds BSc and PhD degrees in Chemistry from the University of Leeds, and was a postdoctoral fellow at both Caltech and NREL before joining CSM. The Herring research group, aherring/, is interested in energy research with a particular interest in electrochemical energy conversion using polymer electrolyte membranes. Both fundamental and device level studies of fuel cell and electrolyzer components are performed for a wide variety of fuels. Dr. Herring currently leads an ARO sponsored MURI developing next generation anion exchange membranes. He can be reached at
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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39. K. P. Gong, D. Su, and R. R. Adzic, “Platinum-Monolayer Shell on AuNi(0.5)Fe Nanoparticle Core Electrocatalyst with High Activity and Stability for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 14364 (2010). 40. M. T. M. Koper, “Structure Sensitivity and Nanoscale Effects in Electrocatalysis”, Nanoscale, 3, 2054 (2011). 41. K. Sasaki, H. Naohara, Y. M. Choi, Y. Cai, W.-F. Chen, P. Liu, and R. Adzic, “Highly Stable Pt Monolayer on PdAu Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, Nat. Commun., 3, 1115 (2012). 42. T. H. M. Housmans, A. H. Wonders, and M. T. M. Koper, “Structure Sensitivity of Methanol Electrooxidation Pathways on Platinum: An On-Line Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry Study”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 10021 (2006). 43. W. P. Zhou, A. Lewera, R. Larsen, R. I. Masel, P. S. Bagus, and A. Wieckowski, “Size Effects in Electronic and Catalytic Properties of Unsupported Palladium Nanoparticles in Electrooxidation of Formic Acid”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 13393 (2006). 44. J. Zhang, S. Guo, J. Wei, Q. Xu, W. Yan, J. Fu, S. Wang, M. Gao, and Z. Chen, “High-Efficiency Encapsulation of Pt Nanoparticles into the Channel of Carbon Nanotubes as an Enhanced Electrocatalyst for Methanol Oxidation”, Chem. Eur. J., 19, 16087 (2013). 45. D. Wang, Y. Yu, J. Zhu, S. Liu, D. A. Muller, and H. D. Abruna, “Morphology and Activity Tuning of Cu3Pt/C Ordered Intermetallic Nanoparticles by Selective Electrochemical Dealloying”, Nano Lett., 15, 1343 (2015). 46. C. Cui, L. Gan, H.-H. Li, S.-H. Yu, M. Heggen, and P. Strasser, “Octahedral PtNi Nanoparticle Catalysts: Exceptional Oxygen Reduction Activity by Tuning the Alloy Particle Surface Composition”, Nano Lett., 12, 5885 (2012). 47. J. Snyder, I. McCue, K. Livi, and J. Erlebacher, “Structure/ Processing/Properties Relationships in Nanoporous Nanoparticles as Applied to Catalysis of the Cathodic Oxidation Reduction Reaction”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 8633 (2012). 48. X.-Y. Lang, G.-F. Han, B.-B. Xiao, L. Gu, Z.-Z. Yang, Z. Wen, Y.-F. Zhu, M. Zhao, J.-C. Li, and Q. Jiang, “Mesostructured Intermetallic Compounds of Platinum and Non-transition Metals for Enhanced Electrocatalysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 25, 230 (2015). 49. W. Leighty, “Energy Storage with Anhydrous Ammonia: Comparison with other Energy Storage”, The Leighty Foundation, October 2008. files/Ammonia%2008-29Sept-MSP-Podium.pdf.
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Volume 66– C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s
from the Chicago meeting, May 24—May 28, 2015
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Stationary and Large Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5
Stationary and Large Scale Electrical Energy Storage Systems 5
Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology
Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices
Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules
Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory: In Honor of Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi
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Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth
Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials
Spectroelectrochemistry 3
Electrochemical Engineering General Session
Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Water Electrolysis
High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes 2
Organic Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Processing 5
Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells and Solar Fuels 5
Crosscutting Metrics and Benchmarking of Transformational Low-Carbon Energy-Conversion Technologies
Structure and Relaxations in Soft Ion-Conducting Materials
Materials for Low Temperature Electrochemical Systems 2
State of the Art Tutorial on Diagnostics in Low Temperature Fuel Cells
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Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion
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Electrocatalysis 7
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 • 1/30/15
Origins, Developments, and Perspectives of Carbon Nitride-Based Electrocatalysts for Application in Low-Temperature FCs by Vito Di Noto, Enrico Negro, Keti Vezzù, Federico Bertasi, and Graeme Nawn
uel cells (FCs) operating at low temperatures (T < 200 °C) show several very attractive features, including: (a) relatively simple assembly; (b) good compatibility with the environment; and (c) very high efficiency with respect to internal combustion engines. However, the full potential of low-temperature FCs can only be achieved by addressing a number of crucial issues involved in their operation. One of the most important bottlenecks is represented by the slow kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR).1 Typical examples of low-temperature fuel cells include proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and anion-exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs).1 To achieve energy conversion efficiencies and power densities compatible with applications, all these devices require suitable ORR electrocatalysts (ECs) to minimize cathode polarization losses. Ideally, ORR ECs should possess the following features: a) Active sites capable of the highest turnover frequency at the lowest overpotentials; b) A large active surface area, maximizing the number of active sites; c) A morphology that facilitates the efficient transport of reactants and products to and from the active sites; d) High electron conductivity, to minimize ohmic losses; e) A high dielectric environment to aid the ion exchange processes between the active sites and the ion-conducting membrane; f) High stability under operating conditions, to achieve high durability. To comply with these requirements, state-of-the-art ORR ECs consist of Pt-nanocrystals supported on conductive carbon nanoparticles (NPs) that possess a spherical morphology and a large surface area2 (indicated as “Pt/C ref. ECs”). These systems are characterized by a high dispersion of the ORR active sites, which are easily accessible by the reactants. Their performance is comparable to that of pristine “Pt-black” ECs, but with a reduced loading of precious metal. However, the large-scale rollout of FC technology employing Pt/C ref. ECs is hindered by their insufficient durability and very high costs. “Carbon nitride-based electrocatalysts” (CN-based ECs) have shown great promise to address the issues outlined above. CN-based ECs are composed of a carbon-based matrix embedding nitrogen atoms. The matrix coordinates metal-based species, including: (a) NPs of metals (e.g., Pt, Pd), metal alloys (e.g., PtNix, PdCoyNiz), oxides (e.g., Fe3O4) or carbides (e.g., FeCx); or (b) coordination complexes of single metal atoms (e.g., Fe, Co).3 There are two main driving forces behind the development of CN-based ECs. CN-based ECs including Pt-group elements (PGMs) show very high ORR activity and a remarkable tolerance towards the oxidizing conditions typical at the cathodes of low-temperature FCs.4 The carbon nitride (CN) matrix embeds the various inorganic NPs in “nitrogen coordination nests”.5 These strong interactions inhibit the main mechanisms involved in the long–term degradation of typical Pt/C ref. ECs, especially
particle agglomeration and particle detachment from the support.6 Furthermore, the presence of N atoms promotes ORR kinetics by means of bifunctional and electronic mechanisms,5 thus promoting the ORR in the absence of PGMs.7,8 The nomenclature of CN-based ECs is a subject of considerable confusion. Today: (1) no widely accepted family name exists, resulting in the use of a variety of labels in the literature, including “nitrogendoped carbons”,9 “M-N/C electrocatalysts”7 among many others; (2) a consistent labeling of the materials is uncommon. Therefore, a correct nomenclature is required, which takes into consideration the following general features. ECs: (a) are inorganic systems; (b) include a carbonbased matrix; (c) present N atoms, which are vicarious with carbon in the carbon-based matrix; and (d) exhibit a negligible concentration of hydrogen and oxygen heteroatoms. For the sake of clarity, it is crucial to adopt a nomenclature in accordance with the widely accepted regulations set out by IUPAC.10 Now, the matrix of these materials is an “inorganic binary” system, whose “electropositive constituent” is carbon and its “electronegative constituent” is nitrogen. “The name of the electronegative constituent is constructed by modifying the element name with the ending ‘-ide’”, hence “nitride”. Taken all together, in terms of IUPAC rules, the systems discussed here must be correctly indicated as “carbon nitride-based electrocatalysts”.10 As for consistent labeling, one rational label of CN-based ECs is: M1aM2bM3c…-CNx Tf/Pw M1, which is typically a PGM such as Pt or Pd, is the “active metal”; M1 can be Fe or Co in “Pt-free” CN-based ECs. M2, M3… are the “co-catalyst” metals, which facilitate the performance of the “active metal”; i = n(Mn)/n(M1) with i = a, b, c… is the molar ratio between Mn (n = 2, 3,… N) and the M1 metal; -CNx is the carbon nitride matrix with x the weight percentage of nitrogen in the matrix. If x = l N-concentration is lower than 5 wt%; if x = h it is higher than 5 wt%. Tf is the main pyrolysis temperature in the preparation of the CNbased ECs; P indicates the conductive “core” used as support for the CN matrix, and w is the weight ratio between “core” NPs and the CN-based matrix.4 Among the large number of different approaches proposed in the literature to synthesize CN-based ECs,3 there are two main steps: (1) the precursor preparation; and (2) the pyrolysis process. The precursors are typically obtained by adsorbing one or more molecules onto carbon black, thus providing the desired chemical species (e.g., metal atoms, nitrogen, carbon) to be introduced in the EC. The vast majority of these precursors are based on low-molecular weight adsorbates. However, as early as 1989, it was shown that macromolecules can be used to synthesize CN-based EC precursors.11 Until the late 1990s, most of the research was focused on precursors obtained by adsorbing onto the support only one chemical specie, comprising both N, C and the metal atoms.12 In the late 1980s, precursors were prepared by adsorbing more than one molecule on the support.11 In general, iron acetate and
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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Di Noto, et al.
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other complexes were added to introduce metal atoms13 while urea, perylenetetracarboxylic anhydride and others were added to introduce N and C into the ECs.13,14 In the last 50 years, a number of metal ion complexes based on ligands containing C and N were prepared for use as ORR ECs without resorting to any pyrolysis process.15,16 These ECs, which consist mainly of inorganic coordination complexes with macrocycles, polypyrrole-like macromolecules and other ligands, cannot be confused with “CN-based ECs”. Indeed, the pyrolysis process plays a crucial role in the synthesis of CN-based ECs since it: (a) integrates all the elements of the precursors into the final 3D solid-state EC; (b) triggers the synthesis of the ORR active sites; and (c) fine-tunes the spongy-like morphology of CN-based ECs. In general, the pyrolysis process adopted for the preparation of CN-based ECs consists of only one step.17 A variety of methods and techniques were used to optimize the parameters of this single pyrolysis step and, consequently, the ORR performance of the CN-based ECs. The most widely adopted “ex situ” technique used to study the ORR performance of such ECs is cyclic voltammetry using a rotating (ring) disk electrode.18,19 Since 1994 some authors have also succeeded in testing CN-based ECs in single fuel cell configuration.20 Despite these efforts, until 2006, the progress on CN-based ECs was slow and results were modest. Indeed, the precise nature of the ORR active sites remained very controversial.3 No consensus emerged on the role played by the different metal atoms in the ORR active sites in terms of: (a) coordination geometry; (b) electrochemical activity; and (c) morphology. These studies point out that the activity of the CN-based ECs was not directly correlated to the concentration of metal or N atoms. Indeed, the best ORR performance was achieved in ECs at a specific composition;3 when a critical metal concentration in ECs was reached, the metals coalesced in carbide/oxide/metal NPs,
compromising their performance. The best results were obtained with a very low (≈0.01) M/N atomic ratios (M = Fe, Co…), suggesting that it was better to devise ECs with the concentration of N being as large as possible.3 At this stage it was impossible to pursue a rational synthesis approach to obtain active sites with well-defined ORR performance. In general, the morphology of these CN-based ECs was very complex and a wide variety of highly heterogeneous and different nanostructures were reported. Optimization efforts strongly relied on “trial-and-error” approaches, without a solid grasp of the fundamental interplay between the preparation parameters and the properties of the final CN-based ECs. The room for this large dispersion of results likely originated from the adoption of small molecules as precursors and the use of a single pyrolysis step. As expected the thermal decomposition of the precursor, which takes place tumultuously, made it difficult to control the morphology and of the reproducibility of the final products; thus, several “post-pyrolysis steps” were required. For instance, to modulate the content of N in the CN matrix it was necessary to add a second pyrolysis step conducted under Ar and ammonia or acetonitrile,12,21 likewise, to remove selectively the inert metal species12 it was necessary to employ an etching process with acid or alkaline solutions. The second pyrolysis step consolidated the ECs, improving the “ex situ” ORR performance. Nevertheless, their electrochemical performance in single FCs operating in “practical” conditions was very poor. Taking all together, the development of a rational synthetic approach able to yield ECs with desired performance in FCs was elusive. The shortcomings of the “classical” preparation protocols for CN-based ECs were addressed by proposing two types of 3D-crosslinked hybrid macromolecular precursors with a wellcontrolled stoichiometry. These precursors were obtained by two different simple synthetic routes (see Fig. 1a).22-25 The first, which was originally proposed in 1997,26 includes “Zeolitic Inorganic-
Z-IOPE[4-8] process
HIO-PN[1-3] process
Step 1 B
solution of
+ C/2
∑M Y j= 2
j= 2
C’ + H 2O
+ C/2
M1 (“active metal”) = Pt, Pd, etc… Mj (“co-catalysts”) = Co, Ni, Fe, etc… Y = NO3-; Cl-
(A + B)sol
∑ K M (CN )
Sucrose + H 2O
Organic polymer solution
solution of K a M 1Yb
K a M 1Cl b + H 2O
C P support
(A + C)sol + P
P support
(A + B + C)sol + P
n M 1 ∏ M j Ce H f Cl g N hO l K , ⋅ n (H 2O ) /P j= 2 gel
− solvent
− H 2O
n M 1 ∏ M j Cd H e Cl f N g O h K l / P j= 2 plastic
Step 2
n M 1 ∏ M j Ce H f Cl g N h O l K m /P j=2 plastic
150 ≤ Tp ≤ 300°C
Tp M 1 ∏ M j Cd H eCl f N gO h K l / P j= 2 n
n M 1 ∏ M j Ce H f Cl g N hO l K m /P j=2
“Shell”: CN matrix
“Foam-like” CN matrix Metal alloy nanoparticles
PtFe1.6-CNl 900 CN-based ECs
“Core”: Carbon NP
PtNi-CNl 600/G Metal alloy nanoparticles
“Core-Shell” CN-based ECs
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic representation of HIO-PN and Z-IOPE processes for the synthesis of CN-based electrocatalysts (ECs). M1 (“active metal”) = Pt, Pd, Fe, etc.; Mj (“co-catalysts”) = Co, Ni, Fe, etc.; Y = NO3-, Cl-; n = 2, 3 for bimetal and trimetal systems, respectively. Tp is the processing temperature required to obtain the infusible precursor (150 ≤ Tp ≤ 300 °C). Selected high-resolution TEM images of: (b) CN-based ECs; and (c) “core-shell” CN-based ECs. 60
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Organic Polymer Electrolyte” (Z-IOPE) precursors. Z-IOPEs consist of mono-plurimetallic clusters networked by suitable molecular or macromolecular ligands with a high –OH concentration. The second, which was first reported in 2007,27 comprises “Hybrid inorganicorganic polymer network” (HIO-PN) materials. These are threedimensional crosslinked systems obtained by coordinating metal ions with macromolecular ligands bearing nitrogen functional groups. Both Z-IOPE and HIO-PN precursors are very stable 3D hybrid inorganicorganic macromolecular systems where “soft” atoms such as Pd or Pt or “hard” elements such as Fe, Ni and others are coordinated by C and/ or O and/or the N functional groups to form the desired crosslinks of the precursor. A crucial improvement in performance and reproducibility of synthetic protocols arose from the adoption of a two-step pyrolysis process. The first step is carried out at a Tp (processing temperature) in the range 150 < Tp < 300 °C (see Fig. 1a). At Tp, a controlled, gradual expulsion of low-molecular weight species occurs, yielding a stable, “infusible” 3D crosslinked material. In this “soft” pyrolysis process, the metal atoms interdiffuse into the bulk system, yielding a very
diff. HOOHsurface H2O
k5 HOOHads
O2 bulk
2 H2O diff. surface
2 H2Obulk
O2 diff
Electrocatalytic Surface
= Pt atoms = M2 atoms
= N atoms = CN matrix
homogeneous matrix with a well-controlled stoichiometry in terms of N and the desired metal atoms.28 The second high-temperature pyrolysis step (Tf) accomplishes the following targets: a) It promotes the diffusion of the metals in the bulk “infusible precursor”. Nucleation of metals into alloy NPs bearing the ORR active sites is obtained. These exhibit a wellcontrolled stoichiometry and a high turnover frequency in the ORR process. In general, the size of the alloy NPs is smaller than 10 nm. b) It improves graphitization of the 3D “infusible precursor”, yielding a highly conducting CN matrix. Thus, a good electrical contact between the ORR active sites and the external circuit is guaranteed. c) It provides “nitrogen-carbon coordination nests”, which act to stabilize the metal alloy NPs in the CN matrix (see Fig. 2). The requirements for the synthesis of CN-based ECs from HIO-PN and Z-IOPE precursors (see Fig. 1a) are summarized in Fig. 3. In general, in ECs, the “active metals” are chosen from Pt, Pd, Ir, Fe and others, while Fe, Co, Ni, Rh and Au are used as “cocatalysts”.4,29 The activity of Pd towards the ORR is only slightly lower than that of Pt. The best “co-catalysts” are first-row transition elements such as Fe, Co and Ni, which behave as strong Lewis acids and, owing to a bifunctional mechanism, promote the desorption of the ORR reaction products (see Fig. 2).4,30 The matrix of CN-based ECs, which shows an extremely porous “foam-like” morphology (see Fig. 1b),31 stabilizes the alloy NPs with “nitrogen coordination nests” through strong metal-ligand coordination interactions.32 The best ECs are obtained when Tf ranges from 600 to 900 °C. If Tf < 600 °C, the graphitization of the CN matrix is not complete, resulting in matrices with a high content of O and H and poor conductivity. At Tf > 900 °C, N atoms involved in the coordination of metal alloy NPs are expelled, facilitating the coalescence and growth of NPs. In the range 500 ≤ Tf ≤ 900 °C, N atom concentration in the CN matrix is mostly modulated by the chemical composition of the “infusible precursor”. Typically, the CN matrix obtained with Z-IOPE precursors includes an amount of N ≤ 5 wt%.29 In this case N, which is introduced by the metal complexes, is present in the matrix only in “coordination (continued on next page)
Fig. 2. Bifunctional mechanisms for CN-based ECs.
Control of the chemical composition Small metal/metal alloy nanoparticles Spherical “core” support, thin carbon nitride “shell” Highly conductive “core” support, N concentration in the CN matrix lower than 5 wt% N atoms located at the interface between metal/metal alloy nanoparticles and CN matrix
Active sites with a fast turnover frequency High number of well-dispersed active sites (large active area) High accessibility to active sites for ORR reactants and products Low ohmic drops Strong interactions between CN matrix and metal alloy nanoparticles mediated by “nitrogen coordination nests” Long operating lifetime
Fig. 3. Requirements for the synthesis of CN-based ECs. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Di Noto, et al.
(continued from previous page)
nests” of alloy NPs. The CN matrix prepared from HIO-PN precursors shows a much higher N concentration, which is distributed throughout the entire CN matrix. The electrical conductivity of the CN matrix is shown to decrease with N.33 The amount of N in the CN matrix plays a crucial role. Indeed, at N > 5 wt%, the ECs exhibit an improved tolerance towards halides or methanol contaminants. However, they exhibit a lower ORR performance with respect to CN-based ECs where the N atoms are located only in alloy NP “coordination nests” (lower N content).33 Taken all together, the best results are obtained when N is introduced into the CN matrix by the metal complexes and not by the macromolecular or organic ligands used to prepare the precursor. This goal is easily achieved by using Z-IOPE precursors, that provide ECs with: (a) N < 5 wt%, and located only around the metal alloy NPs; (b) efficient electronic and bifunctional effects; and (c) high conductivity of the whole CN matrix. A crucial advancement in CN-based ECs was achieved with the introduction of the “core-shell” approach24,25 (see Fig. 1c). This has shown to improve the reagents accessibility to the metal active sites. “Core-shell” CN-based ECs are obtained with the same twostep pyrolysis process (Tp and Tf) and comprise a conductive “core” support covered by a CN matrix “shell” which embeds the metal alloy NPs. The first stage in the preparation of a “core-shell” CN-based EC consists of the impregnation of a “core” support with a Z-IOPE or HIO-PN precursor,5,34 in order to modulate carefully (see Fig. 1): (a) the chemical composition; and (b) the stoichiometry of alloy NPs. In ECs
E vs. RHE / V
E vs. RHE / V
Pt/C ref. PtFe2-CNl 600/G PtFe2-CNl 900/G PtNi-CNl 600/G PtNi-CNl 900/G
E vs. RHE / V 1000
0.6 0.3
Pt/C ref.
0.0 0.9
PtFe2-CNl 600/G PtFe2-CNl 900/G
0.6 0.3
Surface Mass Activity / A·gPt,Pd·cm
3000 PtNi-CNl 600/G PtNi-CNl 900/G
0.0 0
PtFe2-CNl 600/G PtFe2-CNl 900/G
1000 Pt/C ref. PtNi-CNl 600/G PtNi-CNl 900/G
Oxidant: O2
Cell Voltage / V
PdCoNi-CNh 600/G PdCoNi-CNh 900/G
0.6 0.3
0.0 0.9
Pt/C ref.
0.6 0.3
PdCoNi-CNl 600/G PdCoNi-CNl 900/G
(b) 0
Mass Activity / A·gPt,Pd (c)
Mass Power / W·gPd,Pt
12 14x103 -1
Mass Activity / A·gPt
Cell Voltage / V
Cell Voltage / V
E vs. RHE / V -1
Surface Mass Activity / A·gPt ·cm
Pt/C ref. PdCoNi-CNh 600/G PdCoNi-CNh 900/G
where “MMP in O2” and “MMP in air” are the values of the maximum specific power per mass of active M1 metal measured when the PEMFC is fed with pure O2 and air, respectively. Φ is (Eq. 2):
PdCoNi-CNl 600/G PdCoNi-CNl 900/G
Mass Power / W·gPt
jdisk / mA·cm
Iring / µA
jdisk / mA·cm
0.4 50 40 30 20 10 0
Iring / µA
0.4 50 40 30 20 10 0
3 12 -1 14x10
Pt/C ref. PdCoNi-CNh 600/G PdCoNi-CNh 900/G
PdCoNi-CNl 600/G PdCoNi-CNl 900/G
Oxidant: O2
obtained from HIO-PN precursors, N is homogeneously distributed within the bulk “shell” of CN matrix, while in ECs prepared using Z-IOPE systems, N is found only in “coordination nests” of alloy NPs. The conductive “core” support, which acts as a template in the coverage of the support with the precursor, enhances the electrical conductivity of the material.30,35,36 Several studies were carried out to investigate the interplay between the morphology of the “core” support, the chemical composition of the precursor, and the ORR performance of the ECs both in “ex situ” electrochemical experiments and in “in situ” single fuel cell tests under operating conditions. The best results were obtained with conductive C “core” NPs covered by a thin layer (a few nm) of Z-IOPE precursor (see Fig. 1c).5,30,34 In the supported CN matrix, small metal alloy NPs (d < 10 nm) are formed, which: (a) provide a very large active area; (b) are chemically stable; (c) benefit from both electronic and bifunctional effects of “nitrogen coordination nests;” and (d) facilitate access of reagents and products to and from the active sites. In these ECs, no post-pyrolysis steps are required to achieve an outstanding performance in the ORR. Both pristine and “core-shell” CN-based ECs comprising Pt-X active sites (X = Fe, Co and Ni) show ORR overpotentials up to ca. 10-30 mV lower than that of Pt/C ref. ECs. Pd-trimetallic “core-shell” ECs show an ORR performance which increases as: (a) Tf is raised; and (b) the N concentration in the “shell” decreases5,35,36 (see Fig. 4). The “ex situ” electrochemical performance of CN-based ECs is successfully transferred into membrane-electrode assemblies (MEAs) of a single PEMFC working under operative conditions.37 The best “core-shell” CN-based ECs allow fabrication of MEAs which, with respect to a reference Pt/C MEA, use 1/3 of Pt to achieve the same performance (see Fig. 4).34 When the CN matrix is supported on highly nanoporous conductive supports, the “core-shell” CN-based ECs show a lower performance, both “ex situ” in RRDE and in single FC also in the kinetic region.35,36 To complete the study of the interplay between chemical composition, morphology and performance of “core-shell” CNbased ECs in single PEMFCs it is necessary to analyze some suitable parameters which account for the accessibility of reagents to the active sites (Ψ) and for the transferability of the catalytic yield from “kinetic” to “mass-controlled” conditions (Φ). Ψ is (Eq. 1): (1)
Cell Voltage / V
Fig. 4. Selected “core-shell” CN-based ECs; Pt- (a, c) and Pd- (b, d) based systems. (a, b) “Ex situ” ORR performance determined with cyclic voltammetry and rotating ring-disk electrode (CV-TF-RRDE); (c, d) tests in single fuel cell.4,5,34 62
where “MP @ 50 A·gM1-1 in O2” is the specific power measured at 50 A·gM1-1 in oxygen. Φ, which describes the ability to transfer the catalytic yield observed in the kinetic regime in mass transport-limited operating conditions, is a parameter which is very sensitive to the morphology of the electrocatalyst (see Fig. 5). It expresses the ability of a catalytic site to operate at a high turnover frequency in a complex matrix. The Ψ vs. Φ correlation of Fig. 5 shows that CN-based ECs, on their morphology and N concentration, can be distinguished into two main groups (I and II). Group I ECs, which show values comparable to those of the Pt/C ref., are endowed with high Φ and low Ψ values, while group II ECs, which includes ECs with complex microporous morphologies, presents low Φ and high Ψ values. Ψ increases with the wt% of N and with the porosity of CN-based “shells”. Figure 5 demonstrates that: (a) the morphology and the concentration of N in the CN matrix significantly affects the site accessibility of reactants and the transferability of catalytic yield of ECs from the kinetic regime to the operating conditions typical of MEAs; and (b) the best CN-based ECs are endowed with the highest Φ and the lowest Ψ values, a low Ψ corresponds to ECs with both a low porosity and tortuosity.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Increasing N and AMP of the “core” support
About the Authors
I Increasing size of metal-alloy NPs
Fig. 5. O2 site accessibility (Ψ) vs. transferibility of catalytic yield (Φ) of CN-based ECs: () Pt/C ref.; () PtX-CNl Tf/G, with X = Fe or Ni and () PtNi-CNl Tf /PY/W: Y is the “core” support pyrolysis temperature; and W is the fraction of P support to CN matrix. AMP is the average area of the micropores.
CN-based ECs comprising PGMs are able to achieve an outstanding ORR performance. They exhibit an improved tolerance to the harsh environments present at the cathode of low-temperature FCs; “Ptfree” ECs are approaching an acceptable level of performance and durability at low costs.38-40 In summary, results point out that: a) the best protocol for the preparation of CN-based ECs consists of the pyrolysis of Z-IOPE precursors. In this case, N is introduced in the CN matrix by the transition metal complexes, thus forming “coordination nests” for alloy NPs; b) the concentration of nitrogen influences: 1. the conductivity of the CN matrix, which decreases as the N wt% is raised; 2. the coordination of alloy NPs; the higher the concentration of N in the CN matrix, the more the alloy NPs are stabilized, thus improving the tolerance toward oxidizing conditions; 3. the bifunctional and electronic effects on the active sites located on the surface of alloy NPs. c) the complexity of morphology, which increases with N, hinders the performance of the CN-based ECs in the kinetic regime of MEAs; d) the high-performing CN-based ECs are those having N only in “nitrogen coordination nests” of alloy NPs. N is required to stabilize the NPs and improve the catalytic performance through bifunctional and electronic effects. e) the alloy NPs should be easily accessed by the reactants (corresponding to low Ψ values) and should maintain a high turnover frequency in the ORR process in the masstransfer limited regime found in single FC (high Φ). © The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1149/2.F05152IF
Vito Di Noto is a full Professor of Chemistry for Energy and Solid State Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, Italy. He is an electrochemist with over 25 years of experience. Since 1992 he is the founder and the team leader of the “Chemistry of Materials for the Metamorphosis and the Storage of Energy” (CheMaMSE) group in Padova (URL: http://www. His research activity is focused on the synthesis and studies on ion-conducting, and electrode materials for the development of: (a) batteries (Li, Mg, Na, Al and others); (b) fuel cells (PEMFCs and AEMFCs); (c) electrolysers; and (d) redox flow batteries. Prof. Di Noto is author and co-author of over 220 publications, including papers in international “peer reviewed” journals and 20 patents. He may be reached at Enrico Negro graduated in Materials Science in 2001 at the University of Padova, Italy and was awarded his PhD in Materials Engineering in 2005 by the University of Trento. In the same year he joined the research group “CheMaMSE” at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, where he is currently a research associate. His main research interests comprise the synthesis and characterization of advanced electrocatalysts, and their implementation in operating fuel cells. To date he is co-author of 64 peer-reviewed articles published in high-impact journals, 3 book chapters and 14 patents. He may be reached at enrico. Keti Vezzù graduated in Chemical Engineering in 2002 at the University of Padova, Italy, where she also received her PhD in the same discipline in 2006. Since 2013 she is researcher at Veneto Nanotech S.C.p.a,. Her research is focused on the development and study of electrocatalysts for applications in PEMFCs and AEMFCs. She is coauthor of 30 publications in international journals and 1 book chapter. She may be reached at keti. Federico Bertasi was awarded a degree in Materials Science by the University of Padova in 2010. He obtained his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Padova in April 2014 discussing a dissertation entitled “Advanced Materials for High Performance Secondary Lithium and Magnesium Batteries.” He is a postdoctoral fellow in the “CheMaMSE” group at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, and his activity is focused on the development of new materials for application in high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells. He is co-author of 11 papers in international journals and 4 patents. He may be reached at Graeme Nawn attended the University of Bath from 2002-2008, where he obtained both MChem and MPhil degrees. In 2013 he completed his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Victoria, Canada, where he primarily investigated and developed a new redox-active ligand family. In 2014 he joined the “CheMaMSE” group at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova, under the supervision of Prof. Vito Di Noto; he is now carrying out postdoctoral research activity mainly focused on the preparation and study of ion-exchange materials for applications in fuel cells. To date he is co-author on 8 peer-reviewed articles published in high-impact journals. He may be reached at graeme. (continued on next page)
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References 1. R. O’Hayre, S. W. Cha, W. Colella, and F. B. Prinz, Fuel Cell Fundamentals, John Wiley & Sons, New York (2006). 2. M. Watanabe, D. A. Tryk, M. Wakisaka, H. Yano, and H. Uchida, Electrochim. Acta, 84, 187 (2012). 3. V. Di Noto and E. Negro, G. Pace, S. Lavina, in Catalysts for Oxygen Electroreduction - Recent Developments and New Directions, T. He, Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum (2009). 4. V. Di Noto and E. Negro, Electrochim. Acta, 55, 7564 (2010). 5. E. Negro, K. Vezzù, F. Bertasi, P. Schiavuta, L. Toniolo, S. Polizzi, and V. Di Noto, ChemElectroChem, 1, 1359 (2014). 6. R. Borup, J. Meyers, B. Pivovar, Y. S. Kim, R. Mukundan, N. Garland, D. Myers, M. Wilson, F. Garzon, D. Wood, P. Zelenay, K. More, K. Stroh, T. A. Zawodzinski, J. Boncella, J. E. McGrath, M. Inaba, K. Miyatake, M. Hori, K. Ota, Z. Ogumi, S. Miyata, A. Nishikata, Z. Siroma, Y. Uchimoto, K. Yasuda, K. Kimijima, and N. Iwashita, Chem. Rev., 107 (10), 3904 (2007). 7. C. W. B. Bezerra, L. Zhang, K. Lee, H. Liu, A. L. B. Marques, E. P. Marques, H. Wang, and J. Zhang, Electrochim. Acta, 53, 4937 (2008). 8. P. Trogadas, T. F. Fuller, and P. Strasser, Carbon, 75, 5 (2014). 9. K. Wan, G. F. Long, M. Y. Liu, L. Du, Z. X. Liang, and P. Tsiakaras, Appl. Catal. B Environ., 165, 566 (2015). 10. N. G. Connelly, R. M. Hartshorn, T. Damhus, and A. T. Hutton, Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2005). 11. S. Gupta, D. Tryk, I. Bae, W. Aldred, and E. Yeager, J. Appl. Electrochem., 19, 19 (1989). 12. G. Faubert, R. Coté, D. Guay, J. P. Dodelet, G. Dénès, and P. Bertrand, Electrochim. Acta, 43 (3-4), 341 (1997). 13. G. Faubert, R. Cote, J. P. Dodelet, M. Lefèvre, and P. Bertrand, Electrochim. Acta, 44, 2589 (1999). 14. M. Lefèvre, J. P. Dodelet, and P. Bertrand, J. Phys. Chem. B, 104 (47), 11238 (2000). 15. R. Jasinski, Nature, 201, 1212 (1964). 16. R. Bashyam and P. Zelenay, Nature, 443, 63 (2006). 17. C. W. B. Bezerra, L. Zhang, H. Liu, K. Lee, A. L. B. Marques, E. P. Marques, H. Wang, and J. Zhang, J. Power Sources, 173, 891 (2007). 18. V. S. Bagotzky, M. R. Tarasevich, K. A. Radyushkina, O. A. Levina, and S. I. Andrusyova, J. Power Sources, 2 (3), 233 (1978). 19. M. Ladouceur, G. Lalande, D. Guay, J. P. Dodelet, L. DignardBailey, M. L. Trudeau, and R. Schulz, J. Electrochem. Soc., 140 (7), 1974 (1993).
