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The Truth Behind Nightmares Andrew Douglas
Andrew Douglas reviews how horror movies douse the truth... The Truth Behind Nightmares
Behind the Horror: True Stories that Inspired Horror Movies
By Dr Lee Miller Penguin Random House, 2020
This is a fascinating work delving into the origins of some of the most famous horror fi lms of all time. The book covers a range of gory movies from serial killers like the Hitchcock classic Psycho to supernatural thrillers like Nightmare on Elm Street to more natural horrors such as the movie Jaws. It goes through the cases and likely events - whether crimes or natural disasters or tales of the paranormal - that led to the production of these unusually themed movies. The facts are quite interesting; for example, the movie Jaws was based on a series of shark attacks on the US east coast in the early 20th century. Still more interesting are the cases of true crime, some which still remain unsolved that inspired certain slasher movies. Most people would be unaware that the fi lm Psycho had some basis in fact. Another later Hitchcock move Frenzy had a number of serial killer case as it genesis. Surprisingly, quite a few of the ‘slasher’ fi lms have a basis in true crime cases. Even a couple of infamous Australian cases are included. However, it is a little disappointing when it examines fi lms of a supernatural origin. In one instance it details the supposed happenings behind a notorious haunting only to reveal that none of it was corroborated by other sources. Generally, there is very little ‘proof’ beyond supposition and coincidence. This will disappoint those who hold with paranormal events but does not detract from the overall research and its presentation. This book is thoroughly researched and well-illustrated. It is both informative and entertaining on an entertaining, if at times, disturbing topic. Recommended for movie buff s, true crime fans and those with an interest in the paranormal.