TartuMilli aastaraamat2

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Head sõbrad,

Dear Friends,

Aastal 2010 tähistame ASi Tartu Mill 10 aasta juubelit. Tähtpäeva­ de puhul on kombeks teha tagasivaade ja seada tulevikuplaane.

In 2010 we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of AS Tartu Mill. With anniversaries it is customary to look back to the past and make future plans

Tartu Veski ajalugu ulatub aastasse 1885, kui kohalik ettevõtja Georg Riik rajas Tiigi tänavale auruveski. Veskimajandus on Tartus jäänud püsima ja arenenud vaatamata kõigile vapustustele, mis ajaloo vältel meie väikest riiki on tabanud. Vilja on Eestis kasvata­ tud aastasadu ja leib on meie toidulaua tähtsaim osa.

The history of Tartu Veski (“veski“ means “mill“ in Estonian) dates back to 1885 when a local entrepreneur Georg Riik established a steam mill to Tiigi Street. Mill business has endured and developed in Tartu, despite all the shocks that have befallen to our small count­ ry in the past. Grain has been grown in Estonia for centuries and bread is the most important part of our diet.

Moodsal tehnoloogial põhinev viljaveski sai alguse aastal 2000, kui rekonstrueeriti rukkijahuveski. Seejärel ehitati uus nisujahuveski, mis valmis 2002. aasta maikuuks. Meie kasutuses on tänapäevane autopark spetsiaalsete veokitega ning oma raudteeharu vilja veda­ miseks raudteel.

Modern technology based grain mill was established in 2000 when a rye flour mill was renovated.. Next, a new wheat flour mill was constructed and finished by May 2002. We have a modern car fleet including special trucks and our own railroad branch to transport grain by railway.

Veskimehe töö on läbi aegade olnud lugupeetud. Tugeva ja järjepi­ deva ettevõtte alus on inimesed. Meie töötajate korralik väljaõpe ja töötahe on kvaliteetse jahu tootmise vundament.

Miller’s profession has been respectable throughout time. People are the basis of a strong and consistent company. Proper training and work motivation of our employees is the foundation for producing high quality flour.

ASi Tartu Mill 10. sünnipäevaks valminud trükis annab sõnas ja pil­ dis lühikese ülevaate ettevõtte ajaloost ja meie homsetest sihtidest.

The brochure produced for the 10th anniversary of AS Tartu Mill provides a short overview of the company’s history and our targets for tomorrow both in text and pictures.

Jätku vilja!

Long live the grain!

Uuno Lausing Tartu Mill juhatuse liige

Uuno Lausing Member of the Board of Tartu Mill



1885 Georg Riik ehitab aadressile Tiigi 61 auruveski, pannes aluse tööstuslikule jahutootmisele Tartu linnas. ....................... Georg Riik constructs a steam mill at Tiigi Street 61, thus establishing the tradition of industrial flour production in Tartu town.

1908 Oksjonil saab veski uueks omanikuks Felix von Berg ........................ Felix von Berg buys the mill at an auction and becomes the new owner.



The Cronology



F. von Berg kingib Veski Tartu auruveski omanikuks saab Peeter Jänes. Liivimaa Põllu­ ....................... majan­duslise Peeter Jänes Tarvita­jate becomes the ja Tootjate Ühisusele. Veski owner of the võimsus 36 t jahu mill. ööpäevas. ....................... F. Von Berg donates the Steam Mill of Tartu to the Union of Agricultural Consumers and Producers of Livonia. The mill’s capacity is 36 tons of flour per day.

Veski natsio­ naliseeritakse Tartu Jahu- ja Leivakom­ binaadile. Nimeks saab Tiigi Veski. ....................... The mill is nationalized to the Tartu Flour and Bakery Integrated Production Factory. The mill is renamed to Tiigi Mill.



Uue elevaatori ehitus Lembitu tänava nurgale. Uus elevaator on 42 meetrit kõrge ja mahutab 8000 tonni teravilja. 1941–1944 töötab elevaatori juures veski, mis jahvatab leivajahu Saksa sõjaväe jaoks. ....................... New grain silo is built on the corner of Lembitu Street. The height of the grain silo is 42 metres and it holds 8,000 tons of grain. 1941-1944 A mill that mills bread flour for the German military is operated with the grain silo.


Taganevad Saksa väed lasevad elevaatori õhku. ...................... Retreating German forces blow up the grain silo.

Elevaator on taastatud, see täidetakse taas viljaga. ....................... The grain silo has been rebuilt and is once again filled with grain.

1956 Elevaatori tornist tehakse ETV saate esimene ülekanne Tartu linnale. ....................... First broadcast of an ETV (public service television channel) show for Tartu city is transmitted from the grain silo’s tower.

1959 Moodustatakse Tartu Teraviljasaaduste Kombinaat, mille koosseisu võetakse ka Tiigi Veski – Veski Nr 1. ....................... Tartu Grain Produce Integrated Production Factory is established and Tiigi Mill is incorporated into the company – Mill No. 1.


2008 2006 2002 2000 1996 1994 1985 1972 1961 Aadressile Lembitu 10 ehitatakse uus veski – Veski Nr 2. ....................... New mill is built at Lembitu Street 10 – Mill no. 2.

Ehitatakse juurde elevaatori teine pool. Mahutavus 8000 t. ....................... Second part is added to the grain silo. Capacity is 8,000 tons.

Väike-Kaare tänavale Veski Nr 2 kõrvale ehitatakse uus rukkijahuveski – Lembitu Veski. Veski Nr 2 suletakse. Nisujahu jahvatatakse edaspidi ainult Tiigi Veskis. ....................... New rye flour mill – Lembitu Mill – is built at VeskiKaare Street next to Mill No. 2. Mill No.2 is closed. Henceforth, wheat flour is milled only in Tiigi Mill.

Teravilja­ saaduste kombinaat erasta­takse ühistule Tartu Viljasalv. ....................... The Grain Produce Integrated Production Company is privatised to Tartu Grain Reserve association.

Tiigi Veski lõpetab tegevuse. ....................... Tiigi Mill ends its activities.

Ühistu Tartu Viljasalv asutab tootmishoonete ja elevaatori põhjal ASi Lembitu Veski. See müüakse eraisikutele ja nimeks saab AS Tartu Veski. ....................... Tartu Grain Reserve association establishes AS Lembitu Mill, using the production facilities and the grain silo. It is sold to private persons and it is renamed to AS Tartu Veski.

Hakkab tööle nisujahuliin. Tootlikkus 150 t ööpäevas. ....................... Wheat flour line becomes operational. Productivity is 150 tons per day.

Vahetatakse välja rukkiveski seadmed. Tootlikkus 100 t ööpäevas. ....................... Rye mill equipment is replaced. Productivity is 100 tons per day.

Veskisse paigaldatakse mahetootmisliin. Alustatakse vilja kuivatamist. Ostetakse Dobele veski Lätis koos viljahoidla ja söödatehasega. ....................... Organic production line is installed to the mill. Grain drying begins. Dobele Mill with grain silo and fodder factory in Latvia is bought.

ASi Tartu Veski uueks nimeks saab AS Tartu Mill. ........................ AS Tartu Veski is renamed to AS Tartu Mill.