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Bi-Functional Oxygen Electrodes – Challenges and Prospects by S. R. Narayan, Aswin K. Manohar, and Sanjeev Mukerjee
n rechargeable metal-air batteries and regenerative fuel cells, Voltage Losses from Charge Transfer at the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction the Bi-functional Oxygen Electrode reaction (ORR) both occur on the same electrode (usually the positive electrode) during the charge and discharge processes, A significant portion of the voltage losses during charge and respectively. Such an electrode is termed a “bi-functional” discharge of metal-air batteries occurs on the bi-functional air oxygen electrode. Bi-functional electrodes are used in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. The reactions occurring at a bi-functional electrode. In an iron-air battery developed by the Swedish National Development Company, about 70% of the total voltage loss was oxygen electrode during charge and discharge are listed in Fig. 1. 3 The materials used in the bi-functional oxygen electrode should reported to occur on the bi-functional air electrode. Rechargeable be good electro-catalysts for both the oxidation and reduction metal-air battery technologies have been limited by their low powerreactions of oxygen and should be chemically stable over the wide density and poor round-trip energy efficiency. Power 2densities based are usually about 50-60 mW/cm at a round-trip range of potentials experienced during charge and discharge. Further, on the electrode area 4-6 fuel cells, while operating at the electrodes should be sufficiently robust to resist the mechanical efficiency of 70%. In PEM regenerative 2 a high power density of 500 mW/cm , the round trip energy efficiency and compositional changes occurring during repeated cycling. In can be less than 50%.7 A major fraction of the voltage loss results from some cases, the products of the oxygen reduction reaction are solids that must be accommodated within the structure of the electrode. These solid products must remain accessible for further electrochemical reaction. In other cases, the soluble substances produced at the surface of the electrode need to be transported into the electrolyte phase during charge and discharge. Meeting such diverse and demanding requirements has been a formidable challenge. However, the realization of such electrodes presents immense potential in terms of designing power sources with specific energy densities that are several times larger than the stateof-art. Metal-air rechargeable batteries using zinc, iron, metal hydrides or lithium as the negative electrode have theoretical specific energy values ranging from 1000 to 11000 W-h/kg because the oxygen needed for the reaction can be drawn from the surroundings and does not add to the mass of the battery. However, these (potentially) high-energy battery systems remain elusive in practice because of the lack of suitable bifunctional oxygen electrodes. Regenerative Fig. 1. Reactions occurring at a bi-functional oxygen electrode. (Electrode potentials in non – aqueous hydrogen/oxygen fuel cells based on a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM), media are from References: [1-2]) although quite efficient, rely on expensive precious-metal-based catalysts to achieve bi-functional capability. The large-scale commercial deployment the sluggish kinetics of charge transfer during the OER and ORR. of regenerative fuel cells is presently predicated upon a significant These reactions proceed step-wise through the sequential breaking reduction in the cost of the catalysts, which has again remained elusive. and formation of strong chemical bonds such as the O-H bond, and Current research on bi-functional oxygen electrodes is motivated by the generation of adsorbed species on the surface of the electrode. Tailored electrocatalyst materials are necessary to lower the activation the above challenges. barriers and reduce overpotential, as the reaction pathways adopted are dependent on the electrocatalyst materials. (continued on next page)
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Narayan, Manohar, and Mukerjee (continued from previous page)
In aqueous media, the electrochemical reduction of oxygen occurs by three possible pathways: (1) direct four-electron reduction, (2) a series pathway with successive two-electron electrochemical steps through a peroxide intermediate, and (3) a two-electron reduction to peroxide followed by the chemical decomposition of peroxide. For platinum-based catalysts, the direct four-electron pathway is adopted in acidic media whereas a series pathway is more likely in alkaline media.8-9 Carbon based catalysts (under acid and alkaline conditions) tend to support the two-electron reduction to peroxide followed by desorption of peroxide from the surface. Consequently, a peroxide decomposer such as silver or a transition metal oxide is needed in conjunction with carbon to achieve the four-electron reduction of oxygen. In non-aqueous media, oxygen reduction occurs through sequential outer-sphere reactions involving the formation of the superoxide, the peroxide and ultimately the oxide (Fig. 1). The oxygen evolution reaction in aqueous media on transition metal oxides and noble metal oxides occurs via formation of the M-OH bond arising from the interaction with water or hydroxyl ions, followed by electrochemical transformation to M-O bonds, which lead to the desorption of the oxygen molecule by recombination of the surface oxo-species. Consequently, an oxide surface with optimal metal-oxygen bond strength is necessary for facile oxygen evolution. In acidic media, iridium oxide and ruthenium oxide are particularly active, while in alkaline media, nickel and cobalt oxides exhibit good electro-catalytic activity. Oxygen reduction in non-aqueous media typically does not need a catalyst. However, the cations in the electrolyte strongly influence the reduction mechanism of oxygen. Electrolytes with larger cations such as tetrabutylammonium show a reversible O2/O2− redox couple, in contrast to those containing the smaller Li (and other alkali metal) cations, where an irreversible one-electron reduction of O2 to LiO2 occurs. This process is followed by the decomposition of LiO2 to Li2O2 and further reduction to Li2O. These metal oxides passivate the electrode surface, making the processes irreversible.10-11 The product distribution is also influenced by the nature of the electrode surface. Electrodes with strong affinity for oxygen such as ruthenium tend to form oxide products, while gold tends to form the peroxide.12 Electrolyte stability is a major issue in non-aqueous media. Conventional alkyl and cyclic carbonates used in lithium batteries are unstable during oxygen reduction, and lead to the formation of insoluble lithium carbonates. Consequently, dimethoxyethane and glymes are more suitable as solvents. The insulating nature of the products also increases the overpotential for the oxygen electrode reactions. Oxygen is evolved readily from lithium peroxide, but the oxidation of lithium oxide is irreversible and requires an electrocatalyst.13 The mechanism of oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution in non-aqueous electrolytes is a topic of current research.
Electrocatalyst Materials for Regenerative Fuel Cell Electrodes In acidic media, or in contact with proton conducting electrolytes such as NafionTM, only platinum, gold, and iridium are stable under bi-functional operation. Therefore, unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFC) using proton exchange membrane electrolytes need to use noble metal catalysts at the positive and negative electrodes. Mixtures consisting of 40% platinum and 60% iridium oxide have been successfully used in unitized regenerative fuel cells with Nafion. This mixture combines the electrocatalytic activity of platinum for oxygen reduction with the extraordinary activity of iridium oxide for oxygen evolution. Usually, the precious metal blacks or oxides are used without any other support because carbon supports are readily oxidized during oxygen evolution.14-15 The precious metal blacks are usually prepared by the Adam’s method involving the nitrate fusion of the salts of the noble metals, followed by washing with water.16 In combinatorial studies on electrocatalysts, Mallouk et al. have investigated different compositions of Pt, Ru, Ir, Os, and Rh for bi-
functional operation.17-18 A catalyst rich in platinum and ruthenium, with the composition Pt4.5Ru4Ir0.5 was found to have the best catalytic activity and stability (resistance to anodic dissolution).18 The use of ruthenium oxide and iridium oxide mixtures has been found to be promising for improving oxygen evolution activity.19 High durability and reduced precious-metal loadings can be achieved by using the nano-structured thin film configuration (NSTF) developed by 3M Corporation.20 NSTF catalysts were found to perform better than the precious metal blacks for oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction for as long as 4600 hours without failure.21 The NSTF based Pt-Ir and Pt-Co-Mn catalysts, when used at less than 10% of typical catalyst loadings, were reported to meet or exceed the performance of precious metal blacks. Reduced titanium oxides have also been reported to provide a stable catalyst support.17,22-23 A Pt-Ru-Ir catalyst supported on niobium-doped titanium oxide, Ti0.9Nb0.1O2, was found to have the highest level of stability and catalytic activity in a combinatorial study involving various metal catalysts and titanium supports.17-18 Typically, the current collectors and separator plates in the URFC stack have to be made of platinized titanium or niobium sheets and foams to resist corrosion, resulting in high cost of URFCs. Consequently, achieving high current density combined with high efficiency is critical to reduce the overall cost of URFCs. While separate fuel cell and electrolyzers (termed “discrete” as opposed to the “unitized”) allow for independent optimization and flexibility with the system design, the impact of this discrete configuration on reducing cost has not been significant for acidic systems. Recent advances in alkaline ion-exchange membranes suggest the prospect of regenerative fuel cells in which non-precious metal catalysts can be used.24
Electrocatalysts for Metal-Air Batteries Metal-air rechargeable batteries such as the zinc-air, iron-air, and metal hydride-air systems require bi-functional air electrodes to operate in concentrated potassium hydroxide electrolyte. Lithium-air rechargeable batteries using both aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes are being developed. In aqueous alkaline media, the material options expand to the use of non-precious metals and metal oxides. For oxygen reduction, carbon combined with silver or manganese dioxide has been used in alkaline fuel cells for many years.25 Similarly, carbon when mixed other transition metal oxides of the perovskite and spinel families has shown good electrocatalytic activity. In these catalysts, carbon is the primary catalyst that supports the reduction of oxygen to peroxide. The transition metal oxides and silver are by themselves very poor electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction, but are very effective in decomposing the peroxide generated on the carbon. Consequently, carbon in conjunction with silver or transition metal oxides serves as a viable electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction.26-27 Although carbon/metal oxide composites are useful in reducing the overpotential for oxygen reduction, these catalysts are unstable under the conditions of oxygen evolution because the oxidation of carbon occurs under these conditions (Eq. 1).28 (1) Thus, a slow loss of electrode performance is to be expected during cycling, and this is usually followed by excessive electrolyte flooding of the air electrode. While high-surface area carbons are generally unstable under the conditions of oxygen evolution, graphitic carbons with lower surface area are found to be more resistant to oxidation.29 Graphitized carbon supports have been shown to improve the stability of zinc-air battery electrodes.30-31 While the graphitization treatment improves the stability characteristics during oxygen evolution, the decrease in the active area of the catalysts with graphitization leads to reduction in the catalyst activity for the ORR. For applications that exceed 300-500 hours, carbon materials must be avoided in the oxygen evolution layer. More recent results suggest that graphite is the preferred carbon additive for extending the life of the bi-functional electrode. It is not yet clear if the recent developments in nitrogendoped carbons offer any advantage with respect to their oxidative stability.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Metal oxides with the pyrochlore structure have also shown good Metal oxides of the perovskite, spinel, and pyrochlore structure have shown promise as stable catalysts in alkaline media. They not catalytic activity as bi-functional air electrodes.39 However, these only serve to decompose peroxide during oxygen reduction, but are catalysts uniformly contain some precious metals. Shukla et al have also catalytically active for the oxygen evolution reaction.32-33 reported the stable operation of an iron-air battery using air electrodes The best-studied perovskites (general formula ABO3) are the containing lead-iridium and lead-bismuth-ruthenium pyrochlore cobaltates, nickelates and manganates, which contain the rare-earth oxide catalysts. At 7.5 mA/cm2, the overpotential for the OER and elements (lanthanum and neodymium) in the A site of the perovskite. ORR on the lead-iridium oxide based air electrode was about 200 mV To improve the conductivity of these perovskites, the A site is often and 350 mV, respectively.40-41 The electrode was operated using pure substituted partially with calcium, barium or strontium. This doping oxygen in the ORR mode and no electrode deterioration was observed results in a higher oxidation state for the transition metal in the B in 120 cycles. Similar highly-active lead-iridium pyrochlore oxides site or an increase in concentration of oxygen vacancies. Examples were also reported by ten Kortenaar et al.42 Bismuth ruthenate is among of typical compositions are La0.6Ca0.4CoO3 and La0.5Sr0.5CoO3. The the most stable pyrochlore oxide material that has been reported.43 strongly-bonded oxygen framework created by the rare earth elements, Yeager et al have used ionically conducting polymers and anion provides a stable host for the transition metal ions, and resists oxidative exchange membrane layers to improve the stability of air electrodes degradation. High-surface area materials in nano-crystalline form using pyrochlore catalysts.39,44 These layers inhibit the diffusion of can be prepared by the auto-combustion of gels prepared (by sol-gel metal ions from the air electrode into the electrolyte. Consequently, methods) from metal nitrates with citric acid. The oxide materials thus an increase in the oxygen evolution activity of a bi-functional leadproduced are subjected to further heat treatment in the temperature ruthenium pyrochlore catalyst with the protective layer has been range of 400–700 °C. Alternately, thin films of desired composition observed.39,44 can be prepared on a nickel substrate by direct thermal decomposition Recent developments in nitrogen-doped carbon materials have of the nitrates in air or by pulsed laser deposition. Mixed-metal shown very promising oxygen reduction performance in acidic and perovskites of the type AA´(BB´)O3 (e.g., La0.6Ca0.4Co1−xMnxO3) alkaline media comparable to that of platinum.45-48 present the opportunity to tune the activity for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution by changing the composition of the metals.32,34 Electrode Structure The onset potential for oxygen reduction on perovskite-carbon composites is in the range of 0.0 to −0.1 V vs. the mercury/ The structure of a bi-functional air electrode must include two mercuric oxide (MMO) electrode.26 This range of potentials is 0.4 V separate zones for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution, as these negative to the standard reduction potential for the oxygen reduction reactions usually require different catalysts (Fig. 2). reaction. Also, this low onset potential is close to the standard These zones (or layers) also have different porosity and wetting reduction potential for the oxygen/peroxide couple in alkaline media characteristics. The zone supporting the oxygen reduction reaction (Eo = −0.065 V), confirming the process of formation of peroxide on must be semi-hydrophobic, highly porous (for oxygen to diffuse carbon as the primary reaction. Of the perovskite-carbon composite into the active layer), and have an extended layer of a thin film of catalysts for oxygen reduction, the best activity is exhibited by the electrolyte just like a fuel cell electrode. Hydrophobicity is achieved manganese rich materials with activity numbers of about 22 mA/mg by the addition of TeflonTM to the extent of 15–30 weight percent. On at 0 V vs. the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) in 1 M potassium hydroxide. The oxygen reduction activity of carbon-perovskite composites has been correlated with the ability of the perovskite to decompose peroxide.35-36 In some perovskites, the direct electrochemical reduction of hydrogen peroxide has been studied.37 Doped lanthanum nickelate (both LaNiO3 and La2NiO4) and lanthanum cobaltate have shown excellent stability and activity towards oxygen reduction in the presence of carbon. Perovskite catalysts have also been employed as oxygen evolution catalysts. Typical oxygen evolution activity on perovskite catalysts is about 5 mA/mg at 750 mV vs. NHE.32 Cobalt and nickel based materials are generally more active, while manganese tends to reduce oxygen evolution activity. Transition metal oxides of the spinel structure containing nickel and cobalt are promising because of their low overpotentials for oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction (with carbon). NiCo2O4 is the most stable Fig. 2. Layered structure of the bi-functional air electrode. towards oxygen evolution and is one of the preferred catalysts for alkaline water electrolysis. Although Co3O4 has the other hand, the zone that supports the oxygen evolution reaction been widely studied, it is not as stable as NiCo2O4 under long-term must be hydrophilic and completely wetted by the electrolyte. The oxygen evolution tests. Tseung et al have reported on the effect of hydrophilicity prevents the sticking of gas bubbles and blockage of the preparative methods, electrode composition and crystal structure on surface to the electrolyte. The current collector is electrically connected the electrochemical properties of the Ni-Co-O catalysts. The optimal to both zones and should be chemically stable under the conditions catalyst composition was observed to be 2Co:1Ni and the best ORR of the oxygen evolution reaction. The separation of the zones is also performance was obtained by synthesizing an oxide in spinel form by necessary so that the carbon based catalysts used for oxygen reduction heat treating the catalyst in air at 400 °C.38 We have observed about are minimally impacted during the oxygen evolution process. These 15 mA/mg at 750 mV vs. NHE on nickel cobalt oxide spinel catalysts electrodes are fabricated by pressing on the active layers onto either in 1 M potassium hydroxide. side of the current collector, typically a nickel mesh. The layers are (continued on next page) The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Narayan, Manohar, and Mukerjee (continued from previous page)
compressed under heat and pressure with binders to form an integrated structure with a low electrical resistance. Delamination of the layers can occur with oxygen evolution because of gas bubbles exerting pressure or causing erosion of the loosely bound particles. Some of the engineered structures described in various patents carry multiple layers, often with a gradient in wettability, or including additives that prevent the dissolution of the oxygen reduction catalysts. Often, an additional layer containing PTFE is bonded to the outside of the electrode structure to prevent electrolyte accumulation and blockage of pores on the exterior surface of the oxygen reduction zone. In non-aqueous bi-functional electrodes such as those used in lithium-air batteries, hydrophilic and hydrophobic criteria do not apply. Solid products are generated from the electrochemical reduction of oxygen. The porosity of the electrode must be adjusted to accommodate the reaction products while still permitting access of oxygen into the electrodes. A combination of carbon black and polyvinylidene fluoride binder are impregnated on a nickel or aluminum foam substrate to form a positive electrode. Moisture access and loss of organic electrolyte must be prevented and hence most experiments on these cells are performed in controlled environments in a dry box, with oxygen instead of air. Thus, the design of a practical bi-functional electrode for non-aqueous electrolytes continues to be an interesting topic for research and development.
Carbonation of the Electrolyte When a bi-functional air electrode is operated using atmospheric air as the reactant, the carbon dioxide present in air reacts with the alkaline electrolyte, forming carbonate ions (Eq. 2). (2) The carbon dioxide can also be produced at the air electrode by the oxidation of any carbon component in the electrode (Eq. 1). The carbonate ions formed according to Eq. 2 either diffuse into the alkaline electrolyte or precipitate as potassium carbonate on the gas diffusion electrode. These precipitates of potassium carbonate block the pores in the air electrode, decrease the active surface area available, and reduce the access of oxygen to the electrocatalyst. The decrease in performance of metal-air batteries and fuel cells due to carbonation of the electrolyte has been shown in the literature.49-51 Cnobloch et al have studied the influence of carbonation of the electrolyte on the performance of an iron-air battery. At 40 mA/cm2, the discharge potential of the air electrode increased by 190 mV when the concentration of potassium carbonate in the electrolyte was increased from 0.06 N to 4.08 N.51 When a truly bi-functional electrode is used, carbonate precipitation in the hydrophilic OER layer will lead to deterioration of performance during both OER and ORR reactions. To address this issue, regenerative carbon dioxide absorbers with sufficient specific capacity need to be part of the system design. Examples of such efficient absorbers are those that allow for regeneration using the oxygen evolved during charging as the sweep gas, concurrently using the waste heat from the system. Polyethyleneimine supported on silica has properties that are very attractive for this application.52
Future Directions Recent advances in the electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction using nitrogen doped carbons present opportunities to reduce the overpotential during oxygen reduction. Some of these materials can match the performance of platinum. However, the anodic stability of these carbon materials needs to be established. The use of nanostructured thin film catalysts based on 3M’s NSTF substrate is a promising approach to reduction of the amount of precious metal used in regenerative fuel cells. As the research on alkaline ion-exchange membranes progresses, alkaline regenerative fuel cells that use nonprecious metals and metal oxides could become an inexpensive alternative to today’s regenerative fuel cells based on acidic Nafion 68
membranes. The opportunity to tune the catalytic activity of perovskite and spinel oxides for oxygen evolution and peroxide decomposition by varying the mixture of metals and dopants presents new possibilities for the realization of efficient rechargeable metal-air batteries. Until stable electrode structures can be designed, the problems relating to electrode durability in metal-air batteries may have to be addressed through the use of separate electrodes for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution. Such separated electrode structures will permit significant flexibility in the design and formulation of the electrodes, and also facilitate long lifetimes for the air electrodes. Electrode performance in non-aqueous electrolytes could be improved by the use of specific catalysts to promote both oxygen reduction and evolution, as the current density in lithium battery electrolytes are still too low for any practical application. Addressing the intrinsic problems of precipitation and passivation of the electrode surfaces in non-aqueous lithium battery electrolytes await innovative electrode designs that disperse the insoluble products in a form that precludes interference with the kinetics of the oxygen electrode reaction. © The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1149/2.F06152IF
About the Authors Sri Narayan has over 30 years of experience in the fundamental and applied aspects of energy storage and conversion systems. During his 20year tenure at the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he pioneered the development of the Liquid-Fed Direct Methanol Fuel Cell that led to its commercialization. Prof. Narayan’s current focus at the University of Southern California is on developing inexpensive, robust and sustainable energy storage systems for large-scale integration of the electricity from solar and wind based generation. In the last five years, under the sponsorship of ARPA-E, Prof. Narayan and his team have made notable innovations in the area of robust iron-based batteries and inexpensive aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Prof. Narayan was awarded the Exceptional Achievement Award from the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and was recently elected as the Fellow of the Electrochemical Society. He may be reached at Aswin Manohar is a post–doctoral research associate working under the supervision of Prof. S.R. Narayanan at the University of Southern California (USC). His current research is focussed on the development of batteries for large-scale energy storage applications. He received his PhD degree in Materials Science from USC and his B.Tech degree in Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering from the Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, India. He may be reached at Sanjeev Mukerjee is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Northeastern University); where he has been since September of 1998. He also heads the newly created center for Renewable Energy Technology at Northeastern University and its subset the Laboratory for Electrochemical Advanced Power (LEAP). He is the author of 130 peer reviewed publications and is a fellow of the Electrochemical Society. He has given numerous invited and keynote presentations in various national and international meetings and holds five US and international patents. He also serves on the scientific advisory boards of three companies. He may be reached at
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
T ECH SEC TION HIGHLIGH NE WS TS Arizona Section The winter/spring meeting of the ECS Arizona Section was held on January 26, 2015 at The University of Arizona. A total of twenty faculty and students from The University of Arizona and Arizona State University attended the meeting. After a brief networking reception, Srini Raghavan, ViceChair of the Arizona Chapter, introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Robert Savinell, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Following a brief description of the activities of ECS, Dr. Savinell gave a very informative talk on IronBased Flow Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage.
A group chat after the presentation. From left to right: Manish Keswani, Srini Raghavan, Robert Savinell, Dominic Gervasio, and Krishna Muralidharan.
A group picture of the participants at the Arizona Section meeting.
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T ECH SEC TION HIGHLIGH NE WS TS India Section Riding on the phenomenal success of its three earlier annual schools, the ECS India Section organized its fourth school between March 3 and 7, 2015 at Sastra University, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India. The five-day school on Photoelectrochemistry and Related Aspects: From Fundamentals to Applications was conducted by Krishnan Rajeshwar, Distinguished University Professor, University of Texas, Arlington and a Vice-President of The Electrochemical Society. Participation in the school, as usual, was by invitation, which meant only acknowledged researchers and students could participate. A total of 67 participants drawn from the across the country benefited from the School. The event was formally inaugurated by G. Balachandran, Registrar, Sastra University. The others who spoke on that occasion were Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, Director, Central Electrochemical Research Institute and Vice-Chair of the India Section, T. Prem Kumar, Section Counsellor and D. Jeyakumar, Section Secretary. The school was a riveting discourse on a wide spectrum of topics in photoelectrochemistry, with emphasis laid on such topics as materials chemistry underpinning photoelectrochemistry; band structure and opto-electronic properties; photo-induced charge transfer; deactivation pathways; bio-inspired devices for charge rectification and energy transfer; artificial photosynthesis; current– potential profiles in the dark for metal and semiconductor electrode– electrolyte interfaces; electrocatalysis; photoelectrochemical stability of semiconductor surfaces; semiconductor surface protection; opto-electronic behavior of quantum dots; colloidal semiconductor suspensions; modelling the electrochemical behavior of semiconductor colloidal particles by Wagner diagram; solar photovoltaic cells; photovoltaic cells based on dye- and quantum dot-semiconductor sensitization; organic perovskites; photo-splitting of water and carbon dioxide; photoelectrochemical conversion of nitrogen to ammonia, mineralization of organic pollutants and immobilization of toxic metal ions; inactivating microorganisms; defogging; sterilization; metallization, and photoelectrochemical etching; thin film fabrication; cathodic and anodic electrodeposition of elemental and compound semiconductor thin films; photocatalytic deposition of metal nanoclusters; carbon-based composites containing semiconductor nanoparticles; and application to electroand photocatalysis of above hybrid assemblies. A highlight of the school was a friendly competition aimed at audience participation, in which the students presented a problem and solutions to it within the general realm of solar photoelectrochemistry. The students were divided into three teams of about 20 each and were named the “Michael Graetzel,” “Martin Green,” and “Henry Snaith” teams in line with the chosen problem areas. The teams were mentored by senior scientists of the Central Electrochemical Research Institute. A panel comprising Krishnan Rajeshwar, Prem Kumar and Dr. Jeyakumar evaluated the 45-minute PowerPoint presentations followed by Q&A sessions. The Snaith team, followed by the Graetzel and Green teams, won the first prize. There was also a demonstration session on photoelectrochemical water splitting. The spectacular success of the school should prod other sections of the ECS to organize similar schools in other parts of the world to disseminate electrochemical knowledge and to nurture a new generation of researchers. The event came to a close with encomiums poured on Professor Rajeshwar for his Herculean efforts.
Krishnan Rajeshwar responding to a question during a session at the ECS India Section meeting.
Demonstration of photoelectrochemical splitting of water.
Krishnan Rajeshwar (center) at the concluding session with Section Counsellor T. Prem Kumar (left) and Section Secretary D. Jeyakumar (right). The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
T ECH SEC TION HIGHLIGH NE WS TS Korea Section The ECS Korea Section Symposium (Organizers: Yung-Eun Sung, Soo-Kil Kim, and Byoung Koun Min) was held on April 2, 2015 at the Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju, Korea. This year, the event was held as a Joint Symposium with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, with the title “ECS Korea Section-KIST Joint Symposium on Electrochemical CO2 Conversion.” It was composed of seven talks on electrocatalysts and systems for electrochemical reduction of CO2. At the end of the symposium, Minah Lee received the 2015 Student Award of the Korea Section of The Electrochemical Society with a cash prize of $500 from the Society. She presented at the symposium her recent work titled “Biologically Inspired Redox Centers for Sustainable and High Performance Rechargeable Batteries.” She recently received her PhD from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. Her current research interest is in the area of secondary batteries and light harvesting. The next award will be presented at the spring symposium of the Section in 2016. Minah Lee (right) receiving the 2015 Student Award of the ECS Korea Section from Kee-Suk Nahm (left), the 9th president of the Korean Electrochemical Society.
Opening of the ECS Korea Section-KIST Joint Symposium on Electrochemical CO2 Conversion in Gwangju, South Korea.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Volume 64– C a n c u n , M e x i c o
from the Cancun meeting, October 5—October 10, 2014
The following issues of ECS Transactions are from symposia held during the Cancun meeting. All issues are available in electronic (PDF) editions, which may be purchased by visiting Some issues are also available in soft or hard cover editions. Please visit the ECS website for all issue pricing and ordering information. (All prices are in U.S. dollars; M = ECS member price; NM = nonmember price.)
