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REDUNDANCY THE CHINESE WORD FOR CRISIS INVOLVES TWO ENGLISH WORDS – DANGER AND OPPORTUNITY. THE CHALLENGE AS WE FACE CONSTANT CHANGE IS HOW TO MOVE FROM A MINDSET OF FEAR TO ONE EMBRACING NEW OPPORTUNITIES, VISION AND GROWTH WITH THE REQUISITE MAJOR EFFORT TO RENEW OUR MOTIVATION. Such a change in mindset can be difficult for senior managers and executives who have built up a successful career over numerous years, never imagining they would be made redundant. A combination of mentoring and coaching can make all the difference, as a successful initiative which took place in Ireland during 2010 revealed.

LIFE CHANGING In my years of experience working with executives who have been made redundant, I have come to appreciate what a significant life changing event this can be. The balance of life can change dramatically -familiar routines

Executive Mentoring Programme

change, self esteem can get bruised, relationships and family life can be affected. The redundant person can suffer serious loss and experience a great sense of grief. It is akin to a bereavement - the emotions of redundancy can

Executive Coaching Solutions Ltd (ECSL), a coaching and mentoring consultancy based in south Dublin had been approached by Ireland’s National Training and Employment Authority, FÁS, to design a programme meeting the needs of redundant managers, leaders and senior executives. The resultant programme, the Executive Mentoring and Networking Programme, was rolled out to around 300 participants over a number of months between March 2009 to September 2010 with extremely positive results. The programme has been rolled out Nationwide and, due to the success of the initiative, will be ongoing sought to enhance participants´ productive job-seeking skills and self-confidence, helping them keep up their morale in the short-term and be able to carry on despite setbacks. In the long-term, the aim was to help them gain employment with high economic, social and psychological rewards, developing competencies including self-awareness, adaptability, self confidence, adaptability, presenting with impact, empathy and organizational awareness, and influence and communication.

move through shock, denial, anger, hopelessness, stress, into a more positive mindset of acceptance and integration of the experience into creative future life planning.

STRESS triggered by future uncertainty, lack of security, fear of the unknown, loss of self esteem, needs to be understood and managed. Although very difficult to accept in troubled times, the crucial factor is holding the belief that we can still have choices. The programme highlighted the usefulness of being aware of three mindset options when we perceive change in negative terms. We can see ourselves as: • A Victim of circumstances, • A survivor, adopting a reactive, aggressive approach, or as • A navigator who takes initiatives and harnessing positive energy

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