1885 - 2010 5

Loomine ja areng

Establishment and development

Georg Riik ja tema järglased

Georg Riik and his descendants

ASi Tartu Mill kõige kaugem ajalugu ulatub aastasse 1885, mil kohaliku Tartu I Gildi kaupmees Georg Riik ehitas Tiigi tänavale auruveski. Täpsemalt rajati veski koos hulga abihoonete, laoruumide ja muu juurdekuuluvaga, aktiivne laienemine jätkus ka pärast G. Riigi varajast lahkumist 1890. aasta juunis. Georg Riik oli oma ausa äriajamise poolest lugupeetud mees nii mõisnike kui ka talupoegade seas ja tema eeskuju eduka kaupmehena julgustas väga paljusid eestlasi tegutsema kauplemise vallas. Kuni 1905. aastani laiendasid Georg Riigi järeltulijad veskit ja selle abihooneid ning oma teisi ettevõtmisi väljaspool Tartu linna. Firmale Georg Riik kuulus mitmeid laohooneid, aitu, müügipunkte, väike tellisevabrik Kirepi mõisas ja leivatehas. Peale selle valas firma veskikive ja müüs nende tegemiseks vajalikke materjale. 1908. aastal müüsid G. Riigi järeltulijad kogu Tiigi tänava veskikompleksi perekond Faurele, kes oli Tartu jahutööstuses ja kaubanduses juba tuntud tegija. Siiski oli Faurede huvi pigem suunatud kiirest edasimüügist saadavale vaheltkasule kui pikemale ja järjepidevale majandustegevusele.

AS Tartu Mill’s history goes back to 1885 when Georg Riik, a merchant and a member of local First Guild of Tartu, built a steam mill to Tiigi Street. To be more exact, the mill was built with many auxiliary buildings, storage rooms and other necessary facilities. Active expansion continued also after the premature death of Georg Riik in June 1890. Georg Riik was a respected man both among the estate owners and peasants for his honest business dealings and his example as a successful merchant encouraged many Estonians to enter the field of trade. Until 1905 the descendants of Georg Riik expanded the mill and its auxiliary buildings as well as their other activities outside Tartu town. The Georg Riik Company owned several storage buildings, barns, sales points, a small brick factory at Kirepi manor and a bread factory. In addition, the company casted millstones and sold materials necessary for their manufacturing. In 1908 the descendants of Georg Riik sold the mill complex at Tiigi Street to Faure family who had already established themselves in Tartu flour industry and trade. Still, the Faure family was more interested in the profit from a quick resale than in long-term and consistent economic activity.

Liivimaa Põllumajanduslise Tarvitajate ja Tootjate Ühisus

Union of Agricultural Consumers and Producers of Livonia

Kiirete omanikuvahetuste aeg jätkus ja 1910. aasta maikuus läks Tiigi Veski koos kõigi kõrvalhoonetega Liivimaa Põllumajanduslise Tarvitajate ja Tootjate Ühisuse omandusse. Tähelepanuväärne on asjaolu, et veski anti ühisuse omandusse kinkelepinguga. Siiski võttis ühisus enda kanda kõik lepingu vormistamisega seotud kulud ja vabastas kinkija Felix von Bergi 39 089 rubla ja 88 kopika suurusest hüpoteekvõlast. Ühisust võib pidada nüüdisaegsete aktsiaseltsi tüüpi ettevõtete eellaseks, sest see koondas Tartumaa ja osa Viljandimaa mõisnike kapitali ettevõtte Tartu Auruveski ma-

The time of frequent ownership changes continued and in May 1910 the Tiigi Mill with all its auxiliary buildings was acquired by the Union of Agricultural Consumers and Producers of Livonia. It is a remarkable fact that the mill was given to the union with a gratuitous contract. Still the union was willing to bear all the contract formalisation costs and relieved the donor Felix von Berg from a mortgage debt of 39 089 roubles and 88 kopeeks. The union can be considered a predecessor of modern public limited companies because it united the capital


Tiigi Veski diiselgeneraator andis elektrit veskile ja Tartu linna valgustamiseks. ............................................................... Tiigi diesel generator provided electricity to the mill and street lamps in Tartu. Kolm põlvkonda Tiigi Veski möldreid (vasakult) – A. Pluum 1959-1960, R.Sinimets 1935-1974, E.Tomis 1934-1964. ............................................................... Three generations of millers at Tiigi Mill (from left) – A. Pluum 1959-1960, R. Sinimets 1935-1974, E. Tomis 1934-1964.

Tiigi Veski vaade Tiigi tänava poolt. ............................................................... Tiigi Mill – view from Tiigi Street.

jandamiseks. 1920ndatest on säilinud mitmeid märkmeid, et ühisusse kuulus 25–30 liiget, kes said vastavalt osamaksule ka dividende. Ühisus tegutses Tiigi Veski tootmisbaasil 1909–1927 ja lisaks tavalise leivajahu tootmisele suurenes õliseemnekookidest söödajahu valmistamine.

of estate owners of Tartu County and some estate owners of Viljandi County to manage Tartu Steam Mill Company. There are many records from 1920s which claim that the union had 25-30 members who received dividends based on their contribution. The union operated on the production base of Tiigi Mill from 1910 to 1927 and in addition to producing typical bread flour they increased the production of feed from oil seed cakes.

Eesti omariikluse algus The beginning of Estonian independence 1918. aasta veebruaris alanud Saksa okupatsioon lõikas ettevõtte ära Venemaa toorainebaasist. Järgnenud aastad koos Eesti omariikluse tekke ja suurmaaomanike maade võõrandamisega muutsid veski majandamist. Lisaks jahutootmisele toodeti elektrit ja üüriti ruume välja kaupmeestele ja ka sõjaväele. Elektrivoolu põhiline tellija oli 1921. aasta lõpust Tartu linnavalitsus, kes kasutas elektrit peamiselt tänavate valgustamiseks. 20ndate keskpaigas viidi läbi ka ulatuslikud rekonstrueerimistööd – juurde tuli tootmis- ja laopindu ning ka vana jõumasin vahetati välja moodsa kivisöel töötava aurumasina vastu. Majanduslikud raskused aga kasvasid, lisaks toimus veskis 1926. aastal tulekahju.

The German occupation that started in February 1918, cut the company off from Russian raw material. The following years with the establishment of Estonian independence and the transference of lands of large estate owners, changed the way the mill was managed. In addition to flour production, the company produced electricity and leased out rooms to merchants and the army. Main contracting entity for the electricity since the end of 1921 was Tartu city government who used the electricity mainly for street illumination. Also, extensive reconstruction works took place in the middle of 1920s – new production and storage areas were added and the old engine was replaced with a new coal-powered steam engine. But economic difficulties continued to grow and in addition to that the mill caught fire in 1926.


Tiigi Veski viimased veskikivid, toodetud P. Jänese firmas. ............................................................... The last millstones of Tiigi Mill, produced by P. Jänes.

Veski Peeter Jänese omanduses ja Elevaatori valmimine

The mill under Peeter Jänes’ ownership and the construction of the grain silo

Veski majandamine pööras uuesti tõusuteele 1927. aasta septembris, kui uueks omanikuks sai Peeter Jänes. Pärast masinapargi vähetootliku osa ja jõuallikate väljavahetamist keskenduti püüli, kruubi ja tangu tootmisele. Siiski andis põhilise osa sissetulekust 30ndate alguses veskikivide ja ‑masinate valmistamine tellijatele. Jahvatati kõigile, põhiliselt ümbruskonna talupoegadele, linlastele ja väikekaupmeestele. Veski omanik P. Jänes tegutses aktiivselt ka 1937 loodud Ülevabariikliku Veskipidajate Ühingu liikmena ja kuulus ajakirja „Eesti Veski” toimetuse toimkonda. Samal aastal sai veski uue „südame” – 114-hobujõulise Inglise päritolu diiselmootori Ruston 9HRC. Selline mootor lubas vabalt tööle rakendada kõik masinad ja mehhanismid nii veskis kui ka töökojas. 1939. aastal ehitati Tartusse Riigi Viljasalve tellimusel moodne elevaator, mille projekteeris tuntud ehitusinsener August Komendant. Elevaator mahutas 8000 tonni teravilja.