Available Issues Vol. 64 No. 1
Chemical and Biological Sensors 11 and MEMS/NEMS 11 HC.............................M $132.00, NM $164.00 PDF .............................M $119.63, NM $149.54
Vol. 64 No. 2
Solid State Ionic Devices 10 HC.............................M $109.00, NM $136.00 PDF .............................M $98.98, NM $123.73
Vol. 64 No. 3
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 14 (PEFC 14) CD/USB.....................M $203.00, NM $254.00 PDF...............................M $184.65, NM $230.81
Vol. 64 No. 4
Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 19 HC.............................M $149.00, NM $186.00 PDF............................M $135.11, NM $168.89
Vol. 64 No. 5
Semiconductor Wafer Bonding 13: Science, Technology, and Applications HC..............................M $107.00, NM $134.00 PDF.............................M $97.26, NM $121.57
Vol. 64 No. 6
SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 6 HC.............................M $159.00, NM $198.00 PDF............................M $144.33, NM $180.41
Vol. 64 No. 7
GaN and SiC Power Technologies 4 HC..............................M $103.00, NM $129.00 PDF............................M $93.80, NM $117.25
Vol. 64 No. 8
Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 12 HC..............................M $97.00, NM $122.00 PDF.............................M $88.62, NM $110.77
Vol. 64 Batteries Beyond Lithium Ion No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Chemically Modified Electrodes SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 Electrochemical Capacitors: Fundamentals to No. 17 Applications SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Oxygen Reduction Reactions SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Systems Electrochemistry SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Nanocarbon Fundamentals and Applications from Fullerenes to Graphene SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Thermal and Plasma CVD of Nanostructures and Their Applications SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Plasma Processes SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Processing Materials of 3D Interconnects, Damascene, and Electronics Packaging 6 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Thermoelectric and Thermal Interface Materials SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Transparent Conducting Materials for Electronic and Photonics SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Storage No. 17 Systems SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Lithium-Ion Batteries No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Nano-architectures for Next-Generation Energy No. 17 Storage Technologies SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Nonaqueous Electrolytes No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Solar Fuels and Photocatalysts 4 No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Stationary and Large-Scale Electrical Energy No. 17 Storage Systems 4 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Corrosion (General) - 226th ECS Meeting No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 9
Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 10 HC..............................M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF.............................M $86.89, NM $108.61
Vol. 64 No. 10
Thin Film Transistors 12 (TFT 12) HC..............................M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF.............................M $86.89, NM $108.61
Vol. 64 Electrochemical Techniques and Corrosion No. 17 Monitoring SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Electronic and Photonic Devices 7 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 11
High Purity and High Mobility Semiconductors 13 HC.............................M $96.00, NM $119.00 PDF .............................M $86.89, NM $108.61
Vol. 64 High Resolution Characterization of Corrosion No. 17 Process 4 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Luminescence and Display Materials: Fundamentals and Applications (in Honor of Hajime Yamamoto) SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 12
Emerging Nanomaterials and Devices SC.............................M $43.00, NM $53.00 PDF .............................M $26.69, NM $33.36
Vol. 64 Electrodeposition for Energy Applications 3 No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Vol. 64 No. 13
Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices 2 SC.............................M $31.00, NM $39.00 PDF .............................M $19.00, NM $19.00
Vol. 64 Electrochemical Science and Technology: No. 17 Challenges and Opportunities in the Path from Invention to Product SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Student Poster Session (General) - 226th ECS Meeting SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Energy Water Nexus - 226th ECS Meeting SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 14
Nonvolatile Memories 3 SC.............................M $70.00, NM $87.00 PDF .............................M $53.93, NM $67.41
Vol. 64 No. 17
Nanotechnology (General) - 226th ECS Meeting SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 15
Photovoltaics for the 21st Century 10 SC.............................M $51.00, NM $64.00 PDF .............................M $35.30, NM $44.13
Vol. 64 No. 16
Solid-State Electronics and Photonics in Biology and Medicine SC.............................M $60.00, NM $75.00 PDF .............................M $43.62, NM $54.53
Vol. 64 No. 17
State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 56 (SOTAPOCS 56) SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Batteries and Energy Technology Joint Session (General) - 226th ECS Meeting SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
Vol. 64 No. 17
Vol. 64 Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices 13 No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Electrochemical Treatments for Organic Pollutant No. 17 Degradation in Water and Soils SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Symposium in Honor of Professor Ralph E. White No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Bioelectroanalysis and Bioelectrocatalysis 2 No. 17 SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72 Vol. 64 Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry No. 17 (General) - 226th ECS Meeting SC.............................M $54.00, NM $68.00 PDF .............................M $38.18, NM $47.72
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Ordering Information To order any of these recently-published titles, please visit the ECS Digital Library, Email: 11/12/14
ECS Awards & Grants Program:
Call for Nominations
Through our Awards & Grants Program, ECS recognizes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. ECS awards are held in high esteem by the scientific community. Nominating a colleague is a way of highlighting an individual’s contribution to our field and shining a spotlight on our ongoing contributions to the sciences around the world. ECS Awards are open to nominees across four categories: Society Awards, Division Awards, Student Awards, and Section Awards. Specific information for each award, and information regarding rules, past recipients, and nominee requirements are available online. Please note that the nomination material requirements for each award vary. Email questions to: For more about the ECS Awards & Grant Program go to:
ECS Awards The Edward Goodrich Acheson Award was established in 1928 for distinguished contributions to the advancement of any of the objects, purposes or activities of The Electrochemical Society. The award consists of a gold medal, wall plaque, and prize of $10,000, Society Life membership, and a complimentary meeting registration. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by October 1, 2015. The Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award was established in 2003 to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied electrochemistry or solid state science and technology by a young scientist or engineer. The award consists of scroll, prize of $5,000, ECS Life Membership, complimentary meeting registration, and travel assistance to the meeting of the award presentation (up to $1,000). Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by October 1, 2015. Fellow of The Electrochemical Society was established in 1989 as the Society’s highest honor in recognition of advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and active ECS membership. The award consists of an appropriately worded scroll and lapel pin. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by February 1, 2016.
The Allen J. Bard Award was established in 2013 to recognize distinguished contributions to electrochemical science and recognition for exceptionally creative experimental or theoretical studies that have opened new directions in electroanalytical chemistry or electrocatalysis. The award consists of a plaque, the sum of $7,500, complimentary meeting registration for award recipient and companion, a dinner held in recipient’s honor during the designated meeting, and Life Membership in the Society. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by April 15, 2016. The Gordon E. Moore Medal was established in 1971 for distinguished contributions to the field of solid state science and technology. The award consists of a silver medal, a plaque, the sum of $7,500, complimentary meeting registration for award recipient and companion, a dinner held in recipient’s honor during the designated meeting, and Life Membership in the Society. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by April 15, 2016.
ECS Division Awards The Electronics and Photonics Division Award was established in 1968 to encourage excellence in electronics research and outstanding technical contribution to the field of electronics science. The award consists of a scroll, prize of $1,500 and expenses up to $1,000 or payment of Life Membership in the Society. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by August 1, 2015.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
NE W AWA MEMBERS RDS The Energy Technology Division Research Award was established in 1992 to encourage excellence in energy related research. This award consists of scroll, check for $2,000, and membership in Energy Technology Division for as long as an ECS member. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by September 1, 2015. The Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award was established in 2011 to recognize and reward an outstanding young researcher in the field of energy technology. This award consists of scroll, check for $1,000, and free meeting registration. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by September 1, 2015. The SES Research Young investigator Award of the Nanocarbons Division was established in 2007 to recognize and reward one outstanding young researcher each year in the field of fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and carbon nanostructures. This award consists of a certificate plus $500.00 and free meeting registration costs to help the recipient attend the ECS meeting at which the presentation is made. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by September 1, 2015. The Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award was established in 1981 to encourage excellence in physical electrochemistry research and to stimulate publication of high quality research papers in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. The award consists of an appropriately worded certificate and a check for the sum of $1,500. Go to to begin the nomination process. Materials are due by October 1, 2015.
The High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award was established in 1984 to recognize excellence in high temperature materials research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of high temperature materials science. The award consists of an appropriately worded scroll and $1,000. The recipient may receive (if required) complimentary registration and up to $1000 in financial assistance from the High Temperature Materials Division toward travel expenses to the Society meeting at which the award is presented. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by January 1, 2016. The Luminescence and Display Materials Divisions Centennial Outstanding Achievement Award was established in 2002 to encourage excellence in luminescence and display materials research and outstanding contributions to the field of luminescence and display materials science. The award consists of a certificate and $1000. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by January 1, 2016.
Travel Grants
Several of the Society’s Divisions offer travel assistance to students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals presenting papers at ECS meetings. For details about travel grants for upcoming ECS biannual meetings and to apply, visit the ECS website at Please be sure to review travel grant requirements for each Division. Formal abstract submission is required for the respective meeting you wish to attend in order to apply for a travel grant. For questions or additional information, please contact Submission deadlines for upcoming ECS biannual meetings: • 228th ECS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ – June 19, 2015 • 229th ECS Meeting, San Diego, CA – February 12, 2016 • PRiME 2016, Honolulu, HI – June 10, 2016
The Corrosion Division Herbert H. Uhlig Award was established in 1972 to recognize excellence in corrosion research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology. The award will consist of $1,500 and an appropriately worded scroll, and the recipient may receive (if required) financial assistance from the Corrosion Division toward travel expenses to the Society meeting at which the award is presented. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by December 15, 2015.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS is proud to announce the establishment of the
Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science Award recipients will be honored for exceptional contributions to the field of fundamental electrochemical science and recognized for exceptionally creative experimental and theoretical studies that have opened new directions in electroanalytical chemistry and electrocatalysis.
Allen J. BArd is the Norman Hackerman-Welch Regents Chair in Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at The University of Texas at Austin, and the Director of the Center for Electrochemistry.
Allen J. BArd
Among Dr. Bard’s many awards are The Electrochemical Society’s Carl Wagner Memorial Award (1981), Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching (1986), and Olin Palladium Award (1987); Priestley Medal (2002), the Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2008). He was elected into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 1990. In 2013, Dr. Bard was awarded the National Medal of Science, one of the highest honors bestowed by the U.S. government upon scientists, engineers, and inventors.
Special thanks to the generous support of our donors and advertisers, especially:
CH Instruments We need your help to ensure the award is fully funded in perpetuity, and we may also create a symposia in Dr. Bard’s honor. To help fund the award endowment and a continuing symposium in Dr. Bard’s honor, please donate online:
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
NE W MEMBERS ECS is proud to announce the following new members for January, February, and March 2015.
Active Members
Murtadha Alher, Fayetteville, AR, USA Alexander Bilyk, Lane Cove, New South Wales, Australia Shannon Boettcher, Eugene, OR, USA Klaus Brondum, Taylor, MI, USA Odne Burheim, Trondheim, Norway Steven De Feyter, Leuven, Belgium Ethan Demeter, Jersey City, NJ, USA Rougieux Fiacre, Canberra, ACT, Australia George Fortman, King of Prussia, PA, USA Natalia Garcia-Rey, Urbana, IL, USA Xumeng Ge, Wooster, OH, USA Jesus Gilberto Godinez Salcedo, FRACC Bosques De Mexico, Mexico Maciej Gorzkowski, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Poland David Gray, Homer Geln, IL, USA Rajeev Gupta, Akron, OH, USA Michael Haensel, Juelich, Germany Naoki Hatta, Ichihara, Chiba, Japan James Herbermann, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Andreas Hirsch, Erlangen, BY, Germany Stuart Holmes, Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK David Howey, Oxford, Oxon, UK Yueming Hsin, Jhongli City, Taiwan Yuta Irii, Soka-shi, Saitama, Japan Ryoichi Ishihara, Delft Zuid Holland, Netherlands Peter Kerepesi, Szombathely Vas, Hungary Naoto Kijima, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan Paul King, Golden, CO, USA Kevin Kirshenbaum, Port Jeferson Station, NY, USA Agnieszka Kraj, Zoeterwoude Zuid Holland, Netherlands Marc Lacroix, Hannover, NI, Germany Wenjie Lan, Billerica, MA, USA Xianglin Li, Lawrence, KS, USA Chan Lim, West Vancouver, BC, Canada Caihong Liu, Chicago, IL, USA Sean Luopa, Maplewood, MN, USA Bryan Matthews, Buffalo, NY, USA Mark McNie, Bromsgrove, Worcs, UK Norbert Menzler, Juelich, Germany Alan Pikor, Johannesburg Gauteng, South Africa Karl Pittard, Decatur, AL, USA Musuwathi Ravikumar, Bangalore Karnataka, India Sandrine Ricote, Golden, CO, USA Carlos Sanchez, Medellín Antioquia, Colombia Hajime Sato, Ebina, Kanagawa, Japan Brian Seger, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Peter Sheridan, Jacksonville, FL, USA Kevin Smith, Lyon Station, PA, USA Kangpyo So, Cambridge, MA, USA Terry Steele, Singapore, Singapore Kauzuchiyo Takoka, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Sebastien Thomas, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Dmitry Tretyakov, Kyiv Kyivska, Ukraine
Mary Anne Tupta, Cleveland, OH, USA Kseniya Verzunova, Tomsk Tomsk, Russia Keith Woo, Ames, IA, USA Joe Wu, New Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan Lei Xing, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK Min-Hsin Yeh, Atlanta, GA, USA Yu Zhu, Akron, OH, USA
Member Representatives
Takashi Kuzuya, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Naoki Matsuoka, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Shuichiro Ogawa, Chiyoda-kuTokyo, Japan Nik Singh, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Oscar Tutusaus, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Student Members
Anusha Abhayawardhana, Calgary, AB, Canada Hesham Al Salem, Detroit, MI, USA Mahmoud Ameen, 6th of October City, Egypt William Anderson, Wilsonville, OR, USA Elisabet Andres Garcia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Ricky Anthony, County Cork, Cork, Ireland Gladys Anyenya, Golden, CO, USA Mobin Arab, Darlington, NSW, Australia Pedro Arias, Bogota Bogota, Colombia Marie Josephe Vanessa, Armel, Montpellier, France Christian Arroyo-Torres, Athens, OH, USA Robert Atkinson III, Knoxville, TN, USA Ismail Ayhan, University Park, PA, USA Atanu Bag, Kharagpur West Bengal, India Sourav Bag, Rishra West Bengal, India Guangxing Bai, Plymouth, MN, USA Joshua Bailey, London, SL, UK Matthew Bain, Reno, NV, USA Devin Baird, Las Vegas, NV, USA Dominick Baker, Rochester, NY, USA Dila Banjade, Provo, UT, USA Timothy Batson, Lakewood, CO, USA Melike Baytekin Gerngross, Kiel, SH, Germany Sanjay Behura, Chicago, IL, USA Roberto Bernasconi, Appiano Gentile Como, Italy Matteo Bianchini, Grenoble, Isere, France Cristoph Birki, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK Suzanne Bisschop, Ghent, Belgium Adrien Bizeray, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK Arnaud Bordes, Grenoble, France Miranda Bradley, Portland, OR ,USA Donovan Briggs, Chicago, IL, USA Declan Bryans, Glasgow Glasgow City, UK Emily Campion, Golden, CO, USA Alexander Chadwick, Ann Arbor, MI, USA KaiChih Chang, Chicago, IL, USA Songwei Che, Chicago, IL, USA Jee-Jay Chen, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Sheng-Heng Chung, Austin, TX, USA Tomas Clancy, Cork, Ireland Raphaele Clement, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Gaston Contreras Jimenez, Montréal, QC, Canada Jiaqi Dai, College Park, MD, USA Ghazwan Darzi, El Cajon, CA, USA Anna Davis, Nashville, TN, USA Rousan Debbarma, Chicago, IL, USA Shikai Deng, Chicago, IL, USA Nathaniel Dexter, Tremont, IL, USA Mudit Dixit, Ramat Gan, Israel Arthur Dizon, Gainesville, FL, USA Lucinda Doyle, Singapore, Singapore Zohar Drach, Haifa, Israel Emile Drijvers, Ghent, Belgium Songtao Du, Auburn, AL, USA Mayken Espinoza, Lund Skane, Sweden Li Fan, Carbondale, IL, USA Yuxin Fang, Baton Rouge, LA, USA Isa Ferrall, Cary, NC, USA Sam Fisher, Reading Berkshire, UK Elizabeth Freund, Shaker Heights, OH, USA Chengyin Fu, Riverside, CA, USA Thomas Galassi, New York, NY, USA Daniel Gamarra Acosta, Woody Creek, CO, USA Xuefei Gao, Morgantown, WV, USA Erin Gawron, Atlanta, GA, USA Xiaohua Geng, Boston, MA, USA Kamran Ghiassi, Davis, CA, USA Matthew Graaf, Overland, MO, USA Sapna Gupta, Storrs, CT, USA Nandita Halder, Fayetteville, AR, USA Allison Harbottle, Atlanta, GA, USA Markus Heyne, Belgium Seyyed-Amirhossein Hosseini, Muncie, IN, USA Tallis Huther da Costa, Baton Rouge, LA, USA Nicholas Ingarra, Macomb MI, USA Muhammad Iqbal, Golden, CO, USA Pratiksha Jain, New Delhi, India Hyunchul Jang, Seoul, South Korea Haiping Jia, Muenster, NW, Germany Xiaoqin Jiang, Houston, TX, USA Elizabeth Jones, Urbana, IL, USA Lavanya Jothi, Trivandrum Kerala, India Amir Kaplan, Beer-Sheva, Israel Bijentimala Keisham, Chicago, IL, USA Michael Kellar, Gainesville, FL, USA Dmitry Kharitonov, Minsk, Belarus Byoungsu Kim, Savoy, IL, USA Jangwoo Kim, Ithaca, NY, USA Yogesh Koirala, Golden, CO, USA Natalie Labrador, New York, NY, USA Christopher Lee, Golden, CO, USA Matthew Lefler, Arlington, VA, USA Jing Li, Stockholm, Sweden Xuemin Li, Golden, CO, USA Zhefei Li, Carmel, IN, USA Donghao Liu, Carbondale, IL, USA Tianyuan Liu, Atlanta, GA, USA Neili Loupe, Lockport, LA, USA Guifen Lu, Houston, TX, USA Joan Lynam, Reno, NV, USA Andrew Madey, Wilsonville, OR, USA 77
NE W MEMBERS (continued from previous page)
Jorick Maes, Ghent, Belgium Seyed Reza Mahmoodi, Weehawken, NJ, USA Zakari Makama, Norman, OK, USA Swathi Malkedkar, Bloomington, IL, USA Tetsutaro Masuda, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Felix Mattelaer, Ghent, Belgium Carl Meunier, Peoria, IL, USA Hailey Meyer, Saint Cloud, MN, USA Elizabeth Miller, Evanston, IL, USA Elnaz Mir Taheri, Miami, FL, USA Rhiyaad Mohamed, Cape Town Western Cape, South Africa Michael Molter, Peoria, IL, USA Luca Montesi, London, London, UK Luis Moreira, Madrid, Spain Larry Morris, Tallahassee, FL, USA Milad Navaei, Atlanta, GA, USA Phong Nguyen, Chicago, IL, USA Nikan Noorbehesht, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Daniel Oppedisano, Baxter, Victoria, Australia Rafaiel Ovanesyan, Denver, CO, USA Alex Pak, Austin, TX, USA Yohan Paratcha, Villigen, AG, Switzerland Daniel Parr, Pekin, IL, USA Vedhika Parthasarathy, Chicago, IL, USA Rajankumar Patel, Rolla, MO, USA Oluwadamilola Phillips, Tampa, FL, USA William Phillips, Carson City, NV, USA Sanaz Pilehvar, Antwerp, Belgium
David Poerschke, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Guillermo Pozo, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Yanbo Qi, Seattle, WA, USA L. L. Rajeswara Rao, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Akshay Rajopadhye, Gainesville, FL, USA Ramya Ramkumar, Perth, WA, Australia Arman Raoufi, Chattanooga, TN, USA Omid Razavizadeh, Tehran, Iran Russell Reid, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Sydney Rogers, Golden, CO, USA Wade Rosensteel, Littleton, CO, USA Gergely Samu, Csongrád, Hungary Stephen Sanchez, Houston, TX, USA Indu Sarangadharan, Hsinchu, Taiwan Mehdi Saremi, Tempe, AZ, USA Stafford Sheehan, New Haven, CT, USA Dai Shen, Shaker Heights, OH, USA Pranav Shetty, Mumbai Maharashtra, India Devesh Dadhich Shreeram, Cincinnati, OH, USA Sarah Shulda, Morrison, CO, USA Milan Skocic, Le Creusot Saone-et-Loire, France Chelsea Snyder, Albuquerque, NM, USA Tingting Song, Melbourne, Australia Aristodemos Sotiris, Berwyn Heights, MD, USA Bryan Tamashiro, San Diego, CA, USA V. Sara Thoi, Pasadena, CA, USA Matthias Trujillo, Gainesville, FL, USA
Stephen Ubnoske, Durham, NC, USA John Vance, Urbana, IL, USA David Vonlanthen, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Willem Walravens, Ghent, Belgium Wan Masku Wan Mohamed, Kangar Perlis, Malaysia Muhammad Wasim, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Shigeru Watariguchi, Saitama, Japan Peter Weddle, Golden, CO, USA Brandon Whitman, Lansing, MI, USA David Wilson, Strawberry Plains, TN, USA Julia Witt, Oldenburg Niedersachsen, Germany Bing Wu, Tucson, AZ, USA Changhong Wu, Tucson, AZ, USA Chia-Hsun Wu, Hsinchu, Taiwan Jianfeng Xiao, Tsing Zhu, Tsingzhu, Taiwan, Taiwan Yuling Xie, East Lansing, MI, USA Meng Yao, Morgantown, WV, USA James Young, Boulder, CO, USA Tongwen YU, Liaoning, P. R. China Elizabeth Yuill, Bloomington, IN, USA Fatma Yurtsever, Little Rock, AR, USA Mina Zarabian, Calgary, AB, Canada Wei Zeng, Taichung City South District, Taiwan Yi Zhan, Singapore, Japan Bo Zhang, Knoxville, TN, USA Shumao Zhang, College Station, TX, USA Yangzhi Zhao, Golden, CO, USA Linan Zheng, Carbondale, IL, USA
Member Anniversaries anniversaries It is with great pleasure that we recognize the following ECS members, who have reached their 30, 40, 50, and 60 year anniversaries with the Society in 2015. Congratulations to all!
60 Year Members Robert Bakish Henry F. Ivey Henry W. Rahn David A. Vermilyea
50 Year Members
James A. Amick Robert Baboian Allen J. Bard Eliezer Gileadi Juan Haydu Werner Kern Kimio Kinoshita Charles A. Levine Nicholas J. Maskalick Barry Miller Lyuji Ozawa
Dominique L. Piron Prosenjit Rai-Choudhury Stanley F. Rak Robert J. Ratchford Martin R. Royce Franklin A. Schultz David A. Shores Michael J. Wislotski
40 Year Members John C. Angus Brian Barnett Daniel J. Eustace Peter S. Fedkiw H. Frank Gibbard Richard D. Granata Thomas Herman Robert L. Higgins
Charles L. Hussey Karl Kadish Vikram J. Kapoor Andrew Kindler Albert R. Landgrebe Arthur J. Learn Joseph D. Luttmer Patrick J. Moran Norvell J. Nelson Keith B. Oldham Emanuel Peled Rafael Reif Towfik H. Teherani
30 Year Members Michael T. Carter Jim Davidson Mary Helen Dean
Fiji Endoh Roland Goetz Brian M.Hale Michael Hitchman Yasuhiko Ito Chiaki Iwakura Mira Josowicz Bernd Kolbesen Carl A. Koval Henning Lund Greg K. MacLean John A. Magyar Tsuyoshi Nakajima Yoshio Nishi Peter G. Pickup Neil Robertson Jerzy Ruzyllo Benjamin R. Scharifker
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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Colorado School of Mines Student Chapter On April 17, 2015, the ECS Colorado School of Mines Student Chapter organized a one-day event in two parts; a morning seminar featuring a speaker and an afternoon ECS poster session with the ECS chapter members. In the morning session, organized in collaboration with the Colorado School of Mines Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, the Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award winner and long time ECS member, Adam Weber from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory gave a seminar on “Understanding Transport in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cell Ionomer.” The event was open to all students and faculty members. Several researchers including former Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award winner Bryan Pivovar, from National Renewable Laboratory, attended the seminar. The ECS student chapter advisor, Andrew Herring, chaired the session.
The afternoon poster session was facilitated for student chapter members along with the speaker and advisor, Professor Herring. The session started after the ECS student chapter president and the chair of the session, Tara Pandey, provided an update on the ECS activities and thanked all the new ECS student members for joining the chapter. About 10 student ECS members presented their posters related to electrochemistry, with special focus on polymer membranes for fuel cell applications. The chapter members along with the vice president, Himanshu Sarode, helped in organizing the event. Both the events provided a great opportunity for ECS graduate student members to discuss their work and learn from their fellow ECS members, the speaker and other experts presented.
Adam Weber (fifth from right, front row) with the ECS Colorado School of Mines Student Chapter members, Andrew Herring (Faculty Advisor, fourth from right), and Tara Pandey (President, second from left, first row) after the poster session.
Drexel University Student Chapter The ECS Drexel University Student Chapter had a busy winter and early spring 2014/2015. The organization and leadership changed as former Chapter President Kelsey Hatzell graduated, and Boota Muhammad took over as the new Chapter President. Also, Drexel recently experienced an influx of young electrochemistry-focused professors, and the student chapter welcomed Ekaterina Pomerantseva and Maureen Tang as the acting co-advisors (with Yury Gogotsi). Kelsey Hatzell, Mohamad Alhabeb, A-yeong Byeon, and Kanit Hantanasirisakul recently led an electrodeposition hands-on tutorial at Our Mother of Sorrows Middle School located locally in West Philadelphia. The chapter helps organize a science club on Tuesday afternoons at the middle school that focuses on hands-on experiments.
The chapter also had great attendance at the Philly Materials Day on February 7. The Philly Materials Day is spearheaded by Drexel’s Material Science Department, and raises public awareness of the importance of science and engineering. Nearly 1,300 individuals attended the event, and ECS student members were active in leading science demonstrations. Finally, to wrap up the winter quarter, the ECS chapter got together to prepare science demonstrations on hydrogen generation to send to students at the University of Makerere in Uganda. Drexel’s ECS chapter coupled with SciBridge, a non-profit group started by Veronica Augustyn (NC State). SciBridge engages researchers and scientists from U.S. and Africa with the hope of bridging the continents and initiating connections.
Electrodeposition tutorial at Our Mother of Sorrows Middle School.
Mallory Clites and Bryan Byles demonstrate how a fruit battery works at Philly Materials Day.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Attention Students! Joining ECS is quick and easy.
Student Membership Benefits
Annual Student Membership Dues Are Only $25 w Discounts on ECS Meetings–Save up to 20%
Valuable discounts to attend ECS spring and fall meetings
w Open Access Article Credit–$800 value
Receive a complimentary article processing waiver to publish a paper in an ECS journal as open access.
w Student Grants and Awards
Student awards and support for travel available from ECS divisions
w Student Poster Sessions
Present papers and participate in student poster sessions at ECS meetings
w ECS Member Article Pack–$3,300 value
100 full-text downloads from the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), ECS Electrochemistry Letters (EEL), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS), ECS Solid State Letters (SSL), and ECS Transactions (ECST)
w Interface
Receive the quarterly members' magazine with topical issues, news, and events
w Discounts on ECS Transactions, Monographs, and Proceedings Volumes ECS publications are a valuable resource for students
You May Be Eligible for a FREE Membership w ECS divisions offer awarded student
memberships to qualified full-time students.
w To be eligible, students must be enrolled
in the final two years of an undergraduate program or enrolled in a graduate program in science, engineering, or education with a science or engineering degree.
w Awarded memberships are renewable for up to four years; applicants must reapply each year.
w Postdoctoral students are not eligible.
Apply TODAY at!
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Jo TO EC in DA S Y!
Questions? Contact 609.737.1902, ext. 100
University of California, San Diego Student Chapter The ECS University of California, San Diego Student Chapter gained several new members during the past winter quarter and had a successful turnout at two meetings. First, they met on February 3, 2015 for a seminar by Shyue Ping Ong (UCSD), a visionary in the area of computational materials science. Professor Ong received his PhD in Materials Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Ong first discussed the history of the lithium ion battery and how it took two decades to commercialize. He then went on to discuss his research, and how it involves significantly reducing the amount of time between technology research in laboratories and commercialization. Professor Ong then explained how first principles methods have become an integral part of materials design, and can access a broad range of chemistries. He stressed how much computing power and informatics have revolutionized materials design in energy storage, focusing specifically on the electrochemical components. Professor Ong also discussed how first principles methods have helped construct one of the world’s largest materials property databases, which has been used to identify completely novel electrode and electrolyte chemistries. Lastly, he also shared his vision of the future of data-driven materials design in electrochemistry. This seminar allowed for people to consider the significance and promise of computational materials science. The chapter also took great strides in hosting their first industry seminar, where they were joined by Marissa Caldwell, on March 6,
2015. Dr. Caldwell hails from Wildcat Discovery Technologies (San Diego, CA), a company that specializes in high-throughput methods for discovering and optimizing better battery components. Borrowing techniques from pharmacology, Wildcat Technologies goes through hundreds or thousands iterations of a particular battery component, such as the cathode, while slightly tweaking the processing parameters or additives to optimize a material. In this seminar, Dr. Caldwell walked the audience through three case studies that highlighted the capabilities of Wildcat Technologies. First, she covered coatings in carbon monofluoride batteries, which are prized by the military for applications that require extreme robustness and durability. Wildcat Technologies created a variety of coatings with subtle changes in constituent elements that mostly had generally improved voltage and power characteristics. The second case study dealt with the infamous solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) issue that plagues silicon anode batteries. Over 2000 different electrolyte combinations with a myriad of additives and solvents were synthesized and tested with the silicon anodes, with some configurations offering dramatic improvements in anode performance. Lastly, Dr. Caldwell covered Wildcat’s work on solid-state batteries and the formulation of solid-state electrolytes that do away with the use of volatile and dangerous organic solvents used in today’s liquid electrolytes. With this seminar, students were able to see the industrial side of science and engineering, one they are not often exposed to.
Shyue Ping Ong during his presentation at the meeting of the UCSD Student Chapter.
Marissa Caldwell (third from right) of Wildcat Discovery Technologies with faculty and students of UCSD. From left: Ying Shirley Meng, Shyue Ping Ong, Judith Alvarado, Marissa Caldwell, Haodong Liu, and Han Nguyen.
Look Out !
We want to hear from you! Students are an important part of the ECS family and the future of the electrochemistry and solid state science community . . .
• What’s going on in your Student Chapter? • What’s the chatter among your colleagues?
