Typography In Latin
headings PROTOTYPE text Myriad Pro Regular
In Cyrillic
headings Myriad Pro Bold text Myriad Pro Regular
World Judo Championship OPEN Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas.
ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ СО СТУДИЕЙ ДЗЮДО Студия дзюдо - это новостная команда, которая ездит по всему миру и готовит дзюдо медиа контент для интернет сайта, телевидения, прессы и социальных сетей с целью продвижения Чемпионата мира 2011 г. в Тюмени.
Colours c: 9 m: 98 y: 100 k: 2 c: 80 m: 36 y: 0 k: 0 c: 0 m: 10 y: 100 k: 0 c: m: y: k:
100 80 0 10
c: 30 m: 0 y: 0 k: 0
The colours of the World Judo Championship Open are based on an energetic and dynamic colour set. We recommend that the colours be used together or with gradients, since the individual colours will not convey the essence of the World Judo Championship Open. The colours are positioned in the output as waves that form a stylised image of a judo match. The warm hues (including yellow, red and violet) and the cold hues (including light blue and blue) symbolise the two competitors engaged in the judo match. c: 0 m: 0 y: 0 k: 100 c: 0 m: 0 y: 0 k: 0
Gradients The intermediary colours specified in the chart must be used when creating colour gradients.
c: 0 m: 30 y: 0
c: 80 m: 36 y: 0 k: 0
c: 80 m: 36 y: 0 k: 0
c: 100 m: 80 y: 0
c: 0 m: 10 y: 100 k: 0
c: 9 m: 98 y: 100
c: 16 m: 57 y: 100 k: 2
c: 18 m: 99 y: 100
Address 37 Tyumen Address 37 Russia Tyumen 54321 Russia 54321
4 3210 +(987) 65 info@tyume
+(987) 654 3210
Address 37 Tyumen Russia 54321
+(987) 654 3210
In regard to forms, a warm-hued wave will be used at the top of the page and a cold-hued wave will be used at the bottom.
Business card
John Sm it
Administr ator Smith n h o J r Sm54ith istrato John 3210 Admin )6
+(987) 65 4 3210 +(987 Administrator ith@aaaa jo m hn.smith .s n joh @aaaaa.c om +(987) 654 3210
John Smith Administrator +(987) 654 3210
Staff card
John h Smit rator
Press card
in Adm
Presentation background
Lorem ipsum dol o
Lorem ipsum dolo
Lorem ipsum dolor
ligula non iscing elit. Nullam sed ip ad r tu te ec ns co , et tant Sit am orci. Pellentesque habi c ne et am sit rit re nd es ac nisi sagittis he tus et malesuada fam ne et us ct ne se e qu sti morbi tri ultricies eu in nisl nec purus congue ae vit In s. ta es eg is rp trices. tu mentum lorem nec ul ele m tu en rm fe us ell nulla. Phas etus odio. libero. Quisque eget m is ul iac et am sit us m Viva dictumst. In hac habitasse platea Mauris eu lectus eros.
W o ld Ju Judo do or W rld C h mppio ion sh hip ip ns am Cha O PEEN N OP Tyume
nnRRus usssia ia me Tyu Octob er 29-30 2011 0 2011 October 29-3
W orrld ld JJu uddo o Wo Chaam ionns shhip ip Ch mppio OOP PEEN N
Tyumen Russia Tyumen Russia Octob er 29-30 2011 0 2011 October 29-3
W orld ld Ju Judo do Wor C h a m ion sh hip ip ns am Ch ppio O PEEN N OP
Tyumen Russia Tyumen Russia Octob er 29-30 2011 0 2011 October 29-3
Conference wall and podium wall
Team clothing
Gift bag and gifts
Good picture style
Not good picture style