The mill management improved again in September 1927 when Peeter Jänes became the new owner. After the replacement of the underproductive part and power units of the machinery, the mill focused on flour, pearl and groat production. Still, in the beginning of the 1930s majority of the income came from the production of milling stones and equipment for contracting authorities. Milling services were provided for everyone, mainly for local peasants, residents of the city and small merchants. P. Jänes, the owner of the mill, was also active as a member of the National Association of Mill Owners, established in 1937, and was a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Eesti Veski“ (Estonian Mill). In the same year the mill got a new “heart“ – a 114 hp diesel engine Ruston 9HRC of English origin. This engine enabled to put all the equipment and mechanisms both in the mill and workshop into operation. At the order of National Grain Reserve a modern grain silo was built in Tartu in 1939. It was designed by a famous construction engineer August Komendant. The grain silo held 8,000 tons of grain.

ENSV ajastu algus ja sõjaaeg The beginning of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic era and wartime

1940. aastal toimunud juunipööre ja Eesti okupeerimine Venemaa poolt tõid kaasa Tiigi Veski natsionaliseerimise. Aasta hiljem andis Saksa okupatsioonivõim veski omanikule küll tagasi, kuid kogu tootmine allus sõjaväe nõudmistele. Möldreid sõjaväeteenistusse ei kutsutud, neid vajati leivatööstuste tooraine tootmiseks. 1944. aasta sügisel lahkus P. Jänes Eestist. Taas võimu üle võtnud nõukogude kord taastas Tiigi Veskis tööstusettevõtte Tartu Jahu- ja Leivakombinaadi Jahuveski Nr 1 nime all.

June coup of 1940 and the occupation of Estonia by Russia lead to the nationalisation of the Tiigi Mill. A year later the German occupational regime gave the mill back to its owner but the production was subjected to the demands of the army. Millers were not called up to serve in the military. They were needed to produce raw material for the baking industry. In the Autumn of 1944 P. Jänes left Estonia. The Soviet regime regained control once again and restored the Tiigi Mill as an industrial company under the name Number 1 Flour Mill of Tartu Flour and Bakery Integrated Production Factory.



Avatud ustega Tiigi Veski. ......................................... Tiigi Mill with open doors.

Taastatud elevaator. Värava kõrval valveputka ja olmehoone, mille taga madal hoone on Veski Nr 2. ............................................................... Restored grain silo. The white building is Mill Nr 2.

Veski Nr 2. ............................................................... Mill Nr 2.



Tiigi tänav 61a asuva veski punastest tellistest ja puust seintega kahekordsed tootmishooned kuuluvad 19. sajandi tööstusarhitektuuri väheste säilinud näidete hulka. Kogu krundil on veski ajaloo jooksul toimunud mitmed ümberehitused ning abihoonete lammutamine ja juurdeehitus. Sama saatusega on suuresti ka elevaator, mis sai alguse Riigi Viljasalve tööst, leidmaks lahendusi viljaladude probleemile. Elevaator oli 1940. aastal valmides üks moodsamaid tööstusehitisi kogu Eestis ja pärast sõjakahjustuste lõplikku likvideerimist sai sellest Tartu jahu- ja viljatööstuse baas. Hoonete põhjalikumat ajakohastamist alustati 90ndatel ning 2006. aastal renoveeriti rukkijahuveski täies ulatuses ja ehitati uus, suure tootlikkusega teravilja vastuvõtu süsteem.

The mill’s two storey production buildings with red bricks and wooden walls at Tiigi Street 61a are one of the few examples of industrial architecture of the 19th century that are still standing. During the history of the mill, several reconstructions have taken place and ancillary buildings have been demolished and constructed on the property. The grain silo shared the same fate. The National Grain Reserve originally introduced it as a part of a solution for grain storage problems. The grain silo was completed in 1940 and at that time it was one of the most modern industrial buildings in Estonia and after final repairs of war damages it became the basis for flour and grain industry of Tartu. Comprehensive modernisation of buildings started in the 1990s and in 2006 the rye flour mill was renovated completely and a new grain intake system with great productivity was built.


Kontorihoone Väike-Kaar 33, kõrval endine olmehoone. Taamal veski ja elevaator. ............................................................... Office building at Väike-Kaar 33, with the mill and grain silo in the background.

Veski ja elevaatori panoraam Maarjamõisa haiglate poolt. Taamal Tartu kesklinn. ............................................................... Panoramic view of the mill and grain silo from Maarjamõisa hospital.

Elevaatori torn on saanud uue katte. ............................................................... Grain silo tower with renovated facade.


ENSV perioodil

Tiigi Mill during the ESSR era

Nõukogude korra algus

The beginning of the Soviet regime

Nõukogude Eesti ajajärk algas 1940. aasta oktoobris veski natsionaliseerimisega ja jätkus pärast Saksa okupatsiooni lõppemist 1944. Nagu kommunistlikule korrale kohane allutati tootmine kohe plaanimajandusele. Lisaks ühendati Tiigi Veski teiste Tartu linna leivatööstustega ning ühendatud ettevõtte nimeks sai Tartu Jahu- ja Leivakombinaat. Tiigi Veski uueks nimeks sai Tartu Jahu- ja Leivakombinaadi Jahuveski Nr 1. Sõjasündmused jätsid vabriku suuresti puutumata, sõjakeerises kadusid vaid mõned väikevahendid ja masinate tagavaraosad. Saksa sõjaväe poolt õhku lastud ja külili vajunud elevaator taastati. Üldine tehniline areng kulges sõjajärgsetel aastatel aeglaselt, kuid töökoormus kasvas märgatavalt ja sellega seoses mindi 1950ndatel üle kolmevahetuselisele tööle.

The era of Soviet Estonia started in October 1940 with the nationalisation of the mill and continued after the end of German occupation in 1944. The production was immediately subjected to planned economy which was very characteristic of the Soviet regime. Furthermore, Tiigi Mill was incorporated with other bakery production facilities of Tartu and the joint company was called Tartu Flour and Bakery Integrated Production Factory. Tiigi Mill was renamed to Number 1 Wheat Mill of Tartu Flour and Bakery Integrated Production Factory. The war left the factory almost intact. Only some small pieces of equipment and spare parts got lost during the war. The grain silo that was blown up by the German army and that had fallen to the side was rebuilt. General technical development was slow during the after-war years but the work load grew significantly and thus in the 1950s the mill started working in three shifts.

Tiigi Veski mehhaniseerimine

Mechanisation of the Tiigi Mill

1948. aastal võeti Tiigi Veskis kasutusele meister H. Visnapuu konstrueeritud nn. vabalt hõljuv plaansõel, mis suurendas märgatavalt veski tootlikkust. Järgneval kümnendil jätkus käsitsitöö mehhaniseerimine, samuti ehitati ümber ja juurde mitmeid tootmishooneid ning vilja ja jahu säilitamiseks mõeldud punkreid. Enamik ratsionaliseerimisettepanekuid tuli veski oma töötajatelt. Suurimate tehniliste täiustustega hiilgasid näiteks motoristid Eduard Hülge, Viktor Dorbek ja Karl Einblau. Oluline muutus oli seegi, et veskikivid asendati 1953. aastal valtspinkidega. Veski suuremat tehnilist arengut pärssis oluliselt liiga rikkaliku sortimendi tootmine. Tuli jahvatada nii leivatööstustele kui ka kolhoosidele. Lisaks tehti veel erajahvatusi.