• What’s the word on research projects and papers? • Who’s due congratulations for winning an award?
Send your news and a few good pictures to We’ll spread the word around the Society. Plus, your Student Chapter may also be featured in an upcoming issue of Interface! 82
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Student Awards
ECS Student Awards & Fellowship Program:
Call for Nominations For more about the ECS Awards & Fellowship Program go to:
ECS provides a number of fellowships and awards to help students in our field become full-fledged professionals. This is an amazing opportunity to recognize and boost the career of the hard working students you know. Find out more about summer fellowships, awarded student membership, student division and section awards, and more.
ECS student awards and fellowships are open to anyone who meets the ECS criteria for being a student. Specific information for each award, and information regarding rules, past recipients, and nominee requirements are available online. Please note that the nomination material requirements for each award vary.
The ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award was established in 2012 to recognize distinguished student chapters that demonstrate active participation in The Electrochemical Society’s technical activities, establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education, and create and maintain a robust membership base. Please visit the student awards page at awards for complete rules and nomination requirements. Nominations are being accepted for the 2016 award, which will be presented at the ECS fall meeting in Honolulu, HI, October 2-7, 2016. For questions or additional information, please contact Materials are due by March 31, 2016. The ECS Summer Fellowships were established in 1928 to assist students during the summer months in pursuit of work in the field of interest to ECS. The next fellowships will be presented in 2016. Please visit the student awards page at awards for complete rules and nomination requirements. For questions or additional information, please contact Materials are due by January 15, 2016. The Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award was established in 2012 to recognize and reward promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to the Division. The awards are intended to encourage the recipients to initiate or continue careers in this field. Up to two recipients, chosen annually, will receive an appropriately worded certificate and the sum of $1,000. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by September 1, 2015.
Email questions to:
Industrial Electrochemistry and ElectroEngineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award was established in 1990 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry. The award consists of a scroll and prize of $1,000 for education expenses. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by September 15, 2015. The
Industrial Electrochemistry and ElectroEngineering Division Student Achievement Award was established in 1989 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical engineering and to encourage the recipients to initiate careers in this field. The award consists of a scroll and a prize of $1,000. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by September 15, 2015. The
The Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award was established in 1991 to recognize and reward outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering. The award consists of a certificate and $1000. The award, for outstanding Masters or PhD work, is open to graduate students who have successfully completed all the requirements for their degrees as testified to by the student’s advisor, within a period of two years prior to the nomination submission deadline. Go to to start the nomination process. Materials are due by December 15, 2015.
(continued on next page) The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
T ST ECH UDENT HIGHLIGH NE WS TS (continued from previous page)
Student Travel Grants
Several of the Society’s Divisions offer travel assistance to students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals presenting papers at ECS meetings. For details about travel grants for upcoming ECS biannual meetings and to apply, visit the ECS website at www.electrochem. org/travel_grants. Please be sure to review travel grant requirements for each Division. Formal abstract submission is required for the respective meeting you wish to attend in order to apply for a travel grant. For questions or additional information, please contact Submission deadlines for upcoming ECS biannual meetings: • 228th ECS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ – June 19, 2015 • 229th ECS Meeting, San Diego, CA – February 12, 2016 • PRiME 2016, Honolulu, HI – June 10, 2016
Awarded Student Memberships
Available ECS Divisions offer Awarded Student Memberships to qualified full-time students. To be eligible, students must be in their final two years of an undergraduate program or enrolled in a graduate program in science, engineering, or education (with a science or engineering degree). Postdoctoral students are not eligible. Awarded memberships are renewable for up to four years; applicants must reapply each year. Memberships include article pack access to the ECS Digital Library, and a subscription to Interface. To apply for an awarded student membership, please visit the student awards page at For questions or additional information, please contact customerservice@
Benefits of ECS Student Membership Annual Student Membership Dues Are Only $25 w Open Access Article Credit
Publish a paper in an ECS journal as open access and avoid the article processing charge
w Student Grants and Awards
Student awards and support for travel available from ECS Divisions
w Student Poster Sessions
Present papers and participate in student poster sessions at ECS meetings
w ECS Member Article Pack
100 full-text downloads from the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), ECS Electrochemistry Letters (EEL), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS), ECS Solid State Letters (SSL), and ECS Transactions (ECST)
w Interface
Receive the quarterly members' magazine with topical issues, news, and events
w Discounts on ECS Meetings
Valuable discounts to attend ECS spring and fall meetings
w Discounts on ECS Transactions, Monographs, and Proceedings Volumes ECS publications are a valuable resource for students
Advertisers Index
The Electrochemical Society
Bio Logic...................................................................2
PAR/Solartron................................inside back cover
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Stanford Research Systems.....................................8
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
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Volume 68– G l a s g o w , S c o t l a n d from the ECS Glasgow meeting, July 26-July 31, 2015 The following issues of ECS Transactions are from symposia held during the Glasgow meeting. All issues will be available in electronic (PDF) editions, which may be purchased by visiting Some issues may also be available in CD-ROM editions. Please visit the ECS website for all issue pricing and ordering information. (All prices are in U.S. dollars; M = ECS member price; NM = nonmember price.)
Available Issues
Forthcoming Issues
Vol. 68 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells XIV (SOFC-XIV) No. 1 Editors: Singhal, Eguchi
Vol. 68 Batteries No. 2 Editors: Bruce, Grey, Freunberger, Xiao
CD-ROM................................. M $215.00, NM $269.00
PDF ................................................. M $TBD, NM $TBD
PDF ........................................ M $195.99, NM $244.49
Vol. 68 Low-Temperature Fuel Cells, No. 3 Electrolyzers, and Redox Flow Cells Editors: Jones, Schmidt, Herranz, Gasteiger PDF ................................................. M $TBD, NM $TBD
Ordering Information To order any of these recently-published titles, please visit the ECS Digital Library, Email:
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
May 29 – June 3, 2016 l Hilton San Diego Bayfront & San Diego Convention Center General Information
The 229th ECS Meeting will be held from May 29 – June 3, 2016. This major international conference offers a unique blend of electrochemical and solidstate science and technology; and serves as a major forum for the discussion of interdisciplinary research from around the world through a variety of formats, such as oral presentations, poster sessions, exhibits, and tutorial sessions.
Abstracts are due no later than December 11, 2015. Note: Some abstracts may be due earlier than December 11, 2015. Please carefully check the symposium listings for any alternate abstract submission deadlines. For complete details on abstract submission and symposium topics, please see www.electrochem. org/meetings/biannual/229/.
Abstract Submission and Deadlines
Submit one original meeting abstract electronically via the ECS website, no later than December 11, 2015. Faxed abstracts, e-mailed abstracts, and late abstracts will not be accepted. In February of 2016 all presenting authors will receive an e-mail notifying them of the date, time, and location of their presentation. Only presenting authors with non-U.S. addresses will receive a hardcopy acceptance letter. Other hardcopy letters will be sent only upon request to Meeting abstracts should explicitly state objectives, new results, and conclusions or significance of the work. Regardless of whether you submit as a poster or an oral presentation, it is at the symposium organizers’ discretion whether it is scheduled for an oral or poster presentation. Programming for this meeting will occur in February 2016.
Paper Presentation
Financial Assistance
Many ECS divisions offer travel grants to students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals to attend ECS biannual meetings. Applications are available online at and must be received no later than the submission deadline of Friday, February 12, 2016. Additional financial assistance is very limited and generally governed by the symposium organizers. Individuals may inquire directly to the organizers of the symposium in which they are presenting their paper to see if funding is available. For general travel grant questions, please contact travelgrant@
Letter of Invitation
Individuals requiring an official letter of invitation should write to the ECS headquarters office; such letters will not imply any financial responsibility of ECS.
Hotel Reservations — Deadline April 25, 2016
The 229th ECS Meeting will be held at the San Diego Convention Center and the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. Please refer to the meeting website for the most up-to-date information on hotel availability and information about the blocks of rooms where special rates have been reserved for participants attending the meeting. The hotel reservation deadline is April 25, 2016.
Meeting Registration
All participants—including authors and invited speakers—are required to pay the appropriate registration fees. Hotel and meeting registration information will be posted on the ECS website as it becomes available. The deadline for discounted early-bird registration is April 25, 2016.
Short Courses
A number of short courses will be offered on Sunday, May 29, 2016 from 9:00AM-4:30PM. Short courses require advance registration and may be cancelled if enrollments are too low. As of press time, the following short courses are tentatively planned for the meeting: Electrochemical Applications to Biotechnology, Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy, Hydrodynamic Electrochemistry Using Rotating Electrodes, and Nanobiosensors.
All authors selected for either oral or poster presentations will be notified in February 2016. Oral presentations must be in English. Both LCD projectors and laptops will be provided for oral presentations. Presenting authors MUST bring their presentation on a USB flash drive to be used with the laptop that will be provided in each technical session room. Speakers requiring additional equipment must make written request to the ECS headquarters office at least one month prior to the meeting and appropriate arrangements will be worked out, subject to availability, and at the expense of the author. Poster presentations should be displayed in English, on a board approximately 3 feet 10 inches high by 3 feet 10 inches wide (1.17 meters high by 1.17 meters wide), corresponding to the abstract number and day of presentation in the final program.
The 229th ECS Meeting in San Diego will include a Technical Exhibit, featuring presentations and displays by over 40 manufacturers of instruments, materials, systems, publications, and software of interest to meeting attendees. Coffee breaks are scheduled in the exhibit hall along with evening poster sessions.
Manuscript Publication
Sponsorship Opportunities
ECS Meeting Abstracts—All meeting abstracts will be published on the ECS website, copyrighted by ECS, and all abstracts become the property of ECS upon presentation. ECS Transactions—All full papers and posters presented at ECS meetings are eligible for submission to the online proceedings publication, ECS Transactions (ECST). The degree of review to be given each paper is at the discretion of the symposium organizers. Some symposia will publish an “enhanced” issue of ECST, which will be available for sale at the meeting and through the ECS Digital Library. Please see each individual symposium listing in the full Call for Papers to determine if there will be an “enhanced” ECST issue. In the case of symposia publishing “enhanced” issues, submission of a full-text manuscript to ECST is mandatory and required in advance of the meeting. Some symposia will publish a “standard” issue of ECST for which all authors are encouraged to submit their full-text papers. Please see each individual symposium listing in the full Call for Papers to determine if there will be a “standard” ECST issue. Upon completion of the review process, papers from the “standard” issues will be published shortly after their acceptance. Once published, papers will be available for sale through the ECS Digital Library. Please visit the ECST website ( for additional information, including overall guidelines, deadlines for submissions and reviews, author and editor instructions, a manuscript template, and more. Authors presenting papers at ECS meetings, and submitting to ECST, are also encouraged to submit to the Society’s technical journals: the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. Although there is no hard deadline for the submission of these papers, it is considered that six months from the date of the symposium is sufficient time to revise a paper to meet the stricter criteria of the journals. “Instructions to Authors” are available from the ECS website. If publication is desired elsewhere after presentation, written permission from ECS is required. 86
Technical Exhibit
ECS biannual meetings offer a wonderful opportunity to market your organization through sponsorship. Sponsorship opportunities include unparalleled benefits and provide an extraordinary chance to present scientific products and services to key constituents from around the world. Sponsorship allows exposure to key industry decision makers, the development of collaborative partnerships, and potential business leads. ECS welcomes support in the form of general sponsorship at various levels: Platinum: $10,000+, Gold: $5,000, Silver: $3,000, and Bronze: $1,500. Sponsors will be recognized by level in Interface, the Meeting Program, meeting signage, and on the ECS website. In addition, sponsorships are available for the plenary and keynote talks and other special events. These opportunities include additional recognition, and may be customized to create personalized packages. Special event sponsorships will be assigned by the Society on a first-come, first served basis. Advertising opportunities—in the Meeting Program as well as in Interface—are also available. Please contact Becca Jensen Compton at 1.609.737.1902, ext. 102 for further details.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or require additional information, contact ECS. The Electrochemical Society 65 South Main Street, Pennington, NJ, 08534-2839, USA tel: 1.609.737.1902, fax: 1.609.737.2743
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Symposium Topics
A — Batteries and Energy Storage A01 — Joint General Session: Batteries and Energy Storage -and- Fuel Cells, Electrolytes, and Energy A02 —Future and Present Advanced Lithium Batteries and Beyond – a Symposium in the Honor of Prof. Bruno Scrosati A03 —Large-Scale Energy Storage 7 A04 — Battery Modeling and Computation A05 — Electrochemistry and Batteries for Safe and Low-cost Energy Storage B — Carbon Nanostructures and Devices B01 —Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Conversion B02 — Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology B03 — Carbon Nanotubes - From Fundamentals to Devices B04 — Endofullerenes and Carbon Nanocapsules B05 — Fullerenes - Chemical Functionalization, Electron Transfer, and Theory B06 — Graphene and Beyond: 2D Materials B07 — Inorganic/Organic Nanohybrids for Energy Conversion B08 — Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines, and Supramolecular Assemblies B09 — Engineering Carbon Hybrids - Carbon Electronics 2 C — Corrosion Science and Technology C01 —Corrosion General Session D — Dielectric Science and Materials D01 — Dielectrics for Nanosystems 7: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability, and Manufacturing -and- Solid State Topics General Session
H — Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems H01 —Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 17 H02 — Solid-State Electronics and Photonics in Biology and Medicine 3 H03 — Properties and Applications of 2-Dimensional Layered Materials I — Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion I01 — State-of-the-Art Invited Tutorials on Model/Experiment Coupling in Low Temperature Fuel Cells I02 — Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics 10 I03 — Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Catalysis for Water Electrolysis 2 I04 — Mechano-Electro-Chemical Coupling in Energy Related Materials and Devices 2 I05 — Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage K — Organic and Bioelectrochemistry K01 —12th Manual M. Baizer Memorial Symposium on Organic Electrochemistry K02 — Bioelectrochemistry: Analysis and Fundamental Studies L — Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry L01 — Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session L02 — Electrocatalysis 8 L03 — Biological Fuel Cells 7 L04 — Convocation on Chemically Modified Electrodes and Electroactive Polymers L05 — Supramolecular Materials L06 — Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes
D02 — Chemical Mechanical Polishing 13
L07 — Renewable Fuels via Artificial Photosynthesis or Electrolysis
D03 — Dielectrics for Interconnect, Interposers, and Packaging 2
L08 —Electrochemistry in Geochemical Environments
D04 — Thermal and Plasma Processes for Materials (or Nanomaterials) Synthesis and Processing E — Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition E01 —Electrophoretic Deposition E02 — Three-Dimensional Electrodeposition and Electroless Deposition F — Electrochemical Engineering
M — Sensors M01—Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems General Session M02—Medical and Point-of-Care Sensors Z — General Topics Z01 —General Society Student Poster Session Z02 —Nanotechnology General Session featuring Nanoscale Luminescent Materials 4
F01 —Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering General Session
Z03 —Grand Challenges in Energy Conversion and Storage
F02 — Engineering the Interface between Catalysis and Electrocatalysis
Z04 —Nature-inspired Electrochemical Systems 2
G — Electronic Materials and Processing
Z05 —Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing
G01 —More-than-Moore 3
Z06 —Modeling: From Elucidation of Physical Phenomena to Applications in Design
G02 — Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 6
Z07 —The Brain and Electrochemistry
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
The Electrochemical Society Monograph Series
The definitive volume on corrosion— now expanded and completely updated
Praise for The second ediTion
“An excellent sourcebook on a wide range of corrosion topics.” —Chemical Engineering Research and Design
Continuing a legacy that began with the classic 1948 edition comes this long-awaited, fully revised Third Edition of the authoritative guide on corrosion. A thorough and timely compilation, Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook, Third Edition explores, in eighty-eight chapters, a multitude of subjects important to understanding the methods for controlling the degradation of materials. It includes updates of all information along with many new chapters including corrosion monitoring; principles of accelerated corrosion testing; failure analysis; composite materials; diagnosing, measuring, and monitoring microbiologically influenced corrosion; and high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys. In addition, this new Third Edition: • Gives a solid summary of the scientific background of all the types of corrosion in a comprehensive and well-organized way • Includes new coverage of many important corrosion topics, including nuclear waste containment, CO2 corrosion of steel, ethanol-induced stress corrosion cracking, dealloying, shape memory alloys, nanocrystals, and corrosion of electronics • Features information on the standards for corrosion testing, microbiological corrosion, and electrochemical noise • Presents both scientific and practical approaches, making it extremely useful for all materials science professionals
ECS MEMbERS will receive a discount!
R. WINSTON REVIE CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada
978-0-470-08032-0 • 1,200 pages • Hardcover • October 2010 $195.00 US / CAN $234.00 / £133.00 / =C172.00
Valuable contributions from internationally renowned authors once again help distinguish Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook, Third Edition as a leading resource in the field as each page builds on the book’s longstanding reputation as an indispensable companion for engineers, scientists, students, and others concerned with the use of materials in applications where integrity, reliability, and resistance to corrosion are critical. aBoUT The aUThor R. WINSTON REVIE has had a career of more than thirty years at the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada, where he is a Senior Research Scientist and Program Manager. Currently, he is President of the NACE Foundation of Canada, a registered educational charity. He is also past director of the Northern Area of NACE International; a past chairman of the ASM Canada Council and of the Electrochemical Society Canadian Section; and a past president of the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Dr. Revie coauthored the third and fourth editions of Corrosion and Corrosion Control, a widely used textbook, and was the editor of the second edition of Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook. Dr. Revie is a Fellow of NACE International, ASM International, and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
2014 Innovations for More, Better, and Faster Research Dissemination
n many ways, 2014 was a successful year for ECS and it was a year that was characterized by significant transition and progress. The dramatic changes in the discovery and dissemination of published research have had an enormous influence on ECS and have driven substantial program innovations. Progress both in digital information technologies and in the Society’s core research areas stimulated some initial transitions. More recently the adoption of open access publishing has facilitated a great opportunity to improve our capability in research dissemination, which is the Society’s primary purpose. These influences have driven a great deal of change in ECS and sparked more innovation in our programs in 2014 than any other year in our 113-year history.
As the leading professional society in electrochemical and solid state science and technology, ECS focuses on our mission to disseminate research as broadly as possible to advance the scientific discipline and the community that we serve. The strength of our mission is that it continues to be relevant and a guiding light in a changing environment; so innovation at ECS is directed by our mission-based goal to increase the acquisition and dissemination of research in our discipline; or more
simply stated… to provide better, faster, and now more of the research in our field. The ECS Board of Directors committed to an Open Access (OA) plan in 2013 to enable opportunities for our journal authors to publish in an open publications platform. We successfully implemented that OA plan in 2014, which is described in the publications section of this report. It attracted 25% of our journals authors who opted for open access publishing of their manuscripts. (continued on next page)
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Spring 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT (continued from previous page)
Those articles that we publish in the ECS Digital Library will be open and available, without cost or barriers, to anyone in our community in perpetuity. The obvious opportunity this creates for broader dissemination should lead to more and better content in the ECS journals. The other consideration driving broader dissemination involves the relevancy of the content both from inside our community and externally to the public at large. Electrochemical processes are the key to progress in renewable energy and water sanitation, and the potential for solutions to these important world challenges drive research decisions in our field. We have leveraged this increasing relevance by introducing programming at ECS meetings that connects our science to these global challenges. In 2014, at our Fall meeting in Cancun, we took it a step further and introduced “Hallway Collaborations,” which enabled meeting attendees to collaborate on, propose solutions to, and receive funding for water sanitation problems in real-time during the meeting. We also changed the format for publishing meeting proceedings in ECS Transactions, which will create better publishing opportunities and improve the distribution. These innovations have begun to move ECS in brave new directions that support our mission, but many questions still remain about where this will ultimately lead the organization. In view of the difficulty in predicting the outcome of these new influences on scientific publishing, we chartered a committee composed of our most accomplished luminaries to scan the environment, evaluate our situation, and offer their perspective on our publishing future. This Committee
on the Free Dissemination of Research was appointed in January 2014 and concluded their work at year end with a report that provided a deep perspective on our publishing future. The report concluded with a strong statement in support of the Society’s position in embracing open access publishing as an opportunity for increasing dissemination. We are very pleased with the initial steps and confident in the new directions. ECS is operating from a position of both financial and programmatic strength, and we are improving engagement of both our member and nonmember international constituencies. The 2014 Annual Report provides a clear demonstration of these strengths and our engagement through publications and meetings—all signs of more innovation and broader dissemination of research—to further advance electrochemical and solid state science and technology.
Paul A. Kohl ECS President
Roque Calvo ECS Executive Director
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Report from the Committee on the Free Dissemination of Research Many society publishers have been increasingly under pressure from large commercial publishers, who have used aggressive strategies to increase their market shares. ECS has not been immune; and while publications from other smaller scientific societies have become casualties as a result of this pressure, ECS has remained successful in its publications enterprise, but at great cost to our authors and volunteers. In the spring of 2013, the ECS leadership concluded that the Society’s publications future would be best secured through an Open Access plan that would begin with a hybrid model, and lead ultimately to what we call Platinum Open Access, where there would be neither subscription fees nor article processing charges (APCs) to authors. The Society launched the hybrid stage of its Open Access plan in February 2014 with Author Choice Open Access—authors choose whether or not to publish their papers Open Access. The opening stage of the ECS Open access plan has been a resounding success, clearly indicating that authors submitting to ECS journals value Open Access options. The Committee on the Free Dissemination of Research (CFDR) was appointed to review the Society’s publications plans, but specifically to look at the Open Access commitment made by the Board of Directors in spring 2013. The CFDR was charged to look broadly at publishing realities and examine all options available to small or mid-size nonprofit publishers of scientific research. The CFDR concluded that the main purpose of a scientific society is to enhance the quality and efficiency of scientific communication, and that publications remain central to this purpose: “they are permanent, they define scientific quality to a much greater extent than meeting presentations, and they greatly broaden the audience for authors.” CFDR agreed that although “ECS publications have been ably managed,” “a new course, clearly aimed at a strongly improved strategic position, should be adopted.” The CFDR found no position as attractive as open access because it gives the greatest benefit to authors (unrestricted distribution of their scholarly works), to readers (unrestricted access to publications without a pay barrier), and to sponsors (sponsored research is truly publically available). Thus, the CFDR endorsed the decisions and steps taken by ECS to date. In 2015 and forward, the Society will creatively explore every promising avenue for making ECS journals the publications of choice for authors of the most important literature.
Members of the Committee on Free Dissemination of Research Larry R. Faulkner (Chair), University of Texas at Austin Allen J. Bard, University of Texas at Austin William D. Brown, University of Arkansas Roque J. Calvo, ECS Cor Claeys, IMEC Akira Fujishima, Tokyo University of Science Paul Kohl, Georgia Institute of Technology Tetsuya Osaka, Waseda University Esther S. Takeuchi, Brookhaven National Laboratory, State University of New York at Stony Brook Isao Taniguchi, Kumamoto University Masayoshi Watanabe, Yokohama National University Martin Winter, Münster University Mark S. Wrighton, Washington University in St. Louis
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Publications Acquiring and developing content is the major role played by our authors, editorial boards, reviewers, symposium organizers, technical committees, and staff. As a result of diligent work in many areas, the impact factor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society rose to its highest-ever number: 2.859. This is the third year in a row that JES’s impact factor has risen. This last increment represents a 10% increase over the prior year and placed JES back in the top ten electrochemistry journals and as the 3rd most cited journal in electrochemistry. Disseminating our science as widely as possible is our organizational imperative. The ultimate objective is to make all of our Digital Library content free to everyone. To close in on that goal, in 2014, ECS took its first steps on the Open Access road, with the launch of Author Choice Open Access. The program was so successful that the journals ended the year with 24% OA publication rate.
The Norman Hackerman Young Author Award presented in 2014 went to Rahul Malik and Aziz Abdellahi for “A Critical Review of the Li Insertion Mechanisms in LiFePO4 Electrodes,” (JES, Vol. 160, No. 5, p. A3179). ECS presented the first-ever Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award in 2014. The award was given for the best paper published in JSS by a young author or co-authors for the volume year preceding the award. The award went to Konstantinos Spyrou for “Hydrogen Storage in Graphene-Based Materials: Efforts Towards Enhanced Hydrogen Absorption,” (JSS, Vol. 2, No. 10, p. M3160). The award, established in 2014, is named after Bruce Deal and Andy Grove, co-authors on what is considered by many to be a seminal paper published by ECS on the semiconductor technology industry. Special note should be given to several members of the ECS editorial boards who received awards in 2014. Dennis Hess was awarded the Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching. Prof. Hess is currently Editor of JSS and SSL. Paul Natishan, Associate Editor of JES and EEL, was awarded the Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award. Charles Hussey, Technical Editor of JES and EEL, was awarded the PAED Max Bredig Award.
Not only is the Society committed to make our content barrierfree, it is also committed to making the work of our authors as high profile as possible. To that end, ECS introduced ORCID (unique identifiers for researchers, to enable users to easily find all work from a given author; and introduced Altmetrics (http:// to showcase the impact of author publications Several special “focus” issues of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS). were published in 2014. These issues highlight scientific and technological areas of current interest and future promise that are expanding rapidly or have taken a new direction. The focus issues are handled by prestigious guest editors who work closely with the journal Technical Editors to carry out the same rigorous pper review process that all ECS journal submissions undergo. The following focus issues were published in 2014:
• Semiconductor Surface Cleaning and Conditioning (JSS) • Microfluidics, MEM/NEMS, Sensors and Devices (JES) • Electrochemical Processing and Materials Tailoring for Advanced Energy Technology (JES) • Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Systems at Multiple Scales (JES) • Oxide Thin Film Transistors (JSS) • Mechano-Electro-Chemical Coupling in Energy Related Materials and Devices (JES) • In Recognition of Adam Heller and His Enduring Contributions to Electrochemistry (JES) The journal Technical Editors continued their efforts in 2014 to reduce the lag time from submission to first decision. For JES and JSS, the average lag time was just under four weeks. For the letters journals [ECS Electrochemistry Letters (EEL) and ECS Solid State Letters (SSL)] the lag time was 3 weeks. The lag times from acceptance to publication (not a preprint or preliminary version) averaged 10 days for JES and JSS and 9 days for EEL and SSL.
Dennis Hess (left) received the Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching from ECS President Tetsuya Osaka (right).
ECS Transactions (ECST) grew with the addition of content from not only ECS biannual meetings, but also an ECS satellite meeting plus several sponsored meetings. In 2014, a total of 91 issues of ECST, from seven different meetings, were published. Outside meetings and conferences continue to seek responsible, cost-effective publishers, and ECST has become home to many conferences, including the Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition 2014, the 17th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells, and the China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2014. Interface, the Society’s quarterly magazine that presents news and technical articles, marked a first in 2014: Co-Editors. ECS was fortunate to have been able to recruit two people to handle the The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 growing Interface content: Vijay Ramani and Petr Vanýsek. The spring issue, their first, was a special issue titled, “Interfacial Electrochemistry of Ionic Liquids,” and was guest edited by Andreas Bund and Frank Enders. The cover of the issue included photographs of Allen Bard and John Goodenough, recognizing them as the newest ECS Honorary members. The summer 2014 issue featured the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Vijay Ramani Division and was titled, “25 Years of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy,” and was guest edited by David E. Cliffel and Robert L. Calhoun. In his “From the Editor” column, Petr Vanýsek wrote about improving the image of chemistry, ending on a positive note that, “Chemistry is better than geology. There is more stuff!” The fall 2014 issue was a special issue on “Electrochemical Manufacturing in the 21st Century,” and was guest edited by Petr Vanýsek Dennie T. Mah. Roque Calvo wrote about 17th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) that was held in Como, Italy, considered by many as the birthplace of electrochemistry given that it is the birthplace
of Alessandro Volta, inventor of the first battery. The issue included an ECS Classics piece on Ernie Yeager who established the Case Western Center for Electrochemical Studies that is now known as the Yeager Center for Electrochemical Studies The winter 2014 issue featured the Corrosion Division and was titled, “Numerical Modeling for Corrosion.” It was guest edited by Shinji Fujimoto.
Volta Medal
Alessandro Volta
Electric Pile
225th ECS Meeting Highlights
ORLANDO, FL May 11-15, 2014 Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
© Disney
Over 1,700 people attended the 225th ECS Meeting in Orlando, FL. This was ECS’s first return visit to Orlando since 2003. Participants could choose among 1,672 presentations in 59 symposia. There was a great opportunity for continuing education at this meeting as four well-attended short courses were held on Sunday of the meeting: Advanced Impedance Spectroscopy, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry - Basic Theory and Thermodynamic Methods, Grid-Scale Energy Storage, and More-than-Moore Technologies: Device, Circuit and System Perspectives. The ECS Lecture was given by Charles M. Lieber, “Nanowires: From Nanocomputing to Nano-Bioelectronics”. He highlighted the power of semiconductor nanowires as a platform material for exploring new science and technology. Professor Lieber emphasized the prospects for blurring the distinction between nanoelectronic circuitry, computation and living systems in the future. The Vittorio de Nora Award was presented to Chad Mirkin. Professor Mirkin is a chemist and a nanoscience expert, who has authored over 550 manuscripts and holds over 900 patents worldwide.
Professor Mirkin has won over 80 national and international awards, and is a Member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology. Krishnan Rajeshwar (“Raj”) was recognized for his exceptional leadership in pioneering the ECS magazine Interface as editor from 1999 to 2013. The student poster session attracted 84 entrants. Awards were handed out by ECS President, Tetsuya Osaka and Kalpathy B. Sundaram, professor at the University of Central Florida. The winners were: First Place, Electrochemical Science & Technology “Regeneration of Enzymatic Layer on Layer-by-layer Assembled Biosensor Interfaces,” Yuanyuan Zhang, Auburn University. Second Place, Electrochemical Science & Technology - “Detection of H2O2 Using Redox Active Nanoparticles Immobilized on Highly Ordered Polymer Nanopillars,” Swetha Barkam, University of Central Florida.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
(continued on next page) 93
Charles M. Lieber delivered The ECS Lecture, entitled, “Nanowires; From Nanocomputing to Nano-Bioelectronics,” at the plenary session of the 225th ECS Meeting. Prof. Lieber is from the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Chad Mirkin (left) received the Vittorio de Nora Award from ECS President Tetsuya Osaka (right)
First Place, Solid State Science & Technology - “Room Temperature Hydrogen Detection with the Use of Engineered Nanostructured Tinoxide Array,” Rameech McCormack, University of Central Florida. Second Place, Solid State Science & Technology - “Multifunctional CNT-Polymer Composites for Ultra-tough Structural Supercapacitors and Desalination Devices,” James Benson, Georgia Institute of Technology. Honorable Mention – “Growth and Transfer of Nanowires with High Density and Aspect-ratio Onto Flexible Substrates,” Cheng Xu, University of Florida at Gainesville. More than 200 students attended a mixer Monday night thanks to the generous support of Gelest. Special thanks goes to all of the meeting sponsors and 26 exhibitors, who showcased the tools and equipment so critical to scientific research.