In 1948 Tiigi Mill started using the so called freely floating sieve which was constructed by master H. Visnapuu and it increased the productivity of the mill significantly. During the next decade the mechanisation of hand labour continued. Also, many production buildings and storehouses for grain and flour preservation were remodelled and added Most of the rationalisation proposals were introduced by the mill’s employees. For example mechanics Eduard Hülge, Viktor Dorbek and Karl Einblau stood out as the implementers of the greatest technical improvements. Another important change was the replacement of millstones with rolling mills in 1953. Greater technical development of the mill was significantly hindered due to a very large product portfolio. Milling services had to be offered both to the bakery industry and collective farms. Furthermore, the mill offered services to private individuals.


Kaalukojas, viljaautosid kaaluti sisse ja välja minnes. ............................................................... The weigh house where the incoming and outgoing trucks were weighed.

Viljahoidla ehitamine. ........................................................ Building of grain storage.

Veski Nr 2 taha kerkis Lembitu Veski. ............................................................... Lembitu Mill is erected behind Mill Nr 2.

Liitmine Elevaatoriga

Grain silo merger

Vaatamata mehhaniseerimisele oli töö füüsiliselt raske ja tervist kahjustav. Jahutolm ja olematud hügieenitingimused põhjustasid kaadri voolamist: aastatel 1945–1958 kõikus veski töötajate arv 25 töötajast kuni 49 töötajani. Õnneks jätkus vanu möldreid ja see raudvara hoidis veskit korralikult käigus. Samal perioodil jõudsid veski tööd korraldada viis erinevat juhatajat, mis on samuti märk sõjajärgse töökorralduse probleemidest. 1959. aastal tuli muutus – Tiigi tänava Jahuveski Nr 1 anti üle Teraviljasaaduste Valitsuse Tartu Elevaatorile. Esialgu taheti Tiigi Veski pärast üleandmist sulgeda, kuid Jahuveskis Nr 2 toimunud tulekahju sundis seda plaani muutma ja töö jätkus.

Despite the mechanisation the work was physically hard and hazardous to health. Flour dust and non-existent hygiene conditions caused employee turnovers: from 1945 to 1958 the number of employees in the mill fluctuated between 25 and 49. Fortunately there were enough older millers and these long-term employees kept the mill running properly. During the same period there were five different managers who organised the mill’s work and that too is a sign of after-war work organisation problems. In 1959 a change took place – the wheat mill Number 1 at Tiigi Street was handed over to Tartu Grain Silo of the Grain Produce Administration. At first the Tiigi Mill was scheduled for closure after it was handed over but the fire in Number 2 Wheat Mill forced to change the original plan and the work continued.

Ümberkorraldused 60-ndatel Reorganisations in the 1960s 1960ndate alguses koondati Eesti jahutööstused ENSV Varumisministeeriumi alluvusse. See tagas jahutööstuste parema tehnilise varustamise ja vähendas liigset bürokraatiat. Tehnilise poole pealt mindi pea täielikult üle elektrimootorite kasutamisele ja Tiigi Veskis vahetati valtside vastu välja ka viimased kaks veskikivipaari. Põhitoodanguks sai rukkilihtjahu. Sordijahu

In the beginning of the 1960s Estonian flour industries were centralised under the Reserve Ministry of ESSR. This secured better technical supplies for the flour industry and reduced excessive bureaucracy. From a technical point of view, electrical engines were being taken into use almost everyw-


Jahu kaaluti kotti ja õmmeldi kotisuu kinni. ............................................................... Flour is weighed to the bag.

tehti elevaatori juurde rajatud veskis. Uuenduseks oli ka kotiõmblusmasina kasutuselevõtt, mis viis jõudluse 50– 60 täidetud kotilt 80–100 kotini tunnis. Alles 1962. aastal kanti maha viimased P. Jänese ajast pärit seadmed. 1974. aastast seati Tiigi Veski ruumides sisse alaline tuletõrjevalve ning paigaldati tuletõrje veetorustik.

here and the last milling stones in Tiigi Mill were replaced with rolling mills. Rye meal became the main produce. Various types of flour were made in the mill next to the grain silo. Another innovation was the introduction of a bag sewing machine that increased the efficiency from 50-60 filled bags to 80-100 bags per hour. Only in 1962 was the last equipment from the ownership era of P. Jänes written off. In 1974 a permanent fire fighting surveillance unit was established and a piping system for fire fighting was installed on the premises of Tiigi Mill.

Tiigi Veski 100 aasta juubel 1985. aastal, kui ettevõte tähistas sajandat sünnipäeva, töötas Tiigi Veskis 20 inimest. Samal aastal tehti Tiigi Veski hoonestikule põhjalikum välisremont. Võrreldes oma partneri elevaatori veskiga oli Tiigi Veski alati pisut suurema tootmismahu ja võimsusega, kuigi kaubatoodangu rahalise väärtuse näitajate poolest edestas elevaator oma vanemat kolleegi. Selle põhjuseks oli asjaolu, et elevaatoris toodeti kõrgema klassi ja kallima hinnaga jahu. Esines ka vargusi – 1973. aastal tuli inventuuri põhjal välja suuremahuline puudujääk, üks asjaosaline vallandati ja kaks vargusega vahelejäänut said vanglakaristuse.

100th anniversary of Tiigi Mill In 1985 when the company celebrated its 100th anniversary, there were 20 employees working in Tiigi Mill. In the same year the buildings of Tiigi Mill went through extensive external renovations. Compared to its partner - the Grain Silo Mill – the production capacity and output of Tiigi Mill was always a bit higher although from the perspective of monetary value of the output, the Grain Silo surpassed its older colleague. The reason for that was the fact that more expensive and higher grade flour was produced in the Grain Silo. Thefts also took place. In 1973 an inventory revealed a large deficit and as a result one person was fired and two received prison sentences.

Uus nimi ja taasiseseisvus Tiigi Veski juubeliaastal anti elevaatori juures käiku endise Veski Nr 2 baasil uus rukkisordijahu veski võimsusega 195 tonni teri ööpäevas. Alates 1971. aastast moodustati Tartu Teraviljasaaduste Kombinaat, millel olid allüksused Tartus, Elvas, Jõgeval ja Põlvas. 1. juulil 1991 sai ettevõte uue nime – riigiettevõte Tartu Viljasalv. Algas Eesti iseseisvuse ajajärk.

New name and restoration of independence On a jubilee anniversary year of Tiigi Mill, a new rye flour mill that was based on the former Mill Number 2, became operational next to the grain silo, with a daily output of 195 tons of grain. Tartu Grain Produce Integrated Production Factory was established in 1971 and it had branches in Tartu, Elva, Jõgeva and Põlva. On July 1st 1991 the company was renamed to state enterprise Tartu Grain Reserve. The era of Estonian independence began.



Puust kroovimismasin, samuti oma valmistatud. ............................................................... Wooden transporters, also locally produced.

Plaansõeltega tehti sordijahu. ................................................. Sieve for producing top grade flour.

Puust valtsveskid, valmistatud P.Jänese vabrikus. ................................... Wooden structural mills, produced at the factory of P. Jänes.

Mannamasin, millega tehti mannat ja kõrgema sordi nisujahu. ............................................................... Semolina machinery was used for producing semolina and top grade wheat flour.



Tiigi Veski ehitamise aegseid jahvatussüsteeme ja jõuallikaid kasutanud ettevõttest on nüüdseks saanud moodsal tipptehnoloogial põhinev äriühing. Kasutusel on Šveitsi firma Bühleri seadmed ja kogu jahvatusprotsessi tööd kontrollib arvuti. Nisuliini tootmisvõimsus on 240 tonni ja rukkiliinil 150 tonni teri päevas.