Electrochemical Conference on Energy & the Environment, ECEE 2014 Krishnan Rajeshwar (“Raj”)(left) was recognized by ECS President Tetsuya Osaka for his exceptional leadership in advancing the ECS magazine Interface as editor from 1999 to 2013.
The international scientific conference and joint meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry (CSE) covered a unique blend of topics pertaining to energy and the environment. ECEE 2014 served as a major forum for the discussion of interdisciplinary research from around the world through a variety of formats, such as invited and keynote oral presentations, poster sessions, and exhibits. (continued on page 96)
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
The Student Poster Session award winners received their awards and congratulations from organizers Kalpathy Sundaram (far left) and Oana Leonte (second from right), and ECS President Tetsuya Osaka. From left to right the award winners are James Benson, Rameech McCormack, Swetha Barkam, and Cheng Xu.
Students and supporters at the Student Mixer in Orlando. The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
ECS ANNUAL REPORT (continued from page 94)
More than 500 scientists, the majority of whom were from Asia explored 4 main symposia topics: • Electrochemical Energy Storage • Electrochemical Energy Conversion • Electrochemical Fundamentals • Environmental Electrochemistry There were two plenary speakers. Yongfang Li, professor of Chemistry at CAS Key Laboratory of Organic Solids, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, speaking on “Photovoltaic Materials and Devices for Polymer Solar Cells.” Polymer Solar Cells (PSC) have attracted great attention in recent years because of their advantages of low cost fabrication, light weight and possibility to be fabricated into flexible devices. Dr. Li presented his current research focus, increasing the power conversion efficiency of PSC. He talked about the requirements of the high efficiency donor/acceptor and electrode buffer layer materials, and reported on recent research progress on two dimension conjugated polymers donor materials, fullerene bisadduct acceptor materials and solution-processable electrode buffer layers. Yet-Min Chiang, the Kyocera Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, presented “Benefits and Barriers to Large Scale Energy Storage.” Prof. Chiang highlighted his work developing a new type of flow battery based on high energy density particle suspension electrodes for ultralow-cost large scale energy storage. More than 20 other keynote speakers added great depth to the scientific material presented in Shanghai. Student poster award winners were Morten Stornes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Tongwen Yu, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangmin Zhou, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. ECS and CSE thank all the presenters, exhibitors and volunteers for their support in making ECEE 2014 a success.
The plenary speaker Yet-Min Change.
Yongfang Li delivers his plenary talk.
Shanghai at night. 96
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Mexico October 5-9, 2014
226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica 7th Meeting of the Mexico Section of The Electrochemical Society
Moon Palace Resort
2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting
Over 2,000 people attended the 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting in Cancun, Mexico. This was ECS’s first return visit to Cancun since 2006. Participants could choose among 51 symposia and 2,299 presentations. As part of the career development series, ECS was pleased to present the Panel of Professionals on Monday, October 6. Attendees heard from three guest speakers, representing industry, academia, and government, each discussing the unique challenges and opportunities of pursuing a career in their chosen field. Additionally, there were four well-attended short courses held on Sunday of the meeting: Basic Impedance Spectroscopy, Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry: Basic Theory and Kinetic Methods, and Operation and Exploitation of Electrochemical Capacitor Technology. Norberto Casillas, former President of Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica, welcomed everyone on behalf of SMEQ and ECS, noting the 7th meeting of the ECS Mexico Section, and the 29th
Congreso for SMEQ. ECS President Paul Kohl also welcomed the crowd and was the master of ceremonies for the awards presentations, which included 10 different awards and 41 winners. The Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award was given to Adam Weber, staff scientist of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for his research leadership that furthered the understanding of transport in electrochemical systems through the use of mathematical modeling and advanced diagnostic techniques. Dr. Weber presented his awardwinning address entitled “Understanding Transport Phenomena in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells” at the meeting. The Edward Goodrich Acheson Award was established for distinguished contributions to the advancement of any of the objects, purposes, or activities of ECS. The 2014 Acheson Award went to Ralph Brodd, President of Broddarp. Dr. Brodd is an ECS Past President and an ECS Honorary member. Dr. Brodd was honored for his exceptional service to the Society, and for inspiring leadership in the innovation, commercialization, management, and public service activities based on the electrochemistry of batteries. Daniel Scherson, ECS Senior Vice-President assisted with the introduction of the 2014 Class of Fellows. These members were recognized for contributions to the advancement of science and technology, for leadership in electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and for active participation in the affairs of The Electrochemical Society: Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez, Director Adjuncto de Planección y Cooperación International delivered the ECS Lecture, “Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Mexico”. He explained how Mexico’s goal is to develop the capabilities to transition toward a knowledge-based society and economy by contributing to the growth of the national investment in STI, developing and strengthening highly qualified human resources, strengthen regional development, promoting exchange between academic research and the economic sector, strengthening scientific and technological infrastructure, and strengthen the STI capacities in biotechnology. In its first “Science for Solving Society’s Problems Challenge,” ECS partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation during the ECS Electrochemical Energy and Water Summit to leverage the brainpower of the many scientists in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology that regularly attend ECS meetings. The four grantees were identified during a multi-day workshop. Over 100 researchers were guided through a brainstorming and working group session with the theme of improving access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries. The winners included: Plamen Atanassov, University of New Mexico; Luis Godinez, Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Electroquimica SC, Mexico; Neus Sabate, Institut de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (CSIC); Juan Pablo Esquivel, University of Washington; Erik Kjeang, Simon Fraser University, and Gemma Reguera, Michigan State University.
SMEQ and ECS leadership at the plenary session: (left to right) Facundo Almeraya Calderón, SMEQ President; Paul Kohl, ECS President; and Noberto Casillas former SMEQ President. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
(continued on next page)
Ralph Brodd (third from left) at the special reception in his honor for winning the Edward Goodrich Acheson Award. Standing with Dr. Brodd are (left to right): Richard Alkire, Dorothy Brodd, (Dr. Brodd), Hariklia Deligianni, Sol Krongelb, and Lubomyr Romankiw.
(continued from previous page)
The student poster session awards were handed out by ECS President, Paul Kohl. The winners were: First Place, Electrochemical Science and Technology, Axel Gambou-Bosca (Université du Québec à Montréal); Daniel Belanger, adviser. Second Place, Electrochemical Science and Technology, Miguel Angel Arellano Gonzalez (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa); Ignacio Gonzalez, Maftinez and Anne-Claire Texier, advisers. First Place: Solid State Science and Technology, Andrew Dumey and Elizabeth Hotvedt (University of Rochester); Prof. Mukaibo, adviser. Second Place: Solid State Science and Technology, Andrew R. Akbashev (Drexel University); Jonathan E. Spanier, adviser. The student mixer was well attended by 140 students, and a special dinner/dance party was held on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico on a beautiful Thursday evening. A great crowd danced the night away to a live band. Special thanks goes to all of the meeting sponsors and exhibitors, who showcased the tools and equipment so critical to scientific research.
Adam Weber (left) received the Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award from ECS President Paul Kohl (right).
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 In addition to the regular ECS biannual meetings, ECS, its Divisions, and Sections co-sponsor meetings and symposia of interest to the technical audience ECS serves. The following is a list of cosponsored meetings for 2014: • 10th International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies — Okinawa, Japan • Fifth International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications (EPD2014) — Hernstein, Austria • XIV International Congress of the Mexican Hydrogen Society — Cancun, Mexico • 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry — Lausanne, Switzerland • 15th International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 15) — Brno University of Technology • ACS Symposium on Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation — San Francisco, CA • Shechtman International Symposium on Sustainable Mining, Minerals, Metal and Materials Processing — Cancun, Mexico • IMLB 2014: International Meeting on Lithium Batteries — Como, Italy • 2014 Beyond Lithium Ion VI Conference — Argonne, IL • 15th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry — Niagara Falls, Canada • 14th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry — Nanjing, China • China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2014 (CSTIC 2014) — Shanghai, China
ECS President Paul Kohl challenged the leadership of SMEQ to a ping-pong match. The photo above shows Noberto Casillas (left), former president of SMEQ, and Paul Kohl (right) during the action.
(continued on next page)
ECS Meeting Growth 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000
Papers (Satellite Meetings)
Attendance (Satellite Meetings)
*This year includes papers, and attendees from an ECS Satellite meeting conducted. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT (continued from previous page)
Bruno Scrosati, IMLB 2014 Chair and founder of IMLB.
Karim Zaghib, a past chair of IMLB (2010), with a meeting attendee.
Khalil Amine, a member of the IMLB 2014 International Organizing Committee, speaks at the gala dinner.
This group photo taken at CSTIC 2014 includes (from left to right): Qinghuang Lin (CSTIC Co-chair), David Huang (CSTIC Co-chair), Shiuh-Wuu Lee (SMIC EVP, Keynote speaker), Tak Ning (IBM Fellow, Keynote speaker), Kevin Zhang (Intel fellow and VP, Keynote speaker), Cor Claeys (CSTIC Chair), Allen Lu (SEMI China President), Roque Calvo (ECS, Executive Director), and Paul Kohl (ECS, President). 100
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Division News
The Nanocarbons Division student award winners at the 225th ECS meeting in Orlando: (left to right) Peeter Valk, Student Poster Award winner; Bruce Weisman, Nanocarbons Division Chair; Karlee P. Castro, outstanding student oral presentation winner; and, Eric V. Bukovsky, outstanding student oral presentation winner.
The Battery Division held its Division luncheon in Cancun on Tuesday, October 6, 2014. Martin Ebner (pictured on the left) received the Battery Division Student Research Award. Ram Manthiram (right) received during the luncheon the Battery Division Research Award. Pictured in the center is Bor Yann Liaw, Chair of the Battery Division. (Photograph by Shirley Meng, Battery Division Treasurer.)
The Electrodeposition Division Research Award winner Allan West (left) received his award from Division Chair Giovanni Zangari (right) at the Division luncheon on Wednesday, October 13, 2014, at the fall ECS meeting in Cancun.
The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Membership Membership has been the hallmark of The Electrochemical Society since our founding in 1902. In 2014, our membership held strong, as 9 out of 12 months showed growth in year over year membership numbers. The overall growth of individual membership exhibited an increase of 4%.
Members serve in key volunteer leadership roles throughout the society’s committees, divisions and sections. Members also give their time to the development of technical programming at our meetings, submitting and reviewing content for our journals and the development and participation in regional ECS activities.
Eric Wachsman, ECS chair of the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Subcommittee, was presented with the International Association for Hydrogen Energy Sir William Grove Award at the World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Gwangju, Korea, in June 2014.
The Enrico Fermi Award recipients Allen J. Bard (left) and Andrew Sessler (right) meet in the Oval Office with President Barack H. Obama on February 3, 2014. (Photo by P. Souza, reprinted with permission of The White House Photo Office.)
Participants in the workshop at the Electrochemical Energy Summit in Cancun.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 The support of our membership has enabled ECS to achieve great heights in 2014. In just the last year, we accomplished the following together: • $210,000 dollars in seed funding distributed to four projects addressing global water, sanitation and hygiene challenges at the fourth international E2S, made possible by a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. • 3 global meetings led by ECS: ECEE 2014, a joint meeting with the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry, in Shanghai; International Meeting on Lithium Batteries in Lake Como, Italy; and the 2014 Joint International Meeting with the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica, in Cancun, Mexico. In 2015, we will continue this trend by hosting the Conference on Electrochemical Energy Conversion & Storage in Glasgow, Scotland. • 15 accomplished scientists inducted as ECS Fellows: George E. Blomgren, Gerardine Gabriela Botte, Ralph J. Brodd, Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Jay W. Grate, Dirk Guldi, Bruce Parkinson, Fred Roozeboom, Alvin Salkind, Sudipta Seal, Michael Thackeray, Tooru Tsuru, Harry Tuller, Jose Zagal and Piotr Zelenay.
• 3 members honored with major society awards at the 226th ECS Meeting: Ralph J. Brodd, Edward Goodrich Acheson Award; Chad Mirkin, Vittorio de Nora Award; and Dennis Hess, Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching • 5 students awarded ECS Summer Fellowships: Tuncay Ozel, Northwestern University; Christena K. Nash, the Laboratory of Ingrid Fritsch; Andrey Gunawan, Arizona State University; Brandy Kinkead, Simon Fraser University and Hadi Tavassol, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Summer fellowships are given to assist qualified graduate students during the summer months in the pursuit of research in a field of interest to ECS. • 353 open access articles published in 2014 to the ECS Digital Library after the launch of author choice open access. Student chapter growth continues to be a focus of the organization as students are the lifeblood of the Society. Student chapter membership pulls from both undergraduate and graduate populations at academic institutions throughout the world. ECS student chapter members receive free membership to the Society, which is renewable yearly. This program continues to provide a forum for education on electrochemical and solid-state science and technology related topics. Chapters host organized scholarly and community service activities and serve as local stewards and advocates of ECS within their academic communities. (continued on next page)
ECS President Paul Kohl (center, back row) inducted the 2014 Class of ECS Fellows. Seated in the front row holding their plaques (from left to right) are Fred Roozeboom, Bruce Parkinson, Jose H. Zagal, Gerardine Botte, Piotr Zelenay, Alvin Salkind, and Jay W. Grate. Standing in the back row without their plaques (from left to right) are Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Tooru Tsuru, (President Kohl), Michael M. Thackeray, and George Blomgren. Missing from the photo are Ralph J. Brodd, Dirk M. Guldi, Sudipta Seal, and Harry L. Tuller. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT (continued from previous page)
In 2014, 9 new ECS student chapters were established. New chapters include: • Clemson University (USA) • University of North Florida (USA) • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) • University of Arkansas (USA) • University of California-San Diego (USA) • University of Iowa (USA) • University of Kentucky (USA) • University of Nevada-Reno (USA) • University of Pittsburgh (USA)
By the close of 2014, the roster of active student chapters grew to 45. Presented annually at the Fall ECS bi-annual meeting, the Outstanding ECS Student Chapter Award recognizes one student chapter annually that has distinguished itself through active participation in the Electrochemical Society’s technical activities, outstanding community and outreach activities in science and engineering education, and a robust membership base. The 2014 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award was presented to The University of Texas at Austin. Additionally, The University of Maryland and Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona) were recognized as Chapters of Excellence for 2014. (continued on page 108)
The University of Texas at Austin ECS Student Chapter and faculty advisor Arumugam Manthiram (front left) with Allen Bard (far right) and UT-Austin Student Chapter President Josephine Cunningham (in the center holding the 2014 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award plaque).
Boston ECS Student Chapter officers, from left to right, are Erin Kingston, Jonathan Doan, Austin Arroco, Andy Vong, Fernando Gonzales, Joseph Romeo, and Eugene Smotkin (Faculty Advisor).
The University of Maryland ECS Student Chapter members participated in Congressional Visits Day in April 2014. Here they are with Maryland Congresswoman Donna Edwards. From left to right: Chris Pellegrinelli, Colin Gore (Chapter President), Rep. Donna Edwards, Tom Hays (Chapter Vice President) and Mohammed Hussain. The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Some of the attendees, invited speakers and organizers of the Second Annual Young Electrochemists Symposium 2014 organized by the ECS British Columbia Student Chapter. Speakers of YES 2014: Curtis Berlinguette (First on the left in the front row), Hogan Yu (Second on the left, front row), Amin Aziznia (First on the left, second row), Thomas Kadyk (front row, sixth from the left) and Alix Melchy (seventh from the left, back). Organizing Committee of YES 2014: Mohammad Saad Dara, Chair of the ECS BC Student Chapter (First person in the front row on the right), Brandy Kinkead, Vice Chair (Ninth person in the front row on the right), Pooya Hosseini Benhangi, Treasurer (Fourth person in the front row on the left), and Andrew Wang, Secretary (Fifth person in the front row on the right).
A group of University of North Florida Student Chapter members, (left to right) Derrick Ngyuen, Annadanesh Shellikeri (Vice President), Charles Oladimeji (Secretary), Jamal Stephens, Pedro Moss (Faculty Advisor), Ruben Nelson (President), Venroy Watson, and Shannon Anderson. Founders of the ECS University of California San Diego Student Chapter 2014. From left: Jiajia Huang, Haodong Liu, Ryan Lu, Han Nguyen, Jeremy Rosenfeld, Jimmy Mac and Judith Alvarado in front of the Structural and Materials Engineering building of the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.
The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
(continued on next page)
ECS ANNUAL REPORT (continued from previous page)
ECS Indiana University Student Chapter organized a seminar where Keith Stevenson of the University of Texax gave a presentation on his work with spatiallyresolved charge transfer processes. Here are the reception are (left to right): Keith Stevenson, Caitlyn McGuire, Lauren Strawsine, Erin Martin, Anna Weber, Kristin Morton, Lushan Zhou, Wenqing Shi, Yi Zhou, and Dennis Peters.
The University of Virginia ECS Student Chapter Executive Body: (from left) Jay Srinivasan, Pierce Robinson, Michael Nguyen, Mary Lyn Lim, Noelle Co, Scott Lee, Rob Golden, and Gilbert Liu. 106
The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
The ECS Student Chapter at the Norwegian University of Science and Technolgoy held a seminar in April 2014. Here is a group picture of the participants outside a nearby ski lodge.
Officers of the Atlanta Student Chapter at Georgia Tech: (left to right) Rajiv Jaini, Treasurer; Naoki Nitta, Vice President; Tim Lin, Social Chair, Enbo Zhao, President; and Liang He; Secretary.
ECS President Paul Kohl presented awards to the winners of the Student Poster Session competition in Cancun. From left to right are: Andrew R. Akbashev (Second Place, Solid State Science & Technology); ECS President Paul Kohl; Axel Gambou-Bosca (First Place, Electrochemical Science & Technology); and Andrew Durney (First Place, Solid State Science & Techology).
The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
ECS ANNUAL REPORT (continued from page 104)
Just like student chapters, ECS Sections are stewards and advocates of the society that provide key regional programming, symposia, grants, activities and awards to further the mission and vision of ECS. Sections bridge the gap by providing an experience to members on a local level outside of ECS biannual meetings. Sections help increase ECS membership and generate awareness for electrochemistry and solid-state science and technology. In 2014, ECS maintained 22 Sections across Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North America, South America and Southern Asia. The ECS community also includes institutional members, who are actively moving science forward in exciting and innovative ways. ECS Institutional Membership
provides a direct relationship between ECS and organizations involved in electrochemical science and technology. Institutional Members help ECS to advance the Society’s purpose and objectives. In 2014, seven organizations were recognized with the Leadership Circle Award
for continuous service to the ECS including: Asahi Kasei E-Materials Corporation, Gelest Inc., Honda R&D Co. Ltd., Next Energy EWEForschungzentrum, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, ZSW and 3M Company. ECS had 49 Institutional Members at the end of 2014.
ECS Sections Asia/Japan China Japan Korea Taiwan Europe Europe
Speakers and Twin Cities Section Officers at the 2014 Twin Cities Electrochemistry Symposium. Front row: Peter Zhang (Section Vice Chair, Medtronic), Alan Shi (Section Treasurer, Medtronic). Back row: Philippe Buhlmann (Speaker, University of Minnesota), Vincent Chevrier (Section Chair, 3M), Terry Smith (Speaker, 3M), Shawn Kelley (Speaker, Medtronic), Jonathan Tomshine (Speaker, Mayo Clinic), Peter Faguy (Speaker, DoE), Benjamin Wilson (Section Student Representative, University of Minnesota), Darrel Untereker (Speaker, Medtronic), and Jagat Singh (Section Secretary, 3M).
Latin America Brazil Chile Mexico Middle East Israel North America Arizona Canada Chicago Cleveland Detroit Georgia National Capital New England Pittsburgh San Francisco Texas Twin Cities Southern Asia India The Georgia Section and the ECS Atlanta Student Chapter hosted a joint meeting in April 2014. Here is a group photograph of the meeting participants. 108
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 ECS Membership Statistics (as of October 1, 2014)
Table I. ECS Membership by Class 2008
2014/2013 %Change
Category Active Institutional Reps Life
Subtotal Active in Good Standing Delinquent Total Active on Record Students Delinquent Total Students Total Individual Members
Table II. ECS Membership by Division* 2008
2014/2013 %Change
Dielectric Science & Technology
Electronics & Photonics
High Temperature Materials
Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engr
Luminescence & Display Materials
Organic & Biological Electrochemistry
Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry
Division Battery
Energy Technology
*From 2007 Division statistics include only primary interests. Previous years’ include primary and secondary interests.
Table III. ECS Membership by Occupation 2008
2014/2013 %Change
Government Retired
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT ECS Student Chapters ECS Student Chapters
Year Founded Faculty Advisor
Atlanta Student Chapter at Georgia Tech
Peter J. Hesketh
Auburn University Boston (Northeastern University, Harvard University, MIT, University of Massachusetts) Brno University of Technology Calgary California State University- Fullerton Division Central Illinois Clemson University ECS Cleveland Section and Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences Joint Student Chapter Colorado School of Mine Drexel University
2007 2009
Jeffrey Fergus Eugene Smotkin
2006 2011 2012
Jiri Vondrak Viola Birss John Haan
2008 2014 2005
Andrzej Wieckowski Stephen Creager James D. Burgess
2012 2012
Indiana University
Andrew Herring Yury Gogotsi & Ekaterina Pomerantseva Lane Baker & Dennis Peters
Kerala, India at CUSAT Lahore, Pakistan Montana State University
2008 2008 2013
M. K. Jayaraj Inam Ul Haque Paul Gannon & Ryan Anderson
Montreal North Florida Norwegian University of Science and Technology Ohio State University Ohio University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Research Triangle Student Chapter (Duke University, NC State, UNC - Chapel Hill) South Brazilian (Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul) SRM University
2010 2014 2014
Steen B. Schougaard Pedro Moss Ana Mari Svensson & & &
2006 2011 2013 2013
Anne Co Gerardine Botte Daniel Lewis & David Duquette Jeffrey Glass (Duke) &
Luis Frederico P. Dick
Tel Aviv University
Tyndall National Institute University of Arkansas University of British Columbia University of California – Berkeley University of California – Riverside University of California – San Diego University of Central Florida University of Cincinnati University of Florida University of Iowa University of Kentucky University of Maryland University of Nevada – Reno University of Pittsburgh University of South Carolina University of Tartu University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Dallas University of Virginia Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona)
2012 2014 2013 2006 2011 2014 2000 2007 2005 2014 2014 2011 2014 2014 2010 2013 2006 2012 2006 2013
Ranjit Thapa & Bhalchandra Kakade Eliezer Gileadi & Yosi Shacham-Diamand Alan O’Riordan Rick Wise & Ingrid Fritsch Dan Bizzotto Bryan McCloskey Alexander Balandin Shirley Meng Kalpathy Sundaram Marc Cahay Mark Orazem John Leddy Mona Shirpour Eric Wachsman Dev Chidambaram Prasanth Kumta Xiao-dong Zhou Kaido Tammeveski Ram Manthiram Moon Kim Giovanni Zangari Candace Chan & & &
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Finance We are pleased to present the audited financial statements of ECS for the year ending December 31, 2014. These reports indicate that our financial health continues to be strong and that we met the Society’s financial objectives for the year, which contributed to the advancement of electrochemical and solid state science through the dissemination of technical content. For the year ended December 31, 2014, net assets increased by $654,922. The surplus was a result of greater than anticipated revenues totaling $7.6 million, largely due to higher than expected returns from the investment portfolio, contributions and grants revenue. These were partially offset by lower than expected membership, meetings and rental operations revenue. The total operating expenses increased to $7.1 million primarily due to increased society meetings and exhibits costs related to the ECEE meeting in China, and grant sub-awards. General and administrative costs were virtually flat as compared to the previous year. We anticipate further increases in the staff size to manage the growth in marketing, publications and technological requirements in support of ongoing Society initiatives. The Society’s Statement of Financial Position reflects assets of $16.9 million. Of these total assets, 68.0% are either custodial or endowment funds. Growth in these funds is important because it is clear that there will be pressure to generate financial support through investment and contribution revenues. The Free the Science open access initiative has shifted our focus to the eventual free dissemination of content. Digital Library pricing has flattened and, over time, will begin to decline as we shift from a subscription-based model to a contribution-based model. Therefore, our broader financial goal is to avoid the use of the endowment funds to cover operating expenses, if possible, enabling the funds to maintain future growth. From a financial perspective, 2014 was a very good year for ECS, largely due to the performance of our investment portfolio. We anticipate the need for significant investments to fund the technology necessary to advance our programs, disseminate content and support the open access initiative. The Society’s current financial strength will aid in these investments.
E. Jennings Taylor Treasurer
ECS Revenue Percentages 2014 Membership
8.4% ECS Revenue Percentages 2014 programs Membership 8.4%
Publications 35.6% Publications 35.6%
Society meetings 1.0% Constituent and activities programs 28.7% Society meetings 1.0% and activities 28.7%
Other revenues 0.2% Other revenues Rental income 0.2% 6.6%
Grants 3.9%
Contributions 1.0%
Rental income 6.6%
Grants 3.9%
Contributions 1.0%
Investment income 14.6% Investment income 14.6%
ECS Expense Percentages 2014 Constituent
Membership ECS Expense Percentages programs 2014 4.5% Publications 31.1%
Membership 4.5%
Publications 31.1%
Rental operations 8.1% Fundraising Rental 1.4% operations 8.1% Fundraising 1.4%
2.8% Constituent programs 2.8%
General and administrative 13.3% General and administrative 13.3%
Society meetings and activities 33.0% Society meetings and activities 33.0%
Grant subawards 3.4% Awards, Grant subfellowships andawards grants 3.4% Awards, 2.4% fellowships and grants 2.4%
Paul Grote Director of Finance
The Electrochemical Society is a nonprofit international association of scientists and engineers chartered as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The Board of Directors engages the services of an independent auditor to assure that the Society maintains an effective system of financial management, and continues to operate under its nonprofit charter. The Board of Directors received an unqualified or clean opinion from their independent auditors, WithumSmith+Brown for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Financial Summary Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013)
Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Unconditional promises to give, net Prepaid expenses, deposits and other assets Investments in marketable securities Custodial account investments Deferred rent Investments in real estate: Land Buildings, less accumulated depreciation of $688,163 Intangible assets Total assets
864,867 4,568 19,385 131,377 11,341,707 161,891 62,993
$ 1,762,595 42,616 17,575 329,801 9,667,985 630,284 58,442
1,603,427 2,716,021 $16,906,236
1,603,427 2,801,126 $16,913,851
Liabilities and Net Assets
Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Custodial account liability Security deposits Deferred compensation Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets
335,696 1,396,767 161,891 37,141 144,772
357,462 1,600,829 630,284 30,900 119,329
13,445,911 491,190 892,868 14,829,969
12,875,468 424,196 875,383 14,175,047
$ 2,726,619 641,975 80,569 2,199,348 1,122,986 74,631 295,975 505,819 12,374 7,660,296
$2,660,730 529,990 63,177 2,072,274 1,019,234 81,432 468,764 14,960 6,910,561
$ 2,214,212 322,145 200,126 2,349,033 245,282 169,269 5,500,067
$ 2,127,074 183,396 635,591 1,719,343 135,908 4,801,312
945,150 102,123 575,950 1,623,223 7,123,290 537,006 117,916 654,922 14,175,047 $14,829,969
923,188 27,549 480,489 1,431,226 6,232,538 678,023 294,251 972,274 13,202,773 $14,175,047
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets (For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013)
Publications Membership Constituent programs Society meetings and activities Investment income Contributions Grants Rental income Other revenues Total Revenues
Program services Publications Membership Constituent programs Society meetings and activities Grant sub-awards Awards, fellowships and grants Total Program Services Expenses Supporting services General and administrative Fundraising Rental operations Total Supporting Services Expenses Total Expenses Increase in net assets from operations Net change in fair value of investments Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year
These financial statements are a condensed version of the audited statements of ECS for the years ending December 31, 2014 and 2013. ECS will be pleased to provide complete copies along with all footnotes and the unqualified report of our auditors upon request.
The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
2014 Notes to Financial Statements 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
4. Endowment Funds
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of The Electrochemical Society, Inc. (the Society) and its Divisions, Groups and Sections and ECS Holdings, LLC, (the LLC). All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared to focus on the Society and its subsidiaries as a whole, and to present balances and transactions according to the existence or absence of donorimposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets and changes therein are classified as follows: Unrestricted net assets – net assets not subject to donor-imposed stipulations; Temporarily restricted net assets – net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that will be met by actions of the Society and/or by the passage of time; Permanently restricted net assets (endowment funds) – net assets subject to donorimposed stipulations that they be maintained permanently by the Society.
The Society’s endowment funds consist of several funds established to fund awards, as well as an educational endowment fund, publications endowment fund and an ECS endowment fund. The endowment funds include both donor-restricted funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), net assets associated with endowment funds are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Society’s policy requires the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result, the Society classifies as permanently restricted net assets the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment and the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the Society.
2. Income Tax Status and Income Taxes ECS and its Divisions, Groups, and Sections qualify as a taxexempt organization described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all of its income, except income generated through the advertising included in its publications, is exempt from Federal income taxes. As a single-member limited liability company, the LLC is treated as a “disregarded entity” for income tax purposes and, as such, its financial activity is reported in conjunction with the Federal income tax filings of ECS. LBF is a limited liability company, therefore, the income or loss is passed through to the members and no provision or liability for federal and state income taxes has been included in the financial statements for the company. The Society has adopted the accounting pronouncement that provides guidance on uncertain tax positions. The Society has no unrecognized tax benefits at December 31, 2014.
3. Investments Investments in equities and fixed income instruments are reported at fair market value, and investment in real estate is reported at cost. Investment income and realized and unrealized net gains and losses on investments of permanently restricted net assets are reported as follows: as increases or decreases in temporarily restricted net assets if the terms of the gift impose restrictions on the use of the income and/or net gains; as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets in all other cases. Cost, market value and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) at December 31, 2014 are summarized as follows:
Cost Money market funds Stocks and mutual funds Certificate of deposit
2,761 7,777,964
Market Value $
2,761 8,769,458
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) $
– 991,494
Corporate and U.S. bonds
Real estate
$ 1,140,639
Real Estate Trust Total
5. ECS Holdings, LLC ECS Holdings LLC was chartered in 1998 to manage the real estate assets of the Society. Current real estate holdings include five buildings at Howe Commons in Pennington, NJ valued at a cost of $5,007,611. The Society occupies one of the buildings and the other four are classified as an investment. The LLC leases office space in these four buildings to various tenants under operating leases arrangements expiring through 2021. Rental income under the aforementioned leases totaled $505,819 (excluding intercompany rentals of $105,701) for the year ended December 31, 2014.