The company that used milling systems and power units from the Tiigi Mill construction era has transformed into a company based on modern stateof-the-art technology. Today the company uses equipment manufactured by a Swiss company Bühler and the milling process is organised by a computer. The daily production output of the wheat line is 240 tons and the rye line is 150 tons of grain.


Plaans천el Itaaliast Modulo. .................................................... Italian Modulo sieve.

Nisu valtsveskid. ............................................................... Structural mills for wheat.

Mannamasin. ...................................... Semolina machine.

Rukki valtsveskid. ............................................................... Structural mills for rye.


Linttransportöör teravilja ladude täitmiseks ja välja laadimiseks 1950-datel. ..................................................... Belt-transporters for grain loading and unloading in the 1950-s.

Nõukogude aja algaastatel veeti jahust suur osa kottides. Kottide laadimine autole. ............................................................... At the beginning of the Soviet era, flour was purveyed in bags. Bags are loaded onto trucks.

Uus sõna leivatehastesse jahu transportimisel olid jahuveokid. Tiigi Veskist jahu laadimine autosse. ............................................................... Flour transport tanks take flour to bakeries. Flour loading from Tiigi Mill.


Esimesed uued jahuveokid 2000.a. ............................................................... First new flour trucks in 2000.

Jahuveok aastal 2010. ............................................................... Bulk flour truck in 2010.

Teravilja veok 2010. ............................................................... Bulk grain truck in 2010.


Taasiseseisvusaeg 1991–2000

From 1991 to 2000

The beginning of regaining independence and privatisation

Iseseisvuse taastamise algus ja erastamine Riigiettevõte Tartu Viljasalv tegutses taastatud iseseisvuse algusaastatel 1991–1993. Ettevõtte direktorina jätkas 1987. aastast alates seda ametit pidanud Leonhard Puksa. Tartumaa teraviljakasvatajad asutasid riigiettevõtte erastamiseks ühistu Tartu Teraviljasalv ja 1994. aasta 2. mail sõlmiti Eesti Erastamisagentuuriga erastamisleping. Erastamislepinguga võeti mitu kohustust, millest olulisim oli töökohtade säilitamine.

State company Tartu Grain Reserve operated during the first few years of regained independence, from 1991 to 1993. The director of the company was Leonhard Puksa who had started working on this position in 1987. The grain growers of Tartu County established an association Tartu Grain Reserve to privatise the state company and on May 2nd 1994 the privatisation contract was concluded with the Estonian Privatisation Agency. Several obligations were taken on with the privatisation contract, of which the most important one was the preservation of employment positions.

Ühistu Tartu Viljasalv Tartu Grain Reserve association

Aasta pärast riigiettevõtte erastamist võeti vastu Saksa firma Awila pakkumine Elvasse moodsa segasöötade tootmiskompleksi rajamiseks, mis valmis 2. septembriks 1996. Tegu oli esimese välisinvesteeringuga ja selle suuruseks oli 7,9 miljonit krooni. Sama aasta kevadel oli ühistu Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoja asutajaliikmete seas. Tartu turuhoones avati oma kauplus. 1996. aasta käive oli 124,3 miljonit krooni, millest saadi puhaskasumit 0,4 miljonit krooni. 1996. aastal lõpetati jahvatamine Tiigi Veskis. 17. jaanuaril 1997 asutasid ühistu Tartu Viljasalv, AS Rakvere Viljasalv, AS Vilves ja AS Mocca Eesti Veskiomanike Ühingu asukohaga Tartu, Väike-Kaare 33. Juhatuse esimeheks valiti Leonhard Puksa. Alustati Reola elevaatori rekonstrueerimisega ja septembris ostis ühistu kõik ASi Saibur aktsiad. 1997. aasta netokäive oli 137 miljonit krooni ja puhaskasum 2,1 miljonit krooni. 30. jaanuaril 1998 avati Jõgeva viljahoidlas jõusöödatehas. 1998. aastal müüs ühistu tütarettevõtte ASi Kaubi Ettevõtted. Jõgeva tootmisüksuse varadega asutati aktsiaselts, mille aktsiad müüdi Jõgevamaa põllumajandustootjatele ja nende asutatud ühistule. Ühistu Tartu Viljasalv toodang jagunes 1998. aastal peaaegu võrdselt rukkijahu ja segajõusööda vahel – vastavalt 12 100 ja 12 000 tonni.

A year after the state company had been privatised, an offer by a German company Awila was accepted, to construct a modern production complex for compound fodder to Elva, which was completed by September 2nd 1996. It was the first foreign investment and the amount was 7.9 million EEK. In the spring of the same year the association was one of the founding members of the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce. A shop for its own products was opened in Tartu market building. Turnover in 1996 was 124.3 million EEK and net profit was 0.4 million EEK. In 1996 milling stopped in Tiigi Mill. On January 17th 1997, Tartu Grain Reserve, AS Rakvere Grain Reserve, AS Vilves, AS Mocca established the Estonian Association of Mill-owners with a location at Väike-Kaare Street 33. Leonhard Puksa was elected as the chairman of the board. The reconstruction of Reola grain silo began and in September the association bought all the shares of AS Saibur. Net turnover in 1997 was 137 million EEK and net profit was 2.1 million EEK. Concentrated feed plant was opened in Jõgeva on January 30th 1998. In 1998 the association sold its subsidiary AS Kaubi Enterprises. A public limited company was established with the


Kotijahu laadimine furgoonautole. Nendega veeti jahu üle Eesti. ............................................................... Loading of bagged flour.

Elva söödatehase pidulik käikuandmine (vasakult): ühistu tootmisdirektor Mati Pihlak, tõlk, ja Awila müügiesindaja P. Upadjaja. ............................................................... Festive opening of the fodder factory in Elva (from the left): Production Director Mati Pihlak, interpreter, and Awila’s sales representative P. Upadjaja.

Külalisdelegatsiooniga “Leiburist” elevaatori tornis. ..................................... With visiting delegation from “Leibur” in the tower of the grain silo.

Selliste tsisternautodega veeti jahu nii Eesti kui ka Pihkva ja Petseri pagaritele. ............................................................... These trucks were used to transport flour to bakeries in Estonia, and across the Russian border.

1999. aastal müüdi Elva viljahoidla ja jõusöödatehase varad ASile Farm Plant Eesti. Eesti rukki päeva koosolekul 24. märtsil 2000 moodustati ühistu liikmete algatusel Eesti Rukki Selts. Samal aastal said ühistu tootmisüksustest aktsiaseltsid: AS Lembitu Veski, AS Tiigi Keskus ja AS Põlva Viljahoidla.

assets of the production unit in Jõgeva and its shares were sold to agricultural producers of Jõgeva and their association. In 1998 the output of the association Tartu Grain Reserve was split almost equally between rye flour and compound feed - 12,100 tons and 12,000 tons respectively. In 1999 the assets of the grain storage in Elva and compound feed plant were sold to AS Farm Plan Eesti. Estonian Rye Society was established at the initiative of the association members during a meeting on the Estonian Rye Day on March 24th 2000. In the same year the production units of the association became public limited companies: AS Lembitu Mill, AS Tiigi Centre and AS Põlva Grain Reserve.


Ăœhistu Tartu Viljasalv tegevjuhid. ............................................................... Directors of cooperative Tartu Viljasalv.

Autojuhid 1999.a. ............................................................... Drivers in 1999.



Kottide täitja. ............................................................... Filling bags.