6. Report of the ECS Audit Committee The ECS Audit Committee provides oversight of The Electrochemical Society’s financial reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors. Management (ECS Staff Directors and Officers) is responsible for the financial statements and the financial reporting process, including the system of internal control. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Committee discussed the financial statements in the annual report with management, including a discussion of quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting principles; the reasonableness of significant judgments; and the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements. The members of the Audit Committee in 2014 were Tetsuya Osaka (Chair), Paul Kohl, E. Jennings Taylor, Daniel Scherson and Stuart Swirson. The ECS Audit Committee discussed with the independent auditors the overall scope and plans for their respective audits. The Committee meets with the independent auditors with and without management present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations of the Society’s internal control, compliance with laws and regulations, and the overall quality of the Society’s financial reporting. Based on the discussions referenced above, the ECS Audit Committee recommended for acceptance to the Board of Directors the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 and the Board unanimously approved.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Marketing & Digital Engagement
Discover Your Community
ECS created a new Marketing & Digital Engagement group in 2014. Since its establishment, the goal has been to implement new marketing strategies to expand our reach and build a sense of community. Take a look at some of the highlights for 2014.
ECS Redcat Blog
The ECS Redcat Blog ( was established in to keep members and nonmembers alike informed on the latest scientific research and innovations pertaining to electrochemistry and solid state science. With a constant flow of information, blog visitors (almost 6,000/ month and growing) are able to stay on the cutting-edge of science and interface with a like-minded community.
Since its creation, the ECS YouTube channel ( has been popularized with videos from our biannual meetings as well as pieces that highlight some of the greatest pillars of electrochemical and solid state science and technology.
Knowledge Base
Long-time ECS historian and member Zoltan Nagy has been compiling this huge database of electrochemical knowledge ( since the late 90s. He partnered with ECS in 2014 to make it available to the public. It includes lists of websites, proceedings, review chapters, full articles, electrochemical dictionary and encyclopedia, and more. 114
Website Redesign
In 2014, ECS began the process of a website redesign. As we move forward in this process, we hope to provide a more streamlined website that is user-friendly and rich in dynamic content.
Weekly eNews
The transition to a weekly distribution of our eNews allows us to provide you with more quality content. Keep up with the latest innovations in science, find the top journal articles, and be the first to know about great discounts on meetings and membership by signing up for our free eNews (
Job Board
Our job board ( hosts an array of open positions, from postdoctoral to highly sought after research positions, from some of the top establishments across the globe. Employers can post open potions for free!
Social Media
The content and visits to our social media pages took off in 2014. It’s the place to connect, share, and discover your community. See what topics your peers are discussing on our Facebook page (, engage with us on Twitter ( ECSorg), and networking via our LinkedIn page (
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 ECS Board of Directors (as of December 31, 2014)
Paul Kohl, President Hercules Inc./Thomas L. Gossage Chair Regents’ Professor Georgia Institute of Technology
James Burgess, Chair, Organic & Bio. Electrochemistry Div. Bryan Chin, Chair, Sensor Division Rudolph Buchheit, Chair, Corrosion Division
Daniel Scherson, Sr. Vice-President Frank Hovorka Professor of Chemistry Director, Ernest Yeager Center. for Electrochemical Sciences Case Western Reserve University Krishnan Rajeshwar, 2nd Vice-President Distinguished Professor Interim Associate VP for Research University of Texas Arlington
Andrew Hoff, Chair, Electronics & Photonics Division Dolf Landheer, Chair, Dielectric Science & Technology Div. Robert Kostecki, Chair, Battery Division Robert Mantz, Chair, Physical & Analytical Electrochem. Div. Tetsuya Osaka, Past President Anant Setlur, Chair, Luminescence & Display Materials Div.
Johna Leddy, 3rd Vice-President Associate Professor The University of Iowa
Venkat Subramanian, Chair, Indust. & Electrochem. Eng, Div. Stuart Swirson, Nonprofit Financial Professional
Hariklia Deligianni, Secretary Smarter Planet Initiatives IBM
Adam Weber, Chair, Energy Technology Division Eric Wachsman, Chair, Interdisciplinary Sci. & Tech. Subcommittee
E. Jennings Taylor, Treasurer Chief Technical Officer Intellectual Property Director Faraday Technology, Inc.
R. Bruce Weisman, Chair, Nanocarbons Division Giovanni Zangari, Chair, Electrodeposition Division Xiao-Dong Zhou, Chair, High Temperature Materials Division
Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director Chief Executive Officer The Electrochemical Society
ECS Staff Dinia Agrawala, Graphic Designer/Interface Production Manager
Paul Grote, Director of Finance
Marcelle Austin, Board Relations Specialist
Andrea L. Guenzel, Publications Specialist
Roque J. Calvo, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer
Mary Hojlo, Constituent Programs Associate
Linda Cannon, Staff Accountant
Christie Knef, Director of Meetings
Karen Chmielewski, Finance Associate
John Lewis, Associate Director of Meetings
Becca Compton, Development Manager
Winnie Mutch, Web Manager
Paul B. Cooper, Editorial Manager
Anna Olsen, Senior Content Associate & Library Liaison
Casey Emilius, Meetings Coordinator
Ericka Robinson, Human Resources & Operations Specialist
Dan Fatton, Director of Development & Membership Services
James Ryan, Director of Publications
Beth Fisher, Associate Director of Development & Membership Services
Beth Schademann, Publications Specialist
Tim Gamberzky, Chief Operating Officer Rob Gerth, Director of Marketing & Digital Engagement Annie Goedkoop, Director of Publications Production
Amanda Staller, Marketing Communications Assistant Logan Streu, Content Associate & Assistant to the CCO Beth Anne Stuebe, Meetings Content Manager Mary E. Yess, Deputy Executive Director & Chief Content Officer
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT ECS Editorial Board (as of December 31, 2014)
Electrochemical Science & Technology Journals Robert F. Savinell, Editor Gerald S. Frankel, Technical Editor Thomas F. Fuller, Technical Editor Charles L. Hussey, Technical Editor Shelley D. Minteer, Technical Editor Rangachary Mukundan, Technical Editor Dennis G. Peters, Technical Editor
Durga Misra, Dielectric Science and Technology Division Representative Giovanni Zangari, Electrodeposition Division Representative Jerzy Ruzyllo, Electronics and Photonics Division Representative Mani Manivannan, Energy Technology Division Representative Xiao-Dong Zhou, High Temperature Materials Division Representative John Staser, Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Representative
John Weidner, Technical Editor
Uwe Happek, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Representative
Martin Winter, Technical Editor
Slava Rotkin, Nanocarbons Division Representative
Doron Aurbach, Associate Editor
Jim Burgess, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Representative
Thierry Brousse, Associate Editor Raymond J. Gorte, Associate Editor Takayuki Homma, Associate Editor
Andrew Hillier, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Representative Nick Wu, Sensor Division Representative
Stephen Maldonado, Associate Editor Paul Natishan, Associate Editor Thomas J. Schmidt, Associate Editor Venkat Srinivasan, Associate Editor Nae-Lih (Nick) Wu, Associate Editor
Solid State Science & Technology Journals Dennis W. Hess, Editor Jennifer A. Bardwell, Technical Editor Stefan De Gendt, Technical Editor Francis D’Souza, Technical Editor Yue Kuo, Technical Editor Kailash C. Mishra, Technical Editor George Celler, Associate Editor
Interface Vijay Ramani, Co-Editor Petr Vanýsek, Co-Editor Bor Yann Liaw, Battery Division Representative Sanna Virtanen, Corrosion Division Representative
ECS Transactions Jeffrey W. Fergus, Editor Robert Kostecki, Battery Division Representative Sanna Virtanen, Corrosion Division Representative Durgamadhab Misra, Dielectric Science and Technology Division Representative Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Electrodeposition Division Representative D. Noel Buckley, Electronics and Photonics Division Representative James M. Fenton, Energy Technology Division Representative Turgut Gur, High Temperature Materials Division Representative John Weidner, Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Representative Kailash C. Mishra, Luminescence and Display Materials Division Representative R. Bruce Weisman, Nanocarbons Division Representative James Burgess, Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Representative Hugh De Long, Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Representative Bryan A. Chin, Sensor Division Representative
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 ECS Donors The following individuals and organizations have helped support ECS’s many activities. We thank them for their generous support of the Society.
Endowed Funds
IEEE Power Electronics Society
ECS maintains several endowments, including:
Industrie De Nora S.P.A. Lam Research Corp.
ECS Endowment, which supports ECS’s planning and investment in future initiatives to ensure organizational viability and longevity.
Metrohm Naval Research Laboratory Pine Research Instrumentation
Education Endowment Fund, which supports ECS summer fellowships, provides student travel grants for ECS Meetings and cash prizes for student poster session awards. Publications Endowment Fund, which supports ECS scientific journals and open access content in the ECS Digital Library. We are grateful to the following donors for their generous support of $500 or more to our endowments:
Saft Batteries, Specialty Batteries Group Scribner Associates
Individuals We are grateful to the following individuals for their generous gifts of $500 and above in support of our mission, including those that direct their donations to award funds: James C. Acheson
K.M. Abraham
Harlan Byker
Ronald Enstrom
Larry Faulkner
Fernando Garzon
Adam Heller
Paul A. Kohl
Peter A. Lewis
Rangachary Mukundan
Henri Maget
E. Jennings Taylor
Thomas Moffatt
Toshihiko Yoshida
John Newman Stephen Pearton
Businesses, Organizations and Government
Yamazaki Shumpei
We are grateful to the following businesses, organizations, and government organizations for their generous support of $5,000 and above in support of our mission: AMETEK – Scientific Instruments Applied Materials Applied Nanofluorescence LLC Army Research Office
Aiji Uchiyama
The Legacy Society The Legacy Society honors benefactors who have provided for the Society in a variety of ways—through their wills, a charitable trust, a life-income arrangement, a life insurance policy, or a retirement plan.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Robert P. Frankenthal
Bio-Logic USA/Bio-Logic SAS
George R. Gillooly
CH Instruments
Stan Hancock
Carl Hering
El-Cell GmbH
W. Jean Horkans
ESL Electro-Science
Keith E. Johnson
EV Group
Mary E. Loonam
Gamry Instruments
Edward G. Weston
Gelest, Inc. Houston Endowment Inc. Hydro-Quebec IBM Corporation
2 Anonymous Donors If you would like more information about making a planned gift, or to notify ECS about your intentions for planned giving, please contact Dan Fatton, Director of Development at 609.737.1902 ext. 115.
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
ECS ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Institutional Partners ECS appreciates the support of all our institutional partners. This list includes institutional members, technical exhibitors, general meeting sponsors, symposia sponsors and advertisers. We are grateful for the continued support from each of these important partners. 3M Company ACS Material, LLC Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Liquide Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. AIXTRON Aldrich Materials Science ALS Co., Ltd American Elements Princeton Applied Research/Solartron Analytical AML Applied Materials, Inc. Applied Spectra, Inc. Arbin Instruments Army Research Office Asahi Kasei E-Materials Corp ASM International Asylum Research Axiall Corporation Beijing Mikrouna Mech. Tech. Co. Ltd/Vacuum Technology Inc. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Biolin Scientific Bio-Logic USA/Bio-Logic SAS Central Electrochemical Research Institute CH Instruments Duracell EaglePicher Technologies LLC EL-CELL GmbH Energizer ESL ElectroScience EV Group Faraday Technology, Inc. Ford Gamry Instruments Gelest, Inc. General Motors Research Labs Giner, Inc./GES GS-Yuasa International Ltd. HEKA Electronics HelioCentris Energy Systems Inc. Honda Motor Company Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Horiba Scientific Hosokawa Micron Powder Systems Hydro-Québec IBM Corporation IEEE Power Electronics Society Imerys Graphite & Carbon Industrie De Nora S.p.A. INFICON 118
Innovative Instruments Intel International Lead Zinc Research Org.-ALABC Ivium Technologies Johnson Controls Advd Power Solutions Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. Koslow Scientific Instruments LAM Research Landtec North America, Inc Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Leclanche SA Los Alamos National Laboratory Luxtera Maccor, Inc. Medtronic Inc. Metrohm USA/Autolab MTI Corporation N.E. CHEMCAT Corporation Nanoflex NCERCAMP Next Energy EWE - Forschungzentrum Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Novonix Occidental Chemical Corp. Office of Naval Research Panasonic Corporation, AIS Company PEC North America Inc. Permascand AB Pine Research Instrumentation Qualcomm Quallion, LLC RTI International SAFT Batteries, Specialty Batteries Group Sainergy Tech, Inc. Sandia National Laboratories SanDisk Scribner Associates, Inc. Stanford Research Systems Swansea University TDK Corporation, Device Development Center Technic Inc. Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. The Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. Tianjin Lishen Battery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. Toyota Central R & D Labs., Inc. Toyota Research Institute of North America Translucent, Inc. Ultratech/Cambridge NanoTech X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences ZSW The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 ECS Honor Roll Past Presidents of the Society J. W. Richards............................... 1902-1904 H. S. Carhart................................. 1904-1905 W. D. Bancroft............................... 1905-1906 C. Hering....................................... 1906-1907 C. F. Burgess................................. 1907-1908 E. G. Acheson................................ 1908-1909 L. H. Baekeland............................. 1909-1910 W. H. Walker................................. 1910-1911 W. R. Whitney............................... 1911-1912 W. L. Miller.................................... 1912-1913 E. F. Roeber................................... 1913-1914 F. A. Lidbury.................................. 1914-1915 L. Addicks..................................... 1915-1916 F. A. J. FitzGerald........................... 1916-1917 C. G. Fink...................................... 1917-1918 F. J. Tone....................................... 1918-1919 W. D. Bancroft............................... 1919-1920 W. S. Landis.................................. 1920-1921 A. Smith........................................ 1921-1922 C. G. Schluederberg.................................1922-1923 A. T. Hinckley................................ 1923-1924 H. C. Parmelee.............................. 1924-1925 F. M. Becket................................... 1925-1926 W. Blum........................................ 1926-1927 S. C. Lind...................................... 1927-1928 P. J. Kruesi.................................... 1928-1929 F. C. Frary...................................... 1929-1930 L. Kahlenberg................................ 1930-1931 B. Stoughton................................. 1931-1932 R. A. Witherspoon......................... 1932-1933 J. Johnston................................... 1933-1934 H. S. Lukens.................................. 1934-1935 J. H. Critchett................................ 1935-1936 D. A. MacInnes.............................. 1936-1937 W. G. Harvey................................. 1937-1938 R. L. Baldwin................................. 1938-1939 H. J. Creighton.............................. 1939-1940
F. C. Mathers................................. 1940-1941 R. R. Ridgway............................... 1941-1942 E. M. Baker.................................... 1942-1943 R. M. Burns................................... 1943-1944 S. D. Kirkpatrick............................ 1944-1945 W. R. Veazey................................. 1945-1946 W. C. Moore.................................. 1946-1947 G. W. Heise................................... 1947-1948 J. A. Lee........................................ 1948-1949 A. L. Ferguson............................... 1949-1950 C. L. Faust..................................... 1950-1951 R. M. Hunter................................. 1951-1952 J. C. Warner.................................. 1952-1953 R. J. McKay................................... 1953-1954 M. J. Udy...................................... 1954-1955 H. H. Uhlig.................................... 1955-1956 H. Thurnauer................................. 1956-1957 N. Hackerman............................... 1957-1958 S. Swann....................................... 1958-1959 W. C. Gardiner............................... 1959-1960 R. A. Schaefer............................... 1960-1961 H. B. Linford.................................. 1961-1962 F. L. LaQue.................................... 1962-1963 W. J. Hamer.................................. 1963-1964 L. I. Gilbertson.............................. 1964-1965 E. B. Yeager................................... 1965-1966 H. J. Read..................................... 1966-1967 H. C. Gatos.................................... 1967-1968 I. E. Campbell................................ 1968-1969 N. C. Cahoon................................. 1969-1970 C. W. Tobias.................................. 1970-1971 C. V. King...................................... 1971-1972 T. D. McKinley............................... 1972-1973 N. B. Hannay................................. 1973-1974 D. A. Vermilyea............................. 1974-1975 T. R. Beck...................................... 1975-1976 M. J. Pryor.................................... 1976-1977
D. N. Bennion................................ 1977-1978 D. R. Turner.................................. 1978-1979 J. B. Berkowitz.............................. 1979-1980 E. M. Pell....................................... 1980-1981 R. J. Brodd.................................... 1981-1982 F. J. Strieter................................... 1982-1983 J. B. Wagner, Jr............................. 1983-1984 P. C. Milner.................................... 1984-1985 R. C. Alkire.................................... 1985-1986 R. E. Enstrom................................ 1986-1987 F. G. Will........................................ 1987-1988 B. E. Deal...................................... 1988-1989 E. J. Cairns.................................... 1989-1990 J. M. Woodall................................ 1990-1991 L. R. Faulkner................................ 1991-1992 W. L. Worrell................................. 1992-1993 R. P. Frankenthal........................... 1993-1994 J. A. Amick.................................... 1994-1995 K. R. Bullock................................. 1995-1996 D. W. Hess.................................... 1996-1997 B. Miller........................................ 1997-1998 G. M. Blom.................................... 1998-1999 D.E. Hall........................................ 1999-2000 C. M. Osburn................................. 2000-2001 J. Talbot........................................ 2001-2002 K. Spear........................................ 2002-2003 B. Scrosati.................................... 2003-2004 R. Susko....................................... 2004-2005 W. Smyrl....................................... 2005-2006 Mark Allendorf.............................. 2006-2007 Barry MacDougall......................... 2007-2008 D. Noel Buckley............................. 2008-2009 Paul Natishan................................ 2009-2010 William D. Brown.......................... 2010-2011 Esther S. Takeuchi......................... 2011-2012 Fernando Garzon........................... 2012-2013 Tetsuya Osaka............................... 2013-2014
H. B. Linford.................................. 1949-1959 I. E. Campbell................................ 1959-1965 R. F. Bechtold................................ 1965-1968 D. R. Turner.................................. 1968-1974 P. C. Milner.................................... 1974-1980 F. A. Trumbore............................... 1980-1984
J. A. Amick.................................... 1984-1988 E. W. Brooman.............................. 1988-1992 J. McBreen.................................... 1992-1996 R. Susko....................................... 1996-2000 P. Natishan.................................... 2000-2004 P. Vanýsek..................................... 2004-2008 J. Leddy........................................ 2008-2012
E. G. Enck...................................... 1961-1964 R. H. Schaefer............................... 1964-1967 R. H. Cherry.................................. 1967-1973 F. J. Strieter................................... 1973-1976 J. L. Griffin.................................... 1976-1982 J. Kruger....................................... 1982-1986 R. P. Frankenthal........................... 1986-1990
R. E. White.................................... 1990-1994 W. M. Bullis................................... 1994-1997 Y. H. Wong.................................... 1997-1998 W. D. Brown.................................. 1998-2002 P. Fedkiw....................................... 2002-2006 J. Susko........................................ 2006-2010 Christina Bock............................... 2010-2014
Past Secretaries of the Society C. Hering.................................................1902 C. J. Reed...................................... 1902-1904 S. S. Sadtler.................................. 1904-1907 J. W. Richards............................... 1907-1921 C. G. Fink...................................... 1921-1947 R. M. Burns................................... 1947-1949
Past Treasurers of the Society P. G. Salom................................... 1902-1920 F. A. Lidbury.................................. 1920-1924 A. Smith........................................ 1924-1931 R. M. Burns................................... 1931-1943 W. W. Winship............................... 1943-1949 E. G. Widell................................... 1949-1955 L. I. Gilbertson.............................. 1955-1961
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Edward Goodrich Acheson Award E. G. Acheson...........................................1929 E. F. Northrup...........................................1931 C. G. Fink.................................................1933 F. J. Tone..................................................1935 F. M. Becket..............................................1937 F. C. Frary.................................................1939 C. F. Burgess............................................1942 W. Blum...................................................1944 H. J. Creighton.........................................1946 D. A. MacInnes.........................................1948 G. W. Vinal...............................................1950 J. W. Marden............................................1952 G. W. Heise..............................................1954 R. M. Burns..............................................1956 W. J. Kroll................................................1958 H. B. Linford.............................................1960 C. L. Faust................................................1962 E. A. Gulbransen......................................1964 W. C. Vosburgh........................................1966 F. L. LaQue...............................................1968 S. Ruben..................................................1970 C. W. Tobias.............................................1972 C. V. King.................................................1974 N. B. Hannay............................................1976 D. A. Vermilyea........................................1978 E. B. Yeager..............................................1980 H. C. Gatos...............................................1982 N. Hackerman..........................................1984 E. M. Pell..................................................1986 H. H. Uhlig...............................................1988 T. R. Beck.................................................1990 D. R. Turner.............................................1992 J. B. Wagner, Jr........................................1994 R. C. Alkire...............................................1996 J. M. Woodall...........................................1998 L. R. Faulkner...........................................2000 B. Deal.....................................................2002 W. L. Worrell............................................2004 V. de Nora................................................2006 Robert P. Frankenthal...............................2008 John Newman..........................................2010 Dennis Hess.............................................2012 Ralph J. Brodd.........................................2014
Olin Palladium Medal Award (formerly the Palladium Medal Award, 1951-1977)
C. W. Wagner...........................................1951 N. H. Furman............................................1953 U. R. Evans..............................................1955
K. F. Bonhoeffer........................................1957 A. N. Frumkin...........................................1959 H. H. Uhlig...............................................1961 N. Hackerman..........................................1965 P. Delahay................................................1967 T. P. Hoar..................................................1969 L. Brewer.................................................1971 V. G. Levich..............................................1973 M. J. N. Pourbaix.....................................1975 H. Gerischer.............................................1977 R. Parsons...............................................1979 I. M. Kolthoff............................................1981 M. Cohen.................................................1983 M. Fleischmann........................................1985 A. J. Bard.................................................1987 B. E. Conway............................................1989 J. Newman...............................................1991 J.-M. Savéant...........................................1993 J. Kruger..................................................1995 R. W. Murray............................................1997 J. B. Goodenough....................................1999 N. Sato.....................................................2001 E. Gileadi..................................................2003 R. Rapp....................................................2005 Sergio Trasatti..........................................2007 Dieter M. Kolb..........................................2009 Koji Hashimoto........................................2011 Ralph White.............................................2013
Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid-State Science and Technology (formerly the Solid State Science & Technology Award, 1973-2005)
W. G. Pfann..............................................1973 H. C. Gatos...............................................1975 R. N. Hall..................................................1977 M. B. Panish.............................................1979 G. L. Pearson...........................................1981 N. Holonyak, Jr.........................................1983 J. M. Woodall...........................................1985 A. Y. Cho..................................................1987 J. F. Gibbons............................................1989 J. D. Plummer..........................................1991 B. E. Deal.................................................1993 W. L. Worrell............................................1995 K. E. Spear...............................................1997 I. Akasaki.................................................1999 A. Reisman...............................................2001 R. B. Fair..................................................2003 D. Hess....................................................2005 Tak H. Ning..............................................2007 C. Grant Willson.......................................2009 Stephen Pearton......................................2011 Fan Ren....................................................2013
Vittorio de Nora Award in Electrochemical Engineering and Technology (formerly the Electrochemical Science and Technology Award, 1974-1977)
A. Brenner................................................1974 R. B. MacMullin.......................................1976 F. T. Bacon................................................1978 H. B. Beer.................................................1980 J. C. Schumacher.....................................1982 D. E. Danly...............................................1984 K. Kordesch.............................................1986 A. Heller...................................................1988 C. W. Tobias.............................................1990 E. B. Yeager..............................................1992 L. T. Romankiw........................................1994 R. Baboian...............................................1996 W. G. Grot................................................1998 D. R. Turner.............................................2000 R. C. Alkire...............................................2004 F. Mansfeld...............................................2006 John S. Newman......................................2008 Derek Pletcher..........................................2010 Bruno Scrosati.........................................2012 Chad Mirkin..............................................2014
Carl Wagner Memorial Award A. J. Bard.................................................1981 G. C. Wood...............................................1983 R. C. Alkire...............................................1985 R. W. Murray............................................1987 W. L. Worrell............................................1989 D. D. Macdonald .....................................1991 J. Jorné....................................................1993 B. R. MacDougall.....................................1995 M. J. Weaver............................................1997 C. R. Martin..............................................1999 P. A. Kohl.................................................2001 R. M. Crooks............................................2003 J. Hupp....................................................2005 Philip N. Bartlett.......................................2007 Henry S. White.........................................2009 Peter Bruce..............................................2011 Marc T. M. Koper......................................2013
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching C. W. Tobias.............................................1982 B. E. Conway............................................1984 A. J. Bard.................................................1986 L. Brewer.................................................1988 J. Newman...............................................1990 K. Nobe....................................................1992 J. O’M. Bockris.........................................1994 T. C. Franklin............................................1996 R. A. Rapp................................................1998 G. Stoner..................................................2000 D. Peters..................................................2002 R. M. Latanision.......................................2004 D. Pletcher...............................................2006 Eliezer Gileadi...........................................2008 Daniel T. Schwartz....................................2010 Mark E. Orazem........................................2012 Dennis Hess.............................................2014
Charles W. Tobias Young Investor Award Stuart B. Adler..........................................2004 Hock Min Ng............................................2006 Yang Shao-Horn.......................................2008 Thomas J. Schmidt..................................2010 Bryan S. Pivovar......................................2012 Bilge Yildiz...............................................2012 Adam Weber............................................2014
Honorary Members Charles F. Chandler..................................1919 Edgar F. Smith..........................................1919 Carl Hering...............................................1922 Edward G. Acheson..................................1923 Wilder D. Bancroft....................................1925 Edward Weston........................................1926 Thomas A. Edison....................................1928 W. Lash Miller..........................................1929 Edward Dean Adams................................1930 Charles F. Burgess....................................1932 Frederick M. Becket..................................1934 L. H. Baekeland........................................1936 Robert A. Witherspoon............................1940 Archer E. Wheeler....................................1941 W.R. Whitney...........................................1944 Paul J. Kruesi...........................................1944 Colin G. Fink.............................................1946 Oliver W. Brown.......................................1946 John W. Marden.......................................1947 William Blum............................................1953 Robert M. Burns......................................1959 George W. Heise......................................1959 Frank C. Mathers......................................1959 Stanislaus Skowronski.............................1962
Oliver W. Storey.......................................1962 A. Kenneth Graham..................................1963 Howard A. Acheson..................................1971 Charles L. Faust.......................................1971 Cecil V. King.............................................1973 Herbert H. Uhlig.......................................1973 Norman Hackerman.................................1973 Henry B. Linford.......................................1974 Sherlock Swann.......................................1974 Ernest G. Enck..........................................1975 W. C. Gardiner..........................................1975 Ivor E. Campbell.......................................1976 Ernest B. Yeager.......................................1977 David A. Vermilyea...................................1977 Charles W. Tobias.....................................1977 Harry C. Gatos.........................................1978 Ralph M. Hunter.......................................1979 Dennis R. Turner......................................1980 Henry F. Ivey............................................1980 Walter J. Hamer.......................................1980 Michael J. Pryor.......................................1981 Francis L. LaQue......................................1981 N. Bruce Hannay......................................1982 Theodore R. Beck.....................................1982 Vittorio de Nora........................................1982 John L. Griffin..........................................1983 Erik M. Pell...............................................1983 Samuel Ruben..........................................1983 Paul C. Milner..........................................1986 Harold J. Read.........................................1986 Forrest A. Trumbore.................................1986 Douglas N. Bennion.................................1987 Ralph J. Brodd.........................................1987 Jerome Kruger.........................................1987 Glenn W. Cullen........................................1990 James C. Acheson....................................1990 Richard C. Alkire......................................1991 Bertram Schwartz....................................1991 J. Bruce Wagner, Jr..................................1991 V. H. Branneky..........................................1991 R. S. Karpiuk............................................1996 F. J. Strieter..............................................1996 W. L. Worrell............................................1996 Barry Miller..............................................1999 Jefferson Cole..........................................2001 L. Faulkner...............................................2003 R. Frankenthal..........................................2003 L. Romankiw............................................2003 Gordon E. Moore......................................2007 John S. Newman......................................2007 Jerry M. Woodall......................................2007 Allen J. Bard.............................................2013 John B. Goodenough...............................2013
Fellows of The Electrochemical Society Allen J. Bard.............................................1990 Robert B. Comizzoli..................................1990 Glenn W. Cullen........................................1990 Theodore I. Kamins..................................1990 Paul C. Milner..........................................1990 Edward H. Nicollian..................................1990
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Robert A. Osteryoung..............................1990 Arnold Reisman.......................................1990 Lubomyr T. Romankiw.............................1990 Geraldine C. Schwartz..............................1990 Ben G. Streetman.....................................1990 J. Bruce Wagner, Jr..................................1990 Theodore R. Beck.....................................1991 Elton J. Cairns..........................................1991 Bruce E. Deal............................................1991 Werner Kern.............................................1991 William A. Pliskin.....................................1991 Charles W. Tobias.....................................1991 Rolf Weil..................................................1991 Richard C. Alkire......................................1992 Vittorio de Nora........................................1992 Jerome Kruger.........................................1992 Barry Miller..............................................1992 Dennis R. Turner......................................1992 Jerry M. Woodall......................................1992 Richard P. Buck........................................1993 Larry. R. Faulkner.....................................1993 Dennis W. Hess........................................1993 Vik J. Kapoor............................................1993 Rolf H. Muller...........................................1993 Carlton M. Osburn....................................1993 Robert A. Rapp........................................1993 George L. Schnable..................................1993 Y. H. Wong...............................................1993 Petr Zuman..............................................1993 George K. Celler.......................................1994 Sung-Nee George Chu.............................1994 John P. Dismukes....................................1994 Richard B. Fair.........................................1994 Adam Heller.............................................1994 Richard A. Oriani......................................1994 Boone B. Owens.......................................1994 Wayne L. Worrell.....................................1994 Fred Anson...............................................1995 Laurence D. Burke....................................1995 Brian E. Conway.......................................1995 Robert P. Frankenthal...............................1995 Karl M. Kadish..........................................1995 Digby D. Macdonald.................................1995 Gleb Mamantov........................................1995 Florian Mansfeld......................................1995 Royce W. Murray.....................................1995 John Newman..........................................1995 Yutaka Okinaka.........................................1995 Howard W. Pickering................................1995 George Rozgonyi......................................1995 Mordechay Schlesinger............................1995 Karl E. Spear............................................1995 John M. Blocher, Jr..................................1996 Hans K. Böhni..........................................1996 Der-Tau Chin............................................1996 Hugh Isaacs.............................................1996 Wolfgang J. Lorenz..................................1996 S. J. Pearton............................................1996 Subhash C. Singhal..................................1996 Venkataraman Swaminathan....................1996 James A. Amick.......................................1997 Denis Noel Buckley..................................1997 121
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Fellows (continued) Eliezer Gileadi...........................................1997 Michel J. Froment....................................1997 Koji Hashimoto........................................1997 Chung-Chiun Liu......................................1997 Edward McCafferty..................................1997 Theodore D. Moustakas...........................1997 Shyam P. Muraka.....................................1997 Stella W. Pang..........................................1997 Joachim Walter Schultze..........................1997 James D. Sinclair.....................................1997 Norman L. Weinberg................................1997 Lawrence Young......................................1997 Huk Y. Cheh..............................................1998 Donald E. Danly........................................1998 Dennis H. Evans.......................................1998 Fumio Hine...............................................1998 Dennis C. Johnson...................................1998 Zoltan Nagy..............................................1998 Katsumi Niki.............................................1998 Jun-ichi Nishizawa...................................1998 Fan Ren....................................................1998 Antonio J. Ricco.......................................1998 David A. Shores.......................................1998 William H. Smyrl......................................1998 George Thompson...................................1998 Eric Brooman...........................................1999 Stanley Bruckenstein................................1999 Kathryn Bullock........................................1999 Shimshon Gottesfeld................................1999 Yue Kuo...................................................1999 Dieter Landolt..........................................1999 Jerzy Ruzyllo............................................1999 Norio Sato................................................1999 Ralph White.............................................1999 William Yen..............................................1999 Cammy Abernathy....................................2000 Kuzhikalail M. Abraham............................2000 John C. Angus..........................................2000 W. Ronald Fawcett...................................2000 David S. Ginley.........................................2000 Yasuhiko Ito.............................................2000 Howard Huff.............................................2000 Robert F. Savinell.....................................2000 Roger Staehle..........................................2000 Charles W. Struck....................................2000 Sergio Trasatti..........................................2000 Dieter M. Kolb..........................................2001 David J. Lockwood...................................2001 James McBreen.......................................2001 Patrick J. Moran.......................................2001 Shohei Nakahara......................................2001 William E. O’Grady...................................2001 Supramanian Srinivasan..........................2001 Mark Allendorf.........................................2002 William Brown..........................................2002 Cor Claeys................................................2002 Martin Kendig..........................................2002 Kim Kinoshita...........................................2002 Paul Kohl..................................................2002 Zempachi Ogumi......................................2002