Jahvatusvaltside teritaja. ............................................................... Stropping structural mills.

Mölder Tiigi Veskis R. Tilga. ................................. Miller R. Tilga at Tiigi Mill.

Veskirahvas. ............................................................... Mill people.

Tartu Teraviljasaaduste Kombinaadi juhatuse liige Leonhard Puksa (paremal) ja elevaatori kauaaegne juhataja N. Tšernõšenko. ............................................................... Leonhard Puksa, Member of the Board of Tartu Teraviljasaaduste Kombinaat (on the right), and N. Tšernõšenko, long-term manager of the grain silo.


Suur osa AS Tartu Mill töötajatest. Pildil 54 inimest 65 töötajast. ................................................ Most of the workers of Tartu Mill. 54 employees out of 65.


Tartu Veskist Tartu Milliks: 2000–2010

From Tartu Veski to Tartu Mill: 2000–2010



Noored ettevõtjad Uuno Lausing, Romet Puhk, Michael Gutting ja Axel Braun ostsid ühistult Tartu Viljasalv ASi Lembitu Veski, mille nimeks sai AS Tartu Veski. Ettevõttel olid kõik vajalikud hooned: elevaator, veski koos terapuhastusega, labor, laod, kontor ning oma transpordivahendid jahu ja teravilja veoks. Tootmine jätkus ja jahvatati ligi 1000 t rukist kuus. Nisujahu vahendati teistelt tootjatelt. Esimene majandusanalüüs näitas, et tootmistehnoloogia ja rajatised on ajast ja arust. Alustati kiire rekonstrueerimise võimaluste otsimisega ja tehti esialgsed investeeringud.

Young entrepreneurs Uuno Lausing, Romet Puhk, Michael Gutting and Axel Braun bought the AS Lembitu Mill from the Tartu Grain Reserve association which they renamed as AS Tartu Veski. The company had all the necessary buildings: a grain silo, a mill with blade cleaning, a laboratory, storage houses, an office and their own transport vehicles for flour and grain. Production continued and almost 1000 tons of rye was milled monthly. Wheat flour from other producers was sold. First economic analysis demonstrated that the production technology and facilities are outdated. The owners started to look for rapid reconstruction possibilities and first investments were made.

2001 2001

Võeti kindel plaan hakata lisaks rukkijahule uuesti tootma ka nisujahu, millele oli palju avaram turg. Viimati oli nisujahu toodetud Tiigi Veskis, kuid see suleti juba 1996. aastal, sest puudus arenguruum. Nisuveski taasavamiseks leiti Šveitsist firma Swissmill sobiva suurusega veski, mis vaatamata korralikule seadmepargile oli tegevuse lõpetanud. Tehnikajuht Mati Pihlak võttis kohalike töömeestega seadmed lahti ja korraldas nende Eestisse saatmise. Kavandatud paari nädala asemel kulus selleks paar kuud, kuna seadmed tuli edaspidiseks kasutamiseks korralikult lahti võtta. Tehing Swissmilli omanikega sõlmiti soodsalt, sest komplekti arvati ka kõrgtehnoloogiline veskilabor, mis eraldi ostetuna oleks mitu korda rohkem maksnud. Veski süda – valtspingid – telliti uus otse valmistajatehasest Bühler, lisaks muretseti seadmed nisu puhastamiseks ja kivieraldaja. Investeeringud olid eelmise aastaga võrreldes juba kolmekordistunud.

It was decided that in addition to rye flour production the company once again starts to produce wheat flour that has a much larger market. Tiigi Mill was the last place where wheat flour was produced but it had been shut down already in 1996, as there was no room for development. To re-open the wheat mill, a mill with a suitable size, made by a Swissmill, was found from Switzerland. Although the condition of the equipment was good it had been non operational. Mati Pihlak, Technical Department Manager of Tartu Veski dismantled the devices with local workers and organised the shipment to Estonia. The intended couple of weeks turned into couple of months as the devices had to be dismantled properly so that they could be used further on. The deal with the owners of Swissmill was profitable as the set also included a high tech mill lab that would have cost many times more, it bought separately. The core of the mill - rolling mills - was ordered directly from the manufacturing company Bühler. Additionally, a stone remover and additional equipment for wheat cleaning were acquired. Compared to the last year the investments had already tripled.


AS Tartu Veski alguspäevad (vasakult): W. Braun, F.W.Gutting, K.M.Gutting. M.Haag, K. Bindewald, U. Lausing, R. Puhk, ja A.J.Braun. ................................................ Early days of Tartu Veski Ltd (from the left): W. Braun, F.W.Gutting, K.M.Gutting. M. Haag, K. Bindewald, U. Lausing, R. Puhk and A.J.Braun.

AS Tartu Veski omanikud. U. Lausing, R. Puhk, M. Gutting, A. Braun arengukava koostamas 2000 a. ............................................................... Owners of Tartu Veski Ltd. U. Lausing, R. Puhk, M. Gutting, A. Braun discussing the development plan in 2000.

Jens- Uwe Gabriel häälestab nisuveskit 2002.a. ................................................ Jens-Uwe Gabriel tuning the wheat mill in 2002.



Suurte muutuste algus – veski jätkas tööd ühe rukkisordijahu tootmise liiniga, teise asemele ehitati nisuveski. Selle juures olid oluliseks abiks Saksamaal Alslebenis ajakohastatud vana nisuveski ümberehitamise kogemustega spetsialistid. Peatehnoloog Michael Haag töötas välja parima lahenduse juba olemasolevatesse Tartu Veski ruumidesse. Paigaldustöödeks ühendasid oma jõu ja oskused Tartu Veski, Dresdeni Mühlenmontage ning Saalemühle spetsialistid. Nii suudeti juba maikuus alustada pideva nisujahu tootmisega. Erinevalt Swissmillist oli jahvatusprotsess täielikult automatiseeritud ja tootmist ohjas arvuti. Veski juhtprogrammi tegemiseks ei õnnestunud Eestist veski tootmisprotsessi kirjeldamise kogemusega ettevõtet leida. Selle töö tegi ära Martin Behne firmast VBF Technik, projekti koostas Paul Bruckmann omanimelisest ettevõttest Saksamaalt. Tootmisvõimsuseks planeeriti 150 t ööpäevas ja selline maht aasta lõpuks ka saavutati. Nisuveski möldriks tuli noor spetsialist, äsja Bühleri kooli lõpetanud Jens-Uwe Gabriel. Vana rukkiveski möldriks jäi TPI ettevalmistusega Tõnu Mandel. Investeeringumaht oli kasvanud juba 50 miljoni kroonini.

The beginning of great changes - the mill continued operating with one rye flour production line and the second line was replaced with a wheat mill. Specialists with remodelling experience from the modernisation of an old wheat mill in Germany Alsleben provided substantial aid. Main technician Michael Haag developed the best solution for existing premises of Tartu Veski. Tartu Veski, Dresden Mühlenmontage and specialists from Saalemühle united their knowledge and skill for installation works. Thus continuous wheat flour production could already begin in May. Unlike Swissmill, the milling process was completely automated and a computer organised the production. There were no companies in Estonia who had experience in describing a mill’s production process for the development of mill control software. Martin Behne from VBF Technik executed that work and Paul Bruckmann from a company of the same name compiled the project. Planned production output was 150 tons per calendar day and this amount was achieved by the end of the year. Jens-Uwe Gabriel, a young specialist who had just graduated from Bühler school, came to work as the miller of the wheat mill. Tõnu Mandel, a graduate from Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, remained as the miller of the old rye mill. The amount of investments had already grown to 50 million EEK.