Tetsuya Osaka..........................................2002 Krishnan Rajeshwar.................................2002 Israel Rubinstein......................................2002 Sigeru Torii..............................................2002 Toshio Shibata.........................................2002 Sorin Cristoloveanu..................................2002 David Duquette........................................2003 Peter Fedkiw............................................2003 Charles Hussey........................................2003 Richard McCreery....................................2003 Frank McLarnon.......................................2003 Robin Susko............................................2003 Darrel Untereker.......................................2003 Osamu Yamamoto....................................2003 G. T. Burstein...........................................2004 C. Clayton.................................................2004 G. Davis...................................................2004 M. J. Deen................................................2004 S. Fonash.................................................2004 M. Meyyappan.........................................2004 J. F. Rusling.............................................2004 M. Seo.....................................................2004 M. Shur....................................................2004 J. Simonet................................................2004 M. Stratmann...........................................2004 J. Talbot...................................................2004 M. S. Whittingham...................................2004 R. Adzic....................................................2005 J. Davidson..............................................2005 T. Hattori..................................................2005 J. P. Leburton...........................................2005 P. Marcus.................................................2005 C. Martin..................................................2005 P. Natishan...............................................2005 D. Pletcher...............................................2005 B. Scrosati...............................................2005 J. Scully...................................................2005 R. Singh...................................................2005 H. H. Strehblow........................................2005 M. Williams..............................................2005 A. Baca.....................................................2006 S. Bandyopadhyay...................................2006 T. Fahidy...................................................2006 G. Frankel.................................................2006 C. Jagadish..............................................2006 N. Koshida...............................................2006 J. Lessard................................................2006 H. Massoud..............................................2006 H. Yokokawa............................................2006 B. MacDougall..........................................2006 M. Orazem...............................................2006 D. Misra...................................................2006 A. Virkar...................................................2006 A. Wieckowski..........................................2006 Simon S. Ang...........................................2007 Viola Birss................................................2007 Marc Cahay..............................................2007 James M. Fenton......................................2007 Dennis G. Peters......................................2007 Daniel A. Scherson...................................2007 Eric D. Wachsman....................................2007 Doron Aurbach.........................................2008
Albert J. Fry.............................................2008 Fernando Garzon......................................2008 Yury Gogotsi............................................2008 Curtis F. Holmes.......................................2008 Prashant V. Kamat....................................2008 Patrik Schmuki.........................................2008 Gery R. Stafford.......................................2008 Joseph R. Stetter.....................................2008 John Stickney..........................................2008 Thomas Thundat......................................2008 Vladimir Bagotsky....................................2009 Ugo Bertocci............................................2009 Manfred Engelhardt..................................2009 Tom Fuller................................................2009 Peter Hesketh...........................................2009 Uziel Landau............................................2009 Dolf Landheer..........................................2009 Thomas P. Moffat.....................................2009 Ikuzo Nishiguchi......................................2009 Kohei Uosaki............................................2009 Rudolph G. Buchheit................................2010 Francis D’Souza.......................................2010 Toshio Fuchigami.....................................2010 Michel Houssa.........................................2010 Robert G. Kelly.........................................2010 Roger C. Newman....................................2010 Peter N. Pintauro......................................2010 Peter C. Searson......................................2010 David Shoesmith......................................2010 Bernard Tribollet......................................2010 John W. Weidner......................................2010 David J. Young.........................................2010 Hugh C. DeLong.......................................2011 Hubert Gasteiger......................................2011 Arumugam Manthiram.............................2011 Ashok Kumar Shukla................................2011 Paul C. Trulove.........................................2011 Karim Zaghib............................................2011 Giovanni Zangari......................................2011 Thomas A. Zawodzinski...........................2011 Jeffrey R. Dahn........................................2012 Stefan DeGendt........................................2012 Hariklia Deligianni....................................2012 Andrew Gewirth.......................................2012 Meilin Liu.................................................2012 Junichi Murota.........................................2012 Sri Narayan..............................................2012 Trung Van Nguyen....................................2012 Winston Revie..........................................2012 Daniel Schwartz.......................................2012 Esther Takeuchi........................................2012 Mark Verbrugge.......................................2012 Petr Vanýsek............................................2012 Bruce Weisman........................................2012 Hector Abruña..........................................2013 Nancy Dudney..........................................2013 Gary Hunter.............................................2013 Jiri Janata................................................2013 Johna Leddy............................................2013 Shelley Minteer........................................2013 Sanjeev Mukerjee.....................................2013 Elizabeth Opila..........................................2013
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Fellows (continued) Jan Robert Selman...................................2013 Kalpathy Sundaram..................................2013 Enrico Traversa........................................2013 Martin Winter...........................................2013 George E. Blomgren.................................2014 Gerardine Gabriela......................... Botte 2014 Ralph J. Brodd.........................................2014 Yasuhiro Fukunaka...................................2014 Jay W. Grate.............................................2014 Dirk Guldi.................................................2014 Bruce Parkinson.......................................2014 Fred Roozeboom......................................2014 Alvin Salkind............................................2014 Sudipta Seal.............................................2014 Michael Thackeray...................................2014 Tooru Tsuru..............................................2014 Harry Tuller..............................................2014 Jose Zagal................................................2014 Piotr Zelenay............................................2014
Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship
(formerly the Edward G. Weston Fellowship, 1930-1945)
E. B. Sanigar............................................1930 K. Solliner................................................1931 M. E. Fogle...............................................1932 R. D. Blue.................................................1933 P. A. Jacquet............................................1934 M. A. Coler...............................................1935 H. B. Linford.............................................1936 G. L. Putnam............................................1937 V. de Nora................................................1938 W. P. Ruemmier.......................................1940 R. E. Black................................................1941 W. E. Roake..............................................1942 R. D. Misch..............................................1947 M. T. Simnad............................................1948 R. L. Brubaker..........................................1961 D. Yohe....................................................1962 H. O. Daley, Jr..........................................1963 M. D. Hawley............................................1964 T. G. McCord............................................1965 J. D. McLean............................................1966 K. B. Prater...............................................1967 K. Doblhofer.............................................1968 L. R. Faulkner...........................................1969 W. J. Horkans...........................................1970 W. J. Horkans...........................................1971 W. J. Bover...............................................1972 B. J. Alexander.........................................1973 S. S. Fratoni, Jr. ......................................1974 M. Suchanski...........................................1975 R. J. Nowak..............................................1976 P. A. Kohl.................................................1977 C. D. Jaeger.............................................1978 L. Bottomley.............................................1979 G. L. McIntire...........................................1980 J. Pemberton...........................................1981 M. E. Kordesch.........................................1982 R. G. Tompson.........................................1983
P. M. Kovach............................................1984 J. N. Harb.................................................1985 S. E. Creager............................................1986 X. Zhang...................................................1987 C. Amass..................................................1988 R. J. Phillips.............................................1989 J. E. Franke..............................................1990 S. R. Snyder.............................................1991 P. Pantano................................................1992 G. J. Edens...............................................1993 B. Idriss...................................................1994 D. Bizzotto................................................1995 L. A. Lyon.................................................1996 C. Claypool...............................................1997 B. Bath.....................................................1998 A. C. Templeton........................................1999 P. W. Wuelfing..........................................2000 K. Balss....................................................2001 T. Hu........................................................2002 J. Mauzeroll.............................................2003 J. Seegmiller............................................2004 E. Blair.....................................................2005 F. Laforge.................................................2006 Aleix G. Güell............................................2007 Matthew J. Banholzer...............................2008 Shulei Chou..............................................2009 Binh-Minh Nguyen...................................2010 Abrin Schmucker.....................................2011 Sujat Sen..................................................2012 Philippe Dauphin Ducharme.....................2013 Tuncay Ozel..............................................2014
Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship P. Brown...................................................1962 W. G. Lemmermann.................................1963 W. G. Stevens...........................................1964 J. P. Carney..............................................1965 S. Piekarski..............................................1966 B. S. Pons................................................1967 R. E. Bonewitz..........................................1968 L. Papouchado.........................................1969 R. G. Reed................................................1970 R. Fike......................................................1971 D. L. McAllister........................................1972 R. R. Chance............................................1973 P. I. Lee....................................................1974 J. B. Flanagan...........................................1975 J. S. Hammond........................................1976 P. D. Tyma................................................1977 S. M. Wilhelm..........................................1978 J. D. Porter...............................................1979 R. S. Glass...............................................1980 E. E. Bancroft...........................................1981 T. D. Cabeika............................................1982 B. L. Wheeler...........................................1983 E. T. T. Jones............................................1984 D. A. Van Galen........................................1985 J. S. Hanson.............................................1986 P. Gao.......................................................1987 D. T. Schwartz..........................................1988 A. E. Russell.............................................1989
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
J. Xue.......................................................1990 C. K. Rhee................................................1991 M. J. Shane..............................................1992 C. M. Pharr...............................................1993 J. M. Lauerhaus.......................................1994 S. M. Hendrickson...................................1995 J. C. Hutchinson.......................................1996 P. V. A. Pamidi..........................................1997 G. S. Hwang.............................................1998 W. Baker...................................................1999 A. Crown..................................................2000 R. Maus...................................................2001 S. Peper...................................................2002 M. Alpuche-Aviles....................................2003 A. Mugweru.............................................2004 G. Lica......................................................2005 A. Martinson............................................2006 Prabeer Barpanda....................................2007 Sau Yen Chew..........................................2008 Hyea Kim..................................................2009 Brian Adams............................................2010 Tae-Ho Shin.............................................2011 Devika Sil.................................................2012 Gabriel G. Rodríguez-Calero.....................2013 Christena K. Nash....................................2014
Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship V. E. Hauser, Jr.........................................1960 M. J. Schaer.............................................1961 R. E. Visco...............................................1961 A. K. Postma............................................1962 C. C. Liu...................................................1963 M. J. Vasile..............................................1964 M. J. Vasile..............................................1965 C. C. Liu...................................................1966 B. N. Baron...............................................1967 L. P. Zajicek, Jr.........................................1968 K. R. Bullock............................................1969 S. H. Cadle...............................................1970 J. W. Webb...............................................1971 C. P. Keszthelyi.........................................1972 M. Shabrang............................................1973 D. H. Karweik...........................................1974 T. P. DeAngelis.........................................1975 D. L. Feke.................................................1976 H. Faulkner...............................................1977 D. M. Novak.............................................1978 B. R. Karas...............................................1979 R. M. Cohen.............................................1980 R. N. Dominey..........................................1981 R. M. Ianniello..........................................1982 D. F. Tessier..............................................1983 N. T. Sleszynski........................................1984 C. M. Lieber.............................................1985 J. L. Valdes..............................................1986 R. Q. Bligh................................................1987 D. W. Conrad............................................1988 S. A. Schofield.........................................1989 J. A. Roberts............................................1990 M. S. Freund............................................1991 L. Gao......................................................1992 123
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship (continued)
H. Gasteiger.............................................1993 J. Schoer..................................................1994 S. Morin...................................................1995 N. Madigan...............................................1996 S. Petrovic...............................................1997 J. J. Sumner.............................................1998 A. Wijayawardhana...................................1999 B. Liu.......................................................2000 C. Noble...................................................2001 C. B. France..............................................2002 P. Ramadass............................................2003 J. Carroll..................................................2004 K. Salaita..................................................2005 J. Breger..................................................2006 Sadagopan Krishnan................................2007 Meng Jiang..............................................2008 Haizhou Liu..............................................2009 Mohammad Rez Khajavi...........................2010 Jeyavel Velmurugan.................................2011 Balazs Berkes...........................................2012 Yongjin Lee..............................................2013 Andrey Gunawan......................................2014
F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship (formerly the F. M. Becket Memorial Award 1962-1999)
R. B. Johnson..........................................1962 J. K. Johnstone........................................1964 K. Lehman................................................1966 H. K. Bowen.............................................1967 T. E. Parker...............................................1971 G. M. Crosbie...........................................1973 N. A. Godshall..........................................1975 J. D. Hodge..............................................1977 W. Cheng.................................................1979 P. Davies..................................................1981 P. A. Barron..............................................1983 G. J. Miller...............................................1985 M. Rosenbluth.........................................1987 J. D. Cotton..............................................1989 J. Philliber................................................1991 P. Agarwal................................................1993 H. C. Slade...............................................1995 K. S. Weil.................................................1997 G. S. Hwang.............................................1999 J. Parrish.................................................2001 S. Wasileski.............................................2002 E. Clark.....................................................2003 F. Deng.....................................................2004 S. Harrison...............................................2005 Y. Yang.....................................................2006 Michael Orthner.......................................2007 Marcos Jose Leitos Santos......................2008 Steve Rhieu..............................................2009 James Whitaker.......................................2011 Celeste Morris..........................................2012 Carlo Santoro...........................................2013 Brandy Kinkead........................................2014
Herbert H.Uhlig Summer Fellowship Natalia Shustova......................................2008 Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan...........2009 Swetha Puchakayala................................2011 Julia van Drunen......................................2012 Junsi Gu...................................................2013 Hadi Tavassol...........................................2014
Energy Research Summer Fellowship
(supported by the U.S. Department of Energy)
M. R. Deakin............................................1985 P. B. Johnson...........................................1985 D. A. La Hurd...........................................1985 S. E. Morris..............................................1985 D. P. Wilkinson.........................................1985 D. G. Frank...............................................1986 K.-C. Ho...................................................1986 R. G. Kelly................................................1986 I.-H. Yeo...................................................1986 J. Kwak....................................................1986 L. C. Dash................................................1987 S. A. Naftel...............................................1987 T. R. Nolen...............................................1987 D. Schwartz..............................................1987 T. H. Wong...............................................1987 S. D. Fritts................................................1988 D. A. Koos................................................1988 D. A. Hazlebeck........................................1988 M. O. Schloh............................................1988 S. S. Perine..............................................1988 J. E. Baur.................................................1989 C.-P. Chen................................................1989 D. W. Eng.................................................1989 R. L. McCarley.........................................1989 C. J. Murphy............................................1989 C. K. Nguyen............................................1990 I.-H. Oh....................................................1990 T. G. Strein...............................................1990 J. W. Weidner...........................................1990 S. E. Gilbert..............................................1990 C. S. Johnson...........................................1991 H. Huang..................................................1991 D. R. Lawson...........................................1991 B. D. Pendley...........................................1991 C. C. Streinz.............................................1991 P. A. Connick............................................1992 A. C. Hillier...............................................1992 D. L. Taylor...............................................1992 K. K. Lian.................................................1992 T. T. Nadasdi.............................................1992 D. G. Jensen.............................................1993 J. C. Bart..................................................1993 G. Seshadri..............................................1993 J. A. Poirier..............................................1993 K. W. Vogt................................................1993 Z. Shi.......................................................1994 C.-C. Hsueh..............................................1994 V. A. Adamian...........................................1994
K. M. Maness...........................................1994 K. M. Richard...........................................1994 Y.-E. Sung................................................1995 J. C. Conboy.............................................1995 L. A. Zook.................................................1995 W. R. Everett............................................1995 H. Zhang..................................................1995 S. Grabtchak............................................1996 J.-B. Green...............................................1996 S. Motupally.............................................1996 C. Nasr.....................................................1996 S. Nayak...................................................1996 K. Hu........................................................1997 M. E. Williams..........................................1997 A. Zolfaghari.............................................1997 C. R. Horne..............................................1997 G. K. Jennings..........................................1997 M. Zhao....................................................1998 S. Sriramulu.............................................1998 J. Ritchie..................................................1998 M. A. Elhamid...........................................1998 S. Zou......................................................1998 K. Cooper.................................................2000 K. Grant....................................................2000 D. Hansen................................................2000 J. F. Hicks.................................................2000 Z. Liu........................................................2000
Oronzio de Nora Industrial Electrochemistry Fellowship N. Mano...................................................2004 N. Mano...................................................2005 N. Mano...................................................2006 Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan....................2007 Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan....................2008 Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan....................2009 Wenjing (Angela) Zhang...........................2010
Norman Hackerman Young Author Award (formerly the Young Authors Prize, 1929-1988)
W. C. Gardiner..........................................1929 D. K. Alpern..............................................1930 F. L. Jones................................................1931 F. W. Godsey, Jr........................................1932 B. L. Bailey...............................................1933 J. R. Heard, Jr..........................................1934 U. B. Thomas, Jr......................................1935 W. A. Johnson..........................................1936 R. S. Soanes............................................1937 N. B. Nichols............................................1938 G. A. Moore..............................................1939 J. S. Mackay.............................................1940 E. Adler....................................................1941 S. Speil.....................................................1942 W. G. Berl.................................................1943 J. P. Coyle................................................1944 A. E. Hardy...............................................1945 N. A. Nielsen............................................1946 H. Leidheiser, Jr.......................................1947 M. A. Streicher.........................................1948
The Electrochemical Society Interface â&#x20AC;˘ Summer 2015 â&#x20AC;˘
2014 Norman Hackerman Young Author Award (continued)
J. C. Griess, Jr..........................................1949 G. W. Murphy...........................................1950 J. T. Byrne................................................1951 W. E. Kuhn...............................................1952 J. Halpern.................................................1953 M. J. Pryor...............................................1954 M. Stern...................................................1955 R. S. Cooper.............................................1956 P. Ruetschi...............................................1957 M. Stern...................................................1958 F. A. Posey ..............................................1959 A. C. Makrides..........................................1960 J. D. Newson............................................1961 M. J. Dignam...........................................1962 J. A. Cunningham.....................................1963 R. E. Westerman......................................1964 R. E. Visco...............................................1965 J. Newman...............................................1966 H. W. Pickering........................................1967 G. G. Charette...........................................1968 G. Dryhurst..............................................1969 J. Newman...............................................1969 W. R. Parrish............................................1969 A. J. Appleby............................................1970 D. C. Johnson..........................................1970 D.-T. Chin.................................................1971 M. S. Whittingham...................................1971 M. A. Hopper............................................1972 F. Kuhn-Kuhnenfeld..................................1972 M. J. Bowden...........................................1973 L. Thompson............................................1973 D. Simonsson..........................................1973 S. H. Cadle...............................................1974 A. D. Dalvi................................................1974 L. R. Faulkner...........................................1975 S. Solmi...................................................1975 P. Negrini.................................................1975 B. MacDougall..........................................1976 S. K. Ubhayakar.......................................1976 C. W. Manke.............................................1977 W. J. Horkans...........................................1977 A. G. Gonzalez..........................................1978 C. H. Tsang...............................................1978 D. A. Antoniadis.......................................1978 D. Y. Wang...............................................1979 C. W. Magee.............................................1979 E. Takayama.............................................1980 H. Reller...................................................1980 W. J. P. Van Enckevort..............................1981 M. W. M. Graef.........................................1981 C. Y. Chao................................................1981 L. F. Lin....................................................1981 D. W. Sittari..............................................1982 T. P. Chow................................................1982 P. G. Pickup..............................................1983 K. F. Jensen..............................................1983 D. B. Graves.............................................1983 N. A. Godshall..........................................1984 E. K. Broadbent........................................1984
J. C. Farmer.............................................1985 G. S. Oehrlein...........................................1985 J. Richer...................................................1986 T. Tanaka..................................................1986 C. P. Wilde................................................1987 P. N. Bartlett.............................................1987 J. Maier....................................................1987 J. A. Bardwell...........................................1988 C.-J. Han..................................................1988 A. E. Husser.............................................1989 D. H. Craston...........................................1989 J. M. Rosamilia........................................1989 J. H. Comfort...........................................1989 M. W. Verbrugge......................................1990 C. J. Giunta..............................................1990 T. J. Mountziaris.......................................1991 J. V. Cole..................................................1991 D. W. Suggs.............................................1991 B. W. Gregory...........................................1991 D. B. Bonham...........................................1992 E. S. Aydil.................................................1992 P. P. Apte..................................................1993 A. West....................................................1993 H. A. Gasteiger.........................................1994 F. R. Myers...............................................1994 R. Vidal....................................................1995 G. D. Papasouliotis...................................1995 J. H. Nordlien...........................................1996 J. Lee.......................................................1996 A. K. Padhi...............................................1997 S. M. Han.................................................1997 A. D. Robertson.......................................1998 Y. Shao-Horn............................................1998 S. R. Kaluri...............................................1998 A. Bautista................................................1999 P. A. O’Neil...............................................1999 R. T. Leah.................................................2000 J. W. Klaus...............................................2000 J. F. Whitacre...........................................2001 P. Feichtinger...........................................2001 T. J. Pricer................................................2002 P. S. Lee...................................................2002 K. Jambunathan.......................................2003 S. Noda....................................................2003 M. Miyamoto............................................2003 R. Akolkar................................................2004 Y.-K. Hong................................................2004 S. Borini...................................................2005 M. Kunimatsu...........................................2005 Mathieu Bervas........................................2006 Pradeep Dixit............................................2006 Steffen Eccarius.......................................2007 A. T. J. van Niftrik.....................................2007 Kevin Ralston...........................................2008 Eu Jin Tan................................................2008 Yudi Setiawan..........................................2008 Paul Albertus............................................2009 Louis Hutin..............................................2009 Gijs Dingemans........................................2010 Erik Langereis..........................................2010 Stephen E. Potts......................................2010 Xingbao Zhu.............................................2010
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Igor Volov................................................2011 Claudia Fleischmann................................2011 Sebastien Couet.......................................2011 Koen Schouteden.....................................2011 Philipp Hönicke........................................2011 Kiersten Horning......................................2012 Sykes Mason ...........................................2012 Balavinayagam Ramalingam....................2012 Rahul Malik..............................................2013 Aziz Abdellahi...........................................2013 Nathaniel D. Leonard................................2014
Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award Konstantinos Spyrou................................2013 Pengfei Guo.............................................2014 Ran Cheng...............................................2014 Wei Wang.................................................2014
ECS General Society Student Poster Session Awards F. Forouzan...............................................1993 D. L. Taylor...............................................1993 L. Abraham..............................................1994 A. J. Aldykiewicz......................................1994 A. Dalmia.................................................1994 M. Murthy................................................1994 R. Munkundan.........................................1995 A. E. Thomas............................................1995 C. E. Ramberg..........................................1995 W. Wang..................................................1995 S. Chen....................................................1996 K. Kowal...................................................1996 C. Leger...................................................1997 E. Potteau.................................................1997 K. Bera.....................................................1998 E. Dickenson............................................1998 G. Q. Lu....................................................1998 M. W. Riley...............................................1998 J. Pearton.................................................1999 A. Templeson...........................................1999 N. Baydokhi..............................................2000 A. Pismenny.............................................2000 A. Besing..................................................2001 V. Sochnikov............................................2001 S. Dimovski..............................................2002 P. Maitra...................................................2002 H. Ohtsuka...............................................2002 T. Wiley....................................................2002 P. Kavanagh.............................................2003 B. Monahan..............................................2003 O. Rabin...................................................2003 P. Scopece...............................................2003 K. Yasuda.................................................2003 M. Guan...................................................2004 K. Kanaizuka.............................................2004 A. Oide.....................................................2004 R. M. Todi................................................2004 W. J. Cheong............................................2005 J. Chmiola................................................2005 S. Chrisanti..............................................2005 C. Drake...................................................2005 125
ECS ANNUAL REPORT ECS General Society Student Poster Session Awards (continued)
D. L. Gonzalez-Parra................................2006 Naoko Kamiura........................................2006 T. Takeyasu...............................................2006 Arun Vijayakumar.....................................2006 Naoaki Hashimoto....................................2007 Daisuke Kikutani......................................2007 Toyoki Okumura.......................................2007 Gholamreza Rostamikia...........................2007 Arun Vijayakumar.....................................2007 Rajwant Singh Bedi..................................2008 Bryan K. Boggs........................................2008 John Chmiola...........................................2008 Yuta Ishigami...........................................2008 J. S. O’Brien.............................................2008 Tyler Osborn............................................2008 Ralf Peipmann..........................................2008 Philippe Perret.........................................2008 Kenji Takada.............................................2008 Vinit Todi..................................................2008 Natalia B. Shustova..................................2008 Joshua Snyder.........................................2008 Tomomasa Sugiyama...............................2008 Anasuya Adibhatla....................................2009 Magdalena Gizowska................................2009 Frederik Golks..........................................2009 Karina Kangas..........................................2009 Kiera A. Kurak..........................................2009 Manale Maalouf........................................2009 Debasish Mohanty...................................2009 Natalia Shustova......................................2009 Joko Sutrisno...........................................2009 Jaroslaw Syzdek......................................2009 Alex Avekians...........................................2010 Shayna Brocato........................................2010 Pablo de la Iglesia....................................2010 Christian Desilets.....................................2010 Ayesha Maria Hashambhoy......................2010 Carolin Lau...............................................2010 Raja S. Mannam.......................................2010 Joshua P. McClure...................................2010 Sarvesh Pasem........................................2010 Robert Sacci............................................2010 Misato Tashiro.........................................2010 Jesse Benck.............................................2011 Benjamin Caire.........................................2011 Zhebo Chen..............................................2011 Damilola Daramola...................................2011 Kirsten Marie Jensen...............................2011 Javed Khan..............................................2011 Simon Lux................................................2011 Ashley Maes.............................................2011 Lingchong Mai.........................................2011 Francis Richey..........................................2011 Neil Spinner.............................................2011 Melissa Vandiver......................................2011 Georgi Bodurov........................................2012 Aurelien Etiemble ....................................2012 Kiersten Horning .....................................2012 Yoon Jang Kim.........................................2012
Prabhu Doss Mani...................................2012 K. Sykes Mason.......................................2012 Seungha Oh.............................................2012 Michael Siedlik.........................................2012 Bong Seob Yang......................................2012 Yoshinobu Adachi....................................2012 Kwi Nam Han...........................................2012 Takashi Hasegawa....................................2012 Cheng Ai Li...............................................2012 Shigeta Yagyu..........................................2012 Michal Osiak............................................2013 Andrew J. Naylor......................................2013 Danielle Smiley........................................2013 Mohammed Boota....................................2013 Kelsey B. Hatzall.......................................2013 Christopher R. Dennison..........................2013 Tobias Placke...........................................2013 Buido Schmuelling...................................2013 Richard Kloepsch.....................................2013 Olga Fromm.............................................2013 Sergej Rothermel.....................................2013 Paul Meister.............................................2013 Kristy Jost................................................2013 John McDonough....................................2013 Takashi Tsuda...........................................2013 Masanari Hashimoto................................2013 Axel Gambou-Bosca.................................2014 Miguel Angel Arellano Gonzalez...............2014 Andrew Durney........................................2014 Elizabeth Hotvedt.....................................2014 Andrew R. Akbashev................................2014 Jorge Ivan Aldana-Gonzalez.....................2014
ECS Sponsored Meeting Student Poster Award Winners Simposio Brasileiro de Electroquimica e Eletroanalitica (SIBEE) L. M. Nunes.............................................2009 Felipe Ibanhi Pires....................................2011 V. Dos Santos...........................................2013 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) C. Santini.................................................2009 L. Ma........................................................2010 M. B. Gonzalez.........................................2011 Chien Chi Chen.........................................2012 Tao Deng..................................................2013 Meng Lin..................................................2014 Euro CVD Award A. Szkudlarek...........................................2011 Not Awarded............................................2013 IC4N: From Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems M. Gharbi.................................................2009 H. N. Green..............................................2011 Mariana Sendova.....................................2013 Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica (SMEQ) and ECS Mexican Section Meeting A. Mendez-Albores...................................2008 L. S. Hernandez-Munoz............................2009
C. Avila-Gonzalez.....................................2010 D. C. Martinez-Casillas.............................2011 Lidia G. Trujano-Ortiz...............................2012 Paola Yamela De la Cruz-Guzmán............2013
Turner Book Prize S. Speil.....................................................1942 W. G. Berl.................................................1943 J. P. Coyle................................................1944 J. T. Waber...............................................1945 B. Cartwright............................................1946 A. E. Hardy...............................................1947 M. A. Streicher.........................................1948 R. E. Hoeckelman.....................................1949 P. Delahay................................................1950 K. H. Stern...............................................1951 C. C. Templeton........................................1951 P. T. Gilbert...............................................1952 R. B. Holden.............................................1953 D. A. Vermilyea........................................1954 J. G. Jewell...............................................1955 J. H. Westbrook.......................................1956 A. C. Makrides..........................................1957 J. P. Pemsler............................................1958 R. G. Carlson............................................1959 R. E. Meyer..............................................1960 P. C. Milner...............................................1960 H. Freitag.................................................1961 P. J. Boddy...............................................1962 E. J. Cairns...............................................1963 M. Weinstein............................................1963 R. W. Bartlett............................................1964 E. M. Hofer...............................................1965 C. S. Tedmon, Jr.......................................1966 F. P. Kober................................................1967 J. M. Hale.................................................1968