Elevaator ja torn enne 2000.a. ................................................ Grain silo and the tower before 2000.

Elevaator ja torn uues kuues 2009.a. ................................................ Grain silo and the tower after renovation, in 2009.

Veski renoveerimine peale nisuveski käiku andmist, 2001. ................................................ Renovation of the Mill after the launch of the wheat line in 2001.



Jahvatamis- ja realiseerimismahtude kasvatamise aasta, rukki- ja nisuveski töötasid täistuuridel. Rukkijahu tootmine käis ikka veel käsijuhtimisel. Kuna jahvatusprotsess oli katkematu, loobuti veski küttesüsteemist ja katlamajast ning veskit köeti jahvatamisel hõõrdumise tagajärjel tekkinud soojusega. Investeeringud suunati hoonete ja ruumide ajakohastamisele. Osaliselt uuendati ka rukkiveski õhupuhastussüsteeme, väliskeskkonda minevad tolmukogused vähenesid oluliselt. Veskisse ehitati kontroll-labor.

The year for increasing milling and sales volumes. Rye and wheat mills operated at full capacity. Rye flour production was still hand operated. As the milling process was continuous, the mill’s heating system and boiler plant were discarded and the mill was heated with the heat that was generated from milling friction. Investments were made to modernise buildings and premises. Air purification systems of the rye mill were modernised to some extent. The amount of dust released to atmosphere dropped significantly. Checkup lab was built to the mill.



Muutused jahuturgudel näitasid, et tuli jätkata veski arendamist. Saavutatud tootmismahud ei võimaldanud suuremaid kliente juurde võita. Algas nisuveski laienduse projekteerimine. Tehnoloogilise skeemi koostanud M. Haag oli sellise vajaduse ette näinud ja muudatuste tegemiseks ei olnud vaja olemasolevaid seadmeid ümber paigutada. Diagrammi koostas jällegi P. Bruckmann tootmisjuhi J.-U. Gabrieli lähteandmete alusel. Veski tootmisjuhiks sai äsja Bühleri veskimeeste kooli lõpetanud Seido Nõmmküla.

Changes in the markets of flour showed that the development of the mill had to continue. Achieved production outputs did not enable to win over bigger clients. Project phase for wheat mill expansion began. M. Haag who had compiled the technological scheme had foreseen this need and there was no need to replace the existing equipment to make changes. The plan was again compiled by P. Bruckmann based on the primary data of the Production Manager, J.-U. Gabriel. The Production Manager of the mill became Seido Nõmmküla, who had just graduated from the Bühler School of Millers.


Esimene jahu nisuliinilt 2002.a. Pildil nõukogu esimees R. Puhk, juhatuse liikmed L. Puksa ja U. Lausing. ................................................ First flour from the wheat line in 2002. Chairman of the Board R. Puhk, Members of the Board L. Puksa and U. Lausing.

Vili voolab veskisse. ................................................ Grain is flowing into the mill.



Investeeringute uued suunad, avanesid investeeringutoetuste taotlusvoorud töötlevale tööstusele. J.-U. Gabrieli ja M. Pihlaku koostatud kavad kirjutas taotlusteks Mati Tamm. Mõlemad esitatud taotlused said PRIAst positiivse vastuse ja nisuveski II etapi laiendustöödega võis alustada. Jällegi olid kohal välisbrigaadid Saksamaalt ja Itaaliast, uuendati veski tööd juhtiv arvutiprogramm. Töötava veski ümberehitamiseks oli aega minimaalselt – töö käis puhkepäevadeta 10–12tunnistes vahetustes. Laiendamise tulemus oli ööpäevase toodangumahu suurenemine 50 tonni võrra.

New directions of investments, call for proposals for the investment aid for processing industry opened. Plans compiled by J.-U. Gabriel and M. Pihlak were written into proposals by Mati Tamm. Both submitted proposals received a positive response from the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board and the wheat mill’s second phase expansion work could begin. Teams from Germany and Italy were present again and the mill control computer program was updated. There was very little time to remodel a working mill – the work was carried out in 10-12 hour shifts without rest days. The result of the expansion was an increase in output by 50 tons per calendar day.



Vana rukkiveski ei suutnud enam kvaliteedinõuetega sammu pidada ja algas vanade ENSV-aegsete seadmete lammutus. Masinapargi uuendamist toetas taas PRIA. Uued jahvatusliinid ehitati jälle Bühleri seadmetega, kogu tootmine viidi ühtsesse arvutivõrku ja kogu protsess oli nüüdsest jälgitav kontoris ja internetis. Rukkiveski tootlikus oli 100 t ööpäevas. Jahvatamismahtude kasvamisega tekkis vajadus viljavarumist paremini korraldada. Ühistult Tartu Viljasalv osteti Reola elevaator, mis mahutas ligi 16 000 t vilja. Tartu elevaatori vastuvõtuvõimsus viidi kuni 300 t/h, selleks ehitati uus vastuvõtuhoone, vahetati välja transportöörid ja eelpuhastusseadmed ning parandati keskkonnahoiu taset. Elevaatori silode maht u 14 000 t jäi sisuliselt veski jahvatuspartiide moodustamiseks. Hoiti erinevate kvaliteedinäitajatega rukki ja nisu koguseid, mida segati vastavalt labori antud suhtarvudele jahvatuspartiideks, millega tagati jahu küpsetusomaduste stabiilsus. Eesti Raudteelt õnnestus osta 1,5 ha naabruses asuvat maad. Kitsaks jäänud territoorium avardus ning võimaldas vilja ja jahu transporti paremini korraldada.

The old rye mill could not keep up with the quality requirements and the demolition of old equipment from the ESSR era began. Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board once again aided in renewing the equipment. New milling lines were again built with Bühler’s equipment. Production was united to a single computer network and the whole process could be now monitored in the office and via Internet. The output of the rye mill was 100 tons per calendar day. With increasing milling output, a need for a better organisation of grain storage developed. Reola grain silo was bought from Tartu Grain Reserve. It held almost 16,000 tons of grain. The intake capacity of Tartu grain silo was increased to 300 t/h and for that a new intake building was constructed, transporters and pretreatment equipment were replaced and the level of environmental conservation was improved. The amount of silos, which was about 14,000 tons, of the grain silo, essentially remained for forming milling batches for the mill. Volumes of rye and wheat with different quality indicators were stored and these were mixed to milling batches according to ratios from the laboratory. Thus the stability of the flour’s baking qualities was guaranteed. The company managed to buy an area of 1.5 ha in the neighbourhood from Estonian Railways. The territory that had become small, became wider and enabled to organise grain and flour transport better. 29

Dobele veski Lätis. .................................. Dobele mill in Latvia.



Toodangu sortimendi laiendamise aasta. Tarbijad pöörasid üha enam tähelepanu tervislikule toidule ja veskisse lisatud seadmetega hakati tootma lõigatud rukist täisteraleibade küpsetamiseks.

The year for product portfolio expansion. The consumers paid increasingly more attention to healthy food and the equipment that was added to the mill was used to produce sliced rye to bake whole grain breads.



Mahevilja kasvatamine Eestis ja ökoloogiliselt puhta toodangu nõudluse kasv Põhjamaades andis häid ideid toodangu sortimendi laiendamiseks. Euroopa fondivahenditest toetuse saamiseks esitati PRIA-le maheliini soetamise projekt, mis sai positiivse vastuse. Territooriumi asfalteerimise käigus kaevati välja osa tangist, mis oli sinna maetud peale sõda elevaatori tõmbamiseks püstisesse asendisse. Leid kingitakse Sinimägede sõjatehnika väljapaneku kollektsiooni. Algas tegevuse laienemine naaberriiki Lätti – osteti Dobeles Dzirnavnieksi veskikompleks koos söödatehase, elevaatorite ja ladudega. Heas seisukorras, kuid nõukogudeaegsete seadmetega veski oli jäänud tootmise tõhususe ja toodangu kvaliteedi poolest turu nõudmistele alla. Saabus aeg rakendada Tartu Veski arendamise kogemusi Dobeles. Läti veskisse suunati nisujahuveskit juhtima senine Tartu Veski tootmisjuht Seido Nõmmküla, tema koha võttis üle äsja Bühleri kooli lõpetanud Margus Hunt. Arendustegevus nii Tartus kui ka Dobeles jäi Jens-Uwe Gabrieli ülesandeks.

The growing of organic grain in Estonia and the increased demand for ecologically clean produce in the Nordic countries gave good ideas for product portfolio expansion. To receive aid from European funds, a project for obtaining an organic line was submitted to Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board and it received a positive response. During the asphalt works on the territory, part of a tank was excavated that was buried there after war. The find was donated to Sinimägede military equipment collection. Expansion to the neighbouring country Latvia started - Dobeles Dzirnavnieks mill complex with the fodder plant, grain silos and storage houses was bought. The mill was in good condition but the equipment was from the Soviet era and thus it could not meet the market requirements, concerning production efficiency and product quality. It was time to apply the experience obtained during the development of Tartu Veski in Dobele. Seido Nõmmküla, who up until then had been working as the Production Manager of Tartu Veski, was sent to manage the wheat flour mill in the Latvian mill. He was replaced by Margus Hunt who had just graduated from the Bühler school. Development activities both in Tartu and Dobele were left for Jens-Uwe Gabriel. 30

AS Tartu Mill teravilja ja jahu labor. ................................................ Grain and flour laboratory at Tartu Mill Ltd.

Jahuauto 2010.a. ................................................ Flour transporting vehicle in 2010.



Ekspordi kasvu aasta – merekonteineritega müüdi kotijahu ka maailma kaugeimatesse riikidesse (Uus-Meremaa, Tai, Austraalia). Tellimusi tuli samuti Põhjamaade suurematelt jahutarbijatelt. Jahu kvaliteet vastas rangeimatele nõuetele ja sortimenti seati vastavalt klientide soovidele. Kvaliteedijuht Marin Mägi juhtis koostöös klientidega uute toodete väljatöötamist. Valmis uus labor koos logistika ja veski juhtimisruumiga. Vilja kaalumine ja arveldamine automatiseeriti ning lisati veski programmi. Kliihoidla ehitati veskist eraldi, lisamahutid võimaldasid sortimenti laiendada. Autoparki uuendati tänu töökindlusele sõelale jäänud Volvode ja Scaniatega. Veod toimusid ööpäev ringi, juhtide arv oli kahekordistunud, töö käis vahetustega.

The year of export growth – using sea containers, bagged flour is also sold to the most distant countries of the world (New-Zealand, Thailand, Australia). Big flour consumers in the Nordic countries also placed their orders. The quality of the flour met the strictest requirements and the portfolio was shaped according to the wishes of clients. Marin Mägi, the Quality Manager, led the development of new products in cooperation with the clients. A new laboratory with logistics and the mill’s control room was completed. Grain weighing and accounting became automated and was added to the mill’s program. Bran storage was built separately from the mill and additional containers enabled to expand the portfolio. Vehicles were replaced with Volvos and Scanias that were chosen due to their reliability. Transport operations took place around the clock. The number of drivers had doubled and there were work shifts. 31

Tartu Mill k채ibed (milj kr)

Tartu Mill Turnovers (mln kr)




869* 806*







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005





Tartu Mill tootmismahud (t)



Tartu Mill Production Capacity (t)




220 000*

190 899*

146 054*

55 102 8 955

20 490

63 672

65 418

71 501

59 382

33 649

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005







Veski töötajad ja uus logo. ................................................ In front of the office at Tartu Mill in 2010 and the new logo.

Optiline teravilja puhastusseade. ................................................ Optical grain cleaning device.

Veski juhtimiskeskus. ................................................ The control station.



Arendamine jätkub. Dobele veskisse paigaldatakse uus tipptehnoloogiaga nisuveski tootlikkusega 400 t ööpäevas. Projekti finantseerimiseks saadi Läti tõukefondide kaudu ELi toetust. Konteinerjahu eksport suunatakse ümber Läti veskisse, mis on sadamale lähemal. Tartu Veski jahvatab võimsuse piiril. Uus investeering võimaldaks suurendada eritoodete osakaalu. Kuna vahepeal on veski kasvanud välja keskmise suurusega ettevõtte staatusest, saab see projekt ELi toetuse EASi kaudu. Algab robottehnoloogia sisseviimine laomajanduse töö korraldamiseks. Pööratakse rohkem tähelepanu töökeskkonna ja töötingimuste parendamisele. Tartu ja Dobele veski saavad ühise logo.Äritegevuse laienemine välisriikidesse tingib firma nime muutuse ASist Tartu Veski ASiks Tartu Mill.

Development continues. New wheat mill with state-of-the-art technology is installed to the Dobele mill. The output is 400 tons per calendar day. EU aid was received through Latvian Structural Funds to finance the project. Container flour export is diverted to the Latvian mill, which is closer to the harbour. Tartu mill is milling at its full capacity. New investment would enable to increase the share of special products. As the mill has outgrown its status as a medium-sized enterprise the project receives EU aid through Enterprise Estonia. Robot technology is introduced to organise storage work. More attention is paid to the improvement of working environment and conditions. Tartu and Dobele mill have a joint logotype. Expansion of business activities to foreign countries creates a need to change the name from AS Tartu Veski to AS Tartu Mill.


ASi Tartu Mill tulevikuplaanid

Future plans of AS Tartu Mill

Kümne aasta jooksul on AS Tartu Mill investeerinud ettevõtte arendusse ja laiendamisse 31 miljonit eurot. Sinna hulka kuulub mahukaima investeeringuna Läti suurima teravilja töötlemise ettevõtte Dobeles Dzirnavnieksi ost 2008. aastal. ASile Tartu Mill kuulub selles Läti ettevõttes 85% suurune enamusosalus. AS Tartu Mill peab tähtsaks oma klientidele püsivalt parima kvaliteediga toodete ja teeninduse pakkumist kodu- ja lähiturgudel Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus ning ka teistes ELi maades. Lisaks Euroopale on AS Tartu Mill müünud jahu ka Aafrikasse ja Taisse ning ekspordivõimaluste otsimine jätkub. Tulevikuplaanides on oma suur ja kindel koht ka mahetootmisliinide väljaarendamisel.

Within 10 years AS Tartu Mill has invested 31 million euros into the development and expansion of the company. This also includes its largest investment - the purchase of Latvia’s largest grain production company Dobeles Dzirnavnieks in 2008. AS Tartu Mill has a majority holding of 85% in this Latvian company. AS Tartu Mill considers it important to continuously offer its clients the products and services of best quality in its home and neighbouring markets in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and other EU countries. In addition to Europe, AS Tartu Mill has sold flour to Africa and Thailand and search for export possibilities continues. Also, the development of organic production lines has secured a large and safe place in the future plans.

Tooted uue kujundusega alates 2010.a. ................................................ Products with a new design since 2010.



Koostanud / Compiled: Tartu Mill AS Kujundanud / Designed: Ecwador Täname hea koostöö eest väljaandes kasutatud materjalide autoreid ja abivalmis kolleege. We thank the authors of materials that were used in this publication and helpful colleagues for their good cooperation.

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