Leadership Circle Awards Legacy Level Dow Chemical Co., Central Research, received 2011 Olin Chlor Alkali Products Division, received 2011 Occidental Chemical Corp., received 2013 Medallion Level Occidental Chemical Corp., received 2007 Atotech USA, Inc., received 2009 Energizer, received 2009 Diamond Level General Electric Co., Corporate Research & Development, received 2001 General Motors Research Laboratories, received 2001 Rayovac, received 2002 Duracell, received 2006 IBM Corporation, received 2006 Gold Level Toshiba Corp., Research & Development Center, received 1998 Siltronic AG, received 1998
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Leadership Circle Award
Osram Sylvania, Inc., Chemical & Metallurgical Division, received 1999 Sandia National Laboratories, received 2000 International Lead Zinc Research Organization, Inc., received 2003 Medtronic, Inc., Energy and Component Center, received 2004 Toyota Central Research and Development Labs, Inc., received 2004 Yuasa Corp, received 2004 Princeton Applied Research/Solartron Analytical, received 2005 Saft Batteries, received 2006 CSIRO Minerals, received 2007 Industrie de Nora, received 2007 Ballard Power Systems, Inc., received 2008 ECO Energy Conversion, received 2008 Varta Automotive GmbH, Advanced Battery Division, received 2008 Greatbatch, Inc., received 2010 Leclanche S. A., received 2009 Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, received 2009 Giner, Inc., received 2010 Greatbatch, Inc., received 2010 TIMCAL Graphite and Carbon Ltd., received 2011 Silver Level Eltech Systems Corp., received 1992 Tronox LLC, received 1994 Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd., received 1997 3M Company, received 1998 E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., HD Microsystems, received 1998 Solartron Instruments, received 1999 Central Electrochemical Research Institute, received 2002 TDK Corp., R&D Center, received 2002 Valence Technology, received 2002 DAISO, Co., Ltd., received 2003 Panasonic Corp., received 2003 C. Uyemura & Co., Ltd., Central Research Lab, received 2005 Electrosynthesis Co., Inc., received 2005 FMC Corporation, Active Oxidants Division, received 2005 Nacional de Grafite, LTDA, received 2005 Permelec Electrode, Ltd., received 2005 PG Industries, Inc., Chemicals Group Technical Center, received 2005 Scribner Associates, Inc., received 2005 Technic Inc., received 2005 Advance Research Chemicals, Inc., received 2007 Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences at CWRU, received 2007 PEC North America, received 2009 Quallion, LLC, received 2009 UTC Power, received 2009 Broddarp of Nevada, received 2010
Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc., received 2010 OM Group, Inc., received 2012 Evonik Degussa GmbH, received 2013 Permascand AB, received 2013 Bronze Level Hach Company, Radiometer Analytical Division, received 2002 De Nora Technologie Elettrochimiche S.r.L., received 2003 BAE Systems Battery Technology Center, received 2005 Agilent Laboratories, received 2008 Evonik Degussa GmbH, received 2008 Samsung SDI, received 2008 GAIA-Akkumulatorenwerke GmbH, received 2009 Permascand AB, received 2009 ZSW Center for Solar Energy & Hydrogen Research, received 2009 Coolohm, Inc., received 2010 ElectroChem, Inc., received 2010 Faraday Technology, Inc., received 2010 Johnson Matthey, received 2010 Metrohm USA, received 2010 Pine Research Instrumentation, received 2010 Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd., received 2011 Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., received 2011 Hydro-Québec, received 2011 Bio-Logic USA/Bio-Logic SAS, received 2012 Gamry Instruments, received 2012 Rockwood Lithium, received 2012 ENEOS CELLTECH Co. Ltd., received 2012 Fortu Research GmbH, received 2012
Battery Division Student Research Award J. R. Waggoner........................................1980 K. E. Yee...................................................1980 W. A. van Schalkwijk................................1981 C. Y. Mak..................................................1986 T. I. Evans................................................1987 C. C. Streinz.............................................1988 J. Weidner................................................1989 M. G. Lee.................................................1990 E. J. Podlaha............................................1991 G. E. Gray.................................................1992 D. Qu........................................................1993 P. De Vidts................................................1994 S. Motupally.............................................1995 J. Xu.........................................................1996 Y. Shao-Horn............................................1997 I. Courtney...............................................1998 G.E. Rousse.............................................1999 V. Srinivasan............................................2000 M. Zhao....................................................2001 V. Subramaniam.......................................2001 L. Fransson..............................................2002 K.-W. Park................................................2003
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
A. Weber..................................................2004 C. Delacourt.............................................2005 K. Kang....................................................2006 Feng Jiao..................................................2007 Nonglak Meethong...................................2009 Yi-Chun Lu...............................................2010 Christopher Fell........................................2011 Yuhui Chen...............................................2012 Mohammed Ati........................................2013 Martin Ebner............................................2014
Battery Division Research Award J. J. Lander..............................................1958 D. M. Smyth.............................................1959 T. P. Dirkse...............................................1962 F. G. Will...................................................1964 J. Burbank................................................1966 C. P. Wales...............................................1966 D. Tuomi..................................................1968 Y. Okinaka................................................1970 A. C. Simon .............................................1972 S. M. Caulder...........................................1972 J. McBreen...............................................1974 T. Katan....................................................1976 S. Szpak...................................................1976 A. Heller...................................................1978 K. R. Bullock............................................1980 R. A. Huggins...........................................1982 D. Pavlov..................................................1984 G. H. J. Broers.........................................1985 J. L. Devitt................................................1986 D. H. McClelland......................................1986 J. P. Gabano.............................................1987 M. Armand...............................................1988 J. Jorne....................................................1989 A. N. Dey..................................................1990 R. E. White...............................................1991 D. N. Bennion...........................................1992 E. Peled....................................................1993 K. M. Abraham.........................................1995 J. Dahn.....................................................1996 B. Scrosati...............................................1997 C. Delmas.................................................1999 J. B. Bates................................................2000 S. Wittingham..........................................2002 K. Kinoshita..............................................2003 J. Newman...............................................2004 G. Ceder...................................................2004 M. Thackeray...........................................2005 T. Ohzuku.................................................2006 Clare P. Grey............................................2007 Peter G. Bruce..........................................2008 Linda Nazar..............................................2009 Dominique Guyomard..............................2010 Yang-Kook Sun........................................2011 Stefano Passerini.....................................2012 Doron Aurbach.........................................2013 Arumugam Manthiram.............................2014
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Battery Division Research Award (continued)
Battery Division Technology Award Y. Nishi.....................................................1994 K. Ozawa..................................................1994 E. S. Takeuchi...........................................1995 S. Gilman.................................................1996 J.-M. Tarascon.........................................1997 G. E. Blomgren.........................................1998 A. Yoshino................................................1999 H. Y. Cheh................................................2000 B. B. Owens.............................................2001 D. Wilkinson.............................................2002 M. Winter.................................................2002 J. Yamaki.................................................2003 M. Yoshio.................................................2003 M. Ue.......................................................2004 D. Aurbach...............................................2005 P. Novak...................................................2005 K. Lee.......................................................2006 Michel Broussely......................................2007 Hiroshi Inoue...........................................2008 Satoshi Mizutani......................................2008 Eiji Endoh.................................................2009 Khalil Amine.............................................2010 Jeffrey Dahn.............................................2011 Yet-Ming Chiang.......................................... 2012 Karim Zaghib................................................ 2013 Feng Wu....................................................... 2014
Hans-Henning Strehblow.........................2012 Mário Ferreira..........................................2013 Paul Natishan...........................................2014
Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award (formerly the Corrosion Division Award for Summer Study 19861988)
S. D. Scarberry........................................1986 C. C. Streinz.............................................1987 R. Bianco.................................................1988 M. A. Harper.............................................1992 R. G. Buchheit..........................................1993 J.-F. Yan...................................................1994 B. V. Cockeram.........................................1995 I. Odnevall................................................1996 D. G. Kolman............................................1997 C. S. Brossia............................................1998 M. Verhoff................................................1999 S. Yu........................................................2000 S. F. Nitodas.............................................2001 K. Cooper.................................................2002 T. Ramgopal.............................................2003 Q. Meng...................................................2004 D. Chidambaram......................................2005 H. Tsuchiya..............................................2006 Magnus Johnson.....................................2007 Christopher D. Taylor...............................2008 Mariano Iannuzzi......................................2009 Pouria Ghods...........................................2010 Hongbo Cong...........................................2011 Mariano Kappes.......................................2012 Quentin Van Overmeere...........................2013 Yolanda Hedberg......................................2014
Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award (formerly the Outstanding Achievement Award of the Corrosion Division 1973-1983)
M. Cohen.................................................1973 D. A. Vermilyea........................................1975 J. Kruger..................................................1977 M. J. Pryor...............................................1979 T. R. Beck.................................................1981 N. Sato.....................................................1983 P. Kofstad.................................................1985 H. W. Pickering........................................1987 R. P. Frankenthal......................................1989 H. Leidheiser............................................1991 H. Isaacs..................................................1993 W. H. Smyrl..............................................1995 M. J. Graham...........................................1997 K. Hashimoto...........................................1999 D. Macdonald...........................................2001 F. Mansfeld...............................................2002 C. Leygraf.................................................2003 R. Newman..............................................2004 P. Marcus.................................................2005 G. T. Burstein...........................................2006 Edward McCafferty...................................2007 Martin Stratmann.....................................2008 John R. Scully..........................................2009 Gerald S. Frankel......................................2010 Patrik Schmuki.........................................2011
Dielectric Science and Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award J. A. Davies..............................................1968 J. P. S. Pringle..........................................1968 G. M. Sessler...........................................1970 J. E. West.................................................1970 C. A. Mead...............................................1971 W. Kern....................................................1972 J. R. Szedon.............................................1973 C. M. Osburn............................................1975 T. W. Hickmott..........................................1976 J. R. Ligenza............................................1977 R. Williams...............................................1978 R. J. Kriegler............................................1979 B. E. Deal.................................................1982 L. Young..................................................1983 A. K. Sinha...............................................1985 A. C. Adams.............................................1986 S. P. Murarka...........................................1987 R. B. Comizzoli.........................................1988 E. A. Irene................................................1988 R. A. Levy.................................................1989 M. H. Woods............................................1990
V. J. Kapoor..............................................1991 S. I. Raider...............................................1992 D. W. Hess...............................................1993 Y.-H. Wong...............................................1994 K. L. Mittal...............................................1995 W. D. Brown.............................................1996 J. P. Dismukes.........................................1997 R. Singh...................................................1998 A. Rohatgi................................................1999 K. Saraswat..............................................2000 P. Ho........................................................2001 J. Deen.....................................................2002 S. K. Banerjee...........................................2003 A. G. Revesz.............................................2003 S. Fonash.................................................2004 Paul A. Kohl.............................................2008 Tsu-Jae King Liu......................................2011 Durgamadhab (Durga) Misra...................2013
Electrodeposition Division Research Award W. Weil.....................................................1980 Y. Okinaka................................................1981 E. B. Budevski..........................................1982 R. C. Alkire...............................................1983 L. T. Romankiw........................................1984 R. J. von Gutfeld......................................1984 J. W. Dini.................................................1985 H. R. Johnson..........................................1985 H. Leidheiser............................................1986 J. P. Hoare................................................1987 H. Y. Cheh................................................1988 D. S. Lashmore........................................1989 S. Nakahara..............................................1990 T. C. Franklin............................................1991 R. E. White...............................................1992 P. C. Andricacos.......................................1993 M. J. Froment...........................................1994 D. Landolt................................................1995 T. Osaka...................................................1996 M. Schlesinger.........................................1997 Madhav Datta...........................................1998 R. Winand................................................1999 H. Honma.................................................2000 D. Kolb.....................................................2002 J. Switzer.................................................2003 J. Dukovic................................................2004 P. Bartlett.................................................2005 T. P. Moffat.............................................. 2006 Ibro Tabakovic..........................................2007 Olaf Magnussen.......................................2008 John Stickney..........................................2009 Takayuki Homma......................................2010 Philippe Allongue.....................................2011 Hariklia Deligianni....................................2012 Daniel Lincot............................................2013 Alan C. West............................................2014
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Electronics and Photonics Division Award (continued)
Electronics and Photonics Division Award F. A. Trumbore..........................................1970 F. C. Palilla................................................1971 M. B. Panish.............................................1972 W. A. Pliskin.............................................1973 B. E. Deal.................................................1974 H. M. Manasevit.......................................1975 M. G. Craford...........................................1976 A. Y. Cho..................................................1977 C. M. Wolfe..............................................1978 E. Sirtl......................................................1979 J. M. Woodall...........................................1980 G. A. Rozgonyi.........................................1981 G. W. Cullen.............................................1982 D. W. Shaw..............................................1983 A. Reisman...............................................1984 S-M. Hu...................................................1985 E. H. Nicollian...........................................1986 B. Schwartz..............................................1987 K. E. Bean.................................................1988 T. Kamins.................................................1989 D. M. Brown.............................................1990 C. M. Osburn............................................1991 G. S. Oehrlein...........................................1992 B. S. Meyerson.........................................1993 G. K. Celler...............................................1994 L. C. Kimerling.........................................1995 H. Huff.....................................................1996 A. F. Tasch................................................1997 U. M. Gösele............................................1999 S. N. G. Chu.............................................2000 S. P. Murarka...........................................2001 S. Cristoloveanu.......................................2002 T. Ohmi....................................................2003 C. Claeys..................................................2004 S. Pearton................................................2005 H. Massoud..............................................2006 Yue Kuo...................................................2007 Fan Ren....................................................2008 Eicke R. Weber.........................................2009 Lih J. Chen...............................................2010 M. Jamal Deen.........................................2011 Chennupati Jagadish ...............................2012 Durgamadhab (Durga) Misra...................2013 Albert Baca...............................................2014
A. W. Czanderna.......................................1999 R. Selman................................................2001 I. Uchida...................................................2001 A. Nozik....................................................2003 K. Kinoshita..............................................2004 K. Kanamura............................................2005 S. Licht.....................................................2006 Radoslav Adzic.........................................2007 Yang Kook Sun........................................2007 Tom Fuller................................................2008 Krishnan Rajeshwar.................................2009 Jai Prakash..............................................2009 John Weidner...........................................2010 Karim Zaghib............................................2010 Claude Levy-Clément...............................2011 Piotr Zelenay............................................2013 James Fenton...........................................2014
M. W. Verbrugge......................................1994 S. Srinivasan............................................1996 H. R. Kunz................................................1998
High Temperature Materials Division J. B. Wagner, Jr. Young Investigator Award S. Mohney................................................1999 S. M. Haile...............................................2001 M. Swihart...............................................2003 R. Mukundan...........................................2005 Xiao-Dong Zhou.......................................2007 Juan Claudio Nino....................................2009 Toshiaki Matsui........................................2011 Paul Gannon............................................2013
Energy Technology Division Srinivasan Young Investigator Award Vijay Ramani............................................2012 Adam Weber............................................2012 Stefan Freunberger..................................2013 Minhua Shao............................................2014
Nanocarbons Division Richard E. Smalley Research Award Sumio Ijima..............................................2008 Phaedon Avouris......................................2009 Robert Haddon.........................................2011 Nazario Martín..........................................2013
SES Research Young Investigator Award of the Nanocarbons Division Nikhil Koratkar.........................................2009 Mark C. Hersam.......................................2010 Aurelio Mateo-Alonso..............................2012
High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award Energy Technology Division Research Award
C. Bernard................................................2001 H. Yokokawa............................................2002 K. Spear...................................................2004 A. Virkar...................................................2006 David J. Young.........................................2008 Harry L. Tuller..........................................2010 Eric Wachsman........................................2012 Janusz Nowotny.......................................2014
J. B. Wagner, Jr........................................1986 W. L. Worrell............................................1988 R. A. Rapp................................................1990 H. Schmalzried.........................................1992 S. C. Singhal............................................1994 C. G. Vayenas...........................................1996
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division New Electrochemical Technology (NET) Award Asahi Glass Company..............................1999 DeNora Tecnologie...................................2005 E-Tek........................................................2005 Bayer Material Science AG.......................2005 Ballard Power Systems............................2007 FuelCell Energy........................................2009 U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, and Electro Tech CP........................................2011 UTC Power...............................................2013 Matthew Ward Brodt................................2014
Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award R. Bakshi..................................................1991 G. J. Yusem..............................................1992 J. A. Poirier..............................................1993 S. Siu.......................................................1994 M. Vreeke.................................................1995 A. E. Thomas............................................1996 S. A. Leith................................................1997 P. Soo.......................................................1998 S. Sriramulu.............................................1999 K. M. Jeerage...........................................2000 A. L. Prieto...............................................2001 W. He.......................................................2002 J. Zhang...................................................2003 S. Basker..................................................2004 129
ECS ANNUAL REPORT Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Student Achievement Award (continued)
V. Ramani.................................................2005 N. Jalani...................................................2006 Brenda L. Garcia-Diaz..............................2007 Sunil Roy.................................................2008 Prabeer Barpanda....................................2009 Brandon Bartling......................................2010 Long Cai...................................................2011 Meng Li....................................................2012 Young Woo-Lee.......................................2013 Matthew Ward Brodt................................2014
Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division Student Achievement Award Y.-E. Sung................................................1995 J. K. N. Mbindyo......................................1996 C. A. Smith...............................................1997 J. A. Drake...............................................1998 R. Lowrey.................................................1999 C. Arvin....................................................2000 B. Djurfors...............................................2001 V. Subramanian........................................2002 P. M. Gomadam.......................................2003 I. AlNashef...............................................2004 V. Sethuraman..........................................2006 Minhua Shao............................................2007 Vinten Dewikar.........................................2008 Paul Albertus............................................2009 Satheesh Sambandam.............................2010 Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan............2011 Rainer Kungas..........................................2012 Wei Yan....................................................2013 Christopher Arges....................................2013 Paul Northrop..........................................2014 Venkata Raviteja Yarlagadda....................2014 Vedasri Vedharathinam............................2014
Luminescence and Display Materials Division Centennial Award A. Meijerink..............................................2004 A. Srivastava............................................2004 H. Guedel.................................................2006 David J. Lockwood...................................2010 Hajime Yamamoto....................................2012
H. Schäfer................................................1998 S. Torii.....................................................1998 J. Simonet................................................2000 J. Utley.....................................................2000 J. M. Savéant...........................................2002 M. Tokuda................................................2004 D. Evans...................................................2004 I. Nishiguchi.............................................2006 Albert Fry.................................................2008 Toshio Fuchigami.....................................2010 Dennis Peters...........................................2012 Jun-Ichi Yoshida......................................2014
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award F. C. Anson...............................................1983 J. Newman...............................................1985 A. Heller...................................................1987 M. J. Weaver............................................1989 B. Miller...................................................1991 A. T. Hubbard...........................................1993 R. M. Wightman.......................................1995 D. M. Kolb................................................1997 P. N. Ross, Jr............................................1999 D. A. Scherson.........................................2001 A. Wieckowski..........................................2003 H. White...................................................2005 Joseph T. Hupp........................................2007 Héctor D. Abruña.....................................2009 Masatoshi Osawa.....................................2011 Richard L. McCreery................................2013
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt Chemistry M. Blander...............................................1987 G. P. Smith..............................................1990 R. A. Osteryoung......................................1992 G. Mamantov...........................................1994 N. Bjerrum...............................................1996 H. A. Øye..................................................1998 Y. Ito........................................................1999 G. N. Papatheodorou................................2002 M. Gaune-Escard.....................................2004 J. Wilkes..................................................2006 Bernard Gilbert.........................................2008 C. Austen Angell.......................................2010 Derek Fray................................................2012 Charles Hussey........................................2014
Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division Manuel Baizer Memorial Award
Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award J. Janata...................................................1994 R. P. Buck.................................................1996 I. Lundström............................................1998 A. J. Ricco................................................2000 M. Aizawa.................................................2002 N. Yamazoe..............................................2004 W. Heineman............................................2006 Chung-Chiun Liu......................................2008 Thomas Thundat......................................2010 Sheikh Ali Akbar.......................................2012 Peter Hesketh...........................................2014
Sensor Division Student Paper Award Jeffrey Kirsch...........................................2012 Kazuaki Edagawa......................................2012
Gwendolyn B. Wood Section Excellence Award Metropolitan New York Section...... 1975-1976 Columbus Section.......................... 1976-1977 Chicago Section............................. 1979-1980 Chicago Section............................. 1980-1981 Chicago Section............................. 1981-1982 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1982-1983 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1983-1984 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1984-1985 National Capital Section................. 1985-1986 North Texas Section....................... 1986-1987 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1987-1988 Chicago Section............................. 1988-1989 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1989-1990 North Texas Section....................... 1990-1991 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1991-1992 Southern Wisconsin Section.......... 1992-1993 New England Section..................... 1993-1994 National Capital Section................. 1994-1995 National Capital Section................. 1995-1996 National Capital Section................. 1996-1997 Canadian Section and National Capital Section................. 1997-1998 Chicago Section............................. 1998-1999 New England Section..................... 1999-2000 National Capital and New England Section..................... 2000-2001 National Capital Section................. 2001-2002 National Capital Section................. 2002-2003 San Francisco Section.................... 2003-2004 San Francisco Section.................... 2004-2005 San Francisco Section.................... 2005-2006
T. Shono...................................................1994 H. Lund....................................................1996 130
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
2014 Canada Section Electrochemical Award E. J. Casey...............................................1982 Brian E. Conway.......................................1986 L. Young..................................................1990 S. Flengas................................................1994 Jacek Lipkowski.......................................1998 Jean Lessard............................................2002 Jeffrey R. Dahn........................................2006 David Shoesmith......................................2010
Canada Section R. C. Jacobsen Award George Fraser..........................................1988 Barry MacDougall....................................1990 Louis Brossard.........................................1994 Ernest E. Criddle......................................2002 Sharon G. Roscoe....................................2006 Jacek Lipkowski.......................................2010
Canada Section W. Lash Miller Award J. L. Ord...................................................1969 J. E. Desnoyers........................................1971 A. K. Vijh..................................................1973 W. R. Fawcett...........................................1975 W. A. Adams, A. J. Spring Thorpe............1977 Barry MacDougall....................................1979 David W. Shoesmith.................................1981 A. Belanger...............................................1983 Viola I. Birss.............................................1985 S. Das Gupta............................................1987 K. Tomantscher, D. Leaist........................1989 Jennifer Bardwell.....................................1991 Jeff Dahn..................................................1993 Alireza Zolfaghari-Hesari..........................1999 Daniel Bizzotto.........................................2001 Jamie Noel...............................................2003 Aicheng Chen...........................................2009 Hua-Zhong (Hogan) Yu............................2011 Not Awarded............................................2013
Canada Section Student Award Jean St-Pierre..........................................1988 Gessie Brisard..........................................1989 James Hinatsu.........................................1990 Gregory Jerkiewicz...................................1991 Hubert Dumont........................................1992 Meijie Zhang............................................1993 Dan Bizzoto..............................................1994 Sylvie Morin.............................................1995 Alexandre Brolo........................................1996 Aicheng Chen...........................................1997 Ian A. Courtney........................................1998 Dany Brouillette........................................1999 Shiyuan Qian............................................1999 Bryan Park...............................................2000 Luc Beaulieu............................................2001 Vlad Zamliny............................................2002 Sandra Rifai.............................................2003 Amy Lloyd................................................2004 M. Toupin.................................................2006 Thamara Laredo.......................................2007 Arash Shahryari.......................................2008
Mohamed Naser.......................................2009 Mohammed Naser....................................2010 Ahmad Ghahremaninezhad......................2011 Karen Chan..............................................2012 Drew Higgins...........................................2013
Cleveland Section Ernest B. Yeager Electrochemistry Award B. Miller...................................................2004 Richard McCreery....................................2006 Uziel Landau............................................2008 Jacek Lipkowski.......................................2010 Gerald Frankel..........................................2012
Europe Section Gerischer Award Akira Fujishima........................................2003 Michael Graetzel.......................................2005 Allen J. Bard.............................................2007 Rüdiger Memming...................................2009 Helmut Tributsch......................................2011 Arthur Nozik.............................................2013
Europe Section Alessandra Volta Award M. Armand...............................................2000 J.-M. Tarascon.........................................2002 R. G. Compton.........................................2004 Bruno Scrosati.........................................2006 Not Awarded............................................2010 Jean-Noël Chazalviel................................2012 Phillip Bartlett..........................................2014
Georgia Section Student Award Matthew Lynch.........................................2012 Kara Evanoff.............................................2013 Johanna Karolina Stark............................2014
Korea Section Student Award Ho-Suk Ryu..............................................2006 Jae-Hwan Oh............................................2007 Sung Ki Cho.............................................2008 Cheol-Min Park........................................2009 Ji-Hyung Han...........................................2010 Young Woo Lee........................................2011 Not Awarded............................................2012 Seong Min Bak.........................................2013 Haegyeom Kim.........................................2014
National Capital Section William Blum Award W. Blum...................................................1958 S. Schuldiner...........................................1960 D. N. Craig...............................................1962 A. Brenner................................................1964 J. Kruger..................................................1966 J. Burbank................................................1969 K. H. Stern...............................................1972 B. F. Brown...............................................1974 A. C. Simon..............................................1976 R. T. Foley................................................1978
The Electrochemical Society Interface • Summer 2015 •
R. de Levine.............................................1980 E. McCafferty...........................................1982 R. L. Jones...............................................1984 Ugo Bertocci............................................1986 P. J. Moran...............................................1988 M. H. Peterson.........................................1990 D. S. Lashmore........................................1992 J. R. Scully...............................................1994 Paul M. Natishan......................................1996 G. D. Davis...............................................1998 W. E. O'Grady...........................................2000 Thomas P. Moffat.....................................2002 J. L. Hudson.............................................2004
National Capital Section Robert T. Foley Award R. T. Foley................................................1989 W. J. Hamer.............................................1991 G. E. Stoner..............................................1993 P. J. Moran...............................................1995 P. M. Natishan..........................................1997 J. Kruger..................................................1999 R. G. Kelly................................................2001
San Francisco Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award L. J. Oblonsky..........................................1995 Y. Ma........................................................1996 C. Wade...................................................1997 C. R. Horne..............................................1998 M. Tucker.................................................1999 L. V. Protsailo...........................................2000 H. Visser..................................................2001 D. Wheeler...............................................2002 J. Hollingsworth.......................................2003 E. Guyer...................................................2004 D. Steingert..............................................2005 Sarah Stewart..........................................2006 James Wilcox...........................................2007 Susan Ambrose........................................2008 Que Anh Nguyen...... Honorable Mention 2008 Yuan Yang ............... Honorable Mention 2008 Paul Albertus............................................2009 Andrew Lee.............. Honorable Mention 2009 Mark Oliver ............. Honorable Mention 2009 Venkat Viswanathan.................................2010 Yi Wei Chen.............. Honorable Mention 2010 Thomas Conry......... Honorable Mention 2010 Maureen Tang..........................................2011 Yi Wei Chen.............. Honorable Mention 2011 Thomas Conry......... Honorable Mention 2011 Allison Engstrom......................................2012 Matthew McDowell...... Honorable Mention 2012 Xiongwu Kang.......... Honorable Mention 2012 Daniel Cohen............................................2013 Mallory Hammock.... Honorable Mention 2013 Anthony Ferrese....... Honorable Mention 2013 Nian Liu....................................................2014 Isaac Markus............ Honorable Mention 2014 Alan Berger.............. Honorable Mention 2014 131
ECS ANNUALMembers REPORT ECS Institutional The Electrochemical Society values the support of our institutional members. Institutional members help ECS support scientific education, sustainability and innovation. Through ongoing partnership, ECS will continue to lead as the advocate, guardian, and facilitator of electrochemical and solid state science and technology.
AMETEK – Scientific Instruments (33) USA
Metrohm USA (8) USA
Benefactor Asahi Kasei E-Materials Corporation (6) Japan Bio-Logic USA (7) USA Duracell (57) USA Gamry Instruments (7) USA Gelest Inc. (5) USA
Hydro-Québec (7) Canada Industrie De Nora S.p.A. (31) Italy Pine Research Instrumentation (8) USA Saft Batteries, Specialty Battery Group (32) USA Scribner Associates Inc. (18) USA
Patron El-Cell (1) Germany Energizer (69) USA Faraday Technology, Inc. (8) USA IBM Corporation (57) USA
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (10) USA Panasonic Corporation (7) Japan Toyota Research Institute of North America (8) USA
Sponsoring Axiall Corporation (19) USA Central Electrochemical Research Institute (21) India EaglePicher Technologies, LLC (7) USA Electrosynthesis Company, Inc. (18) USA Ford Motor Company (1) USA GS-Yuasa International Ltd. (34) Japan Honda R&D Co., Ltd. (7) Japan IMERYS Graphite & Carbon (27) Switzerland Medtronic, Inc. (34) USA Next Energy EWE – Forschungzentrum (6) Germany
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (7) Japan Permascand AB (11) Sweden TDK Corporation, Device Development Center (21) Japan Technic, Inc. (18) USA Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. (15) USA Tianjin Battery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd (1) China Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. (34) Japan Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences (16) USA ZSW (10) Germany
Sustaining 3M Company (25) USA General Motors Research Laboratories (62) USA Giner, Inc./GES (27) USA International Lead Zinc Research Organization (35) USA Johnson Controls Advanced Power Solutions GmbH (30) Germany Kanto Chemical Co., Inc., (2) Japan Leclanche SA (29) Switzerland
Los Alamos National Laboratory (6) USA Occidental Chemical Corporation (72) USA Quallion, LLC (14) USA Sandia National Labs (38) USA SanDisk (1) Japan SolviCore GmbH & Co. KG (1) Germany
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